,e',l-'_.Q4.-•:-.,-',,,i ~- I i ' ,',,,,_ -,. , . ,g''''' . i.:-.1:3 -I • :iiV-t.`,,:P . L.'•=2,l'- '''' . .);.=.. - t ''''' . ' , ~, . , ~ ~ ~,- • - ~.0 '4,...; ..rli ...,-.. -., ;-,-' • ; Vi:".'-..:',4'r'*--ti-,- ~...:,!,.,,, i . ,,. ,i i,.7,, ,, „ _ 2.. t„ ~,,,,,,,,,..,..4,,,....1.,..4-4,1 6 - .,.. - .. ii - 201....v,„,. : 4 , -.„, c, , 1 „ .4 , , , . , -,:z.„.....1:,•-,, I S M•", -,i-,,.'.tfyf.::f•4?-;,•-;=':,--.-5•,:I'''t,.!•::7;-44fI-1 , k, i : t, i rEEN . v..A, P ,-,,- " V z .?2 ,. 1- oßr-f1 i t ic T i z , .k a ' - , .=l:i “,c4 : - , ''- Letter 2 ; - lir.-Nc4.- iat -E/6° IF ibil4it rireni-I:9"lt°r 194 ::-.' ; The piniT'lTi 901PP:ii,:i.,,,,t- ...;',:iii443%p4Rt,tr,Tuieil• ~.f. -:'-',..00/,,.;=,,5Y- ,!,..'inolloo/I**Tm4inol _,_141g.1;0,44P,,, 4 it: 9P-nshe,lFP.` ,:,14_ , ,i,f_Aml'iv4t,liFFtifilirg#1:-- , heving I .• ,''•.'i''ll44%-Z,l,ioui I;ss,,,it4AT 6, - Bo i l i r ,7io' wasete), '''''''iii#-'lNr,7 4 ° l -• e l a ft4iil2°Pirirthitiqt .110-!Delpht '. f.b'V'srrt a....ul'ltg Pe r k (tire* ' gi by; , t .. , be u , n ..-,-.-lr,„ • 11,,r4vw- - ' '''' , 01.9 t n a lit , will, at QllOX ' '''''V'tirtlUlaB,:itileillitta"'3"Tr 1741 g . „ . - ::: '440041eitc,t.',.1 II:. soloo; ;I°deettdotiTamktive :.-.'.;=-':;leitt9.k,aziolhoft/g.60 tent o":_.4' slihie:ii.°„.4o2c.- - United - W-4_,lefi,,,siictllo47 el t 7- ',-•.111t, 0411",-fiir ;i;s•,.'.-hi,t;.??,i3h(lirloio.ll.l.,eir during the 4/Or rsxq,k;;i-7,ntheliy.:4°llTwiti not ,b_aii,ofp°st.!, in ~.-. , Drug& 'llitnefe„ -, . " eenetn, 3 , - ',,,,- ,-, ,-,,,T11.5:' 113, ,-. ' ~.: , to'r Blair - BAIA . i'•• t'" -. tete' Se nat or 7z-•. , `'`', talon tharkdeus f'''' ' 1i,;t414,E•-•:4„,,ee1f0 90, M t il i timi on- 'r -",.,--- -0,-.t49"---; ay. e°7' 1 t •' ' 1 teee-' at, , 'r F . :-,„T# .:ii; yeaterl 4., i''-': • f the . 8- iii,thn: 2 - ''' '. ' gill' 844 ''faieteo.° modes dseto fo • '-1 -''',. tiY-6-6/41-re''BsCa.iatk`:'.ar this' State , t,e 'a 6 ": al . th e came ,"1-- ',The'Demaietriet.. itioecieiteas• ieelseeb'im,win be ',:-. l'iSfiit4titiid"' no-ling--v-i4l6l.l.natt . - ~,-;•-, _..4-I.l4O,itcti';7 ;Th.„,embiaw Illatkliel:''.' '''' 0.40:1.143:inign 1 ,:fßogviieek• "", ;,,"'''..,..- if ' /31.ndaS' grOW r -004°.-iii,:diy. '.. , p f aoliz Te'taburg' P,,a- at ' ter °nt Danie l ,o 'itiid44 effte7 t°°lc' lOba'al• ,flawing -11 named '• '' l'" 1 411- sboro'F:neZetir °llb°rutheA) "In were 'T. - % ''' •rl. Wv 4 r e• iniivA,`, ~..- Tv4'.h i!'",void:,;Thq . -- „,,,,:.:, Out n,..,tiorislorzl.l4t. 111 7 , . .• .. , 4,„ ent of •!'!•;*;',,, 41iolger td4.,,114 ' "7:. 'ree ,DePeLTIFtho, •-, -:, and D",..7,-4,1' _ieeer of t h, ,e Gas- vii .i l., ~' el ~ . .eofilitofc'Ei37o, 4181‘.„r buni• - yeetif'. -;,:;,4r, ,a,ll,,,ete,tusw ofi e, Ab.loll parade , ttAnikaut A•irmirtn,,,. 116 Detect magnificent mantes , a 'tionerY -•,--pk', p-,siii,oi " crimes bade .the core he zonal' • very - ~ 45'f fVtOcrn! • Te lieing 'Dee of t ” - Plumed The • fjon-'":. ' The Ai 0401'r ilarrin° --aiiir'N" 'gill, e :.-k.'"iirdin'Y'',eke;titioln,t,enV 'The-- A s.4inoni the eon? , !,.74. ‘ ` f • 2 ''''. f :u*- 'iri in :t 3 LI 4 anued "a ropteqd for= sAxzt,tltiwillfi,--„ia nil ,bi,'9Ptifies4lll,l-, T'l,-'. 1,19'414.1, eds;-w Gindon ," 4,riike11.,,, . are; 0.;"" floilte#44l4 The evisleal4tt.festite," charge ~;;-;;'-; - vises to -a# ,z, O,OW , ~,-tieder uT -," ' .1' MLR! , k);61,,,i0m.,13,;-tibelis, r „ , . by 'our • coverer- ' 'Om" --'- itiot cd- lei- On' provider' '','; ‘Th4.7-,§',Ocia iilfth'it.c iroPP°,riah-eisvi.46. 7110,e,,,,''-kgbk. ,•'1F4064 and: can be _ t arsaidoFl, '''. '''°6 `' 444 -" t 'untit they van vise, 0 , Inv , '..t.±, .'r entonn, lo be a tihwash a a . 00,0 Thfeee ..,-,....! ' for. .4‘ei 00117 ,-•- -Ganerg l• cabinet ;is • ' • no .- -Aitoreo; . The .-entpitri....-i` to keg'', ' atty. . .ti-d - , , use, • '' ' "ion '3llster, fg ' eZPie -i' ailiii '.s.l!.!°'-'•' -.. boy,liii,t- -,42ektik.'-. . :24- 0 13 ; ' I- ':'' C* ' "C-t*:' . . • ;fie 4fet-ltVai jilt siiltAra. tot. Aar -• •- • ti t -ti ty of telegraphic delan =We- - Navyhas , concluded contraot'for` Maui that he; Uri of the - .0 r0te ,641 nae: of ‘l l7- ' We Iniva r some later solrli , ma : •The , •••LaimiAiSofit captured ih 4 'n 20thA nit tle'"b.`tiTi is 1 urge POlio:OugIQ Mu men ' th"e'siipitai—r The„.Prflising Par i of the „ h e m ..•n -„'• ,reiolutio - nlate'!.... t'is that Panda w pe bola 'ittiellexioan - soldlen , , „••,;;; holds Welraio ,, and as !ongaapia N ry, '''Attl64l**lllll3t;;llll4 ; 4 04.4 1,11 -of that Saturday.: The paper!, ' tie`,Democsaey be - The **:**-404ai • - t —l-.? • The nOinitiation'arllfiti:.Cifits. E. STUART. • theantlipottomptint DpmehratieSonator born 'i.thoeileiptaho'nldre?l,s'ililealder*th • , Detratea,_and:,Bionastok. ,daring, the - whole of the last session, as the DemoOrluie ' , t2liiheOtttorl4camlidifeiwpaa;teriible rebuke ;itoYthe,`enemies of tsnu Democratic. principles. 'the -most activt and;the - ,Ati?iioieili,4pOteri;:irtecOmp. `..Onistiiln the ifeithy made eitraoidlaary suer • Ilona' tUidefeat' htvt3Taliii forhaving dared !tti:dO,T i tight,)lnt`fheyware• ingloriously, over. overthrow'thie:irn.„-:-.Thei.. of' f ,thefie influeitaek 'had .evidently been filereuiitlysaecoraPlifiked In. ichigan .- aa it had bean' hi ! • ,the -Northweit generally . .;``;:ti;:ea,,,.pelicy proscription' finds ,fhw or jie exeePt among those who S bald .t!hiladelpida, and In :..eitter', , Pitta , 4..T,',enitiylvOibi; every . r. c eCOMPton-movertielat •= ankh - altegetber:sxis4agettlay' . .tk.'i officeholders; meet: '-ihifOrioaftnasseeiet -refe ,, rence to personal or pecuniary ; the Trq::* . i.n . 4 the z ireemen Senalei from the.reniploynient , of official' ,- ligeooles;perseentionS and' nieetineines; morn averly, aura, to the tyrannical methods by • - 'Which Europeetrolespote maintain ',vowel, s • -, agaiiist the;WiShis'AlheknohjOehi;,thif , ' any' , nyntent:e:ve:t.".,heth,re enfiirestd-itt, this country.. ASAbtapplicy:ls developect-the.obsequious -'nese-and•atitisenient of the paid' agenta of, the' '„ 'l4Ministratimi;and the disgust and -indigna , tion the , peOple with the tyrannical-mad, tin: • ' jest - deeda „ =petrel., keep :pace - with each other In their , progress., ',Evet7Wlierdthrough the*eith; Administration - iedectice oftheeffice-Volderepridoininaten , • .o,o 6 e4i*l,_ l 4,o ll twhick'lfia nest oellidpeoplo,:eithirs„ actively, or There ,;le - rit;ivar:4_ll - 114: ear= 1 1 / 4 Welf: : 4odiseineitt' 'of Kenai pellet alai. - , _-;wiere • and 'even the shrewd portion of the ~,,ollice-holders, who know full Well thatithe, day. of :icikonlng with , the ; peeple must 'come, are - • Preparing trgfollow the:lrresistible current of p6pulartientitnetit' ea lees thei . have reaped the *, cit-teeirPreSentaupport Of what they know to be a, great Wrong:, • •• • • • this ,, lt(thk 'Cam* ifdith; the - persecution*r..litilge; . Roiletsti:in„,illinola is efitiel4i:dintinteinl7tci , Douai es; ihe' 'They;. by . C•f•,iiii3;ll . lqkiiof seeing „plink a Republican S one ,eaffr. Itsboaw 'endowed withnix years' POWeri legacy thili*Present • cliniera the war ;-,:zuponljetleXis daily Increale ; and let the issue illiio,lii':be";'4ibatiit'lriay;t`:lt - 49 - oms the g,..T.*(oif --- ,Akkiii;ii.'*fis4ip' g roirchimpione to :.- eternal ignominy' In South, as - wellas in he will, 4116 tininder (This voice lithe Senate chamber • will strike-terror to the Innis his unprincl - iited'iidy',iiiiariest'i but should he, by 'any pos sibility, _every . „ ultra Republicart vote, •s -and speecr-: of 41s_..eneceisor would - tell; ivltlf .deadly et eot' open' 'pretended - Of • -Democracy,. who; irould have ~ , O verthroin the gallant Democracy of Illinois. resources Of the General •';:t oOverement;thei are not aufficienttp buy up all;the PeopleOf the ‘United States, or even a :..AS4l),tifY,•4 - them. • Foy time; as. experience . patronage can control,, therpirti machinery and the itsity-Ofgatiliation,a against the - tsishei of the '';peoPlo:..Etti; in the — long - inn 'the enterprise will fail. The honest'aentiments of the people •= *nit and Will'enfohixelpect, even from such Mighty.iingS,"4,l_,'resideitS, Cabinet officers, - Collecteifei;Osbnasters, ;Custom-house In '`.''--ispietari,,;_Gefireinent': employees,- and' Le a party , „ , lht'sy t be ai an armi, - ot Chinese gang -•,,,,titttersihut ha 'the hour of battle it will also '• ' • - Douglas in 1111nOis ',,- •.. '. ix. -- On tbii occasion, of our recent visit to New •,-], :- ' , T• .- --,• --,, frorb . , we had an opportunity , of commingling ;1 . '..1 , ,3ecie1y Ntith citizens 'froth - all parts of the ': - • lifileii, esnecially, during the Cable Carnival, at d _' ' - :xlnin4 - Ahtilfirtit questions prOppunded were, . - ~.:.1 0 91* t1ik4.50-news , from Illinois 7 *ben - ,... ,... 476 rPliOtiidiroto Senator DOUOLAS t God : • - :-.-• speed.hfrill-; : iniiiiii be iiiacessful.: , , 'And this , , Ptitfllle . ::lan . glit,4b r li.f menof all, partles,elnlost„ --:-.-"' ;without '; 0X0 4 ,PtP;44 --. -';-lhe ' interest 'of the -Ai ner i el p f veopie -,- ;'11d , :,-the extiaordinary_ ..:-_. , '.'-:;` "noTitisti ' - 16 7 7 1316 :r:4 1 6:1:1)1intit.,qs' Is en. ' isaff•,li frigik"titi ',ivith:.;.'o 4 li'- 44'4. and in. I ' '''.`,:propOrtfori;,it'sihi.pnbilo ‘ ientituent in'tilLfexot V . ::, - , - ,",:;--,18., "deielened,:eo the , aatinieeeence ,i* nle i ..: , - ,-, • ,_inure and more general= in ittlipOri' of ttoririi.:. :',''''' ' , ••' . ' , •rniiiitat,d94o . ltie';irjsich . " be' rio". el ogrtontly de: - ' - '.,-: , .f,•„:' - - •,•. , t,:',l:niid . iii. - -*-latii" s iittinttiei f '9f tile' guirie,y, slid.: , ...,*:: jii,i4St'Hilaldr, published, at the former teal. ",;--, t t i . ,1_4 6 :0 ,CitLthiv. H0n.: 2 49x: A. Iltorriinion; an :'..,;:f - __-?,.niiiffieect.4iivittiiiliill!mat gentleman:his -., re i'..`.r.:;-.,--.`sfiiirietf fil4lieKiie -- GOVerent of 'Montane, and ~,,:;,::--;,* - - -.A:i-ki„ frfiYiitqli,ttit.l°/ifTIPg as, the. reasons ,C.; - • ,` , • - • , -" ' .• , 4 • , r , :4(o* Ittkiolling - to'bold an office ender An' Ad. ' • ' 'F._• , ,, , ,intelitrattonkbielaii:tlit a g. all its power' and .in '' ' -k , 7;li " All 10104 ); te,-;seente - !tbe 'e lection of Ar, Repubti ‘..• '.. - ''''''-: , '"- - onn 0 0 104 4 ,1 0,14 1 )DO1 1 0. 1 1e ,, w111 return to We *,-, ~, , , 4 t 1;;; - litate„sril'o -Ipit'•urootrei,:ajad ;take lbo stamp for it,..,•;:22 , : ~.*. ` ll:totiglak- • -ltuttab" for „ohttuok . f. . , , :i. , .11c , "(11.. hif iKf1 i,00 4#04.190 i t.,.!tf:0t.9f the times! !_:„,,y:...y4.44;tri0w...k.w.r;e1p.p3a5; eutgeative appears 1.-Ittt* -- 4; : f.',.:roindiii . 4s - ii, beteitalige beild'iliiii"indining , and :i..,'‘ , '.;:t= 7 .4giiiieritaiiii`fgliti;iardeari`-a - k , 'the' 116ifi':13n, ) !m y •s; i ' o3 ""'iwitiiiiiiiiiii'iolll64 - 11i:iiiiO iiehte name-' , ' - -•• , b 2,74, ,F; ..yi; ~, ~ ' ,_.. ~- ~, „ - - , - k , 4 1 / 4 the i ,:,, e, , a , ditti.ftst. ' fike shine-hOiders of the" Fee 1. • 1- Z4',,zt- --- .0..'&;.. , .. '•-••, •- , • =, ~ erf. , YA;;;1:i5,.Ct i 1#9 111 9 4 11. 1 g.44 - 4., liAlie. -H_Otiorag• 'licali 1 -- 4,,,P;ipitito:ktifsiist:;:ttho:iiikittefioti that, In the'enil - ,- ';'' . 4illitttliiiitiWY;K-4 1 F - ':; ;T : -. ' - ' 4,- ::: r'. - I'. - .• '`z ‘: :-24 , ' , '-'";` , P.f.... -' ',..':' , -r i "?•": 1 :-`,.:L.,' ,, ' _ ~' :; , = , - .,- ' 4 q,' , .7 , -4r.,:....; -,,-,, " k• - ...,x7 ,4 fif," ,,1-" : . ... ,- ;. - 2• • • : : : : 1' .t .. . , :::1/:•::: - :-:. .•-•.' ''' s 1 - ',' , '' .'- figlie,:ft , .-;„ ;•,:,; . :,::..::.41?Wr:1: - - E ', J:,. -;:- f. - ;. j. , ... : , .:- - , , ,W,k,&,-A-1\:411';'f,7:2,1-1',5,!.-_?::::'?;*,: ~- „ - • • •,- The Treaty with C hina. There is home ground for the belief that 1 the treaty, ivith, China, ,the announcement of Which:o4er t4,Atlantle,-"ble) lately caused @o much Joy; - iamcre of rentance than reality, Like the treatilpf-442,1t,tuts •Most:probably • been made Mider`prisintre,and aii!inteiade4lo be, violated when the preasurels removed. Instead tstaulatal*iie,beliii,:#llea side at Peirtn, onliconsids *ill be' illovred at Teintsin, -, E with 'direct intercourse with the Oahinet.” Foreigners will be it allowed to .tradiim;.:just.tui;loti as the authoritle! s- 0 3 $ 80. , Yre 414 tOthing",of the toleration of the Chris. tian rgligioti to Cbina.,, • • In 3farch - 1889 the first quarrel ' of England with China Was ciimmenced, by the' arrest ' e aliti'detentfon of Siiierintendent- Eir.torr and the British '3i:orchards at Cantorti`and the seizure` and, burning , of their' great stock of opium. reg!tir;:wp,i: ensued, and the Eng lish fertile island Chusin. Every, std!erethephinerieWere beaten, but this popu kiniczbatton did not yield until after air Mitered the , great - iciank river, and actually taken Shanghae, one thd; . principal ports of the Empire. He threatenedto advance to Pekin, and then the _Chinese reluctantly consented to what is ealled `the_Treaty_ of I•Tankln, by which China ni1:640 pay $21;60000 for the expense of foreign war, - ,to . throw' open' Stye great ports to foreigu trade, to receive consuls at these ports, and pi cOnduel'eoirespentlence and cOmmtini. 1 eitienbetweenEnglind and China on terms of perfectequality between the officers of both Go iernmenta." This treaty, signed by Porrnmin and three 'Chinese commissioners, in August, 1842;WaS ratified' by the - Emperor in Sep. terttbei;bi the British Government in Decent dud' firkitly cemPleted s itt Hong-liong, in ,4une;', 1848; In '4O; -1844; a treaty. was . signediyimitting the" United - States to equal _privileges - in' China' with the ' British, and Frinee; much about the same time, aide gained a participation in the promised advantages. 0 thernationsaubieinentlY claimed and gained the sane: • " treaty signed, and the "first instalment 9t the itiimiy j'eceived, the British tercet( with dirCii.frern:tibilia proper, and took possession of the tslaird of Hong Kong, not far' from OantoM which'had Veen ceded to Beglaii(l.:• - iilisd_Mireand been Wise;elle would have,- :retained Gilligan, a fertile. and healthy itiland;lietter , littuaterf than` Meng Kong, and About the Site of Ireland ! : -But a certain Chi nose' eiiiiiiitiesi eficr, 'named (princi pal , pal ,of 'the three 'trite signed the treaty,) lite relly',liiinbugged Sir Irma , •P ormolu: , by - palming 'off upon him mlsorable a ong Kong instead the'Bnglish bald, at the time, by right of conquest. Nor was this 'all: -The Chinese,were inforined their Empe ror had not signed any treaty,'or held any conamunication with 4, the outside barba -dans ;;'" that his brave' unties had severely Chtistised"them, and: that; at last, to his mu illacithr charity; his Imperial 'Majesty had Money to,, 'the foreign devils," slit they might — Teti:asi to their miserable home; Meld to thirliritleh the . traders of the 4trnited,Sttttes tiaN4 the largesfcommercial in ce-itemSO with China, Mider the "respective tie - kV:4'6f 1848'iard - 1844.'" In Cie , fall - of - 1E56, a second quarrel between ' , Great'Britiiiii , and China was commenced at '-dentiat,which has velinSrittrated to s serious war, itithe-midnie 'of which Canton' was captured ••.)y" - 4 hatted British end French Armament, and Continnee to be- so••occupled. Repeated attempts to communicate with the Emperor hi as to' settle the dispute effectually, with , a'telialesty's otsu concurrence, having failed, the allied forceit pushed forward, by sea, to that northeastern part of the Chinese cdast •nearestito Pekin`,' forcibly entered the river, -mid seized the city' of Teentsbi, within a day's .iourhey' of .Pokin',„ This contiguity does not ieeur.to ,hey,e,t,'Pleitsed ,the:'Emperor ;' hence the; "near Trehiy. :Whoever may expect that foreign Powers, the United States included, will largely or permanently profit by it, we do not.- The - character of- the- Chinese, froth the highest - to the lowest, is bad. They area nation of cheats,- cowards, and' liars. We citihk , hot that - 14. - Wti.ussf B. Rain, our ''Amliiiksader, who itf'dir the spot, will - take, 404,41:0that a the liitited'Statesehall parti cipate, to ttie full, fu every advantage which Chine r •by. treaty or "othersviste, may ,cede to any, other foreign F'ower,• but,-,we are equally confident:Oat the phinese, keeping the word :ici'itte• ear - and breaking It to the how:7,4111101e ith little' as tbey. can of what, udder the infltienee of leer, they may now en- Treaty which will fully rind the Chinese, because it - will-show th e hu initiation of the Emperor, has to be signed at Pekin. 'At the aturteiliect, Lord,Eient and the Baron Ghos aro not in a situation to en force such a • negotiation at the . bayonet's point. - Their whole force, naval and military, amounts to only 'a fewlhoiisand men, whom :the Chinese4ould utterly annihilate by mere Kato of numbers,: if they were not the greatest ihd face of the etAlt... • .Tbe Fraternal" Embrace. Nations, like individuals; exhibit.singular freaks in their friendshtps and, quarrels. But :yesterday we. were' reused by British "out rage's" on onr flag, and a collision with Eng land was regarded" as-not improbable. To dab - flaming caPititlkannonnee that Albion is 'united Marriage,ivithtumble, and all join in the'llope tliat the union may prove a happy _ones,. The cable hits certainly Worked wonde rs. :The' flags of Englaint_and . Anierica are every where united.in: a loylifg: en:braCC. „r : Wasnmarox announced his policy to be, to cultivate peace iiith tattle World; to obsorvd treaties with true and absolute faith, to check every deviation from the line of impartiality, to - explain what may havi! been misapprehen .. ded,andeorrect what may be injurious to any Avalon, and having thus acquired the right, to Aso no time in acquiring. the ability to insist upon justice belog done to ourselves. In our foreign , :relations these maxima have been 'maintained . despite the efforts of filibusters to involve our OoVermnent in discreditably ferays. At one period of the French Revolution, our flag ' was entwined with the Republican flag in. the hall of the French Convention, amidst shouts of applause from the Jacobins, the Convention having deCseed that the flags of tho American and Frerich"republico should be united and fly together In their ball, in tes timony of the union and ,friendship which ought ever to subsist between the two people. Mr. idosaeo, our minister plenipotentiary, seined the occasion to 'pretiont, in the name of - the American people, our Rational colors., The presentation' was entrust to Captain Battniv, Of %Jr navy, and, the scene, as recorded 'in an old jonr nal in onr' Poiseesion, is worthy the- pencil of an artist. BARNEY entered the hall amidst the loudest' atclamations of the assembly, bearing ,the flag unfurled. In presenting it he made a - neat little speech. One of the Depiitles then rose " and said "The officer who has just 'spoken to you from the bar is one of the most distinguished military men of America. He essentially contributed to the liberty of his ewn.'cuuntry. Ile may be equally serviceable in giving liberty to France. I desire that the President shall give the fra ternal embrace to this brave man." "The embrace" was echoed •from all parts of the hall; and was decreed. The American officer advanced, with his flag streaming, to the chair of the President, who give him the fraternal kiss amidst the unanimous and reiterated applause of the hull. 'Seine of the transparencies in ho - Sor of the laying Of the cable wore adorned with medal lion portraits of the Queen and the President, emblematic of the fraternal kiss which Eng- land and America gave on the first of Sep tember. 'Book Trade Sale. '-„The'inost notorious and least reliable of the 'New York journals, which has been prophe eying the ruin of, Philadelphia in general, and: immediate discontinuance of the Booksellers'..Trade Solos ,in particular, has changed ifs tiete and only declares that oil, tai course of- dise, years they will be incur. perated in the NeW - Yerk'Salcs." Of course, thero - is lieitba . 'slightest l'icilandation for this declaration. There need ,to be 'two trade-. , _sales in New York, daring' the Present month, hut, in 1858, there yill,bo only ono, as ' , the establishment of liirros are [is 7]l not to have, iwy iFile•thie fall,";: . Thus, the darkcloud has broken, not-on the Philadelphia but 'the New York trade aalei. The Philadelphia catalogue oentainsT4o octavo lieges. If this looks like our. sales being oon the wane," we should be glad te.• 'bora - hotly: In fact, the sale bore, commencing on nst will be one of ;,t*lirgorol!old for I.eorrc Public. Entertainments. AV the Walnut Street Theatre, on Saturday ,evening; there was a, good attendance, which would have been, even better but for the - weather—a regular, goodi'playigoing andienoe, to witness on undoubted novelty. Tbitrf was a five-act mole, Louise de Dignerelles," an adaP tatien trem the greneh, ilithiehAhe famous Ma, dentaleelle Mare made her het great hit, in which .Rachel mattie`a , fieolied`. failure, in which Mrs. Bowers made suchn decided 'income that, hence: forth. this will probably be her favorite play. In every,respeot it is worth 'a dozen of "..oamille," and if the part of Henri, the husband, had been played only one-tenth - as well ee any of the other parts, we should have called it one of the very Jost, plepes,for the display of talent, ever produced in this chi: As te was, only Mrs. Bowers Mad - Mr. Conway "shone ,out as the great performers. Miss Richings' part wee seemly in her line, • Mr. Perry did not ecimpto understand the charaetei he played. Mr. Ridings had scarcely any thing to do until the last act, when he played very effec tively. TEe plot of "Maim do Lignorollee" might ad vantageously be a little clearer. The heroine is a young and beautiful woman, is wedded to a dra matio poet, who, like Mr. Snodgrass, in "Pick wirek,"'nerer giveit any proofs of his genius, and the husband, Henri de Lignerollei, not satisfied with his own charming wife, plays fast and loose with' aJ certain Cecile, by 130 - means so hand some or attractive, who has been a theatrical character, and appears as wife of Colonel de Glory, a man of reputation and honor. The wife (Louise de Lignerolles) beano suspicion of the too friendly relations between' her husband and this Cecile, But she has an old father, Nonaieur La grange,-.who, during four acts, walks over the course, sometimes with his hands behind hie coat tail, sometimes with hie bands in his breeches pockets, speaking in-a eubdued manner, and per petually looking askance at his son-in-law. When ho does not do this, he indulges in tears, speaks sadly; walks as if treading an • flowers which he feared to dash, and, ever and anon, does the benediotory, in 'a patriarchal manner. Sash an old gentleman -in a married man's Louie must have been de trop. People talk of the affliction of mothers-in law, but such a wet blanket as this must have been a dreadful visitation in a house hold, In the last act, it is true, he wakes up, and becomes energetic, and, indeed, greatly helps out the d'inonement, by putting hit eon-in-law into such "a tight place" that he tulles into a duel— whether to got rid of father-indaw or obtain vengeance• on .De Glory Is left wholly to the epinion of the audience, a , - • Cecile and Henri, detested by the wife in ono tn. trigne, ere it amounts to actual guilt, and with Coolie resorted from disgrace by the ready wit and womanly heart of the wife (Louise), separate as if not again to meet., Butithey forget all that Loribse has done for them,' and renew the squab lance—this time in a guilty manner. Cot. De Givry, the long absedt husband of Cecile, retains on a sudden, detains the improper intimacy, and institutes a search for his wife, who bait found a shelter in Ilenei's house, and is allowed to leave it, undetected, by the kindness of that true wife, Louses. Next, Henri endeavors toforoe De Gtory into a duel, which the other deolines—a man of, tried courage, 'who refused to set his life against the dishonor of a guilty woman. At last, for the sake of Louses, a criminal seduction suit against Henri is 'past:mity De Glory, who just then re cuives intimation that Cecile, his wife, has beconio a lunatic: 'At list, badgered by old. Lagrange, '(the " heavy" fathbr-in-law.) and irritated by the eaolnesief De Gittr . O, we have Henri de Lignorelle fighting a duel, mortally wounded, end iepentingly , dying - at his wife's feet, while De Giory, who has slain him, coolly draws op hie slaves. 9a this, the ourtain drops. Mrs. germs, as Louise, played with obarming effeot, with Peseion and with pathos.. There is, in the earlier scenes, a' little' ohild introduced—one of Mrs. B.'s family, - we presume—who plays astonishingly well—not playing with her part, tut acting it. Mr. Dichinge, as the heavy father, also played well, and even. forcibly in the last not. Mies Melange, as perils, bad more animation and less ooldnedb than meet Ia the third net, cope (daily, she was impressive end artistic el, her (in terpolated) air from "Roberto it Diavolo" was exquisitely sung, though her friends could not make the audience encore It: 'We may add, too, that both Mrs. Bowers and Mies Riehings were beatifally attired. • Henri de Lignorelles, as played by Mr Perry, -Was a disappointment—indeed, all but a failure. Mr. Reach, we are sure, would have been better in it than Mr. Ferry. . • Mr. Conway made a great deal of the character of De Glory, a high-toned, military man of iron. It seems to us that be elevated this third.rato into a principal part. But why' put him into third rate parte ? Finally, - " and to conclude." we tell those who desire to 088 an -exciting drama. well per formed, that they - may safely visit Mraillowere theatre., "Louise do Lignotelles," to our taste, is worth a wheelbarrow-full of such 'plays as new plat at the Arch4treet Theatre, on,Sa tordey night, was a - success. At the 'National 'they are running hard on "Rookwood,". and the equestrian and highwayman line of .acting. At ;Sanford's, the, mato, singing, dancing, burlesque, and eccentricities, draw good houses, -At Deinen-11111, to-roorrow,the bluebell Privet will be held; a great Berman gathering : anu gyre. nestles, and footraces.'• The Seventh Assembly District. We observe that 0. A. Walborn bee boon nomi nated for the Assembly by the Opposition Conven tion of the eeventh•Representative district. To those who remember the performances of this per sop whilst a member of the Common Council of this city, it is unnecessary for us to state how Im proper a nomination this is. We are happy to state that it is impossible for him to be successful in his present at;,i,iratione, for ho is clearly ineli gible; Mr. Whom has not been n realdent of the die. taint he aspires to represent for a year, as re quired by the Constitution of the - Commonwealth. Within that time ho has been a resident of Ches ter county, and as mob voted there at the last general eleotion. In proof of this we refer to the annexed certificate of the prothonotary of Chester county : State of Pennaytuaniei, Chester County, $8 : I,Tneob although, Prothonotary of the Court of Common Picas of said county, do certify that, npon an examination of the list of the voters furnished , bp the officers of Bast Whiteland township, in the thirty:4e tend district of the county of Chester. and filed in the Prothonotary's office, the namo of " 0 A:. Walborn" appears as having voted, No. 80 on said list, at the election held Qatobor 13. 1857. Wltnem city hand and coal of said court at West rsEAL ' Chester; this &et day of September, A. D. 1858 Jicon Otr,nouott, Prot'y. Wo are informed that Mr. Walborn says that be was not a resident, and voted Improperly. If ho did co, knowing, the, natuto of the 'offence be was committing, be should be made to atone for his crime. If he was ignorant of the laws upon the eubjeot of illegal voting, sorely he is a very unfit person to represent an intelligent oonstituonoy. Distinguished ,Stranger. By Toluene° to another column to-day, it will batmen that an 000aeion of unusual interest is an ticipated at Jayne's Hall, tide _afternoon, at four o'clock, The call is for a meeting of all denomt nations of Christians, to receive and bear Jona Mc°imam, llsq., Honorary Secretary of the Pro testant Alliance, and of the Open-air Missions of London, a ocfrlaborer of Lord SHAPTIiSAVIVrt and said to be intimately connected with tho reforma tory movements of Great Britain. From the in tense interest which the statements of this gentle man have elicited in Now York and .elsewhere, the opportunity which will today be afforded our citizens to hear for themselves should, as we doubt not it will be, popularly improved. The large number of denominations represented by the cler gymen whose names are" attached to the call is autflotent to indicate the union spirit with which Mr. 111pGROGOR is 9be retioived. A very large gathering at Jayne's Hall may be expected. &OMIT AND READ . ESTATE Tuie EVENING -- Sea Thomas 'a Bons' pamphlet catalogues, Fourth Fall They sell Stooks and Real Estate regu larly every week. • INC LIM AND AMERICAN MISCELLANEOUS Boors —Sale this evening, 7th inst. Books now arrang ed for examination with catalogues. VALUABLE lawßooxs.—Bale on Thursday and Friday. Two entire l ibraries—now arranged for examination with catalogues. See advertisements of the three sales under auotion head. Fatal Accident at an Election Meeting (Prom the Toronto Leader of Saturday.) On Wednoedey evening last an Incident occurred at an election meeting in Tilsonburg, which, we regret to Bay, has been attended with fatal results, It appears from tho detaile that have reached tut, that the meeting was called by the friends of Dr. Connor, and that fast as Mr. Foley was about retiring, after occupying the attention of the au dience for several hours, the floor in the upper port of the room suddenly gave way, carrytug with ft about one hundred and 13(ty.people! The floor underneath proved itself unequal to withstand no great and FO sudden a weight, and that too instantly gave way, precipitating the un fortunate sufferers into the room below, making a total fall of some 24 feet. The Boone that ensued It is impossible to describe. A mass of human be ings in imminent danger of smothering, and for a few momenta incapable of receiving any assist. ance, lay in darkness, groaning under bruises and broker. limbs, and all that had not become insonei ble from the fail madly endeavoring to extricate themselves. The none of the calamity spread like wildfire, and in a few minutes wives and sisters were fran tically calling on husbands and brothers who were known to be among the sufferers. Aid was not long in arriving, and the whole community turned out with a speed and a zeal worthy ail ooMmendation, to lend their assistance in resouing the sufferers. • The result of these labors of mercy wee the early extrication of all the sufferers, many of whom were taken out with no other injuries than a severe fright' and a few unimportant bruises. Others, however, perhaps to the number of nearly thirty, more very severely contused, some indeed, it is feared, fatally. It le our painful duty to add, that in the ease of one person, when taken out, life was found to be quite extinct. The . person whose tut roar has been thin suddenly closed was Mr. sop. king, q narpeuter. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1858. BY MIDNIGHT MAIL. Letter_ A:vow!, i‘ iicastinial." Correspondenialit Otos-14m I s • _ ' • -,Wasuradroa, Sept. 0,1859. Marathon natal interest is directed to the growth and future prospects ' - of the Sandwich Tslanda: Some years ago, Terael Washburn, a member of Congress'from Blaine, spoke of the annexation of these islands with' mush learning and point,' They ere now the' grand 'station for our whalers, and are the stopping-plasm—the Stet stage, to use the expression—from the Pacine ports toward China and the Nast. • Those who have taken the control, of matters, •there, the inert wh'd have.brmight them mildly ta' commercial importance, and their people from bar barism to a fair condition of oivnization, are the iron men of the North, and with the fondest affec tion they, oling to their mother country and yearn for " annexation." Some there are, of course, who would rather save themselves, until they bad accumulated large fortunes, from the competition that annexation would entail, beeause of the rush thhii froui our shores. But it is necessary that we should hare a coaling depot in the waters of the Paeitifor over the trade in that region we are to rule supreme. This is the question which , is being dismissed, it being admitted that We must have them. Is now the time, or had we better wait ? The resolutions passed by the offico-holdere of Massachusetts, and which endorse the Locompton polioy of the Adreinkv ration, have been received hoin by all—officials and non-offieiale--with all the salt that need be allowed. It is hard to restrain a smile upon the severest face at the faros, for it is patent to all that the mere freotion of the people in that State favor tbdoppression of the popular will in Kansas, and the groat fact is, that for some years those who have held tho' lend of the Democratic Milan in Massachusetts have seemed, by Their ultra course in all pend ing lenses, to make it their aim and ebjeot to keep the Demoeratio party in a Small minority there, in order that there should be little, if. any, competition for the fat places which they enjoyed. The other States were left to put a Democrat in the Executive chair, with no exertion on the part of the Democratic office-holders of Massaolitisetts to carry their State. These are the men who aro crowned with laurels—and these, too, are the men who support the clause of King Calhoun. Although the revenues of the Government eon tinue fearfully falling off, and the expenses are greater than at any former period, very little practical economy is resorted to. The neoessity of re-electing certain Looompton members of Con gress induoes Mr. Seeretary Cobb to retain a horde of persons in drams on condition that they will do all in their power to help the Letomptoa- Ito and to oppose the candidates who will not endorse that shameless cheat. ,Ity your Sixth district Olfolcman's) there is a regu lar gang of oillee•holders who do net do a half day's work in a month, but who are paid - in full for assailing Rickman; and the same may be said of those who help Owen Jones, Glancy Jones, Phil lips, Landyi ( to , while in the First district, Florence is sustained and kept afloat by an army of paid 'dependants. Mr. Cobb knows all this, -and has had hie attention repeatedly called to it. The way be responds to it is by giving orders to reduce the force by removing all the Democrats in office Who will not denounce Douglas and endorse Locompton, and this economy will doubtless be followed up by putting in new men who will! Benjamin's appointment to Spain is tho fourth leading foreign appointment given to Mr. Bu chanan's late opponents. But he Is certainly an nenemplished 'gentleman, and. will make a sue oessful diplomat. It is •eteited here that 'one the Leeompten members of Congress from your State is paid the neat sum. of. $450 per month out of the publio printing, and that a dietlnguiehed Senator is deeply interested in the same job. Mr. Attorney. General Bleak is in great glee at having compelled the Demoorate of Sobterset county, in your State, to take the back track on Locompton, and to endorse what they had before denounced. The Attorney General is as adroit politician and a profound statesman. The letter of Reverdy Johnson against the pro minden of Douglas gives grave offence in' high 1 quarters. 1 As an evidence of the manner in which Mr. Tobnson's letter in favor of Judge Douglas is re• °dyad, the - Union elates that " Ron Reverdy Johnson, who never was a Democrat, has wider , taken to endorse the Democracy of Douglas " Upon which the States says ; " If the enthusiastic support of Mr. Buchanan in MO entitles a man to admission into the Demo (natio ranks, certainly 'Mr Johnson ranks es a member of the party. Ris PentearatiO record, at all events. is touch better than that of the , - Ron. ' Wm, B. Reed or Joseph R. Cbandler,'One of these gentlemen voted for Mr Buchanan for ere• sident, and the other. it is said, did not vote atoll. Previous to this, the Democracy had no more bit. ter opponents; yet each has bad conferred upon hint by a Democratic Administration an honorable and lucrative, foreign mission. • "Mr. Johnsen made Fixated afterspeech ittaad. vettating Mr. dfuchonsree Motion, on patriotic ' grounds. • He claimed no reward for the Bathe in the way of official favor. Can as much be said of the Demooracy of Messrs Reed and Chandler '1" I must not be understood as approving this Ring at Messrs. Reed and Chandler, and copy the comment of the States to allow what weapons the Union places in the heads of its adversaries. Another sample of the generalship of the Union is found in its declaration, a few days ago, that Governor Walker is " A traitor and a swindler!" The' men to whom these epithets are applied is thus traduced only beeanse he dares to be true to principle. I see Ron. Wilson Reilly among our visitors. He is confident that be will be re-elected, and ex poets to be aided by the Republicans and Ame ricans in Franklin county, whose votes will, no doubt, be thankfully received. A curious story is told here of the collector at San Francisco, Mr. B. P. Wathiugton, one of D. Gtrints appointments, and ono of the "chivalry' ; ' who so bitterly contended against Mr. Buehanan's nomination. It seems that orders were sent to Washington by Secretary Cobb to reduce his force, in response to which he removed some of the oldest and tritest friends of the President. John Farrel, onoe.of Pittsburgh, and Qeorge D. Porter, late of Lancaster, were two of the decapitated. This is, indeed, " a new way to pay old debts," There is more trouble again brewing about the Now YoritiCustain House. OCCASIONAL. rlor The Prres..l . Allow me to suggest the propriety of raising money to build a monument to that groat and il lustrious statesman, Benjamin Franklin. To.day we have aeon the German population of the city turn out in their strength, so that they may be able to raise funds enough to build a monument in memory of Baron Von Steuben, of Revolutionary fame. If the Germane have taken each a stop; why cannot Americans do the same? I am greatly mistaken if the business men and others of this great and rising city would not liberally contribute to itt sup port, and feel proud for doing EO. Thit eelebra. lion of Wednesday last led to a groat many re• marks csncerning a monument, and many people were anxious to see the spot where the bones of the great statesman lie, but they were unable to 'do so. I have often-thought that Phirade'phiu was a very ungrateful city to let the remains of Franklin lie so long where they are ; it would have been very easy to tear down that part of the wall and substitute an iron railing is its place, so that all passersby could sea the place. Sept. 0, 1858. A PLIZE•ANT/10010IST• (front the New York Express orlon evening.] Six morn prisoners were broach t up from quaran tine to-day. two by Deteoli ye Wildey, and four by pithier De Von. the former had in his custody Captain Jacob Vanderbilt and Mr. Chas. Stebbins, The Captain was arrested without any trouble at his own residence, about three miles from the landing. on Sunday evening Mr. Stebbins was taken this morning in Burns hotel, where he said he bad come for the purpose of giving himself up. Officer De Voe's prisoners were the somewhat well known individuals, John Oars ell. M. P. O'Brien, Thomas Garrett, and Patrick O'Hare. All these were arrested at the steamboat landing at nine welook. They had received front Ray Simp kins information that they were wanted, and came there for the purr se of giving them selves up. Several other prisoners also offered to surrender themselves et the seine time, hut the officer had no warrant for them. All the prisoners were admitted to bail in $2,000, ex cept Thomas Girrett, who waived an examination, and was committed to the Tombs for -trial. The whole list of the arrested, up to this day, were as follows : Ray Tompkins. • Jaaob Vanderbilt, Charles S. Dc Forrest, Charles Stebbins, Wm Atelier, Juba Carroll, Matthew Carroll, M. P O'Brien, Thomas Garrett, Patrick O'llare,, John C. Thompson. Officer Blowey, one of the police force sent to Quarantine, has taken the yellow fever, and is now ill with it. Dr Walser thinks that his ease is rather doubtful. Tag following communication we give plaoe to, because we are willing, If we have done Injurtme to any one, to make the proper amenda. We can only say, in concoction with the matter here, that we made the poteication as a simple matter of nowe, and sell came to us, without any knowledge or the facts, and with no prophle ohj.ct In doing a wrong to the gentlemen who feels himself agerl , vs , l : 2 o the Reporter of The Press : I will bp much Obliged to you too reect so ne iniertatementa mode in the lie.. tt eter's column of The Press. in reference to myself There never wag soy man made any finch charge soloat roe as that of eating dead paupers or of prepa , ltg them for sale. Ibe man who desires to do so and would be glad to be able to do so, fa too great a coward to face moll a respootibillty. All thee I do in toy official capacity. or any other the: concerns the wtrld, 1 am willing the world shalt know ; and I call your attention to a amount at on in the Daily News to.day ; on the Pr.t page, which is truth from ite beginning to Its end, and which I am able to prove, even ry the gentleman 1 bare d maimed. I there'o e r implY ask you to do me justice More or less than this I do not desire. Reap'y yours, ROBSRT L. t MITU, oit'l Ree. Phye. Phil, /LW._ 00pteraber 6,1858. NEW PAS Srf.NOER OAR.—Considorable excite moot was occa4oned yesterday morning, by the ap pearance on Third street. below Chestnut, of a b a ud • emen passenger railway tom s ailed with possengers. It was lettered a North Smelt," and <• Fairmount, by way of Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets." This one was Wit to run on a branch road which is prepoeed to be built on Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets, to connect with the projected Ohestent and Walnut street road. The car Is very neat and comfortable looking, but it Is without 14 road to rust upon. A Monument for Franklin. From Staten Island To-day. THE LATEST NEW'S - BY TELEGRAPH: , - Blair County Bemocratio CoaSntirin. ' [SPROIAL DZSPATOII TO «TIIH 14E1009 HOLLIDAYSBURG, Sept. B. IW. _ The Bute pentay Nationale Goavention hid he -dry riemUiOted VIADD6I7B - 13/1(IS for Oongress, Non-Arrival of the Europa. it.l.l.lFAi Sept. 6.-I"he steamship Europa now due, with Liverpool dates to the 28th tat., hoe not yet been signalled below. Washington Affairs. Wcautvoron, Sept. e —The Secretary of the Navy to:de* cencinder all • agreement chartering . foqr atea- Mere of the Orernwell. line of-New Yotk to MOM with .the expedition Spinet Paraguay In addithin to Captain Chauncey, Lieutenants Mel; Ulan Barrett. Nelson, illitchs/1. and Brake. tegsther 'nth -Prirser Upham, bare been ordered to the Unit States steam frigate Niagara. vhich la to be ready within seren days to proce , d to Cherlomonond receive on hoard the captured Aft Ims. They are to be taken to the coast of Liberia. ceder charge of a epecial agent, and kept and supported there by our Government, un til thereat' be otherwise provided tor Odioml intelPgence bee been.rrcelved from Utah, but it merely relates to 'the army movements, COl4lll ng the 'mamma ptevionsiv received, Attorney General Black returned from Pennsylvania title morning. All the Cabinet °Mame are now to the city. • Latest from Mexico. New °mesas, Sept. B.—The steamship Gen. Rusk ham arrived at this port front Brownsville with dates from Mexico to the let inst. The "Liberaliatr » captured Tampico on the 26th of August. General 111 immon was hotly pursued, General Vidanrri wee concentrating 10,000 men at Ban Tule for a march on the capital. Funds wero plenty Th.ra WAR a &arta! gala and !mutilation allrazog on the 26th ult. The sixteenth Congressional District. svxtssupa. Sept. 6 —The Democratic confereen of the Sixteenth Congreseional district have not vet made any nomination. They tint met en Wedneeday morn ing last, at Bridgeport. oprosite this place, and bal loted until • Priday When thee adjourned over until this moning, To-den they again commenced. and bal loted several times with the same result. The omit det.s are *lepers Fisher. of York rounty, Ahl. of Cum berland county. end Mclntyre of Perry county. Each has the votes of the conferees of his recreative noun- Des, which fa the canoe of the unsscoeeefnl balloting. They meet again to•morrow to renew balloting, and some of the oonferees express their determination to leave in the evening, whether a nomination is made or not • • It le generelly believed That 4 1e nmnivetian will be setae tq•unrenie, Considerable excitement exists among polltlelana. The United States Urig-of-War Dolphin at New York. Nun , Toiti,Bopternbor 0 —The trotted Mates brig• of-war Dolphin, bound to Bolton, put into this port to-day to land Captain Townsend, of the elavet Echo for the plivrose of baying him Fent to Medea ton for trial, The Dolphin will leave for Boston this afternoon. New York Police Affairs Ngw Yoga, Sept. 6.—General Supeilotendent Tal madge wee euipeuded to day by the poice commiscion era for refacing to obey the order or General Nye. to need policemen to the quarantine grounds no the night of the second fir 4 Moro arrests were mode to-day, but nothing important took place at Staten Island. The New York Banks New Yorte. Sept. 6.—The bank statement for the past week extrib:ts—. A dectense of 10W119 WS WO " (WOW, 589,00 An Increase of specie tat Oro cireulation 281 000 " uudrs.wn deposits 214,000 Serious . Aeeldent_rtt Chateaugay, New ChWra togaw, N. T., BPpt. D —Tn raising a (rains Baptist Obnrolt, today, the timbers gave way. roriousiv lujoring the foil , wing persons: Timothy Bryant Ed gar (loons. Ur. Legett. of Burke, rredarialr vaughan, Victor Trsphon, of Pelmont (probably fatally). Oscar 'Mo.', James Denio, James MoOmnp, and two others. The Yellow Fever at Charleston. CR RUSTON September it —The offlobsi r•port of the Board or lieroth states that seventy- thre , deaths from yellow fever noonrred in the city during the week end ing on B.darday. The Steamer Pacific. iifa>•teax. Sept. 6.—The steamer Pacific froze Galway. waa off the harbor on Saturda• night. but was detained from reaehing her do 'k till yeete:dav forenoon. the will sail at 6 &dock to night for Weir 'York ILhuois Politics. ET Lours. Rept. 0 —Mae Belleville (11l ) Desnocra is authorized to say that JuAgo Breese In not. and nil not l's, a modidate L r tbo llnitod Staten Bona)°, In op position to Senator Douglas. Fatal AlTray near Waynesboro', Pa. Co/ lineavnoso, Septmber 0 —Au aff:ay occurred last raising, near Waynesboro' in this ern ty, in which a man named Orb •rn WoO snot. deed by two brothers. Daniel and David Punk. 9ha dispute arose from °abort carrying water from Funk's well Both of the Ir:others have been arrested, and are now in prison. Fire at Mansfield, Mass Boston Sept IL —A prrtion of Chilsonbl stove foun. dry. at Iltangtold, was destroyed 4, tl e on Saturday night. The loos Is estimated a: SS,OOO, which Is cov ered by lot urance. The Yellow Foyer at New Orleans, NEW ORLBINII., Sept. 6 —There were eighty-nine desthe here from yellow fevpr qp Paurday. ClOssip from New York. TAE CABLE '!DIFDICULTY " OF LAYING IT— " WILL YOU GABLE ?'' paAanitES coccomerfeer—TßlNlTY to VECII --MIL IPAR Y— SHISH EN—POETICAL ' IMPROMPTU— TRE OP ERA: --n AS SIER, THE PLUMP THEATRICALS—NE W 13 0011 S " ni,r.etno7l" oho?' VOLUME. OF BARTECS ,TRAYELB —FORT/100111RO NUMBER OF HARPER'S MONTHLY. fporreepoOdepoe of The Proem.' ITzw Yonx, Sept. 3, 1858 The laying of The (table has been the most dila cult week's work ever known in New York. No thing but 'table !—cable in the hotels, in the thea tres, at the opera ; cable at church, in the cars, in the omnibuses; cable for hreakfast, for dinner, and for supper ! You aro not asked to take a drink, but " will you cable ?" And then, to think of the frightful manner in which the public mouth has been parched in getting the thing safely down: what hogsheads of Ifold3ick, what puncheons of port, what barrels of brandy, and what lakes of lager, have been consumed in the operation ! And what an inealaulable aggregate of soldier, of fire man, of policeman, of butcher, and outman, and what an awful quantity of powder, revolving wheel, Roman candle. and sky-rocket! New York; from high noon to midnight, on Wednesday, had a boquet of the infernal regions, so thoroughly was the atmosphere impregnated with powder and pyrotechnics. The three great features of the spectacle were, the religious services at Trinity Church, the mili tary, and the torch-light procession. The cere monial at Trinity was magnificent. The oceanic° admitted display, and it was done on a scale and with a success never before equalled on this con tinent. Imagine a superb choir of voices called from the best singers of church tousle in the city ; the splendid organ, touched by the master-hand of Dr. Hodges ; the chimes " ringing in" both in tune and time, and th irty-jac hundred voice•s,. all raised, tie with one heart and one voice, in ascriptions of praise to Almighty Doi in the glo rious, music and words of •` Old Hundred !" The effect was sublime. Never have I heard anything comparable to it. Tho 'Unitary part of the demonstration was not very remarkable. With the exception of the faultless marching and bearing of the Seventh Regiment, it is not worthy of particular comment. The torch-light procession was a success. The entire fire department was in its holiday at tire— machines and man—and on their good behavior. Nearly every engine and hose cart was decorated and bore a motto appropriate to the eeAsion. Many were "illuminated." Most of the men carried bright lights, and amore or lees belonging to oaoh company were constantly discharging Roman candles. Bands of musts followed at ap propriate distances, and during the three hours occupied by the procession in passing there was a hilariousness, howling, and cheering snob as New York had never before seen. One of the Without gentlemen about town, !art evening got off the following impromptu, whioh I promptly bagged for The Press : ' , _ THE 8110 T IN DAVY JONES' LOOKER Toy of despots, type of slaughter, Let It plumb MO yielding wave ; Deep beneath the placid water May it ever find a grave ! Iron oral of mati ambition, Boon the hurtfutnest shall ease° Sent upon a gentler mission, Bind it now to Nap tha yenta. The opera Is a success. Gamier has mode a hit. for plump figure, pleasant Mee, graceful manner, and spirited acting, added to a clear, ringing, fresh, joyous voice, scoured for her the position of a favorite before she had warbled a dozen bare, The t 4 boys of art" are delighted with her. Theatricals during the week have boon rather dull, Too much cable. Brougham and Blako, with Pocahontas, Columbus, and two or three of the sterling old Boglish comedies, have managed to fill Nibio'e tolerably full; but elsewhere the bu siness has been poor. The Applotons will publish on Saturday "Elec tron, or the Pranks of the Modern Peck"—e tole graPhio *Tie for the times, in which the origin, progress, and marvellous developments of the sciences of electricity and magnetise/ are set forth poetically and practically far twenty floe hundred years, from the time of Thales to the submarine telegraph, embracing every broad field of electrical discovery and achievement and especially the last great Field of the Atlantic Ocean The Harpers have in press the conoludinglio. lame (o:apprising two volumes of the Ellgliett edi tion) of Berth's Travels in' Africa. It een'taus hie j warty to, and residence in, Timbuotoo, where be was detained fur many months in a sort of half.eeptivity, and has a profusion - of *Matfett. d and historical information. Harper's Magazine for October will oontain the narrative of Strain's journey across the South American Pampas, edited by Headley, who puts together the notes of Strain in his own peoullarly dashing' style. Strain's unexpected death pre vented the execution of' his d'estgn to work up hie materials Into a volume. Stoddard hes a tine poem on the Telegraph, and Trowbridge a Yankee story i . VinILFORPS. SALE or HotrennoLD Funnutunn,, title morning •at 10 p , elook, at the Amnion Store of Jas. Et. Free man,l22 Walnut street: THE CITY. AMUSEMENTS THIS.EVENING MRS. D. P. Bowing , WALNUT STREST "Louise de Lisnerollear , — ,, Simpson & WHEATLEY & CLARKE'S ARCH-STAMM THBATRI.—: ~"81Q1 or Sielm"—'• Satan in Paris WELCO'S NATIONAL TOLMAN. .....14.:8001erami,i SANTORO'S • OPERA Horhas.—lithlopliti menu, Coseeite. itiii.::BendereetLie Penorpion of the BNB. - shin War. NAT/CALL Him... - --Panorstos of the Bible. THOMEOF'S VARIETIES. --MIBOOII6OOOIIS ORMsmti Nightly. LEMON - &Erring neriVAL --Oar German friends are baying * gala time at lemon Hifi, in the ceremonies attendant urn the celebration in honor of II iron Btenben, which were opened yesterday Morning • - The ceremoviesr were lotunturated by a pro, osedon, which moved from York avenue and 'Vine street, and was a remarkably brilliant one. ilinsie was plenty, banners and decorations were very showy. and the line wee twenty minutes in passing ,thii corner of Third and 'Chestnut streets. The order of:procession ,wa, as follows: liarroony Baum Band, mounted; Older Marshal and aids. First Division—Assistant Mor.hals Black BURMA'S, hymn' ; lieck!S Band ; Philadelphia Artillery; Wash. Ington Guard, Lafayette Bide Company; Black Rifle Company; Jackpot, Rifle Company; orators and com mittee. in co Asses. • • Serond.Divicirn—aesistant Marshals; Myers , Bond; Philadelphia Rifle Club; Rifle of the Social Democratic Turners; Racial Democratic Turners; Tamara. Third Livielon—Aasistatit Marrhale %Pennsylvania Cornet Rand liimonerchor ,• Liedertsfel . ; Pinagerbrued ; Decimo Music Society ; Jurlor Mrenne•Phor ; Germa nia Mrconerchor ; Social Liederkranz ; Liedortand of Preleu Gernelude; Arbeiterbaudee Vocal A efrodation Arboiter Delonnooe Vocal Association; Arlon ; Sohn , lerbund ; At• - eureum. Fourth Divbdori—Assistant Marshals; ANA° Sand— t 0 P.—Guttenbrrg Dodge, No. 106; Delegation (porn Germani a Lodge, No. 166, Beading ; Hermann Lodge. No L Fifth Divition—Asstetant Marshals; Motto Band.,-I. 0. 0. F.—De l!alb Lodge, No 174. Sixth Div odon—A•slstant Noveltte; Keystone Band —I.O. Rod Men—ooetthonta• Lodge, No. 5 ; .Delaware Lodge, No. 10; Mohawk Lodge. Nn. 14 Seventh Divhdon—Aeststant Ma shale; Vetted Stake Cornet Band —II. 0. of Bed Men—Grand Lodge Penn sylvania' T ammany Lodge, No. 4; Pocahontas Lodge, No. Mohawk Lodge, No. 7. MOM Division—a esh.tent Mirabelli; Ritter's Band.- 0. of Red Men—Mont soma Lodge, No 6; nacho moxon L doe, No 10; Telma Lodge. No 14; Elteltto. halms Lrdie No. 19; Wabash Lodge . , , No, 20; Hiawatha. Ledge. Na 25: Ninth Dirleton—Asdetert Blerebeln.—Ancient Order of nun , eri—Robert Thum Lodge. No 24; Tuleco Lease, No 31 ; AdelphiTruetehier Lodge, N0:39; W It ,ek,od ledge, No. 411 Wathen Tell Lodge, N 0.4? ; Magnets Teutonic Lodge, No. 481 Fritde and Zelgkelt Lodge, No 86 Tenth Div teton—Asehltant 111Arehele; nun Pooiety ; Order Of the Bore of Bermaun—Bumbel It Lodge, No. 1; Blucher Lodge, No 2; Steobco Lodge, No 3. Eleventh Division—Assistant Marshals • Ifivisler , s Band —Omani Association, the &Will Trades Unions, Male Hope Beneficial Society, Beneficial !Inlay of Brotherly Union, the Berman-American Beneficial As sociation. Tho exercises during the day were orations by Nieto- . lee Schmitt and others, eloging, evolutions by the Tar nets, roilitexy. &a. No expense has been spared to make the exhibition worthy of support. To-day, the rifle practice and target firing will take place, under the superintendaure of the Philadelphia Elfin Club. A. number of valuable pees-e are to re awarded, They were carried in the line yesterday and looked re markably well Among them were a 'diver urn and Miser goblet, which attracted especial holies We shall take occasion to be present during the ex melees to dey, during which time, it is expected, the most Interesting ceremonies w•il take place CANADA FinEnitN —The Chief Engineer of the Fire Department of Montreal, Canada, is ewer on a Agit to our city, and is the guest of Fire Detective Blackburn. On the 22d inst , the Warren Hose Com pany of New York are expect d in visit this city. They wlll be the guests of the Warren Rose Company. The Convention to make the necessary arrangements for an eneort will bold an adjourned meeting oe Wednesday evening next, at the Wetherell House. About twenty- I nor co mpeates will participate to the reception. D Heiner, of toe Warren, has been chosen Chief Mar sh at.. The following route has been agreed upon by the committee, and win nodnibtedly be adopted ty the Convention. 'The' line will form at One o'clock P. 31 on Arch street, the right resting on Seventh street, and proceed town Seventh to Walnut, and down Wal nut to Front. The visitr,re will then be received, after which the probeasion will countermarch op Walnut to Dock, uo D ck to Third, up Third to nheasnut, up Chestnut to Fourth. down Fourth to Christian, up Christian to Ninth, up Ninth to Pine, up Pine to Fif teenth, tip Fifteenth to Race; up Race to Twentieth, up Twentieth to Oallowhill. down Callowhill to Thor teonth, up Thirteenth to Brown, down Brown to Sixth, up Sixth to Franklin avenue, down Franklin *venue to Germantown road, alone Germantown road to Second street, down Second to Green, up Green to Third. down Third to Race up Race to Fifth, down Fifth to Chest aqt. up Cheetimt to Blahtsenth, and there distress. Mn. ERITOR : It. is en seldom that one hag an op po aunt Ey or witnessing a pitched batil e on a Sunday now a davit that I hasten to Intorro you that an unpleaaent difficulty arose a few days Sive, in Treason, (directly opposite thie place. j betweeler some of the members of both the Regie acid Good Will Fire - Engles , Campanian of that city ; and to wattle their difficulty. a member of each company took it upon themselves to fight it out at three o'clock on tiends.y afternoon, just out the borough of Aforrisvile, in Falls towosh p The portion wordingly met with several hundred apecttto e. di rectly in the entitle road and commenced operatioom by stripping to this Ain, with seconds, preliminaries, &o &c., lest as I tiroye up to pass 'whereby I was com pelled to witness the disgraceful cornhat between Van haw and Jaren], the two champions. The foemerproved the victor, and immediately WI the grourd with a few of his friends. for T•enton. Jervis was severely bitten on the neck and ehnuider, and otherwise injured, and did not get off no soon. No streets were made, and of enures, it will not be necessary for any comment to be mode by An Eva Wiresse Near tdonntsvms, in Falls township; Bucks county, Pa., Sunday, 3 P. DJ , September 5, 1858. POLITICAL MUystrattril —The POODIe'S Dole- Wee of the' Fifteenth Represents Ive District assem bled in Germsotown, en Saturday evening, for the pur pose of mating their nomination. It was alleged that the delegates from two divleinne of the Twenty eactind ward had been elected in different !necklets, which was in violation of Rule sth, which proyidee that they shell be chosen i.te their respective election di.' tonne " a motion ...macre to exclude these penmen., which did not prevail whereupon the delJgatee from the Twenty mitst and part or the' Twenty-second wards withdeew. The remaining delegates then_ nominated Geo. W Liammeraly. of Germantown. for Assembly, and the • bolters , ' selected John F. Preston, of the Twenty-first ward, ea their candidate. OFFENDER ARRESTED -.-Yesterday morning, a notorious t divldual known as 1 . RR Hanley " was ar rested on the charge of being concerned in the stabbing of Michael Born, a laborer in the Navy Tore, some' weeks since. The name Ma IS *meted of other, of forces. Re was committed in de ault of heavy ball. to answer. .A, few nights alone, an officer of the Third ward, In pursuing Manley, fired ever his head to bring him tn. On nifty night, a party of rowdies who were lounging upon a cellar-door, at V ontand_Reed atreete, called opt to the roger that that t, wanted the Data who shot at RR /fade',." The officer went toward', them, when they yen. leaving behind them a large tow pistol, which was afterwards found to contain two slugs and in heavy charge of powder. GROUND BROElOL—Yesterday morning, at Seven Wclrce, the ground upon which the lecture room of the Alexander Presbyter's') Church to to he erected, at Nineteenth and preen etreate, wee bream It ea) the oteaslnq' •or the seepmbllng of t lance number of person., who feel a deep entered In - the meson of this new Ohrld an enterprise The serried beget' with a !bort addresa by Re,. - Dr. Alfred Nevin, the pastor, who wee followed by nee 'Wee 'if bhelek In a been. mut and imreeeive prayer The ground was then broken by 001. Wm. 1' Pooderme, obsirman of the building committee, and Col. John O. Taber, super intendent of the gunday school after which, ail the lathe and gentlemen present threw out dove] fall of earth. TER EBONY COLOR IN Tnount.g.—The neigh borhood of Allah and South street+ ha+ been the scene of meat excitenvut do-fog the past few days. It rp• peace that a colored man from Bonth Caro.ina who is epn led to be a nave catcher or a soy lest week came to thin city and took lodging. in that vicinity, As soon as the flat woe nlised abroad, a corrarnitr-e of co lored penile called upon the easreted individual , ant requested him to leave the city at the shortest possible notice This. It la said, he refused to do, and I. now in clime concealment. Much indignation in evinced towards him. and if he should be eangh tby corm of the excited outsiders, he would no doubt be summarily dealt with. 'HpOSPITAL Irvin, white, aged Way- was taken, •teaterday, to the Episcopal Wo.pltal. with frac'nre of the ebe and severe braises, caused by ftelincfrAra the second eoty of a bouts *IMMO in Is.enelegton. Also, William Patterson, with compound fracture of the arm, resetting 'rem the kick of a home. Mary Tt.orrnts Wiwi bad her bercollar,bone broken, by fal ling f om a wiod , w, abe wan also creed to the same Instituilon. Samuel Kale, who lives in Front street, near Daupi , in, wse run over by a oral cart on Sat why evening. His arm and s'aotildsr were severely bruised He, fro, was taken to the Eplairpal Hospital. LITERARY CORGRYES.—This body, composed of delegate from Tartans bodies. le to meet on Wedneeday evening at Ninth and spring Garden streets, when it IN expected a number of representatives from new mai- Mts. , wilt be admitted, Other business of an interest ing charater - rill be transalted, and we have no doubt the attendance of both delegates and spectvtors will be very'large. Arrangements are abnut being effected fur an unequallel end brilliant course of lectures, to be dellve ed during the coming sesqnn, by NOW, of the most distinguished and eloquent lecturers in the coun try. EXCITEMENT ON TOE RlVER.—There wag eon slderable exoitetnent on the Delaware yeet•rdav after. noon. Ten b ate were entered at eleven o'clock for the prise, which is $5OO. The starting point was Glouces. ter, N. J. The bcsta left in fine style between me And two o'clock. and will proceed to Chester and beck. The 'Tentacle was truly brilliant The boats started amid the cheers and plaudits of the numerous spectators, who crowdad the river front for several squite4. The result of this exciting contest was looked to with unu sual interest. MORE Bunacenras.—Early yesterday morning Mr A J Reply's Aire wee entered, but though lb. thieves ransacked the entire place. they got very little recompense rot their troulne They were apparently new hands st the business, bat if the pence negligence in that quarter is to continue, they may easily g..ln ex perience When Mr. Reilly railed the,attention of an. °Meer to the operations of the burglars, he Ices told very c oily that 44 they could not be notched." A MUSICIAN IN DURANCE Viva —Robert Ed wards, alias Adair wee before A derman litab rd, ea terday. char/red with committing an areault and bat tery lipnn Samuel Sharpie), w , th an intent to kill. It le a lege I that Ed w ards rtrunk at Shwaley with a knife, a few day. niece. The latter w arded off the hi , w with his hind. which wee severely wounded. The ec cueed was held In Siloo b tit to arswer at court Both ration are Ethiopian delineato.s. A DEADLY' ASSAULT —On Monday Moraine, about holf.past twelve o'clock. a fight o-curred among a number of colored men at a hou 'a at.Fif h end Half otree's During the melee, Tamen Elmith N alleseo to have beaten a man named Drown on the heat with an obi mare. The he'd of the titter is cut bsdlv Elmlth was arrset"d and to en before Aid 'rman who committed him in default of $1,200 bail for a faitherhearing. RDDIInnIES.—At an rarly hour, yesterday morn- Ina, a grocery store in Fifth street , below ahipp•n. and the dry goods store of Mr Stuckey were broken open and robbed of same of money. John Carrigan and William McCann were afterwards arrested on the cheep etherizor committed the robberies Some pieces of money found upon the accused were identitiod as having boon taken from the Mores robbed. Both the teemed were committed to answer. New ENGINE lionex.—The erection of a new engine house is agitated. The members or the return blo Engine Ontnpany are actively exerting themselves to collect sufficient funds to be used to the motion of a new house for their very ruperior apperatue For this purpose, they bane conoludrd to pine a grand b.ll, at the National Onaro , a Hall. Bate street, below Bizet, on the 19th cf October. BAPTISHAL,RITE.—OR Sunday, twenty-five_per sous were raetised at the Green-street , M S, Church, which fa under the charge of tm Rer . , 'C'doltmtet. One buodre l and eleven were also received into foil membetehlp. AT are gratified to record thin new evi dence of the prosperity of this church', and the =cams of the labors of its worthy pastor. , • FIFTEENTH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT --At an ad nursed meeting or the delegate.; represmting the Fifteenth district, held at the hotel of Mr If. B 13.-u • to the rwoutpsecond, ward, on Saturday, the 4th inst. Geo IY. Gamersly t Err{ of Germantown. wee ummllnotudY nominated 1 1 4 the 'People's candidate to represent cold district in the State Legislature. A Nan . , ()nevi :=-We have men a new speoimen of ra;ro, called the if Co'nrobia.ii from the garden of Mr. T. hi. Meto.ron, which we !should term, Awn our limited knowledge of the fruit, a rpiendld article. Bpeeimens con be seen at Dreetis need store, Chestnut Street, belts &earth • WevOuirro THE CHANCES —Yesterday morning, While the procession was plUlaing alone, the dwelling of Mr. Mark Devine, Ito 640 North Fourth street, was entered from toe rear, while the family was front, and robbed of a quantity of silver ware, orinsietbsg of 'silver arm, Amiga, Wier, M., ,te. ROBBED Oir".a WATCH —On Sunday an elderly AND-COMMERCIAL man/ wit lo intoxicated, was r , btal of a gold watch at, Fount and Serer* streets. Pour young men, who were seen in company with him, w re arrested on a omicion of hiving immoottted tce robbery. They were taken b foto AFdertudelle fecht yesterday morning and hell in Esedforis furthet.hesting• Patat f,TellitiNartMON OP PLZASEMB —On Son-- day aft in non, obi four old ck. a sell beat capsized Deltware, Oppoelte Brideeburg. 2 here were to-vertl young or nlrithe boat at the true. One of the "number,',:iihotie came we could not ascertain, waa In. ..body/ hal not been recovered at our latest intelligence —2 / LITERARY AND SOIEMTPIC.--L. George Franck, CM , Engineer, ban been elected Pro senor of ApPlied Mathematics Civil Engineering and Mechanise in the Polytechnic College David W. Hoyt has been elected AdJunct reamer of Hathernatiaa and II chanlcs and instructor in the Preparatory Department of the same institution • Ax..tx.riosioSl.-A-flald.lemp.ibeently exploded in the hands of David d.lbectson. conStabiC Of the Fir " teentirward residing' st No' 2 `llTOlaytodetiviet.„ Mr . A. was evrerely burned about the hands The accident was united by the lamp beteg - 111W in too close another which was lighted. - ROBBING FEMALES .7—Yesterday morning, Ch na Heodevon wee arrealed - at Third and Cherry streets, acd Joseph Johns mut arrested at Fourth and Arch 'streets, on the charge of picking the pockets ct females. The prisoners. who w.ro.boys, were committed by Alderman Brazier. • BABY .Ware --On Sunday night. a female baby wee found lying on the steps of Bt. Vincent's flame a Oath , lie institution at Eighteenth and Wood streets. The litkle stranger Was taken care of temporarily by a neighbor. - Owing to some unacoountable omission, the 'name of George W. trebinger was not in the list which we published yesterday, as the regular DeMaistic can didate for Congress in the Plyst dittrlet: We cheer fully make the correction. THE COURTS. YIIBTIIRD6VI .PItOtEZDXRaII. • (Reported"for The Preeo.l GILI/126%leSIONS—Jadge Ludlow.—The court'Vraa occupied all day in the trial °Uhlman's. Samuel McGill and S W. Tyson, who were - charged with a miedemeanor In_bavtng likurped, the authority of the whiskey In spectors. the eppointment to whien office is given by act of Assembly to the Governor of the State There ate numerone questions of law involved in these cases, and whatever mat be the decision of the:Jury, they will be taken up to the Supreme Court. In the ease or Tysbn the jury - Is out :111esere. Attorney General Soot and David Webster for the prosecution. F. 0. Brewster Eeq for the defentante Dienetor DOTlRT.—Judges elweWsod, Stroud and Hare.--The court met yesterday morning, and comp:len: cod the Feptember term with the current mot on list. The general motion list will be taken up to-day, after which ergumen'e will be heard tip to the 2.1 of Oc tober. Jurrtrials will commence on the 4th of Octo ber. and the first boned will teradriatti on the 23d of October. The second period will extend from October 2dth - trrNoverober 18th , and the third period from No-. vember lath to December 4th. the following are the mire of the court Ncreause shalt be pl iced on the trial lief tmtil atter issue Joined, nor without the wntten order of one of the parties - or hle COtinli -3. Nor shall soy cause be pieced on the trial lint for any period, unless the Baum than be 'at 18S110 before loaning the venire for such period It Abell be the duty of the p o'benotary, at least thirty days before the commencement r t any approrriated to the of cans. s.by Jury, to make outs complete Nato/ all causes entitlet to be placed on the trial list for finch period ; and nine alba mdse. on ouch list chilli be'continued to another term, milers at the Jnint request of the counsel. signified by writing tiled with the prnthenotitry; at least three weeks before the commencement of such period. It in the duty of the prothonotary, at least thirty day. be fore the cm:menet,' ent of any parted anrro. prlated to the trial of causes by jury. to mi - ke out and deliver to the cher if the venire for such period. That any p•rtir intending to tax wide before the prothonotary Atli give him arid the apposite party twenty-f ur hours' notice of etch intention The time to be fixed for swat taxation shalt be from one to three ()Week P. M. That hereafter the prothonotary Phan issue no oapiaa ad re pondezeium endoryd with bail in more !ban $503 without a specie' allooatur from one of the jadg'e• That In every case of shill of eseePtleurt. it shall be the duty Of the party presenting the bill within twenty days thereafter', to - have the same settled by the fudge before whom the case was tried; on forry.eight hours , notice, with a copy ef ,the bill served oo the opposite party, otherwise ti e judge not i 'he requited to seal the same. Couxo,X PLUS —The September term of this court will commence on Monday, September 20th, with the current list on the 21st road cases will be taken up ; 224 to 24111, malty argument list; 27th to 29th. Or. phone' Court argument lint; 80th, Oct. let. exception to auditersiVepeAs. The jury trials, amt. period will commence on the 4th ; second period on the 18th ;* No. vember let, feign.d 'mum ,• 16th. certiorari list; 10th, insolvent list; 17th to end _of term, miscellaneous ar , gumentlist. The following are the orders of the court: Orders for the trial list mn.t contain the names of the counsel on eieh side. Feigned issues should be genially ordered on the 01 t. ,- • -- N 6 can s - . i hail be pinned on the - teal list, unless wr.tten notice the-cabs handed to the prothot otary, at least thirty days before the Scat day of the period at which each cense is to tried ; nor unless said can-e ehrli be at issue before the Mating of the venire for ouch period. , Theatrical Entertainments at the . Ful ton Fish Market—The PlayerS Arrested by the Police. The spacious loft over Fulton fish market, not having been tenanted for some time pact, a com pany of boo, rouging from ten to sixteen years f age. appropriated it to their own use, Met for playing marbles, and then pitching pennies. At length, they teem to have considered those amuse ments too vulgar, and adopted histrionio enter tainments, eelecting their plays from the Bowery and National They attained considerable pro tioiency at their amateur theatricals, and certainly displayed ruins, though of a somewhat 'novel character. A piece of canvas, - stolen from a load of junk, served for a curtain, and divers aged hats and other dilapidated man's and women's apparel, were employed for costumes: The players were having a high time. Last evening (Sunday) "Jack Sheppard" was announced on the bills, the hereof the St. Giles. Thames --Carroll appeared as Jonathan Themes Wagner as Blueskin. Jack Sheppard was represented by Jemmy Hanley A. 11 9, named Rdward Petersen stored as Kneebone, and Peter Bird as Mr. Wood.. " The part of Mee. Wood woo taken by en Irish lad named Finn, The bays bad got through the first scene, and were executing some of the more exciting parts of the play, when the performance was summarily terminated by the abrupt entrance of fotir policemen of the Second ward, without Colorer. - The alma were:taken aback at the precocity of the actors, but, soon re covering from their amazement, arrested the com pany as vagrants, and took them to the station house N. Y. Evening. Past. CITY ITEMS. TUN SRACON .AT ATLANTIC Crre.—To tholo AO quainttd with the character of this popular resort in September, we need not say that the meet delightful season of all the year has just commencer? The bath. log is absolutely delicious, the water, being um ch - warm.: er titan during the months or July and August. The company there has diminished, and some of the liWd tog hotels bare closed, although there are still amp's means of accommodation, and will be while those well• k-pt houses, - the Eu I and the Mansion, continue open, which, we understand, will be for several weeks to come. „ The storm on Saturday, or at 1884 the rain; war much needed, end the effeet of It upon the atmosphere, the walking and the general aspect of the place, Das been highly advantageone. The train, in going down on Saturday evening, wee detained over an hoar iticon• e•quence of the wind and rain having oinsed a water and land inundation of the tract, for several hundred fret in a deep cut, some live miles thie aide of Atlantic City. We would spin repeat that the Mae to enjoy the health•giricg qualities of Atlantic curls pre-eminent ly during the present month. The safety and Limita ble management of the road, and, withal, the shortness of the time required to run over it. with other conside rations, we should think ought to make 4 tiantic City a. very popular place of retort for our unions for at least another month. MILLINWAT won Tun MILLIOII.—The presetat in dications of trade are of a most cheering diameter. Our hotels are crowded, mainly with merchants from the South and Went, and our j Aber*, in most branches of trade, have done a business Within the loot Week ex ceeding their most sanguine expectations. Our present object, however, in referring to thie 'abject, is to call the attention of buyers to one of pe most superb stock's of millinery in this con; try. 'The well-known and long-established house of Bleam linsoln, Wood, & Nichola z No 45 South Second street, presents attrac tions, an regards etyle, variety and prices, this season, which merchants now in the city cannot with impunity overlook. BUMS PATIOnAIta, —Those who desire to witness one of the most elegant and artistic panoramic paint loge of the age, [Mould, by all means, visit National hall this evening. As We have already stated, the fine panorama has been greeted everywhere it has been exhibited—at Cincinnatii Loaieville , Uharieston, and o'her prominent olties—with the most nattering esteem. From numerous very complimentary notices by the peeee, and of artiste of the first distinction, we feel safe to saying there exists no painting superior in kind to the world We can same our readers it is all that is claimed for it, and worthy of all commendation ELEGANT CONYECTIONERT.—WO take great p•eaeure in repeating to our readers what we hare hinted at before now, that the place to get the finest the richest, and withal the purest Confectionery mann featured anywhere, is at the celebrated store and mann• factory of 11Ir. Rept en 2'. Whitman, No. 1210 Market street, above Twelfth, in this city. Country merchants ebculd remember this foot. Coließrtv HALL—THE BbsB7AN WAll.—Thls po pular and elegant 11011 was well (Mel last evening by a twhionable and discriminating sud'ence, wbo testi fied their approvals f the Russian War II agitations by prolonged applause. The exhibition went off to rte satisfaction of ail present. The Illustration will be exhibited every night thin week. PRESIDENT BUCHANAN. General Casa and Other Cabinet officers are already overhanging their respective bureaus, preparatory to the I ease mtbling of Congress. Waite on the subject of bureaus, we would suggest the propriety of each or the digLitailes alluded to above having one or more drawers well stocked with elegant fall clothing from 1. S. Eldridge'n Old Franklin Val/ clothing ouporium, No. 821 Chestnut street. Tue STESBEN FESTIVAL —The German popula- Winn ware ell agog yesterday, for the greet Steuben Festival, which is to lain for two days. There will be gymnastics, ta•get practice, oritory, &a ,he The ora , ore win excite the patriot em of their bearers, the target-shooters will come as near the " bull's eye" as they can; while gymnasts astonish all beholders, and perhaps tear their tro +rare. In the latter contin gency we would suggest to them the propriety of pro curing net,- •nd more a egant garments at the Brown Stone Clot , tog Will of Rockhill & Wilson, biog. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. Tna CAAMMON is now fairly opened for the fall elections, and on all sides we note the twat scilve pre. newtons for the work. In the flrat four Con.freaslonal d4nricta , the leaders of the oppzalug factious have al ready defined their positions and recommend their CCM. et4uenta as a pr , tnary step tower la future anemia, to wear only the ebetant and graceful fall atyles of Oran. rille Stokes, the fashionable clothier, No. fill Chestnut street. Marketß by Telegraph. Cameo°. Sept. 6. —Floor dull. Wheat very dull at 82a. Corn dull at 6230. Oats quiet Shipments to Iluffalo--1 450 bbls of Flour ; nu Wheat; 81.000 bin Corn. To Oswego--No Flour ; 16,000 bus Wheat, and 41.000 bus Corn Receipts-1,200 bbla Flour 1 52,000 bus Wheat and 61,000 bus Corn. _ . CINCINNATI, Sept 6.—Flour dull, the export demand having ceased ; imparting la quoted at Wage. Vale key_ is firm at 210. Provolone dull and unchanged. New 011t1t1,146, Sept. 6.--Clotton—Sales today 600 bales. Flour has as ildsauolug teudeuoy—llea at $4. IT4e,Mr9uipy Market. - • Tingariairnt., September 6,1858. atoektif Iteadleg Esil rosd itoek eAveneed.)(• - The !Miley market 16 inchinged:`~, -agngr,f,narZirn2r,l'7'' 4 1 r 1 l itiPagkVtgigiE W . g a- 4 0 0N-$11.1 . v;.5. 'ri T; 4 r p 1 As_ Fi- gPO Org. ' .Li .. ~,t, 'll...F.rPp: -- 7-- ; v . r T-., - . ' :," • ', r`, .."- .4; .OA gilgtgek*g4 l lgg4§§§, L m 1g .. N MOOOOO 00. w .. 0.4 tirataniMiltri§l 1 - E., til - . 4 tfe , ; 14 Ul .. . ....- ww.e.DT, e. ca.......ic0vi0 - oe, 0 gig ~...c..0m.........m, . 5nt a: ..la „, 0 . . zoi , a . 1 hl " 0 ...-•41.,va ia wls tz - to -% . - go-a , -VS, " t'l J.. 4 . lt.M.,g)t;tlS-datifgn * Vilf 1 ; , g ?.*. . I,,tet% , - .L.' , Elp.- . =l - - .1" .la.v , coca4a4Zok...to .c 0.13 b . 14 ~.. el . 12 • • ] C , 7 ...4 ; - i s •-• . - g chor ..0 m, „„_, ,•. ti1i1"47450 e nt:42.8= 7 :4&1; 2,4 , • bi P' - t, E. ''',4, 7 8 3 b eett v'''' S 'lB OD S 'al 51 ''' 13 . .. . ...Igo 042 %.,. -a. . -w,.., .., . wio 12 e A k-. n ....... iv--. 41. til Fr ._.t.....t.g,...f2x2.g. w . ~ - sllliiillsivrat - wi rg vt _ ........... .0 ;. - 69 ; ?I. ' . 14.. te§.....'..Mt.004..0 . ..,........... Tti.m. 9 . .502 10.4....1.020 ...prim ?1,. *..:26.-,A-,..t.A0,,,,c.,,,,, :c LttogSSSTS.3: 4 O , 4"4B • • . tit momommowammoopms-v ; m.4...4 , 0.1. , 73 0 .0.00...c.V.0..40,.. opc, . The bank statement shows a rather large increase In the, item of deposit', with . a healthy advance in leans and spe&a. The following Saida shays she changes In the aggregates u compared withrhe atatement of the previous week : - Loans .. .. 524,643,781 514 6PB 151 Ine., . $145,020 Specie.. 6,476.406 6.6'15 856 tee 388.450 Doe for ether bke 2 346,188_ 2,5914 5 SAC.. 267,2.97 Doe to other bke.8,446,195 3 370 164 Deo .. 76,030 Deposits 961;496 17 426 777 The... 455,',81 Olrealation.....,. 2,460 645 • 2,520 501 Ism... 69 846 The followsng is ► statement-et the buttons trans eate4 et the Olesring House Out week: _ Clearinna. - . Balance+ paid 82,307 726 21 ' ' 81.19,060 99 2,363 141 86 183.811 76 :2.005 469 95 139.545 15 . 2,226.585 92 166021 82 2,272,931 81 106 991 63 . 2,119,685 99 - 208,763 59 Aura v i Bept. ' , .1 . 2 • • 4/3,735 . 511 54 31,042,278 13 The Penney'Sante Hire Insttrafies Comptny, ,of this city. have deela-ett a semi-itenpal dleglend of $12.60 per share, payable "after the 16:h lost. - We uoderstsed, saya the New-York 2Ymes, that the American railway negotiation in London. alluded to by the hut teleguptno despatch froni Halifax, has refer ence to a company not gaiserally_knewn on this side, bat organized to secure a broad gauge line from the Erie Road to Olean or Little Valley, through Pennsyl vania sot Ohio, to connect at Oincinnatt if.th the broad eange Ohio sod Mississippi to Pt, Lodie, The ro rranime lots never been fully published on this side, a 4 the reported negotiation—the Substance of which, we hear through a party recently from London,-there is no retsina to: contradict—his been conducted with singular boldnese, . both- - in -London and' Paris, the names and influence of- the American kiloliters in both capitals being employed -by le&Te shall, probably, know more of the affair_by:thertext elan. PaIIoki)ELPIIELA. STOOK EXOBAZIGH SAILER, - ' - Peet: 6" 1868- IMPORTED ET MAILRYi siowT , & 00, - sTogg, -/ED micnuuNii 3AOaeaaj losynjaag apitinta ' 78i3D AND othariirs.Thariumrs: - - , 600 abt State Ea..... 89 1000 Sabo Far 60, 'B2 63% 1.100 do - 63 x 2 M 0 do.•. ... .. 63% 2000 Bead B64;10 - 82 1000 Ca & Am 6a, 'B9 79: loop Atleg Val B Ts, 49% Soo Wilss B 64 100 500 Lab !trot% bswri 96)6 20 97 do = • 86 :85 Pie Bk Te bbwn 100 - S 0 Union ak Tea-11 , 0X 100 - do b 5.10034 _ .BSTWIE 50 B ear Meador 64% 11 ralon 33k Ten.bs.loog 10 - do -1.3.100 g 14 Read B min 2t )( SO , - bswo 2 ,g 50 - do - bs us% 2 Louisville 8k......108 2 do' - 108 10 do 55308 il6 do 55.108 eakataßk 11g 20 -do 11% 0 Bk N Axeer?ea....l33X 60 Penn Townep - Bk 34% BOARDS. I 6 Ooni 21 SECOND BOARD: 2000 Peon roe 894 260 do 894 2 40 abt do - ' 894 1E00d0... - . *.-... : . 804 1000 do 694 5000 d 0.... 804 094 14 d 0... - 894 , 24 0 +ay 60.-PU.24s 97% ,1000 Ech Nay ft, 'B2 634 1000 Wilm 11 Os ' -100 :000 Wllm II es ' 100 51is01111-13....... 10, d 0.... - Se NorrlgtAwn XL.. WV 90 Commerelal BY. 4i 25 ' do"' 43 3548.4( - ' ~ 433/ 6 doS -424 • .111 - eskarrn,.,;. 9 qur - • _ . .SV- , ;, t0 :Fra zsear7o-.0) ( -1 1- -- - ;',441,..7 1 151it;e:714( .49X - 40 4,,g. CLOBINO PI d4ked, 8 fa 103X104. tam WO - ,do --,11... , .. -- .17X•28 bc . eyr=.lo2 89M:j toodirdt R ' 24% 24X , 1 bd .70 82 88 --I Aid(QArirdß~C' 1l f( Lal9pa LO A - Pet= ag GO Lltrir: 'Prink • - tzt - 0( 3i 6,4 •!0 . .:01Lia5?4',,,.. 1 IAL do. totes '44.91 do _oitdi 2 86.1 g • p(noat: . 7 43 K 48,11( 1 lolax;fo inbff39)(loo - do ddroad tiog , (orris thud' Con.A3. de Ate - 100 - 100 X iohul 6f es PHILADELPHIA': liARICE f T§I.;;Be , ptimiber 6.:-Eve ning.—Bresdataffs are AMA trenitrii: Holders Of flour are firm, but the muttet is quiet . with a limited export demand. Pales of 2 0 bbis freah ground roper at $5.62% per bbl; 400 bbie Stafford st us 73 , a select brand, and 250 bble extra and extra f toliy VSme.ao. The sales for home coneamption bare been to a. - moss ate extent at $5.1214 m 5 37.4 for o'd $5 04(05 76 for leech ground from nee wheat, $0m6.50 foe extra, and 56.5007.60 for arra family and fancy. Bye Plow S$ quiet $5. Corn Meal 'be ire, but inActire ma_ the same Jane d mind is less settee, bat them is ieee offering, and prices are firm with' Wes' at 11 3m 1.3) for fair and prime Southern and Penoa red, and 31.9be1.40 for Irlerlor and good white. Rye to rather more inquired for. Sales at 77e - for old and 70e, for new. - Coin is In limited reflood at ib, soramoe, with Wee of yellow at 87etfiki. in store, for P vault, and B is for Soothers. afloat. Oats here teen in modeittie demand, w.th salty of 15 - ,100 "btu Southern at the, including one outgo at a private WIWI, a nd 1,500 bra . old at 60e. Bork--Qnssroiteon has been in limited rega.st, with sales of No 1 et $111; 4P ton.. Cotten Is gel l more firmly,' with ealmito4, moderate extent at Nu prices. Goner es rind Profiterole—No change. Tao stock* of Sugar and - hiatuses are - very much re. 'need; but the demand is light. Seeda=-Olcv,reeed ie tot much inquirel for; Mee at i 5 7505 Six per bu Whlekey ii uneettled And lower, with s-les of 1,000 bbLs at 25edes for Pennsylvania and Ohio, including some on terms kept !egret, and drudge at 240. ' EFIILADALISIA. CATTLE MARE ET—BarrEatega 6;1854 —The market for Beef Cattle was dull this week, and pikes are (Co the ICO The lower than last". The er r vale at Wardell's reach-1,450 head Some 700 head were also ofrered and Bold at the Bult'e Head last Thurs day at fair ?eve, which - have orrice ruled dull and 'outer. - About 800 head were left over uouold at War lellls. 'She 10110101 in are the tales at the latter yard 36 Coate*. Chester county, at $7 'OOB 25 35 8 Chandler, ebeeter county 7 75w8 50 1 53 McQuaid & Smith. Ohio 7 5.08 75 315 Mcirride & 6rlanO, Penne 8 0008 50 33 A. H (them Virginia...—. 8 0005 25 40 R. Ohm, Ohio. 800 52 .1 Iroly,•Ohio ...... 8 0008 75 14 J Stevenson, Ohio 8 00 18 Wm Tingle, Ohio 8 0008 50 23 H. Grew, Fayette county 0009 00 15 G Cook, Ohio 7 6008 00 13 James. Blair, Ohio 7 5008 00 143 Alexander & Co, Ohlo 6 5508 CO 47 Morrie & Eater, Ohio 8 0008 62 42 J. Kahn, Ohio - 8 2508 50 34 Seymour, Ohio 8 , 008 26 84 B. Green, Ohio 8 0008 25 53 J Kauffman, Ohio 8 (008 75 28 51. Shenberger, Ohio 7 50.18 50 60 A 0 Baldwin, Ohio 8 0008 50 AS Wm. Roller, .Ohio . 7 5008 60 86 A. Eckman, Chester county 7 7508 25 27 11. Brown, Oblo" 7 o'oB 00 About 8,010 Sheep were brought in to Wardel'e yard this week, and sold at sow eacb, es to quality. Of Cows and Calves the reoehle 110 head, ertlra rengieg at .210 for &rat quality, $25 to 130 for second quality, and $l5 to $:.5 for Dry Cows, according to condition. 8,1130 a 150 Hogs were off ered at Pbill‘pa , yard this week, and cold st from $8.50 to $1.25 the 100 lbw net. New York Markets, Sept. 6. A suss quiet, with small sates at $6 for Pots and Peeris Fr.•ias —The ma-ket for State and Western is heavy and about da lower, with large receipts; sates 9 000 bble at $5 for superfine State, 5$ 40:5 60 for extra Alta ; $5 20 0 5.05 for common to fair extra Western, and $5 6005 55 for shipping brands of extra round hoop Ohio. &either!" Flour ie doll and very heavy ; salt Oro bbls at $4 9005 60 for mixed to good brands, end .65.1 art 7 75 f..r extra brands. Canadian Flour is Tn. t a' 8,76a6.50. OFRIN —What is steady, with a fair demand ; Estes 52 000 bne at $l.Ol for Chicago Spring; 91c for damaged waukee Club; $1 22 for red Western ; slloel 30 d'or r d 'Southern, and $1 2501 45 for white Southern. Corn 14 low; times 83 000 bus yellow at 6.3075 e for mixed Western, eta for Southern yellow, and 96c for round ye tow PROTISI".VS —Pork market is drooping; steles of 500 bbla at 517.45017 50 for Mess, and $15.00 for Prime. is stesell• Lard firm ; sales t f 200 Ws it Ilifists tly4c. vitt Meats unchanged, and Bacot quiet, %smear dull and nominal at 2443. Pstur.-0y auction, 1,000 boxes .PaNiirato Lemons told at $l.BOOl 25 meth. Sfut.sesee continues dull. with no Flies to polio's. Th• —Tho market is quiet, but unchanged; sales 150 tcs at 30 , 3 X c f comm. , to choice Scam—Raw is quiet. but without Important chino; SAW 560 hbdv Cubs at 7% 0. eve —The ma k‘t for ell kinds is quiet, and we hvve only to notice tales of 182 bags lava at 15c ; 30 'mita Rt. Domingo at 95c, and 50 bngt Maracaibo At 1115 c. tiloss.are firm, with a molerate demand ; sales of 1,200 wet .alted B A hi no. 25 Me. at 9a, raeb; 3 500 dry California at 28e. 6 mos ; 1,500 wet salted (Jarman Nips, 10 the, et 120, 0 mos sod 600 Penang Buffalo at 10, c'wh, an they sun Paige —The Weil Itelnde 2 850 Cara de Verde Goat, Itis average, at 37c 4iY piece, lees 3.t4 Sf cent for each Tectorr —The market ia steady, with a moderate in quiry ; Pates 26,000 The at, 10,Va. blillW YORIE STOOK 162WHANG11— Sept. 6. SECOND SPARS. , 00 Reading a 545 40y 100 do - 530 49x 600 do 545 49 160 do 550 45 100 do 49X 4/ 44 5c Obto R 510 6lx 84 1 do I S o o o Mob SO IC N Is. 24X 200 Mich So a Prof 40 100 d 40,y do o 530 b3O 0 lA 0 do 40X 150 do - b3O 47 160 do 630 46X / 00 P 4451114 a : :114.4 80 - 0 Tenn IR Be, 410 00X 901.0 M 4 seouri St, Os 84)( 6500 Ohio Sten, 61 101 3 2000 Harlem ßiot AM 04 31 2000 111 Oen Rd 90x 60 N Y Oen bl O 80 50 do 82 100 Erie Railroad 18X 1(0 Pacific At 8 Co 680 91 106 do 92 0 do hal 917 160 do 91X 100 do WO ,X 850 Chie tt R 1 R 72 90 x 89 LW X kill E SX ' N 1 1 w. R a 1.1 0 pq i Z ENE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers