- - ;4'rt. - lis•DNosli ioti to o isiillos. ra***qt-114tqrrAl' ,f,4440mA.,,049.* utiblej„. t *AI& • d# on. *-1" '" de* d ; 1 444116$2114:Toril i i r a l x-fr. - WOW , „ I' ll 4 i t attr4 t he VII .tai"lielr" -•,41.111"- rati . iii,estheleteu • , ' Alitest•thelllnhethsiso. M urray,,• t e assn, :„„olektif.Ohrlatian Wooster; 'is tuadoebtedly, a male -kOiroNvt tmpex44ll-I , ;:ey. , rad* : Or mmomdmighteand of inp eiiiiant*ilatitiOadttati to %dude "nue ,to octet that - t nzuriddle olathes;of. rooletY.F "Her iiiatre,r6Siseltsif tti*by gmlitoi'ia Wartdatili4unt lad e - otbildfiredlly' all •iniy,`Attrito- Rer thannitisleage theileittit tut that'She is ' " ta ' a 439 its roll Ike., „„e ...PrOmen an afalaaatiltiaria, 4 lWaftatalPg - WAN 000opatidn, 'During the - trlitlde the party she conversed freely with Wooster,andappessed:qulteoheerfuli laughing at the sallhthefthetstunsolor the indicating seplies'of the ,witnetheat'selliti:tsiiathiiliflfeir Yin*, and .krit'pfesent'is lint" llttie UthittaintiCwith bar .0.4, although hailidg", -- j - adoordlag•tn hamay:#, Statement, lived in Philidelphie several,,,yearaitgo. 'Atha Ow expresses a desire to iefortn f and:apparently is die. 4 ggstgd with The othuseef life, whit% die: has been finale& for %series of years: • - • Judge Conrad; inhis olierg.e toile jury, assigned greatoredittoDetiettriTtefts and the other oftwern who had taliatilthrt in the 'arrest 'ef the accused 'briakteg up of thtt,',,estitbilehinthlt. The deed dorivepulditional im portance, from the faot that this is the drilnstance In widalt,parties hate erer•beat othithlttrul of, the .olfenoe In _this city. Witn,4lsmaor, operations :wail:so daring ; and the' Whole llohetuethibold;qhst the lithethisaity has rea sokte'Vr' Wailful In , thif Who/4e * thus so , Pgeltiletiin:httd" theiglible affair.- ' „ • s 'A.-VMS-IEOI Inthe,',Peere of ,Quailer 'Sessions, rt,rlMi t • 2 - NM:MI; Rrtlio °Meer of timaity, - as 11411031 tilbe domzu iss ion of gut *maul tr.an d 443itklISPAPISSIseth Itirket, -JtuPeuts ,, is itiasu tiallahon 'was bhitrgeel *Wit thrisde ,;•;- winos Ili Sealer itieballbruge' le th an rained . *•: , • , ,Reirt.Conner; to'llglit it 'duel tit7Politt, Crosse:, -""; IIIt7THE'PLOTIINE. „f,.,F,TTER FROM N.10W;i10128. porreitri,llls44 ot,''llie Press,] , „i.,", ; :=;'. 4 ,,;••Kini;' Von's; Nov. 114.20 P. M. :tA ' Aitii#6 4 4lotedir•the resolutions of the committee 0-1411,70kr,b010111 pith regard to asecoriqy e.,,,„ . " ..., ~ 0 * „ ely,to.bang tireillto all, the pievlous A kilike l- ti,, 4 ;-- '0 4 ,9 0 . 17 4 8. 104 : 144 , p0v4.. 0 loneroett "•prsigot the Air Xtiek <MY binke.' fe. the . R4Oa t place, the resolutions have-not been forwardid yiNitielotol:4 beiiiirsithittlhOroliit,poes' ibly,tead sin - sknnier F, l l/6,14 3 X.01, - 404 - , - tlii v awtui 4..0. ..kt...... ;• and, in the Pinar Oleo; thelsonks ofettitiiiiiiii'irticlinkhiliiiii4V. stilt be44,.a.,. ' Dili that tbe.ll l 4WOpra,n o MterflUW„ yAti - iiiisi t ue, An: spwrrangement by, whip intiy, *ebonite, will bes*le.to derive a> Nrofni , libiehlirot)t - le to none out of the pooket of the already eullicitentlyitethis , ised-public. it it , older as OMAN that;if'the iountry,loenks are forced - to ;redeem - Abair 'notes daily,en. ' . hitmiditito` 'eoilielitleihiti Will be a renewal .the - disoonnt:Syistens,' that.: ls,' paying the :141101501.1* - Einle'eneleurtli; - per, cent, for _ iakiilg:oooutrj ,, POliiir ,ri.3l - Aliztlier oleor that; the beaks which _refuse _to accede to this arrangement wilt be discredited, and their notes,sithdagli knit as g o d, as those-of their more powerful' Attu dictator, - illibithreinitarthe street to be Shaved by brokers , i s 0, - -f . p o 4,pescentage.-.-1.4; as - 'I PA teri, ~ they aro ' si ly sicken of State banks,' ideated by pled e , et, public etwaritbn, Dr l 4,. 9 P's/IYII O 7 BI I why should the while becompolitil 52 Staid. aioss of 5 to 20 per ocet on thoie one or Snore of thero,'-boeitiSer a city bank 'Cllregutitrodlietodit s4 them for not - obeying orders, - • Hefeli another of the beits4.o Of enspellsion taken away-- - another ,iiillitee_ottirciken faith"withllse ; publio,anotheiproOr, or that "IlLiour i e" , ^t-444.05 0 - . leg , leibkiltebe .talto3.•--YlhlOhllB6, eon pursued' by the bank re ee_Able ray All'Air eage•the first now — et warnin .....tooislscoado& ----20,- - 4, 44 , 47 ta,.._ ,- - ihrtsublto intotesti tsar etuterseed,, anderhere.tbey,oltsehed with 'three of; Chi 'Unite, g stgoili is je'beelifisthieisik sinoiltieed: itiilAtie leer, , alseuts.dSpodibultict, and 'isihredlid” as; 7e suited' the whim SOd/i4rieti Of life liirik *peals, If this last iniquity is submitted 'to, I shall be , as „,,tionimited,,,, 'rr, , ... 1,.'- .1 ~-•:: , , ~ . Y =',./- Awaiting the arrival of. theArabia„ - the Money "k , ''013#1114tr , iti , 1i14 1 441764 !'•':Witli 'regard; to leans at tttAi t y, bilitire'nene but the Most 'Oxiellent &Nitrifies `,..!"!eireleoloel 3 • - lit 'for:a 'lndnient,7ind o,e,:thei street r y , 1 if,3,04,1411,C..,:a0,"*Ptigt.g? are ,quite IS rob* • sWirolist, OS' evoroit **oats of; roles,: Foreign ' Exchange is thalami lower. ;Ali Speedatlin is at . &Aga still: Until the arrival of the Arabia, new 4 1 - y due . out to-day 6605,691 in - , ' , -"The - triniitetions at the sub-treittniy were: - ;;;.', tteelipts3lo7,676: 6 B;P4s'lnnent4s l o2, sBlll ; be ,.. ,ilisisites,:; , 4siBol;7B2:s2, ...'neireeeipts it the cestom - liaise to- day-fur duties sfiris44,oo9, ' • =- - --' -1,),, falividivehid.'l,ll4t '6 , lntetif our, delegable' Visits areresolte4lo restune apple payments, forthwith. • .I 16:1783` . 08 to judge:hew Mu* faith' iii• to - lai'pat in the'ruther. ' The.; "010 r, reason, ,Wl4 ,it stay be trueAlaat by doings* they may:damage the ip,.. ‘ , 1040 1 06,0f 4lie nen4oonfermlstinstitutions,- and thug - • i,derivo. , :ai_pazeonat Advantage:- - The bi de of the Grant* . Bank 'Of Connestiont, are. salt to-bare been thrownetaitittitii Bank of Suffolk . this morn- P- hig:-"'The battlileaniliie One,' and 1 bolers - many •c - of its bills.iire in OfiittlatiOn” in ibis , 'and other Oldie 'The liaio42. titataktieops.have been with drown flees . the selktreeacry_ mad custom house ; ;therebeiegio further fear of invasion. N;,,Thr stook Market was ,moro buoyant thier MOM '', be , Itillinaliiharea • advardo& donsidorably. at the First Braitt,", ' , Earl.ll - 0.- Y. Central 1 - 54' Pa .‘"inime 15:;; - '051110iiiand (Waage 25;: Clisitland and , 0 Toledo 1.5;,; Nohigitegouthern, co 'stook lf; D. ;;4 . 101.104441_31q40512 Central 15,, ,At tbe•Becond r .nwra_, Beadbig closed it 35; Eri t 141 ''''' O'Mara at 701 ; and.llllDols Cent r a lat 89. • There wasiedo Inirited -, varlation in the stook and share -',.:. 'I4IIW FMK swim Isoickluot SAT , ItS, Not. U. II i 7. ' , . , •(-1;. , v ' , ..i. , ".% - f.'f FIRST -HOARD: ' ; „ I 1 4 .12406 24.04-0 , 1090 "" 62 ' 1150 - Ern liattrokit c •15 ~ 5 4 -:soool4lliiiiirktoli -; 7231 100 ' - do, .-! s 8 1,41; _ 4000 Oil 8t Is 75 - 03 350 „ do - ' c 141 j -Well l 8trk...552 "-Oak •60. ' ; do MO, 16x MOO N, 7 1 1 1141fi f6o' • ',97 -. 160' ," do , • '" s9' 147,; 2000 ST Y 5t6j46 , 60"-091 " 10631arleialt ' - 7 ' " - MON li t cron If "r" - att " . 27 mead pia - . 16 0000 ' . ; dii - 4 .; ';82,4i lettfteiviing It • blO 35X 40 , ';e4Statiteltlitisibd no -, -200`- ; ; - "do, " ' ,Ai 30 11000 Erie 00d 47Y- - ,-. -'I29R ;100•;;• ;do • e 86 • WOO Erie bd. , p.s. L. 7-14- , 100. .do ~. ' ; 2.1. 35% 't sooollarteMletnt ":110-I,' at ;'•• do ' ' . ,-- e 86,1 - I• - 000 Barteraldbir j", 6.1.' - 60& ' --; de:' `'"rao" a% 3000 111 017bds "' ' 'BO . 100 0 149-Quiskeiyll - 60 OM 'faltallatrole It 60 2 , 320 Mich 8 16 •i.' 0/ 000 61 7 9 9 P/4/4 9104 7 1 CC. 100 -; ' - 'de- , s; - 630= 10g - 1 ' 10 Merehants Ilk 91 291 do " ' ~ --183( .kt, „ 5 Metropoistaa at 63)4 100 • 'di -1.30 UK 6 do ".." - coo , ' 60 "do " - ; ley 28 Btoyresantlns Oo 87 ' 60 do 630 17 80/Bsoasolls Land 0•3 .2 • 60: -' do ' ; 107; - , 9, 28 Dalt .19tid 00 •" ' 199/ ' 60 . " -do - ' 17 3....12 ,' :{nesl Id ;0 :Vt. • ' 29X 40 Si 84 CA Pu s sx-dir- 86 ~ 150 kh 82N.Iptf , do 35 , -59.125 Otunbd Coa1.00;- , :7- ; -Do '- ; ;do • - , 35x, • - 200 do tAio Ix 466 do , ' - BM ...', 10 21 Y Oen lt, is .1 --: oh 101 , •do - 830 3.6 b, 100 do 's - 16 - 80,4 100 do 830 36 60 "do. " .-.. 420 62 '• 12 Panama It - 79 sao do! , c egyi at' • ,' do -'' 19 , i , ' , 336 do '-; • o' 70 50 ' - ;do bee 80 26 do , 14 70 50 do 1,30. 6034 'no ; • ,do ; 480 09X 100111 Can ' " 18 80 100 ~. 0 0.. -a7. '7O . DO do 410' 87-Y \ 190 " do ,' blO 70,K 15 Cl., Clol&Oln It 85 " .10. ' ;do • ' - is 70,14 'le Oal Ss Ohle. It 69 ,1 90 -" do , . eS. VOA ,60 do, - • e3O OS X -• sioo , - -dc. l, _ '- sr - vox 60, do ' 530 sex 4 .., 460 '•,,' di,— ". ",- 4 -10 X 4300 OUT& Tol it ;sa :39,4 403111 & Miss 1949 100 , do ~-'s3o sox, 50 I,aorosse Er.1)11.1 .5 •OX 220', -; de - , 13. 31% 125 ...; ;de: :' '-: -.631. -'66 • • `de ;;";-; `- iB4 Li L -•'; '.; ;•' r- ' * - 'BiOOND HOARD.' ':- 5030 yent. (1,3'90 , t• 1 62, 50.14.1(001318. i; ea 7 034 6060 Alyinite Ps un 00% :: 60 , 0 ..,-o;;•410 .4 ~,,i ear 0004 11001, N THAW, 96,-,101 60;i ,;;;;;;;, do,',; - It At 70 24500 lodise - a 13t 2)its 60,,,,,, 50, t.• ; A4lO • -...;_i 080- 701. 1000 In On bats 80 .810 ,; ;, do •,-, ,' I 5,& 70% 2000 .:0o .' ' , 801.; .160,-;?, •do .71 ;-, 10000, • de, , . ..,,-. 1 •833,f, .350,- ..• ... do ~..' ,t b 3 16;;; , ' 4000 Ilsriin Ist re " 110 100 d o -20% i ‘ llOOO Erie liondkvic-,40.• 200 11040.1ag It - - 1: 1 3 ;_ 86 , .-- 8000 Elio eon 11 3D 20 111 Gee B. i - • m• .-,-.086 1000 Erie 54 m bde 461,, , 100 Oler &Mot It 140 raix, , 75 Nrtosina 118 ;.;- s GO - , :60 ~• ,-;‘ de 1 - . -,.00 811 110 Pthirear Oial,cl;,,TA: , 60 ;; :.;. do--: •.:b8 8410 75 Canton Co -10.1 t, 00. . , 1,--A., - ~,.: -34 x 175 Carob noils"94.t 5...,;. TAX' ..- ....1.KL6.0 &MI .6X 091. do '• "-F-(14 0, ';1)11 J50,,%:'': , do. ISIV-..1 I , '' ' 4 lo'FaCific 31118 Co 66 10 Afil &Mb it -• 120; .; 6 , Oler Cql 4, 4:111421S - 86 : 15:81.16147488 filet- 86 ''' 6.2 Isla'ltalleoad _,-..4. 9 .14- 'lOO D 0 30.19 40,0 1004QabsoYA‘ _ 5 0 54 ~,;-, . ;:-, ', •• esterstsys ; , . ...., -,, ''-; - 0,44`..As PP ai , --frile irt a rrtikdifttiet tit liotlf lands; - sales of Pots,#* - .2.5r,„„,,..„. at 144 0 , The stook consists of' 91 704 $ 91 L isd kBtr i opi% Jsearis. 0a1erate5,113, 1 0,0 41 ,04 -401204 , ~ , , , 5 ,•,4, , ,,,,,ii - ( '''''' l , '-. Orillso:T lss market , at private trelserester; , ~; 4 1.ini by dullsiess„enti,depressionitliverdy-trinsee , tine being 85 bane of ,Gouts Moo ate lleisifusd 50 f. 'taste of Java at 100. - By #100bni!" . 9 4 .06: 416 4 11:of i BIC sold at 95,11i5t,' 0 ,- ‘ , 2 4g0 Ii 81 4 1110ibiffn 0 git do ;, 'aline of 1111b ' ;. " ' " ti l ilo --- 1 ifrlgrra ii . :" , _".._"o - oiVo2i6entriiii •it y-8 , ' 0' la ai g ; 'Uplands and lts for„Kiiii Urbear, The mice Ode .-..,.. morning era . a . the Stock bo grisly 4 00 boles. Ftotnt, /40.4, laifidultratiAlriffahl o iiiiite,wl, - canal A 9.11.4 _', 8 lanai and **Eastern ant ship: ling i : deciiinnurioreiiii biaoo - ilietter, pidincsim,l4 ,;,_ i ill - ttittsl4 , F,l2,lB - 1 4- 1 112 80 0 0. Wfxd r / , " ' 4'44 ilWa ,-PfaiD` - * -0 ,i8 7 4D .10i.sztraisloi..$8. MIS, . t i t,,for,iatiSrAie,istdiat oi tt i rtig ei sPifltl ar ;" l ttaatratte r i 3 O- 41 1 40 -: • fiS l 4s 4 o2 ° k 444,11111a$146itertpr=5, ..4 , ; , 16 .,, ,_,, for eV I,onies; ','', , fiviiiOPO - hall_ ''-- '" F'='l'.-- , '- " , i, , --t, 1 1, , , ~ llstAdifitiblit. ,I,lozatlessAinulyoAwiritti s 4.9 , .. set4443lraton4o l 4o 4l .4Xlatii i rl i ttlitir , ' fft , ' ,41.0.,44016-0144dukt041610,11-*; ut. A lasistittitlitileatitrenld is Moro iSti, u ; s - ' - ;sif-400&bble set $8.105640 for o,ie3 iii .-,..pigiltiitimovitip,'4ol , ll(46o , 444l,,rig, ~-., via*ll..V.,, tjt-p- ~...,1 ~ :: .. r, „di 051P, - )4 - hir, ~ -"ds: ;-', 21'4.4199 1 / 4 - 1s ••;:c; td; t o 79 I.L „0 , ,,,51ir WC 5 , "The - nook. . ere is moderate, the:da y reel as falling intiotrithdt..lidlitil of ithe WOlitr some time, and, the reoent.hteatr,•-in the earikifiil 48/100/Y `9 414 11/34tIgitfatfl ' ' '''' " 474 1 00 r: *A*4l4 ll ll !at 4 4 .1 5 ' - 4 ° 1 111ost ,i. nfest; sairdi, _.eferjost t r ,4 0 1 4 1 4 BressitrwinsAlllB.76.-„,theirwinsts lat sl.B7ias2 per 1001alge, , ' : .....• .'e ,•-•:,-- •• • '''''e'ils'"4ll.4,7l24saldititattstlisio ta, a break. in ..thielit dirts 4, modetape , The Uttlilitlis ' ustive; Mat t * The sillTchre ,099 httiliebytt_ , t vivv, Rotithern' rea, ,111.60aVt.56 - Mr I , f, Lei On 111412br imilderAo, sl..olfor hillwilWit gugi iy .der white Indiana $ 1.52 for choice w its a • 1 ROilinifirltiVidaersniider .1,090 boa grrir "14eOtiCb and 'Kls3slorOrlrn, better for 44, for State.- - •-,_ .- • . ill Ann, 04 in ,fnlr'dentesid at 7 - 511564; auras 7 8,109 bus.,t7ey malt is Arm et 88& 1000. ,Corn is in mull doolpsittik is batter; the arri vals are twitted ; sates of 20,009 bugutl , 7lll77lio ito Westerzraised in store and delivered; 790 for Western a llow , and Slo for &augment yellow. • , 73141 ,..4, ) i. woo is good for Shipping, and-the 14 11 1 7 it f ,ltrollillii , oo* of Isoo . baits 50a Mk. petits/ . - - •.: . NATAL stows—idtts-Itnepentine is • stetii9; but the 'demand it , tedllmyers are holding, book, antis! sting lolgat raid:is—salmi of 200 ibis in alltt2 at 40deash, - and a small lot in poor Art at Crude.icineAtir, ,4 but A banged—Alm 0:150 Mils soft Worth Meg , 43.0 per „2110, lbs.,- , couriptosOlgAn is itiWand more stotive,silis of 1,216 blits,:tiflo,et, at $1.15 per 310 Ruh delivered by vessel ., lite)no• dingo qualities are stilt rather oulet. 'We' aull o ail to note sales *We, 01119 151 rbffittgt - No: 1- fat 't3. 6 per 280 lbs. sine grades are dull mid prides boor the buyer. ,24 :r Lila limited glquest, hist' pridde are, witliont further 01$41g,sales 110 bids Washingteu 'then, , at 12 pet. rdiii rielirered.. Pitch is quiet at $1.8731a IR per t% ~ . ( 0 7 4., niarket generallp log all desorltt tattlsilett , ' languid, and priotatire decidedly in lessedesfaverlrhenediesage mediferideiht hat t,ts ,t 49- ots,tkerpicilear-disphispiKte'reduhd ariihat a* *orellaktitifinkilit ilr eronieM Xiniffitateeinailtni time - 010A -' S' Liusted,"oonide g the late season and general' :depreatdon,-, in all, kinds of bueineas, is, fairly in sinned for,: but riees ;tat, "(Mite irregular and made to silt the °attendee of sellers. Sales aro making all the ways, from 57 to 62e, pergallopi-: cash, in casks and in barrels. The supply is ample, hence the depression. Crude 'Whale is quiet at 828.65 a. Refined winter bleached is in fair request 'A. tf,g4a 8 §04.4 Ittenths. - ~:!- : ~ „ Venn is' dull and hoary'. The last sales at tbilistet *ere at' $1 tier gallon, 'clash, but moat of eke impartial are reluctant to well at ao low a rate. ~. This is a lower Syne than it has reached for a long periodi , and Manufacturers now would do well to avail thisseives orthe 'present' depression. Manufaetfiredt Li dellineat $1.40i51.45, 4 months, for natural and bleached sperm. Olive 'is hilitrilted demand id $3.121a54.121, 4 months; feur quarte and pinta—sales Of 100 arks at these figures. pO t id oil is langffi4 and onto ir regular, maging•Froze 600. to $l.lO cash; and 4 nu*, 441 to ittlaltty. Red oil is dull and nominal. Tallow is a Shade easier—sales 16,000 lbs. at So dash. Campbene and fluid are lower—axles of the former at, 411450., and of thb latter at 48a500. Cob. ' - ' • Poomiotto.—There to little thong° to note in the value of pork ;, the ,demand ie Tolr WO of 150 bble. at 819.75 for men ; $18.25 for thin Meet; $20.504.521 for clear, and $16410.25 for prime, the latter :tomtits!. Beef is in fair request and is unchanged ; the errivqs ate moderito; sales of 130 bids at $5.25a 47 for country prime, s4aslo, 50 for do moss, $l4 for re•paoked western toms, ;$l5 for do extra, $l3 10 for Vermont mess, end , 414,50 for „extra Nermont do. Primo mess is in moderate demand at 22a25. Beef hams are 81m. Sales of 30 bbls at sl4a. ;16.50.- Necton is in fair demand' at 12ia130, and not plenty. Oat meets and scarce and wanted ei So fr abouldein and 10 10 for barns. Engludi mi - dies nothing . transpired ; prides are nominal. 'Dressed hogs are in fAir demand it Ofitio, and not plenty. Lard is buoyant; the stook is verylight—sales 0f,15013b1s and tes at 124130, and 100 kegs at 1310. Butter 10 in feirdennandat 12‘1134 for Ohio, and Hann for State.' OheaMul weleghle at rano. Eggs aro in fair request at t4alfio per dozen, 6m/elm are liteadj , this morning ; the trans actions are as yet small. neighs/ transactions' f yesterday waren) hhas of Cuba unmoved° at 51a To, _and 100 thde Porto Rico at Oal. lYntsite't-'-The,demand is fair and the . Market is flint; sales of 200 bide at 22a220. Senterree el Frederic Criers far Killing Oscar de ftrauval—Eiteaordinnry Scene In vein. [From the New York livening Yost Of yesterday.] DHPORIE CHIRP JOITIOR E. D. D. OHDEN AHD MOO. austiers DORM.% OIIIPPITH6, "MID 0AR ,R1,231741- t~.the•'opening of the Hudson county (N. J.) Court of Oyer and Terminer, this morning, every 'aVallable - lath of-space 'was occupied by persons aurdolaito Witintee the senteripe of Frederic who had been - oenvidtedef ifienslinghter, In cans ing the thistth of Near de Oranral by shooting bltn with a pistol. A very largemajority of theta present were 'ladies, who , seer' to have become wpeehilly interested by. the youth and goo d loehs of the unfortunate yoning gaban. , °neva s father in, brother, and ithe counsel; sat by his side. After the ferrnaft of opening the court, Judge Ogden arose to ; peas 'titintenee. (nave, patd the mostonarked attention to his words„ but betrayed no axtranniiriary emotion during the address. • - Thejudge begin by, remarking upon this, the eledig mimeo!' "s Yong trial, bad absorbed the attention of the oommunity to an unwind de gree:. He then spoke of the true objects of man isliment ae he under/teed - them, which were not only to protect the community by preventing oriole, but - Wilder= the criminal, and then quoted the statutes giving -the, , court discretion in cases of - .l.% • =i tu i ti m'in the power of the court eioeeding ton eery 6 /. 7o Triroseri gl ifine o no'l m ose t thkts i 1 b6O:- be ty would not & neeord- WSO-tb.lild .XftakiaLot..oll Ojeda or replilisainth, peat the requirements etfuon es ,14 po oaken Ma of hislependent. - pymtlenowie the' prisoner, but his father, would 'have to- near the burden of-the fine, - sid he (Judge Ogden) bad lit tle faithdri theedleicy of vicarious punishments,. administered by human tribunals. The judge -next' adverted to the fast that peti tions in mitigation of punishment bad been sent in by a large amniber of respectable eitirens.of the nounty,,and also by:a large number of matrons, ladies and mimes, who, having had their spivs thiat excited, say they have calmly considered all the ,eireumstances of the ease. He was himself the father of three eons, older than the Prisoner, who had ,peeped safely through• the sultan:tents and temptations of early youth, and if Ida o'mpa• thies akque Were to be consulted be should be in favi Orttatorifig the prisoner to the arras of his parents and:friends ; but he was a Minister of the law, sworn to administer it impartial, and he thought in a Ointe.ei voluntary homici de a mere tine would be wholly ,inadequate, for the reasons already giyen.- 'This view of the case, however, was net shared 'by his asimintes, who bid overruled him, and be would, nottptioconid te:.pronounoe the soutonie of the majoHrity:of thwoourt. • • • The prisoner was th en ordered to stand up, and the judge addressed Mut briefly, Ma/rig-that belied been conyloted of manelltighter in taking the life of a mart; and that-the sentence of the court was that he be toed $l,OOO and the costs of the court, and stand committed until the name shall bo paid. • Upon the announoemenfof this light sentence, an enthuslastio buret of applanwi,broke forth among the audience, which the offeers Wereitot able for several minutes to ouppresii.' Cuev a threw himself into bit! father's arms, embraolig and kilning him repeatedly, and then embraced each of his counsel, and shook handa with the ladies , who passed round with congratulations. -Tor a few minutes all tba dignity of the ethirt.room seemed to bavedeparted. Mr. aim senior seemed to be espeolally happy, inn the eyes of Mani, ladies were filled Wi th titan. Order was at length restored, and going thieve vaa taken beak SO jail. gto father and little bre the r then entered a earriage inn were driven to the New York Hotel, where Mrs. Clove remained on account of illness, lo inform her of the happy re sult. By this time the flue and oasts, amounting in all to about $1,600, , aro. undoubtedly paid, and Otieva sot at liberty. Hospital easi.--Yasterday morning a man named Oillespio, while intoxicate d had his feet mashed under the wheels in the Western' rogine house. Re *as taken to the Pennsylvania Hos pittd. ' • ' • z CITY ITEMS. A Cies or WAIIT REpIV.YRD.—A 0080 Of desti tution, ocentlytrought to our notice, that occurred in the upper part of the city, and which is doubtlees but a type of many limiter ones 'now in our midst, and which are, In fact, of almost daily occurrence at all 'threw, In large cities, will efree to show the wisdom of .those in need relying upon rightful• mean* of relief, in stead of resorting to the violation of law. A Sabbath-ephool teacher, connected with hfr,llevg , s March, Whtle on hie way to the post of his ditties on last I3abbath week; observed two cleanly,' but poorly attired little girls spading upon s corner. Peeling an interest in the children, he Inquired of them ft they were in the habit of attending Sabbath school, to which they replied, that formerly they hod, but that they ware now without suitable clothes. • 'The gentleread ascrirtilinedtheir residence, and on the following day advised his wife io call and &asinine the condition of their home, which ells did, and found :that .. .46* jilltappreuiince, poifertf had indeed laid its relentleethatiff Upon them, sl thoigh the mother , of the elkilften—who ,iiell - every appearance of boring known' uttolAirpijohisci# I Olife—stomed Itidiekeectio mho .0 4 ,, ,i4ii p i ii i i ,i; 4, kui. ?hoer, but said that they but itumerly restilwatilhe country, and that iamb coming to the . lltt they bay} hawse ' , rely much ;edit*, tat 'llearbei baibaudbididtko been absent from hems for tifx weeks lytejalsaliiari r arn switethhig, but that in all of that Mirth* litutinaly been ambled to send her three • qltare.- , --`; , . • : , -, * Ike itataatick 'oit ' laatertni" Mesa. tepreienfatlons, Eli sfrK (tithe blue a felt gars afterwards. .Believing 1 , that the rasa WU deserving, he resolved to linear their real condition,. and he accordingly. allied itia'clttelitif , ft (31P4Idit:iltettitiAl(f.hadPlk • .9eogillitlifk at lite for Jtrirdflindclitidion, th e pi ng clienrastances of theandnatit extorted s confesslon.r.lboating Into tears , abe sobbed out titl iiiiio;•bniten accents, tbab ao,aspg, lei* Boa time la tor, life,. the lint • tor e i aidan tOheat trying for brad, and she bedlam, to glee them„ Her rioiono @Una et once 00, lees 'um antßobiat titandsti.,^iiilat with food for Allard days , and rafteslo,ll, Alet eialabolLe Howard Asia aMen at As - la %lAA i ease occurred and tieroi4ti which beetroots heiesiter will be unifo rmly . 6. , A4 . 6,6* 6 4, The ofP pra?ti# benevolence Mist has been *lota by ANT sisc4iiiiiioa:s, which hare bean forming cif; for 1,T11 1 4 lriVam Dpi PI, It eta -MOO* Ortiet ofiti •Tor, somPOUP.IirO, sedoiSsilos talt,te assiste sic ifsgiclii!ww' 11, 0 6 a t et Edwin doing IliWessistiowi4ierr: !----thi,reikisiiimen I ormsoreisito , wig ;11140 , stftiensant @aerobia to their ittilibla ier old" lbananidetten equate i no data sums iii OotOilia - 0 portion of Aliln4 4 oiial4Pt4 4 l - .- 44 /0i4 4 4 / 6 44 " 1i f * Dint OlgtonliAlbeiglit,'la Co q S. "1011104 a *,14 0 02t ' 4 ; l44 Wlitklrittiiir Oat aoilittneenWAA t or fV1 4 1.0 14 %.,t4r., 0 9 0 1 .10009 0 "" f steak is lossoissel sdso 3,l tout s nelson; bat fabrics; latest etyies, wriA__; oo /4 gs.. i tpricsi, Usti Oise** IS l otisin tag all 5 10 ( M i .itt ; • . . . . _ WitYlattOtta LIVERSOOPL,fhip 'Philadelphia, 125 pkgem4se gel. 'art & Brol_S do W Ifolleo & Co; / do Wright Broil do Co ; 4 dd W P Matadi & Co - ; 2 do Dotal &LcOatlif ; 2 do Thoe Mellor; I do B Richardson; 1 do W &Sower de Son ;. 2do Meatin & Bennett ; 8$ do . Wray 4.l4n bei; I do 3 II Sliloon ; I do Shaffner Siegler 4Co ; ado 101 win iooo • 76 do W W4aorl. &No ; 1 doltobt RAM; Idodnittee'dt atelnii. 4 X nittem 84 11 do k m fr ai stay & Co; do Day Om& 1 - , 4' f le o D , 4h . 5 pvi Nartheoware 4 Pierce It Soh; 143 d 6 , hi 'ez sone; dd 44 ikkahltild & 43 6 i / I/9, Tr4l so, 6dota& w• 0 TATIot; li p lr Ulu& M e : Itionordo; 50 too Soda 4lddt Xdo aim, • , do 43 NV Otinoll o ol4 dr, Ca; 9 pitge, dw it 0 • lea; I do II Matto ; /do Jesse Imr. ,• 4do Newlin Mar. Mall & Oo ; 1998 sante Salt AlO5 Noll 316 tote do II Biadala ic Co; l i t4 i Vii? 8k W Wileb ; 235 Nile Sheet ,1! X d , 1361 tote INTO? Robbing & 0.6; 490 de rura,b i ,g Jo. tette ;, 92151,.39mit0 Oar, reit &&it, 7 do .T . n..... on ; I.,44iiViroodi. &Auk; 39 de rtt; do eeld ' , iv 4 : 00 ,' 7501414 41414414t0n &Mir • to . (w -ee /one fr, 4 . .1' 7 &take Saltpetre , ' len flight- X in'in etl4l 3 44 lll ; tr&l ei hi N ni ll rer4l%. ° 4 4 lsl.ll '2l ::4ol , 79l9 ll ?at iv' i1 ... ..4. 4 d0 *Us Alltpetznerder. ,- , - fit, , ~., .e , •-•-31' PHELLONIPTILL NOON ON mos, Rowinn A. Smut, Wasssa mrta ai or iss Moira. soit, OP,, , , „.6 11110.6% AS Ifitlifirohatitsi b i z ramp, 4 . 41akp401, *Ship Sirocco, roc 'Liverpool, eooe ®hip Op. piggtpiff, rows Boa ri4iatro, sizonA, $1144#4,011 tuts. on* er . . • Kw EWA "$ 3—aus ONT 3 4 67 tliGtr Ark! ............ li „so mati*xn.- • • • • tathlue4 /Diamond 8 doiril gin„. • , • `ti'hitihdins 4 days frowt • New, Yeti, irk marble to 9 & Co. • 1 0111,yo,rd, 2 day from x4wpot, , 50y1;11,4FL0111.11 tilr. 44141i0a Lea. ' , lielxit`l" SI 'dorm; Caw th orn, 3 Asia from Seaford, Do t. , with grain *Bewley, Wilson & . , Orplitdia 'Chose Don' 8111 P 8 149%.P0 r 0. 8 0..* , • I Ship &law} , Landoll, Wor rapal & Fehr Berson , Dendersons, - New 41isl D : stetson &Mot ' _ • I - tBohr Oddrice, 0 0dfro7t / RV. W l ' s ; 4 "Vt ci t I I Bohr IthelLo;Jasititiao, st IVA Bohr Parriviiho liplidi• • I Steamer lormer, kioriolir bid 4. Giered x , Zr,' t ' ••' k . 't 7 I • - -(enfreelPOndenee of the Philadelphia, Cr LEWPP. Del.: Non. edif The following vessels rentaln In harbor: peg J W Drlsco, schra Roe, 8 R Atkins, W R Newcomb, and steamer Wm &Bowman. A Peet wont to sea yesterday, and but lbw light Nara la the bay upward bound. Wlnu NNW, accompanied with Pours, ito, WM. M. HICKMAN. (1/1 , 1111X0RAP8.) (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) OAPEISLAND, Nov. IL 5 80 P M. The pilot btiat Johnligiliden cattle in at 2 &Mock this afternoon, atter having pet a pilot on bowl the Maker alp Pt,llfidelphio, from Livorpoolonow off this plum going in. Nothing in eight'ontward bound, and but few volatile at the ffmakomter. Wind north—weather clear and cool. Town, ho., THOS. B. RI:MEWL RitiaLLlM.l, (Correspondence or The Press.) - WILIKIMOTOX, Nor 10. The barguentine Col John Mcßae, hound from this port to Liverpool, has put back tasking badly; will dis charge and. go on the ways.—To Niwood Walter, Esq., Noy. le, arrived, steamship Memphis, New POrk. (Ootyeepoudenee of The Prem.) Maas De GUM, Nor. 11, lire boats' left hero this Atoning, laden and con. styled as follow': Ju Darratt, Jr t bark, sum, &a. to Poplar street wharf; John lumbar to Malone & Taylor; Ilyder Ally, pcg (root to Wllmligtork, Del, and bark to order; .1' D Dianaer W./1W Fronk, arligagite coal to Delaware ISAISIORANDA Steamship Baltic, Comstook, from New York Ith tog. for Liverpool, was seen A. DpBtlt, 16 miles south of South Shoal. Ship Lady Tillewd:Aeon, Young, from Calcutta for Beaton, was spoken 16th alt ' lot 1 46'16, long 46 30 W. Ship ArneriCan Oongrese, Blather, from London, Oct 11, artived'at blew York yertcylsy, reports: Oct 19, Ist 49 55, long 13 51, exchanged signals with 'hips Thorn ton and Pomona, bound to the eaavesed. Oct 20, lat 48 15, long 19 55, exchanged signals with Br ship Mita, bound east, Oct 24,15 t 46 63, exchanged signals with Br ship Pett4,ll4ll, bonild east. Oct 24, lat 45 23, long kt 24, at f..A M, two seelmen, genry King and William Math, fell fromthe fore royal yard 04 deck , and received such merlon injuries tooanse their death. Ship Flying Beale, Bates, In Hampton heads from Chinch* , Wands, experienced several gales during the gahsage, sprung a leak) and threw overboard we of the cargo. • Barque Tyrlngham, Rowel, from ()sleuth forßoaton, was spoken 15th ult, lit 12 N, long 45 W.' • Barque gazelle, Duel!, from Barbados' and Trinidad, arrived at New Haven 9th Inst. Brig Ochivla Woodward, Chase from Jacksonville, arrival at Port an Platt Oct 00, to load for OW*. BHg Robtßaed,Jotosson, from Alexandria for Harbor af•cet NW, pot Into a John, HS, Otit Inst. with Mill. .niast sprung. Brig Beronda, Hoyt, trout Richmond, lira, arrived at Proviasoce 10th Inst. Behr* C L Couch, Robinson, and ju B mon, Love,. tog, hence, and loop Aretio, Smith, from Wilmington, Del, at /Lattimore yeatenbly Behr* Jamet 1 Samuel, Reeve, and Geo. 0 Raker, McLaughlin, hence acriyed at Richmond 10th Inst. Pohnelff P Corbit , Rosa, his S Hewitt, Beu, and 00 B. Wiusnsore, tor Ehiladelphis, sailed from Pro 'Mono 10th inst. Sala Ontario, VansMier, for Delawsre City, 011104 Cron:4lla Mier 9th inst, Bchr Tezineuee, Wooster, hence at St John, NO, 6th tot. Behr If R. Weston,loy, from Wilmtogton, NO, kr rived at Norfolk 9th hot, klebr 0 8 Oaretalrs o Bowers, hence, arrived at Ursa nab 7th inst. Bohr Connecticnt, for Philadelphia, sailed from New Raven 9th inst. - Behr Romp, Mayo supposed for Philadelphia, /salad from gall River tith ..rtiohylpiplitagiltotLfroln ;lighten for 13althnore, Pm". from PM/soap - Ma, arrived oars itour - n - a - suwtoo, for Philadelphia, nailed from New Haven 9th lust. SAPhvalrit & Role, for Philadelphia, went mi Se t h la r 9 A th nu i st i l taataitoM Chastiaten Bth inst.. Behr Monteannts, McAllister, cleared at Baltimore 10th Init. for Philadelphia. Bohm Charm, Starr, for Wilmington, Del, and Ahnira, Pedrick, for Burlington, NJ, cleared at Baltimore 10th asst. Bohr A 'Arrell, Rigging . , for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston 10th inst. - . llchr U ilrrightlngten, Wrlghtington, hence at Fall River 9th lust. Bar L II Endicott, Yanklrk, hence at Newport 7th Instant. Schrs Wm .2 Stevenson, Maus; Alexander liendemon, Godfrey; John 0 Henry, Fenton; J Marmon, Jr, Whugroore, and B B Ashamed, Godfrey, from Provldence for Philadelphia, were la Dutab Island Harbor gth inst. Bohr Oyelone, Ball, at New Bedford Bib lust. from Delaware City. ISEEICISLLANY Ship,Orpheusi which cleared yesterday for gong gong, has a cargo or 1523 tons coal, and sdndry pkgs mdse. - Ship Armorial, which cleared yesterday for London, him on board a cargo comprising' 200 'hisdl, 81 tierces, 131 bbls sugar, 200 ISOM 807 Ws Molasses, 150 tcs beef, 500 bads lamp black, 2682 bags all cake, 100 do clover 'tad, 24 cases, nuts, and 2 boxes mdse. tlehr Ma, May, (of gookland) Mills, where from or bOUnd not stilted, ran (onkel drifting log night of 4th hut, about six miles from Cross Island, and sunk in about half an hour. The crew left ib their boat, and arrived safely at Machimport. Sept 17, lot 27 8, long 4731 X, ship Meteor, (Yr) from Mauritius for Mai 6 dayS on;. bth twit, tat 30 80, long 68 20, ship Katandin, Perry, from jlostou for !tow Ottawas, Oct 21, tat 4646, lono 2520, ship Zurich, N York. Nov 0, lat 41 10, long 61, ship Constantino, also°. duck, from New York for Lirerpool. NOTICE TO MARINERS LICHT-Hones AT run Mourn or Minn it VD, Oar- Goa Issuitroar.—Notioe L hereby given, that enand after the 10th day of October next, a light will be /W -hited in the light-honse recently erected on the South Sands, at the month of Umpqua River. The light is a aged White tight of the third order of rresnel, and ele vated 100 feet above mean sea level, and should be coon from the deck of any see-going vessel, in clear weather, 16 nautical or 171 i 'statute ninon, The stritetare con sists of lokapdr's dwelling, of atone, with a tower of brick, white washed, rising above 1, and surmounted by an iron lantern painted red—the entire height being 92 feet. The latitpdo and. longitude and magnetic varia tions of tbg ifght,ras given by the coast survey, are: latitudeiS deg, 40 min, 20 see N, longitude 124 deg, 11 min, 031 w W, magnetic variation 28 deg 65 Ain B, (July, BM.) By, order of the Lighthouse Board. IIdETMAN BACHE, Meg, ,Topog.l. Engineers, lit, Major. Office Twelfth Light-honae District, Sin Francisco, Cal., dont 22, tLOTIPB 11A11130R, BEACON LlGHT—Huntington Bay, „Long bland Sound.—On the evening of the lath day of November, 1857, a Fixed Light or thedth order eats- Ceuta° of the ayatern of Yresnel, Illuminating an arc of 350 degrees of the horizon, will be exhibited for the &St time, and every night thereafter, from sunset to sunrise, in the tower recently erected on the ;southeast point or Lloyd's Neck, and north aide of Buntington or Lloyd's; harbor, in long Inland hound. Tho tower is al feet high, built of brick, and the light will have an ele vation of 48 feet above the mean level of the Bound. The Keeper's dwelling, which it attached to the tower, is palbted white. The approximate potation of this light is latitude 40 deg a 4 min 48 sec north, longitude 73 deg 25 min 45 see west. 11, order of the Light•llouse Board, 7 0. WAN% Lieut. of Doers Engineer's Office, Third L. R. District, Nor - York, October 31,1867. ROURSTIO POETS NEW YORK, Nov. 11.—Ar ships William Rothbone, Pratt, Sunderland; Gennauta, Wood, Havre; echo Vir ginia Price, Hanlon, from Little Poo (( West ()oast of Africa), Cleared, steamships Roanoke, Skinner Nor folk; James Adger, Turner i Charleston; ships Rebecca, Collins, New °define: Minnesota, Deshon, Mobile; barquea Ware Crest, Hannon Mobile; Ruh. (Hem), Neilson, London; ashes Virginia, table 1111tImore; J W Maitland, Speed, Baohaville. Below, ahip 'adepts'. dense. of Rath) barque Adams, from lAverpool; also, two Hamburg skips, BOSTON, Nov. 10.—Arrived, kilo Neptune Snell, ' Liverpool Oct. 6; barque Modena, Eldridgi, Bdtimore; I Dr brig America, Meagher, Halifax. Salled—ShlplPar. Bement; barques Rival, Goodspeed, Oulloraa; ledge Vesta, Angeline Avery; eats hi L Darla, Baltic, Dart 8 8 dam* also, from below, ship Cyclone; barqhe 11 ifontaine; brigs Condor, Sarah, (the four hat named having put back and anchored on Monday.) Duque Pathfinder sailed on Monday evening , HIGHLAND LIGHT Nov. 10, 11 A. 13.—Passing to, brig.tillisu (not suet 3 P. 18.—Passinglu, schrs Julia Bain, and 'lgloo M. Wind NW. PORTSMOUTH, Nov, 9.—Oleared, ab)p Sarah E Pet. ritrew. (new) Burdick, of and for New Orleans. NNW HAVEN—Art 10th IMO, bonne Excelsior, Willard, fronuTurke Island; ecMiW Dement, Stanuard, 'Virginia., P POBTLANB, Me—Axe B.th irmtparque Triton, Con l* from Oalsis does—put to leatt:c. Mo, via Rockland, Wind for Barbe , otll-8k! shlp nhn L INmesock, Ilkolield Mobile. Barque Jubilee, Roes, Cardenas ; Br ochre Stag, Mat. land ,N 8; Radiant, for Hopewell, N S. iiiir,naT, Mn,Adlth Met, new ship Antis Gard ner, Limiburaer, for Savannah. liALTH4oss,,,,Her I.l.—Ar, barque B ar pb ei t e ; *taw, frotht Boston. Ar 10th, steamship Win Senkins i irallott, from Horton; ache General Greet, (Dr) Hill, from Her. xiu g,. cu l ut h , ooc h rg Alabama, .orowtker. lifitancas; Giraffe; Kelly, Bolden, , Cid 110 , 10riglialtletore Jahn don, Num N.P; sok / lit Ifello o ttattortr, oi Yo r k. Aid. bat fkagarholwiliirk!, ~.n. ,, ...," , , a4 u n k rt , r44l , ll4 , l l 7;mw An totiltd .. ilv , ~.1 1,. .. ~,,, boned Mil et , . : sprung a leak on WI lid ay out; fie *H Mu moo, ViAltay,gan Miguel, Yucatan. 4t JGRearantino, bared° Arlel, Melville,' Idwainii, bound to Darannult; put fiforith tour of the skew idoks ' Old SRI, schre i liagt CaktivelliScoll, If P Shnity, Aldeffi; Tklll2k, , affil NY it Litetala, itacikalse, NOW loan ot, i' 111, Ito bra Heady , be for a *Whom fa Matra T. Grief ee l WG. illagoniMlteiG 4 o o- 1/ 40 .2 1 ° 1 J 1011134 et jiff a nortitorp Itort• ' ' • Cl ir rjr—tw .3.4 pl, bmito et Kele, • t rigAikkl - ,000404 , 413.twq. r, Now 'Tor . yr rot to ere Bohm : dllioneg, Alpillik'New Perk i Craft/ . Orowp . Lßosten. • ' N' 1 ,NVILIOR OR.— rod, Nov 0, brig Woooo., Car ver, horn St bastion, Spain. On the Stb October, off the tout or Spain, experienced vary heavy Rather, MO 10,441noitto dotaNto i Och,tnomor, Ohtsot lota, Pitt 4T -P - AD' aie 6 an.. 'Jr =ZS Up to 124 , dookLesis Night GIRARD G017813-4heatalit Stmt. DskW lark A IVllasz, Glaak % aati, 0 W h Mu, Ohara Ma Mr Minas, jr..Ps . ; itObt &WV. Urn 'Oa Tan 0 Mardi; $0 , 4 , . It Harmon,Pli , ', • , , 0 G-Wardloa , µ Ohio . ' q Mr" Uoiad, ya; , , •.,4-,,, litra.Wilaan Pa .. ~ ,01 a altsubil „la EGlairPlosamis; RA .., :41, SI Gampball, Balt i., ; r Gaegtax, Bate : .. •... - - Goo Barker & la; N Y 4 bdi t N Y : - ~, ,- , ,‘ faro gm A Rark•reN4Y .._ ,aah, 010,02040, 0 ,', Win B Oblititt , , ,ioi , ,1,.. rThsttiarg, NY' 'J D Prl6a & W N Sullins it. la, Vs ,if SiolallPhilltpli Dation o B Widen?, Balt —J Seam NO - • I' Bacon, N A•• A ,Wr Non *la bid • F Homier at la, Okla r -• .8 &Tripp, irdeno• J Story. Brooklyn'J../ Hoppe, 81 Br Bart & ban, Nashville Idea B B,Manter,N Jeremiah Eyler, Va A Hamiatd,toston ' TII libvitar39aNdniiitote,l Slllodast4 Ptov, HI ujOba A Arbon, Xatueapter A Peters, N 'Y' ThatOliton.tokhsllW , "Jaltti W Rona; Vs ' JACentil, N Y ra W - DoX hason & It, N Y BenwOloussablitiN4J- - Ohm Sholdosh Vt , la Plan_ Mexico) ,flo e - Appleton, K Crumbs N 0140tAiltsilles,11/NY - I V P Sing, N IT VBB an ,, 81 Loth John Anrea, Jr, Boston L Roinblosi NAV' D L Gray, N Y.; • • MBBORANSI4 lefloorth at, below Aron.F B Wlgiitinan N Y Baker, ' arrahowileuetsalA frossoltoontsi Ski penabg HO Waitron - Has, s Dr VT - Wilson, Beth phew 8 IC,slsiOut it sgattettlizo Mut inhal;a6 m ew Jamey 8 Whim"; thniAmV4 R ooi Ntrfilltim9o~ , ittgAelt It4lott,.ohaugieraiiis • John &ball,A Ps $047 OR Buoltablwe Plans CisllibvalitBo~lol , llSAletner; Columbia en DV _Shoton A P Ctoodnutti Nth, York ' Tr . • WA,I010114:5:45&414 *tut, aldi, 'Ol4 W ,leintmOJlttilioll Oto,Laterne;Plttsjon N Ditittlate, Blatt 5 Spitig, DMus it,PA - W bsuo i ry • 0,1.4we1i, Aitentown, I a d* "Geo W Morgan, yr,. H/oIP e B 1411.10okor• tln ao ftd " Vartraglifiall AttiftlgritZifie watts?* D,ollln, d _ , ' *Oh yinvir n citArtna; street, abom . L;11 1 1411, 1 111" TrionfWillidilrlon 0 B AmorsOli,Wasitington InWingsb„, , 0 Othpholl, NY• •• W ' ltstdord Is, N Alum, beaky A *Jameson, ReaBlng J 0 Forayth A• wire, Ohlo 40 0#81 1 vMSt.rttlhOnSk Allery Olty ISeo ton th it wife, PA A Janes, Wilteaborre Jno o.Heuviak„Aa.BlXl, Bettrer Whiilng, Um, Theo sbiokiell, P b 1s A Van Limn Potteville II ht Ara Y Alm 11 H Halroklld r N S' 3t Bose, Providence, E==l Trft X 01 . 21544,Z0 . St ,,, V , W , Dr SW-Johnson, Pa W T Smith & la, NJ N MoDoneldiP4Urfille Jonah Denttee & da; Pa • •-• J Illingheit, Pa ' Jti Rhoads, Boyaretown J Hunter. Cohnfibla G W Boone, Columbia • M Liphart. Columbia ,2 Lobed', 2d Rail, Allentown Mr. 8 Keller, Lancaster Mm U Danner, Lancaster E J Rinehart, Md R Hendle, Danville Was All Beadle, Danville • UNION HOTEL.—Leah attest, below Fourth. S Wilber, Ind W Carson, Atieg Olty A 6 Lawrence, Ohio Lewis Snow, Boston Oboe B Hill , Bucks co, Pa John Fronts, Ohio Jno PBr N B B Martin, Lancaster J P Kauffman, Pittsburgh W C Ermentrout, Beading Rich Wattsok, Harrisburg 11 Id Miller Reading 'Miss L Rambo, Beading Miss A N Frits, Montg co Miss Nnnemacher,Norratwn Wish Wilson, Ohio Tlt Yale, Rochester N Y RII toubach, Ilellerstown A Warmer, Newark, NJ L C Waterman, Mess A O Berninger, Allentown John Drake, Easton Miss J M Price, Pa Miss 11 T Price, Pa Halal C Oralford. Jr, Del S. A 'rower, Beaton H Wiiliams, Pt Wayne, Intl Bum BSLR INN—Fifth and kferobant. N T noTelaft, Phcenlxvllle H W Caruthers, W Cheater Wm 0 Pugh. Montg co Alex Modell, Coatesville HII Shantz; Motown A Manta, Jr, Donee/wine Robt Lysle; Cheater co J D Riley , Peach Bottom BOMaraltall& Is , Chester to W Wilson , N J • RD/Main, Lanotater co Wm Bverhart.W Cheater Wm Pyle, (Mathew Dr J 0 Catchall, Oxford A P Garfield, Media A Burnett. Harrisburg Wm W Blake, Trenton, N TILKOK 130 TEL—Third at., above Oal lowbill J.Sta Berg, Butler oo;Pt Wm .1 gtaln , Bellefonte D Bleabolds, Samneytorn P K Reltanyder, Rending Dardel Kline, Reading O W Oooper, Allentown Geo fd Beebe, PhDs Van Artadale, Powdery A BuCtioan,Peaaterville Geo Kline, Earlyille BAxxxv tua,tv—Second, below Vine street. Bohn It Onstorboadt, Pa Luther oPdYko, N. l H dhow, Norr4town H M dtewert, Jeukfutowu 11 Rowland, Holmeolnag Win W Blakey, Bucks co A Mates, Otatudeburg W T Smith, Philo BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, abw, Oallewhlll Piss Kreider, /3 Bethlehem NT Kuntz, Oberryrille Sand Bader, Flewertown John Abel, Beaton Aaron Wa it', Bucks co . Ben) Krause, Allentown Allis Kriuse, Allentown Mre Krause, Allentown MADISON 1101IBB—Second street, shore Market. Mr Welt, N J . L N Warr, DeMeyers Joel Bailey, Milford, Del Abel L Bmail, Milford, Del Jas 1I Bute, /adieus I) B Rhoads Wyoming' co Indiana 3 'V Lightner, Wyoming co Joel Drum, ndiana 3 Dliontalban, N 0 W BLondenslager.Berks co 'Shoe P lancer, N Y Peter D Walker, Pa Tunes Moore, Pottsville ll II Lamer 4 is, Bait (m! the New York State RegLster.] Attie/Icon Manufacture.... COMPSTITION INC PIRPOMR WITH LONDON AND PARIS-A PERRIER REPIPUTION POR TWO CWINOINX AMYRIOAN 1:1513313 , There are two articles of American minutia:dem that are rapidly becoming of world-wide circulation: Their feme is not confined to this side of the Atlantic; but they ere as well ;known in Paris and London as in former years celebrated perfumes, manufactured in Paris or London, hare become known throughout the Union. What is more singular Mill, though the mann. !eateries to which we allude have been extensively ad vertised in the Atlantic eitlea,tand slim in the London and Paris :journals, yet the great pregreee the articles bare made, and the extraordinary amount of sales, N'l.o4ll.lpar.o.also.sltinr, , ..th bare loisanstinan. merit of the articles when put in use. The proprietor. have had lawsuits, involving tens of thousands of dol. lari, against people who have endeavore4.to pirate upon a valuable patent, yet in every case they have cocas off conquerors. • Another extraordinary fact Is, that the proprietors are not engaged Ma burdens that assimiletes in the least degree with the manufactured articles. The firm of Fetridge & 00. are extensively engaged In the book trade, and have one of the largest bookstore. on Broad way, a few doors above Chambers street. One of the articles to which we allude is the celebrated " BALM OF A TUOUBANDPLOWERB." This article is of nubile benefit. What greater curse exists than a bad breath, AD matter to what unhappy Mae it Mowing? The possession of it is a public and private nuisance, or would be go, were there tie remedy. One reason of this te, that people in general who are afflicted with bad breath are not aware of it. It le a delicate mat ter to mention, even on the part of a friend, end the only way .to do it in to purchase the " BALM OF A TIIOUSAED BLOWERS," and to present it to the party, Its effect, is instantaneous, and the remedy so complete that it ',hardly conceivable. It also eradicates all tan and freckles front the' face. This is the main cause of the extraordinary sale of this article which we hear in all parts of the Union, and of Europe. The cost in 60 tents, which places it within the reach of every one, end every druggist keeps it on hand, with as certain a demand for it as far . the most well-known ar ticle in the Pharmscopea. This article has fought its way into the haunts of fashion, and nobody who makes the 'lightest pretence to good appearance can be found without it on their toilet table. Its effect upon the teeth is to make them as white as the purest alabaster. The extensive publishing house of Fetridge & Co. are making an enormous fortune by this article alone. But they are also proprietors of another article of equal wont, and of equally extraordinary sale. We allude to their " WOODLAND CREAM," for beautifying and perfuming the hair. In all the catalogue of French and English articles for the SAM object, noneha'ee ever equalled our own American article, and this too has a fame tu London end Parls, and a great sale In those cities. No bottle of foreign importation can be sold for two dollars that equate au American production which only coats ISO cents. 'ibis is an American triumph, and we allude to it as such. The two articles we have named, the "BALM OF A. THOUSAND FLOWERS" and the " WOODLAND DREAM," do credit not only to the manufacturer, but to the country, and no lady, in a few years, will ever make a purohaee of foreign articles of a Medlar charac ter. The place of business of VETRIDGE & CO. io at No. 281 BROADWAY, but the articles to which we have alluded can be found in every Druggist's Store of any note, and In every American Perfumery establishment. For Peifumed Breath, White Teeth, and Beautiful complexion, nee '• Balm of 1.000 Flowers." For dreaslng Ladles' hair, use Cream, new Pomade." It curls Gentlemen's heir beautifully. W. P. //MILAN & Co., Proprietors, N. Y. For sale by T le, Peterson, 308 Cht stunt ; Hamel States, Twelfth and Chestnut; A. B. Durand. 718 Chest nut; T. U Peters & Co., 710 Chestnut; p. G. 11911118, oirt Book-store, 430 Chestnut; 0. 8. Hubbell, 1410 Chestnut; French, Richards, & Co., Tenth and Mar ket; A. D. Taylor, Ninth end Walnut; Dr Morrison, Seventeenth and Oheetßut ; J. W. Sinus, ds Eighteenth end Twietty-Bocond and Market Hawaii Ohrtstsnaunc7o2l Oheatnnei Themes Lancaster, corner Eleventh and Walnut, " ' nOl2-ly Bank rof °treat lka . Illil l lNariMANl4 BANE TAKIM • FOR 'UMBRELLAS, AY WM. if, No. 4.1.8 ki.oxitgr grag" Prete seer titthi4l . lo• iliallitute. • • Charles Wadsworth, D: "11. f end d.'B;' Silver, Zig.. who Ivan a eon la this school, may be expected to address! l'ioleseor Saunders' Institute, at the wapiti examination on Thursday nett, (the 12th inet.,) At a Welook P. Al., at the Vest Philadelphia Institute. Salmi of the most eloquent speakers of thhieityhave ihiraetto d e liver as. dream, for the hsnotit of.Psoteasor:ltsuuderte, The public sre invited to attend every Thursday after- COD at 8 o'clock. The loft addvass. on 'l'll%ll l 4day, that., by the ROT. Dr. Leyboris of Me city, was one of the most Appro priate and eloquent Bracher ever' Addressed to a collec. tion of youth.' The Itimereid Doctor spots Ercempo ranebusly on Reiempernneous Speaking, in 111%01,11 etylc,pAtuiid, animateB s hapreative, toll of • heart; sometirnia gentle, sometimes energetic; at all times Anent, The afloat of loch 'weakly appeali ripen Predsaaor dattodare' pupils is very apparent. • , On ThursC►y, lath feat., J. if. Colabo; Ee4., and on Thursday, VOA, Oat. J. W. / orriey, Editor of Too Pomo—whoa toile are under Prohnianr piainalers , ln atraettion-whl ad4rias the Tnititute. For:cirottlass fl ply to Profiesor D. 19010111113, Went Philutelphii lintihute Netovet the Bonk of Penntorlo,als - Wien at cLozumG AT pz,044,0 kun, vitt TIMZL TEIVENTIitu• non OF .I,I4I3OLESATA OLOTiILiMitOtiSII,'. Miiilductaa4 openly foi Fika 4 ow%b, p 4 M A? MAIL, At stoutly Ratted Poet*, for 4 0 4,a, 4 no4•tt i At No. 1 North Plfln 01. 10.neweld, Comosiamlon Business 1p Coro. mardal paper yid no/oations of Imo, be *Pawn Of.,Qtpindfil the Nsehapse, Philadolphte. p 010.211 9E3 Special Noticee. ,~? UPILORTERY, 1114 *LOUT ST, 9O O P/1 1 , 11 1 1 P/Vittillarf Siti rAiLE ' GEO. 3. HENKEL'S, P 521 WALNUT Street, roat4 of ITS Ohestnut Street 7ifekiioSt .,4 A gos • 'swn:toil. STREET. 1 0480ka, gotilf; Vottkii, tills Wing, gill $Ollll, 011 . - adus, eirdn,iind an .rather Made of Job Printing, at prlooa tomtit 04 Maio.' ocIT-1) aeoniouta da t a % shad—Office 203 Walnut 'treat, She dooi'ireit`of Picard 'street. Itecetres de. posh/ In sums of Opp *Pm pad upwards, from ell clams Of iliteStronanity, and *Howe interest at the rate of ate per Mt pee anuom. 016 Oiss ' n &RV; VoiciSf issitii 'd'ologki and on Mon' day and lithnasy n9UI ' the availing. President If =Uhl, N#lll, ..lk,vriwir,,,glyitles M. Morris; 4u7,7aistana. lotingiao Raftlifißailis.. l l6o Boles Buffalo Robes of the Was ihalittiOnst received froutniunesots. Also a hindsos, stesosfatent of Saucy Robes of our own mStokt#Otneo, arid for mitwholeanle awl retail by ONO. F. WOMEATII, 416 Arch Street t00t12.1%1 TheWerPs Intuit Cardlea. ,,, ...Tbli inenluabie 'Oondiel of the most oboice and efficient arcneathia tern In medicine, and is the most perfectitid refiabbe Armirialienxtent tor infanta and .Temint ntindrine, . Dy Its ptilirerfni brildsnos, speedy once is eroded in ell esses of Cdolisorindy pains and spasnts Relieves and mitigiteenteehietehltdrenh , !alforing daring dent'. lion Or teething, and br its soothing properties tran quillised Pads ottki *mils, !Donnie*, vomiting, The Went beriple a atawlard rezpedy, and hu Diem' M.d in d,hdtustinde - cJIMBS with the meet llbaudelti inpiese. No &mill. shouldhe without it. PreparedNtly BANIT A. town, At Ms Drug and °bemired Roma N. ,„ loyernt or Sixth and reen,ste.,Philadelphie. To ithom idl, orders must be addressed. And for sale by Antattlitil Olken*. ea 18.1 y Saabs eind- r lillve Per Cent. Interest—Ns Hopei RafetY Trust Company, WALNUT Street, south west oorner of THIRD Street, PHILAD6iIIIS/. Open daily till 7 o'clock, and on MONDAY and THURSDAY Mveitsni tin otolook. Deposits received end pay clients res i dsi daily, Assets invested in MINAS. ESTATE, 119RYGROR4 OROUND RENIO, and other drat-olassaectut tien, as the charter directs.nos • Ifitarna'g On Monday evening, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. J. U Cuthbert. pastor of the First haptiat Church, J. S. JOUNOON to JOSEPUINN, eldest daughter of Mr. ;aleph J. Mickley, of We city, On the sth instant, by ROT. T. Jf )164018 P 4111. 5."°. It. PITMAN to Mice AIARY,A. both ofyhils. delphln. /some On the Bth Instant, ABSAIIAbI KAMPAIAN, aged AA years. On the oth inntant, UARTJIA, wife of Benj. Thorn ton, aged 47 years, On the 10th tuatara, - EirllkilltB DROWN, r; the ilibth year of big ago. • OD tbenthlnateut, of codaumptott,4lAlLT ANN, wife of Frannie anattergood, ,, anfl demi/hint of' the lat. Bam'i and Mazy Stork, JO thallgtb zpitr, of #O7 143 e. irl" Ski2ol and thr will be the topic of the sisesol sod leat`Lectore of Wendell Phillips, Seq , of fjoston, this (rhainday) evening, at 14( n'cloclt da 0014131C11.T• : , Admitaton 24 cents. Ickets at door. ' r •", t ID' Popular L'actelre at shd Mariners' Citurcte, WATPR Streit: - nbo've 'Natant; oh Tuesday evening, November 1744 hy, 'l4 paelor, Rev. J. B. 'RIPLEY. Suhlect—BUST-110DLESIiIDIAS.."Tickets Ten Cents. .I'o be had at the Senors' Home, No, 422 South Front, below Pine' Room, corner Seventh and Witnnt; W. S. hiettien'e, Obeetnut Street, and the rooms of the Amerjes# Trot Society. nol2*-th ato tTi - Fifteenth 'WeLtzli—Thie Fifteenth War d , RhIAFF ASHOCIATIOa will' bloat in the 'fell of the Ohuroh or St. ittatthisu,NIFIFTSENTH Street, shore Wallace, thlB (Thursday) EVI:NING, the 12th lost , At o'clock P. Ai. 'Citizen) are earnestly Invited rto attend. ' it* 07. Fifth Ward Association for the Retie) of the Poor. An adJoorolei meeting of the citizens of this Ward will be held In the Rill 'of the Woes Hose lJnton street, below Beeond, TlllB EVENINGI, 12th Inst., at 7g reelects. OEIABLY,B /t, PAlll4.ll:lN,Cbairrneh. W.ll. Loess, flecrotaty. norl2-Ite 3lxth Vt'artl Hong Asenclatlott.—Tho citizens of the Sixth ward are 'reepectfully,notlllod that at a meeting held Taceday, 10th instant, the following named gentlemen were appointed for the purpose p( en- Bolting and collecting Contributions, and to receive ap plications for relief: /1188 DDINSION. Wm. R.J.Reed, Fred'k Mem, T. McManus. 8200 ND DI6SRIOT Mites Carpenter, • A'. S.' Catherwood, Barnum Baugh, FIFTH DISYS ICT Edltht Mower, NSW. .11aNtell, Julio, B. Maklao. stitu LlaraZa Ital. patrol -to, Pita. Sides,' (leo „Goebel. likvglitTli DISTRICT Peter Plitt B. Bechtold, K. Flanigan. THIRD DISTRICT, John Donegan, Peter ?Sateen, Bole). Gaines. roenrm DISTRICT 8. Q. Then:lpso; Tim Fisher, 7. MOHlbbea. stature DimOpr. lin 0. Yeager, P: 11. Aderibarn, D..D, Haas. n$ will meet on FRIDAY o'clock, at No. 2.57 North etr buoka for colloctionit. NO. MoMAR IN, Pres 3. r. 01411. A. Yi/.022, BEC'f. The abovo•named verso EVENING, at bait-peat 7 THIAD Street, to receive tit .I.X 0 . raausx, Treasu lt* DV — Popular Lecture... Pork Benjamin, Esti , will deliver his celebrated Lecture on 'TILE SPIRIT OF 'YANKEE DOODLE; or, TRUE INDEP'ENDENOE —A -Poem for these Thnell and other Timed'--on EIikSTAUPS/liiiirdiVaVAA696 , oP:dic 25 cents; to be had at the Methodist bookstore, Fourth, near Areb street ; Methodist Tract Depository, Sixth, near Molt street; John 0. Mead & Sons, N. E. corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets; &lodges.. it. Steelman, No. 62 South Second street; D. 11. Loudenalager, No. 24 N. Ninth street; John Olsdding, No. 529 8. Second street; W. 0. Stevenson, Nu. 7128. Second street; Karcher, N. E. corner of Sixth and Wharton streets, and at the door on the evening of the Lecture. noll-st* try. Penneyleant% Company for Insurance ON I.lll+llo AND GRANTING ANNtn YOILa Deanna, November 2,1857. NOTIOR is hereby given, that • meetiog of the Stockholders of this Company ben been called by the Board of Director', (ender the provisionsof the seventh section of the act of the Denote! Assembly of this State, entitled !'An Act providing for the Iteliumption of Specie Payments by the Bunke, and for the Relief of Debtors,' approved on the 16th day of October, A. D.. 1857.) to be held at the 011 ice of the (lorporation, on TILIIRSDAY, tlie`tirelfth day of November, A. D. 1817, at 11 o'clock A. AL, for the purpose of taking into consideration the aoxptonco of the provisions of the said act. By orderer the Board, WILLIAM B. RILL, Actuary. UNITED STATES POST—OFFICE, IN TUE CITY OP PRILADELPIIIA. SEALED PROPOSALS, for supplying materials and workmanship required In the erection and construction of a Post-ollioe building in the City of Philadelphia, for the United States Poetiffice Department, will be re. calved at the office of the undenugned, Commissioner for the building, No. 200 South FOURTH Street, on or before the twelfth day of December next. Contracts will be awarded only to master-builders and mechanics, Ruch Proposal mat bo accompanied by a written guarantee signed by two responsible per sons, to the effect that the bidder, will, when required, If his proposal be accepted, enter into a contract and bond with proper and sullicleut securietleo for its faith ful performance. Plans and speolficetione for tip building can be seen upon application et the office of the Architect, John McArthur, Jr,, No. 10 Mercantile Library Building, where every information respecting materials and work mm34ll)4lll be given. The Yropoeale moot be Bent to the °Moe of the Com. missioner, and addressed to John Rice, and endorsed "Proposals for the tatted Retell Piet-office at Phila. delphia," and will be opened at noon of the lostriamed day for receiving the same. MIN RION, nor 12-dtdel2 Commissioner,. ThiPORTAIIT TO MEDICAL. STUDENTS. 1. NEW PRONOUNCIND MEDIOAL. LEXICON, containing the correct prontinolatioh and definition o most of the toms used tly speakers andorrfters on Mod' eine and the collateral Defences, with Addenda contain ing Abbreviations used in Preieriptlotuf, and a List o, Poison/ and their Autidotee, By C. It OLIWIALAND 71. B. 'Mk valuable pocket mattel ehouicLbe is the have of every medical student. Price 75 cents. For este I FOWLERS, WELLS o CO.'S, 922 CHESTNUT Stree below 'Tenth. n0v12.3t8 REMOVAL.-P. BRADY & CO. HAVE ILL removed their Banking House to 125 S. Tlllltll Street, above bock. pu12.6t8 Bank Notires KENSINGTON BANK.—PunADELPAIA, October 7, 1867, An election for thirteen Directors to serve the ensu ing year will take place at the Banking-house, on Mon day, the 16M, day of November, between the hours of 9 A, M and S P. M. lr. T. YLIMII.3; oofithsatutNl6 Cashier, FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK. PEILAMILP/ItA t October 0tb,1931. The annual election for Director , ' wilt be held at the Banking Donee, on 310NDAY, the 16th day of Novem ber next, between the boure of 9 o'clock A. DI., and 3 o'clock P. M.; and on TUESDAY, the 3d depot Novem ber next, a General fleeting of the Stockholdere will be bald at the Banking Route, at 4 o'clock I'. 111., agreea bly to the charter, otl-tool6 iManto. WANTED—An A I vessel of moderate capacity, to load fors Southern port. Freight ready for shipment, Apply to noti-bt BISHOP, NIXON.% & CO., 120 (late 30) North Wharves WARTED, FOR THE lINCTED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, ti whom will be glyen good pay, board, clothing, and undies/ stloodooce. Vey from $l2 to SIM per month. No men haring a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTLID SUWON, at No. 817 MARKET street &bore Eighth, north elde. . . 'WILLIAM B. ItOYALL, Mitlieut. 24 Rut. of Cavalry, oot 5-2m* Recruiting Meer Slonen. CAMBLOS, & CO., !," RANERRS, :f0.,38 Segni Third Street. The highest premium paid for AMERICAN COLD AND NEW YORE EXCHANGE. k"--31Ebt and sold. Uneurrent Wands 13totki bought end sold on ownllllll/lioll only. nolo.2m* NEW YORK. ALTIMDEE E ./UNDB, AILEEICAIf GOLD, DNO!DIEVENT MONEY, • AND LAND 'WARRANTS, llongllt and Ea ori moat tyvfrable terms, 'by Ross & co., Nq. I 6 TEM Strap+ tsilsa'asso Ins Koss; for said b lIAATIN44)(IOALIBTER, 119 North Water Street 5900 TONS of MITCHELL & CROAS -4616,11 Improved super PHOSPHATE OP Mug, for mile by OROASBALE, PEIROE & 00 3 no/04 4WO. /At N, loclarms *venni. 2,.189, G RAND CONCtRT. MUSIOAL FUND NALL. ON INMA' EV NNlNG,Noiromber 18tb• ~icondibd last avoeftrattee of Wit& ENKINYE Ymazzormir, In coojanction with E. TIIALEI9I6 , 111Nraz ntuvrEtm, MADAME AMALIA PATTI ETRAKOSO . HERA. ii.LOTZEIk. 11134.1er`the Aireclicu of M. svutosen. FREZZOLINI will aing:-.-1. Oaratina Lizu di Chamounix ; 2. Banana Trovatore ; 3. Vale! Bravoura ; 4. Duett, flemiramide. with Madame Bti konb. Mad, BTIIAKOBO/1 will sing :-1. Dear Mother VI It Rieht ; 2, Bay Yea, Puna) , ; and 3, Duni with hr Vrezzolinl. H. THALDIRG Will play-1. Miuquadello ,• 2. March Fenebre Chopin ; 3. frahlinvi 'Lied lifindehiohn ; and 4. The Grand DriettalDiguenotr, for Violin and Plano, with 11 Vieuttempe. lIENRIE VIREXTENIPB will ptay-1. Fatale Ca price ; 2. I'Lombardl, end the Duetto If 12,1%w/obi with S. Thelberg. - DERR RLOTZER will perform on the Violoncello—. 1. Pantaele b 7 Beuborti 2. 8010 bjr Alotser. Admission ONE DOLLAR. No extrs charge for re served molts The Bale of cents contraeneec to-dity, at the Music Storer. of* Lee Walker, seek h Lawton, and ..E. L. Walker. Cocoert cortartencm at 8 THIRD AX DLAST LECTURE. MADAMS LOLA MONTEZ Will give her LIOTITRE nn " GALLANTRY," At the NUS A/, FUND HAL TWURSDAY EVI , N ov e mberNlNG 12, Adminrion, 25 contr. A MERICAN ACADEMY OF hum 14 .7 .ER. E. A. MARSHALL ' %Me LAST NIGHT BUT TWO OP, la. otteithrs THIS (Thursday) EVENING, Nov. 12th, 1861, The performances will commence with the new Comte Drama, entitled AGGRAVATIN4 SAIL Bam DittggiUM Mr. Charles Mathews. To be followed by the new ram of THE PRACTICAL MAN. Cloudeley Mr. Charles Idabel's. Concludiog with the Pares of BOX AND ODE. • PRIORS ON ADMISSION: • Balcony, Parquet, and Parquet Oirele .14m117 Circle mut Amphltheatre • Private boxes Bate secured tritborat extra charge. Treasurer .'. 1 1 1109, aI'HEON ' Doors open before 7 o'clock ; performance irlll iota mence at 11f. WALNUT STREET TREATRE.,--Les. Fee, Mr. E. A. Marshall; Stage Manager, Mr. John Sefton. Prlces.—Dress Circle and parQuette, 25 cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Secured Seats, STX cents; Private Doi and Orchestra Seats, 90 cents. Box Office open from 9 o'clock A. M. WI P.M. Dion open at 6,i o'clock; performance to commence at 7, precisely. TIIIB (Mender RIMING, Nor. lktb, 1897, WIG be presented the local drama, entitled LINDA, TAR CIGAR GIRL; Or, Slose Among the Conspirators. Molls Morrleoo, Mr. Cheufreu; Edward Bradley, M. Drink; Harry Russell, Mr. Reach; Linda, Mrs. John Sloan ; Biddy Smhtlan, Mr. John Sloan. To conclud,with , the dm:n*o4lod TfirobiAN CIGULD Harry Ifeim, Mr. Chunfrau ; 'lack Reim Neptune, the Ocean Child, Mrs. John 814 an. :EATLEY's ARCH i3T. TILEATR4. -SOLD ww.n. W. WHEATLEY. OLD PRIOEB RESTORED TO EDIT THE TIMEB. TWEET Y•YiVE OENTS TO ALL PARTS la TRH 1101.1311, (except Oichestre and Private Bekaa.) J M. D. WHITTON Treasurer. TIIIB (Thursday) EVENING, Nov 12th, 1867, Will be priseuted the celebrated Play of OADIILLE. Armand Dural Mr. E. L. Davenport. Moos. DUTSI Mr. Fredericks. St. Fri role Mr. 3. B. Clarke. Camßla 'ltra. D. P. Bowers. Helene 1114, 'Emma, Taylor. To conclude with the Dornestle Drama of the ROBBER'S WIRE. Mark nedland, Mr. Dolman; Larry O'Clig, Mr. J. S. Clarke ;'Rose liodland , Mrs. N. L. Davenport. Soot or Prooss.—Boxes, 26 cents; ftecuredfiesta, 38; Orchestra Stella, 60 cants; Beats in Prlratti"Boxes, 76 cents; Gallery, 18 cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, Y. 6 cents; Private Bok In Gallery for Colored Parsons, 88 cent., Dot Ortlce open front 10 A. M. until 3P. M. Doors Jlill open at 6,ti o'clock; pedormance to comp:mace at Y precisely. - - --- VATIONAL THEATREc WALNUT ST., NEAR EIGHTH. The manager takes pleasure in announcing to his old patrons and the public generally,that hp hasanceeeded, at an enormous outlay, to effectiog an engagement with the celehratedi.nd world-renowned BUCKLEI , B SERENADERS, and great Ethiopian Burlesque OPERA TROUPE; (Trim their new Opera House, 535 Broadway, N. l'„) Who wore received last evening with prolonged shout, of laughter. ' THIS (Thursday) EVENING. Nor. 12th. The laughablO burlesque opera, in 3 acts, of TROTA.TOIVE_. Count Lana - tick, R. B. Buckley; Mannigiero, G. S. Buckley ; Rue-phis, J. A. Basquin ; Yen-Tall, J. Car roll; The Lady Lemmonors, MIAs 0 Riffed; Eye Nice, J. J. Bianco ; Aunt Brfsanosh, A. Norton. Other characters by member, of this celebrated corn. Puny. NOTICE—In order to bring title great entertainment within the reach of all, the manager would reepectfully announce that the price of admission hag been axed, to all parts of the bongo, at TWENTY-Trig CENTS ONLY. Doors open at T ; Curtain rises at 'kat neat 7 precisely. S. 1? unnw Sole Lessee and Manager. - JiLEVENTH Strie4t, above Chestnut. Boors open at 7 o'clock—to commence quarter Wore eight. Admittance 25 canto. Ethiopian tire Illustrated by Sanford', Troupe of Stare—New Dances by the Panford Otrilirte. PERFORMANCES EVERY BTENIFC*. To conclude with A LAUGHABLE ATIIittPIZON. ' THOMEUVB. VARIETIES— Irma and CHESTNUT Streets. Those much admired and unrivalled Gyxnuastio Per formers Meagre. PiI&GILTOIi, and DIINBAR, will appear EVIIILY this'areek, in addition to the EXCELSIOR COMPANY *giggled. The oreni entertainment will tie concluded with immenNe houses last seer et the Circus, Commencing MT N. ?initiate remain at 10 centai -1 X L, Is my motto.'i. 8. THOMBUY, nervlo-11.1* Eirp epotte REMOVAL L. J. LEVY & CO., IN ANTICIPATION OF REMOVAL TO Tax SPLENDID NEW STORE; Now belle; erected for thorn In CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH, have determlnea, for a period of 30 DAYS, To dispone of a large amount of their Stock now to *tore at very LOW PRICES FOR CASII They invite the attention of the Public and their Ons omen to one of the most complete assortments of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS To be found In this Country, which will be disposed of for the period fouled, at such prices its will insure their sale. CHESTNUT STREET, NEXT TO THE ODSTObf HOUSE AUCTION GOODS. THOS. W, EVANS ec CO., SIS and 840 Cheilunt Street, WILL OM; TRI,S 110R14INGI A LARGE AMORTMENT OF FRENCH 0-00 AS, Just bought at the GREAT AUCTION SALK N N E YORK. Amongst them me OItEAT BARGAINS• 1026 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW ELEVENTH WE IIAVE MASHED BALL TRIMMING to 25 eta. per yard, from 50 eta. TAPESTRY ZEPHYR to 15 etc per Mr., frr;to 20 4a. KNITTING ZEPHYRS to 17 eta. per oz:, from 25 eta SKEIN 2... E PHYR to 17 eta por oz from 25 eta. SHETLAND WOOL to 10 eta. per oz., from 1B eta, STEEL SPRING SKIRTS to $4.00 tont, from $5 60. WORKED SLIPPERS to $2.00 per pair, from $4.00. FANCY DRESS TRIMMINGS ARE ALL ILEDECF.D, REGARDLESS OF LOSSES, BELOW THE LOWEST PRICES OF ANY OP OUR COMPETITORS. These inducements are added to the usual favorable qualities of our stock, with the view to preserve un broken our ENTIRE LIST OF CUSTOMERS. J. G. MAXWELL noll•lrr'10.6 CHESTNUT STREET THOS. W. EVANS & CU TIATI: MADE A FURTIIIM RV:MOTION OF HANDSOME SILK ROBES RODXS to $4O. $55 do to $3O . $ i 5 do to $25 ROBES A QIJILLE. ' u010.3t 818 and 820 CHESTNUT ST HE AV Y BROWN C I TTON§ Ono Thousand Oates SHERTINGS, SIIIRTINOS, AND DRILLS, /FROM TUB LAWRENCE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, JACKSON CONPANY, (IND/AN HBADO AND NASHUA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Of their various yridths and styles, irldnh We 9drirsd for sale for Brat•elase psper,zu cREDtr, try tie Agents or. the Compooleo, ALFRED SLADE SE CO., 89 LETITLA STRUM LADIES' DIESS 'PRIXIStINGB, AND Rturturej,Arminii. • NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, MAXWELL /t ON: IVEOLERALE AND RETAIL STORES, 109 E OITESTNET Street four doors below Elareatlt And 31S B. BEOOIII Bt., below Spruce. FACTORILS.--Noo. 96 d 97 GEORGE St, Tenth, bud SECOND Street, near trnion. Orders nasda et a few bounk nottee. 5e22.41 tar JOHN .B. STRYKtri, Wholessle Dealer In AUCTION DRY GOODS. No. 12 BANS Buret, Sbilactepts. DM Oa evektii' "017 littriptlon of, City add iu tuoC i r r q• rt . :4 tad Usti' may be bad at the PRIVATE !MLR ILIGISTIIR. QT Real Estate eatorsit on oar Yenta giotor, Re advertised ocesaloosti, fa ant P T'" A° ." Abstracts, (of which I,OOQ maple* ars vaintal eekli t ) free of charge. • STOCKS, PAir. A,.. on Tuesday; NOV. 171 b, at &glut, et the Philad elp thodis Trinity will be sold a fin/Med paw, No. 65, Me Church, Eighth strest,.above asps s treet. Also. 7 shares in the capital Mott of the dissociated Butchers sad Drovers or Philadelphia, Par 119,40., Also, without reserve, 6 *Wei Academy of Music, YIETEENTM 1 / 1 44., 15ALE-11111 NOVEMBER. Orphans' Gaut . 11Psks.-itslato of Bans& B. Ashmsad, NiAT • 511341XliCgi TUX : UNTIL UTDETT.—The skeet modern rsoidostoorith book bedidlnv, No. dld south 'eleventh street, below Fine 0101101. NEAT DWELLINO, MTN FlfTlf STRUT. Also, the neat toothiest dwelling, N.4411111.00nth Ydth street. 4ILD IBBNDEIUFAXIX UXOUNDIIgIgTTWIAT• • Two old lrrodeoliablo ground rents, o we ist the other of $64,56 ►loan.*Tear of tame; twos 4,n property North Fourth etrhet, above Franklin eve lie. Thwy are well seenrsignie4gwegtorall A r TllilEit-STORY BRICK SWIM DWILTANIF. Three-story brink store arel dire as, N. g. corner Elghth and Federal streets. SI,OOD may rintain on mortgage, THRIM3TOIT Three-story brink dwelling 0. Z. *ono" o(..Poptu street and Corinthian avenue._ ..60 cent. REAL ESTATE MBls lit. Adoilnlstrators' Bole—Estee of Ritilktedbochoo,Ahfed. ILEIRANT COUNTRY BRAT AND /ARM, ABOUT SIXTERN )41LIS 'ROM BLAYNE? STRUT, AND ram" not( BRISTOL. Oar sate At December willrinelod• the valuable country stet and Luna, 107 acres, TIM spperterDwprore ,menta, known se “PARlLETPektuntoAuthohellibts, ow the west side of Nothessiney theek, between the BMW lespitre end the Haworth road. turr Dolt Wirthmisre handbills. Orphans' eaxe, Belo--Essete. of Willisro U. Lewes, &waged. •PRAM& DWELLING, Tier WARD. Freon dwelling, north side of We street, %%bp Green lase snd Levering street, Twenty-first Wari4; Orphans' Court dale—Eatate of Lynch, nilnanc.' TWO4IITOEE ICB 11008 it. TWuctotT_htinitheWns 111 W wart, between Tenth msdltlevennt streets be low ot•-ast' . NEAT MODEM ER3IDRXOII. Also, vest modern hood/woe, No. 733 North Plitoooth street, above Andy street , thilshoitwithesoderniserove ineratiand eontenientew. TWO ILAN/DOOM: NEW RESIDENOIIh DELANCY PLACE, lIITWEBN EIOPITEINTS AND N2YR TLENTS AND bPRICOS ARE PitiTiIiTEEITIL Two kendeotnir new four4tory brick residences, with thrige•story bark buildings, aa4 replete with all the modem improvement* end conetwienues. They will be told separately. lennedlitepesemodon. ENT)30111 , 2 BALE 1/VBr/TrILS, TET,YET OAR MB, ke. CARD.—Car We. II the sastiatt store. tbli morning, wltt include, Laskin MO •lots .et es.esibat housekold Wm/tore, several flee velvet tapattry teed Brestele carpets, Axis adrrora. platco-tertes, due silver tea set, china sod glassarars, book-ores, lltpda sad bed dips, plated vows, store.. ire., fostalseg ea attractive tuteriment, arid w orthy the attehtlott wir those destroyc of purchasing. Cate/agues now ready, and the Leticia arranged for simainattoa. We Nos. 139 and 141 South Your* Street. SIISSIIOI4 PURNISVRII, SOSSWOONSISNO MUTES, 111,1120111,, 1111:1 . IPSD1011 ISABLITSi • Tag Morning, At IO o'clock, at the ,action Store, a largaamo4sant of second-hand fatalness; piano -fortes, sitrrois,carpeta, ke., from Wil liam doellzuotkonsokeropiok. I'UXIIRTOIIT si.LE—neth ruiltir. TILL tier. Alas, watchmaker's engraving machine. • Also, at 12 o'clock, el (dant reserve, a tat sheer tea set-5 pieces' weight ; 154 oa.. Ki‘ 4.101. WASILINGTON'S SOYA. • • At.l2 o'alckei, a 41111;1;eloogiag late general Wuhingtou 17.61t6d1ir AMOK ekirmrs. Mao, tiro dogma Neenah carpet,. Ales, several fine tapostrboalvet, and lirassels ear Pete.. , We No.llo Spree% atteet: SUPERIOR 1121LNITUR, BRIISAICLA OMITS, PIANO-PORTE, AiIIMOSS, PINS sziebraff PAU:WINGS AND ENORAYINGS, immure, lIA2iDSOME 01113 CHANDELIERS, Re., ' On Friday Morning, e 13th hot ' at 10 o'clock , by catalogue, AWNS. 1224 Spruce ntreet, below Thirteenth, the Areal?* ho old forruture, Ito., of • gentlem e n declining have May be examined at B o'stnek on the morningc=e. VALTIABLIt 1111,410A1 BOOM; On Saturday Neenlag. NOv. 14, at the auction store, will& sold a of .ealuable medical books. .} f ptatiettia, 04'64 legate. &Is Noe. 189 aidSettik . ferthet_ek•t• I 1 1 . 8111 44VSNISCRUOTikoie Oo Saturday toorolog, At 11 o'clock, at the auctioa More, one rase of srayer‘r German "Plower Root.; troia roodesc.hoot Jr. Son, illnt tem comprising the ueual assortment. Sale N 0.1017 Wsltott et set. STOOK Or SUPERIOR rCIANITITILIO. On Monday morning Nov.loth, it 10 o'clock at No. 1131 7 Walnut street, without reserve, the entire stook of John DDaarrews,, do. dining buskins on easount of ill health, oomprWng • general astUrtment of drawlat-room furniture, sad one styles and severity, superior shtunbor end dialog roots turn/two, superior book.rases, ke., to., all mann festaFed in the bast manner, expressly for private Sales g- and walwented. ' Catalogues throb days previous to sale. The Store ~ L s o Bent. Philadelphia and futon tile Libraries ; WOLSIXT_ & SCOTT, , AIICT AND 00)1/111,54U3 NIZIWtt ro 4.11 mast. NUX Street, opposite the Oedema HMO, beltreen harth mad 1111 b Btreets. EXTENSIVE SALE . Olf ELNE OeiRRIIGE AND !MEW DIMES, Sc. By order of the /Leehotee. Frjday next, - Aleannenetng at oln4ck precisely, we wilksell, by order of the assignee, (or cash, a large and ealata hie eossigument of furs for ladles' andlent's.wearalnigh and earrisge robes, Yoe. Included will bi found cams, Ulnas, ;leonine*, rouffa„ pelerinee, storms, gauntlets made In the mat fashionable mane of Holm BAY Company's sable, myna sable, Bich, Si berian squirrel, stone martin. ermine. SLEIGH AND CaDIIIAGE runt*. Also an assortment large-she sleigh and *Nage robes all the desirable furs, and worthy the.particn lar attention of those in want of s superior arDolit. Gaga! Notices. NOTICE -IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE OITYIND COUNTY OF PUILADEL ?FM. Estate of WILLIAM B. DA.iIELS, dtreesssd, - Sur proceedings in postilion. • Vs °anion Daniels, John 0. osolels, Rio Fish, Gilbert W. Fish. Marietta Barnes, Cherie. Barnes, Den- Jaren Ai. Daniels, Austin Daniels, Louk Daniels, sod Ds Forest Daniels, and all other persons Internited in the above estate. You are hereby notified that the Court ha•granted • Rule upon all the 'cornea' interested in the above estate, to appear at said Court on FRIDAY; the ith day of De cember, A. D 16g, at 10 o'clock A. M., and accept or refuse the real elitate at the appralsement made by the fikeriffand Inquest, or show cause by the ammo should not be sold. OEORGD Attorney of Petitioner. Dona BANIIII4, Clerk of Orphans' Coert. nol2-Dnr-2t TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE 60UNTY PIIILADELPHIA,—;stata, of T/103. ShilTlify deceased. The auditor appointed to audit, settle, end adjust the account or Ebenezer 31axwell and Joseph Flo .ttergood, executors of THOMAS SMITH, de ceased' and also the Dena account of the said executor., under the wilier the eald THONIO,4I.IITH, deeseaed, and to repot distribution, will attend to the duller of his appointment on TUESDAY, the 24th day of Novem ber, A. D.,1157, at 4 o'eloth P• . 11.0 it his office, No. 271 south PISTIL Street, hetow PRUNE, in the city of Philadelphia. JO ;PH A, CLAY, nol2.eod.bt Mentor. IN THE GOUT OF COMMON PLEAS Olf PUILADELPIII&POUNTY, In the matter of the eatate of /MU B. TYLER, as signed for the benefit of creditors. The Auditor, appointed by The Coort to milt, adjust, and eatUe the account of 4,011 N .EL COLLINS, tutalguee of .11088 U. TYLER, suid to report distribution of the balance in kis hands, will attend to the dellei of his appointment at bla office, No. 63 WALNUT St , Phila delphia' on IdONDAY, November 10th, 11551, 4,ti o'clock E. 11. SI. RUSSELL TIIATER, nos-them-5t Auditor. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS IN OF FIIILAIIELPIJIA COUNTY, Mora T., .1857, No. 18. Bur libel for divorce ' ANNE M. DARROW, by her pelt Mead, &c., es JOON J. BARROW. And now, November 7,1857, on motto°, the Court ranted a rule upon the respondent to show cause by a divorce a vinteuto metric:lootl shoed not be dec.reed In the above case. Ratan:wade November 28. 1851, at 1.0 A. ht. J. F BELSFNCLANG, noll.2avrdw Attornoy for Libellant. IN THE DISTRICT COURT - FOR TB CITY AND COUNTY OF PIIILADUPIIIA. WM. It. mowta.9., et al , to use, he , or. 01 D. llAlllaft Alias Fs., June, 1857, No. 512. The auditor appolotal by the Court to distribute the (and arising (rote a elle under the above writ, of the following real estate, vii: All that certain messuage, tenement, dud lot or piece of ground, 'Stoats to Ger mantown ' on the southeastwardly side of itittehhouee street, at the distance of (our hundred and seventy feet nine lothas southereetweidly from the southwest side of the Male ettetteprentaining In (rout or breadth on` said Ritteehoulei itreet thirty feet, and extending in Length or dep9i that width, between parallel Rees, at rightartgler therewith, Matheastwerdly, two buedred feet nine Masa (with the Improvements thereon); will attend to the dattee of Me appointment at his °Mee,' No 142 8. 111011T/1 Street, (went Bide) en R 9• DAY, November 19th, 1857, at 4 o'clock T. H., when and where al/ persona are required to present their claims or be debarred Duro Miming in upon said fund. not-19t lOEIN B. COLAHAN, Auditor. Vass anb ;Pim Olttre, NEW STORE. l ir GOODS. J. MARXRIN lc W MASONIC HILL, ns exEsTivvr WS/ golf 03' HIND • Complete apd aptondld isnortment of WHITS "ti BAND, and DZOOSATED Th Npl3 MINA; BOHR WAN, CIPfBTAL, and COLORED (ILARBWVIE; RHO, PARIAN, LAVA, and TBBNA COTTA WARM, beside* the greatest variety of SANDY ARTIOLDS, which 1011 be sold'at lower prlosa than at any almllar Store in the Visited States. N. D.—Goods loaned to' Parties on ywoonitlalik tonna. 27-tt 500 G ALLS. ' 1 • 000 60 Ci i i. , Ent U s i rd O gl, tor sole* OROANDALsonmon, a co.,r No. 104 N. %Wear* *venal. UTINCHE STEIL -& SCIOTTe GENTLE KIWI PUBNISFING BVORN, and VAT? EATIMES AliAllefellt? BIANIITAOPTORY( VW. feo mar Street shove Seventh street ; Plillillelp a Woltiott of Mothetti and Waiter* ltoroksatz, sad Btilotioro, to porthalsrly Invited to Ulm improved out of Matto, theme% porfoot tlttlog settle onAo. At 'bolo• solo sod Moll, Cod mid. to order. ottOrtrif MANILLA ROPE.—SUPERIOR SILL& ROPE, montfooturod on&FITILSIt for solo by WIAV&S, ihoit.or to, 4R N Testae rt.. and Na 'llibarrea LCOWE RANGL—Soar sr • wEPX 09. PDX. MOP P. 410 pet _ :; .;" Ir • Omen via" Ton _ tiami *ma amp py g my MOW A 11101.10 ta , 11012 1 Wyr 51 41? *lt ;. Jamb sw• Wt. RBA IN6TAT2 111 a UTE. • TbissittsVill. - • Orphan" , of %ate Oath, Deed . I' Reltnia Et , -1,0 7 -0/ tiatMlak TH mos ..1. Three 'Eliel out "M• of &COM I. - A " -**int a Aloe Mester atreet, 13 feet fewer M A fordeep. SOO peered rent.nee 71f Orpribiii Odefit ' ' ''' :, 4, nvie - swum AND ..1 -., I•• • , 'WIT. --------ro, . . ,I. -• _-, , 1.4 Of ' •1 - frineolonse , tbaat - ifdd IlhodalfeCil i k"t , 80 M ]Erode , R sbo ]Erode , SO feet treat itialla deep, to Phillip , Mill.. $OO ground _no 0n.t.,,, coutiab—searts fl6/04- TAvsloratuF,OMl , i !Litt. 'A three-4w awe *pets , two. *tory brlat beek trstlding and lot of, na the east aide of &nand streets Wow& Itace=" ithefe.l7 feet front, and extereNZ a feet 4X 4 lnebits, then narrowing to 1434 , , ear Alltewitar the' farther in dep i th of 19 feet: . la*pr , , ~ ' pe !1 ., 00botlisolr of Ertso le be ir P4l oar."l 1 aas store 'tee tie mime le 'buck e . - -4 , ar /2,800 may atilidA, if &Arad. 10 RUL A thrso.stary Brisk IhrejZ t l i ritlit ture-stort brick_ ballAtor. 193_ Math: Am,. abene Wood streak RAM I , 6oopir - aeseace. s Apply at The Axe tics Store. AT `nrrAms war. A aret-oleas Priutiag Otlie 'NW rat et %W -IWI, foam pciatinpreme, tint And an, Adams Type mad everytkLocaresarptyrki: WAN.. Aniy At tile Auction atom : 41117th Ins - 11, M CI NC* S OZIWIapatOt a. 17*.e =TB and 14 Onsets. ..-. - -..:-.. ........ie AT PRIVATE SALP,—.3Oldt esaftorii'l.ik=4,olose, Lepine, Englieh, Swim, oat • - of every description, mosioathsettjahot, ke, . S. AT PRIVATE BALE — . ds Owes, household farnitaro, ofoetay , bells, mat treues, carpeting, lookhfg gfaasseclaisty origins, he., —.. Dot-door salsa attended to ' i the env Charresx‘y_ low ha , , • elothlD,r, Je IFe S Y7 he.' fivrai.ses pidg e V.cmit annot : Ls. Com...rot Race Earena, Where money will be !mast ' _ . glYslUls . to Watches, Jewelry, 10fonteada tisel _mood., Groe.rie., &Tan, Hard_ .Whittk a '. . , bal ding, Horeat, Teltialos Rantraso likkara oily ar. ja h r itort titles of Taloa for any le=afttma salledool i ounsons satisfactory snot kikersk. Lau Set „way owe aelids. u0,..„...t . • " „ . , Ji. KATRZTS, NOTICE —All goods forfagsd 4'Tfil*-74, Loa* Office, S. E. tomer of ninth at Rua. ;en be sold at pablie auction, on -Tnalideeelararog, 244 . 0( November. at 10 ceolock,wolaikstaltoes call overtone, thereto, and par shargra, bad teat* thole cortilicatcs. Moses Distkiths, ft.,. COMM. digs% sad hoorakroeta. NATILANS'S GREAT Rath OF 101110IUMIWO — - Da, W.ll tar. plass - Cht..twasday *mufti , .# November 24th, at 10 O'clock, allitainallehhastes &action store,. S. . same of Whlit Satlitiej stream, In the seow4d —owlearst4 filen Nefieseheret. It will entbraket tha_* pat halaseismoop ern offered se public astMC , tesiottal4o a. - rat aleortment of snpral. oreveosts, dress and froth eitaki, hit•inass .. ..qa eats, handkerchief., boots, &NW' , *IOW .011,,ihy goods, coats, pants, ants silk . menno, Wage, detain.. end - dresses La77r...71, patterns, ladles' and thil ' , eighoof. , lmella sad shoes, puns, silk Tele* , tad kWh Oaths, !gram, capes, buqoas en hreele, crape, .11k, stens, lOW t- .. ' ' air other shawls, psvasots. N - fig, eo-tafeititaks. blankets, sheets, pillow•osseartstreathr, boot* steel skates, pistols, travilitagejnneka "rallied. levwaars. --•--' • - ' . . - sooting - stoses,ead•lrese.striassrla r sad elegant silver-pleted tea-se - gadtas4 smiery rare, civet, daguerreotype ' raamolear, *irk fixtures, - elealery . seV'llabatiosseta. Webs by Knox & Shai, pew aegerseate, : fiseldell awl • tbouseal other let .1. • - Particulars berretta'. . WEBB'S great salefisthilakilfatabes, Imo, Gnu, Pistols, Maslen! hiAta:itlia t tail-Lea shortly. Due notice will be glean,— WEBB'S great sale of Dry QS** illettemst„ &e., beiag forfeited eollatendo, eeth tam place shortly. Doe Deice will be gins. AT PRIVATE SALT, AT iofilAAdff WU" BELLING If ItlCE3.—Daalle-laslitteholb aid lessiting moo gold patent lirsoikorodrats,agAimionesi ap proved malice; hooting coat and apes** radimp. , - meat lever sal lepias watches. fuller sled - I. gold enameled lever and lepiris WEIN* qtr fskies'i gold jewels, of may description; rarer kr , r aad oxidise, in hunting cease sad open Om sant Swim, sad french models; a girearailotertarast — aVe. nitare, beds, Mittellallolly OCT-DOOR SALES medebargesta slat theitimes, leer. is of 4111 cry 4.ol.lllolfiligAlt amb iSildied fer C ;l ' Veroirste sale. MONNE ADVANCED 401 a all east ovary it:W.o4.4o for P 4 llO eir rivals imolooar to as he W,- far dashed time. astgai knr. SAMUEL KATumis, .AVerLONftlit wt LOAN 0,7717 L N1 L 1m smak Street, below Webrat, own.* a.m. 0,41 7 Meta doors beim the ILlchanige„ limos of basioess form aminen, 4 . Y., antil IS o r sioel in the srerdas. Oat iooe sake, I,f sales at the heathen lime, at. %wen upo n the wet salltdsttairy tense. airtraz. OM . .00Q Sstobliaked for dm lost , TIMM - Years. kleartem made item one dollar to Omen& am Dia mous,. ether Plate, Witches, Jevetry, Hardman, Mar charKii:34., Clothing, rarnitnrs, Bedding, agam,Kasiml Instraments, Guns, Home, Carriages, aid aft& ot ere s 7 description. All goods mu Maga iny jagEth st time agreed upon: - ra.trAdiMar. - . - • ;''"'" - Ptkrk ene 3u ,. 4,1 This Store House lowing a depth at 1211/ atitt, ha lugs eft sad thief-poor reran to store all raltuldsa, sad Fri Tate watchman for INe pendant; also, a hoary this ranee ideated for Una bengal of ail persona baringrag adeancted upon N. B.—On soongat of baring an wall Copia; thin 01100 L rgiozon to risks anninso on pots etas. V ein ocoonunedating tam thalk any °lbw in Mow idninont 4 the poor, In null snaininiii, vlik "2.147 ratvAn smai: ' Gold Potent Iwiar std othar_Wataliis, aa Clothing will be sold at reduced Woos. (GEORGE W. SMITH, :AITOTIONNEE N1.,1 N. B. -corner of - BABBOB ant BOMB DRY I2 above 11P0000d. srianie num. amiss Mit! BATTSRDAY mirma, At 73i o'olgelt, At tho Anetidn Store, of riartmay, Oat 10 7 , HoooSeeping ArUclos, Motion, Wotahos, 34mA- Art.teUt. 3rtsgTanq VOICHONIStAX,VIFIREL INSURMWE la COMPANY, OP - 112.111 ,7 8PAT1. Olt PZIINSYLYA MIA.-0Ma.14.,N. PosuGljourni wAurn e*bserthwi Cast Oa, POW. Patel-sp Osidtat. •Wo.ooo. • DAVLD JAYMI, M. D., instant. THOMAJ3 8111 WAST, Ylai Pion. avow. B. MOON. Beellitbry, CIIRARD FIRE AND MARINE ISSUE- Iug ANCE COMPANY, PELMADELPRIA-0140, NO. 902 WALNUT street west of TRIAD. 1, TIM 3i1.888 ONLIf • • niakennale. - . Wm. M. Bulk ler. Walker, ' _ 'bhp Agrinth, h., • J 21.0. kteOlefe, H. I , lDerroaglut, The. Omen , J. B. Higbee, A.B. Gillett, B. D. Bbersoaa, firma 811 a Wm. Y. Backer, lima boneer t 'D..„ '- J. P. Btelatr, Jearph Elapp,lLD„ E. A. Rhaatelford, - Ron. JOEL 301115, Preatent. Hon.*. W. WOODWARD, Ince President. Jiro. 8. Walar.Ll; Beeentary. Iklll3 B. Wow>,Ailataar&re. tiny. urd...Sinif FOR SRERX-FF Aranttlet GEORGE MOORS, WARD. SlNset.to Demecrttie FOR SHERIFF - JA)LIAS G. 0L13130.1ti t I , VSITF•SgCOSD WAID. Subject to Tromomtio Rules. F" SHERIFF, . EDWARD T. MOTT, TWELPTII 'WARD 111311SSOr Tu DIMOOTUTIO IDLZI. cel64es* 920 CHESTNUT ST. CARPETS Bezz.Y . BROTREE Will continue to sell their - ••• ENTIRE STOCK At greatly reduced priers, including FINE VELVET CARPETS r Bought at suction, to be sold at $l. 37)—usual price $1 e 7. TAPESTRY AND BRUSSELS CARPET'S, SHYER THREE-PLY CARPETS, GOOD L'iGRAINS, ENTRY AND STAIR CARPET 3. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, in e 77 style mid width, equally low. No, 920 CHESTNUT ST puits! Fußs!! FUR S !!! • ' . " REGARDLESS OP con CHAS,OAKFORD & SON, • 62! CEEST.VUT STREET, 3111.0 W S6TENT2, AU SELLM TTibLA LARGE AND caßrimas SELECTED STOCK LADIES' FURS AT PRIDES TO SLIT THE TIMES. We would 'OW our lady Menai to all Immediately gad ware p ba p 1 ..AOlll-tatbei.at A WELL-SECURED MORTGAGE OF 14,0e0;4.3d ono of $5,000, foi kilo. Apply to JIVES H. OASTLE, Path Stied, beloi Chestr. A.VING rnip:—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner of TRIAD and 93169 T. N3IT LAW mut received, and paid tack on de tail; witheut noties, with MR PIM CENP TES - NWT from the day or depoeit to the day of withdrawal. ORice hqnel, fre a until 5 o'clock every day, cad on MONDAVINVIMILROB from T until f o'clock. DRAW 8 for sale on England, Ireland, end Banl2lThat, D o* Preeldet i MPlllN R. CRAW/02D Tresesuree—PLlNY FISK. leticee-4AILItii 1111N2112. rooRINGI3OARDS-23A0 itmt, Carpi' tosroot, for ralol am TIN & It.&0 , 111pintik Valor I,realt lop IT 8 SIA reitstED 003DA111.,* raparlor article, zsaaufeatiaro %nil fo r salikar rtrime & co, .as sa , • Ifie.sll 'maw d kB9 N Wiwimi CTON: --100. balsa GuLf Cotton, fa store boa kerksby itka7lll k Xlo.lll*l - se I Watoltkoet QORGIAIIM, or CHINESE SUGARCANE sssD-25..busbeis far sale br 011.0,10.114. PHISCS, A VO Iio.VAL /Mama wine, nol.o-11t TolUical Carpetings
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