mops, IAIitrARY 80. , 410 , 04 , Mr,arrY.074%- , ,r24.,• 81111 . 7§ - Oo`BIX X, 2: ganAt aB2 •BXI 600 82 ' 24 ";do _ " o 821( 250 • • do - 1 430 82X 'lOO do • 06:0.82 X: 60 ''do--.-• -01276 100 Oloye&To1B 43 100 do 410 43 ' .500 • •dni.; • 689 48 :650 do • 43 1(- 2700 , -.434 ..200, do, , 650 43X • 2000 200 B sox . i do l, , , 24X 450 ' do' •‘. ' *3 22X, - 100 ", do - AO 229( • 200 'do - - 130 223(; 200. do , 610 2291 100 do • '630 221( 400 Hudson River _l9 , 224, Harlem It . • 8,,X 820 do 8x 200 do 60 Harlem B prof 1813 X. 88102thAvenuall 100-• -6 N 11811ort R 114 800 Iteadlog 683( 110 Allah gen ' 613( 170 Mlah 8&N In It '189( 250 P&IIIMI1 It 90X 14 -do 90X , 100 ni goo 41097x -100 • • do: 46 9731 60 do 1,30 98 -* 2;t - do 97 100 do *3 97X' • 25 Oleve Col&Olo •89 60 Gol&Ohl 660 77 ,13 o - 77 100 do . X 60 0 & BABland a 68 476 Le, Ora & Mill 113( 40 do ' - • 11X - 368 do -' 111( 200 do ISO 11% 100 :-!" 480 - 11 110.8111). I 70011orlem 160 Harlem It prof' 18 'l4O Idk_Or & Mil R 11 100 - 101( 26d0 , -10 X 60 'do 61011 ' 100 Bendlpg 11 - 61X 700 do - 410 58X 200 do 124 .311 Bo & N Ind 11 19 68% 60 do 430 104 j - 40 Mo&Nlndpr ak 33 - - - 40 - r .404 _ asx ioo Panama It 91 ~ 1025 glove & Tot-ItbB 43X - 266: rdo • 489( 200 do ' 4;30 43X, 200 48X •,-10 , 11,1stamotr,B,Ult 00 ' 50 . 'do a 610 69 , 100 -: do: 119. do " 69X 401 gleia_,&:P.lll* trxw :to*CaToes, EX looo_Nrit to, 0r'703 nook° es; !sei - 108 4000 Teer 68,19: 89g . 1660 do Ira lecoct 14009 - Jolom low 00. N/ 1 7071 11X 6000 do rill .717 X 4000 do d 77 10000 o, at as 871( 6000 N Y omlll 8e • 88x • 8000 N Y Oen Te , 09 , 5000 do do "-UK/ 3000 Erie 24 mart 91. 6000 Had It ad mart 6S MOO Reid R Be 1:30 _ 701( 27000 Mob Cen 84,';' 15 2000 Berleih lA2dot -07 600 11l Centres Lei 95 600 do do '9514 18000 do do 95X, 10000 do - 'do • bOO 90 , 97000111 Freeland Bd 86 10000 do ;do. 87- - 5000 do do 1360 88- 1000 Tii&Ation 2dat 381( 1000 L orakslll tali, 45 - 2000 Gil daChi lab ta cog 7000 Gal &Oht-2d m-82 2400 Ls Cratidll 49 2000 do, - 47- 'lO9OO do do 46 5000 do .do - '401( 5000 - 46 16 {hi Da 97N Y 843102 • 10 Bonk of America 1083 115 Nothmel 114nk 100 10 Beak 84 of WY 991( 03 Hank of 00131 101 10 Am Exchange Bk 102 b Park Bonk 95 16 Emk of N Amer ' 100 , 45 Shoe and Ltttherlo2 69 Goa Bank - 97 240 OantOneo • MO . 11. 10 Del* "; 112' 563 Cam Vast • c 15 100 do - 000 •19 ' REOOND . 1000 Virginia & • rigo2X. 5000 do % 6000 Blisrourl ' 84% , 1000 Cattier , * 7e; '7O 77 2800 Ohio be, 'BO ' 10012 8500 - do • 10034 5000 LaC&l4ll Lt} be 42' 7000 'do 483( 4000 11l Freeland ha .85 3000 000 do 510R8pollnSFob 05 ,4 16 • 95 ig 30000 _ 30000 Rdetba, te6 - 660 OA , 10000 -do Tr. shi,lnetri Tr Bk 09121 15 Rank bf trerlri 99% I 800 Cons 064E*, tio 100 - do 5 •;,t , ,a016 140 do • 24yi 00 imp AI% 250 Pena &Area 74 50. N FTlOrtn elo 82 X 5 'do •- 14On I 250 ape,gg 200 Hudsoaliteltr 12-7•20= - - It to - reported that the foreign: subseriptions to the Illinois Contralloart amount no. to 51, 17 0, 000 . Thou' are favorable reports as to the progress of G 12410 loan. Tho ItateUlollt.Or. th 4/ Opelationi of the,Rndson River Railroad, contained in the report of the State engineer, Is tonigert4 Tory favorable It shorn that after pay ing Interest on Its funded and Coating debts, repairing machinery, 610 ;Ind' approplating.ll9B,Bs4.B6 tor, the repairs of the track, It him* Wino* of 238,430.22 to ap ply to.the. payment otthe Sooting debt... •-• •' <, TOLE MARKETS. - . _ _ . _ Anne—ThelmerkotirgqaKaBrm an demiuktl, at $5.62g (or Vote andss 60 for Patric Coma -The market for 1110 imilmoet other kinds to quiet ,this morning; the owe :nom New. Orbits.' itiviqi Rio dates to u* December is favorable. We have not heard allay busineastrf Importance. Coryon.,The marzet L &Rd this' ,morolot at the further &dome shown by our quotations.' We quote : NEC 2011 E chasouriarricas , . . Upload,. FlOdds. Mobile. N.o.&Tax. Ordinary ' 9% -9% -9% Middling 10% - 10% 10% • • 10% Middling4tdr.;:. 11% • 11% • ~- 1 1% . 11% • Fair —ll s,. 11% - Ft.oua.—The demand. for Welders canal Dour Is lest aetive,and strider the dlesoursiting news by the Canada pries' of ,00mmori brands are oe . loo lower. The better grades are frith/nit important change: The sales are 4,009,bb1a at U 10684.25 for ornitirma to goOd B , lltb $0.86694.55 for' extra do' State itt - 30 For superfine Thdlitna Ong Michigan'; 84:48814.90 for extra do; 94 70 et 4.911 common to good extra Ohlo round hoop ; $4.90 090.26 for good to choice do tomettotko for tit Louie brands andoixtra-Geneeee.: Canadian flour lawlthont Important change, and the demand Is light; tales of 300 bbls at .4.10e5t.55 for superfine, and thi.4files6.9o for, extra brands. Southern Flour is twilmital request, and Is heavy, partial/laxly the high grades; isles of 40 , bbts at $4.600.3 - tor mixed togeoct brands Baltimore, &c, and $5.05056.60 for the bettergradsa,' Rye Piour ls in United demand, and is lower t sales of /00 bbls at s34tsl3 70. Corn Meal to eteedy. Buckwheat ;lour Is in fair demand at 02.20 tOD .124; Idastar....the Inquiry for *heat Ie light, and the mar. Yet, Is nominal at the olese-41 for Chicago and Wing-, and $103x;1 05srfor Mflwaukte club ;,rye Is in limited demand atltialltnibsrley Is Intl:l.:Aerate request's( 70a 78e. 0!,4.rtr0 pull JIM plenty - at' 425460 for _state and Omuta (Wiwi the supply of pied ship p ing qualities lllV/Slite; these are Saner—salad of 72.0 bast 600 or Inferior to fair - southern leletraMn 7 oo for good to prime. do, and 06a71010r sontherri whim. , - Mousses ...tiewllidesse Is qtdeVand In email stock at the mninent4 , sale& 160 plaint 250. oreign is Poovilfirifis.LOnli re Moderate &maid for Pork day, owing to the advanced prices naked; sales 0f.206 MU It 112412.16 for seine, and 218.7.8forrueis, closing doll at these prices: - - Reef in fair demand and la firm, with light artivaher sales of 210bbli at 28981 for country prime; 119810 for do. Meal; 210-606.113 forlepached western ereess;' and SU L ddrell4 tot eitra dd. • ' Prime mesa is In fair &maid—isles of 110 tee at Mob M.' Beef Rams are firmer—sales at 15150117, and the latter rite now - refased for choice. Bacon is and in fair Amend at BgaBNc.. • Out ligature In Lair request at 60, for shoulders and Bre 8)(e, for harm's: 1,401,is a shade bitter audio fair da mand—exiee of 2001ebbi atprenc.,laChegs at 10)ic.• Breated Stapler° in dinimd at ' Rater le in fair demared at Ifirelle for Ohio, and 13a. Mc for State, Ohearels saleable at diode. - Eggs mein good regnant at 13.006 ykirldrato, ' .- Beden6.—The feeling is firtn,lued a,moderate demand prevails. Refined is in fair demand at no far erushed,' ground and annulated, and Se.9%e for whAte coffee, and la,Bo . Winster.—Theirmiliat is BiAially; gales of 200 Mils at dime.' - • CITY ITEMS. LIBIRARY Corrani,4-Pronf the printed' report of tide' old and' respectable Institution-we leans that the ThirtyJitth Aroma ideating of the Iteeichol/em was hold et the Library, on l'itesdejenientoz,:entieryltth ; , ohm, that these eta seventeen bundled and eighty members; who molmlaP the advantages the - institution otters. Thindruber of irolcubes added ddring the past year is eleven litintred and twenty, making the total number now in the Mies" , fourteen thousand Ilvishutidred and twenty , volumes. Mr. J. kdoecinde; the leeeeet rian, and Ids assistant, Mr. DiOSsons, ire both warmly commended In thisnaport - far the:falthfui disabuse, of the duties atielidiug their poster. - - Oomyltdrit is made, bonever, that in ooneequenes of the alight attendance from the members oftlieecrinpany upon the somas nf lectures give* under the- auspices et the fustitittica, doting the 'enter of 1866-7, a loss of . S7M 45 !rag eitatled on the funds of the library, bloom atlioeuee of whit - A*li isadeni:atiO ftockhold•raweie deprived of, the use, ea r well as ownership, of a large number of volumes. _ Regrets are also 'expressed that several works con• - tailing dee engravings hare been seriously mutilated by inseams frequenting the library, and to prevent which, in the retire, a resolution has been adopted to keep works of that ebardeter under lock and ter—which Lief course designed rather to limit their abase than to re- strict their-use.,, In addition to thane unpleasant inel dentaln the experience of the company during the tut year, it Is added that volumes have been purloined flans the rooms and dnianed Of toaecond: bOok-yenders. increased ITlgiancivitil be Uraninite preterit the re'• currenee of efintirayanality In the future. The balance remaining In the freeway of the comps ny, at the rendering of the report, was $00.68. °Yana 140U$11.—Thin,great, Snell- Cullen ofsong.and dance, by the inimitable troupe of 'Artists, Maptie n ng the Sandford Troupe, offers greet attraction the piceent week, This Craning we.have an Ethiopian opera, jthe only nett ro t ) Sandford appearing as the prineipal, followed by songs, dances, !rostra. Mental solo!, &i., - „by: the entire company of twenty performers. gni:Ai:Ms' is always full;_ so, go early If you wish to stmire a good seat. J.ERUsetiK.Those`,"-of our renders who desire to have atife-Ilke:Vlow or.Terusalera as it is can now bare their de/lre_gritttled without the-trouble of a voyage in the typical Canaan, by visiting Barolay's ral9Wiloin:ttppapnps,p; exhibition at the, new hall; northeast Coiner of Tenth and Chestnut streets, on and afteEto-morrow evening, the rd inttant. Two nOwn - Obri TOMO:here:of thin , eitin4drf-inari band of singers mrilLtritriP the 'oPlOestunity or tistenlog -to -their mein- Mows stratus of old-time sacred 'song, on'kussdityand Wasaideieirsiiings of WA week ; ; raine's They wiliidonbtless be greeted with an overflowing MONTMX RAINBOW AND NINTBOttOLOGIBT." —TWA Aolol2tlßo work ," devoten to the origin and laws ntatercantacyy changes, end.their4inOvtentAxraringe upon tfiegrelit Juiriculttual, sinitery, tind ,tionthierctal interests Ot Unkind;'', Ceps the - i:i_natnitel . lawn which rentrelibli chaingicket the ehitnente.Alle tart:lee en impOitent influence on man." tar instance, the action of heat or oold will Induce a- corresponding change in the eilteroala of a man, and natural gimes wilt trefoil, him to visit the, great OlotigneYdoporlfim of graniille fp Sicken, ~ del , Chestnut street. • - • STEVENB' (MO leotuitt Olt " Tha grusadera in tholvay Liaa. ,, will be delivered in ,Concert Hall, to-morrow evening, at quarter before eight o'clock. nont - vs ; And thlaotio ' naxim iH A iltikading rate—., Men *re what 'May _ Still, as Mankind are prone to Judge by appearanee4 it is naessjary to'gire heed thereto; with reference to elpthing', all depends on the style and dti to secure per. feettoo, Whioh we advise' our readeti to Consult with John W. Albright, Zen., of the Arm of_blesere, Clifton, Albright, Co., No. 627 Chestnut street; in Jayne's Bail, where may heloond,tlie hirgert and best stook of ready-Made Clothing and nieceVoottlii the city COVERT Pnrro.-tohe,syetom of pu6ing, under eover'of netts Corns ant bite of philosophy, is now very generally followed.. The newspeper reader, .when be comei ramie O. 4 c Cilp" ' pith a stunnin t!e vac knows but itirill end, with. "f go WI your, clothing at thojtrown Stone Clothing Tian of Rockhill & Wilson; Nos, 66 an6Bo6,otiegfnut ittiet; abc46, filithp , This, however, is only sonnj, - seludble advice; 'and no puff at all. CITY MO TALITY. HpAEIR 017108, " January 80, /868.1 .11(„the city of Phan 01-12 12 o'clock to•day, is.., .162 "191 Ntrntobdr of 'Mermen Lhis, for The week endtrig est report Ofif.• . Cr •-• 7 Cobisepti.onornfato Ciiropf melll66oon of Cringe F. 46 ntovs)" 9 Disease of Heart , • a Dlsegui of Brain 1 Dobai!) , - xtnision on Brain 2 Bamlet , rever 12 - IX the.abore tntre wipzi Abbidis . Ofirtdien : . .. ....... ;119. Typhoid Fever ; Indammitittots of Brain., 8 Innteitttmtioit Of tango,.. 4 Inaamatfon of Liugo,.. fnanifdtloC :.ti . 8 Mereozy ! 014 , 144 ' 7 Other dimmers - 39 Totif IB 10 02 " 02 s. Total tal ttnier I yesfi. Und~e.b,eAra....3...i 90 MEM - Poop eof Odor yroxn the 01 6 AlulOtiqpea , 701 i/N•11. /IENDBIIBON, 9 ; MUST, WM= PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. 14141M1:0131174",i--4111.-..84.1vrilreeelsittlfe are generally ie dull/ and the what, deßloiti; under:a - limited de -1 mend, ides in favor buyerktit, 50 bbls Ohio ' • ektra and 400 bble'superfine only having been sold at a Priem kept secret, inipPOsed to be about $4.87a $5 for the'fornier, and $4.50 par bbl for the latter, at which ratee they:are freely offered.. The re tailors and bakers are buying within' the range of $4.51/45 and .$6.: per- bbl for common to clear brands, extra and fine family Flour,. according to brands and, quality; :but the demand 'is light. 'Corn. peal le held. at $3 per bbl for Pennsylvania Meal, and very dull. Rye Flour-ie lower, and a small'sale is reported et. $3 per bbl, which prim, is generally refused. Wheat meets with :a•• limited. inquiry only, and prices are lower, ogles of 1,500 bushels good red at $1.12a51.14, and 1,800 bushels fair to good white at $1.28a51.32, mostly at $l3O. Corn ie not so plenty, but,, the 15rannd bas falion'eff, and about 3,500 bullets new yellow only;havelseen sold at 5131a580, chiefly at the latter price in store. Oats are dull at 33.1 for ,Delaware and 310 for Pennsylvania. 'Rye le steady and commands 7bo. Barley sells at 800 for Western New York, at which rate about 1,000 Inishole have been sold, Bark is wanted 'at $2B for first quality, quercitron. Cotton is quiet, but holders axe firm In their demands. ' Groceries are not mush inquired for and prices are unchanged. Provisions are firmly, held, and a sale of 200 cask pickled hams. wax made, to arrive, at 01e. Seeds ara in request and Olovereetd is wanted at $51455 per bushel. Wbieltey is steady at 20a210 for bble, 200 for hhds, and 19a1.910 for drudges. maim .intelligence. POET OF PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 1, IBIS. RUN MOB 6 59 I SUN 13.1411 6 1 ,111011 WATHR 4 51 • • ARRIVED. - • Steamship Virginia, Kelly, from Richmond, via Nor folk, 25 hours, with rase and passengers to Thorns" Webster, Jr. Reporta the barque Margaret, for New Orleans, as having gone to sea at 0 P Mon Friday. Saw an inward-bound barque and a brig at the Breakwater. Steamship Palmetto, Baker , 48 hours from Boston, with mdse and passengers to H Winsor.; . , - Btearrialtip Delaware, Clops , l 0 hours from New York, 'via Cape May, with mdse and passenger' to Jamea AIL 'derdlois. Passed soma lateen inward-bound schooner" at anchor off Cape May. , Bohr L Crocker, Presbuy, from Taunted, via New `Fork, 3 davit with mdse to J 15 'Dwells. Bohr Ne&Mn', Shepherd, - 2 days from New York, with melee to captain. 'Bohr Iwo Blob, aritth; 2 days ,frout New :Rork, with rodecto Crowell ' 4 Bohr Jamea if Vance, Bordge, 8 days from New York, with mdse to Crewed/ 4t. Collies. Bohr Sammerfield, Pritchett, 3 days from Baltimore, with feed to Tootle & Showell. (iiANAKan Barque RowenaiWilson, Lagnityra, Dallett Bros Brig Enteryrlee, Pendleton, Kingston, jam, Outer. bridge, liarvoy Behr Starlight, York, itYllll6, John Mason & 00. Bohr E W Perry, Bemson, Wilmington, NO, Pottit, Martin & Co. - Behr Geo Harris, Tarots, Barannah, do ',Behr W o.Ellason, Buckaloo f Savannah, D B }Britton Ss Cd. Behr P A Sanders, Ireland, Wilmington, NO, do Robe W A Hammond, Cain, Bolton, D Cooper. -*Bohr Pm:genet, May, do do Behr Bummerfteld, Pritchett, Baltimore, Tustin & Showell.- 'Bohr Charm, Blizzard, Alexandria, T Webster, Jr] Behr J -Williamson, Jr, Whismore, Norfolk, Tyler, Stone & Co. (sr rst.zoissn, (Correspondence ot the PhtlatteCels Rachonpe.) CAPE 13LAN , Jon 31, 6 Pll • The ship Stephen Baldwin, from New York, eaohored off this plane at noon yeeterdey, and etl.ll remake. The barque Rintena, , for Lnguayra, and two sabre are now golog to see. Nothing In eight bound In. Wind NW— weather moderate, _ Tows, &0., THOS. B. 1117G1338 [BY TELIWRIVITO TOT PRIMO.] Nsw Yong, lan 31 Arrived, steamship Horton, trom Plidadelphia,• slap bleaonsleook, from New Orleans. On the 21st met. Arehibald Woodside fell overboard and was lost, MJIMOBANDA Steamship North Star, Leferre, from Now York, at `Bremerhaven 11th ult. Steamship City of Richmond, Mohan, hones at Richmond 28th tilt, Ship Uncowah, Ilirby, from London for Ban Prancin eotilliat I . A . t:Pzr i m , eat u n g i.3 .. th , nit. h foralo do Janeiro, palled from Norfolk 2nt:alt. Ship Contisteut;Gibbe, for Iquique, clewed at Med 'bourne Nov 14 Bhlp Florence Nightingale, Goa, for Akyab, cleared at Melbourne Nov 12 - . . Ship Saranalc, Rowland, for Philadelphia, Nailed from Liverpool Dith ult. (spoken same day by Canada.) Ship Idameduke; Whitney, from Singapore, arrived at Calcutta Deo 1, and remained 10th for repairs, having reoelved considerable damage in consequence of ground ing on the bar at the eatranoe of Rangoon ricer. Ship Outilian, Graves, for Liverpool, eleesqd at Bal• tuners 00th nit. - 81 1 1 P Bias Preeto, from Bordeaux, arrived et New Orleans 27th ult. -Ship Zered, Coach, for londonderry, cleared it New Orleans 234 ult. Ships Thee U Perkins, Wayne; Juniata, Wilson, and Philadelphis;Peole, for Philadelphia, were loading at 147erpool 16th nit, •• Ship Ticonderoga, Boyle, from Kong Kong, at Blame Nov 27.. • Eihip Xiolao, Marcy, cleared at Boston 80th ult. for Ban Francisco. Bldg Loo Ohoo, Horton. for Alvah, sailed from Point -de Gallo Dec 3. Bhlp -Harlot & Jessie. Janvrin, for New Bedford, sailed from Bonoluln Novl6. , Ship Oohota, Day, remained at Calcutta Dec 17, load ing for China. Ship Ocean Nagle, Chaser, from Hong Hong, was at Atassolklor 28, uno Ship:Joshua Dates, McCallum, for ilhanghae, galled from Deng Nong Nov 13. - Ship John Wade, Ring, for Foo•chori-Foo, Balled from atag bong Nov 24. 3argue Hanheman, Abbott, for Buenos Ayres, cleared at Now York 84th ult. Barque Palermo, Ingham, for New. York, nailed from Palermo 89th Dec. Bargee Helen Mar, Low, for Hong Hong, sailed from' &matey& Novl2. Marque Wins, Harding, arrived at Calcutta Deo o from Atcvktovideo, vie ilkyab, where 'she had grounded on the Oyster Reef Nov 23, but came off, having, sopa. rently, received no damage, and went to Wends to be docked. Barque R K Kane, Hewitt, for Philadelphia, remained at Gibraltar 4th ult. Barque Edward Cohen. Hill, remained at Gibraltar 4th lilt, for Marseilles. Barque Amy, Hammond, cleared at Boston 29th for Bhiladelphla. Barque Alnah, Neylns,lrom New York, at At Jago de Coba 11th ult.. • Sarno* Jos Hale, Merrill, which cleared at New Or. leans 23d ult. for Philadelphia, has for cargo 913 hhde sugar, MO bble molaaaes, 600 empty cute, 6000 stases, sod 21 bales cotton . Brig Barone Planck. Parritt, for Jan Juan Amodio, cleared at Now York 80th ult. Brig OhMopes, Howes, from Liverpool for Baltimore. milled from Holyhead 14 t h Brig Fairy, Welsh, eaildd from RiChmond 28th ult. for Petnamlnico, with dour. Brig D klalony, Steelman, for Arroyo . PR, oleared at Hew York 30th alt. Brig Saml Welsh, Barrett, from Aspinwall, at Olen fuegos 9th ult. Brig P Lacoste, Pearce, hence via Trinidad, at Olen. fuegos 14th ult. Brig Triatt, Bulkley, hence at Cienfuegos 17th nit. Brig Molankuo, 9t,tcholl, hone al Wil&ngton, Del., at Trinidad, Cuba, 18th ult. Fehr A Demotion, String, cleared at Mobile 25th ult. for Pensacola, , - ]ThilrTrllrllni Behr Geo A Tittle ; Adams, from Mobile, at Wey West DM • fiche Fannie, Houton, cleared, at Savannah 28th ult, -tar Phil*, with 277 bales 'cotton , 249 do domestics, 68 pkgs liquor, ID empty casks, And 49 pkgs sundries, Sabra J B Dleecker, Edwards, and lielen Her, Nick erson, cleared at New York 20th nit, for Philadelphia Behr Dr John Studley, Lamb, from Frederica, Del, at New York Beth nit. Behr Id It ,Carllele, Winemore, from, Providence for Henna, went to aes from Newport 27th nit, in company with oohs Allen Middleton, Jr, Sipple, from do for Ma tanzas. - , Mat S UTtting. °arson, for New Orleans, cleared at Ohaneston 28th ult. &bre J Li Planner, Thompson, for Bavannah, and J la Houston; Russell, from eharleston, arrived at Wil mington, No,2Bth nit Behr L B Myers, Somers, sailed from Richmond 29th nit to finish loading at a point down the river for New York. ' Behr A Thrall, !lining, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boated 29th nit'. Bar Burrows Oj'terms, for Minalagtou, NO, cleared at New York 30tMt, Behr Sarah Jane ' Brotllostroa for Philadelphia, cleared at. New York 80th ult. Behr Mary Arm, Magee, for Phi(*dolga, soiled from No. Bedford 29th tat Eichr Muth& Wrlghtington, Wrightlogton, from Poll Myer for Phlladol - phla, wont to nu from Newport 27th ult. . Behr M 0 Dude°, for Philadelphia, was up at Wil Langton, NO, 27th et. MAR/NM MISOBLIANY. 6bip Arctic, Zeregs, from Liverpool Nev 24, arrived at New York 20th alt. Experienced fine 'weather to Dee 1, elate which time to Jan /3 had heavy gales froM 13 to NW, always going to westward; lost and split sails, Nov 20, Jet 81 49 long 7139, a ball of Ore struck on the deck , where it burst with a tremendous report, knocking down the UAW mete, carpenter and boatswain, also come of the seamen an 1 passengers, brit not se riously injuring any one. Dee 7, et 11 P kl, was board ed by a heavy sea, which stove bulwarks, main hatch house, broke stauncheons, and carried away the lar board quarter boat, fining the cabin and second cabin with water. At 430 A)1 was struck by another sea, filling both cabins again with water, and doing conside rable other dasesgq also killing and washing overboard ThoeLapworth, moan, of Liverpool. Jan 8, lit 49 04, long 27 20, at PM, while lying to, shipped a ees, which carried away starboard quarter boat, and 414 ,other damage. Jan 4, lat 49 27, long 32 MI, Joseph Phillip. seaman, fell from the jibboom overboard, and was lost. Bhip Si:Tampon, which - wept ashore ae Cohasnet a abort time since, went to please- on the night of tho 28th nit, Middlesex, before reported Wrecked, le an old vend, of 496 tons reglater, having been built at Med. ford in 1840, rating A 2%, and owned In Drovineetown. The barque Mary 0 Dyer was got afloat 26th ult, and now Iles in the, harbor at Berne et. She la perfectly tight, end if the weather proves favorable, a steamer will leavens. , York to tow her up. 01 .1 do, Tan 1 2 ,--The Dirigo, for New York, has put back. Urine, Jan 11,—The Jenny (American ship) It is pre earned, Lrom au English port, come Ia collision, on the morning , of the , 10th,, with the Tont.ft-Mule, (tubing smack) of Trouville. ' The latter woe damaged, and put in here in a leaky duke. Liverpool, Jan 0--The Tell Tale which arrived here yesterday from 81 Michaels, was in contact on the 7th January, off .Drusahead, while to tow of the Steam-tu g Ti,ctorla, With a chip or barque, supposed to be from Liverpool; both ochooner and steamer, received onside. table damns. 10th—The Therein', from Liverpool. arrived hete, lost part of bulwarks, in a gate from 13e to LIY, on the 274 Dee, in lot 40, long ra, and on the following day was struck by a sea, which opened 'Dues, lifted deck, and caused the ship to make wter, And 300 bags of wheat were thrown overboard; on the 26th Dec , in let 42, long 42, she was again struck by A tea which carried away bulwarks, slauncheons, dee, sieve ' boats, end listed the ihip, when sours copper and more corn were thrown overboard, the pumps being choked and the decks un der water. 13th—The DlCiater, Shaw, from Nest Orleans, arrived hero with fore, main, and rotten channels ripped, fore toenail split, ike, haring been in collltdon wi th a screw steamer off the 15krariee on the previous night, - The Henry llerbeek, front Cardiff for Alexandria, U 3, baa beau towedvoind from Queenstown for repairs. 16th•—The Martha Dost, Thompson, arrived here from Domihge, encounteredheavy gales nearly the whole of the 'passage, the ses,washing over her, filling the cabin; du r with - water, and causing the vessel to leek.- --Trade, ,Jan Augustine . Heard, , (American ship)° from Chinches for lifters, which put into Rio de Janeiro-20th Oct. leaky, ku been condemned there; .thettnsloest has bean charterebtA bring pp her caego,,, fte,Vjai., , , ' Illokdlepoiltfiii of 'the VS Meet Teats iquedroil let follow': Bair 9tlioltW6U4 Ind Twvallt at • floog IfilerFloe 29: - 114 rettefeetith et By the well of the Roth of , Nor, the Lettet j¢l3lditell lor ontete . to totem to the B foe *blob 'oho probable atkrt -kbotif , the lOttrof Deo, ' ' The 11 8 store ship Earl soiled from Boston BOthnlt for the Meititorhnem. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL:HOTELS, , Tfp'to iriPeloilLaat Nsght, GIRARD HOUSE-41hestnnt Street, below Ninth. I 0 W Barker, New York J Vanderpool, New York P 8 Vanderpbol, New York H At Alexander, New York F II Riehmond, R I B Major & la; N Y A B McComb, Delaware 0 D Archebald, London W Graham, St Lords 8 Frankford & La, Ga. W K Thorn & 11,N Y /I V Butler, N if H 0 Hart & la, St Louie 0 Robinson, Poughkeepsie H Ketchum Jr,NY A D Olark, N Y 8 Allen, Tenn J Oowdey, Balt Geo W Small, Balt 0 W Bilge, Balt Oeo Phipps, Balt 0 W Barnes, 'Latrobe H P Robeson, Pa Vol Brown, (NW' J F Spangler, York, Pa Geo Lauman, Pa Mr Potter, Pa 3 5 Mitchell, N Y O Burns . . W AI Bobbin & wife, N Y 0 Seguin, Bath ' J B Downing, Louisiana . Robert Edwards jr, N Y I, Sanders, N Y Wm B Symmes, N Y J It Brockelmann, Brook'n E D Beach, Mass D F Fleming & la, Ch'rie'n Miss F Baker, Louisville It Whitney Louisville II Austin & la, N Y P G Arcula rin, N Y Anse Jane Saltonstall, N If 5 J smith, Frederick. Ild J O'Leary, Frederick, Ald Ii N Sherwood & la, N Y J F Conger, N Y Dr Hudson, N Y J Goodin Jr. 01n, Ohio J Y Sanford, N Y T W Beene, Nashville 0 0 O'Bryan, Nashville D F Fleming, Obarleston E T Bainbridge, Hy J F Underhill, N Y B Rolfe, N Y II D Bacon, N Y Matthews, St tonic Mr Barlow, New York John 0 Rives, Washington John Gooddy, England Mel Carleton & la, N .1 Afra Miller, New York Mrs Watson, New York .1 Ackerman, New York W A Davis, Louisville Jos Champion, New York John AI Mott. New York R D Larcombe, New York T 8 Gilliam. Virginia Henry Laurence, New York W II Roberti, New York B 0 Back, Baltimore D Loder, New York Semi Bileow, Baltimore II Downing, Baltimore G N Candor, !Oomph's 0 P Moulinler, Ohio J E Wortendyke & le. N Y II 8 Thorny,,, New York R M }Ratchford, New York Ron It J Walker, Weak FP Stanton, Weshington J A Loch. Florida SF Beatty, Kentucky J Smith & wife, 0 West Ang 13111mmel, N Y A It Howard, Moss H Lawrence, Miss Dwlght Correy,New Haven 0 Prentiss, Cleveland, 0 Wm Vandevoort, N Y D Richmond, Buffalo P W Shearer, Pottsville Geo E Harding, St Leith CI Williems, Muscatine Jno Ireland, Lafayette, In& Benj P Dalton, K T W O'Donnell, It T A G Rowland,'Phila Abram Norrith, Ind Geo H Potts, N Y A II flouthwelth, Val F Ecksteine, jr, & hi, 0 re UNION HOTEL—Aroh street, below Fourth. al Nathanson, N Y P DI Frick, N Y A Stinemetz, Cincinnati P Brobst, Cincinnati Isaac 'tacker, Philo J A Page, Norfolk, Va II Bartling. Reading - 3 A Crawford, Troy J Il Earl, Shippen, Pa B fleipt, Cincinnati .3 Springer, Cincinnati 3 B Sheaf& r, Pottsville M Sward & Is, Ify Albert Hawe, Hy F Pell, Newark, N J D W 0 Grey, Washington ,W T D Harn, Ohle 3 Rosenstein, St Louie A Morgan, 1 1l 0 11111, Freeport, 11l Orris Trace, Freeport, /11 Thos A Plain, 111 Geo It Sloan, Freeport, 11l F 11, Fritz, Reading AIIIBRIDANIIDTPI—Ohentont streetabove J altogers, Philadelphia John W Brown, Phil& J H Harrison, Baltimore L Lunsford, Baltimore L Lielnoton, Baltimore J Brown h la, N J W B Brannon, Baltimore John 13 Gorge. New York Baml D Lewis, N Y W L Lowlo, Now York B Fleming & la, Mobile B. Peterson & eon, Mobile M Earnest, Ohio It B Wood, Virginia Thos Street. Baltimore John A MAW:, Philo Hon (1 k Williams, Wash Chas D Watkins, Coon L Philpot, New Haven Thos Brown, New Haven S Hess, Philadelphia MERCHANTS'. HOTEL—Ponrth street. below Arch. Jas Johnson, Imams, Pa J H Bhryock, Indiana, Pa J W Appleton, Ky A Edwards, Towanda Abraham Arthur, Phlla 8 4 Inman, Plymouth, Ps Pentrldge, London, 0 W B Champneys, Jr, Lanc'r It l, Williams Ky W /Meek, N 0 Hon N Voeghtly, Pittsburg David Bower, Pittsburgh John Rutherford. Pa Baml 8 Keefer, lowa J H Edwards, N Y Henry Wax, N Y T B Mackey, Milton John 11 Shrrock, Pa 8 Wetherill, Bethlehem Hon Jas W Borden, Pa 0 Cole, Washington city H Ball, N Y J P Burkholder, Texas It Barnard, N Y tf Nelson, N Y B Schwartz, N Y 8 8 Jameson, Pa Mrs Bennett & son, Philo, Hon 0 M Donovan, Phlla D W Moore, Clearfield, Pa Jae B Montgomery, Pa ' STATES UNlON—Market street. above Sixth. Geo 4 Stokes. Baltimore Mtea K Baker, N Y J 8 Dolce, Philo Wm It Barnitz, Lancaster E McDonald, PAR R It Robt Hamilton, Columbia Semi Crowell, Ohio Philip Kitchen, Pa Geo Hill, Bucks co W II Eminger, Harrle'rurg Gee W Batley, Harrisburg Samuel Doors, 'Harrisburg John MoGuiggin, Pa E 1 Mealtime, N Y A B G Koons, Pa C D Holten, Pa 0 0 Hinkle, Harrisburg Thee Lent, Baltimore Philip Lowery, St Louis Jae Andersen, Wilmington Swill 1' Hansom, Wilmington BARLEY BREAF HOTEL--Second street, below Fine P R Frets Doylestown Cyrus OadwalleAer, Pn W P Tomlinson, Bucks co A Ream, Doylestown Theo P Harvey, NP R R Chem Seeley, Cheltenham R Leary, N Y 8 W Bilk, New Rope 0 0 DIMS) Mortar co, Pa • /EAMON 110178 E—Second greet. above Market D 8 Mann, Dalt Sand Duneleth, Philo G W Young, Pa E Wood Fogg, N J Jae Thompson, Yu 8 Bastrop, Vs B F Seger, Plena J Oonnover, N I BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third street, shore Oallowhill B Bowie, reasterville W T Shafer, °heater co 0 Betty, PI eirertown John Riestend, Potterille BLAQK BEAR INN—Ndth and Merchant streets Lewis Hahn, Pa ,Lenzuel Beltzer,Pa James Pol, Del T A Blekarde, Plata J Mlles, Phila Stephen D Byere, Pa Taw Harple & la, Pa .7 Woodring, Pa a W Shaarde, Easton John Kline Pa B Plleger, Pa W Smith & la. Pa T Doyle & la, Phile A 8 Morris & la, Pa , NATIONAT. HOTEL—Race street, above Third. .8 T Ellrich, Pottsville Martin J lillllng. Erie, N Y A II amiss!, N Y .Ittoob Lowtbrop , If Chunk Jacob Snyder, Ptah' W II (hula,' & la, Allent , u It Smiley, Pittsburgh new Rees, Muucy Wei R Loos, Blyerstowa, Pa Chas U Royer, Pottsville 8 Thomas, Pottsville ' BALD EAGLE—Third street. above Oallowhill. Daniel Hiegel, Easton Miss Hiegel, Easton Thos M Moilheney, Pa M Friel, Harrisburg Saint Boyer, Port.Olinton John Brown, Luzern cox& Band Steinmetz, Bathe co Eiperial Notices I mine lal Photographs.—The latest and grandest improvement that has yet been made in the operation of making Portraits by the Photographic) process is the art of taking them direct from life, in Imperial ere, as It Is practised at the Rooms of P L. OUTERUNST. ARCH STREET, FOUR DOORS ABOVE SEVENTH. Their apeelmens of this moat superb and satisfactory picture that has yet been produced are attracting great attention, and are daily being inspeoted by hundreds of our Mittens Their LIFE SIZE Pictures in 01l are also very superior, and, in feet, the Pictures in all the various styles of the art are unrivalled in point or finish and durability. Prices moderate. fel•lm Meilen moles Iron Bitters.—This Medicine, es Ito name implies, is 0126 or the greatest strengthening preparations extant. It fa especially adapted to those who haves loss of Appetite, or afflicted with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Piles, Nervous Debility ) General Weakness, and all Musses arising from a dia. ordered condition of the Stomach or Liver. For (ornate complaints generally, there is, perhaps, no medicine in the world equal to it, as it enteric, purifies and replenishes the blood, which is so Important to bring about a healthy action. Prepared only by GEO. B. HODENSACH, Prentice! Pharmaceutist, THIRD and GREEN Streets, to whom all orders must be addressed. Sold by John P Curron, Germantown Road and Fifth ; (forcipes, Tenth and Coates ; Dyott, 2113 North Second; J. W. times do Son, Eighteenth and Market; David Jameson, Jr., Third and Catherine, and Druggists generally. fel-lt* - - - Gold and Stiver—Savlng Fund.—American LINB INBURANCE AND TRUST CO., 8. E. corner FOURTH and WALNUT, pays all sums on demand, In specie. ja2B-1m Gold and Sliver—Five Per Ct. Saving Pond. AMERIOAN TRUST, 8. E. corner WALNUT and pOURTII Streets, pays all sums on demand, In specie. Ja2B-1m Jackson, JOB PRINTER, SIEROIIANT STREET. Cheeks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill Roads, Cir• oulars, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at prices to suit the times. 0017-ly good Coffee. Leven! of Colfeemnnot reallee the full value of their favorite beverage reithout having it made in the Old Dominion Coffee Pot. AB.TIIIIR, 111310111A11, & 011,110 Y, 117 and 119 South 'TENTH, cor. of @gorge, d9..0m Bole Manufacturer' Gold and fillver.—Anterlcan Trust Po., R. E. earner FOURTH and WALNUT, pays all mune In specie, on demand. Interest 6 per cent. Ja26•lm Seamen's Suring Fund—Office 203 Walnut etroet, one door west of Second street. Receirea de posits in sume'of One Dollar and upwards, from all claims of the community, and allows interest at the rate of fire per cent. per annum. Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon. day and Saturday until 9in the evening President, Franklin Fell; Treasurer and Secretary, Merles 91. Morrie. Specie Payments. Five Per Cent. Saving Fund or AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE TRUST COMPANY, 8. E. corner WAL NUT sad FOURTH Streets. This old Institution, having ALWAYS paid In full on demand, continues to reCelso on Deposit, In Current Funds, and pay all Sums an called for In GOLD and 81LV.11,11 je2o,lm The Greatest Bargains In the World.--The subscriber, befog about to close his business, offers bis entire stock of superior Ready-made Clothing for sale, All la want or &superior article are finned to give hire a call. Store toilet and fixtures for sale, TRACY, g 42 MARKET Street, dol6-2nt Gold and liliver.—Saving Fund, (American TRURT4 8. R. corner of FOURTH and WALNUT, pays MI sumo on demand, In opecle. Ja2o-im William C. Moßea, 907 Chestnut Street, is palling all kinds of fine Stationery at one-half the re gular prioe. Call on him at once and you will be matt,- fled. - Jal3-1m ftlarrince • On Thursday, Aug. 27, 1857, by Bar T. S. Johnson, JOHN H. BOND, of Hartford county, bid ,, to Bliso ELIZABETH A. JOHNSON, of 21th Ward. By Rey. V. Gray, Tan. 28, 1858, Mr. JOHN B. BROCK, INGTON, on Danbury, Conn., to Mies JANE GORDEN, of 'Philadelphia. KOn Thursday evening. Jan. 28th, 1868, by Rev. Jacob H. Nickell 1317 South Eighth Street, Mr. JOSEP H DARE, of ' Philadelphia to Mrs. ELIZABETH MA GUIRE, of Camden, N. J. In Wash ington Oily, on the .21st lost., by Rey. Father Knight, Mr. WM. IL 1/A.WINNIS, of Philadelphia, to Mra. MARY ELTEN BTEWART, or Washington city, iptatbo. Soddenly, on the afteinoon of the 80th inst., RION MID B. JONES, Jr., in the 85th year of hie age. Ills friends, and those of the family are respectfully incited to attend the funeral from hie late residence, N. 120 Arch street, below Eighth, on Wedneeday after noon, the ad toot., at 13i o'clock. To proceed to Lau rel NM Cemetery. On Tburaday, 25th Instant, at I o'clock JOHN B. BLIDA, Eu.j lathe 52d year of big age—a native of Itrlatol England, but for the put 25 yearn a resident' of oty. - On the 28th Wet,. ELVIBA VIROINIA, daughter of Edmund and Jane Burke, aged eight weeks end three dap. On the 27th huit., JANE SVALLAON, In the 28th year of Jar sae, TIE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1858. 1b tHamieriatid . Meting of, the ,Ylll4 PRECINCT, THIRTEENTH WARD, helest the hods* of P: H . Bohniddert B E. corner of Eighth and Callow hill streets, on Monday evening, January 25th, at o'clock; the following persons were elected Officers to conduct the Election on MONDAY EVENING, Feb. let at I o'clock : Inspectors—HENßY I. FOUGERAY, GEORGIC L. C'WHERLSY. Judge—SAME. J. NEWMAN. A. 51 SPANGLER, President. BAML. B. MoOMIEN, Secretary. fel-lt* 117 - H. Waldo Emerson will deliver a Lecture in CONCERT lIALL, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, Feb 3 1 , at 8 o'clock, for the benefit of the Union Tem porary Home. Subject: Works and Day' " Tickets, 25 cents each, at Parry & McMillan's 13. E. corner of Fourth and Chestnut streets, and at ' the door of the Hall on the evening of the lecture. fel usth 0:7 Preaching by Rev. Dr. Bruntle i i. In Logan Square Church, corner TITENTIET and VINE, THIS (Monday) EVENING, at 7N o'clock. Public invited to attend. feldt 1.J7 People's Literary Institute.—ltalph WALDO ESIKESON will deliver the closing lecture of the course on TUESDAY EVENING, Feb. 2,1, la the 61I3SIOAL FUND HALL. filthiest: City Life sad Country Ll'e." Tickets 26 cents. Doors open it 7; Lecture quarter before 8. is3o-dilter 11: - / - A itleetlriz of the Itepubllcau eltizeal of the NINTH and TENTH. WARTIB MPS held at the Booms, Broad and Arch atreeta, on the Evening or the 29th !net., and organised by appointing the following Officer*: President—JACOß B. LANCASTER Ylve.Preeldenta—THOS.RlDO.VAY BUIE , 8. ASCHER . , JOSIAII KISTERBOCIII, JONAS WYMAN. Secretaries-8. P. lIASTINOB, SAMUEL StART, JAMES ALCOM. The object of the meeting being explained by the ire• indent, the following Preamble and Resolutions were uuenimously peened Whereas, The Spring Election for Player, Council men, and other leant ofileere is at hand, the Republi cans of the Ninth and Tenth wards feel themaelvae called upon to once again reiterate their political !matt manta that there may be no misunderstanding as to their position : And whereas, The present General Government is In favor of the exteneion of Slavery over ell the territory of the Tinned States, by any mauls and all means what ever, no matter how nuectupnlltis ; therefore, Reset red, That believing Slavery to be a great moral and political evil, we doelare ountelves unalterably op poaed to its eatenelon Over any territory of the United States now free, and that we will resist to the utmost of our power the admission at any new State into the Union with a Constitution tolerating Slavery in any shape or form. Resolved, That we congratulate oar brethren in Karma upon the stand they have taken, and exhort them to persevere to the bitter end before they eager the chains of Slavery to be imposed upon themselves and their posterity by the Lecompton Constitution, Or any other contrivance whatever, assuring them that milt sympathiee are with them in their etruggia, and 1141 whenever and however we oan render them any aid, that aid shall be given. Resolved. That we will nominate a full end die tfactive ticket in, our respective {Verde; that we will enter Into no allianoes with any party or faction, and request the Itepubliesos of the other Wards of this City, and those of the State, to pursue a similar course, enured that the great principles of civil liberty, for which we are contending, moat triumph. Resolved, That we individually pledge ourselves, our time. talentedand money, to the work of redeeming our City and State from the thraldom of the present bops Dettiomatle party, and to the briumphant eleation of a Republican Congress the eneuing fall, and of a Re publican President in 1860. fel-lt* 9 he Republican Citizens of Philadelphia will meet at the times and places mentioned below, for the purpoee of taking ouch measures as may be deemed necessary to secure the euccess of the Republican party at the ensuing Spring Election: Filth and Sixth Wards—At the County Gout House, on Tuesday. Feb. 2, at 7% o'clock. Seventeenth and Eighteenth Wards—At Front and Master street', en Friday, Feb. 6, at 7x, o'clock. Seventh and Eighth Wards—At Hall, Lombard street, below Broad, on Tuesday, Feb. 9, at T) o'clock. Eleventh,. Twelfth, and Sixteenth Wards—At Me chanics' Mall, Third street, below Green, on Friday, Feb. 12, at 7) o'clock. Fifteenth Ward—At Twenty-second and Callowhill streets, on Tneeday, Feb la, at 714 o'clock. Twenty-fourth Ward—At Odd Fellows' Hall, on Fri day, Feb 19, at 1,.‘ . . Twentieth Ward—TueAday, Feb. 28, at o'clook. Twority-third Ward—At Wright'a Institute, Prank ford, on Friday, Feb. 26 0 at 73i o'clock. Twenty-Bret Ward—At Manayunk, Friday, Feb. 26, at 734 o'clock. Twenty-second Ward—At Germantown Hall, Tues day Th lob. 16. at 7X o'clock. First, Second, 'ird and Fourth Wards—At Han oock Hall, on Monday, March I at 7X o'clock. By order of the Republican Executive Oommlthe. ja26.lw JAMES VERREE, Chairman. Copartnership Notices. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE THIS DAY entered into a Limited Partnership, Ia accordance with the acts of Assembly in such cue made end pro. sided, ander the firm itue of LAMBERT TIIO.M AS for the transaction of the Wholesale Dry Goods Jobbing Bradawls In the city of Philadelphia. The General Partner is LAMBERT THOMAS, of the said city, and the Special Partner In 705E1'11 IL THOMAS, of (hulls, Ohio. The Capital In cash contributed by the Special Partner is Fifteen Thousand Dollars. The partnership will commence on the that day of February, A. D. 1969, and will terminate on the lint day of December, A. D 1659. The place of business Is No. 428 MARKET Street, between Fourth and Filth streets. LAMBERT I:IiOSLAS, General Partner, JOSEPII S. TLIOMAS, Special Partner, rnit,sberßuts, Feb, 1,1859. fel met* VOPARTNERSHIP.-FITHIAN JONES k. CO. have associated with themeeireeJAMEB M. JOHNSTON, 'FITHIAN J. 0L5.11K, and 1 / 1 011ARD 0. WARNER to an interest in their business from tile lit of December, /857. WIIY SUFFER WITU DYSPEPSIA ZIEGLER Ar. SMITH'S PURE, MEDICINAL COGNAC BRANDY has cured Dyspepsia, Low Spirits, General Debility, Am, ko. Prioe $1 25 per pot tle, 0r510.60 per doson. Warranted pure. Try it. I hereby certify that I had been Ciliated with Oa impala for the last ten years, during which time I have tried all the popular medicines, but of no avail. Having bed Zeigler do ilinith , s Pers. ate,ll.l.ein, recommended by many persons, induced me,to try tt. One bottle has almost cured me of dympepsta tad costive habits, of ten years. standing. I canny. wails, thank ful heart, that I have never found Ita equal during my painful and diatressing complaint. I sincerely recom mend it to dyspeptic, nervous, and debilitated sufferers. Joint C. KLIVIOTO, Jan. 15th, 1055. 1231011va street. Also, ZIEGLER to SMITH'S Pure Medicinal WINES, warranted pure, and no counterfeit mixtures, which are daily palmed upon the public 611 genuine win's. Tbeso Wines are especially adapted to dyspeptics and consump tives, and In all cases of general debility, loss of app. tite, Old Madeira Wine, price per bottle $1 00 Old Port Wine, do, do. 1 00 Old bherry Wine, do. do. 1 00 Address your orders to Bole Agents, ZEIGLER Jo SMITH, Wholesale Druggists, 0. W. corner SECOND and GREEN Ste , Also, for sale by JOHN BLEY, Druggist, Frankfort! road, opposite Ilaoover. We refer, by permission, to the following members of the medical faculty, AS to the purity and chemical standard of this Brandy and Wine' 0. P. Keiehline, M. D Fourth, above Tammany Chu. 11. Taylor, M D , Fourth, above Brown Chas. B. Roberts, M. D Third, below Franklin, Wilson P. Vase'', M. D., Fourth, above Thompson. J. K. Knorr, M. D., Front, above Poplar. fel.y ftOUTZ, NEAL, & CO., elleeelleOrel to MOTOOISRT & Neu., B. W. corner of TWELFTH and PRIME Streets, Phila. dolphin, Old Moyamensing District, are now receiving a large and well-selected assortment of all descriptions of LUMBER, such to White Pine, Yellow Pine, Norway, Hemlock Lath, Pall Pickets, Fenco Board,, Flooring, Shelving, end every variety of welLseasoned Lumber Also, a large Mock of Doll Stuff, of every variety and description, constantly on hand and cowed to order at the shortest nottce . . . . Our connection with Messrs Mehaffor, flouts, & Co , and Duffy Moots, at Ma•latta, Pa , gives us unsurpassed facilities, and enables us to supply orders for all de scriptions of Lumber with promptness and despatch, PINE-CREEK LUMBER, sort and Mellow, suitable for PATTERN-MAKERS, &o , constantly on band. Purchasers are respectfully invited to examine our stock before going eleewb ere, tel tf rsITRATTON & BROTHER, No. 719 WALNUT BTRERT, PUILIDMILPHII, GAS•HTTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF PORTABLE GAS WORES, For COLLEGES, COUNTRY RESIDENCES, and all other buildings where Gas cannot be obtained. Also, SMALL TURNING-LAMES, of different ekes, for sale. fel.3m ----------- 91ERRAPIN LUNCH FROM 11 TO 12, X AT OUR HOUSE, LIBRARY STREET. tel.l t* CIIINA AND GLASS. DINNER WARE. TEA AND TOILET SETS, WHITS, OOLD BAND, AND DAOORATED FRENCH AND BOHEMIAN GLABBWARB, FANCY ARTIOLEB, PILL EE MOLD, .lIT THE LOWEBT PEIO6II, AT BIARESEN & WITTE'S, MABONIO lIALL, 713 OIIEBTNLIT lOT N. B.—Ooode loaned to pertlee at reinionnble Immo MoCLOIID, Ju., OF ST. PAUL,) IP• GENERAL AGENT FOIL MINNESOTA, No. 9 Washington Duilding. THIRD, above Spruce street. Philadelphia —The subscriber, having been engaged In busineee in &fiancee's for the last eight years, hae had the opportunity of obtaining information during that time which will give him peculiar facilities for the Purchase and Sale of seal Estate, the Payment of Taxes, Investment of Money, Location and Sale of Land Warrants, Collection of Notes and Accounts, ho., he, throughout the State. Maps, and Newspapers from all parte of the State, can bo coon at We Office, whero any Information will be cheerfully given, ja2o.2wolf WONDERS OF THE AGE—LIGHT, LIMIT FOR ALL.—D. P. PETERS' Patent Non-Explosion Self-Generating OAS LAMPS if Just the thing to cult all. Prico $1.50 ap ; all may heves cope rior Light by calling at tbo Depot. This Lamp is adapted to all places and purposes, and only requires a trial to test Its advantages over all othore. The Lamp forms its own gas. Our Patent Burners can be fitted to every ordinary Plaid Lamp, with little expense, without the least possible danger. All aro invited to tall and examine for themselves. Town, County, and/Mate righte for Bale. The proprietor Is In want of Agents, giving a rare chance to make money. D. P. PETERS, Gas Lamp Depot, n024-8m S. W. cot Second and Oh.etnut ate., Philade iI'ARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL THE OhuAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR! This article la the greatest discovery In Chemical or Medical Science for the rapid Cure of RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA TOOTH-ACAS EAR-ACHE, sonm THROAT, STIFF NECK, or Pain In the MOS, SIDE, BACK, or any part of the body. It is also an excellent preparation for Dyepepsia and Indigestion, which arises from a weak stomach or bowel. Thouaands of poreolui who have used HARTS HORNE'S CURE-ALL have been astonished at its wonderful power In removing any pain from the system. Bottles 25, 60 cents, and p, to be had of It H.& 0. 11. JENKINS, Corner SEOOND and WALNUT Streets, and No. 0 North NINTH Street, N. D. of you have a Cough, use Hartahorne's Poeta. ral Syrup. jail-if ARCHER, WARNER, MISKEY, & CO., maatriSOMVall OP (WadEitB, BRAOKETS, PENDANTS, FITTINGS, and all kinds of Gas and Lamp Work Oirandolea &0., No 829 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ARCHER, WARNER, & 00., No. 376 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. irr Buildings fitted with One Pipes, and ill kinds of altering and repairing of Gas Work. del2 em %ME BEST COUGH SYRUP IN THE 11 WORLD!-PREPARED BY A MINIM. HARTSHORNE'S PECTORAL SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY le Writhed by the thousands who hare need It to be the best preparatiOn In use for COUCIIS, from a cold or a OONSIIMPTIVIe COUGH, ASTHMA, CATARRH, or any Lung Affection. It to also a groat remedy for Marione/el, end allege all In flettnatlon Of the Lunge or Throat. Bottles 26, 60 "nts) and Of Sold by R. IL & 0. N. JBNIIINS, Corner WALNUT sod BBOOND Streets. and p,10.1f No. 0 North NINTH Weft, giro tklabg. - 18 58: FEBRUARY, Nr IV COODII L .1 LEVY 4- CO are now °pawns lbolr Bret ►rrlrale of NEW GOODS VOR SPRING, MOIL PRINTED MOUSSELINE DE LAINES, NEW STYLE FRENCH OLIINTZES, NEW 7LOUNCED OROANDI DRESSES, REAL LACE COLLARS AND SLEEVES, NEW PARIS EMBROIDERIES fel-tf ABOVE EIOIITIL AE NNSYLVANIA BANK NOTES TAKEN AT PAN BAhIUEL S. lIESS, No 923 BRMUT Street, north MO, between Nintb and Tenth, WILL OPZIN rata DAY A great variety of NEW 00008, among which are eon,. of the HEST BARGAINS OV THE SEASON RECIIARDSOWS HOUSSWIIIT LINENS, heavy. RICUARDBON'S TaIRDIUM. do. RICHARDSON'S, DUNBAR, DIXON & CO.'S, and °IRON'S FRONTING LINENS. BARNSLEY DAMASK and SNOW-DROP TABLE LINENS. DAMASK and SNOW-DROP NAPKINS. SCOTCH and RUSSIA DIAPER TOWELING'S. BORDERED TOWELS in every variety. BORDERED and DAMASK HUCKABACK. BIRD-EYE LINENS. SHIRT FRONTS. LADIES' L CAMS. HANDKERCHIEFS. GENTLEMEN'S do. do. MARSEILLES TOILET (MILTS, 10-4 11-4, 12 4 J &CONFAB, OAFIBRIOS, NANSOOKS, and White Good, generally BRILLIANTS, /co., Re., Ao. AND ON YINIRUARY lit we shill open & splendid assortment of SPRING SILKS, Joe. Imported, and of the newel deqpi, ail of which, and a great variety of other goods, will he sold at the LOWEST OAI3II PRICES. /LAVIN; mo te titiaSiva arrangertltall to use TUE NOTES AND OUEOES HARKED 000 D on TUE DANK OF PENNSYLVANIA, we will MOTs them AT BAR, the same M other money. WE HAVE DOT ONE PRIOR AND ADHERE TO IT. SAUL S. HESS, No. 92.8 MARKET btreet, Je8(1-2t North aide, between Ninth and Tenth, WHITE MAR SE ILLES.-NEAT Figured White Marseilles for Basques; also nest Colored Figured, foe Shirt Bosoms cud Collars. lIHARPLESS BROTHERS, la3o CHESTNUT and EIOIITIIBtreeta. 111Q1EAL RUSSIA CRASH.-SHARPLESS JUL , BROTIIIR9 have just received Real Roads °rub, medium sod superior. Jaao 011 J STNUT and MOUTH Street'. SHIPLEY & HAZARD, AOIINTS, BROKERS IN AMV.RIOAN DRY GOODS, 108 011E8TNUT Street. Ja3o-I.w*if FROM lb TO 20 CENTS PER YARD oau be saved In the purchcoe of • BLACK SILK DRESS! We would here assert porifterfy and fearlessly, that toe can and well do what we represent above, having JUST PURCHASED FOR CASII 0 VTR 2,300 YARDS OP BLACK SILKS, A TRB 111.6NDOUS BARGAIN! 1,802 yards to be sold at $1 per yd. 1,032 ‘' at $1.12 per yd LONG BROOME SHAWLS REDUCED TO $T 50! Chenille Shawls, Blanket Shawls, &c,, &o. • Beet quality and newest styles DELAINES for 1B3( cants ; sold elsewhere for 25 mite AN IMMENSE STOCK OF DOMESTIC MUSLINS! Wamsatta, Pontiac, New York Mills, &a 10.4 Sheeting for rig coots ; very cheap, Indeed. Best Family Linens of our own importation. Casemeres, Olotha, Sattlnetts, Flannels; Blaokiete, At TRORNLBY & mows. ja23 N. B tor.EIGIITII and SPRING GARDEN. We Buy and Bell for Cash, and have but One Price." STAPLE GOODS—MUSLINS BY THE PIEOIS.—We have now in Basement Story a full Mock 7-8,4-4, 5-44-4, 8-4, 10.4, and 12-4 Shirting". and Sheeting', In Brown and Bleached Goods, to which we invite buyers , attention, as they will be cold at I mall fraction advance on the package price. Also, Superior makes Skirting and Bosom Linen. Shirt Bosoms, machine and woven. Table Lineal, warranted pure, 40 ciente up. Table Clothe, 50, 75, 88 cents, $l, $1.50, to $4. Brown Table Linen, various grades. Napkins, Towels, D'Oyllee, Diapers, &c. Flannels, Ticking!, Table Diaper, 6:c &o. DEPORE STOOK TARING, We will soil worst " odd Iota " of old goods very cheap. They comprise : Plaid 1 /Mencius 12% etc, regu lar price 25 ; two other lots at 10 and 20 cents, beau selling at 12% and 21 cents' 12%-cent Prints at 10 cents; lot of $1 Cassimeres 76 cents, /to. Remnants cheap. COOPER & CONARD, B. E. cor. NINTII and MARKET. D OMESTIC DRY GOODS.— ISAAC STARE, JP., No. 125 CHESTNUT Street, llas In store the following desirable goode, which he offers to the trade on the most favorable terms: 1500 tales light and moilitua Sheethigg and Shirting* 1000 cases Steadied 300 Stadder sad Steam Prints. 300 packages Eagle Medal and Conestoga Ticking*. 100 cases plaid and striped Osnaburgs, Denims, Can ton Flannels, *o. Also, Doeskin Caselmoron, Cambria", and goods gene rally adapted to the clothing trade. Ja20.3t0 SPRING GOODS-1858 PRINTS a. J. W. SPRAIIIIre. in largo emontment, of luperlor styles sod quallky ; stso, Robert Rennie•s, sod other tusks,. lILEAOHND AND BROWN COTTONS Lonsdale,Kope, Blackstone, York Premium, Cohan net, Carr's MVO!, Central, Willimantic, Johnston ; Oro. m ton, Virginia Family, Mechanical and Farers', area A. ho Also, Bittern and Bhepard's Canton Flannels; Brown and Bleached ; Jewett City Denims; Irene Tiok • lugs ; Alabama, Carolina, sod Keystone Stripes, Lone. dale Nankeene an/ Sileelas ; Corset Jeans; Cambric.; Cheeks; Pantaloon Btuffs, ere. Ac. WOOLLEN GOODS Stanfield and Terry's Slack Doeskin Cassimeres Glenham and Pruneroy's Cotton Warp Cloths; Stearns' Union Cassitneres, printed and plain, in great variety ; Minot, Mineral Spring and other desirable styles of St tinetts. Also good assortment of Black and Mixed Caesimeree,Kentucky means, and Plaid Limeys. Pak BALI By Tei PACRAOR. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT lUDS FOR SHORT ?MIR WELLING, COFFIN & CO., Jal2 110 011E8TNUT Street. 3IfITLIS lisan°e '!'erFwEeßrethge.F:d 0? 1 1 1 Ir R 612 60 Long Broche Shawls selling at 68 60 7 50 Square do. do. do. 3 60 600 Long Blanket do. do. 350 400 Square blanket, splendid quality, 250 7 60 Chenille Mewls, splendid, 3 50 Closing out Cleats less than hall the regular price:4— M 2.50, 3, 9 50. 4, 4 50, and 5. Splendid Undershirts and Drawers the cheapest In the city-50, 611 , 15, 87.% cents, and $l. Beautiful Black and Fancy Velvets. All Silks, from auction, surprisingly cheap. Black and Fancy Dress Silks, In endless variety—the cheapest in the city. Beautiful Plelde, 25 cents; All.wool, VI cents, worth 03K cents. Dterinoes, Peremattee, De Leine. Men's Travelling Shawls, one lot from auction, 13.60, worth /6, all wool. The , beet and heaviest Blenched Mulles In the oily et 10 oeuts. Splendid Prints, 10 cents, usually sold at 12N cents. Dinghams. Flannels, Table Linens, Towelings, Fronting Linens. The cheapest Cloths and Oassimeres in the city. Trimmings lose than belt the usual prices. Beet quality Rid Gloves at OSIX cents, et MoBLROY'II, ,laB-traw y No. 11 South NINTH. Street. for Oak nal IEO Ket. tint WAL E.-A BARGAIN:Z 7 DIE largo Store and Dwelling at the Northeast cornea of YORK AVENUE and TA3ISIANY Street* Thic property will be mold low. Inquire at 1304 GREEN Street. ja3o-4tif * DESIRABLE OFFICES at 620 WALNUT Bt., opposite the State House; one or the beet businerd locations in Philadelphia, with heat, light, and all modern oorirenioneec Apply on the promisee, Room No. 8, to GI. W. J. BALL, Agent. no2d JOTICE TO LANDLORDS.-WANTED, II neer BROAD and 011ESTIMT Streets, a Room, or Rooms, capable of being tinned into a Lentore Room for four hundred people. address, box letik, Philadelphia P. 0. MAO', AGENTS WANTED.—Fivo to Ten Dol lars per day can be easily made. Call on A. BLACK, at Jacob Leman's Sorrel Horse Hotel, West King etreot, Lancanter, Pa. dalb-tt WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—Able.bodled, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance . lay from $l2 to sn per month. No man having a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED osnvios, at No. 817 MARKET street above Eighth, north elde. WILLIAM B. ROYALL, let Lieut. 24 Regt. of Cavalry, oct 6-4mw Recruiting Oftleer. MANY FRIENDS OF JOSEPH H. ILK THOMPSON desire him to be a Candidate for SHERIFF of Philadelphia. Subject to Democratic FOR RECEIVER OF TAXES, WM, GOODWIN, TWILNID WARD SubJect to Democr►tio Enloe. CITY CONTROLLER, WILLIAM CURTIIE4, THIRTMITH WARD Subject to Democratic colas, CI Y COMMISSIONE • , MIMES N. D. SMITH, FIRST WARD 811b.13Ct to Democratic rules. FOR REGISTER OF WILLS— WM. lIANOOOKB, TIFSLFTH WARD, d2-Bm* Subject to Demooratio Ruled. FOR SHERIFF ALDBIWAN 01101 LOIS DIOORB, YOOATH WARD SubJect to Domoarstio Rule,. FOR SHERIFF JAMES G. GIBBON, TWZINTD-BROOND WARD. ellbjed to Dementlo Rules. and agno ecntlemcn's innlits4ing Qfoobo FINE SHIRTS, mado to order, and war rante4, of elegant material and superior work manebip. Also, Drees Stoke and Gentlemen's Wrap pers, at the Premium Btore of W. W. KNIGHT, 612 ARCH Street, above Sixth. no2I-y yvRAPPERS I WRAPPERS I WRAP PARS !—A very large and elegant assortment at reduced prices. Also, heavy under-clothing of all de scriptions, for gentlemen's wear, at W. W. KNIGHT'S, 612:,A8AA1 Street, shove Binth. itelll-1 WNGHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE HEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFAOTOII,Y, No fee CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, Is particularly Invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect Siting article made. At whole. sale and retell, end mede to older, ene•litt 260 1858. CID= COKBIAVSNO OP •CIISSTNUT STREET, Waffle. Political. deSl dtn• • Amusement') AMERICAN ACADEMY Or MUSIC. CORNER OF BROAD AND LOOTBT STREETS R. A. MAII3II ALL Bobs Limes. MONDAY EVENING, Februnry I, at S o'clock. IMPORTANT NOTICE. A report haring gone ebroed that all seats for " Pon Glorenul" had been gold, Mr, Ullman respectfully In forms the public that such Ie not the teat, be baring Mopped the sale at an early hour on Saturday, elpreu ly the purpose to present Alms being bought up by speculators. TUE BALE OW NUTS Will be resumed THIS 141011NING, at 9 PRECISELY When coomenoee the mile of the cem►lomg $l5O and $1 Sete A number of Roeerred Beata will be purposely kept back, and will be sold in the overdo; at the Door. The enquiries on Seturdey for it Beate, none of which haul yet been sold, Levies been unexampled, the p Walla are reepectf oily informed, that la order to be able to sa tisfy all, the seats In . . THE WIDIILY CIRCLE, which will be united (for this evening only) with the Balcony. wild be converted into II Cents. and nsaJ be had this morning There will, therefore be no :A cent W. mission this evening to the Family Circle Admission to the Amphitheatre 25 eta TIIIB (MONDAY) KVitNINO, at 8 o'clock, °BAND MOZART CILEIIRATION. First night this season of klovart's IL bON 010 V ANNI, on a scale of colossal splendor aria magn!deenre NEW DRESSF:A NEW PROPERTIES, SPRNEiID BALLROOM BEENE Illuminated by twenty candel►brie with TWO HUNDRED LIGHTS ONE HUNDRED IN THE CHORUS TWO EXTRA ORCHESTRAS ON THE STAGE In ►4Jntion to the regular Ottheetra—numbering al together over TWO IFUNDRY.D PERFORMER.A. ALL VIC AnrisTs OF THE COMPANY in the easte—the greatest Seer offere4—combining the talent., on one and the same night, of LE ()HAMM, CARADOItt, D'ANORI, SIONARDI, LABOOSTTA, OASSIF.R, TAVANELLI, 110000. •Nw CARL FORMES, aim will appoar LEPORELLO THE MAJESTIC PINALE OP THE FIRST ACT, tf hich latex place in THE SPLENDIDLY DECORATED BALLROOM, Will be executed by TIIILEB DISTINCT ORCIIESTakS, numberings pwardeof ONE IJUNDREDIIUSICIANEL The first on the right Bide of the state will play LA GAVOTTE; while the second, on the left eide will play THE LANDLIEh, and the regular Orcheetra eXecut. TILE MINUET Three &getout metalles ' corepowt In throe di ff erent movement'', and playod by the three Oreheatras AT TIM SAME TIM. • TUE YAR-PANED LIDIRTY CHORUS bs itung THE MEMBERS OP THE LENNERCHOR, LR GRANGE, D'ANORI, CARADORI, TIDERINI DIGNARDI, LADOCETTA, GASSIER, ROCCO, AND CARL FORMES who, from respect to the great work, twee consented to lend their aerietaure to Increase the effect. TO THE PUBLIC Of all operas, managers owe meet to this ever freak and green chef d'oeuvre for the replenishing of ro• ovally exhausted treasury; yet it leas always tan produced with a carelessneee and negligence insult ing in a high degree to the memory of its immortal composer, and affording to European detractors of art in America an opportunity for strictures which, in this instance, are folly Juetidable. The in. euguration of the Academies of Mole of PhiWel• phis and New Toth —two institution' which ought to be united—has intraluced a era in this country as regards scenic effects, and new for unately time days are over when " Don Giovanni' , was permitted simply to "walk off" through a red curtained door, and thus turn the terrigs grandeur of the closing 10/1111 into one of supreme ridicule. Then it may justly be Raid that "Don Giovanni" bee never yet been produced with a thorough ensemble True, 'nine of the greatest artiste cff the world hove et:tees:lively appeared in sera mai oftN leading chametere ,• but the general effect has been marred, now bye tame Elvin', now byline:musical Commendatore, or a clumsy Masotti,. The less Slid about the manner to which the majestic finale of the first act haa been given, the better. It has been an obiect of much importance to Mr. Ullmann that his management, at least, might not be disgraced by a similar inartistic proceeding, snd he Oasts that theme who will honor the performance with their presence will observe a material change for the better. The cast Includes every artist of merit con nected with the Academy, several of whom have con. emoted to appear in subordinate parts, as may be seen from the following DISTRIBUTION : Donna Anna Iltad.DE LA GRANGE. Zerline Mad. D'ANGRI, Xlvira Mad. CARADORI. Don Giovanni 81g, GASSIER. Ottavio gig, TIBERISII. Leporello. Cad FORMES Muetto Sig. ROCCO Coternewhiore Big. TAYANELLI, The two latter gentlemen having undertaken these roles (or the sake of a perfect u Ensemble:, ON TUESDAY, AT 3X O'OLOOK, 8 E OND'OPBEA FIAT INN E, when will Performed , by general desire , the new Operant L' ITALIANA IN ALOERI, Non performing with great success at the Itel ism Opera in Paris, and which has been received with extraordinary enthusiasm. MADABIL D'ANGRI Will sing her renowned part of ISABELLA MLLE. CLAUDINE CAIROLI Will make her that appearance aa Elvlra LADOCETTA, GASSIER, and ROCCO. This Opera has been selectee' for the Matinee in con sequence of the torero it created on Saturday. ADMISSION FIFTY CENTS to any part of the capacious Academy. "leiter,' on entering the Academy can select any seat in any pert of the house, with the exception of the seats set apart for the , STOCKHOLDERS AND SUBSCRIBERS. The general dining hour being over by 3 o'clock, the performance will commence at 3E precisely, and con clude at Sti o'clock. PARTICULAR REQUEST to the Ladies to buy their tickets previous to the opening of the doors, to prevent crowding at the Ticket Offices. The meet convenient pines t. bur them Is at the Music store of Lee Et walker. Pill Chestnut street, where they wilt be plated this morning. TWO THOUSAND TICKETS Tickets will likewise be for sale all day—today and to•morrow—at the °See of the Academy Tickets may likewise be had at the opening of the doors, at three o'clock. Mr. Ullman is certain that those ladies who were in the rash on the occasion of The first Matinee, will com ply with his respectful request. Those who will attend the Matinee for the first time, will please prime the following extracts from the noun Joe. 2S). It is In odd conceit of the European beau mends which styles an afternoon entertainment a matines. The theory Is that the clay is all morning until wa have dined, and the fashionable dinner being six p, M , the performance of an opera in the gray twilight of ere is called matinee Mr Ullman, however, in his adver tisousont, alluded to the hour of commencement, 3S P M, as alter most persona had dined Now that Just breaks through the idea of the matinee But n' imp or is What's in a name' Nothing, you may say, carelessly; and yet there is, for the people were attracted by that very name of matinee, and thronged to the Academy yesterday, in such number's as to amaze thedoorkeepers, ushers, etc. It was quite amusing to see the ladies storming the avenues to the beat seats, rushing to par quet, balCony. everywhere in fact, so Jammed together that several females feinted The dillettante of the press, coining late,. usual, hail to ascend to the third story, where a most agreeable company filled the circle Low prices have what Byron calls a forty power" of attraction. To see an opera for half a dollar is a ao• yeity. FROU TBX LVIIMING /MINA!. •, Norma" was represented yesterday before en ex traordinary audience—numerically and sexually When the doors were thrown open, at about:lS' post tneridtan, more than one thousand desperate and determined females made a gallant charge at the vents occaeioned by that operation. There was a wild excitement. Women in a crowd of women go it without reference to their bo diea or anybodise. We never saw the life of the fearful mannerin which those stern and struggling creatures strove together and exercened themselves. A great cho rus went up, the component noises whereof were moans, genteel Imprecations silken rustlings, and crinoline eracalings. High amid the strife arose the commanding figure of Colonel Hood. That gentleman, with hie pro verbial energy and courtesy did industriously endeavor to make matters easy for the delicate pliers-in. Two ladies fainted altogether away, and many others were only prevented from going through the same romantic operation by the absence ofarm-extended gentlemen. In ehort—oarqui II is fretful and stubborn to-day—the scene wan a thick and load one, and very canons to look upon. When the curtain was elevated, the pirouette circle, balcony, and family circle, were entirely lilted with the tuft sex— not no brilliantly attired as oat night. but quite cheerful and nice. The males were so very touch in the minority that they felt sensibly the dose talon of their situation, and glimmered feebly in out of-the-way places, turning up bravely and largely at the close of the performance, resting on their left legs In the lobbies, and enjoying smiling stares at the out ward bound crane. febl-2t WHEATLEY' S ARCH ST. THEATRE. —SOLE LESSEE. W. WHEATLEY. MONDAY EVENING, February let 1888. First time in two )ears of HAMM'S Great Tra gedy of DAMON AND PYTHIAS; OR, THE TEST OF FRIEND SHIP. Damon First time here, Mr. E. L. Davenport; Pythias, Mr. Dolman; Dionysius, Mr. Myers; Calanthe Mrs. E. L. Davenport. To conclude with the Eccentric Comedy of PAUL PRY, BOWS or Pittons.--Doxes, 25 yenta; Scoured Seats, 38 cents; Orchestra Stalls, 80 cents; Seats in Private Boxes, 7b cents; Gallery, n cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Private Box In Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 3P. Id. Doors will open at 8)6 o'clock; performance to commence at 7, precisely. NATIONAL CIRCUS AND THEATRE.- WALNUT Street, above Eighth. MONDAY EVENING, February let, 1855. THEY HAVE COME GRAND EQUESTRIAN WEEK. S P. STIORN EY The Famous Rider and Manager, with hie WONDERFUL FAMILY, MISS SALLIE STICKNEY, The Pride of America, will appear for the Drat time in two years, in her beau tiful and graceful ACT OF HORSEMANSHIP. The eveniog'e exhibition will conclude with a Laugh. Atte:piece, entitled the , TRIALS AND TROUBLES 'OF THE 811EPPERD IN LOVE. No Dramatio Performance w'll be connected with it Patna or ADMISSION-25 Conte to First Tier; 15 Cents to bound Tier. SANFORD's OPERA ROUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. GREAT NOVELTY WEEK. SIONDAY EVENING the Opera of THE RIVALS. SANFORD In hie great character of CUPP. Tuesday Evening the BALL 111A8QUE ; SANFORD as the Door• Keeper Wednesday Evening and every evening ; new after pieces. The Performance will commence each evening with the entire SANFORD OPERA TROUPE in Songs, (flees, Choruses, Ballads, dm ful lowed by Dancing by the SANFORD CHILDREN, Lane, Young America, Sanford, and Dixoy. Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commence at halt.past 20100. Admittance 25 cents. fe 1-3 t nARCLEI"S MAGNIFICENT PANO RAMA 0/JERUSALEM EVERY EVENING at 7,l1; o'clock; at the New and Elegant HALL, Nort-east cor ner of TENTH AND CHESNUT Streets; Commencing on Tuesday the 2d instant. Admission 25 Ceuta; Children 12 cents. fe 1-Iw* lIIHE OLD FOLKS ARE COMING.- FAThER KEMP and hi, Old Folks Concert Troupe of THIRTY-SEVEN PERFORMERS Having been prevailed upon to atop in this city on their return from Washington and Baltimore, Teepee'. fully announce that they wilt Ore TWO Doncerts of Ancient and Sacred Music et JAYNE'S HALL, On TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY EVENINOS, Feb- ruary 2nd and 3d TICKETS 25 cents; Reserved Beate in the Boxes 50 cents', either of which ems be had at the Mall on Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday after nine o'clock; and to prevent confusion and disappointment, it is earnestly requested that Tletets be procured during the day le I-2t ES. WIIELEN & CO., No. 809 WAL • NUT street, above Third. Government, State, Railroad, and Bank Roam and LOUIS bought and sold on commission in this city, New York, or Boston. Particular attention given to the safe investment or money, and the negotiation of secu rities: wftgoa Oaks bg auction. SHERIFF'S BALE, STOCK OF COTTAOK By virtue of aunt of Pier] Pact to We 41ritted, will be ezpoed to public sale or verellure, On Wedneeds• Iloratag, February 3.1,1 , 1401. tennnecKtng at 10 o'clock, at No. 1010 Chestnut street, a large amportment of cottage, parlor, and chamber torulturr, extension dialog tables, cane *oat and erialsor ehatre, spring, halt, elk beak main..., Sc , Ac Belted and token to eventloli, moll to be 1014 by fel tta 1/C0 Bbeedr F URNESS, BRINLEY, & CO., Nos T.T/ and 224 MARKET Ptroot SALE OP 2CO ENTIRE CASES BRITISH DRY GOODS On Teta*lay Storming, February 24, .t 10 o'clock, contralti:l of London Davy oottonaidaa, • " pantaloon stun, • " ribbed coatrtigs, C 1 ,4401 dnlb " white MCI " linen bells eltet.ka. • plain sod fancy • patsat anl.h black trilreta. 6-4 due to asperdne hire mobalra, " 0-4 black al u. " 6 4 drab mohair ao4 slpsceaa, '• 9-4 Son printed " 9.4 Noe printed j.c0.4414, " 9-1 doe and a bit lawns sad Jsto—usta, •• 9-9 black and whoa britlianta, " roourniot " 9 9 and 64 heavy Maw:beater entrains, • • 9-3 doe •o/ id check siughanis, " 6 4 (wary indbill NAUtir Aloo—•:00 Loll SHIRTING LINENS. LINeN DAM ASKS, DIAPER LINEN TABLE CLOTHS, Nap. KEVS, DOYLIES, AND LINEN-CAMBRIC HDRIA OE SUPERIOR tIUALITY, AND CELEBRATED MANUFACTURE Coosialloq of 4.4 soft and hiah finish 4uptc abittles Loans, 8 4 and 104 liner, dainaaki and diaper", Y.rtra qualAy linen damask tabl. cloth* ant napkins. Extra quality linen anon drop table cloth and napk/na Plain and prlatod linen cambric bdkt. LYONS BLACK lIILK-YBLERT, BERGES. SATIN YI3TINOi, fIATIN DE CU INY , CISAVATS, to pieces Lyons black silk velvet black mgt., sad slats clia chins, •• alt OM otatin ve•tlets, • •sll silk sle H4tw trusts BLACK BILK•YELYET RIBBON9-BLTEHIOR EVA23I3 An Inv°lnn Non 1 to 3 sups:ior qnslitybtAck nik velvet ribbon. BY ALFRED M. REMMERS, PLLILADICIRUIA HORSE AND CARRIAGE BAZAAR. soothe it corner of :flatAi sad flume Etc, Eat wean Chootoot sad Walnut stymie LL.7" &ilea of herein. carriages. and hamar, lakl MetilAlly 'Mary SATURDAY .1101L'ildle, threwhient the Dar. commencing at 10 o'clock. I- ma largest collection of neer and neond•lanl carriages, Rani4llll. saddle., to., la the city, rev les seen at this establishment for privabi rale. LIIGP' Carriage/ received on storage Oat•door sales 'Minted to on rsenoeable Wm. 11011.613,) , L111CLE. 4 ., AND EARNER/ On &Aultlay liar At 10 o'clock, at Ake DAttAt, viU be sold, korsint., tettleles, and harness UT SHAW & BAILEY, AUCTIONEERS, 1.1 1 / No. 10Z NA EMT street, above Tenth street. SALE OF FORFEITED CIGARS AND IMOAJLE At ttto VoltadStatto Appreison , Stors, N N. Willa' of Pout tad Lombsrl streets On Ttinverley Morning, Feb 4th, at 11 o'clock will bit &aid, at ratio &ol d , ale, the following merchesidie• imported in brig ktsrp 11. ?Wilkes, from Cardenas, and forfeited for viohition of revenue !awe, eonaleting of. Pony...light tenth bozo (4,100) One case (4.000) cigars. Three barrtli sugar ID- W ill be open for examination early en the morn ing of sale Jar Xi-fel -34 SAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, end UONET LOAN 0MC1,...N0 111 Eouth TUIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear st., only eight door. below the Exchange Hour. of businesa from 7 y'aloalt, A. M., until IC o'clock In the evening. Out-door sales, and sales at the Al:tattoo lbw, it tended upon the moot satisfacttorry terms. CAPITAL $2OO 000. Establishwiihr Oki tart Thirty Teas. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Die monde, Silver Plate, Watehea, Jewelry, Hardware, Ma ehaalse, Clothing,lurnitare, Bedding, Oton, Magical Itutramente, Cans, Horses, Carriages , and Goods of every deleriptlon. All goods eau remain soy length of time &greed upon. 114TIIICIA, from one hundred dollars Lod upwards will be charged 2 per mat. per =oth POO and ova, the lowest market rate. This Store Ilona; having s depth of 120 foot, has Imp Are and thlef-proof ranlta t atoll all valuables, and pot ate watchmen for the premises,. oho, a hoary hum ranee effected for the bonen of al/ pima, having good. advanced aeon N. 8.-4)4 mama% of having an unlimited capital ; this aka Is prepared to make advances on more mitts. factory and scoommodating terms Wm soy other is this city. Money ideanoed to the poor, In mull amounts, with out any chute. AT PRIVATI SALA. - •- . Gold Patent Lerer and other Watched, Jewelry, tai Clothing will be gold ►t reduced prloee, anl•ly Notitro. 'DISTRICT ATTORNEYS' OFFICE, POILAMILFRIA, lob. 1 1828. NOTICI.—The public le respectfuly notif ied that all official basinem not transacted In open Court will be attended to 'intuitively at this Otke, near the Grand Jury Room, in the CITY BUILDING, South FIFTH Street, below Walnut. The Office will be opened at 9 o'clock in the morning, and remain open till 1 o'clock In the afternoon (except Saturday eJternoone ,) when one of the undersigned, or their assistants, will be in attendance, Lientlemen of the liar, and others haring business with the Commonwealth's Attorneys, will be kind enough to address all notices and communications to that office. Counsel are requested to get the Clerk of the Court to mark their nausea on the blUe of Indictment In the oases in whics they appear. WILLIAM It. MANN, JOSISPII P. LOUAIRAD, ref 9S District Attorneys NOTICE.—NOTICE IS lIEREBYGIV -11 en that the subscriber he. applied to the Court of Common Neu of the County of Chester for the benefit of the several acts of Assembly of the State of Pennsyl vania, mule for the taller of Insolvent debtors, and mud Court has appointed MONDAY, the eighth day of March next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day, for a bearing of me and my creditors at the COURT 130UoE, in the Borough of West Chester, in said County, when and where all persons interested may attend if they think proper fel-lutt SAMUEL GRIFFITH. CIFFICE OF TUE FIRE INSURANCE ILS COMPANY OF THE COUNTY Of PHILADZL PIIPA, Jag char 27, 1838. At a meeting of the Stockholder, of said Company. held on )SON DAY, the 18th irstant, the following gen tlemen were duly elected Directors for the tufting year, to wit: Charles J Sutter, Robert V Memel, cseph Reskirt, Samuel Bunnell, bitches( McGill, Henry Cully, John Dorn, k'rederick Klatt, Frederick Scbober, Joseph Moor. And at a meeting of the esid Directors, held THIS DAY, CIIABLE3 J SUTTER, Esq , was unanimously re-elected Prtsident. 1.20 et BENJAMIN F. HOICKLEY, OFFICE (Jr THE CITY PASSENGER lJ RAILWAY, (via MYTH and SIXTH etreets.) Washington Building, THIRD street, above Spruce CAUTION TO PARSTiTB AND QUARDILNn.—As this Company have, with the aid of the pollee, don. all in their power to prevent accidents along the route, they would ask that parents and others would caution their children from getting upon and running in front of the care. MARTIN THOMAS, JeST-Imir President. A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., C 1 INCORPORATED 1310—CI1lItTER PER PETUAL No 310 WALNUT Street, %bore Third, Ptillsdelphte. Having a large paid-up Capital Stuck and Surplus, love-Med in Booed and available Securities, continue to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, aterohnndise, Vessels in Port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DI RICTODS. George Abbott, John T Lento, John Welsh, John Parham, Funnel 0 ling.:al, Caspar W Morrie. Patrick Brady, James R. Campbell, .Edmund G. Dutilh. GEORGE ABBOTT, President. THOMAS It. MARIS. Secretary. Je.M-y if A RCII STREET THEATRE.—THE AN oual Meeting of the Biockholders of this Theatre will be held in the oaloon on MONDAY afternoon, February let, et 4 o'clock. Basineas: An election for Five Agents to serve the ensuing year, a revision of the by-laws to be considered . he., /to. Poll open until 6 o'clock. A dividend to be paid. Prift.anecrats, Jan. 21,1668. ja27-dstie OFFICE OF THE UNION CANAL CO., PIIIL•DILPHIA, Jan 11,1839. The Annual Pleating of the Stockholders of the Union Canal Company of Pennsylvania will be bell at the Ogles of the Company, No. 228 WALNUT Street, (Farquhar Building,) on TUESDAY, February' 24 neat, at 12 o'clock M.. at whiil time an Election for Moore and Managers will take place. Jal2-tfe2 O. T2OMPSON, Secretary. RANK OF PENNSYLVANIA. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Prost dent, Directors, and Company of the Bank of Pennsyl vania will be held at the Banking Hon., 226 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the Drat day of February nett at 12 o'clock M ; inonecUstely after which an Election will bo held for twelve Directors to serve for the en- J. L. FENIMORE, Asaistant Cashier gulag year. ja2l-tfel liemovala nEMOvAL.-TIE GIRARD FIRE AND ii MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY hare removed their Office to No. 415 WALNUT Street, in the Schuyl kill Navigation Company's Building. Ja..10-Ira REMOVAL.- SMITH, WILLIAMS, f CO , DRY GOODS JOBBERS, BAYS 'MOVED TO TEI SPLEANDID IRON-FRONT STORE, No 518 MARKET BTREET, ABOVE EITTR, PUILMALrIIII, %There, with their facilities for aocoromodatlog the Trade esatlyincteased, they feeltheamelves prepared to offerloduoetnentstolderekanta onsurpaseedby ANT °THAR ITTABLIBHMANT IN THIS Cl/WRIT. )ai6-4mos•lf - - - REMOVAL.- -CRITTENDEN' 9 PHILA DELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE is RE MOVED to the northeast comer of SEVENTH and OIIESTEUT Streets. The whole building is mutinied, sad fitted up in • style surpassing anything of the kind in this country, Thorough preparation for the counting-house. Individual instruetion from competent and attentive Teachers, ander the immediate eye of the Principal. Open del and evenieg One of the Beat Penmen in the Country has charge of the Writing Department. Please cell and see Speen:mug end get a Catalogue of Terms. he. jel3-r REMOVAL,- C. FAWCETT, HAIM DUTTER AND 1710 MAKER, Iles remcreni to UM CHESTNUT street, Cow Soon& be low KLE UNTIL Je.2-tt Jnontancc Companice. GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSUR ANON COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA-011a, No. 802 WALNUT street, wrist of THIRD. g. /IRS RIBES ONLY D/111011 . 01/. Joel Jowls, Geo W. Woodward, Wm. M. Bweln, M. N. Burroughs, John Anspach,Jr., Thee. farewell, Joseph Klapp M. D., A. B. Galati, John McClure, Jar. Walker, J. B. Hughes, 0 D. Bboemaker, W. B. Boyd, M. X. Cowbell, Wm. 0. Rudman, John W. Chichewa Pranole Paters. Hon. JOEL JONES, Praddont. A. B. GILLETT, Vies Praiddent. Joe. B. Secretary and Trouurer. lANIO E. Atvoin,Amlitaatftaretary. jaT4m-11 Sates bn 'Auction. TUOKA3 ITAS Nips. Di sad 141 BOUTIN . 11017221 ratur. Ohsloony Ns. 63 sal O.) ISTOCIES, REAL MIMI% As—TV MAY SM.I P 64.20.149 estalv.o. M. rea, aortaaasstE !WA 414- Seriptioos a al dr rwreery I* to Slag ra Tsestay oast, ►skrts+l int. 4 as caw: a man ta* 34.. Milk 84144 at Uwe thalaktpkaa ltstlaus• ovary Swiss gnatag. CD - Handbills a aselk rwparty Issool orpaready, 164.11ti0n to mbldt tra paltusb as 11. Satairta romped to owe tlacasad estalocairs Sam, trivia; tall dew Apt-maw at all tla properly to le toll as Ut• follfmtag raoatay. ttJ. /MI MLitt Kan AT Tall ACM= BTO/12 curl arralse_ ?Lends,' sear....— w REAL lITTAT'S AT PSITATT. TALI QT We ban, • liras imortat at 1114.4 tits** C ?Vi ral* sate. isecluisse erwar dopartptios et Citz art coluatry pQT.Tt7. ?mud Lint may be boa K tl. IMITATI uLI 1.161.1731_ PALi TAW* oatared ea ear Parade aim s•. raw, sad advartised aeabriosally l wax Palen lige Atotricu s vita 1,041; avws ars prialot wwttSi t l tread Ours* PLAJLIIPTIAT PALIL—SCPWOR PALM-Aar mats 11th Maw:7 trill Meals a lam gall farm, &boat lii eras. watt too improvement= county, Pa Tall aartatalari noty to baodleta CT Se• alaotam. alllwat memo or Ltalleana !TOOLS AND WAIN, Os Tiostsy Es•essi Ilehrstry :4, it its pk.aaelpkas !saws" it I • sksk— S. Amen In tie &aslant) , d Mute. I Own in is, nailatotabas anal larsaiga toestreddr. p Company. Shure La the Pinata,La Leaary, mat ithwureat, eat Y&meattier Laney. I stare is taw tthtlekte4ala art Camara Suaatheal r.M7 comma," ICO •Sar. sew Tart tat ll4ollipCseJ frfa "Lealreeat art Coal Csatqsay. IL La L RIAU! PALZ—VIBIGCLIT Orptaat' Coat% bale.ttaate et t'/. Caen. DWI TWO LOTS —Oar ea the theereave 21.1 &Wrest eat WOnaa wool. brastywerssa wart, sat the at er as Maar. stmt. Teesly-Hard wart elate treattsl). Ptitt.WPTORT taLl.—TALvaims LOT. WIT. T LNLIOUSE tqc-Ass.—tes vales.l4* 1,14, reattosart veneer Etithoreeeta sat kluaataaes renew troller,' Lo cate erOvet, Rawly mesas laitaabtare blears, 111 teat ea Ttghtenot street, ILI tint se leUmileas Weary Salabrotut• AN IHAZDIZM4III3 0110CA1b,11.57 OP 131 1 A amsuod by two brat 4. clings. Abbtores' Perriwary Bab COCNTAY tiAAT —43 sane sad 11 perANa, air Ppria.fteld, D.4rse. comity, Ps., Arguer' Nrsaapacy SOL TALVAlikta LAH—Wribiairsa eat abr. strata, einrankrs. MEN Ireenter's at Dr. eft PM; Deed. TALVAISLA PIIIMULTT, DITIAL .1.- 100 sem, with attlartirt Vert as dam ni Camara art Matey Itallreal, It. liens tan — za Tartu streets. It It a vary rdattkta j , loin 13•42 to th• rumbas( fury art raararl *mat " Tall parsalan to turaber plaaa. Terms calyita•-trutb ark ID.LAI MATZ aLLE—TIMMIT It& ?Air sale rttl smirk— ?Malin`OkT AILA—SCTIEILIOZ /AIX —A bins and .a: Waal faro, abaft Di sant, with tar Ow-1m I wail, Bull mist/. Ti /all wails" nett Is tosatiats 10" Bale abialsk. vithatt morn our Laitatiou A4zniaislaster's Ba 4.11 ?nil* itavirt. HOCIIIHOLD ituitrzz. On Tyra., Mandas, t 10 o'clock at Se. 421 Prune stmt. &Wm/ Fifth rtnot, tbe h0u5r:441.4 awl kttchaa tandter4,l7 alai or admlnlittstot. mr m k , Me exemetsel at I e'cleek ea gee isondag or sale SALE Of VIROLOGICAL looms_ Oa Timaday Evenlag, rob 2, at the amnion stare, trill be 60111 • mitlectine of 'minable theca cal works. CT for particalire see cetelogase. Sale rear. la and 141 Reath Notagle drat. RIP [MOB 7URNIT URI, LUG ANT ROSLWOOD PIANO-703TZ, !INN Barnum, CAllint, XII HORS, ace TALL - MILL RESIDLNCZ WITH 177.111LZ.—Talst. hie residence, with stable and each haw, seath sae of Arch street, vest of Tenth street, 23 fart front. 7AL A BLZ BUTS EMI STAND —The caluatils feet story brick store, with three-story lack hail:Deg, No. klii.Arch greet, west a Birth street. It Is hmeleemets Slushed in modern atyLs CARD —ARCH STARE? RIZEDIntet AND :MUM —The elegant recideace, No. 1023 Arch ere-. to be mil on the prernisee os Wedaesdlay .swing will be open for ausnination daily from II to I Wader. and from 3to 4 o'clock. Path ‘iters ere amw-a. Met the ale will be abaolata, w.tkoat reran, a Rattails*. ID'llee handbills. Peremptory Bale on the ?rani/a—Arch stmt. ELEGANT RESIDENCE AND YCINITCILL. Oa Wednesday Mormi. library Si, at 12 o'clock, will Oa ng sold, wittiest re serve, the ELEGANT EXSIDIRICI, No 1025 Arch stmt. between Tenth and strats—lot IA feet front, 176 feet deep to Academy street. It is lialahel throughout in the moat finest Medan" style. ZLIWANT 7CitNITLTBA, rums-posts. LARGE MIRRORS, CURTAINS. SPLLNDID CALIZITS, he.— launediately after the sale of the Isamu, will to said the elegant hough/Al furniture, earpriaing Lee piano forte, elegant rosewood and atin dacurk feraltarei owls by Moore and Campion. handsome ma/la, ele gant carpets, large mantel and plea mirrors, ' , llOllll, Arc , &a. Sale or the whale aberkite. LET. hall particulars in handbill' and On Shandy Ranting, At 10 o'clock, at the metion eon, as aFteissies assortment of ea-01nd farnitars, elegant plano-ferte, mirrors, earpets. At., from print. families declinteg bom ll=rllßE-PROOIi CHEST.— Alm, a marks Herring illna•proof chat. 8010 by ardor of Constable. Isootqaoabty of boashold faraParo to be sabil by o er of easteble. Adruhalstratrira Soh. HOGS HOLD TUILNIT CRS, on, PAINTINGS, SE. GRAVINDS, BEDS AND BEDDEW, CABESTS, ke- Ca Thursday Morning, At 10 o'clock, In tit. secood-atory amilacrossi of the auction store, the satire lioneehoti (I:traitors, oil paint ing' and eug.ansp,tods and lteddrhz One caryista,chrmi and glaamrare, Ac , by order of admisistratrtg, and re moved to the Moro for convertienc. of use. 9.ILE OF VALL'A-BLI ENGLISH AND AKESIOIII Oa Thumlay sad 7rtday Fri 4th sad 3th, at the aactica store. :Ica. 139 lad 141 South I' owth strettog ill be toll a ea:IAN* mare tlon of Loaloa and laiericasi boots, iociwein a cam ber of elegant illustrated and pictorial WAS [jr For partlcolazi tee catalogues and the hooka, which will be arrangwl for tiarainatio3 the day pre via** to Gale. ")ARLES" AT PRITATZ BASS The elegant country seal met tam. lmtwa as " ler ley," late the rag:dears of Rltharil Puma, dabeased. formerly of Dr. Shippes. Is offered at pirate ode. ha destriptio •y be had at the meths rooms JAMES . FREEMAN, AUCTION : NO. 421 WALNUT STREET. shore FOURTH. CA'fLS A L 2 07 HOUSEHOLD PUB3iITC23—THEM. DAY. MP' We beg lead to Worm the publie that vs laid our relator weekly sales of Furniture dui Tea/day, at our SPACIOUS SALES ROOM, NO. tra Tr.o.,mrr - SUOMI% where story pagslide attentitta is Odra to eh tats the highest prime for the goods of those whe set furor us with consignments. laaallies haring porticos of their furrilind to dispose of, or those dreelbaing beam keeping and trot wishing sales at their ova dwelling, can hare their furniture CAREITELLY REMOTM' TO OUR yr , t ROOM, WHERE TS= WILL RIALLII2 BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR /CIS NITCRE MAN THEY CAN OBTAIN PROW ANY OP THE 7132E1- pugs BEAT -ES-S OR ANY OTHER AUCTION STORE IN THE CITY. [l:7 - Parsons favoring is with ennicamente lea red assaret thstitoir property will not be encrillead. t 7 Commissions more moderate than those der* by any other Aaetlon Howe in the eity. Ise Canairrneents respectfully eolicited. la Sales paid lmundisteir after the coeds era gal REAL ESTATE SALE-77211,74117 3d 111411 This sale will be held at the ltschauge ea Wednesday averring, Febraary 3d, 15.33, at T o'clock. and will In clude— Orphans` Court Ssle—Estate of Wm. B. Dinka', seek BRICK HOUSE AND LOT. Cumvirt STREET, TWENTY-70 Clint WARD. A twentory brick house wad lot of ground. math ids of Chestnut street, 175 lest vestersed of Till street, in the Twenty-fourth ward of ths eaty,'2ll feet Lod and 779 feet deep to Georg. street Clear of locaralwrance. (17- sso to be paid idea strack off. HEAL ESTATE SALE—FEBRUARY 10th. This sale at the Eatbange, on Wednesday main, February 10th, at T o'clock, will friends— Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Thomas Koehler, Dooetowd. TWO-STORY BRICK DOUSE, B. W. CORNER A THERTON AND MARRIOTT STREETS.A story brick home, and lot of ground, southwest owner of Atherton and Marriott Amite. 29 feet on, Atherton street, and 13 feet on Msrricitt's Leos. AT PIdIVATE BALL A. first-clam Printing Ocoee, with a good run of bum. noes, four printing pressed, two Haulm and ogre Adams Te and everything neocesary for the business. Apple tube Auction Store. AT PRIVATE SALE. 10 dam stock North American Seamiest Tube Co. Two first-elms griund.rente, SiNir per annum, and ono of drs per 11110111 D, well secured sad pnnetailly paid, will be gold et a 3 per cent Mar.:mit. 111),M ctil, ATLI I[IHCHAHT, L 1. comet " S, AUCTIUNSSE =TB and RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE A ALE—Gold and silver poloist leires, Lentils, English, Sense, and Trench valetas*, }ovary, of every description, oses.C.ti.l A s ., kn. AT PUT ATI aLLI-44.truutod ou wood loot, honeehpht feroltain, of every dementia*, beta, met tresses, colleting, looking glum, fusel articles, to., Oat-door sales attended to persooally by the Auettoo ; ser. Olorgeo very low. Consignments of fontitore clothing, jewelry, Ac As , ;ciliated, MONEY ADVANCED. - . Liberal cash adrances made on diamonds : watches, jewelry, silver-plate, dry goods, stealing, groceries, hardware, cutlery, severs, musical instrwments, fowl lug pieces, furniture, bedding, horses, vehicles, bar nem, and on all articles of 'value. NOT TOIL—AIt goods forfeited at Nathara' eaUblith matt, 9 E. corner of Eizth and Rue streets, will be cold on Tuesday morning, 21 February, st 10 o'clock unless depoaltora earl prior thereto and pay chance. on the lame. NAT RASS , GREAT BALE OF FORFKIYID GOODS will take place On Tuesday Morning, rob. Sd, at 10 o'clock, at Moors It Athens' auction southeast corner of Si=th and Race streets. It will embrace the largest assortment of forfeited coll.. torah ever offered at pnbl c auction, consisting in part of every variety of dry goods, fins Irish linen, fanny shirting*, muslicui, ladles' floe If rencli worked collar., undertleeves, bosoms, veils, band), handsome new skirts, gloves, neck ties, silk, linen, and casotrie hlkfa_ neckerchiefs, spool rotten, ribbons, broche, silk, wool len, plaid, mertao, white crape and stills shawls, els. gant silk-velvet cloake, /Ilk-velvet skirts, elegant silk dresses and dress patterns. silk skirts, rich silk sod satin mantillas haulms, end circulars, cloth circulars, lace mantillas and shawls, scarfs, cashmere, merino, dia - . Isioe,debege, alpacia, French chinta and other draws and dress patterrui, ladies under clothing., ladies' and thildrenis gallon, boots. and shots, wirtortnas and munees, travelling Maras, superiovi overcoats, dress and frock emit& business coats, raglans, cloth and caul: mere pantaloons, velvet, satin, 'elk, relents, cloth, and other vests. summer clothing, drawers, undershirts, linen and muslin chute, boo', shore, line eilsac parasols, several flue ingrain carpeta, One feather Wt bolsters and pillows, quilts, comfortables, spreads, mu tain•, blankets, tidvs, knives am! forks, linen table clothe, cloth table rovers, Matinee, awe/deals, lute*, and numerous other articles of clothing. he Ac. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILYER-WAHR, &e. A large sanortnuent of watches, diamonds, Jewels'', silver-ware, ike Ac. trr . Further particulars hereafter, AT PRIVATE BALE, AT HALT THE MULL BELLING PRICES —Dostble.bottomed and bruiting ism sold patent lever watches, of the moat ap proved =Ass, hunting ease and Orli hes gold escape ment lever and lepine intakes, full jeweled • fine gold enameled lever and lapin* watches for ladlee'; gall Jewelry of every description; silver lever sad LW's watches, tohantingeases and open face, silver IndLiak, Swiss, sad Trench watatise, a minaret sesartment of tn. altars. beds, mattresses, mirrors. As. OUT-DOOR LULU BOLIOITID, 16i21 diaries to salt the times. low. Consignments of 'very description of goods aolldtad for public or private sale. MONEY ADVANCED on all and every kind of goods. for pablit or prirstr, sale, or to be bold for a arnited time. Ckarkas SCOTT, Jr:; — AUC ONEER., (m etes- B• ilor to WOLRERT & ECOTT,) 431 oNUTgOT 3*., oppo,tte tit Cost= Holm, balms North sad nu 13troot.t taEORGE W. SKI _I N. 1. ecalaar of I AN:me Esemi. AUCTION/3ES 4 lOW ROUTH Mee L'fiNNG BAVIAIHt. MIS VERY SATURDAY IMIRITIO_ At T)( o'clock, of tko Atm:tick's Moro, lkok okllkoMorko. lap Roasekesping Artier, Cletbisw, WAWA* Iml rY, Toney Artliloo, das - OLLTOTrar3 •—/ Made on all aoceasthle potyta lathe Vatted Maths at satisfactory rates. DALT= &
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers