P-, f•?rit~~j~~_' ' . _ - • ' ,eiklmir74;A;Lis,(iTi„xo4:l•B,-111;011PD) .Ir;r l Lrlial 4 - n.Tlritmit Ofiritrikkersiiitrpriatile t o the •• • - 111440 - labAilpitei . blit'Of the CH' it firx Docialo DOLLARD,. .1101 t Bitair :MOlatitS Tuai*)lo4.4oo;lo/ 1 , 81 x4i 00,1 2 2 0,. Luyariablyln iraneetlip4lo#9ilered: 16601e60`,60,0iiibiii6.iint of _the WOO Timm DOL. ilOar7Aaolor;Ati adiance: . - - , Plt.ttai." ii'liliiii,eßairriVrtir A be rOnt. - 4. . bj " mittlphtafroutdila'adyraro;) . .. 00 - Three-0104 1 6 ,(1 -1•1 v;:•• 44 - 6 . 00 rive 0 00ieqp " • - .... . 800 Tea toptro ) " ' . . - 12 00 Twenty Oapleir;t2; - te , :eto'ofko'oldiess) 00 00 Tweoty'Ooplen ori - oier' /111 , 68111 c -Or - eaoh Rub'seriber7) eaoh..:.: - , 1- 00 For, Qlub of Tire4y4ao 91'04 IFIU , send extra copy tithe getter 4; of-tbo'0140; ii Poatmi,storo' arc reqaerted to not as Agents for Tau WisiLy Passs.;: - VALIFORICIL PRESS.' Issued -.86m!-Dlonthl.i, 7 lii : Urn : e rata, Wal.qic ' lV, 3l "e/Val &'t L L '& GU. , I. f= sj--;t ,S ir•T• teelt•od‘Rfrt ottomans, new styles • JOirelry, Chatelaine , VOA Oho, ' , • - gplandld Irani, Iladr Rine. ; , , , -Pruttltan — do,'Pngar Basket s . ' •-• • Coral, Lava and Mouth Sots. S° l ° Agentri• Philndolphla for tho sale of Charles iftnlehmahet.Ottclo;: , 'ol4*.Ehlt'l4ll,l3 -del° -"`"-- ivaLs . ort & sox, ,114:tyru,FAcrulina.l. OF"- SlLKltilt WARS. • B..`vir CORN • (48TILDLIBIIN D. 1814,) • • . llt - A largo assortment of 'own& WARE, of or 'err de aorlptlon, constantly oo,lowid,ormade.to order to =toll any pattern desired:_ • • Importaro of ditefereld and . Birmingham' impotted ware. • 41 ; , , „ - se3o-ddrArly S.-4ARPEN , Sc=Bßo.- - _ t• • AWNIIIPAOTOREIIB Abri) - 11402111118" fir SILVED-PLATED WARE; No. SO4 Chestnut , Street, above, Third,- (up , Italia ) ) Conaiaailitio hand And or sale titbit Trade, ' TEA SETS.,COMMTINION SESTION Sk.ITES, 'URNS, DITOIISND, - GOBLETS, OIIPS,MAITERS:I3AS ILETStDO 04 n W, Eos, OPOOSS,JIORKS, LADLES bo. Bre Glldio* aid 'ONO of On ad Mir* of metal: sie2l- 04,4 14 7 ei44—:040t6 WHELAN & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS B 0,0 T 'ANN) . 1.1 011 5 :STRAW 000DS, . • Ro: 513 MARKET . STREET, puiLADRLPuiA. LEVICK, RABIN, &,C03,, noor 4Np . f3IICiE WARESOVELE, ~UNU'ACTOSZ -- NO,: . 426.MARKET STREET, NORTHCSIDE, BELOW SIXTHi tprunty-sxcARRIS, , MANIVAOTIIIIEES AND WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTWA:Nto SHOES, N. W. Corner THIRTY and A.lloll' Streets, • • • .. . 3. & M. St,4IcINDEAS, WHOLE ALB Dzerams BOOTS SNOBS, Of PeIIIADRLPHIAand EASTERN Maantiteture. ALBO, • STRAW GOODS AND SOFT RATS. 0 41 .9 G, kind prompt SUCTMONTIII BUYERS WIG Rod it tolkeir litereet tci'examine our Stock. arGO-Dir No: S 1 (Forth sinintn street., & 13ROPIERS, • . MAIONACTUREII73 W#OLESAI.III DEALEB'B CITY. AND_ EASTERN MADE BOOTS' AND ',SHOES, ' No. ip 434 SMART IT STREST i Below /Mh o South side, PHILADELPHIA STOOS , BOOTS AND, SHOES. .I'OOPR THOMPSCiN CO.r - No. INA AISARICET Fa7:3as4 67 iIAHSLIhT PLACE,___ RAYS NOW tH SITOSIN A LA*LosZ Zlfl-W I L L "MT" NiOON. ON iN3ojs Arli) Or Orli AND EASTERN BIANIIPAIITUBB. Which they offer for isle on the heet tsrma for cash, nr nu the ttanai credit. !Myers are incited to call and . examine their stock. • - jy3llll UOOTS AND SIIODS.—The = subscriber has on hands large awl varied stook orBOOTS and 380F43, which he will lien at the loweat_pricee. • GEO. W. TA YLOR` - n 021,17 S. X. earner PLATA and sarqprr 8b Ilse attain L E Dwust s w..FAYNE, IRON BUILDING,,AROEI BTREDI', • , One door above Fourth nirinven AIAD D 11,11.111 111, LISTINGS GALLO6I;IOi BILBETIN6I3, PIIRNCEI KID, COEIIIOBB WEBB, TOIGST Bl;lPi'llita UPPERS, BLIFTBR 2RIDS3JINOB, LAOEB, &a. sul9.2m IVOTICE TO SHOE • MANUFAOTURERS. 1111 The undersigned (onmeeasori to thilatti TOStPil T. JOHNS) are now prepared to' meet, the wants of, tit trade at the 4 , • , - ois 'S 1 1 A. Noitheturt coiiier of itOU anti" FOIJRTEI etTeeto Their facilitiii for liiPORTING and FURNISHING every article in the SHOE STUFFS and TRIMMINGS line, at moderate prices and on favorable terms, are unsurpassed. ' • , The attention of rBUYERS tofespeWttliy WE. JOHNS & BON anl7 N. B. .A.rch and lioarti: sta., • gip. pETERP,' , PATENT NONEXPLOSIVE BELI-GENIRATINO GAS LAMP - Is the only Patent Burner that has a NON-OONDUOTOII ATTAOROD. Per eatetyi Cheate, and Drattaney, it supra*, All others. • - 4 • -- STATI AND 09DNInt RIGHTS FOR BALI.' - Address • • D.P. PRTRII9,' - • B. W. corner 71100 ND and ORISTNIIT Ste., Phlla delphla ; and 429 BROADWAY, New York. ratte-17-rp agointin ,4Eitrbe . r. r. Anatis. ,___,. -, .; , 9. A. KURIL , A BRAMS & • Bt&YEA,, - - - AtToßl4.oxs•Am LAW HAVEN, LOOK PI., Will attend promptly to all prefetelonal beakless en. trotted to them. lipecial attention Oren to the oollec tion of oialme.— ' . ~.- -. . ' _ - W m. P. Packer; liarrhsbnig, Pal ;A. A. Mackey, President Lock Haven Bank ; ,General-D.- K. Jackman, Lock. Raven; Hon. A: White, Look Haven ; Simon Stott, Lock :Haven; itullttt & Pairthocne, Philadel phis ;, Mc irtudand; Evans; Philadelphia; Hymn, & Wabsitt,'Philadelphia; Phillip Price_ , Philadel. Okla; Hon V. Pintenei Philadelphia; Taylor, &." Car.rPhiledelphis ;- Toner & Davie, Phila.; delphia; Hon. James-Durneide, Bellefantei - Pa.; J.W W. (Wiggle, JAtiti, Philadelphia. - jy 26-15 Li 0:TH61080N AND 0; It; OMAR awI,. coil vsyezioima. - • GE0.11.,91411110X1N, ATTOILNICY, AT. LAW,. sps-y - ' No'. 93 .131011 street, below Tenth. . CTARLES, TETERWCOSSidei• MEE LL OHANT and. Importer , 'of_ HAVANA . , Mani (News NVI WiLipat,Orist.t: gaio'nd Itor' i 11*- AUMAN. IicIiAIWRO-4, ." ‘:;•"::''- • , ILI Importeri and 'Whqiiiiite 'Detain - In wiNts, BRANDIER, WiIIEtICEY, GINS and rivicrsr ita. Quoßs, Nci. 1017 11 . I , A BA C, MT Street; between Tenth ILIA iloovontle stiouta, , , -- . -- -2, , --- ' " filtlAr LlOUSE,lig;33,pktrctr. ;341TM:1 MANII AA. FACTORY; • . The - enhaetiton• reo tlaUy eat the attention .EXTENSIYR STOOK OF DROBSEB,'-... - aunObot. - 4Phi • - AT T 8& souias OF xintrine, FOR BALE "XY"Fitio - FF itil ititlNkoolllPlgiTl9N A large etealt.oiitlnleatithet Bellows on hand. aBB2IRY o::zoirsTmirril Noith.Tifißio Stettot; below-Arch. __-- VATAIIMEN43-7AND;VENTriL4TING - • T Ttio), substirlbor - tionlit Liitto' the speolaLatteutlon . of Arobtteot Builders owl the public Ot ILO% #A.Tlttit.-,BOIV-CLX<itttG AND WAitti,MA Pttal4Aoßi Mkt& has bbeu soimodisiffilltbitrodtdedAnring the last winter ltggai# oittelt- - sat(stiotion', , Is i s so =ailed en to , cobtittliii - th - O;iratiii the - 0041i , _ =Wog t -OW stpt.'dfaritblo .lleatoni oltotito aittiattothof of CoOltiniZtogis - Haiti .Bottoii-; ovekul i sLow ,Down And - Wattled Unita, every istioty,ot: ttegitOrs and -.Venttlatort;:pirepftee Stoves, OollioePotoot OtihnbatOspe; ffs:thcogrii of smoky otit4opygwip oloottor at of . 41 goo!? f 4, my otbmotte "P!" ' Pfompt Ltts'otioo,Poia to fionita V stud log;and prises *educed to mit 'Vow:- -..9,:p...4IHABLEStiVILULM B, ,--,:l4,.l2EVi.:•c=fl4Latolst4tr 4,,Wi#111130,) 404.1fructicRT Street: PAWL. _ 26 Failwifine4lhiseraiLynch VR~- -11rux`tAit. - x4Evrom • -., • PO 1 3 9;04 NitONTlernt. . , , The Sword-fish wail the first to spealtv, , And opened wide his jaw, ', To say that ~ , s tguitust invasion, he Was bound lie sword to draw. Ifs could not see injoitice why ' The eablaabet should lay,; And Wry fteh should Me kis seiltp. The subject well - to todigh".” . ' The Shark; in ,u : d d ahe mu -„ - - And hoped ihatnone would scoff - When he announced that ho hadtried - To bite the cable offt 'But to lee tall there went a shock; • - Hie stoinach !teemed on fire; Gone wore his teeth, and with them went. ' • His appetite for wire. The Whale addressed the meeting then, And said, ti Bly friends. gnu know -That I'm a trot-rate spouter and , Of coarse I'm bound to blow.. I shall not blubber, that's no use, But I will give you tight, Oil en the troubled meters throw, And make this matter right. ,1 1tut, as mermaids do not wear thein, Tne cable In the sea, • Brom all the scaly monsters shall Protection fin' in me. AU the little whaled aroma me - litftr./ih 00 ,4 - , a one eh Cnl4llo cable • ' A Prince - otardiei ' ' n What inotthis to de with Bennett P' Will exclaim my readers all, • t , Nothing surely”—l admit it; - I've not mentioned Tower Ball. , There is no occasion for it, As everybody kßowe - Of th 4 bargains made at Bennett's, In the purchasing of clothes. DiINNETT4I - Towza Ra.ar. CLOTHING 1:118hAn, No. 518 51ABICEP Street, tSorrth side, between .giith and Sixth Streets. • NEW FALL. GOODS. ' L. J. LEVY & CO. Beg leave to cell attention to their elegant eeeortment of • - FALL DRESS GOODS , . Now on hand and arriving by every eteetner, iomprising RICH RILK , by the yard; ELEGANT SILK ROBES, Doable 'lope; RICH PRINTED moussßraNE DE LAINES, and HAeIIMERIS t together with a large variety of PLAID GOODS, and other new DrAen Mate rials WHOLESALE , AND RETAIL. • - 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT ST. se:2-et PHILADELPHIA'` PIIILADZLYIII/1 Etas l B,, zarrpziap, i'o l 3loll ANV,ARCIf STREETS, • STAPLE AND PANOY RICH SILK ROBES A LEE; SILK ROBES, DOUBLE SKIRTS; SPLENDID ROBES; TWO FLOUNCES; SPLENDID ROBES, THREE FLOUNCES; - NEWEST , STA EB , .1? ALL SILKS; ROUND-CORNERED SHAWLS; EXTRA RICH PRINTED DE LAMB; PLAIN AND BAPADERE BLACK BILKS. BITE •LANDELL, eopl-38t • FOURTH AND . ARCH STREETS OPENING. • THOMAS W—EVANS 4 00. WILL OPEN THEIR • NEW STORE oN diONDAY,S.EPTEMBER: 6th, With a large anti elegant maortment of DRY GOODS, ____ _ and 820 ORRSTNOT.STRERT. -- . -- sel.bt A 9 #BOI , TABLE CLOAKS. 4.. W. PROCTOR &•CO. Invite the attention of Ladles to their Stook of , CLOAKS, aIItdeLAER RAGLANS, Suttable for ' FALL WZ7AR, At the PARIS MAETILLA, AND OLO4K EMPORIUM - NO. 708 CHESTNUT STREET, ante - -PHILADELPHIA. FALL GOODS lo OR 1868 Over 8,000 yards of NSW itILKS, just received by 'PfIORNIARY' do 0.1113,34, N. B. car. EIGHTH. and SPRING GARDEN Stmt.. Bought for CASK and. to bo cold only for 0A sii,! We can oonfidently weed that the above goods are so cheap that purchasers eau save a large per oentailc by buying of us. Oar BLLOKSILKB cannot be 'excelled on this Octal nent of America: 1 - • We challenge a comparison. New Detainee otheautifal designs. Pole de Ohevreo Valencise, and very handsome Rl4- ,11811. French, and American Ohintz.s. , Now Stella Shawls - Crape Bbawle, Broths OhaW/S,, Blanket Ehawls, kO. A very large stock' of Domestic Blankets. Guilts Counterpane,Best Family Linens of our own importation -• Table Cloths, Table Covers, Piano Covers,' Bland clovers, &c. Olathe, OtuisiMeres; dco., for Men ' s and Boys' wear. We have. determined to keep the, boat Stock this 'season we have ever lied, and' to maintain our reputa tion as one of the Beet notume in Philadelphia to Buy at., , PATENT LEATHER, THOENLEY A OILIBM, N. N. Cor. 61 0 411T11 A. SPICING 0/LIMN Btavetil, ' “Vfil HAVE ONLY ONB PRICE." . Jel94f - DANT/iLOON 'STUFFS. X. Coattail; 'Postings, and Broadcloths. Goods specially for Boys' wear. • - „Dummer Pant Stuffs, selling cheap. • MESH Mt/BLIND Itithe basement; of BRAY good make, by the yard or piece, at a Small per cent. On the Agent'e package price. - • , DOMESTIC 000DIL • • Irish Linens, One and heavy. Shirt Bosoms, Table Linens. Towels, Diapers, and Napkins. 'Pickings sad Plannels. , • • MARSEILLES WILTS. • Blankets from $1 25 per pair upwards. ' Summer Spreads - melting elf cheap. MANTILLA ROOM. Plaid Dusters at 75e. Lavelle do, 21.25 to 21.7 5 . Pine Dusters from $2.50 to PM: But a few more Silk Mantillas and Misters, which we will close out a; a great reduction. Goods fdr Bummer and Pall Travelling Dresses. Merrimaoks; beat and dark; new styles. COOPER. & OONAIGN S. N. corner NINTH and MARKET. ATWOOD, RALSTON,' & 00.; CARPETS,FOIt FALL SALES. No. 920 CHESTNUT STREST, - Are slow prepared to exhibit to 'he trade a very ex tonelve stock of BINE cAIIPETINGS, Imborted direct from the best manufacturers, or pur chased at the large sales in Now York, conaistiog of THE NEWEST PATTERNS (nnty never before offered for sale) OLVELVET CARP P.Te, in single and double widths) TAP raThlrEmisSaLS, extra quality ; OHOICE HEAVY BRIJS3ELS, neat designs. RIPER TIIRBE.PLY INUIiaIN and VENETIANS, of every variety of style and quality. Confining ourselves exclusively to the 0 ASH, SYSTE It; , we shell be enabled at altllmes to give one customize the beet Goode, at the' - LOWEST PRICES. eel.tf FITIGSPUATIO ' GUANO. Ii liter° and for isle by ' • JOS. B. HANSON & ATAOXER EL —260 :bbls Nos. 1, 2, and 8 _ILL. Mackerel, now landing, and for sale by • . '• • 0. 0: SADLER & CO., ma- .- • Arch at., second door above Front. - . 910 — WESTERN AND SOUTHERN HER oftiNTS.-6 large stock of Manilla' Rope - on hand i lind for mi-obi . - • Oli.A.Vliitt, & 00., " 3 . No. 28 North Water street. and No, 22 North, WHARVES, _ : '...‘.-----47-.•1"'.7.:'-. \ .10 - pi .. .. -.. .‘ • f;:101 i ii • '- '1 :- * '-il Y•A v k7rr i r7 . l 94 7 '''''',,;" , -,L v r . , , • , ,--- , - . - .' k ;il.''',ll, ',.. • ••,:... '' s '‘‘\ 1 1 ://' / I p „,„ ..; xfi:z.v 4. ;,.:; . : . ' trt= tz • ~ ~ . . .. . . . (7 . ~1. - ty,i,m . ‘ , .., 4 -.: 4,- --... fr 6 • s - •:0•:. ..!- •....,;,..-.# ~_ . t" ': - • t" - T:"....5 - , 2 - 7....... . ~ ,i . , •••,.:. 1, ~ *.. t -, _ ~- - • ..e, "" ...tii;' 5., , , , ' i1 t,....-- -- --- .7 7 --Al , -=- 4 , 1 ,1 1 _',11. - :ip ? ...-!',q .. - 4 'A ,- -- -1' .... 4•:•.• ::. ~.,.7 ....„...„..„ , ..,__.,-.„:„:„,,w.;,, .174,,,ex„,,,,,iti0,,••;-...:.•q:- k iiir[•--- ; :0 . 4-1 TVR . W . :',... /2 - "...?.7,-- - = 1 . ..; . ~..,...•. „. . , • • . , , . ..,....... , uE ~,,,,.., ._ ..."• •,,... '...F-2,::- - - 4 -.,-,.,—,.....2 :':...c , t.t• ~..!,,,;!•::! • - 1 - -1;74x!,,F7-4 ,-.... _,..., 4,.." 1- ... 1 1-.6:_g '-- '5l---;s 4 : : 24 ' W 07 1 -*'.. s :it . :: . .-.;,,..-.. • -4- 1 : i1...1;.:•:.::t•P,A-.'!:44-0-41filiitri4 ~ •.4 ' k_,'"'g - -- ' ..___.;- .;_.,t':''. :.:44,,.....t . :, 1 141 ---- --- 7 -----7—.------ ::-...• '':_ .:. ' ll' . '"l'=Lilli`l,4Z''''-'"--' " • ,:,.. . , . , , . 1...,,,.........- .--.-....__•/..-----7-•••,Arik... ......--••••'. . 4-'-- -"--- ' :. ' . ' ......'.... ' . ' ..... ' ''''' .......---- ' "." ~ . • . i ( . . . ' • , , . - . • - VOL. ,2.-NO. 311. A l F t reh Story' rIVIr ?111 sAaii Or rowel att t_ BeAesth the' &naafi bilidlig; _Where, in hie acehli bed, - Neptsne..en hie coral pilfers, 'Can rest hid Miley heed; The Brum tribes have lately:itchy A meeting to theatre. „ , Why 'Vandals, orer,their derseiros, Have stretched a relic,' of wirer: "I'm monarch of-the octan t "- The Mermaids on ma wait; ' ' And My very b,nea I'd part with • To keep the ladles soot/it. Aye; If they asked It of me— Though some of them are Picts—. ThePd got the Atlantic cable To use for 'corded skirts., 'Udall Mtn Ociabe SILK GOODS. OPENING OF FRENOII GOODS TO-DAY Earpelinse. 533 MARKET STREET, AGENTS FOR . PHILADELI4IIA AND MASITHN CARPET MANUFACTURERS, Bole Agents In tide any for the AUBURN - OARPETINGtB, nanufaettired by Josiah Barber SATLY # BROTILER, .ffetlUi3era. 5,000 BARRELS AND BAGS VUOSI BOSIBBERO ISLAND, No, 106 North WATER Otreat, and No. 106 North DELAWARE Avenue ecrotis. ril BERNBEIM 'Si CO., .111. No. 21 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Are now opening a splendid FALL STOOK Or MILLINERY GOODS In it will be roma a superb assortment of FRENCH. FLOWERS. FEATHERS, RIBBONS, - - RUCHES, end BONNET MATERIALS - IN GREATEST VARIETY, A largo portion of which haajuat been received per STEAMER ALPS. , . The Inducements we offer to 1 . CASE, H ORT-TIME,AND. RESPONSIBLE SIX ) MONTHS BUYERSBUYERS . are, unl l arpassed by any other establishment in this country, To merchants now visiting the city, we ex tend a cordial invitation to call and examine our stock before making their purchases. Oar motto is, and always, has been, "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS" auBl,2nt., , FALL MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN_- - BTONE SONS, No. 806 CHESTNUT STREET, Asg now prepared to offer to their enetomers, and the trade, a large and welt-sel.oted assortment of - pILKB y - .. RIBBONS, 'BATHERS, 'LOWERS, and AIILLINBRY GOODS Cooth i tng themselves exclusively to this branch of the trade, and Impoitiog the larger part of their stock, enables them to offer an assortment unearpsssed extent and variety, which will be sold at the lowest prices and the moat favorable terms. an274m JNO. 0. FALCONER & CO., 725 CHESTNUT !STREET, yr STAIREI, Have now In store a complete ageortment of SILKS, RIBBONS, VELVETS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, and MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY, To which they invite the attention of the trade- 33 SOUTH SECOND STREET. 33 Buyers of MILLINERY GOODS, Will find tot prepared to exhibit a most complete and elegant assortment of New Styles BONNET MATERIALS, ItIIIIIONS, in Immense variety, /RENON and AMERICAN BLOIVERE, PZATHERS, RIIMIES, dco Also, a beautiful Stook of STRAW ,GOODS, Comprising oil the desirable Btyleet Our PRICES, which are Axed and uniform, are graduated at a MINIMUM ADVANOB UPON COST, Boo Mos which WO allow 73 PER GENT. FOB OABIT DEALERS from a distance, who may not be aware Of the bilstence of such an Establishment, OUT OP MARKET STREET, will benefit themaelyes by a 'elan to A. H. ROSENHEIM & BROOKS, No. 83 Booth SECOND Street, above Chestnut •n23.dtnovl 1858 FALL STOCK. 1858 LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS,- ITO. 45 SOUTH SECOND STREET, IMPORTERS AND MANUPACTURERS STRAW GOODS, BILENvII HLOWEDs, - - vouvnx AND ELM xINNErs, --xuIMAIED STRAW BONNETS, ' RIBBONS, 11110IIES, and - MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY. Pattern Bonnets made and trimmed to order. SOUTHERN AND WESTERN BUYERS Are Invited to call and examine the MOST COMPLETE STOOK TO BE POUND IN THE COUNTRY. aula./m HILBORN JONES, - MANUFACTURE'S AND WHOLIDULDDRALEIRIN FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, - ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, RUCHES, &o: SOFT FUR AND WOOL BATS. The attention of city and country dealers is invited to a large and varied stook of the above goods, at 432 MARKET STREET, BELOW FIFTH. AUGUST, 1868. We would Invite the attention of Southern and Western Buyers to our Fall Styles of SUE, VELVET, and FANCY BONNETS, ASTIFIOIAL FLOWERS, FEATHERS, and MILLINERY GOODS, Now ready for the Trade at the lowest Market prices. STERN & FREEMAN, ►a7-Im 725 CHESTNUT Street. IWARD,Noa. 108 and 105 N. SECOND • Street, Manufacturer and Dealer in Fancy and Straw Bonnets, Chenille and Straw trimmings Also, Feathers and Flowers, all of which are of the latest and most fashionable styles N. IC—Cash Buyers will find it to their advantage to give UR a call. . au24lm* Qb 6. 4 om. PER TON for the beet WHITE twur.co... ASH COAL, warranted free from date or duet. HICKS' COAL is the beat land cheapest in the city, re-screened in yard and dry under cover. j_TIOKS sells none but the very best Lehigh 11 and Schuylkill Coal, and warrants full weight. HICKS superintends the delivery of all Coal personally, and therefore guarantees it to be ae represented. 11[10K.S' Yard and Office is at the southeast 11 corner of MARSLI ALL and WILT OW, whore he invitee all to call and examine for themselvee the above facts. au26-3m KNOWLES' FAMILY COAL DEPOT, .11.31. NINTH and WILLOW Streets, where the HICK ORY end LEH 1011 COAL can be supplied in Re purity, at fewest OM prices. au2l43n *MIRING, FOX, & 00., wholesale and 12 retail dealers in LEHIGH and SCHUYLKILL 00AL. Lehigh yard--THISD street and GERMAN. TOWN ROAD. Malylkill yard—BACH and BROAD streets, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand Ooal from the mod approved MIMI, Under coyer, and pm. peed expreeely for family tuse. felfq gi ato anb Cava AGARD & CO., NO. 323 MARKET STREET, VATS NOW IN OTOSH AN ENTIRB NNW STOOK HATS AND CAPS. TO WHICH THEY INVITE THE ATTENTION OF BUYERS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE UNION, anlo.2m* • C . H. GARDEN & CO., UANUFAOTU7UNB 0/, AND WIIOLNOALN DNALNNEI IN, MATS, OAPS, FURS, STRAW GOODS, FANCY BILK AND STRAW BONNETS, MUM OIAL,PLOWERS, RITCHES, FEATHERS, &c., No. 600 MARKET STREET, S. W. Corner of Sixth street, Philadelphia. ALERCHANTS are respectfully invited to examtao our Steak. aul4.2m laentiotrg. E - --4- - - C. A. KINGSBURY, M. D., 44.... DENTIBT, Wotan Inform his (Honda that he has REMOVED to MO WALNUT threat, above Eleventh. ie2-8m 4r—zz. Dr. W. S. MoILBENNEY,Dantist, would inform his friends that he has resumed practice at No. 18E3 CHESTNUT Street, second door above the U. S. ;dint. sepl-Bin GANGS OF RIGGING made to order by WEAVER, BITVER, & CO., 28 North Water Street, and an2B No. 22 North WIIARV.I2B. BAGGI G TWI E-6,000 lbs Superior Bagging Twine, suitable for tho Southern market, manufactured and for sale by • I WEAVER, BITLER,_at CO., tin234f , 28 North Water street. SHAD. -50 Bblo Sea Shad, just received and for Bale by 0. 0. EILDWIR & 00. ear • brola at, legend door above //rout. PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6; 1858. 133llolcsale 1:11412 Goobs 250 DISTINCT' STYLES OP PARIS SHAWLS, and for sato, wholesale, by P. N. ML•LIZC'r & 00., No. 312 ORESTNUT Street EMMii DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS, TABLE COVER% - TABLE NAPHINS and TOWELLINGS TO THE DRY 0001)3 MEROILMS Gatmxtotu : As I havo - bontowed more than usual exposes and labor in gottmg up.this Article of Damask Table Lloen in this country. and have snare dad In furalsh.eg an article equal, and in some respects supe— rior, to the Imported' one, at a much lees expense, I trust that these who have a disposPion to encourage AIigRIOAN ENTERPRISE and American labor will not forget my address. JOHN OLENDENNING Jr, CO., ARAMINUO MILL, FRAIVRFORD, , PHILADELPHIA, P. S.—Those who travel and supply Country Trade will find it to their advantage to call at the; Factory before purchasing elsewhere. Parties wishing to bey, and cannot make it convenient to call at thuffsclory, will please send their .ddress, and they wilt he waited on with aamnlee of the above. • eeB.linif FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS PEMBERTON S. HUTCHINSON, No. 112 Chestnut street, Offers for axle MARIJEN, EETING& SHIRTINGS, NER S A TR S IPES SH , OSNABURCHIS, FLANNELS, DROWN, BLEACHED, AND COLORED MUSLIMS, , ; In all wi / the from the BALTIC MAN'G CO., BATES MAN'G CO:, NORTIIVILLE DO. LOWELL DO. FAIRHILL DO. . WEST BOYLSTON DO. Mao, Templeton Mills Doeskins and Fanoy Oesslmeres, W edward do. do. do. Saxony Mill do. do. do. T.'go.her with alarms absortmont of desirable Foreign Gooos. sepl•lm THOMAS & MARTIN, No. 297 ORESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION NEWMANN FOR. TUN SALE OF AMERICAN COTTON AND WOOLLEN GOODS TO DEALERS IN OIL CLOTHS. The Bubeeriber having superior facilities for Diana featuring FLOOR, TABLE, STAIR, end CARRIAGE: OIL CLOTHS, Is now prepared to offer great inducements to Dayera from all parts of the country. A large and choice Stook Constantly on hand. Great care will be taken in selecting for Dealers who order by mail. WAREHOUSE, No. 229 ARCH Street, Phila. au23 Sm* THOMAS POTTER, Mannfacturci:.' NEW AND CHOICE STYLES ELLINGTON CARPETS. (CROSSLEY'S PATENT DRUSSELS,) CONSTANTLY RECEIVIN4 AND MADE TO ORDER ON SNORT NOTICE. Fa SALE BY JOSEPH 198 and 180 CHESTNUT STREET. au2l4m p ACIPTO DELAINES, PERSIANS, OASIDIERES, ALMAS, PRINTS, ETC. ALSO, A LARGE STOCK OF FOREIGN DRY GOODS, BY THE PACKAGE, YOU BALE DT LITTLE & STOKES, No. 235 CHESTNUT Street BROOKS' PATENT GL.4.OE SPOOL COTTON. BOLE AGENTS FOR PHILADELPHIA, - cz- a.N.E S, NO. 235 OIIESTNUT - IsTREET. an214.8t BLABON & SMITH, MANUFAOTUREII9 OW OIL CLOTHS. WA.REROUSE, 14 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA Ostaa to the trade a full stook of Floor 011 Clothe, medium and extra qua li ty enamelled Muslin Drills and Duck. Table 011 Cloths, new styles; green glazed Oil Cloth for window shades. A complete assortment of Window Shades, trimminge, &a. We invite the attention of dealers to our stook. aulSdiza RIDGWAY, HEIISSNER, & CO., IMPORTERS OP CLOTHO, DOESKINS, and CASSIBIERHS NOLIAGINTB 101 TUE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED MANUFACTURERS PREP. }MORENO, (Little Ticket,) W.A. }MANNY, Abb.°, orvEns & SCHMIDT, (9 and M Clothe ' ) RAMONA BROTHERS, (Fancy Oassinterea,) BROICH & LAMBERTS, (P and B Clothad E. TOBNNIES & CO., F. G. HERMJIAN & SON, (Macon Oloth) HASELOFF & 09. No. 206 CHESTNUT STREET, PITILADELPHIA. H. W RIDGWAY, aul&Rm CHAS. HEUSSNER. GLENEOIIO MILLS, 01111MANTOWN, PA A. Ma/ALUM & CO., UANIDUOTEDDIRS AND WNOLDIILLM DEALIRS IN OARPETINGB, OIL CLOTHS, ico WAREHOUSE, No. 80 RANK STREET, 1,200 PACKAGES Brown and Bleached SHEETING% SHIRTINGS, and DRILLINGS, direot from LACONIA, GREAT FALLS, HADLEY, PERKINS, 31ASSAOLIGSETTS, DWIGHT, DARTLET, and CABOT MILLS, In which will be founds large and desirable assortment, to which wa beg to call the attention of the trade. ROBESON INDIGO BLUE PRINTS, lIAMPDEN TWEEDS, STRIPES, TIOKINGS, AND COTTONADES, In groat variety. SATINETS, FLANNELS, &0., For sale by FROTHINGIIABI k WELLS, Agents, auB-2mlf 35 LETITIA St. and 34 S. FRONT St. WELLING, COFFIN, & CO., 116 CHESTNUT STREET, Rave on hand, and are constantly receiving, tic fol. lowing description of goods : A. & W. ORME/USW PRINTS, in great variety, Including Chocolates. Turkey Beds, Greene, Blues, Shirtinge, and Fancy Styles. BLEACHED (MEETINGS, SHIRTING% A DRILLINGS. Lonsdale, Masonville, Statesville, Hope, Washington, Union Mills, Blackstone, Cohannet, Johnston, White Rock, Phenix, Acton, &o. DROWN (MEETINGS, SKIRTINGS, AND OSNA BURGS: Matoaca, 'Virginia Family, Groton, Ritrick, Kaat'n Virginia, Eagle, Manchester, Mes's & Frain% Still Water, Mechanics', Warren A, Cans' River, Riverside. CLOTHS. Bottomley% Pomeroy's, and °Unbent Co.'s Black end Fancy all.wool and cotton warp Cloths In great variety. DOESKINS AND CASSIMERES. Greenfield Co., Sextons River, Bristol, Ton" Stearn's, and others. SATINETS. Stearn% Ayres & Aldrich, Taft & Capron, Minot, Charter Oak, Mineral Springs, Swift Hirer, Carpenters', Florence Mills, Ilocknonm, Duhring% Conversville, &o. SlLESlAll.—Lonsdale's, Smith's, and other makes, plain and twilled, of all colors. Fancy Negro Stripes and Plaids. Jewett City and Irene Stripes, Denims and Pickings. Rhode Island and Philadelphia Limeys and Apron Checks. Shepard's and Slater's Canton Flannels, &o. 1y22-9.nt '8 /RIM LINENS, RIORAEDSON DANLA.SIES, DIAPERS. Arm. CONSUMERS of RICHARDSON'S LINENS, and those destroy"; of obtaining the GENUINE GOODS, should see that the articles they purchase are sealed with the full name of the arm, RICHARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, As a guarantee of the Nonndness and durability of the Goode. This caution is rendered essentially necessary as large quantities of inferior and defective Linens are prepared, season after season, and sealed with the name of RICHARDSON by Irish houses, who, regardless of the injury thus inflicted alike on the A mericanl consumer and the manufacturers of the genuine Goode, will not readily abandon a 'business so profitable, while pur chasers can be imposed on with Goods of a worthless charades. J. BULLOOKE & J. B. LOdKE, • sny2S-Om Agents, 88 CHURCH Street, New Tor". New Tilriblizatiotto TAMES ORALLEN & SON, "No. 25 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, Publish THE CITY OP TILE GREAT IClNG—the most superb work on Jerusalem ever Issued. $3.50. lIADJI IN SYRIA 76 cents CARPENTRY MADE EASY. $3. NEW JUVENILE LIBRARY. $2.50. CAVE OP MACPIIELAB. $l. GOSPEL AND ITS ELI/MEETS 30 cents. 011hInTIAN EVIDENCEs. 85 cents. Ie PREBIi. PALESTINE, PAST AND PRESENT. 53 60. IN AND AROUND STAMBOUL. $1.25. au2s.lm* JUST OUT! NOW READY! I man "NATIONAL MECIIANTO,' , THE GREAT WORKINGMEN'S PAPER ! ! READ IT! READ! READ IT ! 1.1:7" It contains a large' amount of matter of vital Interest to every one that earns a living by honest in dustry. To be had at the Office, No. 108 X South Third Street, (up stairs ) AGENTS and CARRIERS WANTED IMMEDI ATELY. aul7 VALU AB B WORK ON COLONIAL v LAW—MALE "RS' OPlNlONS.—Opinions of eminent Lawyera on various pointe a Engluth Juris prudence, chiefly concerning the Colonies, Fisheries, and Commerce of Great Britain : Collected annigested front the Originals in the BoArd of Trade and other De poaitories. By GEOBOE CUALstEltil, Esq., S.A. 1 vol; Bvo, 815 pages. Jnlit reeeived and for sale by KAY do BROTHER, Law Boot sellers, Publishers , and Importers, ha . ? 19 South Sixth street. TENNENT-SCHOOL. HAR TSVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA. OYS FITTED FOR COLLEGE —OR— , BEISi NESS. MIXT TERN COSIRRROITS NovRIfRIR rs M LONG, PRINCIPAL. Iprerences—llor. /immix BLRNits, Lmwoz, it. ABR. _ 214 , 8 ; 1 104. CR01..7 FROLIC:MR, Virgin'.. Lion. LIWRRIC OLIAPMAN. ROO•oodßwir... TRUITT, BROTHER, & CO., .•:;. HARDWARE, oupixny, . 4 t GUNS, ;A: 1"' PISTOLS, &o 529 BURKE! STREET, Bolow Sixth, North aide, , . ittl27-2m PHILADELPHIA. MOORE, HENSZEY, & CO., Nod, - 427 MARKET AND 13 COMMERCE STB., HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, &c., I.ls.v:s now In store, and will be receiving throughout tit:ron, a large and well selected assortment of their line, to which they Invite the attention of ',!k_HSTRRN AND SOUTHERN BUYERS autliKmt r_IirVIDWARE.—The subscribers, COM ineSION MEROHANTS for the sale of FOREIGN AND .IIoIIESTIO HARDWARE, would respectfully oali Ihit attention of the trade to their stook, «blob they are offering at lowest rates. Our aluiortment corr elate in part of— Chains of all kinds—Trace, Log,llalter, Breast, Ox, 00, 0 1 ,tfih, Back, Wagon, Stage, Tongue, Look, Ship, Nie, and Coil C hains. The celebrated L Boris Nails ; atone and Sledge Hammers. and other Awns; Solid Box and other Vines; • Shoreand long handle Pry Fans; round and oval Make Pens. Martin's superior riles and Ewe; Bed Berm. ' , Budgeter Safety Faso Blasting Tubes. Corn, Grass; and Brier Scyt hes; 17ay, Corn, and Straw 411,liounars, Tanners', and Spading Forks. Baked Hoes; Shovels and Spades, of all kinds. Tacks, Brads,'Shoe, Clout and Finishing Mile. Cast Wrought Batt Hinges, Screws, Locks of all kinds; Cutlery, Reins and Pumps, Axes, lltchets, llam mere, Vines, and other Tools, .k.o. W. G. LEWIS.BON . No. 411 oommou-- .treet. QIIOVELS AND SPADES., 2100 dozen for sale at corner of QUARRY and SWIM/ Streets. GRO. lIALFAIAN , B Factory. aula•dra a AND SECOND QUALITY FLUE 112 A tiD SHEET IRON. Also, Gasometer ' .Goal Shute, Sugar Mould, Tank, and Plate Iron, oat to pat tern, up to 88 inches wide. For sale by the minuted turern, J WOOD to DROTEMIIB, anli-lint No 289 Nortb ANCIONT) on - oprp ano flatness ULtimminus 69FP:4"; PETERSON, Ina AND 6TANI73rEth•IIBERS RADLERY, BUFFALO ROBES, GEO. F. WOMRATIP4, REMOVAL.—C. C. SADLER & Co. have removed from No. 0 North Wat.r Street to No. 108 ARCII etreet, second door above Front. eel REMOVAu.,- THOMAS N. DALE & CO., 1133p01 - tens and Manufaoturera of OLOTILIELY and TAILORS , TRIMMINGS, /fay') Removed from No. 19 North FOURCH Street to NO. 819 MARKET STREET. an2l•lm REMOYAL-JOHN P. DOHERTY, N. E. OORNER OP PIPTU AND WALNUT M. PIIILATIELPELA, July 16,1858. i.r25 PIIILADHLPIIIA WILLIAM A : DROWN & CO., UMBRELLA AND PARASOL A Mega assortmont constantly on hand, to which the attention of dealers is invited.' EMZEI=I or UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, LARNE AND VARIED STOCK aul24m . TO CASH BUYERS JAMES S. EARLE & SON., Invite the attention of Western and Southern Custom ere to thetr,immenso and elegant assortment of LOOKINO-OLASSES, PORTRAIT AND' PIOTURE-PRAAIEO, WILLIAM GEISSE & SONS, N 0.116 South FRONT Street, below Cheetnut, AND BEADS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, For the INDIAN TRADE, ho , &o an2B•lm WINDOW GLASS! WINDOW GLAI33I:—We Invite the attention or the ppb lie to our ortennive stock or French and American Window Glees. The huge and well selected clock of Glue °militantly en hand enables no to fill all orders with despatch, and as low as any otbes hones In the city. ZIYGLSR & SMITH, Wholesale Druggists, mhIB B. W. corner of Second and Green eta. 12ALE ROPE— 1,000 coils of superior Bale Rope, manufactured expreudv for the Bouthern market, and for isle oy WEAVER, HITLER, ,k 00., et4B•tf 23 North Water strut. ebutational tantuctre. 1/IYORTSI.B AND DEALERS IMPORTERS OP CARRIAGE, and HARNESS TRIMMINGS, Nb. 318 MARKET STREET PIIILADELPHIA juts, ,Vt. BY TUE HALE OR ROBE, 415 AND 417 ARCH I3TRRET itemonals. TAILOR, RAS REMOVED Umbrellas anti parasols MANUFACTURERS, No. 246 DIARKET STREET, DIANUFAOTUREItB No. 836 MARKET STREET, Invite the attention of DIMES To Their Sl6 CIIESTNUT STREET, OrPOSITB TUB OIRARD HOVBII, OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, Huitable for the FALL TRADE Importors of LOOKING-GLASS PLATES, Ely Vrtss. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1858. New Publications. As attractive, bosun as good, a family book as we have seen for some time, is a oolleotion of arti cles, from the pen of Mr. Robert Morris, which have appeared in the Pennsylvania inquirer, which he has edited for many years It bears the titlo of " Courtship and Matrimony, with other Sketches from Scones and Experiences in Social Life " and its appropriate frontispiece is a su perbly engraved portrait of the author, which is an admirable likeness. The whole getting up of the volume is ereditabM to the liberality and taste of the publishers, T. B. Peterson de Brothers. The staple of this book is plain oommon-sense, and a vein of good morality ,runs through the whole. New and thon, thorn is a infusion of the imagina- Mite and a gentle breathing of the poetic. Pr-- ducted an these articles nem:seat:lly were, to meet the eonetant exigencies of a daily newspaper their literary merit is considerable. We notice the singular circumstance that this volume has a dou ble-barreled dedication to Mr. John Grigg: one is si.ned "By the Author," while the other ema nates from " Thmikas 'Fitzgerald." Wo do not understand this dui:Mention 'From Ticknor and Fields, the eminent Boston publishers, we have received the Hew volume of poetry, so long looked for, by Philiplamesßailey, author of that remarkable, striking, and exaggera ted poom "Fescue " This now venture beam the name of " The Age : a Colloquial Satre." Here wo would notice the curious tendency 6f the lead ing poets of England, in these Inter days, not to fulfil the bright promise of their earlier produo- Cons. Tennyson's "Princess," two-thirds of which, if printed as ptrse. would have passed for prose. _ was a sad falling off, and his "Maud was even a yet more flngrant failure. Robert Browning's "Mon and Women" was poor, compared with his former productions. And here is Mr. Bailey, whose Peens" really was a fine poem, though with many faults He split, in "The Mystic," upon sesquipedalian words, and in " The Age " gate out of the path of poetry into the beaten track of com mon-place. Hero are over 0,000 lines, not more than 300 of which would pass muster, In the Court of Apollo as truly poetic. The work is colloquial— the interlocutor being an Author who brings his unpublished book to a Critic, with whom is asso ciated a Friend. There is an immense quantity of talk, through nearly 200 pages, upon all subjects except the Author's manuscript, the opinion on which is postponed. The poetry, into which some bad puns and miserable forced rhymes are inter jected. is terribly colloquial. Here is Mr. Bailey facetious, the subjeot being Sir Charles Napier, who took the British fleet into the Baltic, and did not take Oronatadt : Critic. There is our fine old tar, we often meet, Who every year no dreads the French will gobble us, And says, ~ .lonly ask you for a Fleet,"— Like BoSentinel begging for an °bolus,— "Five millions down, armed men and spirits neat;" If be expects it, well, he's rather sea•groeni There's Tab, and mild Sir John, both now quite tea green— Friend. And there's yourself; - you, certainly, are pea-green. Here, again, is one of the few gems which shine hrough the darkness of this colloquial satire. It not only poetical but true: As the poor shell-fish of the Indian sea, Elick—rovin years sick—of its fins malady, The pearl (which after shall enrich the breast Of some fair princess regal in the West) Its gem elaborates 'noath the unrestful main, In worth proportioned to Its parent's pain, Until, in roseate lustre perfect grown, Pate brine it forth, as worthy of a throne;— So must the poet, martyr of his art, Peed on neglect, and thrive on rz any a smart Death only, may be, gives him equal right, And nations glory in his royal light. In a charming little volume, juat issued by the Appleton of New York, and mailed "The Coopers; or Getting under Way," we are pleased to recog nise the line Italian hand of Alice B. llaviin, a woman of aortae as well as of talent. Seldom has tbo state immediately following marriage been ED faithfully photographed. Wo thank " Cousin Aliso" for a pleasant book. Here is another authoress, who shyly announces herself only as " An Irish Lady," and has made up a neat 600 page volume, not in poetry bat rhyme, Valitittr -- , MI - JIMMIE , nev,- (loography of Europe " This is one of the most singular books we ever saw. It is literally a Ma nual of European Clecgraphy, crowded with facts, and all in verse. Considering the extreme difli oulty of such a labor, it is executed remarkably well. Its accuracy is almost ttultless, and there is reason as well as so_ mo here;—even the .pronun elation of !veal names is disiinetly noted. Yet another female writer! Here wo have Lola Monies, with a little book, (published by Dick it, Fitzgerald, of Now York,) entitled " The Arta of Beauty; or the Seeeets of n Lady's Toilet." The subject touched upon in Lola's lec ture upon Beautiful Women, is here expanded, arid the elementary principles are set do en as Cleanli ness, Exorcise, and Activity of mind and !body. To thee are added numerous simple recipes for preserving the charms with which Nature has so fully enriched the fair sox. The style of the work is easy and graceful, with a dash of pleasant satire, gossip, and personal anecdote. Fifty "Hints to Gentlemen on the Art of Fasei-• noting," appropriately conclude this amusing volume. They aro saucy, as welt as "founded on facts." The new number of the London Quarterly Re view (New York republication) has boon sent us by W. B. Veber With the exception of the ar tioles on Admiral Blake, Don Bridges, (highly in teresting) the Life of Wycliffe, and the British Museum, i t Is rather a heavy somber. Blaokie k Son, the well-known Scottish pub lishers—who, we believe, never gave nn indifferent work to the world—have established a branch at New York, whence is now issuing "A Comprehen sive History of India; Civil, Military, and Saotal; from the Landing of the English to the Suppres sion of the Sepoy Revolt " It is to be illustrated by live hundred engravings, on wood and steel, and the three first numbers, which we have seen, and which bring the antecedent history down to the middle of the Sixteenth Century, are full of pro mise. Messrs. Blaellie have also commenced issu ing a Comprehensive Family Bible, annotated and indexed by Dr. David Davidson, with a series of illustrations, including historical subjects; the whole to be completed in thirtyfonr parts, at 25 cents each. The three parts of this work already issued are excellent, in spirit and material. Mr. T. B. Pugh, of the Arcade, sends the Sep tember number of "Le Bon Ton," a journal des modes and monthly report of Paris Fashions. The colored engravings are executed in Paris, and their desoriptions •are given in French and English. This is a very superior work, giving the latest Parisian modes. A Card from Captain Re Revierm The Courrier des Etats thliS of Saturday pub lishes a letter from Captain Do Reviere, the hero of the Blount affair, Ichich letter wo translate as follows : To the Editor of the Courrier des Etats Un is : NEW YORK, August 2, 1858. Mn. EDITOR : Finding myself at last delivered from the judicial persecutions to which I have been so unjustly subjected, 1 come to ask of you a rectification of the teats which have been commu nicated to you, and which have been so calumni ously applied to my person. I deolare that I have never in any way been connected with fraudu lent bankruptcies, consequently that I have never been mixed up with judicial proceedings in France. Such matters may relate to an individual whose name resembles mine, but I am indignant that they should be attributed to me or any mem ber of my family. Since the year 1844, I have not ceased to belong to the French army, and I am now on furlough (en non artivite) for temporary infirmities resulting from wounds received in the Crimea. (The very words of the document signed by Marshal Valliant, Minister of War.) As to the matter which has served as a pretext for the persecution of which I have been tho vic tim—the pretended abduction of Miss Blount—l declare all that has been said a lying and mali cious invention. I personally deny having over abducted Miss Blount, and still loss Madame Blount. My part in that affair was limited to ac companying, upon their demand, and to protest, at their request, two ladies who endeavored to escape from an odious tyranny. Inm ready to do so again. Hitherto I have been unable to defend myself, but now I intend to do it, and to obtain justice for the attacks, which all who are acquainted with me know to ho malignant. I await from your im partiality, sir, reparation of the wrong which, upon false information, you have done to a man who walks with head erect because he has the right to carry it so. Aooept, sir, the assurance of my perfeot conside ration. Capt. 11. A Dahlman. The Carrier gives credit to the Captain's state ment. The Cincinnati Price Current publishes ta bles showing the comparative number of hogs, ac cording to the assessors' returns, in ninety-three counties inliontucky, thirty-eight in Indiana, and twenty-nine in Ohio, the present and previous years, prepared by the Auditor of each State. The aggregate number this year is 2,576,914, against 2,789,488 last year— decrease 213 674. P. B. Penniman, Esq., retires from the editorship of the Honeedale (Pa.) Democrat He has been eonneeted 'with the press es editor and printer for thirty-five years, and for fourteen years has published the Democrat. TWO CENTS. Letter from New York. rOorreepondenee of The 'Preea.l Atrocities at Quarantine—Exactions of the Health Officer—Philadelphia Steam Fire Engine, and Cold Rdeept ion here—Their Appearance ata Firs—Poliii cal Doingi at rcontnany for the Fall Campaign—. Hardt vs. Softs—Michigan -Suite ConointiOn ex• cites harprise—Madeline Smith—Steffani, the neat Tenor—Madame do Kori: Mar YORK, 6ept 4, 1858 The absorbing topic of minveraiiiion lathWilestenction of life and property by the mob of 'ruining it' Griaran tine. Thirty-eight' buildings were flied and rased to the earth, and the poor, sick, helpless ininstes,' suffer lug from diseases the most fearful and loathsome, were, turned out upon the,bare earth; many of them neier again to enjoy shelter No one attempts an apology for these atrocities, though the fact cannot be deniMi t that the oppressive regniations and the extortions to which riot only, the 'maple on :Anton Island, but the merchants of New York, hayn boon compelled to sub mit, hava accumulated a feeling of indignation, the vcallatingll of which is regtrded with a certain degree of complacency. Prominent among the names of those who took port in the proceedings is that of Rity Tomp kins—son of the late Gov Tompkins—who clairoa to leave acted the parrof a pacillcator instead of an ag gressor: Your readers will gain some ides of the exactions made upon trade, by quarantine regulations when they are inrormed that all ships coming front an inf cted po t. although all may be well on board, are brought to anchor in the bay, seven miles below Quarantine; thence they are compelled to empty their cargoes 1,16 barges supplied by the health officer, whose revenue fr tn this and other sources in said to exceed cue hun dred thousand dollars per annum—some putting It atone hund-ed and fifty thousand, The charges for getting a bale rf cotton from Quarantine to the city frequently amount to asinueb as the freight from Cuba. ar d one sugar importing house la said to have paid $5,0.0 in those charges. or at tee rate of $6 per hogshead.. Your sterna fire engine company were not treated with any extravagant courtesy durfrg their excursion to thin fo,ty, A fire occurred in the Bowery just at the hour derignated for se exhibition of its ope'ation before the Mayor and other °fillets. An of test.. leg its powers practically thus unexpectedly Present ieg itself, the Mayor requested the company to proceed to the- Bre, 'which they d d with alacrity. - bat on reach fog the spot they were wet in the coolest possible man ner by cur foremen' and firemen. and it was some time before they hsti au oimortaofte of getting to work Af t ter plr,ing two streams from ;1.; inch nozzles, and doing it up very effectively, the foreman In cha-ge of cur de partment requented.Philadelph,a to "dry-up,” became* they wet their New York brethren and impeded their movements! On returning to the Park' to give a fur: ther exhibition, the City 'Esthetes manifested so little lntereei in it that your townsmen +err - properly walked t hemselvea off and returned &tonic Their treatment by car department presented a fine fasts:me of ‘• how not to do it.ll The proceedings at Tammany Hall. on Thursday evening last. Indicate anything but unity in the Democratic General Committee. The probability Is that contesting delegations to the tie - vcorstie State Convention will he chosen in every district in the city, as they have been in many of the country distriets. Thus far the •s nits"' are in the ascendant, but the harts' , are wonderful fellows in a stirs obese. Mr, Dickinson's Menus, led on and engineered by that ex periencsd. wary. sasaciuns manager, Idwin Croswell, are actively though qulely laboring to Ithcomplieh cer tain end.' ant you need not I e snip lest if they sue , teed beyond the present calculation of their opponents ()onside able surprise - is manifested in r. Democratic circles , ' at the result of the Desmoratio State Conven tion of Michigan presided over br one of her most dis tingulehed sons, Robert McClelland—always a favor- Ite with the Democratic masses: That the nomination for Governor should have been conferred upon the chivalrous Stuart, whose course on the Lecompton question in the Senate evinced so much pluck as well ea patriotism, although "n violent antagoniam to the Administration—that such a man should so promptly be honored by the first nomination In the gift of the Convention, has opened the eyes of the knowing ones to an extent somewhat painful. ' ' • Among the passengers by the- Vanderbilt • was young lair whose resemblance to the wax figure of kfadeline Smith, is Madame Tassaud's exhibition in London, was se marked as to excite surprise, .Those who Caw her are confident it was the gennlne Made line hortelf.. Steffaul, the new tenor of Maratzek's company, bee mule a great hit. Ire heed fine - voice, handles It well. moven about the stage in a , manly, graceful way, and is a very fair actor. Being, moreover a good leaking fellow, he Is safely booked for popularity. The rearou he happens to be FO little known here Is ,because he "disseminated" bimielf analenly from a very poor engagement in 'ltaly. conveyed hlmaelf to Mexico. where he hits been singing for a couple of years. awl was a great I'i:sortie and where he was discovered by our Indefatigable rubicund impressrtrio. Madame Le Vert, the distingalahed beauty—the " presentative woman" of the S receiving the mile of her crowds of admirers at the St. Nieholas Hotel, THE MARK 11T8 FLOUR.—The market without chinga—*aloe 10,0.'0 bbl* at $3 B 5 a 4 BO for unsound, with ;mall parcels as high as 11 75 to y 10 for superfine Welitern; $5 for super fine State; $5.50 for extra State • $5.20.a56 for common to medium extra Weatorit; and .$5.70¢6.50 for common grades of extra round roop Ohio, the market dotal? quiet. • Included la the males are MOO bbla round hoop extra Ohio at $i 7066. Southern Timm Is dull and heavy— eales 1,200 Ws et 1565.70 for sepe fine. and $5 750 775 for fancy and extra Sales of 200 bbls Rye flour at ES 5064.40, and 00 bbls Jersey Corn Meal at 8115' CRAIN —The Wheat market i• quirt, and ances nominally the same. Hales 6 500 bushels at $1.1861.80 for red Southern ; $1 8361.50 for white Eleuthera ; and $1 45 for white Kentucky Rye steady ; eaten SAM baeliela Flom at 70a. Barley dull; small rake of old Canadian at 0234 a. A cargo of now woo reported sold to arrive on terms not definitely ascertained. Born marketdnii mixenertern ; 63®85x' - for white Sruthern, an f r prime Southern yellow Bate dull and heavy, at 50054 e for State snd•Western. Pnovisiows —The Pork market opeuen firm, with a good demand, but creed unsettled ; vies 1,350 bbis at 517 60017.75 for mess $lB for heavy do, closing at the Inside figure, and $l6 40015 60 'or prime. Prime mess is quiet and nom; al at $16016 60. There is only a moderate ingriry for Beef. but the market bat not undergoes any change; sales 140 bbls $11.75012 country wee"; '14014 75 for r.packel Ohl— ehivro mess; and $1501550 far errs. Prime mils Beef a.,1 Beef Hems are dull and no.. inal tattoo quiet There is nothing of 'moment doing In 'lnt Meats. and gnotstions rre ' omitted at fIN tr6No for ehoutde•e, and•B tit mB3ia for Haile. Lard is buoyant at 1 allyie for common to prime; 'ales T 75 thin. - oci.iß —There continues a fc od Int/1111.7, and the inarknt in very in. ban advancing fendenoy Sales lime our lout t 050 hints, at T 08,40 for Cuba, and 7Ke fle for Porto Rico. Comm—there has been increased activity In Rio. and the market is firm; the transacti-ne since nor la , t include 6 000 bags ex•Panema, and 4 500 bags ex Singe rolls, on private terms, but understood to bare been at full pricee ; and 1,600 bags, in lots, at 10X ellyko ; also ealei 125 bugs Java at 150. tdoLassee is quiet. but holders continue firm, owing to a small supply offering; sales since our last 2 , 0 bbds Outia at 3'o. W tssar.—The market is firmer, with sales of 700 bbls at 24.kr0, apd closing. with no sellers below 25c. Last r rout oc. 1.275 bble charged bands at 243 o Amiss —The market is steady . and quiet, at $8 for , bo it Pots and Pearls. COTTON Is ♦>ry firmly held, with sales to a moderate ezteut at 18e for middling uplands. The Quarantine War at Staten Island. From the New York Poet of Saturday evening I The one hundred policemen required to be sent to Quarantine by the commissioners of emigration. arrived there in the steamboat Dr. Kane, at it o'clock last evening. nearly forty-eight boors after the first public demonstration of the incendiaries They wore all armed with the volcanic repeating riff-aand pistols. furnished by the manufacturers, and are under command of . Captain Walling, the same officer who commanded daring the Segume's Paint war. They have a six-pounder, with plenty of ammunition, in charge. The party was ea oismpanied by Police Commissioners Nye and Bowen, ar.d Superintendent Talmadge. The boat also took down a supply of tents, which were im mediately pitched within the quarantine grounds and occupied by the sick. Tents wore a so pro vided for the police, a earan-fl• o was lighted, aim tinols were posted, and altogether the scene might be taken for a miniature representation of the encampment of the allied armies within the ruins of Sebastopol. Ray Tompkins, the reported leader of the in cendiaries, was quietly arrested last evening. shortly after the arrival of the police. Detective.. officers Milday and Stephenson met -bim in Tom Burns's bar-room, gad suggested that Messrs. Nye end Bowen would be glad to confer with him about the threatened burning of the. shipping. Mr. Tompkins went with them willingly, and on his arrival at headquarters was taken into custody on a warrant issued by Justice Welsh He wee brought up to the city last night . The warrant charges him with misdemeanor in violating the quarantine laws by entering the Quarantine en closure, Justice Welsh has also issued warrants for the apprehension of Matthew Carroll, Charles Stebbins, Muller, and Jacob Vanderbilt. The warrants wero issued on complaint of Dr. Thompson. and John F. Raymond, a resident of Southfield. The inhabitants of the"infected district"—that is, the neighborhood where Kremer, a German, died—were yesterday notified that their dwellings would be burned at night, but the threat was not carried into execution, the presence of the police, and the arrest of the ruling spirit, seeming to have disheartened the mob. After delivering Mr Ray Tompkins into the care of Captain Williamson of the 14th precinct, Detec tives Stephenson and Wildey returned last night to Quarantine for further operation. At daybreak this morning they took a force of twelve police men, armed with voloanio repeating Ogles, and sallied forth They first proceeded to the stable of Matthew Carroll, near the landing, and Officer Wilda) , took the proprietor into custody. Then they marched up the hill about a quarter of a mile to the house of Charles S. De Forrest, a justice of the peace, who had boon overheard by the detectives boasting of his achievements at the fires. The house was in stantly :surrounded, and the detectives entered. roused Mr. Do Forrest from his slumbers, and made him their prisoner. They next proceeded to the house of William Muller, near , at hand, which they surrounded in the same manner, and found Mr. Muller also in bed. Mr. Muller's daughter, at filet denied that her father was at home. but that gentleman soon name out and was arrested. The affair was managed with such promptitude that there was no opportunity for an organized resistance, if any had been contem plated. The prisoners went along quietly, and expressed no fears as to the result. They were brought. over to the city at eight o'clock, and taken before Justice Welsh, at the City Hall po lioo court, this forenoon. Mr. Ray Tompkins spent last night at the New York Hotel, in the custody of an officer, detailed by Captain Williamson for that purpose. He is not at all alarmed at his arrest, which be had an. tioipated, and Societe that he has done nothing be yond what was authorized by the Castleton Board of Health. This is the I lea of all the prisoners. The parties arrested were brought before Jus tice Welsh, at the Mayor's office, and held to bail to appear at the Court Of General Sessions for the city and county of New York on Monday next. The amount fixed, is two thousand dollars each. William Muller was bailed by Fridolin Goetse, and Commodore Vanderbilt will go security for the others. Two or three yellow fever and small-pox patients died at quarantine last night. There is no doubt that their deaths were hastened, if not oaused, by exosure to the weather. SATURDAY, 10 A M.—There was little or no ex citement about the qoarantine last night. The inhabitants seem to have become tired out from their exertions of the twoprevious nights. Ani NOTICE TO 'CORREORONIIII Coeteepoideme.ter pp : ** g r . bead!: WM the following rake • • 1 t Ihery eommtudeathee meth* emenepantA name of the writer. In order to Insure oar el the typography, but me ads thr - the ahe't ,eikeekt be written upon. We shall be greatly obliged to gentleman is PasaV. Taub' and other liteta far oontriblitiorut etrirtrthooeir.` • rent news or the day In thekr rti: inaar localities; tie resource* of the eurroluiding toontrY, - popnl - atlon, or my informatlen that will is Wending to the general reeler. - " it may be ,that .the.preience of a largo force of armed police; and the arrest of several of the ring leaders of the mob, hadthe effect to daniperithe feel Inge of the natlves,;_- • - The Gaited: States frigate Saltine was: towed down from the eitylatilaat night, and - anchored. Abreast of the Government gores thee, oteet them, ail well an the shiPpizigAt anchor shoad the threatened attack be made upon them. , • , The .walls of the 9uarantine grounds - are strictly guarded by thopolice force from the oity,'allowing none to peal or 'repass unless duly nuthorisseknr having permission, " - Among the arreits'inade are Mattheiv Carrell, livery-stable keeper ;Wm; Muller,, lager-beer saloon keeper ;':and: Charles S De Forrest, ajua- I toe of the passe, who is known to , have 'fired the boathouse; .they-were taken to, the city this morning in the steamer Dr. Kane. .There are someone heuidred and fifty ; Warrants out for various parties'. and the police are on the alert for those suppesed to be concerned in the outrage. GENERAL NEWS. It is stated that'Mr.,Jacob Blant, thirty-six years of age. died in ganebester, Mass . on Mon day last, of voluntary starvation. Mr. P was paying attention to a young lady of the town 'some three years ago, but hie proposal for marriage was rejected. The disappointment preyed upon bia mind, and be soon aftersiard attempted to blow 1011 bruins out, but only succeeded to destroying both eyes: He has oonsequen.lv remained blind for three years. Daring that time he once made an unsuccessful attempt-to starve himself. but without .eaccess. The second time, be Wee sue cessful—meatlng his end as above stated. ' He had partaken of noth;ne -for nine weeks but coffee, sweetened-water, and morphine—finding his chief sustenance during that time from the fat of his system, , - It is said, that the Secretary of the Interior hag prepayed instructions for Col. Bliss Rector, Satienntendent of Indian Affairs in the Southwest, directing him to take measures for the removal of the;Seminoles remaining in Florida. It was under tbe,management of Colonel R. that Billy Bowlegs .and his party were removed to the West, and it is confidently believed that hie farther efforts in this reetteat Will be sulosisfulOt the-white people who adjacent to the -hannterof the`-Indiana still in Florida wilt not interfere with:tbem, se as: oln4 dace them to retire to.their biding-places ft the • impenetrable "Moroni's. Colonel R. will visit Flo- • rolaos Been as the season permits,"taking a few of -the Seminoles now in the West with him, with tbe intention that.theyshall hunt up those still re maining, and induce them to remove. We are sorry to say it—we do -not wish - o say it must, as faithful obronielers, say it, namely: Victoria's daughter, Mrs. Princess of Pruesia, quarrels with her 'husband; or, Mr. Prince of Prussia quarrels with Mrs. Princess thatis they do not think exactly alike, 'arid Zdre. Victoria is with the happy_pair," trying to-tie the " true , lovers' knot" a little tighter. - The story that) the young princess actually- ejected „the ptinoe from the nuptial conch by placing her royal tittle feet against his • royal highness's ribs, and then;suddenly extending her royal curved - organ. efloqomotion into a positive bee line, is doubted by Prussian engineers.—Bolton Post. . Three horses, intended for the Emperor Na fioleen, left Boston for New York on Friday, to be shipped by paoket Havre *he animals were ordered by the Emperor through" Greene ,k Co., brokers, of Paris, whose agents here, R H. Ham mond, Esq., made the purchase. One of the horses, inteoed for a single_ team or saddle hossa,yrsa purokased at Montpelier, Vt , is seven leers old, aftee! hands high, weighs 1,050 lbs., and was sire d by astir' Morgan.- The ;others are a inataed pair f hays seven years old, .neighing froml,ooo to 14.00 lbs. each. . , • Mrs. Adeline Armor, of Coffee county; Ala, offersa reward of, two hundred dollars foe.the ap prehension of Willie& Taylor„who murdered , her husband, Richard Mt, and -her son 'Richard R- - Armcir, iu that•county, on-the 20th of August. - Rhe thus describes him : Bald Taylor is about six • feet high, spare built, weighs about, one hundred , 'end forty pounds, zither dark oomplected and • low, black hair, yellow or hlizereyed, and usually" wears very long beard, whiolf fa very dark ; abort 30 years of ago. - The Barnstable Patriot, In announcing the arrival of tho ..whaleship Mohawk, Captain Grant, at Nantucket, after an- absence of forty, eight :months, says Grant made the voyage with her husband, with one . young ohild, and two niore were added -to the - family during the voyage. -Considering that the' ship took 1700 barrels of sperm oil, this may be considered tt successful voyage. - - The most desperate piece of coolness we` - have heard of recently, was that of a young ruin named Maynard, in Bad Ax county, Wisconsin, whose;leg was recently ainputated. While - the leg was boing taken off be coolly faked for a eheas gj toharro, and snquired the yrses of a earl^ leffl, saying that he intended to have one as Soon as he - got well and could earn one. A hfr. Ingram, who is largely interested at ' Port Borneo, Texas, has made Mayor Stith, of New Orleans, a liberal proposition to relieve that that. of the emigrants abeut - arriring front Europe:. • Mr, Ingram Drone Wei t o -_ send -ism- Tamaz.tay - tso - stimistitp,- and - to- give -ao grant ft lot to build upon, free of charge, or two hundred sores of land eaoh, at. 33 par sore on three - years' 'time. - Knife, a London artist, has succeeded in .photographing an exploding shell. The view is taken is the shell emerges from the smoke, - and shows three eighths of an inch of its track. It is curiotO that in every instance' there is in the emoko about the shell a phantom human'beed, net visible to ths eye, but quite distinct in the photo graph. It is no doubt the refleetionof the shadow_ of the gunner ' Angastus Werner escaped from the Schnyl- kill county prison yesterday week. Ile is 32 years of age; 5 feet it.inohee high, gray eyes, dark brown , surnight Lair, middling and rather fair, full fade. nose a little turned up, a slight sear on •be forehead, hae a heavy beard which his not boon shaved for acme time, speaks broken English, had on,whon he left a small skull cap. A - reward. of $2O is offered for his arrest. Thoinas Werner, of Stanford, Drdebees county., N. Y , name home drunk last Thursday. got into a dispute with his eon,aged 18 years, and* a seised hoe to strike him with, when the young man avoiding the blow, Mr.- Werner fell forward, and his head striking a atone, fractured the skull, killing him instantly. „ • The; Wrightsville (Pa.) Star notes non. siderablo activity in the lumber trade at that plane, and, what is remarkable in these dare of railroads, says a large number of wagons, drawn by mule and horse power. and laden with lumber, are daily leaving for different point* inoluding Harford county, Md. There is to be an immense sale of property by the Sheriff of Burlington county. N. 3.. on the 17th of September. Ail the extensive mills. fao tortes, Sprint-works, and the whole Tillage ge Shrevevillo, some two miles from Mt. Holly, are to be sold under foreclosure. - The 'Alexandria Sentinel states that Mr. Henry Strother, of Missouri, who has been labor ing under most distressing hyponchodria for sev eral months, committed suicide on Wednesday, near Sperdville, Va., by shooting himself with a shot gun. An inquisitive gentleman, of a mathematical turn of mind, is engaged in calculating what Would be the probable length' ef the surerfluotts Atlantic cable, provided all the charms, four.lneh bite, and sections, now kept ,as curiosities, were united in one piece. The Lancaster Express is bragging about the fine salves which are raised in that county. We have some rare specimens of calves in this city, which we think would puzzle the honest farmers.of Lanoaster county to heat. Mr. Knapp, register of, the county of Cha tham, Canada West, has bein detected in frauds involving property to the amount of $50,000, car ried on through the means of false mortgages made by the register himself. The " Rainbow,' a steel ship of one hun dred and sixty tons, has just been launched from Mr. Laird's works on the Mersey, which is intended for the navigation of the Niger. The track-laying upon the Gettysburg (Pa.) Railroad, whloh was suspended, for a short time through a want of iron,bas been maimed. The harvesting of the tobacco crop has commenced in Connecticut. The average yield per acre is said to be 1,500 pounds. A Fearful Gale—Loss of the Barque New Brunswick and Five of the Crew on Lake Erie. The Chatham (Canada West) Pieria learns the particulars of the foundering of the barque New Brunswick, Captain MoTavtah, during the gale of Thursday night last, five miles off Point Pulse : So fearful was • the gale that all management of the vessel was lost, and after weathering the sea some time she foundered. As might be imagined, the position of the entire crew was perilous. Without any apparent means of saving themselves at hand, the faint hope of preserving their lives seemed groundless. Upon a foundered vessel in the midst of a ter rific storm of wind and rain, at midnight, and five miles from land, hope of reaching the shore in safety might well be banished from the stoutest heart. And little wonder was it that five persons, out of the nine composing the crow, found awatery grave ere daylight dawned.. Even when morning had come, the prospect of reaching shore was but little improved. Not a tool to help to construct raft was obtained, and had it not been that Capt. McTavish, with the assistance of a small penknife, was enabled to detach a ,‘ boom" and ugaft," and with these materials to construct a miserable raft, not one soul would have been left to relate the sad tale of their sufferings. However, with this little instrument the raft was launched upon the angry waters, freighted with the preetous weigh•tof,five mortal beings t, who left the foundered vessel, with the hope tha by paddling with their hands, they might gain the shore five miles distant. This slow process had been industriously persevered in against the wind for live hours, when, to the great joy of the Cap :ho of Cap tain, ?Pll e e little e d boa relief t, mannedcom i ngtowardby mruob theteint e h r e t Shank and his family, which boat was in such a bsti state. that it was only kept from going to the bottom of the lake by its numerous leakages being ste_pped with clay. However. in tuts boat the survivors of the crew of the New Brunswick, consisting of Captain Mc- Tavish, 'Joseph Dares, mate, John Banks and Duncan MoVicar, seamen, were with much diffi culty brought to shore. The names of those drowned are as follows: Duncan Turner, James Riddle, baker. Archibald McMillan , a young man named Thomas —, and the cook, Isaac I C I i m u p m b , e a l a l , u t k ii the r latter h o e f whom, raft no d t u m ri o r g r e a th fit an o f e ten de minutes before Mr. Shank came to their moor, •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers