. . .on Sa»-s£sj6 ai'C—.'Ct I t*T k; *Vjdwwi!«=N»Xci®raM<ii«'HeH'iM»j*t3rs until; sow;wo.cAll«a:’‘of UhUed>Kiiigdomof.Groat v BriWntuna Ireland. Queen :V’, butythatdssigna-' \ con was, intruth and In i)pf3%effeeVagrnp! mention waß'inadp-sf Am AWSyiMgSitß? colonies! - and deMndnnolaraf thPAWwn. .Toromedy this . defed t r ‘«h<loaiaa!proelSmationy alters nnd'.ostab" . Ushis WtHßWtwa'tM rtgal;itjrW andUtlo.thttff:- ’ “ Victoria, by t}m Ood.'OfHha/Uiitted AMoa, of the Faith.’! -, >■ ■ ... otvtdd 1 ‘. DietoviTW^'Al'i> r ()tfrrHnS?i. s; ‘T;ofd :N»pier, at i nrwelfi MMstSixMjKasblngton,. to suooeodWfd l Hott.'lßi.O.£oatlott,'now,mliniBWr.atßiodOi\rai!|}: l ' - roftai' fit miniatsfowAtt l'lor*noedijlheHan;'iß>E! ' IfortelJifrtitil'Brtadenytobeminiater-atßio. 'Afrp , wnniraaTon Honson Qbbbkset, ,tne_pewqn[ ’ ehargedwittittealiiiir'fronrtlie.Colonisl Ofnco; too ''doJhftdßslftddHTKtfitS4f6SianX(*fap*dsrbas been. ' .. acSallttd;hl&ibfidwTwi/Vno'Simea'r • to.Bavo ttodgb-ab&V-thoSSrdoilan'aid not Snnk&ap-. tuaWoldW.-sThopabßoatton.-f avortheleft.bat bsitorpiaUittrMat^UcbHßgk-boao^ff'**» Touiijf,-sho.Wpit6ith£:d«BpatohWi_»nditwiU»n -' defaU'buVnug^tbfJ’.dbd'iiltaWn.ofMh-aMatono.. ®bdMwy f «snP{6jbaVo''tgkan!aTerjr:lanlaHt^loW' GMm*i!*rt<K»oir w WB«bi»®!n.is ?•% r a«jg QhaßQeUocjpfitii*,£xoli*qaer, sod Jirflr Disr. ra4ll,a«ft H«tflBldiHoM«,thO;MatoMtbo Alarauts. 1 - bf:S*lUbnrsrr«n'roKf»forKni!w!»t»y,.wboTO.,thoy. ore to be tbe guosti.ofitho Earl ofJDorby, for a few - by,ihe.&eeua9Keant-,&t-,Aims In the room of the late .CotpKel.Kegoly.ab ,~'n - At:A' Coort of Directors held'omtheiSth Daeem-j • bor;Ool(i<ielB*!teli'MiP?,W>snnanlinonlly elected ohotrmanof tneEasfcfndla'ObmJehytJ''’**' Qji» otithoesons ot BowVß’irSs la-to be,at the DlasggWoelebratton oE.tbe.oentonarj! ofthe.poet;- . the other wIU be bt'the dinner 1 of, tho-Dnmflriea. Olhb., : ‘Mt l .Ri r ßVßegg,'fonotths lote'Mrs.Begg,; the'Sopt’i, iWer,--tfM* also ;S«o(!pted ; :an 'tnvlta-:> W* read'in. tbe Tesmeaf Countr that a:sap. scriptlotf libeing! rslsed; for »• memorial • to J amea Hoglf, the,‘%BttrlokrBhepberd.'’'fi«.‘-;f u-«s e» >-<f e : M|n^B^3tSW ! ’^V6ft!;a^it t ri(oi»Jtbaii' ! ten 1 y*»« ! ji^Bieter « onthatl3thof;Peoem6er,v Nothing oobld bempre entbtutaeUb than.the reosptionaooordedto her by the audience.' w-fnn&=>.-. Ar/ i.v;; - ~,-v , tfstSf'enWeriptioai for Mri Spurgeon's newoha-; V*l a Mpcjent Bam, ' n«w/ul»eriiMreir»^ev»dwrue^ffir ; s Tho.plaa of the Barter Husta Balt hW proved ,to.be aooujti-, oally giidi'atid.'wlUbedeotdedly.preferred.; :Tho ■ totkledat.'tnblttdlogiarobtteot’a commissloni-warm! ing.rnntilatidn, -Ugbtlng,.t)9b4clary walls} fehoes,. paWaVilttinga,, and'.eyetyj'pxira'nao.tobe.ab.oat' £16,000' .' "' 4 ‘ V " ' TBB'r«i6b ; ABBOAt>:-6lho UY aijfrk glve«i under the-above he'sdg aidistof Irish-born men rttboririblo' 1 iioits'in the 'Odnrti bfiEaroni ariditn: ihiei f ! Thb •« It 1 ; Is’ formidable - In; proportionsyaid' oeiinple! .'nearly j tbi ee eblnmtis: Thearray opeoajejtb' tfii>;.nhime pt, W;boJe» TV.'PS. man,.Cardinal; Melt Qqartpf,Romo,,and . oloses with that of a more genuine Celt,.to» wit,' Miohdel -Flttpatrickj Secretary Publio Lands and Works; New' Boueh Wales.LfCardinal Wiseman washprn.atßaVllle.J.''!;;' “ >/ 't VI 4S? , A Cpgiti pirisßi in'r.nolioing.' the henslon of members ef the Phtpoia, Club, amount; ihg altogatliee to slrty persons,- says was carried mSbtt.‘ fUrtherlthaii'any one not «n -gagedTn itfuspbetedl” -It eeems there hare bten sUtynmnwtre.ohsetvediijriajieldnearjPn'rnis. . As a person approaeheddnnls gig,’ they laid down, but' whdn hehad patted, and:was supposed not,to be observingthsth. thtjrbiunied.the attitudo out of which .they, hed bbeff frightened,.aqd went on with- thelrmmidmvfes.' “A;rumpjr prevalt» thati. It j of,th<i | Oo.tprt^dpt’^is»ue^p»ya.- 1 - pjotedipardesii.»j< v, a v.Sfo-iiu-wi'lt.-.'i , - Ixfid-' RoocauAir ha* ? leftrsrla for his seat at : Cdniiei'iVKtWhW Ididshlh 'iJurpos'eS'tre'mltlhlng nntUshortlybefo«i;tbf;^penjngp|Parltamant,, . . Tmfßar&'CohittVw/toftne/ atmounees that the , ihqniiy intb the ftmo'ral'of : thelhrthtbltipns Worn I . tHejf rehobltiriff'Will beheld next year' - Alt' the -p^S^'.»ifi;'ha^V»^Kdaßhfch)idthe , Ui4sstpal uiterastsmsybe sure.lhattherp win,he norerorms not'compatible,wlththesesfatenCe anddeyolop mept.of national industry. ; . -. ■; - - ' . .■, ; , , Th* statutes foe a. groat discoust -bankj td be, V oallsd thblmpertaVJlißOpuilt Bahkihayo’bsen laid! . before the Couocil.pf.jßtate, ', Iha,oapital stook is •’ to be ip : ,tp, be ap plied to discount commercial,bllls bayiog ninety : diy|lio.run...ltwiUbeallowe4to;lend:monsy.onj doekTranahtS' and' othor’SeouriHea.- sA'third.: of . orsdit. l AIl its stock musrbej tiie'iMontalembert hnainess, is tbe arrival of - a letter frpin' the' Count'd*' Obazn-j to* ibo'; defendant Jn this action, x o<?nkraH»l4tto£ Wib', iifte'j^deWatfitadei bo e£preMlßg i ihe«ymp4tby ofl ■ 4he head —.- Hftltv igofltof ftDaiggob a doeumsptj ' c tbe 'fntUtes* effort* to fffit a sspy .'■H''*’ ' • 1 - y ir tSa ontiiJ - : Pfenahovet'tbepiemlshJangasgo.Vjoeveral mem-S bain ocrapliinea-ftaV'Tljn'lMveriim'ttat published! ' . its announcement Jn Brtnobi In, dlatrloUywherel I . tttaStaa j»Mj,f*v«ra« by Oi#. Ioi!a) apthorillea;lm •preference to ihenaUon&lone.U!rh»<}aYormneht' - -premised totake’the subject intoeonstderution.; - ] Tms. Paris correspondent of the Times quotesa! , Tafirif.\wliloh J etateß'tbat the, , ~ i? i U- general ?tHet ? a*poUiHo»o.ri>lsw at hand. ‘lt la from a hlgh(tijaroe;th*t,, jhaj.rumoM of awariikd , ttnaeBoy;prooeed.-;;It< Ist,also.hellevedthat PlodJ ■ ? 4«t(!ij«iwo«rat»4hyithd!lWletteai. :i ~; J Jiße^iS^dMljjMißriUoniqaoVWti^ttia'pj^tlTß; ..- >.lnwntion,4tij said, qf.beooiiufrg a.Capuchln wo okj .'_ i-- ■.- ,*■ - 1 ylßaPrlnOeflegentbrSwedenhasinado a move : ' fqftratlcil Ut;that;kihgdimj -. kygrariting Ills sane tientomsetlngs'for worship being heUta|aa(fh,er»,;than In Iheparilh oburcheej provided .they.ere, hot opened 'eame. times that are sat apart for public. service by the clergy .'ofthC’diatriot; '.Petmisslon is also granted foda 4\ '■'■' JJ*r«° -eertain tej i more 'liberal , >;la* Jobe lßttodnsed fOr the regulation of the - :-V.> --1 \on th| " twopairoirdihalawtu be , , m«de--ona for Some and the other for'.Amerlesj- . ■phoaldthis newa be true, America .will posse** a ■= : Tb« 'XrShbUhob of ! of' as' likely - to’be thb first J : « Butf - slaifor .tha gnat of „*Aftei a terse at-.Villafranca!, . . the Crown has mada a preient to Aus - aWj/rtbtfeallJUtiffd'ifimed'PeiagosaPon'theieoask r- the;Adri»Hej v .o*tetislbly as allght-house.bnt in ' ' post4rt;tbo direction ■ t s°tYf rw*« a’.ihJgto. Statesman In .Europe, it It • .? aaded;waieogn!santofthetr at Section.. f j j j .1 Wtener _«>{“”£•»!!•*** that » powerful party ha* best • ft ‘ls .to. benevolent.'iritehHoni'ofr the . °‘VJP 'ihp f 'snbject of, emancipation! I'they'hove . • poMdtHir convocation of a general assembly or the . nobUffyi Whloh'waa aappreated by Peter the OroaT . Racasr Uttefs • ':. ' which; was current, atme tltnd' alnce, that Quash .p.Jphriitina.an.dJJanhalM'oiyaezareoomplotcly ... -jsJuii ,iite l .4®.ft 9 ;?P»B l!&<s,P,l^>aeneM'-pri|h'ha«wltß -2Mr"dra*T l ;hls anfthameot/whloh.deotared that Spat '';-hadhot*ofliolcat4>ausoto.enter lhto'bdstlUtyWlS 1 Mexico. fr^T T •;4 li bf v thi‘ : dTb of ■ December state thpt .thi publiAition of the das ; YOung 'gave rlsb to an “ immenio , jubilee.’'/ .A RuMi.an-.Qreek'.haiiquet was given to Celebrate the glorious tldinge, but the enthusiasm of the?gueitas.wea:.artesteds’ln/mid volley by tie , . „ i morufying. . aonouncement 'tbst-Mr.- WySev bad ' despatchfrom tne WndqAFoMlgnOffloe’dfsaVowtnff siiiylntentliiß ' Ts;:Pn< t i«i!* r^,«»^CoTer^pA,to} earry.'hnV'the o.<PW^“tef l S!r.,J,J'oung. li 3rh» ( 'de(igbtfal d&uslijn oslaited,only;twmty-Jpurjh9ur»itheaame.msl|;.hay " Ing: conveyed the.-Youtlg despatch aUd the mlnbi sssasssssisaa l t Eitrtoralnary' haa dUpUjed in f loarchlitr*.> for - state ofthe obnntry aid aald.tbatthe.rjgbthqnorahle; gentlemen' bee edo ■ v ee#dfdjh - 'e?.venr‘ Bhprt'Bpaoe.ef tlmeinmskltg . atOorfa. The.Yleh&e,cdr. '. respondent,,, qt . the, .{Timet .asserta.; tbat .Sir 'J; ' .;jToung,v!'the o.tord; Blgh i. Commiastoher of the. , .' Slohlan Isles, has sent ln-hls,reslgnation l .hut It'is‘ ' ';raqtyet,knownrat ;<l6rfa;whather :lt hast been Aa "r 1 jfrfted'hyhcrilajdStVs Clad-; ■ .f itiOf flreit Birttalii maintained, produced . '.o;»u.oxt«piely/dlssgreeahlo:lmpressl'on, on the na-' • /. ' tionairparty* : i ! .„ f riot, JanjWiyrbHWwyiVAmtlejqoy, named Wto ...Jlatn ffallftce, aiUd..abouretght years,.d!edat (ho. ;. .. restdenoe of hl« i «,tspfe§im'ji.WflHn(p;Swsell.iou; V nV«w»MWarte»fea»»*4««iWi, Oh Saturffiay, v: mortmg. ,Yrom'ithe . J mashM li ip.wJiloh, thbpdor , . olllldtlrM bsajn?,treated iby,BuBseU. and his wffe, - ® .Ss?iraihehfltltw.nelghboraideeOod'an, investigation] of TtWeittsea whioh' prodaoecl death neceeBary»-aiid, , - qhost 6veKthe,bqdv,i;pr. mad* a r/post mor/sw'eiiiaiuatlonlhnfdjlh'glvlng bis ebl,. - ' In a hepljhyhondiuotlrthire being no Indloitiins, a j ;- of . oonsumnaon.qr. oOn opening the stomach'' ' . lt was of oni or . . bells; .The stomeetpefta sbrlvollod np, and thtro vwae, *ygsaKWWMWSfiA,wenf. of nourishment. doduotlon of dollar? on tho ialWfn. ; latMteaa E Jllisooitttinne anir CopartuersliiiJ*. - bern herebygiro nbtlce shat they baTe.entered mitf d Piiiiwr*hlp,'aHtde»bij. to 4hft proTWOBB ■ iraoftthe OozamonwealUx of 'peunflylrania. re-, - t *' 1 {That the same or firm under whioh Bftid partnership i- |Tb»f tbs gueftl or ‘k; Ba«io«M totimMi to H triOMotodlßtbolKT 000 l PWbtog Baii&eu. i , rtv .-<»-»t fc *v- 4 " ■ tl htt the namM of. aUJhe, * c («n®r*l j[>irto6V)7_BlOHAaiJ of til* enplUl contributed ji t!n »rtaoi«l‘p»rtiJer« totbe.Common Stock,. i« Two iliilrtld^hooiiria/dolUMi»of wbfohOoobnmLred fonatndaollareaneallit'hM bean «o oontiibntM,bT. iThMih'Vrloa'ot wMch:tbe.i’ild Wrtiofablp UU>' lOmmenco, irthethlrty-ftrat day of B6eembfir, Aißr 5 .SfiS, and wtteh it WiHteriiiiniite, ill the iilitT.antdoy of B»4«hit«r, A.D.' ; 1893. ' ! •" BIOHiRD D: WOOD, Special Partner. ! -v. t '■•'■JOSIAHBAOON,' SpestalPartner. ■■■• . ’•’•• >■• t _ MABBH. ■--”••• > :irr;,„. ; - i.Li-Wi BATWAiLB.i • , ■ sw-^aaar v t. Kti ,4, r BIOHABR.WOO». , , übe oniy apheml partner, all of: the city { of Philadal rihltijntate entfted’ fntbV limited..'partnership. onllr Sia proTlilone Of the. let of General.'A asemblylof the ' Commonwealth ofPenniylvanla, entitled v* An'Act re lative; tolldtfiitadtPaTtaerehips’u approved March Slit, ■ A.r».i lBBacaß4 alee under.tic prorlelohe of. dny.other lav ot ialdiOommonvealth.rclaunif .ta'Limited-Part-- rer»hlp>.‘-;And-thenece»!ary-o;rUflokte:and_raffldaTlt AaVlnd'hCeh filed'amt recorded ih theolllce of'the Be—* eoMer'orWede for tbCeoudt/ofPhnndelphln'.uiThere fora,’to coUplleucCwlth the pt6vlaloae or Bald AcVwc, publish the terms of eald 11 ml ted'partnership as fop' r?*rst.,Thoname ot theflrm:, under whiob tthe ealdj Baited partnership la tfo'jbV CfWtduMod,lr that ; rf* MA-- { beastsbroil hstuVe oMhif builiiess Intended to be trihiacted by said limited partnership, la that'af rfflf¥hStS2m^XtK^wS'r3‘Partneis'ln- MM IlmltadpartnerahSi are,' .WIW.UM H.. MAGItL, B. &ABVJSripMXBTand OHABLKS D. THOM»B"vho fs sldetutha city pf I ,Philadelphia.’ 1 Fourth" The amounlof the capital contrlhuted by the ipeclalpar trior, WPt.HAM B.P'i.KMING, to the com mon atoek of aald limited partnerehlp.i fa the aum of fTMrtr-flvfl Thousand Dollaro in cash. . • ! -Fifth. IThe pirlodat which said limited partnership ilato OommCaoeia the'flratday.Ot January, A. D. ISSJ, and,the. petlod atjvhloh it will toamlnata la tbo flrat day jof January \.J>; 18M., ; ' ittatrAM n.MAGia,, ) _ HABVKTTHOMsS, .5 General PartnSro. -dIIiOHABISa D..TfIOMAB,"S . /’} , WILLIAM ft. FLEMING,.SpeciaI Pyrtper. : phllstophli,.Jannyy~lst, 1669. . ! . , ri-xViNaTAJCEW THE. siORE ko; i2O, > IXi OHIISTNDT. STBJBT, formerly opoapiedrby M*uml>.B.:Htmna3 & Co., and «ncc«eded to their baiineesiire rssMotfaUy solicit a oontlnuance of the ptfronad. so,liberally bestowed ou^pjedeces- We cheerfully' commend the firm or MAGILL & THOMAS to.lbe favorable attention of oor friends atd fortiercorrespouiJotttfl.' ,fi ' j D. B. HLNMAN k. 06. - ./Philadelphia, January - 1 <. jsl-lw;. jTItJPAMKEBSjaip;; K 0;t I GE.—The W undersigned have formed a- Copartnership voder the finfcof MOTJNIVHALIr.& 130.. for the purpose of transacting the Domestic Dry Gooob Commission busi ness. at Noi, 49 And 61 P*rk Piece. - - v : : ANDREW MOUNT. Leta Of Wilmerdinfts 3c mount. : PXLBQ- HALL, JOHN-W. DUtfNELL,: WILLIAM- HALL, ' Late Hall, Dina i Co/ js3-6t' v.KewYork, Jan 8. f^OMRfctfEKSSIP Th e ’.Subscribers V/ beYetkledaj associated thamaalrea for the tranß actlon of Wholesale Boot and Shoe botlneu, at No, 601MARKBT Street, under the firm of Monroe.Sttdfole, * Smalt*. ■ __JAJ«B MONROE, , 0 ., v.. . .JOSEPH S. BIIDPOLS. - * JOSEPH S, SMAfcTZ. ■^Philadelphia, l Jan. I,‘ 1869I‘ . Jal.flt TfIHE FIRM OF GOFF & PETERSON L Util.a.ydli.olTedJbj’mtttq.l cou,nt. n: The bailnser will he' fceltted'up* by either of the aa denlgeed. at 818 MAB&ET Street. —s J. W. GOFF, . :> > THOMAS K PETERSON. ReoemberSl, 1868. ’ . r 4‘Sldtictf.&Hwtrofrflde,will W obtifettf At 81J f mmt. bj, - '* ‘ -rUSSOLTTTIOWXTHB * COPARTNER.! -SHlPheretofore existingbetween BENJAMIN C.HOBNOR and JOSEPH G. BITTENHOtJgE, tutderi O EORNOR A OOJ. U tiis dtj; consent. 4 tfhebusiness will be settled.by either of the partners, At,the old stand,No< 231ARQH street, J?6tw»en Second' 'ebd'Th!rdstreetB,*nd the name of thelate firm.tjsed only In liquidation. ' Signed BBKJ C.HOBNOB,' r JOS. Q. WTTBitHQUBB. • , .jal-6t* Decembers!, 1668. ..TOp'; GiBITTENHOUSE, of the-lkte flrm, r *l, bYB. 0, HORNQft ft CO i will continue the Whele seleyif&ieb Manufacturing,’ in-all Its branches,' as heretofoVfl'. at the old Biaafl. / 5 i‘ 4 { for but fovortfrueisollcita tke custom ol tha tfdrroe»«p»tfonepf R o; HOBNOR.k 00., *fe4.hpi>M by, ■metaUehttoatubusihes* to'"eontlfitte to dive enure 'Mtleftottonr*'*'' • v ; f * j : SSIARGHat; b»t and Third ats. Factory—iAt COOPER VILLK ,T#dhty- third' Ward i' f|P PARTNERSHIP - HRHETOFOBE ;t existihg'betireennhe ittb»«nberf • under’the firm; Of TnHtt BrOtner' I AUo..Via thli day dissolved by mutual Coosont; Bennett withdrawlDg'frotn the firm. , Will be ibttled by either of the part- n■ CHARLES B TRUITT, ’ ROBT.W. D. TRUITT. ’’ BAML L ORIUTZBORGj • jshnf: Bennett. • Philadelphia, Deoember Sl, 1963ja1*12t The undebSigned will con 5-TINUB the General Herd were Bustoes* at Ho, 629. MARKET etreet, andNo.62B OOMMfIBOE atreet, under the pm of Truitt Brother k. Co. OHABLBB B. TBUITT’ SOBr. W.D. TRUITT. ' BAML. h. ORBUTZBORG. : 1869, , , , . rjel«lBt , ' r ' "ssM /PhlUdslphla firm of G.Ull*liot7i • : ANDBRfION, & 00 , being ' dissolved .hr Ibe death of Hr. Charles p. Anderson, the business of said firm will be settled by the surviving partner at No. 827 MARKET . RUNS GDIILOu. COPARTNERSHIP. Tbo, Subscribers >have,this day associated themselreß for the Imf pbrtatlon and Jobbing of'House-ftmjiablng: Dry Gooda, in the Store Jately occupied by Guillou, Anderson. & Co., No. '827 MARKET street, under the name and style of Gulllon, Emory« «Co’. ; j *' " fIENE GUILLOU, ‘ JOHN EMORY, X-ffiANK BROWN. fal-lgt , . OEMOVAL. A.' MoOALLTTM k CO. n lw'luiT8 v Mni6Ted from No/80 BANK street to No. 609 OHBSTNUT street, opposite the State House. Philadelphia Deo. 31,1868. |~IOI’ARTNERBHIP.--:A. ‘MoOALLUM & VV’ 00. hare ibliday associated with thcmHugh Me* Callnm, Orlando Crease, end Andrew 1. Sloan. and *lll contlnne.Oie Os'pat Btulncls at No. 609 CHEST NUT atroet.nnder the Arm ofMoCALLUbt ft 00. ~ Philadelphia, Jannaiy I,IBM. - Jil-at* DISSOLUTION. —The partnership, here^ . toforo exHtlnjrbf tween the undereigned .under the arm ef R, i. Roe, &Co ,1s this day dliaolred by prapul oonsint. - . “ .ROBERT I. HOBS. ... r ' ; . rHIRIP P. KBLLY. : ... Philadelphia,November2B,lB6B. . ; PF. KELLY ALONE CONTINUES' •.' the banking and exchange bneinese, under the same end style of Philip P. Kelly ft 00., at the office formerly occupied by B. 1. Boes ft 00., No. 16 Sooth THIRD Street.- , IVOTIOE.—Tho flrm of McFarland, Evans, i” * Co. waa dleeblTed by the death of William' R. .piaas. ’ "he boalneu will 6o contlnoed by tbs remain. Jjigsrtn'erej under the arm of McFARtASD.TAT , dspnkry 1, 1869. Jal-Ot' tIAYJK.G.'.FbEMEI) -A.OOPABTNfcE- Jlx SHIP, under the/ftrm of ALEXANDB& PBIEBT-. J®XaA Go.) the CommUeJon, Paper, and Bag butines*,' h%tewWre ,oohda6tbd* b j Alexander, PxleatJejr/YrilllU continued at liH CPMjklKftqß Btteet, by the under eigned, r . >,,/ALEXANDER PRIESTLEY. r ■<•> v:,V -: :v,; ohablbb billbobn* ; At FEED IRELAND Philadelphia, Jan. 1,185 ff. Wt'- JnJTCrAL CONSENT MR. M. d. itlthdraw* from our Arm- '.The Dry Goods Jpbbing business, will be oontlsued as heretofore/ < JAMKO, rent, saktm. *.co«, V. .Y» - '« No*. 280. sod 24lNorth Third attest. - PhiUAelphU,l><Ki. 31,1868 . iil-et* tfBATING BDIIiDIKGS WITH WASTE JLJL.Ji;-’'; .-.•sibah. JOSEPH Wi'AHTHONT, OHUHOH BTBBET, BELOW i - MED, .. , Offers his serricai. to put Plops In buildings for Heat ing, and refers to thi following letters m to Its utility and his capability. ■i is used it costs.nothing after the Pipes are laid; aadDoildingi 'are‘Warmed Without risk from fire. „ j' •/’ ’•' • ■ LETTEBfI. iJ ':. .rbki.vrwvt &qq.’staoo Works, Deo.'2, >6B. " / n% Axnsoxr. Esq —Dear Bir J Ton ask how we are pleased with otfr heating pipes for w vialng the shop by iS altered byyott. twill state that charmingly. and .we are sitiafled that you «afler*d them efflctimt and uaefnl. - thsy 1 w*re of no tue to us, although put no *t considerable >xpen*e. and since overhauled without tveoefltjand/they were abandoned/ asthey choked the there seems to be no shop is well heated, 7 dnd the work appears tohe well done. ’ Ypry wtTunyYdTtrti. 7 O.T.PARBY, 1 , J , :v’< Wißaldwin’a Locomotive Works, . ‘ ' ' • OißSohtoK Mills, Oct 17,1868. Mr. 'Jossrtf W. A*»HoRt.—DSarßir: Your favor or the llth ihst.’ had beenreeßlted.aad should'have re bSirod -riiy attention ’earlier, but edold not for want of time. *'*Y<m,wish to knowhow in the store ;r6qmknswef tbs porpose for which they’were Intetded. I Would siy.they work' almost to perfection? we c4n con trol th'rtxr so an tq‘ inake snydegreaiof heat desired in a mrr'HhetY’ttmt. A; 'Biimuiun," the burn who due .%*nn; Mlhf be he ein r»|sa tb* h'o.t to9o degtMli In tea iblnates afterletlieg id Jitefira, .nil nn he Aiwa dot ■khdW -to ,»h»t - height h j coala nice the BeAt teibe o»7e'B“B.»4 ooei.ron to teit thelt fnH pewiolty: l He MomßrhJtt Aotna ho »Im4 high idoogifot ottr pnr )iwii'*HU'hHftlio'qaldtitj orwper It retfulrea w.toh .JV to PjeT.ut th, beet riomffslog toobigh. »■ t . JIJTjE ; ' "iilai -; •<!? r ,'i . t i>4 r>:t rtfi W 1;. Jt , .. *} • i . TWXNaSSiii^a 4 »f . . ; r-.js'i-p, ,■< y 'm;!- > j- • vs «., '■ l: 5 • Ma. hkv J > '#!««, *>f ! . *«..■=• !: ■ ” -4- . _ Jj_ ■ -ft» ‘ ; I;] r WEA^RirMrL<feß •f SEO' d . Sußfaiii * oO:, ' j ■ ... . : fw6< ja^wtff«M»i*l3W tnah flolAflß (B^ocSS; (fjRISTIANI & 00.. ' ; j PERFUMERS AND' IMPORTERS, jßeing now arr.nzedtn their new location, 1 No. 45 BORTH FOUBTH STREET, , are offering a aj>perlor >aMortm6nt of DKUGQJBBB’ ARTICLES . ! ABD , - - ! FANCY GOODS. ' 1 1 ‘ ‘ '• Oonsiatlng In part of . , ; French and Eigllnh PANOY BOAPB. ; Foreign EXTRACTS and FOMADIS. i I TOILET BOTTLES, In Glue and China. .POBTEMONNAIES. PURSES and POOKET-BOOKB. DRESSING OASES and ODOR BOXES, . ~ Bair, Toolh.' Nan: and BBaWSit BRUSHES, *o.V*«V •< [To whloh thejoall the attention of Druggißie and the pybllc, aa their price., defy competition til 3-d tj ,7- • 1i! <irbntertiduki! : .' : 11 Vf RIS HEADQtTA&TERS.— aRK We have just received oar French Confectionery, end ere niahhfoOtaringh ilaperior'artiele'-of Marsh Mel lqW"Qhm’*TDropßi > -Bon BOnay Oream: Jhrte*,' &o. Call end supply yourselves with the. best .Confectionery in .tide olty, et ' JEFFRIES & EVANS*, iffiomni' N 0,718 MARKET St., bet. 7th xnd Bth. tjAILY & BROTHER’S : £> CARPETWAREHOUSB, j No. 920 CHESTNUr STRSET. QPKN TO-DAY ANOTHBB INYp^OB \ TAP US S£t S', , - or 1 ■ « OROSSLEY’fI” CELEBRATED MAKE, 1 'it ' * ’ v A I ONE DObOAB A YARD. Cerpet buyers will find oar stock fall end of fresh jty^.^d i ,■ , l-jal-tfw, ] a J- ; fcbitoolß seeing ma - CHINE Igoffarqd to the• pabllo ex • she moat re ji»bl&'lo#-prlceii fidwldg Ueohlhe ih'ufed> It Will sew Jo.sjxfy kinds of goods, from coarsest bagging to the driest' cambrics. It is, without theplmplest ip its mechanical ponstroetion ever made, andean be ran and keptlnorder jbya child of twelveyoArsofage.. ThesouauiLiTYof jthls machine, end the QosMTr or its wonx, are war jranted td beunrarptssedby any other, Its speed ranges jfrom thre£ hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per ml mute. The thread usedis taken dlreotiy from the spools, jWiTnour or ln faot,it is a jmsiblnethat* is wanted by every family in the land, and ,*the low price of ' ' THIRTY DOLLARS,'' ’ [St which they arc sold, brings .them within the reach ol .almost evory one ' B.D. BAKHR, Agent, dSI-dCm W-eow-6m 30 South EIGHTH Street. HEELER & WILSON* SEWING MACHINES,! BHDUOED PRIOES. . , NEW STYLE, $6O. All the formor patterns |26 less ou each Machine. •• • A NEW TENSION. NO WINDING,OF UPPER THREAD. A HEMMBK WHICH TURNS ANY WIDTH OF HEM OR FELL;. . , ‘ OFFIOSS 628 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. ' No, 1 West STATUE Street, Trenton, N, J. No. 7 East GAY' Street, West Chester, Pa. oo7tofe2o . J r ,-w . r|IHE LARGEST DESK DEPOT IN ; THE UNION. HOGUET, A HUTTON, ' ” (Suecdesdn'to J. T. Hammitt,) •' MANUFACTURERS OF A. L. ADAMS’ IMPROVED DESK RACK. No. 269 Booth THIRD Btreet, Philadelphia. OFFICE, BANK, and SCHOOL FURNITURE. ' EXTENSION TABLES, BOOKOASXB, ' ‘ , WARbBOBES, Ao.' dB-Bra j ‘w.qoff itrODSEKEEPERS/LOOK TO TOUR EX. INTEREST.—Great Reduction In the price of COAL.'.Qheapest and best. The subscriber having l made contracts .for his. supply : ol .Ooal, is enabled to offer very superior Family Coal'at. the following re dubed prloei: * ;* * , Broken Egg and Stove..oo per ton , C00king.,....; 876 « « . ; Large Nut...;..'.... 860 » ( « SmallNtat 856 « xofglveaatisfoctlon and full weight In all eMeg atJUck’s Old Central Yard, 8. E.oor. MARSHALL and WILLOW Streets.,, . , , d9^m |?fBKSSWEtI.. A, WILLIIMS, Ho. 2Q6 v/ WALNUT'Street, are prepared to supply ship pers and consumers with superior Broad Top Coal from UMaUrJIUiiM,... ' OOttf TTUERINGj, I POX,' A 00./wholetale uid JC retail dealers to LEHIGH and SCHUYLKILL OOALr Lelilrh yard—THIRD and GERMAN TOWN ROAD, flchnylkill fard-BAOB and BROAD Philadelphia. : Keep constantly on-hand Coal from the moat'approved’mines; under cover, sndprc* faredCxprSmlv Cwr family esc. • • foft-y: / CSIX-PENMY SAVING FUND, comer of w, WALNUT and FIFTH Btreete. Open trtir BAY rom 0 toßo’dloek, and on TUESDAY andtFBIDAY EVENINGS until 7 o’clock. .Largo or small sums re ceived and retuVned on'demadd j with Interest. JOHN THOMSON, President. J. Qcatav Hoboklkt, Sec. A Treasurer. d 23 Ira : : jJljijtogMpljs, G g. oean;e’B photograph rooms, • ‘ ’ (Formerly VAN LOAN’S,) ' - 682 AEOH Street. 1 ' All the various styles and sites of Piotures, .DagUCrreotypes, Ambrotypes, Photographs, and Ivontyp« are taken, shd at modi rate prioes. d7-3m* |S|ra SAIiAKANGES SAFES. -mm I * r 3« uiortmtat of EVANS A WATSON’B^ PBHiJIIPHI.A MANTJJ AOTtiiBJD , SALAMANDER BATES, VAULT DOOM, . For Banka and Stores. BANK LOOKS,. « , , . Equal to any now in use. ... ikon doobsTshuttxbs. Ac., On as good terms as any other, establishment In the United States, by.V , EVANS A WATSON, . Ho, 2« South FOURTH Street. • - . A<' • " • PhUfdelphia, FLBABK GIVE PS A PALL , < , ~ anlAtf Cigars. aniJ ffiobacro. (JfAVANA OIGAHS.— A very superl o .IA Jot of. new, crop tobaoeo. Just .received and fo sale low by OHABLKB TITE, , dSQ-lQt * . . * ,-138 Walnut street. XXAVANA/ CIGARS, of the, most cele- XA.brated brands, via: , . PARTAGAS, .FIGABO, . . 6UBEBBSE, FJ.OR VALES, BDLTdNA, . -EBPANA, A0.,A0. '1“ #» 1-6, add 1-20 boxes, of different sixes, and made or auperlor heavy new crop tobacco, now receiv ing, and for sale low by OHABLYB TBTE, ,-d29-10t ’ .' ~ . 188 Walnut street. RD. SCOFIELD, IMPORTER OF HA • VANA CIGARS—La Normandes, La Fire Flys, La Blttcas, Figaros, Marla Antonleta/ Pressed; Vlor de Regalias, FlordeL* Fax, Jose'Ma. Vieh&ta, CampUmtntos, and many other brands of superior qna llty } i at reduced prices, No. 837 Ohostnut street, under Glrard'Housel ' dB-ltn S/ FUGUET &, SONS, • Importers of HAVANA CIGARS. ; .wJW . j , 210 South FBQNT ; Btreet, fiUGAEO,CABANAS AND PAHTAGAB JL BEQAnB.—A aholo. Inroie. of these celebr.ted bread, on board brig u New Br»,” daily expected ham Rareoe, ud ter.wle.low, by . OHABLBB TliTl, (New) 188 Wftlnnt .tre«t, twbnrjSeeond, i ... . - lUeond Btwr - CEGABS.—SOO,OOO Havana Sflgars, choioe brand., byl. te arrivxl., io bond and store, for .al. by A. MBRINO.'HOHotithyRONT Street. d2O & CO., LOOKING-GLASS AND PICTURE-TKAMB MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALB AND DETAIL. An Bxtenilvo Stock of OIL .PAINTINGS, WATER-COLOR DBAWINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, ( All at very Low Prioes, ' 604ARCJHST., ABOVBBIXTH, PHIL A. d7-8m AND CLAMPS. HANDSCRUES. No, 1. 62#e. per dos. * Ne. 6. |1 12 per doa. 2. 760. « . T 26 < 8. BTo. « 7, 160 *• 4,100 c. “ ■ 8.1 76 « * T Row, sl.76jjor doieo. BRow,'s2.2S per'doien. ; nSNKr O. EOKBTIIN, Ml, S.NAMV ntnii btrut -hlltA.lnhl. • TRUSSES I—Genuine Frenoh, ior ' TKDBBEB! Genuine Trench, forOhildreo. TRUBSJSSJ,. do do. Xadiei. TRUSSESI 'Approved American' Styles. Bopportor Brace.; Emlish Abdominal Belte: • Syrin ge., a new and ioiprored eelf-lnjeoting artiole, .peeiallj adapted to Ladies’ me.. Also, bath-room or hydrant ■nemaa; JrenoU Fessarie.; Brdaet Ptape; Inranta’ Nursing M.ak« <Wpple Bbella andßbleldi. For aale M Wd'feM%feom p a&a..; • d. W ipriur TSV.f,LP TH and EAOB Bta., Phlia. ‘ 4' UOTJON; COMMISSION, AND GENE iQforma'tfie public Inr genehil that Ife^has'omned opi PALAFOX I Street, nearly opposite the l a general Anotlon, OommlMl«, ' r ana would rnpeotrdlljrßCllcirbonsienments oTUI kibdt 1 of .goods and, merchandise ■■ tor AddtioKr or on Commit-*' slon. " , - >dd-mw&f2A&W2yx rg^lSH.—6ss Barrels Npa.l, and Mr rel. 80 do andtiereesSalmon,' -i r 4o* :dq Beaßhftd.. >fr - , ' afa"’ do Mackinaw W r blleSi»b. ‘ 437 do BallfaiaqS EsßthertHerrlnr, ~ ■ M 0 Boxes Foaled Herring.. 1 Also, ' • , 1 ‘ 630 Qeintal.'flrtnmd'.Banlt Ooatlsh.; • W»by Q o.gAM*B*'Otf.,i ' A) ABOR Bt., nws4 doorbWr. fnn FRIDAV, JANUARY ’"'OEarptHtiaa. Cabinet {Dare. Booings Jnnbs. iTir< proof Safes. CLAMPS. 6 Row, 81.26 per otlsnv ■ iffalea ba gtnttiait. IyJ JS9 .ml 141 SOUTH FOURTH BTMM ; —-r-- <FormerlvNos.67-and69.) ‘ FALL SALEB—BTOOKB AND.REAL E?TATE u Twenty-fifth' Fall Sale, Uth'January, at the Ex ohsoge. -* • < ' ' Twenty-sixth Fall Sale, 18th’ January, at the It change. -- r v . v - «... ID“- Part of the handblUs of the above sales now. ready. ~ - - - - v. . • BFAL BBTATB,’ BTOOKB, *a" '■ J‘ T k**ang. ; .T«Ji JIT* Handbills of each property Issued secaratelv. ta>, ,adomoato which we publlihTon thwSatanhraprrrtous L _'' - • ’PRIYATE SALBfBEGISTER. t. : . Reel. Estate entered on roar 1 Private I later, 1 -and advertised occasionally in our Public Salt ibstraots, (of whloh 1,000 copies are printed weekly** tree of charge. -t \ r > 1 . ‘ XBTATR AT PIU VATF 8 ALB. fffTe »I.rg« Mnonm»-of BeJ S»Ut*-.»Trl nt* >B*M', ‘ineludliMt'.«T6ry dßaorlptloa-iofiOitj ud o<lantr]r'property. ■ Printed Llit. m«, b. hnd »t the auction store. ■ •: - , . r j ' * CARD., • ' ’ 1 »»«' THK LAT.R HB.NRY PINKING TON, -ESQ.—We are; now preparing catalogues of ithe* Library of the late Henry Pennington,-Esq.T deceased, In which will ~be found many, curlqdn and Valuable, books, on various snbjeots, a number-of them illus trated by printed andimauasorlpt. insertions Also, a large collection of interesting end rare autograph's,, engravings, Ao- Date of sale will be made known In future advertisements. _ . Peremptory 'Sale. ' 1 . - . •. MORTGAGES. ■ i -On Tuesday Evening, ~ s . < January lltb, at 7 o»olock, at the Philadelphia, Ex change, will be sold for account of whom it niaroon cern— ' , ; Four mortgages from Weflt Philadelphia Homestead Association, •to Daniel M • Jones, each dated Xusnst let, 1863: ’ ' ! No l for J 2 000,reodrded 10-mortgage bookß- D: W., No 18. page 300.' ■ ‘ < * l NO 2 for 82,000, tecorded in mortgage book R D. W., No. 18„page,31L. . No. 8 foe |2 V OOO, recorded In mortgage bookß' XL WiV No. 28, page 320.. ) , , r J i No. 4 for 82,000, recorded in mortgage book B. 6. W., No. 18, page 837;-; i. - { ,Flve bonds and mortgages of Edward B. Helmbold, to, the Farmers* and Mecbaoics* Insuiaooe Coonanv. each dated September 18th, 1865, vis: V • >' ’• No. 1 for-ffi 460, recorded in mortgage book R.D. W , No.-23. psge'43. * No 2 for $8 000, recorded in mortgage boek'R*.D. W.V No. 23.page40. • . . f ‘ < No 8 forss,ooo, recorded in a.ortgagebookK;t>, W.i No. 23, page 37. ■ ' ■ ■ . ; No* 4 for $6,000, recorded in mortgage book R.D> W.,* No. 23. page 84 , No. 5 fors6,ooo, recorded in mortgage bookß.D. W., No. 23, page 81. j • STOORBi Ac. ; , On TuesdarEvening, ! January llth, at 7 o’olock, at the Philadelphia Ex* ohange will be sold— , ■ * Adminlatrator’s Sale. 1 70 shares stock New Orleans Navigation Comgany. ' Also, ono-thlrd of a patent-right for the msnufac. \ ture of soap. The other two-thirds can be had oa vea sonable terme; ' ’> i . . v < Also, for account of whom it may concern— ' 10 coupon bonds, $1 000 eaoh, 6 per cent. Interest Troy and Greenfield Railroad Company. P;10 shares Associated Butchers* and Drover** of Phi ladelphia—sloo. ' .< $9,000 EMPIRE GOAL'COSIP ANY. On Tuesday Evening, January 18th, at 7 o’clock, at the Philadelphia Ex change, will be sold— For account of whom It may concern— -9 bonds, $l,OOO each, Empire Ooal Company, TWENTY FIFTH FALL SALE JA UARY lltb. WUI Include— . ■ , , .. MARKET. STREET.—First-rate' Bd tnes4 Lc*eatt4n.; —Building lot,-north aide of Market street, between Delaware Fifth .and Sixth Bfreeto. toLe gold peremp torily. The bnilding formerly on it was burned, i .THREE-STORY BRIOK BTORB AND northwest corner of Eleventh and.OhrUti&n streets. Peremptory Sale -THREE-STORY BRIOK DWEL LING, No. 617 South SeventhstreeVwith tbree-story; brick dwelling In the r«ar. . ' . j Orphans*. Court Sale—Eetate of Joseph Purvis, Deo’d. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 927 North Tenth street, above Poplar. ■ Same Estate.—FOUß BUILDING LOTS, 80 feet: front, southeast side of Duke street, northeast of Bom- • erect atreot, Richmond near the Reading Railroad. LOMBARD STREET,—Three-story brick dwelling and brick .shop, No. 648 Lombard street, east of* Beventh. HANDSOME MODERN FOUR-STORY-BRIOK RE- SlDENCE,southwest corner of Sprute and Twentieth l streets. VALUABLE PROPERTIES,’GERMANTOWN, Main street, Washington Lane,,Shoemaker's Lane, and* Sharpnack-street, vis : \ VALUABLE RESIDENCE, Main Vtreet, with eoaoh-: 'house, garden, Ac., lot 140 feet on Main street,>224 feet 10 Inches deep-three fronts. ; BHARPNAOK STREET. —Six* three story frame dwellings ShaTpnack street, near Main street. They will be sold separately. 4 MAIN STREET.—Neat stone residence, with coach! house, Mam street; nearly opposite the splendid resi dence of George W. Carpenter, Esq. . r SHOEMAKERS LANE;—Five large and valuable lots, Shoemaker’s Lane' or' Penn street. Will be sold separately. They are opposite bandsomeimprovemente. WASHING,TON LANE. Valuable and beautiful country 2O acres with handsome - 'improvements, fine fruit orchards, Washington Lane, near the Town ship line, and about a mile from the - Chestnut HUT Railroad. \rr Terms of sale the whole or the above ’estate— half cash. The owner sella on aoeount or removing from Germantown. ID* Fall particulars in handbills. Peremptory SaIe.—GROUND-KENT. OF. s62#, A YEAR.—A well-secured ground-rent Of sB2# a rear. Executors’ SaIe.—IRREDEEMABLE GROUND. BENT.—A well-secured Irredeemable of s36ayear-^olearof taxes , ~»a»», vxx.uxni.K, AND ELEGANT LONDON BOOKS. • This Evening, • -*. '- • ’ January 7th at the 'auction store, commencing l at 6 o’clook. wlll be sold a collection of rare snivafaibh London books, on .various' important and Interesting subjects, ' ‘ • Also, books of fine line, engravings and rfftftatly Illnstrated works, on the piotoresquo and orhamtotar 27* Included In the above sale wltf be found Shiw’s Drosses and Decorations of the Middle Ages, Splendid 'colored engravings: MuseeFrancais.ivois. f01i0,U56 engravings: Brewsieris Britanlca, 2d vols. 4to| Finden’s Gallery of British Art, 48 eogia- Boyall, 2 vols. folio, 167 engravlogs : Hogarth’s works, 150 engravings—proofs: F(n<Ten’S Beauties of Moore, 60 fine engravings: Mantell’s At as of Fossil Remains, colored plates: Wilkinson’s London Illustrata; 2 vols. folio, 207 engraitaga; Mudford’s Battle of Waterloo, colored engravings | Penny Mags* sine, 12 vols:< Pugen’s Principles of ‘Architeoture, fine engravings; Diaryot Madame D’Arhlay,7vols.,with many other elegant and valuable works on varioos sub jects. 27* The, books are now arranged for examination', wlthoatalognfli. ' . Also, at 8 o’oclock— .. 1 shafe.Phlladelpbia Athensam, 1 share Mercantile Library, Sale at Nos. 189 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PIANO-PORTE, FINE FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS, BRUSSELS CAR- PETS, Ac. Oo Thursday Morning, At 0 o’clock,, at the unction store,, an extensive assortment of excellent furniture, elegant piano-fortes, fine mirrors, carpets, etc., from families declining housekeeping, removed to'the store for con venience -of sale. Also, ad elegant tosewood, 7 octare, pianoforte. Assignee’s Sale. BRASS FOUNDER'S BTOOK, LATffH, TOOLS, Ap. Ob Friday Morning, ' 14tk instant, at 10X o’clock, by catalogue, at the northwest coruer Of Jrifteeoth and Willow afreets, by order of-asalgheei'the’entire etook of a brass fonnarf. 6 lathes,'large lot of tools, patterns,‘-flasks, tub and furnace, plumber’s stock, steam work, finished and un* finished, fee., Ac. Sale peremptory. % py For particulars see catalogued. , By william h. sterr, general AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE, No. 4ft North EIGHTH Btrtot, below Areh. -J. A. BLIBON. Auction#®? i SUPERIOR ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT PARLOR FURNITURE, CHAMBER AND DINING-ROOM FURNITURE, MIRRORS, PAINTINGS. OAT PETB, SILVER-PLATED WARE, PIANO.-JORTJ Ao.) Ao, On Saturday Horning, At the auction store, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, will be sold a large assortment of superior furniture, com* prising' tete-a-tete sofas, spring Best, arm. and rock ing chairs, parlor chairs, sofa and boquet tables (broco telle and Tennessee. marble-tops) Jenny Lind bed steads, dressing bureaus, wash-stands, wardrobes, book oases, silver-plated ware, paintings, piano-forte, Ac. ID- Consignments of new and second-hand house hold furniture, piano-fortes, carpets, watohes, Jewelry, Ao., respectfully solicited, on whioh liberal cash ad vances will be made If required. [[7* Out-door sales attended to promptly. Charges as moderate as any other bouse in this city. - JH. GI7MMEY & SONS, . • " BEAL'ESTATE'AUCTIONEERS, - ' ' ' No. 620 WALNUT STRUT, OARD.—J H. Bmnmej A Song, auctioneers, will hold regular sales of Beal Estate, Stocks, Ao, Also; household furniture at dwellings. , ; REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. UT' On our Private Bale Register will-always be found a very large amount ofreM eaUte, Including every description of city and country property. . * J. HI GUMHJCY AiBONB, * Real Estate Brokers. :620 WALNUT gtreeti below Birth C AHtTEIi JNATHANB,7a9OTXON£EE, E 5 and MONET iLOAN Of JIOE, No. 324 South i THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear it., only sight doors below the lxekangs. -• , , . Hours of.bnsiness from T o’clock, A. U., until 10 o’clock In the evening. Outdoor sales, ana- salsa st the Auction House, at tended upon the moat satisfactory terms* - CAPITAL *200,000. StubUsktdfor tktiatt Thirty Tears. • Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dia monds, Bllver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, hardware, Mer ekandiae, Clothing, furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Uuieal Instruments, Guns, : Hones, Carnages, and Coeds of every description. All goods can remain any length of time agreed pon. .i AIJ advances. from one hundred dollars and upwards! will be charged 3 per cent, per month; *6OO ana over, :tke lowest market rate. _ This Store House having a depth of 130 feet, has large Ira to store all valuables, and ptif vats watchmen for the premises j also, a heavy Inssg ranee effected for the benefit of all persons having* goods advanced upon. ' N. B.—On account of having an unlimited capital, this oHoe is prepared to make advances on more' satis factory and accommodating terms than any other is this olty, Honey advanoed to the poor, la small amounts, with] **"**»& PRXVATB BJtiiß. 1 Sold Patent Lever and other Watohes, Jewelry, and Olothlng will ,m sold at (‘educed up***- snl-ly anit Keotanrant*. TONES HOUSE, , > . O • harribborb. Pi.. . 1 • . ’ ' ’ ' ! (BnwtM In IBM. StiBGAKTMr IORNIBHBD, , BOW OPBN TO VIBITORB. . . . m YXt-J WHLLB COYBRLY, Pro,rt.tor TVB LAlfB Y’JS S AIiOQN AND 'RESTAU .Iif* J NANT, 'N.- E.' cornsr' THIRTEENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Philadelphia. ! - 1 - ■ ‘•> i ~ no2-Bmp { , t ’WM. v A\Dj6|ANNTv'-Proprietor^ J PROSSER’S RESTAURANT, ,No. e 808 MARKET Street, four doors Above EIGHTH, side; Philadelphia.^Oysters Stewed, Rotated, Tried,’ Plokled, Ac.'j Abater H6me -Consumption and ♦Trensbortatloa. t-N. 8.-MDinsn from-twelve to thi?ee o’clock. l '' " * '*«• »=n». trn >' *• • i A033-tf li r..iVt.g.;«L' usl . i , - US3SST- PiANfi~FORTEg COSESbTI/Y n « rPTDNRD $7 O.H;BAHOBNT. f ,tl«r»(£iW jTUTan t ed, ; ,Qr<lo«;)e , t atNo,.ffiiiqnßatSntßtreJt. , T .. , j„ ~.Z 7;V;. ...,rVi., m* ffssaea PIANO FORTEBi» W~ TIB k 00. j .id OALIA 00. 8 PIANOS. ÜBLODI -ONB Of Mat jnality, Bf Jt-TT QOOLD’B, , s ‘"; B: B.winw BBVJIHTH and OHIBTNTJT it«, HUB-, Bolea .fog Auction. auctioneer,' no; TklH^LlhS 1 , BTBM T' totwe.n JIFTH and[ ,IiE.INI,ETi: A 00., B. pt ■ - No. diia MARKET BTRBBT,, BSOOTT.Jr.i AUCTIONEER, No. 431 *■- .OHEBTNOT, BTRRIJT, .opposite,-the Custom HyiHd, hatgeen: FOURTH,jbdiPfffiH Streets.- J ,, a, AUCTIONEER iv™n S “.™ 0 . S K2 I l SION MSBOHANT, S,;«. ' gamut: .BEXTH and RACE Streets. i ? ÜBno ACCOMMODATION. (, i MOMOT-l‘H MONEY! ! MONEYI I ! •:;) liberally advanced la Urge or small'amounts,. from one dollar gold‘&sd silver plate, diamonds, watches, jewelry, fowHrig*plecesV muaioal •instruments, furniture, dry goods, clothing, groceries,' iOigatS| hKdware, cutlery, books, horses, vehicles, har ness, add all Articles or value, for any length of time 1 agreed on, at JVafAans’ Phn&ival Establishment , southeast corner of Sixth and Race streets. •JPEOMISSOBY NOTES, with Oollateral, dlsoounted at me lowest market rates. -. r . . BARGAINS IN ;WATCHES. JEWELRY, AT PRTV A.TE SALE, at NATHANS’ P HINCIP A L ESTABLISHMENT, 8.. K Corner of BIXTH and RACE St/eetA.—The following articles will be so’d for less than half the usual store prices: Pine gold English patent foil J&weled’and plain, of the moat approved and beet make, in hunting cases and double bottomed’.' Fine gold escapement lever and leplne watches, in ■ hunting OAfe and open face, sd'nJO of thOm°eiira full jeweled And: beßtmake. . Silver English patent lever watches, es capement lever.and leplnes. in hunting o , se and open faee, some very superior: English, Swiss, French, and' Quartler watches; flue gold' vest, fob, neck, aod children’s, chains; ,flqe ’gold pencil cases aod pens, bracelets, breastpins, finger-rioga, ear-rings, studs, me dallions, and jewelry generally. Superior llavaaacigivk atsl6 pei*thousabd,in boxes of 200 each, will be sold by single box or quaot ties to suit purchasers. Nu merous fancy articles, Ac., Ae.‘, Ac. fvegal Notices Letters' testamentary to the Batata ofROBEBT -MoMENAMIN, Deceas'd, have been granted to the undersigned. AU persons lu lebted to the ’estate of the said deoedant .will please nske immediate paymeut’, and' those baying claims againstthe said estate will present the same to tbe undersigned. 1 T : MATTHEW THOMPSON, N.E corner Tenth and Catharine. A. H; GRAHAM, M. £., i * 1332 .'Lombard street, , Or .to their Attorney, ■ HOOD. d 3 f ;0t . ' No. 242 South. Fifth street INSTATE, .OP HUBERT SMOOK, Dl?* ;JI!A CXASBD.—As it Is known that my father, Robt. Smock, of Philadelphia* who died in 1834, was possessed' of tbe title to many lands in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Georgia.’aod elsewhere, at the time of his death, aoy person having any knowledge pertaining to said laud, of value to h.s heirß, or desiring to acquire his title thereto, will find it to their, interest to addrese the un dorslgned, piftßOTLr, and ,not by -the agency of any second parties SARAH PENINGTON BUCHANAN,’ sole heir-at-law of Robert Smock, deceased, 8. W, cor ner of GIBARD aveoue and .RIDGE r.«ad,’ Philadel phia 1 d24-fmwot* Joe Solt mib to £et For sale.—estate of Elizabeth IMMEL aod OATH ARINEOARMONY, Deceased. All that valuable Lot and Five-Story Store and Dwel ling erected thereon, situated at the northwest corner THIRD ahd CHERRY Streets, containing' on Third street eighteen feet, on Cherry street seventy-one feet six inches, thenae running northward, forming an L of ninety feet, back or stores situated on Third street. For further particulars inquire of * 8. SPANG, ISAAC BOONS, ja3-m w f-Biu 148 North Third street. PAPER MILL TO RENT.—Tho Paper Mill known as HARWELL MILL, situated on the Wissahlokoh one mile from Chestnut lIUI Railroad Station. This Mill la adapted to make fine Book Papers. It has three engines, one foor machine, 62 inches wide; and all the appurtenances for the suc cessful manufacture of paper. Possession given imme diately. Apply to, or address. < GEORGE H. LEYIB, < 420-tf < No. 30 South SIXTH Street. MFOR SALE—A handsome, new threo atory BRICK DWELLING; with three-B'orybeck buildings, Is finished throughout lu flrst-elaia style. And; ‘has all the modern improvements. Located on TWXN- 1 TIETfI Street, above Race. And will be gold a bar gain. Apply tO'BURTON PLANING, No. 602 ARCH; Street. 018-tf , FOR RENT—The DWELLING No.; J8a.616 LOOUSrStreet, (or Washington Square,) from the Ist of January, 1860. The house Is three stories! high; with basement, back building, Ac , now occupied by J, W. Forney. ‘ Apply At the otfioe of The Press, or at the house. n023-tf - rTIO RENT. —On the Ist January next, tbe> '-JL' 1 wry superior and extensive ROOMS, (2d, 3dj 4th! and fitfrooore, each 24feet by 146) of the NEW STORE,i 683 MARKET Street.- The ballding Is one of the fine' improvements oh the upper side, between'FlFTH and SIXTH Streets, haring two fronts, the north one on «* rear Street with good cartage way 20 feet Into SIXTH Street. Apply on the premises. nol-tf • JKeSihnal. lE/1 OTHER! What is the best and most IYJL agreeable Cough Medicine t BBOWN’B PULMONIOA! 'What is the most certain for Croup ? ’ . BROWN’S PULMONIOA ’ What Is most speedy for whooping Cough T BROWN’B PULMONIOA 1 What is tho best for Asthma? . . BROWN’* PULMONIOA! What curia Bronchitis quickest? BBOWN’O PULMONIOA! What will ease my cough, soothe mynerves, ' and relieve., if it does not entirely cure, Phthisis The beat thing is BROWN’S PULMONIOA! No one tikes it but what they find speedy relief. It is a syrup, agreeable In taste, harmless even for a babe,- never falls to satisfy, and costs but 25 cents a bottle. Bold by All Confectioners, Druggists and Grocers. Wboloial. 230 South XHIHD Btr»«t. dIS-lm , A new and valuable discov. *rv. sag ' Da. ham>b ■ AROMATIC, IHVIQOKA.TIK3 SPIRIT. IT STIMULATES; EXHILERATEB, INVIGORATES, . BUT WILL NOT INTOXICATE OB BTUPIFY. , . Thisdeliclou* Berersge Jb superior to all invigorating Cordials. Schnapps, Nervines, &o. In use for the cure or Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Heart-burn, Drows'qesfl, Kid* ney Complaint, Delirium Tremens, Intemperance, Ac , aa it will invigorate and strengthen, but will not In toxicate or atupify. Persona who have become habitu ated to the excessive nae of Tobacco. Opium, and Sp'rit aona Liquors, will find speedy and permanent relief from a desire to nse these destroying agents, by taking a bottle or two of this DELICIOVS' MEDICAL BEVERAGE! Weak and sickly Females wIU find Dr. iIAM’3 IN 7IGORATING SPIRIT a quick,and sure cure, it being a Regenerator aa well aa a'Btrengthener of the Human System. Bach complaint that the AROMATIC INVI GORATING CORDIAL ia calculated to enrols named upon the wrappers accompanying each bottle, and full directions for use atn-al»e minutely given. raios ojm sotLw phi bottlb. Prepared by \ DARIUS HAH, Principal office. No. 48 WATER St., N. York. Por sale by T. W. DYOTT & SUNS, n26-8m 218 N. SECOND Street, Philadelphia. ZOLLICOFFER’S ANTI-RHEUMATIC CORDIAL la the only preparation ever placed be fore the publto that has performed ae many MIRACULOUS CURES INPLAMMATORT AND OIIRONIO RHBDHATISU. The moat promlnentwod influential oltiaena bear wit ness of Jta efficacy. The abundant evidence from all parts of the country la, enough, to warrant us In pro nouncing that It la the greatest wonder of the age. > • / It is an Internal remedy that strikes at the root of ttys disease, and thus eradicates it entirely from the system. Prepared by : THEODORE DILKB, Chemist, T' Northeast oorner of Pine and Bixth streets, > ooT-8m Philadelphia.< ®oil£tte articles. IT IS A DYE, AND A PERMANENT ONR.-H. P. & W. 0. TAYLOR’S PHILETHEIRA. A complete HAIR DYE and Dressing together, em braelng, in high perfection, all that is requisite for Coloring, Softening, and Boautlfylog the Hair. To be had at the principal Drag and Variety Stores, and of the Manufacturers, 641 North NINTH Street, Philadel phia. , dIO-lm IT IS NOT A DYE I JEROME’S HAIR COLOR RESTORER will re store Gray Hair to Its original color In from ten to twelve days, and restore the Hair where It has fallen off and become thin. It 18 NOT A DTB! It may be used as freely aa water, and la the moat bean* tlfol Pressing for the Hair now In use. Thoosandsln different parte of the Union hare testi fied to ite wonderful rirtuM, and all who have need 1 It join in their praise of it. Bold, Wholesale and Retail. byDr. BWAYNJS * BON, No. 8 North SEVENTH Street, abo * MARKET. Soli Agtnta/of Philadelphia, Trade supplied The only article unrivalled IN MARKET, with immense HOME Ant> EUROPEAN DEMAND. The reason why, Ib'thatby Nature's own prooesalt restores the natural color permanently after the halt becomes gray; supplies tbe natural fluids, aiid thus makes it ffrow-Oh batd beads, rempves dandruff, Itch ing, and heat from the scalp, quiets and tones up tbs nerves, and thus cures all nervous headache, and may be relied upon to cure all diseases of the scalp and hair; It will stop and keep It from XalUog off: makts H joft, glossy, healthy, and bfaittifvl , and if used .by the young two or three times a week, it will never rail or become gray; then readers, read the following, and judge for yourselves t N*w Yobk, Jan. 8,18581 HSSBHB. 0, J. WOOD * 00., < Gentlemen: Having hoard a good deal about Professor Wood’s Hair Restorative, and my hair belngquite gray,• I made up my mind, to lay aside the prejudices which I. In ooramon with a great many persons, had against all manner of patent medicines, and a abort time ago J commenced using your article, to testit for myself. I The result has been so very satisfactory that I am very glad I did so, and la justice to you, as well as for the encouragement of others who may be as gray as 1 was, but Who having mv prejudice without my reasons for setting it aside,'are unwilling to givd your Restore* tlve a trial till they, have further proof, and 'the b+st proof being ocular demonstration I write you this let* ter, which you may show to any suoh, and also dlreot them to me for further proof, who am in and out of the N Y. Wire Railing Establishment every d«y. My hair is now its natural color, and muon improved in appearance every way, being glossier and thicker, and muoh more healthy looking. I am, Yours Resneet* “I>J. „ , J „ hunky JENKINB. Corner Columbia and Carroll streets, Brooklyn ' _ Livibobtom, Ala., Feb: 14,1858. Psop. Wood—-Bear Sir: Your Hair Restorative faai done much good in this part of the country. My hair has beon slightly diminishing for several years, caused, I suppose, from a slight burn when I was quite an in Taut. I have been using your,llalr Restorative for all* weeks, and I find that I have a fine head of hair now growing after havingu«edaU.other remodles known to no effeot. I think it the most, valuable Vetpedy now extant, and advise all who are afflicted that way to net your remedy., You can publish this if you think pro. per. Yours, &0., ‘ B. W.'MrtpDtißTON * - ■ . . , fopt », IBsf. P.hov. Wood—Dear Sir: Your Hair RVaiorgtive ii‘ proving Itself beneficial to me. The front, and alsasthe backpart of my bead, almost lost Its oovorldg—was, ia Tact. J9ALD,j I ; bavensed but 2 hair pidt bottfes of you* and.cqw U>e top.of luVhead is well studded with. V promising crpp.of, young hair, J and'fte frontls alsq refielvlng J |.tf .bepebt, ri lJbay,d tried, otWr prdpkra tioas wllhputany.beneilt whatever.' I think', from mj qwopsrsonsl recommendation. l oan Induce many others to try it. ~ Yoqrs, resptctfully, '* y < r J D.'R.THOMAfI/U.D-o < * / i .‘No.*4fi4 vine street.. The Restorative Is put up in bottles jof threelstses. via: Largeiimedium,and small; the r stnailholds Of * £lnt, ana retails Jor one dollar per bottle j ( th'e rb^dhya, olds st jteftt twenty .per pent • more in proportion then ihe for-two dollars pep bottla} tbs' Ikrgi .holds a quart >4j) more In .proportion, tad fe jtsUs forJia bottle. T , i „.(T J-,TWOD i i ‘<!p: > !Fioirlil«rs. BiatMaw»j' W»’ And sold by all good-Drugglsty and FanqyGooa* Dea lers. , nol&-mwfSm & eowlnwkyOm BUTTER. —69 tubs Goshen Bolter just re> eelvdd, and for sale by < I .Jv JvrA , 0. o. B ADDER. i 00., 49 'ABOH Hooad flow beiov ffrwrt, t7i 1859. ' SpsiiwsaQTatiiß.; has transferred his Law Office from Carlisle,,Penna., to N0.,711 BAN-' POH-BtreßV(betwwq,ohflBtnntand Walnut.) Phils telphia. iHe.will attend to any business entrusted to Ills care, in the of. Philadelphia. or in the In -1 erior of the State. - Philadelphia, November 21,"1369 ISAAC T., BEDFORD, BRICKLAYER A' No. 211 JMtilt Btreet,biok of <2tf-.-WAJ.NBT St, hear the Exphahge: residence 321 NOB&l' Street. - ’’ JUngert and Beaters built lend repaired, and all kinds .pi, Brick Work done. " j i'J ’ .Orders by Despatch Post promptly attended to, Beat ‘6t refefeDoe. - i-zv-wf, ■* .- > ; ADAMS EXPBESS GO.-OFFICE, b +-2%iS H ? gTW *’ BTBBtfT, rorwarfif pkORjGM.I MERCHANDISE, BANK* SPECIE, eithar -bv:itao*n;lJNES, er in oonn action •Uhotber EXPRESS COMPANIES,-to all th# principal TOWNS and CITIES of tkc United itetes. « <B, B. BANDYOBD* tUnlftl AtettfiiiMlMtl A LEX. MoKINNKY* ' "f"" 4*. ‘ ATTOBNBY AT LAW* ! . ‘ GBfcBNBBUR&, PA. . . Will practice la 'Westmoreland, Armstrong and In* 'Hina ooimtieg, gt .■* Mll.tf . T. ABftlMS. • A BEAMS & MAYER, Cl. • ATTORNEYS 4T.LA.Wi. . , LOOK HAVBN, Pa., ! Will Attend promptly toall professional business en trusted to them* Bpeolal attention glren to the oolleo-' Hon of claims KlVßftflßaßß. r ' i Got. Wo. F. Packer, Harrlabrfrg, Pa. tL. A. Mackey, President Look Hayenßank; General D.K.'Jaekman, Lock HaVen'j Hon. A. White, Look Haven: Bimon Bcott, Lock Haven: j ßullitt & Fatrthwrhe, PhUadel*' >hla{ MtParland, Evans,-A 00..‘ Philadelphia; Evans ■Jt Watson, Philadelphia} Phillip-M. Price. Philadel ?hia; Hon. A. V. Parsons, Philadelphia; Williamson, 'avlor, dc Co., Philadelphia; Tener A Davis, Phila* Belphla; Hon. James BarnsMe, Bellefonte, Pa.: J. W. Qnlggle, Esq., Philadelphia. • '.-1 <: .<’ jy 26-tf. CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER* OH ANT and Importer, 9! 'HAVANA' BIGABB, j Now) 188 Walaut jrtrSet. hsoond story, aol-ly I?DGEHILL SOHdOL—Princeton N. J.— ,-l-i The Sixty-first Semmbarwual term of this wall known Sohool 'or Boys will open 1 JANUARY 20: Ap plica'fona for places should be made early. 1 d24*{rm&w-fot JW, TAVERNER, .whose original Phllo •.• aopblcal,ayfltem 4 of Instruction, in ELOCUTION 'and GESTURE. has, received the -mostdistingtiished marks of approbation* offers' his services to the citizens ot Philadelphia and Net? York. 1 and to Collegiate Insti tutions in all parts of the His instruc tion has been reoelyed ,with enthusiastic expressions of gratification ip most of the. Colleges and Ladies’ Semi-' paries North and South. HIS private'course of instruc tion (8 lessons) on Proportion, Modulation. Intonation, Force, Contrast, The Language of ■ Gesture, The Pas-' siona. «0., hag been higblj commended by- Bey. Dr., Chapin, New York; Rev. Dr. K N. Kirk, Boston; Her; Dr. Wm. Bacon Bterens, Philadelphia: Key. Dr Bel-“ lows, and Bey. Dr. Osgood, New York, and other 1 dla tlogulshed Orators^ To Lajtes and -Gentlemen In. the private ejrole, who desire to learn to read the works of Shakspeare'and tho Poets, his peculiar Tnatraction in this department’ is ef great practical value. Address 782 North NINETEENTH Street, Pblladel phis. Circulars, with the Testimonials referred to/ean be obtained at Messrs. CAREY Sc, HART’S, corner of Fourth and Chestnut streets. dl6-wf&m-lm Ballad singing; and guitar.- T. BISHOP, 1202 FILBERT Street. _d26-lm* LONG’S SPRING GARUri&ACADEMY, N. E. corner EIGHTH and BtftTONWOOD Sts. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT.—Book-keeping in all its various forms; preparing Students thoroughly for situations In any branch of business: Plain and Or namejital Writing: Commercial Oaloolatlons: , Law,and Correspondence. No institution in the United States gives a more 1 thorough and practical eonrse. 'ln this aepartmsntntfteaching is dons in classes, and Is open DAY'and EVENING. Time unlimited - , MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART MENT-rißepaiate from the above.)—Young Men and Boys Are prepared for any grads of an -Xnglisit and Clas slcalEdueatlohj-vis*: Spelling, Beading#writing* Gram mar, Geography,' Arithmetic, Philosophy, Ae..-Aneiant and Modern Languages, with all the higher Collegiate Studies. Sessions er five months oommenoe September Ist, and February Ist: Pupils received at 1 anytime be fore or after these dates ana ohargsd accordingly.- Cata logues furnished gratis. mllM-tf y. BOHMATY iom, Prlnelp.l g IKITTENDEN ,B VJ OOH&TBBOIAIr 'OOL OMBTNTJT and: 81T1MT. An Institution designed TXVfI BUSINESS. BOARD Of TKUBTBIS. B. B. Oomem, kreneiji Hoeklni, George H. Sturt, . Derid Milne. . John Surhurk, Derldß. Brown, luuHnoker, . A.Y.Pnnoni, 2>. B. Hinraen, Prederiok Brown, _£Mhn»'tipi>lneott.- HIiiADELFUIA BOS, «orihe*it’ eorotr of [fitmto, . a , , to fit/pang man, Cor AOJ EVENING SESSIONS afterB«ptember 16th. , Each Student has iniriDvii. unuvotiox fat this Institution. and a Diploma from 'hero la the beat re commendation a joiing man can hare, for good altaatloD. CATALOGUES may be had on application at the College. aeB.tr Bryant & steatton’s chain op NATIONAL IVINBO ANTILB COLLBGBB. PM ladelphU 1 College, Sontheact comer SEVENTH' and CHESTNUT Street!. -Po? Information, call or send for drooler. » . ’ . • >.> ■ jeld-tf EVENING BBBBIONB HAVE COMMENCED. S SNTDEK LEIDT—JAg. M. LEIDY, » PrioolplliTof LEIDY BROTHERS’ ACADEMY,* No«. 143 ud US SIXTH STREET, nur Rue, where a knowledge of < v u . • - WBITING, BOOK-KJBEPING, and ARITHMETIC U made certain to every pupil that m*y enter AOADBMY open day and evening. S^ippißS. sets** FOB .CHARLESTON AND 8A- SmBSL VAMNAH.-HBRON’B MHB. 800»a bbomvsd and bills o> ladihb bishib BTOBY DAY, The splendid flrst*elaae aide-wheel Steamship* UYSTONI BTAT* and BTATI 0? GKORGIA, Mow form a weekly line for tke South and Bonthwest, one of these ships tailing every BATUBDAY at 19 o’clock A..M., alternately for Oharleetoa and Be vanuh. NOTIOB. Until the steamship State of Georgia bu received her new boilers, the Steamship Keystone State, in order to accommodate paaiengers and, the trade, will make Weekly Tripe, alternately to Charleston and Savannah, FOB CHARLESTON The steamship KEYfITONI BTATI, Captain O.F llerahman, will salt on SATURDAY, Jaauurr 16tb, at 10 o’clook, A. H. FOR SAVANNAH. ' The steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, Oeptaln9.?. Garvin, will sail on SATURDAY. January 224. at 10 o’olock, A. M. . , At both Charleston and Savannah, these shlpioonneet irith steamers feu; Flow da and Havana, and with rail roads, As., for aUiß'aoss in the South and Booth west. FIPIGHTS RIDUORD. Hear/ Freight nt_an average of II per osat. belov New York steamshipratea. .INSURANCE. FREIGHT and- INSURANCE oo a large proportlos of good* shipped South will be. foand to bo lower bj these ships than b j sailing Teasels. Oibli passage, •••••.•«•••..'•••,..•••.•••••$$0 QO . BWerfge.do .............800 Excursion Tickets, good fortkepreeentyear. 80 00 No bills of ladbg signed after the ship has sailed. Tor freight or passage, apply to , , . . A. HERON, Jr., • No. 848 (late 81) North Wharves. Agents at Charleston, T, 0. A 7. 0. BUBD. Agents In Savannah, 0. A. GREINER A 00. •for flprida, from Oharleston, steamer CAROLINA, •very Tuesday. for florid*, from Savannah, steamers 07. UABYfI and BT; JOHNB, every Tuesday and Saturday. for Havana, from Oharleston, steamer IOABBL, os the 4th and 10th of every month. ja 6 STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVER £» POOL,. BSLFAST, DUBLIN, AND LONbON DERBY, without delay,'for $BO. Return tickets, good for six months, to either of the above places, by any steamer of the line, $6O for the round trip, out and back. FROM VKW YORK. Glasgow,Thomson. Saturday, Jan 22,120’e10ck M Edinburgh, Cummins, Saturday, ■ Peb 19 12o’clock M. Glasgow, Thomson, Saturday, March 10,12 o’olook, M. non QLABQOW. Edinburgh, Camming, Saturday, January 22d. Glasgow, Thomson, Saturday, February 19. Edinburgh, Camming. Saturday, March 19. BATES OF PASSAGE. FROM OLiSaOW. First Class.. .....•••••••.••••••...15 guineas. Steerage, found with oooked provisions.. 8 »* FROM XBW YORK. First C1aw,.... .....$76 00 Steerage, found with oooked provisions 80 00 Children under 14 years of age, half fare; Infants Id Steerage, free. Return' tickets available within six months, by any steamer of this line. First Class $l4O Steerage $BO An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer. For freight or passage apply to WORKMAN & 00., 123 WALNUT Street, Philadel phia ’ ROBERT ORAIG, 17 Broadway, New York. HALT, & LONE?, Buchanan’s Wharf, Baltimore. jaB <&&&& THE BKITISH AND .NORTH ifTirmriui royal mail steam. VROSI ktW YORK 70 LtYIBPOOL Chief Cabin Passage Second Cabin Paaiage PRQM'BQaTOH TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage. Second Cabin Passage The ships from Boston call at Halifax. PERSIA, Capt Judkins, CANADA, Capt Lane, ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMERICA, Capt Millar. ASIA. capt. B. a. Lott, NIAGARA, Capt. Ander- AFRICA, Capt. Sh&nnoj, son, 1 BUROPA, Capt J Leltoh. These Teasels car»y a clear white light at mast-head j sreea on starboard bowj red on port bow. 81 A, Lott, leaves N York, Wednesday, Jan 5 CANADA, Lang, leaves Boston, Wednesday, Jsn 12 AFRICA, Shannon. • “ N. York, Wednesday, Jan. 19. NIAGARA, Anderson/* Boston, Wednesday, Jan 26. EURO fA, Leitoh, “ Boston, Wednesday, Feb.-2 Berths not secured until paid for. * An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of tbe*e ships wilt not be accountable for Gold, Silver, Ball fan, Bpeole, Jewelry, Precieus Stones or Meta's, unless bills of lading are signed therefor andtherglne thereof therein expressed. For freight or psssage apply to' jal-tf E. OUNARD, 4 Bowling Qroen. El A. TREGO, BEAL ESTATE AGENT • AND CONYJSYANOKn, KIDQK AVRNUK, flnt door below Thirteenth strtet, attends to the purchase Mia sale of ileal Estate, Negotiating Securities, Renting Houses, ana Collection of House and Ground Bents, ana Imoreat Monies, Satisfactory references given. • ooiD-3m*. , , R. R. CORSON, • , USA! nsTate broker. Money Loaned on DO'nd and Mortgage ' Oolleotlone promptly made, •oSIMIu NOBRIBTO T£H , pA, fNRONISE «c CO., V »P»oni And bxohanob bbokibb. • ' ■ No. 40 South THIRD Street, _ . .i-‘- nmiaMirma. •:r Beref th» Bants and B.ot.ts or Philadslphla, ( 33oo ; HbinM«j DERKt'S BLANK BOOK ~ A AND stationery bstablisumknt, 8. W * on H™, AND, RAOH? - -PREMIUM AWARDED: , , , } ByitnoiPRANRLIN INSTITUTE for Manufartorlni’ ♦ i : -- Superior,Accoupt Books . • , ; ft fntqjidlng to open, newflookson the Qrst of tha .^ear.canjelect from a good stock, on,hand, or bare Se P r‘»"t low P n?fot. ‘ n; from6 .<)«S P tosd ei) perTolimo. ani % D6 * r and.handsome siyie, from $l ( OLD PAMtLV BIBIaEB xebound, to look and wear equal to new, . • t v-a .......^BB7 , S.BOOK.BINDBIty, ■ p^Hadelphlaf 4 n2B-2m Ittanranct. (Eomaanieg.; JJAKTPOED ‘ FIBE r I E'S'Crß ANCE OAPlilALSiboKj SUKPLUS, JUNS 1,1868, $310,609 41, , ( FOB PIBB INBUBANOB ONLY WILLLIAM D. BHEBRKBD, Agent, J&l-m w'f tf Insurance company of"the juKB IM8UBAK0B—No; 4 EXCHANGBHtfILDINGS. i • 17%-Oapital MOO/Wfe-Assets, Jion-' 1,1868, $B47 ,446'60-100/ ’ * '* *■ v ; ’All invested la sound ana •Tollable securities—cooti nue to insure on Vessels'and Cargoes, Buildings, Stocks of Merchandise, &0., on liberal berms. j • ! DIBSOTOBS: jHenry.D. Bherrerd, _ ' George H. Sturt. ‘SimeonToby, *“ ' <•' Samuel Grant/ Jr., *' ' j Oharleß Maealestsr, Jir .„Tobiae Wagner, (WUUamSs Smith, "■* Thomas B. WattSQp, John B/Bodd; ' Henry Ifreeman, I William B White, - J - • Charles B.'Xrevri*, ? , .Georgs 0. Carson. .1 HBNBY j D.BHBBRBBD, President, j WitLUM,HAy». Secretary.. „ je&-wfnn.ti « 0. A, Kim. TAEI., AWARE mutual -safety xn f/ "SUBANOBCOMPANY. incorporated by tub legislature • „ OPVENNBYLVANIA: OFHOB B: B. COBMBB THIBD AND WALNUT Btreets.phllidelpbi* INBUKANON ' ON YSBBBLB, j . , . SfIEIQHT r°-‘ 1! P,rt< ° f ti * H'orl<l - ritLAND INBUBANOBS ' On Goods, by Blf er. Canals, Lakes, and Lend Carriage, / .to all parts of the Union. - - - J' , IN-BUR AWOBB On Merchandise generally. On Stored, 7 Dwelling Houses, Ac. AJBBTS OF THE COMPANY, ■ . • November i; 1858. S??, dr A» ReAMstato.;, 71,868 86 Philadelphia ffitr, and other Loans 297!056 60 Stock Inßailro&ds end Intorenee Companies' 36.868 60 8in,8«»1T«1>,e.. 201,<166 66 Ouhoahud 62 067 85 Balance in hands of Agents—Premiums on ' Marine policies recently issued—and other debts doe the C0mpany.,!..,61 388 14 .William Martin, Joseph H Seal, Edmnnd A. Bonder, John 0. Darla, John R. Penrose, George G Lelper, •Edward Darlington. Dr. R. M. Huston. Wm. O Ludwig, • • ’ Hugh Craig, Spencer M’ilvaine, Charles Kelley, H. Jones Brooke. Jacob P. Jones, WILLIA THOs. 0 HENRY LYLBUBN, Beci SAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY, .409. WALNUT Street, Philalelphia. ' Capital paid in (securely invested) ...$2OO 000 Surplus 31,450 Tbia Company having been thorougly reorgan'zed,<ls new ready to.make.lnsurance upon all kinds of proi party, merchandise’; Ao , against EO3B or PAMAGB BY PIREONLY, upon favorable terms.' " ’ ■ DIRECTOR*. Hon..S B. Cashing ' Charles V. Watrous, • - BUhu T. Baldwin, '< 1 J. A; H Raabrouok,' 'Aafcpri Close, - \ --- ‘ John &I.‘Beach, r Matthew Kelley, - 1 'Alex.O. Lawrence Alfred; Clapp, 4 ■„ Wra'JIYCTbW. - .KB BLIR, President,- ; Tsm. .1 • d3»-« Jacob N. Keeler, 'Francis Blackburns.' Robtrt P. King, B B. English, Georgo H Levis, Joseph B. Btidfoid John Prentice. Edward Wller, ' P, E.Blrckhead,' Henry B. Foote, “ JACOB N Hhit R .Foots, Secreta FHiI.IPrt.VHrA, Dec: gM, tfiREAT WESTERN INSURANCE 1 AND 'V*' . u TRTTBT COMPANY. -' OFFICE IN CO34PANF »8 BUILDING, 403 WALNUT _ street; ~ A - - . CAPITAL AND fiCRPBtrS, |376.35S 03. • Insures against lAaa'oY Damage by FIBB. MABISX, 1 CARGO, and INLAND INSURANCE; - --• ' r; DIRECTORS:. - 1 , Charles O.Xathrop,William Darling, ; , ,AlexaddW WhUldiq, ’K, Tracy. . * , , James B. Smith. la&ic Hailehnrst, ' ’John B. Vddgea, ! • ■J. R, MoGardy, , Thomas, Potter, ThoS. L. Gillespie, ' Charles'Harlan, « Daniel L, Collie*, • t .. Jonathan*J. Slocum. ’ 1 ‘O. 0. LATHROP<.Pr'«aldftnt.’ .. *• WM. DARLING, Tice President; : JAMBS WRIGHT, Sao’y and Treaanrer M39-d&Wtr AMERICAN' FIRE INSURANCE ■ 00.,; 1% INCORPORATED 1810 -CHARTER PER i PETUAL. ’ . .. .... . No. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third. Philadelphia . Havinga large pald-np Capital,Stock AndSorplua j Invested in sound and available, gecnritiecr continue to) insure on DwelUngs, Btdreij, Farnitnre, Merchandise,.’ Teasels in Port ana their Cargoes, and other Persona" Property. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted ‘ . j DIUOVOM. > /ft, ,'. -' *' ' . * } George Abbott, ' John T. Levied • • I ( John.Welah,‘ Oaspit'W.* Morris, , Samuel O.Mortov , Jamesß.*'Campbell. , Patrick Brady. ' BdzdtmdG.Dntilh. ; Charles W. Pflultriey/ ‘ : •' • * - - GBOBGIABBOW,'PmIdMt. . THOHAg B. HABIB, BMKUrr. Italy » ! INSURANCE - COMPANYj No.'ilO KJ Booth FOURTH Btrwt. CHABTSR PEBPITIJAL. ’ cupiw............... ...ia«o,ooo. : Prl.ileg&d to injnnTffonM., innutUr or porpotnilly j Personal Property,-annually. or lor aleee period J turn lnland j and Life Xnsnntaoe Rlihf*,tN«ift‘Bfr posita: hold Trusts and grant annuities- L) ~ ' 11 t ' AMBBB WB*KB,fcmld«irt. , , , 8.0,*Y18B I ; VioJP«ttd.h». I J. W. Mlxtira, BMMttly. ' ..I . . dimotou: ‘ AUMVmIci, . . Hon. W. D. K.H.y, B. 0. Tyler, ,J '' J. W. Forney, • f J.W. Bonder, . P.B. Mingle, - ! C. Biching, JamesWateon, f J.L. Hutchinson, ' Lndlam Matthews, . J.W. Stokes, ; William’Curtis, JolS-ly ' G f F.~ xntner. *; ; Life insurance and trust com- PANY.—The PRNN MUTUAL LIMIBBUBANO* COMPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD and HOOK Btreeta. Capital, >BIP,TiiS.OB. INSURES IIVeB for abort terms, or for' the whoJa term of lift—grants annuities and endowments-pur ohases life inter eats In'Beal Batata, and makes *D Oantracta depending on the contingencies of Life. 1 •They- aot as Executors; -Administrator*, Assignees Trustees, and Guardians. " * i. v. • : Daniel L. Miller, 5 - 1 Samuel B; Btokei, Benjamin Coates, -’William Martin, Richard 8. Netrbold, .-James Bv McFarland, William?.-Hacker, ' Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kern, Jamee'Eustou, • Samuel 0. Hoe/. TheophUna Paulding; ’ ' Edmund A.' Bonder, Henry 0.- Townsend, ‘ Daniel L; Hutchinson, Rodolphua Keut, * John W. Hornor, William H. Carr, 1 Ellis B. Archer, •- Idward T. Mott, Bamnel J. Christie*, WUllamßebertsoa, 1 > -Joseph M. Thomas* Warner U. Ratio. John G. Brenner. • p.B. Michler, Easton. . DANIEL L. sIILLIR, President.. SAMUEL 1. STOKES, Tioe Prea»t. : JoW W. Homos, Secretary. alB-ly Fire and injuand bisks.—fame INSURANCE COMPANY OanitaL. a. .HOO.OOO. (Organised under theAot of Assembly relative to In rarsnoe Companies,-puied April 2d, 18M.) ■ • GEORGR.W v DAY, President. THOMAS 8. MARTIN. Vice-President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. Ofloe 411 CHESTNUT Bt., Philadelphia, DIRECTORS. * ” Geerge W. Day, ' Jacob S. Vaughan, . William W. Walters., ' Henry Lewis, Jr., - ‘ 'Oharlea Richardson, 1 D, B. Blrv'jy, i ! Barclay Lippltaoott, 'John W. Evsrman, Joa. B/Brognaid, A. H. Rosenheim, Ohasl Stokes,' fe24-y M. Stern. 171 ASTERN INSURANCE OOMPANT.— JUi . OFFICE No. 0 EXCHANGE. AOTHOBISID SroOK CAPITAL, $600,000. OHAITia PIBPSTOAL. Fire Risks on Merchandise and Buildings. Marine Risks on Vessels. Cargoes and Freights. Inland. Transportaiion Risks on Goode per Railroads, Canals, mid Steamboats, taken on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. Andrew Cochran,, George A. Wright, William I. Brown, Thomas Shaw, Richard G. Bto teabory,' George Cookman, Peter D. Myers, Charles Btoy, Robert B. Walker. Jaoob Beed, - : Jacob Lukana, W. 0. fitoteabnry. ANDREW COCHRAN, PreaidAnt. William I.Baowjr. Vlce-Pre»ldent nS-tf Howard fire and marine insu- RANCB COMPANY. No, 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia DIRECTORS. Thoa. L. Ludera, ; Wm, T. Leech, J. Sdgar Thornton. Robt. W. D. Truitt, M.W. Baldwin, Wm.K. Hamlin, John 0. Jamea, H. H. Shillingford, A. J. Dacknor, 0. B. Spangler, John W.BeztoD. H.H. flouaton, •William Ralguel, Wm. H. Loto, . Edwin Booth, Oharlea?. Norton, John Garrieon, '• Isaac Mjer. E. 8. Wane, . . L. LUDSR3. • Vine President—E. 0. WARNS. ■ Bacretary—CHAßLES A. DUV. . Mlfi.tf Mariners anb Iron. SAUOCL V, MSBRICK, SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PHILAPBLPHI4. ' MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, Hirer, and Marine serrice. Boilers,' Gasometers, Tanls,lron Boats, &0., Cast ings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Rail road Stations, &e. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most improved construction. Every description of plantation maohlnsry, saoh as Sugar, Saw, ana Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters. Pumping Engines, &c. Sole Agents for N. Riulenx’s Patent Sngar Boiling Apparatus: Nasmyth's'Patent Bteam Hammer:'ana Aspinwall A Woolsey *8 Patent Centrifugal Sngar Drain ing Machines, ' 1 anß-y {Drags anil Qltjemuals. ROBERT SHOEMAKER A 00., Nannfactorers and'Dealer , PAINTS, VARNISHES, and WINDOW GLABB, Northeast corner FOURTH bad OAOX Streets, Philadelphia. Sola Xjgenta for the sale of tht celebrated Floretf* Plate'Glass.. . , . pih23-tf ■ rpAW& BEERS' J_ ) LUBRICATING GREASE, , the best and cheapest Compound for' greasing* the axles of OMNIBUSES, CARRIAGES,.CARTB. DRAYS and WAGQNSf**! HEAVY MACHINERY.* ‘ 1 For 'sale Initio .cans, kegs, and barrels, by all the Druggists in u« Mty andthc manufacturers, Wb Te ROnTH WAVER fltrM* 1 HPROVEi) BURfJtNG ELIJI D'.— We •A erenow, manufacturing, and aTeprepared to sell. A, Burning Fluid muoh less liable. common artiole, and we can confidently recommend 'it u being much safer. YARN ALL & OGDEN, -,~ ooie-tjalfl 4TYN. THIRD Street,- Noble . CJLATEI SIiATE I! 11—Roofing K 3 Slate, of all sixes, and at very low rates, kept con stantly on hand, and for sale by , v , . Fffl&ING, VOX) & 00., , GERMANTOWN ROAD and THIRD Street.. H. B. Slate Roof* put p* in the beck manner* tad rf »srf«* MnttmniM. i*j COMPANY.-, i 8500,000. (Alt' PA'I D IK.) •Philadelphia'. $608,804 TO DIRECTORS, James O.fiand, Theophllus Paulding, James Traqtfalr, - , William Byre, Jp,, J 'F. Peniston, ‘ Joshua P.-Byre, Samuel E, Stokes, Henry Sloan, James B.'M’farland, 1 ThomasO. Ha&d, ; Bobert Burton, • John B. Semple, Pittab’g D. T; Morgan, <**- J.T.Logan, “ • [ MARTIN, President.• HAND, Ties President, itary. . dlO-tf J YAOQHAM USBRtOKi WILLIAM H MBBRICKc WHOLXSAIiX DBUQGIBTB, r V' r jpHE~PENNSYLVAN : iA OK KTEAL .fir " ‘ * SittaOAß. ? i" -i ' 1f1859.l fl 859. jßaSpw5 a J,859- Tp o^ioHT -or vat* to ; -: Dploa Depot .tPittßiurgwiurffionA^iftiJo'^-'" ClPOOlif &t Louia, Ole.lmd. GhiCeo.Burlini,f„i,' u . Paul’s, IndlaaßpolU J LouUTmlj^^.p r i ßilla iritermed!»£ejpolni«,ln Ohio,'lndUui, riUnoY.tr,™ ” MiobJg»u, W i jooo«l. 1 -MioS. , Mr«^-fS'-' , fetfeteolu’ WWMBfa.rorrf'iod- .. jßmdkteg r jW6ddioftf* * • SbtL I ** pat* tOxpresa *cd Fast Trains.' The EX- Pi«B3 DAXhT.jfltol And Past' Hue?: Sundays - excepted’ •- ” - ’•*•»•-• ~-* s * y* •*f ‘ • Mail Tr*ln Jeayeß Philadelphia at 730 A. ir. r - ‘ ' i Fast Line • t. *u .»-*■ -4 OOP. • ; ’ i , pr# , B sJ?* mW *“ ' <IIOO P M tt.^.^ A T. THAIN B I*AV* AB'FOHOWB: - ■ ? : lt: £ yeitOherj»- -m., , ~ .rrotdg/ghtMfith-An.l Hut points j leering. »W ; .Lw? 6 ** be- Obtained'.! tbo OffitM of - 0»“PW «» PWladOlpSta; KewSorkyßeetou, or •■ *")’ ««» import- ■ jot B*llnwaOffl3M latlio'Pfost; a'so’on tota tnt o . S?. T*? - Btbamere ou the Aneeiaelppi or , Ohio Kirer*,; 0 v •• •■ -r. • n ■ I lE7**. Fere 'Alwafe se lb# me mop other Route; " \ Tns completion of the Western cooneetionH of the ■ Pensaplraols Seilroad to Ohlcaro, mekee th!f the ■ - DIRECT LIMB BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE 1 ' GHBATNORTHWBBT. ~ '•. j»* eonneetlitf of- trtekl by thßßailroad Bridge at , Plttßhorgj ovoldfcg all drajage or ferriage of freight, . -irltli thSitaring of T time/-na advantages jeA4 |, r appreciated bj Shippers, of freight and the - - FRBIGRTR WEfiTWABD. I •; • \®7 Bodte Freights of all descriptions can be /or carded fromPhUtdefphlay New Jerk. Alston, or Bsltt- ' n co, do Any point an the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, , [udiana, lUloois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Missouri. hr . Sallroad directs._ , , jThe'Peimsjlrania Railroal also eoimedteat.PUUbarg *' with Steamers, b/whlcb Goods can be forwarded t > an/ . port on the Ohio, Muskingum, Kentnehy.'Tedneasea. ’ Cumberland, Iliiooie, MittLudppi.Tyieiwnsin; tfteonri ' iKausaa. A>kaaiM ( aad KedfiiTe*s: ahd at Cleveland. ‘ Caaduaky, and Ohiotgowith.Bteaineis'lo'aU 1 porta' oh. the Northwrrtern Lakes f ’ Merchants and Shippers entruttlng the transports tioo of their Freight to this''Obmpaa/.' -'cap * rely with * ;confidence on its speedy transit. ' ,‘. m TflB BATBS OF FREIGHT to any polit ia-tbe’’ 1 treat .by the Pennsylrania Railroad are at all times as r favorable as are charged' by other Railroad Com panies * -• ‘ ID* Be -particalar to nmlc padtsgft f ‘ yla Penna. • Railroad ” r • Merchants In the West ordering goods ffom the East * will do well to direot them to be Bhipped h/'tw. Bonte 1 „ For F eight Contraota or Shipping Directlors, apply t0,.0r address 1 either or the following agents' of the" Company; -- 7*< . , . ' - ’D A. BTEWAET, Pittftnre; ’’ Pojle & Oo , Stenbenrille, 0 ; H. B. pierce A Co f ZaneaTllle, 0.; I. J. Johnaton; Ripley. B. Mclfeely, Mayaville, By.; Ortnaby & Crbpper Portpmouth, O. : f Paddock ft; Oo.; Jeffersonville. .Indiana: H; W. ; Brown .ft Co. , Oineinoati, O : Athern ft Hlfcbert, 01 o dnoatl, O v j B. a.Meldrnm; Mddis66, : lhd t t‘-WUllam Bingham, LcuisvilfeyKy.; P. G J ft C 6.; Erane- W/Qrahamft Cd.e'Gairo,' lU.: B. F. Sasa, Bt. Lewis, Mo'.; John HrffiirfsTfrashvintf Tean Harris ft Hunt, Memphis, Teiq.; Clarke ft-Co.V Obi* wfn’ Il r»’v W H K °onti Altoq',;litMurphy^A Wa«ie, Dubuque, IU j or to Freight Agents of Rail- f rooda at different points in the West. ' - « Parties attending'to their own shipments from the FajJj will find it to their interest to eall on the Agenta of the Company At the following places before shipping; or letters addreased to either of them on ths anbjeet of freights, will meotwHh'prouiot utteutiou. E 1. UNEBDER, Phlledelphle : ' ' MAOB AW-t KOUHB, 80 North street, B.lti'more. * CO., 3 AstorHotue t orl 8, Williem st., N. T. DRBOH A (JO. 6£*llb,atreeti Bo«ttc_ . , " ?' P: SOOBTOn; oS>Hrelght Agent, Phlle. h. L. HODPT, Gen’l Tirket Aafflt.ifhlU. - . THO 3. A. SCOTT, Heu’l Soptt, AKooua, Ft. „ . j«3-ir. ■. - ~....., 7/ 1 6nirinfia ./anae. - ■ V A little, bat ofte% fills the Pnrte.” JjTKANKLItr; SA.TUTG FIJI?!) V No: ISA' BoutE FOURl t B ; befwsen Ohestnnt and' Walnut,’Philadelphia pays all deposits on demand. c s t> -r--/; »,v -v Depositors’.money secured’ by Gpvesnaunt, dtaie,. and City Loans, Uort gagea, ftc. {■ - * - * ‘ s “~" r This Company desms saTety than large profits, conseqnenUywill rnn,no-;riakwith-4s* positorV- money,'but bays U at alitlmea ready to retnrn with, 6 per cant, interest to the'pvner, as they have always dons.' This Oompany'nOm soaptmded. ... - y ; • Females,married or single; and Minora: nan deposit.in ’right, and auch deposits eaabe withdrawn ostT by their consent. Charter perpetual; Toeorporatedbythe Stste of Pennsyfvania, wlUCaulbority to'reoeire mo ney rum trustees and exsoutozs. . LARGE AfiD'dM ALL BUMBRKOEITED. t Office open, daily from 9 to 8 o’clock, and on Wednesday evening, hntll'B o’ctock/ - DIRECTORS. . .- * ~ Jacob B.Shannon;.. Cyrus OidwdlidtT,' £ohn Sbindl«r t . . . .George Russell, MaUohi W. eioan, . 1 Bdwsra tf. Hyatt, Lowla Krumbhaar, Henry Delany, - . .. Nicholas Rittenhonse, .Nathan Bmediey, t . Jo*. H.Satherthwaite,' Ephraim Blaochaid, ~ . Joseph WT X*ppuDCott'.’ * ’ JACOB B.' fiHAmiOK/President, CTBua Oadwam.li>**, Treasurer d!B*yj • - • , . *i. > “A.DoUareaTed'iflt'wloo earned *»- TH E r SPfiINQ GARDEN SAYING fUNb, u , 1 ■* - •“ *’f i ftVc - ; -6. e -i-JO (Oiiimu st m ZinuunuoffunnfinA.) > - «• : fmpiroAit tmAßtllt , i■ hiItKIB.OINT, XsterectallcwedtoDepbeltan,; . - and all Moneys Paid back <m I>«inMiaT T ‘ aittoH, TzaßDrsTEnr,^ - r -“ (Oowteusirzo* Binr 3qiiasm4i J ~, TkJi lutitatiini.il, aov. ojes for ol Castaes*. and iithe.ohly Charteredßavin* fond located In the northern! neftofthedty. w *- ‘* - ThSOfioewflfbebpen(daily) from I to Sko’dock, •ad did on MONDAYS and THUBaDAYB*frpm Ans til 8 o.’doek la the Evening. . . . * IURASBBB., " j PrederfekJClett, ' ' 'vfohnHefesler.'Jr,, - l BtdJ*enflndth,- *' " Jam* 8i Pringle, JoinPLevy, -' Jacob Deck,’.*. ,* R. Btroof, . Joseph M.Uqwell, r- Daniel Underkofier. J. Wesley Bray, * Jloh. Wm. Millward, ’ Bobertß.DatiasoA, 1 Frederick Bt*ake, * P/O. Bllmaker, ' ’ frinoi* Hut, .* • Jokn ;P:.Vome; - . JosephP.DeOlero, -.- George Kneoht.., President, JAMBB 8. PRIRBIA Bscrotary, QIQBQI T. THORN. apil-lftf &AYING .FUND—FIVE PER CENT* IN- U- TMUEgT—NAgONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PACT?.—WAINWITRBRT, SOUTH-WSSTOORNIB OV THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. ‘ IBdo&r^tAwar tbb Stats or Pwnran.vA*iA. Uono7.il received in any nun, lute or small* and in* from the dayof deposit fothe day of with • . ThooHot If oMi tray day tromfio’clockin the morals* till 6 a’oioQi in the evening, n®4 os Monday •Ad Tharcday evenings tIU 8 o’clock. • . HON. HBNKY h. B3NNBB, President, SOBIBT BILfRIDGB, Vice President* . WM* 7. Kuo, Secretary. . snsOTOUx ' ' Hoa. Holl27L.Benner. F.Oorron Brewster, - Idward L. ' • Joseph B: Bair~, :* Robert SelMdge, Fraud* Le*. ■ Boml. S. Albion, Joseph Terni, G.Xandreth Manns, . .. ' Henry DUfenderßet, Money is received'and payments made dally/ The investment* are made in‘conformity with the provision* of the Charter,. In.REAL XSTATB MORT &AQ-BB,GROTJND~RRHTB,andeach first eU**BBcarl ttee m will always inafcre perfect security to the drawl* ton, aid which cannot fau to girt permanency andst*- hlUw to this Institution. _. anl4y LAYING JPI/ND;—UNITED ’ STATES >3 TRUST COMPANY, ooroer of THIRD and CHBBT HUT Streets • Dirge and small cams received, and said bask on de mind, without notloe. with FIVE PSR OKNT INTXR KIT from the day of deposit to’the day of withdrawal. Offieehonrs, from 9 antil & o’clock every day, and on MONDAY BVRNINQS from T until 9 o'clock. DBASTB foruls on Inglmdj Ireland, tad tootiwd, tidia £t' apwaid*. Prtttdfint—-STXPXZ2N B. OKAWfGKD Ttmuuot—PMNY lIU. . T*D*p-JAMB3 B. HTJNTBB IDitus'anJr Ciqsarc. CHESTNUT GROVE WHISKEY.—A da sire to lessen the consumption of Impure sprite, knowing their injurious, effects upon the constitution, has Induced the offering to.the public of an article which the snalyiation of Professor Chilton. Analytical Chemist, of New York, and Messrs.' Booth, Garrett, it Caxnac, of Philadelphia, proves, beyond all question, to be the most pare and consequently least injurious spirits ever offered the American public. CERTIFICATE OP DR. JAfl.B CHILTON. I have analysed asampleof Chestnut-Grove Whiskey, received from Air. CHARLES WHARTON, Ja.. of Philadelphia, and having,.carefully tested it, 1 am pleased to state that it is entirely f£se from poisonous or deleterions substances. It is an unusually pure and fine flavored quality of Whiskey. JAMES R. CHILTON, H. Heir York, Sept. 8,1868. Analytical Chemist. . PBiiasiLPßU, Sept. 0,1868. - Diia Bit i We have carefully tested the sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey which you sent us, and find that it contains none of the poisonous subaUnoe known fas Pasio Oil. which is the characteristic and injurious Ingredient of the Whiskeys ingeneral use. Very respectfully, , BOOTH, GARRETT, A OABIAO, Analytical Chemists. To CZABLIB WXAMOX, Jr., Ko. 116 WALNUT St, Philadelphia. • ocag-dtjaai SCOTCH ALE, LONDON PORTER, AND ►3 BROWN BTOUT. R Youngers’ Ale, Bt Ann’s Brewery, Edinburgh, in stone pints. . Moir & Sons’ Sparkling Ale, Edinburgh, In stone pta. Pins! & WiUiame’.London Brown Stoat, In glass pts. do do - Porter* in glass pta. T. Bleed & Co.’s Dublin Stoat, in stonepte. In store end for sale by WILLIAM U. TEATON, 216 South PBONT Street. BRANDIES.--« Pine* OaatUlon,” MaretL sad other Cognacs of various vintages* in halt pipes and quarter casks; Pellevoisin Rochelle Brandies* pale and dark. In half pipes* half casks* and one-eighth casks. Imported and for sue by HENRY BOHLIN & CO.. , nets .W and 238 'Vnartb itmt IT IS OF THE HIGHEST IMPORTANCE for every one to Know where they will get the most for their inon6y,-espe6laUy such times as these. ZIEGLER A SMITH, wholesale Druggists, homer of SECOND and GREEN Streets, are disposing of their White Lead. Ground Paints, or all Colors, ana Wfndow Glass, all of the best quality, at prices which Vill be slftaidnsr to buTers osu Brick-making machine* which makes the Bricks and temper the Clay, makes from 3ne to three tbonsand per hour. Upwards of thirty in user. Patented February Sd, 1858. Machines an (frights for sale. Counties, or one-fonrth of the Patent, will be so d. Known to b» the only practical one in use. Ad dress O. OARNELL, Germantown road, above Fifth street, Philadelphia. dIS-tmrlO UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT (J LAND LOCATING AGENCY* CHICAGO , ILL. The - subscriber, having had muoh practical experi ence in selecting and locating lands In the various Land Districts is the Western States, has unusual facilities for p*«Mng valuable selections for LAND WARRANTS OR CASH. r Having Survefors tonstaktlf in tht fitld- to make personal ethrni nations,'he eSn always make tke most Judicious locations. :» * ‘ »• , ' Lands unsurpassed for fertility of soltf aid salubrity of climat«*T»eartha lltio of railroads,'may now be In V - *• r« *• . r - lOWA AND WISCONSIN. Satisfactory referenoergivenwhen required. ' |o* Money invested In Kansas and Nebraska, and any of the Western State*.. -i,. * S. SALISBURY, frlft-fa tt CLARKE Street, Ohleaco. W/ ahdbobes of elegant styles •mm < * , * A “ “* MrM * OT r< *•*»«
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers