'"iX. J-;. '•■, r -i pItHT - OF jPHIIiAIiEIiFHU, Beg. UC, 18(8. ' .BUN•••.••• 26J BDH 5M8,.4 35 ABHIVSD. *'i J » x / < • , 'Boston,' Sellewr2l hours from New York, mdse and. passengers to James Allderdice. ■ Passed '-shipBait»b,for Bheaghhe, : *t Beedy Island, and several '\schre In .the river, bound, up, ’ ' _ - ’; / MarathQn,'Vandyke, 70 days from Stockholm, .v.a Dctl, with lron to 8 Morris Wain A Go, i • : ' Barbae Thos Eaga#yra, withcof fee, hides, Ac. to Dallett Bros. Left at Laguayra Ist lost.,barbae White Wing, Ealing from Philadelphia jhtfArrived,'and aoiur Amy Chhserßrevoor; from Ne' Ydrk,disobg; ’ ~r *'• ‘ '/ " - , Barone Hamilton, {Jackson, 20 days from St Jago de Cuba, in ballastto G WB«rnadou A Bro.. 1 \ ,Bw brig Sophie, Soderstrom,'6B d«ja from Rio de Ja ' neiro, via Hampton Rohde, with ctffoe to order. ■ * Brig May QaeftnvLyle from Port aa Prince 24 inst, "with logwood/cbfreC. cotton,"Ac. to Thos’ Wattaon A Bona. Le*t. briga. TruiiUo, for New York In 2 days: Bohlo, fot do. wtrt Spitfire, for Boston, diaohgj West lQdiah t 'for- v New" Orleaai, at 30th Not. 13th lost, 140 miles south of Gape Henlopeu, saw the ship Athena, (drem).ftandidg'&Wi '-look apilotlfitQ; - Bohr tiro M Robertson, Morrow, 20 days from Kings ton,-Jam, with oofi'ee,'Jcc.' to Joho JP Penlston Left at lusgua 18th nit, Br brig Ocean Isle and sckr Lark, Idg ' for Philadelphia ' <•’ A .- i Sahr Crisis, Benear, 7 days from Newbern, NO, wllh naval stores to Goohran A Uureel., Bohr Julia' Anna, Harding, 6 days from Boston, with mi's* to David Cooper. t Schv B W Perry, Samson, d days from Boston, In bal last to H W Packer A Go; - ' Bchr J P Qake,- Endlcott, 6 days from Boston, in bal* ' last to Bepplier A Bro. -■ - • .t - - - - - hobr L Andenried,'Doughty, 6 days, from Boston, In ballast to Rommell, Potts A Co.. , - ■ ’ « - S:hr B A Wood, Cramer, fi days from Somerset, In " ballast to Tyler, Stone A Go. - - ‘ - ' Bchr J Williamson, Jr, Wlnsmore, 6 days from Mar behead, in - Bchr .A Mansblp, Parnell, 1 day from Dover, Del,with ‘Cora to J*e Barratt A S6n. - ' - - - • ‘ ‘ : Scbr Mantua,•Mason, i day from Frederica, Del, with corn to Jas Barrett A Bon; 1 Bohr Ghas Atkinson, Atkins 2 days from Milton, Dei, ’ wita corn ta J h B«wiey A Go.. . Sehr Henry Wolfe, Atk<ns, 2 days from Milton, Del, 'with ocra to J L Bewley A Co 1 'Schr .J£dg«r, dcatton. 3.days from-Georgetown, Md, wlth wkeit to J L Bewley A Go. . Schr Bobt GilA.lan, Smith, 6 days from Providence, 'tilth ootton waste to Jessup A Moore. ■ - - Schr Caleb Wood, Primrose, 1 day from MUton, Del, wltn corn to J W Baobh A Go. * '■ •». •, . - .OIiIABID. - ship Delftharen, Preese, If Orleans, Bishop, Simons * Co. • ' *• V-* - - > ■ ' - i -• Barque Qortelia, Sheer, Pernambuco, John R Rue. SchrCurleir, ilrown,-Frankfoit, Me, captain. gchrß W Perrjr, iamson. N -A Packer & Go. ,, .. »u(K> gobrJ POike.Endloott.N York, ILcppller & Bro. lobr,OW«f, Ob*mpiODylforirioh t G A lUcksher&.Co. *■ Bohr h AadeDTifcd,~Ucragbt7j Boxboxyy Bommell, Tdtt«'4;o6._ .' 'j' 1 ' v 'l*. - I'. . Bohr R A. Wo’d, Cramer, Richmond, Tyler,!Stone & Co Bohr 8 G King,-Andrews; Alexandria, T Webster, Jr. Btr H L (tar, A Groves, Jr. rOorrespondenoe ofthe Philadelphia Exchange.] . LEWES, Del., Deo 1/. ' The fleot before reported at harbor all left oa Thurf day night, and a barque pissed tosea yesterday, in company with soveralschrs. Tiro barques came down tbebay lasteTemng,and are sow at harbor, with schr fliekman/ Wind strong from NB. - : Yours,*®. ' ' ' WM.M. HICKMAN. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) • % NEW CASTLE,Dei, Deo 18. I baro boon reqneeted by Capt Denglaee, of the sohr David Smith, of Philadelphia, boundto New York with coal, to'report that vessel ashore on Dent’s Bar, oppo site Bombay Hook,’with only four, test water alongside. I could render no requires to be light . en?d. 1 eaihe up to' this place to obtain-, assistance for ' 'her: and, at my rcquestiHir B Jefferson will txlayseud a sloop down toligbtsn A« yet the sohr does not ' leak.'- : - Yours, Ao * 1 HENRY B. NONB3, Captain V B Revenue Cutter Forward. r |BT THXQBAra.J '(Oorrespbhdehoeofthe Philadelphia Exchange.) .: . 'Caps Iblahd, Deo. 18 0 PM. Theahip Oclumbasj from Liverpool 14th alt, Is now off,thle'place.'going, In;, r flething in the'bay outward. bound. Wind}); weather clear, cool, and pleasant. . Deo 39,ABM—Annaknown barque,.the brig Zenith, from' Havana, and several sohis . have passed in this af ternoon Wind KBt with the prospect of a storm* Yours, Ad, XBOB. B; HOGUES.' far raLiOKAPH to teb.mibsb.J ; Naw Yob*. Deo 19 ’ Arrived, barque Ediato, from Cronstadt; brig Plying Eagle, from Curacoa; schxs Meter, from Areclbo; Loni- Isa, trora Mioatitlau. • ' ' t ' Below, barque Christiansen, from Bio, ■ ...... , . Sayahwar, Ga., Dee 18. Arrived; fblp Lord Blgtn, from Liverpool. r ' ■' NSwOblbakb, Deo. 18. * .Arrived, ship#.,Boreas; Prince, and 8 0 Vsmith, from " London; Pettcrwh.frbm'Llverpool; Osar,' fromßlo 1 Attantio,'from New Yotk, V .. .The ship P MBolomen; from London, arrived to-dvr, having oa board the c:ew- of thVUr barque' 6ea W.U -:' shire, wrecked ateCa .NovSth', in latAilOj long'-S&O5, la a severe gale; Bhe had a ca-g jof 'guano; and was bound tq Cork, Ireland, from Moors Island.> . MEMORANDA. , . Bseamahip Kensington, Baker, henoe, arrived at Bos tO-i 18thmat.*/ -• -Steamship City of,. New- York, Hojtos, for Philadel phia, cleared at Boston 18lh ioet :,,j •’ Steamship Bremen, Weasels, for Bremen, sailed from -NewYork 18th Inst. Ship Btaroftbe West, MoAlmond, cleared at Sevan .iuh 16th lost, for Liverpool, with 34U biles ontton - ship Alarm from Callao, arrived at London Ist Inst. ' r - Ship Dreadnought,Samuels,from New,York,'atLU verpool 80th ult - Bh|p> Wm : Penn, Meade, from' BalUuore, arrived at Xarerpool 8d lust. " 5 'V ~ i ■■■■ SHlo Bldorado, Thompson* from-Caliao, arrived at London 27th nit. , • ' r Ship Cornelius Stewart, from Callao, at Que-natown' 28th ult. r. Ship Sclota, Miskelly, 'from Baltimore, arrived at Browei shaven Ist Inet . > . 'Ship Janie's, Brown, Crabtree, from .Callao, at Hoag KongOeth- :: J Sblp 'VeraallleSj'AUayjfrom Boston, arrived atCsl fhlp HlfchtlDgsle, peareonT'oleaxel at Boston 17 th fmt foreaufrMlcSMO.". .arrivals ;at ?hb huncipal hotels, , : JD Winsloiy£t«WiYork 0 H New York WN Yhurtton,'Pft' 5 -v , M Locke* Ja, Va 3 8 Cleveland,Baltimore B.WMjt«bell,.obicigo - BPBobicsoo/RI V -/J*Baldj.Jr,Banrille, Pa DiHH Sleever, Ga • J M McOambyj New York \ BFord.Newark Hit Houston, Valparaiso -PM Chauhcey, New tWlt . -Zißhissler, IU -. . Jl W King A la, New. Yor- L jAlbertson, Norristown W TOroolve, New, York .', A A Hoimf r & la,'Via )/ 0 B Baddin,Boston.' :. • WPFe tridge^Ner York ■' 1 X N Yoorhses, OonaO . -,* John Smith, * . JamMfimitb.pa -j ; ,;R%D/X;wiekesu;NeW'Ydrk' /*'ff H grower, New York T ; ; -tt'O BXsmwOiiAlla, Boston llwfa&tttf&hickgQ • .**• P'HfxplJOfOrt dff'la/NYork fljOUuelV Lansingburg :,W N Doggett.Jertey.city 'l- 1 Van Waasoner,.Paterson < .OH Collin * la, Wash , , . Site* 8 Canu-.nghahi. Va' - -vW-HHtrries.VaV ' P Weimman, AO .V.G Fuller,-Phlla ' , , W J&AraeS, New York ’ ;J.C Reeves. Washington , WB'TUdea. New York T Byndew, New York - JP Cullen,.New'Yprk' JasHHillMo, Kirlin, Scranton, Pa : J.W-Wbltney.N H % » , -0 A Keller. Pittsburg 8 Webster,' N Y ,?, Jno M Cooneoh, N Y H Hetdrlckfl,N Y. 'i &H Byrd* Balt . Judge.OoiQn, Oin ; ► A B Coleman. Oin . mu Walton, NY. * •* H-GHterman N Y / Isaac Honlg. Balt ". * Mr Jackson, N Y. .'TWJaaJfiW Y-'.',' ' B-'Oliver. Liverpool • ,‘W_B B yanordap',,N 0; Smith Waterman, Troy »;j WLafilo, Chicago" Jss H Young, N Y '...Albert Ricbads; Trdj G H Tan Wont, Albany WmH fcetden.iwajh’ton J#s/F Ptndegaet. Balt ']3> Barsam/Bait "\ J - r. 3 H Daniels, NY > * OMBogarfcyN Y MasterWHßogart,NY Dr Hosmer, Maas ; , B G LUUeßeld, Albsny| - FRANKLIN HOBBS—Chestnut street, above Third. 3 L Doty; New Ydrk• W H Strong, New York. - W Xl Webbcr, Boston 3 H'ft*ed, New York G T.Hottg ana wife, N York M B Hpog,'New York • MUb Panofcs/New York, John Young. Newark, NIJ MrsWllUauson, Cleveland JM Bills, Ohio - . H B B>rton, N Jersey Mrs Kennedy, New York* . jaa Garnett, Now York ; W Weat, 1 New York 7 • Ja*M Blok<,Buffalo, J 8 Mower, BedToid, Pa „ :i 1 P H Parsons, Carlisle,P4= York M B Gillen, Pa . 1 T~A Holbrook, Lowell Mass Wieham Tanner, N York' Geo J&m>s r ZaneBvlUe,-0/' W K Smith, Richmond, Va 8 Y''B Arro«'s;ottti;N'Ydrk X 8 Ooakllng. New York ' ; - AMKRIOANiIOTBL—CbMtoat st., above Firth. • Xobn %mjUti3Xi Yastoo Wn M Lsmden, N J 8 B Thomas * I?dj; N % , BF Gordon,NJ ' WSBhaw, • Thomas Harman, Bath X Brown, James Baringer, NY V .33 W Terrahoe. N,YJames Dralo, Baltimore W H Horner, NY; ’ J W’,Waldron, Baltimore Jos Cochran. V* . ~ Miss Cochran, Va, : T.CrosilnfN Y 6 T MoDougall, N Y RNTelereon, NT. - UUs M J Jonea, N J Jos B«t<r,-New Yoyk 0 L Houston, New York B Koch, lllta -.ia J M Jennings, Rev York .L 0 Ackley, New York L A‘iMurdook, Boston . MBROBANTB’ HOTSfc-Joiirti at., below Arab H P Bote, Pfr' vr* .• r '.Thornton Proltb, Pari g,bg Mlse £ Gebr, Chambersb’g B 0 Gehr, Chambersbi.rg Bobt BUeys, BLlbelrtyfPa SfiCaspy, Bradrord,~Pa ' ; Mi Mid wards, Tovrsfido'v-HQhAK Wright, Pa, Mrs A KdwardßjToyfaiido '' LBBwree, Pa' , s ' T W Woodruff,'Towardb c 7 "H Bf Moptagde V’ '“J Clark, VDMqor?, - . . MrsMyers.'Boston , 1 ' ■; '. 3.MUt MyflrS, Bo*ton^, •8 Morris; Ohostef co’- Boston Geo W Shelton; Conn Alez B/Jatn, Pa Dante! Birr, Lane . W G Gibbons, PR R RXstterman, Mo W 8 Cook, St Louis J Jones, Ashland, Pa <w UNION HOTEL—Arob etreot, below Fourth, JOlumbera, Ind Ja« Oirpenter, 111 0 B Preher, Willterblrro Jas Bidgwey. Pa Henry Belknap, flel -lee Laog A I», Towa Thofl M-Richarda. Read’g I 0 Brown, Beiw P P Heller, Beading A II Turner, Reed loir -Win Iflmaa,' Philadelphia J W Prana, Baltimore MADISON HOUflß—Seeondato belew Areh. Wm J Adame. HI 8 Boddtek, NY J MlUwßat(ime;e, ; , 8 A Whitlock, Baltimore Wm HOoliarr Detaware - flßmdel P Mitchell, N Y HearjH Darll'iH Py ;:'- - F 8 Miller, Baltimore , Baro’lßjddle.'Ntf r; '' ' DarldM Rioe, N Y John’roifler, B*Uunor«sV ST,.MopPKT,YBBNCrtf st., above Aroh. . C H : Mebre, Bncka oo > J M Bdnjamin, Md 2T-H JqhDion/ Pa • . -■ 8 Hofheimer, Pa • ' J D Brady, Pnila J Chapman, lit Holly - OBnobmakir,',Ohester oo ' Bdw Beets,-PWla ' Cheater-. .J. B West aod la, Kaaton • ''-l2 RATIONAL HOTSL-'Baoe street, above Third W ONarrisjVork,' Pa ‘ Ohos Peters, MiUersbnrg' ■ L - .. ' \ j a Bernard, Tamtana A L Snyder, Montg naery co 5 S^S. nh ? tm ? r W , f l «bwg L Kerkeneleger, Ichay’l co . .. i OOurdluotjH j’ .:,, D BNjrMjßeloo- ': . jAbg d tj John M SnSeden A son, r ' ■ .. r . BABL£Y SHSAF. ; street, below Yin*. BOrosd»le,Pa' r - FHCarr, Books oo . 7 . ~M Sk&dall Aiiayp*^rJohn B6tis,Pa - f ..^Hil^genoto^owii-; Bodd Holt, Bnrllngton iHCm CASES--Of ailkifl*, thecheapest lt* j ;; ¥3 OLLAlitb; (JlNi2®j>?ptjs superior Old /■WoiAiHolland Gin i n Bond, fereile By B. P; MlDDtfc lOST.Aj, BEO.i 6 Nortlr ! * i : d2O-6t J ET.“2WoMes=o(PMfe At 880., S North FRCNTfatrsegiaM, K|M^:»]PqETBauAND:;BB(>WIi' B«g»r*• Pitkin«'«, Brown YonagetfaiAle; ilton', ;»id m Ws'ly’A. feOt’Ka ».on!»}>iOHTBllo»t " 420 . r;M®SSBdOrCH'WHISKET.-10iranohoon8 AlilliHerß#ggt>a. ,AN OPENING OF MESS OAT) on TUESD AY. December 21st. M ". M>. A \“ DE Foa , C H BBjND , I STREET. The balance ef Winter Hate will be sold at; cost I to close season. - - • , • 1 diu-«* £egal Noting. Letters op administration to tbe Estate of HENRY BTBINKR, late of tbo city of Philadelphia, Druggiit, deceated, haring been grant ed lo the euteorlber, all persoaa indebted to .eld estate ere requested to make payment, snd those having de mands to present them to SOPHIA STEINER. Administratrix, d?O-m-0t ' No. 814 OHBRBY Street. , Stationers TJLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS.—Thd sub vlf ficrlber has now on bend a large assortment of Blank Acooont Books, adapted to every grado of busi ness such as ' , > «Day Books, > • - Letter Books, Journals Oheok Books, ' Ledger Books, Bill Rooks, Cash Books, Memorandum Books, Invoice Books, Notes,grafts, Ac. Blank Books of any size, style of binding, or pattern of ruling, made to order at snort notice, and warranted .unsurpassed for neatness,of ruling, material a. and durability of binding New on favorable terms. LITHOGRAPHIC AND LBT rBR PBESB PRINTING, Bill Heads,'OAtds, Circulars. Ship, ping Roceipte, and every descriptions of Job executed in superior style. - WM, Al. CHRISTY, ‘ Stationer and Printer, ’ dSO-mwAflm 66 8. THIRD, opposite Girard Bank. 1859. for 1859. , HIGHEST PREMIUM, AWARDED. . BEST QUALITY BLANK BOOKS* P&ASXLUt ISSTtTOIH E*niBITIOH, November; 1868. Orders taken for Merchants, Bankers, Insurance, and Manufacturing Companies, at VERT LOW PRICES. WM. F. MURPHY St SONS, Counting House Stationers, 320 OHESTNUT Street, dl6-wfm6t* Over Adams’ Express office.. IQCQ DI A KIES IftKQ I Ovi/*For the Desk And Pocket In jLOf-ri/e greet variety of styles and sizes, of the justly celebrated PHILADELPHIA.-EDITIONS, infinitely superior in every respeot to the New York' Editions; For sale, Wholesale and Detail, by the Publishers, MOSB, BROTHER & 00., Counting House Btationers, No. 16 South FOURTH Btraet. Heal ©elate. M CHOICE FiBH FOB SALE. —Will be sold, at puhlio sale, THURSDAY, Bee. 28d. 1868, at 2 o'clock P. M.,on the premises, * FABAI of 05 screß, 20# a., or 46 a , on the Buetleton and Somerton Turn pike Road, two miles above BasUeton. and thirteen miles from Philadelphia, in the. Twenty-third ward. The improvements are a'large stone mansion, having 14 rooms, frame barn, Ac., and about six acres of prime wood. N.‘ B.—The above premises will be sold either all to ;ether as one farm, or the buildings, with 20# acres of and, on the west side of the toad, will be sold as one lot; and the 30 or 46 acres on the east side of the road, (including the woods) will be sold by itself. For farther particulars, apply to WM. HENRY OAMBRwN, No. 617 SPRING GaBDEN Street. d!8 St* «£ CHESTER COUNTY VALLEY m3S FABM —For sale, a FARM of 84 apres, very su perior Limestone Land, with good dwelling and usual out-bnildlngs, situated in the Great Valley, on the line of ibe Valley Bal'road. and , about 8 miles' from two Stations on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad. May be had at the present time at a low price, and bat a small cash payment. If not sold shortly, will be rent ed. Apjly to J. P. RBINBOTH, d!8 St* . No. 486 WALNUT Street. ORPHANS’ COURT SALE OP REAL ES TATE.—WiII be Bold on THURSDAY, the 23d Inst., et one o’clock, a Farm, containing about 69 acres, the estate of John Thomas,’ deceased, in Providence Township, Delaware count;, Pa., one mile from Media, the'Oounty Town, thirteen miles from Philadelphia. The land is in a high state of cultivation, twelve acres of woodl*nd. an orchard of about three acres of various kinds of choice fruit trees; there are fire springs of ex cellent water on the place, a stone mansion, forty feet front, fonr rooms on a floor, barn, spring-house, and other out-buildings. It is considered one of the most beautiful and desirable situations la the coanty. Sale peremptory, and terms easy. * Persons desiring farther particulars of this Farm can call on JOSEPH WATERMAN, No. 1629 CHESTNUT street. Sewing machines. HARRIS’ 8 BOUDOIR SEWING MA CHINE 1b offered to the public as the most re liable low-priced Sewing ‘ Machine In use. It will sew from six to sixty' stitches to an inch, om all kinds o f goods, from coarsest bagging to the lt Is, without exception, the amplest in Its meohanlcal ' oonatrnotlcn evermide, andean l>e run and kepttnorder' bya child of twelve yews of sge. TheDUßssitiTrof this machine, andthe quality or its work, are war ranted to be unsurpassed by any other. Its speed ranges frotathre's hundred to fifteen hundred stltohes per mi nute.' The thread usedls taken dlreotly from the spools, without thb tbouslh os RawiNMsa. In faot.it is a machine that is wanted by every family In the land, and the.ldw price of THIRTY DOLLARS, at which they are sold, brings them within the reaoh of almost erery one 8. D. BAKER, Agent, 420 dfim'W-eow-fim 38 South EIGHTH Street. OEWING MACHINES. - £5 SAVAGE'S PATENT. THI MOST BIMFLB—MOST PB&fROT. No. 722 OHH3TNGT STREET. . The most desirable Sewing Machines for Families jet made. d 8 Imlf# 'Railroad jCitus. NEW YOKE LINES. TUJS CaUDBN AND -AMBOY AND PHILADBLP’A AND-TBENTOK RAILROAD CO’S LINES, ' PHIL3DELPHIA TO NSW YOBS r ! -Jfc -AND WaT PLACES. *tA fr ,‘iriti. lsavb as follows, viz : .KENSINGTON DEPOT. 3‘rl*. ' t < r ; Fareirom Kensg’n '• < r v v ‘i /" Depot to New York. At 8X A..M , Horning Mill, Ken .eington and Jersey City .$g Q 0 At P. U.V Evening Mall, Ken , alogton and'Jersey Cit» AtlftfP M., Night Hall, Renting* ,ton a-d Jersey City....... 226 Tho 6U Kveukg Mall Line runs d»lly. The 111/ Night Mail, Saturdays exospted The Oirs-of the FKth and Sixth-street City PsMenger RtilwayCorapaoy will conrey Paseengera to and from Kensington D«pot. FBOM WALNUT-STREET WHARF: Faub At 6 A. M. via Camden and Amboy, 0. ic A. Ac* commodation * $2 26 At 6 A M , via Camden and Jersey City, (New Jersey) Acc0mm0dati0n.................... 2 26 At 10 A. M. via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Expre55.......... 3 00 At 2 P. M. via Camden and Amboy, 0. & A. Bx* . press..* 300 At 8 P- M via Camden and Amboy, Acoommoda* tlon—lstClass 2 26 AtSP.M via Camden and Amboy, Aceommoda tioo— 2d 01iea.,... 1 60 At£pM. via Camden and Amboy, Acoommoda* tlao—lst Class..,. 2 fiS AtGP.M vie Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion—2d Claw..., 75 ITT Express Linea atop at Principal Buttons only. For. Beirlder.e, Easton. Plemington, <fec., at C A. M. and'Jjf PM 011 For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Fcr&nton, Wilkeabarre, MouMose, Great Bend, tea , at'O A. M , via Delaware. Lackawanna, and Western Railroad. FbrFreehold, atGa. M. acd2 F M. For Mount Dolly, at OA.M, and 2tf» and 5 p. Hi . > WAY LINES *9* Trenton, £o., at2R P. M., from Walnut street Wha-T, and 4# V. M. from Kensington Depot. - •? r ” > “ Q Fr*» KanoccaafTleverJy. Burlinglen, Bor deotowo, &c., at 3 P. M 1 • Steamboat Richard Btockton for Bordentown and In termediate pieces at 2# P M. Filty pounds of beggege only allowed each passenger. Passengers are prohibited irom taking anything as bag gage but tbelr wearing appaiel. AU baggage oner Blty pounds to be paid for oxtra. The company limit their responsibility lor baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not re reliable for any amount - beyond $lOO, ex oept by apeoiat oentr&ct, fc December, 20,1855. WM. H. GATSSMHR, Agent. IJlflE TYAHEHOUSING COMPANY OP PHILADBLPHIAv r . DIRECTORS. PATRICK BRADY,. PLINY FIBK, ALEXANDER HENRY, GBO. L & WILLIAM NEILSON, WM. H _ 3. B. ORAWFOBD. PATRICK BRADY, President. f B. B. CRAWFORD, Vise President. WILLIAM NEILSON, Secretary. THE WAREHOUSING COMPANY OP PHILAD’A 2 4KB PAtFIBHD TO RECEIVE GOOD 3 ON STORAGE, Whether in Bend or Duty Free, at Current nates, and will Issue receipts or warrants thore'or. Application may be made at their GFFIOE, IN LAUREL STREET, Lately occupied by the United States Custom House, or at their premises, better known as the TOBACCO WAREHODSE, DOCK STREET. Auotion, commission, and gene- BAL AGENCY BUSINESS P. WELLINGTON Baring permanently located himself at P.naacola, Ha.; l 0 g.naral that be haa opened on PALAFOX Street, nearlyonposlte Ulo Market Dense, a general Auotion. Commission, emd Age nor Bminafg and would respectfullysolicit consignment* of*Ul kinds of goode aud merehtodWe for Auction, or on Commit Mon. . ‘ _'■ - dG-raw&f2mfeW2m ' pfIEISTMAS DINNER EXTENSION V 7 TABLES, good .and cheap, at manufactory. 2£Q South THIRD street. ' ; * oeorbtaby and book-oases, Iq JO great variety, at manufactory, J&9 Pouth THIRD Street. WTARDROBBS OF EtEGANT STYLES, Tv for sale ohtap, at manufactory, 259 South THIRD Street. EXTENSION TABLES, suitable for ships, JCi steamboats, hotels, and dwellings, for sale cheap, at manufactory. No. 259 Booth THIRD Street. d!8-Im KEG TAR—Always on hand a full supply; , .and for Bale by WEAVES FITLER & 00.. ' No. S 3 MonhWATBB Street, SlB and 52 North WHABYES. Racked whale oil.-2,800 gallons S o '™'?. 1 - ooart i for Bale byR. W. P. ALIEN, 1« Booth PEbAWABB A-ranua • <HB-6t Bleached winter whale oil— and for sale byR. W. P. Booth DELAWARE Aromlo. dIB-6t. TTNBLEACHED WINTER SPERM OIL— . orakaaod barrela la .tore, and foraalo by ; S;,W. P. ALIEN, 14 Booth DELAWARE Arenue. _ dlB-6t CANDLES. —30 boxes best Sperm Candles. . 60 boxes beet Adamantine Candles, for sale by R W. P. ALLBN, H South PBLaWABB Avenue.dlßGt —500,000 Havana Sugars, choice K 3 brands, by late arrivals, io bond and store, for sale brA'JUm9>M?fWbJr#wi;otmti m CHRISTMAS BOOKS FOR THE CHIU DBBN. IDOLETTK STANLEY; * Or, The Beauty of Disci pline. By M M. B 1 vol. lflmo. 76cents; gilt edges and sides, $l. , . , . ‘‘A highly entertaining and useiul story; it Is told with much spirit and taot. and some chapters of it are very amusing, while the whole tendency is to show that the heart is made bettor by disolplino, and so afflictions work out good.”—[N. Y. Observer. u Th's story very happily illustrates the importance of domestic dißOlrline. The oharastera are well drawn, and-the moral and religious teachings excellent. Yonog readers, and many older ones, might learn wholesome impressions from this book.^”— [Presbyterian. THE HEIGHTS OF KIDKLBERG. By Helen Has lett. 1 vol. Mmo. 75 cents; gilt edges and rides, $l. « This is a highly wrought, exciting story, Illustrating the elevating and gentle power of true religion, its be nign inliueoce in soothing every sorrow of life.”— rchrifltian Observer. 1 “Wo are greatly plo&eed with this modest volume. The story is deeply interesting-and brought oat with much skill, while the grand aim to exhibit great re ligious is successfully accomplished.”—[N. Y. Observer. BLIND TOM: OR, THE LOST FOUND. Illustrated, ifimo. 00 cents. Oloth, gilt sides and edges, 88 cents, - “So simple a matter as the reform of a blind little street boy and his intemperate mother, is made, by the sheer force of simple truth.and naturalness, to assume a pathos which tbo author of maty a far more assuming work might envy.”—[Evening Bulletin. IT. EVELYN GREY. By 3. Margowan, author of Aunt Edith, Clara Stanley, &o. Illustrated. 18mo. 50 cents; gilt edgos and sides, 76 cents. “ The pictures of domestic life in this little volume are drawn with a delicate and tender hand, and the lessons inculcated are sweot and good. It is a book that the young may read with profit, for it can scarcely fall to make adoep and pleasant impression on the heart.”- [N. Y. Observer. V. THE YOUNG MAROONERB, Robert and Harold: or, The Yonng Maroonera on the Florida Coast By F. R. Goulding. With twelve Engravings. Sixth Thousand. Idmo. 76 cents: gilt edges and sldes.Sl. “This book or adventures on the Florida coast, will suit readers aU along shore It is a capital produc tion. The writer understands pen and pencil, knows how to toll a good story, and sketch incidents exceed ingly well- The book is Robinson orusoe>lik6 Indeed, it'is much more instructive than that famous narrative, whilst its adventures are scarcely less exbiting. The peculiarity of tho book is, that with all Its incidents it communicates the knowledge of many interesting Jaets in nature , and of m&ny expedients In practical life. The moral tone is religious throughout. Wehave never read a story upon a more unexceptional plan.”—[Pres byterian Magazine. INFLUENCE. A Moral Tale for Young People, By Charlotte Anley, author of Miriam. Third Edition. Ifimo. 76 cents. THE BASKET OF FLOWERS; or, Piety Trl umphont. With Illustrations, Sixteenth Edition. 18mo. 81 cents. EOBA OF LINDEN OASTLE ; or, Filial Affoction. A Tale for Paronts and Children By the author of Basket of Flowers. Illustrated, 18mo, 40 conta, IX. ’iTHE KINGS; Ob, THE TWO ORPHANS. By the same author. Illustrated. 38mo. 81 cents. A. BEAUTIFUL PRESENT. THE LORD'S PRAYER ON A CARD, prlntod in gold, with embomed gold border. 16 cents. Published by WM. 8. A ALFRED MARTIEN. No 600 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. d2O-mwtfr3t Henry ward beecheb. Now ready and for sale by the Booksellers, NOTES FROM THE PLYMOUTH PULPIT. * A collection of Memorable Passages from the DISCOURSES OF HENRY WARD BEHOHER, With a iketch of Mr. BEECHERand the Lecture Room. By AUGUSTA MOORE. FROM THE EDITOR’S INTRODUCTION. The Notes contained in this volume are chiefly from memory. The most of them were written during the years 1850-57, and were committed to paper simply be cause it, was impossible to think of, or to write, any thing else with a mind so fully possessed by the memory of the sermons from which they were taken. The writer has tried faithfully to givefthe true sense, and, as far avanamory would assist, the exaot expressions of Mr. Beecher. It is not the beauty of Mr. Beecher's expressions, nor the startling and resplendent flashes of his thought that this book will 'show, so much as his presentation of simple and holy truth, in such guise as never fails to interest and instruct all whose notice is gained. And thousands who cannot be induced to poruse long ser mons will cheerfully read, and undoubtedly remember, the vital truths Illustrated and enforced in the follow ing pages. The volume is a testimony to the power with whioh themied from whence it sprung influences other minds, aid of tho nature of that influence. LIST OP CONTENTS— (Ix part). Fkstohop Hknht Ward Beecher, LbOJOBB JIOOM SCENES. Acorns and young ministers No happiness apart from All Christiana should be God preachers No quiet for man All n.en writing books Not afraid of a laugh A man better than a king Opposing Ideas of Chris* Applylrgthe knife 4 tlanity Aristocracy destructive to Oregoe pines piety Our churches growing pure A sound life the beat the* Our hour of rest ology Passages from prayers Battle fields of the world Paul’s conversion Boys intbo limbo of vanity Perfect love Bine sky In Wall street Pictures for eternity Brown, Brothers, & Co Poor and rloh saints Christ pardons before re- Praying into nothing baking Prodigality of God Common things dearest to Reality of God’s love Christ Get son like a telescope Creation’s center Jewel Reformation like religion Doing evil.by proxy Religion a noed of tho soul Don’t fret Religious controversies Dyspetsla of Books Rest on the promises Election and reprobation Right sort of prayer-meet- JBscapeleis gaze of the Al- log mighty Self-will prevents conver- Fatl ot bad men Anal sion Falsehood In love Short of provisions FUes of humanity Bightof a rifle God’s glory' his goodness Sorrows like clonds Good and bad wofaen Suffering rightly borne Grace must be burntin SweptCst natures sooneat Greedy for wealth soared - Hatred min’s strongest ca* Tears olten telescopes pacity. The devil's cloak Hell in the heart The moral pirate Heroic women The preaoher’s a painful Hidden troubles worst 1 business Borrorof dealt The slave and, the diamond Hours like sponges The theatre How to think of heaven The vanished years How men glory Things that money cannot Infidels are worklngforGod buy Is conceience bur punisher Thin souls Journals the devil’s vanity Truths that take hold trap’ Uncurrent coin Journal of God Undermined towers Lightning rods Unkind wordslike pins and Longing for life needles Love the only ground of Virtues of the moralist union Voleanlo natures Love’s labor—basket Warning against Plymouth making Church Mean or aversions Water logged by fear Meeting in heaven Weak love Men of one idea Whittling out prayers Ministers and the masses Wolf-like sin Mirth the wine of life Woman’s yearning for love Monday versus Sunday Woman more gedlike than Morality a short e able man Most daogerous sins Ye would tike away my Mourning garments Lord Natural faculties blossomed Zigzaggtog to heaven One neat 12mo. Price $1 DARBY & , No. i: Copies sent by mail prept OO MAMMOTH AND BRILLIANT WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. TWICE KB LABGE AS THE N. Y. LEDGER • ***** THE *#««# *** CONSTELLATION-. *** HEIGHT ! BI'ARKLINQ ! GLITTKItING! BEIL- WANT! RADIANT! DAZZLING! STRIKING! EPJfUiGISNT! RKBPLENDHNT! SHINING! GLORIOUS! A RB'USIOH OP LIOBI TO POBM OHS OB&XD LUXISARY. PARK JIRNJAMIN EDITOR. THB SCDSCRIBKR HAB GREAT ELEASDRIi IN he mll issae on , SATURDAY; JANUARY 1, 1860. THE LARGEST, HANDSOMEST, aND MOST COMPLETE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER overprinted- It will bo a superb Folio Sheet. Double the size or the NEW YORK LEDGER ! containing TEN BROaD COLUMNS on eaoh pige, Thirty-four Inches in Length, and nearly 7 DOUBLE THB AMOUNT OF READING MATTER glean by any Weekly paper now- published—embracing the oholcest and freshest matter, selected and original, furnished from abroad and at home. It will be In all reipeois A LIVING JOURNAL—containing the pro Auctions of the most popular wrlterain liber alquantltv— ROM ANOBB-BTOBIEB SBSAYfc—POBMfc— ANEC DOTES—SKETCHES—EDITORIALS—NOTICES OF AMUSEMENTS AND THE ARTS, Ac., Ac —in fine, all things which are new/beautiful. Interesting ana attract!™ Each Dumber will contalu not only a carefully condensed synopsis of the General ; Events daring each week, bat all the very latest infor mation and Telegraphlo Despatches up to the hour of going to press. The subscriber has already obtained a score of contri te*?™; “A TRAIN OF STABS” unequalled for genius, butlianey, and reputation by those of any other Journal now published ho mittbr what may db its prb tbusiobs. It is with no slight gratification that he an nounceAhissuQcesn In engaging rhe services of a gentle man so eminent as Mr, Park Bsnjami.s . Oonnsotcd for 20 years with the preea or New York city, and always suc cessful in his literary enterprises, whether as Editor. Author, or Publlo bpeaker, the name of Mr. Bbnjamik is an auguiy of certain good fortune “ THE OONBTELLAiION” will mainly recommend itself to a cordial and generous support from the very best people by its observance of good and avoidance of evil It will be in every sense A PERFECT FAMILY NEWSPAPER! Never to oontaln'a line either in its reading or ad vertising columns to give offence to any one. THE BRAVERY QUKBUON WILL BE WHOLLY IGNOR ED IN ITS COLUMNB. The proprietor isdetermlned that It shall never be alluded to in auym&nuct in “ THE CONSTELLATION n while it rom&ins in his control—and no allusion to religious matters will be permitted that would toud to give offence to any coot. It Is the determination to make it the favorite of all olaeces, of both sexes, of young and old. The subscri ber. baring had more than a quarter of a century’s ex perience in tho publication of Daily and Weekly News papers—some eighteen years ago as proprietor of the then famous BOSTON NOTION, and for twonty con secutive years the proprietor of the BOSTON DAILY TlMES—and having now conneoted himcolf with in valuable editorial aid, ho believes that this new enter prise will at once achieve a popular favor and success unparalleled in newspaper history. TERJW OP ‘‘THE CONSTELLATION.” TWO DOLL4RB PBR ANHDM, when taken in clubs of TBN? Twenty-eight copies to one address, Porty-nlne dol lars, being only f 1.76 per annum each. Twenty oopiea only $37. Eire copies, $l2. Two copies $6. One copy $3. Persons paying at the rate of $8 per annum will have the postage prepaid by tho subscriber, or he will at his own cost have it served at their residence iu New York or Brooklyn Att subscriptions to be invariably »r adyakob. Single copies, Five Cents To Newspa per Agents, Three Dollars and Firtv Cents per hundred. THREE EDITIONS EACH WEEK. will be publishod. First on Tuesdays, Socond on Satur day mornings, and a 1 hlrd late Saturday night, which last will be served, at our own expense, early Sandcy mornings, at tho residence of city subscribers. News paper dealers and subscribers will pleaeo be particular to name tho special edition thoy want ITT* Proprietors of newspapers publishing the fore going shall have a copy of “ The Constellation” sent to such address as they may desire. Dealers supplied by the wholesale agents from whom they receive their other papers, or directly from this office, as they roay prefer TO ADVERTISERS. A very large number or extra copies of the two or throe first numbers will be printed for gratuitous dis tribution, rendering those numbers specially advan tageous to advertisers, A limited number will be in sorted at TEN CENTS per line. All orders and letters to be addressed to GEORGE ROBERTS, do2o-lt 12 and 14 BPRUOE street, New York. US. DIGEST. • NEW VOLUME. LITTLE, BROWN, & CO. PUBLISH THIS DAY, THE UNITED STATES DIGEST 1 Containing a Digest of Decisions of tbo Courts of Common Law, Equity, and Admiralty In the United States and England. Vol XVII, being volume XI of the Annual Digest (for 1867 ) By GEORGE S. HALE, Esq. Royal Bvo. Five Dol lars. dl3-Btmwfif. Gentlemen would do well by calling on DILKB& KBNfIIL,I39 North NINTH street, above Cherry, and have their old Garments mode to look equal to new, \>i ol»w«iDg or djfipg and repair- THE PRESS.—PHILAJDELPHIA. MONDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1858. ftubluatiofts. JACKSON, Publishers, 19 NASSAU Street. N. Y. aid on reeelpt of price. It 1 New publications Holiday books i holiday books A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT, INCLUDING ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED WORKS In Sno bind- Inge. STANDARD BOOKS for the Library. JUVENILE WORKB Id great variety. ID* AU aelling at low prices, by LINDSAY A BLAKISTON, 26 South SIXTH Street. THEY HAVE JOST EDBLIBHBP PALESTINE, PAST AND PRESENT. A work of enduring value by the Rev. Henry S. Osborn, D. D. Elegantly Illustrated by Engravings, Chronographs iu colors, numerots wood outs, and a now Map of Pales tine Royal octavo. DR MoOANDLIBH’S LIFE IN A RIBKN SAVIOUR An elegantly gilt edition, and with a beautiful Fruntla. piece, engraved on steel. Price $l6O. Also, «u edi tion in plain doth, $!• A BLUE AND GOLD EDITION OP WATBON'S CAMP FIRES OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. With numerous Illustrations IV. SUNSHINE j Or, KATE VINTON. By Miss Har riet B. McKeovet. Price, in plain doth. 76 cents: full gilt $1 ' QUAINT BAYINGB AND DOINGS CONCERNING LUTHER. Collected and arranged By the Bev. John G. Morris, D. D., author of “Tbo Blind Girl of-Wit tenberg,” Ac., Ac Price 76 cents. VI. DR. STORK’S CHRISTMAS BOOK FOR OBllf- DRHN. With a beautifully Colored ,Frontl*pleoe and numerona other Illustrations. A small 4to. rolurha. Price 60 oonta. . • - * LINDSAY Ic BLAKIBTON, ’, ■' Publishers and Booksellers,' d2O 26 South SIXTH Street/ above Chestnut. filoneg. T 0 INVEST on MOBT 'tn>VsVJ\/VGAOE, In one or two sums, or In Ground Bentaf A. T. GOODMAN. d2O-Bt# 108 South FOURTH Street. A nnn- More or leßS * t 0 •oropl®t® an ope fjtji/Uvr ration which will return five times the amount, and prove one of the best ever offered. Address »» Lots,” Pres* office. It* Q C Of If! $4,000, $8,500 to Loan on moit tjßtPA/v/vJa gage of unencumbered City Proporty. Apply to S. W. THAOKABA, dIB-3t* 244 South THIRD Street. I*° LOAN, in sums to suit wv* *jW\/appUcantfl, upon Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Merchandise, Clothing, &c , on mode rate terms, by JONES & 00., Brokers, N. W. oorner THIBD and GABKBLL Streets, below Lombard, Es tablished for the last 35 years. Office hours from 7A. M»to 7 P.M. d!7»lm Ifjg "YyELLS, FARGO) & 00., 400 CHESTNUT BTRBET, Purohas* tho Interest COUPONS STATE OF CALIFORNIA. d7-tjal 6tewoßco})Co. « |\TO HOMB WITHOUT A STEREO SCOPE.” E . PARRISH, 800 AROU STREET, Offers an assortment of fine English and French BTBREOBCOPIC VIEWS, OF HIS OWN IMPORTATION. THE STEREOSCOPE, in every variety, for sale by JAMEB W. QUEEN, dl4 924 CHESTNUT Street. The marriage ceremony in the Btereosoope, for sale by JAMES W. QUEEN, dl4 024 CHESTNUT Street. ©entlemen’s JTnrnisljiug ©ooiis. PRESENTS FOR GEN- V/ TLEMEN.—Dressing Gowns of new and beautiful WSfRAPPEBS. —New and beautiful wrap- FT pers are being constantly furnished at W. W. KNIGHT’S 606 ARCH“Btreot, whe* the largest and best assortment Can always be had. Also, just opened, a new lot of Gentlemen’s Scarfs, Neok Ties, Mufflers, &c. * d2O 6t JJJOLIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT. R. C. WALDORN & CO., (Now) Nos. 3 and T North SIXTH Street, Have now In Store a most complete and varied Btrjpk ~~ GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, SUITABLE TOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. . They beg to Inrorm the pnblio in general, and the Ladles In particular, that their Une of , « , GENTLEMEN’S DRESSING GOWNS Is unequalled in this city. » - .. dU-lmlf Umbrellas, gENSIBLE. PRESENTS. U M B RE L I/ A S . A ohoiee assortment ofSilk and Gingham Umbrellas, FOB LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Finished in superior style, for sale at ptioes to please, AT THE MANUFACTORY OF SIMON HEITER, N. W. oorner THIRD and MABKBT Streets. dB-wf&m.lJal-if# Cabinet tUarc. *JtHB LARGEST DESK DEPOT IN THE UNION. fIOQUET A HUTTON, (Successors to J. T. Hammltt,) MANUFACTURERS OF A. L. ADAMS’ IMPROVED DESK RACK. No. 259 South THIRD Street, OFFICE, RANK, and BCHOOL FURNITURE. EXTENSION TABLES, BOOKCASES, WARDROBES, &0. dB-8m Uemouata. Removal —william s. & Alfred MARTIEN have removed their Bookstore from No. 608 to No. 600 OHESTNUT STREET. One door East of their former stand, where, with, in creased facilities and moro spacloas apartments for tho arrangement of thoir stock, they hope to recolvo a con tinuance of the patronage whloh has been extended to them in former years. They would at this time particularly invite attention to their very large assortment of SUPERBLY BOUND ROOKS, suitable for Presents during the approaching Holidays, embracing'" ALL THE NOVELTIES OP THE SEASON. FINELY ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, THEOLOGICAL. RELIGIOUS, JUVENILE, and STANDARD WORKS. Also, a large and unrivalled collection of BIBLES of evefry else, style, and description, In ornamental binding both English and American editions, all of which are offered at the lowest prices. dlB-3t REMOVAL. —Tho Adelphi Hotel, Poter MoELROY, Proprietor, has been removed from 227 South fifth street to 277 South FIFTH Street, The Proprßtir, thankful for the patronage heretofore ex tended to him, desires to see his old friends and. patrons at his new house. dlt)-6t* NOTICE Tho ofllco of The West Phila delphia Passenger Kaihcay Company has been roniovtd to the Depot, N W corner of ilAvE&Fftßp Road and LOGAN btreot, Twenty-fourth ward, dram REMOVAL. SAMUEL H. MATTSOJST, MEROHANT TAILOR, HAS REMOVED TO No. 1126 OHESTNUT STREET, THIRD DOOR BKLOW TWELFTH. South Side, Where he is prepared to execute all orders in his line, having on hand a full supply of GOODS for Gentle men’s wear. SAMUEL H. MATTSON, n26-Bm-ir No. 1126 OHESTNUT Street. Dr. e. McClellan, Removed to No. 1441 WALNUT Btreot, dlO-lra Northeast oorner of Fifteenth street, {Dissolutions uni) (EojKirtnersljips. TIHE FIRM OF QUINTIN CAMPBELL* JR., & 00., having been dissolved by the deatli of QUINTIN. CAMPBELL, Jr , the business of the late firm be settled byH. A. SHAOKBLFOR D»or his attorney, W. H. INSKEHP, Philadelphia, by SHACKELFORD, HAGAN, & ETTLA, No. 17 MUR RAY Street,Now York. H. ALLSTON SHACKELFORD, .. Surviving Partner. PniLADßi.piuA, Nov. 80, 1868. The Subscribers hare this dsy associated themselves, for the transaction of the Jobbing of FaNOY ttOODB, at No. 17 MCJItRAY Btreet, New York, under the firm of SHAOKBLFOBD, HAGEN, tc ETTLA. H. ALLBTON SHACKELFORD, MATT T. HAGEN, 1 DAVID It. BTTLA. rntLADBLPHIA, Deo. Ist, 1868 Carriages ISAAC P. BRANIN, A LIGHT COACH * CARRIAGB BCILTHm, IKANIfPim PA. AH work warranted to give satisfaction. Orders res* peotfolly sollofted. nolo-Bfii* JOSEPH GIIjLOTT’S NEW PEN, thb'blaok 8-WAN quill, No. SOS BOLD AND BAPID WRITING IT lUB MO EQUAL, A fresh supply of this SPLENDID PEN Just received, on cardß and In boxes of one dozen. For sale to the trade only, at the Manufaclnrer’s Ware* lIENHY OWEN, Agent, 91 JOHN Street, New York, PttU supplies of all popular numbers now on hand. (PEN THIS DAY HEM GOODS TOR THE HOLIDAYS? IN NEW,A ID ELEGANT DESIQNS GENTS' PONGEE HANDKERCHIEFS, NEW PUNTS AND OTHER DRESS GOODS, JOSHUA L. BAILY, 2:3 MARKET STREET. jytr GOODS—REMOVAL. JOSHUA L. BAILY. f i' Having removed to his NEW STORE, NO. 118 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, HAS MOW OPHH An entirely new and attractive STOOK of WINTER DRY GOODS, FCR ULE BY THE PIECE OR PACKAGE, . TO CASH AM) PROMPT SHORT-CREDIT BUYERS AT A GREAT REDUCTION FROM REGENT PRICES. dlO-14 £JHEISTMAS PRESENTS. AT S. HENRION’S OLD ESTABLISHED FRENCH CONFECTIONERY, No. 712 MARKET STREET, t ABOVE SEVENTH. JUff RECEIVED, a rich and varied assortment of FANCY -AJRTICLEB, ff the nowest PARISIAN styles, suitable for CHfISTMAS AND NEW YEAR’S PRESENTS, CONSISTING OF BOIBONNIRHES, CORBRILLES, BASKETS, RICH SACS, AND CORNETS. , Together with a complete assortment of TRENCH CONFECTIONERY, Of every description, manufactured of THE BEST MATERIALS. 118-Tt CONFECTIONERY. ' ' EDWAKD HEINTZ, (Lato of Henrlou’s of 712 Market street,) IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER RENCH CONFECTIONERY, 8. W. Oorner NINTH and AROH Sts., Has just received from Paris the W. W. KNIOHT, 600 ARC a Street, HOST DESIRABLE STOCK OF CONFECTIONERY, JANCY BON-BONS, BOXES, BASKETS, SACKS, CORNUCOPIAS, OOPID3, SUGAR TOYS, *O. feat has ever been offered to the Philadelphia publio. ,’Persons wishing to purchase Fresh and Choioe Con- would do well to examine my stook before jurohasing elsewhere. d!8-7t LA U R £ N T & M ARON’S CONFEC TIONERY, Northwest corner BIXTU and ARCH Streets. ' I .We hare now on hand one of the finest stocks of 1 " HOLIDAY CONFECTIONERY i In this city, together with a great variety of TOYS aND FANCY GOODS : . TOYS FOR ORNAMENTING CHILDREN'S TREES ; ' Fancy Boxes, Cornels, and other articles suitable for OHRISTMAS GIFTS. ' As we manufacture all our own goods, with the excep tion of those we Import, onr prices will be found lower ifcsn'Usaal. - • Ourassortment of Fancy Sugar and Pastillage Toys, or •. ORNAMENTING TREES, Will be found unequalled. dW-Ot LAURENT & MARON. A CARD.—To Photograph, Ambrotype, and Daguerreotype Artists. I respectfully Inform my customers that I have sold my stock establishment, 8. W. corner BIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, to Messrs. McOLSEB ft Oo , and solioit for them a conti nuance of the favors I have received Persons Indebted •«, or havlDg claims against me, will please qall for lettlement previous to January Ist. JAMES OREM BE. McOlee* A 00. will continue with increased facilities the PhotogTspb, Ambrotype and Daguerreotype stook ousinesa as above, where >l. B. McOlees (lateofßaltl more) will bo pleased to see hla friends, delB-6t* CG. CRANE’ 8 PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, • (Formerly VAN LOAN’S.) 632 ARCH Blreet. AH the various styles and sizes of Pictures, Daguerreotypes, Ambrotynes, Photographs, ind Ivorytypes are taken, and at moderate prices. d7-Bm* Philadelphia. MTO BENT.—The store No. IB Straw- BERRY Street, with the 2d, Bd, and 4th stories, 21 feet front by 133 feet to Second street, well lighted throughout; would be suitable for a Dry Goods Import* tug or Commission Bouse Auptj to ROBERT MA GREGOR, 283 South THIRD Street. d2O-12t* £JOTTAGE LOTS SHERIFF’S SALE ON CHRISTMAS DAY, At 1 o’clock, at the HOTEL, of 12# ACRES, at WOODBURY, Eligibly situated for Building Purposes. dIS-et* MFOR SALE, a very handsomo place of 10 aores, situated about 1 # miles above Torresdale; well stocked with Fiuitaud Ornamental Trees, and for an out-of-town residence, a desirable location. If sold early, can be lmd low and on accommodating terms. Apply to J. T>. RKINBOTH, dlB-St# 439 WALNUT Street. Germantown lot of groundfor SALE —A handsomely situated LOT OF GROUND, containing 14 acres, with large fronts, Jhd desirab'e either for investment or Improvement, an 1 for out-or town residences, affording a number of superior sites. Apply to J. D. REINBOTH, dlB-Bt* 486 WALNUT Street. |H TO INSURANCE OFFICES. In Grigg’s Fire-Proof Building, on the Second Aoor, front, No. 226 WALNUT Street, suitable for Insurance, or any other Companies needing communicating rooms. JOHN GBIGG, d7-12t-K* 226 WALNUT Street. fa WALNUT-STREET HOUSE FOR iiISALE, No. 1223, north side, above TWELFTH, 24 leet front by 158 dfeep, with large Dining-room, nur sery, and Kitchen, and every oonvonlonce. $12,000 may remain on mortgage. Apply to E. S. Whalen&<£o., 809 Walnut street. dO-dlot-rp Jg SCOTT, Jn., AUCTIONEER, SPECIAL SALE OF FANCY GOODS, On TUESDAY MORNING, 21st Inst., 1,000 LOTS RICH FANCY GOOD 3, Consisting In part of RICH CHINA AND BOHEMIAN YABK9, COLOGNES, CARD RECEIVERS, CIGAR STANDS, PAPIER MAOHE AND ROSEWOOD WORK BOXES, ODOR STANDS, DRESSING OASES, TRAVELLING COM PANIONS, PERFUMERY, 40. fij* Open for examination on Monday. Also, on accountof whom it may concern, A LARGE LOT OF PEN AND PENCIL OASES, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. On WEDNESDAY MORNING, 22d Inst., REGULAR SALE OF EMBROIDERIES, RIB- JJONS, Ae. EMBROIDERED BOOK AND JACONET COLLARS BOOK AND JACONET SETS. BONNET AND TRIMMING RIBBONS. On THURSDAY MORNING, 23d Inst., BALE OF FURS, FOR LADIES* AND GENTS* WEAR. dIT-ta gLEieHS. SLEIGHS. A largo lot of all sires, for sale by B. W. JACOBS, d3-fr ta&wlOfc 626 AROH Street. rYBUGS, ETC. 6OO lbs. Oil PeppormiDt; 200 do. Sassafras; Gar raway, Hemp, Fennel, and Canary Seeds: Oarb Am monia, Cream Tartar; 81-Oarb. Soda. For stle, as wanted, by WILSON & MERRITT, dim m umfr. HD;ji ©ood* Jobbers. Manchester delaines. FOE T Y OASES SSVJBAL HUNDRED VARIETIES FOR SALE BY Confeitioturg pijotogrnpl)?, &r. Sot Bale and ta £et. WOODBURY, INT. J. OFFICE ROOMS TO LET. Three Beautiful COUNTING ROOMS, Sales bj} Startion. No. 431 CHESTNUT STREET, (Above Fourth Street) WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Retail CDru ©ooira. CJHKISTMAS THOS. W. EVANS & CO. ARB SELLING THE BALANCE Jfe. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! CHRlST ■feiHgu ah PRESENTS!!—Pine Watches, Gold Jewel. iy t silverware, and Fancy Gofda, Gold and Silver Ame rican Watohes, Vest and Chatelaine Chains, Sand Bracelets, Necklaces, Studs, and Sleeve Buttons, Fancy Gilt Hair Pins and Combs, &c., at WU. B. ELTONHEAD’S, 310 South SECOND street, between Pine and Union. d!8-7t* i MBBAOINB | H O L I D A V OF THEIR PALL AND WINTER STOCK, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, to., GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. 818 and 820 CHESTNUT STREET. dJO-tf JJOLIDAY PRESENTS. L. J. LEVY & GO. Are now offering, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICKS,. A large variety of Goods suitable for Holiday Presents, auchu— SILKS and SILK ROBES, EMBROIDERIES, LaOB ARTICLES, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, -AMD winter DRESS GOODS GENERALLY. All the above artioles are offered at prices below the oost of importation, to close out, as nearly as possible, before the New Year, the balance of .WINTER STOCK. L. J. LEVY A 00. are now having manufactured for them in Europe a variety of KTEW GOODS . FOR THE SPRING TRADE, Which, they will receive early In the Season. 909 and 8U OHESTNUT Street. d2O-6t Heavy reduction for the ' HOI ID AYS. MORAN’S UNEQUALLED SKIRTS, AT 12 00, Price elsewhere. $2 60. J. G MAXWELL A SON ZEPHYR AND TRIMMINGS STORE AND FACTORY d2O-6t S E cor. ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT, GIFTS SUBSTANTIAL AND ACCEPTABLE OHAHAOTBR. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 4553, <SE 454 NORTH SECOND STREET, (ABOVE WILLOW,) Offer their remaining stock of WINTER DRESS GOODS REDUCED PRICES. LUXEMBOURG BAYADERES... 18c, FOIL DE OHEVRES 26 to 20c. BAYADERE VELOURS... ARABIAB, ALL-WOOL BAYADERE PLAIDS 41 to S7o PLAIN STYLE POPLINS 60 to 870. SATIN TRAVERSE 25 to 20 0 . AND A FULL STOCK OF FANCY DRESS SILKS, WIDE BLACK VELVETS, BROOHE SHAWLS, LONG AND SQUARE BLANKET SHAWLS, &o. jp RESENTS FOR LADIES TINT MOTJSUSnXsTGI'. 00LLAR8, SLEEVES, LAOE SETS, OBAPB BETd, HANDKERCHIEFS, FANS, BAIR PINS, BBAOELAT3, BROOCHES, SCARFS, VEILS, GLOVES, SILKS) CHINTZES, MOUS. DE LAINES, VALENOIAS, PLAIDS, SHAWLS, OLOAKS, HOSIERY, BALMORAL SKIRTS, LACK MIIS, KID GAUNTLETS, BLACK DRE4B GOODS, 4c. BESSON & SON, PHILADELPHIA FAMILY MOURNING STORE, 808 CHESTNUT STREET. d!8-3t ■\MTINTER STOCK REDUCED. Y V Ladies’ Beaver Cloths. Fine Black Cloths. Boys’ Wear—Caasimeres. Satinetts.and Vestings. aii at wholesale rates. DRESS GOODS. Heavy Valencias, 18# to 45 cents. 26 vent Delaines At 17 cents. Merrimack Prints at IX cents. Merinoes—Colors—Fioe Blues and Blacks. CLOAK ROOM. Elegant Beaver Cloaks and Raglans. Very handaome Garments at much less than usual prices for s*me duality. $lO, $l2, and $l6 Cloaks are UNSURPASSED. BROOHE SHAWLS. A very Urge stock also of Woollen Shawls. REDUCTION Will com nonce on thelBth DECEMBER. N. B.—No deviation from price. OOOPER & CONARD, d!8 B.E oorner NINTH & MARKET Bto. Great reduction in prices of DRY GOODS, At No. 7 North SECOND Street, above Market. FINK FRENCH MBRINOEB, at 705., worth $l. RICH CASHMERES, at 22 and 25c. DELAINES, 18#. usual price 260. Just received, a lot of beautiful style MADDER PRINTS, at 80. LONG AND SQUARE BLANKET SHAWLS. Greatly redooed In price. MARSEILLES QUILTS. 9.4,10-4,11-4.12-4, 18-4, of the most beautiful de signs, and in various dualities, Lowsn than bvbr bs- FOKU OFFSBBD. CLOTH CLOAKS, The balance of our cloth Oloaks to be closed out, with out BBOARD TO COST. BHBKTIaG AND SHIRTING MUSLINS. Constantly on hand a full assortment of tho best makes. SAMUEL 8. HESS, d!7-6t No, 7 N. SECOND St., above Market. [TOLIDAYS. XI SHARPLESS BROTHERS Will sell throughout this month— HANDSOME FANCY BILKB. EMBROIDERIES and LAOE BETS. . NEW WINTER FABRICS. At a great roduc ion from the usual prices. d!5 if QHEBTNUT and EIGHTH, CHEAP SHAWLS. LONG BLANKET SHAWLS, $3 60 to REVERSIBLE BHAWIB. BROOHE SHAWLS. FRENOH WOOLLEN SHAWLS. TRAVELLING MAUDS. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, dIC If CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. Great sale of broohe shawls AND OLOAKS 2 ! 2 Unprecedented Bargains! We’ve had a perfect mah 2 We’re selling an immensity of Goode I Our trade’s increasing 2 Our Mode of doing business seems to meet with gene ral approval 2! Namely— *{ To Havo But One Price.” To sell Oheap for Cash.” “ Never to misrepresentQoods in order TO EFFECT SALES.” <( To deal fairly and justly, and wait npon all custo mers with attention and politeness.” “ Thus to gain their oonfldonce, and keep it by con tinuing to do right ” THORNLBY & OHIBM. We havo now on hand Excellent Long Broohe Shawls for $B. BUII better duality for $lO, $ll, $l2, $l3, $l4. $l6. $lB, $3O, $22 and $25. 1 1 ’ ’ ’ Square Broche Shaws from $5 up to $ll. Long and Square Blanket Shawls in every variety. Children’s, Misses, and Gentlemen’s Shawls, ao. Good Bl&ek Oloth Oloaks for $3. Every other quality and Style for $3 up to $lB. A JOB LOT OF OLOAKS FROM LAST SEASON AT HALF PRICE! Best Black Silks for 600. to $1.60 per yard. Rich Fanoy Silks really beautiful. Every variety of DRESS GOODS. QLOTQS! OABSIMEREBM BATTINETTS, 4e.!!! Heavy Black Beaver Cloths, fine French do., 40., &o. Blankets, Flannels, Linens, and Muslins, lu fact no better stock of general Dry Goods can bo found than at THORNLBY. A CHISM’S, Northeast Corner EIGHTH 4 SPRING GARDEN. nol3-tf ‘ ni i iii iiilll IMi'i ii 11 iii call at 430 CHESTNUT 9d story, and seo the very latest edition of Oarpet-jlßopers. This littlo machine swoeps clean without a bwlh, and Is adapted to Floors. 011-clotli, and Straw Matting. The price is only Three Dollars, which anyone can afford: and it will save t"e cost in a few months. Cut this out and you will be sure to remember the number—4B9 OHBBT* NUT Street, 3d story dt6-6t* SOAP — 86 boxes Ohom. Olivo Soap, 25 do. Bnffl£Bo«p, nod IQ do Tale Soap, lot s.lnbj tDatcljes, Setnelrg, &t. Afcj. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. AM JACOB LIBQBBOEI, AoToortep and Manufacturer, Nob. 6 and 7 North FOURTH Street, above Market, east aide, offers his entire stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, Porte-monnaies, Ac., for retail, until the 16th day of January. 1859, at wholesale prices, and invites his friends and the public in general to call and examine his splendid stock, as be feels confident they will he astonished at the low prices he is disposed to sell at during the time mentioned. Particular atten tion given to Repairing of Watches and Jewelry. dlOfit presents. THOMAS C. GAKEETT, NO. 328 CHESTNUT STREET, Invites the attention of the pubUo to his large and Fashionable Stock of WATCHES, SILVERWARE, Laid in at low prioes for Gash, which will be sold cor respondingly low. dl6t£s OHRISTM! AS SAMUEL W. PEPPER, (SUCCESSOR TO HENRY J. PEPPER k SON) WATCHES, JEWELR Y, AMD SILVER WAKE, 714 CHESTNUT ST., OPPOSITE THE 21A90N10 HALL. Enjoying every faoillty appertaining to the Business, and having an excellent looatien at a LIGHT RENT, He is enabled to sell the same class of Goods at an advance fully ONE-THIRD LESS Than any of his competitors. WATCHES CAREFULLY REPAIRED. Atetotttt * CHRISTMAS PRESENTS OP Jfc* FINE JEWELRY, £s} Allow prices. Jubl received" Coral, Lava, Oatueu! and Gold Jewelry in sets. Also. Scarf Fins, Seal Bings, Shirt Btuds, Sleeve'Buttons, Bracelets, Chains, &o. English, French, and American Watches, at G. RUSSELL, 22 North Sixth'street. Bailey a 00., irowamLf BAILEY & KITCHEN, Have removed to their new fireproof, White Marble 819 CHESTNUT STREET, WORTH Bll>l, BILOW Till GIRARD HOUBV. Now opening their fell stock of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARM, AND YAHOY GOOEB, To which they Invite the attention of thepnhlle* SILVER-WARE, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND AV WXOLXaALI AVD Blfia, MEADOWS & CO., ITA MAnurAorußßia or STIRLING SILVER WARS, No. 310 CHESTNUT Street. - An extensive assortment of Holiday Gifts constantly on hand. d7*lm 60 to 370. .31 to Mo. fjoli&aji (Scobs. STEREOSCOPES AND STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS.—A large and braatifal assortment of Stereoscopic pictures Stereoscopes from $1 upwards. MOALLIBTBR 4; BROTHER, ' 728 CHESTNUT Street. pi OLD HAND AND NOSE SPEQTA \ T OLEB in great variety, very suitable for'Cbriat mas Gifts. MOALLIBTKR * BROTHER, 728 CHESTNUT Street. POLYORAMAS OP VARIOUS SIZES.— An appropriate present. MOALLIBTER 4 BROTHER, 728 CHESTNUT Street. Kaleidoscopes, microscopes, SPY GLASSES, &c., 40., 4c. MoALUSTER’S, 738 OHEBTNUT Street. Thermometers for the .mantel, bronzed. #f beautiful patterns. 1 MoALLISTEB tc BROTHER. 728 CHESTNUT Street, nearly opposite Masonic Hall. jpANOT GOODS HOXiIXJWTTS. T. H. PETERS & CO., TIO CHESTNUT STREET, Have Just received a large variety of Articles suitable for Presonts, which they are offering at very low price*. Being articles of their own importation, they can afford to sell them at reasonable prices. Fart of their stock consists of— , WHITING DESKS, ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY and PAPIER MACHE, CHESS TABLES, BOARDS and MEN, LADIES and GENTS' DRESSING OASES, PARIAN, BISQUE and BRONZE FIGUREB, LADIES’ HAIR PINS and HEAD DRESSES, TRAVELLING BAGS, PORTE MONNAIXB, CARD OABB3, GLOVE and HDKP. BOXES, ODOR OASES and BOTTLES, VASES, TOILET BOTTLES, OABD PLATES and BASKETS. FANS, PEARL, IVORY and PARTY PANS, OPERA GLABSEB, JEWEL BOXES, INK STANDS, CIGAR OASES, Together with a large variety of Gilt Fanoy Goode and other articles, suitable for Christmas Present*. T. H. PETERS & GO.. PERFUMERS AND IMPORTERS, 716 CHESTNUT STREET, Fan ct goods FOB CHRISTMAS AND THE HOLIDAYB, W. D. GLENN, NO. tie SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Offers at low prices a large variety of new good* of bis own importation, consisting In part of— LADIES’ TRAVELLING BAGS AND CABAS, PAPIER MACHE WORK-BOXES, DRSKB &0., TOILET BOTTLES, Richly Gilt and Decorated. PORTEMONNAIES AND POCKET-BOOKS, In great variety. FANCY INKSTANDS, In Bronse, Porcelain, Glass, Ac. CARD OASES, CIGAR CASES, CIGAR STANDS, In Rosewood and Ebony. DRESSING OASES AND PORTABLE DESKS. MEMORANDUM AND BALL TABLETS. ODOR BOXES AND GLOVE BOXES. MEDALLIONS IN PLASTIC IVORY. SCOTCH WOOD FANCY ARTICLES, BNUFP BOXES, AO. CHESSMEN, BACKGAMMON BOARDS Together with many other articles, to all of which th attention of dealers and the public ie invited. dlO-tJal-lf Biwinsis JTntii>s. “ A littlo, but often, fills tho Puree.” Franklin saving fund— No. 180 Booth FOURTH Street, between Ohestout and W«lnnt, Philadelphia, paja .11 deposits on demand. Depositors’ money secured by Government, State, and City Loans, Ground Bents, Mort gages, Ao. This Company deems safety better than large profits, consequently will rno no risk with de positors’ money, but havo It at all times ready to return with 5 per cent, interest to the owner, as they have always dono. This Company never suspended. Females, married or single, and Minors can deposit in their own right, and euoh deposits can be withdrawn oslt by their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the Btate of Pennsylvania, with authority to roceive mo ney f.om trustees and executors. LARGE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Office open daily from 9 to 3 o’clook, and* on Wednesday evening, until 8 o'clock. DIRECTORS. Jacob B. Shannon, Cyrus Oadwallader, John Bhindler, George Russell, Malachi W. Bloan, Edward T. Hyatt, Lewis Krumbhaar, Henry Delany, Nioholas Rittenhouse, Nathan Smedley, Jos. H.Satherthwaite, Ephraim Blanohard, Joseph W.- Llppincott. JACOB B. BHANNON, President, Ovaoß Oadwalx<adizi, Treasurer. d!8-y * “ A Dollar saved is twice earned ” Jtlinretr illeot. MIKCED MEAT.—The subscriberhas commenced manufacturing his NE PLUS ULTRA MINCED MEAT, which he offers to his customers in large or Basil quan tities Orders through Blood’s Dispatch will be punc tually attonded to. JOSHUA WRIGHT, JEWELRY, PEARLS, FOR THE OrrosiTß MxsosioH&ll. tDdnis. XSARTNER WANTED—A gentleman with JL capital wishes to engage in some established busi ness, with a person possessing the requisite knowledge and facilities. References exchanged. Address, with real name. <• H. L. B ,» at the office of this paper. It J WANT E D—ln a Dry Goods Jobbing House, on Market street, a smart, active l*d, 10 whom a good opportunity for advancement will be giren. Address, with reference, in hand wilting of ap plicant, ** Box 516,?* Philadelphia P. 0. d2O-3t \J\T ANTED—By the Ist of January, an en- J gagement as salesman in a firtt-olass Dry Good* fobbing House, by an experienced salesman who can JPmS,® 6 * fair amount of near cash trade: Address irafflc," office of Tka Press. d2O-6t# ANTED—A young married man, nnen present,'Vishes a situation in a Wbole a* book-keeper. Can give gooi references. Address*«P. p. T »> At this d2O-3t* ANTED—In a city and near-trade Dry v v Goods Jobbing House, on Market st'cet. an active young salesman Address “ 616,” Philadel phia P. 0. Applications to be accompanied wi*h re ferences. and to state what trade can be influenced, and salary expected. . , ' d2O-3t PARTNER WANTED.—A Notion House, with a good business established, wishes to obtain a partner who has a knowledge of the basinet. and who oan add five thousand dollars tpthe capital of the busi ness. To one possessing the above requisites; this is an opportunity such as rarely offers, to embark in a safe and profitable business,'the partner, whose place he is to take, only leaving on aooount of ill health • Address “H B. Q.,” office of The Press. • • dIB-3t* PARTNER WANTED.—An Auction House, with a good business established, wishes to obtain a PARTNER who is familiar with the duties of the counting-room, and who can add from twenty to thirty thousand dollars to the'capital in the business. . To one possessing the above requisites, this is an op portunlty, suchas' rarely offers, to embark in a safe, profitable, end prosperous business. Communications addressed to «« B. W. 1.,” office of Tht.PresSf will be held confidential, and receive prompt attention • dl7-f&m-fjal \\7" ANT E D—By an educated Man, who *. . AS* J ear * experience'as a tutor, a sitna •• TB4OHER in an Academy. Address ‘‘Scholar,” office Of Tha Press. - dlB-4t* TITANTED A PARTNER.—The adver- T ▼ tiserhasa business already established which « . 8 to . biorease, bv taking a partner having 51,200 in cash. The bueiness is safe and profitable, which will be shown on an interview being had. Ad dress ”L. K at this office. ' . dlMt* A GRADUATE FROM THE HIGH SOHOOL wishes . Situation In a Wholesele Drr Goods Store. Address « Thomas,” office of this pa- P 9r « dlB 3t* KMfANTED—A Young Man who writes a vv. fair hand, and is quick at figures. Address “P. L.,” this office. ' dIS-3t* \MT ANTED—A Silent Partner with ‘from v v Three to Five Thousand Dollars, in a profitable established business. Address «»L. W. L.,” at this of ***• . dJB-3t* WANTED. —An experienced BOOK-/ KEEPER desires an engagement: Satisfactory' references will b» given. Address (f Rodney,” office of this paper. AB-ot* \Hf ANTED—By a middle.aged man, a situa- V T tiou as LIGH V PORTER in a Wholesale House; can give undoubted reference as to character and Indus trious habits. Apply to No. 408 OH&BTNUT Street. diB-2t* - A YOUNG MAN, WITH AN BXTEN sive and practical knowledge of BOOKS, desires a situation io a Bookstore or Publishing House.' Ad dress“ H.”.Pwi office. ' 2t* IApANTED—A situation by a competent • * 'Book-keeper. Address, for two' weeks, uAc eountant,” this ofiice. »* dlfi-6t* V/y*ANTED.— A yonDg man wants a Sitna v v tion in a Shipping ofOoramission House, or as au assistant Book-keeper Address “T. 8..” Press office. dl 6-fit* WANTED, FUR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—-Able-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given good - pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pa j from fli to S2S permonth. Ho man having a wife or child will be aoeeptod, Apply for MOUNTS!) BSBYIOS at No. 81T MARfc*TBtmtif above lighth, north aide. I. 21. MOORE, litLient. lrtPragoom, Recruiting Offlßr. Stmr&injj. BOARDING —A private family having a well-furnished and comfortable home, trill board a few gentlemen, or gentleman and wife References given and repaired. Addreeß ‘‘ H. G.,** office of The Press. • Stw TWO OR THREE RESPECTABLE and agreeable person* may obtain BOARD, with the comforts of a home, in a fine house, pleasantly located. Beferences exchanged. 227 North Twelfth at.. d!8-3t* Stmnsmeius. \7STHEATLEY & CLARKE’ 0 ARCH-ST# M THBATBBv—Williams. Fredericks, Acting tad Stage Manager. THIS (Monday) EVENING. December 10, 1868. OUB AMERICAN COUSIN. Asa Trenchard, our American Cousin, Ur. J. S. Clark j Lord Dundreary, MiC Wheatley. STILL WATERS BUN DBEP. John Mildmay.Mr. Gilbert; Mr*. Sternholi, Mrt. Drew. Admission, 36 eta. Secured Seats is Drew Olrcie, tflij ots; Orchestra 3talls L 6octa; Seats In Private Boxes, tl ots; GalMry, 18 eta; Gallery for Colored Persons ,36 eta; Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 88 ots; Whole Private Box, 38. Doors open at half past 6 o’clock; oommenee at T, precisely. Mrs. d. p. bowers’ o walnut-st. THEATRE, corner of NINTH and .WALNUT THIS (Monday) EVENING, December 19,1868, MESALLIANCE: Or, FAITH AND FALSEHOOD. Leonle Arnauld, Miss J. M. Davenport; Viscount D’Orb/jMr.H. A. Perry; Countess D’Orbj, Miss 0. Rlohings. victimizing. Fndge, Mr. Drew; Miss Julia Snooks, Miss Wilks. Price* of admission—Second Tier and Family Omi«, 'and Third Tier, 35 cents; Parquefc ST# cent*;.Dree* Circle, 60 eenta; Private Boxes, according to their locale, S 3 and $5; Single Beat* in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 76 cents. - Doors open at half past 6 o’olock; Curtain rise* at 7 o’olock. National circus, walnut st., above EIGHTH—LEWIS B. LENT, Manager. THIS (Monday) EVENING, Dec. 19. 1868, EQUESTRIAN FEATS, GYMNASTIC FEATS, By ail the Company. The performance conolading with the Pantomime THE ROBBER'S LOVE. Principal characters by Mr. end Mrs. Whittaker. SCALE OF PRICES.* Dress Circle and Parquette 40 oenta Children under ten years of age. SO “ Family Circle.'... 20 “ Doers open at quarter to 7 o’olock. Performances will commence at 7£* U7* Performances on Wednesday and Saturday Af ternoons. THOMEUF’S VARIETIES! —(Cafe Cban t&nt,) N. W. corner of FIFTH and OHEBTNUT OBOWDED HOUSES! DELIGHTED AUDIENCES! Second week of JULIA BARTON I! THREE PERFORMANCES ON CHRISTMAS! Tiz: Moraine, 10#: Afternoon, 2#; Evening, 7#. THIS, and EVERY EVENING until further notice, will be presented the successful Olio, from the Opera of THE BOHEMIAN GIRL. .Miss JULIA BARTON. Other characters by Miss Moreley, Miss Julia Price, Messrs. Beck*tt, Moyer, &o , Jco. Gipsy Dance by Mie. VALLBB. To be preceded and followed with a grand MISOELLANEOUBCONORttT, iu which Miss Jolla Bar ton, aided by the entire vocal corpai will sing (in char acter) aevoral gems of Opera, amongst which France Adoree,” from The Child of the Begiment, in which part she really has no superior The entertainment will be interspersed with danoeß by Miss YaUee, and Ethiopian eccentricities by J. Wambold Commencing at 7)j. Admission 16 cents. Orchestra seats, 16 cents. d2O-6t T. A’BEOKET, Btsgo Manager and Conductor. Gustav sat ter*s FAREWELL CONCERT. Assisted by Mad. BERTHA JOHANNSEN, The celebrated Centra trice. Mr. HERMAN ALLEN, The distlDzuUhed American Ylolinist. Mr. CHARLES SCHMITZ, The eminent American Yiolonoellist. Will take place at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, On TUESDAY EVENING, December 2lst, 1858. TICKETS to be had at the principal Music stores, and at the office of the Masical Fond Hall. Admission 60 oents to all puts of the Hall. i£7~ The Pianos are from the celebrated firm of Chickering Sc Sons. dl7-4t npHE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP A THE FINE ARTS. No. 1025' CHESTNUT STREET, IS OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from 9 A. 61. till 6 P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children 12 cents. Shares of Block, entitling the holder’s family to ad mission at all times, $BO. d7-tf SANFORD’S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH street, adjoining the PwuaylTpnU Railroad Depot. GREAT BILL For the patrons of SANFORD’S OPERA HOUSE. THIS EVENING, Will be presented Sanford’s true version of ANDY’S DREAM; OR, THE MAGIC APPLE. The largest Company of MINBTBELS IN THE WORLD. STORY EYENING New Songs, Glees, Ohoruies, Refrain, Ac., with Danciog by the SANFORD CHILDREN. Admission 25 cents; Children 12# cents. d4-tf A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH AND ii. OHSSTNUT Streets. Immense attraction. New Novelties. Change of Programme each Exhibition. The LEARNED CA NARY BIRDS and SPIRIT RAPPING. Go and see SIGNOR BLITZ. The great wonderful Magician. Performance ev*y Evening during the week, at half-pent? o’clock and on Wednesday and Saturday Af ternoons at 8. AdmiMioa, 26 cents; Children, 13 cents. a035-lm* Musical fund hall.—the ger- MANIA ORCHESTRA will commence their Poblie REHEARSALS on SATURDAY next, Nov. 20th. Single Tickets 25 cents ; a package of eight tickets for $l, which may be obtained at Andre’s, lift Chestnut street; Beok A Lawton’s, corner of Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of the Hall. The per formance commences at 8X o’clock P.M. nol7-tf JUanritifl. PRIVATE LESSONS IN DANCING, MU 810 and ENGLISH BRANCHES.—A Lady, experienced in instruction, Is desirous of obtaining pupils in the above accomplishments. Classes meeting at each other’s residence received on the most favorable terms. All the fashionable Dances taught in TwelT® Lessons. Address “ Yieiting Governess,” Blood’s Di spatoh. dlO-lm-lf ffijEpwas GEompnnua. Philadelphia local express will give particular attention to the delivery of HOLIDAY PRESENTS throughout the city. Officers South FIFTH Street. OAKMAN <fc CO., Proprietors. dlMt# fcju ns: m mmg &inoLmA.Y presents. The ADAMSIXPREBSCOM PANY Trill give particular attention and care to the forwarding of HOLIDAY PRESENTS intended for ra sidente of othe&siti£ife~- - The ai tides enfold be well packed, and addressed with the name ofweetand number of dwelling. When the delivery is desired on a particular date, it should ba lloted on the package. Philadelphia, December 9. JOHN BINGHAM, Bapt., -Penn Division. dlO-dti&l-if MANILA HOPE, assorted sizes, manu factured and for sale at lowest New York prices. WEAVER, FITLER, A 00.. Ne. 28 North WATER Street, YJB,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers