-•Ase VfN---Y• priaw.. , Ar. -- tr"Aiiiiiii ,) - - , -A -s"l.7liitilr.llo.-.....-.,- - -40-1.4&14..:', ri.,?-' , .. , .• -1 ,- .: , - - s---- zcf';' ,, . :-.,' I)..ootAlrito oll7 = ii titio:4o3l p t kiPl;'' l !;•('i, l -.N‘I ~,,:_plituiio"ol,4 0;0411.* i 1V., : _,4,a): - _,- - 0, 4i .141)7‘,. frit, -.- 554wiimpot-4 -- „ -- 5.!*„.1,-.<.&. 7 :1,- 3 ,„ ~,, , -.<1.-1 , -, 1 ' 1 0 1 .;$ I& lk- --MS' •,,,v.l.irifkAv.4-111,,r.1 4ftair„,o;?ll)#l%<4._ta,,,-.A < .:.< - -;<!•:971?-% .7 - ,;•,= I, :itypipp. , ; -- kitit...-xJ.l.:ilgE4Ste ; f4,, - 4,- , t ,,,tfii , -,,2A <, , ,, ;k7,1601: - Jurf.p i pill, :-V4-22 . 1 2 -*.4 4A6trai '',-- ablicoAk-ERAWMP!!4;.!•f11.7_,,,,,“. -,..,',7,... ~ , , ii i v .. t0k05tw......-1,,,,,--4tf.,5,,,z,,, --;.-gi.iiiiiitk6. ~,,•'l','itv—kolitpßpifficalfelit'oll474ttu -Y - -•,- ‘.. 1 . , ' ' --- . - Ick;Vstrfot - 411 - 8 T 4 A1' ( iiiiL1101"1.10-,1,- '_ ~' GENERAL-BU ~ ~ j i1, w ., 4w4 ,., . 0 ; ~ .-1 3. 415.,,1 ! •' - '";. - ii oide-iiti,..*53.-Vtolll4--4- ;•'-:..•„...;:k ~,4•1..-„‘t...ri-* OUR • 3 ' Itittilellaiii. , :v. - . , ,73% -• -_,J , . "y ~4;14,74,1,...4?1,,T!,,,,,p-•.,..,,r..--.1,--0:-0,-,..r. ,• : ~;:; .. P0 AR.z:910T0444P6•/:3,; 9 : ,, 1 . , , '' ! -r ,L 11w ”0:r vll2c•tf”-. )ri -Tun 'NEW 4 A4- , 7 4 ! „ b1i0 0 R4; 1: .-,, -,-,-. ' ':l-'471*143- ` l*l ' - Tiiiv -' Aiigitiollisi, .„-.0.1. zlooltpTottprit,o 9 l:4o .--,:igioP,UpOi*Ott S - 001 N17,!;!;°-, : i... i<.<-- , 7 - - • , ,:lcotrattisllt gdpedo<t:.,--- ~ . ~,.._.,,, BALL.'io"rll.-11 " :1 ' T-41:3A/ Tr- t ...-, ;,,,;, : , ,:rf.: c214140111001.1* 0#1, 1 5., ,,7- : VOSN,.%; t ly'lj* ; ,,;; •?,, _.4 - <. ' - -I: l 4 l. i'll' r . 1i'.4 1 . 4 1 4 4 4 1 ffk . ;j , , - .,7 ; %-.,„ • =,.: iiattlatOifin4T4 * -111 tq , V1Y . ,.:',-;:::-4,-. :,;,ii*NCl,CßKEZElVAktoifilltleTif-F- A%;;i;:,'" , " ' , i! :; :1111121 00 !:14 010 * 104114 1IN*11A1.47Av E°L",.41 ~•:REPUBLIOAY CONTENTION IN ,*_Eijaivotaii-41; Ti ".l"4la4l*E rl4 l4 4 4 Bl T oiiii;'-iaillia,',' ll -tall *ta tt.l2l3 , , - 0.,,,g.11, - -. ,•,..,f 7 .-y, --",----.,-_,--,,,- -‘12105 1 0 - , „.41 1 23 - f'_,"- .'-`-- '': . ' , ? -1 - . ':'`,'', 7, Upltip ,7, 0 .4.<4: - za , ,e-,N4, , ,k!,4...ik ,••,?;‘,..., c; : , ,,.. .. 4-- `.-4k-EZO/C0P1.141:3-.,ki;TG4ii,! -•'.' VACtifxOM*44...ei)ALVTA9 ..-,, 4;Afitt***Lit.i_-,t,:-`:,.,`: ~:,::,.:6_. roarnt...BtAzzightew-'-':-'''-'i---iiiiief--: ..f.-' '' BYMNIPICTOt:#.TI9:7! AR, • < ..;,k4, -. THEVOrili - c_ u• -• ,4- _ - _ - ; . , - !,q1,,,:,,, 4 ,, ...i. -- . ,-, Tuji:lT.tallitdriiiitittv -1.,Y•?-i4,,,iiiiiirl•6l** --)24004.7.09;)1 !A ,,,,, • ,, :_.-:;, , ,;', - -.'-', ,-;,,,-,-,--„,,,,0),,vr.,:p-.-_,f,i-,1„Ikl•-x. ,Am.,:-;•y:',li.>,x,-,,:.,` - :•=. - -;. - -Patsgtili:# l *'rif(t'l":',' .? ,.,- • -- '.4 --- ...i,..,,i' - ' 4,- lirolMiliONAPYei , i, , ,-.. , ':- LETTER nmg t '' ii„.Y.0itk.1i...!,-- - ,.. , -t , 1.2,1', ill .-.,-- ~.--,,: ;'- --arc ..-r , -: n oiti * ,l --; , ':.-1../..-1; rilikiiiii FiIAN_,__CABV: II :.F.3%., -,. , : i‘ r.. -,;:-,,,,., :'LlartiltiliiiiriaaSoutrNTY, -, , 1 - , •.,..-1 _ .i.',9 -' , ANT.IiOS I W 4 - 43 5 **14 1 43, 1 ,f4.: , ..' , ..; c,..,--. C-11014( #l/91LEtia; 00)1)MX;34-,_,.'; ; ' lati'ilblp it*er.(0;39,01,010..,,,,..„ , '.' -;.-,-.',:,!..-_,;,11q);;!,-'33=','4. Xiiiikil• - .:: ',....-.,:,::='-, -I 1- - :,-;:i•,--.3,"---,-';',"--'31`4,3,-'''.T...f,3, , , i;: - i.3,.: A.> *- :,,-;,-itcOlllOlll4l54lAL T i - , W l •' , F-- iiii4. 2 ,. . - ::,k` ;:: :. ~-,-41070094.04Atr541,,A-!7_,,., : ...-.. -=,-, - , ~ilatuoitiwg: - -.-' 4 ‘ q- k `- --N ii;Asild*, ~.,-,fitotis4•DigltioAtioB,lnlia° , , , : -, . ,, , ,,i..,-y,:: _ ,-tloiti o rso A ri sf ikolLlGa,ll 4- a t'd . ;-0 - , , ,,, , ,,,.i'iC,3 4 i. :•,,..T.l::_i.4Titiiliitilliti,. ,• 1, - ,'LTE - WilitP '••;,51 - 01914 S Y-T tT 1- l edo lil e. 4 ' '..,: fitiltiltfert, R 0., N tr„4K1, 1 ,.,.. t < 4 1_,,,,i , ---.-- - • ' '-'' -,,-.-:.1.•„?,,-1q,a•:k,-i-,1,..:-.;i<„--i-.0.4,-- - _'• -;-.-7-`!rL7_':'-•:;t: Ifr i t - 4 6 , ti11 -- , : , -..-- ii , ii , ..pialilttr;o4*--1.424 Yvi:T4): 42 , 4 0 13 z 0n e 1 6 4 , ,_ . .iiircorßwrogg , t?f*Y7ik-Tr m,,:f. ~.i ;, ., ,. .. ' •. ~, tAKET:: 10 4 ,64 .A 4 T ,14 0'..z . " - -,3"' ; :ri kni iii 4 iiiii , ARRI URIW T o x, . -4 . 140 : 11 : 9 ' 4 !.. , .. 1 6:,., :,, .1,?: ' . . iqoix-VOILE '--1-' BUILDINQIif BURNING 0,--TET.,531,T.11!„,t,,,;,-,,,-„,..,-..,,r,i A.-)liniti"f:ii.:.•A-i7:Y,Y.1;,-,/,,'' iiiitF,Nf *A1,41- ' tin:B43XllDWlT,',l;)Fdi"'''77,4 - , * - I •''". r - e T ,-1 ..4( 04A 4 _6,,41M. A - -kl I F-_4 a 141 1 4 E , p T iON , M H ~:.•.*; T I , N t' A ' S _,? TletiiWiita44l4 . l4ll 3 A i r ,, rg:l73:- - Toff 3ltittimm,A7 ti k.fziom,ME4.ol,lok-„,,ifit'ty, PATit,*ll4gt'3s4v7lll' thifAmc - • RA 114 04;00E 1tC41gM',,'.,:4 "*iiili*g4E X" "l4° ' 44 " L;,,,!,;,:7 ' , ilE:otmiM-4821 1 3 1 iiMP0iO LiA - „,- j vER AtßrriCterPßAßgot,s --Exiduilmtfor-104t4.Z••,-"- A,lll3`irtAkAlMfi p -1112V1!R 1• k . ,, ., - ., DREFvEs,sotiNbuiewi-i4.r”,7,,,.12..,.,4,.:„r, . - --.J >,,,:; XAVA,I3 ' PEARL? - . 0 T. 1 - 4 :00:-; -, „-, ' :-..;i:'..•.;i-1,73.,;:,,,::: • -- . ... ,,,n-,• .: i.--, ' : : -- . 31- ItAiatlbilit,ii7":';• ; ;..-', 7,,,,,-; -- -..,::: ..:-;,.•-,.. :' -.-_; • ,, f _ _,- '; --' , - ~;,, .• ,' D i - f Xf . 4-t*(.,---- ,- - 0-)i- , -1,2 • , . - 0, . . - '''4: r -4 . ,-; ,. , . 40* --/.: ,. ` 41' a-..5t1,, ,4.i,:,..:* - EtDisPßltAkkai , la , 4:; 0'" -- n ;, ' - ,. , - ' - I„,•,,: -,_ .- ~- ' cogoloOtwomForgt t, :a-._!?- PllliiELMiA;4T,43,”4urc-;,„, STOOK QtiOTAT/918;'kff"M',-4 ,1 ! v - ,q:.4i„,.-p-: , lONErla*ArkiolltrCMl. , j„,,i, 14. t *il!tv . Alitklin4 l 4LPßXt - - : ~ 14,42_4g*,--. . .x),I. - „ -. ~.L i-3 „: ati ) l s 4oK l oX*74l; ' 1,,,, ';,,t'_'„ .--, ~ 'l l4 M' t kt#Vlo-<, : :. ;- ; lifs- -<, :-<-,,7‘.; . iiiill. 3 iiiiiii#oloo4kilgi,T,Aol: l : : , --...,--,--.. ~ llo*„..ta'xi[E;4.is44.-_ p-V,1P,44014.?4,-7.9-Frrt .4-IctopywoN t4,--,YI-,.,,y-,w-,r,...;;__:„ ,7,,,,&,..zi - - , ',' Xejitoolol44-ST#4"IgIP:I4 ~,,„:„134,..-,,,utiri, ~.--avAti iAreztptgrali,mk, - 4 , 406i4w601,014y0' -If t w = o•4444ll4litieti , o4xeCcierk4flfit beatrininterOtitlthefipterAhui erdetaa`eaniali . reitaTaawillintitedt" tlitriglesilikititt)i y tio et 1 0.90 ) -wolf/ ill Se tatd A rsl;ol r ° 6 l - 444 4.1* : , ;- 6 V4 411 - 46 , d ht * *4 4-4 aaVe `o° , tritritirtgi )14;0 or. 1 9 • • • Ar•rt• -, . s" - F q l , ll. r:447 " PrOPhit4 lll +4; tiqtatia; ; OspelhigAttit,)ohe'crabierlitek,-, 3.11 • r p3;7>.-. „ _ • cia4a7 l3 teadtwas Wafted, yeotorday, as tho Vemooratia eatelidete • for Confirirs from thlidedeidr:Abtriai.ind '_ O: Biilinbligrl nD Incited at Milwaukee, "WitaiiidOtthiatiritthlielln" eatididata*:‘ fel , 'Genf dhittie(Attliiit 1,01 v.f Atetfaddiet catirtat A e Wenneylviuthilati-: - aabriaidetdaY rear'Naitalllttitiltint; he'thi i l e il !) 4 : B o l oe,frileibt'leneeciie s ttee!ci(eif4eb - 41 : 4 0* ftoV;744s 4 o! ( ek 0 4 7,10* - . 4 trail. *Pi i'tjt#l_ 1911,e°10:*11"0";uf17- thjdo, 41/;94*/111tattalegt1,11f;#417.' 411g14',ioltof4;iito' onitlit.f of illt;zPublie AIM ta'regatd ',441 , -the non-reeilipt of doiroktohos over the Athletic pal** aainetinloatton hid bele de n im, za*frotwOkiid,fo.ps; " alebeettb tbe thindititrolindriierfcatit)ortlL , iottaimi peen It for several 'kayo." Ito osbl; is:ltiiOiiSt;it t° ,llo4 Mthe tiCurif4;thel4Pirtge• dial lttatiOri:ManSl elle Pe 1 4 1 AtY1' or,DO &Ugh Wbiah : Vt a itAi;Si ttilitfirtlKAOWide :/t*iti be ebeenA , ZlfiuetfAYo47,thfd - ~ otts4toitettO° 1 , 0 01 4 1.411R41 , 4 , vr; Th4sapeuelion rfotOrossuoh bettor ofylo% ttf sfeejtilreee, 211 -tatil,W - 7 1 1 31 in. dada albs in :doing ;Wens broltiOdlltikatitraitilighCatid, waddled ilthar So hatiAittitle fairedltiaeilvitit , jet , eineCfree o3oo . oll 7 0 1* • " : ". , ..../.. 1 1 7:104#4 4 . 1 4bWieTre*teT j# i elrelie' 114611411,0pidie.:--1.„, 4 q 3vikiiittrA lfiletaiigtoi"jitoe Mat' iestaral.* eenilitdod , sa;,! 4 treity?? with the Adeetthieb. Mebodeetbo l, :bediatni r whieh the tralt#7 _Weal yrlpite obaiwe 11011 instrtiot, for a 7/ar:gt, 16- ', l tberiei tbe`Afrielee dakitPftsilat gaze.' thiag Aear,4sosollle.:thre.:Ael74llo4Zlo4riiteet po34l , :iriV,i o iritnAreitsOidhAkto `that tkiiiiiPrltfrorniffirld ;Hf l l; f th* can ftfOTiiri'hitK Wei:Kited " .8 ;I L _A l ,*n thee ; ,` zt : 214 re ', 111 4/: bit , * no ,Stee; AS' to, the Deiniatatte•ditleattorhatteAxt'seath Cowes:, 1041diettiot'it Odd Stater:: Araiiiiitiltyisoetehlteir YtiihVallbeth ';liettbeve;:trilimisteti buldnetior imPitatlO 4 - lateakfteak 000040 all Amhara, an .t. , onwbbitevers in that doe-, 1 410:044110 'iaglifilfitY„ettGie adore MO hi* AttiV r )ir.o:einadOtatatitt fOr iloptz laf t ittuttl°4lo *;44 ll4. 4 4l '" 4°4 WistittftArkW*TChitthi4lololfilktftat!' trtrom rooikt.V • Aitirdo,titattf4 Pari*i'forefitli ' stittlllcoul434, • -, AO** lett :to IWO/ on WA 28th xlleelvedSki=Xttfi• agency, tluargootatoi ecrtnionv-, The" ji:tfro* Cign to the '**4444-314.1h5A.4 America :2 l .l444:4„attiV „ wrtiiiivtArf tifideratkid. Junito be paid.6, l 1 6 61 *gba*Ci f:tilsil*-0110#4ibil"(1*ijigroto :"C4 g';kii** - tAsiig!Atoidrgtiipitse , : -...Alwitilntook - 44021.440* :4 - ..,l,4fortikAticoottati.o44/4 . , ' • 4; he iflixfh ` -Congreanttina District. i The , honest : and; ;intelligen t'voters of Fenn -6.34411(‘ jiTi: / dlll7 greWinkinere,figie te : the lidethak.the'tine , Mad 'or antaatione is ? ..tO,ro4 , 4:o;toe_Ctliteaeii; Oli lib i rr with. ptiiyerpiiit4gint!Y!i l i.. 01** i'4idle; in mositeflioi4tl",lectl'ne)llofiShle, • 44h;princiOles:and measures comm an d ths: are„ealonlated-teadvincathe. lironte ,welfere, of ;the ;- the; gratif cat uhf _lndi 44ftOlititdelktre!lei?.inkt4 . 0A 0 -t-i ° P li gAP i t 611 4 . 601v:0 of thcin, "oitlzsn to rtlod by Lib s~liinoiplee _ pt iall It ie Tufotvapp,ble,not, flip mere setting -thak t erishrinek:Vlt jheiettlAbatwe' becOmee f'-jtiitittifAepaitiAlierbody , . It ie'the V#lo.4tioe.?lldiktisl.p ea 4epresen at give. tliff.4l#WßlWo4-4?e,re"tiPen the , f when': "theil#Cointiolaithlesi.itik.3.tottagonistle to,'the N,t4tlkKliktfatOitt t f r !deSirefi,lwhich, alone' *atkilignify 4 and..ifclitoile ,therii;•itod:.sjidt, into. ilithie',OcnYanietiees:lei , the ,, advancement , of, A4nlng*ll4ooll344o'peliticians, they merit .OnlYcentemOt;l::::-.=.ls : ``Tile Sixth =C ongressional district of Penn;:. 71.43finhthieihg:Ahe'giftea'terttioe,6"he tiePre-' lientevithY9 -Who ho#e!4') the and;the,contagetro do t hiS,.duty on the . 44r of_Oongess,maisfrilly and ; 04, to fulfil_ the t. pledgesi which_ othors„4dgh in. power, :Ifera-but toe,,readi and*igerto violate, and to faithfully lefieetAhe sentiments of the greet, :liodi.:9l.ldunousfittients., lAspoy,tveni4.lt;h4.. for: Peanaylvania, sand _ for; every , N orthern. iff•more; ipuitt m en, r( t io.. d i ß t= iii041 , :.13:0 11- . *ay. ~ Fta,- 3 0, 4 *-,bc.: thittliefiti**AnAr.444 900013,0 f ,tlierfathfon.the_.eotuilderation,..and exercise the ,Ihietfees!W l 4,9osw.,eißePitTe4:4;land ' l i l ' lo' *l . : dearest political,.interests leCcire that we shinid iosaftse., 'duty,. tic, -, Honotit beeahinated down, pro. iciribed "and.perseduted • fai,...*Crehitterly thin '.'4.eivould if he 44.0°Iittivd , the' infamenk_brime.' Rid ; e yielded„to :the, Aidnetioni,oit•poWer the',gae of, the,iaradise of , Official aniohnnenti,patronagannd 'plunder ) Wefild:..have:Awnug, back:upon ita we Aingetkat,,ldi approach::: The _trained bifida of political ,etrilssaries,, iftepaY,Of the G4ernment, would have "traversed his dietrici; ,with honied ' _ Words of praise noon , their .tongueS instead:o waging deadly war against c o nitiers of Rower , who now breathe _forth, their' *itediereits; 'wo u ld : have . been Meet ".; Bat : he was trite„to the peeple. , He obeyed their zivishatiby doing: what' was.right, Sh all he bc - sustithied proscribed.for this 1 Shair , he cra,e crushed between the ".upper 'stone', of .tiitiviiiiellogs.and 'courtiers of the V4erat4tfirtiiiithent indthenethcricill4torie of: a JiSli4iikkir despotism )11):qtihi;:peeple:shirW thernselirekits ready and a s protect.ahle heir - Op interiste, and 'sal eager, to approve,,, formally, and, publicly, a Congressional whiph met their warm est l yprobation, is , the the. Of power are - te, gretifY - tlienialignio: of ;•despotism, or design. ingoetienfers are to gratify their low ambition 7 e :-belloVethat -- iv Jorge "majority , of the , I : .Voteis .thii7rdistriel, both parties, have . fally:detertnieed:,.nona sustaining. XI-. Hien- - 46;4 xn-:4oeagint centest. The true Dente, many determined not ,to ,:defiert &hit 011.01,4,he denunciations- of, power•- ,and its the'ineeting of the party od Tneaddy, ei , erk warm and eethilithintle determination to "sustain Mr. The u*sei of that liatty,anAleaily.of its moat dbitinguishid men,, iftekr, - beet :!,iettiong in; his behalf. ,faver_able-fo;him addressed Daa.......” , iroTea, of Aelaware, county, an `old veteran Such *lie fair Teltlieirgo,-gaiital;;PTesident. Judge jciski* JABWIII,: WARRINGTON - Ma= 409e4t01111,,leiglon, 49,211,1 A: 001 i; ,fpo,Wet:pv:fievare W s e feel ailletla4.oiftt the letelligeit - *bier& of Oheiderand Debiwate- toe. jiilOxideiatiiiWilietri#utt:?.lttter,eso;and: are 1. 0 `‘,04 4 0 . 1 5 -thielPie " 4119146:Miiiiiiiiii2 fittiWri: kr4Mlf; ;of,-, the - irleads , .of thiSFlrst Oongres-) tionid , Dlitrict i *night;piomisea to be tilarge' .aud' ,, ,'.enthrisiestio'asisorablage;' ) . number- of iteitteadisice; The ty-, nihniegl Democrats 50.1,74441,7'iribteoriOndignatinli:Of his tor,. .t 7 Pet titipportersAndble conatitienti generally, „With hiii:vrolatien of the of 11366: ;His . *tempts' tis force,: himself ; upon' the people of ihe'dietrictOn: -- deflatice - of :Spiv:llSr' sentiment dts4V4llcf-*ehiiii hia aityi by the power of Federal li,at,r;Op4o; should bo.eteritly rebuked. Vas li - ! 6*-11014 upon the attic tions:oCkliel'peOisleiiSf . ..Ka :district, and if an ;oainest:aud vigorous effort Js. made, his eleis, Ortzfeen.-be,:seCured„LeOhere .he a 11111 ,r`iitiherinit; of ibis friends at •I'iftb and ;Shippen. "streets thlifeveiiintr ,, • ' ' MaOkine, . s .llt t ierittitetiti-ii:lrlph!-INierilthe ( Ki lkenny Moderator) `that; Lord "aiiminovontoi:n he has been:loieoMeleatiP engaged' in making a 'fly lintilttlatiOonededi 'The pa— Lilo l6 :4*._ :41 0 :exPO ilvueia(showt! that it started on. at an, elevation :of two feet; "elevated itseli a - little in the air; -00;-after."going a short": distance; alighted in . the:Most gentle Mainiei?! ',Something was the 41ittdridtb. its tail; it seemi; No - pajpenger ''waspilll:oijark,'but tor(' 1 Qinmweiime considers 'that:the' To our hnowladge,,theie is no _such person its 'lc Lord ~044niarean;') . the fikhav* died with' the =lite Earl Of Tyacongii, 'hit it would be Otte ; in character for a lltilesian noble:to' , lnvent a flying machine; irielimen,.hiteing 'lnch groat ex ' kieranee Arineletlikt J. r;aiiPlutr et AM ainareinent wee •Well ' tindettliet ! : trileht'i-y , Ati'Welitut-itreet Theatre, the sieWlfet4iii• play of4l , Lathe de ,tLignorelles" ittildilY; ilea!! titt-ImPularity; arid, indeed, M the Serk'beetlPrinsh.4larie we' Use - .lmam for, a long ittike;' , We mouldfrathbr t ice fdrs,,llowers in the - -;afri,,of -the injured :wife than as Vamitte, &dm'. ribly:sieribWritye_tite latter character. ." At , ihtiAttehithe•-•,repeat of • 1 1 The Clandestine Iliarrlage"'oarrles alfbeforeit.• So true le it, that o good revival, In. whtell the 'irtiole of a capital sompany,"oan•-play; - is, bettei, than a new piece badly , east.- . 'Atthe'NatiOrial, a rerliel of 1, Maitippa," horses iskilideC 'drew a greet hones. — • • -• 41 4 1 rief 4 . 11 Miel,aacompanied-by- Tree • Mathias and,the, other Members of the Bari troupe ,ar rlt,e2 Nsw;Toilt• on Tuesday; by ,the Fulton, itn4; thetioinpany Will • oartalply,. aotimenee per. forting :at the4ewlemie(, Musts: on the 20th of tiaptembei,:• •• • • • At , Thomann! Varieties ,there is a Miss Jenny - Wreitsiew singing—a sive,ebtrined But dm bit Delow,O. Written' and sang by Mi. Itobirmainiceiebritting Um) -: , s4 11141 0 11 really.wltty, as :Well amusin g. • A - Ppiiinit - fOr'.oyrns W. Field. Yesteidapiielad the opportunity of examining, and gieatlY itdinirings-a vary beautiful' and aPpro, pilittePresenk,from thlesirs, - -Goorge Charles it<feiiianjrof'gprinyfleld, Milits:i to Mr.-:Field, It if elipy•ortkiledto edition of. WeSater's Pio , been 'specially bound for such liteileatationliildr.. - .4.P B.- LipPlimott. 4; Co., l'hiboek Is got up 'ln handsome pititil'bthdliigi4lth imitation velvet inside, of 'esoti liFfertoh:,,enamel/ paper' for .the fiesink.pineLon.tlte.ontelde of the ooveT, Thnin"._,ls inscribed in goidelt:leitere.' 'The:edges of the book are,. richly • andlliairdpatedr riohly-ooloved Bohuessele, l h '' en ' i n"kiwida4.reiresents the,oable laid , at the „bottom :of thel'kOtari,* and surrounded ,by,leatreed, t.OP„ili#Taitilenti of • trai;:aid wieoks Of.Proolous argdelea. - : , This "ioltdite is splendidly • •=got • . 13 P) 2111 " deed. , - • ,„. „, „ &La , orj.Poutnyoral, atte morning, atthem. - Than Bobeauetton etore'.. , Bata or Latielloixa-„tide evening.. -- Eirointe ESTATE{ 0V1977 T 11015118,7, at tileExotiangf. See eataiaguee aid advertisements' anettOa head. - • - : It iu gated. th that the, inedhantos and 'Aurora (Va".) nary yard ,hare determlited;tri'preaent splendid gold vratah to Aobert:p.legrant,rrho bin; been transferred from stair* datyln thatr int* - to the comand 'tam 'steamer Water Wltek now ' m fitting at the fadiPtlltorl navy yard for 0 Paraguay yawl • _ :BY MIDNIWT ',.Leiteir:lfioirs 44 Onpttelitiistrir: '• • tOtrirespiaasn'ea_nt The - Presll z , - ,. 'W.I9I4INoToN t BotZ , BE-11.858: Senati'l3ll3 . oili at: the neat4WAssion, will hir,iinder,Veiy, different-Attplais ,frogs those irldoh'opntrollediCat the Vme-of 110 late edjotlra ment. The'paaidonate teenage engeidere!). by the discussion of the Name_ question willi in a-rrest MiMattre, hive liestrable';eppotnt men% long heir frisiterionso; Will have been made; the lease of 'the present - AdMinistratien upon p9iser..will be tdtarting to - ,e ,have nearly alibeer boatoweA ; all tiles will he :turned' 1988 c) ; and the effeoV of the policy of ilr.i.lluohanare - Upon the `country' elssely, 'Sean - nod. 1 - If the Deindoiatici: party - is *be _befit etrifitly responsible for the• doings of this Admi; nistiation, and if - its .future As to be controlled by the; publiceentlinenkin - relation to the oonduct of thetmenwhe now- wield power, it has reached - the ilartCeet Perioduf its history, and it ;requires _no XophaD to, foretell ,that it,' will 'be utterly eon ;deiptteci. , 'There ,are ritit'half Ocingria: :Mona/ ";iiiilrketirnertli - of Mason watt Dixon's in riiioh do imuignso ' mejoritYnt-the People 'are net! deChledlY Opposed' fa Leomnptortimi, and to • persedutien 'of Judge Douglas: The-whole Northitekbunui withindignation at the treaohery, of the 'Administration. „NeW,./Ingisnd, is more fitraly:," , :ivedded, - .. to . the Opposition , at this - Moinertt, than, ever 'before. The 'power of the Piitteciraey of-th e 'Middle Stated , has •been relYied., : ' Th e S outh is' Waiting up to the 'dangers with* *lll littiltablY"' menace • her if the reign. of injustice and proscription continuos. - Shall this - dovinward tendenoy remain unarrested and un aheeked until the future: guidance of the country is entirely given Ito. the moat ultra leaders of the -Opposition?; deeilelt I.ndigaittifili, of the *eeriest - pepple at the base': Methods'irbleh have' beenSesottidli;'tb'fOreeqgoililitito i ttie 'erideitie• igent;of men ' and tneas - revolting to - them' Wot aitlY/qldll"viiiiti In ..ti'terrible.::rebnke.% at. Ilfeiothninifell 'elections; but it will' demand from tile, Senate ~ a u investigation-: into. the,ntanner: fn !vbiolt the:publiopravenues of-the nation have been squandered and the patronage of the Govern mentpreAltnted to the ; adymuMmentuf politiosi ,eohiani. hear load . oimieiliitp from all parts of the: North of thelitterfeience' of 'Federal office beide* at delegate eleetions and 'nominating Conventions.' While the 'National expenditures far eioned , the reeniptarand the strictest economy. 'is imperatively demanded by' the condition of the Treasttryilkis singular that hordes of manure in, public pay timeis nearly coestantlyomMpieA In efforts to, contra; the political aotiois of the people. A gentleman, the other day; told me rif a number of Congressional Conventions Whit& hid endarieol Idtiotarithitites, that- were entirely' governed , 'by 'postmasters,: marshals, olerka or other Govern 'Mint employees, acting under the direction of the eentral,Vower,- and asited,the,pertinent - question, what is this- but :pure and simple Federalism? Boob influences are no longer, gontined exclnaively tc your great aides, but they:are reaching the most remote ciietriets in the interior: It 'ls high thee they, shOuld be arrested: ' • --• . I understand - that a - nuniber 'of loading - Demo; orals' in the Westmoreland district intend to Ad dress &letter shortly to Hon • Henry D. Foster, to Obbsiv a elear,statemeat of his views,on the Kansas traestion, 'and that ,they have ,determined to sue lainne man, ho !sin favor of Leaemptonlam. . The retuaalni'Judge,,,Breer,bo, nerifioe and hu ,olllatoiimeelf by 'running aethe Danite '4:inn :date for Senitter in llliaoie lice excited ooneldino., ble seneatilin here.' It le probable tbeftirbieal idea of, Betting' . tip' a nominee - willhave to be abes cloned; but tbeVfar upon Dinuilar , it continued ea Ourottlzena have_ been greatly , ,regaled by. the pompous aped( of your great Oontrassman Jottes,- delireredAere on Monday °Tuning, He boasts very Jautah• , of Ida, endoreeMent by glorious Old Berke,' whti3h - gap 7,000, Majority for' Mr. Bu - • . . ciliation in 1850,"and talks a! If be expected to re- Galva a similar 'endorieritent in Ootobei - I eball watch oloieiy the return's of the next' election, and see bow this antbilikttlon will be realized. !i'HEILAtE_ST..tstEWS BY , TEL Neu , ' Ycirk Politico. =- • TES REPUBLICAN STATE 00ATSETION fwanconli, Sept . B.—The Republican Stale Conven tion assembled this, morning, -and was sailed to order brEon:111.11: Morgan, obsirmati of the State Central Committee.- The hall 'where the Convention, meets ie densety.orowded.,-, • • ..Tfon'.'lern Graves, of Inrkimer, was elected tempo. racy president_ , . Committees nn permanent' organisations and resole: were appointed.- - " "- ' Spesehes were ~deliverret:,by Mama._ Morgan' and Graves, whiarrieelved lumen". applanNO. , 'Ron.R.llll9utibrulie, ef, Illinols,'dellvered 11 gttr. - 'ring address: ' ' • Commlthiee Were . appointed to settle the aonteated Cents and prtiparellie address and resolutione. •The, feature of the, morning session Ur. Mash. burns , ' ITOrtrged the union of 'the "opponents of the Administinctionewainsti the extepolon - cf,elahrery. TIC said retch In relation to tleConteat - now going_on inGliinehWand 'remarked thet,the tittle Giant-hid nn:'A. 004 to tekerold'Abraharn Ltneoln down in • Was 'deeded , •Tobes, - of ',Onondaga; being elected P_roaldent:-. ,"Kpreamble_snd restoluilani, ippolnting committee. eonfei*tof American Convention, 'se offered by Mr. Iblals,be Oolumbia, szadisdopted. 40thikeirening jesplon. motion_to ballot,toy Goren , noriniCrojecteil by 16d iistast 6?. "Tbe•Clowantion the aljotisued till to•motrow morning: - • , „ FITAIWVOSYZIPTION. • - 8..--The attendance at the litate Convention to also Very. large. - The ' , Convention was *ailed to order by lifr. ,Northrop, president of the State Council, , . A committee on permanent organisation wee ap pointed • • • Daniel.llllman was elected_ ea.permanent Proud dent, and made a "ginning Speed.; • Reeolutione for a conference with the Republican Convention were Mooted, and a committeo appointed. The committers of conference meet tonight and there are indications of a union, but nothing 10, entails • . Petensilivania 'Sixteenth ~,:;_congressional District. „ litazumuin,Sept:,S.—Thera his been no decision yet as to the Denioaratienelnination hi the Sixteenth Oongressional dietriot.i' -The Tork - Uonferoes, after con sultation with:their- Onelituepts t returned to their te po r s; MA The Whitings werdoontinued all day without arriving At any, result.i.Theyere In union agola.thio evening, but there is no thought of Mr. Mil, the . present meminnybelng. re-nominated. ' - ' - tror Jersey Politics: Passirocs, ft; r., sovt. B.4.The Opposition Conran flow for' the Beeond , Oongressional distriot has no ininatod John N. ghatton Wieoorisin Politics. . liff.wAtrurs, September B.—Hon 0. Billingburet his been nominated by the Republicans for re-eleotlou to Centers from the Thirti district. •- Michigan, Politics. Mieh., September B,Consider A. Huey vies' nominated at Cold Water to-day se the Democratic can• dictate forDongrees from the Second district. Verniorit Election. - Idioirritnta;l3ept: te-'-The'rettinis of the election, 'ae far, as received; ahoy the majority of Mara Hill the Republican candidate for Gdvernor, will exceed sixteen thoueend,! - • . - • In 181 towns the Reiabilcana hate carried 111 112. 9 / 1 3.- bera of•the Room: Washington, Affairs. . • T7..tenreropm, Sept': B: - The , Government has to-day Concluded a treatywlth the Anierican Colonisation So. clety,by which the latter agreea to subsist and instruct the captured Africans. for one year after their arrival in-Liberia. having's due regard for their health and osmfort. ,Wor this , eervloe, somewhat less than /Me 000, d which wee originally proposed by the Society, is to iptetn,Rieb,,of the Marines, has been detached from the frigate Sabine, and' ordered to the Alum frigate Niagara. Captain Taneill has been entered to the Sabine, and will be senior marine officer to the Paraguay expedition. Colonel anmneria command, secording to the advises received here, was on the 14th of August encamped on Arkansas river, near• Port Atkinson. No had, in woe:miasma with the directions of the War Department, visited three tribes of Indiana ranging between the Platte' Ind Arkansu rivers, ThePawneem, Oheyenneit, and litOlf LI were severally visited, and promised good conduct in future towird white settlers. ' The regiment was expected to teach Port Leavenworth the drat put of the present month. It II the intention of the Navy LlePartment to des , patch, to place of rendesyrus not yet determined, the vessels to form the Paraguay expeation, cc soon as they can he got lady In succession. Orders have been Issued to the .00mmanders of Mit navy yards where the vessels of the expedition are Sitting out, directing the work of preparation to' be butened as rapidly ail poii= This was tielast day for the reception' of proposals for eonetniethlg 111140111111 forth° eight, au thorised to, be : - 0011114UClied at the late Ascalon of, Con. great Some of the beat bifida:llln the eountry 'have entered intethelonteet.'. -; . Atiteiiciu 'Boatd of ' Commiseioners of Foreign' Mitisicinet. - • 111100111 D DAT. • • DISTIOIT, Sept. B.—The Board met at cog o , oloak . this morning After an boor spent in prayer, the meeting listened . to a reeolution °gaud by the Bev. Dr Pomeroy, in behalf of ' the Prudential Oorrunittes, alluding to the timeliness of the debt compared with what bed been feared; to the extensive revival throughout Ibis cone to; the religious toleration in Turkey; to the end of the Eut India Company's sway over India • to the lbecnving optic' of China to civilization and Chris tianity. end to the aueceasof the &Beetle Cable, bridg ing distant shores into Instant sympathy. After hie remake the President called on Rev. T. A. Mille io offer up • thanksgiving.' ThUallug addressee were mule by Bev. A. Gleason; Doctor, Berney, .Jinige,Teestip, : lion. Linn!' Child, and *them The home was 'croWded ,t 0 overflowing, and the at tendance from abroad exceeds all expectations. Tho Dowd was addressed this afternoon chiefly by Western. men, all expressing confidence •in their churches sustaining it more fully as it enlarges its operation.. Dr. Anderson stated that to continue opentions without reducing the, nesgions and cancel the pregent debt, the Board would need $400,000 the " Tmimie hng Byeva. M r. " " • - . . , e r. Grout, of South Africa, and the Bey. Mr. Vroornan, Canton, spoke 'affectingly concerning the'condition - of their iniasionm. Mr Vrooman declared that China had been kept 'closed up until now, became the chunk wam not prepared to Christianise It before. Re thought that three hundred and fifty thonmand Merit could be 1=344041y, employed. 'From Now 'Mexico. flephimber 5, via Booneville. Bantam her_ftd;—Bar4 Te mail dates to the 10th ult. have ar . rive ' The news is' bnimportant. - Dr. Connolly, who - arrived at Santa Te front bed 'Ablgo, reports 'that's - large number of emigrants bed passed through, Albsstinerve thin summer, en fours lor California. via the thirty.flftli parallel. They re ported the grass betwesn Xort Smith and Albuquerque exeigtqa, and thtt woddind water 'abundant. - The mum tarty eneountefed very few Indians on the plains . OelonelqhMsnerl command wag at Arkansas, river .' 'about twenty - Ave Wien below OW oreolthg• - A "' ' TILE PRESS : PI-111.ArIELMIA,,, VW,RSDAY, ,SEPTEMBER 9. 1858. THE 49144... THREE DAIS ‘l4 , itall.llltoii Et3itoJ*4 „ CONCLUSIOPi f :„OF Tilli - 414.11A104 N: 4141)',,R;1;4 7 1 „. -„-' • Annital Milt to, Pekin . Allowed4o,iniiiiireill MIIRDEiIi OF - aHRiSTIANS IN OWDIA TELEGRAPH. TO CHINA ANT),,A.UI3,:- 410.11,4141i14.0kr :OP,,,:;qIDD4JII: FRANCS DEN.M9S, EXPLANATIONS. HALIF/X, Sept. C—The,roval- steamship Asia" whibh took the pliMe of Hie . Enropi, detained at st,' ,Tohns by the damages sustained in the collision with `the Africa, 'retied this morning With•Liierlioot dites to" "ffatirday, the 28th ult. : 1 , '1" The steamer Persia arrived at 'Liverpool on the 28th: Wit., with the paasingeis and Milli of the ffuropi, from' ;ohne"' She arrived off the,bar of the Hersey at .8 o'clock in the morning, and was' detained ,theia for 4 Aide, but reacted Liverpool at 11 o'clock' A, hi , The Hamburg eclow atehmehtp Haiiimonis, from NOVI' 'York 00 the 18th :ultimo, arrived at„Bootilaropton on the'llTePi!g of t"O i l trAT lt iarri/N:' ' i" ^ '7" The prospectus of the India and Australian Telegraph Company, with'e capttal of £600,000, has been' horned, 4;. The froposal Is to:gontioue the Pod Sea .line from Ceylon to Singapore, and eventually to Carry farther , sections to Hong Hong and -Australia— Application Is' . to be made to the Government for a guarantee. • '-The British Board of Trade remixed for July shoica deoresite in the exports of £1,1300,900, as compared with. July of last year, . In the imports an fnerease had taken piace;.partionlarly in breadstuffq the arrivals of which'. The entire stud of Lord Derby's rearms are tuba aold'; 'and he retiree from the turf.- . • An Important law 'ease had been ' tried at Liveried]. An gotten was brought apnea the directors of the sue., pended Bormighltank to reposer- demagog- for the loos austainediwpurehasing shares upon the etronsithof a fallacious report tasted , by. the book: , A verdict. wag given for the plaintiff, but a ;stay of mutation was granted. c ' The Drat detachment of se - Vipers and miiiire,',Only, twenti strong, WAS SO:3MM ZOOM& for,Vanoonvseit- Is'an on the lit of September. One' hundred and thirty others were soon to fellow. , . ' • , The Daily News calls on the Zuni - peen poWers to, Watch cloaely American designs upon - Nicaragua, under, the conviction that the 'milord' the American Goyern.; meet is to acquire posses-aloe of the Isthmus, Charles Drummond, the well-known London banker , , Is dead. B. 'Bayne/ le oftlataly ,recognized tia llnited'tsatee Clonnul M 'harks - . . • The mptalis of ~an .13nglIsh ship hid been t led. t and ululated In heavy damages, for pacing a passenger irons, under the plea ,that - mutiny wits ImmiWent. Cardinal Wiseman of London, was making toitr in Ireland, and receiving, , enthumisatia . ovations st ;all points. , Thirteen lives hat 'been loit by the upsetting of t• omen pleasure boat at Worthing, on the gussez coast. - - Tan ODBYTAL PALAOE AND TUN , ATLANTIO TELEGRAPH, It IN the intention of the directors to set spirt an early day for a great public. demonstration in oommemo;, ration of, the successful 'submerging of the Atlantis Gable. Upon the,completion of the requisite prelimi naries due notice will be given of , the date and ; general, arrangements, - . • , „ , , The United - Service Gazette gives, a rumor that the Duke of Oanitaidge,Gen. Sit H. EL Douglas, and Lord Clyde will soon be.made Field blandish.: , . '„ Telegrams bribe &Cantle Cable. were received thin . morning from tbe New-Stork-Associated-Press, giving all the Trans-Atlantio steamer moveinente . in Sonnets*, down to last evening.. • • • _.„ „ - • asiNoia. , , It ,was again. reported that Marshal Velissier-ha4 Liked 'to be removed from the Eoglish einbaser, and that his request, ,would shortly . be complied,. with. It errs also said:that . hist marriage was to take place on the Bth of September, the anniversary, of the' taking of the Makkkoff. , and that the Emperor would. give tlie bride one Million francs ai her marriage pore, •tton. , Lord Palmeretonwes readied* the Nmperor 'at Et Olond on the 25th. " • , ; Count Pereigny made a speech at the opening of the Council General of the Loire, illustrative and defers are of the alliance with. England: ; The. speech had attracted oOnsiderable attention:. °omit de - Horner had also Made an important speech at the opining of the (toenail of Clermont. - - A Telegraphic Oongress. in which France, Belgium, Rolland, aesthete, Portugal, Baden, Wertembsirg. and Switzerland are repralented has been opened at Beine.• • A new trench newt station. for the eastern coast to to be created at Isle Susumu. - -This news it btu with' , important consequences for the Influence of the French gag and prosperity of 'the 'renal); colonies. • ' • A duel has been fought at Paris - between the French' Count de Grammont 0 ;debosse and Count de la Moo; aid•damarop to the Kiritor Sardinia.. The 'result was not . - ' . ' • .• OgoAszower, . The Yronnh ilOveintrient, anticipating the possitilEti or more ontragee on . Christins, fu consequence of the bombardment ofJeddah, was about Oh:creme natural farces in the Mediterranean. - • - - - • Xt was rumored at Paris, on Friday, that the Imperial (lovernment hie demanded from England explanations relative td the bombardment of Jeddah.: The London /jest's Pouts correspondent; says •If Turgot to named Ambassador for Switzellsad •, H. de ,Benelon Minister at Brankfort, M Ambassador at Midrid, and K. de Monterey Minister at BraseeLs , The Emperor Is about to send Victoria a eannon con-; struoted noon his own principle and :tamed ~ A llianoe,4 ! , In t eturn fer thnt:presented to 111 m by her, Majesty. - • Pants: Paid'', Aug. 21.—The Units percents slightly, reeedelday, closing at 10f - • - • A transport au under orders - at Brest to convey'. 400. consists to Payson'', - A Madrid telegram of the 28th sari s milltary exPedi", Mon tit being preparedfor Havana. • - ' The newborn Imperial Prince has harm 'olllletined , , Rodolph Prabaler Okada haspb,i , by, imperial 4q.i. arse, the Prince Proprietor and ,Oolorial4( the 19tier1W, el moot or Infantry. The report that a reconciliation had taken pl ace;be tween Austria and Souls is fontutili'doutied,', NAPLIIB: It was reported In Paris tirat_NePlcut-ha 4 , 14 , 4 !P1eW , (audition' ma RIM titibY Mnsisor BTA.and 1.1 ' • • A atietteadron; ,`" w an were - not allowed to - enter' thblarboi of Portinnouth. , but their 0091191104111 esirteous reception. The Emperor and Empress; of Russia had gone on !„ journey through the Empire. „ TUMMY. . Posse mlnieteriaribingei had taken place, ' and the retirement of the Grand Picier.Was when of. ' The Parts correspondent of the London Times under stands that the Tarkieh government has complained to the tinglish Alubmesstnr . at ..Constantinople of the bombardment of deddetip at the moment when It ,was known that Ismael Pasha was on the way thither with full power to punish the guilty. The Divan had hunted a chanter ciontradictlng the - rumor of the approaching deatruation of Mecca by the Western Powers, which was occasioning great exolte meo. It am repotted that further riots had marred in Candi* and that ten Christians had 'Keen killed. - The P orte bad demanded the ieoall of the Greek coned] In Candle. It was stated.tbat the amount of Indemnity to be paid by China to England and Prance. as st l ptdated. to the treaty of Tiringln, Is 30,010,000 franca - THE LATEST ET TELEGRAPH - TO LIVERPOOL. LONDOS, Elatnrday.—An Indian telegram wee received at the Foretell Office, Angnet 28th, at 12 80 A. M. ALEXANDRIA, 28th An et —The stem.? Sindoetan arrived at Suet on the 22d Init.' She left Calcutta on the 10thUf July, and the delay in ° her, passage way caused by'an accident 'to her machinery while in the Red sea. The steamer Cadiz arrived at Sues yesterday from ..Bombay, with dates to" the 4th inst. Nothing of =- pomace bee occurred since the Mat mail The British troops era "chiefly_ engaged in harassing the rebels la Onde, wherever they can find them, and In rsdaelng their mud fortifications. Many or the ohlers who have not inedeentablycompromised themselves In toe revolt are portend° log to the authorities. Others, who have been faithful to the British gag, are'being Unfired and rawacded. The 'rebele rroved to have been deeply im plicated are being executed. The Puojeab le tranquil. _ • Sir Hugh Uwe has resigned the command of the Poonal division. The China datee from Tien-Bin are to the 16th - of June. Great progress had been made In the negotia tions, and it was considered that the Mites were on the eve of a treaty which would inaure everything they could claim, and open China to the enterprise of our merchants [This news it will be observed, is not so late as that received via Russia I The Daffy Neths City Article of last evening asys The funds to-day are flatter, owing to bona file eaten, some of which are said to be permeated with the pay ment of the half.vearly dividend due this day, on dock and other securit is of the London and North Western Railway Company. The decline in console, however, did not exceed X per cent.. In other departments of the Stock Exchange business remains attgnant. The high range of Conti nental Exchange w.. a moat Important bearing on the money market. The demand for money was rather m"re active to-day. General malefaction is expressed at the verdict given yesterday, at Liverpool, in the Borough Bank affair. The Times City Article says the English funds opened steady this morning at the firm prices of yesterday, but owing ti several realisations, and the receipts of less favorable accounts from the Paris Poem, the mar ket ultimately became dull. Money hse been in rather more demand to-day. The final quotations of the French three per cents on the Paris Bourse show a reduction of a quarter per cent. - • About £900,000 In gold 'ofmarions desoriptlons was sent Into the Bank to.day It le said that the arrange ments for the contemplated Turkish !oats are likely to be immolated almost immediately._ The Times publishes the following despatch': ' INDIA AND DRINA. We have received the followlog from our correepon dent et Corfu . At !urinate, Aagnet 24. The eeeend Oude proclamation, published in Bombay, bad been deolared by the (Internment a forgery. The closing rate of exchange, at Bombay, for (ind olent bills was 2s OW documents 2de2,lid. The Calcutta import market was salve. Money and Freights unaltered. Exchange, 2a OW. Intelligence from Trie ate was received to the Mit& of June. .. Lord Elgin had received from the Imperial COMMON stoner a written promise of a at ncession of his demands. The American and Ittnielan treatiee had been conoluded, and the Americans were believed to have stipulated for an annual visit to Pekin. , The Oomnilealoner at Clanton wen urging the people to war, end ignored entirely the negotlotlone in the North. Gen. fitraubensie was establishing a partial blockade Trade was ate stand still At Hong Hong .exohanga was 4s. Od.a4s. 13,gd. for bank MIN. gaiNGIUM, Juno 21.—The Import market tea Im proved. No traneactlone In Bilks. Tea he unchanged. Exchange 6e. 11.d.c6a. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET.—The Brokers , Circular state, the gales of the week In the Liverpool Cotton market It 65 400 bales, of which 6,000 were on speculation, ant 11,000 for export. All qualities of American wore jrd higher on the week but at the close their was lees buoyancy. Mengel; of 'Friday were 7,000 Tales. including 1,60 D on speculation and -for export. the market closing quiet at the following authorised quotations: Pair Orleans 7Xd Middling do • 7301 Fair Mobiles 7 7-lel - Middling do . .'ld Pair Uplands 7)rd Middling do' ' 616-16 d The stock In port was estimated at 648,000 bales, of which 667100 were American. STATII or UAW/ In M.ANOMISTER.—The M'nohester trade was in a favorable condition, and 'prices were slightly better., LIVERPOOL BREADFRUITS MARREF.:—llesars Itichariabni Spence. & Co. quote Flour Eirm, with a betteMemand than has been esperienced ter come time past. Philadelphia and Baltimore 210225; Ohio 22am 21a 54, Wheat quiet but firm for good - quality. Red Western 6s BdEes 8d ; • ditto B ahem 81.1da8s. 8d ; White Western Swag ; ditto Southern Oa Riles Bd. Morn dull and firmer, and quotations contionedoic Yel low 88s 810411; Onus White 841084.3 Od. LIVERPOOL PROVISION , MARKET —Messrs. Big land. Athya. 00., - Riobardeon, Spence, & Co., dames McHenry, and others, quote Beef heavy, at a decline of 2a Mafia. Pork is quiet. Bacon steady. Lard quiet, but firm at 80amti2s. Tallow firmer ; sales at 99am60a:. .LIVERPOOL PRODUCE MARlClT:—The.brokers , and other circulars quote &elms quiet at gleB2s for Pots, and 82e8Sa for Pearls. Sugar quiet..buk firm, Ooffee Arm Mae quiet, but steady.' Tea slaw of sale, but price, Unaltered; (Worm naologa. Ro4n deeds , at 4s Raced' 44 for common. Qtieroitron'lltrk—Phtla delphla 105, Baltimore 7a. Fish Oils—An average bust tele WIN delleoeit4Ut'ekanit i,n riteq, 141,90 011 LATEIi.• iIIiZ!EM COTTON ADVANCED. w i l i zma g =wmi l = CONSOLS 964a9111 Commercial Intelligence. iittlitio.'fits...-dpiriti Turpentine heavy_ at Ster on the-, PnuADBLPuM HoerrrAL, Wednesday, Aug.l3, -"AOC andlde lid to arrive i erode dO 184 ad. .--, - - -...• .1.1,858.7tui W. Ponienv;Eaq : Dear Bir ; Miming thy's. -,,, ;LONDON, MAIIKETS.—Ideure. Baring,Hine:,,,,qdrite I terdayie tense of The Press published a card from Dr. 41readitiffe quiet but steady_ ; whit* 'Wheat 4810481 i, ,Boht H. Smith; the tendency of which was to place ns ?red, 42n,046, • / il-PATY, Weald!. , - itelVwes ;steady , et , in &Base position, will you favor, we by an insertion of :,, • -;PI,:, .ILtin2ao:; i n i s r a 1 I -RR Bail l f;lo,oo.oolo.oa9th'rau And. bare; "iluguceloiedhstoyant_ the following;, • • AthatiiiAiliiintif Wells. Xledfesifirnt, - •aud' ell _qualities. ' 'Dr k tiraith refers to hie article in the Daily News of . .,Aglitlyvidglier:' , SpiritirTarpiatßie atead ,at fife I - September OthOsird - natters himself be Can prove itg - 041., ieinitSe9sr,lido '541%f Jrokateady,:ict 56s lid, Lingeed - onracy,s l ,44.the gesqlqtnifi !is has dismissed," ~, gaanni-ingOild'efeallMit4alittrates - lsnobanged. r .' Lin- a _ Allow mato say -?'-,;,' _ -_- 4444'011Suli•ntass... ghat , Thy geueracy um:hanged. - '. clef H i e ; eaCpreVantithing of- the kind I , by kl•. 0 gee,. oarid; 188060. Bice firrn..V.,Talaow , firm ;, Y.. 0.; 890. 4iernaiiiieeniadiamlised-Ji ' " ' " ;•.!feg - enll, but rates unarm/fedi BongetC;IOMISIOKLSZ, - .:-, 2d - ,'No gentlemen bide been Allmlised. Dr. RObeit` ..-ILONDON MONK , / HABigpm.. - -The London mote" , K. Smith's pettrahttioritreXtends only to seesperesfon' .itilliket was generally unchanged. Meagre. Barlngßro. • --from duty; the right of dhonissal being vested solely in :there ,quote the supply abundant at 234084 P cent. his mestere, the Onardiene of the Poor. When they con. Consuls closed on Friday at Kix 09g% for money and alder it necessary to Mendes - us we Ire willing the an igecomit. • - •- ' . :-. noune s ment should be mode s brit , until - than we beg 'The Bullion la the Bank of , England had. inersued Nave to protest - against suffering - JO/I,OU moiety - to ..t5te,9,0,.. , , _ ,_ „, ~, ' 4 ,' - '1 : z' -," -, ' .• !gratify,D,e.B.K ElmithNnofortunatemania for personal 'llelstil lisrlig Protliereittidt nu Bihar' itt lle Ad . P. inflatloni Very respeotfully. ImMani4 ,- As IlMa rand nominal; ,Bagles, Tes 2Xd.. __ . ,_,,, ~_, „ , ..41n0.,1. MoLvon 21. D. . -,,, AV `E 81ABIEBT.-17or the week ending the 24th; .- - . -.- • -1-- -,''':, -, •i , 3.,,-. 4. bete - -Inelntive—Ootton firm ; Sialeauf this week 10600 bales ; ~,,.._ ,-, j eloek, 99,000 bales. , Near - Orleans ties ordinaire . 108 TDB JuRB&TE.--ihe ,tlebater betyr,o9.7l.- -Parlicm, 'francs.: The manufacturing *dykes are favorable. Brownlow and _Bider ryes ewers Aforitinned ;Mit even ,Breildstnffs had slightly declined ihrongbont,France:, `Ashes firm. Coffee firm.- Pish Oils 'slightly lower. Woe . , ins l l t h b National atatbt improvement a n s r d sup si oi2k Mall . - There was, probably, folk.. The Paraortyrite artlil ltih u n Kb il"o i f e t. to l"7 „ t p ike ar het ti gi cia dawl' t e et l , el ,p °nr6a."Pi r- A l s , t r a i si cei v. t i n S ch rt a gLr e a d rut. Lard quiet.„Whalehone dull, but sonelly, in the discussion owing tithe severity -Of - bill .._, yousiour Asainoriegi,Stesers. Baring Bros. quote bronchial attack ; b t this eventing, he confidently ex, .the market for American loan' generally inactive, with petite to do so Win a . P. Small, Seq., again read the res tohfeleBxocBepatitolnosof;,amigryocridanddeboixddcf6ofeHonsixted; mfitteischi3.'s.. marks of Mr. Brownlow , which oceupiod nearly one hour and a half. Mr. Physic took the stand, in reply, 'setts Ws, bonds • loag i Pennsylvania - 6's 78X 079)4 ; .at about 9 o'clock. -The remarks of both gentlemen 2 tr ilia l 2 6 9 ,a dis l c o o t u m n o t r ; to do ll bo ,;, u 9 d o s 4 , o2 B ; , were received with considerable demonatrations of plea.- " sure. rc k ed o b o on . de i el. is Pe C n o n n ir i lv l nnts " o ° L .....ILADDLPHIA COUNTY. TOBAOOO,—, We have, itie report business Alm - Ned at pre- wio :hone rates, except Illinois Central share's, which . were our office arch:nem e of tobacco grown - near Mount Airy; `ernisiderably lower., taloa at 28020 discount—lllinols in thus county. - They are of Havana and Connecticut Central , le 1860. (Preelande) 80m82; do 8s arid' 7is of quality, and are very creditable ;specimens of "the 4.076, EteBB;llniteh States 6. of 1801-8, 1040105; do weed." Where they were grown it a field of some , -. .iinds, of 1808. 10 5010514 ;. Alabama be,' bonds, 78; twelve amos, in a - Ana state of cultivation, and pro- Kentucky tis 1853-72, 91093; Maryland' 6s ,bonds, 940 raising a hoary and profitable yield.. We believe this Is 96; Maseachneettegs bonds, 1910103; Ohio 8s 1876; 95 the only field of tobacco 'growing within 'Philadelphia _,'o97;_renneylvania 65.78x0193‘ ;do do bonds Of 1877, county. York county, as well as Perry,. Juniata, Cum -83086f TeurteMee lig bonds, 80082; Virginia fie 1880, be dud. and several other' of the State, ;Mee large , 0084 ; Virginia 6s 1888. 83084. ' quantitlea of the article; and although generally of the .kf chigau Central Be, 1800, 85086; . do do 1869, 890 common mislitY, It lea Bootee of considerable, profit to. 41; do do shares, 66000 ; New York Central os, 82084; ' the growers. . , , - • . a lb Mile, 92084 ;do shares, 78080 ; Brie It B. Ts, con- ATTENTTRD DiONNDIANIaIf L.-Ari illearldlary it 'vertiblesi 30086 ;de 7e, sinking fund, 34040 ;do third tempt. which , might have resulted moat diaestronsly, inertgage bonds, 09671 r do stock, 18018; Panama II It came to our knowledge yesterday. It appears that a Wkiiihe 0r , 1859, 98098 ; , do d o of 1865, 920q4 prowl- fire wan discovered at North Wharves, below Baca ';',...*-In.Tlh4eCTieumtreaslOet'Ytirrldtamy,°46agoatell'acNtuoa9llSales of, Illinois b st e r i e m e s t lOo de e en an a d ign o ed the b r r eo t ro lue bne b tl um bl i e n - g me o te r a ria q i " p atit ed ' b of Central shares at 2502 7 discount , and third mortgage some unknown person on the 'of' of th' building "bonds at 87 . ,. • ' Ifo m ranately, the, fire waldiscovergin time t o e avert any ~, , serious result'; but had the,neherne of the -villain sue ,ceeded, there must hare been a Tact destruction' of pro perty. .. , .- .. . The Atlantic cows. XIV Tone, Sept B.—k communication received from C*iid W. Yield, Egg aye' Oat a despatch hoc been re .alved from Newfoundland, informing him that though I ttito insulation of the cable remains perfect no message .bee; been resolved ,over , it for, several days He-adds Oat he does not know the muse, bit conjectured that It la occasioned by a. ohmage, in,the ,shore. end at ya leittls, Ireland. • - - ',.'_When' the eteamelalp Africa sailed froin tivisrpool it . was known that the connection of Professor White• klOke with the Atlantic Cable would cease - about the :Ist inst. It would therefore seem More probable that 3berworking of the cable . ceased ,from some action of hie or Diapattleana. Profeetot Thompson was to succeed Professor Wblte lenge, and it le quite possible that the delay,Je canoed : y the experiments of the forrobr which were - regarded - se perfectly childish practica l telegraphers. . It Is t hiso known that the Atlantic company Dave arranged with Professor Hughes to place his instruments at Va 'Untie end Trinity about the '2oth or.2sth inat4 and 'from the experiments made by,him at Plymouth there :ein.be no reasonable doubt that be will be able to work reliably at the rate of three hundred weals per hour. ?Accident on the Pennsylvania Railroad. itivros Utintrow, Sept. B.—An accident occurred Jere this morning to the express passenger train that 1111. Philadelphia at eleven o'clock last night, In cense ance an !witch being misplaced 'through the negli gince of a conductor of a freight train. The entire train wee thrown from the track, bat none of the cars were broken, as the train was stopped in a very short dis tance. There was no one killed. The Adams, ex ic ram messenger, w was thrown; or Jumped out o ....door of the express ca r , was seriously injured. A fire - 4nan was slightly injured. The passopgera and baggage ;were transferred to a special train cent from Altoona •,very promptly. and reached Pittsburgh Ore hours be hind time. The track is now clear, and all the trains ,are „running as ususl. Sailing of the Canada. ." Boomer, Sept B.—The ideamer Canada Ballad, for Liverpool at noon, with thirty-ieven pauengeri, and Ano,ooo in specie. T.ErE CITY. AbIIIIVIMIZiITI3 THU EVENING WlllATLirt & OLAIMII , II ARCHVOTRNIT THIAI4III. " She Would and Abe Would ,Not.—.. Agnes De Vera.. • MRS D. P. Bowline' WALNIMOTIIEST 'TEMATIIII.-- , - .! Louise de Ulterolles.—. Wait bur for an Omnibus.. INsLun's N1,710111+ Tmunc—Allizeppol—,!Blanb or end ember.. BINFORD'II OPIRA Horm.—)lthioplen Entertain , euts, do, _ , , iflownsier MALL.—Ellidereonle Panorama of the Mu llen War. ' NATioxsi. HlLL.—Panorama at the Bible. TUOXIIIF'S Tlitisens. —Miscellaneous Concerts Nlghtlf. - SPECIAL MEETING OP SELECT COUNCIL. —The Poleet branch ,of the ottr Government held gspecial =meeting yesterday to consider certain unfinished bust- Deal on the ptesidentla desk. The call Or the meeting having been read, Mr. Leidy asked whether the gentleman from the Twentieth was 'competent to take hie seat as a member, big seat being oonteeted; and to participate in the prooeedings:l - . Mr. Wharton, President. I kmew of nothing to pre tint that gentleman from taklrg hie seat. Mr. Leidy. Then, air. I desire taperer a protest that be hoe no right to participate in the proceeding., We& ;ranch as his coat is contested; and that the report of the committee, having been received here, which is tflntl, the contestant shall be awoin 10, and take his ,)Tere an animated debate took place, between Messrs. .Leidy, tinyler, Schofield, and °Orman, as tothe .bflity of " the gentleman from the Twentieth," during ,whlch Mr. Oornman made the truthful remark that they all "had been trying to see who could walk the -4lghed on stilts, or make the biggest sues 'of them seh,es." • 0 miuntnow prooeaded to consider the following re. `swhitisre and ordinaccoe, which had passed the other Ahloiober i •- - -t. 4 1 an'ordinauce to inske,an approprlatiosi to the De• pirtmeot or Highways,' bridges, sewers,: and cleaning thiaOliy • Coopurred in, u ' A • flq.•flhaDVL:siaitenaoranffinea o.. .. Y ` an itordiftWaitir• anabo This ordinance jam, rise to - a dlaanision of no pnblia Interest, which was partla'pated in bridevara. Bradford, : Tooter, Flea!, Nathass, Beidemszi, Cowman, and ,211tos A motion to refer the ordinance to the Committee on Highway , w agreed to by a vote of 9 ayes to 6 nays Council now proceeded to consider ~ an ordinance for the construotion of a bridge over the river Schuylkill at Chestnut :street Mr. Bradford Moved to strike out the word Chestnut, and insert Spruce, wherever it comma. '- B. gave his reasons for making the motion, that Ethrucet street wag more central, and would • better aceemmedate the large mesa of peop'e who live south of,Walent street - That the city nomad bpth landinrs at Spruce street, and this thorenefare rune through considerable city 'property, and strikes the Darby road :at a lower point than Chestnut. Thai. were Ids main tension The amendment was lOst by a vote of 5 yeas to 9 Mr. Bradford moved that Vie further - consideration of tho ordinanoe be postponed. Agreed to Mr. Ooroman moved that Council do 'tow adjourn Inatmuch es members ofOommlttoe hare to go to the ,Almshouse The motion was lost The reit bnainese in order, was the ordinance pro viding for the oar. and management of the steam Ore en 'ginee Philadelphia and Hope. ' Mr. Parker moved to ewe id by appropriating- $2,000 to the Diligent Remo Engine. ' Mr. Bchollell hoped this, amendment would not pus, rut this engine la the Toueg America. and on u ,which Council. have already Invested a considerable amount of money, and that apparatus never was good for any thing Mr. Ouyler coneidered the engine a powerful and valuable one, and at tbo proper time he would cheer fully vote in favor of said appropriation, but at present hp suggested that the amendment would jeopardize the pasesge of the bill in the other Chamber. , ldr, Bradford entertained the same views with the .gentleman from the Eighth ward. Mr. Neal was opposed to the whole appropriation. He had hoped that this oubjeot would not have been broil Mit up hero at the present time, and he was ready to vote in any way to kill the whole subject. amendment was lost, and the bill was con• pirrediti. The. ordinedee rocking en apprrpriation to the eom modes composing the Fire Depertmeot;" wee next oon eidered. ' Mr.. Neal moved to strike out $4OO wherever it oconre, and Insert $375, to each hand engine Are company. In making We motion, Mr. Neal laid that the amount to be eared by this. could be appropriated to the .teem Are engine companies, and thus Us general amount would not be increased. The vote wan taken, and there wan but a alight resinous. The chair decided that the motion mu agreed to. - Mr; Kline moved to strike out the amount of 1250 to thelimpire Hook and Ladder Company, and insert the aura of $375, the same as Is given to hand engine com panies. Mr. Poster moved further to amend by striking out 045 and inserting $3OO. Mr: Foster withd ew hie amendment. . . . . . • . Mr. Bradford opposed granting $375, but was In favor of indreasing it to MO. The expenses of a Rook and Ladder tuck are not so heavy as those of an Engine, with Its crab. Its spider. and Its hose. Mr. Schofield said that he did not know but that the eXpeone of these companies wee aa heavy. 'They are constantly having their ladders broken or burnt. Re would move to further amend be granting the sum of $l5 to the Protection Hook and Ladder Company Tie vole was about to be taken on the hut amend ment—to wit: The Protection Company—when Mr. Mlow accepted it, and the vote was taken on both com panies. The amendment was lost. Atpamendment of $3OO to the Empire and Protection Companies wee agreed to. Mr. envier moved to amend, to appropriate to the Philadelphia and Hope Hose Companies the same amount as given to other hose companies. Mr. Neal bad understood that the appropriation made to time companies for their eteam-engines included the amend to them as hose compaolen Mt. Bradford explained that such was not the case. They are hose companies as well an steam engine com panies, and are in service as such. ..... Ett, Schofield, from the committee, said that ft was understood by the members of those companies that the appropriation reported in the ordinance included' the sm , uut generally granted is hose companies. Tin yeas and nays, were called, sod were—yeas 7, nays. - 6. There befog no quorum, the chamber rid. jowled. CGRONER 9 II INQUESTS.—The coroner was busily engaged throughout the whole of yesterday, in atten tion to his °Meld duties. The following Inquests were held; Getup Rolgart, a white man,. aged 78 years, was found drowned at an early hour in the morning, in the Delayer° river, at the foot of Maiden street, The in- Centime were that the body could have been in the water but a short time. He disappeared rather end denlyand mysteriously, from the residence of his fami ly, N0.'1418 Germantown Road. The jury returned a verd4 in accordance with the above facts. Thebody of Robert Anderson, whose death we notice elsewhere, was under inquest Woo, He wu 20 years of age, red resided it, Tilton street, In the Nineteenth word. tie wee drowned to the Delaware, near Driden burg, by the upsetting Ma boat. Jeremiah Drown, - a colored child, aged two years, die ns liriday evening, at the residence of his parents, on Washington etreet, below Morris The parents were too pow to obtain the ottendanoe of a physician, and the lacy returned a verdict of a death from want of propermedical attendance. ,, Marlon 11. Sharpe, aged. 28 years, a married man, was toted deed yesterday mottling. in room No 86 at the American Hotel, where he Wall boarding. His pa rents meld. In Lan.rne county, Pa.. sad were notifted of the het. The body was taken charge of by the Co roner ti await the arrival of his friends. Andrew. Dean, aged 50 yearn, who has been sojourn. log for Some time at Gray's-terry bridge, was killed on the Biltimore Retread, below the Arsenal. 'He had been keep:motets for some time, and while intoxicated, yeaterdiy morning, attempted to orooe the railroad in Trent of the paaaenger train, when he was struck by the cowcatcher, his back and arm being broken, from the effects of which he died almost instantly. Door Rieovnann.—,On Saturdact:ernoon the schcomf Trade Wind was eapaleed in elawara Day off Bea Darla' Point, during a equal. Ne ooormick, a hand od board, was drowned: ' His body wits recovered, and breasht up on the schooner Gratitude, which reached the' city on , Tuesday a ft ernoon. The deceased Lived le licence street, near Fourth Titania HILL AwrnAw.—The name of the man atabbed Fair Hill, on the brat day of the festival, fa George ilandenburger. • His wounds are dangeretui. George tflnuestice, alleged to have indicted the blow, has bees committed to await the result of his Miracles The difeculty-oceurvedaboat a loaf of bread which was taken bj the latter from a lager beer saloon. .TH A Muir.—Tho oily, Nan enveloped in a demi fog yesttlaymorning between three Oak& ind• rise, '1 some portions of the city it was'alonnit l ointM t Annum the linkelqthe • PaILADELPatA Pawarrrnas.We observe among the patents issued from the Patent Office at Washington during the put week the following to Philadelphians : To' William B. Reinert, for 'improved kneading ma °Line. To Shirlibuse O . :Blodgett, asifignorteGeo. iljaloat & 00., for improvement in sewing machines. - To William O. Crimes, assignor to David Matthew, for improved steam pressure and water indicator. To John Hartman ' Jr., assignor to John Hartman, Br.,:for improvement in coaoh slate for railroad oars., TROIIIILN AMONG ..2wn Tueaday afternoon a colored named:Oarharine Rice, and a colored man mated Charles Dinseyi got into a quarrel' in Bedford street,' near- Seienth: .oatharine; , „ in' her fury, attacked Charles with-a knife, end Charles Amer a pietol and fired at the termagant. Both . parties es caped unhurt. Catherine .was. Sent, below „for thirty , days, to give her time to 0001 off,'and Coney wee'eom— 'mitted in default of $4OO bail to answer. ' DEAD.—Mr. Zbafaie Snyder, the policeman who was injured, whilit - engaged in firing a salute in honor of the eueoessful laying of, the Atlantio Cable, immedi 'at'ely neon receipt of the Intelligence, and of which our renders have already been advised, died of his :Oulu, yesterday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. ThedUessed was a good officer and a kind and respectable eitisen, and his death wi the regretted by a large circle of hie friends. GAtrs ENTT.—It 18 Mated by those who are capable vowing, that there are more rail blids in the marshes below the=cityi at the present time, than there have been daring any preTIOWIIIONIOn. The num ber killed on Tuesday, between here and Chester, IS es -tlmated at 10,000.' A citizen of Seuthysmk shot 135 during the afternoon. Reed birds are also expected to belenty. ..srtoants.—On -'l'uolday afternoon a 'man too his eon, a poor little cripple, four years old, to an institution oonneeted with the Catholic Church'of glint ,Feter at the corner of Fifth and 'Franklin streets, and left the child there._ The little Off-cunt was sent by the officers of the church to 'the Seventeenth-ward station house, from whence he will be sent to the Almshouse. DEAD INFAIty,IhONED UP.—Yesterdsy morning Officer Roodheart, of the Twelfth district,- picked up a dead male infant on a lot in the - neighborhood of Girard' avenue and Thirtyaboondetreet, The Coroner hist been notified of the raet,..and the proper investigation would take place. • Dian 'Boar Itneovanzn.—The• body of the young man drowned on Sunday afternoon, by the capsi zing of a gall boat opposite Bridesburg, wee vemered yesterday morning at pier No. 18, .111ohmend. "The name of the dammed is Hobert. Anderson. Coroner Fenner wee sent for to bold an bagnest, DIED Sgronnarx.---On Tuesday afternoon; while Mr. Jacob Bugler was gunning below the 'city, he was taken with cramp, and died in a few minutes. Hie body was taken in charge by his friends and conveyed to his late residence. • - Letter from New York. pot TIWAL.IIiTTNILB/1101:1NLIS AMONG THl.Dixoinuor ,1 0114111 HAND—Tini OoLLNOToa vaalitla THU 00NORESSKIN—DILLGATtt TO:71/11 STATO 00$ 1 vsNTIO* Qtr.ixtANSINN ItArrsaNL—RAT TineKtNB - Etrive PIOOLAYtTION—EITRAYOIIIOII I II MIRA TIC AND ODNOIIRT 0011PANT—DaIGNOLI. [Correspondence of The Press.] • • New Yong, Sept. 8, 1888. Political affairs are in a very ourfons and rmeatisfac tory state, i. S., to the Democracy. li'mployese it the custom house :are 'readily 'dietingnished by the' ap prehenslyeneas, depleted on their faces. The col looter bag , aided- havoc, and let slip the dogs of ware against the members of the Congiessienel delegation • Dore this city who opposed his confirma tion. Some two weeks ego, 'when some of these gen tlemen were in Washington with the colivetor,"antt, the enVeee of removals end appolntmenta - was thiprinelpid matter . for adjustmenc, it was, BE I am informed on authority entitled, to respect, understood that thO•col lector should stibmitlite programme and his appoint ments to be eOndrined, tott that'in selecting new men, none should be presented who were • known to be per- Rena ly. inimical to the present , members, or would in terfere against their renomination or re-election, The , list of • appointtheists recently confirmed by the Secretary or the Treasury, is in , direct .0040, with tide tui derstariding; end , so . exiepoisted are the it:thiiiroidirtit,:_thill they will; it it Wier- _ pledgeihilherii arid . to,the.Presi. en , end, ours- 9 retinal,. Will_ resign their .ieats In Vie _,Honsa::,Thie would leave the Administration party In-the Hones, in an extraordinary and unpleasant nrediounenti the e present closely balanced • condition 'of puttee, the re. suit that would flow from such * a demonstratiotimay be better imagined than described. The city members are 'each of them man of decision and plunk, and prefer to go down with their friendi than to, enjoy a seat in the House during the short session. In , the pean time, each of these gentlemen is vigeroosly 'at work, to Sti• cure renomination and election. - At the prlioary - elections held on Tuesday evening, for the choice of 'delegates to 'The nimooratio' State Convention, to be held at Bjrrioneo ou the ltth instant, -the entl•Wood faction Is understood to have, carried nearly an the delegates. - The all - for these meetings euumatee from the Bweeny , , or regular Tumulilir OPm mittee, managed and contiolied by Postmuter Powlir, Mwn. Blotlea, Bart, Butterworth, and gentlemen who are known to be " stiff. officers "In that regiment It is expected, sea matter of course,' that another set of delegates will bi ahoseni and that each district will be " oontested in the Convention. M==nl=2l! he tells me, for rowing to the dock of the hoarding-a& doer, stepping a•hote, and making a friendly call On that funotionary ; nor dining with him u bad been reported. ' , labile opinion seems to be quite 1112111211:130IIII that Go vernor Ifing'e proclaiming S'aten Island to be in a state of insurrection comes Wtoo late: , 'Our military would •hare responded with alacrity to any call for their ser vices, and would hare pulled trigger at the word Bre ;" but ' 4 the purple blood of the Rings' , did not course etifilelentli fiat in hie veins to our him up to the doing of the right thing at the right Um; while he was feeding at the corporation banquet the rioters were Bring the public building" at Quarantine. Strakosch has completed hie concert and opera ar rangemente for the Reason, by engaging Brignoll for eight months at $1,600 per mouth His company, as finally made up, couplets of Golsen, Pared!, and DOM beret; tenors, lialgooll, I t abocette, and, Millard; bar!, tones, Amarillo and Barn! ; bsaeo, Id, Junes. The campaign opens next Tuesday with the Fi'giia del Rtg gimento,ln which Mme: Colson will make her debut. Afterwarie ebe will Meg in the Trarointa with Signors Brignoll and Amodio, with Mr. Auschnts as conductor. Succeeding the three nights at Burton's, the company will appear in Philadelphia, Boston,-Baltimore, and Washington, returning to New York In November; and afterwards making a tour in the West and South. NW TORN STOOK MIXOHANGI—Bapt. 8. DIMOND ,11041.11 D. 3000 Miceouti IR 66 84% 60 Brio R , 18% 1000 Gomboo Br bBO 88% 000 do alb 183( 1000 Harlem It Ist mt 84% 820 Reading B ... .49% 2000 L Erie & W 'atm 10% 100 --- do ' :' - alt 49 200 Pacitio Mail 8.00,92 , 160 Mich So &N Ia 24% 100 do 660 91% 160 Mich - 8o RN bSO 48% 10 Sixth avenue B 116 800 Gal & Obto R . 883( 50 N Y Oen R blO 79% 1 200 Oler & Tol R. '- 84 00 do 701( 100 do b 7 84g 6 do - 791( 200 Ohio &Bk I 72% 26 do ' 79%1600 do t - 61.0 72% 800 Lao & Mil It 9%1 THE MARKETS LAMA islet; sales small at te tor Pote and Pearle. 811011`.—By auction, 100 cases Bordeaux Prunes at 8 8181(0 Ault, and 4 month., GIIIIN.—Wheat is'very quiet but unchanged ; Sales 10,000 bud, at $1.28 for white Michigan; $1 2201.80 for Southern red ;$1 8601.45 for Southern white , Corn is very dull—sales 80,000 bue, at 07r120 for allied West ern; suneao for Southern white; and 98; for round yellow. Oate ace lower, with sales at 35e450 for Smith• ern and Jersey, and 460111 c for State and Weetern. Bye is firm at 70a. PLoua.—The market for State and Western Flour le dull, heavy, and very much unsettled The receipts are moderate; sales of 0.000 bble at 0 for superfine State; 0.4006,50 for extra State; 00510 for super fine Western ; $6.2005 80 for common 'to fair extra Western, and 16.6005.78 for shipping brands of extra round hoop Ohio, Southern Flour is-very dull; sales of 1 000 bbla at 14.70e6 50 for mixed to good breads, and $6 0005.76 for extra do. Canadian Flour le quiet at 7000.50 for extra. Paorteions.—Pork is firmer; sales 700 bbl. at $17.60 for mom, and 816 60 for Mime. Beef is steady; sales 100 bbls at 814014 76 for repacked Chicago mess, and 8150115.150 for extra mess. Bacon quiet, Out meats dull act:W(oWe fir Shoulders and 8%. 8%0 for llama. Lard steady ,• NOM* bbla 11 X ell Xe. Butter quiet at 120170 for Ohkorand 16.910 for State. Cheese is doll at 601;4e. WOMB! Steal ; males 600 bbls at 24K0. NEW YORK CATTLE MARKET, den. Bth—At market, 4,911 beeves, 260 cows, 604 veals. and 12,852 Claim and lambs—against 4 894 beeves, 217 cows, 497 veal., and 14,082 cheep and lambs last week; At Ber gen, N J., 600 head sold to butchers for this market, making the weekly receipts at all places over 5,600 head beef cattle, which Is, we believe , the largest number ever yarded in one week. At Allertorile, the cattle' have been corning in all the morning, and fall detail. cannot be pritaiured until much later than usual; over 4,000 head, however, were known to be received. The market for beef cattle, as might be expected, wee exceedingly dull, and much lower; the average price could not be over 7o per lb, which Is x 0%0 de cline. Some cattle sold under On per lb, and for the beet selections in a few instances 95 was paid; good quality realised Be. The general ran was very com mon; we saw droves of skeletons, some all the way from Taxes, which would be worthless to kill,for meat or for tallow; and we think 'scarcely worth' skinning for their hides. The number of i 4 scalawag fl spades was much larger than canal, while, with all the excessive arrivals, the quantity of prime well-fed beer* qas email. To-day was generally termed the hardest for quality, qu•ntlty; and prices, that hes ever been experienced. There are few buyers, and some Were say, in their despondency, that " theyhave fottndlt impossible to giva away their at00k. ,3 • ~.. Seine o f m the • ,- 'cattle by the mash up on the Mils " myee load. on Tuesday. are in market. It is wail6titly eatibeated that from 260 to 800 head pf beeves were lost'by .that disaster. Some few wandered into the woods . end. pastures In the neighborhood. haying escaed front the ears with alight injuries. Pliny cat tle d id not suffer from the collision - but were shwa Suffocated in the general etrukatang and up. The market for sheep has declined 2600 cents per bead, with fair sales— We quote at s2a6 u to quality. Weals, are 'toady at 617 mute. Cows ire nominal, at palm. pwlootaa • FINANCIAL AN.D. pwritmE4ciAL:- . _ 'l%64.olseotArket. Sept. 8,1858. The depronlaed eondithijahr tha : ; lnsirtifactarin , g bite , restaliphyrn*fg, fhoirgkhardiir e ffect upon the Prodne#s l i b: Present, halter to isi - A.ont an'eltidiate good; result which will feimorethfullionipensile for the •preorini throrigh wtheli we irepassinAkait3eatmed , pli. those en- . g " 44 " -Ii& 111 &"f&aturinii- enteiPrises examine pato_ their s aeftutl condition; not only in a financial point of view, brtfi!i manufacturer'', in comparison of their at tainments and productions with those of others hi tide ebuntry; and °there abroad. Early In the history of our 1 cotton manufacture our,coarger ilualltleir of cotton - cloths were in a world-wide siCeridiney:' In . 1682; in the great debate in the Senate on the textirt - - Henry Clay tiiimphantly stated ;that the Ootieps bf America had been exported ttithe midrib of Perinipoo• ter and the Ganges, and sold at a profit in Canton and 'Calontta: In 1840, - when - Mohtgomery pnbltetiad Lis. excellent work on the cotton manufacture, it was mite and believed that "even in the drier 8004 tt we should soon compete incoetitfully - With England. - • It is the opinion Of mannish°, are competent to form Intelligent opinions on the s r ubleet, that the prediction last mentioned has (alitSl or SerifteatiOnrenly because we have not trusted stifilelentiy,so private enterprises; but have placed the bigness in the hands of Corpora. :lons, which Mere aim& site Other large boatel, and not gertoinfy,icrriar,d,:, • '" ' In corporatlons, energy and prudence, enterpris e rind' economy are rarely found united ; yet these ley&Olim tial to - success -in manufacturing, ..Toolmeify= are wave employed,ll4be compildoted aria . ;ctsMbrsus ma— chinery of tusk dintaiine(wh'o -11v4rUPon and imPed& their BA&Peol,IiII4**iftlIMI&;&&&&4 and .energetic and experienced Meanie:taxer, versed ' the details of his lisinisiq , „Weuld not be britheied' They would not only be rif'nb, of to lib*, hu t ' to ills way, and he would ridhiritielf ni„ the at 'mei. ' these eorPoratkons are. in existenee, , Sod' they,lose voidable properties In their bands, and so Many 'in , teresta bound up in their existence, that theyeriiifist be destrOyed. 'ln theie the stockholders ire Toni:hie their future interest, banishing as far: as possible the, iclorie - of dewed families, and- diaajed heads of faints , bes, who have heretofore held plums that were wont , than sinecures -hi ihe - steeklioldere, - -. end:Patti:l:g in their stead practical men, who, it is acinfidently hoped, will regain WA ienitime'whitlieiliien lost:••• - - It is said Bike while the Lowell Minufaeturing Com pany has inoek`mixti pir ient. of its capital in the man:_ ufacture of diirpets, the Higgins Brothers, of New York, citys & few years alle,.l4gen the same buifriess" with little or. no ,capital, have become migiessairis. from their profits In that business. With such exam. plea ea this before them, the ptookhoblers ormsnuta• Curing companies cannot fail to see that . the prosimri., of good dividends hereafter, erindeedvf any,dividends at ell,, depends upon the vigor, rapidity, energy, and economr . attending„their,operations ; and they hardly fail to see that Meth servants nre,,ensphiyed as may be relied on ;to secure these corporation vliti. Mai • and when the wheels o f pus:Mese ars,xtraixt 5ett.,e17.0., solving, we may hope - that onr manufaeturing,compa-, Mei will not „only make, goodi dividends, but that their - productions will again eorume forrobly j with thoseof, any part of the globe. 80, good-willhaVa come one, if evil. The following la s statement of the operations of the United States Branch 'Mint jat New drieini for: farelire months, say from the let of August, 1867, to the 81st GOLD Dll'oBllll. - Calfont'', Gold Bullion $425,416 74 'Gold from other sources 709,658 23 Total gold deposits..... 11119E12- DiPOSITS. Extrasted front Oallforitts Gold= -.52,7817_ Other silver bullion.... 8,642,074 BD 'Total silver d0p051t5.......: Total deposits - GOLD COINAGE. , • • - •., - •Pieees. . Value. Double Bogies - - '45,760' - ' 2 . 276,00 0 00. ,Magles2l.soo 216,(100 00 Half Eagles .11,000' - -:- 65.000 - 00 Quarter Eagles..., 4,000 10;000 00 84,240 OILTIS 001:41.03. Half Dollars 8,844 000 = 24,672,000 00 Quirtr Dollars.. 1,188,000 284 000 00 Dimes 1 640,000 - 164,000 00`' Balt Dimes • 2 540,000 421,000 00 Total ..... ..10,660,01X1 2 8 , 28 7, 000 00 , Total eoinsge .10,644,7,40 pleoes. • -' • ' 54,443,00 00 The business of the Artisan Bank, Trenton, New Jer tier, his ceased for.thopreseut„ Its circulating notes :are well secured - by deposits with the Btate Treasirer. . The Idenntscturere' Beak has commenced busineia at Elleabethport; N. 'J.: E N., Barts;,preelden • • t - Wilson, ashler. One.dollar notes of _.the-Iron panki Morristown, N. J., (formerlj Rockaway), alteied to 'fifty, ire in droll -Ist-lon. The following isthePittsburgh Bank ntatementlor the week preceding Sept - - _ 2, Banks. 131rOulat , n. Spools. Loons. ..,Doposits.- Pittsburgh ....8288,466 165,190 1,629226 ' 748,148 Exchange 441,555' 191,982 1,869.296 . 422,681 Mar. & Bran's.: 178,89/3 185,697 843,622 - 868,994 Olthens , 128,205 88,125. 579,854 -91,261 Mechanlea , .... 120,400 127,068 586,678 90,884 Iron City..., 149,055 , 90.197 _ 698,167 - 141,811 Allegheny..... 180,440 76,035 487,181 -95,082 4;479i741 1:281,196 '6,986,788, 1,868,072 Lad week.... 1,489,610 1,267,178 0,908,461 1,886,917 'norm. 85,226 * '022 • ' r 22 4 60 26,845 Due,to banks ' 8042,215' Deotesee - ,....229,111 Dne by banks - 498,266 Decrease _10,668 Notes of other 862446 , Increase - ",- _ PHILADELPHIA iSTOOrEXtDILDOIII(AIEDi' - . • r; • . 65 Pti, 8 0 11 65. MINTORTID DT Iluinsr, slows & -1411-110T1' 86001 C, AID "IXOtAIt_DI 3/0011411iDOITHITIBT porno - -- 11110 DAD 01186101'8111168. -- ITEM BOARD -800 Oity 1000 do new.lo2X 200 do 1000 City 11 98 600 • do • 98 600 do 98 1600 N Pen It Iba.i 1t89% 600 ; do 89k, 1000 L Inland D 4909 Read R oa, +86....71' - 1200 do 31 2000 Alleg 'Val R Ta... 50 2000 Del kilt Ca -82 k. 6800 Lehigl Nay 8e...96X loony Rink 45 5 do. . . ......45 20 Oommonw 8k...21 ' 6 Norrktown 80 Beal, Mead R ...66 20 do 55 - 6 do 66 , 15 . do 65 4 "do ' • '65 BDTWRIC 800 Penn 6e, Go 10 do — 108 404m&,,pn _ 16 do ..... . . 10 ' do • -101 X 8 Trenton R 100 40 L etwo.l2 200 Sead;R:".;':. =e6ln.24X 1 0 0.11ead.114....b5wn.24X. 100 - - do " efnen.2l - X ' - 8 IdiAniolos 413 k, :..27X 10 Coneol-Bauk - 25 12 blineblir R — BOX_ 100 lifeh' Nay pot • 18%-• 50 ~ do ... ... 60 ' do " -18)j -4 '•••• Morrie Canal -prtrO oo x do 1X 5 Penn R.' '43x do - ,..',013% • 100 Ramifies 2...b5, 8X ,60 do 14 8 20 Huth)) R. 68 % ; 4 do BOARDS. • 16 Om& Amß. 1013( BOARD. • SECOND 1000 N Pen R 611 00 - 1000 Del R Mt 65.....825( 1500 Elm R. 7e 2d ma.. 60 1010 do. - ... 44 zut..6o I 600 d0....24 t0t..50 1000 do.' ..2d 150(1 L Islan d R 65—.78" .. 3'oo Pen R 6a 2d int..9l 2000 .2d mt.; 01 • 1000 Mlesourl 84 841( 1000 Bch Nar oa, 1 82-63,4 7000 Read R da, 2000 Ca & A It 614 1 80.801( 1000 do - 1 88 BOX 1000 do 1 83.80 K CLOSING. P Bid Asked. 13 Gx , 74 100%108K. Vials. !Po 97g 08 do R..... 97% 98 do Nev•.102%108 Ponnsyl 6e 891 i 89,44" Seeding R 23g 24% do bd '7O 82 88 do mt 85,44.91." do 2dcat.....60 B bl Long bland 12M Girard Bank 113(.12 Lob Cool & Nay. 49 49)4 N porokis 94 .do. 6'o 89% GO Now. Creek X' -- X Oidoldiot - OM 0M - Lehi& Zino .... 1 1M do mt 68 , 80.70 X 71 Penns B 48X-413% do htmde 99,51100 N do Wm Oa ..... 91 913( !lonia Can] 000.18 48X do oreflooX 101 BohnlN Ha 87 —sag si PHILADELPHIA MARIERTB, Sept. 8 —Eveniog There Is a moderate business doing in Breadstuff's; with a limited export inquiry for Mbar, with safes of about 800 bbts fresh-ground superfine to note at 55.62)4 bbl. The trade are buying Ina small way at from $5.26 up to $5.76 for o'd atonic and Leah-ground imperaneithe latter forbetter llands; gliceatlfor ixtras, and iiief.6o .for fancy 'IMMO,. as to quality. Geri Meal and Rye Flour are quiet st $4 fir bbl, but scarce at this figure. Wheats come in slowly, and meet with a steady demand at 125e13003 for fate to- good and - prime red, and 133er 1480 forAhlte, the latter kir'irime lots, which- are starce:.: Corn .18 In 'better demand, .and about 6,000, bushels yellow sold at 886 , 900 In store; and 9041 afloat. Oats are also better, with aalea of 6 600 bushels South. ern it 44e, llyecontindes scarce and in - demand at 70c for new, and 78080 0 for old Penna. Bark is steady, with sales of 28 hbds No. I Queroitron st $lll AP ton. Cotton Is firmer at the late 'advance, with sales of 260 bales uplandiat 123 eilllge cash, the latter for middling fair quality Groceries are moving MY rather more freely; some'4t6soo bags Coffee sold at 10,tio for Rio, and 12c for Laguayra, on time.' The stook is nearly exhausted of Sugar ; sales include 460 hhde at 7e7No for Cuba, and BcBXO for Porto Rico, on time. Maisano is doll : with small sales of Cuba at 200, and Muscovado al 320. 4 months' credit Provisions are quiet, and a small business doing in mcst kinds, but little change in quo. tations. Seeds are imitative; Clover is selling In a small way, 'on arrival, at 5067.400 4P .busheltamd _Timothy at 52,2 12,V 4fr 'bushel. 'Whiskey Is unset tled, with Bales of 260 bbl® Ohio at 26)4c, and 100 Ibis Easton at 2k; hhde at 25)40, and drudge at 240 ifv gallon. Markets by Telegraph. Iletaquoan, Sept. 11.—Blourie quiet but Arm. Whea steady. Corn—White Is quoted at 80e82o and-Yellow at 910960 ; a lot of very pima cold at St by weight Whiskey is hold at 2.5 K eke°. Provialons quiet and un changed. - . _ Oniosoo, Sept. 8 —Ylour steady,. Wheat. very - doll at 770. Oorn quiet at 5340. Oats quiet: Shipments to Buffslo-1,200 blobs Flour, 46,000 boatels Wheat, and 68,000 bushels Corn. Shipments to Oswego—No Ylour or Wheat, 40,000 basttels - Oorn: , Beeelnta-6,000 bar- - rele_Plour, 86 , 000 tuushels Wheat, and 69,00 a bushels Oorn. CINCINNATI, Sept. ll—Flour Is dull, and prices droop ing and 'irregular; sales at 1.4.8004.90 for superfine. Wheat dull at $l. - for prime red, and E 1 .15 fur w h it e- Trovlitone are unchanged. Whiskey steady at Ole. , , THE COURTS. iniTIAIRDAT'S PROOHEDINOII [Reported for The Primula q111111112181111610/ 113 - 4 Udge ol r.—lgunia solingliehman, was convicted of sasseault and battery on Patrick Lavery, • tenant dt -hies - who resides in Howard's court. The blow did sot appear to have been a severe one, and the judge iniposedn fins of ten dollen and costa. ThomaeGrant, a respectable lookingmau, was charged with having dole's, from J. 0. Rocket*,'low, $3OO. The prosecutor wee from the country, and ,wu on a slight buret at the time, and asked Grant toj •in him in a car. riage ride, to which Grant assented. It wu during the ride that the allied lemony took place. There were a great many collateral matters brought Into the ease, which caused ft to occupy all the afternoon. atuy out. D strict Attorney Loughead for the Commonwealth ; P. 0. Brewster, Beg., for the defendant. We learn from the Richmond (Kentucky) Democrat that a man by the name of Wm: Wee shot a Mr. Robert Wade, onffuLndaylast,libitr the month of Gates oreek,..killing M it instantly; The Baltimore Clipper, yestin4y, appeared. ina new dress. It is now in its nineteenth year ; and a gloat szo9lent paper Ulu = TO ' :DAY AMONG' - ninth - or September in esti calaidatc,antithejliat'dayOr Month , Tle Wialicythe illAreinithe Brat - day of their rodlginini par t - Illiiiaigl" l "*. 41 ! bro3,46oo,:tvittaiiiiidenfppoplfixOnfaiiU rally, and "withinore eolioniaithAlisix.llnrotherdaY • the - *ear: - 'The term to dletagnish Mantles -.**- their. liinereer,, Jr434,r r i.itiler,rd, the ll o/1 1 1 13 .P4i 1 . 4 1i11i Of r lthie day, 'ard thilnine annaiedlneinee,:wenisy here *JOY state; tal a matter of intelligence • N All orthedoi JeWli;*for eepiiiiteahlei - Vii; attend - the SynektigliiiteMdaii ti•-dej th ", 44 , 1 ,_ _ praying to Almighty Go* rm. the:" vofitivecceel orall -their eine roptellted:ihirliik,thii:pairt year. - ,Tnlthele _ own .o;#.-tAflif pdzTcd `.: lpplyin6 - terms tempo: ral to ekligkelivitool,ifor the an settlement Um comae Ibetween, - -man .and - hie - Maker ; a' iley; too; GA: which an Overialing k'vevidinice,443 out, tk1010t0k,1,4,1; the:ii:o4;:iiiki'vii4teece.WhethOVTOvvieet:"-, or woe, - of e'fpri_oine_iit hie :denture e ..fOr Tolinwlng thie"grent clay:-of-decreer. conienine• - dare, which are celled th'erpiyeilf,irePOWeiKirh:ret:'-::' are spint Oita- ilooniaeli',der, , nd jilteridf `once at the ilynernotte,,for r ,the iiiiorpeen4 - 0 - - prayer to Onciipe*Co, : tc ?nittigete,, !slier,: or reverse any deCiies whfch mar W ade today. --The iota , day; however; lei to layint this -- ,imilter)-for this intercession *filch > s o i led the Asp of a tonement tafteilehlet t -gkeikek*liel,nq from the 'hia,lore:Ortlinailincol tileerentior every one's life for 'the current The day upon which .thls Bagley Will;be next Saturday - week, , and!yrilf be "obeeCied ta'"- ieleoni fret (Vow six o'clock On the evening of th.o-111-h: -- - - to the' same hour or, the evening Joss: • - • 111 coheeiptenoe`ot - the theta heieatati*l; • thel,,placee, of bisiniiiirtheisiikportion 61; onillebiesk firms , this dad b eleitd,,,....tide J4i: ed, `general la "Thiele day ..to Oiserred atria Jena, that -ere-told by come or their bet Wormed - add reed liii ir elligintinen; that awl. ' !ilea! of no °Maki' elaireejer.'4lllltiiialde,alt aver the land to attend theElyitafiaiu'lit*4l4l.lo day by many who neglerd theee plases of wors hi p all -the rent* the - • - - . , ,• `•Wor emus yeautpaet,..thcatteadaueo",uplin2tialui - en:!, - ntutlaiittletthall heerifie - greitlhat ooi Synageguea here—of which we-bellemi.thare -are•SIX-s-111111T - Aein entirely Inadegnste 'to theiled;- ; for loom; tramegnente of' which it Inandn - bii*lie Oriatoiaari for Jews who can afford ltpto minim their seats in admindii, hy libiral lionise for thiv , pilidiegit, ye „have even beendifdryied;:tliciiighthiah(M*iercpr irot :rded—, that 1n some of the Syuagoraee a regular 410 2 gtOncies - - *ill be obargedayery owwho enters.. 3tls -arid_ that - boriuees thus paid if 8 - 111 some 411114411 i high as five dollars, and tiVralea, w10834 - 10'044'.el:Teee_elt over the country will madeot:thenmeivas to moth self: '- denial and inaonverienne, in order :10m in orme one or , other eitlikto,day„todiselierge What they _ 011sotte Olt, Anis hivitilittention to the "advertiiieseni.ot Mllll/111: Oharies .osliford &-Son,le iaothir coluraky'- Their - .Fall':Opezdrim of , &Mite and - ,-- fashionable_ headikare always *Masted to create sensation,' but from what we hive_ seen in'. pluming -, throrigh Mar briniest* steak,' now iii: - rapid course Of , completion. we may estelyyrepst -113i.tquIsp"91' _' - itthlepopnlai eitablbdimentit MS' tinie their card to width the readeriiilren...e4!. Some of the mastAiirmins.hatijei:TOOth,' oldhlten, - andmisses we h'ate - ever 404111141 re saw, Ili:, t ilhork visit 10,0iltfordis yesterday: - To -rest LAMIII..-To Most, of: ode' lady =readers,-;:: we need not say that No. 46 ankh fietiOnd street=tor. merly White's Basear,'laud now the esiabibiliment - of ?deans. Linisolii;Wood kNlehpla—Le; and . faryears,aoeutre of unequalled attraotiOn in the sea son when the fairer portion atm - nanny are riennitom. 014 shop for fashionablelminete:- •WeJtavejaid them a v*t tiffs reason; andTegandried their - Meek, and have . no hesitst!onin saying, that Sor'-titte;.... mama a^iiidt from every lady; in ,this pity or'out of it, whir - Idabel to, obtain a - really.. soperii„ and fashionable covering for the heed. : To TomMi MAX _ tendon to the advertsanima, in another Amino* of - o , Doiluall , a!lidoir=keeping Institute.: This establiaM. , . meat being ,detotekezelesivelrlo"_Jse'svatlen_in_the' bualuess of the eminting.hoorui; is regarded ainifording • unequalled ficilities for theiihrd teek.hireplug and kindiellibjettii.= 4 - That the cssixiief.lestinettori tent the highest order Will ba undendiSal,:wheo we sey„that . graduates of the Institute Lave attained to high pot tions in some claim best tommoretal llamado: - • ' $1.454,832 97 $8 644,840 46 ' 84,118,874 48 $1,205,000 00 A Mau' familia; • Thel beet place we know of to ieliotr ui neeeiaaritnotrit.,: menu—drawing, mathematical, ete superior lty,'ln2d at tinainahle . la it the op r tteali sat, at" - Mr. Samuel L; Pox; NO. UT brciith Second street, abova , liuttonwood,:. etoeli,of these inalainieniteis iraii._- auperiorj AIN adrertlaanient . nlll-bor found 'under 111 propel! head in another colupin. , - . BRYANT do SraierTint's Coitiplui - are hi:mum throughout 'the llnion, tad 'eikl_cy an antl.> yelled zipitatill In Buffalo, Chicago, and,Othiriteat enu cities, .whiie thay Are located,: - 4 1`halr College this cithsbutheait noiner` of Serouth..anit Cheetnit, Is In 'successful SpeAtlOn. siStlerninirikladyiirdiMy,a?sl evening sessiOne..: Their tenting sieureeil _ rough and pactical. In lheirkitok-heephig department they* . onlysninnscrlikferint takiShozniistnaf_lreal., etylkof elegant end Intel.;"_ ness-like ',Young men 'wig do welt to give them • call. Wu _Oximus 'AR* Idenirpii.—.lin bivataii " foreign cigeri r wseelliwSwisee,icersiA*lnstlyapPralsed. - at the New York instonAtinos it /4***l44 1 14.-7b4V under oath, wu.-that net, eipirtlele,pr t0m.64. entered:in:MA& pqmpositt4orsild_clitisiAtuf that' they were whol'y a:impanl of ealc;!and other lei Tee, imaked is a strong tobacco lie, !rich - frauds ere common ,enough in tie cigar trade, but titerefsnoenclsdecepttoiC practieed" in the'mannfactitie of good irearing apparel, liartlettlarlyg-it it made MAIL!! Brown !tone , aiiVorlieewn&:wagon, Zfog;!'0161 10416911: ‘‘ A TirtaftoAlAl37l: la s OY =ln nothing le iliii . 4lollki2lllll' fellted.:32l - 131" , Arlklugtilium Sri thdeluglei article it clothes.. - A bealitifulgarraeat id a never-tilling" lours of Joy 'comfort to, ita happy _ poieesaer. implies dt , Ouifilanr, and !stele•• c thi" ,tliree grist etuistituents alskart embodied LUSO garultuis ; gottan up at E. B:Eldridge's Old Tranlilla Hall Moth- Emporluni,, " No. $2l Gliestant street. :: AviatzOn is a besottizig tin with many . men deed, where will ion - grid the man who is setlelled with ;htapresentpossessioiut -Per— :You cazil CAA manse yen 011 up pitcher willhold : , - A little more gold, . dud never io rich that he wouldn't be richer. -' - A'farielOWlriltWil Is slimy" to be depree.ted g bet afie elre for d isattloteitt amount of gold to enable one to wear the beetonini styles of Granville Stokes, No. 607 Cheat. nut street, le rather ingdable., - 1000 Ca dc A B • ea, 'BB 80k $OOO Alla Val 11 Ta.... 40 • 100 Oataw It...bswn. 61: 100- do b5wn..6% 60 'do 'Pawn. 61i 41 Kentacky 8k...116 12 _do - 116, • 2 Pena& 43,,k( I Late% Nav 49 -100 Weal Va Ooal 00. 4i( 6 Oorn 82 Bk 20)4 6 Labia Sorip....BlX 2 hilnabill A 6036 2 do 603 10 do 14.60 x 0.111-2I)11C, Askid,. 041 k Nay- Imp,6q. 4183 i 70 do nook.— 0 •• 01( do prof: ..153i 17 &81nalt.1011 11 do Valid mr.7B 76 „ , - iltiratiie„;-Th'etebtlenlieitatest Thai affint• the ere ever at Tali for the tweets or renoratton of the thanes. The PETMVIaIf ST UP S with , tti eaeibloat element,lron,presentsto the laboratory of ilinaii*nt ever act:re, and ran nerei InZabient isithent-tlerange meat of the 'vital fuetlone. Isilble'sloir. and alteratlie proem, It to truly a renovating andltre-gtrlng ritedloino: Por sale at P, BrowrVai MIL and cheetinVax4 lisegard & Co., Twelfth and,Chestoni, - _ see d&w tf: Try Again —Most P , ease Imposed ea, are stdipiakini. - Caution k needed 9a thole than to 'm inim Istanbul, and the certainty ollaing Tyks HuuePiLEast Lustrok Hair itaiSOTatitS ill in for -baldness. - those who have either lost their Hair, orate beaconing bald, should tr y this delectable preparalkn, whose" effects arandracti lons. . . Sold by all bingists, and at the Laboratory of Joule HAMM & Co., Perfnmers and Importers, No. 104 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. - ae6.6t Yrofesiter :ISauuders , classlcal,lnslitate, .at the WEST PHILADELPHIA MIRITUTD, corner of MAMMY Street aid WILLIAM, will ,V reopened on the first MONDAY ut Septimber.' Dupe, to the num. ber of fifty, will be received WI2 , NOON *SPINS,* or 7035 ON TNN PABSONOSR RAILWAYS OF rag.otrr. - Thus, without expense, by & pleasant and safe can reyeatoe ; pupil" can be carried into -the freak air of the oountry in lees than half an boar from the centre of the atty. - Bering urea of open grouid border on the beau. ' Ural gr o ves ,of this „atrainarY;yhiek Is by -many of the dietinirdalled gentlenien et the 014', among whom are the, Editors of The_ Press, the -Ledger; and , The North 'AXOOrlaill . and 'United Etatea Gasetts. P. - pile are received by the dayjoi- into the family of the Principal: I _ . - ' • Puttinitruta, ;lily 1,13b3. " We,,the undetslgned,-have had eons or wards in Professor Saunders'. Institute and family during the Session which hes just closed. In respect to parental kindness, happy tufinencee, ittentfon to health, and progress In thorough education, our expectations bare been fully realised. To Our friends, who are looking fora decidedly good school for their sons, we cordially recommend Professor Saunders' Institute. " MATTHEW NIEWEISK;No. 1300 Arch street.- " /NO. W. FORNEY, office of The Prem. .• OIIABI.IIB E. THOMPSON, Thonipion Ittod, No 413 Chestnut street.' . , ‘,. 7 . 8. SILVER, 4400 Girard arertue. " W.,L.BISitINGB,-331 Market street. " GEORGE N. MARTIN, 1625 Walnut street." Other Petunia of-this Institution: • ELI S. BUBNITT,.4OO Market street. JOHN 0. MITCHELL; 203 South Sixth almost. T. 8.001.01/AM, 1 4 3 South Eighth street. N. B. BROWNE, na South Fifth street. . SAMUEL MOORE, Logan Square. P. WATSON, Logan Square. • WM: SWAIN, odic° of Ledger. MORTON MohfiCHASL, °Noe of North American ELLIS LEWIS, Penn Square. I:ErNo SIIKISAIt YOUR 3131.110 T, Thomas W. Bally, No. 622 Market Street, Importer and Dealer in Pine Watches, Jewelry, laver end Plated Ware. First-class goods constantly on bend. The subscriber, paying cash for every article, is enabled to sell at a email advance. Those about purchasin _ would do well to call. All goods warranted as renre. muted. : • 5e4.310. Bavteg Fluid.—Flve Per, Pints Interest.— NATIONAL SAPETY TWIJST COMPANY, wAusn:rr. Meet, S. W. corner of THlRD;Philadelphis. Money imeived irfany ram, limp or small; and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Worley la resell's:oMA payments made dailj, without salmi. The - investments are rude in Real Ratite,, Norigages, Oround Rents, and inch first-Maas sand ties al th charter requitus.: Once hours, from 90:dock It. the m o rning until 5 o'cloidi in the afternoon, nil on Wanda gad Thursday evenings until S o'clock. fed Grover a - Gomm - -oc=MUMm YAKUT BBIVING mAoRINIB, 780 CHESTNUT STREET. Theee Machines ere now _ Justly adthitted to be the beet in nee for family dewing: Pliaimil.a nevi strong, ad eladia atitah„whiab will Ito! ait,eten if very Alt* be ant. °imam' aent, on eppliation by otei. aPi;.l7 iackson• • JOB PRISMS'S, , MIMI- AND CHESTNUT. Chaska, Notes, Drain, Bills Lading, Bill Heeds, Cr =lure, Oarda, ,arai, all Okra kinds of Sob Printing, at prisms to gait the Um'''. . - -04T41-
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