MEM MtMEMM ' ' fir 'V' ligaitelk - 41' They , Maltle Ve . VI, =-L ._., , .e -t ' Thesiiliiihinigacksutcre * “44 o 4Mtirs4.o -, --boit'ilutixxolcooerfo *as, rtiMeg * the isattitaittthtkii..pottanoltals:4o 4 thioh eterileee. vrairvareleig:T44;PrAitt w te*da**-aV r is4 '• --• e= '''''-4 , 4:.ti1r.k01,f,1.0 1 ,; 1 #21 4 1 4 1 6 ,J!-_,.._ 1....;'! .. , ce.s- -- _.4 - --0-", ,, e-,..e.t.l , o4tooerazosisolc.-p ',-g-• 9 Ditt, 1 itr4(, 6 *, , W a l t /IWYO 4Y lgin d 'eti', ten ~ - , -Sai ko jh 71ileabikre , ,-tot heir fro te t egie )kkil t tlil tatilTio t ia,A;t: ... peir( ,C70,7*. igC " ' . .iiat - ui• 1 : , • mill gvo 4ert - ‘k,eo rat , ofis - gist itle dizerviotory, ' . osen, theOemanahluelMthC.Waideneses:nnenntalumi , .•• .. ,- , At-;eingit.s.ef 40uweompeuipeetiudit oomniand of -,.Alsjos-Areas Dann leteittafrinte the kelleVe_haullOn he 29 ettralt eit ir abeit4 sB AerweihfAivgo l .14 ' ' '-tire and three, 'vrittigteril;daieigitigins f.Jrase.). , of. until 'eight ihdositSliVlnglit, t"'`iehlietnit'ligietill4- reeddisd`upineoteliglit.„,_"44l4irr44lt,ckkdii light higkemoroing,;\ resiket/cher lours, saddled up else tt)Olte kudlntt.aut._for. the ,Ifidlan catineitree , yelled on over Ms and lusuntalahlnlin i rl e' er e k eii the same day ; oorepedtfoe Mt hont'an4 Chaff; and, took utt the, line.rn r ztemWeigyfilitras'illeiVall. that ..nighttiitlii• this:elehVetes tel , ffellite , V - Tb#. friendly Indians - rthojikro„.• ,eeg ,p'ut.ififernsial , MAicr- Van Dorn that the cankst . fic ,e*011talf•Mll900. 1 4. _.t. We then forine4 lailineien44~eri-laan". l *- capping Jae gunoinel getting; ready; for • the tight. We charged , for • aboUtwlitilei-wileet , letintenatit Van Pimp dame ohailtilliedOwWell'ileee'4eilii* Oaptaili t lfbitiliktoheen_MOretoVPi t hrt* ''',..' , , irpOn 'thht Ciptendritilikulgatgeid;}rilCte*i ieNmuplc,teltdro444 ~ , Aal•fce.vA, A Prolon* T, continuo ged 10 ffintaln Johnston, on ourfront;. that;bieught,lLanglZho e,oligs bodytrce,Oompany-11 ana..eilrepcmiato the i iigkti:an4'the friendly A:4 diei*oll" to the right:tad centre" - Theth r the word' charge baigtietrhyllotVoilloits litid.'Morli.ULlen: tenant:Fan Camp and Itet4onept,bilerloOkftili kilt ita thsoyliiid:liqpfensec-.451 - came on the'onnit9loW , bquip like a tkundert4tiloliseed - inelhefoOingiripailetikielhen tied [triweekly:mato+ ed fromholh,partietex,ty the - tinieg Ake' nett 101 l was - given' tbe,lndisov,..*lr utgltinirSidies 5 aod pelted inA,sekiley:sus,fustraerthlymuldi hit,:. the; sollidiesogne neade,Welea:Ailicie:leee t eg i-O e6 ; that gift4ttiinaiit in thellret `lires,. hid jrifivrees,lat that runs aliMeg,fliticfto l l 4 - ' - - ' itiLleet.,W4ahvap aroma the' works end go t op. • Palle the.lent#,:cdutoalled to Ihe men to ,some over thara,Whan ett'errow from "au Indian's bow • pieroallinf tifilletteartp" - .l(le;hoMetlftlal'iiiwg aceirrefariin4;.-ylelajor , Van, Domeharged- after ` , tiro Indians whe'wcre wag tiV the hill:',• Ile par ented OM' for'AbOttt AMile,Aluitioo , bahlWroWi onlehte and shoaled .fight, - wounding hiMtwido4 ' onealleniteglei Wee lieesiOstid lienee.***thi arm .;Oorporal-Tayier., - ..0f hie company, dupe,* ' 'i t thifil - Webiiei his miefoituno;iikeel bothltediane turned dopea.ittruread,‘Aboveled- ~,,beed..fig4 l •, he - beilig,iloratity Zworerede4 killed ona of them ;e-ttie •"o her WAS kilted , hygelnember of onsoompany,` • As I. beinglitrat*reeant' of -the ' oompOnyyr , was in: front; having: wiived at the oamp, my- Ant On- , dessareyes,tels kill an.lndian. I took a delibarate' "Ai •46,4elatklelli#iiahehiWbni.` did , nolleit bire. I skalageettl urelesieded iSand commenced , flring in • thi*dttroa itliesellbielampti , Iu ,Irlaitt, the' obargt(tias ferstlistrol.• , ', "...""'•'' '-` ,' ' In about,';orliehodittialimllightigtiii:took",the. camp ; tillhig 16:41,13 1 101l'fillY Indlank ., : Thep the Ytil e sierireeotarigehind,jtuffegice;roinee....Maiketa; Tie' t thargitge;','lnd • ii.ll. -iiindeit'of,tirinkets, , - the ' Itfin001114915:: catet,teriug 7 atiout - Seven' hundred atflualW; liar leadtghtt,thefc'oemp'rabbut•threge heinAralbuldifelefooPeioter legdgglerghs," as, dried' Pulaillkin4tdilaglimileiseat-4a.441014at 110',' good, 'ree,teicylerCsenj!nihir ettinK-earaped, etc the bilttlilleld'fir Ave days from the t ime Pr the fight. This , is4gehareleskblte'ibellndianehave ever ..oteltlialeige.they Viere.ll, eribe,:aneLtenreir before shay 'driven:bum their 'mein' camp. /NW tbeiletitisOve Hied oith4litd corn aged beans. '24//ok:e4douttVan QUinKeotanany'D 3 , l'rtvite EdkbeCrd, CantttnYOVOMOteXattll4_li'clomPlkiii M i a l l .V fi f i 4MTlitiV#l l .lrik a tiYA ( egii 4 :ieLA/41 W 'Ail - OireftfgetlhaP,tt ktvieir;:a , : ,,, , -•'. 1 -, ; Trourycsd—aergeatitlivaatt,iotapsaylC,elcliat , tit ; Private,aarklo,,eonepaq V;Aatitbtly ;. apt. Row, taidtorir , ateehouldet., mortally; ; Mr. Ward, Le _ ,r4' 2 tierA'slightlyltOgirpotel Gordon. cognmeny Illespus oPrivate eiexander, oonipienslf; badly; 0 , 42,1 0 4-- I,.Tsylor' conlyabY - A,'lliortelis ; Private ~,en • txiiiilrp.sliffitlV.llo,l6rls*t-PPres' end.- i' , Zaitortalli: l :r . ' - '1 , . - ',411Z':;• • ,--- =,,. „veaviiialiti. , ,fipo'lli*rieertehitiraen.:: : :: „ 'qtehilfhleitle;'-WlfV:o o ?W::Wsliv , -‘-' -X1 . 3 =e 'efFlelktle, WO Pc!: Ile' 2 d . 0,0411- 4 • . . , .. ~ . . _ =blP(llilt.l4!itailto6 4 --Vile*AttPritilyt,Geti T tt=t nu has, at the request of-the, Secretory orth e In. • tettgr. given 40 ofilnioli id '743(e . rojilai to 'the. pro-; per ootagon of thi aetof.Jutte;d;BBB; w . biiik prividestbai tile:, titlei'-,to ',Lit, land, warrant imam& after, the diatik;'F, , ,,ti,..personwho; appliod , ,,forlt ageoriing - to' the pletoribedelicrma,zi! shell:rest-in the, widow, It there ini one.; and, If there,heito widow, then in the Mire aid legateatottheiilooll • = It le lett : hjr , tlie - IttOrilet.iiiiieratthat the, Th i hifitliTkavaliielre,i`tit' Ilteploiiii . Ts'..idip . ..ilz,-,all - i tithitl4,t,ltels4 5- ' ttiAtike Atalliiheilt4le teal eisokte atiheiTtlide; TifdeatfiAlllS'aitgatoei. are thosittO*lfoliettill -iiiiiiituitliii;ilgoptrstoitar 'RriTtrii ,Ittloill.Orafitotiatiiiielt;tiitutta:ohil- vikeinn - miumiliViriMiii,Jilik juitrutd'iettibe" -.w tiroletsWokin'a, Clitiltelottillskpuoi.oeitt Molts thattutetiotoiXehayeAedulAthe-mhiCAihe LOltisTabill3.iitlaila tiot,awiimtliitt "ituY*eatok titliskior,taking it.4ltwirsonse' different from - that liOlitelt it Is usually Olt Properly,aooepted. mit.** f t coitreie; titeri, *beta :the 16-qlei .114160.,bcitettid'elliiiitnitliitYllitiirOtiftltitt liirPmil. it he died inteatate4en it goes ,to his hillis-:-that I.e . to thejiiiidits'w.tiii aro entitled oyilitilMiiiatiktatifliy4lie`Waitisilillwe : , ~.. tilb l Wet 50:4 . 3014 in the sloitial i r r. thelriiitouielitwe*htell•whelitjustillY•tuant. viift .the•aet of 1858 e l oquAtrtioStittuptyayrutityd y. Its p1914 - words . - 5 ' tit One Wit all ,ahe;aoto _op, the • wpm; - sli.lijiOCEitetelF:tioilitiliiiiiitteitailit,- sit Xis; P a rt 4 ndieria AirligArliersAir4roidmofia later Mt dlftikhout„those.uf ,an ;older, one the,: later Mt mist *rayon, cud ...give -the ' ,- rtiltqin'iilVeilecto' which It appiti*". , = , ; , :- , 1 •^ll' ' 4,-. -- , - = l ' ''- 'V''''''< 1 ' 37 "-..- The ,Attor ri ty=l4Mitilif sleeeictinily;:diiwol4 folleithigomilittlotttt'Atith4C It-- - •rturratitissuid , after ileatkotiisi'ililfiluiMt,iilioaert,.,a•itidikit istkilikihirtiirirotiriuctoltikilldOls'itievietltitlikae, , , 24;, trbilthelleoeussiVOlithtioUtuidittirlatori.7alth , 1 two - aetsSof= obUdretytheeitarrarit 3 eeteres44:thii beteunt'ef - UV-heftyor -? lefittiiii, - .BdiAtlia, iiii tb4. 6 Ab`oMil ' iitptlaied,.;ythiiiii've - ',Oftli:o:4sll4. ant's - Atioitel '''' `i.• ---: , 'r '.-- . t '-- - - ..,;.--z ,- - •-•,': " • :/1121.4 4 79fiAltirtetT-Bemli:AliT=Thiirateigat.:47' Advbiee frontthOtortiriceiii3oiiiii44ry; Cowiaieafon fl to thei•lfistrttjelitryAbilOtitir4hott ttibFe yulti iatied 'by us ifeeterdn, iti4pfsittlttßrltietfoom,-; laden joinell* L ittplimpr i uititNo TV* SiuPtAlin4 baii klAitkrJaw s ; ;..th149.t4 Volk 0.41t* ;at the of ;bpisriititine .arty. ,The joint aommigsiontexpiatialiad,,reseh 'ort Colville,- on; ibe'._ippeOglitaintis, by . .. - ne4 if the Intgane; - Abtf i kikgb - Vhlnif Tcrjf ~ .nedee% mrvo,RaWp,aniferkno,qoosilion: _, e 1Z tergourielWitt., - , • :thaip: 24 *.g 0 / 1/ 2/ W4ll Mb reato:or s lr ELPIII-4;s:NOVRASSOit' Prirra'''.. - 4I“Al - I Slnt :arts IIVICAtne ' • ko,! -• • - - - • - V Sit etesieetiii,4aysteneAteß4./lireehi'• o barleanotW4t hierreivith.,*eo..ier&easithmors , tolilif. Beton, Named rt-latfritniabd two begin brlge in the unit:m.llft Defeeihre eittelrabilillaok•All , beratat • ,- Arlo4frorse tbeidgerlSdatafroietTucke l lend, withlpfimbndow, hicepeeiri tyfriale: 't•Y,l,e : Ae atrilr Pfildowie.laoffeeelk.** from lieekra; With lodes fa/4 , AV_ *PO 4 (9114 1 9.1.14111$011; daps Dom Oltaileeter, .. 841 '4 0 "ingere INDY. 'o.dsys from yfeetlitert, with deb: ape_ Cea,fad'aill* , .ifettd , fr - 01 4 1 TOrt : MiilifJr;Ticiiumlartif &Is from Bot , 40 410hallett trkalanioltson'& Giforot= Behr 291.T1e run, BaretC , ls dive foam Spun, in & ,Sokr.Soto•A Itorrott Jr. Pernik; 2 . dtrkfrrolltilirela / 41 kWtP 4 ' 041 :C-t O 4 ll O SWIM &lox:. .Sl.l cAllumbersa. dye ,Trowfr Lowell, Del, wt440' , .94`-10.01ild ir ti kilt:. +fa. ', • amemnsul VAsylt , fram;Neer -, Torki with t 440 /1 0 40t-talzw•l4 ,, N-• -. :A et.l-•”•': _ „Vl44""slllll4:o4#oralMwr 4 dela7frem--New 44.fittriedari10,atidagiti",fx . Fehr, ket,Siele; Olarke9 - Oeyetron, Oho/myopia City, ••••FerlNexel,..qtert.ettottte, 2 days from Oheeayeake Cityt-trgitlr Ohrlethw& eurras.. - : .fthi'lhatkeedilormorSlyolitlfritr = Bete AerrcrafiteoMgeWoili ) stokoivaitrcifirpropolotif gelir 11-; froze Gent is;!.. • • . Xeiv • • •ar . ji•Atterta ' , ' • - 1 1 IN* TOW Put Allardice • • r' . ',A.o4Ctrbottori et , John, Ns, B•A -,-, .74434t1t oi s 0 9b 4 , w Biros-'I, -- • c • tOWie Wane, 115111101q141110iill 4P l ' . z ••• • • e 11;:11,Aili 1 , 10 , 111; S,T Kern well. •-, 1 - • Neitp" arils, Black - Moak,? •:•• 4o Bela , Bliimeon,4"riWizootore, Beaton, Sionieheost 4 E..,;5 1 4 lorr• ;,- ; wolf it„l&T,Thoispe99,./lareie t lifsehlogkel yearly, Neu Norton Jo Poi:4 • • ItehreAtettet4priehltroldejtkal; T. 1414, /Atom ik.ol) blyppyvt.ohoi,r4o„; Po . do, rl rj - .bairel#oughsketrifork, L Alarm. lie g t otr B tiarr;;CiaiiMei, Weiblailtdar h 401 k, OW' shall. - - Hobo Ohio Bent. 01444E0 - • ;do Sur WPtiti 4yrolif Ittlettolere u d: arieve, s ••••,:ki,,Ograforelione 9f The. Pireas.) .41r8.8,D1p..1041911,.84w. 1 84 181 NikeiVilett . 4 , 14 ragWg rith 48.. 17 P*01 +WV' and Oon!rif. 44 o 4 . l cdinfrit- ' IT*, gore to .4G Oat toti 4 . 04);: : 1;Istror. Bald & Qotelywllf Ii 'rook* owl ;hi life, lumber to J Oralgiptraborjr, do - top, Tertoile . 061 Siej RZi merman. ,into 41;-4' JatioeY;,fo.d.' yer , ried:A.,thieurea. do lo -No l 6rafroAlt '3V It rim ao to doi,D B 01990 znittrVAaraote tlio4lslt 4 r a , fralt 9 af 4di4,t:4a4n-*44/44.4 T4La b l p t io °; i New:Yore; Ih to wile, Ogt ooLloo t , tillUtictiuraur k•Vow,,OfioT end? wstakk) de kiDelairari Oity. • „.4PcV Tr! 0144 -44 VAN,* cswt••••'•-.. The fo~towtael boiku,fiebtAd.E.Mllo l ,444 l into the kohel - Ucllisjleelb lo4l W4olo.lo,lllMmlik 04 1 ;40M AwAlOsigeediiikfiglorit Genesee - m Huff flour, &0 -4 .-,WlfeatiOhrioselfolitiarrA; Wright; I raft simeeetellebosieliti4arigation Clomps% Oity , otwriefer 4 raiDitektaidabmi-d 401 4'. 2 7, rime, /roe ere tqAcert , l4 11 4 9 4,btada. tom to RttioVitfilin, zoterpose, rotheeet nue to, ask Penally's:do tuar...3. - Dop (C titer, float and grain 14 ,1114 1 ,4,dkcitgat sad Win „ktiAtd,ds , 004 - it4xe-t: k...-5,...:1141rii0191411+Wk? .i!kticeisin!isiiikatTl4.l - ( 4fitta4loiiiita-Xxaturse..j _ 6M -A. M. _trhbloao3liptagaa,laiiit /loorox•Velllf : to air, latiniavaAbicsttsuasa-thel Alta Pliceallllot• Eananah; Prince 413 (4altalillia , latAlltasmbnoo; J Ilittratd,.lo_,/ • Soli. Orloanir. - bargalio IltJohlk; lgikeralmlayifottottat esi*ltt• alattnewal When. -treat' *oh.' 'Wind ,11,7reathoi. lialyialiptima i u t o, - - cyrl3o/h ltiAllllllln4l32 • ".• _ • • 44,4,1, • [at Tatativilat o`;. , 9 - 4 P'- -L. .lisir4:,yolurilfiri Alorindegfroniißofaliadiasiihiritas' '•• , ft't,"•: -- Vo; t :Sof • Arrival 7frita [: AlinlAni4afro frblido4.ll44om banoditd 41141"tiEttlni'ljadal,3&62in r, Viiiilltionv also. 4i 41.441 John BenianOtata ,•- 0 2 41)kiffs*ii4t41748:001.004KBittot404:‘,. , s.limiwor . ltiAn*: Noir - OillikrtCine"trititii43 , . , 411 Fr 4. W 1 75r!,141 0 0Tiltiltrittittei';' , Z 7 ,.", • -43,14 33 2..lPOVetialothi fAiikeed httisttlino, Y Wee. " . 1 :/ _Ararat fro , - , , '112**,4 pinlttn?ai 414 40t4out 4-tf {: ' star 4)7;4 04.6. irtwoomilign7fTiom Wan , tis.AiSZPOIN(V94 gar $4t# 01 4 1 4 - 4" *or -;=-J - zy , -- • .49byttAftfr-tttyglki • . 0114iltoto# letitiyr;(t, ‘ , ~ , lob ; • 4 ' - iffilt#4,roiliOli - ' l lt . 'lWl3lllsM= , „ , • _ '2IEHOItAA7DA: ' - 'ton:whip Delawetre, Copse,. hence, arrived at New i York §lot Staamslifp ,Pittrif ..Nreflorliolowea, hones at net 13InnHorth Piistiir, kenos - for it Ottliorlini, „Basil, put Into Bow YOrk 7,l4)islay lepr.l4 teidAti will e hart to **pale, , • , Ship Ina olearati at Mobile 24th nit. "for gith',BB2Cbidoll;o744thllit valued 'it” 831.18,Hroglxln, rit"NtawillSlirifed,at Hot tottaidalt, ' Sktkrare;`alaarite' at rieW: s lork, rytitardty for San lfranolsoo. , Ship ,76 Non* rollapabee”, fors leal . .tostrao; Oloarott at NOW York xsatardst. • Ship Pei Nymph - . Whiting, toe 13ax 7fratiolfinr cleared ot,Now,.2ek eastaiday,, , Siiiik.,ll44.l:gtejn;,l3rt: farstorom 'New„Orleans for Aatirerp, spoken 49th nt, lahB6 774 tong ti _ ihto Bantiagni Eantes, s tientred at"lioaton 25th ult. for list,lndlas. / Ship wi13 0 6 t4;iitagi lielolittn,for Boa: ton: win afoten 88th jilt, lit 37 `0 long 73 40: „ akgtirAn.lnal gnidan, trot& Eitttreaton, strive r at N, York Blot , ?forth', llabdrey, from Elide Island, arrived at klatrp,ool,loth rilt ~^ Ship, I'olin 'hierifok; A/rabies', 'frosi, iOinbeero; ON. Wad Inwied'at London - dill - ' - Ship Otkr9Plall; • NUOs 4, , trout !!laltao; at Oirxhayen 12th nit- :,,, Eihjp;Cfliqtili:llllllblit, Mason;iflilit Cello a . f o r Havre, was is Criaibottik Rotes 28kii01t. elitaApttonbas, Hatkorn, for ,F I'4o elphls, autarall for °adios it hivelfocit 15th41t , tal 0 W Ponitne.t. Marsha:4k, from Idstansta, arrivedat-waw York yeaterlay. , E. rod"' Ogrnello I,7lovon.rAat illngapara Sept 3, for ilanitia„retdrteissit. , •-.1 goanoks,`Loicalt,loilll6 do Janeiro, cleared it N. Torii gaiterday.. Baque Otrolina, from New Orlesnl for pellilTli, into spokin 25th fat, lit 25 80, long 70 80. ,• , Airig Paniel Maloney, Sualmtn, From. Wilmington, N *relied at-New York yesterday. , • • •e , Bieg atsait Soda!, Sterns, honed it St Aga de Cuba lith tilt vi Guantaltamo. „ .Brig , A Exalt, Beading, foe - New York, sailed from Nouns 24th ,Brig.Neptani.lbremiliom Bin di 'Janeiro, with oof. roc - arrived In llanrpton Roads 800eult. "Brig Harald, from Sombrero, wittignano; wag waiting 070011 1 is illtmiltoo HOldt Nitti nit: Brig Putry, Welsh, twice,' serivad• Rialitioid :rohr.inie , 'Ets7,ll.Xatteley at 'Soh, mond 80th , eaSolir it'Welostoe.ilann r att; astral at New Orleans RUYAN, for - Philadelphia, with el bettor oottan t lee Olf" sago, hbds tobarao; 816' bales rope enttingi, eta bble molasses, 154 bble whiskey, 2040 pip load, 20 ,Plree,Nteee; 26l empty oaska, 60 do tarboys. Arletta,Lhanoai arrival at New Haven Mt nit. •Sahr- David Pinot, bloslaoder, for - Wlltatogtwe. 240 , iikrwed at Naw,Yorkleaterday. ,, ` - • . ' Salm A'Hatednood, Paine, and 11 A Itealtahar, etubba. Ilium, at Bolden 31st nit. - • :„masusi mrsomArnr. • New York Ooirter' shd llncnirerrmblithesthe panel table ornnsrlos losses, Tor theinolmouthillidedok rekaggregste or thirty ves-, eels, ot..wlach lontwerc endpit, two 'Were' tierqtles, two ; Were brige, - ,tWentroiti,were schooners. cod one • sloop. total value' cd,pr_opexty Ipotesi:it .$1188,600 'Thte ts therlaDse,olthODlFretite4B ll 71cWit,W,8quel•s! of 01•3. ow to - Oise)/ Apt AID - o:ll2ting to O . total li?ss and o f par of oergo. t The tousle reported Idizeltst are chiefly American, animus? same foreign, ar e Included, when bound to or fro a tiaited Staten partor knowatohe Insured In Teasels, 10 a losses .. .. .15 = Do, • ,Tabruirr. .... 88 • liderah' - 58 .......... Do . d0„Jnty.........:...22 - August — ' • - 18' October:.. . .:....80 tin iliniitite $ T 8 81 8 91 iriineikeriod • 48C: — 115,421,600' POrt,Pllllp,Al34.ll l ,—Tbn following vessels, cleared oittnirde it ilpiolettiaiod not pautd Port ,PktlfilietaCen itiert veiling of Aug D;—ang7th, Iran. eta P : -..lagErfor - Guam; lettwilferrlumo, for Manta. iltraug milli ths:B and $W hava,peirratled for so. - Tarot dare, andinterfored gnat': with,ttka daparttqaOf .7reasola from Gotumnia.h)ap:aud um' this poet DO CAM PORTS, ' . .4IID,POINT COMFORT, Oct 80 - The following ves. sale bazar to am are in We roads: Brigs J Wert; woos; tor, front'llOrfolk for Janda* queen Victoria, (Br) Duranl"frouf, Baltimore for St Vincent; ketch Dontet, "(Br) Brorolowfroin do, for Trliodad; Ilary atinha Westport, troja.Norfolk for ,Bartisdoes; Bllloott, , tram do; - 1.111th, fordo; barque JaS)Rdi, #11941011; fro:oll4gram for Trlcate. Windt/11V , „ , t • 1 .,: , - i01110D3X46412: ' I.lvarptiollAr 16th list, 8 CaVlnag, earth:rt. Boston.: Ole lath. - Pendia, - Liddio,' Moeller" Ifth, Charted spragno,THo,Apalaohlocie; Oorinthlstr, Ohtute, New f ?London—Entered inward 15th hut Mary & Adelina, Watts, 8t John,;ND:: Walter , Scott; Hatch, and Mary Bradford, Thompson', Now York, Old 11411113artford i lfoHay,Shields and N York; lath. Plymouth Rook, Hammond, do. • Falmoutit-std 15th Inet,tHuntrass, flaldwall, from Hone for Liverpool; 11 Mallory, Mince; from )1111.41rt. sae Rinihrtourn—Ar 16th-Dud, Jane Lovett, Norton, St John: liabihiligt 4 4llB l th HMV, Howard, Brunk, N York. Antrforp--lielow 16th :rut, Belgique, DeWitt", from Havrt-42 lath Inst, Hardy, Lufkin,- 11' Orleans. • Dania4-ir 7th :net , Sea Foam, Va`snola.; Teldettral 3 .°lbitnati r!DDlllll6XlrelvPstost: • tortnt.' •- -•- r _ • Bativla- I ld - Aug 12t14 Thatcher Monk, Baiter, Port Philip-6M Ans 6, GlSO'Dietlilll Farley; Guam. ; Old it Chatham' lath hut, ship Suffolk, Fields, Pe narthßoads. Er:at -Dalltoosia , loth hut, John, Lowrance, BristoLling , •," - ". C • carpi& „pueblo: 47th -: net, ships Plantagenet, Askey, , Chrk• Alexander Idmond, Smith, Bristol; barques In. dalatigable, Marwood, Swansea; Caroline, Harris, Lon :, dist Clenfuogoilltli lost, siehrt;,Beaso, Na. t rigid Bth, ; brig thunprort, Potter. , , Cr, at, listrani ,15th.inskbarilat Borer, Sera: New York; tokr H Townsend , , Lambert, Savannah., ^lath, barque IlmrasjAncoln. Spolghts, New York; sohr Hobe, Holm, do 17th, barques L. B Carver, Damon, o; nerdy Warren. Ohass,Boirton; bring Denmark, Sty, "pliaq•Portland. 18'h, ship Danube. Ocatar, Dlrerpool; barque •Sawa W Liithar. Portland. 20th, Alp Sheridan Damon, New, York; brigs Factor, Perry, Bos ton; Harriet, Adie. Portland; sohr A 11 Manchester. Totter, Boston. Mat. barque Emma Obasa ' Horan, portlaug; •,brig W h en Hayden, Ring. Newport, )11; aohr Matfon; Taglor,"do; 214, etas: D Shophard, (1.71 e, ,New 014111191/ for \Havre, mitt, 9 feet water in her hold and 15 stresYs under rratarE;barque May 41011191, Gnat, Cardiff; behiti Black Monster, Center, Mobile ; Wattles Harvey, New York; Oen Concha, Quintero , Key West: 28dyttiga,lindorus, Haskoll, Marmon; drum:, Draw, Dot A.,,...24tb;stitalnitilp'Arattlida, .fietrytoint. Aspic, wa ;MA aid 20th on her - return' 25th; ship Horatio, Chase, barques Bliss ,P,lke, Haws!, Panstools; Wyscd6tricatparks, issaport;flahrs - 110 . 64,:80tith, N Orlati; Towneend,`ldottils..„ ISM , frornoter AMA. briga' Beholds; Howard, ; 13oaton; Oygoist;'‘llarii&U'lltunidoix Rosati; 'Rehr Larnartins, Or.ffain,•Bo%.44res. .17th, or /CA', brig Margaret A ateransi-IVVlsw",Orlans - Hith, barque Armando Bannla,llo!,_ Alliertfia.'Hartfin; ?di; brig Creole; (Br) Moodr`llo,-;2oth,' banns 401at' , Ifluthrrgt, Web: Corr 424th't birqnes Aerial;,Taylotc, Cardenas; BaranWatklayAnyhhigton.bips twltottgook, Drink water. pertlAntifftbrig* Roble, Radifhl; 401;,Tallulalt, rf attop;ofet Cook; 1144 (Wefts; ochre Means, adams,lllltlmors; Byron; Eldrldge, Bar grg' 2s , ll, lt ir q uaa gebrout OB00Pard: New i Orleone; Ku Paysod,lHßlliOttanranamo; uadata, Rola, Ito- WO brigs taghorßiDeareZ(or 110:10. Penseadir; Ds trmitsrd. Ocaliertand; Bymyalci Mobile, Old lath;Ottiviiiiiimpher: N Tort; skip Arroo. alai Coucland, rtik jirp: 16th,b )k prup ;path Yatsy N York" - -Sr a - Gardena - 12th Mat, brig ElatnoVa, Partridge, brlg,Oio ,Lohao, Llghtboran, Maraca; '2lld, brigHeirY'Mattheata, Chaney, POrtiand; sohr den Border* ' , Bristol, RI. , , BRUME AT - PRINCIPAL ivoLocx • • - -" „ streete:betow Btrelteiat4e. la, TTY .-„ 00iKtSr,lielt Mr - Punta &la ' D Winslow, N.Y • )I OtTylei, B 0 '''7 A Oujler, Y N NtlYbitlnr; ' Oit Mellon ' Pldla • If Biegraw,rmeaste . e.',.,':•.: Dr o,enuelly,o 8 N , ~P,Mactiulsten, Meatreal,"•;,:- B ItOts, - Harrlsburg '' • , 'Mist Oarter;fferrisberge:' H. Tyler,,N Y W Pendleton & J Blie ibary & wife; NY' IW' Delnlnger,'Readirtg, Lt Wlnder,,l7 _ • Mr*, Wieder &. dang D.O R Y Tbee Tabb, Vs • n'intair,Balt • - ' , 'Wm hi citurobill, Ohio iffilawion, N Orleans B Tboulraon, St Pant Jas K Larkin, St Louis Ohse A Keller, Pittsburg . W itYurkineon,Oal N liablore 'Oat Mrs ld_B Martin, 8 01,, Mrs A It Taft, g 0 Mho Al Martin; S O , W A Martin, ft 0 Alr:Blliote & , Dr Biliott,& N y WA JOON &;411 7 , ..if ; Mr Duncan & la,N Y Mr Dell ' N-Y' OXAerl' N Y - Mrs , Ogden, N Y - Miss Yowler, NY” - Moe liimitkOf "..: . Miss Smith, N Y Mr Foie:AA Y . , Pa - Meet Maxwell _TT'S N' - ' Rev Mr 8 7 ,,00n &Is Bali, Mies /0140,, Baltimore,, Dr J 0 Cooley: Baltimore B XtendalliN • ' ' Meter, Wbeellug,Va DATM,HAU I 7, - , Bent K Cooper, Belt TheiAllen,.BA Wads Q, Bewall,Watat town, NY 'HO • .Ttios'Periner N „ ".kßotiireseacslt•N...ll Duckworth, Liverpool, wstAss. (31314teetorC, „,,II Shattendeaker,B 0 P IrlYalitad;BlM,lonind• :Ilse }Brother., NY , 1 / L . gar, Randall, Seeding JnoWaytend,WWLLardi . :-.'7C Prttehatt; Waabington Mr Aroelnaldte,loNewlll.7: H D Mansell, Briton A B irseford*,l4-ps Mix Dobbs, Harrisburg " 'Oyrusßand Tate di Is, Memphis, W if 'Mr Reese & Is, Naas B N Oakley Tort Wayne 0 Rosy, NJ' Leyte, Pa , _ ”.•••••:. lag Dowasu INIT TALK/ "AA • N. t Jeffile4e, chsrloston B Dar's, N Y , N 'nary ) Beall ~ ;,BiLollrdoortßaltimors -A0 Crosby Along ' 4;7 A 'Lippman; GelreetonTex iv skyttoldetds,AlY4 nsuorOtt N Y -Gilbert IT Monroe - , Boston D R What're, Peru B St Cray de Oendo,Haeli D A de,Pendoas,Marani Stroud B Mudge. Boptoti, Berm= Johnson; N N A Starry, NorwtoS, „00,olf-'Z Barnum , Batthnoto - - :Wro Idatthews. Datiteore Mire MO , bt , Heteter, Capt Wilkes, Wasibington; •• 0 : 11 Boston , ,T Lovett,Wealtipittop , • 'PA Itßie & iady, Nd Hp id, Id ,W Brown: J„ Hrriehnif A 0 Onitirs, Bellefonte iijloward,. fiartford .3 , . IV ntY/ Welch, • 'Tiredk'loii6s,london " Moirtion, ' Biddle anj ledy, , • 14E0/UNTO , 114:4171;—Yourth et., below Area. W 0 iyo«toiso;,t.iioq ietind so Hayden:ON TCP.oeken; +- • A H Beige', 'Reeding. 74Biriyee r Tretitim• • 74 ' ='D S Iltiggite • 'do' '- • W &oh, Florida, P Brown, do towel:010i :Callahan & ta, Itostem •• iJ lAtighlta & is, N goglandlit B Spahr, York, Pa, Bleb sty-Pic = Ellett* la, Pa, f lion T pAss, poylestorl,PA Jena! A Yost, Ps !Mfgdo , Hiram Wolf Munk Miss Boss, ' •do '• 1Y Kline, LebanOn, Pa Gehrk Bfimilbenbdru.',J ViMunter, Plealtrk ' IWA).44limes, .130norsvitie • ' W Pa": • 7 , 17,,biololat03binpeoeburg John aroti c illtiodedre4 L 77Hollidgebbadittrovids; It 0 Grote, : do btfrepe,;•q• • Z &Least, dalani, 0 t• - dant , illtamp#l!).l.4 York- , Oolumbna diatthiTt / Cree, . "Mirins Co.*, Vc 'Opine A Ball, Ohio' Hon 15 , a3 Bigler, Pa 'Alex Butober, Beat J N Brewer, Aferoersburg .BCoria_C - fit • OP Co oper, Pa :11,110unualimit,leUefodte ; • „NiTlONikllolllli--Bitoo- , street, above Third, 7 ;No gisrts,filitaiAtit:r ' V Boole& Orvigilbure . ".tf ABit ouso,Pottorillo • "II 7 Honest, , :011sieeher,• Pine (MOM B Sittibion, Toleddi - Nelloyder,ityprpool,O6, Thomyssel;f, pa' • , , Bsraltoßay, pox' p e dtofd; 0 tarsi:lath; Danville, Po %Wslttiweer ;J:TUTJernisn'aeresytoirn -,7 abaridese &74,Bloomeblg 1. 4 Oelf.oßefe, Atetlep, „'Mrt N Weiret,lonotovrne 1 . 0 mAreditiwßouplltn,' Pittston; Pi ItiOe, - Kingiton;TS `'...116bW61,606n3, Pittston ' 1 -2 44 49, 1 0 .1104P AW on : '-- -' • ' • .' f=ll effiloN4/0 1 / 4 44—Azoli ehreet 7 ,,below FiXtrth.' Mitnier, VA -' Frees, Beadieg '• - Col lilltateliffe, Tamaqua , J ,Tobuson, Tamaqua IC 'TRONA Istaaana Jobtison, Tainaqua Ithirtoor Beading- • • , •=B - D Lenderman, Pa -T A Varibraxi, Pa.- ••• • 4.ltoyer; Blair 00, Pa W Phtla • . 71 Ai Crawford & •••- la, Nd Allaarb Z Wilson, Del:. -_ - • - .!-Adits Id Bothwell • Del , :J- Stambaugh, Ps' , ,Verolignilittiablarg , Heo Nose, Pa ;•--• ' - A Mcisilleterf Blair GO Cleo Tetuan, Tamaqua' - Walter seatoleki Pl Club?? Et Bsitnadi at (nor'- , stioin,Tent, , j 'AMERICAN ROTEL—Ohretuut street, abort, Wirth. Dr G, T Hariei,Doyleitown Frick, Mluererilie Dr 0 H Ocutte6, Goatee,Elle Robt H tare & Is, Pa, 4' H Roditep &.la,' , Boston W Welker, N Ii Darle.,lteritos' ' Robt Lockhart; DI (Stink J L'arovec, Stockton; Pa ' B B Hedge s , X D o,itnatock, N Y • Dordep,.Balt RB , Porter, Ba't , . 'J W Roaenstein, N Y - ' It IV Oeoil, Balt A Wallin, hid WW Wallis, kld , - „ ,MOUNT VERNON HoTEle—:Secorid at., obi:rye - Arab. MAdolph, Pa ldnoei ng,Lambe, Elizabethtown a - Goon & 'Allentotri . F A Burt & on, Baltimore 0 A Donnelly; Ohio J Rarkley, Plata Mra G Banton, Cheater co Joe Benthner, New Mentor; Mrs Mall, Salem, N X Hits Mull, Belem, N J John S Redfield, Pa MADISON,11011EIV:-Illecand st , below Arch. , D I Stewart, ileltimore J . 0 Moore, Chester co R C Robs Davis; Chester co W B Baker& la, ,Obto, Jobnson, Reading R G ' Wm Bradly, N J I LOWfa , ()Neter 10, PS • , GBO Moore, -Frederica, Del T J areorivprederlcs, Del Miss Anha M Lewis, Pa , Henry; Saute, Mass ' - Thos Smith, Miss John James, Baltimore D II Morgan, Lebanon, Pa R A Ewing, Lebanon, Ps 7'A Hewes to Is, N Y Saint P Mercer; Oinoinnati Alex P Russell, Lancaster D R Higgine, Del ' Idts•Kerfort Lancaster AA Lewis & la, ' NJ - • BARLEY MAP IN/TM—Second street, below Vine, Thos E Woodruff, Trenton John P Jamison, Pa Daniel Woolman, Pa Joe 0114 - Germantown Smith, Trenton P Gauger, Trenton Chas Torbert & *lre, Pa Jaz Thornton, Pa Moore Carey, Pritnkhird B Grant, Pa BLACK 4111 Alt, INN—Fifth and Merchant streets. J . Zones, N Y T II Coleman, Philo 0 Hopkins, me - A sharer, Pineville J eabmauk, Me D Humes, Cheater co 0 L McCracken, Phila J Scott & Is, Chester oo E 8 Parker, Woodbury A Nimble, Cheater co Witmer, Lancaster co D Witmer, Lancaster oo Mra Blayne, Cheater co , L Cooper, Ohio 0 0 Cauffman, Linumetor co W P Atkin, Pa Mrs Pennjpatker, W Cheat Jos Mentz, Chester co Mies, Pennypsoker,Ohes co 3 8 Kirk, Chester co G Entricken, Chester - co P. Storey, Cheater ao Semi Storey, Cheater co W Everhart, West Chester D H Lovett N Y Bobt Baldwin, Lancaster Devoe, West Chester U V Pennypooker,W Chest Rufus Orossman, II It - H Andrews, Lancaster co J B Brown. 4remont, Pa Jos Coustney,St Louis W, Brown, Lycosning co, Pa BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third at., sb. Oallowhlll. If Lelater, Swamp Creek A Itine,lterriville B Peter, Bag, Po At Beeper, Clooperiburg R-A Gilbert 'Raiding II AI Glees, Priedenaburg , BALD EAGLE—ThIrI street. - abova Oallowhill. I Brinkman, Lehighton D Oidlne,Lehighton Artter,klaboning F II Long, idahoning ; IV Kistler," kittylkill co, 0 Smith, M Chunk Dealer, Pa ' " ,H 0 Moyer; Quakertown Brobst, Lehigh oo A Yishburn, Dauphin co Jaherp, Northampton ao E lit Btouler, Jonestown 7'l Gring, Lebanon co, pe, N Kistler, Schuylkill to On October 28th, hi Ctionceeter Oity, N. J. at the residence of the bride's father, by Be, Joseph Atwood, Mr. THOMAS - WILLIAM, to Mies ANNA . LOUISA POWELL, both of Camden °Minty, N. J. * .012 the 28th of October. by.T Elwood Cloudy, OILARLES DANE:MOWER •and Miss CATHARINE TOOL, both of Abington toernehiP;MoutitointrY Co ' thOlBth October, by the Rev Thomas Street. Mr. WM. A: WATSON to JANB; diughter lit the late John Greenleaf, all of this city. Oa the 25th June,lB6B, by Rey.- Wesley Rooney of .Philadelphia; .W5l. - R. YRNKINB and MART VAN, both of Camden, N J. • 'October 27th, at College Whorl, near Brietol, Pa., by Rev: At. Willits, Mr. PRANK A. WARS. to Mice MARY J:, eldest daughter of DANIEL EMMERT, Es q., bosh oePhiladelphta. * , ;448600` 1,182 800 . 818,500 001 010 714:000' 814'401 540,700 ."24 7b k 1,128,200 688,600 'On the 80th ultimo WILEELIIINA HEAPING-, daughter of Joseph adhlargaret Bailey, aged 8 years it months and 24 days. • The relatives and friends of the family are respect. fully invited to attend the funeral, from the reel:tense of her parents, No. 808 Wharton street, above Eighth, on this (Tuesdey) morning, at 10 o'clock. lOn the 81st ultimo, hlr ALEXANDER YOUNG, aged 87 years, . The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the formal, from his late residence, 921 Booth Fifth street, below Christian, thi. (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 tPcloolt. Proceed to Odd Fellows' Cemetery. * On the ,Litst ultimo, ELLEN AMY DOUGIIERTY, aged,72 years. ' * , • get relatives end ,frieiads are reepectfully Milted to 'attend the funeral, from her late reeidenoe,ll llyeville, Delaware - county; on to-morrow (Wednesday) morning, at 8 o'clock, without further notice. Oars leave N E. corner Eighteenth and Market streets at 8 o'clock. -Funeral service at at Oharles Oho, oh. a* On the datliulthno, of_eonsumption, Mrs. SARAH H. 'KIMBLE; in the Slet year of her age. (New Orleans papers please copy.) tier relatives- and Mende are reopeetfully invited to a tend her funeral, from, the residence of hoe hut. band,loo4 liandolph street, this (Tuesday) afternoon; at a o , otomi,..without further notice To proceed to Odd Fellows , Cemetery. it On the 29th ultimo, Mrs.IIfARTHA 11., wife of John A. idatleoli, - and daughter or William and Sarah Hiller ; in the 22d yearof bar age. - Her relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral from the reilde.ce of her parents, 1426 Hanover street;. above W,est, ,Highteenth ward, .(late Heosingt6n) this (Tuesday) afternoon, at two o'clock.' without further notice. ik On the 31st ultimo, Mr. Itf.OHAED FOOT, aged 34 The releti-es and friends of the family are romped. fully invited to attend the funeisl, from the residence of his mother4n4aw, Mrs. Orawfordilol3 O. Sixth street this (Tuesday) a tt erndouht 3 o'clock. * ' • On the kWh nithno, TEItp,BNOISIP. O'NEIL, In the 74th year of his age. - On etinday evening, October Slat, in the 79th year of her age, OSTIISIIINE, wife of Wax. Whelan, of this City. Due notice will be given of the funeral: , * 1.4.—• The Philadelphia Bank—Philadelphia,' Nov. 1, 1838.—The Board of Dir elms have thus day„declarel a Dividend of SOUR, P6R ORNT from the earnings of the la t Six hion.hsi payable on demand, clear of the btate Tax. -_- no2.St D. B. COISIEGTI3, Cushier. 'O7: - .'Baittrd Taylor will Deliver .his First • Lectern here elute his 'return to America, at MUSICAL _FUND MILL, FRIDAY Everting O. YllidßEß 6th. at B P. It ' Subiect—. , Meadow." 'Dakota 28e. To bo hid at PARRY & MoMILL CN 'TAMES 8 MARTINE'S, 008 EPISCO PAL BOOK DEPOSITORY, 122 e 011ESTNIIT street,. and other Btores;aud a t the HALL, the evening of the Lecture. at 4 P, ' not At* ifrßev H."W. Beecher's Speaks for the 'tast • time before the PEOLE'd LITERAIt'ir INACITUTE., In 00NOKBM' HALL, Vinci /MN. ' /NG. no2ltts . acrMechanic Savings and Building Asso. elation of Phlladelphia.—A Speolsl Meeting of the Stockholders vial be held this (TOMMAY) Even ing, NOVEMBER 24, atlyj &clock. streets Boom, corner TENTH, end , tIPBING t*AßDlcri Elea lion of Officers and alteration of Bye• Laws will be brought np.- N., B —The Directors will meet to collect daee and loan the Cando after the Stockholder's Meeting. ,••• •- „ • ' WM. HEBART BROWN, noS•lt* • • , - Secretary. TrPhiladelphia Exchange Company, Nov. . The Managers have, this day de clared ,a dividend of TWO-AND 0 , 11-RALF- PER GENT. on the Capital Stook of the Company, payable to the Stockholders or their legal Representatives, by the Superintendent, at the Baohange, on and after TUES DAY, 10th inst. The Tranefer Books will be closed. until that date.' WIE. L, GRANT, Secretary. nd2-tuthee t 16 Notice,LAn Examination for Prfuel. PAL aod ASOSTART TRACHEES of Un eleasitled School*, and-ASS/EiTANT TRAOLLERS in the Grammar, Secondary and Primary Schools of the Plrat &herd Bletr et of PontaylVeuls, embracing the Ocnrolldated City of Philadelthit will be held at the MFRS SON SCHOOL, HOUSE, VIITH Street above POPLAR, commencing on FRIDAY afternoon next, at -1 o'clock. 6th of NOVEDIBEH, and continue during SA. TURD&Y, commencing on the hitter day at 9 o'clock, A M. By order ot. the Committee on Qualification of Telehere. "IMMIX B. TRINICS, col-60 Chairman. Notlee.—eleitled Proposals endorsed it Proposals for Repairs at the 'Roxboroogh Veal Euuse, 'lerenty.firpt Section? , will be received butht turderslined until TEWR - DAY next, the 4th of •Noyember, at 10 o'clock A. M., for constructirg a ;WA!,L and OUTOIDS wing. at sold School Hotta°. Sleto'ficetions and nartieulars of the Work to be done, can be hui at the °Met of the Board, Southeast corner SIXTH. and ADSLPEIt Stroeta. ROBERT J Secretary nol4e . - Controllers of Public Schools. lir-leotlee.—Sealed Proposals endorsed . "Proposals for Repairs at the Glens/am' School Bowie, 2lat Bretton will be received by the under.lgned uotil TBUIt D4V neat, the 4th of No vetubar, at 10 A If. for a WALL and CURB to support the iron ratting around the School House Specifica tions and p qtlrulars of the woik to be done Gan be ob. tattled at the office of the Board, b. E. corner of JEEPS and ADELPRI Streets. ' 110811liT J. SEMPIIILL, Sscrstary renl-4t : Controllers of Public Schools rrrMercantile' ,flimetiolil Association of PHlfittDlll4l4A.—the Annual Afeettog of the Association state held et their Room, Southwest comer of BSVENTiIand',NANI3OIII etreete, on TUES DAY Afternoon, Ifiriertitar, it, te 8 o'clook, - at which time inielootionmill be hild for Manners to, serve for :the emoting yostr. . ; ;;; ,1 1,11. A. BOLIN, inretary. 16 198ehluigtion' and' - his Portraits. 1.071711.16 BY , REMBRANDT PEALV—lllts rated by eeoentl Yeintioge, under a noiel end effective arrangement of light L-his own original Portrait, his Father's 1112, Roudou'a , 786, Trumbull's 1790, Stuart's 1796. /ire: Wealth:4ton; and a colossal Monocrome. A Picture of Bt. Cecilia, from a celebrated Painting by' Buboes, will °coney the Prams 'wetted' to t*e' Leo. tufo. at the MUSIOAL 'RUED HAL, on TUESDAY, the 28 Hooember, at Tg o'clock. Tickets 26 cents. For ante Cl the yeinolpal Bookstores, and at the 0027-ot* 113... Bev. Henry Ward /Beecher perhaps for TRH LAST Tl5lll THIS SEASON.—Br request, Mr. BEEIMEItyrill repeat his grestlecture ' , The Coni tnontoeattd,,, Tor the People's Lttetary . Institute, ,00NO TAT IIA.LL, Tuesday Brentog next. Doors open at 7 Williek; leante obromericas quarter to eight. • No eednottotElnlelee of' Season Volute mall , eater the third lecture, whieh.erill be delivered by,O, W. OUB TIS..itsq , Thursday , BVI/bil4N- Net 11. Tickets ad mitting one, 25 cents; three, 50 cents Admittingone to coursed eight lectures, $l - 00, two to do. . $i 62, three, $2 00. Nor sale at the Bookstores, oo3kBt* PrNotice to Cointriiitors.—Proposola will be received 'until the third daj of November, 185 8 , PL! for the grading of Arch and Bare streets, Wait of Thirty-second street, and of Spangler greet from Pace etreet to Powelten Avenue,through the pro party of the PennsylvaciO Railroad Company in the Twenty-fourth ward of Ale city:, The' proposals will atate - the pried per table yard for doing the work. The Material excavated will he required in the immediate vicinity, on the property of the company, and will be plated where direeted. Proposals will be addressed to' laniard Smith, georetai7 i 8 - W; corner of Third street and Willioits Alley, - Foifurther Information apply to T. Tyeeri Britcheri' Apia, Thirty-fifth 'treat, heiow peareltow !mine. ,or.SO-4t. Trt.4l..`Oottrao of Three Lectures will be Da. I,llfif NED by 420 ALFIIED TO WNSEND, at a 11A.NDfilt, and HAYDN HALL, NIOUTII Street, above: WNING OAR WIN, for the Benefit of the NOUTUNBN YOUNG fd NNIS CHRISTIAN ASBOOIA MIMI, the Subjects to be as fellows: Tlittraday - EverdnA, NOY. 4th - ..“ The American Loyal iste.” '' 4l ' 1 ` r l' 41 3.lth- ." 2 hollistorlan,” "The /9oirellst" and " The . ._ . . ....._. __ _ Poot , i - •I " " 318th;." George, i Gordon By. ron.n . Single Tickets 25 cents each. ' Tiocete admitting a Gentleman and • two Ladles 50 'cents. • Tickets for the Course 50 cents; which may be had of O. J. WILSON, No. 1212 SPNINGUARDNN St., A. M. K. STORRIE, No. 400 CtERMANTOWN ROAD; beIotYPIPTEI St. of the Members of - the Association, and it the HALL on the ilsys of the Lectures. , • ooltelf.tis • A. U. H. STORRLIS, President. Notice to Courruotors—Zervice et the GIRARD ESTATE, No. 19 8. MTH Street. , sated Proposals will be received at the Office of the Superintendent of , the Girard Estate until 3 o'clock of ,TWOREIDA.Y, the fourth day of November, 1959, for all the Piling, Bridging, Whe flog, Pilling in, Paving, thattnav be requisite and necessary to carry out the intent and meaning of Ordinance of Councils, enti- tled An Ordinance to authorial! the Superlotendent of 01-ard Estate to widen Delaware Avenue 1, Ap proved 00. 21d,1818. Plaile'ditiie above rany be "coon, and Opecldoefloila had, cui .applloatton at - tide Office. A W. JUVENAL,. *MO' Dupolutendent salrarl Estate. NOVEMBER. t, IgsB. illarriagel. deaths. um The Dhlindelphla 'Bank, Philadelphia, Octeber 2d. 1858 —The Anneal Meeting of the tockholders of thle Bank will be held at the BANKING HO USD on DIONDAY. the Bth day of November next, at 10 o'clock. 51 And the A, noel Election for Direc tor+ will be held Billie BANKING HOUSE; on•BION DAY, the 16th day of November next, between the hours of 12 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. 006 mw fr tnols B. B. 00518 YB, Deshler- DrFranklin Institute Exhibition TEENTII and PILUEET Streets.. Fiala° 8011001 X—The Pupils of Public Schools, attended by their teachers, will bo admitted to.tho Exhibition upon payment of an entrance fee of five cants for each pupil—te hors in attendance free The Principals of each will ploa•o call at the office 'ot the Committee when the time will be designated for the visit of the same' 0428-fit WILLIAIEjIAtIrLTOII. Astuary. 1.. b °Hies et the ,Philudelphin.R, It. Say -1 NOS ANb LOAN COMPANY, N. H corner of; CHESTNUT & TNNTII Streets —The Annual Meet.: leg of the Steekholders will he held et the Office of the Company, on THURSDAY, November 4th, at 10 ohlock A. M. . . An Election for Twenty Dlreolore will be held the came day, between the holm of 11 A. M and 3P. 31. HUTCHINSON, 0c29.5t Searotary. fass Office 11f the Fronkford and Beath. WARE 'PHILADELPHIA OITY PABEINNGER RAILROAD- 00mPANY, GERMANTOWN Road and ORATEIASI Street. PHILAnYLPRIA, Oct. 28,1858. NOTION TO TILE PIII.II,IO,—The Sundry Trips on the Frankford branch of the Fratirford end Southwark Otty Passenger tatitroad are thseintteued. By order of the Board of Directors, GRAB. R. ABBOTT, 0028.2t1f Secr..t.ry. frrA Sleeting of the Stockholders of the UNION DANK will be hold at the office of the Dank Pouthweet corner of THIRD and ARCM Streets, (up stairs,) on TUESDAY MORNING next, November Id, at 10 o'clock, when 'SHIRTEEN IHREOTO Re will bo elected, agreeably to the provisions of the charter. Polls odllretnaln coon mull 2 o'clock P. M. By order of the OominWinners, 0e29-tno2 JOAN U. POSIBIROT, Secretary iffe The Fourth Anniversary of the Young MEN'S CIIRIBTIAN ASSOIIATION of Phil delphla, will be bald in JAYNE'd HALL. Chestnut be low EisVENTII Street, on TUESDAY EVENING next, November 2nd, at a quarter post 7 o'clock. The Annual Report will be read. and addresses made by REV lielettY MARTYN EOUDDER,M.D., of THANE MILLER Js.q Provident of the Oln. airmail Association; FRANKLIN W. SMITE, Erg, President of the Boston Association, and the Rev. Alessrs. OKA.MBED.B, MOORE, and GODDARD, of this city.' Tickets of Admission can be bad gratuitously at the Rooms of the Aueolation, No. 1009 and 1011 CHEST NUT St. . - Early application will be necessary, se the number of tickets is necehearity limited. Ministers and deputations from Pieter Associations are bolted to occupy seats on the Platform. JOHN IV tNAMAAItit, W. J. CHUTNEY, T. EMI .NDE HARPER, P. A YlDbEit. JOHN P. GRAPY, 0029-4 t Committee. Rooms 1009 to 1011 CHESTNUT It ErCommercial Bank of Pennsylvania, PRILADDI,PUIA, OCTOBER IL 1868 —The Annual bleetion for Directors of this Bank will be held at the BANKING-BOMB, 011 MONDAY, the 10th day .of November neat, betweea the hours of 10 &oleo% A. M. ands a'olock P.M. oelB-wfromtaol6 The Annual Meeting of the Steekholdera of the Dank will he held at the SANKIIeG.HOUSH, on TUES DAY, the 2d day of Norember next, at 12 o'clock M. oel3.wfacmtno2 8.0 PALMER.fee. rrea Monk of Commerce, Philadelphia, Oct. g, 1958 —Notice le hereby given that en Elea- ea for TNIRTHEN DIREOTORei to f erve the en suing veer, will be held at the Banhing Mute, on MONDAY, the 10th de& of November next, between the hours of 10 A. M. tun 2P. M. 0c2.4 to tit-tool° The Annual Meeting of the Stookbpldere will be held on TUESDAY, Abe 2d day of November nevi, at 2P. hl.. at same place. ocZe to thAr e 2 J. O. DON &ELL, Outlier. Notice.•-The Third Instalment of Five Dollars per share on the Stook of the Second Cod Third-street Passenger Railway Company of Phila. delphla will be due and payable at the Moe of the Company, No. 228 WALNUT St ,on or before No vember 20th, 1858. By order of the Board. DENDY BRARIVODD. oolB•tnths-tN2B - &oratory. cacca Office Girard Fire and Marine In. BIIRANCE COMPANY, 415' Walnut St., fachuylaill Navigation Buildleg. The Directors of the Girard Fire and Marine in surance Company bare this day declared a dividend of PER CENT. upon the Capital Lock, payable to Stockholders, on and after the Second day of November next. ALFRED S. GILLETT, Treasurer. PIIILLDICLPIIIA, Oct. 11, MS. ocli-thstnavr The American Patent Comport, of CI n- OINNATI, OHIO, organised July',lB6B, with a cap of $lOO tOO, boo and sells Patents on commis sion, solmim Patents, executes Mechanical Drawings and Emlrarloge, and trmisacts all business pertaining to Patents, of whatever nature. The Company also pub lishes the SCIENTIFIC ARTIBAN, the best mechani cal paper in America, at $2 per annum. The Company can furnish all information in reference to either Amirican or European Patents. Address 'AMERICAN PATENT COMPANY, Cin cinnati. Ohio oc2-4 to th-lm Ina. To the Fire; Department of Philadel- DIDA.-The Directors of the GIRARD Plait AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY have re solved to appropriate Coe Hundred Dollars to each Sire Company Within the City. now haring in sandal, or who may hereafter put in service, a STEAM FIRS Companies applying for this appropriation, through their Committees, Trustees, or Agents. will be re quired to turniett a certificate. signed by their Pre sident authorising them to receive the money. They VIII aim) be required to furnish 'the certificate or the Mayor, certifying that the Company applying is in service in this city) and has been approved by City Councils. ALlfftliD ti-11,0:VP, Trostraer. ocle-thatuaw Putt..tnet.pnia, Oat.lB, 1888 Senthwark Bunk, Philadelphia, October 11, 1858 —The Annual' Meeting of the Stook ho dare this Haat will be held at the BANKING , MOOSE, on Tuesd.y, the 2d day of 'November best, at 12 o'clock M. And the Annual Itlectlork for Dlteetore will be held at the BANKING noudn, on Monday, the 15 11 day of November next, between 'dui hours of-1O o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P.M. P. P gnat,. sakatnou. Oubter. (ffatanners' and Mechanics , Banta, Phila. DRLPHIA, Oct. 2, 1858.—The Annual Eleotion for Directors will be held at the BANNING DOUSE, on MONDAY, the 15th day of November next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. H. and 3 o'clock P. M 3 and on TIIISBDA.Y, the 2d day of November next, a general meeting of the Btookholdere will be held at the Banking House at 4 o'clock P.M., agreeably to the,g,harter. oc4 dtNl5 W.B.IIBHTON, Jr, Daldlier. Nottce.—Green and Coates-Street Phi. LADELPFULA PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY. —A second instalment of Yawl] DOLLARS per obese on the capital stock of the Green and Coates Street Philadelphia Passenger Railway company will be due and payable at the Office of the Company, No. 4= WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the Ste day of No •ember next, between the hntre or 10 A. M and 3p. M. 001-td HARRY dONNI4LLV. Treseuter (TrOtty Commissioners , Ofitoe..—Phtladel- P A, °aroma 10th, 1868. The BOARD OF APPEALS will meet for the different WARDS upon the following days, to bear the Appeals of property owners, viz: 2d Ward on MONDAY, October 18th, 1868. , 34 and 4th Wards on TUFSDAY, Oct. 19th. 1869. 6th and 6th Wards on WEDNRBDAY, Oat. 20tb,1868. 7th and Bth Wards on THURSDAY, Oct 21st, 1868. 9th an , 10th Wards on FRIDAY Oct 22d.1868 11th and lath Muds on hiONDAY, 005. 25th, 1868. 18th and 14th Wards on Tu...sday, Ott. 28th, 1869 16th and 10th Wards on WEDNESDAY, Oct. 27th, 868 17th and 18'h Wards on THURSDAY, Oat. 29th 1868. 10th and 20th Wards on FRIDAY, Ott, 29th, 1858. 21st and 223 Wards on MONDAY. Nov. 15t.1868. 213 d. and 24th Wards on TUESDAY, Nov ?0,1868. let Ward on WEDNESDAY, Nov, Bd, 1668, J. If LFDDY, JAMES LOGAN, EDWARD It WILLIAMS, City Commissioners. ETOffice of the Dauphin and Susquehanna 00AL 000WANY—New Yong, October 20.3868. /aloud Meeting of the Stool holders of this Com pany will be held at the " Girard House," in Phila• delphia, on the third WEDNESDAY. the 17th de* of November next, at noon, when and where an election will be held for eleven Directors to spree forthe enemies year The traeefer boobs will be closed from the 6th to the nth of November next, both Inclusive. By order of tho Board of Directors, FRANK B. BOND, oo 2101tnov17 Secretary. 11.31—. Union Preaching for the People, under the auspices of the Ministerial Union, in con• emotion with the Young Men's Christina Association. by the various toinistera of our city on every TUESDAY and RSDA Y, at 4 P in the SANSOAI-STIIRET CHURCH, until further notice. Services confl..ed to ONE mint precisely. Rev. E. de Bchurenits oh Tuesday no 7 tf Oor C „ o n r e n n 1 S, X lB l 6: ng lile j i a nn U k ug - kt Toll;o 1 r htre Bt.ckholdere of thie Heck will be held et the Ha king. house, northweet corner of SECOND and CHESTNUT Streets, on TUESDAY, November 2d, at 12 o'clock. An election for thirteen Directors, to servo the en suing dear . will be held at the Banking-hone° on MON DAY, November 16th, between ten A. N. and three P. 11. JOHN W. 20111t&Y„ Cashier. oolitt-dttne.. are Treasurer's Department Pennsylvania BAILBOAD COMPANY—Put Lanscrata. Oct. 16,1868. BOTT:ill—The Board of Directors have this day de clared a semi-annual dividend of three per cent on the Capital Stock of the Cou pony, (clear of State tax ) payable on and after November 16th, proximo. , Blank Powers of Attorney for collecting Dividends can be had on application at thie office. Tilol. T. PIRTII, Treasurer. Err Business Metes Union Prayer Meeting Daily from Twelve to One o'clock in the Pansom•strest Church. H Have I boon there? If cot, why? Special Prayer for Pabbath Schools on Baturday. Ihe presence of alw ge number of children will add intermit to the occasion oc7-1: KirHorne for Invalids With Affections of THE OEIEWP. S. W. corner PARKE and CHESTNUT Streets. oalan) West Phfladelphte. SARMIENTO, MuGRATH, & CO., 720 OILEBTIRIT 13TREET, WI the attention of the Pnblio to the change in their Saeleen, front the CREDIT TO A OABR TRADE On the same principle as the celebrated house or Brooks & Drs.' hers of New York, to furnish the Public With the Orient ortolan of clothing at an low prices as they can bo measured for at the readputade clothing home, while our customers will have the advantage of lIIITTER MATERIAL AND SUPERIOR ARTIOLItas both as to style and workmanship. We shall continue as heretofore to keep the finest :assortment of goods in Philadelphia, and employ the best artists in our pro tessiori, and with the advantages we 40 oiler to the Public, of not making the paying customer pay for thoie who do not pay, and having always stood at the head of our Profenslon,,wedeam It only necessary to form the public of the above change of prices, to com mand a full share of publ o patronage not Im VI 0. W..& BORN & CO'S. GENTLEMEN'S BURNISHING STORE, (Now) Nos. 6 end 7 North SIXTH Street. Now on hand an extensive assortment of Gentlemen's Wrappers, made of /flannel, Cashmere, de Leine and Chintzes. - Their line of Underclothing le very ezipetior. Also Gloves, Suspenders, Cravats, Bode, Ties, Ho siery, &O. Last—but not least—the celebrated Enamel Collar, Tot fur Twenty-five cents n02.1m0 laA BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY RESI DEVOE AT PUBLIC SALLE —Win be sold at Dublin Sale, (on the memliss) on WEDNIO3DAS, the iRD OF NOVEMBER, between the hours of I and 4 &clock, all that handsome on party on which I now re aide'altnati adjmning the Fawner ATTLEBOROUQII, containing about Fourteen Acres of inporior Farm Land with a good variety of Fruit and Shade Tress; publte aonvey Once pluming the door several times daily, to connect with the steamboats, IL Stockton and J. A. ,Werner, from WALNUT and CIIESTNUF etreeta wharf. For further portioulare call on the Subscriber. L. It. APPLETON. nOZ-BA Attlaborough, Ducks Neu) publications THE GREATEST WORE OF THIS AGE, OR OF ANY AGE, SINGE KING UMW, 1810 BAWYEE'O NEW TRANSLATION OP THE HOLY BIBLE A ;abor of Twenty years . , by one of the best Hebrew and Greek Scholars In our, country; an ladefatlgable worker and a true man. THE NEW TESTAMENT DI NOW BEADY. Pries in °loth $l, In Morrocao $1 26. Fire. Edition 10,000 Ooplnc JOHN P. JEWETT, de CO., Publishers 20 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON, ron SiLlll BY MRS. E. S. HARADEN, Sole Agent for Philadelphia, GAUT & VOLICISIARIS, Successors to H. 00WPEJITHWAIT 80 CO., 009 CHESTNUT Street, above Sixth, tio2-te th k ee. Swif Philadelphia. O UT! OUT! No. 1 of GLEASON'S NEW WEEKLY LINE-OF-BATTLE-SHIP, For this week is out, being the FIRST NUMBER of this magnificent W DIMLY PAPER., It le full to over flowing of the choicest Literary matter, and fine En. graving.. For eats at all the Periodical Depots In the United State.. PILIOE ONLY YOUR CENTS. P. GLEASON, Publisher, Corner of Tremont and Broomfield ste., Boston A. WINCH, General Agent, 820 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA n02.1t Watches, Jewelry, ac. lr JE. OALDWELL & CO . 11AVRI REMOVBD ECM= NEW MARBLE BUILDING, No. 822 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW NINTH, They respectfully Invite purchasers to examine their new importation and manufacture, comprising SUPERIOR WATCHES FROM ESTABLISHED HAREM Only authorized Agents in Pennsylvania, for the sale of Charles Prodsbamla Gold Ohrenometer Timekeepers, made lo London, and Patek, Philippe &Co in Genova, with' certificates; rules Jurgensen Bunting Minute Repeaters and lightning Seconds r • B. Caldwell & Co.'s Timekeepers; Edward Pane Brandt, and other makers. 18-OARAT GOLD GRAINS AND GROWS, RICH DIAMOND AND PEARL, NAPLES, ROMAN AND FLORENTINE JEWELRY. MAGNIFICENT ENGLISH . PLATED ON HER• MAN BUYER AND FINE CUT 'GLASS WARES, OF ORIGINAL DESIGNS, FOR DESSERT AND ORNAMENTAL PURPOSES CLOCKS AND ORNAMENTS, TOR THE DRAWING ROOM, Small and powerful OPERA GLASSES SILVER TEA SETS, VOUS, SPOONS, Ira., And every article appertaining to the table. 'Miters will always receive polite attention whether the'v object In to purchase or whorwiae. n02.2w BAILEY & 00, NORMISLI BAILEY dr KITCHEN, Have removed to theft. new Plro•proot, White Marble Store, SlititinisTNll'S STREET. NORTH BIDE, BELOW TEM OIRARD HOUSE. Now opening their fell stook of IMPORTED JBWELRY, PLATED WARNS, AND fANOIt GOODS, To which they invite the attention of thereinto 81INBR4SARS, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND PRARLO, AT WIIOLEISLUI LID 11141 e anl7-1411 , • I.l3lplconic Tarn etrobs NEW STYLES BIDE-BAND OASSIMEREB. Extra heavy and fine Black and WM to Stripe Black and Red Spot and Stripe. French Gray, Diagonal. New Styles, medium grade. Black, Red, sod White Beach Plaid—Heavy. Brown glix , d Scotch—Extra heavy. For Sale by ROBERT E. EVANS, No. 216 IEIEBTNUT Street TO DEALERS IN OIL CLOTHS. The Bubseriber having superior foollitlee for MIMI faettuing PLOOR, TABLE, STAIR, and CARRIAGE OIL OLOTHS, Ie now prepared to offer great inducomente to Buyers from all parts of the country. A large and choice Stock Constantly on hand. Great care will be taken in Selecting Dec. who order by mail. WAREHOUSE, No. 229 ARON Street, au23.3mi1l THOMAS POTTER, Manufacturer. I VILLE & SREETINGS FOR EXPORT. .J 5 BROWN. BLEA.GIED, & LITE DRILLS. GRAVY & LIGHT SHER FINGS, Enltuble for Export, for tale by ItnOTHINGII4I4 & WELLS, 24 sow& Fitoirr ST., ¢ 36 LETITIA ST. oc16•ly RICHARDSON'S IRISH LINENS, DIAPERS. ace CONSIIMEIREI of 810 - HARDBON'a LINENB, and thane (lain:me of obtaining the (illtltaNß tH/ODB, ehould see that the articles they par:these are sealed with the tall name of the gem, RIOHARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, As a guarantee of the soluidneso IDA durability of tato floods. Thie caution le rendered eesentiallyneeessary as large quantities of inferior and defeotire Linens are prepared, nation after season, and sealed with the name of RICHARDSON by Irish homes, who, tegardless of the injury thus infl i cted alike on the American consumer and the manufacturers, of the genuine Goods, will not readily abandon a business so Profitable, while pur chasers can be imposed on with Goode of a worthless akiraoter. J. BULLOOKE & J. B. LOOKE D tay24l-6m Agents, ad OHTIROII Street, New York. Carp Oootm labbrics. 1858 FALL GOODS. 1858 Tex Subscribers beg leave "to inform their friends, and country merohante generally, that their stock of HOSIERY, GLOVES SHIRTS, DRAWERS, WOOLLENS, and SMALL WARES, IN now complete, comprising their usual assortment, and which they will sell at the lowest market rates. They would especially call attention to their stook of BUCKSKIN GLOVES AND MITTENS. Comprising the • HANOVDR, CiERMANTOWN, JOHNSTOWN, AND OTIIER DESIRABLE MAKES, Which they have purchased directly from the Mann facturera for oach, and aro now prepared to 'tell at reduced rates. BH&FFNER, ZIEGLER, & 00., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, SS N. YOURTH Street, Philadelphia, ,e3-2n - Near the Merchants , Hotel T T. WAY 00., J. Vol. PM MARHET Sired and 10 011DROII Alley IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODB, Ate now fully prepared for the FALL TRADE. Thkoompleteneee of their Btook, both for VARIETY AND PRICIEB, Will be found to offer advantages to bnyeril, linear pulsed by any other in tide country. sull•tha T . OST OR. MISLAID—Two Certificates .2-4 of tho Common Kock of the Aldan LOAN ACA-. DI/0n OP liillBlo, No. 111 nod No. 701, for five shares each. Application has been made for a renewal of the said Certificates JAMES DUNDAS. Philadelphia, Oat. 28, 1888. not 84it8 9 /0 11.8 t SEGARS.—A LARGE ASSORTMENT constantly on hand., and for gale at reduced prices. Fresh invoices monthly, direct from Havana. R. D. SCOFIELD, No. 887 011ESIVUT Street, un,der (thud gouge. Retail itirg (55ocibe PINE STOOK OF SEASONABLE GOODS AT LOW PRIOEB. BILES, SRA% LS ()Loma.' ILittLANS, I MEILTNOIIB, i DE LAINEI9, FLANNELS,, BLANKETS„&ct EYR 8c • LANDELL, - -- QUAWLS, FROM THE LAST AUCTION, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Drachm Long Shawls Droohe &rare anemic n itonnd Mardian. Extra sine Plaid Shawls. EYRE Br.. LA.NDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS. QILKS FROM . AUCTION THIS MORN MI. 1 lot Plaid Silks. 25 canto: 1 Rich Bayadere, 2 44 Pplened S'yle; $t 25. notch Blue Elks, Sl. Brown 44 $l. EYRE & LANDELIa, nob-2m FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS. DOUBLE WIDTH POPLINS. OUT! L. J. LEVY & CO. nevo now open, Fifty Flown of Super quality Double PLAID POPLINS AND VELVET POPLINS, AT $1.2 PER YARD, USUAL PRICE. $1.75 809 & 811 CHESTNUT STREET. nol.Bt PHILADELPHIA CENTRAL SHAWL AND MERINO EMPORIUM. BROOHE, STELLA. s'LANKET, AND MEN ' S SHAWLS, A general assortment, unequalled in this market. , • WRENCH REVARSIBLE MANTLES, with round corners. New and desirable FRENCH MERINOPS AND OASHMERES, from 68 cents to per yard W SITE AND BLACK CASHMERES. SHP vR LYONS BLACK SILK V t,LVET; BLACK FRENCH LADY (MOTH LATIES , beet quality ORDERED KID Gums, GENT , ' DOThiLE tiTITCHaU KID GLOVES. 100 fists FRENOR CAMBRIC COLLARS &ORM. at 8,1 per Set. BAY/MERE SATIN TR AVERS. • LUPIN'S ALL-WOOL DE LAIN ES. &o. DRUB MATERIALS, le variety WEL3II & DAt.LARDVAL FLANNELS. • 0 11 18 & BED BLANKETS, and FURNISGING GOODS generally, At the LOWEST Paws+. for CASH. CHARLES ADAMS, ocBo Eighth and Arch streets. cLO - SING OUT- The Elegant Rook of Dims TRIMMINGS, 003IPItiBlzio BRINGES, BUTTONA, GIRDLES, RIBBONS, TASSELS, VELVETS, /co LANNARD'B, No. 729 OBBRTNIIT Street, oe2B 8 doors bet. It:MIMI, north side SHETLAND WO,OL BERLIN ZEPHYREt MORAN'S OELERRATED EXTENSION SKIRTS, L I NN A R D'l3, No. 129 OHESTNIIT Street, 8 doors bel. RIGEL 111, north side ENGLISH FANCY Just received, one eve of new Snlid color Bap Adores, and new Orem over e.yles, very be.vy gords, at 81.25 par yard. Imported by. SHARPT RAS tmoTnpris, 0028 IdIGHTH & CHESTNUT. ROUND CORNERED SHAWLS. A new eopoly of round cornered Stella Oloih Fhawla, with' Tama and Erglt.b Revarelble Shawls. Imported by Bff Pate LESB BEtivrll RE , °c2B EIGHTH AND CHESTNUT. IEN' S MIXED SHAWLS. Large also sad soparirr Bops ,, medium slam ?HARPLESS & BROTHERS, oc2B (MS rritrr and EIGHTH. CLOTI3S, CASSIMERES, Satinets and Veatingn, Ladies' Cloak Chtha. Over - oat Moths. Ladles' Trimming Clothe. Bent' Omar Ora ',lotto, Bid. Band OarsLinares. Boys , Cassrlmerea, 13atinote, in. Bilk Verret, ,Plush. and Gamy Vestinga. COOPER, & 00NartD, 0c27 a. SI. NINTII At tIARICAT Ste DRESS GOODS. French Merinoes ant Bombazines Bayadere Vablacks, 81 to 44 cents. Extra Wfde Bayadere Poll de.Olzenes. ROBE DRISB} B. One lot Poplin Robes a Qullle, 86.50. One lot Valencia do , 86. Two lots Bayadere Valencia Presets, BT. LADI Eh , CLOAKS Sneers , Cloaks, ready-made or mode to order. COOPER & CONARD,, oo2T S. E corner NINTD & MA.II.ILET Ste CROSBY* ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS OAIIPETIL .LT ONE DOLLAR A YARD. Just received, by test Packets, a large addition to our assortment of these beautiful goals, enthroning some DOW Grime never before offered. Moo t bOIIBLE-WIDTEt VELVET CARPETS, Of &mice styles, with s full assortment of Brussels Imperial Threeply, Ingrains and t.tair and Entry Oar. pets. 'DAILY & BROTIThIt, Cash Ca pet Deafen, oc2l-if No. 920 Oil ESTN UT St. G REAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS.— B. V. R. HUNTER • Has REMOVED trout No 30 to No. 40 South SECOND Street, where be Is now prepared to Varnish the Ladies with a fresh and well-selected stock of DRESS GOODS, To wbioh he Invi es their attention, being determined to sell at exceedingly LOW . PRICES N. B—A large amortment of Brodie, Stella, and French Blanket Shawls Elmo, a Tenet' , of Bilk and Cloth Ofranlara Constantly on hand. et 'be LILOA./1 BMPORIIIM, ,, ooS-Im No. 40 South BBOOND Street. GREAT ATTRA.OT/ON! OVER 84,600 WORTH OF SHAWLS FROM WHIOH TO MAKE A SELECTION. THORNIABF A OBISM. N. B. nor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, Have the beat BRAWL Stock in Philadelphia. They would respectfully call attention to a following very cheap lots, via: 4 LONG BROOHB SHAWLS et $ 8 each. 2 Do. do. ~do. at 10 6 ' 2 Do. do do. at 11 I , 2 Do. do. do. at 12 t , 1 Do. do, do. , at 18 41 2 Do. do. do. t 14 I , 2 Do. do. do. at 18 Do. do. do. at 18 6, Do. do. do. at 20 6 " Do. do. do. at 25 In t e above Lots of Long Droche Shawls will be found very desirable oolor of centre. MART/ FOL STRLLA BRAWLS From 12 to $l2, in every color. French Blanket Shawl' in new destp.s. ' Plain rhibet Shawls, square and Long. Real Canton Crape Shawls, Plain and Embroldeled. Ohildren's drawls, Misses , Shawls, and Gentlemen's Shawls ' at THORNLRY As OHIGY_'I3, ' ,, ONSI PRIOR CASH STOR . Northeast ner dl TO & it RI NO f4ARDIN N. 13.—City and Country Storekeepers buying for cash may And bargains at T & P. B.—A Magnificent stock of Silks now on band. selB4l FALL AND Ix INTER CLOAKS. OPENING DAILY, SINE °LOMA RAGLANS. ELEGANT DAAVER RAGLANS, EMI VELVET OLOARI3 Elegantly adoined with REAL LAOSB, CRO , MET, AO, 4.17. OPERA OLOAKi The largest and most relied stock of these fashionable OYER (flatideNTS, At the widest ntogo of prices. sad suited for DIOURNING, FAMED NU, AND NULL DRESS Cain:WE ) aT Tan PARIS DIAPTILLA. & ,OLOAK J. W. FROOTOR ik 00., lOS CHESTNUT STREET A PPLES.—A small consignment of Con li Ruseete. Eor Nato by 0. 0. BA DLER& 00., no 2 103 ARM Street. Q,,,ALMON.— 48 Tierce and 84 Boxes Hall 1,7 fax Salmon. For sale by 0. 0. SACLKII &CO , 33432 303 4 RON Stri.t. NIACKER E Bbbls Nos. 1,2, & 8 MACKEREL, In deeorked Packs gt n. For male by C. t). SADLER CO., not 103 ARCH Stmt. NITRITE -FISH.--A 'very Superior Article or" Mackinaw , ' in Hilt EarlsJuot rece , vedin atom end for aale by 0. 0. seol,Oft, & CO., no-3 103 A BO ti street. CIOS HEN BEM] ER.-29 Tubs Prime LA Goshen Butter. For sale by 0. 0. BADLBR, & CO., not 103 ARCH street. PROVISIONS. -2,400 pieces City Smoked Ohouldere, 1,800 pieces City Bm-ked Hams For /isle br .0. 0. BADL2B, A: 00.; I 0 2 183 Attefi attotat. rIIHE MAGNETIO TELEGRAPH `OOM.- .5. PANT, 310E8E LI NEB b GENERAL 014/0E No. 302 OLLESTNIIT Sheet. RAM REDIMEDI With Aix Wires and improve hominess facilities, this Company is enabled to radon their ohargeli as follows, via: ten worde. ad word. Prom Philadelphia to New Y0rk...25 cents. 2 cents. • • ' • Baltimore.. 25 • • " 2 • • • • • • Watabington 80 • • a - (A oorreeponding reduction between intermediate points ] The MAGNETIC COMPANY invite business for all pointe in the Unit.d Mates and Canada. Their lines are connected with the Eastern and Canada Lines at New York, and with the Western lines at Baltimore. The MAGNETIC COMPANY is the oldest Telegraph Com pany in the United Mates, and alone have the right to use the Horse Invention upon the route of their hues. The public) may rely upon the prompt and accurate transmission of all despatches deposited at the feltow leg offices: New York, N 0.48 Wall street; Astor House at main entrance; New Raven Depot. Twenty-seventh street. Philadelphia, No. 302 Chestnut street. and Girard Rowse. Baltimore, 800 Iron Building. Wash ington, corner Penneyivania avenue and Btx"h street, U. B. Capitol. Boston, Ittlerobantsttaclutoge. Pmt• land, No. 29 Eachange street. C.nolunati, under Bur nett House. NOT Orleans, under Bt. Charles Motel. gol•bt if W. 8. ilingb, dept, election A. TO LBT4Hansa.N . vith Bath. - Gag, Hot , ema Cold leatit,loisotitol G eottOd s, Stable, 9frich O Rouse, on: OBitg TOS , N 411 i BOAC., 016114 toA Station. Apply 48Caltii*TN,TrtAfteet ati t - TO LET=:-The . ra. with Three-Shirk IheittOeilMogi... 'N o . oft Sgrich EldrIENTa Syrset.::2ll6 - yo.use" tilf7pirititee i Range, Gee* througtrou Iriquire'd ,the GROOSAY STnltte, S. W.'eatzetti 211.11VBeTli and: L 9 MBA tat Streets. , FOURTH AND AROU 9110 RE.NT.—A. Genteel . Privati Family • L would Rent a very handeoineli feirniel3eCßOUM and BOAXO to a gentleman and wife. or ,two gentlemen can be handsomely accononse . dited. Apply at 405 South NINTH. Street - _ m01.21.* "P 0 RENT.—Qn tlie,letlanuary next, the AL very ermertor and extelivlve ROOMS, (21 3.1 - 4Th and 6th 1100111 each 24feet by 146) of. the NEW STORE. MARRET Street. The - hollthog to one of the Sae in proven:tents on the tipper eider between RIFTIt ano SIX Streets, having two froute, the north one on rear Street with ((rod cartage way 20 feat Into 61 %TR Street. Apply on the premises. - nol-tf : fp TO . LENT.—The -'flue •Pottr-story mi. STORE. No. 83 South SECOND Street, now no copied by the undersigned %geoid be suitable for the Cloth, Carpet. or eUMMIP•IOI2 business Went' very low. Possession given ab,nt the first of Jarttax, next. Apply to A. -II ROBENHEIIIt& BHOGni"-84 above. B --Several Counters for sale cheap, n 0 1 766 TO WOOLLEN YARN SPINNERS—TO LEP.—A MILL, situated In Germantown, near Shoemaker's Lane Station, containing a complete eet of machinery for Spinning Woollen Yarn, either by steam or *rater power For particutars inquir , of E MoCIAL LA, No 230 DIAEKST Street, or JACOB MENLO. sr mautown. nol-th* It 'OR RENT, from JANUARY Ist, MEL 1849—The first•clase Granite..tront Store, No. ]24 North THIRD Street, above ARCEI, suitable for the Ilerdware, Dry Goode, or any other heavy buelneae, being well I , ghted and commodious Terms rattdae tory to a responsible Tenant. Apply at No. 124 g Se cond Story. oc.Bo-7tlle - - - in FOR SALE—A. Valuable Farm of AWL 100 Acres in Dionfgomety County, near Pbconix le ; flrst-close improvements and beautifully located.. For terms. too. apely to O. COLLINS OHRE zt 0c29-13t* 2178. youivra st., bal. WALNUT MaTO LET—A Neat modern Residence, at Northeast corner of NINTH and CATHARINE atreete The neighborhood Is good, and the Rene Is replete with all the modern rtentreniences Inquire of EDWARD LAFEERTY, No. 1000 Ghrlstlan Street. OFFICE TO—LET.—AIf ELIGIBLE OF. 2102 for an Insurance Company, or similar cor poration, having three communicating rooms on the same floor, No. 221, WALNUT street, above DOCK. Immediate possession given. - Apply to - _ - JOAN 0. KNYYDR, or -THOMAS T. BUTOHNII, No. 112 Smith lOUHTH Street, mhBo• . second story, front room. tsa TO RENT, a &TOILE on DELAWARE 3113 l Avenue, below TINE Street, running through to Water Street, 148 feet deep. Also, the Double STORE, corner of THIRD and QUARRY Streets, 40 feet front, one of the tout locations for large Business in PhDs. delphla Also, STABLE and - 00Aull-HOIISE In 011ERRY Street, above 'SEVENTH, In rear of Ash land House Apply at 273 loath SMITH Street • REMOVAL ARCHER, WARNER, 718 CHESTNUT 'ST., ab. SEVENTH, Their new position will give them additional facilities for displaying their Large Assortment of PENDANTS, Everything eonneoted with the GAB-PITTING Busi. nes. will be kept on hand. They would mil attention to they continuing, ex heretofore, the Introduction of Gas Pipes into Stores, Dwellings, and Public Buildings. The Alterini or Re-ilni‘hing of the Fixtures. or tiny Repairs or extensions of the Pipes, however small, will be attended to by obliging and experienced work men, oc27-6t Missolutions nub Colictriturs ' , curios IS HEREBY GIVEN that the a Patti:tend:Op lately ettbsiating between - OLIVER H. P PARKER awl 'JAMES H. LAIRD, - (Proprietors of the Franklin. House, in the city of Phlladelpbia under the Arm of PARKER & LAIR.). was dissolved on the sixteenth day of October, A. D. 1858, by mutoal consent. 1.11 debt. owing t • the add poincrakip are to bo paid tp.the said OLIVER H. P. PARKER. and all demands on the said perteerabip are to be presented, to him for payment. 0. H. P- PARKER, ocl9-ter-tit 7A51E8 H. LAInD. DE LANEY'S SALOON AND RESTAU RANT. N. E corner TAIRTEENT4 and CEESTAUT Streets, Phil*Oelphia. no 2 3n30 WM. A DE LANEY, Proprietor. PROSSER'S RESTAURANT, No. 111 1 • 808 MARE EP F treat, four doors above EIGHTH, South vide, Philadelphia. oysters Mewed, Roasted, Fried, Pickled, eco., .to , for Home Consumption and Transportetmn. N. B.—Dinner from twelve to tbree o'clock. 0c.214t VAXPBELL's DINING SALOON, . Corner of THIRD St. and HARMONY COURT, Has been closed for several days past, in order to be regenerated and disentlyalled. It will be opened en MONDAY next, 20th loot. with improvements and al. terations which will astonish the town. The boat has thrown hie soul into the task of iron seal, and we think that his efforta will meet with universal approbation. When reopened it will be a model establiahmeat. CARRIAGES. • WM. ,D. ROGERS, COACH AND LIGHT•CARRIAGE BUILDER 1009 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, PHIL eDELPHIA. Orders for CARRIAGES from all parts of the world executed with promptness, and satisfaction gnersmtled selB4osif • ITOTIGE.—AII persons having claims against the BANK OF BANNSYLV 4 NIA' upon Notes or Depoette, are requested to have the proved ant reg stered for the Auditor, to 'nom - The account of the AS Igneee has been referred roe Akin , ree,.t at theoffice of the Assignee., No. 24 WALNUT MBE e, 2 d Story GRIGG'S BUILDING iktbecity of Bhiladelpata, very day d rig the at Vag. of the Audttor betas's], the Ton aof 10 A. hi and a P. Pd. Tie Audit r will hold his meeting► at the same every Maeda, sitqraoon et 4 &cloak, when sit th» ere. dame can present their claims. ea2B.tutbsart* F RANKLIN IN•ITITUTE EXHIBITION Is now under full way One et the grandest and finest displayS of AMERIOAN 111ANII/aOTIIIIEB, BIROHANIOB and ARTB Ever made by this Institution. The sr Mous area of the PTA ARMORY, In SIXTEENTB Street, near Market, Al well as the large temporary budding upon the south aide, are tilled up with articles of every Imaginer bla variety The Fair le easy of seem by all the City Passenger Railroads and Omnibuses running West, and by an ex r.ogement wth the a, VISITERS ARE CARRIED TO THE FAIR PRES ON EXrENBE The ticket price of admission inehtdes the side to the Exhibition. and can be prooered of the oOndueters in the Care, on all the City ttaltreed linen, 0c,2641' lIIPE UNDERSIGNED, PROFESSOR OF German in the Unlversits of Pennilvania, prof fere cud presents to Parents. and the friends and Btu , eon' of German and the Classics, his services in teaching, ►e folio se : Infant end Preparatory School, for children of either sex, from 4, 9 2 to 10 years of age. Torms,lllo per term, (4 months.) Select or Classical School, for poplls of either seg. (departments strictly separate.) from' 19 to 15 rare of age. For particulars apply as below. German Institute, classes for instruction of Ladles, and Gentlemen. in the German and the Classics. Terme $lO per ter., (4 months) Waseca for Instruction in German, in the I:lniver city, at about noon, three times weekly. Terme, OS above. Payee Instruction, after PpetliM arraneroont in the evening!! Terms, 580 to TAO per te - m, (of 4 months.) For verticals s apply at the °Oleo, 11.8 N. 13.11VENT.H Street, above Arch OH O. 8-11ABW11 •R, Professor of Herman, Tlotverslty of nol-et Peowylvanla. E " PILE EEMErY, ZARIM PILE ItEniEnT. For sale at JOHN H. TURNER, Pole 'Agent,' 784 BPRING GARDEN Street. Alen at - BYRON & BOULTON , d, N. E. corner seepigp & OATFIARINK • R. NEW l'ON'fl oe2Vatat N. W.-cer. 20th & SPRUCE CORNELIIIS & BAKER, " Manafacturere of LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, GAS FIXTURES '.lO BTORE, 110 RUESTNUT STREET. It &NUT 50T011155, 'B2l MERRY Streot, Cod FIFTH and COLUMBIA 0c25-Imir Anon& rllO WESTERN AND SOUTHERN .1- MERCHANTS —& large ate* of Manila Rope, manufactured and for We by WEAVER, FITLER, & CO , oe2l Nog. 23 N. Water St ft 22 N. Wharves. BhRTRAM'S HAIR DYE.—This Ingo- Woos Preparation produces a natural color. is easily ap Red, never ataios the Skin, and is as cheap as any of the injurious compounds sold as Nair Dye. De pot, No. 144 North NIN pH Street, above t.HERRY. ocaOtit* MONS. A. F. ROSAT, TEACHER OF FENCING, BARRATT , B El% I,INASIHH, 0025-d2m* :MARKET Street, above Eighth Q,IIERRY. AND PORT WINE.-30 10 Itlghtlui Harmony Sherry ; 20 gra. Wallis Pert Wine, IA lmnd and for sale by WILLIAM H. YEATON, 919 &at% MUM falliCto jar' ate 'aitilt limovals. MISSEY, & Ob., HAVE REMOVED TO TWAlit NEW STORE, SOUTH SIDE OHANDLI.RS, 80111 FOB GAB AND OIL BRACKETS, LAMPS, GTRARDOL.EB, BRONZES, .to Itestaurante. ilarnapea. legal Newts -mfrzttlatite: •;: . ii FPgi);ATe - P.NRITIES. Q4SPITATAB'i'S;-4.W, • AOTIVB , OI4 • - vonf , cri vented in - ea, ff-kelgO`Old'lnitrith mestio Crommap,On,. D," ule Baetness..' rarec.nd pv4118619 opiarbacatt r nnea Nettie rig !amend -fleas-clam Pcirdiv:atOolauta s l it tro ove r :N ect i pr i 4 e i this lio_; a - e office. - - iiVANTED —A 'BO 01E- KEE PER, (a. sinee V man) between now ste'the lot of latittaa,. to'• ..)re ehargeof Palen Book. .Bdittt;Wilte,a g od - bgt4:. goal man need apply._ d.ddries Birk dsPetr ;08h* miry with reforenol t Olathe . ' oio2 • WAtITED 14frieffitin'e Matt a Sltuaticizi*. 'AIiPiBTISIT -- EOO7I74IIIrPRE. -or ElittEW: CL' BL Has had Pie year! , ex]peitenes,inthe Jabbing business on AUTO/Car El•riar • 'lleart . :Sefereene given. Adareas 8. EL IS tilloffloe. • • - - WANTED—By A Young If aik,alrciadtrelt asUbllihell in a ode *II froBtab4 bote‘allekk' - , PARTNYb• Who can oommand - tar parttoutas '-';'- adrbase BaBILY," Bloo4le Despata„ zol•ItOr ANTED—By an Eduated Lady a Situ.. , tion as 1 1.013381USPIM or, GOITSBIttIii,, - The twat of reference given Addziwep 7), T.," altos of; this part Solo - - WANTED—A Situation 2 Avasmair n a 'Wholesale Dry Goods Jethinz Howie Can, influents a moderate amount - tads •area ALEXANDER." at this aloe. - - noVstst • WANTED—SI,69O - As a - LOAN, , for:.a - fey woothe, for , elloh good se. airily will be siren. Aadreu "P. L.," Mao of - Press.. - 110,41t* WANTED—In a Wholesale Cloth- Store; - A Bateman who can iudneno+• am:away or Virginia T.ada. Addrees 15.9 Post office. odl34t* WANTED = A Situation by an active busintsa man, now reaidiog at the West, where he has bran extensively engaged in nuonfecturir g for over twenty two yearn. To a nuumfarattriog house, or to dealers in gl se• sore ' chine; or <rookery. h. could be of great sers-ce through the extensive asqusaitanos he osea with large portion of in* rnerahank. of'b. -warn and rotithern Stites. Tor further particular" addrere J. L. K press taw. - - to 84t ANTED To Rent, for the winter UM- V V sOn, with iromedis'e powneeton a Vientiane( house of moderate sh i e : with modern nsprovemett, west of Tenth strut. Addeees A. R., oleo of thU papas. oat WANTED, k" t EL TIM MUTED STATI X CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given good psy, board, clothing, and media"' sttendanos, Pay from - 111• to in per month. No man having a wife or child will be ted 1 - = Id for OUNTID BNIIVIO2' at No SIT M stars lightk, north aide. - - • - W. PM IitiGNUDIER, let Limit. , Ist Dregoons, neernitine Onion. 21.mustments. AMERICAN ACADEMY Or MUSIC. Eirsokeozoa IT,ALIAN OPIIIRA. MA DAMR CORA Dif MiLHOR.T. BECOND BUBBOBIPTIoN NIGHT, WEDNESDAY, NOVBRIBBR -8a Pint appearance of the meet surtzteat American Prima Donna, MADAMH 00itk DE WILHOnit?, who will appear, for Oils night only; to Dozdasttl% Mighty popular Open LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR ' . . . . . Signora BRIGAOLI, AiODIO, and BARILI. theit reap- of rots, conuoross MAIIIIIO.I EITRAICOSOII - A na COLAII - • In rinnonnrine the anyetranee of Madame DORA DI WP.HORdt' In Opera in - Ohiladelph a..llcle Strat:pelt team pee please,. In recalling the made tent no to the reit that this' emit:rarity cllstlegni-hed Amsglooss Prima t *ma bee barn reeielved elsewhere b th in Europe and the traits', Eltatek.arltb the seoarse, having 'ell stabbed - a brilliant 'repu Won tor her eve. tion to and ammo ishmente In he lyrlo art In whir* she desery dly holds a high position, not only for her numerous natural gif s. but for het admlrib • °nitres* riori and tents under the tuition of the - best meters. Her late deluge in New York._ Beltimore and Waihinve, ton, niece her return fr on Europe, pr- evidence@ of the appreciation of her countrywomen fir in *aim o ty ber, high - rank wee not only acknowledged. but bet ammo' wan • subject or just congratnlation and national pride, as the is. urging leonbly, one of the moot .raineac no. oeliste of the ape cod destined to hold crank mitond to no Prima Donna of any a notry. - FRIDAY MINING —CItCOND APPMAHLHOM 01 MADAMS COLSON Ftevrow 9 chef d'auvre Martha 4,5. fit In Ina or 11 goon be produced far the drh tint in gasman. try It belien - - - - , Pargnetto, Dreu Okla na'cony,lialoony Bois. (ht. chiding Reserved• Boats). $1 60 and $l,- imamate./ to location designated on the diagram. - Boar hundred. and fifty seats with be seen ea at. one Dollar sash. Pro. eoeninm. Zhao. from $lO to $l6 Tickets for"FUj,LT 01.01.1 60 OBITS. °an 1:10 oh. tenad doling the do Uwe. MOBlllas Alt Si OEM& Sobecriotloo will olntinne today at the °Moo of ttnii Aoadolny of Heels only. VVIBATLEY & GLARKE'a ARCH-ST. THBATBll.—Willizm B. Fredericks: MAME MA Stage Manager - TUEBDAY 11,BNING. November 5, DU, - P /army , rz Bernard, Mr Tabu Gilbert; °none Wearies de Gran. t Ire, Mr. Bh•a'lejl Porrrode Mra .Totua Drew; The Ductless of - Beanli.u. Min !Mammal. SUDDE4 -THOVGLITS. • . Jaek Cabbage, !dr Sophia, lase Taylor. Admission, 25 eta. Seenred Beau In Drill, Obeli. $7ll ate; Orchestra Stalls, 50 Ms; Beata to Private Boxes. eta; Gallery, IS eta ; Gallery for Colored Peraone.26 eta; Private Box in Gallery for Colored Personsi etej Whole Private Box, 88. - Doors open at quarter beforl T *Ws& i comment* precisely, IRB. D. P. BOWEAWB 'WALI4DT-81'. THVATRIL (Omer of VMS assA IiffsTATIT SHosets. TUESDAY ZVIININfii, fferazubof 4, 1868, THE , SON OP THS SIGHT. Ben LW, Mr. P. B Manny; Ilan Doran Mr Et. a. Perry; Brornidurs, Mr. bh.Donongh; Julia, Mra. Bow. era; Gbebel,-Mrs. Corm.y- - BIAM BYEB William. )Jr WDonortgh BURIN gig! alehtagi. • Prices of admission--Becond Tier and family tnrele, and Third Tier. 25 dents; Parquet, 8715 cad* Drees Wrote, 50 cents; Private Bow, socording to their. locale,sB and $6; Single Beata in Orehistra and Private • Boxes, 76 rental. . Doors open's% quarter before Y Welook i Curtain thee at 7 °Wool' - CONCERT HALL. - YOUTIVELY TWO NIGHTS ONLY. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY ItYkNINGS, -November Wend 4th GREAT INDIAN Ie.X.HIBITION. This Entertalonvor ie pertleulerly 111.0¢10111ideti the attention of Philatt.lphi one, net only for it. Nov. elty but its Intermit Stowing all the Halite of VW Do•ky Sons of stir Women,' W,lda Partici/len will be given In deity Programmes. To commence at eight o'clock. Tickets Twenty. Eve tante. no2-8t rIiROMEIIF's VARIETIES (Café Theatre.) 1 Northwest corner of /MTH and WINaTD,II:II. Streets. The management, extremely gratified by the ow nese of MAOBITLI BIIRLWQVIDI It wilt tie preceded and followed with songs by 7111os MAIWY and Miaa JRNNY -WREN I Dances by Miss VALLy.R. Glees, Chornams Gems of Opera. inctraM•ottO 8 0 10 4 , Recitations; Comlo Songs. and El+blopian Ercautrkaaiss, by the severalmemtrers of THE STAR COUPLET l The EVISNING , B RHTBRTAINUENT will slwaya conclude 'by a "PARCH or BC KLV.QUIC. cinder the management - of MR. T. VERONA; oaths, of whisk wi 1 be given dolly in the Ledger. Concert commences at 7„ks o'clock. Admission 10 cents. nol•lw* QANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, ILEVBNTR Street, adjAnixig the PamOMß* Railroad Depot. BARPORD'S OPERA TROOPS. The largest Hogiruy of hiIMTKELE IN THE WOR4•D EVERT EVENING New Sollre, Glees, inatEnillb flefritinE, Ito., with Datiel , .g by the IS&NJORD OHILDREN Admlnlay if. otakte; Obildam %TX comta. jrrOn Th•ntuaiviag Dtv TURCO Porfamanial, .103 2,46, and 7% o'clock In the evealng HE,ERING'S GREAT PIOTIIBE has ar• rived of the VILLAGE BLMIESAIITE. aza will be on Eabibition fora ftir at the gun of A. G WHIN 'm's I toque ffn lay 0e39 tf 910 CEIESTNIIT at . al , NI IH. AS: KB:MIX BUILDINGS. TENTHTENTH A.ND CHESTNUT Streets. linnierre attraction ' New Nor*Wee. Charge or Programme oath Exhibition, The LEARNED OA. BAST BIRDIS and' SNA` RAPPING G • itzkl as 6 SIGMA BLITZ. The great Tentriirrielstaud wonderful Per , ormance every Keening during the week, at halt-gam. o'clock and on Wednesday and Satarday Al tAlll`lOOl2 , ll At LI - Ad hod,. '25 &Iota: Children 1A Amt* nel6 1' LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE AI SON., Menafiervere of LOORtNa GLAB•EIt for MAW. TEL.!, Plk;il3, & SIDS WALLS, or every else, style, and ahspe: • Pier Tables, Comical!, Braekets, Console, of new arat elegintdyslyne; and PIOT:ORD PRA3II3B, wth Frames for Portrete, Miniatures, and Photograph' in evoi7 variety of sills Mid price. Importer+ of UNGGATISGS. every new Publication being received the moment of bone, and OIL PAINTING. from the findloa of the beet and most celebrated nod Duropean Ar. sta. A LARGO GALLERY OF P ./r4 Open at all times. Teel. Wholesale end Ratan Deal ers in Mahogany and Walnut framed Looking Gut Pea, to which they invite the attention of constr. oug. MGM JAM.SB 8. EARLE & sox, • 816 OffEBTNIIT STREET. OPPORITS TUD GIRARD MOUSY. gaiCONSIGNEES' NOTICE —v. The Bhlp .t a TaL WAR T tt Captain A, k Inv oast, limn Live pool la now dleobarging under general orti.r at AL viCI •D Street Wharf. Coosignoos will please attend to the receipt of their goods TEIONAII v Dst , N lb Co, November 2, 1868. Loa It] 101 WILLNC C Street. tiIkCONSIGNEES' NOTIeE.— The nerque AOHILLBS." Captain Jos. A. Sped trona Loodon, ie mew di...charging under gement orders at Sale PEN street %hilf Consignees will plraeo attend to the reeeipt ot Ilvir rule. THOMAS RL Bite. DSOS & 00.. October 290 a, 1618. nel-8t /01 Oheetunt Itrest. CONSIGNERS' NOTICE —The chip STAG% A o Capt. A H Limas, from lirtrpool le now road to dleaberg- at Almoad.atteet Wharf. Om:WEl:wee wid pletse tend their permits on bo Ord. All god net permitted WI bin Ate aye from thin data wld be eent to pnblle etc. ea ThOo. eLCHARDOON & cp. • 10/ WALSH c istftet. oat‘dt October 2T, 1863 tw.graps TWO TRIPS A WEEK TO intimarrom—tin and after W DN BS LAX, 2 Jtn teat, 'the Steamer EXPRM will lave Arch Street every Weenceday and tatertay in,•ralng, at Elam. o'CLoce (Instead of as hereto'or. ror Br•dgeton • Will have Bridgeton every ith ra3,y and Thmsday morning at 8 o'clock; stopping at Delaware City and New Castle. Stage. for Po.t r saberh, Fairton Cedarville, Newport. Dlndar ir Creek.% and Manrioelown. con..eot watt this boat oada-Itcs, PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA- Vr L l Z:lng w e l 2 Ice I tt n e re n fe d re e t P t=t eh ea, WW4 healtly r. #164. self-improvement, &a,. are made day and ave. ning at VOWLIR, *b LLB, & Families vieited when requested, and a liberal dte. count made to clubs. 22 Cheistaut at.. Phitadelelds. BOOKBINDING.—The undersigned res. pesunuy invite the attention of levers of bookie to their unequalled facilit es for bind ng books in a en perior manner. Their work has been submitted for a tortes of to the examination of some of the most celebrated connoirnsurs in the ocientr . It hea received the most flattering encomiums atm won for the tinder , coigne a reputation which they are determined to =Motel's. Every style of Binding exeouted, from the plain bait-boned" volume for the scholar's table, to tbo most artistio garniture of rarities for the colleCtion of the filb.lomsniec. figeeimena of style and workatenebip wilibo diver. y full ehown to those who will cell upon PnWOON b. NICHOLSON, flochblEdene MINOR titre:it, 1102f4mks Between Market end Chestnut et:reels. -; =~ ~~
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