Atami` v itietinlitratiliiiicetioy4ol44lit Ildi f a?itg,ififit*PLOPt una r_ #4O xVinirdhp4fiyir rinfoktp-tiOir N 111147 untilit 14 111 0ii***.APP t . whorfbn'th*Siti: k • - r „„,.. - - --i,,,-;:;air:1?:,, ~_. , , ,„,:i6 .4 ri ,;'/ :.,..,..” " 3 tilAttWt*,•.;` -ti,tikt*°T" ' . ~,, • ::„T.,ii-itu,orthe - gln ' -"ilk:proio4l, ‘'`:..- ,_ „: • ._ThefOLeb...4wlo.-IP-Otisitilltol.3i, f - ,' „ -:.„14.the‘.44,119:,;44din01iti1r-ilvak-:-isow ~..r.,44:o;iNetz‘ omty,N§4s4 4hivili* ,:,lihillog-w,,...tvivitr4.?r-eitiii.e'-'.OOll,- • • :-,- •:,„titiint,,4g1:4.141",:.,0- 1 lEW;l____4l; t • bar.o - ' -J--,..--ahntitiret -- -'-', '7`..litour ' • - 0 l'itti.--7.7..f ai0,ttp1...,,,, • ... 1• . , pro Pal J-t-l' 448 wa74ie,,,ilkt4.-4--'l--t.viit7',"',": '. • ' of ' thtt-r4 c 7t.'4',!,:nt'4'‘lS''':"4..o - ` - '.. s .' 4 ' '--= ; ttiour•-fs. ';‘-'.i.."----• k-,p-t''-'7',14. , ~.,„‘„;244,7 -,- i„mt--- 4.-mlowbe. 1;: --."'" '''.4l42.retriAlfitike(4l2laHoleAr! ,i, .-ierlitti:-.tlt;gLY.,k4ogilles...-z,----,. votes r-- ll . ' --'• ,'---- ,thoro4lo-a`,-.- - lis‘Oijt:l.C!l4 R „ i 5 v.- - . ', the titßlN.."",of*T4itifiPPl.4bOsiittk--,,°',,,i ~r,,;_. urge VOW .1-pifiri4e... 0ii,1%,,,th'->e-iii-- ),,i,emiyi,,, t' . ~; "at tifo'r4lll ?lilaklitn."TV ''-- .611401,144 A. ir•-;'", Offieeli7l34o4o3fk * Z;li.L'ln tr*- lf..'"-, '..iflatikhi 011ttelai'llt gu'oe'm- -..i- . '"iiiilt, -,. •• - -3) Ansil,-4-,-- ohilytg.,, t t 44 ..' - ,T, .?. • 11 , dffieFere:9.l44l_,Litlif- l'*.for ~0L...-a_at M. ,s t b, it L c- i - i-f. , - -, that C6TtiVVitiC'etat ig riliti• l 4wTe"o"*.it 4.:.•:'-''..--= Mitlegr ut-ril ,i y al lyit ,( o l/0 ,,_ .. . zt . •e- •- ii %Ai% s . ‘- ', jiiillMegiN4'-'' -W olle Ili:#',tr,,r,tr!M•4;7,ii‘Ol/41!:, ili - :'f.' . ' ,tfie 0111400 1441,1!'1"," liliOtt4M-9-'• 141146; "--, - - - 2- '" - ' ' i iiiiii4 );"l t T•-t 'W,`,„„...„.i. -10totetkiern4Fiif ti'; ~_,,:_,_, • 40.1,- 19.1 .ltiii,iikt4ey. ~.. have lelist.T ,--' r: f 57,,,,: ihiilektillltrekliV,tlttg....Zitirig.o9nrP-7: l'Y.. - :' • _iiio_ioilj4"l-' Oltiilhat*4lt‘,'"`''..qiiiii.4ll -- -6,,,,ill'Atm4tniciti'iiiiileo L'uttk'llii'',viti." I:K:',`'''-::"ticiiii PraP•l,..:',7i,r!tiiiii,,itelia,..4•Lii -14.=6. chief .9:A1;',..• aioui 1.,r-••;',1 ~,,utiffio;i4v- sect :86-.l...iiii•W -,z,;:,,-.- • ;;„...,,..‘t.iitifjxt.k.- • ~,,.*lg, ~,,,i.,,41/2-.44.4, .-..,r...,..c„- Tat .._-.....--,-, 4,- .th,oketm---...boittrimmtr....; P- ...7A.OZ 4 : • - • , _ ! !!', . wadi-I,So* fioriviti•iplblintplw tic - , day" rz-tio-,- ~ ieldi4n -- ----,4l•atitfm. -.,a4,d_r,- 4,-; ;ana_otecth#24,ll:loiily- - - 'flair'dekis.fili --'', ' bii.e . Ciit_TPYlifeivittfAttk li ,a,,di=.edr --_-teilt, tirOlifttiklb -04Wiiti414#471d-. matter tii# r<l-P4*-41thatlia°4',12': -ofik,*-110111----A- -. widget , 4,„ --,440,,4 „...undeT,..,....,, „ 4,4„ , e, 1 ain. ~,tiii voario)).101. • . -', t ., ' ! - •deirrOtre---- Abiloall fk.------inarainp,s, '::''''- , ! -t 7,--'.'''?,',l::9siwn7in!--iff•kik f- , , bae le - 10-,0, 649 ~ -- -;',''; .!• • ! ' ! -...,„„,z•TAlitittinit t,-7-!;-!.. 'in'atisi,l4o,„.E,.t.ifte,.,;;- -It•"i''..A.igtAWf Vib i IV:E i;-: `••!•: 7 - ----ioyfr!MtlY-4,74,111--. t -- : 10 1 It' -: .---- i- F. ° P . - - iliali a *NrC-7-440141'*0 nla 4 •, • Men. 01411,,-',-,fibei. or , tht • pa s a off tlit* y : ::‘ .. tion-- - 0 ' -;•' .Aft 40.111,1 .....,e_vAtE:peliplotelY ii: -- - 'one ' o i - klii4tu'ii6VOY' c llk" - ii'6:lolotif a"' , .11 - ' •!= bticilVttir, -4 -hes thbitCw,-- le 11::.,,,--, „--.. :Ittg -- kde 440 E,6 igifit#P.P.-.9-- ',-• t' , l ! , :.:deinOisilaiiitliiitkxl....Lsg-ii-ilerwikliott, 1V:..,;--it...TherAr!,,,- : .4"-‘g.- 4 0 i. 4R . --(:,,..„:7,4,0600-910-i: t ,,, ' and TirOttkia .„".0041-.1? -1.;,.1 ._atiTY,..._.....tu--^e • eild -' ; Ori ' L k , r. <....iiii4l'...4*ClVlll,'": Ahil' V ~f.-';-'.`ro/?, ticegroattiMTa,,''ciiisiii, ta:94-431aie .„ .., -ow ,eaiiitirera; .. .X. r__,-01,VO'll„, - -`*--'.. - 7 -' 'ketkitii,..-.,./--i--,;:akobl.sT„., ..-2,x ,-,-4-6:=4,0ff.-- c -;,,2,-, tha3! iiiary4ll4LlloAff ',. 3571t71106,.e.'. .:: I ., :'''' 'P ell . Vtliyittat, ti c - -1 , - 1 L i,:!-6- incurred di1it4P,94:7,;./.1/41 ,- *6:#4 , :ii re „ . ijaiii: f.„ --_. ificipt4ll,.- .1,10.0i-iiioit2i,.,7l„ iv, r;"-;4-,,... -,,- • where - , i-egtbiccip,tmlfr--,ibibtotigliri_wz.-".k. ilk: it' -'--'''‘illigil '44l4:llKiltiliri t tiriffilistiVtrAlwt nu: •.-51-ii-kttifii:V.*ii.itt .* .k.!--eib 4,-iiiii**/*"., 4V- -44.PaIAt!-- Igincirkbl9A?A, ',ii-itifestlerr!. ii•,:.•=:, t.-: iildaro*f!ta,i.-itifthtoc..l4-,,,icapiteeti.4o r..-!:: ~vfc;it!4S9VPl.=-mi6iut.ff,Qg'-_',-*rqf!i-f,,v;jtii-.-, -.-, ~.,- ~,iabotef.gollww,,ii.j.ftb!'t'berlftilf, I ..,',;! --, 1.-.. - --bitk,47: ay. n7i,.5,.., -,,-„.. ,45r.-9 , ip..,.. 'l,- 1t5.,., _ ,1 9 1/14 Tii'itNigiVCIIA,%_,.:." 11 . 4 ..74Weciiitip*$?2' ~.- _ ,,,:ii . . 4 , wk ipirj,,paf, tlyiiiilifitili.,atzl _."4.-"4.i_eid,to', WI -- 2*(b"-IpifikrllifitifrOWWitig,746liilliF tv. ' .-; i,if. 4,,.,---•,,.,_,_,- itifilyio,7- whitic 4..1,, sto ni l y - - , -hole - - -...nter ~..7 , , , • c,-- , , ciliate- t -'llr -itebiiiiiiiit4.-Mg-iiif.l4tarep ',--:'4--:-.iiieted4n3:44ll . : iht ridded rl4,_ 'IV' ''grianall'it- •, II liti &a .t/jl - iiritat'''-, f!;: lbeltet of '6,CI frupgfit4iy,iPAPPLe,ll=‘ %with 41, v.;i).,Eiherlfolifr.,‘l7.7-' r , x _ tl:1,, ' - ficivi:bo2,S'atMilaybititthe* 4-Allti*• ),, -•• spirit of -,74,134.4,41-4SA-mwkiiikozlor, I .„: r ,rOgitink' ', 4,ll4;k4-oiet t i l CffrrZtxern , r t. -- ' . .; ginti. "49';4 anihititOile*Uasxr.,,; ~ either 4,l4le,Fwiiiige*in, • &10.1litcr., „I- , - cf.-lons-NC %IN, ..' rlWfr 1 , 1 , ' iliii:.ol. _ 4. r..4 t at,thil,_ .„14,.,i11fia12.10p91 ..r.,.. , 1 ~Ir,-_l_lbe PTtritoiiit*trt, tt..61L441-iii-4,17: jlis.4,-j, • k-;, gigii:.2.-,-*4-/A4,&411we•-ti-,,,,, &irk!, iii:77,,T; . W. icfprPlOtill#4i,"pcioou,d2l, toys aidirft.lY.: gr. , ,- ,-,,,,dai lbak-ci , •-ieile-:,,lt4!':i--1-AP,I:--,thia...' ."'l.--,;' ili6ii±''lo.- r " Al :t-,toii'ef'y -- iitt.,„lisce_liforl , rtSi;-.;'----- iiie; tr(l. v i irl''lllL l ii_A.tii l FT9t.tticiAVtipX if:- -' -],iti - ; was :#o:9!fixakopd.W(...t A i tim: ;:„,f 0.•-,.,:f.. _eatit,4l,_bc!,l,a.. Ateti,13.44,,,,ir 11-,r.,,(09,1 tf--,..-I:fic.,th tP2,.1;:.1,4611.°41,r,af„iii5,40ti, , r .--itt „,.4, _eistatiivytt, , --iii,se;: : v;•_-,-*:44 • C. L :-,' 1417,..- , ifiabotztigt ... -itir4iyle,rtritoititar. ~?,64..trif. , must be Ity- 4 . 640,4011,:_5.3_,,t., tell ri.:mtt . t ike iii.,06614., - I,w,oicopnark , i:,Y..- -leet ts'l..BridoisliV,in,:ri • i -thiiiil44-I F9ll ,„Pi t ; ,„vii!iqu. , •-4(4:kosior;t_l?-;,,-,--' 'e'ofivoa!:r - - 1- 4 ':',•:16.41f11_,.0.1-423.a-:iiiiilgilt:llla-77,„.., v-i.E,N-ibliht#7- ' '.,.iiiith.L'u47,,,...47imild':ll? Vb,,(rb::: rh,49,oltftz, itoi,ittia; .7.7-,L kibigtjoi, •p- ;,,1,,,1rtg,„--,i-i-ik,oFixiir - `lol3'tl thel4l444l4llll4SPVititti-110441 ~ iletjty,, of tlLViiis iiffieht ) 4 l -1.7'i.--ilep -.' ofe44'.-h.;.ti1ie40.1&*44-Z7bb'sii63o#4-,, . buiilter—,tk which seirne::::l...o44. - >:,l-b-':eo'vfirifi . the_ manner -- ' eckhkelT"'"4,l3,-7n f- hit with n0m ,,_,,., 4 ,. iiii01t. .. :rvi1,7,.:411.; . t of Our naIPIIMAINIOf;-4.ltl444A " rAfilisiir Of • '','- feetlll'i".'iskplatt io, 4 l 3'.„ ~ limr-,,,i4. ''.4Pima- are - now -.'C't-r,sgrt x t a l f . ' -110. W t i ;:ittidd ,ifififilt:4„,46...,._ vin0 ,.190-4i -11Pa,:tt.e... -.--2- „r::,the'Pr° -iiiailifiti I!W,A; - mt7 - iiiirtiomina! La. .4 ~-,z,,,- .:00they„ „,, nieri ofooq,„-1774Thif M,, P a ks - . , ;171.i.c'orikileedIfi• ibab:lo4:turi-fr ' ia-40-lArt; `f:,--1,i',44t01vt46_ v•l'tio-0;-..-ei. ..„it,44fealoT: ' ..:4.' '44.'---....beve gonitnlverir4otat Y., ~,-,47,-4elettic • I , 'T 1:,!:-: - ,Ai wptit_ .--,„,,,l;bittlutt„#:7N,L-s-jpir- 7, -,,;::.;inAOF • iojigteau.ll; Ar-i1i,,141 -.1 T ..t,,,,,,, ...„, -ftedwg; ~,, -;et a •it igare. mos, , of -`ll ' many --,--,-.-:--:,;--. e1e4.3t44 t i n ,e . .. 41 4. 0, ... ,vit;: ''' '. ':"4'Ba.itle; promises; :-iiifkiiit, 11*1-:-*"ortiflzf*KYPP;'' ! v_6-.-;.:'.. - f' p olitle4o:t,„Aliti -...0t. • t,f;- IROS.--fial K l , . 67,-4,.',. ,-,-.....:te01t-....; .)!--'-,,Tramln. t., _,.....,t, be g f_..-r ,-,''119210"--• .L-Itet rtotLit,w'-744te--.-ivou4"-T _ t i,;-, - t.°--"Nrw-,.c0it40-,`z.rfrilollkitl9-reflb- ' ft!.4-1-0 : pro Per •e--7-*-- oitoo1g1_;-..,• ' Mr. BEA .„11--F.E.";--,; f'- e - „- ppti---,9c.itli-, --- th,flea with - - ' b:45,At ',._;, lair 1)-9- .--,-, - ' 3 l • 'lnt ----. ;-11-iatit'they,oliqtr -,-.' party is,* 1:19 •:' , - -,,:4-63,111113.!,,,-%11.k dr:4l4 ~=::;,,i.iai,,, i5,..4%.31._131014,14,Q131A---tt-' .5.:044144•7:0, 4,koknit of the P!-TP441,,i'!4.144* e,',- rtf.irke• _fr., 'i- • * - thehei"-WalkTr- • -'• f Democrat s .. ~--4,.-atie,44 4 :- -. {hat -, + tho usa n ds TCt:!.),f Uotr'sthd,,V.-...-:,- °BERT, lt., -::,;Xe.t, .4 biliftPr °V- /44-,--(?T6T at.a' iclt.:',,y,. Ainfragaliegi,or- ~,:,,,,,,,i„ , , fl.l.,!•ll4roir° , tree*.t.lutt. f .4.;'- ' - . 4 . - : - ` -- -,_- titttr P.,, k.. 'iki.Ellsti;464s•l' •”, . -"' .#' :r - '' .:- i'''litri, vi-p-' gß:liAiiiiliteOs '...-7.*::: - .1 tMI . li:ie.s)*o.l 1 -1,-.;-;,--, .j.,-,a(t .1, .. yiK,4l4-191Wf s it litnirft p,-,f1.1 1 4,Tx,T-..-eiegs iiiiptirritVOTti.,qa,likeio, ttl:.:frilbeltetr,,,ic,i,iii&if?f,`,J,37lo',.tiliftileat, - ~ __- -fNi'4 tl'OP''',-Ilita lit. t:W3711" icliit,9oo.l"ab7 ZT-"' i,441130:.--,)- tiiiii*lkt• ,itaitstiel _ _ -,, ~ --1-- -,li t;: i tt O_*- 1.44 _,..__,,,,-- --' - *Ong ~-...A.,,itti1T41 •I ''''' --- ' -'- ' Ix illatifie"Tl., 6#0"1%.444A tiv." -.: will •.!,z.--,!,•-; ..,-... .4 „,„,,,,,,It, -,,.- „ , - ..,,t14).,',..• W';':-.,:n'e ri q-71,4g 7 R.-- - rtF! ,- ~,,, ;41 al rapid. ~_,_,.:„ ~..v.3k,!iii .14.#6,,aiiiti -„: • - -A t , 10; a ~,_,,,, .144,itiliomk,t, ,--, LA4:4* Itti'- , :. - . . : iirosiA_7%is.iiiii; Ai - 7 ,,,, ,„, , 5rp 1 ,-- _-„ , ,,--A7 l , ,- .iit10,,,,,:1.- 1-4.-„,,.'4. .-i tt..,_„.i,..1,. ~„_.,,,,,eint,„,,.,,, 43:::-.,--i='ll*94 aViLliPitkrittoiii,..,4* t - ctith. °„ 10--oottiii 4 k,Ly t " t it tebAi al ..,k, r,,,,5..5-1,;,* pnorq:4,u, •iiik*ppfr, „is4twi.,--06s7Axef; ''.Vf-.-giiiill'e."7'4ftig3l,oo_,,,.,__ll-01.47,7,1-416eott ~t,, ---,,-,,illie flo4'49'k-,rt46graTtr9'" *. tikiii*i_64l 3"•4:,-:-t.,,--,--;,-,4 " , liishit4'-.,..7.,:, ,-;.'.4,1"1t c' q ll4l ..-,,;.A.4:ti„ftl;kldctlg,lt4ayiteAf tor§ )50t 14 9 - i 4 - 49 4-,, 'oh On*. co 4! _44,..„;, 4 tpi sk uon. totioo.liabbx 0 - 0 - o . oogB, say ,the crime . peoplo ; • r t'serlOt4l)l4fus , ' 'perUouP . Ih:akt l t,Otel4 .4 .3oia_. 10r, signittre eI*VIAV, wttis cudgels for,. Mr. viARTO2I, ;:ottlie Select Oonucii. : Of course, !tin initials.correspond,lirr. President ,?:;',qapiint - lairiVti ntieitir - 44 f*fdlfelAill'iliit.4, )414 We say, be -I,ol44o944Aintimr(naldlAireLZMltte- nmi:f 4 ,groomagdifftleitOr:":= )nanieuted.. ! •,on thejfaCt-t4i, st silniet.:. tOlielebte , Ocuinell; , •?.tbotigh a quorum ,ttiqatirf tine 'lstic• co 'speak—the - POsfdlint would not sc. ! lge Ara ground,! ; l3eqUatio, 4ti rn ongluthirteen•akeli iitieinFii and' iir_ettesent; only twelve antis& to their, fit 041ilifailitietilUfrtli4tWitterif13 4ii.: 1 0 - .071- 1 4 1 4r 4 Med the thirteenth ate c• the gentleman:from ,ttOrtelo#h,d/A , men •to his name; I denlare DE r mean. inaTailiamentarysense, , rteentli is x irtnillz non eat. so siiiiel/0 thigtierry. , . might ar133,}0,4 IR P4eh,a,ease. t • `He argnedihowever, (even on thoi : adirde..l Aclit"'ig ,, 4l ll, ,., „tiNRRY-n,i,91 1 P I, champion, 4c., G, .X. lir4 , !)- contrary to the rule of thetAbleat . o,9oS ll , 4 hichl Ordairiethat tf , the-Tresident *hid; take the ~"chair at the hour to libteh"-the VaimelfstaiYdiradjetain'ed,'Whetilie 'Shall . .,.all A s he' , lneezkre .te.,:ePAArk and, on Pke.aPPiarAnce :4it a qucirusn, sheir:vitwe . the journal to be 4 .40,32 Sid t :%.. wdl. :'.r.'-,,t., ».-..a, ,:-...:;. f.. •,.._. ..,- ' ENSCIt - 11 Nerd , he'rO about the quornitt - bilek 'iriade,lfille laent'ers' naides beini:uiled., tbill4r,"'.ol3l;the.appoiraitee of. a quorainon : their apparently, and-evidently, and :bodily be. irigVreketif tiluilictiiiiiitinibbi'of,Memhers-tii form a ,quornm. If the - _President 'saiii that 4,4dialett.'snniiibi3r''beforel-bini,'andWiss-eatil -1441P1at.11 qu orum lva B ,l , s9 B en!, he then, could oolnmence'the inieliiiiii . of the 'aittlig by cipit liii tholiijothid to , be,reati... - s:: , : c - ..-. : :... '- • - •,.r-What « G. M. W." saps, alwitt absentees, in t4:, l llgiia l citlfeiiiiidentatiViie, 'is ;very t rue, 'for' it declares theta'member' who .is absent lhaliWieluiltird6wifit'ir aleit: T EtkintE4' Cilia:l - where Nr " - Wirantorr exhibited' his Slip: 'City,t;Mr.- Vileness twrize., of . the Eighth ;*ard,..althonglvpresent=breething, smiling; ,even: talking to Ilfr. Firanrcesawas declared :iefjPrielltei, by'tlilitiairie lir;'*ririareri;tie.:, icause he did not-:amber to his llama t ' Then, the Viiitrtenian ''. 'Phifeedliiii 'differs' from the Ehrotpoarine: ,ff,lyhaVe in a ,nagin?" asked the liciiiantiiiiiibietblif a name really, meant jittlei - i.ll4,Wlrawron, on, .the: contrary says, lithe man is nothing—Tnaononn Orman - .IBNI :nothing :..11.1frittliWnittive name is iili:'''" G . ' - 7 ti".. G. ?it. WHARTON'S astute defendei, ii G. 3f ,i 7.," assures us , that there •,ht no order of Lthe A ilenee of Common*, as to .:oonnring nitilei." Who said thatithi#,ivast WeL.used J alarniliafterm;WhichWe,hoped:Would be in : Olieble to , the meanest comity, to describe , likt;eeens,Wyttilek;ttie 4- Sileike„t;dseertains , ,4 . iiiit er there be ! the .fortymembers present Acta .telorra cfalitranur.”- , lle stands up, inkeountsilierni: 'iiiiii If one; ' Pointing - hie"ifitei _et , each, tatir'''statile the - pfiliiesilive numbersas . he _goer - on: ':ltthere . be forty • !ineiahers,-buidnei#l,:piAeedel..g -iot a :7bn de= dares "no frotii 3' ; o ; . ;',#. 4,0 0 ' :Sicipri;m o :it takes' place. And it im precisely a° to. our i ** 1 :4 06 0”4- ,49iiiii , .'ef:, I lteirei* , 401411 3 ,4 41161 it % ,4 , ',cetuiiing } noses, 'or ; l'oiln gs heAdW.or.,carintings3bodies? it; a Aorvay af doing y Aneiness, and „this Is bath,W ' ! ":Wmwolketdri: have„ done In'tthe castr:;eferred toikkilirkiisei; farini , siiri , that it 4tiornin was prei lhi ff,laid'helh'eadir'eli eg , oyevity this wittiatittitieSticiitailldi iis: 'tines' 1 Mr. 0.... id 414 .. 4 - .6 -- #ii_annlined AmOering te his name (i. a...doing bis duty) Irciri. la political motive. • We, do not ' Usk " `whetherlfr.;Wninros-,'.'had:anyontisr:reiteon ,fOr ;iii strange condi:let: '' Biswe:iiiiit that, in,lt.nbrinE of the 433484mi:et of a' ; mart who W,p,,b011,,, ily,befpre him , Mr. 39, wartron utter . 4y..l,misinterirered:4l* letterTtind -,whelly, ylo ' - 4 i - o );, qhi 'l Pirtt.Ar-o.k very, ii4;if 'o'6' go 10,..incii; which Nia2triend..l; G. , IL W." hal , gioied Tor his :juslifleatlori. -, , 1n a word, ~ 7)111- - W,riaiirou did'aritnftd,thhig;:itid the lest • If# Yi l o l: o 3 °4:R . -Vilr gtfO:ii;l4tefo • li'Onci : .thing= . evfik,.vieriie thin acting " unwisely— that ;hythe endeavoring - defend it. '' (oftz.o.. AX, 94.e1,• ~ , ~ chni4lejit ititfl*Tortatifi,tinkeiirPriO. ex .i): 4, - .14 4 ille:Miliparittively,eitel, and: Care nirtniatiner in which the English have re. 'dallied:the intimation that the Atlantic tele irap: XCable hid been laid - , - entitini*' s fo expec-, latiiiii;ainitie:eolirOtiii hoie;"; Via - fact iti'; thattriglish caret Very little..`,Air -Aol4deink lietrA,OattiltWeAo a grelpietill.for:EproPetiii , 1414 7,fitifftrOligip. IliteitiiMeati.Ne,:talte that "g.b,e*oiiffitlai.eif.;thkzatttibttti4=l4.drirdr ie!icei4*sr*m*iit(r:e4heiA.thttitlotTele-- rrsble,s:-:....-::!q.t9,:..3.q-.,tocv:L. - - . ...=-, t -, 1-z:-..1,;,. , e t iiiiiriert6iitiiarielsety twine . * the English' %I.ettrimi# tiiiil 4 With'Whitt; nftt?fiillkatittraylifa; iti.ili:4;*o, eiptkri of the age, `we beg to say .`thit.,!.T4ei":e ikkei#:.#44:ol6,;and;„Poptilar, 4.l6titiii 4 711eilj , ' feJeririta t i, of' literature, Art, 'O . , o, 4 e;nee,, 1ipik,..4129' , Pran4a,' , !:. disposea , of ,!the Ittatter; j.nrAhla,•,brief manner,. in :Its: =niter -4b4tignit 7.3:y:•;,-: , -;•1 ~ . , ', ,-.--,.: ve, - 1 -- ~ , 1 -.5 .rkitilaiiig fof t tfteltiiintieteiiiiii;h4ble,ia, ilikaatal ifiet.• of the ' ,- age: , Thii ,, Oldland'tbellitiw ~ l orraarttlnitedtxThefollowinglise.thO inittionz 4 at 7,With -have been yen of this e'renfl.s.oo.l • enn4the /I STA met 44 2 the,rondos !: , .i. 44 W. li nOtobtill thiPrXtd_ jr,filoT0,11:110 ' :fellow . MernfM(thevirld ad 'wifTniani;, tiy neon' snub - ' ,thi26slnantioi&nilles Nrerentn ent4 On tifeip '1,'54111_, kin the -let of anguat,',BB4 ; on the , ,Ica; 6; On the Ath,,1 1 §64 ;. and on anchoring at sit% the nieitiiig of Attend sth, at Donglai Bay, 2,prnilles.!ro , r:'-`" . . • ;- , .b4 - 4 -. , ,t6-iiiiiii„ii;tiii - 3:'44:4hitiriii f t of :this Oi !kadt4delfil4.ll: Otti ; joiiiiiiiitp think they a q tiii6t", give' - too :Mini !deans - of the' great„ i lo creditable to American skill, science; ,ii, iftperOVerance: John:till calmly: con tlalbYek tuf a. - thing WhiCh hadTto :he _clone, *.L,l aa .;„,”t , an. about V. p , re -1 * ' - Ain - ' 4 - • fit hitte mea ß izo , 'pPq,!lo9n* be graidioie or -,4lif ,fainal7l:o4tAmliirly„, „English,. • also,_ is the , . .,1 411 0 6 t, 1a0r1490.;.;..#10/3, - .. American .! steamer Niggard; having .borne her part in the great , ihaceiti; Bi - almost ignored. ."Therii ll' Ito' no tics?itt her ..havitiecitirliiirthe -oat:debit° trt; Ttitti,;-BaY on the-same day, and et the, eanie . houri - da iwhich the English ..214e4initen did, rtle - InOC at,lialentitt:Tlfe; the Meador, in lof t in,kinht whether heal' ail' pa,:did*ot together. ',pi : Atari ~Renglm. ; . l 3.ay,„,yalentia.. , Zho, xbeio. 4:44iiii;'kilefiklingbltqlbe, is , .. undoubtedly . •vc4-5. 1 413 1 1401; ,- -,:c2va=1 : t:ors=,,:; ;: , _.-, , ,,,", , ,,i. ~- 1 . _ .._._ . , ~ 4.1xy., , q-e- .. , -Tfike ...4.o o Paitn.Ne3o.,••• •t= 1 , 10111? !inkgra,lo - 4 .good; . •natirtV,liir thts, adage ''a..iiiii4eintelligenerfrom•Ertropci to - the 18111 -ult.sAnst: lateliredi . is excellent.— The only 'game; afl. iragertanite 'axe z a ' aeati-otheial an= :ralintieffnent"lhat die 'British ministry are iSlia4tilinalce thianaoakottirithdiColtpiabiti,— ,liiheyhave...,l44liini&thii diiiiiierecints:ining iFfitilif ria; t arni ? .the ; goldAlggings. .41toada. "] -, 74$ ..kl• 1 , 4 1 A-.htidgiVkrfV,toabe,mada,i*strong,nallitary :Oen?, eini4Yediici•knatiatilitc2oidaii • and• a lignbelbsec , of < istearri' ,, eotamenteation'• with * - 44-a airiktipotabrittla. ~,,, ~;•,,,, , i, ,, 4•4 - likiiitiliii plea, of 'newa;. which intent' be • 0 - 4140 , 34 iicrA6,#iiilev,.ll,ll4ii,)t'js At ; statement ISA,tilli:4 T C AOlugNl` x tl l .4 . _pi . 4 06i,,viiitIng )14.1rtsh ettijoitadle,deternelaid_ ,to='abandon. iiiiitiesrnkßistnrgenksoileitation. of-Alewife, :tfi'dl;iiistrt.heeistise• Ofzhie•tnereaaing deafeeis.- 4111 d, Chreaider•whioYidateir.thla; idde I ;;ytatrilse'Letrd l'ankattirfox*.intention to Atilhol l eiiiitifi4o4sl`2.llllFdliyeat4iii' i iesd- . . :li.l r .itt].oiiiff r OK i jigar t lAligoL'th4 lio.had„ ifv4414 1 .4 4 40f0 6 3149 ik:,4 l tObk;iiiiiain . •liratitiWthere t .-alt 4, inrie,.iinaii:for aworik-olit, :7 SiltiAtr e and i nppßpalayjnilit4ialan,tp think et rev, 144,001, , Odle wal.fabgto entering big seventy ttiftiAry„ ; bitthatairshotalteotnnte - nee ofeet- - ltrt(, siel3relkaticont:OPthe.Wavioraer' of s iv ' ; ',A•k* . 4 I,4Cthit sigip la iliateel? isredihk).'7'r 1 "1 4 !.,. ,'"' '''' '' l.r- '''''' ' ' -%' - '', • ''''. ":: .o*raPhaif,',lrti;a'AiVa 2 :744it - W 414444'10. i ' ,i , ::inifid:Af.34_ aVit:StreetslyrOiloi.rioqifa# ~t, rraiet# .o.4 . #:Atf:s; aildithiPaiitief fir" Jorlif l /4 - kgr4fra - ciikttla:', he 1 144411 1t h rlailif 414 li,o4FitikC'ildiiiiiiii4 *be istwilit f All ( iitilini.Cal'i. Atiiti:dairletia . 4(l' t ida lain t rb , sjiit ,thiair,' -#o4.,:eolaksi t t on is ,at )fieiVirklitAip4i* lii 'tiaiditi'ata#4:b' o wti •iitioustoitaroireitinia:ii:'!••• - ... , .•', •-- , %WO i'dllnriltesie* t eliiele,l,Poet meta Alef,litrilie'llhailiiy;frini'Neir Viik.= 'al. atepaiffeotiy datighted. to seeleciti;"'weld - the in , ' , rifit'ttirowtterhis -atta affeatktnataly aranadliii literikveriaok :. "hod lees slalait 'Wag tostayv) iblak,''fAid ati*sto-4thatlliftaVatty:as lbagiallaymoreditaihOligtOailtow disapiaointad' tanaitiMsald 'thezarthkia3witencof cdaspliadtj issi.; s -Te.,,r hopef. l you sqrigaink toVend 0 dos • trite PRESS.-IPHILADEMIA. Our Boot untWtheeAralpf It is a settled -fact we : h ve , epeatedly shown M . these columint , lhatin L eWify . depart f. r e: ere e mediatef l A epen in& tinoWdemostlo4lmantithetures,t?hiladelphia pofizestiseS advAttitgeslineittaliedifritny other 01t3' In the, tnieri: aid, we may say,,,unparaib4e44prei*ity, which has attended her, our city 400 hitherto Maintained a modest line of pcilli3y, which, if itanni`rit Abiortdely retarded - her progress, has, by default, given more or less advantage rivels‘„Jt„is,fitae:_iltat.put.facillOos sbbtild.beMore imiVeritally horn._ 'the very, feet" that; Mir', ) advaritnie - OVei more Eastern . poinni,in'the'hiPorfent 'Matter Of - ProilMity to theAlifee - centres of, t4deln'the'W,est and irrevocably' ioeured the Olrentn et/Mbe of 'our' geographiCai 'position=-:ati .vantage; ''by: 'the 'way; which every additional yeai , e,growth of our nation must necessarily enliehce ' 7a, in' Iteelf„" sufliehnit reason why the'iradilVOrighOut the Western, tientliere, , - and States_ should be more aP ,pri s ed of our inPerierthrOlitiee. ''"' As nriiiiMdration of how little theTitatiort ance nredrietive enterprise is under stood 'even by, our On people; :idaY. !alio the shigle,brinch Of boot 'and shoe maribter; „.If the' nueition. Wein asked te-day - , What place M this country produced thelaigest Aggregate value of this plass otgeOds, the an swer by nine -tenths of even our' moat citizens would Very: probably be, Lynn, MasOfAuSetti,swhile the fact, is, ' th at te'l3lalla belongs 'respect; AS in many others,' for which she is not `credited. Not only tiiiiVe Outstrip Lynn—a of shoe manufacturers I=in the' annual - ptoduction of boots and shoes; in point of value, but a Still I 'greater 'discrepauPY obtains' fivoi , 'of the character of our work. Indeed, 'so marked a 'feature is thialin 'fever of Our own makers, that large - heardltiei are shipped' to Eastern cities every , season iri , Order to ' supply buyiws having triedthein, , tyllt purchase - none but the Philadelphia-Made article, - Taking,:therl„, the advantages of out more 'central position, the stiperier 'skill of our arti sans, tegether with' the fact diet :4' have more *capital,* niiliions, invested in thbibraneh of manufacture than any other city in the Union, what plausible reason is there why Philo-, _ and delphie shOuld not fairly the boot ane shbe - tinde with the, Weitnad`sontli t', I a 'addition - 0 immense manufacturing establish ments,We have,pot ; a few'jebbing houses upon our principal therotighfat43s,:oit trade, the 'stocks of Which are made up , tindeitheir own hy''WOrlorien etailoyed 'at ( their own: homes the year round. It',would, of, 'oinirse, be - invidious to particularize, but' as .an illustratien 'of the character and importance of thiti - branehof the industrial' pursuits of our eitY, we may here 'slate upon our own 'pereOnal knewledge 'that daring the unusual severity- of last winter, when mechanics by hundreds were "threwo out; of" employinept, there were: firms' liere'lrho retained 'their fall number of hands,' and that without 'any re- ductipn in the price of 'labor:, The result of ttiisiras,',that ample stocks weret accumulated, and we'tire - Out to that our haiding boot and shoe houses are now finding 'a,substtuitiai. benefit froln having adopted so liberal a policy. There *Mt Ihia'ov,,that have. sold !gioodzi' to' this "amount of Ilfti,therisand' dollars within; the last Weeli: ' " A few merchants, for ,years accustomed to making' their • peinbaseir ' fr u New York, have ,returned from' there this " season without buy ' int; an article, for the reasentliat generally are daCidedlY"snnerier to : hers, and more esplicialli'`bScanse"hCr, boot and - Stocks are etillmoris decidedly Inferior tiCoririi.; So far as,t,le - leadingU4B . l)6llol "of trade are concerned , they ,are, Credit.tiionr = city, p,"otir, ptinests, and 3 i'irced 'nec essity of buye r rs ,- all over the,landi' -- *O` 41Mbf, if ah hero fn r tlte world establistnrents • this `lino can be Pro- daced:CO,bear ,iivbrable', ' OO 4OOll in 'every respect" with snCh lionises 'here' as those ;0 - ',Metre.4oßEr,H TllOlllO/1 'Et: 00. j ;laviors, Eigni,& ; liresmair' &'Efinnis;l*wansis & 136:! Bo ' & Baorinis ; Saninnis B. P. WrritthiS & (JO.; J. yi 9 4 & Sox; tal.otbers we might name.':_, , The greatadvantage ot4or,ding:tl4,largest possiblearnount of patronag e thig(Class of manofaCtireis will be sitM_St einap,,and.":it `,remains, to a , gretit' eatent;witli our 'Jobbing merchants to_ say - ilieiber: tie stoitrade in lilt` city shill hi tirtnie bi confined, to "Philidel2 - Pained° gooda,Cie whether tbeiwill continue measurably 'to' patronize loiliiiced Eastern labor; Pronflitr.TazEnrar'S aderliable work PlillOelidde arsd itiMarintaCtrryo; We learn that Whole number of 'OperatiVes ornployed . in this branch `Seour'ii(ildetifil 'pursuits is about nine' thoiriand;indciPendont of the work -Terforined seising machines, one" linndred 'and si*tylive,of which are, said now,to , be in constant' use.' . totat alit:lint of wages ter - Ads labor 'in a Yair.ti iSt` down by ibe*Eil authority at seven bun, : _dred . thoirsaii dollars. ", , " , _ BY MIIWIGIIT*=-MAIL. Letter from ~4 0 ceasionaliPt Nortemodinee of The Prompil. , W4INIFUJOTON, August 1858. , The signs of ,discintent Unth - the Adrandstri. ilonisarupon Judge Douglialp.lllinoie are daily . inpreissing: The leading men 'of the' South are spittitig out manfully in h ieffefenoe, and Southern,' peopi,e will Boon be as" indignant at, tlie:eld and _comfort .given- to Llnoold,"es the people of the Noyth Ara with the earlier phtigs of-the ,peeeiinpteir progremine..: I s-belleve 'Douglas will triumph ;over all . opposition in ;Illinois': -but. , the effeot will be disastrous upon the Administrationk, Whether be is eleptod or defeated, if, the present Polley, le persisted in: If' he gcies r tiaolc ~to„the Senate with the endOriefnifekif,thepeOPle Of 11)1, 7 nols,aftor *bolo' ',Country hai r itneseed the, deadlywar waged :upon him by 'the Danites his' election will be a striking proof of the weakness of their''foroes, and of.the strength of the principle foriiiitch he,.hae,ee manfully. contended.- But. if he is ,ov erthrown, and Mr. Lincoln, elected,, the ease he, atilt, ,worse. ~ The Sena-, torittr , '-term ' ' lasts"'for' six : years, - while the lease of power held by our present rulers has bat-ti little'. Oldie than two ;oars 'to run, , The Senate is the strOughold of the Bent% and if her power is destroyed in that body, and a majority of her: bitter antagonists: miserable ' within its walla: She_will be perilled at her most vital point 'Though Mr. Douglas, has bravely shoyrn that he will not sustain her when she la in the wrong, there Is no reason to doubt that he will be foremost in defending her When ehe Is the right ; while if Lincoln Ie elected, hie 'whole energies will be de voted to warring against her, right - or Wrong. For six long years his presence in the Senate would be 'l 6 perpetual reminder to the Democracy of the na tion of the unparalleledaotef- treachery,by which u l pernooratio Aihninistration,bad stricken down :one of ,the neblest'epiiits of the party and of the nation. And 'es *rata after 'veli.was recorded, and speech after eineoh Uttered by Mr. Lincoln against every cherished principle of the Demooratio party.and against the dearest rights of the South, a wail of anger and :reproach. wouldigo up from one end . of the Union to the Other lidenunolation of, the prosoriptive tyranny, that had clothed him tyl 4; power., Tho,War Department has made a contract with Mr. Snyder,' of your city, to furnish 16,000 Felt hats for the3i . arm, - at - $2:15 'each.' :It Is said, too,' that the GOiSinment is negotiating , tot' the nee of a - ercalistesmer, ownedicy some of 'your sbitisens, to' acoOmpaprthe expedition about to' sail to Para , : - • -; • , I understand that'idr 'Buchanan intends to, visit „PirmiyirardiLprobabli, his old „borne at, Lane's-, tor—during the montii of SepienthitYfor, the Fur pose ,of, "assisting to reorganise the Democratic .phalanx, which bin been so sadly shattered by Le cor-uptortisnU ' " - ' fjoisszosst. Missouri -Lauds. the editor of The .Press please publish' the oapy ,af e • letter flora - A. K. Morrison, Trottiuror of the taco of - httssoart„, for the infor nuitiokof a laigo aumbei of. periope who have already fave4e4, or Who may intend to invest, In **out laa'de ? and. oblIge; " •. - 'lTielavrfire, Kansas Territory, Aug. 22,'58.. " Tanatitinna's Orme, Zefferionbity, - Afe , ' • - • . August Twill state Sin : In answer to yours of the 8d inst., state that land that was entered a'year ago *askant out for taxation last spring, and the tax will have to be paid to the collector in the county the land liee,in any time, before December next; after whiall t..t. nOt it, will be returned as delinquent - land 'to the "RogisterOf I,auds t .! in 'this city ; , then;if not, paid bore before the first of, will be advertised for sale, and sold in _October, .aftetWard, In the 'colinty, by the sheriff; 2nd-ifnot -repented Odin the purchaser tisplaarearter ihe kale, - the land,*lll be,lost, or "th'e pdri3hasek gets si aeed' from the State. :I be lieVel have!. given; yon the wholotound that the land takes before sale:, There has been a deolsian of the courts' lit other States that no tax :can, ooneeted • ou,laturuntil the jontent,lesues, but net so Ili this State. ,Ao l o o truilY ' • A. 31. hronnttion, Tiaasurer. , - . -• IjOseph'''Eucker, a grocer, of iliolimondi Ya w was found dead near that oily on Saturday, and theta are surmises that he was murdered. Mrs. titeittexte!;!;,Vdegf;p3;i4p,'':kti4l3.4o - . -- • r•• , "-i., • • , ' •:4 .1, . The odes; writt ' e ' n hy d Mrs. A - NW!. stEkitio - ; to4ay q ," " They 14:4010, - plgfitiT r • [Ala-=Sear tioilgied4l , Oh, sty hilt, thecald tunes were brighter thedtteze, When banners were torn from the warriors that bore them; Oli, - say not the ocean, the storm, and the breeze, Are freest or prouder when war Xhundera pier thee 0....,, roe the bittleis red light grows pale to thi tight ^ ' When tkegtperswields its power, or thought heist its. *Ow, Mind reigns triumphant where slaughter has been— , • " • Oh, God gees our Prealdent! God 'sive the Qieen , Let the Jai of the world in rich Isermony rise; „ Let the sword keep its 'heath and the 111/31200 Its • thunder ; Now, Intellect reigneth from the earth to the skies, And Balance links nations that war shoji no.Lannder ; 'Where the mermaids stilt riep; and the pearls lie asleep, • •: ••• •;.. c ~ Thought Aulies in are through the fathomless deep : • Now, Mind retires. triumphant where slaughter has kee9L. GoA bless Our'Brasidint I God airie fhb Queen! • When the s'unset'of peterday flooded the Weft Our old Mother country lay far in the dintauee But the lightning hat:etre,* I' We Ire elOse to her breast— - ' r' • • -That beautiful lana i that first gave us existence; ; We feel, with a atart, the quick pulse 9f her heart,. . And the mother and child are no longer spirt; , I Por Mind reigns triumpherit Where slaughter has lieet9:- 'Oh; God bless our Presidint i• doix Sate-the Queen The blood that was ltin6ed throbs proudly once more; 'And - the glow' of our joy Alta the depthe of the 0013511 ; - :It thrills through the wares, mid it sings, on the shore, Till the globe to Its poles Guile the holy commotion ! Let us join In might and lie minima Where-the ibmin' blood bung, let it Arlin' for the right; - , For Mind edges triumphant where slaughter 'hu bean— Oh, God bless our Preeideni! Goilswre the Queen ! - ALL HAII,! AN ONN[iiitilad Sate 'Ai Queen All hall across the main ! -Thought thrills our table abatis— ' .Neer! Nations, hear I Mind le victoriOns, 'Oolismbli , s made glorious, Whill'God watched over naL. Hear! Nations, hear! , No *storms the chain shall break, Nations our greatinge bike— Hear now our . ' • Peace 'peaks from 'bore to shore, Good-wlll be evermore, • While this Work we adore— Praise" God for all tror Thol4'9BE3 , Lines - essaysTin' AT L **AMON Or BKIITOII OLIA," 1* - 21111 ROOM (OSIVIASITT BUILDINOB.IISW TOW Wash* 1444111311011 Noses STUD= AND reirecrfee 1118 nem , TRO-T*411014111, AND ADiTTED TOM 011.1111MATIOX OP :111Z 131711.111/11/12 ATLAINIO TEI:1011.11:17. ' Br W. H. Oonm. , Here;from the eity'e surging roar shut out By academic - walls; are gattierld, in ' A gifted group, atArt's rare featival, ' Painters and sculptors, orators and bards, High-born disciples of the Beautiful, • The noble brotherhood of Genius— Bechbringleg offerings of homage to - The altar of his heart's fidelity. - These are the GNPs solitary men t• • Not sordid; battling with the multitude, Poi gold, or glory, with blood:crimsoned plume ; Not aspirants for venal spoile or poWir; - _ Butßatleading gentle, quiet, clolaterld lives, Young hermits In Imagination's ce115. 7 ... Patient, Tel panting to adorn,the domes . . • And of the outer world ' • With glorlobetrophlessof the Ideal ! Toil On, brave brothererthouglithe weary night • Of penury and cold Indifference . _-, • . , Be long and dark, faint not upon your path— Tor in the Orient soon the morning liar " Shall rise, and golden dawn, with radiant smUsy Beckon you onward to immortal day ! - Not many years ago, In this sirokt hall, . _ Musing, ad Artist sat. -Heetas not old `, " - In age, yet pondering on a problem, v— ; • • .Which became a reunites, ever-present thought, -. • Had etch'd Thne'S shadows'on the student's brow ; Bat still, like a Ohaldeini seer, cr coin Grave,soonkish necromancer, mastering ' The'roystie circles of mitrology ; V- ,Or alchymist, he fed themuciblo : •• -• 7 0f hie wild, feverish hopes, and sleepless worked The iv liard'spelleof his philosophy. forma theft:it-lova of bis youth— Pahlting, that sweet iffedonte offthe mind, - At whose pure shrine he heist.thet knee of fresh - - And seiliientehlp, and turned coldly from • , Her costly "souvenirs 'around his welly , , 'To render'realty to his Noun, new Queen. One 'mighty purpeis loomed before his Spectral, and vast, and vague, bat taking form ' With each day's intimsoy ; till at last He grappled with its mystery, aad• like A giant wrestled for the victory I ; „ Out on the'wild . ?Mid the hurtling stern!, - Where bles'd the - lightning's blinding blase, and shook The string ship like an Moan to her keel, Beneath Hp thunder-crash was born the.great, Sublime conception ! and, npon,the shore, , • , It hatnted - hina Mold the city's hum, And wirild not leave him, till, Tromethensalks, He dared to draw from heaven the sacred ' • and animate his own creation! The honi at last had come.-:ellenee and night • Hid limited the Babel-City to deep sleep. - • Around the walls of the magician'e room A circuit ran, tire° cities of air-bung wires And on a table stood tie sealed 36r; Wheripzisonld, the fiery messenger. ' ' 'l'reiliblieg, bailocte.ifSinrelia '! when a flesh, Bleetrlo; likik ray swift travelling Prom the sun, thrlil'd Aro' eaeli palpitating, , Iron vein, aid lo ! upon a spotless ' - - Scroll, stnroll , d, a hand isoisibte Wrote .Theleing'd toord, terip:eka!”. theArtiet's dream , Was realised; and now blooms on his brow- The laurel 'of his coantrybtgrat !hide ! Prom monotain top to mountain top; along. - The Valleys' delds; !Loral the foam Of rushing rivers . ; by, the slicer sands OfOrystal lakes; - shave the prairies" broad And silent, sea 9f beauty; Miro' the green - Leaves of the forest, and the eurling nook* . Of cities= -through and over all, along The talismanic obeli, foot sea liter Bliot fnim 14 sphere, the obedient lightning: And - with Ite Tongue of Tire, a faithful slave, Proclaims the mandates of its master, Man! ' • Hot * * still nobler triumph must be won.: Ambition, like great Omar's, when he sighed - for other wands to . conittur, net content With sealing high Olympus, and 'With bold, Titanic courage, wresting from the red Right hand of Jove the Thunderer his hot' And blazing arrows, ministers no More Of wrath; but contra of glad tidings to The nations ; ' not iatietled with Barth and ' Air for ismals, covets the sceptre of The untamed !tea, and arrogantly claims, flown in the undisturbed,dark fittknouft, a ohartir for his right of way ! And to ! again pale - Bolence, with A heart Of iron, and optioning eye, steeds like ' A monarch on a galimit,vemiel's deeki, , While at her signal of command, adowu „ • , The pathlisi waves, the cable quiVring sinks, Safe on the 'Arm foundatiOns God Hidiself Laid And reserved for ms, the people of • Ills choice. Then let the Berth and Bea be glad I And f' Gloria in excelsii" up to Heaven Xtise from a thousand domes, and mingle with' The Jabllen of belle; let eindoin bodm; And on the palaces and hill•topa of Two worlds, unfuri,together to, the sun' The unomiquer'd standards of the (hoes and liters,. While the huge heart of Ocean puleites to The song of ' , Peace do Barth, good will to Men Vl' putz,ADsunzA, August 80, 1858. The Story of the Telegraph. - Under the above title, Rudd & Carlton, of New York, have just published a handsome volume, by Messrs. Briggs and Maierlok, of the New York riffle*, which gites a very inffident, obiar, and reliable history of the Atlantic Cable. It is illus trated with a portrait, fiom Brady's phatogiaph, of Cyrus W. Field ; an excellent map sbowlnghow the telegrisph lies in the ocean depths, with ay. done oontlnentatoommunteations. in,Amiyiaa and Europe; and a number cf . Wok-outs shwingthe Cable in a variety 'of Ways; . and the 'differ/04- parable ef several telegraphs. - The vcoed-oats, il lustrating the Cable. arc 'sufficient, with the, dear desoriptions in the litter-press, to make the rough est backwoodsman in; the West as well acquainted with that wondrous lightning-conveyer as if. he 'had 'a feet of the Cable . in his hand, 'fresh from Tiffany's. . ~ • • This volume, rensitrkahlpinaismniug though It be, le a eatlafaOtory production, for, without want-' ing words in tie wire-drawn manner so mach in favor with those who measure the 'Woith of an ad count by Si length, it gives a fail, clear, and yet concise amount of the Atittntio oable, from its eon aePtion down to' the present time. !We have de: tooted in it only one error: the Seoretary of the Atlantio Telegraph clonpany, whose letter is given in the Appendix, page 214, IS Seward, not Seward. There is no telegraph% line of communication from Valentda marked in the map in this volume, and some snoh line must exist. It le no disparagement of this a Story "of "the Telegraph" to say that it is a compilation. ' The various newspaperaocounti which have appeared *luring the last two ye ars have been largely drawn upon; - condensed, co rreoted, oollated, and woven into narrative of great interest and value. the gentlemen whose names appear on the litlif:Pagn could have made a capital Yoltime,hOwevjr, opt, of the copious details ivhloh were given in thi-llew, York Timer, from time to time—wet have alWays' found them peoullerli-reaSonable 'and reliable; aad eiiiibiting t muak 'coinnion,senze, as well•as considerable , ~ • Ronownir.—Yesierday morning Wm. Dougherty, situ Scott, was arrested on the charge of waylaying • men, A few nights since, at the corner ot Pimp:ink roadand'Shippen street, and robbing him of a gold" watch aril Chain. On the pereon or the prisoner were. found severer pawnbroker s ticks t& •He wee eent prison to awslt a hearing.: ' • - ' • ~, HOLM /lODISED --=At a late hour . on Monday 'light the 'dwelling or Mrs. Mary lioklen, at 7/rout apd Pranktin' streetei, , ..wao bidkeri Into: by Arming opines rhattor, and some trifling artiolea were Melon, tithe ` burglar was seen, pursued, and arrested. As gave the name of 7eanos Qookoon. p.Ts*O.A" soranir.* A.,. 18.40„ T I'ATE SThilitC . t.tittfy(!l iiiili:MOtar4diAtiZily:therii - ifininf the etient:' iitthelthrileetiklue . ,NOitli'liter,,london pima to the evening at the;thtle blatant, the contents of which:ere ; Meetly antleipated by the previous arrival tete Of the City of Baltimore;fiawe been recalled. There hail been &great sensation created In Sardinia by the aseassination In Switzerland of one Caetmerre, rodi; a man whcrwez_ implicated In the ineurrectithf test intromerettienoai bat who,enbsequentlyttizned elidence.:Efejibelleyadte hate beenAilied by an agent 6f the Mintirilan rectum, who had him -to hie retreat it penance. Perodi wee about td emigrate AMerbra. . .. . ~ , Manlnt bag' issued anothor altia l it teriatia Trail: mar tion to hie followers. . - • .. . " The North Star passed the Arago. from New,York for Havre, on the Vlth. • She also paased within a mile of a largolcetsre::,`•; ' - ' • ' Front Washingto n. . WAllutsoimit; August 31,—The bueineattehlah more occoplea the Adminietration pertains to our foreign relations prominently including Moto with the Central American. States and Maxici.- - Notwithstanding that General Jerez has yea assu, minces that he is authorised " to, make sac explana tion* concerning the course of Nicaragua 'be Q • Government, $a a prelitnlnsry, to his receptionist treat on the, pending matters between• this and - thatltePubila,ho has thus *failed lei emote the °hatable to his reception Ma diploniatia capacity. - The AdMinistration' has nOt yet made a saltation .0R Minister toffiirsguay from among:the, several dates. In addition td the national 'reseals, ordered to be sent to'Pailtgilak,riegoititions are pending for the nee and probate of steamera of light, draught owned by private Officers are constantly being, ordered to designated commande.-,uThe•datach went or mittettis tube sent out will be far moreformida ble than heretofore announced. _ The ohipot II to prepare for the wont on the port of Loposiand tollace the "expedition beyond all probe:. bulgy of failure.' Strong efforts are being Made for the removal Of 'Mr. Davidson, thernited Stales marshal of the Northern' Diatriat of Illinole;. end the appointinent of the editor of the Mileage, Herald in hie place. Theie is but lit tle, If any, doubt that this change wilibe made. - iVashinon *eiritirry: Inuitillfeitet, ;Minn 31—..,Governor 3fasfullin, , of Washingtorf,,Territory, lies arrived here. Ile repre sents that whin he left the Territory, s month ego, the Indians west of the Cascade comintalps were dispeerd to 'be friendly, but fears were ,nlerloinfol:that -they might be iniinerical by - arose residing cut of the moinitabis,lWihri defeated 001. /Repine,. , viircironi campaign against them and safari) chhetleirinent will, horrever, probably have the effect of producing a gene. tel peace amongst the earagesivrhti intuit sociably feel the power of the Government Ile says 'the Indians from the British and Bunten possessions, who are ex. 'Vernal) , for:foldable and shrewd, - are in the' habit of plundering,and killing the settlers in the most exposed portions of the-Territory.' The Secretary' of War. Wasaliarroar, duper 31.—Tha aeoretary of War boa Maple/ toWaabingten. •The 430IdExcitement in - thci • • • Territory. ' Bt. Locia, Aug. 81 —Leavenworth. d espatebes of the 29th inst., received per United States Exereasto Boone ville yesterday, state that eonelderabla exeitement pre; vette in Liwrence and Kansas city,, in counequeeco of recent snivels frcui the' gold , region:of Mel reek, @oiler:dor the (distance of gold in abundance in that leeality. , ;A' company That alerted from . Lawrence In June had met with good success. ,The gold found Is similar to that of Frazer river and 111111fornia. • . _ . Mr. Bichirdn who arrived In Hanks city un'the 28th, repac' that with •ery limited prospecting • g atie'aetory restate were obtained. Two men with Inferior imple• mints washed out six hundred dollars , worth of gold in a elogle week; on a email dream fifty miles from Pike's Peak. A: second Frazer-river excitement Ii appre hended. - Cable Deinotistration in'St. Louis. , Sr. Loots, August SO.—The Chamber of Commerce this mon:dm/unanimously adopted a resolution that the ohamber be closed on Monday next, the oth of Septem ber, Mid that a general euspension of business be recom mended, for the purpose of celebrating the opening of the• Agricultural and Mechanical Fair, and alto the * euceeuful completion of the Atlantic telegraph. Sinking.of a Steamboat. Or, Lome, August 81.—The steamer J. U. Oglesby was eunk 'bet:night near Glasgow, on the Missouri river..l6llTel were lost. The boat. heel a fall freight on hoard; and a' large number of passengere. The amount of the loss ls unknown. The. Trial of Steam Fire• Engines at Boston. Boston, dug. 81.—The trial of steam lire-engines took plane on Boston Common' Ude zooming, and was attended by thouunde of spectator', including Go vernor Bantu and ether distinguished men: There were fottryteam-enguses present, the 44 Philadelphia," built by Miura. Reaney, Needle, & Co., of, Philadel phia; the 44 Blisha Smith,". of• But. Boston; tho 44 Lawrence," of Lawrence, Mau., and the " Ngw Ars," of Beaton. The Philadelphia filled the tank containing 2,600 gallons in 8 minutes and 29 seconds, threw a horizontal stream of 163, a perpendicalsr stream of 110 lest, and raised steam In hi mirintes. „ . The - Elleha Smith filled the tank' to ~ e ight minutes and twentydlre seconds; threw a horizontal stream of one hundred 'and forty feet; a perpendicular stream of one hundred,-and twenty-fire feet; and raised steam in thirteen minutes and fitty-cue seconds. • The Iftwrenco was withdrawn on account of breaking ji small bolt soon after tiring up. The proceedings were then mipmmeti till helf..pset int oiolock, The length of hose used by the engines woe two hundred feet.. The Invited Guests of the New York Cable Celebration. , • - BOIST.bI, August 13L—The officers of the British steamers 1/ornon end Indus *Mead this afternoon ' and loft on the Pall River line for Now York, where they are to take part in the telegraph celebration to=morrow. The'YelloW Fever at New Orleans. New °Maisons, August al .—There -were talpety-tWo deaths from yellow fever during yesterday. Letter from New York. Leomisroivieiteeptrio ?no.] • - " New ,Toar, August 61, MS. The preparations for the jubilee contuse on a grand sasle:-'At ImarniCeene , s theatre, which opens on Thurs. day night; for tbe season, there are to be fee stniiles of the skips Niagara and Gorgon, with gone mounted. The transparency, with these, ie to be exhibited In front of the' theatre, on-Wednesday evening, during the torah-light proaessldn, and the cannon discharged at Thhkoiorning an entbastasno, foreigner offered the Cainelttes to parade two hie:loan ponies, eap►risoned, in'the prooeetloo. All olaises teem to be se►lone, and the sboy mast be a brilliant oak, if nothing aoctuato mar It,' burietqua, by Henry Morford, of the Leadar, Is to be Produced at Laura Keene's! on the opening night— Thursday. It to Lon tbi topic, Old called 4. Lore and Telegraphing”--maid to be full of local pointe and puni. . , . Thomplan is opt with an opinion on the yellow lever cam that hare occurred, attributivethem en tirely to the Infected ships at quarantine, and deprt. cetingihe publicity 111811 to themjbithe'prees. A. meeting of Brin' residents of leery York.was held laid 'minipg et niblote, at which, revolutions Of' oon gratzletigi ooncernlog the international telegraph were passed with much enthusiasm, and a committee appointed to take mouton for a grand ball Thy (Amber of Ooteeneroo are collecting contribu- Aline io'prociire testimonials for indentation to gentle men cotaoted with the wok of laying the table. • Batio mode of the el•inal Cable are to be used by the mankala of to•morrow's procession. ' - .... Taro poor creatures, sharing not In the general ex citement, shuttled raO their . mortal last night -a German girt (unknown), by jumping into tho Rut rivet, and a oraty woman, by taking laudanum. The failing of a large tree, on which come fifty men and boys had mounted, at the Turnverehs festival in torkillNiyesterdaj, was the maiden of serious injury to severs) of the participant.. The Wry of Lift nevrepaper cue wan again in court today, bit the decision is reserved. • • • The *areal military visitors, Yield Battery Artil lery, seventy-hVo men, with their band, and twenty • thre'men of the Orel troopillritieh Cavalry, arrived this P. 11.0arat - were received .by..2d company National Guard, Oapt. Ohaler, witirDodworthle band. They are now in charge of theVen GovSnsori, and visit Niblo , s to:night. • - Abont 21,000 tickets have already been ,given out admitting to the -Crystal Palate exerclue to-morrow: A iloativp storehouse, at Quarantine, eunk this morn ing, with !to weight of New Orleans dargoes. At the Stock board this morning, there was consider. able show if actlvite, but no..deolsive turn of ;Khios. Erie opineeatie;oeilli ten; elosingat tho ume dgure regular; Naw York Central, with' Rates of about 2,000 shares, began selling at SOX, and shbasquently declined the treaties; Reading opened at 49X, and 'closed-at 40X; Haus, River brought 28X ; Harlem 10X ; Dela. were and Hadsola was soldAt 98X i,Pacifts khan Oteans. ehip opened,it 88X; and Closed at 88.. X. • Western 'toads declined. Michigan Southern, old itock, brought 24 and 24X. The preferred declined . x. Chicago and hock Island at 74X, and closed at 74X, regular, and boyar thirty days. Galena and , Obiaaga.bagan selling at 84X, and loft off at 84X. • Malian Central detained X. Cleveland and Toledo open, at SS, and fell to 31X. Milwaukee and Miaeteelppt idyl IX._ Illinois Central brought 70X, seller penance Ras soldat 115, buyer sixty. The eXchteges at the bank Clearing Rouse this =Pett ing were $14,015,1110.88, and the balances $1,160,625.11. Idettojpolltat oertificatee $3,000. NNW rim stool BX.(lll3.N!M—Adetiot 31. .. siOorto polio.' $5,000 ito et6s - - e6O Sim' 60 N T Oen R b3O 803 5,000 - ,do . ' 180 84) 100 do bBO .80M 8,000 de ~ bBO 841( 200 do . 40'80 : 1,000 Mich llold nu, 811( 200 . do_. ~, 1030 80 1600 L /II SeW'3l Do 191 lOO need R ' . ' e3O 40% 8b Pacific U 9 00360'88x 800 SW" - 40 g 100 do t eOO 881 100 Mich Oen R 28% 50 do eBg aosmioh Ise &NIR 243 f 60118 'Stud/ Oto 110 100 74 ,do , :1,7 24m SOO Olev &T 4 R b3O as 1 100 ,do b30,24b30,243(1060 0 Ohl 11. &11 R eBO 25 Panama It ~1141( do '• TUX Italtll.llTS. ' --.- - _-- , noun.--Themarket is eaiy;' the demand chiefly local. Bales of 11 , 600 bbl . 'at $3 9004.16 for unsound abpsrfine; and $4 2004 60 for unsound extra State ; .$4 8505 for soprano' Western • $566 - for common to medium extra Western; and :5.7005.90 for shipping brat& of extra round-hoop Ohio, the maricet eosin very quiet. Intluded in the sales are small parcels sound. extra Stale at $5 4005 50, and 600 bbls extra Stare, unexpectat at $4.85c15- - - - • • • - . Gaarn.—Ther; Asa better milling demand for Wheat, and the market my be quoted a shade higher, portion lerlyfor medium grades. Bales 45.500 bushels at $1.33 for while Michigan ; $1.156117 for oil red Western Winter; $1.22 /or new do; $1.05 for white Bentham snd Kentucky ; '51.17 Xet 1.25 for ,red Sontlern; $1.85 for a small parcel of very handsome red Temessee ; and $1.22,1( for fair white' parolivit. " • PEOVlBToll6.—Thorele a pretty go6d inquiry for Pork, and holders have beg enabled to realize a slight im provement over tie pores current at the close yester day ; sales 950 bbl , at $17.60 for mese ; 111 90 for thin mesa; $195619 25 for clear, and $16.150616.25 for reale, with Small sake at $16.59. Prime mess is quiet arid nominal. • In :119ef we notice an active demand. with a fair bud nen doing at full irises; sales 800 Meat $11.76018 for country Mess ; $14m14.75 for repacked Chicago Mesa; and mem 60 foe extra •do. There was also a large sale mide for forward deltrery within our range anno tations. _ NEW , Tshmartird Orami.trott—Mr.' Thomall Chandler, of the Barentednth ward, was sworn In yes. terday as an ass stint operator of the Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph department. Mr. Chandler is a kind ......a.atentlerisn. • " will make an able and moven the &diem of his 'ully employed ,in the i(ternoon, during the awed George Bmlth was the hand. of himself, or amble.' They were both I held 'to ball by Alder.. for carrying concealed 14 in Coarse street, be. MNlU:ffiffMn AfiGOEMENTS THIS ,TILIIATBIII. "MOM&0d4 4 " • ; 1•-''.. " ThOgriot Oribellond. ,l Afternoon PerformanCer.-4' - A4' 4 3I:MICIEQUedriAIi Drams.. • 3'IOS,4O;tr.TOWAIIO- WALIMT•STRIXT tionnancF 7 s Guy Blanneri4"—A SOO:: Winciorranr & OLABIK'S AIIOIMITRNST ' THHATRII The Clandestine Marriage ,, — ,, One Coat for Two &MAL,' SANTORDPB °PIMA H01781,r-lithiOphlll Entertain- Titom,sur'a Vanuatu's. Conaerts tfe lt.l7. .lowe thovm.—Mammoth,m7. PEoPLE'Shotly, whose proceedings of Monday were given in yesterday's, Press, met again yeaterday at'lo &clock; In danatlnv: 'street Hall. The members took. their emits lie their names were called by the secretary, Mr. Wm, D. Lewis, Jr. The reading of the Minutes of: Monday , was , die= 1 permed with The delegates from the Eighth ward changed the name of their member of the Committee of &puha .tendence to J. R. Flanigen. Mr. It 0. Smith staid , that •Ite- had reeolntion.,--to offer. which Would bring 'out Sortie' papers 'pretending to be party papers, which come out on tither side which .they think will succeed:but who girt us pretty good wives sometimes. The resolution is es follows: Resolved. That the Committee of Superhateederme be q•cquired to procure written pledgee from th'e Candidates nominated by this Convention that they Will Rive their advertising only to those party, papers that take a de ,cided stand for the ticket, and shall pay full advertising rates, as advertised at the - head of these papers with 'the regular discount off; and that they will not give It to any paper whose proprietors refuse to Pay the regular scale of, prioes to the workmen elnployed on the mane." • —Mr. Smith said that this wee a Tariff and Working mews party, and he went for givingthe'workingmen encouragement. He thought nook a resolution submit glary. =• Mr Rhiridge deol de dly obieaiedt any sue Vimp er il=" neat resolution. • r-• •.; • , - Mr. Harper said that , such a resolution wee highly improper. 'The, nett thine we will "be doing Will be ordering the proprietors O the Paperit what hands they' shall employ- - - ,-. • • . - - • • Mr Smith replied in a violent manner, and was Inter rupted by cries of Question ' Mr. J.H. Diehl said he minted the candidates to pity no more for their whititisitar thiniither people, - A motion was made to postpone the subject The yeas and nays were milled by Mr. Smith, and re-, Gutted as follows : You 81, nays t' • Mr. James Harper moved to strike out all relating to the question of prices. , He thought title was . so in terference:with a man's business unworthy of the Con vention. . Mr. Hamm made a harangue in favor'of-the original resolution, after which Mr. Harper's amendment was Tho resolution then pissed. ,Pledges were next read from the folloiring candidates for the nominationfer Register of Wills Mr. Jacob Sheets pledged himself. to support the• ticket with industry. Mr. Ceo. W. Gamble took the opportunity to assent ,to the • People's party and Its principlee, and to co operate with its friends. R. E. Sutton, In a neatly written pledge, as sented to the lett* ant spirit of the-Party, and to honorably support the ticket - Mr. 0. D. Knight plOdged hie hearty suPpOrt to the ticket. Mr. F. M. Adams pledged his sordial . support. ' Mr. John Thompeen would Cheerfully acquiesce is Convention's decision. - thilt gave Mr. CI. W.. Manahan plealure to Sly' the same ng, - a Ditto from Mr. Lewis R. Broomall. - - , Mr. Samuel Spang would support the ticket In good' faith. Mr. John Swiftsald he would give the successful can didates his hearty sapped.' Mr..B. S. Yard would abide by the, decision of the E:invention. The same from Mi. 7. Edwards. Mr: A. H. ,Freeman, having. everbeen. an unde viating opponent of the destructiie tendencies of De nim:racy, would give the nominees a cheerful and hearty su fe r te - orge Gillingham would use all honorable means to elect the ticket , • Mr. Henry 0. Frits would feel highly complimented if he would receive the nomination, but in any cue he would support the ticket. '-• Mr. John M. Riley would vote for and work for the ticket Mr. George W. Ford, In a somewhat longer letttri said the same thing. Mr. A. A. Gregg,' In' a very sheet letter, said the game. , , - . - , Mr. Simnel Lloid was also 'in that same mind. So, too, with Mr. Nicholas Thorn: - - And also Mr. George Norton, Mr. 1111. Bewley, and Mr. Wm S. Gelverson. -Mr. Tpho Kelly would lay off hie cost, and roltupliis sleeves. and iro to work for the entire ticket. Mr. John Dreleford r having opposed the Democracy forthirtveani„intedqd to do do stm, and would, there- forei-golii for theveholostiCiel. - Mr. Bertless Rhea Weald use all his influence to elect the ticket. Mr John U. 301108 would rfirldly conform to the Fulas of the party. Mr. , R. Allen .voiMld;nse Ids beet endeavors for the nominees "* ; -- • 'Mt. 6. Mintzer would, also support the ticket, and faithfully perform the duties of Register, If nominated and elected., - - • The following are the ballotings for Register of Wills: %BALLOT_ ROR_REGISTER OH- - - . 4.- alat-mizbio"ilbE. o ool3l4s tr- •id - • • • • • ,%. aa w • • &te r t ql . r.*Zt , 2,33 /15154 - 0 0 .40 itirIOWMK OV 4 4 ;4I I .2 tS I"4III. I4VV BP 4I F ° -55t.20-xopimenog= Me egr:Agg-n!..p.OXII.c:VEIF: 4 n4l: : •p , E: • . • g :-:- amwa~wNNw~~-.~wowraa~maaavly ipoter-atso,o)...4aremvamft^o.,alba *.ou...lpNMwm,;.omoo , ..Wop..opWo.oolW 0i.;n1,21.....111 , 0 I .41 I 0...bSCOSIO1,310:10.A.11•. .Imatip.rmaoam - wm‘camid.: , ' AI PC. PA C. 1: IVI NI Wr.VOWV VC. Co ( PI O. ' 10 I CJA Iss 1.7 I Cb OA 0. 0. -a to I 'a:MR:CO*4 I .4 ...i A.. -a I C. 4.1 toi r o. I ev;:karElpil a 1 a fa Ila I itio :31 ..4 . 0. - ttivi tile.L4-3al PIPPO' 1'.11.701 ...1.4P I 0,0404. Ail V. .1 ill•Cto.II lIIINI .41 I I 0.42”.10‘ 1:00•01112001 LI .1^.41 H 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 JIII LI .-,..1-r. t i:fl-1 - ).) 1 NI 1 I..zt-lt .•I,lni 1.1 I 1,1.1.11 re,.'4.1`.111 111.11111111,1111,1t>tfir..%v0,1 1 . 1,1.1111I11111111*Ilt"..t,"4,ilt4 I•I I'ol I I I I I 1 I I IJ I I I' i`l I I I I I I I I I I_i9~l;mmi o'i~~ o. 11101111111111115113121.11 , 111 g NOTE Barnsley remurod, on the firstiud second ballote, one vote; 8: Bpang on the third ballot received one. vo e' Dillon received, also, on the drat end' second ballot', ono vote. Mr. McMahan. having received a majority of all the votes cast, was declared the , nominee for Register of Wills. , , „ On motion, the nomination was unautmOns: On motion, the • Convention took a recess for half an hour—the hour of adjournment being half -put three o'clock. • The hem. for - wi11.% the recess was taken havh3g ea pared, the Convention again' convened, and was called to order by the Ptesident. • : ' The fleet business we. the .reading of letters from eandidatei fdr the ales of Olerk of Orphans , Court: There were thirteen candidates before the Consent'on, from all' but one of whom commtmidatiotos were re reload, pledging a hearty concurrence in the action of that body. - bio conununi cation was received from Samuel B Jones. • „ „ On motion the Convention - proceeded to ballot for , a candidate, with the following - LERK OP ORPHANS , 00WIT Erman!' Poulson ...,... ..... Robert (}. Morel!. .Nionod Woollery Befoul' B. Jewel Johnli Bayne Edmnnd 0. Boneall Samuel Z. Brock F. Mayhew 8.8. Yard Robert Bethel Charles S. Wayne Wm. Linter L. Maine After the drat ballot, a motion was made that, after the third ballot, tho name of the lowest candidate be dropped at each auceesslre ballot; which woo agreed to. After the third ballot, the names of John D. Dam and Charles B. Wayne were dropped from the; Hat, On the fifth ballot that -of 'William • Linker was dropped; on ',Uses seventh Samuel Z. ,Brook wag dropped; on the eighth ltrastrtiPonlaon was with drawn ; on the ninth F. Mayhew was dropped, leaving bat two`namie before the Oenventlon—those of Robert O. Marchand Nimrod Woollery: • The tenth ballote— salted in the 'choice of Nimrod Woollery, by a vote' of 58 i to 88. The nomination was then, upon motioni made anent monsi with three cheers for the nominee. - Alter seine other unimportant boldness, and the nos tomiu7 vote or• thanks to the officers, .the Oonvention adjourned • sine die,„ - Monn YA - CHT RACING.—An exciting icoht race came off oil Monday, in which the' Eslinewas again victorious. Tho contest was between. the yachts L. Theo. &sling and George M. Aill, ,from the Water; Works wharf to °heater Buoy and back, for see hun dred dollars. The river was orowded with Nailing craft of all kind, and steamboats loaded down with the friends of either boat. The wind and weather.were all that Could be expected for sport of that kind, and the lCsling again corning in ,about - one mile ahead of her competitor, showed herself to be, without a doubt, the champion of the river. Another race is to come off, we understand,, in which there is also manifested great interest in, snort log circles. - , A GOOD REMEDT.—WeTOrdy our readers to Dr. Starnes , advertisement in another column. The article he advertises la • most admirable one, and through • long course of trial has established a reputation second to ns other of a like character in the land. The Cam. phorated Extract of Ginger we have been personally. familiar with for some ten years, and have not only tested ourself, bat have seen its merits fully tested; and no higher mead of praise can be awarded it than to say that it has maintained the high. reputation which it acquired When first ietroSaced,-thougit inimany years of alined iiniveraal use. z - THE CftURCIIES AND TazATßES.—There will tie no persica la the churches this evening, in consequence of the illumination, etc. Protracted meetings of a very interesting character have been in progress for several days in some of the churches, but it was deemed proper to forego the Marlotion pleasures for thin evening Insle ference to the high character of the demionatration: - • No performance will take plane at the Walont-street theatre to•night but Instead, an afternoon entsliftan. meet, appropriate to the occasion ) will be given ar o'clock. SALE og BILAI. ESTATE, STOOKC'&o...4htmas Sone sold, last evening, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following real estate, - Ste.: = 300 Wires Columbia Coal and Iron, Oompany, 031 . 1.- attire 'Point Breeze Park demolition, 5161.60 I.ostockholder's season ticket to the droh-litreet, theatre, - 60 ; three•atorr brick dwelling, LeMonetreet, s abont two Kaaren east of Prankford road, lot 60. feet front, 17461 neat cottage and over six 'enrol land with barn vragon•house, South Beve r ly , ,llew /Otis) $1 ,600 . . . 13Pnoter; Cionnon.—A speolal meeting of this boll , was td hairiti been held yesterday afternoon, for the oonaltleratlon or some deferred bustuese; but ott there WU no quorum present, nothing wan done. Tars l'7*lfoeliiiti - 0,4144 - i i ."-; -The preparations for the illitirlinatiou'tninight,,olwell as for to-day's displey. hkyir been vigktouslypUplted, and by the time our.paperAtchea its reeders tittic morning will wet nigithavab "seb . &nnpletid A stroll - yesterday, through certain guiarters of thitt, , aity affoid no Indications of a prat., gene at Vbsery,art"Ce of tb:e3 . .ay, and of a very ortaltabled,cjilar::-filityjiroCarllOn of the military. and the dieerent_ offielelland'ePrieAddieg, will doubtless be imposing; and the Oireivities ,in Independence EViCio. of an unusually - interesting Character Vim% tba"3.llllrolnation we apprehend, . will -be %B erard feature of the day; in connection with the torch-light procession of the firemen and the die play of fire-works under the superintendent* of Pro fessor Jackson. For the illumination tee beim, wit, missed the most gotrie,avidielnkylye flieparatiOse4 evincing upon the part of our s private epirlt and looalpridit,wellbefitt.igit Philadelphintufr*lnnr• deaf, it is exceedingly doubtful whether - At - duly authorized spectacle, on the,patt, opont,olty -_,Oove•n meat, would have inured en hearty a itectirirras that given under the present arrangements, Onr:eitiserul lett that, the honor and respOnsibillty Of marntelning the public spirit and liberality of Philadelphia was left to them, and right nobly have they gone JOnwork." if we are to fudge by what we have already seen. Ae a sample of, the rich treats which are Su storefor this evening we may mention the mammoth_ transpa, renoy preparod"by Mr. 7' B; - Brown. of the Arcade Ho tel, Oheatnut street. It la a painting seventy feet in length and realm toot high, deeigned to occupy the pot , ticoapace of the•bittite front df the'buitliog. It re presents the leading Of the cable at - either end—Valen tin and Tripity..Baya. „The rAgumeronoCian_d•lalagara occupy prominent pciait'Onif,wh.le the crawl of each are hauling up thejt:fespectlyteliderotAlie °ate.% Upon shore, at either end, la a bpildiog, 4414, which tl , sta the flags of the Molted Rife* ind"Bogidud. while from the vessels - float the ranee ntpotlallrubbninfaxid n timer one strciani.m , Beveral .rderetiantmenw `omen fa the • ocean distal:too., while, two orthree • bniafioe = liorgg are repreaentedas ra aving beam passtd by thedelliggrewlien nearing the en at. The Mongol's .a atinvit-vicatt'-`tlie Clod, or Day Just about bathing hie' brow in the briny . - 'wave. Illureleating"the - libeicil•arld tinging the Map with bin radiant huge.',Aomitre,plece:ls - feelltilintrth • and 11 in heightiwill agree its tee erownl44 - view of th l ff , fmmenee and beautiful spectacle'' , The dogs oPtriglabd • and the Unit , d Stabs are unfurled' earoseiduale-uthet , Below is the British Lion, holding,in life mouth. weerolV which beam the y ncnse•! , and above all MAPS (Mt proud degliilkwith oar cberiellerr B Pluribus Untrue' borne aloft in poeselons recta= rude and might. We could formlint inihdiffi exit idea ,, of the effeetacd.beautymf Able &PA transparency; but , we think we can safely promise our teadereWliintreat Urban it In once.properlylit up for dlepiay,TAtritis Ohs intention of Mr. Brown to it to remainin itgplaea • for a few evininge.-there Pill been opportunityafforded of taking tame ,thin look ; at it, attdfepstln* upon its beantlei. - 'There are.,doubtless, others Mounting or speelelytten , Him in preparation, and we shall strive ti give. in-oar report of the day's celebration, a .Inlland,eapbott de: setiption. OBLEBRATION—YROTERDAVEI PROCEED.. INoB.—The committee to inkki arrengeMentii O•lebratloaof the Ley ing of'the;htlantte'gabte.u et etthe Booed of Trude room yesterday ettetheon, After some discussion Concerning 'flaincislindiert, Judge Lewis proposed the lollowinginotto'seeporri ,priete,.-to tie pleoed,in trout-of the - staid-1h Ifidepen: deuce Become : wltrankltr:Oersted; Mollie, ' "God eendaliis lightning to bless: Vie - boleti or the Old and NewMorld,7itti Intelligence, Peadeiand,Pret , parity L.! -i••••= 4- +.•!= • - Judge'Leariselplained the claims of M. Oersted to baplabed with ,illanklbc,2. Morse, and novas the *op. pliers' of 01844611 W talrsetical:pnrposes, • . 7 - Mr. Brown, the ptortetrorbtAtta Meade Mettel; , de- Scribed a splendid transparency he bad pretested to - be" displayed in front of Ms establlshotenti oh the occasion. of the celebration. The think slofetliii'eominitteei were tendered to Mr... Brown for ids spinted-prepara , Won: &letter from eying W% Field, Esq., was feoetved, de-' olining the invitation otthe committectri participate in the oelebratiorrOn• the ground Oath° had alrettdv; vicceVed an:invitation to be present at .tho New York , celebration.' Mr. Field conclude Chis later with an appropriate reference to the fact that-the althea of the trot electrician rest in Philadelphia - - • It was determined that the meeting In the sonar& be organized by the appointment of a president end twelve -vice presidents. . The committee then adjourned, to meet again In the , evening. In the evening the committee met, and increased the appropriation tithe firemen to - thentmluittnfssl.ol" • -- A gentleman suggested that the superinteudiot or the church-yard - containing the — grave Of - Franklin should be requested to open it during tbetay. 'The ,committee acknmledgedtbe propriety of the suggestion, but doomed it inexpedient to ao. upon it: The secretary was instruated to notify the officiate of the day to bs•preaeet in tlia. 7 Couneil.ObtiMber at ;X )t, o'clockeA - M., 7 - 7_77 Letters from the President •and , the Secretary of the Navy were In the hands of the comtnittee 'Mit are not to bepubllshed " TRAGEDY AT CHESTNUT ingi about two o'clock. Officer William Anderson, of the mounted patrol polies force, While going,throirgh Sum mit street,in the Twenty-second wa , d i heard thereport of a pisto at a disdains:of about 200 yatilfifrtim him, on the Bethlehem pike., lie, ascertained, that , Awe OM were, strecked upon the ground in the iiciriity of the bier:maid Tavern, some dietaries off. both of whom had theicArme broken, and their fume greatly braised-. After prompt - inquiry, Officer' Anderson aicertilned. from the men,that they...bad -boon assailed several, persons who were inn wagon hentalninlit lead'of their ono, which had but a - few, natrintes,heforeaterted7,3 o ' , : wards the toll-gate. Permit was at once made in this dheotiOn, and at Barren Hill, iri - Jifilitomery county, they came acrzaa the wagon and the men, answering:, the description which hadheen given to them: Those In the wagon were taken Into cuatody. when they gage their, names as John Dalton, Williato Kirk;'Wellington' Itamerly, and John Darr. , _ They made considtwable" /Manias `-tsi the officers,' but Officer Anderson threstened_tojelsecktheArst, man, who dared to move: 'The prisonerairerelwought to the' city and looked op at the Cential Pollee ,Stathin. -The names of the injured men are-Chavlea, Carman „and, Frederick Oudfer:' 'They'were'atternlate hylir.' belt, who states that them wounds are of a very serious character. The priaoners had a hearing before Alderman Ogle yesterdsy Tied of their number; Kirk and'Diir who wore willing to be egamined_eswitnesees, While that Kamerlyttod Dalton had Ondlerkritldwhoin 'they hat bad some dlepute preeletudy at Wieetowzi. They, were made acquainted with the plot while riding in the wagon, and didbierything in their power to dissuade the others-from He execution, but without .When they approached the: Mermaid Tavern, Paten - and Kamerly jumped from thewagin' and taking' hold of Carman and Codler, who were standing on the road, threw them forcibly to the around tranierlyllett stamped uroa the moo, and Dalton gave them several furionablows with a large club': that had been , harried in the wagon,. Darr and Kirk attempted to interfere with the brutal aaaallents, but their. efforts wore use less- When the wounded men were supposed to be al most dead, the whale 'party 'rode :thby , were' made Prisoners by Messrs Anderson and Snyder, Al den:nod Ogle, having he srd all the evidence. committed Daiton and ffamerly, in default of a large amount of bill, to answer the charge at Saud, and held Kirk and ! Burr as witnesses.— , . - - - , . ,tIIE RABLS Vononn.—There a ppoara to be n perfect speculating mauls in the sale an purchase of staatlparticles of thelttlantto Oable - -We do not know, to what extent New York, Boston, and 'other. cities and . towns may be Horded with these wire , speculators, but If there to any approach to the supply in our own city, there most be enough on band,"with that slrhady - die. posed of, to thrice lay the ocean bed. between- the two ,• . - • • continents Immense calla of it' a re being hawked about daily, the greater portion of whichtlooks so fresh, - and wears the apriemaece or bdvleg been_ so neely timed, that the conclusion will force iteelftipon the in- credulous that it was inatmfactiiredfo'r the 'coonskin Of ono thing we feel convinced--one-half of it, at least, nerer sew salt-water, nor graced the decks of the Nia gara or Agamemnon. Yet people will buy ft, and Many a six-inch chunk is disposed of at 26 cents We our self, plead guilty to the soft impeachment of s auk aril's after each- relies, and moon expect s to .De danglirg a " charm" encased in golden bands, B it ourabas the genuine ealt-water smell. and, we have the best reason to 'believe,. was Juice - hrobliddeff in' the- depth' of old ocean. To-day will be an admirable opportunity for these wire spenuletore to,drive a.mofitable trade t.aud uniese umoy miles oflliereputedcablb•clianyel hsfili,'- etfair profits, we shall lose curves/8; thaViall:,, 3 • Conoimn'a ThOnasr....-.Thiallxidy of E. 0. nen was found at Helea's Pole!, IL J., yesterday, by three boys, floating opposite the Point.'lJOeepti J. 'Moore. Justice of the Peace of South ward, Ormaden held the Inquest. After examiring witnemee,. one of whom, Mr. It. D. Hanna. woe in the boat:atilt° tittle of the accident, the Joey returned a verdict of •• accident al drowning." The thanks of the jury ebotild be,re turned to Meagre . .I,Menzir Lopez and • WAlittr. for the manly part they took to return the frleride of the deceased his remeins:r - .." t , PoWsntrav:—Tbe Infant found•s few - nlgiita ago by Officer Stout, of the Twentieth ward pollee, fa Mir,- ring finely, owing to the excellent care beetowed on it by the wife of Mr. S, Unless come' benevolent person adopts the child, the officer will be compelled, much, against his will, to deliver the llttle stranger over tithe care of the Ottardlans of the Peer. It is a-female child,' and is. we learn,very„beautiful. .Particulers,will be made known it the Twentieth-ward atetion,honse . • - Conossn's iNQUEST.—A coroner's inquest was 'held yesterday afternoon, In the case of Mr. Murray, who died on Monday, from injuriee received by being J unwed between two burden care on Third street op posite the Girard Bank. The particulars ofthe nod ea-- Beatty were given in The Press. FIRE —Yesterday , afternoon, about half-past 'two o'clock, a are occurredin Buttonwood greet, beleir Broad. It wee caused bye tar,kettle Dolling over In tl e part occupied by a patent-root maker The content, were entirely destroyed.,The loss is estlusated at $5OO. The property belonged to Levi Stokes._ _ 1 1,1 1 I:11..1 1 1!. 1 . 1l ag . * : 7 : =ll lAi E 4 16 252 ,1431:5,4 2 , 1 21 , 112 , 1 1 3 1 1131 „ 12 . 0 1i 6 0 2 1 01 01 0 01 01 0 j 11 011 01 0 8 1 1 .4 0 1 99 0 111 i 5 1 0 88 : 1 0 04 1 1 0 04 1 0 06 , 0 00 0 ( ) ; 1 , 8, , 8 , ?,, 1", , ?) g , 8 41 0 0 01 0 o'o 0 0,0 1 0 1 0,0 1 010 TRH POISOPIN4 Cartz.--4tn inquest was bald in. the cue of Was Itaineberger, yesterday, and a verdict returned that her. death was mimed by an over-dose of m•dloine, The partioulare of the case were given by us yesterday. noOTWAR RAILROAD ACCIDENT.—Abont twelve o'clock, yesterday, a ;nen wee run over on the Trenton Railroad, near Prankford. Ills injuries, are reported to be of a serious character. KILLED BY A BLOW.—.A man nomad' Samuel Swabia, residing lo Sixth street, labors Poplar died yesterday afternoon from the effects of s blow received at the halide of a party on Monday'nfght.- - A HORSZ- AND W actor were atolett, "on Mom* night, from the 'table of Mr. George Dale, in the Twentieth ward. . - YE 8 TERDA,Y!!, PRPC-ZEDINGO - (Reported for The Prem.] UNITED BTATIIS Orrioll—Colonsfs, stoner O. F. Ileaslitt.—The case of Clikles- &terrine and Charles Morrie, who wereeharged With larceny at ' the United States Mint; again earns up for a heart eg terday nierning. -- The Oommiasioner stated be would' dismiss the defendantefrotifcustody, on the greund of want of jurisdiction: 'They were acoordlogly "Ws charged, • Lewin C. Cassidy, Esq., appeared for the de fendants., Quacrue Srestors—Judge Ludlow...-Tbe Stiry in the case of Frederica Adame, charged ,with arson - before reported. came into court yesterday-morning , with a verdict of not guilty. .Eze u /pa rico of an Officer -,llc.ltlisnn stated to. the court that a bill of. indlotmentVcbliraini Dunei Murphy with obtaining $lOO by folic pretences, from Mr. Daniel Ferteecue, bad been found last Decetiaber term, but had never been tried, as he understood .some arrangarnent had been rondo by private counsel for the Common wealth and the defendant's counsel • Axing a day fur trial. : Judge LudloW sold : 'This was the ease in which ers: of yesterdey's nswspap o nt reported that, through - the negligence of the Court clerk, the bill of indictment had• been lost. This pal no earls thing , The_ bill dal'in the care of the olerk.andivaa peddneedna soon lie edited for, and laid open the Matelot Attorney's table.' True it was that an application was made to the court - for an attachment ,Py the gentleman representing' the Cora, monwealtb, a few days ago, but the bill of tnatetaient• was not lost nor mislaid He thought newspajuire should be more careful Of censuring the *Biers Pt this court,' without sauce. Mr. J 0. Tobias; the ileilt. - state4 tq the court that belted been asked for 'an, attaoliingek to -.bring in the Oommonwealthbi witnessd, blip 'refueled to tame the writ se It had not Cores thtbugh the prOper channel: - Judge Ludlow Said the clerk Wu perfectlyright In hie oourse of adion.• , • ~• • Daniel Dniltirg wire convicted of picking the pocket of a lady; named livens, near Arch - street wharf He wee tn recomendedlo Milroy., • ' - Johri Achleyeimmi convicted of an attempt to set fire • .blrtbe atabbf of George D. Bruith, In the weetertipatt of the city. The defendant was seen lurking about the neighborhood In compeino with others the Meld of ,the attempt, and wan Identified by the owner Of the proper tree being seen running away from the place when the - alarm was given. He wee recommended to matey. , .Palsa Pretests Cass —One of thole attempts to cob loot a bill under the prOseurti of a criminal prosecution, which have become so common Among a class of small dealers latterly, was tried yesterday in the ease of Geo. L. Smith; The prosecutor, a person named Hyde, an x x , g ri s hnian, sold to the defendant a quantity of himae.. hold furniture en the statementthat - he owned certain real estate, and offering bighead 'or the amount. This Mr. Hyde rein - Red, and gave the defendant credit for the .1 goods. At thitime appointed for Smith Was not ready or linable to meet hie engagement:it:4in erder_to improve hieproapects of repayment, Mr. Hyde endeavored to put him In To use the words of the celebrated Judge Ayle, vide Arleen' Reports the court blocked this game without remorse and,directed the,juiy, to acquit the , dedendant,:rhich , they wlllingiy did. • In sonPequenoe of the celebration of tads'', the court stands adjourned until Thuteday naming, a n o'clock, THE COURTS. --'M n FINANCIAL' AND''COMMERCIAII."" . • . f .... ,-, --..7.-fl .• , :1- - ;1.7%., - .'.4`' The Itloner - DAatket. ~:;•'_. .-_ , -• ,- -•-J--I•*'__). 1.)• 2.-,.1;:.... , -' - ' r'. '• rorLADlTLratit, Aorta; 131,1268. s Ode of the ablest articles upotrzatlway esezageotena bakwe have ever reva.isi:Obiltiii*Clii the London- ' Times oc,„thaPth ostisagisit ? amtasisartleralirli IPPD:171: pqatalo gip oenditiod of rallroad midterm tit this Cone.;?. try. pie - crowded of adrirTstafAireieliti ifiting_titi;eirtydelsfal4 s ,:4; ;- but ire will endeaycisto pietas ice -steitesot4d y It for - the benefit of era, boOlioldbreTreti'eWs: lied Oiliest's, ;: - .Yin; , ;;;.r;:; f . s" - The - shireholder is Ricsups! -ta'a . yl a ti a a l a a t ar ta r , - .t.2 1 .0: 6 414 3 4 JP: side of,w4ty_livt...,w tie window, dis ap peared e r e y o Right,- _ so UP - Ail:up ni4s.anslly met, and the inshagliT crushed•.. • The -pomfortable ekestiess er.-1114;144li preeld r ei Shls!eholder ten witetoles • . one perellit,;*ih.,',lri_tille decagon he could take his ease-of bia szersiati..'lgnotFit , ot the- reitshineivaisf '" which hie isicraii sisA wates to flpd his teß_irindi*s filecad-to;eight. - forelili can bail:liemelt to a resilsstioli-of - his eight erladoWa centrastattccessithilytisireis—fire— thre9 g•Pit.s half, itatided maw hi' I It taime.y."_ Mate neighborhood, he lookiont of the erindew . triid - ierethelttottiddifflajditirelifft rout. • -" sant:sight, for In JaisfstiOf iterintnitek - cedent of what his own must be. Perhaps the atetlat - the torture-chamberreared Arid" shouted, AC; sisreamet, and scolded, kicklogbart at the panelito try Go-throw the fatetwhople, and - pally out of, gear:: `..4 21 'the railroad ehaiehOlder is not allowed any inch peel ritruhlit.,loake,..,no,nolms4he, stilled Anonse—he roust try to aprarlolly and contented, and - grin out oktlie window; and tell'-the "peassre 'by that , • 4trirh hie house la a little elastic, and contracts now then, it is a 'very comfortable house, and strong and • ' • , , , lite'rrotild pea traitor, ri his own interest tr,he: elprarses hie re - iffidi feelligs by statelier gesture, for his oily ober°, of escapellesin getting some other TICF -414 1,9 faifilileiblie!2 , ' • • I lTiien follows a pleasant_ platura of -the;;indig nttlon of the eltsiehlildere; - iii.- , unrioar - mabla 'Olll4 who, on dit i dend this 'ear 'Was 'and tO notblng _ :for the future, - ,, , entured . to suggeht haal . Oried -the fortnoee of the ffeCieleri; whets,. iii,qitite _ reality; ac"d`who"h'ad beerie,Oinnlisinini id With' iff,oo . o, bYthe generous, managers ,when.,tbey_were sending Ihelrhungri shareholders empty - away. - . • - ..The Timis then pi`riceade• to ieriew the earistilaer' signed by the iiiiiial-ialliinid'ln• - #idents Abr. thir{e • - being eithei a very nnitli - divideil or no, dieldand at • au; although _from the temper. of.itie-majority this .sPologetiiirart tie plaksead qtate - tmeeceesary. The- - sheep stood shorn before them. They shlyared,slightly, ind„bleated a little, bat , wit all. '`liii'crinses ifined were bad trade, pad legitipttiett?.es • competition. But bad ititalitlon and dlognteeful cora "pettllon'are but other names for the bad passions of rallivey officials and railway directors, ezplodirg lrt great bat•les of speeches 194 tariffs. ,„. - •Ihese potentates bookie lintiged 'With eaeliether; and the shareholders auffer. / ...Tba ,lutreholders are al. „ *sys the last pr :eons thought Of. - Tb:e.petty interests :,and feelings of the officials role the p-lley, of the eons plqeii, and the result Is a if state of bankruptcy ;" or • - reports 4, obit4tuus to theititerpretation of deloasion.l,r ' But the wdrst izieptiOn Of a few arit r epoken'penple, who are at onco,decried and 4134: ' Owiandi no' one dares a complain. "It Urea to ignore the mischief, huddle it up, and, if poe. 4 ble, :.Eym Abele& 'e,ebesebbldei, -make4 rittbllOlowere the value Di a ble prppik#7. ...floweyer bad the management is, that niiinigefitient 'mist be sap-, ported. The Worse it ter the :mare'Steatifastly.limnst - - be praised. The eystem, seems to by to stop ell Ceti • - ory down ell cppesltion; withitand "Alf inquiry, 4, and get out of the coocerniut quickly as you cam. The only remely the Times Runge* is, that the re , muneration of all, the, members. of the, sanative of a "railroad company Shell depend upoialhe amount Of _ -vidend:paid.„-Ww.haWthiyeuggestion balite full faith that the Propoeed reform would be equally efficacious_ olloth sides-of the-:Atlantio, and that its adoption would to at once followed= by a total'e4Psalliiiief Wein - 4. ruinous and expositive railroad wars. To-day the city banks ,isonimince 'to take on dopoolt, ;It ply., noted of the following country banks: Anthra cite Baek of Taotippra„;,-Bault, - ,i 3 O,hamberaburgi. Par mere' Bank of ilobuylle It County, at Pottsville; Bank of Gettysburg liereisbeirg Bankillonesdale tank, Ur eey Ehore Baadr, Lebanon Bank, Lebanon „Talley at Lebanon; Sawletairg Baia; _ Batik_ Bank of Northumberland, Union Bank of Beadizig, - : Weet it'lVilkesbarre; Yo.k. Bank„Ydrli :filittlity-Baiik, at - ' Io siticlistlon of the niivemeni the brads have been hoarding up the lames of 4 Aresa bathe and ta-day will deposit every &lir 'of them'tilt Pain befgather.d itiliere, or In thawhole_regloormand:absnel. , I • The 606minity In die saltier bylbe movement TOO' 'lcongjieke our herd-worklog,mtoliazdmr, been paid off in stopurrent money, and we are glad to sea's fair prospect of gittinerld 'of •the - tidtliy rigs;suggestiiii of yellow= ' lever ant to the ill feelintorigindifail :between theconntryankcity_bankapfeyoald her pe ace-. .makers; and point 'bath - sides ie.' NSW York:, altars it,: similar experiment-has resulted is i delightful Ira., ternitibetwien country and The Permere! Pad liteahanicellirdrstpresent assumeir .thel4Bh of transporting thesh notes lorlilpikSenti -I.4:!ssystisitu paid by the other City boniest* elo long la tin arrangemerit !seta it will bivery profit'. ble to that bank, arierjnitly tea 44idieve:tlie - ilik ifaioffered to any bank that wouldsamime - Between then:melee!, clty,-banke soonffrid strong 614estierusi4iparte of the systeS4 now,corarioneed._ 11,14/se ire'VelY greatly gratifiedWith:the peiblicepirlt: manifested in this affair, seng a basalt alike to thi poor meolinlo" and the ' prikiptilY; inerelmot.h . To-, morrow weiieill iitother, Usk - notes outside ef - our own remeived,on , depositgitsisr,. ; „„- Stocke are 'erydull, Today there will be no Meet lag of ills bawd.- Thaatuaraa thaeorn Xxchangs will also be closed. In London, pioyayort the stook ettihisge was had at - Ili per 'cent. - Btateinent of dePoilts* and - coinage - Of the t r otted "Statis Mint at Phlladilphla torthe inonth -„ of August; Goan notmos pstoszwas, Prom California Other aoureee Total ed& dep , :alte - - 0 ..-.,-... 4 1 .z,V0r9 fik. siLyta DoLuoi inspOstrai.,, . . to. Including silver pun:haste - 2.eafris Simnel and Mexican fraction/I,QC sa.dothig received for excha nge for new tents -,19A4T100- Total 'sliver depeatte : '51101,710 00 Copper centa (0,#.) xaceynd for exchange for new Conti ... - ..... 4,076 00 Total deposits, 001340 Z -BX-CII2IID. .No.'qr 0,148 2,934 2,133 _ • GOLD. Double Eaglet; Quarter Eagles.. Three Dollars Total P/LITSR. Half DoWm.,. Quarter Dollar; Dimes /.600;000 8X . 0.1, , 1TULi 7, 10 1, . 213 '1,50U.000 1.800.,000 .0014,Coloop' 'Biker Copper It Total - ' " - PHILADELPHIA 13TOC 101.01. TED HT muter, 811011111 M., BAEL•NOTA, 83 . t001, 11ONANGI 8101.1118,1101171111122 001/0111 -Tit= AID aaserarrr STRZSTIL lIRST BOARD 2206 Penns Os '_ ' 89y 2283 abt. do -" • —-89 g 200 Oily Os B. = 973( 200 do 073; . 1 , 00 do ...2dy5.973j 1000 do ... eaab.97 N - 600 do ...2dy5.97% 400 do ...2dy5.973( 1003 do ...2dsa,97N 1000 Lehigh V.s.llt 6‘..&? 1000 Reading R 0,1 - .'70,:601i 600.00 Obes&Delo Os 773( 800 . do . 773% 11ETNDIE 2300 Lib VAIN fe.esh.B3 I 2000 do eash.f 3 SECOND 200 Olty 68 1000 Catawteen R 7a..42X 3 Nornstown 24 do 16 do CLOSING . f Asia: 11858 '74 1031{104 - WM O's 9/ XOS do 11 97 x 98 - do New; .la2giodg Peoneylv 8e ' - 893 - 899( 'Reading 11 2491 2990 de. bd 81X 82 do mt 19e , 44..92X do mt es 2 86.:71 21X Pe'ons6, 43X 88% do lotto 64 90X100X do Idni Se . .. ' SPX Idenle ‘ Osal Con : 4 3){ 943{ Idaprat 701 100% Scuola 6,82 ' 62% 63 Bid. Asked. es —Ulm 68 do - stoat.— 9 9X - do., pre - 16ji 17 Priasp , t tklimL,lo%, llJj do Vela mt,7l 72 do ,24 mt..... 49 90 Low Island 12M Girard 'Bank 11 K D 12X teh Coal 7fr. Nay.. 48% 49 Nns It. Syi bo x - Pe do n Ws • E 9 eo New Creek OlitaWilllM 18 - ex 7 Loblgk 1% Ix FRILADBLFBIA. MARKETS, August 81—Evening. 1 - - , -Breadstuffs'are abbot the rime. In Flour therell' no 1 new feature. The demand for export contintiOalimlted, - and sales are confined ,to the vranti of the trade at from . $5.25 to $5,37.1i for soundoldatook superfine; $5.50 for j fresh ground do% $5 7606 25 for , .eitra, and /6,5007.50 I for arra family and fancy lotiOisiccodallty. Stocks tt and receipts continue-light, and, holders generally are firm in their demands. Corn Meal and Rye Flour—The market Is nearly bare, azethe: last isles were as $4 •Ifr Wheat 7 There telt fair amount offering, but most' of It is of peer finality; and very unsaleable,' and only 1/;°° 'bus:have • found buyers to-day; at 51 25 . 01:80 - for - good and prime reds, and $1.8501.43 ter.: White, the' .latter • for. choice . - lots. Bye hi with .esnall sales of old_ Pennsylvania to rote l iii l B4`.. New Is coming in freely, and selling to the distillers at 70e.! _Corn is but little inquired for, and , dull ist previous quoted retee. -- talee Inillnde some 6,506 • bushels yellow it - tglo Iso"; /Anti, and 080900 afloat ; the latter for prlnto,Deli.Werii. • bite are .wanted, and about 0,000 booklets brought 420. Barley—A small sale is reported at 65p. , Bark—A further small sale of Quer , citron is retorted at $3l. for let No " Cotton—The demaid Conliones lio Ited, butthe . market - la firm, and 'a small boobies s doing at pieriouiluoted rates. Ciro -cedes and Provisions—There is very little - Movement amino change to note. Beede—The market •is • 'inlet, Wl* /Mall sales of ,glover, at $5 - 76 e 6 4ir liriootily'sold at $2 ' Whiskey it 'going off sus Wanted at 26.4 027 e for bbls, 26,r for hbds, and 250 for dredge: Al4 l o,citiAlr-* ' (;iegt ‘ lisimmoaa, atiguet Si .=Flour Moody,. Wheat firm; sales of red at $1.26c51 33; white $t 8501.60. -.corn— ' White 78480 o; yellow t 30890. Whiskey dull at 266 20360 bless Pork 817 60, Nair, Ontasse, .august 81.—Ootton heeanldvsoclog tendeney; 3,600 bales sold. „India Bagging Is.quoted at 130. Freight on Cotton to Llierpohl has advanced Xe, being quoted at 9-100. 01,11CM10, Magnet 81 =Flout is , active. Wheat has advanced Saba ; gales at 63%0 Corn firm at lo de aling. %Oats ll ,Phipments to oll'abllNo4lour, 22,000 bushels wheat; 18,000 busludir corn Shipments to Oawego—No flour or wheat 01,600 bushels corn. ItebeiPhB,2oo bbbs flour ; , 67,000_buatilibi wheat; hod 189.000 bushels corn 011solsaavr, August 81.—Flour buoyant tinder the a dvfcee from New York, and cannot be purchased below g,4 3506. Whiskey is firm at 21X cants. Wheat hie ;, - dvanoeil Solo. Mess Rork WI - bulk oldie 740. tu t _ t •:..5223.40T 0 , -; )4,852 1413016 co 312,000 356.000 068,000 r ' 242 000 '120,00022,000 .---- :. ' ' ...C.:--.. 1 500 000 - i 1 $420,000 - 8,11M3 ''' , 55T2,16154 EXOHALNGE SALES, `2O Reiver Ifeedow.:.64,li 7- 20 do' • ...54X -- 1 Penns R.4....E.5wn.48,1€ 8 Cam & '1 do • , - 10 Minehill 10 liarriebarg B 68 10 Readmg 84J 100". do ~.10ern.241 60, _ do ,100 do . 60 Lehigh Zino • 11( BOAP.DB. _ 50 Penna R 43 60 Reading , B.— abwri.24% 10 Penns B. 43V 5 Beaver If eadow....sfg 8 ,do 0118-Flial
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers