BY 40101 ., OFFICE, Eo:4l7,.ttlEßtltilt-ETREET MAID ft, 7 ,Plft S)S 9,, : ' Tws Lll- OEMS 'Yee Mrttlittr Perehte - the canters: Mailed 1¢ Sulserlben qnt of thillity it Six Poiisis yIC it Asups rPOpn DOttata soF.torr Matadi Tuns DoczeiblioslitlfeuilisiloMably bilidosnoo for ttie 'fVE# l E't• - , l e t Milled to Stiliscribors out of the city. st Tout Doi, Lamaj.a.aAztuuurinikiyanda. " , 3V'erolt.ty TriglrAiLtpagas -*nut* sent to Subscribers by mall, (per annum, in stronos,) at # 00 Thrits 00ple r , ;; - 5 00 SlTB,Oopies ' - B ifs Ten Cordes; " " - 12 00 Twenty,ongdas ; z: ,(to - one sddress). 20 .10 Twenty.Ooples, or firer , •' (to address fit mai suMairldpr), sash ' . 1 20 Tor 1,010;o1 Twenty-one or 'over t we wilt send an eitmood_toJtkot tetts6tiP'of gluo• 1121PoOtiwiters soo:toqueststt - to sot as Agents for - Tog Innis , PUBS.' • - Oats: WARBURTON'LINIMILLBLE • vovniNGs ion Tqr,., HEAD • ' ]Embrace all fife points neoissam7 to - - ORNTREL EPYROT; - and allthadatans and Maier elegaaates which impart Y/N/811 1 COMFORT, AND DURABILITY.. - Gaatlemart,are Invltekto ind ananilhe: nc26-enk- - - dad CEMTNIIr Street. olibn SPUNPirIi ' BOOKS : FOR THE • H0L1.4 . 4 .., YECLA'ke folfowlielleolei' will be sold lit un: 10w4diees, mid- s Dl ft ororth from 60 cents to' $ ees - wlthorery Book sold— Persons paratmelog th 11l thus get two mailable Piesents for themitme am tof mom for,,which they...mold jpurehase one elasieltevi, ' _ . „.,. • -. „ ~TAETTAI, LIST: , ' ' ' Youth's Keepitike:..sll 24, Forget-me-not ' 61 50" Juvenile: yorget r me• . , Prlend•hlphi Offering:l 60 not' 125 Friendship's Token...l 09 The Pit Annual,- : e 1 25 Friendship's Gift... • 1 60 The 'Violet 1 25, ,aift ig Affection....• 1 50 The 116 ha Brid '• . -'1 25 Ladies' Wreath '-1 60 The Mutating Bird.. - 1_25, -Ladiell'EM 7l o Nhok• • 1 50 The Gotland, ,or. To= , 7 - 61•0 167 7' 6 Hia - 1 50 kehef:Friendahip.l`6o The Gem Arm 0. uill.•: 60 Thirkaardort lienver. 7 ,l:Bo" 'The Snow 1f1ake.... - .. 1 60 The'Tolie4 , '- '' ''''-1 50 The Mew _Risie.x.‘••• 160 The Emblem '' a 160 The Plillotona ' ' ' 1 - 60 The Garland— ...... 1-10, /hit Friermiaon's An- • Tim Christian Keep-, .. • ' uttal 100 sake • ' ' 150 Thellegnolia - - - 1 60- The itellgiOnoSonve• ' The Golden Gift..... 200 air.Eaci iirtlie aboVii . " Looks, is handsomely bound in alotattc; MG got, and illustrated with colored awl fine Mee plate*. ' • ' - ~• Lana Rookb,ilvo, clotl4 extra gilt - - $6 00 " . " . , " , Turkey, ant 000 Lady of the:Laki r e . Soo Cloth, estra 07 : -:': 600 ~. - " , 'l , ' Turkey, put.,," • - 600 Tho.DiMinn;moroceo, full gilt , 4 -- 400 The Boiritair Gallery " . '' -' ''' 400 The Book of the Bou doir_'" . The Bookbf Beauty - ' ':, '..- ' - 4 00' Leath* of Memory, fullTnrkey,` gilt. .. 600 The Otientiliimarial, 4, • nut .8 00 The Ceisket, mil - room, full gilt 4 60 The Lsdy's Gift, morocco, Tall gilt 6 00 The Am. Landscape Annual s cloth, gilt 3 00 " - ' "'. morOccoailt 400 6 03 Gem of the Season, - Turkey, ant.. ' 500 Keepsake Annus!, Oath, gilt' - - " 800 `‘• 4 ' ', -morocco, gilt .4 00 61 - . 500 Winter 'Wreath, cloth, gilt' . ' 3 00 , " ---, = Morocco, Fit, .. i . • 600 Floral KeePsake,•royal Sro,clolli . , gilt -- =' 8 00, 1, morocco, ant.... .. ... 6 00, The above' Annuals - ere, entirely new, splendidly il lustrated with- steel _engtarings, selected with great care from the best editions published In the United 4 ~ ' LADIES ' imam. The pet Albion : • - El 00 Leaved ofFrisidship,6l 76 The Messenger Bird ' - Leaver' of Affection.. 176 Album` ' " - I'oo Thel"bilopornatillmin 175 1 The flunboatia Albiun. 100 Token of Love' 1 76 Tho Gem Album..... -1 00 Album of Heart... • • *OO The Rosebud Album. 100 Landscape A1bum.... 2 00 The GiftAlbnm...... 1 00 Forget-ine-not Album 200 Album Of lore 1'75 Album of Memory... 2.00 Album, of ". 'Bement- Souvenir Album :.... 200 brsoce - - 1 75 Friendship Album..: 2 00 The Move Allnims are el beautifully illustrated with steel ingiarlngs 'and colored illuatrations. and hand somely bound ID =proem, extra, -' ,- Autograph Books, morocco $1 26 " : ~.,,"entigue, 160 Bend Nadi - et - 026 Otto above beautifully bound and appropriate presents.' 'Do not forget the peculiar fee. toes of these Boeirs#, that with every book purchased K u tiA i d n 0 te.,:t . .,..t, oft, 7/ - , frlit „ 11f , 77 . cents to one u PeroMbrat a Matinee rrisithieti*Of. the aliiir ii isius- Me Books will be' furnialo4 with 7 1031 "* 4 19 11 4 4 or, mall, Oktlitir remitting thl pric*.• 7 - • ,', Persons °Hering Books sent, by 'Mill ' , All please amid :went:pone cents postega; for floats from $1.70 $2, and. Chitty:viz ciente for Boole more than that amount, Address ',- ' - • ----- ' -= G.'G. EVANS,' - del7-thstulOt" 439 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. ~ A T GREATLY,REDIJOED PRICES. A beautiful aeleetiouor HOLIDAY GOODS,' .- aultalile for Preseutii, to be found • GREAT VARIETY, ' tlie Omer of ' PRIIIITE ANDOSEETNITT STREETS, such or- , 7 •- .- ' porrnoNsizss_, , I'OO_4ET BOOK!, - , PORTIOLIOS, . - Dligalum mums. WRITIEG OASEB, OOK HOLDERS, DAMERS' OASES., ". ' - BANK B RILL BOORS, --.' , - - ISONET BELTS, L - IL , IGAR OASES, RZOR STROPS; . , WOJSES, _. . . „LAZED OASES' OASES' .' - ' goats OAS R ET 011T148.4 2 - 6 BAOKOAMNON HOODS, P AP g ESK it S meg WORK DUES, D , &c., a OOLD PENS and , , GOLD AD quArza 'Pao: cgag. .1.0,17-an - - ___ - 1. awn, N. - W. eartierPOTIRTH an& TNOT 814. • LOOKING GLASSES, , ENORAVINGS, OIL PAINTINGS, OIIBISTAIMI PANSENTS. Whist fOr tale the Largest Aussortortot of the above, at the 1.09rE5T PHIOEB to be found. in the city. IJAhLEII , B beautiful /LLUBTLUITIONB of . gql ARE/A.I9S T,P, AIM WIMP EARLS GALLERIES, _ 818 ONESTNIPf Street MELVIN'S AMERICAN GIST BOOK STORE, 888 °BESTIR:FT STREET, BRLOW POVIITII HOLIDAYS! 4:112 i , BOOEO HOLIDAYS! GIFTS FOS TUE HOLIDAYS, 4.19-2 w EAT BARGAINS. ' tox ONNESTIVE AND NEW YEAR RESENT& LAEIEEO WINTER OLOAICE, , PI,NAL REDUOTION • IN 11111018,_ TO GLOBE THE BESON. 7. IV:PROOTOILA CO., Euooeseore to Geo. liolpto Co., 4.424112 - , • 708 OWETEITT street A BEAUTIFUL - EtiBENT POR ♦ Win, DATIGATER, _ BISTE,R,os - • ' REHM MAISNIi ONE 01, - . GROVER' BAKER'S FAMILY' BEWINO 'MACHINES, Yon 042 AT No: 780 011EiTNIIT Street ttlaybes, ,14ttielrg;.;4104. QILVER;.- • - - b, • ' WM: • WILSON, & SON , - Rare now on hand the largeet stock of S.T.T.P.ER VANE - IH TES Erebidively of their own insnitracture and - - WARRANTED. Persons fletirotto of purehaalog Jae rospooffully In vittat to call and examine for then:wolves, at the - OLD sountionn stain, . del9-2, 8. W. pot. MYTH "and (MERRY Streets AJLEY . 86 CO„ . OiIESTPUT .13TREET, B - Swallowers of sarnau spume. SI4VNII WARN, tinder their inspection, on.thop. promise,' exclusively Oitteene and iltiensere ire invited to vitt our bet4rit WATCHES. - • chni#4ol7 on hied 4- epleadlit stock et Superks ' Width* of a; the edibility! ashen. - - DIAMONDS: . xeoktser r Ittseelets, Itteeehes t . Fesllthige - , !triton, Binge, Nod' ell other *Moles tri, the blurb:rad Has. Dtawlogs et _NNW will be =as ill. of eharge for Owe wishing work nude to order. BIOS - GOLD JEWELRY. A unntiforsonmnione. of nu the new styles of line deitelty, tuck as Wei* Stone'ind Shell Cameo, Read, Coral, Carbuncle, bfarquielte, lava, &c.; lie. • • D °ADSORB; DABBII7I, 'WAITERS, &e. ° t ram and garble OLOOII, of newest styles, and or onporior , qtualty. ' :„ aui.a Jir.E; 'O".AL•DWELL'& -- 00., • 432 CHESTNUT St eret, Hare teeeived, per steamers, new styles . .. Jewelry, Ohatelslas, Vest ()hens, tlplend/d Feas t Ham nu'. Fruit Fruit Ittando, Rugar Beekete. - . . Jet Goods and Plower Vises, Conal,dorra and Weald Nett. . .. Sole Agents in Phlladebbie_lor the male a OliaTleii Prott4hmoi tomooll, Tlnta-Klawns. , -MO - aILVEII, WARE.-:- . • - • wititrAu WILBON:ds BON • ' ' SILVER WARE , F4 s . l3 l 'fitlit r i S fatit OM.) .0; VI 00ISNXII.J/I/21/ ilaripf assortment of BILYBB Wang, of every de licslption, constantly on hand, or nisdolo order to match 441 DIRWri dealred. . laipotters of - flheftleid 'sod', Birmingham Imported W• 01;,.. „ ostio,d&wly I. ,LfißDEN:lik BRO. J. • 111111/101111/18 A/D aWmalill ar , aIiy,IIZPLATIDD WA ' 110111)potast-fteit, &bole. TWO, 'op - stalrod *24 tar takeTrak r 101 t entiox - BDtv URNS, ,10; , 4 "foam; 'plug, sDtlnsmtir l ll4 - 0u'4211414* at 0247 ..i. • - '•••••• • ' •S \I! -VII . ~r •• , ' ''' • ' 11 0 ..,14. • " • .. , '- -.' ' ' ' ''..., - ' 4 4,\N 0 I to , , ~ ..,. ~. .. fi t .;t4 , , • . 1-' " ~. 4 ; , "::,, .'' .• 4.;_Z-..; _,...„; ",• I '.'; \ `....:.‘ 5 % t i ' I 11,' ',, ..%,„,_ §,, ~,. .. ~, ... • . - l ' ' -• • --.., Ai • . —k, ,, , ,, „..e -- la - ''.*.!. et ~.:. • . • . ..• ly c li ~ . , , • ~ -'.• -"'''''. .•'• ' . r...: • ---,,..._,-• •••••,,--• ~ . , . i-----.1 ! *!*,..,,_,'. 7 . - -,- - 4 . -:', 001,-k-. r- -3 , ., : , • • „ . ... .. . i -ig - , rTE_ • , ~),, . • , ~ , . - „ , , -,,-- • .•,.:4•:.•1.,t ~ , ~ i• -..-,. . ~ :dill '..'•,, •.• • -•--,• - • 40. , ......,,,- •-• ir , , . '.: :i • . pm iOl ~ . "'rl t ...I . . .. .. . ..... ' . t 7. - •••. ' ''. 1.. , :•!.',017,•;..,., • . .• 0. - ... 4. 1 .11:11!P±A....„...1 , ........;,,,,•;- ' h 'r r. .; • • f . - .. . . , .. ": • ' •• • •- , 4 .„•,.„:„.4_,2--„.,- . •• •- -•• _ • l I , - :_, - ;,..:11....,.., _ -144, —exiii_oz,i'• , .• • --- -.,._._ ~ _.*-- 44 .•- • • -, ----_7.--..... , •-•••• •.. • • : , A.if .--..- -.....,;:t _ -":••••-,--- ..: ' i• E ll .-- - _ ---.- •-.__ • .. ..-- ~... • z....-- - ......._,....„4„2.t... - • • , , • ' , , , , • . . , VOL. L-NO. 128. Xotirco. INSURANOE COMPANY OF THE STATE 'OP PIINNOTLYANIA. - Dec. 24,1851. The 'Annual Meeting of the'fitockhOlders will be held at the Company's Ofilce, No. 4 EXCIIANGE, on TUES DAY; tannery sth; 1858, at 12 o'clock noon ' • and an Election for Thirteen Directors will be held at same Om On MONDAY, January 11, 1858," between the eouril - of 10 o'clock, A 81. and I o'clock P. M. de2s.tjall WILLIA3I HARPllR,fiscretary. OFFICE OF THE NORTH PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. The , Annual , Meeting of the Stockholders of THE NORTH PENNSTLYANIA RAILROAD, COMPANY," will• be held at the office of the Company, No. 123 WALNUT, above Ponrth street, Philadelphia, on MON DAY, January n, 1858 at 11 o'clock A 31., at which time andplace an Zlectiou' Will be held fora President and Ton Directors, to serve for the ensuing year: • de2s-dtjall_ — EDWARD ARI,UsTRONO, Secretary. C_ BEI/HINGE INSURANCE via COMPANY,—NOTWE.—•The Annual Meeting. of the Stootoldera ‘ for the election of Directors for the w nsuing ear, will be" hold at the Office of the Com- PanYL: o. all IVALNOT street, Philadelphia, on MONDAY, the 4th January - , 11338, at 12 o'clock. de1941a4 - LEANDER H. Y. 11. STARR, Seciy. NOTICE.--O lee ,of t o Westmoreland Conl .1.1 °employ, Philkulelphis , ,EarAnaber 190..4 11367. The annum meeting of The Btoekholders of this Com pany will be held it their office, No. 230 South THIRD Street, on WEDNESDAY, the Bth of January 1818, at 10 n'elock, at which time an Election will he held for Moran , Direttors, :and a Secretary and Treasurer, to eerie for the , ensuing year' P. H. JACKSON. dell-teja - Secretary, NOTIOE:—: ()Mee of, the Beaver'-Meadow on,losirsik,Detettiber 14,1857. ThAariaitahseeting of the Stockholders of the Deaver Meadow Railroad .and company will •be hold at their ollice; , No. an - WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the 119th of January next, at 12 o'clock, et which time an • election will be held for 'President en d , teh Directors for Afiki opening year. • ' • ' • 44164tja18* L. ORAILDERLAIN, Sea. and Treas. OFFICE OF ' THE PHILADELPHIA AND DELAWARE RIVED. RAILROAD CO., (City Paseengei Road, viilfitth and Sixth etreetsaWashington Banding, Third street, Above Spruce. ": • PUMAIMPIIIA, Deo. 28th, 1817. NOTICE.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the above-named Company will be held on the second MONDAY in January ensuing, (the 11th,) at 12 M., as above . when and where an Election will be held for President and Twelve Directors to serve for tho ensuing year. • Polls open from 1 to 4 P. M. de2B-mthtiell N. Y. CAMPION, Secretary. FIopIIILADELPHIA AND READING J. RAILROAD 00 --0111oe 227 Routh Fourth street. PHILIDCLPIII.4, Deo. 24, 1857. To avoid detention, the holders of Coupons of this Company due on the lat proximo are requested to leave them la this Office on or before the 31st• bst, when re ceipts will be given, and checks will be reedy for de livery on the 24 proximo in exchange for such receipts., ded4•tjal O. HDADVOIiD, Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL AND IRON 00.—POILAnsu.nlit, Dee. 18, 1857.—The annual meeting of the Stockholdors of this Company will be held at their office, No. 88 B. FOURTH Street, on MONDAY, the 18th January, at 11 o'clock A. M., at which time there will be an election or Di 'rectore to Rene for the ensuing year. WM. 0. LUDWIG, Beeretary. VP-Mt° IT A L.— The busimmi of the PENNSYLVANIA BANK will be removed on the let proximo, to the second story of Grigg's Braiding, WALNUT soreet, east of Third. The owners of property lodged et the Bank for , safe keeping please' remove It before that day, or It will be stored elsewhere at their expense and risk. MIA jai. 4. L. FENIMORE, Assistant-Oashler. ,for Oale anti II Co frt. FOR SALE,—The four-itory GRANITE BUILDING, on the north side of OIIESTNUT Street, west of Fourth, Intended for the Pennsylvania Bank, and now nearly finished. If not sold prior to /annul Ist; the Banking Boons, and other parts of the building, will be rented separately; or together. Apply - to TfIOMAS GRAVEN, des.stuthtll No. 41IINOR Street. TIESIRABLE OEFIGES at 520 IYAINUT /14.1 OPiOilite the State Nouse; one of the boot 'business ' locations on Philadelphia, with heat, and all modern conveniences. Apply on the premises, No. I, to 0.19. J . BALL, Agent. no2B flopartitersbip Notices. TIISSOLTITION.-- - -The PARTNERSHIP JLIF heretofore existing as BARER & WILLIAMS Is TIIIB DAY dissolved by mutual *mina. The business will be continued at the old stand, 1182 MARKET St. 'by CHARLES WILLIAMS, who 1 authorised to coiled and pay all debts of the late firm PETER W. BAKER, Deo. 1, 1851. CHARLES WILLIAMS. The undersigned would Inform the public, that having bought out Mr. l'. W. Baker. his late partner, he will continue the HEATING and VENTILATING business at the old stand, 1132 tfARRET Street, where will be found stall assortment of Ranges, neaten, Ventilatory, Registers, Bath Boilers. &e., and hopes ' by strict at %%gen to business, to merits share of the patronage of SW public. • dlifirt • oliktmas Iyt.LLTAMB. 04104f:111 . 3744114e3 : WNW** firm of REISS BROTHERS & CO., heretofore ex isting In New York and Philadelphia, is this dey DIS SOLVED by mutual consent, end that the business of the firm will only be carried - on for the purpose of 11- tuidatien. Signed, ENOCH REISS, MAO REISS JAMES RENA M. GANS, JOHN POTTER, Nosernber lfi, nolB-ntiktuths-tf emwtes eompaities. VV.ELLS,, FARGO, & CO., • NEW YORK AND OALIFORNIA EXPRESS CO en& ET.ORAIIOII D8ltE88; A JOINT STOOK COMPANY. CAPITAL $600,000. OFFICE, 400 OIIESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Express sent to Oaxtroanti, OREGON, and SAND WICH ISLANDS OR the bth and 20th, and to HAVANA on 7th, 12th, and 27th of each month, from NEW YORK. EXCHANGE for sale In sums to milt, and COLLEC- T/ONa AUDI on California, Oregon, Sandwich Islands, and Havana. W. P. & Co. receive freight ooneigned t o them at BAN PRANONCO, Per Clipper Ship, and collect invoices on delivery of he mite. NOTIOE TO CALIFORNIA BONDHOLDERS• W. F. & Co are now &pared to receive the OLD BONDS of the State of CALIFORNIA, transport the acme to Sacramento City, 'ad procure new ones, In ac cordance with the act of 28th April, 1857, and return same to this oily. ' de2l-Im D. N. BARNEY, dn., Agent. HE ADAMS EXPRESS 00., °gnu, T No CHESTNUT STREET, forwards PAitOBLO, PAORAGEB, MERCHANDIRE, BANK NOTES sen d SPE C IE, either by its own LLNES, or In connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS and CITIES of the United States. B, S. SANDFORD, General Superintendent. cAttarneno at saw. LEWI S' S. WELLS, ATTORNEY AT LE LAW, N 0.2 AIRY BTRENT, NORIIIBTOWN, Pa., will attend with punotuality, and to the boat of his ability, to all business entrusted to his care. oel-ilm L DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY IM E A.W,SoIathea4t Corner et EIGHTH end LO- ViTIST Streete, Philadelpfds. eal-17 MiIYER 8T RO IT SE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ONNTRE street,Pottavillo, Ps. antiy 15100 0 BOXES OF AMERICAN WIN DOW GLASS, of all alma and qualities, for sale at lowest prices. Our &apartment is complete, and are daily receiving fresh lotit from the Kensington Glass Works. Sheets & Duffy's make. superior to any in the market se to brilliancy and regular thickness, equal to French We are now receiving two-thirds of the Glass made at these works. 2,000 boxes French Glass of all eine. 4,1:e0 feet Rough films for skylights. • terns,ooo feet Engraved and Enamelled Glass, of all pat; s. White' Dead, Fiench and American Zino, Paints, &o. 100 000 lbs White Lend. 170,000 lbs French Zinc (Vieille 'Montague ) . 70,000 the American Zino. Drown Zinc, a full supply. Chrome Green, &fell supply. Chrome Yellow a tell supply. Prussian Blue, a lull supply. Parts Green, a full supply. Addreee your orders to ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Druggists and Manufacturere, Bole Proprietors of the Penna. Steam Color Works Store S. W. corner SECOND and GREEN Streets, Philadelphia. dell tf A IoHER, WARNER, MISKEY, & CO., HiNOPACTOMMO OP GASALIERS, BRACKETS, PENDANTS, FITTINGS, and an kindg of OAR And Larop-Work, Girt tulotes Sco., No. 829 OHESTNIIT STREET PHILADELPHIA. ' ARCHER, wen Non, k CO., No. 876 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 'loadings lilted with GM Pips, and all kinds of altering B eni repairing of Goa Work. dolt 8u PEILAD ELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY— N.a. W. Oor. THIRD and OHEBNUT Rte. L. PEI OUZE d. BON, thankful for the liberal pa. imager heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and dogmas to merit (to continuance, would announce to Printers mad Publishers that their new SPEOHIEN 'ar. is now ready, and from their increased facilities, are'now prepared to runleh every thing necersary in a complete Printing Establiehment, at the shortest no. tine. Their long practical experience in the business, end the faot of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justifiee them In asserting that they eon furnish a more durable and better fin. Lobed *stele than their cotemporarina. Those, therefore, who doeire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previous to purchasing elsewhere.- Oli type taken at 9 orate per ponnel, to enohane• for nen at specimen prteee. 5000. GALLS. WHALE OIL, I,ooog Th Nieybsnt. Oil, , 60 bblo. No. 1 Lord Oil, for solo by , 01{0AliDALN, PNINON, & 00., noIO.N No. 104 N. Delaware &winos s'ooo TONS of MITCHELL & OROAS 1174TINifat'' ImrsetAuerriliNtALE, " „„id.J• " N 0.104 IL Delaware evens . ROSIL-400BARRELS SOA.PEIANERS nosnr, to arrive per eekooner 7. IL 'Mawr Tor este Dr - 11411111)1 14 MAOALLSTEII, • - 110 North Water stow! MA,KYLLA ROPE.-13IIPZRIOR LTA Nitta no miumfutared and for sate by • " witaysa, nn am & 00, istMl IN, II IL Wl* , 22 N. Whil/T6 Ett THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1857 'HAVELOCK AND MULORANE. - A CON. Nothing like contrasts, for bringing out effects. Just now, our friend John Bull has ample opportunity, by contrast, of estimating the comparative value of personal merit and family connection, in the respective cases of Sir HENRY HAVELOCK, of Lucknow, and the Right Honorable the Earl of MutaßAve. HAVELOCK, son of a country gentleman of limited means, commenced life by entering at the Middle Temple, and attending the lectures of Crime, the special pleader, where the late Sir Tnouto NooN TALPOURD was his fellow. student. His elder brother had fought in the Peninsula and at Waterloo, and his example induced the would-be lawyer to enter the army. This was in 1815. After eight years service in the United Kingdom, he exchanged into a regiment under orders for India, whore he arrived in 1823, in his twenty-eighth year. Ho served in'lndia for a time, in the Burmese war;and on a mission _ to the Kingdom of Ava. In 1827, he published a "History of the Ave Campaigns: ) . In 1838, at the mature age of forty-three, after three-and-twenty years active service, as a subaltern, ho was promoted to the rank of captain. Had he possessed money he could have purchased a captaincy after five years' service. Had he been so fortunate as to have had relations among the nobility—to have bad an uncle, for instance, like Lord PAN SIURE, who telegraphed "Remember Dowb," to the Crimea-11Avuocx would certainly have risen rapidly in the army, for be was so universally emitted to be an admirable officer that he was always selected for difficult duty. Merit, without cash or connexion, avails less in the military service of England than in that of any other country. After he was promoted, Captain HAVELOCK was a staff officer in the first Alfghan cam paign, was present at the storming of Ghuz hee, and the occupation of Cabul, and, on his return to India, wrote a " Memoir of the Alf ghan Campaign," which was published in London. Going back to the Punjaub, he was placed on General ELPIIINSTONE'S staff as Per sian Interpreter, detached to servo in Cabul under Sir ROBERT SALE, and, in the final attack on MARCHED AKBAB, in April 1842 which obliged that chief to raise the siege of Jellalabad. Captain HAVELOCK commanded the right column, and defeated him before the other columns could come up. His reward for this was a brevet Majorty, and the wonderful distinction of being allowed to wear a bit of red ribbon in his button-hole, as Companion of the Bath. NAPOLEON would have made him a General on the spot. After this ho served under Generals Pouocx and Gomm, all through the campaign, accom panied the army to Givallor, and was engaged in the battle of Maharajporo. In the Sikh war, he was also employed,- and was present at every great battle. In 1819, after twenty-five years' hard service, ho revisited England. On his return to Bombay, in 1861, he was made brevet Colonel, and, through the kind recol lection of Lord lIARDINGE, (by whose side he had fought like a Paladin in the three battles of the Sutlej,) was appointed Adjutant-General of the Queen's troops in India. He was second in command of the expedition to Persia, and, immediately after his return to Calcutta, after the Indian revolt had broken . out, was sent to Allahabad in command of the moveable column, with which, in nine pitched battles, he debated the Ma tratta leader, NENA 54,11114 whose revenge found a vent in the dreadful massacre of Own pore. His relief of Lucknow, at this mo ment, excites general attention. For having won nine battles, against vastly superior forces, he TT made Major-General, and received a peneion of $5OO a year. Be was subsequently. raised to the hereditary rank of Baronet, and publie opinion has literally compelled the Bri tish Ministry 'to add a grant of $5,000 a year, to support what is called the "dignity" of the title—as if such a man as HAVELOCK does not confer honor or the baronetcy instead of deriving any from it. Now, let us mark the contrast. We have seen how, despite of want of money and noble relatives, HAvELoex has raised himself. Al low us to present an opposite case. The Marquis of NORMANDY is a nobleman, with comparatively narrow means. Ho is well connected, however, and, when cash ran low and credit was wholly gone, his noble friends, the loaders of tho Whig party, sent him into safe and lucrative exile in 1882, as Governor of Jamaica, with a salary of 830,000. Ho did not long remain on his island, but returned to England, where—still out-at-elbows—he ob tained the office of Lord Privy Seal, with a large yearly salary. The amount was in sufficient. for his extravagance, and he was sent to Ireland as Viceroy, with a princely in come of $lOO,OOO per annum. Ho continued in this capacity from 1836 to 1839, after which he served as Colonial Secretary, and as Home Secretary for a couple of years, at 826,000 per annum, until Plikx's acceptance of office threw him out of place. In 1846, he was sent as Ambassador to France, at $50,000 a year, and a furnished palace. In this ca pacity he continued until after the coup d'ilat of 1852. He returned to England, still a "pauper poor," and, as such, (for his ability as a diplomatist was limited,) was sent as Minister to the Court of Tuscany, at $lO,OOO a year, where he still resides. From first to last, this gentleman, simply because ho is a Marquis, because he is allied to many of the leading nobility, and because be has been in debt all his life, has drawn over 8760,000 from the tax-payers of England, and, most proba bly, if the truth were known, actually thinks that the public ought to be very much obliged to a man of his rank for condescending to play the Ambassador, and pocket their money. The Marquis has a son, whose real name is Mr. Prorrs, but usage gives him the courtesy title of Earl of liulgrave. He has lived thir ty-eight years in the world, without any one over having had reason to suspect him of being a man of ability. He sits in Parliament for the borough of Scarborough, (near which his family mortgaged estates are situated,) but has scarcely ever clone any thing, as a legisla tor, except to give a silent vote for his father's friends and patrons, the Whigs. He has been very useful, however, as a sort of deputy whipper-in, taking care that the supporters of the Ministry should be at hand, to vote, when ever required to do so. As the pauper son of a pauper and oflice-holding peer, Lord Mut, °RAVE had to be provided for. In 1851, he was made Controller of the Queen's House hold, salary $5,000 a year. In 1852, ho be came Treasurer of the Household, for which ho has ever since condescended to receive $5,000 per annum. This gentleman, whose life has been passed in the unwholesome atmosphere of a Court, has just been appointed Governor of Nova Scotia, (salary $16,000 a year, with a resi dence,) and wo dare say, has so little know ledge of the country ho is to govern, that it would puzzle him to declare its exact position, without carefully limiting it out upon the map. Ills simple qualification Is that his uncle, Colonel Plum, is a favorite and sala ried parasite at Court—that his father, though a pauper, is a Marquis—and that his own ne cessities make the Governorship extremely acceptable, because it will bring him in a largo income. The Nova &Mims, wo suspect, with all their lip-loyalty, null not be very grateful to Queen VICTORIA for sending them such a Governor. Sancho Panza, at Barata tarts, will stand forth a miracle of sagacity, compared with this lordling. Mark the contrast! llavneex, 28 years in the army before he got his captaincy; only a Major General at the age of 62; put oil' with a good-service pension of 4500 a year, and finally, when made a Baronet, given a pension of $6,000 a year. MuLartevn, six years In office in the Royal Household a constant PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECgMBER 3L 18157, guest at tho Royal table, and appointed the Queen's representative, in one of her colo nies, at a salary exactly three times as much as HAVELOCK, crowned with honor, obtained after 42 years' service. In ono case, Merit has slowly advanced the hero of tho Indian campaign. In the other, aristocratic connection has raised Lord HOLORAVE from a Court 111111kOyfillip to to the dignity and pay of a Viceroy. If bIux °RAVE had not been " born with a silver spoon in his mouth," his position must now have boon humble indeed. PRANCE, SEEN THROUGH THE LAST FRENCH JOURNALS. The Rebellious Article of the'' Press." In our last we mentioned the suspension of La Presse for two months, on account of the revolutionary tendency of ono of its editorials. The article appeared on December 3d, and among the " nouvelles deverses " of the next day Le Constitutionnel has this pithy line," La Presse has not appeared to-night. We are assured that it has been suspended for two months." L'lndependence, Brussels, of the oth instant, after mentioning the excitement produced by the event in Paris, adds, " as to the other journals, they exhibit this morning extreme prudence and reserve. Le Courrier de Paris, which, during the last eloetions was one of the firmest advocates of the Democratic party, publishes this morning, at the head of its columns, an article in which it declares that the entrance of Messrs. litarmor,lissos and OLLIVIER into the Legislative body is the commencement of a new party, which, t letrr. ing behind it old parties and old passions, will consider progress as independent of political forms, and exert itself to secure it upon legal grounds and within the limit of the imperial Constitution.' " M. PEYRAT'S condemned editorial is to the following effect "In the elections which took pines in Juno, the Democratic party elected seven of its candidates,' five of whom have taken their places in the legis lative body, whilst two, Messrs. Carnet and Goud• chola, have refused to take the oath presoribedby the Constitution. Which of these two parties has been Most faithful to the cause for which they were elected' Among them there is evidently an error and a false calculation. On which side is the error? Who has made the false calculation ? "We are aware that the question is a delicate one, and we would not have raised It if we were in bond age to any party. But in this journal, thank God, we are in the habit of thinking and speaking free ly, uttering the feeling of the moment, without consulting time, or place, or suitability. "A party clique cells upon us to servo it with closed eyes, and to accept all its caprices without examination--showing our devotion by the sacra- Ilea of our reason. We are not of this elan of adorers; we do not believe that anger and obstinacy are the only homage worthy of the cause of De mocracy. Our friends know that our seal is not lukewarm, but it is neither unreflecting nor ex travagant. Wo are aware that it is convenient to hide ourself under the shadow of a coterie, where we can find our opinions ready made, and where we are excused from the onerous burden of forming them for ourselves. But In politics as in religion, we are for independent reason against blind faith. This saidAit nil examine the question raisea by the conduct of Messrs. Garnet and Goadohaux. . . "Through the name which he bears, Id. Barnet has position and Influence in the Democratic party; and M. Goudobaux is bound to it by long service -worthy of the esteem which he receives from all parties. Ile is a worthy and upright man. When such men, in such positions, and above all in such circumstances deceive themselves upon a point of duty, the misfortune le to be doubly deplored— their example, instead of being useful to their party, can only injure and mislead It. Let us now see whether the not under our consideration is conformable to the wishes and the interests of the Democracy. " For some months there hes been in the uni versal conscience a -vague trembling—a vibration that has struck every attentive ear. To us it eig nailed the birth of public spirit. The hour for decisive resolution is upon us. The problems which preoccupy the world of polities simplify themselves—the parties draw together and count their strength—the conflict of principles wages more boldly than over—Piedmont and Belgluna are the scene of violent agitations, and tb i s part we take in the triumph of our friends of Tote and Brussels proves that the.people of Piedmont and Belgium are not the only onus interested. It seems that ens have all heard, from one and of Europe to the other, a vole° , crying: Arise, and march forward ! ' " Shall we remain deaf to this mysterious voice? Must we, living always in our memories and our regrets, sink deeper and deeper In our abasement? The question has been before us for sit months, and an immense majority ofthe Democratic party has been resolved against the partisans of the poli cy of despair and abandonment. " Shall the Revolutionary party imitate the Le gitimist, which by its withdrawal has made itself a stranger in Its own country. The Legitimist par ty is a corpse, which the Allies galvanised in 1815; it lived au artificial life until 1830, when it was again entombed, and may God in his mercy forbid It a resurrection, Shall we, too, descend to the tomb without hope of an awakening. "Messrs. Carnot and Conclobaux thought not thus six months ago, when they provoked the eleotoral movement and throw themselves into it with such resolution. Wherefore do they with draw themselves to-day, when that movement has become se energetic? "What was the moaning of the campaign of electoral bulletins, of the reiterated appeals, the memorials, the editorials, the contest of the Woo tton Aro we to see nothing but a comedy in this struggle, so voluntarily entered upon, so patiently sustained, and which has ended in such success? "In 1852 M. /tenon refused to take the oath— to-day he yields to the wishes of his constituency and enters the legislative body. Why should not Messrs. Carnet and Goudohoux show the same de ference to the expressed will of-the electors of Paris ? " Experience has condemned the system of those who, in the month of June, preached indifference and withdrawal. It was the obstinate error of a rigor pushed to excess. But that rigor has the re illimitable character of the sentiment which in spires it, and it merits the esteem of those who do not agree with it. "But how can we respect the conduct of those who after preaching action six months ago, when the issue of the struggle was doubtful, condemn and abandon it to-day when success has so fully justified it. It was you who eummoned us to the conflict, you animated the feeble and led the unde cided; and now, when we are banded together, when our community of action has been strengthened by your personal triumph, it is you who are striving to destroy it. "Bat now we are aware of our strength, we know that we arc a great party devoted to the Re volution, and equally resolved to defend it against those who would destroy it, and those who would sully it. We have among us men strong in talent, experience, courage. and public consideration, and shall we renounce all these advantages? "When you called the electors to the ballot they expected you to march before them, like generals heading their battalions, and they responded to your call. What will they think to-day, when they find themselves the tools of a coterie 'sacrificed tomotivee of personal vanity? They have chosen you, they expect you at the work, and you abandon them ; they will abandon you in their turn, do not doubt it. You would have been in the minority In the legislative body; you will now be in the mino rity of your own party. "It has been asked what service would these members have rendered if they had taken their seats? That is another question, which shall be examined hereafter. 'd a have intended, to day, only to protest against an act designed to distract public opinion with uncertainty end dis couragement. "But public opinion: does it exist at this mo ment? Yes—notwithstanding the words of those who would wish its voice smothered. It has been compelled to hide its course in subterranean chan nels; but it has its birth in unfailing fountains, and has never ceased to low. Nighty efforts are required to load it back into its accustomed 'ban ner, and make it flow again peaceably between its banks; and it is because the conduct of Messrs. Carnet and aoudehaux tend to paralyse those necessary efforts, that we find them most impolitic, and that wo blame them so energetically." La Pretse was founded by tivo distinguished fuilleioni al, EMILE DE GIUARDIN, and is the most influential journal of France, having a circulation of about 40,000, and being valued at $365,000. • A year ago M. GIDARDIN sold his share to N. llimAnn, a wealthy Jew banker, who has since that time had much power over the journal, being the proprietor of more than half the stock. La Presse, although devoted to the Demo cracy, has been conducted, until very lately, with great sagacity and caution under the control of M. NEITTZER, but he has recently withdrawn from the editorship, and a now policy has been instituted by the younger members of the corps, headed by M. PETRA; whose license of dangerously-free speech has just now been put under the imperial padlock. It is said, we do not know upon what au thority, that the proscribed editorial had been submitted to the revision of the leaders of the Democratic party, and was to have been fol lowed by one of an equally inflammatory cha racter. IT this Is the case, there is, in all pro bability, some secret organization standing ready to vindicate the truth of M. PETRAT'S startling paragraphs ; and the editoral that we have quoted from the Courrier de Paris is merely a cloak, a judicious shifting of its ground, In order to avoid the penalty incurred by its more daring colleague. If the article for which La Presse has been suspended does not bristle with rebellion to our Democratic eyes, it serves to show how alight the hint required to put a tyrant's fears up on the alert. Now, if M. PEYRAT, editor of The Press, (French) were tempted to declare that he is not a Democrat, and will not in any event sup port an unlinoal successor to the Presidency or Empire, with proffered patronage, large and ,„ sure, to compenrAto his shame, would he Iron ple the offer ,under foot, or tight the,hattlis out against all odds We 13h at I see. We have good hopes of hlin and of his frion4, though as usual in all matters of pare speculation, we can only reason' froM the known to i the un. known. • COMMUNICATIONS. LETTER xenon A nArnom, DEMOVRAT [roe The Prefaii.l I , 'LIILADELPIII:A,Ci . 29th; 1857 I have been a constant ; reader of your paper since its comniencement; dud • trust not an inatteutivabbserver of passing eventS. , I must in caudor.ashatt, that, generally, the paper has given me mnbb satisfaction. I lay no s claims, however, on this account, to any space in your columns. ,The Press Is your property, and it is not only your duty, but your right, to refuse the insertion of, any communication that you may deenti detrimental to your interests, or sub sersivo of your policy. With this Idea "of your right, I solicit the insertion of the following letter:, . . . If I tthdefstand thO Principles of the Demo cratic plataitt, laid down 'at Cincinnati, and upon the Wits of Which we appealed: to the people in tho fall of 1852, that basis amounted to nothing Mere; and Certainly to nothingless, 'as far as itOalated. to Xingu, than , that the ,4 boos fldefeitizens of that Territory should be entirely 1400,•withoot ftwod, intimidation, or cooreloo s jo regolate their..own affairs. This doctrix jwyaa emmelated: it ont.every rot trum, and , gliati; every neivapapeobeloogiag to h i. funilltositaio,pot to.astert that, bad any Deritci,cratic orator phoiessed the har7 dihood to avow the right of the minority to rule, that he wptild'have been hissed from the huseings,and -hrotildliave s'ealed his own po litical cinidemintflon: : • - '" ' I am a laW4tbidinguitizert:--4,llread'and'ab hor mob' ruleand"anarcity, but, as- Godwin, in his PolWeil - Judie:a" says r: ,frAnareby is better than tyranny, because liberty may arise out of the former, - .but• never out, of the lat. ter." It is a conceded fact, ,donted by none, that the pro.ilavery party in. Kansas are in a very great mieorityt,. If this be true, and none denies it, why force upon the unhappy people Of that Territom i constitution objectionable, to eighty po,cent., of the population ? , Is it fair? is It just?. islt:honorable ? as is it De mocratic? But, it it +laid "1( that We 'Pennsyl vanians have nothingto do With this business." This a grave error, and Things, id htellistory of the Front& 'll.evolution, says "that politi cal errors iViqtintly' beeoino We Democrats 'id' the Keyitorie-Stata have• our pledges sacredly made to the United States citizens of Kansas r made; toe; through our national , representatives at Cincinnati, who nominated James Buchanan, id ponnsylva. nia's favorite; sou,", our present wise and experienced C,Aief Magistrate, to fulfil. We made thews pledges before the .whole civilized world. . Shall wo violate those pledges, or shall we keep them? Honor and justice pioclalm, Fulfil them to the letter; but oven' if honor and jastice were dead in our breasts, and thank Heaven they aro not, interest alone, in its sternest reality, dictates their adored fulfilment. Suppose for a moment thittitve fall or Miter; suppose that no prove recreant to our evolved ptomises—how will we be treated in 1860? Will not an in dignant nation say to us, when we shall have presented our principles and our candidates before it for its support. Awaywith you, you faithless pare c twith broken vows and violated faith. Woul not this be the response? Could wo complain 1 This appears to me to be a plain, practical way of putting the Kansas difficulty before the,Democraey. I have a high appreciation' of the American intellect. lam proud of our great statesmen, even when they do not belong to the Demo cratic faith; but I ant doubly proud of them when they bolong to ourselves. The Demo cratic party and popular rights have become synonomua terms. With the existence of the Democratic-tarty aro • linked the progress, greatness, and destiny of the Republic; with the failure .or 'disruption of the Democratic party ends the union of this Federation and the happiness of its people. • I candid poetess that I know but little of the casuist of the schools; I know less, per haps nothing, of mere procedenta and forms, and tooknietevies', but I do hope that I know something, suttutilWasirlAttsitee., Ilefievo,that the best and ' flared way will lie to Elects new convention in Kansas, to form a now Constitu tion; such Constitution in all its parts to be submitted to the popular will. This must satisfy every national Democrat, although it may be objectionable to the extremists South and North. Vet, in the face of all the difficulties surrounding the subject, to me it appears the only safe and feasible method to adjust it, and the only plan by which the aroused passions of the people, in and out of Kansas, can be come tranquilised. But lot me ask, is there not something un derneath the surface of this Kansas agitation ? Is there not an ambition some whore emanat ing from some quarter which desires and en deavors to keep this an open and a harrasaing question until the Presidential campaign of 1860? If this be not the case, why is it that a minority at Lecampton—l grant you in ac cordance with law, but not in accordance with equity—has refused to submit the whole Con stitution to the people ? If the people are capa ble of judging and voting upon a single clause of their Constitution, are they not equally CR pablo of understanding and voting upon it entire Why object to submit the whole ? What motives could have urged that Conven tion to act as it did 1 On the other hand, the Topeka Convention, representing the majority, but illegal is itself; also makes a Constitution, which it knew could not be accepted by Con gress. Why, with an ill-judged pertinacity, not to call it by a harsher term, did the flee- State men retrain from voting when they had en opportunity so to do ? Are there not mo tives and designs flimsily endeavored to be concealed behind the action of both parties 7 Each denounces the other as the anarchist and tyrant; who can tell whether or no the dis unionists North and South may not be at the bottom of the whole 1 Who can tell to the contrary, if our bitter enemy, England, may not be the prime instigator in this fratricidal strife 7 Aro not her Exeter Hall emissaries and anti-slavery propagandists in all our large Northern cities? Does not her daily, and weekly, and monthly press teem with abuse of us anti of our institutions? Is it not worth while, then, to pause and adopt the only re medy that can settle this Kansas entangle ment The President, I have no doubt, has given to this question all his attention; so that his long experienced etatesmanaldp and great wis dom will enable him to cut the Gordian knot. Ho is as anxious as any that the evil passions arising from this question should be allayed. I have every faith In his desire and ability to accomplish so laudable and patriotic a pur pose. In regard to popular sovereignty, I have carefully read Governor Walker's definition of it, in his letter of resignation, and he must in deed ho a sorry Democrat who cannot under stand, and who dares not appreciate, the true Democratic doctrine there laid down. I have also ritiul critically Senator Douglas's speech upon the flame subject, and it meets my most cordial approbation; nor have I failed to peruse, day after day, your very able articles in THE Feces, and have been highly pleased with the same. But there is one omission, and to my mind a cardinal one, in your course upon this ques tion, and it Is this—that while your paper k continually filled with Douglas, Walker, and Forney, or Walker, Douglas, and Forney, or Forney, Walker, and Douglas, &c., the refrain being still upon the triumvirate, there is little or nothing said of that great Southerner, whose record la clear and emphatic upon this ques tion of questions, popular sovereignty. Of coarse, I mean the Hon. Henry A. Wise, of Virginia. I do not recollect to have seen Ilia name but once alluded to in your paper, and then with a sneer. This was upon an occasion when you gave a couple of extracts from a let ter of his, you Introduced them with the sneer ing remark that "ho was an enemy of General Jackson." This remark was so uncharacter istic of the otherwise general high tone of your paper, that I felt both mortified and astonished. For to my mind, Governor Wise is one of the greatest of American statesmen. Andrew Jackson and Henry A. Wise work in harness together! Bah! the thing was imPossl hie. No two groat minds over pulled in the same traces ; such a thing cannot happen, It Is beyond the range of human events; the greater and lesser may and frequently do, but equals never, never. Providence never intended it. To me, Mr. Wise appears the beau-ideal of a legislator ; ho possesses industry, honesty, ca pacity, and courage. It required courage of the highest order to beard the old General. Look at Governor Wise's heroic and patriotic conduct in his anti-Know-Nothing campaign for Governor of Virginia. Have we anything like it in the annals of American history This fearful, unrepublican, anti-Democratic heresy, bad swept like a hurricane over the free States, almost crushing out the Demo cracy, had passed on through Maryland, had gotten a foothold in the " Old Dominion," when It was laid hold of by this true patriot, this indomitable champion an() rights of all ; nor did ho unfasten his grip (ram the throat of the monster until, Hercules like, ho stran gled it. I was sorry at the time, and have re gretted since, that you did not publish his letter in full, without any caustic remarks upon his previous career. In conclusion, allow me to say that I am with you in this advocacy of the Democratic doctrine of popular sovereignty. If I err, I am satisfied to find myself in the company of Jeffersoia, and the other patriots and sages of onr revolutionary struggle. If I err, I err with Madison, and Monroe, and Jackson. If err, I err with yourself, and Wise, and Douglas, and Walker. If I err, I err with the rank and file of that Democratic party which has hitherto guided the destiny of our com mon country, and which will, I doubt not, maintain in this crisis its own cherished creed —the doctrine of popular sovereignty. While I write, I have, heard the news that the Le compton Contditution will be sent to Congress for ratification. I cannot believe that Con gress will sanction it. lam a pro-slavery man. Ido not believe in negro equality. I have no sympathy with abolitionists. Had I been in Kansas, I would have voted a pro-slavery ticket; but this Ken na question has assumed a far more important attitiude than Merely slavery. The President, Congress, Wise, Douglas, Walker,Forney, &a.' &c., are as but eked' compared to It. It is the foundation upon which our political fabric is laid ; undermine the foundation, and the structure tumbles to ruins. May I never live to witness so dire a catastrophe. Nora..-:-We publish all that " Alpha" writes, because; be saps, .what •he 'thinks, and means what ho says. If we do not second all his sentlartents, ..ire applaud his candor.;-i-TEP: CORRESPONDENCE. THE INDIAN WAR IN FLORIDA. [Cortempoodence of The Praha.] SAN AUGUSTINE, EAST FLORIDA, t December '2oth, 1857. By the arrival of the mail from the South, I was placed in possession of the following im portant news from the Indian Nation. It is contained in a letter to a gentleman from his brother in the service, and can be relied upon as correct in every particular CAPS ROMAN, FLA., Dec. 2, 1857. I wrote you a few days since, and alluded to a scout then in contemplation after Indians, the result of which is not so satisfactory as we desired. On the 24th ult., a command of seventy-five men, consisting of detachments from Brady's, Hardee's and Parkhill's compa nies, fftatte& out from Chocksikei Key, on Paehohatche river, Capt. Parkhill in command, 'for a seven days' scout, on foot, carrying their provisions on their backs. On the 28th they met a party of Indians in ambush across a very deep creek, Captain Parkhill with eighteen men in advance ; upon approaching the creek the Indiana fired upon them, killing Captain Parkhill almost instantly, and wounding four of his Men and one of Ilardee's, a Mr. O'Niell. The number of Indians killed Is supposed to be three. The Men behaved handsomely, one Of then: (Wilkinson, of Savannah,) killed the Indian who first fired and shot Captain Parkhill. After destroying several of their fields, which were abundantly supplied with pumpkins, corn, peas, potatoes, &c., the scout returned. Since that time there has been received a highly interesting letter from Colonel L. A. Hardee, which contains important news in detail from the seat of war. The following ex tracts aro from his letter: On or about the 19th ult., Captain Cone,with a petite!' of Captain Whitehead's company and his own, numbering sixty-three rank and ti e i struck a pecan trail leading south direct to the ‘; Cypress." This trail, be it known to foriner commanders of the Florida War, was ten or fifteen years old, a well-beaten track, about eight miles from Fort Done and five from Fort Kales. Eight miles on the trail he found an Indian Tillage, consisting of forty five huts, recently erected. This village was not known by the War Department. Finding a fresh trail of some sixty or a hundred warriors, it was thought advisable to send back for rein forcements. Captain Stephens, Stewart and Harrington, with a portion of their respective companies, soon reported themselves to Cap tain Cone, who, in command of the whole, began to travel on the trail in earnest. After following the trail some four or five days through mud and water, they heard the In dians beating rico. It becoming now impossible to control the men—" The hot blood couralag their veins" at the recollection of their savage deeds, Captalit Cone ordered• a - general charge, himself, in company with the gallant Dr. Hilton Jones, led on they rushed until in twenty paces of their wigwams, when they were discovered by the squaws, who gave the alarm with their deafening yells. At that time two of the warriors were trying to escape, Lieutenant Stephens with his unerring aim caused them to 44 kiss the soil" eo dearly loved. The remaining nineteen were easily captured. The prisoners were then ordered to march under a strong guard, when a num ber of warriors begun firing in tho rear ; then Dr. Hilton Jones charged back on them, which made them show how nim ble they were in their limbs. The warrriors continued in pursuit, and occasionally firing, but doing no damage, save injuring a pump kin which one of the boys had on his back for dinner, and that only made two round holes, tho ball landing safe under his shirt. The warriors, anxious for revenge, proceeded near their encampment, found thirty-eight of their horses grazing, and succeeded in captur ing and cutting their throats. This party of warriors, was no doubt commanded by Gen. Bowlegs in person, as his likeness and full re galia were a portion of the trophies returned. It is now late at night. Express just arrived and reports another bloody engagement in the Cypress, and, with deep regret, we learn that Capt. Parkhill, of Tallahassee, was killed while leading his men on a charge. CITY POLICEDECEMBER 30 Ton TROUBLES Ok' ARCHIBALD COLLINS.—Mr. Archibald Collins, a wolf•dressed young gentleman, charged Mrs. Mary Collins with the of f ence of having one husband too many. Archibald alleges that he is the lawful spouse of said Mary, and that while ho was on a visit to Chicago, said Mary mar ried another man, via: a certain Thomas Hendricks. The particulars of the case are worthy of notice: Mrs. Mary Collins was the widow Allison at the time she became acquainted with Archibald. She wag carrying on the millinery business with great success and profit. Archibald was by trade a coach painter, but as soon as ho was married to Mary, ho scouted to oonsider it unnecessary to labor any longer in that vocation, as the income of his wife's millinery establishment was quite sufficient for his maintenance. He therefore devoted the greater part of his time and attention to the read ing of new novels and smoking regalias ; and when he found these oocupations rather dry, he refreshed himself with choice Madeira and champagne. Mary, his consort, ventured a gentle remonstrance on these proceedings, at whirl Archibald took great offence and signified his Intention to break her heart." In conformity with this pitiless con clusion, he wont to Chicago, and soon after induced an acquaintance of his at that place, to send Mrs. Collins a melanoholy account of his death and burial. For eight months after the transmis9lo6 of this distressing intelligence ho remained absent, in or der to give tho poison of grief and remorse time to operate; and when Ito thought that those killing passions had nearly done their work, he returned to Philadelphia to enjoy the catastrophe. Not doubting that Mrs. Collins had pined away and made herself suitable for exhibition as a female living skeleton, he hastened to her place of resi dence. Some of the milliner girls in the employ ment of Mrs. C. mistook him for a ghost, and went into convulsions as soon as he entered the shop. Mrs 0. herself was no lees disturbed at his ap pearance. To his bitter disappointment she had improved in health and gained flesh during his absence. When convinced that he was a being of this world, anti not a more phantom, she informed him that the situation he had vacated was ocou• pied by another and a bettor man Archibald was excited by this piece of information, and be came violent and abusive. Ills successor, Mr. Thomas Hendricks, entered at that moment, and restored order by kicking Archibald into the street. With respect to the charge of bigamy against Mrs. Collins, it was apparent that Archibald him self was chiefly to blame, as ha had caused a false account of his death to be sent to Mrs. C. That lady bad mourned for him five or six months, (which was as much mourning as such a husband was entitled to.) and, believing herself at liberty to marry again, ohs bad become Mrs. Hendricks. If the calm should come to a trial, It is probable that she will be fully justified. W. The Now•+uk (N. J.) .3drertiser, of Tuesday evening, rotates the following sad story : Mrs. they, a widow residing in Adams street, arose from her bed yesterday morning, and while upon her knees engaged in praying,l was suddenly stricken with appoplexy, and remained in an'in sensible condition till 7 o'clock last evening, when she died. She had bean suffering for some time from violent pains in the head, and other com plaints. Her husband was one of the passengers lost in the Central America, and was on his way home with a considerable quantity of money, which be bad obtained by labor In the quarries of Central America and Nicaragua. Four children, the oldest but twelve years old, are now left or. phans, without any means of subsistence, as the mother barely supported herself and family by washing. CATAWISSA, wfLuitmsrowr, AND ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY " At a meeting of the president and managers of the Catawba, Wlllbansport, and Erie Railroad Company, held at their °Moe, No. 417 Walnut street, Philadelphia, on the 29th of December, 1957, the annual report or the president and mana gers was read, and, on notion or Mr. E M. Davis. seconded by Mr. D. Salomon. it was unanimously adopted, and the secretary directed to publish the seine, for the information of the steels and bond holders of the coMpany." From the minutes. tlosapn R. ELT,TON, Secretary. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Catawissa, Williamsport and Erie Railroad.Com pony, held May 4th, 1857, it was :weaved to change the fiscal year of the company so as to cor r"pond with the report published in October, 1850. The accounts were accordingly written up to the let of September of the present year, and the result would ere this have, been presented to the stook and bond holders, bad net the absorbing de mands of the late financial crisis imposed upon the time and energies of the officers and managers of the company interfered with the earlier prepara tion of their report. The business of the year sheens a very large in crease oven the previous twelve months, in the freight department, amounting to thirty-six thou sand five hundred tons, at a profit to the company of over fifty-three thousand &Mare. The passenger travel has also considerably in creased, showing a surplus of eight thousand three hundred dollars over last year, notwithstanding the universal diminution In this department among the raltroadt of the uoitnh'y In 1857:. ' - The miseellaneetos Sratugs have eacieded nine - thoinand , llVes `bullied, dollitia thealinf - the last. year', the risseleff freals iloitiOtellapketa 'Company bavffig idiltedflteßhis oliattlitsatiesVat revenue. The contrast wiftil, therGefiireatnitfor 'Omit transportation has been also doubled, pro- ducing an additional revenue of $1,651.37. The total increase in the receipts from all sources amounts to some seven - five thousand dol lars over the correspondingper i od of the previous year. Appended to this report will b 0 found an inter esting statement of the oomparative business of the road for the past two years, showing the cha racter and Olassifications of its tonnage, and de. tailing its various sources of revenue.* 13y this it will be seen that in the single article of railroad iron, there has been an increase from 10,000 tone to over 28,000 tons, and in lumber from 22,871 to 43,131 tons, which, in fact, email.- tute the principal increase un the total businem of the year. The lumber is produced in large quantities at Williamsport and its neighborhood, and is for warded to the Philadelphia market, as well as to those of Pottsville, Reading, and other towns on the route. The iron has moved almost exclasively north ward towards 'Elmira, for the vast consumption of the railroads in New York State, and the northwest, and is mainly the product of the large rolling mills at Danville and Plicenixville. Both of these branches of business will'eontinue to be of increasing importance to the roedin their present channels, and with the facilities which will be afforded by thei (birth ake railroad in the ensuing year, of reaching directly the unlimited mark etseT New York and the east, it is estimated by the deal ers that their shipments will be more than doubled. eV A referenoe to the passenger table will show that 94,820 passengers were carried over the road the past year, against 90,951 the year previous, at an average charge of 2.75 cents per mile.. It is a most gratifying fact that no -passenger has ever suffered, either in life or limb, by acct. dent on this road, and during the past twelve months there has been no mishap of any moment to record. There are also annexed tabular abstracts of the financial accounts of the company, rid of the earnings and disbursements of the year. By this it will appear that the total receipts of the road during the year were 5379,308 79 Of which amount there were paid to connecting roads, (half receipts on those roads,) 81,811 00 Leaving to thy Catawissa road, pro per $237,497 73 The total expenses for the year, in cluding the cost of working the connecting roads, were 189,02 14 Leaving the net income $/07,83.5 59 The interest paid on account of the funded and floating debt of the company, for the year, has been as follows : Interest seven per cent., on $1,500,000 mortgage bonds 9105,000 00 Ditto income bonds 15,855 00 Ditto ten per cent. bonds, plain and chattel mortgage 22,925 00 Interest account, balance 17,851 91 15161,631 91 From which doduct net income 107,835 59 Leaving a &Belem, In the year's busi ness, over Interest on funded and floating debt, of 553,796 32 When it is considered that this is the firstyear in which the .beft_really been equipped with machineryat all adequate to its trade, and that the delay In completing the eon netting roads has thrown out all the calculations of the year's business, this result cannot be deemed an unsatisfactory one. In the planning and execution of all such great public improvements, the question for considera tion has uniformly been, whether the prospects of trade to be developed by their completion were such as to justify the expenditure. If so, it has al- ways been calculated that any surplus of annual expenditure over the income, until the trade was fully developed, was a legitimate part of the cost of constructing the work. Such was the view taken in planning end com pleting the Pennsylvania Railroad. Interest was regularly paid on instalments for years, and until the income from the Mad enabled it to make regu lar dividends, these annual disbursements to stook holders were added to the cost of construction. In no other way can any important enterprise be achieved. The managers ask no other consideration than this from the stock and bondholders of the Cata wissa road. The Lackawanna and Bloomsburg;road has al ready formed ita connection with our own, and passengers and freight are being regularly con veyed to Wiikeebarre and all intermediate points. Opening up, as this road does, the rich trade of the Wyoming valley to Philadelphia by our route, and furnishing an outlet for the coal of that re gion to reach the great iron establishments situ ated on the Caturvissa road, the importance of this contribution to our future income can scarcely be fully estimated. The Macaulay Mountain Coal Company hare also completed their railroad connection with our road, about nine miles east of Cataivissa, and ex pect to supply not only the local demand on our route, but also to compete largely with the Sha mokin region, in sending coal to Elmira and the northern markets; and, on the opening of the Quakake branch, they calculate on supplying the eastern and New York markets, by that channel over our read, in competition with the coal from the Scranton district. W. T. B This deposit of coal in the Macaulay Mountain is one of the most extensive and valuable proper ties in the State, and contains many millions of tons, in veins of from fifteen to twenty-five feet. all ab.we water level, remarkably pure and free from fault. The whole of this coal, as well as that of the ad joining mountains, finds the only outlet to any market over our road, and, if the product of these mines should be at all commensurate with the fair expectations and admirable preparations of their owners, the revenue to the Catawba& Company, from this source alone, will, in a year's time, equal the interest on the first mortgage bonds of the Com pony. In addition to these valuable openings, and far more important than all other prospects of revenue to the Catawissa company, is the Quakake Valley road, which has made great and rapid progress since the annual meeting In May. Nearly five miles of the track have been already laid, leaving but seven miles to complete the connection with the Beaver Meadow road. The material for all the bridges is on the ground, and Mr. Osborne, the contractor, estimates that, in sixty days from the period of recommencing the work in the spring, the whole line can be in working order. This road has been almost entirely constructed, thus far, by outside subscription: the Cat:swims com pany having temporarily assumed less than $16,000 of the total expenditure to this time. The graver Meadow Company have subscribed 020,000 to this important connection, on which they have regular', paid the pro rata instalments. A similar eubsoription was understood to bo_pledged by the managers of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, which it is hoped will assume the form of efficient assistance early in the ensuing season. The coal, iron and lumber trade from Pennsyl vania, which will be opened out to New York by their routes through this road, would justify their undertaking ite completion alone. And when to these are added the travel and trade of the Great West, to and from New York, a fair share of which would seek this channel, it cannot be doubted that the small amount requisite to finish the Quakake connection will bo furnished in the spring by the parties interested. It is proper here to state that very considerable reductions have been effected in the working ex penses of the road fha past ,year, and an arrange ment has been concluded with the Little Schuyl kill Company, by which the payment by the Cata wissa Company, for the use of their track is re duced from one-half to one-third of the gross re ceipts on that road. At the rate of last year's business, this would effect a saving to this compa ny of about 516,000—the total amount paid them having been $41,900. The whole road and rolling stock are in perfect condition, and, it is believed, no further expendi ture will be required on those accounts for several years. Such are the condition and prospects of the Catawiesa road. In laying them before the bond and stockholders, the President and Managers feel conscious that every exertion in their power has been Lunde for the interests of all concerned. Owing to the unparalleled pressure of the last few months, their duties have proved very arduous, and the utmost effort has beau required to prevent those sacrifices which the commercial crisis we are passing through has entailed on so many similar co r ‘ r e r a b l e o v ns. felt It our duty to stand firmly and quietly at the helm, during this storm. It was use less to "weal for assistance, when our friends needed all their attention and resources for their own protection. But we feel it equally imperative, now that the worst is over, to call attention, most earnestly, to the importance of funding the floating debt of the company, and placing this Important enterprise on it permanent foundation. It is no less the interest of the bondholders, than the stockholders. to do this. And it is especially important to the holders of the unsecured income bonds, whose property in *rho statements and tables referred to, wtil be M tnohed to the pe.mphlet edition of the Report. TWO CENTS. NOTICE . tOtooll:lll 3 ffintbElitllV - : - ' - 11orrupondente for " Tsui Pasoan will Asap bur ta mind the follo:itag rides: Every oatametaleatioa •kaccorapealati b,tiSF roma of the writer. In ardor to in oerreotaeatat the typography, bat one aid. of s sheet Amid be written Upon. • we shall be neatly obliged term:dimes la Penult. Tanta and other Ohara for coliirtlettlesU left t hl ea. " rent news of the day In their partienhir llocalitioa, the resources of the rearennang cosatay, the inateede eff population, sad oar 1210 1 . 9304011 that YID he intenigthe to the general reader. valueless, if the credit of the oompany thankl be destroyed. A plan will early be admitted for the 'Van guishment of this debt, and the abeam/lima of all the unsecured bonds of the company, sy T ida l , it is believed, the interest/ of all parties will be en cured, and the value of the company's awassitied greatly enhanced. By order of the Managers. - - Tama/ Kumlatt, - Jr, President. GENERAL .NEWB. The Neer Bedford Mercury gives the fol lowing copy of a note, which was found in • Naiad bottle, picked up a few. days since on 13ocatlimt Neck beach, by Mr. Arthur Derfea: "Ship Ben Brown, Off Coast Africa, July 20,1848. Every man rick except 3. Blew very hard last night. Provisions all given out and water also. Three feet water in hold. Prren Bum" The bottle was an English ale bottle, entirely covered with sea moss, its "ancient and lab-like appearance" well attesting the authenticity, at least, of the data of the note. The paper npoa which the note is penned is much worn, evidently from chafing against the sides of the bottle, sad the ink is mush faded. When and ander what eirmunstanoes it eonuneneed its evidently pretrea ted voyage, and how It came Into our waters :war leave for those bettor versed than ourselrastamart7 time affairs to decide.. • - ^ - • - ' • • A correspondent of the Buffalo' Ewan, writing from Mill Grove; make as follows : 99. r: James C. Rowan, /if . .. Alden this ep ,untrteme siddenly killed on 13 atatqa4,..thillthinstett; - Wins Qualm from a srmom., _llitat=res rf • W the 0910 a Site Witat a -bagiu aria-on efilohliameldarliat:tbilltems 10130114 ie 1800. Be tarred on the Micarafronliiie la . . ex -of 1812, and was at the burning of &Ade by the British. B wee 69 years of age, and Lana one eon in Minnesota, Curtis Bowen, andsaki* California, Wm. T. Rowan." _ The Janesville (Wisconsin) independent an nuances the arrival in that place of Mr. Tracy and big party of young women, and their disposal. A purge of ten dollars was made for each lite money to be paid by the employer and to from the future earnings of the young women. - The Free Church was thrown open; the 'young women occupying the seats in rows, some of them drying. Customers then: walked along the range with perfect coolness, examining theirotes dition one by one, and, as they found one suitable, they planked the cash and carried off the Wl3O. The forces of the Mormons are estimated to amount to about he thousand men, officered as follows: Daniel H. Wells, Lieutanant-Gemaral Junes Ferguson, Adjutant-General ; A. P. Boatyard, Commissary-General ; Geo. 11, Giant, Brigadier- General of Cavalry; H. B. Claueon, Aid-de-Camp L. W. Hardy, Division Ccumniesary ; W. H. Lat han, Lieutenant-Colonel of Cavalry; Wm. Hyde, Lieutenant-Colonel of Infantry ; It. T. Burton, Major of the Life Guards. A correspondent of- the Charleston Courier says : " A large spot has recently made its ap pearance on the surface of the sun. It is 40.00 milers in diameter, of rather triangular figure, along the borders of the penumbra, within whisk are four or five large nuclei, and several smaller ones in the form of dots and lines. The diameter of the spot being five times that of the earth, Its surface must be more than six times the whole surface of the earth, or fifteen times greater than the habitable portion of the globe." Mr. Benjamin Manly, of Westaekl, (Middle town,) was thrown from his wagon, with hes wife, a daughter aged about twenty, and a and, while they were returning from Middletoirn. None were much injured except the daughter. The father went to one of the neighbors for a light, re turned and found the young lady a eorpee. Ear head had grunt upon a rock, and her injuries meet have caused almost instant death. It is said that the accident was caused by the intoxication of the father. The question which agitated the newspaper* some few years ago : "Can a man mangy • deceased wife's sister ?" has been recently decided In one of the English courts in the case of Brooks va. Brooks. Mr. Justice Creswell gave judgment In this case December dth. Ile was of the opinion that the marriage was void, and that the Issue of that marriage was illegitimate. The learned judge went aver, in an elaborate manner, the ground of his decision. . The Toronto Leader of Friday, in speakin g of the election in Canada, says " The victories for the day are about equally balanced, although the Ministerial majority upon the whole rattan made up to this time is about a domn." The Glo6e the same date sap " There is no longer a shadew of doubt that the opposition will have a majority from Upper Canada in the new Parliament, and that the Government will broken up and a new one formed the moment Parliament assembles." A pistol match has been arranged at Louis title. Kentucky, between John and Santee W. Wales, both celebrated pistol ahcta. The tonna of the match are agreed upon, and the mosey bet— sl,ooo—ls put up. Wales bets Travis that be clan eplit Ere balls out of ten on a knife, at a distance of thirty yards, to wheel and lira at the words ony t. T .M throls• t.,Tt 414 k te tine sate ball than Wales. Tae *bole lumber Of abate are to be twine ty. The match comes off January M. The water, as we learn from the Harrisburg Telegraph, trill be let out of the entire main line of the Pennsylvania Canal, now owned by the Pennsylvania Railroad, on Saturday next. The "five-mile level," immediately north of Harris burg, has already been drained, for the purpose of accommodating the Lebanon Valley' Railroad. The water hes been let out of the Juniata and Western Divisions of the canal about three weeks ago. Some dastardly assassin attempted to take the life of Mr. Edmund Rhodes. at Lexington, Missouri, on the night of the lith ult. He had on that day been married, and had retired, when the would-be assassin entered the room and fired a pistol at Mr. R , the ball taking effect in the bank of his shoulder, ranging towards his heart, producing a painful, but fortunately not a fatal wound. A former lover of the lady is supposed to be the miscreant. Patrick Slavin, who was recently hung at St. John, N. 8., for the murder of the McKenzie family, confessed that, after the older membera of that family hail been butchered, a little gist, about three years old, innocently held up her doll and offered it to him if he would not kill her. The little innocent's offer was refused, and the inhu man monster murdered her' Such an incarnate demon was unlit to taint the atmosphere. The anniversary of the battle of Princeton, which occurred January 33,1777, will be appro priately celebrated on Saturday next, in thateity. The military of the State generally bare been in vited; four companies certainly, with others pro bably, will be present They will go through with a sham-battle An address will be delivered by a distinguished citizen of New Jersey, at two o'clock. The Newburyport (Mass.) Herald states that the amount of fishing bounty to be aid Gloa, cagier, January Ist, was $70,000. Meet of the fish ing vessels of that port are now in, but In a few weeks will be fitting away for Georges. The fleet will he largely increased next season. Senator Biggs, of North Carolina, it is said, will be appointed Judge of the United States District Court of North Carolina. in place of Judge Potter, deceased. Hon. H. L Cliugmen will probably succeed Judge Biggs in the Senate. Mr. Samuel Mervin Bigelow, son of the late Bev. Nosh Bigelow, of New York, and for some years connected with the press in New York and Philadelphia. died at New York on the Nth. The coroner of St. Louis haring occasion to go east, has published a notice requesting persona who may feel disw,ed to throw busineiss usto his hands to wait until his return The selectmen of Bridgeport, Conn., when arplication is made for relief from the town by a man, set him to work in a quarry at fifty cents per day. Charles W. Barhydt, of the firm of C. W. & U. Barhydt, committed suicide in his store in Albany, N. Y., on Tuesday morigng. The Reading (Pa.) Adler, one of the best German newspaper in the State, completed ita cii ty-first year on Tuesday last. Park Benjamin has sued the Mercantile Li brary Association at Cincinnati for breach of a lecture contract. The Navy Department have advices of the death of Parser A. J. Mitchell, U. S N., at Erie, Pa., on the 2.3,1 inst. Mr. Samuel Backus, principal of the Tren ton (N. J.) academy, died on Tuesday morning. The Rhode Island banks have fixed upon January 11th to resume specie payments. Licat. Edwin F. Gray, U. S. N., has re signed his commission. The Legislature of New Jersey meets next Tuesday week. PHILADELPHIA 3IARKETS WEDNESDAY, Dee. 30—Evening.—The incle mency of the weather restricts operations, and all departments of trade are very dull to-day There is nothing doing in breadetuffs of any moment ; the:sales of Flour being confined to the wants of the retatlers and bakers, who buy only for their im mediate want', at from 35 to $0144.25 per bbl for superfine and extra qualities, accordion to brand. Shippers have left the market, their orders being limited below the present views of holden. Corn Meal and Rye Flour are not inquired for, and held at $3 for the former, and 54 per bbl for the latter Wheat is but little wanted, and common quality. of which the stock now meetly emsiits. is very un saleable, about 2,000 bu only been disposed of for milling, nt 10811130 for reds; the latter for prime, and 112a1160 for fair Southern white, in store and. afloat. Corn is net so plenty, but there are few buyers in market to-day, only about 1,500 bu new Southern yellow have been sold at 55c, afloat, and 1.000 bu in store at 53c. Oats are dull, and about 700 his Pennsylvania soli at Ste Southern are quoted at 33a34c, As to quali ty Rye is selling on arrival at 70.1 br Pennsyl vania. Quercitten Bark is unchanged—there is very little offering, and holders are firm at 323 far let quality Cotton meets with a limited inquiry from manufacturers at the rates now current. Groceries are firmly held, but there is not mush doing, owing to the rain A sale of New Orleans Molasses was made at Oils, four months. Pre visions continue dull and neglected, buyers and sellers being apart in their views in regard to prices. Seeds are unchanged but quiet, and a small business only to notice in Cloyerteed at 35a5.12 per bbl. Whiskey is welling slowly at trio a. 2310 for bble ; 21tca224 for bltds, and Ws for drudges.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers