- i - ._/:,■ , . . . HE PRESS.~PftILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1858. pfiri'f 6 1" H o"S BY MIDNIGHT MAIL. THE LATEST NEWS financial and COMMERCIAL. CITY ITEMS. I.,WngßlorM>lTß.4ooeaPHce— + connected re 'wftt" TELEGRAPH. „ „„ SSSSfcSCta-™ by He, Sr£^^9’^Fr" t V s ;"', MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1868. ' V . hloh couU not be investigated, either to The ieath of Albert p;k of Arkansas is an- n«ld a copsaltetion last nlghtin rigard to that ps“of town Bailroad stock, which appears to be suffering will doubtless be a brilliant affair. A crowded house g“‘ ntßl . I(i ’ at ’ m^e ’ * ni trlmmBd ln jrr.t'it*. v*’ - * '* !J UIS creditor riiHr.rortlf,. in Hti(Vh a triar as that r.AtinnnJ mx-s. . « * . the President a message ro-otpraendlnj? the military from apprehension ns to the effect that the buildlntr of iuav be antloinftted. * ’ _ . ... ■■■ ■ - . '"-v-.i . nounoea. Xhiß ia a great loss to Washington Bool* occupation of Chihuahua and Bonora General Trias ho f MTAiimiirf««nnt M «n«an 1 * „ lt . Robt. H. Adamb* Naw Stouh, Finaf Ease —Editorials—A Curious Case • ju&t terminated. He has, in days etj, where Piko was a great favorite. Ho was a who were of tfie number, left to- Headlnjr opened at 26V advanred t« P ofl and cltSaii Gentlemen, Take Notice—For everything yon dll-d fjal S. E. cor. of Seventh and Market Ste. pSmoVo WUMamson t!s EMis Luwis X,ettor from gone by, stood very high ln this community, fine poet, a finished gentlemen, and a meet enter- &«[£ “ U "*“• “ n M»Wd,*S«J.d *' m*y uecd In the w.y o( dresslug-gowus, superior ru.de - JiPaehjngton,; Letter York; General morally socially, and commercially ,im<3lbeeu tatm„gonmpanion. B om oof his productions are C ~T* T™' T d tkB . TieirsTTlieOity. Youmh FAOK.-The Allibpno esteemed by a largo oircle of friends for unequalod in originality and vigor. soldiers of tho war of‘lBl2 withthe view ot mekiSg it besheeu hoped, would be sufflcleut toon.- ingl the host pl.ee to obtain them i» etW. W. Kuight-s, hie bythV PERUVIAN SYRUP M Dyspepsia. The and NewhaJl oY-Adver fcieed Letters; his liberality, enterprise, and public spirit. It is stated that tho effort of tho New Yorkers such, arrangement* as will tend to effect its pwage. w« »e hoard of direotera to make a dividend this year. No 6 06 Arch street. Ladles shopping for presents will mofl t inveterate form* of this disease have been com--i : —‘-'-i—V-lt'- 1 - ■. ’ His acquittal, however, will not necessarily ?ow herein the absenceof the Hon. D. E. Sickles, th * ; Fourth btaSlawmlkln^™!^* m , cerßof ? l j\ et Hi*' !Tf aIBO uotice thla clip this notice for future pietely cured by thi* medicine, as ample testimony of . 'satisly the public that hia management of the They will fail. Daniel E. General Sc?U g f military reception * this’year, The .Washington correspondent of the,New York waB f reo f rom error—that auestion was has mere force and taot than all of hia foes, thaticity, and have engaged apartments for himself and that there is no probability* of a valr To the Ladies.—At this season of the year the For sale in this city by F. Brown, oorner fifth and j Cto fairer say, ihat.omeof thu load.ug touch“dby thT^tSd mZ to CougreiMastNovembcr, SSfTitaSSSrSiSS?* WmMl ' th - kf tZZ “ Ifw "* * °*- “““ •KapubliOanß in thaHoußOOOntemplatA introducing m " koa h, m oomparativoly indepondont. Tho Wasuikuton, Leo 10 —'The Secratary or War, in the receipts from all source, greaterthan in last year. * As wo ato not judges or tbs article, and there oheetmrt. . dlo-dtwtf 'resoinhone dooliring— chantablo conclusion that can be arrived at States, of last night, says the Now York quarrels reply to tin House Oommlttos on MlliUry Affairs, his but the managers, in tho exercise of what they deem a ! “ ““ dcc»ptiou pra-tlsod m tho Hur trade, whore > •" “ " Territorial'offloera ehpuld he eleoted .“> ‘M '*^ e . h “ erre<1 > it boBn tbß °" or b® mended. occupaHou^“of'iltt owhMhuf Site wise discretion, will not make a dividend. This deci- at eet *b *l*** r COMPANY IU WALN*tIT people. r f -I ; • ; rather of his head than of his heart; that he The quarrel between the Union and the New fora adding to the existing necessity for an Increase of B * on fall® with much severity upon those who are carry- ..rent _i/_ v. ’ th . * f 6 ®’ . e .°? f . 6r P. ?* *o or . m«rnn p>,ilayi«iny,f» Wnn ._ oi'*pui>liQ t limd n«a beßn railior the deceived than the de- *'“*'*" Bell Cheaper than any’ ,.c”f«d In suiu, large or latei.st paid and imptovwheptfer a BUted period of,time. celver; that if ho has Binned, his sins have platy . th6 darling of the President that it has much shorter thfcn the present carved line of posts A uew fl ...• bm the RockviUe montj being importers and manufacturers of the Furs from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. 3. That Territorial Gtoreromcntsshould bosclf. been mistaken leniency to Struggling business *" kon mt “ its hoad tho ideaof g®'«»g«ntth* ft,”?! ?orcB B tw t | e .^ ,h< ’ Ita ®,®®®“ , » Bauk,ofß“ck°ilte OoaMctteut ta amc.red luNew »="' ?»», therefore, will l,s sure to get the worth Money Is received and peyments mad. dslly, withont men, or a too ready acquiescence in extortion- and will not halt till it aooomplishes «^ »a r“»"»f ‘ « -tie. The Investments are mads *®Keal S ,Uts, aunlaVt^th. l shall ste demands which he considered it neeessarv ta lIaTO you hcart tho Btor 7 of th ® P®‘ sro*.‘5 r0 *.‘ ,aTl ”®s ton ' b» m»de In the vignette of wild horses, in the lower corner le av„ oil - Hoorj, Fai.sh Hair, A,;-An aotwas intro- Mortgages, Ground Bento, Md such Hrat-oUsesMuxl- to satisfy to Dresfirvn thft nf ibnt if UtSP *' Whioh one day tnrned upon itfl oWner at the of e tranßporUUfm nCe ’ the expenses the right above the Connecticut ooat of arms, with the ducedintoihe English Parliament, in 1770, “ that .11 ties as th charter requires. Office hours, from 9 o clock apy !*Territory shall have a ~ * P Wo tho credit Of tho bank, sight of the blood which in its gentle dallianoo had Tho Post Office 1 Department Intends to resort to number and letter of the note and a figure 6. Below women who shall impose upon, seduce and betray into In until 6 o clock In the afternoon, ndon coculation eaual to the^hen^existing represents than a desiro to Corruptly advance hIS heon produoed by a ecratob ? Nothing saved tho stringent measures In all cases where the offence of these, on the rightiis a vignette of a female. matrimony, any of hi* Msjeity'* male subjects, by Monday and Thursday wreolagg Until 8 o clock, feo live ratio, It Shall bo authorized toforma'Oon- own interests. Ho can plead, with justice, owner’s life but a bullet from a oonvenient pistol. I™lsy A IMckocll report two others: sccntg, pilcU, camtUcoath,,, nrtificml teeth, false * - that he promptly came from a foreign conntr; Bennett is at proeont tho pnt tigorof thoPrcsl- JrYocd’to lhVgull” h pSSc”' «“■ “f be ..Th.me, B.nk, Norwich, Conn.,O’, .Hcred, V.g- Mr, BP-'-b wool iron .t,y, hcops high heeled Baker’s Celebrated Family Sewing VOt«9 Of»majority 01 the poopio, may po presomoa A ..... ...... . J r r “ * < v . . nette.-rural *fiflna-~vii»n wu>, n itM.r„.v shoes, bolstered hips,Ac,shall incur the oeneltvof MAOHINEB. M t 0 ® MW6 , r a °y Criminal charge that might be dential palace. ComrreaMimmi ' with pitcher at a well:^ a in MohaßMrMnw. thelav« in force against end that the mar- A NEW STYLE—PRIOR *6O. ; ngtato. if-'.-1... r ' •- preferred against him, and after great inge- I notice that Col. Qreen, of the Boston Post, W abuikotos Deo 18 —Neither rn „ meJulllon'or American dollLs In lower left corner On '■ rslge. upon conviction, Shull standinllaud void.” In 730 Ousstkdt Btrsst, Phil ADRLPHIA. . I Hon. Henry, B-Fotote haereoently addressed a nuity had been displayed in tbo formation of sneers at Senator Broderiok, and ohargos you with is in session toAlay, havingadjonmed^ter'tm Mo“ bke genuine. ' the present age meu have cence enough to take care of These Maohlnee sew from two spool., and form a ,l»Her.;-o'4^- , > i ?f® i ?.?.“': d “ kBon > M1 “-> - whiol * anumberof indictments, that ho has been ao- beiD B in faTor ® f ‘ k « s ™“‘o r for the Presidonoy, day. . . . “Wameslt Bank, boweil, Mass., 2’sj vig , carpenter themselves, and to obtain their garment. attheßrown »»“ of nnequalled etrength, beauty, and ei^Ueity, contains thefoPowlDg paragraph: • ' quitted UDOn the one which was flnallv so on th « Strength of one of my letters. Precisely Fracas at Wnsblmrtnn at work; Indians on left j men sitting on ground, with Stone Clothing Hall of Bockhill A Wilson, Nos. 603 and which will nor rip, even If every fourth atltoh be cut ■"lt 18 a littlo to bo fearod that BlOok Rspubli- , ,! r p , v such a Baser oamo from the Post against Mr. Bn- “ fMtoriea ih dl.Unce on lower righti Ugure 2in each 805 Chestnut street, above Sixth. They are unquestionably the best In th. nmrket for ■xosn Btrengffide'skain tobe inoreased to someex- looted for trial. As to civil remedies, he has ohanan before he was nominated for President; * upper comer. Photographed.” Hooiday Piiesknts for Laoibs akd CiULimuN. f‘m*JaM -Bimon'lore(i > lis property, we beliove, ou- and yet Green oamo on hero to get a place from mKKS ' ' The New York H.r«w alleges that uneasiness has Fine Willow Workstands, in a great variety of styles a emus, ‘ iuS rromV thdt lho President will persowo tirely to tho croditor9 of tbc bank ‘ 14 is al ‘ ‘ k ® man ho langhed at, and got it, with (I WAsaisuroir, Deo. .18, l.dO p. M.-A dllllonlty pc- I>Ma created in ffnanol.i circles by the working of the and pattern.. On.-Prlce Clothing .1 th. Latest style., a*d I'idniitlg the doming session Of Congressin tho course loged that every dollar ho has in the world iB think) your assißtßnoe.. You will, of oourso, help “™.' 1 this morning between Congressmen Kngliih, ot exchanges, sterling exchange having risen to 109#, and ladies’and Children’s Baskets, Willow Ohairs, *O. Made In the best manner, expreaaly for nxrAit balks. . markvd out lest winter, and doolsres that he is as- at their disposal. the gallant Colonel again! Ind Una, of Pennsylvanie, on Penn- 6 at wh.oh specie mey be shipped. Th. Pine Plated Castors, and Plated Cake and Oard Bm- w . mark enr lowest .suing prtie. In vla™ v.onx.s sored that Dir. Bnohanan * will notshrinkahair’s ■_ j, ave 5 ,,;,l this much simniv tinniv tha A good one is told of the President and a com- The two members of Congress happened to meet for , , , „ kets. on eaoh article. All good# made to order are warranted (breadth from'the position he has taken,, bnt will ,T 0 aaYO »aia IBIS muca simply upon ine the first tlmo this season, when Mr Bmrllsh extending ‘’The business done in the sterling exchange at IOOJt Plated Onpa for Children, ef various patterns .atlafaotorv and m,r nmm .arm btsthu la strictlv ad takeanothor Stepip advanoo.’ Gracious Heaven ! case as presonted and tried before Judge m«»t®® e»ll®dnpon h mahout the tariff some hia hand, said : 1 * 6a Mr ' E ° gll ’ h ’ eXtSn^g was quit, largs, and purchaser, were , till found after Fine and ordlnsry Cutlery of all kinds. S.™ taonlv Wr w«^f ■Whatdoos thlSmean? Whatfurther. has Thompson j but we are aware that hundreds E “' Ab ' eai d 6is Exodlonoy, If only ‘‘How are yen, Mr. Montgomery?” the principal drawers raised the rate to a and % Tho With many other useful Good 1, suitable for presents, a. ,ii M thereby aU are treated alike 1 ■ * .been dragged fromA panio-strioken President, the . tllou9all d 9 who have been mined bv tha Qlan °y JoM3 n ' er BCongress, ho oould do a great ex^rSr^metblni'liko”' 1 ' !lnd “ steady drain to the Bout* cootiouos. It Is estimated at the new Heme furnishing gtoro, southweat eorner n ® ) ** er *^3 r Ke ® ACO nml°trdir*ibrin^ I mor F rforßm”b !lt , “ J 6 »p e y the ff 6a l of good for you.” “Why, then,” was tho rc- “ I don’t spoakto puppies I° g * that fifteen millions of specie have beau sent to ths lof Seoond and Dock streets. IS. 8. Farson & 00. miST-It Street. : morn tha hinra/nt ■ aUC^ory Bank of Pennsylvania can- 0 f ono 0 f tho party, “did he resign his Beat, Whereupon Mr. English struck him a severe Mow South Blnce the lat.of October, and that the Southern Princes and lord* mav flourish or may fade- ' .among* her brethren of ”oNor?h,rcnderhcrin “ 0t r6a,iZe h ( °" any , rBBult “ tbat we "»« to Mill the promisee made before he tt°gltUr h but not tlTchttevmT I°* *T mU - a ll " ato “ a « h 0m ’ a ' a 1™““ h “ ! *»t Holiday Fre.ent._S.w that the U.Udav wUtntfonSwndeshrvedly odions, break have commented npon should be attained, nor waseieotedr’ Jones was dropped! entirely down. • 8 ’ lions, which they may collect In coin when they please. g t0 kea’ clothing, tha country’s pride, when once worn are upon ns, vtcannot advise our friend, to du a wiser t .?, 0, ?, ? a & l, y4l l ® ,t^® n ? tkof ' tk e I> ,e“ o eratlo party can they comprehend why tho courts should Pioneer. Montgomery, on rising, hurled a brick at English, „ «‘ ar ’ e ’ in tne present etato of bftsinoas, we cuuld o nt can be supplied. Stokes has the power to recu- thing than to call at OHARLBS DDMMIG’B, Nos. 85 ~;;n the; free States, whlohhas so long stood as an fa u to viold them redress for the dire calami- Dlnjnrytoblm afford very safelytopart with six or seven moremil- pc rate the appearanoe of tbeveedy, and give the eem- and 37 North Eighth street, cornerof Zane, end s.lcot -4---. *.*>*.**« „„ . siSSSSSI rjsrs-^jsrjsrrs; SSSiSSSHS tS'wm-'SS'— 2?Z Eszi-SFIBFJ -ftgee-'---—SSSHS-riF", . thfbkXThTnd 1 aI ?| i ” ol,n0d > mosbwiile.to having presented n faithful record of the associatTon L ri “ ,PFER T 0 TBE Kol "' T VKR ' Proposals for a Jhoan of Ten Millions, not over twelve millions, it is notto beamed that the wi"thinfo«V«MXT lta u b° IU ”V' Ci,il “ Ds P«' A a Ma.bls asu Alabast.s Osnahsnts, 4hr*VmiVtbnVlhnfifl *«al, WO flee DO way of subserving a good end fOorrespondence of The Preflß,] Wabhinoton, Deo, 18 —The BecreUry or the Trfltaury .qrabllo would see wlth great alarm any tendency of the t , h self-evident factfl B anTlatfonW lllB^^ 11^611 Bloazß AND Bbbuh IboN G ° odb » by indiscriminate rad inflammatory censures. - f «.w Vobr. Dec. is, 1353. ' «acythLgiike th.t r,gu« again 7 The. ZITZTZ^cTZT’ . ithq Sampling to force'ibrongh Congress the Le- The developments Of this trial go far to Both branches of our OityLsgUlaturo took tho pre- uu aer thoact of Oongrena pasaed in June lafit, * <Jo«j d e«tlon fl have lei to some discussion inbank par- Advick for tiik Couino Holidays. Maohb Goods, OabaS, Bags, -oompton bill—the defeat bjf executive patronage « aft(Sflß ih.„f BflTB ttwAtriaUna fnFfim llmlnary step* la«t evening, for extending to Senator The balance in the Treaaury i* bow $4,041,000: rr- lore to-day; but we do not hear aa yet of any actual PA _«„ rtaf * a . of' the Oritteadon amCßdmcnt-tho nctokons pas- Show the necessity of new provisions for tho D ongl.s a-cordial welcome to the city. Alderman jelpta during th. p«t week, «,31f000;’dri’fis paid, advance In the price of money.” Gents, do yon wUh to buy a good hat orcap ? Go to 'sagoofthe English hill by.tho same discreditable punishment Of those who are derelict in their Bradley presented a preamble and resolution, “ that It Hi 3 ?. 2 .? 0 "’ Sir 1 the a,DBunt 1® tho Treuury An exchange paper states that John Pulton, Esq., en- „ , . ~ , . , Oaesoid’s. »“■* Omnsn, and ““"fe' 110 ‘ri P L' bl i\ reJ °i°!, n s S ° V A er th . o . a v°- duty as managers of great moneyed instltu- wa, eminently to thla esteemed patriot and distinguish- P er report, 3517,000. ginesr of tho Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad, I. Goats, doyou wish to buys fur cap, ““ “0a 9 0i “ Drxssiho Oasxb • wS P te“iteel tions. We are. not lawyer enough to know cd Sm.tor that the city of New York, through Its con- Thl Kansas Bill. now with a corps of assmtsuts. in making the d 0 you „ I>h t 0 bn . „ 7ZZ, iZI’ZZ ' , ■oaq intotMonce in th! mnoiB olect?on fo P r the how far tho nrovlsions in the present banking »«‘a‘od anthont'es, should extend a cordial welcome Wasiiinqton, Dec. 10.-An effart will be made In survey, for the location of tho Bedford Ita.lroad. This . ’ y 1 Oak.obd’s Op.ioskt and AroiisnY H.n.sxssta. nurnfiKa of arn<li!nv Tlntitfinv tfe* A n«n «mnTnV « . , on) la arrival, In order to exprws our admiration of the theHouso, to-morrow, to Introduce a resolution in- road is Intended to conoectwith the Huntingdon and . .. . . . . * His store is crowded from mornlna till nieht from tha in P con- Ia " w "““'Tr' ““ “ d ° f ‘ b ® which he has so long and so B ™‘ d T “P, Rai,road t a ‘ and wIU a3 ™‘ OmoZC f-t thatlt la well known to th,pl™t'h“.^ l ;/noption wlui Blaok Repablidaniam, la order to *e- Certain that In England they have IaWB folly ably advocated. Therefore, hiSlt* th® formation^ofa State^^uotil^th«e is wfflefent m.les long. Itcanbeveryobeaplyconstmcted. b !;!!,- ado ou w . Bh touurchwea fancr hator^u oaro the oleblloh of a Black Repablioan Senator, equal to all SUCIi emergencies, and the whole- “Resotetd, That a committee be appointed to extsnd population for a Representative according to the Fede* The commissioners or Waghington county, at a meot * v / piii , n p EXCEEDINGLY LOW, Thesecriminal misdeeds of tho President, none of *, Afrw i n f « f a i» n >Q <•<»*« Ahnolra in u« to the Hon. Stephen A. Donglaa the hospitalitieaof the ralratio. It is to be presented as a teat question. Ing held on the 10th inst., determined, In making their roryonr cniiaren . uo to uakfobdb. labels >h?oh can be denied, It wonld certainly bo dlffiouU some dread of a. felon s fate cheeks, m its in- olt Md , to iaTlts him ta lecome tho guBlt of Mr . annual estimates for 1858, to "consider and estimate Ladies,ora handsome set of fur., that you can de- tmpoRTEE OF HIS OWN GOODS ' to surpass; - but those-who direct hie oOnduot are ceptlon, many an act of moditated dishonesty. po „ tioD durjn g hb! , tl y | n K ew York; that th. Sags be ' The Utah Mail. tho , nUrMt duo „ d t 0 beoom6 doe on t he heads Issued P» nl “P on bel ”8 ” »Fn«®ntod, end ohe.p ?Oo to Jle h “‘ t 3 “ y “ n bi , "11 worth -X 7 , 0 .L OTtont ;i.’ lnd , tho , trol 5 b ' l ”2 P , r “ dont mu,t Onr own laws certainly should have a correß- displared,*o.” ’ intensely cold weather and heavv snow by the county to tho Hempfleld Bellroed Company,” , . bAKro “ D 8 ' . a visit; wc allude to hia Spsakte Dolls which reallr George P* of'WMMsler°Masa was lorn* ponding provision, which, with that additional Aldermen Bradley, McSpsedon, Stephens, Starr, and g L D .Tbe mail from Utah hae arrived *" d t 0 Uy J a tax to meet all outstanding inle- a .'"oo'to OaU ° °° ’** OakVobd’s” 0 pronounce the words “ Papa ” and " Mama ” with re cooldmako tabteamove apparently without hu* selection OI their officers that saoula be exer- cUy paternal* had done. The staawer i* expected to- The snow on the mountains was three feet deep, and ciaion of the United Stales District Court, In the ladle 8? °^ K / l OBD . 8 ' BnrneU’a Cecealna itiaQ contact. Keoently hiarsyfilcm of operations Clsed, would go far to prevent a recuitence Of morrow or Monday. pom Big Mountain to Platte Bridge was eighteen cue or William M’Cey vt. the county 6f Washing L*diea, al who want to parchm any of the above • BUKNBTT , B ooboAINB. ■ has been deteotod in New York, and he'has ae-. aoy such calamities as .the failure Of the Bank On tbe Ist of January next a grand conaolidatlon i* The mail party was overtaken by a terrible enow wherein tbe legality of the claim for interest on ar^ c J®. 8 ’ " 1 fl^24^f^w^r C eet B bftlow A sVventh 8, A single appllcaUovendere the halr-no matter how knowledges that hia exhibitions -hive throughout of Fennsylvania. ' to take place between the leading telegraph!© lines In storm between Aeh Hollow and tbe South Platte, and the bonds was euatalned. The amount of bonds isHurd » * stiff and dry—Boft and glossy for several day*. It is - been ingenious deceptions. A small hole in the 1- > , ■ the country. Negotiations to that end hate bee* in »*{*£• travelling eighteen mUei; is *200,000. Chance generally decides the direction of a TnR Bksr asd Cxxapbbt Haie Daßsamo in m> floor and a rent In the carpet were discovered in • ’ Pahlic Entertainmenls. pmgteas for several day. pa.t and were consummated da l'° K u “ b “ 6 Vi?? rai ul «rs rtEchc oJuonMable to vet T >’'> receipt, or the O.tawi.sa, Williamsport, and mm.’, genius If Mol.ere had not whipped hi. son, WoaLD> nAZZAED CO., Twelfth and Chestnut Ste. »L .. , . .. ... a day or two sioce. On the Ist of Jenuary, therefore, iv,7„„„h wauou ttnaoie to get Kr i, Bailroad 00. for November, 1868, were..5!9,435 16 which caused him to run off with some wandering actors, „ . _ .. .. .’. .. ... LL-. ga hf his mysterious Thors are changes and variet.es m dramatic Me, there will he, tor all predict business purges, a com’ The* etremn. along the whole routew.re orosreion L«» d® B oonnecting 5 108 74 should never have had th. ploy, he wrote; had it ?or 88,6 dMler " 60 °“ b * r Übio.anJ ho nowexhihits a piece MNo. 2 wire «. in almost everything el». We have to notice, pl.t, union of intereit between the following telegraph the ice g " ° r °™ 4 m, ~ not been for the hospitality of Madame Babliere, Fon- b<,ttl °' • . n0l(P “ ;,astD©7eri table Apparatus by which he had moved among the facts of the week, that Mr. Barry Sul- companies, which, wi h thoir connecting side lines, Ooe white man and three lodiaus were murdered and ~ November' 1&67 * 13*825 25 taine would not have given us hlsfables; and, bntfor Barnett’s Coconino. , tables and converted hundreds to spiritualism. livan, whom we rcoolleot, a few years ago, as one embrace all the wires lu the Atlaotlo States and British * obb ” °f tßr ° w Mte men, Big Blue river. * ! the revolntton intho Gardenof Eden, we ehould not A eomponnd of Coeoa-nnt Oil, to., for dressing the 'V Yanbertj ta young colored, man from Hay ti, re- of tbe most promising young actors in England, provinces, excepting only the Union line, which ran* Accident on the Camden and Trenton InCMaao in 1858... *10,601 17 have to chronicle the Superior Style of Clothing gotten Hair. For efficacy and agreeablenew, it is withont an .Cantiy/obtajnyd jbe. fiighest.prise at the.oonooane albeit an Irishman, and who lately made a very between this city and Boilon—namely, The Atlantic, ttailroad PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE BALEB, up at B. H. Eldriuob’s «» Old Franklin Hall Clothing equal. .1 of all the colleges,in France,held at Parl*. successful .debat, at Broadway Theatre, in New the American, the New Brunswick, the Western Union, December 18, 1858. Emporium,” No. 321 Chestnut street. jt prevents the hatr from falling off V The' alleged* stayer yaoht Wanderer has been York, has engaged Mr. William Cowell, dramatic the Maine, the Atlantic and Ohio, the New York, New- tiroaTiD bt manlet, saows, * 00., baws-sots, stock, • Ton Gkrat LECfunE this Evening.—Hon. It promotes its healthy and vigorous growth: .seized at Brunswick,Georgia, by the United mates author of the Wainnt-streeV Theatre, as his foa ” d, ‘ uld ’* ad b “?°“ T.'cgrsph Oompmry.theMsg- ’ ' ” ££ JSsotVs™?! 8 * * o " n,raaT 00,l! ' M TH,aD Homce Jl.nn on Politics, in Concert Hsll. W.hav. It U act *ve«y cr siicky. marshal, r '■- - - travelling agent. Mr. Cowell immediately will W ?f h,n^? ll < l r ,^ SDi, UOU " 0 * Tiksiok, N. J., Dec. 18.—This mornlog’s mail heard Mr Mann speak many times, and knowing hia It leaves no dtsagreeabU odor. v • Ttti rtnmW nF ?« (hi. ftllw fcomman«e a six months enffetfement in that oan* Washington line, ths New York, Albany and Buffalo train from Philadelphia for New York, while crosßiog FIRBT BOARD. competency, we do not hesitate to urge our readers to D so/ttns the hair when hard, and dry. . T s§p. “ oDa ?®f of Jntermpnw in this ony for the eommapoe a SIX months engagement m that oapa- llDOi the Mootreal or Canadian lines, the National, or over the canal, ran against the bowsprit of a schooner, 100 City 6s CAP 99* 600k.eh!gh Nav 05.... 99 . * h , Pomtidh J* soothes the irritated scalp sktn. :,WOek ondlng Deoember 18 ?WOB 181. Twenty-six Olty, and we wlllsay, from oar knowlodgaof the New York and New Orleans line the Illinois and MU. which was passing underat the time. 1000 Union Onl 05.... 36 0 Philaßk..in lotsl’B near nimon icuFTioa. a ffo,A% fA* rirhtti lustre of the d«slh. W .reou r a by consumption. gent.no.nn’, onpsoUy end hn.in. M eß P abiln„ that £-/.""S SJ 5 Sfj Hol.bay ;The Beeretary ; .of. the Treasury has advertised Mr Sullivan will profit largely by the connexion. We think the publio may rest aesurod, that there is Jnto,the canal. 600 Elmira 2d M 7s. 65# 10 do .......... 2?tf ~ w - s jrurniflmng acore, —. i for proposalsfor, another loan of ten millions. Theoffloeof “ dramatic author” to a theatre, about to he a general and deoided improvement in the Wesley Thompson, the engineer, Aaron Davis, 6000 Penna R2d 516*. 92% 50 Reading R...bswn 20 , _ • . 714 Chestnut St. BURNETT’S COOOAINE. Tho trial of AlHbone and Nowhall was brought instituted by Mrs. Bowers at tho commencement, telegraph fwllltles of this countrj ; that fsr batter sod Wllllsm Pstker, brskesmsn, vere 2000 So SvsMFIOO do ' 5Wn ■)« sn,l itulv.s Bostol, Jul> 10, 1857. to a oonolufiion on Saturday by tho aoqulital of the of the present season, was a novelty here. In :°£r” 1 Iri ““ red ' , IS; £ Ipf 1 ;!! it in-M.B6« a .j.bu.neitac o .-i‘cn-otr.ru.eto /defendsnia.; '... New Y.rk. once Ume, » yet morn nnemu- ud ‘on of« «•»» BGUer SI. 1.0.1. ’BO. ,5 ? 60 do ......... 23 M . gD i flMnt<et „ or o u„ery fn Senator Douglas. : »"'f»™“v,vlll he ln,redno.dupo’n... Hue,, Sr Louis, Deo 18 —The stesm boiler at Belabor’. ?Jg g d “ £$ Oske Bsskete, Tea MU, etc., In grast ™ h'.'“’u fsHlug off, until Both branches -of tho Connells Of Now n that the Impnrtent point, of tho country will he in eon- ”“« r / !,xJI lod ? d *“• "‘“to'ng, scstt.ring s per- JSm £ "i:."".'. 76j| 8 do MR } ' t vs. fearful of losing it entirely. The skin upon my v i .v' * '..no * r. ' * - . * sew York, when Messrs. Willard and Harry stsnt commnnlestlon with oach other, day and night; lion of thei building to stoma, and, as far as at present 600 N Penns R0a.... OOoroExßk 24* ~ head became ersduallvmore and more inflamed bo that York havo invited Senator DouaLAB to-accept Eytinge BtarUd as managers, on a very grand and, Anally, that ultimately Tory material reductions h“cwn, killing four workmen, and more or Was Injuring soo do .08 2 Lehigh Nav.. uaeh 60 The GeuAT CllKSa TOURNAMENT Those- r could not touoh it wUhout naln This Irritated con of the’hospitalities of the city on bis arrival scale, with plenty of hlstrienio ability, plenty of .honld and will, doubtteae, be made from th. present The per'een. killed wore JohnOonner, Bryan Gra- “ .10°°™™"°“' Bk " wihuJrtpSffffnC eomS’nMi'JnaTnrtwV.n? d’tlon I attrihnted to the use of varlona advertlaedhalr , tom Now Orleans. The. vote on the resoln- confidence, as much credit as they could get, a tariff of prloeo. ( t nd n V B, 7 0AP..b5 70 11 Penn. 8... inlots 42« log.ThePhiladelphians played loth. neuM ptafe, con- washes, whioh I have since been told contain oamjhene tibn' was unanimons in pne branch, and bnt very largo napital in brass, and a very email capi- In one of my letters lant Bummer the fact waa men- were in addition several others who were ellghfly BETWEEN .BOARDS. venlent to the office of fho American Telegraph Oom- epirlt. two voices wero,raised flgainßt it in the other.' tnl in “'«■ Among tho officials of their establish- «on' d that the wealthy Fronch reeldente of New York, The firoe olthe exploa'on was moat terrlflo. Partof 1000 Elm Oat 10s 2dya 70 |IOOO CatswOhat 10n.. 69« P *The flret oame It will bo remembered terminated In By the advice of my phyelolan, *o whom you had This tribute DkrtleiDated in hV aeXmen raCnt ' aad th « ” aßl ® d al > « ‘ bem ’ ddwa to the * nd J°™°‘ tb ° *“«?* Qothamlt«, had commenced a the holler auee, weighing over five tbjneand pound. BEOBND BOARD. . ££,? r ?.Rh?r‘pirly helngrtto £^pmv.“L “nperi- -hewn your proc.es of purifying th. Oil, I eommeneed Apis tribute was participated in by gentipmen vory soono-shiftersand gus-lighters, waa a “ Dra- ■"bsorlption for the purpose of eatahllehlng a French Y t “ h h " l ' d 0a ' la roo ' 700 Oily 6. New 102JJ 21 Plant Bk, Tenn... 107, ority. ’it exolled 1 very general mlereet at thetime, Its use the laat week ln June. The flr.t application al- Of all the political parties. j m aU<iO«„. nr ” It wa«ihl»h SnnndlnwtKU arid theatre In this city. The Bum requlrel-Qvo th.usand of the main building, 76 feet high. 2500 Sohuyl Nav 0. >B2 01 Glr.rd 8k... cash 11« and the offlee was be.leged nightly with persons who layed the itching and Irritation; In three or four daje \ Weiuideiitapd that oh Saturday evening a Do hbdy (o uldim3gine whatbla dnUeswdro. ’The ££|E£"tta Burnin S of the anlncr-School Hehse, lootehigh ioSSJunl*:::: tlx theredneuaud tendern.«.dlsappe»rad-th,hai r o,«ed =--Dim;aitttOsj -muvtlug ■r, eemlnrmtr InmvlOnai-YTBo-heTd Bostos llee lR T?.S.” r s. k , „ . IMO OA Am Sa’B3 ,b 6 86* 10 do <SI% new gam. I. holder and mure brilliant than th. flrat. to toll, and I have now a thick growth of new hair. Senator, from Xllinois a public reception on ovehtnally proved meiely honorary in pblnt of gaged In Parle, ere now on thoweyhltber. Thetheatre eonjt£?t’, wStohirad by flraMmldSJht 0 % ou'*.bs 67 1 £ •".-.••"SIS f <’ llo ’' la * “> lb ® » f « ita ' d af play- YonrS, very his arrival 111 Philadelphia. ' salary—was Mr. Cornelias Matthews, mentioned Uto be located at Metropolitan Musio Hall, opposite tbe JJ"®*® most perfect and eo*tlj build. 3003 Keidiog Roa ’7O 84 22 Reading It 25$ sioond oimb, dho IS. —— , in one ofMrs. Browning’s prefaoos as author of “a Metropolitan Hotel,and la tohe under the management * tne kind in the olty. loeeli 340,000. 8000 do 84 60 do s6wu 26?,' (Scotch Gemblt.) ni7RN*TT>B OOOOAINR rbe Trial of Allibone and rfewnall.| fossil romanco,” bnt generally known by the title of slr. Sage, formerly of the Theatre d’Orleaue. l ire at Cranston, lt.v. £ gf ’lophlUßk “iig* Phlladolphla, New York, irr A aloale application rendbra the halr (no matter • When a public calamity, involving, on aof “Puffer Hopkins,’’from a sort of autoblographl- I-eura Keene, with that liberality and twt for which PaovinE.es, Deo. 10.-Smith’a PalacePl.ce »i wa 2000 £ SlO PHUm Bk.ll| (White) large scale, the loss of life or property, b»I novel, so-oallod, wbioh he hod written, some „ ff ° r '“thfh« ctmpauy”rpl» g .Uhe Acid* - iMt'n'gb" ”» lm» II'IIO.OM, half of''whiS. woe co! ro unto n Bk*T.ni 24 10 B ®*™ !!!^.‘.'. - b5 60 s'p toQ^th oB4, 2! qKtto Q B 3d. le conceded by all who have need It, to be the test and occurs, itis but naturalnotonly that sym- twenty years ago. Ho had written seme amusing r M ° an t^Veruon P.etivM ’Bhshis wrUtonVwter Y «» d b Z, . bSwnloojj tKßmQßtth. V »rfft's'dih c*,« P „« Hoir H«..{.g to «*. TTerW. patby and-sorrow for the sufferers should be tragedies end samo very serions farces, and to the lady-managera of tho Mount Vernon Association, 1 r,™ ’ OLOBING PRIOEB STEADY. 6P»oQii3d. 6KttoKD3d. Pnperedly . felt, but, that indignation againstthoauthors > b ™ expected, we fancy, that he would, which deserve, to ho puhltehod outside of New York, N.w Voax, ot at. Do- Ph 11.6. f.'wx’mx Sob Nav Stock. ID" For .nfby dL®ra g«eraVat Fmy°o.nto» of the iDiurv. and a- strone desire for their tbereforo ' 60 tt oa P ital osnsor—a Khadaman- and which I therefore send you. It is ee follows: mlngo, arrived here today in the brig Plying Eagle, do It 09 x oi?{ do Pref 10X17 8. p takes P. S.BtoQKtSd. Bottle n27-sm -a-f.s.‘_A-A , .i.'..iix li. ;■. thus upon other‘persons’ bad dramns. How- “ Ladbs : Eutsittlnlng a most heartrelt Interest In from Onraooa. do New.. 103 103.1, Wmep’tfcElmß.lo tojf 9. QKtto U 21. 9. Oastlee. pnniShmeDt, should be generally entertained. Cite MehemSbe" diel ee ns Ml « the glorious purpose of your aeacolatlon, and the aid or Tho bark Venue, from this port, arrived atOuracoa Peuna6s 98,1,; 90* do Teletmtg.74x 75 10 B takes Kt 10 P takes B. * No occurrence is moreapt te awaken feelings tM ,o L e enutupero ms ex- th, drama, among kindred arts, being Invoked In Its on the aothult., dismasted Reeding R.......26x 2(1 do 2d 66* 65X li.QtoQß2d. 11. Kt takes Kt. Window Urapery, > , ~ loawaa . perienoe could be of any use, and all ho did WSB furtherance, lam desirous of contributing my mito do Bda ’70..84X 84 Long Island 11V 11X 12. B takes Kt. 12. BtoKKtsth. BRonATKirw of this kind th&Q tho. failure ofatime-honor- to oonfiuot a Bratuitous ovadldb journal, very Seizure of the Yacht Wmnlnmr Girardßank.....ellX 18. Kt to K Kt6th. rittk niMiatr •ed moneyed institution, whieb.by.its fall drags small In size and treatment, in which the “Metro- Savannas, Deo, 18—The Ryubtimn of thl.’mem- Peunaß {3hig“s?r!? T .’.'M ,^ ,IK Rather.—' Yestordny was docidedly batin de lainb, doWri to ruin many of the worthiest members pelitan” was to be exalted to the seventh heaven s?’»dt£ Sffi&FLjX: &“s?Sf££. , St ““ to Mta jfrSJlt!!::::: .* wgreted damask, ■ ~Of a community. of praise, with no lock of personal abueo upon ?o" " 3 V We certalDly thought it would rain ef we kave hod so KBPS, MOREBNB, AND PLDBHBS, , I The destruction Of, the Bank of Pennsvl- every orllio who failed to approbate the “ Metro- December 29,1858. It affords me much 81,1611 mareb«l, has been rolcasod. do Pref iioT 108 Oatawlaaa li!!” 0* tT ““J r , , „'j! r I,tal J.bnt ve yire,.egreeaMy die- Together with aU tbe trimmings appertaining to the ..vauiawasoneof. ihe'.heaviest blows,ever.ih-; ' X “ wewmcoeeour , flicted upon &nr city, and as the sad wreck Ot ‘ljramatio author ” and did It reaueetablv for °lmw« COn ' , PITTSSSEO, Deo 18.—RobertM. Biddle,whehas been “ to fall gently, and at this writing the'earth la com- our heavy Curtains at greatly reduced rates. Curtains Its Shattered - fortunes was presented to the 1“ dal aulb ”> and did it reepootably, for g *ot Stai 1 lw dltor 0f i the Comme,CMi Journal, of PHILADELPHIA MARKBT3, Deo. 18—Everino.— pletely covered with its he.utlFul white meutlo. cut, made, end put np, lower than price, elsewhere. gAze Of ruined stockholders and an indignant JStof N ihts on fte S th, ‘ ° itJ ’ dUd lhl, . *>»» «• » 6b “3 a >n the Plour market, and very ...tie Bb ™» « a -, Whlt’e Lace and Muallu Cur..lu. P of every deecrlp -tinMln If Is «/vf- trfr«nM 4J»of fV. A wp «« adapted Five Nights on the Dela* tender be ©eemed worthy of your acceptance, an early *»«*.! rf® M « n u doing, the demand for export being quit© light; about fint sleigh belli of theieaion J 8 8 t; on b oD ght at auction, and selling at half the usual public, It ißnotstrangethat should in- ware,» from a popular Frenoh play. Mr. Barry reply, signifying the same, wfll oblige yourstruly, Markets by rtolegrapb. 500 bbls City Mill*, extra good and cbo.aa brands, sold fhn n n vifl M T wlft Vtlol Window Shades, Gold Bordered, Landscape, Wrii° fl r token 1 ' th! uJZT fi That’s doing the thing at »**•«»'“ d 2 »» bb '« d » a ‘ bb > i Ya^fc/uMa^lto 1 Well as taken, and whether the laws of the informed, and reliable agent. tfl-lH ,r_ A-,..-. U AUGUSTA, Dec. 17 —Cotton—atlOß to-dar 1.600 bale*. ‘‘S' 1 600 half bbls at a price kept privato ; standard su- cornerof Broad and Bpring Garden streets, and from sale and retail. country would' yield,them any redress. Hence* Among the rumors of the day, may he rnon- rn!: ,1 atllKo for middling. . 4 perftae is offered at bbl, without finding the well-haowu character of the managers, who have PATTEN’S CURTAIN STORE, ttic trial a largo Uoned oL. in A Jhat “ one if.-Cottan-BMoo to-dey em.n, hut d *'^ 2 630 CHESTNUT Street. . share pfpublie attention, and which waa con- Pbllndolphlafavoritos, Mrs. D. P. Bowora and eveulug, at the City Assembly Booms. There was * OiNejNNAti, Deo.to —Plourflrm. Whlrtey steady at ohofeo brands Fxtra aui/fano/lota as ln aualltv Sudden Death.—An elderly man, named ’ eluded on Saturday by the acquittal of tbede- c ™ wa y, hay. entered into anon- dluuor, opeoohoe aud tlppl. oufl wheu tbojAltyj.e ?fStb?°*e sS®? r?r wltotafn By. Flour aud Ooru Meal are uot much iuqu?r.d r« iSlarriOSW. pendants,’; Messrs.’ Ai£ibom and Newham,. „ g “ g . eme “V a f p , ear ,n bondon t earl y " “ a " h “ ,? If I,r4Snn at 10 * ,nd “ at « f ° r tba “ d » 25 V bb l for FouS’.? hSI“ « .S iZwilrZiei Sf d£S Ou tho eveulug of the ISthof December, 1858, at th. Any criminal Drosecntion directed nirain«t the • Th ° yWlll loaT * thia Country on tho Ut of ° r “ Io J 'oellorraf.B read a list of donatioue which, oIOXo.. and l ls hold' a * h , , « ,l "" 1 , “;o ot , n . ta A„»on» tho latter. Wheat-There is uot much offering, aud from natural causes. residence ol tbe bride’s father, by the Rev’ll. 11. B‘sty, Any criminal prosecution directed against tho Pobraory, to remain about ten or twelve weeks, brokers say, “touched tsn thousand dollars.” „a?.A?^ t S. I ,’t ha r prlcoe rule about otatlouary eelea to tbo extent of - Mr. LEVI ELDRIDGE te Miss SALLIH N., clde.t leadipg officcrs of the Bank of Pennsylvania, after which It is thoir intention to return to moot M«. Abbott, r .u octrees wol! kuowuto thoprofeeeiou, pio e n *‘‘, a tat $6 25 “ 4,000 hue are reported, at 123<r125c for fair, and 127 m ~ T~T- d'tekte" AWatraaa A ' H Shoemaker, all ol PhUs wonld necessanly have been attended; with the gonial welcome of their myriads of friends and dl° d °» J° aada J tot, at Cheater, Orange county. MoblLK, Deo. 17.—Cotton—Sales te-day 4,000 bales iko for prim, rode, tho latter for DolLw.ro, In- Spend! NotlCeS. delpl, “- many obstructions and.difficulties, from the admima at home. They wUI, doubtless, take a Auction Notice.—The valuable furs to bo sold - riudiug some small lotß of vrliito at 185®1450, 7Hf»jTth« nature of the existing lavrs of the state. By formal farewell prior to tbetr departure.” We by B. Scott, Jr, nuotioneer, No 431 Chestnut 000 for corresponding week last year; the stock of th« latter for choice. Rye is wanted and sella at 80c. An Immediate Cure.—Mr*. Bigelow, ef y»* tile common lawabreach entrust to not a P# " wonut''.“"mriv wolfr™"ved n o d atraBt - ‘bis morning, are now arranged for oxami- KKtal.„..to«, SM tff M St AoTb'u'o liw y.Uow^ y „u;h,i:luU o if;e:r::r^erhldl^o"lugh . Orlminal Offence; The reßponsibillty Of BOleCt. o»»way would be extromoly well roo_elved_ on tho nation. The solo Will comprise real Sablo, real a tllJ,e. for middlings. the latter rate, for nrlms dry Delaware afloat Oats In my Ilf., aud my hoad w« «> much diseased that r ing honest, prudent, .and trustworthy agents, Rendon boards. A few years ago, Mr. Conway, mink, squirrel, Ao. Also, gents’ far collars, caps, . * ~r„v ln are dull, hut moat of she receipts, which are light, are could neither tuts nor smell for live or six woska. No- “lilted'funSaiXm 7 hT. is thrown upon the principals, and If thwr CL at Priac "“ 8 *o. Fanoy goods now open for examination. The „ York AisociateU « oltl S ,nto * k “'i i ‘ nd . ia lho obMico of rales, we quote thing I ooul t tako would relieve me: but my cough in- sidonco, Rittsuhouso street, Germantown, on Wedueo err in thoir ‘ selection thev can seek a Ah®Rtre, under Charles Jioan 8 management, wos rioh fancy goods and jewelry, to be 6old on Tuesday tbom at 44®450. Dark—There la somo little Inquiry creased until Ittied your Hooflaud’u BaUamle Cordial, day, December 22d, at 12 o’olock noon, withont further • J MnifeSv «„1 W |„ it’ 'in * . .. oneof the most rising and popular young actors morning, ore now arranged for examination with irp E ri»n nr noamv MPncnANrs—ti*« projpot for Quercitron; further sales of about 30 hhds first No. I have taken three bottles, and I now And myself well ioTitatlon. ‘i L f ioß i « aT^g^ oas V y r hißhpr f a - ° ata, °«“‘ B ' w ° “ k tba p ai ‘ i « uiaf l ci-im^our u,O ' ,!OT **?***?* «»' b ««™ <■> recent Dank. Charters Of, OUr Gommonweaitn atonal reputation in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dublin, purchasers to this* sale, wbioh will bo found to Boston, Dec. 18 —The committee of me’chants, ap- i2x®l2Fc, c*eh, the latter For middHoe fair Uplands eight weeks } on Wednetday moraiqg, at 10 o’clock, for the eonre remedy this defect by providing for tho Critni- Liverpool, and Manchester. His powers have so contain a larce assortment of desirable stood* Panted at the maw meetiog of commercidmcn, held Seede-The demand for Oloverseed ia rather better to- Prepared only by Dr. G. 31. Jackjon, 418 Arch St , Phi- nieoce of those atUndiog Tram tbe city „*** nhl punishmeifl of embezzlement on the part mnehZUfl, and his skill so gLtly increased for tof hdWuyTi: g ' k o,s r b:fuT.Vtan”rf'a to B u^ n u^ n .rs^Vte P n^l n te te, u iteo otm ™ Of their officers, bnt the Bank Of Pennsylvania here > that we doubt whether he now has any su- [aXiin opposition to the odious exlitiui monopoly, doing ; lome g further sales of New Orleans Sugar have bnM** ltod 8 te * Md °* nadft * 76 , The relative* and friends of the family are respect- Ha AnUhAM n« perior in the old country. Elegant WalNut-STBEBT Residence AND held ameetlnghere last evening. The Eon. F.O.J. been made at from to 7 and Rio Ooffne at 10* oUc c ®nt« per bottle. ltd-ltw folly invited to attend the funeral, from the wridexce conducted its operations under as old cnartor* P - - * T 9 ... • , .. . , Smith was present bv appointment, solioted on the on time Whlakev is hardlr a© firm • bbl* we miotfl at ’• of her son, Joslah Kiflterbock, No. 24a North Twelfth Which contained no such provision. The Dis- There is a report that Mr. Frank Drow is about Furniture this morning, on tho promises, 1321 partof too committee. . . 24)*®36c ibr Pennsylvania, JetfaWoVorWostorn, and An Unprecedented Demand has sprung up for s'reet. thls afternoon, the ittth at 2 tvtet. playing Medea for his benefit In tho burlesque of Walnut street. , The ceanntitee remained In-aoM.on uull half past 23W0 for drudgo: hhds are hold at 24 Vo por gallon. JDLEB HAUEL’B HAD ATHENIENNB, or Haik Re. o’clock, without ruithor notice. To proceed to Moon tnot Attorney, therefore. In instituUng ? [ hat nara o-6u g ge B ted by Madame Ristori’spor. Ka«e and Valuable Books this evening, at *">"•«« • -toush. The bald are „„de to rajoioi Into. po M e SJ iou ra6 o n ‘ °, e h “ 6 {?S' & S .o P J.„“ B Mr? 7 siARIA criminal prosecution, was obliged to baso it upon formanco—in which, for six months, at tho Olym- tte motion rooms. route, were submitted aad highly approwd of. P The NKW YORK STOCK BXOHANGE— Deoember 18 or a luxuriant growth of hair, while that impaired by RO3ANNA BAURSIAn’, in the 88th year of htrage, the charge of conspiracy between two or more pto Theatre, in London, Mr. Robson nlaved with Bank Stocks, Ground Rents, Mobtoaoks, and pl»u acknowledged not onlytobo every tayfewlble, shoond board. dhesse or sge, is, by its use. restored to itsoriginai late of phUadeipbU . . Officers of thebank.lfhohad proven that Lceoring «». ’ P " Real Estate, to-morrow evening,'at;the Exchange. & f ‘SSSSjLVJ. .Sf¥i£sfS 1S *“ISS indhydULßS any one'pfficer-bad defrauded the bank by We also hoar that Mr. Wheatley has an ideaof Soe Thomas and Sons* catalogues and advertise- struction. . 500 Illinois Ceil 13d 79 60 do *3O Phiiadeiohia * d2o at ’ ib Sm -5 P %^« W **w“ii toll rt n ro9t,op ‘ abusing his trust, the offence would not neces- «« taking “ Our American Cousin” out of town, moots of the three sales. , ’fe h 'V' hQ " M \f e IlH d n “ la oen R MO P ffiSTSB EOrllyhave been.'punishable by Our Criminal end introducing him to the polite attention and „ _ », » fcootla Electric Telegraph Company to comjlete the ar- 6BkofOommercelo4W 16 Galena & Chicago 7J Ilolldoy Gifts!—.Suitable nnd appropriate pre- houso at,l o’clook, without further notioa. To proceed court Tho inrv wu omnsnAllpd in rtnoirtn friendly favor of our neighbors, the Baltimoreans. Sale of Elegant FunNiTUiiß.—Attention id raogements with tke Bostoa committee teth*ilmme- 6D«l&nudno 08 M 0 do esmts nro the “ Ba*b rou tub Dhaf.” Overslxtyva- Montgomery Cemetery, in the berough of Norns «ouit. Ane jury wag empaneiiea to aeciOO Tt i B afaot we assure thoTmhlio and T.nf «« requested te the sale of A. Lejambre’s stock of dlate completion of tho (Jape Ann asdYantoutb cable. 50 Pacific MSS b3O 6O do *lO rletie* of Instrumente to assist the Hearing, at P. t 7uTn M wn.vi,w n.i—. owowinn mitts whether Thomas Allibone had conspired With w ®aBBuro thepubUo, andnotanoft .» jj , M This is an enterprise m which tbe intejestt bt the S6O do b6O 90K 200010 V & Toledo R 81ft MADKfiiA’B Ear UfsTRDMBNT Dhpot No 103 flnntb QA}VWt*J>XTliy,T)o\mTQooiintyiK&WlA.UQJQllil ■ ri' rvrt»» a« A -KT m . rftt, that ** Our American Ceusin'^’ will run durina elegant cabinet furniture, at tho ware-rooms, No. leading merchants of tbe country are InTolwd. Byibd 2ttoEr!»R b7O 17? 100 Ohio fc B Isld ROl madkiiia a iAR 1 stbdmbnt dbpot, no. 103 fiouth SON, aged 44 years. Thomas A. MewhAll to deflraud, &c. To.try the present Week, then to be roplaoed bv a Christ. 1012 Cheßtnut street, to-morrow morning. Cats- pre.ent monopoly held by th. agates or thi NewJork 700 N yG.ntR 83X 160 du «60 eog Eigkth atreet, four door, below Chealuut. 417-6 t HU ‘re at.vea aud friend, are respectfully invited to .AjamqNM .CriditoaUy atdl, it seemstphaye mas ptcoo, got up, like a dashing belle, “ Wholly '°g“ oß a t° uow ready, and the furnltufo reedy fiur?^h^Hifea’sre’given^te tho'exSuAive oe theso joo do «M 2OO do .30 ao % “Modern Aristocracy and True Mobility.”— Darby, Delaware county, on too W.ateheßier Pla P nk been necessary to have thus connected him regardleßS of exponSe.” for examination. Beo Thomas and Sons’ ndvef agents for the euacoor twelve Ol fifteen houn The tact sso Hudson Riverß S3* 160 do oo V A iooture ou tho above Bubjoot will be dolivertd in San- k 0"!, near tho Six-milo Stene, to-morrow (Tueed.j) With some Other individual. Thia very form Miss Davenport plays thi. week at Walnut- ,isemenla ' ~ S’?J7''Ealtmn tetegiiriofflcra a»d mSMtehte.„o.n R 49W l “ dS° M 8 & M " B I? =»®- a ‘ra a ‘O b “‘eb, on MONDAY EVENING, cbur“h° n ’ al 1 °’ olock - P™ c »l to Bt. D.nnb.. Of trial shut out from the. testimony all mat- street Theatre. Hers has lioen the greatpeou- r> , lbs Antedated Pram, to particular morelantii 8oo!h aoMithlarNlud 20* * boccmber 20lb, at 7X o’olock, by the Rev.J. DOW- On the morning of the 17th Instaut, NIOnOLAS ters which'did not hear the ntory snceess of th..presenton. 50 ter w. and '' lN0 ’ P ' D ’- a -“ --eu... o[ the family , thfl Uralld case, or tend to prove, that such a conspiracy lot or cold, the pnbllO m.lr« rnsh to sea her, and aupportof night achoola for 1853, In tho various.6C This Sir projfot, wbioh th. Boatfn lm.reaoti.hav. Ashe. |re jUiStliud uucaaugodatss.so for Ppts, and Delowarc Furm tor ante, nt Leipsic Station, B?dg. or Penn.ylvanla, and .Lodge No 3AY SI , existed, and DO .transaction, therefore, could Z" Ou Delaware Ranroad, contain,u B .hout 300 M re„,ui ro-pectniUy atten*d°'«he > funerai iron did tV? 6 the country ou an. qua, teotteg. toISSZ St'aptedte^ 'SSgiZSZ ’fSSSSft did npfc, either remotely or directly, particl- that tbe company bave very ably sustained her. * he w*»ga attendance haa bfen somewhat lower than Arrival of the Aratfia’n Mails—The Voy« rtippteg h?i”. h™opoJto »nd “> now in proper order for planting orchards tto ff? laa " 1 HIU pate. If cither could one of them be Acquitted Miss ftiobings, in partionlar, during this last l i» , taiidl f Mhtfh™ nge of the Indiuil Fmpirn Poutoeru Flour is a.live and steady, with salsa or coming spring. To hs sold on Tuesday next, December On the 15th instant, JOHN D. NEWBERRY, in the ■without the . acquittal Ot the other. Thla fortnight, has Bhown that Bhe can art as well as rZa.kablS. The closing.xeroises at the re*nn Gram- The European mails to tho 4to instant, brought by cSTfi.S r"ta Arm wtto Bales 2lßt . b r M - Thomas A Sons, at Philadelphia Fxchang., 62d year of his age. being the legal aspect of the caeo, as we nn- ii«r. mar BcHool were very lnterasticg, and much enlivened the steamship Arabia, reached Now York a Saturday „r-“oo bbfs at $6 26*6 25 ter extra. ’ at 7 o’olock P. M. For particulate apply to THOMAS J b , e rclltiv,- ‘ friende » f toe f “"’ ll r; al, “ J b ® T gssssgrsmujß yr-r*—• S&g&SS’in&Z . the evidence presented, the jury conld possibly ereal 'i- " Tbe ?™ u cmhrac«d.u„ur £*?***** iisS a r e ?, f ' ■— — ' s cs^aa^fiS have arrived at any Other verdict than one Of ac- ua l ,i wll , waa TO*wrilten, rather than trana- aent mppoiter of our syatem of public-tohool «duca- The Faria correßpondent of the London Jews aaye: & ' m 7g c o ft t ß are aulet at 43m48c for BoutbPrn Beamen , « Savlug Fund—Northwest Corner (Mond*r)afternoon,the2oth,at2o,clook,wlthoutfur 'quittal/ Ko man who reads the teatimonv 'and latedfrom M. Sonbe’a play, by Mr. Oliver S Le- tfon. The r«male department haa been ably conduo’ej «it Is true that a battalion or infantry, am Hire© bat- r-nnßjWania ftud Jereey, and 49<DC0o for State, AVoat- of Booond and Walnut Mreela Deposit* recelred tb n r n n thn C in*h T^ R r unt ed MM M HTI?A e n t KRnWN y wiilriw - lBDd) kflB Bavßla l fine oharnoters and good sitna- SX'r’te toe^clten 11 ' *' “ «P«'enced tcrle, of ar.N.sry, with hor.es aod cqulpmat. com- «"- d “ Pork „ !os of 300 u „ s ia ™ a ” aad •»•««««. «tom all otas.es otto. tmhy.”.; T£ -ms - ctß aQallcea in that trial, can be- tions. Mies Davenport’s Catkcrim is ono of her i„ n „ B<lph „„„ m« plete Tor Borvlco, will embark at Toulon inmediately ms.l* V 1 ®oonmmnity, and allow* interest at th* rate of five ago. r .tel,? lle i!S o m l£lptt^dtTUoJl4a A " NEWHAI,L very beet pirta; Jlr. Conway realized, in make mei wire arrested onß.tiirdsV sfternmn" f<» «» eosit o f Central America.” $1V.50a13.76 for Friine. Beef is uncbaDgod. Bncon I P er °® n ** P® r annum, J f ntlted^al'tond^h^funeral 8 from'her*)lUe^resi conspired with ThOKAbAILIBONE to defraud Up, adtlon, and manner, the historical idea of by Officer Hart, of the i-ilefeulh #ard. on the charge of An extraordinary meetiDg of tho Atlantia olograph and Out Meata *ro quiet, at previous r»t«. Lard is Money may be drawn by checks without loss or Into- denes. No. *sJll2 Green street this (Monday) afternoon, the Stockholders Of.the Bank Of Pennsylvania. Peter the Great; and a fairer, a more intelligent, to pa*a counterfeit money. Tbe parties Cotopany In called for the 16th inatant, for tfa purpose J«j'miirielobl?ff? 11?S0 ButtW roBt * at 2 °’ clock > »Hbout further notice. To proceed to :Mr. SEWHAiD.is evidently one of the heaviest ™pres.nlatiV. of the part o’f ’iS'MS'Slf'KlS? '**"*' wi^rqSWtp^i?feh,,.t2s, S c Offlc. op.u Gem o nniu 5 0’.1..k, sud on Mox- _JL flnffnrAfß hv Ua rait«;. A a RinhiHoa cannot tm imaoirind hnnee thev were searched and four hundred dollar* of Bont condition or tne company s attain. Oofkbb—Aa uaual, after a very active bualneßS, the day end Saturday until 9 is the ev?nlag. President. ■ - : 8 r y .‘ tolure, and was ono of the for Uv u -A ' JpuSofili JouTon different barte/werefolind intho A Faria correspondent states positively the the Cnr market wa* rather quiet for Bio Coffoe, but Arm. at VeU; Treaiurer end Bearetary, Oh«l« U. Health Report. - S&OSt active ; and self-sacrificing supporters Of «7, ® venport produoed, for her benefit, on p OBo « r sion of tho two formdt. Tfiey Will hate a hear* of Busria, with a full military household,rill visit W«ri2o The cargo of the Pllotflsh, reported Tetter- l g arf | l Übalth Ofpiob, December 18, 1858. the Institution, in, the dark hours which bra- Friday ’ aplay,oalled “MeßaUlanco,” wbioh she ing this morning, before Alderman Butfer. Napoleon in the spring, and will extend hi visit to cMh. made ° f Interments in City of Philadelphia from the llth to K ceded itB susoension. - .The VWV v. translated from tho Frenob. She takes the part A Row.—On Saturday night last, about ' ’Hidxs.—The marhot lafßlrlv AotWe atsteadjratea. Silver** GaaUoneumlng Stoves'.--Unices the*e the 18'/t of December, 1853. ‘ , - er Y acts Wnicu 0 f Lconie, the heroine—a high-minded, pure- ele»eu o’clock, the General Taylor and William Penn Tho Madrid Gazette of Nor. 20 published royal de- Hales were made of 744 Dry Salted Maranham on prl- Btoroa ere made in a proper manner they are no better r —« -r —^ V. er p., sn PP° Be “ t 0 OAYO boon proofs Of guilt hearted, wrongfu!ly‘(ueMoted wife, Tho tool. Hos. eomnulM osmo in oontaot wllh esch olhsr, st crees .coopting too feslgnstl.n of Minis- vote terms, (ssld st 18c, 0 montos;) 1,5f0 Jlsracslbo than toe common old-fsslilonoi hssHug Btoves. % E Iff v- hnw nnnAfir In Imrfl hnfin the , uoarveu, wruugimiy euepeoieu wue, xne inoi* Beoond and Drown streets, and a general souffle ensued, ter of War, and charging Marshal O’Donneil who bad 22 lb at 230 0 meothß, and 040 wet salted Pemarera, on - . . . . .. . * . disbasbs. 5. s diskabbs. a ' . ppcar t DOCn tne Strongest- evi- dents of this drama are slightly involved, and they During the moloo missiles of different kinds, such as offered hfs resignation previously, on accouotpf his not terms not made publio. I employ none but the best workmen, and use the g « * o hlS regard for the Interests nf th a could soaroelvhAVA onnnrrAr! In nntnal Ur«‘ h.,1 brickbats, atones, 4nd sticks, Were freely used. Several beinv oon*ulted in two appointments, but,*bich was The receipt of the week aggregate 36 197 hides, and choicest imported Russia iron. s *^ JWhAn a fiit. i. u.. r. n n .iw .11 *l. . * of the parlies received injuries of a alight nature, but r efu»ed by tbo Queen, with the ad interim draiuiatra- the sales 40.078 hides The etock on hand Is 74,300 Ox I warrant every Gas Consumer I sell to be vullt TTL i'“ n .uiu. “7 « the earlier stages this is tho fault of nearly all the Fienoh aensa. no arrest* were made. Uon of the Mariae Department. and Oow Hide*, against 318,700 same time last year. bquai to thoie I hai on exhibition in the Franklin A “ tW I' 3l \ tho.triaHo commonfc upon the nature of his Mon-plays. The play will be repeated to-night, Disorderlies.—At a late hour on Saturday There have been large Inveatmant* In grm tea* for Hops are quiet, but firm for prime, which aro Bcarco, I tlt and which attracted the Rttcution and AMDlexv 1 ?1 ‘ 1 POBilion ih the oaao, «S wa then understood it, tha aro9 0f " Victimizing,’’ inwhioh Prank night, Offlc.^ :K.lly, o( the Scv..te..th wsrd, .rrcted A luoVl7o p”i 8 n,,a Ldrstlon of visiters g.n.rslly The Committee ASpSyxl.:::::::‘.'.‘. 2 “ Tpheld.... 7 1 r.'flomeiof-ouflruaders.wera disposed to oeii3nra ® raw haa a particalariy amusing ohntaoler, and }. a ° who^ '*£» ‘2 i'Ktta ststeSf tetextaatmn l “'fa Csliso for Ooweß, wsi Bbsndoned st sea Noimher 10, 6101a8588.--The msrkrt is quiet, hat very Arm, with conceded tost GALLAGHER’S make ef SILTER’SGAS s“™*; „ ? tollam ttenllrsln. 6 ‘:w- B!n f a v"yfann y »„n g . ‘.Mngs^m!gtaJSMl .’'Dengs” CONaGMlNGSTOVESweretoehestlntheExhlhltlon. SSSSb-”-":::: 5 1 “ p£S£’». ’! •'•’ririAttf'•• ; • * Aoooiisiona to the company DOW performing at but a Short distance oh their way to the station house offbytheshlpß g , . Naval Storks —Spirits of Turnantlne Is oulet hut I call attention to the following Jotter: Croup ll “8. A Bowels. 0 1 a UI,de V r - bent’s respeelable SSSSj M MR DISABTROUBVOYME OF THE BEAMER “ I hsv.exsmined toe ‘ Bliver Gss Oonsnmete ’ms I ’ 8 5 , te^-i^'^^ n &ta 5B ? W::::::::::: 7 1 • ;;LopqHEAD, andethe remarks Of JndffiTwniro manoo called “The Robber’s Love! or, the Oueen L^i^ni^rimi^itffirman^hM^kar passengers landed in excellent health, expreringthem- eries 200 bbls common to medium No 1, at ?2 60©3 66 Iron is the vsav bhbt, the workmanship unsurpassed. Ojanowa.... { Palsy..... 2 Of B6h«U.» .Wm ,h. W h. bef ° roAldo,m ‘ nß “ r '“ dWere^he,dto rr X7ng«hrvr g e Bh tL%X”inr °‘ b " d — a »- d “ Thewho,e».oVe 4 d «„«»;••;;; 2 , '“ Bhe ”' ' —— D, ' p r“ f r a 'A-.:: 1 s££3sf6iis:: 1 r *--not deem lt,Wiae,,or humano' Jones* Hotel, Chestnut Street.—The atten- yesterday afternoon, by a deg which is supposed to be and fl'ty miles from Galway, orpuin Ooutenay, In 300 bbls common Whaio at 53c; Sperm is held at $1.28 A. J. GALLAGHER, Stove Manufacturer, . Lungs.. 2 f jaati tO" dedf V tho deciHibnß of'<iiir n'nr,*/ tionof capUalhtS, buidneßS men. and other* U rn- mad. He was Wtten at Ibe residence of hiaparenti, consequence of the fearful state of 'LeweatUer. ol 80, with nnmerona offers of *126. Linseed Oil Is nos-flmw No. 895 N. SECOND, abovo Vine Dysentery ' 1 b 7 9 aaahr'tS’Stle' - V-■ 0 . °, ur c pßft, ui vujmousi#, uutuuoHH uien, anu oiners, is ro aear i he corner of Eleventh and Vine streets. Theory deemed H advisable to lay-to, wbioh he did moderatdyaceire, with sales of 3,000 gallons at 03a040, * or ths abovh Tnana wkrb- W er p .the, laws of tho fl aoB tod to the Bale, to-morrow ovenlng, of this of « mad dog” created quite a consternation in that for fleven days During the time it fei neces- Bicß-Oont'nues quiet and firm The transactions - nft *< o «< n Underlyear ...49 From 40 to 60 17 one ..:ri nf 4t large and valuable property-one of the best neighborhood,but we hope their fears of the dog being sary to consume a small portion of the Jgo con- include 100 tes at 3«3fte. as to quality. uTwaxlnf« h?wtimo »f?nirtnru ’ pnrniaS m Vroln Ito 2 14 “ 60to eo 14 \ ,*-ontlrom' il.l, u..,.,, lA . madare groundleßS. sif>t ng of cotton, staves. Sets The ship lePKalifax on Pdqar —The market is very active and firm. Sales HINGBR’S SEWING MaOUINES —PRICKS RB- « 2to 6 20 “ Coto7o 4 i pftlre was, Impossible that f^' 11 ® 98 l° oft MoDSm theoity. Rented to a former q lin p rT p Trß a onsnlrlouß-lftolcinff ens- ,110 D{Bht of tho haTl ?B on board Bliv*eu days’ were made of 950 hhds. chieilv Cuba at . but DUOED.—A new and elegant Family gewlug M&- 6to 10 1 «70 to 80.... 14 ?;^Mtd^ v filfOnld''lm rr M tonant at $lO,OOO a year. Soe Messrs. Thomag * SHOPLIFTER. A SUSpiCIOUB-lOOlring CUS fneK The machinery workedwell, and the jtfp provod Includlnghome New Orleans at7a7»;c L. M Hoffman ehine for ¥5O, and tho genoralscale of prices greatly “10 tol6 0 “80to 90 6 “WWU DH.aa completojyilreedvftein and SrW .• , tomer was arrested on Saturday evening last, at Second to bo a firet-rato sea boat,and well adapted it Atlantic St. Oo sold at auction to-day 200 hhds new crop New ‘ , »t. a o n,i ./ “15 to2o 10 « 90 to 100. 0 ::.;*jwlDpUtatioaaBjMKWaALrshaqho-A« TCa a.* Sn ad 7ertioen)ent9. - and Brown streot*. in the Eleventh ward, having ln his navigation, having shipped only one seh Hiring the Orleans sogar at $0.08w7 69. the nrlceß showing a well. redttCed * All who want a substantial, ali-ple, and re- (t 2 otn3o 14 : t-. *l. X * *■ - posaeßßion a lot of knit woollen Jackets. Being unable w boie pißSJge. Tue raptaia etsted that t»weath*r sustained market Tbe receipts f tho week ending to- liabloSewlng Machine, which haa an establiahed repu- ,4 aoto4o ....19 Total 181 th© ‘face that; a great x>^ lAIT<>9 tor ChrixThlAS.—J. to give any satisfactory account of them, he l vm taken was unprecedentt'd. end that many casualtlehusl have dny avgrcg-ite 10 390 hhds, 9,113 hovoi 3 000 bags tatlcn for doing the very best work on every kind of From the Almshouse.. 6 People of Color ....... 7 4-.;-Dflilkiilg.'iilßtittltlOD has, somehow orothm* O ®LD, Saventh and Ohestnufc Btreels, has an beforo Alderman Shoemaker, who comraittfd nin. iwcarred, an thev fell in with grott qnantltieuf fi'-oit- aodlfil hhds Me'ado. nnd tl.e p-iles 0,313 hhds , 1 117 material, are invited to cal] at our office and examine From the Country .... 0 b«,n it is notorious, that aWw Hamiin M.iodeons, and S'.’SSS * T JS r “• Si « Qr five yews of itsexiftencß no ,! v ?“s*; BflCon> * Wallelt, Uavifl, A Co., aitf Sf W, Worrell, TbirWth street, been thirty days within three hundred inlH of the ged hands at23a240., and several cargoes Turks Island aot fail to be satisfied. I. M. SINGER A CO., J order Of the Board of Health. W m na rtWWjSSfT ’ ' WA court. atl7®l7#o. ao3*Wa3 Me.mOßSfllHCXfitrert. 1 3 A&TffVH H«lWfc Ww, i I 01 Bar—Dee. tr, ibss._ ' thTLaw LibrST„ ?i 0t th 9 Bar ’ c * Ued ln Uis room 0 f MICUABI,W^Bu t ib. 0 H„ laio T n of *?,“ I jf lth o( to the Chsirand i \uZ B Joh« M. Bean mi celled Golood Jftiots Goodman \i» «»,. , . ~ addressed . • and others no, on motion of Cninnai nßr “ Ash, aftvwbiob, Jteagltedf That, aememberaof thePhii«rt*inVi« v a . Jtlsolnd, That a copy ot the foregoing resotntim, w th the proceedings ol this meeting.be forTOdsd fa! the family of the deceased, and that a Commlt-ee of thlt purpose ““ meeting, be appointed for Xiiojvii, That the proceedings be published. ® oh " r “PPhiotsd the following Committee: Col. Jab Goobjus, H. L Willwms, Gbo. Thoeb. I „ , J °HN M. BE AD ..President J Moubst Bosh. ) ... ... Petib McCall, { Secretaries, 7 * •’«'<»*■ An eeaaywill ?® le&°.I e& °. A Dennisßon, entitled “Life ” Mem 6er» and offlcem earnestly deeired to attend, aa business of imporlanee will bebroughtforwacd B - raiNKLIN DENNIBBON, Becoiding Secretary. rvw Jayne’. Hall Prayer Meetlnga-N.tice - &&W&f3SS£ZSs!!®l'3& os hew until farther notice, in the BiKBOM.BTB.RKT CHURCH, (rear of the new hotel.) All are cordially invited to attend, and the meeting w open for all to take part -who are members of toy Erangelical Church. d2O-tf Ys - Sunday School Sale.—A sale of nsefol **3 , a “V #DC y articles will be held by the Sunday n C T???rt 0 T f M i k C h nrob, in the WASHINGTON BUILDING, THIRD, absve Spruce, commencing at n 0 MOhDaY, 20th instant, and continuing until Wednesday evening It# & rrs=*.J‘ e . c .t? ro -.-. H ™- •»**> Jonca lecture, on -fyjs .*? Be<loisite consent of parties to a Contract, ” Tllta (MONDAY) BVBNING, 20th iost , at 8 o’clock, in the Lecture Room of Crittenden’s Philadelphia Com mercial College.. • r 2t Office of the Efcst Mahanoy Railroad -Ls COMPANY.—Psil&oblpbia, December 18th, lsfin. * * The annual meeting of the S ockholders of this Com pany, and an election for officers to serve the ensuing year, will be htld at the office or the Company, No. 407 LIBRARY Street, on MONDAY, the 10th day of Janu ary next, at 10 o’clock A. M. . <J2O-mw&fr tja6 . A. McINTYRB, Secretary. Office of lhe Little Schuylkillltiavisa- Us 3 TION RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY Philadblpbia, December 18th, 1868. The annual meeting of th« Stockholders of this Com pany, Rnd an election for officers to serve the ensuiog year, will be hejd at the rffice of the Company, No 407 LIBRARY Street, on MONDAY, the 10th day of Janu ary next, «t 11 o’clock A.- M d2O-row&frija6 JOHN ANDERSON, Sec. A Ttee’r. fT5=» Office of the Merchants’ and Mechanics’ Jo? INSURANCE COMPANY. - An election for twenty-seven Directors, to serve for the coining year, will he held at the fffice. No 222 WALNUT Street,an MONDAY, January Sd, 1859, at 12 o’clock. [dSQ4Ji3] J. D. GEORGE, Preatdent. * {Vy* If you want a superior Ambrotype, or Uw3 so infallible aril-tic Photograph, lift-s'se, you must resort to REIMER’S GALLERY, SROoND Street, above Green.' I** rr Commonwealth Insurance Company* of )X3 THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA—Office N. W. corner of FOURTH and WALNUT Streets —Phila . delphia, December 8,1868. Notice fa here -y given, to the Stockholders of this Company, that the annual meeting, and an election for ten Directors,*te serve the ensuing year, will take place at the office 6f the Company, on the first MONDAY (31) of January next at 12o’ clock M. <l9*tja3 BAMUBL 8. MOON, Secretary. {v-g=- Office Philadelphia Gat Works. Nor. UJ? -25th.1868. . - Proposals will he reeeived at this office until noon of the 30th December next, for the sale of Stock of the Germantown Gas Company, and, also, of the Richmond Gas Company; to the Trustees of the Philadelphia Gag Works, as an investment to the'Sinking Fund of said works. nS6-td3o. W. PENNELL, Cashier. nr» Home for Invalids with Affections of IkjP THE OHE9T. 8. W. comer PARSE and OHRSTNUT Streets, 822-lm West Philadelphia Office, of the FraakUn Raving Fund Lk3 SOOIBTY.—PetLADBLpaia, Deo. 17tb, 1668 A meeting of tberStockholders will be held at the Office of the Company, on MONDAY; Dec- 27th 1868? be tween the boars of 11 and 3 o’clock, to elect Thirteen Directors to serfo the ensuing year. dlB 810t* QYRtJS OaDWALLADER.Treasurer. rysa* Hon. Horace Mann, LL. D-, Presl- Uof dent ot Antioch College, will lecture in Concert- HaII.MONDAY EVENING, December 20th. Bubject— “Politics.” Lecture coretae-cea quarter before eight. Biogle tickets,' 26 cents Tickets admitting two, 35 ots. For sale at the door of. the lull. dlB-2t* People’s Literary Institute.—. Hon. Lki# HORACE MANN will lecture in Ooncert Hall, on TUESDAY EVENING, December 21. Lecture to commence at a quarter to eight Admission 25 cents. d!8-8t* ’ rya** Proposals for Building a. Steam Fire ENGINE for the Mechanic Engine Co., will be received until the SECOND THURSDAY in JAKU ARY. Builders will please state'size, capacity, &o- Proposals to be addressed to D. R Jj&DMAN, comer of ANN and. POWELL Streets, Francisville. dlB-2t* Business Education—Call at Bryant fe U-3 MERCANTILE-COLLEGE, 8. E. comer SEVENTH and CHESTNUT, and examine their Counting-Honse Course of Instruction. It comprises THJBTT practical MiMDSCBiPf sms, illostratiog Bank ing, Manufacturing Jobbing, and Commission bastofg. A practical knowledge of Accounts and good bu«ioess Writing is gnaraatied to every student. d!8 2t Commercial mutual insurance Ccm iks PANT, rear or No. 218 VfALNUT-#ueet, A meetipff.of- the Stockholders of this Companywll be held on MONDAY, December 20,1866. at ten o'clock A. M-, when an election for EIGHT DIRECTORS, to serve for the ensuing three years, will take place dBl2t JOHN MoCOLLOM; Secretary ryr=a The Stockholders and Bondholders sol lk3 the BUSQUinANNA OANAL OOMPANY Sre earnestly requested to attend a meeting, in Room J*o. 23. Philadelphia £xchasge> on TUESDAY next, 21 at lost., at 12 o’clock M . to take ioto consideration ths present condition of the Company. Philadelphia, Deo. 16,1855. ry os-* Safeguard Insan UJj YORK AND PENNS Street, Philadelphia, and V. The annual meeting of the paov, bold at their office, I DJra, December 13th, 185? were elected Directors therf Jacob N. Keeler, Fraocia Blackburne, Robert P. King, E. B. English, George H. Leris, Hubert R. Clark, Joseph E. Stidfeld, John Prentice, EOward Wiler. P. E Birckhtad, William E. Forbes, -ance Company of New STLTANIA, 409 WALNUT 12 WALL street, New York, ifl Stockholders of thl* Coin* Id Philadelphia, on MON -58, the following gentlemen ?of for the ensuing year : Hon S B. Ousting, Charles P. Watroua, A Y. Btont, Eliho J. Baldwin, J A. H. Hasbrcuck, Aaron Close, John hi. Beach, Henry R Foote, Matthew Kelley, M. Rader, Alexander 0. Lawrence, Alfred Clapp, 5 of the Boa'il, JACOB N. Imonfly elected President, cretary thereof, and Selab id attorney and conorellor of f New York. VY R. FOOTS, Secretary. Daniel Meaamore, j At a flnbsfqaent meeting KEELER, Esq., was anas! and Henry K. Footo fieci Squires, E?q. t was appointed this OotnpaDjr at the city of an-lm HENRI University of Pennsylvania—Depart* U 3 MBNT Or ARTS. . The examination of the College Glasses, at the close of the First Tern, will he held in the following order: TuRSDtr, December 14th.—From 9 to 11 Seniors, by the Provost, (Political Economy,) and Sophomores, by Prof. Frazer, (Som&tclogy.) written. Prom 11 to 1, Juniors, by Prof. Allen, (Theocritus.) Wbdshsday, 15.—From 0 to 11, Seniors, by Prof. Kendall, (Analytical Geometry,) and Janiore, by the Provost, (Mental PhilosophyJ written. Prom 11 to 1, Sophrraores, by Prof. A*len, (Thucydides ) Thursday, 15th —Prom 9 to 11, Janiore, by Prof. Kendall, (Conic Sections,) and Freshmen, by Prof. Jackson, (Livv,) written. From 11 to 1, Seniors, by Pr* f Frazer, (Astronomy) Fbiday, 17th —From 9 to 11. Seniors, by Prof. Cop pee, (Shaw’s English Literature.) and Freshmen, by Prof Kendsll, (Algebra,) written. From 11 to 1, Juniors, by Prof Frazer, (Statics ) Saturday, 38 h—From 9 to 11. Seniors, by Prof. Jackson, (the Anlolariaof Plautus.) Mosmr. 20th —From 9 to 11, Jnoiors, by Prof. Jackson. (Juvenal,) and Sophomores, ty Prof. Cop.ee, (Logic ) written. From 11 to 1, Seniors, by Prof. Al* len, (Lucian ) ' Torsday, 2let.—Fiona 9 to 11, Freebmen. by Prof. Allen, (Xenophon’s Grecian History ) From 11 to half* past!, Sophomores, by Prof. Jackson, (Tacitus’s Life ot Agrfcola.) . Wxdxksday, 22d.—From 0 to half-past 11, Sopho mores by Prof. Kendall, (Geometry ) Thoesday. 2Sd —From 9 to 11, Freshmen, by Prof. Ooppee. (Weber's Universal History.) On THGPSDAY EVENING, the23d, at 8 o’clock, an Exhibition of Declamation of original compositions will be held in the Oollege Hail dl4-t23 GEORGE ALLEN, Secretary. ryr=a The Clinic of the Female Medical Col []3 LEGE, N« 627 AROH Street. Uopbn.regular ly on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, from li to 1 o’clock. Ladles will always be found iu attendance to examine and prescribe for patients. dl-lm rycsa Office of the £ast Mabanoy Rellrond IJjj COMPANY, No 407 LIBRARY Street—Phila delphia, December.9th. 1858. Beale l proposals will be received at this office until one o’clock t*. M , on WEDNESDAY, the sth day of January, 1859, for excavating a Tunnel through the Broad Mountain, and the approaches to the pame. A Map and Profile will be exhibited, and all necessary information given on application at the Company’s office. The Board of Directors reserve the right to reject any and all proposals which may not be considered eatisfac torv In all respects. dlO-fmAwtj<s# JOHN ANDERSON, Engineer. The Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Bo! Q 3 TIMORE RAILROAD COMPANY, Decem ber 10th, 1858 —The annual meeting of the Stockhold er? of will take place in WILMING TON, at the office of the Company, on MONDAY, the 10th of January next, at P M, for the election of Dlrccfem be serve for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of Buch other bu*inoFH as may leg illy come before the meeting. dlO.fAmtj&lO ALFRED HORNER, Secretary. importations. fßeported for the Press.] STOCKHOLM—Ship Marathon, Vandyke—lB,oo9bars iron 1 cate linens 8 Morris Wain & Co; 2992 bars Bowie, Bros A Go: 1821 do H J Moore A Go; 512 do J M A Bowie A Go; 2653 do 380 plongh moulds order. LAGUAYRt—Barque Thomas Dailett Di 11—5687 hides 1884 haga coffee 66 cereons indigo 20 bags cccoa Dailett Brothers: 42 begs cocoa E Pavenstedt & Co; 139 bags coffee SO Maes 2 bales skins fiutil A Angost'ni. RIO DE JANEIRO—Brig Sophie—2 Boo bags coffee to order. ST.JAGO DB CUBA—Barque Hamilton, Jackson— -32 bales leaf tobaoco 2 boxeß 1 cask cigars L M Lusson; 4 boxes cigars G W liernadou & Broj 4 do Sam Bartley; Bdo order . , , , NEW ORLEANS—Scbr Magnet, Re*nhart-52 bags hair 1 box Baeder, Del-ney A Co; 6 pkga mdse Wood A Perot: 6 baskets ohampague A Perris; 10 boiler heads Mo rls A Jones A Oo; 6 puces iron tube Morris, Tasktr A Oo; 111 bbls molasses Harris. Heyl A Oc; 1 box md* e Pettit, Martin A Oo; 40 bb s molasses John Titus; 374 hhds sugar Rutter, NewhaU A Go; 163d0 Rutter A Pat teson: 41 bbls molasses Geo Gandy; 6000 staves order; 174 bills hides A Peterson. I ORT AIT PRINCE-Fr g May Queen, Lyle—4lB,7oo lbs logwood 966 sacks coffee 117 b'gs cotton 133 do cocoa Thos VVattsoa A Sons. . KINGSTON, Ja—Schr Geo M Robertson, Morrow— -90 bags coffee 76,000 orangoa J F Feniiton. . LEXTER BAGS At tht Mmkants* Ezckcmgt , PKiiadtlpki* . Barque James Maxwell, Davis Laguarya, Ao,soon Barque A A Drebert Hewitt St Kilts, soon Barque Mary H Kendall, Shankland Havana, so. a Barque Meta, Pa ache 8t Jago de Cuba, soon Brig John Welsh,.... ..........Trinidad de Cuba, soon Pinkbam.......,,.,,,...Majagues, scon B.ig vJ&irert, wular vresi Coast or Atnca, Uec 20 Schr B H Rowley, tthtte.. .C&rdenxe. tocn Bchr llonryNuit, Raker. Matanzas, scon £ohr Rhoda A Beulah, Hoffman, Cardenas and THOS. F HILL, DAVID fOULL, J. J. WOODWARD, W. P. JBNEP, FRANKLIN, PLATT, ISAAC FORD, • OBN REA. V. A L. F. GILPIN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers