, Ina% im rlrl3 I I + ' ". 1 "1 11 1 1 41r4i . :17 - 1', . , 10. - 1:2:4A. , I ‘s 1 , -,t4r.i. ,r. tj_lglym , '''''.:•"" " ,- ." .1 1 EMPITRAMtrif gt"niel; FIRST FAAE...-Whßt of theriftlitittiCOole gimitilAVAitittlittidiiir-Ultiligratritttelli- ietraj-tlgigniqiiidWrif;bYtNieThoß. tt l itfirdee6Y-LVibier,4 `Nei t rinot.ttrai'Oplit ffiefigiol Dr. ;AFBwk \a i . ,t k i9l-NtIERFINTA-strilittilltaliflit4iliMEA' There ismnthinipmeicidangerous to the real _ liberties of the people titan yi attempt to duke' ' 't`ho nieiiliiiniaF:laii . t 'sliAtioi,,t9,,the tod-r -and spit l ot l'itifi4r' P"'otliing iiiiii`iiecli4idru4 more protovil Ailarm..tin ,phliosephers and statesmen Alum the frequent acquittsts cif great criminals, who, -really -guilty c.f. high' offenco - against :morality and'Pright; sometimes , Oven taking thd lives' of thittirfellfisabeinge; tie Yet;' . by means' of tielitd " ealittee.„ stiO 1414 altkand adroitness',. ielettiPd.firWilik#4ll:losPlii, they 'had earratt. : Ws' t4tiltt niA,undisrilit:e*e.lit",. -MclAsq , il.uPoOalic€ll o S. obeying 04-41aws-Of 1 the , „ land, .and especlally!wheree-AesegAiews !are framed for 'the ,purpose., of -prOteeting- Mitt . -.rights of Statel-and . Si* righte-of. iralititllo. In the matins'-Of the - ftigititezahive law; tai in: , stance,,..tliete hie 'Many liatiditirePpOle'd 'fa', that la*. 'lre: . beione*olliei :01i..frelleirit; that the oilip,i - f ili4A 5 4 t.,4 c 104 . 0, 1 ,14 Oe---con; stitution.up.en,..- tyli4t4t,putortattne , la based is a duty : ,-ittetuplient,...up,op. ,all.. the peiirile of the -North ; -.and .that;; every , failize t 0 .... insist upon its execution It a' just aims' of complaint upon the pieta the &kith. "'So as to the rights of 'the 'adopted ceitlienii Secured' under the' differenttiatiena 'And :*,,t+ifws. These rights we prriteekat;eirerir hazard, k In. ,b e th instances „thereYagaideturtpledie gkenl; . in the one, case to the 7South, atidin the oilier cede to the adoptod_eitixon, ir . . ~---- -.. •'` - The powers-, ONO , Ctuveannitent ShOlll4 lie exerted to protect all 'who 'ate lidetaste,4 iii, such rights.' Bile !Witte tuattei'V'teinfeisest frauds nye tfeatiallit'aiitrita - k - 'ive befieelve ihtif it is incinetrotte.th":t)*lit .tkiirtsis4 li osis. frauds. In this, vie ;,,vie Are ,Sap,py„.- to, lied ourselves 'sustained; Olio) littY POW , Opinio n, aud.the, intelligent preps Oran quarters of t he; Union. Govi _WALKER tuts, however,- over steppettuone of -the legal teeltiiihalities-itithe eases which have eomeuitder his purtilei,lnii, is as deeply' entrenched' h'ithind trio * 'el he is behind thertitctri: It:; 011 herknetPtired thatwhe,it; tie ,i,iftd.# * 4 l ol lWitißti.uit I l alb frauds, t h e ,clainer faisity, raised _against, tint was thakbe- had, disregarded the ri technidali ties" of,the 1aw,,.,, -..:., --,', ~ .r. , , .., I'' '..lnthat case them technicalities to Witatin'ir: opponents were ,"*reeittiting; and jts4ricii - plith,. lug. Aver y fanf'dayo: tirr:Ocier;Prodicett ri, sudderiShange in tneire 460 rhea, A,Celen-. tion assembles iii,*eriesis,..Jellicted ‘ hy, is nye 2,000 out of the 15,000 people.of that Torritory, and proceeds to ereot -whit it tans fr sr, notisti trition,",- whichlt 'refiners-10 present to !the people.. It refueeif to deed inibil teetitofithe ritechiticrilitieS".6f, ilieltrginialiCarM and Tie. brasika'act;,wilicirdciWpreisly:deciarci , , , Wit, the of ic,ii,af p fh.alt hi igleoli free :to; form ant{ regulate„their, doinirtec inititutamis iit their own.way.! ,It refuses to present it fir' the people in the teeth-et. the "technicalities" of the - platform adopted at - the • Dentoeriatio" National ConieritiOn'at Cincinnati, in-Juno, . 1856, which expressly , declares r! that Wei re-, cognise the right pf . :'lliipeoPle of 'aikthe T *. torieS, ineliicling:lOnsasl,i,nitNeliraska, tie trig through the legally,' and fairly expressed 7i „of a majority: of aettrak,rsidents, tchenees? the number of their ininabitants justifies it, to frill' a Constitution, with or without domestic staesry; and be admitted into the Union Upon terms of perfect eqitalitlr with the titter 'States . "4-Iti the teeth'of the pledge:of Mi.. Bitcriss' itt's Inangural;:wideb diatinctly, asserts that ' , i eVery resident iniigbiiiini of, iransap shoidci be i se cured the free and independent exercise of his opinion -by his votel" • • • and , that ,irro thing can be fairer pail to leave , a- people of a Territory free from all foreign interference; to, decide their own - destiny for theniselves, subject only to the' Constitutiori - of , the United States I" • • • *, and also that ilthi Wile of the majo rity shall govern. in the settlement of the ques tion of domestic slavery in the Territories!'— and finally, iu the teeth of the fitechnicalittes" furnished by the precedents -of the Stated iii' this Union, which, atter forming their Consti tutions have—Virginia and Pennsylvania in cluded—with rare exceptions, referred those Coniititations afterwards to the people. . :.. .We ' have'. called the argument against submitting the Kansas Constitution to the people of Kansas “techialcalities,"as a matter of courtesy to those who showed such prefohnd devotion to "technicalities" in the case of the Oxford and litc&hee frauds; but they are principles instead of cctechnicalitles." And yet, over all these - principles:Or teennicalitiea the advocates 4 the Kansas Contititulion would ride. In the one, cafe—that Of Oxfordand ge,-, Ghe c7--ihey 4orlifind that a fraud should be tis tsined because technicalities are opposed ft) it; and in the other-4hat of the fraudulent Coreiti: - tntion—they demand that fraud should be :nis tained in despite of technicalities orrprinCiples. 'We need make no further comments.' ', , ~ - iXTRAORDIPIA AY L'F.TfER, FROM BENTON. We think we can 'l4 hefore our ieadnra no thing that will be reed with more avidity and profit than: the extraordinary letter of THOSIAS H. BENTON, dated' at • Washington' City, November lotii,-1857;1nd - pliblishei in the Ratio:nal InfelliOneer;Of *ism , which journal there is a fund "efitiforlitition 41'44 fet4r. We call, it eitraurdiriar4 becauae r apart from the einguler;;realication of.,the prophecies; or , iflr, 13surou. io relation to hard money s which, of course, he does mot fail: to recall, there Is an amount of admonitioh to legislatersphd, iikevo 41f, tq'tho pe'opic; which cannot be laid too brosely The reader will ohseiyettiat of Goneral.lael sea's' original plan, which , coMained live , dis tinct proioitlnus, :all, have succeeded but tics. These propositions are t • First—To revive• the gold currency, ihy corteetieg the erroneous otatidard of 1791, 6; Second—To create a demand Tot 'bird money by nailingo9 O*ifinsiiin o,:tirrapqr of the FederalTroaMtri., , • 4 Thir4- 7 ,T0 make gun Of Itilalatrd money by keeping it in its own treasuries." ' Those three ,reforma „-beett. anemia, plished. The two remaining to be nec'oim: pliebed, according to Col; Bann:We plab, are ; Fourth—To nuppreas-111 paper currency' under $2O by a stamp duty," and , • "Fifth—To wind delkilting batiks by a bankrupt law against , There is tio realoeuhle,o2'ati,liibo4Oubts that the 'success of the three propositions above named have been the source of great bless. jogs to the country , and to the people; 'and we conceive that the success of the other tiro will be attended by similar happy results. Those who question this opinion ' should read Col. BENTON'S letter. The fact that we are far behind the launks of England iu the amount of specie required for bank. 3 of issue is triumphantly stated in this letter. Thii part of the argument will reach the popnlar heart, and should teach a lesson to our banks by which they cannot too promptly prom. Mr. Amancixt's example seems to have been borrowed from the statute quoted by Col. Blur. TON from the reign of Humtr VIII., to which we also refer the curious reader/ We have never road a more striking exemplification or the wisdom of the old British legislators than the extract given from this taw. The argument of Col. MENTON againit small paper money, presented as it is in eight die finct propositions, each of which is a lesson in itself, need not be elaborated. , Finally, his statement, proves conclusively that the entire panic under which we have been sulfuring Is the result of fright. lie says there was nothing in the state of tho'conntry to justify the suspension. lie points Out that the, sooner resumption takes' pface,tho better; and be adds, that there lanot,a mot:lire/tin Europe Iyho would treat his subjects, Or Offer theM' be treated, as the people of the United- Statee are treated by Abe base. part 'of tlielatanks. Ile might have- added, that-it is fyieffiailiPbl,o fact, that while Great . Tititibt Watitreribibe, cause speeleilteing:Wlthrltstarr4b er b an k s and merchants and te7Mt;'iu MteS, this country, with an enbruluuti supply (lane.. Me, is in the positift , 4 4' al ui tqletigeft c sin try,l'' and. tiffecta JO 1440 pit c itic,ko, ofr than Zia 4iii:44ienix...,.sucti,.49 o i, r.,47 fit fie.k,c,ira THE DEMOCRATIC PRESS BOLDLY AGAINST FRAUD. The sophistry of a defend i dA of the mi nority Constitutionpopl. ~, , t,liVl9- c al li d: pro-slavery Conveßlfi l . k4 o "reld tempted to be fastdigd u0o)k ti#Oecht:Of the people of thatT4:i#liorikititOttt tit ilt con sent, and in c on*mptilttheimiCtikiii4esn'd impression upon those sterling Domoeratic journals which, without a shadow of turning, have, at all seasons, stood by the rights of the 'South, in the midst of the worst assaults of the 41:04140nbit4 See the wrong before tild3ir eyes, aid boldly band it as such. 'EVefi 9fielref i '"raili"EighinONATiVit oprioitsAtto preyislAns) . COnstit'd* Lion, and demands its sittmission to the ballot,box. The Washington correspondent of the , BaltintOr.e Sun, "Ion," who, only two daps rigo, declared that all would be peace in.liansaii,,COOmpient,npon thia action of the minority Conventions, - reverses himself, and sayi In Ind, letter from' Washington, dared on T learn frOta autkehtib saunas that the'frea•State "party" Ali Kai:l3llB'er° hrganitinga Milstatiee, by forte; to nthelforialonat goYerntnent,' or any go vernment wlriatimaY be Instituted under the Con, stltntion framed by the Ooriatilutitinal Ocirirehtion• and that:theY will nerreeogniso that_oooetitetion in' an/ way: They will not prolitibly vote upon -theAueation eubloitted—tewlt, Constitution with, and Constitution without slavery. Tho Constitu-' tkili will, nevertheleaghtiettbmitted to Vougtose, .and then will oammenoc.the most serious egita— lion In that toady; and ln the eoentrY, Qn tbte snh jeet, that vc bore ever,yetftiaperieneed, On both sides an appeal to feree , in Kansas will perhaps lie made. The Detroit. Free Press, (Democratic State paper of *fehigee,):of tire I„Bo,..haye „ Wood's . ° the declaration of oar Pbiladelphie tetnporury,,,oentained .in-another.column, that the Northern ent r ain Congress_ er inethiir position Who shall•lend 124'04 to on, attempt or plot to dotting the-will of the majority of' the people of Kansas-to their Constitution,. wlli be punished with political annihilation. - - And we have to warn Eleuthera extremists, in and out of Congress, not to delude thenuatireswith the impression,thatthey will havo the support of the D.amooratiephr:ty, Of the North in. ANYjuggle to &fob Kansas intO,the tinioa as a elav,6Btato against the wishes of ,1W insttial inhabitants. Uri this quell- Mon the 'Vorthera Detreoratio party will be ao-, leatett.l4 one impulse. It will riot recede one iiitkfroattho ono, impulse. the ntegrity of the emit 011101)1e Of tlie'llanstis'orgYnic act. 'WO *hove not, at this 'writing, reliable intent steriatifroM Rarisaa paw - hies the final aotion,of the ConstitutienerConvention.._We herbed, hewever, that it lies no Minh, full arid falt - otibraiplon of it:s work to the p eople If Wiles not, then Coo gross mast reject the uppliestfori for admission, and pees an not udder which din 7400 of Kansa , can exercise their guarantied right to fora) arid' regulate' their. inatitutithein their dwn wag., sub- Pet only , to the Constitution belfte United States. Thi 3 Oh,icago Titifis of We . 17titiOater than tlje nitintOr "Uro,havi.. aireadS7s,onied from, and received Educe the-shameless , trchednie of the "Minority ConirentlOtt was'lntblished, says : , . 'We think „ it • amounts to very little what has teen the action of the Convention. One thing is eertain,,,the Constitution has not beep submitted-to the people, and that Constitution is not Borth ; the paper it disfigures: It hal no new, yet-it nitteh milt will 'ever have - . 'Any Sento otbeers eleisted.under it, and they . are elected forthwith; itililiaVe is Meet 'authority ais thePpeks. Btate officfenv 12/ov. Wither le governer or the T errito ryosad 0;0 trust •as he put down the Topekaites, 'se bp will put sown all others who may attempt to tienrghe Pnniltiooef, &kern:lig Kansas without au 'Walt) , We ' suppose, howerk that In a few days wo will have a true etateMent :of 'what Chas-been•donebt Kansas,: and then we' will have soisething to day.- -Itmay as well, however, be Ma. 'tea now as at %any 'other time, that ;the peopfe .of Kansas-have been given a pledge that`they should - be-Eros to 'regulate their own affairs for them selves, and that pledge must be made good. • - Another liewerfal polat is thus 'mailc by the Deffele Courier There is given the honest retismisrby the Con stitution is not to be placed before the people.. It is beeauso it is believed " that it ;would be voted do,,si by the Abolitionists". Xiut suppose the email nietreppeCtively of the Convention and people of- Kansas were reversed,: would it ho right to re foie 26 submit a Constitution' prohibiting. slavery to the people because the pro-slavery men-would Vote . it, down? Certainly such , a course is not conformable to this prinaigloof popular sovereignty, nor 16 Democratic doctrine and usage: Nor will the flongress of the United States give effect to the moirpationef the ConventiOh. ' , 01","1Pe pOlish in another part of ,our pa per of to-day an admirable synoptical report, ;by one of our cbrps, of a sermon preached last Sabbath morning, by the Rev. Mr. TAYX.oE, on ; the death of Dr. LUDLOW. As wo-have this morning issued an extra edition, the friends of this distinguished di vine will have an opportunity of supplying themselves With this interesting memento. AMIMICAN ELOQUENCE."—We omitted yeaterclay, in our notice of the new work enti tled "American Eloquence,"-to state that our well-known teWnsman, G. W. FA nutAN, Esq., is aiiseciatedwith Mr. mcFMILAN intho agency for thu book. Their business card will be found in another column. AFFAIRS IN ENGLAND. The news from EuropeAfthe Niagara is unimportant, except what relates to England. Tho advance, by the Bank of England, of their charge for discount, from 8 per cent to what the Times calls " the unprecedented rate of 9 per cent.," had been anticipated, in some quarters, (from the demand for money ' ) to have been 9 per cent, for Short, 90 days' and as high as 10 per cent. for bills of longer date. The last bank return, made up to the `week ending Wednesday, November 4, showed that,:the amount of coin and.. bullion in the bank was £8,497,780, being only £185,089 .undar the amount which the bank held in the paulc'week of October, 1847 . . ' The our sac dessive elevations, of the rate of discount since the first week in: October, are , justified by the fact that, since September 26 to November 5, The ,beak had parted with coin and bullion amounting to £2,778,808. . Certain Scotch and English merchants and marinfatturerswere about askifig the Goyern m;ent, for relied'-=that is, to relax -the provir ,iitetia of the bank charter; by notifying. ", that upon paynient of a certain - rate anfilciently high" -to" pfe'Vent' needles's' 4,014000, the publia,ahreild be, awed - to have any , extent of diacpunt they might ,require, -without i re gard to - the increase or decrease of the Stock of bUllidh." ' ' • • • ' ' The Money Article' of The Times is against any, such agtion,, and asks what is;demanded not a - redaction in the rate of - discount, a since while the rate is 9or 9 per cent. in Hamburg, 12 per den't; and_ p . percent. in lmoti 'York, 'no suggest that the Bank of ,England should ,letul at a lower rate than 9; unless.they.wished to see 'every ounce of gold grained froth Hie' '6Oeufty, `a bankruptcy as' the, COnseqminee.. l Nei flier can they . enntemplato requesting that the sank iihonld - diseeunt more liberally. Nota single:riinnid bill hits,yet. hien 4efected by the bank, nor is there any probability that stitch will be the ease. Such an application would, therefore, simply be a requestln another form thattheY should be compelled to disleOtint nn sonnd•;tizlls,,,YeJtherean it be for any enlarge, ment,of the circutation.b'y means of an issue of. one-pound ntites, or any similar devikee, on the- pies that the existing amount is not suffi cient for the commercial wants of the coun try." Iforeover, the unusually large number of 28 commercial hanktaptcies tire advertised in the ice:don Gatetle'of:Nov. Bd, and 28 , in that Of Nov. 6th. These are from all party of Eng land, and do not include ausiiensions, corn kOmises, or small failures. Everything indi cates a and winter for the operative class of England. When the workmen want bread, in .that country, they throw themselves fiercely into politics, much to the disgust and terror of - the Eiecutive. Lord PALucusrox, should ec hard times" ex tend into the - spring, will find a great excite ment in favor of reform in Parliament, which he has reluctantly promised. Already ha. 4 sprung up, in London, a Society' In favor of vote by Ballot. Dn Indian matters three important declara tions have been made—by, the Duke of CAM BRIDGE, Mr. CALLAN, (our Minister to Lop don,) and Lord Enoucynn. The Duke declared that there was "no truth whatever in the re portthat Sir COLIN CAMPBELL and the Govern or-General of India were not on good terms. In ,a letter from Sir Cowi Centrum it was distinctly and positively denied that the slight est difference had occurred between. them." Mr. DALLAS, on thosamo occasion, (tile London civic dinner 'to the Duke,) said : " I an: not bete to speak es to the extent which my Go-, vernment, or the people of the United States, eyinpathire with the straggle of England "againat Crimes should , be pan' fished wherever they occur,! &cording to the iatq. He added "Although I am unable to say how. far such language may be con curred in by the great body of my fellow-eiti- Irene oia the "eppeinte side of the Atlantic, yet I know them well enough to say that - 0* language can be too _ . strong, no 'words too impressitire, tie:forte too sudden, no blows to stvere*.,for crimes. Such as , then whichjulft been perpetrated in India. :(obeetti,),' l ' Lord Hrequomos 'took a thorongh lr Alma Indhwt - vim ? : , ks lief, i It' never, said he r ilor a moment belltiked THE PItESS46I I IIII4AIIti.PHIA, SATURDAY, NOVEAMER 21, 1867. that we dare abandon our hold of India, though upon that neither effk , ,weaq neflpower in the slightest de L i iiirg before we aidiut;lndia we ftiixi as the nations the viilo thiiVe Steed "sifiV.e, and if ;JO lost 1794 tot :oriew we 'Should stand as hfgh a5....10' do AW;; , .but : We, lose it we • • abandon`taillions aed the most cruel of all fates—the anarchOhe rapine, and the blood of their own cotitendlog chiefs and t'rants i 444 if we lose it after being defeated, Our reputation is gone for ever, and we are safe in no quarter of the world." . elltinTib.llAlltaAElolol9n,,,er ,11#49 laud and Scotland is daily descending from bad tO worse. In the inanufacturing districts of LaneasbirO 'And Yorkshire trade is nearly at a stand still, and spinners have been obllgodto take ineridlhly low prices -'-oven In some oases at the rates they would have given a few' weeks agolor the raw material. The stock's among spinners and manufacturers are fast increasing, contracts having • almost et pired.. This state of things lb felt at' Black beim, Idanchester, and Burnley? and to sneh an extent at the latter place, that out of ninety „m there 'ate only two workingibil time. The finer spinners at Bolton are likely to yield, too l to the juessute, and al Leeds the rriereihnts are waiting the turn of evehte, while at Halifax partial stoppage and short, tired have been resorted to. A letter crew ii,tanekester Bays a i‘ The news from America• by , the Vanderbilt, the further advance of *ditieennia, and adviees of failures ,at• Liverpool,. Sheffield, and other places, have all exercised a most unfavorable influence on the market 'this morning and il4lO are' all but auspondedel, The ceiton ina.Vibiltentriules, it will thus be seen, ailif depressed condition. The silk trade is represented as equally bad. Mr. Tryall Holortift, silk Manufacturer, states 'fc that incloPendently.ofttie,distiese prevailing at Macclesfield and Middleton, where many fa milies,are literalliOttOlag;-Milest than 8,750 mill hands itiSthe silk trade in and around Mau theater hale been entirely unemployed during 'the Met four to ix -weeks, while,the remainder, upwards of 2,fi00; have been only working two to fohr days per week fortbree or four months No fresupt exiat, for esti mating the .distreas among operatives in the cotton tradii; but it must . verylsr 'exceed that iri the' Etnic trade; and ie daisy extending by the closing of mills in every direction over this extensive diatriet, and the resort to short time, ai the only.means apparently left to employers of-avoiding loss and ruin." ruleitie ieNtrivr:turolistrTs The " Buokleys'"• performance at the National •Theatre will terminate this evening. They were in the fill tide of Buenos, but the 'theatre was re quired, bYprevions arrangement, for the Circus company. They close,-this evening, with a eon oert, t. 'dieresis. Borgia," and other performsnees. Oh Monday, - they will appear at Jayne's Which will be' appropriately fitted up for them, and which, oentrioally situated as it Is, seems to be a. capital loecits. Messrs. Buckley, wo are aqtho rizeitto say, have generously offered a night's pet. lormanoo at Jayne's Tfall, in the ensuing week, for the benefit of the 'distressed working biasses. Davenfart had what really was a benefit, at the Aroh Street Theatre, last night. For the first time on any stage (we believe); he played the elm 'miter pf Rie/o/iezi-,—Plaired it' nobly, we under piund, for we were oomPelled to forego the gratifi cation of witnessing it, and report.at second-hand, on this ooeseion. - • ' MIL L' ; DAVENPORT, Aproios s of Mr. Davenpert'S benefit at the Arch Street Theatre last night, (Which was a bumper, its he well deserved that it should be,) we have to notice a series of photographic portraits of this popular and admirable artist; just executed by Mr. W. L. demon, 702 Chestnut street. Three of these are character-portraits. The first represents him as Othello, the part its which, oh his return from many years' flamenco in England, he made his most brilliant re-appeirance at the roadway Theatre, Neverork. ladependentof thereerelikoness, which is excellent, the dress, pose, and whole character of the picture is beautiful. The upraised hand, just as the words are about to issue from the lips, is artist!. cal, in itsforeshortening, to an eminent degree. An other is Hamlet, "The glass of fashion and the mould of form," with a hook in his hand, just, turning from its perusal, and about to speak. In this, as in the' other, the personal likeness is preserved, and the costume and position are very pictorial. &third, shows Mr. Davenport as' -the " crook beaked Gloster," sword In hand, aver ready for at tack or defense, listening in a moody manner, and evidently exhibiting in his looks the habitual dis trust of a suspicious nature, and a peculiarly perilous greatness, guiltily obtained. Lastly, We have "Neil Davenport," as his friends love to call him, in familiar and friendly inter course, in his own character—his arm leaning on a table, and his hand supporting his head. Tho re semblance is wonderfully true, of course, for when has Gannon failed in that ; but the expression is line, almost beyond description. The shrewd, sub tle, but not caustic, mind, is finely expressed in that countenance, with a "cast of thought" character 'alio of the man who, good actor though he be, be lieves that, in his profession, there ever is occasion for continued study ; that, as Alps over Alps of ex cellence are traversed, there still remains a yet loftier summit to be reached. ' More specimens of Mr. Davenport, In character. are to be seen at the artist's door, (corner of Se venth street.) These four Riohelieus are admira bly done.. Mr. Hermon, as a fine artist,. is too gallant to omit his hornmoge aux .Dames, and we find him, of course, throwing the resources of his art and Mean' into two portraits ,of Mrs. Davenport—as Bea trrce, in "Much Ad o About Nothing," and Portia, in "The Merchant. of Venice." Both aro in character—both represent her as she is— graceful and Charming. Did no other evidence of the fact exist, those photographs of Me. and Mrs. Davenport would prove, of thelneelves, that Mr. 9 - ertnon is a supe rior artist. The fidelity of the portraits is ono great point, but a good photograph 'demands ar tistiord taste in placing the figure into position' and artistioid skill in fixing the footle so that the in strument by which the sun himself deigns to work may advantageously operate. All of these combinations Mr. Hermon boa here effected, and the remit is ver y beautiful, truthful, and plata reare.. • CITY POLICE, NOVEMBER 20 [Reported for The Prone.) Conn wan Dams TUN Hess Ties.—The lion of the day WO Marcus Pools—a man fully six feet in height, and Amain proportion, whose dross was ill adapted to the season, consisting of oething more than a shirt of coarse • cotton cloth, very mush soiled and lacerated, and a pair of corduroy panto, mush too short and too tight for him—the lower pert of the legs bSing much tern ; and bang 'ink about his enklol is ribbons.. His feet were bare, and tie head ditto, with the exception of an abundant crop of foxy hair, which enveloped his umrsprthesive countenance. His face was perfectly round, and, in the midst of its flaming hairy halo, much'reserobled the rising sun as it Is represented in some Dutch pictures. When arrested by a policeman, this extraordinary person wee sitting on a doorstop in Pido street, endeavoring to re pair his pantaloons with a sail-maker's needle and a piece of twine. Magistrate.—How came you in this wretched condition, Marcus Poole ? Poole—[With muob composure]—l don't know lolt, you moan by " irrotohod." Iffy condition is quit, ootrifortabld. lifogistrata.—/lave you tried to get work? Poo,le.—What's the use_of trying ? Dont they may there's no work to be had? And if there was any, I dont want to take it away from them that need it. MagiBtratl.-11nve you no need of employ moot? Poo/c.—Not the least. I can beg a low pennies every day, and that's enough to keep me supplied with the nooesorles of life. Ilfagistrate.—W hat are the necessaries of life? Poole —What are they? Why—grog and to bacco. Magistrate.—But you seem to want neessary clothing. Poole.—That's a mistake. I've got Just about as much ns I think is good for me. I'm warm enough, and what more do I want? Afogiwrote.—Your dress scarcely answers the purpose of decency. rook.—Ah, whoso fault is that? Want I ma king repairs whim ono of your fellows ovorheulcd me? If he had lot me alone, I should have boon done up fit for any kind of company. Magistrate.—l think you must feel chilly with ho covering Wept Motto two garments? Pools.—Upon my word and honor, couldn't boar another rag on me. Habit's everything. Look at Adam and , t'other apostles—how d'ye suppose they stood it? The thinner you lam to dress yoursolt, the nigher you come back to a state of inno cence. ltragistrate.—l'm afraid you are not a living illustration of your doctrine. But asyrou have not committed any actual breach of tho pace, I sup• pose Isbell have to set you at liberty. Howavor, I advise you to keep as much out of public view as possible, Poolc—l'm not anxious to show Ryser: to any body that don't like to look at me. After glancing defiantly around on the mut and spectators, Me. Poole was °abducted to the door of the °Moe and dismissed. AV. LARGE PALE OP VALUABLE CITY PnottenrY, ELEGANT COLINTBy SEAT,, FAUX, &O.—ThOLML3 Bon's sale OM December will include two hand• some residential), , IDelanaey Plaoe ;" noatt r e g. derides and imitator dwellings in other parts of the city; resident's Burlington, N. J.; building lota, 'tut - 14 16 N 1 1 4 111 .4 r," . one of . the handsomeot 0, 1 1 4170 gs end &remained. for ristre—Tert by order et Orphan' Court, Bieoutore, At. THK•LATEST NEWS • $Y :TELEGRATIL: = *.fropI'W.ASIXILNGTOIV •.' [opacity; tosseirpu vont via mums.] Arnie for litab:Anteritew between Gea. CUSS, Lord Napier, add ay. Wm. Gore Onselye, Cabinet Connell, aid, WASHINGTON, Nov. 20 :-..The course of the Ad ministration on the Utah question, as it now ap pears, is plain, and will bo, I learn, vigorously pursued. The President is, under the Constitution, to see that the laws bo exeontedin the States iveltas the Territories. 16 proper discharge Of hiel functions,-he has sent-to Utahurritortal ofileerattr supersede these now in Mike, If, these b e e v, atm:toted on their way to their piste by armed men under the command of Taunt, and of his mints, with his connivance, then have they committed treason againet the laws,, To quell this rebellion, Congress will be asked tb vote the means for prompt and effective notion and from the temper of the country, them vlll,l think, be no hesitation in granting IL The Government has nothing to do with the re ligion of the °Meows of Utah, unless in so 'far, as its requirements conflict with the clear previsiens of the COnstitettion ; and no attempt will be made' to go beyond these proviSionet, The destruction of the supply trains of the army. for Utah has taught a lesson of watchfulnais egafnet careless retwehenst and sudden surprise. Nothing further will be done this seasom:probaJ My, than to•bring.the divisions of the, briny near enough together for timely eenunnuicatitus, for combined , mOvettient, ' lamb be 'rendered ne. cessary, during' fho winter. The spr4g All take out a general .pl am and reinforcements pf men{ rentl munitions of war: • j Lord NAnena and Ste WU. Gown Ottantav 'had a protraetedinteririent this tuerniniyith the,'Seere,,, tary,of State. The object of it Run*, imag ned, but the 00130)11Ti011e reached, If any, .have{ not transpired; that Dian-liar* England makes the finest prolate:elf by her age* that horjeolo aim is, lifter protecting the luteritsti of her subjects in Central America, to aid the United States in securing the success of the Ameri can policy in that quarter. ' This may all be true; hat being guided, in: tiM present by the lessons of the past, this (Worn meat, •I think, will take these promisee of good will gracefully, and act firmly and indepe'ndeitly, as though they brad never boon made. It is rumored that the Cabinet council of to-day had before it the Kansas question In its nreient aspect, and that the determination was to take yo,, ground, until the arrival of Governor Watiran, who is expected 'hourly. Re has not been liearit t &Om, as yet, in respeot to hie Tidal ef the '*tab action of the Constitutional Convontien, • •tt , Returns of the sub-divlsional surveys in Kansas Territory have just been reeelyed at the General xdnd Oftlee of the following townships, : Townships 5 to 10 south, of range . 1 east, : and , south of range 2, east of the sixth prinelpal) inn 'ridian, the Itepublimitt Fork passing through town ship 6 south, of range 1 east. Also, the surveys of township 6 south, of Ages. Bto 12 east, and township 7 south, of ranges 1 and 12 east, adjoining Pottowatamie Reserve; tend' of township 20 south, of range 7 to 12 east :Of the' said meridlatt, all of which, embracing an kirid 450,000 sores of the public lands, are situate:l , in the Western, Delaware, and Pawnee land dbl. trints. t • The whole number of acres granted by lot t o February 9, 1853, for the Little hook and Flit Smith Railroad is 550,525.34. The length of Ai road,. as surveyed, Is 155 mike. Whololitimber of acres, within the six mile limits, apPrpied fe the State of Arkansas, 290,816.67. Whole nninber of acres, outside the six and within the fifteen miles, also approved to the State for Mai Tw}4, 259,703.51. Making total approved to the Mato, 550,520.18 acres. Y. , Expected Foreign News., A - t Sr. JOIINS, N. D., Nov. 20.—The weather-has. been calm and foggy during yesterday andtmday- Tho news yacht of the Associated Plea Is sta;, , tioned off Cape Rase, awaiting the passing* that point of the steamer Atlantis, about due :from Liverpool on the 14th Met. , , Law from Rlo. , BATallialig, Nov. 20.—The barque Antelope, from Rio do Janeiro, arrived last evening, with dates to got. 17th. Loft In port the bargee prey Eagle, for Philadelphia, and Juniper, for ;ii - Ow" York, loading. The Margaret Ridloy salled,Ow the 13th ult., for New York. 11Jo dates are to the 13th inst. Coffee waged/me: The receipts are light, being mostly oh! inflate. ridr quality. Holders firm. Moderation/is at Se 511250 for inferior, and 33350a311450 for bolter lots: Higher rates are anticipated. Richmond flour 2211500a2311500. The stook of sugar is 500 oases white, and 4,800 to 5,200 broncos' Arrival of the Philadelphia. Nair YORK, Nov. 20.—The steamship Philadel phia, from Havana, tin Charleston, arriTed Sharp this morning. The Canada Outward Bound liamvax. Nov, 20.—TboRoyal Mail steamship Canada, from Boston, bound to Liverpool, arrived bore this morning. From Washington. ‘Vatinixorox, Noy. SO.—According to the pro sent Intention, Ex-President Lamar, of Tates, will be appointed Minister to Nicaragua. The affaire In Utah occupy the Attention of the administration, but no definite action bus yet been taken in view of fate adviees from the Territory. Sir William Ouseley will, try appointment. have a formal interview with the President tomorrow. Steamboat Accident on the Mississippi River Five Persons Killed and Fifteen M ounded. Sr. Loots. Nov. 20.—The boiler of the steam boat Cataract exploded when near Lisbon, on the Missouri river, on the 17th inst. Five persons were killed and about fifteea severely' (melded. Among the killed is Mr. Wm. Brace, of Hartford, Conn. NEW YORK, Nov. 20.—The stores of Charles Pfizer b Co , chemists, No. 90, and John De rain:nes ,4 Co. ' importers of fancy goods, No. 88 William street, near Maiden lane, wore burnt this evening. Reception of Neal Dow at Boston. BOSTON, Nov. 20 —A publio reception of Neal Dow took piano last night at the Tremont Templo. The building was crowded with Bons of Tempe ranee and others. Addressee were made by Senator Wilson, Mr. Dow, and othors. New York Exehemge al Baltimore. , BALTIMOBB, Nov, 20 .— Exchange on New York uotes at 104111.03. The Reeen; Steamship Collision. NEW OnLuaus, Nov. 20.—A meeting of the pas sengers of the steamships Galveston and Opelousas (whioh came In collision recent) was held last night. ' Resolutions strongly condemnatory of de s lank of discipline on both of the 'vessels, and as cribing the cause of the aeoldent to Unpardonable Carelessness, were adopted, The Cold Weather-1%0 Ohio River. CINCINNATI, Nov. 20.—The river has fallen nine inches ainee last evening. The weather is very cold, and water freezes hard. The thermometer indicates 16 de tees above zero. ' CINCINNATI Nov. 20—Evening.--The weather is cloudy, and alight snow has fallen. The mercury stands at seventeen degrees. The river is still falling. There is fifteen feet of water in the o henna Frost at Aigosto, Go AUGUSTA, Ga. Nov. 2G.—A killing frost pt yalin in this vicinity. certain planes ice has been formed of a half to an Inch in thickness. The cold is believed to be general. En)loolon of a Foundry Bolter—One Pers.:in iglu* MONTREAL, Nov.. 20.4-ThO boiler of Psige!n foundry, at Orlfantown, exploded this afternoon. One person was killed, and eight were severely injured. The building is in ruins. The Mississippi River CHICAGO, Nov. 20 —Tho Mississippi river is ful of ice. Navigation north of Dubuquo has closed Naval Intelligence. NEW Yogic, Nov. 20.—The eloop•of-war Vin. camas, commander Totten, Itailod at noon for tho omit of Africa. EMI= Nnw YORK, Nov. 20.—Flour firm , 8,000 barrels sold at 84.8544.95 for State, an advance, Of 5 mints. Wheat quiet, and 'holders demanding an advanoo. Corn firm, 12,000 bushels sold, Stooks lowor. EALTIIIORE, Nov. 20.—Grain unchanged. Whit; key 23a231 °onto. NEW ORLEANA, Nov. 20.—Ootton.—Sales to-day 1,000 bales, at an advance in prices off ct.; things quote at 131a120. Sales of the week 40,000 bales. Receipts " 50,000 " Stook in ports 180,000 " Receipts at this port loss than last year 165,500 " Receipts at all Southern ports last year 312,000 " Sugars dull at 41a5e. Molasses 2310, Flour dull at $.6.50. Mess Pork WO. Exohnngoo—On London 103; on Now York 09a 091. CINCINNATI, Nov. 20,—Sa1os of Hop at $5.50a $5.60, with a dull market. The receipts aro light and demand limited. The Penneylrnala, Railroad. The Cincinnati Daily Commercial, in an article under the head of "Railway Matters," speaks as follows of the management of the Pennsylvania Railroad; "Several ehanges of importance are to be made in the organitat , on of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company on the close of the present year. Titus. A. Scott assumes tho ro le of General Superintend ent, in piooe of LI. J. Lcenbcert, resigned. Mr. Scott will, we feel well satisfied, maintain the roputatitn he has achieved as a first-class railway manager We have more than once had 000/01013 to refer to Mr. Scott as an illustration of our idea what a man should he, to whom the direction and control of the active operations of a railway is entrusted. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company is rich in the possession of so valuable an officer. "The head and front of this groat work, J. Ed gar Thompson, we presume will continuo in the presidency of the company. It is not often that we indulge in personal commendation, bat in this ease wo are tionsolous of no Impropriety in holding up the materiel of the motive management of the Pennsylvania Railroad as an exemplar for the management of other roads ambitious of success. The Pennsylvania Railroad stands this day a wisely managed and moat successful rood. That success has been mostly achieved through the in- ' tiring energy and seal of its president, and the able coadjutors he has vaned to his aid." ADDITIONAL FOREIGN NEWS. • By the ,Niagara, whioh *rived nt BoAim on Monday, we last night Tocieh'esi,our usual files ,of pardon and Liverptial iduintle, from which we '4004 as largely as :the interest of their nerve wairantt: doblMEßfC.liii DIFFi6ULTIES. The French houses in commercial relations with the United States watch, with intense anxiety, the muse of the financial crisis in that country. They are aware of the difficulties they will have to en counter; they despatched goods for which they themielves have entered into engagements, in the :fulrOmaildalice of returns which cannot be realized so(longss the American banks do not resume their' ,paymenta In °ash. 'Yet, if weave. to. believe what we are told, the effect will not bear so severely on therFrodeir trade as ie suppeed: The Majority of 'tn Wises that will lose by the Amerldan failures are wealthy, mad in a position to meet the crisis. Berne i have, already taken precautions . against lop, and oleo to secure the payment of their ad- Minces. They have Sent orders to their agents in the Itnited States to accept payment in paper, and to'lity it out in the Purchase of corn, cotton, and BUOit for Whigs a ready demand will be found lirthe 'markets of Europe.—[Times' Paris Cor respondent. , n-London • the suspension has occurred of Map's. John Italy & Co., merchants in the New Lrit and Carman trade, and Messrs. J. Jaffrey & . ,of Great St. He ea' ship and insurance lateere. The non-receipt of remittances from America has in each ease been the mese' of 'malty: 'The liabilities of Messrs. Holy are stated at £OO,OOO, and a favorable liquidation ie antici pated. The suspension,wes announced on the oth in stant of tho old and important house of Naylor, :Vickers; Co., steel manufecturers and iron user- Chants, at Sheffield. ' The aihount of their liabili ties had not been stated ennutherity, but they aro tomoted to range between £OOO,OOO and £700,000. :rho firm is of the most respectable character, and Ste difficulties aro underatoodto have arisen solely from a total cessation of remittances from debtors tin Anatitioft,,whose position is few months back ;teemed worthy 6f all confidence. It is confidently bielieved that the Stoppage will prove but tempo ;nary, add it may be hoped that arrangementswill be forthwith made toprevent the regular Mildness thin of Abe establient from being impaired or mate. , rintly Interrupted. They have brand' houses at -Liverpool, Stockholm, wok : and Boston. ,tit the commencement thepresent year they' surplus large private proper;si ; and, es their vosl i tive losses thus far in Americas have . been o !Gamely small—delay in remittances being as yet the 'only ascertained evil—the prospects of the creditors aro very favorable. Annexed is the circular issued : Sheffield and Liverpool, Nov. 4. 'With the deepest regret we have to inform you that the utter sfmnir i aloo fo ommertl and financial the end of the preson crisis, make a temporary suspension of payment Imperative uponus. We have histruchal Messrs. Narmood Banner k Son, of Liverpool, to pro- , We a statement ,Of ear again, Satoh will prove our *sets to consist Mao great a proportion of 'metals and rind property., slid our fungus so large, that the even tnsl in falter your claim. le ;beyond eeestlon; ,and that all warequire is time, This statementwill be ,retuiy to he laid, before a meeting of our treditoes on Tuesday, the 24th fort, at two o'clock, at our offices in 'Sheffield, at width we eirgentlyreguegyour attendance. ,Ms remain, tee.' ' NAYLOOt, VICKERS 4c CO. ^ the meeting of,eieditors is fixed for the 24th,,t0 pv.o titre for, e,Bwodish.ngentiof the firm to bo' resent.' stated on good atithinitY that' the &stets' of the firin• will show a clear surplus of £200,000, and that if even every farthingasiving in America should 'be lost, the private property 'the partners, Andopendently., of the amets of the firm, Will enable there to discharge every farthing of their liabilities. The firm was one of the 'most eitenatie and' reapieted In Sheffield. Thei. sot- Vendee hes - taken ..the town by surprise, and 'mated wide-spread feeling of sympathy, ,that I firm of suolt Lige gentling and well-known 'Wealth - abOuld bare found •it necessary to tack ,tho indulgence; of .its creditors. .The amperision Is entirely wing to tho non-reeeipt 'Of Usual remittances owing from America; they having bad instead to furnish large remittances in specie, .to take up bills of their customers , who arts be- Mated to bo perfectly sound; but, unable, from the ;panic in the American money market, to moot their ;engagements!. The effect upon the town of Shef field is not likely to be so serious as was at first aupposed. Except the Union Banking Company— Who are amply mitered for their advances—Messk` Taylor Viekere, A Co., have no large creditors in. ,Sheffield. Who liabilities of the firth are variously estimated at half a million and upwards. Not withstanding this, no doubt is entertained that the assets of the firm will show a surplus 0f,f.200,- 000. Besides the meta of the firm , both Mn Naylor and Mr. Violets are well kdown to possess large private property. The creditors, therefore, need be under no apprehension as to the ultimate result, though ne doubt the suspension of payment will cause considerable inconvenience, ' Action of the Bank of Englcutd. [Trent the London Tintenolly Article, Nov. 0.1 , i The Bank.'ef England- have to-day raised their charge for diMount from 8 per cent., which was 'adopted bathe nth alt,; to the unprecedented } rata of 9 percent. ' • t The public were fatly prepitred for the measure, and in some quarters it had been antleipatid oven that the movement would have been to 9 per eent. for bills having not more than sixty days to run, and 10 per cent for longer descriptions. That the lat ter restrietion would not haveproved too strong seen* already to Fare,--boon indioated by the feet that the demand has shown little, if any, diminu tion. As the public have new an amount of notes in their hands equal to any recent average,' and bagnims has been tot some .time undergoing rapid ,contraction, this continued pressure must be mainly bauhed by alarm and the consequent desire of every person to get Well supplied. The question whether any farther rise will be neoessaraawill therefore greatly depend upon the extent to which this action is carried. If the mercantile community, iriatead of rem idling, from what they have already witnessed of the course of the bank, that they are inns danger of being suddenly shut out from accommodation, will pertinaciously rash to obtain a double share, any inconvenience they may sustain will be of their own creating: The bank can undertake to provide for wants, but not for fears. There is not the slightest provocative to panic, and whether such a humiliating exhibition of national igno runes and folly eau now take plaza is a question rational people would hardly have entertained a few' weeks back. The old opponents of the bank charter act, however, are beginning to bustle in the storm, and it is impossible to fool certain on any point. Ono of their groat modes of creating fright is by pointing to the low state of the reserve of unemployed notes, as if when that is exhausted tee bank would be obliged to cease discounting altogether. But the fact Ie that the bank could, under such circumstances, still continue their discounts on as great a sonde as ever, since their bills receivable each day of course on the average bring in es large a total as they are ordinarily asked to lot out, They could net increase the reale, but no ono will suppose that, with a contraction of business in all quertore, any 'increase can bo required. There is consequently not the shadow of a pretext fot any cry for government palliatives. Some persons who have shown every disposition to assist in allaying idle apprehensions have never theless suggested that Governinent should 'inti mate their Medium( to grant a conditional power of relaxation In tho saute manner as in 184 f--that Is, by at notification that upou payment of a' cer tain rate, sufficiently high to prevent needless applications, the publio should be allowed to have osy extent of discount they might require, with out regard to the increase or decrease of the stock of bullion, But the nubile have never in the present crisis been without an assatranoo equally strong. 'lt is admitted that it does not matter bow high the rate may be, 46 long as the certainty ip given thatmoney can be had at some rate. When hasthis certainty • been Called In question? The very object of the bank in mit efieseestve advanoe is to maintain a position to htutido thorn to comply with ovory.legi- Smote application, and teem pan bo no doubt of , this being abated, unless an insane demand upon them should prevent it. .1t may, however; be oak. ad, "Why not avert the glance of such folly by a Government notice that would calm everybody? Grant that in principle it would bo humiliating and ridiculous, still it could do no harm. and might prevent much misoble." This announcement can scarcely be requisite. Ali classes of the public, must be well .sewers that if the nation should so pitiably lose its self-possession as to give way to panto, these is but one remedy, and that the Go vernment Will. be compelled to adopt it. There cad be no need, however, by a formal proceeding to proolaturs belief Gist the financial sense of the nation is still se low as to gauge the degrading eon tingenoy to be regarded not only as possible, but probable. [from the London Times, Nov. 7.] It la stated that a deputation of Glasgow nier• chants and mill-owners is about to proceed to Lon don to ask the Government for measures of finan cial relief, If they aro able to define whet they wish to be adopted, and it should appear consistent with any principles of public honesty, there can be no doubt It will resolve fall attention. The,diffi- Otilty is to conjeeture the probable nature of the de= mend. It emanot bo for a reduction in the ride of dis count, dam, while the rate is nine or nine and a half per cant, in Hamburg, twelve per cant. in Vienna, and thirty-eix per cent. in Now York, no ono would suggest that the Bank of England should lend at a lower rate than nine, unless they wished to see every ounce of gold drained from the coun try, and a national bankruptcy as the conse quence Neither' can they contemplate request ing that the bank should discount more ;liberally. Not a single sound bill has yet been rejected by the bank, nor is there any probability that such will be the case. Such an application would there fore simply be a request in another form that they should be compelled to discount unsound hills. Neither min it bo for any enlargement of the cir culation by moans of an issue of ono pound notes, or any similar device, on the plea that tho existing amount is not sufficient fur the commercial wants of the country. Trade has undergone contraction in all directions, and there has been an enormous fall in prices, yet the aggregate of notes shown by the Gazette return of this evening to bo in the hands of the public is nearly a million in MOBS of the total in use in June, 1850, when the rate of dis count was only 4i, and the increasing magnitude of our transactions was a daily aubjeot of surprise. None of these grounds being available, it is to be presumed the deputation will simply solicit the Governmod to promise that the book shall not be allowed on any sudden occasion to destroy the own menial community by refusing accommodation at any price. le this should bo the ease, se there is not and never has Wen the remotest (Lingerer suoli an event, the Chaneollor of the Exchequer can We no ditlioulty in giving the required assurance. Whatever may be the views of the deputation, it is above all things essential that they should be pro pared to state them specifically. This isle duty they owe to their fellow-traders. The present is not n time for any body of inemineonalderately to create alarm by a vogue clamor for impossible aid, and thus, by complicating the existing distress', to paralyse those who can be saved only by the exor cise of mutual (rounder= and Self.pestemion, We have boon exposed to difficulties more sudden end extensive than any nation was ever before celled to sustain' and the way In whit% they have boon root must he a marvel to the whole world. There must have been a cause for this result, and it trill bo found in our ourreney sygetia It therefore be hooves all to beware how,by endeavoring to weaken the public faith in the working of that system, they may change our calm and dignified course into ono of imbeeile confusion. MISCELLANEOUS. ' Ton Gunk? AMBRIOAN flamt.—Tho Plymouth Journal, and also the Plymouth Jtfail, report, with details, that on Thursday, Oct. 29, this enter tainment came off, and is reported by Muhl paper as "the finest affair of its kind, regarding it as a private assembly, that we have seen in Plymouth for many years past. The hall wangiven hq Capt: Hudson, Commandos Pennock, end the wnrd.room officers of the United States stoma-frigate Niagara, to mark their esteem of the kindhose and hoMpi• tallty which have been twoorded to them slava the Niagara has been lying in this port." At the , time when the company began to arrive Captain • Hodson and other officers of the Niagara stood at the top of the grand staircase and received each Ail un - :dims THIS EVENING and all of their visitors with a grain/fel reeegld• irnal;rt.ar'e Aecu STRU T Taneran. Anon rivaukv, tion. The 'company began to arrive eirly, - and by; f Allow' Sum a Ice Love in Livery." v'olook the room was well filled. WALNUT SMUT TUZA.III Amongst the nobility that were present wire the. Earl Olid Countess of Morley, Lord Berhigdon,, Lord Valletort, the lion. Miss Macdonald, Sir Massey and Lady Lopes, Lady Adele Ibbetsen, Sir Barrington Reynolds, the Port Admiral, Sir James Hanway Pluturidge, the Admiral Su. perintondent, and all the heads of depart ments, the Mayor of Plymouth (Mr. F. F. Bul teal), with his gold chain of office ; Mr. Watson, Mayor of Bevonport ; Mr. T. W. For, in his offi cial dress as Vice-Consul of the American States ; .Admiral Ningeombe, whose Bettye „services mere told by the medals and clasps with which his per son was distinguished; Mr. White, ,M. P., and a number of other notabilities,,whose names' fill a column. Nineliandred parsons - wore present. Emma Bavaruar.—Pn the fiollowing Saturday a farewell banquet was given to Captain Hudson and the officers of the United States steam frigate Niagara, by Capt. Houston Stewart, 0.8., and the officers of the flag-ship Impregnable, it a token of respect for the courtesy and general bearing which has been exbibitnd by the former during their stay in the port of Plymouth, and as an inter change of good fellowship between the gallant representatives of the naval service of the two nations. The ninara, which left Plymouth on Nov. 5, was expected back in April. Mr. Charles T. Bright, engineer to the Atlantic Telegraph Company, is at present engaged raising the cable payed out from Valencia by the United States frigate Niagara; operations for relaying It will be resumed about May or June, With every prospect of success. The Agamemnon commenced discharging her portion of the Atlantio Electric Telegraph cable, at Davenport, on the 2nd inst. She had 1250 miles of the cable, of which she can discharge about 33 miles in 'every 21 hours; it will therefore take six weeks, working night and day, to land her por tion of tho cable. The French Moniteur de l'Armie announces that the Minister of War hasjust called out 42,000 soon of the Mass of 1855. - The Proise ob serves that this is only about half of the Contin gent voted, and thorefoto infers from the fact a corroboration of the hopes of a goneral.dlaarunt ment. The Runlap Invaltds,telis nit that the object of the Emperor,,Allexander's journey to. Stuttgardt and Weimar was uniVersal Renee." The ravages of the opidemie in Lisbon have been arrested. The deaths are getting daily less numerous, the inhabitants are /finnn ato the city, and the capital begins to' as.silme its nounnt aspect. AUSTRIA The reduction which is about to be effected in tho army will bo greater than was at first intended, being, in fact, the most considerable since 1848. The depot battalion. - of all the regi ments are to be suppressed. The companies of the battalions retained are 'to be reduced, to 80 men, that is to one-half their present number. As the `army thutreduced will mareely suffice for the gar !boos in.Lombardo•Venetia. ' the second carps d'ar. nide will be increased by a regiment of infantry. Net fewer than 30 generals are tote placed oh the retired list. The, regiments of Romagna and An cona are to preserve their presenteffeetivestiength. The credit bank, on the 3d, took &Step likely to souse extensive embarramMent. , It is In want of ready money, and ,has demfinded payment from those persons who bare obtained advances on Go• verument and private stook. It is believed that the reikuctions to take place In the army from the let of Is (mintier wilt lead to a saving of 50,000,010 florins a-year, and It is net: doubted heie that the lamina is • a comrequenoe of the meeting of ,the Emperors at Weiraitr.• . MATTERS,A.ND • XIIINGS NEW, WORK. [From the New York papers et last evening 3 DESPEIR+TE ATTKIIPT pr 1(1011WAY RQ/11411Y— Oia. op 71181)ESP1 1 / 1 ADOES Snor.t.-Dr. A. B. Mott, residing' t No. 209 Tetith knit; while returning home from a professional will, between twelve and ono o'olock was attaokok at the corner of Second avenue and Seventh street, by two highwaymen, one of-whom etruok him ore the back of• the , head with a smolt iron bar, while the other seized hint by the Collar of 'his cloak. The Doctor turned to dead himself, when the butthn Which fastened: the cloak at the nock•gave *ay, send by this acci dent*, was released from their grasp. Olie of the higheraymen and the Doctor then, at the Same moment, drew revolvers and fired at each other. „ The ball from the weapon Qf the assailant passed through the hat of the Doctor, gracing the crown of his head. Tho Doctor was more succors fat In his aim, and planted it ball in the side of• his antagonist, whom he seised ,and held tuatii, his confederate struck thd Doctor a powerful blue; on the back of his head with:the iron bar This fel .low then dragged his wounded companion from the Dootor'a grasp and both fled. . 1 • An Alarm rap was immediately given by the Dotter, which was promptly responded to by .the police officer on the beat,'who, with the Doctor, chased the fugitive; threngh the Second &Tonne to Fifth Street, and tinge lost sight of them. ' Mho one who is wounded •wilt probably- be ()op ts:trod, se any physician to wham be may apply to have the wound dressed will probably detain him and give notice to the authorities. • •- TUB W.A.TEIt STAMM ow Sos- PICION—A.OLUZ re VIE. MURDEIki . fRS.-111,0 coro ner's inquest in the Water-street murder case watt continued by Coroner Connery this(Friday)morn ing, at the fourth-Ward station-hone in Oak street. The pollee had succeeded in arresting two desper ate Spaniards on suspicion of being the assassins, one of whom gave his name as Michael Angelero, the otters refusing to give his name. Two fetuales, who lived at the 'house of Drisool, and woo were present when the murder was committed, wore ex amined this morning, and confronted with the prisoners, to see if they could recognise them. • They only recognised Angelero, but they posi tively swear that ho was not in the house on the night of the murder, although they had seen him there frequently before in company of the murder ers. They also state they will be able to recog nise the murderers if they see them, having soon them both frequently before at their house: An geloro was committed by the coroner, eshe refused to giro any information as to the LIMOS and where abouts of his companions. Tits WATEN STREET AIIIIIDER—ANOTIIER VIC. Tf M.—Susan Dempsy, who was one of the parties stabbed in 'Water street, died this morning. Tun Mummer') MAN —The following is the testimony taken this A. hi. before the Coroner : Mark Driasoll's examination resumed :—Thero wore only two Italians; they 14076 dressed like midshipmen; they were in the habit of coming to my place for six weeks; the man who stabbed the girl had no quarrel with her; it is not the tall mon who stabbed my brother-in law; the man whom the Italian stabbed had no quarrel with any one; the little Italian who bad the dirk when I wont out must have stabbed the de ceased and the man from Rhode Maud imme diately; my brother-in-law says that he would recognise again those mon who stabbed him Here the three parties who had boon arrested on suspicion were confronted singly with the witness, , but he was unable to identify either of them as either of the two mon who committed the murder. Some frightful knives were taken from the senors. Isabella Andorsen recalled.—l recognize tho Spaniard now present, Michael Angeloro, as ono of the party who were b the habit of coining to our house, but wore not there On the night of .tho 'murder, to tho beet or my bollet i be line .in the company of the murderers 'moral times,,but to my knowledge not on the night when the murder was committed. The Coroner, through a. sweni Interpreter, then told the Spaniard, Michael Angelero, that unless he gave the names and whereabouts of his com panions, ho should imprison him, but that if he did give him the &fired infermation‘he should be let go. Refusing to do so, he was committed to prison. The inquest was here adjourned until three o'olook to-morrow afternoon Tnn SENTIINOE 01" MICTIAEL CANCZWL PQIT PONED.—To-day wad the time fixed for the sen tence of Michael Cancteml;eonvieted of the mut , dor of Eugene Anderson. Long before ten o'clock 'this trierntng, all the passages leading to the court room' were deeldedlY crowded, and the greatest ex-' oltement prevailed. The court.room doors being partially . .opened, the crowd rushed In with snouts, trampling and rolling over earth other, and for a while it wee feared that some of them might be /severely injured. In less than five minutes after the commencement of the rush, theto was not left room enough to accommo date another person. Mr. Mall was sent for, and he arrived at 111 o'clock. Ile took a seat beside the Judge, and after a short private consultation ho retired Mr. Berthed' thou announced that the sentence of Coneetni would not be pronooneed until a week from Monday, at 11 o'clock. The crowd thou loft the court room. FORCE DEMONSTRATION IN NEW YORK. (Prom the Now York Express of last evening.] 'A mob larger crowd of the unetnployed assem bled this scorning at 11.o'olook, in the Park—about ono thousand in all—to hold another meeting. A German (Wm. Muttell) made his appOarance on the stops and began to address the crowd. lie advocated the government's advancing moans to sot the men to work, and when the mon got work they wore to return what was loaned them. He had many curious ideas of this sort, which wag re ceived with but little approval by the crowd. While Murton was talking, Mr. Gordon, the Chairman of the same Committee, started to ad dress the crowd, and in a few momenta Morton was loft talking to himself. Mr. Gordon stated that the Committee wore do• ing all they could to got work and was in hopes that soon "something would be done." He hopod• they would all retire, and when the Committee wore ready they would report. Some of the crowd thought that tho committee should be " kicked out;" they were a humbug sot, and many wore for driving them all away from the Park. Gordon, finding that the crowd did not like his talk, retired, when a Mr. Richard Moore appeared end stated that this was the first time he had ever appeared be fore a crowd, but ho could not stand any longer the way the men wore being humbugged. Ire al leged that the committees were all I; sot of politi, clans, and worn only keeping tho broad out of the poor mon's mouths. Smith," the poet was then seen standing a little way off, when tho cry of Smith, Smith," commenced, and ho was soon dragged before tho crowd. Ho said a few words against holding any more meetings, and declared that the, committee he be longed to wore not politicians. MaWire, ho said, was in the old iron trade when ho could got any thing to do, and as for himself, ho did nothing. Ito, however, thought that every man was more or less of a politioian in this country. Mr. Mooro thou come out again and moved that the meeting adjourn, whioh was carried. A rash was then made for the Mayor's office, but the crowd was prevented from going in, and they soon all loft, to moot again on Tuesday morning next. Arrival of the Black 'Warrior front Baratta. Tim United States mail steamship Black War rior, J. N. Smith, commander; from New Orleans on the 12th and Havana on the 15th inst., arrived at NoW York yesterday morning She reports business in Havana very dull. Sugars ware de clining, and there were but few transactions; stook at Havana and Matanzas, 170,000 boxes. Freights for Europe were falling off. Exchange on London, 10/ to 11.8 premium; on New York. 28 to 28 pre mium; United States gold coin, 3 pioutiatn. - Maretzek had commenced the opera season with tiro most brilliant prospect of oneness. The Cienfuegos Foment() reports that, on the bth inst., Senor Don Manuel del Castillo was murdered on an estate near that plane; by a Chinese 'abater. The total receipts of the o.tibezien ittlitrond, durins the mouth of (Weber, were $1,881.95. THE CITY. N E CORSILIIk or Minn AND WALED? SIREETS.--',End4y tioy"—" in Gallforials"—••Novelty"— , • Dumb Girl i f Genos."A NATIONAL THRLTIII,VALNUT snlxer, Ne Ax EIGHTII. —Buckley's Opeta Troupe. CLAMED'S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH STREET, AIMS CHESTNUT —Ethiopian Life Illustrated, concluding with a laughable altarpiece. NATIONAL GUARDS' GALL, RACE STREET. BeLow &A.m.—Musical Eutertaluments by Dodwayth', Band. Annual Meeting of the Contributors of the Children's Hospital.—Tlie annual meeting of the contributors to the Phildren's Hospital was held yesterday afternoon, at half.past four o'clock, in the institution, Blight street, above Lombard. Dr Franklin H. Bache was called to the chair, and U. K Diddle, Esq., acted as secretary. The second annual - report of the borird of mana gers was then road. The managers fuel justified in congratulating the contributors on the complete success of the undertaking. There were eighty admissions into the Hospital during the year, and thirteen over the number of inmates last year. The result - of the treatment has been mast satisfactory. The Hospital is now capable of accommodating twenty patients, with the moans of isolating particular oases—a neces sity which has already occurred on intro than one occasion. Although still limited in capacity, it is in all respeots a commodious and well-adapted es tablishment. The receipts during .the past year, from all soureoi, hare been $1,677 99; the expenses, $1,919 19. No debt has been 'contracted. as last year's unexpended balance more than covert this defi ciency. There were remaining in the institution at the end of last year, 4 males and 6 females. The ad missions during the past year numbered,37 males and 43 females. The number treated was 41 males and 49 females; discharged, 35 males and 42 fe males; died, 3 females; remaining at the end of this year, (Nov. 13,) 6 males and 4 females. The nativity of the patients is thus stated: United States, Oil; Ireland, 6; Germany, 2; Switzerland, 2; England, 1 ; Scotland, 1 Their ages are set forth as follows : Under two years, 5; under four, 10; under six, 15; under tea, 20; under twelve, 15. The president, officers, physicians, and mana gers of the hospital were unanimously re-elected, after which, the meeting adjourned. an Exciting Scene.—About 10 o'clock yes terday morning one of the male scholars in the Mount Vernon bohool House, on Catherine street, above Third, lighted a piece of paper and throw it on the floor, and cried " fire !" This he intended as a joke, and it came very near being a serious one The scholars became panic-strioken ' and for a few momenta the greatest and most intense ex citement prevailed among them. The teachers behaved themselves with remarkable presence of mind, and in a short period, a calm succeeded the storm. The shrieks and screams,. and supplica tions of the little ones, are described tope as hav ing been thrilling in the extreme.. By some means or other the news got out of doors, and the feelings of fond end anxious parenta maybe imagined as well as described. This is the same school-house where the children became panio-stricken, from almobt the fame cause, a few year, since, and which resulted in the death of ono or two scholars, and the maiming of otheraforlife: Distribution of Bread on Thanksgiving Day. We learn that the members of the Good Will En gine Company, located in Race staid, Wow' Broad, have unanimously resolved to distribute one thousand leaves of bread-to the poor on Thanks giving day, the 28th Inst. This is but one among the many indications - of the besevelent feeling which animates the breastit of our Philadelphia firemen. • Handsome TestirnorriaL—We . were shown yesterday a very 'handsome ,testimonial, designed and presented by the Aseistanoe Engine Company to ?Edward Williams-and remit?, di 'account of the generosity shown to the Pesialo'Engine pany, of ' Paterson, and the. Delaware Engine Company, of Trenton, N. J., daring their visit to oar city to ttrtro part, in the reeentlltemen'e Parit 4 o.. . , FatalAccident.--Abont noon yesterday a man named David Parks was run over lby• a cart, in the neighborhood of Broad street and Columbia avenue, and instantly killed'. Ma body waif con veyed to his late residence, on Eleventh street., above Oaferd. Coroner Fanner WU • sont for to bold an inquest. Disorderly Ilatts.—RichardCalotni Joseph Bassett, W Pariter,,anLifertrygray,:tiere held by Alderman MIKIS yesterday to answer the charge of distarbing,thq pub* "shoal at the cord ner of Wood and West streets. in the.Bightienth UpipilaL Caae.—Thomas Flynn wa.l teoitiTeT at §Lloseph's Erospltal , yesterday, sugaring from injuries (mood' by a bailed tairt pining iiel'af this THE :frifiNEY MARKET.. PRI LA D 4PJ, II 4, November2o, 711 Si A month. ago, in commenting upon' a communi cation to the New York Herald, vie took occailen to allude, in terms of strong eondeinnation, to the, prattioe of drawing hills of exchange on England at sixty days alght: We regard , thisioractlio as one of the most fruitful sources of commemial dla kola, and we shall continue to decry if whidie l yei: Opportunity serves. There is no .goodreason, in this age of steam oommunioation ,why a - cheek, on London or Liverpool tdiould not be drawn at. sight; or at one or three days time, any more thin ,drifts on Now Orleans, or New York, or Any OILY in the United States. The practice of drawing at slaty days may have had some slight ground of justificatiim in the days when international, communication was carried on by slow sailing vimels, andlhe laterhardeiniaeree knew nothing of railways, but while the necessity for anything of the kind has wholly disappeared before the advancement in mechanical science, the custom has continued and extended itself into an abuse, which ought at am and forever to be done away. We gladly give place- to the following comma often from a well-known citizen, who is justly eminent for a discerning and logical mind, and the breadth and boundness of hie views as a met ohant : Mn. EDITOR. : Your recent' article noon the buss of credit in the drawing of bills upon Eng lnd mat the approval of many of those who have given this subject anything like the attention its Importance demands. I was tteiy much pleased also to see a communication was made to the Led ger over the signature of "Bogy," urging that teh credit of sixty days, which dealers in foreign,ex— change are allowed, should be curtailed to ten days. • There has been no more fruitful cause of our present financial difficulties than the system of •, kiting," which has been so actively pursued by the dealers in foreign exchange. Ono of the charges made against the Bank of the United States was, that she regulated the rate of foreign exchange. The charge was tree, but 'die did it benignantly— she regulated it with a,view to.keeping specie in the country, while the ProaerWeegulatore, OptisiSt big of about' half-a-dozen houses, find it to their interest to keep the rate of enduing* at, ornear aa practicable to, the shipping point, and frequently beyond for reasons which I shall now mention. If you call upon one of these exchange dealers you will find they offer to at (sq . ) 8 per cent. and to buy at about one-half of dper cent. lasi, and this half per cent. is little enough for profit, and as a guarantee commission, and unless they purchase at once, which they cannot always do, they run the risk of an advance in the market, which, perhaps, entails a lose upon them. With exchange at the above rates, no specie Will be exKrorted, and money is generally " easy,"' and it the proceeds of the bill are kept here the intermit will net be more.than six per cent. But Ole MO is different where exchange is high . then aekthe dealers what they are selling at, and you will he told (say) 10 per vent. end buying at 91 per cent., the difference in the per centagelbeing thosamo. Specie is now at the shipping point; a sixty day bill vf draitn and the seller at the above rate keeps the money hero for the period of aceeptanee; and, as specie exportation has tightened the money mar ket, uses it at from. 12 to 24 per cent It is evi dent that it is to the interest of these half a dozen houses, strong I admit them to ho, and respectable in all their relations in life, to keep tho price of sterling at a point most profitable to themselves; but how does it affect the commercial community In the first place, these houses are sufficiently powerful to regulate the price of exchange, and they licopjt at the highest potat. This is against the merchant. Secondly, by k eeping Hop to 01 tole per cent., they cause an export of Specie, and this raises the rate of - money bydank contractions; and lastly, the selling - of these bills . eves a sixty days' capital, which is kept up by mailer transactions, the amount of which cannot bo estimated ! In fine, the merchants furnish a capita! by the use of which the rate of exchange and of money in nand on themselves As a corrective of this evil, let the merchants for the next twelve months buy no bills from these dealers beyond three days sight, and I will an swer that they will never buy a sixty day bill af ter that time, except us they would buy other com mercial paper, discounting at the market rate. If specie must be shipped—which rarely need be done, for it is of more value here than abroad—let it be done by the merthants themselves r and to make this practicable, I would suggest that a com mittee be appointed to make an arrangement with a bank at Liverpool, to whom moderate sums may be consigned, and then disbursed by orders. ANOTHER FQGY. Phila., Nov. 16, 183 Z. We should ho well pleased to have the Phila. delphia Board of Trade take this subjeot into con• 'Adoration. Its importance cannot be overrated, and it certainly is within their province, and loud ly urges itself upon their attention. At the stook board to-day there was a small amount of business transacted, the prices receding on nearly all kinds of securities at the Brat board, though Reading Railroad stock, which opened at 231, and fell to 231, afterwards rallied and sold up to 241. Pennsylvania Railroad fell off a fraction, closing at 39. The money market during the week has shown a steady improvement, and 'we quote good endorsed paper at 10a12, and sales readily eft ec ted. The interest on tho bonds issued by the late districts of Spring Darden and the Northern Liberties, duo on the 15th inst., having been re fused payment by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, at whose dice the coupons wore made payable, and the Councils having, yesterday, re fused to provide for their payment. a multitude of law-suite aro expected to arise, in which the city will doubtless ho mulcted with costs. The mu. nicipal corporations have lent these bonds to a party who fails to pay the interest, and the hold ers of the obligations will look with justice,to ' tbe Maker* and their successors for tedumnitit and payment, and it would seem the pant of wisdom to do that which must be done, with atti little 'noise and expense as possible. The foot sht rill toad company has paid to the city, , in ' dividends, an excess Over six ?ex. cent. equal 'to the: nUir un paid interest, adds to the ill -grave of the refusal We hive little doubt, hoirevfr, that yeeterdiy'a decision,otAlouneile will be reconsidered; and the interest paid. , •tllinn icipal subscriptions to railroad companies should not be made i but when the ruhr chief is done, tits ooneequences should be met withocitilinching, And without dishonor. - The coal ,trade of the Snhaylkill region is im proving, the receipts by the railroad being more than garty:eight thousand tons, and by the canal forty-fonr thousand tons, more than for the corre- SPeonlin2 seek but year. Tha Bulletin's state ment of the figures of the anthracite coal trade for the week and fop the season is as follows : . LEHIGH. FICLICYLCILL Week, &awn, Week. Season. .24.418 819.485 43.947 1.174.023 9,208 400,390 33.15. 1,654130 Total 33,824 1,219,385 82,099 2 823;173 RAMS ?IRS L.ST TEAR. '1856. ' Week Season. Week. Season C.. 1 31,456 1 ..1.2.7 ..574. 96,975 1,076,780 Itnilroad 149 838 29.763 2,022 523 Total, 30,912 1,276,110 68,723 3,10'2,303 HICAPITTLATI9I Or THE NEAS3S 1,858 1857 Lehigh Can 5!...... 1.127:72 819,485 Dee.. 277,737 " ' 13 4 1 1r0u1.... 148.838 4v0,3.30 ee.. 251,542 fiehuylkill Can31...1,079760 1.174,023 Inc.. 94 213 •lg Railrca.l 2,922.Z;23 ],554 110 Dec..3135,:r13 Total 4,378,413 4,075,033 Dec. 300,375 PECILADELDIIIE. STOCK BXCHA.:462. SALV, November 20, 1857 &ported by R.. Manly, Jr., Stock Broker, No - 80} Walnut street. YIEST .HARD. 'OOO Oi4Y new. 924( 100 do " neir.112,4 1000 N Penos R 011...64 1000 do - do ....54 1000 Caw& diuß 611'70.70 1000 ` do do '70.10 1140 do do '70.09 500 11. Cool Co 6,.80 1000 SusHoleo 611 E5w0.60 1000 do do . 50 1 - Harrisburg 1t....51 6 Morris Caua1....50 • 60.Beeding R.Sswn.”"T' 60 do 100 do, .SwoMN 100 do 55w0.23% 100 do 1).5ire.1% 50 Reading . ll...birrn.23,4 90 do L 5.21,14 2 Morris Canal ptd 6 Peona R. ..... .....39X 7 do 39,ti 5 do ...... 5 ...... 5 do 00 do ......lots.3l)i 14 Minehill R 59) 9 do '934 20 do ........59.E 10 N Peuna 11 0$ 39 do 10 Real, Meadow 10 Bk of Pexhos.sswf,l2 53 do ..10t5,12 BOARDS. BETWEE 200 City Coo 131.new.6.544 1355 Cato& - AmR611'64.08 156 do do . .63 50 Reading R 24 SECOND 100 11eedilr: 10 Mine R 59' 50 Per ... 9S 1000 liar. Coal Co 68..80 2500 N Peoria Ri15....53 600 City 6s 45' 1500 Penns bs 85 10 Bear bleaSow 11.52 X 10 do ....42g 17 ..lo o Norristown R.n5.58 100 Readlog R 21X 15 do 04 3 , AFTER .a5.24X 3 Reading R 0 43 i 50 do 14.211; do 211% 400 New Ca Co. lots. Ai 26 Penns E 39 8 do 39 6 do 39 4 Elmira R 1134 50 Long Island E.... 10 50 Louisville Bk.bs 10i BOARD. I 1 Penns R.... ....... 39X CLOSING PRICES—STEADY GO Resdiug R Bid. Asked. ehuadot 6'8...•.85% 86J Btix It iN ew Pennsyly d'ir.:..Bs X 85X Reuling E 24h - do Boras 'TO 02 12 do 81 8'., , 44 82 Penns ER 33% Morris Cool Coo 4,5 14 Sebtt N Cs " ]2 Bid. Asked. 8o N 63 , 82 pret 17X 17" c Wmap'tk Elm Ittl. 14 do Ist wort 7'4 Co 3 do do Win 50 Si Long Island .... 10 10,5 Vicksburg G 4 7x Girard Bank SX 9 Lehigh Zinn 7 i; 1X Union Canal ix Nov Creek Catavissa R R... 1 5. 8 SCHUYLKILL NAVIO/7/0S COAL following stre the receipts of coal for the week enitiviTharsday, Nor. 19, 1857 : oirj Part' " Pottsville • • Schuylkill 'Javan— , • • Port Clintoe" • Tor %seek. ' Previously this tear. Tag,. -, ' l'otenne tircie lastyear 1,019,74) 17 PiI.EL . P44I , etli• Rsmann Rendteno.—The following is the ainotnat of coal transported on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, for the week eading Thumlay, Nov. 19, 1857: Prom Port Carbon..... • Pottsville Schuylkill Ilaren Auburn 4, Port Clinton Total for week Prerimmlj• this rue Total ; for Tear:. To same time last year e liiterhand - faolfle Mall Rontes. Among thaPassengernsailing by the Star of the West for California to-day, is lir. M. L. Kinyon, -one.of the directors of the Overland Mail Compa ny, Re starts with a party of four experienced men for tech duty. Upon his arrival in California be will select additional men for guides, servants, and as soon as practical leave San Francisco tor Fort Fillmore, op the Rio Grande, via Fort 'Tome i the pins villages and Tucson. There they etpect to meet the exploring party bound west ward, whfolt_starta from St. Louis in the coarse of a , few days: Thli'ia an event worthy of being chronicled, as One" of the first steps in establishing Alia great Overland Mail.—. New Yor2 Evening Post. BY THE PILOT LINE. t LETTER FROM NEW YORK Nonerpondanes txt TLa Vera 1 NEw YORK, Nov. 211-5.20 P. 31 • The letters by the Niagara have had a depress ing influence here, and people are strongly in clined to be gloomy. In fact, the state of the public mind in commercial and financial circles, in Ness York, is so very feverish and weak from previous shocks, disappointments, and three months' suffer ing under the torture of the bank screws, that every breath of unfavorable rumor startles and terrifies them; and when English merchants to whom we are in debt, and to whom wo have not paid a dollar, fail in consequence, wo aro so nervous that we immediately fancy that England is on the verge of insolvency, and that " we have not begun to see trouble yet." This is a good deal the state of affairs to-day. The action of the Bank of England, past and future. particularly the latter, is ettnvamd very freely, and the most confident predictions expressed, based on a knowledge of what our New York City banks would do under the circumstances I mast not be accused, however, of want of patriotism if I say that the Bank of England is a /lute better managed than any of our city banking ins'itutions, and that, I believe, the former would scarcely re gsrd'u of any importance what would cause a pa nte among the latter. The relations of England and the United States aro too intimate. our debts to British manufacturers too large for our bankrupt cy, or rather inability to pay our debts, owing to the criminal folly of our financial managers, not to affect severely the commerce of England; but I still maintain that nothing like suspension of specie payments, or panic will occur there, even were every shilling due by this country to be left un paid. But we can abundantly pay our debts, and will do so, I hope, in spite of the banks. Our gloriously abundant crops are coming on every day in large qnantitiea; and though they are not arriving as fast aithey ought, owing to the folly of the pro ducers in looking for higher prices, we are getting the wherewithal to pay some of our debts, and would have had enough long ago, but for the want of confidence produced by the reckless selfishness of the banks. Those who are holding their pro duce, looking for higher prices next spring, aro likely to be sorely disappointed. If the winter is at all open, and the spring is favorable, it is fir more probable that we shall see flour down to $4, or even $3.50 per barrel, than that we shall see a return to the high prices of last winter. The shavers are quite gay to-day, and anticipate hard times, in consequence of worse news from England by next steamer. They are very slow to lend at what they can get now, exorbitant though it is The banks aro stationary ! Anxious to employ their capital and still be as safe as if they had it in their vaults. Foreign exchange is more anima ted for to-morrow's steamer, and previous rates are firmly maintained. That is to say, London is IfiSaloBt, Paris 5271a517 (60 days). Gold is MULL 1001; 'Bxehange on Philadelphia is easier, and can be-had now at 1 fa 2 per cent. discount. The monotony of the 'street is somewhat broken to-day by a public, meeting at the exchange to ratify the nomination of Mr. Daniel Tiermsnn, as candidate for the mayoralty on the Ist proximo. There is but little probability that he will triumph Ile is too late in the field to overcome the power of the Wood organisation.- The country bank redemptions go on smoothly. The Metropolitan has not made any discredited victims this morning. The business at the clear ing house was : clearings, $13.470,139.00 ; balances, 81,392,204.24. The Sub-Treasury received $93,- 508.36; paid. $449,416 99, and bare a balance of $1,94.537.98. The customs receipts for duties were $5:1,000. The Adriatic will take out, to morrow, about $400,000 in specie. The stock market was lower again to-day, but there is no symptom of panic or very excited reac tion. The second board closed steadily, and prices were well maintained Bank stocks advanced and ,g closed at 47; ; Erie at I s Michigan a Southern C Croce and New York Central aro now near par; Readi 17 ; Illinois Central at 9 211; Chicago and Rook and Milwaukee at 12i At 79. TANG E BALLS, Noy 20 :GARD. NEIY YORK STOCK EXC FIRST 1000 N Y St 5s , 5S fl „V 400 Bead R 47 1000 do 47S 100 do 310 47 200 do 33 47 , i 115 Mich flo&N llt 21,4 10 do 21 SOO Men' & Tol R Nis 42 150 do 41 100 do 41 5 100 do 40,4. 200 do 40 100 do 010 40 200 do 2•3 is 330 do 30.‘ 100 do 1:3 403; 100 do 030 403 50 Chi & R R sEO Si 125 Dlit & Milan R 31 20 Ln CTOBBO & M R 13 35 do 123; 100 do 010 320 do 12 220 do 12 100 do 12%, 12 C B &Quineey 11 12 Mith 5 dcti I prf 40 00 do 33 125 do 37 26 Illinois Cent f. 55; 160 do 0.5 100 do 315 95 100 do slO 05 iG Cloy & Pittsb 10 100 do 10 IS do 10 95 Galena & Chi 250 do 1 , 30 51 200 do s 5 50 100 do old 50 53 do 030 30 100 do 51 35 Cloy Col& Ciu R 02 3:133 N St 5i '6O 93S 1000 N Y St 58 '62 99 2000 311sxonri es 6000 do 5 . 000 01110 o+, ' . 26 3 102 3 . 2000 Olio 64, '6O 1000Tmnes,'90 AB 3000 Virginia 6s 88,V 1000 Cal St 7 , 5, '75 63 6000 do 67K 1000 Ctty ss, '6B 92 5000 N Y Canes 85 5600 N Y Oen R I'a 100 7000 11l Ceot Bda 86 5000 T &A. 2cl mt 51S 1000 Gal &Ch Ist mt 00 30 Bank of NF 95 46 Am Ex Et 15 51etrop'n Ak 95 195 Comb Coal 11 142 do 114 10 Comm Ilk SO 7 Imp&l`rsd Bk PO 70 Park Bk S 3 82 Del & llod Co 101} 1 Penn Coal CO 62 20 Pacific Mail Co 68 ISMIM 250 do 78X 100 d o 78X 21.0 do 810 771 $OO do 810 78 100 do 250 Erie R 100 do 101 250 do 16)4 20 'Hudson Ely D. 211{ 000 'Harlem 11 5% 150 do 9 100 do sy; 15 Sixth Ar 200 Re."ling R elO 4S 400 do 4731 015 Stich Oouth 21 y: 500 do 020 21S 100 111410. n 11 Xll 95 300 Clev & Sitta It 17 401:x1 & Chi 10 52 500 Clev & To It 030 42 100 do .10 41 400 do s 9 41); tO do 65 41% 100 do 41% 10 Chi Pc R I R 02 100 Ls Cmsaa - 311 820 12 100 do r2g so do 010 le 50 do 12N 1000 Tenn 6i, 'On 2650 N St sr. '5B 99 5000 311 i ourt Fe 7714 6000 do 78 1000111 Cu Bda 883( 1000 Mich Cen 8 pro 1000 Ilnd It It let int 90 2000 T 118.1t0 & Al 2d 51,1 E 40005110 h 8 Skg Fd 60 352 National 93 27 Continental Bk 575 j 100 Canton Co SO Pann Coal Co 132,4 10 do 62 60N Con R 79 Rrie 1. , 17 "0 flarlem R 9 60 do blO 9 TOISII Cart 12,307 08 2 103 10 27.t.09 00 . 1.747 00 ..43,516 lo 1,130,075 MEE= Tons. Cwt 10,240 05 17 .11,515 03 733 03 . 7,3 7 5 lts - - 1 -.38,351 13 1,615,99 T 18 1,&i4,149 11 2,022,523 06
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