- . i _ ~ „4-4 4 ...„- - itergpvio, ~ .4.. T it . A • 1.4".,, -06 0.417: 7541,10.10,:_,tre0t7 -,,, ..-. .-, ~ , , , ,,,5-P, —' - • --- - -.. . 410 0 1 9.,., 4 ,-, , ..,, • ,'-'-,:: iiiiiijiiii*ll4#4l#" l- ... lbx DOLLA'AiI' ' '''' ,;. lliiiiiji Se liiiitirgiSt.°l-nialtitt WNW"; 'l,.i'7l2teAkini i l lPikieb6ilail!'mo, lift', itorh,r ,, ha .!iit., - wguesvitas tiimit no l s , ar.:- . : - .:Wrgatir'lti.l6l4 ; :* • o iiik r itif 14' P ll / 1 1p1f.aibli1eiti - a4ialityat.' $2 00 Volow 00 y. :8 00 2 TRI 110 7. 0 01 8 00;.`,- - . W . ltipikeelyoo4 . oo49 '''Bo 00 d' kl 4? p 0 1• " 180 win Nl4, as 11:Pagetitiviiseirs-lkiegi"tod toad ! • fulipiA4idrlftiisaii , auf 1 . ,,0 oafs zmPtistEIQUANI, ,10141Bia i?o,_ : fz:it• , ,. - ; EPSOM .1430Kotrinip sfamkat , Orlin, i . up*„.ll;Cit B 11"trrriptif0,3 f. 2 joac- 1 4:4 24 41*******g• eizitaime sairiugo: 4 4,ourigii iota otiseun ',. 44.103itifitt Ai* iORRIGIC DAT $3OlfiDS. ~ . . .•. -' Poehuorkerill lad- our stook well esed et al `ieeetim of the year. '_, - . • , , -,_ . .4:-T, war,, .. -t.- ---' :JAIL ICD: trilLhp ? ', ,'--,,-,--41V14,1!".:W4Ti , i i ,.4• 7 1 # ,,i. • PRP, P, :WAIN , . :-• : - 11.859 ...(1q1:10BISOMS 10 1 / 1 1131111f; - IMPOBSBNIS &40BARIN writut.;'" , • i...tore 4Ootpialti gems, with- cylliw.-t!i• tLs iwtereslslot ' ,:OA6II'2I.2III'PIIOIIIIII4IOISTAISIDIT.IbIiLIiftiI, I.l iAt 6 „ tk4 4 13.—A^ " will lxs witeinited *Opp - pa '-L9l/22lich04.110i,1111ATEI: SPAIN9- . ,!XPOET4I.TIONS. • • _ ..," Coast Ootritrit r and swiTEHT Ste, • , :,,EELMEMID':,A,ND COMPLETE- : , ASSORTMENT 6 44.0; :• liastioNs;:l - ;,... TRlMatimis, '• • -Bialtbinfilks, FANOY . GOODLi,aa:• - , '": yA.RD, GELEM:ORE 84. CO. rioi`i.`4O 'and lii ivrizerii THIRD sinEET, . - , iIaIiATNRS AND DiILIZS IN ' .' SILKS,' RIBBONS, - mu GOODS, •- - - .'WEG.TE dixoB, - -LA4S, *HENS, $141 0,0 - -- ' - - ENSSOIDERIES,.4%.e.. : - 1 : IPS , , .4 , EC OSUMI% GLOVES; 14118 & ISIIA*. . m `,D lI:COURSEY, L!IFOgROADEk & MOTHS,' CLASEMERES;TMITINIk Jlp soma iissiiizr MV:4I4 AND-. ; BOYS' WEAR; giIeAItABICBT'STREp i -, Ars ibir *ill** their Flex tea , rxik i•o „tops, To Vildok - ilitTo . * Oet 01 - ii.tdr o o 46o Mit Ipaiohaiminror -9L2m; • SITEKPRIopi;: & 401)P4.8 - 4 - FOIUMN-•*;t:i 0 026107440:1SICV00 15 / 1 0f . • s fr, " • " -BAitCIIIOF7Z 4'00.; Roc -,401V:101C 407 MASKai-STILEET, Inipers and Yobiers • of• DoiiiestielDß4 GOODS,' Mack now compkts aatteit47'for balers. febl-86i .APLEIGH„ RUE & CO.; 1111911,7111/ 01- - , LW" • • • • WHITE GOODS • 41031tOLDEBIEB No '920 )lI.AIZIEET STRBIO. 1D iererafit ! :*4;ielectict 1n tk. 6.ig;szepeas muttetiby ostreliti?, L Oltio toga' egaellt• kiwi evefoffersd. - ftbtitai SPRIN • • I .• BUOWN„,&-00. - , , - • ins POW reetiviot aip'szteniilse bud earelnniseleoteti FOREIGNAgIiCiItEItIOOI 411.1 r iSFOODS, : ":- • • - W B; STEWART - 16, CO. B B 8.8 B , •iii-A4t4iB= T.!". 8 T ~ .pebefasitlyl, q-zia ,dby-Trzci N pax vERRis.-CO.,' :'WRITE; GOODS. LAM; imegionninkle, itch, ' lTift,b l4 4l l . ,= ,: .110,11 Ker Eitreeti below 6116 h. JOPHUA = *l4i) fOUBIDI OfeizeT“)-, •;84Iii,E T. NNW 60ODN leieivisep:ityidvfot 46/I*.lilOVAY,Mt_rl4l). ]oULTNTs • ,wilafri 'oo.r -• Qinjoi4roe'-r-1"" • • , Fmepicitaimb -r is'es.•,,A4 • • tak•rklanSEMlN‘ 3l. 1114 . ° i t ,•••• • • 1104400,16. 0 - _ 0:41441 5 1 I PROWN itt f . _ 'iMPOIkTIES ANZZOBBifiIiP A'.11%,*;;&14.-0 T • goi It 'MN 4041.11,11Pilli“ Ida iitiuirlrio~ir toga zsztEee, ..t „. t • ~:; f : • - , . . . . • . ,- - • - •, •• . .'• --,--••, - ',..„., - ' l / 4 I, I .t. 4, • 1 , 4 ,. .... . - • .... 1 / 4 . 1 ./,„•• - • •.- ,r-41 . , .. . ~., -. ' , V7v.X '; ' ; :•-• ' ' ''''' \'‘. VA vli IP / :,,, ~-,', . 414* * * , ,' -. ~,,..... " ' ' . ' ...... - iii ii , -.- . • 1,4,4, (-; ": im. ~- ,• • ---_*_.-- - , r1i1 i t,......... ,_ ‘0,,;,1.! • ' ii•;;;J: ,-- ••• •'..- , -. ••-,s,_:>, .` ' . 0 ...V.-i -1 =' , N.,...,:,..... -„;•„,-,:-.-%,. ~, . 2,„ --,,4. --.4.;:ift, "•••,:•,. ..,--„;;!. •.:( 't , - * ' . *•-• . . . . ..„ „:-.,,, , 0 - . ( 1 / 4/11 gas ~ ~,,,,.,.„._-. ~... hraiii ....,, . _ ... .._, ...._ / _,-.,-•• .. .., .... . • -. - , 1 - , 1 r , i t . ... -,. :• ........! ;:, .......... , . 1 . 1 . - . 4 : .-, A j.pt -,- z: t : 0 -- 11 7 1,,: .1 s,1t -„ .f, ..,....• . ,4,..... ..'-..tf-... 7:. 7 :- . 4 , .., , :,0 . 7-0-- 1 - 1 . -,.:%... .. :• ._o , .. i '' ,"e . r 4..1: .:...:. ..., a l „. . - • a l im i im ii „ V,;:3, •-1- 3 1 . 7 - +. . .. ... ~ . . • - . . • - _ ,, .•••-. 4, .. . N iNTI2 t.- al r‘...-- ' - '•--r-- -- `•• ri, . . .• , _ .. - ~ .., ~ ~,r , „..,....,._ _.• ~._ ~...... , r ._,.,--...,,,,,,,,,..., ~,..,, , ,10 , , _.-..-,_-, --m-_-.--7,- 7 , =-- ---,--, ' :,,,_-----"”' - .'' . . '''''' .' ' - . . , • - - N.A..; 1 .0 - - ,-;..,.__ /.. .• ~i : : ~, . S 7 ~• ~......... . • ; - •` •, r" , • . , ~, , i ; _ ' • -'- • Z ": ' - 7 . '' ' . . , ~, i - - r r, ==!=i N014,24=N0. 187. itirp gibliobs lcibtitre. ST7ATT 9•-E4 aonnea OF (.....AVOTION AND ORKIMIAL - ' - FOREIGN 030 DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 3jIANK STREET, - , Secondßetxaen and-Thirdi below-MOW. j.AMES, KENT, SANTEE, ec CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS BRITISH, iIINNOII;.GERMAN, AND AMERIDAN Y -43V0 0, D S , 239 AND 241 NORTH THIRD STREET, , - • ' Nile Street. MERRIMACK SIOONOS tetati 2m, Roue Sigoort, •- • • • ' • Jew. Worar 41.0011atIVIML,- WK. S. BAIRD, = D. B. ERVIN RTEGET.:,;'I3AIRD, &CO.; " oigan, • IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS _ " • D RAr- 3- 0 DS, . No. 47 N,OR.T.N THIRD STREET, gIitILADOLPHIA. • . • • - SPR,ING STOCK' sln nil 'its cii; partmentse, and ready for BOW- zromat-pasing raerotanti, hom' all parts - of tie Paton, are 'respeettally solicited to call and ext. feblo.Bna ANSPACH ; REED, 45c co., iSrIiOLZbALE DEA,LERS . D,Tt; ;1 7- :‘ a. bD S No. 180 NORTH THIRD STREET, Third and Carry 4.1.0 - - . „- 2.IIIIA.DILPHIA. STRiNG - TitrORTAT/9NS, 1§59. ' - 65/B,LET, -.M42LTEN. TVOQDRtIFF, - • 326 ALMICET STREBT, • , ' , • • , siszassmaruta; ' - • ' NatOnow In store gi'Aomplets and SPLENDID. STOCK - Or new and °hole* styles, DRESS BILKS, ROBES AMES, IIOBEEIDEUX VOLANTS IN HABIG!, GRENADINES, PARIS ON G ANDIES, - SaCONED.-An &a. -Also a Wills. BONNET RIBBONS, PARIS MITTS, RIB GLOVES, &o • SRAISIUI all qualities, Round Corner, Square, Stella Amlimuickatis and Obattilia Loa Ifitntillas, new and 4 - , ElstaplulpitsiNo., Re; 'Llgrt 4- tetTrsaLltrotret'atzuv.s."6 4 ..trht `rotoverististssteri, so our stook ambito:4s • some ot Net desirable goode now In market, telOA.lns - sp,*l4o - o.ol§ - 58; JOHN B: LLI . ISON & SONS, - 165 MARKET STREET, iMPOiTIB.B AIID witoulsALE 19BBEI*01/ .14 0 H S ~/308114,E1W, AND VE6TLNGI3, • Ic6rtdoll Vol gaffmit= of BIM= Is Lovitod. - IT,KS AND E s i.bicir GOODS. 4443,40 , W147-9gIIES .86C;0"` Ate now prepared to offer ill tarwe AND ATTKLOTIVI 131'00E, To whiob they leek Tim ATTENTION of .BUYERS JAS. - CAMPBELL & CO.; ' .Impoiters, and Wholesale Dealers irt ID Mt ci °oils - mins GOODS, -- - 131.6TH13, 804 MARKET STREET. •febl.-ini _ , JONES, 00., WHOI.3IBA,LIII DRIALEUB . . ne FOKEIGN.AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, :240..MARK - ET , STICZET, Your dooit below Third, Booth lido, febtam' Nis! itireas,,ltrittimiitge -NEW 'STOOK; , . LADIEIPI/101113 TRIIIII.INOS, BERLIN_ AND SHETLAND WOOLS. •• • - EVANS - 80 H ALL, 51 13013T11 FOIIHTH MEET, opium TII/1 01/OIOXSi' 'GOODS IN THE 6110,115 T, AT THE IeOWSST PItIOEB. Grol 0. Ivsas, WM. 0. .ILLEISALL. - mart-as _ _ „_ j • &.A. TCF. - ER, - '801;ITH 'FOURTH STREET, Importers find Wholesale Dealers , in LADIES' DRESS' TRIMMINGS, Call the particular attention of thO Trade' to thel; splendid easortment of PBENOM POMPONNETTX, sad MUMMA'S, 11111011T.A., BALL TRIMMINGS, ICING PNIMANT BUTTONS, dfo. ' We ate Maimed to execute large orders for Bilk and 'bismentee Mises, TAagele, Gorda, Dattons, 40., at oar Awn eteiy, : fely2;2m LEE 8c BEABE; .. 2.110 CHESTNUT, STREE T, Are noit offering thelt,Bpriog ImportstloEut of 191iITX 'GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, LACE GOODS, &a., AT NERY LOW PRICES Uri:tuition *mote. J -H. MICHZ4ER & CO., -WHULESALE DIALERS iR - PnbVISIONS, And CURERS - of CHOICE MEATS; No. 71 N. WATER St., And 951 and 956 N. PnoNT St. , • ‘, PHILADELPHIA. RISS IDSIP, 'PORR, LARD, and on asootimont of PROVISIONS generally, including RAMS, TONOIIIii and IMP of oar own outing, both Otty and Western, oonAtaiDrina hand; - quality guarantlel. '.!:BriEßlfire partianiazly Wilted in call and examine, outdo*. teb2S.Sm* tOkotisale Oroters. IJISGERICII-1 it SMITH, WHOLESALE E R S, NW.-4.8 . :1C0RT11 THIRD STREET, B • ISOaOFE SO . celebrated •Olothe and Doe skins, together With other desirable makes of Owittan"Woollens, just received and for Bobby , ,1311.1.PLIST, HAZARD, 4 HT/TOIIINBON, rfab4.,Ba. - • - , ' , If 9 ()halibut street. ILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS. A MOST COMPLETE AND CROWE AEDIORTMENT OP RIBBONS of every deeoription, • BONNET SILKS AND CRAPES, • ART/FR/AL FLOWERS, RIJOIIES, And other Millinery Goode. , ALSO OP STRAW GOODS, or AVR,RY CONOEIVADLB TARIM; . /e now open for examination by, and sale to, OAPH AND PROMPT SHORT-TIME, ilurEme, At a email advance upon Bret coot. Thum deeirone of wing money in their purchases should give via an early call. ROAENEfAIIf, 'BROOKS, & (30., 431 MARKET BTENET, (Late of No, 83 South Second Bt.) 1859 • NEW 1859 SAr.R JUT, G-ODDS HOUSE. THOMPSON &JENIKINS, No.• 528 MARKET STREET, Invite the attention'of . buyera to their a:totally° stook of Ladies' straw and Bilk' Bonnets, Miami , Flats and Blooniers i . Men's, Moyle, and Ohfldren'a Hate ; Flowers, liatchei, Trimmings, &o. - Being excluslirelyangaged in this branch of business, pnrchssers will And it 'to their interest to &kaoline our stook before purohaqing. THOS. 7. FILLEY, (formerly of Wilcock, Rogers, & Fraley,) how engaged with the above house, solicits front hie Mends an examtuation of the stook of Messrs. Thompson & Jenkins. - febl64m HATS, FURS, --STRAW GOODS, ' ARTIFICIAL, BLOWERS, RUCIIES, Act. 1-100PES & DAVIS, MANTIVADTDRERB AND DEALERS Noe. 12 and 21 South Fourth Strad, (up atairo,) • PHILADELPHIA, Rave on hand an entirelynew and complete stock of the above goods, laid In for 063311, to which the attention of Myers Is invited. ' ORA& DIALLOWDLL, late of the arm of Ohm 1 Co., long known to the trade, would be pleased to see his friends at the warerooms of Nears. Room Davie. feb9.2m STRAW 'AND 'MILLINERY GOODS. • fling removed from our old stand, 45 South Second 'duvet, to - • . 721i0REWITTUTSTREET, DETWX2X SNYNNTR •ND ZI6UTX, We era now prepared to exhibit to our aum•roue pa trone a COMPLETE STOCK OP STRAW RATS, BONNETS, MISSES' sad BEILDRENIB RATS, BLOOMERS, OAPS. &o. FANCY AND OKAPI BONNETS., PENNON BLOWERS, RIBBONS, LAOIS, - - RITOIIES, .to , Embracing in all an &sentiment unequalled in this city, and are reepenthally invite the attention of merchant' . to our Spring Stook." Ossli and short-tlias Myers will find it genially their interest to give un a tall. LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS. y HILLBORN JONES. ••• Diporter sad litsuaracturer , SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, LEonotirr and PANAMA BUTS, ARTIVIOIAL FLOWERS, sums, ao. To irldolkihip ittenttom ,of Olty tut Country _Dealer. NO. 432 MARKET S'4 1859 ,. MILLINERY 18 59 STRAW GOODS. New and complete assortment of • ' SILKS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, CRAPES, RUCHES, LACES, Arid Scary other artiste In that line. AMC,• STRAW BONNETS AND - STRAW TRIMMINGS, Embracing in all an assortment unequalled In this city, and to which we Invlle.this attention of buyers. Those purchasing for cash, or on short time, will do well to give us a call before selecting elsewhere. M. BERNREIM & 00., fe24.2m No: 21 SOUTH SECOND STREET. METROPOLITAN RIBBON HOUSE. RIBBONS, RIBBONS, RIBBONS, AND MILLINERY GOODS. Of every description. CRAPES, BONNET SILKS, PRENCH-BLOWERS end SPRIGS, norms, &a., fr..o. J. C. ea W. E.' TABER. No.e2slouth SECOND Street, PHILADELPHIA. mhl.Ros FREEDLEY & CO., LACER, EbIBROLDERIES, TVIIITE GOODS, ,to., Have now In store a complete r aortment of all the new and desirable epee, which we will sell at the lowest prices STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. I. S. CUSTER, - HANIIPAOTURER AND WHOLESALE DEAL IN KILLINRIRY GOODB, ONNET RUCHES. We are agents for the manufacturers for the sale of the above goods, and have now in store a oomplote mortmeut, which wo will oell to the Ueda at the MANUFAOTIMBR'S LOWEBT PBIOEB Wo eolielt a call, and °nomination of oar aback feb2B-10t MOORE, HENINCEY & CO., Nod. 421 !HAMLET, and 416 COMAMBOE Street'. PHILADELPHIA, Keep contently on hand a large stook or - HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, &0., Which are offered to BUYERS on Liberal Terms. feba Stri ¶'RUITT BROTHER & CO, IMPORTERS AND SVHOLESALE - DEALERI3 111 HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, Act., 529 MARKET STREET, 529 BELOW SIXTH, NORTH SIDE, PmLADST.PHI• 1e21.13m IET RENO BBOOTHARR.—AUGUST BICKER, No. 180 North 11013RTIL Street, re spectfully Informs the publta, and SOTITLIERN and WESTIIRN NEWHAM particularly, that he con. thrum+ to manufacture Fashionable Boots and Shoes to order; assuring thrum who patronize hint, that he will guarantee that his Work will give sallefaction, both as regard; superior - fluid; and OX(Selielye of material, Prioem reasonable. fele•Oris PIIILADELPHIA, evabs. Below 4 'BTU 216 MARKET STREET, IMPORTERB AND JOBBNEB OF STRAW HATS 607 NORTH SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA N. FIMEDLEY dc CO., 248 bl&IIIKIIT Btreet liarttimare PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESII MARCH ;9...-1859. larp ecrobe Commission *ono. McCALLIOII & 00., CARPET MANUFACTURERS, GLEN EMIG MILLS, GERMANTGWN: ALSO) MORTEN AND MASERS IN CARPETING, RUGS, Ao. WAREHOUSE, 509 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE THE STATE HMO We have now on hand an extensive stook of Carpet ins, of our own and other makes, to whioh we invite The attention of Western anal Southern boyars. fe2l.2m .PETINGS. 130131 AGBNOX.IN MB CITY . OF TIM AUBURN TIIREE•PLYS, • BUPERFINES, IIIECIPAOTURIP 31 JOSIAH 'BARBER, With all grader' or WOOL, WOOL AND COTTON, and ALL•OOTTON INGRAINS. ' ATWOOD, RALSTON, & 004 „ • AtANIIYAOTURIRS , AGENTS, W4BON & SMITH, DIANIMOTI7IOIII3 OF OIL CLOTHS, , 140 NORTIi THIRD STREET, Offer t.. 1 the trade a largo ettook of OIL OLOTHB 01 every description, the largest assolttuent of • WINDOW 1311 ADD 4 , and BOW HOLLANDS, „ . In Ilia market, at MOW P.R.TC . 333.9., Asa FAVORABLE TERMS'. GREEN GLAZED GM OLOTIS, • bearalfal srttale for Window Shades. WEST, FUSES dc LLOYD, 219 Ch ESTNTJT STREET, ON THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS, COTTONADES, SHIRTING STRIPES,' TIMINGS, OEM AIMIIG STRIP/68, OREOKB. , DENIMS. MIMS.' - 4 SATINETS, (ASSUMES, Sco., k. ~ jal9.ir a tf In full astiort , rents. . JOSEPH, LEA, DOMESTIC) COMMISSION 'WAREHOUSE, Noe. 123 end ISO CHESTNUT STREET, Ts. J: Downing always seemed to unite in lid John Evelyn's love of trees, " Ca pabtrown's remarkable toot 'in, laying out landrdons . and 'pleasure grounds, and in halt e of Nature, alibis own, which, under diticntleing, would probably have made hint smOinest painters of scenery in tlie - world. -.ll4.lhind him a Treatise on the Theory end I're4f Landsoape Aaidening, adapted to tto ries, with a view to the Improvement of -Residences, 'which yet remains ' i i „ thlesi pert of him Who died too 500 n .,, tick went thrbugh four editions in'ddr. DI life-tlMej and has done mueh to im pro andeespazardening'and rttrai architect tor . a .tionntiy. A such. edition' hen Snot , bee f shod In Tren , York,- enlarged, revieed, anT Illustratedovith a sUpplemeht; in an-, cor ith the subject of the book, , and making it..nomplete, by Henry Winthrop Sargent. It itledidedly time best work of Ito class in Rol London's heaVy and diffuse treatises arehiffeent by its aide, besides being ,ten -yea*vrard.in Information. The illustrations, on Old wood, are numerous and well ezeon tettinolude'plate and views of the Central) Pairboing laid out In New York. The book,, h ' 1Y ptintei in Svc' LS eminently adapted fed' req. ' ' ' I ving heard'of James' Haok, the deaf poet, *, ears,lrtrare glad' lb be reminded of his I \ Thritiiithtlitili ft ortlidlAtioneValiuniLo_4l, OIL CLOTHS, AHD MiTTINGS, • , .47 just published by Deaner A Procter, Net WOLFE, WILSON, .it 00 7 , , 1, it is prefaced by a brief Memoir, cam ihy,,ll,l,'. R. l'. Morris, frona 'a verkwell-writ- COMMISSION MEROIIANTS, . , tad interesting biography written t*enty No. 132 CHESTNUT STREET, , ! ago, - by' Prosper M. Wetmore., At 'Agents roe 'ego of nine, Mr. Wank: wan 'deprived TAPESTRY, VELVET, • oaring, by a dangerotis accident. Possess- THREE PLY, - "the vision and the faculty divine," ho INGRAIN, !me a Poht. The present It his third voinme - ! YENET.IAN, HEMP, DUTCH, poem which gives the title is brief, and ' no means the best In the book. His love- Eo rTON, LIST, and RAO los and domestic pieces are bountiful. Soarcely DOTTONi LINEN, WOOLLEN AND PRINTED CARPETING-S; Invites Southern and Weatern buyers to QUM:IWO large and desirable assortment of oAttniTS, including many new patterns not before offered, viz : ' VENITIAtd, COTTON-WARP' VEITOU, INGRaLN, &a., ELLINGTON BRIISEELLO, Carefully SELECTED in the looMe, WARRANTED of tu7iform , grainy .front end to end,' and' being made chiefly in this vicinity, can be sold on more favorable terms, and by theI7NRCIIIALLIII) RAILWAY 2..toi= LITIEB of our city, sent t 7 all Western points at lees expense than from ingather maitet. 424.2 mil ' RIDGWAY, REIISSNER, & 00., 'lmporters or WOOLLENS., Are 'Waiving 101 l aupDlles of SUPERIOR CLOTHS. DOESKINS, • TRICOTS, BANCY OASSIMERISS, sTo, 110 to the following celebrated tuatinfactarcro.— , TREDERIO BROKERS(LittIe 'Ticket.) W. A. JOILANNY ABIIOE. oxvrat & SOINTIDT (8. and M. Cloths.), ZAMBONA BROTHERS. E. , TOENNLEB 8. 00., and °them • • fehl•Sca 208 ointanwi , • .? 4••••4,i'r';_tt:r CARPETS, y living bard has expressed more melodiously Which we are receiving daily from the tiellentettireriid passionately what makes those heart-quakes, and are prepared to offer the trade on liberal terms. high please .Von while they,pain. ills ehorter Having the Agency tor some of the best and meet dories are more worthy of being wedded to ha sh-able goods, we can otter inducements not hereto( to be had in Philadelphia. All goods sold at bianw o h "aortal mule than nine-tenths of the " songs" factarees prices. orders carefully attended to. 'have,that honor foreod upon them. One fault in this collection is that no mention is made of 117 Also, Agents for Black end White Waddln grenublished pieces . For example, "The Old Cloak" large supply of which we have constantly on hand. - febl-4m (en English anecdote put Into Yankee clothing) has appeared many years ago. Mr. rewire he. monies poems Use very gootl,--lively, but not coarse. We sincerely recommend his hook as far above the usual run of Modern-poetry. 1 "Hymns of the Ages," consisting of a well, chosen collection of sacred' Poetry, withbut refer , enee to creed, has bean published by Phillips, Sampson, ic Co., of Boston, and will bo found a welcome and useful aid to private meditation or family prayer. Books of travel and adventure multiply, yot never tire. Here is one, by Dr. William Maxwell Word, of the U. S. N., surgeon of the United States steani•frigate Salt Jaointo, in which he commenced his journal, October, 1855, which he continued 'until January, 1858, when his relations with this frigate ended. He calls his book (just published by the Harpers, of New York) " Fankwoi, or the San Jaolnto in the sons of India, China, and Japan." It meet be mentioned that the Chinese, claiming to be celestial themselves, call every western a " Fankwei hence the title, Dr. Wood, ill an agtecable and instrubtive manner, desoribee his voyage to biadoirs, Mauritius, Cey lon, and Singapore; find also, with Infinite spirit and success, what he saw, heard, and did in Siam, China, and Japan. The book Is eminently enter. taining, and brings new cohntriee and newpeople palpably before the reader. A new edition (the third) of " Commentaries en the Laws of the Ancient Hebrews, with an Intro d otory Essay on Civil Liberty and tlovernmont," byl E. C. Wines, D D., Professor of Greek in Washington 'College, Pennsylvania, has been is sued [by Messrs. Martien, of this city. It forme ,a handsome volume of six hundred .and forty pages royal (coley°, and will be acceptable to a large elate of etadents and other serious readers, 'Tide is the best senorita of Hebrew polity ever written, and, in Pope's words, may be said To vindicate the ways of God to Man." FARRELL & MORBIS. COMMIMION DIESCHANTO, IZ4P4oll.!rVartei OLOTH4, DOEBRINO, /TO 232 CUMIN - UT STREET, Opobo. N EW HOUSE-FURN/SELING STOI NO.IOQO CH.ESTNTJTr (OPPOSITE TEE AOADEPAY OF PINE A , ) The subscriber will this day open with VERY DESIRABLE ASiORT SILENT OF CO, TABLE OUTLEBY, O VAT, WAIT NIL% I .I . OiIDEMEE PLAIN, PL ANI SHED, and JAPANNED TI iAnE and ouch article's to geuerai an are utuallybe fotsud in a FIRST•OLABS HOUSE-FURNISI-06 STORE, All of which will be offered at reasonable WILLIAM YARN - AL, (Late of the firm of MURPHY & LtdiaLL ) marl-mwf am Watches, letnettg, Sti JAMES WATSON, IMPORTER ON WATCHES, JEWELRY&Q., No. 82f MARKET ETREEI Constantly on hand a full assortment( V& heron and Constantin Watottes. fel-13m B AILEY & CO., FORMIIRLY fe2l-2m BAILEY & KITOREi JUT° removed to their new Bire•proot,rhite liarble 819 CHESTNUT STEW, NORTH BIDE S BELOW THE (MAD UOUBE, Now opening their Mall Star or MPORTID JENVIILItY, PLATED 'ABED, AND YANOY GOODE, To whit* they Invite the Attention i the public). SULTNE-TFANT, WATONEII, DIAIONDB, AND AT RNOLDSALI LND AVM anl7-if tf PRATT & REAIH, /11PORTEII8 AND WROLZBAM DNALERti WATOTIES OF ALL DEMIPTIONS, PLATED WARES AND PINEY GOODS, AND MANDIAOTDBEILB Olt JEWELRY, Bolleit the attention of Dealers from every seetimio a Stook unsurpassed In extent, stde, or cheapness..• febll-1m SPRING TRADE, 1859. SHIPLEY, HAZARD, 8 HUTCHINSGI 112 CHESTNUT STREET, Ar now opening a large fltt varied stook of LAWNS, °HAUTES, PRINTS, and other DRIBS GOOD To ',blab the attention or the trade Is invited Alf, DOMESTIC GOODS, Comprising Yairhiil , Osnaborgs, Woodward Doeskin, Brown Shadings and Hastings, Mariners' Stripes, 7no DWl's, Wet Reddlnge, 40, &o, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, AND VENETIANS, 509 MARKET EMMET` Offer for sale, WOOL AND WORSTED, DOPERVIND, PF.A.RL,9, qt r ~, 41 E MARCH 9, 1869. New Publications. Ana octavo, written by Mr. Charles roi#leor g etown, D. O.), published by J. - B• & Co., and entitled a Diethinary offti States Congress, with blographioal Skits Members from the Formdition of theient," supplies a general want, and wil4ited, as authority, by.politicians, edi tors Ors, who have special reasons for get- Gelation on the moment, respecting de cesp's 'ng Congressmen. The Work Is very Coal far as it gee. By and bye, a new edit be required, and, by employing a lima, without increasing the. bulk or cost of,tie—for we hold with the old Greek thalbook is a groat, evil—certain laeunia in rraphies may be filled• up, thereby greanoing.the value of the work, for refe... rehen as it ht,, however, compiled with undndustry and apparent honesty of put , . .posiolitical Dictionary, - which does not *Mire name, will be found of great" value. Itiliest preface, in which Mr: Lannian char not being a politician, it has ocist:hini litho to be impartiali he contract:lMA with ,the' i delivered by Vice-President Break inthen the Stinate lately removed from .the r ilksb, er, hallowed by-so many portiere'', tii4itastiootations. , -T6 'this stieeeed . ?Vet , /Old pages Of blographloarek'etalies,,of i ,Corh,`dortn".to the pitlierit is itcal order,' Semelefitheee - more bib - plan others, for-iliere'is a diffletilti ht Waling particulars, even about living men. In ll ix of one hundred and fifty-nine pages area details, with , dates, of the' sumiesdive soeciongress—Speakers Of the llonsea-Vic e km% the - United States... Presidents of the,Sel , natin..—Seo rotaries of the Senate and House 7-314 Administrationi—lists of Presidential plpffilef Justices and Assoolate Justices of the" Court—l:Berke and Reporters, . and Mari do.—Ministers ,to Foreign Countries, be:l4 and,lBsB;hoth ratiesdependenoe—Signers thereof—Meeri bare :Continental Congress, from 1774.; to 17:13/41ents of d0.4-Sessions of the seine— Concuel the United States, with amend• menequently made—Organiration' of the ExOepartments—historloal .and exalting partbf each State and Territory, with names eft ners since the adoption of the Federal Cons—Population of the several States theladraission, with the'then ratio of repto sontind, finally, the Progreseof Population in tied States,. from 1790 to 1850.' We have said' and 'dawn enough to indicate that LanPotionary of Congresi is a work of no - ordialinerefully and impartially cond. W hoover reads the Pentateuch will do well to give aim Commentaries a careful perusal. They lift the veil from many things which may appear obscure, and show with what infinite wisdom were framed the mole slastioal jurisprudence of the Hebrew people. The book is learned and thought ful. It also is philosophical raid oloouent. its reputation in Europe, wheito it has been largely reprinted, is at least equal to its popularity at home. What is called "a religions novel" is bad enough, but when it is ais3 controversial, it Is generally unbearable. " Ballyshan Castle," (Do- Baser & Procter, New York), is almost an excep tion. That Is, it is so well written that the ineon ;rutty of its design is nearly forgotten. The an tor draws character well, and his plot Is so worked out as to give assurance of success in a wider geld. There are some gips of pen or thought, however. For example, In this Bente= " But the Lord, who sometimes lots his children down to the 00731113013 of the grave, that he show his great power and surrey in bringing them up again, was graciously pleased to restore Mrs. Car roll to life and health." There is something dread fully impertinent and familiar in thus attributing such motives to the Almighty. • In Scott's writings, on the other band, there is nothing sectarian or controversial. He wrote for the world, and not for any class. His works can not bo too widely distributed. Peterson do Brothers have commenced the publication of the Wavorloy Novels, in twenty-six weekly numbers—that is a complete novel, each week, at twentyfive cents, or the whole series for five dollars. This is surpris ingly cheap. " Ivanhoe," neatly printed, heathen Imre& thla•week, as first of the series. "Matrimonial Brokerage in the Metropolis," chiefly consisting of artiolee which appeared in the New York Evening Post, in 1858, and illus trated with numerous engravings, equally mid dling in design and execution, is unworthy of 'no. tire—except to be pointed out as a eery middling book. Even If the flnal'ohapter, of which Mrs. Cunningham Burden is made the heroine, were true, we cannot see the propriety of publishing it. The February number of .Blarkwoo,Ps Maga cans is eo dull as to be nearly unreadable. Only tpro articles ore of good, we will not say firet-ratel quality. Thew aro a brief review of Rawilnien'n translation of Heredotus, and a continuation of Crulee in Japanese Waters."' the paper on the Periedioal Press consists of vague generalities.- Those entitled ,Objectionable 'Books, Falsely cased, and Mephilee and the Antidote/ have little interest. The review ef, Garlyle's style; 'apro• pos of his recent history of Prussian Frederick, admen just ten or fifteen'Yeara after date.,4f, “liow we went to iiikye" be by the author: of the Great Glanmntehin Railway, weeari only say that Professor Aytoun has eadlyfallen off. 'W. B. Zieber is the agent for thin - - From Mr. Zieber, we have "also roe - dyed the March number of. The:111.061:0db Magatitut," a publication of no ordinary interest and value. It , is edited, we believe, by the Non, George Folsom) President of the American Ethnological Society, Who collects into its pages a vast amount_ of varied and interesting infowation respecting the history, antiquities, biography,-and literature of the United States. One good feature - is its pie. nervation of valuable- documents which have hitherto been lost, in _the transitory columns of nswapapers. Fer example, in the present 'num= bar-we have George Banoroft's Ealogium - on W. N. Prescott, thehintorian, cfMconhethre the:New York Historidal Society, and the very interesting Speech of Viise President Breoliinridge, on the Occasion of - the'gdnate at Washingten going Into their new Chamber: 'There Brehm a - valuable paper upon thetibliegraphy of AnceribanHistory, which, we intepect, wee written lie Phileffetibient bookseller, . The Notes and Queries are crowded with informatten. The Obituary-is good-4nt Albert pikeovhose. death was reoordedlnllie. nuMber, is yet alive, oughtnot , Folsom' • - - • ••••,,ttti....:' / 11- • • •••••• Tfie'Vehriaiy OfVzo Demperatie,4ge, 'edited* Gherlei Edireiffs Dieter, contains several, nelitic el taper°, of only ttierage merit, Wiliten'in a• nlap-dash 'mender. Thelnist article here; friim" a .private bote , book of eight -years'lreEntape, v ,is that :which, with grephie posierdeecribes:lteme -1n the Devolution of 1848. Mr: Lesterovhol re- Puhlislies a,beautiful poem - called The Dying D oz. brew, desites to know its authorship. It Was written by Thomas Nibble Hervey, Editor of the London Arlienamoi, froth 1846 to 1864, as part of a satirleatpoem called "The DeviPe Progress,'' published in 1831. An acourete account of r. Hervey. and' isle writings will be toned in 'AlD bone's Diotlenary of English Liter/Ante: `A hie. graphy; more diffuse endless Correct, appears' it.' the London edition of Men of the Time: Highly Important from,Hansas. COrreepondencul of , Phe Pre.l W.YANDOT OITT, K. T., Feb. 2,1859 , JNO. Former, :—The Territorial Loliv lathe Assembly has closed its session, and has done a good work for Kansas. , Our new Governor; Hoc: Sam. Biedaiy,'hate gained many laurels by his wise, honorable, prafieworthy, and conciliatory Roney. Unlike many of hie predecessors, he treated the, Representatives of the people as friends and las„ men of flesh and blood, and brains and hearts, and not asonemies.--as men earnestly working for this' common good and net for evil. Governor Meddri understands ,the Western character thoroughly, and has proven, during the session, the greatad- . vantage that results to a Governor from a knew-, ledge of the people to whom he is sent. , • , His policy secured to him the confidence of the . members, and bins no 'difference of opinion has arisen, during the session, of sidlielerit importance' to call for an executive veto. All that otir Viill:46 want is their rights v and if the Administration' at Washington had one tithe of honesty, discretion.- and judgnient that has characterised the-policy of GoVenior Medars , in Kansas,. all ,our dreublee, would be at an end, and the'veaed_titiestOnS Chet- 4 have dfstrirbed the quiet of every ilreeide; in the nation, growing out of this,'" .I; ant is ritdloultle 'f would soon Cease to egiefferid our lovely tory soon beeeme the abodetet a thrivirig and pro gressive people. , -; Daring the Session all lie old or a bogus. sta tutes " '*eke repealed, and new lawn, now Supply their, place on,ottr statute , blioks, endive have now no laws in force, in Kansas, exempt web es ; have, been made by the legally and fairly sleeted Iter.. resentatives of the people. Our statritir are the, offs pring of the popular will, and'alstoilt will be honored, respected, and obeyed bv,.our people, and peace and happiness,' progress and prosperity; will be the result • ' •• • • - • ' An act providing for the fortehtion of a o:insti tution and State Government for the State of. tianSas'WasPllseod add approved by the Geierner. The provisions of the law arettefollows . ' First. An election on ,the fourth:hiondey , 'Of: Maroh; at which the people shall yoto rfor or di . Tuesday of June 'fifty-two delegate ' : to a Con. stitutional Convention. Third. The Convention to meet at Wyandot city on the first Tuesday of July. Fourth. To submit the Constitution to a vote of the whole people, for their ratification or rejection, on the .firseTuesday in October. • Fifth. Officers to be elected under said Constitu tion, if ratified by the people, on the first Tuesday in Denember. Sixth. The Cieverner elected under said Consti bitten, on the receipt by bite of official informa tion of the admission of Kansas into the Union, shall call the Legislature together, and proceed to do all other things necessary to complete a State organisation. . , From this synopsis you will see that ample time firgiven for a full consideration of the questions involved in all the °lotions, and the Convention has ample time to got up a model Constitution for what will seen be the model State of the Union. Five new counties have been made, and an Im mediate orgonization , provided for in the gold fields of Western Kansas; they are named as fel lows t Montana,' lii Paso, Oro, Broderlok, and Fretuent. In view of the immense emigration that will flood Western Kansas during the next spring and sllmmer,tbie measure wad one of great Importance. The news from the minas continues to be favor able, and but little doubt now remains of the existence of gold in almost fabulous quantities on the eastern slope of the Rooky Mountains,. and extending north and south for hundreds of miles. Tho winter thus far has been mild and pleasant. This day is more like nay than February; our rivers are free from ice ; 'steamboats are ploughing Our :raters, and our fistula:a are beginning to turn up our ea, soil for the spring crop. and our pros pects as a people. politically, socially,. and materi ally, have never been so flattering as they are at this time. l'he Legislature, by and with the advice and consent of the Governor and :fudges of the 'United States Court, passed the following " AN ACT TO ESTABLISH PEACE IN KANSAS." De it enacted, Ai. Scc. 1. That no criminal offence heretofore com mitted In the counties of Lykins, Linn, Bourbon, McGee, Allen, and Anderson4rovitng out of any political dliterenee of opinion. hail bo subject to any proseoution on any complaint, or indlotment in any court whatsoever in this Territory. Bat: 2. That all criminal actions now com ineudedj stowing out of political difference of opi nion, shall - be dismlSSed. Bro. 3. This not to take effect and be in fotoe from and after Its passage ApprOved February 11, 18.59. S. MEDAIIY, Governor of Kansas Territory. I look upon the passage of this act tootle (Inton ing importance to the future of our Territory Un der our judicial system it is impossible to convict and punish any one for any crime against the old or 4, bogus laws." They era now wiped out, and by this not' all - prosecutions, now pending or in prospect, are wiped out with them in that part of' the Territory in which the old feuds still linger and outrages are still committed, and it is meet earnestly hoped that this measure will have the effect to quiet the elements of discord that have too long afflicted our people, and dyed our soil with the blood of American citizens. All that Kansas wants is pence and a reliable Government to secure her rapid growth, prosper ity, and importance and the action of the past LegislatiVe Assam hly, and the sound and humane poliey of Governor lifedary, have done touch to 'ac complish this great object ; and if it should hap pen to suit the powers that be to admit us into the Union next winter, the crisis will be passed, and Kansas will soon take her place as ono of the most prosporons young glantessea of the West. Very truly, to., Dominos. Improvement of Fairmount Park. For Tho Kress.] At the mooting of Councils on Thursday last, the Committoo on City Property submitted a report in reference to the above improvement, competition drawings for whioh had somoltime since been adver tised for. Bight plane were submitted, of which four were selected as possessing striking merit; and though differing considerably in details, were very simi lar in the general features. In the two first plane advantage Is taken of the tin= deleting configuration of the land to admit of a oonsiderable extent of winding drives and walks, so planted and marked with trout and shrubbery as to give, within a comparatively email area, the effect of a park of considerable extent. . The first prize plan contemplates a grand promenade, commencing at Coates street and ex tending half a mile in length, with side-walks and a grass border on each side ; whilst the other preposea a grand entrance on Landing avenue of whits Pennsylvania marble, in the Boman Doris style, with a handsome iron railing , extending to Pennsylvania avenue, and a main. avenue sixty feet in width winding along, the hills till it meets Girard avenue. Both designs eult template a drive along the river bank, though the. idea of passing under Girard avenue bridge is, in our opinion, questionable. Ornamental designs for the boat-houses and side entrances were also submitted which, if carried out, will 'greatly improve these portions of the Park A military parade ground is also laid out on the northern side of the Park, there being a sufficient• ly level spare for that purpoee, whilst its natural position, with the ground sloping upward on each side, will afford ample accommodation .for many thousands of spectators. It !a to be hoped that era long something be done to open the Park as a place of reoration to our oltizens. [We have received, at too late an hour to exam ine it, a Description of the plan for the Improve ment of Fairmount Park, whioh wan awarded the Plrot Premium by tbo Pity Clounolls).--Bo. TWO cgvTS. - . Letter froint.itew„.Yl3o.: -:' • ANNUAL FESTIVAL 01? TUE DRAMATIC FRED :-,TEE "'FLAY: • OPPIRA-.4LIDAME DE WIL11110.11I.,„ 24 - OVAL. OF• int ENTAR/0 INTIMOR OF TEE BI10:1D WAY TRAATEII-.48011 - RCIOAULT—.TRII • BROOKLYN OPERA noyas T - i wellp, Bpszyten!a paunca—ns: loantricE ()Pr vox!: EIIROFEEATIONAL ACADEMY OP Dr,szoir—sicia's r'osifierr'or'nft. TAR , PARKER LIBRARY''-';BROPIRBAD'S NEW . , YORK " STRIKE AMONG, JOURNEYMEN—CITY RAII:110A0 'TRAVEL-'=OATITERING OF REPUBLICAN "ITIFIPPIEtapERS AT TRII ASTOR ROUSE. _ 1 lanrespoidenesof Thti Prue.] - ! NEW Year, March t, . 1 0 9 : ' ; ,,,yike approaching annual festival in • 'mot ihieDinkle . of the American ; Draniatic !Nut is Inaincha atiatia'af • Dirw r aidoiaasiiii to give reason to believe that it, erlill be one of the most artlitiOally, militia and pecuniarily successful yet given' in 'behalf of that 'praiseworthy, charity. , A prologue; epilogue, and long 'mete be con tributed by. Bryant, Halle*, and Willis; Brengbam, paillraok 13, Goodri oh are at work on the plity,ankidap tittle i froilthe French, called " LeAlaiii deo peo4 dans anaemia de Yeloureo the oharaolrei'or irhich areto be personated by several' clever' amateur; prionalairtin fashionable and' business circles, ' The opera of ' Don Pasquale?? is also to be given, by amateurs;. of *tuna' there are enough to, do it very cleverly. ;Two or three' of thki lady nigger litre 'icintllitedtheir'voleeli sticv •cussfully at shanty coneerts, and 6 - Timed elf thee mu sical eapabilities -and self-command replan. -for the foot-lights. Lester ,Wallach will litiperviato the 'dr. :natio rehearalits;, the operatics will be looked after by Mr. Thomas Baker.' ' Charming little :Cora - de Wilhorst Is agairtlii liver after a:brilliant ;lour under .GemeniViltrakoiseb,lll the West. ' Bate goes ,to cf,n9iinOtirtlvaeior the, opining of their new opera house , Lokort Saturday afternood lie" sear by ide is gilly is aarok, hi, tet,Nitaiels Girona, sid a• moment -arterweilirlierctiett'o'iri is'obtai Imijoidigkes chtnitAie , fluirirpolifonniores of Atli - ilia *Wider • ? fo **ll t•h .*AollqVCl-41 0 **4,,, ; 10.0110W. , --4;,4-1- is • git',,,j,ing if ainusementio; Mr:gotkllt - talotatekif t'l, -•' lereveri pail of thiill4l•lii'of iiiiii prolioDvernei " hones, paropief,*prinailitlii,lMeitar"; 4e.._.1,4p; aw,. prea'aes opMinagill4;nolia tara Wilionel. 4'l'o-gilt' Mr. R. *trodiowsteagakentagententottn s oy' a6d.9l ""t tl*, l' h P gi -haf i Area **Plertioioit for , me time, pact: ;Ili,* N't soirre , losot contriplabosbdild:* log a thiatti' on thi'iotte' of Mimi 'l *,lc.o.ti aie tan have Burton's; Koienelif May's.' and Ikniroicatallsi, all within a equple of bluelot Of each ether: ti's IN ,, I : The Drookignirojechara„,¢Usetispilie **rip 1011 tithe-stook sit their, Acisitsli of -11Inale.„ : 0150,000,) which' Is to 44---loCiateiromil 11,114111ies*bito-betl"o4 Court and Minton: It - Celli • - Medi 'kir opening ziezt The ihkiv. Meng Weri:glpealesiNaleopla.bava ta , eased a $52,000 lohonsdnoustiguree Dim Hieko st ti. bitiiiion - Mostsiiiit'antyltemseal and will primed fo b' . with to put lip alaritileiodifili.- -' - '• -' , ''''' ', , 1 , Thanes. Dr:Bethuniqoheof the meet detiiivited d. populo prerichenswingthe-fteforrued Dutchmen,re fibs i f signed ' charge Jest 'week ending . kiffitirday a ed, foi' rapine' in `the bait If. AOJero,.accompenied bj ; his wife aiesitrrazits:' 'fa r em a i n s iihroad abinet "Mei , menthe . i . The, Thirty. berth Annual:Exhibition of the ifs• tionalAcademy of Design will , he :opened on Tuesday, Apill - 12. The Aoulemy Are now in possession of lira' pertl veined •it abdut SIAS. ;000;in view of edelottlite. rasneeterithasOeteimined to take mewl* forinakeng . tie lithibitiene hue of our permanent,' iimithittrese. , plidea of, resort, and in various ways to. Intone* its, pepOliritiand - eilleleney. - „ ' ~ , .., , ' , Molests lasi Poitiettof Di. Bane Is great., The A toils *neer with hie lege wrapped - 1n a *OW hi : gestedin his,eabinontgagedia writing up his )iiii - two of hie aompeethiptappeentri the backgrinend if il, rr aid soroneul them upojethe.walleheng gums, „pouch ri,' s and itelent } fin linttionitte. Ttiegholehillietininteted '- ,a single fumy; MI fight fabling strongeeWeOhthoheest Of Dr. Nene, *bide is the point of interest in 6e picture. TM sale of the Tarter, Library closed last lietierd iy night ; the piling ringed higher than at kny eels thet has taken place, by auction. In seireilel yeere—the Sg:. gregete reaching about $15,000. - The booksellers liege' aneon,g the largest 'Taiwan. ..., 1- .4 ' ' - -' i '- Mr. '.1,.. ftemep Drodiened 15,sietinily, writing the ileconfitolione„of hts tc.ilistory of New .Ifork." A a , new edition 'of the: ilisttioledie lunf Jest : ROMP to . . Tieeptineo torte` Mikan; iiiiiontriO'neiiiii',.and . P.t'fia !'r.e .l l l oA t4ht. of ht,rikingifatletehir ' ~ Theydemand en increase of _froze Aileen to twenty p'si cent. Ifaini'meetings Of Bichof these trades are .to Ni, held on Wedneadiy evening; at AMA this details ate to be agreed upon. Sotapid to the buirease of ttaSel on our city replays that the Third ...hyenas Company have ,Pist 4h:ileitis!' twelei Mere cars f - thle 'Will . enehle them to ~- s tart atter every minuti - and e hair: ' " —' „ 1 , The number of deaths 'in 'New TOrk lint : week was four hundred and twenty.lerar, Saadi is tlflyitirilmote than in the week previous, end thirty, ash less thin Au , "the honistiondirig week of last year. In Brooklyn,„tlie total inimbei of deaths lasi Week "woo one hundred euld, . ,A. gathering Wee :head merrand *tenni of tlielti publican party is ,now.la Session , et the elAtirviliiiiel. 41i ' lliai i R I/itt &-!l 4444 " le ! ) : di T e l. k P r fO r-IV "C, , ' . i&OACrilriti,: , ."r'; .. ,:, •,' -.. ~-. . :. ...,, l k -.. doeuniee, and Northern'reeMbeirs'ef 'COngress on their way home. Without any violent wrenching of-the truth, it may be said that In , the woolens, of the4e, Warwlikti the name of Senator Seward is mentloned with animation for 'the - present, and with hope for, the future. GENERAL NE VADITADVE IMPROVEMENT POD. VENTTLATINO RAILT.OAD CARS.—Mr. Robert R. Taylor, of Read ing, "Pa., has recently secured a patent bran fm= proved apparatus for forcing a constant supply of pure air into railway cats It consists of a blow' ing cylinder, hung to one of the thickset* the oar, and "operated from ono of the axles by means of an eceentic, In combination with flexible or self ! accommodating pipes for adniitting air to inifdisi. charging it from the cylinder, and with distrlbul ting pipes for admitting the oomprafsed air, intd the oar. The air being forced into a'ciatern coal taming water, it will be deprived of • the particles of dust by coming in contact with the water, and thus perfectly free from all impurities when forced into the oars. Simultaneously with the forcing of this constant supply of pure air into the interior of the car, the projecting portions of the van wheels (inserted in email openings near the roof; on each side of the zear,) are turned round by the. impulse of the external air, ottused b 7 - .the prof greys of the oar, and the rapid revolving _motion of the vanes tends to 'facilitate the escape of the Impure air from the oar.—Readink Daily Tiaies.l EXTRAORDINARY HAMRIAGE:—SIXTEEN - AM; SIXTY UNITED —At Cincinnati, a mart with ten; children and' 'sixty years of age, was last 'Friday, married to a girl, apparently about sixteen, strange to say, she appeared. unnatural as Was the union, well pleased with her antique husband. The reason she gave fdr selecting rfastner was that he could not live long, and she would hive` an op portunity to seonre another liego•lord, while she was still in the bloom' :of, youth., Philosopido female! Two ADVENTURERS,named' Whately 'and. B tassel, have lately mae $40,000 in Gobb county, Ga., by informing agate* farmers who had given in too low an estimate of their property, the law giving them $lO on every hundred that the esti mate was too low. They then went into Morgan county to continue their profitable calling, but the people escorted theta out of the limits, and they wore glad to get off with whole skins. A SADLY DIOAPPOINTED BRIDROItOO3I.--Tha Dayton (Ohio) Journal_ tells. story of a young man from Darke county, engaged to marry a girl of that city, had given her $5O to buy her wedding clothes, and woe to have been married on Sunday evening. But when the time came, and every 'thing was ready, the girl did not appear—she.had run off with some fellow she liked better: BRIBE 'FIGHT AT ALBANY.—A prize fight oame off at Albany, N. Y.; on Thursday last, be tween two young men named Judge and Tingley., the former 5 feet 7 inches, weight 150 pounds, and Ike latter s.feet 9 lashes, weight 170. The fight was won by Judge in seven' rounds, which'lasted thirty•five mintftes. The victor had the beet of the fighting in every round. A natiren • TrIMSTalt, in Portland, Me., ro nently out out the eye of his horse bends° the animallmoked a loaded dray overboard, being urged to do so by the teamster himself. The teamster would bo properly punished in having both of his eyes gouged out by some*" half horse, half alligator" beckwoodsatansof the West. A BRIDE DESERTED. —A young lady, about sixteen years old, eloped from Roston, Mass., a few days ago; contrary to the wishes of her pa rents.' Her husband abandoned her OD Friday last, and it is supposed that he has gone to Cali fornia to seek his fortune, leaving her to repent of her hasty marriage. A CINCINNATI PAPER' says the Spanish quartets aro being bought up in the East at twen • ty-ono and a half cents, and sent there and put off on the dealers at twenty-five cents. A merchant, a few days since, received in payment of his bills $3OO in this coin. MRS. ABRAHAM CASWELL, of Taunton, Mu saohusetts, 'on awaking, a few mornings since, found her husband dead by her side. Ire had passed away so goietly as not to disturb her re pose. Re was sixty-eight years old, and, highly rospected. • GENEROUS.—The Seventh Regiment, Pet Duryea, Of New York, have testified the feeling of that noble corps for the memory of Wash ington, by contributing two thousand dollars to the fund of the Ladies Mount Vernon Associa tion. , Ma. OBADIAH A. Rown, for some time past connected with the editorial department of the Now York Sun, died on Sunday last. lie was a follew-apprentice to the printing business with Borneo Greeley. Tux Port Rope (0. W.) Guide reports the fact that, a few days ago, a man in that city, on a wager, 'ate 9f pounds of fresh codfish (, the codfish was boiled. After this performance, he drank, by way of variety, thirty-four llamas of beer. Tote Indiana Senate, by a vote 'of '3O to 0, have refused to pass a law prohibiting members of that body from carrying ,deadly weapons while in attendant° on its sessions. , A NATIVE cow, belonging to Mr. Isaac Clerk, of Middleboro', Massachusetts, recently had three well developed calves at one birth, two of whioh. are alive and doing well. Tiers time twelve months, 1,203,000 bushels of wheat were in store at Chicago. Now there are but 611.000 bushels. JACOB C. LTNER, a worthy citizen of Lan caster, Pa., committed suicide, last Saturday, by drowning himself. • IT IS now said that the fire which destroyed the Baton mechanical bakery originated In this spontaneous oombustion of saw dust. ,jOlllOl leisete,ree!ipos Oeee?N..eta labia the following TOM Amy eoznimaddatkalsast lossosompaaled Us eeTtst)f wsitar. iittsito faila comatesse In the t7Pognipby, but Cu Ude setae Wei should be : 1rg 9 t44 , 119 / 4 84 • • - atoll to greetktobliged t. geoileall la ressivir! nubs .ad ether Beta for- tieing ghe moms riewe!rf Mai iley their girth:vier heeelitleej the reroureet of the.iirroaadlog earitry, ti. bismag or poikation, igrhihieWhicitheimiliterieteraet] tog to the gitairel TRE:eiTY. E ' *AMUBIXIINTII TAM MVINJNO. -& CLAISILIOI Limerick - • , liserWArsraviikintso, Tunattan.—nboty or Lim o n_ ' 4, Adopted - , Emig/it, 'filisousfe Dan Rice's Great ghoul , — "Lerit , a throne ClOmpairt , Equestrian, Gymniatis, iIAA Acrobatic teata.”, ; _ MoDatotrasla Gilml4l.--M•otiong , from, _PUP, Genii tram Opera , Paationthgett, Diro44, and Singing. " TllOlllOOO Geniiffrom Operai v begro Bemintridtlei, Farces, dinging, sill'basel.w.". Assinimar Butunmes.—agnor Abiziaid OF THE , CoitraorrEllo OP TIM Wenn 00woold.--4 number of ominnunitation were recleired, and to„appropriste einimitteen. One from the Snood notion, rn relation to them:leaf* ,rendition of the nolikertiftethee sehool;immee, rem re fern( to the Committee On *nflSrtl- - a ' • One fieni the illatiiiiellon; asking poWer to rent a handing Oh trainee stint fora school one from Tenth matron, calling attention to an appeoi 'one of $1,500 lately made, by Connelly for the purpose- of Meeting beet atatrwaya at - the Northwest seheoblorae, PM for sinned the dement dhe primary school No. 6, no as to .pew outwards in _unapt in alarm of die ;:one from the Twelfth section,. asking that snob other elemrnte of edudation be introduend {Moth* grammar. schools for ` the - purpose of better jpreparing of the eallolara tor ad mission intent) Nigh gebool ; one from the Nineteenth motion, *sting for the tnneteror s school-to a new home wane ..lintehed ;'and, faleir,4or - anthoritl- to &A noint two additional leadhers;;ons: frout-ths 'Twenty fourth seetion,, making lint IladdlogtonAlletnelAccon lie repaired; for • which -- an 'approPMedlosi - Ina already -been made by Oity Connidle: and onefrom nigh Bebop', recommending Professor P. ROM, a: competent 'person to MI the_ Professorship of language in sahVseinol, were readvddand' reihnedn' the appro. Pristsfnlidclttess - • -, • ; , communication .was received - from- the Twenty -thlrd Motion, being"; bill'Of A. C. Tibor;, for , fend tarn; dnyedltd , to a spool-htlue. - ' , ,Niferind to the'Com- PO* ";PPlPottywitttnilwelditdinemndtes.,.. - Alosolhatia. nllnniiodidniknAnignaer lanntrio ids Minna - ibsiedstaintredgar the ddora 6 to opentontwitnia, lign I all the steel lames where snob may be unmean t and - rsport,dhe sum impaired to Counothr Reporti from the- eta:miles 'ontuirdieiws ward than offered. ~ The .Committee on ennints reported- bilis totals imoont of 0113:884 01, which were 'ordered to be mid. Several other billeof - mill mounts thatinew thicnn ant bitheMm n ttt l en, were, admitted by Members and The Committee br Rigi fatnntdlaplirtiod dtheileran for poier.oM/artstforwProeniir, l marangasgo;dobe' oltotect *Crier!. meeting, • Agreed. • AZIO, one incase themilary of the Profiteer ofhforal 'and Mental.Phlloropkw t.whlchwaii agreed ' - Mao, one to petition iihinneile with the view eras ing the tialariee of thtaesistairt teetthire' it the High fiehooisto 1100 per aosram. - i - Arrest Mr. Ditidald„froro the POMmilfee en ifeenill geed. intioitied I report Lenin - 06 Winded of entd Wool, ‘bleh mu ordered to be piloted witL the annual r port. Simnel' of the doonmental telatatiletkephylicat Ott.' cation of the ireltidare, Wei !arret. to a apeetal.-ennt ot ties: , dukherpangnie Hie` report - wee 'a comma:idea tiottrointhe H - akieriiw,ihathe boa viiited. the Normal School—Spoke itatine lame -room-and small ones, and that be bad yet seen nothing to alter -the - opinion *Web belted - previonsly. - 'entiertainei, and which ..balisd aireata - eoprreead rood/Wed the eendone of nix boors; withhalf on hpur of toninnistica, entirely ten - leer, and he would new lesie th e entOot .to the - wiedona, of Cityllintielle, sad thole who ' moat . dlrectlj , control the *shoals. - The COmmltteellit propbrij reported certain items for repaire , and ordered the work to be 'done, did inn parale to be oull , vorpapt f0r. , , , The: ftenur. - of work were not reed: ' , - - . • - • Ttie Committee On Dedicate, among other .thlnge; re. porteda,reeolution authorising the ereotton •of a new primary echo& in the Delmont4thtiet; which wariegreed to „Kr. Reed preeldent.-Submitted' the tunnel report, apivg on-Resember 31,1868.. The following is a ' The tifiele number of Saofare on December St, kliSe, 69,400; of whteti 80,812 were melee; 26 038 females-ha logen inereaea erv.r lue number, of previous Year of 1879.: The following in the annual inereue of the *chokes for yeitie named of, Ia 1854 the increase' wee - 1088` In 1856 • • do - 2NO In 3066 ,do • 266 e , 101857 _ In 1858 do - - 1,879 The average annual Merest° being 1,863. There are 8,000 names registered of cinema . awaiting admission into the eeboole The Inamtier of ochre)/ lilt,' being an morose, of &during the year -else eiteoridmy,, two Unclosed, and five 'priroMy. PRI new building wax erected during the yew • TOO ire 1,013' newteathera etoplorntin the ',chords-, The report psi m to,atate that the mend eppropriaticur is ,entirely ,too 'limited Or reverieted to wirer Ibliv the - object of institetfogthe fighoola, that atlaralahlig ialuestion Ia all who say apply for ~ edutieston, The report wee ordered- to be priutedas motel. •• - - - Mr. Try offered a reeolutiMaireeidinglhat Webeter's Dictionary be intrOdemid into the schools, , •11irferied to the Committee our Bonitos to report at the, next Mr.,.Wateon'ttHered the :egad !solution; inviting ,the Governor, Secretary of Mate, and the..lluperlntind. int of School& to elan the ; which was weed Adjourned. —•- Alas Err qv: AN' Mipumt many of our tisdeit will remember the mindit - of in the month of Jane liet;na' beard - theileums. Peyton, ana the atespe of the alleged murder* The faota Ail theme, en they tbeittnuispired; we again :• • The host wee on 'her why op the-titre. (tor, Moneee hinted* tiithiettati - imien gtheweilired;idulterennitiinly „ • _ :VW USIV wharf, end nyttietime•alereottiew I 'tftritliiiritivor the riot bourne 'general, in .cormequence of a real or fancied insult offered to a woman on.,board. About twenty pa rson' wore angered id one or two of them using dirkao - nrd others using hi/milord - oar other • instruments of offence and defence upon which they could lay their „halide. During the riot three air four parsons were very ethrlortsly injured.,One pence. bad his nose broken; three were very seriously cut about the hessi L and a young man named George Neal, eel-Maker at gam-street wharf, received &fatai Man in the left aide. This Wand man' was - picked tip ind hold on &bench. where ha died in & few athletes •Wtlllam Murphy; the alleged perpetrator of the act, kept a drinking hence in this city , called the First Ward Hotel. Immediately upon ascertaining the reset or the affray, he leaped overboard and. was reamed by boat, by which be was set Caliore on the Feonaylvania side and made hbveecape. The body of Neal wag taken to Dubois , Ferry Hots! in Gloucester, by the captain of the Feytona, and an inquest was held on the body Jig Just - tee Stafford. Dr. Mulford made a noot-mortem ex amination of the body, and testified that the death of the deceased-wen named by a knife wound in the left breast near the heart. The principal witness wae, female who had saceompanied Neal orl'the exennion. She testified that whertat,a place helow.Gleneester, in the aftemecin, Neal and Murphy got into • wrangle. After getting on the boat, to come to the - city, Moray took off hie coat and Stare it to the WHOM, to hold for hint.At the sometime he dirplayed a dirk knife with a blade about seven 'aches long, whioh she raid ebe asked him to let her keelifor him; • Thft he refused to do, saylog he expected to bare use for it. 'On •the way np the witness eltbir feinted or_ made a pretence of Sainting. and Murphy threw water into her fsom ; this was the signal of a wrangle between Neal and Murphy, and a fight was commenced. The witness Untitled that Miring the fight she saw Murphy stab Neal with the knife already deetribed. Thiskrtife was found on the deck of the boat covered with blood , The jury rendered - a veniint that t he deceased came to his death froze 'a wound b all oted - with a dirk-knife Murphy. - - : In solte of every exertion to 'theatre kin'tptly. he eln• dad rtnenit, and's reward Alf dtoo- west offered by the city authorities, aid by the friendenf Heat, for his cap ture: , . •• , At a late brine' on idendaY evening .Murpity, the al leged murderer, eeut for Officer'Teggert. of the Me. reader's Police,-and he gave-himeelf up to him. Mr. Taggart took him before the Boocder, et the residence of the latter, late in the evening, Inaba wee esnimitted to prison to await a hearing . We presume the question of Jurisdiction will be raised, and there is some uncer tainty whether the prisoner will be tried in this city or New Jersey. One of the participants in the riot was tried In the het named State, and he wee sentenced to els years' imprisonment. ^ - Murphy was a Mont, burly rose at the time' of the commisaion of the - murder; He it now pale and thin. and above the mute of confinement and ankle y. It tile believed that he baa been concealed in the city ever since the ocennenes,ii period of over nine months. EIPECITS OF A 5T8.1.K.Z.-11, is well known it, our readers that the cordtrainers of our city have held several meetings forth* intrposeof taking measures to secure an advance in their wages; and that in many in 'stances their mined or demand has been ,complied with by their emptoyen This Is all right and proper, bet we fear the cause will be seriously affected by an over sealoas portion- of the journeymen, who endeavor to coerce those who are of a different ordnion'into their own views A case in print was presented to us yes terday, which strongly ehows the dangers to be expiated from the over zealous, and should prove warning to the parties concerned inthie movement - Yesterday afternoon a man named Ames Simpson was arrested and' taken before Alderman 'Freeman, on the (+harper assault and battery and - inciting to-riot. It appears That a journeyman- named John Wifintleff, who was decidedly averse to the Dement strike, was as malted on Saturday evening lest while on hie way 'Troia a store in Fourth-atria, jut above Ooneneree t (where he had been with some work) by an excited crowd of About one hundred 'min, who treated him in the molt brutal manner biting him and beating him severely. A man named John Cellos is also alleged to have been . implicated in the but he has not yet been ar rested. Simpson is abused with being one of the principal anallants, end after the hearing was held by the alderman in the sum of $OOO to answer at court. PRESERVATION OF GAMN.—Yesterday morn ing the Association'for the Pressireation of Game met at the establishment of Mesas. Russel Parsons, In Prune street, below Sixth, for the pnrpoe e of inspecting a large number 'of birds which bare been preserved, under their tuspiees, daring the winter months. The objects of this association are doubtlene known to all of our reader*, And are worthy of all commendation. Its members comprise many of our most prominent and in fluential cittzeus, and the advantages already realised by this organization have amply repaid them for the deep interest they have manifested in. its behalf. 'At the end of the last game season neural hundred birds had been preserved Dr this association, in excellent condition. At the exhibition yaeterday. there was an inspection and diatribution..4 banquet end ipegehec Everybody appeared in the best humor, and all deemed anxious for the advancement of the interests for which they had been organized. TRIAL ON THE GOOD WILL FIRD COMPANY'S tr StaAllult.”—On Saturday afternoon lest, a trial was made of the new steam are engine, built at the manu factory of Meshes. I. P Morris & Co., Kensington, for the Good Will Engine Company. Steam was raised In eight minutes, and, with a pressure of 46 pounds, threw a stream, thr ough a onednch mule, 210 feat This, however, can' hardly be coluddered a fair test of her ability, as a high gale was blowing at the time.- She is of fine finish, and will be housed formally on Monday, the filet instant; when a final trial will be bad from the new patent plug, reoently placed in front of the engine house. PERSONAL.—We are requested by some of our friends to ask from the public a Rwandan of lodgment in relation to the attack made on Mr. Itoc harts, last Sunday evening, by the newsboy Kerrigan, recta, ibis alleged, will appear at the beetle& chow 11 3 that the assault was neither a robbery nor as latent to steal- Oa the othr hand, it is said that Robetts, the roan who was knock e d down, wets unable to appear at the hearing on aosontit of his injuries. = It is thought that he was struck with a slung shot or billy, as. his head is considerably lacerated. The defendant was committed for another hearing on Ihnteday afternoon. - . dr a late hour on Monday night an attempt was made to rob the newspaper stand old:deur Reese, Nxehange ermine. Borne letters Were broken open. to not destroyed. som e iele erblently Intended to Ede the place, matelots, belt hurried, were ford strewn slant the stand." - APPOINTEL—EObert Tylei, Eaq., buboes reappointed Prothonotary Of Qs Burrows Court, for Om Cotton Dlotriot et Posaglyanio.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers