4-";7 . . - nv,; , 'Y - '-' - , '4:- Is,-A, '411341411, , 4 144100tVfc - = ., '3IrAIZIWIWtv. : 0 .•.:( . 0%,. , :f.,i, , 0i1..f' . .it i - ,____of, "NO4 t oo • - . 8..1 • leftit s l,, , L,f . xl:i. -::-:., 4 -1 - ':',0:,. • - ' 1 . 4 ; ''4: ' 0 ..,, t i Ta i *L d . i...v . ' ildditiartftWaltiM . ' 1r '- 0 t iiiV e = ' ' -!:*"..... 44 1 1 . bi 610 , ~1 34 5'44 1 1441,1444:i1e..- 4 44- ' 44,:AW . `4.1.4 „::9 , ' ~. -, 'ii . l3 it,ii - eAntemon t livklelgswv• o t fifftoooffi Par BOW S•Elk:lidttho 14alidotO. er, , - "L'Ailt-iliO:Viiall MIlf4lP ?•PaOsTittl 1e! 47 4 1,- .'.'.' -• ' L',:- , - , -°:' ,,, `. , ..,' , .-- , ..:, 2 .,-, ;: i . ,_. . . , 1 .,. : 11P. 5. _.0/14REETAIUSk'Alcii i g 521 " .4 IllAat't'enAi 'droll.JP3lCYlll4,tit , • 85, VI alalit orobviVitoww.ro VI!. "biktilatAL•ott.7ol4., :#o*. .4 -'.-.lls"*. , -ia, trotiol, • • rAnuiiiini iiiiiii4lol ; - k '''' . ' s. ' a 117' - N4t WA is 1040 ofRON:Eitr Ott attrOV Taft lhaltiAieln4hiff: I.V.ftt - OP ,i.olAult . la aorXtrorte#l..ii r **ft -...... _ - .7:4P, W _VAlit an cakit je j ir. ,, ,, , i - .:.-- , , ,,,, ; , :,0,4,-".. ,, , , ,,v,1 [ ...,•,1'7, , ,(, , 5,.,5., iilezio,ki . g;'.'ri,-*L.-il :0,......14 1 1 frovbinbir4l L 'it i , o'd`rilok;fau,the."Plifiodelphis Its 6h!lftifikolllTlO loidelotiLacommt, of 4 who*, 11 ; mkt eoneeriaf.a , —. • • • - . 1 ....,,t- S Itak 50 rgsros pl tire took of the disoodetvt. ll ofo7; era an Insivorifi4 ""- ',•• P.': l :'-'q, , •".,, ,- , N,t..;, .1 i.- , ..,,,,r, .. ifOrdthereqiciidatti=t , i ~, -. , - - ,Z1•• v.O 0::•,,5±,4'• ,, i•F..?' 1 :: ,- 4 ••• 1 ihhAiThibutelphisAthenonim. - .:•-4•••••'•.'• ••• '' ==`- 1: 6 shitAliatiLerican'Acadestibf 505151 ;ri.:WLY 46 ,:.7::4' „I WITO -- ,PiiiilPrifilnE t t i rlr: ke V%, 4._ '.l - dane'Orfdrd Park A .. ,-, - • t ,, 0k. .. ' - _, 1014010 Wilifloitilfq PO f 00!1Poty:• 1 „. ,• , P‘r.. An.srin. m tvtavp, 41 ~...", mew:4 , 31,-, ~..y..5.,.A. ' 1 laiiii°,2illiio4o,o4,Pitirlii -000,1 0. 0 4.'''' - . . 5 , : ...,..,...„,..--........ urnozoni*AtfigatyLonsc r atuNG.. '. 2' Will intiltifto4:s .a. 7 fil,..'.4:Tim4 .41 , ,1-1, ,, ,, !.... Orphonit-Ckntri Sof, o• - . , -.,1= 1 40 'CI 31 le3") Cooper , 1/9"..- Titofty 570.111314M111=5374.43 1 45010( 2 :55rit Om Riftlrg.WAtt .. r.ltiOPF7. •,A4P I .,,CIIffA4PS-! 14 the • Soffford 7„::;;,- ; .6.. t . - ,Avo i , zoitg9:oo i -. 4 105. wolgOAtioisi(o4.l l '4 l ~__ Ifirfiet - - 3 ,- •,. -.- EMIR .315 5 •5cirrWX92 : 44,,,BRICAC...DWJEL=. L1NC33 . 140g355.035 TIECR • sontln -:, - .„.„, ~,,.. ~,,; OrphaiiihOoßkpal - la 7;n ll 3l4:. l !'Ylitie.4 l _ , Pe!' VALVABLB-41 , 38151f88.80. D.-., aiak- buildioge,' Wt•DS TEll4tt bb 2lb•14o 04.. i Oth v , ao poisC otoo x t u o t onh. • *m -, a 'nesrPocedtttOe :POfroutS - ; a - :: •.,r e: -\ lCT hera l 93119claiMiiIfthltteeti withlttr.A4 - memnatoms;vt ' lAigi-Alg , , estatgol itsna,'airi ha be`don O e a Igriobuineu.: , in't ClVaszig3Wo3t o lßt a EDVE l LTANtf,; Ni , B. earner Of Mbittiontheirot Pleasant: otsoisto.. . ... . . . . . . .. .__ musiegrapp =-AND; Two-ato4 triolt Atm rood, thoollinthliNo . 4 811 Booth Beratitthatreoti Opposite . Abe-, ilimthwarkpaithooi Ak'l Mr. -.1,- , _._ , C..-' , ff,,k-i,..T. , i+.40, - ... 1 naoWs432oNiu itzelimmolr.;-. - . Thivietoisit new fonr.irtory 'brown stone reaidenoeiwittcattonahro,baok: buildings„.Blon6oll4AroltratrOat.'- It is just finiatied, and is repletamith , aworrotatorp convenience. Also, a laparloOstablehridlrosoh•holuie Inaba rear. Lot Sh, laot.sf pm -1,48 , t00t ha.?0h1tit,,,,..,8r...9r1y58,000,it 7 - qulredTiiiiiitir - r.. - --• -,' ..., VIVIDWEBEET.L.:-Ifittideintiiiiiitirkeddenoe, No. 1608 Vine.etreek.,:4l , le loished with all the aoodera Ito provemente. lintoedints E teneedom, J. , 11" , 7- , tutottkip-mr,siaa. 'ayear; *fi reed*klat - 4104 , large brick tagitikt4oFbeklieldeet.,;(4le:ninlatually P liirgregi f ifili ,l i iiiili,ii4,,i --- Aiii,4i l. ' - fic - e , 840 pomp). fillet, .opydsiWeiltrijoirkui.re , .. • ' ,. •• LOMBilltirlintsC.L-mret,retc6 , 0ri01f..410111,%' Lombard stroc4i.dieetoNtiwilegitk , allet• - -..f -'. l'.BleWSlT,";Licar ..aW t luthic. & f awn N.,' §, Penh MOW Itottiotia Iliohtittla 'Telt:lllth Ailay.s, l Booth- atteot:e i , 4 , • i ii. , z, , ,r , tri„tr_4l„,.. d 'iltr v i d 1 POIVAILI, • 4 1'07.-Fx.,n(aw'wm •v. , , . ,we 'lt lingo POWa ' attliorth -,ar troirctiAtto' t , , • - P rAtiVgAtteArlitailiebanift.Cl4l l .4l%*' coraet(or i liroad,atroot and Ooluothitmitottlq,B3o tests on lhoattatkait,rttioilftde4 94311114)112t11ti[4.4 portion pnrobialOadooktriot *di n;:',., ' -., ' 113 Faux,asatt.,sTfonatzepigii,reiit.F.Ao-; cc froTgli au Wit, `at crre I'A:die,. ..., '-' - Non nem 80811.1118.s.LAlfrotTlatory bib* dial llng;;NO. 'll4*.:tmeet;"..fit#,;UM south. Cit:Xerl 1:11 L .,`,64;,111 1 1/1 0 ..,' Silidirtiikri%Eftild)l(llll4) iitolitii rekidetioi. - „ ' No.lBo Moe strilit, ) _bottiotf:B_Blortlkeid_Xig_ht.li, atrogta;i ElAXAbrinollern'tenvot4entClL,:l)-.0:r,? , -, i'',iiit,e}W.,efto l o` o t , Pleeeleli„- _ 4 ,ci.7.1,,,'• _ „,;,‘ 4 ,,.,,._..Pitfe 1 0 0 r7,141E--- - , '''' Vatt, TS 41NeXtT;situnt - lnyßri• : Izsr ' ; .I•ll4''l 2 P;.,iiid -224 ., 3 P SWeil• thuil rir•iift/Wet.te.ek;:‘Ao - ' * ''.- ''''',c• MAI% datklip.,‘-tn _r•tuory• l - brior.',fritp r_ii:-all , dwallide ci.1)36 1161113iitieet:::.'cr., - ,..,.. -- ,,, ~, i : ~ ... Sitit.II7NI4IVAIABOUNOVAMBBB:Oth, " Vi'M Wands- - AtuirrntravtgamVroitY esiV:vutwr-orases , 00AIPN.Cifnif; 00IILLNI1Y; =4.Tlitrzfl Searle". and Helm& tracts of land, north of Wilkesbarte, Lu• setae PSNOrittitrogine shine: and ell arrange-' meats tottiplettfor mining-4cirmerlyiemt of the - North Perraigianlii - 4 1 ,06slx_OompimPelandc ,, The Worth' ilneneatOalialtimee to this region a new market. - SWEYShe,Sgpravementirelontrkoat Montt SIO,IIIIIL , Saler itbsectlM' , readyiin handbills.-- = OrteiskieteMittnalletite of tlitspar ItrooszfDeofd: vALVADIJPPItoIiZRITf-Zazgo leek -Wilding,' with- threaist6 •brOtrerf,!,:oltb deefiXerfalarVi inets-stable-torotglit horsoscUotitorik eVelitianiet.dftlaindhPftlieV trent Ssmo• •L ktitate.. , Lr:LAßGlOn 8R10.W.141:4p10%-_ LOON, AND MISR VAULT,iiithesst corner Of Mont : - gomery sad iderehteditterote,;l7 ,, ,,_^,..n 1 - -..,11';1 - ; Same ifetato.— LAßGE LOT, , ,hterylne street,' south of Montgomervetreetrad.kdaing Am above, pOIIR" - 711WHIkOTORY BUM; STORES. AND' DWZLI.ISOB,.Nos; =.1.4,22116,•4210i and _MO, : °Allow-, hill street, west of Tifitotg.thita street; TIIIINISTOICS , BNION-DW,NLLINCI.- - .N0.„488 otniet, auto,: rift 4 lIVALUABLII,SIII&LL,SASSI; acres - -Sa - Serekee, within - LtnieLfonrtVed-&-milefrone.Whitehalt et-salon,: on thaiPetuargirants-,Oentral 4111,-Delii - ears so, Pa., aboutnine Mlles from -PhiLidelphin:‘_ • , , , TußßEATfkay,Bslos= PVELLIN% "West 'side- Or: „North Third.street, , above_Oxford,:ntreet, „Mtge.:Nen. : TUBBS -TRAOTS:ol`l4.llifilaliaS,efirecir e ate neeePhlllitistinrgVyliter,Beld.Liegletoernekip,'Oesi t , tre rand" „ ? 0c*(47 . paapi01021 . 614:; TWO-13 TORY fl4l/4111111TORS" AND • B. 1r: eikn'S,i et BriirjbleLSeitteitfel Bedford" etrtatii.' TIntHVITOrttrBBIOB-:tDVOLIZNee , north side of Oxford - street, wiest - e . Xwanayithirket ri: teat,;'Swentleth New rikair.- - THIINN-FTollif-MtiON;DWEVELNEft {wd - Large:lot, Eigletteintk die - SOWN} orpiellifet;Terenty,,hrst watd,-10E123 !oat , a+' • _Toustoe'iiitto.:' rr *titailitAilikatonurbirxeroit.nnioa imsz- RENO)* (with ,msetoironts4 - oeatee atteet,'weekaf Nineteenth street."" - • ,4„ !t , rltrrnrrT.Ttsr , !m , mß , ol7 , •9ll summtnic4rnntrioasp , pluto•roara,_ , zlVllCE VRENCIE PLATSIMI34IIIOIII3V DRUISI)/111 CIAB, PITS; &0.. 4141147_ .44 - - 4•!,t ' • th ihlslvS...o4r.Tkler‘dmrStoznlng> i4Paloakpjatrlke ...xnettiohistorc In 'automat» alsorthmt.orlekteltiriiMmonehand.toxpilanii t elegant planc.fortee, Dna xxiirror4 4 .birpirlaOst4w tram, privatii &millet' dectlutoultoti4kettpiticriiim.i.So the attire tor intimdinnerar A-PAIVATEI.,LI,IIItAM,Y; invirodnowilijzireribg,', A NoiAd t atilia anotiOn'store, a'aolltation orvainabt a and Interomilog, books on aariona ikubjainii; including thalibrankoti 'ffinittalantkaainaTlng. 4nott , l. n 01 ." -;;": lI7For .paitianlars - sea catalogues_ and the botare,' ittnah:irltj be aritata;VOn'yfdpfsdv owning. • crieetnat a t. 010011•0741LEGANT , QA.BINXT .11111,NITISHIa: . , • . : • , - rj...t*.l - 0n5,,,Tue541 1 .7 ,- ,Mfollogit .., ti ' ••ov:l.eth; at 10 o'clock, at Nci,lol4 Olieeteie-steeet - the %dire etook.oPMefferilv-Malulerallathen 00 . 0( K. - deigning rbeetnisec oemreeing A Mem lieleortment of teeetnitettueLysieutideemativreow•fernittlre;,irt ye , riotteertyle egietingeseurpeelor; litain MO slut °hunt brrtanneure, all eXectureetured in tbeleet panne.; , ex,. predelyler,tstromerifOUt sate*, and ereeeentet.-:,-,, ~'„ • ' 1 ureataloi t ues will be esedrAnitobepAeltitute may. be *lmbibed B.diye pre.ebtate,ts - este ..',,,i , :,,,,..: , ,- , .. 'i T=+? -,,, : ' l ,l-1' • •,-.2 ~---, RO-OAPITALIBTB",-BUILDNESLARGE-Ain). VALLIABLB LQT:At TINIVARERALIO'IMANT St-4: 800tedte~rrhASsAO 4 11 trktithilltMtlelltr 44 feet trent ottLoonet ee Argblefft 4O .194 AG VlAlvada-41ilitiaa 4Toii/k .11BeIDENOIti P104e50, P,Mflieekti ' se. truton iterlash)f," ' ;:e•A, , ,• - k.',1. , '-',l- ' og ;Pl' z ''''.e '''.v " 1 limo rims NA,Vltkit_ i _'44.16- UOTXONEEII INJ. AND D(11011.804NVI;51-::;*kin liztrominagmi=irotradityctull.- ,ilt-es , a 3-41 7 .rtplpaza.90 a',W4',l-I—N , i, 4 4 4, tll l0 11- te..ceot - 1W.4 . Ili rle‘ 4 0.1 1 3gdr 1' 1 0 %104._ : dolndr9r4 t tillaA ~ z atmtea d eippaks 7 sales- , I *o spotalyab VGA Illtr9o=ll4l 0 0 1 4441 solaa-sralan skid:OW-Sealant: barsau.srltb rdetbkhkisivatlkiithiStai/Jaltror,l,Sraldat leAoy Mild bedstead, has quality hair tnattraaravta AO* fasthaii. NU% 4 01 4erS. 8 44:11 4 / 4 1rar affaiitt,ti ; t han Clith - marble bipisaeliogssir enclosed vas.s4 - iritkP.o)P , to e intarn7 laTtablt.wi#4 o, lo lB 49l.#ol oll /9r) nu rotary, eikiltadjssdk web., prime Slat sofa, breakfgsF ksj 411 111 1 8 0r9P;Mliptt olaMettablil../ith imorble,top„landiogie y*.npt Xvilith inn CaAk t. etre:syr e4rittt.l4o4,lo 4o rAliikafals 4lBl 4 Plierls k0 , ,-.8 Iso, a quanta y orsecan •hanilitinitursibi*Atl : , IstaerattiPiVoim,,*kingSbarla 4 4 ,-; z,......-.4', , r ',A ulaciommitioigeoend•baud:p and.Girti,iary4mporior. metudiall Tomalarvs,hts" .. lMl' turgillffittlu Hata; and guttani. --, , ! ,- .. t. Also, tr2ralllag, trunk'', obitp3g ko. 1.- -, • ''+' ~ .' 4 ' .. - ...., 1 Ar t , je rs44 /U ts it i VlKß-t,,, :„.. h 'to '3 , ',+. + li + • taii6ollVaistltlOlNtar, doid n ak ( i)`filoty apd er inToFt.g4 I ",oripOil i ttr a teg F MaPh4 l 4 t gad q i, Oa , sink , I aq Titlyalx, pitabets, spoolwalkawlb,ittgebi, fp it 0 ki7---1 110TICW-4All §ifionall silsit A Width,: niklyiet.theleitir s l y rir ' le; sollrosaikuriddleto , tadlausWiltherwlsi ' VIII Issabiethif sbeitirdayd -,'" • ' ' l ,'' * 31 , 116 , 11111141 , itt01cir; . : , '" , u ' .Z 4- totimigAttylltintltOieotritioc L itfitOti.int -4, - _ --;11 I L 4;1 ~, ~0 I`.: •S 4 , A we s tr ee t c • , eijiLiik(IIII6IO , 4OOOIILKODATIOIC , Jlo3NWiolo_. ..t.7 - “ , 4II.Ot4IFFFT 11 Vjiliiikrontogininrovelemall lirotmnesi; dons' , to sad illtirifilta, dtamonda; maggliiii;4ol4ll.o,4 , townak4reites," musical InertrtudoW,W.sulturekdaloode, clothing, gromiell, al - g 6l 4: lll 4 l FAL7ll l 9MlttioPixofbilellwarCreJdderitar • vteeei anenil Mau otiveluf, eartenr;qlingth in Ow 11ig.t.i.0.4 Met/weenie di arist 4.ll4gmblitittoft, - * sontheestutnietapilkaid litharisties*Af, r -,e, ar &Amiss* lioteitif dlionst44, abbe lomat mirketrat4iffnelt4 , 4-.1 , 4ir NATUAINIR , Plllllol.llli, 332.18L1811.1.1211 , L . L 111; :0011King:19DISEVM reanerWSTRIIIITIWoM Ithevevauter_will kl,kbeol,l7 vw . neggle apd , atiter•platdidhlitiondi,Nritatesi ist,loolin qt.egge, drstgotepw-OgthieeltoddrtalrliotoreMil , 1100. 4 wate--augeti(loo±terilelemp *drum, VW, NW: eE buittilmante,,: flevnitavics• gogginc, nersesLeenwelfri gopcseand eillioveuvrezeneee4 Velne,,, , i,A *lif ft 4,f,!121, • • ..-.1..1.%3.1'..f0X4:-.; 0t13 0 4000124. BALM r w=:.",;.';' , attentiOis given to „ all , ,ontoloov NOM) either 1 4 . 1elvet9 # l, oP.pleS4 42 s ll o,ii-r i hlel.4 46 440 ‘T..* 1 0 11 . 1 1 . 91•14' - ., •ialJ: flirlgfek Ve r .01 , a- , Titirratiee ~ • 40 4.4 0 00.1tkriAr,`Aikdos..0, el e= t at . ' Itgei, A. at., magi zo °,' ...6 4l l4,Jailiaolat'ai4aCti. :Mr" al-, 1 r d tf a t WirrAMV . ~ ..., -,x .iritai4iiNati*liko exAtter ' la w -% - - , --',14.7 lleNisi6it thilifilethrotitiorf4Onitlat i i as ,DUlt: ofoodesitinsivAtowitroirounitirtir.reitmeth diadk.odibbgortirigto ta m 2444.114 ograiiiw „..,, thiGrtrojeitfl:s:"Al.4l'ir-,ilotiloritril 7 1,11 aid - - itiaila :111 Wiontik4f 1 136 fIkeriliP nisetin g -;:',.,,,„,/ „ L , -- ,;,.. d.,..t.,.:40 , 1 - 11...”4,4 , 4 tivnte. 0 , -..go 171r;Ifiati4004.211t1141;(1 &Wet,. .....L-Sibt ,-,1011=1:*0111051 SiViir- "IV', ",er 177, - - - 77-t '.- 1- _ . 4,4,,,, , t e : : , -A,,,,,, 50 • ? 7 ,r_ tr z, 7, ~ , m a 7 k thbr i e,MMiT tA ., ...i4 1-iwor ~...R ao---,,,,,rai1l ,t ii 4 :„,, . aftwalel/IPINIT -.2 "iit i tabit:Mil - -‘• [' ”., . - ::- . -44 - `,f . ita f q:Al r 4, AttS4,4 I 4FgATOMOSTA'NOr i . o .lAorz. qoe, ow wtiorirgtilMffir w 10411146 T fe afer4 l ,o l .t. T jt ,eiv ot Min= %WV 0-041,44. fkot; , , t0ui.0 6, 41.44,T,10. • GRIN 112 isttiYbriler," rkwoms • 0 -744.4 wo - 4 - 4 - 4 ,_„ _ WM= VArlitss,Avparj,-, &-:00 - ,, , - • , _ thoi{;* -4i4frigliApltlintletAtjo _- AVA 1) elitteotocot titit4hriOr Vo cifysztenti3d, .to",oniAiitliDlAoBlofidtYgdddt, to'beliddi w *bts a/ ' . .,.° lo ;7l.lRV, l 4,„__,Ttzultuf - AA3 ,, 5t4 0 1 0 '.. 0 ,. r.tuigaluguFt () k .. r ".. "SP —a - ..„,, oplospasing nfou!lesorlanent. ~. , T. , ,b. " . ,,,,p,T,o dr.or xodfintiiters. , fdrAsdi— -,-; , ~ ~ -; .:,-..,,, 4.;., AtirrOPA.BBO)I , TED CIDDDB.. • , _ ~ tiOsVOI ~ t 0 ; 0 # 11 4,M43 ° ! 1 1s ;.. " ', -•• ' ' j ~0.0141,1 , Jr 'aftking— * • - Rioh•Yaris Ilaehmenatresthilts:-. • , - Thiadkiptle feisoypinshiy-,-,wo • ', z ., ' Rteb arid fettoy,7elmstphiati ‘,,, , • • •, , • , 6k 4 4 41ttighl t4 Iratt'V kßfl,' 'itIRIOINitS I I 3 ; WitiT ... ~ -. , :pasegssigEYS: , ,i , • e d i 1 t o Piatimill.744.lne,nelltar..eloths,'peterennme, ,eV o , beaver!. „ r it .%.0 21 7. 1 -iii sain ' Ts . 6 4 1 00 k; Mello' impArati-:: ""' • rrsgom g • 6 foudd—:' ‘"7, ~ 1 , 0 " 1 " - thl • m • , ZIP' I .lif, - ni - mid. ' tinilot.s ''.. rlid d littfa i rrArqori ;3 didr4Of , pilla, L ,ltiodllar s tOpl i 4 ibikdk,bA Muipotil39tDo - ; *Moore, plik, '' n - ;-4,11_ _Chid' groves And it not,lota'; izoWii, large aloe' lit drat shirts and. drswers, women ' s flue i'lletizio vests,. 1 Feiirou..Dto attentioire.trade. ~ -„ . ~ , 4, , RAMO" MID ,ORlf(10ORS. . , ~' ',',' '', , ;,, ''.„ il, Awning; ' • . . , Si . -,,,2•1 , -',at,:''lo:p'tipap., b7.osOlogitii,' on 8 inonthe : Trodit, ‘-z; . : - ~ . - t . pitsiiiiges,and'iotsof.iiopoyted dry ieeds. ' 54Mpldelind oateldgiies eailyisa the morning or, . , .70 :',11157,12N • Olfd.hrOlS — hlNED, -- SAPID LINED. m r AnD FUR-TOP DOG 483 m, T.ILIMEX, AND.EIIOE. ... OLPY.F 4 . ,• .. •• . t..L '- , ;s: :1.1 '. - '"i'llfie MOiniimi, '• "' ' • . ' „tviapaenoUglesbei coasting of— -,- IJklitpoots, Dyad morli s edovea. - at - . . " lAdiolkln,Eoillit AlOien,. ' Jidad,gwaik'd-dOiin'eldiOis.— . . uddier drab book glove.. Wanbt-bank-, .:do, f do.„ • k'Dbitry. : ..ba'ok YrenelibuOli 'gloves . ' , Pifv•top brahlrieyiefich drat:angst - glove.. ' 1 X•amb:litok - Renaults, gable,' gloves and gauntlet., I Real iglevinf,'&o. .'i '. Also, White motto°, hose,` gilts do, mode cashoaoto do,l4ttoleld. -.,r 4t ',-, r- .-, ,"• ' ' .' 1 'MACK SILK-VELVET RIBBONS. .- -?•& - ftill, fins. of ill-tlili tdp,Ok velvet ribbon.. ' 1 '', . 4101Nott PY.AID 1:111 , R1 , 4148. ' !',,,' -'' ', '..'', ~ T hin Miming,' ' It tieshe Oreiteli,idatVeinghennt, ' -.PItENOTI BANDY , OABHDIERE; 'PLDBH, AND 1 1 .E1... , : V.Et*EA,INGB AND DARB4IEItES. 'iiiiiivol,dti,,fif .. „ . ' • , „ , , ~ .. ailitandi.dUltOieri idetitis: - - ,” fob , iiltude dii.; embroidered vest patterns, fancy 'ifienalreseilnieretigt..' o7 . 4. L L'" 'imputw.RlTEßV. BALE , FOR GASH. ' ' ineludtatinadlel nit Tool:lay, by order of undervirlters; tll ,:- mr 6- 9 1 WO lifoiffax)idiled oambile, - doliisrie, - taiite, - oglitat -i Osildinbre ,s` ololluit,lilpeowisplutuielvibrown intillnil;tiettlngilVhimdkerehieft, big& -"alike, shawls, :ooltorppato,ivestarbobte i brogan , shoe! , Viiderehirts, glOvesovebbing;leatheik_mantillas, hosiery. - tale°, 10 entire wife amo.itedliatinsfei drugs, Au. BALD GI WORM DRY GOODB. Yridoy 400 paciages And , lota - or fancy and staplei Frani* dr) l oodo, _oomprlning a—WI- assortment of nossonable go ff:r.:l3eeiptecsitt.,itittleities .es t rti :pit the morning of ode,: . tifiluilirtitia • No; EpT,sciar,T;.Tr.; A , o, 48 1 ~c OBMUTtairtaXIVOPPOCite , the °ninon! HDaee,befv,reen $.0,11,8%11 and - 111141 Streets. 1 .448: 2114iTLOIDBRIB8, 1 1tIB80148, &o. ' r On Wednesday Morning, Nerrember *t IQ' be sold aivaluable assortment of woods, comprising in part— zunsoninntte. . Cambric, jaconet and Swiss collars, cambric and Jao ollet sets, collars and sleeves to match sleeves bands 'edgings, &o. :also, cambric and jaconet mtudins, brilliants, skirt;. Hoge, Is. RIBBONS AND BLOWERS. • , • 'New styles bonnet ribbons. dress and 'cloak trimming ribbons, French flowers and feathers, •&1. VBLVET RIBBONS. ' a line of fast edges, black .011 r-salsa ribbons, ink drone fringes, , moireontione;&o. i TABLETON Also, superior white and colored Tarleton musline. BRAWLS - AND 'MANTILLAS. ;,Broalie and Stella shawls, ladles' sloth talmas, Is. • • ATTBAOTIVIs 114L11 OB FANCY YUBA. On T#nAnday bierning,• , - -"lievember 4th, commencing et 10% o'olook, at the ealearoonif No. 431 Chestnut street, will be sold a large clanp mutts ti;or 0 6 0 0 E 4 valuable litre, 7 emp p rieing aete cepa mutts and'onffe to match. or etch, 'table, Minx, elhartha Maim!, Once martin. dm, to., to which the attention of ladles le - respectfully invited. ' J]7 Catalogues early on the morning of gale. • 8111/FALO AND PANOT ROBES. Also, an JAynice of•buealg robes, fancy carriage and ATTRACTIVE SPECIAL PEREMPTORY SALE OF EIE O R r A pri N da TO74 O ; rTri n ° g, Pl3.2 November bth, at the salesroom, No. 481 Chestnut street, by catalogue, ,on a credit,. ooliamencing at 10 oiclook, will be cold _a valuable assortment of Ger. toantown gocida, comprising:lvory variety of latest styles, manufactumd expressly for beet city retail 'sales. - Included will be found, viz : SHAWLS, OIROULARB, DABQUES. ' penes' knit zephyr shawls, ladles , : and-children's circulars and batsmen of the newest and moat approved styles. MODE, GAUNTLISTiV Mao, superior. sophyt. r opors hoodeithildronla wool hoods, and-nhildrem's -wool gauntlets and leg- FOISS. ARPS. A full assortment of gents , and boys' zephyr scarfs. ,boss, mufflers, tzo ..ORICRET JACKETS. Etenla`lfeariall-ic6Ol ribbed cricket Jackets: HOSIERY. ,Ladles',white, black . and mixed wool, heavy cotton, and marine liose.'gents , wed' and mixed' cotton hose endhalf bolo; bilaiLy it t 3 rlt A ita D itr iL c l o v itir s tia_rh?se. - Moyino - sod Assay. cotton, underabir . ta, merino and rattan ribbed and plain drawers." - - , •: ,,, LADIEIP:IdERINO VESTS: ' supsclor satlois.of laditoil merino .vests, , 1111ErtAVIL141.&11 ,suRR, • GENERAL * - ILPAVOTIOII_AND COMMISSION STORM, No. 46 NOrtit lip2lM.TFlNtrerit i bob* Arch. M:A. ELD3ON, Andfoneer. , , 7 NOTIONS AND 'FANOIt-GOODS. • , LARON . PRIVSMPTORY.SAVS:=THE ,STOOK OF A yorputs, ALA ‘:EBTABLIEUI4E,N7 CLOSING • • - -_, — .lruazans - , On wednOsittyJMoblog, - ;At ens - stab:et atiPititt Fololtrot, will be cold, by 'oatalagae,,to bliptiesii, *eolith's - Stook o whole-, -uale tuition iiiilfe.pay gouda 40lINTE13. - - - Also ; B,op a rioi c eetiiiiars:witli- &Aware, suitable for a'wholissfe oesitallietabliahment. - 117.„,Partli liefOgfer• •• , • NOTloll.—Hereafter we salt hold our regulir sales - Of household furaltdroV "on'Weduesday and 81. ; tiriairnorlitags,ecnnulenchag at olelook.--Nrentog Salim of :watches, 'jewelry; fader and , inteaellanoona goada; ; Will tie' held tekielarly' every , Monday,: Wednee .dey, Thereday,,ao pepirderrenlegeivommenelug at -I)eloetEl.t:' .• CteneigeniliAl erne'', and second - hand : house -ho V thralls* Plarretforte's, carpets, watches; Jewelry, k:o,r - teelpiistrell,radlleiteddint wh ich , Ilkeino cash ad. " 4 Tr ,Ontiledisales attended:to' prodiptly. Charges ,at! Irueelikfi , lllOnj ithir belies in this city: - 40litThrriTORD;"ATTOTIONEAR,"" No; 0T11.1111T; between- la/TII and SIXTEL 'south aldif.cf- -, i • • ' - foARD.-Theattention of clothing dealer's is part-Ica hirly,motteetediti tedriale,t , hy • Catalogue s notumanoing thin m orning , at 10 otolo - elr proolsely:'- 4Aloo,sat'll , ololock; four gold 'hunting 'double-4m mantel, to which - the attention of purchasers is In. .PRl3,Alitt.rolitY Ghtß OrttßA.llY-IditDß CLOTHING. . , Tine Morning, Noniniberjoir, 410; otoloeh.sireelvely,' lay. catalogue, a large - and desirable Asnortntenti of ready made clothing," adapted to Atte - .present and coming eeason,,, .corialatintrthlairOf"mentregtitiliekiy - ton,;, - otreri and dress costs, of the usual fabrics sud styles; aaast i there sacks, sattinet pantaloons of various grades and colors, bleak esti% isancy,:eassimece, plush, :limner cloth and ,sh u ntsveati, ahildren'a and youths , mixed and 41ific tits" Itterelaaketti boats, pants, r . and, full Mine, k0:„..k0i , -. • Also, tnoliidedin catalogue, elm adiancea, This' Minning, 4 'atilt notify 'double-oat. - gold hunting watchee, of aelebtated . manufacturit..z - ~. • . , 'IDMINIPTII&TOWS 861,11 OP BILLIARD TABLES. Ori:6atnrday Morning, - Nov. 6th, at X lO o , aloeir r prechely, will be eold on the ,premisee, nortbesuit corner Of Eighth and Callow hill itieele,l* order or adralnistietor,4" superior tildes oilliefrolidirine MeV/bred •meftleoritrei I 1 made by - Meartevilr:fath do Deeker,-New York. "Leonard & Benjamin New York. • 2 , 41 ' , 4( - George , Tbonipion Doeton (marble tEr partialli attention or- billiard proprietOra larenoated.— - Ir ti r.The tablas may be examined any day privioue to the - 8043*0 above: ; - 4r, CO.,' Atrin to NE= s AND I , 7: = Ociatiiiiiiinrldiike, O. 2T iknel STRUT: isomer of LODGE 13THART. • t, r . . , LABOR BALM oximoufflutoLD .1111BNITURE, °ARP/ails OUXItAWAM3/ &o , I ,, .....)jaModneaday: orning, . "• • " Uttlito',PlOokist .No, 2f Swab. Mean meet, we will Sell large and Splendid :amendment of now and se eond•hand furniture—front Olainetoskor declining bnalness—consisting ltb.part - of. walnut tetou.tetes, walnut bedsteads, a 014,, chairs , rselistands, &o. Also, ansio OA white ghlnaware,: Also, at ihg- inane time -and pla ce , Of olleirlog Anddittgitekef liquor stars. . • ~ GINNEY , &:SONS, • < ' • 6/ • , r•RNAL. ZSTATEPAUOTIONIIIIII), 820.WALNOT STREET. • - • 1100EtTR , PALLIIALII, . • - On Thnradat lasendier 11th, litthe Philsdelphts r.xeh tinge— • ' - 7/111Tff , OTREET,:=1 . brwlitory brick residence, with the hiiderninspronementeilifthstreeVriorth of Sprach) street - - . _ J RANPIMOW P-1 40ABOHOJOHEREHE,wfib ople pad, ao4Eihalovierii itoprovemontoi No. MO Nor. h Igtetj: JO rune through to, stroOVi • -.::. - ' OMEN.. THEM-STORY max - BEsniEvon, witk-45.04 raPPOOmeata, sonthwestoardlT CIO, of le.MTMpfol).Olot . ,of.,Woq s tree t, Idt foot • _ ERSIDENEE, Anne street; west RIO i'Venue r nLectP Aide , has, LEG modern Improve manta, "aid in CompletO order. • _ _I,THMSETORY. age% ENHUHNO, Oumberland drOot; Muth Bide, .0.43m.—.7. M. Cikummej - ,V"Bods, siwklmieers, wlll held'be Wee& itear .4 lstate; Stacks, , Also, bab ialle libistdfuriattle'at thielltele. 4 0 41.7,t gi WTATZTAT PpyATE HALE. si.,-„ORAsi,fitrate aegster, *lll always be YaAtako-10 Item largo-.a of root estate, Ineluatisg ;sem aeoseptloaM oar and comitta ProPertY fr d: , Real Estate Broi ' sirs. -"- ' -----52 9 r WARTZ EtreetilmlossjnEttt, Vlb'H 1 LA ' W . AD ' AUND AND , 1 41141141 et Walla:10MB. wW-fr OLIN& Milan, • :01 1 09 0 11onlinli41nu. nuenteon. "Zit ronewt , froln old'etand inWalnut West to if piAtcolt.N, No. MO OHBOTNUT street, 0, ft itillXl.l4 o _7oheAlttkowrenge Hotel, where our And-Outpablio _are _reepeoltally Invited to 'enamlne our extenstrei) doe* of Wawa pki,g,Burnscee,-, 'Cooking Bungee,' Betlellollires,„ltigletere, Enameled atone Mutule, ?chit Orsteil, Ito. • We are - now mAntifieftring'o s NSW OELBVIIATAD VAT ANT NSWAPAIO9,OrOp 00111.101 , 117NNAON, the most noweiturrind'ioondrin'entMeitter 'ever' Invented, 1 .1171: 41 1tAtlifirl In pottitili H "`of! tnee " :Orates; and Porto: OW 131.1.1t0i or all oboe And patterns ,I firlinto - 'slar — onntnenced - znanninottuer 0: i'MfdAINLEDASTONIt. 1114117$49rfeins Pion ! VardniareVllI nre 44, gicifk nit $4l 8 1. kifwanAtitou if SM.? den. They lePro ll iutelittel *re and beintfol Amon MAANANA, 4 gewoUnjured.:4ntekt, Goal One, , Acids, Ana Ife sol4fillionoodnAndlletodt, at, into/class pries I!**, hAtiti.fs ~Crplowd Age MOO. AnNCILD wixison. , Abmolup•rinteopn. • et hip: A:.' 1.-18 t p 4 it _ , „ 11MIA"BUGA.B.---260 Boxes prime Yellow riGrltivailit SU:MASS roves Isy ' A. 'MERINO, 002.8 „ • ; .I.4ol3ciutlyll2osT `Streil.;, • 31 AIWA Sijet4.4-oatie Fitet,Qualiq '.1.Y.1s AtailliOlgarthjast arrived Mere semen sale 4 . W.tiraiLAM 1/..YEATON, - •410 • Ala Amith- Rater ritrami ;VIVRISICEY.43O..bbIeiy2OUdo:AMIIIer 8 . 4 1' IF • - Itiokonstap'e) ,91 1 1,1tvipnedige WW Biekey~ - gore abdNiesle i ..- • A. MERINO, 01414t 5 "e'ex" - Oath /MONT tract. ONI 71 !!:0# aleeiyg "44~ tiojt~ • — 22 E MARKET STREET,- , rt,0114 313 -7: 110 78446iitil0Are • • • BETWEEN SECOND AND TRIED STREET': G. WOLBEBT, ' the particular at nation'of pur- Admen's to the pOeitiie site of a general *erten:tut of and _fanny fall ;and winter amide, to be :made this morirlui,'commencing at 10 o'clock: „Included will be found— ,lllo".!Pitlf poops, ; ' 1 • Venelziating of men's - arid wanton's merino and lambs-wool, and.dra,.were, wool scarfs. wool Spode, 'vial , 'Coats', Wind - haat' and half hose, silk and wool gloves ! catton half hose, • ' BRAWLS. Also 200 Stella, wool basket; and damask' oreted shawls. EMBROIDERIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, Ac. Male°, French and Scotch embroideries, linen hand kerchiefs, silk handkerchiefs and - cravats, Italian sew ing silk, Madras cravat* linen shirt fronts, Byron col . lare. RID GLOVES. h Also, 200 dozen ladies' Vrenoh-fall adore, kid gloves. RIBBONS AND ARTIFICIAL". Alen, 50 cartons; helmet and trim:ming ribbons, silk- Velvet ribbolni, Erench artificials, silk triages, &o. Also, 15 wee fall style straw bonnets. -, "Also ' a general variety et notione. Erllamplea and catalogue, now ready. , This Morning,. • • Commencing at 10 o'clock, will be sold, without re eene,,,a large and general assortment of staple and fancy fall ant winter goods. ‘ U' Samples and catalogues early on the morning of sale. , On Tinitaday - iderning, • SALE BROM 'variety SHELV.M. Comprising a general variety or staple and fanny goods, In iota to snit .puretiasers On Friday Morning, ' BALE OF CLOTHING, he. Consisting of—. . Raglans, : - Back coats, • Week Coate, Made In the best manner for men's Dreet Oaata„ and boys , wear. Panto, and I - Vests, TAILORING 000D.8. Also, an assortment of tailoring goods, shirts, draw ere o batalogues early. on the morning of sale. Notices. IN THE •bISTRIdT COURT •T'elß ' THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PRIL&DELNII/k. DRORGR V: STROUD. Sept. Term, 1868. No. 48. Vend. Sap. The auditor appointed by the Court to report dread.- bationizif thiTuni raised, by the Sherigis sale under the above 66th, of All that certain lot or pit coot ground with the three story brick rceistlee 'or tenement thereon r erected, innate on the west a de of Seventh street, at the die tenci of 63 feet deathward fre in the Muth west darner of Master streetquad , the said Seventh street, In the city of PhDs , ' eiplola, containing in, front or .breadth on the said Seventh - etreet 17 feet, and extending in length or depth westward betWeeir parallel. lines at right angles iwith the' gaid'Serenth street. 80 feet. Bounded eutward•by the sald Seventh' street south ward byrdber ground of' theseldiohri B 'FOX, Intend ed to be this dargrinted to 'George W. Stroud on round rent, 'westerard by remaining ground of the said Cohn B. Yogi and' northward by ground granted , to Henry Pierce. Being, the same lot or piece of ground' which John Pox, biincleittne dated the 26th day of March, A.'l): ISM, recorded , Lat Philadelphialrideed book It D. 52 No. 120, -page 295," &o. granted and 'conveyed unto the raid George W. Stroud. infieei yield ing and paying therefor and thereont %unto the acid John B. Pox,-hls heirs and lisligrer, the yearly 'rent or turn of 120 dollars, It equal half...yearly payments, on the first day of the nionthe of <January and July in every yeuirthereafter. ' Also, all - Wit certain - lot or piece of ground with the three story brick nieisuageor tenement thereon treat: ed, situate on the west aide of Seventh street, at the distance of 80 feet southward tram the South west ear ner of fdasterstreet &nuttily said Seventh street, in the city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the said Seventh street 11 feet; and extending to length or depth westward between parallel lines at right an gles with the fold Seventh street 81 feet. - Sounded outward by the maid Seventh street, southward by other ground of them:id John B. Fox, intended to be this day granted Craig on ground rent, westward by remainingi ground of John B. Fox, and northward by other ground of the said John B. Fox, intended to be this day granted to George W. Stroud on ground'rent. , Being the 'Caine 'lot or pleoe of ground which John B. Fox, by-indenture dated the 2ith day-of March, A. D. DM,: recorded at Philadelphia in deed book R. D. 'llr., - No. 1111, 'page 299 &0., stinted and conveyed unto the said George W. Stroud, In fee, yield.' idg and paying thereforaed thereout unto the said John B. Fox, his heirs and Assigns, the yearly rent or mum of 120 dollars, in equal half yearly payments, on the first days of the months of.Janeary And July, in ovary year thereafter, for arrears of which eald ground rents, the properties above described, are now about to be eold -14111 attend to the duties of his appointment on TUES DAY, November 9th, 18'8, at 4 o'clock, P. M., at his °Moe, 188'. South Fifth street, opposite Indepen dence Square, In the city of Philadelphia, when and where All parties Interested 'are required to present theireledme or be-debarred from coming In on said fund. E. WiIITMAN,-Auditor, Phlls. p Oot. 16, 1868 IN THE DISTRICT COURT„FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY Of PHILADELPHIA. . 'HARPER :v. PROUD. , Dee.-Term, 18543 i No. 462 k Pl. Fa. The Auditor appoLutc4 by the Court, to distribute the fond &Hemp from * age. of persoual propertp.under above writ, will meet.the parties interested at hie office No. 704 WABHINOTON Allier,. on WRDNRSDAY, Nov.lo, at 4 P M , when and where all parties i !- seated are required to present dulls claims or be debarred . from coming in on laid fund. nol.-10t -• - A. MURRAY fiTZWART, Auditor. . „ LETTERS .OF ADMINISTRATION TO the Estate of OATHAILTI4E OAGLB, deceased, late of the Twenty-third hard `( hut formerly a resident of Idanayank,) of the city of PhiladelPhla, basing been granted to the undersigned, all perilous indebted to The said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against the name to present them to DSO W. DAVIS, AdminlOrator, oaf. tn.6t* MAIN Street, Manaynok. ANEW AND IMPORTANT DISCOVERY PRXNTIBB , B WASHING AND SCOURING soLuTiox. PATENTED JUNE =, 1858 , • This important diseovery has just been patented by th °United States,!ind it is now confidently recommended to Manufacturers, Ifousekeepers,' and others. It la a labor-aayingpreparation, and costa lean than half of any other article known for cleansing purposes. While It cleanses, whiten,, and purifies Cotton, Linen, and Woollen goods of every deacription,'lt will not injure ,the Most delicate fabric. Certificates of its yiane'haye been glean bysome of the leading manufacturers of the country, as well as by many reliable housekeepers and citizens.. Manufactured by the Patentee, and for ale by, MeatuEL GRANT, Jzt., & go., ~ 189 SORTIE WATER STREET, jy22-thtu ly • PHILAWILPItIi AZTION. C WABIIINQ AND BOODRINO SOW TION.--The undersigned would, caution the public against the purchase of Liquid Washing flolet:lone, pur porting to be elvillar to, or . equally ancient with, his. The undersigned le protected:by a patent in the menu of-the-only article which can he safely and al. 'clently need. Spurious imitations have been got up, which will prove inefnelent In cleansing, and deleted otia, to ..the Abdo. Crowe and_retsilera ahould be carefurnift toparcheas Mx Washing and fieburing So lition except of they will otherwise render them , soiree liable as infringers. Purchasers should be care ful to 'purchase' ONLY PRENTISS'S SOLUTION,: an they - will thus avoid all 'risk of deetroying the fabric/ washed: :Conclusive proofs can -be furnished that this article will not injure the febrio. sept29.Bmo.thectu TO ARORITEOTS AND BUILDERS. AO AMA. FREESTONE. Now landing, and shortly to arrire 4 l,ooo tons at this beautiful Stone, both of the BLUE,. _GRAY, AND DUET TINTS, the former of vhioh, for softness and delicacy of oolor, is unrivalled • For the character of this stone please examine the following buildings: • Joe. Harrison's, Eighteenth Street and Rittenhouse Sor e. arrison'a Building, Locust street, between Seven. teenth and Bighteenth. . - Samuel Smitit's,West street and Rittenhouse square. Mrs. Peterson's No. 1219 Walnut street. A. K. Womrath's, 414 Arch street: . Samuel filmes', Twelfth and Chestnut streets. T. K. liessitt, Seventeenth call Locust streets, and others. -ARNOLD & -WILSON, Agents, • - PHILADELPHIA WARMING AND, VENTILATING, , WARIMOUBB,. 1010 O}I3IBTNIIT BTILEET. marwim. .B. 11...BBLTWBLL, Sinn: UNITED' STATES GOVERNMENT LAND LOCATING AGENCY, _ , CHICAGO, The subecriber,' haring 'had math practical experi ence in selecting and locating lands In the various Land Bletricte In the Weaterit Statile, has suinsTal facilities for nuking retlaele B . eleotilipa for Len) WARRANTS OR OMR. , keintug Surveyors comtattily shf,..fight to make personal examinations, he can always make the most Judicious locations. Lamle nsultripassekt for fertility of soil and salubrity of climate, near the line of railroads, may now be In , , , . lOWA AND WISOONdIN. Bedisfaetoty nSfeeenoes - glven when re4ulred. • I 17.• MoneyWeetern invested States. Kansas and Liebman, and pay of the B. SALISBURY, 4 MARNE Street, Olxiaaßo HA#D SCRUBS AND CLAMPS. HAMMONDS& -No. - 'l. 82,4 e. per 'dos. - No. 6.61 12 per dos. 2. 750. " 6. 1 26 I 8. 870. " 7. 150 I. 4.1000. " 8. 1 76 gi 01.81.11'8, , 6 Row, $1.26 per dom. 7 ItOvr, $1.76 per dozen. 8 Row, 112.28 per dozen. ' HENRY C.X,ORBTRIN, 5e.7.6 A 2 North THIRD EMMA. Philadelphia A WNINGSI AWNINGS I. - - .Enk".YOSSPIi - H. - POSTER, Mcning maker, NO. 448 North THIRD_ Street, 'shove , Willow. Italian and Small 'Window Awnings for dwellings and office w in dowi i , A*liings for done, Awnings for steamboats add ships, • AU kinds of - Awnings, Tents, Flap ' or any thing 4n - canvas /m/4e : to - Order by JOSEPH Ef. TER, Awning Maker, No.. 448 North TUlRD,Street. Nosidence, No; 840 South PRONT Street. oclB.lm - JOSEPH H. POSTER, • TAW ./c BEERS , _ ~t LIIBRIOATING (itEASE, • 'the beet and cheapent compound tUr greeelnE'the Weis or OMNIBUSES, OAP.RIAGEB, LOAItTB, DRAYS And WAGON% and,HBAVY • ~ _Pop In tin, eaus,,kegaissnt barrels, 0 , all ,the DIWOGISTIII In the city widths MANI:MAC MINA 0, 1 .1211 m No. i 8 ROUTEI WATER Street. r 1 A; TREGQ • , REAL ESTATE AGENT ,j 2:. 4ND obri•vioritioETE,THIII,TEENTIr Street and.ItIDGB Avenue, attends to the purchase and mile of•Seel Mato, Avegoutitio - g seaarimes t 'Renting houses, 'end CoHastiest of Rouse and Ground Rents; and Inter: ,eethtent,es,„,Battshostnry rethrencee given, ; og9-Bns* jiA.MdOR - .ARTIFIOLAL BP.OIAL NOTIOA TO PIIYEI V IAIIii:—Vhe offelakeeldola for' the',exhibition .of-reinedlonito osaag aarfacee,, which . oombinee the following adiabta. gee r A good and niriaryingeordateitee,'enelltrommat a with water, diseolrea all arAptatioes _that arnardn ble in water, hence' facilitating instead of oto coo ak t. their abaorption, end dies not, get rancid: The 144 property alone random ; tt an licrelnailin'aignialtion to' theractiVoner. Prepared and for !ale wholeeale and retail A at , amiss Laboratory and Pharmacy, TrAlfttrana Clheltoht stro.k •.' HEMP.—A large stock of J. J. LIAM HEM' on hand and for sala by WEAVER, PITLER & CO., 0019 ' No. 4.8 N. WATill Pt .V. 22 N. WLIARVIS ttggss.--K4LAPEttiPIRA9 •' THE-TESDAY -NOVEMBER, 2, -.1855' • ; v p . • .• , INO,IIIRE.FOR THE ROYAL, OR. BEA. SHELL PATENT GAE;IIIIIININGDOOK= ING BTOVES—They are economical, etmeemleir the gee and smoke ;Mit are Mina/1y wasted ; dura ble by having double) lartead of dingle plates ; and eon ventent, having large ovenaand being ready bakers. Our new patented DOUBLII.OVXMOTOVE le the hest conetruoted up-draft stove ever Invented. It will heat a large bolter of water, boil two dinner pots, broil a beef steak, bake bread and ; pies, and, roast meat, all at the same time ana with a single fire: • - Invalids, and all persons,whe appreciate the influence of ien , ilated apartments upon health, will be pleased with our PORTABLE -GRATES and MODEL MANX.= LIN STOVE', which are of beautiful and ornamental patterns, and give a cheerful open fire, and thorough ventilation. Strict economists will be sablotied with our SILVER'S OAS-CONSIIMING PARLOR STOVES. Many of the 00-Called gee-burning atoves introduce cold air to the top of the ere,, the effect of which to to cool theetovo and waste the-fuel, precisely ea if stove' door wee opened above the lire., Is 4 true gas-burning stove, the air should be heated, in shot-air chamber, to &tempera tore duMeient to ignite the gases, on the lame prinolple as is adopted to our gas-burning cooking stoves. In sulditionto the above, a largo assortment of Parlor Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, for coal or wood, Hall Stoves, Portable Heaters,,Cooklog Stoves, of every de scription, Gas Ovens, Stove Pi:tures and Repairs may be found, In every variety, at our Waterooms, N 0.200 Norih SECOND Street. above Race. ocl9-tf - • - NORTH. WASH, & NORTH. 44 QUEEN'S PORTABLE FORGE.— Doubtless Many of our city readers, in passing the gangs of workmen employed In laving down some.„of the passenger railroad tracks in our streets, had their attenticinattraoted tb a portable forge, with bellows and everything complete, and in efficient service. .These„ forges, built upon the plan secured by O. V. Queen's' patent, are for sale at the commodious, long-established, and deservedly popular Stove, Range, and Suttees establishment of WARNION, CHAD— WICK, & BROTHER, corner of SECOND end RACE, Streets, who have the sole right for the Balsa Queen's Portable Forge in Pennsylvania. There are, we, believe, dye eine of this forge, rang log In price from twenty-two to forty-four dol lars—a sum so small, when ',entreated with its merits, as to se cure its general Introduation ; for any one who will or a moment consider the advantages of this forge, which may be removed from place to place, no as ,always to be on the spot, where workers in iron or other metals are to perform service, whether in original construotion or repairs, will at once concedolte great elliciency,,and ar range for its possession and use. The adaptability of this forge to repairs to railroads and mining machinery' eapeciallyoommendsit to railroad companies and opera tore in the mining districts. We, therefore, take plea mire in calling to It the attention of road mmters, su perintendents of mines, and others.—prom the United States Railroad and Mining Register. 007-1 m STOVES § 'STOVE I " anNElvs oniGnlam - ciAB-BUIININEt ' all the , With all the Latest Improvementa. • = . • Also, the largvit assortment or 0001thig, PARLOR, & OPPIOE STOVIES In the City, at • MANIGLE'S, No. 909 mAnzsr STREET. Call before parohaalog,• , 0020.6 w saSOMETHING NEW.—GAS BUB. NINA 000/1 STOVB.—I would respectfa ly call the attention of the public to ono of the greatest improvements ever introduced in Cooking Stoves and Ranges—the burning of the gee arising from the coal, by which means is tamed SO per cent. in fuel and also more Intense heat thrown to the bottom of the oven. We effect the burning of the gases by means of a hollow centre-piece, perforated on the under side, which admits the air in a heated state to mingle with the gases, thus aiding ite combustion, and causing a flame to•paee around the oven equal to a wood fire. This im provement also preserves the centre piece from sinking down on the fire, thereby saving the expense of repairs. One`of the Stoves CAN BE SEEN IN 'OPERATION et 1116 MARKET Street. Manufactured by JAMES SPEAR, Inventovand Patentee, (late North, Chase to North,) 1116 MARKET Strict. swot: Malmo I _ONG'S SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY, -111.4 N B. corner MONTH and. BUTTONWOOD Ste. COMMERCIAL DtPAßTMENT,—gook•keeping in all Its various forma ;. preparing Students thoroughly for filtrations in any branch of business ; Plain and Or namental Writing ; Commercial Oalmiletions ; Law and Correspondence. No institution in the United States gives a more thorough and practical course. In this department no teaching is done in classes, and is open DAY and EVENING. Time unlimited hIATIIEMATIOAL AND CLASSICAL 'DEPART. MENT—(Sepantte 'from - the shovel—Young Men and Boys are prepared for any grade of an English and Clas sical Education, viz Spelling, Reading Writing, Gram mar, Geography, Arithmetic, Philosoay, & e. , Ancient and Modern Languages,,with all the higher Collegiate Studies. Sessions of five months commence September let, and February let. -Pupils received at any time be fore or after these dated and charged acoordingly.*Cata , loves furnished gratis: " mh2ls.tf F. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal ENN INSTlTUTE—Boutheaat,corner of TIIIRTEENTII and FILBERT Streets, opened on MONDAY, the 6th of September. Private instruotion, though favorable to rapid pro green, yet mends the acholer into the world with a keen sensitiveneas, which .totally diequaliem him for edits life i whilst attention to many oftentimes forces the Instructor to meet general dithoultiee rathegthan those personal to each individual, and the learner either Icaea all Interest, or becomes auperliclal In his &Nuke ments. For these and other reasons the number is limited. Yor further intonation apply percenally, Iron nine o'clock A. M. to one o'clock Y. Al., or by unto, to - colB.tt STETVARTarlitclesl. IVIES. BRYAN" , SEMINARY, BATAVIA, N. Y. TIDE FALL TERM of this Instithtion (whose loos tion is one of rare beakty and attraction), commences on the 15th of September. It continues strictly a Fa mily Boarding School for Glrlecand is thorough, select, tied homelike in all its appointments. 'The ntrisber of bpupils is limited to those who can be ceased at the ta le of the Princi. LlZr OIItOUL AIIS will be sent showing Terms and Regulations. •Batavia. Genesee co., N.Y., September, 1518. eels Cli/TTENDEN's OOMMEROIAL 001.L] CHESTNUT and EIIiIVENTT .Au Imslllaikra designed TIVEI BUSINasn. - HOARD OF .TRUnralit. ii, ii.liomen zi g r Francla Iloskina, H. Geore David Milne,. John Bparhawk, David 8. Brown, . lona* Hacker, A. V. Pampa, D. E. Hinman, Frederick Drown, Joehns L ppixtoott. EVENING SESSIONS after September 16th. 'Each Student has INDIVIDVAL • INSTRUCTION beethero re commendation spiting. man can have, for obtaining • good eltuation. CATALOGUES may be had on application at the College. .., _ seit•tf T ,EID ;ISHO,THS' NIGHT-SCHOOL, Not. 140 ate- 0 SIXTH Street, neer Race . ,_ to NOW Ores To - GM; I rfitt/CITION lit 80011-WERTING, WRITING, AND MERCANTILE ARITHMETIC. INSTRUCTION IN THE DAYTIME, 413 USUAL. eet•ly veRYANT & STRATTON'S CHAIN OF ILE NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladelphia College, Southeast earner SEVENTH and CtilitiTNllT Streets. • Per information, rail or send for circular. s Jelti.tf EVENING SESSIONS HAVE OOMBIENOED. y),, DUFF & CO.'S MERCAN . TILE COLLEGE, Southeast corner "` • EIGETII and 011ESTNIIT qtreete, (established in 1840, and incorporated by the Legisla ture of Pennsylvania.) In this well-known Institution the of Practical, Single, and Double Entry - BOOKKEEPING, Including all the AoxiLiAar Bones, OolaugnotAL UAL °MATIONS, and ." BUSINESS WRITING, Is taught In the moot successful and satisfactory style. M. BOOIiR , P. EDWARDS, Principals. an2l.ly'Mi. B. B. •EITON; Penmen. PUGILIST & SONS, Po. Importer' of 11,4TILNA OIGARS, 6628 210 Booth FRONT Street HAVANA OIGARS.-106,000 La s Flor de la Havana and We, Jug arrived per brig " May Queen,'3 from liavana In atom and for male by ' WILLIAM ! 1.-YEATON, ze244f- - - No. 216 &intb FRONT Street. jaIIGARO, CABANAS .AND PAUTAGAS, A fiItGARS.—A emit* invoice bf Shea() celebrated builds on Ward brig ";few Xra," daily 'expeeted tram name, and for dela low, by CHARLES TSTB, (Nor) 18 8 Walnut street, below Second, ao7,A•nnod Story simum, V. 11.1111110 N. J. 7A11016/ WILLLUI Z. 111111101'. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, RUTH AND WASHINGTON STARR TB, ADILPRIA. HERRIOK SONS, 4ND - MAOHINISTS, mannfactare High and Low Prolong Mum 'Muslim, for Land, River, and Marine Hereto.. Chntometers, Tanks, Iron Bade, fte., Out. lop of allkinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron frame roofs for Gee Works, Workshop', Railroad Stations, 44. Retorts and Gee Maobinery of the latent and most proved oonstmotion. Remy description, of Plantation maohinery, ouch u Boger. Raw, and Grist Mills Vacuum Pane, Open Moue Trains, Defecatora, Bitters P umping Bngines, Ao. Bole Aged" for N, Bild etm,s Patent Sugar Boling Apparatus; Nesmytkls Patent Steam Ilainmer, J. P. Roes' Patent Vales Motion for Blast Machinery luxe Steam Pumps: .• , - • • • thiperintendeni—B.R. RARPOL.. HOBENSAOR'S IRON BITTERS. This Medicine, an its name implies, is one of the greatest strengthening preparations extant. It is es pecially adapted to those who have a loss of appetite or are afflicted with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Mee, Nervous Debility General Weakness, and all diseases arising from a disordered condition of the digestive Meng. FOB FEMALE! COMPLAINTS GENERALLY there is perhaps no medicine in the world equal to it, en it onion, purifies, and replenishes the blood which Is so [ THOUSANDS Allllportant to brink about LIVING a healthy action a miserable existence, of a pale sickly color, weak and emulated, who could be restored to health by the use of one bottle of this invaluable medicine. It le no humbug, but a genuine remedy, being free from any thing that Is of an injurious nature. FOB 'ALL DISEASES OF THE BLOOD there is no better antidote than Hobensacles Iron Bit ters. When the blood is i mpure the whole body is full of' direase. Blood letting may answer for a time, but cleansing a part will not purify the whole. At the fountain we must begin, and to cleanse the bleat there re no better remedy than. thee° invaluable Bitters. Their chief eonstithent is iron, and we all know its aglow in removing the' impure matter from the whole visors.' systom.. They. are prepared by • prao tleal chemist, and have been pronounced, by eminent phyalcians and others k as the "ne p lus ultra" of all tonics. HOW ORATIPPINO to the proprietor that he has succeeded in ooMpound fag a reme d y for many of the Ills that „his fellow mortals are eubiect to; and that the' public appre ciate it le not a question of doubt,'but a axed fact, as the demand for it has far ourpassed his sanguine TITS ' VITTIBTIMONT OP A WORTHY OITIZIN. This is to certify my wife wee in delicate health some _three yearn, with a dbielMe peculiar' to her eon. Bhe ,tried numerous remedies without deriving any benefit. Hearing of HobensacL's Iron Biggers, and, knowing iron to be a powerful tonic, induced me to obtain a bottle, which proved to be the Medicine ,she solely re quired, by restoring her I. health. Eike hesitates not resommend it to those who era eirmlarly affected, as she honoree it to be a mom/rei CIOLH gn remedy/ JOHN . _ - - No. 881 Capitol Strait. This Invaluable htedloine le prepared only by ' - ozoneE 8. HOBENBA.O/1, „yharmacentiosl N. W. isomer of THIRD and WINN Streets, Philadelphia, To whom all orders mast be addressed. Price 83. Dlrothunt to dealers. _Bold by .Dreggliil generally. ; • , nin2o..y A BRAM' SLAUg'B,INGROING,,DIE .CIL Sinking, and Embossed Printing, Ernefope, and Seal Press tdanufrtory ) No. 1. Nootb, Inx,TEI Street, jeklladtplpkiit, Pa. oaks Otouco. Claneational. ' HILADIMPHIA aortheart corner of Streets. to - Young snest for ♦O COUNTING ROUSE COM= ilobatco. ittatbitten anb Iran. .fflebinnal. glebicinal pEIiIIVIAN,SYV,vp, PROTEDT,V4 I) ,804.14T10N OH PACITOCIDI ointo, Thiying suonesefally, owed the ordeal to which na ps. ooteriee in thellaterla Mediescare nubjeotod, Inuot no* b . :rece i v ed ae eo eatabliahed medicine. Its ,eilloacy:y oaring w ' A DYSPEP S . Affect i oas of the Meer, preppy; Nenojen Bronohltfi an d oninnbnitive ,tpathmeles, 'Disordered' dtate of 'the BOurry, the Proetrating 'Mete of Toad m I*e6 Genefel, in'd all Diabasea whlelt to 4ul l re r lii r imila and Alterative Adedialne, ie beyond quo , 1- . 1, 1t.cr1) .- { .. 1. 7'4„ 0 emm me r r h o o n t a p , , n r it a or s w o s tm el bi l a y ts ut h e h la s e e n °46 i ti ta c Y te ited er : ) , r an c im o d u lT i ol: such peculiar character, that sufferers' • •The .., lni 'toa ottre•all, but its , range ie ext.* $. ..!.S.. • ' ' the, because Many disease., apparently unlike, are intimately related, and proceeding, / rem on. cause, maybe anted by one remedy. .. . The thee of 'disowns for which' the syrup provide.% care is precidely 'Abet :which. has so often baffled the highest order of medical skill. The facts are tangible. the wituessee *Mesabi°, and the safety and efficacy of the Syrup incontrovertible: - , Those persons tyho may wish for an *Pinion front' die' interested persona respecting the character of the syrup cannot Sall to be satisfied with the following, aniong nu. meroul testimonials, in the handinf the Agents. The signatures, are these of gentlemen' well known' balks community, and of the highest respectability. • . . 0 A.A D . ` The Undersigned having experienced the beneolal et feeds of the 41 Peruvian Syrup, ,, do not hesitate, to to commend it to the attention of the nubile - From our own experience, Uwe(' u from the test moray of others,'whose intelligence and Integrity are A„! together unquestionable, we have no doubt of ite ado* ey.in'oasea of /ncipieut Diseasee of the Lungs and Broe °Mal Passages, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint,' Drops), Neuralgia, &o. - Indeed. BA effects would be knoredibls but from the high. character' of those 'hos have wlt nosed them, and have volunteered their testimony,uwe do MUM, 1,0 Ito restorative power. • -Rev. JOHN PLERPONT, 'THOMAS A. DEXTER, El.• 11. KENDALL, M. D., • . SAMUEL MAY, THOMAS C AMORY, PETER RARY.EY, JAMES O. DUNN, Rev. THOS.. WRITTEMORE, OERTINIOATE s cw DR. 11Ale148 It Is well known that tho Medicinal effects of Proles. Me of Iron in loot by_even a very, brief exposure to air, and that to maintain a volution of Protoxide of Iron, without further oxidation, Ike been deemed impossible In the Peruvian-Syrup, this desirable point is at kilned by combination in a way before unknown, end this oolutlon may. replace all the proto carbonates, ci Utiles, and tartrates of the AlateriaModitm. A. A. HAYES, M. D., Assayer to the State of Massachusetts. Boylston street, Boston. Bab' BY - N. L. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, No. 5 WATER Street Boston. P.BROWN, NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets, HASSARD & 00., TWELFTH and 011EBTNIIT &ob. Jels-tn th aat-Gos wBm Agents for Philadelphia. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR; PREPARED er DR,. SANFORD, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY PROM GUMS, Is:one Of the beat Purgative and Liver Medicinal now before - the public, that acts as a Catharsis, eager, milder,, and more effectual thah any other medicine known.. is not only a Cathartic, but a Litter reme dy, eating first on the Liver, to eject Its morbid matter, then on the atomaeh arid boweis to carry off that mat, ter, then- accomplishing two purpoies effectually, 'with out any of the painful feelings eiperienoes in the Ope rations of .most ,Cathartics. It strengthens the spa tem at_tbe seine time that it purges it, andcwhen taken daily in moderate "doses, will strengthen and build It up with untamed rapidity. - • princtpalregulatorsofthe performs its rune Mons system are fully devil• most •entirely dependent the Liver for the proper - Hone ; when the stomaeh at fault, and 1110 whole quenee of one organ—the do Ite duty.: For the die-• of the proprietors h a practice of ,rndre thad2o dy wherewith to counter manta to Willett it is Ila- The Lives mono of the human body; and when it well, the powers of the oiled. The stomach le Di on the healthy action of performance of its ram ie at fault the bowels are eyatem suffenl in conee- Lit , er—havlng enacted to cation of that orgim, one made 'lt Ids ntudy, In a peace, to And some rema nd the many derange ble. medy le at laid found, any ♦ea COMPLAINT, in any of bottle, and bourlottou hi. To prone that, thin re, petwou troubled Wlth ita forme, hee but to try a certain. Thou GUM remora all the eystomp supplying hi of ,bile, invigorating , the digest well i)unlying the health to the whole ma. CaUlle. of the dlaeue—ef ilicloce Arnold are prevenied by the ce. furtooaaroa. morhld orbad matterfrom their pleat a healthi flow stomach, causing food, to blood,- giving tone ,and chin ery, removing the footing a radical ours. cured, and, what ix bet =long use of the Lieaa lo onMotent to relieve the food from rising sad gouge- One lose, after eating, totasett and prevent the Lug. Only one dole, taken DitOWOUltn, Only one dose, taken at gently, and auras 000• One done, taken after rave. " 4E7 One dsge or tyro relieve 010 It HOLIDA01111: before retiring, prevOtit night, looms the Vowels TIVIMISO. • each meal, will cure DTEF tewspoowfwls will aliroys One bottle taken for fo• the cause of the disease, Only one dose hinnedt. while one done, often re- Onot,afis Moneys. and a male obstruction removes end makes aperfectcure. ately relieves 0001.10, pea W, is s sure cure for preventive or OnoLignA. • needed to threwont of the dloine after a long sick, irrnly one bottle is system O tke effects at me- SAM. 10" - One bottle taken sallowness or unnatural for JAUNDICTS remorse all color from the skin. . time before sitting glees makes food digest well. ; ed, mires Ottaosto DI/A while Bourse Rod Bolen. to the first dose. • One dose taken a short' vigor to the appetite, and One dead, often repeat- RENA in its worst forme,. complaints yield almost One or two doses cure in children; there is no remedy in the world, as it abs nts 10-.. k few bottler ears orbe. We take pleasure in re- oommending this men. nine sts a prerentire for INTER and Anon, OUILL Parma, and all Favaasof a lhuotra Trps. It op*. rates with certainty, and thousands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. AD who use 'et ars giving their unanimous W10)1041/ its favor: - 1D Mix Water in the moutk'ssith the /SeigeratOr, and swallow both together. TILH LIVER, INVIGORATOR 18 A 130110111/1711KMAL Dtadovnar, and le daily work ing cures, almost too great to believe. It mires ea if by magic, even the first dose 'giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of LIVER Oomplaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dys pepsia to a common Headache, all of which are the re sult of a DISHABRI) LIVER. MOE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE . . . Dr. BANFORD, Proprietor, 846 Broadway, New York. Agents for Philadelphia, T. W. DYOTT ds BONS, 216 North Second Street. • Betallad by all ;Druggists. Bold also by BAllinEl, BI61118; Twelfth and Chestnut etraefa, and F. DROWN, Fifth and,Ohastoot Janet. Thilada. 1,913 to th Iliatrw will, in an oases, follow the use of RadiiSy', liemediee. There are none eo sick or diseased, w weak, feeble, Or crippled with pain or infirmities, bill that Itadwara Ready Relief, Renovating, Resolvent, of Regulators, as the nature of the disease or aloknitet, may require, will quickly and rapidly cure. - These remedies 'consist of Itadwaris Ready Relief, Radwey'e Renovating Resolvent; Radway's Regulators Each of theme remedies possesses special curative'powert over certain diseases. Yet there' are other ilfseiteei wherein their combined medicinal properties are is quirs4 and when thug used, if there le Inifliolent and strength within the diseased or dying body to sus tabu their action, the patient will Ilve and be restored to health. Paid Acute Diseases. Inflammatory Diseases., Nefarious Diseases Congestive Diseases Scrofulous Diseases..... Chronic Diseases ' . Syphilitic Diseases Constitutional piteases.. Skin Diseases Nervous Diseases Infectious Diseases .R. R. R. Relief. Itelisf and Regulators .Reliefand Reguletfore. . Relief and Regulators. .Renovating Resolvent. ,Renovating Resolvore. Renovating Resolvent. , .Resolveni, and Bcgulestoo, Renovating Resolvent. Resolvent, Relief, Roods tors. . ,Ready Relief ¢ Etre/Mort CONSTITUTIONAL DISEASES. Tinny diseases that "Mist humanity are Inherited 111 eir-looms from the diseased bodies of sickly Mree Swards, Consumption, Syphilis, and Pita, are amons the most common of constitutional diatoms. Now, we ears not how many generations' the seeds of thesis Alt eases may have been established in the system, .ents rupting the blood_Reduoay'r Renovating Resolves: will eradicate from the bodies of the afflioted every par. tide of diseased deposits, and fill the veins with pure, and healthyblood.,_ _ _ ORILDIIIINT Dia/USES. iladway's kinorassug Resolvent should bo hulloC sea blessing by every mother throughout' the 'loud. niter° _infants are afflicted *lth Boren, ilutoore,cete. Tide breakings mit (thus 'early) are evidenoea of dis• same transmitted from the parent stook. A few that) oi the Renovating Iles oleent will eradioate every redip of the disease and hum* the child a sound and healthy body. -A. R. R,—Radway's Ready Relief for Ilealiaohes, ther sulk or nervous; Rheuxuatism, fines, Dysentery, Cholera hforbus, Cramps, Influenza, Bloody Flux. Paralysis, Limbed°, Gout, Neuralgia, Toothache, Small Pod, Fevers, Swollen Joints, Kidney Complaints, Scarlet Fever, Pains around the Liver, Plea. Vey, Measles, Heartburn, and Pains C all kinds. Redwayls Ready Relief will, in i , es minutes, change the miseries you sulfa , to joys of pleasure. A. R. R...-Rmiway's Renovating Resolvent, for the ears of chronic diseases—Such as Ficrofulons and Syphilitic complaints, Consumptive and other affections of the Lungs and Throat. Induration and Nnlargements of pieta, Brophy°. and other diseases of the Skin Nodes, Tumors, Green!, Dyspepsia, and All other disemes arising from an impure stets of the blood. B.B.B,=Badway'e Regulators will cure, elfeativelY and speedily, Costiveness, Indigestion, • Painter's Oholbs, Lead Diseases, Indamum tion of the Dowels Dyspepsia, Liver Cam plaint, Diseases of 'the Heart and Kidneys Female Complaints. Small Pox, Fevers, Measles, etc., etc. Whenever the system Is out of order, or the blood impure a doss of Redwayie Regulators will restore it to rect• laxity, and purify and cleanse the blood. No female should be without them. R. R. R. Remedies are sold by Druggists sad Merthaute everywhere. RADWAY St. 00., New York City. W. B. Yninea, , T. W. Drorr & B°X ' Agents Philedelphia T. R. CALLENDER, , Dr. H. SWARMS Sc. Bon ) litlt•ttuteacilyeceoßbr rrnE GREAT STANDARD REMEDY OF JL THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. 'VIE • IMPERIAL DENTRATIVE YOB PURIFY ING WIN • BLOOD AND STRENDTDENIN4 TED WHOLE BYBTEU. , , The Imperial Dopurative, prepared by Dr. 11,e, berry Ss' Co., is now acknowledg_ ed as the prinelVl Family Medicine for the cure' of Wainscot; affections and 130Sori7LOUS diseases generally. The success which' attends ite use in these inveterate diseases has no Nut. It Is now used in ' hese diseases with complete success, where all other means have failed. Two or three bot tles-will satiety any one of its great curative properties. RIP DISDABII'IUI4 WEE MS SW/ILLING, HLOZHATIONS Of, the BONES, Mourn, THROAT, &c: Irs beneficial and healing obaracteriatics are soon observed in these com plaints. No matter of how long standing they may have been, they will yield to the proper use of the IMPN NIAL DEPURATIVE In a ehort time. • , TarTsa and SCALD HEAD will as certainly yield to this inedicine u 'it la med. • Diseases of `the Skin and all eruptive complaints generajly cdfinot long remain after using a few bottles of the Imperial Depurative. Its Tonle properties, as well Sc Alterative; render It valuable to weak and delicate females. . . The great purity, strength, and 'value of this Faintly Medicine is unequalled in the cure of all diseases mole alatini in an impure condition of the blood. It expels' all the virus or diseased matter from the blood and re. invigorates the system. Those using the Imperial Depurative and whiting ad; vice in their case, will reeeive every attention by etter. or otherwise, Prepared and sold by Dr, LOUNSBERRY Zr 60 North FIFTH Street . , below Arch, Philadelphia. For site also by J. P . Long & Co., Lancaster, Pa. J. If. Raw and S. S. Steven Reading, Pa. Holman Jr. co.; Iglarrieburg, Pa. C. R.Sating, Pottsville Pa.' 'V. ?r, C. W. Moollutook, aston, Pa. James (liven, ,Westchester, Pa. Schmidt to de. Allentown, 'Pa; Simon Ran, Bethlehem; Pa. Dr. 11. W. Leslie, Bristol, Pa,, and Druggleto gen'orany. aull•mwtcatem Ins,:intantv,grpingatakf. /pH):, QUAKER INSITIZA.NCIE .1. COMPANY,' FH.rOE 498 WALNUT STREET, PIIILADET4H2A.—QAPITAL dad 817R14078 $277.- 655.86.—Irmu'es againit ,LOBB or .DAMAGR-BY FIRE and the PERUS OF THE BEA, INLAND NAVIGA TION andTHANSPOR.TATION. IL - TICN per,cent. in dash returned on the earned Premiums of Open Inland nlieles. OFFICERS. Presbignt—gßOßGll H. BART.,. : , , , vip,/ppoldeut=4. I'. AOSS. BOoro4ey and Treasurerz-11 R. CORGERIALL. , AssfhtatikflOMai-43:11. BUTLERS _, bumfroils: .. Geo. 11. Hart;', ".", B. W. Bailey " E P. Roes, ' 'Andrew R. Chambaree, 6. G. Outten,' ' T. L. Pomeroy, " Joseph Edwards, „ Chirles G. Imlay, John GI Dale; • ,'H. R. CoggShaU, Footer B. Perkins, Sam!. zones H. D. ' Roo. H. 'MI/alter. ' Afloat 'IIIt G OWED PINE AND MAR,INE INSI7- AA RANCE COMPANY', N 0.412 WALNUT litieet, , . . DIRECTORS. , , John H. Diehl, wo, p, Leech, J. Edgar ThOmoon, Robt. W. D. Truitt, Di W. Baldwin, Thos. L. Loden], John 0. James, Wm. R. Hamlin, A J. litooknor,, W. Il..Shilllngford, John W. Seaton, 0. B. Spangler, William RaigneX' ' H.R. Houston, I ' Edwin Booth, Woo. H. Love, , John Garrison, ' Chorine E, Norton, E. S. Warne,' Inmelllyer. Preeldent—JOlLl H. DIEHL, Vico President--n. S. WARN.. Seoretary—OßAßLES A. DOT. ' - selii-tf A XERIOAN- FIRE INSURANCE CO., .C3l. INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTER PER PETUAL.• No. 810 WALNUT Street, shore Third, Philadel p h i a Ilnyttig a large - paittup Capital Stook and Surplus Invested in sound and available Sectudties;continnett insure on Dwellings., Stores Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels fd Port and their °two and' other - Person/4 Pkopertp.' :All Lollies ChM y End promptly adjusted. 011101 VIS. etiOrgefAtobott, , ; John T. Lends, John Welsh; ' Caspar W. ?dorrii, SamuelCladortOrt, • James R. Campbell, Patric& Brady, Edmond - - • - Charles W. Poultney. CROWD •ABBOTT, President. THOMAS IL MAWS. Secraterp, 1a23-y If CORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE 0011. PANT, No. 881yekr.4 , 317 Street, Phllidelphta. ' 011AltTEAR0 O.APYTAL ' $500,000 PI , IOII, •ZdARINE AND /NDA.ND. ABBP.Tik JULY let, ,1858. 'Bonds and Mortgagee, Stec Ice,:ito. /849,825,00" Bills Retielvablei, (tor policies Peened,) • "'1,147'78 Uncettlia Bdok'Aceotultii, (for policies,).... 1.618 88 etch la Bank and la Office - • ' - 10,483 46 Clash in kande of Agents and Oorreapondente, 1;898 81 ' ' • 855,14.8 85 No losses unadjusted, unpaid, or reported. DIRNOTOBEI : ' . •• . . William M. Godwin, B. It. Orawfoid, James W. Queen Jno. L..Beduer, George WW lien; ,' William B. ,T lk irtnai, B. Franklin Jaakeon, WWI*, J. 0. llopper, fienr ODT y'D. Ml, President J. o:horria, • =. tleoretaryWM.. M. G . mvlO•dtt CITY iNSI3ItANPE COMPANY, No. 110_ South FOURTH Street. • • CHARTER PERPETUAL. • Oapitel $200,000. Organised 1851. Privileged to imam Housed, Annually or perpetually ; .Personal Property, annually, or for a lees period; take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Risks ;'receive De posite; hold Trusts and grant ammities ALFRED wfitate, President. B. 0. TYLER, Vice President. J. W. MARTINI, Secretary. • DIRIOTOIS. 'Alfred Weeks, • • non. W. D. Kelley, D. 0. Tyler, • •J. W. Forney, • J. W. Bonder, P. B. Mingle, •• C. R. Woking, • James Watson, 3. L. Mutable/ion, • Ludlam Matthews, J. W. Stokes, William Curtis, JelB-ly •G. B. nrner. - ENE INSURANOR AND TRUST 00X- M-4 14.131r,L3rhe PSNNIEUTUAI, LUIS INBLIMANEII 00M1/ANY. Northeast Corner of EMIT 'seed DOGE Stmts . .' 5i1apiti413612,726.08.' ' INSIIRES LINES fOr Short tiring, or for the wholes ter of life—grantE aiinuitier and ' encloirmenta—pur:•' awe, life , interests in Real ia Estate, and makes - all contraets dip/riding oil the oontingetteliel of Life. Tltbi act as Executors, Edrednlstredozn, Assignoss i Tauten; and duardbaun- , - • 1M111114111141. Daniel B. Miller, • Oarrinel N. Etats Benjamin Coates, ' William MAMA, ' Richard A,'Nfiirboldl, james'B. MoNarland, William r. Hacker, • • Joseph 11. Trotter, William H. Kern,, James,Bnaton, Paninel O. Ailey, • ' Theophlitus Paulding, Charles Htillortell, ' Ndmund A. Bonder, Henry ,41:1. Towniiiind, Deals' L, Untoblinims, aodolphas Kent,' 'John WA:tomer; William H. Carr, , Ellie 11: Arahet; ~ Zdiriot T: Mott,, - Sammie' J. Chrlitisar, • Wllliani itlibertson, " Joseph 11. Theme, ' 'Warner M. Ilasin, john ei.B,ienner, - : P -: N. Bllohlor,latiton: " ' DANDIV.E. SBlElJOlRcPnieldent: MIMI 71. 0T0 . F.311; Vie. Pres% Jinx W. Wonsan. Bearetarr.` • ": •.. 411-17 LA*AiIE :iiIIT11A1.; SAITTY ' IN -BIIIISANON COMPANY... , INCORPOBATNO BY TIOI WiIIiaLATURN of HINDI . OYLVANIA, 1883. 0)210E, 8. , Corner,TIIIRD and WALNIIT Inceotr, • , • satuensients. , ' - - AtikiNß nvarlICANOl4 ON V11881943 r - • . • CARO% ; : To all parlor o t ie World; FRIITOUT, ~ . . _ INL D INSIIRAIORS, On Reale, 137 River, OaxtitlB,..Lake ,I 1 end Land 013n111911. ' "ta all pate Of tbot Union; • FMB INEVRANCIAI3, ' • - ' On. Merahandlee‘genendly. -- • On Stettes,_ Dwelling Howiell, tee:' -' '" ' 466.19F9 OF 'FHB COMPANY, , : - Nolen:l6er , 4 9,•1867. Bonds, Midge / gee, end•ROLF,etate, 9161,860 ell Philadelphieoitiand Other,Loans 167,011 96 Anook, fn./lents, nallroa4s and . 9neuranee , .., - Clompanies 12,608 00 Bins pseeteeble - 240,291 96 09510hand' ' 81,1302 00 Baildien in Rands pr Agents, PreallOMll op' • ~ ' ' Wattle ROPelas ,reoeutll !mood, on other ' - ' debts dii,Uve' Company 49,760 67 Betbeeriptlon Notes 100,000 00 *Wicks estisedly Wosus surer, aster, 'or speedier wort fails: Dummy, by' exciting the AULSOlrollin William. Martin, James 0. Hand, Joseph H. Seal, Theopkllus Paulding, BartinuctA. Souders • - ' -Iminee Tragnalr, John O. Davie,' - William Eyre, Jr., John R. Pantos*,• J. P. Penleton, George G. Lelper, Jahns Pr'Spre, Edward Darlington, • - Samuel B. Stoked, Dr. B. M. Elusion, , - Henri Moan, Wm. 0. Ludwig, Jamee B. McFarland, Flugh , Craig, • ' Thomairo. nand, Spencer Mallvain, Robert Burton, Jr:, Oharlen Belly, • - JR*. B. Semple, Pltts bgk., H.-Jones Broots,l Dr. T. Morgan, , Jacob P. Jones. ' J; T. Logan, " • • ,' ' WILLIAM MARTIN, Preiblent.- . • TIIOMMI 0. HAND] Woe President. MINIM LTLlDlBF:lissrStar7. ' ' Jig . / nOMMONWRILYI9I 1, 1 lOW INOURANCII COMPANY, Mali OP PBRIStLYANIA - , , OP/Iclx, PIORTHWBEIT,VORNtR ' /011RTH ANI? *MUT OTABITO, .P1UL.113134.111U. _ . f , aboaribei Oapttal, $600,000, raid up ClapIti1,IIP:10,000 Dr. D. /Arne, ' ThoN. B. Stewart. IL L. Benner, J. M. Batter, J. H. WltiteLl, J. K.,196,1k0r, Edir. 0; Sided, _. • i ' Id. IL Weitdell, 11. Litter, Jr. IL H. Home. THOMASY, M. D., Presiden 13. ST-SWART, Vino Pr ole*. - Pluirm. B. Moos, Bearetosy. : . . ja211.7 LIJ.IIE AND IN D RISK.S.-1 0 AME .INSIINANON COMPANY, Capital SlOO,OOO. Organised ander the Ad of Amembly relative to In nuance Companion', paned April 2d, 1860.) GEORGA W. DAY, Prandial. THOMAS 8. MANTIC, Vice•Prisidont. • WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Beoretar7. Ms 411 CHESTNUT lit., Philadelphia, , DIRSOTORN. George W. Day, Jacob N. Vaughan, William W. WARM, • Remy Lewis, Jr., Charles•Biohardion, D. B. Birriy, Bailey Lippincott, Jolla W. Averman, Joe. B. Brognard, A. M. Noeinheina, Obsa. Metal, • Gaicy M. Stern' ,t - RCADE HCTE.• - ix. 'CHESTNUT STREET 'ABOVE SIETE( ) • Colinvongn ow TEN .TRIROMIAN ' PLAN. A new lease for a term of Years having been obtained for tide POPULAR FATAHLISHVIZAT, it will con tinue to be conducted 'as heretofore. on the European plan, and the !liken SSmain nichanged L yis : ROOM Pas GQo....Dltititia Pio. BREAKFAST AND . Tea, Egon, 37K0. The house has been thoroughly renovated, and every thing done to make guests comfortable, The chambers are heated in winter by meand of Steam Pipes, for which no extra charge la made. There is no bar -kept in the house to be a source of annoyeume to guests. . The accommodations 'are designed wholly for business men—hence no ladles aro received. ila- This house ie never closed day or night. J, D. BROWN, 005.3 m E. DE YOUNG, JONES HOUSE, lIABRISBURO, PA,' Medal In ISM BLAGANTLY PURNIIMD. NOW MN TO VISITORS. Inlrlg-3 , W.fILLB 00V70RLY, Proprletoz ALEX. MoKINNEY, lATTootroy AT LAW, aItNENOBIIRG, PA. • Will practice -in Weetmorelarad, Armetrong and In diens counties. T. T. AbIAMIL ABAAMS & MAYER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LOOK HAVEN, PA., Will attend promptly to all profesalonal business en tainted to them. Special attention glean to the collec tion of claims. Gov. WM. V. Packer,Hasriablug, Pa. L L. A. hisekey, Prealdent Lock Haven Bank; General D. Jackman, Lock HaTen ,• Hon. A. White, Look Haven ; Simon Bead; Lock Haven ; . Fairtherne, Evane ; Jr On. Philadelphia; Brans & Watson , Philadelphia; Phillip M. PriceyPhiladel phis ; y, Persona' Philadelphia; Williamson, Taylor, fn C 0.,. Philadelphia ; Terser Davie, Phi's: delphia;. Hon. Jainee Burnside, Bellefonte, Ps.; J. W. Qniggle, - .lsq.; Philadelphia. . . . 4964 . (111.6.1tLES' TETE; - COMMISSION *En= 4.4 (VW and, Importer of FIATANA BEGAREI (VW 114 Walnut street. second story. and-1) AIPipIZT RABWKI-- /11 Importers and WhOleiale Dealers in WINES, BRANDIES, WO'S/MY.(IINI3, and FANCY LI QUORB, No. 1017 fil T Onse t , between Tenth and Blavanth streets.' lelo-tf , . IT IS , _NOT' A , DIM I . . JEROME'S rEfAllt -COLOR RESTORER will ro e re Orgy 'Heir to its original color In -from ten to twelve Mow and :adore the Heir where it hes fallen off and begonia-Wu, -- -- - -- ,n :I 1- -- ~,- IT- IS - NOT A DYE: , Itmay be need ite freely as water, Ardis the mostbeani tifiti Dressing for the Hair now in nee. .Thousande in different parts of the Union have testi fied tolls wonderful virtues, and all who hare used it join in their praise of Sold, 'Wholesale and Retell, by Dr. SWAYNifi kI3ON, No. 8 North SEVENTH Street, above hiefilliNT, Solo Agents for Philadelphia . • Trade supplied ripcoar LINES, and• BOW and STER Micas; manutsatarea and lor sale by • WEAVER, PITLER, & OM Nos. 26 N, Wan: M., & 22 N. Wilmot, 1111.110TOIS ijotel* ottb ligitaaranti. Buoineso Carbo. figitlroak iC fncL 'FiCILAPEWRIA , AND ELMIRA RAIL ROAD LINE.--41110N318T ROUTH 'to ;Elmira, Wilkesbarre Nodal° Moog°, Rook Lilapd, :Niigata Milwitutee, 1 494 1; ! , 1 1 ; - /,'-e° lll l Detroit, Drialloth, and ' Passenger testae lOU Heading Nailioad DinioW ooknor::.BROAD ltroets, deny ). ONialia_ya *molded Olio " !'„ TA) AL. M. DAR. =VMS, 'Poe Niagara Fans, Miffalii;'Datroir; Viiiesgo; Milwaukee, Rook laland,(taleruAt.liagla,pirifAlbiali 8.80 P , . M. NIGHT MSPRIMI; _ /or Ilsaira; Niagara Pills, Buffalo,' Detroit, Chicago, Rook Island, Galena, Rt. L paigs , Sad e- The 7.80 A. M. teal, moo through to HARRr9BIiIMN 2 stopping at all 'Stations on the Lelmxkon „i 3,70,11 of the-Philadelphia tad Reeding Railroad. • - At Rupert, for Wilkeabarre, Pittatoit, &wanton, inid stAtiona on the LAORAWANNA. Jaw BLOOMSBURG ItAILBOAB. • - Heggdge checked to Elmira, Bidthlo - , and' Suspension 'Bridge. , /tiJ r Tickets can be procured it the Pidiadei n phbi and - Chairs Railroad Linele Tioket, Office, Northwest conker of SIXTH and OHIIBTNUT Streets, and 'at the anger Depot, cornerof BROAD auff9llll. Asuman RIMER PRZIGHT TRUST - Lea,. tAs. Ds . ,pst,,Broad. street, below Vino, dolly, tSundaysetsiepUd,) fir all po lite Weet ind North, at 6 Freiglits'mnat 14 'delivered befOre4 P - . M. to lunge heir going the same day. • - For further informition Spidy if ;• Freight Depot,`Breiad, WOW Tine, Oi to 011113. B. TAPPMT,' General , - G. W. oor. Sixth and phostimt Streeta' Philadelphia. NEW YORK LINES.—THE OAMDRN AND 'AMBOY RAILROAD AND PRILADRLPILIAJ AND PROM itAILROAD COMPANDirlithill& • PAIL - AD - BLPRIA TO RR* POEM, AND WAY' PLACID,' L = Were AS followt,' PAU. , At 6A. M Via Camden and Amboy Aooonimoda. Don 56 At OA. M., via Camden and jersey City N. J. Ati• commodation • 226' A M a u. N., via and Jersey Cit y,Morning ,8 00 At /OA. M., by Steamboat John Nellson,via Taw ny and Jersey City, Morning Swprene - 8 00 AS I P. M,, Via Camden and Amboy, O. and A. =- threes 800 A t MaPil M 5 . . via. Camden and Army , oity, Ivening ,At 8 P. M., via Camden eta Amboy, Auxamnosa tion, let Class ' 2 00 At 8 P.M., via Camden and Amboy Aoootranods• tion; int Class. 160 At 6 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Amman:soda tin, it Clads 'At 6P. M. via Camden and Amboy; Aticommoda, lion ) 2nd Clam. 1 76 'She 6P. M. in. runs daily, alt others Soave tox P ill P•• M. te 9 4l•l4 l l l .4l*li Deyoti ii Jersey ra 3., Mal, naturdayieWeepted S 2 26 Swims - Dina atop at the pUelpal Medina only. Nor Belvidere„ Ravin, plemington, ke., at BaL and 2% P. id. from 'Walnut ,treat what. 'Poi , water Cap, -Stroudsburg, o, &mutton, Willeaberri, 20MM:et& Great Bend, gc_o., at 6 A. M., via Delenes Lieskemanna 6t Weirton Baread. .1438 Neeholget 6A. M. and 2 P; l 2. _ ler Mount Ifeyy et it: M. ~n 0 an d m - . -.VAT Ll l 6llB Nor Sado!, Trenton, at 2% and 4 P. M., Nor Palutora,,Rantiese t ßeywriy,Borlinton, Boris town A*, at 8 P. M. ' Steamboat Blame Stockton for . Boidoulown, and in termediate placee, at 2% P. M. ' Steamboat John Nollsen";for "Tecony, at 10 and 11% A. m and for Burlington add Bristol at 4 P. M. All Hines excleptll% 1.. M , leave Walnut afoot wharf drafty pounds of baggage only allowed each pas. unser. Passengers are prohibited from taking any thing ite baggage but their Weating antral. AU bag gage over fifty ponds to be ledd• for extra. Thi Com pony DAR their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not he /table for any amount too pond 2100, swept by Praia cohtriset. . WM. K. GATZIMMi, [text • an 1..1y • o.'f A. M. B. 00.' A r tia m me NORTH-rEirms'n.- VANIARATLEOML • PALL ARRANGEMENT. -- • • 'Per BETHLEHEM, DOYLABTOWN , &0., arid by close railroad econneotiolui for' • - Ju4;, , oate sa, r ew Yo r k slty , nt ow n , Williamsport, Water. asp,' hiattoh'Ohnny, Elmira, Wilkesbaue, 'Hazleton, ' Mar:Ns Yalta, lioratiton. ' Onand alter ,WEDNEBDAY,_Angust SiSth,"lB6B . , , nituserTratzte will leave PIiONT and WILL _ nue ta, Philadelphia, Mg follows • For "Bethleham,'Auton, Wilkeabarre,' Water Gap, Scranton, &c., (Express,) at 6.16 A. M. • For Bethlehem, Allentown; Manch Chunk William& port, Elmira, and the West, (Expresa,) st 2 !1 6 P. M. Vot Doylestown, (Aosommodation ) at - 5.46X. 16: and .4 P. M. • Par Part Washington, (Miaomincidatiting is .. TRAINS ion, iinuLtD"xxx nu; Leaie Bethlehem (Bspreee,) at 8 A.M. and 5 P.M. Leave D o 7leshrwn (Auxonaulatien) at T A.M. and 8.80 P.M. Leave Port Washington (JUUMUatation) at TAO A. Doylestown Trains ran daily. 'Other Trains daily, Sundays excepted..' • • - •v v • • • • MI Passenger trains ( eseept Sunday Tridni) connect at Chatham street allh'ilah and Sixth 'Bolsi. Pawn per Railroad. - . Ureic) Bethlehem • " MattovisOhnsdr 960 JiNs oy ton ~ 160 jeStow,n 80 YOR SCHO D OLEY'S MOUNTAIN-14 6.16 AM. Win to Easton, thence, by.li: J. 0: RR. ano D. L. & W, BA, to Washington, - thenee by stage, airliing at the Mona tains at 1 P. M. .; Pare. 68.10. , • as:2s tt, JILL'S CLAES, agent PSILADLLPSIay;. ,GERMANTOWN AND NORRISTOWN BAIEROAD.-81:111131W SILUMMIMINT.—On suit after MONDAIty Kay /Otiti JOB {1111121ARTOWN• • - Leave Philadelphia at ex, 7 8, 9-06 mln., 10, 11,g, •A: DE, 1; 2,8, 4,5, T, 8, 9,10, and MX P. M. Leave Germantown at 8,7, 7X, 8, .' 9, OX, 10 11J( A. M 140 min., 2, BX, 4X, 63f, 831, 5, 940 Wa.cand 10 M. The I X Wale& A. M: Wan from ftermantMew atop enlr at. Wayne and 210ga Btreeta Btatione. • ON:I3UNDAYO, Leave Phlladelpl4l at 9.20 Ws. - A, M., 2; 6,16 and ME;N=3l== omurnivr HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia, at 8, 9 : oBithi ;Lig. A. M., 2,8, 4,6, 8, 10 P. M. „ UNITS Olieetnit BM at 6 40. and 7.86,9.10, and 10.10 min. A. M ., 12.60' 8.10 4.10 6:10 7.40 and 9.20 min P. M." 4110121):417. • Leave Philadelphia, 9.20 dad., 2, 5,14, and 8 P. M. Leave Obeatnnt UM' at 8:10 min M., 12.60 , 4.10. . 0.40 P. TAM Of PQR CONBIIOIIOOI6IN AND NOBBIBToWN, Lew,' Philadelphia a 0,16 9 . ,,11 A. 11.4.05 ' 910 min.. 4N, , P.M., . Loam Tiontedown at 0, 7' 9 11A M ., 1 3,1( kV P M. ON SONDAYO. Lease Philadelphia at 9 A. M., and 8 IT. W. Lome Norristown at TA. M. and BP. lit; YOll stsNsiruNs. - • ' Lease Philadelphia at 13g TN9, it A. m.,/.05 rola, 2.06 Ida, 83.0 MIA., 43 ; 84, s, P. M. Leave Maaayank at 8,4 i ; N, 9jj r 11% A. )L .1.).41* and P. K. ~. +r - • 8 same as Nortistoam: 0418TiCII ALLAY MILVAD Pan DOWlinde .. TOWN• te:sve Pla wi tts at BM A: . M., and 3.10 4 E0A. Si Liars Do wn st 74' A. 11., And P. 1.1.. - U.K.. TIE, General fhipalntenttent Nintl• and Green stiasts. phiudeivigs• 1858 "- ~I.1„1;.r" v A i 858 PROM PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURGH, - --And them by-RWroadto- - WHEELING-, BT. LO ' CLBVIMAND, CINCINNATI CHICAGO LODDIV/LLR, , strillarearon, INDIANAPOUS, BT. PIMA, And all fatinonsdlatel points in OHIO, INDIANA,' ILLINOIS, RENTIHNEYF MOM/ GAN, WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA MISSODEI" -' KANSAS AND NBBRAB kA.. Passengers to' polnts,weat of Pittsburgh, Wheeling, Oleseland and crestline, hare oholoe of routes, and er. requested to rople a seleetion before applying for tick.' eta— TURIN TEROI7OII TRAINS LNAVII ".1411.40.11h .. PILIA.DAILY, • _ • Pointing close eonneetions at Pittsburgh to'all poluta west. ' On 'Sid • after MONDAi', May /ftlt, 1848, Threi through, and Two icoommodatlon trains, will leave the depot, O. 1.. corner of lILDVANTH and 'ldAsitid. streets, as follows : . Tiaras '7Oll PITTiIIVION ' lan ram wigs macs: Mail train at..,.7.80 M. Fast line ' " 100 noon. *Sprees mall. .11.00 night. WaiI — TRAINS LIIATI. Ilfirrieborg, ae oommodatioa.B.oo P. M. Laneaater " 6.00 P.M The mail train Mope at dolphin and. Pittsburgh. The Haprese mail rune elcepted. The ears leave the Pennsylvania Retread pea/Anger Btation, southeast corner of XLEVENTH and DilitnuAT Streets, entrance on Zlerenth street, wtore ,Itacragb' ticiete - to all points Weet can be obtained, Dag. gage will be received at the Depot at sisj..time ring the day. No charge for handling baggage. Per farther Information, - apply at the .Depot of - the Penn B 9/ 7 Palla' Itallroad Company, doritheast ..00rner of Eleventh and Market 'treats, between tkek hottra oft A. M. andllP. M. THOMAB:MOOMI, my 10 . ' Aient Penfl'aMatlread Co. aillelt Ti rt C ALWAl l E N NT Eß Erditrait PULE4I4ILPHIA. WILMINGTON, AND ,BALTI MORE RAILROAD. On and atter Monday, October 41868, PASSENGER" TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA F*r Baltimore, at 8 A. M., IP. M., (Expreal,) and 11 P. M. For Wilmington, at 8 A. M i l, 4 and 11 P M. For New Oantle, at 8 A. M., and 4P. M For, Middletown, at 8 A. 81:, and 4 P. M. For Dover, at 8 A. It, and 4.00 P. M. For Seaford at 8 A. M.:, and 4 P. M. , _ " TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA, Leave Baltimore at 8.30, Express, 11 A. id, and 6.40 P. H. Leave Wilaiington at 7 and 11.40 A. M., 2.25 and and 8.65 P: M. Leave New Outlet at 11.06 A. H., and 8.00 r. Leave Middletown at 10.18 A. 111., and 0.20 P. M Leave Dover at 0 16 A. M. and 4.55 P.M. ' Leave Seaford at 7.e0 A. M., and 1.80 P.M. . TRAINS POR BALTIMORR. Leave Wilmington at 9.10 A. hi., 1,66 P. hi., and 19.16 A. M. • SUNDAYS only at 11 P. H. from Philadelphia te Bal timore; Do do 6.40 P. M. from Bi.ltinieri te• Prelgbt Train, asse ih ni ' e isiar attaeit ed; will nu: aa follows Leave Philadelphia for . Perryeille and 'derma:Ma• places at ..-- 6 45 P. M. LOaye Wilmington for ,d 0 do do 790 P. Lk. Leave Baltimore for Havre de lirsoe do •600 P. M not ' - PBLTON, President. O. ♦. KATI'. Summer Resorts. n il& BEDFORD - SPRINGS.—THIS well-known and delightful Summer Resort will :be opened for the reception. of Vizitere on the 16th of ;:une s and kept open until the let of October.. The new and spacious Ruildirigs - ereeted teat Year are now IWiy completed; and the whole establiihtneht km, bean hrnistied, in superior style, and the" adoommoda.. ;tio ne e na will he of a character not excelled in any part el th Gnited The Hotel',will be; under tie imuitsgement of Hr. A. G. ALUM, 'ehoie experience, coarlessua manners, and. attention to ' his Quads, giie the amplest assumee of comfort and kind treatment. In addition to the other means Of acacia, it is deemed ;Vglr reach Bedford by a, Ile ?L. he Oompar hare made extenflie ' arrangeMents to supply dealers and indirldthils with a Bedford Water', by the barrel, carboy, and in bottles, at the following prices, at the iiprlnge, cis • • • lore banal (mulberl) ti 00 Do.. (oak) • a oo KDo.. (mulberry 34 Do. ) g 00 Carboy, 10, gallons g Bottles, lit pint, per dozen 1: 60 The barrels,- are carefully prepared; so that par ehasers emt. ay depend ? receiving the receiving the Water esh_ and swe 't • ' communleations should •be addreseet bz; . • - D/W/108D , BPIIINGS 00. wyla.V IleitartOesuth Zit pat 4 INSYLVOik Guam' vsgrnitltotrra, the At bustle olffair - 41th' Weilerirortb-in*erep 11 448 01 dik *astern Mateo; by^ei•centh fti. nitina Itidltroi• Aittot"a" This Bond also. oormootic twitk , gorlP -tin° or itteatoPla to allvrporikert: the Western Rivers, and at O te rairind,anCilanducky,-wtth kt , tiiiium_itai'stlV the 4tartk-irectern Lakeei , , making the limit D O V lAP EST.nantamadanacßßltithrjktek , OT, caahtiltifirarded to aid front the 112,8 a m- ham tgh sisraslurry944Prtasinat.PWWlPllT7 /TRaite- - ; - • , - •.• , it ousa—Boosi, pm* Hite, end , - --• 'asp•,Bookr, Boodi, (In hones, • - • • - heketand tiakke), DruparOtt tont _ Arta Wet) FOotheto, /*tAce per 144: . jaciontt:.(4ea-,- , -;DonioatlO &Whig, , - ottd - :Ttaktog;:tts orteael ,-„ baton . 01 1 , 81 90. atttotrf, , _ _ Leather,' one; caidts,) Watt - • Papari , VOol,' itM:l4tojr.,Pottti" " Baotwisd, fte:&1: - '' • AOC Per ta Tani; - ' ,01 48 8 - 4 htildi. , HoitlP• Boon' :- and Pork. Batted, Alteme• Or •In • 00W gaintik: ,C 6 7, anIU 111,01 1 4) otU (eices urmuid . roefol p 'KC PO! Jr, NV1721- :P$ 2 9 11 / 4 - Bar, altd•ParkAtn or bore* eastwardhLarderid - ZatdlgliNttle, : . - - • Bode doh, Bormaneli rodn,,Eteeti - - baooo,, ; , Books , Nan Oil, f , fammonroro.- , ; - Sage, (bhda., ..and,boxao,)-, • ko t " • " 46.14f109 Ito IfLotra--150.1e bol;AntlI farther.nothie, -.• Chulat , 4lBo. per 3.00 ibli.inntlfhirthernotide;" Cotton-v 39 psi bale; not enccedlat - dOO iieishitv,,, ttedt farther notice: , , - ifeekiPPlak Goods from ant _ point:tact of , Phitelet , • Ma be oardcalar to ;tau pacithow ode Pcsvailiiiiii3 ladrpaa.". • An (kocds aquavit& to the :Agents of Maw' at-Phlbutalphta • or,_Plttetwatiortlibe forwardsfi ,artthOot &tattoo. - prom'? horarrit.-4datke & Mosso Itli - aekar & htenipati, , Tenn. ;, Ban Co.. Lode,. kto:; 'Pi Cf: Mill Bromine; Indiana; Mtn. Di holm e -- liontaik-7.1- IL , O. - Behirant, iCtdlemylndlanaßr own it; Co. and Atka,' 4 ' Oincinniti.; B,'Pleree & ,Zeneerille . Ohio; , - Leech &,Ho. N 044 Hilbystreet, Beaton; Lino% & Co,i.No: a Atto*kronce,,,ttarlark. rroa wulim at IF York,. fhaalse & _ ..4 loaloklai Magna, IF Iroone,•Baltitoni ', 7711E‘18M4 . ,," Efasetaulreghtsfitat , filmoralittamniatendantAdtoons, Pa !r (11.0, aw - Wit, LONDON NJF Imported by .31. D. LONGOHAMP, 91T 8. Facwr Street, Philadelphia. , ,For sale at allthePrincipal Dp*gisil! oroeiste Philadelphia, ' ', 'OAUTION:—the "celebrated:ol;D TOM OIN Is lat-- ported into the State of Pennsylvania by P. sx.Lorre 7 °RAMP. exchnively ; 'Nom omen oanotars, ' • James Field, Son, te Co:, 28 !dining hine.landon, allinexport agents for Meseta. Oh. Booth& V,o. _ 1 " ESTNIIT GROVE WHIG : de sire to lemur the consumption of Impure apitlhi, knowing their injurious effects upon the constitatka, has induced the offering - to the public of ; an &Meta which the auslyzation of Professor Chilton, Analytical Chemist, of New York, sad Messrs. Booth, Garrett ) Br, °smite, of Philadelphia, proved beyond all gnostical, tai be the medlars And consequently least inhniousepisitse ever offered the American public. CERTIFICATE OF DR 'JdB. here analyzed 'sample of Chestatit-GroveWhiskow received from- l'lr. CHAIILED.WEIRTON.,t.7a Philadelphia,;and having.. carefully_ tested_ saw pleased to state that it le entirely free from poisonous or deleteridire eithelancvs It is an minimally pure and tine Favored quality , of Whiskey. . _ • JAMES R. CriILTON, If. 'New York, Sept. if, Mitt •- i'Amelytysi Ohoudst: , . PRILLDSLPIty., - Segt. 90858: nit' gni Mohave carefully •teeW -;the,,eartiple :of OheatnuteGroie Whiekey,which you lent us, end And that it contains none of the polsonotuiaubistanos known fia Fanio 011, which le the - olutracterlstio ands rap= ingredieot of the Whiekeyetu general 1p4 . 1. ' • Very reelettfallyi - GARRETT,- & 041111.0, - Analytieal Oftmletr. To Gamma 'Wll=l4lll, Jr., -No. 25 South -FRONT. ar.ei!tr?hi4o 4l ßW, • - . - ." ..--0612114* ilkeirDll4.-:4,‘ Pint. oaktinon s ' , .!; m444.. di& otkei &Oars ortaidonn piped and quitter oukal,.Pelleyothin Boolitha - pas and dark:', 1n pipes Uncut% and.'4ol** ambi t Ing9tid And for side by_ ' • • 41.nnsY BONGSR CO., , ad! -ffil• &added Bon* Fourth dna j• _l_r • 482 CallaTietiT arreislealned;parsiesiiiess,l'en Midair lawatm Chauatins;leest °Ulm - •- • ' Sp ^. lendid' Saar Hair Pins. • • - ••.nit , - , • Jet Goals and llewerr Yeses. Corsi, 1 , &•31 and -Mamie Seta. • Sole at mite in Philadelphia ica tie • salen frudidlide. , 44.7 l( D9Df ,TYM'!! . .-01.:iP,E.SS. • _ ' 0610 , • mprinuarnium9-AMtirrialmvisas OP - -; : , BILVENITLATED;WARE_ No. 104 oAuttat4:atioit, aboTILPA JL TAird, : (op 000_ -PhrloAtl - . . on Lead mid far iude fa Nikriao, - TEA 'ANTS,' OOMMIINION"BERY1011,BET8 2 ' EITOILERS; GOBLET/4MM; WAITERS - 4E4Bi, - -EBTB, OAS -T • OAS ,E NI VANBPOONB ;1086.NiV sppALNB,4' - All 3 ANzgooAll.ldo A sp:- . THP.';iiiifriEdirAND MAIL ' A 412.1 C,k1.1 11.0YA,4, MAIL EtT2l/42-. - - . _ ". - - rani lizir ;2911 ii:l#*ripotz.. MOO Crean Pali & t -"' ' ' '—' 03 Itecood Claldersasogo - -" -' ' ' ' ' "::. ' c - - - If ' . --••, :! ... 1 ' , (Hair- =iodic A* trturinos. --,'- - :-- ' -. Mot oabhi'buissgo -- - ' ' r- ' ''WO ' ikasondOsbbiTselOtre.ea ' . _.- ' - '- - - 600 f The akipo from Barton oan At MANE: -; i PRIIBIA,Capt. Jteildos. ~ mist_ ___Ap4, BIOAo ARABIA;Capf.4: atone.; - .4ll,oipt.Wicionas ARIA Capt. 2:15t. Lott NYAGARATIOnte. APRIbil, eapt:l3lonnetti:-' NIIROP.I. 04 .J. Ultra; • Thloss'yesialiaartt aele4r *MU . Wf. iliistA•44; - stroonvo, itirboard Dove trefoil gort.wer_ . ._ .."------ 0 , ~ • - .31/ROYAkLettah, ,:ittatte Boston,- W•dcalds2, Now. $. ltddlatiaidkins, ..• at N,york, Wednoods.y, - Natz 10. AIMI9III.OA, Wickens4; . Boston; liteeday, Noy. Tie ,ABTA - Lott , . -‘ wN. York Wednisday, Sent. 2 4 . . MakilittA. Millar, Al_ilostoh.. ' Wodneediy, 'Deo.' 1. APRIOA, Shannon, t. N. York, Wednesday, Dee. 8. EURO 4 1141.eitilh,? ;• if gostop, Wedaeadiy, Dee:-34. PEBBIL, &Mins; . 44 N. York; eiredoentaj, .Doe. 44. - . ARABIA, Storni --I - " Barton, , Wedneaday.; D. 29. , Bertha taat, mmiweek until paid for. , - ~: -- . -- . An espezhatitid, Surgeon Oa MAUL , , -,. ..• . - The tornent of thisojlllapi vrlll..rott Ito accoisair.slt i r Erold,llle4r,Saili _ L em Sped_ _,o Orii.l27lreedoasjltur. • Or Metals; nulesAbills of Wing ax. Owed theorlos and the nine thereof thetrivespesetd,- - : ' - - :- ' -` Poe fralg a tirepanume iipy.to --- - , , , , " ' nal -, • .- - .., . 3001:11114.1tD. 4 Bow - ling enlist. - . . 1858.- - _ --iikar gi t. - -z. 1.859‘:• MEMPUIB AND MEW MEAN!, Iffiri MAIL PAMIET LINE.—The anltealM - Moan' of thle old- and popular LINE will lame Milaphli iufd Now Orleans, in heretofore, on ' - ' -•-MONDAYB, WZDNMBDAYEI,-& NEBRASKA Capt. A, R.-IRVIN. SDK FRANKLIN Capt. 7. D. CLARE. JOHN. SIXONDB ....Capt. /AB. P. BMITL .... . . Capt—BORDETI-/1111111.- INADAY PACHRTS Capt. WM; WHAT. P. H. NXWILL. 117 These Boats connect at Memphis with the Rail roads from that point, also" with regular Realists for St. Louis. Louisville, Cincinnati, and Nashville, Co their respective days. -Leave Memphis Immcollotoly Ds the arrival of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad Can; Passengers' can arrange their 'arrival so as to avoid delay at Memphis longer than business or plea surenuirrequitor. ' . „-,., - For information inquire of P. P. RAWLZZIG - 'At Widdr atßawlings', 816 Main St- 1 Memp_hlii. 11. H. Booms, Adv. Agent. - - 0c124m FOR CHARLESTON; SC-HERON'S aIIe,LILINE—ONLY REGULAR LIN7I-'-GOODS RN WILTED AND BILLS LADING SIGNED • R I TNRT DAY.—freight and inettrance it leas • than man= veil. fel rates, by k the steamship' RRYSTONE: STATE', Oaptain-lfarshman,to sail on Saturday November 0, Cl 10 o'clock, A. M. from second whufa , or e Tine it. for :further particulars please see advertisement of Steamship' KiIY6TONR STATE - 11.13 this paper. ' Or freight or pima ags'apply to - A. HUM % in., out : - • MlSNorth Wharves. mite rilitissmaz AAD THA 'Win SANTE. Mail trilwat..ll.o6adght Fast liw 4.60 A. Id Express mail.. 1.10 most NAT turas Harrisburg FOR 01.1ARLESTO.N AND SA v4iorea.-11BRON'8 LIN/1.- 00018 ItSO/11711/ AND DILLS 0/ LADING SIGNED • EVERY DAY. The splendid iliitolass side-wheel Steamship. KEYSTONE STATE and STATE 01 0101/GIA, Now form ,st weekly Line far tke. Booth and BouthwatlN one of these , ships- sailing eves/ FlAtTlifitDAT et 10 e'olook A. 11., •alternstely for Clkirlestaa end Bo ni% kiiimsfoic eommodition.l.l6 P. M Laneeeter « .9.60 A. 32 the stations between Phila• thi'otheT traffis Bundy TM 'dowel:kip 8.1121220111 STATE,ostialn 0.2. Marehmao, will commute loadlig on TRUBSDAY," November 4,-and mail on SATURDAY, Noy: 6, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Mho liTram O 1 %BORGIA, Oapt. John J. Garvin. will commons. loading on Thursday, Nur and' sail Satnrd& y, November 18, fat 10 eoloilt• A. Id. • At both Charleston and Savannah, these stupsoonneel with irteaniera Sloridiand Havana, and with rail roads, fso, for all place/ in the South cad Southwest. Heavy "night at an swings v. 16 pat ant. below New York oteantahip rates.- INIMBANC.N. DWIGHT and INBURANOS on ► large proportion of goods ehtoped South will be found to be lower by th e , e ehipe than by sailing vessels. Cabin panne tNO 00 Peerage tio 8 00 lithete, good forth*present year. 80 00 No bale of lading signed atter , the alp haglied. Pox freight bt passage', app l y' to - . -• A. 8112,01 f, 7r., ' - No. 08 eats 81) North Whence. Agents - at' Ohmleaton, T. &T. 0. BUDD. 'Agents to thmennak,l3. 08,111N111t & 00. trot from purls/don, Mama CAROLINA. overy,Tabaday., - . • Nor floride,' from Savannah, steamers ST. ILISTO and' BT. 708203, every_ Tuesday and Sattmdm . Nor ilivassa from Obarlation, steamer IBABIL the and 19th of svery month-. STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVER POOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, and LONDON f, withou t delay, for SO dollars. 'Eaton 'Notate; good for six months, to either of the abore places by any steamer of the line, 60 dollars for the round trip, out and beck. WSW sem Tour. ledinburgh, Cummins Saturday, Oct. 80, 12 ceeloak i lli. Glasgow. Goodwin.'Wednesday, Nov. 24th In Edinburgh, Cumming, Wednesday, Dec. 22d ti - . nor GIJSGOW. • Edinburgh. Clamming ...... Wednesday. Oet 13th. Glasgow, Goodwin Saturday, October 28d. Edinburgh, Cummin HAM g, OP PABOAGB. Wednesday, Nov. 24th. WAOS GLASGOW. 16 mania. Shergo, found with socked provision 16 _ -DSOS WSW TOIX. • . . First Olasa.STll 00 Itteerap, found with cooked prorisimi ao 00 .OhlUren under ' 14 years of age, kalf fare; Infants in ' Betrusstildteli available within six months, by any steamer of this line. ; Ifirst Class ' 1140.00 titeMip $BO 00 An experienced Surgeon attached to seek !limner. ' , lot freight Jar passage apply to WORKMAN & 00.,138 WALD= Street, PkUadell aonnimaji 11 Broadway, New' nit. BALL & LONNY, , Buchatwa's Wf, Bs Mum. ion .. • - BUFFALO, ROBEIS,, jig!lfffilk VAtg, IVlRect Wat,chgt. l ,q l .orDi`W- 7 7 . 1' =',94mits• MONDAY PACESTS WID'SEZDAY PACIATS TOR SAVANNAH iIIiIIGETS RIIDUOICD. ;titre, tiZt. BY TO 1411 OR sou, GEO,: WomEATIP3 - 415 AND 41r Allblt lITESET.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers