. Late .Fire utßubaque, lowa. —Dubuque, Jan. 7> 1860.„ilES3Hfl. HERRING & GO.—GentS: lam requested, by Jfc, ® A. g. Cochrane, ot this place, to •ay. to you" that, oa the morning'of tbe 4th ultimo, abont S o’cleckj his store took Are,' and the entire stock of goods was destroyed. The heat became so suddenly intense that none of the goodd oould possibly be saved; bat fortunately bis books and papers, jwhloh were in one of your OHABIPION'iaMSi all preferred perfeot y. And‘well may they be calUd Ohampion, for dating the whole conflagration there was pouring of flame directly upon (the 7Safe which' contained them. And still, upon opening it, the inside v was found to be scarcely warm, white'*'the outside was most’severely scorched. . . >ok Yours, tru'y, . HERRING’B, PATENT CHAMPION FIRE AND BOHOL AR-PROOF - BAFBB, 'with HALL’S PATENT POWDER.PKOOP LOOKB, afford the greatest security or any Safe in the world. Also, DWELLING-HOOSB SAFES, of elegant workmanship and finish, for plate, Ac. PARREL, HERRING, * C0.,- ja!4-tf • 130 WALNUT Street. » Saving Fund.—Five 'Per Cent.’ Interest*— NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, 8. W. corner THIRD,' Philadelphia.' Money received in any sum,'large, or small, and interest paid from the day of deposit' to the day’ of withdrawal. Money is received and- payments made daily,’ without notice. The .investments .are ’raade'ln Beil Estate, Ground Bents, and such flrst-class securi ties as the Charter requires. ’Office hours from 9 o’clock *n themofulng until 5 o’clock in the afternoon, and on Moudiyind- Thursday evenings until 8 o’clock, fefl A Mew Article for the Heir* . , PHALON & BON>B OOOOINE . Is the best and cheapest article for the hair. For pre serving beautifying, and restoring the hair,'the moat perOctkatr-dreselcgever offered to tbepnblid. Sold at 617, *497, and 197 Broadway, and by-alt Druggists and Fancy-Goods Dealers. Pint bottles 60 centsjholf-pints, 25 coots, Idqniie for Phalon A Son’s Coeolne, Be ware of counterfeits. T. B. PETEROON & BROTHERS, 306 CHESTNUT Btroet, Wholesale Agents. -’' " ja!4-ti Dyspepsia.—There lie probably no disease which experience has so amply proved to be remedia ble by the PERUVIAN SYRUP as Dyspepsia. The most inveterate forms of this disease have been com pletely cored o by this medicine, as ample testimony of eome of our first citizens proves. For sale in this city by F, Brown, corner Fifth and Chestnut, and Howard A Go., corner Twelfth and Chestnut. dHWAWtf Seamen’s Saving Fund—Northwest Corner of SECOND and WALNUT Streets. Deposits received in small and large amounts, from all claeses of the community, and allows Interest at the rate of fire per cent, per annum. - Money may be drawn by checks without loss of inte rest. Office open daily, from 9 until 5 o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. ' President, Franklin-Fell; Treasurer and Secretary, Charles M. Morris. 890, 890, 890, 890, 890, 890, 890, 890— SINGER’S SEWING MACHINES.—PRICES RE DUCED.—A new and elegant Family Sewing Ma chine for 160, and the general scale of prices greatly reduced. All who want a substantial, simple, and re liable Sowing Muhlne, .which has an established repu tation for doing the very best work on every kind of material, are invited to call at our office'and examine the new machines, at the reduced prices. -They can not fail to be satisfied. I. Jd. SINGER A CO., no 2-029 • .No. 602 CHESTNUT Street. Tflndew Drapery, ' BROCATELLB. BATIN DAMASK, BATIN DE LAINB, . WOBBTBD DAMASK, ‘ RJSPB, MOREENS, AND PLUSHES, Together.with all the trimmings appertaining to the Curtain trade. Owing to the lateness of the season, we will dose ont our heavy Curtains at greatly reduced rates.. Curtains cut, made, and put up4 lower than prices elsewhere Alco, While Lace and Muslin Curtains of every descrip tion, bought at and selling at half the usual price. Window, Shades, Gold Bordered, Landscape, Gothic, Fresco,'Plain Linen, and Oil Oloth, at whole sale and retail. ' , • PATTEN'S OSRTAIN STORE, ...680 CHESTNUT Street. Graver A Baker’s Celebrated Family Sewing MACHINES. ■ ■ A NEW STYLE-PRICE 160. 980 Osnantu* .Btamsv,’ Pbiladiltxu, These Machines sew from two spools, and form a Qeam. of unequalled strength, beauty, and elasticity, whioh will hot rip,'even if .every .fourth stitch be eut. They are unquestionably the. best In the market for family use. colft-tf |D*amn eon a oixom-aa. -fll One-Price Clothing of the Latest Styles, mad made is the best manner, expressly for axTAii. balib. We mark out lowest'selling prices In plaix nouaie on each article.’ All goods made to order are warranted satisfactory, and; oar oxx-rsioss ststsx is strictly ad hered to. We belters this to be tbe only fair way of dealing) as thereby all are treated alike. JONKfI k CO.) *O4 MABSIT Rtreat Importations. f Itepor ted torthe Press.]. " k ‘ PALERMO—Barque Powhatan—l9so cantors brim* Stone 1200 bags Sumac 12 canters oorkwood 100 bblsci nary seed 100 bales linenrags 100 boxes shelled &l moods SO bbls do 49 oases licorice 60 bags Alberts 60 do walnnis 100 boXes plums 100 do cherries 000 boxes lemons 8678 do orange* Isaac Jeanoa & 00. RlOHMOND—SJteamthtp City of Richmond. Mitchell —lObxstobteeo Wardle & Btephac&oo; 85 ao 26 cues do Mercer k Antelo; Staff do A k B Armstrong; 45 do 15 cases do Bohan Sc Tailt; 78 boxes do Bucknor, Mc- Oammon k Co; 30 do J EBook Sc Co; ISO do Tbos Web ster. Jr; 80 bales domestics Welling, Coffin Sc Co; 6 bugs wool B Bnlloet Sc Boh;'Xsbales'shooks 0 JAdams Sc Co; R bigs festbcrs I *' Tolandj 165 bales waste B Eiodge; 12 bags flaxseed 0 H Camming*: 18 do Miller Sc 3ro; 30'iimpty carboys Parage Sc Cot 80 t»bls oys era cap* taiu; 51 bags flaxseed 4hhdsdo Boyer & Barclay; 21 Stales rags J easup k Moore; 2 pkgs mdse A M Vogel; 50 bales cotton drainer Sc Rankness: 9 bales rags Server & Marker; 15 do cotton W Randolph;' 20 bags 6 bbls fruit Martlen ACor 19 bags do J Rogers A Co; 284 bags 1 bbl fruit Tttfltto Sc 8 bags do J Morgao; 69 do N Helllngs; 12 do Gill St Baal; 40 do Jordan tc BroJ 25 empty bhdff 91 dp bVs Massey, Collins k Co; 143 empty bbl* Bogie k Wolf; 100 do 'order. PASSENGERS SAILED. Tn steamship Keystone Btate, for Charleston—Bobort Brown, Bliaabelh Brown, Mrs -Wm Hoyt and two chil dren, Croton Fletcher and lady, MrsJMaehsray and two children, Miss Ellen Tracy, Miss J F Henderson, Miss Ana*HemfersoD.- Anna'J Bronson, John O Callahan, W V Pattar, Geo Hoffmnn, Henry B Jones,Bobt P Brooks, A Jf Thompson, K T J&maison, Henry Vaughan, H S Stewart, and S 3 In the steerage. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE. V. B. Oops, ) Tnoiiis Kiusxa, Jr., } Ookkittks op «B> Hovrs, BENJAJIIH Mabshall, J BAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS* PROM THE UNITED STATES. SEIFS LEAVE FOR EATS G1a5g0w....,Y0rk..G1a5g0w..,,.,'......Jan22 Niagara............ 805t0n,.Liverp001........... Jan 26 Circassian,.lt York..Galway.. Jan 27 York.. LI v0rp001.......... Jan 29 E0r0pa..,;.,i,4.,.N York.. Liverpool Feb 2 TO ARBIVH S3IFB • -LBIVC.. FOR DITB QireMaUa..Galway..New Y0rk.......... Jan 6 E0r0p&,.........Liverp001..New York..,. ~»*».Jan 8 8remen...........8rerden..N0w Y0rk...... ...Jan 8 Aarsj{o... i. ..Southampton. .New Y0rk.......... Jan 12 OV* The California MaU Steamers sail tfrom New Yo>k on the 6th and 20th of each month. ID* The Havana Steamer s leave New York, on the 2d, 7th. 12th,17th; and 27th of each month, and Charles* ton. fl Oj-on tjie 4th and 19th- - Wian-the aoovo date* fall-on Sunday, the steamers will sail on Monday, except from New Orleans. LETTER BAGS At the Merchants* Exchange* Philadelphia. Barque American, Wortinger...........Cardenas, soon Brig Sea Bark,'Coffin....... Demenra, Jan. 22 Brig Western Star, Collard Barbadoes, soon Brig RUaßeed, Tu*0....Uv.».».8t JsgodeOuba. soon Bchr David Faust, Hollander..,...Havana, Feb. 1 marine intelligence. PORT OF. PHILADELPHIA, Jan, 22 1859. 10 f BUN'SETS. SUN H1*E8.... HIGH WATER, ARRIVED. Steamship City or Richmond, Mitchell, from Bloh mond,.via Norfolk, 25 hoars# with mdse and passengers to Thomas Webster, Off the Btioy on the Brown passed the barques Chas B Lex and Washington Batch er, and a fall-rigged brig, bound out; off Liston’s passed the City Ice Boat, with ship BwarUnaare and barque Monmouth In tow; off Reedy Island saw a barque at an chor, hound np. .. Barque Powhatan, Simmons 60 days from Palermo, with fruit, Ac. to Isaac Jeanes A Co—was towed np by the City Ice Boat from Reedy Island in 5 hours Behr Lancet,' Bayard, lday from Ohristiaaa, Bel,with grain to Christian A Ourraa Bchr JR Harris, Charles, 3 days from New Yojk,wlth mdse to Jatrus Baker. . Bleep Mountaineer, Cann,2 dnys from Salem, with corn to L P Peterson. OLKARED. Steamship Keystone State; Matshman. Charleston. A Heron, Jr. 1 Barque Merrimao, Pitts, Clenfuegos, Madeira. A Oa badas. Biique Belle, Ryder, Boston, Twells A Co. Bchr New Jersey, yanhbmsn, Savannah, Pettit, Mar tin A Co. u 1 Bchr L 8 Levering, McLaughlin, Charleston, do Bchr E L B Wales, Hoffman, Wilmington, NO, D 3 Stetson A Co. ?.• • Bohr John Farnum, Crowell, Providence, Crowell A Collins. . •• • Scbr J B Austin, May, Newcastle, Del, (to load corn) David Cooper. v fltr H L Gaw, Her, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. BAILED. IheU 8 M steamship Keystone Slate, Oapt Marsh man , - for Charleston; sailed at 10 o’clock yesterdiy with a full freight and a number of passengers. (Gorretpondenee of. the, p hlladelpbla Exchange J ... - < v V LEWES, Del.. Jan 20 IH9. ' Barque Mary H Kendall, sofcrs Greenland, Jane, Al> Uance. Job March i and Ulofcmao, with tag Att&ntlo. ue at harbor- ,\Hotbing paaaad in or out yest»xday. Wind 8 TP, and the weather einoe yeaterday morn lag has been quite bj ring-like. Yonn i &0c WH. M. HICKMAN. in niMoinU (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Bxehange.) , OiJTi IflLAifD, Jan. 21,6 40PM. No renal can be ieeo at half a mile’s distance, owing to rain and fog; ■ Wind fresh from the so at ft. Yoars.Ao, THOS. Js.;fitUGHM. r*YTILMJIAPH*OTH« PJ»BB.J _ ; " ‘.JXaxpto&BoadS' Jan 21. ; Attired yesterday, BrbarqneLady Prafiklin and Br ship Belvfa, from Callao. y. ; . V ‘ MEMORANDA. Steamship Phineas flprOgne, Matthews, hence, ar rived atJJoston at-T A U yesterday. < . , - fiteainship Boston, Hand, hence, arrived at' N York yesterday, - , ~ . Steamship Glasgow, Thompson, for Glasgow, olearei at New.Toth yesterday. , Ship Falmouth. Berry' from. Liverpool/ arrived at Baltimore 20th Inst, - Ship Klolse, Collins, for Liverpool, cleared at Charles* totflthhinet. ; -. r '. f Bostsed, fitamwdbd, from Klasatlan Ang 2fi for. Liverpool, tddehed’at Mi 6« lo.Bmiil, 16th nit. for fresh provisions; •/ ‘VI-.;' ‘ Sort,-twin Fjimclttb, »rriM4»t w Ship Ganges, Evans, from Melbourne, at Calcutta N Shbp Benator, Coffin, for London, sailed from Bombay Not 26' ' Ship Vetoka, Stevens, for London, sailed from Bom bay Not 20. , , .. . - Ship' OircionituSj Doano, for London, sailed irora B flSlp y MuMongus, Carter, for Charleston, sailed from Marseilles 17th ult. Has been reported sailed 16th for P Bhlp l °AustrsHa, Smith, from Liverpool Not 29, ar rived at New York yesterday. Ship'Barana, Langston, for Buenos Ayres, cleared at Nef York yesterday. Snip'Bamoset. from Liverpool for Charleston, was spoken 18th Inst, lat 29 48, long 2010. Barque Oarollnfe BllemSj-Bllems, henoe at New Or leans 17th lost. Barque* Dennis Kelly, Corson, cleared at N Orleans 17tb Inst, for Philadelphia, Barque Hathariuo, Crocker, from St John, NB, at Bristol, B, 31st ult. Barque Old Hickory, Holmes, from Trieste, arrived at New-York 20th lost. N. A. MoOLURE - Brtquo Oamaoli, Gordon, for Cape Town, OGH, sailed from Baltimore 20th Inst. Barque Geo Henry, Trower, for West Coast or South America, sailed from Boston 20th Inst. Barque Reindeer, Pinckney, at Rio de Janeiro 10th nit. trom James River—arrived 6th. Barque Blue Wing, Burnham, from Baltimore, at Bio de Janair* 10th ult—arrived Bth. B<trque Mondamin, Collins, at Rio de Janeiro 10th ult. from Baltimore. Brig Mary H, Kelly, from Baltimore, arrived at Bos ton 20th Inst. Brig Lodebar, Temple, cleared at Charleston 18th iofct. tor Havana. , Brig R B Clark, Bnmney, for New York or Philadel phia, sailed from Providence 19th Inst. Soar W J Bsrtlett, Connelly, for Philadelphia, cleared at Charleston 18th Inst, with 476 bales cotton, 93 bales domestics, 60 bales rope. 816 sacks do firnt, 110 tons old Iron, and 80 pkgs mdse. Schr W H Hatz&rd; Larsen, for Philadelphia, ba'ore reported at Ohaxlestou in distress, cleared 18th: inat. with Inward osrgo from Black River, Ta. Schrs Treasurer, Fisher, hence, and J W Rumsey, Taylor, from Charleston, arrived at Boston 20th inst. Schr Daniel Morris, Hoover, from Delaware, at New Haven 19th Inst. Bohr «W R Newcomb, Bacon, from Fredericksburg, Va, at New v York-yesterday. Schr Peqnonuock, Burroughs, oleared at Boston 20th inst. for Philadelphia. Bohr Baronet, cleared at New York yesterday for Phi ladelphia. Bohr S V W Simmons, Godfrey, from Attskapas, at Richmond 20th Inst. .Schr J H Planner, Dsrey, from New York, at Wil mington, NO, 19th inat. Sent Biohaid Tull, Smith, hence, arrived at Norfolk 19th inst. Schrs Sophia Ann, Smith, and M J Gause, Smith, for New York, sailed from Wilmington, Del, yesterday. Schrs Maria Fleming, Bhaw, Mary Add As Caroline, Adams, and Joseph Jones, Stevens, at Wilmington, Del, 20th in*t Schr J M Honston, Bussell, from Mobile, at Provi dence 39th inst ■ Schr Deborah Jones, Wtnsmore, from Nantucket for Philadelphia, at Newport 19th inst. Behr Daniel Morris, Hoover, from Brandywine, at N Haven 39th last. ' Schr Hall. Kelly, for Philadelphia, went down from Providence 10th in«t, and anchored below the Crook. Schr Fannie; Vahce, from New Orleans for Richmond, was 'spoken 4th inst, off Tortugas. Sohr Helen Mar. Nickerson, bonce, arrived at Boston 20th inst. Barque Margaret. 250 tons, bntlt in Philadelphia, be fore reported sold, brought $5600.’ BBioHcßmoiHU Bird—The following particulars of the abrndonmeotof the brig Hurricane Bird are from Oapt Dubel, who-arrived at New York in the Blaek Wanlor from Havana The H B was fallen In with 7th lost, as previously reported. The brig Hurricane Bird, James A Dubel, master, •ailed from Bahia Deo 6,1868, with a cargo of rosewood, coffee, eogar..hides, aod tapioca, for Hampton Boads for orders. Jen 6,1869, at 8.29 A M, was mu Lite by barque David Lapsley, Gapt Bishop, of and from Philadelphia for Aspinwall, breaking our foremast belew decks, and onttlng the brig down to the watei’a edge. Finding the brig a total wreck and in a sinking condition .was obliged to abandon her, in lat (by observation) 29 N, l'Dg 69 20 (by chronometer.) All hands went on board tbe David Lapsley, which in the collision hid lost bowsprit, with all the head gear, cutwater, part of stem, snd starboard anchor, besides receiving other damage, but the vessel was tight. We remained on board the D L until noon of the 7 th, when myself and two mates went on board the baraue Emerald Isle, of St John, NB, Capt Hane bery, wno took us to Havana, and to whom I return my thanks fer his kind treatment. The balance of the brig's crew remained on board the David Lapsley, which was going to the first port for repairs. - JAB. A DUBBL. The Hurricane Bird was two yean old, 269 tons, built in Baltimore, and owned by Fendergrast BroiL or that city. * New Fmyrsa, E Fla, Jan 9—This bar is a place not to be trifisd with in the winter season, there being no pilots to attend toinward bound vessels. [ Mr. J 8 Shelton, pilot, states that there are 7 feet water on tbe Mosquito Bar, and the tide rises upon it from 8 to 6 feet, eo that vessels can pass over the bar safely when loaded to D# feet. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. VP WO OKB O'CLOCK THIB JCOKKiXO. GIBABD HOUSE—Chestnut street, below Ninth. J Allen, NY- B Lessing, 8t Louis . M Burch, St Louis Mr. Gray, NY A H Jackson, Conn B A Whitney, N JJ W B Sheldon, Portland R M Mickbee, Balt T Pott*, Richmond j f Bower, Petersburg,Ya G Warner, Balt ADCaeaux Wilmington AO Bodges, NY M T Meeker, N Y Miss Woodruff. NY 8 J Stopford, N Y W B Dobbin, Bilt Wm Temple, Smyrna M White, NY - J Pamlmer, Jersey City R R Morgan, Phils J H Brady, B O Jas B Blmpson, NY 1C A Inglis, N J Geo Waters Georget’nDO O Robenson, Prov, RI 8 Smith, Boston £ O Hlnkley, Bait W Gale & la. N Y Jos R Beacham, Balt Misa Ga e, N Y Sami T Brill N Y Geo Small, Louisville Miss Alice BrlU, N Y W C Logan, Louisville H A Muller, fit Louis J P Gray, Sandusky, O , R Sellen, 8t Louis Geo H Walbrldge, NY J M Oerhart, Key Port W H Shaw, NY G P Oogeshall, M Y G R Pace, N Y P H Mason, St Louis M O Roberts, N Y Gustav Bussdorff, N Y D Anateo, N Y Mrs J A Connell, N Y Ed Wilder, Louisville J Olabaugh As la, Balt John Bell, Louisville P B Dorsey & wi, N Y G W Jacoby,' Pa. ■ Jas M Griggs & la, N Y P Thompson, Louisville O Proctor &. lady, N Y R H Oudlipp, NY TP Von Arntm, Boston John Stallman, Balt D Miller, Balt J'Goodwlo, Jr, Oin A M&relzek, N Y D H Haight, NY W W Woods, Ohio W P Boboron, N-J J GaUop, NY W H Russell, Mira - - J B Simpson' NY Howard Grate, Miss B M Johnson, Washington BA Tucker, NY ' Jas 0 Smith, Balt 8 J Hart, NY J Altkins, Detroit F 8 Phelps, Boston H McKim, Belt W K Belcher, NY ..BP Toms, Detroit Miss Huddleston, Saratoga H N Slater, Prov P O Howie A lady, Wash R P Lester, Petersburg Edwd R GrJgg, N Y Chas Lenta, R 0 Lockett, Balt £ N Reading, 111 Isaao P Martin, N Y R Lewell, Jr, Balt AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut flt., ab. fifth. 0 F Keefe, Delaware W Buraraers, Germantown M B Brunson, Baltimore 0 0 Jones, N J 3) J Justice, Minnesota H T Kidd, Memphis •< G T Ga’e, Baltimore II H Bayre, Bethlenem J A Williams, NO FA Fisher, Vermont F Corbin, NY GF Gale, Vermont VO Goodwin, N T WO Houston, Boston OjH Hobart, PhlJa J Leland, Maes 0. S Titus, NT H Tucker, N Y W D Hart, NT G A Halsey, N J J F Boice, Petersburg, Va J Tracy, Boston FRANKLIN HOUSE—Chestnut street, above Third* M Davis, Easton W Nichols, Williamsport T J Mega*, Phils W Cowen, Lambertvlile L U Cobb, Jersey City J B Le Van. N T G H Bailey, J ersey City W G Robiasoo, Georgia J M Dick, Buffalo J Orerling, Richland, O W Walker, Dover, Del J B A) tes, N T W 0 Fountain, Delaware JW Oollins, Delaware G W Mahan, Milford M McGrath, Brooklyn J W Mickey, Pa . John Snyder, Pa MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth st., below A rob B F Mengler, Lano L L Adams, Jaoksou’e, Mo 0 0 McLain, Pa F £ Dayton, Mo A H Belgle, Reading 0 H Mott, Mil ford S G Dexter Boston W B Irving, Harrisburg A W Wolle, Bethlehem Wm Nugont Jr, St Louis J A Gettler, Balt Abram Veazsy, Conn H A Hughes, Louisville P R Holly, Conn A H Senaeny, Ohambersb’g John Waist, Franklin eo Mrs A K McClure, Pa R L Williams, Louisville B*ml Outbert, Wilmington H 8 Buckner, Louisville TbosMcOomb Wilmlngt’n J V Barker, Mass Rich K«ar, Minersrille Geo Steele, Lano co J Molnnes, Boston Robt M Field, Lebanon J S Carpenter, Louisville Grove Pomeroy, NT 0 A Nichols, NT AN Niles, Balt UNION llOTBlfl<“Arch street, below Fourth.' - P Kerns & la, Kent eo . OH Bishop, St Louis 0 B Turner tc la, St Louis K Pratt A wf, Tyrone Miss 0 Taylor, Lewistown J G Oaraant & la, Tyrone KB Law Pkila . I< U Benson & la,Pa T W Burney, Pittsburg H S Sterling, p* F Green, las ton AR Z Dawson, N T NATIONAL.HOTBL—Race street, above Third. H Seburllng, N Y H J Smith, Boyderco G W Jones, Balt K H Bauch, Mauch Chunk John Breaw, Easton J N Metegar, Lane co 8 J J Rally, Lancaster F & Miller Lano co H J Handler, PotUvllie 00l 0 8 Shelves, Phila P Qliphant, Br, Liverpool J Whitaker, Durham, Pa . BLACK BEAR INN—Fifth and Merchant streets. M R McHenrr. Chester co T Dewees, Chester oo Thos Boyle, Ohio J 8 Watch, Cheater fio T Miles, Pa John F Brant, Florida J L Brant, Florida John Rishel, Centre oo 8 J Miles, Colombia John Duncan, Pa W R Wister, Germantown J B Horth, Unlonvllle Enoch Leedom, Radnor .4 46 4O MOUNT VERNON HOTKL-Second st , above Arch. S- 8 » Ten J? Mrß M Stanford, Balt Mwsß K Winters, Tenn Miss J Stanford. Balt A R Cox, Norristown R J Hull, Balt * A Yettriek, Mt Liberty 00l M Wheeler, N Y Jamfcs Torbet, Pa K Young, Parkersburg ? H 8 ®? ! . w Howard, Wilmington R W Shannon, Del Q Hunt, Pa MADIBON HOUSE—Second st., below Arch. John Bmtth, PhUa W R Rash, Trenton R Lolland. Del A Sport, Del A U Prettyman, Del 8 A Mansfield, Phils H 0 Comfort, Boston J B Anderson, Maryland S Atkinson, Maryland BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second street, below Vine. 8 Murey, Bucks co G Pickering, Bucks co T Warner, Bucks co • H-Jaulk,’ Bucks co J Koltey, Bucks co W Davidson. Cheltenham 8 R Elliß, Harrisburg £ N Miles, Bucks co N Corson, Middletown 8 Folsom, Bucks co B Corson, Middletown J Paul' M N Allen, Bucks o) D Lite, Buckingham RLLoesfiell,Newtown RN Boyd,New'Hope A T Duffield, Bucks co GW Kugier, Md T P Chambers, Newtown J M Stackhouse, Pa A Oomfort, Bucks co W M Wharton, Bucks co 0 Palmer, Bucks co 8 Taylor, Bucks co “J“ Parry, Attleboro W Venliart, Bucks co J E Parry, Attleboro J James, Bucks oo J Raiding, Bucks co T A Kirk, Bncks co C Rhoade k. la, Rockville 8 Braoor, Bucks eo J Buckmao, Rockyille T S Pickering, BucXb co BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third st„ ab. CallowhlU. John Gerbhari, Pa A Buckmao, FeasterrJlle 8 Hogelaod. Bybery H Lefferts, Northampton G Wesner, Maiden Creek Ohas Hennessey, Reading J Maiden Creek J Garner, Dojlestown W E wows. Moreland M Richard, Berks co C Roads, Byberry Rachel Buchanan, Pa J Vanartsdale, Feasterville BALD EAGLE—Third street, above CallowhUl, A Godshall, Pa John Godshall, Pa A Bianvelt, N York R Good, Doylestown G W Baum, Beading B Basted, Bethlehem Tabernacle JBnptiat Church*—The ser- U 3 vices in this Church will be resumed TO-MOB RG W. 28d inst. The Pastor, Rev. Dr. BBANTLY, will ? reach in the morning at o’clock, and in the even- Qgat7)i o’clock. it* Second Baptist Church, New Market st., U 3 above Poplar. * A course of highly entertaining and interesting Lee* tares will be given at the above place, by the follow* Ipg able and talented speakers, commencing THURS DAY EVENING, January 27th, at half-past 7 o’clock : By Rev. R. a. CARDEN. Subject—“ Influence of Novels.” . EVENING, February 3d, by Rev Dr. ARMITAGE, of Now York. Bubjeot—“ Women of the Revelation ” EVENING, February 10th, by 8. M, BAIUCKEB, Eeq. Subject—« Woman s Rights and Wrongs ” The choir of the church have kindly tolun ‘fH* Taluable services on this occasion Ticket for the Course, 6° cents; single tickets, 25 cents. To be had at the door on the evening of the Lectures. Proceeds for the benefit of the Sunday* School. it# NOTION TO MARINERS- Marriages. On 3m. 20th 1859, bj Bey. Thomas Sovereign, D. H. ARMSTRONG, of bt. Louis, to LAURA A., daughter of the late Francis Milligan. On the 10th inst., by her J H. Rennard, Mr. W. I*. STBINMBTZ to Miss CATHARINE CROWELL, both of this city. On the 11th inst., by Her. J. H. Turner, Mr. WM. . PIOKERIKG to Miss MARY B. SEXTON, both of this __ A Q , eat Ll , c , ure ._Rev. A. A. Witllt. “Jf-, „ . „ . .... Thomas LL3 wilt deliver a leoturs on» Tho Power and Noble- On New Year’s m BMNTon! ness of Kindness,” at HANDBL and HAYDN HALL, Worcester, DD..EDWARD (’LARENOE BM«i , ( Biehtb anJ f tlnJ , Garden ,t m ts, on THURPDAIf M.D ,of Washington, D. 0., to Mise LIZZIE HAiJ.ni, EVKNINQ nB J t 27th at Volsck. li cke te, of this city. j cents, can be had at Henry A. Bower’s drag at re, N. 13. corner Sixth and Green; J B. Springer’s, 8. B. cor. Fifth and Walnut, and A. Deoniflson’fl, N. W. corner Tenth and Race It# SDeatas. On the ship Plying Pish, Oapt. B. 0. Nickels, off the south coast of Formosa, on the »14th of October, nit., Oapt. WILbIAM MAO MIOIIAEL. His remains were taken to Foochow, where they were burl'd in the Euro pean Cemetery, on the 25th of October, in the presence of all the furelgn residents, and amid the firing of minute guns by the vessels then lying in port. Ospt Mao Michael was, for a long while, connected with the East India trade, and wss well known and highly esteemed Some years since he settled in Ban Francisco, where he resided, until a severe and long coutlnued dlseiso induced him to make a voyage with an old friend, in the hope of obtaining a mitigation of his sufferings. For a time Ih’a object seemed likely to be accomplished ; bat the expectation proved illusive, and he finally olosed his life, where he had passed ma ny of its b«Bt years, at sen. To thosowbo knew him it is needless to say that be bore his trials with the fortitudo of a man, and met his fate with the resigna tion of a Ohriatiao. * On Friday the 31st Inst., ISRAEL W. OAD WALL A DBR, in the 29th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend his funeral, from his late resi dence, No. 253 North Tenth street, to-morrow (Sunday) morning, at 7# o’clock, without further notice. To proceed to Montgomery Cemetery. * On Tuesday, the 18th Inst., 0. WILLIAM HOLLOND, only son of the late Charles Hollond, in the 35th year of his age * On the 20th last., Mr. WILLIAM H. PHILE, in the 80th year of his age. The relatives and friends or the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence, in Heston Ville, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock. To proceed to Mechanics’ Cemetery. * On the 20th mat., THEODORE NEIL, in the 13th year of his age. > The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his father, at Gloucester City, N. J., to-morrow (Sunda)) a ternoon, at 2 o’clock. * On the 20th instant, ANN, wife of George tJrwllor, In the 40th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her husband, No. 12 } 6 North Third street, this (Sa turday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock, without farther notice. On the evening of the 10. h instant, after a lingering illness, which she bore with Ohristian fortitude, ELIZA, wife of John A. Wetherill. [Burlington and Mt. Holly papers please copy.] The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, to-day (Saturday; 22d, at 2 o’clock P. M.. from the residence of her husband, No. 017 North Tenth street, above Green. * On the 19th instant, ISAAC GLAOKIN, in the 51st year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from his lato resi dence, Queen street, Germantown, to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. * On the 10th instant, HETTY'MATILDA, daughter of Godfrey and Hetty Emery, aged 2 years, 4 months, and 15 days The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from \he residence of her parents. No. 222 Wharton street, above Second, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. To proceed to Philadelphia Cemetery. * On the 19th instant, DAVID YANDERVEER, In the 81st year of his age. The relatives and friendß of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence, No. 1518 Coates street, this (Saturday) morning, at 10 o’clock. Interment at Haddonfield, N. J. * On the 39th instant, BIOHARD MoOUNNET, aged 47 years. The relatives and friends of the family; also, the members of the Hibernia Booiety, are res cectfully In vited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, N. W. corner of Nineteenth and Bansom streots, (late George street ) this (Saturday) morning, at 9 o’clock, without further notice. To proceed to Cathedral Cemetery. Funeral service at the Chapel of St. Peter and Bt Paul. * On Wednesday, 19th instant, A W. BUBHTON, in the 86th joar of his age. The male friends of the family are respectfully in vited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, Ne. 1237 North Twelfth street, above Girard avenue.this Saturday) 22d instant, at 9 o’clock A M., without fur her notice. * ysp=» Second Coming of Christ.—The sixth Jsjg Sermon of the series, on this subject, TO-MOB iUW EVENING, at half-paat 7 o’clock, by Rev. Dr. BERG Church, Beventh, above Brown. It§ y£s» Noon-day Prayer Meeting.—The Princl- L 3 pals, Teachers, and Boholars, of bo'h Sunday and week-day schools, are earnestly and affectionately invited to attend the noon-day meeting, in SANBOM STREET CHURCH, TO-DAY, as the hour will be specially devoted to their Interest. it* yssa* Sermon to Young Men*—By request of Ijj the Young Men’s Christian Association, the Rev. TuEOPHILUBBTORK, D D. f will preach a sermon to Young Men, by Divine permission, on SABBATH EVENING, 23d inst, at half.p&st seven o’clock, in St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, SPRING above Thirteenth street. Beats reserved for yoong men. Medical Students in vited to attend. it* rvrjs* Church of the Covenant.—Services la CONCERT HALL, Cbestaut, above Toelfth, EVERY SUNDAY, at 10* A. M., and 7)4 P. M.,by Rev. JAMES PRATT, Rector. Sermon TO-MORROW MORNING, onTho Churoh at Bmyrna ” . It* fY-'sr» Necessity of the Atonement, with Strlc \KS TURBSON UNIVERBALISM.—Rov. W. CATH -0 ART on this subject TO-MORROW MORNING, in the Ohurch, NEW MARKET, above Poplar, at half-past ten. Ordinance of Christian Baptism will be adminis tered. it* ry==» Rpv. John Chambers will be present at L. 5 “ The Young Men’s Sabbath Eveniog Prayer Meeting,” held in the First Independent Church, cor. of BROAD and SANfiOM Streets, TO-MORROW EVEN ING, commencing at 7)4 o’clock. During the evening an opportunity will be g'vep to Alt serious persons for conve*Baiioß,;in regard to their eternal welfare. Let whosoever will come. It* Spiritualism.—Rev. R. P. Ambler, of Baltimore, a Trance-medium, and one of the most eloquent men of the age, will lecture at SAN -80M-BTHEET HALL, on SUNDAY, at 10)4 A. M., and 7)4 P, M. Amnlstlon, 6 cents. it* ~ H. Day, D. D,, of Broad*sireet UJs BAPTIST CHURCH, will preach In the Ameri can Mechanics' Hall, corner FOURTH aod GEORGE Streets, TO-M.ORROW (Sabbath) AFTERNOON; at3tf o’eloek. * It* IY-2— ■ Rev» It. A. Carden Wilt deliver his great U 3 Lecture on v TrnuHabstaatlatioa,” in the IiALL corner Foaithaud George street*, on TUEBD AY EVEN ING, 25th Just. Tickets, 25 cents, at Gravenstine’s, Twelfth and Wallace; Patrick A Stewart’s, corner of Melon and Ridge avenue; Neill’s, Bccond, below Colum bia, and at the Hall. ja22-3v* C’hhrch of St. Matthias, S. E. corner of ? Nineteenth and North streets, (below Coaxes). —K«v. JOHN A. HARRIS will preach on SUNDAY MORNING, 234 inst, at 10* o’clock, and Rev. KING -BTON GODDARD, In the .EVENING, at7# o’olook. * rysF* Union Sermons to the Yoang I—The U 3 fourth of the Coarse, boforO the Y. M. U. A., of the NORTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, North Sixth above Green, will be preached TO-MORROW (Sabbath) EVENING,, by the ReT. RIOHARD NEWTON, D. D., of Bt. Paul’s P. Episcopal Church. Services at 7k o’clock. it* Rev. E. H. Chapin, D. JO., will lecture U 3 forthe PEOPLE’B LITERARY INSTITUTE, in CO.XCERT HALL, TUESDAY EVENING, January 26th. Subject—'* Order of Nobility.” Admission, 25 cents. Lecture commences quarter to eight. Tickets for sale at the bookstores ja23-3t* Church of the New Testament.—T. 11. U 3 STOCKTON, Pastor.—Preaching SABBATH MORNING, lOtf o’clock, ASSEMBLY ROOM, Tenth, below Cheitnut. Bubject—‘* Immortality!” persons interested (andwho are not?) Invited, so far as con venient, to attend. Helpers in good works, a singer, Sunday-school teachers, Ac , are specialty wanted. * Rev. J. Lltch will continue his ReVleW U 3 of Dr. B*RG TO-MORROW, at 8 o’clock, at Eighth and Buttonwood streets. Services also at 7 o’clock. Also, 10% A. M. it* rv*?Sp» German Reformed Church, Race street; □3 near Fourth, Rev. Dr. BOMBKRQBR. pastor. Divine service (D. V.) SABBATH MORNING, atlOjtf o’cIock—EVENING at . Evening, Third of aaeries of dieoohrsea bn Unfulfilled prophecies of the Bible 1* rysg=» Young Men’s Christian Association.— U 3 The Btated monthly meeting of the Y. M 0. A. will be held on MONDAY EVENING, January 24th, at BANSOtfd3TRBET ORUROH, Bansom street, below Ninth, at 7# o’olock. An Essay will bo read by the Rev. A. W. MILBY. Subject—’ ll Christianity afl an Element of Power in the Social Compact,” The mem bers are earnestly urged to attend, as business of im fiortance will be transacted. The ladies Are cordially nvited to meet with ua. JAMES E. BELL, ja?2-2t Recording Secretary. An adjourned annual meeting of the LkS Stockholders of the MERCANTILE LIBRARY COMPANY will be bold on TUESDAY EVENING, the 25th Inst., at 7jf o’clock. A full attendance is re quested. RIOHARD PARKER, Chairman. HfeKBYLVLBPRS, Secretary. ja22-3t rYV» Popular Lecture.—Rev Newton Heston U 3 will deliver a Lecture in thb NAZARETH M. E. CHURCH, Thirteenth street, below Vino, on FRI DAY EVENING, January 2Stb, forthe benefit or the Nazareth Young Men’s Western Home Mission. Sub ject—“YouDgAßerica:”Tickets, 25 cents. It* [Y"-s=» None but the very best Artists ore em- U 3 ployed to paint the Life-size Photographs in Oil. or the Miniature Photographs in Water Colors, at BEIUBR’S GALLERY. SECOND Street, above Green rv’-apa Miss Munson, ef Dtstotf, a Clairveyant 113 Physicisn, may be consulted daily, (Sundays ex cepted,) until the 24 of February, from 9to 12, and from 2to 6 at No 716 BANSOM Btreet. It* Progressive Friends” will hold a raeet- U 3 ing at HANDEL and HAYDN HALL, 8 Garden and Eighth streets, TO-MORROW AFTERNOON, at o’clock. All classes invited. Several speakers en gaged. iq* The annual meeting of Stockholders of U 3 the PITTSBURG and YOUGHIOGUBNY GOAL OOMPANY will be held in Philadelphia, at No. 423 WALNUT Street, Room No. 6, on WEDNESDAY,the Oth day of February, at 10 o’clock A. M., and an elec tion will be held for seven directors to serve for the eosningyear. WM. LITTLE, President. January 21,1859. 1a22-3t ry-r=» Dedication.—The building er ec ted for U 3 “ The Bethany Mission,” on riOUTH Street, wrbtof Twenty first, will bo dtdiented to Almighty God, on THUrtBDAY AFTERNOON next, at 3 o’clock. Rev. Drs Bratnerd and Ley burn, and Re? Messrs. Crowell, Cookman, and Ohambers, will take partlu the services. ■* r There will be preachmg by Rev. JOHN CHAMBERS in the EVENING, at 7 % o’clock. The friends of Missions are cordially iuvited to be present. Collection in aid of the cause, Tho Bpruoe and PiD6*Btroet Railroad cars pass the house every fire minutes. ja22-sAth-2t* rr«- AUlw Twenty-third Anniversary of the U 3 “HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA,” held in tho Sluslcal fo« d 5 aU TUESDAY EVENING, Decomber 14tb, 1868, the following named gentlemen were chosen as Managers of the Association for tho ensuing year • George H. Btuart. Geo. Nugent. Jr ! Matthtw Newkirk, Isaaoß. Smith Thos. T.Miwon, j fi. Cummings, John F. Rudolph, T. Kamonde Harner John H. Gitthene, Alex. T, Laoe, P * Wilson Dunton, Thomas Pedrlck James Appleton, H. M. Klmtney.’ Charles Santee, Dwight J McCann, Samuel S. Bhrirer, Samuel Mullen, JaoobM Johnson, Francis Baeon, ’ James B. Rodgers, James Neal, Charles L. Oram, Hiram Miller, R. K Uoefiich. And at the slated meeting of the Boord. held January 14th, 1869, the following named gentlemen were elected as officers of the goolety and Board for the ensuing year. , President—GEOßGE H. STUART. Vice President—MATTHEW NEWKIRK Treasurer—THOMAS T. MASON, No. 434 Market at. Recording and Corresponding Becretarv—RUDOPLH K. HOEFLIOH. ' The regularly appointed Missionaries are— Rer John Street, j Rev. Roland T Kensll, Rev. Thos. 8. Dunham, | Rev. 8 W. Ziegler, ’ James Nolen | AlbettG. Rowland, John P. Arrison. They are all duly aathorlred to make collections for the Society, and are now waiting upon the publio for that purpose. The managers would urge their fellow oitizens to give a liberal support to this organization, belivlngitto he the best Institution of the kind in our o>tj, and in every way adapted to the wants and necessities of the poor, among whom there is a vast amount of distress atthis time, rW’tßfcth] ■ fi, 3, gftBFLlQn, See, THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY. JANUARY 22. 185$. Rev. Henry Mnrtyn Scudder, of India. [l3 —By special request of the Young Men’s Chris tian Association, this distinguished clergyman will de liver a sermon In JAYNE’S HALL, on TUESDAY EVENING, 26th Inst., at 7# o’clock.- The thousands who were unable to hear him at the anniversary of the Association will have an opportunity of doing so. Young men espeoiallr invited to attend Seats rain to all. j*22 3i» rVT.T=a Meeting of the Board of Trade.—A stated meeting of the ASSOCIATION OP THE BOARD OP TRADE will be held at the'r Booms, No. 606 CHESTNUT Street, on MONDAY^January 24th, Inst., at o'clock, evening. Nominations for membership of theExeeutlve Coun cil, for the ensuing year, will be made atthis meeting. A full attendance of members is invited. ja22-2t LORIN BLODGKT, Secretary, ryr==* Office of the fire Insnrnnce Company U 3 OP .THIS COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA— January 21,1869. At a meeting of the Stockholders of the said Com* pany, held on MONDAY, the 17th Inst., the following gentlemen were duly eleotod DIRECTORS for the on* suing year, to wit: Charles J. Butter, Samuel BoDnell. Henry Gaily, Frederick Klett. Joseph Moore, And at a meeting of the DAY, OHABLRS J. BUTT! re-elected President. j*22-7t BENJA ry==» Statement of the Unlohßonk.at required by the Second Bect(on of the Act of the Gene ral Assembly of this Commonwealth, approved the 13th day of Ootober, A. D. 1857. Amount of Loans and Discounts... Do. Specie. Do. Due from other Banks. Do. of Notes in circulation. Do. Deposits, including balances doe to other Banks... 188,618.84 Janaary_2lj 1869. _ CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, ss —I, James Lesley. Cashier of the Union Bank, being sworn, depose ana .say, that the above statement la oorreot, to the best of my knowledge and belief. JAMBS LESLEY, Cashier. Sworn before me this twenty-flrstdayof .January, A. D. 1850. It 0. BBAZER, Alderman. (yr=» The Examination ol Applicant! for ad- Lk3 mission to the Central High School will begin on MONDAY next, 21th tost., at 9 A. M. An applicant for admission must be at least thirteen years of pge, aid an actnal resident or the city of Phila delphia, and mast hare been a pnpil in the Publlo Sohoolsof the city at leaßt one year. The following will be tbe order of examination : MONDAY, January 21th—Definitions and History of the United States. TUESDAY, ci 26th—Orthography and Practical Arithmetic. 26th—Algebra. _ WEDNESDAY, “ THURSDAY, “ 27th—Famine and the Principles of Grammar. 28th—Theory of Arithmetic. 31et— Constitution of the United States. TUESDAY, February Ist—Geography. WEDNESDAY, “ ‘ 2d-Mensuration. The Penmanship will be marked from an examina tion of the writing of all the papers handed in. NIOHOLAB H. MAGUIRE, Principal. PRTDA.Y, “ MONDAY, “ jy==»To the Philanthropic. —The undersigned, tLj commonly known as 808 BUTT, a Blave, aged 43 years, owned in Portsmouth, VirgloU, and now In this city by permission of his master, is earnestly anxious to free himself, and his wife and two children, from servitude, and begs leave to appeal to the well* known generosity of the people of this great city for assistance. The undersigned is a sexton, undertaker, and grave digger, and as such, it was his melancholy duty to dig the graves and bnry 1,159 of the inhabitants of Ports mouth, in the short space of about seven weeks, in the summer of 1856, when the yellow fever desolated that afflicted town. How these humble but arduous duties were regarded by bis own people, may be known by the following exj tract from the roport of the Portsmouth Relief Asso ciation ; “ And then we bad to make provis’on for the bnrial of the dead. In this lastsad duty, the Association was materially assisted by the indefatigable and truly praise worthy exertions of one of onr colored population, familiarly known as Bob Bntt. This humble negro, in his line, pertormed duty beyond all price. Prom morn till night he labored at bis spade, and frequently made the grave-yard his resting place- Under his direction and superintendence, all who died of the fever were de cently committed to their mother earth.” The undersigned is happy to be able to state, that the estimation in which he is held at home haa prompted the master of himself and bis family to abate at least oss-halv of the moneyed value they would Command, and that ns has earned and saved abont one-fifth of the aum which will be required for the purchase or him self and family; and, furthermore, that the ladies and gentlemen of Portsmouth will, In some public manner, or otherwise, assist him liberally in his efforts to pur chase the freedom of himself and family, should he, on his return home, be able to show them that, by the kind neBA of the people of this great city, ibe sum remaining to be raised is within the means of his own small town. It fa the earnest hope and prayer of the undersigned that he may be able to return to Portsmouth with as* suranoes that he and his family will soon be free. bis 808 X BUTT, mark. Witness to the signing, SiUtJBL W. 01DB. Philadelphia, January 19, 1869. The following named gentlemen have kindly consent ed to charge of any contribution which may be handed or sent to them, and William J. Wainwright, Esq , h»s consented to act as Trustee, and will hold the foods until the whole amount of the purchaso money shall be made npj' REV. DB. H. W. DUOAORET, No. 1106 Girard street. W&I A. BOLIN, formerly of Portsmouth, N. B. cor. of Eighth and ATarket streets. WM. ROBERTSON, formerly of Norfolk, No. 441 South Delaware avenue. PRANOIt) W. GBIOH, Naval Oonsti'uctor, formerly of Portsmouth, va., at Navy Yard. Hou. JO'lN P. ViSKREJI, North Delaware avenue, above Poplar street. MICHAEL DUNN, Superintendent of Exchange. MORRIS B. AFFLIOK, No 618 Franklin street. WM. B WlBTBR.Germantown. THOMAS WEBSTER, Jr., No. 14 North Delaware ivenue. JAKES T. SHINN, N. E. comer of Broad and Spruce. 'B O BHBPPAUD, No. 2098. Ninth street. ' *»- PRANK FIELD, N. W. comer of Front and Walnut streets. WM. J. WAINWRIGHT, Trusteeof thefond, 188 8. Third) and 62t Vino *treet. - JKBPEB HARDING, office of tho FennsJlvanlA la quifer. jalO 4t ryv-* Notice.—The annual meeting of tbd I*3 Stockholders of tho Ocean Bteam Navigation Company wilt be held at No. 300 North DELAWARE Avenue, on TUESDAY, the Ist of February next, at 12 o’clock, nooni at which time and place there will be an election for Five Directors for the ensuing year. Philadelphia, January 17, 1859. WM. DENNIS, jalB-12t* Secretary and Treasurer. ry’ss* Office of the Frankford and Sonth- U 3 WARS PHILADELPHIA CITY PABBENGBB RAILROAD COMPANY, CHATHAM Htreet, below FOURTH, Philadelphia, Dec. 2Tth, 1858 —NOTICE, —Tbe Coupons of the Mortgage Bonds of the Frank* ford and bonthwark Philadelphia City Passenger Rail* road Company, (late u Thq Philadelphia and Delaware Hirer Railroad doe on the Ist of January next, wU be paid at maturity, on presentation at tho Girard ?Unk t d2B tuth&s 12t Twelfth Annual Ball of the French ILS BENEVOLENT SOCIETY, The Committee respectfully announce that their ANNUAL BALL, for of their indigent coun trymen, will take place at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, on TUESDAY, Jan. 25th, 1859. Tickets, admitting & Gentleman and two Ladles, $3. Every effort will be made by the Managers to render this popular fete equal, If not superior, to any hereto fore given, and they look confidently for a continuance of the patronage of the friends of this Benevolent In stitution. . k Floor Manager—JULES MARTIN COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS, B. Desteuet, A. Ardejt, H. Dtloommun, E. Durand, II Perdriaox, J. Biot. E. Bousael, M. RouTier, A. B Durand, A. Lafpre', B. S. Duval, W. Pelletier, Q. Tirel. M. V. Olry, J B. Ohamprony. Tickets may ho procured from B. ROUSSEL, 618 PRUNE Street, or A. B. DURAND, CHESTNUT, above Tirelth streets, south side, d 16-29-jl 6 818 15 20 22 2125 ry==» Office of the Philadelphia and Savannah UJJ STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY—PhiIa- DKLPnu, January 17,1659. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of tho Phila delphia and Savannah Bteara Navigation Company will be held at No. 24 PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, on TUESDAY EVENING, tho Ist of February neli, at half-past Boven o’clock, at which time and place there will be au election for Five Managers for the ensuing year WM. DENNIS, jalB-l2t Secretary and Treasurer. ryz—M Firemen’s and other Uulon Prayer Lk_*J MEETINGB, under the auspices of the YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. ON SABBATH AFTERNOONS, United States Engine, Wood, below Crown at., from 4t06 6’Clock. PennujlvaniaHose, Eighth at., below Green, from to 4# o’clock, United Hose, Brown Bt., below Twelfth, from Aii to 5% o’clock. United States Hose, Buttonwood, below Fifth, 4 to 6. , ON SABBATH, at 7* P. M. ♦Diligent Engine, corner of Tenth and Filbert sts. Delaware Engine, South at., shore Nineteenth st. Vigilant Hone, B ghth street, above Wharton. ON TUESDAY, at7K P.M. America Eogioe, Buttonwood, below Third st. Philadelphia Engino, Seventeenth, below Chestnut. Bobert Morris Hose, Lombard st., above Eighth st. Schuylkill Hose, Locust at., below Thirteenth. Mojamen'iog Hohse of Industry, Cellar of Bulletin Batldlnff 5# to 0. ON WEDNESDAY, at 7)f P. M. Independence Engine, Spring Garden, near 24th st. Southwark 8. Third, above Washington st. Greenway School House, Kingseßaing, Darby road. K. Liberty Hose, New Market, above Coates st. Naval Asylum, Gray’s Perry road. FairmounJ Engine, Ridge avenue above Wood st. 1 Good Will Hose, Wood st., below Twenty-thlrd. Falrraount Host), Pleasant Street, above Eleventh. Diligent Hose, Madison, AboVe Race st. Humane Hose, Wood street, below Third. Western Engine, CallovrhiU, below Sixteenth st. Club Room, corner Fifteenth And Filbert streets. United States Hose ON FRIDAY -* " Western lloie, Twentieth fit, above Lombard at. Warren Iloae, Barker, above Eighteenth at Spring Garden Ho3e, Parriah, near Eleventh at. In Cellar of Bulletin Building. Third below Chest* nut atreet, from 6 to 6 o’clock P. At. # Diligent Engine, corner Tenth and Filbert flta., from 5 to 8 P.M. Medical Student meeting, every morning, from 8 t® quarter befofe 9 o’clock, at room of tho Association, 1009 and 1011 Chestnut. Ladies and Christian friends are affectionately invited to attend. By order of tho Executive Committee of Young Men’s Christian Association. jals-sat>tf Office Pennsylvania Railroad Compnny, U 3 Pmi.ADELpniA, January 16, IB6O.—NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—The Annual Meeting of the Stock holders of this Company will be held on MONDAY, the 7th day of February, 1869, at 10 o’clock. A. M., at the BANBOM STREET HALL. The Annual Election for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the 7th dny of Ma*ch, 1869, at the office of the Company, No. 204 S. TDIRD Street. jal7-tf E DMUND SMITH, Secretary. Nottcfti—A meeting of the Subscribers to U 3 the Capital Stook of the Wyoming and Susque hanna Valley Railroad Company, for the elec'ion of Di rectors and other offioera of said Company, will be held at the Office, S. W. corner BEVKNTH and BANSOM Streets, Philadelphia, on the 25th JANUARY, inst., between the hours of 11 A. M. and 2 P. M. BURTON KINGSBURY,) O COMSTOCK, > Corporators. „ A. P. ALLEN. S January 8,1869 j»i # Wardrobes of Elegant Styles, for sale U 3 Cheap, at MANUFACTORY, 269 Bouth THIRD Street extension Tables, suitable for Ships. Lks Steamboats, Hotels, and Dwellings, for sale Cheap, at MANUFACTORY, No. 259 South THIRD Street. Secretary and Book-cases, in great va- IJ3 rlety, at MANUFACTORY, 269 South THIRD Street. nrusa Dinner Extension Tables, good and UJJ Cheap, at MANUFACTORY, 259 South THIRD fttttti* dlB-tfel I Robert V. Massey. Michael McGill, John Horn, Frederick Schober, and George Meek*, said Directors, hold THIS SR, Esq., was unaniraoußlj [IN F. HOEOKLEY, See. ...$212,038,90 ... 113,851.69 3n,965 45 60,816.00 E, HART, Treasurer. at 7)4 P. M. ON THURSDAY. at 7K P. M rv~s=* Office of the Union Canal Company— LkJ? Phil adblpbia, January 10,1869. _ , The annual meeting of the Dtookholdeif of tho union Canal Qompany of Penns* Wanla will be held at tho Of fice of the Company. No. 228 WALNUT Street, oa TUESDAY, February Ist next, at 11 o'clock A. M. j after which an eleo.ion will bo held for office* s and managers for the ensuing year . , . The Transfer Books will be dosed after the2oth inst. j&ll-tfel 0. THOMPBON, Secretary. EJayne’i Hall Prayer Meetings— Notice - Owing to a pterions engagement of the Hall, the fEBS URN’S UNION PRAYER MEETING will be held until further notice. In the BANSOM-BTRBBT OHUROH, (rear of the new hotel.) All are oordially invited to attend, and the meeting Is open for all to take part who are members of any Evangelical Church. d2O-tf ryvj-* Notice.—A Committee of the Managers lk3 of the Complimentary Ball to the Philadelphia Grays will sit at the ARMORY ef the Philadelphia Grays, every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND SATUR DAY EVENINGS, for the delivery ana settlement of tickets, until the 25th. 0. V. DESMOND, Jal3-ti6 Secretary. n"S“" J 2. r * Weder’a Chestnut Springe Water Lks OuRE, at Ohestnut Hill, Philadelphia county. Pa. ja6-ly JJnblitations. novel and unique feature, THE THREE LIONS MB NEW YORK PRESS WRITING FOR THE LEDGER In addition to the MOUNT VERNON PAPERS, by the Hon. EDWARD EVERETT, the NEW YORK LEDGER, dated February 5, to be Issued next week, will oontaln original contributions from the editors of the three leading daily journals of New Yorkoity: James Gordon Bennett, Esq., the veteran editor of the Herald; the Hon. Horace Greeley, of the Tribune; and Lieut. Gov. Raymond, of the Times. From the pen of Mr. BENNETT we have four original poems, entitled, respectively— « LINES TO A LADY,” An apostrophe to (l MARY ANN,” “AN ANGEL’S SMILE,” and “A FRAGMENT.” From Mr. GREELEY we have a characteristic arti cle, addressed to “ YOUNG MEN IN THE COUNTRY, WHO DESIRE TO SEEK THEIR FORTUNE IN THE CITY ” And from Mr. RAYMOND wo have an interesting account of 11 A VISIT TO THE HOME OF JANE EYRE.” Also a vast amount of interesting matter by the LEDGER regular corps of popular contributors, and the beginning of A. NEW STORY, BKVITLIO THE HIDDEN HAND. By Mrs. EMMA D. E. N. SOUTQWORTH, Authoress of “ The Bride of an Evening,” “ The De serted Wife,” ” The Island Princess,” &0.,&.c., form ing altogether the MOST BEMABKABLE NUMBER of any paper over issued in the world! It Good news for the ladies i THE LADIES’ MANUAL or FANOY WORK] A Complete Instructor in every variety of ORNAMENTAL NEEDLE WORK, IHOLODINO Shading and Coloring, Printers* Marks, fe , s*c,, With a list of materials and hints for their selection; Advice on Making up and Trimming. BY MBS. PULLAN, Director of the Work-Table Department of Frank - Leslie’s Msgastne, Ac., Ao. x • Illustrated with aver 800 Engravings. ' By the best Artists, lvol.. Bvo, beautifully bound in fine cloth, with gilt sides and hack. Embellished with Eight Large Pattern Plates, Elegantly printed in Colors on tinted paper. Price, $1.25. Just published and for sale by T. B. PETERSON A BROTHERS. 800 CHESTNUT Slreet, Oopiesof the above Book sent by mail, on receipt of f 1.26, to any address, free of postage. ja22 Bt* JJARPER’S HEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR FEBRUARY. COXVBKTS. WASHINGTON AT MORRISTOWN. By Rev. Joseph F. Tdttls. Illustrated by Thirteen Engravings. ETHAN ALLEN A"*D HIS DAUGHTER. FOLLIFS OF FASHION. Illustrated by Twenty-seven Engravings. LA PLATA. Illustrated by Eight Eogravings. A WOMAN’S POEM. PAYING THE PIPER. FOOND'PLOATING ON THE WATER. A OHRIBTMAB IN HAMBURG. HINTS ON HELP-OULTURE HESTER GRAHAMS : ONE WOMAN’B LIFE. DIED MINISTRY. THE VIRGINIANS. By W. M. Thacmiat. Illustrations— George made much of.— Macbeth and Lady Macbeth —Four Head-Piecas. Chapter LVII. In which Harry’s Nose continues to be put out of joint. Ohaptkk LVIII. Where we do what Oats may do. Ohaptir LIX. In which wears troated to a Play. Csaptbe LX. Wbl6h treats of Macbeth, a Sup* per.and a pretty Kettle of Fish. MONTHLY RECORD tfF CURRENT EVENTB. LITERARY NOTICES. EDITOR’S TABLE EDITOR’S EASY OHAIR. EDITOR’S DRAWER. NOODLES’S ATTBMPTB AT SUICIDE. Illustrations—Tries Hanglug.—Fails.—Daeh * iflffdue BHins —The Result.—Shooting.—Failure. —The Cooiequeaees. Tbroet-Outting. Inter rupted.—Facllls Dr soeneus —Poison —Now for it.'— Life.—Dt. Dlpps’s Eradieator—Wonderful Cure ’ Finale. FASHIONS FOR FEBRUARY. ItLUSTSAtioKa—Promenade Dress —Home Tol- Teta-MadounaJTichu. TERMS. One Copy for One Year... 00 Two Copies for One Year 6 00 Three or more Copies for One Year (each) 2 00 And an J?a*fra Copy, gratis, for every Club of Tail BonaoßiDßafi, Harper’s Magazine and Harper's Weekly, together, one year, f 4 00. The Postage npon “Hzrpkr's Magazine” mnst be Mid at the Office t ohtre it is received. The Postage is Thirty-six cents a year. It HABP.BR & BROTHERS, PahlUhets. rpHE ATLANTIC MONTHLY JL poa FEBRUARY, NOW BEADY. 00NTXK13. OUGHT WOMEN TO LEARN THE ALPHABET T THE MORNING STREET. IN A-CELLAR. HAMLET AT THE BOSTON. EL LLANKBO. BULLS AND BEABS. ’ “THE NEW LIFE ” OF DANTE. THE PHILTER. DID I? TUB MINISTER’S WOOING. THE PALM AND THE PINS. THE PROFESSOR AT THE BREAKFAST TABLE. WHITE’S BHAKBPEARE. LIST OF BOOKS. The general approbation of the intelligent reading nubile, and the increasing circulation of this Mag&sine, famish,the conductors With ample proof that its aims are appreciated, and that It had diet an acknowledged want. Tlie general features which Hate given THE ATLANTIC its popularity hitherto will be carefully preserved, and new attractions will be added from time to time. The publishers take pleasure in announcing, that “THE MINISTER’S WOOING.” a Serial S’ory by , MBS. HARRIET BSECQEB STOWE, (begun in tho December number,) will be continued through the present volume. It is not necessary to be- Spbaklhe puullo attention for an author so universally known and appreciated. The scene of the Hovel io laid in New England, at the period immediately following the Revolution, in Which the author will have fall op portunity for the diiplay of her varied powers. The tutges of the Atlantic ore stereotyped, and back numbers can be supplied., TBBiia.—Threo Dollars per annum, or Twenty-five cents a number. Upon the receipt of the subscription' price the Publishers will mall the work to any part of the United States, prepaid. Subscriptions may begin with either the drstor any subsequent number. The postage or the Atlantic is 86 cts. a year, pre paid. OLbiJs.—For Ten Dollars the Publishers will shod five copies of the Atlantic for one year, the sub scribers to pay thoir own postage. Oiergymen, Teachers, and Postmasters will reoelve work for Two Dollars a year. Booksellers and Newsmen will obtain the terms by the hundred, &0., npon application to the Publishers. PHILLIPS, SAMPSON, & CO , ja22-2t 13 WINTER Street, Boston. SljipiiiS: REMOVAL—THE FREIGHT ffSjgft AND PASSENGER OFFICE of the CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS has been REMOVED from No. 828 North Wharves to the 8, W. corner of FOURTH and CHESTNUT Streets. A. HERON, Jr.. Agent Bills Lading signed at the Office on the wbarf. 2d above Vine street. ja32-12t .gftßgfc FOR THE SOUTH—OHARLES gSaBfi&TON, 8. 0., SAVANNAH, Ga., and HA VANA bTßAMfclllPd. FOR CHARLESTON, S 0. The U 8. Mail Steamship KEYBTONE STATE, Ospt&ln Charles P. Mrtrahman, through in 48 to 50 hoars. FOR BAY ANN AH. The U. S. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, Cantata John J. Garvin, through 68 to 60 hours IH?* Sailing days changed from every Saturday to every FIVE DAYS. Goods received and bills lading signed every day The splendid first-class side-wheel Steamships KEY STONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now run as above ovary ton days, thus forming a five-day com munication with Charleston and tavannah, and the South and Southwest. FOR HAVANA These shipsconueot with the U. 8. Mail Steamship ISABEL, Captain RolliDa, leaving Charleston and Bst vannahon the 4th and 10th of every month. FOR CHARLESTON, 8.0. The KEYSTONE STATE will sail on Saturday, Janaary 29tb; February. Tuesday, Bth; Saturday, 10th; in March, Tuesday, Ist, Ac.,',at 10 o’clock A. M. 'FOR Ga. The BTATB OF GEORGIA will sail in February, Thurfl'av, Od; Monday, l«b, and Thursday, 24th, at 10 o’clock A M. * At both Charleston and Savannah these ships con nect with steamers for Florida, and with railroads, Ac , for all places In the South and Southwest. FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy Freight at an average of 10 por cent, below New York steamship rates. INSURANCE. Froight aod Insurance on a Urge proportion of Goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these ships than b» sailing vessels. Cabin Passage to Charleston and Savannah, $2O 00 Storage “ “ <* g 00 Excursion Tickets, good for the present year.... 80 00 Through Tickets to Havana 66 00 No bills lading signed after the ship has sailed. No freight received on the day of sailing. For freight or passage apply to ALEX. HERON. Jr , Southwest corner FOURTH and CHESTNUT. Agents in Charleston, T. 8. A T. G. BUDD. “ Bavanuab, O A GRIMKRACO. For Florida, from Charleston, Steamer CAROLINA every Tuesday. Forklorida, from Savannah, Steamers ST. MARY’S aud ST. JOHN’S every Tuesday and Saturday. ja23 (7* S. TYHELEN & CO-, J-JeBANKING, STOCK, and BXOHANQE OFFICE, omnn „ n No. 809 WALNUT Street. STOCKB and LOANS, of all descriptions, bought and S? i» in the principal cities of the United States or Europe. Particular attention given to the safe investment of money. jaSWmrp^ fjFFIOE OF THE BELtANOE MHTtJAIi INSURANCE COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA, No. 808 WALNUT St.-JiSUABT 8, 1869. The following statement of the affairs of this Com pany, on the Slat of December, 1868, is published in ?ursuanee of the Charter, vis; o capital Btook paid in *176,050 00 Certificates of Profit, converti ble Into 5t0ck..,..,,, 981 09 *177 981 00 To Contingent Acoounts for Prn- ’ mlums on Fire Risks out standing Deo 81,1857 60,611 28 “ Fire Maks received in 1868... 41,045 21 “ Interest Account, net, re- 98,168 49 ceived in 1868... 11,280 21 “ Policies, Transfers, and other profits 1,814 84 “ FrofitandLoss.Deo. 81,1867. 18,676 04 Bjr Loss., by Fire paid la 1858.*. 12,76? jg* 302 ! 867 08 “ Re-Insurances at Baltimore and Cincinnati, Return Pre miums, &o 4,164 18 (i Expenses, including Agencies and Taxe5.,,.,,.., 9,467 24 Remaining with the Company. *276,478 43 Whioh is invested as follows, vis: In First Mortgages on City Pro perty, worth /double the amount *164,600 00 “ Penns. R. B. Co.’s 6 per ct. > 2nd Mortgage Loan $30,000 00 27,900 00 “ Allegheny Co 6 per ct. Penna. R R. Loan 10,000 00 <( City of Fhilada 6 per ct, Pa, R. R Loau..., 8,000 00 “Penna R. R Co.’s Stock.... 4,000 00 “ Stock of the Reliance M. In surance Co.. 19,160 00 “ Stock of the Coanty Fire In surance C 0...... 1,060 00 “ Stock of the Doleware M. B. Insurance Co 160 00 “UntonM Ins Co.’sBcrlp.... 880 00 “ Bills ReceivaUe...,, 80,373 43 “ Book accounts, accrued Inte rest, Ao * 7,811 04 “ Cash on hand 15 503 93 tv, * *276,478 43 have i THIS DAY, declared a Dividend of SIX PER OENT. on the Capital Stook of the Oom pany, and on the Certificates of Profits outstanding, for the year ending December 31, 1868, without deduction for State Tax, payable in cash to the Stockholders, on and after the 12th instant. Also, a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., payable pro rata on the Capital Stock and Premiums earned out of the profits of the Company for the year ending Decem ber 31,1868, forwhich certificates o’ Profits, bearing in terest, will be delivered to the Stockholders, and to the insured entitled to receive the same nnder the pro visions of the Charter, on and after the 12th instant. No certificates will oe issu’d for any hss sum than ten dollars, nor for any fractional part of one dollar. Sums less than ten dollars, and not less than one dol lar, are credited to the Insured on the books of the Company, and If within any period of ten years, the said credits amount to ten dollars, certificates therefor will be issued. Certificates of Profit are liable, equally with the Capital Btook, fot the losses and engagements of the Company, and may be converted into Capital Stock at any time, at the option ol the holder. Jal2-12t-if B. M. HINOHMAN, Pecretary. OFFICE OF THE QUAKER OITF IN -BURANOE COMPANY, 408 WALNUT STREET. —Philadelphia, January 6th, 1869. The third annual statement of the business and con dition of “ Quaker City Insurance Company ” as pre sented to Its Stockholders January 4th, 1869; Capital stock $2OO 000 00 Surplus January Ist, 1858 77,670 87 Premiums for insurance in 1868 298,696 68 Interest account 12,614 30 Salvage and reinsurance aco’t.. 22,216 11 —■ *641,000 90 LOSSES, EXPENSES. Ac. Losses paid In 1869 *122,989 11 Dividend, Commissions to agents, Taxes. Licenses, Printing, Ad vertising, Office Bent, and Ex penses 60,899 07 Reinsurance and return premi ums 27,622 18 Balarles paid in 1868.6,046 18 *216,765 64 „ . ASSETS. Bonds, Mortgages, Stocks, Cou pon Bonds, Loans on Collateral and on call *184,663 60 BiUsßeceivable......... 87,170 60 Oash due from agents and out standing premiums 28,642 49 Cash in bank and on hand 28,084 93 *324,361 42 At a meeting of the Stockholders, held the 4th inst., the following officers and directors were unanimously eleoted: . ' OFFICERS. President—GEOßGE H. HART. Tice President—E. P, ROSS. Secretary and Treasurer—H R. COGGSHALL. Assistant Secretary—6. H. BUTLER. DIRECTORS. Geo. H. Hart, B. w! Bailey E P. Ross, Andrew R. Chamber*,, A. 0. Oattell, J. L. Pomeroy, John G. Dale, H. R. Coggshall, Foster 8. Perkins, Sami. Jones, Hon. H. M. Puller, Charles G. Imlay. jao th*Atu-lmif H. R. COGGSHALL, Seo’y. FULTON’* INSURANCE, ADJUSTING* AND COLLECTING OFFICE, No. 608. OHSB7 NUT STREET, Philadelphia. The undersigned having been praotically engaged for a number of years in different capacities of the Insu rance business—for several years la adjusting losses exclnsirelyforthe Insurance Companies—now offers his services to those sustaining Low or Damage by Fire to property insured, in making ont their proofs of such lots or damage in foil compliance with the intricate and ounning conditions of Policies of Insurance, in such a manner as to obviate plea or excuse for reduction or litigation by companies so inclined, or others. He Is assisted by the best legal counsel in Philadel phia, and will give particular attention to the Collec tion of Claims against Insurance Companies. It is known by many who have sustained loss by Fire to property insured, and it has also been the experience or the undersigned, that policies are frequently declared partially or entirely void at a certain lima after a fire occurs, In consequence of carelessness or mismanage ment in effecting the Insurance, or for some other cause, which, although an important fact, is scarcely ever dis covered or thought of, until it is too late. In order to avoid such disastrous occurrences, the undersigned will also effect Insurance in aoy Companies desired, and examine policies effeoted by others (in most cases) free of extra charge. t Parties sustaining loss or damage by fire, as above, will find it to their interest to consult the undersigned as soon after the fire as possible. d 22 2mif* JAMES FULTON. Sitting iambs. SPRING GARDEN SAYING FUND SO OIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Office, No. 331 North THIRD Street, (Consolidation Bank Building ) CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENN- ' SYLVAN!A Deposits received in rums of One Dollarand upwards, and repaid in Geld, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST from the day or deposit till with drawn. A responsible and reliable Savings Institution has long been needed in the Northern part of the city, end “ The h riog Garden Saving Fond Society ” was char tered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply this necessity. The Managers, in organising and locating it, have been governed wholly by a desire to accommo date the business interests and wants of.the very large and enterprising population by which it is surrounded, OFFICE OPEN DAILY, From oto 2# o’clock: also, on Mondat* and Thubb dat from 6 until 8 o’clock in the evening. MANAGERS. Frederick Klett, Stephen Smith, John P. Levy, Hon H. K Strong, DAniel UnderkoQer, Frederick Staake, Francis Hart, Joseph P. LeOlero, John Keaaler, Jr., George Kneoht, James 8 Pringle, Jacob Dock, Joseph M Cowell, Hon. Wm. Millward, George Woelpper, G. o. T. Thorn. Peter C. Ellmaker, Robert B. Davidson. JAMES 8. PRINGLE, President. Frakois Hart, Secretary. ja?o-tfif £egal Nollies. Letters of administration on the Estate of MARGARET G. WOOD, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said Estate will please make payment, and those haring claims will present them, without delay, to REBECCA L. WOOD, Administratrix, 1019 VINE Street. Or to her Attorney, A, LEWIS SMITH, j&22 e6t# 14? South FOURTH Street. ■|jon7edward evjerett. “The Pennsylvania Institute, for the encourage ment of Apprentices and Amateurs in works of Inge nuity and Design,” announces to its members and the citizens of Philadelphia that the HON. EDWARD EVERETT Will deliver an ORATION on Franklin, AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, On THURSDAY EVENING, Jan. 27,1859, at 8 o’olook. Tickets are now ready, God may be had at the follow ing places: PARRY A McMILLAN, Fourth and Chestnut stß. JAMES B. SMITH A CO., 610 Chestnut street. SEIG, Eighth and Chestnut street. EDW’D 8. MORRIS, 016 Arch street, Where seats maybe secured for the following parts of the honse: Parquette, Parquette Circle, and Balcony..,.sl 00 FamilyOlrcle 60 Tickets for the Amphitheatre, a limited num ber of which will be disposed of at the Aca demy on the evening of the Oration 25 N B.—By & resolution passed at a recent meetiugof the Institu'o, “No distinction will be made in the price and disposal of tickets between members and others.” WM. 11. ALLEN, LL.D., PreJldCnt. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. John Urigg, Hon. Henry D. Gilpin, Caleb Cope, David S. Brown, Frederick Brown, William Welsh, James L Olaghorn, Edwin 51. Lewis, Alexander Brown, Hugh L. Hodge, M. D. Morton McMlchael, Jeaper Harding, Rev.M.A.DaW.Howe, D.D., Geo. H. Stuart, B. Frank Palmer, George F. Jones, Fred’k Scoiield, William Strothers, and others. lecture committee. Rev. Kingston Goddard, D. » Porcival Collins, Lloyd B. Hoppln, T. Frank Cooper, John o.Stvery, Edward 8. Morris, Thomas J. Levick. Js2o 7t • (tbETA nhn TO LOAN, in sums to suit i|iUvjUUv applicants, upon Diamonds, Watohes, Jewelry, Guns, Memaandiso, Clothing, &0., on mode rate terms, by JONFS A CO., Brokers, N. W. corner THIRD and GAPKILL Streets, below Lombard. Es tablished for the last 85 years. Office hours from 7A. M to 7 P M. SECOND-HAND GOLD and BILVKB WATOHES, by eminent makers, warranted genuine, for sale cheap—at one-half the original cost. jagQlm If COAL-OIL LAMPS THAT WILL NOT SSIOKI, and non-explosive Gas-Fluid Lamps. Also, Fluid and Lubricating Oil, at 335 CHESTNUT Street. ja2l-ot* n linn AND ?6>ooo TO INYEST on t®Ul/ Mortgage, Apply at the Office of JAMES H. CASTLE, ja2l-Bt* 116 Bonth FIFTH frtreat. FOR EXCHANGE.—a valuable LOT, located in a rapidly-improving neighborhood, will be exchanged for usonenmbered improved property. Address K , Office of The Press. ja2o-Bt* BUTTER.— 69 tubs Goßhon Butter just re ceived, and for sale by Q. 0. BADLBR. A CO., da ARCH SI.) news* door below Frost, WANTED —An Experienced BOOK KEEPER, (Single Man.) Most be a good Pen man. Undoubted reference required. None but a R radical and industrious man need apply. Address PERMANENT,” Office of The Press, giving refer ences and what salary may be expected. It* -**TANTED—An (active MAN, about 26 TV to 80 jr<*n <>/•», a, BALES HAH; one to- Satiated with the city Grocers and near Trade. Ad rose SITUATION, at this Office. ja22-3t* Gentlemen qf education and ad dresa WANTED to represent the interests of a popular commercial undertaking. Compensation fairly remunerative. Address “AUNEB,” Press Office. J>2l-Bt* My ANTED—A ROOM, for a small Class tv of Yoong Ladies, between Tenth and Fifteenth and Chestnut and Spruce streets. Address W. H., Office of Press. ja2l-3t* ’MyANTED—A SITUATION aa ASSIST m ANT BOOR-KEEPER, by a Young man from thecountry, who has had some experience. CAn give good city reference. Address R- MOORE, ja2l-2t* No. 346 North SIXTH Street. \U ANTED—ByaLad, 16 years old, having yy a knowledge of drawing, a SITUATION in a Lithographing Establishment, for the purpose of learn ing the business. Address W. D., at the Office of The Press. ja2o-3t* 26,378 65 VtyANTED—By a Young Han, who is a Book-keeper and goed Penman, a SITUATION u BOOK-KEEPER or OI.ERK io 1 Bulking or Mercantile House. Good reference given. Jft2o*l2t* ’’ DafiP “ oolle B®' PITTSBURG, Pa. VSTANTED—A SITUATION, by a Practl- Tv cal Pennsylvania Farmer, to take charge of a Farm and Dairy. Satisfactory reference given. Ad dress PENNSYLVANIA FARMER, this Office. j2O-3t* MyANTED—By a Young Man who has a T v knowledge of his basinets and can command a moderate amount of Pennsylvania trade, a SITUA TION in a first-class Dry-Goods Jobbing House. Best city references. Address 8. T , Press Office. ja2o*st# TBTANTED—A Toung MAN, of good bnsi- T T ness qualifications, who thoroughly understands the German, French, and Spanish languages. To one competent a liberal compensation will be given. Ad dress FOSTER, Office of this paper. ja2o-4t* A YOUNG HAN, who has $2,000, and is willing to loan it to his employer, wishes a SITU ATION in a Manufacturing or Mercantile Establish ment, as CLERK or SaLEBMAN. Address KELLER, at this Office, stating what salary will be given. J2O-4t* WANTED —By a good Book-keeper, a SITUATION in a Wholesale establishment. Would prefer going West. Address BOOK-KEEPER, at this Office. ja!9-4t* \MyANTED—By an active, energetic Man, "» a SITUATION as out-door BALEBMAN or COLLECTOR, or bothT Address “THOMAS,” Office of this Paper. ja!9-6t* "IyiyANTED —By a respectable Widow v v Lady, a SITUATION as Housekeeper. Has so objection to go Sonth or West. References exchanged. Address FRANCE**, Office of The Press. ja!B-st* A YOUNG LADY, of good Education, wishes a SITUATION as GOVERNED in a pri vate family. City and country reference given, ed dress GOVERNESS, Office of this paper. JalB-6t* |j WANTED FORTH! UNITED STATES B CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men. to whom \|l will he given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from *l2 to *22 per month. No man having a wife or ohild, will be aoeepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE at No. 817 MARKET Btreet, above Eighth, north aide. I. N. MOORE, , ap!7-tf Ist Lieut. Ist Drsgoons, Recruiting Officer. 4For OoU anb to fLzl. FOR SALE—The STOCK, FIXTURES, and GOOD-WILL of a well-established Wholesale DRUG HOUSE in this city, enjoying a trade unsur passed in character. Address “DRUGS,” at this Office. js22-6t* rriHE STOCK. AND FIXTURES OF A A COAL and STONE YARD FOR SALE. The past season 10,000 perches Stone, 1,609 tons Coal’been sold. Mock more can be dooe with a little exertion Gasfi paying business. Also, Two New HOUSES, on Frank lin street, below Matter, cheap, and a LOT OF GROUND. The Proprietors wish to close out their business. Apply at Office, EIGHTH Ht-eet, above Master. ja22-»th 3t* FOR SALE—The CHARTER of an IN SDBANOtS COMPANY. An interflow may be had by addressing INSURANCE, Box 665, Phllad’a Post Office j»2O-Bt#lf M WANTED TO BENT—A neat and convenient residence in the Southwestern part of the oity. Beat not to exceed *176 per azuram. Address 8. 8., at this Office- ja2o-6t# THE DILIGENT FIRE ENGINE COM PANY offer FOR SALE a aecond-elase HAND ENGINE, SPIDER, and 600 feet of 9-inch copper riveted HO3B. .Proposals received and particulars given by addressing THEO. H. MoOALLA, Seo’y, jalB-flt* 64 North SECOND Street. FOR SALE OR RENT—The FOUNTAIN OKIES BOLLING MILL, situate on the Schuyl kill and Reading Railroad, one mile from Falrmount. Possession immediately. Apply to JOHN HALDEUAN, jal7-I2t» Harrisburg, Pa. ®TO LET—A fine COUNTRY MAN SION (late the residence of Henry Ashton, deo’d), replete with modern conveniences and- surroundings, situated in Horsham township, Montgomery county, 4 miles from Fort Washington fetation, N P R. R. Pos session at any time. Apply to JACOB BMITH, Jb , near the premises, or to the subscriber, Hatboro’. Pa , GKO. HAND. Jal7-12t* STORE TO RENT. A HANDSOME STORE, Neatly fitted up with Wall Cases, Marble Counters, and Marble floor, suitable for Jeweller and Silversmith, or any fancy business. Bent, *9OO. Also, A WELL-LIGHTED FOURTH BTORY BOOM, Fifty by Thirty Feet, 'ON NORTHSTBEET. Apply to JONES, WHITE, & MoCURDY, jae-ItrT ' No. 628 ABOH Street. PAPER MILL TO BENT.—The Paper Mill known as HARWELL MILL, situated on the Wiffsahickon Creek, and one mile from Chestnut Hill Railroad Station. This Mill Is adapted to make fine Book Papers. It has three engines, one four machine, 62 inches wide, and all the appurtenances for the suc cessful manufacture of paper. Possession given imme diately. Apply to, or address. GEORGE H. LEVIS, d29-tf, No. 30 South SIXTH Btreet. ®FOR RENT—The DWELLING No. 616 LOOUST Street, (or Washington Square,) from the Ist of January, 1859. The house Is three stories high, with basement, back building, Ac., now occupied by J. W. Forney. Apply at the office of The Press, or at the honse. n023-tf TO RENT.—On the lot January next, the very superior and extensive ROOMS. (2d, Sd, 4th and sth floors, eaoh ttfeet by 146) of the NEW STORE, 683 MARKET Btreet. The building is one of the fine improvements on the upper side, between FIFTH and SIXTH Streets, having two fronts, the north one on a rear Street with good cartage way 20 feet into BIXTH Btreet. Apply on the premises. nol-tf BOARDING.— A Young Harriot! Couple can be accommodated with good BOARDING In a genteel private family, where there are no children. Address P. L., at this Office. ia2Q-6t* BOARDING. —Two Single Gentlemen de sire to secure good accommodations in a genteel private family. Address A. D., Office of this paper. Ja2o»3t» Uemonai*. Removal.— j.c. howe & co. have REMOVED to No. 240 MARKET Street, south side. ja22-12t REMOVAL. LINCOLN, WOODr& NICHOLS BATS BEHOVED From their old stand, 45 South SECOND street, to 725 CHESTNUT STREET. The Retail Department will he closed for a few weeks. ia!3-tf JJEMOVAL. KELLY & DOHERTY, Have removed to 31 and 33 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, OXB DOOB ABOVE OHBSTNUT, January 7th, 1869. REMOVAL. SAMUEL H. MATTSON. MERCHANT TAILOR, HAS REMOVED TO No. 1126 CHESTNUT STREET, TBIftD DOOX BKLOW TWELFTH. Bodth Side, Where he is prepared to execute all orders in Us line, having on hand a fall supply of GOODS for Gentle men’s wear. SAMUEL H. MATTSON, n25-Bm-lf No. 1126 OHBSTNUT Street. Removal.— the undersigned has ■ removed to No. 68 North FOURTH Btreet, (lete HBNRY COHEN’S,) eecood home shove MerchsnVe Hotel GEOBOB A. MILLER, jsl-lm* Wholeeale Druggist. {Dissolutions nnb (ffonartnersliip*. NOTICE.— The firm of LEIBRANDT, Mo- DOWELL, A CO. is this day dissolved by the withdrawal of GEO. G. SHOOK. The business will be continued by the remaining partners, under tb e title of LEIBRANDT A MoDOWEbL. FREDERICK LEIBRANDT, W. L. UoDOWELL, GEO. G. SHOOK. Philadelphia, January 1,1859. J*2l-8t “OLD DOMINION.” Old Dominion Old Dominion Old Dominion Old Dominions Old Dominions For Boardiog Houses. Old Dominions Old Dominions Old Dominions Ovor forty different varieties and styles, of the celebrated “Old Dominion” Coffee aud Tea Pots are now manufactured. Being based, as Dr. HaU? of the Journal of Health, lays, “on science and common sense,“ they are rapidly coming into use, and are des tined soon te supersede all others. They con be ob tained from or ordered through any storekeeper, or dealer in housekeeping articles. . . _ _ i]ir Merchants who have not received our Trade Circular, giving puces, terms, Ac., will be immediately supplied on application, by letter, to ARTHUR, BURNHAM, A GILROY, 117 aad 119 South TENTH Street, Philadelphia, Bole Manufacturer, under the Patent. HT* Also, manufacturers, under the Patent, of AR THUR'S CELEBRATED AIR-TIQHT BBLF-BEAL mg fjsyix sabs abb jaw. jmj-uuwib toantg. No. 628 ABOH Street , TAILOKB, East side. Coffee Pots. Coffee Urns. For Hotels. For Restaurants, Tor Bteamboata. For the Million. iSUnttsimmts. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THIS EVENING, AT 7Jf, Most positively to* last night of THE HUGUENOTS The pnblic are respectfully informed, that the doses, without fail, on FRIDAY next, January 28, when the farewell night will be given. * The following arrangements hare been made* THIB (Saturday; EVENING, last night of THE HUGUENOTS. Seats may be had this morning at the doer. On Monday, the ONLY night of ROBERT LS DIABLS. .. Beats for Robert may be had this morning, between the acts of the Opera, thie evening, and on Monday. On Tuesday, Grand COMBINATION MATINEE, On whioh occasion H’lle PIGCOLIMINI will make her first appearance sinee her return from Baltimore, Washington, and Richmond. The Matinee will consist of the entire Opera of LA TRAVIATA. And other entertainments, On FRIDAY, dose of the season, with DON GIOVANNI. „ , THIS (Saturday) EVENING, Most poiltlvely the last night of the HUGUENOTS. With its magnificent Oast, splendid Dresses, Illumine tions, Cavalcades, Properties, and New Scenes. LABORDE, POIN6OF, CARL FORMES, FLOBENZA, TAMA.RO, MKIHBKBB, WEINLIOH, OOLBTTI, Ac. H’LLE SOTO and Mr. DENNBTEADT. THE ORCHESTRAL FORCE, Including the Military Band on the Stage, in the third act. comprises over SEVENTY MUSICIANS* The Grand Chorne of the BLESSING OF THE PONIARDS, In the Fourth Act, Will he arranged on an equally imporing scale. THE ENTIRE fold) MASNNEBCHOR, Under the direction of Mr. CARL GARTNER, having moat kindly consented to unite with Hie regular chorus of the Opera, the choral force will therefore comprise over ONE HUNDRED VOICES. ON MONDAY, January 24, 1 ROBERT LB DIABLB, LABOBDE, POINBOT, FORMER, LOBINI, *O. Grand Ballet wi'h SOTO as HELENE. It will most positively be given ONLY ONCE, with a most magnificent NEW SCENE, provided by the liberality of the Directors. This scene, which re presents the . “RUINED'ABBEY AND CHURCHYARD,” has been painted expressly for ROBERT LS DIABLB. by Mr. GRANVILLE PERKINS, a young American artist of this oity. The sale of Beats for ROBERT LE DIABLB com menees on Saturday. Seats for Robert le Diable may be had on Friday evening, between the acts of the Opera. jt32 MBS. D. F. BOWERS’” WALNUT-fiT. ITX THEATRE, oorner of NINTH end WALNUT Btreets THIS (Saturday) EVENING, January 22, 1869, THE STRANGER. Stranger, Mr. Bwinbourne; Barou Stelnfbrt, Ur. Keaeh; Francis, Mr. Perry; Mrs. Haller, HissVaa denhoff. - THE ROBBER’S WIFE. Bose Redland, Mrs Duffield. Prices of admission—Second Tier end Family Circle, and Third Tier, 26 cents; Parquafc 87Jf cents; Dress Circle, 60 cents; Private Boxes, acoorxSng to their locale, *8 and *6; Single Seats iu Orchestra and Private Boxes, 76 oents. Doors open at half past 6 o’clock; Curtain rises at 7 o’clock. v TC7HEATLEY h GLARES’” AEOH-BT. If THEATRE.—Williams. Fredericks, Acting and Stage Manager. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, January 22,1869, The new and original Comedy entitled FAST FOLKB; OR EARLY DAYS OF CALIFORNIA. Gen. Cazador, Mr. Jehu Gilbert: Col Lioa Bluster, Mr.J.B Clarke; Julia Event, Mrs. John Drew. To conclude with THE DUMB MAN OF MANCHESTER. Admission, 26 cts. Secured Seats in Drees Olrde, ITU cts; Orchestra Stalls, 60 cts; Seats in Private Boxes, IS eta; Gallery, 18 eta; Gallery for Colored Persona ,26 eta; Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persona, » eta; Whole Private Box, *B. Doors open et half past tt o’clock; ooamsaee el 7, precisely. NATIONAL CIRCUS, WALNUT ST., 1V above EIGHTH—LEWIS B. LENT, Manager. TWO 0180U3E9 AND A MENAGERIE. AFTERNOON PFRIORHaNOB AT 2X O’CLOCK. THIS (Saturday) EVENING. January 22, 1869, VAN AMBUBGH’E WILD ANIMALS, Consisting of Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Panthers, tad the mammoth performing Elephant. TIPPOO BAIB. Equestrian, Gymnastic, and Acrobatic Feats. BOALB OF PRICES. Dress Circle and Parquette. 4* eeati Children under ten years ofege..... .20 “ Family Circle.. « Doors open at quarter to 7 o’eloek. PertoSMMi will eommenoeat 7jg- ACADEMY OF MUSIC OPERA Ll xa. BRBTTO.—The only copyright edition of Open Books published expressly for the Philadelphia Acade my of Music, and bearing this distinct copyright title, FOR SALE EVERYWHERE, at the reduced price of FIFTEEN OENTS. Save your money, ami buy no* more twenty-five-cent Books. BEWABE of the twenty-five cent monopoly Books, sold Inside the house, which are inferior In text to “ The Academy of Mario Edition,” and arc only mediums tar “puffs” and store advertisements. BSD COVERS. The best and cheapest edition hare all red cover*, and can be htd at all the principal music stores on C has tout street, and outride the Academy of Music, for • FIFTEEN CENTS. JalStf ||l oDONOUGH’” GAIETIES— “ ivA RACE Street, between Second and Third streets. OBOWDED'HOUSES! change off Performances nightly. OLE BULL MYERS AND TROUPE. BLONDIN BALLET CORPS MISS MATILDA, MISS ROBA MYXBB. DANSEUdE—MD’LLB MARIE. ROBSON, WILLIAMB, DUPONT. GRAND PERFORMANCE, SATURDAY NIGHT. , Billiard Baloon and Beading Room open day and evening. ja2l6t ALEX. FISHER, Director of Amusements. OPERA LIBRETTO. BEWARE OP Baying Incorrect end Bpurtons ■ OPERA. LIBBBTTO3, from njUßphlet-venders, in the streets. The enly AffTHERTIO LIBRETTO hears tlift disUoot title— THE PIOCOLOHINI OPERA LIBRETTO Tor sale at the Academy of Mnsle FBI OS TWHHTT-FIYB CBSTB CA. HENSEL’S MODEL OF MOUNT • VERNON—HOME OF WASHINGTON. Now on Exhibition, at Cowell's New Hall, South west corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT—entrance on Seventh street—a perfect representation of all the Buildings, Trees, and every objeot, embracing seventy flveacres. Open from 9A.M.t010 P. M. Admission 25 cents; Children 10 cents. jalB*6t* SANFORD’S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH Street, between Market and Ohwtont. OPEN 70ft THE SEASON. By tke Largest Troupe of MINSTRELS IN THE WORLD BANPORD’fi OPERA HOUSE isn THB BANIORD CHILDREN, Admittance 25 cents. SIGNOR BLITZ.—ASSEMBLY BUILD INGS, TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. COME AND LAUGH. Come sad see the Emmy Blits, the Amusing Blits, the Remarkable Blits, the Laughing Blits, the Popular Blits, the Blits, who makes au Happy. PERFORMANCE EVERY EVENING, commencing 7# o’clock, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AF TERNOONS, at 8 o’clock. Consisting of WONDERFUL METAMORPHOSES, astonishing scenes in Ventriloquism, the Learned Canary Birds, and the Extraordinary Exhibition o l the. Rope Dancer. Admission, 25 oents; Children, 18 cents. ja3 mHE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF A THE-FINB ARTS, No. 1025 CHESTNUT STREET, , IB OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. tilld P. M. Admission 26 cents. Children 12 cents. Shares of Stock, entitling the holder’s family to ad* mission at all times, ISO. dT-tf m/fUSIOAL FUND HALL.—THE GER- IfA MANIA OROHBSTRA will commenoe their Publio REHEARSALS on SATURDAY next. Not. 20th. Single Tickets 26 cents; a package of eight tickets for 81, which may be obtained at Andre’S, 1104 Chestnut street: Beck A Lawton’s, corner of Berentk »nd Chestnut, and at the door of the HaU. The per* formanee commences at 8 H o’clock P. M- nolf-V JB&innal* HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL—THE GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR AND REMEDY POR DYSPEPSIA, WEAK STOMACH AND WEAK BOWELS. Prepared by a Chemist. Bottles 12#, 28 “tHB M OKIATBBI DIBOOYBBY Hi MSDIOAI. SCIENCE; HARTSHORNS’S CURE-ALL should be kept In all families, in case of accidents or sadden sickness. HARTSHORNS’B CURB-ALL cares Rheumatism. HARTSHORNE’B CURE-ALL cares Cramps, Cholic, Pains in the Stomach or Bowels. HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL cures Pains in the Limbs, Side, Back and Breast. " HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL cures Sprains, Braises, Scalds and Burns. 1 .... HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL cores Neuralgia, Toothache and Stiffness in the Joints. HABTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL cores Cholera, Diar rhea and all Pain. , _ . HARTSaORNB’B CURE-ALL cores Ear Ache and Deafness from a eold. HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL cures Dyspepsia and Indigestion; also, Canker and Sore Mouth and Boro Th'-oat. HARTBHORNE’B CURE-ALL cures all Spinal Afro* tions and Weakness in Limbs. HARTSHORNE’S CURE ALL is a great tonic to Weak Stomach and Bowels, aud Improves Digestion. jn* As the frequent changes of the weather prodneo a bad Cold, Rheumatism, Pain in the Limbs and Body; also, Stiff Neok—every person should get a bottle. It aots upon the Nerves, Musoles, Sinews, Blood and Bones: and, by its warming electro-magnetic power, ex-, pels all pain from the system. Get a bottle and try it, and you will be astonished at its happy effect** N.B. If yon have a Cough, use HARTSHORNS S Pectoral Syrup of Wild Cherry, it is the beat Cough Syrup in the World. Bottles, 25 and 69 cents, andJU. *l?Von Me Billion., uso feiBTSHORNB'B ANTI BILLIOUB PILLS. They aot upon the Liver, Btomaob end Bowel., circling off .11 Bile and 800 l SocmUom. Boxes, 25 cents. Sold by R. H. JENKINS, * * No. 26 SOUTH EIGHTH Street, Between Market and Chestnnt Streets, fllmes’ Stores, Chestnnt and Market streets. Gerrignes’. Tenth and Coates etreets. Wagner’s. Tenth and Lombard sts. aol9-dtfebl-if tOcUcljes, Jemelrs, #r. Bailey & go., rOBESRLY BAILEY & KITCHEN, Have removed to their new Fire-proof, White Marblg 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH SIDE, BELOW THE GIRARD HOUSE, Now opening Stock of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND FANCY GOODS, To which they invite the attention of the publio. SILVER-WARE, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, AT WHOLBBALI ASD SIT AIL, aulT-if tf 'yyEST, FOBES & LLOYD. 219 CHESTNUT STREET, Offerer sale, ON THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS, COTTONADEB, SHIRTING STRIFES, TICKINGS, OSNABURG STRIFES, OHKOKB, DBNIMS, TWEEDS, SATINETS, OABSIMEBIS, &0., *«., jnlS-T stf In full imitßWt., (gjj.^
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers