Weekly ltcvicw of the : Philadelphia Markets." ; fßepbrtedXok'T^ePreM-3 \itX' ■ ' Pbiladblphia, Jan. 21,1869. The Produce markets generally are' more active this week, and the Plour and Wheat 5 O; ’ % kx \ la a^° Coal mketkwith a gpod Inquiry’ ft* home hut the demand for Bhtjrtnenfrii light'.' • Coffee is firm , Sugar baa at thelatd advance,* and for Volmsmi higher pr^l^ygflieftoßealized. Cot. ton meets a steady:. Inquiry, vend, prices .are.well main, tained. Piah sell slowly at previous' rates:: Jn Fruit market i»flna, but>HhotttjmDvament. n Sumter con tinues at i Bt<ftM;'are steady,andlor Bosin^fijS«!Eftc& o^ ajAfiftyUjlts*are mere' aotive. is better.?- dloverseed'ls la aettfe aud.h'ai again advanced. Tallow* it Anil at the late ad-bmceT Teas and Tobacco are firmer. Wool meets with a mode-’ rate Inquiry', chiefly Tor the fine grades,-are ifijrmV jw further ad vanced. The Pry Goods trade la alsomoVe acttve-- : buy % ers are coming, in more freelfyand’.tbeHnaiket has as- Burned?tHs‘j&%ai opening of the spring which? largeand'! healthy. •Thestoobsof aU P^Cottpii 1 goods are ! light, atS f th¥'prices ,of iome:kirjds are looking up/! Prints are well styles. *-CheotS, ’tfciks,?,agi i ptriE^s J n^9 ( off fSWant«d at fulbprloes-* Woollens!,are taken morejfreelythan' umal at this Reason? and the pt!ceri ! pbtained are better* than at the cloaeor the, Ml,trtde,]tli9 ,^ecde i iey : for most kinds being upward}?^/?* In BBEADBTCFP3,"there fiU- beenimore botMfeto' not* in Flour MdeP'fß^«oSrof ifcatWeek, and holders fcifo Wi. ,The de-7 m&nd W ««W fcftf *P eo ??®K r * «*“»*?•£ 9alo lbis week ats6.2s® 6.60 for Aaperdiio ; $6.62 uupto 86 for extras, and 86 to 87 50 bbl for extra family afid'fanfi^braiids,'accord ing toauality, incladJfatfljOOO bbls ot the latter on terms keotsecret. The market4f3h4 T 4ld««r:iftsan upward teßdeßcyi'aiad aiosi^olfle)*’ aafetupt ' 'willing to sell at the hlshest figures, the wcefpts'belng light. The trade have been buying more freely at tkaabbtO'figures. and fancy lots at higher priees,jraugtDg J up to: $7.75 V.bbl;. Bye Flour Is scarce at $3.87#©4 W bM?iat which rates sates likve‘be6tt-'Tmkde^ , -’Oom'' Meal—The - market. ia bare, and iFentfsjlranlals wanted at : bbl. - A sale of 400 hhd« Brandywine was made at a price.kept private, aii<l l '4oo 'fcaolur Bubkwheit MeAl'At $2.'60 the 1001b«k?SU't J - >• . Tha-followlifr hr* &f Flour and Htal for the week ending January 20.1858: Half-barrets' oFXperdhfcr,;. .V.'t.......... 400 Barfell^f : BhftrdneVito 1.;.i .V........., .10,785 «Dtfn r * (J i ,49 DoA-% Middlings WHs|AT.—Thars is & fair at"ck on hand, but.the re ceipts' are liftt.'Md pricey. have ’ advanced B®sc ; of <lB,OOO bushels '-are f re ported atl27® 1860 Tor common and, prime red. .and, 138®166c for white.. Bye is in demand fordißtilltog,'and‘2)6oo ( bush elaPemiiy.\Tanla Bold on arrival at 85®87e. - Cora Yin good demand, \b‘dtf-the'recelptaare light and prices are firmedafcthe’ elbtie; dales of 25,000 bushels yellow have been made at 760810.' closing scarce at the latter rate ; some Oats were In’ good request ’at the dose, and 10,000 bushels sold at 47s®48c for Perih rylva&!ar v ln Barley,- there is very-little doing. * Bar* ley Malt Is also dull., ' ;; inarketlsmore active,;, supplies come'forwsrd felowlj% sod small 'sales of Mess Pork are «s6me 600 bbls 'amall at $17.76018; add Prime’ at $l6 w bM. A sale of Beef Hams was male at $17:60. c City Mess'BWfsells,’inlots, at $16®16 1 - Baoon xThe|rutfkfitis-bare'.of''Btdei'ahd-Sh6ulderSi anl no sales are Reported? OF Hams" the stock, ft lftht, SHtKT sales'St ; loel3u‘fdr r £lalriand Dry-salted- Meats oontiriuefd Small Supply ,'wlth<Sa]Ss of ‘-Harts ! 9©9Vo. Sides and ShouldersatoK«7o,cn-j time., stocked light and prices'firmer, Wth sales cf l bbftkhd~tcs-at Iljgollo, add kegeatl2Jtf®: 12V'd I ,>cash-awfkhdrttlroe. .-ButteK-Solld- picked is doll at;lo®l2e': s '-Rb}l ranges 'from I7e ~to Gheesels'WorilTßodb : Bggs are lower, aad selling at dozen. r> ■ • j r .^ t. ME TAL 8:-*-Th <?lron market lias been Very quiet and tbs sales confined to small lots from store* at $20(£21; of-An- atJ2s,oh Urns: la Bars eqd t , Boiler 'Plates there in ,no change and bat little dolog/i'CeaOajrr.beenfmore.inquired'for and 1,600 plgr yirglnfa.jold at $5 7ftr t the;Mp lbs._eash; about 7po so]d at a ; prioe not made publle. Copper is steady<*k 26c lb,for Sheathing* on tlme/y-.Of.Jfeilow Metal sales are-making v at 210, six. mouths. ' BARK.—Quercitron is ventedand}No-1 Is soiree at Nothlng.dolng InTannem’ Bark. ,.* BKEBWAX.—SmaII litas .ammaklng at 82©8So'#' lb;some.lio!ders.Mk^wre^,..,,,e.t,'ii C /y ii j • « CANDLES.—Adamantine are.stea4y.bat,there is not so much inquiry .for , city-mode, .which, are held at 22c. BpergtanA,tallow:vare-apohanged and quiet..- / .. - .. . COAL.—Prices are steady, but the .demand has been mostly, j~some-few.xargoea.Are going for-, wanMfrxm Richmond) The receipts are moderate;* COFFEE la arHring .more, freely, abd ; .the miikei',l* And,vp^alMot,'4.9oobSgsßloatll SftfllXc} toostly at the. former rate i and some, Laguijra at 111*rf^mVonlime»i w •/' ‘ ■ '' *■'" ' COTTON •—The’ s fc&Mket' U Avft, bat the, demand. Is, light and prices the same*- with sales 0f‘950 bales, chiefiy. .uplands,,at, 12 X®l3°3P*. ft cash for. good mid dling'And middling fair iqnttlty/JoelUdfng* sample* it and New Orleans.at 13©18Ue, on time. The thelst/Of 'fieptemberhasheeaas. follows.;,*'/-. - ■ .i.. • * -I860.;, J857.' ;*lB6B/';;iBs9. Rec’W it Ports;. . .1.733,0001,740.0001,221.0002,068,000 ' Rx. to G. Britain 687 000-SSS.OOO/.850.000 607 006 Ex. to, France..,...*209,000 167,000 241,000 269,C00 Ex. "112.000 ' 98 cool 462 oOo' Totalh*jSottS.™;; .945 000' 642,000 ' 622,0001.033,000 Stock on,band... ;//.677,000 770,00 p ‘ 591.000' 857,000 Of which' during the put week', lncluded’ln the ahore: Rec’ts aTPbrfir.,. /.107,0QQ ' 129.000 ' 70,000 188,000 Sx.toG. 6B,oooUffl'jOOO’U23,ooo •' 21,000. Ex. to'JranoeV;2o,ooo h 12,000.: 10,000. .6.650 Ex. other P.P ! 15,000 r 7,000 <> 6,000 7,000 Total 98,000, |'40,000.7^88,600 •: 34,0f0 DRUGS AND D¥EB.are'jqa[et.' : Among the.sales we notice Soda Ash at 2XaBe;and Aigolat22os?-2>,‘a&d some Outehshld oh'-prirAW terms. I ,' :; *>/ : FRUIT—Nbt mucndolhg Jn-foteign.and Bunch Bal slns.kNCir6rth*s2 20 box,v„ Sooe'Oranges and Le mons sold- ; odterraß‘Jkept .private.-:. Domestic Fruit Is dull/bat Dried. Applet are better, nod selling in.lots at. B>4©9Xe} and nopared Peaches at 9012 e Jb Grpn berrieardre from s9ol4j'ss Mts .quality ■„ Green Apples are.scaree, and worth s*o4 & bbl, FEATHERS arWdalL and' good- -western are 'selling; ilowlrat4B©4so *.T-.j .. , 'T-.-./ PiSH —Mackerel continue -seat ee And high , but there Is no inquiry excCptr/or-retail lots. at.sl6olfi.6o dp bbl few No.-.l tf $l5: for,No.; 2and ,$10.60 bbl for No. 8. Plotled Herring rnge from $3©3.60 bbl*/ Codfish arpitathe^fimidr'aiidjmore^actire,celling i at $3.60*4 9* 100 Jbf/ «r; , - ?i FREIGHTS to foreign ;portaaiiw dull, and rates are : Booth-there is jeiy,little doing, and' r*tesiACflJancnangfeS. viTo Bostoncthe’.packeti are get i ting 27c .erAlo;Mtd .0«6o #r foot for measukementigoodSfiiOoal Freights .range at $1.20 to New<,Tork.aD(Ls2ho to Boston} and bat,little doing. - • G ‘-NBENG Is wanted, and Crude is worth 60©70s lb, as |b quality* - • ' . , , *&OANd.—Llttle.or nothing doing, and prices' are an changed;-) *- < k , , > - f ; . HEMP*—No transaction* hare been reported, end the mai ket Is quiet at; fprmerquotetions. - market is, bare of, stock, bat a cargo to arriraliaa been sold dnpriT&te ternus , HOPE are dull; and Eosfsrfl and Western are seilfng, as wanted, at V. / - , LEATHER.—Prime itock'cpptinasß'scarce and in de made at foil ratei; but 'inferior plenty, and dull at lor xoer quotations. » r '•->• ' , arslight, but the prospects for the spring tradejire encouraging. At jm adranoe; with, sales I,2oobbls New.prleans/from' at '4o<b' s Is more offering than Nf* .BraisT, and domnion is wortli f 1.05 A-sjUo of Tar made »t ,2 60 *«•. - u “ 1 »“*«4-.SnlrU«..Torpiiitrn« la lo' «Uary,<riSiaan#,Ttad prlcea m firm, with' aalaa at tlo W gallon'.'* ’-a-***> ’ -•*'> j'- - . OH,a,-Lart on taadaiipirard, .iaith aalea or 150 tbl.' Winterat9B©looc/on higher; -Linseed' Oil isludem&ndj with sales at 63c650in casks' and bblsV Fish OllS meet a steady^deifean'd; and for fipsrm prices' are rather better, , f t RlCE;—Thr&VmanairbeHeramf prices looking an; i the marketfirm, •. ~ . | with • an;attire .Inquiry and pHeeSrfeave -advanced oM 800 buthels prime have been made at $612#e6.60. closing at the' Tatter quotations, and 600 wkifrooi Bebbndt hands,'to go but v ot tbb.«bavbbfy at ‘so £040.69# w i bu*bel> 1 Noth los doing'inTTlmothy, and it is worth: bushel, DomwtieFlaoeed-ls wanted bushel. and ' pHces’are firmer! wilbimjfsof-l.TOObbdSjNewjOrleauß to note;ato «#c»'s),^n.tJis:usanl s orodiL r. ( , •..< totoreigw. rNrß.Eumlsseli-. ingln : loto.at J»e*Be..uWhiah*yhas .04»aMd,; with EalM: pt.Fannsylvsnia ;bbls at: 27c., Ohio at-280, hbde *£**&• at2so & l»Uoff; holders nowaakmore.- lOMertoSaJiib I** 1 **'°* Cit * rendered ara.making at TEAS} are without ehailgein prlco or demand, hut holders are firmer. - .■ ; . ; ’ xoa AOOO.—The market is steady, but both leaf and AW w* th * *w« wits nftlei if. .Sout 125,0<>i-ft« to note, r.ngUig frooi 3Sc for common .op Ho : 60ia666itf«M. J ror\fl!iV coil ertreßoe' _ „ 1 f *. J BE WDNG; HACHIK KS, ,izve-.l BBDUOBDiPHroEB. • .i-iz‘& .NEWBTYLBjfso. _r . / -/ , Allth. fonnerpettenil.tfSfeie oi\ each Mlcililne. ’"’'‘"'"""'A'irW'jiAMH. *. j'.''. ■■--.5 ftff WINDINGOP'trPPBB’THKEAD. r '■ A EAMMAB.WHIOa. TORNS ASP WIDTH Of f '~ r * ,;i r ; HUM 1 OR 1 PELL, "• : ;' rl'’i/>la££Ut'inSßma*t.:.' H ■ ... t .?aj OfßßT|»p,r Btartii ) ;Pilli4,ljSl»'.;’;;/ No.-j wl«£ STATS BtreeVTrenton, S. l. ■ ooTtorajSi,.!c.» j ; ....y.,;. ;i•;-- [4fi ; aß??,’ B :.:?QUi)orR. sewing, ha -fIUIBB lioffeteA to the'public u'.the moetre. JUWoJoir-PfioM.'BoTlogi Mcchliic ln am. It wiU raw fromifitjo, «lxty,sltdie,;to An liwhj' o. »ii hind. ./ gooaspprom ooereeet'fciiggiiigto the doegt oembrlee. It la, withbhtfejfoeptlonj'Uie rtmptort lo iti meclinlMl conetructi (merer in edi, codeia be run end keptlnorder by a A'ga.'. -Thc rntmuairT ol thl» nuchlnc, »nd the dolour .or tra wont, «»'war ren by coy other. Iteipeedrengei from three hundred to fifteen hundred EtitehM per mi nute,, iT.h,ttre,d niedjjl taken directly fronrthe ipooli, Iri,Eo s?.^“.**°' , »S* <>»'«wi»oi*o, -In fMt.it lee mcchlno that ie wanted by every family Intho Mnd.and ttolowpitcdbf• ’ - THIBT7DOIiIiABB, / at which they are »ld, bilcgs them within «i« reach of ■ Agent, - dai-d6m y-epfC^)? t ;; ,3Q.;Bo ? th,BlflHTn Btreet. s;*-£ U3l)tfUBalg U>tfl <Qoaht. > T|BIUiS * SHEETINGS FOR EXPORT. wr: Baitabw fthi;syportt-for Aki.“b, - . , „ mothxnsSlmawbmS. Mfinth *KONT : BT.; ' f- 85 LSTITIA ST. . (<’■' f : I:< M'. ..j • ; . ocls-ly - TRUSSES t— Genuine French, fo . Ohlidren. •' TBOTpltoSij'eii, SSgg* '• BapporterßraoeCj SoglichAMomlnil Belie: Byrln ■^^WSSSßßiS»S f^S«3ssaS'»-« - '•f’ta.Sß) TT IS OF THE HIGHEST^MPORTANbi ;■£>. 43 Hj.; £«, i / c rT ..n, JBm Jtabluoiums- r iNDSAT &BLAKISTOK, "" / Lii ‘ Publtehersandßooksellers, .25 fioutii SIXTH Street, aboye,Chestnut. Particular attention' gii-eii to farnishiog Miscellane ous OrfleraToripQMOi all kind*, at, the lowest prices. n AhZg* f Ji£t&*nt of Tn^OLiiGioAL,- BSLIOIOUB, Mid JIIBOIMANE OUB BOOKS always on band. : FOREIGN BOOKS Imported to order;. - NKW'SOOKB received as soon as published, , at a from thexetail prices,. {' ■ . j a2l \TEW-> >UNTE AKABHB'-BOOK.S.v FOB . . [OHILDBEN,—JiibS Veoelred per ehlp Ton»w«nd»,! a' t&fge assortment of untaarsbie ‘Books for Children, 'embracing I NEARLY'ONE HUNDRED VARIETIES, . all or them having beautifully-colored pictures, and manv a‘large site. - ; i !Alm,&lalrdes*s6rtmentof,,■. > . . ■». NEW ATTRACTIVE OHILDRBN’H BOOKS,' • ! I ~ MOVABLE TOY BOOK‘S, - 'v ! -Tr r PUZZLES, r.-,,'. .. GAMES,&o. Imported by . v. ! , WILLIAM 8. & ALFRED MARTIEN, , JaSl No. 006 CHESTNUT Street. rfIHE;,BENCH AND , BAR,—Practising X {Lawyers in all parts of the Union Qnd THE LEGAL. conduoted by_ HENRY E. WAL* ;liACU3, Esq.,'affords the* of obtaining all the latest decisions on all important'questions of the Courts of-America andEogland, besides a largo amount of I^gallntelligence and, misoell&uy not otherwise at* talnable.,. The,l6th volume commenced January Ist, 1869' It is published .every FRIDAY, by; KING & PAIBD t .6W 8 ANSOMStreet.Philadelphia, at s2.per in adyan.ce. and is. without ‘doubt,"the cheapest Plication ®f the'age."' jt2l-3t* r ’’ ’ ; THE NIWYORK WAV ABLET. THE BOOMOF.THEBE ORE ANT 'THE DOOM Of THE RECREANT , - . , SON OF MALTA, j sosr of malta, ANIJ THE WAVERLHY-NOVELS ! . ! and the waveblry novels; t ■ The Best Family Taper \l j. ; . i--i j*., s ,~ r The Best Family Paper k NEW .YORK WAVERLEV', . IS THE NEW YORK WAVERLEY. ' N j • • - For sale by all the News Dealers, '•j' f PRICE-FOUR CENTS. v Sabscriptlon par Annum; ,* 1 f B. BAKER & CO., Publishers, t ■ V. . ,N 0.15 Brattle street. Boston. 11l N I F OB Ml - WI TH . “ WOMAN’S AJ\ f - TfI9UGHTS./» , . : I .. ’ JOST PUBLIBHSp, 1 . ■ [ - . THE j . -UNMARRIED; LIFE, 1 • / A Oompanion to , < \ A WOMAN’S THOUGHTS fABOtiT WOMEN. - I From the'last London'JSdUion. - “ iWe rarely see a book in Which strong common sense end an attractive .style are-so admirably combined in the treatment of an interesting themO as in this remarkable roldme'. , It is a work 'that* cannot be’ too highly com* mended, and the author is entitled, to tho Warmest gratitude 'of her sisters for the candid expression of her -honfist seixtimehts ujoa a subject that must necessarily interest those* in general.* l . .. ■ 12m0., cloth ’ Uniform with <* WOMAN’S THOUGHTS l\ ~ ABOUT .WOMEN. 5 ?, Price $l. { 1 •’ extrAot from contents: 4 Prospects r o'f Middle Age—The Wish te Please—The torn of Power—Vanlty-J-Extingul*hed Lore—Self-Cen tred Affeotions-^The-Issues of -Hope—A Short Time Left—Mdtay Kinds of Joy—The Happiness of Love—Un seasonable Affections—Leaving -an Old Mannera—The' Tyranny of Fashion—Luxury—An Ap pealto Memory—The Love of Oonsolatton we 'Neglect toOlslm—Slogleand Married LifeUontrasted— ! Happiness hot Dependent on Oircamstaocea —Women 'Oodversant with Sorrow—Pleasures of Memory—The. .Triumphs of Time. "*j*j*Sold'by all BobkiellereVand sent by mail,-postage: free, to .any.part of the United, States on receipt of ■prija/.; - • I BUDD A OABLBTON,' ... I - Publlehera and Booksellers, 'Ho .'3lO BROADWAY. ’ ' * • New York. •* riSHE READIES* PHILADELPHIA SHOP- Jj rum QDIDS AND HODBKKEEPRS’ COM PANION. , . PBICE US CENTS For wile it the BOOR ST ANDin'TOST OFFICE. , ;; >t ~ ' - SOOKS WOBTHfHAVING;TOR SALE, -AT THR BRICES ANNEXED, BY> - . I.' ',,'- Ji SABIN,-27 South SIXTH Street., ' ' BARTLETT'S CANADIAN BOENBRY. A raagnM <jentrß«tiea of Fine Line Xngra rings. Proofs before Letters on lndia 'papery richly bound* In Turkey Mo-. -roceo..». ••••••••••*••••• •*•••*$80 00 '■ Alro; the same-works, plain plates, with Letter prew descriptions. 2r011., in naif Morocco, gilt edges slo.oo' ’ BARTLETT’S SCENERY OF IRELAND, fine Proof .tnrtWSsibns of 119 plates'oh India*'paper, superbly bound'in Turkey Morocco.,...•.•••*'••sBo 00 CUNNINGHAM GALLERY OF ENGRAVINGS. 2 foleiVinhalf Mofooco^gi’tedges ...-*so 00 GILLRAY’S CARICATURES. iThe two series, com plete iri 2 tois.i folio, Including the suppressed plates, withrdescriptive' letter-pfeas:, all yin haiE“Morocco. Or witbout tbe suppressed plates, i.;.«•••*•• $6O ’OO ' BOWYKR’S HUME’S HISTORY OF ENGLAND; with 'illjthe Plates—a national 1 workwhith has nererbeeu lurpsssed:' Jn'd'voliinieaimp, folio, half m0r....540 00 ' CUVIER’S ANIMAL KINGDOM, with many.hun dred .Colored, Plates., 8. rols. Bro., .half morocco. ' gilt.'. Z. 2 1 ... I i . $26 00 SISTER’S COLORED ILLUSTRATIONS OF B BIT WISE BIRDS* AND THEIR EGGS. 7to1«. Bro..half rmorocoo/gllt edge5,.U.«i......‘....‘..568 CO Also,»a generic assortment < of .all the recent Gift ‘ Books of real ’merit, in their radons styles and atprioea to salt close bayets.' •. Catalogued gratis, at 5 Yu ANTIQUE BOOKSTORE, 427-tf 27 South SIXTH Street. fMLAT & BIOKNELL'S >ii ° ' BANK NOTS REPORTER! ‘ - ' PHILADELPHIA. tv The oldest end ablest on the Continent, and moat re* .liable In the ,World. Par annumsl,6o; semi-monthly $1,09. Single copies 10 knd always ready. -Sub* tcclptiona may be sent! Office No.' 112 South THIRD -Street, >Bulletin Buildings* '* " -‘ nolB-Bra l/ERY CURIOUS,. SCARCE, RARE, . V AND OLD BOORS boight fcj JOHN CAMPBELL, Fourth .nd Chestnut street., PJtiledelphU. Highest prio«>ffdt, Ordtnr.tte»<l*d' ,to in star, 8t»t» of the , Union. ."Booka imported from lurope. nID-Bnv j 1 . Retoiipra ®jgoas. afe'O/l QQQ WORTH OF DBY GOODS,. s' - " PRIMS COST! ! FOR t SIX DAYS ONLY, BSFOBI 1 TAKING STOCK. COOPER A OONABD, . 6. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. tfOR SIX DAYS’ ONLY* V $21,999 worth of DRY GOODS at PRIME COST, before taking stook. ->■ ] ~. . COOPER A GONARD, - 1 jh2l ' - 8. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. TpSQUIMAUX BEAVER CLOAKS, fJJ ‘ FOR COLD WEATHER. ! JUST RECEIVED, And will be sold at - LOW PRICES, ■ TO OLO&B THE BBABON. J, W. P ROOT OB A GO., ja2o ' 703 CHESTNUT. BTKERT. (NLOTHS.AND CASSIMERES.-Wo.havo still on-hand a desirable alock-of Winter Goods, In ' new, styles of heavy Coatings,'Fancy Oassimeres r ana Mixtures for /all suits.. r AlsOj Koys’Csjulmerea and Coatings. , }a!B '*' ’ ' ' ' SHARPLESS BROTHERS. CINGLISH BLANKETS. Ci Hearr Square SogUflhßlaakets. j . Premium American . do. '> Horid Elanketa, Ironing do; .Extraquality Toilet Quilte. Varfoue makes of Marseilles Quilts. • Imported bv : jal§ BHABPLEBO BROTHERS. /7<IaOAKS EEDtTCEDy—-Wo hare marked \J our Oloaks still on hand to very low prices, in order to[make room for our Spring Importation of Lace Points and Monties. JalB‘ v ~ BHARPLESB BROTHERS. /TiREAT RELTJOTION IN LADIES 9 It CLOTH OLOAKS AND RAGLANS, at MoEL- EtOY’B, and largest and best stock to select from in the city • . dost from auction, a large lot of Cloths, at 86 cents, $112#,51.26. $1.60, $l/6, $2; Beavers,sl.B7#, $1.76, $2, $2.96, $2 60 to $3.60., Long and Square Brooke Shawls. i Beantifal Long Broche Shawls at only $8: still better, $lO, $12.60, $l4; Chain Lain©, $l6, $lB, $22. •- Long and Square Blanket Shawls, of choice colors and designs, decided bargains - 600 yds. Bayadere Poplins, at 16#, usually sold at 26. 760 do. do. ■ at 25,,UBuallysoJd at 40. Beautiful assortment of Blabk Silks, very cheap. ' 100 yds. Qne PreDpli Merinoes, at $l, worthsl26. 600 yds. English Merinoes, figured, at 81 cents, worth 62)f cent.. , 6 bales qf Blankets, deoided bargains. Great reduotien in Embroideries. ‘ Collars, sets Sleeves, Infante* Waists, Linen Cambric Hdkfs., Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons, feathers, Hoods, Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Table Linens. Linen Towelings, Table and Plano Cloven, Napkins, Hosiery, Gloves, Trimmings, “the best assortment and cheapest in the city; Flanneis/Frints, Ginghams, and Muslins, of all the superior makes. A. MoBLUOY, jaW-thstu tf No. 11 South NINTH Street. EAVYSTdoK OF BLANKETS—Re dused in price before taking stock. 1 CradleandOribßlahkets..,.....sl 26t0 2 26 9 4Bed Blankets 2 00 to 2 60 10-4 do. d 6. ................ 2 60 to 300 11*4 do. do. 4 00 to 6 60 12-4 do. do 4 60 to 7 60 i lM do.y do. 7 00 to 10 60 j 14*4 Extra/do.. . 12 60. • These Blankets are of superior quality, and at least twenty pet cent, leu than regalar prices. „ ! OHA&tSS ADAMS, jaB'Stuth tf EIGHTH and AROH Streets.' WTHITE FRENCH MERINOES AND * v CASHMERES.—SeveraI lots to be closed out cheap. . CHARLES ADAHtB< Ja4-tuth s-tf Eighth and Arch streets. ONE, MONTH OF BARGAINS ' BBBORB TAKING- BTOOK, GREAT INDUOBMBNTS OfMRED TO PDR i OHABRRS! All kind, of WINTKB DRY GOODS REDUCED, TIE,, Brooke and Blanket Shawls. Dress Goods in variety, ( , french Merinoes r aud Cashmeres, . " 'Blankets, Best quality Kid Gloves to 880. 1 ' 1 lot Frenoh Merinoes to 600.. Embroideries, all kinds, dcc./Ao. CHARLES ADAMS, jal-tu th a-tf Efghth and Arch streets. Goods reduced prior to stock taking i . ‘tf THORNLEY Sc CHISM, Would bug leave to announce that the Holidays being nowover they are preparing for Stock-taking, and will J . CLOBBT OUT VERY CHEAP ! ° THE BALANCE Of THEIR PALL AND WINTER s GOODS! Oloaks and Raglcma, I Shawls and Silks, Mwlnoes and Cashmeres. ’ DeLalneßUnd Parmattas, 1 . r .- ®- a JfAS® Terfl ß wd Talenolis. j Clmrueß and Ginghams, « 010^ # ani Cassimeres, Blankets and Shawls, Usensand Muslin^ | Table and Piaiio Covers, . Table Linens and Towels, Ladles’ and Gentlemen’s Hdkfs. -■ 1 »w' - j’ Hosiery and Gloves. Ao., &o. With a large and well assorted general stock of ! BAND* AND STAPLE I>B7 GOODS, ■ : All Bought CHEAP for CASH; and now to be sold : AT REDUCED PRICKS! ! To close out preparatory to , l 4 ; , • « „ . . YHORtar 4, CHISM’S, ,i *2»th«art Corner EIGHTH A SPRING GARDEN. •<yn bell roa cash- and hays but one • PRICE." jal-tf - ... _ipan ,ji})o. /^PARTNERSHIP.;— The . undersigned or yr. H. HOBBTMANR & SONS) haw this day asaoelated themselves ad Importers and l Wholesale Bealera in LADIES’ DRBBB TRIMMINGS. at No. 61 Booth*fOUßTH'Street, ahove Ohestntit, nnder the name and style of STANS *JI ASSARt. ; GEORGE 0. IVANS. ' , , WILLIAM fl. HA6SALL. Philadelphia, January 16,1859. ja!6-12t 'VO.TIOJgI.-rJ. D. .HOOVER (late XfTW: 1. i jMwihri for the District of Colombia) has &bbo oiated hiio.elf with WALTER D. DAVIDGB, Coon .BellOr atLaw. Business before the U. S. Supreme and Circuit Courts, the Court of Claims, and the Executive "Opartmentß promptly attended XCf. AddreßS DAVIDGB * LOUISIANA Avenue, Washington City. f^pPARTKERSHIP.— JOSEPH F. TO day: associated with'him JAMEB P Jr., forth© transaction of the “Import *Dß Wine and'Liquor Business,” under the name and flrm’of JOSEPH B. TOBIAS & CO.. Nos. 306 and 208 South PEONT Street January 1, iB6O, COPARTNERSHIP.'— Tho undersigned W have thiß day formed a copartnership, noder the flrm*)f HOOPES.&JJAVIS, for the transaction of the, -Hat:\Oap, Fur, and Straw-Goods Business, at No. 19 South FOURTH Street, up stairs. BEBNAKD A. HOOPBS, JOSEPH H. DAVIS. ■ Philadelphia, Jan. Bth, 1869 jall-12t If JOS. G-. BITTENHOOSE, of tho late firm oi B. 0. HOBNOB & 00 , will continue the Whole sale'. Varnish Manufacturing, In all its branches, as heretofore, at the old stand. ' Thankful for pkstfarors, besollcitathe cnstom of the former patrons of 8.0 IIORNOR * 00., and hopes by strict attention to business to continue to give entire satisfaction. gtoro—No. 231 4BCH st. bet. Second and Third sta, Factorjr—At OOOPBRVILLE, Twenty-third ward, jal-lm* Dissolution op copartnership. —Tho firm of TANGUY & ORIEL was dis solved no the first instant, by mutual consent. JOHN F. ORIEL having purobased the entire interest of Samuel L. Tanguy In said firm, the business of the firm, willbo settled by John F. Oriel. SAMUEL L TANGUY, JOHN F. GRIEL. COPARTNERSHIP. — The undorsigned \J have this day formed a copartnership, under the firm of GRIEL, Ef TLA, & CO., and trill continue the Wholesale Notion Business, at the old stand of Tan guy'& Griol> No. 17 North FOURTH Street. JOHN F. GRIEL, DAVID R ETTLA, JAMES B.THOMAS, JACOB GBIBIj, Jb 1 IMITED PARTNERSHIP.—The Sub- Li soribers hereby give notice' that they have' entered into a Limited Partnership, agreeably to theprovisioos of thA lavs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania re lating to Limited Partnerships. That the name or firm underwhioh said partnership is to be conducted is “R. WOOD, MARSH, A HAY WARD.” That the general nature of the Business intended to be transacted is the Dry Goods Jobbing and Ofeihlng Business. r ' " That the names of all the general and special part* ners interested therein, are BENJAMIN*Y. MARSH (general partner), LEWIS W. HAYWARD’ (general partner), EDWARD Y. TOWNSEND (general partner), HKNRY HENDERSON (general partner), RICHARD WOOD (general partner), ALFRED H. POSTER (gene ral partner), HIGHARD D. WOOD (speolal .partner), and JOSIAH BACON (speolal partner), and all of them the' said partners; general and special, reside'ln the City of Philadelphia. , That the aggregate amount of the capital contributed by the special partners* to the Common'Stock, la Two hundred thousand’ dollars, ‘of which One hundred, thousand dollara.'ln cosh, has - been so contributed, by the said RICHARD D. WOOD, special partner, and of whfoh, One hundred thousand dollars, in oaeb, has been so contributed, by the said JOSIAH BACON, spe cial partner., That the period at which the said partnership is to commence, is the thirty-first day of December, A.D. 1858, and the period at which It will terminate, Is the Unity-first day of December, A.D. 1868. RICHARD D. WOOD, Special Partner. JOBIAH BACON, Special Partner. BBNJN. Y. MARSH; L W. HAYWARD. EDWD. Y. -TOWNSEND. HENRY HENDERSON. RICHARD WOOD. ALFRED H. POSTER. Bhilada., Deo. 31,1858. (Cabinet Warp. rjjlHE LARGEST DESK DEPOT IN THE UNION. \ HOaUET A HUTTON, (Successors to J. T. Hammitt,) MANUFACTURERS 07 . A. L. ADAMS' IMPROVED DESK RACK, No. 259 South THIRD Btreet, Philadelphia. OFFICE, BANK, and BOHOOL FURNITURE* EXTENSION TABLEB, BOOKCASES, WARDROBES, &0. dB-3m CABINET FURNITURE and BILLIARD TABLES. ! MOORE & CAMPION, f No. £6l SOUTH SECOND B OREST, in. connection with their extensive Cabinet Business, arA now manufacturing a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, and have now on hand a fall supply, Hashed with .MOORE A CAMPION’S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, which are by all who have used them to be superior to all others. ' For the quality and finish of these Tables the manu facturers refer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are f imlllar with tne character or their work. ' jal4-6m SJcntistri}. ifgS B. A. DUKE, ggmg DENTIST, Office, No. 37 North TENTH Street, (corner of Fll bert.) ’ dBO-lm* Sauings iFrntbs. u A little, but often, fills the Parse.” TJIRANKLIN SAVING FUND— JE 1 No. 138 South FOURTH Street, between Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all deposits on demand. Depositors’ money secured by Government, State, and City. Loans, Ground Bents, Mort gages, Ao. This Company deems safety better than large profits,'consequently will ran no risk with de positors’money, but have it at all times ready to return with 6 per cent, interest to the owner, as they have always done; This Company never suspended.,' Females,' married or single, and Minors can deposit In their ojrn right, and such deposits can be withdrawn ohlt by their consent. \ Charter 1 perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania,"'with authority to receive mo ney from trustees and executors. ; LARGE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Office open daily from 9 to 8 o’clock, and on Wednesday and Saturday evenings until 8 o’cik. DIRECTORS. Jacob B. Shannon, Cyrus Oadwallader, John Bhlndler. . George Bussell, MalachiW. Sloan,, EdwardT. Hyatt, Lewis Krumbhaar, Henry Delany, Nicholas Bittedhoose, ' Nathan Smedley, Jos. H.Satherthwalte, Ephraim Blanchard, . Joseph W.'Llppiacott. JACOB B. SHANNON, President, Orauft OiDWALLADia, Treasurer. dlB-y ; ” A Dollar saved is twice earned.” SIX-PENNY SAYING FUND, corner of WALNUT and'PtPTH Street.. Open every DAY romp to 8 o’clock, and on TUESDAY andtFBIDAY EVENINGS until 7 o’clock. Large or email auma re ceived and returned on demand, with Interest. JOHN THOMSON, President. J. Hbrhah Hoeoklbt, bee. A Treasurer. d2B*lm CAVING . rUND.r-UNITED STATES 13 TRUST COMPANY. Corner of THIRD and CHEST NUT Btreets. - Largo'end smalt stuns received, end-paid haok on dt mand, without notice, with FIT!PSB CENT INTIB IST bom the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal, Office hoars, from 9 until 6 o’clock every day, and os MONDATXVJBNINGB bom T until 9 o’clock. DRAFTS for sale on Xngland, Ireland, and Scotland, from £1 upwards. JPrwldent-STXPIUN B. OBAWFQB9 Treasurer—PLlNY 7IBK, Tiller—JAMßS B. HUNTBfe QEarpetinas. OAILY & BROTHER’S D CARPET WAREHOUSE, No. 020 CHESTNUT STREET. WB BEALL QPBN TO-DAY ANOTHER INVOICE OF ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, “OROSSLEY’S” CELEBRATED MAKE, ONE DOLLAR A YARD. Carpet buyers wIJI find oar stook fall And of fresh styles, Md PRICES VERY LOW. uoB-tf doniectioncta; Kris kringle headquarters.— We have just received oar Preach Confectionery, and are manufacturing a superior article of Marsh Mel low Clam Drops, Bon Bons, Ore&m Date'", Ac.. Call and supply yourselves with the best Oonfeotlouery In this city, at • JEFFRIES A EVANS’, nol6-3m. No. 718 MARKBT.Bt., bet. 7th and Bth. OHARLES MULLIKIN dealer in PLUMBERS’ MATERIALS; AT NEW YORK PRICES, 628 MINOR STREET. JaKMro# VALENCIA RAISINS —157 frails YA- Y LVNOIA RAISINS, landing* and for sale by A. MERINO, 110 South FRONT Street. jaiQtf A DAMANTINE CANDLES.—S,OOO boxes J% DAVID TRAIN A CO’S make, asaorted sir.es, put up in every style of plain or fancy paper; boxes suitable for any market. pHEMICAL SPERM CANDLES.—I,OOO boxes plain and in fanoy papers, asaorted sices j quality extra handsome, hard, and very white ORIENTAL DETERSIVE SOAP.—I,OOO boxes this justly celebrated article, made only by WANHAAQKN A MoKEONE. Chemical olive soap.—s,ooo boxes VAN HAAQKN * MoKKONB’O, firat qa.lit,, And a v«ry aaperb Artiole. BROWN SOAP.—SOO boxes, hard and good, for a sale at a low price. E^LAIN.—6,OOO gallons of this superior XU article, whtoh, for Woollen Goods Manufacturers, has all the cleansing properties of Olive or Lard Oil, and is 60 per cent, cheaper. For sale by THAIN A MoKEONE. jalO.lm 22 Booth WHARVES. IS^ISH.—6BS Barrels Nos. 1,2, andB Macke- J? rel, 80 do and tierces Salmon. 40 doSeafib&d. 340 do Maokioaw WblteFlsb. 487 -do Halifax and Eaetport Herring. 680 Boxes Scaled Herring. Also, 680 Quintals Ground Bank Oodflah, O G.OADLBB&OO., ABOH St.,iwoond doorabora Iron FOKK. —109 barrels New MoSWPork for uls.t/ 0. 0. BADLKK 4 00., ’ lAX.OB Btj nwpi loos tolow Broili. _ THE PRESS.-PffILADELPHIA, M THOMAS k SONS, e Neff. 189 and 141 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, /Formerly Nos. 67 and 89.) * BEAL ESTATE AND STOCKS—TUESDAY NEXT Pamphlet catalogues how ready, ‘ containing fuli descriptions of all, the properties to be sold on Tues day next, 25th instant, with a list of sales Ist, Bth, and 16th February, and property at private sale. FALL SALBS-STOOKB AND REAL E TATE Twenty-seventh Fall Sale, 25th January, at the Ex change. N“T Part of the handbills of the above sales now read f, BEAL ESTATE, BTOOKB, *O. Public Sales at the Philadelphia Sxohange every Tuesday Evening. ' H 7" Handbills of each property issued separately, in addition to whiah we publish on the Saturday previous to each sale, one thousand oataloguegin pamphlet form, giving fall descriptions of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday. .' 1 Real' Estate entered on onr’Private'Bale Re gister, and advertised occasionally in our Publio Bale Abstracts, (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly.) Croeof charge. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALS. We have a large amount of Real Estate at Pri vate Sale, .Including .every, description',of City and oountry property, Printed Lists may be had at the auction store. LIBRARY OF THE LATE HENRY •PENNING TON, ESQ.—'We aro now preparing catalogues of the Library of the late Henry Pennington, Esq., deceased, in which will be found many curious and valuable books, on various subjects, a number of them illus trated by printed and manuscript insertions. Also, a large collection of interesting and rare antograpns, engravings, &o Date of sale will be made known in future advertisements. ; STOCKS, NOTES, AO. On Tuesday Evening, January 25th, at 7 o’clock, at the Philadelphia Ex change will be sold— For account of whom it may concern— Note of Samuel H. Jones, dated-April Ist, 1857, twelve months,’ for $3,000, in favor of the Western In surance Company. Note of R F. Shannon, dated November 27th, 1857, twelve months, for $60.50, in favor of the Western In surance Company. Note of MoDonald and Laughlln, dated Decembor 28th, 1857, twelve months, for sloo,,in favor of the Western Insurance Company. Also, for account of whom it may concern -40 shares Bank of Montgomeiy County. Also, for other accounts— -1 share Philadelphia and'Savannah Steam Navigation Company. . • 280 shares,New York and Middle Coal Field K&Hroad and Coal company.- 1 $135 sorip Delaware Mutual Insurance Oompany. , $l,OOO (7 per cent.) seoond Imortgsge coupon bond Camden and Atlantic Railroad Co., redeemable Octo ber Ist. 1859. Lot No. 814, Sec. A., Monument Cemetery. TWENTY-SEVENTH FALL SALE—JANUARY 2Stb. Will include— Orphans’ Conrt Sale — Amos P'. Hughes, 'Do TWO LOTS OF GROUND, east Bide of Twelfth street, south of Thompson street. Twentieth ward. Peremptory SaIe.—NORTH FRONT STREET.— Two frame dwellings, 'frame shop, and large lot of grouod, east side of Front street, north of Otter street, ot 86 by 100 feet, two fronts., Peremptory SaIe.—FRAME DWELLING and LARGE LOT.—Three-story frame dwelling, and large lot of ground, weßt side of Leopard street, north of Otter street, late Kensington, lot 40 by 80 feet, two fronte. TffO-STORY BRIOK FACTORY, And TWO THREE STORY BBIOK DWELLINGS, northwest oorner of Be'renteentb and Cherry streets. TIIREE-STORY BBIOK BTORB AND DWELLING, Twenty-flrst. street, south of Winter street, between R«oe and Vine streets, THREE-STORY BRICK DWNLLING, No. 106 Fe deral street, with two three-story brick dwellings in the rear on Alarion street. * REAL ESTATE BALE—FEBRUARY" lit. BUSINESS STAND?.—THREE . STORY BRIOK TAVERN AND DWELLING, S. E. corner'of Beeood and Shippen Btpaets, u BRIOK BAKERY ADJOINING, ON BHIPPBN STRBBT.«-Fraraa Bakery, with two ovens, and lot ad joining op Bhippen Street. LOT AND TWO OLD FRAMES adjoining op ghippen Street. LAND PENNA- VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, 41S aores Monroe Township, Wyoming Go., Penna, There Is a large amount of Timber on tbe tract. SALE OF MIBOKLLANIOUB BOOKS, STA TIONERY, Ac. On Tuesday Evening, January 25th, at tbe store, a collection of valuable books on various subjects. Also, an assort ment of stationery, Ac. For particulars see catalogues. Also, at 8 o’clock, 1 share in the Mercantile Library. 1 share Philadelphia Athentoum. RARE AND VALUABLE BOOKS—RECENTLY RE CEIVED DIRECT PROM LONDON. .. On Wednesday Evening, January 26th, at the auction store, we will sell a con signment of rare, valuable, and interesting books, on various subjects, recently received, by ship Achilles, direct from London. Included, also, are a number of pictorial and illustrated works. ID* Catalogues will be ready, and the books arranged for examination two days previous. Sale at Nos. 189 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. PIANO-FORTE, FINE FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS, BRUSSELS OAR PETS, Ac On Thursday Horning, At 0 o’clock, at the auction ato re, an extensive assortment of excellent second-hand furniture, elegant Siano-fortes, fine mirrors, carpets, etc., from families eclining housekeeping, removed tp the store for con* ve'nience of sale. S&le at No. 1229 North Thirteenth street. NEAT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. On Friday Morning. . 28th Inst., at 10 o’clock, at 1229 North Thirteenth street, above Girard avenpe, the entire household fur niture, fine feather bed, mattresses, Ac., of agentlem&n declining housekeeping. Also, the kitchen furniture. . 5 Hy* May be examined on the morning of sale, at 8 o’clock. « BY WILLIAM H. STERB,, GENERAL AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE, No. 4fi North EIGHTH Street, below Arch. ■ * J. A..ELIBON, Auttlonett. SUPERIOR ROBEWOOD AND WALNUT: HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE,-FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS, CARPETS, SILVER-PLATED WARE, Ao. This Morning, . 5 At lb a kootlon it»r«, at 10 o’oloak, by catalogue, Will be sold a large assortment of snperior furniture, Ae., comprising tete-a-tetes, sofas, arm ohairs, rocking chairs, spring-seat parlor chairs, etageres(wHh jntr ror back), hatraoks, Jenny Lind bedsteads, wasbstahds, drewiog bureaus, dining ohairs,■ extension tables, French plate mirrors, carpets, plated ware, Ae. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. From a family leaving the city Comprising mahogany tete-a tete and walnut sofas, bedsteads, bureaus, wash stands, Windsor and cane chairs, cribs, mattresses, beds, carpet, Ae. fly Consignments of new and secorid-hand house hold furniture, piano-fortes, carpets, watches, jewelry, Ac., respectfully solicited, on which liberal cash ad vances will be made if required. H7* Oat-door sales attended to promptly. Charges as moderate as any other house In this city. OUBNESS, BRINLEY, H GO., V No. 429 MARKET BTREET. JM. GUMMEY A SONS, e REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS, No. 620 WALNUT STREET < CARD.—J. M. Guramey A Bons, auctioneers, will hold regular sales of Real Estate, Stocks, Ae. Also, household furniture at dwellings. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. 10~ On our Privato Bale Register will always be found a very large amount of real estate, including every description of eity and oountry property. J. M. GUMMEY A 80N8, . Beal Estate Brokers, 620 WALNUT Street, below Sixth. CSAKUKL . NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, ►3 Mid MONEY IX)AN OFFICE. No. 224 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Paar at., only eight door* below the Exchange. 1 . Hours of business from T o’clock, A. M., until 10 o’clock to the evening. Out-door sales, ana tales at the Auotlon House, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms, CAPITAL 8200^000. EtitbliihtAfor, tht last Thirty Tsurf. Advances made frpm one dollar to thousands on JHa mends, Slim Plate, Wetohto, Jewelry, Hardware, Her? ehandiso, Olothing, 7 orrifture, Bedding, Olganj.Miurlcal Instruments, Grins, Hones, Carriages, and Goods of •very description. All goods can remain any length of Ume agreed pon. All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards) will be charged 2 per oent. per month; gCOO and over, the lowest market rate. This Store House having a depth of 120 feet, has large Ire and thief-proofivaolts to store all valuables, anlprJl rate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy tesvj ranee effected for the benefit of all persons having goods advanced upon, N_B.—On account of having an unlimited capital, this ofloe U prepared to make advances on more satis faotdry and accommodating terms than any other la this city. . Honey advanoed to the poor, la email amounts, wJthJ out any charge.. AT PRIVATE SALS. Cold Patent Lever And other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at redneed prices. - aul-ly CG. CRANE' 8 PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, • (Formerly VAN LOAN’S,} • 682 ARCH Btreet. All the various styles and sides of Pictures, Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, Photographs, and Ivorrt/pes are£aken, and at moderate prieos. • d7-Btu# ' glasses. JAMES S. EARLE A SON, 816 CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite the Girard House, IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OP LOOKING GLASSES, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FKAM.KB OIL PAINTINGB, AND ENGRAVINGB. EARLE’S GALLERIES constantly open JalS FREE. NEWLAND & CO., M ~ d ' LOOKING-GLASS and picture-frame manufacturers, An Extensive Btock of OIL PAINTINGS, WATER-COLOB DRAWINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, All at very Low Prices, 604 AROH BT-, ABOVE SIXTH, PHILA. d7-Bra George whiteley, no. 135 sduth FRONT Btreet, offers for sale, in Bond only— A. Beignfttte Brandy, 1857, Pale and Dark. Jules Robin Cognac, 1860 and 1827. Union Proprietors’ Oognao, 1854. Pinet, OastiHion. St, Oo Cognac, 1860,1857,1868. A. Camus Rochelle, 1807. . Pellsvoisin Rochelle, 1808, to arrive. Martell & Co. Oognao, 1556, 1661, 1848. Jamaica Rum, 2 years in Bond. Stewart’s Pcotoh Whiskey. Burgundy Port Wine. Sicily Madeira Wine, Heidnlok Ohamtagne, quarts and pints. A full assortment of Claret Wine, in cooes and oasks, to arrive. ja!6-3m* HLATE! SLATE!! SLATE !!I—Hoofing ►3 Blate, of all sixes, and at very low rates, kept oou* Itantly on hand, and for sale by FIBBING, VOX, k 00., GERMANTOWN ROAD and THIRD street. If. B. Slat* Boofi put on in the best raannvr, and rt» filling attend* dto. All work vomatM. f«i y Bales bi sttutiotu FRIT ATI SALS BBGIBTBR. JJl)oto{jro|)l)9, #t. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SATURDAY, JANUARY 22. 1859. HUBBARD & 00., Auctioneers, " ▼ No. 29S MARKET STREET, ' BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD STREETB. Philip ford, auctioneer, no. 630 MARKET STREET, between FIFTH and SIXTH, South side. Moses nathans, auctioneer ■AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 8. 1. corner SIXTH andRAOB Street!. ' GRBIT PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION. MONEY! MONEY! !. MONEY) ! ! Money liberally advanced In large or small amounts, from one dollar to thousands, on gold and silver, plate, diamonds, watches, jewelry, fowling-pieces, musical Instruments, furniture, dry goods, olothmg, groceries, cigars, hardware, cutlery, books, horses, vehicles, har ness, and all .articles of value, for any length of time agreed on,’ at Nathans ’ Pfinctpat Establishment, southeast corner of Sixth and Race streets. PROMIBBORY NOTES, with collateral, discounted at the lowest market rates. GREAT BARGAINS IN WATCHES. JEWELRY, Ao., AT PRIVATE SALE, atNATHANS’ PRINCIPAL ESTABLISHMENT, B. E. Corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets.—The following articles will be sold for less than half the usual store prices: Fine, gold English patent full jeweled and plain, of the most approved and best make, in bunting cases and doable bottomed. Fine gold escapement lever and lopine watches, in hunting case and open face, some of them extra full jeweled and bestmake. Silver English patent lever watohes, es capement lever and lepines, in hunting cise and open face, some very superior: English, Swiss, Fronch, and Quartier watches; fine gold veßt, fob, neck, and children’s phains; Quo gold pencil cases and pens, bracelets, breastpins, finger-rings, ear-rings, studs, me dallions, and jewelry generally. Superior Havana cigars at $l6 per thousand, in boxes of 200 each, will be sold by single box or quant'ties to suit purchasers. Nu merous fancy articles, Ac., Ac., Ac. - gentlemen’s 4F«riusl)iug (Boobs, WINCHESTER & CO., GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STORE PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFAC TORY, At the Old Stand, No. 708 OHEBTNUT STREET, oppo ■ ilte the Washington House. A. WINCHESTER will give, as heretofore, his per sonal supervision to the Cutting and Manufacturing departments. Orders for his celebrated style of Shirts end Collars filled at the shortest notioe. Wholesale trade supplied on liberal terms. jy24-ly JW» SCOTT, (late of the Ann of Wie • OHB3TBB A B<7OTT,)tGENTLEMEN’S FURNISH ING STORE and SHIRT MANUFACTORY, 814 OHEBTNUT Street, (nearly opposite the Girard House,) Philadelphia., J. W. S. would respectfully call the attention of his former patrons and friends to his new Store, and 1b pre pared; to fill orders for SHIRTS at short notice. A perfect fit guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE, supplied with FINE BHIRTB and COLLARS. jylß-tf lUatdjes, Uewclrg, JE. CALDWELL Sc GO., • 822 CHXBTNUT Street. Have received, per eteamers, new style! Jewelry, Chatelaine, Vest Chains. Splendid Fans, Hair Pins. Fruit Stands, Sugar Baskets. Jet Goods and Flower Vases. ■ Coral, Lava and Mosaio Sets. Bole Agents in Philadelphia for the sale of Charles Frodsham’s LONDON TIME-KEEPERS. nov 8 JE. JARDEN & BRO. • MIMUPAOTUXBRS AMO ItfVOXVIXB OP SILVER-PLATED WARE, No. 804 Oheetnut Street, above Third, (up stairs.) Philadelphia. Constantly on hand and for Bale to the Trade, TEA BETS/COMMUNION SERVICE SETS, TJRNB PITCHERS, GOBLETS, CUPS, WAITERS. BAB . SETS, OASTORB,KNIV£S,SPOONS,FORKS, LADLES. Ae., Ao. Gliding and plating on all kinds of metal. *«2-ly * (ffominißsion f onses. JB. VALENTINE A CO., •, COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THS SALS OV AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, No. 51 COMMON STREET, NEWORLEANS. Special attention given to Collecting and Remitting Exchange. d23-3m* Linens fqr men’s wear. American Linen Company’s superior style Brown Linen Goa tings, \ and Ji, various shades: Brown and Bleached Linen 'Ducks, various styles; Brown Linen Drills. A cboice assortment of the above Goods now on sample, andfor sale by JOSEPH LEA, dlft-tf 129 and 180 CHESTNUT Street. BAHUBL W. OaOOHS. THXO. D. SHORT. GKOOME & EMORY, GOAL DEALERS. LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL, Prepared expressly for Family me. YARD, No. 164 BROAD Street, below.RacS. Orders left at OUAB. EMORY A OO.’B, Bankers, No. 15 South THIRD Btreet, or sent through Dispatch or Post Office, wilt receive prompt attention. ja!7-3m* Housekeepers, look to your INTEREST.—Great Reduction in the price of GOAL. Cheapest and best. ' The subscriber having made oontraots for his supply ol Ooal, is enabled to offer Very superior Family Coal at the following re duced prices: Broken Egg and Stove .....$4 00 per ton Ooeking : 876 “ “ Large Nut... 860 “ “ BmallNut 826 “ “ Warranted to give satisfaction and fall weight in all cases aUliok’s Old Central Yard, 8. E. cor. MARSHALL and WIBLOW Streets. d9-3tn CRESSWELL & WILLIAMS, No. 200 WALNUT Street, are prepared to supply ship pers and consumers with superior Broad Top Coal from Lancaster Mines. oo4tf F (BRING, FOX, & 00., wholesale and retail dealers in LEHIGH and SCHUYLKILL COAL- Lehigh yard—THIRD street and GERMAN TOWN ROAD. BchoylklU, yard—RACE and BROAD streets, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand Ooal from the most approved mmeS, under cover, and pre fared expressly for family use. fef-y ©mines Q.OOD GROCERIES AT FAIR FRIGSS!! ! OHAS. H. MATTSON, SOUTHWEST CORNER TENTH AND ARCH BTS, Has on hand, and is generally receiving, THE BEST OF GROCERIES, which bewill sell at the most REA SONABLE PRICES FOR CASH. Having a LARGE and CHOICE ASSORTMENT of BLACK and GREEN TEAS, be is confident of belog able to suit, both In quality and price, all persons in wsnt of the article. In quantities of from one pound to the half chest. His general assortment embraces everything in the way of FINE GROCERIES, and he would respectfully invite all In want of good articles to give him a call. It will be worth the trial. no3o-3m ©rakers. A~|KIE & OAPP, 223 DOOK Street, above v Walnut, STOOK BROKERS, and dealers in Mer cantile Paper and esouiltles generally. Attend the Brokers’ Board daily, and fill all orders for the pur chase or sale of STOCKS, BONDS, Ao. ja7-ly PA. TREGO, REAL ESTATE AGENT • AND CONVEYANCER, RIDGE AVENUE, first door below Thirteenth street, attends to the purchase and sale of Real Estate, Negotiating Securities, Renting Houses, and Collection of House and Ground Bents, and Interest Monies. Satisfactory references gi7en. ocl9-3m* RR. CORSON, • REAL EBTATK BROKER. Money Loaned on Bond nad Alortgage. OolleoUon* promptly made. NORRISTOWN, f A CEONISE k CO., BPIOIB AND EXCHANGE BItOKIM. No. 40 Boath THIRD Street, rAIItADSLPHIA. Defer to the Bams sol Bsonss of Phlledelphle. Stereoscopes. THE STEREOSCOPE, in every variety, for sale 6j JAMKB W. QUEEN, <ll4 024 CHESTNUT Street. The marriage ceremony in the Sterooßoope, for sale by JAMES W. QUEEN, <ll4 024 CHESTNUT Street. damages. ISAAC P. BRANIN, A LIGHT COACH * CARRIAGE BUILDIB, FRANKFOBD, PA. All work -remitted to give tetlufActioii. Orders roe peotfully solicited. nolO-Sm* rjlflE WAREHOUSING COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. DIRECTORS. PATRICK. BRADY, PLINY FIBK, ALEXANDER HENRY, GKO. L. HARRISON. A J. PLEABONrON, WILLIAM NEILSON, WM. il STEWART, . S. B. ORAWFOUD. PATRICK BRADY, President. 8. R. CRAWFORD, Vice President. WILLIAM DUNN, Treasurer. WILLIAM NEILSON, Secretary. CLIFFORD 8. PHILLIPS, Warehouse Keeper. THE WAREHOUSING COMPANY OP PIIILAD’A AIK FBBPATtBD TO RECEIVE GOODS ON STORAGE, Whether in Bend or Duty Free, at Curront Rates, and will Issue receipts or warrants therefor. Application may be made at their OFFICE, IN TIIK TOBACCO WAREHOUSE, FRONT AND BOOK STREET. CURST PREMIUM AWARDED BT THB FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, NOVEMBER,. 1808, TO THB WEST PHILADELPHIA STARCH-MANUFACTURING COMPANY FOB THSIB UXRITALLBD PEARL STARCH AND CORN FARINA. THOMPSON, CLARKE, & YOUNG, 130 autl 132 South FRONT Street, 027-tf / Agent, for the Company JF. ROLLER, * FRENCH BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. No. 27 South NINTH Street, third door Above Chest nut, Philadelphia, Begs to Inform his friends and the public generally that he has opened business on his own account, as ftbovo, where h* will always be happy to receive a ooo tinuatlon of their favors. As the senior partner of the late firm ef Roller fc Boziot, probably no oth#r guarantee iB necessary to an appreciative public of his entire ability to fill all orders Iq his line with the ut most satisfaction. Remember tbo number: 27 South NINTH Street, third door above Chestnut. «jal3-2ia*. Cfjjctl JSiotittst. N THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS JL FOR TUB CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA.— September Term, 1858, No. 40. MARY HARRIET LEE vs JOHN LEE. Sir: You will please notice a Rule in the above case to show cause why & Divorce a vinculo matrimonii should not be decreed, returnable SATURDAY. the 20th day or January, A. D , 1859, at 10 o’clock A. Si. WM. B. HOOD, Attorney for Libellant. To JOHN LEE, Respondent. ja2l*4t ' N THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. THE EQUITABLE MUTUAL INSURANCE OOM _ „ PANY vs. CHARLES HUTCUINKON. D. 0., December Term, 1868, No. 816. Sccend Plur. Yen Exp OVERSSEBB OP PUBLIC SCHOOLB VB. OHARLEB „ „ _ HUTCHINBON. D.O .December Term, 1868,811 Ala.Yen.Ex. The Auditor appointed to report distribution of the mo neys raised by thebherilr’s sale under the above-stated writs, of all that certain lot or piece of ground, with the thTee-story brick messuage erected on the front, >nd the two-Bt>ry factory on the rear thereof, situate on the north side of Race street, between Second and Third streets, in the city of Philadelphia, containing In front or br«adth on raid Race street twenty-seven feet, and extending in depth one hundred and fourteen feet to a twenty-feet-wide alley leading into and from said Second street j bounded on the east by a messuage and lot late of Alexander Allair, northward by said alley, west by ground whereof the said premises were formerly part, and southward by Race street aforesaid ; beiog the sane premises whioh Margery Price anti others, by indenture dated the 21 day of April, A. D. 1846 recorded in Deed Book & L L, No. 39, page HQ* Ac.. grunted and conveyed pnto the said Charles Hutch inson and his heirs, under and subject to the payment of a certain yearly ground rent of $144, and under and subject to the right of Victor H Harman and his heirs to the use of 'a certain alley leading ict> Race street as afo esaid, will attend to the duties of his appointment on TUESDAY, the,lst day of February, A. D. 1859, at 4 o’clock P M.,at his Office, No. 260 North FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia, when and whero a’l persons are required to make their clsims, or be de barred from coming in npon said fund. ja2o-10t* GEORGE W. THORN, Auditor. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. BHIOK us. WENZEL. Pi. Fa. Dec. T. D 63 No 658. RAPP vs. MENZEL Fi Fa. Lee. T. 1858. No. 669. The Auditor appointed to distribute the fund arising from the sale under the above-mentioned writs of Fieri Facias, will attend to the duties of his appointment on MONDAY, the 81st day of January instant, at 1 o’olock P.M.,at bU office. No. 626 WALNUT btreet, Phila delphia, at which time and place all parties interested are required to make their claims before said Auditor, or be debarred from coming in upon said fund. JOEL JONES, Auditor. Philadelphia, January 18th, 1859. jal9-10t OjjOTICE is hereby given that application 1 * will be made to the Auditor General lor the re newal of two certificates of the Loan of the Common wealth of Penney lrania, created by an act of Assembly >assed the sixteenth day of April. Anno Domiui 3846 >eariog an Interest of five per cent, per annum, and is sued to Nicholas Gevelot. Oaeof the said certificates is for three thousand dollars, No. 1331,'and dated tho 26th of October, 1847 ; and the other of the said cer tificates la for two thousand dollars, No. 3939, acd dated the 24th day of February, 1862, ae the said cer tificates have been lost or mislaid. JOHN DICKSON, Administrator or Nicholas Gevelot, jftls-B3m* 1103 SPRUOBSt. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OV PHILADELPHIA. The Washington Star Savings Fund and Loan Afbo ciation vs. Andrew Loughrtdge, Alias Levari Facias of December Term, 1858. Wo. CO. The amlitor appointed by the Oourt to report distri-. button of the tand in Conrt, raised by the Sheriffs sale (under the above writ,) of All those certain messuages or tenements and lot or piece of ground (composed of thrqe contiguous lots or pieces of ground) situate on the northwestwardly side of Benton street (formerly called Hopkins’ Court,) be tween School and William streets, in the Sixteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia ; begloniog at the distance of 185 feet northeastwardly from the said William street, containing in front or breadth together on the said Benton street fifty-four feet, and extending that breadth northwestwardly in length or depth *ixty feet; sold ns the property or tbe above named de fendant, and more particularly described in the afore said writ—will attend tothed.uties of his appointment at his office, No. 249 South Sixth street, in the city of Philadelphia, on Tuesday, the 25th of January, 1859, at 4 o’clock P. SI , when and where all parties in terested are required to present and prove their elaims or be debarred from all participation in said fund. JOHN F. BIUNTON, Auditor. IVOTICE.—Notice is hereby given that a]>- JL V plication will be made to the Legislature of Penn* sylvanta, at its present session, for the grant of such authority, powers, And jurisdiction as may l>e neces sary fOr effecting the SALE of all that Lot of Ground and Premises, in the Fifteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia, bounded by Ann, Grape. Powell, and Vineyard streets, commonly known as the Francißville Bnrial Ground. SAMUEL C. PERKINS, ja!B 6t Attorney for Applicants. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. W.J.P. WHITE v JAMES LUOAS. D. C. D. 68. No. 464. Vend. Exponas. Exceptions to special return. The undersigned has been appointed by the District Court, auditor, to report distribution of the proceeds of the sale of the following described real estate of the defendant, among the parties entitled thereto, with the facts and reasons upon which each distribution eh&U be made, to wit: T 1. All that certain lot of ground situate on the west side of St. John street, at the distance of about sixty eight feet six inches Bonthward from the Intersection of the west line of the said St. John street, with the south west line of the Germantown road, in the Kensington district of the Northern Liberties in the county of Philadelphia, containing in front on said St John street eeventy-two feet, and extending in depth westward or that width, parallel with George street one hundred and forty-Qvefeet more or less to Canal street; bounded southward by lot ‘*o., No. 31,” in a certain pUn of lots, la’d out by Seth Craig, andreoorded in Deed Book, A MNo. 15, page 341, westward by Bald Canal streot, northward by lot No. 2, in a certain 11 Breve de par,” Ac., No. 402, June Term. 1851. and eastward by said St. John street; upon which is eroded a four-story brick building seventy-two fee\front on St. Joha street, and about thirty-four feet deep; also a one-story brick dye-house, and two-story brick drying-house connected, and about sixty feet front on said Csnal street. 2 Also, all that certain lot of ground situate on the southwestern side of the Germantown road, at the dis tance <Jf two hundred and fifty-nine feet five inches, southeastward from the Intersection of the said roaa and Third street, in the Kensington district of the Northern Liberties of Philadelphia, containing in front on said road, seventeen feet seven inches, and in depth of tbat width boiween lines at right angles with said road, forty-eight feet six inches on the northwestern line, and fifty-one fefct nine and one half inches on the southeastern line, upon which is erected a tiro-story brick dwelling house, No. 1218 $ Also, all that certain lot of ground situate on the southwestern side of the Gorm&ntown road at the dis tance of two hundred and seventy-seven feet southeast ward from the intersection of said road and Third Atreet, in the Kensington district of the Northern Li berties of Philadelphia, containing on front on said road seventeen feet seven inches, and in depth of that width between lines at right angles with the »a : d road, fifty-one feet nine and one half inches on the north west line, and fifty-five feet one inch on the southeast line thereof, upon which is erected a two-story brick dwelling, No. 1110. 4. Also, all that certain lot of ground situate on the easterly side of the Germantown road, at the distance of six hundred and ninety-three feet southward from the south side of Master street, in the said Kensington district of the Northern Liberties ot Philadelphia, con taining in front on said road t* enty feet, and extending in dopth of that width, between lines at right angles with ea!d road, one hundred and seven feet a x inches, npou which is created a three-story brick dwelling, with two-story double back-building and bath-house, No. 1231 5. Also all that certain lot of ground, situate on the eastoriy side of Gormantown-road, at the distance of seven hundred and fifty-three feet southward from the south side of Master-street, and at tho distance of one hundred, and sixty feet southward from toe south side of a fifty feet wide street, called Phoenix*street, con taining In front on said load sixteen feet, and in depth, eastward of the same width at right angles with said road, one hundred and fifteen feet, upon which is erected a two story frame house. 0. Also, all that lot of ground situate on the west aide of Oadwalader street, at tho distance of one hun dred and six'y feet southward from the south side of Phanix street, in the Kensington district of the Nor thern Liberties, Philadelphia,containing in fronton said Oadwalader street, thirty-three feet, and extending in depth westward, between parallel linos at right angles with said Oadwalader street, one hundred feet, upon which is erected a two-story brick stable and car riage bouse. 7 Also, all that lot of ground situate on the east side of the Germantown road, at the distance of one hun dred and seventy-six feet southward from the south side of Phoenix street, in tho Kensington district of the Northern Liberties, of Philadelphia, containing in front on said road seventeen ‘eettenand one-half inches, (ine uding, on the routh side thereof, the whole of an alley two feet ten and one hair inches wide, in th* clear, by thirty-six foot deep laid oat for the use of said lot, and a lot adjoining on the south ) and extending of that breadth in depth eastward, between parallel lines at right angles with said road, one hundred and fifteen feet. 8. Also, all that'cortaln lot of ground situate on the east side of Germantown road, in the Kensington dis trict of the Nortborn Liberties, of Philadelphia, at the distance of sixty-four feet Btmthward from the eoulh side of PbcnaU street, containing in front on said road sixteen feet, and extending eastward of that width, be tween parallel lines at right angles with said road, sixty.flve feet, upon which is erected a two-ntcry brick dwelling bouse; subject to a ground rentol $3O per annum, payable Ist of January aud July. Notice is hereby gireu, that the Auditor will hold a menting for the purposes or his appointment, at his Office, No. 262 South THIRD Street, on THURSDAY, the 27th January, 1869, at 4 o’clock P. M. All persons are require! to make their claims before the Auditor at the time and place aforesaid, or be debarred from coming in opon the said proceeds of sale QUARLES GIBBONS, Auditor Phila., January 14, 1850. Notices. SPECIAL NOTlCE.—Dealers in Goodyear’s Patent for VulcanUed Rubber Suspenders, Braids, Wcbfl. and all other Fabrics and articles made by combin ing fibrous substances with threads or sheets of vulcan ized rubber are notified that unless the same are properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by iny authori ty, they cannot he legally disposed of in the United States Merchants and doalers are invited to examine specimens now in store, and togtve their orders for the Spring Trade to the undersigned, EXCLUSIVE OWN* Kit OF THK TITLES AND EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS IN THE PATENT for these goods, which embrace all the styles heretofore manufactured or imported, and many others. ALSO, LICENSES TO MANUFACTURE AND SELL —and the Terms—may be obtained on application to me at No. 23 CQURTLANDT Street, N. Y. 024-ly HORACE H, DAY. Stationers Blank books and stationery. DAVID M. HOCIAN, Blank Book Manufacturer. Stationer and Prlntor, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pre pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Books of every descrlptiou, suitable for Banks, Public Offices, Merchants, and others, of the best quality of English or American Paper, and bound in various styles, in the most substantial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING of evory description. Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatness anu despatch. A general assortment of English, Prenoh and Ameri can Stationery. Concerning Mr. Hogan’s contribution to the franklin Inititute, the Committee say—“ This display of blank boots for banking and mercantile use is the best in the Exhibition. The eelection of the material Jo good, the workmanship most excellent, and their finish ana ep ptaranoe neat and appropriate.” noSO-tf iFire proof Safes, gUj|g| SALAMANDER SAFES. B|»|M| A large aesortmont of EVANS A WATSON’S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAFES, VAULT DOORS, for Banks and Stores. ‘ BANK LOOKS, Equal to any now In nee. IKON DOORS, SHUTTERS. &0., On as good terms as any other establishment In the United States, by EVANS * WATSON, No. 2d South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. anlß.tf Pi.nAsi; oivk'db a oai.t. Manila, Italian, Russia, jute, Sun, and American HEMP —Tho above Hemps oon&tantly on hand and for rale by WEAVER, HIT LER, & 00,, No. 23 North WATER Street and 22 « WHARVES. J&l5 CJA.MUEL HEPBUHN has transferred hia Office from Oarlisle, Penna ,to No 711 SA.N -5 i ui tre «* (between Obtfltnntand Walnut.) Pbila aeipnia He will attend to any business entrusted to ms care, in the Courts of Philadelphia or in the in terior of the Btate. Philadelphia, November 24, 1868 Tins ADAMS JSXFUESS GO., Oi'FIlM, ago K i»^^Tih E B s t H .?in N^ 8 «d a. 8. BANDJOBD, nnTisHntM^Mtl A BEX. MoKINNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, mill „ GREENSBURG, PA, Will practice in Westmoreland, Armstrong and In. liana counties. sell-tf *. T. ABRAMS. o. A. MATH, * A BEAMS & MAYER, £'i. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LOOK HAVEN, PA., Will attend promptly to all professional business en> misted to them. Special attention given to the collec tion of claims. ismzKoie. Got. Wm.F. Packer, Harrisburg, Pa. : L. A. Mackey, President Lock Haven Bank; General D,J£. Jackman, Lock Haven; Hon. A White, Look Haven; Simon Boott, Lock Haven: Bullitt & Fairtherfce, Philadel phia; McFarland, Evans, A Co., Philadelphia: Evans Sc Watson, Philadelphia; Phillip M. Price. Philadel phia; Hon. A. V. Parsons, Philadelphia; Williamson, Taylor, & Co., Philadelphia; Tener 4.- Davis, Phila delphia ; Hon. James Burnside, Bellefonte, Pa.; J.’W. Esq,, Philadelphia. jy 2d-t£. PHARJLBS TETE, COMMISSION #EE- V « al Importer of HAVANA 9IGAHB. .New) 133Waluut etreet. seoond glory. gnl-Iy STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVER. 2SS Poor,, BELFAST, DUfiMN, AND LONDON DERRY, -without delay, for Return tickets, good for six months, to either of the above places, by any steamer of the line, $6O for the round trip, out and back. r*OM KEW YOKE. Glasgow, Thomson. Saturday, Jan22,l2n>clock M Edinburgh, dimming, Saturday, Febig ISo’ciookM. Glasgow, Thomson, Saturday, March 19,12 o’clock, M. FROM GLASGOW, Edinburgh. Cummiog, Saturday, January 22d. Glasgow, Thomson,, Saturday, February 10. Edinburgh, Gumming. Saturday, March 19. BATEB OF PAHBAGB. FROM GLASGOW. First G1a55,......; Steerage, found with oook'-d provisions. * " FROM NEW YORK. First Class. .. Steerage, found with cooked provisions 80 00 Children under 14 jears of age, half fare; Infanta in Steerage, free. Return tickets available within six months, by any steamor of this line. First Glass $l4O Steerage ,$6O An experienced Burgeon attached to eaoh Steamer. For freight or passage apply to WORKMAN fc 00., 123 WALNUT Street, Philadel phia. ROBERT ORAItf, 17 Broadway, New YoTk. IT ALL & LONBY, Buchanan’s Wharf, Baltimore. j&6 ' THE BRITISH AND NORTH ASaascSxfeAMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM SHIPS. ' PKOH NEW YORK TO LIYIBPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage $l3O Second Cabin Pas-age 76 FROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage.,.. $llO Second Cabin Passage. 60 The snips from Boston call atHalifax. PERSIA, Capt Judkins, j CANADA, Capt. Lane, ARABIA, Oapt. J. Stone, AMERICA, Capt. Millar. ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott, | NIAGARA, Capt. Ander* AFKIOA, Capt. Shannon, i boo, | BTJBOPA, Capt J.Leltch. These Teasels carry a clear white light at mast-head; green on "larboard bow; red on port bow. NIAGARA, Lang, leaves Boston, Wednesday, Jbil 26. EURO-A, Leitch, “ Wednesday, Feb. 2 ARABIA, Stone, ik Boston, Wednesday, Feb. 0. ASIA, Lott, “NYork, Wednesday, Feb 16, AMERICA, Millar, u Boston, Wednesday, Feb. 23. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of there ships will not be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, PrecUus Stones or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight 'or passage apply to ja22-tf E. OUNARD, 4 Bowling Green. ©imiational, Ballad singing and guitar.- T. BIBHOP, 12C2 FILBERT Street. d25-lm* LONG’S SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY, N. K. comer EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Bta. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT—Book-keeping io all its various forma; preparing Students thoroughly for situations in any branch of business; Plain and Or nameutaf Writing; Commercial Calculations: Law and Correspondence. No institution in tbe United Btates gives a more thorough and practical coarse. In this department no teaching is done in classes, and is open DAY and EVENING. Time unlimited. MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART MENT—(Separatefrom the above.)—Young Men and Boys are prepared for any grade of an English and Clas sical Education, vis: Spelling, Reading, Writing, Gram, mar, Geography, Arithmetic, Philosophy, £co.. Ancient and Modern Languages, with all the higher Collegiate Studies. Sessions of five months commence September Ist, and February Ist. Pupilß received at any time be fore or after these dates ana charged accordingly. Cata-' logues furnished gratis. mh2s-tf P. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal C CRITTENDEN’S PHILADELPHIA J COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, northeast comer of CHESTNUT and SEVENTH Streets, An Institution designed to fit young men for AC! TIVE BUSINESS. BOARD OF TRUBTIIB. 11, £. Oomegjs, frftncia Hosklnf, Qeorge H. Stuart) DtTid Milne, John Sparhawk, DarldS. Brown, liU3 uaoker, A. V. Par sons, D. It. Binman, Frederick Brown, Joahua Lippincott. EVENING SESSIONS aft*r September 15th. .Each Student has isditidual rjrgraaanos' {at tills Institution, and a Diploma from hero is the best re commendation a/oung naan can hare, for obtaining a good situation. CATALOGUES may be had on application at the College. seS-tf Bryant & stratton's chain op NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladolphia College, Southeast oorner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Por information, call or send for circular. jelG-tf EVENING SESSIONS HAVE COMMENCED S SNYDER LEIDY—JAS. M. LEIDY, • principals of LEIDY BROTHERS’ ACADEMY,' Nos 148 and 150 SIXTH STREET, near Race, where a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING, and ARITHMETIC is xnado certain to every pupil that may enter. ACADEMY open day and ere Ding, JHebicinal. Dr. coggswell’S new medical BALT —PRICE REDUCED ONE-HALF ! We are now authorized to announce a permanent re* duction in the price of this valuable remedy for In* flammatory Diseases. Dr. 0. having made an impor tant improvement in his chemical apparatus for mann* facturing it, by which its coat i* materially lepsened, has resolved to put it within the reach of all. The present price is, ACUTE PACKAGE, $1; CHRONIC do $2.60. Those afflicted with Rheumatism, Neu* ralgia, Headache, Inflamed Eyes. Ears, Throat, Dungs, or Liver, Scrofula, Female Diseases, or any other form of inflammation should give the ANTIP3LOGISTIO SALT a trial. By equalizing the circulation, It re* moves the sole oaobb of,inflammation For testimo nials and directions see circular. Sold fir all Drug gists, Descriptive circulars sent gratis, by enclosing a stAmp to pay postige. Invalids in those places yet without agents can obtain the medicine by addressing D. 0. TAYLOR & CO., 202 DOCK Btreet, Philadel phia. ja!6-7t* ZOLLICKOFFER’« ANTI-RHEUMATIC CORDIAL is the only effectual remedy ever placed be'ora the pnblic as a certain and rdiaMe cure (or IN* FLAMMATORY or OHRONIO RHEUMATISM This preparation hfts cured thou»ande who have been af flicted with Rheumatism in its most painful form, and we are diily in receipt of letters and certificates of as tonishlng and remarkable cores. All who have tiled th*i CORDIAL speak in the most laudable terms of its efficacy Full directions and entire satiuf.ctiou given to ihe Rheumatic sufferers Prepared by THEODORS DILK3, Chemist, N.E.Cor. FINE And SIXTH Streets, Philadelphia. ja!4-3m Anew and valuable discov ery. ’ ;i DR. HAM’S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. IT _BTi“PJL4 T^^?JiP^?AT^JNYIGpRATK8 f BUT WIT.IfNOT INTOxibA'ff OR ’sTBPIPY Thisdelicioue Beverage is superior toal! invigorating Cordials, Schnapps, Nervines, Ac. in nse for the cure of Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Heart-burn, Drows.ness, Kid ney Complaint, Delirium Tremens, Intemperance, fto., as it will invigorate and strengthen, bat will not In toxicate or stupify. Persons who have become habitu ated to t&e excessive use of Tobacco, Opium, and Sp'rit ttous Liquors, will flud speedy and permanent relief from a desire to use these destroying agents, by taking a bottle or two of this DELICIOUS MEDICAL BEVERAGE ! Weak aud sickly Females will And Dr. HAM’S IN VIGORATING SPIRIT a quick and sure cure, it being a Regenerator as well &n a btrengthener of-the Uuman System. Each complaint that the AROMATIC INTI GORATING CORDIAL Is calculated to cure is named upon the wrappers accompanying each bottle, and full directions for use are also minutely given. PR JOB ON* DOI.LAR PBR BOTTLB. Prepared by DARIUS lIAM, Principal office, No. 43 WATER St., N. York. For sale by T. W. DYOTT & SUNS, n'2s-3m 218 N. SECOND Street, Philadelphia. JDrngs smfr QT.!)em>rals. ROBERT SHOEMAKER h GO., WUOI.IBALJI DIHJCWISTS, Hmmrxctarera end Denier PAINTS, VARNISHES, Wd WINDOW GI.ABB, Northesut comer f OOBTH end BAGS Streeln, Fhilsdelphle. Sole Agente foe the eele of the celebrated Plorefa Pl.te (lleex Tr,h2.l-tf ©tuts, pistols, &c. GUN STORE PHILIP WILSON &’CO., 432 CHESTNUT BTRBET, Ask the attention of Merchants, Gonsmiths, and Sports men. to the very superior Fowling pieces, Rifles, &c of tlielr own minnfacture, which are not surpassed by the beit imported Guns in quality and finish. Tie Shooting QUALITIES of each Gun msnufactured by them will bo fully guarantied. Tney are also regularly re ceiving, direct from the makers, a full asso.tment of the BEST CLASS OP ENGLISH AND FRENCH GUNS Of the celebrated stamps of Moore & Harris, Dean & Adams, PonJcrauxJt Jassy. &0., Weatley Riohsrds, * Purdy, Greener, together with a complete etcck of the cheaper stjle of English and llelgian Guos, which will be sold at the lowest market rates. ALL VARIETY OF GUNSMITHS* TRIMMINGS, such as Barrels, Stocks, Rods, Mountings, Flasks, Guo Bags, Locks, aod Lock Furniture, Eley’a Caps, Oar* tridges, Wads, Ac., on the 4 most favorable terms to the trade. jal2-tfelB AND OLAMPS. HANBSORUBS, No. 1. 03#c. perdos, 3 T6o. “ 8. 870. “ 4.100 a. “ CLiMPfI. 8 Row, $1.26 per oxen. 7 Row, $1.75 per dozen. 8 Row, $3.25 per dozen. HENRY 0, EORSTBIN, Hl9 II Nottt HIED btreet Philadelphia JgEOURITY FIRE INSURANCE capital stock, POR PIRE INBUBANOE ONLY. jal-s tu th-tf a?J.REAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND V* v TRUST COMPANY. OFSICE IN GOMPAN7>B BUILDING, 403 WALNUT BTRBBT. OAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $276,358 03. _ *«&«* against Loss or Damage by PIRN, MARINI, CARGO,andINLAND INBURANOK. „ , DIRECTORS: C&aries o. Lathrop, William DaWing. f Alexander Whilldin, B Tracy, Jamas B. Smith, i h M a n“^ ur,tl Mm B. Vodgas, ¥°s. U .I?P> . Thomas Potter. L ' GiUesple. oharl-s Harlan, Daolel L. Oollier, Jonathan J. Blooms, 0. 0. LATHROP, PreaHent. „ WM. DARLING, Vice President. J A.MEB WRIGHT, Seo’y and Treaanrer daSnUbWif WIRE AND INLAND RISKS.—FAME * ‘ INSURANCE COMPANY Capital 3100,000. (Organixod under the Aot of Amembly relative to In imraoce Companies, passed April 3d, 1866.) Office 411 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. Samuel Wright. « . Henry Lewis, Jr„ William W. Walter!, D. B. Birp3y, Charles Bicbudioa, John W. Bvennaa, Jacob W. Stout, >■ A. S. Rosenheim, Barclay Lippinoott, John B Ellison, George A West, W. W. Knight _ _ GEORGE W. DAY, President. W I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. jal2-y COMMON? INSURANCE OOMP>. PENNBY] DIBEC Dr. David Jayne, John M. WMtali, Edward C Haight. John K. Walker, Isaac Jeanes, .16 guineas, 8 •* DAVID JAYNE, President. JOHN M. WHIT ALL, Yiee President. S. B. UOON, Be ere tar v OPPIOE N". W. corner WALNUT and FOURTH Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Delaware mutual safety in surance COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA. OPfIQE S. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia . MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS, ) CARGO, >To all part* of the World, FREIGHT, ) INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by Hirer, Canals, L&\es, and Land Carriage*, toal parts of the Union. FIRE INBDRANOEB On Merchandise {generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses,'«ko. ASSETS OF THB COMPANY, November 1, 1858. Bonds, Mortgages, and Real E5tate......71,3*3 85 Philadelphia City, and other Loans 297,056 £0 Btocfc in Railroads and Insurance Companies 25,362 60 Bills Receivable 201,666 86 Cash on hand. 42,067 85 Balance in hands of Agents—Premiums on Marine policies recentlj ifsaed—and other debts due the Company William Martin, Joseph H Seal, Edmond A. Bonder, John 0. Baris, John R. Penrose, George G Leiper, Edward Darlington, Dr. R. M. Hasten, . Wm 0 Ludwig, Hugh Craig, Spencer M’llraine, Charles Kelley, H. Jones Brooke, Jacob P. Jones, WIL] HEN BY LYLBUBN, S< CJAFEGPARD INSURANCE COMPANY, 409 WALNUT Strent, Phil»Selphl». Capital paid in (securely invested).. ....,$200,000 Surplus /. 31,450 This Company haring been tborougly reorganized. Is new ready to make Insurance upon all kinds of pro party, merchandise, &o , against LOSS or DAMAGE BY FIRE ONLY, upon favorable terms. Jacob N. Keeler, •Er&ncia Black borne, Robert P. King, £ B English, George H Leris, Joseph E Stldfold k John Prentice, Edward Wile'r, P. a. Birckbead, Henrj R. Foote, JACOB N. Sshet B Poors, Secretoi PiILADBLPHIA, Dec. 234, American fire insurance go., INCORPORATED 1810 CHARTER PER PETVAL. No. 310 WALNUT Btreot, above Third. Philadelphia Haring a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus Isrested la sound and available Securities, eontinuet-i Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merehaadlse. Vessels In Port ana their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted. Dxuoroxg. JohnT. liewis, Gaipxr W. Morrlf. 7uues B. Ommplwu, , Xdzannd 0. BatUß* Oharlof W. Poultner. OXOBOB ABBOTT, President. THOMAS B. MARIS. B<*r«t«jy. j*2&-y if Soorge Abbott, JolmWel.il], Bamuel 0. Morton* Tatriek Bndj, • INSURANCE COMPACT, I?o. 110 KJ South FOURTH Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Capita 1...,,..,, 9300,000. Organised 1851. Privileged to insure Houses, annually or pernelut Uy; Personal Property, annually, or for a Uti period} take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance IT lake; reoeire He* posits; hold Trusts and grant annul ties- ALFRED WEEKS, President. B. O. TYLER, VioeFresid'mt. J. W. &lA*Tiwg, Secretary. dihsotoxs. Alfred Weeks, Hon. W. D. Kelley. B. O. Tyler, J.W. Forney, J. W. Bonder, p. B. Mtogle, O.R. Ricking, James Watson, J. L. Hutchinsoo, - Ludlam Matthews, I.W. Stokes, William Curtis, jelB-ly G. F. Turner. Life insurance and trust COM PANY.—The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD and DOOR Streets. Capital, $613,735.03. INSURES LIVES lor short tense, or for the who'# term of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur chases life interests in Real mid makes »1< contracts depending on the contingencies or Life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignee* Trustees, and Guardians. Daniel L. Miller, Samuel E. Stokes, Benjamin Ooates, William Martin, Rloh&rdS. Newbold, Jamea B. McFarland* William P. Hacker, Joseph H. Trotter, ±* - William H. Kerr, James Easton, Samuel 0. Huey, TheophUus Paulding, Charles HallowcU, fidmund A. Souder, Htorr 0. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchmio*i Rodolphus Kent, John W. Horn or, W’lliam H. Carr, EUls 8. Archer, Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Christine. William Robertson. Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Basin,'" John G. Brsnntr, r. 8. Mlehler, Easton, DANIEL L. MILLER, President, SAMUEL B. STOKES, Vice Bres’t. Josh W. Hoivob, Secretary. nl3-l? 17ASTERN INSURANCE COMPANY.— JJJ OFPIOE No. 6.EXCHANGR. AUTHORISED fiTOOK CAPITA, $300,000. CHARTO Px&rsruAL. Fire Risks on Merchandise and Buildings. Marino Risks on Vessels. Cargoes and Freights. Inland Transportation Risks on Goods per Railroads, Canals, and Steamboats, takes cn favorable terms DIRECTOR,*}. Robert F. Taylor, Thomas Shaw, George Cookmau, Charles Stoy, Jacob Boed, W. O. Stotesbnry. ANDREW COCIIRAN, President. William I. Brows, Vice-Pretide&t n3-tf Andrew Cochran, William I. llrown, Richard O. Stoteflburj, Peter I>. Myers, Robert B. Walker, Jacob Lukens, Howard fire and marine insu rance COMPANY, No. 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia DIRECTORS. Thos. L. Luders, Wm. F, Leech, J. Edgar Thomson, Robt. W. D. Truitt, M. W. Baldwin, Wm. K. Hamlin, John 0. James, H. H. ShlUlcgford, A. J. Bucknor, C. JB. Spangler, John W. Sexton, fl.n. Houston, William Roignel, Wm H. Loro, Edwin Booth, Charles F. Norton, John Garrison, Isaac Mjer. E. fl- Warne, President—THOMAS L. LUDSR9, Vice President—E. 8. WARN*. Secretary—CHAßLES A. DDT. nels*tf BAMUBL T. MBBBICK. J TACOHiS MERRICK. WILLIAM H MBRRtCK. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY. K 7 FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, TanXs, Iron Boats, Ac.. Cast* lags of all kinds, either iron or brsss Iron framo Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Rail, road Stations, fee. Retorts and Gas* Machinery of the latest and mrst improved construction. Every description of plantation machinery, snch as Sugar, Saw, and Giist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, &o. Sole Agents for N Rilllenx’a Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nasmjth's Talent Steam Hammer; and Aepiowftll A Wooleey’a Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain* ing Machines. anS-y PERRY’S BLANK BOOK AND STATIONERY ESTABLISHMENT. S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND RACE. PREMIUM AWARDED By the IRANKLIN INSTITUTE for Mumfectoring Superior Account Books FIRMS Intending to open new Books on the first of the Tear, oan select from a good stock on hand, or bare them made in any desired style, in aßuperiqr manner. BOOR-BINDING of every description executed in the finest and most substantial manner, at low prices. MAGAZINES bound fromfiOcts. to $2 60 per volume. MUSIC bound in a new and handsome eivle, from SI to_s3. OLD FAMILY BIBLSS rebound, to look And wear equal to new PERSY’S BOOK-BINDERY, FOURTH ftEd RACE. Oldest established Bindery in Philadelphia. n23-2m No. 6. $l ia per dot, 6. I 25 < 1. 1 60 »• 8. 1 76 “ BRICK-MAKING MACHINE, "WHICH makes the Bricks and temper the clay, makes from One to three thousand per hour. Upwards of thirty in nae. Patented February 3d, 3858. Machines and rights for sale Counties, or oue-foorth of the Patent, will be eo.d. Known to b» the only practical one in tue. Ad» dress 0. OARNELL, Germantown road, abore Fifth street, Philadelphia. dls*tewio COMPANY, new fork city. 9390,000. (ALL Paid i».) SURPLUS, «43,88 S 19. WILLIAM D SHESREED, Agent, Philadelphia EAL T H 'ANY Off THE ST ATI Of r LVANIA. ITORB. Tnemsa 8. Stewart. John M. Butler, Thomas W. Brans, QeiiiX Lewis, Jr., John Allen. OffFICFRS. JTOBB. James .0. Hand, Theophllna Paulding, James Traquair, William Byre, Jr.j J. F. Peniston, . Joshna P. Byre, Samuel E. Stokqs, Henry Sloan, James B. M’ferland, Thomas 0. Hand, Bohert Burton, John B. Semple, Pittsb’g 1). T. Morgan, ’ 44 J.T. Logan, 11 4 MARTIN, President. I. HAND, Vice President, rotary. dlfl-tf DIRECTORS. I Hon. 8 B Gashing Charles V. Watruus, Eliba J. Baldwin, J. A. H. Hasbronck, Aaron Close, JohnH. Beach, Matthew Kelley, Alex. C. Lawrence Alfred Clapp, ' Wm- IS. Forbes. +l. KEELER, f resident, >taiy. \IBW. FAfBFIES. fHatljineiE anil Iran. PQILADBLPHU. MERRICK & SONS, Sookbinbing. 61.383 14 1098,804 70
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