. - • ~.. ~_ • • .--- .--:-.4;,+.7.u.'4,,,i?.41 --,- -----, - ;fr..‘" " ..-• gi-a-.*:-A.,:,*41-15,1V-Ani.:,4 1-.,:-: 1 i ---1, It : et - - , , , A 1 1 •:''-. ':':•4 ':; I It - .** Al ''' A'- , e„, 44, 4 11& ,-,:•0,,,;,,,K,?,,'"•:;,1-44.`..*,2.: :,,,,A,,,,-,.iti A.,... 3 , .._. • , ~,,,,,,,, .617059-,4:.,..,;,:: ~ , ....1.17-- , ; * - .. loktplbugif,ro, :=:;tiAt ...,,,,t ff.7,7,...- '' - ' 9 V 2 ••-. 1 "- " ' saastammtit, ~.,,, :„„....- -",-"••‘ - • ••;•••-iiii i ii ti ol 4147; 417 -grei- A's-icV.,'4---t i . ' ~..'.-',- r ',,, - ki :. •0 7 -vsli iq q ,v• ! 5, . 14. ; - :,'. "7-•:4-,,.-,1 0,, iAdN-weulio.wl.,jkek4. - ,-,.... •-•". • ~ . ~ , ' ... 4 ''''ff4leol4:llloS7f;7l,77-, t, .... k.. ...., . , 7 , -- ' , ' '... -. -i - . •• -i.0 ''' • 6 - 4844: A,.4 - eit.4i, - "tEZI.± . ,?4, k , -}1,,- , .. , . - %•'•7rOATIFY:;4I/0N;01r!-,---''''''• ••-eilti*.i-WIMKT:W - .-: •4 ft''' Illillill'Aiol44M.VA'-'sr'''ik*: !Walertiiiixiii'l,37ll774.llltl4474: '''•••-•"''' 13:41. '" 1"1 '• " • &tii • Vrili.N.- 1 4e 401'.:ki • .-.• --'''' spirit'- 14101 -•- ig.6. a= ZV •'-'.7.:1;-ciii="44i i iieni k -40:14 # 41 P+ 1031.4 •!Vi i idy - T i ~•.',-,.:oti.i.ali iik,illo#t;Mrtt9rli,,,,)i4e,'''' t'..o:riWfri4/410-4590-44-4 ` 4- r - ,;:iriii.eqp-s , ~,•-i O4 / 1 . /11 . 3 W AIRN!-;:4 4 g-ta i i iesp a*lt io p'l ." ., --...z.,n5iii.011.4:4-..r(101-41' '7.!. ..._,.'S 1-- •' ' '' tirli.4#:4;kl;fir-iiitaif,:.2:A;'*.r4o,-, :' , IS : 4.1V ,it...7t x YitHetiiiiiiii -,i#.l.l*,Pl`NV r '.'---,°t TIVVATA“t'-41.kii*244-4,4:4:901411 -:&.e.•./4 in k ,..t,..l'%;;4;;.Vjetall ' i Ali Ei0: 6 441144.f' 97 : :,--vAigini T .3 . 7.7 . -.4 - ,- -a_tw ia i t ,,ti v i tsi *,:: ~..•„,..,17:4,itilit*: 6,0 n :--,9+7,-, • • -itii,ii.-,i44;12-.l*-._ _.- ,--,:--.•,- ibi4440.10 "-ttrlii i - tp• - 4-r ---:gi-iiii ;';ol,44.*l-1 7!!!AY,n-' ---ii--44.4.-I;srovro#•to --,- : - 4-11.3- ,-101:`4Vkl-lTit!Y-,f!P--• ',-•-•..? )t, ,iiiiivaiiltiOky4o#lotßP#Y)-'; 0160 : ;') .! L t i la--4-'K-Til li ii ' ituo- - :M or : i_tcp*.kfikitiOile-v, 7 3 ,- 4iiTt4***.i., iiii - . log *!: i'C•liiiitigv,4o4%*l''. itif , yifiliii,gitfotiA • i 2 _ 11 1!: ,•,., ~....t.iik0tt,49#.0.049 4..144.6,.iiii•4-iiiiiAllrtoi"-T: --r:-":;',--;`,,iiiiraisitli.- 014)1 .... ` , ...Q. , -~z -T.:44 0 6:ii.: :'-''.o fliiilt 1r,„,re:Z7±4711610•• iotiC,l:4*.. .:4411.4:-.P,1L%„,75.4.,;19 7.,,.4,V7,;,.: 4.9:ffloNTO! Miiiiier4itAktitivo!rt . ; , - - ; '411911111441MIT4";' fifititOilammij#4li!r. • .: . „- • „,14 *0 r k i 11 t .4.,, , , , , i•,,,,,-,; - ....• . • - ,, ,, ,7 , , , :, ''.+_, •y --- ; - - 1 vititiii Alois it.;;-,,,.'',l'iJ ,•-',.:ii,;iiiki 444,-,2Biiinl; --.- - - a* 044/01441,,Ittraix,-iiii.- itatigliiiiir - - , Builit6-*-1),,A v . " 7. - -, i r ,c' `11"." ',.---'i-i,;2-'="4:,ooli4JA_ - ; 14.4-,...Titz1....0p.74-..4:-,4----. iiriiik,pril• -:24-i.l7***44P t i- : 44l.l " lls ,:; , liiliiiiiii , ilg' :465A-,iiiik;,CLO:itv.t.:;-.C,l i tiv sk - ii -06 4 "_. ' jimobluiNlra IttiVrS?l,.%,`'''',." 1.,11-:•'.11: • -:- -"-- : ' t=z4;l-0 . 41 i 4 P. 4 _ 1 ., ,i-,!l'q''`''' i4,Wiiio - iiitZ4i ‘.3111‘4'413"41164"14 °94"=4.tit5iT4141402, .';ireilimi4o,4o6444'7--- ^ .1'4::4111#.07',#, oisi 4l4. llitsiriti!.l°4! l 4-- v --1,,,,,#i- la i6, • --,- - - Akig--.1004,0,f;rt4#;,,1,4'` _thitikilei: -''-t.liii.4iier4ool./4444194:2,M,% ..v: . 1A " '' ' istilr , liii .- N•A'A` - ..„i.,,,,vi w,-_. ,1., __.,:, .......--,•' -,” t",;.*1gym...,0itm.4., ,iig 047...F.W1T14.1k ...•7•-''-,7,- :i s .iviii Mbiolf - - i .. =vrAiiiipc—bilitAlA:44ot, i P / 0 ,,,, , , .:. '' : - . - ,,...., 11, 9 111 . 9.. r. • , - - a .-.- -L-.4-I,,iitiT;4o*lo lit, • ',... - - firs Aiiilki-T i6 " 11150 It ,-, - ' '-- - ' .iii 4 *Pali. ' el O r: M ri,ll - 1 , =- ,- ' - ' , " l- '"''. admit, 11391 IR M . 1/6., :, - , of akittr; 10411*1 -.1.6," " . t i e d' Fi r s 1414* On:: • - N em -.fiiiiiiiiitit ffillto" ~- 4,-,_, : ~; - la. - to !ninth'. 'MKT - - Baal' FOifiir* New& ' A I :', -; ' " The News. ' - -' Di the; Quitiar zitk,' at , zteti ortiiips,' Re !kiVei - - iinrittioTA ) 116- *i'ot zOOPP 1 1 ) 0 4 4 3 4F1i•; 1 41d ' ‘ 176offilkfi''' , tbil; Nit Ilea K -i miiaiiioit . had -_,Hut - a, f ". ° o l4itg 4 4 4o4#)."o ,o _ 4lNizi i -, - molls - kajAiii - 0 1 444._ ilrill-1, 12 ,a 440 1.0., g . tc , the ellyrat :tam hood Or kOqkilion;,br,tiWass-acisat: rola. - .ghe ,inallaaatiOoflVelliOrllilliltflainb i oxorooffilrff al War*,. 611 4 1 /I'.+*&!',' , ; 7'4 ,. ..,, , _ 3 , ~,_ 01 °P,1 116 4 4 rK• 1 4 , 1 7, k1i i i lion' OPiolitted zaptiesfieheAsnerii by therPrisidiiit.'• .-TheNcuati. •;•lailitrlOf.*Okioolt;AAO:-.Oilloi4joic- The filAoto oki9Oolitlrs.i . l - 404 1 giniiiltii iiiiidototiotir: -.40 ti0; - • , . ilob. l .l 4 oe' of moos, ,BolsoffAi -ffootiotidoOliti ' 11 : - I ,- - 1 0 .',Witif,' - hilniater to; 114eti;:ieiii 'Pettit, of Initial.; Cilail./Ooffoll of ffaawo*-(olia'ldiiooito.) 1 -, la! the-Walled!Stetak - Sinate; Yortird#; the, deithi- * At::** I . ,'. l kii°Uitz'fibitiellbt' Broia ' moo , 'ail - , inehia4 iisifty,dtAiiiiii bi )14; Nfistiolioni - Of_ Tedislegiii,eetetthesaileitaiii.rritiffottead6pled. - iiioleiilof eifell of !the, , samiess or Ow wilelCße - ' latblieMitiviikii'N•W!•nqaparii;Stiiiiriletie: thrfewswbemot orer#46 '... ,- ,,,,_i 1 :r. , .. = . -- ;-,-,,,-- 1t..-7 - On:Taladay wining a 4 leaiiar Was iti; L lW ' Ar* Ziew York by' ta:psiiii4o4 - 70:0444: chOtti.ief o._ xt mats that ApPof was warded ita•en Irish sue . matt; withwhom he_ uarrellti ' t aidt Night , .Jajiy,: OA -74541117, - jaiiiii beatings her _4lCloatiW•Aiiei female osapioiti of 'the housa,•-a 'Mrs. 'Thacker; iiiargareti. - Bk!iaTi l :aliti,'ma - l i cisfasx4 l ohrsilk. l 4 . ioplesii 1. .c ~ 'Appiik - faia hit elm tidies, wheal ppo, finding thewomea' Were getting tim best of him: dretra•dOgrii - sbo 4 'AlO*hol'ilLlooliih; Joiff madeit• phitgi - ,at,'hirs, Niiiobei , infliethsg two.., • fatal, maids; one in thirieer and ilta other 'lel*. • lets breast , jut over theF-hiart, the litter'wocuu _ stuiligi.suoit, 'listiliildsithr - IThilef*liFed ralb4 lOitogio ir.l ol 'aPiiiitiKorbisd.ist iiftl, turned ii io iiAiesior . twiioiiiiitabbili rq rto •We*i*WAit**4 , , Btiiiii hr:flui baiida - .444. bath inesieded, Imo , ' everla toufoft 'IA* ll , P= l o.# , q O 4 W 2 °° ll i' ,5° 1 4.*1 , ,` wild ' - foliiii* . hie Ittlawi`..;*47*.4o* - iorttots, niadaiipdther eseape; • boi‘OrhWiFoloV100:121..!: houriilf , t2he Ara loilliiiiiti°°fltialliOlitiff` gpi.,#; , irbili**44l l liiiiise'rand atitii.,;( 1 4410 , 7. - were:hint lying upon the ioir,.. - Weeding, , terriALT ' f n i ! ' o l =o 67lo o#l , ;'44 offe A , Pit WA. Aliitele .-' dheoO'. eilkliiiti:Ssoloued:iiiiit . ispi...Ariiiii) • Mihail"- et titV,,sisrte'rid - itl,rali'.. l o.o s 4":*° ' dreadful , wearience, 'lisi . " . fitniiiiinciisti;'4o *, iseing.wirotAii4 wo iii - e4it sioipil'itiaili:' , • li•ettaniptid lenailialli mi.**, itirlighta;Wiili ha kinei.dpw*litioigik. OP s ailWit,i'affrotrilk . , Pitcher over;tie - hied, 'Oitilut ihilit ifilWickdly '' ali'oill " - ' die ' 'Mille& over,tweis. I, ~ ~ 6411F.,1011 jams tely, in, wad the',Viragoeiiii'arrailted - and , waveyed :to' - dui stagosriruire.:. , '•,', _ ''''',''',' ~, -:-2.; - -i; ;1 - • At the 41406' held ii cisinia on s ffaloff*ffio - Aiiii# 011 7 601 00144', 4 4 1 4:000, * ` thing, Nees '9 4 .190°'-' , ffiooOi ]- 1, 1 4 , oilo4; iv ..- ..14.044. Mimi siww 4 -4: 4,1 44*.i'PP 6 #9. , - eaudidatiiiviail'elcoted' Chose. freeholder Jvinti ~ Ninth ward;:and Ativistas ~.. 3t utsar ‘.. ,„ A n Ile-:-,-rl e y i n, . fra*. OA *iii:7 3o 44i.'Sid 11,`1,460 0f: There were, goveraltickets - Jathe libi'laket 'C, -eon Wolnesu4l4o#AOA.e, ,`,,;t 134041Boottmcettlyaw_Liteemmewipiith a ntainhor of oltisittebf awe china to wo. of utilo,lo4lo:::AltilstiO.iiitisioiol(4o, celebrated thi. steamboat that:iook-theadeer - Aden parlg r -,-_-,9a:AlOfiflf !, -Sat:allaigerieri l -. 4 ,• :, gaited Nor* feeliwalkaff SCriffifri,,n 4 i i i i r iti l d ' to NA N1i°163140•114-sirktitii-3'r;{'A,?7,•: 'e . ',';'', 7, ', ' TheltiiiishiPV - Illithri' ' "''''',Wand • trip . , . . ors, on her. - - ffroosArerioll,filf ffilibliooli twigs A cargo of 4 - 01 t, imoollifillitalott, ' :oi Ttioloi:oliht, o ff ffharool 4 Poisehi:titi Chwapeahe- - With a-tpropelhi , - sUil , A _•, -, - senkiinnedhaely, - thsfirew barely escaping with , • - their lives." ' ',. * - '- • ' - - ,t.- '' litl°*. o 3, - ; F Poo w- ...IMF , ill , O -fa ff*Oali, , „ 1 4 4 0 , 43'. , has Miami's raving =anise " - In mumapsenee.s'lle "seapieted lila arifir - of lnilz' -'-' - OHO; aud - imuised hiiiif filleifeti she deliboti:'alsn', ,": 'Jy L ipplfidii.pisKioust huth; iiof Alfir ' 'tkiiihi : -,- , of la bead ciiiiiktidiiiii:, , ',,; :_ -._,, - ~ , 11s ,: TIWNott: 'Tang. Assrdaa,:of North eirolita, f ," : Who 'laorrioff , rho' , 7,lo3 l :4ofrittf', ol- 10 11 iY. ito -.' thiamomplished Jim .101 M Wilder.'•-This hon T,,' m a * *flaw union of;ihe Sr* - aid ' , Booth T,' - ardisstmhleh s° Ira - believe " parte, has any sib , :,..!,'' Pot 011 ,, , ,- . , ..-., „.--i , ., '1 „, • 1' ' ~,-; ,• . ,1, - -."':' - Mr. Aid* O'Brien has, been invited to'lapubliti "',." '' dinner Ity*'isiintitr of tlmirerahlNlCltinotai' `''': s ' Sioliill'iliai;-(bai : WCbe I. Making !imp*, ilri:; '-: a= 111 ° 4 ° 6 r - •tkiiollb 'Alerauutry, he preferred ' '' e l "o r oix, ONO ffil4Pol l 'offaer,,' '-,. r ? , _,; - „ V t. 4 l ' -, ,kratideit:ltillinori4has bean oi.' a militia, ''v-_ Ilisetratft*here .: Ile,' sf lslatira hitich,to! his'AMO , ', '?".i .i . , „,,kaii . , *limo "p',.:iiai, am. ik;iii.f. . sm.. i ' l l tV. lf , „ta uhokiiisse* ithelnade theywnir , k mar 4, 41# -6';', iiiitratliit fiiiif,ifif*W-feiiridiPAl',": - z, l .Syi - iiiiatil . ;.***; imidiained . atisidiraii-:: Gisiobrilli Vl,o3 4 ;illielipit,' p01.44ii ESC 0.11111410 'ail rsatioix 6%;tiviii*olltic *Bill** iyi 'AbOsttr ; hi pk.,l r-•,, ,lOTS:lfflooo,4l'Al°l°°lftioi to lYii, . 4 ,iiiir ffr,iii,oFv WA *, 3,--4 e ' i # 11% ,0 ,704 4 1110f Ike Atm"' * 40)1 ' 6, 1 . .... , , k , , ..,e-Ihater sr; .110 AtlCloquiring the ' sheriff to' use 1 3 -&-Tp)t" , . , iiiiieedil ;alp maid* ,to their llesiii i :itid,"thif ~: , ,.„„..,„,,..,,giliF...us**l4siPAY rim'. - , 1, 'Oa* iii•piitftkon* to ittoir o,o r Otoio ands:- = = , jUtLjVillii.s l6 l l4 P4tuoal°fAl'oglOPllOA4Pliflbli, Mlljithefek tit ” alliiiiii4Vaila taiiiii,,bl, Waw . deriej,_ .V.,24 , 5ai11e5 , la( the-fact : 41Mit - the ,Opposition is corn pr rfzipiiiivotiltiootioimg, , ;riiiAimicr,-otitveiliii: „z,i:,ao4o,ftf• .-•14 , 441aliAtireileiii-Aleitlaamiaiitisa • r.,,,VATP;Outi;srato• 3. *Wahl% anti,• a dineritaa',ffoPubli ,o-1 0 , 0 -# o ,or,aiitsitieliik '-' r , t thow64 - '4kit: ii AD rA,-4P9-44044*15.140,011;420 i'.Z?Y,I; 2 :: 4k , , .-. 0 ' ''' 0400 # itfolll l ol 4 o o 4OVlVO.jiter, :itiefitil'ii 0 ,iftl i Volli#Nil ii ir r Alt .:-, 4 kPtit/411041411444Cii% InVirsi,litjhev.,Y9rlo,.; Alleffoofflifftot f4X'Solff frog ,ef I. o l °.°ff Ilk'? 47-ee, t ."' '' , .. 4 - 'I - ;v , • ' 1 r". '''' '''.. ' ",_ ~:t! ,-* .14.„0,-, m-A silltifive titifiimitipfotiAtie Bapirotntillttitit, 34-v4 , 14 - o•4liyi *lila WA inomiiita . ..llotoOincthii. WiilkmistrbdoeisVbroliciage t tnisfroati in .this-,414,, - A ett. , ,,-r!Ff'adit - brifirsilii.b*Xfobartei igilliesgalost orgc e , ; , •_ , ,1 listriiiimmi kit Wire fa- Stiooo.olllllollloll IV get. r.i -, lll , , , `,Nersiliusband for the vroacte,-vihigh, listabeedt is ~, , %oAbit, l WoliallO. -GAO* 'lrlillo;:roaii!liithrio _,..„.2,,sr,.- - ----**6•4 gay widowr irbb - or OrjistiltetV ' . 4 vaeiler" '' I + o4l ll/. 1, 11 0 tr ' Mu, fret=. Spar:- w a *he . Municipal Eteetron. .."':The;pelieiclane of th,ndiffeient parties aro `making;busy in arranketnents -to ;iiaeure thi3 nomination of their. Pr :the iirfortniditces to be tilled pisprinteleetien. kiropo:io,nt#indidlOg are in the = field, ;'pressed with much eazitestnneeas . Some of their aro'fair,Men, and manioc - them unseen- prtione and locknoyad politicians. Dr. J mu -44# a!ai4,,il4 "p atriotism „waa;the last }stage 'eri)reorindrel ; 'int!, In (Air day; 'hue of - the utesb4ti*4i4oolltittfeNtxPedients of ras -4,4T400,--otkiich6,,igporipht _offi.o4o; ,- Avithls: Islo-!":.Ol'4l44CAVe*-`iii . P , :c i, i ) . o ?Oh P r , - 9 r , P e TPA , ritittingdownrlgut peMtlatierm • ; of the pubile .that the eancli-. 'dates Ot*ae hl,the',,!hisdin ,O ',Objentlainitire'ffi gef-ihe honest , citizen; n -do-, hatieen i theM,4eirniaraf;.* -C itOine 'aislYet";migeseli Wedded:are ihnmass 1,14404 = digaiptiptipro l that tiv,en ininifinielPideli!ettinia-theYieraistently adhere respeChie 0i:0 . standards, Cven;lxhan' they , Itiativi - ptighctlYiffitr that `,(l4SiS*pii upon', the, tiCkati:,Whieh' theYeter.:are ittter,ly"nitif far' thetiesideris ftioeSpire • opeltre!dlifiiii s iiiit;!o*iilitCitiid: !entrust- Awitiziii of a Tren,lt Spuhlie: Cannot, dote- sup asp nta,a:it out, to some ex lonti dishonoring believes_hikt candidatd would Corrupt ;oftiair, and yet, in apitsiglibit:hifief;vcites for bim,like, le;in *Measure, at least, an arcessorybefore they delinitlebeiei he, may he gull0"*-:_aftei hisfelentien:'` One' of the ' Off here , tdifti• chosen at the'Citininif Siring elect iron h4woitiSrtitsitter; and' the - conduct of t 4ihor:hisin'tilled that office' , should 'the people of the necessity Of -*ridable” aid caution in Selecting Treistirer.'rs , -We:-Want MY more , acts of the 4.egialatertc to , settletheir - accounts—no more criminid, Prneectitiont-,Xgahnit - lhe'tnistoffians , 'Of Vie reittemen'tiCintiCity='=inibmiii sbaying tiirierailerie eariled*liivith-the people's money. Welrent,horiestf inteiligent;',And faithful ids cars In all, the depsartMentrier nor city. It is said the 'darkest' hem' comes just ',Vetere the dawn of dityl" and 'when we loolvet the'Wido rarige.:'or political prefligticy larva ding into . natiOull;'Stele,and mutt :,eipaygoiernineutsiisn'clui.',scailely credit the M 0114114, PeOPle, , who are in Ansinielves:the ecitirce' brill political' Polio', Willinuchlonger permit 'tfinie norruntiond to gp unchecked r _and:our hope . is Strengthened 'that the very impurities Which' are constantly heinedeyeltipedimill f eenduce to such action,' ofifithe part' of the Citizens; as will effect n oiongh reform:- We are often asked the veil 'gen ',thither we are tending,` and where the piesent'deMeralliation is to end. If the people aronsed to a *Oise of its blighting intluetltie =upon the welfare, as we ,ttitnk, they wiii:be,ltoortrtite Yet come NM" evil; and , the very mottitrosity'Ot- the eyili 'hew existing eientualiy proinaearise of their :entire . deatincti* Ora* as the politicians ere--debased: and;eorruid Mt are Many of the :profesSitufat offinclsebluirtunning as are the; Intrigues by' `which " the public' will is fie; iittentlitbWarted:lyek after ill; the peopleqtre Mighty; Ind wten theY i benentefully - iwakened - 'they - - can stamp the impress of their' will, `majestically and unmistakablY; upon any and every • brinfeh"' of'. their" stif6;rernment. They ,have the , pOrer if they but use it intelligently inadjiidiclintsly:,-_B6" far is our coming tenni ,a(Pat elections are concerned, use think thidis- SaltiOn , fedailYgroviing strength to treat inerepjilitlearnorninations= with sepritnnd filfu:lirtleir are beitowed riPonnitiverthY *fiber Atie'terOotatic; American, nor Ile." Can reap: any'ad , tantage by making their organizations asylums for sertun. "very large portion 'of those'cleet= ed to` °toe reflect heekdisgrete and dishonor, :by theft , inefficiency and dishonesty, 11On the generous mediae "that clothe themWith - pirkor and Mori 7 1,taiC•lisen so often disgusted by the 4tlsiiiiii q uenCes of voting for Miwcirthyvien, siierel biliolanse'thifY" - were'noMinited, fur tho" re 7, - 'lllCuPairty;'tiliat - 'they 'are s6lv, -I**ll7'ileleAtidAirtie of 'it. If the warned ,_by. 'past lapel kiistine,-,%: , end'', ° fultY convinced asbisointe iteeeesiik"Of" ark;aq.t';illlPraid ',MlS Cf. .rairdicipalTgavernmierit Mall Its runt.: `ll#tieriti," sternly resolve' vote ter' a matt _ninningted, unless - they' lire fully igloo of hisintegrity and capacity men frpieaai be 'found w illing to accepvpnblie-stationsi' be in elf cases elected ; , neither:: of the - two - leading „partida Atr - "' "61 Present *to cottons e nominees, the action tkothi" primary " -assemblages is "scented; and tickets primed by Intelligent' - iindtpstrititicMentheri'pr all Parties, we think ['the fietiPtiywlll find; In the superior' efficiency <infused'into ' ills! public service, ample 'corn- IMOittitili :ler tie' little labor and teen*, on' part, rendered Meceesary to; Insagurato litisec'Tetoinii! - Meanwhile, nominating con ventions may he warned tittle ;"for, 'if they deolielherinceese ttieli ticketa; they * Met itiwOrthY l iandidates,":nnd choose ouly of pablig. ,f . i..;,!lhe New Pedometer General. - appointed " Hon. Josue iftoriti - TOstittenter`General. Mr. Devi Jinfo'beldeviir,'W = natiVe 'of 'Kentucky.' After lifeettrifig:a floe legal :end, Olassioal:edneation; :fin removed telgississippl, where he waCuo tivopy 'engaged for some years 'in practicing taw, ,He efterwardsJretnried "to' Louisville,' iirentielcY, place *lie Mintintied to 'reside Until hie - recent lippofittient C out ,iiiisitioner of :Petenter He is said to possess !eft iMiteritetle s ointorienr abilities, although 'be fefe:4,4lveiT_ Pflidin addressee. He has inliritys,_tieen,,n - member of ,the Democratic iuty,,,-,Al'eweit a delegate, from,Kentnoky, to theDemociatielfational Convention 'of 'lB4O, an *de a speech in that body in favor of the' nomination or oolonoi l touAnn,M. .TooNsoN sa Vice 1856 he inathe actionl very atdespeeobes inliFior 'of the,; co ion of Mf.'lliMit , es in; acid he has occasionally spo-, iten r Irlfidt ;of, thelpenigeritinnondneep `OtheiPreaiderittel, caumaignei but has' never :plartielpated;very aotivelyln political - stfaire, - and never been a member of either branch of the' National Legislattire, , 'He was born ‘inienioner f Patente at the time 'of his eleva tion ' - -; Piaprilsii- 7 80Tereitatty - Platform. • The : ,, r follOwin t g'itilioltitietti werwere adopted . _ etteinhnotiely'bp;-a` Popular , Sovereignty ()lab' teitiettqp - -formed :Leirlaten - • Falb "irillike,• „ . . :•••ltweelvall Thetell'inat 'Wets are derived - from the Will of the people And .the nonsant - of the governed l -thiatthe people are sovereign, and their will the str letlesse law that the'-eoverelgnty of the people glee birth to ronetltntions, While eonstitatione bare to power 'o' confer eover,eignty on the people, „- They irethe' people are eovereign:' told Oleic will the supreme law, the people of a 0 'organised Territory se the Whereat and ,undoubted , right to vegetate Their:own domestic relationi in their own way, :arid lighdate in-reference to 'ail Mods' of property _whatever, without distinction, subject only to the en. rate pfoTiniollill of the Cornet itutlani- and that they are not in a - "ititer of lltittelege;lr but are competent to govern thr easels* e; and are Just escapable of regulating ;their own betawnal,eoereeteas are the people-ors sovez seice atone. - - • Rescind, That the Deinoeritle 'party is not in favor of extending elinfory; tied thatall Shelia to the be.. A ry-are.absolately 'false ;lint that we hold it to he Delfloftatio docidno, that If *people of a Terri ti( are; In laver Of 'devilry. they have an undoubted ; end trioalitnitenil 4fght , to• mike haws to retabllah and ift , dortlf , theysarefopposed •to il'avery,' they have the - same,,ingueetionable right Jo exclude and Itamakiblltlt. , - , 3 ' • ,•• A1t4401 , 0t4. - ThiStitie our interne conflation that Oen.' bras eheuld-aset.triadet aby elisraulataneer, enact laws to tertablish - pi-ptirterl,elavial . fn - the Territories or to :"ineltufti- it -abets vont ;- but should, guaranty to the ,noveiretim words thereof the undisturbed right ti peeper it In their own way, without . itrisirfereride *our - fief °Wed, Tbat we readapt and' iiiiarna plea ;till c-Itaninuttiebraake , ,teet.-• the-_ONtinnati .plettenni,: arid the. , resolutions' of,-. the Druoreratte .bride ciiirridiflinC,td,l4ldale r ndopted, /8118, IdT, :and IL; ' • ' • , , ~,-,•:- R aisolvid,iThat'thei met fundamental principle of molar /010taigety,111enensieted inthbee resolutions, rand., nobly idinonted , by - Etrplatria' A. Douglas, - the tide orutpraignr,in Illinois sod elsewhere, commode 'oar' beeztyApitenved ;Abet it .14 the only just and true Illnelphi Width ruin be applied to the people of Ike Territaudill,:idst ,upota the faithful and - honest adhe• Oleo- toWldeih depend the heratonytaidirrosperity of • ,- - • ~ „ -, T ublknikAtinurientente, '- Theat r e ; :•11114#1,0*Pitt9iped ',Paigitioy in "The Lady of .4ans,'! to. ASA J. H. Tayler'i Mardi .pfeln'otte. Thai &Ono - Wee oiewdet,l, , and the pia wint_eir nioseaupeerW,llfr i li . ) ,.Mtlatlialianratt's engagetnant tiotehtner to be as enaiwisfal how, la Let reoenthie 400,Aiyo-pontlis ago; and - she "peened the" wiAt+... fitt.„ td*Asti . .l , l* has Yon.- '-.4141#010111110111041 Boyer of the' Academy' of Ofaillterd:,Vaiirthei 11701_ o f:f ou r, le iv tattoo/ ins frithental, the.prtigrainmei to be given aomgetnot ajtd riatngyoitng • „ 1 .4 6 0 11 .. '1 44 '9611 6itrilet teiei .. t to-night Ao l 4 oo gtak - Oilatta,.'ancl .ostenta a bill that ifteakiktigh.to:At draw,'t.leosttio 'lt .1i: &inked, by 4 .91 oli 441 A It #lll AiiiitiisltiA - 'gOleita9l-. +4oj the.o4o3 6 P4 ll oif be,more lucid ' 4 40. 1 4.** - , 01, 104 of one Waahhegton.httatothite 14i;,0j4i 111,0 , 441, rho AU. nom is eta of 4 1 19 kt;: 44 Utak Legislatfire. The following repor.E`Ofjeceitt jireeeedings of ,the Ptah TlegiqatAie.; which welind in the ail, it does, lbatAir: Osuoaw, a 141940,91' member, was *eirthated h i his lifOrnon &sit:Oakes during tkeAtiessloh,. and Aluit,•theF4mlidekration of Ooirernor n il meets - With , _ general ap proval—leads ns to hope that law and order will speedily be My restored in that Teal .tory,_ and, the continuance of-an expensive arroienninithe,lioinions be thus rendered unnecessary ttirisanortitartmn.—The Leglalative - Asidiebly ,being in joint session, EMI. Daniel U. Wells, Pre sident of the Connell, in,, the chair, pending the question to adjourn sine' die,' lion. W.J; Osbems,, representativ eGom Greets River odunty,itaid • "Mr. President, arid members of the Logialative 'Assembly: Again I beg leave to trespass on the goodness of this House,: to uffer, both to yourself and all the members`; ' mil:Mutest and heartfelt .thanks for, the couiteaY Shown are during my' brief association with you .• • ',entered this your a member from the bounty Limye the honor -to' repieSent; with many misgivings as to the course thatwcmld be pursued towards me by my fellow-representatives. 1 felt Myself , solitary and atone,' as I held no religious views in common with the people of this Territory, and Of course my pricolples on this subject were Widely different Gem those entertained by your selves.. I took mY seat in - this body With the fixed intention -faithfully,., honestly, :and feariessfy, so far an riattirehed given me the ability, to diaoharge my duty 16 My "oonstitrients; 'and With the further wpm ofilmeording to thcsa who miaht differ with mein opinion the right to do so without een-, , stirs or *roads: ". ; These purposes' have honestly and faithfully endeavored to, parry out, and where have failed so to aot, I beg each member, of this Assembly, is his 'indiridual as 'well tus legislative capacity, togethenjwlth yourself as President,' to accord , to ma honesty ,ef purpose and goodness of intention. " Language,Mr. President, falls ma adequately to express my feelings to . yourtielf ands the mem ,bers of this legislative body, for.the kindness and courtesies extended to me here, and- while. I ear nestly hope that I noir - fully appreolatelhe good ness of= heart'and' honesty of 4mrposo which ao- Mate my, friends in their course towards ~me, -1 inuoh more earnestly, hope that-they may be, treasured upinthe Storehouses of memory, to be looked back upon in 'after life as a green spot in memory's waste,' and held in grateful remem brance, se torig as I continue an inhabitant of ' earth, ' ' • "And now, Mr. President; as we. ate about to. bid adieu and go forth from thie,hall, there is nothing more Surety certain—we will not all meet here again in a legislativeaapseity. ' Th ew as thd snail' falls to terminate our oG3lal being, let us return to our constituents as an integral part of. the great Met:Haan people, with a renewed deter mination to advance the bright page of ITtah's his tOry in the future. - . RESOLUTIONS OFFERED Sr nON O. urn R. "Be it resolved by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of . Utah, -hi joint session, 2 hat we - highly, appreciate ,tho labors and services of his Theelleney, 'Governor A. Cumming, in correctly reporting to the Government 'at Washington con cerning the public records and library of this Ter ritory : and ;""Be it further resolved, That his general bear ing towards the citizens of Utah has been gentle manly, courteous, and satisfaotory; and that his Him, independent, and impartial course, has given strength and power to his administration, and his skill and , wisdom have r essentially aided in.pro serving the public peace ; -and.that these resolu tions be published in the Deseiwt ' 11611iSL 11 WELIe, Proohlont of the Oonnotl. , Joao' TAYLOR, Speaker of the llama of RepreFentatives. , 'GRZAT.SALT LATE OITV, JIM. 21, 1659: 'B Y IfIDNIGIIT MAIL. Letter from" weeettitionril? , [Oorrespondence of The SAM.] • • WAIMINGTON; March 9,1959; ,The effort of the Administration organs to throw the 'responsibility of the' death of the Post'Offlae appropriation, bill upori' the House le one 'of the Moat, shameless monifestatione of the despotto spirit which prevails here, and especially in view of the feet that Means. TOOMbe „And r Mallen neither evade nor deny, the allegitien.that they themselves overthrew that important measure., The Reuse was known to he in bier of a Mead cation of the 'revenue laws—an asoartained ma• jority of from twenty to thirty had proclaimed its disposition in this .direotion: • The objection to. such avoodiSeation as would have benefited the languishing Interests of this oeuntry, conning from Mr. Cobb 'and the South, and feebly con . ibaned by Der: Buolilion,litrit that it would ' end In intioting a foie upim the people; and this ground the inest'-heroidemv'efierte were resorted to'to defeat the wishes of Abe House—that body whiali repre gents,' directly , the wished of thet.people, , ,and all this with Mr. Buobanan's commit. Brit Mr. Cobb and his coadjutors, while so sensitive in regard to taXekien, did not hesitate to at the Post'OMee . appropriation bill in the Senate,, (02 , 410101,Rn of Mil gonstiiiiiion,) by luipesing a taxwhiehrrerishi hive' borne !Privily upon the people 'of ill° North. —a tax upon their reading and their writhig.,...oid ;Which'worildrindonbtedlybavii - pindgeod the Most_ Intones' -feellog in every State of the Union: 'So mail' on this point. What next? ' When the Mon/sof Representative!, doubly insulted—hrokby khe ,refusal of the Administratho and the Senate to'cortiply with their earnest appeals lit favor of 9 , , eatisfactori _Modification of the revenue laws, Ink slant, toy the' assumption, on the part of the Senate, of the conptitptional prerogatiVe of the House—namely, the originatiori of all 'revenue' - billsreihsed to agree to , the tax affixed to the Pest Office appropriation bill, and' asserted its digrilty, than- the Senate, when that bill.was laid ,before it, shorn , of tinge objectionable features, after it had passed the House, }pipped to concur under, the denunciations of Mr,„ TeMahs, who spoke out the 'Simnel the Senate, to the hour of final ridionrareent.' Does the Washington Union suppose thipeoplannhe United States are blind to thole facts? or-that the pernegratle party can ..be rallied apon an accusation:Alt once ridicolone and false? , It , appears : that the next expedient sf Atp Administration will be to stop the - mallo throughout Abe country, (excepting between the groat cities,) and thus, by depriving the people of their greatest oonientree and 0010911, expect Li tiwaken clamor against Corpus, sti4, a- sPhspethy 'with' themselves: Let them try it. , It wll4 he so groat 'a' failure as if they were to attempt to hold the people • responsible for the corruptions and inoonatstenefee that have disgraced Mr. Buchanan and his ,Cabinet. The not,plo will never forget that,when the Post Once approprla t Lien MU was pending before the Senate, notwith "etanding atdr,e Douglas and others begged that it might be permitted to pais ink, a law, Messrs. Toombs, Benjamin, and Mason, the aspepial friends of the Administration, the espebial advooates nf the thirty - million bill, the" espetiel opponents of the.rellef et Pennsylvania and the great interests of 'Ole country, hanghtily insisted upon killing it, arid they' did kill it , ill, tbp ileum of its own friends: - , ' Tbeoursa of Washington is its Bureauoorecy, and noir that a change in the, Cabinet ha's bean compelled ; by the 'death of Postmaster General Brown, le t us see' whether the President has the nerve to carry out his repeated denunciations of this system 'of-subordinate management; The lieutenants, fast, second, and third, of the Mart ent Georetaries (and of the Postmaster General), generally;wield More power than the heads of these departments, especially ,where they have been iimitinited'iromlfornier Administrations. , . Yon of the Northern Staten, 'Who, are beWnillpg the corraption of your manielpalitles and of yotirt State Legislatures, wild' shudder over, Inventiga Sore at Albany, at Harrisburg, and at Trenton, and look aiuund appalled at the want or sagacity or Integrity in tkose, whom you have clothed with your confidence, need not dotter yourselves that this example Is sectional;' it is not sectional-wit is national, like some other things wd wot of. , ~ I heard a yam distinguished Southern gentle man say- the other day fipealting of our Indian wars, which. you know ,are Southern inatitutions pandlarly,) that if it were not for speculation and. private grand, we should hear, of no Inch things as 'lndian wars, and, he added that ,one such man as Elias Rector had done more good In promoting peace among the Indians than ten • thousand troops. It the fortinei made by individuals through these Indian wars could be described, yoti tannin . have a ontologist), before which even New York secundielism if , would pale its ineffeetual Ares.o I remember, VATIC' years ago, when Vide•PresP dent Dallas removed, to Washington, a great °la mer 'weepised against him (and by none more, at that time, than the present President) became he . allowed blinielfto Continue as the attorneYof Bib-, bald and Whitney in the celebrated dispute bier' a certain tract of live-oak 'country, but now we eon a Senator in' Congress gravely defending bie Inter' eats as a partner in thn.graat Tehuantepec mean ,orossieg,, while that Interest is asking the asurietanee of the Federal Legislature. It is true, he refuses . tc vote, but by his , presenoe as one of the eompanY he commits himself, and no °Notion , is- not oblf taken to his arum; but Republican Senatorivoto tel the 'appropriatiOn to his inter: prise.' Some' of these' dais I' intend Opining a chapter tnyou,dtisaribing the Celebrated Houma grant In the State of Louisiana, in which several distinguished Senators are interested. I only allude •to these instances to show, you that, your liomplainta against your Representatives de not .prove that selfish ard questionable practices aro confined e'ntirely - to the free States. - The Danish Government bee found It necessary 'to(Contradiat officially the 'tuner that it mas in 'treaty' mitti president Buchanan for the onto, to ,the Milted Gtates, of its island of St. Thomas, tin. •a good toned awn. •' - - Beastor.,Thoinson ) of New Jersey, confined for leteral days to his ropm by a severe indisposition, has solar recovered, as to be able to resume his fs , seat in the Senate.. , Pr—Shelton Mackenzie lootures this evening at York, by, iiv,itattonott Irish Wit sod Humor. • The Stephens wifia•polsoning trial in New York has as yet developed no new facts. ' JOE BARKER AGAIN.---Tbe notoriety/I Joe tem been' fined, 1510' at Pittsburg, anti In default oornmltted; for dliturblnf the pdaini by street lambing and using obooene language. THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA, TIIEJR S DAY, MARCH 10, 1859. THE tiB'IIP'S:I I - - N. - . , S' Ij':k,,' - 'i*W*4l:i., , tPl 7 ,f,; - :';: : - : : LATER 'FROAf'MEXWO;Y:',,-':' Miramon's - Potts Defested,n'at;==7s►lspdy_" - Mirap:ton , before: Peri - NIZIV ORI.SAIIIOI, March D —The steamer Quaker City brines, dates from the otty of • Mateo to the 2sl end 'Vera Oros to the let -- dtramoahaU,seat a ,foroe to, attaoVitapa, which, was defeated awl bed retained to P toteh Bitrainen thee marched' outward, and,arrividlmfore Alvarado wlth:B,oCO3men t - taterullog to•mare toNers , Oran vla the sea•ooaet road. - - • Tho people of Valk =On were =toll exalted, but 'were confident cede - eating Minim* THE LA.TXI3T, . MINATITLAN, March 6th.-4. 3 / 4 to rumored,Aultril the, eteamer is sailing, that an express has arrived, announe leg Wiremonte arrival before Vera - Ciao with 5,000 men and 39 guns. • , , Vera Orne isle a state Oftfiega'ind excitement. Bliramon'iarnoos sratChWerd'was . 4 . The Liberate or 'death I , The exercise from the capital, intended for the steamer Tenneasee, which sailed some pays ago, ,was detained by Ditramoni ld order to conceal' hie 'move ment/. • „ , - , , , THE THI I tTIMIXTII. , CONGRESS. BENATE-EXTB 8108101 i. Wasuprwr9ii,‘lds.rch 9, • Mr, Cott,turn, of Vermont, submitted n resolution, whit* was adopted, calling on the Postmattfr Veneril to etitte; in hie next anneal report, the r umiak ,. of Ast.'; ters consigned to the dead letterofßee and whit leglsC: tattoo is naafi/tory, to diminish the number, or to their return tp the.writera thereof, .„ Mr - Trivitrun,t, Of thine% desired - to ` ma te an ex. planation of a personal character, in regard to the editorial in the Washington Union..and - elso the atite: meat of SeuntorOlingmao, in the same piper of Toes. , day lad, on'the subject of the defeat of the Pest Office appropriation bill, which threw on the Republicans the responsibility of its failure., r '''t Mr. AMMON. of drbansis; raised a' xmint' °harder. There was nothing beef(' the Senate on which a per. copal explanation could be based, Mr. Tarnanox.r, Said , his object win sot to delay the butinese of the Senateitoneesseirily. ' Mr. Inman, of Virginia, merely wished to pay that ill the Penatote were an=ions to get away today. If the kezditor froM Illlnola opened that atitjoet It would lead to an Interminable debate. Mr. Terminal. again rose to speak. Mr. lvisasow, of (berate, and Mr. liLtizottvi of Plo rids, averally raised points of.o.der. The Vies Preeldent roweled that Mr. Trumbull must have the unanimous eousenti, and that the question would be submitted to the Senate Mr. Tams= dissented from this ruling, and sided whether one dissenting voles slion`d,• at any time in the future, prevent a Booster from explaining what 'Booted his alleviator as a gentleman. He only wanted the truth to prevail, and t 3 correct erroneous ,state meets. Mr. Idattosiv moved that the finite .go into neon tire session. Mr Tumoral claimed that he had the floor. How• ever, the questi , n was taken, and Mr. Mallory , ' motion agreed t0...-yeasll7, nays 16 •- ,• • • • After the doors were opened the Vies President re tired from the chair; end, ' • ' On motion of Mr BRIGHT. or /Militia, it 1/1601 ordered that Mr. Tilepatrisk, of -Alabama, be President pre tern. of the Senate A message was received from the President simian. clog the death of Postmaster General Brown.- The message, lays - the-death. of this ;distinguished =public onteer, erially at the present moment, when bid' eminent mime were so mnak needed; is a great loss to the iruntry. His honesty and indefatigable exertions in the discharge of hie high duties, as woU as his be , ne-relent heart and kind deportment, endeared him to ailio approached him. Submitting to the will of DI e Providence, ea the President does, he adds that be l ever sheath tloo mummy of, the , deputed with affoctionste regard. Mr. Motormenoaf-Teem/use, said this sad Weill; gence justified the propriety of dame action on the pert of the Senate, expressive of their deep muse of the public lom sustained by the death of the iete,Post master General. He had; known' him , well in all his public r.,litions to the country for more than twenty' yeare, and had been closely sseooiatod with him in the walks of private fife. Ile oonld therefore fully appro. elate his services as • public man, as well as his gems tone and noble qualities:' • • ' " After prononootog a allonym% tke decorated, be sub • witted a series 'of resolutions, e.tpresilvenf deep - re; pet at this publics lo.i i that the Pewits will attend the tenant, and a committee be appointed to maho engage mints tor the satai thit the Benda will mflito tnonrn. fog for thirty days; that a eopy of the resolutions be communicated to the President ' and, as a farthor mark of respect, that the Beeete n0w,40,1 °gra. 'Adopted. [previous to **tuna:Mut Messrs ' lilac of IlninnOSOU. Uhl Boot of Vermont, were appointed to wait. on the President und inform Mut that, if hi hie noturther OOMMtllanqo,l O /Indite is ready to close this session PENNSYLVANIA' LEGISLATURE ,IIA))4113V1140, March 4. . •- ' • ' , The following bile were reported with a favorable aeommeadatioar • - To ineerpontto the Young ktenie Christian Amnia. Von of Philadelphia, and to Incorporate the Fairmount blartat Company of Philadelphia. The sot treating a general basking law came up In order. Mr. Alves moved to substitute the old bill Not areal to --Wyse 7. nape 20 The vote Wee talivn on the drat motion without de. Date r and resulted in its detect--ayei 18 nape The following bills were peeved : An ant relative to the publication of the optolons of the Judge* of the Si/prams Court in certain eases. Ap set to correct the error In the Sixth and Seventh ldepreeentative dtgtritt., of tke PMlttelphte apportlon buant. Oa motion of Jr.b BANDiLL, the bill relative to the antratans of the Poor and , the Board 'of Health wee 'referred to ► committee of conference. . . The bill to yrobthit the issue of bank notes of • less denominatirn than twenty dollar; wasailbut-.r• -- MT, Innarer.o .nosed lolowrarramendment to pro -nnalt banks to harmony notes it all. The motion was agreed to on second reading. A +notion was ma6a to postpone Indlegoltaly, pending this cllsoniaion orwhfcti the Beasts adSbunsed. - • • The &mate met at throe P. M. The f Hoeing private Mlle rimed n set Ivor/mate the Peopla' e )(tieUre - nte quo, An act to incorporate the pinion lialtroac An art allowing the Philadelphia Seek to porches° reel Waite. Adjourned. The folioage; petitions were presented: - seven; numerously blued 'l/y eltisens of lifertgo: ro ery county, fora law to compel all lionise to keep ttreir "notes at par in Philadelphia and Pittabnrg. One stifled by eighty-nine citiseee of Philadelphia; for the appoint ment of a maccurer of paving•stones. Pour, numerous ly signed, seising for free roads in the rural districts of Philadelphia. The bit to itmor.porate the Ilidge - aVenue and Mena. yank Passenger Railroad was plaeed on li}e private ca lendar. - A number of petillere were prosented from citizens of Philadelphia and Prankford, asking for a modlSostlon of the Sunday` laws. " " The tipple reconsidered the vote given yesterday, ne gativing the Media Bank bill. The bill was ikon taken up and postponed.' The following the rote on the- aot to Ipsorporate the bank, as given yesterdsy - Avne—Blessre. Abbott, Aokex, Barlow, Burley, man, Bllmaker, bearon, Graham, Gratz; Green, Hard ing, Lawrence of Washington, Mann, Idebiffey, Bowel!, Pennell," Peirce, 'Price, fibaferi: Thompson, Wegonseller, Within a, Witoi4n,;Wigton; Williams of Bucks, Pillion; Wolf, sod Kawrenee (4peakerj.,..di. , ll'Arkl-Sfessrs. Barnsley, Boyer of Clearfield, ' Boye r or Schuylkill, Brodhead. Bryson, Ghhren, Custer, Ids. moat, Dodds; Durborrow, grans, Xtehori /lank g, Poster, Galley, Oleic, Goepp, Gray. etittrfilll. MUM , mete y, Hill, Hottenstein Irish, Jackson, If eneagy Itetelswo,ldrj, kiattheos;AlcOlare, McCurdy,NW, Palm, Pinkerton, Proudtood, Qaig. ley Ilamedeli, Hobrer, !lose, Ellieppyr4,lblelds, ontt of ,Borks, Biepbens, Btonelack Thorn; Walker, Warden. Wilcox, Wiley, Williston, Woodrlng, and Zoller-SS. ••• The consideration Operate bills wee resumed. Tho I>lll hApplamentary to the ant lneorpeoaticg the Reatirg Rail nos taken op border and pissed a maenad reading, with a ptcirigloo that the company ply a tonnage taicou the •new road from Dauphin. to Reading. The following bills paned finally: A supplement to the Reeding Railroed Company,. al- Lowing them to make a connection with other roads at Reolins. further mupplemeat to the act consolidating the city of Philadelpibie. The bill incorporating the )(mint Joy Sayler; Insti tution was reconsidered, and the bill putpaned. Ad journed. The Governor bat aignei the bill divorcing William It. Priestly and Anna hi- Priestly The House met el S P. M. The consideration of prlysto bills was resumed. The aot rotative to passeniee railways to Philadelphia was amended ND KS not to affeot the proosedings now to court, and then passed finally. 'The bill to ineorporate the Union Market Company pawed finery. Adjourned Condition ofthe Ohio State , Treasury assoir OP THE 001tIrpcmi Oy INVBSTIOATION— SBSB,OOO lINAOCOORTED FOB. CINCINNATI, March S —Tbe comm ittee appointed to examine the condition of the State Treasury made a report to the Legislature yesterday. The committee advert, to oommencher, to tbe ezamt nation iota John G. Breathe's traneactione, with_ the view of showing that for many years the money in the hands of the State Treastrar bas been deemed, public property—heteide speculators being In the habit of sp. proaching the treetrarere, end, by, artful macagenipet, 'wearing the nee of manor intended' to - be kept in' the vaults of , the State. ' _ _ , , The "mount phown by Treecurerls hooka, which Mr. Brestllu should account far at the eichatiOn of hie term of olAce, wan ISSN? CO3; of which, eum Mr Brest.' lla coconuts tor StOt 000 16 , the allure orthebaeks in which that amount of money wee deoneitecl. DPdatting thin there remains a b.:lance of ItNe QM; which Mr. Brunk' should have paid over to Mr. lalbron, hip one. SOISOIT . Mr Olbion had repeatedly acknowledged that lie kind rese toed every cent doe from Breetlin, and, after mahfrg a eolemn oath to this effect, be now abates the money wee never paid him. That the whole of this cum wee not paid to alliann by Breetlin in folly cetabilmbed lir the testimony err B. aChnowledgee having under' hie' control 'Wets be longing to tipt /State, rereseuting about $200.910, con-, Oerning which he Waren to make soy dint& care oa to their character or the partite holding than,. • Sudden Death at Atlantic. ISTIAMO CITY, March 9 —.4 man named 7ohti Cook .wee found dead neo• the rathoul depot; et thta place, this =praise. The eoronot's jury rendered 4 ,verdlot of death nom spophxy. Cook whll from Cheater, Ps. ,Sailing of the Rein. Steamer Canada. Ileeres, Marsh 9 —The royal well atestuahlp Canada Balled •at noon to-day, for Livorpool; with $20,000 In treasure. Fatal Accident at a Catholic Church at ' Oswego, N. Y.-Four or live Killed. Oilvsoo, N, Y , blaroh 9 —The'lloor et the V:rst Catholic. Churl% me way to•sight. pour or 9ve per sole were killed and several itdared ' ' Niiiw YORK, March L—entitb (ntirlen hoe accepted au Invitation to' 11161vo . the oenratolatlone of his countrymen here, about at, middle of May next. , „• Arrival of the Steamer Glasgow. OCCANIONAL New Youa ateroli ateamer Glaegow, from Glasgow on the lOth nit, bon arrived. Ear advioes have been antleirate.l -•• . no reports having' aeon Immense tooberga ou the voyage. , P,lon-Arriral of the Steamer Arabia. MatVrax, March 9-10 o'clock. P M.—A Wok snow storm Drava lc There Is no ahem of the arrival of the,eteamer Arable tonight. Markets by- Telegraph. 11IL7111011S, March 0 —Flour firm atpi 25 for Ohio and Howard. greet. Wheat unchanged, Corn buoy. ant at 80o82e for white, sod 811e550 for yellow. Pro. trieloue unchanged. Whiskey firm. New OALITANS March 9.—Ootton noebanged ; gales Of 11,500 Wee to-day: Sager dull, and „ye lower ; ,eales at s,Vre6J(o Molasses .13 quoted at 393. , Fiour Corn ham anadrancing tendeoey; rates at No. Cato are quoted at 77 0 Mess Pork Is sold at $lB. Lord is dull st 11Mo. Go unfelt sell at 10}0. Cie (IMAM March 9 —Flour dot,. Whiskey declined eiree at - 24,50. 9rovleloce onebargtd. aloe ! Pokk polls at Set 80 ' To ; 80. Dull/ Mate are 'held 'iliove,the views of buyers. lord 'ls quoted at Ilgo. gENATE .0E3101001! 838810 N ♦ /Tit/0100A ISZ58:014 Mr. Smith' O'Brien. From California. • , . New Cowlatie. , :biar , h 0 —.Taw - steamship Quaker City, fromlfinatitlouou the 6th instant, has -arrived 'fl . p.,,witlidbe Ban BrenoWoo mails to.ihe..loth ult.. ' Doole'Santhad met with a terrib:o (telayarid'returned 00 Se lfranolsao on the 12th.- Silo 1 0 1 e4 - 4 1 tin no the 18th for;Coloradn.. OVERLaND RAIL. - B . V..Loute;llllridt o'--The Overland Nail, which iett San Yrinclact , on the liitt(ult,j arrived here this feta , . noon. -No throngh - pasiongers. ' - '• • Daring the hurricane encountered by the' steamer Thiele SAM, when forty 011100 from the Heads, s'6 003 ' worth of Government property was 'brawn overboard The State Medical floolety of Oaliforn'a had excite. rated Dr. Oole - from the charges made against him. _ Tbe pe ass nacre, by thoyahuautepae, steamer, Quaker ..!4111.y.0.11.tbfi 28th of depicter,. Mated Wm:meant with the Pacific styamer" Golden Age, le eeee E q u e nee of the daabilitrot,thewteanter- erase' Comsecoiloodihar, on account of the heavy gale which prevailed at' the SdlloWl.^l{ 'STANDS. The Han Francine° papers contain Kanolain-dates to Tannery 20'h. " -; The eXpertn of Whale prod note, during 1858, amounted to upwards of 186;030 b u st,' of Mt , 1 000 000 poinds of bone—s material !norm° orer the exports or the year previone. , " - ' " :^ 7 . • • Borne difficulty bad occurred in the Oobolok Sea, growing out of the efforts Of the Etonian brig (Montan sting to prevent American ) Trench, and other vensebi from whaling there. . Johnson Island had been taken possession of by tom: Improvements were In progress by the Pacific Guano pompany, with the view of ' shipping gnaw). YROM THE PLAINa. The passengers hi the mall report that new silver stints hsve,betnopeiod st &tisons Lead copper, Iron, gold, and egret ore end aim, abound In tho Territory. From )irashingtim APPOINT3IIIIIt OF POSTESASTER CIENBRAV HOLT Wseurenrow,fdetch B.—The late Congr.lis missed au. act greeting the Mimes Grant, to Louisiana: which hae beeri iu illeptite for half a century, and is worth More 'UM five minimd of dollar-a. Three assuming to be the grantees succeeded in Obtaining a patent in 1845, but two yore's after, an suthmized suit wee trought to test, the validity of - tba title; which Judge Campbell pro,, bounced inoperative sad veld. - The land thus became subj.c't" to survey and sale in Jane, 1858. Notwithstanding this judicial proceeding, 4 law was paused, resulting, owing! so its phraseology, •to the benefit of the g &Mem' Bat the lest ant arrests the patent to them until the end of the next Congrega, in order that, in the meantime, justice may be secured to the Ave hundred or more eettlere on the grant. Beam for Slidell' clainni twenty:two thousand am , a. with a million dollars, and one or, two . others claim the re. minder, The Bonita to day confirmed the nomination of Jo ieph Holt, of Kentucky, laltit Commis.ioner of Patents, as Poatmaater General; also, Jbbn Robb .rd, of Maine, as Boranda:y. Chmmiesioner, for which Wiggins was re cently nominated bat ?elected ,• oleo, lion G. W. Jones, ex Senator from lowa, as allniater to Bogota; also, John Pettit, of Indiana, as Chief Joatice of Kenna ' vice Lemmpte; also, Bartholomew Puller, of Northfisro- Ilea. as Pitt& Auditor of. the Treasury. Emory D Potter, heretofore rejected as collector at Toledo wee again nominated and was confirmed. Other appointments ,of leas cense/memos were con firmed, The Senate will meet to-morrow et two o'clock, and will‘then formally close the present amnion. It is not expected that there will be a quorum present • The Supreme, Circa% and Criminal Courts have Retread till 1/ridgy. in order to attend the 'Postmaster general's tuners], on tomorrow afternoon. Ordain have been honed to the public oPleers throughout the country t, pay the appropriate telbutea of respect cus tomary on the death of Belch an executive officer of the Government • • In regard to thejoint resolution which passed Cou grew!, providing that the unexpended balance Of _the ap propriation of $335,000, tot—removing the obstructions at the mouth of the litisslssippl, be applied to the said purpose, under the direction,of the 'President or cotter= mine. the Presideut has Informed a Lcuisienian that ho withheld his signature on account of constitutional ob jections, 'racing out of the discretionary power therein confOrred. , '. - - At Mr. Eleward'S suggestion, a resolution has been adopted calling on the Secretary of War for caplet] of the contracts, and information u to whether any &poll -00006 hate been "madefor the Intneed , ate` diapottal of lb , pnexpepded balance, and what mecanree have been taken to resctie property now;p ler:partly. The New , lianvehire Election. CONCORD. N. Meroh 9.—The whole Republ'ean tioket to sorely sleeted, including the three Congress• men—dleints. Merlin, Tappan, and EdWarde. , Collision between the Steamers Bait more and Patapsco. I.IIIW BALTISIOILC SIIIIKFATIIOIfS—ALL HANDS liAvan —mu PATAPSCO ALSO DISABLED. (Prom the Baltimore Republican, of last evening.] This disaster tqok place about . ninp o'o)ook last °pup- In, off Polpt, about forty miles below; the pfltimore being roc Into by another steamer, and sink leg in about thirty minutes alter the collision: The Beitlinithe left here on her second trip to Moans - on the lbtb of Pehrusry last, and left that port on beim then trip on the 4th instant, which shows }hat,her sun. fiesethl srriyal kgre wood, In point df time, are ie. forded Increased testimony in behalf of her ceiling [ties, as it would haye been the quickeet pass (cta 'ever rude between the two ports, end far exceeding her per foripsnces upon the first trip. The first mate, ?dr uller, stases the', being on deck 'Nett half an hour previous to the collision, t discovered the light of the gears or which ran into them, which they took to be the propeller Patapsco, Captain Laytleld, of the Cromwell lion, which left here for Charleston yesterday afternoon. A few moments before they were etruok the whistle of the Patapeee WOO blown, but there on bowl the Baltimore avert that the speed of the former wee not checked nor her course altered. and that in the efforts male to change thit course of. the Baltisuore as to escape being stms be the'Paiensco, the sem broush s Into each a positidet that the latter streak her with fdl forcebotrted feet froth the bow, eating a large hole therein, and carry tog away thotatwater. • The PahTim wan under sate headway as to force the Baltimore oat of, ber conies, end, alto. passing &abort alpines, theto r mex was chec - ,ed nod { t he etopped for a feettnehienier *hea t tor le alleged By those do bliard the Baltimore, she lerotoeded oh her course. without laying _by to asoTerta , ri the Verolt.sf4l..-04.11 , 44....--- - It appears that these on board-the unfortunate steamer dill not realise the full' extent of her Inirieles, until the had resumed it•r comes and proceeded ahead some thirty minutes. when 'lt woe discovered that her hold was Ailing, sod that her bow wu rapidly sinking. Whinier inalino - virevereed, bud the officers,ied crew proceedial to lonch her Oats in'o whit% they Darer,. esespedirithent sating' anything hetond % clothing they - Mid on when the'Vessel welt down. There were on noun twenty persons, including four passengers but fortunately all were awake at the time of the collision, to which circumstance doubtless le at. rituteble the fact 'that •• 'end 'diluter wee not at - ended with Dna of life, he following named persona " F 4;1; T w o o ' n 4 14 iotaen; I. Ba.Ve3iltier:lreekt cf bpi ° T. Vont ; fiat engineer. Wm. noun I Remand engineer, Wni. Wigan; third engineer, Edward Roach; Jos. Threlly ; firemen, James Graham, Thomas Birth, and Wm. Smith' seamen, John Rose, John Smith. Alex. Banswego, and Lloyd Oates; steward, James Young; °Rhin bey, &down Williams. Mr. Ricketts, one of the owners was ;deo on' board, ap enpeica , tro. The passengers conelaped of Mr John A. Itohb, one of the builders, Er. A. bf thle ' e•ty, and two eta. raja passengers. • After drifting about In the boats for' about three neuters of an hoar, they were fortunately discovered by Captain Gillett, of the IV ston steamer Wm Jan king, on her. 17167,124M0 port were token ,on hoard, and every attention 00 humanity emild suggest was bestowfd upon them by this generous,heatted comrearder Wears rind crew - The resorted creak in the warmest terms of gratitude of the con duct of Captain Hallett{ to - whose timely aid they at tributed their preservation. khe oargd of the Baltimore coolie isd of sugar fruits, and segue, and was reined at s2o,lEel. Of it, sixty hogeheads o sugar !belonged to the grin of Kirleand, Chase, & Co., who are fully insure], an we lirligTo in the case with the remaining portion of the cargo. As we heretofore aonounced, the Baltimore was built here hj Meson. John A. Robb & Co . for the two firms Shore named. and was supple:ld, lb ,l'acluiry Iset. p enst of about $864104 She Was insulted for VBO ffto in the Sun Mutual Orient (treat Western, and other of flees in New York. She has sunk in six' end a bait fathoms of water, and the tee, opinion of her captain and owners that She can be raised, which belief We trust may be realized, sod th Awe may soon hare the satisfaction of announcing her being once more success fully Imitached in her trade between this port and _Ha: Cienprgel Orders. [From 3 1 / 9 Wsshlsgton Milos, ifs oh o.] WAR DEPARTMENT, ) WARRINGTON, March 8, 1859. Mader instraetions from the President of the Bolted States, the 4,ser9tary of War, with un feigned sorrow, announces to the army til l s decease of ,the Honorable Aaron V. Brown, Postmaster General, which ocourred in nisi pity at an early hour this morning. An enlightened statesman and a distinguished and' able member of the general 'Government has thus been stricken down at his poat. The nation wilrmourn the afflicting dispensation which has left so great a iold in itaeounells. .4 worthy end estimable oltisenlsts boon romoyed Min the circle of his numerous friends. Society will ;nine° Its grief with the patriotic regrets which the loss of a Statesman wilt not fail to salt forth. While the President, with the surviving mem bers of the Cabinet, the Zegielative, and the In• dian Departments of the'Oevernment; will unite in every testimonial the !sad 000aelon demapthb it is fitting a similar respect should be shown Lb the memory .of the diatiaguisheff deceased by the 'national arms of defence. Acoordingly, hair hour lung will bo fired from sunrLin to sunset at every arrisened military post, the day succeeding the receipt of this 'order ; the national flag will be slispiayed at half staff during the same time, ao4 officers of the army will wear for three menthe the proper badge of military mourning, Tho War Department and its bureaus will be closed until the day succeeding the funeral oboe autss. • ' ' .1 . 01114 B. From, ¬ary of War. ' THIEF CORNSCIiED UT A Honing.—A. young man named Adai Bokehart ons detected loitering around the Miohtgan Central depot 'ester,' ty, and watched, under the strepiolon that he Intended to steal The suspicions were correct, as he was teen to' appropriate a couple of fez skins, and, being pursued, was oompelled to take to his heels. He dodged around among the oars and buildings, and was In a fair way to escape, when he happened upon an ontagoniat whom he little expooted. Thio was an old whltiborso belonging to the promisee, whom main peonlioriti is a natural acidity of dis position, which Inclines him to um bis teeth, like an overgrown tiger oat. When the thief ap proaobed be mode a savage spring at him, and drove him into a slop near by, where he kept him oornered until the pursuers secured him. It Is proposed to invest the old home with a detective's star, in honor of his achievement in thiet•taking, [ Detroit Pree Frees. Tim LATE RODDERT AT 2 , TEAY BEDVOEP, MASE —Mr. Sanders, the clerk of Mr. Mason. whose store Ives robbed on last Friday night of ,watohea,,lawelry,Ao ,of the value of about ono thousand dollars, has bean arres'ed on euspielon of having +committed the robbery. The Mercury me that it appears that by his own onnfoision be bas boon addicted to gnabling, and has taken from his employer and appropriated to, gambling pur poses tour gold watches, but knows nothing on coming the late robbery. ADVANCE OF WAOES.—The riallOTS of the Fell River Iron Works, Rhode Island, have peti tioned. the ,company for a restoration of 'the ten per cent. deducted during the panic of 1857-8 The company responded that they bad bean the last 'company to make a reduction, that their re- McMinn was loss than the others, and that the pro fits of their Magness would not admit of an ad vanee at present. THE VITRIOL GAMER REVIVED.—A: man, nulling himself Seneca Conrad, was arrested in New York, on Saturday evening last, for throwing vitriol upon the drool of Mary Annlfolitann, of No. 24 Thompson street, while she was pawing the corner of Broadway and Canal stroats. FATAL AcatnErtr.--In North Oxford, Masa., on Friday last, John O'Neil, a lad of fourteen, was caught in the beltipg of a abaft in a factory in that village, and so badly mangled that life was extinct before ho (mold be released. THE ti Emmet Guards,P an Irish militia cowpony of New.liaven, Oonn,, will make an ex °argon to Now York, on St. Pattiok'4 day, to take part In the oelabration there. ALONZO Rupta,kurY and Lewis McClellan left Cettysburg, - P,.1 l on Wednesday, for the Oen• tornla gold diggloge. Ttilt MOUNT Trianon BsLr o ,at the Boston theatre, lost Friday evening, netted some $lO,OOO for the Mount Vernon fund. THE CITY. Rya' See Fired Page. TmE :JOURNEYMEN CORDWALNERS THE 'Mamie , BitaiOtt'ON A Earalips,-,s-Yeaterday afterno4;. *0)14 exithatilastda Meeting - of theJourneyrnen pod. trainers' Bodiety (M: B,) wet held In PranklWifillf,' I `sixth' street, near Arch. The ollsot of the meettag was to frrm a Protect:ve Union. and to obtain higher wages for their labor. They propose is continue out of employment until their demands are acceded to by the employers The meeting was composed of two &ll ama+, American 'and German, each of - Whlehlted its"- own president Addresses were delivered in English rand German. the German branch number about two hundred men, while the other bee upon its Est of mem- Iltrablit'nearly'foriebintdred nareiro,'Which - nintbei'le • daily luareaeing ,The ,sp irit manifested throughout was of the most Internee charaCter; - and' every one pre sent seemed determined to oarry out the etriket , in the moat resolute and decided manner. • , Thor demand en advance of about flee 'per cer:t:ort Most descriptions of work. - This advance they consider ae only adequate for the amount of toil expended upon the a *lintel; wh'ch pass thrOugh;their bends. ; Ryon at this rate an inanstrionis shoemaker cannot earn wages, equal to those engaged in other mechanical parepita. The assemblage was called to order by appointing as president of the American breach, Mr. EdwardDies kin, and'ea the German president; Me. Conrad Grimm. Mr. Meakin, on taking the chair, addressed the meet. log, andln conolunion o ff ered the following resolutione, which were adopted :anald great cheering and; Iv please: Whereas eal(PresUvation to the first law of nature, 'and self.intereat is the mainspring of ail human settee, we, iheihoernakers, consider our lettersets so identical. that the liable and .interelts of rite cannot be invaded without namely endangering the rights and intermits of the whole; and as it 14 in the nature of thingethat capital and labor Sowing ,te selfishness) will and moat always be at war, or at at variance, and as thereto "a common h.tereet in the field of, labor, there alsorad also re common syrepatby: Therefore, be it Resolved. That we heartily sympathize with all or any of the tolliog massen who are,engsged I na straggle with theirtesh-mastsre. - ": • ' - ' : Resolved, That we not only eympatblite with; bat ald. '111:01 encourage, by every =ADS in our power, those of our fellow-Workingmen Of the' ladles , breech, in their present struggle with their employers; and that we da nonnce, wilt our whole heart• and soul, the present Mean, aontamptible i and dastardly attampt or s one of the employers to annoy end persecute Nome of those 'ole fell rtrs wbo are at present fighting the battle of labor in the ranksitbe gloat= ranks, of the ladies , branch. Mr. Hanley. a member Of the'stooleti, arose, and said,. that this 4 t strike was not intended only for the present time, and the ram who would say that his ,wages will suit hem as long as he to irithe bumineen - is not detleri , log the name of man- 'We must work for those who come after us, and our influence, altliough we. are a, small body, to enetik that ,we can Slimmed and get oim prices. There is no ohm* of our failure. If any man is here who joins ns, now let him stand by us to the lest.. •We want no Judean here. Let, u$ have.every, man honest and faithful to each other. and jr we fight together we will be sure of gaining What we demand. We have come to this country with our labor, and it is our labor which makes this, /and co prosperous. !Our time has arrived, and we will be degenerate and mean it we do not make an effort now to - obtain our jest de mands. • A motion !u made and carried rhunimouely that the list of prim adopted be sent without further delay to every employer in the city. It was also moved that no moth be Stipa out of any of the dins until these prim are obtained. 'This was also carried amid mun cheer ing and enthusiasm. Committees wore- then orgenlard for the Pones° of - deities the different establishments, to obtain a decided answer from the employers, whether or not they will be willing to submit to the Het, of fixed prima; after which the meeting adjourned.' MEETING OF COMMITTEE. Orr' 00IINOIL9.—A meeting of a committee appointed by both °bombers of Council to toveitigato Into the' alleged frit/Alin the contracts for furnishing flour to the Guarding of the Poor was held last evening in Relent Connell phamher ' Several, ltiseseei were ea'ain toedtouching the matter under convideratien, , when, at. shout lialf,paet nice o'clock, hlr. Gordon, seeing a'nnaiber of reporters buoy at that, desks, roes, and with an sit of saionlahmeot send why ripeness''. were there; what 'guineas had they there 3 They Term not invited ; they were not ant:9,W Okay 'ere net wanted, and their presence was an outrag e thought 'the Chair should Invite reporters to leave. , - = • , • • 'Mr. Headier objected to reporters leaving. He had a. high opinion of reporters generally. This was a public meeting, and the public should know what the committee was doing. He would debate title matter with bir.likirden until the fifth of Intynext: - • ' 'Mr. Gordon again asked that reporters be resyneated to withdrew. Me did not thipice motion at all neces sary. It was an outrage, an infernal outrage, an un precedented outrage. lie did not want eT parte stete matte to go ant to the publie—he did not want one eido only to Ile - heard.' A rep o rt oT thd committee would appear In the course or time, and thip report only would be a fair and legltimati one. he o..air (Mr Davie) thought the proceedings of an important oharact4r. The world should not know only one side ova question, - Bohai:ad was earnestly In fetror of reporters' being present. The matter was a public matter, and he world ,ylipßld, k.ow what )rein trammeled Within h'eae waifs. i re were publib serrante,and our masters houlCknow how we did their Mr. Gordon appealed to every mind, to every Jud ie ens, well-balanced, and well4nforrded mind, In behalf Of expelling these reporters., Ha wanted a practice to Abtoin hereanclias hod obtained to our eourtcofjustice lie wanted justice to be done to all men and to all par tici. He - would like Ai see the whole story go to the world, not such a garbled, unfair statement es would appear in to-morrow morning's papers. Mr Member cited precedents to show dint reporters had had free access to meetings of other committees. He did not want this to' be made a star chamber or an inquisition, and If reporters were exciuded, he, for one, would reeler'. • '-. • Mr Norman agreed with Mr. Mueller. He re menicred precedents eadefloning the prim:meat re pute at %bsee meelinge, He did net think anything eliclted to-night would hurt anybody'e party. Mr. Fcbofield did not want politics to to introduced hoe this investigation. He thought the committee no more then an ordinary eommittee, and all ordinary cam mitteee were peiblis. . l'he Ghanaian; Hr. Gavle,' did not object to reportere beteg preterit. It was a public committee, and - its pro eseding" might be made public. ./t made no difference • at i wligl=24 ter! staid or uremay. The investigation was continued to a late hour. About six or eight witnesses were examined, but as It Is impossible to'glve's fair Idea of the recall of the In-' testi/ration, so far is It had progreeded,we 'oppress the note" of our reporter. .1 1 TAtIt01V uged lady, while training Chestnut and Hudson atreete, about -aeren o'clock. but evening, narrowly escaped being run over by a wagon of Adams' Express Company, as it turned into the latter ',treat. ,Ae it, was the tongue or the wagon struck bor a blow on' the 'front part' of her hped, injuring her quite severely. As 'DISII4I on stick °odious, a crowd or person' soon congregated to ascertain what was the matter. The accident way duly announced, when one of the throng approached the old lady, and ventured s'word of sympathy by telling her, sita liatening to her recital of the circumstances. tha s h e'might congratulate herself upon a fortunate escape, as the accident might have been of a ranch more seri ous character ! . The old lad 7 felt tellaven, ng doubt. 4iSORDERpf so6tin.--Affil. Hand had a bearing before Alderman Snider yesterday morning, on the cherge of keeping a disorderly house at Twentieth andlories street, bathe Ninth ward. It is alleged that males and fimalea •are In_ the - habit of congregating theta, and behaving in the most unseemly manner. The messed wan held to SDOWSrSt o,Stitt. THE MSS or Hunrirr.- r bro time hae been yet fixed for the, hearing of ; Wm. Murphy, who is obliged with the murder of George - Neal, The accused will, without doubt, be tried In this city. Pennsylvania atid,New Jersey have concurrent jurisdiction in CUSS of crime which occur on the Delaware, and the accused are tried In the State in which he is apprehended, Murphy was apprehended In this city. Trr Aticivnati:=-On . Tuesday evening, at a igte hour. a retirie 014, about two months old, was found In an alley Awning froth teferre street, between Dauphin and Wood, Nineteenth ward. It was neatly clad in a white frock. had a little , 'hood upon its head; while ita feet were wittoly wrapped ttp In a piece of blanket.. The little one kindly oared -for by one of the neighbne • • Recluses Dravrmi.—About half past five p 2 elonk yeaterday afternoon °Vier nenolsert arrested a Nan' named William lieron on the charge of driving at a furious rate a horse attached to a dray np Chestnut street The officer made the arrest in Chestnut atree!. near Seventh. and took the amused before Alderman Otis. who held hint in POCi ball to answer the charge at court. Nor AnnEmn.—llirs..ll4dson, the alleged pbostionief, had pot been arrested yesteaAay up to the time of 'golvg to press. iter bullhead end' Robert Dun lap, eharged with being accessories before the fact, are in custody. This affords a flue chance for our deteotives to gather en alditional lewd or two. ANOTHER.—About nine o'clock, last night, a told lamp wise upset at the house of Allier (Wide, garner cif niernitti and spent stmt.". Lie; Childs was badly intent about the arms. but no serious Injury is anticipated. bow long will these fluid lamps con tinua in cog midst as engines of dopipatle deatruotion FOUND DE4E.—Yeaterday afternoon a man named Paleritine King wee found' deed in hie bed, at; a dwelling No. 6'B Botoh Eleventh street The nun wee a Frenchman by birth, The coroner Wag notified to held an inneSl. It ' ELR to Amswzi.—lifichael O'Brien was heWtobsil yesterday morning, by 6.'derman Shoema ker, to answer th wet:large of attemptirg to rob a etrre at Phillip and Jelferson streets while the attendant was absent. Plitiadelphia Markets. NIILADSLPIIIA, March 9—Eventog The receipts of Plant are very light and the demand limited, but holders, in view of the high prices current in the neighboring merkets, are asking a fair, advance ; sales to the extent of isotoo bbls are reported at 06.10 fgp epper4ne. and 400 hbls at $6 Rob 87 for extra, and ty for family Plour ; the retailers: and bakere are buy ing in a small way at from KO up to $7.60, and $8 V' bbl for superfine extras and fancy brands, as In quality. Bye Flour and Corn Meal are firm, bat quiet at $4 32X . el 4 60 for the former, aid $3 76 V bbl for the latter. Wheat ie in good Oemaud and orm At prevlCA s 1 0° 14 ' Cons, ar d about 6,OfQ bush have been sold in lota at 1560 fur fair reds, and 1700180 a for fair to good white, Bye Is iq steady demand at 030 V' bushel, and but little offer ing. Corn Is more Rattle, and loin bootie! better; sates of B 001 ,httehels Southern yellow at 860 afloat, and RAO boshele Penheylvania at ei cents le store Oats have also advanced, and 1,600 bushels Southern brought 613N0 in the care Pennsylvania are held at 57058 u V' bushel. Bark is more !centred for; 120 hlide let quality Qweroltrou was taken at $O2 4re ton. Cotton to firmly held, and about 160 bales have teen cold at equal to lit each for middling fair Opitteda Groceries are 1 usetlye, with it moderate business, dolt g In eager and Molessetlat previous prices: Of Gotta, about 1,000 bags Rio sold at lige, on time, ?rcvloloas aro very dull, but without soy particular change to 1441110 e, Beedo—There is more Giorerseed offering, and holders are free Boilers at 10 Med gyp' bushel, bat there is very little doing. Whiskey to nochanged ; bble selling at 273a23c for Pennsylvania; 28a 2Det 'or Pri son And Ohio do ; 263( fie2o.l for Ohio, and .200 V gallon foidiudge. ErERLASTINO FlRE.—About two years dip, a declivitous elope, on the roar - gin of James river,' near, the Petersburg railroad bridge, was made the plane for the deposit for the °lndere from the Ttedegar Works. at the instance of the owner of the property, Mr. James Thomas, who desired to Improve it. Tho deposit was continued from time to time'untif a large level surface woe formed, and it was then discontinued, .in , consequence of the discovery that the substrata or cinders originally deposited, had ignited. The Whole mass, several feet below the surface; is bee; on fil.43,,and has boon for several months, (musing a settling of ,that part near the river. Very little smoke is emitted from this subterraneous combustion, but the sur fer's is very hot, and in many planes creaked with fissures. The fast that this fire has been progress ing for so long a time, in the manner described, is certainly a little extraordinary. Richmond Whig. Tux furniture carvers ,of Now York have streak for an advance of twenty per cent. on their pretest wages, and the plano.makers for an ad vents° Of fifteen per sent. TUE cotton crop of Alabama, for the sea. son now closing, is said to be the largest ever wade In that State; Ito estimated value is $200,- 000,000 • .Tonic, Pa.,' has been divided into five wards, by an lot of the Legislature. Another act re• quires all dogs In York county to be registered. FI NOel 5 MERCIAL ~ . :„T ' aie , , - .2lkoneitt• arket. f,(.1 . ',' -'•.' i ' -- .',lol(xLArtilAvutt, Marob 9,1860. -, The speculative sh,icitr's continia to be very dull, and AO saleit'of them ilitle„,e(*.,than nominal. In the ' betteeithieses of ' eennettteilifieril fa a fair badness doing, eithoat ' ffuctuations onniment in pricee. `Diving tome time past the account,, of the wheat from the West have been unfavorable, and the early prophets have been predicting a short crop for Rat year in Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, lowa, Wiseensit. - Bat the. warm weather Ara it brought:to light many. a Niro blade that bahnie liyhddden; , t and - the - "liestleitifes," Arhoww , fortnight 4 ago-pronouneed , thewerheat--kerop damaged one-half, are hastening to ricall,their opin ions, lest they shouttiftmithikeUrciPbetimil repatations 40tally ruined: - As confirmatory of thLi. We quote from the Carlisle (Illinois) .F).ee Democrat anfollows ; - ' " Some ten dart ago, wenbed stimagisplegfetneir 'gloomy account of the proe peet or the growing wheat crep. Now, we take great pleasure In /eying that a 'favorable ebsolle in the weather has greatly revived the Wheat, and , the prospect is,•ineoureging, Recent warm rains and serial ermshinelfirre' been - greatly beneficial to the wheat. Yields of wheat that looked dead a week ago, ern nor getting green, and bid fair to .useke good, 'crops' (Within Wiley or twirWir haveltallreecth Muir farmers, and have ourselves been in the country, and our observation. together with tarmanroccounte, 0m• I vincee us that theprospeets foie Mop of `wheat in ibis 1 vicbsity here improved one hundred per oent. glace the favorable change, in the weather." _ • „ ~,,... We havibeeis requested to" State that - tiongeelashas passed on act extending the time for exchenging, at the United ?fates mint, the new centeolr, for the freational parte of the 13Paniiihind bleiicin Aollat, initiri. yeiri_ from the 2let of February, )869. •I,l3cposila of each coin will therefore continue to be received at the mint, for cxcbsoge for cents of 'the new lisue;:undei -the same regulation as heretofore. . • . parpensi ' Pai# sipox • laxoararap,_ aA[AN • . March 9, Isso. 111roleaD 13Y 1 1 / 1 1111`,11301,11, CC 30,,11Amt-noel, ecool, ' AND xxouligal 1101119, Noterairaai - Comma TNERr ' AND ORIISTIIII 8711170, .. PIRST BOARD. f" ; • , 1000 Penns 63.... esalt.f.2X SO P,enns It 16 UN 1000 City 60 . .--.....'.- ..:.99,X 4--' do ',• b5.43X 10.11 Bch Nav 6s '72 ...87x 7 City Bank 46 WOO Leh Val It 64..b5.69 20 Meehnoice 8k—..23x 1000 do b 6.89 2 Leh Val It 43 1930 Read It 6s ( 70....82X 100 Ostawlina R - ,.-..115. 81,1 5001 do (43 ...92 10 Norriatown 'R....-.1)8X 1000 N Poona R 10+ b 5.91% 126 Gliiiihtilit'On.... 8 10(0 Ontawa , a Oh 108..69x 10 Soh Ras ...• •..i-- 9% 2000 D3I It mg end.... 8234 1611[ sr Canal....oash.4lg 200 Obee & D Coulee 77 50 Read It., ~...b3,24,1( 600 L bid R6l 80% 20 N Penns B 934 114 nee Canal Pref. 303 -•18 Leh Nay.. : - ;,...;:i iso 3i 10 do 10 3 3 minehan re 59$ , .100 L Isid B- ~ 11 %, 1101:Felon Rh Tebe.... 4 .99, 26 Penns 11.. in lots 43X BITWIIN 4500 Penns 50: •, ' 9'X I.' 500 L fold - It 68....,..E03 4000 N Penns B 108 •....91% 10 Farm & lidech.fik 60 • 20 Union Bk Tenn... 99 • . . , ~, : expeND. 0060 - City es B inloti .99x' If 03 Coalman& It 78....(49X 1030 0 lc Am Be'B3 ...Sig qoak Read R 6s 41....91% 190 L lola 11,.... - ......11 :28 Penns 8.:......:.43 -' . ' OLOIIII4O - P3I . - a - • • .r - Bid; Asked. Elpa GO 90 ,- 9938 d01t..... 99 99% do ' "New..loB 108 X Penn* 5a . . ... ....92% 93 Reading R / • ' 24X 2444 •do Bea ( 70..82X 93 do Bits 8044.91 -09 do do , ( 86.72% . 731( Penns B 13 43% do letm tie 101 g •do 2dm 6e....53 933 s klor 01 Oq Dv eff 47%; 48 . do Pref 105 106% SlehuvlNev 6a,M2.72 ,_ , 12g 'Ms Nay 1=11.66..76X - ITN A CARD . , ~ , - PHILinKLPHIA, Nardi 1,1889 EDITOR or ,4 'rink Plain , P—ira the money artiOle .ia The Press of ibirlialnatant, ‘ ere some remarks upon the condiet of ,a.a, The United -Bterer Company, , ? with reference to disputed claim Upon`", life inrurancapollay. , The csa,e animadverted upon la one , in, which at,Thi lloited States Inenranie cointnnynt Pie* leoilr',P ) sad not "The United Statoi ,1,15 i Tesuratiee,*nnuity and Trust Complain of Philadelphia," is conearned; but as the lonslity is omitted In . /nor artielereferredlo,, , of the 4th last ., the eltikilartly le thi.;440,11,t4 titleslira eansed erroneous and in,luttnts reArns to be 'circulated to the prju(Poe of this company, y which , l am ilittefied,"need only to be lootightnsider yOuinoties to , Akari the am biguity explained to your -t - -- .- - - I remain, dear air, •.' - -- •- ' ' - Yours, truly and respectfully, , . ; ... IC ,N:,CaiwrOS.DiPsesident ;,-- !SO Peons ::j...43 10 Reed R 243 00 L Zed R 11 BO do - 11 -741rard Bk old 12X .12 3 i 2'o &Am R... e. 6 117 x - 2 Par & kteo Bk..eG 20 20:Phils Bk. • • ing 8 078—DULL - • ;Bid.As r ked - Sala liar Stook... 9% 10 - do Pref...... 40„ 19% Walepq&ilm R. 9 9% ' do 7alet mtg.7l _.72 do, Long"leland 101( 11 Girard Rank LON °X Lelioeal & Nek...60% 5l Lehigh kt0rip.....28 N"Peruso B, 9% 9% do 69 68 .1313,k New Creek , % Oatawies; R.... 6 ex 4°ll o, 71 °, 4 7 -- X . 74 New York Stock .E iel!li.". ll Fekblarch 87f00'3D 3:lo.oitp. • 20'0 TS as 1874 • -103% 7 00 Harlem 8, - . - • 42% 8000 Missouri es 05% 100 R Prof 38% 5009 Tenn 8t Os '9O 90% 700 OhL &R I . stO CU -10300 Lx 0&61 L G 19' 100 ' '.• bap 00% 6000 do 19% ICO do •, in% 65 Del .5. Iful Co • 98%.100Read R . 48g •60 Oumb Pref 509 24 1100 - do - 48% - 40RrteR - 00% .22 Weis Cant R 6t 400 N Y Oen R IP% 50.61 eh 8 Guar 47% 100 do . bOO 70% 100 Panama R , 530 117% loci do - 510 - 79% 100 do ISO 117 50 Ilad River R , 31%103 11l Gen R 89 103 do sue cool' t Ohio If sB9 atm TEIR hiatiEßTB. ,•-• • Mon are Moderately solve at $5 75 for lints and $67605.87 for Pearls.-• • . .-ILtopi.-State and yrnater s i-tursaer • • . 103 lowfith - liefil of 8,60) bbli at $4.2505 for,ue. jetted; $5 0005 81 for euperflee State; 118 4008 70 for• extra do; $67006 for sum floe Western $B.BOO 614 for extra do; SO 7000 SO:for altip,plog/biands , of extra round-hoop Ohio. Canada Skint is quiet, with 'salsa of 260 5513 at $8 ioe7 50 for extra. &intim= glour le firm, with sales of 29Q0 bbls 4250.25011,06.f0r, common =mixed. and $8.7548 25 for •sba brands.. , GRAM—Wheat is dull, with 111114 of 10 000 cash at 9501f0r unsound Chicago spring, v.. 4 .0 for/Wmte= red ' , andsl.7B for red Tennessee Corn is quiet. ',Air small sales at 8860113 for Western mixed, and 850480 for 'yel low; Rye It quiet at 90a98e. Diger hi verYdedrit 75e 850 l Oats are quiet at 601250 for Southern, Penney'. Teas and Jersey, and 55e5t120 . for State, Western, and Canada. Inovistcas.—Perk is steady with sales of sod bbis aS 217 87 for old Mess; $17 1 16017.87% for „new do. and $lB 26 for Prime. Reef intim, with a fair demand, and sales of 150, bbislat $115007 for: country "Price, 6809,50 for Country Mess, 59 Noll for repelled Western, and $l2 60012 76 flr Extra. Bleon'and Out meate are steady at our yesterday's prices , Lard 111 heavy, with sales of 100.5bn at 11%/51.2e.. Butter and Cheese are In moderate demand, at well-supported rate; . , ..• - .1' - f OAS --Clover is quiet at 12%ellIfe, without change to note.• Of Timothy; IWO Durham are reported toldJ at $2 2602 37%. Wntsasr In quiet, at 27%0266." , • NEW YORK CATTLE mentur, Wauxisnaw. Mirth 9.—At market, 2.808 Beeves, 243, Cows 404 Yeabi, 4,418 Sheep and Lambs. and 12,000 Swiesi,ahow ine a decrease of 148 Beeves, 43 -Caws,:,/77 Veale. and 2,488 Sheep and Lambs The number on sale yester day and to. day was 2,813 head' bullock, at Allertonse, of Which l t isig head were sold yeaterday, leaving in the, yards "this m - ining about 1.000 bead, The Hodson road brought, over 1,480 - head] the Erie 882„ and the Harlem 447 bead. 'rem New York State 714 cattle wore received, and from Ohio 922. Kentucky sent - forward 289 bead, ineludieg come tee Darhams. , which , realised (11N midge, the.. latter) for gesy'extra quality.' The - Beef Cattle market, ro. -- day, may be quoted, for the peter grades , ball a cent Meer, and some think the advance even greater The ramie for fair Cattle Is from Sone, though salse of ex tra have been made at 11N, 12, and even 12N etas, The-scarcity of really prime, welbfed Hares Inn made; the competition am .og boyere father' sharp.'and those whermust have the finest Mock ho the yerdo here been obliged to pay high retest. k The tuts, t0.410,13de been slow, at the improvement. and the advent ef Ident Met not perceptibly affected baslueni: .' ,t CITY~ITEMS. SPLENDID LOIN OF- MEN'S WlCAlL—Therexten- mire cloth importing hones of )tears. Farrell and Idol , tie; Ne. 232 Oheatnut, now presents' a tempting array of these fabrics, to which, after personal inspection, we tike the liberty 'of inviting - attention.' The feature of their elm*, however, .10 ;Whiclt .tro Afoul& 'refer more especially, la a large invoice of black clothe, made by , T. ,1j , Heeselkani, dire-la- Chapelle, . one ',of the'inostielebrated •mannfaoln rers 'on the continent of Ilurope—distinguiehed not only for the acknowledged 'superiority of hie goods, bat Squally' no for lets oodarnanding rooial position. In the language of a friend of ours, twho in evidently no enemy of hie,) he combines in a high degree the ele ments both of a gentleman and a scholar. 11 not to dwell further upon the quality of: the mart, we have a word to say of the character of his clothe: In thelinst plate, they run from : the, lowest `to the; lilgheht, grades, eo far as variety . la concerned. In body, they. strike us, especially' the', medium - nrimheits; ae a signal hit, having , jast en nigh: too' firmness to give ellestioity, and at the same time, no more weight than to insure.gracefolneas In ataatog up., We may say, of the Beaselkaul clothe, moreover, that we heirs rarely found in fine :woollens of that °lass so complete a combination of comps:triers, ahortneas of nap, (wllloh insures their wearing smooth) and wall, covered surface. At the World's Fear, to 1861, in Lon don, the maker of these cloths was awarded a prize 'medal, and at seven] noted exhibitions slime than their merits have been acknowledged in a a miler way. Messrs, Farrell & Morris are fortunate In having the sole grimly, in this market, for the male of so perm. lar a brand of clothe. We noticed in their estatbrilf; wont, also, a very handsome line of solovtiricthsby,thp came makers, and were shown a 'priifision of 'samples of doable-backed hewer', 'rt taystiontt cobtorel Popular chinchillas, aid anndry other kle.d.,Nfotelcos of over.rteaticgathat are pow belugrgenufAinre'lla large visatitlea, en the 'other aide, to the order of 1.1, sore. F. 'ss M. the latter, a, we learn, having already revolved heavy cyders from the trade here, for thee. goods; to arrive, for the fell trade. These gentlemen have now, also, a goal line cr . dorskin cairtme.is, and a splendid variety of the new and very, p molar tilt-mixed molar Mares, in both double and single widtho ; their present stook is, in abort, a Apol complete and , creditable one throughout, and well worthy the at ention of the trade. legovuun ox .Iver.v.—Madarnal Jessie While Mario, who has attained quite a celebrity, in New York and Washington cities m a lecturer, will be among as on Mpday everting; to deliver a lectureSonataly. The general plan or this lecture will be T a eketah of present condition organliallod for the next revolution ; and the oomparitive Iltateßit• the Republi can and Pledmonteso parties in Italy, Baron Norio, and hie eighty air; Exiled compontons now on their way frees a Neapolitan dungeon , will else command a good share of the lecturer's enaction. -Madame Merle's of forte on behalf or the people are deservingor all sympathy „ ~,•, Pnov. Mrsongs,t. To-Nickny:=-We'shall not soon Prget Profes.or Mitchelha. extemtwwansOus deseription of the dawn at 1. - icaroo, on logo hinirgioie, given by him in a recent lecture- on. the wstrononslial pascages,in the bOok 6f Job 1( was the Portedims of impassioned and yet natural eloquetee. Snob an orator would at. trait crowds by the mere power of Its Words; but vrt on this orato-y is made bat the beautiful' garb of lofty thouthts and important truths ; as the ease in Prof. 14 '4 features. It bspomis still snore attrietlie; Those who have not heard him should not tall to embrace the op portunity offered thhaevenlog at the Aeadeuly ot Moto. As A Mini an Wiest nothing con' equal the govhnes Catawba Champagne cf the United States Wine Orowero o.lmpanyht manufacture. Its fine litvey is fully appreciated. A. & 04:4,103 Market strest, are the agents, &SUM PNEUMATIC 8AT113.--PiT COIMUMOOTI, Bronehlt'o, and ,ell : other dtiordere of the %%cat dud; Wage, Dr: Mullah May be7oonsulted at c his rialdeitae, 11221 Yhti from 12 M to 6 P.M. Contultation Brea. ; „Au ; 41401 I .. l ealt, corner • 4 pf l iiatk lk # stiwkweiki, weiyhid with flue patiat eashioroVillhittor: Ihiraeolf it mod 'Ot it4.66lllling' rind (gentlemen will fled tt-o' to patronise s him. . A• Beim irdw's,,PlLLOWl4l.irilitiiiiejitat*t !whet, Dice day; *lt* an Ei g °l-60 *; .}1 W 0 /ott**WPiths toiii,sa";‘ tired hoosees , jwam Morns *ith ecialef :of her own hahlhoi, ! j olt", arki/4gata,hiniAmir - baby for a pillow. Ebepolaq ioaroolihie7o litor O F 440, 44 4,, givei jtkowa , likeee POollag. gem of BoOlthill & w4biondlus, Spp i ead dOt trawataat street, alms* BLite ailtqailitmfitaSd that , 04 , 1 ?1 6/ d*fLA 'Balirol:=-A' tow , days slOO9-4 . 1F opportunity, of .tasting some, BratoeCatlitid Wong, of Ohio. It was Teri superior. Ttie ppm Here le at Ede ffitet atreit: •- • , man, oloth'd is t llttte tietef ; an- - -thorlty,' • rt . - :Plays each Ae maka the angel' weep!f , . • - z r3.f , . Might easily„,,acil with „betake efdat be trade tiread, Mn,s p:on Inso,dressed in;th i e twounidgand Oscan' ; clothing gotten ip it the fashionable eropolfurs'it I°'s wh6 admlc Bo l,...,inre'lls`t4irell Ages," loan find becoming apparel,- atutalds to olls)rt the:ll4: ' l oan and popular Muir, L e THE BosToilinevEbtzn,twiti that p eingniar 'discovery heft ' hien' ', inai - Within a day of two at the Hancock /rouse. 'The limey were et dinner, when a panel of a cloretfell, dissloalvEi racipf Wale unknown {be' plAorit . occupants' of the how*, in which was found a card Containing the original adthof prtlon, as Buy your clothing_ at .11.H-Hidridge's Old *ranklin Hall (Mailing dtifiPliihibi; , "ito 821 Ohestout street.'" - f3,pcial Wigues. I, Lace. Curtilns, Whisl4l•Ciartabeit, alit"oar. Fdeee, Tussle, gimps, ../hingee s .Wladow Studio; &e. wholesefe - add - retell, 719 CIISSEiIIT Street, sonic fall. .47:H.43ABAYL & 0,000 Pair WiadawShadea In store aid" fir rale, at whalassita:chaspi 719. f inillTlllTXlltiasti lonia RAU: I,oidtK4-fa Southern and Western alerciiiiita t ittle - 101 atil any otden for Curtains and WholipaShadeNtit the loweet - prices: aCW CASSEL do? BROTHER'S, 719 CHESTNUT stieet,,,impoitimt wluilisala dealers In eit,ij desSiiition'of Ourteie Breda Window Shades. , -0/2119,a Card • • Eta : ^ Yon *re reiliaohlolly'l#ltatt to call sad eiam foe the NEW- OTYLIB of BATE ter Ctinileetea, pre- Vexed by the tuuterarted expieekly for Borbaweer. - WM-. I:WATIBITatOiE, BATTER, 490 CHESTNUT MT - est.. - RVid l gii-11Tylp11100,61 am 614- eltl2,ea rem re riaTice:iii :111)0PLAAD'i 011.1111.111,BITTIBSi the - ciidy 'aokitewliod.refe#7 for thestars of, dpipippi4i-livex:' . 4 debilliy „ . - ' • •Da. 0 M. Jamcemr: certify List I WAS Tery t illliaiiin:ailVitii 44.466: and liver cemplaint for four y Bare, and tried - man y . of the: remit; eminent physicians of 'Philadelphia; 'Witt relief from them. My Mame WAS Accompanied with great prostration of the •nervens iyetem, giddLuess, nausea cf the stomach, weakness, general,delithty. &a. I was induce:llV a -friend to ' , uyatl.ok:tistorfixrait- MAN BlTtßilit, and I do not hesitate to state that - (twee the mole of iititorlak Many of my friends, to whom I recommended it. ,I r4ard these Bittern as the beitreinedy for the above diseases ,now e iA nee, except's% tkepneeperijytiosle of our best physielany. Tim years flaye elapsed slam my cure, and I have had little or nom of the sysultoms mince. Truly years, No;: 624 &nth. Third ttriV This medleine , IN-forint*" .by ill drigiliaqbizer ll'atted States - , and 'et the taaaelsetasy,lio, 41841101/ 136aet. i • ; it CbormltHig., , ,A c tlcld Avg 4Wilnit..!4qinui:,..l: lady Menai, wham bair may Rau, to faltOft; or be coins bomb ita drY,}tate only Wise Jolll4llalllvi3 RAO LUSTRILR HAIR RENOVATOR., which wit nermenently strait RI farther dieiy, , leetltby tone, miller it beautifully soft and glossy, trial/Dn.4 to curl, and Im - part 'tolt:thieweetistnaile.':Pola Vidt druggists, and , by_ JllLlili HATilth "CO4Y110: 701. OfiiiiiNtiT Bfreet, tbilidelplita., rattl•Ot Jaeklmn.. - ; i -- - "` - j.rlittei;:tV- - ti Jiaialett - - ' PtI . INTEII.,, ,-:,„ ,1 _ 4 , , . 1.&0109t1 PAlNrii r —, - 011.80KE4 NOTES,' AND - BliL-RES.DO; CARDN PHINTED, 11.1r'' .--,:: ... ............. ;_;,..> PRiartsa izeriap l i - Aftpii.4l4!..., i.P.ILArIING • PaiarzNo inity 4 :and ge,.;37NT/ r.. I/lIRI. ~. mg : 5.12i ~.. -, --, , - .. ~ -i- - s.-i.s .., _ . . orsver Sr irawilly Sowing lacunas A. IffiVrilTTl4:4lfialiSfill. Win( trot `sio4llltioWait'aed from Witrtmli,-lootriete , ricrittwiadiiirof ecie, new li•esittillWraj*lig deleting 'eloh seam ity - Ate own iiifriticrOrtUtett - tiq' mine to the WWII-needle, da b relatill by OtlietTni•.• chilies. It will Ao better and cheaper aewtiitt than a searartrees eatk,oreiltehevrarki fiir'emPreiatioi - *our. tat it ltj-SYND-1/08, A OIitOULA.II.43 - - A: New Article. d. New Artieln. Vitale& & Phalan & Bon , * Cocaine for the Heir .:Phalon &rEco'!,(4lr;l!th,f7:44l,F6l‘. Beet ind'Oheapeet But and Cheeped ,Artfole , Nor Dressing, Bno,ntlryingi Olfaram. , t Nor Droning, Boantirying, Nor Drosoing,-Beantifying, Oleaning a f ‘ rM via g. 4 Bestorlag the Ifatr. Bestoriat the Bale. Redorinit tbs./Wr• natal" ler..Phaloss 1h8a04.90e07ate. , ,,t laqalre for „. - Bows of Ocnuiti44l,•icl . `, ) liswiitiioteZantirtelt4 ,- t 1 Large BolVes,.Byty gtnte.”: Eitnall Bottles, Tweet) , tire &rote. • Small Bottles, TweatVlVlSlttlla... Piir sale by allJobbel, Pragebtfr esd .PaneY 060ds - • - -- -In'till) every part of the United States. 44 1"PwaleauttRatan.propoti. ' Aaa mat 197 liBOAD WAY, liar[ YorY,~ cw.sTivr,;: Z 91974. IN wlis a DI ac ki e s DOIiBLIS-THRICAD; warranted s equel to any one bun. dreiktollar.nusokinny,theet; . ' pita Tithity,retuu. NIS me naked to°• pnedienalmild tbj ate atinied In a performance. Moo at the ioae►tarnleklaa store of John A. Mar- pbej & 00., No. MN OHISTNUT fltrOot. t 023100 Window Shades—. - GOLD , BOSDNES, , f - , LANIMAPNB, WP.4.#I , ,VTAWS• = ; ,• • ILOWNIttiN4II34." PLAIN OINTNitt,.XXI/1 BORDERS, IMPP, WHITE, AND GRItateHOLLANN ' • AND' fittibeilit'llßSB. A new and varied assortment of Shades, lase, and Muslin Curtains, Corning, Bands, Pine, Centres, Loops and Tassels of all kinds, - A large stook of above goods suitable for Spring trade. The attention of dealers W. MINNY:PANTSINF,,, 835 OBBSTNLFT Street... fe4-dtapl2 'Parra, herring, & CO. , IRON BARB WA:ERROR:3R NO. egO,ORESINTIT STRAIT, (h4mos - H4l) gramerils of &BOND and W4NtIT at,rtioto.-.Tiepooitta,roOilir4 In amall and tarifa' aniounta r ,:froki 'altabalata Cot the oammunity, end allow?, Interest at the , rata ot.: are par aant, per annum. Money may be drawn by olieeke'withont lose of lute rest ode° open daily, from 9 until E &Moot, and on Mon day and Saturday until Sln the evening. President, Franklin Peli; Treasurer and Secretary, Charles )3. Morris.,' Sawing Fund.—Fi've Per Cent, Inteteei.— NATIONAL &SPRIT TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, S. , W. corner THIRD, Philadelphia. Money • resolved in any sum, large or small, and interest paid from the day of deposit to 'the" day of Swithdrairal.t Money is received and paymenta roads daoy ,, without notice. The inveatnieuta are Made in • Real Rstate, Mortgagee, Ground Rents, and ouch Srat•claes securi ties as the charter regelree, OPlce hsars from 9 o'clock In the mothini In the htteinoon; and bit' Monday and Thursday evenings until 8 °Yeah, fee EttegePs Sewing Machines.—The pew Farat ly Hewing Machlies, at WI ind44s, any att:acting venal attention. In all •euential good (palates they are much the beet Meohinee ever offered at a low price - M. SINGER k CO., - 602 CHESTNUT Stye's,-. ,Sowing lierseia *he tinVe been Induced to bay, Sowing MOWN uhlok will not perform the work that poichimera eipeeted them to do, are informed that SINGER'S MAINTINNS never tater' do any kind of work. No one to ever , dinapOotnted peen Mackinac •'AL &Nen: fr,,Qoii , isfrf-9m 802 OIDLSTNIIT Street. oner Price Clothlnt *Like !etest Stiles§ and made In the best mamm a exproaalzfor 11114Aly, We mark our towed selling prices,ta4zatu Two - add! on oink arttole. AU goods made to order are warrantat aaUstbotory, and our oaalta . ;OA sragtur strtutit bored to. We 4ndieve thin to be the only tar way of deallog, u tkemby.all are treated alike,: Dyepapata...-- Titers le. probably-, no.dflowas .wbieb experlaima - bee so amply proved to bi remedia ble by the PIiRIIVIAN BYRUP,..as Dyspepsia. The mtret Inveterate forms of this disease have been eam-, pletely eared biblde midielne; ae ionple testimony of acme of 041 BM Minos POTS'. • l Poi WO la ea on, 41(linfrr VIM itild 0116ainut, aed Nandi & Co., SOMSY Twelfth sail eisitent. 4104411ftt FEE= Javim JONXO & CO., 40fi ,11tAlitENT Strada
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers