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'II,A)Z2CO3.` , 4 :14440 143 0 16140 4P, 1 *** 1* ,114311 11.41414 1724.11:411/:!:5,124,:t. °l°A.X°4' '9jl '6 90 11 0 D M. , 41 1 1 - kris's*/ agroottv • - • .5 ' - '1 '" orldil: ' - . 1 11 . 1.11:!IlOrtia lit W' r:irslf Att'z 4 2 :4, -7' • 4 4 11 .'7r. /HMO t 1• 6 1: 114 k , c , i - zs , fi:r QM - Ir' VALROXTRADM , •-i;-18431ORTI111).0 - 44:13.11:0 • rrwwf*llift44s,4ll . i. - - OAIOC - SAlWltablOtlllttitt4lolCllll4. 14140; r• 4 ovikiaraminkurvisto .-• yirtant;. , "'"- , r • cr.t. • tiqrse‘ifOlTlLTll;:ail "'"1 , • xt-Cio - 4311Q1LINIENI" - W-" • `' < , ".• .::1:4 ;2 ''.r4 ori 'RIBBONS, Twarfrincest- • BM.MIOIIICRIVeII , PANCY 001111, = ' _ - " ..,,,,,,oRE 80-00:11 ARD N , ,i,"o.lrAll-sNY4L. -'2.4-,-- ~.....-' _ <-,..y -_,..„ .....4,1.,„\-_-, ,inualrli.,; ~. . .•34`.''A,.....e.4i 4tENOI E ra- : 4, 7 ,, , h i, ,: -' , ',..3t4,•1•7"- ..111L.11-,AND'i144.51;1011-44.1?1!" :41111:;..'-4' ,' -%ri , :i:A-7- - 77,7,7 i., ''',-_ ', ''''''',“ wii'''Ctiii/H:BWIS#P)"!W•M' '' 'i riiMENS; -,-'til--1-,>1.011gt0n:41,44.-nc- saiL:WllB' nosi-- Ip" iiimE4l(liTa!, -,,..- ; , t, iqi - . - ,,,-,„ _. --„---- ' - ~, 99101 1 I,ArOMANIE':'7 VOrirrY7.'y " 4114.1461 ' ..11340;500 , rnalt min), - --1011.880,11,t 01:40k • rn=k;Alte Ir4T stra4- • .441,14 to .4%-‘14411414."' - -4-34-75#514211 . . r. ' 'f,''''' -,.:4. E i lar VO T ''''''''.7':" 41,2"* -c-I'l' '-,-:' -'llltoiiiiiiiiiiv' - , r' .. • 5,..i.'-`.`-`?: ',...,it'1. ' , , „:-.:,- • . : , - • ~ :, , ,:. - , j . ' --,-•;;- : tolunaN Dotito'' " A ND ---, • - Dil ifißops, - : ad.sii- t, '. - - ;, , ::'!i.?. 1, '7','..-..,•,' ,„,-, , -t1 • z...q,L'2f.::` , * L.,4V.4: , 11 , nf-,-.;._ 0,0 - .0 pop_ , -IBAItOROPV &(JCII 11.MIXIIT-STREST, ''' P4 6 0, 1 7 1 4 1 4 licit sips, • • • -, 110011M.11811- -„ gjiaNk r , W•; • ' SO TS • ' • /); ere supszTOMMß_T4'7,"„,--;:'', ' yik44154:0014-444446. - - -2 : - .;81911111W0141$6110 - 6 ,7 1f.141i,t,t1t - rz ,--,, •••:wi:.j;, :4,c , %: • iwikmiAtn , L , olx,fitxr4o:o2T4pva , :' , s:.3! , 'i] , •llol4ll.lent,OD-l:v.111111411001AORY - - - SOW; - r - : Atirig* • " - . . 84, 0 0.; • 3' ; *Ol4 ;jOgHTJA'. II ;4 I 4 I I;r4 . , -'.. 1 0-14x,1;44-Air.,.., .;:.,.-,;-:.---. '.....,,, ___ - .. 4, - . D -.0 .iiiji - ;-' ":.,rix-.„,,ociti , -_ 8 T/ 0 , - ' , .rn itirfroNvos ~, _ ._ 4-....y.i1i0.0.,1,..,:;,,,-J.,..--,)/,,,-- ----,-,--,-,Ti-, : -.. 1 ,--- vi4. , 4,. ,, ._-.-,-.- ,- ,--1{,,t,,,,-_-_,,, ~. 0,, , ittlN,-!- 91 ~,,,,--t !.,pr . . it ~ , i 81.1 f ,_,T,1,1, ~l, ;:-Ox,rtZILII,I*-:s'Ti'''fr, 1f.:i.%Af4:4":77:744-,!-_,` i tikti al o hi s - 'cli --juks,ift! • ''=PIA-'?l'43.l"''t!k:*'`44°3;Vl•l;r:':l;':':`,l9' el . .- • „, „ • Min ITZEINE , V7i,„ . 1.13. ~ , q, ~, t,'-'1- fi ,3i - z; - . ~. e.,d r<si.Y' - 2.;4N0.i :189, ~""t,;(4,1*-i..cip, (fa 1 , a too • ;1638ii • IrsOlk4k(ittOgii...oool3T43: DRY. docite, 110*.'s.T1tEit ,, blvd,li3l,ow Siszkat,, . . ASS; KENT , ANT CO" .lIMPORTNRD AND :'6TODBEREI or t Fi RMAN, 'R.IO.OT-• MEM DRY a-op , Oiirimi 241', troito,!thittD, sinnEr, Above JM. • I • iki•4 4 41,4, 6 : 1 ' , 4 • SECONDS fitUlas, ,r‘ 71,04 WHEAT. 14000WitliP16, 0,4111T1D, Eavat igOkt n o . ;•o-A•i rtij t .B . o , - - Lira Ettiori,l4 ll , • ; IMAPETERI3 ., AND JOBBE!t8 • El' it` +3.'o - _ :xi" 47 ,4,011. 1 1 1 11,,T If IR D. T , . o a s : STOCK . 0, 00/4/ 1110 1 11 ;g 1 !til Aspartame% and rotdy for SU, TUC Yer:ooPtimu lag oterokosta, from all porta of Vskoi, sio•roopootroll4 NOHOW to call sad ow tiftHrttra Vtoosolva. '. ' - _ • f0t.16.80t rI9IOOALE iNKALBIia rl vrt, Y wt ` 0, OAD liNo. 1 6 }0:01STIMET:', ; (tknatinre4 oorlapF rilfkmaol Choir lac') • pada} lariattiratolfs '1069 ' • ' kiriZEt.: l 6.itgit,*Tk i tiOntir . Fl P, , = i and ` S.PEEN.D.IO..STOOK Of Emoidi .Dlllllll SLLRe .1108118 AMR& - I ROBBB DiOX T04%11'11 . 4 ' G , ? 011BRAIRNI11, - PARIS OROAIIpIEN," -Hilo ' JACONST,Ike - :,'&0. , .= = ' faU BONNET RIBBONB, PARIS 1118 010 1 / 1 18,At5.,. , - Q 8 saUli gUallUa _ltound oa - iier,'Bquava, 0.1454-aialthightillinato MiuitiMa, new and irahalpea, &a., &az ' • taffy st4stion.qcjostrort to osr vlda4Atoet, failiag. /modls& Wit r e Apt °Bar ,In4utomanta that wBI prows tatisthatary, ewe 'atoelt embtices *mg t.l the Wait dislystoritooti new la.saattat, • ‘1•1t11.101-= 771 ich,or B. SLLIBON & SONS; - siaceatorr,taßgin, • 07011PFIRS AND WHOOLF4OI:7OBBERF OF 5.9 - OA-011M813i4Nir VICBTOTOS, , 1 0 1 ! A L -th° tkalui StursiANaTimor - titooDs. - 2 .,AlittiOTT; JOIINES, & 00.; ..88-9;,I(AAKETA3TREET - , • _ ; - A to air • lop - . NNW- AIND - ATITA.OII.I/11 . 0TOOZ, • "- ATTENTION'' , OF BUYERS: • • • pus. '& co , Impartiin sad lrliolesalv Nolen , - i':,;,111 1 0 imps: 4ko. 13 : ° !;- 3° . 1111KW,L' ingia• itt!El Ft!l'F/I*II,4ONES.O:CO., DitAx,Esi • lo:skieWANDDomzsTio DRY - „4300D5,- 2liriti*X.l;l l :-/Ajfit , "4-E4, f. 141 '',:flait44lo2/10A; :gOicP ? -qttes - . ißilw:AliD SHETLAND -WOOLS. EyANS •8c: ii.AtgALL, STREET, ••• e•Wm..B. 11A8BAix. • . - Ii .01:86171* ifoußits.STA.:llWr," ' • 44,1/111#fiRESS , , 01111104,4ditiiiiatar Trade to th olr 0441/routi.isodir 'or -PalIN9ll POWIPONNETTN, add Traiimma, isistuntorpaintlitirroke - - . • w 4 iii4i4ll4•l aidorot for Silk aid flatioArilkb it oat hoitikie •ty,g,,,:;802-13tA.Vtg,; : EE,T ,A k ri isairOliFolo,olprkt?graticltittglits iwIITE moons; ,' EbtT { OIOEAIEB, , • GOODS, '&O., rit, Icaas.' - feb26.lot • Iritt.. - mac4pitkol - ag • 'ltnotaiOAtailrioulass • ug ‘i` • PROVISIONS; , !„4 - - '`Aiso_OultoCßS :bitioadF , MEATS, - VeTrietiti' 'salt ot4 id ON oltOtil , Be ', • _'_lllils'9llzir i f:tolta;tA6to, , 4l4 )41 assortment or 41. fiAlttil; Iticti ono, .ad!l1111.4-ser'ewi'eirLea,bout Clitt'aod Western ? riviltlity trilt'i;leitvintie „ - 14,143.6m* SMITH; „.,. ' • • .ifintig. • , .ittfltp • .• „ 0:00".. .141.111 v 411110 1 17-9; celebrattml Olotlielaid Doe -1.44 iritr°2Bll4l:lVlVirtt_trk"' aE FMIY, BinoitorioN; -; • - .7 1 4• 31 . 9 "" Ktigu r 1.` !••,**;''-,..-! • ...'-' ? , - , • ' ' - . • , - , - i', t. --":" r - , -.• ? . „ . ' . . ' -?-4,,c.•-•....‘,`,.*-r,.?4,,,k,,i,-2•,?:,'•• ... _ - . ~.. ll* .' '' ';'' ,i;) .i s 3 '.- k. • .?."? ? ' ' ' C. ,.. 'N. li t hik?,-: '--• --- ---L,,,___ ,. "qky44,1 -. --",,---:•-• -r, e ., i."..W - , _._ - -- - ~ • . .. .....,‘,...... ... 'lx * . - ? .....i • , " .? : 4 '' --; I- . -.... =— ''''', • iillizat). - (r4). -- . - aorlll -.: • „.4. - -.' .. ..*-:!? .:-...-- L. s --.- •..,?( lA* 1 • ,s --_ • ? -,. •.• ? —li -'. _ f?.??'".7" -- •• ' , - -i , .-."-- -' 2 ' g - ..41 . , , . • _ , . . .. r .--•- , P.v i !--.• ••• ..I. • • 1 tr' ....s. ,I.: ,„ ~^ ".- •, • _- ___, --5 , :- L ' ..' ii . ?:.... ' , ' .... Ili . • , .....‘; \ - . 1 , ,'" • - '''''. .ZY•;; . ...._ ,_:-". • Or•VillirF. .. ~_ '.. L„flr,-- ,' ' :-. V II — 4 ~ ..,,,I '''--- -.' ' .' ' S'el - --' ''''.-.' "-.*... ~, , ~,, g.:..7 '±4 . : 7 -e - - - 7 4 ,0,if . r1. 1. . . ' '-''' ''' *4- - -.. 7 , --• t , '.....Ci -.-.'"' - " ' 4't°' ' . ' ' • n-` •..:: .„ . . • ' , ~ ..';',ll--.3% .- e ..,, ',-= ' ••• - , ' . -.. ' . ..,. ',,, ,r,i $ ., F.'„ ' - .'v. ` ...,' • ' , , , ..' - ' .tptglcZyciciti . o' 'tram. ILLINERY AND 'RR ''S'I'RA.WGOODS. A kirglT - 644411 ; 1111 AND OnOIOE,ABRORTifINT RIBBONS of every .desoription, . BONNET .SILK.B pin, CRAPES, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, RUCHES • And other 'l4llllriery . Goode. ALSO OP STRAW GOODS. 'Or . 29.1ilirt - 0071021:IABLII !AMITY, 00W open for exambuttioit by, anneals to, OAIIII — AND . PROMPT 1111017-tllOl BUY R 2, At • mill iidveueoittpoiritit cost. Thren'Atibrene ?rowing 'money In their pirolutioe knead givi vein early - ROSENHEIN, BROMS; & 00., 481 ISARAST STRDET, (Late of, No; SS South Second st.) 1859. ‘.• 1859 STRAW GOODS HOUSE. THOMPSON & JENKINS, MARICET STREET, - Invite the attention of borna to their extensive stook of lauties , Atrowr and `srik' Boone* Mises' date and Bloomers; Men's, Boys', and Children's Rata; Artifi cial flowers Riau, Trimmligei &o. - Mfg eio!tudrely,ougagod l this branchOf Mutineer', parelmaara will find ate` their - interest to examine our stook Wore puroimbig.' - - ' , TROB, P. MALTY, (formerly." of Wilcock, llogere, & Tralej•,) Mow engaged viiiinthp above hours, Bonilla bolds friends an ozatatuillon of the gook of Ileum. Thompson & Unlace. - • -febitidn - STRAW - Goops no*lguj, Buono, ho. HOOVES & DAVIS, AIANIIPAOTNENDS AND DIALERS . Noe. 19And Fitlotith Fourth Sheet, (up RAN ' . Hare on band anentirelynew and meld& Mock M the al ore vide; laid In for oAlln, to which the attention of buyer. le tutted. " - •„- • • MfitAß; FiAiLOYILL, late of the firm of arm to:rou A. W., long lutowuto the trade, would he pleased lc:0e hit Mende at-tbm wartroome of 'filesam.llOopee 'STRAW AND MILLINERY QOO/13. • Frarleironx;rett twin . our old stand, 45 fioitk Seco ad street, to • - , 725 CHESTNUT STREET, ENTWINIK saris TN AND N/ONTN, We life now prepared to oladatt to our numerous pa- POMPhE r i I .E . siro9T.c - - or STRA,W.EILTB, BURSTS, " • WNW sod OHILDEJINI HATS, . awomixas, CEPS; &O. lANOT AND ORAP I BONNITS, • " nimbit nowna, RtilltuNS. 1:A 0108, ; • • • - 81101188, Ito • Enibtaasig 'null an rireortaueitt umnPudled m Ma city, an{l we reopeattully invite the Mtecito!a..of mentaanta tenor Buttus Male.' • , Omsk and ihortaloau buyers will Sod It:00419y their !Mutat tiller* aja eall: , , . ' . ' ' MONAWOOD, a NIOHOLS. febiltaut r - • J HITA.J3ORN . JONES. kr. Imported sad Manufseturer = ur , • SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, LEGIIORK PAtitabt i ,, ,..: 41/ 4 11 q9 01 ; r . E A W * )/9;litladis,ite, t 1 6.71 .-1, • • + e ere 46a MARKET ST.„ maw IIY T n. • reta-sin 1 859 MILLINERY. 1859 AND STRAW GOODS. New and complete assortment of ' • SILKS,' RIBBONS, FLOWERS; OnArn; RIIONES, LAONEI, And every other article In that line, , . ALSO, ' • • STRAW -'BONNETS AND STRIW TRIMMINGS, Emloraelfig in all an aseortment nneoualled In this eiti; wt. to which we Invite the attention of , buyers Those - imerebseini for bash, or '42n . skort,alsee, will do well to give to a eall hefere seleating eleewhere.. H. BEREREIBE & CO., fsg4 . -2m • No. 9f 10IIT0 . SECOND STRUT.' METROPOLITAN RIBBON ROUSE. RIBBONS, • - RIBBONS, RIBBONS, MILLINERY GOODS, Of Orery, Selariptfon. onArsg, BONNET BILKS FRENCH FI.OWIREfind MUGS, RI/OHES, &.o•, ta - J.. C. E..TEABER. No. 2S South BROOND Street, • , PHILADELPHIA. mhl•2m S ;1 O R,ENDLEY & 00., 216 MARKET STREET, IMPORTEBS AND JODDDRO OP LACES, HISBROLDERESS, WHITE GOODS, ho Ravi now In store a complete assortment of all the etylea, wbieb we will lien et the loirsit prime STRAliv . ,oDxuTzpiEity, GOODS. , • r:f.' 8. 'CUSTER, • NEANIIIIAOTURNII AND WROLIOAI42 DNALIIII IN STRAW HATE, AND MILLI IQEIBY GooDa, .607 NOI3TU SECOND STREET, PHILADEGPII4. f,2l•7m* BOI9TET , BYWIES. We ore agents for the inemufaeturere for the fele of tlie'Abo ve gooae, and have pow in Moro o complete aleortmentrerhieb we will sell to the Was at the' itiNIJNIOTURRIVO LOWIST PRIORS We sod examination or war stook FREEDLEY k 00., 246 MARSHY Street f•lo4m 41)arbtuare. MOORE, HENINZEY & CO Roc 427 MA RKET, and 416 COSIPIEMB titresOs. PHILADELPHIA, Neap acaliatly craharal a large Moak. • ow HARDWARE, OUTLiggle, OUNS, eto., WI3Joh are *Wed to BUYERS oriLtbara Terms. fetO•thrs TRUITT BROTHER 66 , CO., pipowrigs AND WHOLROALII DIALERS Hfr HARDWARE, CUTLERY, guns, . . PIBTOLEI,Ao., 629 MARKET •STREET, , , 1111LoW SIXTH, NORTH- SIDN; It NO II BOOTMAX.ERI--AUGII7O 112- BICKER; No: VW North ?MIRTH Street, re speetfully informs the publie, and SOUTHERN and WESTEEN HIROHANTS petticularly, map b e .e m i. *Mg o.roaaufaciur vashionshl6.33ooht &ad Shoes to 'order ;Wolin (boss who patronise bin, that be will - 4141Miatee that hie work wilt gyro ottiotoottooG both se _regards .supstior Mat*, f . a4 ,vgqoll•Ret mi Ishowniemulpiti„ • - fingitlr . r vrki 1 •** r • - • 1 0 ' - „ ;,‘! f) - ri fr,‘ r • • PJ3IL;A I JVI-PHIA? PIUODAY. s .rieußcti 10, 1859. epptottoohni:ijitiseis t McCIALIAThr &' ()0.,. MA.NiTrA.OIiIiEiS; QLISN xouo _ 'ALS!), . - TUDDRTED3 AND DIALERNIEN ; CARPETING, • `.3f. : WAREHOUSE, 509 CHESTNUT , . We have now onhand an ektenerre awoke curt. log, of our own . end other mace. to Rhiph re Invite the attention of Weetern and Southern bafres. fe,21:433 . - CARPETING. - f3OLI AGINOY IN AUBURN- THRER•PLYBt• A - ' SUPBRPINBB, AND VEZIPtIANB ituvviovilasa-sr- S JOSIAH HARBH - R, _!: , With gradea ot WOOL, W9OVAND - ,0016N044 . ALL:COTTON INGRAINS. ATWOOD, RALSTON, * 09., • ALANUPAOTtiIINRB S 4:l7llNik , ,o 9 STUNT. T C. 130W.V. 8a 00., • „ a ,. • ANENTB Of THE ' ' •- 1- .'' • MANOLLENTER , PRINT WORACE;i: • Nava now in their Noir Store, ". • • , • WO 240 asa,4 3 l...azete'NlT Et f i r lt*El2 . l% - A full line of all the goods manufeeturol larthe - Manchester Company. . . t DE LAINTS , " ' - MULLIN/I, ' • .., JP,VtitB, 'owl 4.1 - ' • " ANNOLAI*LLLEy Comprising the moat desirable Styles of Eine goods ever offered to the trade. J. C3.IIOWE &GO,' Are also the Sole Agent/ for the, sale, in thiO•miiket, of the foll6wlng lasnufahturers of WOOLLEN AND COTTON GOODS BRADFORD, TAFT , & CO: , ' J. T. EIEADILLYE & CO., MERRIMACK WOOLLEN COMPANY, N. BAYLES & SON, • , .„ XLMTB SEET.NILL • • / BIILLBORY WOOLLEN MILL, _ , And other popular makes. - • BROWN AND BLEACHED OOTTONE; INDIAN ORCHARD 7.8, 4.4, and 9.8. WATERFORD MFG, CO. 7-8, 4-41, and 9-8: ". • To all of which tha attention of buyers la olialted. je26..tu th a Sm - • -, DUNDEE ' AND - , SCOTCH LINENS. CONRAD' & SERRILL. 2013 CHESTNUT STREET.' ' A Lugo Ateorteient of the well-known atyleo— BAXTER'S CROWN - DUOKS,' • ' EfriVARDS' PADDINOS, ILROY ' 8 • BURLAPS, THOMPSON'S HEMP OARPET9;I4O:i I ' BARNSLEY SHEETINO4,',;'. , ':" BLEACHED, AND BROiNDA4XS, LINEN AND UNION TABLE otoTas,. DIAPERS, TOWELS, TUTORS, !'" Rill3BlA CRASH, &o. feblo-th . ttx lin BLABON & SMITH. • , • • mANtromnunsins OP • OIL dLOTI-IS. = - 146 - NORTA THIRD -STILEET-, Offer aw the trade a large stook of OIL OLOTES of every deseription, the largest assortment of „ • , WINDOW BLIADD f ' and DUMP NOLLANDS, ' In this market, at. LOW 1 5 11XONS, t AND • FAVOILABLE'TBItitS. ORDNN GLALIOD OIL CLOTH, ► beautiful SAW* for %Mao* Shades. - fel2.2m JOSEPH LEA. DOMESTIO COMMISSION WAREHOUSE, Nos. 128 andlEo olLesTNU'r STREIT, OOTTON, LINEN, WOOLLEN AND PRINTED CARPETINGS. - 'writes Southern and Western buyers to examine a - large and desirable assortment of CARPETS, Including many new patterns not before offered, viz F BRITIAN, - ,WOOL AND WORSTRD, COFTON-WARP, SCPERNINR, 010T011, 'NOR &IN, Ice., SILLINOTON DaussaLus, -Carefully BELDOTRD In the loom, WARRANTED of mdforni quality from end to end, and being made chiefly In 'this vicinity, can be sOld on more favorable terms, and by the NNRQUALLYID RAILWAY FACI LITIES is! our city, gent to all Western points at less expense than from any other market. Ja24-2wlt RIDGIVIA.Y, BEIISSNER, & CO., Impnrtoro of WOOLLENS, Are rooelvlng lull oupplles of SUPERIOR • CLOTHS, DOWRIES, TRICOTS, /AHOY OASSISUIRES, gra. lfrom the following celebrated inanufaottirera— RRSDERIO ES.ORENS (Little Ticket.) W. A. 3011 ANNY ABHOR. GRVERS & SOHMIDT (8. and H. Matti.) ZAHBONA BROTHERS., - E: TOENNIES & 00., and others. febl.oei • 200 CRISTNIIT Street CARPETING-S, OIL 040V14, AND IMMO% WOLFE, WILSON, 8a 00., 00Mb1I138I0N MERCHANTS, No. 132 ONESINUT STREET, - Agents for •'I'AREBTRY, vui,vzr, TRIMS PLY, - INGRAIN, VRNSTIAN, lINAIP, DUTCH, /DOLTON, LIST, and RAG CARPETS, Whten we are recelvh7g daily from the Idenufseturers, and He prepared to offer the trade on Intend terms. Raving the Agency for some of the best and most dot salable goods, we can offer inducements not heretofore to be bad in Philadelphia. All goods gold at Menu= finitoreee prison. Orders carefully attended to. D. Also, Agents for Black and White Wadding, a large supply of which we have constantly on band. febl.4m FARRELL & MORRIS. 430h1h1181310N MILROHAWri s X WE F° 0 11, 'X' 70 711, OP OLOTIIB,DOIIIB.KINII, s?O. 232 ORESTNUT STREET, febl•Bm Philadelphia GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Ai) TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. 1.,02.1G00PE1 & .I . .EARCIV, No. 9 SOUTH POURTLI STREET, , Nave now lo ,atora a full ainortment to their line, to which they invite the attention of their tuatOmers and Ware of melt goods: fe24-4tapl Q.P.IING TRADE, 1859. SHIPLEY, nAZAED, &, HIITOECINSON, 112 CHESTNUT STREET, Al 'note' opining a large and yaried - itook of LAWNS, CHALLIS% PRINTS, and other DEEPS GOODS, • To nhloh the attention of the trade id Invited Also, DOMESTIC - GOODS,- Oaticipristoi rabbi% Oinabtirgi, Woodward , Doeshins, Brown Shootings and thirtings, Ightinors , Stripeo, Blue 80110013 Paddingo, 401 OIL 0L0TH0,? .. .. - MATT11;10, OPPOBIIII STATiII HOVIIN inniioliing emybo. '4/faun 11Drg ESoci4l3, SPRING. ,TRADE. • s H. DEITIRING & 00" ", Nos. 26 and 28 NORTH FOURTH STREET, . UiYe. Jut opened Choir recent IMPOATATIONO Not ' G.g AN HOSIERY, 0110 YES, AND SHALLWARES, Ahrl sollolt ad btipeattou bt thole complete and well • imumrel. stick, NOP Box.A:L • I.iT ACDIET.I3I) TO SOUTHERN - AND'SOUTHWESTERN TRADE febtr-Ban BURNETT, SEXTON & SWEA.RINGEN - Are now opening et their Store,' 1 , No. 409,14ARKNT'8TNENTI - Above Fourth, North Side, AItANDSOIIII ABAQIIMINNT OF ' NEW SPR - ING STYLES or ' FA:NOY DRY GOODS, : Or TIMM OWN IMPORTATION And selection, which they offer (or axle to bnyere from alt pettiot the United Oates, on the moat Minil tomti t feb9-8m - MoCAIIBET,BRCiTHER, &BREWSTER, 23 NORTH YOURTH.BTRERT, , : Have Aunt Opeued an ent4re_ , NSW SRTNC~F 'STOCK HOSIERY, GLOVES, and To L ikioh r ihsy hisite the attention of first•olase buyers , • Ottr stook to isttliularly adapted to the SOUTHERN TRADE. SCHAFFER & ROBERTS, : • 420 MAURT mum., ..„ I.ll?OitfiEilS` 'AND , 4911DERS or. ikaSxiitur, BLov 3,, 16, WARE% COMBS, iiRUSHEB, tooziNe•GLASBEEI, OEIWAS HANOI' GOODS, . LIID TAW:Ai) TRIMMINGS. fel.4m . J3aota aub 01100. CONOVEict, & 33ROS' : BOOT, SHOE, .BO.IINET., AID PALM -LEAP HAT ‘WA.II , EHOUSE,' No. 524 MAitqt BTKEir, • • :petweenFlctlyinlBtxth, mail-lm PHILADELPHIA HENDRY Se HARRIS,. kIANVIIAOTUREDA AND waoLi!sAtz DNALNOB MOTS AND SHOES, N. W. COU. TRIAD AND ARON STR.BETO, PHILADELPHIA WHELAN ,8c CO., ' NMOLIBALM DEALIARS - - 8110E9, AND STRAW GOODS. No. 513 ItIARKIIIT STREET. _ tog.t.2m B° R-ER . 83 BROTHERS, WHOLESALE BOOTS AND SHOES, 432 MARKET STREET, 424-2 m UP STAIRS. BOOTS AND SHOES. The Subscribers have completed their SPRING STOCK or BOOTS 'AND SHOES, Which they are, prepared to offer at the lowest prices, on their mud term.. VAN DDSEN, SMITH, & CO., 403 MARKET STREET, fetddllot Above Fourth, up stars. B. P. WILLIAMS & CO., WHOLESALE SNOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, No. 18 SOUTH. FOURTH STREET. rob3.2m ' JOEI. an WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, • No. 814 MARKET STREET. QT A large and general asiortment of Eastern and Olt •rnade Shoes aenstantly odhand. febl•Etra SPRING STYLES, 1859. J. i WC. E3.4 , 07143:M1R.E1,' WUOLEaMLS D11e.11.1111 POND BlLlWPAintlitltllit • or STRAW BONNETS AND HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, 80., &o. Being prepeSed to offer as great Inducements to buyers as Jobbers In any other market, Invite an ex amination ot.thelr stook. - Nu. 84 NORTH FOURTH STREET, fe1.201 Near the Merchants , iletal, Philadelphia. LEVICK.. RASIN. & CO., BOOT AND SHOE WARNIIODBB MANUFACTORY, No. 525 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia We hare now on hand an extensive stook of Boots and Shoes, of all desorlptlooe, or our own and Eastern Manufacture, to which we invite the attention of Southern and Western bumf! 53a0bleru fjarb .are WM. P. W.T.I.STACH So CO. IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS, AND DDADERO IN SADDLERY HARDWARE, CARRIAGE, TRIMIIINGS, AND HARNESS MOUNTINGS, No. 88 NORTH THIRD STREET, Between Market and Arch, n YIIILADELPHIA THE LARGEST STOOK IN THE MT. 117° Sign of THE GOLDEN STIRRUP. Ifeb2.2m F. ROLLER,' '6l/ • PRICNOR BOOT AND SHOE! MANNA, No. 2T South NINTH Street. third door above Ohest nnt,Thiladelphis, Sege to Inform blajelende and the public generally that he hen opened business on We own acoeuot: as above, where he will always be happy to receive• a con notation of their favors. -An the senior partner of the late firm of Rotten & Donor, probably no other guarantee is necessary to an appreciative public of his entire ability to fill ail orders to hie line with the ut most satisfaction. Remember the number.: 27 Routh NINTH . Street, third dour abovelTheatont. _ laps' ".- 3(X)BBLS. PALE No. 1 'ROSIN In store and for gale by O. O. VA'N AbIRINGE, Jae., relo4l NortitIVIIARNAL rvv tryl .Al Y ; rtss Should another Ent:enema ,war take place, , anksuch an client is - not out' of the range of probability, England, , guard- spinet it as she may; must be dragged into the arena, sooner or later.' The experience She gained in the Crimean War has taught her the vast difference between the sprote of her army and thaeof the array of. France, In fact—and we say it at'the 'risk of offending_some readers,who per-, gist, in, thinking, as • their Tory forefathers thought; that every thing English must be beat—the - Motive spirit of the -British troops' Is morel 'mercenary than is that of the'French troop's. - The inducements to enter the French army—the MarshaPtr baton, which 'ev'ery French drunamor-boy thinks may be slit the bottom of 'kTh knapsack, and the rapid promo tion, weigh heavily- r against ;slow promotion and small pay in the English service, nor is the, Victoriktnedal, lately Instituted as the resiarkg-Ainia 4 nt-Oa 4 ki - in;:t4disifi! half fts captivating the Oros:and:od' ribind of the ! Legion of -Honor, ''Whfelage many thousand have won; and proudly'ivear. The Tertinacity with which'. Old Fogyism, all over the world, Clings to' :established usages, however inconvenient-or ;unjust, sitn ply because they art'old and:established, his been noticed, in prose and, 'verse, from time immemorial. In WAITING:I:on lavraoB sketch' of "John Bull'?.—which may be described as a gentle -satire 'sweetened with - compliments-,-.. - that embodiment et - the national beef and beer is described as clinging to 'abases, "-b'ecauae they aro good old family abases." '• The changes made in the English army. 'since the -Crimean Wat amount ; to very little. EaCh finC00491 , 70 Minisiter thinks that whoever hi guilty of the 'innovation of reform, he, for one, must not dream of any thing half so terrible. Lours XV, lapped In luxury and ease, determined to enjoy the pass ing hour, and, in the true spirit of the Irish legislator, who gravely,' asked, 4, What • has Posterity done for vs that we should do4usv thing for posterity 1 " philosophically re raarked,'-ccAfter me—the . ielage." So with, the British- Minister. Re wishes not to be troubled. with, any discussion. The theory Will last my time, quoth he—we have got on very well without changing, it—let it rest as it is. , JIANOY GOODS, The British army, with few exceptions, is officered by persons who purchase their com missions. A few appointments, it is true, are made on another system. Some of the stu dents of the military college at Sandhurst; a very scanty sprinkling of sons of veteran officers; an occasional page of honor, who has grown tqoo big for the, drawing-room duty of fetch-and - carry; - and, now and then, a de serving eergeant;lobtain gratuitous commis- Mons. Bat -these are' the exceptione. Tk(p greit Majority of British Otifiberehave bought the privilege of wearing the epardette. The price of art Enalgricy,varlea, according fettle regiment; from £450 . to £1,260. In moat cases, a men has to,purgbase every. step ; the whole cost ranging from £4,500 to £9,000 for a Lieutenant Colonelcy, if all the Intermediate grades have been bought. This operation, whereby money is every thing and Meritmothing,lejnest perniciens tti the Bridal" army, unjust !..io,,;,iiiiyate soldier; -finer-MA deserilag, effidere who have adopted . theArrayme a professieii and are unable to buy their advandement to its higher grades. • Under this system 'the young man who bas money can (and always does) purchase promotion over the heads of his experienced arid able seniors who have none. .&a' for promotion from the ranks, it has practically boon very slightly acted upon. In the Crimean war an exception was made, by the promotion of one sergeant in each regiment to an ensigncy, and an com plete was this limit that whereas a general officer who bad himself witnessed the rtlan's great valor on the field, had recommended one Sergeant Sumatran for an efisigncy, and his namesake Was appointed by mistake or care lessness, the only answer he could get, when he begged that the right ,man should be re warded, was to the effect that the thing was done, and nothing more could be thought of; Besides purchase, commissions in the Bri tish army are obtainable by seniority and favor. For distinguished merit there is scarce= ly any provision. 'ln Farliainent, the advo cates for the continuance of the'present money-system contend that to promote a deserving 'private soldier to an Ensigncy, ac tually deteriorates his position, and that to confer an Order of Merit upon him, with a small pension, would be the true way of hon oring him. As if a bit of red ribbon at the button-bole, and sixpence a day, for life, are equivalent to the real advancement and honor which promotion gives. The commlasion-purchase system is pecu liar to the British army. It closes, for the most part, that competition by talent and merit, which has been found so greatly to ele vate the morale of the military service, out of England. Had that system prevailed in France, (where, at one time, none bat a nobleman could hold the higher commissiona,) wherowonld He "mime; have been? Where, his best Marshals —NET 'and BODIN, MURAT andJurtor, Bran, node and ILlssartA ? In a word, all the great officers of the Republic and the Empire rose from the ranks. In England such would bo impossible. Here and there, at long intervals, a private has arisen to the rank of Field-officer. \ln France, BO to rise was not at all unusual, and every pri vate soldier who fought under NAPOTAO27 knew that if be behaved welij and fought bravely, he had a fair chance not only of obtaining the Cross of the Legion of Honor, but actual pro motion on the field ; 'with the reasonable pros pect, if life were spared and conduct con tinued good, of one day grasping in his hand the baton of a Marshal of France. Who can wonder at the great deeds,under such excite ment of ambition, as the French army per formed during the twenty yintrs of their ser vice under Naeoracon ? Lord PALMEREITON, perpnactonsly clinging to the maintenance of national abuses, has constantly contended, that because, in spite of an evil system, the British army had fought well, there were no grounds for changing that systetia. "Promotion by purchase," said he, "may be indefensible in the abstract, but it has been - rooted for generations in the mili tary organization of England, and cannot now be superseded without much expense and disturbance, hspeciallY,as it offers many coun terbalancing advantages in practical working." Such a system would be stigmatised, in every department but the Military, es abomi nable. It would be denounced as simony in the Church, corruption in the Government; and venality on the Bench. It is not permitted in any but the Military organizations; not in the Navy, not in the Marines, not in the Ordnance Department; simply ,and solely in the Army. Its natural tendency is to keep down the Army—to make them mere "food for pow der," as Falstaff said. From the British Army, the element most wanting - is excluded—namely, the middle class, which best understands the principles of order, system and method. The life of the private soldier is too low and hopeless—that of the officer too high and inaccessible. There is no union-I—there can be none between such discordant elements, whore one cannot rise and the other cannot stoop. On the contra ry, in the French army the middle class forms the great constituent.part, and the hum blest man in the ranks is capable of rising to distinction. Conscription, by which, in turn, every Frenchman is liable to be' drawn for a soldier, prevails in ono army—voluntary en listment in the other. Where every one may be 'drawn, without distinction, from the high est to the lowest, it would seem as if, ex ne cessifaf,ei the Frecieh army must consist' of a ,prOponderunoo of the middle class; But THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1859. Fienoh acid EnSliab Armies. , _TWO,.CENTS- ,, Witett.'en - 'do‘nOt: desire to'enter MIS Servioe avalt•theinseivei of the - poWer of per-, chasing subititutai i `and the 'cost 'of this has. been minimized hy,meamc•cf, clubs or , ranee Completes. EfotWithshinding, rest rune. : bars of the Middle - mass.'da:tilllingly enter . the ?renal aeryice,knowing dial good .con... dadt, good education, and - mastery of the de tails of dety, taserepromotion there as surely Ai In the' 'serTiett.. On' the other hand,. very • privates; In the - English army, are promoted tileiritlik'pf officers; and, in this utter hopelesseees, onlythe.lieryVorst of: the middle cl ass will mdhit ,England. The .. E pay of an English soldier is 'very_ stusll- 7 twen- . tp five seats a day, out of iilitch he has te.find food'and erery,phyfelsdireeit.Outercico", Mg egetinneets. luau Who'cia earn ‘ trfenty-flie;Cente AyAogest WOO is Ifitely . to enter thos.aility,,. lit; rob . . ,EieCanse . good Cooduct .. insures:protnotion for him; the army, is as mu is a F,renchman , s_ natural career istlaciCivil semina r ', .Every : One, hi FranceS, liable* coinistenct ,ptilitory; eareer:itti oonnnon. Soldier; and l ionng men of, the' highest ItAtitzni ff beet - icharnoter, _Anti mast.brllliant ednentinni.pre,metyitkin the, ranks. in „Eogleiid„if the ‘ scfonofla noble' 64 11 7 01 02 00.1ter. e ...„,k144, tje by,his*OM lowed to appear, Vii, ,iceptiuServizit's.hall4 if, indeed, iliepiewdsiosdhscOya. would lot , shrinkfro?", easodlitif4Perum, le snchi 'a degraded rank, Orliro. : 4l2F - piitoo; the' mow e e ( ibler.iiell / 1 ; 1 0 110$ ' fi.t.in.:41716 -highest society',` Yearint, the 'Uniform, of; a private ,noldiei,lind no onetidnkto ,lighWPf -him on th tit aoairmt, for, his notit,ll#o, have !the necenee'ry,quidliloatioe, to the , rank 0f, , c010-: to the grades '-above it 'on woof, of ble ini)itery media, by examination; :111 °-aler.ttei point for every officer , in.: the French army, mast be 14 1 114elaar7.serrice as a C 0 4 111 d9 12 Moldier,, except -„where„a. ettelentlin the udlitary Collegen wholes gope througia • most severe examination, Which nonehnt men of - extraordinarinbility can colon out' success, is alloweCat .once. to enter instbe lowest grade ,of an ofilcer,„„ -,N„o,privatelsol dier can obtain a commission 411. the, French army, except after "passing through an qxami= nation as Inhis, competoePraavc, - tadees l 3 where' some great ' achievement in, the field warrants his Promotion.. v, 'l l heimichise of commissions isyholly ktufnio in - the French, army. It is peculiar - to the: Engusb. ,No one, viewing - the,: , relative cOnduct of thn tWearmina la the say any, respect, the French- officer,: rising alWays from the.,ranirs , did; not , show: himself at least equal to tyo.Anglieth,Admittell not on nierit,, but hy,nteney.„ 'The operation of ; the open system: tends to elevate' the French soldier., The'pflicer .sees• In him a Personyho, by-and,bye,will become: his own equal and immediate associate. The private, inuitilnk,thet a' certain emonnt..of ethication hiene of the, qualifications, for a cereniisiden,constnntly endeavors to improve hfs Mind: A vast majority _ of, the French privates, therefore ;' are 'men of intelligence, respected by their (Acme, and, whet is more, respected 'by themselves and hy each other. Between thent„apd the _officers in an inter caursn, at once familiar and friendly, such as —not,,even In time of : war,,,when , common peril and commer, entering haing,all classes more on a;eVelis not „to -be foipd in the British,army. Is not, affected by this„por is the Obedience lessened: which ; Suboidinatei . are bound' to s iiieTto„their sn-, perinis. The result of this 41that,'Whenniyi, the Middle 'clitinea ot ‘ ,Eogy9idere:pshanied tpAitli`eti`-thikt 0 . ..444F0tit'0F theirfandly mat -pies position. so . degrading , pa. that, of ~a private soldier,thenitddle classes in , France, are proud_ to acknowledge that they ; have re-• l'ations. in the army—tor, ItOwever 'low their position, it is one which, in turn, the highest general Officer in the service has commenced with. , In England' the profession of, the private soldier is considered almost disgraceful. In France it is considered most honorable—the very hope of the country, in fact. In England ills a service of (pay ; in France, a means of glory. Biel" , French soldier has before him, if he merit it, the distinction of the cross of the Legion' of Honor and promotion to, the highest rank in the . army. In England an Order of Merit has sometimes been talked of, but the promotion, without ptirchasp, of one sergetint in each regiment was all that took place during the disastrous campaign in the Crimea. As STERNE said, nearly a cen tury ago, on another matter, , c they manage these things better in France." Should the French and English armies again meet in hostila array, the superiority of the French system-cannot but be made mani fest. Besides, as Louis Homes said, at his trial in 1840, Waterloo has yet to be avenged. Rooks Received.. Nature in Disease. By Jacob Bigelow, M. D. Second edition, enlarged. Boston : Phillips, Samp son, & Co. Defeats of Sight and Hearing. By T. W. Jones , of London, edited, with additions, by Dr. Law rence Turnbull. Philadelphia : C. J. Price & Co. [A good book, devoid of technicalities, fall of prat,- Real knowledge; and much improved by the addi tions introduced by the American editor.] • Life, Speeohes, and Memorials of Daniel Web ster. By Samuel - M.• Smucker. Philadelphia : D. Bunsen. [The biography contains all the pro minent incidents of Arr. Webster's public and private life, and the specimens of his massive oratory inalnde his finest speeches.) Onward : A Tale of Progress: By Jane Anne Winscom. New York : D. Appleton & Co. [A religious story, better written, and more interest ing than such books generally are.] The Old Man's Bride., By T. S. Arthur. Phila delphia,: 0. EL Evans. - [An !Acting novel of Per; elety—One of Mr. Arthur's happiest predations.] - The Gentleman's Magazine for February. London: Parklr.i Philadelphia: John Penington A Son. [Thliti-the oldest periodical, in the Epi nal' language, " full of wise saws and modern in stances," and ,contains an immense amount of misgellaneoue literary, historical, and antiquarian information.• The Philadelphia publishers sell it considerably lender the'London price [ Paths.) , the Huguenot Potter.—Boston. [There is a great deal here about' Palissy's savers trials as a Huguenot, and not enough about his • inven , tions as a pottlii.] Man and hip Dwelling Place. An Essay towards the Interpretation of Mature. New York : J. S. Redfield. Treadlian and his Friends. By Dr. 8.. Shelton Mackenzie, Editor of the " Nootes Ambrosiante," &o. Philadelphia,: J. B. Lippincott & 00. East Baltimore Conference. r MTH DAY. WILLIA3ISpORT, March 7. Conference met pursuant to adjournment, and was onened with religious services, isonduated•by Rev. P. B. Reese. The certificate of transfer of Win. Furgeson, from Baltimore Conference, was read. Rev. Mr. Avery, of the Boat Genesee Confer ence, and Dr. Wyeth; of the Philadelphia 0011.- feionee, were introduced. - The report of Committee on Dickinson College was road. The first resolution -declares unctimin , iihed confidence in the Bunny, dcs. • The report was hero arrested, and afterwards' re committed to the committee, who at a later period of to•day's session, reported a second 'resolution calling for a sputal collection for Dickinson Col lege.- From the animated dismission during the ' ses sion, the deep feeling on the part of the Confe rence in favor of educational purposes was" fairly presented , - - The report of the treasurer of the Education Board was read and filed. The report of the Tract Committee was called up. The first to fifth resolutions were passed ; the sixth and seventh Were lost, and another adopted, pledging the "Collections for the ensuing year to pay past debEs, and the surplus to form a basis for future action. The Court of Trial reported,,stating that the charges were not sustained, bat that the accused made use of exceptionable and indiscreet lan gunge. The Board of Managers 'of the Preachers Aid Society made report. It was received-and filed. The Conference was addressed by J. W. Randolph, a lay member. Several resolutions calling for auxiliary organisations, collections; As., were passed• Fenn lay .members,lesident in Baltimore, were eleoted as managers. The Committee on Seminaries made seport, no ticing the Wyoming Seminary, Baltimore Female College, Irving Female, Cumberland' Valley In stitute, and Dickinson Seminary. The resolutions declared an enlightened education pre•erainently necessary, Find calling forth, appointment of usual, visiting committees. ' The speotaleenitnitteci on the finances of Dickin son Seminary made report. Pending. the discus siert Conference adjourami, XOTIOII To vomit_ sTofiDifill # 7. 61 0eadosfaOlis An= mini ra um icsowi m reel Jiver/ solanutzuglon mit br taw ming of _the_ vaitir„ .In, orlon tnlinqpn 1101nnerl . t6® t 7P o fP•Pbrlnt oae AO of the 460 sheen *4 written „.- - - _ We dull beeteetly obligee ee pedema to reuegb. Thttie. Ind lei Ste* fok eitebetbitSeeir - glnss the, i !iieilYe,# l l l l4 l ll . etilbeertitebet . 10 "I'6* ii or IDIOM tiat 'DI be li!teertl:' leg to the ieseo r; • Et 4;t1Z: : .011;tr : z7:. AMIIMpIIUMI ; W - MtfiME --- = ABBl}LtY 6L' Ct. allite's ISON=StaTar The Bridal "—wpylng for Lark?' - , , Crireu. Compsars—f r aWitiLlai firth Gemsiin4 Aeiabitisktr,asiol- _ • : - • oD4sovainiwM i/Vor fro* Opetaa;Pagtomigkes, Dai#08;10, Tteximrl Vdincriiiite Genie fronVOliorm6 - Xecentrialtfes, /arm, Dinging, and Asgamsurßatuoraot-Asigiaoi Sll4f, " -INserardite received the twelfth annnal . ieport Drib° piapeotlins- of the • omnati 1414110:mu the Vitalaturi feint <lle, the , preitiffinif - oethe lewd. - Itiiipiaire,,frorit - 21 ( s that the nninbir konn2" dtalints' iak.the 'Ref has been 114913. , 4 deerrier. se duniiired with . ttiiilireyhate yen,. 1 e 6 7,) ,whea: Cambia leacteisd-10,640. =1 wady - taffse.haa.beett hignert4 aotheatd• hi-the an nnernthabee of eoznatltanaent-to„the nation. In lass • there nitre 114,940 "; 'ln' 1166, - 1403; 011867, 15,616. •The-extuhenot the deievana' 6:44.fie neat yaw ate not ap aparent. . It fa ehiefireereartted Is - weetendteneeti for aordealy. for 16128, were only 4,436. 6 0 111 4 40 frtf,,,k162.7::' The ownnitttnente foams, for 26 i1857'1721.7.,F0rir5.- trawl, in 1868, .7411-6 in 1867;2405 Bet _ 6060 1 0 716. Jzi 38514,1464 n 1.967, 348 , assault and • - batter!, to .1968,.1.921,; in 1837, 2,1902. , ",- It It elan aesetted that fla_eozonntaserita for Cam dear eondnet and Wit:oo ire Mined tireaSaldreafen of - .drunkenness; end :doubtleine -moat , of= tne - eases Of_asamat and *Ater, areit,aceahle also 46 • theeffatte of totaleattng,drinly. , •• - • - Thintuntrer orpeteelline),,eie~okilittOdeeirein. duet and eagrazo,. who were dqeeettedli the ta*Pee• , facennet„.o. ' - The-ltietraeoe; a AO" f.oc eop eatton .464`6109.09inentfor yetienteleaftsheokleiteoemib, th our idler- haebeted egilaeindlisto6l:l • t and tha r &oho ones .rawmanoet it ite lea se . ,'„. , 11, The' retort - Iti-11.4.9407•41= saathathe_9loll6664t49f the beard, bre_p_peadel, 'l2 seVerrt"ll.oittelOr *ant, nad,ts saadittUalehireettee tebbieohdr ,lelation to the. feart ol ..micetateeltette..• etmeardir the' abeam*: altrietinc.the. :rho li D eeneeitenh octor' etrener , arges:Atcliedliaition , of 'Ver" preao6l • ,hdr. William be4Et., the Idietaiftlitritt,llll4lll7 rellaietitedloi paleaketidelatteata prjheerteca,. on et Me °Metal datteir " tetereithdutabte • If •seeiiiitia to the eapeneee of the nelson, rid& print,, the iniononir minilistatl by tininsieeete - yak* 1864, 21Lert w e r e ,11 , 80 63/ 17 . 4 0418,-2418. 18 '1855; "" •" •• - A 6,499.2 74, If 6, "14 981 . " r' 90,352 la. 1 7,• 16,800_- — 64 841 96- -1 8, " 16 , 135 • . • ••" 63,200 66 jA Rxmo Going landmarks: , 0f,...0ur. Itrrel6ttentiry Mato* are rapidly, dtaappeating from atgoxe ina.' .19nievei ate' one of theme, hien:snub as It were, crilagahlted hx, - the zaleetteiebead of Improve merit withont arsandinolng it' feeling of _iageet, Rio latest innovattontof piogrems the Getikantinn va: ph thee nottent: • l. An old nett in btont'itthirlisimalit eltorah, Oh t Mikin sheet, wee tou . dffn • Nome tinae r .ago; to make .;.: roan fovea iron `Suillog i Amin ha: l 4 , llttle cffieti, he ' thla 'avalkthat ill milia "imiznitt'ltiasiot , ..llDisr=.'took Wl' pohltion Mt - the ,day: of Ilur_battle_et_oona ft leirj, ' - 7 - . inplbiEli for en.opnorinol ty, .ta.Stre et the Ittittsh.- It -. • sell helmeted that Eleneral - Agetur *ally ensue •ridlog.. - up the street,: upon *Uprightly - barge, at the Iteed'of a • = boily;otsoldlars, , When licarrivatt vritbin liar Yeldou'P.-' ,ofitbe ,eall,llana t i osk didiberate cloy-et the trlaht - stir npon:filebniaikondnerist , .. Thegenararfolroff Ile barge, n , Ortillt :liroitsdati,axit a twmpany of rifleman ... 11 4 ,109 111g.te,thewalt:illechergioda yo/ley, - ,at the re ,- ... 'Verlag Hans, hot lie &impel anseathed, although he - .h td onlylen sibonto kindred' yards when tired apati - * ,1 11,, ~01,,d- kfiliefif ;Wattled Past. • Vat Maim sod ' fut: • ..titra , AVM', elm *Mt much _respeobrd far his kind. .-a and itutlibinialy conduct, died In a few liana - after,' sluing this fatal wotma;•••l3orsr, Vibe wee eat en en, - liked soldier, V, O eten: !helots 4827, its',.ourittor".!: ; i 7 , The remittal of Oen. Ignite lie in the loneite'm i'.', - d ' ,2 ,fietoblesta ago, n ear drove op tt the.ted; .., eget one of our !neat prominer4cittsens, and inquiry cl 7 w micWfor faformitleene to thexestlx-phom of kW bobeet the Delimitate( thi - enrifirgel-' teo:tladiat_.etat e. '- gootlemats-belog• *the .gremd-Ultdreta. Oflthil .glineral, :.- with 'a slew- to the ew;etitle: iaf aminenmtat over them.,• They/sere shown the nwontlted *pet where tbetesnaine '''-, la* burled,- 'They weal awe ,7 bat nevin.tratniated; and , - no meow:neat km bean reare d to Naha out the pleas, known only to a faii'indlYidnals In Mesh* life, where_ . the bed/ ofi this breve eultlittooMplehed num le in-: hyped, " , ~,,, , ..,'.- . ~,.- .: -. • ..., ' ; : - ; :-;: ~. . .: ZIA_ Comtanmas.—Theirf is intteh - earn.: - • plaint unsung the 'eordwitnete r of our eityirelettie to •---.' arstexerrerstajamunr, Pfau latezeitioa.*twee. m ii - •,, Essimbere of that body, thetappoirld ,in. sotto of , our. f f city paien. , Stappesre , that "Altitli,lPlnPfens.srse of - -- the oardeatners 'now on a: ithilet,'„earthomod over by ~.. alderman lfreimotte answer the there or amault and: baiter,r on one John Idtdrinneltinvilmaint'lt stalker." ' - ' It Wen stated that aver a, buretreit rem were saist in , 1, Yhhitniault ois htelilonsi, veto:nen Urate-tr, 1 0 4" 51 .- The Sg hindrink.suery , aike TishitallhOnert..ts - isle." r . suite, env now , alleatd,.te. bale - heias:ht - tfillitki.:'-'" ,out -time Cr fair, aid'PlinPlion ; re Ilea sald,to. kava , been enli st loolisr.oh.:' There are - two etteetn" Seery ' - 'spiry, see Ito have neyritsort bother tritia:llravia-`-" peso a Judicial. ievesifget'on- war ottly,deransdpe tbst a 'trate of the matter s 'We have no a tilt to preja4loa . • 'll.4oteontaaintirg br eiaggarited-seny 112; ', J dlemetion therreagthave betaltd.togUu..ran...;,,-2 meat of exeitement . Therltri a ving_teepaitidalOadq r . - : intelligent body, and without - dimming now there/rite of ;Abair present stand, - ., we can only regret" that their -, ' canes has oin any way injared by the *talons of a 2 few-disteate AO. have been to the many. •- - A:rum:prim )3vanwri . .—At an early hour yeatorday uverninvity;%rt4' after midnight, the fancily -- of 9olonel X.:tired/. reelt4ng in Hamilton street, below „ , Tar, Waif Philadelphia, were disturbed by untosual - noises, which appeared to proceed - from the t estament. of the house. ts - vrtndroveash beig -quickly opened; a' - _ man was seen to emerge from the .cellar-way, eho; - upon being 'quectioned - stated that he was driven to . . take shelter in the cellar on seconnt of the not-alleys . fury of theatorro. A 'chat from a revolver was tired at the bent: Wed gentleman, who heetilylbeat &retreat. It PI rammed that the fellow had confederate's in the vicinity of the dwelling, rod that he went as a precut , ea to make all things right. ' Thin - le the ascend visit ~ of the !dna Colonel lively/me been honoredwith during, , the present week - ' , . , , . . REETIIia OP AGRICIII,TCEAT. SOCIETY.„—The Philedelphia Agricultural Bectety held - an adj named meeting yesterday, in their room on Chestnut street • below Seventh The objectter which the meeting elm • , conven'd wee to consider the report or'a committee anpotrited at a prey! mut meeting, in relationto the pro - posei on anis Olen of a permanent 'Hat - Post dof manure. The committee w: s not prepared to report, and It wan con9aned over with inetnictions to report at the next stated meeting. • A FIRE.—On Tneday, the trick maehine shop. beittyntinq to the Philadelphia. With"loeton, end Bellmore Railroad Company. was destroyed by a tires which originated aeoldentally. The, loss is about Kook ErpaPr. - --it is stated, as an effect of the' late change in city travailing, from the omnibus to the railroad, that live time ilia number of managers vas one our &dant roads than when omnihruies held tbas sway., ' DELEGATES—Oa Tnenday evening, the - gee- Tile's patty in the different :wards, mule uontnetiona for delegates 'to the Convention to nominate any offloent, to to-voted for at the coming spring election. , _ Yssysnner was the first day of Lent, and a beentiful dar It.,was—calm, temperate, epring-like. The (lethal'. E pi/copal. and Ltah.raq Ouches Were - open for religions services daring the day. - - THE COURTS._ YESTERDAY'S P11.00.1111011M I Reported for The Press.] UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT Judge Cadvalader.—Yesterday 'Jacob Smith was Celled. up by Judge Cladgalader for sentence, It will be remern.. - bereil that the defendant plead guilty to secreting and smuggling 'valuable money lettere, at Denvenue, Dan phin county, Rennaylvania., TUOO Cadwalader said. that,this watt an drench which should be stopped in time ; That it wee a serious Eames to the people in gen.., oral, therefore he vroold sentenceithe defendant to toner months imprisonment and e One of $125 upon each bill, - making the Imprisonment sixteen months, and the flue gun.. The defendant is only se - Yeeteen years old - This sentence wee given In order to. allow the defendant's 'friends to take him r out of prison at the expiration of She elgteen months, if 'they thought proper to de so, or paying hie fine. Be will have to remain in prison M two yearn if the due Is not paid. _ The case of Augustus Bopperly, charged with making counterfeit money, and with attempting to piss and sell ' the SIMS to a number of persons, was resumed yesterday • morning. The evidence wall given upon a former trial at which time the defendent *ea cotvieted, and a .ew trial granted Testimony for the defeuee wasquiard, and the aiming ageeehee were beteg suede when the emrt adjourned. . - - OVER' AND TERIIIREII.--Tudges Allmon and Ludlow.—Thle court met yesterday morning to try homicide omen. It was found that not one of the oases was ready for trial, and after the arriegument of John Alexander - for the murder of John Sloan, and of Bard* min Welsh for the murder of Thomas Sands, both of ... whom entered pleas of not guilty, the court adjourned until to-day. .Nnt Paws—Justice Read.—Andiew Hague • • vs The City of Philadelphia. • This Is attraction to re cover from the city the aunt of 816 511 for alleged work - and labor done in theibiliding of (}bard-avenue bridge. In 1853, the county of Philadelphia, through the Coun ty Commissioners, contracted With Andrew Hogue tt build a bridge over the Schuylkill at Giral avenue, for - E 173,606. After the structure had been commenced, , there was a change of site, and it is alleged that the plaintiff' had authority from the County 00Mmiedottera to proceed with the work under the change of location, agreeing to pay the amount of difference between the eontract sum and the value of the extra work - . . The alleged original plan of the bridge and contract we e dot put in evidence. The conceal . for the plaintiff then proposed to show that the extra work Wee done, to which the counsel for the pity objected, luring that - to roust drat be shoat' there wee authority for the work. Mr. Flint, for the defendant, mod that Ada wlinem hal gone out of the court room, and would be beak In a LI, minutes. , Judge Bead—Wee it not pot down In writing! - • air ntrat-110, air. Judge Read —That was a great wrong No agent ror the city should 'allow work to be done for it hot under a written contrget,. Mr. Hirst was directed to put kill Mier in writi ng, - which:he yid—brat that the site of the bridge was °binged by the County Commissionaire, to :which' the plaintiff ; objected; and that they authorize him to ' proceed, promising to see him paid for the extra work. •;_ that part of the amount for extra work bad been" po'd, Are. " - - . The Judge overruled the offer and directed a noniron, - on the ground that the County Commisatonerisoinder the not of Assembly -giving authority to build the hAfge, had no eaglet to go beyond the contract eon of $76,4500. The fine or $2OO impelled upon Reward L Sewell and - George 14.- - num wax remitted this morning. • granTna. SzesiOne—Jndge, jury in the ogeeof Jades Mulligan, charged with pi eault and battery upon John Runts, came. into 'Court yesterday, - sad returned a verdict of not guilty, but' ordere bim to pay the coats of the mit _ Tanta Licenses —We learn that a ,xisunber of the constables have been summoned to'aproar hear* th e Grand Jury, to testifyasto the sale of liquor in their respective wards. the Itemises for the year gin WE granted during' the present month. 'Th O se who, fail to take out their, Colima ere 'likely •to be ettrionaly Interfered with -by the Grand Juries *rho tire selected tinder the present eyetem. as every, bean bee a chance now to - take out his Meanie, he, cannot find fault hereafter if he neglitet.... .to do it, and bepunished for selling without it DISTRICT ,CollitT-411dgea , Stxoutl, - Shara. ! wool, and Hare. -The third calling of the new trial -, motion Mt. . . DomliON - Pix.te - Judge Thonnon,-4144: rend tow,
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