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I' 13yrivbe Nhilifdtrittol trA -- lt atigrOfi l -4 t-8°114.411'"43464112451"12M 641111 t *l4 , • -orrafixikirra-aroi. •.,i-trYISi44IIO4,-,,,ANITAI,,IYAc.I-, If • t tlAs ll' ,2,4m7 , ••=- -- i4W40105 1 1104 tg opos..s /ti",ll in 4 - 13...1111.4.101iir0al ?, ,, r's t 441417 I ,,QRsatotorlypoipstio:(lool)BV , ' ?sit .1.441,5'0.4,1,-1,044.44.1.f I., :! . ;4,; . 'tIIP*I 3IIII TON I Eft -147 111T0ritNt 30 51 ,:;:4,,,,: _ -( s i.g!,:p!iff : l l l l l l rVhrj r4 O r t t .i' c s-"`P'f'''''' c 4 1 .. i ,--li t „lit titra f t, dr „ r i az . d .", ivdio ,,";, AILTS R ffliff await 67117tLarnists ":1; , : wspronanati,unD7ooLoll2lDllVOLlNS; 1 . 4 blUiriiihr froixutketzr, , lpx.v , r , .: ,-, , , ,, , v. , ..., 4'V:, I : itT.Miw0,..410,4; ~ : f f I p DATEI3-,la /a P9.. 4 ',31?: 1 ,:y AJX, , j,-4 - Mitie 3 °''' •-'t 77..',: DO; -- J-i- , ".,.. .30 . z o Tow DO; ,f); f7t. 44,,c01u0 i :,-, ,, N1i i;tl - 41200taeldii4 . 1 . 111/2poissliltiOintTtin*Cs'`- - ' SlO 4 ottil , ic44 l 9,Wit:si ,1!"1 1 1* ,- f4 - $!.44.:4,,,v I,c, ..,, IoWN .4..1 0 :....0.: - .,fii.:-.,:4et---11.. , : 'do. ~. t. +l , . ~ V I TLiIygptIIOINAL ojlPTiiipa )1640 • 6:4L lacimAs 4 •41Alva,G . ..4r:ii,VOT%•PriOWMPOTPART3 td ,•sti !.•••1..• . : •• • •• 4 *n4 t'• , •"'W=4.•111.•, , 1i•4 1 . it ,Y ll • INt •vovsi OFDIJALERB , IIC7OELi "(MOTHS:- '.' ' ''. ,p:4 -, fy.‘"4. ,,. ., v4l ...... ....5..,,, . -... .s g l'eMP Mubcdribellt*Mtle uperldisMllMig - for , AidAtt . 1 :' :1 3 / 4 ,.,..thez,54..,5i--- - 1:4,0 pi 1,>1 , , 40 , ,, , ~.-.,44 iatt, • , ; 4 4i lt41 00k4A 1 01;4TAli;811 , 4i ''' ',4 " 'l f ., ~4 3 .1, tlil ',t 4'i W' ViatrAfkg,011POLOT48;'''. '' Iclocyft44m,ketv WititifidliiWisistis ; th D 9 yore itrall , 41 tAffiNfltliii , ecliiitOY, ,,, +4. 0, .4 .-.;• :.)t -.! 1 . :AlliriceUiroMAlFSlObk OonistantlftiligAd I- '''.'-== ..St6tstaltielilit iiVidac2hiiii*biatiii o tOi!litishiii who 00.ir biiiiimatat? , .z! , : ,,, i.. 1 , 41 , -1-i. 1 1: 1 , v - 1- ic.:.... ,,, ? =I 4 IJ iiiikoluktffiD;44l4lo 4 .o* lAkiieti , PhOte • '.1 , -; ,ak -- 0616 - 4. l ):NTlttiperciftwsitiiii**•ii , 1 IVI:Yr - ANA. bnowE STY-LES .' " ' ':"-4.-•-=- , E=. , ...:.. , Ak=..., ~ ,4.41" A j • t • A l A'I2I , EINGTON 'OO4IIREIII.Sai ,,I;;4I-.r. -set-b.? ,19,,,.; ,d,'•_i.,.....,. rer IA: •' - ' ,l ~, zo ~ - .. i (DROSEMBP ~' -' D PATENT DRUBBELD,) ~ .g.-4 1 ;...';,': f . ~ . . ' '- ' . -,..,..• •:,r..i: ...r.1 , 4." . ' - { - 'o oBarAiri t iiir ° 4tEoE/ViNq't '.' :;-7 ..7 g.. , ,: - .. 4 1. -,-, " ,- -'4. , • ' 0 ` - 1 .I' l . 4111.1 ; .1 4 q. -- ' ''----Alm, ' r3rge . ) - • ' . • ~ . i, ,,i 4, ,, v.,,,, Lf,-, t. , ..# r 14 : I MADE TO ORD E R. ON t.I3II.OBT,NOTIOEk . ,- / 49 - - _,.. ..:''1.74 , •- 03 P. ..-,.... • sr.y ‘r, - .•tt tv ,:‘, , -.; `' fr ii . : , •':I , -, Oa t...t ir°i/* * -11 , 81. , ?.: -. • ? , .•il , : :,..,:•• • J•' '' i_ -.....__ , • ~,,2 - ,• • - • Iv •V ''•••-,,. {',•: ; 47 , ,0,AR .r. 31... L ..E ,A ~ , .. 1 ;. :. c , , drys - ip,-i3IZ..S"9)LESTNITT...STE:Y.ET.„ .. ..-.ltm d -. . :.- .4. - . ••••?•, , &•1.• f 2 • - ___Fes`-'-" .. . • .• - - " • „ , „1 :4 7 * „•••? ALM /11t THE OK ES :IL Pg7": 6I3 ,EVZ 4 tr aeg ' ' SBROidIICS''PATENVOPEOE 1 1 : fJ S IVOL -- ; • .° 1: 11 7.79N•:. h.+fq'fir iIC)L2 EifiLk , iit; - .0.,0xpr5,...„, • 01M3ritY,, J,Nt.fasr - ,dAlitri49ooloB.'.o, I : : !tii;;,olriii:l42ll—P.O.lT .[-.As •-• • 7 ~ • I lle•:NOATJI - =LW EMILEET; '5 1.- 11,?:7Li.:' -- • - ' "pa_ ff irliriensltali4 Oil Cloth IfirMediyeedumlea. , ..,l;:e t d-eitwi4tg- We ki!itel,be'attantledi!:t eiilepe oomrltictakal4 : • 7 ; oppv-z. 7 2 11 41.110:'? 1 ?-Aii•-A -0, ‘" I A T 11441 * **#44f,t4 1 444 1 0.• .14 .4014.*INIFdVMI'd,Clgitio;)„ . : !1 1 ,(40 0 OR O F) 0 44 0. 04' . P" dthe *ie: r ; ; do* (Mason Clot) oiTREET i 41 - 's • _ „ iliarlf.:o 0 /1...Q - 41;Y4-11, lug GERMANNOWN;-P4. ; r.p4 , ', , ' , ,A../1100A.LLfnIf • tip:l36,i - ` A:kr 01,T, 1: iyv BANK) •':: On7I,,ADELPITA... 4 ;31.H 10j1/1 - .PAAKIAGES , f4v 4 " . Brown and.fihystkoKtzr, 1irti1155t1i111 . 11'14140111, , ,104 , 4 1/11:1114451 1 1 1 11; is airk4ia, ~-;•• 414,1Biressueerrekz, pyirpatm-;•.i - • • '• - gifouiffrikinca:*o 4 4 1 =10, 0 :404e4; 40 Tolta,itiift!!,bia qttlie,triaq. 108 - ii3COANDIGfi? Bl4:lo.l4PttBillA3lPD,Efir ; 1 - • T 151123, 04 tiff:M.2B' 'victimise , " , :f•f • • sa.7 , l;ir' !vol. site ' VELlA3VAgelate,,' „,\:iiniktiilltP 1 " :t .86011.111111I;Vid1413:-PRONT" • " • . 1171TELLIN Gi I COFFIX•i*:OO.• - • t:16.1 -:ft ' .. s 4 ":lp Va 7gTi.6fdo,-i-4nS.l;b2;lii?ntit' Oi A v 11 i -. iv ll A 4 s lC ",. Z 4 18 - I ; 3 . t#; 7 -11 ff# S ADAA!PL'., f 9/ f , „„ 6': k. , 9P BPBIO sa ,- ilinivOih3 l ota4Ariety, .4•lladLeglehoisolitttii.; Tarkit - 211•disi 41zbeatie,-Dlami rt Ormi t 7l=l72l l ., faiii i iiik, o - h: ei r . - -, mitutilia.- ''-- • -- - ,-. 44daip -- mponirine -•,-;., Ifilltaralllev- `t. ' O 01". .' , ' , 1` ,,. ;:' , " c*; l lYubingt•ii, ~, -, 7. Tints& Milli, .' - L. ultokstonoi4,,,..: C0hani*,,f,,,,,,, , , 4ohtutain, ~ :f rs IV A 104.1103 _t.., -, - "Phoßizi., .: ,L, ;.•40u, 40; .. ~ -87400,X, atIZETINOOMIRTINCqI,' ATM' MIL; .. „ , . 4' Milling; , - 3 —llldicikay'lv' .- l'ir•lnisc ram1iyi.9er0140,..,.,. , ,- '''.. IlttdOifit i^4?-53 , E0aV.PiVirOutv ,Eaelo,., • „; -r•Z&AZ034 . 0,1441p , = - :„ t .:ldeips . fr..q, . fit.lllWaier,„ ,d,, irspetA ~, ~„ ;IVarsoiA l ; ~ 2. • CarrstAtieri 'l‘..i,4sel - s;;;„ , (l) , .ozitaliiirst;,4, , z ... ; „, - Stotteloyike:POsooroylv.sosa•l/PoluO; Op.'s Blsek. jb*Pl l,4 4 l t l r 9 9 l - ank - 4-#OlWa9,-.2/9.#?1,0 igf#.. i.- • tp. -~ 3 ,,....' '"Y.torinchliP.L.l;Ti . cAtititinnza: . -' • • _rodal_ehromi.oason. al yeti- 4 Bristol; .- _.. ~ .I . ' . ''.• ; 3111 0"V ,5 ,- -", 7,- ',. , Stedolol,' '- i, ~:;•: ' and . otheni. „,, . ~:-.6 r ,,.„:,........,.._, , ris s eldrl9,:Teftls Moron; -.., . ; ,:. - -',"...;..4!.. wai t ; aki , --- 'Mineral BpsiOgsi ;.,... / i it a t ii i iii;:, ; ;;. e,:ic ia tikiti ra yi: - ... i-yierittow mum, „• ic k wum 4 , 4_ , :qpiduin i es i -- -...oonviarringqitei• 0140 1,4 6 4,0444.1e5, 44nttle f i a im4,othe ) . , took es ' ' - '. sk4lid t4to s troll, Olt' 1% o ' t" Olgaisl Anti' IltripsiMaolmisid Tiokinget - ‘? l ° Aoder .I.lsad and 111110e:Ipbl3 Limeys and Aprqn, tepsscs:on4 illatello Canton Biorotolo,.Sps•ic 1 / 2 3-2= ...., , ih .,,,. ` - iieik:::". ,-.. 4.3,4„-- 45-,36.,.—.4 , -.,-iii.„ , ....., , .„.,.........„......„......, i o,l!Btibillail 0 4311AltDBON , ktigiNNS, tipltikose A liiiiseMOtilt l 4lo - 09 4 1,1)6;tbdobt , i -",, ii, 4 4 - 0 1 .itA.. 04 J0.i,j4 12** 8 44i'',_ ili!!4 l l4*. i . t4 U ° : ' ;' simiipfxtsaFalie6f.-1-ia..4.,.. - .1:-. _ 4.- ,,, ::" 4 - AC , .!..r , •': :: • ~ ' -_,- t tkqlt, o •o Bo4 t soNsi' , & ':irirDiz i , - '- i il n gnor‘iss . ii o'lo Otiiiii4issi: itailfdibislittlfy 'of !Wok,: Aitligiiettf'V'%tcr.og--,:kpf';,,„.- , - 441 , ....- ,. .,1 . r.,-..is. fttifattitite id/00„,:affma :681 4. I,o4l APoi*lor7 "bar r t on 4' Otinrorttifilnoentia.Oteotinitpmeogniltpreperon, , , otter=biNkiunit blitt , iiellek witli.',..tho Z:1111310;, of , AANDSONi by Irlish101004.1 1 :bfi, 1 11 1 .4 16 1 111 of tb• thus i n guat o doko _oohs Amman comma/ ` Ye- •_ t ,oNtatnataptaiiirckif 1.041, iiiibbieflOsliThin not fe .., ly ,nbondon o bithineu,no-priAtiible, While' pur. e °' ' 6 r B A l !; , bi?‘!Ptipio4,4.g,tawigi.-Igfr : 1 1 ° F t 3 4 1 11 . , ' - i: ,-.. ,- :.,8131..i•0P1C.E 8i ,T. B.:LOC E;IC - -n - -;--, - 4 4: '-' • - Irlii4, ol kal; !0 4RUPZILII trlit.t: , Newyork. - - 1 .kv, , -, , ,,,,,54-i. , , , , i . A. ,I. , Armor igg- c .-.!, ,?. :- ";_:" -," •_- - li--...-..„-„--..61...r.,..01 , ,, , ,,, , ,,,,,... _Am, •••, ~ ~ - „', ~ ,' , tr,oro, , • u r a:By 11113 BALI Olt HADA, „" , 4 1 416 AND 417'ARD e N ENT.- fgR r ,1 " , , 'l4C4o . 4:l4llgatifir l .:o4tiliftLitAiathi'l fottl l 7lko,t 2 rpslerV , 411 , 4 G, TOXiA Blitz ,-•4 0 *,,A4 1 4 io; _innwksih!. ' : -ut • t j t , - IVIT"PrIT-13"4/001)Sv,,1- . 6 1 1*IRR 0" • 4.) e tiPprartja. UThb 011ie andlopltnee, - ; " B9bloll:dilaJilialair ',lll US. • Ai Ptetich I'lOA Vaieh.o* and geripds., - f,_ ret " ltit u tit'WAr l ° ll ' . ' l ` 4 Franob Ojunqtreres and Te@tings. ' - ~: r RIMfl Oo oie itch Pn de Shies;; , - . . .OEINBTITUT. and-BIC/WM Htreeta 184 L FALL o,l"BNliNCia' Yy^Nl7l co -0 .' lINIB TOURt.O ita • ; ''' A choiceiiia*:r+Tarptally,so4O,44WoliM)Regani 99d44; -, • suitable for the FaSI.. : • • REAL INDIA-SRAWllSns i gnd, Soap, in all 'eiilora worn j Splendid Silkallndlolieo,aud - by the yard, tea an,tite - tobmiis oeui t ioa f rki; : tovvob. the attaa tSon o'ttii. tales l i n'v atiYR .4. , ' OW 041,P. gT8,, : , - ,, .Y. 14.4 _.„„i i i i i, r - i f i r , 4 0 .1 6 1 ;1 6 in '?..d.1• !'-• \• '...,,.. t i, • :: . 'sila; ` 4 ••- -, ' Ti,1,,, 1%, —:: : . ..--_:= . - 1 ..!i• • ,-;;;--,,, ',- ' . ! 1 0PEN./41 Cf.j.:!OX, , ,,ABNAkiI• r eOODS rani , '" :7 '` . ." t .5 ' .0 Ti):DAtz. -, .z. 1.2. DEA i L,EZ ; t3PLIOUStIi noo.s,l,Tivp pl.owittifej ,SRVENDfD 'ROBE% TattiBIBLOUNdB ; moviAr ; flilrtES VALVOILKS ' IfOtlyp::PlsliNliitEMTlMMl E.V4RI4:, •;•1 ;PLAIN- AND BAYADUE MIAMI: BILES. 17 I v R /e-ID, O A , 140, ;:rttpmfo, ontoppiuwiquazazta? .., yrr 3E: :a. - 1411,I0',IVLANTILLA , ',AND4 OLOA4C. FMPORItihi. NU. 70 . ortabrstg " ~'• , PBILADEIPBIAI 1,• FALL' GrOp P B' , .. OR • 18581 , Over ,8"000 yirds of NSW kILK,S,Jutt received by B HI and SPRING iIABBBN Ibicigbt for CAPlT'and t 6 be soltronly for CASH f , • .'•!'Nftt'eati 660fittentlykest4t that 'the'abitin goods are so, re'keep that Buroliasiinfesal Nate'alargeptiendaitage by lnlying of ,us. - • „ • ~illorrill,Aol(l3lllEStannottre eacelled'int - thli Conti 'nottlf,MlteriCarl,',‘' - Wethellenge a eotnyailsOn. , • ' . beautlfulteslitos. Polo de'Oheyret; Valenclas,taud very hatelboula Bug lish. French, and American Ohlntsea. , ' PHs* :Stella • Shawls; Craps :nitwit!, Brooks Shawls, Blanket Shawls, . • , 'A. tory latke atoolaol , ,Dotnestle,hltudlna, Flannels, Blaukets,'Quilts,Cdttutergenuoko. • Best Family Wiens of our own Imports ' tlan.. , - , Table Cloths, Table -Clorers,,PLano Covers, Stand ,Covers, ate. ' - - , , Clothr h eststmtiriat, &0., for and Bois? irear. ' 'We'. lllo `O'detaffolteta' to - , kirip, the " bet Stook' This seseoinve licro - ever badosnecto nialitate Our reptile - tam iitiebe ofthell ‘ estAinses 'olt.T6Arr' B. B. Oor. EOM= a: SP - RING CAMDEN Streets: "WE HAVE ONLY oNIEPRiciEIt) .. - this4u :3 1 ANAlbxaml! - ,, AtlNTaxas ;BLROY,tesPeetrultf.laittie the lonilei and .examin lice e of 'MIAOW, etnb*ing 'many Aphis t act to 'be 'fend elseWhete,' • Onr stocklir the lamed,' nee patteniipthet Weld and one *lees so low that we'deffecmpelition. ,,, . • • 5,000 pinta:, Itlacejapt...,74leq 5 1115 , 8 1, 4 1, AD; 6 9, Do; rich, 52X, 00,ldi eery club, el, erg, 00, ar. • 10;000 pains' Delednes; Oates* Duals,' at io, - 123i, leg 24,1”.110i decidedly , the cheapest . 10 A 0 PO,YerdAllitYreech,tekiewi,10,10)4 wor mato 4:l,thom,s7ii to 62N, very ono. t • -- r One lot of Crape Bhawlaretsls,-W6eth $3O. —' • 500 midaliand Veashueree, SOX worth Si; With, variety ofolealrablagneds for men's and boys' *ear, lasethan Canalprices.,-.-. 1,000 Ards bfariialle4 Ydatinget; 1,000 o.lllg - nee'style• Itlbbonsi tti6:ohespext In The' Imo autorrioci It,ftediftworkei Oollaru, o:itzk; wottli • - 1040 Arai, or itath . - a" 11444' Sidie 'grid Oantbric white 1-tkiqir;Vielreatristgap i s in the tate • lit • • et•lesaCluni-enWttee,,-Vecatito•V!!" j•Vtp"th - s. - • 'N6:11104 NlNTErlitreet.' ' 11011AITTALOON - STUFF& s•- .llroadolottui. - :GoodalifsotanY for Boyat wins: , - ,fidritFalr,P,,,nt Btuffa i lelllog cheap. : , , -"- '" - FRESH" MIINLINS • ' - In tha basaitatit, - -"Of sirmer-tochf mako; hy the Yard or ata small ps! wart: on tbe'AgerNspackage prise. -DOMESTIO-GOODS. Irish ',lamp; fine and bow. , Shirt Basoms & Tatfle Linens. - ' ~• Volials;Driport,-aad i Ticking, aid • - • 7 .IIAIteIEILLES,QUILTO. liaMiata from sl.2s,per pair upwards. 'Summer liprei* selling off 'cheap. ' " • .1- , • '- MANTILLA ROOM.' • • • • • Plaid Dustin at lbo."^Lasella do, $1.25 to $1.76, • Itoo Dusters from MAO to $3.60.1 • Mit'p few, more .Slik.Mauttlhaa piastora w hich we will dose out at ik - siette reduction.' Hood's fdr &miler aud Pall Trittelltrig Dressei. MerrimaoSe, seat and dark, new styles. • 2 N. ' • 000PBR f‘e MOZZAPII/1 . 444, N. N. earner NINTIL ond MARKET. Q 141 1 1 1 411 11 1 9. Vlrcori, RALSTON,'.Ss -' • -; 0311:ditKET STREET, - 410111Ati Tog 'TAILADIMPIIIA: AND , BUTIRN UMW ',MANUFACTURERS, , Bole Agents In this city for the 04A,P.F11,NOS, „ gannfaattirell byiptgAh Bsiper. ARPETS4OII:PALL SALES.- - BROViER., . . • 1i = 4:17 . 94 0 CEESTELyT — SSILET.-T-, Are now peeparedlo eat:Mottle' rite elide Tory • ,, • ot teneive stook of = - • •-; • BINS. , OALUP.I4TI.NGS, ' .• , Imported direct Aron. the beet reannfaoturers; orrtnr , ekmed at the large sales in New York, ooneleting of, _ 'TILE NEWEST PATTERNS (many' never' before `offered for mile) - • Of VELVET OAIIPETS,to single and double widths ; TAYKSTRY BRUSSELS eutra quality • 4 °T? I 9-?/lilltrY PA1163E74, neat deelgna.' QllPEBl f il e lgtElff e j , lbl o trl s id l l e N teI , , i 72I , IETIANB, Condpleg y. oi:4lres eiolustr y ely..rd ' i t e ; OnSll. SYSTEM, " ' = • we shall be enabled at all ttmeA !A - give our customers the bait goods, at tho= , - ; = . LOWEST PRIMES; Sei•ti • 4415. afib eaPO• 4 1 / 4 'GD • NO: 8231ifiNgET MEET, . NAVE NON' IN 80V/IN AN ENTIRE NEW - STOOK HATS CAPS;' TO WEI08:111EY INVTTi3 TRH ATTENTION OP r'r•EtriFilia PROM ALL PANTEisok TRH UNION.. in19,414* Er. 'GARDEN 8i:00;y DANDIMOTUINIAB OP, AND WHOLISBALN DIALNRB .114,19i9 1 00; rll,* STRAW 990E08, NANCY- arf,x AND STRATI' DONNEryARTIvi.: OIAf. 40;DIV - NNK.,NDON4B,4BA,THENB, Nq;=Boo Min EP. STREET,., B. WCornbe , titsattlizurra Arl,"TedielaylOy livited to, eiambil ' kar '„ •-„3tentovaiii• EIRDVAL. , ,O. O. SADLER & ON•havii teintivedAroio-NO.'9•Nioitkitratir stsfit to-No. 103 ARCM streeViseaotad door shove Frdnt, ' - not- - • - --TTICEAS N.: - DALE &CO - Importers grid of .; ' i TATLOitil! ThINIMINGS,f 'rum+ ie..6 r iffrpni o 70 Noeth.EOIIItTIi, isireet ' t o N 0: 878 MARKET STREET: '`a ,MegiOrp. A.'ICINGSBURY, A. - . 9 - ," 4 *wild "Igkii44 4 iiiN,,triekida"tliatlie hes uzlifs pie w f vr t rvi pyfr:,et, abo:re , , jez.sto', pr. It., S. ItioillEit NNET::I) enti • ;WtaidiaNiii bid triendti,theyt ite 48 „Teaumed - prodtice.at:NO:.lB-18 dopi bead Iticfir O. /pct.: .; 7:: ~ pepl..Bca 5A.1.4.11, afe: l lll , n„,e , B „ 4 .7q se!n , L! tb stortuid for go r makti 1i."7/7 A.ToN) eeB ; r`-='2lo Bouth;l7 itoNT Bo!, 0,11.g.D.-r-150 Shed, jest ieeetied I and tot lisle by O.'O.'9ADI mit 00. Hl Ara it., iseeezell or tibirt gONAAD sea 'OPANZD vli,p;m4 LLIN nx, At her , Netablinitnent, = 24ASIAifINTII STREET, ',beta she inset {.eepeotfillij invites her tiOndS and the Lediea isnerallr. ' • -• • set6a , , - 11011A$ tiORVFAN' ' 0.4184E03. 13TrOdET; soove,OICVEitTII; iitfeet s ) ' PAITOY Batialrri , ' tisiitrEs',6 l ;oll.* ; • Ales, posies in BILE2 , 4IfLOWitI;EI, ' : , ' ~,WEATUEbj, and. ': • ,• , iILILLINESiOdODA gonstaini, • •,'*lltlL.Ef , All3 AND 'RETAIL!. • - - Orders sofloited iisutpsr . e . ,,mpt,l 7 - 9 ,ecuted- ' setat •1- 5 1 11;, 33 4 $ 1 ; 11 ./ 3 t & 00,.y; •;,-- 4 No. 21 SOUTH. SEOOND EITNENT, neutuf , sipkeikOld ; •,- 4 M q e pp D In it Will be foinuti seperh'siWortment of iiitEN c yATLOW.RES; "' PICATHERB ,° • • "RIBBC:11B, " IttibllES; and -' • j " BONNE'{' 114' VARIETY, ' • = A large portion of which has Jget been reeet - 4,cd.per„ _ ~ • , EZEAmpt • Tha - indacenientii we offer to, - • - 04811; Fitoit7-1 1 14E, Atirp;itEspoNstfrm f MONTHI3 DITYBRS are!unsurpassed hy any other establishment in • this conniri::=l , llinierchdnta now visiting the city, we ex .. . , tend h cordial brill:Alen to call and examine our stock before making iholi , pnr?hases.- , 'Our ninito I9;',9111 Ait.Va 1 1 4 , , ecgulCK OAltil- AND. SMALL PRoriTIK", • ZILLINFAT GOODS • ' J:0, it' 24, Sl' 0 N'•E,. 4. B 0 N. No,'6O,O!IEBTNVT Aim now prepared to offer to Viojr ottatOmere;ind the _ trade, a large and - weU•eeleoted assortment of PLOWERS ' ' ))tIL1iI1;IERY~4001jt8. r . ..o donelaing themiel4es "exalek l velit'o tide branch of the trade, and 'everting tfie , larger partof their Omsk, enablee,them, to oiler ,aa ,angort,inent uniurpoied , in extedf , and variety, *Moll mil be bold at the .loWest prices and the meet favorable term,. - 8.42:74M JENO. G. FALCONER & CO., HEATBERB, 725 CHESTNUT 13TICHET, or STAINS, .11avo now in stoiontoinpleto sooriroont of , SILKS, RIBBONS, VELVETS, BLOWERS, - . • ' ' • . • REATIIERS, , and • MILLINERY GOOD 3 GENERALLY,, . To which thoy inTR.o the ntlontion'ot 3 3 OUTH . SECOND STREET. Buyers of MILLINERY octop, 'Will find to prepared to tl.hiblt. ii - moot complete mid , elegant assoitmant of New 13,y'lee BONNET MATF,BIAIS, Ripaoris, to Ini'meizi k e istroty, RHINOS mind AMBRIOAIi IiLOWZR4 I . - 3794T11M1U3,-RUOfIRS, key ‘&43:-::: Alw, ► bmitiftil Btook of ,4:14317!4k”.TALU00,144.0iri1!!'4 Aniteirai B•sides ' • PEW CENT. 808 OMM, DRAIERB From adistance; tho , may not be• aware of the existence of such 'an Satabllsbreebt,OTlT OB MARKET STRERT 3 - , wilt benefit themaeltri by a visit to „. , - A:, L , ROSENHEIM. & BROOKS; N0.,88 ionthl3.ooolTD Htfeet t above Phestatit tn2B•dtnovl : - 1858 PALL -STOCK. LINCOLN, WOOD, NICHOLS, BSB NO. 45 SOUTH SECOND 9TRBET, IMPORTERS AND MANEBACTURERS • STRAW GOODS, ~ . ' , ..: ERENOTI FLOWERS, VELVET AND SILK BONNETS, TRIMMED STRAW BONNETS, " ' 14BBONS, . • RUCHES, and . ~ - . . . . MILLINERY GOODS O.ENERALLY. 'Patten. iscamatl made atultrinimed to eider. 'A .:SOUTHEBN AND WESTERN BUYERS '• , rainTlted te call aud exetutne the . ` - - AIOST,OOMPLETE STOOK TO BE WOUND IN. . . . ~..,. , THE 00IINTRY. aulB-im `Jr HILB011:17 JONES, - , , , - • „. _ - ILLNIILLOTIMIE AND WVOLES).I.IIIMIALIIS fl FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, ARTLPOIALITLOWERB, REOIII3S, ike. • , ,• SOFP•FUR AND WOOL BAWL •• The ,dttentlon or city and s sehutiy dadaists baytted' to a largs • pgd varied stook of the above goods, at 430 ArAAKET STREET,- 11413-2113. - BELOW PIRTLE. WAED,N 08.10 a ttaollos N. SECOND Street, Manufacturer aud Alcatel . , In Fancy and Straw gorkuots., Chenille and Straw Trimmings Also, Feathers' and Stowers; MI of which are of tie latest and moat festiionabla styles. ~ N. H.--Csati Buyers will find it to their tuivautso to give at a call. anfillmir • iJarbulare. TRUITT, IMPTHER, & 00; 4 utroargas AND iniumts: If ARD WARE, CUTLERY, NUM, fre 52U MARKET BTREBT, Below Sixth,,North aide, itu27-2m PIIILA:DELPHIA. HENBZEY, & • No .. 07 MARKET AND 16 COMMER.OE 679 IMPORTERS OF RARDWA CUTLERY, OLINA, &c., and WM be 'receiving threagtout the and well eeleoted aseortreen% of "—a ' a -g- Goode in their line, to whieh they halite the attettien of INTREBN nurznci WESTERN AND fit auk4iot* . . , LIARDWARE.-7710 .-t 11.146cribera L - - ` 4 " CR. MISSION MBROHAISTB I'm .th ' i ' °Ma af 46 / 1 31 - 4311. they are ollering at 'lowest rated. u : 8 0 13, 1 'AND .1)0bitEBTIO-Baupwais ' stonld .1-woefully Sill the attention -of the trade id their stook, 'blob :I " t s er ° , rba ßreas en i "" Olt . , fists in 'pastor— . • - ..., r Obelus, of all klnds—True, Sow; 75111 t, Brow, Wagon, Otago, .Yong., let-Itsek, Pi Woe, ratd Coll Cholas. . . The oelebratod l , li " Horse !Celli ;:liton 4' an d Btedge Manners' , Wright , " &Mother AnsiLs; Solid 80. % and vlhar pies. . . .Short and long handle Irr Vans; round' and oval ' Abe roma.,, . " , !Istral , n l o I , taperfor Tiles and Soaps; Bed - Serer. "DX44111101 . " Safety Pose; Blasting Tubes.' : . CotOi Gtaiti,and Brier Scythes ; fay, Corn, staddtriii - Bay, Minute, Tannerss, anchilisa ling Perko. itatceo ana need ‘• , Shovels end Sys Oen . , of, all ' Taste, Brads, BhOe, Clout; and Idinishlng Nate.! ' Oast and Wrought Butt Hinge, h.o7ofitl, X,ooks,lny A u gds; (Tottery, eon _ Pumps, ex ae,a4catetk am quo Vanes, and other Tools, i1t,0." AIL ,- ' ' ! • , Vi, O. LAMS '....,- SOH, I. .. lahl-y ' , ' Pio. 01 oohnitgatoe-,atreet -:. • . • , ... 'd.IIOVELS AND. BRADS.'" ' 000 dozen for sale at corner of IV:TARRY at 44 BatAD Otreeti. • ' 680. lIALPSIA.WEI,Vaatory . - se,Vl-lre *,'" • ' ' ' ' - , , .... _ tanipis. iDE ,TERVNTAtENT •NON-F:APYO MP. V sind.tivaniATlTi . GAA r "' !.luly tl P 4.eorillZTT lll,lTloilin., For jisfety,,Ohesi asu. sWillii 11101147 1) 11 rourpouve sil otlw . 87 !ATS ii:NIi'OUNTER,I64I/13/434t F -' . Addr vs • - . ' +LT -• , 8.1 v. comer ritiOND and ormallart, phfip 01016 !..nd 422 BROADWAY, NOW Vyf , .t 6'ipubtitationg.", ' IATEW, A FRESIiiNb ,OffikAMINGWEITER f•'_!9•1! refidi sad u f i z for sile stthsßOcikatoree: - , %%TIE 'TO '1;If 13T 41401 , 41.,0N,,13.1V1DR,. vo.pz . SEA By A. B. ROB. /lest . , „• , „ • - iltSre la neviter of tho progent, day who excels thie tintifdrlurthe natural and home-like elm-, - ,Pirck of bin grid, and , thenatural interest and truth fttineis'ef, biffarrative, In theniends of families and ble books are readAind td read with - ,etakipereasing delight., The yotitig and' old, thegulOt .)94tay, are alike fascinated by his pewee. „ . . 6.Lingsrth ;MI more lordly touches life with , his wizard trfonffixed and permanent:. Like Geldernith's' Make-should 'be placed upon trifkholv. whet , American • views and manners IroW . Just - drat Simple tale tells of what comes from talons'. is an , American „truly and heartily Alt_ tics° in thought and feeling, Atnerican, qn.tbre willirkiitiguege. tile .books will live as graphic .pitittiree WS Cie thrum be &din - mdse. - Rather of: tbanld -school in church and social privilege', he le sufficiently -unlyisisal‘tolnake htrdelineation , national.' There is •:sitenit him's complacency, a 'wholesome eheerfulnees, a Jetility-of tkurce, a hopefulness, a glow 'and ponds 'tong' when Yankee. ' I - • , ; - • OM one otall his books have been published in ' , England:tatted by -the" Rev: Dr. Taylor,' where they liagif already tenoned the enormous sale of IEO,OOO VOLIIMEn. followingby the name author, for Sale in foxes bi nding , * , 1 • 7 MYRDERN , THINRINQ ; 4m,Thesearet of fluncess, 'Skaidri • , „ LOYD AND TO pit LOVED ; or,- strive ma= ON Ef . ' t L 0 011. 11F, AD ; or, The Pivot 'Stroke and *'lll 7: - 11 dike AND 'PIIDAM,f)III/1 or, A Daughter's .1 . 4 9;1 1115. ''• I , • NOTibigg DEC THE • ,Aril...Reels one of the moat successful Of Ainerican •Wrivsis. 'He 'has' originality of thought and natural Mrlra of ferientiots.—Loadon , Critic. ' Roe eVidentlY knows • how- to ~t ottoli the heart- • ;gii indeed, be sweeps theui With a-mantel , hand. A ,tnon tide We llndlt Impossible - to reatrain the gushing testi at anether every risible nerve la in full exercise.— N..2ir: (Mit:Ras `,„Tuirlifgedier.' - libeinutlior Long Look Ahead," and Stir and 'the . Claud,'" la a dation writer, whose worinitneY be safely cornmended.- Maimed not be oem -pared with Scott, with Cooper, with Mrs. Stowe, or With" Diehistrll:but id the chiral of 'simplicity and natural) meths Powet'he ranks far, far above - the'ectotnon -rabble of:novel Writers; and if We may 'nudt6 • such a twltlataato. from the two werke of his,whioh we have reisghli as not published one line which dyinwhe f Y. Inifeperulent.' • - It id • not impoesible that this author's' rather peculiar btlifelilliteY yet became a school by thendielvesoshich .Wilr'lnd- imitators ' They are unique, full ef , hinsum an4what'leremarkable in-a writer. each one eestris Lo be an improvement upon the previews one ~Nesfon Deify Traveller. - * Oeples 'sink by Mail, postage paid, on receipt °Nista, • • , • 1 ` at JACKSON, rublialiens, • ' -149.11 • 119 NASSAU- Erreet,l4. Y. RIBBON:13, '' 9 B.E 4 V•EVE H T 'OF 'THE AGE. „ ' - • _ 31:16T,PUBLIOLIED; , TIIS STORiOI7 Tin T II R s • Distort , / or THE • ' :,L.,ATLANTIO CABLE. - 14 4 • 'lone 12mb. -Muslin. Price SI. . ANTI BEAUTIFULLY ILLUS. ..TILIVEIIi - with numerous wood-cuts, steel engravings, din - grams, and a superb folding colored map, which pre 'ileSitaln a Clear and intelligible manner, a plan of the' SabynarinuSelegraph, togdthor- with the relative .po iiltdOns of Europe and America, nearly every Telegraph Jl4in both countries, and is, of itself, , worth the price - - - ..;(lotitainlng a complete Record. of -the Inception, :',t.,;,Progress, and Final Success of that noble under- - '4.. t .,,ttakhig. A General Ristory of, Land- Oceanic Telegraphs. Descriptions of - , Tolegraphlo Apparatus, and Die graphical Sketches of theTrin -opal Persona connected with ' • the Great Work. , _,lledleated to, and - embellished with - , a magnificent innorPortrait of '• . • • , • cir av i . whose, indomitable , energy and unfalteringO perse-, vvionee the civilised globe is indebted for the accom- Pihihnifint,ofthis,tidurophent'enterprise. ; ' ihis boOk eent,hir maß.,:postri t t paid, to any isf the United States, on receipt of e wice, RDA,p4p..wpti, rublishenr and Booksellers, No:810 SRO abNif AY, New York. - ..e..brelk—lnducements will be offered to Talmo RANI and' %d.has Aoarsvi who can procure subscribers. , , tuthAsartf ' • 25 SottTsT SIXTIE STREET, cI..TY,OP 211 E GREAT JEINR--lbe - work over Issued. 41)/T JR STRIA tfl tents. - 'O4EP-.ERTR,Y KUM RASY, t C IS2W,. JIIVBX/tE unxlATLy i ,E 2 Pe lu P kii V b e dl '' *1 o . 1 11 e OP XV /511 M IT `I `. ~04[4X PktilnAl*, 4 5 , O nt .. r;'sV, - ALS GE . WOliK I -OOLONLAb, :OPirtlONB.=-oPledona.Of eminent Lawyers 'on various points fit English aerie, prudeuce, chieflycoecernlng the ,Oolonlesi Pisherien, end Commerce of Great. Britain: Collected and Digested 'from the , Original% in the Board of Trade and other De. poeltories. By GUMMI CuaLksas, Beg., I vol. /Ivo, 815 pages. Jost received and [or Cate kg. ' • . • lidlt.ts BROTILER, • Lave Book sonars; Pnblieliers and „Inverters, ' j 7,29 Idlionth Sixth street. 83 4,m - FEB TON for the best WRITE e4.) . e.1 ABA COO, warranted free from elate or duet. LIICKS' COAL isThe best and cheapest in it the city, re-screened in yard and dry under cover. HICKS sells none but the very best Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, aid warrants full weight. Livcrcs superintends the delivery of all ,1.1. Coal personally, and therefore gueranteee It to be ea represented. 1110X.S'-Yard andOffies is at the,sontheast 11 corner of MARSH. tLL and WILT O'C'where be Invites All to call and examine for themselves the above !seta. au.25-ant - 1Z NOWLES.' FAMILY . COAL - DEPOT, ..m3a . . NINTH and WILLOW Streetsodonn tho HICK ORY and LEHIGH COAL can be supplied in its purity, at lowest OASII prices ' " "au2l.lm Gr,, FOX, ! "& 00., wliolcisale and •Ja":I fir , dealers in LREVIOII and nounsfalait. COAL. Lehigh yard-4111RD street and 4514RUAN. TOWN ROAD. Eshoylaill yard—RAßß and BROAD streets, Philadelphia. IteeT conetsutly on hand Coal from. the most ,approped mines, under coyer, and ore pared expreody for family use.. ' feb-y, Oablerp 'aop ijarn 'cos iprzunitinne. GOFF & PETERSON, DIPORTERSAND MANUPAOTIMEMS OADLBRY, prHOSFICAp.O,G . II4.NO. In Sore And for oalo by JOS. B. HANSON & 00., frO'P FARIAER S. Nitrogenized ho ph to of Limo, Cr Prepared Blood s the meat renal:do article ever offered to the public. Manufac tured 44 for gale by BLA W K es lS t en TON d Mark & WOODWARD, rod Midge West Philadolphia. TO QASH BUYIRS JAMES S EARLE du SON., Java° the attention of Western and Southern Cantons era to their immense and elegant assortment of 'IING•OI,ASES, LOOL, OIL PAINTINOtL VVILLIAM. GEISBE & ,SONS , - 4 4 0.0 1 South FRONT street, beim; Chestnut, AND BEADS OB ,BVElti DESCRIPTION, • For the INDIAN TRADE, eco , dzo on2B/-1m GANGS' RIGGING made to order by WEAVEit, VITYMR, & 23 Nottb,Water Strata. and an.2B No. 22 - North IV IXARVEA -goNts..&100,000- Shin Bones, suitable cat timartilla And Button-MeMers, in store and. foe lisle cnOll4D ALL TIFIRON, & 00. 1 lee NiIRTIf wa•Auros ICE.-150 'to 200 Tons Ice, now on . he way to Ibia market, and daily expeeta totrie, for 0 0 v - by' '- ' - Disoor, sowers, & co. • est3.3t N 0,195 All,Oll ptreoi &boys Front, •, , . OARRIAUR, and lIARNKBEI TRIAIMINO, No. 318 MARKET STREET, PEEILADELPIIIA Sertitilera. 2,000 BARRELB AND BAGS SllO3l BOSIBREIIO ISLAND, N 0.105 North WATER Street, Lid No. 106 North DNLAWAILE Avenue 510 CHESTNUT STREET,. OPPOSITE TES otni.an noose, ,PORTRAIT AND PIOTURN-FRARINS, OuN. , ble for the "`ItADX 'FALL '... Importers of LOOKING-GLASS PLATES, THURSDAY - , p3PTEMBER 9, -1858. Prophecies of klciekkal.44;-.2'.7 -In an article 'undei' ' the altoiO title; - in VIM Pa of yesterday; We ',Oniurekte'enleigii upon a brief , but peculiarly, strting,Beritotice, hi the speech Of-Captairr HUDSON, of Umills-. -garit,-Whichiti to be found in' his ttenirable tipeech at the Jersey City celebration -.of,the part taken by' AMeifetins'in laying 'the Atlan tic' HO iidioUled, 'as Well he might after. the sueceisful,litsue.of, the * last, e;peri: malt ; the 'fact that the savant of, London,in ,ififi'f; had bestowed their. gold medaimpon highly sal entific- gentleman: w,ho wrote an , es say, shoWing thetitter-titter offstich Mere farddstic; dreitni 'the:Atlantic • Tele graph. We Mentioned' ie,veisilikistaneeS•Jn" which, when - , Rallwayism was' young—an nb weaned baby in Ointinou,Sitsfußielmis 'many highly distinguished men Ot'sefencii de elated against, it, maintaining that the bolleret Must burst ; that, on smooth rails, the wheels could only revolve; without iirodncing locomo ti On; that to have cog-wheelit running upon cep , ritils 'Wits the only - 'way, of doing that by such'eMans eight milei an hour might peattibly .obtained; that If a;graator speed were, Bafely . ,..arriVed,„at, the objector eat the , stewed wheel,pf-, a , loccnotlya, Jot, his breakfast;" that:steam travelling., on. land was only to be obtained by means of steam couches upon the ordinary MacAdamized roads - ; 'and that thetenowned -Dr. LARDidEII. was the head Mitt' front' 'of all the scientific objectors to Railways. .-- " Of all men living; Dr. Lunt:man ought to ,have been the last to fall into blunders of this nature. He' was author, at , the time, of an, elaborate treatise on the Steam Engine, which:had: ob tained a"gold Medal from'the Dublin Soelety. , ,11e; eight , tberefore, to ifayekriown something about the capabilitieti of steam: Bid he r was a sort 'of popular Man of scionee„iri 'file 'days when R allwayism • was in sivaddlinecietlieii—; he was looking out for (what he , obtained ,1827) the Chair of Natural Philosophy University of London=and was • , paid, by. the 'landed interest which opposed railways,' in ParliaMent, for giving hostile evidence be fore the 'Legislative Committees'' empanelled to inquire: into the .possibility of leconietiVOi urged by steam to run at great speed 'on such plain iron rails MI are now every where inure. Subsequently, when Railways were really sue-, cessful, when locomotives drew immense loads of passeigeis and' freight • along the mils at from thirty to forty miles an hour,linntainn. altered his note very materially, and, with" ad_ mired bronze and nonchalance, get% evidence as strongly for ReilWay projectors as' over he had given against then) To be sure, there iias his piblished evidence, On the ~other. side; against him; on the minutes of, the Parliamen tary Committees ; but it was considered bad taste to refer, torero one Committee, to what had-,, been stated before, another, and so Dr. LARDNER escaped.' To' be sure, also; there was'his owntitatertient; on ;the 'impossibility of Railwayism, elaborately set forth in his Own big book upon Steam, : plgioee, blit be quietly excised that portion . in Juture.• edi tions. fn this, , LARDNER resembled Fad's- , deen, in tt TAM ROokli," who iriteiudeti anni 'Misting Ferainorz; the poet, -but - instantly re-' canted all his hostile critielsms,the • irioritent , he discovered that the. minstrel was no leis than the iliagutsed Soihtielgti of,Buciaria. scientific propliepies'Aid'iot terminate here ; though One woOldAave sup-- posed 914 he bad beertimilicientiy , tatiglifei , the foiliofsiielf simulative 'opinions.u,;:io.l6B6, whin ,the ;Oritir Western . fite4tieF was'nearly, .read , fotratinhitg, at iiristoli•in' , Eleglitt4, oirkiers intkitred xiiii444ooAsitAtif in the E(ifnbnrgi. contended; hringing 'all, the lights of,Beleitee` to ilinininate his:yiewa, that:B.l;lls utterly , im-- possible for a steam-boat to,cross theAtlantie; It la ,trne that, several, years before,,a small ateamer from Savannah had actually arrived safely at Liverpool, after performing this im passibillty't Every one' read the Edinburgh Review; every one said "NoWniuCh money, these owners of the Great Western , are expending on a vessel which, 'Lin:nava' tells us, must go to Davy Janes's locker as soon as She meets the big waves in the .middle 'of the Atlantic."' But 'while yet the article was fresh and the impres sion lively, the Great. Western steamed from Bristol on June 2;1838, and actually ar rived,,very safely; at Netiv York on June 15. Nei, on that self-saite day, just three hews before the Great Western came up the Bay, a much smaller steamer, called The' Sirius, bad already arrived, from Ireland,- though' her voyage was somewhat more prolonged. In this emergency LATEDIVEIt was true to him self! He made, no comment on hfs untortu nate prophecy, but quietly , interpolated a new chapter into his' great book on • " The' Steam pgine," In which he not only.showed the posslhility of .trans-Atlanticsteam navigation, - but strongly prophecied its . great, success. Twenty years have passed away since LARD ',MR'S terrible blunder in 'the Edinburgh Re- . t view, and, at the present time, should anyone be so ill-bred as to allude to it, LARDNER would blandly pay, tit All a mistake, my dear sir. Somebody else wrote that article. What I <lid write you will tied in my book, and it foretold the success of trans-Atlantic steam navigation, long before the Greet Western was built. Indeed ) , I will not deny that it probably led to h'er being Wit." • It is unfair, hOwever, that one man should engross so' much attention, particularly when lie is a foreigner. Dr. Lawman is Irish, originally with the baptismal name of" Anus," which, for the sake of euphony, ho Latinized into <, DIONYSIVS. " We have a man of science to produce- as a set-off, and hero we produce him. In the September number of Deßow's Re view, just published, the opening article, upon 4' 4 ThfS Transatlantic Telegraph," occupies fifteen octavo pages. It is announced as writ ten by T. P. Suesrsza, of Kentucky,' and shows a great deal of geographical and scien tific knowledge. The subjects discussed in this article are ((Early Submarine Lines—Atlantic Routes—Newfoundland to Ireland—Labrador, Greenland, to Smatlarid-L-Auterlca, Azores, to Portugal—Electric Circuits; and Currents." Upon the interesting details on most ef these subjects we need make no comment. No pass to the last subject in this table of con tents, and •beg our readers to remember tbat the landing of the Cable, at Trinity Bay and in Ireland, took place on Augitat oh; and was made knoWn all over the Union, as far as Tele graph wires could convey the news, upon the same day—exactly twenty-six days before the publication of Mr. SHAPPNEp.'S article. We presume that he wrote before he knew the fact. Mr. SHAFFNER states the length ..of Cable for the line bet•teon Newfoundland and Ire hUol to be 2,910 miles. In " The Story of the Telegraph," just published, we find that, the length actually laid down was 1,960 miles. Nine hundred and sixty miles of a mistake; in distance, is no trifle. Further, Mr. SHAFFNER states 7 quoting Dr. LARDNER as one of his authorities !—" that' a current of electricity cannot be sent with any certainty a distance of two theusand He concludea thtis: ENGRAV.INGS, " Whether a cable can be laid or not is a ques lion of Mechanics. 'That faothas been demonstra• ted. The'working Of the cable after it is laid is not so easily' solved, With the experience the world has had there can ~be no reason found for having any confolenee in, the possibility of work ing a thousand milossubintirino. ' "With the best, information, therefore, the world has upon" the subjeet, it is but the exercise of common sense, to say at once, that a current of any known eleottioityMinnot be transmitted either overround or 'underground, or under water, a dista g noe of two thousand miles. The only basis of caloulation 18 that herembefore given.' Ac cording to those experiments the following would ' be the result if it YIPS possible to send a current Ithe estimated distance. • 'lt urn the vote of mown:tont herein ono' •..., --i—r-t,s•s, CENtS, . • ' e, pulsation o e pieolrio taitterrthree thediekaCeallee.in one liottrfortpplink labiate!! and.twontY*liiiiii.99o o ..:Tdo insiespKord . that can be sent Rtte'e.em_potted - of dot's; ,andlor this illustration tho - wad. MiesTssitit)i tan, be-ge!L Whiohi In the tilegrap . kitifixase, 10144 ) —•" . _ „ En writing.- this:„.erord, , tharp%fitre, thirty; 4otn, and tyro dashes, ray thirtyl l re trinity, The spaces between the' dote' iiiiitifiras• , •tnuoh time ward , as afe:om¢ioyed fors. .makine the, dots,, , it Is .901, , neeessa7, in J.the prosent osse,:to.ostitnate thefime shdct . the, doll: Tho 'probreverr'obliwo 'ttitr tri one impulse or ebb dot from Irelarid to Newfound dat4.the time' required. will henne.hour, nine pinuteson4jweitylne'seecinde. Thledmi; multiplied'' by the thirty-two'dotni3Or-britrable4, .make - lifty•eightt3hourap nineteen , _nkinirtel, and. twelve, ooeorelio ,Two ,days, ten -hanio;, nineteen minutes, and twelve aeoonde - will-"he 'the -time re quired to transmit the word .11fissimippifrom 'lrotand' Vit . . Newfoundland ! , rA nteksage of :,ten , :word's grill . rognire, at, tho, setae, spied; wenty. foni• dam pesevenhouro end:o/614e minutewm .. • Wo hide not ildinfed ofitlfr;Setetrores.'s :remarkable miattdcehl by' printing . them TV' eileed iidt 'further' reply than ,:by. sidtigg Nie7 simple fiecthet; id:despite a a Phis: *tie dately,4lent• froniqiePdato Newfonildiatidy and'the reply'. ,verai aente4elalde, fthi tiiintdeo r inere than two the'-President's' Mee: sage",ln . 'reply'to 9,needVidronte‘';beiitalhing one 'huilaied i 'l'l;4 - forty - 4146'd' the addiaie,'"iiiisoed"loier,: . `the line'_wit in --two Tale tfiiis''fitet)tilietbei SdAoiiiin?.4' l pirciihebY , Ftliatitiitnestage - of, ten: ; Words day - o,lStived ; • Me tti att,in Able edae,i as ihe t gieat orator 'did who ekiipientlt. stated a JIMMY' biiiltZip'etuie - :"e. The - faettpitire , 'ltll against, yell,” Said" brplillb/spoken 'antagonist . : The orator cast at hitedgkendof Magnifteent eo ie'mpt,, and "sternly:exelainfed,'-` - ao he re- , . aimed 'his - seat, gg ninth uth the- worse i for' Cape lUtiy After Ata • • [Odrrespendence of_The , preer.,]., ••••i •• • : I Atli: 91, 18b8. DRAB Penis : You _nave' Ri8041,13113/41:10h"find deSetved notice, on thikikrorge W'atgringlithioa in the 41! #I4Eli..fif ndt7 that' at thei itopet tititli tint . dilbstingally snailre , psilY emireciated • You may muoh•wonderfatmy ierideng you a letter so close upon theheelsof one: whose'merits: 11 cannot boexpeetedte equal ; yet, 4 he, asfutred:that.thougk ,the„banyarttliwballs, be deserted, ; Ased,ithe , wendiei„ their Way' homeward from the shore, - still eiorYthipgieriiii , :, ing place B roend rittititi'aluitir's`O'Man a lfMid merffortes as a visit ninit'ereate will bd received and'ierused With avidity .'' Meny people who aiirittalltvisit.thisiresert, - bur Whoseldom take 'the trouble to do2otherwiletlian enjoy thenistives;'Maylbesiisterestepanllearning that the Cape:received its name from;one, Captain Cornelius Jaeobse:llipy, a navigator. An ; the :genie • 'of the Dutch Weit„ltulia.,gompany, whis visited the Delaware, Bay, in 1623.1; TL Might :alio; lie pleasing to Uotet,lid' many:Pei:loe `de' hiniii!t`',' lkat if i'eable - Were laid.:abrokilhifatiaiiiie 'Ocean to'the bmicisite 'shore of yuriipts;' it-woad - lend on the ShOr'es of Portugal iii•the same latitude as the field of the battle of .Vinicera,- Which, took place, Anguat Met, 1808, L between theFterlol:Cinrabiki .army „under ; general , Junot, , ,and ; . the English foreps,nnder,Bir,Arthir, Welealey, which ,dsoldelf. the fate of Portugal, and compelled the Preach to evacuate that kingdore.. Now' that fretfil - festiiitYhaik faired her despotic throne' and Winged her Weary' flight to lain-moral galities;rsthiS 'artifolaPolti life- Ohs pleas to the realities of ruratsporte. Tho 'dileiples of Izaik.Walton 2 betake themselves .to,the sound ' ', and outplay- their ; time byaltern4cly taking, , in: a porgie or a.horni sad then a itheetw... -baud. ""Yrons the sports, of t angling o.we,birn those. of gunning ., Now ; that, the; width , 'pie terW, winds drive;the, ;waters: a:otil . " 'the marshes,, .40 thO blide,:rienensOline - Of their fate 'thP - at the 'orra 'of:the iporisiriati'l *ride; 4 then,' would not prolongAheir stay to .taste‘ &MA,- iiirentio balmy; air; neither too .wirm.not too - sold; amparts rnperitturtstosSlie. tliatmolderatiptlon.ean reelizei', o l#4:timOt, 'l4nllAsvid,t4kri-fierce{ dating . Elte : seaaou, tla.but: 411iiig*A04.0141014 them ego •' 'hours'Spent' hpon the ptiioh iaan{sg upon ` the arm of thime they love; of the 'gentle - air floating e'er ' the' Boothe:1s" winds, breathing of :the, .iiviests, of fairy land. Though few lovely forme now_ flit along the porch,. though the, henntifia have, left the large hotels, where bustlidend hotly' hath*v!in place to the hollow echo of - the solitary, footstep 490: - their winding halls; though the general]; moan of the . lashing ! , surges now florae upon' the' i lirening breeze ; though' the dulcet strains of the r enraP: turing operatic air, breathing the languor of- the sunny' Italy, bath Cesetedlo-irake the • etillneea-of night ; .though-tho trek lively oottegaoLlife now 1 wears a' rural nem:M r —yet • it, Is :pleadant-here: ! pleasant to seo the . crowded getter- - day, like e, fairy tale,. , transformed. ,into . the country village of tO:day ; pfeasany,Whan from the, eastern sky rhea the lioilendent orb - of night, whose silvery beams Past theirchi dowli o'er the deep blue Oen and "sport among the waves, which now swelling, now falling,- seem like the-heaving breast of - trend:fixed 'Titan . ; deep buried in the ocean, struggling t0,,-be free; pleasant to dwell upon the ripples sporting in the moonbeams, and think how many little sprites, invisible:to the human eye; are dancing. upon the wave. - Nor,is this all,: it is plensant,ttbehold,the myriads of. stars In the clear deep expanso . of that bins otherial dome, the ',floor of ""le,aven, : Which overhnitgeour own terrestrial - ardiere, look down upon-,the scene and tWirikle ` e'en as fondly as thotigh the lovely belled' were here; pleasant 'to reolino in the new lonelY arbors-4e - feel the re freshing: winds breathing' gently .; on thy, cheek, which, like the fabled land .of Persie,.mahe the night as pleasant as the day; pleasant to reoall 06 memory dear the vision of some loved fecevrtrom nature bad formed as a 00-/,abprer, through the thorny pith of life; bet whom accident hed,sepic rated ; pleitiant; wirsay;, - to",d:Wisll'ilpou'the reed: leotiond of ;such iiends,'thoiagli their realities may have been sad : • • • .'• - - ramisights stood, but rural 'marls Exhilarate the spirit, and restore The tongue of languid nature.o It is in contemplation, we believe, (and every visiter to Cape'May will be pleased to hear it,) on the part of Messrs. West and Thompson, of Con gress Hall, to add• a new wing to their already large hotel. It mill,-however, take the place of the lort, old, and unsightly building'new occupied as the office, and,- when - finished, will 'give the same appearance to thief:tee house, from the road, as it presents from the lawn. • If we might make a suggestion, it would be to transplant a few, trees into this same lawn, as it only needs this to become One of the finest spots on the Wand. A railroad - meeting,' which must • have been about the tenth or eleventh annual 'meeting, was held at the United States Hotel, a-few .days since. Mr. Halsted, of'Trenton, spoke at some length on the importance of the read, and of the legality of the election for direotorp which was lately held, and which has given rise to so mush jealousy and ill.feeling, that we should not be sur prised that the effect of it would- be to defeat the project in tote. -There-are, it seems, two sets of directors, each claiming to bo elected legally, and who shall decide when•dootors diaigree? But, to our mind it is all - very plain. John Dougherty ; who is represented by; Mr. Halsted, claims that' the other set of directors are peetintarily terested in - - Atlantic City' and • thereabouts, find that, consequently, they aro biased in favor of that resort, and would diseriminate,to the die-_ advantage of ; Cape May if they possessed the au thority of tbe'board. To remedy this, he dukes a board of •those well known to be _favorable to the islandand its interests. If some compromise_ could be effected upon this basis, there can bo no doubt but that the road would bo.built2, That it must bo built is so well an established, idea that it adialts of no denial, and we say to the people of Cape May county and to the' hotel proprietors, fie not be :deeeired because you have bad a very saSeessful season,' for the next may be as disas trous as the present has been the r everse. Thaws. Tho Cable. Mr The Prece.l Said Old Inctitutions to Science one day, - "That yon,re beet me on lend, Vre a notion ;" And, h av ing," cried Science, ".8. Field and fair play, I've beat you, besidea, on the ocean." The old fogy, frowning, beheld him with scorn; May be, doolai, you - think I'm not able— Look here"—the old humbug acknowledged the oorn AC he looked at the submarine table.. - TowanaiSept. 4th, 1858 The hog cholera has been raging to a fear ful extent recently in Pike and Gibson counties, Indiana. Irt BOMB instances !lumina have lost every bog, In parts of Pike the efilui M arising from dm vast number of dead hogs win, it is feared, occasion Isilleh tailkuoBB, -* IN T ICtit. ,, TO , C.IIII.4OW)ENTIP." Copeemoenta for rlitn PUP --- itaket the folkilekig ralee:„- _ Pt aeramitteetten :malt Ateanneenleit.ik•A'i, nisei- PC JIM *Afar. idri6*46ret..-Zit 4 Povniphy, bat °au side „pie be -• - - - tha?lbefireetly oltilledlti4satliaotaileiPeeeeett; ; ante xcetbl;l4 - CRin tesoilroto of the earanuOilia:46s7tlie (noises of _ P9P.o l tttta: Pr *AT tigifinategoatpate* if/ !tlct:l4,_:4(tite' - : -Paptitteeneevyreaden " r- GENERAL F+ 11, "_ _. , _, ` - ' 5- A:.nase has recently been, tied dekmbieli the' Pennsylvania Raitread 'XiethOlittiVi'srav;ils-c%l, Andant, and ic;oirtalli[Jelftrillortroymialetiffila which damages were olaimed forfliKinjlities Voted upon a womattL-abiAltoonaw.The-,eirennt;„. -stances were somewhat ottlie jury developee new to'„ gee iiabilityA railroad eqmpaniet."l. -- ,The4dafetity, 'with hie`wle and fire' ettildreMlOOk'paaaSse on %the; emigrant- train filen Philadelphia to"-Pitte“7 Jbcy arrived' at Altoonay-reniablifflintil liCeptil l een 'the kiati s diONll.oll , ltthiiifarePPd. Irldwn to its place, for starting weet.: l ll2ltetliolliz: , .. - daysburg , traideldedAtiftoni thretbseneh.reati-OeMil - tbetpieee; on time; furls alleged, and-sfee,rjmterk tag ;upon the main track,"backedrghthessme,pait;- , the - cmigrant train, at some &Maned-fret:Of end at, the moment the plaintiff's "wife, Wh 144101),- . ..- the ; latter train :bat, a,,,few,sninutes befereOlistc - ..„.„ -- crossing or walkinrnrobritte'•inaiii Anfok"ratte - ; was knocked doteritly the - baCkikg,train'!eild etantly killed. John - Conroy, - her adminietratory,q, ‘,broeght tell 'Settee' to f'xiii&vitittilinageet,for , :the alleged negligence of the defendante; etaitending r - that. they, their. ofileers,'-'enarmff'ifdlty:of.enok , -.:;,: Ategtigence in the itianegement,eW4',hatiktligi.'•?4.-t 'tram as rendered them liable in thir-aetjeff: _ . 'jury rendered a yerdietfor the defendant& .71- • few days since glinabeth:_linttprweeki at:"; - • .aged about 19, daughter of 11dr:Ad,,,,,m,-anttec-'-:. wede, Lower Salford tewnshipadontgomery comer tk, kit:, attempted to polsoicherealt by taking ar 4en e; bat the dose being - toe istiedgilli`deinitted a - , ; portion of it,- and death Wati;Prev'erded:4z , Thia par,ownlars of the - case - are tiertfoliceriff.Ethe had:, ' , been ylaitineler untle,Tdrit.Uppemilamwer,tawn -814,'Imil.Witll.bliftdellYtettoudedAltedeAltleAten of ; the new Solbenhoppetkolarehi,m43aturday apd 'Sendity.*Reda,' fdtertocinialte,retaintid-herne,- =who're she learned that herfather-lrekeer_Wgedat. ~:; ~--; •berlfor not returning on Sunday,ja,shithedln*,;' "raised. This seems to hayeeaesed - rnob,a` side of spirits that she' attempted skiable 'by - _entity .411 loon as the operations. ofAhe. , itoison helmets knqwn, medical ant was procured,_,batOttattat SA"— •. editnts, theremicry„lit!le hopibf,:beffewrory, A. fellow named J:"L. • lan?, and sentenced to the Western rpetatiostiq/ • some time sinoe,forrobbing-fkliAtOre otH.altui laps on` iftli litreetrMaddli - deinaikti. &twilit to - escape from that institutionendlfondey last. - The fellbw was tionfined in the second tierof palls, ood t vertiog his shoemaker's rasp' into - it drill - he we enabled to reindoirilidittiti'plia-thlit'eneased the l ivindow of his cell and makeliziaporpuzzilargel enough to admit of his passing through Itr - Idakinvc, a sort of-rope of his bedding,-ho -pasisedithrenglaN,' the window and let himself dortii - uo the yard be'- low'. Here he was seen by:the witalfinim,WlaxinL . stantly levelled theirpieces,at„hira,7.andllred:...,,, _ - Twb of the shots took effeeti`oriq beide: thtioalf, and the ritheild bet' him- , They 'are "'not; , • = " -Of a dangerous character, - though. sufficiently se rious to keep him quiet for some time. - , - . The Memphis Bulletii 1 , Of tliel,tii:iioileltfg -., ' th fact thaT the etititirardieliethie - yqaile s itillt Y- - 1 , th , i , o weeks earlier than that'of lest , yier; says :: ri.. b -t.lhetentireseotiontrilditary to hresse , ...-,•:, -.., ph the prospect is ear7fainfor.an`wrerageifiddi . ' . PrOm other quarters, howeveri,eocounts,of the -,•-,...., -ordn.are„semawhat unfavorable- . It le too early:to • ..., ofll3 ufgal . n.any 'Oeloidadmul riepeot.Mitiie*amourif,:, / he- present year l / 2 1t 'priidnot, but; judging from' th informatlim reciiiv_ell.from all.the,oottoultrow-' in - regions, ;we' may v enture the opinion that the ' crop will ncit , bei lai- ir - verager-' tufer: Bolsi as bow' Ar -heen'treortained,ithe quality of the`' • toe much better than that of the past year.' , 1 Al to ether;.the atop - Just) sold.. was - one orthe most •-....,,, inferior in quality of any crop r_fordterOral.-3rir. i z) pa t - .?? - ~-, e ?.-.,.,,.• '.71-'4 f , -;' , ..1; - Y` -'.= ...1_,"; Mercury, :' , 2•Xj - ;C.' ' 7, - , A correspondent of theOharlestonM isttp'Fvisiterl: thei.'filfrieenc on the brit:Rohe; thrtekirs ,- slows up the horrors of the. Middle.: passage: M The effect was very startlingThenrrinasse thep-A • - 'eqiiaktibg on Abair: haunches -•- With-,..their,..,4-n look:, drawn ! 1 2 6 0i1d ibein:elhotnn, in n i t attitude cont-,. - -men to epee end' babocenCbar wiiiiih*launan ' frame clothed, in ileahnon,otitaires;B4ims;whin sit , : . tin and told to, iiskaid'io'with - Extet: difficulty, --:- --` en moved with ' tiet,oji at? tcitielinr ea-1 'Serer , Bair . of r inners.. The very' head : , :tiettdea bat a shall: - en used. In 'itcblaok oovering: 2, 2TVlS•notamon to' -•.;-..' speak of a nip beingreduoed lozeitin-andrbone; , . 1 but one who saw these can saansely,nee the ex-:._- prOntion again. . LBut-if-- thin is t o -hnr,naid:- qf,.thore r-, ~.." - comparatively "in 'health; wl:l4, , language : oan de: . 1 scribe the sink !, ' ~ . +r , -, ~ --- ,-- .. -.. .. _ Ordonitrille, Va., ql.O, .Ifillited- on Saturday - lait, with one of the most . .,teirtai,istorme expe 7 . , - 1 r; needfot c Yearib .- -qhfiYstorwreonlineireed with- k- . -r- - bey heavy fall of rain; and was followed by bilti: . 1 !ridnne, accompanied with _halt.' At'llordeniallley ,- . 1 the ear-house of t it e - Drenge end. Alexandrlaltail-: - .-4- 1 rod Company, in which ware four pitmoogersied*' ', 6akenge-oarg was only , sa,yeifronktotal.ilafttinstien - ... li3lehe.snoport afforded b the care within,yrbigh; ,- ,,7 4 , , proventild'iti irMitreition y Pitei if tiro:lioh`planV - -..., I were hurled into the Iliiandaarrlidlos great„`dtei..! -- -tainre. A dwelling 'half a mllelliatairVinhotinser, '-' ofpreotion, and belonging to hir. Norgirrßeileirrae, t , toltown down and. , .. completely; deatrOYed, Trees, -, fences. and everzthing iikthe contse.of .t!to . storm, i ri ...! rrire„nwept Were :liftfury - , - ...r - ; ,- _-..,... `„ . - 4 -...-... ~,,;„ -, •i , --PoiertniJYerA;:gir-Itai,4iitis,.l4:pnill.likaif:`. a jotter, by womAiroptYtii 3 Orii s iPtr.i*tiiklifslitill' .----'•- ife . tad- tojtint, . .I:midnulreteftfat..Territoryf re.; - -:=--: II soups life - 2cOvplet-14124m,"stifigoAlCiht.,*t v , '• - leja. . roi s- - • trArterierletiol44elaceeltet . '-^- , . -- " , :-"c"; _ ~. .. ..., — • - , 11 4Ceopinfotrthattelle , tleXt eea lad; ,on ; . , allderth_e,liaet oliFebnistrY: 20, ,1807:-',Ife-„elonelndes by, etying' skin be hadeinisulted thePresiderithed:thehtter , "..; ndy olint&iirof the Deltdd ' Skilea on . ; - thlarioliit', and: btith'egfeed thiettift - iiher_eletillen ladder thisalyiportianhient,", Vattlits - Atogart," slusty.tliree yilirti of who hidresided-fbr lifetlitni:iti Bence toll - street, Noir YorkTdionased a shorttithersitioe, -- ' : ''.. cap the Commercial_ Advertiserl - He , vies' ah • Irishman by birtbrandtaid'rmitained unmarried. - Ms estate is veined at upwards of half a million . of;dol tars. He bequeathed in hie Will $l.OOO-tO the' Amorlean Bible S,aiiety, and $l.OOO to - the -Arne;' Ilene Tract Soolety. These ate the only obari- '.,- :table bequeats ho made;-the balance of his pro krty being divided between.- his nephews, nieces. and grand nephews and - nieees; ' Out of his wealth he doted the'entrinf Stretioh - .-yearto died for support of the peon:. • - • iOll -- Stinday 'night-week a-riot occurred the... Rook Island-ferry boat, just after it .madei the landing at Davenport, lowa. which bas malteds; litfraivereinjariel to•pellcemenDettinektind.Teeit.:- • The termer line llistalned &terrible fracture of 61411, by which his life' is' jeoparded, and the , latter hied ono Of his ribs broken:and anothei-se , '- verely hurt, while several other nettles met.with mits and bruis,es in the dreadful melee, which-for a4time was carried on with a ferocity and despera.,.; - : tien seldom equalled in the annals Of • that oity."! • !Judge - mm.)4 - 6rib° District Court for Dn buque tionnty, - Tow&,..lias - senterted °Mick,' for the , raurder Of 'lns wifein - the env of Dubuque, to be ,ptblielvdiung therein.on the 29th:of Gettobar next. , ' shot his wife, as he says, „rielanntlillY,-,:.., though highly excited at the time under the slice of -liquor. ' The judge - held' that - drunken ' nose was no palliation of the 'crime; besides, tbe- - dying , wife's testimony was conclusive of, the murder. , _ ! Thcfßoyal Morgan, well known as the steel - or cream bone, 15,87 years old., lie .is owned 'by Jahn Gregerit, of Nerd:died, Vtoirbehisedeelared intention to exiiibit.th&old 'venni - win ; .nes& lit the • State' Fair to be held'inliurlingtott.- (Vt.) next month. He eats no bay, but enbsista_ chiefly en meal, oats, shorts,: potatoes, „and. appears in a thriving condition . Hie step , quick and nervous, and he trots is square as ever. Dr. HainCY, of the U. S. 'arniy;who re= cently„died at Baton Rouge, La , was a native of -. ' Delaware; and served as a surgeon in the Black Hawk. Florida and Mexican war, besides the war oflBl2. -Dr. H. was the oldest surgeon in the S. army, and was, by Seniority; entitled to the rank of - surgeon general, which( it is slated, he twice declined accepting. • =- - - Francis licGowan; a -resident of Tempo: - ' ranoevilie, eonimitted suicide; by drowning him- - Reif, on Sunday last. - He divested himself of hie coat, hat, and neck-tie, and went upon a barge tying in the Ohio, at Manchester, and jumped into , the water. It was his manifest ontointenti take hie own life, and it is thought he Waxlaberbig _ tinder temporary aberration of I The fire at Platen. City, Inuits, - on - ,Thurs..."' day morning last, as, we learn: frpm an extra -of the-Advertiser, was even- more -destruatire, than., our, brief telegraphic despatch stated It burned two hours, destroying 'Oaswell's bleak, the Na. ' - tiOnal' Hotel," (reeently refitted into stores;)'. and' ' Several other buildings, comprising in - all some.: twenty _stores. • The - total less is ; estimated at 875.000,- Senator Douglas ,had. a largo , audience at the town of Lincoln; nu, on Satniday"last.' A 6 the,oonolusion of his speech, he took the oars for Springfield: :Oh his arrival at this latter place, ho waiweleomed.by:aorovia of several hundredth who rent the air with their .hurrea, as the, distil- ; gabbed Senator:left 'the-train and proceeded to the hatenehe, deobrated with flags, whieh stood_ In readiness for him. - ' - On the let during the-Atlantic graph jubilee at Galesburg, (Illinois,) a rocket charged horizontally through accident, struck an elderly lady, and killed her instently._The . Times States that the melancholy event eaurodnu hums.. diate cessation of the festivities, which - changed : to of mourning, and the 'day whit% opened in rejoicing olosed in gloom. ' There has been no rain of any consequence in Wetmoreland calmly, Va., for nearly three months , An estate, upon which 2,000 barrels of corn -are usually-produced, owing to the effects of_ the drought, will net realize its owner this season ono-fourth of that quantity. ,The corn throughout the country. except that on very moist latid, el•• milarly damaged. anMniovenrasaayrylaosfttlmhesbitrhtbeda°37 o e f h l n ai n a d y r e e t d t : ris s t the limo when the canoe of American freedom e l r as cowl:tend It...pekes in Europe,. wrote: s .2`,Htoth your I have done no more than wish w re a it is gi len now go to serve it. Tte te e e . _ e _ eot.of in public opinion, the greater w lt b n my departure)! - - - Last, week en ol d l a dy by the name of Rossi walked f,.s i n r o o m ik the v e sfer county poor house _ r d lf bouts, a did not complain of WUU is now She seemed quite smart , and n. S 2 2f yearsl. t m to d o e hi s de : r i n ton an a staitl over ni ro g ht, end walked in . kok- tbe next day. bein,4 tired. , It is estimated that, the banknote cirmilatiOn of the ii,ok's ihrouglient the Hotted States, on the flat of Sely. was one hundred and fifty milli6ns of dollars, resting-on a speoie bawls oi_one hundred millions. , . „ Six persons are to 1 to tried for their Hies at the next term of the Cr; .TO - e3 am; Terminer, in'Alhany county. • The yeangest is twelingeartl Old, and the oldest tlfto-eight.. - - z Jom MACINToSEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers