l‘'' 0:': , ..i.1:: If gi. , ~.- , -.7- ginj if .. 0 ~,,,,, —3 . ... ,_ p , i' l te,.. tin... -44 , 4, nit7T4lemit nte .veNceo ,v;-::,,,,,,aulktiltigiiititPo r* 0 40 4) ..r *--- da` -- - , " , a . 'ti4:00 , ' bp ba r ', edaMes Pisfin:&:Rondeo44o4.6: ' " ),1----,,, dal s ji - igil * 4hilitgliiiV , AQ dci 'f! -4 4 i 'f r,7 ? 0 ,1 4 , 6 ,.511 11 :4 1 .3,, ,:::-,7lNiidzol.ptit.c.,,t..;',:,;,plM., f.-.:: - •t: ,- ,;=:,' .7 -.';',.1t:1;2.-.!,,,,,'!----?::,1 --- ••,•••:•••.-?,:vs•,' .-_, • • - --- itiAjaytirAllol,o•-•4y.f: •!;,,-• ',..-!,:'-''•,:-3,1'-P',iiiiiit'ViintilYA,T,-,-,•:.t ,;•:,-; , ' • '' , ..f. , ? 4 , --=',-;: l--.-iiiiiii- op.4o;,lftmAk,=?f, ... :-w#,WISItt•FAVI cW . . ,, Zai , •:,••,I,Qpif* . 4.A.'4W I ,-, ---41`*.3.1-4Y-_,Z%--,---•:•'• •----- - • ~• ;' -. -___.,....„... ;' 1 *":1-" , A '74 - WllbelieJak ' 5 ,,, * lots -iicbifisP,' , l6 , Aw:ri..4l4l.4 o kZ 1rr10 , 4". abitdaddilldniiidaidiUddd4o nen rank? 41 , 1 4.,,,,_,A.4.,,v. , ..t0..4...mi1„.it a r.. ...,.-Atli yr *o4= pylasS4-‘017.,,, f• ;AMY ladkiNt&lP,ttilr.lo3l6: ifr.. 1 0.4.14i1ir . -4, - -$ 4- typ-_ , :- - . j .. OM AttWi iltaiiiast Ai . W _ r i.'itfistd)ras I#. l t„ pito to•vivant kinii",,,itira; : ;,,,r..- : ....41',W 4 ~. .41-2,74:0---r: ~ Baittimi.lllMya t iliinhiltenaLaßrWlW.R .1,:iii,?1111i; with flikeilfifitt is....truog.*.Wilsciev .. .4,,.-,-.1.RW".4, - E, ArirJane Midi. (4 1 W 4 Ati441 1 *' _ Bra. Asnit bitandliZ WWI iitalk't4e4it..W.- '.!.:',.''.*; Olt WOK 1100keti I* _ ilkdd. iinllo4tolooo , 46'. to irailg chi -vg yigi Qiuktlithogliktiimeglos. : . . . 118 IW - 11 ,1 1 ,01 . i jt ' : f 4 11 71-49 I 1 ~ S t W e i-.:ietlosilotilti..., ~-,..„0.12p4., : :. / .47 , 4 .1.tiP't4.,i4, 1 - 47.,e , ;:. , : , titt . 'Angettl4tir4oll4' u ttkCs - W -. 3 l oll*Mlik•A* l 3l ; ' /au, Viih 600114.1P0* 14/"4 . 7sause*,9o:l_ l -, ...i , -- Seikr_33l4ll4l.z . riff , i4l-001 . 4.aaiilla*A.1. lks.;ALlvei, - , I dth o thpopit . tr*9viigitossi4,:l7, l .:-,4,-- i . "4'f. - - - - -, ,;. . ' Rehr, Yana 0.P..4 tatio4llol44 5 00. teinix*ioxiiin. :flout weigittu i ghipaywi . k . 7: 4 1,' , ,k , 4 . 4.4%.1...4 5 - , re , .. 4 ...ir-,..,...4 .."L" . . ':_lsohr,lllli*lkil*Mi-akiikiit ONA 1 0 1 9. 1 4 011 ;rnut; :,- Oa Weiiptital , ic .,. .scP4', 4 ig-P4 , 4*...' 4 1:` , .. - - ,, " - Sbetir'o . 'W . ,,„ ll 4 o thilti. llo 4 l 4' o - 4 *iginf.**4; l 9k; gut*, lo uniiinalf& uolnits .1.T. , .. - .,.:. ~., - .1.,: '.,,,..1 1 ,.. vi c 8411k*P a i l f *X 4, 1. 2- C A:I - 4 .t il • -M i i i. l ". t . t *lß* l4 - , 1-1 - Airi.y-N . :,'.i , ,,,• , , , k ....._ , , , p-yl - ; I ! Jiu s t zt a it.....3iitt iL ikritreAlavrysiw i mil i ltnue Was to.t] .. 17' , tQf* 41 - 3 ,,,- .4.:t - S -, +.0:nait. , ,.%11i , .. ,, ,,;:i • . BdiketditiodoG. wo*lbt Selintidgi:44l4, ll -",*4 . Yorkilitticato:Aliiks.....git'.4.A.NT ,if;41.61.i.,,, , ,-. , ,f.ti".,.... '- . 6211T,"*.ikAllisorit•quithrOditiltotokSmSt* - Wi th barifittrJ(o,tißijrl4o" up...,ipa,7, , ."., ~-,,, ?.10.111,11“;Whav i i,tiatirits, 1-Ydiyo*sandjg4; - : :3 , 4lnri.iritli-luieltef 04141 X# A 4l ool ii*: Co. , T. 8a I 1 . 7 iinkabiltiitiot , .o44l4 ll l!."*:l, l * ll, imAt IroP4' ,' with mdirlo : AXlinAlleedilittii'lt - '.-.f-7-.;. - .' ,- - .. Near .. ..A1b046.11000.111311111361L's- I+7ll4t,roin.**lll -- town, -:lkiiiiwitlvskraa' 36 Thor Ilsoittd4 4.'4 , ,5pe, - ' Peatilltifs, bitkt' - gyoejtdiMfqakwuaigt*i*f -.. ;ritlilasiber,t4..ll o, a4.o_ll:!:::: ( 4v- - :-/,. , , -,'- ; , sehrldszTPAlTM:l4-101161116-0-ins-1100b.—..rc ~-1 „ ~ -- , Xerty4exiittoialloideii.7. % l ,'''":• . -.. lA, ~ liar 14.0atebirect66411hUritikk 4 sitim 4 Piyivideikmo ' . ..r,T . Igekr-WOO Dilliu - 1 1104 .64 1 4 060 '.1451b4i7.; ; ....-t : Y. 14-5 ''' "IA './.41.114r14144.ti Vanden. . :„ , „„„ ?. 1114011. r€sel.k; 21114 1 12 .;r9rd 'LfffeliP 6l /FitW 4...,.. pont , ._ --- 4 - o , :" ilit.flf -, , , t i c wltli'oeis to ''4!17,A , 15- v _„e, , o : .- :L- ~, 'tooo , onitowlir ,b* , o Via, with. tem, Moth/if& otoyee-Tr:4•:,„ - ./ ~..' '- : :, - .:•-•_, ; h4,31. - .8.20`; E. ttitiiipottiparibie .iftiiiiikiitif % . 7!.,14 6 4. 11 .„1 1 !1e J..9 lt lo ll 4."Akti =' ,- ;i3,i , :••• - , , • fi tt!...trir 4:- .7 , fr iiidt t a t ioq, oil,,,,1•:;;4-i• - ,;• .4= - 1 . , : ;,•,q .‘ . iitakiii44o4linfiriZeogroWSW'i - ,kiloWto - i:- ' /Ir/0 " 4 " 4 " . /5 0 11 .- l iPAla T-1-4 4 -. d 2'f r ,!• 111 1 01 -0- 1 . 3 . 4 M - ; Woo fr; Bro:_!•,-4.-,_...,5e.... , c,..1- :- • - • , 4_,-.; ;Mir L1110101',.$01011,11401.10,Totel!, litattlait Co. Edit Rhoda 61,411.410Mtpiksotiyothoostiticjjk II "woos &PG.:: --. ,-- ; - •• , i 1-4,:.•.„:4,N.,,,:t.:- •. .., ~.- -, ficamnrait7-0- 0.0 "\ 1104 , 1 -'.4 41 ' 4 i/ O iiir '-' 7l i , lisqltiv.. - 4- 7 ,-;: -..1 , ,,, .e:o \,- - ..-:•-• ~ '• atm itiiikamkV, 4,1,,,1k,,,,...,,,,,...,.,,, ,„,.,...,...........,,_.,,,...„,... Behr lrlitit_)#lo.l ~ ' .., . i _ ; .,7 1 ,,, 0 _ ii l A.C*4 boo ii-imy.n e k 4 o, BrAlimitugsvat MVO: 1, ,, ii&J43l*(lific , L' 8 5'. Pt o liPql lo4l: .t,!4! l ".tßft - ,z 0 atAayountiAima#, ilitills., do ~,,, $ 6 04 4 0 1 k 904,1 17, - 1 1 % I !s' l '. l o,get BIM' 4.' Godshall '-' •:-•.' -;.!,- ''...:' ,-7 1 4 - '- -- - , 'c• - -,' •• z , - -, ,t - ' , ', '-' Bar. S I.4dFrti,,C*l4.osooigli;.X.)ll7 nut it. ao . ....--:!-.7--.t- :4 P.. ~•-•',' feit , -- -1-. - , t• - r4.4 - v..;- ,- ?-' , Akr: , . `, 'Pr I 8 Shrived DlarLß,slithiniii , 7ol6o 0,1 f.,": -- - ,','...., ..It .t t".3 .''.l.. ,• ' " '.. -, -, To ,nagiwfti#4f Th• Pruo--.7. 9 4.1aT,, , , -.-,, Homo •DN'i11tA011:114 , M38. , 1464:,,! ' Tholitiiiiiiliqirt i two -1 - - ;I itd . i-1 .;_ boat, Li ds -iTstpedatalkiwe .' ziopplofiiiiil4oliitraidlidg'iiiii:iiib;elO' altslos:-CTOPiPrlellyika. Mills, 41i1.?-144(11614•01W4-' -, ', o 2 a , l l!iii o . h .tee a ..,V l , „tta,,,P4stric!oviiip#ll2o - ,g . ? . ;..,!':f , ..-i• - ; - ,V),-, , ,ae -7.:7777.-7,,,, itriarptiliCiti:''''' - Arilratii ill_ikk..oolll4• - 1,0 pi e " ... p . , . Ugh tem - 1quikrur.Z0WM,r,19,ti;P...9 1 1. 1 ,0 1 .43 , -, /mid* ilothArap o o: - :. - ..e.; - ;?, , ,i,;,,q . - 3 , „.7,- 45,-; -.261 ° .* ; gki kiltillithit Mitstlc 1 9 1 ,41 1 fgloW, uverram _.-, ~ , ,: e rf,E, : k - f , , , ,-, i'• ..e'-' : 7, 4,- -: , - , 11, .. ' - ----J. -- ---,-,`. - -; gatiiii,ifilklli - ,A - iii*Oo hearWiios - lisS r iti ri .4 0 2 4 .4'.* ` Dull94A9lo.9liliii, 0.5 3 1/0 1 ( - --; -- . •_-=',• -i--'' .- -:-.:A - 4. - n .. -. • 2 =:!. , ='5P:::..g.., ; ,- , i.i.,•"• ; =';.F , '-••.' 1 4,9lpilLt'-;'--i-.`-‘o*--"; - ., ,, ,g a ggrea'"PV;Aii%-li s, =li t:,.7 , , 2 , , (1 -00.tt i l le, r 4 — 57 , e. . 4 1!k:Pfg t ° 1 4; itti t =•4-vi•-• '‘ , •iiii&.;s•`;,a)-,. , i , - --.,..,-..:,... •-: , ~..41 : :41 4 1 45 7,M46 ,, Y, t",,,,, , Anrar.ligunti . .: iltrass ,- ., , '.....,,;‘'.,,,:`."-...-,•---, ,::- --"- -- - 1 -• --,:-Stunsib.lo.Xtilami.'49l.ll;•=lP3MopAfille4,i,#l4'hirit pout WM utt4;l , 2-4,4 j 1.,44,.:,..,,.:-..,...7, , 4. , ....,-.;R.5.,....,=4.'w,-.4 4 ' MN a F411411 1441 4.1tP1tf,Cge1p,4,14 7 151m Took yeaterdlyt 01,1Tivipecil.12 , , , - ,-, 4_5 ~-• , , ~ , i,..,.> '/,'-‘ / 'lids saunaroartkiliciskislifoiridiiirma;•irsiiiiakoil Asa; istkisfg kiii#o7 chip c 11314 .4aselistawn'Aug 21: - '. " sibleraddkr l6 olo.o - 1" 64 1k4 A.TAT,I O II - 1 avoupou t , ..sar 1 sta4itlf.i,.. , --.:,•::..4, c,.. :...: ..1.5_..:: 'A...,..- ..-4 . ~ -4, - , - r. :-,., St ILitlyoolltert':, l ldwbnr 1411:44,:414 at MAllso Niii th last: foctiyerpooL ~..,„i i.,_ ~.,,, ,1,;.-a..; ;5 .., , --.., ..',t, 1 ' But* ' itgilnbow, Rana, trony,*aiiimerfr "viir:Por-- ... - 14., siii;ia 4 iifiiii kin•weJuIFICC:-- Barque 1 tally Veltheri fivetAttlareler Afeeree,•waa at nip de Janeiro AO fir, lad Strlkfre:lghtlyigolr , tii4- and world eon 10 dort.J.; , • _ ' • , - ,,1, ~",` _ .-,-, ••zz- , 1 , 3. .... ' - ' Hamm Ilastau. Staz,'XiSogUa, Vid. 00414koosinuied it MO as , Faneirc! PfirTill I°. 4101-10,(A. , 0 4^,filid Pe lartme A.A0,4 31 = . 1 r."1 1 .4 1 1 1 - 1 Kplpl.ork.it: Orloiuur. : ' 0,-4 W. ,a.,, ,-,*:;, -4 : ,, P, -, .....',.4: -. 'A..; ..., Thirantge,r2r- At il -,4 1: tk 1 ! * 4 . "* d ! j' ff " k , 15) Aar Raviiit.4AreirdiaVe 7Brai r.- 6 - 1 .- ;, Botgotor, Seniotote , ow r eau yes otottisitinkgeettii4lfiiMif r r;',;, , P. 422 i ' geopetArose; Beam fox 2. 10 deg 4 1101 ,/*. vitri , Rent, • aeilettheis Ittehineadlth WC= .- -,..--,----".. -",,,,,,,, Bert.. Helen & - iftizioktikirrialilis;trieiktO, ..... ,tifft it Elehmiddlfhtitt_ . , -o''' -- 7- _ , - 'Ho , 1 1 , 0 Tunklock6,1 5 mismf MigAislod tt Nur :IroiC Or y. •,-;, ;.i•: s =rit , Ws - - 4 - .2 ', 4 , 4 ''' 4. ' „ • Batill• ck.atafsl:lllol . nbattataKititair . fr)iim • ionbe Itk lost ,- ..., - .-,...: - .,..1 3 #41511 . ,;7.4 , a5it t, ,, 5,.; - r.A.. -, :,2,4,- itsep• meta tliariellitteoffoti , Philsdaledoiesiled 4,c,cisitk ittLkoto , ,,,a . acx. • fik • •: . _;: - ".s 1„k",,•,,--% , Bthr , Leeh-lbstoodt.iftelelti heseei ortloot tit "pot:" ' wit 4dt leii=o.ql._•rviWW,JA - BO • ? It3,lloestegrelOfeettot ficlphilik 110 t ahnotiiiit. hillor, ' , l4l4l49olitiri '., ariudfis POW , - root ',tort, ~ ; cif ellhit-ofikaff' Iltififoc~ck ; a rt ~.. .C V-' ii i i i rk# 4ll4l o. II " 0 lievilfOift~ jr.• 6 7P-10 - k r. , #. 4. , ...., ..cßbe. - o , l)%iftiv..ti... °ll ;71 at.'o•l6.l4linivaiovm•A tie W a sa l =izeii•ilt m rt'ittP . ...trl i, 1404,44,4x0wri..)i-, iirdinilA Ragan , -41 4: , 16•Wr-lieht -ellr - Nft ": 4 11 1-I ,l" 4 •lrg r ' , /,' " --I• infifnitiiiin,lAilliffoite - tillW etb0i" 44,41 - I w^ 3 - - -- 4 4 .0r0r,.ffi. , f , ,•••41.„.e 414 -, -A - I=lAitsirkilavoniwi.*lvioil*"*.lib lid; -.;,• ' •MS 'ink** thebegi Irliffklitb.-PalliblatdaV ith moCa4;vigm4,l-4,I,WA4tX-:*:;i2tf-'-' Mai o•igoitersuwi tow* esistw,ificimitll,..‹j , woetirt - wfifieethowilktoonefor-llootroniotIO! see flail 11hotiltiffiteti',5.14.0.ki" , ' •• • •• • V' , _ - - f .."' • f*briar* , • lON* . 1 1,44 lt• NW- . /efelles 6ti eet_tfif • Ph itolill t.'" • P:,, ...,,,, ..;- -.-, 01 - - -d , TeratiV"FilK-it*qmint i iissairAi4 yr; lit -, ' a erie * . :„ . - ~. .ztarl' hlia d - pilwrill „ Ng* we, ri, ~e. ,, , t iliii•RA.W,O.;;l. letii~A,l• ' = 3 P li j r .... ft!fiVl Ifteeleioieir , f9ii , ..h , " ^ - -?4'llehe o.ier,rfor-roottieher rue riii46l4; a liWill e - P 144 11144:tir;4,44 1 ,r !irii *- ail4rviii4i: -,-..,,,,,,f1aruk,„-,..10,A,,, 44.41,--.,... :2, - , , , , ,44...., z. , ... ~ ail AlffiliciWiltintiv„lifpoo stailitt, 21$0. *lt.: .. , 'siralitouttionaqmil Nara tringt goo alllo lit. fog. ikkmokkkil.e,--, rtt'^of -tlnt '1..i..,-XL -70 ,i,"..i",. • ...,3fi.; 9004 ,1 r , It4.4 P!'t„' l ld 6 fr! FM , P lell ! , -7 --- , .:,- - t; . : • ritiaavhdtritio**rgiAri,ibiu: - ik ....„--0 - Ar 'Of V MIT* Ait lreaktiirk rope% .11, 1 414 t "of ilk yi/101(.67tiotorids64 Qnwii. time, Aug 24$ 1 40ethesuLfitAtikeli , eltro *M. The - - weeded! tholit*Elifiritlewiriiiir'XitiMork, Captain Pratt;repos Now Odom boilitiolfieliterill of water • rilettillmill .10 1 0041 , ._ 1 . ' Pities P Pet off '', ' tf*, lir 'JitafolO.eise -74 essor !ow; - fika, sk e w , - sittoerlieter '` Cliiitt- Ok. the •I de iiiiV hiffg ; ' fifikerrjo a - ]f -- ..yodi.- ' 5 ' ~ : 1r elg, 110 . .X0 ' - ' ttiailill.SPO , tillignili* . - - 1 1 )114inlato 4 X0 = ',- UW6614,14 , - t r ik4f 4 ,' " hilaillo• baiOt .fa strithtik, • "sly ilitoiht4tgAtistek, W. ty• Mike; '_„,, :- ,_, _ Itl is ailVff so un At • intAo eifiltati etk „ inghtheroffesfitokt J. tC/ 44 0:4 1 f tr*c 1 r e,.. V il altoo4.` it fka.rftrrt at - iii,tpi , T lrist et 04, ,, 4. 6,,, ,. '- 4 11 0 00 .TAIS.S.ItAlftWO5Itl,6 ab * e a g a fromlwri t sm a ,190 ,11 94 , With The. bei ittMlit - 1154 W.- ; - *earl Utirelstit had ii ile te4 s e olitkry .v •y. tihteitetibliftittelfhildt : 'l4l)fefi, titifflW.:llk !1-16•0414101/ Aug 9- .:3 ":air f igifififilf ' , Itt q tow no! onAktk . I,lll4fteitt, • „161 Willigaiiitiiij.lol9lo,l3f a '..' ...V. , 0,..4:,..4.Z.;,„i -.00W1111- A11ie41.4211,0 I), Pits- *.orel ar 4. ilt:tlash:Joirbet Wm ilimthafaro "ifil i foUiedor Wt.' letwiliodoitoWomkkoiormietAvitta, illi llow it Usti teen. World WO, ontnot 46.fliihety kw, bofebi biti roe upon the emit rdik„oottii:i se mike 4, 3 iittfo, 'ie ' WI* seen'illthi 4 A 4 4 o 4 th4 nek.fmr WOE OCfshtfr 014 of " , islor "esidpiA net;: , helee '•thew if feeliTikiool4o-I',l‘, ,4t.,..= ~,,-,,, -4, _ , -' ' 010Nikitg , -41Whilditlijsirlt , if flarsatt . - imilifilliihT^ er - 1 0 1 41 0 34 i, f Rna - d 00 611 f 9 i - it”' '.. **di iritleb it ,l 41 ¢Toll 0. 410111416 At i f-IM I At il ! A 414 .% 1 ".. 16 kei 1 , t , ,r k° ,a§, ,,7,4- 4744.V R :: ,1 .4 - ' i - ...r•tiV..-y..„L'„7gZeii icr - poria. „, ~1 -` - y„,,, , ....,.:,-; --. , . • : 4 'l;' - ii m ..,'' 16444 - ii4afizmaistoto .- ;'34,1:k. a 'iriairitief l A. Jou Wiillimi, Noir lot ollifir i otpootoili, • TAßottottAforth, _Di, •-,, lane City , for Ityisitiliioloool4kuptilTt`illawk: ' Pik* WOliihitoit 11,4 ju tinixt y 8 , or 0 Nark .• - oter —1 'yt I , liefe7.' 11 . '/ 11 1 cltl/ fit tti v — ri, ... 80act,. 4 . 7 ,. sam t ogio .li An ig, 1 ,0, ti y . . • mod., go itt,..i...tt actrkg 6 ,, ii. „„ , 0 7‘,.- , .7. l „vPizzl.!l'-‘ , ..,,,,z-, 4 774.,,,,- - , , 0 0 ,01 L .14ic*f*1r2644 4 ,10 , 44.4, '.."'"'"VT0i..4.14.11-if,-..,-.- -• • , EMIgM "---...). '" --''' " - '....-- te -- c,..veveac" •• Offloo Of the belavisie Mutant Boleti ARRP/11,14 1 1 1 :1 : ; '4II,INOITA.VHWALsar. Lis IMEOIBANOM COMPANY. - - .. ~ ..f.;;;:...;-liii„rieo' AEA frigdfEJEJ*o7l:4 o ,l l ‘7. ll o l -', _ -; , - • ' Puttantivuti., Airtet 12, HES. - • - r ..^ I . , •- ~ . . ".- , - ~,,..., - i -, ;, , ' ". The undersigned Commiselonerc appointed to naive ..„,,,,,, , t,,, , ,, , ,,,.4. 51 ,",„4,,, ~,,,,,......,,,, ...• . ,,-. LI ...,,,,,.,,, - : ynkseriptiontrta-the' INCREASED OAPITAL 010011. 014110,pf0Wiet4, it,,,'„etter,, „. i rtY„,.. !. .."•...' - 0D41191f DOLAwADE EItiTAAL SAVETE !NMI .* alfiattiAiriituAiik4i..wi l er . m. . o alomv: , •., ;•• , Rama' ookosNY, under the provisions of a supple. yx•yy isshor,ownpropt,, - tw.__XSlSsitnittentil ', IS Ineht - 40 the , Oharter;of thet.said Company, auproved i 0 94 P *Maki TATeeae a re7; ~ taglajrl.o t ,Itta i ft ` •-- 4 -41411.19 thy lend, and 'tile resolutions of ' the : Hoard of yr mrsvhfc , ewiar OS '1W.."." - ^ell i ti'11......'._. , ..."I.=-4.4 0 cepteriPisicipted - Atigemy llthilS6l3, hereby give no. •lie ark, 47e,",`,....,-“ , ,v. , kt,,,r•viE,R,Telf.YZ . rr. ..-- - -3.,....if :tice3bl3 they will ba;prepared tareoekre subscriptions ',Aggyyhistahey;iiwjavitit MiEllirantrLeniftipa,l,:,..- to the Oapital Stock.- sa.cfOresaidi on and, after MON. V94 o ll o4 hwillt r rT i4.4 t o t a • 041, ith,...: , -,.; ...DAY, Jim," &lei day; of- Septemt4r. next, between .ther I Gre• it;18,T,..,1 ..,• , ,,,..f.g.h IsitaitEliii yintif-re EJ7, .houraqf 9 and • aiitehtek, at: the office of the Ooluptay, it Thoinpeee;BllorMß ,l 4 , oll4lVin o 1, 4 1 1,1:k`..z, t, . 7 1L:hiqA , :witer'wP T* o - 00 , old-WALNUT Streets, where i oialliteightemsti!* 1194"rv ., $ s9 4i t'! , o9tei. 7- . '..;4.., i ..1 „hooks wilt be opebed for,that p apa w, meormikr to i .0,51%anircE1C. , . , 0. 4 44 1. -1 - . 1 „. 3 44 1 ,„...... 1 1 0 * 91 , .2 1 .4- ":- . ;;L.. - -- , .M8.1'04)1008 ,P7ovis!ons of said , enpplersept, spa th e r ~........,,,,,,,,5,,:„,,,,,.....,..,...., ~....,-pas sem referred to, to i rip , , - ' , 33vivunte, Le k - -..- - - .11 Dudley, Richmond, VS,- -,,iisoppyr 8.-_,Thltt tiß owast, took of said Company Pagini n i rll"l ";,A li ni- ' 1 1 40= 1 "Viitiel;fi' '4 .„ ref l' al. a gg t l i 4 h ,:etitNt=f 4 llPlt 19 , 4 t u 0 re '° les i t hairs'i t 44* - *lgui'AuldttieN. o ; 12 1111 "nitIvrit t t 4 .A 0, eeribed ' for_ in sbiwes of twenty-live dopers eaoh, such li AletesiderMo -tk , :-.,ri'f.-.* . re 77 IliereEref x.:..b.„,' • enEforlitions to be pald in cash, or in the 'clip or mil l* 3 , lloriner.'HCL:.4 '?„..„!:8 fitgefi1i'Ke11a:;;......,..;!4... , „ ficates.of gild Opropaniilkerictkier Prate thereof, in the. Ir„„ it MeneXerd,M-"lfi:siti•-laie Wheelerilloglinf , ,, ..1 . , Manner; snub tirnes,'kied.:upon poch "terms Ile the 0 ' 01 0• 4 0effl u aluf f, :•...iie.'•,..ll.•.f.oaDill &,la, Hlf„i,,A , President and Direotots of.the Oodettehylnaydetarinine., H• Howsairst-lit,* ;, T•. ' Dzlllsr4 &E1fee... 1 4.7it ~` 814.7.4. That, it. obeli by lawful for the holderskf the •ike Helvyr . Oonn • q 'idrip 0 0 PAH, t7Ohek,.g ','pi, present *tech atilt. Qompany, to convert or change the 11,Alscevegs,,,kujiy,., -,,...0r T MEMEL . * 0.4 -...;,, .."... ,ecitie , inki,thenew'k tei be created under this aot, 7-PkvaFt.vN , at' ',C‘,.4- 1, - ;`,.lP;ilineisirl,driii . .._.;.... , ' upon such „tonne 'ro w ' - naiy, be "agreed upon between ',,A , De DioN,,lf.--,, , r ~ , t. ~,,;;,,...y, oniony ,ClywA r iew6 , Ekii, ~ ,the; toad .psesident end aireMors, and the holders of LBllt iiire:Alberep• ...-.; , ~,joaN HattMS, H' I. ~ ..,-4, dad Chide: " Z 4 .,''' • ' ',.. ,• , -, ' , ' ' ' - •- , , r Kildlifiei Al' -,, ~ , IC Ware. Oinoinnati, 0 , - 8 , 0 : 8. That when: the', Capital Stook shall be in lygeryf Gordon,N• y .....• ',-4. ,„; 000 0 Ooliteirrt.,NAT. , , , , •.=, •greeted one hundred'theisand dollar; tinder thie sot, 0 W5° 1 1 01 , 0100 , 1 8 7 .... l'e - 77'; ZS fichmidtort T-, tr , ; the . cask dividend - on the "same weld ou any further in. WileeXi . Illenitlm.... ~..L.', .. ...y.,,,`,4 41k .,„0 , ..,1ita_ ,kft• 105t 0....;.,.. s t aid corporation , thereof; szd' also' on tilt, preient Oaof th Ifieltelberger &11117,24E ,- • 0 .41....PO;Boittore , said corporation, shall be eight per cent. per annum; gokix•yx.yx4l4 y.•.-,„,,,,,, ,, ,z,f,•/ Bulletins, Dalton, el,„, .4.1 but ahould the profitfi, in - any one year; not amount to V kfUentrehilonvtando.s ; 01.11eldIrli,P,' , • a, sum sulliolint to paY a dividend trt eight per Gent, 1 1. L B . faiDiro i - tr , 44? - ,.. ( 4i,.7-Af, Bootti,tiso;,_„,, ,, ~ ~ :- , then whatever surplus or pridits there may b gull be T.lsr-parlasiocr.s--t,_. ,/ 1 N clestPitfairwthbilit:fr divided pro 'OM ernong the itockholdersvid; fir nor., di t0.42.4%. , -in , -, e- -,,, il J Undorwood,M.4lll l l.R„thokt niter the said Capital Tiltoor shalt be so" Increased' A 0 Stakarthe'_ ,If lf 3 f.-tFrie lißtlinii it 0014 i. ltasktitie the holders of-such increased stook shall not be ono! CERPrkeVweltiraffirs - - -- C , • ", , r ill*Moldilkak Al*, - • , tied be any certificate' or'sheit of Any remaining sue.. sigignii.,Esiefwakces A Bali,N P 4- ~ r ... ;Alas, or profits of-the Oompacky,,in addition to the grecititeiloy, Baltinvere ~-;,-.ofichstarts..H Y , . .....,,-.. aaid eight per cont.., .; •- , - ~- ~. •, .- 44agimitothr,-.8 oe-, , .„-. ~,r; Chas Week Halle ' , ERBOLIIfIONS OP THE BOARD ,OP DERBOTORB. IffiterniticA/14-1it;...'1.",'"',..f. , 0 D•Marmot HY ~,,..• s-., . - ifisoical, That it is expedient to Inman the capital. ijiyuitiMilib . lik- Mete -4 .7 V Billings, Eigland itook'of the Compeny in the enm of 000,000, fn ehares tectitWOrilnyl"itY , :, _„,,-=, -,,,,Theo'ethrell 4,, [idy l t$•Y . of, twentpilve dollars °colt, in egnformity with the pr0,r,..„%t ,r,..„%t ~, ~., „, 5, , .-,_ ~- ~.- -, ~ , • ' ... . Thiene of said supplement, -.-- -- , , - • 111DOULMITIfil , z1IOTIVA.Poteitle` „illiceiet,' beiciw.-Arah: ",-Biloloech Thet for the purpoe" of ... Obtaining subsorie increase of the ca pital Moot the followinf L Beke'dio e l ,',Oaktoni",,Ohio L'.. 4 Bitten= One, Penns- , -.., ilonefb Foch 'TA Eileoltir,abienelmwg ,-,1 8 It Larbee,-PavisiTenw . ' gentlemen be end are hereby appointed'Commissioners, 0 SoldmerkOra Pa "... 7 . • L Hall, Pitteburg,'ldo to wit : • gambol 11., Stokes 7 Theophiltut Paulding, an d ,iolumicoli m ,,,,ks r 4-,kqaci, noh, Th i, kris our i . Edmund'Az Ponder . ..and-that • books ka opined for the 'CI EX Titoomiv,,Olim - ,0 : 4 -3' 0 Crookshanki,MO "- 7 0 40 00 13 11 or the k o irAtOres of the dubseribeni te such WII 1117rEiOlEWEIo• , "*.l M litifrief;Easton..Pa , ,stock at the office the Oompany on thd drat' MONDAY AP OtOther,_ . Ho- , ~ ,_:4 , .041111T- J ager, Beading • - ; in September next, and that the Woke remain open MR Ifilliiii'lleieten; PIE' Joliet Ureter, Penns' ~ -.. tilVtli the wh ole number of iliswili'etivell harshest sub. limeiflacirsteriPertna ",-, ...' - 'Leni,L , Arnoldi Pork Pa sarlbad fer.. ...,.. . - .„, , • .... i ' IT et° ll V.alabouk t, ' l • l•- :. , • Thos • RoMrts, Ohio .•,,.• ' Resolved , Thit - the 'conditions upon which Risk HA: ilinith,:MerekbYilf ;• - 17 V Diehards ik. lady, Pik,. ' stook may be subsorihed" fo- ghat be as folioed!, to wit; aeull'ex6r - Peihifee , ",>,' .-_ ~..--", - Joshua Huai; Perna -, •• , - Payment to be midi- in Itwo isstainiente aim*, of Robert Wllllanis, N 0 -" '.13 J Berrie, Hl born, 0 twelve dolliresid fifty cents per abate, on each , and •B ilbrteieNfikiliethavd- , ..'r 4 ohirles Beoeet, Penns "...! livery share of stook suborned for. ''' -•'-' ; . • Thom AthertonMinfin_ ~v. '' WA Annahrimmitteben The: time of Payment *ball be as follows : The grit I I Tread &Isdki•Veimi , : ,7 W Watson ' , Ohio . instalmenv'to be paid at the time of subieription and 'AI 11.174herip - ff TA ---,,., ,-,- .ThOs - White, York ; Pa . .. the second' or, ,rproditinginstalment 40 be paid,within OviNigeljt Ohililetithe, lik ....- lif 0 Tohnstoti Tenn •. . 4 six moctitifrora the Este of sibteriptlmi. • John A ; Dooci Eli ...,.....i. • ; :ok u rob lm ,:tud o , , Tka manner of payment shall be 'as follows : Ono- Isoc . egres,, dailii, ,,,,,- - 7 , q - j,wour•, , -$ 0 ,• -, ~,- fourth °Louth instalment to 7ve paid•ln cash, three. ..il 4 v 7,110 8 - .1 4 ::, '^ to =A Gutlein, Ohio ~ - fourths of eabh instalinantto be paid in the tort l:testes Pev:yr OhltV;' , V , " 4 --Tvthind p-wHoo:Ohlo ' „.• , ,of scrip of the Company at par (or in cash.) a rao• j if _. ..o 4. - 'l .-J _.s ,4elin T Rogan; ti o -.-,-, ~ ..,„, • - liAlikr EL IL BTOE2d, ,311 i f illiwatirville,WY 4 ,-- • -°,1%,": -,.. <`'. -,-. 1 - , . , TIIDOPIIII.I3II , PAULDIOO, • , - 'N EDMOND A 1300 DEB, 4.lifsiitiOA - - :a01711.0:40` Ma' nt stieet, belOw Birth. 14 • 61 % I. ", ' ' ,•' ' ' , OP m muideesre• itlf:T44;lliiiiiinnie - ' ', • .-; . .P Street, liettlatire , ' ItHiones, Troy ~ •"--- -. ' '`' '7 N Onibetteon, Troy, Tlf,acidish. Mn .. ', I Grabsto,,Baltienkre ;' ; • 0 Barneedfaitimore,..4,.o4.l) II Pall . , Wll Drifted*, NO-, , , Itiftlicrs A. Sauk ce ', Hldematimi; OinelMiwtt".o., •11 Magewan,, Port Carbon' Wit Cole, - Md ' , • , . A'o Petheteoni fort r lrOollierjareensboro, H 0.7 D Medi YU' .- - • - a Bilmon, PasinewhiKy .-.',":!. 7 O'Wright, If 4 ' , IWBootigj ro`r: , - --, - 14 A Rowland. Selltiltif : V.HMeNsply,-,•NH .'.' ,- : , 2 .7 ffiaokpole; Trey; Ny' „ 0 A Davies & wf,"Diltrre - . ,`Miss Ellutcher i Bairre - .. Miii'M Divis;aaltimore ,W °Dougherty, Tenn 1 141 °; 0 0! . 0r8 .. . , .. ,- , - ,' Efts JI fayloideaid, HY; ,` "Bi Sullivan , , N 0 , - MI .1 Ooriniatighey; 4,0 • Dahielt New :fork "- , ._ 0 yflteed, N 1 f ,-_ .. , -',.' le: erlitY,M oluviiiii .3..•;•, .11 Hebb, Md '-?.,.- ' ,- HO vvelti,'3ld, . :;,,,, ,';' , 2 - ,' 0 if, tin:laim, Id li" ".. ~,, John Kitta;My - ' ''` 3" Wilkthi baton . Mr" fIWAS & 41,0 ; NY . 1 ' , =-- 1-, ,-, - 1 ~ -‘.,,. • ' `...:-.: ' -- - ' -- , i.--r.. UNION 110talb-Arek stria. bola ffonvia, :tibia /sake Indiana , War Babitine, Pa ._ -• P'AlinannirOtaton; 0 ~,,,,' .. Ben) II Goode Eaton, 0 MB Ifiegers,Phila _ B Phlison, Berlin, Pa lif 8 Wells; Pa - WILD/Arlington, Pa D 11 - Beiciter . „Pa , ' . JO. Crabs; Decatur, •Ind aiesiArsoldiaiellana.. ...". J 1 Ligettf Natieville ' O Wsrobs,lfewkort i ,o . - '. p .Thotatia, Ohio r ;I P ArtleV-0hi0 ,, ' , . -- . ' ..` 1A0'211116,, Pa - 4 01 0 Wright•a:„P ,:;"„ ... 'Waiter ,Iledgereck; St Clair MIK Wm . euv l eading ; 1 . ~, Debt Craven, Ohio - los II Higgica,H 7 . :::,.. 2 4 Blade, Will ' , t0b*U7 1 4 0 0 30 10. 17- ....;' 40 DE*l l , yforren. O h i o ) 17..654x.ear - r. Y 2 ..• "- ''•'''-' ''';', -••=: ‘- : - ' ;ABIAOm-,zurii:A . l . -411;11 , naMciiihant etre' eis.l; 1 guil,—..oai-iim,r.„..4, g_f,p..vorc•-Sititi?fitiollei.'PhOlie Adr.WOrrlyrard els; Ptiir l :3 4, lllealreetik Ohlisterob;Pe JAE Roes; Derbyville . 0 I Owetiand, London, 0• - '- NV Tena,Y;•Mt•Sterling; 0 ." I P.PalloWe; London' 0-. - D B Meredith, Cheater oo -' A ItTenainirted;ael .y". BO Thompsonf WY Chester M Ward, ()weak pa . . 'o - lik zowia;ponmoot W T Diehards, dt Orair,Pa Mrs paktum, Blna Pell; , Mimi Catiaghan,alue Dell •Alex Mode, Coatesville, -Ps - .Ta'avei - Scott, Chester co IBM/ ,ift '0 tweeter' do; Pa _ 'Antos: , Kimble; Chester oct - DIMS IferrirChester ao - .• • - --; ., • , .., • ..agiyuioi itotre*- - efooild stiiat, abOyevarires. T B Awl & lady, NJ • 11 8 Brobet , lady, and 2' laeldowne g. 7 . , --. Children PhD* tile Niokoisdn, Del -' ‘., .1 Briitow; Paton' ,- . - eV EitseWcasi'-Boston, B yandemyer,V., ,"..' ''' - ';','l ''''.-;" '' ''''-:-,---• „ •,, •,___, '.• -..-, - - • :.... ) ,, Itkixoiriiiskpip-4441 - itos! ;: aqare Thus:,.: ' . l Hieitffitigilarteilli;o 3 Minffei, tibinozi, Pa, IMO Milier,'Philai ,-..; v;,...- , ,llll.6llohrlati,HLikesbire ; Bahl B illeholson,philk., 1/ OondpyLlillkentant Hill .-1, 'OMertr,.Loninvliti,D4 0 YDelohardt - lebadoni Po That lioNithellicx_npa P Bowninni Pottsville . '' 'ti 2 gownir,potb,eppg nO:If liowlsr, Powlersville B H Depew & la, 'Liston, ~,, Mies S Dep,sw, Easton „ MBE Vieth Batton ; ~ %,-. Cleo - W, Banumy,pOtterelfie, lik - tilerd Wen, Ilolninbls; Pi, ' .-". -,- , --5p10taft,3111P.140?)11,--if , ibove Oaticerhill. Saml Beek, Pa- ~ • ;- -, , 'Predk.P Buck; pa, ~, • lir Diweablas, Ree fing,. ..,.., , U Wye, fkunnertown, Ps 31dites, ilnineeytowni.Pii , r 0 Smith, Montry co, Pa a fiechteli BechteiErac „A) o,dollirer /hell/40rd% N Cooper, Cooperitairn, PA Shun Oleseillerks cerilPs , Mrs OW.; Barks phirPeo" , ,•l".. ; 'Mtietir Diees, Berke eni Pa 8 afWelBMt Sissy_`- -, 1 -. . ol6l 4 o ibfrEer;...Riohluord .4 , - ,• -,...." , ;' ,. .1- - ?...,.._-•""--- .' . --'...• ..-' ' '...,•;,,, 71SALD•DAOLHHOIrd meet; abhteauxwla.. ZI.IMIIIMINI - .? - rc• ~i le"FAl,fikaluiel; Lehigh CO; Pa A;Handwion:kehignpo . , Pe /she Soiper.Allantewn i,,; 4 ). ol l i Ni‘epow e ' ^.• ~d.Citells_irestel., '41.-----, lit .. pc fo-. rho ft ',fro,- ilt4osoph, Me' !.- ,-; ,- ' ~:,,, ,;-..? ', , ~,,,, ~,,,---•......4riw" ..":- ,"- '' ' . piariiilinkfausaa flow!. hifolf, vin.. nail - 1;g4. c. , B V _ - ,„' 'zio'sitogik,lniaitai 4"..EC.'fretietorr. Doyibitla 70 Weeders' Ala . , N Reps, litrGrasidet7; New Repo •A 0 Miner, Willow are, . it a pai,, , ,pmpio, plc , al 'frets; Doylestown ..**? flietw%lf ;I: .', ::":„%7;?,11 Denison Bradforenti it•Aveitii'N.:4:, I.ikititeIek;,ALIMANDERVIL 0ni1144 - or I , ltila, delphisii*llfhiELLlNX:iatarnikl****d daughter - .Tobsiltinkei.4ol44 *****WetCeeil Or.; Md. * 00,atufm. untop.:l7:- novl riosoph , ' Atarciodi , Mr.. JOBt. 0 A - lagt.Y3.*tAPltUMllphli,--.to Anc:I , ANNY * -- r.Ontlisillinialtg by tit. *olpsT.llll ? f lu 111MTEILTHOA.Ni allot - „ „ —' • - • - - ' On the ' 6th`in~tint~ HANNAH BdVN] )s ßai / 11 44, ) iNth gear of her age'' :r of tho,famlir to 4,11:00.1 , ,,k4e.ftMera1, from".tht, reeldOnoe, ;of„ her eon,, 1 1 4 lefeeohloMohfaiWarephiateti. ; Bute 'eOnntr, on 4470111r#54/!:#1.,:C! P •-• Interment -=-Oa 3lie ' tltb . iiiitinli,„Sisss. Asdsittsis, a the ree lJenne jif brOthekin-law 's NNW lioto;:tf_tNe,*.porktleitiotlith-, year 'of ltlaago, , Melted •to attend bit lalerilhfrinalitt , l 4 4 44lBl4 Mide,' No: 60,Nait' Twenty oaite,der.; the 10 LIG' at 2 P,14,*, Odiukttt,ltsi4,ol4o, .14 00 1' , .• 7nnari',.aay hie isei4lthiltir -, ':llisi-laisk;Pon'thl morning of,,thc7tn ~.43StVAX9eAtt,,, * (14/11410,k5, Esq., of that oty__ litittot lite'reoldenee, In this city • Ifo 104 ,I***St.tkirrai:lrstillif aft4inoon", at 4 o'clock. • - 1..0 IWir jamlitiflllthifeten4s - of the faintly at?, afteM4,'"irttliinitlitthivaaties: V*, ; t : ;4 96"lhilMlf6stiiir.:l4rc -- "MANY , NOIENNtf:4I4 6 ? of _ kHa " nsa, in the 47th year ot • ber age -Horf4oll4By and ea* or 40 _family, art. rotpm ~hiTitiodlo Athol thOiefat,"from the mel4enea of her husband, is iGardets street, ':,bakif, , San ol 4 llll IPhiadagfiftlinktio:at 6 Wolff*, To mooed to the :ltattialltratflemotow., , r. ;?Aeli tl th - EltlChleri-9,7.0 1 4P•*Lg.P.T,F0 the 734 r a nte r ° was rosiottaly Molted • Wattoaktheraaltaar,:kn - his late resi de nce, s North * atancet.i tlahiplay tooenlng,'at lo Woloch, * - On llcintla*i 6th loota a 4; apt. pp„,,.8Y, :. ati1..1 1 ! 1 1 4 1 - 'Areititeada; and thole the fenny, ate rupee Y , marl.* atteatt,her funeral; from 4he residence of her, "son..!;suser Miller, Market street, • went 'of 'MI West iPhll,44ernbis,..this ethmmhe,ghteNte,oome, at 1 ololoek, ' } o.t~hee . stt~hlnstant , M rs. MARY wife of ere tt relitinta.:l o 4 4 o 4 .4 l .l o - 110 1)!‘4" 1 " , invited to 41-hagfemaril,Tioth thareelgaaea of herhus :11:Naribgt0Oshotroetiaboia,Quovii-Nlghteenth ward,. PLalii'(l l kurgi_ l ll , l44 l7 l o ol. ' 4 l-! 5 43- nook 01 # 11 , ( 9 01611 0 1 r haetaati'Atl4oll) „winuMa;.o - niit.Afk,l*4ll,Joir3„l/ k .,ll!!• f ons, in the ,xitlissaf of4ds sac:, B. in `flee 6th Pasta m. ,nt, L. N , D, . ~4 tig . 4 l l °f lostan -- "ViOuN AwaTeniniaX L the Nith.lear of his see:- ' ' - ;011Pi4,711i instfint k , lcißiAli - ,lTAlirer /41s, agedah - - _ .10Athe Tth lAS ISAAC sh. asa MURRAY, tatho oilt sea h Om the . 0 instant, jars; hausti • ISELYBIDON, .relict late Wm . Melfrl4go,'lli, th e 87th par of Gamed Ratitteatiew '4-.7 - 7. :,:-r.---"'''. (Ilfr4; . 1 : 1 46'4,14 - 43Pi08116;*i!sii 'xiittiqfpuonsviarrtr. the 1,3 O r t 4 Ntir Or oppoottloo to NXICIiTIVII- T RANNY ef the '; , ; GRIDAT - 4011#10Alt• DOQTRIN3II or' , 7t4 P tO ' %* at r T6' - Ilf DVST T - 107 4 ****Iinflult abtiso lb du :- . C . --;•;•cr4 - ktiiiiliiiiiiiritoEs , egeatn'ar the T/ 0 4.*r;*inexticiii;11' . „ oitiiti*et,iti„*lii6k,,,ruf inset on Tll* aDA Y;r 11 :3 1 / / Olt 4- I' - a RI" T. 31 0. 6 .talltkli` - , :',',l3ouiluilinortma;=poziasasorAND `QSAnloB,4•:--7 = 17.11400:14I'lli T ib'efen esFenAaAto *.toikv,Asit t p.p i ,.. ! h c N l , Wall', b!, vWOO leiv ,, if., Adialit eioßelabet.,—.The , :011111'.133NTIIRIVIIANSBTILVIN Bum.: ~ 1411 nisy Uri id' OPPoiiiiigiY%or Ibilidnithia 7 160 .'' rjfici(W6MbiwihOlivinikivrhiotit trim All -sppexratioe,- akuufbu i c) mi . ...pries , of Adialsidoli, has . Wen, es: , •'`,lll6o44ll'Tlirr, - ,0018. I,obildrini and er401463. live .47 - tratokkMeiiidir ferthil.beneat oOe motrptaB4tlowAlt s -4 lee- *valid' rill* Affectlama: of id6oorAntp:"Afia ditEATNtiT , Otreete, kohlladolittlft: , .llll'"lrititeketteeite4oepeikitiiti resuieyteanht ''' T q't j 'l" 94 " 9 '' j 'Velr; r f t,'etnziee t:`7 ink , ' Il e ' ':.- :ih 103tiliirAO,10. I g. sygotip fto*exon via o ocrotoromy, payebishe the let Oetehee ''' ' 110thibr CAMP, iiiii ' PteeentAtiOn . at I di he tehtereet;ttelhe:timehir,tyl4; 4 - t i" late taISPIMOPPSTAI4 °. ' — if - ' VIAlt" , ' :# 4 4k - tf f, 614. :i• - -. 4.llWit't -: •• '„,.... Pkin te r' ' ik,' 1;:4 ( ,P,r. - - • , - ' -,-, -, .): "• ' . Mr= . . j Nasalloettaff of the Democracy of the : FIRST CONGRESSIONAL IDISTRIOT SAVOR OF THE ELECTION' OP' GEORGE= 'RINGER, THEI,REGIJLARDEROORATIO NOMINEE - Dee:Worsts of tbd "First oCnigreationii-District, MM, all - other anions in favor or-the election ofEr. GCORGE bIIII3INGER, the regular Demooratto can didate toi3Omigreseorill meet on THURSDAY EVEN ING= trait; IRept: "9th ; at - 8 o'clock, at the corner of .I!IWTH . and SHlPPENtitreete: - • . • To COlndBlloo •'vigororts campaign in favor of Right 'end , Justiee against Tyranny andrrouription. ,_ To :reiterate their devotion to the great principle of PoptilaleOverelgntyithritse 'Wielded by oppressed citizens, of HanstuWand &bent - to- be endorsed by the whole dinettes's potpie, except the risercenarrupport eis of the minority rule. To fulfil the, pledgee -made -bylamee , littehanan and the"Denutinatio pity in 1855., • ' To'protoit Spinet the attacks upon theregular Maths organlzetion in 'lllinois; and , the-gallant Deo °LAB, by the minions of-Federal power. - , • denounce the unwarrantable interference with the right's of itonseience, and the war 'upon the rigida of suffrage -waged *mania , the, mechanics and laborers of this district by the National Wilco holders. • ~To'advocate e - Im thpost of the - Menus Tariff, the 'pause of 'a new ono which will ademistely protect and. Rater 11l branehes of American industry: - = . T 6 rebuke the preient Representative forldls betrayal - of-the interest, anAprinelpies of his eonelltnenti, and his degrading Subserviency: to the Nullifiers and"Dis unionists et - the Settlht•,- • 'ilk inmost and zolglati effort be snide by the in corruptible freemen of Ulla Wanda to remove the dig: , tee which _the' re-election of a , ..tnan who has opeoli _ . sought to bribe thtainerlean party by place - mad Dower on-the 'one hand odd toieirlfy adopted citizens by ty tanelcai disgraceful to a republican cum. - ti7,Onf,the', other Aronld.place upon Weir brews; Let. the - tyrentzwho lts, issued an imperious wprotocol to - oraih out tSe voice of the freemen of Ala Distriot, as abuts as er.Rnesbin Czar-Motets' Oases, to imasiport his subjects to Siberia, or an Iniperial.usurper to s trans. -port stubborn' Itipubliosue to; desert blonde, and who seeks -to perpetuate, hle_powei, spinet the trlil of the people, by the control he wields,orer, the InoneY of the National Trete-my, be doomed to the obsodrlty and re-. tlretnent he has as, riohir merited by his ihfahloali con= duct. ' ' - . following distinguished gentlemen cordially and Publicly participate in this movement, end will be Prm n . t log l E d rl t tllQT, et rt i fOnfey General of Penn . WIL'E.IDERIVLIN; Beg. ' ; 4 0ol.JOHN-"W. FORNEY. . - .-.INELLIAM SERGEANT, Est • . . -- EDWARD „Ge WEBB, Beg.- - ' , , -TORN O'BRIEN; Eiger - - • ." -DAVID •WEReTER,.Etg. DANIEL DOUGHERTY Ext. - '.., , GRORGICIV, THORN, 425 q., - ; • ' - pr. 0. E.,RABIERLY. , - • . • JAMES B:IIIOHOLSON,,Req. '3.A.8.RD . 1. GREENFIELD; lag. ' J. L.-EINGWAIT; Esq. • Dr G. W. zoisuiwiatihiZegalsr Barnacle%) can didate for Oongreee x will pnictint tikiteflae his Deft the po li tic/a thedly.- ' ,Ity'order cllthe Gooindttee'Onfabila Meatligii.,";2t „ , t v-m0..-. Nees Orloins -G a s T.lght 113 'l6l.#llBlts , 'AND MEOIiAN/08V: BANK, PHILADXLIMLL July 2; 1568. - Notice. Is' hereby - Wan' ;.-thel . , ohlers of ;the Few Orleans Gar Light :Oompany,'lllit theAaroney fat the Transfer of thelltoak and the, paYtnint of the Dlil toigf.-Wit-Contrwar *4l l be iolosed' from and 'aftei e day_'of °mbar nott'and they are'ronerted to surrender' tbetterfletitailemaisd by'lldeDinlcoOl eetre W* 111 ;0 11 at Tre ater Soliti Olin/piny in New loans. - ' - . r Of. - RIIONTON' - ,- ifs4liritanthlO.l. , - . „.: , bolder: Iffinitard , Fire and: Marine Inetran# 11.3" 0 9m..PA#Y , '' , , PaiLADminnaiestolnbstl, 1868. At an Z_LEOTICki 'held .ffilil.B RA at-the Office of the Company; pursuant' to isotiee, "an d-In- -In - aosowlance With the provisions of 'the 'Charter, the following gen tlemen were Only elentint DIREOTOOS to servo for the enshing your , ' s,LJohniEt:' DOMI, " Leech, ": • J':ffidtiar Tkomson; '„ltobt: W. D. - Truitt, hf-.Wi -•_ • Laden,: John O. Janstia o - • • Wm. B:: , A I. Buekzior; • • B. fl OhillingfOrd; John W.leaton, B." Opangler, -• William Bartel; Ii M . - Houston; Zdain Beata; '-• - WM. U. Liwe, • „ John Garrison, : • CharlesP: Norton, E. 8. Warne, • , lame Myer. • • • • - CHARLES A. 8UY,, ,, Secretary. dye Denseratte State Conitattiee.-- The members of the Demootatie State Oominittee are 'requested to meet at the ST; CHARLES HOTEL, in the city of Pittsburgh, on WED eßSDA.ltyffeptemberl6; te , oloek P. M. . •• R. RIDDLE ROBERTS, Chairman. The following are the names of the COMMi ttee : Let..4ohn Hamilton, Jr. Lewin°. Onesloly. J.• LB Browne. ' . Hugh Olork. ' • John H. Bohnett. Rd.:John B. Rhodes. - 86..Blorenee Minivan: :Ath..itobert Tyler. '6th..o. Oooper.„ 6th..l3amuel L Young. tth..Y. B. Xsereher. PoOker..: Bllwell.- 10th—Btenbezr.lenklne. . 12th..Pdeb_J Cummings. 13th. .11 Knox. •• 1eth..J.,8. Brotton:', (Cr': 10 /. l lr;.P 9 Detialiviertera t ; OfflUe;. - • • - Prima st.rnts.; August ,1809, 1868 • TUE BOARD OF 'REVISION meet at tothitil the daties of their istdminttniont; as follows: - First Ward-alonday ; September oth, 1808.. flocond'ward-Tuesday, September 7th. Thirdirtird-.Wednesday; September Bth. -- • Fourth ward-Thunder; September fith. ' •' ' Fifth Wird-.lfridayifteptimberidth. .• • Sixth ward-Monday, September 18th. Seventh ward-Tneeday, September 14th. • Eighth ward-Wednesday, reptember 115th. Ninth ward -40Ouidaj, September 10th. • Tenth ward-Friday; September 17th. Eleventh ward--Monday ; September 20th. ' Twelfth ward-L4needan September 21et. - •.• - 11iirtitentliWaid-Weetnesday, September 224. Fourteenth ward-Thursday, September 2.3 d.• _Fifteenth ward-Friday, September 24th.' - • Sixteenth word-Mondsy. September. 27th, • Seventeenth ward-Toesday deyember 28th; Eighteenth ward-Wednesday i September 29th. - Nineteenth ward-Th=444T: September both. Twentieth warciL4riday, October tat Twenty-41ra ward-Nenday October 4th, - Twentpseeond ward-Taeulay, October 6th. - Twenty-third ward-lifednesday ; October oth. • Twenty...fourth ward=-Thursday, October 7th. The Aserasorsef the various wards trill take' no. J._,-LitliDYL • • • • • - LAMES LOGAN. - OomMight. IiDIV'D R. WILLIAMS; • - • A. J. FLOUIt FELT ; - • Receiver of Taxes.- • WILLIAM -V. bloGRAIII ; Treuettrer. OLIKFORD'S GREAT OPENING DAY, ' SATURDAY,, SEPTEhtBRIt 11th. ND WILL 011711 E - TNE GREATEST POINTY OF 06 - -HATS AND 'OA:PS, For Gentlemen and Young Genie, to milt all tutee. • ALSO; - - • - 1088E0 , 4.z4D BOYS' InNE . BNAvtIR-RVIS" 2ithigtutt7 . lo.; oflnthe'ost approves-y.4li and • , Lond on Peettlone. • Boys' wad , Ohlldrou'e Oiothlina Cape, • ' - • ' OF lINTIMILIt PATTI/Ma . All of the &bowl Ma been carotin) , matinfaetnrea nod _eolootod espemialli tot our tales, and 1011 be - sold, at tit) Idiot prim. 2 - ' cuATILES : 9I4.FORAIt EON, 1e9.8k •, 624 - GILEVINGE STREET: ,gIINS,,:gtFLES, AND SkORTINGIBC. PLUMENTS, • k--•, • he kribioriberra have In store - TIIE LAROEST "ASSORT *ENT • r- OIittING=PIEOES, Nv"o"Offeted frt this . -Defitreto tednolng their aosortuient as mind:the : - before the lot Dea. they will sell , - • ":AT 'VERY LOW RIO TUB'S ti'L'o,o4, ' , ,aompriting GUM VRGM THE. MOST CELEBRATED /SAND , BACTURERB OP. ENGLAND,, AND I/RANOE: • PHILIP S. JUSTIBE t CO., ' No. 21 North mina attest, - above Illerlutt.' C11.4.11i4)113 'thllii"B-4.osorted 'does, ree'd „fromixoportoio; for Hale by R. OASTIORD, 0 4 0 s1;i0. 141 South /BM atod. TFI PROS 1- , PHILVELPH4 THVESDA Y SEPTEMBER 9. 1858. SENATORIAL DISTRICTS lath.. Gen. W. H. Miller oyrue Gloniager. - 16th.. Dr. John H. Raub td. - Nortli. - 11th..W. A. Stable. 18th—Barauel Tobiason.. H. Caroni. 20th..E. Et: Crawford._ H. Calhoun: flearight:: 234.-.M...Workram. 24th:.7aaass P.:Barr, - • Diehl Lyn*. James A, Gibson. 26th. - . Hush Nage P:Coahraii. - 27th..W. P: Shattuck. 103t1i.'19. T: Alexander lima anti Caps._ , .T4t*.-ii.i.Oliitiii#it:9.:;'?'.,,_;:,, ALIP THE SE9ONE EDITIONiIOI4ISI/3-oDii* Till.ND ••• POLUPIOAE"; TEXT HOOF , gitoysfOLtillglk' ie W ::9111BIC,1111bld g ' ; • The amid editlen of this 41►. and inv Cahill Poll& eel work, enlarged and revised tionethelizat elitibn, is new. reedy for sale. EVERY tiTUMP SPEAKER SHOULD HAVE ONE. NO EDITOR SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT,- ' &very °Risen desiring to poet hiniself on the'poMlosd, questions of the day should hare it. ; •,_ 0014111111. &MODE other things : The varionsparty Platform'. -- • The AmeriPan Itittill. , , • - • - - ' The:Xmas Legislation Of Congress:: • , „ddr e Governors Geary,' Staunton, and Walker's Inaugural Stephens Green, Douglei. &limper's, and Messrs.' and others' reports on Xansu. • The material portico of the Itnnsas•Gabinski bill. Lecompton, Topeka, and Leavenworth Constitutions The Orittenden - blontgemaryi Senate, and English , • The votes on the seine In OA $OllllO, Indeed, everything essential appertaining to ;the same, Including President Pierce , * Special Aressege. The bred Scott case." The Gonstitution of the United Statee, • - . -Articles cf Ooprectoratl9A:,, Wanhingtoigri araWellAdarais.;., Ordinantairofll7B4 and 1787. ' ' and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798-and P 99. Ur. Clay's report In favor of a Distribution'or,tha Public .f.aufp, and able doourneriti adainSt - ItOritti. a frill history of Ito name. -, • • §NiaM= - .The 'Address Of lifr4 laulltner on the enhiett.- .4 . 4 'A History of Railroad Clients by Congrees, with the Votes thereon. 'President Plideebv Mileage , vetoing the River and Herber bill. . , The School Land bill, and Totes thereon. ' The Clayton Bulgier Treaty. - . - • . Extracts Rot:6'4964Am for and againit Slavery. Extract, from speed:Lee of noted Republican' and Abolitioulate. - )1r Toombs , Boston tsotara on Slavery. Messrs. Fremont and Buchanan's" Lettors of Aooopt. • blesara. Difeharien and WillianiarLettere the bits.gain gain arid In' ',qua eharge - • ''' •- •, „ Mr. Calhoun , ' Port Rill Address. ' • ' Priteldent Trtkiods Proolaniation against .! •1 The Maysville Road Veto, A 'history of Party Conventions. Report of-Mr. Dacia, of Soith Carolina,'on the po litical power of the Suprenie Court. • Mr. Luchanan , " Minority Report oti the gime Cub , ,Clovernor. Mini and Mr. Caruthers , Lttters spinet the — Atnitrican Organisation, and the Ron. A. EL Stu 'art," Letters, s'gneNl , f Madleon, ,, defending it. Kenneth Raynor'' Speech at Philadeiphia, in Novem ber, 1860, and in North Carolina in 186 8. A history of, with the votes on, the various Tariff'. history of the United States Bank and Abolition Petition". th Ur I+llmore , o Albanylipeoch and Arlo Gayle Lof ton. , History of the Annexation of Texas -.. Opinions of Publlo Men on the power of Congress over the Territories. . - The Nicholson Letter. The Nashville Convention and Georgia Platforms. -Missouri Oompromise, with "every vote thereon emo tionally elassiivel •. - The Ooroprprube measurer of 1850. ' ' Clayton Compromise. ' Wilmot Proviso. ' . • -with many otherthinge too numerous to mention: Every subject lefully treated, and every vote in Oon peel, on any sullied having a political signification, it given. 'kids book will poet up the Publio 'weaker fully on the Rinses and other. questions ' - -For copies adduct!! JAS. 11. AMITE!. th 00., Publishere, No. 010 011ESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Enclosing Three pollens for - each copy ordered, and {twill be rent, postage prepaid. Clubs of nix willhe furnished for Fifteen Hallam TO AGENTS wiehing_to.engage in the sale of the above work, a liberal dwount will be made. - 10 SOUTHERN AND Wltli - T ERN MERCHANTS AND TKO TIIeDEGIEN/lllllle. • , J. B. SMITH & 00. manufacture; end have constant ly on hand. the largest and beat asseriment of IILANK. BOOKS to be in coy one establishment in the [hilted States,'wbich they offer at lower prices than, .they can be bought for at any other place in the Conn. try. - - - • Bookieilers now In the city are respectfully Wilted to call and examine oar stock before purchas ing else- - where. J. B. SMITH de 00. also Publish a great Intriety`of Theological, Historical,' Poetical , Juvenile, School sp4 Idiscellaneotte Bookcamong which may be found P H T MB K R LOW N T O E MA W T H ONNOR THE PE OP LE.. 0. J. Peterson's Historical, Works; Frost's Life of Waehington ; Ihosth Ilistorf of Greece ; The T,ITIO publicus. ; JOseohoe",• bhakapeare ; Byron; Pox's Book of Martyrs; Todd's; Johnson's, and Walker's Motions.' ries; klarryatt's Novels — W h it e ' ' s History of the World;, Worcester's Inotienary,..ke. -ALL 0 f WHlOH.altit SOU) AT EXTREMELY LOW PRIORS. seild.b a to-et et burationat, O'DONNELL'S BOOS•SEEPING IN- - 13TITUTB, Southeast corner EIGHTH and AltOR Btreetv, devoted exclusively.to Instruction to the boil nem or the oonnting•house. Open day end evening. Bee Otrenters. see•tt MISS 0.. A. BURGIN will open a School 1.911. for &limited number of YOUNG LADINS, at 911 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY. lispt:U.. For particu lars, 4ply at the - Baktiol-room, betwean,lo end 12 M. leg 12t9 . - TRE WEST CHESTER , ACADEMY, located at VEST OEBBTBIt; ,an Institution designed and arranged to'prepase Boys and Young Men for an class in our beet Illoileges r or- for buelnees in its ,Tsrlea requirements: The corps of Instructors consists of seven Teachers of ability and experieuoe. -- The ay.: rage mumbler of students to seventy five per session. The Preach and German languages are taught by na tive. resident teachers. "The Winter' Term commence, On the let of Novemberztext. For Osttloquesitse.,Applr WM.4.-INT.IIIIS, 814 Principal; - , - to 2en - et West Ghetto s P R OVII I 227OOII r utI.IIBTKUT and MIMEO +I SAAD,SIikkILA ,11; itortheist corner of An Institution doelgned to t t yoOns , men, fOr AO. TIVB BUBINEBB. •‘' - , „ BOARD OF TRUSTIES. B. B. Oomegyo, - ilraneh Hookins, George H. Btuart, David Milne, Tam Bparhawk, Davidii. Brown, . lease Hacker, Paroone, D. B. 'Hinman, Broderick Brown, Joshua L poineott. • EVENING BIiBBIONB afCgßeptember lath. Each. Student has INDIVIDUAL INBTAVOTION !at thin Institution and a Diploma from here le the best re commendation syonog man can hare, for obtaining a good elthation. .- • - OATA.LOGEEB may be Lad on application at the College.o seadf ViIUOILTIONAL. , -4 Gentleman and his ICJ Wife; clamantly educated ; and of -long experience in teething desire an engagement in their profession ; either' as Princip or !militants or they would be glad to hear of some place whore schools of a high grade could be profitably eatabliehed. The beat references given. Address THAOE(ER, Press office. see-gtas L EIDY BROTHERS' NIGHT—SOHOOL s , Nee.l4B and 150 BIVTIN Street. near Rae. IS ItOW OPSN TO 0 TS MT/MOTION Ix BOOR-RREPINGF, WRITING, AND MERCANTILE INSTRUCTION IN TaIt,DATTIMR, AS VEDAL. PROFESSOR . SAUNDERS' - OLASSI- OAL INSPITOTIL—See advertisement's' another column This 84mb:tarp .is sadly 'visited,. by • short ricic on the West Philadelphia Pa s senger EaUway. sottr RRYANT & STRATTON'S CHAIN OF NATIONWNIVECIANTILE COLLEGES. Phi. Lsdelphha College; Southeast corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Tor Information; dap or send for similar. - • lele-at - EVENING SESSIONS HAVE OCHMENOED, %~etait rfl. v,ncbs. N EW SILKS. L. J. LEVY & CO. WILL OPEN THIN DAY RIOH SILKS 808 AND 811 CHESTNUT ST. LOR A FEW DAYS LCNGER—GREAT BARGAINS TILL PURTIIER NOTION. White and Colored Zephyrs, 14 and 20a: ' Embroidered woven Corsets, $2.60, elsewhere, $8.60. Moran's Unequalled Marts, $2.60, " - Silk or Linen Trimmings at heavier redactions. J. 4. MAXWELL & SON, New Trimming Store and Pactory soßdtif B. E. Corner Eleventh and Oheatnut 61 )4Wing. gatFOR MOBILE-ALABAMA. LINE— To sail with quick despatch, Freight takon at reasonable rates. The fine; fastealling, regular packet schr. VAPOR, Mitchell, master, is now loading at Race-street wharf, and having a large portion of her cargo engaged and going on board, edit nave quick d pupate!). Shippey' will plea"e burry their goods alongside and Ills of lading to the counting-house for signature. • • For balance of freight apply on board, or to - 11.09110 P, 105 Arch 'tree ~ above Front The V. la guaranteed to inen a at the lowest rates, cod will go up to the wharf at Mobile without lightning. .1a1011e1). $4.633.33. ;F o r well-secured yearly Rent* or 1278 each for Gale at a Metal discount. apply to H. 0. THOMPSON &G. H. COLUMN, as9.4t AROH treet. • HIGH SCHOOL DR &WINO INSTRUMENTS. • Mathematical Instruments, in eats or single please ; for sale, at low prizes, by • SAMUEL L. BOX, o,ltlcian, 657 N. Second at., above Buttonwood. SOMIAOK's VAANISEM, JAPANIEI, ho The attention or Dealers endconsomere of Vanishes resolleited to our : OUPBRIOR - COACH AND BIINNITUND VADNION, DRYING. JAPANS, - • IRON JAPANS, - BIAt3TIO AND BPIRIT VARNISHES We °Jahn to be the Oldest Varnish htenurseturtng Establietiment IN THIS COUNTRY; Oar Vanitainia basing now been in constant nee OVER FORTY TRAM,. and are admitted by competent Judges to be SUPERIOR TO ANY QTROR9:MADIII IN TIM UNITED SIAM MI we eel( to a fair trial, and we are initialed the merlta of our Verniehee will be roux ISTABLISUED. frd 0. BOHRAOK & CO.; OLD BTAND..Noo. 162 and 164 North NONRTIt Stroc; fVOTIOEir—Ao there. le a change ,oentem platokin the Business of NeKEB, ROBERTS, & MOLES, of Columbus, Ga., the public are notified not to impend any farther business with that Arm, witheut the consent of the undersigned,- H. 0. hIoKB 'September oth, up. se7-Qt* HAVANA LEAF-100: ales l , avana Leaf Tobacco landing As Mar y 11..120ildeil. - Tot sale by , . , - • .608 • • . 140 Bbnth Pont atr4et. ChW'egotratio 4 0 bbere• _ 1858 1858 , .. ..., , • To Stibseril!ors' beg ,leavo,,tor Inform their friends, Mid ootintry nierolluits gonaillii'thit thoir Mack of Totiliair, - .•; , . 1 , ~-,.. .. qi3OVEB -- '' •••• lESIATS,',7 ”. .• • -• , • .. DRAWERS, - ' • - WOOLLENB, -- and ..„ , ' • ' ''''' libtAßL WARES, iii : iolf - 'oO mplito,"oomprieing their,,,wnl iassaTtnient, awl.whith th ey WE salt at t i ts lowiet market rates. They Voiild eipenially 'oill Attention to their stook of , BIqOI . IBIEIN GLOVIII342ID-MITTENS '-' ,-•- ••. Oompriiing the . HANOVER, GERSIARTOWN O 40ENSTD,WR, AND, • - "".,, , . OTHER DESIRABLE M ARES, ' - Igkiei'they have pureheeted dtreetly'from the Mina thoturer for - cash, and ard_aow4repared to sell at reduced rates., . " ' BHAFFN a , zlpotr f p, ,/z 00" IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, 36 N. YOURTR.Street, se3-21n Near the Merohaitie llotel S9RAFFER'Ie ROBERTS,- - - - s , MARKET - STREET, - „ niroiToae AND lODHiBB O! iIDS.!ERY, 0L095181", • t ' :1 44 1 ; Ni*RPSi , • 4:103114, BRUSHES, -TAILORS' TRIMMINGS; LOOKING -GLABBEB, . . . NERTAAN AND RADNOR FANCY...GOODS. au24-2m , ' . - , SMITH, MITIOHY; & 23151kliEiT ST. AND 826 01111#011 ..i.rfziow,opentrAg , • • A'411,1113H,6T00K- ODAPLD AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Yco Web they invite the attention et.., CASH AND PROMPT SHORT TIME MYHRE! -- • 1.858. ' 611244 m "JAB. R. CAMPBELL & 00., No. 804 ;MARKET STREET, ISIPORTERB 'ARD 'WHOLESALE DEALERS WRITE GOODO, , LINENS. BLANRETI3,,AND NORRION AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS GENERALLY.'; 'BWW4m 11.15LTEN18,i , WOODETIFF, No. 826 MARKET STREET, Have now opened and are daily, reuelving a choice Stook of BGka and Fauoy Goods for Vie PALL TRADE, • Considine of . BLACK AND NANCY DRESS BILKS, iBONNET AND-VELVET RIBBONS, DRESS ObODS OP EVERY -VARIETY, WRITE GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES, - - ~ G LOVES AND MITTS. - • - LADIES , CLOAKS, BRAWLS, MANTILLAS,Ito. - . To which they Invite -the ationtlon of Bayern gone. • ati2o.lm SPARHAim, DuxTpx, - & WIIRTS, Boa IddIiKETITAZET At* BELLING OPP their EPOCH ORfAP TO oLosifstratitnes. • • GREAT IND,IICEMENTS_ WILL ID 0 FFF F D TO CASH BOYERE: The Stock aintilite of • STAPLE AND DRESS GOODS, And Is lege and well selected.. aul9-1m ALEXANDER & KNOWLES, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS HOSIERY. GLOVES AND FANOY ' GOODS, (Hvz immovep io) Na. 480 MARKET, AND ABS MEROHANT STB., And have Just opened .4, NEW AND OCIMPLZTN STOOK - 01-GOODBi expressly adapted, to 7t,41;:1; . T • B To which the attention of Mein oustomens and FIRST 01,911XITERO LI Invited. anl7-dtnovi : josaue ' • N. W. 0014 7 / 1 1 . AND ifill.Kfa PHILADELPHIA, Via now ope- OHOIOB_AIPD ZNTIRELY NEW STOOK DRY - GOODS, „ • - /Mg 5A1*4 1 . 0 7, BEGULAIkt P*IORS, To irtilpy attention of Buyers from - of the country. , aul7lm 1858 14iiit: Gpops. .lBsB . , PALL' IMPORTATIONS,' 3:1112.00, Zist:ElS, iSv "ONi,MWX-rFulia, ASI =Rut STREET, • . , SIB COMMERCE. ST REET, . ... . : , PHILAIRLPIMA, .. , Rive now in Motif, liar complete , - .• • IMPORTATION OP NILE AND TANGY GOODS, To which the attention of the TRADB la Invited. anl4-2m .. - NirTLNS, PEDDLE, & HAMRICK, IYYDBTBEB AAD 11( HOSIERY, GLOVES, and FANCY NOTIONS, No. 80 NORTH FOURTH STREET, FIVE DOORS BELOW THE MERCHANTS' HOTEL, Offer for sale the most complete stook of goods in ' their line to be found in the UNITED STATES, Consisting of HOSIERY, of every grade, GLOVES for men, Women, and children, eorotrising an assortment of over 800 kinds, • UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS, LINEN ItOSOM:SHIRTS and COLLARS, LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKEROHIEVR and SHIRT FRONTS,' - LADIES' ELASTIC PELTS, with okkaps'of entirely new designs, With an endless 'variety of Notions, to .tibickt they invite the attention of • FIRST CLASS WESTERN AND SOUTHERN sunas. „ anl4-6w MEN'S PITRNISHING GOODS AND TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. lii)NOO'OPE & PEARON, . " - 9 'SOUTH FOURTH, ONE DOOR BELOW MARKET STREET, Rive in store a full aseortment of Men's Etualelling Goods and Tailors' Trinstangs, to which they Invite the attention of Clothiers aid Merchant Tailors. minim FALL STOOK . < BILK AND FANCY GOODS. HERRING & OTT, N. W. Corner of FOURTH and MARKET STREETS, Have now in store a splendid assortment of . SILKS, RIBBONS, AND FANCY GOODS OF_ THEIR OWN IMPORTATION, To which they twritethe attention of TIRST•CLASS BUYER/3. stas.hm QIIINTIN 0.&31P1,2ELL, Ja., & 00., IMPORTNRO AND JODDININ HOSIERY, GLOVES, and PANSY ROODS, No. 'MI MARKET STREET, • Northeast Romer of TOURTR R. A. 01110ZILVOND, mll2-2121 FALL STOOK OF, CLOTHING CHARLES HARKNESS A SON, No, Ski MARKET STREET, SOUTHEAST 41ORNER OH FOURTH, Have now in store a large and' splendid assortment of HALL and WINTER oLOTRuig, Manurial:wed ex pressly for the Southern and Western Trade, which they offer for Bahian the beet karma for Mali, or on the tonal Credit. . BUYERS are Invited to call and examine or them seises. , ara246m Eliasainnana anb Copartnerabipo rifOOPAR'iNERSHIP H R,E T - 'OBll existing between the undersigned, under the firm of GRAY STALEY, was dissolved by mu test cement "on the 2d instant. The business of the late firm will be settled ,by E,/fORGE W. (MAY. ANDREW, STALEY, 4E0E4E19. cu - g. rtpulaybii ' ,Atigust 11, 1868. (mown W. illtAY 111.1 continue the Brewing but& -MSS at the Old established stand; No. 21 and 28 Booth &met Ile hoeoonstsaNy on bard old Brown Stout, Porter, andlle. - anl7 tnth es-12t inpAITL'S FARINA CRACKERS. .1 • Ask for PAUL'S FAUNA. ONAOIiBRS if you want the pure unadulterated article. It is evident from the increased demand for them, that PAUL'S FARINA ORA.ON Snare more generally used in the sick room and nursery than any °them • Principal WhOleaaleDepotat J. H. WEBB'S, No. 523 South EIGHTH Street ) and of Grocers generally. . sel•R, SALOON, Cor. VV of THIRD Striikand HARMONY Court, tom been °lolled for ieyeral days' past in order to be regenerated and disenthralledi--.11 will- be opened on TUESDAY next, with latpreisinents- and alterations which will astonish the town:, The host bee thrown his soul' lain the task of renewal, and we.think that, hie efforts will meet with - unlylsal approbation: When reopened, it will be &Model - se7-6t FALL GOODS. " • . • MARTIN 8c !WOLFE.: 283 MARKET - DRY GOODS. ' . , FALL STOOK.: PITMIA - N, JONES; & Oco., No. 216 MAREET'ETBEET, Tunoban To -No. 204 , 911LTR0K ALLEY, Hem now In atom a COMPLETE OTOCK SEASONABLE % DRY GOODS; To which they Inflte the aitention•of 'Boyers from , all parts of the Union. aul6.lra VAN UIILIN;,,Bi GLASS, IMPORTERS , • WHOLESALE DIIALERS'/N; ROSIERY, 'GLOVES, - - - PANOV'GOODS, Sco., PIO. 428 MARKET STREET; - , AB,GVE" FOGIITH, • • - - PHILLDAPRIX: . aulS-21n J . T. WAY & 00., Nos. 221 MARKET greet Ina 10 0311.111011 Alley IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS The completeriees of their Stock, both for , - VARIETY AND PRIDED, Wild be found to offer advantages to buyers, unsur weed by any' other in this country. r an.ll-8m NEW FALL S'llooll.-.4 McCauley, Brother; & Brewster, HAYS bet opened an entire neintook el HOSIERY, 4LOVE9, '4 AND YANOY GOODS, 4 to which they Welte the attention of xet•elan buiata Our stock Is particularly adopted to SHAPLEyiIi, RUE, & 00., WHITE HOODS, • LINENS, )11KBHOIDBRIES, LiOD HOODS, • No. 829 BARNET STREET, 'PHILADELPHIA MEN'S WEAR. DE 00IIRSEY, LAFOI7ROADE . , & CO., Have now in Store their of the grisliest novelties of inch goodi, to which the attention - RETAKE OIISTOICORR ♦ED TRADE - IS INVITED-. TIM • L. HALLOTELL Sc 00., IVI. UM'S ziOW In .tor the' lamed and mod atttgotlta SHAWLS, , biANTLEB, - . 'AND OLOANO, to be tonal in the olty They - have also an unusually handsome variety of FAKOY DRESS GOODS, An erstolastion of their stook le solicited from OABEI AND SUOBT OREDIT BUYERS ONLY •uBl•tn'th fri at UTTR; , TETT, SEXTON & SWEatdtiPTGEN, • 7 Offor for 4ale at thole Store, •• • • No. 409 MARKET STREET, NORTH SIDE, THE 14TEST PALI! STYLES of ' _ Imported 'and Home MintiGININA DANOY DRY GOODS, , Oonalatlng or= • • DRESS THINKING/3, • ; THINET RIBBONS,ItCTRIO of all kinds, and ,materiels for them. HOSIERY IN GREAT VARIETY: UNDNREIHIRTS, DRAWERS INIAWLE4, • COMPORTS, Ladies and Children's BELTS,OAITERS To all otwhioh we invite the attention of • FIRST-CLASS BUYERS. aollam „ JOHN B: STRYKER & 00., - 310 MARKET STREET;' WHOLIBLLI DILLIIIS IX BRITISH, TRENCH, AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS AND CARPETS, BOUGHT AT AVOTION And will be sold low for cash. sul7-lor SMITH, WILLIAMS, & CO., WIIOLEBALB DBA,LEBB FOREION AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, - • No. 518 MARKET STREET, Are now oomiantlyreoelving • /VW S.EASONAB/i" GOODS, ' Of Dbetrable Styles, from the beet markets Ot this Country and iurope. , The attention of puralimeri to solicited. lunette° BARORM & CO., • ' - - (Noe. 405 and - 407 MARKET . STREET,) IMPORTERS • AND I ' OBBERB OP DRY GOODS, Would give notice to Buyers ; - . IY Relay anaemia be inn ootterair, That their arrangements for the r . FALL; TRADE - - ARE NOW COMPLETE. aull.-6w CLENDENNING's DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS, TABLE COVERS, TABLE NAPKINS end TOWELLINOS TO THE DRY 000 DB SIBROHANTS: GRAVIAMIIN: As I have bestowed more than %mai expeose and labor in getting up this article of Damask Table Damask in thm country, and have succe•ded In (=drifting an article equal, and in some respect" impe der, to the imported one, at a much less expense, I trust that those who have a ,dlsposPlon to encourage AIIERIOAR Eursarales and American labor will not forget my address. JOHN OLENDENNENG /c 00., ARAMINCIO MILL, FRAN/130RD, - PHILADELPHIA. P. El.—Those who travel-and supply COuntry Trade will end it to their advantage to call at the rectory before purchasing elsewhere. Parties wishing to buy, and cannot make it convenient to call at the Factory, will please send their address, and they will be waited on with samples of the above. seB.lmlf LINENS, , QUINTIN OUIPHILL, 72 WOOLLENS, A full sod general assortment of . • 121 CHESTNUT STREET anal-tu th gait BAILEY & CO., VORIIIIRLT - BAILEY A RITOHEN, Beim retoomi to their new Firelnoil, White Nerbie • - More, , 819 0/1:88T1 17T. STREET, NORTH BIDE, BELOW THE GIRARD HOME • Now opening their fall stook of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND YANOY GOODS, To which they Invite the ittentlon of the publle. SILVERWARE, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND BROWN STOUT.-40 casksFinsi & imported direct from' toidO u ; is store and for ails by way: H. TRATON; non 130IITH fIQNT strobb. ID rp tti DRY G00D5,... Are now fully prepared for the FALL TRADE. , 28 NORTH•FOURTH ST: MIA SOUTHERN TRADR IMPORTERS (335 MARKET STREET,) PALL thIP.ORTATIONS, 388 MARKET STREET,' assortment of end other artielee In their line taholesale Miry 045ocate. STUFF GOODS, BLANKETS, VISTINGS, ka., &a FALL DRY GOODS for sale on favorable terms by WRAY &,GILLILAN, /Matt4eo, Jewelrg,.&r. PEARLS, AT WIIOLNBALI AND ENTAIL —ArP,r,Bst!e,attb to tit. - . . .-- . in TO-RENT.— Cnlitlg,lNTisq,Nihl2B MIL North DELAWARE avenue;NitlifloOr eitending through' to Water aired, well adopted for StroCel7.or Flour business. Rent E4l/0 Iar.SOXIDIn. • ,, ApPly - on premlees.• ( 1 110 ICE •COTTAGL SITES,_;WITUIft . three minutes walk. of two Stations on Philadel.• phis and Germantown Itaarnad(for sale cheep. - Apply at !mum of TINA Street and Plank Road, or at No:-23- North SlithEibeet, to • - - • - - eired-ite* - ' T. L. LITTLRPERLD. - FOR , SA.LE.—A handsome reeldeice s jam -wi t h the modern improvements, large aide yard, greyer:o'i ete, ,SIXTH', near SPRANG Qd.RDEN Street. easy:: - Ps K. WED; s)j South SLEW Street, (eeocitd story:) FOR • SALE OR -EXOFLANGE:=A Zia handsome neir inansiOn,llo mogul, and 40 • sores, neirfawynedd Btation,t North Pommylnnis liailroad. Site splendid, fruit abitudent, health unmirpissed. Any parson really. desiring ithsuda o m o mitt* Beat IP etchings for eity property, - -win.find this an nnusital opportunity of accomplishing his ohliit :ApPly to H. LYNX', 53( South SlXTELSt4l2o4eitery.),'lml4-Ito. 414.. TO RENT—The newito:ii;frifnit'Starei,;, Ala No. 246 North Third street, above TWO, with the use of Shelving, Counter, ace. Suitable toetistesifhole sale Clothing, Notions, or any other busineen,;:Terme love. Apply at:No. 262 North ,TELIB,D Street' three doors'above. : ' FOR SALE.—A, pretty nottage,r:laiffo Ea rooms, and one or more some on Wybniing ayenUi, two miles out the &mond street Turnpike. Atm, mi nd tmodsome Cottage lots The neighboriniag healtby, , .beantlfed;-and 'rapidl immuring.. P. rr., L'YND, ffoPth ( 24 story.).. , onl4-Xnt • BE 'LET;—On account of removal glill. to imineir'otoivo, the house No.. 4tri OIPISTNETT, below Binh etreet. , _Poiseesion army be hed about tie drat of October. The potation is one of the most desi. Table lu Philadelphia. - • to For terms of lease apply. — 50.134t0 _.4 •Lg,OALIIWELL"&' 00. OFFICE: TO - LET. •.:AN - ELIGIBLE ; OF.; -TIDE for an Dienrimoi Companyi or iiini p aroor. , potation, having three communicating ,rooms ' on the mane floor, No. -Sta WALNUT ,Street, abatis DOCK. Immediate poeseseton given. Apply to . , ' - ENNNER, . , THOMAS T. Binoaßlii' 112 RolithrPOUßTg Otieet;- ; - inhllo.tutha•tt.. ,k•o66ndittoilefrOßt-rootn. ' WASHINGTON-SQUARE :SOUSE rtf TO'llENtionth He of Spume tfon 104 t In perfect order eatable tot a prefeesl64l man. fie74411/teat3t* ' • dim ' FOR _SALE—Valnable Real - Estate on . 11B.Noith Third striel,lnolidingTUßßß STORRS on Third street Nos. 422, 424 and 428. Also, two fonr etcny. BRIOB BUILDINGS on Dillwyn Wee:. Nnr.'4l7, 49; 421. Let 60 feet front, extending in depth 178 feet to .I)lllwyi—nets anzmal rßntfilear of taxes of abOut smeoo. • W.ll. - LXVIOXV aull-lm , 80 North arra street: .TO RENT—Ocuntipg:flouse,No:lBo. JIEI North' reklaWara Avenue with' floor Ole:Writ through to Water street. Apply to • • , 40EN KENNZDY-/k Aug lB2 N. Delaware Avenue. 1 4 1011, SALE,--A valuable LOT, in ttici vici i? silty of the Baltimore Depot, In an- linproving neighborhood. Far partionhas, address I. IC., Box 927 Post-offies. •' - " '' - '7776 • Oozing itlacbttc9. WHEELER & witaati SEWING HAOHINES, OIIPERIOR TO ALL 0T470A8 PAMILIKS, TAII,C4IB, bIIES6AIAII2IIB, PLANTUBS, . BUILT-MAKERS, 'AND ALL STITOMING AP WOVEN Every kind, style, site; and patter of these nntlyalled Instruments for sale at my office' at factory - priies. I glee the same commission as the Company to Sub Agents, and Merchants purchasing on orders. _• - " HENRY COY, Agent, 628 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphla.:.. And No 7 West Mate street, Trenton, N. J. a0.26-4nt „ - - LIARBIS'a BOUDOIR_ SEWING:, "MA= 111 1 ORiNE is offered, to the publio'actitemoit eelia ble low-priced Sewing Machine in use, _ 'twill sets in* six to sixty matelots to an inch, on all khuln olloode, , from coarsest-bagging to, the finest oembries.: It le, without exception, the eh:4lmA in via, mechanfeal'aion etmeticiu ever made; and can be run and kept in Outer. by a child of twelve pars of age. The nifitaiemtweof - this machine, and the Quaid* oP Pre wank, are Wir• rantetto be unscapassed by any other. Vita speed ranges from three hundred to afteenhturared stitches per :mu- Me. :The thread need is taket4treetly from thatipools, wt./moil rna mounim or nawrunrom. In fact, It is a machine that is wanted by every polity in the,,land,iid, the low price of - tit which they Judd, brings them within the restehtd almost every one 0. D; Jelltdem wiry ~ 2 . 0 South FiltifiTEfiltreet. iilliffiittat. - '- c • - • • IaA.R T SRO RYE'S • CITELE-AiTitE 'as . ' GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR AND REMEDY. FOR DYnPBPBIA, WEAR STORAOH AND WEAR: BOWELS. Prepared - by 'a Chemist. Bottles - 12X, 26 and 50 amts. , -THE GREATEST • DISODYERY IN AUSDIOAB SOIENOBI • HARTSHOTibititt CURE-ALL should he kept in all" families. to case of accidents or sudden. Sickness, • --ALL'-ALL enree'Rhennta — tilm. - • HARTeHOUNEWOIDELE-ALL'eures Oramps,Oholle t , Paine in the Stomach or 'Bowels. , t,- HARTSHORNZ'S OUBB•ALL - s einen Patna In 'the Limbs, 514 e. Back and Breast:- • - - - HASTSHORNE'S.OURR-ALL mire. Sprains, Bruleee, Salads and earns ; ' . • -•- HASTEIORNR'S CUBE-ALL - cures • -Neuralgia, Tootbsohe and Stiffness In the Joints. HARTBIIOIOiSIi- OURS-ALL cures Cholera, Mar. Aces and all Paid: ' ' /11,BTEIROBNWS DUBS-ALL ewe" TalAohertind Deafness from a cold. ' • • HARTSHORNE'S OURE-ALL • enrol Dyspepsia and Indigestion also, Canter and Sore Month and Sore Throat. tIeSTSHOBNPA IBURII;ALI, mires ell Spinel Ape tionrand liTealmess in Limbs. - - • • HARTSHORNE'S OUSE-ALL vie a great tonic to Weak - Stomach and Bovrels, and Improves Digestion. • irr As the frequent changes of the laugher product' a Ntd. Oold, Rheumatism, Pain in the Limbs and Body; al s o, Still Neck—every person should ' et a bottle. it eate a Nnon the Nerves, Muscles, Sinews, Blood, and g oul, by its warming ehettro-magnetic power, ex pd. a fi pa,‘.2 from the system. Gei a bottle and try it, and y ou will be astonished et its happy effects. N. B. It yol't have a Cough, nit ItAIITSLIORNE'S p ectora l S yrup 'Wild' Cherry, it is the beat Cough Syrup i n , the weed ; 'Bottles, 26 mad 60 cents; and It you are Billion'', use .11ARTSHORNWS - ANTl act open the Liver, Stomach BILLIOUS PILLS: 'Pbe7 and.Bowele, carrying mi!idl and Foul Secretions. Boles, 26 ante. Sold by -R. N. JBNKINS, incoprO-prid WALNUT Streets. 'Aimee , ' Stores, Chestnut and'ilarket streets. Clarrivee. Tenth and Coatsirfirnlet B : - Wagner% Tenth and Lombard eta. null-tis I tndtf if DR: BARNES' OAMPROBATED EXTRACT OP GINGER This Medicine has, by its own merit, gained s' great reputation. It Is composed entirely of vegetables, and is made from the formula of a distingalehed physielan, need by him in the cholera of 1832. - It does not sootain Opium in any form and never constipates the bowels. It is equally efficacious in mild and aggravating &Unfits of cholera morbue. Ithas cured 'cholera after the 4. ‘ rice water ,2 discharge had taken place. The cramps and pains of cholera morbns And' dysentery are in - • Imir minutes dispelled the stomach, and the bowels restored to a healthy action.. If this tensely were used In the premonitory symptoms, dysentery, that dreaded diatom, wouldtlud fewer victims. Read the recommendstiona of the railroad conductors who have used it for several years, in the Circulars. Por the core of NADSEA, NERFOUB DEBILITY, CRAMP, COLIC, FLATIILENOY, and SICK HEAD- A y ' CUE, it has no equal. sIitiPEPSIA of ever twenty years' standing has been by It. The weakest stomach, by twenty drops t e ci ,i, after each meal, may be restored too healthy . so- tion. tremor, the result of excessive drinking, is at on se e Wed. It has prevented attacks of delirium tremens. • Two 1r threw( stoles is enoiglito cure sea.slekriess. • It is moat IlliablOol di kind in' existence and is so pro,vmucod physlaianc. who' are using it te theirpree, tire: Ari AREYENTIVE - of d os e sßS ring .their voralense" jn Autimn, taken' In of thirty droe, when the soh and bowels are boast'. p!tted or a W OPpoeite gate. iS .will so prepare the system as to at Weenie anyllability to an attack even of Yellow Fever of !Typu9 l4 . '• Persona who h cove angered in health from Ague and Payer have been restored to health by thu wonderful remedy. No one t tOtad be without it. Prepared only at 839 011ESTNIIT.Bloreet. Bold at stores thra ailed 4tite P* - e m ery liberal discount Mad to re —o wad. 'KERT THE MECHANICAL BAL. • ta e of Manufactures a yarietv of . -7 • SUPERIOR FAMILY BREAD, To which are just added RYE, BRAN, AND MILK BREAD. Its purity is warranted, and for weight and quaiit, this Breal is tuuicallea! ,n - Nor ante at the Agencies, throughout the city, and delivered, when desired , at fire cents a loaf. 0. biAoDANlEL;Superintendent, eeT4t Corner BROAD and VINE Streets. jagtBRIDGETON.—The 'Steamer EXPRESS leaves ARCH Street Tues days, Thursdays, and Saturday., at 8N o'clock A. H. Returning, leaves BRIDGETON - Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 8 o'clock A. M Stopping at New Castle, Delaware City, Fort Delaware, and the watt Landings on the Oehansey Through tickets for Port Elizabeth, lifeuricetoom, Dividing Creek, Newport, Cedarville, and Fair*. se74m* PHILADELPHIA AND GRAY'S FERRY PASSlttil.alt RAILWAY COMPANY.— Notice ls hereby given that the thiid instalment to the capital stock will be due and payable at the office r f the Company, 606 UNLIT Street, on SATURDAY, the 18th that , between the hours of 10 and 2 o'clock. . eeo.l2t GEO. H. ARMSTRONG, EscPy.. PROVISIONS. - - -100 Bbla Mesa Pork. - 1,00 pre City Smoked Hams. 1,000 a " " Shoulder'. , - - 100bblnLard. For side by -. C. 0. BeDdilt.'ec CO., eel - Arch et., second dooi "bore Front SHERRY AND PORT WINN,=-80 qtrs. 10EIghtlut Ilanoony Ettorry; 20 gri—Piallie Port Wine, in bond and for sate by WILLIAM H. "V EATON, sob , 210 Nonth FRONT Stmt. MACKEREL —260 bble Nos. 1,2, and 8 Maokaral, now landing, and for We by • - 0. 0. RADLER tr. CO., eel lir& at., second door above Prone.' C./NANO; GIIANO.-200 tone, part of,the cargo of schooner Dazzle, for sale In lota to suit. temple can be seen by applying to CHARLES MIDDLETON; parlitia - WILLOW Street. below Second. CHEESE. -106 boxes Herkinter county Obsess now landing, and for sale by • • 0 0. SADLER & 00., Bea - ARCH Street, 2d door above Front,' TORAGE.—Storage ; gate be obtained at a fair price In the Wardhonse, No. 9 North Water Street, or In the aaaotat - and third stories or No. 108 Arch street. by applying to O. 0. 81DLBR & 00., seB AMOR Street, 41 door above Front. FiIAR,RITOII, AND OAKllM—Oonstantly JIL on band, and for solo in lota to snit orchmers, by 3y94' WEAVER, TITLER CO A N 093 R. WATRTt St. and 22 H. WHARVES. MAOKEREL.-800 bbls. Nos. 1, 2 and Mackerel. For'sale by • 0. C. SADLER b 00., see - ARCH Street, 2d door attar, Swat. - ITALIAN HEMP—A large stook of Italian X. Hemp on hand; and for eel° by WZAVEIII., RULER & 00., .• /it,. 23 North Water street. and as 7 No.-2,atiortAMILIONNA. gittiita . ..: ' '2" ILVAITI`ED—S - s' . v v lessADry (feuds West. , •••-, eislary:' Mast Wilte,rap,idly,ind bo.dentelii--::: • dge-ei Address, with refereneeril end f dap ':•10,0,3t5,,, • . - WWNTEDQ—EIy g Youtig Mau; a' Situation ,•I , v e Oriiceilqiiire:Triacknoii4dgect the big: new, and Is - willing to make, bia'itnag - pnarigly 1.1434ke the Rehimin and.Engnahlabituages Good isto , recce 4111 be gly,!2,llfime!yegiemi,l,B,l4lhitis*Ozo.6:4- AcTIVITIr - - • . r ino IGENTL EILEIC:—A,,Ifidy-bayOg .olentlarhitniatolS_Lshii ini roes or laadlint otia. tha 00 . oae hr more gentlemen 100 '' will hewers' reeponslbto for 'the 'relit...Tbe ;lable far - - mega, either in fall or Jul:art, szid.qi - ewholahonse. =held arringenivntl i will heoirefittly 'attended N4 o ' har., - ;.': on refinish's . termsrAddress L. In A. PrOXA 021 ,0 0 ."i . " , •?' • WANTEDA. Tow* Jihin,:who has'orpe7::= Renee ixisedlingeolidshyriaixiplestotassaltbroagr, the ; Wont and santh and afoot - saes en Onatieition; Brest co/tampion at this Waco. - 4e9.141 , : ;,VITANTEO:I- By, a middle-aged - !Engllah." , Iry maa;a littliat'onas*aitir or OasoliniThui , at BLERICTIL'AII.y, No. It; ? -- - 7, 7=raga - A 7 ' V BP" ANTED—By eyckung able-1)64M Mat; a Situation le Driver. ,llpderetaude the liOniee, and can give good referedoec'Apply Arabi iPar '0f:524 ;PISTE Stybalow Lombard et.-- - . A.NTED-Ltif - a - Yining Mania. Situation 'Assistant Book-keeper or ..)1111itry Clerk In- a :Wholesale .7 - ebbing nonce, unereepticaaable references, given: _..tLdotrfuts J. D., office of this-paper:, - , r deg.gter-_ -v‘ T A.NTED—AlPraettcal a small amount of capital, to go-to - the State 0t ; , , , ," - ; Near Jersey, in GlOtteadeirbounty, but a fesilacwre , .. ride from Philadelphia, td - take - Alamo •of unimprovadj' •-• tract of good land for" a term of years, without seat,,", binding himself to - makealitiiiii.',lll4rovenTlinits ovary !7 year, and having the ciption - orbnYint' the' etym . ' 0,25. reasehable•terms,- Sor pirt-fa.Wg-fs4dresiE, at' - - firstlatt.-400-!iiitsper : -v , Tr wanted. .Beferencex AZirpea X4 - -Y.r j st 2 -rr:fe.l4. rro DRUGGISTS,;:-A: . z.JL-b.e an experienced Druggist id vestal ;Dr Wore ip the wougt,,antwho eanlornlth the iniatinuri• : ;Ceptionahle references ai to ehersoteriminapahttities • would wish to matte an engagement Y 'earliaa 1.- Pieaselo.Addrees DROZICIPT, pare' of. Rex, corner. gRANK i Olitillifed and WOOD, litmaetMilykhdPiiia t , _ v of $l,lOO. tojoin in etiite -And neis: Address PAR stating,Wifido,l4 - 11, /MSISJ;; 4 7.,- interview wilt be convenient. S . J A,INDErgTitIOUS :YOUNG. MAN fr om, - Abe country, capable of mulcting eicai. a eltiatfOoJe . .ll'Jobblarlitiuss;„ - too4erace ailay,expeoted.- LADY, 'competent to instractin the tisuat,:;l,= ,431. English bralichisitiigethWAith mini deetre3 A stkatbin - asfkrvaineAs his:prititts - Addrpes A. LEWISBURG. P. 0., Val= Go 4 ' P a: - = • NV ANTED;7OII, THEI7NITED STAI47II nnemnied men; ',le' • whom win-be, given 'gala Inky, .board;eletbing, and medical attendance. Pay fro $l2 to - 137 f per month:"m':', No man burring a wife or ekild be_aeorsp_ted:^ApplfZ , for MOUNTED KERWIN" _at Pip' 817 I . e . ,!•Rw etre" ;, above Eigittbrx!rtlk N tat Lient.Ed*it,ef Oavalry,fr. " inmraitinglElear. --~ ~3aa ' sDittg nOARDING.K Getitleinanatid-:;lV,if . JLiv and twollingio eitletatui`iicia be.aodosoropitstod.: with comfortable Booms and:tood Board; with family itollißßAY,StritaVaboro,sistaantb , Went to ltritints!Cleattalitohool: -. 4d, dfoiss; . - thin office.'6oB-6141±, > 91musemeAti.: MRS.. D . P. BOWERS ,2I WALNUT-ST. T/33/ATRY!, - coixteT of 1/IBTII ITALT/TIT:; THURSDAY RVENING. - September - LOUISR•DR LIGNX6OLLAS. Henri de Ligaeroiles, Perry;;Lwariptildr:Rith. , -,-, inge; COI. De Gliri6,lffr CropwavrLduirede Hrs. Hovers; Cecile de - Dirty", - - To eonelnde with - WAITING /DR Att,OHNTITIR;irr'.. , ;‘`L: John Horatio 01 Virsiteri Mr. Prank Die"' ; Prices of adtaission—Setiond Tierand - and Third Tiarl'26- mitts; Parq,nitOTX ettater.Drise , °lrate - 60 Gents; 'Private Bozez, - -leeordlitg -to their. iereie:63 end 66; Singhi Beal in' Oithestra and Priv ate ate Boleti 76 edeu.• - - • - - - - Dome open et 7 &cloth; Certain riseeal TX o'eloati...P WIAATLEY & • QLARIC.V S :ARDEE-82% 4 , . . H.RATRlS..—Wpienilt:TrederiCks, - AriOzorand OLsgilidsnager - ' • ;," THURSDAY RYINING:Seembet - SUB WOrLD AND SUB W OULD NOT. - Don Minultd Gilbeitt; Don Octarlo. Mr ., SharaUpDari - Loois~Dlr . Wiig3tl - ' lrar -' panti, Mr. Ciliate; Dones ,- To conclude 'del 013/NER • Agues. De Ve[e, Mes: . • Aamliclon: 2l.cctsAlPoisreddiceireluDresstikele;Wirl Orchestra Stalls, 60 eta • - Satirist Prtwite Boxta, - - eta; Gallery,-18 areeGallery for:Colored Perscnisl96test Private .Box in Ostler, fouSlolornd yens - n0v.66 obi WhUle Prientello243.' ==. - Doors open UST &doer. corm:penes Mfg, Prietiqt4 WELOH's , 14ATIONAL;:-TIMATRE ; - 7oiseih' 0 . Poster, Sole Or: • - THUBSDAT:4IVEIIIift#, pteMber(l4)ls6s, MIZEPPA, • Oaetellan of 'Leurenekl, Mr„.J 'Johnston :;;NisOpp., l Mr. Okes,-Voite'r•, , Mn.tr Le To opnq.ade with-Morton , ' - Sleeker, Melifo!en.Oreckeii" . Tickets •of admission,- 26 - lientot Ocehestra- -- chairc: 8 4 :r walk • Bebt Box, 75 cents) :Whole 7;t0,;,55 $5 11113,21 1 , .eireN Doors oPeilXt T o'clock; aotrapen'eci - -. at QTAAHOSUII CONCERT - - APLI M - TEitN94l • . - FARE WELVOONOBILT,IN Allf1111.10A.: - .. f • M. STRAK.OBOIi hae_thWhonot tOswnennowthattfur unpreeedentedleneassi ~wisloh, a ttended'AVLLEl ROCilll'apputianee in Opera and cionded In every part- of the .lignaid States has Waned hire to engage this— dietlnguleked and tnost - popnlatartiettr-forherlarewelll tour in thilOonntry. - - ' '- -The - Brat of her Farewell Oonwor l a In Anier*wik take Omaha Philadelphia, .' ' - - • .. ON TIIESD&POINPTA.4, THE 1117810 AL FOND ' Piritcalarsl,6,future sdiixtblementa. AMERICAN ACADEMY - OF IoIIISIO-- -; The public ii rove:MA* intortned that the eel,- heated and popular RAVEL COMPANY, _ under the direotion of the Brothers Gabriel and Ma- „coil Ravel,) with the unequalled denser* MLLE YROA:MATHIAB, -will mike their first appearance, at the above establish.' went on or about „ MONDAY - RUINING, Dept: ydth. - Gabriel Ravel ,is his - 'return -froin Europe, whither he has been toinakeseveral additions to their, alre . ady . powEasta, AND itrtautottalcibtos, c•-• Franeole , ltavel has been Toribice time actively-in. gaged in, an t ferintending the neesswily automat?, eon- MEOHANIOATi AND SONNIfi PRODIiCiIONE6 to that neither labor nor expense will be anaied in ran• tiering their representatione every way w.rthy 0011, continuance of that liberal patronage which they have hitherto enjoyed. - - N.lE—lfullpostionlarswill hereafter be announaed. CONOERT.If.ALL._ - - NOW BLNDNitBONII '9IOANTIO ILLIIITITATIONS AILIBBI Representing the most important iiventa of the late War, conaludnig with-the' • •- • ' • - • BOMBARDMENT AND DIIBTRUOTION, , BRBABTOPOIi. • Admission 25 canto; children 18 canto; -colored Pert eons, to gallery, 25 mite -- ljE• Bee programmes, OMEIIFTVIEIETIEkCtitiS ohnitiiii liorthwesttionier L a -, 31 - sni - juor-quieritqy' NIGHTLY. Comprising gems of Opera and beirPcbtag ballads by Mae JENNY WENN, and Miss PROT :I=iquAti: Glees, °home 9,ldadrigala, and. lannt - ettnaA It•tbo REEIRLAIL and XOELEIOII. COMPANY, , ' , i among whom "are _ _ Mews. MOVER, RABBET, Oco., fr.o. The WHOLE interepensed with ETHIOPIAN DELINEATIONS, by J. H. 042.1PEEItL, and others. ~ • • Dunes by Idles lIIELINOA NAGLE, and Comte gongs by - - ' - - ' ' Mr. GEORGE. W. W H EN.' - - : . Commencing et* beforo 8. .10mission-40 oente--' e3.6t* 'NATIONAL HALL—MARKET STREET. NOW OPEN J. Ismoo WitAumes celebrated PANORAMA OH THE insp. _ Thls magnifieent PAI.N TING commeneet with a te, and continues dozen in historical order to, the Babykr., leis. Captivity, eantaluing,more7 than fifty of the =oaf aod latereetino scents to _Blida. , 'elm *VERT , BVSNINH: Dciois Opep st t ito at 738 o'clock precisely:. _ - , ents—to be had at Hall door. Children , Nil Gauls. • . • on WEDNESDLY- snit for families and aoltoola; Doom ‘t 8 prenisely..l.- - _ :1011§Ilt - 1111 bl, Exit, commence Tickets 25 under 10 yearn s, Also. Exhibition, DAY AFTERNOONS . open at 2; to commence a -.Explained by Professor Ti. BARRETT's GYAittASIC . BILLIARD ROOM, -- ~ „- .. --. PISTOL AND RIPLI4-GA '` u fitir• Wm open on MONDAY, September Stu, **.,,, _No 804 MARKET Street. -, - • "..,1-‘olll* Q.ANFORD'S. OPERA - ROUSE, ELEVENTH Sheet, above CHESTNUT • • Open for the Seaen, With the lu TROUPE' OW AMUR IN • THE it WORLD. The Entertainments nightly offered by IiANFORD'd TNOLPEI comprise allthe latest Songs; 01. es, Deetbi.ehorrta Refrain., Dance. Sallete , &o lutenTereed with WIT AhD- ELOQUENCE., . • Ia faot, v alt the Vocalism of the day is produced by - - mum, ?ONO, A. 12 POETRY.. The whole under the management of Mr. S. $, SAlt. FORD. Admisaion 25 cents. toms open at 71f e'elools • per— formance to commence at 8 o'clock. saa•lea JAOKSON, - JOB , PRINTER. au Removed to FIFTH AND CHESTNUT STREET A WNINGS I AWNLN GS I ' CA- JOSEPH H. FOSTER, Awning - Maker, No. 448 North THIRD Street above Willow. Italian and French Window Awnings for Dwellings and Offire Win dows; Awnings for Stores, Awnings for Steainboaia and Ships All kinds of Awnings Tents, Flop. or any thing in canvas, made fo order byJOS RPH IL BOST SR, Awning Maker, No. 449 North THIRD Street Red donne. No 340 South Front Street - se7-Im JOSEPH H, FOSTRR: POSTPONEMENT.—The opening - of, the BILLTARD SALOON; 8:w corner TirI , LPP . Pi and OttESTNII I' Streets, is unavoidably coatponed until PIIIIRSDAP EVENING, September Oth, in amt.. quenco of the loatilitiof Mr. Mlehael Phelan, Mr. Karanab, and, others from New Pork; to be preaent bero , e that time. - - - " iIOTOR SPEPHt. w D, OEIVED PER 'SHIPS WINDWARD and' SYTTRNDB MAI, a. fall assortlitent rof WINES -and COONao from the .well-known house 0. Woy, dsA.rondel, to CO., and for sale, lo bond, by F. D. It*IGOIRAMP: - 217 south FRONT Street; .- - Bole Agent for Messrs. 0, Leßoy, d'AronAel, le chiii ee7-01AS
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