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Of arrlF;rrPtirs ,Pze,coriposis pa/ for We' ) it 11;Immai ril r # l l ° V9l ll - Air 1 0 14. , fot !tt - , . • WARD?Si- • •-•:` "free - -io a: '145, 'ilia lo i *Oa .-8 EC 011" D , STR FeE T -r ~,, , Above Artb, Put Aldo. ; ' VILLINERT‘' ki;1 1 / 4 - *T ),0 0 0 , 13 , 8 • , r 4!, *pa!, ciomtLimp,„ttcqtaum 'AssolswiNT 'RIBBONS antriryAlwroription, scourkren,Ks AND CRAPES, AItIaniii4LOELOWERS, auonms, r And otherMillyery sooda. s, 01_mr.** 00.0Bytlakii.447, bow_letla insidastion by, wad ale to, "."811 419)11/1 1VT2211 t 0ht: 1 ,4 1 1 1 . 41,f 4 6111.1 * 40‘ k4Aliet daithroU'orliwlsi innno7,l t!tilr Perebs.m• BROOKS & • ' ,481 bell' iiillllllT, flli4let (iite of 11% Stieostatßaeoisa Ht.) - aj: -• * • " .8 • CtooDo. • • • 8C :DAVIS, - ifiNtIfACITRIBBAND DIALERS and So l titli r rOnrili . oit, * (up otalre,) . - • tiOinilete dock of the 0401 Olde; litchi 1 4,0J,APIcio,likie•Xiktititelillit lei byere to lat/Nd : ' - • • - - • Oboe. UM. 'it!! • MSte UM*, wield be plowed .to osobie !glow ovi!hivtitorclous of Mootto.lloopos - r 4 - ' - kebtwaixt. STRAW AND 'MILLINERY GOODS,, _ stribriog rimoml from our old otand, 46 South Oecood 776 CHBBTNBT i3TRBII, NNNNNN AVID AIGETZ, ` Wile* mow fielpara4to 411614t10 our - onuoroos ' - COMPLETE' -STOCK • .BONNITS Pilaw ts ad osuaki*iii" akio, • !LOOl6lllll3,lOAPfi, ke.,, , ';'11/1110,1t 030111 BORITai ; PLOVIREI - 9 , 111)110N4 :Ladair '? =‘ audios I.' ine q uaua in. this e eliy, rad ira - reepilla isvit4l6o attoation f nierednata Oank sad ties buyer* will lad it, osolally Weir 5WF 1130 4 1 ,v,1 1 !** 1,,, .LINC9LN, ;WOOD, sioricaa, ••• ~fitahais , , #4.P .: Lf.59 1 , 1 N - 3. °NF'S• !, aspirin ma Maandiatturer • STRAW aortziETS, - osei•rra_rAmain Won,' - AirritittAtlior Eat *tiOnES, ta,:i01144•41 ! - ::!;,?' • • it 1 6 r*. • - Wsifutigpixorlis -; 916 BILIPILES •11111MKET) ;.' - 'infrkikrl ll , l ##,A,47 :. ,:f o o oll ß B Embruktiiiip,ivitirE fiOODI3 Sari, apes la_ atotw at eou p ate oisortmeat Alf all tb* ' ". ail, sad deatrable ! styliie,',walak: eell: at ttie iiterWik S'III,MI ANIyMII43I.IIE4Y GOODS. - , S. ":OUSTER. ALN DNAL 1R IN • 111141a1NRIET'ap'ol s t zyiwit 811010 i.taßOT,',' • - , :ratco tte‘ Inc „ 1811-twit IttikitEtltilotts's: :,:" q,310"s poi ,avntir for the ,OUiiilf/1041111111 for the We er, ttw,, 00 . 144 . 4 1 , end• lire new lu store a complete ':iieerrtiseet, whlehiie lift keit to the !zap it the LOWIIIST ,1410 Es: editarl l ,!tp,Hi esel!gei j ethht of on!' eta*. 00., Itg - IC::V-"A4:: - • ' - • f'fos. stens r " ' IWO* rti 3 OuttllNe , we, 4 1,00 A!.701a , olri***o V4ilt, 04441 , 5, . - - - • •• • . , tpr OSIERTATORX,- i7 -'T et fiddler 44 LVP4ll7*Stritlta f.*ll7olPlo4=FlarFlititlfittro t`trit mAlrrimforilt?ez nongitio,. a 11 5 ,04 !WW2& PIMI, •,,vt! 5, ::L'S 1 A A„ 5V ,? ! • ••••••f • , -,••4 3it•.~ ; s ll4 t ntl i M" r i " ,"l -,cr4.RiE • )41.317 tiiu tts , ; • E0110:'.11ILT:8 - 0 R NIOWI~ . z ." " ,;;;;y7F-7- , Mmes; .4 , 1911111 , 0114ETT liAiit'efarla#4 cr • IMPIATIBB ND biiimuritf . . • -? OARSIIINOL: - • !, or,cotS, -" • .LTATTING AT I . irAtililiailai* &So ,A# o , o l6l,tail ia r tig,iit gin n 4 ig 4` oul ironitoo; pli.fskio invite tkilittoattott Wtstimila4 !1V11N1.,-,•f#1,21, MEE inOttuai*G;;At'c.hir i.IWV 3 , I i, ." ,1,4,401)L1:4141191("IN"' igs - I IAtTBYDRN, IHRE*PLYO, :813PERPINE8-- o (I T • • 01 , 0 - - J I Ail' lirki I with aii 61114,1 CI! ' ` WOOL yoorrlm) rocrfa#,,ia4 AT*OOO,IgAIST.OI , I; & Od . o• V iIiNLTRAOTtr t - - : - I' , 4O9•MAILtIT fiTILIMi% lit'Alk3bl4Bo ,miriukAoittiasit or OIL CLOTHS, •• , • :1.4111:N OT VIII 111) STREET-,' Otestotl Die ttide a large !toot of cirt, OLoill fl of eirerg deaeriptfidi, the iargeeturprtureut of „ WINDOW MOO, cud BLOM HOLLANDB, - La Obi market at - TOW 1=4LIC:1318, - V.k.„ T,.E Auic S . A; ONINAN , OLLZED„ OIL ODOVN, a beautiful wale toeWintoyelllpidoc, , „ 1ej2.20 RIDGWAY •HEUSBREEL= •00. ' • • - Are reeibridg pan Inipplfee . , ' • stiPEttio_tidr.ocirEfis. DOESHDRA, moon, - • _NANCY cu1a617a5e,,270. Prow thitallowliidelibrided ragants,3taiers _ IaIDERIOLIROX.9IOI:(LittIo Thddst.) ' JOHANNT4B9OII; = ,• s • • asvkas. itORMTDT (6.,sad, g.-Olothd=) ' " ZAMBONS. aso.tualn- z • • ILAsoittingpr.s. It; CO, add otheid. , ' 014 , P1?1 -. • ; '-' 298,00-1131^2111T 19-rdet. CARPEPING,' oLoTD4,' AND iti , krr/ifigis WOLF:Es."WiLSOK; & Ci(j. , . P . . - oo*htzesio4l , taitoire*ra " • , • , STREET,. • • . „ TAPESTRY Innviat PLY, ' ' - METILE, , USW, IKITOI4, ' ' oortor!, as*, Fnd. RA4 , -PAR RE *ht en we at* reeeteleg'datly from tile Meoefeetereti, awhatereeteredttroTer the trade daltherat teiais. Rai* the Apart, for Ware et i. 14 beat iita poet de= etralde pole; we can offer ladeetwilitte not heretofore to 'helmet In yhqadelphfa, Tied! told at Mum' faetarerhilate44,','„firden earittnity attended „ Er' AWN Agenta • for - Blank and' Whltedffaddiai, tame supply el Whit& we hare itece*Al7 °ahead. pARkEr.I. - , AilbEttil d, • eimmiatuoN , MBROE(AN . TB, . 126 CP 0 34142E1 OLOilit;, ,2320uSTNITT STB TO, - • tribl-8m • pillsdolplilsa .GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS -AND • TAII4O..RB' TRIMMINGS. LONGOOPE - No. 9 13911TH POUNTII - gave now in gore s full aniortinent In their line, to which they invite the Attention of their customers and bnyere of :sueb seeds.' f094-tifepl aw ll.. MIOIISNER '& CO., • _ WHOLIVILE DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, AM ottn.*Ne of . • CHOICE" MEATS, No. n N. wATNirjit., and Om and 966 N. ilicINT Bt. • PHILADELPHIA. .• AIMS DEEP, PORE, LARD, and an assortment of PAPPIFIOI4B generally, including HAMS, TONGUE?, also DEEP of onr own curing, both pity and Wootton, eorettantly on hand; quality guarantied. SUPERB are = partionlarlylnyited to tall and examine oar stook, ' ' = ', feb23.3tnie The anderalgoed hats been appointed eoie agorae for the 'United BtAdee-ind , thmoada, for . .the sate of the Ohinipagne Wiwi of Misers. JAo4l:lEB'43ogitti & 00., at Chaioneanr-blarne, France. ' We patent their wines to the publie utast two brands, namely PPLE Tits 4, PBBLX" Mate is of 'exquisite garor sad fruity Wye, and is guarantied to compare favorably With any Wine in the gmeridujoarket. , - •, .. • 'The lINBIEI • lea due Cabinet Ohadpagne. of • brundiful Ruby color, which la natural to the wine. Thu 'wine is, undoubtedly ope of the afloat Cabinet Otituniagnsal produced •In grand, ' and is made frr;m grapes of the amidst melodious., „ -„ Prioio the big etperienoe, extenstie podessionn, and, large, means of the well known bode of ,TACQIIPIiI 09141:0, and khelr deteiMination to furnish Wind which shall meetwith the approval of conermuerir, wa. feel parendied that a trier will fully eotablish all we claim for the bustled* of these wines. . . OR ' A.MRIt, ABRGO, & MGCLOBKRY, • kip. 19 BROAD STREET, BMW YORK. • The above Wines limy be had at,the folk:wing please In Philadelphia: 0,11111110141` &Co 1811 Rtalltirt ; Tuowas 11. JlOOlll A CO., 238 Doak et ; Jsaei WALelle; 281 Chest; nut it.; dos. P. TORUS & 00,, 206 0. Prone at. Myr- Ourci. ALLAN , 214 S. Pront'at.; Partin:sox douse, CO ,68 N. Second at.; Liweor A Yearns, do? Mar ket it,; Toomrsoil 114e02, corner Obeatout and 'Broad ati.; Pe.lollll, Jr ; Twelfth and Obeetaet ca.; Bill r LIMAN & HAYWARD, 103 Market et,; Ehtiole 001610#, eor. Broad lied Walnut; Assomi W0ar.,1120 Walnut street; Wit, L hltoooo3 tr. 00.,116 ®oath Third it. Also at the following Hotels - Greasir 045171111,41i110111YRY, Syrltil, A CO.; WABIIINO. TON Mono., A. F. GLASS; Br. Llwaaroa Nano, Wit. B. tlaursaw. A Oo,; Af-211011APITO , 110TIL, 0. MOKIII - A BON. - fell mwf-4101 lUNGERICH & SMITH, 1 - : 7 sii: r sisaist , Urn! •-.70141 T. PI OTT, ' e • 15 ABB JOBARR'OB LAWNS, RIBBONS, • • lastatoirttalks, _WHITa GOODS, Ike., for. HAS RNMOVED To' „ . No.' 15-NORTH. FOVRTEi STREET, •- RiWo MI floe 'of 'hi Oboro Goode, ALI", reeotriog 3085 from Anotion,l,o Irblotr•Ciall and Short. tlnie Boyers Oro invited. - - Moust4m- , , 100 BBIA. 4PIRITO 'itruPtrintiii, ip ,ator. osil for Lao by 0441:11 ., , %YAM AIOWI4/1614, toi woo w 1 11 .4:0PAe'Vom.milti 3 Ott 4301t0c5., furnisbirt Orrobs. tricuitierrt 15ottiia: ,tUities anb.tiqitare: A PERLE AND RUBIS CHAMPAGNES. 031joicaate Grocero. WiIOLESALM G R O C E R S, No. 48 NORTH THIRD STEW, PHILADOLPITIA PHITYAMPTITA;" - *OND.AY, -14.411.C.4 ,- . ;, .„ A - =Ell mcirip i ticopp,on.p,;loo4:, Claims Agamet Foreign. .Govern, reras. . , Among 111004a i WonnmonlagmlAlarby fiongiess, &kills mnohitiliferetiting 4 jed V. oniqletall, tmtielfeeat will ,never he rimed, and 'tiling iharinfititaiiir te fkiiiriflikisiftAdL Now , apdothp4o4#4l44 . ;;ll44i l titmlih*,•:and even roinaiAtic;inf': ilo s k 041:".-$.60e . ;the tw9.l(pinfeth: 'TO' , :Org.ocoiiii i t pot issued, giving . a'l ' g 78 ':;t:ttie,"ii , zaiio of the 'United' Statelfilinti#l4oo A ' - fir, , 11 ' ments, may ba„said.,peculiarly to.hnio. :. .A. glance thretigh - iii. orfetillre,o4 l (' ,nty nikittilegoi Mit ibita*ot ..I,,ctfrgtffir.:4l4nt of 1 ourielationati'vith:otherArtfenunents ' the ting4 l 4 l 'PriternYlAil , 4oi : .4 66 .t0. ' , - i - ni; mime of thei maims are musing ; ?fit° are bean(' kidu 'tlie Moat ' 43 .*ae'r4itiliiiit , i ) .' tions; -some refer to =*6pertrlostj li4)tke to, lives loaf,' and in 16* Gabe .we notice a 'Ostiri set up against O. foreign Government, on 'the; 1 abo!Vor , tfo y044514A . pi:41140 cll . : :t1111 , ,p.. Ma., :flit.: 'A' - iesi;:elt.iltekteg , ,o4s.',.mos : bi, , .:; , 4 tell : with interest. to' the giiiterni-reador i ' '',': ....4: ... ..."...,,,-,'! t,..i.....0t _ .:! • : 1 . , otAnis ~ F .,0 1111° -T, B P TA, !I:. -, ~- s 4, • - William - kal),efer, oialms for_ 0E1,4 And damage . and.indemrdly lonian& perehared :frownbletr of, New Zealand. from-1835. to 1 . 840, and•;frentfitoni pertaining ,theinlq;:And `Ainproireinerkie '4144' to, have heen4madertherpoo, whieh olaimani-allekee, were aqueidered: end taken - fronalliat',4i Ilk Bitti;h • antli.orl4es after ..the - eiseition', ot ::tile, sovereignty of• Great Britain over Nevr ZasisMAlal Senuary, - .1841), the, modest Suns of Si; inillionaitvk i hundred and ninety-three thousand coven hindiedl and flits , dollars: , . -- , - -; - _: - !...,i, The owners of the „Rosanna emipitiii 'of : Bit; pressmont of seamen by BritlsiAblpliitna t : Gnitatil States minister inetrioted to'dimand - stitpienati4P. , The answer.,in .this and -preceding case not .saii6-1 faetory, apd the Britishe Government' hi , infOrraiii! the United. States will not permit the proteitleitat . .her flactehe disiegirded: ,- - : , * - ~ ' I If ' G i lman, Small, lc co:-;,-Olalni forditinageliydt: struatienef property in 1841 on the eoset - ofAfrioa;' by an armed forms from IT. B. M: ship Iris. ="Aftlir'i investigation, the . 6 laliinta wore,..offered, ari..E agreed to - aecept 11,708 80`ria full inde r titultY, • ~1- -' .'4 ' J. Berelli and others" claim - the value of oertishil Slave. passengers wrooked,eit the DORM"? baidoi! on the brigißnehmluniaPd Cimet, stAvA)intd and set , free by. the British authernies 'at- Bah, mac: Representation of, the, mast direotatte_ :;-- Made to the - British' go vernment, and reparatloift demanded. In 1837, the British Parliament en...r.` acted a law making appropriation a '42,3,50d ititi ling for lade run i trto the parties interested in theist two oases, which sum was•plseed at the disposal 4 this Beifernment,of the ,Ilt4t,a" rißatie,`and dlittk, hided aeoordingly..— , , r ' ..... •.'''''' L.l' P. B. Farnham & cio Joy - bark .T.orkee;selsedlip St. Hele,na as a slaver, and for, being - in itilthdki Waters without national character.. Claim IS Inl4lo fof 'MAW Waged at Sierra . Leone and for sale 0 vessel and parse., Claim Urged on oq'jlor - ' ierntnoitt.' Bee convention of 1853. ere di t sagree..:, Umpire , rafter, aw,rd# er®, $90,720; ,Tamos (filbert, rorister!s, . . „ $1,803 ; Eboneier Symonds, mate, $1342 ; T. ton, superoargo, W 4200. " Amos Proses, for damages by seizure and don of,brig DOuginti on eitepielon of being a, .lidemnity, claimed:. Convention of 18.55, in full, inoo. - " " • ' Brookhonvo Mint, for damages-by so ships Tigris and &amass , oiftha 'ixast of:A Britith • ordiser, !tityliiir 6064' 1 1:0r Americo. 'for' violizttrog 'Am:laws:Of tlie States Cop,veation of 1853, , , - Qemsalaelowei greed as to the !mount of-.damage..: The: awirded, in 1011,424 006 40. 3654 4 6 . •!7: 01 .1.1 libefited attennisda from , Ike,- brig whit% :nal. drivet!„ - lb er e' ,W:stie"St„orme Opttietigoli,of 1853. 41ottirillso!oaerialsaved. umplre amorls :to the Atigtulyi4Atit*.t, giblitneoto filnit4 e ;00,` 04iitia:3 46 "l a niiieigolY 430 at • New Orleans Ineuranoe_ Comparii, and Others; owners of slavii—For value of staves in schooner 'Fieriness, liberated at Bahama when- & i - en In by stress of weather. Convention, of 1855., The commissioners `disagree .' The u m pire' awa rds to the Louisiana State Marine` snit gire Insurance Company $8,000; Nei Orleans Insurance Com. , pang $ 8 . 00 0.. - ' A letter from Maimbestir, Now Hampshire, to the, New York:Post,"dated 'March% Says : " This is, the one firatdred and sixth day of constant 'sleighing in this vicinity." Mrs. Jane Hrmina Locke, an anther of Some repute, died in. Aehburnham, Missaohnsetts, on the 10th inst. She has oontribated largely to' our periodical literature, and published, several years since, a recall volume of poetry. Dr. Thigh S. Richards was the only Northerner we have yet heard of as among thosalest on the steamer Princess. He was, formerly a resident of Philadelphia, a graduate of the penneyliania Medi oat College, and had dared the perils of contagions fevers In Central America, and visited many hos pitals in his enthusiastic pursuit of professional knowledge„At one time Dr. Richards was the that resident physician of the Louisiana State Quaran tine Hospital, and at the time of his death a pri vate practitioner or the same State. James Bergen,' $4,840. Arrested in 1848 at Dublin for alleged connection with prattled agita tion! Released at the end of three months with out trial. Notified December, 1850, that on proof of no souse for arrest, claim would be made for indemnity. 'Prof , o not made. Owners of sohoonor Lydia Gibbs; Thomas Wat A. J. Burke, S. 0.. Per value of vessel and ',ergo schooner Lydia Gibbs, Watson. Sand as slaver by IT. B. M. ship Trident, and con demned at Sierra Leone, having no papers. Claimant advised of notice that the Lydia ,Gibbs had sailed from Havana for slaves, June, 1858, and no complaint of her capture, and no assertion of the integrity of her voyage bad yet been made. When shown, redress - will be promptly demanded. ' Moser H. Gtinnell & Co., per Alfred Hodge Loss by seizure And temporary detention of whale ship Husain, Clift master, and tender Washington, at Falkland-Islands, 1854, and consequent break ing up of voyage. The United States minister at London was luetruoted to inquire into the mat, ter and doinand indemnity. .11 appeared both vessels wore intruders on British fishing grounds and bad violated the colonial laws in taking and carrying off live•stook placed on ,the islands for the relief of vesseli.ii distress , such stook being the property -of the itoveriuMmt. Case still pending. , RUBIS. Qwners of the Panoltita—ror loss fly capture of Panohita brig 'on the coast of Afrioa by a British cruiser, which sends her to New York for trial. Remonstrance made against such acts, and the British Government Is reminded that tho United States will enforce their own laws trithout foreign aid. claimed. The British Government condemns the aoudad of Commander Moresby, and disclaims all purpose of interference with the American flag. Question of award still pending. Louis Dabbed—For, damages for allegekiliegal treatment in olaiming him to be a refractory con soript, 3n47. Case urged on the Frenoh Govern• meat's consideration. His exemption admitted and his substitute discharged. Claim for remune ration not allowed. , Lieut. Jones, U.S. N.—For damagafrono wounds received in a tumult in Paris in 1861.. Can pre. eontcd for consideration. The French Government avows its willingness to pay two thousand francs. WHIIIBTII of the ship Fair American—For recom pense for aid and services rendered to. the Fe. n dropout 7.l.gun war ship in 1806, not presented to either of the conventions with Fiance. Now sub witted to the favorable consideration cf that Go vernment on the proofs of the facts. Result not yet nsotrtained. Robert A. Parrish, Jr., claims 15,000,000 francs, In fulfilment of a verbal agreement entered into by Mr Fonld, Minister of Finance), and confirmed by the Emperor, to pay to the claimant 15,000,000 francs Amore his demonstration of the existence of a gold field similar to"that of Oalifornia, and ac cessible fo the French arms so seen as the French gag be raised in token of sovereignty, in any part of the territory Indiented i Th e c l a i man t a ll eges performance of his undertaking and asks for pay ment. 'Presented Nolerabiri 1858. • Tito ,Consmekelat iniutaboe Company of Bald mote, $38,21.6—Tee value of sehooner Comet, Shil laber, and cargo, taken at dertbagens de Indlai 1815-'l6 Treaty of 18.1.9, gaamined by the corn Weldon, signed, 'suspended, and 'finally not 'al loved: Marine Insuranoe Company, Norfolk, $13,000 For sohooner Edward Graham, 0. Bissell, and cargo, taken -to Marftarita,'lBlB-'l6. Treaty of 1819. Examined by oonamission. Held valid for outlast& freight and' for mina insurance company'. (might to have paid on iessel and freight: in gross, $9,854 97. Norris StisnleY, $18,588--:Bor value of Schooner Charles Stewart, Emetic ; oiptyred by boats of Spa=, liteh man.ofqrar;tieltsii to blookilling ignatirou oft, Oittaiona.; 1815 and 1816, by ivliefi'sbe aag robbed a.n6;plmida;ad. - Treaty of 11119. 18.inidnod by oomcdnBlon:' Award, ) n ~roea , '86,;57i „ • .lamailfaviinagb;se d f and othere-For value,of sio • and oargo, • oaptured , by Bpaniaide ,in 1817:; Treaty of 1819,_ Examined by commits ; Award; $31;371.62. ' "Edward Carrington, Jr., assignee of, E. (tarring. ton and 8. - Welmore- - -Forloss and damage by cap ture, Mid 'Condenon'atiod , Of ship General Carrington Mid bargc.); at 0.4110,412'1.824 DeOlmiation mode fOrindetanitY. ,OenvetitlinilB34. - AmOunt awarded by the oldrunlanloner Edward Carrington, Jr.,'ltasignee of 0. B. Brint nell4or ios6 and, damage by condemnation of ship Gon. Carrington, aforementioned, :at Callao, •in• 1824.• Convention 1834: - Amount of, award, '5709471.- - 4 , ' /I:Torrington, assigneo of 'Carrington IV:eta:ore, assigneeS of Baronet BussiliFor loss and damage bienitureni Slap General oiiirington, nl Callao, in 1824, Arid mindemnation - of said ,vessel; ConVention 1884. AMouneof 'award, $8,084 30. ' '„.T.homaa P. ; Buokiin—For lass by condemnation of ship Con, Carrington, - 1824. Convention 1834,: Award, $7B 15. • - ' • i , 'Jesse Metcalf, administrator of -For loss by condentnation of ship Gen. Carrington, 1924, one-half of in - Voice of Mitchell & Dennison.; Conimition 1834: AmOunt of award, $522 28. ' ' ,Samuel Cabot,' liqUidato'inf Perkins k Co:—For. -lose condorimation of ship General Curing.; ion, 1824. Convention 1834. Amount of award,: $3,201 • . - - 4 Joseph Hat% administrator of John Hartt —For ; loss by condemnation of ship Gen. Carrington, 1834, 'Convention 1834. Aniount of *Ward, $1,685.31, JobrePoshine 4 —Vor loss' and damage by capture; and condemnation of shin China, oondemied - Callao 18241' Corniantion 1834. Amount awarded,' .$7,709.45. _„ , JOhr),O. and Horgan Gray, executors of William' Gray, $42,934,07—F0r loss and damage on cargo' of 'krig Otter, captured' and -carried into Puerto Rico, 1823. Convention' 1834. - Awarded In full, $2991310.: '• Frantic G.„Gray, 89,775'31—F0r loss and damage. voltage of afordimid brig Otter, 1833: Ceniention , 1 '1'634. ; - Amonit t aivitrd,"so,Bso 07. Charles W. Cartulrightor loss 'and damage by eantitriof brig; Adetino, - IComptori master, on voy •.age frcrujrloston to St. Thomas. • Convendion.lB34. Amount of award, $378.83. - , Ifempton—For •less on brig Adeline,, .captured as aforesaid, 'Convention 1894. Amount' of award, $142 07. ' . - 40•' Joseph Baioh, president Merchants' Insurance ~ ( ininlinsty of Beaton- 7 4er leas and damage, under: ',.l7 l !iers;oit,brig Adeline, captured 182 3. . conven• lhiskiB3l. Amount awarded, $4,813.29. • - Idesmabstsetts Fire and Marine Insurance Com pany-For loss and damage as insurance on brig Adeline, capturodlB22. Convention 1934. Amount of award, $4,198.09. • -I" Timothy' Wilker—Bor loss and damage by cap. titrolif brig Adeline.iforesaid. Convention 1834, Aktenne anrard; $2 4 ,371 84. gemppon—For huts, and damage by cap .tara'fid* 'brig Adeline aforesaid: Convention 1834, Ataqunt; awarded, $240,40. a; ptiltam B . Moilltt--4or loss and damage on brig vAdoline, captured as aforesaid. 'COnvention 1834. 4,mountl awarded, $435, • ;41=001:Ai ItAtratio Company of Philadelphia; -. lmago by capture of brig master, on 'voyage ; from la, 1823. Convention of - al captured In Nexioan waters:- and alto an innoaently,implicated in a qaeationahle expedition. Spain maintains her right to leaky the captUre. Livingstozi,proeberon, &Co, 8300,000, St. John . , Powers,4 (To. $35,050, C. 8. Cromwell 8221, 0- Tyng & Co!, and others, s6,ooo—For damage by WORM of Black Warrior, steamer. at novena, 1854. Cargo landed and eeyege broken up; ves sel and oargo abandoned by consignees. Reels mation made and indemnity intisted on. Vessel and_ oargo restored; $6,000 fine exacted repaid; 853,946.96 paid, and received by agreement of par- ties as Indemnity for loss and damage, and ap portioned by them.—(Bea also Ex. Doo. No. 86, D. R., Ist session 33d Congress.) John Thrasher, s3so,ooo—lnvolved in pail eel questions in Cuba, was imprisoned, condemned, and sent to Spain, and to Cento„l.Bsl. Correspon dence had with Spanish Government, and propoal. tion made for adjustment of all' pending-claims. Mr. Thrasher released by order of Queen of Spain shortly after his arrival. George W. Thorndyke—Protests against Spanish cruiser firing at and bringing to his schooner La marline, near Cardenas. Remonstrance made. A. B. Moore and forty-one others—Captured at Contoy Island as filibusters, and taken to Havana, 1850. Correspondence bad with the Cuban au thorities. r Release of them forty-two persons ; their money, goods, and clothing returned, er in demnity made. - Ann Loamy, representative of J. Leggy—A claim growing out of commercial transaotions and of a private nature ; not a ease for interference, but commended to the kind offices of the united &atm minister. This is a revivarof stale claims half a century old ; twice promoted and twice re. ;footed by the commission under the Florida treaty. Marshall 0. Roberts, agent of the United States Mail Steamship Company, $70,475.00—F0r dama ges, October, 1852, to ship "Creseent City, ordered toleaVe without landing mails or passengers be otMse William Smith, obnoxious e to the Cuban Go- Terrier, was on board , also, in case or Cherokee. Tho acts complained of, explanations asked on points of international bearing, and reasonable indonanity. Enna Wolf, s9o,ooo—Wag director of a mining sompanyat Olen Fuegos, in 1844; was arrested, imprisoned a month, and after trial released. Al leges business destroyed, property plundered. He than earned $5,000 a year, which he considers as Interest of the capital he claims. Case referred for, inquiry. E. Wolf, arrested In August, was liberated In September, freed of all taint and sue pieta°, and indemnified for all ecipenses. On con sideration of the ease, as submitted by him, there does not appear SuMeient ground for intervention. The Presbyteriari ,Board of Foreign Missions, chartered by the State of New York for the pro pagation of the Christian religion, according to the doctrines and discipline of the Presbyterian church, have laid out money, and established sle eessfully a mission station on the island of Cerise°, on the African coast, and complain that the Spanish Governor General of Fernando Po, Cerise°, and other dependencies, has proclaimed that religions worship, other than accordant with the Roman Catholic faith and rites, will notbo tolerated under the Spanish Government; whereby their, property will be destroyed, and their occupation taken 'away, wherefore they seek the intervention / of Government. Held not to present a case for inter ference In the state now presented. The African squadron ordered to investigate and'report. 3. P; Hutchinson, $30,450—F0r lose of Galatea and carge, oaptured in 1829, during the civil war of Portugal. Reolamation made on several sue. COBO/VO governing authorities. Indemnity pro mised, but payment delayed. Paid in NA in 1832, and fully in 1837, and interest, CLAIMS ON BET.OII7M Nathaniel Goddard, $19,597 08—For losses on property deposited in the Govornaient warohoases at Antwerp in 1830, and destroyed by the bom bardment of- that fortress by the Belgian army. Reclamation for indemnity pressed on the Govern went. Indemnity provided by law in 1842. Pro rata distribution awarded by a committee. (Th eban° estimated at 5 frame.) Amount paid, $17,833 38. Twenty other oases similarly iettled. CLAIMS ON ROLLAND William A. Seely, $25,000 Walter M. Gibson—For his losses by imprison ment, oontisoation of his property, and other lAN ries 1.,./ the authorities at, Batavia, in 102, do. Indeinnity and redress urged constantly through, the United States legation t the Hague. Case still pending. Henry Jones—For injury,.and damage from hu prlsonment and ill•usage at Batavia, in 1812, as one of the crew of W. IC Gibson's schooner Flirt. Indemnity and redress claimed from the Dutch Government. Case still under consideration. G. M. Graham, mate, Anthony Pilsen, and ?there of crew of schooner Flirt. Claimants seek indem nity for imprisonment and sufferings in a penal fort at Java, inflioted on them as part of the crew of * Schooner Flirt, W. M. Gibson owner. The ease referred to the 'United states minister at the Hague, with instructions to press the same. Case still pending. Messrs. Dixon and wife, Steiner and wife, and hinnies= For loss of, property :by, rohbery and outrageOus °Kline and violence' romMitted On the persona of °laments, :a missionary family resident sfJeff,4 in J 857 - lienionatrinee forth. with tkddresied to the Turkish Qovernment, with urgent rielituntion of indemnity, and for the pa- nishment of the oriminals. Reparation, and re• dices proinised by the Go4reritmeni.oi TerisaY, , Jonas W. Tang, ,$1.99,040--:For: lila lone rind .da mage by briprisonment, "exile, , perional injury, deprivation, of property, and "rigbta'vrithont equl valont. President Filluaoro_quoationitbe morns of ,the oornplaint on the Nara of personal bard; Aim but direct!! palted Stites mt. ulster to Turkey, to make epeoial, examination and report: The report made awards $lO,OO Oa full indemnityeind.eueli.suiri is agreed by claimant, bq be jot. Claimant had eoltrayened the larva of - Crimea, 'and been leniently dealt with.'. Indemnity settled'and paid, 18513. J. Oarboni-4n .Anserloin mistaken for an= other, and imprisoned, 1854. ,United atm.* lot- Water interferes. Denser! settled and 1855. Axnerioan eltiseri (native.of 017 oily) ohargod with treason. The United States minister Interferes In his'beb,alf. The oeie 'favor ably Bottled, 1855. ' , or loss and damage caused onn ordinance of October dons and itinil* free of ktmi. . The minister of the inatrnoted to make urgent ma for indemnity; 'enmity 'should, be Made , establfahlng the fairness esa, has .been repeatedly bout any payment made; meat changes in Spanish umment, and some other Damara of 'Roamer Ourasa—Voir, insult ankda. maga by Otitnase fort firing on bei.On a, plensnra trip fiom Macao toward Canton. .Damand of : logy and, indemnity made by I;faited, filtatas' eata.: miadoier Darker;and ropeatad inlBsB. by Provincial siloyargar, Allagingilse,fort l private defence against Pirates, and not a Public. war*, and s tbat the people . rare afraid of "ibtti stitimer; . , - qapo*i.epa pending. 704. Hippai,,lfranott g 4. ~ r - Pr fire re Qintanl.oof-- Izens present similar es amounting to about tfluat' Loud, custitaterl at Conl Lnid ttgin' es illopiiate *Wm, feathine not yet explained tethluefie authorities. February, 1858. ' In reepeot of all (dilute on' China, growing out of recent hostilities "with France, and Vngland, it le held eeitain that just indemnity will be paid when the Revere amountt can be fairly ascertained. A.' P. Itianalird—Por losses at -Wharopos, Ja nuary, 1857, whey Chinese plundered'and carried off Amerloan proporty afloat or ashina. Floating roeidence and bath towed off and burned. Two stare-ships with $40,000 er $50,000 goads on board, and dock yards pillaged, burnt, and do'- groped ; Ohineee Government boats aiding and abetting. National honor and public deoenoy. United States 'sloe consul Blanobard complainant,, out= raged by deseoration of the cemetery at Whampoa ; bodies exhumed ; 'heads 'chopped off and taken to Canton for bounty head money. January, 1857. Remonstrance made to Yeh. some trivial excuse offered by Yoh, and assertion that 'no such bounty was paid. T. Runt dc Co., $208,28:8 For aetual lone% 5143,3118; oontingent. 89,900; and constructive, $70,620, at Whimpoa, January, 1857, by destruc tion, by Chinese soldiery, of dooke, shops, engines; offices, materials, paints, rigging, arms, floating dwellings carried off, schooner Excelsior and cargo captured, expenses of removal, losses of debts, of time, and freights, depreolation of unemployed vessels and steamers, loss of salaries paid to un available hands." Divers citizens, for Bpi:Mations, theft, and other wrongs. Captain Deuteron, United States navy, ordered to inquire into the matter. A board ,of assessment of damages make award. It le not yet ascertained that these awards have been paid, it being alleged that the missionaries have interposed obstacles, because they deem the amounts to be too large. Charles Moore, s2o,ooo—Por damages by nine days' detention of his bark Maria, op Mem:int of debts due from other vessels, and from whaleMett. Captain Pearson; United States navy, (1851,) fired on the town, and demanded an offer of indemnity, $l,OOO, and thirty bullocks wore neeepted. Capt. Annals visited the island afterwards, was satiated that full reparation bad been made, and thartbe Sultan was ono wronged by dishonest persons in serting there. The claims of Mexico cover thirty-six pages of the report, many of them settled and many unpaid. A large number are still un adjusted, the whole being a sad picture of the misgovernment and corruption of Mexico' through her officials and representatives. The claims on Nicaragua and Costa Elca (all of them unadjusted) disclose some of the many inhumanities of liFALKEn, * and the re= taliatlons of the Nicaraguan soldiery, with in stances of murder and robbery of the most outrageous character. The damages claimed amount to some seven hundred thousand dol The claims on New Granada, including the Panama riot hi* the 15th of April, 1866, (in which American citizens were massacred and American property pillaged and destroyed, amounting to an enormous sum,) have been adjusted under the provider's of the Cass-Ber ran treaty. The names of the sufferers and claimants cover five pages. Thomas U. Walter, of Philadelphia, $275;000 Construotion of breakwater at Loguayra under con tract with Venezuelan Government. Admitted, and provision made for its payment. A %balance remains unpaid, which is in course of liquidation. The claims on Peru (adjusted and unad justed) involve an immense amount, exhibit ing on the part of the Administration of the General Government, from 1824 up to the present day, great energy and industry in vin dicating the rights of onr citizens, and in se curing the payment of their demands. The claims On the Government of Chill seem to haie all been adjusted, or are in the course of peaceable arrangement. ,Moat of the claims against the Government of Brazil hive been adjusted. Our, relations with that dy,psety seem to be of the moat inns factory character—more so, indeed, than With any other of the South American Powers. The claims against the old &public of Co lombia have nehrly all been rejected or ad 'mated. United States and Paraguay Navigation Com pany, $936,000—f0t violation of rights and ,privi loges ; destruction, conilseation, depreciation and waste of property, materials, implements, ko,, and for breaking sap the several manufactories and other brandies of Industry which bad been estah -1644 by said company ander sPoolial grantallCA c hr Uc - PR, ra "Sohn Rolteterid'eihert-'4ni dhniago for arrest and' ill-Mingo' of ' naturalleod Odeon; 'nhO' re. tarned" to hie natiyivotintry; arid. was held to be liable for-military iikeide'iltie 'frino Milbefore Me emigration: ''- This le , 6itii nunievial ciusa niaime; end the minister thie Itnited Stitee wee to' present' and diecusaitie Calk and othete Involving the same principle, with the ... • 'l'inifilari ralnittrt.' - - 1 • enarni ON itII£IOIA. 3. W. Perkins, std6,oooFor loeal3 , the non. fulfilment of the , Ifilbilitiee of *Rinatis :te the claimant; under" a' contract allegr'ed lia've 'bleu entered. irininittchim by the Russian; PleniAns tiar'y to the 'United States dnrink, the'pendeacief the Crimean war. " ' C,141319 ON AIISTIIIA _ .Tsmoli:Oooh P.iobmond, 84,00 Q—For iltwoogolAo feelings, iii-tloWk*ot4t,:o . td; bafohness 'to 'IOW by " Austrian antboiitiea, 'boosose' he wag eiwpeoted, as tvirfiVoller, of intdrtainiog 'pa; nootioin with the' 'fftuiga'ria? movement.: The llnited Btatee minister at VielWlw . direoted to take • • MI proper minourio for',Mr. oate,ty, end tiborty. bir„ from', stir *affiance, and • the sabjea aitbitsotiiiity brou ght to Simon Totisig=itoinrned,to kiiiitris train Cho. „ United ; States, 1853; , was 'selted",and imprisoned for alleged violation of municipal law.; Claimed protection as an American citizen ;, the case being investigated, it was proved that he was not a 'citi zen, and bad obtained a Rassporthy fraud. Martin, Speer—Returned to Austria from ; the, 'nutted States, l-559 ;went into. ilUrigary,; was at .rested, ,tried,„and condemned .to punishment. Claimant being entitled.' to aid as a citizen,, the. minister. of, the United Staisi,atNienua was Irk strOolod to investigate, the case, ; and aid hitn,us. far as proper. ; 11 appeared that the,Alastrlan Cio-; verioment had good ground for itaprocedUte ;abut, on application, and as an sot of ,otemency; Mr. ; Speer wee released, and. his punishment ,remitted. J. if. Bonfatal—Went , from: New York, to ; the' ,metro-Italian,doininiona to visit rolatiyee and die pope Oran inheritance,! was .4e'ated as ,Ml. Am trian, ankleot to consoriptiOn and militari,seiyion, arrested, and. harshly treated., Pia(' represented and. Indeinolty 'clamed, After correspondence, Mr. BonfaiitiWas set at liberty; bit the price ef hia twiny substitute , was - not' repaid,, nor indemnityfor his ether loge's. .The;case,still cx.Azup ON noing ci.stu ON fuesisox CLAIMS ON icArinis ==! CLAIMS ON SULTAN OF JOHANNA CLAIMS ON MN?CICO CLAM'S OE7 NIOARAGITA. CLAMS ON NEW GRANADA CLAIMS ON PARAOUAY TWQ'VVITO •1! 1, - , 4-1 1199 *T*****C 0 r-r*lnu*Y l f o l* farm f 7 Yair4; 00 **Aitt44 :*.h*tgf. • Aowligeopeolsil iinamlasiopeT s cor ptreFMlo!!,.to ttLf,ciovprmuolo. en* , 'W.:010;ert,I5q,0:0g,4:01¢;(1 viotiAtoz 'rot, a oontiaof tit t#6'airit,t,lo - of iiiitopei doff' I • ` tatter Diem Varitebtirg.'.. lk/Orresteriditioe of thilresi.l • --Ifinirsnunti,llfarohrl2,lBso.., •resittitute "to itit'lniltationfierriAtOlmenibehl and Mears 'bf , the leglitaturisi - and.otlitir prordil nent publlo nien; to' dallier:an addime at Herriai t burg, Judge Wilkins; reneratelalike for hterrisi dook.ond .trfed devotion to Statonndenation, has written a latter to Hen. If f Atillerg the repreJ (imitative of digt, Pending. the reguest,,hawhlidi he " -- deollisOs centlngl ,on 2, account _ ; of faehlei, health'. `Hie tette4'iltiOmit" In Ole' minifen hanotringinridnienetnien and' - and Sentiments of's deolininflistricit; - 18 truly e. ,oholoe: epbtle., releotithe Iniak4 itf, authorl In the splendor of astatesuian who -toviereisbovO, - the, shades ,of potty‘: pattleenship and , ranges !lei ,the, purer, nobler„ elements of mental and Metall, strength.. The imposslbillty,of hlaapporingarnongi ' un this time is universally regretted.„-Although' lie is silyersJwitkagNina r turk " reairfg: th phaved," a rn , :1 e soclelyiit94lll ,4 itth . thie : defYina luitrk,wriYl4 •'-In „ 't i and, Interesting dissussicor nporp twippleMenatol tl exemption, set_ of J 849, ,Wisieb‘PrP.Tkl_ - the wide* or'oldldrati of bnY:desiedient entitled to • retairi',2oo; and every peahen entitled "to' ezelnp. Mon under the shoromentioned 'aeons, elect to retain: the dame or any, part thereof, out, of any 'bank notesc• Money - , Stooks; 'Judgments:or, other "Indebtedness;- and 'any Fpisreatv otherwise inetled to tho,exeropsionshali z not be.deprir,edlthersof,_ in conseqUenee of any oontratit hereafter_made by "Which thrPrlght to claim 'stick' egetiptleri Shall be - .waived er:released. Thy pisoriMan's -tights and claims wero presented • every-, filinater, ;who 'spoke In as- alffirint 'rot, each one seeming to have thought' out Itir-bitaself a'-iseheme for the ,amelioration nttbit unfortunate, which, diversity of opinion," though. mieh.lo ho deplored, as It may provenrthe deified 'notion,: evinced o'deep Interest , on the mitt of Our; Represintatives in the Welfare of -humanity, ,and an noquaintanoe with the sufferings incident to the reverses of life. The bill ' - - • • -" Annot to, incorporate - the' Philadelphia and lioreign in the was: reed„and pissed in the House on' Thursday. Tts norperatore are Amos - R.'l,lbble; ThilitdthorA2Mehl; Edward D. Stokes, Samuel B. Henry,and - RobertD. King. Its powers are very hrietly,deened-rowning, ohar. , tiring, employ ing , and eaillngateazeiahipe, and,en; joyieg •411--thonrivßeges granted to the'"" Ocean Matt Steam .Paeket .oomptiny." limitation as to 'pled(' or capital. , AtiogpOritori of thebtarkitlaireet Blaring Pond, (the. , ,set incorporating:which • had - -beast :.hurried through the House;) John W.-. Simes,.-Jr.,- Daniel Saltier, Jahn' H. Jones. 'George 'Connell, Robert Town, .Tames 'Aloorn;Verentialr - L.".lTufehliuten, John D. Loring, Henry B. lirtilleee,Wllllanr.iti" Harding, William McDonald, Johp Henderson, Frederick jumblie, and Jobe .7. - HO'clpai The Senate has not been in sessitinte.dity. , -WO have been threatened in-the House, for eausertimeorith a report oh the Fri divoroe -ease ; as, yet-the committee; fully alive to this and the. responsibility attaehing to - the& deitheraj Hans, have not ~delivered the results of their re Searches. „ ” As • levant Inward' theolose of the reptiOn, the- process of ampoundsek - Proieetr,"-whoila , Mow' slons ,are dircfni and whose lattinsa i ls ,areNqui, lens; has comnienced ties will now cease to be'." nisi* thine' :and • beoome tall'it'ineenhag as of mischief. •.r " • The veteran Hero of Efan.Jaonto—Gen. Sam.. Honsten--:weit In town yesterrday, and while lire received the attention and admiration of many of onreminent oltisennand - ; legislators. -.Hawse the guest of Ex-devernor David It. Porter. - convening with a menhir of friends in - regard to his past and fuiare,.he`remar><ed thithaving been. for HOMO ,time among the Washington; herintendidanending the remainder of his life= in privaoV , *d peatie among the "sliteri on his remote in , - , . : ... Having had seine experience. as adenisen of the "Leone Star State."" breathing itsPunSair; lag the,delights of itumatobless climate ; viewing Its "canny. Eames" o'er., the mokistia-hille l.n the north, " the fliriordeokedpralriee in the- alnik. and mingling. - with its= noble•besibidplanters - and" reneheros--who., are.'..modairi - of r - nranhOod,i---Sre would, lid Os _becoming Inol;wity r epdpgs" - I,lkikr*, faience 'of the" great soldier and = statesman- • ...Nre. beard hinrat iliffertint - thissrdering bin esisivinsf issT, 7000 a hosniKtis for Odds lls Ter . I rFAl.` l3lll i ; titre' • al --- od,"and ti_d..pee'plenritiirui t ans t attattiatt; in spits Of political differi#Otif' A FlGGirrlbn feiglttPAlCecile might have been witnessed, Yestimiataneritli,oll the roof of a three-story house , situated on ater street, between ...Monroe and Qainoy, -A young man was standing upon - the comb of the reef an. pairing a chiinney, when, the shinglai being wet and slippery, he lost - his foothold andalid slowly down, feet foremost, towards the 0A9043. The two orthree persons who, witnessed the accident - turned away sick with terror Although-the men made every effort to get a hold, whioh the fear of 'cer tain death would naturally prompt, he moved slowly down, and- was only checked from faith* to the pavement below by a waterspout; against which his feet came , in contact.; Bat forthis.frail obstrnotion he must have been dashed- into, a Shapeless mass. Without uttering a Cry' for help the young man kicked off his shoes and proceeded to ascend, which he succeeded in doing, and went to work at hie ohimney again, apparently taking little aceonnt.of an souident which had made the eve:witnesses heartelok and dumb with terror.—' Wheeling, Ditelligencer, lifarchlo.; Honnovvinl.:--The Gettysbnrg (Pa.) Com pder'gives an mount of the lost of 'a little - boy, four 'earl' of age; a arainf Mrs. Oyler, of Cumber land county. He' strayed , from home,. and the whole neighborhood started out ,on the search, rooming the Surrounding matiatain through the day, and displaying lighted torches after , night. After two days and nights, the, little -fellow 'was' discovered nearly nine miles from his home. The Compiler then adds: "The little dog; which had beenthe child's playmate, and which had accom panied him in his long and faithful journey, was found nestled in the child's - bdiom, w ith his head reclining on his oold and lifeless form This faith ful dog had tramped quite a path around the life less body of the Bleeping innocent, that - betraying the affection which it had for the youth, an its fond caresses had linked baok the hair upon the child's forehead. The corpse was conveyed home to its weeping mother, who, under the peonliarly efdtating circumstances, was almost frantic with grief." Tun CINCINNATI SUlClDE.—Emannel Ge rard, after the suicide of his wife, became frantic with grief, and 'acted In such 'a manner that the , coroner's jury could not proceed with the Investi gation, and it became mouser). .to look him up: Among other things, Emartuel.,withed to out, his wife up, pack her away, and' serather to Eurdpe, or to burn the body, and transmit ihe ashes across the ocean. He was a. perfeat specimen of .a mad.' man. Gerard was placed in charge of one of his friend's, lest he might do Violence to himself or others.--Csniscinari Enquirer. • Solna ParaTElta in • St. Louis; Mo., •being desirous of seeing Piceplominl, and not having the requisite funds to purchase tickets to her concert, went on board a river steamboat to have a" free sight. Being fascinated by her 'charmer, they did not perceive that the boat tuuleiarted; and before they awoke from their trance of delight they were several miles away from the wharf and the atty. They were put ashore In the woods, whence they travelled homeward on foot. Fiume PICARD, one. of the first white persona born at St. Louis, died in Kansas Terri toryon the 31 fue r ' For more than thirty years he had led the life of a voyager on the plains, and passed all that time in rambling bask end forth between the Mississippi, river and Pacific ocean. Deceased bad served /teen interpreter at many treacles with Indians, and a guide to explorations by United States Whom aerosol the plains and Rooky Mountains. hiautisonorsv INVIDENT—ATTISMYTED BUY- Ma Yon .WANT aF Esfri,orXgaT —A - man was seen, between four and five O'clock last 'Friday morning, to leap from the Liberty street bridge, at Cinoinnati, into the liliansioanal, by. two per sons, who Jumped, Into the water and pulled him out. The rescued Tendon' gave his name as Bode man, and said he had • designed to destroy him self, as he had been unable to obtain employment. Tea New r.rlealla firemen had a grand cele bration and parade on the 4th inst. The expense of the celebration, in fitting up and decorating the engines, entertaining the guests from abroad, and' making the thoand preparations such an occasion, us hy h o firemen's charitable misc. elation, by the different compettlea, bud by indi viduate. was esitimated by competent judges at from $3.1,000 to $40,000. Ali Imecisron.—An individual,g . vi ng hi a name as John Grove, has been victimizing several Odd Fellows' and AmerleartMeehanica' Loiges in the upper end of Dauphin county. • The Lfkens town (Pa ) Journal says : ills tale is that ne has been robbed, is destitute, and wants money to take him home. From all accounts, he la the name follow who has .been figuring in other loca lities at the tome business. UNFORTUNATE Summu.—Last Frida y week, a Miss Elizabeth blahin, a worthy young lady, of respectable family, living with ber widowed moz ther„ and four brothers and -a sister, four miles from Albin, Monroe county, lowa, shot herself through the heart with' a rifle, - and died Imme diately. She was partially 'deranged in noose. quence of recent siolcness. , . , • A. STEAMBOAT CLERK recently lost, in one evening, at a faro bank in Kett, Orleans, $2,510 belonging to the boat' lie had - thVowners of the bank arrested, and it araesuppoeed they would be made to disgorge, or suffer a heavy penalty. IT Ie neillsarisn' that the 'net receipts Of , the Boston Homeopathic, Fair will be $lO,OOO-a remarkable success. The receipts at thedoor,on Wednesday were $l,lOO. and the , total receipts that day were nearly, $5,500. INDIAN RELIOS have recently been found in Provinoetewn, which are supposed to have been buried • before the landing of the Pilgrims. - TUN MOUNT VERNON RESTIVAI at dence, -R. Thursday eianing,•Jast, was quite astooessful; and will 'milt in a Unborn° fund. Ifion.—They had 'ripe strawberries at Merl. aims, Fla., on the 26th hit ' agif err* If#UIIIL:9 0644,5• ,lii:iisse)lll44**6l zoo uti - - rozoottudoatitaratut-bt aaeraapaatag, tg the tilmeirtlilih *(tei::tioiGsloliiaii liliataenSa _the. typography, bat coo shim et the ibeet ~dNali b 0 eheil be . veithiraisa Wee Mite,' tor' eietiteaiii itOs:o4 assent sees at theday. talttyiguesetae&iltieelittie, the teimerees eithieeneemila match the hums. megetteet er seerierenesittee aleht . 13 4 11 •Wkr« 4 .1 -* O9 - 4 . 4 i' llll -4*.31. 4 4tr; :1 )7: "TE" GRAPIL . ' "P'. ,:tY'r - -• 4 ,'• P R i N S Y L Y A N.Ik,LEGISIAIPE. limiretenual: Marais - it' rfildWetww, 4 r The- Senate ;did netrineirLter - dap s hasintradJenruTh4 firer to hrOwley: , =L st 9:141.11.' "- - ' Mr Wiesen:, moped tilett„the •,'Meiso teitm sidea the-bill entitled ' a ioppleseent to Shied teeter prating' The Clinton County COM Openpany .!'l ethltie wamagosedf!to,i said bill , wee ' 1-# 04 . 1 V.• Mr eiserie 'front_ the CioMMittee ;ow-Roads and Dfldllese'rePoktedia irslitinglo roads in West Goehentownehlp, Chester county. - • • Mr; - *tarn•Mated -thattttelnirtokproweed telson-• .side, , the mune ; whiehtral ennead tol was 'read end Dieted ' . Kr. Barton seid:bilfsitisteri bill 'Sniffled' itie Me feeiiYOM°l4 SO the lief. hiewellorifisg•the•Weatininster nd-Al o ,27 r 2 a s t4"Yad that - thee House der The mirmoibre a gTle d to mad. said - . bill wan toed mot peissea dosify: - A. 1, A -- - Mr, Potektnesid tot., roams ; thee - consideration of rfonsfiblil entitled ~e ln act to ineoreerste_the.,Mment :Joy theringterlantifittion 11 --whieh • war agreed tor and mad igui,waol•pat "1s• tiarPthluilAttld tirnitta• iowpd Ysiei4feleril:-Ideekfilitietk*feel,Wloleriei'n'i re of Selliaylklll,, Iterlivesitisbau<zOteareh',-Dttrberew. Petron.'elreer Harding. Trimbilferisser, Kinney., haw rem* of Washington, Mann, Idshalisy,Plehn f Wattef eon,-Pelaitelli-PrOec, ifrosedfoidoteMedelli'lluslieher fore 13 .rglrilitiftteellef..Weikerolritsan,lefeteo, Wf. ley, Wltlleu of ffedfort. Wilson,.Withrow, Wolf; bile let; and Dona* /ilettaher):49 • - 10.MA 4 Milerit. , lasyer.eic Ofselield; - Ohate, Oisteiti 1 - Dlemant, -- Wrane, , ,Wienaing, 40404- Graham, at , lb meriley, Thetteinsi ,iter leekeens, , Leird,Rchreer, istds, ihniaciAgedithhf t ßerlts, - sllWpitini," litonetidei Stuart, Warden, -nodirtjugs 11 0.:q.V 2 PLAO4004,tc? 14 1 11.04.1; Hs bid; all throoldt tice:`ireasion, voted "agetnert hoop end, Why; insd4blesseChe!dialltadAltirartanpre erthist upon whlch•Penlcitarynti atlrsemiA doe, in thu Coninten: - heath:- There was a kieed- ,01 -fitumelatey. • 1 11 did - not 4 snit' fill liesublimenatlyne—H, thought Woking thoniC-be - -free'ttii , oUi'• nubile" Otto - oh-WA stringent provisions; :and ; he, woo -tit bow that a sate system would ,he hmemarateed, try the present Legbeis. tyre to meet the demandbf - tilde friths premises;. The Matter. hed teem started? in iteefilenotei.bitt. sorry to emy, yea bilimpintsd there,dkil.- sot meet Situ such freer ts gale , seeniansiellud It would essi:-:Tioder theseiiirtsbeitiefor that, esetainloCall ,- ties, greater banking facilities are Waiteekenad 'Win* notirely hope of Afeenerallaw,throtirmieenekiam open 4e• - all,r Mi. •0: *Meld rote aye en the pastime hsf 'ore the Renee wilmettlice esms hp on Ws dual pasJ sage—if a general law mac noti-meentleile, in fair pro 4 .grer-,lee would Omit JileaDiCal suPWAL Mr.llfsaaeray‘movedl, nenutie the eiginsklerinon Huneelditlio. 4614 entitled tisnAst to 'authorial, thri State Treeaurer,to per the Towanda illeldwe ernaptiewse balance die them in purittions 'hoesdirith the Bond et• Civil tlointalisiehdri,sr:iehteh'has agnakd IA; cult bill weaseled el iteemettintAloint'.l•l Mr 'Xi:emir moved to amend the saes by #rikieg out all after the enacting chum ond .iboirtiog o new seAf time, More.. explanatory In =its tetras; Vat of- ii•lheiller . ea beam* with the original 5ecti0n. , F , .....,- rev', ""• 'ferment. foal .r opposed to the amendment, but - , will not take up the time of the Hones to diadem 'the matter nt Aida billet leaumbeammo it has fi quentlY - discussed. L only rho - -to.rorphd thigsak. tlemeis of tble Watute and enereakihkie - mminiwisiolert , regard to this bill. ern This, elalm:lassifesUy tioniseirlihtaithellithestfan of the sot if 1858 mgerdlethe 'slept the litatiele nee.' the' ac is l'ererridar that thiititattbnifsel vesting all bridges ant askasaidi eseediteateestdinf oat Ske„aeaetenetioa that. works.ifotr.eitidei sl,ooo' proposed to be pied the Towaside arida, gm ! . piny is for the construction or a toirirepstetite& the linadashisone riya4 and -tesy. - illir:,ftpsal* if. e pay this. *mortise Si di*, , Are'L'iltO4o 6 hiinor 'and - farness; to naraltedainue Winne *ids Moth& thle State 'en t'Aiemenkteir thirenostrialpi'eta • bridges; dto. ; for this claim comes within tiir rags - lore astesoory of clam .mentioned in the set of,Am.4m*. ; Thera fife baLpeaerlaritlet tbourthe 'elailetank • • eutitleAhle ocenAtay - kniook :to , the Clounuentreolti‘ or; the paspient,oLit herned theme:lts eL•woolfrothlti , Maim If there Inks no Idorisidn'whisi for thee. talati thin they ecimisny) -might have:the plea of dale: I know, sir;:therele,alteaelf_ before stafh.billgunlest.A ittaelte of eh set ef - teenuebly. presidia( for the Jpayaseali: s of these!" °Ulm'' , Then: why /heel - thhreleatipony •:node z the: shr?alleonClOL 1 44 ,1 *" there and ,sequre their, pep ate,i, ntlew_Wintiallattleataill r hope iinitibti nattiness, paitiality, sodauslait dfs, crimlgatienr mill' not be tereirstiek foible Memsei - M - M 4 ;tilt this touting will - be pot; seritusasmegosP4lll: everf **kir: • Mr. HsittastAr : There vas a kind of senora - It 4, tir" ita ndingtlidenterlingrweiromild"tdetirsureerielltvo4 which . there wool& ha act. objeedione...da thief ',bill will tiler up - the whole mantled ;shall ballad Mena Xmas - , -X think I.lAll remonaii objeetkeektiki ' Ade bill in .dre nilantee 1.0411. that the, goottonams from Internief hitn' Reitehtinti- entirely this - lose,' al horsemen - M.6oler gentlemen Of -tkti • _This _Towanderbridge was, beillikk - S • years' bane - the Worth Simi& Canal senalmellik Ithe EltiniAlurn Jodie/ steMblienderler-thet'Aridge !the company.` Two ism4Abe,-- 00-titer irdttipoint. a body *add draw any metal; .The money _in __ ~. =hands; and firtherinoney of the etintpanY, end not the ,Statets at all. , This contraat that wee made - wen for thst , ‘ 'building of a-bridge,,whichbeloogek part to thaStette, 'anavrhicli eke mina mndisi any maim, , , earilifeatineW distiiihaine, ineottneetedultk mimosas] claims, im , 4 retrapleimii is, the mosey *sub*" :have been raid over long ago if hfralathtlild net*sig t , to do with it: In doing this; we Amyl; • authorize the State 'Treasurer. to dei , what kit is , Istnind-44 dU;sine ,whet he shonld have dons long ago, - Mr. WiLmiront When this gnestion was barons the. Mouse in the appropriation hill, it was said by the gad; • tiemen Who had charge of it that It was ell right; and that the money was to be srpropriated out of the Vreal ' Nob, I am net going to ,answer any objection made tin. 'I have given this matter all the attention' I could, and wasoertainly denirove of voting for it, for' the persons : interested in it—a:portion of teens at lomat— lire lona-continued friends If I could vote for NOUN without setting a precedent that would he lidarions, I ' would do it with great pleasure; but talk of it se yoa will. about this being a epecial,Contraot,it comes back to the point that it is &debt One from the 131ata to I company. NOwil. cannot see adistinstlonbetween cute debt and another,. There are thaws along : that North , Brut& canal, fr o m the beginning to the end of itOor land damages, *Web have been existing for twenty-6W years, and whine I think are just ,as strong and jest is equitable as this one. This matter was discussed be- , font, and I-cannot see anything in the' argument ad." veered which sada to the ntrength of the till. I 'hall - be compelled to cote against it. . hrs. muse 'naiad that the bill be recommitted to the tiommittes onlithys and Means, ablating agreed to. Mr. laticitos moved to, consider - the but entitled ' tt an,"set extending the general manufacturing law to , the - nianufacturers 'of leather in Sullivan county," ~, which was greag to, end' see billwas reed and ptt ame with- arcendmente, including the' connties,ol Juniata. McKean, Ticiga, and getter. - Parrencos read hurtles a Mil entitled "Jo tit reaolutiony to dl'ect thcs auditor General to lean a natant to John Williams, Yr.." and moved .tbatthe House colloids* file - fame; and said reaolutione were rend and parsed Reilly On motion of Mr. Chunten. the Hence went into Ocm mltee of the Whole (Mr. INCludy,in the chair) on Now& hill No. M. entitled h An act to incorporate the Industri Illome for girls.) , - After BOMA time the commlica rase,and the chair- - AI,BION man reported tbeaame to the House without amend ment. The House proceeded to consider the said bill, mid It wan read the second time by its title. Mr. Prugartrox moved to amend the same in the nth line of the 9th section, by ;insertion -the Words, or , any` other president judge of •thia -Commonwealth:" - which was agreed to- sod the bill then pealed finally. Mr. IRISH moved to consider House bill Ne.'43l,'en titled "A fdrther suppleMent to the act regulating banke,it which was agreed to, and mid bill warted - end passed finally._ • Mr. WARDEN moved that thellinse consider .the bill entitled ...further Supplement to the act incorporation , the Peonnylvania Central Railroad Company." which - was agteed to, and said bill was read and palmed finally Mr.lluavair. moved to consider bill entitled a a map• plencent to en sot to locornotate the Phectin Iron COM. ' panty," which was agreed to, and said bill win read and passed dually. Mr. Paorovoor mewed to consider bill entitled further supplement to the act incorporating the Ca 92- brinlcon Company." Ilich was agreed to, and said bill wan read and paned finally. - - Mr. Cannon; from the Committee on Corporation's.. reported as committed t , a atipplement to the net in corporation the Commonwealth - I=llmo, Compily On — . Huristarg,t l and moved that the Moine consider the '. same, which ivas agreed to ; and said bill was read and Paesedelnally, „ Mr. Doerr Moved tbatthe Hones reconsider the vote on the final paean of the bill relative to passenger rail roads In the city et Philadelphia. lir. Swum, of Herta, moved. to postpone the further 'anneide, &Con of the motion for the present; which was speed to. Mr. Csurnirtt, from the Committee on 'ROWS and Bridges reported Ca committed an act to incorporate the Robinson and Seater Bridge Company. - , Mr. Carman, (corporations,) with an amendment, L 9 act to incorporate the North. western Market Company. Alen, as committed, an act to Incorporate the Smith 'Philadelphia Steamboat Clinspany, . - Mr htiCt.tiais read in place ri bill to Incorporate the ministers and elders conelltrithsg the first United Pres byterian Synod of the West. Also,-one to incorporate the ministers and *Mari of the General - Assembly or the United Presbyterian Church of North' America - On motion of Mr. iii , Citole; both of the - above bills were ordered to be placed on the private eabovier for Tuesday next. • The noose adjourned to Monday afternoon, at thy°, Front New Mexico. Sr. T ours, March 12 —The New Manion mall of the 2let ult. reached • Independence - this morning. Lieu tenant prate reroute the Canadian Valley as exceed. Suety fertile, end in every way %Opted for settlement. Two mall paddle from Btoektoa are reported as hay. jog been eat off be the Indians Bandon!, the Mohave chief, 4s dead. The Neosho and Alb:Rl:Largos map is In aneeessfal operation. , The Boston Post Office. . . . . . - Boston, Pdarch.l2.—Col. Scheeler and - Idlae Pierce, Bee , the committee appointed by the Boston merchatte vsalt Washington with a remonstranb• against the retooNal of the post office, lett here this moraiog• The Arettguation agates% the postmaster for removing the - poet (Mae into hie own building, against the orders et the late PestmPter General, and In defiance of an act of Congress, le Tit/ great. _ The Steamer Prince Albert. - " ST. JOHN, Match 12.—A vessel at the By of Bella reports baring spoken Nis steamer Prince Albert, 'on Tuesday forenoon, forty miles smith of (hips Haft: She bed been kept Mat by the ice. The Prince Albert *Ailed from New Yoru Nen& 34, _for mein Tin Bt. John. • , • Sailinwof Steamers.- "," New YORL, March 12:—The atestszhip more mined for Liverpool , with The leans . and 140 passengers: Obi also taloa oet 1100 000 inspecie. The Urdsed States moll stsmasliip 'Ubaldo mailed to-oaf for Near,Orleernreill - Hieriiiis, w ith th. Cnhas mails and 6 0 PamaaPrS, among-whom le lobed -IL Warted, Ee q., tr,Bt.,,sagt.'Tlionsu. \ Shocking Accident. BOSTON', trpoll Il Capes n BTOWD, of tho'ndp Bono Creole, of OtoirlostOo, fell Into the hold or that Neal tags =rain, s t namas jaatnntlyknled. Desitnetive Fire. - • Damn, N. Y MIRA 1R —it an ally boor this morning, Meimbenstro tannery or limr L. g Wbrir was dutroyeit by dro: lyre Imo is istiondlial at 1110 1. 000 1 -- _ Apca wlita4 tiara is a partial Imams,' , - =EUI=I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers