7 1- ' , •,- t " . 5 - - 2kl ' 4 * 0- 4 AFlr t i rt ae I t rik :''e 4 1 . , 4 13 ,11164 41 " 1 ot vfe - ityv 4 t . „ SS•415111 r• _ hrtiev etikVill ;inn wind ,t , ,_, 2 6, P if 14. rd A VA aav4 vita lsmt,. mrs, - . 1 - . r - - . " . t4,6* t -- As,-,P -'4, -, zei:' [ J ,.. l'' - ;;;.. , i,e, -, .-.: . Ve-5,,, [ , ,1:;: '- ` ~,,,,,,,.., Q,'-- . i fF:. ,--,- . r,,, 4 4-- - ,--- .:-, . •r-.7-4-' ~..-• ;Itti At; . an _.. "I e f.tta Va< . - • -•,- tri eigig frig .'",: • ' 5 ..1,- .'-,_:,.. . %I , %, , 7;-....,,,, , i 15,..„,,...v.„ ArilliarrUALA ' - •,''' .• ' ' tc,,,"? - ; .'' ' - ,7 ' l` ~ , iiiAtirekaatiarft i ttikl4 ;l'''''' , -- 41**1 ;4: .. : -;..!,. k:. n CAVAtt V‘•;.:', N- . 1.;:g. - 00,:-..,,- , ; -.4 e r-thikdi. .- :.,,-%,-; • t .' 1 • ' ,' -; : 4 MM ani" 4;=.`z..:; , . rtrkiair4tasiAll s te.,ot4rifiK!ll e ißli' 'fr e. a 442 10ZOW,Vi , W•ekirii a ltailiiig$‘ 1 4e'*6 - 4. , P i 3 z , 7*?!. - 5..;' , ' , ' .' 'J ': - Y:mgetkiriOrMlP 6: , ,a.iNiti riated- , zYg 2--.4z lA VOii. , ruiiipiusqllinteloe....,,,. ~,, it.3sra q:74 1 . , ,;,.!--.;: ~ —VI iiiilk-,01x":"'1Wet? - Ju !` a !'"2,7ra.f., - r j" .. ` 44,,, ' ..- r• ' :-.. f. , -1 -:..i ",- r ,, , ,,-- - .. -- t • .W.:0)-_ V''''.`'..L.l•-''., ivaido 4 :I':.•''' __,... ic a t i #o , Allot-the eittiti inlet,' tettel . " , ,= „WWII'. ' 1 4 4 , 4 , , AAI ir s b 4 Wil a s '' ,l BetingN v . i ... ,, -1 '' ,-- 'fak, J u jP. " . ,.s . r4, elde - yend ,I. fdplif ttet4ti , tred 4,• ...c.n.,,,red„)-vnU .4 . -.,r .-,- ~ bet* 010 X 6,114 a 4 - ab.---- 7- --imy*.litra-aw7 . . mp tr 7 ..„ ~...,,,yrAidattlivouti : ii. , „ 04_,,,,rp-,---.-:, ,,,t),6, Se ater. .., t,,,istetiti ? I :i s' a f ' ( MOTOlraettlii, ~/. Et '- '-' ,i- - -on Ittirilt . , etc - r *L, .. n o 63 , ,,;,, , ;4 -, realdeli4 & illgiy 60'.........teetttralanan„Degli.':, iiarglinsla...tadsda-.E."'""'"ldg Tact qmpralll44re` ' rcAparn,76o,,,Ga °,ll:Nn itwf,,iitoxiall! „a, ' If oxpokiesaiwoo'Kak-.04 44.410,.--elr 1' "". , 1itr6:1t0nt5"•4104;,,,,,,, 3121 .5 ,, ,y.u.1i t c , ,,,a, jw i ,„,. • la . ''--:''- `,-; s ' • - wo' l lAß l ' l":43 L.,,,it 4l7l :mitn‘ i t a e l f : 4 a l t , ll9 "4 4 tr sa lli4 4. ' 4ll °*----i"tfee' w ,...th . "on ira Mt:e: '' ' - r..-,"' = t giengt*Strat reit. enz *, iit nr'l,--- 2 "" -;'''.':'" .. ieban ~.,.....„..,,,,t,„:. ~. ,0..,.„„,„,.„,,,„ ,4 ti ~. „ 1 .,...,„...._,..,...,,„„.,,,, ..._,,..ci,4„,,, ~ izairt.i.,.l,waiott St. ,-' \-,,,, -"-- . '''' 4 .I'.. '' ii' I f2"111"* '141.81:11 PIIENt . ~-.=7.1. t. ~-,,,...46iuniney a a .... littr PASni- , - '''ls ::?::' l, ' .7 ' - 412.10109.411elailIATIVIP . ' ''.:'''',, '',''' • -+ '• -, .-^ Ir*Teld,Wrifil4t_ ?41 ". ' totti,4l)4l,7cal:, --,- 7 , - 6. .. 4 Wi.., L.t. „fir kbek-' 440.51.7-....-- - ''--- - le, j:7: ~,, .91,14--171 0111'14. ' itirtiklVOMllligelWti2; , ~ -a -- ' , AR A ., weit.bon, 4 ..r . 1 ,-._ 'it toi,jvitivit:s*- ,'- ..-, - -'r, otodit,..,noacs,,r or Ttihria ' - - , ;•"-,-Vi' -2= "------44. „..., 11 1 - i..-Ig'ivi.s and' aa r s Tii t • t0 trA7,,,, ii r'', 1 3. 7 S hula; to r.,:::::.:..-:i.:::•,-,b-AMattrnit k"' l,liPiOtte growA° lat 1 , : `111114411.4" 414.itint5biA:111T4,1412..1541! : .?" -•--- ''',,-.- 1 , of 11420,1ftA„_„ .-'-''.'" ~. .uV' t ygelatt dr-f!..4., a' - - s ,e4 1 , 1 q....„,p. ,-- - _ ... , T7 - , , , : - .,1 - 7,--__, :- ' f: ., , _ ~.. s - 4 -4 51.....„,,„ A tegr Qs.",7l.4.±..t'crA 4sittAtion - rt - . - ,,. , athir,."-X.147, ta&tt.yeA.Nll6,W=Ze 6 , idiot, of ;M e c. -r- 'Worm- iry,s,sielr`ri 1Vv,Ui11Y,e,j,;1.14434,4 •uniq liftldiadlOW'lvilaW ittti:oldit fife iAfiiblia.- l. ad daddididkV ce, 1 ,, t., „, 3 „ 1 ~,,,,ott, ,- , s7ooo.llukfllat lilft l 4 '' ig, the 0-A° ', 4 " ~ -, 7. - ' . ".,. /- ''', '' - , ' AlliNiwillebt4l.l4V4los talli'll ratlf** ir', ,'''''' .`•''' , ,VEltitinfry6lN4.,={.ll,44 l /t1 Ait';' , ' , ld - ''' - '-' 3. " . '' ossull'Ament tiroPuth last [' ineiadftgl4:ll.llfr; ~. von. ell,Vn k 1 solid .Toilaw...ed. ;`,.; 'l , s'; 'i' lid infrrotsj...tuknit7l4", I,..d.orne • rosewbokp .._.,, - ~.v? ~ ,',:‘, **Wok" `11"' lawidda-divtt ,trtgisi.i7g,,,',.."74. -,-- --, -, e ' ' 11' hitill,vtAttortokriTeFett47 Ist!' - --' , :ildebo __... '', lll:igne„enget.__,_,ltogoett prn „..4- ', l )=• ' 'r Prent,O, ;g2.14!......111', tit;'suPirt#l., f'''' ,:,.. ', 0:43' 141;traitito i f •140 f ; i tttlt ~,,!:: - - ,el,llu,l.tv. -^/i. ML.M.„,"4:3loatliialf-LASPISI m il jellk Ali/pit/41.4°4 ''''''lteinfelLrest"tutklw,seistoY" I' =''' !,wine abole lde in gg e twirl ; waltari; Its! is t- 04 , 0 4 rs - - ~,,--.‘dt.hopiter ,u,A..,&,,,-049.3)(411-nr4.rx:v -,, -',. ~064nA''flibP%4;',..Wforsfits111111,441tah: Vs444plitetirnr4 ''' ;'-'r,'''' - r • 4,- ' littiVlllV*l°All'lll7l4lo#4li',69"! . 1,1 ' ' .._,i„ciPitiltili ; 61-I,, erdgoitt 6 V..„Lf.V l o.' l l ,'..:', , z.- ~,,,,,, , fr . - - ' ''''' ° S , ntl i fiarticulidt ld- 011.94, .i.eakateltii'prirdbuic e ~,, , -,. I , w. , neAtuttuse MAVIS , f, l l'- nln • - ,, , -t )- .; . ' toad ' ' ptigpk...4„...'91,,At1e.,,,..4-iiiiiii**,`, i- , / r y ' ' '?"- , -,..... 7=''. 7 .', ,- -,t, Va ; - ~ ,:. f - ' . , ,iinttlMll"7".l.,,,n M L N''4 it _ „ , ',- TlEStirirt 2 „,.. . .s_..',-- & .le IntaqieVorlf4_77,-,,, Vii:.;'-',.:,, : ,JUdda,mte ira v „,„„„*R4 ol l ,7 = l „ ,, ,intio r_ . .i „, o pial4 4 .4 , 4:3 7 ll , s. , ,rlft - ta-- ,twv - mp r ltetm.,... ..,- r ; ~_ ', r - -ti a Tui ----, 0 4 W 11 -4. 1 4." 1 4 ( 1 - : 5 4 - ih .7, eis= 4 ". -•AI ao i _ t ' ti9,- ; _, _ - ' 4 t I rt 1,11 with. hrl .'" ' with 4-rato• 0 11, 1 pa saat qet otto*Jilmr'..'idow ~ e—, ,140;4.-.1. triwiti444 , 4,l4lkt . - 2,•s ~..4,. "..,,,,.. ~. ....... , :ii 7 .. 16 . ta5 h130.6 fr thoKiliriatr44:l4l4;itikArekilln, ''-,, :::. \ . : - 1 1 1;"' ' ..,!°M111011, 11 12 4 ,M1X,5.Z, '7,,./kr7.13,44-kiik• . 2! , , r 1 -111,1-2VINV BI O O4I 7F', I : 4G AIt:r ,-„& 7 4,,. N..-•-• , T.... - W...:V 0 .10. 1 t4 . _,.,,t,Vnivjg4tll7Elt. ~, `,-,,....,:‘ r-Jstrea,- -44--tirog4T as _..,...r ,,,, --.1 • ~ , , !---, =i , , untsie-d,W-fii 0,01. - ,*„ .44 , •,;: -. .A . - ' l t 44141,- - 0 . 1( .91 ,', v' • , N0,41,7,12ar0g...,1,11 ;, ,,, , VVIOVVf".-42'4‘iat .11ielf Ito 121 th .- striate" - ' TliaToll "" itseentlsmArdr;:-; ' - Tffilr "- tkalt of pitanla IN 6 -us . P "'" ~,razatt, 0146 tbmilitilty4-Waill :to i .;,- TIISEL TaltisLlE.PAleriwg`e*l,44 ,Fitrk«.-Iftißilirt. Oest....,•ide'br anMaTl43lol,letiffidalfeht, ,- ,1W,9171-06411 1 ) ,5A.,-,t ~botwAnkrourtb a !, 44 4 . g l if r,,,‘ ~,. ins'iancva7l7ol....4l ~,,,f4,1,,,-,, - 1 ; , - "`thiitifiil; ~ ,atrnatilir•ST49-es,VOrt tAriiil*sumi, and ''',- ' irlidt 70,41°14,, ~ ." 11, t r ! ' , be PA - ' 4 i;), .1, 4 , - ce.. , Oathutukstnifd wzrestfie Pirri,n76'-' 4 ` .4 ' ' QT - W e °. butt 1.4 . , ''',' ':'l''''''''' -.MiLoToRY • lug reit 4 T in " 1 "" 1 t t ... "' ObAl IotEPP ,a • vdstrestaCtML.o.,•: , ' - imi on , A s AIM, , ~..„Girard, " . 'rho valnabledruoro. =guis)i. Street,3. l3 ,- me ; --. 6-,°74-Amuaoil 'MO, I.,.,7 timirian.,7abates Poplar + ~ , t , ' rif,....2,,, :lipa,mbroig..-, ,_ . .. 4 , ~. extvisMit ~_, , st= o tie,o 47: 4", 40 ?, ilieyatan*. tyltilVte r "bra elt 011/I'wlth'imPerad" / 7 " 4, 6;l° rida & 411 , 1 1 0 0, 7; ' -' _ tettrit,,,,,.bil= al anny" . 4. L. Z ik gi4 s-I , < - ,1f . "4w 'ft r " '; , - - --'IWOO,I-Y,,,,,,,1 -- .." ' - ea&if0111111;'Irre.. ....'"•"'... .. - ,- •4 ".• .- • ',,,; _,r" -vuzion-4,0„Ltift,,,..1.,,ii74t tvortil 148 X toolt de 7' +,,- '`, ~,C,, , !:***afeArea. , ' "'" "''' - - _ , ~,".; •,' • '''''a ening ',,,;--- - 'I,AM adill,l4lll4g = , rl4•6o:odcd'Abriok =w vi m ; ,i '-,,= ,-,' 0 ~,,,="ern*wil ,n ,L,. ,10. 11,,,ax„ffitt l , :Pt? , ~.,.. ~. .-f ..-- , ~- , ' ~;-,Nuiikluoutt=7,,, rep, swot . 4 „,,,a dat , .---, r;'. ~,, '•:,hrellowiin,{ BortiarytMerilgitatioll ,=. ' 7,lf' tr ec: trai ten ft E aPavA Jn Jakei4,ll4 -,,,, ~:! '''' A-. Fa irl ana9Cslloll , ski !below Walnut - ' r ' -- "-I:L.-0 .- - No, A-I - Al i - - _,,....-.4 ~,2j,t i, ~ err'.' h._.iiiiiiigs/ .-, '[,,g , %-':' ' , ..21414ittellilk BAlaritPilzt mili , r; 4,4 - , ',': -..- r' ' ,: lisAfia.„,,ll34l4s4trlUMUMNOt. Wilili;;;ST', ';';',. --' ) -I,Pl,ll.)l7'..qmo.sinat B,llll= t4,.;:„.'.... ~,' , ~. 2 -7„---4-7-..-,:tfr 14 1 .4 Z`ouPrdt,..ii,':Piga , -,' , • , - Sept. 28`41,!..4) ' , lf: 4 = 4 Bllh reef onjip t , ,-- :-'' -' , `r,... vi tat'ag Nit " it t t = 9" .;!_ ~ ,', ~....a.. =--...^; -;:".", .--, . . - ---' .- i it pa t ,,,n.,, A 4 , t , ,. .0 ,;„,,,,tkiiikolikalLlSEwi - ',"' .` r-. "C '..", , , I r r ININTIi. YALU i lik.l . = 7 7- . - ~` 4% - : /I= '" ' - h e dg e L . - - 4- -‘) "' i lismmjii MVP/7. '7l" ';'' -".• lt* nafikil-116111141114-410t**u, ai l street; **alien -,<," `' ' --4-- da ' and Lot of Geonadi t m am west of Beventh , -_- . ` ---'4l', • ',„•411.74,016end WM' 8 ' 3l .=, ,-- ', , -.. , , 4 . ---,.....- ,-,.-.:' ",- ;', '''. rnie7ser.Ofil- - mrunu '' ''' ''s ....;.i.a.Relik-i-A,lOCll`ll. , =- .- , of% worimoLD fau ..-',7,-.-..;,7-4,Tri ~,,j.v.--4.,.41-4,1,-,.,,. --, ,!.. e . . .v.e? f.r.-,,14-... -0,--71=0"‘"„giint A li hisa «IR lim "" ire: %y: -,- d' ~ '', 'r7.4661110441101r- th e t 0.,!,,...- 1.....„ 4 1 .. ~....„,, i 3 4 1, - .3. "'", :iiemities.,Vgaliad fer rafair . i ~tchr Amy ~".--.. ' --- '',l.exfolV“" nlisstiPwitiTßOOK-CABO4-914.!-lit -,' ''' t ir =`, . - ".• X -'PLCII4I4Ieg--7,--"5": .., • .. , ..-i,--.4. 5e - =-----At the 'aud t' , . ,! , - ' Z. 14 i:44 filft,"'-',',741:i. talt, larridat.t.- fil.„t, -04ea..1 - -- ' - . ~7.., lairil' wV 4T .4lsl4l4sl, 000 tole s el" 'rata at ' ' 7 ' - Nitaill'Aßl. 14*.Fi,1"5„,"1.6"114IrtrlicrauPt"*eretrzifL'ir"-lii-- -.. "iiiitt bOolaiio447opandlading4 4 . % *9 7 : nd ot t en - o..''''..- viii" IV / th 7 14te n a 1 k,9 7 - :, ."- ell `r , c' '' . . ag e " i? " l : 64i 6 itid ihcp *Sides arratied dis h ' r- ' I l a dye - 4 7,,, -44 4, ,, A,r4.4," t. , ,1 - ~.. -•-- • tor*" .• 4 111 SouthTo -. 1 g,ll a = ' •'- i - - 1gt054.288 ea -.. prA4/401-, ' 4,, r',-%IIA-10„,ht ~.nniarosio, ,--A t . , .-• ' - ..,- 1.4 ' 611E,33/1.41111181.1410AV5T,4.L., -,,-, -, '.- ,. ..1 ' 4- %, ...“-., • - • • I.77,T67,ThigeltilL_,_{.s.4l.o4,oa4extemitr. ''-''' ' 4 efoloo"li iht 4 g ~,,,..4 1 - '1,..a finnittire,-eieg'cot ~ :Att '11: ~, f ~ : miewt it.!... - ".4. , !rots private )e_ , /,',-. , -t ',..iiiiKtrbil'uq.oitne, assOts,',.-.) ,_ id th e aloe. ~ - - " ,.F - z " -Ths; W tefeltiog ...lumping seotoe „ , . ~,, lea ” 11 , 0 , ) . . ,, ,v , raVrireoviirek- , -•,•-= -,,,,- , 101,41 S tof ' i , ...- ~.,„ , ~;;.! ":", a id , kfm. ebe ir e . ~ , - ..1.• ... --- ~- ' ~-...44,lltreambhor de..f .. ...., , 1r 8kna1...15914- , --, ,_„4o4..,biltAAttuAiww , ... ems . “,' ~- ,tilkinr * en ictirttalaß 41. , 1 = - 5 ,- , . PAU924ljaitiniar: l7 l.,-, te r•idilikud Inifiesivevoirslors e .° 44,„ t ,„. ,-,;" , -'-• 'F. . ~.. '''...ilitlit:;9ll/11111 1.41i40-....iiiisi,NOld=irlefit lm , c `,.(,'" 5 , , ',41:1- tlir t.„l,ll,lthg,72prilis 3w6tion.,,iltaZrepolise L.----t ' ,:-,%.21:94.1'?r4470.016*-0A°111"1144731,-.,--' ' le e:; '''''' '`,-' ':'- ' :.,,_ 47 4,1 ' ~M:driplar°ll, i•.644.na. ,' 7 , amagod '" :', 2, ' .., r..,..!....-,.,Auif.^l • spd ~ 4,',014 its bd*d 'OA p4:416 _ ;:.;•?<2. P • r • A' ~,',..- ;,,- ;wit, 'll,r4Tß.ltiblarliUClVOraMk ." ~: '. .t : ,.1.,.4 '4 il tF , ufa gl'..! tatiVitail . g , To c i , g * a ' dw ,- E:,f,..lfv•pt;;::;ri- s t r ,,, -.. .. l ai A cii iti oro „ , ~,. %.‘- f. it i aa( ini iLr . yel , ,_, :•.{ -,,,......,...4,1,-i 72-1,-Frt nouP•Aro l LareVcdif /I"6B.Plitri, awirlf; : ‘ 37-!....., F.ik:- . ' 'Yong:. °IL. leetrtak I' D ' . 110 ..v.§.177 ... -..._.....,....„. fel i*M! ' z,Wi'. -nr Al fr'ro dkoloidlil;littlgta: xdataszeg , .., •-: , • • • idonadio •' '" ' ad . NAtimils? Antscitnitlitr O, NA. 411, -7- * , .e- :i'.-- .*: ,*. •st ~ta.tc,,, 1 ,4,...i .-, ,- . ~,. _le .., rif 4 : '," • k. l" Alik, TT 11441 ...4410-44 ;‘ iN * 4 pi.Zel‘r,:",aiil4l; if t Q tool 41Tt!7‘14p. . fitrir , ?....,411.c7,? Va ii,730'itifie co l ls 0 1 1 frir.AVi i iigijai i ibi e , fici7 s- 4 - .:,-: „Tad? sa l i rwur PoPPL'Aii, 4 • tollehdttorr Pi: L .:z* isoortiaeit 444 0 1 1 __„bi, 4,41.4;Ai5t) 'of, at 4 aeir-Weiutpinc .,,....,,%,...,,,......ta„:„1ty,......._.. , .- „o r . trivied,eis 1014 utsitia • t' .. .z - ",:" ' '. '.'-' 'irsefir ringi - O r,t e • .T -. ..,-- - e - ilk , , Innd (104blir 'bottom:aid 7,...' ...-,,,,'''.14ar beottog e'4l4* ‘ C.P" ir n°7 4 tit,' el *ASH - 4nd ' 16,1 ifflftl , !.. 7 , • ‘. nif .',... , - - ,:. ) ;:,..11.4thp a t 4 b a t lirrir itlifqb . ii i of th.tb2, _ tt.,,,,a.101. i 5l - 3 APA.. ? 1 , ;,i.nr ."l7 .lliitd -. bell,titiam",Zti.l fit,°l4lB-14i:liNid''"Iseteller.41riitbrirci. NyV.. 1 4, 4= .: - /-'4 - 31 - ~ iffir'll.,„ VatrbtF•4°lirieeoi,i,m4 1 , 9)0,010th Cs .3;,` 4, .-bltuMilre 4 d 0 0 t'i3,,,f, Sod l ob Aftehcoll• i - ) WWI it ' llPlaiihe , 1 ' • MI, 4 oiled, a 4 fi °:. "..'-'5. : ' . ' Z 'AL I II s lAr r 1° "" 6. 1 41413 1.6,id we 4..,, 4 7;k: , ..'; -1:- : r- ' l4. ''' .6° " ll - e i l f, A v 044 t4OsPinin4 4,!..,. .c • , s Obill al' iii,#,lit,Yrllll4".ll.,"”P_:ll,.wid„,m, 0 0 , el" or, ,6..PlMC:l":gi`, `-`;',ii.,,,,,ll*,,l,retg,;:rii";ll6l4Fi 701135f7ed.eirteleflt igierc - i . E.1,'.16.:!:P.. , a 4 rove :14_11.6 .1 Irma-to t tgAtizij , Is t i o l l ';_ it , , :,..; , ...i..yegt ,04 . r. ;,„-,-,,,. VA tft4ll,xlit . M4, - An j ou ;Fsiiii: I ,J 1 'A. ~ ~. , anis I • .2 .4 4 4 &era .1 ivic A ,J r. : : .- ; :i f .l7, Al i a . % ~= , ,,,T it afg ali ia . . ..,„, 1 ,,,, , a .4 , • la * . I . W.* 6 * t=1, 4 „ . .,1,:..! mid eb.4.n.Kr o p., it •!441.11:0•640.11. 01111110 't• 'e. 17- ' . :Seil,z4S aasolpins, mAdalll}2 ;r ir t 7 •.' - . l *- -*''' 411 " t4 U di ' . 1.1"' !UM'', aiiiin jalit'&ol, &0.y,-r,i, „„.,- ,: . ..4„. \ f or ko, , t)tattet iii 2 TY B4 P I ,_ . ....„,..., , • .. '', • -1,."6"' j~S.~'~,~~» h~~ 'Off ui - ~ A.+• .vr a iire- -, ,- , , , , - 4,, ,,, ::: ,-.. q , Viiiiikairilifiligti 4 .i,Pti4t;43 , .1Cri, , ,".0 ~ :-.4 ::, - . 34429 - . MARKET STREET; • .., , ~... '''''',." • - 11118TIAAIWOMPAIRIOlkilOODS; -,--- 'AA tt = . -ff.AWITOIda.iId.A2O:I OI IIO.M.OT # B, , 31. 4'. ~,.•?.. :y, , filDtti`-iedi.Vrtdayibleridlzti` 4 #l' - ` 1 4; , 4' 'O2. bdai.-Itnlikitt 40: toeirlyby33# p.0>;a13..,, ,, An It b Marl., ta i1+4 , 14; , :,..t.11 ,, ,, ~, •, ,,' .;..-_._f f voti o ui.4ol apt lota or , fanoT and , etelde.-Franoo Airy. I , f• inglibigleaditger aseortment of seafonabln; 6,hatilbrtitini 4.i sik44:eittif 91140 za4rning_ t .4,0 - 6,,,ii ,s, 4,-L4..i7, itoow.t.twoEi.lisowOutarmaitivainoitEnt!cWl , P..f.i; 41,13A1311mAavvo.ippaRtijiv. MIL 166.11Th - .14 - , 5-;• 0 0. lik to inanufaetdaf 9f .brogsra• PaP'4 • !ri:ft . ..... • .7 - .L., -, --. , iticticlif lairiia_rect7Ci__,-... ,7 :C. - -P.rirkij s kft: - :. ~>:,-;:,, '1V1..A.1. SI , 7 4 -VVlOriFthigraiV.S) -= --1 . iffne :lig& ift".lloo6 - teiii . 44thile; PtiPinf gi o,oa,"W isielino do , . t t i 1t,P4 1 . 1 2 ,1,i 5 1 4 .?,11 4 .,14:5i.L , .4::,:. , J, ;;,q-,: ff , ora i 4 * ':4l-',l24"linviitird---!..o'"°o4."4 4 '4 i 7 t *,l7, rrz.. :i ;: a l ita C i,e, : ;' : :' *., ,l !q 4)7l l ° l' X A le ? lnC 41 Viirikfneri..•.z ,th... , .•=,'., ,-,, ~,, 4 1 : , f. qui( ,14 11 / 1 1E.• - - !,,, ~--•- - ~, ,:, --.. V ii i ' ll ' l t' Xilit"il ligtitilltAiT IA 13.' ' iOlia Waif ' ~,t - pin IcAtixerage,,,,t 6 -... : e -. ) g -- -' *--r 4; 1, .), ~..,..,,n41.1, ~,,Tr,, , , e .),0 c, 4,,,, .}±,-,, obi !C.:2 i', 5.:14 ,- :, ,, ,011.)i A ~,d e , a ~.,,,merlnfiTah.stagk , . - 1 0 1 ,, 4,gr - ..-,hg , A:dii i , 4= ,, .." -,,, - L it-- 4:- -' ,,, ii ,, i. , - frrvo 1-74 , ~.±a6Tiq. . 4.tt . 1.4 0 0) - 1- ' 1 i.uklbetieliawle , '.,:;4 ‘ 4 , ft -f ?- 1 3, 1: 44 1- Aolioliiiiic4,lk.rde v r - Eifella shawls. ~..s. t'-'4'lltuotimloorsomicAte*o-1/14041aliniere: !Valhi. do:- "..,, , 1-:.DO - '..eattin - ttolkta 'tat int gust WWII.' '. -"-"• lAN ~ : -*ntionifile.:lind slol.li border Stella abande .• ": 0 ; ..;.,.,,AliliAteldtaldnitt*he'sb:i4larn ` • :j,l - : , , ....,„„..•, -`1.09) . oh:gold berdeV brochp r Acerf,a., ,,, .'"•,' ,' 2-...: 411P88,13 lI.A.IIITY.! a vAitra,-4.0E1G ,AND setrAnk. 'cl)Ltoogitoll:4oWSß'n.isrAiip Vig.9:4 1 1). ' , sllWlWS l icli , igAiliekiiiitaiii?ll46l,444 rialqueze: ' ~.._IIOO-.or. arid, etegipiti l o:itcwis,, just, ' , i, quo - 0.0 - Pier 4oub- DE: fikFtl. no ..P , l j'., - -,?...,.-,,, 3 ‘.• "tr.:8. 1 ,-Tlt'e above . Nilo- of shawls irig isominile t 0 .,.. iiioaVaiilraMQ gjukirtment.,eyqr offer6l , 4tAnablicr 'sale, : *OM be Tonna .?Obtfiftliff attefiffanAlf the - trade. •-'' 4 iat, -.A001%42 1 : 4 : lehlramalci ',/-4 , , , *(4401V0L511RT SOOTT,) ATI 0111ISTNUT ' 1201Arrililithistotultriplait hetirpotV,Polirtliaticrutb lYtaett DY.54111.413,034,6k10Nzz" i Wile01021:161101.uyiO4, 21 iliwath„RlGilTll_ D graisp. conger of.LODON SMUT. , BALE OF, PAINTINGS, STATIONEIM Ike. , r ti tii *AR 0, 1 04,110.;)511 Mieuittrukag•et , M•r!". 0 , assortment of pikst tAntlinsh,putierp - 13likas Wotan andleirsTrY, juirt -arriied front talsvaoldstithout_Piwurre-41,15Pleztal4 Sias awl s "I r, 12 ' gal tfolltMr3:l atsisd (rAlt TAWIIBIICTMFB4 3 *Tig 1 .. 1 00 t6 44 - . ' 4- 1 14 "' hn 44 44 " 67 4 116r t g 't ►P' inokie t'4o - 400 oAk i nl-1111011, by order o *Undid aputrtr. forniprz . v, toting of'weld . tq r 4 Ass os figlsirereis, : jenny %HO. beditiads, washatsnus, hhairsi Oise Ttabloi wardrobo; Mariorsidendld lot•orAhhaa wara„oarAtii dro. SU : d, sigsbir A llesuidaToca,kr'lna l iirut : , fier. lasd StiPtblato the attention of r oapiAlisrAusko,titlwi? -the . !muss compelled. to elli .4- l. • , larArtilelritGallbata. inquire emotion Asiol •• - • t. 1 . 1111: 01:1114;10011 SAVES•soiloted 'arid Pa:aptly at. ;sided t:irrADVANoNB , larmals-lar ocataipinsei,ixs de= ISM:without extra oliarga-• r • e. Im t n r • if * . No logis -mmieta;irt,ibiziriacinii, ( 7'llll . ooND: GANG ItIBNITGAG, PAINTINGS, BOORB and STA ,!PIONNItY, rho,ato:, I -i t k • Sold atrium GO ODS eye& evening. .4.9.3 t E ‘ 13 A: - kAilinfOlftEß, -wif • NO.-422 WALNUT STREE'PI above FOURTH. 4 irr-TerSsaSfirtmillogulifo44l"44 oao hest ainutiod'thi.f.thetzlwOpertririunalureacritloed. - 1:1157 iloiniribeddlui room moderato Ursa that) -charged IT, any - other Ittiotion,the City. „ o. Consigmeitte ' • . v --Arr=Srlatuisictimto - ateltlikler,ttA woods JIALT44O¢Et - ,01/11EALItEMATB. -- 'r.r ,-- .'rikied silVot-Reit Zotiitiepteihbet :-Ingraintratutgararrauseß,l6thZ , This sale', at At01ki81iab5iage1,04 , 39,009149 4 111 1 441. ;Septuriberl6tbk3666:,at koloiockp will inoludi— VFOSITIVA.O4E--BTONN'HOUS%, OARPONTRB ,&,a. ) .-ortulloir 611119 - 2 V ,,, GERMANTOWN.— .4:Act ,of - gindffdic*llh'tbel• tivO4lttny:Utone dwelling • boo4e carpenter shop, &a , and lot of ground, Church etroeoZiernunktawc, _l5O feet front. 62 feet deep. Clear incniabrguleee,4 - ..lll6,feafifiS2,6o:7V, 4V-16114fr' , ,-r + V : HOUSR , RFRING lIIAIDER 7 'BTU NT Ltbree•stdr, dlrellhar- house ' , lot , bfiground,l north of Spring„Oarden etreet, Ifietlo4uchea,ecc6 „of fk.beiltilL Third afreet,.64 feel front and 90 feet deep MontcreY street"- $lB6 ground. :rent. 'Arr Side' poultifo: - 4:" I - D'r Theta ba 'veld _on , each of tho Above when alte , s laves stneek - orr. , ~ •• • . :• - .2lNotkilBr,aTi SA —BSPTB/IPBR 224. . - . - A%eiatorif taide*Xststi dine - , IE - 4EysOn,'Decodl ., -A-Ir,stittAoMircAligkr , DWlLLlNG. - AND LOT,-,BAT: coutoatotittnizetur,VlAME ..STB.**TEk7/ 1 0- _,Valuablf ,tbree t etory.hricX 611(elling.honco' auk lot of rground,tbereio.heledkini:eittaiti'atilet:W.A.66l4' of - Vodith 'iforPrirob , 4wreele. , Bl , .feet , front, lOttfeat •Thla properly is desirable as a dwelltagi.foraalt: pipers, or eoeld be &Raid; tit: - Entall 'expense, into •-1 LL:r.P,ilt,o,Rthupot i chfunp r monel rentain, ineßatito. T,WO=STORY L.'DWRILING,' PRUNE LIT 'Also, v t/ilifaiebilr,tirek , sker_brlokbeilldloir, belonging-to , - ,tbe emote estate', idjoining,on the:444,18 feet front, 84 - ifeet. deep. ,-nubjeot to illtrgioinlerrent,- (Subject same :tirfolv,iiitiAlitielititkattpowthiralterstiotrerimprote , fn , ch t'a Of , `InWPAY-thel 6llo .Kat>iliei alde. , la to lie,. :Wldczied-tol4feet - 404nolteci#114,t0,bsi2 ,646111iFfur 4 "-- - --Erl,o:o4ietrircusaluenerpolml4.;'f:!:;', '• 5 , 21211.1022141'L0TH. , VaTlLlNellreirkialf.4-No N . A _ b ui lding Ninth 'side of ..Watkins atria ) 1'224 feet let4t , or , iiithrAtkeet, 00%47 41 :kr liti , lwitruXbilYSl Teat deep, terbr,eastrettL, , jo; 2", f ito, 2:*;JAlsoia'lit;.X.tiyetneneleg 'road; irfset 'Woof; I. Morita' etieret,,ke feet tpntrA.2kree4m,hietkiottteek; tp • Cliba stoat'. -;''110IIBEIT AND TAIT, ~T AcoN y,, OXFORD-40yrN ‘1311124.4,2ien5e 'And, og;gtnund i N0...1764,a plan of 'Tanury. corner of Washington etreit, 0004 arel'il eel rig ,ithet, , Ao - geet - byagO feet:. Moen fronts. ": ObnerOl;,in, -cumbrance. ; , , 'i-it.GAT,TI42II/4,IIVORY BaIOK DWEffiilNCli HOW? itllLidiTalt2T4l/4&14,62AR1C0T.F.-e. neat" thrseeiteil book dwe ll ing-house „and lot of ground, west 'lies of Ilintardslmpeti2lo feet south of Market Oren', 16 feet Irone.,boreet deePc,teria reetit)Yr, • , wlo:xintroi 110 ground tent: - •,' ••• - • 115s10-lingittiftv.CTortna:oaah: ,, 'tor' 260 to ,bee• paid on each of the chore , aiheri ipe ; Fume Is strnek , off.., N tiee-32eVirie Strict, 1:. , 8AR1131.8.1.1iD.026.210,- i" t,o , i-00-illittardaY3Afteroooo; • A4'.4 r:Meek:4W - be sold, by bider if the Adtainiec” trotore to the estate of IWO 8.,/faion, deeeseed— ' arre N: fiti l iriii "j ro b ) r; 4l :f a rr *-;Adoinnkenteires - eude,:linelp , 'tilviit - .• ..119115.10012,2?,4111161ITII1111, 0 eaPRIV; GLASS • P?1 ,, ""iVARGii.141.04110iti1,.52113;11X41111 22 , &o. On saidetbleratecc. ' At 10 O'clock; at No-1022Limust street, kill be sold the entirshotmehold Amanita, including Brumes oar.' ,gets, Bretubplate admire', handsoteeengravings, waiont , setae, chairs, and tables, blithle;or 01c . ..thief:Oven / Primal audits' latchedettide, pelloonem,and mattreilies; tnattle: "YoP drogmlnll- humane ..ind , 'wishatatads. eheother ware s ; 431oil l ,"&o. Alsoiltitehei fittutture,' gda'flatrires; :14.thentors , letle,;•XatatO of Hon Tv son, doom. LtreoutioaW.Atio bfriO2I,T,4I42OIISLIBRAUTi . - On Friday Afternoon. • • ',,. Sept: 24th, at o'clock, will be ;sold,:sit.! the auttion. ,store..by order .of tl, Executors,the entire valuable. learnnd'inlseellaneowllibrary:otbeflate Trunav daoW 4 l l 4 ' • ijr,-Oatalognee will beready acid the booki arranged for azaminattoi before the eater . erk lALXILWAIAITATE , AT PHIVATZ NAIR: Nainisotne nianalon, sontbigegt corner of Seventeenth - and; Walnntittriet4, •21 'NesidenonoWialtligton.tiare welint street. , • homes, N 0.821 e.stplet., "• • 20 acres of hQuedn,lane, ' - valuable property, Yrankforti : ‘, • • 11andeorne.ilwe i llog, N 01.1812 lirallsee:strent.., " • llunintes 4'44 Seventeenth aud'Wash , ington lareaLt, ' ' '•/elegant ptoperti,VArtin, ecit.iabord Torreedale. " 1 14 sores of Wed, Ghetto,, eremitic Germantown. 1 - ,llingeomegeindenoodindlots-igent hia. , 3 ,1 78114We:10 • - a.CATO,O. i'POPF.4 , . 4 ,tow . And ,Onlttmbli *venue. sNatelsanseplNulllogi NAring,Genten 'Sttreet,' above v . 4)ladiamtiti. . - '-,- . `Arprivato nee a sal "sable Cabinet Ver 31liotale,riont;- ;prising over,..l,o4;speohnerm,..thaeolleotlon of several 17 4 41 3 1.1rThe property of.fa-gentlemen who - has no mem -.for them. They me verfdroliablelo a public inatitn-. VIP . )AlitaYne the -station store.. i ';; ' l. ' =gota, l ' . * ) ittet, 3 •, - tiATtErea;. OtLiktViTISTRA. 017- ro - t THE •ESTATEI .971 CATUART#4 • GAGE; discesilatVlate of ethellfenty-third,siszyl, /but formerly, ribdprit Manatunk,) of theAly.WPhildiWphley • haiteg leen Ininted lies na_dfitodltre; .pereons indebted dotthe eihil Estate arskledueepsa 10 tone VW ;pent and those having - claims sintinerlL9lotne to pre itentiietrib „: " OEOO W..DAVIO. Adicantetintor, ,,-- : MAIN- kyfeet,:-Etaiisynnk. ":"..gadaffe*OtAk September S - 4LreMft . hris t "'"' • ki4Mylir,f's: - ----_, ::., pl •-, - 41144.'ssalifigiliiit774';', ,;,•,•„ r . -;' .•' ..... .•,. '. , ~ ~ . 2.. J••'.._. • •••., 4 h f , t. R -.. 11 • .1• • 4) T T e a6 m l a li. Pielliii lIYIADSI/6 TA It •. D IPAI4MANDEXAE- • • • 0141 Wjjgr• *.fo4"ll.Btom. Sit:. •• ,' "" 17..'1.., 41:474.4: -. 17 . :If , :•; : • - • •••iit,tt;liffi Wifir e ntoir in no: •• - -••• 3 .1,4,64,wi1athrvm5.1.,..4..,,-..7.... f•r?f,yi:.vi 'B44.l3rlhrSV't J 4 'PIO' f11717:V."..;.Z.471:41-311ANO .t iviTsozi••...... •hi — l l4- 11 .? ~ q 6 South ruo '• • '•-• NT Simi ILIO•Als. " • -• • : ..I.;', .d I !" • ,--1-x,•O/171 IiarA'CIAL - 1;''" •: e PIL O F V. titlt Ai ENT; LAND PopATIIITAXOSNCY ,• • ' • • • ••• "•0510Aa 0, ILL.. 't.ttite,elttiseriber - n.11,001001 iiineb - pisetlcal pH ;sets fit itelirettnic end locating lende In - thy various Lang ;11fiettiesti In.the Windom SistepOsee • listens] faitillthes lii*Aklniorgliribleekibiot.tond tor . • ,• • ~ , , - • • ;LAND WARILANTS.ockn i zravtie Sis ro dlers'eNgitaiitteffso td tit ;PMI exarolnatiosii siii•V11111/1'sselli Ai, en e a locattode. , -:' ,,— ; • • • • • ••• Lauds I 'VOW 100 e ifstlerac re t4, wail* si , • or, ?:(17. Monty ' l g o • 1111 1; 4.".I6.Or,MUMOPPAtaAII4I44I. . RAg Av. fs: • Ifotarareialip, BTU Pltni eirrastlec k t, Phautaa - phis.t.:, •., . • • . sois4n, . . . hilAtllibbithllf V4l. S • 011 r, 1•-.11411ie1tel the Attie Mon or Vie DO, ' "A.,...._•*901".0047/60**0).Pr Pfttieh And dmeilhati „The hirmazdifell•ieleoted slink pl en... 14.1 to a all all orders •••••• - ...W•tde•dist he low . as any Other, houlo'ht the •, MAMMA * BALITH " • •-. 7•w op ild Green "tiLtiete, . . -(1001,1;k4 - i , 'ErrS11.0 . :EMA. , i 2 - .. I ',QtftEN 0/10P,:t 5'- '0 "9 6 flat Tei of mei!. flOPC;Aats an r'.Ppopueile.liir 140*,10140.1'rfili';. .wer• seldoin met with: It, $O. Xight Jt,i4Kl, , A Perli st -:1 e . .. 1% Wt ii 'a r Afh, alrbalise. A..S ••• %. ,-.223 . 0 C1th Alcl*MAkellk .WALM; A,...•E n ' ' i , , - '.2.:• 6 B l ";e, n ` . • t . 4k_ -- 1111 ,t. 0 : g 0, error , 10tr 0 - flt t' 4 ' i ilonp ohli '!lt*.-Iniiitlg,•4ocr 'elY6:fr.,Lori , iLiW : aliintllEettLiiio- P .' / 1, . jarY,,q l AMVlgri::: ' lifirainiGAttgt*A2o,EY.--so Abu ' -,Lui.424slaitotivdt. :tie- Iffakey la Mort -ad • ,n,yEaToN,, •,' MS% ..; ..' ....,. 'I: ""fr.`9lo 10Itli L lPiu3P.r Ntrowit.- - 1-1 2 1/ 4 : . 4 4 .0 13 F 4100 bt/10. ri vitonAdlmid. Ain° iststfbwp o e erwm ditto; wln store atiortot, no. m. xia p aiDy & 00. %T u. POttl.o ROI Mt 11, WiWiT4 • ~iGl6b: -;; ~' . .~Ltlfl~L .^;~3t:e.<<3 ~f TtONkttriejr -430 IdAIIKST:S T A B AT).- be t' We e d riPTIL end SIXTH: aonth aitta;',, ,-, e , 17. a , f; , l'n 110,--'ffe have now, arranged for_ examination, 44th POstalegnes, or 3 ..ab9nt,4lo9,,,ati}es prime :quality city and Ifasiern'toaktf-ibobtiqshoetutbrogans, „, m it t , r ,r, timbers, An., to which the special attention of., ; d i c hitmers is A:questa. - A, Al6o j u satew II it a 0 - seal : mnffiersefur cape; cases satin-bordered, stpacomumbryiNsi , -.. it oonunancc.at 10 o'clock precisely', iii'llbErfiTiii"?..4 80, or: /10pIfi,AND : 8KIQB4 . Ili - Coalaisk:p , fidZoial 000 , oases booti,' shoes, gaiters, do., embracing the rulankfissortment for city and Coital" , Waif: BLACK SILK.III.IB, Itllß..oAkffrodro. atiperiar quality, fashionable styles, Slack far caps, too. V Um, oases superior whalebone and steel frame tingliAm nmbrellaii. CARPAT-4982!4XDFUTOREV, • - inatufga v in + iiitategdo, 4 loliid , of eosrPet.hage:: and Baia:4ll . 3li, of atipeidor manufacture.- •-co , ! 117‘. catalogues-early ort.the morning of sale. _ ' • " P,OS'FRONEDIEN„T., - ,•;• - •lii'c'onsequenie of iemovitl toont'uttiiiitOre,••Nol'6Bo adjeltildg our former locettion,lio,-,028 _Market street, ' - bur - sale of carpeting ,ie ,poetponed'ithtli. Friday next, lOtkindt. OF INOSAIN , AND, V.F.NIT;eII•I cAIIFEITS, • • sl On Friday Morning, - • `.igeptember 10. at 10 o'clopk preoleqly, - vremill sell, by' pettilogiteicibeitt 4 2oo 'pecan IA superfine worsted and ,Wool; -filling and _cotton ingrain carpeting% tufted :Inge, Bco. - .Mini 100 pieces 8-4; 6-,0, 1 • 1 7-8,.and4.4 MIX Oiling, *witted and,oottonNenitten darbdtinge 4 Which the •attnition ohlid-teadelridintichasers it 'invited. 117•Oatalognee on the morning of sale. Ili,' 1 BANK and 10 STRAW - DERBY ' beiween KAN: KNI:And QpNil . l4lll' and SBOOND,andWElßDatreola kun - Tionsal a jilt OB BTAPLK 4N - g l'ANO3rt NOON TIBOR THE _ 1- 4 On Friday nextr • • from at 30 0 , 010014 •Preolsely, :pall be sold, from the shelves, nlirga an4 . ' general assortment of staple ! and fancy felt gooae; . eultahletO' piainint sales, and worthy the attention of ptitehebere.'4,:i ~btttatccnal:: ~:, - ~:~, • .5;91:11S S. D. REES Will,pe.opepLide ITJL )11orning Said - or fir - YoUng* Ladies, 1282 Spruce elulteti on WEDNESDAY , Sept.,l6thL,! t'eullo4.m.lr - lI T GLISH AND CLASSICAL SOIOOL. k The School of.theiebeerlberflp SIMEB'III3 I / 4 D-, 114 1 :03 1 IESTNUT Street "above Twellth. will reopen ,OO Mid SEOOND MON/ 1 4, the 13th day of September. .:*im.2B-tf • ' " -131tARIAS.811011T. 11 :KENDALL'S_ CLASSICAL AND 1301100 L; 1226100110 T Blieetivwin 're - : 44n MONDAY, September 13 au26-Im* TrAterbios.t COUDIXG:iind 'DAV IVA, SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1929 olLEFTNUT:Striet, , Philastelphis.-4he Winter Term. frill open on the second MONDAY In September. For ciroulara and particulars ap .ly as above. au24-lm INSTITUTE, DEAN Street, trelow Lomat—Duties rgenimed _MONDAY, August 1 15nti4 J. W. FAMES, A. M. - - GERMANTOWN ACADEMY w re-open September 6th, 1868 Tbo Principal recePre a few good boys into bin at47-1m -J 11. WITHINOTON;tI. rineipal. py.OFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE j FOR BO!$, at the WEST PHILADELPHIA-IN STITUTE: :THE FARE IS PAID FOR THB , PIIPILS On the Railways and Onntlbrusee from all parts of the att . . See advertisement iSanother column. see-1m EMAN A4LEN,4A, .1111,..Teacber of the JL.2{ Wallop:id Piano. Mr. Allen may be apnlled to it the restadniie'Of life father, Profaner Allen, No 215 'Bath EINVENTENNTWEitreet.-- - iIESTNIIT,STABEV SEMINARY, c.;4 LIBH- - AND CIASSIOAL, , , ' 100 D, CHESTNUT STREET, ' `"- Tills Institution falYdnagiltin and Boys pill reopen on MONDAY, September 6. - Rev..LYMAN COLEMIN,r ,Tu.u.n. sorngasox,- , • an3l-i2t aitilL LAD -SIN 434 N , GIII TAR, And the French Language. Vocal ,Claiitei;,Ladiei s azily V 3 per quarter.— : T. nienoe, ,ati3l-2tt* 1202 n - LBBRT Street. mHL MISSES BULLOCK, at 265 South • I. 'NINTH Street, will reopen their Se!tool for Young rratqes me MONDAY; thireth - Seipt, , Mor rerirence, eep Rdliner Cross sad Episcopal -Recorder. suBl:42tir THE?' - SUMMER. STREET , ' INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIEDi Mies j) B. BURT, Prim!. pals will reopen on MONDAY, Sept ember 0. . For Circulars, tiro , please apply at the Institute, No. ;1621 SUMMER Street. „ „ „ anBo.llitle fAEGROR IC.ABAR R'S ENGLISH and mu"- OL.IBBVAL SCHOOL, GERMANTOWN, twill mon MONDAY, Bepte m bor 8,1868. 6u80484* !THE MISSES AEILTSEMiiII EE•OPEN their•SOHODP. Mt YOUNG LADIES on MON DAY, the Wet Septiaber, at their residenee,lPßlVE Stceet, Germantown. attl7-Im* -R. ASEITOIP-5-t , FNSTITUTEx. FOR YOUNG I,4DIES, No. 929 ASCII Street. four doors below „Tenth, north idle.—The /fall Term will coOintenas on MONDAlf;th - e 6th ofliefitember.ti , • The object of this institution is to impart to young ladies .11511ronnd -31picitleal echo:melon, la . this,branohee urrally,taught in the fliabblasS IVlth Uhl leVieW, the Institution is in the. possession of ..it the modern -,and,ildiproyed ednostional applissees joiunotig istangvaPhlliisophial Cabinet. i • • ThiOsciaiiirlit*Skiwittah' , lsSiiilli of Atm „bestideptod for its purpose in the' country, is now open for the Of those mho' feel:interested female educe. tion. , au29-tt DUCATION FORr.,YoDggr LADIES.= The Suttee of the SPERM OAEDEN INSTITUTE FOR YOUNO.RADI r Ee:7JII be resumed on MONDAY, September M GIL b. DED:Ft OOMBS,•A. 11:0PrInelpal, Nos. 608 ruld 611 MARSHALL Street,,-,-' 11/11S8EBOASBY- AND 'BEEBE% BOARDDIEt AND DAY sanuor, TOE YOUNG LADLES, No , . 170 WALNUT Btieet; West et BBVIIN TENNTU, PhDedeielthi; W 11 1 ,44, 4^A•Opetied Ou 'MED ,NEBDAY, the Bth of September. • t", AS. MoQDIV,S BOARDING mrD DAY sogowrott'YOUNG LADIES, 1080 SPRING GARDSSIgi - ieor,ol,be . ,,re•cri!eS, MONDAY,- Sep tember 0 , , , --au2.3-Sw* VLASSIOAL AND...NATHENATIOAL SCElOOl,—The Subscriber will resume the.duties of his School. in the building at the Northeast corner of AREA and TENTH:Streets, on-WEDNESDAY, the lit of Brother. WILLIAM PENTSNLTII: . . WG. E. AGNEW'S INSTITUTE FOR . YOUNG LAMS, 1711 YIN Street, will, MONDAY,oMONDAY, September eth, 're-open It. twenty-ninth neeelon. •For "elreOlara oontalnlir,terme tee, plane apply to W. Q. S. AQNRW, Principal, au234.reet '" ' • '- 4 -- 1711 IFINR Street. 11DEIMINSTITUTZ,SouttiOpt THIRTEENTH; and ;FILBERT !Streets, U- be opened on IdOoDAI4 the of faiptember next. . Private lostruction, though ,favorable to rapid Tiro- Pm, yet sends-the Seholar into the world with a keen sensitiveness; which totally disqualifies him for active life; whilst Verition to many oftentimes- forces the instruetoi to inset difficultiei rather than thole personal to• each ;And. the learner either loses all !adroit,* beconlei superficial in his acquire ments.' For these and other reasons the number is limited. For further , Informirloo OPPIY POrgonally, from nine o'clock A. M. to one o'clock r. M. or by nottr, to - an27-120Ks , BTllWART,Trinolpal, FICHE SCIENTIFIC AND • CLASSICAL .11. :IN STITUTh 011HoTifin Street; northwest cox , 'nor of TWELFTH reoplng on •lIONDaY, September 'B, This Is a superior institution :of, Learninglor boys and young men. The faculty conalits of RIX Professors In addition to the English. and Musical brioches, there Is superedded' an ostensive Scientiflo,department with large. collections of .Phliosopbicat and Chemical appa. rata/ and specimens of objects - in Natural History. Terms, 828 per quarter. ,For, boyo under twelve years of age, 820 per quarter. Entrance on TWELFTH Street. - J. ENNIS., A H., - au27-lm , - , „ Principal. - SPRING "GARDEN , ACADEMY, FOR OUNG MEN -Alai BOYS .Northeast corner of BAILING and BUTTONWOOD BOWS. Yall Benton opens Sept. Bth 1888. The principles Moral. huaston ,, have been imeeessfally adopted at this Insti tution since its establishment, and parents entrusting thbir sena into the hands of the TrindlpaLean neat as suredottheir good-treatment andrapid adrannement. PupilareceiVed at any time sod age. Catalogues fur nished gratultettidp. Parente' ereinvited to:visit the School: -•— • "- - - , -Y. DON LR&VY LONG, au26.6w " • Prineipal, C ENTRAL INSTITUTE—ENGLISH AND OLASSIO AL SCHOOL.—WiII be ie.opined MON DAY, September 6th. TANTE end SPRING GARDEN Streete , _ G. MeGUJIMiI, A. M., an2.loBwie • - - OEM • " '& 'I,IEROAIT TILA"()OMAGH Sot:about• corner , EIGHTH' , and CHESTNUT. Streets, (iiiftbilsheer(llB4o;aied inartiorateet by the Lootatts tore'Vrintitylianta.) Inthis well-known Inethatlon tho • . • COUNTING HOUSE COUININ of PoeofJ6l,Rlhgli;send Double Retry . ,BOOKKEEPIpa, inoltidlog o all'tbe fltixtrtear, Boaz's, 0010fliscuAL CAL COLATIOXEI, end • • :- +' • • ......ieitite44GB/NRBB WRITING, isAajgliti in the moat eunceeefOl Befinfactory style; 1 1 41 ) 17/ 11 11b . fl -Prlnd P ila ' reqlll.li 1%. • . law. B. 213 Toil Penmen. , - ITTENBOUSE ACkbEllEVAshli Eighth ' CI& Session of this Institution. for,•,Eops,wlll nom.: meneo WEDNESDAY, September 1, 1858. Hoonis Northeast corner of CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streete. Entrance on Eighteenth street.' " • " LUOIIIB BARROWS,) . JOHN H . WESTCOTT, 5 trOMMEROIAL 'AND CLASSICAL IN— ? A. l 11TITIIT11,"at 1802 FILBERT Street—Thus School wlll'open MONDAY,IIth of September. All English branches, Mathematics, the (Basilica, end Modem Lan ,guages, taught by a method which Insures itantrale and thorough knowledge. • • Per teetlmoulals of inicoeic Anna, and other portion lars. gee the Circular, which may be had at 819 CREST NUT, or 1802 WILBERT Street. 'Dr. 0. BF.LDSNSTIORER. late of Brooklyn, L. I. Refereneeee,Rev. J. 4. yagghan, Rev William 11. Pornree; Bet: W. J.lRann, Rev.-J. 11: .C.• Bomberger, Rev. Th. Stork, ,Prof. John S. Hart, Prof. 1.1 Vetbake, :Benjamin' Gerhard, Charles Vesin, Req , O. P. Hagedorn, Seq., 1107. 0. W. Beecher, Brooklyn.; Rev. 0, Yr, Bethune, Brooklyn ; Theodora Bedgeok, Req., N. Y.; Pror;0:0 - ..9elton, Ildkinhridge. • . ' aulo.lm* • • VDGE HILL; - SCHOOL; PRINCETON, LL NHW JHBBEY.—TbIe Echootta adapifito ON! who desire their sons to have •• °Petal preparation tor College or for a busineffi life'. Thorough lusty:lotion le given In Kriglish, Mathematical, Aim Opt and Modern Languages, /co. The instruotbre aim, init only to have their pupils thoroughly master fundamental prlnoiples, bet to form those habits of thought'whloh.will render, future and higher attainments rapid and easy. Decla mation. Competition, sod' Debate are poetised in, the idgehill Literary Boolety, which embraces all the pu pils 'of thli.ftelool."Ydr" partionlais, terms, &c., ad aresai,;“dill ..-• • REV,,IAMEB.I. MALIK, or 1117011t8; jj ONtPS ElPRlNertantltti AOAPgRY, corner X/Sireit BUTTONWOOD Ma., CIONALSROLAL DSSARTidinr.—Book.keeping (n all ite various forms; prepulqg StSentethorotighly for - situations in any branch of busteeem Plain and erne. mental Writing Otrmmersdal, flalonlatinsi Law and Om. r ha poodenoc. - fie Institution in the United States glee. A more coarse.' In this depart ment qo teaehing is done In classes, and Is open DAY and SVlaturio. Timenolimlted. MATEUCMATIOAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART- IltaNT.,-(Separste from the above,) , Young Men and Soya are prepared for any grade of an English and Clas sical Bducation, Ida t gpellfag, Read . ing, Writing, Gram , : 211.,,TrireiphhArithmelle, Philo phy, Lod at era tAnitages, With all the higher Collegiate &Iles* gemstone of 6 monthir.oommente - Bentember 1 4,•andlebruatlist, Pupils reserved la 611 .1 time thetedatetand , aharged sobordingly. Oats =Dialled tie. I = f 4l DON MAVY r 4.44, •;, - 7 -.:, -) ~, . itournte , o ampan .• - - • - `-- ‘•tiliatiatil PIRR=IINNORANDF;I4 00 -1 .M. /NOORPOMWAR. M . llO-00.13411.7131i, ?A' R 0 ''''' ''' •', TriTroalq,f_l , ' . E- , , • 'i - ~ . .'S ''. '? ' • , X 44810 YrAid4u1 7 Streit, alsr Phls`d. Philadelphia : E, . , ring a large paid-up" Oa Isedltthahrood.sorpiao ' : Idrailattiu sound and arailab a ,doartaiso con ti nne y, ROO T B AN D 6R4 R 0 1 h .' ' insure ori DweillilgstStordglinnitnnei .bietrobibdine, v , aud ib, Rold`nnq'tWitir Osiven j and other Personal Allik : i' ' l4, `%tt PH)peq: Ali kllSOilfUilikly ind promptly adjusted ) '.E -4 - - .E.t." , --"••• ` •1 • I .3: r . - ..1 :•. •svuojv otOODEt, • _ m . 4 ropr. , 7olus T. LeWll6 , „, , , John Welett,' ''",,' ``-' OasparAtTmorept ‘ , .PlO ': r r! I It" WARR II T.B 'l' BRE T 4,, i , . "linunaol,o_, _lEldttdoi ' ' James it: Oompheit, s• . ' *-Psdrials WWl' " ' _ Edmund 0 MAIM . au27-lm,. ,; „ ....1 t • ~„,, ~ i iiiiiAnimlLLA:: ' - ` • 'chute, W. Poultn 7. , . , , .. ',. ... 020EGB 'AUBOTT, President.- 1110111A8 11. MARIS, Bacratary , , , , i., ~ 1..4.23. 7 if, ‘ , o,ot° anb , SLLdN & Amo4 • 4. 7's 1 4 E 1 4PS, RABIN;` NO. 626 f -ifril '±' NORT ( 11 ;1,62 FirENDRY & HARItIB; X • KI -1)7 ItIANIN/ACTUREIDI AND M WHOLESALE DEA.LEND BOOTS AND SHOES. N. VV. Corner THlED'siiiCAltOEUSLreets, an 26.2 0 - 2 'T,4IIILADELPHIA. ll 8t M t • WROLESALR :DEALERS' B OTA AND, EUO, - 813 ; Of PRILADSI4IIA and EASTERN 2datoifactnri. STRAW etoops ANVOOHTqTATEI. GAB7I; and procupt l RIXClitONTAS will dnd it to their interest to ernatineour Stock. • • No: 84 :.N.5 4 ', 0 ! 1 .9P4,7 41 Elreet.e BO,KER & BROTHERS,' ~: ttaritinprinmas,_,, AND WfiOI4IIBALA DEALS)IB - DITY AND' EASTERN — MADE' ' , BOOTS AND SHOES; ; ibs. 432 AND 434 MARKET STREET, Below Binh, South side, aul9-lm • PHILADELPHIA GALL '4 8 01f3.1E' • , • 330,0 TS AND SHOE S. ' : JOSEPH. Sip„„ •, • .Rio. 814 MARKET- STREW,* AID bric 8 aiia iIIt t O , E.LT.ii"PIACA, • RATS NOW II STORE A LAISOI,AZD • STOOK 01/ Bovps ,7 4losociEFl, o :-I' , • OP: CITY AND BABTB#N - 4A,NDFACritII93: , Which, they offer for lisle ou the beet tern:Lo4T eUsit, or onithe usual credit. Buyers are. Invited tomllostd, eurolne thetilito`ofe.!'" ' 'JOIN ,t fIOOTSL , AND SHOES.—The euheerlhei' hats on hand a large and-- varied stook 0f , ..800T8 and 01101O3i - which;he will sell-at.the loweat,priaas, , GBO. '" Vt."TAOII, noZl-ly B. Z. amoral:rill and MARKET VolPie;Sh.t l .o33. E DwiN'W.-TAYiTE, = - IRON BUILDINd, ' OO.IkaTiRET, One door above Follett.. IMPORTER is:Pi:plan' 1E LABiINGB. ea;Loorri,'!. - - narrou KID, FIELVATIN9I3, tlobießßOS , Wpag - ,:' • .. ; • ;:1 .-••• I 4 .:INT ... i 'Y' 4TH . - - 4A ; SLIPPBR TRIM141.17.:17127110111e, -NOTICE TO SHOE MANUFACTURERS. 1 The undersigned (auccessors to the late JOBEPII T. JOHNS) are now prepared to uteet'the wants of the trade at the - ; - '0 Airgialist 6611:1113r or ARCA aid VOMITS( Biideda.« Their facilities for ISIPORTTNGF and BURNISHING. ereiy article in the SHOE STUFFS and TNIMIIINGS line, at moderate prices and ad fikabld trollop, are The attention of BUYERS Ip regmtralita.o_ijeltei. ZOLINEI d• SON, mai - N. comer Audi andfrourtlete. " " %Vita l OlqsaOire, 406 T URNBI7LL & IMPORT,p2 AND ~WHOLEI34,LEAt iRSO HII`TA AND QULENS~ ARE, • - • son. - 23iiipd - 25 'itiOUTXtryPRT Between ivrtitefiliit 436440' , iii" GLANWAIIE, open or . brtbe paolcp re. < . EiJiLt; STOOK. 4 r " ;33 0 "i 3::)AR, $, Na. 82, rrAgTE - `rouirrif ' point nook( i'ELOW THE MERCHANTS' HOTEL, Have now in store the largeitiesioitnient of 3 O.IIINA'AND'QUEBUsiVAAB • In the city, of their own importation ' -to which - they invite the attention of FIRST -CLASS—BUY/IRO. Also, Agents for Menufaotated - Tittsbnrgh an.26.lni 9P 0 SOUTHER 4.1* AND WESTERN . , XEROHAN,TS. _ CHINA, GLANDWARN, AND DANDY 'A11T1046,- AT 'nil Lowmpr PAIO2B, AT BURSON Importers, " MASONXO.II4.Lih . 7IB dIiEBOUT.OTRZET, Im 6 ly_ • Umbrella's' quill Iparae,o,lo. WILIAIK A. PROWN A:00+, UMBRELLA AND PARASOL MANOYAOTIIILVREii No. 246 MARKET STREET, A largo tuntottmenkoonttantly on handy to which tho attention of!lealoto is invited. . .an2B-lm SLEEPEtt Bc . FENZTER, UANIIPAOTUREBE nr . - UMBRELLAS A)D PARASOLS No. 838 MARKET ISTSBET; Iniite the attention 4 . pf ittlYBRB To Their LARGE AND, VAILISD„IIIT9O/1 an.1.2.1m , ktentltmetfo ifinittahina,o6.o69. WINCHESTER & 00., GENTLEMEN'S ptiaxiammo arokie . :. PATENT SHOULDER SEAM EHAT MAYO - PAO- At the Old F tand, No. 708 01.1E13TNtii STREET, oppo site tho Washington House. A. WINCILESTER will give aa heretofore, bla m ould supervision to the (Jutting and Manufacturing departments. Orders for Lai • celebrated •style of Shirt/ and Collars tilled at the shortest cellos. Wholesale trade supplied on liberal terms. . 3124-1 y J -1 471301t1Tt* (lit° of Ole firm . ' Of Wm • uneaten & SCOTT, _) , GXNTLEBIEN'S PIIILNISG ING STORE- and SHIRT MANUPAOTOItY, 814 01111STNIIT Street, osarly.oppoidte the Girard Housed Philadelptda. J. W. S. would respectfully call the attention of hie formerpatrons and friends to Ida new Store, and Is pre pared to fill orders for SHIRTS' at short notice. 'A. perfect St guaranUed. COUNTRY SHADE supplied with PINE SHIRTS and. 001,14118. • • jyl94f ENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. G W. /MOUT, 6O Altgal 'Street, above Birth, Philadelphia. Dealer In all kinds of pornlehlng Goods, and. mansferldrizer. or Nine Shirts, warran ted /*dual Ip every naps* to any othere manntaetured Obi city dr olissi wholosals - God ratan, or toads Ilk It N T LE , d'' witAPPRREr OR . ..ol Damon GOWNS.—The largest and 'beat as aortmant Ia the olty; wholeaale , and rota% with a full line of UndefOlothing, suited to the mesaon, at W. W. , S 241011V8, COO .1111011 Street, above Blith, Phlladel• 'Puma :quo. 151 1+00L oMokultici:.ig".: Wits, „hay; f or remoytd, . fOFOIiTitiTIMT Street, Om tetTlitatesMint,) are 'prepared to offer to their friends' and t 1 publio an extensive assortment' of Grand, ParlOr-Grand, Square and Upright PIANO4ORTES, manufactured a:preset for this city, finished In . ..talons styles of oases, and prices which cannot fall to please. 'Piano-Porte, made loonier, to milt any style. of furniture, and all Intro manta warranted to . Or, ,eitlqsatletaotlop to the par. Glaser. . Grand and &low Paw *A, open the teat fa, Torah!. terms. Meters. 0. & EONS haiii moles& Thietr-lour hIRDA LB. The Sul prilithißlMlNAlleompetitore In the United' States. "All•ordere lot. Tint/IT fi f IMPAIRING will be promptly iittenited to. • Jyttm , , „ • [NANO FORTES:IW . .:•: s 4 , i . 44:;:....... .• •• • • X; 704 I•ol•lteirarip .i. tria , Ilt&TINI U- M . ATINNWIt' SST TAM & ob. aild GALA & 00. 8 2 08. KWh 01088 aligns/Rh at •• • -- -,' J; 1. OuraDV. itr)....oorpat•UVlllTlrti4 ofillompvl ON ..... • . • . „ . ... • • . .. .. . • , N . O ONE- should go the - Sea-sboio with a' battle of • out .N.RDIORTID BRANDY in their •Vall/iia In estres of aadded 1110.2 it would be the maxi In Insay •lootanott e.f.,Amierfitbo. DYd ofy ols PEPTIC pobsoindsuoseedilltstwilituste.bonn re 'Adroit to henith by Its noilolincsioto.ru 2 LICOLIIIii:1 liontlorePi 00, 01904414 On oft. WEI IRE. R ISES , ..• ONLY , v.TAKEN”....' • "OIRMIDVINIVANT)IYIARINE-INSURANOE COMPANY, PhUadelpids. 0111 co No' 415 WALNUT Strad, NavititoilOompFayti ;Minding.) 1 1 -„OAP/TA14'920604 1 6.'' ' ' • • AMOIOTI4IB. ' - K., • ndman,: Wm [ ,P l3weln ioNio Weer. OD. Shoemaker, "aohniAtepaoh, Jr., . Walker, . ; ,H: N Betroughe, - , • • -Thee: Craven, t7.-B.j.lughee; . •" 2 : , Fronde Petere r Wm.'. _l3 Boyd, H: It. Ooggehalli • ;Geo. W. Woodward, Jno. McOluror D. . o. Olaghorn, - Joseph Klapp, M.l). H . 73111.40NES,,,Preeldent. , A. 13. HTLLETT, Vies President, 7ta.lll.7ititonni Secretary; Dr2O4Y 11:11 1 0WARD:F.114,E.::AND' ,1 1ABINE ; ,/1C BURANOIgOOMPANY—Offioe No; 412 WALNIFP inr"; P illathaPi"" t;intiO '"' -;.Jpitn Edgar TbOturon, • • T: BlePotter , • ghillinAtord, 0, E. Bpazgier, 0.4. Bower,,, • ;Abraham•Rezy - • •, John WAlexton, E. S. Warne, John - Garrison, • • ,,, George Howell, _ . Notbault..Poria, • 4 Wm. P. Leech, IV. T. 100414 ., : • H.;11. Houston,• ;. • AbrsheartiP,B,M,' , E. Erski, - t Charles Y. Norton, John H. Lewniw; • JOHN:11. 'DISILL, President • - 31. 13.,WARN president. ono. A. boi.,Elearetary, mil() „ CIOIaItEXOBANGE INStrIVAME,GO3I-; xi PANT, No. 831 TVALNTMEireet, Philadelphia;,; Onelernam OAPITAL - ' 16600,000; MARINE AND INLAND. ASSETS MEP " • ' d . Rohde aielMortgagee j Etocks,&o . 14A625: Dille Receivable, (for ..... 76" UneettloiDoon Acconnta h (6n; 1.613 83 Mali Et Bank - aid'in Offbie " - 10,488 46 ORO in bands of Agents an4opvrespordeete, 1,898 81 80,148 45, No loassonnodjusted;unpaid, Or ripOtted. ' . I)Ifq9,OTORB : „ William 51. , G0d0.44 8. . OrawfOrd; „. dam'eq'W ,Queen i ,lno. Itedner, George W. 'Hall " William ll..Themos, B. Pranklin Joeinioni t ,B. N. Ninslor, 3. 0. llopper, ' Henry' D. Mears. W5l. ft. (AODWLN, President. J. Q. wOrral, Sal:rotary. urilo-dtf, CITY lASI:TRANCE COMPANY, Bouth,soaßTH Street._ ECARTE PERETUAL. Capital'' 200 omi " Orgenived 1881. 8 'Privileged to insure Houses, annually' or petipettuilly Personal Property, annually, or for a lase period; Jake Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Illsks.;_reoplre posits'; hold TrOte andkirggra K es- A _j EB, President. la 0. TYLER; 'lgoe President. Mmiii, ?Secretary. , „ ,• • „ =korona " ' iAVmd W W D.' Kelley, Tyl e e e r k , n 'W. .11'opsy t J. W. 13dudir,'. r, „ 11:, C. It, Meth*, ' James Watson, J. I.:lintchtnuon, - Ludlam Matthewni J. W. Bt,okee, : , „ oa#o,, Jel , P. tinier " . , 'TIFF INSURAZIOE.AND .TAIIST pANY.—MIie P.SNAimtristrAz LTBIS INSUBANCB9 COMPAN,Y, Northeast', Berner •of TRIAD end' DOCK Street s • BE12;125.001 , • Ittsultralay,Bapit, Wort, terms; or ter :the vhele ternsi ot• liter' 7 grinAti ainanities and 'aidoormenta-:-yer asses-lite, tnterests Reel - Bstatei and makes , all eontraets deponitintioii the coiittngeneiee ' They act as rreanters,_,A.dininistratore, A ssigneee, Trnstsiteq n roni n t GuarSiani. •• • • : , ' YABaYAIe. .' Donfbl L , Mier, „ _ gam:tool, gtotes, Benjarialle Coates, 191,41.it0it244.11e; ' • • Richard o.lrawbouii, William•P. Stacker, , ' n , ;Joseph ' 11 - .'Kern,, .• ' .James Boston,. itamdel 1110, • •., TheephilierPatilding s — , 'Charles Itallowell, ' Xdranne - He O. TOwrusend. • Daniel L. liutehinson, Bodelphiis Kent; /din IV: tremor, William B;. Carr, -c• Bill I' sB. Archer, • " Birward'Aktott, ' Simnel 7:obriatiwa; ' • Will%mitobertson n , Joseph Thema*, •,' • Wearier M. Basin - 'John CF. Brenner, • P.l: Mohler, Easton. _ , - 'DAMS!:L. SAMMIL D. arOglilii, Vita Pros's. Aare W.. Bonbon. Seeratary: • n13.1y COMMONAL.7 ail INBUTUNOI • ' COMPANY, br sTATS Oi PENNBYLVABLL . • - NORTIIINEsT -,orFiox, INTR WOTAN 'ANA ..VIAItTUT WITIZTO, E . 01.14,, • . , up Clapital, 1200.000, ' ' :', ' ,innovosit.,. - , Dr.)); iiiie r - a. Stew?..ll;, '. • - 11. I.."Detther, ; . ' • J. 11.1 , IIntlar, , . . J. M. 'Whitton., ...'. 'J. K. Maur, ' .11dw 0 Enlirbt, — • M. R. Wendel U. Datirie . ; • .Tr., —." ""•.' ' DA•liii) JATDII,IIII. D; ; President. "' 4 11.10)L12:11. BTXWART,BIe, Pis a% • RADDDl. — [o.ldociii;Satirattilr, ', - , , ,p).29,-, MLIAWAgO MUTUAL ' SAFETY', IN ALF BLFIIANORIIO6IPAPar:___' INOORPORATID 11Y.THZ.LRGIBLATtlime rd PAWN., ,•-... ,-- ••-11PLVAN ,IA 1636: OPPICR, 8. Di. O o roer r I.IILRD and,,Wl.l/113! Streets, • . ~ PIIILLMILMI4. "MARINA' .111SURANOlt,. • . • ' • . 1 .-• .ON V3lB/1118, .= , - , ,--, - '• OkRGO, , To ali parte of the World. YREIGEP,I . ' .. , • .11 , 1 L li INSURANOBB; en e•Odll, by BiTe parts Canals, Likes, and Land Carriage -FRS of the Union. ' -iprgrrgewass, . , On Merohand&ee generally. „ On Store ,c Dwelling House*, 'tho. • ~ . , .. -, . 9.889,T8 OR MR COMPANY, ' , ..; ,tforeinber4, 1867. ,Bonds, Mortifies, and Real Mate ' 8101,858 96 •Philadslphis.Oltrand other LOAM 187,011 28 Boole in. giukl, Redivide, and Itumranoe Companies 12,608 00 BUM Ileosirsible -'- 220,291.96 Oath on hind '" , r •' i ' . '.' - ' 88,892 68 Balance• in liana of Agent*, Premiums on• z' - ' Marine-Policies recently homed, on other debte dm the Company • 99,780 67, Bubferriptlon Note.. 100,000 00 orummaluit Wtluarn Martin , ' James - 0: Hand, • Joeeph H. Seal, Theophllue Paulding, Idmund A. Souder, , James Traquair, John 0. William Byre, Jr., John R,. Penrose, S. P. Poniston, • - George Leiper, Joshua P. Byre, /award - Darlington, ;- Samuel' R. Stokes, Dr. R. M. Huston; ' Remy• Wm. 0. Ludwig, • B:Molarland, Thigh Craig, • Tkronas 0. Hand, • Spencer - Malin:in, .• .Robertlituton, Charles Belly /no. B. Semple, PittsMgh., EL - Jones Drooks,'S . Dr. T. Morgan, , g /snob P. Jones T. Logan, - It , • ~WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAB O. HAND, Vice President:, 11101121 RP VTLIDHIN, Roorstary. - - la9.y FIRE AND_;INLARD ,RISKS.— FAME INSURANCE dompANY. - - • . • ()Raid ' - stoo,000": • • -. (Organized under the Act of Assembly relative to In enrance Companies, passed April 2d, 1866.) • - • GEORGE W. DAY, President. THOMAS 8. MARTIN, Vice-President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Senetary. ' '' 011 ice 411 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. .. • DIRECTORIL , George W: Day, - Snob H. Vaughan, ' William W. Walters, Henry Lewis, Jr., Charles Richardson, - • D. B.Sirr Jy, Hanley Lippincott, John W. Arennan, Joe. R. Brognard, ~, „ A. 11. Rosenhehm , . Ohaa. Stokes, f024.y H Sterls. A NEW AND IMPORTANT DISCOVERY PRENTISSI WASHING AND SCOURING SOLUTION. PATENTED JUNE 22, 1868 This important discovery has just boon patented by the United States, and it is now confidently recommended to Idanufaethrers; Housekeepers; and others. It is a laborsaving preparation, and costs loss than half of any other article known for cleansing purposes. While it aleanies, whitens, and purifies Cotton, Linen, and Woollen goods of every description, it will not Injure the most delicate reheat. Certificates of Its value have boon given by some of the leading manufacturers of the country, as well as by many reliable housekeepers and citizens. Manufactured by the Patentee, and for ale ,by - SAMUEL GRANT, .Tn., & CO., 139 BOUTII :WATER STREET, ;PHILADELPHIA jy22•thtu ly THE "OLD DOMINION" • •• COPPS& TOT, and • , THE '" OLD DOMINION" TEA POT, Are manufactured, under. ,the patent for the United States, by ARTROR,BURNHAIT; & GILROY, Nes. 117 aud . ll9 Month TESTI' STREET, - ' PHILADELPHIAI • ' Mr Merchants visiting Philadelphia, should, by all means,lay in s supply of those COFFEE and TEA POTS, which are rapidly coming into use, and 'destined in a short time to:supersede fill others. .• • Thrro A. B. & G. are also manufacturers, under the patent; of. • : = ARTHUR'S OELEDRATED Arn-Trourr SELF-SEALIN4.OANS AND JARS, Which, It is conceded on all hinds, are the beet in the market. - . • aull-tuth&etnolB • Also, Trade Agents for ToRREFS ADJUSTABLE DOOR SPRING., LIOUSE ItVFUGE BRUSH MANU FACTORY. •- • The enbeeriber terpidd respectfully call thb attention of the trade tci hteitifrt ~r, , , A ATE.T - BpOOK OP nntrunts, gar!uPletur 94 4 AT . `H OUSE ~-..-, OP REFUGIA, - - -- ~ y, , ,;(.1.- AND !OA SALt,4 1 4tiES;DEP YIN& OGINGPETITIOA A . 110i -6'404G iioitokabisi:Roiloynt, 944 i -wilt -, ,_. -- • • •2 , AMNIA' 'a.. ECIABTSINi ~: 62 Roret THIRD ElttecitlbetrirAtroh.-..7 (1 — APE MAY AND ATLANTIC . Y.:— Al There will be no neoeisitj' foi Hannan taking a ripply of CIGARS pith, tham,• niwoinaplate meta of GENUINE HAVANA, °flannel gimes , . In'. portationi fointhii gale at OONEIDEBS HALL, Cape Island, and co the UNITED STATEN, Atlanne OW. sea i;igiArAl(l4-A11)•'- GA.:,*;4l - t," - -Ttcl.witArtfreigrant rev 'Clotlas yecOlyottati4 bills cifloidlnOgoed averydar._ . , = • PreleltAill,ctikktrandektidaithanatillingiressaltates; by the statinchlipbTATllOY 4110.1telkoAiftirt. Garvin, i to slialli'ob B.ttal3l4l:l)inzleeptt:' , lltl4labOl.O. o'clock lit lif..'.ond Wald ;whterfttboret , ,V , LNlt Street: For farthetqciiticklarli please abblidvektistnibnV ot:the Bteittbohte Mato of Gtrorgio) - IttilasiCaperP ForAberght. opaaagaßp . plylor - t•. 1 1 1 , A•llNltOtry.lll,iv, nablforpitliqiiirrettl,“ OOPPSANTUAN,67SOOIr-T,F(I CIP EPNEADAY, iffet-9,loolApplr .11Arter )4, *leh .Po,r 2r9rj, 611 ,4 Y c l iefq l oll o l ) Pl in kg e k t i, - 'And pell 'Tble tavoqte PIPPO /Orq I 4 Y "-* ride' '•knaivn 76i: 1 11140rt frasmeo and, gopdMlLTAry_9_ _ Rdepttakeweg brdp dant; FitiVl9.TsW.:ll . l9l , 7 velsal niyir loading for Ell,Wl3`parpliFF,". • orlite of.fFel.ght ?14110131Pjaa,036,4.:1 No: 103 eAtqu, 14„ieet?'!tboir,1.4r' ^ ieo , „ KIPS; PAAN NEW arm p7Otilit.—fiecelvee freight at thin - port Batunitig.next.i. • " "•• 2 Tha roagnifleent, Olipper ;Ship .00Ertot ZZIALA, 41. Coltman:l4er, will continue to,recotre what . freight ?offerg..uutil -Saturday next,- az4.,wifl. gait as BbipOere rilli7pienee.huriy,their iirigagetitepte pith!, andhil,4 of. lading to, the cotititfteltiOilao 'for slifT Nor balance, of, freight or, tao ' saiieiifiPiilY '4 : 4ll,o lkrcl at second wharf above Lombard street; or to *eitmONS, fr. 00., - Street oboye t CONSIGNEES iigrieie per iiehborier VAPOR, from Mobile; will: plow , iittehd.to the reception of their gooda, , now land,' Lug' at ihollret wharf shoire ABOH-Street, and oblige •• -- • ' • :BISHOP/ SIMONS, 004 7 :i - No. 105 ARCH Street{ above Front; ;4041, , ,'11.c.).TXCE.,4 — Ociusiguees •let; Dutch Brig. S',XPPO REND EII1V? flohati muter; 696; Aroakerdara„will liteaaaAlbed -,thela.P•rzalta•opboard, at South atreet illharcpor.,tothe coutkung Holum of the tuideraigned, as allflorafaal4Permiteitrqi.futill - d4ll. nent,to Eahlto States. •;) atx._• 4itcrilt* tiOnairi .q aud.,228,4.041/ BOU&TS lafrisM, ,perBON Mcut - ono - it agningt hp Wog aoy,oftbf„oroyr o m briggaleP o,, llllNDltigt.: B 4lntLAr r y t it !, ,„ Atneterdaq,lol;llo 44440 t4e.ry , c l . paid by Captain or O000lgoreo:,• „ , , • 1 t,ll` • - , I[ENEY BOin N-& 00 ,.> . 223 SouthYOSIRTH.. FORNEW ORLEANS—LOIIISIA.N.A.- Lpig—Gestrantled drat and OnliVesselTor - thii' llietglil44en at as et 'other vessel Tfi&.splendid Nathan Winslow, inester,lanewpOtneding her loading at Bade-strebt I.: Hating, the larger. part of her 'cargo - on board, and, large .engagenienta coming alongside,rapidly,.sho_wiir: be despatched as abovoi, , shippers will pleassi complete - Aar ,ongsgeillenni let - once, and those'wishing to avail themselves orthe first * voißel wiltpleageldirry.theitgoods alongside; and bills; of lading to the counting house for Signature)-and may depend on this being - the firat vessel to ealL • Yor balance of freight; at reduced.rates, ' • BIISHOP,-.llllloltlB, & CO., • .106' Areh,street, sbOve - Prout: The P. -will:lnsure atthe lowest rates; and will take "team down the Delaware and npthe htieatseippt. •. • The ilne;.fast-saillng,' A 1 pachet-ship , ,tiliahtllOOK., - . 8. B. Donne, will sticesed the - P.., and is now receiving heavy freight::: . - - .FO R „ NE W ORLEANS-LOUISIANA aitr_LlND—To succeed the paeketrebtp Pleiades with quick despatch. • Freight - taken at the lowest Tate's-, , The elegant and fast -sailing packet-ship 8111.11ROCN; Stung B. Deane, master, is now-rece ivi ng heavyfrelght, and I f ni have prompt despatch es above, Jot freight or passageapplf to' , - , • - - BISHOP, lIIHO . NII, ' 104 Altoll -Street, above Front. WANTED—To Freight or Charter a ...e,goptV.LVEBBBL,. to:, caTiy 2 . 00a300 loos, to load for . 4.Bolithern port. A fair rate willpald 'Oleic - 600W given. BISHOP, SIBIONS & #l.l.94Mi9e.t4,4Pyeyront.' .FREIGEIT Oft" all-E-errorThe'Ar I coppered: and; eopper•feetened" - biiqui FltlslMillOK NlG,Bnotner, mentor, 3,700 lkirrele ccpdelty, - in complete. order, for : aey vpysige. ;ApPlit to ; • • ; - , tf./. EPARON,da nun - • -. . 3 .North !Immo. WANTED—A good ' vessel -to. loft i . n Heron's Line for New 'Orleans. - Qtuok de 'snatch and good rates givenr: l •Apply to , surf _ ! A. HERON: Ta., 828'North Wharves. - WANTED.—A- good vOsael 'to ,• load, in ilerdn's Lino; diAfatah ,and good rates glion. — Appily to .1.. N HERON, 828 North :Whines.— - 13teamevo., • FOR •OHARLESTON,_ SI 0.41.5. RON'S' LINE-ONLY R&M:MAR LOIN- , MDS RHOSINED AND BILLS•II4DING SIGNED EVERY DAY. . _ . The steamshipREYSTONE'STATE," Captalir Marian, having been unavoidably detained; will nom meneo loading on Thursday, September 113thi.Und , sail on Saturday, Svtember 18th, at 10 o'clock, A. M y from Remind wharf above Pine street: • - • . for further particulars please see advertisament'of Steamship "KEYSTONE STATE S " in this - - For freight or passage apply to - • --, • • ' Tn.' • • .14 . , 828 North .Thames. 'TOR RIOHNONP,'._yIa ' Norfolk' = " .andOITY RRANGE WIOr WEEZLINION - ETEA_MBIIIp OD P LINE - - 011 — $11:01sturs - TOSAIL EVERT WEDNEBAVANDAATHEDAT, 111' UNTIL NOTKII." ' `Y" - TIEGINIO4 °lntake .Ult: Kelley,„; PANNBYLVANIk Criplalfn "teal. CITT.OP RICIDIOND; Caitalnikfltobell. Theaktlnii efeintebtplillll aallahovo..'Thep are halideornaliAtted'ip for: nalidePierm_ BuOhlwal' • ' dank • aro nrailacid.wttla-praftedis efidetellle Life Boatev rf I•rimbrvero,46. qnd 'to racts_orexruto litgited f°;' the canape{ ana . itgollyol)ameagersian 'the proteetlor: of voile. This. Line: Offere..,Gxe..qulekent,_elleapesd;ind:isioit ~00mfor$al?lo,roate for : pats:nem, and. fe la adianee of another for dempatoh .00nomy for froight'TO THE; IN T E lOR 00. YIROLNIA, NORTE -CAROLINA,' 4NlTraorozo„ - .., • TitrIIIPEENT. THIS LINE.' ; Passage to, clinnen .or Taint:og, SS; meal, eluded, Paasage to Norfolk.; SO „meals included: THOMAS WEBSTER, Jr.. General Agent ; a u 27-1m , No. 14 NORTH waAnyEs,..; AigEgia:.';l9l. CAP E AND NEW A . .. _ . YORKDAILYi, at ' OX. o'clock A , M._ , ' • NEW AND: PHILADELPHIA. STEAM 'NA, NIOATION COMPANY.. :The splendid ocemil steamers DELAWARE, Captain Copes; 130STON). Captain Bellow; and KENNEBEC, Captain Hand, form a daily line between this city, Cape' May, and New Ybrk, leaving from first pier below Berm* street (Sundays excepted) at og &clock A. M. Return-. log, leave New York from pier Di North River (Sundays erupted) at 6 P. M. ' Rehunhig, leave Cape May (Mondays excepted) et Pare to Gape May (carriage hire inclede4 $2 00 " lot servants ,1 60 101,786 87 . ft ' uSeason ti c kets (carriage hire ex - kca 8 00 - ii ' New York, cabin 300 gi - ' ~. 41 ; steerage -1 50 Freight taken at low rates. . . Per passage, elate rooms, Ace., apply on board, or at th 6 Ofilce, 814 and- 810 SOUTH DELAWARE AVE. EVE. JAMES ALLDERDIOE,... - 1015.11 re ' . ' - ~ Agent. FOR ORAiRLESTON AND BA. , •VANNAR —REIRON , S • - eooos BOOTITERAND DU? m or Lea siairiO HYHAY The splendid first -claim side-wheel Steamships ' . ' RETSTONSI WRATH and STAPP OP QEORGIA,.. Now form a weekly line for the South end Southwest; one of these ships , sailing every ASATIIRDAY , at 10 &cloak A: M. ; alternately for Okarleettin =and -Ss . vannah.. . , " PON CHARM — siozg. - - The RZYSTONE STATE. Oaptain Oharlea P. Marsh man, having - been onavoldably detained, will continue to receive freight until Able (Monday) evening, Sad tomorrow (yttaaday)BoOt. 7, 10 o'clock, A. M. FOB W&VANNAB The STATE GS, GEORGIA, Capt, John-J. Garvin. will commence loading. on Thursday, Sept. 9th, and sill for Savannah, Ga., on flaturdah Sept. 11th, et 10 o'clock AM. • • • , , At both Charleston - and Savannah, theie shipsionioot with ateamers for, Florid& and, Havana, and with rail. roads, fr.o. for all platen in the South and Boathireat. LL/614416Ah , 0M Heavy Freight at. an average 0.16 .per gent. below New York steamship rates. • INOURANON., FREIGHT and INBI7RANOS on a large proportion, of goods ehipped South will bo found to be lower 87. these ships than by sailing vessels. - , Cabin passage 820 00 t " Steerage do1•••*l. ~, 8 00 , Excursion Tickete, good for the present year, ,80 00,, No bllis of lading eigne.4l.after the ;Slap hakaajlell, • For freight or roan% apply to , . • , A. INZON, 1n; _ gate 81) liortli,Vsairse; Agents at Charleston, T. &T. 4:BUDI). . , 2 'Astute in lloyannal, O. A. GREINER & OQ.. "- rot :Worlds, from 'Charleston, 'steamer OAROLIINA, every. Tuesday.: „ • MARTS and Florida, from Savannah, steamers ST. HARTS and ST. JOHNS, ' every Tuesday and Saturday. For Havana; from Oharlestou steamer ISABEL, on the 4th and 19th of every month. „„ Jell • er. . / .: STEAXitc) GLASGOW, LIVER POOL' d ß e Vii . B r it io D d tr o g i LlN, and LONDON HAMA tieketaikood montbr,.to either of above plasm by any steamer of the line, 80 dollars for e the round trip, out and beak . 1&O( 1111R.TOZE. • New 'York, McMillan, Saturday, July 16, at 12 o , oloo y , M. Zdlnhargh, Gumming., July 2.1, - • Glasgow, Goodnia, dagrurt Y, Glasgow, Goodwin Saturday, July 10. New York, IdeittGlon...„. .... ...Wednesday, August ii zillaburgh, Gumming Saturday, Aug. 14. RAM Olt PASSAG34. flux cmaitacor. ' PintOlean la guinea& Steerage, found with aooked provisions. 8 " EEC= =MI! Steerage, found with 000ked pr0vi5i0n5..........80 00 Children under 14 years of age, half fare;,lnfante in Steerage, free. Return tickets available within six months, by any steamer of this line. • First awl - $l4O 00 , Steerage., $OO 00 . An experieneed Surgeon attached to each Steamer. ' /or freight or passage apply to WORKMAN 'tc oo.; 328 WALNUT Street, Philadel• phis. ROBERT OBAIG, 11 Broadway, New York, HALL le LON:BY, Buohartim'a Wlamli Baltimore. RE BRITISH"and NORTH •AKERIOAN T RoY4iLietAll. BTRAMBIIIPB. . , rases ink YOKE TO zavaarooz. Chief Cliiiiii Pastaza ' ' $l3O .13soond Oath/ Passage 76. WlO3l 005001 TO LITSZTOOL. Chief Cabin Passage,Bllo Second OabinThailag ' '- ' -1...: 60 The Ships from Boston call at rfalifax. I PIRSIA, Capt. Judkins. - , CANADA., Oapt. „ .- --. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMER ICA, Oapt.Wi cblDan ASIA, Capt. B, G. Lott. NIAGARA, Ospt.ltyrie. Alllatiii Oapt - Bhannon.• Rl3lloPA,'.Oapt. t:lettch. These vowels carry a clear white Bight atroast-head • ! green on starboard bow •,- red en port bow.' . °ARAM., Lang: ioares.Boatenk.Wednendin Jul.r ' 28 ' AbiERIOA, Wickman, ~ N, York Wednesday, Aug 4. RIIROPA', Leib:Awl; ... 4 ‘ Boston ;- Wednesday ,, Aug. 1 1 . PRRSIA, Judkins, ~ . 4 - 4 NAOrk, Wednesday, Allg.lB NIAGARA, Moody, - fi Ik.itim Wednesday, Aug 25. ARABIA, Btone,'„ - `lilf.Yori,Wednesday, Sept. 'l. OANABA., Ling,... —fi Boston,Wednesday, Sept. 8. AfItIOA, Wainilion;"' - ft bl.TorlWedneeday, Sept. 16. NUROPA;Leltide, ' 11 - Boston, Wednesday, Sept. 22. PPBlA,,,Tudltins,. 11 N.Tork, Wednesday, Sept. 20. Berths not secured until paid for. An ittparteliced Surgeon on board. ^ The owners of these Stops will Oat be accountable for Gold, anvils, Bullion, Speole4eirell7, Precious Stones or Metals, unless bills of la ding are signed therefor and the *aloe thereof therein expressed. lor freight or paseage apply to - - - . my 10-y 31..011NARD, - 4 Bowling theen4 N. York, =.---• ERSI4St OIGABS—,-800,000 In store and WILLIAM H. YEATON; ' lie, MO Illost#l /RON'S Street, 'l l l 'Et 14.T4. - RT -, ' I if,Yrd,OBA,F.:9 .li,;, ! - 'l , :inyti ik,ifffratiiffiltaie — J. V' 0 lifP 0 °NORD - :- PITIROLV::Fil:00 , G17,111, - - ' , lfrotto - of the Wit Pin; tivo4pdniverltiediellied: now'. ,before: the •publid; 'that , ante-150' 'Catkartic'(.dislent• 1 tbildw, ! end ' niorcreffectnalithin , any ,Otherxndisclue -known ~ It letiotonly aliathartirjlint a Lica?. yoniet; directing drab' cdilli . qifes , to eject iteyrnairbift Enttcor,, 'then onlhe !do:nisch- and .boweLite carryoft.thatimat; Jerkthus ideiindp)fehingtwo-purpo,see effectually.; ivith-7• tat any of the painful teenage -experienced lathe 004' - rationsof moot Cathlrrtid?. , dIT. strengthens :the,eys., teizt at the, so tlinelhatit finigi .. 4. it, and, when taken.` 'dallydn araferate , dbee4ivillatrongthenand buildit up :with unnenerripiditi: , --- - , 1 , z , ..: !, , ,Thnldvaa 111 oaeof the o ..piiiicipairogrdatorsofthea itindati bodY:rand When it c - ', lierfornus its: feno tions: ,Ivell; , the'poirbaLtwib.ii - •,? a r thi..vie;_dviuy:Aarel--, loominha sfemiaelt lift; L. , meet entirely :dependent? oath i 31ealthy,aotioti of- , r; the Litter for theilitoper: performiace of' - its',finci , ' ,-,: ;at ' when tEeitdniaCti' is at &nit. Lim? licirelnare: ' • • ,at , faidt, and thelitliois . [ sydtem suffereVin birdie- ir i qriirice of oneibriran:.-the '2.lver-t-haring tea e 4 to ; do its duty. Bortliedia-. eater Ali er of that orgenlopa of e - proprietore Aria - .mitdo'it hie., - Andfi Aka, —x praetico.of more thisild. leare, , to thati'soineteirlo- 41 ,01 . Wherewith to dontiter:•'. nee4the inanrdrivair ..." amble to eildol;.it Lt , Uri, , Telma?, thatiltiihrre '+: ?noir', ill It /21/1tfai2148113 . % Verial ,ronbled 3vjth' , l,i-g ,Irsh boirmalrfnin any of ) its forum, het hnt„te-tryi , be,ttlo, and -conviotion , le i certain: • ---9 , r.c, , t ',.% 1 , 11.:r.f5.....dr--,...r..,,1k ‘'L These GniniireniCiVoll A!' merbidorbadralitterfronl the erystam, ?applying in ii , i tlief#pitalt pidiealthyllow: et , bilei invimirating -the sv? gtOrdach, Magni fooptor: digest , well; ptaifying the Hi Word, giving ttonb.4???L health ;tollie'whidolinii,-, ii hin e ry, removing thel ' cansii of Alto diseaseif- ~2. feeling a radical dara , fel] - , BtrAdos ATT.6okit -. Ire' liariel, and, what leave, ' seri prepanted by tholoc• '74: oachinalasetf the Ltvitit. ,Ivalooa.troa, , Lf• - -, - -.... , .."1:- . L . .. 01e.,,.....-,..., ~v,,,,.>, , . "One dote, after 'Airing, "rein* and prayenr,thir -Only, nice 7 'doe;;;iiiii . 'Merritt's. 4iidiiiitilosertaken at cTI rilght' r loosetka:the bowels, gently] and aurae Ooaq mysesee,gl.- • One dose ) taken after t pa" One dose-of , '-two teeepoonfule 'finieve SION. HUMOR/17 7,.57.7,7- _.:Se One bottletaken for fe-, male elettrno:LoaremeTel , the tatuse of the. disease, ,antatalesea'perfeettitire-. Only, one dose.lmtnelll'! reII9T O ,*.SIXLe 'while one Alose; oftenore- 412 , panted, ika amp enfe.lor, CBOLIII.I. M.ol4llU•airld • preientiveUUMAßZA.::,- tr3'.o.Arpn. hAticip, needed tothre w enterthe system the effects of me, 1..1 ,dietne after - a Jhh&eleit; AFoP., one .bottle taken pe t wnescOtAainstmig color fromtynekiii, One dose taken. ashert 0 time befor_a4e444-eylte . - 'llgOr to the appetite, and triakes fls digest wellq •••• One:dose, often repeat... 4.5 edi OWN 04.8f4Rib,'Di-"'; • in its worst forme, whlleffeinden endßgwati complaints yield almoet Z to ,he first dvie. • Moe or two doseik - elite.,, attack' , °anima ITYronms i n children ; there dna() 'guar, eater, nr,ppitylhn::. remedy in the world .r as it upper fails. , „ , . 117;A. few betting our. 'CO bitortr,i hy,eAedtlug the absorbents. . absorbents. ittAcepheasnre in re; oommeei . ling I this I „ine , ll,, _Mna, an • proviintiio; for • y10t211 4 77,774' An*, pima and alrifevenket, - :• 1 ' a Bimini :bait caligntYr*il -":' thottsanda era ~v } Iling - tar testify to fork° nderfni firtues. - .411.wnousnis are gwinfoattennantnisOrutt tot itifanor: -.- • , myr I:;;vikkitra - ii 'gad smallowbefh, regal/Wk> ,„ - 1 THIS LIVlle tiIITIO6RATOTI: Ta i'Bolawrisioblomoka liiaobr&str, grid id d work- , jak oures;ahnost'too 'limit to believe. It ourovas •magiti, eve', theett does gliiitsg 'more; thanone- yed fd odre any' libid:of: I,lY&B,CornplatrifilibteCtlie worst dttiii tie oflrys- 2 pCpsia coinnionHe r adoehe - ;all of which itt6 thiers.' salt of a. DISERSBDIATER• ' PRIOR ONII, mitt/CR.l.ms BOTTTID: , Dr.' moon, Troprititar, - 846 ,Broadmust,'l4;iirTcrik:"- _,. - 4gOnto for Phliadelghla; DYOTT &EIONB,-248; Wort Second Streot. - '• " • , „-; •- • 'Walled by all Druggists. Sold' ibid . _ lip BIRDS, Twelfth and Chestnut streets ( and 8. BROWN, Niftß and Chestnut streets th 0.3 e, ' • - AN.ALYBIS--M 'LYON'S , OATAWBA'= t• - Id. D., -- 4 - - AtmoVia vci,vait Praia deldssesontiairpte.";:- , Kiaasaer 'Oaanacnia: A ilight-yelliitileh , bpiewnv ,eolbied opirlt, sifrignialbdor; whan'avaporated- Irons clean for -it left no'bil elfenstVaMatteri Analyied for , volotHe'ind otid druge, ofriSkier Sid tracts of any kind toed founcVi It color lo'MOvakto ..be due Ma eolorod : rode ate, extract deriveilfronfwoedi 117 - ,lB , wrery reopentlt •le a pure spiritonallietior. 7l fragrance or boinguitisidole itgoMeraeican be Do iota, and tit then • Brandy or Nine r boing„,a• !ratty OESIMCB restating from e pcouliF , fermentation:- of ,Oatearlai, ,ainkY,DOOllA, partiN,Weivmkot Spirit contains 2 it.Bo -deg , 240 ita',ol;pnreal, Cobol, besWg - Aka-, fragrant oil. porta ,ef:rthe , spirit allbra i rts;,,of Atriitg aoln of:Ahd oil whioh cheroots' aeethie 7 BaleydY; the, hisfelert,,aftei romailAftheeilikiiisaro , walos444.l:w)tal.4* * ,Quilitias a perfect .spirOingtoobjece. to.cheage,;Aae, ottldi Brandi - at 60 dog. sf.varrpainsater„ skies the spirit and oil only 220_ gro. of ,matter own-. Pvlttl 01 '1. 1 0,44t9f• f 9 /994. 11 . 4 z 1 P 0 .* wvou. , - • Vs,* JakkOiß , ClßP•tv 0O - State State, laapostercof Ohio, and B. OHILTON' , Dhow:dot, al.Newlerk,,betb. Mono:mot thislo be pure Brindy; five Inim all Adulterktion., For litAlcinal purposes Lyon , ' Oalawinv DrandYhas ;A6117114 And bas loug been nisialed.4o.,..aePereadv the. poisononenempiiinds Solt ,Mider - theiiinAr offßrakilY: As a beverage, thirpurelirthileLia ,Oltegether, surierior, l and;seeierehmi„eariitiooody Dyopepelol Plabsleney, Low, SpliltS,lsguer, General Debility:ago.; &M. ,BBBERLIIPII.- - AaTlL.ti AND •'I3PARKLING. , OHAMPAGNEV.=-These WillfoViS made ixt , tha borhood of- saVareltutiiiitteil tcrle the; „Pure Juice of the Gropryand- ire onalsteatly maculated , for invalids - - andlyereoluvwhis vegalre,a Jireatli Winn. .loot, and for Barnamehlalpurpoiew. or , Retail price, $14.5 per bottle:- p liberal dlocOnnt made to' the 'trade:• Deateia ' -*edit: Awl their' - orders to the milolevAgentil , 'Tor the_ State 'ef.Plifeig ' aylvanta,; 1 Aleofou aiilehjthelbilowler aPbtlibat -4, APOIROBB-BMlTlfiliokenthimd'Ohosinit 'MC • •" - .TNO.`W.'SINT.O kliONlP,lBth,sind 224 'and Market D. li.'fiTAOKllGllEliklighthaindEliierrita.i , •;'"= , •B. NSIBINGSR-41eneadaked Mary eta. Seht3awark , - W. - -IMBlNGlTlL,Tesayaukßewratet Waldngtoi! GRO:ElogOBBETOLOK; Thla 'sad 'Given "sta., , B.HOBTER. Brawl - andOolittia'st.a. - rep - - OBEN 01C4_ '.IICOWY,III. T,TA - 1 110 ;111.-1. :ride ifedleinel*ltairMine implies,i&One •geiltieVationgthaislng neclallyedapted to those who have`iilotacot: apppetite o%' I oted with 'D o selpe - pela r ` Liver - complaints,' es. I Neiv% Deidlitt @della .iititrieis - and ellialrO ti altie' arising-front&ordered - eohdititite , "of drieetiiie' mane. YOB PEMALE IJENERALLT Wire -is' porbipti a medicine in the World equaLto. it, aa it enters, pull*, and , replenishee .the..blood:. which Is so importaarto brie/rabbet - a healt hy ection'• ' • THOUSANDWARE . a miserable exiatenee r •Of iv.pale.iiinkly:west' and emaelated,swhe could be restored to health-by:Me use of one bottle of thin Invaluable medicine„ is no humbug, but genial)* remedy,. being free , nn& any thing that lattmaininrious naigfre.c-2 •-• • AIDE ALL DISEASES OP THE BLOOD there le no better antidote-than Hobenesokte Iron Bit ters. • When the blood hi impu re the:whole body is fall of disease. Blood letting .may &hewer for a time, but cleansing, a. part mill not ; ratify; the wh01e..., At the, fontitaisove moot begin, sigh to bleimee the blood there to no better, remedy. than these, invaluable; Bitten.. - Their' older ministittteri& 4 iron; Met thine/ in removing :the itmenre matter from :the( whole Visceral system. ',They are; prepared prae - ticel chemist, and have been prenonecedk By eminent eysicians and others, as the plus rdttaq of sit; • - 'HOW to; he priprietor.thit . he EMI - stideeedefrto ebreOtind log a remedy for many of lhlf:11111 thit. raw._ mortals are subject to; afieClhat'the public( inure- Mate it is 'not a question of - doaht, but a Ased,leeti with& demand fbr , it;laufa far urpaliee4 hie eniagute& BRAD . THie l expectation ißiriniCiNit bit A WORTHY CITIZEN, . • This la to certify my wife woe in' delicate Inialthaome three years, with 'a disease ,pecuties to, her aim. • She` tried numerous rentedies wltbotit!deriviii& any. benadt. Hearing of .fiebenssek'i, - /rdi&Bittetk . and irnewint iron to be alievreitut tonic, indimed: me to ',obtain e bottle, which proved to he thAniedielne 'Ai' SolelyA.(l=f oared; by Motoring her 4 _heattli: :She Illmitateo 'net :to recommend it to thoso:whoi; are sittelarlyiffectqL, 'fie she" believes it to be a sovereign remed y.. _ ' ' JOHN COLE : ... " • -" - No.. dal Oipitolltres t ' This li:trainable Medicine is prepared only by - GEORGE El, HOBENSAOR.i - Pluirmacentical'Oherniet;•: - • N. W. conies of, Tapknod GREBE Etreeti, To whom all orders malt be iddressed P ." 9l ?"' '- ' Price $l. Discosuit to dealers. • !old - by -Er - aggliti genersliy. , • -• gagi•Y • IICELANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. -S-P DAVID M. HOGAN, Mara Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pre pared at all times to furnish; either from the shelves or mate to order; Baal& of every 'deieription, for Banks, Public Offices, 14k:chants; and others, of-the bestAnallty hf:"Nriglielt or American Pefer, And' bound in Varlets Etylei; in the meet italietantial manner.. Orders for ,TOB , PRINTING. of ovary- description: l Ifingraving and Lithographing eneentekifitknesinesa and despatch.. .. - r*: A general assortment of Jingllell. Prena4 „ • Oen Btationery. „ —.. • • Concerning Mrt - linginia - centribisticiirtAthnlfranklin' 'lnstitute, the Ocitamittee say—" This display of blank' boon for-banking al:alluvium:4le nee inlhe Nxbibition.. The selection of thif material Is gbod,'Ulir ..iforkniariship most , ezeollenti: and their-Oath slat an- pearanee neat end- appropriate: , ti IGARS, OF FAVORITE BRANDS and assorted sizes, carefully seleeted by own house at Havana, in store, sad received by every arrival from that port. • • S. PIIGUET .4 SONS, o/2-3m , 218 South NICONT Street. IINIEGARO, CABANAS • AND - PAIITAGAR PLECtelia.—A oholce invoice of these celebrated brands on board brig "NeWlera," daily expected from trafanti, and for sale low, by Off..S.BLES (New) 181,Wellant greet, below eocud, aal , - Second atom. IIaRILADELPRIA WARMING AND VANTILATINEt 391.23110178 E. ... ARNOLD k WILSON, BL'OOBSSOSS re S: A. IIiSSISOI VT6 00 We have removed from our old stand in Walnut street to the LARGE STORE, No: 1010 CHESTNUT street, a few doors below the St. Lawrence Betel, where our old friends and the p ublic , are respeotfully invited to examine our extensive stink of Marta 'Air Pumices, Cooking Eanges, Bath Boilers, rogisters,Jinaraeled Stone Mantels, Parlor Coil Orates fce: ' Sha.'"'WO are now manufacturing CHILSOWE.C.ELEBRATED PAT. ENT NEW. 00AL GAS CONSIDELNG- PURNAOE, the Most powerful and economical. Mater" - ever invented, and united to all elate& of handbags; • Also, new and heitAtifnL.patterni of Low Down Grates, and Parlor Coil Grates tor all sues and patterns. We have f , also . ...corantenoed the manufacture, 01 , ENAMELED STONE . MANTELS from Penn. syloattia_ 510 e.... Thbee Mantels were awarded a SP ELUAL 4 gßavturrm. as the late Fair awd,Bxhi. bition of th e ßank/in - institute of - this city. They represent all the rare and binutifnl ANTIQOI MARBLES, are not injured by Smoke, Goal Gas, Ail arid are sold Wholesale an d Retail, a t finch if.. prize 'Mai Marble.' Ca ll and Mews: AItNOLD.& WILSON. BXNJ. M. F.XLVii.ELL; Builerthtindent. -•- - TbLASMA OW ARTTFHWAL SPROUL NOTION TO POPECIOIANtif.—The abeti ,ogera a vehicle for; the eXhibition of, remedies to,dis, eased surfaces, which - corabineathe following eAvanta-: 'gess A good and unvarying con,istexute, earaly.washed off with water, dissolves all aubstances that arceidu, ble in water, belie!. fimilltatinciastead obetninting their absorption, and doss net, get: rancid. The last property alone Teodoro, it an invaluable nowwittoil to the practitioner. Prepared - and for asilewholesabY and retail at EIIMEBI3 Laboratory and Pharmacy, magi . Twlttla lad Olooßtmatittromtih VREE'CH PLATE GLASa.--RA .tra IL , - -been unpainted by the " Compagnia de"Floieffel , the SOLE AGENTS for the sale of their (MASS in ZIA city, we ore prepared. 'to Offir to the7. - trido orebusiv mere from our stook,on hentI;"POLISEED - PLATE GLASS for, Stored Or lion* "(route • Emigh Plate for gleam and SkYllslita;' and lillveresl ' Elate; - . of lalge she, for Mirrors, , The be"aelff Cl the 'lowest pigeon; and warranted aup . erlor, oimie ß iqt, to, any_ oniony:ported:" - - OET. SECORMAILIE - PCOO4 ita atalWindow Gloss Warehouse, Sr• • ear, Of 719178 TE dad EACH Streelg, WOW Pk 144044101 fikkailoient iofAllevi tlio lispd,frotarisinana siSuith 4,i - bead retiring iiityonts) Stattottenv Cobacca attir ,-, --• %; - 3 F IM46-11111z " 4" , -s"32 4rW14' M.'' . t'r; t?"l " ! lreitt a r e Vait ' ,ll.l6io , , , 4 - .':" i' :;;; -, t , iiiti - e's 1 ; . 141,41,- ismiaariceicesweaY; at ki =_.kt ,!,..= ea , I v, *.kilytnit it t rAmgdeolts.f.o.#;_mte it! 416 .! 9 - ; _ 1;; c g, Itt "A n i z b eril \ r l.44 =lto'roLitioliti.iii*lkz-4 I' 2 ', deliible; beard teturiiittgliMeactigforlfetir-Ti0,..4.`::- ;: ::.c' • 4),V1.1a '"', , Watilkrig.l 4 EXlLKlrf ; 14)02!, , ' i)%-,--- • .• ~., ... g: .: ... . . ~ ApipxMPAßA u waiblitioietilak44c, ;::: 1t0A.19---7-7.amt GEW:l , 73lB,==lieight snow --fs i ,-, 1154811ii0 Deios,B,ll.o6ll6treat, btlovArltißi - dAf i log, , i,, - ,!' ':',obol4,litipebsloitc .. llsldge; - OsnadsiDetroit i siMoggo i ,,x,-6 snide 8411 ,5# 1 , 49 1 17 77,e,W-Ibalas'auld-7- ::.: XL.O , isditto: -1, -- A -, ' -- ..' - ' - 'r.. :.!., A .1 , • • ~ ,r-i 1 - s3.ltetsbOroo#4lol9ssisda as6,,tlis To e , :._'... :5% "DindiO6di *Mb. abwe'dsd ititlesteste! , dtspate . ."..,:i7. ; 1 ,0N ibote*Orti thee by *by; o7bsixonte, ...,-._ ~ , , , -,,, i.. , ; . : - . -;; , ,r71! . -4irtbsU-7157:155. ~:.L bs,,, - "7 1, ,,„,,, IT , , :4 ., .ILvr''.',' , l -lot slam- treditli, id ksis.-4 1 ieiumil-...,..-,‘ !Mrois 'Brdge , r-r c .-a.: 74,...i.,; : . L: 605 ,, -,_, 4 .„ 10 . 3. .., 4 ~ ~,, •TitifiVirk - —-94 . ' 76 -..' .--- 65 .- -46 "-., ~:. -., 43.2%-t....,, .-,:fik,;::, „,... -,90154c:•-•'. o ''' . :::::-., 'i' I, 49' —11.6 , :,-- . 414;, -go ht giduribrbiigli Afy fiki1!,1,74, 17117:tra7 4 sobst I* , - 4 7 . 4i4nsklibb . 4dbbetilisir Pittbsibili* sink-Bimini-, , Adak goods ris -gbildel.plita apt- Itesoll, -,:,,,, lind ird AP - tliglilko.l 43-40 "Ir- 1 ,.....___,..- )V 51)..M. ~ -,,.. . „ ~,.-.•..„.... ,- - Tor faithor teormatioolor ariootd to thortaqu A con ;it4s, prouglalcidglttiollob ,0741 , *_Phib510)~4 ,, ,, 158ft r 'rsatt GsgstlVosterso,thbA,X,-y1,!...54:TW ,5nd15 1 1:515741 , 24t ., :.,;',.. ,===' ,l .'.4 . - - -- .1. „ 7 --:V.tr4l; ;Xi delio-7 :1 --, •:.- ~_ 1 1 0P/Wfiniftiitii-K,tlC . 1 *l.-4341RAT, WlNTEidit .111/13711teioitufitipgAwAb1_, :21 4VP, uttletltithoWifstbriff XPAlt=3 , l - eatefiii. *040 0 4; y-_4f ',wyktbßUh iiiiitivor atooptiner m breatorlda ago viiinz*tielat4liti >with Aailp.Une...of. isten'llbieriftpd = Itibfbrand and PsuidnibOttlijit 4 amirit 4 " ll .-tr i A on the North=lreetiffd„Lakeit fritut.intilt D 4171",_ _ DEDAP.II4.,and Ana:b.•BratmOMtowblisligreiglik Dail B 4 forirsided froiff tab GIMP WASP -" - ft P.A.'iIAaIItITWEIINATWAIMI*,AND:P I 7TOF Iran _ CfriPaacDry - Cidiviii, (trimoted -- 'b es and tranki),,Dinapl, - • ' andlialearlfeatherepPirs,!&C...VXl6o,, petal), Broosb.OLA2B , l6tiNitiO Bbeatlng , ! - -=fittlrting. and "Piektng, (in 041E4 , - r . 'Vieth:62/Z Piper, Woo and Ellrey .. - I,N,N4l4l4SidGlidte ••• ax4M-4.n.1)0, fir • sacks)," Paints,' 0.17,--and ) - . I -- ..',DiliAeadfrilsobandivalfiViliflp: Mid (lilab-Voree;• Plata fl fe.fsbeff'aird=PlEttplin vaiki- or_ ' :Jr.::,:ekietward), Lard and Lard Otltlialifyi:- - A: tEcidmittiloatrfinanViiAlir,-Pltai: Pleel,.titalfWaPitat , :n•=t , _fit= 4 ' l ' 46 * "A".-- i -deoaiapT±; bb lifiread • Nale. Or 'Re 'Lona-7684er bbl i; rixtber nOtideb , " petsfibrimcnratilfirthersiittes. ~- 4 . U anox-42 per bait, niitufr.643o , olofilefl, irptill'artheenotteav-: - - , , . 110 Goode from aux vioina phrsiO,ba cellar fo gAZlPUlfafgeliMbiti-PglicititißXol,4l - All ,Oooditoonsigneti to tho Agents or thir, agoitii*Whila ol 2 lll( or , MOtireirl!abirojili,l4. iii o u t , t ; teXatildiri - AimitotrAtilirkiele•Oitg Ohleigie,;! 'Patter & oo.; bfemphia ; - Tecuia B. 0. Pass: &Ale,. frklionis, ,- IWO:4X O'ltiierda eVierloassilftellndiana Ittieghein,, Louisville, lientocky„.'sit.,eo,l4leietrainii --WiioniandiseirenllVWrißreetoileOttlehdAtlietral- )Eleharti, „Cincinnati; H. El. Pieria' 22112841.aatistilisi- Ohio; Leash Pc' Oc , ,vlTo: 511Ellifstree t;-11004,;,1442: • • s ' ~. fiki;., No. 2 Astor iitor * Yerkaitt.triVilhamati ,New ,TigeirrtalATAineetier,. - 12cioos, palt,hrrct A ,- Htererart 7 Itittableight , tri - •.• 43Ait'lECOISTat.1*-0.-' '9.llerat-Preigh2-Agdatiet rt.!, - -• t exj&-j - lt Lomihalow Pepteriestalidelit. , Altorente. Pa ' 133,1*-AblEar6ll4,'„,--, gREHRX;. Iv ; many & Istugen2l4arry In for salelow - • ;L:7,-320 WaLniVilfreat. _ t - ;`i*1 , =. , . , ;. e• "O ,13,- fli*+nd foilif4ltY,= , - 120 Waahlit.slo3o,l.iik:,, rin &- FILB - ",BOOHEIAJ§,i'Q appointed See Agents ifiltNlnfzPe39iirylimulth7for 'WA sde.qt the obovo)ooleluilk-1010,,TisiMroxl,._ to ofteifttolnivtrido-rit.ttielow_eirrtoor br.tumfkrp,3l3‘;,-; au 2 a%lf • 120 ,Na 4 40 1 , 4 4 . 4t;-; AVINE - Si - LIQUORS:Ii el • -ittvr • , 83' '..T,0.13 .1 Ajii p ec rx 'Noe= Mid 2asliotrrir . • p - ,--Abe49lc:l l ,',NT4/ - • 1 • IMPDIT,TAR AND ' ,DEALIDt• • - „- _,/191,LAI!R•CirtiSt • LS 84111) DI tOR - A PORSIGITLIRI7OIt .Agent for 41,no.B.anuakra,- - • ISLAY- <" scoretc,OisgEr. Aiwaya on hand a large,stock of, Ti AND.BOIT4.IIQR:NYZIEIiCET, O` which the otttentipo .13O,YOF.IUPOliticRiFktfuY#0, • ii-.,-013 . ESTNI1T . ' . :: 'fraßoyE , fi . HlllBl_ll`,4'fiisPruest]iipliltioitored . :, ,t.ftelAniericanpnblia, pollEssitut,uNke:.mcqatt9,..e.,?:- .pertios, crut none of tho poisarkwiifuauties trachea - ` Whilk V u "INVW;WIACRIT..S4 bY z4O Drl.lo'''"NtlEr.,44_.watatTiiN; l i e'W Agent;s( kbit ui V r_ fyito gcmeti.srge:4l •••' l All*rsontdestha megtigSlloured of ttspart%.„,, the: of. Cbestnut4tiareVbialey witirice te ; And find It to contaiFi'little:o . e,ntine of the "ons substance known 0161N:in:on: . - ,',BOOTEE, 9 - 4. 1 01/ITT,*-unowAv,,_, ejt .• ; ' • r Analytiar I:Weenie*: Cnos,as 554n501,,r 4 .340.i113 AnAt v t,l,B9,l„.= Streetathiindtflobbc: , :;. = • , 71433n_ .I.l.ltAlTDlESiristell , Otsatallinikuknate* 'azt4. - ,other 'Clognsu Tar** - plintersdid cidattinnolkif Pellivendn'Rooholifllisa — ths s s 1 :04 and dar)r, In Jul l 4 l l3esiAgr :el4l,:an#, aisK,?ltaporfid. Arid' - • • ,,,, ! , Brast'Bilitrjat' &c 0..; - 0022 ind224B-Roittb--Vcartivatrimi 11) W O Q. VABICS , PORTIVINFI.::"" 11l Mt. Pipes ;I_atainittidcrit, •do - at! 20, (V. do; 800 , erk . . 1 • - • , ` -r 'n . 2l4* - tOperjor . polcito,l2o.4: , _ l : 20 Qr.l.ipeo do do ' = jr 40',V do -. do " - do. nraitolid.iddrtodl3, , 72ic - , - ItigirgirSOnds. ' ' -do $ l /ber,tOS, " - • f•-•_ Landing' from drrogazde'Bioollo""-oxidrfix m921-tr -- '""•' • = 'l4O SOUTH - YRONT Threat ,E ; .,8 ; e--507"Ziarreht , prime. Men SHAD, now landing froth Bolton steam., and for into try, 'Ad' - KENNEDY 4t-00. 'lsinnirikt I =VT II it A SPRINGS,'; 2 111 - LANOASTBR'CO4-.1.A.-Wai opined ?the eighth::: day of .lane for visitors. Thichialthy flume:termed -has many:Advantages rwhich , remimmend , it .30-v_the public in search of a home place to enjoy she mountain air during the-hot season" 11. - is'eletaUdtWelve hun dred feet above water level.. There are graveled walla _ through dense forests, and- shaded- arbors bythomay side are -many springs -of like:per-est , soft - 'water, at a 'temperature of 40 to bb degrees of =Pahrenheit. - - At the. Manua is an observatory overlooking-an•nrea,of. 40 - miles square; •of :farms :in :the highest Mate °Lenitive embracing the whole of Lancsiter county, and oirdir im ten othsrooluillesr.- The scenery fades away- In the• botindary of. mountaine - at the:distance , : of 70 - - miles. It icaltogether'ond of the mostgrand and ex.- - tendril pencirMille views:to be met within any country, 'No kind of epidemic has ever been known' here at any - 'seksari - :of 'this :yeer.:Afany beautiful_ drives'aver good- , roads. The hotel will accommodate amifortably-400 _ persons.: &Very - variety - of thernedern:int provemente now - in naminlirstolassnateringpison will - be found here.- All vegetables raised on the farm. The best help employed-in every department.. - The Iqoprietortlatters himself that hewillbe able to -give ample satisfaction to his - guirsta...,' A:load:ll4de room! , otAtverr , horses - And carriages on , hand. . Pot further infoimation call on abszpa 3.11 , 2 RS, Thirdand Vine atm tog .TAIDIES.,PARLB, 'No: 816 Chestnut draw!, and on the Proprietor; •= • • JOSEPH ECONIGMAGUER, Ephrata Poet Office, Laneaatertonnty, Pe. lIKI"SHMML a - IiVILISAMBPORT, '• • - LYCONING - COUNTY,- Pe.- The underdigned.hat purchased the larpiand- elegant braiding, corner of -TRIED and PINE Street, formerly 'ocedpied by the Weik.BranCh fad:las:enlarged , and refitted it in a superior style. ' • Williamsport le one liCthe :Meg ,delightful inland towns in Pennayilranie, and his house, he hopes, will be found - pleasant., am well te-tholasieNer as to thoie send of -the ,metropolla -whe , L duke. to pus an agreeable time during theheatekterm of the mummer. - , Eittoninibus runs from hie . Bgtgi _ to the,iick4;and ' - Railroad Depots freaef '3)28, • "-: trY A)SPRINGS ~•=r-TIELTB ' , and aeligittful Stimaier Resort Will -be icilMsednfor the imption of :Visitant on The 29th of •Ytme, makept °pen until the let of October. • The new.andspacious;Buildings emoted last,year are now fully emnoleted, sod the nrhole'_establishment bait been furniehedin stmerioy style, and the acoommoda- Mons will boor& character, not excelled in any part of the United !Rata. • The Hotel will be .under the nnusageinent of Mr. A. ALIAN, whose experience, courteous manners, and attention to his guests glee , the amplest assurance of comfort-and kind treatment,7 ;. In addition to the other Mains of access, it is deemed g orr h to ri s d tet e tg l a=nnre - can , reach Bedford by „ar ;h i t! Hempen b a ys marti e eitteive aMangem sits to supply dealera and indiVidnale with Bedford Water" by. the ; barrel, varboy, and in bottles, at the following prices, at the Bprings, via Per ii barrel (nnibety) Do. (oak) - .3( "( nalberry) - Carb, 10 ji oy o. gall (oak) on!! 2 oo 25 , • Bottles, 1X pint, per dozen ,1 50, The barrels - are carefully prepared, BO that pur 1, chasers may depend upon, receiving the Water fresh and sweet. , -- Ail communication ahould be addressed to • TILB BRDVORD MINERAL SPRINGS . OO:, my 194,1 - - Bedford County, Pa, Lumber If • UMBER YARD:. • • -. ' • • • • - - 'Oniceeitiors to Montgainc. /c 8. W. corner of TWRLYTfIand BRIMS Berstein, Phila. Old MoyainensingObitridt, are now reciaiiing it large imeivell-aelected: - abort: dent Of all descriptions of LUMBER, such As White, Plus, YAM* fine, Nervier, liemloch, fence Boards;Pidering;-Bbiliing, and every variety -- _ . of well-seasoned lostaber: Also,. large stock of „ B Stiff, or every'varietj. and deserlption; oonstinitly on hand, and sawed tonnter at the shortest notice. - • - Our conneetion,ifitli Messrs: - Mohaffey, Monts, & 00., end Daffy, Hoots, & Oa., at Marietta, gs., gives ns an intrpatliiid facilities , and - enables as t o . imply orders for all descriptions of Lumbar with promPtinean and desnitch.. ' - 1 /IN - BLOBBEIi-11311888, sort and mellow suitable; for PATTIOMMABBSB, &o constantly on - hand. PrOmit paying ptoottagors ore roopectfally invited to - examine eisr stook before going elsewhere. ”; - 11 ' . 1:111BEH - AT - WHOLESALE,- AND HE' •••••- 4 tair• at Marietta, Lancaster cbtentyil'iC ~ • ,: • ' goinz, & 0o.; 'take this_rnetbod inforadng their onetomere and perms desirous of pits., - ,cdtaiing Ll7Mßlß,lbat they hoe now Manila I large and ,weil-seasoned Mock of all desinittions of Lumber, - I w hi c h eboy are prepirad alt eatsa efeetory,pr3'oes4 Th e is timber is all &oil sheik osnitif LLB on PINM OBBBIC,, They are also connected with Messrs MUTT', , HOUTO; & 'and'aia 'prepared 'to furnish' all kinds of Planed Boards, Bin - Stuff, Lath Pales, Pickete, and' Timber-forßanding Bridges, &0., of an descriPtions, 'an the shOrteat`notice,": . They Would "else' take greatz 'plesstire In Ballingthe 'mitt:talon of Bnildere,'ind thou in wanaof Lumber In the city of Philadelphiar,to,the: fanibeg Yard' of 110IITZ & Co. earner Of -Tirsura Ind r• 1 4 1 , 1 01 via who m ths,y4roalso:aini.; 441,4 $4 00 B'oo 800
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers