I’HBQOOLi’i-'o , - •. ,iilviM,* IT- * ( _ ... J.,IZLMrEJIXU-DJJC.—_~- - j - x> < z Jr’>;3'•»• i ,*.y i -.' '■''i 1 tl.i~ | i ; ;of the/p'efejidatits.- ;i r' -1 :r - ■■. UV-i.-y 11 r t 1 '■'' • " - ‘ -j, >,ij. ;^^^MS- : ; Thompson. r , ': v - recalled ■XCJJfoMr-.-l hayer— Nuiu&rbtia. checks, to the. extent of -4A&o|toffhayibg J ac.' hhawfl that,he b%dpttUaa-fffrger.smp, ApdVter ' & the 27th or Aog«btl&4T >:wge, haianceioMr. Hew- Credit existedstf, pop}ftHsres^sloQ,6(}(),„;Op 4 the , '27,thjaf AujfUßt,-the batfloce ,-io-Mt. Hpwball’r; favor ' war $lBB.OOO and upwards j-on the 3d of Beptomber it I-, V? -•/ j ’• To Mir, Longhead, • JChi%* Balance,.on =the combined \r. accodats on the Sd of ISS7, fitted:-. 4 . h ; -A.TrA NewheH. < v..q..5,........... {148,800 (H) . -' " T % Ai Newhali & Go.-.-. rj?..... ' 75,700 60 * T^iChili?fiarrlßon^TxesJmier,-‘j. -1,600 00 , k^i^n v x *V» :! $220,000joo". • ; A -To Mr .Thayer. .The severally, - iJlVifactor/i aqdTilothing.Qy,§rOrawn-c-' h-v; m . . i ; Harriaen affirmed . ;} *■> »k*;; ■'• - - To Mr. Tbayer-.l was-a olorlrJn.W in.. Mr. Kew :;-Kall'a^BUbllßhfuents,ll'reießTOVfr;the^lttte-of,t&o ~'>Binfc of Pvnqßy^yBni» <s i * that after,.tVat Mr. : Newha}mPPh hMineflslm : PeMWylTftuihißank notes]and;checks< about,sso,COp t and. probiblyko,re.>-W» cam*,.pod®ra?ny*mmedUie 'Qb?emtioo' ttookjttrem tupDO'HwWrOn.dlthjtk • I Wfirej-takeo. at ,parj taken, by Mr.‘NewhiaUith7 »ttha «me prfcfß forwhish they .mo^ey: some of thoreeood* were sold before tbe /aUure of - the bank; i ' sbnft’oMhe omtmnefsjpf, the Ladk w>re Cbatomers of . itberefipery, aud we received from wany of.them their X ob,»te !. A|. reflnmg'eitab -, , is ntj Ui,,corpse of Bice ,nnd,Drown rtio.ls, cnatomeislnTsrloußp.rtii 1 wtio-hia in •oJonnt In tn» b,«nk,<oi .trwswsi ,i)i« concern wi« ;.J n.U«d>tta, “WmwlY,nMngH t B«aB«r i’UlrNew -’•i armk.tie itm ie yjoipoeei of Thopn. .AvSosWlnQilbort Il.Sewhall, and tranclafl.,AlU -bone,-eon oT the pr;iUilont ofthe bank-j-my‘ deputment I'.waa ,ea»Weri.«)4sbjfok-knwierit ttQo] wbra .othopi to l , l wbon t j>»i.4 f but : r.>postly j ww to;it mjeolf; ABjWnty M lh« nminnt r ,bnt frobi Baptember 25 to Oetobet 20-out sepMpte.wexe.lSO 000 $60,000 of-whlch-waiinJennsylrihlalJaQlL fuoda:'l • Mr. Newhall aiso ; v .pa3i 4 s°;Mr. Recount, aod‘ ,xhea .paid to the '• vahh i accoaot' and shipping intereat ac* Me Newhallfepu exporter ,of jfloar/importor of coiree,*Dd , ■■ -couata were kept separate j'eanuot aay when we stopped kf gatilc fimda;;we received them M far on && Jenuam JB;fS, i not < . a large auutitx, but prin .vcipalßcßaMddojog.eoadriie tiine in November, { lBs74 - : S/ ; (}. B«o?w.zonrcc»lled.' “ ■“r' '/; i ■ .IToilr-Jhtyer_ general book-keeper, in ,B»nk,7otj|®enpßylTanlaj have carefully made out > frvihj.the nopka ot'the account showing the deposits, eb&tridrkwp;ahdbalknoedof everyday, froiu . „August3 > Jias7,.toSeptember26,lBs7. J i . r , correct transcript of aecoants of ?. A. Newball.& Co ~and G. L. llarrisch, ,' trekeprCr - or.BMiiisyltaMa Sugar ..(Bam? -is ' eylde’dca, sbdwlog an arerage daily bilanoe in . JtKe. interim -of .these- dates .of $122,268,40 8.10.) . ‘rVßaudtog witneuitwo,checks.). These are the-dae ... ..bills o’f'Penneylvanla to the SouthWark JBaak .Of . |2O,Q^,-'.aid, bf 'the - Tradesmao’s Bioik fox /a s^t>ppolor hilances 'due before she failed,' fend EettUd . oh giving these due-bills. _ > l ' .24th tir i>lh\thß bank iothe'ortybaokj»[b/$6l ,000JMr'.Phlilvr'washdtwMi i I 'nude* tie iettleteoat;*l fouadll.OOO dueßankoTPepn OOCLdue .Bank .of_.Notth!JLmerica, /whichoccasioned H.dißq’epasejr Inher accounts. | .'^Morriplj.'XralibweU'called. .To.Slr.’Tfaajer : ITelrsd /qsome.iiotefljn the .lU'nXof'Pennsylvinla; f bpfore it* werri hJ»trinDg: we had deposits! also/[had .'h4aid rumors of the difficulties of the batik ahdwant /.vtbaee if my deposit* were c*fej I felt apprehensive'tbet . y.thq baohwuuldfchßpend specie payment, and went with 1 ' the.ijelew of preventing foaa and. delay jlweut to see - Mr. Alltbone, butsaw Mr. Newhsll; toid-hlm I would' • - .like cue deposit to.bd..3peeta/, : and tdbe'apjblieltt) ahr • ,po,tea,whlph might mJAure at thabank inhere ware twtT dayoflOthmrnth; this --W«4.tbe9tfc month; Inamealfctohlm,'anil he plodged’toj - me, u an-cfficer,andaaThomaeA.Newhalt,thaUt //would beprpperly applied land /thenoteshpuld he s pomaturity;wcuidbave been satisfied with His ap* Alii* . - hooe/whp'cenQrmea thsprooisejafter the failure, Mr. - NewaaUjTeDeweiv hla - indtvidtffli'gaaraoteei; John : AWeJoh waa.atandiog by ;'thls,was a two after the failure; 1' waa anxious to have the transaction closed. aod,vwrote'to,Mr, Newball to'get me the notes, stating that twouM/.paythem at once; I asked him when I -methtm-if- he received my note; hla reply was, that he for., the day was the eril thereof:” 1 felt aatietied and left him: ' On OcteberlOlh.l again met him ; he askedfaehow we were going to pay theaeootes; X replied, by a check ontbe-Pennsvlvania Bank for $14,000, and the remain : ying rs&6,OOfcby checks \ pn other banka'; .he' asked If X / ; woold-rgife amount? he would specify; - v wtjhad no.oVjeot.ohj I wrote.to him to bring the to.rae,p he cam?, ~ myself or Mr. Jo. Trsquhalr, my partner, at our count* -Ing-.room-. .-v-s..- ‘1 - ’*, To Mf . XOughead:; '1 asked Mr’Jfewh'alltb bring tie • notes; toy object was towecuremy notes without delay --'Bodi'eS:.,*; ~ ; L -1 ';i .Charles L. Borie called..; r <„ >. . ,, r i • - .v To Mr. ~Thayer, ; .Lam a banker or .the firm of 0 ‘fc L Borle; Mr. Newball, on the 27th of August, 1867, ■ obtained sloo,ooo, In two checks of $60,000 each; [produces checks ;J these are the checks, on the Bank x>f.Commerce; as>ecurity he gave[me bills re* '• ~'celVaola and a/cirgo of/coffee; the-'agreemebfc was, / made In regard to notes of. the - Beating RaUroadCoin- Stny. and DS, Brown AGo —tbat $35,tH30 of the eidtogßailroad Company’s ’acceptances andsl6,oOO of T he acceptances of D.‘ B. Brown* Tar which be was to * pay cish jthia was the pledge hemade.and performed: , about the end or September, (September, 29.) at the/ fijiil settlement, he.gava\me bills/receivable to elder - the transaction.; [bandslistof lills receivable to wit-' :nesg|] this ia a list made out-partly by my bookkeeper =n and my brother; hare ..aidlsllaet recollection that the V noier mentloned th«re are the notes which weregiren . 7 -tbinaby.Mr iKewbaU at the.time ;,some of the notes W«r« endorsed j cannot recollect If? the Boyd note'w*a\ endorsed or take/any Beading Railroad note; he was taking Rcailng Railroad ptperf on me: • I rem*Tuberthouote ot G-ft Thomssrpresidentior . ' XdllarahM', C6mpany: r belbg settled byachecfcomU > Bank of Pennsrlyanla, after its failure,-, add redeemed by Mr: Newball, in current money; had beonln the' habit of having . transactions ( wiib Mr. Newball/ .under, the-linaresUoiithal he did not want ' money .for.bim'self atthattlajel . ' " ! "Y; } To. Me'. XpqgheVdjJT'he date/ofthe trsnsAction on' tbes'd dhedks The che:k of Mr.‘ Thomfis" president, was, l i tblnk > ;$2 1 00q i vam not certain.' \ j To^, Mr* Thayer. \ ,ohe ‘of tne.. checks' is. payable ! to ./’orter~lßftotl»erpayable to bearer: they are both per /.. lecUf regular, and navobeen paid,. , ; / ’ ' „ v.'J'iibn B.'.NewhoTd'.swprn—•Co. Mr. .Thayer.,. .1 ex*- /ebaoged waging Railroad notesfor dalmt on the South wark and Tmdeiinai’s BaDks to the‘amount of $60,000 ,on the .Bank-of BenusyUanla / [Prodndlng due bills.] Tbeseare the due bills; thay'were both taken at ihfeir faQe;.no,difcountcjther way. ‘ i*» . To.Alr .Loughead.J, Thja was about the 6(h'October: s' kinnot'qUiter to? date: they Vere 1 Reading , Kallroad notiis : }/noDp had mature^:'they were In rail* ous amounts of twd thoussnd and twenty-fire hundred \f-I dbllsralexcept ohe of $lO,OOO, 'which was *neaj matu rity--within a few dajs j this was the ohe due on file ttenth ; Uri'Abattoir, *of Southwark’Banki.met me : and elated th«t if.-Icb'ektd:bffany ; One wishing to ex- ! . change ftic'<ny dther secutitfes: to aequaiathlm; tb4se . notes were offered .and acc4pWd ; 7 also, the same ar- ; : rangemenfc waa made with' IS e 1 ! Bank! I j coUecTed one of. these amounts from the trustee of ' tbe ' City: Bank.,Me; Rogera r foi'.s4,Bso,:/Jtmay be anoWer j *' ii one-; I collected Mr. % ;NewhaU's request, thus re ducing tbeindebtedneis, / V r.- *: * { ?Q.*PhUIMi Jfft|-yecelled./j.■■■. i/. / •; Th *J® r * [Hating a paper bended to him.], '•Thlr'ts~a inemorandam of' the renewal notes given for -',' .Tf; ; flj'Ui6yinot4!i;, thV imoant la $10,200 ; ;th« %ido l. V ilorjDtoreiti rj.Te Mr. Kenhall. rortheaß, a dlacouit , check uu the Hank cf I’emißjflT.nia, afUr it i,»d hrekfln, fer?lo,m>o , the, ainountgVluod bj tbe back waa 581, aa oblj,Jl)6 l!i_t?r«at,waa,irc,e:. bo. ioler'est adhartaito Mr.jNe'n'liaU;.. thp/ were BubseqatDt'j p.ih, with fn ••■i f 5!? 1 !-«?.'!>? S9ih ; or octohor ; Mr. Newlian iild that • ? <, ; s o t;tt,ifpr. t19,000,.a , ,(l the bank ahould haTO the i,ijl>eoefitprihe l &aasaction*. ln ',. , . : \ ’/ To Mr\ dlscoanted on the 9th October,} ;Xextended’these notes; deducting interest r and.nuklbg $10^0130; it is the identical check glyen'to Mr * Unmpnreys. , ; ... Oulocsl.w.o; Pattanon aw°rn—l ,„ iheßMkol.Pannatl.anla,actln» (or a abort time; I , tTM.yhpMfl -bout th? lMtof October.-ISST: I bad bean, bretlohala a rtirector~lo d.ya—and aubseqaently, with ; . Sfcaani .Jfiaflpr and Baraga, bMain« ajaigcae j I aat •: tlai llr„.(Jewlialt’a ; account, and maihed „hla ohedka *o?J,-^> r -'.,o>o T -h»l»;o.»i,4u»> him,-bout,tha.liat of Ootobar prthe baglnnlng of Notsmbor ;. H wn , , bafot. t|je chargaa wets madav«gainat hla account from the rxoha.ge’ drawn by hla eon and Mra, Bat to”; - 0, 1. -without , refareoca. to. , them ; Mr. Sww - hall baa more than auffieient in bank to cover anr de hclt created bjr the draft of blii ton and>Mra. Betton : there la a balance of eight or ulne thoaiind dollara In his fsrqr.. . ; I wss present daring p«rt ’Of Mr. .Taylor’s examine r-.- tlonVi.Tbebankpaiddemsndain bills receivable: tbe creditors of the Commonwealth Were psld in current " fand^tbrongbont;. Mr. NOwhafl got the Beading Rail road check of $10,030 for the pnrfoso cf.-making.a set- Iteme&tof aisi.Alm hr-Which ther bknk conld not be In jured, I pre'emd haviog It in bis bands to that of the bank; I havn understood that it was applied to tbe set tleoeot of thft.clalm of. the fiouthwark endTr&desmsn’s / /Bank i l have examined into Ur., NewhaD’s: accounts and found them corteot; Ihavealwsys foondMr.'New halUstfy explanation.of his *• a£f*irs in,connect on wifirthe bank, s • -- T r ,'; To . K s r .- Bought ad. Two' of th's -checks marked <‘good,?’ werel’a.A. Newhall A-Oo.’sfors3,ooo and -i these two i 1 haso made up Mr. AHlbone’s account. • - Charlsa Boxie.rspaU«d.-*T,o,Mr,VTha>M^'After Mr. ' * *«?hsil:lis4..rea»«meiX;the ,P. :0 Brown,and Beading Bkilroad notss," B. fi/B'rown ancesfor Banknotes, ,- ;; ‘ ' T : - bft> Mr. ' There was a meeting of the directors at [the Bank of Penns.vl . , vanlSj On tbu26tb September, r at 8 o’clock In the morn • ing, In l the roon) where the.bosrd always met; - * \£ h *' da P;£f ,tbe'suspenalou s;to ’ other city banks read. : * To Mv. Wharton. ' Any one.golog In'the bsuk bad to go up the steps. - '< 9 Wm/IfSaysgerecalled.' . / - 1 ; ' v ; « 0 *i *? J onr'oif the assignees, with Messrs, Taylor and Patterson; 1 understand that there wSiSj, l^ oa r Mv-fe.b^Vrhe har-tfrtditOd[ the-b*nkwlthithe £60.000 bill, and the H* 1 "* Sg£lWj»»! «Q«? elnoe that MU was romlttod ; Mr. Peabody makes no claim on thti hank for it * h« hu : >;-ete4[ted/the»babkwithHhe' whole/amount *l hdve always found Mr.' Newhkll. prompt to glve- p acv deairld : okplanatlon r of^matters, asked - O P f him J regard tte af-tb.VSSO.OW bill of ekebaa'ge full/Smm! •teattopaytheblll.- . r ; ■ » • r bi nooB^8 * 11 ’ ■ - » suit for the TaMr Tb. rer.v.The offer le, by: the holden. th.t the; qeeßtJou ahouM. be left to three referees of the JWjuot,that Mr.Keehalt had’loitby-«, e bank;and the euit vonld .be withdrawn 1 If he haa no claim tto.Mll wllljbe de«troyed.» >' on * h »4lCVM |F *“i‘'fv bfonght to compel a BoMer»«rth»bill.are wining to hirearefereheo of Sfn 3i! ton **®-, Jw *; n «ohtMrv s Newliall hah lostibr that,battnltKi:bank, 2nd ttkh Si W r ttf.-ttA.jn. ' X Jtnow Mr made » hJd/b'.’aa ? OM . I / r »‘ l e ,o <i 0 'he effort. Sir/ ?,*ub Of Pena.vlTauU J end know t J h r LS‘' 1 .n e " ,e ' i »«M'ln'ere>t in the pro- WIVM and wa 1 1 Indirectly connected with mo In tl/e l n*^®’. u Ho*d*i'OOTVextr»ordißAry efforls for s?ko H^ Ce^ n * for our obligation! Sel?s iP} uoirasl di«*matanc? ? { President ;' it is u«u&l for leave:the-nfleotfation of «tAdin-<w '' “ f •>. bank * " S,e ' liD . B “Si n,a “ >ay thatltwcnld but that |t U tf»4i«Upn» to the boahf, n note uouTene’ihe board for the vvlSolo aSdwi'££rM 1 ‘ W»aor the Hank or Pehn’ •Tdf it at-thfl same ld pftymCnt v* c > — I haT * * -AiO { l.s?nrwbfr I °h» I> !i o ?i Mr 0rB ** «I dsn t" - had takstp/rom the a tb ‘ t Hi & Übhckfftn! $lO Odr I ltiSS ?t Jr* 4 ** ' **>o* % aJiSS f «i SSsSfiggiffigfe^ \in *a .«■// ' 1 *.v b*nk could not have lost a cent by the , these trials have been baaed uponspeclat uctn of gaclia- Iransaotion : tho substitution occurred beiore I went* which p-oTlile for the examUSa- Ai»n in flit, bank t th© itmoont hadlbeen taken tion of such offences, and for the pUnlßhment of those *mmm?»***p**M h «meurtw. »» alteration made after I cat»a; this was before the bank auoh aot of Aywubly, which meela juat such a case,* had oDe»S«br,asual'buetbe«;l fllaViu'g a book, the and It was SWT in attempting to •tfacon&fceiletla statement,haatfed to him.] This Ja Jatowthwe affars, the District Attorney was statement of September* 24: the. amount here, .would obliged to risort to- the.comoion-law form of an aotlofa have gone ttf.Hhe dx&hinjreS on''the 25th {it appears ff conspiracy j otherwise-there ttas. tio from thisVhhV’e been taken •from the Girard Dank 1« °^ r , la ' r *> meet thd alleged offend®. Htr.did, l to'the chocks on tmr oWn bank; Idid **> perhaca, hia duty pointed, charge the two gen f hot look &t‘the checks at,the. time, and,l should have tlemen who were, probably, the most prominently ! beta’llQ,Ooft abort .In mv cash if it were, not carnet, interested In tho affairs of thla bank, and aa far ftft bh .{There wae'theif ban ted to witnesaa bookwhero the epujd make an iorestisiyoa at the tiihoj ho ascertained '•wottiof tho throe .tollers’ la-consolidated.. The fact Anat wore frerb thafly matters in which these iwo.geq 'nlbOd-thOßame in this ha in the other book J . ; ttemen had been closely connected, in regard to the •To Mf. I.nn»bi»iid. .B*which.l mean there was no concerns or the bank, and, perhaps, not having the ’deSciericw in cash preference to the book will ehoW opportunity of ao full an investigation as he would -what check wiis substituted pi-told.you that I : could IiRVO h«d,Jiad fully cognJ/ant iVith these not recollect anything of the,, transaction beyond.tho gentlemen, did—frbaV appeared to be his duty—pre books when vou sent to see me on the subject. cant them as implicated in an alleged conspiracy. John. Weleh recalled.' . ' . Uponthotrial of this case, after these gentlemen had ' T O Mr-Thayer. I was ca|led upon to raise money for V9l 'y fraukly, and I must say, without any desire on the B&ili Of Pennsylvania on‘.the-lOtVof‘September, their part to avoid this JlOveatlgation, and having ap -1857.t0 help her ont .of ‘bmrdifllculUeß 5' r negotiated reared at every tlmo and all times, whon called upon by for JwOiOQO; laißO.soldexch&PgO for the bank, £‘2o,- the proceedings In this court to appear, their trial has ‘Wo,‘for the Philadelphia Cauk, on the 21st of ,Bepteui- come on before you, and perhaps as great an extent has bar, -1857. - • , 'V ‘ * allowed to. the examination, op the part of the ;To Mf.‘fcougheod. Jt Was a blll draWn, by the Dank Comnionwealth, as has ever been allowed under similar of Pennsylvania bn G‘. P^ab'6dy v A“oo; ' •• ' • circumstances. This extent, or this range rather, was .. .W.. Welsh.sworn.r-To,Ur, Thayer. I know tlib Qrm not prevented by the court, Trom an earnest desire that of Riohard Ro&tronA Co., of Ma- cheater : their com* if thore were a conspiracy it should be fairly shown to morclai standing is very nigh p I 'am' personally ao- this jury, and if them were not, that these gentlemen quainted with,tne members of the firm; I have not B fc°uid have'au opportunity fully 10 vindicate them correaponded-with them>; oar house corresponds with ®*lveg j that thoro should be nothing bidden or con* G. Peabody &Co ; I have seen Mr. Morgan partner Of cealed on tho part of the Commonwealth, on the Peabody A. Co , twice in.tho last two weekflfwho said on ® band, aud that there should be nothing stated that hla house had been paid in fvli for iho £*o 000 which these g«nU«nao would not have an opportunity bill, before the laHt hour pf the day pn which .it was to explain, on the other. -due,and that tliehahk obtained'full Cradlv-for it on With regard to one branch of this case, that which their books. came naturally, in the order of trial, first—Mr. New- To Ur-Xdaghead.:. Hd did pot Say.by whom it was £ aU>B particular branch-the examination, as yon paid. * . know, has been full and cempleto. and I am very happy * Anthony J. D-eieVsworn —To Mr Thayer. I know to Bs 7 B0 » for lt |B tt matter in which I think it my doty Mr. Koahall raised *5O 000 for the Dank of Penoßy»va- BO - * ™, h ?W-*? agree with tho District At nia on the 2d of September. IWTi he raised it in Now torney in saying that I believe that every matterwhich York; we cashed a oheck drawn on- the Bank of the j?" b ««“ laJd , *» Mr- Newhall’* charge has been satis- Hephblio'by Mr. Newhall: I know that Mr. Newhall [actorily explained. That which attweted public at weut to New York to provide funds in payment of his tention to his particular case, and to him as one who check. was engaged in doing wrong to this bank, seems, as far To Mr, Longhead. ,That wi* ph the 2d of September. , the «»i«i«nce shows, to have placed him, not in the To Mr Thayer. I sold for Mr. Newhall a largeqnati- Hghtof a wrong-doer, but in the light of a benefactor tity of-Pennsylvania Bank notes after its failure—at th ® ban , k - Whenever it was necessary, on all occa- Jeast sloo,ooo—at various rates of discount, from 26 to Bl0D8 » aa the evidence indicates, you find Mr Newhall, 06 per cent „ • * 1 ' instead of takiDg anything the bank, the To Mr. Loaghostl. It wa»'from the 6th of Novembor P' l “ »>>o stepped fomerd. and, in tho iongusge of Mr. to Jsnoarr Ist 1863. 1 sold them! I ' mean chrcfcs .ud Welsh, one of the lost witnesses, was exceedingly in notes on the Bsnkof Penosylmmi: . large pirt'of tho tereeted, and most.urgent in fils efforts to place the amonnt was his oheck. marked { - good,’ l on the Bank of bank on its proper footing.' Now, it does sometimes seem Pennsylvania; t 'cannot recollect the details of the thatamnnishimselfanjußtlydealtwHhevenwhendoing a g A j r that which is most meritorious, and. so far as this case Mr.* Thayer offered-a- deposition of Michael 51. foes. It demonstrates this to be, the position of Mr. Rocker, a member of the firm ol lUs'.xon & Co., of Man- Newhall 5 aud, whktever may have be>m hth relations Chester, England, j to either the president of the bank or to the bank it ‘' OBjictld toh> Mr. lohgheed es not usnil in s drimi- f' lf : **»<•’•' “V h . ST ». M« connection with th,t net .esse, although the court directed th t, owing to the “sek In a pecuniary or comnlerclal light, lu accordance illness pf.th* wltnpss, the Bald deposition he taken. with the evidence submitted, and looking et that ert. Mr. Thayer did not prees the matter. deuce, we must make up our miuds, for we cannot fail The deposition wae not admitted. to P-toeive and acknowledge that Sir. Newhall has The defence here c osed for both the defendants. ; been constant id his shorts to heneflt the Institution of Mr. Longhead. May it please your Honor, I was very he hed been e eotod a direotor, and over which, much impteasod, and listeied attentively to everythini oc ?“ ionllll f; he •>“? Vj° n ‘* B temporary president Wat fell froei tho' llpn of my friends who opened the Whon evidence or Ihle character ie adduced, and by case upon the put of the defendants. I was much im- " nch '-'tuesses as have been examined in regard to it, pressed with wh.t feUrfrom my friend, Mr Thayer, 5? pee? 4 ”?* t 8 h ! eita ‘e‘° do Jnstlco, and I think the upon the behalf of. his eltent, Mr. Thomas A. Newhail. District Attornev has acted with perfect propriety, end The clrcuinataoces of the case, es presented hy tho •» ‘ h ° representative of thla great Commonwealth Commonwealth .ere Mich, that I felt it to bo my duty ““Sp l J 0 » ct ' w , he ? «uoh n-oeso as this hes boon shown tepressupon this jury a conviction of the defendants, tothejnry, and vthenheishimsslf eoavinoed thstthese for the offence here charged.' . ■ - things, which, before their submission to the jury, If the case hod rested—andT ai speaking of Mr. Thau 'sdhira 'to believe constituted an improper and an ill,. A. Newhall, air—upon the testimony, presented by the 8“' combination, have served to oonvince him that, in- Commonwealtbil-. Should: most undoubtedly prese the ", f Being evidonce of a, conspiracy, the testimony conviction of these defendants, as they stand indictod. has evinced a different state ol affsl. erhe is tat follow-, f should have urged upon the jury the conviction bf >?S‘he line of his duty, in at once stating to tho jury Mr: NewhaU as a conspirator. I therefore listened with h r " c »P not joly upon snob erldouoo for the conv.e great interest to the explanations which were offered hy tion of either of the parties, under this Bill of indict- Ur. Thayer in his opening, and 1 have given great at- “* o f- ThM “ “*> of couise, joined in this hill, toutlon to the evidence, by whioh his remarks have »n 4 In-smuoh as the gist of this aclion has been Uken been corroborated . away by the removal of aU appearance of conspiracy, of I feel that 1 Bhouid very badly disohargo the duties oourse the iiidlctmont must fall. • ■ of tho office that lam oxeicising if, when a perfect ex- ,V" ar » not tO , J ’’ pot' 81 ? 18 ”. nor havo wo been planation is given' of coodiiof which apprered very tryleg, any queßtion In refc lon to th. studingor pe doubtful, and wore a different aapeot, I should hesitate buniary dift: niitva iif tho Bank of Pennsylvania ;we “l^* M « developed by.the testimony, preseotod-theie can be ho J OB . this must have removed any, eus. doubt'; 'and I thlnk'T have the approrel of this court f c 0 P ? r that kind from your minds, I most wllliog in sayirg that I Hod tho ai»s charged ag .Inst hlrh, and ‘ nd bhcßtfully concur In the subm sslonof this bllllin whioh 1 heiiered. .evidenced a oorrupt cunspiracy, so tho manner in whioh the District Attorney bps thought plainly and fully cleared un liy the testimony given In Proper.to plase, It before you. Itrsmalnsforyou.thore thls cause, on thhpwt or We defendant, that the more ro ma Eu V out . T i? rd a l, oe . ta • tnanlycourse upon the part of a-proeecuting officer is , Tle of lndiotment was theu handed to the lurors, to eay so,and! adopt that course. I osnnot find it w ß°’ wi Wont leaving their seats, with scarcely three within age, after thefeatimony whlchhas been given, m l?P? 8 «B» B Mtolion,were prepared with.their verdict. 10 argue to this,-Jury that Mr Newhall has been cor- „ Orier. Gentlemen of tho jury, hove you agreed upon uptiy.engaged In iho ruin onddostriiotlon or this bank. ■ . CJnder the tisiimony offered, may it please tho Qonrt. we havo. . - . and under We eonstrnotion which his been'given to it « n™ }H l ou ' of . thB jt \ ry ?, do by your Honor, I preso'me that my course is to submit flnd Thomas Allihono and Thomas A. Newhall guilty .hie hill of indictmont, as the ocoilttal of out defend- '?? Sr; n , ntr an 4 form ln whioU they out will be We acauitlalpf bolll • Btand lodleted in thle bin ! Judge Thompson. Preolseiy so. sir. ' loreuiaij. Not guilty .... Mr. Loughead. - It, is to me, elr, matter or great re- J, V ler ’ ~.< }e? ,t leT ? ot ,* he Btrj. hewkeu to your ver grot that I hove not that te.tlmooy which I behoved to s°f i 1! Ib " Court hse it recorded. You say that you be the legal and legitimate evideoce hearing upon the Al,i,JOllB and diuiHis-a A. hbwlioU not acts or these defendants, to constitute the criio with "?”” 6r “ d form in ”hleh Wey stand in which they are charged. It is, psrmit me to say, gen- “‘p* 64 tlemenof the jury—fori &ddrefs this observation some- ?°I* m m l L do what to you—tho'fault as mhch or the law as or the ,n Ju4go T^ 1 om f' 0 ' 1 : 1 ““ 8t I8l ” ra J™- gentlemen of eyideuce, Wat. those who ruin institutions of tbie oha- tho thanks of this court for We patleutman noter cannot be'punished as they deserve. There lend *“ "Mch you have discharged your duties during u^^°w D a c nS;.^d^ 11 .he verdict the friend, of show that the acts tedding to.tho ruin of tho bank were Blessre. Allibone and Newhall crowded around them, the result of concert and combination, and thus make ?“ d a ' c ”“ B <•' hend-Fhaking and congratulating ensued couldbe’alicgedm'' sustained 0 ' ccte4 B‘y Wo oßjJ'cfe^r'it.''To“lil who 7 lrad reffret tliat t a imi ffnew/...a. planation given by the vitnosies for Mr. Newhall, the dels not go to “how suw .o“ ,niracv «‘ We law wlri 'Ym d ‘ B t of ac q ult«l gave entire sstlsfictlon. The D.- punish, I hove great pleasure in knowing that the trial It ct A , tl ?, n , l “ r ' Mr ' I J O S? 1 ll ! l 4’ h 18 ’ ff B , ‘ cmjB,, ‘ I L of this esnse will be a warning' to every similar institu- ‘ f V’w BaB8 i ""tahlished a repotation for ahllit fes .tion In Wo State of Peups.lrenia, and, I hope, cm. of the , h j B ?'" t or ; lor —t ,n l U880I8 P r0ml " i “S where. In submitting the ease to von thoroferi • 88n '"’ of datT i aD4 aD honorable and gracorul concos under the conetruction|iven by tho cou°£ kfthfe bili SW 0 ?! ahBa th, 8 explanations afforded to him of indictment, Ido id Soneatly and straightforwardly, llm *“ a ‘ P B rahtenos would prove peraocutipn. Mvinff that Aiw ! >fl'r»>iAtifa M 6 ..4 .... Vl He ban alone and unassisted done his whole duty ably oharsed aeolnst Mr Nitwhail ar ? ft hd well ; and this community owes him a lasting debt fiX!for haying discharged tho faco of did pre« a them! 1 * * & 7 dt/ coUies and discouragements which would have appalled r/Yr omthe'rdllnK oftalg Court, I understand the law I”*°/ aaother nma to be, that where onq of the-dereodauts escapes, upon a charge.of bill of Indictment falls, and the ease must fall I submit it. tbSn, etjfnfc that Mr. Neirhell bu excul himself, so Tar. as, all his transactions hare had with the bank, and though .there are many, thiogs wjblob I might say as to Us direction and J 9?5 I VIP er^n l . ir^I f acts of Its officers were super* jrite'tjby itadlrectors, It ia cot within.the scope of my presentduty* and I commit this bill of indlotment into lyourhatids, nnder'saeb,remarks as tho Court raareee ’properito'makVupOn the'Suhjeot." **' ‘Min'.Wharton,; Before proceeding further, may it pHWej'OrirHonorJl itould like.to say one word upon the subject off the; remarks, just made hr hit learned friend, thfe'DistrictAttorney. . .The only pxceptioa which I take to thorn'is that he 4 should hare expressed hiß regret that the evidence ad* laced lu this cause, which he has been for so long a . time so .sedulously nuTslng. and pressing with so ranch ‘skill to the attention'of the ‘court and jury, should have resulted In hifentlre conrlctlob of-tho innocence ,nf the,defendants of the only charge which has been preferred Sgalnsfe them. Now, I would have thought, sir,.frour.my,knowledge of the District Attorney per eonally,tlhat. instead of qualifying his comae with the expression of a regret that he had been' unable to oon* vict these‘defendintsi that his generous disposition would have prompted him to say that it heightened the eatlsfaeUon of hfs.conduct,-in this regard, to know that the Commonwealth had failed, to discover either of these highly-respectable gentlemen guilty of the charge which, in the course of his official duty, ha had thorn At , proper to bring against them. Tqat a road, likewy client, havtog passed his life among us r who was born hero, who for twenty years had-an Unblemished mercantile reputation, called aa he was to fill a post which he did not seek, who unfortu nately fell with-the institution which was in some mea sure, though not entirely,'committed to his charge, the father of a numerous .family, the dispenser of many 'private charities, andtbe performer of much publio good—that a man like himself should have been shown, after a longand tedious Investigation, to be entirely in nocent of the charges preferred egiinst him—that such a remit should be a matter,of regret to the prosecuting attorney of this county, is to me somewhat Inexplicable. Now, an, if I feel any satisfaction at all in this case, it is. first, that the District Attorney has pressed It to au un usual length, and with marked ability aad energy: In the nextplaoe; that no impediment was thrown la the w« y of this investigation, other than that mantle which the law has thrown around the rights of every citizen; that every opportunity was given with the view to an explanation and satisfaction of the accounts of these, gentlemen, which could in any manner bear upon the oharges laid against them, and that after such a course tfasre iu nothing to jmtlfy the District Attorney In pressing a conviction of those defendants upon the jury. •I Kish, sir, that the Intelligent and upright Judge who now presides in this court, the twelve gentlemen whom I jun now addrewlng, and the District Attorney AtmjcJ/, as well as ill othersiotere* t*d, could havo paitfclp’at ed ia the same pleasure,' without the comments that have .been made by.the.Commonwealth's officer. I hope that the verdict will be given spirit of gratification, “I greteraj to belfeve’that.the fair fame of Phila delphia has not been sullied: nor the reputation of any of her eons tarnished, in the coarse of this Inrestlgn tion. Mr.The>er.‘ I deeia' It mr'daty, m»7 It please the Court, to edd that I thiuk the leeroed gentlemno "who he» represented, with ao much <e>l end energy, the e.tue of tho Oommoowealth, hea, in the discharge of hts duty, in announcing to the joryhle impresalon that ,he haa no cese upon which he conld ask them for a ecu viction—done that whfch was precieety hie duty in the premises, anil that it wa* Impouible hie offleial duty could be diechargod In any other way. The remark which I have- to -make, in reference to the cause, is, that,l am glad It has furnished another instance of the •Immortal and the invulnerable character of truth and honesty; that it is an instance not soon to be forgoitett ia this community, or jo this State, or in this country, that no matter how much An'honest man may be be lied; no matter how bilsjr the tongue of slander may have.bben wHh hla nameno matter Into what meshes, Into what inextricable-labyrinths and ftUse positions he mwr have been'placed by .circumstances over which he had no control, snd no matter how mnoh he may have .been misnnders'ood, or how unfairly he may have bebn judged ly. Borne people, that it, has proved, at iut, that honeaty and truth Me or sooh »n,eternal ana invulnerable nature, that they must always event ually triumph. * ; • Mr. Lougbeid. I have simply said, air, and I desifre to repeat it, that, in reference to the case which ku been before ns, I think that every circumstance which I adduced igaibßt those defendant, and'in which Mr. Thomas A, Newball was oonberned.as a party, ha 3 befin fairly apd hontst’y explained y and that, as the bill of Lv l0 u Jointly charges ibem wfth a conspiracy, which at the time t believed, and aa I have proof that the allegations of the Commonwealth have been irtpro* perly taken In implioitiug him;' also that, aS a verdict of acqalttal in his favor would result id tho acquittal or all who are charged with him, I cannot do otherwise than say that the evidence brought forward by l’hoirtas a. Ae wo a] l in support of his character, and bis lute rests with tho institution of'whlch hew&e a director, Vindicates ttlul, And vindicates inyself in the duty which lam bound to pejfoxm.- I do. not desire to make any unnecessaty remarks. lam restricted to a narrow die* charge of duty. end l feel myeelf obliged to repeat thet Ti. has exonerated hlmeelf In each e manner that. I could not coneletentl. preaa upon thia l . 1 °" of * lis guilt j audl preeame, in law, that a bill ot indlotment charging conspiracy and free-- wA. !?.’u ifi 01o ? eral «» thoio OUnneeUd with him. That ia Mil have to Bay, may it please year Honor Judge Thohtyuoh. gentlemen of the Jury: Tele Dili oT IrtUOWlent is aboht to he sS’mhHf '4 to your charge, torn pu & by yoa 1 " 1 ‘0 what he con elflere to be hfs duty,in the position which thecaeehae asjttmtld, aftar the hearing in foil of the, tealtoJny on tho p>rt of the defendaot whose liartieAlar rate has S 5 tl ?" n broitght to a tthDn in' Beptember of 1557, it web annonneedto tuo publio that the lareest °f °ur city Hud of our State hal not .. t * rai L &ble Ihat thoJ “ luteroatod in thta Institution, those whoso property had, by afalints °o th j', kind . been swept away anil petiaM tome of whose , households'had' thhe K3n deiolebett, should .look around Ift ftatofilahment and ask fdr an oxplana tlon tor-the manner lu which this wm brought ”?*!■ ■ n 1114 » happen, as we all know, that this tluoilion waa. principally narrowed down to. the beta of those Who wertf moat active In taking an Interest In th£ flmw m i i°. g ?. o f,“ ll * V»” k “t, »nd immediately beforß, thetlmoof Its failure. Those twd IndlriiltUle wete! tha hea « Jf this IhStltitlon! S 1!/' ?|* dlreotor, Who. hal made himself £i!itLf£w, , P ODt I**-It« operations. Pabllc ODiaion •pointed ta them, And it was for this reason that the Soimhi Att ° rnejr> lr \ tflo Dr hid oi&Mal dIUV, ’V r " ly 16 '*<>«'“■■ that hie omoiai duty called upon him to make such an invent!. whole matter, as thonld, if ooasibie difficulty which appeared to exist wlthriward itOthls insUutlou In the public mind, tnd to asowtaln whether there had been each a' violation of the laws of the land‘M it Would b ibis duty to brioif 10 ljcht He ,consequently censed.the Sill ol indlotment which le no# before yotl to be sent to the Grand Jar? • a true bill was found,- and after passing through one or two prelimfnary bfefbre coining to trial, it is now before ybfi, Wdyou haVe heard thl Evidence Ur“ log upon it. . r , 'District Attorney, tho laws of thla State do notprovide for’ any criminal proccpd iogsin matters ,of breach of trust You have hoard, and probably it has. made' an impreseton upon your minds, that England .persons have been prosecuted -!£ r * 6 ? , *? &n ?B eiae ? tof matters under their charge, Dfttances have come to us in which penaltßs hare followed rin convictibn. ’ *■ H Is not, perhaps, known, aa n ought to beknoffn, that ©Jtniltmen’o ifnriUßtjins ISooix. QSSTIsEMBIf'S FxjßivnsHriicra goods. The largest assortment in the city, and comprising the newest styles of— FANCY SCAUPS, BIUFFLEBB, NECK-TIES, SHAWLS, GLOViS, DRESSING GOWNS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SMOKING CAPS, Ac. SUITABLE POll HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Also, every description of Shirts, Collars, Under shirts,'Drawers, Half-Hose, Suspenders, Ac., will be found at SPENCER’S, NO. 839 CHESTNUT STREET, ADJOININQ THE UIItARD HOUSE. HEW THING A CRAVAT STORE. .Where gentiemon will find AX BMDLEBS TABIKTV 09 ORAVATB, NEOK-TIES, SCARFS, Ao., To Select from. Constantly receiving from AGENTS IN PARIS AND NSW YORK, The most fashionable styles, as soon aa introduced. Also, a large assortment of MEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRIOEB. ' ■ ESHLE MAN’S, CHESTNUT Street, below Beventh, At tho entrance of Jayhe’s Hall. Wholesale and Retail. n23-lra WINCHESTER * 00., GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE PATENT SHOULDER- SEAM SHIRT MANUFAC- TORY, At the Old Stand, No. TOfi CHESTNUT STREET, oppo ilte the Washington House. A. WINCHESTER will give, as heretofore, bis per lonal snpervisioD to the Outting and Manufacturing departments. Orders for his celebrated style of Shirts tnd Collars filled at the shortest notice. Wholesale trade supplied on liberal terms. jy24-ly JW. SOOTT, (late of the Ann of Wib • OBIBTBU * Boott.) OUNTLKMEK’B TURNIBH INO STORK end BttrßT MANUFACTORY, 8H OHBBTNUT Btreet, (newlyopposite the Glrufti Home.) Philadelphia. J. W. B. would reeyeotfally call the atteutlon of hie former patrons and friends to his new Store, and Is pro pared, to all order, for BHIHTB at ahort notice. A perfect fit guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE euppUed with FINE SHIRTS and COLLARS. jyl&f Lor Bale anil to £et, rj-10 IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, TO LET, The Five-story BUOWN-fiTONE WAREHOUSE, No. d& South SECOND Street, NEAtt CHESTNtJT STREET, Suitable for the PACKAGE, OR OTHER BUSINESS. BENT LOW—For a Term of Years. Possession giveh January Ist f APPLY ON THE PREMISES. d2-lra ®FOR SALK—A handsome, now three- Btbry BRICK DWELLING, with three-s ory back buildings, ia finished throughout In fint-clsss etyln. and has all the modern improvements, LocAted on TWEN TIETH Street, above Race. And will be sold a bar gain. Apply to BURTON A LANING, No. Ob 2 AROU Street. ' •. . al3-tf M FOR EBNT.—Tho second and third floors of tho new marble building, Nos. 19 and 21 Booth FOURTH Street, 20 feot Trent and 00 Teat deep Apply on the promises to dfi-t jal TEMPLE, BABftER, A CO. ® 'W P ILL BE LIST—If applied for soon— The BpafiiouA* wql| lighted, aad evefcy wAy com-' moilous Store, No. 221 MARKET Street, ruonlog throUVl, to Church alley. TlHe i« one Of tile best ar ranged and handtomeZt Stores on the street: is five high, with ornamontal iron front, and ia In one of the beat bnsineeß locations. The present occupants design moving to a larger store. Apply on the premi mb, ao.tr ®~FOR RENT—Tho DWELLING No. 016 LOOUBT Street, (or Washington Siiuare,) from theiatof January, The house is three stories high, with basement. Ao , now ocbupisd bv J. W. Fornoy. Apjiiy at the office of The Prt or &t the house. . n 023 tf MTO LET—Tho larggu woll lighted, and eligible STORE, No. SftIOOND Btreet. which will be vacated by thjfpßHrSufned on the first of January. Rent very modeiwfc. Apply to nol6-tf A. JL ROSENHEIM & BROOKS, as above. TO lst January next, tfafi W superior and extensive ROOMB, (2d, 3d, 4th and fitbtilodrs, each 24feet by 146} of the NEW STORE, 633 MARKET Btreet. The building Ib ono of the fine Iroproyemehts phtlie upper Mde, befws6n FIFTH and SIXTH Streets, froftts, the north one on a 'rear Btreet with good cartage way 20 feot into SIXTH Street. Apply on the premises. nol-tf TO RENT, a STORE on DELAWARE BffiL Avenue, below VINE Streot, running through to Water Street, 348 feet deep. Also, tho Double STORE, corner of THIRD and QUARRY Streets, 40 feet front, one of the beat locations for large Business in Phila delphia. Also, STABLE and COAOH-HGUSE In OHEItRY Btreet, above SEVENTH, In rear of Ash land House Apply at 873 South FOURTH Street. '-8e29-3m* ORIOK-MAKING MACHINE; WHICH makes the i)ricks,urif! tamper the clay, makes from ono }o three thousand per hour- Upwards of thirty in use. Patented February 3d, 1858. Machines and right*} for sale. Counties, or onfe-fonrth of the Patent, will bo Known fo b* the only practical one iu nsst Ad uresa O. CARNELL. Germantown road, above Fifth etreet, rh||«lolphia,| , (116-tmrlO THE PRESS.—PHILADEtPHIA, kONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1858. "O’olockP.M.on Batuaiay, December Persons applying'for advertised Liters wiirpleaso' mention the date of the List. - Open on Sunday from 1)4 to ocltfek AM, and 2 to 3 PM. ' f ' ■ '5 V LADIES' LISt. AuftfoD S QllmOro iifttloaU fiojnr Bertha Ashton 6t Miss Corning Luc’n Jraiihnolk Oath AdamsMarg’t J Garwood W 0 , fiumhy Matilda Amis Annie Gilbert Ann Sulbr Gertrude Allen Kineline Gilmer Mary D ,Aooiy Ann S Anderson Jane E Gibbß Martha ByewMrs AllabaoghMj Gilbert It Mrs Jor&ead M G Atkinson Anna II Graham Abby R Mm Addison V BfAl Gill Christ MaryUJkußing.W H D UainesßAMrs M.rttaWßMrs Abrahams M A Ilealey A M Mrs Mon Isaac A Adams Bar ah A Halladey A A Mrlrad M A Anderson E B 1 Iloylon Dora NfclqJulia Ball Mary J Hamilton Faunio O’lrun Mary Bacon M W ' Hendrick Elisa , ON«U J Mrs “Dalles Matilda Ualtahan Ellen '* O’Jatfa Annie Beard Etbina Hall Caroline Olwnv&ldon E Baynard R Mrs Harris Ellen M Prscitt Clara Begley Elisabeth llalton AnnaH Potet Fidelia Beveredgaß Haffestre Jno MrsPakerJane E Baker Elmira A Harris Rachel Pdroj M Mrs Bayne Kusan A Hatton Hannah 2 Pitsturg M Mrs Bechol Jennie Havilaml J 8 Mrs Pctoli Paulina Bell Mary J j .Haines-MargUte Pechsl.AM Baruat Bridget Haines W Mary "PdricMaiy Barret Mary Hence Ann PcUrfleld Sarah BasaatEUiUhN Hatton III) Mrs. Py^Ahte Bahver Sarah HainleyDMrfl PHllps U Kate Beliauvey Mad Hepburn Annie Peony Margt BarbblfittH Jl Haines Clara 2 PrcieDMra lleajroft Mary A : IleWUt Hantiah •’l'dnMrE SlisS Baker Mary J Hlllett Helen Peirsm MG--' Beckley Bridget clippie Maggie* PelyliMlas Bradley Emelina High Rose Mins Patter A’Mrs ' Brown Mary Hovensdiko EUa Peanot Barab E Boyd Soho Mrs llurit-r Jane 'Puriu)] A E Mrs ; Bright Ann Mrs Holland Mary . Piper Aon* E Bushnell Mary Hdrley Caroline I’owllDMrs Brown Emma E Hughes M Jane Pric Rebecca L j iiroirn E Miss ' ’ HugbeßMllettEV/ M S Brown Susan Howe Mary E Peine lydfa Mrd BfrownJ A E Howard Vietor’e PeriOlMlss Bunting II B Mrs Holland Mary Patbfscn Elisa Brunt Mary Horning Lizzie ’ PAreas Sarah E Buckner HB Inman Mary Reilb Ann Jane; Brinklby Mrs' * Janoe J. - , Rlch^ls-Anna Bark Ellen Mrs Jackson Elia B * Risfi4l‘]tfartha Bryant Ann D James Lydia BodgwSMary A Bu' > ' JonesPhobe h RolnaioaL V Rurgess Susan E Johnson Mary Rodgirs Martha j Osivender A 0 Jo«.erf Adeline RobieonEliza Casey KHz’h ft Johnson Lizzie Road Maria W Cassiday Jas Mrs Jones Elisa PS Robots GUr* - Oardor M A. Miss Keys Louisa A Stevnaon M Mrs Oaccldy Mary . Ketchum II 0 Pceti Fanny ; Oallaiian Mary Kelly Caroline Siunßrs 0 P Oharlton Mary Kramer Poliy Bkidatro M Canfield Obas II KUeeMabala Sandila Emma ' Garmon Suo Kennedy F W : Sevms R n Clark Harriet B Lolly Ellen Mrs Shlmdm 0 Miss- Cliffjrd Mrs Latta Kate Miss gtewatl Ann E > Oieaveland S Y Llpshmit M Bhleldtfans . Clay ton Mary R Lehman Lydia 0 Bhyler firs Oieaveland B HLogAn Eliza Baundta Sarah ' Mrs M D Lawson E M*bs Smlthdary Miss Clark Anna Mrs Ljnoh Anna ( Smith i B Mrs ; Clement A W Lemons Barah A * Bimpkij A Cole S P Mrs Leish M/s Smith ina i Curry Mary Ann Lamb Lizzie B Snieherßebscctk Critmnun M Ann Lane Lizzie Silence? V Oox Rebecca . ■ Little B Mrs ; Simon Sad Courtney Julia Lippincott H W SnedekeMary ' Oreighton H Mrs . Lyon Amelia , Slater Ois Mrs Coney Rose Leiper Mary -w BtevensA N Cornwell A E Laby Mary Miss . Smiles Ekabeth; Collins Mary Logan Mary A BivurnerAnn ■ OunniDgham M Laws Elizabeth Sylve&teiSarah Ooluns Ann B Lemon Lydy Bommersß S 00-dyErten Lebr Mad Stevens fiiza F Cope Sarah W Logan Anny StocketßMiss Oonnatd P Ann Lee Anna Miss Stille IdiA Curler Sarah Lee Jano Miss Sterena Hiz’h Dauniel filiz’h Latta Eliza Mies Sorden Mry A Dauphin Mary McAlpmMaigt Sagan ,Y lad Denis Mad McGill M A Mrs Bkinner UMiss : Daniels Emmz 8 MoGwiue Jane '; Schmit TBmilie’ Dill Mary A Mrs MoGiennau M Mods , Delutz Mary L MclCennau EUz - Thorp M} Jr Daoson M A Miss McFadden M Mrs Trebert AW Devine Susan McOaulley 0 Mrs Tubbs Elia Mrs. Divine Anna M MoDemitt Mgt t Davis Eliza Mrs ft Tno'iupßonVlarg Do Balano Miss McCann M Mrs > Tovitllenjllrs ■ DavidmnMiss MeNarae Rose Thoms Ka> Davis Hannah McDonald Mar Thompsonlliz : DevouX’Josle F McLollan H M Toner Mar( Davis Obarlotto McQuillan Sus . T oo^ May- Dill Henrietta Moliuah Mary TreyeraOaqß Dean RebeoSa McGolburn HB , Taylor Loula < 'Davidson J Mrs McKenna M Miss Thompson t. H Dlx D 8 Mies McLaughlin M Tuttle Ellz tiae Donaldson Fanny Mrs Toitt Jennio 1 Dngan Margt A , Motson Kate Thornton Mry ' Dougherty Bosey Morton Lizzie TobordMad. ' DobbHEMiss Matlock Mrs Wheeler Mai* Doon Martha Waogh Rebwa! Duiton Lizzu Moher Bridget Walker Lau firs Dennarot Lizzie Mackey Joanna WetberillßS' Elder E S Mary 2 Mandore Mary ' Watsen KaU 1 Englist Jennie Morton 0 Mrs Wharton M H Elmos Ann Miss Monnaghsn Mr ' Weyner 3optieE Everett Reb’a Mahaffery M Mrs White Bsrah HoaignHMrs Mathers Mary Wallace Anti Folk Margaret Maboy Maria West Anna Jrs , Fild Heufi-tta MzcgayaK : Fallen Mary Ann MalfcinaMst Wilson J T firs Fines Elizabeth Martus Mary H - WilloWer M tea Folwtll MII Mrs Martins M Mrs Wilson Kate , Field Kato Miss Mantcn M Mrs Williams LATs > Ferguson 0 C Marjaa Miss Williams (Dana Fullman II Ann Mer:hell E B Washington L Fails Sarah Mrs Miller Margaret Woo (worth 8 - Flan Barbara Miller Anna E Woodward A Flld Hizabeth Miller Jane Worth Frederic Ford Lydia Miss Miller J Q Mrs Wright M Mrt Franklin Mary Miiler M J Mrs Wood‘Q MHa Frazier Mrs Miller Lydia WartiOrttMl Gilbert M A Miss Miller Mary A Mrs Garnett S L Miss Morrice Mary Umpleby RMs Orevllle Edith Monson E Vanhorn AmoJa Griffith Mattio Moore T M Mrs Vautier 8 A lira 2 Getty Alexioe Moore Clara J Volluo Julia frp German Vlix'h Morton K Mrs Vennieda Macf Garman Mary Murpy Elizabeth Quinn Jahh ’ i Gerseoger Anna Mortimer Mibs Qulik Margt; Grens Emily Miss Moekler Alice Yates EJ Ms GENTLEMEN’S LIST* Altemus A Chambliss O N Grant Henryk Adams JW Dr Oheyuey W GrdveaMF Alirti J M Prof Chaffer AGo I H Graham A Alien Jas M 2 Ghilda G G Gtlcbards Get Adams.P H 2 Chapman GAIL Giant Isaac 112 AJlonßobert dark J A Gray Jos 2 \ Adams J W, AID Clark 8 0 Grdtwell Lew^ Acton A Mitchell Clark Baml 0 OapGriffen Thos ‘ ’ AlbonlGD Clark A Stein* GutnoiAßaftr Aldriok T J motz > Grotty Henry £ Allbu Chas Olosslrs Levi D Gregory F J Adams Lewis Cleaver A P Griffin Tbos Allan Samuel Cline JC Grim Peter Achard C Cowell Jno M Green Joo Albright J. Oo Coplin JA 2 (Jratf A CoO 1 Adnrns Henry B Cowden W N Genu J N Adams A Co Conrtley W P 'Greenbtum . AtsUatonni 31 Cooper Thoo Scroader Ayer Isaac Coleman Amos 2 Gunfield J Cap., Artoui Jos Colored Zion Gann Jacob Atkin Heory Church Hall Jos Gen iiuatin 8 H Corbin F P 2 Hammond Thoi Ashton 8 F Coheu W JUaUJMDr2 Anberson M Coleman Obas llammarJM. Atmora Wm Collins L P Haines Jacob Armstrong Jas OoppertbwaitoG Ualsy A Moore J Anderson JH 2 Connell Daniel Harry Wm Anderaou Wm Cohen J J Harden Q Aud< rsoo E P Curdy Bernard Harper Ki b 0 fr Atlantic Monthly Grossman Wn Hartnight Abn Anderson & M D Harris Seth Barb wW G Crawford M 8 2 Hatch 0 F Randal G Ortfy J W Harrison Ohs li Uiguai Ueo Dr Crow Thos Hardley Lewis Burrell Sami Crowder J J Hatborn Jef Cipl Baker W R CutmniusWmH Harrison WH Bailey Casper Crons F B Uahes E W Bailey OW Daufortb Hiram HartwickJno\ Belrd llonry . Daoforth Dr Hays Robt Bail Robtf Dalton A BroT Harris Geo Rantln Geo Davis A J 2 Hammer SMit Raker Richard Dreoian Horatio Hart Wm Bail Jacob 2 Davis Andw J Harper Henry Ballard Albert Darker A Wood narris P F Baker Isaao L 1 ewees Jno II ITansberry G P B&rnltt A Co D G Da Montler L Hasell J Barnett D Den&grl D Hassett Dowel] RayosJas Deorriog J Cap 2 Haywood 0 Bachelor Thos Bevlan P 8 nansooe Jno L Bates R C Deorruond Dr Hand Jos BarnesWmJ DerckerrevAJ lleistandJno : Barton JII Da Marbaiß T E Hebberton L - Ball Jon’a Dewey L Col Hatvey Jas Iter Barber W DerricksonJ ’ Henderson olt Barber WME Deaton John II Henry Jas Baer Jas Dickson Jos Henderson Jno Barry G R Dilhorn AII IlemyWmD Bentz David Dick Robt i nwaly R 8 R» aver Martin Downey Jas G Helutr. E A lledman W B Dodson G HcnryACoAAB Beatty A ltev Dodge SJ lleenan A Jones Relden Calvin Downer Geo Renting G P Beil John 0 Dougherty Dan! Heao L ReannKG Downey Jas Hess Jos Borker John T Doherty Chap nenaisJo* Rickley Robert W Douglass J v Hcllinßer Jacob Bigloy Wm Dupuy P E Ilyins II L Bird Jaa 31 DurnbsyAud’w ninohnan WII Bibighaus Wm DuncombAPG HifikeyAL Blair WP Col Dutton W R Hippie J A Bliss Geo Prof Dunphy Uenry Hillman Jno Bling A B Dunlap .V Cross- Dillgut Jno Blackstone T Cab man Hick BO Blessinger Fr L Earle Goo HiasJos Bourne J FDr Evans Jas , Holmes R W Bowen Ohas M Ellis Goo W Heard 3 F Booker 811 Capt Elliott Bami Hoyt Chas F Bolden J Rev Eckerd FS Dr Hopkins Thos Boyd M J Dr Eldrig F Capt Hollingihead 0 Boyd Geo Col Ellis Chas W Beyd*n BfcHon Elliott Boyd J Hoffman GE Boudet Antonio Edwards F H'lrtellJOLt BouraryH Eberhard J E Howard Jno BeydJas EdkinsWm Hobart E D Holies E B Capt Edgar Jno Hoover Geo Bourcecault D L Elliott S A Hollins ACo R S Bowers Jas E Edwards Oscar -Horner R Bough ter Chas E<rns Jno J Hoyet ACo HE Rhlaon H Eehert Danl : Horning U Boyer FA EUrlnGeo Houghton SCapt Hooeford Jno J< hn Hoffelt Uenry Boughraan T J EmmernonßW Hoyt Jas Bortel A Eppi.’ger Wm Howe A B BoyorBam'lF EstepheM noffdes Lewis Boyden Wm Kttlng Edw Hughes Jos Brown Jno K Rewards Obas Hunt Robt BroWn Rich’d Esridge Jll Hunt Freeman Brown Wm A* Penes 8 J Hughes Jno J Brown Wm W Ee™ B 8 t Hughes Sami N Brown fill French ObssO, Hnddleson X N Brown fi Dr Fairbanks Wlt Humphreys H Brown U A Fairmnn Thos At Hutchinson Jno Brown W PsrgßO L ' Isard E H|own Jno Faulkner JM Ingraham JG Dr Brown Geo W PilorJas Jaeobsßltev BtownJaa Fahy Thos Jackson Job Brown A,K FeJioman G JanixSimonZ Browne H 0 Oabt Mops JaggowJ Beaunn G G Fiflier Fted'k JActibrt 31 Brower N P Field Gao B Janson G Bronsoh 8 D Wm M Jewell Jba R Brardeu Jno Fisher Jno A Bridgues U F Fisher Jaa Jobn«nn Jno Brewster Abm FickotlLoviS Joseph Simon Brackett LeVi C Fitzgerald N Jones 8 A Brett Win II Fleming J 11 Jones it M JJr Blipgs Blinofi ' Fiflbtfr ilobrj- ■ Jones Wm BrSdwayJiioP FiotA Jones Wm II Brick J 8 , Fiscliet C , Jokusoil G Capt Brookfield GDr Fleming A BlUr- Jbiineoh Witl Bradford J P ray JohujW'J BradfieidGeoW Fitzgorald Jno Johnson J D Brower A B Fletcher Joshua Johnson JO Brady Thoa Frazier Jao Johnson F W Butler ft Foster ZN Johnston Robt Bourko Thos Franklin E 0 Z Keenafl Arthuf Broita Judson A FosterOW2 Koeley Jas Bqrrows J It. Foley. Jas Kelly Goo F Burlish Tcobalt FosaS W Kelson Wm Buchanan Isiao Ford J Kelar II Burrufrs Eft Fulton Stin’lH 3venneyJas2 Uuckw alter J Fulmore ZjR Kelly fc A UuruiideGW Fowler Jaa Kelley Thos A Bureau A Follette Lewis B Keep L BurdictSP Fozter Mr Keneil A Hunger- Buckley 8B Dr Forsyth ACo ford Carnell 8 0 Fox Hatnl L Keira V 8 Cornell C 2 Foley Thos ‘ Kendroll F G Cary R D . Fussell Jacob Kelly Jas Campbell A Pol* GaUagharChas KitlerJos Wck Gallagher Tiru’y Kirkwood Honry Caro# H fie Qatgeiell Jno Horrlgan Fras Campbell AHenry Gamble R II Hon Knox John Jas Jos Wm P Gallagher Wm ’ Knoll Michael CappellS Gaines Edwd Krill Ohr stian Campbell WDr Garthor WW Dr Kimberly F Cain John Capt Oaues Theo G Kirk NU R Callaghan Jas Gates Geo F .Kirby Sami Campbell 8 ADr Gerard Geo 'LambertJno Campbell Thos GectleyM T Lancarier H 0 Cary It V George H B Larabertio R A Carpenter Robt GeyfifHF Lawrence Wm N Carpenter Uar Gibson Jnd, LsgraDge Wm CannyuG2 Gwyer Amos ' Larivet AOo J E Campbell B GingJno , ,L(tkpo| A Co J Callaghar G Glibatti Jno) Lauer Jno P O&rrean Andrew Goodwin TW Landy II A Garrick AG Gorsline Jas M Lancer J Oabiil J H Godin Lewis Loebtenflold H Oarltpn A Potter GoowoyGeo J Coffers Riclnl Caylo Patrick Gooyon OhanD' Leonard HF Cavanaugh EH P German Thoi Lewie Faml Dr Oatss A10t.20 Goodwin T \V Dr Lewis Tbos 2 Carson .T«s GoinosJno f' Lewis FW Chrialy Jer. C Grwnt G 3 Onpt Lewis H G ObrißtieJSlD GreenwoodJaa LeonardG Chayter Thos Greslln Jas Leighton Jno u Chase Win GricoDanlS Levy H Chiles B 8 2 Green Frank Le Boy Gtis Jr Levy Itenry Norris Hotbert Sharpe 8 J Leibert Jnp* < b NorrluThoa, • ,Bbaw R LeiflULllihrj’i § Newell Henry« • JhleidaArtbdr Levy National Gazette Bhields Jos It' <£oouarT*SH -NelibrfJas Sheppard P ' Lessen Goo NJblo T , Sherman W Leach Jess© L Naudaln A Snow 5 Biluiore J W ; Ltinbach R P Oppenheiroer A Silas J i Leonard & DavlaO’Rrian N J A’K'Skjnnor Oscar Sc Oo Otbanddr U L Binolair Chaa W Lipplhcott, EfansO’UarftJ XT 'SißCOapt & (Jo O’SlleaiJennifl Beig Henry R LwndigOF Parker John Biter Mat Loomis Joel Parmlee h T Simpson Thos Lowe F M Passe T 2 Btatcup Jaa Logan JD PancoastDJ Sleeper.Wm Capt Lotts A Padelford Edw BloComb H W Lochdr Wm Patterson K S BmiihKL lAiganJai Parker M >1 Smith OH,MD Lombard Ins Co Patterson It - Sniith Henry Lowden Jno W Parker JnoJ Hmith.BamlK Lowber Henry Pain Aaron Smith JF Dr Lundy Honry Patterson It P Bmilh-Jas Henry Luken J F Parker E Smith J Harty LODOBS i o o F Petkins A J Buoll Geo Ohoseu Friends. PhairWm BoiunJ S No 100 Petberiok Thos Sprague Geo B Washington, 2 Perkins GW Bpencer WH 2 Hope, 9JI Peters Jno H Bprole Wm Radiant Star, 232 Berry V Bprole Wm Howard Kocatnp- Phillips JasP ~ Sprints Edwd ment, 23 Pierce Fr*d Spooner W J Ooatluanock Eu- PoliKsier 0 Monfl Spence Jno C'kmpment, 106 Phcßulx Varnish. Spofford Edwd Ashlaud Kncaltip- Works Bpencer Thos Dr ment, 46 Petit Wm Spine C U Mttlerob Encamp- Phillips Jona J Stewart W 8 ment, 18 Phillips JD Stewart Robt. National Kocamp- Pierce Wm Capt Btimson Ueary ment 47 Perry Itobt Stokes V Dr WalfaallaEneamp- Perry John Stern 4; Stone J 0 nlent, T Piorocce A Sig &G W . . » PalestineEncamJi-Pittsfield WH ■ Story Chaa ment, 61 Pitie U P Stone 0 H. Paradise KnCamp. Pelkinton T W fltftubs Wm W ' ment, 53' • Phimmer P Stohes W Harris Eocamp- Poulson Wm Stfwart Rule Dr ment, 22 • Polleya Jno Btorer Jacob J BhiladA Encamp-Pollock Benj Swann Sami It ment, 1 Pottß Wm P Sybrin Wm H Brotherly ■ Loro Porter Sami Sullivan Bsrry • Encampment, 68 Prulon Jafl B Sweeney R 0 2 Siloam Encamp- Price Jno P 4 buodatrilm J E rtent.lT Prince Fred 2 Taylor D W 0 Lafayette En- prentice Jno Tatum J P campment, 6 Pray Theo Tied Tliqb Fredonla Encamp-Powsonby Thos Taylor W A ment, 30 Prichard S It Taylor H G McOann Jno Parrish E Taylors G W McOllntook Robt Pullin Obas Thayer WCapt McCreary Geo J Rawlins HM 2 Teters H 0 McAlpin 8M Dr 2Raby Bautl Thomai John McClure Jas , Ralston Wm Thompson J 0 McCann Lew.s 2 Ramptdetl A W Thompson H A McDonough John Ransom Smith & Thomas R, M A McDonald Jan Co Thompson A Bab- McCarty Tim Ried V 0 cook McOrum W U lteed Thos B ,Dr Thayer John D McOarrow Anty Beeves J 0 Tylor J D Dr MoKee Andrew BnhlandChasG Turney Edmund MoGark Obas Reed D F Rev Trimble L T McGrath Robt H Reed Tkoß B Trites Jacob McKown Geo Reg&r M R Tynan Jno McLinn'Aßev' Reekor Ohns TretrtperJnO MoMinnen LDr ReedJ&cub Walters U J Molntlre Thos Reeder Sc Graft ' Walker J 0 McKwen John Reeve John F Wallace Geo V McElrny peter Redhofflr Chas Warren E B McKlm Wm R Keed Michael Watson Wm Mellreb Jos Richardß G W Watkins D , MoMorregalP Blckotts WW 2 Ward Jno McGinnis Wm Richardson Sami Vanhorn Robt McKinney Danl Klttieon Jno Warren Jos F McHenry Jas Rodefir Wm P Wariner U It McKnight'kobt ' Rooke Jacob J Waterman A McQaaid Ed* Roda P t Jackson MoNichol Robt Roberts m T Wo Ila J 8 McPherson Thos Rowland A G „West Win MacKingJnoK RowlewJasW Wette 0 H MaeyJoeiah Rodgers Kobt B Wentworth J M MacKeleran Jno Roberts Jcs Webster Lukins Mahon Rodger Roberts Jas Welgley W M Msgrath David Rogers Random Wenditl E J Malcom (iran’e JtoseM Whet-lerMr Mason Robt Robertson Jno White North Mason Rich'd 2 Rogers F G White Geo Marshall Simon 2 Roberts Sami R Whiter David Marlow Nioh P Rooney Jno J Williß Henry Martin Geo W Robb Sc Qo 3 Winchester J F Markley Harry Rowand Sc ' Wftl- Wilaon J B Markham G W ton Wilkins W J Mayo P U Reynolds BL Dr Williams J G MajcsJsaMDr RuHßeilWm Ward* Co Fred Mather Geo B Ruoey Geo 8 WilbooßY2 Mann GeO Rush Geo Williams G Maetersnu M Rulon Juft S WilUams J B Dr Martin Danl Scott audw Williamson j H Mercor Sam G&pt Sctttergood Sc Dr Metdgar Jos McGee 2 Wilson 0 Melgnell Jas Bcattergood Sc CO Wills J 0 GfttJfc MeadMicbiel2 2 Willcoxon Jas MehortouHugh Scott HII Williams WH Mirley Geo J . Savage W E Williams Obas Mitch Chrlß F Scarbough Geo T Wiley G W . Miller VL Dr Williams GH Mlchelberger W Bagb D Q WiganS Thos R Baylor Jos Wilson J K Michael M Bavage Sewing Winter Wm MiohelsT Machine Wood Wm MUler Jno Oapt Schmitt Sc Woolston Joshua Mitchell Jos Rntchman Wolf Geo A Million Obas Sawers II H Wood 0 E Miller Jno B Scott, Mockler, Sc Workman Chaa Morgan 0 A Co . Wood, Marsh, Sc Monetar A Scott Atex’r Hayward H Morrison J Selig Isaac Wood F • Morrison A W Seldonatrlcker 0 Woods Wm Moserberry EH Dr Wolty Jno Wm Morten Henry P See R 0 Urann J W Moore Henry 0 Setley.Geo Wright GO M<ore Jas Dr Bewail Day Sc Co Wright Jesse J Jas SeyfertWmM Wlfird l’ho Morris, Parke, A Sensenderfer N Wyroa Isaac Oo SesrbyT WynkoopG N Morris Sc Oo A M Seymour Wm H Vogal Julius Myrick S H Rev Shay Jno ValUlte E F Murphy Justice Bhe&rerWO Vandersloot B J Murray Jaa V Showaker W 0 Vanclerc Hoo L Mallcn nenry- Shelton ChasO Vanand n Jno II Murray WraM BhawEdwdT Guoipo R M t Mullen Chas Shuman WDr 2 Vau ‘frump B A NesbltAlexP ShroleJuoW Yoomans Geo NewsbamJoo Sliarswood Jas Zepetto J Notter Wilhelm Shaw Sc Patterson Yeager Francis Nover Andrew T and 0 8 Yell W A Nathans C L Shaw Donald Young Edward Newell C Rov Shipley Sami R Young W H d2Q GIDEON G. WBSiOOTT, P. M. Jntntance Companies DELAWABE MUTtJAIi SAFETY IN SURANOK COMPANY. IN CO KPO RATED BY 7HE LEGISLATURE OF PENNStL vaxla. OFfIOE B.E. COKHEK TUfUD ANU WALNUt Streets, Philadelphia MARINE INbURANOK • ON VESSELS, 1 CARGO, S To all parts of the World. FREIGHT, S INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by River. Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriage, to all parts of the Uoioo. FIRS INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On Btores, Dwelling Houses, Ac. Af BETBOF TUB COMPANY, November 1,1868. Bond?, Mortgages, and Heal Estate $ 71,363 35 Philadelphia City, and other Loans 207,050 50 Btook In Hailro&ils and Insurance Companies 26,862 60 Bills KoceiTab.o 201,600 36 CaaUohband 42,067 86 Balauce In hands of Agentß—Breiniuras on Marine policies recently issued—and other debts due tho Company, DIRECTORS. Williftm Martlb, James.O. Hand, Joseph 11 Seal, Theophlius Paulding, Edmund A, Souder, James Travail-, John 0. Davis, William Eyre. Jr., John R. Penrose, J F. Peniston, George G Leiper, Joshua P. Byre, Edvard Darlington, Samutjl E. Stokes, Dr. K SI. Huston, Henry Sloan, Wm 0 Ludwig, James U. M’Farland, Hugh Craig, Thomas 0. Hand, Spencer Sl’llvaine, Robert Burton, Charles Kelley, John B Somplo, Fitlab’g U. Jones Brooke, D. T Slorgan. “ Jacob P. Jodei, J t T. “ v « MARTIN, President. THOa. 0. HAND, Vice President. HENRY LYLBURN, Secrotary dlO-tf Great western insurance and TRUST COMPANY. OFFICE IN COMPANY’S BUILDING, 403 WALNUT STREET STATEMENT OP BUSINESS 808 YEAR ENDING OCTOBER 31, 1658. .$223 800 00 61,453 03 $276,263 03 Received for Premiums 91,586 45 “ “ Interest, Rents, 4co 7,826 49 199,800 94 1 PaM Losses, Expense Oomrols iilons, re-lOBurance, Return ed Premiums. &o 170,383 00 ASSETS. Real Estate, Bonds and Mort gage .9141,240 00 Bto:ks 47,916 00 Bills Koeelrable 69,886 T 8 Unsettled Premiums and othor debts due Company Cash on hand, and in the hands - of Agents, At a meeting of the Stockholders, convened on the 16th inat., the following persons were elected DIRKO TOIIB for tho ensuing year, viz: CHARLES 0 LATIIROP, 1428 Walnut street. ALEX. WBILLDIN, irercbant, IS N. Front street. WM DARLING, 1338 Fine street. Isaac uazlkiiurst, solicitor. JOHN 0. HUNTER, firm of Wright. Hooter, A Co E. TRAGY, Ural of JS. Trady A Co., Goldsmith's Hall. JOHN tl. McCURDY, firm of Jones, White, A Me- Curdy. THOfl. L. GILLESPIE, firm of Gillespie A Zeller. JAfl. B. SMITH, firm of J. B. Smith A Co. JOHN R. YOGDKS, cor. Seventh and Bancomats DANIEL L. COLLIER, Arm of 0. U. Grant &. Co. THOMAS POTTKR, Arch struct. CIIAIILBB HARLAN, cor. Walnut and Sixth atroata JONATHAN 3. SLOCUM, l&l S. Fourth street. At a (subsequent meeting of the Board CHARLES 0. LATUROP watt unanimously re-elected President, and Hon. WM. DARLING Vico Presldont, JAMES WRIGHT, Secretary. This Company has DISCONTINUED MARINE HULL RISKB. FIRE, INLAND, and MARINS CARGO BISKS eon tinne to be taken on theloWest terras. n27-d&Wtf itte&icituu, The great standard remedy of .THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. • THE IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE FOR PURIFY ING THE IU/JOD AfcD STRENGTHENING THE WHOLE SYSTEM. ' Tho Imperial Depurative, prepared by iir. berry & Co., is now acknowledged as tho principal Family Medicine for the cure of UiNOKnoos affection* and SODOFOLOOB dlfleasosgonerally. Thu success which attends its use In these invoterato diseases has no equal. It is now used in these diseases with complutosuceoßS, whet© all other means hare failed. Two or three bot tle/} will satisfy any one of its groat curative properties. Hip DioßAds and White Swiauna, Ulokbationb of the Iio.NBB, MooTH, Tiihoat, Ac. Its beneficial and heallug characteristics are soon observed in these com plaluts. No matter of how longstanding they may have been, tliuy will yield to the propor use of the IMPE RIAL DEFURATIVE in a short time. Tbitub mul Scald Uuad will as certainly yield to this ruedicluoaa it is used. Riseasonof the Skin and all eruptive complaints generally cannot lont( remain after using u few bottles of the Imperial Dopurative. Its Tonic properties, us well us Alterative, render It valuable to weak and delicate females. The great purity, strength, and value of this Family Medicine is unequalled in the cure of all diseases origi nating in an impure condition the blood. It expels all the virus or diseased matter from the blood and re invigorates the system. Thosousing the Imperial Dopurative And wishing ad vice In their caso, will receive every attention by etter or otherwise. _ Prepared and sold by Dr. LOUNSIIERRY tc CO., No'. 60 North FIFTH Street, below Arch, Philadelphia. For sale also by J. F. Long & Co., Lancaster, Pa. J. n. Rase rand S. 8. Stevens, Reading, Pa. Holman A Co.. SHarrisburg, Ta. C. W. Epting, Hottsvillo, Pa. T. tc C. W. MoOUntook, Easton. Pa. Jttutes Given, Westchester, Pa. Schmidt 6c Co.,AUentown, Pa. Bimoo Rau, Bethlehem, Pa. Dr-H. W. Leslie, Bilstol, Pa., and Druggist* generally eull.mwAr.natflm MOTHER l What is tho best and most agreeable Cough Medicine 7 BROWN’S PULMONIOA ! What is the most certain for Croup ? BROWN’S PULMONIOA! What la moat speedy for Whooping Cough ? BKOWN’B PULMONIOA! What Is the best for Asthma ? BROWN’S PULMONIOA! What cures Bronchitis quickest? BROWN S PULMONIOA! Wh’twiil oa u e rayeough soothe my nerves, nud relieve, if it docs not entire!? cure. Phth sis? 'ib*r best thing in BROWN’S PULMONIC A! No oo© tmkes it but what they find speedy relief. It is a syrup, agreeable in taste, harmless eveu for a h&bo, never fails to satisfy, and costs but *f» cent* a bottle. 8o!d by nil Confectioners, Druggists and Growers. Who'esale 220 South THIRD Street. dIS-lm *jM| THOMAS & SONS, J*. v U«h-139 4n4. UISOU&LI FOURTH BTUS2X HANK STOCKS, GROUND RENTS, MORTGAGES, AND REAR ESTATE, ON TUESDAY NEXT —Paru phlot catalogues containing full descriptions of the abovo.flftloliowiready.* , - '■ FALL SALES—BTOOKB AND REAL ESTATE. . Twenty-second Fall 20th Drceraber, on the pre mises, eltfgant reßldenoe and' furniture, No. 1321 Wal nut Btreet. ‘ ' * Twenty-third Fall, Sale. 21st December, at the Ex ehange. Twenty-fourth Fall Sale, 28th December, at ttte.EX ohango. f Twenty-fifth Fall Sale. 4th January, at the Exobange. Twenty-sixth Fall Salo, llth January, aA the Ex change. ID* Part or the handbills of tho aboye sales now ready. REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, Ac, Public Halos at tho Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening. , JET* Handbills of each property issued separately, in addition to which wo publish on the Saturday previous to each sale, one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, : fring full descriptions of all the property to be sold on he foliowlugTaecday. ■ , PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. - ItT* Real Estate entered on our Private Sale Be ilexer, and advertised occasionally in our Public Sale Abstracts, (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) .Deo of charge i BEAL BSTATE AT PRIVATE HALE. ID” Wo have a large amount of Real Estate at Pri vate Sale, including every description of City and country property,.- Printed Lists may be bad at the auction store. i NOTICE—A. LEJAMBRE’3 SrOOK OF FURNI TURE —Catalogues are now ready, and the furniture arranged for examination at the warcroorns, No, 1012 OlieHtuut atroot. ■ ’ Peremptory Sale . VALUABLE BANK BTOOKH, BONDS, AND MOnT GAGES. On Tuesday ISve&iDg, Deoember 21at, at 7 o’c’oah, at the Philadelphia Ex change, for account of whom it may concern— -70 abares-Opmmonwe<h Bankbook. 5 bonds and nfartgages of Edward K Uelrabold to the Farmers’'and Mechanic** Insurance. Company, each dated September 18th, 1656, viz : No 1, for $9,450, recorded in mortgage book R D W, No 23, page 43. No. 2, for $6,000, recorded In mortgage book II DW, No 23, page 40 No 3. for $6 030, recorded in mortgage book R D W, No. 23, page 37 No. 4, for $6,000, recorded in mortgage book RDW. No. 23, pagoSJ No fi, for $0 000, reoorded in mortgage book R D W, No. 23, page 31 4 mortgages from the West Pfclladelph’a Homestead Association to Daniel 51. Jones, each dated August Ist, 1865- No. 1, for $2,000, recorted in raoitgago book B D W, No. 18, page 100. No 2, for $2 000, recorded in mortgage hook R D W, No. 18, page 311. No. 3, for $2 000, recorded la mortgage book B D W, No. 18. page 326. ■ No. 4, for $2,000, recorded In mortgage book BBW, No. 18, page S3T. . 1 Executor’s Sale—E«tnte of Ann E. Sellers, Deo’d.; BANK STOCKS. 69 shares Farmers’ ana Mechanics l Bank. 52 shares Bank of North America. 9 shares rf Pennsylvania. 16 shares West Cheater Railroad, 8 per cent, prefer red stock—par $5O. TWRNTY-SEOOND FAl£ SALE—ON THB PRE- ELEGANT RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE. This Morning, Decomber 20th, lO O’clock, will be sold at public sale, on the premises, the elegant three-story brick messuage, with stable and codCh-hous* In the rear, No. 1321 Walnut street, 25 feet front, 235 feet, deep to George street; house finished in modern style.with all the modern improvements and conveniences.* SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PIANO, MIRRORS, Ac. Also, immediately after the ealo of the residence, will be sold by catalogue, the entire elegant furniture, in cluding superljr rosewood piano, large and elegant mantel^ and pier mirrors, chandeliers, fiae velvet car pets. <*ll paintings, elegant china, rich cut glass, Ac. ' ID” Full particulars In handbills and catalogues. ; TtVENTtsTIUBfr FALL SALE DECEMBER 23flt. Will Include— Trustee’s Postponed Balo. THB VALUABLE COAL LARDS of the North Oaf. bondale Coal Company, 55S acres, 80 perches, situate in Fell township, Luzerne county. Pa. Trustees’SaleJONES’ HOTEL,” CHESTNUT BTREET.—The valuable property known ss Jones’ Hotel, Chestnut street, south side, between Bixth and Seventh streets, 60 feet 0 inches front on Chesnut St., 255 feet in depth to Genge street, two valuable fronts. ID” Pull particulars in handbills. Execnters’ Hale—Estate of Col. Mifflin Lewis, Dec’d. VALUABLE PROPERTY, MANSION, HOTEL, ten ant’s house, and out-buildiogs, and acres, known as Spread Eagle Btation, on the Pennsylvania Railroad* 14W miles from Philadelphia. JD” Full particulars iu handbills. LARGS AND VALUABLE FARM, about 300 acres, near Lelpaic station, Delaware Railroad, about 5 miles from Smyrna, Delaware. Thera ara two sets of build ings The situation is & desirable and healthy one. ID” Full particulars in handbills. Executors’ Sale—Vstat* of Matthew Smith, Deceased. TWO BRICK DWELLINGS, viz: Three-story brick dwelliog. No. 1631 Lombard street, with a three-story briek dwelling la the roar. HANDSOME RESIDENCE, with extensive grape nursery, fruit tfoes, out buildings, Ac , with 6 acres of land. M'/unt Holly, New Jersey NEAT MODERN DWELLING, No. S3O OallowlilU street, west of Third street. |D“ Immediate posses sion. Trustee’s SaIo.—LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT OF GROUND, CUnoo street, Logan street, and a thirty feet lot. Twenti-fourth ward—three (roots. A well-secured Ground Rent of $67 a year, (secured by a three-story brick dwelling,) and is punctually paid. SALE OF A VaXUA BLE~AND"* INTERESTING This and tomorrow evening. 808 Dec. 20th and 21 at, at the auotiou store, Nob. 139 and 141 South Fourth street, will be sold a valuable collec tion of rare, curious, end important books, in the various department* of literature, forming a choice library of peculiar interest Many of the works are rendered doubly interesting by the Insertion of auto graphs, extfacis, ami newspaper cuttings. ID” Tho sale will commence etch evening at six o’clock. ID* The books now arranged for examination, Pale No. 1012 Chestnut street. ELEGANT DRAWING-ROOM AND OIIAMUKR FUR NITURE. Stock of A. Lejambre. On Tuesday Morning, Dee. 21st, at 10 o’clock, at No. 1012 Chestnut street, by catalogue, an elegant assortment of rosewood and walnut parlor and chamber furniture, antique oak book cases,Ao., manufac‘ured by A Lejambre, in the best manner, for wareroom sale, and warranted. QDI7* Catalogues now ready, and the furniture ar ranged for examination with catalogues. Bale at Nos. 189 and 141 South Fourth street. BUPEUIOR FURNITURE, PIANO-FOBTX, ? INI FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS, BRUSSELS CAB P2TB. *O. 6X288 14 On Thursday Morning, At 9 o’clock, at the auction store, an extensive assortment of excellent second-hand furniture, elegant piano-fortes, One mlrrots, carpets, etc., from private families declining housekeeping, removed to the store (or convenience of sale. $698,804 70 GloMog thlo, Nq. 1011 Ohestmlt Street. KLAUDER DKGINTUER A C 0 J S STOCK OF ELE- GANT CABINET BURNITUBB. On Thursday Morning, Dec. 23d, at 10 o’clock, at No. 1014 Chestnut street, by catalogue, the balance of Ihe stock of elegant cabinet furniture of Messrs Klauder, Degmther A Co., de clining business—comprising a general assortment of rosowood, walnut and mahogany parlor, diningroom, and chamber furniture, all manufactured in the best manner expressly for private sales, ahd warranted. F Catalogues will he ready three days previous to Philip ford, auctioneer, xo. r>:\o MARKET STREET, between FIFTH and SIXTH, south side LARGE SALE OF READY-MADE CLOTHING, AND GERMANTOWN GOODS. On Tuesday Morning, 21at innt , at 10 o’clock-precisely, will be sold, by catalogue. 200 lots Germantown goods. Also, about 200 lots of ready-made clothing, com pn?ing the usual assortment found in our sales, to which the attention of purchasers is requested. LARGE SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, GUM SHOES, Ac. On Thursday Morning, D<>c 23d, will be sold by catalogue, at 10 o’clock pre cisely, 6CO cases boots, shoes, bregana, gaiters, gum shoes, Ac. WgOSJSS NATHAN a, AUOTJOfIJ&EK JLYA AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, S. E. corner SIXTH and RAOJB Streets. GREAT PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION. 17,823 02 MONHY! 8.889 28 5276,253 03 Money liberally advanced in large or small amounts, from one dollar to thousands, on gold and silver plate, diamonds, watches, jewelry, fowling-piecos, musical instruments, furmturo, dry goods, clothing, groceries, cigars, hardware, cutlery, books, horses, vehicles, har ness, and all articles of value, for any length of time agreed on, at Nathans ’ Principal Establishment , southeast coruor of Sixth and Race streets PROMISSORY NOTES, with collateral, discounted al the lowest market rates. NATHANS 5 PRINCIPAL ESTABLISHMENT, S. E CORNER OF PIXTH AND RACK STREETS, Where money will be liboratly adranced on gold and sll?er plate, diamonds, watches, jewelry, fowling pieces, dry goods, clothing, groceries, liquors, cigars, hardware, cutlery, fancy articles, mirrors, paintings, ongraTings, musical instruments, furniture, bedding, horses, vohicles, harness, stocks, aud all other articles of value. Personal atteotiongivao to all oat-door sales, either at private dwellings, stores, or elsewhere, and charges untmially low O A. TREGO, BEAL ESTATE AGENT * e AND CONVEYANCER, RIDGE AVENUE, flrst door below Thirteenth str.et, attends to the purchase rind oale of Estnto, Negotiating Securities, Beating Souses, and Collection of Houto and Ground Kents, and Interest Monies. Satisfactory references given. oelO-Sin# KR . CORSON, • REAL ESTATE BROKER. Money Loaned on Bond and Mortgage. Collections promptly made. se29-dm NORRISTOWN, PA A UGOST BELMONT, nL banker, 70 BRAVER STREET, KKW YORK, issues Letters of Credit, available to Travellers, on a] jarts of the world. je3o-6m CRONISE H CO., SPECIE AND EXCHANGE BROSBRO. No. 40 South THIRD Street, jtanADßLPiiiA. Refer to the Bakes and fiaotf xs of Philadelphia. rgno NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS.— M. NATIONAL TELEGRAPHIC NEWS AGENCY. —CARR A JOUNSON annouuce to the Press through* out the United States that they are completing ar rangements on a most liberal scalo, for a system of TELEGRAPHIC NEWS REPORTS, Which baa never before boon equalled in this country. They pledge themselves to furnish the earliest and most reliable re ports of all the stirring and important events of the day. at a price which cannot fail to be advantageous to the Pre»s gouorally. All letters and communications to be addressed to OARR A JOHNSON, National Telegraph News Reporters, South TUIKD Street, opposite Exchange, Philada. E. W. CARR, G.W.L JOUNSON. Geo. W. L. Johnson, 23 Wall at., New York City. . John T. Smith. Merchants’ Exchange, Uonton. John Wills, corner South and Baltimore streets, Bal timore. For experience and reliability in the business, we would refer to: Morton McMichaol, North American and U.S Gazelle; Swain .V Aboil, Public Ledger; Jesper Harding A Sou, Pennsylvania Inquirer; John W. ForniM,Tho Presa; Cummings A Peacock, Evening Bulletinj'F. W. Grayson A 00., Evening Journal: Jo seph Severns, J.vetilrg Argus; Joseph R Flanigan, Daily News; Willi mu illco, PeouvyW^nUn; l.awlor, Everett, A Uinchen, Sunday Dispatch ; MagiU A Jones, Sunday Mercury; Jno. 8 Jackson, Sunday Transcript oc2o-tf CHEESE.— 500 Boxes Herkimer County CIIEEfIE. of superior quality, for sale by ' 00. SADLER, & 00., ABOH St., second door below Front. Sales bg Unction fFormerlvNo* fl 7 and 09.) MISES. Sate at No. 1321 Walnnt Street. PRIVATE LIBRARY. MONEY! 2 MONEY! ! ! OUT-DOOR SALES. Dickers. WtMW IT- * Stales bn Unction, COMMERCIAL SALESROOM, 222 MARKET STREET. . BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD STREETS. 9, G. WObBERT, Auotiqbsbb, On Tuesdav Morning, Commencing at 10 o’clock, will bo sold without re serve, a general assortment of Staple, Fancy, Fall, and Winter Goods. BALE FROM THE SHELVES. On Thursday Morning, Will be sold from the shelves, a general variety of staple and fancy goods SALE OF BEADY MADE CLOTHING, Ao. On Friday Morning, Will be sold, without reserve, a general assortment of ready-made clothing, tailoring goods, Ao. OTUKNESS, BRINLKY, «c GO., F No. 429 MARKET BTBEBT. B SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 * OHEBTNUT STREET, opposite the Custom House, between FOURTH and FIFTH Streets. SALE OF valuable FURS. This Morning, 26th Ins’aot, commencing.at 10# o’clock, we will sell the following rich and valuable genuine furs, to which wo ask the particular attention of ladies, and purchasers generally Three sets, warranted genuine, sable, large carriago cape, muff, and cuffs Three genuine stone martin sets, very large and costly. Fire very high cost genuine minx sets, very large cap*', rich and vMoable. Three very blgn cost Siberian squirrel sets. Real fitch sets, Ac. ID” Tbe above assortment of furs will be found well worthy the attention of purchasers, and will he open for examination early on the morning of sale. Albo, Included in sale, a great variety of other-fnrs, gents’ far collars, caps, gloves, gauntlets, Ac. SALE OP 1,000 LOTS RICH FANCY GOODS. On Tuesday Morning, December 21st, will be sold at the salesroom, No 431 Chestnut street, by catalogue, commencing at 10 o’clock. 1,000 lots of rich fancy goods, being the en tire balance of stock of a first-claEB importing house The sale will include some of the richest goods over ottered in this city, coexisting in part of rich cat Bo hemian ware, high cost china rases with painted and bDque figures, ladies’ pspier mache find rosewood work and toilet stands, bisque figures and groups, together with a great variety of fancy articles suited to the approaching season. This sale will also comprise rich decorated China and Bohemian glass vases, rich cut colognes, fine cut ruby decanters, rich entwine sets, card,receivers, puff and jewel boxes, bronze and china inkstands, tegar stands, ash holders, bronze thormometers, birque and bronze groups, raised pictures, fancy watch stands, ladies’ and gents’ dressing cases and travelling companions, ladles’ .work b xes, satchels, cabas, fancy glove and hon bon boxes, genuine Paris imported perfumery, fancy hair pins, opera fan*. Ao., Ac , together with a great variety of fauoj articles just landed per steamer Persia. PAINTINGS, Alro fifty-five Oil Paintings, Landscapes, Marine Voiws, Head*, Figures, Ao, ID” Catalogue* and samples ready on Monday pre vious to the rale, when the ladios, and purchasers gen erally, are invited to attend SALE OF WATOHEB AND JEWELRY—ON ACCOUNT WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. On Tuesday Morning, Deoember 21st, at 10 o’clock, we will sell a large lot of pen and pencil cases, gold 'watches, jewelry, Ac. being part of the stock of the late firm of Isaac Reed ABon,an4sold for account of whom it may concern. ID* Samples and catalogues one day previous to sale. . < LAST SALE OF EMBROIDERIES FOR THESEASON. On Wednesday Morning, December -2d, commencing at 10 o’flloSk, by cata logue, on a credit, a large and desirable lot or needle* wo-k goods, to cloße an importation. Richly embroidered Jacooet, cambric and book collars. Jaconet aud book sets, colUrs nod sleeves to match, French embroidered linen eambrle handkerchiefs, Ao* RIBBONS AND TRIMMINGS. Velvet galloons, silk dress fringes, cords and taS sels, bonnet ribbons, Ac. LACE VEILS. Also, a Hue of roand-cornefed French lace veils. ID” Samples and Catalogues early on the morning of salo. CJAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER. >3 and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 224 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear it., only eight doors below the Exohange. Hours of business from 7 o’olook, A. H., until 20 o’cloak in fho evening. Oat-door i&lfts, and sales at the Auction House, at tended upon the moat satisfactory terms. - CAPITAL $290,000. JSsiablisktd/or tht last Thirty Ytart. Advances ’ made from one dollar to thousands on Dia monds, Sliver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Uer ehandfte, OlotMfig, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars. Musical Instruments, Gobi, Horen, Carriages, and Goods of every description. AU goods can remain any length of time sgreed pen. All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards! will be eharged 2 per cent, per month j $6OO and over, the lowest market rate. This Store House having a depth of 220 feet, has large fire and thief-proof,vaults to store aD valuables, andprff rate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy iascg ranee effected for Hie benefit of all persons having goods advanced upon N. B.—On aoeount of having an unlimited oapital, this office Is prepared to make advances on more satU factory and accommodating terms than any other in this oily. Money advanced to the poor, hi small amounts, with) out any charge. AT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and Glnthintr will onlrf at r*doft«<l trrln*«. «nl-1v By william h. sterr, general AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE, No, 46 North EIGHTH Street, below Arch. J. A ELIBON. Anctloneer. TOYS, FANCY GOODS, Ac. On Tuesday Morning, December 21st, at the auction store, commencing at 10 o’clock, will be sold a large and very desirable as sortment of toys and fancy goods, in lots to suit pur chasers. ID” Particulars hereafter. ID” Consignment* of new and second-hand house hold furniture, piano-fortes, carpota, watches, jewelry, Ac., respectfully solicited, on which liberal cash ad vances will bo made If required. irr Out-door sales Attended to promptly. Charges as moderate as any othor house in this city: M. GUMMEY A SONS, • REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS, No. 520 WALNUT BTREET CARD.—J M. Qtimmey A Sons, will hold regular sales of Real. Estate, Stocks, Ao. Also, household famltoro at dwellings. REAL ESTATE AT PBIVATE SALE. ID* On our Private Bale Register will always be found a very large amount of real estate, including every description of city and country property.- J. M. GUMMBY & SONS, Beal Estate Brokers, 620 WALNUT Street, below Sixth QToiktte SArlirles IT IS A DYE, AND A PERMANENT ONE.—II. P. A W. 0 TAYLOR’S PHILETIIE IRA A complete HAIR DYB and Dressing together, em bracing, in ihigh perfection, ail that is requisite for Ooloriug Softening, and Beautifying the Hair. To. be had at the principal Dreg and Variety Stores. and of the Manufacturers, 64lNorthNINTlI Street, I'hUadal pbla. dlO'lm IT IS V NOT A DYE ! JEROME’S HAIR COLOR RESTORER will re store Gray Hair to its original color in from ten to twelve days, and restore the Hair where It has fallen off and become thin. IT 18 KOI A DYE! It may be used as freely as water, and 1b the most beau tiful Dressing for the Hair now in use. Thousands in different parts of the Union hare tosti- Qed to its wonderful rirtuee, and all who hare used it join in their praise of it. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dr. SWAYNE tc HON No. 8 North SEVENTH Street, above MARKET, Hoi Agents for Phtladilphia Trade supplied Housekeepers, look to tour INTEREST.—Great Reduction in the price of COAL. Cheapest and bes* Tbo subscriber having made contracts for his supply o! Coal, is enabled to offer very superior Family coal at the following r. duced prices: Broken Egg and Stove Cooking..., Large Nut. Small Nut. Warranted to give satisfaction and full weight m all canes at flick’s Old Central Yard, S. 11. cor. MARSHALL and WILLOW Streota. d9-3ra & "WILLIAMS, No. 206 WALNUT Street, are prepared to supply ship pers and consumers with superior Broad Top Coal from Lancaster Mines. oodtf OCERING, FOX, & 00., wholesale and JP retail dealers in LEHIGH and SCHUYLKILL COAL. Lehigh yard—THIRD street and GERMAN. TOWN ROAD. Schuylkill yard-«BAOJ? and BROAD streets, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand Coal from the most approved mines, under oorer, and pre fared euptf/wir for family me f*4-y ©roeerics, G_ROCEKIES.— 0. DONOGHUE, 15 S. _ WATER Street, offers Tor Sale, to reduce his stock during this month, at reduced prices for Cash, Philadelphia and New York Steam Refined Sugtracd Syrup of various grades, Prime Coffee, Cuba and New Crop New Orlenna Molasses,, Sifted Popper, and Ada mantine Candles d'J-lrn* QOOD GROCERIES, AT PAIR PRICKS!!! CHAS. H. -MATTSON, Southwest corner TENTH find ARCH Streets, fins on hand, and iigeqeraUy receiving THE BEST OP GROCERIES, which he will celt attbo most REASON ABLE PRICKS FOR CASH. Having a LARGE and CHOICE ASSORTMENT,of BLACK and OREKN TEA*, he is confident of beiog able to tult both inqualityaud price, all persons in want of the article, in quantities of from one pound to tbo hair chest Ills general assort moot embraces everything in the way of FINK GRO CERIES, and he would respectfully invite all in want of good articles to give him a call. It.wili be worth the trial. nSO-lmo Beffiimj Xilnrljincs & WILSON’ 8 SEWING MACHINES, REDUCED PRICES. NEW STYLE *5O. All the former patterns $25 less on each Machine. A NEW TENSION. NO WINDING OP UPPER THREAD. A HEMMER WHICH TURNS ANY WIDTH OP HEM OR FELL. OfFICBB 028 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. No. 7 WEST BTATK Street, Trento N. J. No. EAST CAY Street, West Chester, Pa. oc7-tD2S. CURST PREMIUM AWARDED •“* BT TH3 FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, NOVEMBER, 1858, WEST PHILADELPHIA STARCH-MANUFACTURING COMPANY FOR THBIR UNRIVALLED PEARL STARCH JNU CORN FARING, THOMPSON, CLARKE, & YOUNG, 130 and 132 South FRONT Street, c27-tf Agents for the Company. - . SPECIAL NOTlCE.—Dealers in Goodyear’s for Vulcanized Rubber Suspenders, Braids, » aU otheVFAbrlc* arid articTfs mafisby combin ing fibrous substances with threads or sheets of vulcan ized rubber arenotlfied that urtleas tbe same are properly stamped or labelled with my.name. aud. by n»y authori ofL-- legally disposed of in the United ® rcll *uts aud dealers are invited to examine an< * to give their orders for the M rf( T TnK nS under.igne'l, EXOHJBIVE .OWN IN TIU- VATmV‘? S J ND EXCLUbIYB BIGHTS th, .tVIVa hJfS/ 0rth “?80»i., whicK enibr.ee .11 or imported, and ALSO, LICENSES TO MANUPACTTiwia imh qtztt -and tie Terme-roM- be obUieii me at No. 23 COUBTLdNDT Street, N V f HORACE H. DAY. [\OTICE is hereby given that the under- L’ signed has made application for tbo renewal of Cert fio%ta No. 137. for Fire Shares of the Capital Stock of the Philadelphia Exchange Company, also for re newal of Certificate No. 648, for Five Sharts of the Cap t*l Stock of the Schuylkill Navigation Compafy, both standing in the name of RICHARD PAXSON on the books of the aforasaii Companies, the original Cer tificates having been lost or mislead. RICHARD PAXSON, Administrator. dl3-m&tbBt* JW. TAVERNER, whose original Philo • sophical system of Instruction la ELOCUTION aud GESTURE has received the most distinguished marks of approbation, offers bis services to the citizens ot Philadelphia and New York, and to Ool’eKUte Insti tutions in all ports of the United states. His instrac tion has been received withenthasiasticexpreiaionsof gratification inmost of the Colleges and Ladies’ Seoi naries North and South. His private course of instroc tion (8 lessons) on'Proportion, Modulation, Intonation, Force, Contrast, The Laoguage of Geefcud, She Pas sions, Ac , has been highly commended by Sr. Chapin, New York j Bey. Sr. E N. Kirk, Boston; Rev. Sr t'tm. Bacon Stevens, Philadelphia; Rev. Sr. Bel lows, and Rev. Sr. Osgood, New York* and other d-s -tinauUhcd Orators To Laiifcs *nd Gentlemen iu the private circle, w,ho desire to learn to read the works of Shakspearo and the Poets, his peculiar instruction in this department is of great practical valne. -/ Address 733 North NINETEENTH Street, Philadel phia, . Circulars, with the Testimonials referred to. can.be obtained .At Messrs. CARKY & HART’-, corner of Fourthand Chestnntstreets. dl&wf&m-lm L~~omf’E svrlnggar'pen academy., N J 2. corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Sts. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT.—rook keeping ia all its various forms; preparing Students thoroughly for eituatio'iß io sny branch of business; Pla-n and Or nameutol Writing; Commercial Calculations; Law and Correspondence. No institution in the United States gives a more thtrrottgh and practical coarse In this department no teaching is done in classes, and is open DAY and EVENING. Time unlimited MATHEMATICAL ANS CLASSICAL DEPART MENT—(Separate from the ab:>Ve.) —Young Men aad Boys are prepared for any grade of an Koglirb and Clas sical Education, viz: Spelling,Reading. Writing, Gram mar. Geography, Arithmetic, Philosophy, Ac., Ancient and Modern Languages, with all Ihe higher Collegiate Studies. Sessions of five -months commence September Ist, and Fobrnary Ist. Pupils received at anytime be fore or after these dates and charged accordingly. Cata logues fnraished gratis. mh2s-tf - P. SONLEAYY LONG, Principal jpEITTENBEIP* 5 PHI iiADE LP HI A *0 COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. eortkeut eorter of OBLKfiTtfUT and SEVENTH Streets. Aa -Institution designed to fit young mon for AC* TIYfl BUSINESS. • BOARD Of TRUSTEES. B. B. Comegys, I Fr&nais HosxlnS, George H. {Stuart, | David Milne, John fipftthMTk., {D&rid 8. Brown, leaao Hacker, i A. Y. Parsons, D. B. Bin man, } Frederick Brown, Joskaa Lippincott. EVESIH9 BEMfONß'ijterSeptomtcr 15th. Bach Student haa individual isstrooviob ’at t\i!« Institution, and a Diploma from here is the'best rv commendation a young man can have, for obtaining a good situation. CATALOGUES may he had on application at the College. - ssS-tf MONS. A. F« RObAT, TEACHER of fencing, BARRETT’S OVMNASIOM, 0025-d2m* MARKET Street, above Eighth Bryant & chain of NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladelphla College, Southeast corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Street*. For Information, call o? send for circular. , EVENING SESSIONS HAVE COMMENCED Cl SNYDER LEIDY—JA.S. M- LEIDY, Principals of LEIDY BROTHERS’ ACADEMY,J Nos 143 and 160 SIXTH STREET, near Race, where a knowledge of WAITING, DOOK-KEEPINO. and ARITHMETIC is made certain to ertry pupil that may enter. ACADEMY open day and evening. Am, FOR CHARLESTON, S.C.—Heron’B ?§&& LINE-ONLY REGULAR LINE-GOODS R •* OKIVED AND BILLS LADING SIGNED EVERY DAY.—Freight and insaranee*t less than sailing vee* ae\ rates,by the steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Cast. 0 P Marahman; to sail on SATURDAY, Dee. So, at 4 o’clock P U., from second wharf above Vine st. Yor farther particulars please see advertisement erf Steamship KEYSTONE STATS, in this papft? , Yor freight or passage apply to A. HERON. n 29 838 North Whairw, FOR CHARLESTON AND SA VANNAH —HERON’S LIKE. GOODS RECEIVED AND BILLS 07 LADING SIGNED EVERY DAY. The splendid first-eless eidc-wheel Steamships - KEYSTONE STATS and STATS OY GEORGIA, Now form a weekly line for the South and Southwest, cno of these ships sailing every SATURDAY at 19 o’clock A. Jd., alternately for Charleston and Ba rannak. Until the steamship State of Georgia has xeeelred hex new boilers, the Steamship Keystone State, in order to accommodate passengers and the trade* will mafao Weekly Tripe, alternately to Charleston and BaTAsnais. The steamahlp KBYBTONH STATE, Captain O.P Marshman, will sail on' SATURDAY, December 25, at 4 o’clock, P. M. FOB BAVANNAH. The aieamsttip Keystone Bt*te. C*pt*ln Charles P Marshman, haring been detained by fog, will sail on THURSDAY, December 1G at 4 o’clock P. M At both Charleston and Bavannah, these ahipeconneot iritk steamers for Florida and Hayaua, and with rail roads, & 0., for all places is the Sonth ted Southwest. Heavy freight at an average of II par east, below Neir York steamship rates. INSURAUO*. 7REISRT and INSURANOS on a large proportion of goods'shipped Booth vrill be found vo bo loner these ships th&fl by sailing vessels. Ofcbia passage.••••••••••••••■••••••••••••••920 08 Steerage do •••...•«••• 9 C 9 Ixonririon Tickets, good for ike present year. 30 00 No bills of lading signed after the ship am tatted. Bar freight or p&aag*, Apply to . A. QBBON, Jr,, - No. 828 (late 81) North Wherras- Agents at Charleston, T. B. A T. Q. BUjPP. Agents In S&TAxmafc.O. A. GJIJBEN2R Sc 00. for FloriiU, from GhirlMtoa,«tomner CAROLINA, «rerj Tneaday. Por florid*, from g*T»Mi*h, steamer* ST. HARTS *nd BT. JOHNS, every Tceednjand &*tnxd*r. V Por EftTan*. from Charleston } ftamner IBABIL, cr I the 4th end 19th of ever/ month. jell tOmes sn& jtiqasncs CHESTNUT GROVE WHISKEY.—A de air* to lessen tho comramptiun of impure spirits, knowing their Injurious effdcta upon the constitution, has induced the offering to the public of an article 'which the analyzatiou of Professor Chilton, Analytical Chemist, of New York, and Messrs. Booth, Garrett, & Camac, of Philadelphia, proves, beyond all question, to be the moat pure and consequently least Injurious spirits ever offered the American public. CERTIFICATE OP DR JAS. B CHILTON. I have analyzed a sample of Chestnut-Grove W liiskey, received from Mr. CHARLES Jz of Philadelphia, and having carefully tested it, I am ploaawi to state that it is- entirely free from poisonous or deleterious substances It is an unusually pure and fine flavored quality of Whiskey. JAMES R. CHILTON, M. D., New York, Sept. 9,1868. Analytical Chemist. $4 00 per ton 3 7> “ “ 350 »* “ . 325 “ “ PHILADRLF3U, Sept. 9,1858. DxaaSia: We have carefnlly tested the sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey which you sent us, and find that it contains none of the poisonous substance known las Fueic Oil. which is the characteristic and Injurious ingredient of tbo Whiskeys in general use. Very respectfully. BOOTH, GARRETT, A OAMAO, Analytical Chemists. ToCHiaLXB WzMXTOH, Jr., No. 110 WALNUT Bt, Philadelphia. 0c22-dtja2l SCOTCH ALh, LONDON POKI BROWN BTODT. R Youngera’ Ale, St Ann’s Brewer/, Xdinbargb, in eto-'e pints Mair A Sons’ Sparkling Ale, Edinburgh, in stone pis, Finzi fc Williams’ London Brown Stout in glass pts. do do Porter, In glass pta. P. Blo*d A- Co.’s "Dublin Stout, lo Btone pta. In storo and for sale hr WILLIAM H YEATONj 216 South FRONT Street. OLD WINE STOKE,” ►3 NOW CABLY } 8. Old No, 76, now 328 WALNUT Street. Snider’s Wines wero always pronounced by good Judges to be unsurpassed, and were in reality mperior to auy in the market. Part of th« old s f ock I have yet ou band which consume*a would do woil to try. o*w that tho market is overstocked with adulterated liquors for to eell during the Christmas Holidaya. , Wiurs and Liquors sold by ino, if unsatisfactory, can be returned. J.HN CASbY, Jr,, U4-lra Successor toJ V. fcnider. |_PK ANDIES. —Oastillon,” Marett, J 3 and other Cognacs of rarioos vintages, in hilf pipes and quarter ca'-ksj'PelleTOism Rochelle Brasoter, pale and dark, in half pipe*, half casks. and oDB*ei?Mk c*xks. Imported and for sale by HENRY BOHI.XN Sc CO., writ "Ml MS rtontb Wnnrtb atreat | 'IN.—3O Pipes (Dutch Company’s) in \y bond, and for sale by TVM. If. YJBATON, 216 S •ItnNT Ht. »n* BEIDSICK & CO.’S CHAMPAGNE—A coustaut supply of the original genuine brand, in boud and iu store, tor Bale by WILLIAM H YEATON, solo agent for PennsylTania. No. 216 South FRONT Street nnl» AI.LSOPP’S PALE ALE—In Ehds —A constant supply on hand in Custom-hoa-m Stores, for at) e by WILLIAM H. YEATON, 216 South FRONT Street noS PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA TIONS. with written descriptions of character, includingadvice in reference to business, health, J S. self-improvement, Ac., aro made day and ere muß.t fOWLBR, WSLL3, A CO.’S, Families visited when requested, and a liberal dis ount made to cluba. »n-sm 022 ObAatnnt at , PhUari«l*Vl» > 1 li> vf THE uHillESi IMPOKXAiNCE A for every ope to know where they will get the most for their money, especially such times as these. ZIEGLER A SMITH. Wholesale Druggists, corner of SKCOND and GREEN ?treots, are disposing of their White Lead, Ground Paints, of all Colors, and Window Glass, all oi the beat quality, at prices which will be plowing to buyer* oetl nnHE SELF-INKLNG HAND-PKINTItfG ■PR M 3 8 Patented Not. 2.1868 By ZUKRN & BKVAN. JAS SMITH A* CO , Agents, NO. 43 South THIRD St.. 2d floor, Philadelphia.* Decidedly the best and most complete Hand Press now iu use for Printing Cards, Circulars, Labels, .En velopes, &c , and considered indispensable by Banks, Railroads, and loEuracoe Offices—also, Merchants and other business men Tie public are invited to call and see specimens, at the Agency, No 43 Boath THIRD Street 2d floor, where Presses can be pnrohased. Also, State and County Rights for sale d!4-6t* IMPROVED BURNING FLUX D.—We B. are now manufacturing, and are prepared to Bell, a Burning Fluid much less liable to explode than the common article, slid we can confidently recommend it m being much safer. ?ABNALL & OGDEN, oolft-tjalG 472 N THIRD Btr**t.’ »hnv«» Nnble. MONONGAHEUA WHISKEY.—6O Bbla. pare Bye Whiskey, In store and for sale by WH. H. YBATONj aid South JRQNT St. aoi Noiicco. Cegol Notices ®irarntionai. <OB. OHAflLJßtttOtf f HEIGHTS REDUCED. :b, AND JA3. BUITII * 00.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers