1,. .... u01 , , -- 7 ,.? - ,-1:414 , __,ll‘lQ ;•,-.', 0 4— It nO r , I t, . • oil, - -1t...--anfri4olef,Att' a • Ir. ---• in" 01 - , ww..logiv-Arill ''fatm-----' ~,,r - .flia•We 14eatre-A"111.14W Tr4nrltiffl; 5,14'.,,,,,;-W.t,,..A14, -:-":... liy, .: - " , , 7,,` . . - ,,;,.. 4. ....1111fiC,WYtzi,„-intiNgi.. otaux , , '...,•'5'.-x.:...kit,4 !.`..i;.-fittftinfellitiO )tifir44o,, ,0;;,47,-:;:Attlitiktfrt4,..y.,oll, , :. • ::o.kirF...-.3,,,0uta1iTk..-,,,:,,,,..- t r y.J. p, 0,- ..„...„,„,;,---liaico - 1 t,,,.:„..v.4,v„1,,,,,,,,thig -„, r-,,'120304tr , Rile' ,--.',.,:r,...." 6 ,5t ~:,,' .11' 4`e,‘ . - Tilifti: ' "'-- ' * f-,":24A “jani# e ' - i l: : ,- - .P --:: .14.T.r513- ,e• i--i-g- .-'.. - Ite, - , --; Nirr ~. ~ - , .1. 71,:ti.w,:ii,.-i-').l - -,--',?;--k-!:-,..:,a146 '..,.7, ar. , k; - -ozAttmiiimL,fiLis:4=l,.....-, 1 • ,--,..:‘4..',:',..-1-2--iumg 2,:- _ii,,i. 0.7-, iwnt.9,_alic.,--aAntr,4,..-7r, -,',c';-3;',,,',.14,5T tot 4' Al -5tir,04°71414130*.u. ,1117"(1 4-;i2'.=-'''z'%"_z•V• '' i VklA,44.l3 3 Z''ietylibitrilrxr;''';--1,•,:.: A ~,,,t4.4-..:„.c,,,,,.,:. %.„,..1.,,,,,,,,rm,,,,,,„p1ad igil.iiiie.,,p4., _;--;•;,4,61-:::45;Ige , ta1.6,..„.;-.„,,..,..-- irvico,sdistei-,...,.. ado, ti,..4A.l'i ,*on't • 471iVA711064=in Par-P1TZ14741. = ,;•F:,;:,,,-14,Us/i 4 „,,,,...,t6t.'4i1:00028 144,7,K.:14111—''' •--2. •:....N•r,::35. -' ---.-1,40,---000,4°,P,,,,, • ,- i ' - -,•-.,i,12517",,-, i*:-Y,teAC,,6 i" A :. I tV•-`l' - '+'(.7.,- ~:, V A- ' 1,4,3,0'14102k `tithed' ....,".- bag& 'L-. ~.a.,"- --A hitot imattElT- --- l i tid: Dr' -Pla t - . 9 -- ' h 7i-ttie MAR". roli-irtt*siiick • # tltee.6l:ii.lo!tir, -,'ltAtiti,.:%:•J,.':',si.',f_C?: at 7,3C1'19,16-eilip. :ill'', ,--3,'l?'-',.`.:',' ,„q.5i,,,,,,, "_ber,-4.4.1,,t-reserms-4,3:d4:;',,,=V ''ilsny: , it, ••ii,,z -N,--;,-2-N:: lEtePws. •.,,,it.hpy,,t.„-,,....;t- ..-•,,,cii.onek.th • -• ~...„ ~.,,•-:-1-..,A-vt:-Armit4aßg°,i,i 7. tilt 06fit1111.5,11 isotifi,er; 4".! 11:-:,,c.::.5.-ztia* le"" ' Voltun-atirhatOt ITAfitkr.,---:•i. --- 1 fi ,i,,,t1-A7.:::..-,.:'?•',m.411612'1P.-.*Heirliliti2-ttur.;e6 tft•----1,:4:1;.:,-1.,..,,..'''th11:1,71;‘'i,-;;'„: Z4,,420, '?,-''''..-;1:204 "144tItertirtoziallutTAy.#8•7•Zi:— - o'''4..- '-.., mak 'Keno - Akrek op - ply •, . ~ ~„,.!„e,,,,,,v,-;,.,•-, 7601.:11,,m*-1,6644Dgb/16Am....uxti Cemetery 1,10991,it.014:?.; ~.. , %' ---,-='• 2 ohs?" - - 4Alig i,„: tfe,(o';`'is.g.l.''Lit'v'''Nlititig;' - ,r•LLI ~,,, ::.,,,, ': vollerip4, ,r.,V.,,ii•jii.ll3.Ptnitic.ll,-;ift;ltor, ',„ 'l..- 1y11111,7,...A441014t tko,/, 'ORlAimatilh: 'thole tO. ...;A' 2 ~ ' -'' ' *ilia 13 ' aVONll4YnA k ''.......i.r's•;i:rn , VAL Hge.Vt• =‘,l‘lsll/140:111_14, il'IL-atiniv '',l".e- Z.',..7: . - . Ut,a7,lritt lor o f ' „7: 44 7—V-1 440 . i .1n ft (b4l/144.cinr, •:::';',-.4..!'-.• ~ C todwitllitteill anqfpio--cometoktot •.„ 7,44 ;s.--','-,-,-, WrAllitEk- D WELL ING ' zortii;ientai =3; ~,VB.42,iiiiiiiiieStiiiga'.=,' - - ingorti.,*=,, ) . 17 , 1,,,p,.!•,', •-- ---': 2 7: ;trod late-vir-p12 r3 1,173,<J217t,,N,!t. .:',",":"."-'40-;,:th's4,- NEALottia tkr,,St. 1-44/1-°.:iiisiorifk.. stre,,,,,i, , ,' :, •"" = • , •trelit7' otr/O '''wEittli.PB3‘ 4 . ,1, 9:4-7 , ,•,,••• ~,Pcitlx:Bilaio,,,:v•li,,t3-_- ':-.litAlito.:!---IF -r Walnut Idadtgrrti - . TIEBSFAOROUND-BiNTliois'.:7.one 0f.569 rdur, Endtwoy[Es4't'yearsish=.eTslr,bt , taee4Maeouredby =-three lotsositted blink,llwelling on each.; - " , lii.OBTOANii:•:-A'anorame of„addil. It ... is a lint '•• I Dort•PW o l 7 .,:*igi s irb,bl4 6 tl4 6ll l 4l ?Willl7 ' - BALI, ,f*B.N nib) ~- ww odd.= siTritsitelil'erftll l r/ bale. HaNDsomlLldopiplo,„ Tannik4TOßY, B TO 8 , 11.NdIDENCAvinth.iikee94,4y awl modern ocesienielinedpio. lonoilreen ihrOot. ,IfikIitrABLIFLOT, '1111t11M15'214111T.;-Aboci ctednible ldt ot.groubd - 4161.614tbi'ablore`okithe nett; -." 'ONO trOptir,l3l3)6leet Asap. • klale Absolute... _ Poi o pe-tionlare now rawirin handbills. .-, ' 1g Citsle,-Vetateoar 7olni TIIBIENI NattidirDWlti.LlNO-Villissleth -now Buehler strife 'bettreen Sixth and"Onyintlyatind Spina) and 'Pine ithre t , -IMAT 1/M05N0 1 4,k1 026 VOF7 , AB -Also, nest Aropidn't., &sepias'. with Jade jard, ,and b madame ' en t iinxihAldt bt.voldas dtopt, went, :of Bittoonthjtheali • „7, „ = , '.I3I3ItiNNBII'4ITAND.4;--Thrso , ntoti Br eit - store'2ind. twelllnti,thoratteWßOrner' ‘ al, geio,ol - 110 : ,0 1, trgdaAer.: - • stwiethlabaliontlC ' •-; OELTATNriTitia ' residence If, JeafTheittn*trat,Apkithe 11 . 39410 r . lthoroyeinta 5 ,46t,§A.141. A.dioloi*ltoolgui r rt ',OfsioildtOrWM4o l l::: TANknry.sYriNirtliorrnV. in teat 04trioptildst., 160 feat on *matt *act, and 150 foot 90'5%1;1411 abbot, three trontsweilaldraihdA ankayerrallj laporbel and eon r o , awed, teas. • , - _TWO witilliJOSS OIt,GROW , M, 180 feet front on - Dauphin auphin strastAbb feet owApple street, lableeton „, • chant° Aires!, sod 160 Tait ,Ourth' sire' 4,,,t;d:Witt4n• pipes lam; eta pptdddplk3 ,' p~Te4 and SIXTH 'TAIL 114 p. IPT„libi Nit , TW,VNTY -BRIO% " 141e310011 1 'Pereinlitorfliale...ffistate of .TerewlahlVal. , •-% DereaSed. " ••;TiliaNN-4TORYI3BIOIDDWBLLING;and two -POl7 628 and..sTd North • girth , ' direst ' with. raniAlibelineiallitileir:, Wen onand.oat 04thankitroi5,,ndt two tith•atnii btick 4**11000: 1 4 Ike 1 4 4#. - 11 1**.k 016 `to be dad tedetbilr_y__l__. • V • THRBN-STOAT'HigaINI3WXAING - No tailkank. lin.dFdet'sbdroiNdble:strifetl_.;:; " • mnund,wroaßgianacmjnsuaNiiiiiolioiern; No. 717 couow,h.fit lot,reet,l• + „. Tsvo-orxT =Rif. 4,w,241,4, et VI; 61 1 • ttrolT , ii Arcot. THIMEAVOER.3IKOM roinworty,. No. 9'25 Wain., ntrW,-inuthot-megith Arndt; Thirteenth"Wardi , ' .TIIIINS.BTORVINVIOK DWELLING, Notlaal-Parr ' streetOsast, ofialLatb striet.7 7 ' Ttlitlill-'IIIIINNA3TORY BRICK DWELLINbitb , edit side otTele - V,atre . k - hatleen: _arm BoooWiiin 7 Mahn atteete • ; - -PITA •orgait-sstroirldWirl.lNGEl; admit big a cou , yalloltallul!okbaproptil!ont# otrocts. l'a , oWtk_nard. ' ~ .TilliNsufOx.Placul.Szna4Atio. wNLLiNG; 210., zonthz„.l4utth : tj botwaon, Goi:man aud 'patherin- ir` Oseltatkwa4l:44telLeq‘Pit°4•4:-.F. lars ready.'inliKadtQls - zurrgitr, , -:- . Tho'irguablelPosopt, "Whin - • an, Oa .'4o.krurd Moir 24111.4”;;boal 7Ari1,,•11&„ - Nintli-'stibet,"on.- the' 'Oornanto,rth l and rforriodainin 'abcrvp - Ppplar, direst, lot. iiiiiby.7.2ollset,_ two fronto.,with - ant - enema: brick4alll littpittn,literiot.osolthiery; lancibrlth fat: tbrjyßtnbAAriarovr,traths,,,ls,-;Ao • 1 4°""e4,,,P*.qt 134 / 1 A 24110 0. 0 : 000 ,; - ,WW 16111 ) ”Lir' • V idITAttiIi:IIt6IIS2ItOLLCOLOk4IOI3I4; BLIO, AND LANG.l4oT;43ablatareAlseentli - itrelit; north of Arab.. • LotirserKfeat front,Ll4B,l4 lest deep. r131111,,5bn'914%; 4dadoishaitoi , ileie4No44l, - Noith NNAT xlM.lsmuje-liiputoß4)lr. , , P4uirtNes t ; -250384.0unt00n' - iDaprisvxxsTaumravriti ..tos , &0.,-i-gek+ Pept.ltt",itAltvo't . • -- -litS97l , _orwmav-;.-...,- bv larder:ol,:tbe3ibbididsttstagtbtfflut , bvte pv - MAV. , Welker the°6tife ' ll°44 .P r4q , l be tt ru'r . t Ms= 711.11705t_bifj-IT4itailil - lAtLelcatime mitre,' "I' ll VlViii=i' '''. - ia Li • —' - - - .work tab e .',•;> ot:Val b__ books. , "--' -- OitiltiavvvrittbOvitldj i 4ttr tbV , lrtiales ''': be examitkirdAmkthessiiniting or vattritti , cobtittb,"'''''' BALE OP HUMOR' FIIONITXTRI,- 2 ROPITOOD: - . cP19149-1/0.4TP9, BOOK-OA9II,IOPATOWTA tat9l - . 00ONTX,4940AltrPOP94:*9,t: '-1 iiie'll'itiort 1 , . I 0A11;0 :„.41 4C . 0 4.orpkarnimincTut 1-' e a t . , - - -on ;tort. wOr - ,a9M % --- 3 4- 01 8- .ll s 9Pl o frt i rg , r . rt ry: nd , h Ind tbruityvA 99tbie 2 0, teP01,E 47 9 97. t- tra nut' IvioC•iitiiep;:: Msts4lblVitc- ,9 _,Jitavk.7 . 9994,_..0.5, -. an - assartOitt,,,ot,::Brie),,iluipil4 aril • n y.v!Tmiti, cirpiti; bat tbit Lbt34l, MC:9144 and gluey , ..1 4 ". , !iambic tifittrAtiver sitofitityntirorthy the attention ' ' - of butrat9 ankotherCikeilrorui 9r: Purelmur ' ''' ' irr Ottaloktiet abWroitdy,lnd UN 19110 . 00. ~furAg, e 9: -..!! °r Into, rkceilliil4 - itaktilri&='“ - '• • "... ilTiPmfoii ,- Fin ITTA,l',.tiiil,io;lolgir_l t iriA inustfolt. - PLAO,murAit:l3.l3l7,Cli9l. , -' - PE'rB; - 49 ..1 „ 4 7 - , ..,--,' 2, o : s ' -i,:::.,= '--, :• , _. • ' - ' - - * ~,,,...,,..„- e Pteht999Pl 1 -WM.:, - At S „0 , 19.0091:At .4W 041 399X1CP 3 -41. 9 11 9 90 1, 1 tamor tni ot94o9. 4l .9,,___PtAr9S9VlVV9i, ft,PA - •FaA t t• -,- - .plano•tee, 2.14.....kwrigi 8/BFS,rLe.,LI,--,thirstai,l '-'-..tangliev'd • 4c aw ns•4V;p2 l ' . . ,_ . _ _.. - ? " 1-9-I:, r i VastilodrTelitzti, * . - to: i : ,--. ::--....- , ' '' iii6, -. 6 Witga:',. 14kit ii,,VivititbSaSiignat tik4trgti_, Outtiar tOleil'Aotiotrukrts.fgr Potketa t - 12stot9s,:blotb :Mies, Scsi. 4 44.v..i.;_'n .-”•:,..-. , ir - 1- , -1)-4 , 1:, .14 ~,- L l• 71 , •.S '-.0 'I'''VALI:6I.IsLE AND --4 11PORESTINOi IttiGt.lSlP!Attib -. : . ~.:- . 7 ,A IP.E9IOANMOOKB-,- ' t.',-.: - _,., .., .. • - - ~--:.:, on - Tnegairtrininst -- . - „, - - ''.. - : Bepiemboi-TA; 7 4 - the 4 , SptitiffNiv,_ Ori,_l l r .k.lt: 41 1 2 4 , oolbeetion:KPaglith'llie,9,39.9ll?`u'Rei . nyt,i, subjects -L„.''' , '''''`o•-' 0 .,. 'l , '4 ' ;I'-'* -- ••-'''-'-!' " - - ,-,, , ire. vok , -Nxtteuari,wimiiiiiiiiiiiiit the ticioits;; which 1 . 1 4,11-t*FingtLrot_.4.xiwa. ..I! , W9rt..slit,4l l .r k m:', LAIWE SALE-OP vA,LtiAiitarticiiriiit ; aItuantowo,..P.IMEN,LIBBAXT,P4I.,.. , , . • Of' Plinretiy . **prl4,7 pvirvbep t t,',' , ll_, n'i:' , .. ', Sept. oth And IOtS, it tbiti sac pnArli g it, 9.11..1W end • 141op%Sene0,stpetetilegtKoitha4 , ,„ tiggetPQA 'oniii* bOttrobitlrettbactevy. do ur• li MINI, 74F, I,:ailaedire the re , litritlilditAknd 044- :"Sl u k bi3 TfAll a ' - ,-;-, "...dr te; olkiwitsrftworlts; &.C'te„d:;.-.-- di ~ .)., ~ . • -: , --i-- • - catione,wiu be Wulf UtVie 9itr'rillor, N 2 4, : ilia kt AViitypitior„4swinlnatioLt.-;„......, - .;..,,L,,...,:„. : . . .':.l.x.i. Aud) 0n7039,:t410,4,;_). twiivit, .1 _NLIV , E( aisul IWO, ORIIII-49 tni 1et0v. M i...? xv_. O 4. .11 :e v NOVV I V . / 4 0 A. 1. .,. , ... idoliq - Viga r r ito ll4 4 , I4 4 tASIMIIMPupYt: ;fronrontifollint _ pinl.9ljraru 1 .41.7".1414.•/! :., dlautoltdoA4eikki ll , Ofigthlt 6 WAniZT Apiall Item:mama, inv . 's : tagaols7 s ow jigo. paimPtilA.- ' 4ll l 2 . ll o l .ktsr*S. o o l ol7;bijokg. iorifisi i l'e 1.0 141 4, hs.t. , ' - =ear - at 4 1191 1 Pfirplufs far.ini nitivorAtie r 444, 0 . 4 . : 0 lir 1,144,:„Priga01.41ht414-4***.h. poutheadOPPlt Q. :Ankika s43 44lo# ll os l ;:;lell Eg 'l7ll . - ', 07 • Voimilis o rr. flow,. ill% oollsto* 1, , ,id lai l artraa t it ' ia ' ZitieTirii. COBIORVITAIEZT.MAND.ARSWTIRI ' W here t 34= t itlibeviA 1 7, 4 4•1 I nAtpn 49A1Y4. . ,,inverpli , orsteltes,jewilliy awting phloem,. ; . drY golWkelo,lffralt=Vairtipl: , WSW; onuevi, , ~,v, '.'" , " , f groin* -14tude41 . AmtrditiOnfii;: &rap.* *4114, -- ' - '. 7 "'• Smuts; , 0 YUa;hoPVlii .#16 40.. 1- . 011 k04444:: 6 - 1 . r'orviOn•,•:O l '',-, ..' . - .- -' L - -1.-. ~''',- --•-• - - --' ,--. .- - _9 11 .V) 0 0151,4_4/Y:r 1 - - , . , 1 , • rationtiramiu#o eir,eis4:ool,4o-"dixisolaVe,ritker. • 1:,, at4titnio."Welllngsjs_ti trfitikin iThetriiert :•' cal — thatielf .4. * • -';‘• Attittaa4 •,!. ' .?. •-- •- -.. ; ,-.•- - -.• ' '.. 4 '' '- ",.• TO:1P • 1 ) • , , C . iiiitliatitiiiii4l . ,-," :••--... ..,,,Or#9,3s-: ; • , 4 o#62 l l4:corlial - t 4 4up• - •-. -•,.,,,, piles M.A.. taro ...4A - AO ii jsk• their id'. .. east e 7 " % W . a t° ilia;t6"thieilic4i4f tut =roes , or sot .wacssfoovetti-eFf,', 4•.41/1 •'. ,:tro i lieririrst itokrOtiOniti tut ial4room, slur io - I it " iffillid*S•o l l(l 4l 1 1 4 1 $ ottlieloode adsstuift4 'I •,,.• ~, itreolk V4O 0 , 1 , _54,11.014010rtet thei acteniocPi: -!'-7- ;VELi f itiitlti444lYOZONEkri, Ji1ta r A0.424. , ;(1/11#01FrN6....224434ititi , ,'WkiA/41 , Strik , tf AWSlWlti9PlrildW , PBSVatwordj • , - -. . , ::..01,0t - door' doors Wax Akirszohiego., v..tisv,i, -4'.. - ~ . ..uktrii ~of,'nem,Kß .7,1,V fkor4itki-ji.;:u;,ir maul' 10 - - .- - ; ,- otolaW 64414 Willaig4iy.c•fl'.• r.!'-i. t 7 .•i - ,P,: ..,.. ti wpog. flal*Pti iila* aS ilioti:..tinat,,,,.. = , ll a ll'lS' : . . - --* WA - 0.614.1 1 .4111 stW 7F;OOO'. -, .;„;;;'1' . ri d .-. 0 - '4l#o/11/%ll4,l*Aisit 2 Tkirstrgiars.P., -,' - 40, - , : , _,Einippeor snide fivouCpott;trothig to'tboitssalcon bhit chums ) tionstif-8117•14111KWirkdippiptitigrr Mirdwara Na , '-, elii,n46o;"Olirthligal*Wielqll4Ulh itnittililieitsioal - inethtento,..7otux!ri Itislaso 2 -- ' an ec4fr or llPMfiflbairanG ,44,4 11 . 4 ,,,, , ,,, ,k-14,t)i. f ti,11.z,c1,, N Au 004.061Ctiinitn . i Reath .ot-Alsouvlei ~- , ipott.' "..'. ~.' •-.,- (. '_-,.--1. , ,,,:f:.e 6 -4U.:14 u5 ,,,,, 411,:c - , - ; - :,, 7 ;,.:„,-..4%.11 Adi;aiiekt.,rdittoo," in varpii , ,-- ;;: ;.,,-; , 14.0 44 ft*Cipalorpovoin i' poi =oath „ SW an 1 &er g - --...---- - I iltoiliwoUtutOrb)fibttr.A.L' ...r.0.....Ter. , . -,-- 1. - st.,_ , XA. ti.v , i .. 'I TUN atom/Owe .11trititiedeloth of 11011.4 1 164 u - tic ' - -'- ''- 1114 . - -.PO I tlibevrealwatittolt-ore an saliablea, dam. • ...,: : ..44,1,„,,—pritc0,..44., ,_ rao:,acr feratAlrodf!!•! .r. a Miblit - , - ,-IV-13 - `' • eozAminor'out:itonnoton son* , falai once it - mutt jamas on mare. ratts' t t rjr7 aa ~ 4 4 t 5 NUAAtt tuna' thin my: ot,eria ••,--"' 'ON? , -"--'-'• 2 'o% r alitt'All , - - ' Maw moi**fici-!4pti*iit.'sidinftkitootiklinN - - .4: -' ,,, sk -- .^'?“!:, Alt * *l - 11VAlth.,-..,; •.,• - . - GloUleat &Mir am ohs* `A ir .. , u4y444l4 ir iii•jicr, • :- , 1 'Olatbin will bA 041 it0040014:,101611w -'' " - ofl . _ . . .. i tfe fe . • t.• e'. D, Ifol—Cw,6;3l Pt• V- - - . .• ,--, -, -,- anyttrAVING.WA wm,„°traga•A`g4-;:.ft4l: -,..., „ , _ ~_. . .... AlAttlir Ae— r mi t i iy o li !. ...,„ s, .4e - #1:100CX1301t8 Te 11.• % . A . ..';, ~..' `1 - -- ayidh,....• ..ta•tabuttwil ulattco' C4 , .._,- , :p :..,,, ..' We h o ve rekk g ..--,„ o . w qi i i, jolo r t ofnon kc p r st m e i . ' "tots, o LAZGII, .1- 1 • L,„' mail */161i1 ARIZ ' P - C;IP ;- i- ,' 4 - #lbeloysillioifit i!hriik‘d.•343 ..I-....««.,;..« "-, '' ' S t", ox, .ifithf MUM el" Zak *l3—' ';''''.%'--.i.,.i... .-.114' tirinee ofilefifinsiViciSQl.lxit g r4 f ' s=;::Z.:'-''.' ' 73 , t 1 2:1,41-4t.ii. - -. Atti , ! , P - ' ° ,ll . - , `,,i'l• - x - ,t'. 17 .' -`.- ,131 .* , " . , ~. , _ .._-. nioatl , '4.1.' 2 ':- "'- and im , X.11',..,""i-:=T-2' ' , MO, t 3 '<c . ' 4M44' P lak te,t%' , 'Zt:l:;' 4l '" l4l • • frPt" ' r`' fi' ~ ' ~ * _~~ _n2Y _ a }Oft) n r 1 ': olticalikaAir-SMIDEIROOMV'i — , -- : :. ,-- fot BANK and 10 BTRAWIIIiRRY, be li tre I, 0 11l 0111C8TNUT andBROOND and TIII D 0 , eta, r ,s/Ififfe‘WOPlAT, Apollopsma.,f, l''''';' - Y. - lar;:orAeLivAND>FANov- 1100/3,' 1 1 1 ','.''' ... (11: 1 4 ', 1 ;= 1. ' 11 : 1 -0 11 n All. rfarada P1441 idlrn 7 iii g irt734 41- i l' ?„ 14 .)7.., ,, V: . i„ , „24:laftr, eommenelbg atlo Welook•prealsely, will be iold,-wilbohareserie, a general esoortmeekt of fancy and ''italilfrfall and, winter goodavanalstlng Of, Az : -. --34411 , k lainbs4Ool 'arid merino ablate and drawere s ribbed - and .; plalntdrlsh‘knlt-woot half hose; hewer Ithifiilliread - brown' notion, half' Mee; ClertnantOWir knitOrool halftone 3 - zephyr yarn hoods; men's nage; , Adtyrool eriek,alJaetete:;_pjaidlreal hose, :fc,ns_ i ;- ~ ' :M^ ~ 6 TAILO R[ QQQDI3. ' ' . . ~, , 104 i .pniees black and;gray litid;- ftey'ntseilmeree and 7 saftinelle ; "main' and illk-Tolvet Testing& ; Giulia ma 'peridera ( silk cravats-., 7 . , ' -, , -iStlecf, ,chOloe fallholork4reneh i5:6144066i , dison7 delibloirldth plaids; liarleten gingbeegni'4lo4in lining. obenl iven eil.borded ihawle; linen townie; brown hlitkilediyie le table - er clottlif..4.l I,' Alio ; linen handkerohlefo; plain and printed borders; Wendt bosoms ; embroidered ,00llare ; fdarseillea,,selb, ;rubber , long' cospbarirldle anCeoloredszpoed'obttodi 'erafbriddined, cambric, sleeves, flouncing' a,,nd bands; thennet ribliebernoldied , rillf gliiipti :did' fiing!!„ , yrith . a • general yarlety - of:walleye, jewelry, dce. -..- • =-^ --..ss-t. .--,-ISILIE-VELVISTAIIIIIIONB.,' • --, ;widths: coo cartons .c,b140,244c-r,eyab,; rib, b ow -41 k ;Width; 1 . '. • -, ' . • . , - "- " , .,,, , -I'- , P . 1 . ' . PAIBROIDERLBBa.,- . ..",,,-. ' . 4- iliKI; a general, assortment rednatt - and &etch, ems IdOldarlea. '. , '- , c ) '-'; : turf:hoe of'ecibteidekfßeend p anted I tt i g . 'ite whole c.- will be arrange& 4iFeZeinlnetion, _ eettiocrieVeably t tdehiiwiendeg of selep'when the 4rade Ind Puiehanew , i,exerrprtfAX l lll „ LIS tp tend, '.'IptIRNESS; 'BRINLETp:43c : ,OO. - No. - ...4O.O,IIARIBTATREET. sakViVit Da THE IMPORTATION OP 20383118. H. HINNIQUIN & 00. ; OnPridey- Morning, • - • - Beltetebar id, we !hall eell the followthr rabbi • ' lifaln blank Thlbit 19,siaia anklonf shawls vyltk Irpol Albger. •- ' 4 assortment - Of tiOh.s Peel( Priateit 0 a 0 ,4 01 t elleffif, with sewed-on Stone borders., - Very ob Paris printed. Angora , Plnoho !bawl!—an .aptiroly hew article. - •, t• • 3 . • ,e - Phiehund velvet bordered Paris Stella !bawl!. chensille bordered 'sheltie: , t • eomplete tuisortment , ot,the most - desirable 'yke and patterns of , „ BROOME BORDERER STELLA. SRANOLS, - Cotoprising a 'ergo variety or niew•sail - tbolea , designs ~a nd styles. a • ‘.6 _ PARTS B 1 OOIII3t . • : • • 'On 'friday Morning, ' Saptecnber Sdi *lll Sella - full saaortinintni Par!! ,i,roche long and square shawls, whited Cashmere lad narkani do, plain -blank and mode mownallne de liana 14147 . 100 t do, broohe scarfs and chatelaine, &o.' , •-:Alli - UROIDBIIIR13. - c• •-•- ' Mini . a largeradanitlfient Tula 'Ekitolf itties,oemprising thO,Asnal,larlety.. l ,„ DYSART., itg 'CO., AUCTIONEERS , AND 13..00imeston hisnovinva, .No. 87.800 th EIGHTH iIrOET, bonier of LODGE STREET. - . • - AVPILLVATH SALE. -- A large and ,Ultiable tract.o vainable "coil 'atiCtim.; „berlatid at private sale: well worthy the attention of :bit/Mete Jtrul others,: u!elie owner is compelled Co_ •• • •frloi. farther particulate _lnquire at the 'notion ,T wk. olaT:LOOR DALES solleted an 4 paimpili tb. -4.IfTANCES - made fbaitigartienta when "de idr,e_d:j• without extra charge. Ligir,EILLEDEOGEB_ppen _until 10 P. IL Now. p re-' pareditdreeelve.hooices oPDRILOCKIDDi NOTIONS, irvtoEtze end , JEwslair "N a W end EXOOND '/laNDITAN/TUBB, PADYI t INaS, BOOES and BTA 'WEENY, &e. - F. .y z ; • ...; - fer:fialea of NANCY Gonna every evening. 11111 RILIB -FORD; AUOTIONEER„ „No, 1528 MARKET STRART, between IMMIX and BlXTll,lsonth MO.. • - oAIOLLOGun BALB OP - B OOTS , 13H0E01- BROGANS, ' • GAITXIII344ke::' , " On ThOsisyorning, September 2,"conmienhing atin'o'clock, to which the attention of 'purchasers is requested,— • GINGBAB i I Ia T 00TT ncedalN TIBIBUELLAS. ' Also; 60 ceit;ir wialeboneand° rnin steel ' frame ginghani aid caftan " -;" • - .TRAVELLING "SA.ToIIIII.B AND i3/111PET - Raw. • On Thursday Morning, • ciAt,lo o'clock," a laxisil lite or &writings and extoliehr, embisiddig the usual inisartment:- . E1A1412.00' INGRAIN ANM' VENITIAN LOARPETO, -RllOB, &a. On •Tneplar Morning, ~ .; • • Septeniber 1. at IQ ololockpredisely, we will sell, by, Witnlognk - whint 200 * pieces of superfine worsted and all-wool filling and cotton' ingrain carpeting% _Pitted rigs, - - - . „:-..61i0," 100 Semi lA,. and .t 4 flaw Oiling, worsted and cotton Voulticn cnrpotincs. 'to which the *tention, 'lO tad* and purchasers , morning of sale.. - • A W . A LFRtR 22 flititirm; abirvelol7ll.Tll. • - -t="er-Persons 'ivories !miak consignments pap : r ß est ',Owed - flint their proportylltic not be, saoridoed. c• Oomrabislorei more =Went* than those Charged •tipusjolher Auotlinf Eagle in the city: „..DOr:OonzigroaontareoeoMllp,rolleited. •-.... '''11101r" Sales paid immediate,: a•ftr the reeds are Sold, PM SALES OP REAL ESTATE. -- • :::.11esind Ball 13aleiof,Real Batate-fieplember 1: Th l rd*Pall Sale of , Beal Eitito-4eUtenlber S. ' . • - r7I,OIJETH ENIVBAI,II-7 0 5SIPTE5dllE11-16th., sale, at. tlie ..1$011147" du: 7 rad4iedii7= o *l"Bints •r at S'o'cloolf.‘ivill luelude ,„yostrlv.o SALE-STONEIB6B? HOUSE, OARPIII4TER -8110_,E; 0/1111t011 STREET, GEItMANTOWN.- 4.-',.10t ; : lf ground, with _the twoitory- stone dwelling :housji copeutersluniicho.,-and lot of ground, Church 'street; Gormaritbtrb7ls9Teet frout,.s2 feet 09 1 Clear inoambranoeo. - Will rent for - $250:-' - ' -• , 1337'Sale positive.: Terins , 4ash; • • - POSITIVE BALEr , -,r/VVELLINI:i ;ROM • AMINO: :WARDEN STREET.-;-A tbres.stai7 dwelling house, audaoti of uorthhf Spring Garden street, 17 180'10 [mhos east - ground, , north Third street, 59 feet , front Fla 90feet deepto MOnterei street:" $lB6 grotind -reit., gar. ame:p N itiy ft : $5O tale paid, on eaeit of the 'shave when the sums lestinok off. -- • - BEAL, 11110$11..ST PEIVATE . B.u.s. „ 64110 ni 6 - leit - skonipi , of gereoMentli - • • WifiallfrofVerrolorWelouretreet house No. 82T lie - street- -" ' • - 1, 20 hares 4•lan,f,lndian QUeen • "Talualge proper#,Fronkford road. _ „ItiOdeomedivelling, E 17,71612 Venice- etreet. : , ..:".13Oeuiess stand Fdd ,dwallinj, Seventeenth and Wash . egalit'property,-80 90195 i. are:, aboiS Tarresdale. aeree of laud, Obelfim avenue, ,Gormantown. :'„ Bandiome residence and lot, West Philadelphia. 'Venablis • lot,, of, grow-SiAtermsartowu' U1k0114 , 411 1 1 Cohtnibfa ivehue. Thindloll2B agreqhfsl,4l6airik" flaideii.irreet; above. ~lwallth: ' y CABINET OPMNousittlS: • -, - ; Atortvate sale, a valuable Cabinet . of over I,ooo , 44almetus,lliebollealon eie - several . The. property of a puller= whq luui no room fwEitaii r• - They Tbfrdestfable" tor a public inetitu . 7 ~/Ipplpat the unhurt store. :1. • • - •••• • - • AiIOTIONStR? 200 OARRIAGSS'AT PIIDLIO SALE. 'MST V/lADSIIIAbI2 , IIP , OARBIA,OI4I4 CROWN j s , noner'crrittßou-- • . a • • . Ili biloriber wintioid Ss Wien - ride sale of "kbosiC 00 vehieles(Of all - the different styles atd , nielnit,'et - the Old Onwn Street, Church, which has been beautifully - fitted up foribMapv for the public end pilVate Wale of carriages, harness, borzoi, ike., the drat of :which will take place Wednesday9ffS morning, the 15th Sept ., and be con. t jastulit thereafter on every Saturday morning, at 10 ' c _ On Wednesday morning, „Mt) 15th Sept., 1858, will be o ff end the' finest and' bast, collection of .yehiales of all the various patterns ,end,desoriptions the% has „ever, been offered at pubilo eitY.' tkeabove sale'arlii be found' some 10 Tempi fivm the 1, 4 1- . l ominiAto tekamiteainiuunie.. 401 , 7: 0 irOL - Difoup, 00.1 sting of fierily carriages, jiletent, Jenny Linde, micktiways, thlfdng-top, fallin top, and no.top Terk.wagotuqmrikeys , ko: I &c. All the above Work will be sold with warantee for:one year:• • inahlelea from all the,nelebrated Manninotortel igitgicis! oily, Wilmington, NeeTork, - Baltimore. and Noir oTersey. The attentlan 44 persons, in, ant cleals , Most - reepectfullynalledstolke,heotieliale, as It ,wrn be found to ‘ embrase the finest and best. assurtme at thathal ever been , offereditilithr COY: - - irr Full dereriptions will - be found in catalogues, fue4rtheearriages arranged one week before the male. ..„..„'.lAfter the abormaale -there will be -potato salmi Inicariory Saturday natimineitt 10 Wolock,"and vela olds fcd hartiese r hothnewand Mooed ,band at prlvate calardelry daYorhkreare - Invited ,41110•1110 publio sales at the Zane 'Meet Auctonldert held minimal every Wednesday nierfling, et 10 o'clock; .efhbrata,,nartiagelikumetsi Artfclee at plot° itleeiergasy. - " ' inoo , • • Yllllll 180011%,JA 4170,TIONBER,.(aucces-. 444keprto WOXBIII,Wr sctornren oloterrer Wri t , RFltik (4 7.!Pi ;/ 0 1 ,4 1. 44 W ?IPA, AT PRIVATE BALI.— !` l ,'Aboioitinimaehine made by Binger.— legal X 044,6 -0... . . .._ . 4 11E 4 ... - 1 1 0 S UN i1 170 1 8 .ligtiPiligliA‘:. THE W1L ,1 ".,7.111,4„ , 14,8;:0e, Ati: , ,R;RT "A: Gyy . ,JITT. .tu,d,ALIZA, hilWire:.•-„,;' , J . - , , , .. , , ~.....,-Tierortlfacliehltitte Me m, UN - .' - No. 416. • '' The Auditor appointettO distribute the fUnd arising under the Word ill, rem - the aide of 'the' followirqr de.e_ efibielleol eitisho, o wit : ~".:. , . -.. ..- . - ,..N0.'11 'All - that certain lot or ,pdece of ,ground irl 4 h ..the - unilnlilied *Waage or tene m ent thereon luiptei, satiate Otithe korth'sidef•Of Borneo' "s 'lst the,did. :twine of oturtittOdred 'add wlventy-kevon feetWeettrard &eit these:lit lido of 43 etiiireefith'ittreet; in. the said olty,,qf philifelphik, corptining in front ter breadth on' diesild kritoo etreet,!twenty,ope feet, !Sod extendiogi Id ling% or depth .ibrgiward of that width, one Imo '4reAktintflii feet't9 a twenty-feet widej stiseti bounded northwirriChTealLtwentpfeet wide. its'eet, iouthwerd )7. ji4d:Spruee atreet, esetward" by. ground panted, or i 3 tended liihkyt:,beenxtauted, tußobert,L..Govott on ound Tent "and;Optittyard bygroittadiotioettrOf Wino.. ?W e d * : * gi l t* 22r:sleet; same .aii -. l 4t:i i i e ng c reg " eCiii4thii twenty-URA day of blarch, e A. .1860, recorded in deed.book R. D. 30.-Bro,-ed, :page del, As., panted and,convoyed to sold Elise Ciorett to fee.) - • "1f0i . .2. Aisp all that infr.tale. lot pr .pi!Xle of , ground :With thd • tinifatehtermetehutge-lii' true:tient of; erected, ;atwitter:l,We north side bt kiirute 'street,' ct the'dlstatitikt cite litirideittlitiii fifty-siltfiet iyootiriiie .trornlthe west side Ogloyentoscith streot,'/O the /led ~.liftd'ef RhiladelpkitkftntithtingJgtront or breadth on, "laid-Wprtioe'li tteeklWettfpgineleet,' end extending in likagthotdiiptli,Aor i thward of•fhat whith,:one.hundred . and - fl yp Alt ~to a - twinty4iiit". tilde :stied; bounded noobworthythealictieedt3-feet'wide otioot, ietinth4: Ngu . d . ,pi am - BO ice street , eartoOtaid:endyitiotirird' t'sfoltulfAiim or,: lest,Orof :Wilitim Itieherdeoni,l being e4setoeplothflOieot of giving 'while Milieu Rich, ,iddeins ind• irife'by 'indenfiled, dated the twenty:fifth tcihf) bierp h ,„„A. D. 1850, intended ,to be recorded,', 1 ~ ted, liid-corfre:yed to the' said Robert - A. GOYett, 'hairs): andleg.sigusixecerving.sthereout the yearly,' I,,FaundLrent; Or stint lir,thkee - hondrod, and . p kqetyculne eltarsi as therein. mention:idy 1, ~ Witi ernidlogiii dutfec othleappointatent on Toes._ Iv, the thdky of Elegtlir.oll¢6l,_atti O'clock in the saternoo , at.hht 6ffice,Tfo. let - Routh Right!: street, In 'the 'City of Thilidelphisi)'whetiUndwhere Cii pecties ht„ .Interest are required , to present their, ofotont, or be.de ilaired fronoonAng lt, von the asild'A nd_r ~, ~ 11. - ,I, , i9x..N.x po Mulf,`, 4thiltee, ~ ' RIBRAIigL(4IjIO—P..,, P.9P7.01314'971;PLE41 I MIL L' -7 44 of ,the or THE NORra .11IANCEI ,In Pe V att il ° ' AD' COAL DOEIPANX.' , 5,;. , ... I an - ON I*I4 tfd brltti 'Malt to audit, se ttle '' L V....n0 ...lts"tor ftp,et. rjormA pm; Ic e t t erAj o a h tt il a rvi e:oe s ieoL r n o,...l3m o .ectatt,..o onimpaxi,,rutTafitreva.erniar theol , , on be •or ,4n.iyil..7prt, o tioa r etate i , and to report r° °f 41116.e- lan r 6-8 will meet ee parties intv, ir fitroyitio, - bp i - 5 ,,-- 4 , - ~, thekit c:oingr' or MAO "24° IR V"' •---"" w.f.% phltodelphia, on ,ii ' Lektevisetrde y fii7the . e/ 858 a t i ouciok isbule ArtrEsnAir i iseistembe 7tha 4tranititry.`' i ef liiiitegoont , , , -1-Y7 VoAlit ~', 1 '.7.- , Auditor. ',--, ihf *T.Yn'' hi , ,ri I'“ .--' :10.5'0.T.E' OF' MAIIGVIST NELSON. Le fir — oinifiiiintitiitilo_ esit wortestamestoanneaw, PlikkPiNiettlttluited" the Moto estate to the under- Peni ensr:flaiirirelainiragsinst, the dame will present; and 111680 Ifidebtdd,to the diodent will pl9aie • withltie'„Vkaetators." - • . '•10B'S O'IBBB - l Oartish, E *hove Ninth street. 1 3 / 1 14.D101' Vi rTRNCJILB .1203' Poplar Benet. AY E Dbd:-Flve.pa#cl;eons Bay itzi, very . gupairigr tiztiolei Watone and4or vale by ÜBRINOi .z..f,:449/3!utlilKONTstreet. OP- g 1 , 41 0f4 ,r 1 I.IROFESSOR SMINDERS' OLASSIOAIs STITLITEII•-• the .4 • ',Parents anxious to improve the HEALTH of theli 'sone, at the same time that they secure the advantages of thorough instriieti= odaliPmt V un lP a ulonshiP , lnnY find in this Seminary all the advanzageS of the - the open country, 'Mill 1W IMAMS by any of the iIITY "PASSENGER 11A11411'ANS of, the CITY. Two daily rides of ,half anhour to the — open , play-grounds of suburban Seminary cannot-but be favorable to health, eV'joymeikt, and Aeltielianoe. everal aeree of open ground surround the Seminary. , The'interested will be,pleased,to real =advertisement in another colunin, with its references, end, if convini: ept, to take the Paseenger Railway cars and vleit this . Lliatitate, at the corner, of and 'WILLIAM Streets. ; , - - • PHESTITUT'g'iItEE I P SEMINARY; - 1, -.1 • - -ENCIABH AND - CLABSICAL,-. -a 100Q CHESTNUT STREET, , This Institution for Young Mid . and liold'willteopSh on MONDAY, iioptomber (I, Boa. LYMAN COLEMAN, SANDERSON ' , • GiJITAB," and the 4LIF trench Weal - Olossee, - Ladies only per - - „ - T,SIBROPi, - en,Bl-24‘tir ; , "WA FILBERT stroet. %IRE MISSES BULLOCK, at 266 South, 1 NINTH. Street ,will reopen their School forrrang /,,ediee on AIONDA.Y,•the Bth Sept. • Sirieferenee, Rem Banner Cross and Episcopal Recorder. nuBl.-12t* it/ LOIIIS S. D. BEES vtilLre-open.hiES, LI Morning School for Yonne Ladies, 1232 Bprnee street, on WSDNESDAVi Sept, su3o.l.mie THE ; SUMMER -.STREET,.:INSTITII.TE YOB. YOUNG LADIES, Miss D. B. EMT, Prlnei pal will reopen on MONDAY, September 0: - -' Oftenlere, &0., plow apply at the Islet Note, No 1621815111111/N &poet. - an3o4m* (IgoAGE R. BARKER'S ENGLISH and NJ; orassloAL .130H0c1L,, ,GERMANTOWN, reopen oilTdOlinkft,ibtimber 6, 1858. an3o.lBt* FEMALE COLLEGt;Steduitilds .3. VIRG; PA.—This Institution, chattered with full colleeate powers, commencen,tte next, session Sept. with a corps of ten experienced and ancient 111dr:toter& EIGUTY DOLLARS will pay for Tuition, Board, Washing, Burnished Roomee.dcc., per session of five. months, !Students from Washington, Baltimore, or Philadelphia, taring the morning train for Harriebnrs, thence - by Cumberland Valley Railroad,. ;will reach Mechanicsburg in time for dinner. ' par Catalogues containing full particulars, addreaa - Bev. A. G. MARLATT, A. It.. President. MILE MISSES AERTSEN.wiII RE-OPEN SOHOOL -YOB YOUNG LADIES,onM9N-, DAY, the Bth of September; at theltzeeideneo, PRICE treet, Germantown; • R. ASHTON's, -INSTITUTE .FOR ..ILlre YOUNG LeDlltil; - No. 926 AROU• Street, four doors below Tenth, north aide.—The Fell Term will eommence on hiONDAY,',the 6th of fhiptentber: The object of this institution is to impart to young ladies a' sound. practical :•edneation in the branches usually taught in the first-clean Semlnories. With thin in viewi,the Institution is in the possession of all the modem "and improved educational appliances ; among them is en extennive Philosophical Cabinet._ The school-room, which to 'one of the beet adapted for its purposaln,tlie country, is now open for the .viaiteof those who feel interested in - female educa tion, . • • s au2B-tt ' 11101ROFESSOR SA.IINEFERS? , ', 'OLASSI- A, INSTITUTE —See advertisement in another column This Seminary, iq, tweily : v!eited, by a short ride on the Weet Philadelphia Passenger Railway." , anSitat 'EDUCATION. FOR YOUNG LADIES.— The duties or the SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG , Ulan will he reamed on MONDAY,' Optembor oth. GILBERT COMBS,, A. M. Principal, . Non. 608 end 611 ideledgeLL Street,- Philadelphia. MISSES OLSEY: AND MEM . BEEBE'S MI BOARDING AND=DAT SCHOOL FOR :YOUNG LADIES. 1 f 0.1103 WALNUT Street, went of SEVEN TBENTII, Philadelphia, will be reopened . on WED NESDAT, the Bth of September: att2.2mee • MRS. MoGIJERS'S BOARDING AND DAY - &AWOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, 1030 SPRING GARDE S Street,gllll7e re-opened ,MONDAY, Fel», ,tember 6th. ; ' - an234Nrit-'" CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL soitooL.—The Subneriberwill resume tho duties of blilithoel, in the building at the Northeast earner of ARCH . and TENTII Streets, on WEDNESDAY, the Ist of.Sentember. WILLIAPS NEWS:flail: au2S-Elt* trim GERMANTOWN= ACADEMY will -a. 're-open September 6th, H 66 The Pri olpal will receives few good bon iota hie family. an27 7 3in • J, H. WISIIINGT061„ Principal. ---- 1011MNN INSTITUTE—Southeast corner of THIRTEENTH- and FILBERT Streets, will be opened on MONDAY, the Oth of , September next..,, - Private instruction, though favorable to ripid'pro grail, yet Bonds the scholar Into .the world with a keen senoltiveness, which totally dbartualifies him for active life; whilst attention to many oftentimes forces the fostruotor to meet general Miller:LUDO rather than thous persona - to each. and the learner;eltker loses all Intereet, or tecOmiis sioperficial in hie iegedie- merits. .For these and other reasons the number is limited.; For further Information apply personally, from nine o'clock A. M. to one e'cloak P. M'z; or ht note;-to' „ „ R./STEWART, Principal._ ripHE SCIENTIFIC: AND .OLASKOAL INSTITUTE, 01116eTNUT Street, northwest cor ner of TWELFTH, reopens on.IIIONDAY September 6. This is • superior institution of Learning for boys and young inen: . The faculty consieta of six Professors. In addition to the English and Claseical braucheo, there is superedded an 'eXtenelve SOlentific depattthent with large collections of Philosophical and Chemical Opel. = rattus and' epecimens of objects in Natural-History. Terms, pa per quarter. For boys updag iwelve , y - ears of age, 120 per quarter. Entrance on TWELFTH Street. !. .ENNIS, A • td., an27-lni - • Priftelpal.' SPRING GARDEN AOADEMY FOR 'YOUNG IiEN AND BOPS—Nertheeet corner of 111011 Ta and DUTTONWOOD3Streedev,;PI 2 4.B4 I S , IOn -opens - Dept. 13th. 1868. The principles of Moral Buasiont , here been euccessfully adopted at this melt tntion since.itenerahlialament, their Bone into the" hands or the Principal can relit ac. limed of their good' treatment and rapid advancement. Phone mewled at any time end are Catalogues fur nished gratuitously.- Parente are Melted to visit the' school. • - DO! LEAVY 'LONG VNOLLS 'AND CLASS *AL SCHOOL. I'4l The School of the anbeorlber, In SIZES , BUILD LNG, OHEaTN ST Stied, above Twelah, Ise-open on the SFI01)10 - 1110NDAX;the lath (lay of September, CHARLES. SMUT. 119 P ' KENDALL'S- • OLA.SSIOAL AND jit,..,:vroLuill,l3o4looL, 3280 LOOIIST Street, will fivoien MONDAY, DepteMbei 6 ALTA'S-Im* NIBS. BARTON'O BOARDING and DAY scuba, YOK'YOLING: LADIES No: 1929 CHESTNUT, Street, Philadelphia.--The Winter Term *lll Open a thiseeend MONDAY In September. For circulars anti partieniaramply aa above. au24lm IRIENDS' ACADEMY FOICEOYS; East of Eleventh Street, below Arch. re-opens the 80th !mt. All denominations' admitted:- $l2 , per term of 22 weeks. au24-12t WIII.W/lITALL, • CLA:SSD:3AL ,INSTITUTS, DEAN Street, below Locust. 7 —Datles resumed MONDAY, Auost (MM. '" ' • J. NY: FAIRES . f. A. M:, CENTRAL INSTITUTEENGLISH AND °LAMM aL SCHOOL:-:-19111 De Ira-opined MON DAY, September 6th. TANTII and SPRING GARDIN Streets. •' • U. ,411. idaGglltß, 41..11.• - an23-6WI , •. • • „ . • • DUFF & MEROAN ei TILE COLLEGS, ;Ileutheaah- earner EIGHTH. • and , threat:, (ii.tablo4e4 in 180; and .incoiporated by`4he Legisla ture of !iniusittartia.) In this vrell-ktfown.lneUtoition the ' COUNTING 'HOUBB•COUBBB, • • of Practice : l, ptugluf_uN bauble Entry - BOOKKEEPING, • , inoludlig all, the .A,A ltr ipeltY Been, Oostitteotat. OAL. , CULATIONB, and • _ .- .....„41fant o BUSINESS WRITING, In taught hi the kiiißt et:jimmied end tiattetaototy style. . M: BOOMS, P. EDWARDS, M. B B. NU TON, Penman. vANT G. E. AGNEW'S INSTITUTE Pon 'on YOUNG: L 1711 7 71NY1 'Street,' kill, 'on MONDAY, fieptember 06{t reopen twenty.ninth soesion,4 ror circulars containing term,. to., plisse apply to - W. G. E. AGNSW Principal, araa.l.m* • 1711 t virrn street: IaiITTES,HOIJSE ACADEMY-4km Eighth 1.110 Sew;lon Of thhi . 'llestitaition" for Boyd will coin:- monee xxxiNzartat iteptembei 4;1868. ',Rooms Berthas/it corner of , OZIEWENIIT'Ind-EIOIKITERTII- Streets. ntrance oh Eighteenth street. - LIMIIIS BARROWB, ninanau. JOHN R. WESTCOrT, `OM.M.ERCIAL; AND CLASSICAL 'IN— V STITIITR, atlBo2 FILBERT Street. '—Tbia Behool will ripen 'MONDAY Itt,h "of September. All English 'bitikehge, Mathernatlca:tho Olualca, and, Modern Lan. guagea, taught by a Method,whioh Mantes acouvete and thorough knowledge: ' r • For teatimoniala of atmeems,,terma, and other pertlen lane. see the Wanton., whielimay be had at MD VILEST - NUT, or 1802 FILBERT Street. . ' • ' Dr. O.,SEIDENSTIOIfER. late of Brooklyn,' L. I. -References.—Rev. J . A:Vaughan, Rev. H. Fannie, Rev. W.J. Mann, Rev.." H. A. Bomberger, Rev. Th. Stork; Prof. John 8. Hart, Prof. 11. Vethake, Benjamin Oetbard, Req.. Oberlee Wain, ,EN.; O . 7; Hagedorn, Itegr., Bev. R. W. Beecher, Brooklyn; Rev. tr:W,lletbuoreßrooklynj Thgottola esdingio,k, Esq,. ) N. Prof . . 0.0 . Felton, Oembringe; aiil9.lmit . - VOGEHILL SCHOOL, PRINCETON, Nltty JERSEY.—Thin School ie adapted to thaw 'who desire their sons to have a careful preparation for MollOge - or for a business life. Thorough instruction is 'given id Zngllsh,'Mathematics, .Ancient and Modern Languages, ao. The instructors ithn, not o pr i nc i ples their pupils thoroughly miter fundamental but to form thorn habits of thought which will render .frituin and higher attainnients rapid and "'easy. Mesa. MUM; Compoaltion, and Lisbate era praotised in tbo ,Edgehill Literary Society, which embraces all the' pa pile of this School. Yoe partioulars, terms, Ica., ad. ,dress REV. L AMES AM ua as IE ,LMn p o lP als, eiIIITTENDEN's, R X LADE LP B. A COhthiXBOIAL •aormetit;sortheatit'ititter OILIMUT and 13311/11.Wra BONO: , Aninetitntlon &dotted to peyo f i f ts men for 49- mvi ...rho` Whole building 000tiptild, lad fitted up In a -style surpeleing anYthanit of the Mad fn thle Wintery. Thorough pteparallon forte eattnting-houte ' „.. BOAttD THUBTEEB. ComegYi, litinote noshini, • Geornelt,ntitekt, , „ David Milne, „ John Bpezheotit, David B. Brown, Immo alseker, A. V. Pareona, D: B. itinman, , _ Froderlek.BrOva i , -„ 9 Johns Lippincott. spa -11 L' iNGI3 SPRING GARDEN ADADEMY, _is In B, cornor.BIGIATH and; BUTTONwoop.sta, toommmeozer, Dmititt SIENT.—Book-keeplng in all its carious forms; preparing Students thoroughly for eltnetiOns in anyigattekrotbnalasetn‘ Mtn and..Orna!, mental Writing; Commercial Calculating; Law and Oar respondence, No institution in the United States eves • mors'ilierreith - and bettreli.F lA:this depart-I meat no teaching. is done in classes, and is open DAY and 11 , 1BNING. Time unlimited. - MATHEMATICAL - rAND ..orzesaxam, 'DEPART- ItlNC—(Eleparate from the above,) Young Men and Heys are prepared for any grade of an,..ilnglish and Clas sical RdualitioniVl2 g Grew nierL_GeoPePlll, Arithmetic,' Philoeophy,leco., Anolent. iand Modern Languagee, with all the higher Collegiate, libellee. • Bitintlatot of , 6 , monthd , centineuce September /Ai and February let. Pupil, received at any time be fore or after them dates and charged, accordingly. Oahe accuse furnished grails, •• • • • - ,mh2s-tf„ , DONLNAVY LONG, Principal, Y•ANT & STRATTON'S • CHAIN OF L NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES, , Phi— ladelphia College, &Attica/A corner. SEVENTH and C.STNIIT Streets. 'Nor ..11 Information, call otiendlot cyoular. - • _ z - • ,_ . t .,.V1D511114 ' SS/AWNS "up; COMMENCED, , , =BRIO/TING/ OREM, . the beet and Oil/Cif/a compound for preach/Oho axlei of _OMNIBUSES CARRIAGES, CARTS, DRAYS and wegorm, and ABATY ; - • Par sale I tin' MUM, tee, and barrelo' 14 aft the . DROGGIBTErig . citylandthe BIANLYBAOTURERB, tr 4 2 -018 „ .N O . l O SOVVi 04'4 IGEG Vl;g' PPESMIAAIDEI4 3 • IAVVEINESPAI,,,. SlCrf ;Eit 11355. Ac.. 4 . • r t" Wilai - RE=OPEN: ON' T B' FIRST Atorine:r.bo - stpititiput,' tea!, consisting of, ten mongol, - itEXtPO INSTITUTE FOEiIrOUNG , 141 H O, • , , ,PHlLATuuril* —"°.. . The systemof; tuitiob itbioled tin that adopted lithe. b e st Seminaries hi Enrepe; cOMPriseajderougk, struction in theEnglisiii 11te404: special attention MAIM paid to'tne formation gent style of composition - , mid to Alia, cultivation of a' test. for polite' The course of efidy embrace evo r Y bran* of.ednoation.Cr - .• _ A limited nninbeeet pdplis'odmlttedinte thefamili: Their reggione slid moral trriiiiing is under the special mire of Mrs,lteed, who has had,matiryears experfolco, And deference will be pald to the feelings - and ',defies - of their parents in these matters. The health and comfort ,of the young baled la abidcarifolly 'attended to by'her.- - 'Weekly boarding pupile,.frontlitonday till lridayfre teivedat Proportionate rates. "-- • A week ht vacation akOhristmas and at Easter. (Payable half in adiande, and half at the expiration of mouths,) , For tuition in the regular couree of study $lOO 00 N. B Junior elesiCwill he formed. - German, Spanieh, Italian,and other language/I; (trioal and instrumental,) Drawing and Painting, (In oil and water olore,) at Profesiorei ehargee. lyee . of Piano, per, annum 8 - 20 00 -."a , Rarp. Guitar. Yor Boarding ' • 260 00 Washing at 60 cents per dozna. +Ead boarding pupil iorequlrel la b r i ng h er own tow "llvettorr)°n -eretot cont. • TEEITIMONILIA._ _ _ _ . . - . . It affords me pleasure to state that Mr. J. 3.' Reed Is recommended by of testimonials of distinguished gentlemen in London, From personal acquaintance with him, I can most Cheerfully recommend, him. as -an se complished scholar and gentleman to the confidence of the publio. "• - •A:. CON 9118821. - The subscriber takes great tpleastire In unitingivith. Dr. Converse in the, above recoMinendation,. Prom per= bone' acquaintance ith Mr. Reed.; as well, as. from his distinguished testimonials, I Sin confident of MS emi nent abilities as a gentleman and scholar. . •., . oirmtLiqa WADSWORTH. are happy to , hear: that.MiL J. J: 'heed, a gen , ' 'Vermin of considerable% literary , attainments,• and who haseontributed to Graham's many excellent sketches on eminent persons has re-opened hie Institute foiroung Ladies; at 1623 *alndt street, sae of the inset admire.- hie localities in the city. Mia: Reed is a lady who has had many years' experience fu tuition, and bears a high reputation }Or success in training her ; pup{ s, mo rally and mentally. Mr. Reed, from wledge of European languages, and from having graduated in the first colleges inllnglandilniparte ;the advantage!' of the beat European systems of education • and parlionlar at -teatime is paid to the'rtpdy of Engli sh Composition and' Polite Literature. We would.lay some strata on this latter fadt, since 'general literary information and cul ture, though by far the most distinguiebing signs.of in telligence and refined education, are, on the nholejar more neglected in most schools aud colleges than any other branches.—Editor of Grnactin'a..Xagazins.for .Tuttii 185 S 8.1. _ REPERENOBB. - Henry .Vethake, LL. D., Provost of the University of Penneylysida. John j. Prater, LL. D., Profesior orthe Physical Sciences in ditto. George Allen, Lb. D., Professor Of 'Aneleab Lau gaagee in ditto. Hon, William M. Meredith. • - • • Col. John W. Forney, editor of The Press. Charles G. Leland, Esq., editor of Graham's Maga-, sine. Hey. William B. Atoms D. D. Rector of Bt. An drew's. - Rev. Amass Converse, D. D., editor of the Christian Observer. . . - Rev: Charles Wadswprth, D. D., Arch-street Presby terian Church. Joseph L. Keen, Esq., West Philadelphia. ir Thomas S .- Taylor, Esq.,-West Philadelphia. rANO-FORTE=Elementary and'flnighing P lessons by an aocompyshedforaign artist. N 0.1628 WALNUT R. ' `an6-1m BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. . DAVID M. HOGAN, Blank Book Macrifactiwer, Btationer sad Printer, No.loo W,ALNITP Street; le pre. tded at all times to furidsh, either from the !shelve' or Make to order, Books of every. description, suitable for 13mOrs, Public Ofibree, Merchants, end others, of the -beat quality of Buglialt,,or American Paper, and bodtruf in various styles, In the moot substantial manner. 'Orderri for: JOB .PNINTIIiG of every description. and Engraving spatch. and Lithogrsphing eueented with neetnees. de -A general adortment of Xeglish, trench and Amer!. Min Stationery. ; • • Ooneeming Mr. llogan'e oontrilintien to the rimnklin Institute, the Oommittee This , display of blank boons for banking and mercantile use is the bed in the Zuhibition. • The selection of the material bleed, the workmanship most exeellent, and them,Anish.anu ap.. pearattee,ned and appropriate.'?. _ swum. 11. DIEZZIOZ. - MULTI KM= ' WILLIAM I". ' inizatag. . V s : 017THIVAIiit FOUNDRY,' - NO; PUTS .ANI?" W aIitaNGTOR PlltLanliLtalf. • ACERRIOK-& SONG; INGINNIBW - AND..NAOILLNIEITB, tnatutrattare Nigh a:4l4w Preenreatem Nagisee, tot Land, Biter, and Marine service.; Boiler*, Oasontateds, ,Tankai Iron Hoed, 40., 0111. Inge or en kinds either Iron or Braes. - - •- - Dan frame rade for Gat Werke, Workaholei'llattroe4 Mations; do. • • -- • , Retorts and Gm Machinery of the ALIO and mail paproyed eonatmatirna. - - • .3very deseriptlon - of Plantation machinery, snob aa 'Bags?, Mw and erist Mills, Vim= ,O p en Pans eant. Trains, Dersestors, Paters, Pumping Engine' Cole Agents for N. IMlierut'a Patent:Blvd. Boiling ApPiridus; Naamyth'e Patent. Maim flame:Lary J. P. Boas' Patent Ware Mellon for Bloat Machinery and Steam Pweps. fluperintendent—B. IL BAUM. anII-7 t 0t413 'titi a n iestaiitants. ...s. - TONER- MUSE, • I HARRIEIBIIitG, PA., ILEG'NA' iLYIIIIiNLIES E B r r. ted in MT ~, NOW OPEN TO PISITOBS. 11Y69•1 ;., :-. ;;WELLS GOT! ItLY, Proprietor. N 01101,LS HOU•B, (11IIII,OPMA21 Pi ' OPEN DAY; AND _NIGHT. NO. 115pOUTH =GUT!' BT., BNLOW- OEIBMIVIT, pluVenizazte: This HODBMI le for Permaneptand Tram/dent Lad .11eeq . effort, will be made by the Proprietor, .11. 111 0/10LIA, to glee estlefsetion to his Patrons. This I)etebllehmentlieltunted In the Mart et the Alty, sentre of Inudneli, 844, oontenlent to all plenei The Ifereentile nod Tiseelling ,00mmenity will find a deiliabiwpleoe for ooFffort, oleenlineee, end eoono• lieabinuldshedit - r - 131Agle` Boom, 60 mite per night. By the week $2.1 end aplomb. ukhBo-ti Principal THE GREAT WONDER izt. 3a e 614.-eti.ozslr . sap, then Louis (Dlo.)..Dewfortat Beiewi,we pub lish a letter to Dr. Wood of this city, from a gentleman in Maine, which speaks glowingly of the 'superior_ merits of his hair tonic. Such evidence must have its effect, when oomlng,from reliable soures:, If certifi cates are guarantees of truth, the Dr. needs no 01100.• miums, nor useless puffery from the prep* I, BAllt, Milne, Jan. 20,1868. .Prefessor 0. J. Wodn,& 00.. - -Orntiemess: Having my attention called a few months since to the highly bene ficial effect, of your Hair Itheteirative; I. Wait Mdifeed make epialitaillon of It iibon my coin hair, which had be- Anse quite gray, probably one - third white wish:- kers were of same cliaranter. 'Some - three months since I moored 'a bottle of year hair restOritiro, and tilled -it. - I,soon found itorasprovlng what Ited - nriahed. plied it, about - twice 'a week. I have" since proetired anotheibottle, of which I have usedrome. 'I can now certify to the world that the gray or white hair has to. tally disappeared; both on my head and lace: and my hair has resumed its manna color, and% believe more soft end glossy than it hie been helbrefbr titebty-tivh years: lam nbw sixty years old; my good wife. at the age of fifty-two, has used It with:tame effect., ' The above smile* I deem due to,yoU for your valuable dile...wary, lam assured that whoevervrill rightly torsi, as per dlrettlony, will not hate odeultut ;tie Minim diet my statenienta. lam a titian of this • city, and a resident here for-the last fifteen 'years, AM Imown to nearly everyone hers and ,adjoiningtoWns, Any 13110 you may make of the above, with my name attached, la at your service, eel wish to preserve the beauties nature in others as well as myself. - I am trill!, yours ' 0. RAYMOND. . BALT:mons, Jan. 28;1868. - WOOD'S HAIR REsTORATIVE Professor Woon—Dear r Having bad the mister• tilde to lON the beet portion of my hair, froto the effects of the yellow fever, in New Orleans, In 1811, twae • duced to mike a trialiof • your brepiration; and found it to answer as the very thing needed. My hair is now thick and glossy, and no words can express my oblige, Emu to you in giving to the • afflicted such a treasure. JOHNSON. The undersigned, Rev: I. X. Bragg, Is s -Minister in regular standing, and Pastor of the Orthodox Church at Brookfield, Mass - lie 1.0 a gentleman of great influence' and universally bolo - yid; - , • DYER. . • - • Bhooirrato, lan. 12,1868. Professor Wood— Sir: Having aim's - a trial of your Hair Restorative, it gives me'pleasme to cif, that inf.:Boot has been excellent lu removing Inflammetton. dandruff and a constant tendency to Itching with which I have been troubled from m c.hlidhood; and has also y restored my hair, which was becoming gray to ihforigl. nal color. I have used no other article with anything like the same pleasure or profit.. ' Yours truly, . T. K. BRAGG. The Restorative is put up In bottles of three sloes, rho largednedium, and The small holds hall a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a quart, forty per cent, more in proportion, anal tetalls for three dollars at bottle.. .. • • O.J. WOOD &XO., Proprietors, 81 2 BROADWAY, N. Y. (In the great N. Y. - ,Wite Establishment,) and 110 menarr Street; St. Louis, Mo.,- - • And Sold 'by 'ail good' Dr:mists , and Fancy.Ooods ,Dealers. - oulBifrmfew.3m & emelowkrilm 11, BARNES' - %L." OAMPROEATED EXTRACT OF OMER This Medicine/Las, by its own meNt, gained a great reputation. Itlitemposed entirely of , vegetables, and Is made from the formula of a distinguished physician, need byldm In the cholera of 1892. /t dem - not cbutaln Opium in any form and never constipates the bowels. It Ir - equally efficacious in mild and Aggravating attacks ,of cholera morbue. It line eared cholera after the " Noe water" discharge bad taketv =The cramps and, pains of cholera morbua and Slyaenteryare in, s, few minutes dispelled the stomach; and the bowels restored to a healthy notion. If this remedy weraused in the premonitory symptoms, dysentery,thatdresd,ed disease, would find fewer victims. Read thie f reoommendatione of the railroad conductors who hate need it for several years, In the Circulars. For the bare of NAUSEA, NERVOUS DEBILITY, ORAMP 0110LIO, FLATULESNY sad swig naArt• AOll.O, It bas no equal.' • DFISPEPBI.B. of over twenty years , standing has been cured by it. The weakest stomach, by twenty drops taken after each meal, may be restored to s healthy ao• tion. /fervour tremor, the result of excessive drinking, it% once cured.' It 1= prevented attacks of delirium tremens, Two or three doses to enough to one, tiltrlnaktitalt. It le the most valuable of Its kind in existenee and to so pronounced by phyalciaita who are- using it in their practice. As a PEEIVENTrYII of 7.111%ti/3, du ring their •prevalense in ,Autumn, taken-in, deems of, thirty drops, when the etotnseh and boweleare nOnati , piled or in an opposite elate, it will so prepare the Eit l ex 1 , 43 t y 0 8 ,0 vrr ior to tyllabillty to an stk& even of • Perrone wl r io hag,snlfired In , health from Ague and Fever have been restoredlo health by this wonderful remedy. No one should be without it. Prepared only at '98.1 O&M - Milt Street. 8o)d at stores throughdht the United that's.' -A 'very liberal discount made to - - - an2B-1m . NO ONE ehottld, go to the Eeß4thore ,with -I- out 'n'bettle ont ,KBDIOATED: liketifol" in their "Vallee. In email of einineik illneeinitreronbi be, the beanie In 'man" inetaineni 'of itatife. PEPTIp persons,. and those debillinteli i sig re.• stored to health by nee. '• - ZIEGLEICA SMITH; Dregete Bouthvest ear:Sedond and (treed' G AN G OP IUG:1 Mad 6 to OoArdt-iea Fo* N9ll'l4*. treot ,:NorbTvsi. St(thtritm. ,filOgitterto ara Jrim. Toilette %slides. _ OF TILE NINETEENTH CENTURY,' PROFESS'OR WOO ' DIS ikkmwm.uepoto,, — ,; - g . . R hafrA. , - , IIOIINTAIN,ViiRI.IIG42 141 sANOAI3 T 110,4 - PA —Wm opened the eighth: day oFJnne ` for vititore. -This' healthy Benimee resod has many: . iulvantagec which , retommend the. public insearob of 4 home place to enjoy the mountain: alr during the hot Semen: It is elevaNd twelve bun-, droll feet above-water level: , There are grav,eled walks 'side are donee foredo, and ehaded arbors i by the way are many springs of the purest soft water, , at a 'temperature 0f.49't0 82 : degrees of4ahrenheit. At the .erinunttit an sobiervatory overlooking en area of 40 mileeei e, b; of. farms in the highest state of mattes Alen, erobraelnithe; whole' or Lancaoter,. county, and polite .in ten 9914 Cermtles... The eeenery Wes away, In the bonudery, pi — mountains at the distance of .10 miles; altogether one of the most grand and ex tensive panoramic views to be mot within any country. NO kind of eiddinnic has ever been known here, at riny semen ;of the - I'aq. Many beautiful drlies over good rondo, The. hoti4 W 111; accommodate comfortably 400 persona. Every Variety. of bathe. All' the Modena im• movements nuir in use in first-elan watering planes will' be found ireio. All'vegetables raised mi the farm'.. The' beet help empleYed In every department. The Proprietor flatteratinself that he will be able to give- ample satisfaction to, his guests. Good stable room. GrUid,ateols of livery hence arid•carrlageti on Por fuitberitiforreaticMand circulars call on JOILEPH B. MYERS, Third and Tine streas; JAMB B. Ne. 810 Obestinit etreet, and on Proprietor, ' JOBEPII `EpitratayostAfficii;:h 081ster, county, Pa. Ij AY's HOTEL, • •• • WILLIAMSPORT, - • -..- ' LYCOMING COUNTY, PA. The nidorelgned has purchased the large and elegant building, corner of THIRD and-PINE Street, formerly occupied by the West Branch Bank, and has enlarged and - refitted it in a superior style.; •• ' , Williamsport is • one of- the moat delightful inland towns in Pennsylvania; and his - house, ho hopes, will be ,fouud plealtani, as Weit to Ahe trmeller as to-those eiti, alms of the petropolie who desire.tOPelli ai agreeable time during the heated term of the s u mmer. " Hie omnibus itne from his Hotel, to . the Packet and Railroad Depots free of charge. • ' - , 1y29411n -W. U. - 11AY, ProPrieter. - CARD. -COLUMBIA, HOUSE, OAPE IS LANDiN.J .—The subscriber; thithhthl to lie ,frlemts ant he nubile for the greet and unmerited pa tronage :bestowed he the Rouse this season, begs leers to Say that he will bare choice ROOl3lB to let from end:after thid date; during the remainder of the 6131111011. The . honsiwill remain'oped until 20th September. ' • • •• L. lihkRWOOD. , r August 2d;1868. ant-tf • • TIIE UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTAN OITY, N. J., Will be kept limn • for the, accommodation of guests until the that of September or longer, if the weather la favorable. Price of Board'from this date until the close rif the ammo, $l2 per week, or $2 per day. - - —WEBII do PARKER, Angast - 1.8th,1858: ' • aul44f- miI]ANSION-HOUSE, gAIIOII CHUNK.— INA This elegant establishment, beautifully attested on the banks stele Lehigh, is now ready for the recap tion of summer xlsitere.., There is no locality in Penn eylizula, nor, perhaiia; In the United States, which born; bineaso,meny attraetiona aa the Talley of the `Lehigh, mid the aborillOteirrill afford arnost comfortable hbme to risiters desirous of viewing thrmainificent inexhaustible mines, - or stupouctiola work/ of art of We intereating region. '• . • eIIORGE HOPPER, Pro .rietor. BEDFORD- - SPRINGS.—THIS Ma Well-known and delightful Summer Resort will be opened for the reception of Visitors on the 10th of June, and kept open Until the let of Ootober.- The new and opaoloam Btaildimpt erected last year are now folly completed, and the whole establiehment has been tarnished In imperioretyle, and the artoornmods tons will be of a &seeder not excelled In any put of the United States. - • The Rotel" wlllbe nider the management of Mr. A. U. ALLEN, whose experience, courteous manners, and ' a ttention tnesixf give 'the ampleat assuranoe of comfort cad kind treatment. In addition to theother meatt e of.aeeese, it is deemed proper to :state that passengers min molt Bedford by a dajlight ride from,olmmberebtrat.- .: , • .- - The Company have made artangemente to supply dialers and Individuals with " Bedford Water" by the barrel; carboy, and in bottles, at the following prices, it the Springs, vie .. /Of barrel (mulbery) 114 00 Do. (oak) 8 00 % Do. (mulberry) 800 . ,DO.' (oak) 2 00 Carboy, 10 gallons 2 25 Bottioe, IXpint, per down 1 50 The barrels are carefully • prepasiv.l, so , that Amore may depend upon receiving, the Water fresh and sweet. Au communications should be add/mined to TEM BRDPORD MINERAL SPRINGS 00. - Bedford County, Pl. ream GREAT STANDARD REMEDY OF 1 THE NINETT4ENTII OENTURY, THE IMPERIAL DEPITRA.TIVE FOR PURIFY ING THE BLOOD .AND ant,INGTRENING THE WHOLE 81tETEIV. , • - The Imperial Dop iestlye, prepared by Dr. Louie berry & Co„ Is now acknowledged at the principal Family Medicine for the cure of OANOEROI7B affections and Etonortnoos diseases generally. The success which attends its use In these inveterate diseases has no equal. It to now used ip these diseases with complete Racoons, where all other meatus have failed. Two or three bot tles will satisfy' any one of its great curative propert ea. Mir Disease and WHITE SwaLLING,I7LOsnATIOna Of the lioNail, IlfotPrn; THROAT, /cc. Its beneficial and healing characteristics are soon observed In these cora- Astute. No matter of how long standlug they may have been, they will-yield to the proper use of the IMPE RIAL DEPURATIVE In a short time. ' - . - TETTEX and BQILD Haan will as certainly yield to this medicine as it is used. Diseases of the Bkin and all eruptive complaints generally Cannel long remain after using a few bottles of the Imperial Deptiratite. Its TOl.llO properties, as well ea Alterative, render it valuable to weak and delicate females: The great purity, strength, and valUe of this Family Medicine is unequalled is the cure of all diseases origi nating in an impure condition of the blood. It expels ill the virus or diseased matter from the blood and re invigorates the system. • , ' Those using the Imperial Depurative and wishiniad vice in their ease, will abeelve every attention by otter or otherwise. Prepared and sold by Di. LOUNSBERRY & CO., No. 60 North-611 , 71i Street r bolow Arch, Philadelphia. For sale also by J. P. Lena & Co., ims@Mter, Pa. d. 11. Baser and 8. S. Stevens, 'loading, Pa. Dolman & Co., 'Harrisburg, Pa. 0, W , .Bpting, Pottsville Pa. T. O. W. McClintock, 'Easton, Pa. James Given, Weatchester, Pa. Schmidt ,& Co., Allentown, Pa. W-Leelle,Bristol ; Pa., and Druggiste generally. aull-mw&salitm A .NALYSIS -OF LYON'S OAT - AWBTI ti BRANDY by . • , A, A. HAYrS, M. D., AsSarga TO THR SPATS OP MAIIII.IOIOI3IITYS. (Gamiest. Caszscrea; 'A light-yellowish brown colored spirit, having a fragrant odor; vihen evaporated from clean' lines it "eft no oil or offensive matter. Analysed felt volatile and lied drugs, of tehich, no 'Freese of any Abut ieerefoince. Its color le proved to be cue to it colored resin an egtract derived from wood. Erin ovary respect it hi a pure epiritous liquor. The fragraneeor bouquet whloh it pommies can be Iso lated,. and it then appears unlike that from Cognac Brandy or Wine; being a Lenity essence reoulting from , peculiar fermentation of Catawba and Isabella Grapes. Ommuciat Caissons.-1, parts in volume of this epirit cantatas at 60 deg Jr; 481.240 - parts of pure al oho!, besides the fragrant oil. 1,000 parte of the epirit afford 28 parts of a stroll Winton of the oil whiehcharacterbes this Brandy; the ,ppirit left, atter removing the oil, is perm and odorless, and in all its alitiOa,perfeot aphit.nid smbjeav to change. One ;S. tin of Gila Brandy at CO E. contains, be des t s 'spirit and 011, on/ygrs. of matter cora • posed of extract off fruit, gum, and colored resin from . . . Bones, Yanziaar 25, 8368. Dr. COXD, State Impeder of Ohio, and Dr. JAS. B. CHILTON - , Cheiniet, of New York, both pronounce this to be pure Brandy, and free front all adulteration. • For Medicinal permit's Lyon's Catawba 'trendy has no rival, and has long .been needed . to Supersede the poisonous oompounde sold - under the naeic,of , Brand7. As a beverage, the pine Artiale is Altogether 'and a odiereign, ante ianied3; for Dyspepsia, flatulently,. Low Spirits, Languor, Canard Debility, &0., 40. Also, STILL AND SPARKLING CiIIibLPAONB:—Theie Wines are made in thir neigh borhood of Cincinnati, and are guarantied to be e Pare Juice of the arid are eminently ealotilated for invalids and peraons who requires, gentle ilium lant, and ,foritecramelita/purlroici. Retail price $1.26 per bottle. A" liberal discount made to the trade. , Dealers will please send their orders to the Sole Agouti) , for the State of Penn sykraills„ A. F. 11A.BARD dc 00., Wholeiate Druggists, , No. 608 MARXRT Street. . AIM for sale by the following apothecaries s AMBROSB.SMITII, Seventh and Chesnut eta. XliO. 13IMRS k 130110,18 th bad hidand Market =D. L.. STACRUOTISR, Bighth and Gieen its, . R. NRIIINGER, Second and Mary sta., Southwark. G. W. IiBBIBEIRR, Passyunk Road end Washington OZO. g. rionmisloK, Third and Green de. A. IL liGIITEB; bread and Costes eta.- - fell I.IfO.I3ENSAOK'S IRON Li / TB it S. Ann - Thin Medicine, as its name implies, is one of the greatest strengthening preparations extant. It is es pecially adapted to those who have a loos of appetite or are - emicted witli Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Plies, .Nervou Debility, General Weakness, and all diseases arising from a disordered condition of the digestive organs.; YOB DEMALE OOMPLAINTB GENERALLY • there is perhaps no medicine in the 'world equal to . it, As it enters, pulite ,s and replenishes the blood whiehta so important to brink about *healthy aotion • , THOUSANDS ABE LIVING a miserable' existence, of, a pale, elekly color, weak and emulated; who dortld be restored to health by the use of- One bottle of thin Invaluable medicine. It Is no humbug, but a genuine retnedy, being free from any thing that is of an Injurious nature. POE ALL DISEASES OP THE BLOOD • there is no better antidote then Ilobetniaok's Iron Bit. tars. When the blood Is impure Ilto whole body to full of disease. Blood letting may answer for a time, but cleansing a part will not parity the whole. At the fountain we must begin, and to cleanse the blood there is no better remedy than theme. invaluable Bitters. Their ohief constituent is iron, and we all know its - Mew In removing the impure matter from the whole visceral system. They-are prepared by a pree ohomiat, and bate been pronounced, by eminent f o hyslelens and others, ea the .I.ne plea tam" of all HOW GRATIPYING to the proprietor that he has eucceeded in compound fug a remedy• for many of ;the ille that his fellow mortals are, subject ,to ; and that the public. appre ciate it is not a gnestiou of doubt, but a fixed- fact, al the" demand ,for it has far surpassed his' sanguine exudations._ READ THE TESTIMONY OF A WORTHY OITIZET. This is to certify my wife wee in delicate health some three yeara, with a, disease peculiar to her sea. She tried numerous remedies without deriving any benefit. Hearing of Robemack's Iron Bitters, and knowing iron to be a powerful tonic, induced me to obtain a bottle, which proved to be the mediolne solely. re quired, by restoring her to health. She hesitates not fo recommend it to those who are similarly affected, se she believes it to be a sovereign - romedy. JOHN, OOLII. " No. en espitol Street This invaluable Medicine is prepared only by • , GEORGE S. 110IIRN$AOR, - - Pharmaceutical Chemist, N. W. earner of THIRD and GREEN Streets, Philadelphia, , To,whem all orders mast be addressed. Price SI. Blum:mt. dealers. Sold •by Druggists generally. • -• ma2o--Y llobagro anb eigavo. CIGARS, OF FAVORITE BRANDS And assorted dam, carefully selected by own house at BOMA, in store,ln4 received by every arrival from Mat port. S. PIIGONT ee SONS, .312-8 m • 216 South BRONT Street. • L'IGARO, 0.633ANA.3 AND.PARTMAAS oholee:inrolee of:these Celebrated brands od board brig urfew feta," daily expected from Hama, iimd, for dale low, by IMARLEB TZT)f,` - , friow),lBB 'Walnut ttivetcbelow ant_ deeend fitor laryge emit • ROBERT BHOEM9RFR 8: CO., WHOLEBLID DIVUGGIBTI3, Nalintaainrere and Dealer PAINT - B, VARNISH:I% ►nd WINDOW [}LASS, flortheiet ooraer FOURTH and SLOE etreeteOhtladelphis. • - ' eote 'Agents= for the sale of the oelebrated vloraffe Plate (Hug. mak7/141 ',WHITE LEAD, MO PAINTS,- 60 . 1 I I W6 : r v t a o r2 sWhitel q i ::/ a r i oititeingtheatWerko.atitcileu l P mil l i tentionckdetere : and oenenm eri, . ZIEGLER & BBIITH; $ W. oor. , Seoond wd eretin kMill _ _itettrance ttment 0. IN.S,ITRANOE OOMPAN-Y OF TEE 'OF PENNSYLVANIA-L - 411W AGuldit , 41N13 INSLIBANOENo. 4.EXOIIANGILBULLDIN,OO.,, Oftertelei 110-9 nrAtig.s 2 : o o>Asie% .114 1 . 1 k arY 1858,8847,44 2 3,e4100, ' , AU invested in sound and - available'seetiiitiiii- - -ooixti' ,one to Insure on:Vessels and Gorging, Buildings, Stooks of Nero,,,,ndiae, 40,., on , liberal termi, , DIRECTORS: "Henry D. Blieirerd, . George U. Stuart, - BirnemiTeby, , flamnel Grant , sr., - . Charles Maoalester, ' Tobias Wagner Wittlaiii B. Smith, -Thomas B. Watson, John B. Budd, .), • Henry G. Freeman, • Fiiiiianalt , WßGe. Charles 0, Lewis, . ' -' George O. Carson , - -HENRY` D:'aamx9AßD, President.' - WtMassi 8111.111; Beezetary. ' 2 ' 'lett•Sifrat tf AMERIOAN" 'EIRE INSURAN C E 11110012.PORATRD ,1910 7 .O4IART.ER PER NC. 810 WALNUT Street,' iabove •Thirdil Philadelphia Haring a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus /needed in pound and available Securities, continue t Immo on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture „Merchandise. Vessels in Port and their tlargeen and ; other remind ,Prdperty. All Losses liberally and ' prOMPUP, 1030 . ,toa ; • DIRSO7OII3 Georplabboti, - john - - 3ohn Welsh,- Caspar W. Morris i Samuel 0. Morton, Jams R. Campbell, gatrlok Brady,, Edmaruilf. • , - Charles W. Pordtney. - • • ' • ' • GEORGEABBOTTi President. THOMAS n, M4n23, Rearetakyr. , • -.043-y ir 44 L IR E 'R IRKS 'ONLY' TAKEN"— .L PIRS'AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Philadelphia. Office NO 415 WALNUT Street, (Schuylkill Navigation Company's Building.) CAPITAL, $200,000. •: - - DIZECITORS. " Wm. M. Swain, Wm. 0. Rudman, [of Public Ledger. C D. Shoemaker, John Anapach, Jr., _ Jen Walker, U. N. Burroughs, 'Thos. Crime, B. Hughes, . • Francis Petere, Wm. S. Boyd, , U. °eggshell, ,Geo. W. Wood w ard, Jno, McClure, , Jun. W. Claghbrn Joseph Klapp, M. D.. "•-' • , ilon. JJEI: JONES, President. ' • A. MN GILLEIee President, '7AB. - B. AWNED, Secretary. , • jy2B!ly LIOWARD FIRE 'AND' MARINE IN-' BONANOIrOOMPANy—OfiIoo No . 412 W4LIZIIT fltro4tiPhilsdelpbls, , , • DlllOlOl6 John It. Diehl, J. Edgar Thomson, P. iit. Potts, - H.H. Shillingtord. 0. E. Spangler, ' 'o. G, Bower, Abraham Rex, ' John W Sexton, E. B. Warne,- .. - . John Garrison, George Howell, - Nathan R. Potts, Wm. P. Leech, R..T.-Rensil, H. H. Houston, -Jos. B. Withers, Abrahem:P. Eyre - , . B. Booth, Oharlei P:NorUn, John H:l;ewire, • • • • ' - JOHN H : DIEHL, President. --, ' •-- 'B. B. WARNII,• Vice President. Owes. A, DoT, Secretary. -, . myl.o, CORN -EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM- Pdta, No. 831 WALNUT Stied, Philadelphia. OIIARTBRED OAPI'PAL ' ' " 5500,000 MADIND• ANT INLAND. ,•• I" ASSETS JULY lot, 1858. Bonds and Mortgagee; Stooks, /se $349,625 00 Bills R.:nein . lole, (for policies issued,) -2,10 70 Unsettled Bak Accounts, (for pnlieles,).... :1 613 83 .Cash in Bank and in Office 10,483 45 Oath in hands of Agents and Correspondents, 1,398 81 865,146 36 . . . .. No losses nnadJusted, unpaid, or reported. DIRBOTORB : ' , William H. Godwin, IL R. Orawford, James W. Queen, Jno. L. Redner, George W. Hall, ' William B. Theme, B. Nranklin Jackson, B. N. Winslow J. 0. Hopper, Henry D. 'bleak WM. M. GODWIN, President. J. 0. Roma, Secretary.inYlo-dtf C. INSURANCE COMPANY, v. South FOURTH' Street. ...' CHARTBB PEBPSITVAIn ' Capital - • . 8200,000. Organised DM. Privileged to insure Houses, annually or perpetually; Personal Property`, annually, or for a less period; take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Rieke; receive De posits; hold Trusts and grantannuitiee ALIPRED;WDBBS, President. B. 0. TYLER, Vice President. J. W. Mewriltl, Secretary. . . 1)15501015. Alfred Weeks, Hon. W. D. Kelley, B. 0. Tyler, J . . W. Forney, - J. W. Bonder, P. B. Mingle, C. R. Biuking, James Watson, J. L. linichinson, Ludlam Matthews, J. W. Stokes, . - William Dup . e, jelB-ly . 11. P. Inner.— TFE LIfSURAItOE AND TRUST 00X . PAlttY.—The PENN BiIITUAL LIU INENBANOII 0031 PANE. Northeast Corner- TILLED end DOOR Otreete. Capital, $612,125113, . - INEMIEB _WYSS for short terms, or for the whole term of life—grantelinumaties and endowments—pur chases life interests in, Beal Estate, -and makes all *entreats depending on the contingencies of Life. _ They sot u Executors , Administrators , Asslanotsi Trustees, and Gnardlatui. - - C=l Danlel L. Miller, - Samuel E. Stokes, Benjamin, (Mateo, William'Martin, Blebard B. Newbold, . James 11. bloPerland, Wilßent P. Meeker, .aneephlif: Water, . William H. Kern, . Allll3OB Seaton, Samuel 0. Huey, - Thoophilne Paulding, _ Charles Hallowell, Edmund A. Bonder, Henry 0. Townsend, - Daniel L. Tititeldnedn, ' Bodelphes Kent,, John W. Ratner, William H. Our, Mlle 8, - Areher, Edward T. Hots; , Samuel P. Oltrietlan, William Robertson, 7oeepli M. Thema, - Warner 14.3 mi% - ' , ' John G. Drenner, W. 11. Wield ' ir, Easton. . DdieTEL L. WILT 141 t, President. BAIBLIEL PI, BTOBIIO, Vine Pree't. .Tosi W. lloanoit. Secretary. 108-1 Y COMMONWEALTH ' • . iNtsunuani COMPANY OV ?If/ - STATII OP RXIINSTLVANIA. 01/111[011, NOEtTEEWEBT GORNISIt 11011:11iTil AND. WALNUT STRUTS, PIISLLDILP L&. Oubturlbeil capital, 1500,000. fuld up Ospitui,;2oo,ooo ' DEI3OIOIIB. . . Dr. D. Jayne, • Thu, FL Stewart* . 11. L. Donner, 7. K. Dirtier, J. U. Whitall, • 7. K. Walker ' Edw. S. K night , U. B. Wen Se nt . • U. Lawler;, - B. U. Houle. 'Ir. DAVID JAYNE!, M. D. President. %lulu AR S. SPKWASP, Vice Pres% Wank 0. Moos, g,..trusr. • ... " ' • 1499'7 TIELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN SURANON COMPANY. INCORPORATEDItY TEN LEGISLATURE of PENN . . ' ' BYLYAN IA , 'lBB5. OYHON, B. 31. (torpor THIRD and WALNUT Sheets, rtruanntruu. " " MARINE INSCrItANOSj - . ' ON YARN/a, . CARGO ' t . To all Pits of the Wilido nandite , • - - .tiviA 'D 'INSURA N CES, 9n Eteodit, 57 Inver; Candle, Lakes and Land Carriage to all parte of the Union. ME INSU,RANCES, , On Morchandlee gmtecyldtpk On Stores Dwelling Routes &e. ' • APPBTI3 OP THB COMPANY, NOrendier...2, 1857. • Bonds, Mortgagee , and Real E5tate.........9101,950 94 Philadelphia Oitrand other Loans IMP, 25 , Stock In Rano; Railroads, an Ixonuanoe , Computes 12,008 00 Bills Receivable _ • 520,U1 95 Cub on hand 88,1302 00 Balance in hands of Agents, Premiuma on - - Marine Policies 'recently honed, on other -debts due the Company. ' 02,780 5T Pabecriptlon Noted..' 100,000 00 ' nnueirreltilt William Martin, James 0. gland, Joseph H. Beal, Theopidlus Paulding, Idnnind.4. Bonder, James Trsqualt, Zahn 0. Davis, , William Byre, Jr., ATM It. Penrose, J. P. Penis - ton, • . (leers!, G.Lelper, , ;Oahu& P, Byre, Edward Darlington. &mud H. Kokes, Dr. It. M. Rasta, Reidy Biotin, • Wm. O. Ludwig, dames B. ijorarland, Hush Orals, Themes 0, gaud, iipenoer. Mollrain, Robert Burton, Jr., ' Obarles Belly, Jno. D. Semple, Plitabgh., H. Jones Broo ke, . Dr: B. Idonlani , , Jacob P: Jones, J. T. L ogan, t<- ' ' WIGLIART DlARTlN,.President. TIMALIS 0. HAND, Vice President. MIRY LIMIT:MN, Secretary. lii9•Y IGIIRE AND INLAND lIISIES.--FAILE A: INstr4Nom 001,1PAlilt• • , Ospital " " 000,001. (Organied under the Act of Aseembiy relative to In mance Oompanlee, passed April 24;1061 , ' GROWN W. DAY, President. THOMAS ill: MARTIN, Tice-President. WILLIAMS I. BLANOLIABD; Sooretary. •011ioe 01 OH) BIITUT et, P11940101'. . _. • ' . , ,DIRROPORS. . i l eleoige W. Day. ' ;soot. R. 'laughs*, William W . Wa i ters, Benry 1/07118, Jr., Oharlee Richardson, D; B. Bits vy, Barclay Lippincott, John W. Prerman, Jos. B. Brognard, A. M. Rosenholm, Dime. Stakes, rodt-y It , Stern. eeltilEMelfe . Wig (toot,. WINCHESTER. Ile. CO., GENTLEMEN'S T v 2IIIINIEGLING STORM PATENT SHOULDER SEAM • SHIRT MANTMAC , TORY, At the Old stand, No. 706 CHESTNUT BTREET, site the Washington House A. WINCHESTER will give as heretofore, his per sonal supervision to the Cutting and Mannfacturing departments. Orders for his celebrated style of Shirts and Collars filled at the shortest notice. • Wholesale trade supplied on liberal terms. i924-1Y T W., SCOTT, (late- of the firm of -Wnr as • enema & BeerrXGENTLIMEN , I3 FURNISH ING STORE and ~ 1 3111 RT • BIANUFAOTORY, 814 CHESTNUT Street, (nearlyppposite the Girard Housed Philadelphia. J. W. S.'would respectfully call the attention of hie former patrons and friends to his new Store, and is pre pared' to flit orders for SHIRTS at short notice. A perfect fit guarantied. COUNTRY TRADB mapplled with PINE SHIRTS and COLLARS. , ' fyl94f jENTLEMEN'S F U RNISHING STORE. W. W. IF.NIGHT, 606 ARSE! Street, Above Sixth, Philadelphia. - Dealer in all Abide of Punishing Goods, and manufasturer of Pine Shirts, warranted equal in ovary romped to any other* manufactured in this eity or elsewhere, wholesale and retell, or made toUrder. • ,E NT LE MEWS 'w.KAPPERS OR DEEMING GOWNS.—The largest and bat u sortment 'in the eity,'wholesalo and retat, with a fall line of Coder Clothing, suited to the 110111{(711 at W. W. ItHWHIVS, 606 AMU Street, above Mitt:, Pkiladel.; phis. . mhl•tf Pang limes. NMIOHIOKERLNG & SONS, bay ing remoied to' their nevi warerooms, No . 18Q( OHEBTNUT Street, (near the United States Mint,) Ate prepared to offer , to their friends and the publia an extensive assortment Grand, Parlor-Grand, Boxers and Upright PIANO-FORTSS, manufactured express]. for this city, finished in various styles of Mies, and Ortoeawhich cannot fail to please. Plano-Fortes made to'order, to salt any style of furniture, and all metro mente warranted to give entire satisfaction to the pin. chaeer. Wand end Square Photos to rent, upon the most ZAN Ydrable terms. Meagre. 0. tc 80N8 have , reeelVed Thirty-four MBDALS, The first Premiums over all competitors in' the United Staten. All orders for TUNING sod REPAIBINta will be promptly attended to, jy7-0m NODIANO FORTES. Just reoolred L an elegant stook of HAYION O BA. ON, & 00., NIINNB'ft MANS_ HALLET, DAVIB & 00. and GALL& CO: IVPLANOS. lino caloNS bosignallty, at J. N. B. M. or= LUIVNNTH And ONNSTNIIT • • ' FISH.-75 balf bble. of the cab- Wetted Detroit River Mate Bleb, )net received Andrew We by , 0.0 . . SAMAR 00., 11, 9 giortlf WATBII Blzeitt, Pil*Stql• FOt SAlUFftik ll- 018C07—YjarNE,W • TO it K ir -The' °giver :Ship OCEAN ' 7 Billf4 James 11 Ifolleimen, 33aittercirlif commence loading at - Lenlhard-street wharf; aiadttahe'whitt' freight ilittf alter for a fAw days, am! meet w,th prompt despatch from Netr York, having the largoa,tietr9f he_ '4r•ry engaged . ,, ' sor freight or passage, apply to _ es - - BISHOP, SIMONS, 430. 105 AROH Street, , abe. -y ront . Aila b . FOR NEW ORLEANS—LOIIISIANA Mars VINE-4attarantlod Ant aud'onli Teasel for this week. . freight taken at as low. rates as any Ohm! Jessel l o ading: The elegant and fast-sailing packet ship PLEIADIIS Nathan Ninalow, master, now loading 'at. Race-etreet . l wherf,'having the greater - part of her cargo on board. with large engagements. coming alongside rapidly, will positively sail as above. ShiPPent wishing ,to avail themselves of Ate first' vessel will please hurry Weir goods alongside, and bills of lading to the counting-house for signature; andthose who.dave not yet completed engagements' will 'please done at puce . -..:- For balance of freight, or paeiage, apply onbeard; at Bacoatreet wharf, or to , . BISHOP, SIMONS, - tc'oo.; 105 Arch street, sboVelrosit. ' The P. will Insure atthelowest rates, and will take steaM•down the Delaware and up the Mississippi. -._ anBo-dtf TOR"CHARLESTONTS7O7- 7 11E r : NON'S, LINN.-ONLY. ItPGIILAR. LYNE=:- GOODS DIMMED AND BILLS LADING SIGNED EVERYDAY, - • • Freight and lesniaride at lees then ealllneveisele the ateamship " KEYSTONE STATE," ()sot. Marsh man, to sell SATURDAY Sept: 4th, at 10 Welock.A:3l., from second wharf above:Vine street, For further par-. ticulers please see advertisement' of Steartkehlitt REF STONE STATE," In thle paper. ,- For freight or passage apply to A. HERON, R., US North, 1,9, hirYelfi : WANTED—To 'Freight' 'ol'Ohattof a_ atila good .:VSSILF ! L,, to carry from, 200a60Ctlint , load for a Southern port. . A fair rate will be paid and quick deepatch APIA) , to - BISHOP, SIMONS 4.1: au2l-tf , . No. 106 ARCH Street, above Brent.. . , giLkFOR FREIGHT .OR;HIIAHTER, The A ccoPpeied and eopPer.fastened bsique ITRADEItICK. LEN NdG,. Sumner, master, 3)700 barrels capacity} in complete order - for soy voyage., Apply H to • A. SAQtiols., . . anl.7 , . , B.2B.Northi9barrodl..:' WANTED—A good • vessel to - - load in Heron's Line for New Orleans. Quick de spatch and good rates given— Apply to • aul7 A. HERON ; Ja., 326 North Wharves. WANTED.-4A, g ood vend to load in Heron's •Line, for Mobile. Quick despatch and•good mien Alvan. Apply to . . A. HERON . B2B North 'navies.- Edennnero. ana.." NOTICE. a2k. FALL ARRANGEMENT 'UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY. FOR itioamortb NORFOLK AND CITY POINT. The Steamships PENNSYLVANIA, Captain TEAL VIRGINIA, Captain KELLY; and CITY"OIf MOE 'MOND, Captain MITCHELL, now form a regular SEMI= `WEEKLY LINE between PRILADELPIIIA and the above -porte;one of the riteainere leaving here every W4DN.C3DAY and SATURDAY, at S o'clock A. THGBIAS WEBSTER, Jr., General Agent, No. 14 NORTH WRARYES, an27-fmwet - POR RICHMOND, _via, Norfolk aid 'OUT 'POINT—FALL . ARRANGE•. IMENT—T WIDE IVESK—UNION STEAMSHIP. COMPANY'S- - LINE' -OF STEMIISUIPS 10 -SAIL 'EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, at S A. M., UNTIL .PURTHJSR xonom. „ . , . . . VIRGINIA,CaptaIn R. Kelley. - - - PENNSYLVANIA' Captain Taal. CITY O If RICHMOND, VapPtln Mitchell. - These fine afeeMships will sail 'as above. They are handsomely fitted np for passengers, having saloboa on deck ; are provided with ,Francls , s Metallls Life Beata, Life Preservers, &0., andno paint' or, expense spared for the comfort and safety of ,passengers, awl the kretection of geode. - This Line often the. *grackest, cheapest, and most comfortable roots for passengers, mid is in, advance of any other for despatch and economy for freight TO TEN INTERIOR Of VIRG,INIA,"NORTR 'CAROLINA, AND TENNESSEE. - NO TRANSIIIPAENT ' BY-THIS LINE, -- - Passage to Richman:l, br Petersburg', $8; meals In' eluded. Passage to Norfolk, $6 ,• meals Included.- . . ' THOMAS WEBSTER, Jr..: General Agent," au2 . l-lm - i'. No. - . 14 xplart WHARVES. FOR CAPE - MAY AND;;Iit " , YORK. • DAILY, at 93i ololock A. iII - NEW-YORK AND PRILADELPHIA. STEAK NA viGialcol COMPANY • . , •The splendid ocean steamers DELAWARE,SIapt , ain Copes; BOSTON, Captain Bellew and KENNEBEC, Captain Hand, form &daily line between this city, Cape May, and New Vorkjeaving from fast pierbelow Spruce street (Sundays excepted) at 9)0061o* A, n.Return ing, leave New York from pier 14 North River ithmdays excepted) at fi P. M-." • . Rettirning,leave Cape May (Mondays excepted) at A. M. .., . . Pare to Cape May (( carriage hireln - ffinded) $2 00 " " far servants . 180 it " Beason tickets (carriage hire ox- ... - 8 ' " = New York, cabin - 2 0 00 0 a " , steerage 160 , Freight taken at low rates. =, - Igor passage, state rooms,. /to. apply on pond, or at the Office, 314 and 310 8011T11 DJ LAWAICE AVE.. MCP, . , JAOIPB ALLDERDXOE, , iels-8m . ~ ,„. . ~.; ' Agent. FOE DiIAELESTON AND SA VAIMAH.—IIARONT LINE. - (WOW RROEIVAD AND RILLS or LADINO MINED RVARP, DAk'. ;-• Thisp!aida drat-class side-wheel, Stesinahlps -• =STONE STATE and IMAM OP GROW/A, Now form a weekly, line for the South and Southwest, one of these daps sa il ing every SATURDAY at 10 o'clock A. 11.,. alternately: . for,, Oharleston„and ea. vannah. A. • 2OR CHARLESTON,. The 'CAPSTONE STATE, Captain °howled P,Afeveh min, will comment*, loading on Thitridag; Sept. 24, and nail for Charleston; B. O.; On. t3e darlay, Sept: 4th, RS 10 o'clock A f 4. ' • " - • fORiAVANNAII. - • - • The STATE OP VEOP9l6.,"Clapt. John J. Oarelu. frill commence' loading an- Thursday, Sept 9th; and nail for Savannah, 9a., on' Saturday, Sept. 11th, at ID o'clock 4 M. „ , - At both Ohsidelfen and Barainah - ;these ehipaeonnisct with steamerefor Florida and'lfatinta, and with tall.' roed‘fro., for all places iii the Routh and•Sonthwest: FRBIGHTS RBDIJOBD. , }leavy Freight at an average of y per ; seat. below New York steamship rates. • . - INSITIUNO.II. ' ' Filltlolll and INPJltari o ß - ore a /age proportlOn of goods . shipped - Souttiullt be 'found to be lower by these ebipe thin by sallinfrtasels. Oat& pangs ' " 120'00 ' Steerage do,-, 800 Foreuraion Tlekets,lood !anapaest year. 80 00 - No KM of lading signed after the 1114 has sailed. : For freight or peerage, apply to • . A. =BON, rio:lli9 (late 81) North Whares. Agents at Charleston T. S. & T. G. BUDD. Agents in Saransulh, O. A. & Co. For Florida, from Okaleston; eteruar,',QABOLINA. - every Tuesday. ' • - • For Florida, from Savannah, steamers 'ST. ILIBYS and ST. JOHNS, eras Tuesday, and Saturday.' For Hanna, from harieston, 'stammer ISABIL, on the 4th and 10)11 of every month.- Jell 10,788 87 STEAM.TO GLASGOW, LIVER ' IV POOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, and LONDON DE It, without delap, for 80 dollars. -_- Return tickets, good for six mouths to either of the above places by any steamer of tho line, 60 do ll ars for the round trip, out and back, , - = • • ••"; ;1111W New-Yark, MoMlllan, Saturday, 7111710, at 12 &elm*, M, Edinburgh, Gumming, ••, " • :nil Glasgow, Goodwin, • • 1 e - Migailt; mica atupacnr, - • - . Glasgow, Goodwin Siiinnl&y, July 10. New York, Uoldillan Wedneaday', August U. Edinburgh, Churuning Saturday, Aug. 14. - - RATES OP PASSAGE, • isms OLABOOP. • • FtridGissa 16 guineas Steerage, found with cooked provisions S • it OACIU ANA 401 X. ; •••• • $7O 00 Bteerage, found with 000ke4 provisions '- 'BO 00 Children under 10 jean of age, half fare; Infants in [Balinese, free. -• • '• = - Rattan tickets available within six months, by any irteakter of Wallas. • - First Clan $l4O 00 Steerage $OO 00 An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer. fr n mfit tf or a pv i isa . ,l4i 3 ppy_tt . :__ Oda. r ROBBIIT CRAIG, 17 Broadway, New York, ' BALL & LONZY, Bnohanants Wharf, Baltimore. mJll MHZ BRITISH and NORTH AM :1110.4%1i I. ROYAL MAIL BTBABSIIIII. PAM 1:111T Toax TO LITUPOOL Chief Clobin Passage. 0/.3t. bond Oabin Plunge 'fb tame aural 10 rave/soot. Chief Cabin Paasege , 11/18 Second Cabin Peonage GO The Mips from Beaton will at Ila Draw. 1 PERSIA, Capt. juntas. ,CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Oapt,l. Stone: , AtIBRICA, Capt.Wiek* ASIA, Oapt.lB. G. Lott.' . NIAGARA, Oapt.Ryrie: AFRICA, Caht, ShantiOn. NIIROPA, Cant: J. Leitch. -Thee° vessel', carry an/ear whitelight it mast-huidi green on starboard boa , ; red en port bow. • CANADA, Lang, leaves Boston, Wednesday, July, 48_ AILRBICA, Wickman, i , N:York Wednesday, Aug 4 P.IIROPAjLeitch, " Holton, Wedneeday, Aug. 11. PIIRSIA, Judkins, " N.Yorki Wedninday; Aug.lB NIAGARA, Moodie, " Roston, Wednesdayi Aug 46. ARABIA,Siona, , • • et N.Ydrk,Wednesday, Sept. I. CANADA, Lang, gc Boaton,• Wednesday, Sept. 8. APIIIOA,-Shannon, " N.York;Wednesda.v, Sept. la. 813140 PA, Leitch, " Boston, Wednesday, Sept. 24. PRBSIA, Judkine, - .. N.York - Modnesday, Sept. 28. „ • • Bertha not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. .. The ownettof these Shape will net be accountable fug Gold, Silver, Bullion; Spools Jewelry, Preciteua Stones or Rotate, anise' Mlle of lading are argued therefor and the value thereof therein ea reseed. Per freight or paseage app - • • . fey 10-7 B. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. WARKING AND VENTILATING WARM:IOO2dB The subscriber would invite the speCial . attention or Architect Builders and the public to his NNW CULVER PATENT 13ELF,OLRANSIEIG AND VENTILATING WARIi:AIE iIIitNAGE, Which has been so euccesetulig Introduced_ during the let winter and gave much gentiral eatimaction. ' It le eo arrangOd ad to consume the limn from the Coal. making it one of the pod eoonomicai, sore, durable Beaters now in nee. Also, all sizes and patterns of Cooking Ranges, Bath -Boilers, Gas', Orono, Low Down and Blerated - Orates, every variety Of 'Registers and Ventilators, Fireplace Stoves, Collins, Patent Chimney Caps, far the cure of smoky chimneys, with a hall assortment of all goods in my line of badness:-' Prompt attention paid to Range 'and Ileater-ftepair ins, and prices reduced to snit the times.- CHARLES WILLIAMS, (Late Baker & inallin 1132 (old 400) hiARBBII Street, Philada. FItENOLL YLATE - 6140b.—.11A17/NGI been 'appdinted2by the I !''C'ewipagnisde"Florsifel the 1301111 AGENTS for the Relent their GLASS In this city, we are prepared , tooter to the trade .or sense mere, front our stock on hand,. POLISHED PLATI GLASS for Stores or Dwelling Pronts• itongk Plate, for Floors and Skylights; and SilvereePlate, of large else, for Mirrors. The Glass will be sold at the lowest prises, and warrantedsuperior,le every rospechto.iay otherimported. - B,llosiitetkffit'& CO:, Plato and Window Glass Warehouse, - N. N. ear. of FOURTH and MON Streak tol2B-tf • • Philadelphia QALMON, SHAD, &0.-20 tlefoOki'lsTO 1 Salmon; IS bbls. do.; 60 bbls. ptime lieslltao; /DO bbls. Sealateh ilBO Ma WlLlte.4ny now•ln etaresaid for sale by • . roux M. .10N - 11.1tDY & CO. * • *DIRT no. 380 .ad 7SY3kllill ~ =:=M==Si . lintiitTE TENNSTIr• SANTA RAILROAD:• _ ~. , • . 61451- 14 .11Reita9MIRIsTa • , .---, .::?:',, , P 7: :“401. 1 13.177 . 111.9111564:-DKPF B TPWNt af.i A V1, ,, ,7,`„ 1 j-c , olose ratiroady c onneettoue.foy _ t -_ - .V.1,..-...- , ,, Daston ....— • DatiAria' - •' l iew 1 rcn7 *=.7'.;7:,, , q, ' - lot Water Qapf.- - -1.1 , -- ' AllOitt'w°, .. -, I M ain6 ;- .j , .. Vilkesbarre'' '' - Manch Ohnniri: kiilmisat , _.. , _,,,,.., !„ : , ~ , mouton , '-• .l Disgsnasihri „a r ,ertrarlp : ,,L.- . cp. and after ITS.ONDSDAPs. a.agal , ,,,,a;a a lli' ert zr. Penget Trains will ' leav,i) Fitp.piF and """ . , ' 7,,,, 5 3 ri , - , !' ' Philadelphia, as follows': ' . __,..,, ; „,....L . _ Yor,,Oettileheni, Easton, - Wilkoalsmar MILIFF,Yags • 3eranton, Ace., (ExpreM,) at 0.15 - ~.,---- ....,, For Bethlehem, Allentown, Marosh,O,r 4.,..%77 I.,port, /Dunes, and the West, (Digress, ) at. s" , - ••• .., Ifor.Doylestown, (Accommodation ,) at 8,45 A. .111. SIM For Fort Washington, (Acierinutiodation,) at 9.48 A. 4 ' T.F.A.IIDi ,FDli FilifotODPRIA, heSTO ,Bgthleheld Ogitprfiss,) at 9A. M. and 5 P.M. . _ Leave DoylestosinViecommodatiors) at I A. M. and 8.30 I' Id. • i- , ' , • - . Leave, Fort, Washington (Acconitnedation) at 7.10 A. M Doe ' all yt 2 stftri/iing P 7 M n . Sun daily. : Other Trainsdaily, Sundays excepted. ' , AlL.Faasenger train!: (except Sunday Trains) oonnect at QOM= street with Fifth and tlizth3 treat Passen ger Rafiroad l . YAM to Bethlehem ~ Manch Munk , 1 50 Doylestown. - FOR BOHOOLEVSMOIJNTAIN—F.I 015 A • M. train to Easton, thence hyli. 7. O. RiLana D. L. As W. RR. to Washington, thenee - by stage, anivinwat the Moun tains at IR. AL dßare.-$3 30... • .. an2s tf 311.1;111 CLARK, Alra7 UNEEIL .I:DE - GERBLA.NTOWN AND NOBRIOTOWN 114-ITALOAD:-131ThThali LiatAllo4.lWiT t --4n sald after MONDAY, May /OW, 1865 ' TOR - GERKINTOWIT 7- „Leave 'Philadelphia at 6X 7 ' 8, 9.06 inin4lo, UN, M.,1, 2, a, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8,.f)11,VP. M. Lams liermantown at 6,7, TX, 83. 8 3‘. /OK) 4,1 i A.-14:' 1 -10 rein 28X 41 f•X 6N 8 9-40 min ; • 11 . 3 Atir , The TX - otaook A. M. Train from' Clermantoint 1111 , step aalrat ;Wayne and 'Maga Meade Stations. • ON BIINDAYB, - - , lotate FhibAolpkia at 9.80 min. A. M.i 2,6 N, and Sears Gerniantoanakii A. 24, 1-/ 4X; and Philadelphia at B,v, 8, 8.08 tat!T ,TIX A. 11., 2,11, 4, 6,14'10 P. AL- - - • -- losaTs Chestnut Mill at 840 and 7.842.18 i and 10.11 min A. hl,„ 12.60, 8.10, 4.10; 510 3 ,1.40,40 9.22 min P.M. Lave Philadelphia, 8.29 A.M.,/13C, aaidg P.'l4; Leave 00estant.11111 at 0.10 min- 4. Id.; 12.60'4.10 a.to P. AS • 70/ 1 . cchosnoirktirsds AIQD Wilms vciwx. ',Leave !, /1 4.21.,1.06 gain 310 min.. 43i, OX, 111 i P. M - Lel " 11 14: 7 1 2 Oa 0; 11 . A. iLlaraN I aro/ 6 31 . •ON fl DAYBi r - • UM* PhiladelPais at 9A. PiLt imA P. W. - - - Leave Nettlatelm at 'LA.: M. matt P. PL FOE MANAYLINZ. - Leave Philadetetatt at ec TK; 9,11 Ar. H. 1.05 Min., 2.06 mitt:, 9.10 min., 4* 83 ; 61( SOU • Leave Ximayank et - eg, ex, 9N, • LLN A. H., fl -• Sundays same nn Bronistawa. OBASTRU, _VAILEIT ItAILROAV NOB DOWNII2O. Leave Philadelphia et b i g A. M., earl 8.10 mia. Y. M Uwe Dawn to et 7g A. 11- 0461 P.M. - H. H ••M-TH, Geoerslßnperintendent Depot, Moth ind Green streets. Philadelphlst. 1858p40.11.,. silavANi:&1858 PROM pin - LADELpare..To..prrrim,llMin, , Andihenae wffmgratial, Ir irdlia .A.Ours . OTE • ITEBNYIJJ.II, ""LNNATIr .., • QEI/0.5.G0 ;.1.01M1711•LX , " . „. • . /1014.N.41.1 , BT. VAIILEI, 7 , 2 ai d - • 01:11H1LINDIAT% KANSAS AND IDIBRAMS. ' Paaiengera to pointa,weirt of Pittsburgh; Ifinelfac OleveMed and Onetime, have aloha of routeeiasitars requested to make a, selsothin before applying for tank ets. • • • rniaotrita TRAiNa L11av3:41444D14 lortriliti close eviineetione• Rittabaiik to aR rdatil. On, and after ,2110NDAT, _WV 10th, 1858, Thiel . through, and Two nenominodatton trains, will leave tho • &Olt, O. 1. ' miss or ELZIFINTU and 116111131 T • inroad, as . t.•.• • . •:- ..••• viable 1011, • pinion - so* YILIYMBYWOW . YIYAIDUW.Or - AND TOO Wtol . l,llAy3. TOO WZWY AWIIIIIII. blaitrainst....l.oo A: Id: 'Malltriseti a 1,31.00 night; Past line 100 noon : Pail =4lO - ,AI M r.xpreas mai1..11.00 night. , ,e Aim ' , WAY :TMAI/19 WIT TRAM; Ftsl7.lAbin iflXTbaliTt SG% ' •dominodatian 8.00 P. N. • • :`ticimmodation.l.ls.P. tanager „5.00P,M. Linemter - -kirto: A. M. .Tlie mail train skips it ?a, the st , st i t l.9 2ll4ireen..nilf••._ dolphin and Pittsburgh. • ol ThePapress - mail rone:tially,the • iitlieitialite Olinda) , excepted._:_` • -- , _ . _ • The,strOssYstheciespsylvaitia Balm& Thissenpr Ststion, 'outlaws/At spines ot =USN( and =RUT streets; edtrisee - od striet;irlitro - Woos)! ticket* to all points Went can be obtained. - - Balgakikwilt baxeceiTO st t4a Depot st r stki tt.mas 4111. ri lor ,f&er :l ittl=retrlr t=t RinMsylvaniv- Asitroad - - ocarimiyilsOitthilisat alruer-a lleirenth and Market streets, betweenthir bone of 7 1.• Mnidll P . IL,, =OH 1109.113., Any 10, ' lkea Rennes o: „Cl 2 . : tiiiiibWZ, 1:, T • IJII.ITEr - _ - o t; • (Sitoreasors to Montgomery 44-Neall,) . d. W . earner of TWEIPTHAnd PRIME &MOM, Phila. . . Old Moymnsmang Disttiot, are now receiving a largeand well-selected: ammitniast of all descriptions of LllMDDllonteli _as White - Pine, Yellow Pine, Norway, Memloet,lasthPalee, Picket& lanes Barb, FloorinGEheiring s - andlinri • well-oesiegwedr Afa9 *-:large - Psook wf =. O Btwlf,§f env yariett..aod Alas hand and sawed to 'order at the stiostest wades: Our comieation with lifeunciftripirey,Hotti, & and Duffy,' Matta, & C 0444 Marlatterla:, surpasaed Gad enable!, twto ailMOrifers for all dencriptiona .of —Lumber : -wit/a -pronarftem and PINB-OBEBIL twain, son 'mil rieljaw, intim for PATTERDIrMAKERS, &a l ootutantlyonj attel. and:: Prompt paying parobsaers are reepeottnUi invited , alumina ourstotlkkidore going.elsewhere. n6141' 11 _UMBER AT WHOLESALE . - ANDIN at Marietta loinoitiwreornity Ps IIBRAYPBY; dz,& - Oo.,_iike . t'his method-of informing their =demote and paeans dielitrous of put-. chains Lumzza, that thephavo now oifhand &lan* and welbeemioned stoat of-all-descriptions of Issodmv, -which they are prepared to sell at satLef,, , --, : . • _.. Their timber to all from thalrown Plll.lB On - P.iird OREIBIC, They've also mandated with Meech. AIIPPY, IIOTITB, 00.,:and are prepared to :furnish allkindis of Planed - Boarde, Bill Btulf, - Lath,Pales, Pickets; and Building Thnbcr for Bridomi he., of all deseriptions, on the shortest made-. They would 1100' takerstrOA pleasure in mailing the attention of Builders, and them in - Want of: Lrunberiu the city of PhlladelPhia'-toihe Lumber Tent of HOIITZ.h Co., aorneraid:2 WPLPTfi Mints, with whom:they- :ma'am an- Wines anit'Lit*Ts., SMERRY 50 qu rter; casks Har- Inany dr Barden Sherry In bond, for sale lots by - • ARNOLD ire wont,, 120 street. OR T WINE-100 gri casks, various brandsi In bend and for sole by - - ARNOLD. h WORL; " , 120Waleut street. Fr RENE 3:O)O}I.ELLE • BItANOIR9.—Tha undersigned, having been appointed lifaevagents in the State Of ..Penzuglennia for tha bale of the above celebrated. Brandy, era prepared to env it to the.triule st. the lowest market ratesi from tf. B:Bonded:Warehouses. ABNOLD & W.ORL, eu26-tf 120 Walnut street oLLAND GlN.—Just reciiived;byqhir . Dutch Brig Emma Helena, from Rotterdam, ZS pike Holland Oin, now In Castom-House, and for sae by' - E. B. hIIDDLETON BRO., • - ataeret „ : - North PRONT BtrOt. nLD' AMPLE., WHISK 817-4.0 bbls :Old goinitictientAptile no. in store foinalikby tdIDDLETON & 8R0., : s . Noith FRONT. Street. PINE - OLD BRANDIES-20 • half pipes, 10 qr. pipes, 10. one.eighth pipes line Old Otoirnao Brandy, vintage 1542., now in bond sad foe sale by R. B. lIIDDLBTO.N.& BRO., 5 Nei.* RRONT Street. OLD WHEAT .WHISKEYSO eases Old 'Wheat Whiskey for aale '- ' - • ' -B. 13:11.1DDLETON..k. BRO., 5 North 21kONT Street. NV INES, LIQUORS, &c. - JOSEPH - Pi TO/IIAS," - formerly , - B. TODIAI3.Bc BON, Nos. 200 and 208 80IITH PAONT OTREET. (bolo* Walnut) 111LADELIIIIA, IMPORTER AND WHOLUALE DIALER BRANDIES, ' ,lIOLLAND GINS, And all kinds YOREIGNMORS AND CORDIALS. Agent for .Tnn. Ramsay 7 B , "ISLAY MALT" SCOT= .WHISKEY , Always on hard a large stock of - - cuotot OLD RYE AND BOURBON WHISR'SY, To which the attantion,orßuyers ie particalarlylnlitett. *an2ll,m - ' ' • • 'N Rl' I C LE.—=CHESTNETT GROVE WIIISEDY.—The purest Spirit offered the Atherican public, possessing` teeny medicinal pro .pertioa and none of tho poisonous qualities inherent in tlie•Wiiskor In Gammon use; is now offered , for male by the Druggists phonily, and'hy - • CRADLES IVIIARTONi2r.; General Agent, At D. B. Taylor's, Wholesale (hoses; blo." 23 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia. All pprsozui desirous of wing thla Whiskey logy net assured of its purity. . DBAH BIB.: We name carefully examined the sample of Chestnut-Orove.Whiskey left with us a few days since, and tind ft to contain little or none of the poison otos enhatance known na Vitali Oil. - BOOTH; GARRETT, k ()AMA Analytical Chemists. To,Cstani..e3 Wniarox, No.. 23 loath FRONT Street, Philadelphia. E 1-3 m other Loa earl tut ta half 1-/?1 , 11....N d IE or S O .- 0 . Vin e et ,O o tkatillo n n," . M on girett, pipes and guartereasks ; Pelleroisin e Brandies, pale and dark, in halt pipes, half casks, and one-eighth /mportedand forsale Dip ; - - lIENB BOHLEN & 00., 'clan '221 and 223 South Fourth strait. I . OQ QE. CASIISTORT WINE. - t•• 1 111-.lilf, Pipes Alicante do, 22 Qr„ z do ..• do. . 20 Qr. do !Merry do. 11 Piped Superior Pajarete WIOO. „ Qr . r, . . _ -- • . 111 . 3 B ales inw it i tg . Corfu. • 25 d 0 _ Vilberta. • - • - - Landing from Brig Arromucte limalio,» and for ;sae by - A. 1dR811 . 40, - my 274 1. 140 SOUTH TEONT GLN-41.0 - pitio. Dutch Ccimpalq, landing fromi &IBM ti Poeia lielona, ,, from Rotterdam,. or Bole by • • W4.7L.1.AM - 11„ PEATON, , Solo Agent, • , - Na. 218 South PRONT rtreot. uEIDSICK '& CHAMPAGNE. —A - oonstanfeupply of the genuine brand In bond and In store, for sale by 2 , WILLIAM. li. lES&TON, Sole Agent for Penneylvanis, . 011:18or I rth rßozerst : ERRY W r —l5 Quarter Pipes., various 1.3 grades HARMONY SHERRY, in bond and tor sale by lIILIre. rSATCa,N.26atntoNTSt. I.IIIOWN STOUT.r-40 .. eifike , a Final & APP it*Orted, direct - Nix 'London, ba Stare acid tat gille by, INATON, . I,IIONT-gb*.o MI 4 8 S'_B44.lllit-IZQ - 15wele prime Ideas ITA =AD, ociit steijaA , ind for WON/ 444). M. IfiralliNDT_ to go.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers