moo ',14 .1 4 1tn".r wW*640. 11 4`, 4 .1 1 P, 14 7,_!. , Bit sr , - 1 1.9 , 0 4titif 044iii r optwip" 0- P0 0) K 4 9 , . - "A? fiance. at p. 11 4 - 1' ',.#7 , 14 -1 4 ° * k b 2 _ 91611 r' n ! D art' , leX 444 " 4 ' , , l l. l l# 4 l : 4o 4 l' ol 4 ! l= hi l!fli t . -t h2! nal b 'q u i l ttit. 44 9 = t e..7:Vi - 1 4 4 4 r , ''*., , t i t - ''' , l - ~' The` Assimilation' le haring:is ntaitkitleent traultiareney . --."--\ --, ;' `Pf.ruPla''‘l e - t"a id t e 'itt lfifit s - %,ms I m' OheN ' ;rf , 'XPi?alrfet , ' al,frelt, i- Li, l . Ar s TiP , A whlOlP if - '"ocUpiletettri Inli,to? fihta*lthetiriaoCl/4ttr otAitrili titittigoroliil,4llalurUtl'qraft'iii'di:iLi4 detnnintiloia repreeented - n-thi , iiSoelatki :will be Present aid take itnighlitieptiokaingisp,o4,jaity: ran tieli•atifeCSkigiTi l / 4 14;their clerical brethnin , o - 0' 'more exclusive• iiiillegelo'nocupy the de el atifmeit, Eton like thlCArherialtbrt)speo?tAtts ruins JIIC slated and molt intelligent 'rif•ll4edilistri ill 'sittendlitealttliFtfe exrected by -ilsouwids. ;Me helps_ ttiLttec„ti Irv's , oi more a apeechsi tio_nitildilyn.6ol4 flcPuion, atones worthy of the talshtof our Philadelphis!,elatzTand the impbrtant 41 , 249teity inttnitstpcoteunn - tinsorelf; , .; Tint Iletyrimr: T; Piali.T4 0 4:1:fP{i li kktit'iC4t; •SP'i 11019 Chestnut ilkiesq leti rariclotontel,lll44sito le still &Woofing he/Bret astopphint adoll,reirlY=lti'lli sten di . erect, in all itsihrtely'itittilttionot, with. Ate „dowers' top•knot, linifillifditObit%Brelli " 00104 t 3 frid - bew : vii letter heiogiiitalited friefitelierttcalla rile kik* ~,ttsta ' for violatter tWli lisideinfilt , iiittlition'i- The Woe are haviog armlet ttput the ctraciC oktitdowcr,4ind we trust the Iftinitg,B4l4 o 3titit, at* 4 10 clattiAil rof ltht , t o ' benefit it la being'exhlbltedLeriliViiii 4 4;cialt:a propo,!.. tionate hierget.iL r.v ',.} - f. ' „ . ,'.- '"' "' i ...' ' ,;.-.. :" . '' '.- 4. The iloweili ti. - Nioilder:. Its le . 'tniir we hear acme_ , ) expreas their dlsmcilittmeat OR seeing it: , TASY bier of its 8,000 tlaWitiiitheroioittoitholio,Wir*4•lo' of , the 8,000 'spot ata barrel:: '!.., r_-' , 'N• ?• ~, ~, _ , Oar only 'oomefirif Is; stit(wiiiiiiiithWaid ;0 1 .4 . 4 60 . Pie 01 Prealaatbak13411400ilitateriLi, Nall 'Nisei» Falls. The wonderfutflet 74 11 17reielit'?1ntilbttkett but 4rewlbhl4 mare fitV , - 1: - -: '1 , •; ~, ` ,l - ""•,''' In addition to the Minter, p t, there Ire*, Oro horticultufal Ottiloititififfseeplojtitnying It, to setinkttli lo alone *Ol-1145 . 02nit Tir whiavolo#: - ‘"044 hi rennet: men of Palestine gropes, coulabitug oot, r. , throe thou, read 111 II SilaiittahlAs94tir,Clitiii-lillk DOT.IrIiK Wed men of the Ilitilichutc `Ar4outitauffoe rsuipii , iimo; This latter le "to! ihi,tooettiopdtEfot rliettetitig, liraa.'ed we 1 V,,,. XiX, o 4 o Wo ll iO‘d, l .9 l 4PAt*Otille. touch attention from the lutuerhsts tisitetn. 4, 4 -.,-, PAstOlt•SiVti Oilifilai4li id(' - lie ' tortoniz bered by mane hf car ttii , sens,thet.the,atilt, P 11801.10 13; of the Bible, palritodllyjitr: a: x..a...wiTam ; ~.. a bi stroyed at the barnikg7elrAtlßl`im„ tithlyilltildingigtt' the spring 0f,1851, tha i yerillightSific.ittito oil which, It was to have been : ettifiltett 4111''.iipit,. Afrovii:. ii..,,, imiku il, tud , ,,,, I.o.l4:iiat_-...i.4 7 . , 11.;1tak now, after avo • youro s or 'piti.uut - mt;fWAtibee aaothli panonitnietkietmcf-Mnekarlialikomosiigudelhort:Ali drat, sue pronouteal; by here irk' /limo Seen It, to 1.." . . superior work of , art'its ovirri'loopOot..' , „The picture," we learn, repreeentkaltairmelst„frominintbients'io7. corded in the, l3 kbikiAßilit - 43:,e4141q . : the ' llabylet' clan eaptisit . thou, 'uliii.litite . Seen: i nward touch' prahns to etitnnitinffeiliihilt itlides4rieiteitiiiiiihtloot., but as we rt., ri Apo, .rtge r opti , frtytlti, Witaryouti with the rest C. blerfelbliraftle,tpr; of foriiiiiirof °Pi num from ocular examinetfrincfdrther-comiient nits_ is _ ,nnneeessaiy, Prom axon*, tinder. the 'heed nt_inintsiV , mine in another colaoigi tt wIU bs seen theft - 1340M' . r oiliihttion of theA„eitaportuna, Of the lifklellll take --plasiti: „. on Bader tivoulig,;Of .thhOreelrest",itSisicia -00. ,1...x.,,, , ,e - ey',,,n , :iq.,, , -- .d :, ..1.- 'o . 7' ...' ':: ' f' - ' :-Aivill an osiiiilV-4:iiri:hiiifi.,iiiiiilttii - at a h of - ourlady retalexe4the okt'or ireountimyri at t,, suiteak Fourth ant•itroiwatreitil; in isother peiforOaf , ~ paper to-day. ThViiiiiiesittitiir FroVOlillielkiiioao, deep' nated in the _it Orttlarlef t ylOACulittese hiarirested with ii oporping tiillreottictlailkg ripiturimulwatrioi,ina the fair a wittOutitaufk s lirellin olioadyouprouied our flTOrible_ 0 I on Ai the. irli;(hiehOe.sillol6ll W".t. Whidt the t igtsll,l4lralZarid., ki;thise' who are arciao . ti.' 111" ..*AniA4 . l ,-.01:4L _usu:tAi 1 44 4 exhibited in the saleettek of meta/ pith! propritoro of this oldsitith r lidAll4ld4tisii slieeint ‘ 4 7raigot r .. their rovoatiryitoiritioiKror tyttrildiretilli•t Melt ronng 0504 11 40 1 `At0 rairweijcji . -:; Li: r..,:',., - ,,'",' Tax Idirtipriai oi,FLowritwi4-`• - ',; gootern'fildi4fax,talßef Bowen, ., , And they a Valerie the)r loran Ara torn; ' Each troefrouiftliot lilooraola truitr tordoti bowers;" On Itilialli ' ilia - rVliffilairiiie - iitari. ,); '' • , . In thuivitt**444ib , mlimtc flow e r." iii ee geeetelfy_tutierstooC although most people moor utowl the i Vitialta§.o4s:l At yibotr 'dotal it the' road mut cf.!A na f :Gtt4,4 l l ll 'll l.? : ) * rt r if ?:`q7 Chestnut - ea •• ! r'' l4l - 4fiZZ:l's;...,= ' ; , ll - -t.y.i'''. l “l • Tag filltifilil4l6* - ?OiliitoAili- 2 guilitdeisbili, • u tt. ""nlitnii*Y- 4 lig,ttittlittif4ititefdlifitoo4B. by the curfenCxnescrAti:4olc,ealtibresnaitratila• be postpontiChltAilitliy,pcnoesded.l4 7 theliatit; quorum of the,,VAtiaTityliii4csietisitcod that the r e =" N rkgro. RatoWeiathitafftliiiiiAligiimaottl,ascom, ratters were peen alengptestint streeillitti very earnest faces. Instead of belngl - alicitit to postpone the ealebrilertifridielyrerirott`their roidtoproeure am mite, at this Brown Stone Olpthinflfaf of ilipihhill dc Wilson kr lios 808 andllo6'.Ohestruatiitreekithorst,1 ,—,,' , i.' , A.L , r-Q-1.- , , :, , i. „- , ..7 --. 4. HOW TO we.= RITIL pd4gsr.—..„ _, „ ,S; ;,,' .. Xi deittotiisil tklariu ll4 wi ' ight 1 , .. II: =; , .1 ,lioeioYtesetiti.ltrivit or grits:.': , ~ r.' ;:.-- 11_titrxtrsk ti.vjwirvosiMply riteit! 7, C , ~, ',. , • ' '1 7,r,..y....., , i 0 141 aver -*ids ttVili4.-.,- , 1-; , i',- , The ateiewli si ieryirettiltliy , tpith worilevtint:,thi'l right •—flortifCrit.:Xliziave:elgtlirvi-tt - tii: ° l 4 '-, Ptomain Elul) titiithrfte,b4occarikatZ,TV,ltiartairi: No. alio;..aletar.,i r reful Mu, litl, F"'b' fabric*, and titlintOrttintiltitOr "le th etiat4P: ' , PI pC IIr S, II Y-4P491t 4.111 9 ): :' WJLL ' loasEs •„: • , f a , wourni oy,llofoinni. 2 / 4 45 INA4/4kat" ,4, ll t# ll o l U'rl).' in 0 , 0 Ristso. 23 , KWH . . :i• - •44474 98, T - , uB M staPp;thfilWcitoixtetat4o4l.63oilii i--1 ' from Obsclesteitf:Wisftuidint - and-issaemistoA: Bernd, 1511 de5T5.29364 nt P,M 4 oB6:siDenti, of .Sody.l . olandi passed stojunalp.s466 or flo,64.thi'; betlnteduth,L, ~,,-.; -, ,-, • StestastnN,Septaware, Copes 22 hours trent' New-Task f.l - Tin Ospoliariirla and passe toiZalatee All . s' ..l '• attdSen es, -, 4l'n ~'":, , - t , --...t - ., , ,-:t ..,-. - .4_ ...;-..i' , -,_ ~ ......-2- Ps Brig Okooponte;lLLlneig..ll days tenor unfits ,e'Pida.' ;'‘ Clustaiiiiiiiiri="oloC,l4olin'esztcr66 , l4; Wildt:W.:. , 11$,; : s I, - Brig iirroldsorrg-igAtoOrgAidofrifrolo:ldogigogo i •olo. ! pneontinozna* nor and stolen: is* to - 4 M ason &PO, Bohr, Dnab . arnit4e4aDOE4 *Di / Ms 43941") lii is ballast ni Banotsiftilmot jg 110,... „-'. ...,„,,,: ~ ...1-1:1 -, • Eel's Jil AnatOti'lia,4oll4 , /iftOntlibeisten,t4.-lallisib, Lto peritus.kikAryer..- ---,:,...:. . 0. , , ,, ...,:;;:,L , *--• :,.... ..- I.' Baby X o o#o l4 Pli 4l .Th''h o l*- =- ANst o o2 3l (bliaLlit- tit - -`-^".../:-.a , 4..iii • , s, , Z=n-2,T ,, ,, , ,•-..,. el low:Tohn lett 'spollsba,44l.Yd font Megan, 111 t'. ballsat to Tyle r` tjtii #.4.4. , -r-r• -' , - I.: ': Bohr Andres( p, _!Pitenig,i days jtom--Cintden i . i , Del, w10411166'640 .fillolleCitUoy A.. -,;r ~ - 3 „.. ,- „, , Bets /Me Leader,- Odom adogo, from : adlibury,:lll4, -, L Silth lumber to Vilkßasetts 4k, , = ear 010 M4S, ;7 1 .01n63 , r60ni0r, 61 don troniGlon , 1" tooter , bliptßin.,Wltt. to". Vest Dalton, Nor ton 84 , 13at':::. t lbehtTUaltel-- 14 Wave-fteiti-Boaten,- liklollo st4,,;, to , llama, Ogle& genttso4. - .1.m.,17:rr0., ,, ,:n ....f ir -F - - ~_:: c-..,:. f ' Beer Bomar, 4olininin,l, - ,40 1- trinii7ftlittlitlaioll , } tit tO Noblei-lianunett ftllaldwell.24tY sYv:,_ , -1- , .... - , ..-, ' Plebe W - .11 NetitiatetVetniltb 4 digit ittor Ilirlirrytort; - f z. to MIL et to, Van Onoogi NdstenW Co. 4 ,-, -P-tj , ~. :: , :f ~,.--- t= ::. Bohr 21.10 - .Wfilistoir - ToiybLi, 6 day s from 6166t6a, 1, 1 lallub to trAttdebried /11 No , '-..y --- , ' , ' ` fn.,,., ~ 'a. . ‘: Soler PatikniniotMijirinqidiyi n fr ini - IWO'4nteile ,;,. 1 b i t to N stasimuarkva„,....< 4 ,...rne -.3. 'arge, , ,, , •;.. • ..-.:, !, . &hi 0 Ateiratnotp.Wenvoip*: dayi:Otooo , Booti in R balla4 au N Obusteciiiiir Cht.14 , L,.....q,1 - 4.-:ti rt.: ,-.', :-., Sobs wuPdatioacligritif; , lPKllYOsa arti 0'; 11114 , 1 ::' .i..,, Int to NsPirttrotiOrlin-•=.1,;,'-n,:-,i ,•• :3 :4 . Fi -1 gar Jasti g g ititylf+. ll °.fr°?t,N!lwAtYtel wilt, :t '•=iioto to itoiptow A . -••=g: • i - ••-i , .:'' .:•.:::- '' '.- •-• "--- I , ..;`• Fehr WOOdrtatitakilill ' Ail .6, iiiielioa /Winn; in I , - "Out to N-iii•Cianyint & Co.' " ',- - - • - t• '' Bohr OkeifeAiiibibieWi:4::Ceit',P93°:.4i.#4 I t o:: ;Ott 'il i aiik64 , lA pi),4 - iii 414, ,, iii , w„.. 4 , ~_ :Li. to Noble; .'' gtirciAr4;4, -- ..,,- , 1ti1..,• -. -; - '"•.' 1, -• ;•lobr Peres...Bei 'ibr;.. atays4lAkti t7nnt` , l!foeldeneer ltballaat to*baohia.t. itraX.. --- - '.... . ',. - : ‘ _ . ,'-'• i . Ore X** 4 44ers!! L il• vb. in ballast to Brown - I:Vsle. „q,..,, , ...*'%.,:,:: 7,. ~. ilir Lewis ldnifor4•DpgloLrro Atcpultost Bost on. In , • , - bati outar tkr t lSl Lt t :aty nti ii i :4 9 : l ll.l 4 ol l:7:t_ , L c arii r eei i ii, i... ,, , , y), ,,fi5i,... Vi r, fr m l ii_ t, a,. . , a, iii z . , ,, '.. -• ,145t0 lionorOrt, Lesig . ik'Orit'; ,•• ; i , -,,5..i. - -,.. ii ,, „, , •,,“ „ V;,,-_--4 1, 0. 9 Oust grit 90, 1/ 6 1 9 k 6, „ 4 5P0.141 1 / 4/ o P.Mni,i, '-.lllorst to, Tan Denn.lrof ton it, vt ftwity,- -,,- .'t i . 5.vf..., , ..t ', , ,, , 4.., Or _36 I.l44iiiiir amt.; 9 OA from 4.llmblirtmr -:'-: y id t° not Co: , 0 - ', , - _•, . • .);,4 , 7,;4 r DeloirmaN Jas tra 4 li,/-*XtrSfr,7trtliP.°,ll,7 l llV - .0.:.0 1 ,7 " a W,Zarip. Sipple, 1 "day hoes yinleilosi 7:91,-.4 qir.rott to Jaießirrett & tion , ,3 .;-,, • , ',..-: ' ''''. ,-- ;.'.:,..... !HGVllab i lAdMili , B ;Orli Ram 11)Lbj4rik Elidr,` • ••• .sealt€ ter tr Ds, on 4E - 00. .„.... l e •-•, - .'`,:;.-411trehu Attfritart4)oPqrh drty F,Tw..„ , -,11.4,P01,, ~. , , - . .*iriin tcOaiti I& ci: ..,, : ;i- -., .4.;,•,,,-. o d 'f , , : •••7 ,".-;•,.. • aistiii i ii,2:p• fii ~,• ,4 • 11:v. • , :i , ~., , ,, t ,-, . . ahi P # ; ,l44)lPAttin4 o 4 l 4 . 4 c kii* . art il j a c iiii6kWrillei:' . l4l;iiii ifot . ''ioili; is 4 E ' TrigPaturiii4flilliiiiiiAblitaal Nobli,-Inott ir;., F• du; - - 4-, ,, ,,v,"A - 4 - w. , . , „:-.., , t - Nel - , .... '-1.7t Y:!' - P.': '', ;,-;.'n :Mir ,Jag 4 .xsitior4itteltptectsoijoott9:2Wail Jki, t 7 -3 °Yet• 111-'47.1....'ipiii.. 4 1. - 535. ,t2AI;I. q-:: `11A. , ..1, , , , Sabra 11. AuttheltealEBeistl*itNe71 1 0 & lawyer..;,-;:,, ~:,.•'.., c. - - i,Mehr Unaine, Itisisy, mod Hoyerisqlopplifit & 4110 14 - .=l", Bohr Bully ittetkooptittixitmottogiimoottirt, Lewis Zz Uo. - , ... 4 .1 1th.5 1 4 4 t.k. i _Echvzupb3fifito4o4:*villeitilL4 •141idrattiodk , .. -. , • --,,, ,• ~- ~ ' ...411 4 ;•,:i=!.=4 1, '• -41.,..1.- •ti iceil i onssoistiMfOrillialtinoi- _M - Sioltivronir-Ccri = Bohr :.,,, • grheiroodenit dims; Mason, Boston._ • - ..00 ••= do Satir P Ileiluer. -04 1 474:Niogiottvo 4-rditrApo , = 1 Fen id kOnflialing.Winent":Rro,ii4tni6o: Brown 1e..: it5.`'4„,.,fi,,..,04,4 , ~ ,, , iLi4. 'O - ;„-••, - •ii - e , rii.,:-;‘00.:•.i 0 ~,, 1 2 8th idi r r 11 41 13 -B44"ffi ßecnna ;' . ; ' Mi di : 1 I gar otottoi;lon?l,o!,",lbalaittr afAy'linvitm& - Iti; Jr ' . iiii:4 6 tita;t:iigiAt; nobith: zutitotitt r., io --: - : 4- s•t- -- t. , - , ' ,-';'- - f . : ' '' - _,_`,,_,iri --- .l: r- i,i'l . ~..' 1 11:t; L i erntariCt a ffilt i ! 3 , G r ittLitekSlFlA - Ok111;11''' t. 01h00r4445,4,... , .=.;,rk ..4 ., : - Boni L 161101460 - 1146961 . 101w,Staioyoft ) :- . .Lerto etF, ',. ' , ,••,a,. - 44- it _,:+,,, •,w•- 4 11. r.t.?"4..!; , , , V , , , '.,, , ' tRaPt Otieste Witeltigilithi",„4lo3lairliOikik.lloP,e-t L ,Isobt tlantialMtlirk.:Ortenne_s,-thalsburrib!andtt%- an. Noston4Ktdi-L .3 , ..5.,b;44-..3 ; 11:",-,:fe,c , :;1,' ,-, • - • gar Well!' ElOrlkillitoor -. yllrir4ldpißs oar 3 . A Pliitii, Ciriolii-droOrkei , TPlip:Ptidifaceir. - • , Mt sour Satifit Aiiiii - Ipiciiilisikiers'util 8 el; riTpF -`• r.pc •: • , --- . ,t,',./e5-.1 ..,--;-,--,•- •;,., , i,„-,-,„- - - ear nibs' ii**4l l tarti - )Miittoer‘ic ittiiff°4t* , oth? 'W' B. iotottittt, - ,slittl*,:'iiitttntity,.9aittttils,'. 061.: . .nALC',.., , sApt-1.,.. Ear X T.lgalrill§ VOltuPillve, Milli ItlverAk 4 'die; , •,: , ' r 0 B Cargtairti Somers , 0011110ted°1-!til'i:,l°' '_•-• .'• . :.:. • 00044 1 4.ti# 3 -4# ll r, i . ..; ,::-: , - ~... ,-.:.. i A I . i ii r l ik__ . -..n. t l i t itt iv * vr o v -T-4. 1 .0..,.... 1 1. 1 „.„.6..,, -tidiA d A9.„,-..,? , ,,ditt li 4 dt e 0,4:1 ~. Wawa: "..-•F•u'rit...-otritivnyoiiiiilii n 4 '''! ,'' Z 6 I "l olo 4 (girjirt , s.- -,. t 50,3,4,0attrt 1 1- .cauda. , dorpiet* , Bll4 l 44l2lliyer. gp ta dot , ,•.;:, covse4Lati, iii#:. , 1 401 6 11 P. , . l l o _B34 ) ,Peibi: V.- . l#, -&-.. „ l ?'?r, •., -, -h7 - .' --- ' , 2 ._•,,,,;T'' , „ , 7 4;; V ..I ", • g t st #AtiSC..7:46IOIIZALP4III, rTEMBER.- 1858. ) y A NE . . -, • 111if , Y4 14 144 1 1, 80 rAillllM BB 4.l, - . TfUlle - AIR f r o m e•AriVi i ii.44: ll4 etior4OplßPT.ewl;:: 4 w r <.B mallt~tp pity oY Itlohmond; Mtteltell, hellos, at .18,1ebSctilid, - 80th nit. ' 111;80= 1 11P0aluterbse for 1161,11'0a, Tim ill f :Tiail 4. pl*lired, l 4CNOW. o .ol 6)3 t 26.t.t oft.., 4411NyinparieLaifien,„ for Pnadelphliiiislie l sn m - 14vrerpool-161btilt": T 6iiralk,llkl)46,N, . NeUmati.; fro!) , A , Dna?%!.?fv-!!.,.. "Ontitii liru ipotesi Tuljl3:lat 16 14, long 22 4 • _ 4 Zl9llp f lqw( P,hlliip, BAHIA, (rem Oallto . fPf ... lly,wB . B, Woe Jalflarlat - 10 - 80 - long 86 88 , Wll4ltoyer - ..o,soneq, Ira y at oqio, :peat to lilt lis,l few days , _ ship Rtghlinder, Osman, for . 95,10ntt1 i1. "11,41 .. 110,1e 'l;itirai k ille th d:, i ttellett,' from liontod;iBk3fliriB; ar sived,al " ,7 • Bbio 61e8an46,1 1 . - Holvray, from nydney;,ll3 strive d, 'at ted - autts Jtilv ' . /ape 1f.v0,,de1 y. , - ,torls, ofoorect ; at' Liverpool 16t h '• - )111., for Chiablo, sod remained hi the river-18th — X# .. stria,ap, I, , irirpool,„!it , 9oFfa oth OceaniOwillimn mailed feemlAVerpool lOth'bit.,, , fer Oaleckttc. • ; , : 4 15ligi8tiphvitaia,',..Oroniett; cleared et New York $ lOl 4 'lll.VfOr-Ittienoii /lyres and i ciatket: , Bliwine:Bariv Bird'Mook,' for' Bsu TriuMlido, Wai'st Bong Kelm 22•1 .1 one. te t to witliutt Barque - Alnyithuatuoß c , ea •• for tbia'port. - " - • •110 1 1. 1 WitOhilled.Bieitels;''for, I:bilidelphlc:,•Sutetcd, tor loading - at toMdon rth nit. 4 , Bitride J.: gall, blerriil froill4l l #4han , ,,f.P rf gf c l 1 - Brig OraWford; BMW, ,fir'' , l4flaelPhle,,eleared Nevclork 80tlfult: " • -`• Bilge; ,W,Mistei "' , Bootb;ltinee a rrived TOrtf' fe.ndlsth " "'•"' " - . • '4.2iikt. Martha, Orokrist, herate; arrived at TortlsMl29th TOL', —•- Brig Abbottfolicraniej ‘ BAt e r; from Boston, arrived in,l3altiniordyialamial Bmmattv.ATohneoc; ,-- alrl-blinnebabi, •. hence, - strlViC4tithihtuoild 30th , • Bchretephen Tibor, Cook, cleared at. New Orleans ''doth:ittefer, Philadelphia, with 159 hhda tobacco. 518 'bdndlce pldea, to balsa - hemp, 800, empty bble; and 80 I I •-plietabidae: -; 7 - •,•, • . - 13chr Trans% Dad a, far - PhliadelPhis, went to sea froactlif ilmirgton. 110,27 th ult.; . ,• ,• ' .Beheihridi , A - Ffeitton.,Ryau,'-for Philadtpue, Called from Ball - -• , • • • • banes, at Beeloii 80th ult. ;Bohr T Theihidlot;'4oldsocith, foi Philadelphia, sailed 11Keti' , TrOldeoce'901h • ‘ , l3chr•L Child; Nielibribn; heck., for, Boston, at New - • : - - • , - ~•Btemner7 Bhriver'i Dente ;- helm% at Baltimore, yealterd s l% , Behr...nookbill,,nonefb . rAtt Baker ' s 27-fh rat: •,• ,„ , .-• • • , . tf-sitir H B Maros,- ainith r from Dighton, supplied for . Philadelphie, visaed Pall River 27th nit. • - Balled • • Debr Nary, Johnson, for X.ldlodelphis, New-Haven 20th - - ,- ; , ..getir:Bliss, , Yriumea . liamadell, hence at Balesi 28th liolM - Wm - Lope - 07obiiion; hone& at ialOneester, 27th Bohr D. Bildnion, Naylor, for Philadelphia galled froovNewburyport 20th nit. - `Bohn H 0,31V,-,Hmileton ; A 8 Drown, Brown, end Hill • Darter:Piatffor Philadelphia, RadOharloits, Whittier, -for do or', Bangor, from Providence-for Philadelphia, were in Datch ielsod 28th alt. , , A M and ikolnieree; Bake for Philadelphia, called from Salem 128tli 'W- - • ~, Mammal. Mt Valligg, hence at Martina 28th 'ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, 2 '9 ONI 9'01.0.0ir rats stourtura. • • , OIBAED HO4EDI-4keetifat streak, below Ninth, ,G Y ' ' ' GlkOliesborOttgh, - H.Y, :• - , -- 13;Prentiss, Wisconsin • J Ll• Prentiss, N 3„, ' Wlll A Oathiart, Mulish , - Mies Prentiss; "- Thol.ll Hat, Louisville 'Ohm Hewitt, jr, England! ;,W, 0 Weal, _Belt _ • Ins Sesgritt,,,,e Win W Orftig,,Lonisv. Ky Win Olovie Bliss Id. El Butt, Noifolk,Va Mn ; s M A Britt;'Nortolkille Bft freh.•ll,lobinand, Na • Alr, Pierce &la Pa B & wife, 8 . - ED Bailey, 8 -0 • Wai T.GardY Norfolk Vi Miss T Hardy, Hotfolk e lia Oapt Humphreys. II 8 A A Q Oriick, Boonville, .` las D Armstrong, Vs Ni)' Nlchola, Colcunbia,,El 13.-Nne al Ohnichill& la.Cinn .111 u Moore, Beading Molnar; Beading lab ?tome: Boston .', ," 'W - P Smith , Belt -' - Dr Harkini - & - tni,blHarman, Darion s ,o Parrimitan,idintieisote" Warlord & he, Pa .o.lXliamberic & Idarriiter,dly. • , lOW Gill, Louisville, Hp MB Gamble, St Louis 'T Lane Smarr, NO Belknap & KY Idles Minh:, Oa , Mai Dollar; Been & li Halena, - Ark W,UMenson,ll,lolimond,''.- H.Richirdeon, .111chat'd c ,B Bomb, Balt ' Vlitiklif, Norfolk; yicy , a , malinger:, va - 4 - Dli - allr&-fia,N 1 . 34, -"'!!'llittiet& 8 - Meirler; Beadier, J T Moore - , Ark.E01,94, - Z_T - Johneonpritias rJ ' ' •_••• .0 aftittlenbergfr, St Lenia ' B Baal, Mr , lll'l'rentice, Brookljut' Con BtocktotVii J'T al Brewer, N • - A Brben. Lencaster _ , &Tones and wife, Term . Mrs Ann N Jones, Tenet lidrer,,W 11 Mote '& 2 and, W B Y "‘-‘ Bean* T Darts, Va. ThleKlatinan. N "- 'W 8, Mullin, 8 0 . 13;.:14 , Premont, Wilneliv '3, B Clansons, - St Louis - •• - • Bakerillt Linde ;NWllmeriltld ;; ;Dr Bagley and lady, Va 011iin,Stokes, Va -' - 'Vs - • ID'Duborep..Va -- 0 Higgins, Washington' • lomat Welsh, alinniteili, B Mee - , Mtrinesota.:. •;." W.ll - :Woodward, 4:39,11 - iten,No Brotrg;-X ; • „F" *Noir 114:481ic4e. - AlailaoAN , NOllBB4liestantafriet: 'bele* 8101. -Washelltapeon: Ohio ' - • .11.4 a-W 0 Oitulttia.,„Plt.telk,li Wr' iltaldartin; • Win B • WM Diet, West 'Newton B Milton Mini, - Del P Repoolde,ll •-;', 3 4 , lledelole; Wilm, N JAS Quin ,Wheeling, , heeling, Pa , W N Peter Y, •, • •••• --••• 0 I-Pleating; Wilm, Del Don Geronwell,Mealco -0• K• Koine, 81 LOUIS ,Bduall James,- Del'- - Geo' Mkt; Del . -81CbirSintord; Del • ^John B Gillette, Ptah, MMolifilb-t- • . ,--, • • 0 Hathway;Pini Frain:4,o6w: lALaßodennal, Jersey lahore•A G Gillet. Harriatnag 1 PlUnggold, Belt '• Wm W Teellutly, Del' nit May:lattoih4lB l 2- - " , '"'Prenets 8 Brown, NI, - ,E,A,Hoffer, 6 01 , ' BBPleming,,Va - Waslibiaten . " Win - Adman & wl, Del - Bawl B gantit,-Biaton, Pa" O W Onannings Pa _ - - BA,11•141Y MAY HOZlllBBocond , steset, VA*. 7 , Clomti4tAtiolut'co, -,•`, 1W Bri - iipl;,Noyi Hope- , • 01t1rtbride, Books eo. P 2 .1 _ Itohb A. 6622. &mks = P Johnson; Bizoki=jps;-'1 Pjfpioger,pulop, Ps . Nei; BMW* Win Soto; Jr, !Itasca • , A;YarkestiLikika;.: 1.: - Ds4242aboles . 2y. Snots 'al 4112.1tItosi Oticke tio' ' Broinnliricie co- 12..Ckinrid 'lllautpomorp - Att W pi - M=l2, MonViy ThplP.SAti . p .T • . : -ONt — OMMOTBL. • ,-Aiek • meat. below, GW,O , Boritielt 'Amery BMWs Plthiburgis . ~L Wood; 0 Boyar &lady:lle/Wog: -. Geoll Lather, Baltimore Win MoOrsady, NI - B.llhimer, f D B lialifsban, WedlVigeaki,'Te*nik; , BHatl Oldo 'Et KoM,.olno ' •- . PUlsto.; Obie' Ohio Leko,„Pe, kbrant,pelaware,olllo; Bla Mooreaa :P,O-13roern.Oedis,,Ohlof - I , Hollueoket . pliefer; Obit?! 0 - He, ra; s4lthitiiiter :''l,-,*'lsl4`4lll' Offf , ild r i DOI i; nue Warren, 0h10`., - ",'' ": Wm 001. _ -,`r; l ; Wm ,Jelso P Cropperrhid - - -' And•tioseddarietta. Oblv. , UNACkett, - Baleris, Ohio 'John Opd,yeket'UiStonMi '.:.:llooviirtOtnitport, Ra Wntlierro*, N 0" o..Traiuson N - 0 • ••' BPIF:Ills, Marlette, 0. - 0 R.Woodru d, Ohlo P Wilassna; Ohio '"T P Gallagher; Pa' Ifili.blorton; NJ- D Jones, ;ViSkiihtirg ' • Wm Varner. Ala : , BM]bretyrcomsradiss - N O"' - BllAlllN.rylttli, and Merchant streets, Wieberillerriahork boatel!, fa .; LAite,, - oaoe;Oheiter, li oO.P '.Bsrotßrwstork. Oltesieieo..P W Blkton,d ltefooldt, Withicgron' Plteitty ; BMA°, Pa :Jot= Border, Cheater, Pn • JJ 0 Arignett, Chatter 0 0, P Del oo,;, fa, - ; _t_tt - Lewii;llol 60, ea .;:t. - Is, Winton; Ud •• : Robs ' Jacket:o4ns we:, Pa, Alifercer,Ohe r . AM Menet, Otiesivr , oo • y innattlen ilartOri 3 Ohisterficill Oheeteroir- - • - MIIOI,OOARP/O itriret, 'Daley el'Oele, ' , neuter , Ohio. W_BaWord, Ohio. - -3 John D JOnes,sPitteisargh. • It Bunker, Pittsburgh' J lleMman, Pittsburgh ' -0 Ilde,A. Terms „ ' DM:Bull; Washington W Arsitinseo,Pfsehltrigton',J irfan,Doreri. Peonealt -8 II Mniheim, Atlanta, Ark Id id Bsteseutulameport U.Dagne, Lima;fo - ,':".T.,,VBohurohlll;tdros, 0 ...7.- De..o , Blead , te yr, Mt Ver." 0' a.bbott,4o. Vernon, 0 non7o: - , 0 Thom, Ohio ; - Bneher;Oantoo, • David B,Meor & lei Carlisle • ! , J B alutrans; Ohio ; •• , .J.B Dailey, Mansfield, 0 &Wherry', iihippeniburg '.Tobnc Wherry, Bhippensbnrg B,llBwertey, iihippenebnig , I Poine. Prvklin 09: W Pomeroy; 'Franklin co -Jelin A Mo4 rof loley , Pa.. _ 81t Bosworth; Pi T 001awrerd, Ohio J 3V,Phepard, Oinclanati M Oanby Wilmington, Del 8 U Wherry, Prinoetou,Ni Heery °Mirk, omiturnta J Johnson, Atieehety.Orty , filto,-Vj Kiine, - Lebanon, Pi Mrs Geo W Kline, Lebanon .4 Mlnnis, Boston , Dan' Cooper, Pittsburgh B P Broiwr - , ,Beadlog It Oartrdl;olnainnati, 0 - 8 B Minus, Virginia 'F Wieder, Virginia W Bowerlo - ohtteton ; Omar Balmier:- Boston - .Z.Prallios, Boston, '„ Y'peavert.lewlehltrili -• W Alexender, New jersey 7 Drosmit s i lodisns, - W Taylok, •;•,, J 8 Weeterutt4ndiazus Balmer, Zanesville; 0 • DI Gregg, St Lenin BA -Neal, gotithington,- , i,Jeldagaus,,l4 , I.7fidlusdKagons, N - MArIBOZY ,Rol7B.ll4toonil itreet. above Market. Wei'MOuel£;Phils • ' • Rennin 4 - le, Y Mitchell, Ohiesgoi:ll G Peeterman t Beading M Truro) Montreal "F 7 Blabloge la, , N 1 ' ALL tollsrt. _ 4 / I "ten PA- • - -Male Spet&v,•Balt - - - ett;nniloh,,N, Y ,el. Pool, DO ' ,BAZOIIIAGDI.HOTBD—Third 'frost, ab. Tee lEintltnio, Bucks Go Ism Oressman,D cobs " lillegsse, Doe ke :J 1 , giver, Beaton Arditert; Pp", ,- ;"".,"" 1", ' 1 &alb, Williamsburg ile 'Devitne 4: Jos.Yonog, Carbon co, Pi ,edivi M litopp,"Allentown WslootiPAllintetVii Wm Townsend. Del ,lii-Borlister, Needing - Bitisildoßook lenaks.oo iliyeoilA4,l4o*lge \ 4l44trillreee, 'bore Third. ffiStadts t "nos Jolt on: itanieburii A'Ailpluig,lllllerstown,l4.l TaIiDAZ. Allentown:' - le'DlilingbaeltaltDiberah*:-.4 I,O,rton;‘Pkilla - ,' Obie ObestentililL P. Gyr,Colltne And Self, , Pe. P. Mrs Oliver, Pottsville, Pa ' binitmrs • Oliver, Pottsville, Pa, lais 'Mee, Pottsville, :- Wm Berper,Besdipg Witt Biters, D Carmen!, Lebanon , teDleirtger Allintown - B.ll'biark,BastOn Heolontn. Elston ' -3 Snuff ran, Be - W 0-Monnig, Pottsville- War Mslur, Leeeport,To /Grasp, Dopindown, , Pbceoliville,••• tc'son; Trenton,' W. Itemsay, Pottsville " 4,llAiltet, Neir Cumberland JAlemlie• Lebanon , • Oritedekind, Lebatioa J 01am:4-Pottsville -' elmio D Dottiotf,' achnylk.lll ..flp"*.jNotiltoan and lady, Haven] ;j Weldquin, • ,autog,a Alt,llolllL—Tlitni:abOis Cillowhlll .E.Cooper;Omiperalswg „: - .. , "Cbait Finney, Bucks on, Pa, •• 11, TbPo!Ps , Plug*. 04 • N.LandiS, District , fOr,llxicllgmbgj g1eni.143,4.011T gehMilit; '$ trUEt, Bomb; Bionsvilie , ; , Henry WalferfiNpki.op..;.' lettinter, Vine/mills Jos(Goth,"Pa,..' Pitmel,Botitti Minden Batton W Detorline.ll Annals. Danl Olider,lelOghle,The Letitter;tiwinip Omsk Geo Vispor, Malden Thom Plea.. Zionsville - B Fitter: Boyintoivir lltatder. asedin; L 7, IRVW , 'wad ~==l, l ve I rot • Coati In;oroi4,- SATIONAL tunrir mimic OOMP.ANTi ;1 4 WaniT lAiniotol. -- yi: eorliiir Of %Vim; PlitiiiiiipiiliY. money. • Melfit_t Is szji song, to Oeinnialt, end 'lnterest pan 661 the "die4i4Opoidli r- -to" fto, dad; of . irlibtraTal. • Wiiii krt :liArtazt3V****lo B lands 'dallyiiritkid l . "04,*YligtiniPtil . *tio,Iii' ,114p1 LAM", *494o4ooll,looioicNiziiii,:siid anah dinto loop !stand ' .4###lii; c ,oSlMltiraW'oo l ; 2 oanureitroto 9 o'idooli to tke iiicaitopiiitit IfOiloidi IA the afteritooi; nd on ' Kiiiid**4oiii*Oliyamiagi'ilitit if ciritoigt: -, !Zoe -. `,.!' , ..).iite1i10141111.4i-iiit , Biise,-; , .lnlei-= - ,llltiON' /Igo* :Flaiit . Di tis, pc4:(mlxtbe • bee , prepkrattOn: tor • d3ingol4 lair , Ina IntionOroliiionnerlor to,alfothOro. Manik it iiii.„1.04, 0 - note doll, tonVltte-likto•ond 0 )01 , At 'iot . o l l;tiii biirn and suborn are so n a tura l f 0A . : 14 _,1kt14 ( 5 - 401 4 ., ,ti.ajzYt iiiiiwi Iliiiit,,sibtUti: N o - , pres..o.• voclietWoo.,4 . ,moyAolz. jiklotollitio to its neg. 7 lOgtsYialt* !tOt Sad lath. Lsboistm 7 or; ;via. illifOi lic -Ce litionWiri - i t ad it,tunro, No. loi 164 . 60 EP4 44l iiiiii. '. 4 '" '- "' m 464 t 5 441, ,t,'"J 51 tial No y TA0 7 0,11 4322.111tirltet Otreair Ininorter arid Ifealsr iniNittaWatohas i ,yeaitry; Sh yea -end Plated Wars. Blret•Class 'gOodsnonstantly on itand.: paying cash f9r aiery,aitlole, ie oniblid to sell it, &amen advance. Those. about. pnrciaalog - would do well to call. All goods warranted ai renito canted, Genesitl Debillt - 7.Thli - convenient .term' Includes numerous Jll.deflired.ittid supposed Incurable - forinsnr . .diseasej acoompanied by general lassitude and ,exhaustlon, withont - roty ascertainable estens9' cir . 11 . - ternal-ce030., The I.3II,3SyIAN,SICRIIP Sends Its re. •novattoOnatienee M the inmost renownSi of system, rotiovq4 In our curnmuotty, men) , cases of sup- . Poesd'lnourable dluesie. ' , . - For gale in this City by P. brown, Fifth and Chestnut and Ilaisitrd-to On., Twelfth and ibleatnnt. anBl4lBrwtt ret c eesor Naandere, -classical jnetitute l al ;the. Whet - Ybllidelplibe ' bo=ner of Mtektit streetiriliWilllate; will be re.opewedin the Ant MON DAY' otpleptember.-, - Ptiplle to, the number 'of. fifty, wUCbe reeelyed - immoul BEMIS)! Or Flail ON 1 . 111/ PAseenaen Luta:Ai:ear tasottT. Thus, without expense, b,r , a. pleasant and. safe eon veyiumeouplis can be ended into the fresh air of the ;estintry in less than half an hear from the OM:* of the city, ‘f3everal, acres of ipen ground border on the beautiful groves of this Seminary, which Is patronised by many of..the distinguished gentlemen, of the city, among whoa( are the Editors of The Press, the Ledger. and The North American and United States Garotte. Pupils. are received by the day, or Into the family of the-Principal. • ••• Plut.anstamts, July 1,1868. We, the undersigneik have bad sore or wards in' Professor Saundera( institute and family daring the session which has jest closed. In reepeot . to parental Milanese, happy induenees, attention to health, and progress in thoreugh education,our expectations have been fully . realized: onrciends. who are looking for a decidedly good school for their Bono, we cordially recommend Professor Saunders' kestltnte, • ‘, MATTHEW 'NEWSIER, No 1800 Arch street. , "JNO. W. yoarnot, °Moo of The Press. • ( OHABITS Z. THODIPSON s , Thompson & Hood, 418 'Chestnut street, ' • • . 1 7. - El; ISILVIER, 1400 O irard Avenue. •• 11 . W. L. spazNos, 881 Market street.. " GEORGE 11. MARTIN, 1026 Walnut street 1, au2B.6t 'One-Price Clothing of the Latest fltyirs, nod made in the best manner, expreesty for Reran; aaona. We mark oar lOwest prices in PLAIN nonage on esois artiole. A. 1 pints made to order are warranted sittefactoryoOd our 0118-PRlOlt ourreat Is 'Wetly .. ad hered to. 'We believe this to be the only - fair tray of dealing, as thireby,altore treated alike. ' JONES k. CO., att2T,ly • 604 MARKET Street. seamen's Site . Fnnd.-Olfloe 203 Walnut street, one &tor omit of Second stmt. IteoeireaSe poem in gram of One Dollar and upwarde,lrom' all daises of the community, and. - allows interest it the Teti of nee per mint. per annum. Ogee open daily, from 9 until S o'clock, and on Mon. day and Saturday until .9 in the evening. President,' Franklin Poll; Triturator and Secretary, Charles is Bailie'''. CILIUM/TED ' • 'FAMILY BIWIN4 MAQIIIN/111, ISO OEEBTNVT FITBRET.- These Montane! me now Justly admitted to be the beat. In use for family sewing, Making a newf 'strong, and stadia dna, which will no? rip, even if every fourth stitch be Out. 'Oiroolara mutt on ablioatlon by letter.. APS!.7 , . _ Jaoluton t , , - • ion panvrin, • MTH AND CHESTNUT. Oheoki, Notes; Drafts, mut - Lading, Bill Heads, CO-_ maws, Oaxds, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at view, to snit the times- • . • oel7-11 filarriaget -On the 80th nit,, Rev. G. W Showman, Mr. B PRANK - CitiTSR. to Miss AMANDA. 14. BROLBRAIVP, both of this city, rk . On the 2Tth ult., by MIT. - 3. 0. Clay. Mr. JOIIRPII B. TAtiL&N/1 ' Miss JULIA. L. MIIDCON.' all of Phila. --••- - * On the Bth .inne, by Rai. John Wilson, Captain W. 8 COWARD. of Philadelphia ; to blissblAtrlf. KIRK, of Bristol, Raab, county; Pa - - * - On the 23d ult., at the Parsonage by Rev. J. G. Shinn, Mr GEOROW 8. - 1311.YANT t Mtn: CATHARINE VA.NE3IAN,.eII ofPhiladielohic • - * IBtailp3. • Suddenly, on the 80thlilt:, Meg ELIZ&BEITII • CUBIT, _ Her:relatives and, friend' of the fatally are respell-, Sally invited to attend the funeral, from her late resi dence, 'No 1204. Spring - Garden street on Thursday morning, 2/1 inst., at 10 o'clock, without ' further notice. To proceed to Bonaldson's Cemetery. e* On the 30th ult.', lint, JAMIMA BAIIIIIII, wife of Mr. - Anthony Sayers: in the lith year of her age. The., relativae and, friends of the family are reaped fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husbond,"in Fifth Street, above Kappa, on Thdreday *Hermosa Sept. 2d ; et I o'clock, without farther notice.' Funeral to proceed to Monument Came ** gn the- 29th'ult., - ElAttilif49ll9; wife of William J. Mullen. In trfelifty-second year of her age - -'The funniilWill take phiebtle' a (Wednesday) morning t 8 o'clock from the residence other husband, No. 1602 South Fourth street To proceed to Laurel Hill. * August 80th, 1858. in her 70th year. HONOHIL NE BINGES, relict of the late Andrew Nebbsger Her fri,mds, end those of he. family, are kindly In vited to attend her tonersl, on Thornily morning, Sep. tember2d, at 9 o'clock, from her hap reddens, No 1018 South Second street. , Ass On Situdayinlght,'SFSPElSN HIGH, in the Oild year 'of his age. . • Ins funeral trill take place this (Vedniiday) morning, Sept. let, to go to Doylestown, yla North Pennsylvania Railroad, and proceed to Doylestown Cemetery upon the arrival of the oars at that pleat; lellflog big late resi dence, In Almond atrcet, below &mond, at preolielr 8 o'clock ,' On the 28'h ult., Mrs SARAH, wife of Mason tames, in the 78d year of her age. ' The relettvos and friends of the Omni' aretespectfully trotted to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband. No. 408 Poplaratreet, this (Wedneaday) morn- Mg at 9 &cinch, without farther notice.- - * On the 27th ult., Mr. ARTHUR H. RUTZ, aged 65 The rehtly es suit lilends 'of the family-are respect. filly Invited to attend the funeral,' this -(Wednerday) afternoon, Sept let, at 2ohtlor.k, from his late residence, Hancock street. above Mill. Germantown. • * On,the' 29th "itit:," Miu "ADALAIDeI _PAINTER; daughter of Mrs Mary 4,4 the late John Painter, in the 16th year of her age •' - tier relatives and friends are respectfully InvPed attend the funeral; 'front the resident* of her mother, No. 228 Poplarstreet, below Bt. Sohn. this Mednorday) - afternoon at 8 o'cloelt. withont fiirthilr notice. To pro. coed to Monument Cemetery_ * ty. A tlantio Tel•gratiti !Celebration,. ;The Committee of Amusements ,annonnee the fallowing order of yroasedlogi to be observed On %%DOR , . DAY' r ext. the lit of -15eptember. - 11. A National Salute will be fired at - enrolee_ and at - 1. The Belle of the Charities and other nubile bulbl hige in the city will be rang at hitervehi ,dnring the • The Irina Division Pennsylvania - Volunteers, Mi• der the command of Major Oenoral Patterson, with inch otoer military bodice as may wish to Aulittteleate wilt , parade according to the coder of the Major general, and ,by the rou. a hereto stated, and arrive at Independence pew's°, at 12 o'clock M. „ 'nouTr, OP Tine MILITARY. Down 'Locust to Thirteenth;, down Thirteenth to Spruce • down Spence tb Fifth; down Fifth to German ; down derman to Third; up Thir d to New; up New to Fourth; up Foorth to Tine ; Vino to Sixth; up Sixth to Spring Garden; Spring Garden to Tenth; down Tenth to Arch • Aisle to Sixteenth ; down Sixteenth to Chestrint ; down Chestnut to Sixth' down Sixth to Walnut; down _Walnut to entrance of Independence Square. 4. The crew of the United Matsui steamer Niagara; the societies of the Sons V St, George and Albion; the Hibernian ,• the St, Andrew'e and Soot's Thistle om elettes and such o'hetorganisstions or aseociations as contemplatei participating, will enter the square at the southern gate, Where places will be assigned them by 'the Committee of Arrangement. ' J.E. Officers of the United Staten Army. Nary, and Ma rine Corps will report to Major General Patterson, who will assign them a position. O. The President of. the United fitatei and the mem bers of hie Cabinet; the Governor of the State'; .the oftleere of the United State!. steamer Niegtrs ; the offi cers of theAelegraph. expedition ; representatives of foreign Governments; the reverend cier.ry; jodgee of .the Supreme sod other officers of the Mittel States and State Government courts, and other distinguished straugers, will meet in the Select Connell chamber at 2.1 N o'clock A. M. 7. The Mayor and Recorder of the city; head* of the eeveraldepartments; the Select and Common Cannella - *embers and' ex members of Congress, editors and • of the press, will' meet in the Common Conn 'oil Chamber at the same hotir. „ &chick IL', precisely, the exercises in Inde pendence Square will be ea follows • , Prayer by Bev. Dr. Alfred 'Nelda. OratiOttbi Mop; Wm: D Honey. ' Address by Rev. E. W. Rutter. , Prayer by Rev, A . A, Willits. ' Benediction by Rev. Dr. i P.ll Wilmer. 9. A toretilitbt probeesion by the Fire Department will take place at I o , elotk In the mains, along the fellowina route: ROM% OF THE 1111;196111ti'll -PARADE. Form in the Companies' Rouses at six o'clock, and mote froroltelC street at seven o'clock, forming on the north side of Arch street, with the right on Broad, ex 'tending east; countermarch down Arab to Third ; down Third to Christian ;up Christian to Ninth ; tip Ninth to Lombard; up Lombard to Fifteenth ; up Fifteenth to Obbstnut ; down Oboatnut to Thirteenth ; up Thirteenth to raptor ; down. Poplar to Sixth ; up Sixth to Franklin; down Irankito to the Germantown road ; down German trisen toad-to Second street; down Second to Green; up 'Greiii to Third ; down Thhd to Callowhili ; up Callow /till to Fourth ; down itourtji to °Mutant ,• and up Ottest- Mat to INT:oath. , where the parade will dismiss. • 10. grand display of firework'', under the imperil 'flora of Kr. Samuel ..Tackson, will take place at the corner of Broad, and. Spring Garden streets, at SM. O'clock In:the erecting._ • ' ; • `•-In order that the demonstration may be as imposing "and 'effeittire as possible, the committee make the fol lowing recommendations, and trust they may bo carried out as far as_t he convenience of our oltmens may ad mit • , ' • , 1. That the proprietors of the various publlo loge sod hotels, la the city, display their Begs, and have their. Windings decorated ea the day of the celebra. T. That' misters' et all the shipping in port 'deck their Tepeels with flags . . from unwise to sunset on that 8- That all the general - emcee bWelosed, and the mer chants, nanufseturers, end others, close their reopen tlypplsoes of buelness on the OCelliol/. 4That ; there be a public illumination of all the . public building ) dwelling., stores, (coterie', &0., in the 01 , 00111 go 6.,,That Ink obstructleis in the 'Streets be removed, end the citizens refrain from wetting the streets daring the day, la the streets through which'the procession is to ems end the proprietors of omnibuses, and other yubllocouveysnoee - aurpend running.theit vehicles on the route of ,the military procession during the time it moving. • order of the Committee of Arrangements; , BUIE( 1,111414, Chairman. - I,OIIIN CLODORT, „Secretary. sitt3l. • _ - TO e e rnm ß em ,l ri o s l n ß i lS bY lAthffe • AtsooLuroxi BIIQOEIPUI COMPLIITION (iv TVISI ' ATLANTIO TBLEGRAPH. This wonderful event will be bomaillesorit4;.l by the .VOVNG SIBN , II OniIIySTIAN Ai•SOOTATION At JAYNE'S RAO), oti Iit_SDNASDAIf nowt; Sept. lot, "ritleg oielOok A. mr, • • - , • Madders of all Ohnrcbee reprisented in the Assoela !len, and:tlii , friends of generally are earneetly "invited to be present, and participate in the - exereleee of thle great occasion,. - • -_.- will be handsomely decorated. Mbe large Transpsteliey prepared for• the illumination of the Itbetes of ~ the Association in Chestnut street, shove Teeth, will, It practicable, form part of the decora tions. Ssatsivill he reserved fOr Ladies. -, GEORGE II STUART, JOHN 0. BLISS. . OARRYL, - WM. 013T1Y. " c . ; B A .:l34 l 7 o o a N y li s , gomanditee. Illnyos , Is Of tion=Philsdelplitai . A.B6B.—,IIO.I74EIESITERS are bomb) OPPotallY 'eon - sloped, against' leaving theft , : dwelling', exposed to theohtrance of. thieves, dating the pelobrxtion of OH ' er, and - wherever , any had thel Ate 'ielinnited - to be esrefill in .the mammon:let& and, !Jr. -tinguishlng of liAte ; - 7, '-warned cfthe foollltleetiffeXed AI; lerga orowdt to plek.pookets, and should sooordingly be' on' their guard , , - - . , ...By order of the - Mayor.- r "- • . - - - :SAMUEL 4. It11(141.118,' , - - 2 Chief of Pollee.-- 'U. Order Of 'Pronestion for Staletlea under IffitiOßT•ot the UNITED oTATES MARINEfii and (MEWS . OF NIAGSEL•AND EIUtQUEUANNk-'7: - The climb of the Niagait and So, outhanioa will rare. dervous at •FRANKLIN 1101184`on'ONESTNUr Street, at alciaok, ino•ning, and - proceed - down - Thifil street to the Navyrard. none - Ming there with 6 mpg of Marine/ detached bythe Comoiandant, turning by &mold street to Archinp Arch to Sixth; and' < along Sixth to Franklin Square. BW • .-forming on ' Franklin, 'treat, with elt in ilia , march up Franklin etreet to Vine down Vine to Sixth, do w n Sixth ,to Arch, up :Arch ' , to Eleventh, down . Eleventh to Market street. '" ' Ro , fOrmiog, with Mantled and trews of Niagara and Soequebanna an - eisedrt of the - Sono of St. Oeorge - , and with , Albion ~soclety, St annremi - Society, . Soot§ ,Trintle Soaloty, BriciatV,,in the order smiled, and the Cadets of Upper arid Temperance, with such other floatation as may,wish•to take part in this prooeaelan, march down "Eleventh to Spruce, down Spruce to Third up vhird to Chastrit, op Chestnut to Sixth; along sixth to Walnut, and enter the Swum by the south gate. in rear of the Military. - sepl. BY ORDER QV < TILE,COMEdITTEE. orflatted hint!' lilre Co -.1 he members of the llnitid States pre Company will amenable at the Hall of the Company THIS (Walloon:Iv) EVE NING, at Ox Welooki fully eclaprd foe Penedo. , - GEORGE- RaplY, sel-lt* • • ': ' - Assistant Secretary.- BrElOO hPreby offer a Re. WARD OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS forthe dem, Hon (if 'within one year) and the subetioneitt con elotion of the kluiderer or Murderers of JOHN CLARK, whom body was found in the Bohuylkill on the Sid day of April hat. - mum, - CHARLES CLARK, Lineingburg,-Ilenasehter County. N.Y. All communleationa on the subject may be addressed AS above, or to . . B. D. STEWART, . . .. , . Philadelphia. Thle amount includes the 0138 hundred dollars offered by Radiant tier Dolmen, No. 4a, 0 of U. A, M. au3o.4talf , ' - 0:r e w Orb nns .13na Light Company. FARMERS' AND NECIIANIS , BANK, Fuitanntrnia, Tilly 2, HU. Notice Is hereby given to the Stockholders of , the New Orleans Gas Light OoMpany, that the Agency for the Transfer of the Stock and the payment of the Diet-. donde of that Company will be closed from and after the first day of October next; and they are requested to surrender the Certificates Weed by this Bank and re ceive Warrants of Transfer to the Company In New Or. leans. ,W. RI:MELTON Ja, Jy34llwitsuthtod ' • eashler. - Union Bank.—At a Meeting of:the p. r ßoard of Commissioners of the Union Bank the of owing preamble and resolution were adopted : Whereas, The Commiesioners of the Colon Bank, by very general - request of the' Stockholders, resolved not to enforce the payment of the second initalment oil the Stabscription to the Capital Stock of said Bank during the 'Mancha oriole of last year, and u, In the judgment of the Octuolesionete, the proper time for the organization of said Bank has now- been reecho., therefore • , • , Awl Fed, That the second instilment of Twenty Dollars per share on the subscription to the Capital Stock of said Dank shall be paid at the Office of The Dank, Southwest corner of THIRD and Anil Streets, Philadelphia, between the fleet nod fifteenth days of September next; and betfeen the hours of 10 and 1 o'clock daily. Stockholders wishing to pay prior to the abpie date can do so as heretofore. JOUR M. POMEROY, Boftetary. July 19, 1858. . jy2l-wirtael6 ItNotice.—The Second Instalment of rtie Dollars per Share on, the Stock of the BE AND THIRD-STREET PASSENGER RAIL WAY COMPANY of Philadelphia will be due and payable at the 011 ice of the Company, No. 220 WAL NUT Street, on or before September Ist, MUM By order of the Board. ARNDT faunwoot, Secretary. ,{y9-ftutanlkmwflaapl Notice.—An election for seven Directors of the MONTOUR IRON COMPANY, to serve daring the the ensuing year, will be held on SA.TURDAY, the fourth day of Septemher neat, between the hears of twelve o'clocklif. sad one o'clock P. M. at toe late Office of tho Company, In the Reading Railroad Coin parry's Buildings, in the city of Philadelphia, Penna. By order of the Board, T. M. BRYAN, Jr., • - awl-dtsepti • • - Secretary. or. Notice —*toward Fire and Marine In. BUDANCH COMPANY—Pen.snaLvnis,:togost 26,1858 —ln accordance with the provisions of the Act of Incorporation, an ELECTION for TWENTY DI: BECTOIIB, to serve for the ensuing year, 1411 be held at the °Moe of the Company, No. 412 WALNUT St., on TUESDAY, the 7th day of September, 1858, between the hoop of 10 A. M. and 2'P. 51. an26-tdsepB CUARLEB A. DCY, Secretary. century Plaut.—Tine wonder, of the 11,3 . Sower world, with /LOWER STEM which hu grown over twenty feet in five weeks, is still in bloom, for the benefit of the, YOUNG MEN'S CHRIS. TIAN ASSOCIATION, and may be seen Sally from 8 A. U. to 10 P.N., at 1010 CHESTNUT street, Oats Parkinson's.) Admittance 26 cents. Children }0 cants. All shOuld see this plant before is dies. ou2ll.otia la. COT COLOlllseleitcre , Office. - ' Peitipmente, August 88, 1458. TEE BOARD OS REVISION 'will meet at ttim to Bildt the dutiee of their appolntMent. as talon: First ward—Monday, September 6th, 1869. 'Second ward—Tnesday, September 7th.' Third ward—Wednesday, September Bth. Fourth ward—Thursday, September 9th. Fifth ward—Erich September 10th. Sixth ward—AlOnday, September 13th. Seventh ward—Tuesday, September 14th. Eighth word—tVidneedayi •eptember 16th. Motu werd—Tlinrsday, September 16th. Tenth ward—Friday; September 17th. ' Eleventh ward—Monday, September 20th. 'Teelfth waid—Tueeday, September 21st. hirteenth ward—Wedneeday, September 2241. Fourteenth word—Thurssay, September 28d. - Fifteenth wartf,..Friday, September 24th. Sixteenth ward—Monday, September 27th. Seventeenth ward—Tuesday Sep'embsr '23lh. Eighteenth ward--Wednesday, September 29th. Nineteenth ward— rhuraday. September 80th. Twentieth ward—Friday, October id Twenty-first ward—Monday Ostober,iith . . Twenty-set:and war&t:Trtesdity,'Oetober 6th. Tweety-th , fd ward—Wednuy,, Twenty-fourth ward—Thursday, October 7th. 1:17. The immerse! the various wards wilt take no lo ancordingly. • • .1. M. LvDDY, JAMES I.OOAN. City Oontotts'a, AllilliD R. WILLIAIIB, A. J. 11.014 BELT, Receiver of Team 1 1 1 0.1.L1A111 V. AtoGR4.7II, . Oity Treasurer. /Two I me for Invalids with at actions o THE OUT. . 14.7 8, W. oar. BARIXE andOlilliTHUT,atreets, West Philadelphia. New publications. LATE ENGLISH ,PGBLIOATIONS.— Importedand for - isle by 0 . , J. PiIIOB & Importers of Bnititah Books, /to., 82 fouth BLXTII vtreet. abeviVOIIdsTNIIT. BIIBIBIBR TIDIVI IN TECO GOON cal', by J.. 4". Wil• mott Illustrated by Blrkett Hartisan - Weir, and John Carrick' - Square Bvo. Oloth gilt edges. COMMON 011JBOTd Or TUB 001:INTRY, by the /ter. J. 0. Wood. Beautifully oolored plates, 12m0., cloth. WILL ILE *LIMY Ina t By John, Lang. 22m0., cloth. ONE VAULT; by Hrs. Trollops,. WILD FLOWERS. How to nee and how to gather them by Bpanoer Thomson, H. D. 22m0. - - TIGIB HUNTING IN INDIA, by William Rice Bvo., adored pistol. - EGYPT' AND PALESTINE, Photographed and* De. scribed, by F Frith, Jr. - Porte I and 2, toile, - 808 ten'ffill 8810011103 IN EGYPT AND NUBIA. Lithographed , b Highs. Original - anbacribere 'copy; Proof folio. half morocco. • , GUIDE TO THE ENRLISH LAKES, brldlia Hay; Airman. Etell plates. - .12cn0., cloth - • - - GUPZOT , B 242/101114 OP HIS OWN TIME. Vol. Bvo , cloth. POBSTEAT E888,Y13, Biographical and Critical. 2 vols. gro., cloth. GAMEB FOB ALL BBASONB, for the Young, Mu trated. Naar° Bvo, cloth, FISHES AND PIEaLING, by Knight, En. 22m0., cloth, THE MIOLIOSCOPE AND ITS REVELATIONS, by J. Ferguson. 12m0., cloth. HAND-LYME. YOH, TRAVELLERS TO EGYPT, with 14 illustrations. 32.m0, cloth. THE AQUARIUM, by P. H, Goss.: Oolored plate' small Bvo., cloth. THE CHUM OP TILE BETKEY, by Hugh 12m0., cloth. THE BUTTERFLY TITANIUM, or Insect Rome, by H. 11. Humphreys. Egoare Bvo., cloth. • nounl Lois OF SHELLY. - 2 vols., 8v0.., cloth. - THE SEA-FIDE - AND AQUARIUM, by ,John Her. per. Illuetrated,-12m0., cloth. Foreign Books imported to order by every steamer. Monthly Catalogues of New and Old English and French Books furnished gratis on application. sepl.Bt I. Oe S. 'Me MINNE-lIA.-DA LODGE THE REMILAR AIBETINGEI OF THE LODQI HILL BB 81181IBIND OA WED NE SD AY EVENING, The Bth of BEPTERDRIt next, at Y ololook By order of the GRAND COMMANDER GEO. W. WOOD, 13ocretary. rif 81-NATIONAL OABLB. —On WRDNEBDAY. the let of September. will be celebrated the nuceessful laying of the Atlantlo Gable. 8. ALM:ITT, of Albutt's Hotel, No. 28 STRAWBERRY Street, will- Illuminate and spread a LLINOR suitable for the occasion, in the FORENOON and' EVENING of which his Mende And the public' Are Invited to partake fu order to - form a link between himself and the,publio; that ho hopes will be mutually boned:lsl. atiBl.2t EILOOUTION TAUGHT, STAMMERING Cored, and Defective Articulation Corrected, by A. COMSTOCK. M. D., at hie Vocal Gyrcinaalum; SOS ARCH Street, Philadelphia. Dr. Comstock's Circular will be sent, if desired.' 11EDIAN ALLEN,A. M., Teacher of the Violin,and, PI sub. Mr. Allen may be *polled to at:the residence of hie father, Protestor Allen, No 2.1.5 South SEVENTEENTH Street. - eepl.tool Dr. W. 8.-MoILEIENNEY,Dentist, ai mould inform his friends that he has mimed practice at No. 1343 CHESTNUT Street, second door Above the U. $. Mint. , sepl-3m ENTLEMEN'S RATS FOR AUTUMN, ur Combining •legance of form with fitness, end beauty of deakm with uttoty OPENING DOE, EAT. TIRDLY.NEXT, September 4. WAttinfitTONMetter, r eeptfitif 430 Obestout street'', ILLINERY GOODS.—Now open, an 111-assortment of PRBNOR nowzas, PLAID 9E1.9ET5,,R,1880N14, of latest !styles. • Dlaok Thread Laces, Coiffures, Barbs. &o. • - -B. C. SIALLIDaY, ' 26 South Ninth it. Pro' CITY AND COUNTRY TRADE.— BOUTIS, SHOES, end G &VIM st the beet City Idanntaosure, low prices. (for Men. Women and Chil dren,' wear.) at DUTTON'S. No 111 Nnrth BDOOND Street, above Arch, "EAST SIDE," " SIGN OF •THN BED ROOT." , sept2te, MACKEREL =250 bbl& Nos.' 1,2, and 8 Etnokorel, now landing, and for o‘l• by 0. O. SADLER & CO., 1161 Arch at., xecond door Above Front. a• s VISIONS.-100 Mkt' sae ' ork. • coo pre City Smoked llama. 1,000 _." " Shoulders. • 100 bids Lard. For sale by ' C. 0. BaDLIR & CO., sal Arch st. l second door above Front SHAD. -160 lible See Shad, pet received and for sale by 0. 0. BADIAR & CO. eel $5O l i ng E tTe A droh et., oecoud door above Front. bodyßD will lit A. b O. given i3A l i o A r N r ewe:: ewasr drowned in the Delaware on Punday morning, about 400, 7ardi below Point Airy. A_pply to Witlaltlt DI. BPRANKLE, - eal3o-801 , ' Merchant's Hotel. ttllplesale itata: Do*trii. . , ti°1441(3 , , M..4SD'DOMESTO GOODS, % PEMBERTON EMIL'OMINSOI, '11.2 Ohiletoitt, tfoeti Offerb for dale _ - . • - - DRILLS, JEANS, SIIEETINOF. BRIRTINOF, EFFRIPBEI, OdNABURONS,FLAtiNELB, DROWN, BLEAOIiCF.D, AND COLORND IA all MAW from -,"ALTIO MAW,CI- CO., -RATER MAN 4 'NORTIIFIGLE'OO. ' DO.; - ,pAtaluuL,!4 .DO, ' WRBT.ROY,LSTOR DO., Als Templeton _Mina BoPaktue Itna FralW , Ciaid t ai /e11 ). - - Woodward , do. , , do:, - do. ' , Saxony Mill , 'do.' ' do,' do. 'Tegeth'er Witßaliirgeiteiortineninf'doeyalble Foreign 0001111, • • impl•lut 'Retail liihn Oadirti: EYRE & IaiNDELL, FOURTH AND ARM STREETS, STAPLE-AND 71ANOY SILK GOODS. OFBNIN.4I OF FRENCH GOODS TO. DAY „lion SILK ROBES A LEZ; • SILK ROBES, , Dotrinz SKIRTS; • ' SPLENDID ROBES, TWO' PLOUNOES ; 'SPLENDID ItOSES;,TISEE FLOUNCES; , NEWEST STYLES PALL SILKS; ROUND•CORNERED SHAWLS; - EXTRA RICH PRINTED DE LAINES; - PLAIN AND BAYADERE BLADE. SILKS. EYRE & LA/WELL, - eopl43ot, FOURTH AND ARCH STUB ETS OPENING. . ,THOMAS W. EVANS 4t, 00. - IT'LL OPAN THEO NE'W STORE - ON '3IO.NDAY,,SEPTEMBER eth, - W tth a large a 314 elegant, niso4ment of - DRY GOODS, Of Slide own importation • 818 and 820 011ESTNITT STREET. s6l•bt' (Earpelinge. A . TWOOD, RALSTON. &_OO., 633 MARKET STREET, AGGNIO YOU PRILADNLPHIA AND DASTNAN OARRET MANUFACTURERS, Solo Aentsisi tble'clty for the AUBURN gARPETINGB, Illestliaotured by Joalah Barber eel•lm i'IARFETS FOR FALL SALES. BAILY A BROTHER, No. 920 OILEBTNIIT STREET, Are now prepared to exhibit to the trade a very ex. terteive Rtock'of - FINE. OARPETINGS, - Imported ;Meet from • the best 'manufacturers, or pur chased at the large sales In New York, consisting of THE NEWEST PATTERNS (many neyor before offered for sale) Of VELVET CARPETS, in single and double widths; TAP SSTRY . BRUSSELS, extra quality ; 0110I0Ei HEAVY BRIMPELS, neat designs. • Also, SUPER THREE-PLY INGRAIN and vENETrANs, ' of - every variety of style and quality. Confiding ourselves exclusively to the oesa SYSTEW, we shall be enabled at all times to give our custom - is the best Goods, at the - - LOWEST PRICES OUPERB THREE-PLY -OARPE T S -- 0 A fresh sesortment of new patterns, at rwincled prices, at DAILY & BROTHM , I3, OAI9II OARPZT STORM ' 920 oinerNtrr ht. TESTRY OARPETI3.IIBT . OPEN - ED, a large lot of superior Tapestry Carpets, to be sold at a low pries. DAILY & snontin, OAHU CARPET SToltla t 020 011EBTPIDT t. 1.1. ED ROOM OARPRTS.-10,000 YDS. P.. of superior Ingrain and Thres-ply Carpets, of the best makes awl slse, at all prices, from 50 cents to .25 per yard. DAILY & BROTHER,' rahlll-fr - ' No. 920 CHESTNUT Street. REST: HEAVY BRUSSELS.—A LARGE lot of new patterns. In neat, abode style', et low pieta. ' ' -GAILY BROTHER , °BRAE CARPET STORE, 920 CHESTNUT St " tied estate. FOR SALE One of the moat valuable sadealrable DOII.BL1! . DROWN-BTONZ'RESIDENtiES IN VIM oirr, No. 1810 CHESTNUT STREET, zaTEruniqt TMIOOGII TO' OZOBORATRy.v.T., Ruing been'bullt by the owner for Ms own residence, no expense his been spared in Its construction. Apply to CHARLES BOORS, ' 829 MARKET Streets Or to M. THOMAS & SORE, au2o4f If - - 189 and 141 South YOUR= Street. itemovals. REMOVAL.—C. 0. SAMAR & Co. have removed from No. 9 North Watvr Street to No. 104 ARCH street, setoad door above Brent. eel REBLOVA4,- THOMAS N. DALE & 00., Importers end Manufacturer" of OLOTIIIIMI and • " TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, • Han Reprove fro= Ito. 19 Nortl; FOURTH Stroot to NO. $ll MARKET STREET. • REH - OVAL.L.4O P. DOHERTY, TAILOR, HAS ItEMOVED N. K. owtnisit OP AND WALNUT STB. PAD.AtmuntA,',Taly 16, 1858. $3 434,'PER -TON for the beat WHITE ccee." Mill COAL, warranted the from elate or H . ICKSL COAL Is the best and cheapest in the city, r&serepned in yard and dry under ',over. WOKS Uotte but the very best Lehigh avid Schtiyikill Coal and warrants full weight. HIOKS • superintends the delivery of, all Coal gevsenelly, and therefore guarantees it to be of repreeentaid. 111 - IOV3 i Yard and O ffi ce Is at the southeast JUL corner of MARSH eLL and WILT OW, where he Invitee all to call and examine for themselves the above meta. • - an263ln- fj" NO WL ' FAMILY GOAL DEPOT, JUL NINTH end WILLOW Streets, where the HICK ORY- and LEMUR COAL can be supplied in its purity, at lowest USSR pries*. aral-1m DIIRE LEI AND );ROAD-TOP 00AL.--7AMEB, IL MONTGOMERY informs hie friends and the public that he has effected an arrange meet with the Reek Mountain Goal Company for the We of theirJustly-eelebrated LEHIGH GOAL. He has also arranged.tvith the proprietor of the Broad-Top Mines for the Weakly valuable SEMI-BITUMINOUS 00AL, and is now prepared to receive orders and make prompt deliveries, at his Oftlea, No. 402 WALNUT Street; second story, front room. • jeB-8m F' ICERING, ,- FOX, & CO., wholesale and retail . .ilealart la /SHIM and SOHITYLEILL 00AL. Lehigh"yard—TlMlD !street and GERMAN TOWN ROAD. Selnylkill yard—RACE and BROAD strode, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand ONO from the most approved mines, under cover, and pre pared etresslyptfamilv me. Motten: - $B,OO O TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE Apply to JOS. B. BARRY, sel.3t* 268 South THIRD Street 0070Ars:eealle a o d o l u ac r U o n d i found-ront of $B6 $6 A. T. GOODMAN, Conveyancer, 108 South SOURTII Street. TO GASH BUYERS. JAMES 8. EARLE & SON.; 816 OREBTICUT BUM, OPPOSITE 105 0101.00 000503 Invite the attention of Western and Southern Custom ' era to their burnouse and elegant assortment of LOOKIN44LASSI3B, OIL PAINTINGS, PORTRAIT AND PIOTURE•TRAAIE9, Ittablir for the PALL TRADE WILLIAM GEISSE fs SONS, No. 116 Routh FRONT !Street, below Chestnut, Importers of LOOKING-GLASS PLATES, AND BEADS OF EVERY DESORIPTION, Port INDIAE TRADE, aco ho aussB-1m SOUTHWARK BANK, PRILIDIMPIIIA, June 28, 1868: NOTICE Is hereby given, that .• The Southwark Bank of Philadelphia,ll located in the City of Phila- delphia and created for Banking purposee, with a capi tal of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, intends to mike' appliestlfnit to the next Legislature of this Commonirealth fotlßan - inereeule of one hundred and. fifty thoutendAkflUtto its present capital stook. • By ordjfilitthb:B666o of Directors. JeaO. • `l6ldes , _ P. P. STEEL, Cashier. Acora. , TWINE-5,000 lin • Superior JI,JI - Twine . , imitable, tor the Southern market, =mile and for sale by „ iarrua L _re Do., au2B-tt ' Pti North, water mired. 1858' NE* GOODS: 1858 - L. a. LEVY lc Are now receiving a choice 'assortment of ifeff Goods for their . , ' • ' ' • AUTUMN SALES. . , In addition to their own importations, they offer this Reason a selootion kora tho awake of , other Importers. The whole cellootion is fully equal, inyariety, to beauty of design and excellence of , fabric, to any rat sown. The Inspection of WHOLESALE BUYERS Ic invited aa well aa their rota!! anatomize. The stook "will be added to by all the steaniera arriving this gall, ac they have Made arrangementa to have cent to them a. selection of any New Goods which matappear In Tanis late In the season. • = 809 AND 811 011ESTRUT BT. 'atiBo.llt QORAFFER & ROBERTS, '- • - • - t-7 No. 429 MARRET STREET, WORTHRS . AND JOBBIptO OF HOSIERY, GLOVES, SMALL WARES, COMBS, BRUSHES TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, LOOKING;NLASHE4 GERMAN AND PRDNOR YANCEY GOODS. su24-2m - • . • SMITH, MURPHY, & 6/, 287 MARKET ST. AND 228 CIIIIROE ALLEY, BTAPLR AND FANCY DRY GOODS, To whioh they invite the attention of OABII AND PROMPT SHORT TIME BUYERS. P1111.1D811:1111, Angnet, 1858. an24-2m JAS. /Z. OAMPBELL & CO., No. 804 MARKET STREET, IhIPORTEES AND WHOLESALE DEALERS to WHITE GOODS, - FOREIGN AND DOKESTIO DR! GOODS • GtNIERALLY. au2o-1m SIBLEY, MOLTEN & WOODRUFF, No. 3213 MARKET STREET, Rave now open ed and are daily receiving a choice Stook of alike and Fancy Qoode for the FALL TRADE, Consisting of— BLACK AND TANGY DRESS SILKS, BONNET AND VELVET RIBBONS, . DRESS GOODS OP t i VERY VARIETY, WRITE GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES AND MITTS. - , LADIES' CLOAKS, BRAWLS, MANTILLAS, &o. To which they Invite the attention of Buyers gene. rally. au-204.m SPARH&WK, DIINTON, & WVRTS, . 302 MARKET 13TREET4. Are SELLING OPP their STOCK OIISLAP TO CLOSE BUSINESS.' - . GREAT INDITOEMENTS WALL DE OPTORED TO %Lea BUYERS. The Stock consists of STAPLE AND DRESS GOI)DS, And le large and well 'elected. aul9-lm A LEXANDER & KNOWLES, lISPORTERB AND WIIOLESALE DEALERS HOMEY, GLOVES AND FANCY GOODS, (asys REXOYZD TO) Noe. 480 MARKET AND-426 MEROHANT 8T13.1 And have jen4 opened a NEW AND COMPLETB STOOK OW GOODS, gamest) , adapted to To which the attention of their customers Smi CLASS BUYERS is Invited. • aal7-dtoo►l JOSHUA L. BAILY, N. W. cox. Fwra AND MARKET 13113., Ras now open a CHOICE AND ENTIRELY NEW OTOOS . . FOKEIGiN & RA3TIO — DRY--- 000DS, FOR EAU DELGW. REGULAR PII.IOES, To which he finite/ the attention 'of,ltuyers from all sections of the country. Mantra 1858 SILK GOODS. FALL intPoItTA.TIoNO 1=1.A.1.30, ROSS, as VO'72;CM-I 661 MARKET STREET, 616 commkack STREET, RIIILADELPILIA MlO Dow in store their complete IMPORTATION OP SILK AND PANTY GOODS; To which the attention 'Athol TRADE M invited. attl4,2m MARTINS, PEDDLE, Sc HAMRICK, IMPORTIIB AND DIALIAB VI HOMILY, ' GLOVE% sad FANCY NOTION, No. SO' NORTH FOURTH STREET, ItIVZ'DOOBB DHLOW THE 711ERCHANTB , HOTEL, Offer for sale the most complete stook of goods In their line to ba found In the - UNITED UTATEEI, • Clotuditlug of HOrIERY, of every rade, GLOVES for meh; women, and children, comprising an &sworn:ant of over SOD kinds, UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS, LINEN BOSOM SHIRTS and COLLARS, LINEN CAIEDRIChIANDICEROLIIEZEI and SHIRT PRONTB, LADIES , ELASTIO BELTS, with clasps of entirely new deeigns, with an endless variety of Notions, to which they invite the attention of STREIT CLASS WESTERN AND SOUTHERN }MEN'S FURNISHING' GOODS iLL AIM ' TAILORS , TRIMMINGB. LONGO,OPE & PEAROE, 9 SOUTH FOURTH, ONH DOOR BELOW MARKET STREET, Mira in store a full Assortment of Men , a Furnishing Goods and Tailors , Trimmings, towhich they invite the attention of Clothiers and Merchant Tailors. aulalm , . FALL STOCK SILK AND FANCY GOODS., HERRIN',G 83 OTT, N. W. Corner,of 'Ff MIRTH and MARKET OTBENTO, Nave now in store's splendid suseortment of SILKS, RIBBONS, AND FANCY GOODS OF THEIR OWN IMPORTATION, To which they Invite the attention of ' BIRST-OLA.BO. BUYERS. anlB-2m QIIINTIN CAMPBELL, JR., & 00., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS HOSIERY, - FANCY GOODS, No. 341 MARKET STREET, Northeast Corner of PCUUTH. H. A. BILIIMELVORD, QUINTIN 0111POELL,Ja anl2-am F ALL STOO4. OF CLOTHING. CHARLES HARKNESS A SON, No. 338 MARKET STREET, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF FOURTH, Have =win store a large and splendid assortment of FALL and WINTER CLOTHING, mannfaitured ex pressly for the Bonthecn and Western Trade; which they offer for sale on the beet terms for Cash, or on the. Hanel Credit. -.BUYERS are Invited to call and examine for them selves. anl9.2m THE AMERICAN SMOKER. EN aRAVINGS, Having Surtnyors constantly in the fled to make personal examinations, he can alwaya make the moat judicious looations. • - - Lands unsurpassed for fertility of soil and salubrity of climate, near the line of railroads, may now be had AROMATIC SMOKING TUBE lin A LIIXDRIOUB AND HEALTHFUL, IPOR PIPES AND CIGARS This invention remora the dangerous and poisonous oil of the Tobacco, which is so prejudicial to the nerves, allowing the smoke to pass through it cool and fragrant, laden with delightful aroma. All the luxury of the heavy Turkish Water• Pipe le obtained by this contrivance, which can he carried in the pocket, a single drop of perfume giving any flavor the Smoker may desire. Invalids may use these, not only with impunity, but advantage; a number of prominent physicians bear tee. Simony to tile, recommending it in their practice, where Bunking May have a curative effect. The Tubes may be obtained. at all the Druggists and minelpal dealers In Cigars. DEPOT, No. 727 CIIESTNIIT STREET, BELOW BIOTITE STREET. p liberal dleoonnt to The trade. an.27.8t ~llrg Q~aabe`~cbbe"r~.; Are now opening A PRILSTI STOCK LINENS, DLANICBTB, AND YALL TRADB, P/ILLADELPRIA, 1858 BUYERS GLOVES, and /ID rg 14.4.4T1N: Age . 288 MARRETT, - - _ . • DRY GOODS. • anii34n F4I4D STOOK: -.- • ';'./TRIAN, JONOO,:b, 00., N 0.216 *ARAKS STREET, • •.• • - xnaociia io • kro.. 204•CKURON ALLEY, Have novrin 'kora a - , • • • : • COIifiLKTN STOCK r • _ SEAEONAIStot DRY GOODS, To whack they !Mite the "attention at D_uyara fstim all pasta of the tinion. - aulB"2"' BITER; VAR OIILIN , &' (IpASSi • • , . MID • WHOLESALB DBALRRS IN HOSIERY, - • GLOVES, - . . RANO, GOODS, kg:, No. 428 MARKET STREET;-: ABOVB FOURTH, PEULADRLPRIA. auis.2in • TT.. WAY & UO., - • - Noe. 221 MARKET Street and. 10 ORTrailll IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS, Are now fully prepared for the FALL TRADE. - - - The completeness of their Stork, both for ... ' VARIETY AND PRIDES, • • Will be found to offer, advent/we to buyers, tumuli , : passed by any otter - in this country. - - - NEW PALL STOOK.. - McCauley, Brother, & Brewster, 28 NORTH FOURTH ST. RAU jot opened an entire new idol* of AMERY, GLOVES, AND BAGGY GOODS, to which they 'mitt the attention of ilrehilais buyers Our stook is particularly adapted to THE SOUTHERN TRADE liittEEmit SHAPLEIGH, RUE, & CO., IMPORTERS WRITE gOODS, LINENS, EMBROIDEBUE, lAEA GOODS, No. 829 MARKET STREET, MEN'S., WEAR. DE COURSEY, LAFOUROADE, & CO., (335 MARKET STREET,) Have now In Btore their BALL INI.POHTATIONS, of the greatest novelties of such goods, to 'which the attention of ; 4 THEIR CUSIONNIS AND TON MAIDS anll.lm 113 INVITED. BURNETT, SEXTON & SWEARINGEN Offer for sale at their Store, No. 409 MARKET 61.11,EET,, NORTH SIDE, THE LATEST PALL BfPLEP - Imported and Home Manufactured •-• PANOY DRY GOODE, Cone Wing of— DREES TItIMMICEOB, • - VELVET RIBBONS, , EHIRTS of all kinds, and trig-orielsfor them., • HOSIERY /N 'GREAT VARIETY: _ UNDERSHIRTS _ thAwLs, DRAWthB ; „ COMFORTS, Ladies and Oldhiren,dlVELTS,Ga/TERS To all of which we invite the attention of FIRST-CLASS JOHN B. STRYKER & CO., 810 MARKET BTREET„ WHOLEBALI DiLIARB 111 - BRITISH, BRENOII, AND AMERICAN , pia n..9.--s-10..n.-4140;his4a4p4tr DWIGHT AT ABOTION And will be sold low for oath. SMI TH, • WILLIAMS, & GO., WHOLESALE DEALIEIVI 10ABIGN AND DOMESTIO DRY GOODS, No. 518 MARKET STREET, Are ncrw constantly recolvlng ' NSW SEASONABLE GOODS, Of Desirable Styles, from the beat markets In thls Country and Europa. The attention of purchasers te solicited: , enllteW" BAHOROFT & CO., (Noe. 405 and 407 MARKET STRUT) IDEPOiT,EB.B JOBBERS • • DRY GOODS, Virosati give notice to Buyers, BURY BIOTION 412111 000TBTAt•, Thet their anangemente for the • _ FALL - MAWS ANN, NOW 00151PI,NTN. tDattljeg,.3eiutlrg, &r. BAILEY & 00" IFOILIONLT BAILEY' & KITCHEN, Have removed to their new riraproori White Marble • Stoie, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH 8188, BELOW THE GIRARD ROUSE NOW opening their fell stook of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND PANOY GOODS, To which they Invite the attention of the public. SILVER-WARE, WATOIIES, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLB, AT WHOLINALS AND RETAIL Boarbing. QECOND-STORY communicating Rooms, furnished or unfurnished, with BOARD- also, single Rooms for Gentlemen can be had by applying a 206 South FOURTH Street, above Spruce. sepl-31,* BOARDING.—A private family, living in -lUD the neighborhood or Fifteenth and Chestnut St.. desire to board two or three gentlemen of excellent character, who will pay liberally and receive the com forts of a home. Please address, with name, &c., ttet H. 13., Blood's Despatch. au3l-2d* EOARDING.—A large, second-story front room, villa Beard. &too, a third-story room at 1102 North NINTH Btreot. • att3l4tie , OARD IN G— An elderly Lady wishes Boarding in a religinge private family, where she will be kindly attended.. Address MARTHA, Nies of this pa. or. au.3t* Versonal. DE leS 0 N A L.—All persons indebted to WESLEY T. JONES & 00. will please make Pay ment, and all those having claims against the late firm will present them for liquidation. WE+LEY T. JONES, auSCagtio EDWARD J. SMALLWOOD. INFORMATIoN WANTED, ,OF . ED IL WARP sad FRANCIS OIIDISKY, natives of •Ire.. land who left New York for South Carolina in 1.863. Anylnformation addressed to their.lnotker at Kaighn'a Ferry, San Joaquin county, California; wi l t be tbank rerelved. PATRICK OUBISKY. . an2B-6tie UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LAND LOCATING AGIINCY, CifiC4olo, The subscriber, having had much practical caned. Once in selecting and locating lands in the various Land Districts In the Western Slates, has unusual ,facillides for making valuable selections for LAND W ARRANTS 'OR CASH. lOWA AND WISCONSIN. Satlefeetory references given when required. 1Q Money Invested la Kansas and Nebraska, and any of the W astern States. S. SALISBURY, jyl6-6m 49 CLARKE Street, Chicago. CAPE MAY AND ATLANTIC CITY.S-- There will be no necousity for travelleta,talrinta supply of CIGARS with, them, as a complete assort ment of GENUINE HAVANA, of Samuel 131me4's portation, will be found on sale at CONGRESS HALL, Cape Island, and at the UNITED STATES, Atlantic Claw belti vp FOWLER, WELLS; & 00., 922 OLLESTNUT Street, beef, standard works oe T Phrenology, Physiology, Water Cure, and' Pho• .116 A P, nosraPhY, wholesale and retail. - Phrenologi. cal Examination, with obarte, and fall writ- ten descriptions of character,given day and even. lug. Cabinet free to rialto'''. Orders by mail to be addressed to Yowler, Wells, to Co., 922 "Chestnut street. , je9-Smolf-wiry t sap act BALE ROPE-1,000 coils of superior Bale Rope, manufactured expregli for the Southern market, and for sale sy WEAVER, PITLER, & 00., hat& 23 North Water street. WANTED—lmmediately; 'a Roy inzji Dry . v v Goods J ob bingHt4u!e, — AddrptiC4:B4-it Vs* 151 T ANYED-r-By a yang Lady; s Situatiein,- v V a 4 Telobir or Preach in an Academy Law:A*B2th*. ±- City. address...EMlL; at ale Office: • 50.40 • • rißistajini Goods Staie; •al'oun.ytady u Baleiwomtn., --."? Addr _ AVANTED--"-13j , stout, able mane altuit v V Mon a. Porter In 'a Wholeogelfoniio.. Apply to DENNIS QUIGLEY, .Na. , 31 Wilder/ Conr43l.venth, , near Milton. ; sollto Nybolesaie Boot and Etot . tean k ,ihe .bui4oesi l - compensation lho ;01x. naontkcis.A4drtup POSY - • . 11VVANTEEL.-:To go a aliert - distanee in the v:v oonatry,s, mtddle.eiged - WOMAN to eolie_rioteod the Deity departmentol%o Form. Moot hare. - e= en epee.. AddrgaiL. , L. .1319od,itpesps gepl4tlk - - All - ANTED—By a young married m ac, em ployment to take'therge ors Verde: N M i.adl on years , experience; and can gi , e good. reforences.'Addreali PARISI EH ;irate office of ,The ' ra j : 411,31 4 m VlTA.NTED—By'itToung Girl, a Situation V r tui, Housemaid. Coo give s recommendation than her lite employer. .Address ELLEN, as Hda OiNoe. 4ITANTEO-Ely , iin'Elderly Mari, a Sitaa, it.e to take charge or a Wareroom, rr 3a any ca. peony where he ono make bimaill amid. No, - OR &Y'S Court. Thi , firenth;rx,afyiwe, . sw3l,2t* WANTED—Dy a Graduate of tun School, aal manta as ul-tart BoOk-keeper ttal a Wholesale establlphioant. Adaxou T. B: at th agate.. atiatste WAITTE.IS-4',Siinatlon as -Saleamin - 6i . Boi'lx-keeper, in iiiiirdyr.oro or NOtiono Rouse, by 's person mit eatCconfior oonsiderible mai A 34 of enneyl, ludo trade. - Addloofo.ll% Pius Opic - ANTED:-Canvassers for , an illustrate • Work of musk- populeixity. -Three or tour dollars tierlo od's :day Desratoh: C 1 ,13 readily' tls made.. Address BOW N D, B VirAti TED—A competent Salesmanfda V Wboleeele Dry Goode dobbin Howie •ta "no who can influence a near - es* trade liberal Mary will be paid: Address L. tr: this 011 • - -anaid-ee* 11VETANTED-4ii tillrat-Ciaaa Zink-keeper _- V V a Situation in a meroaritilif *stabil ltmant.. Can sive'tbe beds teatlmontelsoirel will offer Ms sondes% al e a moderate salary, Addratui ItICEW.D, at this Mee. .-- - - - WANTED-rpg "Toting Situation as Twister fa an Arudemy. Can furnish good testimonials. Address TEACHER, Mos of this miss. un.2B.4t* , • ANT E D--A Sitnittion, by a aompatint V V Book-keeper. City references will *Address opoZBEEe.BR:' at this Oinee. . an3o.4lt* - , WANTED :To • exchange for "City pro -- la -i Vcpertir, - s, ruin of ]sn acres in Na Cutle_nonnty, Derani., ~.kidress BOX UZI Phl.l; Poet Office , ' Aug. 25,1858. " " . - ' -4028,85 - .. Y` AYOUNG IiADAT 'Yeitt a Situation In s tonieranedr4:oMcs,WlCesi will have an Nitiortnitty or-leavuing the .bastruvaa: Addvas GEORGE, at title Glace. WANTED, POICTHE UNITED STATUE - oAVALllli—Ablerborlied; innmertled men; to whom-will be glean good pay,' board, elotblng, Ind - medical attendance. Pay from ins to MS per month. No man having a wife or child will be wee tad. Apply for MOUNTSS SHIIVIOS No, SIX, Street, . aboyeßightk, north - - WILLIAM B..IIOIALLi" • let Lieut. 2d Begt. of cavalry,; Itectaltiog Ottlem.• gar TO LET—:-A cleanable- three-story.-: 90. Brick dwelling; cthitainlie ten- looncu,range, gin and -bath, with pot and 'eold , water,': - /Useben-on flrK - floor, in perfectorder, ha* nehein papered and - raint- - ed throughout. No. 118 ITNlON.Street;north of !Ine s and etot of Second at:eet. aems,aaao per annum. - Ap. ply at 611 VINE Bt. - seplAt* PII;L - .LDELPHIA _ _-. RE NT—The Basement and-Fourth ma slooi bf nediFire-krodfßuilding,borner - oiSecond and Chestant street. dispi. - • • _ • - 0,-KNiGHT & CO „ - Corner Watei and Ch.stint I na - TO RENT-L-- - The=ntiw iron-front Stote; : H. - No. 240 North Thir d . street, aborejlooir, with the we of Shelving, Counter Ito. ' , Suitably far tho'vrbiele sale Olotbing, Notions, or &gre her bailie's., !Toms low. Apply at "No. - '262 North - -THIRD Street. three , -• doors above. . . - an2i4t*ll-, WAN,TEILT.O:!RENT,.A;MODERN, - c_ Maittr/ LT 'UOUSE,'centriili_loestili. • Reot : not ta -- Mud /6400.- Addreas 41111113}1ANT,. Mood , * Dearkteliy - --- - - • FOR , SALE. - -A bapdsomp re., .enee i L: Ma. :With all the modern letpreiemeete t farts, elder .; reed, graperv,eta. year sPat.bre-GARDEN Street. - forma easy .` P. H. 63i south:Fix= Street. (second story -.111114-list of Fox. 'SALE' -OW EXOHANtiE- - e. - AIR new flThnelon, 19 'rooms, and . 4l:l _ near iftiyitedd Ithstion,' North Pondsyffania Asthma& Bite; splendid, fruit abundant, himith toirirpssited:. Any person iesilly,dealrints a handsome country Sent in - - eichangefor city pyripercy, , iill and this an - usuumuti='," opportunity of accomplishing his °Vest: - Apply - to K. LYND, fr,v South SIXTH 5t144411, fIFFICE -gra-T,M+AN" ELIGIBLE OF V./ 5108 for in Inisnitulise,Cciiiteiiiiipisfinitai poration„haviog three Coratotintagpg rolMin on. the same 'floor, No. Ur WALNUT BUeet; above DNA : IL . Inrotedlete - rrepiefloO abroo." - 'AiPIY to '-:, JON REFranoir • •_ „ - , THOMAS - " N 0.112 tkvotb,TOUßTllBtreec - inhBo-tetbs-tf - 'mond itimy.fropt room. - lIFOR SALE.,-A. , :prottyr.Otattager,..nine_, _ rooms, and one or more acres on W4 , ft trra i nermet 'Zottade neighborleled la healthy, beautlful. 'rapidly; . imptevin, - LYND. South ( 2 4 'tor! ), _re TO, BE 1.0;T -L-On account of.remnrel its to our new 'stozw, -- the holm No - 432 CEIESTNIIT, below Itlfth street. ;Foesession ney be 'ha; about the flat of October. The pcisttlou Ls one of the most,diud. sells to Phlledelphle. For terms of lease apply to - ; - sulll4.= - P. E. CIALDWFIX dt ,00. , i. FOR SALE-Valuable Real Estate OZI LlNortb 12,1 "str•et, including TIMES 9T01198 On Third Street, Nos. 44, 424 and 426. Also, two filar.. _stop BRION BUILDINCIB,oit,,DINwYn Street Nos. 417, 419.421. - Lot 60 feet front, extending in depth 178 !Sot to Dlllwyri—nett an anneal rent Glens of tax..e of about 42,600. Apply to -• . . 61.'LSVION, - No. 645 North SIXTH Street. .-, • - To 11' IJT—Cf_iintinglionoe No. 180 North Dertiore Aienito, with _floor - extondiog Wale' to Watt: street:: ApOly_to--;. - hi.IOENNBDY - sod . .1.82 N. Delaware Amos. T 0 ICE -N T;—The second and th EL% dories of No;103 ASCU Street, secon4denraboTs /rant, north side. Apply to O. 0. SADLER f - 00., ' S North Water Street- D - ESIRABLE OFF-10ES , TO ItENTrOFT the (lief Hoar Of this new MA proof Dateline of the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY; liinithwat h - cotter of Third street and Willirdra alley.- Apply to . BDIIIIND plant, - smith-12t ••• , Secretary. IWOR SALA—A - valuable' LOT, In the viol- A' - tatty of the Balthaiire De*, in an Iniprovlaeg neighborhood. ; For particulars. addreen.T. X., Ben 9U Poet-aloe: - Jll6 PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. • By J. lisoo T FV l ll B SL R e, " jll i o 'r p7n, lli g . the Bret 11m11 In this city. on BVSNlBS,Beptembst 0, BUBS.IIIT' Strjat,l'atrTVEZlNl:' WEE&TLEY & CL&RICE's:ARCH-ST. TEUSATIUL,IiiVism 8; Inderekli, Acting aoll Raga Ilinnaabr - ' PTISDNISDAT SVSNING., Septeml'ar 1, 1558, - THE CIA MARRIM3II Lord Ogelby, Mr. John Gilbert; Bruah, Mr. Wheatley; Mini treeing, Mrs. John Drew; Betty Miss Hinlor.h. To conclude with ONS COAT FOR TWO BUITd. Nally Nab, Mrs. John Drew • Mr Gailliard Crateed,',. Mr: Wheatley ; litra:Par Mo s Mrs Nicholls. Admission. 25 ets.- &aura Seidl in Dress Mee; Si)( obi; Orchestra. Stalks, 50 eta; Seats in Prints 80xe5,75 ote ; Gallery-,18 on; Gallery for COlored - Persoui.2se Private Box in Gallon - for Colored Persons, - 88 eta; Whole Private Box, - - Doors open at o'clock ; commence stl,g, precisely. RS. D. P. BOVTERS's WALNUT-ST. M THEATILIi, corner of MIT and 'WALNUT . _ WEDNESDAY APTABBOON, Sept. 1, 2858., GBP DIANNBRING , . Henry Bertram, 111 r. Beech ; Col. Ilannerlog, M. MiDonough ; Megliderrillea, M rs D. P Bowers. To conclude with •In celebration - of the tmecesefull /eying of the Atha. tie Telegraph Cable Prieee of admission--85eond Vet and Family Cirole, and Third Tier, 45 cent,; Parquet, 87N cents; pieta Circle, 50 cents; Private Bosom. according to 'belt locale, $3 and 55; Pink Beata in Orchestra and Private Boxed, 75 cents. jp — The performance Comroetices at 4 o'clock. VVELQII'D , NATIONAL-- THEATRE.-- Jdeepli 0 Poster . , Bolo'Lesies szti Manager. 0. Poster. Stage Manager. -_ WEDNESDAY EVENING. 1; 1858 s MANYREEONI. Date d'lldelcoso, Mr. J: didaustooe;Filippo t Mr. O. Foster ; Dona Baseline, Airs. Visa Le Bran. To conclude with MR TRURO% OF THE ROAD. Harry Halter, 57r. C. Foster ; Natty Noose; Mr. Woo. tell ; Dorothy Bruln; Mrs. J O. Foster: , - Tickets of admission, 25. cents l secured gest% SS oents ,• Orchestra chairs. 50 cents r Beata in Brfrate Box. 75 cents Whale Box; $5 and $5 i; orate, 15 manta. Doors open at 7 o'clock. - Commences at 7.ti, o'clock. ARTRB.NOON PBBFOIIIISNOB, Coonnencing at &o'clock, when a OBacD BAUBSTRIAN DRAMA Wlll bo represented. intrekluclug the Baud of Horses." Doors open at 2,4 o'clock. rilliloMEUE's VARIETIES (Cate Theatre), N. W Corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Ste. MISCELLANEOUS CONCERTS NIGHTLY. 'Opmmenelng at If before S. ADMISeION- 10 omits. GRAND ABTERN ,, ON PERFOIDIANCE, OD WEDNESD&Y, September 1, 1058, Chi the °neaten of the ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH WILEDRATUN. Mice J. WREN, Miss FROTHINGHAM, Mite NAGLE, Mr. CAMPBELL; and Mr. GEORGE W. WHEN, Will ell appear, aided by the Xcelelor 9oinpany,, auBo-8t MAMMOTH FEJTEBILEE I U 4.IIIMOUTEE • PRICE'S GROVES In consequence of the inclemency of the weathee during the last two days, THIS NOYAL ENTERTAINMENT will Continue on MONDAY, TUESDAY, AND WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS, •• 9f the prevent week, introducing new features eaeb ay. ADMISSION 25 CENTS. Children accompanied by parents. no charge. The Oars of the West Philadelphia Passenger Nall. way wilt. eave THIRD and MARKET Streets every-mi nute after 12 weldor M. The Gates will be thrown open at 1 o'clock P. M. staid-St QANFORD 5.3 ELEVENTH Street, above OWESTREIT. Open for the Seseon, w the 14.0, '5 OPERA HOUSE, TROUPS OP ARTISTS - I N THE WORLD. The Entertainmente nightly offered by SA NFORWs T.O. PE comprise all the late , t Songs, CIL es. Matte, ehrmas Refrane, Danc WIT es Ba AND BLo llets. , OM/NOE. ints , sperted with • In fact, all the Vocalism of the'day te produced by Masi°, k oNG, POlel RT. The whole under the management of Mr. S. 8. EAR. FORD. Admiaskra ti cents. Doors open at 7,4 i (Meek perr romance to oosamcnoe at 8 o'clock. sadkamt ==ll==m= ~tidfis: Strt_,l3ale_mitt to get. Amusements. A SP!COTAOULAR ALLEGORY, 1!1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers