•" : S?S2^Si®|ESS' - -pUfh^fpsi^W^»V^|«^f^k!iiWor.Ui»d(rfe|a-. U Thi)rn forth*’ v , K«nyra^Fjfi^’*ihW4i^? ■ ta pin* rtrot, »w:Ba% of Hub*a&tfk*rm?-?on b»u*.i f 0 **' •Hagai to Kt* Wl<ml4 »nl 4«l!jet»l- - Iw out.;-, a ; , A«4n*:®tlSß'»,wi:W: K,w Totk a ” 4 H,»ahtagt?n. • 4inw»AtW.e»l‘]n»rjCTUtlonot : »UUp»pKm««. ! a SoHitfUaptWin ta«fn.tajnttila «Ux<»£v*gU«R*.i that agsntlsman In. New York.oltywent to thenmce oftthi defondwrt#taadr ; tetegr*phe4 ( to 7 tba .5 plaintlff< for *woikMtomtelKq^»;'qa*-*6jl» w ypitii Iq.-and^th^, . othfr J» B > ?i ? £W plaintiff Unit the-peraon wtttod .tjrq hundred Jjinndwmq , coquets,- eud/bcro tim/mi# fctte,*was, eoMMtfd,. Jh«, .pla'ntifThadniade up. the .two hundred boquet*. - .The. " plaintiff claimed the sum of, s2®odama jea.. rdiot for tb*iplklttUOcfor>slOQ.J' > pJjrfntyti W. &« • Price faedef«odfßtl«.r.: =‘»~ Thom** J, M«W : M»tgnw.or;fi»mnel;AllM ) B«i,i late sheriff, ts IHrid'JLrantrong;, An, .action on re- ->;Mitohe»on lor .dt ' eDxstaiot Jadga Hare.-f-Ohafles s*> Lewis Atted‘?.'4)amon;tradlng, ABr, to the nse of ; the Commercial Mutual Insurance Company City of aetlohi to'ieeover damages for'tHf lose ofavessel/whlobwaS ‘.taken )bv/<the‘ city loe bo&t^downMaafertyey aed> there' left) in-tiie "inufcrt tfrthe loop which; otttbar.ana,, eshted her wsloir- ,y«tdlot fortbe.plalntiffafOr $8,Q0o«~ Propels forpUlnttfft’Xlngfotd«feud&at*M v^H' •; ‘ "fSi&^PLAAa^/ndge^lindlow.—Michael Ydrformedical 'anli'irarip«i\wmCtnHn* :s&,?*** %f: *J %"«ltein-toi?oov»r damages for'hot hubifibg the plalntiff:t6 finish-his c?n tract to bnUdv* «hr|alll/hotta»i‘‘.^,Oa^ •ft^eU^^B^€ty*^^r• , ' * s' , Allison .-^Apnai Thon^^M^n^lct^of t to^attltiuid;battery^upon Hsnryseost;was and hatielry. upon J. fcuicy. “ ‘ V' rS/f t 1,:- Thomas.,Poran j s«Hled: guilty >to the lar ceny. - ’ ~ •:•' - '-J* "-' *V , .' ‘s ?•*.-/Am, * Zedkirk Peroe'l.,pleaded the^chargeof.ai)-; ■auH anihatiery upon ..s ,4- .< t B» ld^ / Llft4say^WMLh^l a A t^a of tbe k charge.or it* ceiTlog atofojmlMtnvfPpngbertT rorde^epdaht a t , T Alfred Wlllonhnd f redenek Klinger wire ponylcted - of an. aaaault.and.r battery Wohattb. battery JVsrdTot BttUty, boj reeomaieodecHotnh merer otthe Thiscase wat one ln whiib. of tha prosecutor and d«? fendant .were throning, haHs, at each other, .whan,their parents Interfered,’ and hendeltbe squabble. - •,. , r - John H6rrUeey,ja lad,'was charged qltb riot,and an auaalt and battery,npon-Thomasl^try.-, The District Attorney-abandoned the esse of rlot,'uid the defendant then pleaded gttllly ohejge , <&' fc»BA?att . and bat* dbarlea KineWr charged withfeommitUng ahassauU and batUrynpan Thomaa Ik>fjty* *Verdict i gafi I tyv.. As moved TorgiadgrCitid bythecourt, and thb'dtfprfmrt ■ D... v V-5-V-*• '■.H,v».-vi>« gave the off lectures on The spedal "pf.tbe The Coal formations,”whlih^fov.PebKsylva&lan, for obvlouii reasons,'is. a themsv of peenllar.; interest. Among, the we'may say the dearest points dembnatntsd last «W the'fsct, • as "dedaoed' r thu 'geflWgioal appearances >of eoal -bedf, that/''in,’a ' former wbleh -we: now /inhabit- was productive- of tipbCles of pligtg and f egeublts that in more modern times are 1 eohß&pd i.t? L the - The jeame of this i faoe of the ; - vH/.not; yet having b^me s ihflldtntly^ff\yesjed.-t > hf J gas' to'i qstida anfmalj; jfghi ! and/liea^ ir of the sob had not yet beoome esmn tlal to the groyrUt o); vegb* tntion', tin the dbwlj-ebollrg eartkhaving sap* . 'pUed the feqViislte irlumth from within tbe leciartt’s: ' Winn *ixplenattwj { t In matter,, through iti'maltifprm pbat, and -apthradte -<oal) was -at; • ohcd lnter e%ting/»dlnauVwtly^ v '^'??: Tr * [" 5 '>At the bdl of/Messrs. Bryant ABkratton’s Her-; /oantlle Qollegej sonthesst corner of Seventh and Ohest.; hut •t^Vß’, l a'iwfarbof7conjlder.ble'7flirlt,and' mere 'than -‘’asdaV-amount interest .to„ business men, was .WqdW.tit* Auspices of-tbls exMllehLlhsHta*’ iloo,'by L6rlttßi6dgbt,X>q/ There,wan a-large audl* •aer fraieaf,' ah4''theiiecture -,was ; evidently received with ieoturir Baring been; re-; peatediygreeted wUh applause. .. *..« > | Mr. Blodget saidtbbthlssubject mightibe^J»roperly designated <- il this branch of the gensraf snbject that he proposed to i treqt pf}-it, jiotoj.tbe jsdß(»tion of every btui&eei msu./ lßis dde of'the iuseci did er^ahettuet-tprindples^it-eelrjorthf'piaottoaltjdlstinct teeMmN others *gk vhuslnesj man to havebteKideekiupon thii ee\«c| . Ibfa* | The ofpol IUCaI ftf ht . Bad'/ iMt.hslf i hf &ovbnteiSntirei , e rooted towards the acqoltU!on : of 'povrer'and 'the math* tooaaeaof oWfirp Jfct iV<e6o3ohiic«l,J)Qt ip now, of the Ktetfsmaa WMtwits his Ansheiat-laulget/'fiA j. waii| to hear 4 In ‘behalf of the Bipt'st the Rev. George of subjeet /of. which 7 wafe JVEiatorio TrSditicns.H lectors respect*-Sh-ribi&aWe'prt?-; more tbau-ordinary anaiyili' pmt of its . lectaie was de‘- “lirered.‘., % '{ , ;- t .- ; >J•,<’// ] -GtWiiWfr ii going' ahead gallanUy; with his '*iik^or. n BiTTL* ?Hir. it' is a" Btan.noh craft, »Us be ' fore W'wlnd liks atrae vesisl, imd is freighted 'with *- the best of cargoes. /Gleason-and the best of porlal-reading are now synonymous,—Af fas The Eiqhth bfffcjAitpAßT;~Satnrday next wiil be the Sightb of January/ a day ohee-celebrated' wi^i much ipirit, bat noy 'fh® 41 Old Bol dlere &pf,4he.w«cj bT'isiSirilLiold * i»eQting, : jji the morning,iwjA*fterthe end hT'Mtppcted that theywill Jjmum 'jfesolu* tlotts t^ninMU^jrtbs e!tg«jtfginnent«"ißwle it ;NMrdo3Aaddo6 Oheetaat etreetj.ebore fllxth«yv | g*Qtl«ni*ti'in VagUvd proposwCb tiinomit Jatalltgenie ' fromone* continent taanbthe? the ioftrji ; meiteUljof to be pleoed v cn’«*oh ’ ftide/oftfas bisto-r-witer to MQdaetiog'toodiaitil •' / is rather chimerical;. end entertain greyedonbU whether It can fof: the tranixbielib n' bfbrdepi for’ elegant clothfn£to the «’ Old franklin Haircloth- InfJSmporlum’lof*. H.VBldridge, No,-821 Ohwtntit afreet.--' > yy;'-- :*yy j Wnr should the fiaored character of Virtue » ; j , ghlneon & rlilafn’a countenance l? Ye power!! • . Why fix’d joa cot e brend on treiion’fl fr'oDfc. r } i * i ! Weean’t but question. ,bat as a genera] rale, consider it safeto ndflee the readers of The Pteis to avoid ail perwms who do not hay their dotting at -the HranttUe Stakes, Ifo.OPT Ohestflot etieit:, - - f j yVfmpotrlatiqns, /Babofted for the Preea.J JoUn* -288Wls bo*p Iron J Wood £.Co; d p)u mdß« Mtutln * Bennettji a. do' John Peaia'R'Mm £Ooj 1088 bars 286 Ml* Iron Mid " dletoh £ Horned: 1 ease 0 Lennfg: 1700 boxes tin plates - N.Trptter £ Ooj' 77f bere24AbdU 804 sheet* Ir*alldrri* J ■' £• 3a»a £' Co; 09 bar# do Garrett &8ob*: £9 bkftf eartb •l7 f a#*re Peter WrJgh t ft. Sou; t cats JF KrojTArOn; 17 ;r ' PbgsffraMcKee*Co; 2 cMM'bodtsWflfcAMsmn; 2 do Word 0 adukalbslcHebryOokebll box stone flags 3 Flood; 46 bx« J6thnf Copeland;2ca*ki beaut £jJOiMmerljrj 14 eases 70 bussed Alf F WfkUW 10 pans whiskef 3 Glbft&,W £G6rlo«e£c«blor&ta potass* £*o?* * n*llj H «obd>i baftoSMlslfopb rrdnflterefAWhitaker; *'lol6 bars dbKjritfMt 0 • “* - T*jlb^J^^e'TKMfttlwato£6da#J i l~siMfc J6bnß9j 'luf'lettks «h»rt4*a He (lor & <JOr l 6 dUS**-DaJe? Bbts £*WJtbers; lOphgi udse BUplelgh, Bop £ Co£':lVda£W Watson £ Cot |l6 «afcAK6*rlfß. Mirifiall£Ooj '24 06 Wm H SomieriFl .;curi>omwt'^o;. 2esaksaa*26bblsnslls I>si4g.r K -MsiimUi'fc fcrdirn; 4euks ads«FieU £Hsrd(e; 6no Grand/,-Warden £ Co; 1 orate Jamei*CooperjT r «4se glteriPricoiCo; 8 io old ' lews' slthrlraa Brod; 14 carl!) chains a cists ita(u 4 begenslli 81rd Is sflr th M . OMlaaprdes SO bdlapans 1 ; outeotSi ld'Shollosrweio 18 dohdw Martini arallh; 3 casks hder W 8 ilanscll k Bona: 7 fkgt soods DTjtn • vdreth Agon; 6 cuss terrlsA Co; 18 ea snd 87 fedla Ison ■ K tforlor 810"! 88 osMsmdseGll SarriSh) Itale Sobkrt HotraMj-'lO eases'Esheiiek.Blaek fc Bo; % do Price, Parri»A:Oo;80 cases and 1 bale'(} & Hesse, 1 Son k Co; Bdo Charles Vcrln&Co;3 do Samos! H McPadden; Sdd baokejdbrr Psolngton k So r: 42 do J P Steloed 8s ; 1 Oei-'IS Snldel; 663 tars Iron Ta**art,'B?o *, ; 1" CoV IWI iws" 230 odls Iron" 805'do Boon iron Jonathan : 'emaaj{iS‘k Son;: 78T bar«6o bale lronMlddletoi* , v i‘H»n»Mf’ltBSt»i»l*>BlBB9»on4loo do2U Sort 885 " ' Mldroddd JiSr do hoop do Sia do sleet;do' Wllllani J :ToU«r3lBBl*ts'224MU,l»r)ronlBBlM»'Mgla idd 203 bundtesrod do :83B'hld»hoop-do M B M atony t Co; 127 bdli bkelrdnlosao hoop do O I)Bobbins k Go;. ’‘.lWWdddo * fc-A'B'SsstoHl; 8 owes Johli Poirot ■' Co; Bdo Bhsffaer, ZieglerBs Co; l out n P Blimadll; lOotgi ,Binings,ltoopfcWMhtijirton;-fl doßamliioran .- - k Co; Sf do Wrar k CiillUan; 14a oratss garni Astir? fi j'^'moriyi’lJ^Waoir.k/pots.sodi^euofHßalrliii*: , , Ooi'flMI« sttel Girttit t gdii- i otak IlisUs) 3 - ; ;<!MM.S,Wel.H'l)lsto6|. SMSki Mw P S JnslloTJ/Oof H ;.Ml«iao,rA'H.P ?r»t»n:B,oMl(4l'datf»4.tiaUiollsnidj' ■ ' E -;i6rd&s, «fcr 80 0»SO.'AI«; WtoV-e-iio i .: "SO do 4Met leue Blorp, Htlnea Bc.o6;'3tiiwVlsl io % sTOb«4w^a*&i4«Ab^nfiSfnMi Co;i2 v r pl|ff Bo|tffar, rdo. Smltlvadgllsh i Oo;. 1? do, 1 nComplsU *,% !; - - '■ • i ' if-' V. Boiidot S'Boii; io tblsiinlddj.a tiers Tnstlo 8: glewell; ds tsie frnlt-Alill k Paol; 'T«i : .- r yrr*- ;?»«!« Mill * " ft f ... PJBUMDjttiHIJL BOiatf bI:TBAD». -I : J doimimi or ra» Motth, B. O. KaiQHT, ) .... LETTER BAGS T j ■ At tkt MirckaM"-Bxch<iitgt> TfhtlaitlfHut. nlraao n.mllton, J«0!u0n.... H.iaaa, soon Buatio U»7 H Konflall. ahwH.na, Boon ■Bill Tho» W»lt«r, Hlorth St Birta, soon B«e ia«. W111Umf..................8art.d0.8, Boon ißsw Woodtnff Blma, 1 Brootß.■■..':■! jHnTßxm. Boon fj ' T /£Uanuc' SutclU^<;HccP' lJ ' E " 1 . '.*■ I J.) nj' 1 » ‘-‘."i*- •' 1 ' A '"" PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 7, 1859. itm BIMB,. f.V.. I."';.i : 4i i buh’sUtb.'.;. «s# W " <£ r * K./iBWYSBi 'pi , Norfolk, 24 (ttQorf'j t with/ iqaaa and;-passengers to Thoa ? f ß^r ? M#ohan{c.Rose,r day frora’- Odessa,' rel,lwlth 'pornto JMjßawtJt.Soa..; •- 1 {Bc£3,Jps.H.St?oap, Carton, Brdays8 r days from. pharleiton, Tfjith mdse to D 8 SletsejQjifc Co ;7 iBIOW? / r - f ... • |Shlp Toiiawanda, Jullna.from Liverpool jjor 20; I ' v^'oliEto. Steamship Boston, Bellew, Hew York, Jes-AUdwrdide. , I Brig Edtnbwg, Bartlett, Trinidad de BnbaJß.'A . W 'Welsh. **'• > f - IBrig, Ignw, (Br)Abbctt,Bt, Johns, NF, Welaford & * Tgchr JA Bajard,'Hardy* Wilmington, NO, jßakar. „ ' j Bohr Samt Appldton. flraht,iB»yinnahv ; t -,7 do . * ; | Str J S Bhrlrer, DenniSjßaltimore, A Oroyas, Jr, \ i [Correspondence or the Philadelphia Exchange.] i . . LBWXfl.Dal..Jaw 5,8 AM. . ) A brig, supposed to bo the Sami Small, is now Tory near the shore, with a signal o{ distress hooted. The ateam«tng America has gone to her asaiitiacG, to tow her to the Breakwater,-where the b&rqae Amy, from Boston, a barque, two brigs, and Msohra remain. . 1 { The barques .Florida, for Aspinwau.pxibe, for Kings ton.* Ja,and,brig CJlyde/forPoace, PB, wept to sea yes terday. - The brTg Porward,'‘fof;New Yorki eohrs Bick man, and UecdilQio.jemaut, gt harbor,>.Wdnd west— Weather moderate. * - * - > . | Youia, fco. i ... . ; ‘'ißrniyiMm.'l/' 1 j ■. (Oonesppnflenoe of the.PhlladelphlaJßxohange.) , .. , a PiP, IgUXD, Ili. e t.PM,' •> 'A ship., two-barques, and two brigs are-now; off this place/golrig Jn. ho Tassels in sight outwardbound. Wind sooth—.weather,pleasant. •. ( .. Si 4il M [Sr TIUaBAPH TOTBB mss.'] 1 . - ' Bostozt, Jan 6, [ b&rquea Ehilene, from Cape Town;' OhrLeti fni, from Anx Ceyea. ■ The b&tqae off ,0»p« Ood last night, Iron into theachr falconer, ainkingher in tfo minute* , (The Oru«os ilojared, and has anchored below, awaiting a tog to,tow her iDto jort , . • j % i--: ' NoaroLK, Jan. fl, ' , Arrived'id.the. Boada, ship Plying Drigon, 80 day a, from Jarrialnland... < ,r. , , -•• : The brig Ganges; reported wtaaing, hna arrived from !Dem«ma. ■ ~ s. H The condition of .the barque Octavia, before reported aehoie, ia critical*. .., ~s ' - ,«v» MEMORANDA. Steamship Phlneaa Sprite, Matthews, hence,ar rtred at Boston yesterday at 7 AM, la44hours paisago, Steamship ItUoois,-McGowan, for Asplnwalt, bleared atN®wYorkyesterday.,■. ‘ Steamship Delaware, Oepes, cleared, at New, York yesterday for Philadelphia. *, /StealnsW jf.Cleator r , (Dr) • Kidd, cleared at New. York yesterday for Liverpool. . s. BhJp.TUsearora, Duolevj, for Philadelphia, sailed from .Liverpool lOtbnlt. ~*hlp Morning Llght/Johrison. for .Philadelphia, was at OueutU Nov 9—arrived Oct 29.' i'Shlp.pampero, Coggins, for New. York, sailed from Woosung Oct 15. 1 Ship base JeaneaiChlpoiro, at Shanghae Oct 22, was ap for Hongkong-. , ship .Llul.e Southard, Spall, cleared at Savannah 3d Inst. for. Liverpool, with 8602 hales cotton- , , Ship J.O, Humphries. Prince, for Rotterdam, cleared at Savannah Bd'<|fistrwHh 1781 bales option;. Ship Phantom. PeterspD, : for Boston, sailed from Hi nllla Oct& aoid the Boston; Potter,' for do oh the'9 th. . Ships Maadirin,;PerrUt; John PlamfaMjMatiob, Bax ter; Eureka, Lone, for New*fork; Ooodhae, for Bong Kong same day; Ringleader,, Matthews, from Baa Prascfibo, (jjrSth) one, kh^others, irere at Shabg haeoct2o. ''-A**'* *Sh -tr, . v <’-o Ships N B Palmer, (oleared 26tb) and'Kataßastlagj, Jordo jood, were atßhanghae Ships James Brown,,Crabtree,unc; Torrent.Gpve; Sfa, Serpent, Whltiapre; I p‘horge*,BU , ter;. Boston Light, Crowell, W 3ah FrtccWjYartSr, Mix! for New York;, Panama, Oave,,for MelbonrnerNf pier,Kennedy, for do;: Uve YankeeJ.Thorctf otfierq, were - at Hb'ngKong'Octfib; ,‘yV£-.’. r' Ship Ltdj Suffolk, Lavender;, for Amoy, to load for, New York, sailed from Hong Kong Oct 21. ' Ship Robert Henderson. (fir) Corbett ,/or Foo-cnow, to load for New York, Billed from Bong Kong Oct 80. Ship Borodino, Ppndieton, at Callao Nov ; 27, was to; Sail in B'daya f&r Boston; , Ship BouelLjYoorhees, for San Francisco; cleared at ( New Yorkyeaterday/, r BmpLt'u's Napoleon,, (Ham) KerHog,from Hamborg, anlved at New,York yesterday ‘ andßM Mills, for. Havre, wentibeea/roni Chtoeitoa dtk/hst. „ 1 . ißarqae 242 tone, baiitet Baltimore, has; bWasQldfbrflOjOOq,tobedellvered,lnNewYork.,;*' i ’ jßirqae -r Mihlon Williamson, Bchiffort, sailed from' Boston 6th Inst... - - , . - ;' ‘ ’ 3 J, \ 7 Barque Bosphorus, (Hoi) Krttisltgfc,-frotu P&aangyat New.Ybfk’pesterdsy./ ‘a- .**- ' , . .Barques Maury; Fletcher, fir Bhioghae, and Kremlin,‘ Johnson, for Boated, were stFoo-ehcw-foo Oct 20. Barque Jeannette, Barclay, for Sydney, NSW, was at Bbanghte Not' 6.% Barque Mary FBUde| Crowell, for Hong Kong and, Macao, sailed from.Wpotung Oct 6. Barque Little, from Bordeaux Oct 10, for Bio Janeiro, **a‘spoken Nov 14;. las 6 N, long 24 30, Ba?qub’~PrUcu!aj,'NeyftoD, for New Orleans, sailed frpiqHaynna29thW;V/. '; "’' . Barque OctiTla, 1 Thomas; from,New Yofk, bound to Rtehiaond. la aahore.near Cape Henry, but will proba-C ibly be got off»i telegraph from Norfolk, Jan 6.) . ! • Brig Albertina, o~aendag,~ remained at Rotterdam 16th u.t, loading,(or Philadelphia, v ■ ■ • ( BHg Wanderer; (Br'em) Lehmann, for,-Mo .Janeiro, cleared at NewYorg ’ v ' ,‘vt» . ‘1 h^M s aV*tihafr«^u ~Bebr A B at New York yeiter-! Attakapu, arrived at New York yesterday. „ -\ ' •*’ u ° Schyi Milton. New Oastle, Del/ and J H Deputy: AI exandr iaVaTrl red at New York yeetekyi. /v 7 1 - ’ ' : Schr Qbb.-.QlbbsrOiobst for Oharlestoh, sailed from Barrel Stake? L«, 28d ult.. . / * - r BohrMartaa Aaut.ldbNeil, Hlhdt from Mobile Deo 14 for New York, with Cotton, Ac. is reported by telegraph XromjNorfolk 18. mlles.aouth of Oape -Henry.'/ Her Cargo has been paved in a damaged condi-; ;tioo. and It l/tboaghtthe visiel wHI be got cff.. The jjtaKbNWMbUMt in' Camden, in : 18i8, was fated A lii 1 , ahd was -owned - J>y Mr Th mas Hand, of atowJ k ' .yi'i".;: • ; tail ■town. ’ • ■ (Per stkimer'Norih^American, at Hslifsx ). -ft Ar from.N. York 16th ult. Orpheus at .Bremen; .7th, Josephine, at Bordekux; 18th, Margaret Xvaos. atDun gene&e; 20th, W Krone, at Deal; Thornton, at Liverpool. Ar irom ,N Orleans 18th ult, Northampton, at Havre; 19th, Normandy.,at Liverpool; 20th. Joanna Madron, at Dover; 21at,‘Wuftemberg, otLiverpool. • - 1 Ar from Savannah 19th nit, B Oobden, at Liverpool; 20th, Boater. Johnny, at do; 21st,'Ohlc»gonhd Ohaiter Oak, aide. Ar from Charleston ISth ult, Colombo; at Liverpool; loth, Medallion,-at do; 20th, Agamemnon and O Thomp son, at de. ‘ ,-s « Sid foriNew - York 19th ult, Xsoort, from Liverpool; 20lh/Hartford, fm Shields; 2lat, Devonshire, fm Dea).g Sldtforioh*rleitonl9th alt, City of Manchester, fm Liverpool. , * u ! ARRIVALS AT tHKvFKIMCIPAL, HOTELB, vt fo tom o'clock nii ifowuxa. _r»“i -* , ,-■ ; GIRARD nOUfIS-Oheibint itoMt/below Ninth. j & A Darden/Troy >,N'T; v,‘ M.-YalettUne, Paris 1 JBDavol '-*kr J.Davol,. U < G Pricker, N Yvf $ - KB Lapaugh, NT* Dr WitUngbemAla, NY J Lockwood, London 0 D Angelis k ]»N T 1 >/ : .W K.Coxpj Miss jp.D TJuyer, Boston >•-, —, "7 B Brown, Chicago \ G J'Oroak, N T , A SfflQders, Gba<leston > B J.Pswson, Charleston Goo 8 Bolden, Pittsburg > B 0 Gardner, Nashville T D Tito, Narhville - JL Wentworth, Phils ' T Anderson, Nashville ; D A AlHaon, Nashville B H Cooke, Nashville VOoeonKN f ■< ' J H Johnson,-N Y 8 a Castle, NT. 8 B Church, N Y D K Harvey, Olndn ft 0 Warner, N T JaiDMcluam, NY. - H B Clark, Mlm . . \ R W Appersoo, Richmond Miss Pettnos, Pbila] ' PP. HcOraery, St Louie' Geo D'Appleton, St Louie B P Swift, Davenport,lowa 8 C Burdick, lows Jae B Mackensie, lowa V K Hendrioks lod ' J NT,; ~ Mrs Ridot, NY MrsSombie, N Y ' /-'• T Dean, Cincinnati, 0 B L Gould. Sari Francisco ColL Lay, New Orleans ' W B HogeboomV N Y ;. • Mlsi 8 B IririesS; N Y W 0 Wheeler, Chicago Hire 8 W Hannum,Chicago B Drummond, Va' J H Maddox.N Y • GII Dickson, Baltimore John A Broadoe, Va , Mr* Br6ddus, ? V» .' MPhlness, NY 0 Hager, Lancaster Pa WB Fletcher, RI Edw BKinney, NT " 1 Geo Bcarborrongh, Kj 2 W Obolrldge k la, NT John Louber. N Y W E Treadwell Awh N T MwWffl Utuiace, N T , KT HniUcs.HT ■ A J Pickens, Maas 0 8 Abercrombie, NY AB Hill, Boston Geo A Lewie, Ky BP Parrish, Hr f M Taussig, Bt 1<ml» * O Y Msyor, Bt Louis ■ J Black,Lancaster J Jaurdan.de la, NT G B Ward A la, 0B R' ! -H Trexler, Beading MlssM Trexltr, Healing Hiss B Trexler, Beading Miiffßraum, Headings RH Ocheltree, N Y B H Puffer,’‘Brooklyn' Allen Ebb, Brooklyo 0 HMurray .Jersey City D Laehy, JerseyoUy J Whltney-Missouri , 0 H Sampson, Boston A Maynard, Boston f< GO Emery,' NT J H Higbedi N T E B Jewell, Buffalo , (B/« n }i< '; i. . i.' ■ . _• .■:> ; ' MERCHANTS 1 HOTEL-Fonrthat;, below.Arohj j Ma«/arl auoToweiodsf ' Wfl Gibson, Pa j WOyerfleld. Eaßton*". 5,1 ."MM Cooper. Penn Haven jyß'MeredUh, Kittaririing J L Cooper, Penn Haven ■Wtri'Mlller, Kittaonihg '' D H Nelmari,’ Easton MannfOolombla^^^c..A Hexter.Miaemilie - Joo MoOlery, MU tpn, Pa W H Bogle. Milton, Pa W B Myers* NT -i ? ; Mra Btrr; Cumberland ob Miss Sharp, Cumberland 00. J B Boston, Balt Geo WDl*e f , Boston D Emerson, Boston H O Levanway,Stroudsburg HoriK L‘Blood, Harritb’g D W Grey, Green co. Pa A G D Jackson, Sullivan co Hon WT Dougherty, Bedf’d J A Grady,'Carbondale, Pa • R Edwards, 1 Cortland, N Y J M Stewart, Mercer, Pa L B Parsons,Conn il ’ .'LShaw, New Lebanon, Pa T & Hotchkiss, NT ' ’' Wm Lant*,lllaekv>e, Va Wm Bhowell, Md O 0 Hagdon, Oalifornia ‘ AMERICAN : HOTEL—Chestnut st„ above Fifth. FA Curtis, Dei ” . Chas Campbell, Wash JMBowley.NT " HU Williams, Phlla John McPadden, Phila . J O’Connor, Pa J J Lewiij W Chester " Miss' JAM’fitooker, Pblla ■W T .Thompson, KT , J Herts, Kingston, 0 W ErThomaa. West Chester , Jos Davie: Kiog'tOn, Off P',J Barry, Pa,' "J/ ,‘.F 4 H Vlemiog. Waahlngtori WfA>W*llsoe, B Fianolsco / J.M.Gersliae, Hyde PaTk yjOhriStewait. Libkawanna N Stephens, N Y ‘ JbhttP Cbx, Bethlehem ' B H Sayre,'Bethlehem Jtfri MdOaihy, Prdv,' BY Wflf Polbetoris, Mt Holly N Y - Henry Howland, N J ‘ *Bamt Patterson, M Chunk E A uhler, Lebanon, Pa G Thomas; N ' t -,A Williams,N Y JRBahd, Westfield, Mass J W Hardman, N Y MiuSimmoDB,NY HE Woodward, Boston Jas U Barker, Washington . ■ TJNION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. L Wfil MbCoy, JPi Pittsburg B B Chapin, Pa ‘ ThMßohe.tsiPa-.JatGillespie,Del Ohaa Peterson, Va , .Mrs Freeman, lod MrsD Jones* N J,, . W. J Hnnter, LI . Ftt Bafoo.'NY " Budolyh Handlger, N Y “A’HdndJger, NY T BerrlU, Pa • FRANKLIN above'‘Third.' KirJbn«i:;phili, J ; ' J Henning, OlhcinnaU ! iEDi|MtJr*feVV Ml« Gtfißuj Germantown A Merluri A la, Germ’town Geo F' Obriard* Boston I Mo«eifil*e[ow,73r, l tJi,Hlt.;A»ron Aoderton, Jfewirk Heo u Moore, Canada West W.C.Fountaln, Dover,,Del ‘J'WjOpHlns,.Dover, Del' liaao Palst. Cincinnati ■Theo Harmans, Tenn‘ > Jricob Mbore. Dsl' ~Wm u Ciß Pratt,-Winchester; • < .' r u: t , ; Jf -* .. . •jrr^rt^V-V'rvit-c-VLuw'> -t . HCTEL-Bace street k abbva Third. > 8 r Hiveri' MriO p Whitaker,' Md DrAJ Ma^Nn.-AUentown.. JBA Depett, Sftston . p K ‘ Joueil A da* Germiri VtTJTtnk,- Mobtgbo- oiy 1 co ; 1 Q cnhling,:Parkaburg '.-P ,G H BardwelL Hatrisburg o Beecher, Cam A-AmVBB Ohas Chambers. : • i •' BF Johnson, Pa j Rich Jones, Bhilai''*-.>t"Jos Anthony, Pottevllie ’BemfrAodrt^Hfirtlfibwg.^ 1 ;!'- • h t hi ' a BARIjSY BHBAT atreet, below Vine, ■w! D Walton- BtroodiSiagM Oafiea, NJ WPlitrge, Pa ~, . - OPiatg.,Ea K VaJiey. Bnaia co, W Amlernon 4.1 a, Fa I Andartoi; K*»tmro - J Hoppojk, Nowtomi A Gernirtp, Nowtown Mij| 3 oilbett, Bueking m O.S Torbart, Newtown , B Hugli... Buoalnguara.. ■ OF Stiatton, Pa J BaJloo, NJ ■ ' S f*MAMaON HOUBi-Boooniat:, Iwlott Arci. piwi- Cook, Troy( NY‘ Wm BldrWge, N J«»«y ; . Mra.Wood3'A. aon,N.J „ . W S Melrop, Del. , Jdhnßlraplon.Del . .? ** sat Allen, H&rrlabarg ... John E Boierta, Balt - Andrew Uhler, Lancaster MOUNT VERNON HOTKL—Second st., above Awk.. BioJefWM.Kansaa.. Stryker, N.Jersey; Del ' •O H Moore, Berks co < oiSeFoSSt Del ' ! • - A-Williams At 14. Del Mii Anna'Grant, Del ' H'G Walters & fe, Blit - 8 ’Graft'& la, Qleirfield S Paterson, Phila - j JisP Roberts, Pittsburg - ; ’ ' -BLAOK BBjiß INN—Plftb| ind Merchant streets, M G Kauffman, York, Pa W Honsberger, Pa John Hart, Riomnond, Ind Isaac Hart, Indiana A B Leedom,-Pa ' ,W P Brown, Md Sills P Brown, Pa , B J Larobom. Pa Jos Brown, Md ' ■ Henry L Altken, Pa Thos HNevin, Pa John Nevln, Pa _ Jai Kellogg ft la, N Y Geo W McFarland, Pa O Ohurohmin, Del J BALD S AGUE—Third street, above OallowhlU. Jno Hartxel, Pd ' Jacob Henninger, Pa , HLBhuUa.Pa * JnoLtcht; Northampton Jacob Zepp, Pa’ ~ Jas L Mast, Beading . NHDengler, Fa . . JT Downer, Pa j BLACK BEAR'HOTKL—Third it.* ab. OallowhlU, W Wiert, Pa - T H Wolf. Danboro W Brumbach, Bxeter . Solomon Vogel, Pa . • Special Notices. A New. Article for the Hair* COCOINB,, .. •'COCOINB, OOOOINE, 1 . , \ . . COCOINB, ; ig the best and oheaprat oil for dressing, curling, and preserving the hair in use. 11 l Prepared by PHALON ft BON., 617, 497,and 197, JIROADWAY, and sold by all ’ DhggisW and Vandjf Goods Dealors!' Pint Bottles 60 Cents; Half Pints 26 Cents. • • - - ( T. B. PXTEBBON ft BROTHERS, 806 Chestnut etreet, wholesale agents. , lt “Thefeenateof Prussia, at a recent sitting, [paid a merited complimeni .to the Galea of Germany, [Christoph Wilhelm Hoofland, by ordering tho erection [of a monument to' his memory in the city of Berlin ir any marideserved well or his countrymen, certainly that wan W as Dr. Booiland; for, while by his teach* Jogs he revolutionised the whole sjstem of medicine, preparations cartiel relief into every :home in the' I&nd ; and at his death he was mourned as a,benefactor of the ’ Times, Octo* b*r; 18670 *’ " These celebrated medloines. the German Bitters and Balsamic Cordial, are prepared in this country only by Da O M JAOKfION, 416 Arch street, Philadelphia, and are for sale by druggists and storekeepers through out the Halted States, Canadas, Wost Indies, and South America. Price 75 cents per bottle., It Burnett’s ceeoaine.— 7 BUBNKTT’S OOOOAINI. A single application renders the hair—so matter how stiff and dry—seft^spd’glossy (or several days. It la res Bass lUDvCnarkST Hair Dasssisa is th* .Woru>, HAZZiRD i' 00., Twelfth and Chestnut Sts. Sole Agent, for sale by dealers generally, at 60 eta per bottle; nolO-tf Gayetty’s Medicated Papefi fof * he Water cioeet; is a sure cure and preventatlTe of piles, and should be used everywhere: It is not to be regarded aa amewmrticAl preparation; but it istobe esteemed as a.-neoessiry juxdry, tondnelye to tke comfort of every • ooMamerj of health. "V6t sale by all respectebledrugglsts.T: Depot of the discoverer; No. street,'New[YflUrk. - All genuine medicated; papei? has G'AYkm” water-marked in each aheet,'and ills ahtograph is oh each package. Tor sale. in Philadelphia by T. B. Oillsbdsr 'ft 00., THIRD; and WALNUT streets. , 1 jal-6t -; KOne-Price CUthlnc of the Latest Styles, and mode in the best manner, expressly for axriib salss. We mark our lowest selling ptioes in pi.aim riamuu on each article. jUlgoodk made to order are warranted satisfactory, and.mir obm-prior srsnut is atrlotly ad hered to., We believe this to be the only fair way o! dealing, as thereby aU are treated alike. JONES ft >GO,, ■ • 604 MARKET Street. Ryspepela. —There Is probably no disease which experience. bos so amply proved to.be remedia se by the PBRUYIAN SYRUP as Dyspepsia. The most Inveterate forms of this disease have been com pletely cured, by this medloine, as ample- testimony of some of our first eltlxens proves.. ; Por side 1n this city by V. Brown, corner fifth and Chestnut, end Hassoxd ft do., ooruer Twelfth and Chestnut.’ dIWfcWM Highest Premiums Awarded from the World’s Pats, Lohdoh, ahd ovbbs Paibs.—Since 1836, when JULES HAUKL ft 00. started their celebrated Labora tory, for the manufactory' of Perfumery, Cotmetlcs; Transparent Soaps, Shaving Creams, Hair Dyes, ftc , ftc , the highest premiums have been awarded them from all Exhibitions, fto. The articles of their manufacture'ere sold by all Druggists, and byJULBS HAUEL ft Co., N0,.704 CHESTNUT Street/,Philodel phla. ’ ja3 6t ; 'Hhajttsft’s Baviag Fwttd—Northwest rVeraer oT SeOond and-WaUut streets.; ‘Depoai6f r T»Mived in small and large amouots, from all olasses of the oommunity, and allows Interest at the rate of five per oentiper annum, - Money.may he drawn by cbeoiu without loes iff inte rest. ~ ; ■ •- Office open dally, from 9 until 6 o’olock,4nd on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. Prealde&t, franklin fell; Treasurer’and Secretary, Charles M. Morris . •SO, *5O, *5O, *5O, *5O, *5O, *5O, *so— MACHINES.—PRIOXS RE DUCED.—A new and elegant' family Bewing chine for |6O, and the general scale of prices greatly reduced. All who want a substantial, simple, and re liable Sewing Machine, which has an established repu tation for doing the very best work on every kind of material, are invited to call at our office and examine the new machines,’ at the reduced prices. They can not fall to be satisfied. I. M. SINffiEB ft 00., , no2-U22 No. 602 OHESTNUT Street. Window Drapery, BBOOATELL*. SATIN DAMASK, SATIN DE LAIN 2, worsted Damask, REFS, MOREENS/AND PLUSHES, Together with all the trimmings appertaining to the Ourtain trade. Owing.to the lateness of,the season, we will close out our heavy Curtains at greatly reduced ratee. Curtains ent, mide, and put up, lower than prices elsewhere 1 Also, White Lace and Muslin Curtains of every descrip tion, bought at auction, and selling at half the usual piles. Window" Shades, Gold Bordered, Landscape, Gothic, Fresco, Plain linen, 1 and Gil Cloth, at whole sale and retail. * * "V [ , - , ; PATTER’S.CURTAIN. STORE, dB-t»pu , ’6BO CHESTNUT street.- • Grover k Baker’s Celebrated Family Sewing MACHINES. ’ A NEW STYLE—PRICE $6O. . 780 Obistxot Rtxmv, Philadslphia. J , These "Machines. sew from two spools, and form i seam of unequalled'strength, beauty, and elasticity, whloh will mot rip, even if every, fourth stitch be cut. They are unquestionably the best In the market for family use. ool&*U ilTaMMDjmn a mammAa. Savlag Fund,—Five Per • Centi - lutareat,— NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, 8. W. oorner of THIRD, Philadelphia. ■ Money received in any sum, large or small, arid interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Money Is received and payments made dally, without notice. The Investments are made in Beal Estate, Mortgages, Ground Bents, and suoh flrst-elau securi ties as th obarter requires. Offloe hours, from 0 o’clock In the mqrntng until A o’clock in the afternoon, nd op Monday and Thursday evenings until 8 o’clock, fed Jenna Whitcomb’s Remedy lor Asthma, [Letter from a Lawjer in Newburyport, Mass.] ' NBWBUBTVOBT, February 26.1866, ' Joseph’BuaxETT, Esq.—Dear Sir 5 It Jp now nearly twelve months since I received the first bottle of your valuable medicine for the cure of the Asthma. 1 For thirteen years I suffered with the Asthma, and daring that time there were but few months In which 1 1 did not suffer with a paroxysm that entirely prostrated me or three days I ,'and sometimes longer. | I will say, that from the time I took t&e first dose, of your “ Bemedy’’ to the present' hour, I have not had a bad attack, and now my system is so free from it/that the most aetlvc exercise and exposure seldom | hu any other effect than to atightly restrict the lungs Your medicine soon dispels that ssnsation, and I can safely oltim a general release from the tormentor. Please, accept my gratitude for the great blessing, and believe me that I shall endeavor to introduce the. Remedy whenever opportunity oeours. With great respect, your Obedient servant, • J. H. BRAGDON. ABTHMA. [Letter from a Clergyman.] Wabdsbobo’, Vt., May 12,1867. Mb. Bobkett: I ttk«*pleamo in stating the woo* ‘derfol effects of “ Whitcomb’s Bemedy for the Asthma,” on my wife. She fata suffered for years with the Spas modic form of that terrible disease # * # Atone time she was so far fcone, that her physician could riot count the pulse. • w « We were'obliged to open doom and windows In mld-ri Inter, and resort to every expedient that affeotlon could devise to keep her Alive, At length ! heard of ” Whitcomb’s Remedy,”—lt acted like a charm ,* it enabled her to sleep quietly In a few minutes, end nearly broke np the disease. ■ I keep it constantly on hand—and though It has not cared h»n it hat done wonders In the way of relief. I am a Metho dist clergyman, stationed here. I shall be happy to an seer any inquiries respecting her case, and you are at liberty to make any use of the foregoing facts that will benefit the afflicted. Yours, truly, KIMBALL HADLEY. ysiOM OXM DOLLAR ?UR BOTTLM, ' i Jonas Whitcomb’s Bemedy Is prepared only by J 0« BHPH BURNETT k' 00., 27 Central street, DoaUn. For sale'by all the principal Druggists thronghout jthe United States and the Canadas; " * ■ dSOtfeitf KIB & OAPP, 223 DOOK Street, above Walnut, BTOOK BROKERS, and dealers in Mer cantile Paper and securities generally. Attend the Brokers’Board dailyland fill-all orders for the par obase or s«le of STOu&S, BONDS, Ac. • ja7-|y INDEED IS THE BESPON- F SIBILITY of those who have fallen intojthr habit Of using Opium'dally as a stimulant, but still more so of those who, knowing the poisonous lire-de stroying agency of the dmg/have. led.the inuooeut into iis u*e by recommending it as A pauacea fnr ’ every 111 and pain Its obg continued use rarely see, the nervous system; vitiates tuo secretions,’lnduces pits?, blind nesSi'dropey. insanity: prsaatUrd old age. and death' The ttRcIDjBKT PUYSfoiAN, No. 1122 VINE Street, holßiSTaSa to remove all-desire for the use of ,this drag la everjJniUoee. He also invites a cad frrm all whose systems have become shattered by the continued THE FRIDAY, J[AjyilAfeY a ■ % ,1859. I iSlarriafle#/ On the 80th ultimo, by Rev. J. W. Everest, Mr. MARK , BANISTER, to. Miss LINBA .WRIGHT, all of Germantown. . , On the 27th ultimo, by Rev. 0. Karsner, Mr. LEWH BHELL to Miss LOUISA ALLEN, all of this oitj- ' On the 16th ultimo, by Rev. J. Gordon Maxwell, Mr,. WILLIAM K. MILLER to Miss RBBEOOA B. FIELD. 'Onthe 81at ultimo, by Rev. J. W. ‘Arthur; Mr RO BERT DEVLIN Tto Miss MARY JANE ANDERSON,, &Uof Philadelphia.' ‘V. r "‘l ' . On the 80th ultimo, by Rev. T. Storkj D. DAMON W. TAYLOR to Miss CAROLINE L, LOWER, all of this city. ~ <-' ’ “ 1 • , On the 24th ultimo, by Rev. Samuel Irwlm-Mr.fßD* WARD BINBR to Miss'CATHARINE NIBOUAR/all of Nicetown, Phila. * • *•<* * On the Ist Rev. * Samuel -IrwJnrMr. AMBY to MJsS ELJZADETB BAUOHMANf ail of Nioetowo.PhUa.- i ~ , In New York, on the sth instant, suddenly. VB*N?, 018 COURTNEY WEM7R3, late Socretary of the Ame rican Dramatic Pond Association, aged years. *,,, ;At Lebanon, Pa , January 6, HEiiRY.A.qHBRTZER, in the 28 th yeor of his age. His funeral will proceed to Annvllle, on Saturday morning, at 9 o’clock, which his friends s.re invited 6th instant, ROBERT WILSON, In the 71st f 6 The relatfvM and Mends of the family are i'espebtK fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the, residence, of his Bon*in-law, Joseph Stirling. 214 South Tenth street, below Walnut, this (Friday) afternoon, at 2 o’olook, without farther notice. - * , Onthe4thinstant, in Bar)iagton, N. J., Mrs. 6AL-, LIB A., vrifeor Wm. T. Hopkins, aged3syears. . , , • Her friends, and those, or the family, are invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her husband, No. 27 High street, Burlington, N. J., to-morrow (Satur day) afternoon, at 1 o’clock. * ' On the 4th Instant, Mrs. ANN BERRY, wife of Wm. I. Berry, in the 41st year of her age, , > The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend tho funeral, from the resldecce of her son-in-law, James Richards, No. 16 Prime street, this (Friday) mo-ning, at 10 o’olook. . To proceed to Glenwood Oometerv. * Onthe 4thimtant,MARGARET, wife of John Lamb, In the 67th year of hor ago. , . ‘ The relatives and friends of the family are respect-, fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence, of her husband, No. 1812 Pearl street, vthia (Friday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock. To -proceed .to Cathedral Cemetery. - *, ' On the 6th Instant, JOHN 0. McGUIGAN, In tho 80th year of his ago. . . . The relatlvia and friends of the foamy are respect fally invited to attend tho funeral, from the residence of his moth&r/Mrfl. Ann McGuigan, No. 2 .fctrawbarry 'street, Market, above Second, to-morrow (SAtnrdsyJ morning, at 814 o’clock, without farther notice. Fane rat service at St. Joaepn’s Church. Interment at itbedral Oemitery. ’ » - ’ ' * * ■ On the 6th Instant, EDWARD MoLAUGIJLIN, in fant son of Charles and Margaret McLaughlin, aged 2 years and 1 month. ' ■ The relatives and friends are respeotfnlty invited to. attend the faneral, from the Tesldenoe of his parents. No. 4 Concord street, this (Vridav) afternoon, at l o’clock.- To proceed to Cathedral Cemetery, * - - On the 4th instant, WM B OARLILE, in the 49th yeaeof bis age. f The relatives and friends of the family, also the Franklin Lodge, No. 6,1. 0. of 0. F., aro respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence. No. 1 Montgomery street, this (Friday) morning, at 10 o’eioek. * On the 4th Instant, ELLEN M , daughter of Ann and the late Thomas Higgins. nor friends and those of the family, are r?speotfally invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her mother, No. 926 South Thirteenth itreet, btlow Chris tian, this (Friday) morning, at 9 o’olock, without fur ther notioe. To proooed to Cathedral OemeWy. * Saddenly, on the 4th instant, Mr. ANDREW Mo- OLAIN, aged 64 years. The relatives and Mends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence, No. 1606 Jefferson avenue, this (Friday) after noon, at 2 o'clock. The Grain Measurers of the oity ore respectfully invited to attend # ' On the 4th instant, Mr. ISAAC BENNER, in the 87th year of his age. '• The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, also the members of Tfeptaoe Lodge, No. 864,1. 0. of 0. F ; also, mem here of the Police of Seventh distrlet, from his late residence. No 705 Nrrih Fifth etreet, above Coates, this (Friday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock, without farther notice. • • * ‘ #. On the 8d instant, CHARLES W. GRIFFITH. The relatives and friend* of the family are respect fully invited to attend.the funeral, from, the residence of his mother, 2jfo 1°43 Spring Garden street, this (Friday) morning, at'2o.o’clock. A >Y<se» The moat satisfactory Ltfe-slxe Photo* ILj?, graphs in Oil, and the cheaprit Ambrotypes, ora made at BBIHRR B.GALLERY, SECOND Street, above Green It* rvsssi Commercial Rooms, Philadelphia, Jana [OV ary 7, 1869. The annual meeting ofThe Commercial Boom As sociation ’’ will bo held at their rooms, Philadelphia Exchange, on MONDAY EVENING next, 10th lsst., st 8 o’clock. L. 8. LEVERING, j&7 Bt* Secretary. fyr==» Hr. Weder’a Chestnut Springs Water Hj£7 OURE, at Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia county, Pa. Ja6-ly rr=» Office of tho Frankford A Sonilinrark \H3' PHILADELPHIA CITY PASSENGER RAIL ROAD COMPANY, CHATHAM Street, below Fourth, PHiMDKLpnu, Jan.' 6, 1859.—At a meeting of the Directors, htld THIS DAY. a Dividend of BIX PER OEKT. on the capital stock was declared, payable to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, at the office of the Company, on and after January 16th. The Transfer Books will be dosed until the 16th Inst. joe-Ofr 011A5. R. ABBOTT, Secretary. rv”=fc» Office of the Green and Coates»atreet \l3 PASSENGSR RAILWAY COMPANY, No. 423 WALNUT Street.—Philadslpiua. Deo. 23d, 1868. The Interest falling due upon the BKVBN PER OT. Bonds of this Company, on the 15th of January next, will be paid upon presentation of the coupons, at the office of tho Company, on said day. HARRY CONNELLY, t d24-tj&10 ~ . t Treasurer. ( Office of the Mast Mahanoy Railroad U 3 COMPANY.—pHiLADBLynia, .December 18th, .1668. , ' ‘ v - ' The annual meeting of the S'ocfcholdere of this Com pany, end an election for officers to serve the ensuing year, will be heldat the office or thepampany,No. 407 LIBRARY Street, on AIONpAT) Jam*' ur next, ailO o’clock A. Mv ' - v. d2O-mwftfr, tjalo . A. McINTYRE, Secretary. Office ot Onion Mutual Insurance Cent □ 3 PANY. —Philadblphia, December'27, IBSB Notice is hereby given that a Staled Meeting of the Scrip-holders will be held at this Office on .MONDAY, January 19th, 1869, at 11 o’clock A. M. Immediately after which an Election for Directors will take plane. , JOS. CQLLIBON, SeoretaFy. ry-rr=» We particularly solicit the attention of UJ> Railroad officers to the advertisement headed “ Railroad Dangers.” It U plain, dlreot, forcible, and honest, and should arrest the thought of all Railroad officials. ,Tbe improvement - there noted has been thoroughly tried { somo hnndredßof the machines are. in use in *ll tho can of some of our beet managed Hoes; and it is the opinion of aU who have examined it that it win be universally used. It is offered onthe most favorable terras BAILBOAD DANGBBS.—For the last twenty years, or perhaps since the system of Railroads baa been es tablished in this country, there have, In all probability, been losses by ao lileot to the extent of twenty millions of collars. These have been clear, absolute losses to the community— as much ao as property destroyed by fire or sunkln theocean. But these disasters have been of a peculiar character, and, in the main, not those of fire or flood ] they have arisen from the ordlnar, con dltloDSOf araiiroad train In progress: they have been caused by the Inherent momentum that is a necessary property of great massrsof matter in motion. A Railroad Train is exposed to peculiar danger from this cause. Its track of iron and level grade are both made for the purpose of allowing Its free progress, and the very esso and freedom of motion aggravate the danger of momentum. , Again, a Railroad Is Intended as a means of rapid transit for parsers And property, and the component parts of A looomotlve and cars for travel on rails rapidly, are made necessarily heavy and strong—lf otherwise, 'they would soon shake to pieces. It follows, thon, that weight, ease of motion freedom from obstruction, and rapid transit,' all conduce powerfully to oreate mornen turn From accurate calculations it IS found that the effective momentum of a train of six cars and au engine is equal to a force of TOO tons. The truth of this state ment is painfully self-evident at a sudden col'islocor obstruction. This FEARFUL DANGER WHIOH 1$ EVER PBESSNT to a train is only partially recognised by Railroad officials It la, however, understood to rome extent, and each car is provided with brakes', or blocks, urrsogod to press sgaicst the wheels by the action of the brakoraan. This plan works very well for the usual stoppages of a train, when soffioient notice is given to the brakeman by the engineer; but for those cues of danger which have arisen, and will arise, In spite of the most rigid scrutiny, it is notoriously ineffi cient, as all experience proves. It la of do one for an officer to say that nothing can happen to (< our ” train There is not a moment thit a train is in motion but that it is exposed to dangers which a perfect control would prevent, and there should, act be an Instant of time in which a train is running, bat that the facilities should be at hand for an instant, simultaneous and powerful application of the retarding appliances of every car. It is not the custom on many roads to employ more than one brakeman to two or three oars, and on some not more than one to four or five cars The laws of some States require & brakeman t? e&oh two cars We bo'dtbat there should be one to every car, and that a mechanical brakeman is vastly more reliable than one of flesh and blool. Dur.ng the last few years an invention bssbeen made and perfected by the urdersigned, the object of which is to place all the brakiogappliances of a train in readi ness for prompt and united action. The closest atten tion that we have been aMo to bring to bear on this sub ject, aud an analysis of the various accidents that have occurred, lead moat conclusively to this result, vis: that the means should always be at hand throughout the train to arrest the momentum at every point where, it exists; 2 That the engine man, from his station, gene rally sees the obstruction or danger first, consequently he fehould bo enabled, of bis own volition, to apply in an instant every brake; 8, The liability to accidents from bieskisgof wheels, axles, rails, chairs, accidental separations, and defections at various points on the train render It of the first importance that every bar should have Its own retarding appliances perfectly inde pendent in action of any other. Hundreds of contri vances have been mode in the way of continuous brakes, nose of which haYe ever attained a perfect success—the necessary complicity of adjustment, and the total failure of such'a contrivance, often at the very moment when moat needed, are insuperable obstacles to the success of such a device as a means of guarding against, and mlti gating all the accidents to which a train Is expos >d The invention referred to consists in the attachment of a re-, served power to the brakes of each car, placing jhem all In readiness for united action, eithur from the en gine or any point on the train. A description of the mechanism Is unnecessary at this place; suffice it to say, it Is extreme'y simple, and perfectly efficient,- and full and detailed engravings and description may be found in our circulars, to -be had on application at our office. There is another, and perh&psthe strongest, point in favor of the adoption of this precaution- namely, Its gieat cheapness. For instance, take a road owning, say, fifty ears: the flrat cost, at our present price, would be $6,260; tne Interest on this a>onntat7 (or say 0 per cent ', which is nearer the rate that railroad companies pay for ihe uss of money) 1b $562 per year. A company having this attachment to their cars would save the wages of at least three brakeraco, which would bo, say, $9OO a year; while the simple insurance against aeoi deut to life and property which such a precaution would give would be worth at least half the cost of the im firovement. We submit that we make out a strong case n favor of the adoption of such a security. Ana now, then, in conclusion, we add that some hundreds of these Machines are in use in the United States, and they aro on the whole passenger stock of all the following roads, to any or all of the offloera of whloh we refer all parties interested, in place of certificates, of which we have plenty: Hudson Blver, Cleveland' and Toledo, Tene Haute and Richmond, Old Colony and Fall Blver, Michi obigan Central, Panama, ko. Farther than this: We wiilfurnish the machines for ALL TUE PASSENGER AND BAGGAGE OABS OF ANY ROAD, AND GIVE BACH COMPANY fOR ITSELF THE OPPOSTU NITY.TO'TKBT ITS VALUE, FRKK'OP CHARGE. WE WILL GIVE FOUR MfINTBB’ TRIAL BKfOUE SETTLEMENT, AND EACH COMPANY BHALLiBE ITS OWN JUDGE OF ITS VALUE. Can WB do more than this ? . And does not every offioer assume a FE AR FUL RESPONSIBILITY who neglects fora moment suoh an offer? We do not make this offer as mere mean iDglsss talk, but WE MEAN IT JUST EXACTLY AS IT .IS BXPIUSBBED. This devioe will give an amount of security to a'train that is impossible wi boat It; and no company need say <( We know nothing about it,” or n it is an experiment of doubtful utility,” or,'” It is untried,” &o. Wi do not ask you to' inour expense or buy patent rights; we offer-you merchandise of tried, perfeoted, ana warranted valae. We thall send a copy of thtri advertisement to ihe offioe.of every Company tn the Union, and solicit on their part a recognition of the merits of this improvement, 1 add the'extraordinarily low and favorable terma on which It is at prepent offered. , , , - * The universal use of this device, however much it m&y benefit os, will promote the railroad interest, and the publio good generally a hundredfold more. U.S. RAILROAD CAB-BRAKE CO.i W. G. CREAMER, Secretary, 4U-lu*f-9t No. 81 PINK St., N. X - fheatho. rvrgaf Western Bank of Philadelphia, Jnnnary US i 6, 1869.—The PLANTERS’ BANK OP TEN NESSEE has declared a dividend of five per cent., payable to Eastern Stockholders at this Bank, on and after the 10th Inst. .0. M. TROUTMAN,' , jafl4t c Cashier. lyjsa Mariim Building and Doan Association. £-Piftb annual Stooaholders’ meeting will belbeld atxbe .tfall, N. B. corner Ridge aveaue and Wallace, on'FRIDAY EVENING, 7th instant, at 7K o’clock. Election for officers. JAMES 0. SCOTT. • jsB-2t* Secretary. ■ Branch Canal Company.—Notice, •yds Stockholders of thO'>North Branch Canal pqmpaay will hold .their Annual ’Sleeting at the office fpß the Company, in Athens, on WEDNESDAY, 10th OfjJanairy/1859, at 10 o’clock A. M_ . At which time and place on Election wIU be held for Officers «r sold Company, to serve the ensuing year.' { '1: , D. MITOHELL, Jr., Secretary. • !ATHBKS,Deo. 23,1868. ja6-12t of tho Quaker. City Insurance U 3 ’ COMPANY, 408 WALNUT Street. • . PniLiDBLPHiA, Jan 4,1869. vThe dlrectors have this day declared a dividend of Ten percent on the capital stook, clear of State tax, payable oh and after February let, 1859. ijaß.flt, B. B, OOGGSHALL, Secretary. ; sfroUce. —Sealed Proposals, endorsed il/Jj VPropoßalsforFurnlshlngßuppliestothe Board of CoottolUrs of Public Schools,” will be received at the Office Oontrollers of Public Schools, southeast obrner .of Sixth and Sdelph! streets, addressed to the undented, ontll TUESDAY, January 11th, 3869, at’ 12 o’clock, M., for the supply or all the Books and Sta tionery iobe.used in the Fublld Schools of the Oity of 'Philadelphia, l until' the 31st day of Beoemher, 1869. ,The PjMJppsals roust state the prloeand quality of the ;BookS and articles of Stationery proposed to be fur .nisheflj’ahd be accompanied by a Sample of each item. Allst of the books authorised by the Board can be seen, with samples of the same, at th% Secretary’s Offloe, southeast corner of Bixth and Adelphi streets. ' By Srder of the Oommittee on BupDHes, ROBERT J. HEMPHILL, Secretary. • Jafi-dtll Board of Oontrollers of Publio Schools. ivSB Notice.—A Meeting of the Stockholders Ujj of the WASHIN3TON FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, ot Philadelphia, will be bolden dt their office on M6NDAY, January 10tb, lost., between the hours of 10 A M.,aod 2 o’olook p. M., for the purpose,of eleeting Twolve Direo-ors to serve the ensuing year. 0. MORRIS, Ja4-6t . - Secretary pro item. Ivy, Office of the Insurance Company of O NORTH AMERICA, P&ILiDBLPHiA, Deoember 31, (868.—The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be heldat the Office of the Company, NO. 282 WALNUT street, on MONDAY, January 10th, 1869, at 12 o’elook 'M.;ahd on TUESDAY, theday fallowing, January 11th, 1859,' afl election will be held for Directors, to serve the ernmlug year. ' MATTHIAS MARIS, ; ’Jaltoy* ' Secretary Wsp-fieolißlcal Lectures.—ln consequence of DR] BOYNTON not obtaining the Hall at Rich mond,'Va.jfap has by spatial request consented to give UvenKiß lectqreß (condensing nls coarse of eight in five) with much new matter and one entirely new sub- Let, at CONCERT HALL, comraenciDg on TUESDAY' Evening, January 4th. all the beautiful illustrated : 2>aiotii>9 will be exhibited This course will be muoh more interesting than the first Tickets for the course only 75 cents; minors, 66 cents For saleatHAZ ZAßD’Samt the Hall, during the day. Commence at 7« and flow at 9 o’clock. 1 By (special invitation, the Doctor will give his great Experimental Lectuie on Satupdagr afternoon, (including the Balloon Ascension. - jal-7t# ryspa* Office of the Little Schuylkill Navlga- IO TION RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY.— Philadelphia, December 18th, 1866. The annual meeting of the {Stockholders of this Com pany, «o 4 an election for officers to serve the ensuing year, wilt be held at the office of the Company, No. 407 LIBRARY Street, on MONDAY, the 10th day of Janu ary next, at 11 o’clock A. M. d2O-mwftfr.tjalo JOHN ANDERSON, See. ft Trea’r. lyssa Jayne’s Hall Prayer Meetings—Notice I]*? Obing to a previous engagement or the Hall, the BUSINESS MEN’S UNION PRAYER MEETING will bo held until further notice, in the BANS9M-BTRBBT CHURCH, (rear of the new hotll.) All are oordially invited to attend, and the meeting is open for all to take part who are members of any Evangelical Ohuroh, d2O-tf ry™r=»' Philadelphia nnd Darby Railroad Com* Lk_3f PART —The annual meeting of the Stockhold ers of the Philadelphia and Darby Railroad Company will bo hrid at the SUMMIT HOUSE, Twenty-fourth Wart.in the Clty of Philadelphia, on MONDAY, Jon. 10,1865, at 5 ‘o’etock In the afternoon, at which time and place an tolectidn will be held for a President and Twelve Dinotors, to serve for the ensuing year. ' d26-qnp r GEORGE MoHENRY; Secretary, rvxp Office of the Greenland Coatea-atreot U 3 PASSENGER'RAILWAY COMPANY, No 423 WALNUT Street.—Philadelphia, December 28d, 1868'. - , - The annual meeting of the Stockholders Of this Com pany will be held at their office, on MONDAY, the 10th day of January next, at 32 o’olook M. Th 4 election for a President and Twelve Dinotors of said Company, to servo for the ensuing year, wilt take place at the office ofthe Company on the same day, be-, tween the hodrs ofl2M. and 2 o’clock P M. ,■ d24*to jilO • GEO. W- HAMERSLY, Bee. ry»B Qhestuat HiU oad Cheltenham Railroad 1 LLS . COMPANY.—The anqaal meeting of the Stock holders of the Chestnut HUI and {Cheltenham Railroad* Company, to elect a President and Twelve Directors ot the dempaoy, to serve for the ensuing year, will bo held 1 at the Company’s office, Germantown Depot, on MON j -BAY, January IQth, 1869, at 19 o’clock A. M. J. HQHTFOOT, d24-27.29,81&ja3,5,7*- Secretary. rr3=» The Philadelphia, Wilmington, and BaK LL3 TIMOR# RAILROAD COMPANY, Decern berlOlh. 1868 —The annual meeting of the Stockhold ers of this Company will take place in WILMING TON, atthaofflceof the Company, on MONDAY, the ► 10th of January next, at Vl% P M., for the eleotion or Direotors to serve for the ensuing year, and for the transaction 0/ such other business as may legally come before the meeting. dlO fftmtJalO ALFRED HORNER, Secretary. Second and Third-Street Passenger Kail- Lks WAT OOUPAMT.-PntLADii.PHiA, December. The auntm! meeting©! tt}« Stoekholderdof the Second asd Third-street Passenger Railway Company, or Phila- will be held at the office of the Company, Mo. JWO'WAIiNUT Street, on MOSDAT, January 10th, lS6o|it 13 o’c ock U„ at*bUH tin* »j«jir 1 ******* -tion will be held for a President andT* 'lve Directors, to eerrtfor the ensuing year. . . _ < KlD.Seo'y. *fnntl<-gd»n and Broad Ton Mountain RAILROAD AND OOAL COMPANY. ’ .NOTICE.—The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the'Haotfagdon tea Broad Top Mountain Railroad ifcd Coal Company frill be held at their offce, No. 809 WALNUT Street, on TUESDAY. January Uth, 1869, at ilh’flj&ck'A.M., whenan election wifi be held for a 1 President tttd Twelve Director*, to i«m for the enaulng year,, ' ' 5 J. P. ABRTBON, Secretary ; DMetnW24,lBSB. • d344jall_ iy» ' InnrDUce Company of the State of LU? PBNNITLVANIA.-Fhiladblpsia, December 2371858—The annual meeting of the Stockholders will he held at the Oorap&ny’s Office, No. 4 Exchange Building, on TUESDAY, January 4, 1860, at 12 o’clock noon And an Election for Thirteen Directors of the Oompauy, to serve for one year, will be held at the same place on MONDAY, January 10th, between the bourn of 10 o’clock A.M. andlo’cloakP. M. d23tjalo WILLIAM HARPED, Secretary. rvrsse Office of the North Pennsylvania Rail* U 3 ROAD COMPANY. The anntul meeting of the Stockholders of the North Pearsylvanie Railroad Company will be held at the office of the Company, No. 407 WALNUT Street, Phlla : delphia, on MONDAY, January 10th,1859. at 12 o’clock M , at which time and place an eleotionwlll be held for a President and Ten Directors to serve for the ensuing year. dM-tjalO EDWARD ARMSTRONG, Secretary. , rysp** Safeguard Sosm LL§ YOBK AND PENNi Street, Philadelphia, and D The annual meeting of th< Sany, held at their office, i 'AY, December ISth, 185? were elected Directors there Jacob N. Keeler, Francis Blackburns, Robert P.Kfnfc, E. B. English, George H. Deris, Hubert R. Clark, Joseph B. Bttdftld, John Prentice, Wiler, P. Irßlrckhtjad,' William B. Forbes. Daniel itesamore, At a subsequent « meetin] SEEDER, Esq., was unao and'Henry B. Foote Soc Squirefl,'Esq., wasappointei this Company at the city of <U7-lm HKNB ranee Company of Now [BYLVANIA, 400 WALNUT 12 WALL Street, New York, le Stockholder# of tbi* Com* In Philadelphia, on MON* 8, the.followlng gentlemen lof for the ensuing year: lion 8 B Cashing, Charles 7. Watrous, A V. Btout, Elihn J. Baldwin, 3. A H.Haabrouok, Aaron Clobo, ( JohnH.Beoch, . Henry R. Pooto, ) Matthew Kelley, AI. Rader, ; Alexander 0. Lawrence, > Alfred Clapp; of the Board, JACOB N. [mously elected President, sretary thereof, and Selah td attorney and counsellor of r New York. ’,Y B. FOOTS, Secretary. ry-==» Dividend.—New Orleans Gas Light IL3 COMPANY—OFFICE OP THE NEW OR LEANS GAS LIGHT COMPANY, New Orlbaks, December 18, 1868 —The Directors of the New Orleans Gka Light Company have declared a semi-annual divi dend of FIVE Pisa CENT., payable on the Ist of Janaary next, (and henceforward,) at the Offlse of tho Company, In Now Orleans, to the Stockholders or their legal representatives. d2B-!2t N. 0. J. TISDALE, Treasurer. Nen> publications. I\TEW LAW BOOKS. LI A TREATISE ON THE LAW OF 00NTBA0T8. By Frederick Walford and John Paxton Norman, Esqa., Barristers at Law. A CONOIBB AND PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE LAW OF EXECUTORS AND ADMINIbTRA TOBS. By John Qeorge Maloom, E»q.. Barrister at Law. KAY A BROTHER, Law Booksellers, Publishers, a* d Importers, 19 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. TtlBE POOR GOSPELS, WITH A COM- A. MEN TART!—THE FOUR GOSPEL*, according to the Authorised* Version, with Original and Seleclod Parallel References and Marginal Beadinge, and an Original ard Copious Critioal and Explanatory Com* inentary By the Her. David Brown, D D . Professor, Free Oburch Oollege, Aberdeen. 12 mo. 60 cents. ' NOTICES. This edition of tbs Go«pals is certainly one of the moat remarkable ever issued. A small volume, of Ibbs than uintty pages, contains the four Gospels, with ex* collect notes by Dr. Brown, and the price is only rirtr obits The volume Is convenient for reference; and the Christian traveller-now Bods It an ersy thing to carry a Commentary of the four Gospels with him on his journey. The notes are eompiled by one of Beotia’s honored worthies, and generally ran page for psge with the text The wisdom of the Professor was taxed to the Utmost in producing a Commentary that in learning is up to the present standard of criticism, whilst in per* eptculty it is adapted to the understanding of the mess es. Dr. Broan frequently quotes from Stler, Alford, Olshnusen, Ac.; but the whole scope of his notes is practical, with an evangelical spirit The type is, of course, fine. This is, in faot, one of the excellencies of the volume; for one of Its objeots ts to presses much as possible Into the smallest space. We predict an ex tensive sale for this admirable work —Presbyterian Magazine. Just published by WILLIAM S. A ALFRED MARTIEN, J&74f No 006 CUKBTNOT Street. £eflOl Notices. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. I«t»to or BOBBBT HOOD, Deeetstd, Tho auditor appointed bj the Court to audit, settle, and a jnst the account of JAMEB OARBTAIRB ana KOUKRT R. BTEWAUT, Trustees for Joseph Hood, under the will of ROB CRT HOOD, deceased, as stated and settled by James Oarstalra, surviving trnstee, and to make distribution of the balance, will meet the parties interested, for the purpose of his appointment, on FHIDIY, January 18th, iB6O, at 4 o’clock P.M, at his office, No. 221 South FIFfH Street, Philadel phia. JOHN O’BRIEN, jft7»fmfcw-5t Auditor. IN THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS IN AND FOR TUB CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. In the matter or assignment of White, Stevens, & Company. Bur petit.onof Isaac 8. Waterman, As* signed. - - 5 j i j ;. The matter to whom was referred the petition of ISAaO 8. WATEBMAN, Assignee .of the estate][of WHITE, SPEVhNB ACO , praying for authority tnd power to sell at private sale the liie estate of Henry White, Id certain premises upon Walnut street will most tne parties interested at his office, No. 9(5 Sopth' P'VURTU Street. in >he city of Philadelphia; upon WEDNESDAY. January 19th, 1869, at 4 o’olook P t M; WILLIAM SERGEANT,! Master. Ja7»rm&y-lQt JOY, COE & 00. ,a ; ADVERTISING AND COMMISSION AGENCY, 489 CHESTNUT St., 2d floor, Philadelphia, add. Tribune Boildlogs, New York. ' JOYR, COE, A CO. Are the. Agents for the most In fluential and largely ohcul&ting Newspapers In [the Uultud Stitfsand theCa.odss .They are authorized to receive advertisement* andsuhierlptions at the lowest XAtee, ja7-fm&wrp-3m Drg (ffitfblr* Jobbers; JOHANNY BEAYiSR CLOTH. RECEIVED THIS DAY, Per steamer “ Ariel, : ’’ SATIN OABTOBB, CUINOHILI/AB, and la blades,.blues, browns, dark greens, and mixture*. For sale by LIPPINOOTT & PARR?, Importers and Dealers in Olothi, Sea., ja6-3t B. W. eor. SECOND And MARKET Streets. fielail Drc CESoobs, &HARPLESS BROTHERS ►v Are Belling their whole stock of Fanoy Goods— Valeooias and Poplins, Bh&wls and Clonks, ! New Fancy Silks, . 811 k and Cashmere Bobes, , French and English Chlntses, Balbriggan Hosiery, Embroideries and Lace Goods, jAt ptlees very much reduced. They hare alio sup* nlled their Cheap Oouhtkb with a large stock of new Prints and Be Baines at very low prices. < j*6 CHESTNUT AND EIGHTH. s}so, S SC N ®5O. $5O, $5O. WHEELER & WILSON’S *6O MAOHINEB ARE THE VERY BEST CHEAP SEWING- MACHINES, EVER YET MADE. ; $75, $76, $75, $75, $75. , ,WHEELER & WILSON’S $76 MACHINES , ARE THE SAMB AS FORMERLY BOLD POR 9100, . And are beyond all competition la variety of uses, perfection of manufacture, and beauty of finish. SIOO, $lOO, $lOO, $lOO. WHEELER & WILSON’S LARGE MACHINES FOR TAILORS 1 USB AND QUILTING.* One of these is worth two of any other Patent to a Tailor, OFFICE 028 OHESTHUT STREET. jas Ct Jnsnrante <ttom^onies. COMMONW INSURANCE GOMPi PENNSY] v DIBKO Dr. David Jayne, John M. Whitall, Edward 0 Knight, John K. Walkor, Ic&ao Je&net, EALTH •ANY OP THE STATE OP t LVANIA. ITORB. Themes S. Stewart. JohuM. Bailor, Thomas W. Brans, Henry Lewis. Jr., ~ John Allen. OFFICERS. DAVID JAYNE, President. JOHN M. WHITALL. Vice President. S. S. MOON, Seoretary. OFFICE N. W. corner WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. PUILiDKLPniA. ’ , Fulton* insurance, adjusting* AND COLLECTING OFFICE, No. 008 CHEST NUT STREET, PfIILADILPHU. - The undersigned having been practically engaged for a number of year* In different capacities of the Insu rance business—for several years In adjusting losses exclusively for the Insurance Companies—-now offers his services to those sustaining Loss or Damage by Fire to property insured, In making out their proob of such loss or damage in full compliance with the Intrieate and ounning conditions or Polioies of Insurance, in such a manner as to obviate plea or excuse for reduction or litigation by companies so or others. Be Is assisted by the best legal counsel in Philadel phia, and will give particular attention to the Collec tion of Claims against Insurance Companies. It 2s known by many who have sustained loss by Fire to property insured, and it has also been the experience of the undersigned, that policies are frequently declared partially or entirely void at a certain time after afire ocean, in consequence of carelessness or mismanage ment in effecting the insurance, of for some other cause, which, although an Important fact, Is scarcely ever dis covered or thought of, until it is too late; In order to avoid such disastrous occurrences, the undersigned will also effect Insurance lu any Companies desired, and examine polioiei effected by other* (in most oases) free of extra charge. Parties sustaining loss or damage by Ore, as above, will find it to their interest to consult the undersigned as soon after the fire as possible dM-lmlf* Jffolitea. TO INBURANOB GOMPANIEB, COR POEATIOMB, AND flOOlßTlß&.<*tiosoonssihe January annual elections for officers bore taken place, another edition of the “L4DIEB’ CHOPPING- GUIDE AND HOUBBKBBPEEB’ COMPANION,'» containing the same, will be printed. fluoh as desire their new Boards Inserted, must send them to the offi.ee. No. 810 OHB6TNUS 0 treat* (third floor.) Price 88. with 4 copies. It# jiyOTIQE “ " STTSd-a-ES-KAISrKrjSL OJUSTAX, BONDHOLDERS. TRANSFER OFFICE SUSQUEHANNA CANAL 00., 222 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, January 8, 1850. The Bondholders of this Gempiny ere hereby in* formed that on and after FRIDAY NEXT, the7th Inst., scrip will be issued at this office for the Coupons falling due lstinst., in conformity with the recommendation of the meeting of Stock and Bondholders held in this city on 80th nit.. Pamphlet copies of the report of the Committee, made at aatd.meetlng, maybe bed on and after the 7th Inst, at this office and at the office of Messrs J. R & 11. B. FRY, No 184 South THIRD Bt. ja4-4t JOSEPH T. FOBD Transfer Agent. IlTOTlOK.—Agreeably to the directions of il an Act of the General Assembly of this Common' wealth, approved the fith day of April, A D. 1856, I hereby give notice that the Bpeaker of the Senate, and the Bpsakerof the Houso of Representatives of sa'd Commonwealth, will reoelve proposals until the fourth Tnecday of January next, being the 26th day of Janu ary, 1859, for doing the pnblio pr nting and binding, for the term of three years from the first day of July next, at a certain rate per centum below the rate sped fllod In the act relating to the public printing and bind ing, approved the 9th day of April. A. D. 1858, and ac cording to the mode, manner, and conditions thorein specified—said proposals to specify the rate per.cent, on the whole or the rates or said aot taken together, end not a specification of the rate per oentnm below the rates on each item < *' The following is the form of proposals for State print ing and binding; “I, ——, propose todo all the State printing and binding in the manner, and In all respects snbjeot. to the provisions of the Act of the 9th April, A. D 1850, for the period of three years from the Ist day of July next, at the rate of —. per oentuin below the rates specified in said Act; and should the State printing and binding be allotted to mo, I will be ready forth with to give bond, with sufficient sureties, for the faithful performance of the work so allotted,” which said proposals shall be sealed and endorsed Propo sals for the Publlo Printing and Binding,” and shall be direoted to the said speaker*, and be delivered to one or both of them, to bo opened, announced, and allot ted, on the 25th day of January, lostant, agreeably to the provisions of the Aot of the 9th day of April, 1850. * WM. M. HIESTEk, ja4-6t Secretary of the Commonwealth. SPECIAL NOTICE. —Dealers in Goodyear’s >3 Patent for Vulcanised Rubber Suspenders, Braids, Webs, and all other Fabrics and articles made by combin ing florous substances with threads or sheets of vulcan ised rubber are notified that unless the same are properly stamped or labelled with my nfeme, and by my authori ty, they oannotbe legally disposed'of In the United States Merchants and dealers are Invited to examine specimens now in store, and to give their orders for the Bpring Trade to the undersigned, EXCLUSIVE OWN ER OF THE TITLES AND EXCLUSIVE RIGHTB IN THE PATENT for these goods, whloh embraee all the styles heretofore manufactured or imported, and many others. ALSO, LICENSES TO MANUFACTURE AND SELL —and the Terms—may be obtained on application to me at No. 28 COURTLANDT Street, N. Y. n24-ly HORACE H. DAY. Umbrellas. GREEN SILK UMBRELLAS, with Whale hone and Paragon frames, together with Umbrel las of various styles and sizes, wholesale and retail. ' JOS. FUSSELL, ja7-St* N, W. cor. Fourth and Market eta , Phila. Blue, green, brown, and black Scotch Gingham Umbrellas, all sizes, and finish ed In the latest styles JOSEPH FUSSELL, Ja7-3t* No. 2 North Fourth street, Phila. JOSEPH GILLOTT Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to tho following numbers of his PATENT METALLIC PENS, which, for quality or material, freedom of aotfon, and great durability, will insure universal preference. FOR LADIES’ USE. For fine neat writing, especially on thlok and highly* finished paper, Nos. 1,170, 808, 893, 604. FOR GENERAL USE. Nos. 2,104.106, 108, 004. In fine points. FOR GENTLEMEN’S USB. For large, tree, bold writing: The Blaok Swan Qnill, large Barrel Pen. No. 808, (on oards and in boxes.) FOR GENERAL WRITING. No. 203. Extra-fine and fine points. No. 262 Eagle Pen. No. 840 The Autograph Pen. FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. The oelebrated Correspondence Pens, Nos. 882 and 417. The Pnblio Pen, No; 292. “ “ with Bead, No. 404 Small Barrel Pens, fine and free, Nos. 892 and 816. VOS SALS TO THS TBADS AT THE MANUFACTURER’S WAREHOUSE, No. 91 JOHN BTRZBT, NSW YORK. HBNRY OWEN, Agent. dl7.fAs4w Russia and amerioan tabbed Oord.ga, aborted Biles, munruturaduid for ■>!. byWKAVKU FITLER fc 00., No 88 N. WATBB Rt. MdB3H. WHABVBg. .. . J»7 WHISKEY.— 60 bbls. very Superior Old Rye Whiskey. 100 bbls very superior Monongahela Whiskey, In store, and for sale by A. MERINO, 140 South FRONT Street.. j*4-tf f^IGABS.—2,OOO,OOO HAYANA CIGARS, \J favorite brands, by late arrivals from Havana, in Regalia, 1 Operas, Conchas, Loudres. &c., &0., in store and bond, and for sale by A. MERINO, 140 South FRONT Street, $5.000.-i,ve ? i S^ sb «f w 1 J WITH bo realised with little risk ' All commiuJMittoMrtrilSr oonSdential. Address “ Merchant, » Prets office. TaUBSHAN WANTED in a l)ry Goods -£*. Jobbing House.; Ore, who Is .well acquainted with, and can sell largely to the city and near trade Address “Box 1879,“ Philadelphia Post Office.-with real name. , ~ .- . -.. *, 4 _, ' jaO.tf OZABINBS, ©ITITATION'W'ANTED.—An experienced S’ . Former and Hardyner, and s. situation oa a farm or country seat, near tke olnß Defers to Hr, "9 , !“ Bowman, Ho. 838 nnd 340 North Third etreet; Philadelphia. , . ; JaC-at . bs o^5 D , WANTED by a gentlen\ap ; in a ~r nrn-ela« Boarding Hones, or in a rwpeotahle noseoM &'»•<«" Bitter preferred,) wheSsPhecnn ».i e “ ar .f °i » Bomo. location, twenty ’EEffiF* f r ? m the Exchange. Address Cash,’’ Blood e Deepateh. Befereoce satisfactory, Jao-2t*. A SHTON’i GOMMEKOIAIj AGENOYV street/ - "• ’ taZ%uti££&3g**'S s * “ «*lßAlecapl or amply eeonred; The jwesent iummbeWiS,££ of character, capacity and capital, and want the addi tlonal menne with an enterprising partnw, to render the undertaking eminently remuneratlre. ’ la 6 It* W" A , NT £i l 7 ±i J r a y° uu ß man, a situation ”, In » Wholesale or Be tail Grocery store, with a riew of learning thn hulnean. Salary no object. The advertiser is competent to take charge of a «atof h«»v« if required. Undoubted city references and seourifrSi be given: Address “ Groceries,*' Blood’s Despatch CVNTEY OLEEK”WaNTED—Hapid non and correct at figures Addreu Charman.” at Tam Prtts oifioa. . . jifi-at* ANTED—By the advertiser, a yonng , * Man, 23 year* or age, whcv hu Joet returned rrom the West, In a destitute condition, ■ situation In any honorable calling, where he can make a livelihood. Please address JOBBPH R., at this oßee, stating where ea laterricw may be had. . j*6-4t* 8 ANTJKD——A. sitnation as S&losm&n or . " ■ m Bookkeeper in. a Hardware or BUk House, by ao experienced person, who can indnenoe a consider*, pie amount or Pennsylvania trade. Address “G. B.» at this office. |a6-Bt* TXTANTED—By an export p(jmoan,a situa-' •! TT ttfin aa copyist, either In a literary legal, dt mlsoellfuieous character. Address STEWART, at this oOeo- ’ jaß-St* TS7ANTEB TO PURCHASE—A DWEL ’ a « LING, with all the modern coayepieoees, eltii ate betireoa I’lfth street andglßvonth Street.'and Bpriog' Garden street and Girard arenas.. Price notto' exceed■ fO.tOO. LUKHNB & MONTGOMERY, jat-w f-at» 1033 Beach street,Tjlghteeeth Ward 1j WANTED FORTH! UNITED SPATES B —Able-bodied, nnmarrled men, to whom' 111 will he given good nay, hoard, dothiog, and medical “■attendance. Say from $l2 to $22 per.month. ’No ““bhaving a wire or cSlld, will h* aooepted. v Apply for MOUNTED BERVIOB at No. ,SIT MARKET Street,' shore Eighth, north side. %. N. ‘MOORS, >p!7-tf Ist Lient. Ist Drsgoons, Recruiting Officer. A WIDOW LADY — Competent as a Cor respondent on matters of business and Copyist of papers—desires employment in the abore, or would act is Reader and -Amanuensis, Housekeeper and Com panion to an invalid, or as Governess—teaching Bntr-. gliah, Music, Dancing, Ac. Address Mrs! J. HOWARD, Box 181, Post office. • d2B-tj!o - UDissolwtiortg anb CEoflartnersljqis. Dissolution The arm of palmer. RICHARDSON, A 00. expired on the Ist day of Jannary,lBs9. JOHN B PALSIEB, BNOS RICH ARDSON, and WILLIAM D’ MAXWELL will contlnne the business as heretofore, under the same name aad Arm, and are alone authorised to settle the outstanding business of the late firm JOHN B. PALMER, ENOS RICHARDSON. THOMAS B BROWNE, WILLIAM D. MAXWELL. New York, January 1,1869. J&S-flt* TySSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP.— JLP The partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm of OUPHANT & Mo- ALPIN, la this dsj dissolved by mutual consent.' * P. OLIPHANT, GEO. HoALPIk. Jaouiry 4,1869. TOOTIOE OP COPARTNERSHIP—JOHN ll B PEACOCK, JOHN WOOD3IDB, and GEO. MoALPIN, harethis day formed a copartnership. under the name of PEACOCK, 'WOODBIPB, & CO., and will contioue the fame business as heretofore conducted by OLIPHANT & MoALPIN, at the tame place. No 407 Arch street. JOHN B. PEACOCK, January 4,1859. Having disposed op my inter eet In the late firm of OLTPHANT & MoALPIN, to PEACOCK, WODD3IDE, Ic 00 , they are authorise*! to nee the name of the late Arm In settlemeni . . P. OLIPHANT, Jaaaary4, 1859. • Ja6-2t* PHILADELPHIA, JAN. Ist, 1859. Jl The undersigned hM this day associated with him. In the morocco business, his son, JOHN L. ADLER, uader the name and style of Geo. 8. Adler St Son . Ja6 St* GlO. 8. ABLER. rpHE FIRM OF T. A. NEWHALL & 00. 'a. expired by limitation on Beeember Ist, 1868. T. A. NEWHALL, 0 H. NEWH ALL and F. 0. NEW* HALL have this day formed a co-partnership, and will continue the PENNSYLVANIA STEAM SUGAR RE FINERY, and transact a shipping and Commission Bu siness, under the firm of TA, NEWHALL & SONS. Philadelphia*'Jettr-l, 1660.- J —= —~Jai.*xw"^ JAMES PULTOH. TVOTIOE IS , HEREBY GIYEN , THAT X* that ttie partnership heretofore existing T>etween ; Jaoob Steiner, J. P. Steiner, F. P. Wolgamuth, and Henry Vollmor, under the firm of J. A J. P. Steiner St Co., in consequence of the decoase of the senior mem ber, Jacob Steiner, expires this day by limitation, and the surviving partners will settle and olose.up the busi ness of.that firm atthe old place, No. 9 BANK Street and 12 STRAWBERRY Street, where the undersigned will eontinue the importing and eommissum business as heretofore, under the firm of J. p. Steiner St 00. •, . J P. STEINER. F. F WOLGAMUTH. HENRY VOLLMBB. , Beeember 81,1888. jal-6t PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—The Subscri- A hers have, this day entered Into partnership, under the Ann of Lea, Richardson, Tonis, A 00., for the trans action of the Domestic Commission business, and have taken the Store, Nos. 223 and 226 CHESTNUT Street THOMAS T. LEA, W O. BIOHABDSON, A. E. BTEPfIiNB, THOB. R; TUNIB. Philadelphia, Deo. 1,1868, ' jal-6t Gentlemen’s Jnrmsljinjj Goobs. ||OLIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT. R. O. WALBORN A 00., (Nov) Nos. 5 end T North SIXTH Street, Have now in Store a moßt complete and vailed Stock or— They beg to inform the pnblio In general, and the Ladies in particular, that their line of GENTLEMEN’S DRESSING GOWNS Is unequalled in this olty. dll-lmlf ISAAC P. BRANIN, A LIGHT COACH 6b CARRIAGE BUILDER, FRANKFORD. PA. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Orders res peotfnllv aolloited nolMm* dhfTA AAA TO LOAN, in Bums to suit ©IF* v»v_rm_Fappiieante, upon Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Merchandise, Clothing, 6te , on mode rate terms, by JONES 6c 00., Brokers, N. W corner THIRD and GABKELL Streets, below Lombard. Es tablished for the last 85 years. Office hours from 7A. H to 7 P.M. • dl7-lm if Dr. McAllister, No. 263 North ELEVENTH Street, below Vine. FHILADSLPBU. JaB-12t* JJEMOYAL. SAMUEL H- MATTSON, MERCHANT TAILOR, HAS REMOVED TO No. 1126 CHESTNUT STREET, THIBD DOOR BXLOW TWSJLFTH. Sonth Side, Where heia prepared to execute all orders in his line, having on hand a fall supply of GOODS for Gentle men’s wear. SAMUEL H. MATTSON, , n26-3m-U No. 1126 CHESTNUT Btreet. ■OEMOYAL.—THE UNDERSIGNED has XV removed to No 68 North FOURTH street, (late HBNRY COHEN’S.) second house above Merchant’s Hotel GEORGE A, MILLER, jal-lm* Wholesale Druggist. Dr, e. moOlellan, Removed to No. 1441 WALNUT Street, dlO-lm . Northeas* corner of Fifteenth street. MINCED MEAT.—The subscriber has commenced manufacturing his NB PLUS ULTRA MINCED MEAT, which he offers to his customers in large or small quan tities Orders through Blood’s Dispatch will be punc tually attended to, JOSHUA WRIGHT, * SPRING GARDEN and FRANKLIN Sts., d9-lm-lf ' Philadelphia Anew year’s offering. DR. OOGGSWELL’S ANTIPHLOGISTIC SALT, Believing that many are deterred from purchasing this valuable remedy for Inflammatory Diseases by its seemingly high cost, and desirous that the entire pub lic should give it a fair trial, sharing also in the spirit of the season and wishing good to many, we have bean induced to offer it at one half the regular price on New Year’s day and the following week. We do not ask to be rewarded for oar sacrifice, as our confidence In this medicine is sack that for every one induced to try it. we expect to cell to many more of his acquaintance. The Medical Salt Is the prescription of an eminent physician, and instead of being a remedy for all diseases, it is prescribed for but one class, has but one aim, accomplishes but one thing, vis : subdues In flammatory Disease, whatever its form or locality. Already many have been cured. Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headache, Inflamed Lungs, and Liver, and like complaints, yield r* adlly to its influence. Descriptive circulars may be obtained from any drngglst. Those In this olty, having the Medical Salt for sale, will please notice the change in price from January let to Bth, inclusive. PRICE FOB ONE WEEK ONLY.—Acute Packages, SI : Obronic do $2.60 D. 0. TAYLOR &> OO , jal-6t# 202 Dock street. In extra-fine points. COMMERCIAL AGENCY, 666 CHESTNUT STdBET. FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS is ready to unite with Its equivalent in the conduct of the silver-plating busi ness, with which the applicant is fully oonversant The partner is expected to attend to the books and financial department. The party seeking the connection is a gentleman of address, character, and eapaoity.. J.& St# IMB. DUFF"> DANCING ACADEMY, ITJ Northeut corner or IENVH end CHESTNUT Btreete. The second quarter of the seeeon le just com* meeting. j*s-6l B. A. DUKE, SnSg? dentibt, Offloo, No ST North TENTH Street, (corns- or 111. bert.) aao-liu# BRANDIES.— United Vinyard Proprietors’ OOGNAO, In); and X, old vintage. Henneser A Co., do. do , in bond, and for (tie by A. MERINO, HO goqth IRON I jet U ttJflhta.' JOHN WOODSIDE, GEO. McALPIN. GENTS’ lURNIBHING GOODS, BUITABLH FOB CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. ffiatriagea. •ffllOlUjO. Rtmmmls. ilUtueii itUat. PRIOR REDUCED ONE HALF ! ! ,iFor Sale anil lo £et. MTO LET—The store and basement. No. 6230HESTNDT Btreet, gwilm-. BaiMing; lo of. MV * M * VGODEB, N. J. oomer ftiVenth «o<l fi.tuom ilmla. . *. . Jrf.at* ©TORE TO RENT. ■ , . . “ . A HANDSOME STORE, ?M U t, fi fl® d,lp w,t,l wS‘.SeMSuwi I OOTDtM«, or “ a 8U "™“ IU ‘- Aleo, 1 - A WELL-LIGHTEB FOURTH STORY ROOM/ Thirty Feet, . ; ON NORTH STREET. 'Apply to ■! -. . - N0.,628 ARCH Street. The neat Dwelling House, r SEARS Street, .ben »S b.l™ Apply te THOMAS M A J«B.Bt*’ W ’ °°™ er ° f LOMBARD Streete. O.ERHANTOWN.—For content w ent, well-built DWRLLING HOOBE, JJWetiJPlie. *®,o€o. .'Apply to TVM. E. BbaSf Set Market street, ja4-£t* FOR SALE.—Asplendidfiinri of 157 acres, in Chester county, convenient to the Penn l . Cen tral .nd CheaterVellejJß.Urokle.uulwithin IK hour’s rtJu Of Pblledelphl.. 1 Inqnlre of D. B. TaTLOB. * CO., COATES-Street Wharf. . dSI-tn th »,!«* f| to LET—The First Floor and Basement of deelrAble Onsite Eront Store, No: 987 , CHESTNUT Street. Inquire on premises. - dSI-tf - Stmnaiitteriig. A MERIC AN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. i),7—ki'? 8 E l ''= t °r of the Opera nepeetfutly inform, me publ e thet be bee rented the Academy olUoale tor 2, i!f *?°" of gltin * » •*«* *•"“ ®t I«»ll»n Opere, “ "“ueennenoe of engaiementl prerlouely eon- Ulnded, cm not be extended beyond ' . EIGHT NIGHTS. w T ii w “f ~hl« h w * to pit a» were received leet yeer Impoeoe upon him the duty te ar Ime* ienrtlP.i 1 thet he le not able to glue, bmboh 01 such length e. would be oommenaur&te with the ““ I “ l PhiledolpAu. U wm hie ardent wlah to open the Philadelphia aeaaon a’ter M'le. Plcco lonunt’e flrat t-alre nlghta In New Pork ; but, nhfof tunately. the poaiearibn of the Academy by Mr. Strahoaeh at that time, prevented the'earning out pthie original Intention. -He truate, howetarTthat during hie preaent uialt he will anoeetd In making each’ arrugemente for the fntnre with the Dlreeton el will enable him to glue Italian Opera in Philadelphia with the aame regularity h. will do In New tork and Boston; for which purpose he has united the Boston Theatre with the New York Academy of Music Cor the next two years, until which time he Is the lessee of both theatres. 1 • The arrangements made for the MiasT aiaara sre of ,the most complete description. All the great artist* composing his present company will appear.. lnolndlsg Mile. PICCOLOMINI Mme. L&BORDB, 7 MUe. POINfiOr, . Mile. GHIOKI, Mad.BEBKEL, BRIGNOLI, tauaro. lorini. perbing, •FLORENZA, MAGGIOROTTI. , WEINLIOH, OOLETTI, PIOKANRBER, BBBREUL. CARL FORMES, Who will be supported by able and effident’artists for those'second and' minor parts the perfect execution l of whleh Is essential for - the correct rendering, of tbs ensemble in the truly grand operas the directorlntends to produce. The principal danseuse will he Mile. BOTO, l assisted by an efficient ballet troape under the direction of Mr. Banatasdt, ballet master from the Botal Opera In London. ■ , ’ Tor the purpose of avoldiog any additional rehear sals, which by unduly fatiguing the artists weaken their vocal powers, Mr. UUman will bring over TOE ENTIRE ORCHESTRA ANB OHORUS from the New York Academy of Music, They will be under the direction of ‘ - ■ ■ GAEL ANOHUTZ and Signor MUZIO. . * Mile. PICCOLOMINI _ . , will appear on three nights. The first two Picoolo mlnl nights will be given on - . FRIDAY and BATURBAY, January 14 and 16. , ’ after which she will leave for Baltimore, and' appear in Philadelphia for the" third and last 7 time on ber return. ' t • ... i Mile. Pleeolomlnl will he succeeded by - „ , • . LABORBE and POINSOT. - who wIH appear In several new and celebrated opens,: On four of the .eight nights the greatbaaso, « CARL FORMES. will appear in some of his greatest characters. The operas selected are' ’ ' - ‘ THE CHILE OF THE REGIMENT. LA TBAVIATA; MARTHA/DON GIOVANNI; ROBERT LB DI ABLB, and the following new operas and revivals : < THE fiUGUBNOTSj LB NOZZE BITIGARO. > and LAZINGARA, (the Itatish verMpn of .theßohe ,, ~/• . mien Girl.') ‘ —’ The prices of admissionwillte'' ‘ • 4[ i Reserved seats s2.and 81, accordingto location^ „ Admission to parquet and parquet circle. *.......,51 The Blrector trusts that the prices of will not be found higher than th« rare attractions offered, and the great expense incurred in transporting for' so abort a time an'lmmense establishment' from city to city, oblige him to ask; • They are the same which the public of New York and Boston hare cheerfully paid p throughout the season. On FRIDAY, Jan. 14. at 8 o’elcck, *; First' aepearanoe In Philadelphia of * MUe. PICCOLOMINI. “ THE DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT; with a complete and great cart. ( ' Piccelomlnl .....a* 1 Carl Formes (for the first time) as, The Sergeant. Tamaro (the new tenor) as ,Tonlo. On SATURDAY. Jan. 15, PIOOOLOMINI In her great role of Violetta Sn " LATRAVIATA, When the oelebratrd baritone FLORENZA will spp&r with BRIGNOLI.- In the ball-room seeoe will be in troduced a grand ballet, when '. MUe. SOTO will make her first appearance siaee her return fro in . South America. The sale of seats for the first two ’ nights will oom mesee on WEBNESBAYr Janvl2 t 'at9 A. M., at the Academy ot Music. - After twe * ni< * — -ptuOTipumn wmieafe torßalainoreima Washington, and will be snooeeded by - , , . .MADAME LABORER, . * who will make her 1 first appbanudbe* slnoe heY return from Europe on Monday. •• - s ‘ j»7-*tf - MRS. D. P. BOWER’S tyalnttt-st. THEATRE. . - COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT MISS'CAROLINE'RIOHINGE At the solicitation of many Patrons of the Drama, who are earnestly ■ desirous of making some sub stantial test monlal of their appreciation of the above named popular artiste, the full .embodiment intheir opinion of all those qualities which tend to elevate,the parity and .prosperity of her vocation] the ' manage-* ment of the Walnut street Theatre, in eompliauea with a requisition numerously signed, have kindly set apart WEDNESDAY EVENING NEXT, Jan. 12,1859, . For that event The Entertainments selected are THE KNOHANTRE'B and the BONNIE FISH WIFE, In both of whloh the Beneficiary will appear. PRIORS OF ADMISSION. Single Beats In Orchestra and Private Boxes.sl OO Dress Circle, Family Circle, and Parquet... 60 eents. Amphitheatre or Third Tier 25 »* The Box Plan will be opened to the Pnblio on Satur day next, the Bth, at 10 A. M , when seats can be secured, without extra charge, in all sections of the Theatre or Third Tier. •- Ja7-4Ut MRS. D. F. BOWERS’® WALNUT-ST. ITJL THEATRE, oorner of NINTH and WALNUT Btr*ets. BENEFIT OF MR. H A. PEBRY. THIS (Friday) EVENING, January 7, 1869, MONEY.- Alfred Evelyn, Mr. H. A Perry; Clara Douglas, Mrs. F. B. Conway. MAN ABOUT TOWN. Skirts, Mr. H. A. Perry; Lady Anbrey, MlssLaross. Prices of admission—Second Tier and Family Circle < and Third Tier, 26 cents; Parquet 87# cents; Drets Olrole, 60 cents; Private Boxes, according to thrit locale, $8 and $5; Single Seats in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 76 cents. Doors open at half past 6 o’clook; Curtain riles at T o’clock. WHEATLEY h OLARKE’® AEOH-BT# V T THEATRE.—WiIIiam B. Fredericks,Acting sad Stage Manager. THIS (Friday) EVENING, January 7. 1859. ‘ . OUR AMERIOAN COUSIN. Asa Trenchard, our American Ooueln, Mr. J. Clarke; Lord Dundreary, Hr. Wheatley. . - ROBINSON ORUSOE AND HIS MAN FRIDAY. Admission, 26 cte. Secured Seats in Dress Circle, 87X ots; Orchestra Stalls, 60 ots; Seats in Private Boxes,l6 cts; Gallery, 13 ots; Gallery for Colored persons, 26 etat Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, $8 otat Whole Private Box, $3; ' ' Doors open at half part 6 o’clock; commence at 7, precisely. . , , ' IVATIONAL CIRCUS, WALNUT ST., ll above EIGHTH-LEWIS B. LENT, Manager. THIS (Friday) EVENING. January 7 1869, SPRITES OF THE SILVER SHOWER, with the. THREE LITTLE GIRLS AS4?HE FAIRY TRIO, with B. HEMMING as the MERCURY. The performance concluding with THE PONY RACES. SCALE OF PRICES. DressOireleand Parquette....... 40 seats Children under ten years of age ........20 l{ Family Olrole 20 “ Doers open at quarter to 7 o’clock. Perforaa&a* will commenoe at 7#. SANFUBD’S OPEKA HOUSE, ELHY3SNTH Btreet. between Market end Ohestnnt. OPEN POE THE SEASON. By the Largest Troupe of MINSTRELS IN THE WORLD. SANFORD’S OPERA HOUSE ASD TBI SANFORD OHILDREN Admittance 25 cinte. SIGNOR BLITZ.—ASSEMBLY BUILD INGB, TENTH and CHESTNUT Stmts. COME AND LAUGH. Come and see the Funny Bill a, the Amusing BUta, the Remarkable Blits, the Laughing Blits, the Popular Blits,' the Blits, who makes all Happy. PERFORMANCE EVERT EVENING, commencing 7X o'clock, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AF* TERNOONB, at S o’clock. Consisting or WONDERFUL METAMORPHOSES, astonishing scopes in Ventriloquism, the Learned Canary Birds, and the Extraordinary Exhibition of the Rope Dancer. Admission, SS cents; Children, 23oeats. ja3 rftHE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP JL - THE FINE ARTS, No. 1026 CHESTNUT STREET, 18 OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. M. tills P. M. Admission 36 cents. Children 13 cents. Shares of Block, entitling the holder’* family to ad mission a* all times, $3O, d7»tf MUSICAL FUND HALL.—THE GBR -ITA MANIA OBOHEBTRA will oommenoe their Public REHEARSALS on BATURDAY next. Nov. 30th. Single Tickets 25 cents; a package of eight tickets for $l, which may he obtained at Andre’s, 1104 Chestnut Btreet; Beok A Lawton’s, oorner of Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of the Hall. The per formance oommenoe* at 3X o’clockP. 11. . nolT-if Sennng JUarbines. CJEWING MACHINES. >3 BAVAGE’S PATENT, rax MOST snerts— HOST pssixot. No. 722 CHESTNUT STREET. The most desirable Sewing Machines forFcmilies yet made. d 8 imif* Oatdjcs, Jeroelrg, daiust & 00., D vonuxahT BAILEY A KTTOHBN, Hare remoyed to their sew Fire-proof, White Stable Store, 819 OHESINUT BTBKKT, ' NORTH BISI, BILOW THB OUStIROHOUIB, Now opening their fall stbok of IMPORTED WEXiBY, PLATED WAR!*, AND FANCY GOODS j ‘ ) To which they Invito the attention of thepuUlC. ' SILVER-WARS, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND PJLABU, Af AID UfAX*, Ml7*uty
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers