'4OO BEST ' ll iggtit'Atiki IN TO 00tikat . -41BRA•vbiromix9,1V9 Cla"81 ;4; 00k0. vAitti*B -. :VBE As r: to o x:s v, .-, , :,,.. A - ~..,;-,, , ,:,vva p ivvvi, ar ..., - , ; „ 1 .• , ' , - -,- ,-.:T01..3,11111r1ELD : • :: ~,,• • f..-:' lidb-MONCIMMSTENST, tqr.VV.,TORN.. - ' -, s 01,1L - 1 - 1 - c4 - 1::k . 11"o:o .60; si l l.,xA s:_ og6totrea Of rip wet Bea: ' 1 8l iii6iiiitit lion. .61.•• 61166 W 44.6 e t ,P:,,Ndlted; withilleniotr az4 - NOteitil Micikehilei $: O. L. Sixth Ea Mon, bah ' ,toklitaii•al ,' uddif letter.' lit 2 role, Rae Sil:' i• ' - -"' ' • ••' " • , • TRO NOOTIS - Addl3lo3lAl4.' By Professor Wilson, J. GeLweicliastrizgosiL and Dr. Magian. - Bated, witilitaitiOini oteribiy_ Sir, H. Shelton klaokenzlei Third Mlllichia' air *ikons'/OMM portraits 'Woe. Ktrig e ili' t t • fEll: _The litticMlanecinaWrit toga or IC .- Inn. Mitbd, with a Memoir brt and Notes, '. • 'JIM. Shelton ktickenzte. Oomplett ih 6,tolatom, gartralt Price, per rot., olothiSt LIMN OF T U B - , 'Wry. JOHN riCILPOT IJILRUAN. • BYtitt Mt; lOr :itiliWthirran t with lidos and h 4.. dittatue,LbyTroitit,gbatton Mackenzie, and a Portrait • aiiiitoottadjaaait:oilo. Third Union. 12m0., sloth. ilillteipitiiiidgAtiflicTint O'FI;ATI.BETIES; , a Nit. '" „,. !NOV. tiPat or 144 Morgan'allovels ..'wwa , . hap,..lntrodui.ntion awl Notes, by - IYKalt:Neh , lisle. Tido., 1 2 z00., cloth. ;I;PrtorkW,i, -- „,iti.e` ' . i•-:':-•- -,- ---, ' - ' ' aaßOOTOßlltrinaltititilierio4,lfiketOios of ido own 'ritoo,' , .ilyldlirlth- Dirtitigt9n, with ,Illutriv jvio ' Owl)/ Toner ,i , ,slidlttost. With Memoir by ' Dr. lisatriatblur - , lettotit , Vithei US.- " , KOORWO. 'LSO? • itlDiar - 666601 i; olt, file ta%"•44661i. ut- di: , •*46,6: , iii*h - 4611.7inorialooi' trn - ,..r•konios- L, . 6 *-1 1 0cistratt , emit rao4imilo: otara3rdlticat. • *Wow.- 34t00., cleth;' -Price 42: • • ..• •-• BITS car at62.l6l6T;f,6lrDi:lt.B6otod MaokO nail!: Third rolltiOn, , .flasari cloth, .: price it .„. ... . - TiLICIIISTO.ItY.OP.,2II2 WABALTUS Plntiserr.i: By' Itsior atitiyiil qw,..y.,g: Na pier , from Ate act. , Moen laieriviied *ditto ,z with fiftY-five 31.44 ma, thigni Sr. PotrralispOt6ohuidlis66l6o444 Wu,' 6 TOIL 12610, cloth. -.lStipe 00,,, ,, _ ..- r . ApxxiPs itraoNotrO,A . 3,. - liiti4fejli 1704 Oro, ,_: . :reletis2 , lloiiii ,i;‘,:„...c., ,,, 1 • ~ . gns,,Prtzirkso.o4,floortoirop i *rhos ofr , l_64t • k i th ) . '.,‘ A1 V.:4, 0 ; 1 14r .P• 0f. 44 .4 -5174 ti_. L. -- XitOott ,- , ~ ,-,,,-- - - ..,,, ~ Masao; or„Tbe MotoixaraiteitagiTirritsc.„ NJ. Y. • gosltitoOrk:-16oki /25**446.44.W1,'0a5i0--1,11- N 4-1 4 1 .0 1 , NNSO Tta „ Wl' 10144;11001 %IF4 oitogildf,l6 . B *llan Att it tl Letifalt I ZlVSTl L egia bi f ga lhin a taloo. Vat •Nr ontibLtiltbsiont i look lit - Ocriimd or yoursebroc,„ • ' Ref selMt n.ht itti s bg M!t i. 4 "r tr i = 7 %VI:WM* I4 ) a IT*47 ll .Pt* 1 : 1 ;tig. or ' CO:, OligATAltteiltat Mamuittoitarers or 10011311,4TX41NG ULM Van their Inspindlos. Oar Alo, presaged tultudinkly Oftistitwati airsageriate *Med to rialt *lir moo oisetpatli.on 6 4 4,191013tt 44:4 of ollpfrior_ 111, 4f,ip Wit aelobr,iiied makers. difD • Nealleari, ihestele4Oltroodoso,‘ 71145, ankles die 'DisztiOnd Du. Nessileveeciarlivasien will , be "made frig"of r;,twltersitOittoos wishlof work mede to or*. MOIIGOLD JEWELRY. A- 100 4:littd 'sows - Altet iif en the stew style' of This `lorafiirtook Mask, Eitoni and Wien oamoo, getirtholes marQuigui, • • Woe ? ke., ke ' triataita, :11ABKRTh, *Atha* it. AWFAWIPPS4IO,_MiIta• OA or Xtwmit iityleo, anketiurootipm ity. soldtwiodi Bi-.Aa.p2T(l4l}aTAl4.Ol%; aP • to;iiiiiivrini kir WATOPAS, < -- iai.POWER spun) sTREET, BELOW 08.118TNIT, -PRILADALPHre..• ocargrwrmatticon. - AMAMI RINOIGNOT. selli-thnosit TAME E_•D: CALDWELL A5,..00.; - $1 X 4 . 432 tiIATKIIT: BELOW ILIITIt BUM, /aiming nOWntehen and Pine Jewett,' Kanawha.' mei of Sterling n Ottindant Bitter Tea Bets, Yorke and' soon'lOiith Inrthe tat 'DC .Ohntlin Itrodshina , n new ..senecOold Medal London Timekeepers—el 'the - Mien ondianttot 1276;linVith10::, , - AngliplosodMriasWsteherst.the lowest prima. . - Blau tutitonsiblekairiti7: . _ • akidge*An.d 41mriapPyited, Warn. I • 8. JAIMBN 8c 11Ro. , - •-• a• • , 4111ADIDDA011121101 AltD ' aillit-PJAATat WARB;. : 1(1,.:31*. : 04!a1t7A tgatovLThird,, op. Ad - a at 10•0‘gt• we to TVllllgo=o4 UUYB 3E17 STBS:74e,ia,OI42 OOOOIOCrattB,IPOONVIO/11i IADLEEIRkt.fato. 841401* plit44 os! .. "11 - kid . !1,4:fr mast: • • waly GII/L 7 TAR -•• t wlLLlAn,witisom - AMANtrIACTUREIir OF BILISEWARA - --"; , - , i( 1 4 2 74 81 4 1 1 1 1441 181 1grY 41•XXxx Yriiiickszo inispaariirszsix lorttlWortMePt oOAVat °LIT,* 4. PariarOustbiA7 401 AFf* ( o , 9 Ocatt la *OO St•nOtitA%d; s r , • • ,o r t itheiti•hp and - Binaloplya impetl4o, FRANOII3.T. DIIBOSQ: SOS, 'of Duborg 'Carrier& 06:, 'Who!eagle, itAIMPAO 1131t011a Oiprinsl4lY,Bo.lumiargir otreet, PM*. 7114.10111 P. D01 1 069.' R.-Dtaiosp. ITNGSIeoRD Is SON'S PURE .OWAto /iambi( (fM.' Ilia imindry)luts *stab liabed'i 'raider talubritylhast Ikea ever bean obtained Al ang other Match, •' This hie beanahe resell °tits marked superiority in quality, anditslavariablinniformity. • The P 4410 met be &Soured of- the continuance of the high standardnow establiihod,,• •• • ' *f PreMeleben is offer ,20 tone deify, aud the demand kit minded tbsoireXontr,thi whole United ; Stale*, and td foreign codutrice.; . Working thus on a very tailor /101118, end under a rigid egilear,therard Able to 4eodre pollee* uniferuiltill3 eth quality throughout the rear, ..Thlt li the great de. ..deratuut Inetarch.ceaking, and la realised now for the The veribeit &atilt that Can MIAs, and no oho. , le above wanted by etrokuipers, and tide will be Imp! Plied in theM . bp"" the Pincers as soon as their customers ha v e iswie,4 vhfo l la the best, and, oak for it—other. srlierthalwatild he likely to get that article on which the largestpiolit foe lee* , : ' ' - • • ' Mr. ilieneford hot been engages In the manufactured JattleakeentiSurnay for the lost2l years, and,during the whole of th,e,pariod :Oh Mad". Wolof bit auger: vietetchtte...ool_, n, blip/U.l)mq questiort, the best in the inerkel: the relit 11 years he had charge Of the worltit uf M4 l / 4 .00104 lc 001, at which period be In. - vented the Process of the niannfeeture of Corn Starch. lah for KINGWORWS STATtOLI, 11¢ the 00th Oatregolnie recentirtniesi takOn by another artery. Ibis gold by'sll thil.beektfeerll is nearly every part of the &unto • , , . T. igrgaginititt4:BolPS OSIV*IO 'CORN 13TAlt011 (for paddhat t ,, ao.),"ttai obtained an equal celebrity w ith incl.. b for the 1140141; ertieth be Per• feetlY pare, and , ley in every verPeet, Neal ,to the beat Bermuda Amowitoot, besfaeg having avati on ea quilt. if., which reader it lartluable for the dessert, Potato litarta has-been ertensiveli Parked and cold as (twin tufa siren AU, impremplons to twiny an to the real musts OW Porn Starch, PromltsVii delicacy and petit', it I..eoadag i ate generekro Its diet , for infante and invalids , KMOQ 40, Agents —lO6 ruvrox suee. . Y. . , tediltrait; Or ORINIBM - C ANE' • bushols for sal - ••• WIAL PEIRO ATHON,.= CO N , • 134: INN. Delawran6 avenue. 111141:41401 WA ''' l r a lltkieFg.itto Invited, to ea 'r om a togi - `o4lll4lla' Rale Raps, Rl4* cad alifiliislitki,o4 l tre, 'laPdkidt atraiteli Rod 4teWsy:___^'- z - - • 445? •.-wr.Avzsi,p.ftrar¢&ge., vic-v. 3tlif.."lo# ot: and R liftistaaa. .44141 A 4 1 tato,64oWEtite s --460144t1e 111111XP *Oal4444llsattrer, Nu, 4' •• ' **4 . -` Oge—/1.30.‘ Nom - jor s i u o b y mountirit, , -q , fria - 1e}r: ,, g;i:; , ' , r45 . '•';;.. ,. .. at? Rott,w-widellsrisc JOATTIBLI), A.' M.y Toaphar fa Me Md. 7 late batartdnena . „ , mats at, ; ANIMBRONo Nagler Ia Prinuiry Depatt- Mn JULIA. A. 1 . 102_ ,P 1 . 2 . 44ei. 'of Aland. if,ry JULIA P. DARBY; 'backer ot,p2syring and Tie soolon'of thtu It ilitatlon - aimmOneed an tie drat MONDAY; 11 Mdobor, and will continuo nine and 'l4nAgartinent, Pp; .Mtormediata Department, "^idental li'eo ; $2; ot Gidtar, Po; toontomnita Draw- Oil Painting, $4O; teieors and Tea here. 480 U,F~BTN[JT 13fi*ft. 'intensive Courses orLectures are annually delivered byProferaore on Chemistry, Natural Philosophy, Geolo gy, Dotany;Astrinmy, and Elocution. This Inetitntion is furnished with a 'Valuable Library and extensive Philecophlcal Apparatus, a well-selected cabinet of Minerals ..and, shells, and Aleph Charts, Globes, and Model'. - .141ery facility is:afforded for the thorough study of the.lireneh language.% The Wrench teachers feside the family and adapt their systemof instruction to the use of the language In conversation. - DIPLOMAS are awarded' to - 101113g ladies who have passed satisfactory examinations- in the, full coarse of .Ignglialt studies, with Latin or one or , the modern languages.. OSItTIPIOATneto those who have com pleted the partial course. The puplls are received into the family of the Pried pale, in' whieli every arrangement is made for their physical education, and the improvement of their man -nen 'and 'They occupy private rooms, two in -each; the 2001:01 , of:the female teachers and that of an eateriencednudem being among those of the young . The tultrisitaglie of this Ittstitution are the result of the acconnoodatod *Attlee of more' than thirty years of Its onward pi:ogress. (Woolen containing more paitienbir Information May ,be obtained by applicants 'to the Principals, John U. Willard mad Bush L. Willaid,,Tiwy, N. Y. The terms for day scholars are $6 per quexterfor the Introductory elms of English studies. These arenas& leg, Writing, Spelling, Grammar, Arithmetic, Itudt meats' of Geography, Geography for beginners, and Geology for beginners.' for the second class $7 per quarter. This includes all the branches, constituting the extensive course of Pup Ifeh studies;, , , „ • - , • TRUSTEES. BENJAMIN MARSHALL, President. Jons 11. WILLMID, Secretary. MITOr nteLltecordOe of ll Vof, ex-officio. eojetrdn'Afersliall, .. John D. Willard, :Sober, D.Bllllaun, , ThomeaN. litatebrop; Jonas Liearkt, titles It. Stow, -44*-ValiEnloontkoten, Zosstkutn Edwards, V 5: Warren,: ' :Thomas (Bowes, As. A; Ocirifold, , Jolla /daub 0c,29-6m 1141.11:` Or sT. , ..114LES 'TEE LESS, , 44.' 0 100 0 14. 1C_WA' 41041041 - Nen ca tlnesiwr, mop: Alixtultai Sob % Stare Df E. woos" o: apt ~ OKRErniur. or *At' 1040r,,7414k9114•1 bib tot batraylkill, „ A9 -743-4.T. lir LY !I 3 g. ' a :11 rim , ?Jar" TO'BIT • :LE , It "Fr Mil . ^.c-,, , t -,: ';:- ,-. ;, ~ u-,... 4 r! Ail A uxo ' InAllliltell,:litta t tAL . 011 „ 4,-4i zi g , 4 10.4,116 f LIIXTRIEnsi,Itthr AXON, .!t - ges itsiem -5ni.210 . 21:30444Ei rqw fall QACli:800114M/11 tliMgolo' i 4 Ibithiidi;k4 o 000- time . i ..! 1, , , .411EDVIUtake plasma la eaylag, that during ,UI pant , year & largo ameba: ot poisons *tusked • -,EUBINISII,BDUOATION, enabling many to mare Fro *table altnatlona, sad °tiers to proseoute their business orkrtion!!!! , runal,Y. , . i . a22-Bm. ORITTENVEN'a PHILADELPHIA COM suasoutvormilin, B. Z. corner of EINVENTII and OHNSITNDT,Sinosts, Second and Thlml Stories. BOOK-NaNDING,'RENMANI3IIIP, every style. 00141011 DIAL LAWN AND FORM. 10 !,', ",'SO Filiii:i; in AID tolterllnte: Sash Studen S, t ta hu individent nestreetion from comp.- tent end attentice Teachers, ander the immediate impeccielon of the Peineirod,. °neat the Beet Petunest t o the Country hail charge of the Writing Department. Please 011 and see Speetmees andget a Catalogue of Terms, VIIROPESSOR SA'UNDERS' INSTITUTE, WEST PHILADELPHIA. Nefilmainary whatever Is more Uke s private family. The sours' of andris extensive and thorn h . Pro. bow Bounden will receive • few more pu s under 'lletirtemi pearl of op into Ms family. moire of 11 Wears. /..Ifilver and Mathew Newkirk,ar Col. J. W. Forney, Miter of this Paper, whose sons or wards are nowfsiembers of htsfamily. ' • - se 3144 TN-THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.:-Estate of THOS. SMITH, diteasied, The auditor appointed to audit, settle. and adjust the account of Ebenezer Maxwell and Joseph ficatergood,etecutors of THOMAS SMITH, de, ceased ; and ale° the trust amount of the said execu tors, under the wilt of the said THOMAS 81111111, deceased, and td report distribution, will attend to the duties of his appointment on TUESDAY ~the 24th day of Novem ber. A, D.:•11157, t o'clock 1 5 Id„ at his office, No. 271'eouth FIFTH Street, below PRUNE, in the city of Philadelphia, • JOSEPH A.OLAY, riol2;eod-5t - ' - • Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE MY ANA COUNTY ON PLULAMPLUA. Estate of MILLER, deetnued. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit and re portAlltribution of the fundariaintfrom the sale of the decedent's real estate, paid into Court, will moot the portion ht interesi at his office, N0...11b South FIFTH street, on THURSDAY, November ES H. '2o, C 116.57, ASTIA at 4 P.M. 'JAMI; Auditor. nI3 eod6i* TN THE 00IIRT OF COMMON PLEAS. OF PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, March T., 1857, N0..18. Bar libel for divorce ANNZ M. NARROW, by her neat friend, An,, vi. J 0 9N J. lIKLIZQW. And now, November 7,1857, on Inotton, the Coest granted s rule upon , the reilibudent to show cause why s divorce a tr)alculo metrimonif eheuld not be decreed in the above nese.' Returnable November 28. 1867, at 10 '' J. r. sztarzaulla, ozoll.2swg, 7' - ' „Attorney for Libellant. , )3.0019 'anb %am. NO:. 442, • SOUTHEAST CORNER OF /1 AtattlCAT and MTH Strode.' • tentleminea Peet patent Leather Gaiter Ponta. Gdf do. do. ". • n t 4 • Patent Leather'Ontord Ties. • 56 ft oar do. do. t‘ ...Patent Lea th er and Oalf narrow atrai Shook Boys, sad Youth.' Patent Litigator and Oa akin Gaiter Boots end Shoot - aut•tt 'Vaal! bY ALL STOOK. OF BOOTBAND SHOES. •:—JOSEPH It:THOMPSON & CO:, No, 8141 MAR KIN Stztistoind Noe. 3 and 5 PRA.NIC.LIN PLACE, hare new in store Urge Mid well-assorted stook ot BOOTS and SlllO2O, of (Sty and Eastern manufacture, whioh odor for axle on the boot tense for thigh, or 4)4 the . , piaa orsdlt. DV on are turned to cell and examine their stook. stl•dtt -8 REMOVAL from 187 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, to pit,Maptifactory, 10 and 14 RELIEF STREET, be. twain polahsrd sect 590th, and Front and Second _ Thankful to tainuaierona Winds for their past rayon, I solicit a contlunanoe of the Rains, haring ellstged manufactory an as to enable me to have constantly on hand *large -stock of well-seasoned Soar!, free from Fish 011; palm. Variegated Whits Honey, Castile; and all kinds of toilet Alospr, Ohensital Olive Soap of puro material. Settled Pale, and Brown Soap... English Sal. lloda and Peer/ March, Sperm, Adamantine, and Tallow ....ma of all sizes constantly on hand. Having adopted the mai system, I am enabled to sell my goods at the lowest prime. .F. CONWAY.' Philadelphia. N. 8.--Cash paid for Tallow and Orem*• no 14-0 m 500 AGENTS- WANTED.—A HOME- ' STEAD FOR $lO I—ThlrdDlvlsion.—s3lo,oo:l Worth Of Farms and Building Lets, la the gold region of Oulpeper county, Virginia, to be divided amongst 10,200 enbecrihere, en the 7th of December, 1857. Bab eeriptione only ten dollars down, or fifteen dollars, one .halfdoWn, the rest on delivery 'et the deed. Every FOE - SW will get a Betiding Lot or l Farm, ranging in vales from $lO to $25,000. These forme ,and 101 l are told so droop to induce Settlements, a sufficient number being reserved, the increase In the value of which will Compensate for the apparent low price now asked. Up wade of 1,060 lots end farms are already mold and a autinpany or *salami galled the " Rappahannock Pioneer Aftoolation", ii pow forming and will soon commence a settlement Ample epourity will be given for the faith ful , porformanoo of contracts And promimn. Nearly .44,000 scree of land in different parte of Virginia, now 'at ooinulend , end Wlll be Sold to Settlers at from $1 up to rW. ttim esfestweable titles wilt alt cosES be - gives, tpc6g..eutters t (*open), farmers, .ka., are weeiffsel, and five hundred Agent+ to obtain sabseettOes, to whom the most liberal ludtioementa will be given. ilnittrotinit e that they are waking $2OO per month, g o " ""' 94/44"4841i Subscriptions, age m nol u es A , u & D o., sl 4pply " 64 ' ' Port fiord, Osroline ootortfr,V*. sow .:r9 _a a livrainu, CO,OAS !weaved Rum PHOSPELATO OP i tl 1 6 tit' ,a l ,! , kr. oßoesuu_ PRUE' &00 , 10i P. ei4WAIII 81911U0. SOoME RANGE. -:,BOLO Br (RIAA 1 11 , 911-11 WO; 101161111130 ND N, wie , . „ . • -' ' ''• ' 4 ' ' r '' ' '''f ' ''' ;'' - ''''''t'' - ' 0, 0 44 It , a I ~ lit r 'i• ,M13 4 ,01/41 4,„11 11 , 1-- .;- -, !.:4*-1 1' I :if lip --.,:;,-; r .. ... „,4.2, , ,;,,f‘t Th ~1 t . .', • , ..; • '4 .., - • ~.: ' - ~ i, . • .'' ' ' '' i ;:', 1 ' . 2 l •' i k %P e r Ile ‘ A ttv' , -•-•* ...- - --- ---- - 1'. 4 ";' v !.?'••"''' ' ( fr ?, ' (Zi 7 A, -- •.: 1 5;,- 4 !11 , '"'• -s s v\ s‘ , VI: 141 ,-%•'-''''711T ''''' '' • ''' -4 ,. Iti— ,.. V `;-, r • 1 ''''''''' ' I Nflill*:.''lCO'' IV( 1- - -- • -'•• - -.‘-`4 11 15 4 9,4,.,_,. ,4 1 ,,,,,,,,.. ..t., . _ le. ,4 - ?-: _ i'.r ~,..., •,. ; 1 11-f- ' ~ • . ,z- :.,-;., •,- ~ L k"r `''', :' LI '..••, .' 7'-, 11 C , ' • • -:: , ? ,',. '- ! .-` ' . r/ / - . - - `vii* . ' -;------- 1 --'''' t\'' . . -' ' _ ~.i --K:-: ';'.%, - . ' • - of ' ' ' ,•41 , : ;.t.;,.:,...- - -,-' f , \ : ___- _ ' - + ' - -..P 0-44- 1 -' ~ - 1(5.k:k4 - zi1i. ,: 6 00 , z.• It . '4'; ... '4 z-x. - _, - -,-, , ,,- ~.' '.,.,.. _ _ i 1•1 * ':_,;_,.. : :.,;•-.. -4 ,'-.4 , - , - - _ ... --..., -,_ -.' .'ar''''' .. " -- . 1 --,•-- "-- ' --- "k •t 7. • -'-', - i';' - ",,, , .'..g. qi - v-tf.'Zcer --- ..:"•«.‘:7......;-'. - .f - -.;• 5 ,- - : • • 4,4. • . `,v. ~-„vo: . _,,,,,, ''“ ` -''' - . TI, '" --- ••=t,- - s-z.Z.""' ' , ' ' . . , . . ••••,,.. x vi. 4 'ivry . ,,"'" , •* . v . .•l - 1 , 4 ~,,' • • - • •••,,,,.. 4 .. • . _ . , , . . , .;1=7,-NO:',9 6. ourotionai. .If ,00 ICx'E *ALE , Preddsitt,'Lutiwor off , tiptiral 1011 - , , A; M., Prbielp?l, Te"chec in all bore tiny pupil fatiaei at MO , abd BOAC D! ,for illuitratiol; spy similar one any Itemsle PbllolophiCi3 Ap. at for Illustrating ,nieans are in Ittiortalge* poi= ,Przy tieretialty for, 3 1 / 9 :1;1 0 92 16 A 0 I4d fiatrip.attai ' 09 4 i -.7"i7..vriW , folfowl4. fre*, Irielndibg all -ob. uti rent, washing, en additional other ornamental re a died stn' Is If payable at the repaired, and for Nom of the Snail- the term, and are entrance. ale facilities for a lents,' education. than twenty Pro- 3)10 ices. elm. W. TAYLOR pIMI3OA4O Eitrangene enibe in 11Thilabelobilt. For the bonen of strengers and 'others who nal . de= Cho to yield any of our public inttitullons, we publish the anneied - rostra PLIOES OP airUalitarer. Mildewy of Music, (Operatiod corner of Broad and Locust Street'. Arch Street Theatre, Arch, above eth street. Parkinson's Garden, Chestnut, above Tenth, National Theatre, and Caren", Walnut, above Eighth. Sandfordis Opera House,(Ethloplan,) Eleventh, below Walnut Street Theatre 'northeast Corner Ninth and Walnut. ' - ' • Thottenre Varieties, Fifth and Chestnut. Thomas's Opera House, Arch, below Seventh. ARTS AND 0010NONS. Academy of Natural Sciences, terns, of Broad and George streets. , Academy of Hine Arts, Ohestmat, Above Tenth. Artiste' mild itall4Oliestnut, above Tenth. - ' Franklin Intitute, e ar South Seventh street. NIINSVOINSTITUTIONS!. Almshouse, west side of Schuylkill, opposite South Street. Almshouse (Friends'), Walnut sitreet, above Third. Association for the Employment Of Poor Women, No. , 292 Green street Asylum for Lost Children, No. 38 North Seventh street. Blind Asylum, Rao., near Twentieth 'street. Christ Church Hospital, No. 8 Cherry street. City Hospital, Nineteenth street, near Costar. • . Clarkson's Hall, No, 103 Cherry street. Dispensary, Fifth, below phestnutstreet. ' Female Society for the Relief and Employment of the Poor,,No. 78 North Seventh street. ' Guardians of tile Poor: office No. lid North Seventh street. German Society Mal. Zfo.l South Serenthstreet, , HOme for ItriendlowLObildrals, eniner,E*ablet-tddrd FastinsustWiowl'Andalingle Woirten'ollociety,Ohrwry, eastotrEiglateentlistreet. `,_"Frain Asylum, West eat er,s :Of Eighteedth Ward. Hall, Chestnut, 0014 iloitttb ittleet; bindelen, Asylrunitifinel of Bates and Twenty-Scat ebaew. , Nortfism. Dispensary, No. 1 Spring Garden street. Orphans' Asylum, (colored,) Thirteenth !street, near Callowhill. Odd Yellows' Hall, Sixth and Haines street. Do. • do. S. E. corner Broad and Spring Ger den streets, Do. do. Tenth and South streets, Do. do. Third and Brown 'divots. Do. do. Ridge Road, below Wallace. Pennsylvania Hospital, Pine street, between Eighth and Ninth. Pennsylvania Institute for thelnetruction of the Blind, Corner Race and Twentieth street. Pennsylvania Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons, Sixth and Adolph! Atri:lts. Pennsylvania Training School for Idiotic and Feeble. blinded Children. School House, Lane, Germantown, *Mos No. 152 Walnut stoat. Philadelphia Orphans' Asylum, northeast nor. Nigh: teenth and Cherry, Preston Retreat,'llamilton near Twentieth street. Providence Society, Prune, below Sixth street. Southern Dispensary, No. 08 Bhippen street. Union Benevolent Association, N.' W. corder of Seventh and Barnum streets. Will's Hospital, Race, between Eighteenth and Nine teenth streets. St. Joseph's" Hospital, .9irard avenue, between Fif teenth and Sixteenth. Episcopal Hospital, 'Front street, between Renting don and Lehigh avenues. Philadelphia Hospital for Diseastesof the Chest, S. W. oomer of Chestnut and Park its, Welt Philadelphia. ?DELHI NUILDINGP. Custom Rouse, Chestnut street, above Fourth County Prison, Passyunk road, below Reed. W Oily Tobacco Warehouse Dock and Spruce streets. City Controller's Wee, Girard Blink, aeogndptory. , Commissioner of Oily Property, aloe, Girard Dadk, second story. City Treasurer's' Office, Girldd Bank, - asocind atorr. City:Commissioner's Office, State House. City Solicitor's Office, Fifth, below Walnut. " City Watering Conamilteri'a 011oe, Southwest corner Fifth and Chestnut. • Fairmount Witter Works, Fairmount on the Bohm!. WC. Girard Trust Treasirer's Otice,llifth,above Chestnut. 1101910'0f Catharine, above Seventh. , House of Industry, Seventh, above Areh street. Heinle of Refuge, (white,) Parrish,' between Twenty . second and Twenty-third etreet. House of Refuge, (colored,) Twenty-fourth, between Parrish and Poplar streets. Health Office, corner of Sixth and Sansom. House of Correetion, Bush Marine Hospital, Gray's Ferry road, below South etreet. Mayor's office, 0. W. corner Fifth and Chestnut streets. New Penitentiary, Coates street, • between Twenty:. first and Twenty-second streets. Navy Vert, on ttie Delaware, comer Front and Prime streets. Northern Liberties (lea Works, Maiden, below Front street. Post Odle., No. 287 Dook street, opposite the Ex change, Post Office, Eeneington, Queen street, below Shacks mann street. Poet Office, Spring Garden, Twenty-fourth street and Pennsylvania Avenue. Dock Exchange, corner Third, Walnut and fliook Amato. Philadelphia OsulWorke, Twentieth and Market; ogles, No; 8 o.lBwreutth street. FsnoeyteaWq Institute for Deaf and Dumb, Dread and line 'street". , , !Plum's, Treas7,l4qmintent, ;;bats PienoVer 'street. , ' , - :Public Normal tiehool, Sergeant; abeve 'Muth. I s tSt iom uss Offirei No: 8 State Sionseeleasterfplyi olibitatmetivatitraeumnforarzits* •. Nthirlfrot Office, State House, near Sixth street. ' !Spring Garden Oomechistonorts Hall, Spring Garden and Thirteenth streets. • Vat Temperance Nall ? Christian, store Ninth atria ; Milled States Mbit, sorest of Chestnut and Juniper aired*. United States Arsenal, Gray's Ferry Road, near Pods rat street. Naval Asylum, on the Schuylkill, near South street. United States Army end Clothing Equipage, corner of Twelfth and Girard streets. United States Quartermaster's Office, corner of Twelfth and Chard streets. COLUMNS. College olltharmsoy, Zeno street, above Seventh. Notedly Medical College, 'Haines stroet, west of Sixth. Girard College, Ridge road and College Avenue. Uommopathio Medical, College, Filbert street, abet Eleventh. Jefferson Medical College, Tenth street, below George. Polytechnic College, corner Market and West Penn Square. Pennsylvania Medical College, Ninth street, below Lomat. Philadelphla Medical College, Fifth street, below Walnut. Female Medical College, 229 Arch street. University of Pentisylvania, Ninth street, between Market and Chestnut. University of Free Medicine and Popular Knowledge, No. 60 Arch street. LOOMIROX 01 COURTS. United States Circuit and Dortrict Courts, No. 24 Fifth street, below Chestnut. Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Fifth and Chestnut 'tread. Court of Common Plasm, Independence Nall. District Conrts, Nos. 1 and 2, corner of Sixth and Chestnut streets. Court of Quarter Sessions, corner of Sixth and Chest streets. RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS. American Baptist Pubilbation Aomety, No. 118 drcb 'street. American and Foreign Ohrtstirus Union, N 0.144 Chest nut stroet. d.meritan Sunday School Union (new), No. 1122 Chestnut street. Amencan Tract Boclety (new), No. 929 Ohentnnt. . Eplecopal Reading Rooms, 62 4 Walnut street. ?deem:dot, Orown street, below Oallowhill street. Penney!rants and Philadelphia Bible Society, corner of Seveath and Walnut streets. Presbyterian Board of Publication (new), No. 821 Ohestinit atree t. Preebytorian Publication House, No. 1334 Meerut street. young Men's Christian Association, No. 182 Chestnut street. Northam Young Monis Christian Aasociation, Ger. mantown Road and Yranklin. Philadelphia Bible, Tract, and Periodical Office (T. 11. Stockton's), No. 635 'Arch skeet, Brit house below sixth street. north side. Lutheran Publication Society, No. 732 Arch street below Eighth. RAILROAD LINES. Penna. Central R. B.—Depot, Eleventh and Market. 7 A. M., Mail Train forkittsburgh and the West. 12.66 P. M., Feat Line for Pittsburgh and the West. 2.80 P. 51., for Harrisburg and Columbia. 4.30 P. M. Accommodation Train for Lancaster. 11 P. M., Elpress Mall for Pittsburgh and the West. Reading Railroad—Depot, Broad and Vine. 1.80 A. M., Express Train for Pottsville, Williamsport, Elmira and Niagara Falls. 8.110 P. M., IS abovo (Night Express Train.) New York Liner. 1 A. M., from Kensington, via Jersey City. 6 A. M., from Camden, Accommodation Train. 7 A. M., from Camden, Ms Jersey City Mail. 10 A. 51,, from Walnut street wharf, via Jersey alty. 2 2,11. via Camden and Amboy, Express, 8 P. 01., via Camden, Accommodation Train. 6 P M., via Camden and Jerely City, Mail. 0 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommodation. Connecting Lints. 6 A. M., from Walnut etreet wharf, for Beividero j Easton, Water Cap, Scranton, &I. 6 A. M., for Freehold. 7 A. M,, for Mount Holly, from Walnut street wharf, 2 P.M., for Freehold, 2.80 P. 11,, for Mount Holly, Bristol, Trenton, lex. a Y. 11:, for Palmyra, Burlington, Bordentown, &O. 4 P, M., for Belvidere, Easton, Ito., from Walnut street wharf, 6 R. M. tor Blount Holly, Burlington, &a. Baltimore R. B.—Depot, Broad and Prime. 8 A. M., for Baltimore;Wilmington, New Castle, Mid- dletown, Dover, and Seaford. 1 P. M. for Baltimore, Wilmington Land New Cantle. 4.16 P. M., ter Wilmington, New Outlo, Middletown, Dover, and Seaford. .P. M., for Perryville, Fast Freight. . 11. P. M., for Baltimore and Wilmington. Nor/A Pennsy/vanin B. B.—Depot, Frpnt and Willow. VA., M., for Bethlehem, Beaton, Mauch Chunk, 4ho - . 10 A, M. for Doylestown, Accommodation. 2.16 P. 6f., for Bethlehem, Beaton, Mauch Chunk, &c. 4.30 P. M. for Doylestown, Accommodation. 10 A. M., for Gwynedd, Accommodation. Camden and Atlantic R. B.—Vine street wharf. 7.20 A. DI. for Atlantic" City. 10.45 A. 11., for Haddonfield. 4 P. M. for Atlantic City. 4.46 P. M., for Haddonfield. Par Westchester, By Columbia It. It. and Westchester Branch. From Market street, south slje, above Eighteenth. Leave Philadelphia? A. M. oßi 4P. M. ot Westchester 6.80 A, M. and 3P. If. ON HUNT:ATLI Leave Philadelphia 7 A. M. g , Westchester 3P. M. Westchester Direct Railroad open to Pennelton, Grubbs Bridg, From northeast Eighteenth and Market streets. Leave Philadelphia 6, and 9 A. M. 2 ,4, and 0 P, M. Penneiton, Grubbs Bridge, T, 8, and 11 A. M , and 4 and 6 P. M. On Saturdays last train el: fromM OATS Penneiton at 7 A. M. Os Leave Philadelphia 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. le Penuelton and BP. M. Germantown 4• Norristown B. H.—Depot, 9th and Green. 6,9, and 11 A. M. and; 4.46, 0.45, and 11.15 P. M., for Norristown. ' • 6 A. M. and 8 P. M., for Downingtown. 6,8, 9,10, 88611.80 A. M., And 2, 4,6, 8, and 9 , M. for Chestnut Intl. 6,1, 8,9, 10.10, and 11.30, A. M., and I, 2, 8.10, 4,6, 0,7, 8 . , 9, end 11 .38 P. IL, for Germantown. Cheater Yolks, R. IL—Leve Philadelphia 6 A. M. and 8 P. ' Leave Downingtown7X A. M. and 1 P.M STEAMBOAT LINES. 5.19 P t Id. Richard Stockton, for Bordentown, Went slant street arf'. SD and 4. M., and 4P M. for Taeony, Burling ton and Bristol, froni , Walnut street whioT. 9.80 A. M., ' Delaware, Boston, and Keunebeo, for Cape ay, drat pier below Spruce street.. 2.80 A. 51., end 2,8, and P. John A. Warner and Thomas A. Morgan, for Bristol, Brig, llngtonote. PHILADELPHIA, Nutt ~ .:.~ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 18'87;i AMERICAN ELOQUENCE. , American eloquence is essentialli 4 Milar of the soil." Whether in the pulpiOtllie Legislature, at the bar, in political mastingtiP or w on the stump," it has a peculiar aided character of its own. It is coMpletelt sui genesis.. No other country has anything` at all resembling it—for it unites, I n tlscic,;# the essential characteriStics the * Aiiterk and reason of speech in till Otherotititt* Indeed, its great pecqiiarity lies lathe ctFletill union of these characteristics—tie the alterna..o tion of expression, i , From grave to gai; I:091100,6 iii*K f '!, In etrig4aieri,CPVl*Vi Witt btrou 11 ,41V1 1 ,FifttY.P tb9,4 3 9 4 1PAt °E. , ,. 91414",- 1 0/PROgeo - srPAVigttlitkitta Aigt•Plltli to Ap annthertmow tiltrottp pf Itatire",..netttlt thin& of wit ; then a touch of pathos; . afitamitata• flight - or Nighty) 'sboir ItMilitate ollt*Htf. k i glinteritf-A-it 'brdadj:litt Bar-ralkilifielottiait' bitist/46flildrgitiit 4.0.06144.444:..160: pcisolial ;aids VigttiQt iiiiiiiiall dfiliesO in. to one remarfialde anti striking ViOltVtifi'etir= nestness which &oil staturancetillddho 'Orator actually believes and re* the tititik:4:all:''be has said, ' It was this earnestneati, Willett !.7ti,i, greatly attracted Loins Kosswrit,in 'ltiti;'•idilik to this country, that ho admiringly ~doiclared c , that the stump-speeches of America wore the' . finest eloquence in the -world l" ' , In Europe, with the 'exception etlrtliartd,. (where "the gift of the gab," like thepreirer bird bashfulness of the country, seems to be the natural property of every ikon of the sod,) there is no such thing, and there never bas been any such thing, as that almost universal power ormaking a speech which every Ameri can seems naturally to possess. In the South of Europe, there is very vivid and ardent it rapid utterance' of words, with any quantity . of wild gesticulation, but few Italiaim are capable of that extemporaneous • and ex pressive and sustained spool' which men 'call Eloquence. In Spain and Portugal, tbik power of oratory is equally small. In Germany; where Celtic and Saxon temperament prevail, there is more of it. , Frenchmen aro occasionally eloquent—but, it is declamation which has been carefully pre pared, and cc smells of the lamp." In Ireland, us we have said before, almost every. man who can think can make a speech. In England, there is much oratory, and never has been much eloquence. Among about a dozen great Parliamentary speakers during the last throe centuries, one-half were • Irishmen. Boma nous, the two Fars, Gault, Fox, Danny, DISRAELI, MAC/AWAY, PNEL . , and JOHN BMWS, against Buaxe, SHERMAN; CANNING, Sum., Gnerrikx, and O'CONNELL 4 Even of these Fox was scarcely eloquent—never so, save on great occasions—and his utterance was so thick that it was tauntingly declared that, if ho resembled Demosthenes, it was when that great author of the Phillipics spoke with the pebbles in his mouth. PNEL, like PALMERSTON, affected the conversational tone, and rarely rose into any thing worthy of being called Eloquence. lifAeatuar has over wan' ed one essential as a great orator—readi ness. Isis speeches have been spoken essays. Two more among the brilliant astral' England, and perhaps the greatest sbe l nost.' boast, remain—l:Moven - am and LYltns But the first of tbeae,ll education, and the4er ,ita .601 0 41 , 41 ,4 In the true cg copia fecundt,!! theit* : ' , f;• Of Englishmen-asvrwonderfnUyieffele*,Takii lilertiblic'es•••:•• - 1, - • ,;• .:.; ' " the wonderVili be to fin. any dub man in it' who, at a moment's notice, cannot obey a call to address the public on the matter before the meeting, (or, indeed, upon any matter what ever—thanks to that newspaper instruction which gives him so much general informa tion,) and acquit himself clearly and under., standingly, without the slightest hesitation. On the other hand, let even an estated English man, who has receivel the best classical edu cation that Oxford or Cambridge can bestow, he called upon unexpectedly to address a popular assembly—to speak even half a dozen consecu tive sentences at a bridal defame, or a dinner party—and his condition will be pitiable. fie will hum and haw, the victim of manual* honte, and sit down, all blush and confusion, pre sently remembering what he might have Said with credit to himself and pleasure to his auditors, conscious that he has cut a very miserable figure, and internally registering a solemn vow, that no inducement shall ever again tempt him to open his mouth in public. What manner of thing American Eloquence really is rests on more than tradition and belief. To guide us on a subject so interesting, we need no better aid than two handsome voluhres, just published by Messrs. APPLF.TON of Now York. This work, containing nearly 1,200 largo octavo .pages, (to match Bentop's "Thirty Years" and Debates,") is entitled "American Eloquence," and consists of a col lection of Speeches and Addresses, forensic and parliamentary, by the most eminent Orators of America; with biographical sketches and illustrative notes, by ?NAN% Mont. It also has the great advantage of including many speeches not hitherto included in any collec tion, and inaccessible to the student and general reader. Mr. Mclean, who has evi dently brought his mind to a a labor of love," in these volumes, has done his work in a mas terly manner. His biographical notices are impartial, explicit, and full of interest, and the explanatory notes which he has found it ne cessary to give, aro admirably clea . r. Above all, an analytical index is appended, which at once establishes the book as a work of refer The first American orator of whom speci mens are given is JAMES Oris, of Boston, born in 1725, and tlio last is SEFWEANT S. PRENTISS, who died as lately as 1851. Mr. Moonn states that, should the success of this undertaking warrant ouch a course, another series, embrac ing the more recent and living orators, pre pared upon the same plan., will be offered to the public. The Success is now no matter of mere speculation fudging by,the sale in Phila delphia, by the agent, Mr. J. Morel:LAN, (at the Arcade Hotel,) who has obtained nearly 400 subscribers, most of . them having "paid up," in those hard times—the prices respec tively ranging, according to style of binding, from Ave to eight dollars. We believe that American Eloquence" can be • pro cured, in this city, by aubieription, as above. The volumes are beautifully got up, • library-fbrtn, and contain fourteeen por- traits, well-engraved on steel, of Ja.mse OTIS, PATRIOR HENRY, FISHER AmEs, ALEX ANDER HAMILTON, SAMUEL ADAMS, GOVIiRNBUR MORRIS, THOMAS ADDIS EMMETT, 301 IN MAR. SMALL, WILLIAM PINRSIEY, JOHN RANDOLPH, HENRY CLAY, S. C. CALHOUN, RODERT Y. HAYNF:, and DANIEL WEBSTER. The likeness Of ALEXANDER HAMILTON is engraved by W. G. JAORMAN, froma miniature by MTS. LAURA WOLCOTT Grans, painted by her, and now in her possession. These fourteen portraits are beautifully executed, from authentic sources, and may be had separated, for the portfolio or for framing, in complete sets, at the price bf twenty-live cents for each. From the likenesses of these great men, all of .whom have quitted this earthly sphere, though their works live after thorn, we turn to the collected proofs of the greatness and gran deur of their mind, the beauty and power of their eloquence, the purity and strength of their patriotism. Many of them, we admit, held political opinions at variance with those which we humbly but sincerely hold on by; but, once that the veil has dropped over their earthly career, we forgot all shades and differences of politics and party, and think only how great these men were— how worthily each contended for what he held to he the truth • and the right—h ow lofty and sineerewas their lore of country— how earnest and eloquent their vindication of Its claims, first to win and then to maintain a foremost place in the advanced, realm of 4. 1 - " r ''''v - ,„-'7, - ki , „ 4:,,,- A. NO VAMBER 20; 1857. {P.o.J4 , 114 )1.1 ' I t‘ tiabtl 9 .illisation: - Ttsolk4l — lngi Mahe 0,1 , hcattiial i, '' intl' as ive tieifil illotith theie f . Y LLI OPPO;" ~ 1 1, t1404 pride that, ;',siteh . 'inehlffrecf,, PV9 ; 01 !a4keili,Jklid 'had tleali being anion us, ittitt,a,hope 'Mounting . to assured conildence,, Ptet ProvideOn which so enricherP the Past. Sgt. such 'iills trlous names, will not be less 1 plittral to the.iFliture. 't 1." . tvett hol; ioi wo read the - sound sentre and kli*ii , ii eleklence with which these itilitahle iol:Orhifti,liave been composed, we' the! asatired . pliktiatiiiiti th tito Education Whose iliffualdn Bralii l i no te4it to remain t nAnformed, future,, 11SWE a and NAB album, Cauttemni and CLAYS, IWAITO and' *mistimes, Ilmawroxs And MDR, I irstii - , are Whig .reared. among • us, Lot the pnentslint coir4 , ...and it is ever tanning, to pro. fitt , qq a prog,enTnf patriots r and the men will ianitlNth - V '- - '" ' 0, o:teltines wo reac t by a ,now light, ~ 141t,eiri:iir this. nation; Several of tho tairican Olo t rs were distinguished long be. k ast,. Iv. - the Heel, ation •of Independence. More ' - gi,,ittorlipittatien during - thOceinest. Many ' linbilittired'ilieir ability in t i the' State 404 Utiveiftiiiiiit en - the priticleles fnvolved in [ the,,aikoptits'ef the Federal, Constitution were, igkernisedo,,',A4Versi haeainian'owti; -alter,.ties `t*l4.lo'eitnk, of Congress In ]784. Some • r 1.000014/, ARM& ability—' ome in the rerptiitirtment—ii treat many as de_ t i '*fittional'Ltikilie..ure. Among AV' :, , V , I cor Anugtwi._Eloquence, her.° ity*,, t it,g. , ;,an has .introduced a few of a - ehiroth**4ool.llar to. oireountry. Here, Inc _ . . ... - ••iphy, are several r ' RRIS JACKET=- ' the' native nth'. /JO, well to' place Aare, the Veiy this noteitry wig fao/116.411N PLAINS. - Pr°430144 keta44,Pol, l oN lol. ,Tillsagy.l ,, , .1041 ye. party thirteen men, four of whom returned with him to the starting point, at Independence, Mo. Many of the original party wore disabled by illness, and some remain in the mountains, Or are on their way to the settlements. William A. Wagner, John If. Ingle, Calvin J. Crocker, and Alexander Mitch ell aro Ihe names of those who arrived with Mr. Lander...a. 'This severe libpr Wn3 porforined for the purpose of seleetieg the shortest practicable route for the new wagon road, prior to the arrival of the work ing train in. charge or Suporintendont Mugraw. From searaity of grass end other obstacles not foreseen by inexperienced parties, the main work ing train only arrived at the South Pass in season to go into winter quarters, where it now is, The Mormons having burned all the grass on the .soutberet wintering grounds, the wagon road expe dition has selected a camp on Wind river. It is 'surrounded by herds of buffalo and elk, with 'which, 'ln event of failure of other moans of sub sistence, the train may be supplied. D. F. Fieklin, one of the assistant engineers of the advance party, who had distinguished himself in detached service, had been detailed by Mr Lander at the request, of Superintendent hingraw, to purchase dour and other provisions for the train. In performing this duty, he was surrounded, near Green river, by sixty well-armed mounted Mor mons. Us gave them evasive answers as to the nature of his business, and was at length allowed to depart. ile rode at once to the command of Colonel Alexander, many miles distant, and informed that gentleman of the advance of the mounted armed men, and of the rumors that Ave hundred bad crossed Green river, going in the direction of unprotected Govern went trains ; but before any escort was sent, three trains, embracing seventy-six wagons, were reaehed and completely destroyed by the party of sixty mon first seen. From the destruction of these trains of.provieiona, the eastern mountain eers were disposed to hold articles of subsistence at a high price. Flour was thirty dollars a hun dred at Platte Bridge, ono 'hundred and twenty five miles beyond Fort Laramie, and rising; and a general belief prevailed in the country that hos tilities were commenced. The military tomes wore in high epirite, ant'. though travelling, with every prospect of enduring great hardships, en thullastio to a man, and prepared for ,the worst. The explorations of the advance party of the wagon road expedition had proved of great ser vice to the command. The entire region between the Salt Lake and Snake river, the South Puss and Thousand Spring Valley, connecting the work of Stanbury end Fremont, and hitherto unex plored, had boon surveyed and mapped; sixteen mountain posies examined, all the tributaries et' the upper Green river defined to their sources, the great Waheatch chain found to consist of four die thiet ranges. Numerous supplies of grass, wood and water, had boon discovered, and various wagon routes, two of which avoid the Grand Desert of tiro Sandy, and ono seven days' shorter travel, in a distance of live hundred miles, than any previously known These may be mentioned as Some of the results of the explorations. The mill ' tary force had, therefore, abandoned the old lino of approach, and were advancing upon the valley of the lake by the open plains of the Western. descent of the Dear end Malado river. Our informant, who was a former Member of Mr. Sanders' party, assures us that much important intelligence, to which he can have no scenes until It ?Mho* the Interior Department, will shortly be laid before the country. We fere to state that Governor Cummings and lady, wit the Secretary of tho Territory, were met sheet two days' morels east of Fort Laramie, with Col. Cooke and the Utah mall train. When Mr. L. informed Gov. Cummings of the commencement of Mormon disturbances by the de struction of Government trains, being the first to bring this intelligence Gov. 0 quietly remarked: "Tell all my friends, sir, that I started to obey in structions and to go into Salt Lake city, and I are going." Brigham Young had already disclaimed any participation or knowledge of the overt not of burning the supply trains, end the beat Judges of the Mormon character believe that the leaders of this singular society will continue to endeavor to blind the eyes of the General Government and put off the day of a stand-up fight to the last moment. On the other hand, old mountaineers are predict ing the most disastrous conscquormos if the troops are not able to fight their way into the city. The grass burned, the forage well nigh eaten up, win. ter setting in with several deep snows. much of the command far in the rear, and a grout range of mountains shutting it out fr'om the northern win tering grounds, all seem to give weight to the sup position that the expedition will not ho n BUCOOSS iuI ono. NAM Valley, which is an open, well grassed plain, in which arc several Mormon thrum, and over which roam great horde of cattle and horses, the property of the ehurch, will soon, however, be within striking distance of the cont. mend, Our nest advieee will probably bring us feather end wore important none. lionatace Ralimotto AeolDENT.—SOlilol4lloro on the line of the Baltimoro and Philadelphia rail road, between Wilmington and Porryville, tho eleven o'clock. P. M. train of Tuesday night ran over and killed a man, but at what particular point hen not yet boon asoertainod. The accident occurred without the knowledge of the engineer or oonduotor, nor was it known until the train ranched Perryvillo. As tho persons em ployed.for that purpose were placing the oars of th 6 train on the boat they discovered something like flash on one of the truaks. A closer examina tion proved it to be portions of the trunk, ono arm, and the !ego( a man, but all's° much mutilated as to be hardly recognizable. The heed, one leg and one arm wore missod, and pp to yesterday afternoon he'd not been found, though a strict search had boon made all along th'e line of the road between the points mentioned. It is oupposed that the pereon killed attempted to jump on the train at one of the water stations, and, Blipping , fell under the train. There were some shrede or clothing about the axle of tho track,' but nothing could be found togive any definite idea of thy MVO Of th e ritanr-4/4/1. Stt?i, Draneday. 15iTtifiT4TO gAiik Rpm the Neer OrletinO Thteztule'o,ik The New Dletatorehtp—piopepsloia or cooott tottonal Rtght(t 7 -Tfeptocat4o Coli4ttlopt the ,11,900to.:41.evoluit i ov, Citenta'rteo—lfikett'd• . tat, Excelies of 'the Uctfigeteres his 'Revolts, Prriteuelimtentits and liidb ' tkties: • The United' Suitee . kit( stplimathip fetitiiintoitt, Captain Them'as Ferboe, (rout Veri'Oftaz the; 7411 {meant, rOaohed the wharf about 9 ,o'otrick IBA entinirip s htifirig tilOstod the bar at I 0'414431c aftei shocn. She firings, Besides Ole - rootiftiidieitul: m'olithr* 4ifs,etth, ilitee the. 4thlrom too oanitfil, $542,589 50 hOiTtlo: -,• , • , The regalia monthly English steamier' fi4ent sailed for gduth3mpton via Havana on lie 4th; with. nastisiegers and 'a OargO isTued at $144,58617; of whit& t? 8,961,60 were in silver, and 0,487 in' pia :Coin ; the rest ' l n' the pro ducts of the country, principally cereal. ' The Amerloatt barque Plash alto sailed on the 4th for Now York; with a carp valued at $45,100.25, of which $23.252.24 were an giver eoln; the rot in grain, coffee, tobacco, &o. • Also, on the let inst., for Ifainbir i r, the Danish brig Catharine, with a cargo valued at $6,121411144 which $6 - ,152 were in geld 'coin. • • • As already-announced by.telegraph, Conceal has granted extraordinary powers, tq President Ootuonfort, end thereby virtually admits its Ina bility to carry on the abvernment'ln the present ovals. The -step , was adepted •in 'seems session ? but awns points„ of the discussion that took,plaoe appear in, ,tho.jonKnekt., A matiwwas bay° tbo dieCUSSIIO9 palate bat this nee 1'044 down. The EiVlVaciontuit Aires the following resume I of What passed ern tho4dtki,'; It VI • „,•+^.rr 14flitiV4 1 ,0 1 /4 8 ,14 . 13:44eergt (part thl apßortitritli it A textrlo 0):13 17 4 - wos,elosed:, Thu'Ateh lorszl 1041 , 1 bi meted; and *llll9, el Mr, en, repatineveral deputies', big de 'of iptiehinne against It 4ppeare ,thattthe optiositledngaisde ground. end 'Fe nub, fonAlio,lgusor, ipf•OOngte% weir; thift,o,P Otis raslor.iltlr°}o ist”,,PF 9 % of its independence. ' •" ThiY 23,V iiiihiffiarybillie tgthlslYi :; • ' • The powers 'vented*, the Zieoutfrer and his Cabinet will byJnost eoutplete , :All34,linpertone• guarantee', of ,the ,copstitatio nharaottirlettoof.p frau ilfyyrntegril. hive.heen ?Impended.l.4oo.iteel brill og/ite be subjeekte's 'oturon-4 - oirlynnistarioe that:ire do Pot weiNtbttrtvivedli tionsidikringliirf unbridled Hoene thatobil • beet •nutdondsoac liberty bee been- griAtitd.tolnehile thetnission.of thf Jenrntilipit itt, not fatly - nu*. stood,' unbridled 'andt:,l9zt tiiiiided 'writings are' impotent to do ' enfsore de, in argentiint or pub • lie instruction: , "The 4tispensfbn , °oPictree- of the guarantees-ere tithe startling,'Wed thee preparations hayo.been ntudo,.b7 pendlePP Al . 4 vigotpu4 pr 0001911 of all perras,,WhOlte *renting diaorders ip the land: Ildlrenting, of powerstothePresidenttobentilvwill Way be very condietre to the bertitttereata of the United State" itestoon fro,m_Yera, CrnsAsdllovv,ftrieans." The ,4Sf,gie l sp,eakincof the secret se sloe 9f the 29.thosays.: "'Yesterday the dlt6ssion eenunenised on .the entire report of the united toinutintlon'ers. It Is ourrontly reported that this report was attacked by Sehores,Olicera ' Juan Joao Boa, Barba. and 1 Diontlel r and - that It tree defended by' Mores Fuente, Gunman, and BabineYlores. - The - debate will be continuod_te-day. The ministry tot I made their nrelnitied revelatibis." The Trait vtinrifirot flit 310i:tern& of the session•of Will/till • " - - • Wean eloquence, ;ourselves alone, it justified by the Fork to which wo7 rswhie attention. /41 1 ,i1s rely early age, , doubted- fact,tthat tpable or accost ; upon, his legs," judge has deflitred doubt, Sitio has intd4riatitl:With teri:cals,Vled.: To tly:denaani some and ,tb(s is best tating, Sociatiesi. rid, literary, poll tsunamis! In tote, tut to " read up," •tly, or ,defond it of thts';:wbat a tdbisterical retor ts a cyclopedia of its, and wo have units, of its great ' '"Yesterday .there etalltnedlublie sestiett- -In ea- erot reatioar, tho debate was nontintsed on the re, • portanfar al it' related to the suppression of guarantees. The discussion - wen Tbiy anlipated. Among the varietal spacebar, some very long, that were made, we may mention Mae of &Mores Vin yarde blonde:, blermiseco..Justa Tose Itsui,And Oli• Vera, against, and thotai of plate; Valente,. Iles, BS' i bino Ypres, and Puente, in favor of the, report. It was put to the vote whether that imrtlon of the rt..' Taal relent* to the stippressiod of lrearststeerbed been saffoiently disensiml, apd Orsorreast 'sated in' the affirmative b a large.majorikr. ,!There only remained new a tibial:Ratan by , &Nolte; Vre Rug obietrii that;'even amimgihe misters wletißelf 0' fever of the coneltalons of thelliport.soiderformellY disapproved of the ,mitd Polley pursoAdly Gem Comonfogt. It soma themes this point, stlo ut, , all the world is Lensed. Tice , pcwers,now agora to, and acooptedbrthe .I",teeutive, are absolutely the Same it these eietelsed'W genera Comonfort Oboe his elevation to' therPrealdetiOy. deniande no others beaten he needs _no others in.order to the same systems that be hos heretofore put , med. It in astonlablug that those who blame the syatem defend the'tneans of applyibg it." • ; The Trait d'Union of November 2 antionneas 'that the rota in favor of suspending the tuerantets of the Constitution stood 76 against 31..; • . . • This Siglo of Ckstobbr 31 says , that Jilailor Jowl Jose Bas had declared that he liellevqd that an energetic) and intelligent dlotatorattlP'wistitiesuirY to the ootantry'; he oirsiderod itpreferibte 0457 ,Cultatittitiow and Kl,an.lthe leresent.cocadohnte erttaoppl4 l 4 l l=,,extreordiparipowera,ttly lA . . '-' , .%Mp i . , M9 3 2.nntod' x i., too w en . = The new Secretary of the Interior, Junius, and confessedly the most important man In the new Cabinet, whether we consider his office, his per sonal charnoter.or his influence, reached the capital the evening of the Met. Multitudes of people went out of the city to meet him, and bis entry into the same was almost a triumphal oeo. Senor .7uarox who, we believe, is an Indian of pure blood. bee always been an extreme radical in polities. Ile is undoubtedly a man of eminent talents and acquire ments, as ho is a statesman of large experience, having hold many important offices. Ile is the author of the law "Juarez," The other members of the new Cabinet hare boon well received. The installation was very timely, and, as expected, proved favorable in its influence upon the demand for extraordinary powers. The Trait &Union. ot November 2 notices a ru mor that the new Secretary of the Interior does not quite coincide with the rest of the Cabinet on the question of granting extraordinary powers to the President. The Mexican Extraordinary of November 5 thin notices the termination of the whole affair, And the final resolution of Congress to clothe Pre. sident Comonfort with dictatorial powers: "Congress has granted the extraordinary facul ties. Night before last (the 3d) they were in secret session all. night. The conditions of the faculties wo do not yet know. The position of the Government at this moment is truly critical. No one can gainsay this. We have always said that A legislative form of Government was not the thing. Where the sum of general ignorance is so groat, the Government must be powerful and silent, and the ethical position in which the Go vernment finds Itself is entirely owing to the delay And inaction always consequent upon discussion. It is a singular circumstance in this country that legislation has brought ou more disorder than any thing else. It is, therefore, a favorable sign that the present Congress appreciates this fatal fact." The report of the committee of Congress informs us that, in conjunction with the members of the Cabinet, the committee considered it necessary to adapt as basis: "That the Government should have full power to more the forces in any direction required by circumstances; that the amount of the public force should be not only such eels required by present necessities, but such as, may be de manded by the probable exigetes'es. as well of do , moths peace as of external security." I The question of expenses and resources presented I much difficulty to the committee. The plan mom mended is to negotiate a loan of $5,000,000 upon the credit of thouuplodged revenues. It appears, so we are informed, that in supplying the TICCOSSi• nee of Pho administration, the Government has been compelled to adopt tho system of discounts. The losses resulting from this amount to thu extra ordinary proportion of one third of the revenues. " continues the report, " thingego on as here tofore, our financial condition willgrow more desperate every day, until finally the Government will not be able to rely on a eingle cent of its revenues. lf, on the contrary, a general system of anticipations and discounts be authorised, a capa ble ministry will secure the double advantage of diminishing the amount of the sacrifice, and se curing to the Treasury a considerably monthly income. The committee is not unaware that the system of anticipations involves enorifices; but when necessity lean emptied a Government to adopt It, and toadhore to it, and when inunenso sacrifices result from pursuing it without rule or order, a wise financial system demands that it be regulated, reduced to a fixed plan, and made a means of scouring revenue at a reasonable cost." The committee then recommends that the Go vernment be authorized to arrange the floating debt, but not to increase Its amount. Since, in the natural course of oventa, the means devoted to this debt will bo exhausted, an " extraordinary projoot " is to ho made use of, to take effect before that point shall be reached: " The right of transit across the isthmus of Te huantepec,' continues the report, •• is extremely precious and desirable, not only for the great com panies which traverse every eon to carry on their commerce, but also to those Governments which coo , in this right an inexhaustible fountain of riches for their commerce, and even for their own treasuries The circumstance that the Republio is mistress of this invaluable isthmus, gives her power to use it in a profitable manner, and without in any manner compromising her nationality, her rights, or her well-being. Such are, In short, the provisions adopted by the committee in article third of its project of resources." The committee also hopes to derive similar pro fit from the Vein Cruz Railroad. "In both it has been taken care to preserve each restrictions as the rights and welfare of the nation render neoes sary." " The committee, in yielding to the necessity of providing extraordinary resources, has not lost sight of the future. It has cansidered it neces sary and proper to prepare, front to-day, the menus of re-constructing the treasury; and, con sidering that the disorder hitherto existing has been an insurmountable obstacle, it has decided to commence a now era, separating the chaos of the past from the hopes of the future, and de manding for the latter a better teethed and a more exact accountability. It has been agreed to authorize the Government, in case of necessity, to raise the military force to 51,000 mon ; to move, if it should be required, 20,000 of thu National. Guard of the States and of the Federal District, and to garrison them in such places as may bo ueoessary to provide for main taining the public peace The committee required thoProsident to explain. in a council of ministers, the measures ho would take to carry these "authorizations" into effect, and also instructed the Cabinet to publish a pro gramme, in order to allay public anxiety. The plan or report of the committee, as a whole, was a d o pteat by it vote of 70 to 31 ; there could, therefore be little doubt that it would puss by sections. The papers considered the matter good as settled. The Progreso ' although opposed to the project, thinks this method much better than that ' of a coup ealati slue° it has at least the sancGon of the law-making power. The notorious hobos, called by . soma robber, by others a leader of the ecclesiastical party, has been commiging sad depredations at Cuernavaea. Whop ho ItTrirtxt ha the pions lie Imposed a forted, =l= TWO CENT& , loan of $5,,,000. l a ke mereitents tided in aitefdol4 by Bight; but the persisteht chief krfetffel 'll l l *meow and children of the fugitives, threw tlital into' prison, and threatened to deliver tbirn Into the hands of his followers. Of course, this brought the money. At a'counoll of war held in Manila, siren eni• diers wore condemned to death for complicity in is. Mutiny laat.year during which Lieutenant Colonel Gonzales was ki lled. there were untamed to ten years' iniprisonmont. 2fferfatto‘Vejsi;ene of the leaders in'the Colima affair, in 'Which Dorvbiannel Alvarez wee killed, rate deg on the 2dth ult. The diligence 'front, Mexico to Tulancinge'was patelytattateked by robbere: Strange to say, the assengers resisted and drove off the assailants. t Geperal Blencerte, who hes out a conspionoa a riltre 111 teal* of the'litiny revolutions,' hal' eseaped hum his' imprisonment in Aintitio. Ile . has not sitiett written to th e , Government, tp in, the public Of his whereabeats. The Sentannle General Cortes, wile, ' ietitining from Madrid ,- was striated on beard t he lent - see on her passage out, !wired as the capital ' der escort on the 20Lb. The Monitor says" la had bettor brie been "sr-chipped" at Yera, Ore as ho would not fail to commealoate with theta whom is his mission. Mush is said of linpor . papers found on his potion , but none had Win penliihed. lie was not, as at VOW Cruz, thrown int* prison, but held in duress and incomes up:Ado, at the palace. . - Colonel S W. Inge, Major 3. Carterthn" ' tlldwit?" B e ll, and L. Q. Washington, of Californbe.sitiv_._"' in Mexico on the 3d, en route for New 0 4 4 ; 1 447 , n Meissen's, where they landed tram the Golden Age on the 15th of October. Near Guadalajara they were attacked by robbers, two et wham .they shot, causing thoothers to retire. They then pro- , coded without merestation until they resebed I • guerelaro. ' On the taereing Or the dtlyttr 1 theeet tillaarelloterdWelertrasasielest bil, heeded bf lindibtt,and 4 d e ogimig.WllZ 'gnat& Tort elision hours 'llnaffy unforoverniaent' Mops were overpowered, an d the city !aka 'byZ Ar4131/41 e 1 1 ;ft . tt-talOnn i .nbnlk in glin . itikf• point the ' t their agape to the, diligorme 3, tualliiii .f3lerktiitid.- '''' "' ' lifinanitl antetheirGatels Mentsarekditllthsarti th 4 o a ir soricp ' 1 ,04440f , 0 3 4.10'thIP , VOW.? • tomato nave beta neap. .It *as we elio„ • bylnatir that the old -Chien/141 witiit gt 9 4 life 1 Ptlronitatteh i maginary trouble at lateki Mat*, th,e, ottotaittlturev,obdian in Yucatan. ,4 ' DeritAr Vetere 'levities - ant tnoors ,14 entrust i ~ , i i'lOA'Atlitt afittiti'Aitt. ' "'''' ... ' 1 !From the Mexican Extraordinary of 4th Novenabizi' '',' On Monday learning early en Samna strisad Olga the &Oh with the, sad news that theetroops thet hatiodately entered Otternavinsin,tridesplN 1 iOder the aboneend -of ,0010bel , Baentellirbt snit loners/ Plutatee (fonsaliss, bad iset•wittrs& sigaar treat CP theintes ofllatanillos, as& that wart, theizleertaotglinityles,ladltearreettshat3e *.il'asi b and itwatifearetttbstbiraesoolatalts A- , . Mond, 'Colonel Ananneetrai had: aharedvtlie-mune • /t appearitharaftil taking.duararivala, th.Uu vernmentiroops weinhaineed, ni pumne•the team titaisteotewattla the: Booth. Coto* and Mosinv kept up the show of a Minted flight until therm' rived dt the - Pam, which is. *bans ter& leagues this. ' gide of Iguala. Herathey were joir edhrViecirki r and the whole united forms of the revolutionists Were armee Roosted so ay to deceive their - tow. uties. The Government, troupe got welt into the , ,: pass—whielr is reprieented to es -as very digtinta • and In every way disqualified, foe military move• - :' mauls—joecr:the reatitioniste - - ••, -e • ••• them. with ail thaiithteerfintwthermoke 1•• , - --" ••-. - • ties around. • 1 'XileebenethattenstitadiOnstleao. .bielr-Urtifitii This 'trimmer this Government *ere .Isountred lu' and no alistmative was its there but to int Isar they yoild'undes a shower of aniskit balht , Gen; amides Iva the object of the revongeefthe see 011)0010sta, end helm soon left dead byhil flint troops. : Trie details we have received arelyiicimeser inch as to enable ue to give a perfect pietas* et this battle. It Is 'enough; however,. Mime, that the Gloverinneat- het sestalited..* seiche loia tit the death of one of its most worthy Wore arid arc the ditipendent bf his troops. 4 Itfatratattristabete. Parted forted Buenrostro may yet malt iettli-con tradietion. - • • . - • ..• t 1. Of the movements of the ievolutroutetswer ere not fully advised, but it is tore IltanlikelY they 1 *Mall back on Cuernavaca.' ' • • •-• • 'IItrESZFLII3. - 1 the arri.cral Of the &Urea" lattOweening friela the interior we lama from wirentirman 1414 wattle' ere witness The following particularist/I A* Oki* of Queretaro by hiejla r i . 1 1, Tbe.flret symptom of r:_• , tnerteneurwee °teem& on Sunday °Teeing; but thierutied oksrultherre , port that hiejla was merobtng apart** phi* was no; honored 114 . many. The aarestinieedllowwroi, made preparations; WhetherWitlrr iiwkirledgeof the facts of the oase'ornot, our itiforntatli deer Dot • At 3 o'clock on the North* or Elotidei Moils actually made...his appessiptea `itattootilmittoed firing aeayya 'llrbal4aguntratetentatuitid at that' tour, asid“was tontuttettudV kept nvltniisrotit lioare,erions: the , filorartintonn, Mops garrota -sit& itifered o tio amender to the reatitienista..l While the rinhststurokdorminctseitig ;Aide out tits ranundados fired 'upon and sererolf , weitiatiff Governor Artoagit and ea °load, who was Wei:mt. mend of the Govermitent treble. ' - The prosunetadoe soaked seteral 'aorta and wt• vats establishments; but after blejli prooseded to sign the terms at the capitulation quiet was re stored to t h o pleat. At the time our informant left Querstaro, which was In, the diligence order prevailed. Progress of the Siege of Campeachy. [From the New Orleans Picayene of the lath.] By the Mexican schooner Arrogance, we have Campeachy papers, full files, to the 21tb ult., fire days later theft our previous intelligence from La gone, via Vera Cruz. The besieged town not 017 still continued to hold out, but judging from the Espiritu .eublico, which, as the organ of the revo lutionists, and of course directly under their in fluence at the present time, must, perhaps, like the Mexican papers, be taken with some grains of al lowance, there was no prospect of its speedy cap ture. That paper laughs them to scorn : Our ferocious and barbarous enemy still hold what they cull en "advantageous" position in the Suburb of San Francisco. They amuse themselves with depredations on the country round about, and inventing the means of assaulting us. They cvi dently think that the assault of Causpeachy, that I other Sevastopol which. crowned with the glories of ' a hundred victories, defies them, is ne more difficult a thing than the surprise of our troops, and the capture of San Francisco ! * ♦ • * Do not the Col. (future General) Coped& and that famous Sultan Dagneire know the history.: this people? Have they not heard tell, how, in other days, eleven thousand Mexicans more brave than they, assaulted Caluvisehy, and were not able Li take it ? There does not, however, appear to bo entire unanimity of sentiment in the besieged town 'The military comotander hdd issued an order to all the citizens of the place to deliver up their arms, under pain of being considered enemies to the cause," and this, " not only that they may tle used in defence of the city, but because of suspicions to whioh their concealment might give rise." Noe is there more unanimity among the other or Government party of thin distracted country. Another "oontpiraey" had been discovered at Me- rida, by which a large number of the principal citizens was compromised. Among the arrests were the Col. 'Latina and D. Pablo Castellano, who were thrown into prison, where they are stilt detained; and D. Manuel Dondii, Juan Josj Iler• rare, Manuel S. Herrera, Venaucio Canto, Juan J. Hernandez, Pedro Contreras Elisalde, and Francisco Retakes, who, giving bonds in the sum of $l,OOO each not to join the revolutionists at Carapeaohy or Carmen, were allowed to go free, on condition they would leave the.country. They had taken the direction of Vora Cros. Some twenty-five or thirty *them compromised in the same affair, In default of the required security, were to be shipped at Sisal for New York, ' In addition to this evidence of disaffection, it is also stated that Colonel Salazar, commanding the Government forces at Acanceli, in the vicinity of the capital, had " pronounced," and gone over with all his men to the enemy. Besides, complaints were abroad that the Go vernment was using the money raised by a forced loan for the Indian war to prosecute that against the opposing politioal party. This had produced considerable disaffectiou among its best friends. Referring to the misappropriation, the Ero del Pueblo of Carmen says, playfully and with some point, "The Governor evidently thinks us barba rians or revolted Indians." The same paper states that the Government was fitting out a vessel at Sisal for an expedition against the Island. The Campeaelly papers complain bitterly of the ravaged of the besieging army in the neighbor hood The whole country, renews and haciendas, nes under forced contribution for their support, and the inhabitants had fled in every direction. No further depredations of the Indian population are reported. Later from Texas [Prom the Now Orleans Delta of the 12th.] By the arrival of the steamship Charles Morgan wo have received files of Galveston papers to the 7th. We learn from the News that the ship Nebraska got aground on the North Breakers, whore she still remains; and authorship, believed to he the Fannin, also got aground, and appeared to be in nearly the saute place. The News says their con dition is deemed very critical, and if the present gale continuos ranch longer, without a ob.ange of wind, they can hardly he saved from total wreck. The Nebraska is in ballast, as we learn, consigned to Messrs. 11. d D. G. Mills, to take a cargo of cotton direct to Liverpool, and draws twelve feet light. She was not intended to cross the bar. The Tannin is said to have had about two-thirds of a cargo Such an unfortunate peeurleare off our bar is so unusual that the cause of it is the subjnt of many conjectures. Siren writing the above, we learn that the Ne• btaska has bilged, and that the lifeboat has g o ne out to, save the officers and crew. Tho Tannin and Netirsakahavo each a mast cut away. In relaiton to financial affairs, the Sirrs has the followiag: Yesterday, the 4th, it was anticipated by some, would be a trying day to the merchants and busi ness man of thilvoston, as their paper to thee:not:at of some 5i5,000, matured and had tobe paid or go to protest But we learn, on what we believe to ha good authority, that every dollar was promptly paid. We aro glad to be able to state that the gloomy prognostications of soma have thus boon falsified. The fact that our mer chants have steadily refused to sell the cot ton of their patrons at the reduced rates, and hare therefore failed to realise the means upon which they had chiefly depended to meet their engage meats, led to various surmises of etnbarrassmouts, ,Le. We are glad to furnish to strong evidence that our merchantskup their business transactions entirely within their control. Wo cannot learn that there has been a halo of cotton sold in this city for a month past. Our warehouses, we learn, are nearly all full ; and the shipments aro mostly being made direct to European markets, for ac count of planters. A letter from Justin, dated the Ist instant, Ws Nolan ro colva4 Wad f livery annunintnaten noun noNnonniot woo of th. writer. In Order% kiwi antnuotako sa th. SYl+ O O4OY,' MAW Trit4o3l' - Wo fhalbesupdo cafiltailit "WI . 44 elikst Wa aaptelliliaos ijskatii• ea* T• 4 4 PoVa 0 1 1 Aro %Oa MwielowiOaßAllegNift shy ' "'omit if fat Segitogafti liogokri Lb Immo* at rwen Lot taillPONONdlekilebeillildgoW h• geseral nadir I tArlialitit *OW* Al lb iiittr v i st thr ft 91 1 1 • 14 7 41 i.W U o, l**V 3 toPniles on lin jr.Q wee-Won 4.0.24 instant Us Infootrii wetia Witt &Nib instZtla-aliedly i4edted orvwetkoicticou Imitneilifiliir it; - Vl4ll-MPlNPMenebt eraffirPfWAlt $44.4 nothity.. oottiooryi cliwiwiesisect. MW' '!'hi Meld will 14 an 11 1"411Wittllea taT. • • e. -• 2 BASTAGR didpwawrogoo lit ix ow of its,. of doe' ogilifiraier = 6O tilt° w jfitasitlikirt list " Mr:Wt. GENERAL' WEWS: The lonapaster, Fa.„Conrt.af. Quirtew.Ses mns' " Wl "ors wail :the. toaLatt • Mary Jane Mai an, fok the ,nwt murder of bar tdie• band, Henry live& &fiastartr, by pistoonids. lite Lancegter Exprsts sae thesladuachtat stands hi. dieted •for the .outrder of her lime:mod, it talk - hOnnigli of - Minolta, re Iwne task hildraiinster loga 'poison: laid in tho ' illdit 3 / 4 30431 It u White 1111411114," The Drisanar,is a light mulatto, Tate yom, and rather good lopkim, Wag only wan- Wen Vatirlat raga. A lan , s obtained, and the ease OPenust.: Ooranionweilth expeet topiary bad f_ oo ,,itsfitt ',open' her to the net. _ W 'Vitt were e aue d who proved the paistadog, arid th t tlisref cofifessed it. The sister of the deadatani ed - that tics , pardna quarrelled fht= c rd= " aferrt= V=2 „kerne& We have Jima learned by telegraph ihat she was convicted of murder in the first de em. Wiltl i tbrigitoo l l44l ll 49l4 *timed lc entotionwna ver. , , _, , .. to - ciiir - ~ r 4 vo'• •-: 1. :01 . Zfl.atthli 4.4 01% :„ • .. 7 5 . : A . 7 0 11 010 il.' ,, otx .11 . 14 1,2 4 i, ladgrat Par thetr; eft , iffeCOtiiijj l e -triend'ihsa *ince: -, ;J:Whesn is a it tnt r aftrfitllli*Mils It , v. a eat e ith wof was rev .ea a den al Efing,,t4tT,srmer4Critrittell.n_. Attge.kgrtatitatr=s 3 oi itVoirlitstisirslaplAantinir inosperity. tit ' twOlll%trr. la• White took , pop C' s s i 4 Vl sea S pod re: paidorautrtirod ( Ilwalotinsea) - wialian mg .., frAts., litorlirr h eey,,,, ; i tirraniblaq fiNitherwleXhitr t r i e tihriaerP" • , one iti#TILIP44,II6IO4 - ittli r t ' .!,lota -4 Icidialietw' If dinfilitisrlirieficfity wiCl- • fee hligli;', lt• . .d maw will of Sus iaudunt aye Ilftrheae s • Ifi si , ~ Overflow jarinitt,injaka„adipsever l ywifiandred ~., ticittibt ffiltd; ned extol - 4h elt etispen two a, a Arita; Sinai wkofirgilififithardribliennin OW, `r.yor,-ba ~,,*O. jaiii t hortssilakdwascatedtits.aspier . g e frktra loS t t se f a 'A rt t r in% 4 1 ,oe Isalvlici: 4 4mutfeettitinfetAisi.ft imetot t V,' taw `, ,rdatsd in mellow of ems of,,Ater, ; iii o 76o , e 'i'lq 4--.1.411 s S. el . ...r..-,,, . . i Atbeiliditikloi 0 a eien2.' riots" 'chalk.° arrangements have as yet been madeilit , klikappeen t b . .. ,- .., ietlaiji.oldide woo /I ~ , , W ,.. gi ~- 1e..13 e f - r-ii i *me r cjtal OILS 'teoetratietety , • ',- . 1 , „fieeithlimit i t• iVf•ricr Varefitit3" MPS tkdglet Ulai p h i sis to be rerepeniree-A . ; qa " oe 4 klirnate" atiaeredeek-It ''s.A.Wthrs4 *l* leet , lect . tan,_iliiihabe-gui ' ' I4I N4WM I S It .-W - --: - sal te.,usw 1 .11,1 Pi4bW . Aig4. , 14 1 1104401W1,11PPR10 1 &se of,Tem* isl'atrsma Theehap .B. et al., , . ti p kelk , dieeditaifiall Ws iliSfitik fif:lfiiMalVd. tate' .Cdroidt Mori thetthefeefitgli *dim awe . 4 ' ' net to e, aloe- , Thi , feeimhdidw QW.Gf -"AV 411021 for . I,bentope;hunelr al sores or land on Rig _ Adetierereelt , MftinrecouityMi.,,tel Isstimo = kied3he, etioagoNildkleteeeeiSe For nearly hell 'a ea l lt !ifT - TPDAPP... s .q u et t es*w.:! - .1 . c.-. „ lii , Ft , [1 A..P.At4s. i , CRIM I 4 I 9hd Pikartr - Mat reei"4 46o l, ' LaZiI,TAIT. t i n 1 minds, Mir , days In a dder Aladdin* or-liatameta. I 149 - lif • 0 1: 0 Ei ri ftfill efileßY 00 a aim d ; of manly and inditiwitietif WlSfif tram they 4 1 4. . _ Ateirease tedilime bear; ' , . , t Judah , Bilwile44 - lisiv, upon =retiring from thadaditorsiag ef .the PZeolon bisrine Society,:' • Of 'Ojai litlise long been en bonorary.reember,) htte Jest *add a eft of %OAS toles relief fund. Bo ban alai made an additional gilt at $2,000 to the 6 V l)D r,N.ref ?ff al l le P*' _,- . • . _ A run, suptaillieOne.Josepli t Mcßride, hot eateenedellikagit leeks: °need the Snit Jo, hue beeves ateissid bill a elia.md of taiarderbsg e Wm** seed-Deal& Sentra*, boa been az. - • A ~liiiit of Me have bean ' . ~ ',. rI, '" -"^"' "N. •' - ' litt Viiit4et ittif,`o,4o" . piiikpi arrived atSklieliii ill toe, adt., %la NW, t. York soil 3illiaill; 90 her vajnign fin Ming., Ebo' wan in good trim, with at Neil on hoard, and va ginas working admirably.; The farm-house on Oabonr's Island, about Sire miles from Tuckerion, N. J., was destroyed by tiro on Saturday night lam The fire was com municated from the overt. The loss is between $4,000 and $5,000. Last...unday Bishop Neuman . , of PhDs/lei- Phis, confirmed forty-fire persons in St. Mary's Catholic church. Lancaster, Pa- Also, sixty-Ore perms were confirmed in• The Gorman Catholic church. Asa Leatitt was instantly killed, at Port land, Me., - the other day, by the falling of a der rick, Ks was forty-live years ot age, and leaves a wife and two children. A young man, named Brown, committed suicide at Willimantic, Cenn , on Ttte - ,day, by blowing. oat Ms lamina Cause--fancied bimsolt not well treated at-home. Orson F. Shattuck had one of his legs cut off at the depot of the Bethlehem ;Pa ) Railroad on Tuesady. It is thought he cannot recover. Michael Clencemi, who was tried for the killing of Police Of!leer Anderson in New York, has been convicted of murder in the first degree. Jerome Mcßain murdered Thomas Edger at Gibson. N. Y., last week. Both parties were drunk at the time. Mr. Ronan, a number of the Georgia Legis lature, died suddenly on the 11th at Atlantic. Michael O'Brien has been arrested at Chi cago, lil., on the charge of murdering his wife. Christian Hover died suddenly near Me chanicsburg, Pa., last week. An I hoz Hank Cast (Prom the fl►lttwore Asterietr..l An interesting cas&—that of William T. D tirsoc- Junthe Carter, and Gerard (lover, vs, The Ranknf Commerce—bas just been disposed of by a jary ie the Supreme Court, before Judge Lee. of which the following are the partieulan, This woe. it appoati, grew out of tho fact that Messrs. Lee d Co., bankers, of wbiah firm-Mfr. Dalremple was a partner at the time. had deposited ei U. transferred to. the Bank of Commerce tire hundred shares of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Stook, as a collateral for the current operations of the day, their account to be made good by three o'cl,cit each day, during the existence of which arracgc meat the extra dividend of thirty per cent. was declared by the Railroad Company. bat before. payable, was enjoined be the court, atol not yet permitted to be paid. _Messrs. Lee .t Co , for Dal rymple,) their account with the Bank of Commerce on the lot day of January,l.Z.sl, then culled for tbo stock, which was h eot h ydy d e tw he ,A or transferred to Messrs- Lee ifr CO , the bank de clining to give an order for the extra dividend of ganglia:oln legality and not payable; statin; that as soon as it was payable or available., they would promptly collect it and hand it over to Messrs. Leo tr Co. The bank subsequently ren dered an order for the dividend. in chicle it Set forth the ownership, also disavowing any respon sibility for interest on the part of the book in sail dividend; which order 31c.srs. Lee ,t C.. declined. the market volt:out the dividend orders thou being, seine twenty per cent. less The dividend orders were selling ut the time the bank refused to de liver them at fifty to fifty-five cents in the dollar, and the suit was brought far the "bole amount of their then market value. The jury rendered a verdict in favor of Dalrymple for $7,500. which i.e for the whole amount of the dividend as claimed at fifty cents on the dollar, the dividend on live hun dred sharel Mock being SLii.ooo of company's scrip at par—the bank, of course, boeatuinq now the owner of the scrip or dividend. should it tree paid oat. Exceptions were immediately filed by the counsel for the bank, anti the care will be car ried to the Court of Appeals We are requested to say that tbe verdict reported as reudered against the. defendant, in this case, was rendered under the instructions of the court. both , to the right to recover and the measure of damages Facts from the York Ceustis—Marriaze The Albany Evening Journal has a raturnary of census returns, touching 'carriages in this State is 1•,55, based upon Mr Hough's on:joint report of the facts are curious_ The total number of unions. in the year 1855 was 21,351. The mos: of these were in New York County; the least in Hamilton ; 92; widowers mated themselves with widows; 2,0 , 37 widowers sought cumulation and matrimony among young ur old girls. Of pre viously unmarried men, h 65 were let to the aill7 by widows. Of first martiages, un both sides. the number was 17,935 Among the husbands, were two who took the vows at the age of eighty-fire years. One of them joined himself to a damsel of fifty-sir, and the other sought felicity in the zociety of a girl of forty. Of young wives, there were thirteen only thirteen years old! Seventy were inirteen years old. Two hundred and forty-nine were fifteen years old, and of "sweet,sixteen" wives, there were six hundred and seventy eft. Of the baby husbands who es caped maternal watchfulness that year, four were fifteen years old ! One of these was Welted np another baby, a girl of fo.rieen; another was en.: Bled by is &teen-year-0H fenme; another trappe i b y a tough p.ag• tidy f er d the tourth was kindly taken in and dose fur by an experienced woman of twenty-three. The .i.se amongst the Then at whiA there WSJ meet marrisqe W 0 5 1 .23. The age at moss women married in that year was The older:. bride had reached the maturity of 77. The gretat in this case was a year younger. The three favorite hymenial Periods of life among the girls of New York in ISSS were at the ages of 19, 20 and 21. Corresponding to thew.; the bop" were the eel 21 3 Sy u 4 23.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers