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WRING , oF 0 . 7 -.l' i 4 4110i*liniiirtstailaccv; Au* •'•"^ !Pt 0141.T1'7.: 1444* • Si• , ' -"" • • 11 1 ,1 "- 11 : 1 ', 4 "- Ftf~ti , y64t,t,ti E t tiotis - ' 64:AV:7'4F:';441110itindika:1 a :4414 • hr :`,'".g4rt,..5.'r..,4TY--.1 .3 • 411 -adin 0 ,K ill •, , r 7 !, ••• - , A • 00 . **.;;,1 2 M....,N AT„ 4 1'wfk i i , .;:‘ a • " • i Nt c i ', • I! li *l';',-;711M • kt%; •"'"- 3 Ant, , 4,;',74 , IO:ARCAfi CO.. itlntns ' 4B s 9 Siag; AZT, ; :c .„00- ~,----,,-.4----44,- +v.:,,;',.__•w , \----i-e-4110,97.74; ,-----a,,,-';',4,, 1--.1.,41,_-,-,t-y ..r ,_.,...‘4 . ......_ , o'"-4....,':.4., i0.'4!,,3 ..',:..r. ,4 , , Wl4l#!:%ii: _ i1,,; t 11 ;7: -- 4 , --',A 7,.' '1 - 7 '- -.-4--•-t'':','-','Ae I..,''''''''''' ' '' ' - '' i ~,,.`-'... - ~ ~,-,..„....„. ,„ *l4, ~ ,- ' , „.7, -'• * r:;::?..,•l''F, ~4.,,rAg,,, tjajpo_ tWirt. - r ~,' ilk 1 24titi *,.. 1 1: iitt7-7 11:1": 0,VP.' -' Vril-k4rrk •I'l::-:,.. ;44 7 4 , . ;,- ' V.0,150,)50i066; - • • - " 4. 'asaltti r l3. 'sLl49k. ' 6 ; . - OPOP • " **ll/qT-01*. I Z 4.4011111111/0 ".. HADID44IO4IOIIOIII‘BIIII Ot 1. - CY.Tr TH. S • O, V 3I3 R iER P , ' / 4 4 P . :P 8T A iiG # , - . ' • •. of BUYalia Ls -•• • " r -s~q W l :44 l ::#Nvir,.# l l9 l .rf,DS•,. 1 44 - - !.4,I3.I3Orri,'iTORICEIiParcADO:: - ' . );;:i.`,46_ Liz I in' ik; :E frf ; • - • 4 --• ix* vita, kroiarol to orem *lore 404troacrIvz kicker; .1 a - itr T. - r -- -- ITN* k' s -f ~,,, • • • Sad , 4461,. ;,• • • • t • ;f, •••••' Z": • ' _+ • 4."1 - - • • • k.'ir, itRT. VrXIIPILN; 'TONES, di co., YORNTGItiND pOILEST/0 Eat CiOODS 240 XARKET ISTR7dII', Your &so Wow Third, semi witio, - • NlllLUOt4i'nUit' ).: 10 be• 1 & 4 'tllitOTA" 111,11' Iciitnias OP BiLsoisk , . • ---- 3GIBROTOGGITS, ' ,•••!. • -; WULTJ aoops, /mike HAS, Ift&llil,WED TO IN°. 16 NORTH F OURTH :STREET, _ las • fell line sf,tfie Alms,* G 7 _Moo, reoolvtog wt abort- Unit Bi I. ' ''', 7 'f - 11!" ,61 )111 1 iNG*Clcki, tad. aria- -*CiiiTirltcrult,m sTRIET,. j ,40#3 , 10"Poslettb/lir smelt .• ..:1,13:11fG't.:14,411.:A15t:0",e,,-E X" A N - - ,1-I.OSIERV; oLOY1111; 4NDHII4I,LWARRS, •••41••,••4 sell pq 110P-11,C,Y AP-TED TO ;GOVTintarr4ND - 13()14}AWFSTERNIRADE. ti4,187i1- , MIME IO • - • 1.1 ;iclkt,l;W-i9P-5...%-' I ' •,0110,!'7,-i&-4 1401 0 11P.' ' ti -i410:14 .„,.• • - • :I*3 ;4 , 4 Le, •••:.., • • • . • I , ‘`.'.• • "" - 34:4`kf 1r4.,11, , PORtleitxyallVDol[oBllo';DßY .0430D5;,' t:,;:7:4***Xiitif,ti*Ot; • 11104#.1 supdolohird,batole Mie4.t.• JAMES. NT, SANTEE; -APO., • A Entilrili•slr BrEteo Hi' ti E R II A N • = at - 1 • " • :^ 9 -% D OID - s THIRD STREET * - 2 . • `.;.l BIMAOH L _ fiYcONIB: i . .... , • . , • • Tuts sifipay MlAK4ltl4isr = If 1( -5 , B. ERTix jEtEOEraI3AIRD; e 4 CO.. z , • Mass & 00. : =4 . • IMPORTIMS MW iininEas *4:::;'40:41,44044 ,1 if'4, •;J: , SPAINtit-j)STOCK. ' ootovarto - Is all Hi aeparimentii, fia4'toady for Ifirrui." , Phr'Sitrisurrkerabastri, froo I...piers of i!irsiiotfu*ialieltectio .- ialt 'via ' ' folittOlin ANspAbi-,,;REED;` 8c CO • WHOLIMAI;g:'DE ALM ; CVO - ;STREF.Ti 41BoatIrOnfaoroms sourctitatt sti4) , . • xi -,RII4I,I4RIPPRIA, • • • 'Al i s * ~.aril f,, ••- -,--, , `,. ••:• .: - WitfiXTZ,BPJLTON di. SWEARLIMEN , Ar. if*/ 01110Ing at ibelrBtoir,, . , ; 2 ,. 11i fi, Oil, it 4,#,,,K *t,, , ilT 71,& ET , War:4,44111i, prorsh ludo, . I ';'" -: A 'mailDeWilk . :ll6ll63ollXNT Or • ~i-rd‘c-47.irta,PICIIVG, : B WILES- , , AiSTCY , link 6{ooDf, - I'l2- orAlome•owieripoitikrioN " ant s e w*Tobleigiikey din toi_mle to bayou from 011 tartlllA,ll VOW Illatilei'di IA!, moot Rberal Una.. S4I4.,VIS7C,BROTH*I4 k BIit*WEITER, iZ-BORTH FM:JOG' STARE* ' Dr; • „ STOOK ,kofirity, ' : OY GOODS, Doi invi,itio;itiihila oir eau buyer'', • Or *a is okrusiaiiridipted to the SOUTHEKI! t 4 . 1 Sm • • & ROBERTS. 'AND , IMIBERS = Itosimiloutrit 1, 1 1,00EiNO•OLABBEBI vaioir 000 D '• • • , l i g4110 1 0 1 1 3 .• sb7llls ;+ •-;•r aA i i , tr,itill l o,,:ko.ll ,Bo CO, Awpairiuks, - ,`,11(,&11,44,47 T-tr, Bit 8 • AID DMUS IN )10.4atoz.v.trr , •44yrtiiw'Artm, fiaili4l4 lo 7 o3 • ( ,#IO74TH THIRD ; , . :=*nh;ti*Vg.ta Org.ln'TAighTY. prinistaw,- (6624#, *rit!ttrillg r i j _& A. .TeRMDER, TR STREET,- . PnyoFterg,soi_yi7tolbralp‘De4oro‘ In, ;LADIES'DRESS , TRIMMINGS, • tiii - ,pay4 - poig;Apin Mk* T to their agiuiaict , arroflinint _of PUNCH POMPONNETT/I; ie-ptvgibiok ,, llo6olllA 40.14 Tid11611400; - is! .*? *somas' largisi4irdosi for Bilk and iryligoi, 'Tassels, , Corda;Brittous, ite.,•at!our, 0111.77405q1'.„. .feb2;2l'd • *lrtitoilet• 11001tE k HENZEY & CO, r Noa. 427 MA.811431 1 , 44d 414 004174411402 9tr4414, Seep aanatacktly on bud a laris lank H4RT)WARE, OUTLERyi•CtIJNI3, &0., Whielt ere offered to BUYEllLonLlberld Tema. • , TRUITT pitOrkilE:R IltiODiNari AND NittObiiiismsYaiiii,F.lifl ~1- I :ARDWARE,‘ OUTLERYi • " 4101.0, • ' • - .PISTOLS 529, 629 BE . 04 61XTII, ' ; fell.tfrn Diilliitp OESeobts • A GOOD ASSORTMENT ' - -• or• • STRAW , ,GOODS:, awrxiattal r.ttNigna,' atm*, AND BTBAW TRINMINNEI, Of 4Veri Ylii4etr, are row open; and for sale, at small edemas. upon drat Dort, for caat, at • WARD'S. : - Nos '4o'3, 106, and.lor • - NO 4. T'II , ,SEGON.D-:STREAT, marlo.2ra • - Above Areh,ltast ado': IMIILL,II4ERY - • J.V.I AND , , . • -- , S r g .41,,W• 6- 0, OD $., ; A *ger ()Duvall" okinoncE, RIBBONS of every deeerlption, . BONNET. SIMS ,AND . ORATES,,, ARTIFDIAL4LOWERI3, 11,IIODES, •" , ' , ' •" • " • T A W G'49 0 - 13 S,,* • Olt 11911121" 90111011111MBL11/ vAstriltz, *mirn jot extuninatOn 14, anduto Digit AND- PSOMPT 811013T-T7i/ID BUTNIU3; AL OnniNit.iyaii find cost. . 5- ' 7 Thers disitoni of diving' many in their pirohnies drilla Eli* , „40§ENAKAI, - :451 RABBET STRUT, (Tattoo!' _No.,B3,oouth Baoand St.) 1859- NEW .1859 sTRA'W 'acions 13..' THOM,PSON 'ee. JENKINS, 628 SiditiKlLT STI‘EICT, Invite the attention or bales* to'thete o:tattles 'took of laAlse , , Oben end Bilk Bonnets, Wane Nate and Bloom* Ohlitiren'e Kate Arthl edit iftemint,'ltiselies, Trinimlntif, &a. Deng eiteliehtty imaged In thin brace& of basineafti IligrarA . " l6 l l 44 -if,tareeV*lnakilk btt gin* before puvetsitug. j /purr, (rormalit or mucoak, itog.;11; alrreiya now enisigial with She ober* Atone, solicits from lie lirteodisnexamination of the etoek of Memo. noniron ft ;eating. ' l'abW2in .11[ATS;"FURS,' " - ;.•-• '43 TIVA'W GOODS, - . ARTIFICIAL, FLOWERS, RUORES, ho. HOOPES & ,DAV.I% hIOUP4O2I7EiIIAt ANA It/WARS 4011. 19 and 2t South Fourth Street, (up etitirii,) • • rarSanrLPala, • Mire on hand an entlrelynew and complete otook et the 'shine goods, laid, in for OABH, to which the attention othoyers to invited. • • ' • 011 Ad. HALLOWELL, late of the firm of Mao. LW loWell A OW., lung known hit-betted* i would bepleased to 04X0 his blonds At the worm= o f Memo. Hoopeo Dayht, • " - tob9-2m STRAW AND MILLIN E RY' GOODS. use.% tomorod from one old stand; 45 Battik Second • ' ertrimt, to 725 CHESTNUT STREET, sm ?limy smvaxtu AND utoniu, We ere Valeprepared to exialt to our muosorous pe trooe • ' COMPLETE STOCK Or , 0214 W HATS, BOINNTS, , • ,MIRSBIEP and OHILDRIN PS HATS, - • BLOOMBRI, 'OAPS, &o:, ' - NANCY AND IDBaPI BONNITS." ITHINOR'/LOWBRII.' RIBBONS, LAOIS, ' - RUCHES, & Rmbraolng in ell an assortment unequalled In thin city, 'and we rupiah:By invite the attention of merchants to our/4ring Stook. • - • CUB and aliort4lme buyers will And it npeelally their lutdriet to give twin call: -- - LINCOLN WOOD, dc NICHOLS. ' febo-9in _ _ X-11.1,1480RN JONES. WI • 7 ' Importer sod Manufsoturer _ - or SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, LfitiffONN` aid PANAMA HATA, ' AUTUMNAL IIONEIIS, TlOan, he, To iddadi the stMition of City sad Country' Dealers Is softened. PRY. .482,MARKET - , ; Bolsi' PtlfTll. fstd4m tREEDLET,gg CO., MO MARKET STREET, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Likosgiuntopaatze, NMITE GOODS, &o now In store • eomplets assortment of all the M4'4l . 4peirtible atyleo, which we will poll at the lowest priest, STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. S. CUSTER, 111111IIPAOTtlaiR AND WIIOLNBALN MALIN, IN . _ STRAW RATS MILLINLIBY GOopB. 607 NORTH SECOND STREET, PLITLADIRLPHIA. ' fe2l-2m* BONNET RIJCHES. are orients for the manufacturers foi the sale of the &boa, gond', and have nos In store anornplete amortment ) which we will sell to the trade at the MANOYAOTIIthiIIt , O LOWJET PRIM We Rollo It • cell, and examination or one stook El: FRERDLEY .t* 00., REMOVAL.: HANCOCK & CO., - „ SOWS DUSIMISOLNO STORE and MANUFAOTORT TUB OILiBRATSD HAVE REMOVIO TO, . No. 1026'15111ESTkilIT - STREET. mar 4.2.% DRILL S &RHEETINGS FOR EXPORT. , DROWN, BLEAOHRD, & BLUR DRILLS, '• 1111AVX&'Lmai , Enitablefor. Ws • • - 94 South F#ONT sr., t IN I.RT.iTIA ST -6415.4.1 'Up 0113t1IT .I"ALEISORP,A'TPINEY IILL AZLAW, WAIIIIN Wrot h Aklliers - S• 211-010 .„ PIWAPY4bPftiiA, MAROH 1 54 1859. yobs Qra!itinis!coit ,ggliotoj, NroALLIJAAc :OARPET , IKANVP-AOTtHE!4 ! _ • GLEN ECHO OERMANTOWN%.. OARPETINq, • ~ .- .. ..--, -:; MATTING, - '-‘ ' - RUGS M . .- W . 441i01MP;,69 4 : 1 4 1 . 2 „§T1p:1T SRI 'O2pciaTE , TI*B'I'ATII . 11Q1113111 7 ', " ..:',.:.-., , We have now on band 14extensive stook or Oar I leg; or onf min and „othet, uiakee, fo width we Intl) the attißliozi of WeetaVnitat Southern bu'yent, felt-44 CATWETOT9 - S. - - soial ' salt 110 IN TWO OITY ,21 , .A.! aj, %.13 All With all grades of AND OOTTOP!, grid AViVQ9D, ,R4LSTOId,* CO, UAyti„FX9TR.I4IIII3 , Ja2,l4km • . „ BLABON Iry SMITH,': 1024UPSOTIIRMII8 OP • - 146 NORTEiXRI BTII.IOIIT, - • ' Offer tr the trade's large - do4d OIL CLOTHS every der!oription, the largest assortment WINDO3P'OItiDE caid ' ". , Iu alts market, XaCYCV!,: , 4 2 RICJI: I I3, Alr 0 E Ii;II , 4AS, CIiATII; s beitio4l stools for Window Shades. felP-ffer RIDGWAY, lIDITSSNER., & CO., -' '., ' - • • Importa,4*WOOLLNil6, , Are receiving fall leiplles or . .. - ' SUPER:I.OA CLOTH - S, , DovnaNs, -- 7 -,-- '• " ' -'' ' 7 TRIOOTH, . , , . r .. 7' . 74NOT OABfljAlligE r fl, ere. - prom the following oeiehrated mantifseturert— ' - PRIDERIO lIROWENB ((Little Ticket.) -W. A. JOLIANDir A/MON.- , - ~: . WIVKAft & BOHM= (14..,atid IL Plotius.) „. • „ ZAMBONA''fiTtOTHMI. , „ , It/ 11 TONNAINS &0.; cod others.. ' • ,- feltd..3m ~, - _ Mlf 014113TAIpT ptreet: , -- WEST, rcypEs & LLOYD, '219 011Bt3TlifU ' BUiEBT, for ego; . , ON TUX HOST XAVORABLt TXUBUI, COTTONADES, BTAIPEII, T/OHINGS, • - OSNILBURG EITILIPES, 01.120101. „ ; DiENIU4B.I.W.Vraa3. - B&TINBT.9, - oABBl,llllfa8 1 40,4 jala-w s tf In fun assort's - Sas: - C.ARPErnisteiSi _OIL OLoTHA, AID MATTINGS, , WOLFE, *ILSON, , Ik CIOALMISSION ALEROHANTS, afiIISTSIHT EditsUft, , , TAPESTRY VELVET;" - ' THREE RIX ) , INGRAINS ' ' " " - VINSTIAR ifEMP DUTCH • - 001401.4;-LIAT, and BA* - , Wkloe we are Vaeolvfogfistoitrocif - tbe alauritiOtork , iittd are profAro44o.bfrar. Havlog - AieWey for some of flobviit MA , most 41e;' - amble goods, We essi offer ledueeminti. mit Aerefaders, .to be bed In Plifigelphla., All goods mold et APIAW , frAtArtetertetet:AieteeekeitioteitylatmiAiletik -A,, iY -17;7 - 7mmee, - Awenteior.lasek egd whitectiadli, s large 'apply of which we hen, totistaatlyeelaMC,;“ febtAni- - FARRI,L4 & 0011.1414i0N Mall.ol/ANTB, INIC.PC)Ii.T3ELB,B6 oa °LOTUS, IDOIIIIIKIII3, 3TO. 232 011 t:TNIIT fiTH J EET, febl-9132 Philsdelphleal NTIA ItIEN,'S7 MINIS H NG GOODS 'Ann . . TA ILORS' I TRIMMINGS. I.AYNEICpir 11i0 • , No. 9 BOUTAIiFIOIIRTH STREET; Have now in atom a 11 aesortmeniiritheir line, to which they Inylte the attention-of their onetomere and buyers of numb go* , fe2,4•dtepl J IL MIORENE & 'CO., ~ WHOLES LE DRALKIIS - ' . . int - „ • PRO*SION ' S, And. ORKIN! of CHOiCioMEATS, No. n. N. WATER At., t: MOUSS and 966 N. YRONTI3k. PHIL RIA. MUSS ORES', PORK,PiII,, and an assortment of PROVISIONS generally,fkoludink lILSIS, TONOUNS, and RISRP,or oar own cling, both Oity and Western, 'oonsiantiy on band; quay guarantied. BUYERS are particular( invited to call andexamine our steak. I teb2B•Bro* IpNqViRIOT 'SMITH, G.R'O q E - R S, No. 48 NORTEtkiIIRD marl.2m PHILADELPHIA „....... f NEW HOUSE - F U ISEING STORE, N 0.1020 C STNUT ST (OPPOSITE TILE AOA MY OP PINE. ARTS.) The entwartherAirll le Say open with a VARY DESIRABLE 'AORTISENT OP GOODS, ocnrettno or TATIVE CUTLERY, i . . OVAL VITEN, , WOODEN WARE, MAIN, PLANISEED, autrAPANWED TIN-WARE, and ench artiolee In geiral Al aro wally to be ft:311 1 1a a FIRSTOLABB HOUSE-FOINISFUNG silts, Ali of which will be °Resist reasonable prices. WILLIAMVARNAL,I4, (Late of the Rimer pRPHY & YARNALL ) tuar74nwf 13m-* T, F. ROLLER, • I . lIRENOII BOOT t D SHOE MANSE, No. 27 South NINTH. fitte, third door. above Chest - not, Philelphi*, Begs to inform his frtemland the public generally that he has opened Veldts on- hie own leeottra, as above, where hs.will alwaybe happy to receive a con tinuation of their tarots. AI the senior -partner •of the, late firm et amass 4do ono., probably no other guarantee is neormary to all - mutative public of his matte ability tO fill all ord In his line with the ut most eatUtaetion. Remewr the number t• 27 'South NINTH Street, third deo: re Chestnut.' - tar " 240 1.1.41015 T Street 1 Q.,,,,g0Lz & JANE MILT, kl , , 118 BoniliNtollTH set, below 01Netttint, IIdPORTNIV 3 AND DE BB IN ARTISTS' INA , . TM , NeConunend to Artlete ;mete pnblla In general their large itoek of Juvenile Pa Boxes , Winear dr, New ton and Gen. Rowney , & 0 011 and Wcter Oolong, Drushre, lenglish and 0 , 0 'Canvas, Whitman's Drawing , Papers, • Colored yone, = fttudiee, Colored pictures for framing, Om, . , - Discounts given co Teel' , and Senllnerise. Conn- Dealers eunnited at • rteee. - - jada.do, 41111 BBLS. sPI tI TORPENTINE in rtorii sattor sale Q. OAN is o ' 404 ' ' ,",pf • IMYORYIBB ANSI DIALERS itf OIL OLOTIIB, , • ; pp-rait AUBURN '7IIRBB•P.LYB,i SUPBRFINEB, AND IrENnTIANBi` iIIKIII-11/1,175111:1- HT '' Surniilyin4 eaobts. 7 jougco., Ijolcoc erorcro. iJouse-liir4bing (soobo. g.'4,r l-11 .1es - 0 TUMMY, MARCH 15, 1850 ii.'oiieech for 'Citibri. -Tammany Hall, Now York; is to the present Administratierf. of theGoneral,G-ciVermont *Oat the Washington; is-2.4 mere Ina• chtnore praise everything thatwower may at= .tempt, and to denounce everybody who deed tot do likintise. ' We believe it is the only in= atitution r ef the Sort, in the country : ccrtain. it hi,",there are no more willing or abject work shippers of- tho rwrongs .of our Washington Masters than the Tammany braves. No:voice of independent thought ever comes `from Tam? many; no protest granny ; the more grave the- offences of our public ser. I - van% the more elaborate the-eulogy of Tarn.' Teeny.' The governors of this precious 'ren-.. deivoueof. cheap patriots and paid parasites lhave worked themselves up into an ecstasy on ;the Cuba question.' ,Their last demonstration;. `ott 3 , lenday evening, ivasa characteristic one'.' ,Aniorder to show the spirit that animated the- niantigertik we venture upon the following ; Met from the speech of Senator Antstrtin GAL.' liking , BnOivii of Mississippi, :who `was the' ;prittie orator on theoecapimi , , We cops- from, the, Administration.. ,orgap, the New, York ;Herald, and, therefore; do no-Injustice to the distinguished gentleman lea garbled report of ids,ntterances,: ' r ~ .~: . ~~ ~s { • mo t l{ .. - ',., We Went it forthe extension of our commerce., i onin in hilesiestppi e upep the banks Cf.the Father ef Waters, there lives not a man;women,oe child, Whe'does not glary in tho expanding commerce. of 'Now York: We - want Cuba -to - extend the cam- erliegen, Philadelphia; Baltimore, end ] New Oriente% as Well as that of Now York—to each according to ,its desorteee (Captain - Ryndeteee I-Boston ,would get , a very emelt shale, then,'l Yeekon.t. Laughter i These are the reasons Wy. '' approve 9f Acquiring Cahn, and all parsons, of iiihatover politica faith; must be impressed by 'them-if -they'-will candidly weigh them. Then I have a little private reason of my own, which it .Mould not be proper for inc to keep from you. I want Cuba for the extension of slavery. I speak for myself, and not for any party. [Sensation.] Let Greeley understand (hie, let 'Garrison understand hie, let all the dirty Abolition crew upderetand 11. Cheers.] ' I Speak for myseitiand those whoeigree ith me. .We are told, if we take tho island of nit,eVe shrill offend England and' Franca; ' The ' evil wo will! [Cheers and laughter.] Suppose ose*Governinonts should go on stilts, if we don't , ring thein down;el—n me. (Renewed , °homing la n p d p 'i ti a ti ll a g e b i te a : : . g W ou h t at st i m e i h t i to ng u r e o w u h nd eth th e: t w h o o r Y l d l l i lt: , . t;or not? , ,When England; the bloody old bruiser sultingaveryteedy, fighting everybody, and .plun dering everybedye-- e (A-voice here said li .. some - , tpi,Wlhteheatpetbeadattherepe rt ee's s tarii • llrvoris [nstehtlY 'Oil& ' pet 'hina' oat; ]Throwroe dm' out,' Throw him out.')' i " Capt. Ryndoreeenneelled peace, but the cries Ontinuede Then there wawa great rush towards ruishody, while from edosen to SjirtyMen surged 1 .Ikand fro, gearing the 'said some one towirds the l'etier. Rynders called out, ' Clear the way. them, lifted let them opt; the -rest of you keep; back there .tmei let then/mut hille.9llt,! and the like, until the bialy wig expelled.. ~ "Mr.' Brown: I ask you, fellow-oltieene, While 40gland has gone argued milking the .nequieltfon ' eterritory everywhere, if we ever interposed to prevent her ?'- Shb bas extended her dominion all oiler the world; there is not a cone try, there is 'skit a continent, there Is not a clime, in•whieh pte , has , not dominion. When did we ever object' '(ther obtaining It? Well,-France — she at least :$ll Interpose. line ehe not, like . sngland, ex- *tided her dominion everywhere; rind when did -itttrittterpose to prevent her? ' We do „justice, and `wreinuet demand justloe. I don't stand awed by pa. pretence_ of . these great Powers.. We' wilt • Oct* Eogland and Franco : wo will give you jos- • "Eel e and et your harks we will demand Justice, let Iteost• what' ite will.- [Applause.] Suppose the • • Wand of Cuba lay across oh English channel or the ..y ofllbmay, instead of in the Gulf of Mexioo, and geglarid or-Branon proposed to aoqriire it, anti we, eliould say no, it shall not be done, would not all tie 'World sap to us, 'This must not be; the Island it' not near4ote and you have no right to seer a ttOrel about it.';. So will - all the world 'say Jo' ogland and France If they interfere with-us in "aarluiring Cuba;,their Interference-would plainly 14 fipiened down by, the rest of the World, If they Netters -- they * Seek a laurel. ' Will they do ICI ,ltiPllfdre wiyewohe for itethey ewilledienet suich iit*lleAtalletkill4.4 l l4 Pranet 'two lea snore amilosig te g _youeniffelende; then . yeeetre to': ,fight'thittl. [Cem.] ,They can, do you avast, sighe' Of derange iri time of war, but' you can do ` them' ninoh - more. [Applauerl re came - from a tate wheel, whole revenue in times of peace and in, war depends upon her cotton erop, which'ex porta annually fifty thousand bags of cotton, and we are not frightened at fighting England and Prance'. We can as well afford to look up our fifty thousand bags of cotton as'England toaarve her operatives...We:roan look Them up until the war is over, but can England stop the hunger of her peo ple? She might prevent the expeftatton of our pro duee,b n t when she does it she time mat her starving millions to complain againt her Government. Let them go to war with America, and I dare say, be• fore this audience, that before the war would be over you would see an American general Boisting the stare and stripes over the Tuileries and over lersdOn—!great applause]—and wo would conquer them' at home.' This is an appeal to our coward-' ice : You moat not do this or that for fear that England and Franco `will thrash you. What has become of the spirit of our revolutionary fathers if the 'country. le new to be stunted in its growth through fear? Then we are told it will be an in sult to Spanish pride to offer to purchase Cuba. rityudere—a good joked An insult to Spanish pride even to propose the purchase! I don't think Spanish pride is quite so eenaltive. Accord, ing to my recollection of hietery, in 1660 Spain ceded Malta to the Knights of St. John, and she kept on ceding until ehe ceded Mexico to Mes e 100, having . made twenty-one cession, and eve ry, one against her pride. [Laughter.] You might ee .well 101 l me a woman who has been debauched twenty-one times will be insulted by the twenty-second offer. No, Spanish pride will not be -insulted ;- at most she will be a little coy at first. [Laughter.] .I tell you, now, by eon quest, or through the agency of filibusters, two years will not elapse before Cuba will be in the embrace of the American Union I but it will take bold' nation—lt will taro determieed notion—it will, eake the resumption of all the reeponeibilitles which may require bloodshed and money to get it, and if you aro 'not prepared to Ore them, why then it is better not to embark in the enterprise. [Captain Byndere—These are plain faotkl lint I have heard it objected to by some of our friends, who are not Abolitionists, nor in the Abolition interest, that Cuba is a slave territory, and that its acquisition is not desirable on that account. Now, remaking for myself, and myself alone, and those who simply agree with me, if it were to eemp_to us as a tree territory, and a free , terri tory alone, then my courage would very much ooeo out at the points of my fingers., . Look at slavery as it is there—is-it at all to be compared to eleven , us it is in the Southern' States? I would appeal to the Abolitionists, to Banks, to Seward, to Gar rison, and to one who is still lower in theemill, to Horace Greeley, whether the oiendition of elavery in Cube's not infinitely,worso than in the Southern States? Then, dock it not fellow that by attach ing them to the same government, those slaves will experience the same treatment as our ' slaves now do? I could not come hero as a Southern man, a Mississippien, end (leery, any porsonA sentiment I may have upon this polite lam a divine origin— [slinkiest:if—that Bud decreed it from the founds. Lion or - the worldeerrenewed applause[—that the Atrium rase, I rom their creation, wore doomed to be slaves to the white man, [continued applause;] and my impression is that every one of 'you would be bettor off if be bird a negro to wait upon him." [Cheering and applause,]• . We need make no comments, save to add that such language as' this, in a Democratic meeting, is not calculated to sanctity Tamma ny, or even to assist the Administration:' An Imperial Amusement. In the midst of the donbts and anxieties which overhang Europe, in consequence of the prevailing war rumors, the Empress Euonnrc is said to while away her time in playing a game, thus described by a foreign paper : • "This game, which is Ingenious, and not more a. romping nature than so consistent with the activity and high spirits of her Majesty, Is played by a gentleman to whom the part falls by lot, arid who is at liberty to place the furniture in any difficult and' intricate farhion he may °home. Ho is then furnished with a handful of paper cuttings, and calling inn loud voice upon any ono of the ladies present, namassez Ines petits papiers,' he starts forward, in, and througtf, and round about, over, between, and under the furni ture, the body thus challenged compelled to follow him in every turn and extreme expedient lie may think proper to resort to, in order to pick up les petits papiers, which he, of course, takes care to drop nt the most difficult juncture. This game is always a welcome one, and has been found of the greatest resource in whiling away the hours unoccupied by ceremony. In spite of all the gay cavaliers and djplornatio dandies ,assembled at Compiegne, it watt the grave and loaned pundit, Prosper Merrlmeo, who wan considered the best leader of petits papers, and numerousand spiri tuel enough were the puns to which 'his proles. atonal solenoo - at the game gave rise." is said that this , game was invented and flrat played by Louis NAPOLEON himself, who styled it "The Stag and the Hounds," and who thui earned, in addition to his laurels as aWSmperor and statesman, the honor of having Invented a now amusement. As Paris fashions are generally quickly followed in this country, wo suppose a game sanctioned by such high authorities will also be speedily introduced. --HointsT.—ln 1852, a grocer named Astler, who resided is Northgate, Halifax, failed in busi• nose; and went off unoeremoniously to Australia. affairs were wound up, and fis: in the pound was paid to his oroditors. Ile has now, with ho nasty as noble as it is rare, made a remittaneo suf lialettt to dliodarge the whole of the debts, with ten per cent. interest, , • ~etter;lroni-New York. J. al.alep,r JONES CLERGYMAN- -EPISCOPA CLERGYMAN-A 04AADIAN • itteingrip—,•STATlSTlOS Molt- TALITY—LIBERAI,ITY OP THE , Hometi. h ALES ,I -1•11.6 • CLERGY AND pies aliteee, 'Sisee-7-xit6 •Amfuirtxuat, amen—PREECE 1:1111ATRR '—NrOXS..I,T,:rIG,TR* GRAIN: ?EARN.. • :* _ rootteepondenes of The Press.] • - • • Naar' , YOSIrr :lltireh. 14,1859. I notice thati in ,Press of Saturday' last, you allude to the 1.110 and adventures pf,S;CllencyJones, minister" sketch of : erhoin appears. L,Shmart's "Dictionary of the> '0'044 States' Congress." You speak of hie haying bepn a clergy Mari la Florida, New Jersey; and Pleoatieis. In mintier' to What 7 2.1 r. LAN, men gives, and what-you gl‘v,e; I may, mention that idtf. - .foneoirae, in 1929;a behotielarrof the American Tan. , eational , Society,' sal:raying Giinbler; Ohio. fie did not complete his studies at-Tier:abler, and, althotigh'hg attempted to: obtain 'orders iu that diocese, failed, but wee enbarUneatly‘ordeined by-Bishop Doano;OUNeri Teresy: ,Ile preached awhile at lantiloa 11111, he teat State, and thence removed to Florida, I am not more, that he advanced beyond the deaconate, nor do X know in whit dieleee, and for Whit Cause, he was displaced from the ministry. - Tlieceseof his , called to Mind' several eases; of c haracter somewhat similar , some of which Were mentioned in yesterday's tligiday &owner.' pne cage, howeirer; was not mentioned, at hs.' tithe; 'absorbed the nubile attention sa long as is possible With 'ouch matterscria;' the Osee'rof, i young lawyer halPoet, I Hope, Canada, whoi having waif of his wife's ity,und hadngbeen puhlialy insulted by her seducer, shot him dead. 6lr , TOhn Robinson ) the Chia, ;stands, nldnrgeft Haeltagetrongly to &Tor o a vir ot mur der, but :the jury acnnitted hiatinnildot: t h e plaudits of a aeolided &a t., " One dr the Meet instrivilive lagoons brougld, home to • • no on each ` -ouecegadee week, is the "otitolel 'reeord deitta—or • • " The youth in Wets groan era vg, anumEemo In the full strength of years—matron drtfilliiill4"..l7-= 4nd the . sweet babe, And grey- hoedea d' V ttnifii Who.mtke tip • • ; - The Innumerable caravan which doom, To that mysterious realm ',title each etmll,telt Hie chamber to the taunt hells of dinith , " ' - , —of these, 934 •to ihis'etty, 'and 108 In Brooklyn, vein added to the great roll of the d'eparte4; ' A nen Methodist Obut#, 1p ThirtyeoVenth Streak, was dedicated yesterday artorstoOtt Tho fact, as itself, la nothing very unusual ; though it is soldom'that •tha private subscription and the .00lleetinn, 0a mob an oci. melon, , reach the . . enm of $2.5,000, which was the, amount contributed yesterday. - . . - - Yon have no doubt noticed in the journals of our city ; frequentieferenoes to the furore which, darliogtki , lept, six months, his been , and is new, fagiug in reference to real estate. These e4tenelve MOVOMeett - are OeMbittit uezietaike to two' classes of oepitilleta—first, thcrie who look for Immediate end jterruandut fileomei without'Par; titular Telefono° to advanees In prices. ciao, gen erally, purchase productive property In the lower or built-up portionvol ; lhe city, and It is oommied mainly of those whoae suTploo menus ace somewhat limited. .T.litt other .olcsi, 'Which, is by far the most numerous, annotate of more wealthy oapttallete, who, Fithont,re 'gord to present income, are deeirens of inventing thefr large adrpliti capital where it will not only be safe, but where therexpect to realise large' progts from (stare' advancement° iq value.- Hones the extensiv e InVest:' mentslnvicant lots In the middle and upper parte of the Mond, and in.the vicinities of•Brooklyn,Williamen burgh, and Tersey City It is by each purciladee, in a great measure, that thin pleas they hive le., gained their large fortunes, and they feel more coed; deuce Initielf decurlty than in any other. It lifer this reason that the moat extensive sales are made of lota from three to dye miles eboye all our" recent city im provements. - . • Tho imiceil of vial estate in the - hnsiness portions of the elti are too high to when. of Inge advances is fn._ tore. On Broadway, for Instant*, fiona Wall•to Tenth street, a distance of nearly or amts two miles, there is not a los t twentptlve by one hundred feet, that would not readily n.ze purchasers, if vacant, at from $1 5 ,000 to $lOO,OOO. • Th 9 recent panto; Itto . not materially - changed the valuation of reel, eiltele on that thorough• ' . _ sell up more or kiss with, and` ;participate In this real.es'ate excitomeni, merely at a " looker-on,” and, have endeavored to tern ttie attention of capitalists here to pour city, but they-appear'to be sceptical se to lb; future growth.' They pretend to look on Philidel aS a " finished city," and amen' that It hue not the elements of future prosperity, sometimes , referred to in your pipers. As an erldenee of this they refer - to We apparent went of confidence in Philadelphia veal estate Investment! shown by your own, capitslidts. at this , time, as well as, during the last three, yeata.,„ Ent I uueerktand there are those here, Leiterlnformed`upon the subjeet,i'who think differently, and who are, le a quiet way, making investments in your real gelato to.a ]lmitzd'cpteat, and that more extensive operstiOni or the samekind are contemplated. The merchants here seem to agree w,th the elites ,of reabestate:operatern l a nt i dir iVintAl4f3l , triel*kitOrilf' then your share of the opriog trade. , 'Speculation lu real estate continues active. , The sales of last week, though not,guite up to those of the week previous, were nevertheless laige. .The aggregate sales in each Week, for eight Weeks past, Li es, follows Total eaten for the week ending Jan. 21at $204,616 Do. ' , do. Jan. 28th 1.88,4i7 , Do. . do. .B'eb 4th '258.011 Do. eo. Bob. 11th - 289 875 Do. do. Bob. 18th 431,15A0 , Do. do. Yob. 25th 421,477 Do. do. Mar. 4th ' 541 513 Do. do. rdar4llth - -418,372 ' Total for eight woolen $2,784,782 Ms gratifying to notice 'that oar clergy are en couraging athletic, 'marts and games. At an exhibi tion ' given a. few eveninga cute, ►t Fergnson , s Gym. nailuns, in the Bowery, and after the performance of a variety ,of reale that would have been creditable to a professed gymnast, the, 11ev. Dr. Krebs N went in," and delivered a brief address, commending all such eXerailea. The Athenaeum Club—the new o'iab composed of, au thors, editors, artists, and clever men in every Walk of, life—have taken the epaulette and elegant house at the corner of Fifth avenue and !tinsmith street. and - Mill remove there in the course of a essuple of weeks.. The president of the club, Charles King, .Esq , (president or Columbia Oollego,) eeorge Belmon t and other no. Wattles. have taken en active part in the organization of the new institution. It is not popular with tho very is fast or very fashionable, for the reason that no game of any Dort hi allowed to be played. on the pro mises. The French Theatre Is one of the assured ' successes of the day. The managers, Messrs. Widdowe and Hoge, have arranged their little box of a house in the heatest and most comfortable manner possible, and - have brought over from Parts a company that attracts, nightly. crowded bongos of the most intelligebt and ?Oiled French people of the city. The managers pro powo Se give a few representations in Philadelphia, when you leaf have an opportunity of prononacing for yourself. , A novelty in the grain trry'e w)11 eoon be, exhibited here—:The rooets 'of a cargo of wheat frOrn for ',Mph orders have been sent out. The purchases of grain for ;Alters •up the river have been large of late—and there are no ind 'nations that breedetu ire ere to be any cheaper until after harvest. ACCIDENTAL DEATH OF AN EX-MEMBER OF Tile LECISLATURE —We are pained to learn that Dr. Wright, of Halifax, Dauphin county, met with a shocking death on Sunday afternoon last. It are pears the doctor had taken his two children,' one a boy and the other a girl about six years of.age, out walking, and when on the bridge above Hall. fax be was met by a locomotive and eon( train. He seized the little girl liable aruse , and attempted. to run, but the ,oars were too close, and.he was unable to escape. The locomotive knocked him deism and missed over him; causing instant death ; the wheels else passed over the arm of the little girt, eutting off the arm near the shoulder The boy was more fortunate; he crowded himself into a small space alongside of the bridge, and escaped unhurt: - At the place where the accident hap. paned is a abort curve, preventing the engineer from seeing any persons ,on..the bridge, and' the noise of the water at the aqueduct is so great that, persons on the bridge are unable to hear the ape preaching trains. Dr. Wright was well known and universally respected by the people of this county ; he has frequently been called upon 'to serve them in positions of honor and trust, having at one time been elected a member of the Legisla ture, and at the time of his death herd the position of brigade inspector.- 1 -Harrisburg Patriot. SAD SIZIOIDE IN MEnnosir..—The name of the lady who wail rai l over and killed bin train of ours at Melrose, Mass., Friday evening last, is Miss Julia Palmer. She went into Waterford, and Wag visiting the family of-Mr. Stone, a reins tive. She was deranged, and was to have been taken to the Insane Asylum at Somerville, on Sa turday.- Mr. Stone's house le situated near the railroad track, and just before the arrival of the ' quarter poet seven train from Boston, she ran out and laid down upon the track. The train passed over her, completely severing her head from her body: PROBADLII SUICIDE OF "Boss HAREM TON."—WiIIiam Harrington, aged 65 years, well known as a pugilist in Now Vork city, disappeared from his house nearly six weeks since, and no tid. lege have been received from him. lie remarked to his wife previous to his disappear:mos, that un less he could keep from drinking liquor, ho would commit suicide by drowning, but the threat e t th e time was supposed to be a mere drunken jest; but it is thought now that be carried his threat into effect. He has left a family. CATTLE SIIENT.—The barn of • Mr. Aasph 0. Pinney, of Mill Brook, In the southwest part of Colebrook, Conn., was burnt on the night of the 9th inst., together with eleven bead of cattle, and a large quantity of hay and other property. It is believed that it was maliciously set on fire. A woman who- lived with Mr. P. has been arronted on suspicion. SIitAYNE,. of Pennsylvania, has model• led the buds of several. gentlemen at Washing ton, the past winter; and among them those of General Houston and Mr. Giddings, both satd.' to be creditable as works of art; and excellent as likenesses. , ANOTHER Munnsitnit Dvino.—Thomaa Da -vie, now, in confinement at the fdassaohusetta State Prison, for murdering hie sister, at a house in Ohartor street, some years since,le lingering in the last stages of consumption.• RATIIHR STELIOT.=—NIIIO mile who attended the Groton Ilitass.Y Academy, but resided with their 'parents In the village, have, been " " from that inetttotiorifor attending a donning sohoor. TUE 114A4MAOMIBETTS 'TATS PIIIBON.—At the' present time there are 506 Inmates of this Institu tion, whloh is'a ratteh larger number than tonal. TWO CENTS.' 5,,;;; •• ...Mo,:irashington Tragedy' t., tFromthk i ,' , 9t 4.9 fork - The Grand Ja6 , arerViaili'd'on MondaY; aid :ire', I am ,informed, of: mare: than average respecter,. bility and intelligence:. :The ; . eyldsmoe . before ttom ' being _ eirtirety'e.t'pair'e," they sill, of course, have no heeitation , lM Siding: bills agent Mr. ; Sickles-. >, r Indeed, , - Mr,; §jokleelhilnuelfi : I aim 'assured, would- ask no ,kettYlcr, ,P 013 14", Ment 'thin tot have the' , bill'"throna out, ris his' impatient &simile to Stone before it: panel of. his eountry,men, and -w hen . the whole We I is - unfolded; ' have their "vet:diet on • his Wet. It wag at diet anticipated that 'the trial Would oome , off on: bionday,next ;, but I &mei that tar,' Menhir though, the calendar le not heavy; and Wolfer) to the belief, that it - will not take tibiae until-the - end of the 'peck :On ' thelret day the 'mart adjoun,?,e4,-after a tribute to:fdr - clOry;:vair skilfully conceived and effectively...delivered hy Mr, Itobert dald,the neiv dishier attorneY, Who . hi evidently a Minor ability; viger,"abil legal ix— parlance p Mr. PAKtpruliCtg i -whomas indolent and. ' unread le a degree Alined beyond belief, in. one, toting' snob a - position, - haiiniceommitted '"thrl 'oonduet of- natal,* all: kir:Official inutittear ,to Mr. Ould, ' The: trial , wilkVorally. awaken, , I ;may' say; a 'great natkniatqatereet--not : ,frem„ jany , uneertaintir as to "lbriatralt; for there 'aril peara.,to be no seemid opinion as to dhe . certainty Mr fdr.,Slokles' acquittal, bat from .the geueral,do- , !Ara' in lee-the whole 'ease fairly pit, end' the ' imillion seand ale Of ;Mystery laid' toi test: bY'the F plain ..,ithate.: Already : -Irtamperable, 1 applies.: Mona lrate 1 been made;-,for , -,seattl„ ;in,— the, trOurilletiskllthioli :is l 'ethidrsiiirdoistied.' "I'lli issae Wililbeirled beforetTedlis.Osearford;lslaWiesf hf good loo#l.2repuletitsaoladitid-40?1,bown,im Ira' lii:ftiolMot idhlir'; it,t ,fildi ,Proaairs-; tion, , r. ral ::owill, , of harittree,"leanoa vlrtrie 'Of hie office, and, Ipiabablx, 'Ohothith hi yob 'none Itas" beep retained,), Mr. Rel'a .farailY will IsligillgiJui'4 tspolite 06008 0 ' Ver fdr. - 'Steltlei; "there will-rip pear-the Mom IteverdiJoinieen, (who is Mr. Bat ' to:v . 6oloa eounsel,) klessriC fltaunton,..ltadeliffe; 1 Ohllton, and Magruder, of this bar, and of the N* v 1 fArk 'bar, Mr."Screiest I': Brady.and Mr. John 'Ora- -I i ein,'Who have. been'aelea ted 'froth tt' legion , of ye= tlere, - :as proper repiarentathrespf, the Repre. , Titatire from New York. -. , .: 7 ~, ;., . ~ -„ 1 Mr. Graham; Whet hag eirlyedl44l44Will orlon theamer„Whith will be summed 'opt Mr. Staunton end Mr. James T. Mrady, one of ' lifr..Sioltleal. earliest, and, through life, one of hit warmest friends. ' The 'Tiolecution 'will be condnoted: Ite ;fording to present appearances," with , great fair , item, and without. any, spirit of personal bitter 7; nese For though Mr.'ffey's brother, Mr. Charles Key, of Baltimore; her titteriVsotr threiliinf Vengeance, ,and ilia . eister,•lllre. -.Pendleton, r, iii known to be sorely afflicted br his untimelydeeth, the voice of his =tole, Chief Yusticio',Thithi, all-PO,_ tential in sic'ty,a- ease, is for moderation and an absolute surrender of the whole matter to the ordi nary courm - of law ? , ... The guilty Conneetint of Mi.' tei, with Mei.' Siokles , willi I undertgand, bi admitted. to avoid disothaures injurious to the memory, of Mr. Hey; Mid the argument of the ,proatmetion will rented to examine whither the eCistenee of such a okiminal connection excuses the:-slaying 'of the seducer by the husband's .hand„ and whither Mr. Sickles committed the set under the extenuating influences of an einisperating: envie , tion of-this feat. .. If precedents • are of value; it will be dinionit for the,proseaution to sustain their side of the case." It is but a abort time eines that, in the neighboring: State of Virginia, a -cer tain Mr. Myers proceeded to, the bed-room of Onan from whom he bad sustained a similar in jury, and shot him while in hod: -Pt t blitt justified, and a jury acquitted hiaiwithotit leaving the box. Again, in this very pity, and but within' the last two, years, a Young, man, from .neat the, navy-yard; called - owthe Seducer of his sister; and demanded the reparation. of a marriage foe the fa-' Jared - girl, whiob, being.refaacii, he that the aeclun ear. •Publia 00:110A'justineg, and a jury acquitted him Without leaving' the box.;.-Nor are sack - ,Pre , (agents confined te,tlibaconntry.: Lord Napier bee stated it aside belief that in England, if the crimi nal' ConinsitiOn 'be' of-the character stated, 'no jury could be fourid biroonvietthe &Ann& = tln .France precedents ,of recent • origin , are not wpnting. In 1840; all. Hereby received an anony mous oommanicationinforintng him that a certai n Ccettlegon was in - the habitofentethighievilfele apartment front a balcony, , common -to both hduses. M. - Rarely lay in wait, and surprising Costtlegon in the attempt, an encounter took place, from whioh-the seducer managed to map.. Rare*, seizing a pistol. Mewed blab .and meeting on the stairs,' not - Bcettlegon„ but a correspondent of the London News, Who had been Visiting a. friend in the same house4ireiVat Mal in,' his eXtremci rage, and shot him through-the jail,. The case was tried before one of the firatjnibiti of Prime, the father -Of the:Cointe Troll hal-d, now ?watery, ef ,the French legation at Washington, 'and Ms jury acquitted M..Raraby, Condemning M. Ocettlegoti,the adulterer; topay 40000 francs of dale to , the innocent' person whom the enraged hue and had wounded: ,And but little more than a eidego, when a lady of ratkittone of the'provinerie requested an'Old and' attached familyaervent,to Must- a .scoundrel Who , tieddboaited - of sedneing,, her: daughter, and the lead was aetualltdoite,•'a Praia' inr,Y aoquitkd botkiliallgkillitisanothar , .;Andolltelersitirtnfttla - * halrodoilted ltergnjttitarbia--birC 43 • Mr. Sickles' Aease was stronger far thaiLthege, Not only was libt home dishonored; but that dis honor was initiated with a reckless disregard of &Caney which had made the disgrace the gammon talk of the city. Not in a moment of bot,passlon, when the rebellions blood - Might overridelbe bet ter feelings, was the deep wrong done; but ahouso - was coolly, hired for the bluest rises to @thigh it could -be put, and Mrs. Sickles dragged - through the lowest haute of infamy to gratify the'vilist instincts of degraded passion. And when this, dishonor—this repeated, reiterated dishoner—Was made clear to him; oloar by the most waterier- - able, proofs ; clear- by - the confession of. his - wife ; and amid the grief and ,agony which the horrid discovery brought upon his home, the - husband saw opposite to his window the man who had do solatoci that home, and Who • had stained the futizre of his child, flaunting, as' it :were, in his very face, the signal that called his wife to info myr-how many men, claiming no Pharisaical Inv' perwrity over their fellows, will say that at such. a moment—as a oold.blooded calculator in some Now York evening paper lays it down Mr. Sickleti should have taken his Feat , to study the code of the docile, and ascertain how Mr Key was to ho got rid of, according to the strict letter of lia - • laws; or as - another punctilious gentleman opinionizea, write to Mr. Key, and, politely inform him of his intention to shoot him,' and then calmly bring him down the first time - they met? 'lt seems to be forgotten that when, in that moment of fury, Mr. Sickles rushed out to kill Mr Barton Rey, he staked his own life, too. It is true Mr. lley was unarmed. But bow was Mr. Stacks to know this? Few .men in Mashingban do go so unarmed, and Mr. Key had recetved but the Thursday before a letter warning • him , of the danger of disoovery, and of the risks involved in it. Nis first move,' as Mr., Sickles : approached him, was to put his hand to the pocket where arms are usually carried. Any student of the - human heart and its passions, who looks .on - the story cf that tragedy from the moment when Mr. Key waved his signal in front of Sickles' house, to that in which he fell on Lafayette sonars, must elm that in that lima Sioklea thought and dreamed neither of oonsequemseS to himself nor or the code of, the duello., Tho question attempted to be raised as to whi ther. Mr. Sickles himself was addioied or not to lioentious indulgences in his youth is entirely_ outside the record. His early -vines, if be - had, snob, oertainly,did not justify Mr. Key In robbing him of the honor of his home , and his loved and only child of her of " Few men, l presume. including even the' edi tors of the Evening' Post,,wauld 4ilte.to - have their past Hies rummaged, and all, the 'palme ttoes of the heart'dragged forth stash an hour ea this W O : has. overtaken Mr: Siokles. But this fact is patent, and admitted even by all Mr. Key's' friends, that,,from 'the. time Mr. Key was introduced to his -house, and ever since his first residence hero, Mr. Sickles' conduct as a father, as a husband, and as a man,• has been het only blamelesa„but guarded by thensostertions care. No one in Washington eau say that lie has ever aeon him even in a gambling house,which here As the favorite fashionable resort of men whoni the country " delight! ' to, honor," or at a -barroom, much lees at any plebe of a more dubious charao- ter. Ris whole rota-appeared' to be centred on ambition, the advancement of his political. adhe rents in New York, 'aid the cultivation of a happy domestic life. To his parliamentary duties he watt scrupulously attentive, and he was considered by many, among others by the Speaker, as the ablest member of the present House. , Very' Tuesday ho set aside for his wife's reoeptione, add every Thursday for entertainments to his political and personal friends, where were always to - he met mush of what was meat brilliant and best in Wash ington society. Is it possible to conceive that the set ,by which he scattered all his dreams, and rushed on a risk of life - and all that gives it charm", was not the work of a mad impulse of passion? or that it was the ma of a cool, calculating, bad man? Of Mr. Siokles' pact life, before he entered noon' his strictly political career, I know little. That the Evening Poet, of your city,, should - be more ready to speak upon that subject is not surprising, since, during just that period of his youth, which that journal alleges to have been the blackest and moat disgraceful. Mr. Stales was the personal, friend and the associate in his business, and his home of a gentleman prominently connected with the Post, and now absent from the country.* - But in dealing with the antecedents of' Mr: Sickles, it is not necessary to go back to this part of his ca reer. It is better, certainly, to dwell upon the temper which has actuated men like Mr: Fernando Wood and Mr. G. J. Tucker; who certainly have had no reason to fool tenderly for Mr. Sickles, to offer him in this season of his distress their sym pathy and their support. • Just strictures, were • they hut justly founded; have been passed upon Mr. Sickles' alleged ne glectful indulgence of his wife in all •her testes for fashion and society , without a proper' Con trolling earn.- But-it is not true that ne did so indulge her. • When, last spring, the attention of Mr. - Key first became the subject of remark and 'scandal, Mr. Siokles instantly, on 'the first whisper reaching - his ears, called upon .that gentleman,- and re (mind from him asseverations of the honorable character of his- regard, so solidus and strong, that, coupled with • those of his "Wife, he 'could not, and die not. for • a moment • after, cherish a euspielon.. Mr. Key went to' far as te seal Ms' aeseveration -by bringing his own pure sister to call on MM. Sickles, 'which Mr: Stales had aright to feel was a complete guarantee of the purity of his own relatione with her. Still, desiring lits• wife to be not only safe from, but above suspicion, • he forbade her to resolve Mr.- Key except when invited, and on her regular reception day. In the presence of oompany, a restraint which they, both submitted to and observed. •It was probably . _ this which induced Mr. Key to lease_ n house of assignation. Nor in any instanc e,, wive one, has Mrs. Sickles been allowed either to go to' a dinner party or ball except 'bias own cora -pony, The ono exemption was the farm ballOf Mrs. Gwin, when, on her mother's representation that her absence might give a color, of reality to :Oat- thou but wore the shape of tiottou l hetkeF- NOTICE 'Tor cOufixsPoADFsW,t),_ crifrian4d•i t is ig TII'OE6EI4II 41.1rIlik ill =dig '6410110144 TIIIIINit') Every oommetnieetton rink be - seefenjOad by the name of the pigm" emootneen in the ' t ykre ' site7,i;nl- 4 en'e'etei j ortini-eheerelionhi be 'We skill be greatly krill:Attica Peittit 'suds, 'Sad °then. illtahte,`tor'crintiitiprinii ei,Tent ni;ns the - ay peit the resources of the ettikeaiLttiig of population, or any lniorniation that will be Interest ing to the general reader: r lfilttard bar to'isttatid *ism' bate : taken =plane tietiieed ° lifr. g Wm, filaklor Ana. tlieni• hate beenAphlaibrobea at colpgreae or oat ottatfaii at tkolonalswhicit Kay:„Kente# fkrtheirypqae. , Ifakt Mr. Biekla imp, giveia`reatrairit,'_,tioia "who ere . maw ready to aaaiiiii"-Stid'of !silty lit tliciloitad *aid be the it at to`aid - bieeare , d6mosttiftyrattiliai serving aad - provaltitic,by bia4Larebnaas rata' ha mat AItaIIIIAMNTS ~NW , Waiitur-Sprit TaasisC-. ‘.!l4ttl#,Tmenx. Qt' ~e , , /1 " 7 " 1 "- BIWIS ' , Groat Bhowrk=i l Dame }, -,l + sad Advbstio feeta: , "' • • watery rsr Itair4murr Mumma% "..Wft!urek.T. 4 .4o3-'4 l . Qoasta,o**•''; , - MoDimPtraKe StAnrzus.,4leleatlaas kilo -PLJ[i2 Gera* fiba OPsne, Pant mLoss~ VialirnielaGenza s iidgi% It11;111 , 41:q 1 Bacentheitter, rarest.; Singidesita'Dsheltig.,, -AsozwitarrEtnizniad.:- . 410.. imc CirGiNfERCEMEN't 'OF ..7ErVIOIBO7I-COLLEGE:-.-' The. annual cbmlnemserneut'ef ither Jeffeligni MeMoil • College took phiaterldd thalinefadt Pim& Hall, yaster4 day. , The, grad . oatml„ to..tharimmber of; two . batihridir rid_lt*lia;lrfetat .The , eollime,,aattliftai4artainr _ promendotr:withVis fteultyartlselr heal, theiroarched;' thorhill ;whireithieniOmmpineelint'exeril Were ba:- 7 11 0 811 0 4`12 ThO;lttrk,Mihtirmlar rAlugent,maenit,And ..1111:41Or,Aultriperilkar..VgreI lire ' - After all hid . ileac aim`Otli fn. cars/dui: ircarei444:4lalthololtlerldiv:Weihrbiliarni' M :;110--l iff aff3a 44;warYjilt•drilivnioderip asenisk Robley.' n; ...Alio -At Pm asda , f 10 84, 4 thd the , - dogiesiortmitft .:BW.yeitte-srefoojii.s rerred :upon ilkinHosinßdwartlthielEld-154;) Pr"id"it ' Cl ` tia4 eel l erft ' nt s f YFOC*. la ••4 1 4 4 akstualt1 anlfresidencorof•the gradual ` Adams, Maitin, - -Knorr, MatthisisPar''"'' , , Alexander, Eli M. Atlas, - ,Kuderaosenl4 , r - , t Alexander, Samuel Ti., Pa .Lachenour, Timer 11., Pa. :3 AlmondiA 7. , (R.-11) ; Va . ' Leary, Wm. 11, - ;"`Va - ,Anderia ti,Edsrlar„Temn. -- ddellfrir. Hliili ' - Anderson,,,Petar.,E ;11anklread, Babt: A - , IOW: .iLtrithleum,Tinftm. Ir., NV, Barr, Jas: .714,41f.' - Logair,"Jahn E. - IN. 0: • Baskinqklbert.H.,Els, Longneskar. .15.4 dreaMea, Patel - Md. Vai- „,.,AlagrnderEeso.'W. eccianilEdwitid:D:', G. ' W -- - Baum, Ear :Am; Bibb, Alexander MO; • , Martlestur:444 - Pie: - Marlow, bilch.:Pf, Ala. Maratiall, kennel D Del. Blant Wea, U , ' " , Bledsoe, Francis/11., ,-P Ala. lisafgerllaeolffra,-1, ' linCondichle. Rogge, Okla, Val- • 'llfeCtudy,J."M;(l7: Boon, Wm. , Mo. Bowers; Thom. 0., ,Moradden, A; at, A, Brewer, W.: T:',ll. ' Branton 71 BernanVilla.;:' IfeLeitii,-.71:11,81. O. Brawn, Thos. McMaster. 7ae.;.Elz. Brown, Nitto„"Alltaniew. - Mechlin "John ,. Pa . Brumly, G. Menage. Mies. Itlerilt, Daniel „ Butler, Olivsx IL, N. if „ Millar , Thoont'W - , , Miair.. - oampball. William. Pa- ... Mahal!, William, -N. Canfield, Augustus It., Mire. Mitchell ; Wm. G - , Cam, Lewis Id Fla. Monteith, Wm. 11 dia.' Caruthers,, (M. ; MontfOrtilVal. ; Tenn. • ' - • hierfree,,Jal Caswell, Ed.. T., It. 7." Iduiphy,Tifirdel- .. Clautherne,A.H.,Va, t - oawOnd,'.7. 0., Tenn. , Naeli r laa r D:, R. , Chandler. I. L.; (M.DI), 4i ; Neff, Duna P , Pa, .• °b9altio W. D Gs; Newcomer, DWI 4. Pa. Clemente, Wm. - Ociard; Wni. H.; Newell„!iVint. , l6..ll. - /. - Odrefert,l. (M.D.),ltieh. Nei ton:ll4*in Conner, Edw. 21, Odrbln, P. Va.. •Norria;.l.WAlttioray.-Pcn, cOtteo, Jan 'ls.; Oa. ` Norirood,rehe, N. . j cow, , Er, - Nweweise - ViswilT,Va - Craw*, - J, Al,, N. Y. ' - ..Prescosati.aliso. brherrorcl,'6lso. (k r, Parkes, A. IL, W Crawford, Jae. I:, Va. " Parr; m P:,.1a1. Crews. 0. L. Ale. - - Peaeock John L. 0, 7 01 Crigler, , - Perry, Warner Hunt. MALI danalaithaln,O.O. (U:D ), Perry, Van Lear, pad. r , Kr. - Parton,lEderin -, - • Davis, Jaa. F., B. 0. , - Plimpton, Albert-V..ld: Dean, Tae. Jr ", Ge. , Potteiger-Joardhan-8,Pa.."...-,' Deloaoh, A. 8., Mien. •' Powell, Wm, „ t Thelon, J.,H., Prentise.4olin Hart; Ner; - •' ' Denial, Thos. B , Jr., , Va. - Preicitto.llf, , Texis:fa tit Drennen,ll-. 3; 0. - Pinafoy, Zahn Dtinglinon, Thos R., Pa. • Qninnaehn P: , i'Dfahar 001 - Dysart, B - ' Dysart, Wm . P., Mg. , Bea, Ohba.); - .lfadealmwfu Ry:" - Dead, Eckert, J . girt D.), - Pa. Redd, John Edraultd 4 4N 0.. Va. , ; Reddish. Videsiiiiim aLs Elder; Wm: T. Vs' " ' Reed, Thelma B Fitspateck, Win. 1., Ala Rtsbardann, David-R Ga n. - Flagg, Simi. - D„ - Jr.,11-Y - .. - 11,11gclir. Cochrane,_'E.y. - Fiero. Fled. B. Miss. Ratfins Viewers; /obit; Pa: - ' Robertson, J. Foley, Tilos: Vr;La. - -• "- Nodes. Wer..l(.; Ido: - - Poets, Wel., Vs. -. Siogers.',W; Prate, George „ Frame; Rebertillil; `-• ' 'Scott Jinni Ey: , Pramaim, G. M., Texas. ' Scott. Robert W Prilmore. lash._ R., -- &nuns. Richard flyTenc. * :' Fulton, James, Pa. • - Passell,"Ben) - 1... Ps: • ' '' Shanda.Thentat IL, Va. _ Gee, Edward OA Va. - _'.Sharp,Wlllienf 7fr;Ohlor-.- (Filthy: Johnll..lC C. ' _ Sheppard, jaMes-V Glass, W. L:, N 0: " Slaughter,Thoidiur a., Ata. Glerm„.7. Mallory. Oa: .Bmith, - A.-Hivey, 0. W.- Glenn, Jas. P;.: Teen. = (104;deihr:Tkes: W ' Spencer, B. Ilf.,Virgialta.;;„ Grafton •Joseph lr; Ark. , Splaer;John , 11,0., :Grainn...roesph, N. o,' , 3 olpsagfri';,4B:3, Gregory, Alfred /1.„ Ga: - Steele, A. J`4 lr . _Gregory., IGarlusj....Va.. Btereason; - J.-118, Ornery, ducking C., Va _ Stewart. Davidle..„ Taunt ~.. - Griffin, George G:, Ga. ' Stockdell, Haab : Va. : , - - Grim, Georg e W „Pa. Sadler, AS rthqr.S., Jr , Md. 8. 13 - '- - flwaria; George B. - : Tayle'r; Mu: 71.., - anon, Wocc.. R., Mies., Taylor; Wur.11... . Joseph U Oat,: - Thomas , Alfred N;, ' • Happereatt, John 0 (I , Pa. Ihraeh. David lt, , Aba • '- limper, Behorn Ps.. Alias. Tracy, George P., Pa, - Hervey, Leon If.; A. . Taplett. W.H., V. , Hawthorn, Saimel W., Va. Venhook, James D., Ky. Henderson, Nat., N. O. Waddlll, John M.. , Herrington, O:P.. , 'Walker, Charles W, Va; Hickman, Joseph T , Vs. Walter, George 8.. Va.% Higgins; Wm: B'; N. 0. Walker, Walter. N. York. Hillman, John A , Va. ' Walker, Z J., Va. ' Hines, Harney L.N. C. , Walter. Itsrnet.o„.Pa. - Innen. William ea. Ward, Riedsard W.. N. 0. Hite, Benproin ;Vc Warren, A. L .. , Ale. , Hoard, Robert L . Vie • • • - Waugh; TIUMVII 8., N. - 0: - Roffman, Robert H , Vs, Welborn, William P4lnd. Holloway: T. P., ( id' D.) Ky. Wells, Thomas, B. 0. - - Hopklnn, James A.. N. O. West, Thomas 8 , Miss. , Iludgens. Thoioaa a S. o. Whiteiheitt;.PeterlP., • Hudson, Gilbert L., (la. White, James A, , Tenn-, Hull, - John A Va. ' White, Thor. 0. _Miss., ,- Iruise, John I Off . D..) Fla: Whither. Hirsch K,. Pa. ' Hulatrr, aortal. D . I's. Willlsms , John H., Miss. Shaheen, John W,N. 0; , William.son,.l. H.,, - Jaokron, L. D., Del Willistneon, Lea Z , Mina( Jackson, Themes L, Va Wilion - , Adolphus Johnston, T. W., N. 0. _ Wilson, Jobk, B„-MMus. - -Jolly, M. A. Ala. " Wilson. L. J 1113186, Mien Jordon, R. Elm, Ala. Winne, Charles K., N. Y. Earner, Oberlin , Pa. Wisely, L. A', Mo. - • Keith, W. 0, Va. . Wood. George 3.1 Ohio. 11 0117, John B. Ale. 'Young, DUOS, Ala. Kimbrough, . Ga.- • - Young; Matthew H:, , Ky Ring; Georre U , Yt Voung, S. P., 011 00 . Kirkwrol 11., Nova Scotia. Young, Tilos 11., Of the above, there are from - - Virginia..,47 NaW Jenny - S Pennsylvania 38 Delaware - North Carolina - 20 Rhode Island ....... Georgia.... •22 kfaseacbus . etts Misstesippi IClFlntida 2 -- Alabama ....18 Michigan 2 Kentucky - Id Arkansas 2 Tennessee - 10. Canada West . g South Carolina.— ..... 8 Nova Scotia - 2 New York Si issourl • - 7 Illinois - Maryland Ohio 4 Dietrlck ot Columbia.... I. 410all`ornia Texas 4. Maine 3 Indiana. It maybe stated. as in intereiting fact, in connection. with the great minority of this institution, that wit h one exception. the list of ar aduatee tali larger yesterday than ever before in the history of the Jeffers:a. The ceremony 'of conferring the 'degrees "'occupied considerable time. After it was concluded, the charge to the graduates was delivered t y Franklin Beebe, M. D pro essor of ohemistrr Profaner Bache commenced hie 'address with a referent* to the interest which at tached to the occasion when the 'graduates were shout to receive the honors they had so ardently coveted, std fervid% - they had ro long struggled. Be alluded to the separation so can to take piece among his hearers, -and to the carter in store for them . After some advice as to the course of reading best to pursue, and how to, profit by experience", acid by the experience of other, ' he dilated at come length en professional 'ethics, and &poke of the alarming increase of quackery in our After referring at eons length to medical education, and to the needful proficiency lu otliertnauches of study before such education; should be commeneed, and after , 'gam alluding to the rules of professional edisica. , be concluded by bidding the large cisaa'about to separate an affectionate farewell. • . ' • ' After a benediction and musle,the exercises came to a close, and the audience separated AaeAir IC Griffiths; pollee , owe, No. SOS, wee before Alderman Ogle yesterday on the chirge - Of baying committed an assault and battery, upon Mr. B. N. Stewart, the proprietor of a trimming store at the sontheut corner of Eighth. and Chestnut streets. Mr. Stewart testified that he la the that vernor of Oriental Section No. 6, Cadets of lifonor'aud Temperance which meets at the corner of Eighth and Arch streets; that; having teclived an invitation Wat tled Divine worship; •the members assembled on the side.walk, in commune:ice of their roam Thing looted; that they were behaving very ordroly when Griffiths came up and ordered - them away. Words ensued be , tween Mewed and the officer, and the latter, charging - Stewart with illegal interference, took him to the sta tion house., The alderman halt the roomed to ball to &newer. An investigation will be made into the matter by order of the Mayor. hmene.—A German girl, evidently insane; ant about twenty.flve years of ate. was picked op in the Twenty-fourth ward, en Monday, and taken to the station house. She was afterwards sent to the Monk house. She earl her name fie Witham's& Miller, and that she has been firing unele,,a brewer, In Baltimore, Flonm,--Darlng a drunlon quarrel, on Mon day night, between two oolorid, women, in Baker street, one of them; Jane Brown, reCeived a severe wound upon the heal, from a brick In the hand, of her antago nist, and wse taken to the hospital.. The assailant wee not arrested. A Gsatual was arrested, on Monday, on the charge of etabhirg one Mathias Gaga", in the Seven- - teenth ward: The calume was committed as long ago as the 16th 'or Belnciary, and the officers have been on the alert alms The. roamed. whose name is rzedtolo Kuntslemen, was committed to answer. - - • RESlONED.—Professor Henry Yethake, who hat occupied the poeition of -, provost of the University of Penneylvania with snob distinction, has resigned his post. Verona gentlemen are named as his imeeessi r among them Profaner George P. Marsh, d Vermont, and John F. Fraser, now Woe provost of the University. TRW,. enema'', . against :Wtlliatn`M. Reilly", seg., president, ant Dr. Young, ex-treasurer of ,the Pprune and Plne.street Railroad, of issuing frandulent stook has been dismissed by - Reoorder Egan oa untue tedold by evidence. - • , . „ . ' THE ICA.TER gARIEW...T, IR S 011di .street, am account of which we gai , e'in bur paper a fewdanagn, bee proved a great eneeres, . Theleople in !oath etreet are patronising it beyond all autielpetima. - . - ..., ...1_.„.. . - , THE DEMOCRATIC RICOMIOINe Committees of the.. , . „ . _ election dliieiona of ' the different Warta will meet to-night and to-motrow eohning, to eniortheßamee of the Demooratio voters, under the rule of thatparty. A RE - Winn iS Offered by Mr. B. A. Beason for the iebevery or some silverware, write& was stolen tram his dwelling, No. 110 £l. Itinerant& striation ?gouda - - • A 111141410111 r buffalo Nebo, msrked J. K. ?ratio; is awaiting 'an owner at the gerenteeattvwiirst atatlon bonze.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers