1 :', ,1 -5-1:_K;• - •;i:i•: , .,_4 , ;:; . '.,, •. , 1ii4.4.410 . 01,,,,.. --- . - , - ,., ; _1m .. ,- • , • 7?7 , .. - ..‘ ', 5, - - , , , , p: ; -' ; ',„ ~, , ~ ~ : • , • , ..„ < .% - , ',s , ' - ii:','!"• - :,', 2 ':-;" -‘-; - - - - 1 , 04 4044. o taggt,- ~ . ' ' . „:', " 6 : i.- 1 '-' • . - - initelig* :2 : - .. • ' 4 1 44,3=" - - - , ''' ' 1 ' " -`', •'-'--. . -.v7, ~.. , ;. 4 , - t,',., i :.„- -....... 4,-,4.:,.--., - -.--',' .' - ';'4, 1 0 11 01".--• ''.."..4.,..!,..„ , ...',.-.".....;;-. , :: - . ~'',i ''' Te lai-i; - ''.---"r_.'-'_:•;;;... - 2-,.; /',.- ' 1W ...•... ,''..... _..-_-, , • ."..i . ," noroti, ''.4llT4trL" " ' 00**R4f 4, 4,1 0 0 ~.1 11 - ,•-' I: . : jt,' - ,1 . 4 :::&;:iy , ; : i .. 4,i it . . 4,.',:::: . : .' '" , lj : t.' ~-, ' - '" )1 .. - ''' :' Will; f.'- .- ' ', ~-.`,_,„ ...:' ..' .... ~rlte i gl l. . 4 . 3 # ( ..* .: ?. 1...T -. .V . :T.WA141.":+kg . ,* tigfkovi#o4.- •_ - ;;;:N6;;;•;i::: ), 414111 , 00 , 444.4wilf;' -'' ,• .' ...-, .._ ... I *l l l. l ,..tat ii , '' ',,,.,-.,, 1741,7r110.• :( -; I,i ~ I '' 41•Ei' ? ::: , .;:1;„;- . 0.1 ', ,r, , i ,;‘,.1, - ,..,', - , ..: :. -11 4. „ . :, -i- Z . - ',.:',' iL, , * -"-“,-., Ili(V '; l ltP i , Of.i-';* ' . • .: • .- 1 . • ~ c .40T I , ol.Allollllliov ', ,;-, 4114110116;:' kcomiOtpttWeiimikei Tom ootiootot.' ,' ''- ~ anskotiOX" 1 I • ~i litt.4ol*- ' ooirink 4144804 o ; ,ito .: *GNAW:- ~- 0 —,' ' ' ' ' :- - ~`:,(Ailtab'tv!. . '-i. " ..01 1 ', - Afhluto-. waosierf, ...,.. •,,,, , , ~i . .1 , ... , . . + t;; 4 . .., - #.l , .4.4 . llollopidEpillguag pt., - -'1 4 ,.. 7, ' `,,,. - "I - - -.', .-tompfoa4iymisit. , ..- - I._•' - ,; - - ,": : _ - v:. 7 .',:iiiidolwiwoldlisri , ''''' .'• ' '-.- ' .' '- "- '' ,": 0404,4".11M0kamt DI 1.411 , . • I-.' ; ' -•'-' .'' ' ;,; '- - 5 -1 ' ' ''''.-':'' ''' ' ... 'Osturipe. •-.' ; . -..;. '1 •'' 1 - , • 46:4, *.4 -•"- , ?;-=; , - - i#:-,MINIIi.. :.'% ' ' Ow* ,4....-t .r., .-; '.' • ',, -' • - 'I ~ . ,-, .• : q.)iii. , ; , ..., ;--. i • -i, ,; _-: '; - ' •:;;„ : ~,_ • -rk:'x'4 -,....."-...,, i .' ,, - , , •'J - _ , ,; ; , - . !.,4 4 1!', '''', (, 0':: rs ' : :644444 In d ,1•' --- -.:'' .. , .71 , • -, - -- . 1.7, V* .lir ; - ; ,, ,, ;''. ~. ~; ~ , •.T • -,. . .)," ,'' , i•- • ' ' -' ' ' • . alatie . Olt Walt* I. ' tm, inifonwitotto. '.'''' •mi - --, . ' ' ''''lThireskom. 1 ,, ,,, , ,.., . ...., • , , -,., . , . • .., '.-, - .17 1, ,t . : - - -4 i ','-' . ?i#- , ''',4 , ', 1 " . - .-- - I ' ,. :i 11011., , . ..A:ti3O=, ,, :_ • , ..,:„ F 7 .2.lr i ' -..., .lii,k,, '.,:.• 7 '';' ' - - - ~: t. ,:.,,, , .. : •.;; , ,:1 ~,x..; ,: . ' wo041 0 *.10i417:-F•'1,., ~.,,.,,:,,,.„,,;,, .„•4 t ... ' , 01404-#,V 72 O* --t F 1 ttik-TO l tsla i led A i l ,- - 'r:; , 1;; - 1 : 1;' 'e . • .„ :WI; ilibityliiiiii'egiiif4flaidatolk"; ''' " ; 1 'OS 1 4 0# 1 , 1 0 1 4 6 *teitfilvOtiti*IP, 1 ' Vti ',- coctnix% - ;it* 0 444fCk - 00 044 ;$040 4 046::, '• fili # 44*4l4i'i g' i 'l li A l4o,o4 ..t t 'ikto,il:*' ,4 s , ' 'll l 4;:latii.iiik!Cli#4r**AS*S.-I,f , :r f _._'- 1-' 1 4 ' lrs i tsas mnake ilabs ei*wpOrwrAtra , :aitt iliiiiiti, ",;iiinl4 ll 4lst-tiMiAMlittOili . ,ffi:: ,-,l l 4 ol eßtf#o, o lfaS, , 1115..u_tY", :. , i 2€etutitusiik , fe;„ _ -, - tAnstot , , . ~,alowastie. lawirrof - -- r - -- ti, -- m... _ ajaitoltm-stw'' " Awilesithe - iiq,spiassusate,th**,„,M. , : , T r - , -- "}):.-T' 7 l'.. WINt Iri 1,- , , mt ,..5.- - ,•:"..4 1: 4 , '44,--f,', , A.c , -m: -flit:AN -;444, til: .' I :4',' E J4,`• '.0, 1 _ , 4 #o4Pitsitir*illt ,,, -,Thef Itlittlik ' SfiAls - 4 -*44o4o o fatoPpbN!'etettCg' : ifi l * - ',,,I)ITOOIif" -1 101„1.01:1 1 Ar4iiiii r :;:lt ' , , '4l a Yr • 42:*1 - 0,00 . :; .. *sopmlon =or : - : the=*6*” toNOliOui'coliiiti iltsi 0, irlisteniii*ld; v; , -'6 l edditsd*oike'ik-ki - Oki,i -* 4 k:i.. p i ons ',=1,, ,; . ~- . ..i . t,,:,,,-4; 1 7 ,!::1J'-- ;-... _ --: . J-44 , ----- , -' 4 - :_•_, 4 ,_ ,'• ' ,' - f, 11.0 - ' - •-• , .W :- .. i's: i7 9 , " - e .P! / 79: Pat" 4., , ,e014, 11 ,* 10 04 , 4 4 2:- )iiiiiid:#iyrt_yhitiiiiid,.Aiiiw Iti ; " in ,1;0 6 ',0404,6‘ ,anegatiloyett fake • - Xiiiii,egt ` - ; *1 • 1 ' - ' 4 #°-" 4 F:t l ' el 00 .1134 0 .. * - K 64 violent 1' '2far46itie le*seil, ildd:- it several tke' l ictUedteti ~.145iggestect leall:um ttt ' suppose -there fa a OA ix.deat - Caf._ MlMl:us* at, the •-' Vattern; asst "that' ,_;iwitti.*,tlio*****446:4464,4o, Piinii!e'' ~110100: 4 40- e eitihdillatieuittow while tie erw:.:captised to AO -- an far tut : the lartheat lti 'i'''* .- , - 'or- ofizoi6 *I ie' *ibraieif* _ e ,„_„.. ~...,„,:,,m.,,,,riptliiipiltatiad to ~•.,1 ` -t i#iit',Vrcigiiiiii.gfciwid' lit;Ilivol( afluitant t,'Nidfliiiett6A - ifiatir pi - ilie 'hi* .- iit'Ari;lits : , ' 4101,: . ._: 11 14 1 e; ., l','-**PiP 2 l l o4;' ; ' l o l l. tlirri* i'l* ell f i.:410" ( ;mit* a i ltas,:and w h o only to nu ''-,-idkiyilt:inti; VIE! are Itieb.to 4potaiti!iit. is our '-"liplifett 1 4 4'1'41 '",- of 0 6 ,44 f d eserving are Outere.ol2.l4 - theaeasitahligessu take,* pin. iljunt - gartittattliner- >, ' f , '=- , : f ' . ' ;-- ," `kArt'ettiy,'_,liiii . i', rigOirhau; , ii 2 • a mo ment - of 114 1 0,i . e4flrienient, ti , J attack , was made: in - 714 'Z . ** i4ti'')4%e teliiii*l,o6l6 flour -,. - istke,4tiol,Mdititi , mgy , e ff ect was $ prevent the Artier* who had flour to selrMU"sistiag - it'Veltrdt r ;itrUat i ;tii , i 'ark iliWeiati44 . is full -I: ,it itifil :104 TN , , ii4ode _ iti , -.o.id;,o4oPent _,Oke.' AO VOL is, to be accomplished by Mit thecOs. Walstabeln- community Istilettwlth henevoleat litett*#he pre read tkvisaille the Worthy,peor, 'Mid to dr viaftiiig within .their iieifin to ,1,.. illye work - 0' th98614940pgi charity; but, t ,'...- ii well to remember,-,tlutt-wbilt. the relief of tiiii'sitteritig is ti kilt 40narteittioiry;' Wire is another eteßcokob !powlite,h,society jf'gitistrly as ', ,:pay, interested, IA tliAt,ts. ii,is P/lIESNIVA . r "iii*OribngaboADati.;:- ~, -, -, -:• o - r , In such ' - tisfig'''-ji.tliii",iii'erli" are'' many —„..,.. selfish deniagO&S,,wildess , and ,setUming lett;'itlit; taltatidountatsci of ,ilkiiilitioltif, under . *htati aii:.laisitiiiiron;4l**9oo or; al , -,,itilsiwtll.oli:ov.iP peculiar i*l'POL• . i then JIA"::Aild Apt** ,for, Om morkipg pOople of :-', 0104§104tqle*:q all !lett tkkretlreient the -,ilo4l4doca: muses , wiid , *iya :iddre4dioolli -1-,iiiiet4oooo.vf"!/3 they.reconturesdf the lisiii '(" 1 4:f ''ifitilt l )l4fi lit i i -0/403:Or'alt# '44 of " 404114.014, upoliii...t4i.daluslie ' cry: a ' at -14:41** '--, - -- . '4 4 ),'l4 o T;.l!9"rttitriOfert. - ' 0 is .A . titt :44:420:4W-0.40,•,*1-k, the Afros • • . or ‘• ik:)Orti9if tfir,e, , --)lmeuflf,4lkolu , 'their re-, •` ---- figiattiii;&itili' l llnd' - '44 1 #4 Oqks . ' f'ffiol6 '_l4i4iS''fo(ititi:;Pr#o3 l tigi - 0,4'5 . * - 114 i are. withatitlabbr;/041::wititnut , 10d,:thertrkwi :'_ .4f0ffe... 1 0#0:400 61 1 - wol.:to ti t ii m i6i i harangues, the end or iiiiiaidis,i'bis o :pipular emr,r , idlitetf, ititd446 - inrkit.4 - ;roidiA!' - gki it is -: ":410'41t0:4 1 i*iii(ko. , 4* ,1 0 0 4 Siois' Zito:'000 41 0 14-4a t '!ii r 11 0tent i Ol'imwde ad' ' ::ittdaif*lol.#o 4ll4l4 4 l l44 - 4 01 1 0 4 4 f ~ ,i L ;. 4 ; 3 44 4:..10t;4414094 'Aitiiiit. ,kig_, ;•'' 464 Ant ' oos* I , 9 lll F'w l P ier. rmal 4bor ":oiiefirliti#4ll4o?"'f#ooo4*'o4,4l4ol. -, 7:4 , #44 l. qi i ***l4iires;l 4l k 44 *( 64 . gad --- I :diiiitiodttx.'oos.ooo4[lkviliillites 'd .:'frk*flikii4 - 04***700:,*fit:khom. , ~ , , , ,k oOillitiii4oki,#,Okl,irol i b l7 -N--''lllciiVit)*44k-401lkif 041P*0#0A4-,,: ',iiiw *Or 0 - : ,, Mliji** l o. ll # l o- i 4 0 4 4- :;t0g P.. - 0P,. -. r ~,'-iii4Oliii*,;i64o/ili _ . ~.-,,,,,,,:---7-iio- . ad, tct i Vo ? -'-' ' itoni4ii.iout....6lol4-41 4lllian. 4"-. .; ttite -.iiiriv,......,r,,m77,,.' .; •,--. 0411017,;.' tat4,6t, tiklite.,l64„: , , , Jtz 'Z' „ „- . :iii l i , 4 l 4: I , ~w..._ , joi?,, -,;.''';', ' - 1 0,4 .- --t110k! 3„ : 1."=:, •r*,s4-' ; '„,L,„„ 4 4, , '-' '.. wis fligiag,,,i if • - -I',V-,,N' ' -- ,'' - A• ',"t 44 24 ' ' ''''" .- A :&z.er:. "Y :' ''' !'"' ' •, ~ 1,- ' " t*i''Siltk*l4 ,'' _ .`'''' rc,,',, .'.,,,, '' :, , 4" _ _ ~, , f,-, ,; ,' • - ' pelt of `trade and industry, to intimidate endanger Capitatiply odds to the impro intbilitieof their obtain g ` tha h alone could fhrnish them 8 .4 7 -mployment. it. this Ountry . ad rdinaircifeumsan ent d revolutionme 'ferment is not one stained with fraud and Wrong, maintained by force, and prostituted to he benefit of the few at the expense of the y. 'lt is - a GO vernment of the people, f • rgleatatives for their • 'T r i slays taxed heavily for iarinoamititir city Whenmetual want among the 1,401.1.t-inewaa unkpown. Now thaVan illitlapity 'ail:M*4 is ' among' r us, iittia ,4 41 VexerU iai wily ba t tiila are not being, charitable citizens. wax ";Aiiinftterielit.of the:people, and the - publlO'Oeai3eentiottligi *ill heti niaintainadi at o** fiii4l4.! TWO tiMO interests of ET epOes, ***l 6, 1 atp ;dike invOived iri its ate: 481+114:rtA;;. " OitititSTODEN6o. ,V,O,rfoutul ,a flecond ieft#,4-410 wilttaujiy Oda arfioswilla the emplement, as, adker, 6f ohs ett l ist thWurtally • nowengaged - by • the liditinikivet*ut to raise uPtrie'uttiserous 014.1,1i0114?Wari eloisi? of the late '4ol6634lraroreretiik'hi the liar4or of Se but°, Poly billINOWOof•lbe-entiurese•of the Freud' aultEsidileh'ships-of4tar. A third letter, also thil of Interest, and•writien with the same tie tursatlithadoW4vOliball: ipeOdity present to 'our readers. -. .1 a iberilisse;•"! hope to receive the first 'SAO, 14 ,, from' Mexandria p ! in 210 fits OSTIT Al TO gnus," by ,*l l-- infOlin4 rno*Pl irlisktint9iiil Peen.: ~4.0.040/ infonnatien, that mOtAkolleve. -issriltonOltinsesteasble us to ' anticipnte the eilittelli.44lbr the India tiverlittidlfail. - InotiYp . Tait,ll44he first 'of n'aitinstif letters Isom Ales, Wbfch, we -knew, win be Appreeisted for ithe information. LINT convey. • • , 4 ,-Tbir antic Atop, of reeeiving daily news t i ** '0 1 , ,- -A7tvt *fp" 4 44 44,00:p Ole Puliliestion Q r Ti n g ' innsF Was commenced, last August, that we , ~ . ',, • , ititlnfensitsiry:te maltea - arratHgernents 4f' ibriginal CO* aponderteck, trent` Lohdon and *444 - At* eu 40 tififttfliCthp pub,lie.'WOuld , - liiike;intifeit i t ti,,Peiiist4 the 'dpUils, iti # eiriiiiVOrt*tondence,,of , iventeon, which 1 1`' , - _elsgtaltdiseoptatudeation lad ~ posted them iro.ialro'r#looit ;;gore, , But Air there ie an I , end if thilyo4traniiie ',Play:4A, (for some *alibi 'af Ilittsts' We iiiiie ne dtiiiht that mi -1 ginal Foreign Coiresptindeme,, communiea gag snob !interesting -particulars -respecting, pliatitis ainnts fiti'do 'ea find 'thOir way in ! ' to siiroPeitil neifiitiperii;:iinty, 4viilued 4 our ,4al,4loy:will be accept o4, et,ieslst, - as, pa t ig of ~pitz: pontinued _4efermination Act to Jrpstrt4ottpoor - inti,ns in givpg The fulleot and 'Meat i t.iill4,l,lii fitelAgenee limn ill ' qtiarters. 1 o,iiel? liii4r4; , from 1 11 4ils'find LOndok We 'have itling4 to teeeiVe, and publish .in: this journal„ libey wtllhavp the merit, at mutrate, ,/ %of • being virittenin , all good faith, by tellable 1 - peltinstand in ifteirebOetiVO lonalitide whence ,efiChdidtet *lrbil*. ' • tiri4o4F:Ote;s4ilatAttp* ti,Veyint. . 9 .44 04:the:JO/son* Rapers have boen printing jetters yrrittett horn iCardeis stating t.Grovernor Warn/Michas been compelled to To#ltbry:- • beam' Mb *wakened wrath ori' account , sit ,i!akteitipn' of ',the„ Word and Ittcqco ,• We ,percelve that several of our VostOpirs fiallp info - 'the kali() error. Pit*Wis anplone thing hi Itonawr J. • • feiwideli he is distinkOilted juipkt*arly,other, It is bia moral ,Opurago— hiaiVirve is a vri.sisi and hia unfaltering !ptlirteltoilitton , It i t d h e e a libe o ra ns tely n a t ssum in es i T i hero i in re oeseploc IYAZE*II. He Will nOt fly Itairia;tjiiiiiat;„ 4f heshould leave for itasitins: Ateristillsktato as ail hoporablernani, am), I Vail% falba theatre of • his't*ltrailo'ne: atv 1 4,tirWiirceOinlias he "' P 4 P. l tOffi*, „..il , *(..e..3**.i3OVAiktOi*Oiiiiii9o l 4F'iki 124 4 ... ‘ 0° of Itsjitio.leitoofiPPVlVefstavel). - ,atittnded bait .night. :dAsrlea mithiwaseirdijirp.:4o, tatireenithatonr. tirttiswswalesatera Arch Btreet, , Walnut. Street and i.Theitrev crowded: AC the destenitesed - ties itiebt*squifot iv The Ifravotoreoi is *Olt, likidtOrtiAmvikehonreivirorarrotlhe Aioadeiciy, mis riloiddlal'it Sowed, was Well *filtrated/. *dimple though' net the dtar or the (Waning. *ft* *1 1 .11601 1 ,011 '. " riOni ribilto ' 'Alla ~/04*:4 14V t i' 4 ? ' ,t 5 . t k . 4X‘ ; *- . Ahligars ';' 411,1 c: Tg:lhe 001tit i O1M!.-- 0 6i - Ii i;.0 1 0 4 0‘ "WilrleStillit*Pg/Wilcikil)*Pit *OP* Ma e tat,OVlelkit'Af44o#ll4q434lanY. Ma. 11441`_ mivbas 410 fulfilled i!nlo!*!. ad' -tiliX 4 . 4oo too* gftiltr(aa vre hoard tirmietiteiv*Yeszo ago, Bumka,) but, wtiat ieili,titke ismuMi &chat by nu Means nessitt . d unqua lified Oratpiendation. Ifer Middle notes are anal. iitsfy harnioalets, but when she gets above them ii r 4 t ir eatiflin id fahlt—harsh'and shrill. No dotd)t 14 - sea* ti' tits sir:' We have seldom 'f3l--r.4`'A.-.'11);00qi I*i" V 441 140. The secon'd' tikes , evintag, when PALO' Otstikoisit, Thlberg; Vieux ,tginpe„aad gistspr,fike irMencello, player) will and attrattive ratinhlnatiefi of talent. ilabravatitag, at the lamina Vaud Hall, Madan taii'monte. will deliver liar new leatare, On fbalita niestadAultals furore, and ierana,dad'iniar ptlbiite Teildai2oa by a large bittld VUeadqy wren; nink, li3bb San rtipeat bop 4.4 0 ;1 0 irifidar4 l , l 'anltive dare wy, 4f,* l e'R4ise• • •-• v.4.inee tMoroodore Perry's negotiatfon'Of a treaty With the Japanese govern ment, whist before was a terra incognito to the sminmereisitworgt Am& tnieralkt fit justly mani fested in everything toulting,the papaltapinstita- Mops or that; people.. In aid of this spirit of hi. riulay, we era pleased to - !cern that arrangements are 1)04 Elide gent who 'was th first, uielime,4lY tLe only Aissaeloag,Vrhareskertir any Usag a the,Et4fre, arid tatigle4 #ope, to dourer 1, iintittn Iteving?or itssaVeit Ilia customs, tatibitea,:, and arta, of :the Jaygggqeso., 4 ,I'7,e: have kearttlotteature rattob praised both foi itiMatter tat style, aid we therefore hope that the iablio stiay seonitainan opportunity of hearin one who km! 7 nett peeallar fabilities to gather informs. die GOVERMIL WALYERM COIVIISE 11 Vor sr' sfr : Permit an old per• sena ftlind; sits); as yoi knob, a lifelong and eensistint Depobrah to cingratelate you bfi' your 'seitkina :toad able eepotisal, In Tins Puss, of the .coriraorpnrsroti brOomisper WallteriiidAlieretary Stanton, is the rejection of the fraudulent election _returns of Orford disiriet, and M'Gtheo county, in ltinsis,` Me; IS" no flare,' holvever, than I would attav Or pelted frYfiiott, 'view, dell your imitti• oaf aritecesieitta. • . pr~Clelaemeatbet.with what fearlowand in •trepld AO, thiough =the columned the old Lancas ter Illeifig#Or", you battled agaitist the Millers. :trifiri:,,ls'oriagrViesuslistoiiii, and liantingden Brooch, 'iands, perpetrated by the Altair and Stevens dynasty, in the yeas 1831, is& against the entire henibinatiori or ballot:ha' Milford and pine-layers of"this fitate,'hyArivitever sagjteet they were kpown,:f.TC ryou veld-wink at similar frauds ecru, no matter by whore perpetrated, or even fait to de notinai Mein, you would :strangely falsify the un broken ourrenkf your political life. lt the - Domoorstoi 'of Pennsylvania hams boon emuistent.. And straight-forward In, sey one veracities' inereithfasin tillettier, It' bee been aiiill'cleeouncilnrileotion frauds, let, their, entlite paik bistory shows. They very JustlY regard the purity or the bailohhos, es un atitykis the entlivitsclatand.goverritaental fobrio Ar the ePoetri , andlwhen the hlootliefremeilise Is *fated at tiro fouiliin; hit fhi, afrailim that emit. Asge thsgste,Musi., bo, potionettlikewisii„ . ‘ , When the fputulatiems lire' distrtied,", asks a sacred , wilter whet shall the rightejsca do So in cif peiver Is nor -blatiArdaiffet, ha ve ? , Then' etesttope.eftimgettiat , It Is wally true' that the -Democracy of ionn ijrliamla,lin ellteitristed ideation oases, have in. 1 944 , teere:to sup:McNeil than to form. Legit fonas end'hilinllglitles, it is trae,fibey have 'weedesgisisk blit,titey,Lbev; , not givan to them an , Importance) beyoidathatainaytigre deserved. They %el% aidalitirsarOir+oe. to hi' tiblerved Mime_ ist truth; AO*, anti:Ociaored mulinsillenattiesighteefletth , linteseasiallimes of:I:Won their Moo Olen they tomtit at; lisita4ticsi iwirsaudedt senators aistrepre. APiaildiv4lllto poweitnlB36 ;- tut th 4 ;hints:limy fk4itailkt.' , 44oo o4 49 tia.l44 4 Wer the 'proaeoliarow are , than to **wan:: <Viiiii466.44ooloooll of Amin, heard, a4diii: 'Pleeakttatevr,aisPloo4.uP spot gonsly'fm ihili;slitiadig iliac ;11Lave soil& roktoilitiOlti*Ouvhe4.l=6loiii. wbq will bittitfa beio , roteditiiiithrialsorman, aqd li*Witi4 `*lo3o:llll64l4likaaoOve :seal, for Mt 1404411110ri earshVi9!oung Offerdo. ideraig',/tltlatalidriaanollii,iiiallWria*.do Set, *We,* WS nof Atio . plcount of an en, Eradiation ! An libnest, titsophistioated, sincere, generous man, would h e tool* to mitts, irre spective of abstract niealit)es 11 saved the left of the lad . B tsoa at or. for forms! o n'atdtm t 4 1 W : 1.. rnor ear:has even dim t w i t,. ~ ded the' all ' ."forma" bfOktv. Ido not •.'`V ,: ; 14to i nc to' Bove front , what I have - q. -• , ' that ~ 'en this Ponnillerisation cannot be urged against him. But,.even if he has, the peo ple aro not, by any sash diroty:argarnentation, to have sand thrown into their epee; and have their minds diverted from certain stupendous and fun damental troths, which rise as much, in point of grave and solemn import, above all techatealttlee ' • • abstraetions, as ban life rises, in the scale i aVelhVibtilii tiMiffeidiail ettiffiliti: 'and kid-gloved and starched-collar gallantry and politeness'! , , ~, •-• Besides, there is sw just jurisprudence dispensed over the affairs of men from the heavens; and this righteous and equitable overruling justice tins distinctly recognised by Mr. Buchanan at the close of his able runt excellent letter of accept ance of the Baltimore nomination, That juts prudence is never exerted on the side of irnoact. P. LADELPRIA, NOV. 11,1657. 0. P. Q. BY MIDNIGHT MAIL. . 1 , 411111 WASUIIIiGTOIS. ffloweemadence of The Pre.% Otaytbii Treaty Anattlied—Yrissari soon ro be•recognlsed as Minister from Meatus nopresentative of the United Stitt@s Govern Meat to be sent to that State—England aCheckinateg—Hard Money Message of Me. Buchanan—Bight of State Banks to circulate Hank.:Nolop—Bankrupt Law for the Banks, *o., &c., &c. IVAsuntorox, Nov. 11, ds37 This Govermitent is now pursuing a policy with regard to Central American affairs which will, no douht, Woe deduce, from tiviir present entangle- ment and oonfirion; order and help for our great interests in that quarter. The Clayton-Dnlwer .treaty, unexplainable as has been, and is, its pro "viston to ehollenge the agreement of the °entreat ,lng.parties, will be thrown aside, and thus will be carried out the universal ,desire of Democratic members ~ e f the last Congress, and negotiations between England and the United States, having for a basis the points involved in that instrument, with others which have arisen since, will be once more renewed.. The rights and interests of this Republic, I am led .to 'believe, will be advanced antl i adhered to in these negotiations with all fame ab and. Whatever cenolusionznay be reached Will certainly provide for them eiPlioitly 'and te their most extensive.reciuirements. Olisia" Rica is unshed forward in her vin- Ivarraittable invasion of Nicaraguan territory, according to all reliable accounts current in the political ctroleaof Washington, by Great Britain, who, although now fighting millions of insurgents in her colonies, and with difficulty raising mound means for the struggle, still looks with lodging eye to the control of the rich trade which will pass over tile routes through Nicaragua, 'from "olearsto ocean. Guatamale, and Stec Salvador do not look' with favor . upon the growing arra genet, of Costa Rica. Speaking through their minister to the Ifnited States they utterly disagiee With that .Ptitver in the reasons given by her rulirs for the blockade of the San Juan river, and will oppose her in the execution of her tyrannical de sign in fOrming an alliance for the threatened war with their sister State. Yrissart is this minister, and beside being accredited for these States, he is accredited here ue the diplomatic representative of Nimmons, the name of one of the Presidents of that State' being attached to his credentials. It has not been officially announced to the Depart tient of State that Martinez has been elevated to tire I Preeillertey of Nicaragua', to take the place of the temporary Governnieht, created by necessity, `aftei:the expidelon of Walker; but it has been an nlouneed that there Was' no opposition to him, Jerez, hie Mdfeagne, and his party, uniting in his support. Undet,' these Circumstances, then, it Is , more then 'probable ,that in a short while Mr. Buchanan wilYrecognise and receive Sailor Yrissari, and at .once 'reopen that official communication with Nina ragas which has been so long Closed. As soon "as thht Is done, a minister will be despatched theta to take charge of our affairs. The President iteist lag about for the proper man for this responsre • 'trust. He has fixed it as a sine gun non at nobody Will be selected that does not speak Spanish language. • is time, indeed, the the United Stet" shotild' hoed 'settled policy in that quarter; that stettie shorts otonta r ,f t made to support the interestsof this country there, and to thrust aside England, ' who, ahevo.6card or under-board, as it suite • soaks to gain, wit tight or without it, the control :of the great channels of commerce the world over. - It is rumored; that Mr. Buchanan, in his first Mt imal,metslage to. Congress, will take bold grotind on 'the turreney qnistiou ; that be will re-affirm the prinelpied laid 'down to clearly in his cielebrated speech on tho' Independent Treasury Bill. lie believes that it wait the intention of the framers of the Oonetitptiori to establiab a bard•itioner nat. ranch and 'Og the notion of Gentile eine° Oil ,Noti d shiady,tiepartu.re troth that intention. It alit be hte objeot, then, to retrace the table knee taken, and to bring the Government ,back to the rue ground. The line will be made in the next Congress, whether State banks hartthee.icatutlenal rower. , sy - mititFottouTating - ‘ , promises to pay.", There trill be a large party to take the negativ e of the' wbo will net, it is said, yield until a 'JO°lOlOll65 hien given on the question by the Suprenie Court of 'the United States. A general bankrupt law for the banks will be presented for wilful. This will provide a fixed legal course for putting into liquidation insolvent banks all over Am Union. A despateh from New York WAS last night re • ceived at the. White House, stating that the ar• Turnabouts ordered for protecting the property of the Gove9mant in that'city in ease of a riot, had been promptly and fully made, and that tgele ar 'rangeMonts had restored public confidence end probably prevented shrious disturbance. Alexander Obesney;of Pa., has been appointed route agent of the Poet Ofttoo Department on the lido from W,illiamsport to Sunbury, at a compere cation of 118004.er you. hfarousX t :Pillow has been appointed a lirst,claas ($1,200) clerk in the Vension Bureau. W. D. rapier has been appointed An examiner in the Patent Officeorice A. Herbert removed. -P. B. Clark has been appointed an assistant ex aminer, vice W. B. Taylor. Iteturni Of the survey of township lin es in No brake have been received at the Geueral Land Offloo of townships 5 to 12 N., of ranges 1 to 4 east of the Bth principal meridian through which coursee , Big Bine river. Also, the surveys of township lines of townships 17 to 20 N., of ranges 1 to 8 east of the same meri dian, and through which course Platte river and Elkhorn river. The recoipts into the United States treasury from customs, sales of public lands, and other sources, during the quarter ending September 30, amounted to $20,929,817.81. During the same parted the expenditures of the Government amounted to $23,714,528.3f, The expenses of the War and Navy Departments were over $11,000,000. WENDELL PHILLIPS AT CONCERT HALL LAST EVENING• The anuouneemout that Wen/ell Phillips, of Huston, was to loam° at Oonoett Hall last eve ning, on the "Lost Arta," attracted a very large and intelligent audience long before the hour of commoners. The leature was an extemporaneous effort, arid abounded in learned allusions without number, showing that the subject selected was ono to which he had devoted *mud: research. 'The frequent applause with which ho was greeted by the hudientai was sufficiently expressive of the approval, which the lecture mot with from his hearers, Among the distinguished members of the aohoorwhiCh Mr. Phillips represents, °lithe stand we noticed Messrs. J. Miller hitoKimtri and James Mott. At eight o'clock the lecturer wan intro duced to the audience, and addressing the ladies and gentlemen assembled, said : Ile bad great pleasure in taking hisplaoe among the corps of lecturers in these Northern States this ,ssaiam. lie considered that the system of Lyoeum, stow in pro rota among us, was destined to become one of the foundations upon which the destiny of our future rests. Th I s system of lec tu ring lied bed( intro duced in Europe some years ago, but from its un c ongeniallty to their civil arrangements, it had died oat, but he was glad to say had been again re vived among the Anglo-Saxons of this 'Western world. Thourauda of men were now nightly lis tening to intettigentlea tures upon almost every sub ject all over our country, end it was not predicting too much to say that that Saxon blood, with ice in one band and granite in the other, Would yet stamp its indelible impress upon thirteen States of this Union. Slat to come more directly to the subject of the lecture, he would now briefly . examthe into the reality of the modern progress in the arts and sin enced of which we boast. The phrase was often used, "What would our .grandfathers say if they could see what we are do ing?" He was afraid that the nineteenth century wke° mpch in the habit of taking off its hat to Itself, and boastfully arrogating to itself a credit to which it was not justly entitled. Nor was this charm:4464lo merely applicable to the present age: Loll 13efente Romulus was, (traces had been familiar:with arts Co which her more boastful sue clamor, Rome, had never attMned. If we wen bank to the cradle of time we should find, he thought, that the spirit of the nineteenth century was net strietly One of progress, In many respects we were' oven wilting to admit this. In the arts of painting and sculpture, for example, we acknowledged our' want of proffeleney. The comments upon such works as Powers' Greek Slave were not that it was perfect, hat that it reminded. of Fablan, showing that we dittnet claim an tutlityin tbiarespeot with 'the ancients , e Ant oven ntanybf our beet news et llsa 11. 0, 7 reSPeotable antiquity, and, M I I; { miadetrhtion alit', he cited quite a number ' of Whitens instadeei, that were received by the audlerwas With great. mortiraekt. Some of the Jekyll, claimed to be of modern Origin, he trace,d , to anthers who lived fifteen con. furies ego, a4d lleged that even theyjuld s tow them from Source: rain ingio ancient. But it was not these' arts, bat those Of a more ireettill and Useful ithitraotifi, forwhioli the pre. 'aerft. age boasted snob anparalleledpis-eminence. lAA Illustration of or' emu. . in this reseeek, he Aid th.ht one hundred and fifty yours ago the die. THE PRESO44}rILADELPRIA 4 MUMMY, NOVEMBER 12, 1857. eoveries and novelly of arts recorded In old Greek works were At,t)reorts as fthglons, and yet upon oW andnatioutil wit, fp„W*lllollo4fility, of them had, since then: , ' Wit, -piesinioal eh* There were usually ' ' tiAatpa whiob these olsi‘ro, eorda we $., J/Z " 3 1 41t ,0 reJect' them, he' cause wegiti no • . • , , L , a nd the m and the otitak, wee to Welt pes - . 1 , 11,4* ,Seeueli 4f.'; * nifineetaint t . - :..` t ' . ',, , • ,:. . - .',;( 7''. I The laglo of;; s l svil l' oll ethilE;Ntt u i did-not endentlSA '' intite‘OlvtlAi _i re stand it, WeitillsWeent with by the leo rer ice masterly menner• iltrebte-to commenting_ apes the Machines used with suds mighty forge by Ar chimedes in the clog. of Syracuse was willing to admit the truth of thi history oeCaUre he mutter- stood the powit u tif tik %le di ti lio let reapeati c *ibse staMteegt the , , lilted ala It of stirrore In A a laa en sat hie' shiph of 'e eraellepterfintarsameirefteriateadra , - lons. Yet, after the kat wIl oh Buffett matt In the eolith isf- PrishoblefiGsliteistif itelliesklibillteolt etude a means of warfare hating been actually eoP ed by danlaniteheb lisqNble was at once credited. The art A giros-nail/Pr the lecturer i as a efet'prlintipai bustles of the arts W I=4 ne ste t ad uall o ; drititigr i* p{4 l 7: rettnr i pit e r r t n ieU t l iiiili tlre.l aa he assumption thatgleess was a modern invention wee effectually isentradietedib thereat that the titans elehunsing of-a eityi overwhelmed seventeen anti lints hid brought tolig4t beautiful penitents o, f this artificial eryetsd. Metny,ef the arts connoted' , with Isiss-Making bed eeteallybiten lost.:,,lterest said t at tranblerabedbeeti fotend In'Obrich, When lied With tirittitilltininted 'the a eeriness of beihgfilled ititraetall fi ehni.and w o agate' peered with the (dating Of the water from tile, glass. Then agile, the eoloredigleas of antiqnlifY had never been, sepielled,,in modern timeapt even by the most isetebtatea Free* artisans., e glass In , the_ wlndowt of told obitrehes, upon w tot the stories bid beitt for thaie handfed years, we e so perfect, that a modest! lint etelitimed, on ' Itioke' l ing at.them, and the 4, dim' rellgione light" erhts they caused; with ihatreelbelings of a reset, t hat i 'time' ;reread filate4 hate that heaven - bed -sant- i them deWo rAPIP: O O so44Ponifor,t," .. , 1&I It was _far snore jtherattetts„heye_ver, trt knlff.-1. whether the ineleisbi 'had' eeiedgileillate,fliklAr' ! relentifes plirpossist-:- . t010rn.406, ' toneeopes, - . ) tp:' EVerett had in' one of , file eloquent lectures re-,; oently remarked that Whirs Galileo hod Writ% looked through that tube bf .1110 own inVenting;. then the moons of aerates-.had buret upon kerne* vision for the Bret time. Plot In Gilts Mr. Everett was certainly mistaken.' Thousands of eyes lAA looked Open those gibe befete Galileo lived; elf' might well,be inferred froMthe fief that modetrn I discovery had turned up front' the 'nay relies 'pi:. the past pieces of glass whietteneti of aelenee Wet. ~ prepared to say had once forded parts 'of. the PK escape. . * . - As eet'insteetfe 'of the minute mechanism ef the sealants,' be related a ease of golden ants having beep found so neer ' the same ewe of the natural tint thit, held a few feet ;from' the eye, their legs were imperceptible, end yet, minute a these must have been, there . was a machinery within them by „which they moved as if with natural locomotion. He belleved,that modern times claimed nepenthe' to-this. He 'o.i:shin own possession an image of Hercules ellgraved„oe, an ancient silver piece no lever than a quarter of a dollar. looking at this with the' ;unaided eye there was 'nothing extraordinary in Ito appearance, and yet 'when Viermieresoope was applied, the very hairs of the eye-lashes were distinctly , visible; and modern art oertaiely profaned to, do ne bettor than thie. • In eismiesing the article of glass, thri lecturer thought Oat there was now eueloient evi• depot to believe that thetelesoope bad been known to the' aneitelast,' that it'bed no brother but the Pentateuch, a iia even' that was a younger brother. The 'nearer next 'took up color ea' an theatre' lion of his theme; add showed thatihe ineffaceabill, ty of the colors need by ancient prtista bed never been jenualled in modern times. • liephisers,paltalugst _executed three hundred years age,liteltml. as fresh to-day as the day they wore flashed, andyit Ilifhael was but a bey in the subjoin' he wee' etek 'diseusaleg; and, upon the wholte ise' thoeght -theme. sad barbarisms* knew ta mest es much es we do.. (Great laughter and ap plause.) • , The French hinnies' of being the ,first colorant of Europe; and yet, if they went to te vale of OWL morel where girle Made ehaWlii , worth $lO,OOO apiece, 'Wei 'would nee colors not only that they could not imitate, but thet they were totally igno rankled., ~, r,..1 h, . • The malt Were nexti rt trodueed. by the speaker, and vagina instentes were givete, to prove that even in this. ' tended branch we" Were behind the ancients. , , . , , , , There wits , a itiond extant, that the steel of the ancient Irmo e 'bad been tempered by the soldier seleinettet weapon by the' hilt, pulling it fret:nth° fite,anCruehing np some mountain pass, waving : it ae ,404 rent, end thus enured its els eerier. temper by the cold air to which It was sub. ratted. , This, of o°i:trio, was an exagge'ration, yet it was evidence tit thby were aotignortintif the manner In which steel is produeed: ' • ' Built he hid not already trianoeided the limits of • Lyceum, lecture, he should like to advert to a few, of, the meobiale arts. Tho.pyramida of Egypt were here cited and ,dwelt upon as an Instanee of the unparalleled me ' ohanioil skill of 'Put egos. A very notable fes tal) of these pyraidds; 'was that In the top of the treat pile tvillett covers the kliire tomb three holes had been ditoovered. ' • In order to apiertain whether these were con aeoted with the tfilmb underneath, a oat had been placed dit the,tomb nod kitten let down from the tap by it string..T wenty-four hours afterwards the Arend the Slta were found together in the tomb +, So that these .Old barbarians bad even bOn sidated It worth their While to ;ventilate their tomba, while In the excessively intelligent and .enlightened,nineteenth century, , had not yet progressed so far as to properly ventilate our dwell kne. . . medical acienoewis the no topte of the lecturer. fie believed that this was the hist, discovery claimed by medical Wenn; and yet there were numerous instances in history, many of which were quoted, to prove that the elboacy of water as a rem dial agent was known and practised by the an dante. Charles Lamb had said that the *rater cure wag at least as old as the Piood, although that particular application of its prinelples had ,killed a groat many more than it cured. Among the concliding topics Introduced: was the balloon triumph—tut wag claimed—of modern times. 'lle for his pant had long nattered AlAeolf • ,thiceria-ar. lea.‘ -....-wahlelnvOnt,,Wn the erualuighl diaLm a title to; but 0V4411 this had been *ratted front us, by a runt discovery of Layard; among the ruins of Nineveh; vie : a etch upon which was seulptured a- garden filled with spectators, looking up into the air at a fleet of balloons. The oonottultal; remarks of the lecturer were ohiste avid impressive, and embodied in a attain of rare oloqueneethe idea that arts Were oely worthy of being preserded and improved seamy were made to subserve the great purpose of human elevation. Mr. Phillips spoko near an hour and a half, and retired from the stand, at the elate, amid rounds of rapturous applause. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAW Iromo*ort Dictator—Martlal LawProilitmed NZW °marts, Nov. 11.—The steanship Ten. nesse° has arrived from Vora Crus t 7thinst., with advice& from the city of Mexico to the 4th by mail, and the 6th by telegraph. The Tennessee _brings over half a silllon In Epode, and highly Important intelligence. On the 4th inst. the political guarattees of the new Constitution were suspended, and President bomonfort was clothed with dictatorial ?errors. Martial law has been proclaimed in the district of Cuernavaca, in oonsequenen of imbue aim. °Utiles between the Spanish and Mexicnat citizens. General Alvarez was still sueoessful against the rebels in thiSoath. Later advises from Yucatan state fiat Cam peachy had surrendered to the Goveraccont troops. The revolution In the province had, however, talcen new life, and, indeed, the *tole of the people wereln arms. Wsantemsox, I v. 11.—General Dover, the Connuissioner on Indian Affair, to-dry wrote a kter to Brigham Young, In reply to hiOPOMMUDI. oation of the 12th inet., administering to him a sharp rebuke for the improper manner at' admin istration of the Indian Superintendency in Utah. As he exceeded the appropriations by nor. tiro $31,000, he has no reason to complait that his drafts have not been paid. So far from =enraging amicable relations, Mr. Denver tells him be has studiously endeavored to.impress Upon se minds of the Indians that the Mormons are triode, and the Cievernment and the people of tie United States enemies to the Indians. The rule is to withhold annuities fain hostile Indians, and "Mr. Denver knows no raison why this should not now hO applied to Mr. }lung. In reply to Mr. Young's objection to thoynnence of troops, Mr. Danvor says if it is his intention to preserve peace, they will not interfere with him. However, theExcentive has no alternatir,e but to crush out the rebellion, and for this purple all the forces of the Government are placed soder his control. Young's claim for double salary's against the law, but if it shall bo amertained that his ex penditures were properly made, be will be paid if Congress make an appropriation for that pur pose. [This intelligence was publisher in our Washington letter of yesterday--ED. Psints A number of white men having unlaleullY in truded on the Cherokee noutral grounds§ and re sisted all efforts to remove them, application has been made to the 'Government to eject them by force. , , From Nebraska nod Utah—Colonel Jhhasott's I:mitten—Three Government Train. Mnrnt by the Mormons, , Sr. Louts, Nov. IL—Advice:l, from Port Laramie to the 22d ult. state that Col. Cook's gemmed, the seoond dragoons, were four miles this side of thafort, and had encountered a snow-Orm five days previonsly. Col. Johnson, who,.has in ,00mmand the Utah expedition, was last heard from. when twebundred and thirty miles beyond'.•Sort Laredo, The snow was seven !mhos deep a hundred mileti this side where the expresi loft him. Owitg to the slim supply of Corn, and the entire &Wilco of grassy the team and' dragoon hereto we falling 'rapidly. News bad reaoiied For , tarinilii %Alba Mor mons had burnt three clovernmfliit trains oensist leg of twenty-A.l , e warms, riettr flr#, bine ty miles behind Col. Alexanderi counitt4,4lioh constituted the vanguard a,rray. t his rumored that the 4tivind loth reelseets of infantry, and the artillery huou7,, *lll,tihe pos session of the Mormon villages on Ilearri•er, and make it their winter qdarters t . , Arrest of Gen. 'filfntheo:*t ',14(0 , :041 misted - to lint s N E WOnLeAzis, Nei l- 4:+y°' °Gil WOr sias streaked late last nlght,tli*ollidavi.Citede by the eustem,house °Mears litsrefettop taring design's. Ile itl4;o4l4eil s4'ltted to boil in $2,000. lits,otreist.l!)44,44l)o Enter fere with hie plans, IMPORTA?iT FROM MUICO. Wailtington Affairs the Freshet in . , New lkoak. Ainawv, Nov. 11.—The rkatorth 4 tfltrwaet ern, part of ~the State Peri!gNearlest t at has been ltnow4 fe prevail 1 .,, Oterkland has prove* rrit4e 4sirr O t i v e• . 8 " - 1,1,..' anitltrta on the. New YOXgffilril AM ~;' •.c. - 1. % , (71n broken; and the rha" ' '''; ' ''- - ' . ... 5 '.:•: 34Yaiflor,kiethe ea, reaCilhAt:'" s..'Vt•rli::•C Emit the Wag, , ..,57,-• heiediltillti ' r„, ,-, •f a r , qi, ieetfn that aillr'7lo 4c't 'wain )4042%.'' .tr' — Myatt it ;t:. . .';''',..' pieelpitating Big 011111 loaded with • • 1s• a ditch. There was no parson injured. • Hem are entertained that the old road be tween Etraanae and Rochester will be passable op• t tiV 1, )1 ,” '',, 1 L :P. P. :f1 141;x1i1,4 . ~ Nay. i.— ll'e'ritilrolid (rack im -•:-, talltiatratilif"ftfrignirit sag washed away the 1 brae railfhprikter la 11 higlLasi ntr d d bride i odlior tr. tlio tt ' idge las en t• rl airly. Thd w bogilfiti4 to kg de.' We learn that a po ton of the - bridge near (holing ban been WaSbed swot, but partioulais bay. not plc San itschlidal i M'- 1" The Feedlot he fear Tarr..4hprege to the Erie ;316164„ftv 12X 1 Thirratilifd iidd lirle and WillianisielitliChatliii Railroad bithietiteaf• ;ly goneionarnotettnecanteealmtrit. tette New Yank and Mae Railted Atiok# Molly datuged, 8 1 4 , all 1049'. : • brist scupOtt APs5l1 0 4 Otpottui In i t,h4,l*Wboxe torin oarriek mray,,so that no tr # B rei#4taaßY4oo9 l w#er Is ,4 itqrl4PT4l4s./' .•1 :Aire*" 0 311101.10avt, , wo47ffin1 .3)4B,o4krtkiiip , Mqs , ,t, .16 .ttsrl ti t o k ) or, hre'ortioisitittiolbel which was alio culirel ,telitit. hir441,9=04 1, 1 49 11 s. l s o 9AgaCillatrik , 'Atwar;litbv. It RddY, airiVatertba, has ben• destroyed, by fire. Lose $40,000. • Soiling of the Nista New YORK, Nor. 11.—Tho Persia sailed for Liverpool, at noon, with $600,000•in specie. Bei* Robbed New YORK, Nov. 11.—The Goshen Bank of Orange county, New York, was last night robbed of $30,000 in bills, and all the specie contained in the vaults. The Arabia's News .11osrou, November 11.—The wires on the New foundland Telegraph line, will& were prostrated by a heavy storm which prevailed on, Monday night, aro not yet in order. Nair YORK, November 11.—The Newfoundland line closed 11 . 19 o'olook, and the Arabia's news had not been reoeived up to that time at the St . . John's °Moe. The steamer will be due here on Friday. Destructive Fire in Boston. BOSTON, Nov. 11.—The buildings ,Nos. 13, 14, and 15 Tremont Row, have 'Men destroyed by fire. F. A. Jones & Co.'s dry-goods store is inoluded in the destruction. They lose $25,000. The loss on the other stores has not been estimated. Resignation of Goy. 'hard, of Nebraska. S. Louts, Nov. 10.—Gor..1Sard, of Nogaska, arrived here yesterday, en routs for his home in Arkansas. Re has forwarded his resignation to Washington. The Wisconsin Election CLEVELAND, Nov. 11.—The election of the Do mocratio State ticket in Witkloieln is generally conceded, although the Republicans will have a majority in both branches o 4 the Legillature. The Ohio Mein; Wunzusta, Va., Nov. 11.—Tho Ohio River, at this place, is twenty feet, and rising. Boats are plenty, and rates very low to all accessible river points. Terrible Tornado, Murata, Nov. 10.—A terrible tornado prevailed IA the vicinity of Brownsville on Baturday. Fire at Charleston. CHARLESTON, Nov. 11.—Thefaotory of tho North Carolina Cordage Company was destroyed by the yesterday. The loss amodnte to $50,000, of whloh $12,000 is insured in Northern Aim. MaAtt. Montim,Mov.lo.—Cotton.- 7 8a1as of three days, TX° bales; prices 120321- Barmuoria, Nor. 11.—Flour dull. Wheat dull, evil& :shade lover. Corn unehanged. • 'Whiskey 2243 onto. r Naw °MA'AM', Nov. 11.--The €otton Market is unsettled, awaiting the expeofed news from Europe by the Arable. Bales to-daY, 1,00 bales, reoeipts 4,100 bales; molasses declined 10; lard in barrels 13o; eastern hay $18; Exehange on London 101.! on No, York 1 per cent. premium. Auavam, Gs., Nov. , M.—Cotton. Bales 401) bales. Market closed buoyant at 1341.21 cents. ,• SAVANNAH', Nov. 11.—. Cotton. Oelen 590 bilya at 12a1.21 cents , . • ....CoLustaus, Prov:l•lThacistolso—...eur Moto,. eloeod twileveeoft-est - 110AM Mcneraounstri Ala., Nov.N 11.—The eaten of Cot ton to•day were • , uninsportant, although prices ad winded is; omit. Sales at 1119111 cents. • , CLIMILZEITON ' Nov. 11.—Cotton. Sales 908 bales at full prices . . Good Middling 12a121 cents. 7 ILE CITY. The Unemployed Workingmen of Me Seven teenth Ward.— Another Demonstration at lrashington and Jefferson Streets.—Pall of the Platforot.—Tho meetings hold irb different sections of our city, during the past few days! , by the unemployed workingmen have all boon very largely attended, and of a character evidentlY earnest. In a number of owes the rpeaches have been filled with the most intlamntatory . remarks, the tendency of which certalulrinjurtous to the order of the %immunity end the general Welfare of society., Yesterday ofternmin ' shortly after two o'clock,.. between two and three thousand persons assembled at the oorner of Washington and Jefferson atkoets, agreeably to the adjournment of /nether meeting, which was held at the same place on dopday, in pursuance of the following catemilTely circulated call: "To the unemployed workingmen and mechanics of the Seventeenth ward: Believing for tome time poet that a movement Would be made by the citicene of our ward towards relieving The suffering and d istreas which prevail to a greet exteM" in our midst by those whom fortune or other circturudaneee have placed above went, and as no action has been taken ea the subject, and no our patience is estenated, we now call upon the work ingmen, and all those who sympathize with them, to sa... ennoble at two o'clock P. 51., at the corner of Washing ton and Jefferson streets, to take into consideration ,abet le beet to be done to relieve the wants of Buffeting humanity. By order of, the committee of arrange ments." The meeting was organised by milting William J. Ash, of the Seventeenth ward, to the chair, and appointing Mr. Axe as secretary. A weakly -eon• emoted platform, at an elevation of some eight or ten feet from the ground, answered the purposes of a rostrum, and was surrounded by about as Silo a body of wofkingmen as we have e'er aeon gathered together on one occasion. Mr. Jamea O'Connor, chairman of the previous meeting, was Intreduced to the assemblage, and stated that in company with others who had been appointed to wait on Mayer Vim, in relation to the mass meeting of the unemployed workingmen which Is to take place this afternoon in Indepen dence Square, he had discharged that duty in the morning. The interview was described as being of the most pleasing and eatisfactory character. The Mayor hitd, spoken to , them very frankly on the subject which now so Inuit ocouptes the public) mind—that of adopting speedy measures of relief for those who are bowed Awn by distress, and who ire willing but unablOo'obtain employment, and had promised the committee that whatever he etnild do toward Maiming them' in the prosecution of any peaceful and lawful design, would he very cheerfully done. (Enthusiastic applause.) Mr. Sch.:lutes then mime forward and read the following statement, twhich is to be submitted to CitiCounoils : To the President and Menther., of the Board of Select and Gammon Gannet? of the city of Philadelphia. Gstivtanstr,--A public mooting of tho onus.. ployod mechanics and workmen of the Bovonteenth ward was held tjn Monday,' the 9th instant, for the pnrposeof taking into' censideintion in what way their grievance' mullahs redretised Or their anger ing Mitigrited.' Th,flk PeOpOd to be .but One Pre- Vatting, 0P14104 9aget.t)ttint—that et working for' ,a living. Bat,hon Wit that with to "be supplied wherelolt week! pros. remunerative both to the engagers tindemploYedl *Solutions were passed stating the oausethrhiolikalled them together, and &committee was appointed to.divise nations for their N We, the undepalgeed Members of the committee, haring altary oritioal duty to perform, and been oliesen from the aeitting without much fine for attkay,,nifoic nn ittilointed time' to oonoldbr what could bo doraito , retieve their distress. Our con- Wia,Abitt *anklet make 10, appeal to your honorable fio -take their ease- immediately into oonsideration, and adopt some plan whereby not only those men, pit numerous others through out the city, can beprolltobly emp . loyod, No deubt ninny will say , that it IA onsy for us to ask your hellorablo bbdieh to provide work for the delving lames, but it it hard for yob. to perform it with the ballots! again of the city ginoarnment ahnOtt in a Stele of bunkruptoy,' gad city warrants hawked - about the streets without rumsoy in the treating to r e deem , g ook N ew , weeottAllto to wpm a plan to your honorable lotilby,,whioh the) oah be °rooted with out 1061 theproperty, hail:rote, Apse int er e e t we have as much at hehit ad that viltom lob under take to 'Provide tor: Now, hhia ootinnittee Bello % that there leplenty capital in tine city ; all it, Sleeks safe invest. moot ; and.wo prcpaee thotieur hohonlblo bodies will horrwi s tp tlita pont of spo,ooo, or mere— that you will espeu4 th e in iMptoTtnl in too prooln*of this peat city that too ambunt which is tuuttiskity to MAP the interest of thilVeum for given pirka suirbe taken of the hot'.f it, and dednotedlrtor the wages of those who will be, employed during the winter; that a oommittes . br your lionorabla body will compute , how, far that wM go tornoulgtt the winking classes / Awg how long ltritotiltl, t4r,e you to &pond that siiniin the orObleaway thithloh you havoiterelaforiseen ft p. prspriating ttioney **A purposes; Jellerittglortnan improve tageradatilinnewlitetr we ednahlet.prioticable, vre„hopeyeantrill 'mho no delay in commencing °paragons. And rair couw , mOdspoas In duty bound, shall ever prayi 'du., bo. Tim lading of this stattanont was gtedtod with 1404414 ePPloww• Oar, toehealoe 'who read the ? following opetition, Whit% was unoulmouely adopted ac the eapgetolon of the sentimenti of the people of the Seventeenth ward : To the Select and Comtnon Council, of the City of Philadelphia: The undersigned, a portion of the unemployed residents and laborers of the Savants° ward, . , . .. regretfully represent to your tol• .! to, , ire,Aldth consequence of the vast o .- a% : , 'and dlatress whioh prevails thro u k' , At_ 1. haidttent of the city, and more es I ' Vittiataisteenth W.ard, they are comps lici ' irly to'petition for theadoption of some etkod • ulated to afford prompt relief to themselves and those dependent upon them for their daily sup port. In the midst of apparent affluence we are In want, and thunetisurrounded by every external indioation of weal% sto need the common noses. a•es of life. As hatbands and fathers we petition •.- , and sea we hope you will heed ns. There '", • • ' ' •40 1 10140thess willagieitigsbe i ',,,. ; no I f p as to forOa or arms; nothing * ''veis'':'tPoti .aPailp*lbn of •Ret¢ Mho, are kla a 'i airy, No that they bay fir'" food an ;raiment. for their wives anti ' . '''' ' who are mew drooping 4hrough, hanger an , na e.ness. W ado mostearnostly, In view of the alarming eeMdition of ourselves and other dieraployed , lilt. nem, w i fe upon your Amporable bodies a prompt proseo# OA 4* isA the publii, jerks and Improve ,. nuts Mali histe,hatoopt i ojepted and for whieh ap. igroprta done hauls been made! SttolVeotlon en your part, creditable aS it would be to yourselvesi is oallontfor by every oenelderation you can have for the welfare of your conskttueney. While• it *ill give 04.1pp:tint to thdja'whgagir r i llOßl WO nut alto for algid ikiellt be ' Mehlitirtnt to , ,many,needy onee; ' 10, Ird 'l , i lol oal t i lielirbiedid strong it . 'Sir 0 .;.• Evelymdapathy 0f, 2 j... ), At ',-, - o °ease. .!,very ois , q• '" • smdkeltion whsrah We lit . ~ , 51 Write: - te description were mode bypre. Messrs. Weldh, Dennis Street, (who was particularly .violent,) Ash, and O'Connor. At about four o'clock a delegation of workingmen from Spring Garden, beaded by Mr. G G. elsok, chairman of the "city committee of unemployed workingmen," made their appearance. As they stepped upon the platform, it showed signs of giving way, and a number of persons were in duced to jump from it. Mr. Clark took the stand and stated - that at a meeting held In the mornidg ho was elected chairman of the committee of one from each ward, and was determined to contend' for the tight. JD referred to 'the meetiall to be hold (in Independence Square,. and expressed a hope that it would be conducted in the most or derly manner. Be desired to gee no bannere, de. [At this.moment the platform gave way, and some fifteen or twenty persons, oureelves among the num ber, were precipitated to th e ground. We found our selves almost suffocated under the heavy weight of three or ftiur men who had fallen on top of us, and it was with the greatest difficulty that we managed to regain a standing position. No ono was seriously injured, although several persons had their arms and legs bruised. A Beene of the molt intense ex citement prevailed at the time of the fall of the platform, Mid it was some momently-before order could be restored 'Speeches were made by John Thorp, William IL Jones, Mr. Stafford, anti others, who counselled moderation, and deprecated all attempts at vie !elms. • It was resolved to proceed to -day to lade 'pendenee Square, not in a body but individually; after which the meeting adjourned, THE INTERVIEW - WITH THE HIM . . IA this f voilneotion We may state that at half-past eleven o cloak yesterday morning, a committee of workingmen, now out of employment, presented themselves before his Vonor, Mayor Vaux, to con sult with him as to their condition at the present time. They numbered twenty-four, one from each ward in l the city. They were headed by Mr. Geo. Carat', who introduced his companions in suffering to his honor. The whole party stood round the table in the Mayor's private office, each man bad lie hat in his said, and bowed respectfully to the Mayor 119 they were introduced. Tko Mayor re ceived them very corirteetiely, saying, " I am hap.. py to meet you, gentlemen." Mr Carter said : Il it please youillimor, Mayor of the city of Philadelphia, we have presented our selves before ,you this morning to ask your consent to our proposition to hold a public meeting to-mor- NOW. Mayor.—r am perfectly gall:stied; there will not be the slightest difiloulty in your way, Mr. Car ter your Honor have any objection to grant us permission to hold that meeting in In. dependence Square? Mayoi.-4 have no control over hie oity property department; for that you must apply to this corn tuisstoner of oity property, Mr. Ahern. For this purpose I would recommend that you appoint a sub committee to meet him at twelve o'clock, and I have no doubt he will cheerfully meet your wishes. • Mr. Carter: l lM there be aril expense attend ing the ereation of the stand ? Mayor.—Mr. Ahern will give you all the infor mation you require on that subject Mr Carter.—Will you assure no that the pro tection of the pollee will be extended to WI ? Mayor.—Most certainly. I will do my part in maintaining the peace of the city, and in protest ing you from any infractions upon your rights whilst carrying out the objects of your meeting. 0210 of the committee here addressed the Mayor in the moat feeling terms, as follows Permit me to address your Honor, the Mayor of the city of Philadelphia. Peihaps you little un derstand the experience of the vrorknigrden - at the present time in this city. Our true position is this: We want well-. because bread for ourselves and families Is thclegitintate result of work, but we cannot get work. We were unprepared for the -.Asia at the time when it came upon at We were discharged without .rt.moluent'a notte,e as id our families arelarollericiikinswittetioe.: M. Mayer ? we are eapable (if - loaning, and are prepared make a loan, to the city of Philadelphia. There is work enough to do on our streets, and we can do it. Wo will loan our labor, and our labor is capi tal, if you will assure us that the scrip of the city, which we are Wiling to accept, will be taken for broad and butter, tea and sugar, or other such necessaries of life as may be wanted to Batley the araTings of hunger. We are peer, and at thapoint of starvation. We cannot beg, for that is against the law. We will not steal, for that is beyond the limits of that character which, as workingmen, we are not prepared to part with The Mayor, who seemed to be deeply afflicted by the scene before hint, then addressed them in sub stance as follows: • Gentlemen: I ant oxceedingiysorry thatoircum stanees, Ink, as we all labor under at the present time ' but more particularly whioli bear down with groat weight upon , the workingmen of our - city and county, should have brought no together this morning. But, gentlemen, 7 think the pros fleet brightens. These dull limas are but of short daration ; they Cantiot, in.the nature of things, last long, and there will be a demand for labor again. • Ha said that he could see every day the evidences of a change for the better. No man had yet made bold to eaplain the cause of the - great 'revulsion which bad laid business prostrate and turned the man of toil out of employment. He certainly did not pretend to understand what bad baffled wiser men than him, but there wee one thing that he wanted to have infused into soeiety, and that confidence— confidence, gentlemen—and as the Mayor used this expression the delegation bowed their &s Sent. There was more confidence necessary to establish a firmness in the thoroughfares of business and corn mere°. Without confidence our families would be thrown into disorder and misery. Confidence be tween man and man was necessary to establish peace. The workingmen of the city of Philadel phia would do well to remember the feelings that have always animated her citizens in the discharge of their duties—love. "Love each other" has al ways distinguished Philadelphia, and he hoped they, the workingmen, would not depart from that good old rule. lie appealed to their know ledge of each other's circumstances, and hoped that they would be united in love and perfect oonfidenee. Above all, he enjoined, upon,them respect for the law and constitution of our dtty and State, and the man who, for sinister motives, might enter their organisation to distract and excite them to carry out those designs would bo watched, end would be held responsible to the law for his acts. lie reminded them of their duty as moral beings, responiibie to that Alusighty power who rules men and nations. lie looked upon them as the bone and sinew of the city, the strong arm of the community. He concluded by advising them, for the sake of their bunnies, and for the sake of them selves,apd for the sake of the community, to put confidante in their common (led, and to set as men witti.hearts, which he believed them all to be. Gentlemen, let nothing be done unworthy our fame as a " City of Brotherly Love ." Ito bid them good morning, and they left immediately. Arson Case.—Yestordqy afternoon, before Alderman Eneu, at the Central Police Station, the three young men named J. Dougherty, J. MoClare, and Daniel Macmullin, had a shearing on the charge of, getting fire to a stable at Pavia street and Pennsylvania avenue, oh Sunday, ,morniug, Mr. John McCosker testified that while in an unfinished building •in that vicinity •be was at tracted to the window by hearing a conversation Waldo. Ile Raw some youngmen (this defendants) and board thein arrange a plan to aet fire to the stable. After the evidence of the Fire Detective, 41esander W. Blaekbuzn, who testified to the arrest, the accused wore held to answer the ohargo of arson at court. Fires,--4bout five o'clock yesterday morn ing a slight firo.oectrred in an .oil faotory in Ohtlatisn street, above Sixth. The damage done Was quite trilling. Yesterday merle Tire broke out in a row of frame buldlingsOC t Gray's ferry read,below th e toll.gate,'ormod by atthew Newkirk, Esq. The estimated loss is about $3OO. We learn that it is the • intention,of Abuse who will participate in the meethsg jp ,Indepen dense Square this afternoon to dispense entirely with, banners, tinge, acd music. There are to be no large delegations from the different 'Wardle, but all are expected, under an order of the chairman of the conamittee of arrangements; to go in their indi vidual capacity. Another Meeting of tho.nnemployed work ingmen of the eit.y.apea b o ld er i_ eteg a the Aoteon Brewery, Noithlhird street. The speeches aad reanlntione lib**, of the same deearlptien as those Of fortnin miatingt, The proceedings were ipitited; nut were piirticiPeted An by e ' nuol's ber ,of persona. , Speeehoi were made in unglish aißt Gorman. Last evening a young man Waft picked up in the street, 'where he das found In an insensible condition, and oonreyed to the, Central Station, y„.lt was ascertained that he wen suffering from eon. gestion of the brain, /pod Dr. Coed, of the Board ' of Ilealth, was called In. Its the wane of an ihair:the patient reNived, and was taken borne. Relit( Meeting —A relief tneolltig of the i g. , th i iim,f (Oho Statewide. ward was hold last eVen jug, a t,, 410,110dt:1g Room, southeist corner of Laurel and Itetobel streets :The attendance was respectable; and a froward Aiwobletlebrforted. Police t the wards were Item.—We do not remember a day 1 4 whieh furnis so few police ittems,as f iesterd'ay. The returns lieutenant( while thkodleurof the pollee dev e o r id et o u t rni t o e f t rom magistrates Fere comparatively. deserted. rt Beauttfidestabiishad at Morrie Cp.'s Ntirka, In the Wirreteeath,ward. '044/110 good/terra to tbeoillisena of that Boor !shins portion of the city. .a 4 Funeral Drum.—The decease of Mr. At '"""" -41 " 61111411614111 * -1111111 WW11*.-- E. man has. , nted a presentation that Plimall.ntriai Mlif.di — Erentait.-tQuereitron r woul do. • • , ii" . 24 ' ' s,.- n one of much Kenn- • Emir continues to be` tisk& fteitly at it arrives, at Ina re- I;•;. .-" of a " kettle drum" ,„ i n t; . w a s b oo , t .. yi noto , o t i IMIO for fratioality. Breadatollessttilitt no "ner d, it " , It ed that Mr. gaud: ationoandstbent 2,000 bilis flour. somas We s t on , an Id pre. ' -,t it on -„ Irof the Band. This ! extra;. liaie 'lti4ze taken at 05.42a55:7k The F;: , - it, will - ,n t , - . , . eral of Mr. K., form , bou t of the Ales 40/1, ^es allie ,getwase figeria e for . P e ean tedd .ia ' .., • Elwor th more will perform , ail , shipment. Standard saperfne is bat ss-rt ~. . . ~ gin ':.,°_ ~ ..i f mr. wainwri ht ---- 1 per bbl, without Swank lihrownethat rate. The g ett „„,.,,, A ~...a 1, 4„..„,,,„„0 t--s=tm t at fi,4,,, heari in th e ease of William Wainwright, ~."-7.7,', " _e.,"'" 4 Ll ." r 'l= ~,......z from la la • ' ~resident of the Commercial Bank, who is .1 • 1111 i 4 . 01 $ 3. - 24 Pu1 4 g."w" 141111 ,,,.."'“`"'`,.. 7 - oba . • with perjury , which was to hare taken itallepplhe latter-for famry iiiiillY Yen/A' 'yam Vase last evening before Alderman / 6 / 4 1.6 bti ' Meal and Rye Flour remain inactiiii:'ind -the was postponed until Monday next, in consequence I .. rkot s t it t 3 AO fit n l . Alai Alp 2.5 for of the absent, iii thg Wed attornurvi ( Voilfitif Wait s ' Wh'eitS arejitlgNiallteAth - DistributtlYtV of•Dfeicr.:LZYnetibMit after- 1 - -- • - - - -•--- - onto • title • 7, }bushels were ban_e_l l lPW . n gf. ~.PA.,44, 4 0` ,4•o„.fererOsWMPW"Sof4 ll - 3 " '31r,35. for White, 1110 , 00121.10,,nranted, -and about 90e bushels old yellow brow* 76sitSeal, - 4,000 i ldtelield neW sold at 56c, and 500 t Mii,idsdo.;at , . Ontssimminehemged, atiA4,llooemslaidaficesth ler, 4niil Petite - Of/A* have -toilikVtikkt VtaMtle. Jt3te„ll:Aellinit:na' *Anted at .7313. 5 Ther fee &diem and PenrutriOir Cotton is not itttpdrell fn., Viitiii Mot ore ifiiittot to moouxototottbio th• etesintAGatafien-eneh.eaulAtaut-AiseeezieLare 44,-voimperallybtld obolethaylewe aLbnyers, cro:iiiirial digialaidoTi•iludta anisAtieni at P ri ftßej s ZPA lll V ig _:_, I .. 4 6 , l2l LVt" rth Y of po w : are ...,.. ,p. •,......• o.erseed, 'abd'iliti2.2s-Pir Hebei ihr TinibtlY, iitnitgeor none ofterioir, or setting. , ,Wkiskez is,selling too 4eritiaidat',2lefof *41#444,44 pismic for arrel's, itii'litt:4oolli,:::..!:: -, - at Willow street, below Third. from a lager beer establishment, ItgrajoielpWft poor of that die. trial. A largo et - of arsons were present, PPkaerdij A_ An examtnalunill be 'field SIP" &nor Baundere' St West j raleiPbja, on i6ioh ereation addressee MillibeVilbrered by Rev. Dr. Wattwortlk sad Mr. SjiNtlr. ;1 a """‘" %--)1A1 e, • . .• tIllf. , 1":') 111 X ,Poto.Npy .iftwopraittA r lieir:u, Telnie bf WIWI& l ifsigpto at..tabratheseittiomikr. •Psnwlsiiiiisc sant MI 1 1_ . 6 _ 1 !!§laft, ?‘„lit'oga• lion sixes of 1.14,5t,g, 1114,9§ , M7 iftf; o ; Bear larset - llatinad, sissest ink t attudiptVa . ind Amboy . 44 e, Or IVO at 65; Cbookieig Ihiaiscre 01'7141116 4144 litarth' - Itos4 ll 4o, ll .4aroaa_., ftii#41#41444:061; proffardi 41 : 00:lit•fiWY s '-tf • . Attiliso ' so:4 -Ito of TiodAell- Alta to -e eB on be found important to !his is A movement is ly errors appear to be ..iums'eash, the same as in the fire business, and the credit on yearly rlsks six mouths for the whole premium. The company which first comes down to the cash system in its business, and pays its losses as soon as they are as certained and proved, will ultimately be the most Successful. There is no brangh of business in which oompetition has done more injury by extending credit than in that of marine underwriting. We are glad to see the Board of Underwriters moving in this matter, satisfied, as we are, that it will , prove in the long ran sdrintageoas to the policy holders as well as to the companies. The new tariff of credits, we are informed, is essentially as follows : Ou single risks, " to or from ports in the United Steles or British Provinces," the credits to be re• aimed from three to two months. " Out and home, on seine risks," from four to three months. . On risks " to or from the west ?oast of America, and to the Sandwioh Islands," ot vice versa, the credit to be Sour months instead of alx months. "Out surd home," six months lastemnif eight months. On open policies, " from all foreign ports to porta in the 'United States," six months. On all inland open policies a credit of eight All eien policies 16411 full, to be closed until a new oseditlse. opened. Premiums under 350 to be considered as doe in eash, but when the accumulated premiums of any one party, during any one month, exeeed 1)50, a credit of two months may be allowed. An pre miums to be settled, according to contract, before the delivery of the policy. Premiums for time risks, for one year on vessels, to be settled by two notes--one half the amount at six months, and the other half at twelve montha; and in cue of non-payment at maturity of the first note falling due, then the policy there after to be void and of no force. The same ride to be applied to all risks ad shorter periods than - twelve months. The Persia to-day took out $600,000 in specie, being nearly half a million less than *ea antici pated. The Arabia, due atlialifax, is aapposed to have on board upwards of one million of dollars These shipments of specie to and from the country will continue' hile exchange MAW unsettled, and debtors want confidence In the drawers of bills. There have been several heavy shipments of silver from Mexleo to New Orleans of late, and to. day the telegraph, aanouneee the arrival rif : the Tennessee iteanuthieWith half a Inlpioa of debars more. It appears that we are likely beasfiwth to receive a large end steady supply of silver from ?deem mines. We copy the following official, advertisement of the receipts and expenditures of the United States for the quarter ending September 30, 1837, Geolo gy° of trust funds and treasury notes funded : Prom cuoroms $18,273,727 27 " sales of public lands 2,00,449 811 incidental and allecellaaeona swum 296,841 OS ._ 4 ,20,429,817 21 IMPRXDITUSES. civil, tof' ign fittfo••=29. Odd zdoooili. neons f - 2419Ad0 vo Intarlor (pedaled sod Indlo2l • 1 3,24,903 99 , • 7,29149* 83 N. 17. -'-- ' c:. . - 8,914,909 99 Old public debt - '.... .sa e Bodomptlon of stock lose 1842.241,429 fe -Do • do 1848. 25,100 00 '•' Do . do' '1847.40.650 DJ Do , do ' 184E1.911,900 00 Redemption of Tezoll iodetrd ty stock Payment to oroditore of Texas per act of 9th &pt., 1950.... 89,019 04 Iledempt'n of bounty-land stock 25 00 Premium on stook redeemed... 243130 00 Interest on public debt, Weld& in; treasury- notes We annex a comparative statement of the ex ports (exclusive of specie) from New York for las week and since January Ist: 1855. 1856. 1857. Total for the week.. $1,424,903 11,493,364 $2,111,469 Total for 10 m0ntha'63,896,098 68,970,988 81,979,266 Since Joelst... t P 6,320,001 $68,464,932 ;64,038,135 The following are the footings of the Boatop bank statement . for theyast week., ~. - • • Nor. 3. Nov. 10. Capital steak 1131,960,000 $31,90,000 Loans and diaeounts 50,125,700 50,530,600 Specie 3,090,700 3, 33 '0 0 Due from other banks..., 5,442,600 5,953,500 Duo to other banks 3,300,000 '4,295,000 Deposita 14,624,000 14,176,566 Circulation 6,970,600 6,223,000 The Pon says: "'The money market continues in about the same quiet state that has been ex hibited for several weeks. 'The banks are still in creasing their specie—on Saturday morning,' they hold $3,420,600, a gain of more than $1,100,000 above the lowest point of September. Money is easy enough at six to eikitper cent., for those who retain bank confidence and. call for.moderate sums only, In other words, so many large . borrowers have been recently killed. off that the banks are able to take care of the remaininggood ones, when their requirements are reasonable. Outside ne gotiations an on the increase, though not yet numerous. Loans on prime stock eollaterals are in more favor, and paper, with a few favorite exceptions, ig rather despised. With exactly the right names or stocks, money is pretty easy of access in the street, at 11 to 11 per cent. and occa sional loans are made at 12. But for anything in ferior to the very best in the mind of the lender, money is almost as tight and dear as ever. There Is, however, a general indisposition manifested to submit to very high rates, with a current idea that money is to be latch cheaper ere long, on a wide range of securities, pow considered inferior." The amount of toll" redeived on the New York State canals for the fourth week in Oototer• was $91,195, against $143,8 . 0 for the same week last year. The total decrease in tolls this year, up to the close of the fourth week in October. was $597,950. Two bad breaks in the Erie canal, near Palmyra and Newark, are reported, and at least fore days will be required to repair the damage. This is particularly unfortunate just at this time. The $500,000 New York State loan, to supply a deficiency in the sinking fund, was taken on Mon day at an average premium of five and a half per cent. A portion of it went as high no 108 13. PLULA.DELPIIIii. STOCK EXCIIANGB SALES, November 11, 1557 Reported by R. Manly, Jr., Stock Braer, No "80 k Walnut ttrat. TIRST BOARD. 2000 14 Puna It 6 , 8....48 I - 26 Wirilibuig R 49K 100 Rending lots. iey 141 do_ 425 do 104.18 X ,30 do .........x5.18}( N Popo 11....caeb t 8 30 do ..... cad,. 8 2 Morrie. 0612 pref • 3' 'do` s tag 20 Belly Mead It .....80 , 2 do 2 111beh111 b 7 5 do - b 7 do 10 4 Girard 204 . 0 8 8% , 25 4.4 cash. B,V OD do 48 3000 do 48 830 Wilmington 4 o's 81% 1000 Otttn&n. & 6s , 53.60 11100 Soh No 6's '72 ...70 100 do 70 1200 do '82.65% 1000 Ches .4 Del Cs 40464 • 3000 do 64 1000 Pei It .1/sort 11.82% 4000 do 82% 1000 Penn 6 , s 81% 6 Nortietoyta 4 d . . do o .... 10 do , 56% BETWIIIth ..... ..°1 1 44.1 8 $ • SICIOND. BOARDS. 60 Long Wand R 20 Reading R 0 do SedltD. 11 Penn R 36,..; 2 do 3034 20 do 30x I 6 do ' 36X 36x 30 MLlTlebarz R 50 23 N Peon it —.cash. 3 1 Morris Canal pr.. 80( 5000 Penn 81,1 f 5000 do 111 0000, Ca Jatzi R 4106,1.00 1000 N.& Am RI% 16:69 • • • . SOO Saba 70 5 v So 1 99.5 X 1000 P*99 11 o's lstmt 91 'ZO City 6's 200 do , 1000 do • . ORB—PIR3f. RM. Asked. get N es 'O2 prat ld Wmi'td:Elmß7 11 do lit mart Vow . go do do 2dus, 494 . 1 61 Lood 8X 9 Vicksburg Girard Bask itx Lehigh Zin0..... % 1 Usiouthertal ..... 3 3 X New Creek.-- X X Catasisse R R... 5 7 RST. °Loki* r Rid. Asked. findel 444 , —B4 N lAN Pananyri 81X hong:C ' 18)4 /3 )ti do oda 10 OS do 5 6'0,4d 81 Penns SR SOX NIX 'diOrrln Ond Con 85 40 Bohn N as k 7 553( 278 stoo . . ~•• I 7'lT • /00 180 do Reed!lig ..... ..!.t../8X /8X 100 do b3.11X 100 Reading 18% 110 do 4wz..1.3% Indict close* .„16e18X , - NEW YORK Odrrial IiftiRKIBT, Nov. 12. For baeres, at The Vaabington Drove TOIL corner ,Srjourtl; &voile' auet Emit itzest ; at ChW,srlain'aTlialsou Emit Bult'a, *ad, foot:bf I 4eltistsou Welk 7ltor /MTN, 'WSW and 14.1•00, (*M P " a iallag, • " , Prownilig ' s. in Blzetktiseet, sear Third , areas, and also nt - O'Brion's Omani Bliira Road, (far eows, onlvia 4 and bantam clay) P mg "" et ' - l i t r a r; v iin t..: .. Rslititen I Tor , a.. rind ci na ri quality per girt. $9.50410 Ordinary ii,nslitY do Commori quality ....„do , 04.50 Inferior quality do • 114.5043 cows 'LSD CIFIrtIr.. . -, • - . - . Viritirp ___ First quality Ordinary quality. Common quality.. Interior quality.. Extra quality.. Other qualities. First quality.. Other qualities ?irst quaTlfi, °Merlin"Sties aMe. ...13.5n.saira.—The receipts of Boef.Cattla damn' g the past week have been heavy, and mostly of an ordinary description— About 3,000 head have been offered at Alternates. The average qeatity of cattle was somewhat inferior to that pf.last week, and the demand in consequence was-mode rate. There is einnisinquiryfur good beeves, which are very scarce. The market is about half a cent lower, taken as an average, but some. ;abut were made at about 10 cents, which is about as mach as was obtained last. week. The supplinune chiefly train Illinois, Ohjefend this State.- Salm ere made mostly at about 9 cents, with perhaps fall as many under as there was SU and-under that figure. The attendance was large, but the market decidedly Bat, being more dull for4ll stoat than last week_ Therewere about 3,300 head on sale at the ydrds, which is about 200 head more than last week. In all probability a large number wilkbe left over unsold. Milch Cows, Veal Calves and Sheep, aid Lambs are gaiteedingly dulL The latter sell ate iodize. tion of two or three shillings per lteid lewribau last week . The pens are ihdl of ahem, while there is but very little doing. swine are plenty and sell it a roduetkvn otle. BUFFALO, Nov. unedisaged • prices. Sales 3,000 btu. et.54.001811.1h for Jew , fine Tipper Lake; $4.8740.25.1ar altos Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan: Wheat inner. , • Sales 60,000 bus. at 711a806 for 'Clain* spring; 83.84 is for Milwaukee' dub; $l - .lllfairils Tor' White Canada. Cora steady. lons _ at. cOe. Oats firmer. Sales 004 , hip 'rif t . cents , musts, Freights active-14 wheal tailreMTork. lake jasper!" for the twontyqour beers Nova* at DOGII to-day-4000 bbls. flour; 150,000 Inmeibizak 73,009 bus. emu. Canal erports—' 1%000 bea.irlitiar, 0,000 bus. corn, - • CHICAGO, November 10.—Ploor tie*. Wheat Inn ; sales at 64e. Corn active; gialea at 480. Oats quiet. Shipment, to Buffalo—Ka Soar; 06,000 bushels wheat. Shipments to Oswego—NO Soar; 47,000hoshels wheat. Reeeipts tegday-1,700 bbls Sour; 100,000 bushels wheat, - holds emu. °SWUM, November 10:DAUM Wile* is stead 7 ales to-day, ir,oao bushels at 87}aMe for Chicago Spring. Cora is dell; for warders are buying to put np -freights, but there are no shipments from' which to fix quotations. Lake imports--LT,200 bushels Wheat, and . 2,00 a bushels barley. Canal esports—'2,6oo bbls Sour, aid 0,000 bushels wheat. CINCINNATI MAIIIIRT, Oot. 2,— . llowr—The market remains inactive, and prises nominalbr un changed. The bad weather and abeence of ad vises from New York - operate against titUfside. The sales to-day were canine& ta 150 and U.§ bbls at 54,50; 140 do extra at $1.57, acid 54 stoat WO. The receipts during The last twenty-four boors were 2,365 bbla. Wbiekey—No change In the market. The ales are 900 bbla aklsk, and.lso do from wagons at 1.51 e. Seed-LA sate of ISO ba Hex at 80e, a decline. Oil—A wile of 100 blMresl at 650—time. A material decline; Also, 20, do Linseed at 530. Batter.—A sale of 10 bbls prime; roll 20c. Market arm- for this description Groceries.— Nothing new in thee market worth reporting. The demand is quite moderate. Wheat.—Sherri 1e no change' in- , *Wad • te itKatt--- equal" to the ,reeellitir, an pro Oales of 600 besbels good white at 87c ; 380 do do at 880 460 do dowt 86o; 260 dd dent ne; 4)0 do red at 76e;,400 do ,fair white at. 831 e. Cosa Sales of 1,100 lin:halt at the sipper depot at 38e. We to 38 to 40Oas themeet /tye is in fair request at 56adite. Matley,there tea fair inquiry for prime qualities of spring and tall; but the market is still unsettled, ritut we.. ninStajpote prices nominal at 6045 c for fall, an 4 45 a 65e for spring. MATTERS AND THINGS IN 111RW,YrAILIE. (From the New York papers of last evening.] '.. CAPTIIRE or MORRIS O'CONNELL, raa ALLXMCD !drape amt.—Morris O'Connell, the alleged mur derer of Theresa Spitxlin, strangled on last Friday night in the basement of No. 31 Greenwich atmt, was captured at Gi o'clock this morning at the home of Sirs. Murphy, the corner of 6th avenue arid 27th street, b 7 Off Gilfeather, of this lit precinct police, muted by three of The list pre. met officers. O'Connell is the fellow who %seep from (*Eder Gilfeather, on the night of the murder. and since his escape the officer has been unremit ting in his exertions to retake him. Ile states that he has scarcely slept, night or day, since his pri soner got away from him. In his efforts to awe! , tein where O'Connell had secreted himself, he was aided by the police of the 15th and other wards, who are deserving of credit for their perseveranee and untiring exertions. - O'Connell was traced from place to plate, but, until found at the house of Mrs. fifurper, always managed to elude the officers. This woman is either a relation of his, or a particular friend, and when questioned as to his being in her house, she denied that he was there. Officer Gilfeather was. however, not to be put off with her denial, but having procured the assistance of three of the offi cers of the Twenty.firstward_ he and they watched the house all night, two being in front and two in the rear. 41,310 72 1,951,782 66 $23,714,6V 37 Finally, at *six and a half o'clock this morning, they commenced searching the rooms- .and found the fugitive in bed with another youth in an up per room. They awoke him, and finding hiaiself taken, he trembled, and was ao mach agitated that it was almost impossible for him to get oat of bed. He was handcuffed and brought to the office of the deputy superintendent of police, and thence to the coroner's office, ;there a commitment was made out for him. Some two weeks ago, as three of the servants of Mrs. Lucy Mitchell, of West river, were going home fromithetfield, they beard the squeal of kpig, and looking in the direction whence the noise pro ceeded, saw a negro, known by the name of Nate, making off with the pig. They gave chase, when he dropped the pig and ran towards the house of Mrs. Boyle, an adjoining neighbor to Mrs. Al. On reaching the kitchen the pursuers asked for Nace, at the same saying that he had been trying to steal _property belonging to their mistress. A negro named LiOnar4 re plied that he whom they sought was not there, and that if they did not take themselves off he would make them. Charles, the eldest of those present, and a valuable young man of twenty-one years, replied that he should go when begot reedy, but immediately left for home. They were fol lowed and overtaken by Leonard, who struck Charles over the right eye with a hoe. which felled him to the ground. By the assistance of those who were with him he reached home, and Dr. Murray was called to attend him, and for several days he appeared to be doing very well, but on the 3d inst. be became much worse, and sunk rapidly Justice Winters= caused the arrest of Leonard and committed him tojail to await the result. Shortly after, the negro Cherie* died, and a jury of inquest rendered a verdict fixing upon Leonard the crime of murder The people of the neighbor hbod were very much excited, and they declare that if be is not punished by the law, he cannot go at large in that vicinity again. The coal tonnago over the Lehigh Canal, for the week ending Nov. 7, was as follows roan Mona Chuck. Summit Mines Tunnel No. 2 Room Ran Nines.. Rut Lehigh Nine', 12,299 14 351,195 61 A. Lathrop and others, Pea and Dust Coal Rost Maack Chink. Spring Mountain Mines 1,475 10 33,978 12 East Sugar Loaf do. 477 12 22.412 19 Coleraine do. 609 01 42,061 10 Stafford d 0.610 11 N. Y. and Lehigh Coal Co ... 147 07 '26,303 14 German Penn. Coal Co 310 17 6,228 05 South Spring Mountain Coal. 678 14 16.731 09 North Spring Mountain Coal.. 217 07 11,213 05 Bearer 31eadoer Co 314 15 4,110 17 P.n. Maness 'Hazleton Coal Co. Cranberry Mines. Diamond Alines.. Council Ridge.... Mt. Pleasant Coal, R ockport. Buck Mountain Coal C 0.... Waft Hat". NrCkeSbarre Coal CO Wyoming Coal Co HaPtiord Coal Co hThrTisaniings of the Lehigh Valley Itailr4 for the month of September, 1851, Were. • 5P 5459 52 Month of September, 1856 > 934 24 • ,55 Inorlncrease (equal to 25 per cent.) 0 28 Rarnings of the road for ten mot : l'auumg September 30,1857 1,245 75 For 10 months, ending Sept. 30, 1858. 182 13 81 ,01 /ore me mast to 105 pa font,), toOrg 19 ..per 14 647 c,, -. 41550, K 2543. 25 3 a 4 Murder at West River, 711 d roit irr lOTA L. Tons. Cwt. Tons Cwt. —10,055 Od 214.693 os 540 OS 0.745 13 _ 1,764 05 47,513 03 10,1S1 17 1952 05 50,959 17 1,352 06 L 9.558 04 62) 01 24,873 CO 1,179 08 32,758 07 598 15 8.90 1 1,153 3,9c. 2 ST9 04 9,60/ 3 lg,&" 34,573 Ob 55.# 19
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