e>£~:t , L IST " OF; G IN ..,the*E - ItAbI4,EIII4.•,POST IiFFIOII up 4 1 12 o'clock,: beirifi9aturdity; atay ti 9, 1818. • ;Reines; applying * giertind Lettere will Olean> mention the date of the et.r rhea . iineritaley fiathl)/ to tis o'clock. .A3l;thad inBPM. t.r.L "LIST - • , - Asbury Miss 't_.=.r.l3rillilint Jane Molloy Min BA ' : Othilir B -- • Illorminlaillyy Adams II ..11"4".. ".-`Greary, Sarah, -- Artll'ONS .Albright• 'Gibbons:. Sarah; ; lloubron Mei; r • AndereonMary Ghana Delilah - Mutt ' Antler Viitkr , ! - ',4ollllughani Id A - ' Attlee Mrs BM ,L Gardiner Barak ": MarrirrUiss Mail • , Aechternacht L , Linda Bridget *. Mallen Mrs Ellen_ AllowtY Mrs 83, Moffitt Mime Jane Aitken Mero Kt..: Green Elisabeth, --Marne 011yik, , Bcnade Sarkti.fA r - Alrons..ffinmay Katne ' - Dancer Mary, - Gone Elizabeth Naughlin Mtam 31", Bell Adeline Gentry 313 /1 24 °" 1 " 4 B -4 " Belay Marrlthoejliadler Nan Min AD Baker Walk Henderson !OLP Nei ll Ennui E - Beebe Mary A.. Banat Adolfo Newport Moth - Butch Madame Hall Mtn Margt' Nagle Mra -" Bain kits-.3larthillarts libiPollia O'Neill Mira E BenniganB 3" - ;:' , .1 Huse - Mos Ellen OrhennMlas M "": Barrett Mary! Harrison Wiry M Overall Mist JA, Barnet Isabel , z-Heudereon Meg O'Brianfdlas 0 Bennet SarairK:. Harrison blitry3l O'Neil Mrs - Ba,inon MarY,; -Henry Mrs Joiethie Bleinden.Mary, Harris Ellen R. • ,O'llarry /din A Blaylockltehec :;:.11dight Mrs Csth O'Brien Cath.- • Birkenblne L - Harris Annie 011oukii Miss M- Bidleman Julien Harahan Bridget Pritchard Mrs L Bishop 'Mk - Peer IQs M E ' • Henry m A - Powell Miss U Birdsidl Hannah Helios DIN 'Mare Price Mrs F BffileiratiM B -;, Ileyl Ann Eliza Perry Alm Jos Blackmun( 118- - ; thinow litin • Phillips MissE Bilea Mary A • torte Mrs DParkinsbn lira - BlackttWMati , , , V a iekey Shw-:.:Casper -Belli ngton , Miss, Hirt Mint Helena Parsons ' Bradford. Mary "Alolligthrorib, Mies YePIiSEVIE B Brownsylmma - Boston Hann& 7 , lluntdr Ilannalt Park 3110 0 ' Wien Oath Hoffmann Susan- 'Penet Mrs Thee - • lirintingaitha ' ffiwa-d - Mary =. Patterson Mrs H Bolan := Bantam Mrs 1, A Pelerce Piles 31 Burns Mott' - Runaloal MID Boyce litr6ll,o 2 • Henry/din Mary Bldgely.Mary H Bowinan,llll l llC - Howellffir Lydia Reinelds Raohl Brady ldrilineart • Treat Mks , . . Bey Miss Barak ' Bold Eineline , logliagre P Band Clara Bolton Emma Irving Miss - Julla Reed - Miny" , - Brown Elieth -ambler Mre BJ • Reed Rebels A Bre irsterM A Johnson :AiiiiiriMltarriond.Annie Boyle ' ";ffillnisonearrie Remyney &Balk Bryttat Mile Ann -Jordan Celli Itinguld M A - Bongbap.Mary • Jordan Juliann& Iley.Ellaa notelet,rs A'& 'Jordon Minn- , -Riddell Mrs Tin Braudalath Mrs, Jackson Mm Bead Mary L' • Brown Miss Janis Jetrin !-ItileY,3 l cria Drunk Mre. Jackson Laura Redey - Browne Charlotte JohnsOnMarY 'Nolierts a ' Bayer, Sardir - "JolinsonEllzabethßrmnyiane "- Bright Nordin Bridget BodoleJntlikE " Bostic Min Bridget, : - Rodgers Cards- Brayriant Finny ` - :Vinehlta - . +.lltogeroAnstl, Brower,Busan Weaniey Jane Bowe Althea - Chipman MAO 0 4 Xing Mies Mary nyanlnlmMarget_ Caron Clara Kellererintun'a Rose Rath - Alin • Cannon Martha KthwyEllen ' , Ron MiseJenk Callagliankliargl,Kauffman AR • Rasa llsontak • Chase Ota Ellza ' Kephart Anna &shins Lydia • Carfori Merl " /tuning Rabaera Ohne Ann M L Kitt Marls --Itablaren M J OarludenAnits, . Kendall Harriet Bhelleyl • -• Callahan Mary "_ Neely:Ulna Ilatte" Scott Mrs Chat Ozdtaider Ann' ' - KearrleFUnthaM Slide Wu Sarah • Carson Mary ICetaisAy Moe 11 11A3biliir Mra ChurchAeld Callk - „ IKirOdirrY Schlesling Mrs Carlatel : KentinlNT , , Geo' - • ' ChaseLlizio • Wirlin Ann ,-,== Shields . Mlss - • - CalhounSnals, Killion Ann 31 Shaffer Mary = Olendinen - Maly Mrs Batt Mrs Chas Coleman Mary Eff Keen Sum= D Shaber Justine Cobb Leah ' Lewis Mrs "Helen Scott Mies Elsa "Cole Mni fdary,2 Inulten Samba', Shaffernatir Connolly litary LonggAlma H Shepard SII ' • Crowell-Armenia Lawrence Colitis Idehoffeld,3 "Cannons Bridget - Lyonffitto 0 - Smith MumsConlan , Lynam Mu , 'l3mlth Ina Anna Oat Mrs tolia ,- , "„Lorry Mrs Smith :Harriet p Colemanßhoa Leese Eitrabh - A: Smyth Ellen Coleman Mrs K 1,71 e Miss Nancy Smith Mm Samuel Cornell Walter R Liudear Margt C - • Coma:Miry Oath; la Brun 3fro Simpkins .2 B Oollinallary Leonard 3111w . ..e Smlthlllizabeth Coogan Margie .:Lescure 311 M -- Month Olivia unestarde la Ifins l loyd Waal)), ' ' Smith Ore Ohm' S Davis Aiini "Larry lifirgt Simmons- Julia , DitonEllen - Long Haar - Ban ure Daniel Di l linghani 033 _Lloyd NobSolms- Berlin, lOargq, Lyle )Irs ' Sprague Mary Dischloge'i 1114 Levis Mr, - Spoonel J . 0 - Dunkin Martha , Litiplicott II Stephen Helen Decker..Santhy 110Lotininlita's Sutherland -Mary. Dunn Annie ' ',lllthilliernMerin "Spencer Alre - DarlingtonEP McCullough Est Stickney Sallie Davis Margaret' 31cOoldradge.1„`,„ fiteliart Mm " Dareglf Maggie 0 • MoNarnee'llaza "Spielman HT Dories elarg't - McGinnis); BMA Etackffiluse Mrs Dixon Mize Jana licOartylfra Then Bolt - Deal UnelawreallcOlary Sarah A Spencer' Laths A.- , osvii - Magee Mrs 11 0 " liltrongldreGeo ' Denabri lied lieoanren Stephens Mary A Dennl:ton M L McPherson Stewart Luty - Devaney Mary MeStide Mary; " Selina Ann 0 - Davis Ifni Col . - MoNellY Ann, '- Slone Harriet E Dronln,Mad , 'Molll*in Mary' . Symms Juliette' Barmy Bridget . - - - 11d4pellsrab • edgers Mary Dunaioe"Miu IdcLaughlinM SmyenMary Dorr Inn Anna 31 cf.loyllreE Stemmer: Mary Beery Eliza 0 licFlorin Maria'" Spratt Eliza I Dunn Miss Eliza MaGeryMery,, 'Stauffer' Mary . Bunton 31 R - 'Magnate Ellen ' Stant Maiy Dolby_Mise -Ann' DlaliieryAnnleG Tanned Mini I Donthlieno Mason Lillie .Tilmaa Mary A Dock: gie - Martha Sophia -. ' Taylor Mar A F.- Dunt-On Mirnee Alice • Tucker Miss B A Du Sathecormr. 0 Maguire Elizabeth Thomas Min M EmmilY Mre M E May Miss Mary Thompson Mao 8 Billing Mre F *vanity Rona Todd MniB 8 ' neholman:Eliza Mellen 'Reny, Tyson Miss J Bona Katy - E Mercer Mre J ' Thonipson Mrs J Elliott Dlrs - Meredith Mre H Tillman-111a - Radom Mary , May Min Sue _Toy Mrs A_ • Fatmestrch Magee Matilda Tolson Mrs M Folmon Hannah3l Marshall Mary J Weston Miss Id Fisher Mrs Martin Amanda' Walton Mini 0 Fisher Anne, Mallory Mrs Lee 'Memory Urn R p Figa-Mre Rime Martin Miss Walton - Mary A Foster .M E 2, ", Mal& Frederica Weida. Mre M - Forrest Fanny Manning Mrs J B Wal l ace Kate - Ford Mies falls Maxim Sophia 'West 3111sE Facia milks, 0 ItManget" Mrs ' - Wheeler Mm 50 Francircus Dire 0 Mart - inn .3f Ma' Weaken 8 C Finnan Anna L Maxwell (tract Waugh Rebecca Feltv Cath'ff , May F D West Maria L - Finch Oath Massey" Miss L N Waddington Ada Farrell Elizabeth Mansfield Marg. ' Williamson 8 C Foldenavier,A Meaty Mary 31 0 Williams B ' Foley rao t et, Massey Laura Wilden Mrs 11 Fate Managarthlargt Mrs MI Foulke Mrs Ohas, Miller Miss Anna Williams Ellen B Frazer Mrs Wm. Miller Eliza 2, B7liluheAlm FargienEllen 14illerElizab W Worton Deborah Farean.liancy , Mitchell Edwin •.Waltman Mrs Id Fleming Mary T , Miller Ante timpleyeby Kate PerryWilen- Morris lffrs ". Verna MadA . F r aser Annie -Montgomery Mre vet Hoven Mrs 0 Gray Elisabeth • Moore Elizabeth Van Horn Kate Gallagher Mary Monahan Henry yeuveper y ell• Galager Marg't Marley Sallie Madam Godfrey Mary 'Moseley Boson . Vatinieter tars A 0111 Mr* Mary - Mullane Cornea Quinn Cantinas Green/nary , .-lifiirray Oath Quin Mary Groom Elleh 8 ' Morns limn O . Terror 1411 Gregory Mary S Marley Mrs Jane - _ TAITTLEITSWEI LIST Adam T Ca , Boehm :a B G Dancoß Andrea Anon 'WL Budd luao D - Menet 0 AUen Thos - Bootleg,/ T Bandon James Adams L- -.BUN LDr Duncan Jno AL Alliadn JA. Dr Bywater M ' Dn Pion P F Adams A W Cap Bentler d B Duckworth Jun B biles Joe - Cahill W John Bidder Wm T Alexander Irtm,' - Cabrera/ow:tin Eddons J Allinson.D 0, Carrerac J. R &beriberi* pi: • Abbey Win Cabe Don Ref 8 _ EadeDD Ante' Merritt Carrell PB. '- Thos B Aken Wm El Count LimaEekemiorff G. Cap Alepaugh.E : Campbell Thee A Eaton Rollin Anderson Gee Carlin Patrick, Eagle -Welllicgton Andeteoo llobt Canning/ E K Eddylfenty Arms N Muter Cameron Ell , Tine W H • ' Armstrong Robt Coln Natio ..; Eckman Daniel - Aerate Horatio Coin Thee - Eakin F Andrew' I B ;:itlittenter W 0 Editor. of School Ayara. Joe B Rai Carey R B Fellow „ Andaman WD• 41allogban Geo F,bncr,Stathiss Aunar / G , Caldwell Semi 0 Edger Jonallom- Andoro,Therld Clanton Wm Rschrich Franc Amon!' -Campbell B Baud p, Anderson J B 0'14,811 Jar . Calorie Fran • • Amam . i /no:, CampUll Jae Banta John 2 - Ayers J 0 & Countess. /Click Esh Anderson/on Campbell las Eunis er j,ohn 2 Armstesd Jno Commis Blink Esker no W ' Ayers J.-04 Ctl , Chambera Dar At Engle• A /Moreau J B - ...Churottntatt Hansa Blid9ti Haffl Andrews B Dr Chipman : Eng/Ish John ' Archbold Smut • Chattier Mahout Ecenr.W 0 Ashton I B Chapman. Wall , Ei , erest. !lore's Barton A lire Chapman Wm- Phalan Jonah Bates Wm - Clark AI, , Fetters Inc Bailie Ale* • Clark Jno YellorraOhas B madmen B ' Cloud Austin. Fairlareb 00 Baker Gee W Clark A Carroll Fagan P A Bailey Cfso - Clark-Bartley.. . Paulin T Ott Barnes & : Tar. , Olarlt . Thomiur ranee , Colliscloster Jno ACo _ Bauer John ...Coy 8 W G • Baker &Mon Cook Jiteobli Hemp 11l P ItorberEfienry Cook Wm A , Fisher° P• 1 0 - Barron): 0 Oats a R , lifathci Joulde Bactrian Chas Corbin Chas F IceFlnlaeyptc Co' Baker J Cornell G v-. ... Yin r. - • Bakeftion , -- - -Cooke Jno. Finnan Bob'sOri Beep /se • Olorelandll • Fisher,Winji Baley dereraiah . Corson C 8 Capt , Fitzgerald M Dsnnerter Pr • Coneelyee. BUM 'Fisher Enos , Dailey Daniel Called Data L Fleming Jos Baker Jai d G Conover Geo W ,Fitapetriek Peter Barr Daniel Cohn David Floyd Jno B ' . liskerjno . Cowly DDr - , Fitepatriek 100 Beter'J W ' - - Conrsdt J. Fiald. Pubes &Co Baxter Jno Conlin Peter Plebes . Ottertail Thais - Nithian PEd Detain - -•Cornley Bawl , Plpler Jae.* - Bdinshiy nthi 0' CoPplok id Fonerdon John ' Bailey Thos - -.Coyetui BW- Hank John-, Daley - , Collins Dennis Fuller'," Kee Bayne Sam 11 . Corbin FP = Pinter Beni . • 'Corne ll * 0• '- - Foote Jaw • ' •• • BsifoonVO, 0- ",• :Corbin Jaeqnea Foot s2lba - 130-wahla ' Cormlok filch H Ford Wm It 2 • Becker J = • Colline,Fredk: Pon/aroma 1./ Petrillo J Cowanon Weary, Prenchardi '• BeleerJ-no; Coritleh Orlando ://anike Henry Bevan Dome Bev Crotty Matthew Fowler JO • Bellows Jae CrameiD. , • ' ForrestCham Bender AobtP Crozet , James,. • Irledly BT - Belles Jon' • Omen Clement Fort David 'ale Tito T 'Cuminlogs Sliss ' Francis 14 •• ' Bennet-Jacob • Cummings G IV 2/freeman Seneca • Beaugaresit A- • Cross :Manning FFranoisl _ • Rowley' - A 3•l' ' Craig Wm HH. - Fulmer Wm AWN* IF J Freeman /no B _ belnitOnli Copt Oromlin Rowl'd Freemen Geo H ,Ilergen - IC' • Crow OW • -Prank Berton A W Craig* , John Freeman $ Hon Bell Mello -13rissy1 • - Furgason Ohea 'atly Jno - • t Crawford Jno H • Pohl • Bottle JoyeeB Combine J Pearls& Pier , Beebe WS= Ourtis Jos • Freemen E 10 P /1 , 11111ingsby e Dr' Crulkellmik R - 1 Frey John T Remus &'Orossgeld Bantle Gallaher P • ' -c o 2- , Davis Immo • - Gardiner WA Dr Dimon John .-- • DaulelisHenry A__ Gallaher P 7 Biddle Jae &..• lady Dante R A - IlaritnecA Nebel, 0 Dr- . Davis JI) & Co - Ganerteh Amos Black JODumb Joe 0 - -GarwlekAmos Bladen WT- Dr • • - Divas Jos Garrett jtio A = Boawell A J , 'Davis TH& Co Gaskettelhinso • Buono T Garrott Jab A 2 Bowers It '- Davenport Jain Genglol3 Oboe • Dolma Barnard Millen Harry' , • - Gamble Sam' !- Boyd B 0 • -;,• 'Danforth iaa - Gallen Jim liottboro - Doris Deal ' Gardner Gee Doswell JnolT --Donnely gam! Gellman Henley b 3 Hood Jno HDavis Thos *Cony P A' - • - Boueon Emile, - .Dartforib .1 8.2 : Getz IF - A Mylo 2 - , H • Beeman, Wm; . 'Y'LlevisenOW • Gilbert JOhn " Ildoor ••.; - Glass Coo W - • Boater Bleberd -4 ‘ Ditidion ' • Gibson Jas G ' • Hobo & Albletz''" Deseret! RR & &Gibson John ' ,• Brawn Jas - Harrison Gilee Henry = pa DeArinondß .. -- ,43llthun Henry r , Brim? De/arena AB' - • Galin Robb P .'Diann Desitver Gee &13OGleastin'0 W • ' * Blown J Delatitilag .0114inghlun Oboe Orient All/Ah'Dleeerjaeoh , • , Gilmore A Hon Brandt Edw . Dickson Richard IlfoolulObsa Dickeraoti W 0 J - Breadln Audrey!, Dirrenbach, Kepi °Mende deo Breeden . ° +, ; 'Diehl Deeper 01bbetie Miterd Arbokit-Hui—r Bayer Is ' Gaul°. Vg - Brooke ye Bros Damp or Daum: Goode Tboa Haerto4 , 4olB7' Gordon kßarger $3O 4P 0 14e bleb) , Af 8, , , flodner Phial D trlreltllXt Zelt Ate 2.:V4taf o Btou t ki..o flexile° Goll ilyru ghbit: ' Ciroff Jeremiah rAIaY -AphotrWhi GrlffitheDerbli ryno J _ Darrell Win Graff Animals rem Joe - florattg,H,o ; ,- • ~Greedy Thog 33 Bre 9 llW o4-oer lwesA, 'a:Do eDown elsuaseo' , Ann a. s am q %Clatiigaig*fl Ogotigas nog; Bgliglkt Dole* 61 . 04110 /441 . Briscoe 1 hoe Doyle Hat GrerriLlrm Jargon.HALA Dock* Vida's— GrageWro 13giforW T Tboubanizeleer,, , anthriolosT -Auglon Pogi4 Drury It Oren Cleo usbyada dc Drebof " , Gree,nwead Ind B s f Drepe Job° am ltildk *ar"' Pyggrt r W p', Gut Jnd'Lt` Moinat ft Duffey Yohn 2 Grubb Alfred H Buttner 10 TiOran A liallonbaok I B Ilorde Gogh Alston Halstead Marcus Bottliholuier Da= (.1 to Eldmi Homy Hammond Bann Madra:J. " • BbagranNTM angern U T madfoon Tor T 0 Bhutan Dr J 0 Haiin:Wm 8 Malone Wm it , „ flJkrava B J ~•••• .. . „ . . Ileatottilidheel - .2dadarela A 2 Slineler The. Alll Hanna W, oo..; A' • Mahon Rodgers - Scholl 0, Hammer. War. • .Mdgeam T , _ Shopmn Rea aM HayerJanies,l 4 l • Maguire-Mho* Schneidewhid 0 Hayes Ulan Mahon P 8 Otto • Uses John Magruder Henry. Shalfaar etas Harrington ,Wm, •Magee James Eadoeks Cyrus Haywood Lewis Madison Dr TO, Shepard Geo F Harrington Jno U 8 N, • Shields Henry Hancock . Chas B Martin Bar W Shaw 4 .010 Ph Haas John 2 iii_ Sherrard John •HarrltJames B ; Manner Frank Slutkina Armsful Handier L.& Oo Mason 8 7 Skurmick Salmi Hawkins E Markle Dr JIM ft Sinnott -F Harvey James Martin Joseph ' Simpson Henry Nalkcetio W H Mattison Dr H N Simmons W B Hardie, Oept S. Martin John • Stone MOS Ways John Marian Dr J M Sloane John Wierwel John ,0 Martin James Slade Henry 2 Harris John Marshall Chu L Sleeper Sharon Hazleton 8 W Matteson Clark Slocum Dr ADI Halting" Stewart Manning J 8 Smith John Hay Wm Manning Michael Smith 0 Handy James Mather James Smith Alfred Hays) B - Martin Win Smith olr G . Hartman - Stiehl Moyer J Smith Daniel Haardwood Woo Mareb Geo P smith Wm F Henry Jr B Marsh Thus Smith Wm J°s - *nog. Metzger J-- - - ' • Smith Dent It • Honey Mst'w Mlles Geo - M ' Smith H W Harrison Luke ati.tenbrorger W Smith Clem W Rawlings S B A • ' •Billie The. Smith Mr Herrman John Mifflin JB 2 Smith Oaderalad 'anginal laP Mitchell & Mason Sminh W B & Co Harbin Da.ldB Mullen Jacob or Smith Geo P Wester Dr J . Gotlieb &atlas John Helm .7 -r F " Mincer Darld Srulthon John Hawiton4leorge Miller Chas P Elneyd W Hartzog August Middleton & Swam , B F J Hendricks J R Benno Soothell Peter B Henderson R W Mtilrr Rev DB' Solomon 8 M Remy Cl Mitchell A • Southwick Jan Hominy Eli A' Migett Peter Solomon Wm lifignee Francine Miller 13 M Bonder John It Hillman Jno Mills Thos Springer J It 4 HUI Thos Oates Mitchell Bobt Sphon Ohio Halm John - - Morris Bobt d Spain JD• Hilt Edmund , Morgan Chas Sprague David & HigganeJan •' - -Mordeicae W Co HUI 14 Martin • Sioneuf G 8 Spruce A B ROC 121,1111 Col W Morris A M Speer P B . . Howell, Coates & kroner V J Springer Max Co • Slott Mm J Stewart Franc 0 HoytMorgasi Joseph State Saving Fund thunder Jesse 0 'Moore Mathew J Stratton H D Hogan John . MontgotneryJD Storer JscobJ Holbrook Jll Moor B H ' ' Stanforth Coo . . . . . Holmes Thin Moilhtt Dr W D Sterrett Joseph Houghton Wm &Montagne Jos btoddart 0 Hoskins Anion Moore R 0 Sterns &Co Holmes ltdsr Morris Wm P Stets Solomon U Hopkins Dant B Moys• Isaac E Utilatlad Jos S Moore Sarni Stickney SP 2 Hodges it - Molloy Patrick Stanhope Sa- Hortman & Oittell Morns Thos J plea Horton Dr 88. Mollishou W¢ - Sturges .70 0 Hopkins Lyman. Morrison Albert - Stayllng Joseph Houghton .r H Murry Martin 2 /Daphnia J Houghton 0 'Myers , Thos Stauch John Neill J & D Myers Wm II Stour:allot Dr Jos Hoffman PL Myers J& Co ' W Ciaolt Murphy &Co Stewart Win Houghton David - Mumma W H Stinger John Stoginazt J . Mullin Hugh Staey ltobt 2 Hough Clapt 7no Murphy Cooper Memel Eekly W Sowell Jno C Myers it B &Mimeo ..Thos & Hoover Dr ti Mandersou W 7 Co HoughtOttO T . Myers John Shun Sara Haskins Ditn'l'D Murphy 11 Stephenson Wm Radian & Storm Myers II td. Stevenson Jacob Hultman & . Allen Muria P li Stanton Thu Itinnin John Munger Dr Dart Stephens M H !rushee John. Murray Joohno Malt W frying Wm Myers John V BM cell & Curry 2 Immo T ' Myers Sutton Stephens John Miley Lewis Noah 11 B Ptookman 0 W 'graham Jas Nixon John - Whoa 3',D Idlor Moments B Norris & Johnson Millman ThOi Teen Hoary- Nicholson Win Stillwell AbetH Ingram Debt Maples Mr Boasey E T J /talon Dr BM - Wean Michael Bummers John Jitekaon GW Needham James Bwolno W . . JacksonWal'an Norse John T Burgeson Henry Jaaher Dr M Borba* John Tally Jame Jessop D Naos Daniel Tolbert A Janney Jos "Nenereed Dr Talbert David B James Newell Henry B Tarbox Paschal A Jay Dr Milton 2 Newman John 2 -Tarr II It Jackson ; Williams Nell Joseph Taylor W D &Oo Nentzleman 9.1 Tabor John dames— Norris Dr Basil Taggart Chas Jackson Wm II 0 Farrell John Test David Johnson Wm W Orbereon Dr A Templer John loses Allen , Oldham - A H Terry Wm Johnston "O'Heir Peter Tohoing Fred Jones Jos U _ , O'Brien Rev W J Thomas Dr F A James B I O'Neil Gen /no 0 Thompson B Johnson Hoses O'Donnell Ber'd Thompson Jae 2 Jones Wm P Guy Hendon Thompson Dr A L Jaw' Geo W Obustead Rev J G Thompson E Jones. J Yemen Owens,.Tno A Thompson Dr .1 kl Jones Muni ' Oshey Dennis Thompson W 'Jones L& Co Olaram James Thompson F Johnston Wm B . ' O'Neil Fred'k Thompson 0 E Johns Heinrich. O'Callaghan 0 Thoinpsortis KU- Johnson Wm It Osborn Jno IV ley Johnston' John 'Parker Augustus Teroon Antby 2 Kartleton Chu H Parrott Fred W. Thompson U Kahn D Parson Henry 0 Timberlake D Kelly Wm Parton Harry Troulat Hans Kennedy A.nth'y Palmer George Turner 011 Kelly Francis Packard Alden Tremor P Karim Jima Parlteeld P Terence Bad Kelly E P Parkes Dunes Trimble 11 Kerr J G, Patterson Transits Nath Kendal Mixon Pieter Thee Tredlvell B Kepler-8 P 2 Paulin Stephen .- Tracy hl Keel Wm. Parkerßey 'l' J 3 Tay John Kean Jno P - -Page Dr A P Tracy Patrick Kelly Char ' Peters D P 'Trainer Felix 3 Kull Chriethm Pencil Dan W 1.1 Turner Jae W King Dr Jae T Peree Henry Tremuith Kaulielnia R W Perkins John 112 Tucker 81 Gee ,King:ltar Jas - N 'Phillips7oseph Toolsy Wm 'Klairsiek Chas PIMA'S - Loren /WV= Inn D Kroner Z Q Pendleton JE 2 Tredge F Kinsell Philadelphia Life TnieriJ 0 Hlind D C Ins Co ' Washington Gee Rlawder Geo A Peters)) W Watts Dr Talbot Homer Jno Pennington Jtio'b Warder ino H Kirk EM& Co Pierce Wm A Warton & Clo King Jos W Pith man & Brae Wallace David Knox Pike John ' Walker W E Keen Theo Pickering* John Warne W S Klein Dr John Pittmos A N Waynt James Simons Penall Semi T Word G Prancie Knight Isaac D Potter John Warner Jno A Leßoy h Kramer Porter A P Walker P T Lander' Wm Premien John 13 Walker Wm Lawsln Goo Press Solomon Weld 0 Labberton SDI Princeton R. Wallace V Lawrence Rlcbd Putman Solon T Ward Rer J A Laney Philip • Putman A N Walters A J Laughlin RN Rapherts Joe Wsker W E Lawrence F A Is.ndell John Jr Watson E V Lathan= M. Mum* A Went°lle Hugh Lacey & Smith Reiman multi Webttor Edw Lacy David Rhearne D Wendd Rev Et Lanier Col d U Reinke Houle Welch Thee fil Lentnd Reed W T Weaver Daniel Lee Franklin Rex Semi 6 Weill; Leiria . .. Lerew, Bander &Reverend Mons 2 West Washington Co ReldeU and Lyn.• West Hill Larry Robt 2 coin Walterburg W Lee Jno • Reed P 8 Welter J J Letarlng .11 Read Geo Wells Jesse Leopold Simon Ross John Web erbee G Lewis Hato , Reeves Baud A Welch Benjamin Leaf Gee ' • Renolde & Frank Weaver Joseph' Leal H 2. Reppert Joe P Weatherty D Lewis Frank Revrund Mr Wharton Joe Lessem' David W Reid & Cameron White Geo B Lee C (b Reynolds Chas at White Henry K. Ledger James Reed & Vatuirs- Wharton ()apt Levermy Dr Jll dalen White Jos al Leamond R R Rehatrgrer Peter White David W Imes/6bn - Reed Geo White Thomas 0 Leans J R ' Renner Louie White H Lewis Henry Reed & Tracy White Geo P Lee Paul 0 - Being John' Whitney Jas S 3 Lengert Geo Reynolds It B Whiteman John Levering Chris add John IC White John Linton John II Reed Whitehead H Lolbfried4ohn 11 Ritchie Joe Wing John B Lippincott A P Riffert Andrew Wanting Chas P Lipscomb U 2 Risley Wash , '" B Wilson Wm M Lippincott T Rice J D Wilson J Leibrick Fred Riley Jae 'Williams it Lindsey Thos Riddell Walter Wilcock,' P W Lipman L G Rldlan Jos - Wilson Thee Lenderman R J Richardson N Willard Frank B Linton Wm Riddle Dan'i U Williams Geo W Linbond J L Richardson Joe Williams Pami Little Wm J Resoles Dr E F Williams Janice Liberty , Grotto, Rise Dr 7 Williams Al No 1 Rovall Copt W B Wilson Joe L LittloWm 2 Rodney W Wilson .1 At II Lucas & Muller Rodgers W Wilson Saml Longwood E W Rouen W Wilson &Co Logan ' Robbins John 1 2 Wilson John II Lodge Goo " Rost Nathan Williams Dr J Lougabough Bowend 0 L Withe P Joseph ' Robertson Jno Wilburn Lewis Lucas Augustin Rodgers T J Wildermuth J Lowrie W II" Rosenkoff Jon Wilson Alex Logan Thom Robbinson Wm Weister Wm Lush Jno P Robinson John A Wilson Wm P Lumbert Jai II Rogers & Jones Williams John Love B & Son Rouree Wm Wilson Ifontgay Lynel Manisa Robins Jas W Wester George Lots Dr GM'' Robinson Wm B Wolf Leonard Logan .11sedlr " Rodgers Robert Woodruff Wm Lonstreth 31 F Robinson A B Wood Robert Lodge Joe II Rouell M W 2 Woods Fraser Lechery John Royers Geo W Wood Prank Lynch Pat'k T Roach Woe Worthington G Loeser N Rosenthal A Woodbury 31 Lockett-Dr G T Rogers & 'Luther Woods Hugh Lorenz Perd'd , Rogers Oboe Wright,' Semi LODOMS. Roalch Wll ' ' Wrightl 0 Wash's' Council, Root, Rush A. Witten 88 No 5, • Clark . Wyman Ohm Wayne, No 8 Russell Jacob It Vanoeten Jos W Ashland, 294 Russell W Ulmen It Deßalb, 114 Runyan T Peven McCauley H Buell Jacob Valentine It 2 Mcßride Henry Russell Jos _Vanderpuft F McCurdy A 0 Ruby Sam'l Pomona Mr McOthroeut Alex Ryner Rev Dr Voight Henry C AteCreery T A Saxton Wm Perrier & Jeslue McCabe Francis Saunders 0T P Union Club Steeling 0 & Sarelt 1109011 Vaughan ACI Sanders Rufus .. Vanbell Ah.Clausenitobt ' Ballade Israel Vaughn Robt 2 MeOsuley Pat'k &holy & Janet'. Ponce Wm McOleltu 0: ' ty 2 ' _ Venolever J D MeCluekey Fran - Scattergood David Quinlames McCarthy John Revisor RV Young Edwin MpOracken Jos Scattergood AF Zane Jacob AlcOlesso MMUS Charter Zanny 8 8 McOlelland Dr J Scott A. 3 Zeller Jacob McDonnell Alex Schumacher John Metier Chae AtoGouldriek T. Schap T 8 Young . Wm McKee John Schuman D H - Zimmerman W P McGregor Geo Scott R Zimmerman At McGargle Dtuiel Schultze Bernard Young David McGrath Thos &Aldose/ A Yocum John MeManueJames Berfe Fredk Tern& Mellioughlin Dr Beldoridge Bld v. e. v. noisome. MeLaughlinlas Blade Geo Braise Com 8 L Mcliheney J - Secretary Philada IllaCkhain Win MoLoud D Typographical Long Joseph Mc KU& Wm "Union Com of Frigate McMahon P J Break Capt Congress 2 McLaughlin John Seibert Daniel B Farwell August McLean Allan Sargent Geo Stapleton II it Mcßae Nev cam ferre,lteught & SempieJames McQueen Dr 8 F Co , Jones Peter 'McNeal PR Luigr Loyall Lt BP 2 MeNallyMorris Sewall T Clark Davis L McDermott Thos Shuts . ° E fed-1t ' GIDEON WESTCOTT, P. IL 'I3HILADELPHIA.: TYPE FOUNDRY N: W. Ooi. THIRD lind CHESNUT Rte. L. PELOIIZE do lON, thankful for the liberal ps- Menage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and deeirods to merit its mmtinuarsle would announce to Printers and, Publishers that their new SPECIMEN DOOILIs nowreeoly, and from their increased faeilities, are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary In a template Printing Establishment, at the shortest no :nein long Practiced experience In the Mishima, and the fact of tnitir pommel superintendence of the manufacturing department, justifies them in asserting that they can runtish 4 more durable and better fin ished article than their cotemporaries. ' - Thwas, therefore, who. desire Printing would do well to apply to them previous to purchasing elsewhere. . - . • Olt type taken lkl 9 eenta per pound, In exchange for new at specimen prices. • aul-tf GERMON's PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, corner SEVENTH and OftgBINUT streets —All Ma:various styles of portraiture known in the Pbok. graphic art are precluded et this establishment, A new style of portrait Jut introduced, surpassing f il e finest Mintitiue on ivory, extolling all others In point of like nese and delicacy of coloring, with a moot wonderful stereoscopic street. The publlo are invited to call and anatne this new style of miniature., jalg•am BALE ROPE.—Boyers aro Invited to cell and examine one Manila gate Mope, which we can can 'tell as lowna Ameelenu, endiretrent it superior In mug h cad luabijitY. WaAV E , N1T1313 k 00:, out We, MI 1! Water 14. arid p 2 tr laMenres" MANILLAROPE.--BIIPBRION kLA. bTILLA WPM, smanufactured and for eatspl. • ' NUM, FITLNS & CO., sel-tt IN N. Water sl ip and 2$ N: Flans& FLOORING BOARD S -0,00 feet (Aro lituitgerig bosidialg, tat : Z an ' erno,f7dia* 04—* SPIRITS TURPENTINE-700 bbis Spirits tupentlao, to nem for sale b, iILAJAAOALISTIN, in 3 oath Water steed, tegol Noticto. IN dHANCERY NEW JERSEY:— A. Between TIM - E BMW, Complainant, and TUN CIOHNBROIAT, BANE OP NSW JEMItY, Perth Amboy, Deferideuts.—On bill, &e. ' Upon opening' the matter to the Court by Oliver 3, Halsted, Solicitor for and of counsel with the MU plainaut in the above cause, It is ordered that the creditors of the meld the Presi dent and Directors of the Commercial Bank of New Jersey do preesut to the Reoelverit appointed in this canoe, and prove before them, under oath or agleam tine, or otherwise, as the said Receivers shall direct, to tae satisfaction of the acid Receivers, tkelr several claims and demands against the said Company, within three month, from the date of this order, or that they be excluded from the benefit of such dividends as may thereafter be made and declared by this Court upon the prooceds of the effects of said corporation ; and for the better ascertaining the creditoilef raid corporation, and what is duo to them, respectively, the eald • redifora are to be axeuttned as the said Receivers shall direct or may deem necessary and expedient, and produce books and paper. before the said Receivers on oath or affirmation, which oath or affirmation the said Deceivers are hereby authorized to administer,as well as to examine, under oath or affitmation, all itch witilesees as shall be pro duced beforo them touching the demands of said credi tors. And it le further ordered, that the mid Receivers do cause proper advertisements to be published in at least ■ia newspaper. published In this State, and such news papers published iu the cities of New York and Phila. delphis u they shall dealt proper and advisable, for the creditote of mid corporation to come in before them and prove their claims and demands as in this order directed; and that such publication be made within twenty days from the date hereof, and be continued in each papers as aforesaid for the ewe of three mouths. Dated January sth, A. D. 1858. - B. WILLIAMSON, 0. N. B.—ln pursuance of the foregoing order, Creditors may forward their claim, to Robert 8. Green, Esq., Elisabeth, New Jersey ) or Oliver 8. Ilaisted, Jr., New. ark, New Jersey, Removers. Jag, .3m ERTATE OF JOSEPH L. PARKER, deceased,—NT hereto, Letters Testsmentary on the Estate Cr the late JOBEPII L. PARKER, deceased, haring been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make Im mediate payment thereof, and those haring claims are requested to present them to °EMMA P. PARKER, Executrix, jaCrodwir No 914, LOMBARD St., above Ninth, MUNICIPAL. CLAIMS.—NOTICE IS hereby given to the owners of premises mention ed in the appended memoranda of Claims for Paving, that writs of &ire Faders will be issued on said claims in three mouths from the dote hereof, unless the same shall be paid at the office of the undersigned, 212 South PITH Btreet, below Walnut, at or before that time. WILLIAM M. SMITH, November 2d, 1837. , Attorney for Plaintiff. City of Philadelphia to the use of George W. Stroud vs. Charles Reynold. C. P., June T., 1337, No. 90. Claim $293.39. Paving southwest corner Twenty-sec ond and Green streets. Same vs. John P. Titus. 0 P., September T. 1867, No. 69. Claim $ 10.17 . Paring north side Clayton at. 168 feet west of Twenty-Beyond. • Same vs. Jesse Coniston. 0. P., September T.,1851, No. 68. Claim $42.03. Paving north side of Clayton street. 62 feet west of Twenty-second. no3-113-13ro iliebtrinal. L 0 N'S PURE CATAWBA 01110 DEANDY.—As this article is manufactured from the PURE JUIOE of the Catawba Grape, cultivated in the vineyards of the Croat West, it has a special claim to our notice. The proprietor guaranties this Brandy to be STRICTLY. PURE and FREE FROM ALL ADULTERATION, which is corroborated by the analyses of Dr COX, State Inspector for Ohio • also, the celebrated Analytical Ohema, Dr. ()HILTON, or New York, to which we invite attMon : ANALYSIS OF LYON'S PURR OATAWBA BRANDY. NEW Ton, July 28,1857 I have analyzed a bottle of Lyon's Pore Catawba. Brandy, furnishrd by Hr. A. Ralston, Jr., of Lockport, N. Y., for analyeation, and find it to contain only i khe ingredients which exist In pure Brandy. The proper•' Lion of alcohol obtained from it is 47 ter cent. I be lieve this sample to be pure Brandy, without adultera• Don. The tlasonof it is delicate and peculiar. (Signed} JAB. IL CHILTON, N. D., Chemist. For Medicinal purposes Lyon's Catawba Brandy bas no rival, and has long been needed to supersede the poisonous compounds acid under the name of Brandy. As a beverage, the pure article Is altogether superior, and a mvsreign, sure remedy for DyOpepSla, Flatulency, Law Spirits, Languor, General Debility, &0., &o Also. ESIIELBY'S STILL AND SPARKLING CHAMPAGNE,—Theee Wines are made in the neigh borhood of Cincinnati, and are guarantied to be the Pure Juice of the Grape, and are eminently calculated for invalids and permits who require a gentle 'Cron. lent, and for Sacramental purposes. Retail price $1.26 per bottle. A liberal discount made to the trade. Dealers will please send their order, to the "Bole Agents for the State of Penn sylvania, A. F HAZARD A. CO., . • Wholesale Druggists, No. 608111ARKET Street. Also for sale by AMBROSE SMITH, Seventh and.Cheenut sta. JNO. & SONS, 18th and Tld and Market eta. D. L. STACKHOUSE, Eighth and Green at,. It.NEBINGER, Second and Mary streets Southwark. G. W. NEBIN dER, jals.y Panyunk Road and Washington et. F REDERICK BROWN, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, N. E. CORNER FIFTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS, Pgnansczgiy Sole manufacturer of BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JA MAICA GINGER, which is recognised and prescribed by the Medical Faculty. and bee become the standard Family Medicine of the United States. This lea remedy suited to the extremes of .heat and cold, and at all times beneficial when gentle tonic and stimulating inflneneee are required. Its stimulating property being Independent of alcoholic power, He effect as a frequent remedy need never be dreaded. While it strengthens and refreshes the debilitated in the summer season, It is not less potent during the inclemency of winter, by warming with ite healthy tonic penclple, and enabling the system to resist the influences of in cipient dioceses which lurk in a changing oilmate. No family should be without it, and by travellers on long journeys, or by sea, it will be found invaluable. CAUTION .—Perrone desiring an article that can be re lied upon, prepared solely from pure Jamaica Ginger, should be particular to ask for BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER which Is warranted to be what it i Is reprementsd, and s prepared enly by FRBDERIOR BROWN, and for sale at his Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT streets, Phila delphia. Also for sale by all teepeetable Druggists in the Uni ted States. jals.3m* 2t9nralittrat 3mplements GARDEN SEEDS .— Fresh and genuine Garden Seeds ' of every variety; a complete stook always on band. Dealers supplied on the most liberal terms. BOAS, 13PANGL t 00,, jalti OW MARKET street, below Seventh. CIIMNING'S HAY, STRAW, AND FOD DER OUTTERS.—We are solo manotautursra of Clammineaunriralled Ray, Straw, and Fodder Cutters, which are guarantied superior to any in the market. BOAS, SPANGLER, & CO.. 027 MARRET street, below Seventh. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF every variety, the most complete stook to the city, embracing Corn Mailers, Grain Fans, Horse Powers, Steamers, Straw and Fodd.r Cutters. Root Cutters, Horticultural Tools of all kinds, IleiPls for field and garden, (Immo, Super Phosphate of Lime, fr„c., wholesale and retail. BOAS, STANOLER, k 00., J&l4-y 627 MARKET street, below Eleventh • fIARDEN SEEDS! GARDEN SEEDS !- NA A very large and complete assortment of Parm, Garden, and Flowerfieede, warranted freehand genuine, Wholesale and Retail Seed and Implement Warehouse, No. 827 MARKET Street, below Seventh. BOAS, SPANGLER, it CO. 1l Dealers supplied on the most liberal terms. Catalogues supplied. Ja29 PLOUGHS, HARROWS, CULTIVA TORS, &o.—A. very large stock, embracing all The kited improvements. Purchasers will find It advan tageous to give ne a call before purchasing elsewhere. BOAS, SPANGLER, 4 00., Implement and Seed Warehouse, ja29 027 MARKET Street, below Seventh. CUMMINGS's UNRIVALLED HAY, STRAW, AND FODDER CUTTER.—Star Corn Shelters, Hone Powers, Threshers, Grain Fans, Root Cutters, Farmers , Boiler., ice., In great variety. BOAS, SPANGLER, dc CO„ W Implement and Seed Warehouse ja29 627 MARKET Street, below Seventh. - exproo itompaniee. THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO. OFFICE, 820 CHESTNUT STREET, forwards PARCELS, PACKAGES, MEROHANDIEB, BANK NOTES and SPECIE, either by its own LINES, or in conneation with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS ant CITIES of the United States. N. S. SANDEORD, ant.tt General Superinten dent. clommission .ffterthante. HANDY & BRENNER—COMMISSION 612R011ANTO and Dealers In Foreign and Arne• 'Jean BARDWARD and OUTLERY, Nos. 29, 26 and 21 North FISTS Street, Beet aide abort Commerce street, Philadelphia. CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER- Iu (HUNT and Importer of HAVANA -11.110 ABS, (New) 188 Walnut street. second story. ebutational. RITTENHOUSE ACADEMY, N. E. cor ner CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Arent's. Entrance on Eighteenth street, The seventh Bowdon of this Institution will 00111190/100 February 1, 110. je29-6t J LU II C N IC H S . B W A E R BTO ty G S T , Ti PriuiP" ACADEMY OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL 011URCEL—The Rev. JAMES W ROSINS, A. M., Principal.—The Second Term will begin February Ist. The tuition fee, payable half yearly io advance; ie , for the primary grades $BO ; for the other grades PS per annum.. Besides these there are no charges, Vocal - Music, Drawing, Fuel, the French Language, and the use of the aymnasium being afforded without addition to the prices named above. Cirenlars may he had at the Academy, 1814 LOCUST Street. jal.B-mf4to SNYDER LEIDY. JAMES M. LEIDY • TO PASS LHISURSI HOURS WITH PROFIT, GO 20 LEIDY BROTHERS , BUSINESS AOADEMY, Noe. 148 and 160 OIXTII Street, near RAOE, the flret established INSTITUTION in thin city for Imparting exclusively BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE, ♦ia: MEROANTIGE ARITIIMETIO, WRITING AND BOOK.KEEPING. AOADP.MY OPEN DAY AND EVENING, Especial attention given to jal9-3na ORNAMENTAL WRITING. H ALL OF ST. JAMES THE LESS, NMI!. FALLS OF SCIWYLKILL, Pat LADILIMII. AUL Y BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. This Institution is designed, under the auspices of the Church, to give to a limited number of boys a thorough collegiate education, or to prepare them for any elms ut •college they may wish to enter. Reference m The At. Rae. ALONZO POTTER. For particulArs, addrees Rev. PINHNEY HAMMOND, Rector, or ti9•dtFebll Prof. L. ANGELS., P rincipal. P - ROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, WEST PitILADELPIIIA. No Seminary whatever is more like a private family The course of study Is extensive and there7l). Pro. m femur &sonde will receive a few more pule under fourteen years of ego into hie squire of Messrs. J. S. Silver and 'Mathew Newkirk, or C/o). J. W. Bonny, Editor of this Paper, whose sons or wards are now noroboni of his sopf.l4-tr 2lttorneno at km. tYkIEL DOUGIIERTY, ATTORNEY AT 4,4114, Southeast Corner of BIOUTII and IA). OUST Street., Philadelphia, sul•ly YER BTRO USE, ATTORNEY AT 411 LAW, OVUM 'toot, rottithle, Pa. ani-1y THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY, FEBRUARY L 1858. totele mar fleotattrants. .... VORREST HOUSE, Booth Ride of Altoll STREET WHAM H. I. HART, Paormatoa. DINNERS from 12 tog Good BIN of Pare. Merchants and others will And everything of the beet quality N. B.—Lynn Haven Day Oysters received by every Norfolk steamer. Ja,2o.Bin MEKOHANTS' HOTEL, NORTH SOURTH STREET AnoTA bi , PHILADELPHIA" son-II IDOTIBEIN & SONS, Paciumou 4J ONE ARON STREET SALOONS, 727 and 729 ARCH STREST HOLIDAYS! HOLIDAYS! ----.- • • • • • . The Holidays are close at hand, and Jones'e Aroh street Saloon Is prepared for the immense demand that will be made upon It for 002M0TIONS. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S CANDIES IMPOETBD lIIPRESILY !PR TEI NUMMI 811,1,80 N! every variety of Bon Dena, Pantiles, Bourbon Drops, new Apia Gum Drops, Eau Sucre Drops, L'angliterre Bon Bons, and every variety_ rare and costly candle,' manufactured in Paris, for Presents, all PIZOS and mum of Ornamental Boxes, Pyramids, Ribbon Ties filled with the choicest variety of Confections, and varying In price from One Dollar up to Fifty Dollars. Rome of these Boxes are the DORT SCIPSRD SPROIXRDS Of War WORK AND ARTISTIC DESIGN MR OT/NRID IN IRIS COUNTRT. To the Ladies, as well as to the whole publie, Jones's Saloons are the most attractive In the City, and In splendor of adornment and finish are superior to any In the Union BREAKFASTS, DINNERS, AND SUPPERS, Served up in the choicest and moat expeditions style. FRUIT OF ALL KINDS, ICE CREAMS, JELLIES, GAME, AND OYSTERS, Constanly ready for visitors profusion. ; PLAIN, PANOT, AND ORNAMENTAL - CARES AND PIES OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW YORK TEA BISCUIT And, In fact, all the VARIETIES, LUXURIES, and DELIOACIES of every clime and country. BALLS PRIVATE PARTIES, Presentatlon Suppers, and Families supplied at the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. A continuance of the patronage hitherto 90 liberally bestowed by the public is respectfully solicited. deb-tt S. B JONES, Proprietor. CAMPBELL'S RESTAIMANT.—VENI SON, Wild Ducks, Turkeys, Geese, Crease, .Presh Salmon, Chincatique, Ophuoshique, Primrose Bay, Aber tom, and Cove Oystere, with every variety of GAME, wild or domestic, in moue's. Green Turtle Soup end Terrapin Suppers °Served up at the shortest notice, at JOHN OAUPDELL'S, No. 627 CHESTNUT street, op• posite the State House. N.D. No expellee or pains has been spared by the Proprietor in Otting up this now establishment in the most sumptuous manner—tho ascend story being for the accommodation of Private Parties for Dinners, Sappers, &o. U'" Entrance for Ladies towards Sixth greet. noel-3m MoGOWAN'S RESTAURANT, SOOT/1- watt corner of BROAD and WALNVT,--Oame and all other delloaciee In aeaeon. Families eni s pylied with. Oyeteraon the shorted notice. aepr-Dn HEIDSEICK CHAMPAGNE.—PIPERS' nettleslak, to quarto sod pinta, constantly on hand, received from sole importers, and for sale by A. ISILBROO, South FRONT Street, jitBo-y bole Agent In this city. fIRANDIES.—gg Pinot Oast'llon," Idarett,- and other Copses of various vintage., In half pipes and quarter caoU Pellevoloin Roolmlle ltrandlec, pole and dark, in half pipes, half casks, and el...eighth caste. Imported and for late by 1111NRY Bonin & 00 , *al 221 and 228 Booth Fourth street. A LEICANDER. V. HOLIaS, WINE AND ti LIQUOR BTORI, No. 220, Bontheost (Writer of GEORGE and BOOTH Otroata. anl.ly CI. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN PINE WINES, LIQUORS, OIGARS, ko., 20 South FMB Street, Philadelphia. anl-ly BRANDIES.—PInet, Caatillon & Co., Ma u raft & Co., and other brands of Cognacs of various vintages, in kilt pipes arid quarter cooks • Yellevolein Rochelle Brandies, pale end dark, in half plpes, quarter ovate and one-eighth caste, all In Custom House adores, imported and for isle by • HENRY BOHLEN Oc. 00., au 6 Nos. 221 and 925 Booth Fourth street. reTEIMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, - ALE .15 AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 620 (new N 0.998) North THIRD Street, Philadelphia.—Shlppio, orders promptly attended to. HAVANA OIGARS--A handsome s,ort merit, such as Figaro, Partape, Cabanas, Sultana, Ellerin, Jupiter, Colose, ' °intern!antes, TOrrey Lopes, Union Americana, Ore Jon, Plots Cubans, kn., ice., ie., in .IE, Ji , 1-6 and 140 see, of all litielland nonil lion, In store and constantly receiving, and for sale low, by CHARM) MN, (new) lad WALNUT Street, aul-ly below Second, almond story “LUGAR°, CABANAS AND PAXTAGAS BEGABB.—A eholos ILITDICIO of these celebrated orands on board brig ,‘ New Era,” dells incited from Havana, and for mile low, by OfIILRLEB TETN, (New) 188 Walnut street, below Nooond, set Seoond Story. JOHN P. DOHERTY, FOLIOIRLT WITH witxr A. Novara, LATE WITH LUKENS, HILLY, A 00., TAILOR, 814 CHESTNUT STREET, ADOPII SIORTII, Hoe now with him the beet Tailors that are engaged In the bualneu in this eountry. Crizaass Rose, formerly the leading tailor of this oity; M. KAliflia, formerly cutter for 0. Roth ACo , and late Coat and Vest cutter with Lukens, Rally, Co.; MMOIT WOLONIN, the beat Pante and Vest cutter In the United States, for years cutter with Depierrie, under the Irving House, Broadway, and with'Deplerrie A Pettus, under the Bt. Nicholas Hotel, Broadway. The most unremitting attention paid to the wishes of all who patronize the establiehment. The best of Clothes made at modern's prices for credit, low prices for task. oclit-tt JAMBS SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Noe. 16 sale Bonib NINTH STREST, ABOVR 0111¢13TNIIT. A large end well selected dock of OLOTIIB and CABBIMERES always on hand All Clothing made at this Establishment will be of the best quality, and in the most inehlonoble style. Pattiou/ar attention given to UNIVORM CLOTH. ING: PE ' S MEN'S AND BOYS' 4.7 OLOTHING, 148 North YOUTH Street, betwen [rob owl Bow ault4y. QUAKER CITY NAILS, MERCHANT BARS, RIVET IRON, Manniketared at FOUNTAIN GREEN ROLLING MILL, on the Schuylkill, above Spring Garden Water Wort. WAREHOUSE, 108 North WATER Street. QUAKER OITY NAILS are warranted equal to any made. rfiIIOMAS E. BAXTER.—HARDWAit • , lI DUMMY AND TOOLS, No. 910 MARKET ST. boys Math. mou th lido, Philadelphia an 1-Sm BOOTS AND SHOES.—Tho subscriber has on hand a large and varied stock of ROOTS and BROM, which he will moll at the lowest prices. ORO. W. TAYLOR, n021.1y O. E. corner FIFTH and MARKET Sta. SPRING STOOK OF BOOTS AND SHOES —JOSEPH H. THOMPSON .6. 00. No. 814 MAR KET Street, and Nos. 8 and 6 FRANKLIN PLAOH, have new in store a large and well-assorted stock of BOOTS and SHOES, of City and Eastern manufacture, which they offer for sale on the beet terms for Cash, or on the usual credit. sol•d Bum c are Invited to all sod 11.7.1hatiln their stook B. KITE & 00. PURNITURE, BEDDING, kn. No. 418 (late 129) WALNUT at. Philadelphia. A, new and superior atyle of Spring Beds. LYDIA B. KM. Joaett WALrosi anal ihn QOHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.- 10 , I FM daily receiving, at my yard, the beet quality°. 80.11137LKILL AND LNIIIOII 00AL. My °nehmen, and all others who may layer me with their order', may rale . ? getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. offer at N PR o Inferio l r Coal kept at this establishment to LOW M. UNDIGiI AND SPEDITYLKIII 14 DALY, PORTER & CO., COAL DEALERS, No. BM PRIME Steeet, above Eighth, keep oonetantly on hand, at the very lowest rates, • ull supply Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. en 1-em SOAP AND CANDLES. REMOVAL from 187 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, to my Manufactory, 10 and 14 RELIEF STREET, be tween Lombard and South, and Front and Second streets. Thankful to my numerous Wanda for their past Wore, I solicit a continuanoe of the same, haying enlarged my manufactory so u to enable me to hare constantly on hand a far dock of well•seasened Soaps, tree from Fish Oil; Palm, Variegated White Roney, Castile, and all kinds of toilet Soaps, Chemical Olive Soap of pure material, Settled Pals, and Brown Poop, English Sal. Soda and Pearl Starch, Sperm, Adamantine, and Tallow Candles of all Rises constantly on hand. Haying adopted the cash syetem, I em enabled to sell my goods at the lowest prime. P. CON WAY. N. B.—Oub paid for Tallow and Crease. no lA-8m SULLENDER & PASCAL, HATTIRB, autOrn No. B B. SIXTH 'Vogt. Phlladelpkls PLUMBING AND GAS-FITTING. W. W. FENNER, No. 14 3 North SIXTH Etre. above RAOE, . . . . . OPPOSITE ODD YELLOWS HALL, le now prepared to attend to PLUMBING sod GAS PITTING in all ite various brioche.. Ilse foroe of experienced workmen, now eruption! In his eetabllehment, will enable him to give Me numerous patrons, and the public generally, prompt attention at the Shortest natio°. je,2s.6moik LANCASTER'S KID-GLOVE CLEAN- Ml.—Prepared moiety by THOB LANCASTER, Manufacturing Chemist, N. E. corner of ELEVENTH and WALNUT Streets. The Atte:Won or Opera-goers Is especially invited to this invaluable preparation. The ehabblest and most worthless Ulovee may be restored, by the application of Lancaster's preparation, to their onginal color, ven om, and brilliancy. In an economical point of view, ladles and gentlemen can do no better than purchase • quantity of this excellent preparation. One bottle will restore 100 pairs of Gloves. For sale by Druggists and Pettey Stone throughout the city Ja2ol-Iru MOSEr-17 bales Carolina Moss, tor sale by MARTIN & MAOALISTZR, seal 218 North Water West, Wino anb Kiquare. tobacco anb Cigaro. Merchant Qrailoto. it)arbumre. JOHN HALDEMAN, Agent Boots anb Shots. Inrititurt. ALEXANDER (JIMMY, N. E. eorner of Broad and Cherry Ste soap nub Can?)lce. tats, Cape, &t. elppinttg FOR SAN FRANCISCO.—The extreme Cilipper.ship GAUNTLET," Boreland, com mander. and the well-known and favorite Olipper-ship E. F {BILLETS , Helene, commander, are both load ebo ing ve. rapiFor dly freight ap in New Yo pl r y to k, and will e despatched an BISHOP, SIMONS, & CO . 120 (late 10) NORTH WHARVES. QUIP STEPHEN BALDWIN FOR NEW SJ ORLEANS —LOUISIANA LINE —To Ball with quick despatch. Freight taken at the lowest rates. The remarkably faet-eaNing coppered packetehlp STEPHEN BALDWIN Captain Donner, will commence loading at Raoastreet Wharf In • few &Lye, and having • large portion of her cargo already engaged, will have quirk despatch, as above. For balance of freight apply to BISHOP, SIMONS, &CO. t Ja29.tf 120 (late SO NORTH WHARVLS The S. B. Ineutoe at the lowest rates, and will take steam down the Delaware and up the Mississippi. rintE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN 11 ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. TION 11W Tom TO LITIRPOOL Ohlef Oebln Pauesge esoond Osbia Passage . NU B M OSTON TO LITBBTOOL. Chief Cabin Passage 4110 Second Oabiu Pasaage 00 The ships from Boston call at Halifax. 1 PERSIA, Capt. Judkine. CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Opt. I Stone. ANIERIOA, Oapt.Wickman ASIA, Capt. N. G. Lott. NIAGARA, Capt. Ityrie. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon, EUROPA, Capt. J Leitch. These vessels carry a clear white light at meet-head ; green on starboard bow ; red on port bow. AFRICA, Shannon, leave N. York, Wednesday, Jan. 20. AMERICA, Wiokman, '‘ Boston, Wednesday, Jan. 27. EUROPA, Leitch, • " N.York, Wednesday, Feb. 3. CANADA, Lang, ', Boston, 'Wednesday, Feb. 30. ARABIA, Btone ' 1, N.York, Wednesday, Feb. 17. NIACIARA,MtIIar, ~ Boston, Wednesday, Fab. 2-1. Bertha not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these Ships will net be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precioun Stones or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to jal4-y E. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. SAVANNAH STEAMSHI P LINZ. FREIGHTS REDUCED. The well-known Snit-class side-wheel steamship STATE OP GEORGIA, John J. Garvin, Commander, will be ready to receive freighton WEDNESDAY, Jan uary W. and nail on SATURDAY, January 80, at 10 o'clock A. H. At Santansh thin chip connects with steamers for Plod* and for all places in the South and Southwest. Cabin passage $2O 00 Steerage do 8 00 No freight received on Saturday morning. No bills of lading signed after the ship has sailed. Poe freight or passage, apply to A. HERON, Jr , No. 828 North Wh 0. A. GREINER & CO., jal4 Agents in Savannah. IfilOrt SAN FRANOISCO.—To sail on the J. 10th inetant.—The famone clipper ships EDWIN MB, 0. P. Miami, Commander, and EDWIN FOR REST, OROCESPI, Commander. Dotb of these magnificent ehipe are now loading In New York, and will be despatched as above. For balance of freight apply to DINHOP, SIMONS, & CO., Jag 120 (late Sti) NORTH WiIARVEI3. PIiDE GLASGOW AND NEW YORK STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S splendid and powerful steamers DDINDIROII, 2,600 tons, Wm. Cumming, Commander, NEW YORK, 2,150 tons, Robert Orelg, GLASGOW, 1,962 tone, John Duncan. ti Are appointed to sail PROM Cmisoow. New York, Saturday, 10th December Edinburgh, Saturday, 10th January. Glasgow, Saturday, 90th January. /808 IMW TORN. Edinburgh, Saturday, Feb. 13th, at 12 o'clock, noon RATES OF PASSAGE. FROM GLASGOW. . , Milt Mau 15 gutneu Steerage, found with cooked provielona 8 12211:11:1=1 Pint Clue $75 00 Steerage, found with cooked provisions . . .... •30 00 Children under 14 yearn of age, half fare; Infante in Steerage, Return ticket's amiable within eta months, by any steamer of thin line. Out and home, First Cleve $l4O 00 Out and home, Third Clue 60 00 An`experienood Surgeon attached to each/Reamer. Per passage, apply to WOBRIdAN & CO., 128 WALNUT Street, Philadel phia. HALL & LONEY, Bacbananis Wharf, Baltimore. ROBERT CRAIG, 17 Broadway, New York. Ja4-61m FOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE,IB67.- New York and MITTS Steamship Company.—Tbe United States Mall Steamships ARUM, 2,600 tons, David Lines, commander, and VULTON, 2,600 tons, James A. Wetton, commander, will leave New York, Havre and Southampton, for the pare 1667 ant IS, on the tbllowlng days : • MUT"! IlleW YOU. r 1857. 1888. Dulton,Saturday, Aug. 22 Aran°, Saturday, Jan. 9 Arago, do. Sept 19 Fulton, do. Feb. 0 Fulton, do. Out. 17 Arne, do. Marche Azairo, do. Nov. 14 Fulton, do. April 8 Fulton, do. Dee. 12 Armco, do. May 1 Fulton, do. My 10 1861. 76 t Ar zirmi, Thedil do. Arego, do . t "' Aug.e. do. 17 Armco, do. Doe. 16 1863. Itulton, de. Jan. 12 uIC4 , e roh b.9 9 Itt°4 do ta i l 6 72E1, d o a 0. . f u n n e . l9 T2lOlll or 1.111111 SOOTRAMPTON. 1867. Argo, Wednesday, Avg. 26 Hullos, do. Sept. 28 Argo, do. Oot. 21 Fulton, do. Nor. 18 Arago, d; Dec. 10 1%8. Talton, do. Jan. 19 Arago, do. lab. 10 Walton, do. Mar. 10 Arago, do. April raltoo, do. May 6 Arago, do. Jose Halton, do. Igoe 80 P 1681111: 0 17 s arr iiie UrAbo sii kaltm . pton or Havre—First From Havre or E onthampton to New York—ltret Oabia, 880 trap; Bowed Cabin, 500 franca. Farfreight br weep), pot ply_to MONFWER LIVINOBTON, Agent, T Broadway. WILLIAM ISELIN, Havre. OROBKBY & 00. Mouth'tia. AMERICAN X.T.IiiOMIAN RIPIIEBB AND EX- 1.11/11. CHANG" 00. anti • 'N " YORK D ' ' R I UNITED STATER MAIL ETEAMERI9.—The Ships Wowing this Line are: The ATLANTIC, Cspt. Oliver Eldridge. The BALTIC, Cspt. Joseph Oomstook. Le The ADRIATIC, Capt. James West. ;.,rThese ship have been built by contract, expreeely for - Government services every care has been taken in their construction, u also In their engines, to ensure strength and speed, and their accommodations for passengers are unequalled for elegance end comfort. Pries of passage from New York to Liverpool, In first cabin, $180; in second do., $76; from Liverpool to New York, BO and 20 unions. No berths secured unless paid for. The ships of this lino have Improved water-tight bulk beads. PROPOSED DATES Of SAILING. 111101 11W TOIL 7101 LI YINTOOL. Saturday, Jane 20, 1367 Wednesday, June 24, 186 T Saturday, July 4, 1867 Wednesday, July 8, 1867 Saturday, July 18,M1807 Wednesday, July 22, 1817 Saturday, Atg. 1, 1067 Wednesday, Aug. 6, 1857 Saturday, Aug. 16, 1867 Wednesday, Aug. 19, 111137 Saturday, Sept. 11, 1867 Wednesday, Sept 2, 1867 Saturday, Sept. 22, 1867 Wednesday, Sept 30, 1867 Saturday, Oot. 10, 1867 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1867 Saturday, Oot. 24 1867 Wednesday, Oct. 2t, 14.7 Saturday, Nov. 7. 1667 Wednesday, Nov.ll, 1867 Saturday, Nov. 21, 1807 Wednesday, Nov. 25, 107 Saturday, Deo. 0, 1867 Wednesday, Dec. 9, 1861 Wednesday, Dee. 22, 1867 for freight or passage, apply to EDWARD K OOLLINO, No. 56 Wall street, N. Y. BROWN, SHIPLEY A CO., Liverpool. STEPHEN KENNARD & 00., 27 Austin friars, London, B. G. WAINWRIGHT A 00., Paris. The owners of these ship; will not be seoonnteble for (old, sneer, bullion, SpeOle, jewelry.pe •elorts stones or metals, unleee bills of ladlop I; r Bed therefor, end the vane thereof exposited therein sul-tf Machinery anti iron PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL KR WORKS REANEY, NEAFIE & CO._, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS MACHINISTS,. BOILER-MARERS, BLACK SMITHS AND FOUNDERS Having for many years been in succeasfril operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine sad River Engines, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, , , respectfully offer their services to the public, as being hilly prepared to contract for Engines of all s i ... Marine, River, and !Stationary. having sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick deepatch. Every description of Pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low Pressure, Floe, Tubu lar and Cylinder Rollers, of the best Pennsylvania char ooal Iron. Porgings of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Outings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with the above Drawing* god epecillcatione for all work done at their establishment free of charge, aid work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re pain of boats, where they can lay In perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, dm, de., tot raising heavy or light weights. THOMAS lUSANEY, JACOB 0 NEAVIN, JOHN P. LEVY, onl-7 BIAOH and PALldliat tltreets, Kensington. MAMMAL V. 11111111101 C. J. VAVORAM MIAMI WILLIAM M. MMIIIIOI, SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, BIRTH AND WABELINOTON AMATO, PHILAVIILIWLA. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low PrezeureSteem Engine., for Land, Elver, and Marine service. Boilers Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boata, &a., Coat ings of al‘ kinds, either Iron or Brace. Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshop!, Railroad Stations, &o. Beterte and Gas Machinery of the latent and moat Improved construction. Every description of Plantation machinery, anoh as Sugar, Saw and Grist ;dills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam TrairayDefecators, Pipers, Pumping Engines, &o. Sole Agents for N. Rillieux'a Patent Sugar Bolling Apparatus, rissmyth , a Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. Roe& Patent Valve Motion for Bloat Machinery and Steam Pumps. Superintendent—B. H. BABTOL, 1 - 21011ARD NORRIS & SON, LOOOMO- Kt.TIVR STEAM MINE BUILDEPS, eavaaraaara STRXIT, usruaor, y,tr, , yisw AJID MIMING °ARMIN STROM. PLUIADELPIIIA. • Named exelusively In the manufacture of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. mAnoraotoro to order Locomotives of any arrange ment, weight or °spotty, for the use of Wood or Coifs, er Bilionisocis Coal in eta crude state, or ANTHRACITE COAL, W 10100? memo snots, ass Ox 1110. In Witco, material and workmanship, the Loom. tires produoeil at these Works are equal to, aad not ex. celled by any, The materials used In construction are EMS on the spot, ant Insure the beet quality and most reliable stook. The large extent of Shope, and Corn. pick Equipment of Machinery and Tools, enable them to execute the BEST OF WORE WITH GREAT DESPATCH, or ANY ARRANGEMENT ENQUIRED. . . . . . OHILLISD OAR MURIA HAMMERED AXLRII, With Forgino of any Mit or form , IRON AND BRASS OARTINA And MAOIIIN.II WORK generally. 11.10SMAD MORRIS scl•ly ARRAY LATINS/5 KORNIS Job printing. ra EVANA,-10,000--PRINTER 1 X Cards per Hear I IPSO / 1 a r TM Pro. 0.0 ..41 or oduelml II G. 1.1.4. v s_ A D rw.rry.i. Pr....Atha hi. russlng IMIIM A I.lnis.. j .Wir C 18.313M Thb Pm. B 4t belif.. Mt, ['sham! C.A. ~,1 v iC1P'6 .,. .....r. ..cir. 6. ..M r* T .= B z 11 ''' D .vikry,IBOURTII AT. below Obbitata JAMES H. BRYSON'S BOOS AND JOB PRINTING ROOMS, 2 North BIXTII Street, Si &bare Market, Philadelphia. flanks, Carib, Bill Heads, Pamphlets, and general Printing attended to Binding attended to in connection with printed head Imp of Menke and Beetles. 412-tf CHARLES P. OALDWELL—Virboiesale angjoudi WHIP and HAHN idantll4olliter, No. .ineurante sZtompanite. PHILADELPHIA. FIRE AND LIFE IN- S COMPANY. INCORPORATE URAN D YCE THE STATE OF PENN SYLVANIA IN DM, Are now established in their new Mike, No 433 CHEST NUT street, where they are prepared to make HINDS OP INSURANCE. front toes by fire, on property of every description, In town or country, including PUBLIC B UILDINGS, STORES, DWEL LINGS, WAREHOUSES, FACTORIES. and MANUFACTORIES, WORKSHOPS, VESSELS, ic. Also, Merchandise of all lands; Stocks of Goode; Stooks of Country Stoles; Goods on storage, or in bond; Stocks and Toole of Artideers and Mechanical; Point lute, Jewelry Fixtures, ke , Ac ., etc, at moderate rates of premium, and for any period of time. This Company refer to their past career le an ample guarantee for the PROMPT SETTLEMENT OF ALL THEIR LOSSES. There are at this time no unsettled claims against them. ROOT. P. BIND, President, 11. W. BALDWIN, Vice President. FRANCIS AILICIBURNS, &MAUI jal4-3m* AR - lI 4 IE AND FIRE INSURANCE. J. THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—CHARTERED IN 1714—with capital of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, and a large surplus in addition, Invested in coned and available securities, continue to insure on 'Tutees tad Cargoes, Buildings, Stocks of Merchandise, Ac., /to., on liberal terms. OFFICE, No. 4 EXCHANGE BUILDING, WAL NUT Street, below Third. DIRECTODE FOB YEAR 1868: John Stewart, William It White, Simeon Toby, Charles S. Wort, - John hl. Scott, George R. Stuart, Charles blarealeater, Tobias Wagner, John B. Budd, Samuel Grant, Jr , William S. Smith, Thomas B. Watt:son, henry G. Freemen JOHN STEWART, President. Wit.r.:an lllarsa, Secretary. jal3-eody ---- r IIE MUTUAL HEALTH INSURANCE .1 SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Offlee, No, It 4 South POINITR Street, above WALNUT, (Up MAIIIIO Philadelphia. CAPITAL, $20,000. SILAS B. DREW , Pasetuirr. Finenalal Committee:—B. L. BROWN, I. JOHNSON, R. F. HAZLETON. The object of this Society Is the creation of a Mutual Pond, to be applied In the most advantageone manner for the benefit of its sick members. By the payment of the following yearly deposits you will become a Life Member of the Society, and will be entitled to a weekly benefit If you should be disabled by sickness or occident from attending to you ordinary business or oocupation. Yearly Deposito of Monloro U;td.r W Y;ars of 4go $2 00 per year draw $2 00 par week 300 ,i II II 600 II CI 400 it II II 4 66 ~ 600 " " " 600 600 1C I/ , .IC 606 II II 700 II If II 100 I 1 I / 900 it it It 800 ~ ,i 900 IC CI IC 900 II II 10 00 II SI " le 09 IC IC First week exoepted. In addition to the above an expense Fee of $1.60 will be charged the first year whioD must be paid et the time of making application and the yearly deposit in thirty days. All claims for sloknese will be promptly paid. All communications should be addressed to BILAB 8. DREW, President d3O-y 164 South Fourth etreet, Philadelphia. GRE.tiT WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE IN COMPANY'SBUILDING, No 409 WAL NllT,Coroer of FOURTH Amt. Charter Perpetual, Authorised Capital $600,000 FIRE, INSURANCE, limited or perpetual. DIAILINE INSURANCE on Feu.ls, Cargoes, and Freight* INLAND INSURANOn by Rivera, Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriage. ASSETS, Nov. 1, 1351. Real Estate 867,000 00 Beal Estate held in trust, (In rhile 1 28,700 00 Bonds and Mortgage. 36,360 00 1 , torts, (par value 192,460) present value.... 67,916 00 Stook notes 38,400 00 Bills receivable 27,448 81 Cub In bank and on band 2,164 69 Cub In bands of Agents 7,669 92 Premiums unpaid 9,386 88 5266 020 99 CHARLES 0 LATHROP, 1423 Walnut street. WM DARLING, 1510 Pine street. ALEX. WHILLDVI, merchant, 18 North Front it. 184A0 HAZLEI. !MST, Attorney and Col:mealier- JOHN 0. HUNTER, firm of Wright, litucter, & 00. E TRACY, flrm of II Tracy & 00., Goldsmiths , Hall. JOHN R. /FCC RDY, Arm of JollollWhite, & IrCtirdy THOS . . L GILLESPIE, Arm of Oillesple A Zeller. JAB. B SMITH, firm of Jaa.B Smith & Co. E. HARPER JEFFRIES, Armor Win. H. Brown A Oo JON. R VOGDES, office cor. Seventh and galilloollt4 CHASE THOMPSON, coke 413 Chestnut street. ALFRED TAYLOR, office Cairo City Property. JONA J. SLOCUM, office 228 South Third street. CHARLES O. LAJHROP, President. WM DARLING, Vico-President. LEWIS GREGORY, 24 Vire-President, New York H. II RICHARDSON, Assistant-Secretary. de23-tf CORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE CON PANT, 331 WALNUT STBRET. Charter perpetual. Capital, 8100,000. Subseribed, 200,000. Paid np, 8140,000. Thia Company is now prepared to Woe FIRE and MARINE POLICIES on favorable terms Paul DIIIIT-401311 SW ITT. VION PIIII3IDINT—RENRY BIRD. LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST 0011- PANT.—The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSOILkNeII COMPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD and WOE Streets. Oapital, $612,126.03. INSURES LIVES for short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—par aliases life Interests to Real Estate and makes all contracts depending on the oontingenelee of Life. They set as Executor', Administrators, hull:me, Trustees, and Guardlsoe. TIOSTISIO. Daniel L Miller, Samuel E. Stoke', Benjamin Coates, William Martin Diehard S. Newbold, James B ltiolailand, William P Hecker, Joseph H Trotter, - William H. Kern, James Euston, Samuel 0 Huey, Theophilue Paulding, Charles Hallowell, ,Edmund A Fonder Henry 0 Townsend, Daniel L. ilutehlniion, Kodolphus Kent, John W. Horner, William H. Carr, Ellis B. AYtither, Edward I'. Molt, Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thome, Warner M. Ratan, John 0. Brenner, P. 8 bitchier, Keeton. DANIEL L MILLER, President. SAMUEL K. STOKES, Via. PCNM. Joel W. Hoixok.l3earetur 013-11 [COWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN 1E SURANCI: COMPANY—GIace No 412 WALNUT Eitreet, Philadelphia The following statement of the affairs of the company l. published in conformity with provision of Ita charter : rimmlome RIORITILD FROM AUGUST 1, /110,10 AOOOll 81, 1557. . . . Plre premium. Markle premium.— Perpetual premiums Total amount premium, taken Earned Ere premiums ...... .... 26,013 96 Earned marine premiums 165,006 00-180,016 66 Deduct return premiums Net earned 5168,614 09 Marine losses pall. 593,885 75 - fire losses paid—. 8,031 11 8101,918 88 Balvage re eelved... 1760 67 Intereotre. 0etved...4,361 6T R e -hour. 'nee 2 271 62 —9,083 54 08,888 TO Expenses far commissions to agents, abstemento In lien of scrip, Haulms, ogles rent, furnishing Mace, books, sta tionery, &e 80,888 87 Profit snd lose 11.2 til-144,288 27 Net profit $24,078 82 ♦891158. Cash on band 812,616 89 Dille receivable 110,267 02 Bonds and mortgagee 165,000 CO Stocks 292,100 00 Stock notes 142,890 00 Doe by agents and others 22,819 98 DIRECTORS. P. M Potts Wm P. Leech, O. E Speng ler, R T. Resell, Abraham Rex. H. H Houston, Wm. 11. Wood., Jo.. R. Wither., George Howell, Abrahnon.P. Nino, J Edgar Thomson, W. Raiguel, 0.0 Sower, Chicle. P. Norton, John W. Sexton, John II Leware, Herman Haupt, JAMS E. Stiles Nathan R. Potta n H. ithlllingford PERCIVAL M. POTTS, Proficient 0. E. SraitoLls, Vice Preeident. IV. H. WOODS, Secretary. WEI It. T. Kimmit.. Treasurer FIRE INSURANCE. SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. CAPITAL 1120,000, PAID IN OABII, AND IMPURELY IN VESTED, 011108, N. W. CORNER OP SIXTH AND WOOD ITS , SPRING GARDENS. CHARTER PERPETUAL. LONER PROMPTLY PAID. DIRIOTORR. John II Dohnert, Henry M Phlll Darla Woelpper, Lewis Skinntok Benjamin Darla, John Landoll, John Evan., Jr Charles Field, Miley Id Park, William E. Woo James Darnell, John B. Elterenson Jaeolo B. Mintzer, Corwin Stoddard, Henry Horner, Thos. D. Tillingbeat, George H. JOHN H. DONNERT, President. L RIMMBHAAR, Secretary. eept 21-17 A RCTIO FIRE INSURANCE COMPA .c.... NY, NEW TORR.—Office, No 29 Wall street, ad. Joining the Mechanics , Bank—Cosh Capital, 5260,000, with a eurplas. This Company insure Buildings, Bier ohandize, Turnlture, Teasels In port and their Cargoes, and other prorty, against Loss or Damage by lire and the Rlaks of Inl pe and Navigation. DIRECTORS. Henry Grinnell, Joshua L. Topii, Caleb Bantow, Rule. R. Graves, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Davie, Edmund Tenfold, 0. H. Lilienthal, Hanson K. Corning, Theo. Polhemus, Jr. Ogden Haggerty, Inaba E. Morgan T Monagan, Abm It. Van Nest, John H. Earle, William A. Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas B. Hellion, Charles Beaton, Jansea W. PhilliTes Louis Lorut, Charles A. Mary, Samuel G. Glidden, Edward Hincken, Rapti. Q nnbreleng, Wm. E. Shepard, Thomas BoOtt, Charles L. Frost, John Ward, Lathrop L. Bturgee, Henry K Bogert, William R. Toadied, Peter Edell, Emery Thayer, Benjamin 11. Yield, Geo. Weatfeldt, A Ft. Frothingham s Zalmon Taylor, • Thee. P. Youngs Henry ALBINISM. ' Samuel L. Mitchell, ALBERT WARD, President. MIRA ID A. (UNLIT . Secretary. as 10.17 LIVERY STABLE KEEPERS, LOOK to your interests, and patronise MTH ER'S LAMP FACTORY, 109 Ninth EIGHTH greet, below Chestnut Previous to his opening a responsible factory,you were char g ed $lB for work which be is now doing In a war ranted manner from $8 to $lO Pupport him, or yen will have the same charges to pay. laid-y RUSSIA MATS.--600 dozen RUSSIA MATS, imitable for gardenerd.4te. For sale by WEAVER, FIFMR, & 00., No. 28 North WATER @treat, And 22 North Wharm. ROSIN. - 500 BARRELS S °ABBAS ER S ROSIN, to arrive par schooner J. U. Planate Pox tabby MARTIN & NIMIALUITNR, anal. 110 North Water Vasa, MANILLA ROPS.—TO WESTERN AND SOUTIIHRN MEM:WARM—A tarp stook of Manilla Rape, for male by WEAVER, VITLER fr. 00 Jal2 Ng, 23 N. WATER Bt., and 22 N. WHARVES. 000 TONS or MITCHELL & OROAS ty, dale' improved super PIIOBPIIATIe OP LIME, for We by ONOABDALE, PRIRCE & 00 , No. 104 N, Delaware ovum. insurance Companies COMMONWEALTH FIRE INSUBANOE COWART, or TIM STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA. OFPICE, NORTHWEST CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS, Subleribed Capita, $600,000. Paid-up OapHAI,S2OO.OOO DIRIIOIOIII. Dr. D. Jayne, Tboe. 8. Stewart, H. L. Benner, .7 If Butler, J. M. Whiten, J. K. Walker, Edw. 0 Knight, 11. It Wendell, it Lewis, 7: , 8. K. Houle. DAITID JATtal Y. D. President, THOMAS B. STIWART, Vice Pree't Rawest. 8. Mane. Secretary. 1'224 ing m u p F A., A , ENL A. E. , s t : P I E j Ii r IIT U CIA R L A G N ian G t! to - y the State of Penneybranla. Capital, $500,000. lire, Marine, and Inland Trkneportation. DIRECTORS. Wm. A. Rhodes, James P. Smyth, Aaron a Lippincott, J. Rinaldo Sank, Charles J held, John P. Simone, Wm. Neel, M. Rlcha•de Markle, Marled Wise, 11 , •4 Bell WM A Rh..., Pres:alma CA ARIES WISs, Vise PrealdenL ALPELND WEEKS, Secretary. I. W. MASTLEN, Bangor This Company wee organised wit" • maa and the Directors ban determined to adapt the Inuinese to Its "callable moon:ea.—to obeeme prudence in combat in its "Pairs, with a prompt adjustment of louse Ofiles—No. 10 MERCHANTS , EXCEIANGZ, Phila delphia. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN SURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED DT THE LE4ISLATURI of PENN SYLVANIA, MM. OFFICC, 8. X. Coiner THIRD etnof WALNUT Streets, PICLADILPIII•. MARINE INSURANCE, ON VESSELS, C kROO, To all [Arta of the World. FREIGHT, INLAi D INSURANCES, On Geode, by River, Canals, Likes, and Land Oasriage to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES, On Merchandise generally. Oa etores, Dwelling Houses, An. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 2, 1861. Bonds, Mortgages, and Real Estate 9701.360 94 Philadelphia City and other Loans 147,011 23 Stott In Bunts, Railroads, and Insnraace Companies 12,806 00 Mlle Receivable 220,221 96 Cash on hand 46,94/1 66 Heinous to bands of •nsota, Proolloros on Maxine Policies recently Issued, on other debts due the Company 92,730 47 eabscription Notes 100,000 00 nitisCTOSS. William Martin, James 0. Mad, Joseph H. Beal, Tbeophllus Panleting, Edmund A. Bonder, Jame. Trequair, John 0. Davis, William Eyre, Jr., John R. Penrose, J. P. Penlston, George G. Lotion, imam' P. Eyre, Edward Darlington, Samuel E. Stokes, Dr. R. M. Huston, Henry Sloan, Wm. 0. Ludwig, James II SteSarland, Hugh Orally, Thomas 0. Hand, Spencer Mollvaln, Robert Burton, Jr , Ohrtrles Kelly, /no B Semple, Plttabgis 11. Jones Brooks,' Dr. T Morgan, ~ Jacob P-Jones, J T Logan, ii WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS C. HAND, Vice President. HENRT LYLBURN • Beoretary. jall.y CHARTER OAK FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY or HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Capital $ 300,000 . Losses in Philadelphia and vicinity adjusted at the PAiladapkie Offics. By leave we refer to t D. S. Brown &Oo , Phila. Hon. Joel /muse, Phila. . Chaffers, Stout & 100 , " Hon. Rufas Choate, Boston Hacker, lois &Co " Hon. T. . S. Williams , Hart'd We have facilidee for p acing any &meant of Insu rance to the most reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA OENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. alb (old No. led) CHESTNUT sr. 1 / 1 01dP8ON & ROOD, aul-em Agents. DEIHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA RAIL ROAD 0011PANY.-4IIICEEST ROUTE to El mira, Emirate, Chicago, Rock Island, Niagara Pall', 1111waukie, Bur'logics, Montreal, St. I anis, Detroit, Donlieth, and St. Louis Passenger trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and YIN' Streets, daily. ;Sundays exceptedl'as follows: T. 30 A. M. DAY EXPRESS, Yor Elmira, Niagara Palls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago Milwaukee, Rook Island, 0 &luau, Bt. Paula, Harlington and BC Louis. 3 30 P. N. NIGRT EXPRESS, For Elmira, Niagara Palle, Buffalo,Litton, Chicago Milwaukee,Roek Island, Galena, Bt.Pants, Burlington and St •Lonts. Ticket, good till toed. baggage checked to Blunts, Buffalo, and Easpenalou Bridge. Wilkenbarre Uo►meport Moat Canal:ldalama Genera, via II orb= R0che5ter........... Niagara Palle Maio Erie Cleveland, via N. Y. and Erie via Niagara Palls Toledo, 'la Now York sod Erie Columbus. Cincinnati, New York and Erie Niaars, Tails Indianapolis vu New York and Erie . Detroit, via Niagara Fall. Chicago, via Great Western Railway... Lake Shore Railroad Rock Island, via Nlaikra Falls Lake Shore Railroad. TT 90 Burlington VI 00 lowa City tit 25 St Imola, via Chicago 29 00 Indianapolis 29 00 Dunlieth TI 60 St Paul. 5510 ID - Tickets can be proeured a 1 the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Company's Ticket Office,N corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Street., and at tit. Paa sengsr Depot, BROAD and VINE. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leaves the Depot, Broad street, below Tine, dady, Oloodaye excepted,) for all points West and North, at 6 P. m. Freights must be delivered before 3 P.M. to tows their going the s ame day ljr'• Freights are forwarded with greater deepateh and Lower Rates than by any line from Basally to the Westland Northwest For further information apply to ALLEN & HUGEL, Through Freight Depot, Broad, below Tine, CHAS 8. TAPPEN, General Agen ,t N. W. eor Sixth and Chestnut ate ,Pkileda. 0 A NICOLL,, Gent Elupt Phaada and Reading Railroad. 11. A FONDA. Gent itupt. Catawba*, W. & Railroad J. A REDFIELD, deBl-1, Gent Bupt W 'lmport and Elmira Railroad 238,729 81 111,723 82 214 00 1256,74 T 4.1 PILADELPIIIA AND READIN GRAIL HOLD—FAST gREICIEIT LINE —)night MMus leare the Depot, BROAD Street, b low VINE, dully, far Buffalo, Suspension Bridge, Canada, Detroit, Chicago, Mllwaukle, Galena, Dubuque, St Louie, and interme diate points. This is the shortest route to Canada and the Lake Porto, sod goods' will be forwarded with greater detpttgh to the above pohtte than by any other route. lot class 24 dams. ibl elan 4111 clan Pupal:ilea Bridge 1 06 60 70 60 Buffalo er Dunkirk 1 45 50 TO 60 Detroit 1 60 1 27 1 11 91 Mileage . . ... ....* 1 90 1 45 1 25 190 Freight gulag through by rail all the way oast be marked "VIA BAIL " No tranahlpmsat between Philadelphia and Sloths Mark goods via Philadelphia and Readlng Railroad and lend to the Depot, Broad street, below Tine, daily, before 6 P U. For further information in regard to this route, call at the through freight Mlles of the Philadriphla, Nia gara, and Great Western Line, N. W. corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT. I.3IKNP4BYLVA.WIA RALLEVAD.--Till 1 (MEAT CENTRAL SCUTS, co:meeting the At lantic Cities with Western, Northwestern. and South welter, States, by a °mittens - bus Railway direet. This Road also connect, at Pittsburgh with daily line of steamers to all ports on the Western Rivera, and at Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamers to all ports op the Noith-western Label; making the most DIRECT. CHEAPEST and RELIABLY BOUTS ke which Freight can be forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST. RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTS BURGH. ie lien? CLAIM—Boot/I, Shoes, Hats, and Caps, Books, Dry Goods, (In loses balm and trunks), Drugs, (in boles and balm) Feathers, lurs,_&e SMIOND OLAllB—Domeetio Sheeting, Shirting and Tleking, (In original bales), 11 1 7(in oaks), Hardware, Leather, L uor, ( in casks,' Wall Paper, 'Woo , and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, k c. &o Tl 4. per 1001bil TIMID Cuss—Awfils, Chains, On oaks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Patted, (lime or In swan), Paints, (dry and in oil ) 011 s, (except lard and resin) Ode. pat 110 Ilia Potters CLass--Coffee, Itch, Bacon, Beef, and Pork, (In make or Dolma eastward) , Lard and Lard 0 11, Neat', Sods Ash, German Cla Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Meet, Manu factured To bacco, Rosin Oil, Queenaware, Sugar, (hbds., bb l , ., and boxes,' An.,&a 60e per 100Ita Iftom-41 per bbl, nntil further notice. Gast,-46c. per 100Ibe., until further notice. Curios-12 per bale, not exceeding 600 lbs. I; eight, until farther notice. $751,094 84 In shipping Goods from any point East of Philadel phia, be particular to at packages" tie Psowlyienstia Railroad." All Goode consigned to the Agents of this Bowl, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. /amuse Aomers.—Clarke & Co., Chicago ; Packer & Co., Mempbie, Tenn ; B 7 .Bau 4k, Co ßt Lotus, ido ; P. G. O'Riley & Co , Svanarille, Indians; Wm. Bingham, Louisville, Bentucky ; R. 0. kleldrum, Madison, Indiana ; B. W Brown & Co , and &. Co , Cincinnati; H. IL Pierce & Co, Zanesville, Ohio; Leer.] k Co , No be Kilbystreet, Boston; Leech & Co , No. 2 Astor House, New York, No. I st. New York ; X .1 Bneeder, Philadelphia ; Megrim & Koons, Baltimore; IL A fitewart, Pittaburgh. H. H. BOONTON, General Pretest Agent. H. J. LOMBASET I den- Superintendent, Altoona. 1 a AVIIISII FUND-FIVE PER CENT. IN. TEREST-NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST QOM PANT -WALNUT BTRENT SOUTH.WESTCONNEE OF THIRD , PHILADELPHIA INOORPOIITED EY TEN STATE OF PINNSYLV/NIA. Honey Is received In any sum, lugs or small, and In tereet paid from the day of deposit to the day of with firawal. The °Mee is open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning till 8 o'clock In the evening, Bed on Hondas and Thursday evenings till 8 o'clock. HON. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President. Wn. I. USD, Secretary. D 11101.01111: Zion. Fleury L. Benner, T. Carroll Brewster, Xdward L. Carter, Joseph B Barry, Robert Selfridge, trawls Leo. Semi. K. Ashton, Joeeph Teaks., C. Landreth Manna, Henry Difiendertier. Money Is received and payments made dolly. The investments ate made In conformity with the provisions of the Charter, In REAL ESTATE MORT AGES, GROUND RENTS, and nth first clam mienri , . Hee as will always loans perfect seenzity to the deposit - tors, and which cannot fall to give permanency And sta bility to this Institution. ant-ly NO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER OE NT. STATE SAYINGS FUND. JO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PEA OBET. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE CENT. STATE SATINCIS FLIED. NO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PEE CENT. STATE SATINOS FUND. sta.ly :„' I ORGIIIIM, or CHINESE SUGAR-CANE 1,1 , 0 EYED-2 4 beiebele for sale by 0110411DALE,PYISCI, & CO., oaIQ4Z MOBS N. Navin AMIN. 70:1,785 ST Railroab Linea EVIECEMEIM 10 CO 10 00 10 60 13 00 13 00 16 26 16 60 19 00 19 00 ^1 09 11 DO 22 00 2/ 00 27 00 WM, Or PRICEI lift 100 Lill Via Railroad .900. per 100 lb, 13anitvo .ffuntis itailroaDs. NEW EOfLE. LINES.—THE CAMDEN' 1 1 AND AIIBOT Tuna° A D AND PHILADEUIRLA. AND TIINNTON RARIGROAD COWART'S URFA. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO maw TORY, AND WA PLACER. Lana as fellows, vis : Naas. At 1 A. AI , from Ketistagton Depot, via Jersey City, Mai p At 6A.6( , via Camden sad Amboy, Ateleorial6- _ ties 221 At S A. 11., via Camden and Jamey City, keening At 10 A. N., by steamboat Trenton, via flaw and Jersey City Morning barna At 2 P. N., via Ceilltden as/ Amboy, O . MAL Rai peso 8 A IS P. M. via Camden and Jersey City, Snobs; Mail At dP. M via OaZadeill and Amboy Amommola tlon, lat Claes , At a P. Idv‘a Camden and Amboy, Accommods. lion, 2nd Class. At 6 P. M., vie Camden mad Amboy, Amosamols tion, Ist Class 2 00 At 6P. N via Camden and Amboy, Atlrmaraeda -111110n, 2nd Chas its The 6 P. M. One nuts daily, all otban bandage noted xprecs Liam stop at the prineipal stations only For Belvidere, Smaton ineatiagton, to ,ar A.lll and 2,4 P 41 1 from Walnut stint oboe. For Water Cap, Stroudsburg. Savant', Wllkeebar a, Montrose, Grist Bend, ha , at 6 A. M., via UsWres Laelawaoaa at Western Railroad. For freehold, at 6 A H. sad 2P. M. lot Mount Holly at 4 A. If sad 2N, It and II P. 11,- WAY BS or Bristol, Trenton, Se., at ,2 1 i fuel 4 P. K. WiT LINZ ler Palmyra, Itanooeu, Beverly, Berllngtoe, Boren town &a at 3 P M. &aorta:oat RICHARD STOCKTON for Dainty's and Warm. Cate plass* at 2.3‘ P M Steamboat TRINT‘ti for Taesey at 10 aml 11% A. K. and 4P.M. All MINI, incept 1 A. 14., Lave Walnal stroet "bort, ED'pift, pomade or bad only allowed cash pee- Meg. Passengers are prohibited from is y thing as baggage hot their wearing apparel. AU beg gage ower Ally pomade to be paid for extra. The Cocii paay limit their reepeambility for hasp to cos best per peaud, arid wtll not be Liable for say amseat be ;W. *lOO, except by spatial erintreet. WM. M. GAT O. origialrtoo:l. ypENNSTLYARTA CENTRAL RAIL -11. ROAD, len. 701 PITVIBUi.II, 1.41 r. OkketessAA, et. Louie, lowa Ottr, LoedillDs Raw Oriesisk Rt. isziA, Incllsal i rils, Oliveland, I=3. Ter m stte, Okiesgo, Forming a., cosulactioss rid AU AU grid! W'ut era Rai/read, DIMAMTITRI OF TH THROWN At min from Um Pommyamnia Ea Station, south-Pat moor of U =TIMM in P uinitr XI? Aorta tantranoi oo Itamoth street ) rwo ritwdfom miss Limns PaIIADILIZIA DAILY Forming close onnatectioaa at Plltatoutk to all points Fut Mali and Arecromodation Trani, (Sanditys a. eepted,) ris Part Mail Lin* at 1 P. It., arriving La Pittsburgh at 6 A. M. Farman Mail Train at 11 night, sv•triiig in Pittsburgh atlbaP Y. Altoona Way Train at SA. 31., arri,LN; at Altoona at 8 P. M. Ilaniabarg Antorunadattea Trent, na Columbia. - lesna Philadelphia at 3 P. at , trent" la Handsaw' at 9 P. 11. REITILSING last )(ail Train leaves-Plitabolgit at A. M., mins La Philadeltihia at II 66 night. Hapreas 3411 Train learns PiMabargh at 9 69 P. M., sa me* in Philadelphia at I P. M. Altoona Way Train leaves Altoona at 1.16 A. M , antrum In Philadelphia at 7.30 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation Train, via Cohan:biz, Ivrea Haniebtug at 6 A. M., attiring In Philadelphia U noon. The Berme Mall rens WIT, the other balm, lx:e. days excepted. Baggage will be received at the Passenger Depot by the ?visage Master at aey time diming the day. charge for handling bemire. Norton —ln new o f on', the Company mill hold themselves responsible for personal boggles may, enl for an amount not exceeding $lOO. Notice —Otenibeees will be in readiness at the New Tort Depot to convey panel:igen for the West Pennsylvania Railroad Iltation. THOMAII MODILT, Agent, Philadelphia, Psawroger Line Ilenerylvarda Railroad 00. November. ISM. ntldy Ptrvescatr, Jamey g6,16/6. Riven feet of water and boats Wang heighta for all points on the Ohio and other western riven. 'free boats receiving freight far Nashville, Tenn. at extremely low Wet. jaTT PWESTERN TRAVELLERS. OPSING AND KUM= ARE.BNIOMMTB. NOR THE Adi CENTRAL RAIL WA x. TWO PAjLT TRAINS PROM BALT MORE TO PITTSBURGH AND THE way. On and after Jana Ist, RIK TWO DAILY v1111'4,0 Calvert Matto* for Pittsburgh and al Want. ern and Beath or North...stars olds& TRZ ROAIRRII MAIL TRAIN Lamm Baltimore daily (Emaday excepted) at CIA L. H. man attli the Mail Wahl 0•11, the Great Pam. 7 1 anis arid arriving la Pittalaugh at I .* THE AITLEHOOX EMBLEM TEAM Leaves Baltimore daily Olastay malted) at P. IL for Harriabarg. Till EIGHT EXPRXIBB TRAM Liam Baltimore EVERT RIGHT at 10 P. It , ems Netting with the I.4hWaing Ismer near the Penawil- TWA Railroad for Pittab, arming 811.20 P. iCT All these trains °bonen slowly at Pi with trains over the Pittshrry-A, Pert Way .. .4 Basiread, and its Nortleire, Illowthera sad Wigton eormections. a6B 3 90 700 I 00 . 8 60 Pweengere _for pilaw, Boa Wand, Milne too, lows City, Mitmaialweqne, It Paara. son, and ether leading cites hi the Northvort, era ear% eat Swaim, Tartu if neer/ and toe Aosta in at., atilt for fiat throated' MI, by takr=iriate. Dr — Passengers for CieT6ll6l:l4, Tolebe_ Litton, ro by We roots, awl be tine aselaalod, being Marlin shorter than by any other into. Er Pasiengers (or It Louis, lactiaaapoW, 'Zeno Haute, Cairo, and all palate on the Lwow. and Drina Itlarisaipol, its lota elangin of ants, aid snits to ad mit. of any Other route; and to Ouwinsall, Cottwednia. Dayton, 14.4.11111111, sad other praisisral dam, u viiek as by any other route. All Western Basins CEEICISID 1113012(112 and headied wish were. FOR THE NORTH. The a. 16 Ald cosnects aloall win 11/VPIPPAMI Orel the Dee,ta , e" f* , Rochester, Holub , Magus Yalta, N and Cush., thu =the mom Linn railway ma te to orthweetern mita and Welters New York. Paawrogera wild kid thin the alienist, cheapen, awl most otpeatiticas route to Niagara Falls and Csamia. Through lienta an lamed to YRUadelphis hue Co- Itunkla and Lannator by all the haps at 1.3 each, each Into Layne; tare aonantiana. Peas. poa k 1 111.0 mote amid trowelled Widow and all the ineumalenco of &crying noon the Busgaehanna river Pawing en for Hanover, Iteemli eater, thansbarg Ina nil Moberg, Cullen, CUR:ingot:tug, go by tie train al 11.11 A , and P wrenturam. BRANCH. The Ctrs oit Ws rest make ass trip per up, esemeet lag with tb• train at i P 111 Pox THBOOO/1 TIOLITE sad farther taferrastion, apply at the Ticket ChSee, 011wert ittstlor, 2 B. came of Calvert tad Irsakila Amts. seggi-tt 0 Q. AMMON, eart. ICOR I L A DE L PHI A, GERNANTOW.NN ii ANDMORKISTOWN SLILROAD—WO . LI .ARRA.M.MXXLIT.—Os sad attar MOSDAT, . . FOB GERMANTOWN - - - . Leave Pblladolpkia at 0 71( 33‘. 0X,11}( A. 13., 3-10 min 4,6, 6, T. 0, aai 11 P Leave Oormantovn at 631,1-36 mln 9,0, 10X A. K., 1.10, S-10 Elia 4,6, 6, 1,3, and 10 P. IN T S 5 o'clock A K. ?nia tram iftnnasktovn orEtop *Ely at Warns Street (atlas. ON SIINDATO, Loan Plillatalnla at •Xi nun. 34.4 sad 0 P. Y. Loa.. GermanWwia SAO mdn. A. 11., 1-10 van- sad 46 WA P. 51. CIIIMIUMT HILL 11.1111.3.0110. USX, Philadelphia at 7)6, ON, 11%, £.34., ;4, , and 9 P. H. LNITO Chest:lot mu at 73‘,6-40see1111-10 eds. 1. 21., 12-60,340,640 and 740 can. P. Id ON 11UNDATB. ___. Leave Philadelphia, 9-.20 A. M, 2 and PM. Leave Chet:tut HUI at 8 A M. 12-40 and 6-'lO P. H. ?OR MASATUNIC, COIyHOHOCH.E.N AHD 50H1L13- Leave PLiledeivll► at 6,1 j, 9, 11 A. M., 3,4 X, 9%, wad 11 P. M. Le►n Norristown et 7,9,11 . A M , 3 and fAO P M. ON SUNDAYS, Lesee Philadelphia at P A hl , aid! P. W. Leave Narriatown at TA. IL, aid P. M. MESTER VAL/JP( BA tIitGAD FOR DOIRCINM TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at gK A M, and P. M. Lem Downingtown at IX A , sad 1P M. 11 K 8 ITU , Superintendent. Depot, Math and Green streets, Philadelphia 'N ORTH PENNSYLVANLS. RAILROAD WINIXR A&ELLNGIMINI. RETRLIIIRM, BAZTON, ALI‘ENTOWH, M /1:l CHUNK, DOYLIWOWN, AIL On and after Wednesday, Norensbor 4th, 1557, th• train' on this road .ill leave Philadelphia daily Orme days eimpted) as follow,: /or Bethlehem, Leon, AZentotrn and Ranch Chock, (Ispresq at 9 A N., in connection with L. T. R. R For Bethlehem, Allentown, and Manch Clint*, (Ps, pros,) is connection with L. T. It R , at 919 P for Ihylestows, (Acconmedstion,) at 4.30 P. M. Tor (Hyseell, do. at 10 A. M. On °sodas* and Fridays the 10 A El train will nu tbrougli to boylestawn, leering Doylestown to semi at 1 96 P. M. TRUES POIt PRILI.I3IIPEUII. . 7.011,T11 totholem (Express) at 9 A. M., and 2 23 P. M. L,a„ Do*stolen, (Accommodation) at 8 SS A. M. Vesee Gwynedd, do. at 2 20 P. M. ONIKINDAYS. for From Owyned4 9IbA.M. I I Gwynedd t SOP DI Doliestrwo . . ... 4 .XI P. M Doylestown_9 5.51.21 /us to Bethlehem ti 60 " Mauch Chunk 2CO " Wllkesbarre 460 PASSENGER DEPOT. FRONT AM WILLOW Ilts, PhilA ELLIS CLARK. Agent. CHANGE OF HOURS.—P HILA DE - L. ARIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAM ROAD. On and after Moody, Nov 23d, Mr, PABEIENOER TRAINS IRATE, PILLLADIFLPIILS Per Baltimore at BA. M IP. M , (Express,) sad II P. M. 'or Wilmington at 3 A. M , I, 330 and UP Y. Por New Castle at S A M., I ant 930 P. M. Pot Middletown at II A. M. and I P. M. Pot Dover at BA. II and I P. M For Seaford at BA. M, and 1 P M TRAINS FOR PRIUDELPRIA Letts Baltimore at 8 40, Express, II A. M., and 813 P. M. Leave littintugton at and 11 43 L. M., and 2 211 snit 1, bd P. Lure New C4ille at 655 and 11 06 .t. 11., act 8.50 P.M. Leave MHdlotown at 10 10 A M smi 7.05 P. Y. Lear* Dorm tit 9CSA. M ami 5 P.M Love Seaford nt 7 50 A M and 2 P M. TRAINS /OR BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at 916 A. M., 2 P. M. and 17 19 A M. SUNDAYS only at 11 P. M. from Philadelphia to taltrrnoro do. do. 626 P 2d. from Baltimore to Philadelphia Prelght Train, with Paneeager Car attaelitH, •ill ran aa follows : Leave Philedelpliii for PerryTtlit and fatermti'ata plates at 6 00 P. M. Lem Wilmington for do. do. 6 60 P M. Leave Baltimore for Barre-de-ti race it 6 P. M. no 21-ly B. M. FELTON, Preektent. fire proof Safes. SALAMANDER SAFES. • large assortment of EVANS & WASS:O2IIS PHILADELPHIA mANurAcTußS'io lIALAMA.NDIR WO. VAULT DOOR?, For Baas sad Mem BABE LOOKS to aay noir ta arie. IRON DO 4 VII, 8/IIITTINa, ts., Oa ar goad term aa aay other astabllaluresmt la Ile Vatted Wats*. by & WATSON, No. SO Boma FOURTH street, Plalada,ria. KAMM GIVII LB A CALL WELCOME RANGE .—ZOLDBY 0 AL Inca Blip, 1113 t. IBMS 111, mak"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers