,INglailltEit: OWENS. ` 4 ifilAtrrtiOn Amp-ootliyi 1 , 40110$ [The faitaiir fart of tide story introduced ' us - t°, the, ieV, Mr. Ime o rterla' beneficed clergyman " aibi*:•lfitat,'fill'ettrate ; to`st;t• Oka -vases, wealth', 'laerksteWaid 'in Rh Carl; With 'hit! ,:iftauot e e f -od mai - and : by *.rll.4*6".ligki. t!ie,...4.90:iwt..1' o=oP4i,l ! „ 4 : Ttskesi f or . bir Aird, Prances Elhavainei Abe' eild of bole. 01400'401411.*'4: a lams, nembd . Thames Shipley, haa ',en; Infant, (she le anniarriedpi being ill; dies after eakiag7oniik:4li4myl 'powders resoribed for it by Mr. fissional.- Another ' of then, powderer, ecoidelludy given to 01d,Thenuisi Shipley, neatly Um. The marriage of hlr- 3 9 1 W 4 PPet, with AP'cit Cheviot* has been oalebraied,i, • and • " the happy pair" have dtivtin off:after the' dejton4 when the story ia'aontineedi air f o llows.]; 7 -En. or Tun Pnyss. ' , "A MIDNIGHT DREAM. ' • A genial Chrlstmas.eve, bright and frosty,; and merrily blazed' the fire in a cninfottable' kitchen of one of the best houses in a country village. It was tbe,rezidenco of the, surgeon, arid he Was out On his; wedding .tou r, ,having just capoused his third wife. , • They were, mcpectedt borne , that ,- night, and `preparatious for the folloWing'day's -feast yPere active, being presided aver, by the, hoitselieiMi or, Mrs. Muff, a staid; respectable personage, l l far above Abe grade'ef, tt,99np f por k aorrq4, sh e was very busy, standing at thitable; whew the surgeon's tiger (we must call; bite' so , though hated recently emitted thogatbON footman)came into the ' kitcher, : dreWs., Chair, right id tyont`of th 4 great fire, and , sat damn, as it he meant to rest himself, •, "John," said Mrs. itiq, I'll trouble yeti ,to Move iron! , there.!' ? • . 3 ' John sat on, without stirring. .Do you bear 7" repentdd the henilhhe4ht 01 WIN t6tOttle to the fire every_ *inure, Eid how ,can ddo so, with you planted there?":: , w Whet a Shaine `it lei?, 000:Anil drawing himself and biti chair away, for/. he was completely „under the dominion.Of Istrai Muff. • .' Whoever heard of cooking a dinner the night afore,the night you went to eat it 11 T . except the • .1 must put things forward, and Ao what! ' can be 'done i, there will: be trio knelt left for to.morrow, even then, with all the Mammies, dining here. For don't stop away from ! morningservice on, Ginistmas day., Itever did • • ', -"' " The tiger, screwed " up his itoutb, gtv-' ing vent to a long •whistle, taking care that nol sound of it reached the nuts of Mra. Muff. " can lake . the Christmas ant drat the; riOinti I having italigh,inii4fort.ht,lll(elteit.! Arid then, John, you can lay the cloth. in' - the, dining room, and. CiiitY in the tea; thlngq.p . ,_ oTtibriti , lett' of t.llllO that,", etnitiid` _ It. has struCk eight, „ anti :Mr. _Osistonel's`• leiter said nine. •Do Infi, bid Teel, ' She Wig' interrupted by the - soursol'ef,yinnig: voices; rising in long, outside.. . i • "There's • anotherpset 1" cried'' John, - That Makes the thirdietsiehaie had here,bo-night.” „ . , When.they,haire finished . you, -may look out and bring me, word how, many,there nre,"i Said . 'Jolin left the kitchen, his arms full of holly and IVY: - , Presently he came back.: ; 4 , 4 There's ne. less than five them ; little 4e-, , with a , stern' -reprimand; dtged into'her pockets, and brought fcirth' r five, half-. Give them miis.apleoe, John.": . gi Was me, now, as was missis, inatettd•Ofi ' yini;. - f:shonid favor reui Willi it 'Minket' or water; front a up.staira.,*indoeo.4ati`i4Oluee..iii-1 , sponse; as he ungraciously took the'halfpence.; Theyll only go and send 4ttppiel limiter end missis and the fieti'earriege ould just drive up, and find them raseallions a, Squeaking round the door ' ' Christmas would -not be phiiitnuMwitliout returned Mrs._ Muffs . I remew ber the first Winter lon, were down herei,''yon, Caine'on 'the' seise errand - to old Mr. Whom- , ton's, and got a nonee pie and - a penny:out of " but I was a young ' 'donkey then.'r ' - It was past ten when the carriage:rolled up: to the door: John ~flew'bfo, ppm it; lindArs: Miff; in her black sillegoWn and Wialte atifon; 'Stood in the hall; drawing owler leather mite tens. Francon, - - Mrs, ;.Pagtnniii) -.bilPpy ANA 'blooming, sprang from the carriage s and enters el her new hem°. ,' Ittiff-lekthO:Veir : the'dining room. it looked, bright and cheer? ing , with its large -tie,. Its blazing lerup,lind well-spread table,, half suktiaw;haltt'ea;'44 will go up stairs first,'? said the young,hride,", "and take these,Wraps Castonel cans man of .1111-1 dlo height,: scarcely yet '.five arid;ibliikattid the .tiger followed him. - , ""WelkJohn," , said 'he, "how has lifr.ltice'iot.' on with:lilt - pe-I fleas ftil "Pretty well; ar. None, of 'em dead; and some bolk11:11ut they have bpelY it.en.r.p4 ' ' 'f; ,; I •" GruMbling Whitt Vont Y'S They saylf;a:rleetOr 'gett married;'he 6* no right to ge'away.like other , this Is tbelhird time You have served 'em!sit.? It,wai -gouty old Flodkawar tunial En have* had: another :i(e*atti ,c 1 'cranky Mr. Rice wouldn't go Infigh - hhil;10, be can't abear Mr. Tuck - .'.' - The surgeon laughed.,... " Wh,s; coming in: for tea, .Tohn ' teiyashci knows as that will- be one of the best - tenguei : you have,eitt 1, k 3 " Fetch in what thine' Isto",corrie; Ithilatein As'the tiger willidretr, Mrs'.Oestenifi :enter i ed.. Eer husband's arms ware Open to iecolve - her. "Oh, Gervase;" ., ihe - exclahited, ac hold. . kind of you - to:have everYthinelkeWsint a tii ful order,for me • _ , • • q :",Weid.itne,: :lliousand thnaYrellionse, , sto "your level" he Whispered: " it ever 'appear ~tO %yen' at . htight " , f as It does .now! „ " " ' . 4ving'rbidei hiying trainer ! &talks 1-4 they had been . proffered before;witlrthe'same apparent sincerity; 'once to Garolltie,Hell,and again to.eweet Ellen Leicester.. ' r "lf yon'don't Sendlrithein inuffinii,_ ma'am; Without delay, maker. says ;he'll Atiffir-thl reason why,!' was the Ogees Salutation to Kral Sce'_ 14as . buttering them, and, listening to Hannah's account or thelratrnity,w)ici tended:Mrs. , Cietonel.• S he t turned tit'. give himthe-plate,lint 'StoppedJo:astarted, for the church bells had rung out a joyo us ."/t.etutnotbe midnight Ir'ahri exclaimed. I " Midnight l'' sarcastiedlynehaedlhe ":IV.Wanta' good hoer' WU'S.' half O',,,ttlati „Thete's the olockAfote.y4u.r,.‘. 4 ; Then what pdiserfe!r - th9,tellars' ' ' . "Well; you. berightly 'Muned; ) ' returned • the - ,tignr;for . y9ll - 6( fOttldr,l4, ou t s d; Vhein_belleta for inaster"and inisals',.:'dot for Christriras, I know. ; ' Thetingers hr,'slithiciipi , and heerd the carriage rattle up the street; Rark,,howthey, are clapping the , stew 'oh l They'll think to, get- a double Christmas box front Master." ' • ' 7 , ' ' ', ' Jast before Mr. Cestonit went to roo mlibii - last night, the , WWI againt struck out.: - 01'ber,' 1 ' were ringing in , ChrTstnias. '-: Re stood and lie : tened to-them; it peeello.9, [Fusion' ill hirtin' fathomable eyes, Irate pasildblege face, whose emotions were so •-cempletely, rmidoccontrol. Was he spectilattni upon rritiat"tbknext•yea aberild bringfortli, ere tluitloo44ll4 ll'en should'again sound I, The nextiyeare,ll'h 1 clock' struck sat;- Ire counted 'its . ;strekes t Twelve 1 - Then'hrr took his, eandle,rind, went up stairs. • And the bells began egaln." , . "A merry Christmas , tcl put! Frances,?! b. said; ,as he :entered the charal !t .. a merry Christma s, and plenty of theta , ", I : Y Ttniek you, ' she, ,laughed.,`,, , f, T. think it, • mast be' good luck to have it wishe d td - tneibb , " nromentit comes le."' • ' . I ' , While she speaking, aloud sum m on s was ' heard at the house , doori 4 - It - Ives atlessenger for Mrc, Castdnel, froin brie of hitlieittlialiqta• -He Inirried out, alidlifie, CaStetiel'eomposed , herseltio'sleeg., ~i ii, e ,, . : '‘' ~, -:', 4 ,,,, - , '. ; -4- - I •-• .k. - singtdar drawn' iisited Misr CAstonef., 'She , thought she, was „sperting, r l4 : her.,giribeodrs ''days; in her fatherhrlarge - old garden, witikhth. , companfons, Carolio ,_.l - 1011 'end Mien Leices ter, How ; gay they. wiiro,litililielip'il ;' for the reuse of present happiness was greater timer* Frances had experienced in reality; avialthe' " she had niarried,trilere filie PatilertatelY bve4 They Wire dressed 'es ft- fat' gilejeleing,l4l inwhite, , het ther, meteriele er-;, 11 ,94,„011'e .440 appeared , to be 'of' Surpassing, richness .- .;.+ _table; brid'ont , forleastipg,, , w,aa lighted by a blip ; - 414 , - 4 . lin*" that,'„ gap)" a',*oo4l4llllinit , and uturartblyllght, overporierhig the , ilaie'df ' day: _The table'and latmi iri her:brit , dinino.. ..room, that night,hiallf44o . 04 .3110Ablq . . log to this part, °cilia drearo t -:aliegargieCrifiu not like her lather',2 ftitlieqiin) fora alone It , bore a'resemblince - toWit,was, more „whit Frances, had- Somethiee - imagined 'k,' - Edoll,i flowers, birds, light , and Aires sensation -Of joyous,,gladness 4 all were too - beautiful - fer earth:-'. i f„,, , 1., ,, ...„; : .:,4-1 - ai 'Vila" ' The; banquet *eared , te'he ':WAtlntrfi ' r ... ,them, whilst they.„Weliedlhe Preacile4Ar,* ,- tber - : - .lle Caine : and it was Gin:vase Castonep IleAufiltreed' with, a smile foriliLiftst beck- - oned them„ to ,talt - O - Aelr„places,,at' thititble. -, :4 1, -,fierciLloo 6 o,' 64l4lB o ,lll rtiPeT, 0:9 4 4 i ahat, , businesibtril•he to smile upon e others} 'I -Bat , ' quipereeritibl.fi , the f - -ethers' ,, vrererfgene 'ivit4ut Fran c es lievieerietto4 zeal ' Panner of sa l - their . departure..., -Ithe-OldliapPinesa _ea o back' again ; the: oestaticieeneentthiltet ..liA, ; t e -' present ;' , andlshe , ;put :lierkarte withinr,ll 0_ walk round that, lovely .. gartien. - 'BM Alf- - : • 11°"1464rea''')*'-'46il). WOK:, iliicf , 3skif „ , l e ;oastob el 'where , they 44 gene. , ale; e 'would' Slui'W hert - iindi4prtciehlelf fplP,or, ii . the bedgei Pushed ittotiatt; -2, -L-" ,, ! . ~,„,,- ~-- ' ;1 : ' ' Princes looked' but; undAll4:' fe'arrtiasil) i to' the lovely spot:sliergad~ kr "), I 0 , nute,,,teirifying,,egetktiolPte:*ittlitAir •-, Yoralk,alL-was „iitter ,- ,Altirkilinli,g(i.abra ,t,wc.,ssn.b. 4, tihndduro?l.4 44 o:ll4,tailel,Mt ii ' 'fienailiti r eeroothod "l 3o:AftlVVid 4 a . - "iirWeti ''olo;;;KtfititY , ll:, i r 4 ,4 1010 /, !;},ift , 44:Viikiiat - 14 4 tatei . array 4 , gfltfiOell.tpyoke*ii)l *tilt° -I ' Altera at 4414414T10AV401.0115,C ~,..#t d: tilt Wat -, ~, ' or Fr d . she thought i 3jAerself psitahojiii, that happy She half opened het eyes; elle *as luitlialf itwake,'and Tlieheard,the,strains or -that, sweet Madrid:a" gone ' to sleep, and woke up in beaveut for surelsuch ,never heard on earth. di was the thought that , y music was ' occurred to her in her half -conscious state: The 14 11 0 0 aio+l aNvOrin the 1114 Fran'c§s aßtt , imk Deft-anti tubbed' her, eyes,.teld, won 'Slated le andAust thetip•Mr. °atonal taunted: f€ What isif i r 0r194, bnivi*Oted,'«What .• %, • , I « The Waits, " replied Mr. Uastonel. « What: did.yen thinlct*lts; Franaus w0,313 , Ae Waits'!" .ithd; Hien, With a rash ' ink:Tear; eamte:baolcl shsAceidful partixt liar ominous dream; and she broke into Sobskaudi strove to tol,hit n . ljnt thytici night ti rreiiptiiii with Me i glare o ay: •1301:00 ;nes, pass: and.heave sign, even in the remembrance. • ' The beads and eyes .of Ebury were turns d towerri 4OW and „handsome chariot, that, went careering . downthe street, ittendedby its, 'PTrkillarVtindigotniarnmlA (lady and gentle-. marl Wer'e attire ; blr.:etA Mrs. Castonel wore -returning their wedding, visits.' It Sterfpgd at thkgate Rif the' rectory' " Don't stay lon'g,Ylitiiicesfj he whispere to her., rr I,olWays, fee Davin into stonewhe • I am in the presence outheser two' old' pea- , lifys;',Castonel suilled,',end., ;sailed ',into the rectory draWing-tocim in, all -her • finery ; :but sbe.reallYtild, fee a':triciriteritaergether , Arai ninpli; 'When , stie,'lniv 'th'e saddened - iodic, of -poor Mrs. Leicester;.and,,the •mourning robes still worn fors Idrs.;Lelcester , had ,not paid, as, is galled, the, Wedding: 040 f she'lad felt unanatd tkit ; card,and an,apology of -illness had been her -substitutes. Frances tat five minutes, and,Prem therickfire carriage; Was ,ordefed toiler Old tiornm" :Itrifidoinitered Mr: Hurst;;_het , oek off his,hat, and the red, color' flushed, his cheek, Frances alone ;-,returned blei c hoW:' • ' • 4 . 4 : • ' 1 : • - MM. Chavasse was in pleiiiiant She was grumblingntlierliuSband, because he : l - 1 4 1 •d4 kept tke, , dkolPt• ivaiting."llgwas standi ng befora +Ore; Di, his Velyete'ei coat and leather; gaitersiWarining his fripthittenhandi.' 41 ' 621 't - 1 1 ,a 1 P IV . said he. "-If I Were' to' neglect Lord` Eiustberry'S' businetia;., would } soon get,nriother ;steward,• titerkWonldi yokall be - therrl-• You have been snaking calls,l TOUPPeag•iFrunees• • • I •; , • 'd Only littlie,rd'otory, •• 1 Mr. Chavaise turned sharply round from the; fireininid faced his ditfighterl " ' " "The rectory!, In that trird,?" ' ' Frances feltannoyedi ,tr7What trim What' -404'613. ;Mum; papal"Ll ; 1-;; , • have gonk.in itlrittlet way; to•call, there,'.' returned, fienP, 4 , and - left Seine of Croak kerigawk and .hWelets at home. - You might have stepped .in 'And talton a quiet Cup °flea with them', anything ' "'. • " In the name of wonder, what for VP' sharply spokenpMrti:Clu k iva', 'f , 'Frenceis, has gone dust its I iihOitlddiavigene l .r,' , ";„. ' Mr4'illiaVaeig` did net; continue <the 'sub-' jeett a "Will ;yeti' stay and have some dinner, _. • " • Ida "eat it 'half • ,cold,"?. intMpoied Mrs. Chavasse: • ; ' I would not stay for the world, papa:: I have other calls to make, and Emily Lomax is coming to dine , with me- afterward, that,we may lay, down the planes : for my It will tie,such'a bOittifig,liall, paps,k tini.hest tiger .In,Etfury." Mind - -you have identi , of =Wtis lights,; Frances;" advised - lier,Ainther.:, "" ‘ , Oll, I Shall haie everything p Lights, and h et houselplants, 'and. Champagne-in abtendance— •Gettvitst, lets aye tvali invit ivay." j " D'o' mit begin that ten, soon;" said' Chavasse; , nodding at his son-in-law; Where'stheuse Ofe,entradiction laughed' the, surgeon, as ,„th,ei,' rutin 'to leake "For When a woman will, she will, depend on 't ; - , And *hen she Won't ehe Won'P-Land , there's anl end • ITO " . 1101_01 4 QS:AZOIP,'OP.,$!VPLIES: .„ ; • Orr/cc Milting CORPS, ..Washingt9n; Pot. 10, 1807. 1 ILEA7ADTII,I)POB.II.thfaiII. be:received at this office until 8 o'clock; pO4, , -on ividay,lhe 19th of November, 1867, fcir sopplyinethe marine corrppse pith the followlogi articles during the beta-year endus 80th June, 1898, MAO 800 10d.f 0 . 1 78 8 010 0e1 4 0'. 1,000 to 2,000 Marine _lampoons )ate to 8,003 latteob•lesther !docks.; , r 600 to.. pp privates , untform. coats, Complete, of: nary : Alm) cloth, 'PPP , d 76 - 4 0: :bed chemically tott4, - , • , 1 to- 100 eeniaßts' AnolroMB '0"" 1 4 1 I 'Si above.) „ 60 to t.lOO ornalciams , costa, scarlet cloth, eoehineei. et)eteleatty.tooted• 100`to" 900 palm non-commlasione4 'officers+ .epact.' lettse. , l, . goo to, :$O-(kpitixtbrapAanttestima.) ,50.0 • 80 to i ditm4,worseekomhom.l . ::/; 0 00 t9,2,000p0r1t ixrpralle, MOO to 2,004 Mien ebirte,t . - • 2,6•10;to B,ooQsmilatbrogapoi Nos. 5:19 11; , .• 600;to tBOktoolgebleatete, -r 600 840.kakinatlo , - • , • fat SPOINatt, WOK/lift r • ,!0:1ta 800,marizo fatigue,capsi tbil cloth tablEiTY. •.; - • blue, •Indigo -dye,.end elkemleally t TP. 11,ti I.oo.to..t.BlX;Jetlgite ttoOke., t , , 1,600 to 1,500 thinned ; , • , - . „ 600 to 1,000 pain woollen overall, bine kersey. E66o,to,k,ooo,,weelLonj, .irketie • - ; poo __s(lo,uate ornreatuoate, _ do. 600 to 1,000 'Ore ere. nneldrati n umieline'jackete, owlet cloth, .coahl.l - , , to chemica ll Y teeter'. 'l,OOO to 2,1114 'Yenta 84 alty•blue kereey ' 1,000 to 2,800 yarn' Illotlf,'td themlaally banal • , - . bbtkincil dye,' to; he' cheml-1 • "filly tested.: Seepiee ,of tbe above a rticled May be WA apII .canon Vli Once, 4 - 4 the 01)E6 Of lhe atsebnt-I 'quarteraistekattinecorplB9,llprnonettect, ' Ills to`bitindentoodth aeoopted,bbicler Is to take ill mitirlaliiied"fox Wdinitfaurtu.ring Ecate;'overalls; kon hand at the'tithe Of mit:eking i nto contract, at ft4tOrsotpii4ectheriiif:";,,- ' wlllbereallred birthe *hole or In putt for' thj „mit** required, and itinuet be, explicitly understood thick dritiadinspectionWlll 'ran all'artlclec fur.; *hedge:to tit And Qualtti; and, hat 'articles' 'stint do not i'oina tiithe will be rejected - AU d thrown .upon the buds of the contractor. " -Ifkequartermalter .reeeries .to himself the right to increases or dfudnietttba,iinuntfty nenne4 above, as the exilleveleeet Interests of theterilontasy demand. Prop/tact° beuddrnesed the`Kaanrfermeiter of the MOW, llorge," ithilihigien;ll: Mordndorie4 ' peseta for flopplielo; " • The men publishing this" altigtbsenlent the piper coittabutigthe firs 'kW pike for examination, aceempenic4 by a duplicate account of the expenai-gst the totenf 00 dente for nn ern, .00t 'non', and SIX emote` pay SOO etas for ll,eubienuentin• seitions, -" • 'I thttto 13 "td tooli,:fink,cootf. ' iptRiti.NDIES.,--ff Pine 3farct t; 'AAP' and ether 11 n aps Of yarious vintages, In half pipes and quarter oat I „Itellavoistiillochelle Brandies, tads and dark, lethal pipet, halreasks, and one-eighth casks. Importadiind for ale br• • • • - =tin ti oat 221 'and 228 South Fourth strbet. J'TOHN: NoCOY;:,. - WIIOI,gSALE wiNg . ..Aio . LiQuovs , r9Rs t , 311 and 813 E Yrnnt and Water ots.: bet. Spina°, • inpync)taana Grsy , p ce!abrate , koo9T,o4 W/lISIVEY; in bond and In gorge' • og 24.20,1. 11COORT WlNE.—lli,Vond and entitled to-do. a;td,e,Tori !ice, tit Ogoli eighths. - '," • lettlinalieenslohultaiiiseji 13o0Ohlffhis• key, 2 years old - Bitty pipes Author Gin. - . . ' Marett, Planet, Bouvet, and 3 - - .2 . fittirtifihindieg, at of which I offer to the trade Pt reduce d prices. JOS. F. TOBIAS, n274=1 IS and 90 B.2troiat tit.belati Walnut. A LEXANDER V. DOUSES, WINE AND 41 MOOR E1'0RE.'N0.' , 2243, flootheasi Corner o GEORGE 504 BOUTS EVeota , e and-ly 10- I/LEWIS; IMPORTNII. MO) DEA.LEN 'ILA IN NINE WINES LIIIIIONVOIGM12,1632; 28 busk IPTILBtriNt; ?bilmielphis. ;I'l/Ltd,' aulAy ; 1144.1iDIEEL—Pind;giyataci* & aici:; , & 00 ., ond othei broods n(OOkinies of various vintager, in half pipeo and quarter mks • Pellerobsin 'lloohollo - Brandler, polo and dark,'ln half p ipes, quirt*: `Outs and ono•eiglitb casks, All in Ouatos ones stores, Imported liikd for We by /UMW BORN 4:00., it 6 , ;-!, • Nos, 221 and 228 Sonth 'Fourth Arent. ITRMAR-Mi: BUTZ,. PORTER, ALE D AND LAO M; BEER IfigiVlrtY, No. OW (now No. my Notthr Pfille4elptilso—E6lppiug orknoMPaPliro.itteMP4 • aaftr • ARE TE, tIOM.E ,tou ,v , BT s A p pox ito.,..hird pirleton.--1,310.000 erortti or venue end huildiuscLota, in the gold• region of Culpeper county, Virginia, to be divided amongst 10,200 eubscribere, 99 tike 7th of Dpcember, 2057. Sub. sariptions only teu,4ollars defter fifteen dollars, one. ball down, the' rest' on delivery or the deed.' ZVOry subscriler, will get a Building Lot or r arfo, rouging in yaw, frothil(rto 11126,000. -These' forma and lota are gold so cheap to induce slittleironts, a autficlent number being reserved; thb Inertia:wilt' the` value of which will compensate for the operant lotr , price now asked. Up. war& of 1,350 lota and terms are already sold, and a company of settlere called tlie tf 'Rappahannock Pioneer hOtefotrolitg and will soon'eonlintiles a settlement, Ample'security wilt be given (or the faith. lilltpifforroStice .ritliontikete tMd .tfo.OW acres of lent loddifferrrnA parte of Yirgluhr; now at 'command, end wilt be sold to settlers at from Slop to $4OO per &ore." iftwinaliOnAra tides will in ail c. 0., ibet MOW'. Ntiod:entters,.Cridpert farmers,' *a., 'art wanted, and fire hundred Agents to obtain subseriberii, to whom the, wont liberal inducements will be given, ogebleirrite that they us moklngs2oo pormonth. For full particulani, subscrlpUons t agencies, An. apply to r, .? y . E. BAUDER, 1 TPlP ,o 7 l 4l9hronne county, Vl.' TRIMNITF,D STATES PAYAVITr—AbIe-hodfoi4; iinmirrind Men, to whom la - h . , •aiv,il.STid PV? :hclora,olo,thing, end medical ittiOdtiaae.- ray tom lll2 , to 5261' per 'Rooth. No moo itdeepted. FAfepy for MOVNTZD 6N10 , 1010,14Vliot:1117111LEKNT Arent :) 11;11tOtALL, ~ let'LioutPACUti(t: nren*Wrl> °L 4, 4.lm* -1 9tocktaltioji Officer. FARTED! 2 --AfEirAGENTS;EITHE 'WWI 14'12;4,1'0d very popular book. leepte, , antftledd! The ppkoked Mut • or, Litefu ,whil i di t ,s l od e edlltidni Ursit eltee!dy beak ,tudold 130Paead the New Xright , Mates. Arg ete 'wehted :to pekvage the Middle,' Sdretheritrilhd'Veeteils genie' now engaged thelurtreuelei 0112 per esY,:-Addreoclip'letterOlobk "AkeeetiM, ktlttel etteet., UPlittlArtfo ,s4ll4oz,ooslly et ,RePAPIOW It 601PIrn .Virit, J.k . ,l4oPogtoe 1Y 4 1t9riv ; ' eq°9,-$P,,_O/ 1 ORPg , TN,II in.. I,bove irt9t,ig I °7. 04 "Pri"T.71 0 ,11..7ar7 lOriP,ooll :Of ~ : Nap.. 2 614 ,,, °° _,t a ,' EMa g ilt ' f , 44 4 4. 4 " l 4 7 4 9X s a t b aCO i tni s zdtvif f*AMILIC gran* in e , ' th'eitiedifon of , p lr3 s, =Omit, eat *OM tentllo9a Isi WO 144 .I)^4 ~ t.. 4,• ~, ,‘ ~ • , , , , nat, B.,,reipinion nittutlon given tZr C6lOOlO/4 , f 94 61, poirjr i ts pm OOP Offinleat447logfrildterYs•it' ,*ime At OfokaNt MeV i c.: Mg 4 itt Ar. OP Tag PitllSSii4tilt ADELPlitti, SAttlitiiAlf 4 .'OCTOrtett 31, 1851. PrAitnials. 113ROPOSALSI FOR FURNISHING'I PAMIR FOR TUN PUBLICIRINTING. . • Orrick RtrOaltiTsignsalr . 0 . 1 , THY • P„OBLI " ‘Washitktop, October Ist, 1851. • IN PURSUANCE) of the provisions , of the Act to provide for eXetalting . the' public ,priting," up - PtOred Atighlit SC IEO2, sealed proposals trill be remilved at'this ofilde,'hi e Oapitbl, until the first blonds/ (7th day) of, Dowdier next, at twelve o'clock If., for , fur fishing it) Paper tbetniay he required for the public printing,for, the` year ending on thettrat day of Deceni• ter,Asos. • - The subjoined list specifies nearly ac can be ascer, talued, the quantity, quattty,•axid description of each kind er paper that will berequired : 0 talils , uncaleodered, to measure 24 by 38 inchria, and to weigh forty-five pounds 10,000 rooms tine priutli4 paper, the'ream of 480 ghosts. 4,oooreams'The printing paper, ealenderad, to measure 24by 28 inches, and to' weigh fifty-elx pooOdd to the rhea] of 4410 sheets.' , , . atlas , trt. 6,000 ream' superfine steed and °slandered printing paper, to, measure 24 by Bt. Inches, and to' Weigh' fifty , two pomade to the t h oof 4 ream 0 sees. - - - , pt.ase Iv. 300 reamisaperAne hard-sized and ealendered printing paper, to measure 24 by 32 inches, end to Weigh forty. eight pounds to the ream of 480 sheets. , , „- CLASH V. . ' 1,000 m eri no reams aired and calendered map paper. of adch slam ee,play be ragotrod, correeporallog in weight with paper mammies 1,0 by 29 inches, and weighing twenty pounds per ream of 980 sheets. (mesa vt, 200 reame superfine plate ! paper, (calendered or an - Calendered, qe may be required,) 19 by 24 Inches, and of such weight per ream as may be required. • , The abrupt' the paper of each of the sheep classes to be of lissu,muipottou, free from all adulteration with 'lninekar or other substances, of a fair whiteness, and put up in gn i . m . ,, Pr '49°,4Y-four sheets each, and in bundles of 4w reams each, each ream to contain 480 'portent elwiete. Uniformity. in color, thickness, .and o weight will he required; and no bundle (exclusive of - Wraliquirs) varying over, or under five .per pent. from the waigo will OP received,' and the green weight will, in all cases, be required. Mixing of various thick. neases in the Same 'bundle'td make up the weight will La considered_a violation of the contract. NO. i.L11,600 reams irtartlpoei Writing. pitper; N0..2—`2,000 riinme tiateap writing paper No. 8.400 reams demi writing paper ; No. 4-4,000 Sethi folio poet Writlitg paper ; No. 6-6 00 rearms *edit:tor writing paper No. 8-0.1 risme 2040:writing paper i Nd. 'T-50 resins stipekoyal writing paper ; No. 11-60 remits imperial writing paper;' N. 0-10 Q reap, colored medium iciesorted.) ' • • ' atlas mt. ' I- , No. 1-0,000 reams writing paper, 19 by 20 inches, to weigh twenty-eight pounds per ream. No: 2-Lt1,600 reams, writing:paper, 19 by 20 inches, tci weigh twenty-three pounds per resin. 'No: 8-3,100 'reams writing paper, 18 by 26 inchati, weigh twenty-six poends per ream. •'• No. 4-100 reams! , writing pepei; 18 by 22 inches, to twenty-four pounds ,per ream. "'Ni,. 8.-.340 reams ;Writing paper, 18 by 18 Indies, to' weigh twenty-kayo pout:doper ream. ' No' 6-400;ams. writing paper , 12 by 18 inekee, to weigh tirelve ands pei ream._ • . I Ail the peporliAesigniteiliii aliases and Bare to be, of tlie beat materinls, free from adulteration, and finished In the best 'Manner. 'Tho paperi La ,Cl/0/5 7 are to be white or blue, of the regular standard sires of the res.' petite kinds, end of such Ivreights es may be required by, ttiLsotties ;, those in class, 8 are to be white, suit of 'the vitae and weight specified in the schedule. The ',right is reserved of ordering a greater or loss 'itinsatlty of each and every klud contracted for, at such, limos end irl ouch quantities as the public sondes may, require.' Each class will be considered 1113pArat0IY, mut , be sub-' Ject to a separate contract ; but bidders may offer for one , or more of the Clanell ,the. ante proposal; and the, privilege is reserved of requiring& bidder who may hive more, than ono clue assigned him to take all each, °lessee; no forfeit his right ti ^-7 close. _, Samples (not leas than one quire) of each kind of pa. per,bid ter, end but one sample cf each kind, must or dompany' exalt bid; and, in .:Amami 7 and 8, be numbered ,to ecurespoud with the number of the paper proposed tor' la that schedule i and, in the first six classes, to be prepaefy designated on the 'temple, or it will not be coo eldered. All _proposals and samples must be transmitted to this office tree of postage or other expense. , Each proposal must be signedby the Individual or firm making it, and meet epacify the price per pound (and bat one pried for each) of every kind of paper contained In the class proposed for. , All the paper In the several abases must be delivered at such place,or placea as may be designated la Washing-', ton city, In goOd order, free of oil and every extra charge or expense, and sebjeet to the lospeetiou ' count, weight, and measurement of the Superintendent, and be in al l respects eatlafactory. Blank forms for proposals will be furnished at thin, office to portiere; applying for them ; and none will be taken into consideration unless substantially agreeing therewith. Bonds, with approved securities, will be required; and the supplying of, an. inferior article in soy of the classes, or a failure to supply the quantity required at any time will be considered a violation of the contract. Hach bidder is required to furnish with, his proposals , satisfactory evidence of the ability to execute them; and sale noteccompaujed by, such evidence will be rejected. • `• - The proposals will bo opened In the manner required' by law, "on the first Tuesday after the fi rst Monday in , Decembei" next; (Bth,) at - ten o'clock A.M., at the office of the Superintendent. r Proposals wiU .bp.addressed to the "Superintendent , of the Public Printing, Capitol of the United States,, Washington'," and endorsed " Proposals for Supplying' „Paper." A. fr. SEAMAN, and i9t Superintendent of Public Printing. PROPOSALS FOR ERECTING MARINE DARRAORS AT PENSAOOLA. FLORIDA. • - NAVY parturition", Walliligton,'Beptember 21,1817. SHAVED PROPOSAL% endoreed Proposals for build.; lag Marine Barracks' at Perutacola,Floit tu ds,” will' be re tted at Ode department until the Bth day of Nevem bir,`lBs7, at 3 ,o'clOck P. If.. for thq - Constenetioti of the Marine Barracks authorised to erected at'Pensa-i Cola, Florida, according to the Mimi and specifications prepared "by the direction 'of the Diary Department,' copies et which may co seen at - the OSCAN of the core. uitnidanfi of the Navy-ydrda it Portimeuth;ftelt Ramp.' 'shit* Bistoo; Nent-..York, Philadelphia„ florfOlk; and , •Penitatola, and at the Navy Deputrient.' - The' prepehde Mud be for furnishing all the mate-! ' rills 'altd,completing the work In a manner satisfaotory , to the person who maybe appointed by 'the Noy De partment to superintend the same ;'sad the departmout' reserves the right to reject or accept any of the propo ' gale' herelh Invited, when it deems the interest of the, 'UMW Stated required It. •• ' • • Ninety per cent: of the amount Of work done and the matertMettelivered will be paid for from time to time,' sa the' ork progress* upon estimates tilde and cent; • thid to bythe ouperintendent on the part of the United Statert,autten _per cent; retained nein the completion of the; cairOlot ond:soceptence of the wotk by the; • td a stu e te t tir no nd n etel o o l d . d e e n ter o t t in t r a t, c an on d ra be e torfeited In' t t ,provided TM Mil shell he Made for amotint lea than five thousand dollar". ,• • •• • - Each mogul moat be accompanied bye written gnarl antes, Malted by tire responsible VOlLytertitled to be so by, a nevagent, peaterdader, atria tido!, or some other enter of the United Raise ',) in t o 'lll2l/3 of five' thousand dolisre, that the bidder , will, when required, if hla,proposal be accepted, enter Into a °entreat mil' .botedwith proper end sulticient security for Its faithful performance., • - /Odder' are invited to examine the plan" and *ale-, settees at the Clem; herein-before mentioned. . The proposals must be sealed and addressed to this , deportment sad pleinlyendonsed ~P roposals for build- Marine Barracks at Pommels, Plorida." • -, • The bldder•only whose offer may bo accepted will 1:4 notified., and the contract will be forwarded 'se soon thereafter as practicable, which be will be requited to alseerits within ten dayeafterlterecelpt at the postotdco named by MM. . • All the above work is to be completed in all respects according to the plane sod specifications within twelve mooths from and rater the date of the contract. ' ISAAC TOUbBY, atiddthe•tNG • Secretary of the Navy. 10140POSALS FOR RATIONS FOR 1868 Ceenrsnitierna , s Oirros Haulms 00ftra, • " Washington,' October 10, 1851. SEP/1110E SEALED PROPOSALS Will be received at the office, Until TUESDAY, the 10th of Novemberneat , nest, at 3 O'clock P. bf.', for furnishing .Rations to the United States, limbo Corps, at the following stations, for theyeer 1858, viz: Charlestown, Hassachtsette; Portamouth, New Hampshire Brooklyn Lond Island, New Mork; P bUadelp ' hia, Pennsylvanis ' ' • cloaport;near Norfolk; Virginia; , Wallington, Florida; and , ' • , Washington, Distriot of Columbia. Pooh ration to consist of one pound and a quarter of frosh beef,, or three-quarters of a pound of moos pork; eighteen ounces of bread, made of best superfine dour, lor best superfine flour, at the option of the Government; and at the ate of si3 pounds of good coffee, twelve pounds of best New Orleans sugar, eight quarts of but white balms, four quart* of vinegar, two quarts of salt; tour pounds of good hard brown soap, and one-and-a half poundal of good hard dipped tallow candles, to ono hundred rations. The beef required obeli be ,delivered on the order of the eornmanding officer of each station, either in bulk or by the Single ration, and shall amulet of the best anti most otoilleiplices of the wake the pork to be No. I prime mess pork, and the groceries to he of the bestquality of Mods named. Ailanbjeet to inspection. No bid Will be entertained unless accompanied by the names of two sureties known to this °thee, or certified to by acme omelet pinion. To be endorsed a Propovals for Rations 'for HOS," and addressed to the, Quarter 1140er of the Marine Corps; Washington, D. 0. • - D. J. 'SUTHERLAND, • Quartermaster. The paper publishing this advertisement will send the paper containing the first insertion to this oaks for ettutination, accompanied by aduplleate amount of the expense, the rate of 75 cents for 960 ems first iner tiasand SIX ,ounte per SOS erns for all turbsuquent in eerolons. ,The National Inteulgencer, Star, and States, Wash- Ingtorh B. 0.; Argus, Bortiand, Me.; Patriot, Concord, N. ff.; Rosette, Portsmouth; N. U.; Poet and Courier, Boston, Mass ;• Bridgeport Parmer, Conn.; Daily News .sad Atlas, , N.S.; Eagle,Brooklyn N. Y.; Argus. Tenn `eylvanisn,-. and 'Press, Philadelphia, Penn; Patriot, Harrisburg, Penn.,• Republican, Baltimore, Md.; States man and Argue, Norfollc, •Deniocrat, Pensacola, Via... Courier and Orlesulan, New Orleans La.; will outdid' the above three times per week, until Ugh No vember. oe rd-tu th and sat t Noy 70 , PROPOSALS' FOR ERECTING TIIE CUSTOM MOUSE, lite.,'at Perth Amboy, New , Jersey, , „ , ' Tallier= " DOVAWIIIIIII4, Wsiinnitrori; September 21st, 1557. PROPOSALS will be received at this Department until - the 25th - day of Nussator; A. D. 1867, at 12 oioleck, noon, for the construction of the Custom liouse,, Post Office,•and Court Dodo; authorized to be erected at PRIPTIP /MOOT, New' Jersey, according to the Plane. and specification prepared ,at this Department; raid proposals to be either teethe Whole building, or separate , for the different 'chide of work ; bills of parcels must In - every man seCompaini each bid, with the amount of each kind of work, and the total, amount carried out- the Department reserving the right to reject or accept the proposal' hereby invited, or- any part thereof, when It deem' the interest of the United States require it; the Department also reserves the right to exclude the bide rof any permit 'or. periOnawhom there Is just cause to believe will not faithfully parterm the contracts, or which they have attempted to' obtain by indirection; and all bide when there shall be puttee in interest who not join In the bide; and bide that upon Invenigo- Mau aro below a fair price for the work. D idaWill not be received In gross, and contract will 'bdarraided to a bidder unless details are Welshed the D,Sp it ithent of the prides of the di ff erent kinds of work and materials which shall be subject to the revision of the Dep artment, so that it may adopt the whole or part of the bid, as the Interest of the United States may require. „ }Moot y per amt., of the amount of work done, and =Medi delivered according to contract price .(sald amount to be escertained by an estimata of an agent of the Department, appointed -tor that purpose,) will be paid from timato3lnul as the work progresses, cud ten per cent. retained ,untll. the completion of the contraet, and the pecoptqacto of the work, dm., by the agent -sfereseld, ankbelerfeited in the event of non -fulfilment of coot/wet. Centrists Will be awarded only to master-builders and noehanted ; and the assignment thereof, except by non omit of the Secretary of the Treasury, will be a forfeit tire Of, the r atan.' Rtl‘lti PrflPolal must be aceompinleit bp , a written gear eighed by two swejmnsible piersene (Certified to be 'OlO bridle United' States Distilit ;edge, or . Attorney of 'the "mid Markt), In the sum of 25,Q00 for the whole • vinrh, ,Or et" ftpropertiorrate amount if any,part, that the 'bidder wi 11, when required, "if his, repent be' eceepted, sotey Into si contract and bond, with proper and eallieleSt deOuritles for Re faithful performance. town of,Dont, and. Certificate required will" be fur.' 4110406.01.0Pittt0404 tothe Department: c' . Plane, specifications!, end working drawing, PM be gendt 901Vet,of, Noromber, when they can had on Application, I the„Department, No" ULM tousidera airless it fully complies,' i n a u, iss - mnfis, wild-the regutrernsitil of this shirty risen/rut. , • . 't _tt The prim* must, St sem to tide Department, ad. dressed to Bearetar - , the , Treasury, and peal essde.t. I. poposAis NOR TEE PERTH AHD CUSTOM HOUSE,". and will be • opened at ohs weioek' ,of the last day named for receiving She same.; .4' , , ; • j HOWELL COBB, • • 0 444 IStaystezy of the Tossusri Ilrovogalo. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN GOODS.' DIIPARTDINNT 017 THU INTIIIIIOII, Offiee Indian Affairs, Ootober 15, 1857, fiSALPD PROPOSALS, endorsed I. Proposals for In not GoodA," [CIISS 1,2, 3, or 4,' as the osso may be,) will be received at the Office of Indian Affairs, Wash. ington city, until ten o'clock A. rd„ on Saturday, the 14th day of November, next, for furnishing goods for tho Indian department for fulfilling treaty stipulations with redone Indian tribes, and for other Indhui par r poses, ae follows • OLO6O No. 1. Mackinac Blankets, C Mhos and Pry Goods. 3,000 pairs 3.point whito Mackinac blankets, to measure 60 by 72 Italie], and weigh 8 pouuds. , 8,000 04452,4 -point white Mackinac blakets, to measure 51 by 60 inches, and weigh 0 pounds. 1,600 pa rs 2-point white Mackinac blankets, to measure 92 by 6, limbos; and weigh pounds. 1,600 Pairs 1)6. point white illeckinat blinkets, t o 11 , 6 „. sure 50 by 50 inches, and weigh 41( pound*. , 1,600 palm 1-peint,white Mackinac blanket', to measure • 30 by 46 Inches, and weigh 81( pounds. 800 pairs 8-point scarlet Meakirso blankets, to tnea: sure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh 6 pouuds. , 400 pairs 2)4 -point starlet Mackinac blankets, to mac euro 64 by 60 Inches, and weigh Ii pounds., 290 pairs a)6 point green Mackinac .blankets, to mea sure 60 by 84 Inches, and weigh 10 pounds. 400 pairs 3-point green Mackinac blankets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh 8 pounds. 400 pairs 2)4 -point green Mackinao blankets, to mea sure 64 by 66 Mabee, and weigh 0 pounds. 200 pairs 3)6.point Indigo blue alaskinae bleekets, to femurs 66 by 84 inches, and weigh 10 pounds. 200 pairs 3-point indigo blue Medina° blankets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh 8 pounds. 300 pairs 2)6-point indigo tilde Mackinaw, blanket", to measure 64 by 66 Inches, and weigh 0 pounds 200 palm 316-polut tlentinella blue Mackinac blanket", to measure 06 by 84 inane,' fled weigh 10 pounds. goo pairs 8-point Gentinella blue Mackinac blanket', to measure 60 by 72 inched, and weigh 8 pomade. 360 pairs 2)6 point Oeutinella blue Ithicklutio blankehl, to measure 64 by 00 inches; end weigh 0 pounds. 3,600 yards fancy Bet blue cloth , 2,000 " WV:V.OlOth - 500, cc " • green cloth „ 4,500 1 . grey list blue cloth 3,600 a saved " blue cloth ,000 " " " gimlet 010th • 1,000 " " green sloth 1, 00 pounds worsted yarn, 8 folds 100 dozen gotten flag handkerchiefs 100 " Madras • 250 cc fancy cotton " 60 c black silk " 60 " 8.4 cotton shawls 100 cc 100 " 4-4 cc '5O " 5.8 woollen shawls 1,000 pounds linen thread 76 " cowing silk ' 614 pieces riband" 160 gross worsted gartering 76 pieces silk handkerchiefs , , 86,00 yards calico 26,000 9‘ Merrimac Calico 16,000 cc blue drillieg ' ' 15,000 ' 1 white cc 6,000 " • Georgia stripes • Biloo " blue denies 3,000 - cc cottoned° 16,000 e bed ticking • 2,000 cc, Irentuckyjeaus - '8,600 " satinets 10,000 ," plaid linicey 6,000 cc bleached shirting 20,000 ," domestic shirting, (unbleached) 22,000 " . cc sheeting 11 10,000 cc cheeks, stripes and plaids 200 dem woollen socks 2,000 yards flannel., assorted 1,000 pounds cotton thread 600 dozen spool cotton , 300 pounds best Moose vermillion 500 " " American cc 1,600 cc brown gilling twine, No. 80 1,000 " cotton maitre 2,400 flannel shirts 2,400 calico " /0 dozen Canadian belt,. CLASS No. 2. Ready-Male Clothing. 200 frock coats, indigo blurs broad cloth 260 pantaloons, " 200 vests, cc cc 100 frock coats, " Anavy twilled 100 pantaloons, cc 100 vests, , cc if 100 Dticklime Indigo blue blanket capotee 100 black satinet overcoats, (No. 1) 100 sheep's gray cloth overcoats 100 cc cc cc coats 100 cc " pantaloons 100 black satinet coati 100 cc pautaloone 'lOO cc Yoga • 200 blue satinet coats 200 " pantaloons 200 cc vests 200 cadet mixed satinet coats • 200 cc pantaloons 200 " vats. Bides No. 3. Hardware, Agricultural Implements, and Axes. 6,000 pounds brass kettles 1,000 tin kettles, (15 ohms) 200 nests Japanned kettles, 8 in I mil 50 dozen 10-quart tin pane 76 If 6 ~ cc 70 II 4 0 It 100 cc 2 c, 800 " butcher knives 200 " scalping cc '25 at gun flints 60 grass gun worms 160 cc' squaw awls 125 cc fish hooks, assorted 800 dozen fish lines 350 gross needles 150 dozen coarse tooth combs 150 " fine 160 cc scissors 16 cc bush scythes 16 " grass cc 16'" grain ' " 10 cc adzes 80 cc grubbing hoes 00 " weeding cc - 100 pairs homes 200 cc trace chains NV log cheins 800 drawing knives, 10 and 12 inches in length 250 angora, in equal proportions of 1)6, 1, X, and' hAuclt 200 hand slam - ocross-cut claws; 7 feet in length ic St 0 60 dozen hand-saw files • 10 • " cross-cut saw files 10 cc wood rasps 250 querteresoeket chisels, X, 1, and 2 loth • 70 plines fore and jack 25 dozen shovels 26 cc spades • 600 camp kettles, (3 slots) 8,000 short handled frying pane , 100 dozen bastion spoons 200 cc Iron table spoons , 200 ' tin Cups 16 c• 'myth° eoliths 26 ' 5 ales, to Weigh from 416 to 5.i4 pounds 100 " half axes, to weigh '3X pounds 70 cc hatchets, to weigh 1.16 pound 15 " broad-axes, ordinary size' 60 cc nine mirrors . 76 " Are steels Cbses No. 4. . Northwest Guns. 1,000 northwest guns, Hint lock 210 " cc percussion lock. Proposals will be received for the delivery of sad goods at Boston, Now York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New Orleans, fit, Louis, Mecophie, or Oinolunati ; but In considering the bids, the cost of the transportation of the saute to their ' respective destinations from the places proposed to bo delivered will form an element In deciding upon the proposals. Tho right will be reserved to require a greater or lass quantity of any Of the articlee named than that speolfied' in - the above schedule, also any others of a different description that may be needed, at the lowest market prireo. Goods of American manufacture, of the required styles and quality, will be preferred ; but as the samplei of blankets and cloths are foreign fabrics; It will be ne. misery in proposing a domostic article of either or those kinds, that a sample thereof shall accompany the bid. The articles to be furnished must, In all respects, conform to and be equal with the sample recently se tinted, which may be seen at thin Old. They will be rigidly inspected and compared with those samples by en agent or agents appointed for that wpm. Such as may be unequal thereto in any particular Will be re ? furs; in which case tho contractor will be bound to sh others of the' required kind or quality within three days • or, If that be not done, they will be per, chased at lleexpense. Payment will be made for the goods received au invoices thereof, certified by the agent or agents appointed to !meet them. It will be understood that all bide for furnishing the goals above epecified may bo rejected at the option of the Department, particularly If made by one who is not known as a manufacturer of or regular dealer in, the article proposed to be furnish edi ,• which fact, or the re verse, must be distinctly stated in the bids offered; and that the bids of all persona who may have failed to comply with the conditions of any contracts they may have previously entered ihto with the 'United Statue shall, at the option of the Department, be rejeeted In accordance with the letter Ithd spirit of a'joint resolution of Congress relative to bids for provisions, clothing &a., for the use of the navy, approved 27th March, 185 . Donde wilt be requited, in the amount of the bid, ro the faithful performance of the centred, with two et more sureties, whose sufficiency must be certified by a United States judge or district attorney. The proposale must embrace the artielea, with the quantities thereof, as they are arranged in the foregoing schedule, with the prices annexed to each, in dollars and cents, at which they will be furnished, and the amounts must be , tarried out and footed tip for midi , 1 clam They Amid be submitted with the followleg heading: I [or we] hereby propose to furnish for the service of the Indian department, and according to the terms 'of its advertisement therefor, dated October 16th, 1851, the, following articles, at the prim thereto affixed, [here insert the list according to the class or sleet proposed for,) deliverable in the city of [Boston, Nen , York, Philadelphia, Ealtimore: New Orleans. St. Lode, Memphis, or Cincinnati, as the case may boa by Mia tirst . day of April next, or at such time or times during the year Ma as may ho ordered by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs; and I [or we] will also furnisb. I at the same prices, such additional quantities, of the same kinds end qualities or geode, and at the lowed market pried, such other artteles of a different dandle- Mon as may be required for the service of the Indian department during the year, JIM, deliverable .4A:we stated ; and if this proposal bo accepted. [b'efa luseet the words, 'ln whole or in part' if mere thoh fretOlfies be proposed for,] I Tor wej will, within twir,dy <ISA thereafter, execute a contract deonlingly, and..:glve security, satisfactory to the Oommissioner of Wien Alfalfa, for the faithful performance of the same. ,, [Mere limed whether the party proposing is or le not a manufacturer or regular dealer In the article.proposed to be furnished.) WI proposal unit also be adompanied by a guaran tee, In the following farm, to bo 'signed by two or more responsible persons, when sufficiency moat be certified by one or More perione, peisoually or eilielally known to the department: I (or we] hereby goa,ranty that the above lelddi4, for biddem,j If a contract shall bo awarded to him, (or theind according to his for their] foregoing bid or pro posal, will execute a contract, and 'give security.for the performance thereof, as prescribed in the advertisement for proimmle for Indian goose, dated Ostober 16, 1867; and I [or we] agree to pay any and ail damages or tomes which the United States or the Indiana may suffer by reason of failure so to de Ou the part or the said bidder, [or bidders..l No proposal will be considered that deem got strictly conform to the terms and directions of this advertise ment. • liy order of the Secretary of the Interior. 011ARLES E, MIX, !Laing Commissioner., Mobacco anb .grigaro. HAVANA CIGAR, XL went, wok as , t Figaro, ,'adages, Uabaqu, , . Mina, Gloria, Jupiter, Woo ' Oorweralantee, Torrey ' Lope, Union Americana, . Ore Jon, Flora Cubans, &a., Mi., &a., In g, g, 1-5 and 1-10 .xdree, of all aim cad onallL' ties, in store and constantly. reoeiriate, Lod fOr eats low, by , , • , CHARLES 71111), ' - ievri 198 WALNUT Street; be ow &mond, second story A handsome assort. LIIGARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS BEGAIIII.—A eboloa, invoke of these oelebratbd brands on board brig +, New Nra daily 'spotted from 11sinna, and for sale low, by, &Iry gg TETE, ' (New) 188 Walbut street, bolo* Beaotrli amt • • geoond Story garDwart„ ' QUAKER CITY NAILS, MBROIIANT BARB, RIVET -IRON, i Manufactured at FOUNTAIN BUREN ROLLINGIdILI,, on the Schuylkill, above brine 9.arcieu Water Werke. ' WAREMMBEtp3 North "lUTnit Street. QUAKER OTT NAILS ore ,worrantod equal to way nuale.: . cle-11,,, ZMULALDEMAN, Agept TSOMAS' ISAXTER'.—HARDWAnk oVngity ,AND TOOLS, No. on HAMLET Err. We Khali, oontit sttfe, 14ing ` 64iimitt4 JOSEPH JONES FOR SAN FRAN -o'o 01800,-To sail with otilek despatch.—Breight taken at reduced rates,—The,beautiful clipper ship JOUPII. JONhIS, Nelson Pendleton, commander, now completing her loading at Race street wharf, has over three-fourthe of her cargo on beard and nearly all of her °opacity, engaged, will ocotillo& to receive, freight fur a few days, and sail as above. Ethipperi will please complete their engagements without delay, tad hand in bills of lading for signatitre, Itor hinds Of freliet, whibh 'mill be Won at very low rates, apply ou board, or to BISHOP, SIMONS A. 00., 120 (late SO ) North Wharves, Ciliflß MARY AND ADRLINE,TOR NE ouraaNs. —Guezantled "fleet vessel,- Reeeives freight at as low rates as any other vessel laddiag 'The fastAusiling coppered packet ship MARY AND MALIN!, Watts, master, now completing her loud lug at Rae street whaf, having nearly all her cargo en board, will continue to , receive what freight offers, and sail ea above. Shippers will please hurry their goods alongside, and bills of lading to the Counting House for signature. Pot ,balance of Preight; at reduced rates ' apply on Waal br to . 1118110 P, 31110N8 _.3r 00. ocaldtt 120 (late 30) North Wharves. Agents intim Orleani 3 O Meeker The M. & A. insures et the lowest rates, and will take item down the Delaware and up the Allseissippl. SAVANNAH STEAMSHI P TINE STP.AMSItT4B STATE OF GEORGIA • KEYSTONE STATE. In cOnsequence of the depressed state of trade, the above ships will be withdrawn to; , the present. October I . o th. A., LIMON, 7s. FARE REDUCED TO SOUTHAMPTON oOrLi.ltAVßlt.—The maguilicent steamship VAN DERBILT, Edward Iligglas, comtuandor, 6,268 toud, will Dail From New York far &Milt- ' From Southampton and ampton and lkavre. bane for New York. Saturday Oct. 44 Saturday Nov. 14 Saturday ' ~Dec. 5 , Saturday Doe. 20 Price of Passage—First cabin, $100; second cabin, $5O Sposlo delivered An London and Pude. For freight or poop apply to D. TORRANCE, Agont, ; , No. 5 Dowling Green, New York. tatters Ibr England and Europe, pro-paid, 25 cents each half yence, (by suolonore pf,postage stamps If from other elite's) wllllm received at 00. 5 Dowling-green, New York( up to 11X ',Aloe); pu the morning of Sall. ing. 1 , ,L ' ovionte 1 fIREAF REDUCTION IN FARE TO EU vg ROM First Mini .180 I Doomed Cabin . . ... ......$5O In • the glut -oims paddlewheel steauiship ADRIEL, 3,000' tonsi_o. D. LUDLOW, Commander, and DORT!! STAB, 2,600 tone, P. E. Lsravan, to mil from pier No. 8 North Riva, at noon preolmely, carrying the UNITED .STATED MAILS, via: Leave N. Tusk fori feenthamptOe, I/a- Bremen for Southampton , rre and Diemen: Southampton . for New Yogis. Arel, Saturday, Oct. 91. Wedsiday, Nov. 4. N. Satiy, Oct. 31. Satimisy, Nov. 28 . Weds'diy, Deo. 30 Thus steamers touch at LILVDE. Specie deliverid in London and Pule. for passage and freight, apply to D. TORRANCE, Agent, No. 6 Dowling Green, New York. • oelo.tf pOiI.ENGLAND AND FRANCE,IBS7, New York' and. Harr. Steamship Oompany,—The United 2tatea Stmonshipa ARAM), 2,600 tons, David Lines, commander, and FULTON, 2,500 loos, James A. Wotton, oonimander, will leave New York, nitre and Southampton, for the years 1867 and 68, on the Ibilow log dsis : LIAM 11W TOII. 1858. Arago, Wards, * Jan, Fulton, do. Bob. 0 Arago, ' do. Marob 0 Bolton, do. April 8 Arago , 27:,T 40 Patton, &today, Aug. 22 Atop, do. Sept. 19 Puttee, do. . Oot. 17 Grego, do. Nov. 19 Patton, do. Deo. 12 LISTS usyD, 1867. Arnim Tuesday, Aug. 26 Salton, do. Sept. 22 Arago, do. Oct. 20 Fulton, do. Nor. 17 Arago, do. Dec. 16 1828. Fulton, do. Jan. 12 'Fulton, ***go, do. Feb. 9 Arago, 'upon, ' do. ' March 9 Fulton, Arago, do. April 6 Arago, Fulton, do. , May 4 Fulton, Arf,go; do. , Jime 1 Arago, Vniton, do. June 29 Fulton, PRIO2 OP PABBAOII. Prom New-York to Southampton or name—Vint Cabin, $lBO ; Second Cabin, 816. From Nana or' Southampton to New York--I,lret DOW, 800 fears; Second Pablo, 900 franca. Par freight or plunge, apply to MORTIMsp, LIVINUSTON, Agent, 7 ',roadway. WILLIAM ISISLIN, , 4, Marra. ' 'I376OBRICY & 00. " South'ton. AMERICAN xultopita NAPRESB AND DX- ~ Dart.. WIANGII CO. auB Lll/11111101311/11P701 18157. Arago, Wednesday, Aug. 28 Fulton, do. flept.23 Arigo, do. Clot 21 Walton, do. Not. 18 Arago, do, Deo. 10 1868. do. :au. 13 do. Feb. 10 do. Mar. 10 do. April 7 do. May 6 do. June 2 do. Jou° 80 MBE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL UNITRD STATES MAIL STEAMERS.—The 8 1 4 8 composing this Line are : The ATLANTIC, Oapt, Oliver Bldridge. Tb►ltALTlO Capt. Joseph Oonistook. ' TbsADRIATIC, C a pt . lames West. jniese ship hard been built by contract, egyreesly for ilovernmenteerviee; every care has been taken in their construction, te also In their engines, to ensure strength a'nd speed, and their acoommodeilens for passengers are aneguilied for elegsmoe and comfort. Price of passage from New York to Liverpool, In fret cabin, VIA In second do., 875; from Liverpool to New York, IQ and 20 gulneae. No berths secured unless paid for. The ships of this line have improved water-tight PEOPOBIBD DATER OP BAILING. rams COW TOZIC. DIIOI LIMPOOL. Saturday, Jane 20, 1827 Wednesday, June 24, 1857 liaturday, July 44 1867 Wednesday, July 8" 2857, Saturday, July 18, 1857 Wednesday, July 22, 1867 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1867 Wednesday, Aug. 5, 1857 SaturdAy, Aug. L 5, 1867 Wednesday, Aug. 10, 1867, Saturday, Bept.l2, 1567 Wednesday, Sept, 2, 1857 Ilatvglay; Sept:26, 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 80, 1851 •Ostdfday, Oct. 10, 1667 Wednesday, Oat. 14, 1857 Wedgy, Oct. 1851 Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1857 Satutilly, Nov. 7, • 1867 Wednesday, Nov.ll, 1857 Saturday, Nov. 21, 1861 Wednesday, Nov. 20, 1861 Saturday, D.C.6, 1667 Wednesday, Dee. 9, 1017 ,• ~ • • . • Wednesday, Deo. 22; 1861 Per frelfprep, 'play to r COMINII, No. 56 Well street, N. T. ' 110 W 8 IFLIY 004 Liverpool.' SPURN RINNARD 00,27 fourths Inert, B. G. .I.ll4llloolEkr 12. 00., Paris. The owners of these ships will not be ancorintable for gold( silver_, specie, jewelry.pr *Mons atones or 1111460,1111155 a bills of lading I!». :. ned therefor, and tbe firiethareof ezpreeeed therein ant,tf Lumber. LUMBER I LiffittßEß I I—The Subscriber, who has for severalyears °coupled the premises at Slum's Planing Mill, Kedslogion bay removed to (WAVES STREET '*ABP, adjoining the Phmots Piaui:4MM, on Delaware avenue, where be intends keeplng,a largo assortment of Carolina and other door leg boards, steps, risers, shelving, ceiling, fencing and 'scaffold boards, thoroughly seasoned and well worked. Pomade at the lowest cash prices. Purchasers are in vited to call and tommine for themselves, and every ef fort will be made to give satisfaction. Orders received and supplied at the shortest notice for al' kind. and WO of Southern yellow Pine, Timber and Sunning. and-tf • 8. 8. 11101118. lafurttatte 'MACGREGOR HOT-AIR FURNACES .1.3.1 L Sold by gitADWION. & ,BRO., SECOND Street Spit, door ktelve Rios. „ auglB-11mos. IMPORTA:IIT IbIPROVEMENT— mr WO CONSUMING Truitt, AOE CRILON'iI NEW CONE FURN.BCE, after holing been put to the most severe lest, during the two 00}.D wteruas or MO AND /MT, has proved to be the moot powerful heater in the world, sumg from sto the fuel over any of the beat tarnaget now la use. Tingle FLIAXAORS are construoted with clot iron ash pit, ands broad, shallow .Ista-shaped fire pot, lined with firs-brick or Iron stayca. The tire pot is surmount. ed with A SERIES OP OONES, OA TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their hese, but tapering to eutell ape& tares at the top, and uniting with the anuiar chamber, thfougb Which the heat and smoke pass to the One. Tile WOOLO products of combustion in the form of smoke and Game, are suspended directly over the fire, COM/lUD OT compreesed into , the tapering CONDO and CONTINUALLY AAPONED to the direct action of the rays of heat and light from the fire. This beat and light is brought to a room I lion Ooms, not unlike the OOLLEOTION OP TUE BUN'S RAYS, to a focal point through an ordinary lens, causing the since LAD Oases to Leconte intensely heated and tho roughly consumer , by Shia operation the OMOCC AND AMAIN ITO MADE 11QUALLY ATAILAULA with t h e IDOL ITAILV for heating purposes, while, in other furnaces it it OARIIIIID OTT AND WAIITIID IN TAN 01IIIINEY. Lll persona desirous of obtaining the boat and MOST ROONOMIOAL HEATING APPARATUS, should not fall to examine the Now the CONSUMINO 00N111 YURNAON before purchasing any other. The at tention of architects and bulldenr is particularly rs quested. ARNOLD & WILSON, (Buoosasora to S. A. Harrison) No. 624 WALNUT Street, Opposlte Independence Squat LOCAL FREIGHT NOTI 0 E-T II E PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY are now prepared to receive mid forward PREIOUT between Philadelphia, Lancaster, and Columbia, at the following raise per hundred pounds : BETWEEN PHILA. AND COLUMBIA.' Pint ObLes. Second Olase. Tilled Olean. Fourth (Maas. El eta, 18 ota 16 eta. 14 eta. c Bloat.; • •18 eta. per barrel. ' • Pig metal, 10 eta, per 100 pounds. BETWEEN PHILA. AND LANUABTKIt. li , lrat Clue. fleeced Olaae. Third Class. Poorth Chad. 1 20 ote . 17 eta. 16 dn. 13 eta. Flour, ' 25 etc. per barrel. , - Plg Metal, 10 eta. per 100 pounds. ARTIOLES OP Fl Ea CLASS. Books, Fresh WM, ,Doote and Shoes,_ Nuts in Bags, „alodar and Wooden Ware, Porter and Ale in bottlee, Dry Coca Poultry in coops, Pork, (froth,) 'Furniture, Poultry, (dremed,) reathere,• . Wrapping Paper. AETIOLES OP Si, CLASS. Apples, Molasses, 'Cheese, Melons, Clover and Crass Ebel, Oils In sacks or barrels, Crockery, Paper in boxes, Candles, Pasteboard, , Ceske 6r Barrels ( em p t y ,) Poaches; (dried,) A, Grceeriee, Printing Paper, Guns and Riflea,' , Paper Hangings, Herring in box., sod kegs, Queensware, Hardware, Sweet Potatoes, Hops, Tobacco t Mies, Iron, - hoop, band, or cheat, Tea, Leather, . . Type, Liquor in wood, Tallow, Marble Slabs and Marble Turpentine, (apts.!) Monuments, Vlo Mak. ARTICLES OP An CLASS. Potatoes, Turnips, Vinegar, White Lead, Window Giles, Alcohol, Coffee, aides, (greon,) Lank, Oysters & Olama (In shell) Tobacco, (manntactured,) ARTIULEB OB dre °LABS, Rosin, Salt, Tobacco, (last,) Tin, Tar, Whiskey, (177 For_fnyther information apply to E. ENFIRDEIt, Freight Agent, PhHa P. K. 11010}1 Freight Agentbl kW] W. U. Mind Itral ht A Lancaster , • toil , tauter Didfish, Ootton, Fish, salted, Oralu of all kinds, Nails and Spikes, Pitch, Plaster; C"" M ' R SEEII'OIIOE 'PENN.+ SYLVANIA VARMIIRSAND lITORrifEEPEIIik The undersigned are now prepared to purchase for cash, prime Oloser Seed of tt anew crop. Penniyiyarila storekeepers and farmers,by sending samples to our address, can, at all . graink,,dadertain the price at which we are buying, partlee WGhlag samples, by which to be goietted as to quality,'Can have them sent by mall, by addressing rm. J. 11 011A9E ta 00, sepl9-tf 4,llltOrth trout, and 43 Water streets, LILOOR/NG BOARDS--28,680 foot Baru " a k ix ' ar tage , • I 11D Nnrelt. WO*, Renal HOTEL' AND SUMMER 'RANGES EOM by ORATKON & 203 N. FIZOOND Bt. intalB-11mcw. - —" ' • GLENWOOD CEMETERY , OFFICE; .NO 114 . 1111/1111! 014140 MTH. ' ou 1W eavings Ittbs, V in Avuret PIIND—FIVE PER CENT. IN KJ TM:MST—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY.--WALNUT STREET,SOUTU-MTSTOORNER OP TUIRD,PHILADELPHIa. INOOEPORATIED ST TH657471 Of POKNOILTAOII. Money la received in any Hum, large or small, sad in toreat paid from tha day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The ales hi open every day from 0 o'clock In the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and on *Sudsy and Thursday evenings 0 o'clock. HON. RENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT BELERIDOE, Vice President. WM. J. R;00, 800retarY. Dlallo7olß Ron. Remy L. RM . er, - 0: Landreth Munn', Xdward L. parley. P. Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfrlnze, Joseph B. Barry, Saanl. K. ilebtou, Fleury L. Churchman, ‘ James B. Smith, Yrsnois Lee. This Company confines its business entirely to the receiving at money on interest. The investments, amounting to over ONE MILLION AND A HALF OP DOLLARS, are made in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such first elms 'muffles ea will always in sure perfect security to the depositors, and which can not fall to glye permanency and stability to this Insti tution, aul-1y - - 5 1 ,1. IX PENNY SAVINGS FUND, Corner of FIPTU and WALNUT Bireete. Open daily, from 9 to B, and on Tuesday and Friday Evenings, until 8 O'clock. Large or email coma received and paid with out notice, with FIVE PER OENTANTRIESBT, by check or otherwise. JOHN TH BON, Pres 3. VlOl PRIEUDINTS, TROB. T. TABKER, .NOW/N M. LEW/B. BEORLTARY AND TAXABORIS, WM. T. ELBERT. vanoteee, Wm. 0. Ludwig, D. 0. Levy, Oharles E. Lei, A. Mtakey, Israel W. Morris, Jr., Win. Neal, Thos. Neilson, Thomas B. Reed, M. D. James Russell, Thos. P. Elparhawk, Oscar Thompson, Peter Williamson, Isaac 8. Waterman, Oblides T. Yorke'. John B. Austin, John E. Addinks, &demon Altar, M. W. Baldwin, William Clark, Nphraim Clark, 7r., Clarks S. Carataira, Robert Olark, A. J. Drosel, Charles Dutilb, Wm. B. Boater, Benjamin Gerhard, John Jordan, Jr., Lewin Lewis, Jr., aul.-3m IVO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. O. 88 (241) DOCK •STREET.—FIVE - nit CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.— FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET. FIVE 1, PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. sul-ly Stisc4incrD attb iron. glllOlll. •. MISSION. • I. ♦AUUIIII lISIMON wiLLIAm N. milasiog. _ . _ QOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, WM AND WASHINGTON SMITS, PUILAMILMA. . _ . MERRICK , SONG, INOINIIHRS AND MACHINISTS, manufactitre High and Low Primate Steam Engines, for Land, River and Marine Reprice. Xenon, lianameters,. Tanks, Iron limas, &e., Out. Inge of a ll kinds, either Iron or Bros. Iron frame roofs for Gas Work., Workshop, Railroad Station, &a. Retorts and Oho Machinery of the latest and meet improved conehnction. Every description of Plantation machinery, pooh as Sugar, Saw and Orbit Mills, Vacuum Pane, Open Steam Trains, Defecators,Vilters, Waiving Engines, &e. Sole Agents for N. Milieux's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nastuyth'a Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. Ross' Patent Valve Motion for Intuit Machinery and Steam Pumps. linperlntendent—B. H. HARTOL RICHARD NORRIS & SON, LOCOMO TIVX • STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, NIVINTHENTH STRUT, HAMILTON, VAIIIVINW AID UJUNG OARDNN STREETS, 141/LADEILPUIA. ilngaged exelasiseltin the manufaotare of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. Ilauttfitetute to order Locomotitee of any arrangea. meta, weight or capacity, fpr the use of Wood or Coks, or Btiumusons Coal in its roads stoic, or ANTI:MA.OITM COAL, Wlooooo 1.110071140 810010, 04V ON VIVI. In design, material and workmanship, the Lemma tlsee produced at these Works are equal to, and not ex celled by any. The materials used in conetruction are made on the spot, and insure the best quality and most reliable stock. Tho extent of Shops, and Com tete Equipment of Machinery and Tools, enable hem to execute the EST OF WORK WITH GREAT DESPATCH, O) ANY ARRANOEUENT 11E4;1171MM 011ILLIM OAR WHERLS, MIMI= AXLE, With Yorgingo of au y laze or form, IRON AND BRASS CASTINOS, And MACIIINX WORK generally. 1110 IRED NORRIS. BURY LATIIIAR NOMA itol-/y PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL ER WORKS. REANEY, NEAFIE & CO., PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENDINERBS, MACHINISTS, BOILERMAKERS, BLACK SMITHS AND POUNDERS. Having for wary years bean in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Engine', high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, ece., Am, reepeetfully offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for Engine,' of all aims, Marine, River, and Stationary. Having sot, of pattern s of different alms, are prepared to execute orders with quick deapateh: Every description of Pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and-Low Pressure, Pine, Tubu lar and Cylinder Boilers, et the beat Pennsylvania char coal iron. Forging of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Braes Outings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and speoltioatiom for all work dens at their eatabilahmasit free of charge, aid work guaranteed. The subeeribers have am ple wharf dock room for re palm of boats, where they can lay In perfect safety, and are provided with &bears, blocks, falls, he., ho., for raialag booty or light weights. TILOMAS REANEY, JAOOB N. MUNI), JOHN P. LEVY, aul-y BEACH and PALMER Streets, Kensington. H ANDY & MORRIS— ktAIitTFACTUABBB OF CUMBERLAND WROUGHT IRON TUBES FOR OAR, STEAM OR WATER. GENITAL IRON COMMISSION MERCRTS. Warehouse 8. V. corner FRONT and WALNUT. aul-3m Slebirineo. HELMBOLD'e GENUINE PREPARA TION, Entreat Hoehn, for au Disease. of the Blad der, Kidneys , enrol, Dropey, Nereotte and Debilitated Sufferers. TTELMBOLD'o GENUINE PREPARA.- .a.a. TION, Extract Buchu removes all the symptom, among which will be found ' lndisposition to exertion, Lou of Power, Lou of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, General Weakness, Horror of Disease, Week Nerve., Drettiful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimneu of Vision, Languor, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, often enor mous appetite or Dyspeptic, Symptoms, Hot Hands, Plumbing. of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenance, Eruptions on the Pane, Pains in the Back, Ileavieeas of the Eye Lids, frequently Black Spot. flying before the Ilyes, with temporary tuffusion,Loss of Sight. If these symptom, are allowed to goon, which this tea diotde removes, soon follow Fatuity and Epi leptic Fits. TF YOU ARE SUFFERING WITH ANY 1 of the above di■treuing ailments, use HELM BOLD'S PREPARATIONS. Try them, and be convinced et their efficacy. ITELMBOLD'a GENUINE PREPARA _cm RATION, Extract Dacha, "Give health and vigor to the tram*, And bloom to the pallid cheek!" And are so pleasant in their bate, that patients be• come fond of them. I_IFELMBOLD'a GENUINE PREPARA- A TION Extract Buchn--See overwhelming eviden ces which will be produced to show that they do great good to all who honor them with a trial. Evidence open for the inspection of all. IFITLMBOLD' GENUINE PIEPARA -13 lON, Extract Bucku.--Prlce $1 per Nettle, de livered to any address. Depot, 52 South TENTH street, Assembly Building; below (111ESTNUT skeet, Philadel phis. Address lettere, H. T. TIELMBOLD 52 South TENTH street, below CHESTNUT, Philadelphia. Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Beware of Counterfeits. an?-Sm* MARCHANT" CIeYSTALOORAPITS, Olt PIIOTOORAPIIIO MINIATURES IN OIL, N E. corner of EIGUT/i and LOCUST. The above pictures differ en:alio/1y from anything ever before offered to the publio. Their softens, and truth of color and outline, extraordinary minuteness and accuracy of detail, Insure, of necessity, the greatest fidelity of resemblance; while the severity of the or deal to which they are exposed in manipulation equally settles the question of their permanence. These fasts enable the subscriber to offer them, with the greatest satisfaction and confidence, to the public and to Ms friends. They are secured by letters patent to, and can be had ONLY of IL D. MARCUANT. rortreite of the cabinet, and life else on canvas as heretofore. es 118-But PUBL IC L A MP S.--TIIE PUBLIC IS respectfully informed that Offices have been opened by the District Superintendents of Public Lighting, at which eititOns aro requested to give information respect ing accidents which may happen to the Public Lamps; or of any failure in lighting or extinguishing them at the proper lime; or if not properly cleaned and In good lighting condition. The Books will be kept by Joseph Batty, No. 808 Wharton at., First Ward; Cherie' Carty, No 18 South Seventh street, Ninth Ward; Ukase G. Kirk, No. 1138 liutchinson street, Twentieth Ward; Id. W. Deshong No. MI Coates greet, Fifteenth Ward; T h os. V, tow I hy, Gas Office, Twenty-Fourth Ward, (West Philatleinhis) 11 , Fadden Gas Office, Twenty.. Second Ward, (Germantown;) Wm. N. Market, Gas Office, Twenty-Third Ward (Frankford,) and at the One Office is Seventh street, below Market. By order of the Trustees of the Philadelphia Gee Works. A. J. KITE, eel-6m Superintendent of Dlstribution. DIIIIADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY— N. W. Cor. Tap]) stud 011.1WITIT Ste. PELOUZE & MON, thankful for the liberal pa tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit Its ociatinuance, would suspounce to Printers and Publishers that their new SPECIMEN WOK Is now ready, and from their eicreased (imitate', are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary in a complete Printing Establishment, at the shortest no-, tic°. Their long practical experience is the Matinees, and the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, Juetiftes, them in asserting that they can furnish a more durable and better fin ished mild& than their cotemporerlas. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Material', would do well to apply to them merlons to pernimi.fl eleewhere. Old type taken at 9 cents poi pound, In esahauge for new at apeenuan prtcee. aul•tf °REAP SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, 11l of excellent quality, la sold at the PHILADELPHIA GAS WORKS for the reduced price of fire cents a bushel, and may be obtained In large or small quantity by sp• plying at tilt pas Oaks, No, 20 South SNYNNTiI Street. • To Pitrehaseve by Wholesale, It if sohd at the Werke, In First Ward, by the ton, at a price equivalent to Au. thrmelte, a 152.60 per ton. (Signed,) J. 0. 011E8130N, Snalneer. PRILADZI.PUIA 448 VOIIICB, Aux. 28, 47. an2T-tI C°A°ll) ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP tattoo! of D. W DESHERS, N 0.109 Oaten) South EIGHTH, below Chestnut street, hes become • eating of 60 per coot. to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS, end Also the oonvenlence of having thole old Canine Letups new elm-topped and boH01•01, and Rent by enure.' to ell parte. — 1612 Iv rll E va. pi B, 1 0,000--Ip miff E iri I 1 A li a rd • per Hour; 11 1 W E Th. p,... OM mu eterluoied 4 the VIA , 1 00._ 11l A D palualpila rroo. at ilw L. !I 0 .9 A r Y • X L1111.11111 . 01 . • w ir ..., Ty p.m It T-2""°• , t eolla i‘.' mak e.b.a coil. 110 L .., . a.. . Tge Th...... 4 Ovie re M.O. 118 010" , IM” , / 1 .90 .447-Fir-PAne Frey ef1.04 ... MA' 9 OM Lsory,l l olllllTlll SIP. below Otected. Insurance Compatzio ITOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN BURANOE COMPANY--Oflice No 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia The following statement of the weirs of the company„ published to conformity with is provision of ifs charter : Plialllol,lB RECIIIVISD TROY 300U3T 1, 1836, TO /OMIT Sl, 1847. • • Fire premium. Merino premium. Perpetual premiums 539,723 81 , 217.793 02 224 00 Total amount premium' taken rarned fire premlime ...... • • ,x 7 296 21erue4 inviae, Premiums 765,00 60- 7 18 4 ,07 a. 50 Deduct return premiums Net earned...... Marine lontee paid, $93,955 75 Y ire losses paid.... spn n 5101,916 86 Salvage re calved... $760 67 Interestre calved-4,3n 67 B• 0 Incur= mice 2,971 62 —8,083 66-- 93,833 10 -- .Expenses fer eommisslous to agents, Ibatotoonta in 11, of scrip, salaries, Mike rent, furnishing oiiice, books, Os, tionery, &e ., Profit and loss, AVBXTR. Cash on hand 812,515 89 Bills receivable 119,267 02 Ronde and mortgages 165,000 00 Stocks 0 4 , 100 00 Stock notes 11.42,600 00 Due by agents nod others 22,812 93 8784,095 84 DIRECTORS. P. M. Potts, Win. Y. Leech, C. E. Spangler, R. T. Ransil, Abraham Rex, It. U. Gosaston, Win. It. Woods, Jon. R. Withers, George Howell, Abraham P. Eyre. J. Edgar Thomson; W. Ralguel, C. O. Sower, Chsrlee P. Norton, •,-. John W. Sexton, John It Lewsds, Herman Haupt, James E. Stiles, Nathan R. Potts, II 11. Shillingford. PERCIVAL M. ROTTS, Pretodent. O. E. Spxxouta_, Vice President W, M. Woods, Secretary. eel R. T. Mom, Troasunr FIRE INSURANCII, SPRING GARDEN FIRE INBURANGE COM PANY. CAPITAL $120,000, PAID IN CAW, AND a ECNIMELT INVESTED . , ' OPPION, N. W. CORNER OP SIXTH AND WOOD BTB., SPRING GARDENS. ••• 011ANTER P.RUPETUAL.-= ' ' LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID.' ' DIRECTORS. - John H. Dohnert, ' Monti M. Phil; ~ David Weeipper, Lew 4 Shlnnack Benjamin Davis, - John Landoll, John Evans, Jr , Chartea Field, Auley M. Park, William B. Woo , James DiAsell, John B. Stevenson, Jacob 8 Mintrea, ' Curvin Stoddard, Henry limner, _ , Thos. D. Tinibgbut, George. IC.. Olakta. JOUN H. DOEINERT, Preslieut. L. lERIIMBILLAR, Secretary. Sept 21-1, NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMXANT.'—' / omog 414 WALNUT NI., Franklin Building !. FIRE AND MARINE INSVEANGE. CAPITAL 1100,000, WITH PHIVILION fo INC:WASS TO 600,000. -- . This Cowpony l now fully organ led, and prepared to make all kind. of Insurance aganaat loan or damage by lira and Marine Perils at currant rates. diTIOMIS. H. 0. LAUGHLIN, President." RICHARD SHIELDS, Vlos President UEO. SOOT V, Sseretary. DIREOTORS. R. O. Laughlin ; L. Sherwood, Wm. Osborne, Richard Shields, T. B. Showell, THE QUAKER CITY S URA NC COMPANY, Office No. 40S (late 92) WALNUT SI. Capital and Surplus, $2.50,000. This Company continues to make Insurance agai nst loas or damage by Vire and the Perils of the Sea, lolawl Navigation and Transportation, at current rates. OPPLOSII9. President—GEO. 11. LIAR'S Vice President—Y. P. ROSS. Secretary and Tramcar-11. R. IXISHISHALL, Aesistant SecretaryLlC U. H. 81/TLER. TORS. George 11. Hart, b. P. R9llB, A. 0. Gotten, Joseph Edwards, John U. Delo, Hon. Henry H. Fuller, Foster 8. Perkins, John 11.'01antberi, so 8-my A. W. Bailey, Charles G. Imlay, Wm. IL Leta, J. L. Pomeroy, - ' Andrew 3. Oluinaberd, Ooddslmll, Samuel laned,li. A: P. Oheeebrougl. 7' ARILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE IR , SuRANCE COMPANY, Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, In 1848, are now established in their C NEW OFFICE, No. 439 HESTNUT Street, where they are prepared to make ALL KINDS 07 INSURANIA, from LOSS BY FIRE, on property of every dseeription, In Town or Country, Including . PUBLIC BUILDINGS, DWELLINGS STORES, WARBIIOIISES, FACTORIES. and MANUFACTORIES, WORKSHOPS, VESSELS, do. Also, MEILINIANDITII of all Mode; STOOKS OF GOODS, Stocks of COUNTRY STORM; Ooods oa STORAGE or in BOND, STOOKS and TOOLS of 'AR TINICERS and MECHANICS; FURNITURE, 111 W, BLBY, FIXTURES, tee., de., de., at moderate rates of premi u m, and for any period of time. - - This Compsu7 refer to their put career as an ample for the PROMPT SETTIRtmeNT of all their LOME& Vont are at thin time no Icesettkikt casings against them. ROBERT P. KING, Pree't: 11. W. BLUME, Ville beet. VILLEIN 81.101[3171111, Beey. , and-fan LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM PANT.—The PENN MUTUAL LITZ INIRGIANGS COMPANY, Southeast Owner of THIRD, sad. DOCK Strode. Capita!, 5in2,725 , OS. INSURES LIVES tor short terse, or far thelehalo term of Ufa—grant, annuities and andinsniante—.par• dams Ufe on intecestr Zeal gatate; and 'makes all sontracts depending on the eontingetiplai or MN. They set as Sieentors ! ' Administratort, Andiatts, Trainees and Guardians. • • , MONIY RIONIVXD ON DNPOSIT 1a any amount— Ply. Per Cent. Interest allowed from date of topcoat, payable beak on demand without molls, • ABBIITEI OP THN COMPANY, January Ist, INR. ' Lome of the State of Pennaylvania„Phaa; , delohla City, Pennla Itallroad, Camden , AmMortboym Bajhowd. other Loans 4/70,105'33 Donde, ea and Real Nand, -117,187 Btooka In Hanka, Insuranee, Cu and Rail- , road Companies 31,720 IM Premium Note, and Loans on Collaterall 113,002 01 Cub la Bank, doe from Agents, /ca al,iBo Guarantee Capital, Elabarription Notes 100,000 CO $13.1412.3 03 DANIEL L. MILLEB,PreaWent. 83311JEL M. ROHM, Vloe Prisn. .Tons W. 1103soz. &avian . . ARCM FIRE INSIJRANCE C'llirA NY, NSW YOWL—Office, No 22 Wall street, ad joining the Mechanics' Bank—Cesh Capital, $ 250 1_ 000 , with a surplus. This Company insure Buildings, Mer chandise, Furniture, Tassels In port and their Cargoes, and other property, against Lou or Damageht 'Masud the Bide of Inland Navigation. DIRBOTQRB. Henry Grinnell, Joshua L. Pops, Caleb Barstow, Ram IL Grasse, henry 0. Brewer, Henry Davis, Edmund Fanfold 0. 11. Lilienthal, ' Thlllllol3l K. Corning, Theo. Poihemus, Jr. Ogden Haggerty, India B. Morgan, Thoro.o tionagao, Alm, R. Van Nast, 30111211. Earle, William A. Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas B. Nelson, Charles Ruston, James W. Phillips, Louie Loma, Charles A. Macy,. Samuel G.Oltddea, Maud Ittucken, Bteph. Cambreleng, Wm, R. Blterd, Thomas Scott, Charism L. it, John Ward Lothroy L. Sturges, Henry IC Bogert, William B. Fosdick,' Peter Edes, Emery Thayar, Benjamin H. Yield, Geo. Westinidt, A. R. Frothiugham. Salmon Taylor, Thoa. P. Youngs, Henry R. Blossom. Samuel L. Mitchell ALBERT WARD, President. RIIII.IID A. Oaztar, Secretary. an 10-1 y ;MANUFACTURERS' INSURANCE .0.11 COMPANY.—Chartar Perpotnal. Granted by the State of Pennsylvania. Capital, $400,000. Mrs, Marine, and Inland Transportation. . DllllO7OlB Aaron B. Lippincott, Oblates Wit* ' WM. A. Rhodee Allred Weeks, Charles J. Yield ' , James P. Smyth, Wm. B. Thomas, J. Rivaldo Sank, Wm. Neal, John Y. Simons, AARON S. LITPINOOTT, President. WEI A. RHODES, Vice President. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. J. W. MARTISN, Surveyor. This Company was organised with a Gash rapital, and the Directors have determined to adapt the business to its available resources—to observe prudence in conduct ing its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of losses. Office No. 1 D blerchantd , Exchange, Philadelphia. aul-dly THE MERCANTILE= MUTUAL INSU RANCE COMPANY OP PDILARELPRIA.—tIice No. 2t.4 WALNUT Street, opposite the Kuban,. MA RINN RISKS on Teasels, Cargoes, and Freights. IN LAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS, per Itsdlroada, Canals, Boats, and other carriages. ALL TIM PROFITS divided annually among the As sured, and ample security to cases of loss. Thomas T. Butcher,. Algernon Z. Aehburnor Alfred Was ltt, Thomas S. (bateau Engliet, James 11. Stroup, Alfred Slade, A. Q. Caftan Oberlee Z. Cantatas, - Runnel Robinson, Jobs 0. RAlffOr, John P. Steiner, Henry Gumbo, - Wsn. J CUM?, s rentsborg. RBIS KILNS, President. Vice President. Edward Harris Miles, John N. Odeuhetmer, Mahlon Williamson, Samuel J. Sharplem, Isaac Jeanne, Henry Precut, Edward D. James, William L. Springs, lrantiln O. Jones, Daniel haddock, Jr., William Taylor, James Murphy, Wm. Y. Smith, A. J. Antslo, Samuel EDWARD lIA ALSRED PA= you 0. Harass, Seem CHARTER OAK INSURANCE COMPA I IRE AND MARINE NY or ItARTFORD, CONK. Lorre* PhHadelphia and iladelphia Office. PRA Capital 000,000. .. Johan) adjvieted at the TA By leaTe ere refer to 1 D. B. Bream & Co., Phila. Hon. Joel Jenee, Phila. ()bathes Stout & Co., ~ lion. Rufus Cbosts, Boston Backer, 'Lea Ai Co. '• 800. T.. a, Williams , Itart'd We hare Wilde@ for p acing any amount of Insu rance in the moot reliable Companion. PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 413 (old No. 145) CHESTNUT ST. THEILLPBON & ROOD, Agent'. Opole anb Eition. NO. 942, SOUTREAST CORNER OF l 7 MARKET and YIPTH Streeta. - Gentlemen's Beat Patent Leather flatter Boob: Calf do. do, It " Patent Leather Oxford Vet. 64 mg do. do. " Patent Leather atl Calf Darrow strap Shoos Boys' and Youths' patent Leather and Calf Okla Gaiter Boots and Shoes ael•tf Per isle by FALL STOCK OP BOOTS AND SHOES. —JOSEPH ft. THOMPSON & CO, No. 314 NAB' MKT Street, and Noe. 3 and S FRANKLIN PLACE ` bare neer in More si largo sod welLassorted 404 o f ROOTS and SLIDES, of City end Eastern nuinufanture, which they opr for sale on the beet terms for Cash, or on the usual credit. Boyars are Invited to nail and exandna their atiXk sol-dti BALE ROPE.—Boyers are invlted'to'ean and examine our Manila 4ajo Soio, 'WA*. can eon ma ea low ae American, and'enta It In etrenggi arid daralglity. WELONN, "nun aal No. 23 N. Wator et. and 2211.'WEarene. A BRAM 13LACIE—Ettgat 4 t,' 11 0,, DIE -ca. Sinking and 11mboated, ti4t t 11prelopo and Seal Prose Uarnifeetory, 81 Strawbe Street, between Netnid aad aad Orry lostaat Strimit, hattlelplus, • ' gult]it, ri-7WESTERN TRAVELLERS. 11PRLNG AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. NORTNERN CENTRAL RAILWA Y. TWO DAILY TIMM- PROM BALTLEORE TO PITTSBURGH AND ,THE WEST. Os and idter June lit, 155 T, TWO DAILT TRAINS will leave Calvert Station for Pittsburgh sad all West em and StaitheteNorthweatera calm. THE MORNING MAIL TRAIN Leaves Baltlinore daffy tAnculay excepted) at 5.15 A. M. coinotting with the Malt Asia worths Great Pews sylegrolgt Railroad, sad arriving in Pittsburgh at lAD A.M. _ • 11181 APTEENOON IMPRIMIS TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (iianday excepted) at $ P.M. for Harrisburg. THE NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN . Leaves Baltimore EVERY moat at 10 P. 1 1.7 coa aocUog with the Liertniog Xinrees iner the Peanut. rani Railroad toi. Pittsburgh, arriving at 1.20 P. Er AU these trains euneet . asset? at Pittsburg with UM.* arer the rinpuirta, Part Waller mid Chicago Rallrocid, and no Northien, Boilthent and Western tormenting. ID- Ramat:mere` for Chicago, gtoelt , Barney ton, lowa' City Miimanketi, Dutracine: St. Paul's, Mab son, and Otherleadies ritual. the Northeest,villaset one goodred miles reseal and sea hears in Vim, with. four Widths:mot nen, by Ukiah this roans. pg.Paxson/ora Ine Illevedand, goodni cg , l o w a - - o w d ~,orby this note, and the time is isnaquiled, bo w US mileasigneter than by any other mate. 117 Fumigate for lit, - Loeb, Indianapolis, Term Dante, Calin,linh an points on' the lierinr and Taper Illastuippi, make lam &sages of tars, god arms fa o d_ ranee oft any Mbar Mate; and to Cuminaatl, Oolat•tasa, Da too, Loaterille, *Mother prantineast u quick as by any ether route. All Western Bugs' go CHECKED THROUGH sad landtsit with care. , EQR WU, NORTH. The 8 15 A.M. tenants thisaly with Ispeass Trains over the Dauphin road , tor' Wllligamport Elmira, koelmeter, Buffalo, Niagara PiUs, and Canada, nuts tonoios the most direct ratiway trite to Northeastern Pennsylvania and Western Hew Turk.' Passengers Intl and this the shortest, ebesput, and mot expeditions rout, to Niagara Palls and Canada. Through Tickets ars issued to Philadelphia via Co. lambi* aod Lancaster by all the trains at $3 each, each tegin having .vore connections_ Passengers by this route avoid trecaelled bridges. and all the untongrontenze of ferrying across the Susquehanna river. Passengers for Hanover, Mantheater, Gettynsarg,Ena mittsiturg, Carnal., Chatabsgsborg, go by the trains at 8.15 A.M., gad SP.II. - - WESTMINSTER BRANCH. Eke Cars on this road niako onstrip per day, comsat. tog with the Baia at h P. M. Par THROUGH TICKETS acid farther istmomisa, apply at the Ticket 0R.., Calvert Station, N. E. torba ougalirort and Franklin streets. . n illl ll l • . 0. O. ApEZON, Sap% 4456 747 ' 43 $109,3:+9 09 GOAN 61 Ce 3 40---144,283 21 824,075 82 "DENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.—THR IRBXAT OZNYB.AL 31017191, conneetinr the At tante Cities with Weatorn, North-w.atara, salt South western States, by a continuos' Railway dues. Tilt Hoed also *meets at rittaierale with dilly line atekansers to all rants on tip Worsens /I'M, and 0110111%/34 and gandeaky with Steamers to all ports ea the Nerth.ireetera -Lass; the =et D=o7, -011SLES82.ao4 Itiaautial vtdelk Yrettti CM 14 forwarded to andfroes the ORIAT WSST. EMU Brinell( PULADIELPHIA AND PITTS BUBO!. - - - If tan Casos-Boota, Bboss, Baas, and Cape, Book', Thy Goods, (in bonus Wes wad trunk), Drugs, (in born and babes) Amore, Nati, IL. ..... 100 lb ammo thass—Douseatio ihassalag, .. Shirting anti Picking ; (Is original 10161610, Drag (in sub), Vardwiro, loather, (in mils or bagel), Wool, - . aid Sheep Pelts , Rutward, ite....000. par 100 b 'Tian • GAlss-L-Aurila, Gioia,. Chains, auks), II Gases and Pork, fialted,Aloose or inasalta), I.obsooo - , roansfsetstrid,(ezeopteigars or eat ' &e.; fte - " .600., pia 10011 k. imam (images-Otema, Beef, and Pork, (in saGra or bona' eastward); Lard and Lard Ott, Bail, - Pada Ash, Garman Clay, gwr,prkk,_ - BOW, OM. 40t par 100 lb . Yaous-ik. per Dbl. until further antics. Brun-300. per 1 00 nail farther notes. shijalpg Goods from any point But of Modal s, bellifticalsr tom= package "nsa Penarytesais phi Railroad." All Goods consigned to lb. Aosta of this Road, at Philadelphia, or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention.. oporgs Mluder W. 0. Eltotesbray , , R. IL Carina, 0. 0.8..t1er, Glee— Scott. pita 9-7 Ir nom Attwes..—Hartis,Weirsaleyk Co., Ilemphby Berm - R. P. &a k Co., St: Lowy No. ; J. B. Ilitelwa & Boa, ahninseitle led.; Duloesall Bell k Maittork, cad Oarpeater & Jewett, Loalsria, By.. R. C. Mel dram, Madison, Ind. • U. W. Brown & tad Irwin & Co., Cincinnati ; N ; . W. Graham & Co., 2areerilts, Ohio; Leech & Co., No. 64 Kith) Etna', Boston; Leach B Co. No. 2 Astor Noose, New Berk, No. 1 Wllliarast. and N , o. 8 Battery Plate, New Bork • Z. J. Saseder, Philadelphia; Nagraw , k Weans, Billinewei P. 'A. Stewart, Pittabonh. MEV -YORK- LINES.-TEE CAMDEN / I AND AMBOY, RAILROAD AND TEITLJDDE.PECIA AND 'HINTON, RAILROAD COMPANY'S TROIA PDTIALDRLPDLA 40 'NSW YOB; AND WA Leave se fiillanl, . Pairs 1 A. M. - frem Nerusingtoa Dapot, via Salsify . eit7, V 3 t 6 A. IL, via Camden and Jamey City, New Jav ier Aaecuamodation t 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aaeoroasois„ A T E A. Si., via Oamtlea sad Jemmy City, IMarmot l • Moil At It/ A. li., by steamboat ?radon, via Tway aza Java6l 0,11, Mandel(.... . At 2 p.. 61., mill u smokes sad Amoy, 0. and prom At 6 P. M via odica stat l ierM 01y, liming It SP. P _li Asia Oudot: mid Amboy, Amsmatvoka• Goo, lit St via - Camden aad Amboy; Arara tton, Sod also: . at 8 P. 61., Tit Vs sod Amboy, ALOallagazto4.ll - lid Mai At BP. M. eta Damien suld Amboy, Atrosisorder . Son, Sad Olus 1 The 6 P. M. Gas in.. &fig, all others Sundays e , The Liaist Stop at thesi 'tattoos ar. :For 13eIrldene, Bastait, Ate., st tA. and 4P. M., Goss Walnu t Short Bar Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Serautea, WElksebsos moutross, Great Grad, do., at 0 A. SI., eta Delatrur Lackawanna at Western ltaltroud. For Freoboal, at 0 A, M. sad 3 Y. X. For }loam Holly at T A. 35. 4. aail 2,N, 3 and I 1. IL Yoe /*Wel, Treatou 4.e. Imo . at iN eict 4 T. M. vial , or to 7 k.e., at Pabayes, IlLsaestes, Biereelp,ltarttagfma, Bowes s P. 14- • ._ Steamboat SIOHAID arocrraig Sat Seafflagtoa Yot Ittiatoll at St( A. bt • sad tor Sonteateva sad interme diate places at ,ti 7 te. " Steamboat YMlts.,:t for Timmy at 10 said BA A. N., aid 4 P. K.. aot. roc Sarlingtes and Itriekd st 42. x. Al/ ltney except IAC K., leave Watt atm 'wharf: arlifty wands of Dated oily allowed each pas. aenger. Pareangers are prohibited heroany thing ma baggage but their wearing apparel l' . 4 l gage over ilfty - pounds to be - paid for extra. The C , pony limit their responsibility for baggage to ono dolor par pound, and will not be liable for Toy aninnot be yond two, autos by spoetal contract. Mi. ll i GATZIIIR, Agent O. & A. H.. 2. CO. R. I. YOREHLL. Agent - Van.. tr.RS. Co. SPRING ARRANGEMENT.—PENN ITTLTANIA. CENTRAL .RAILROAD.—Danning to diract connection with the PITTSBURCII, FORT WAYNE AND CITICAIDO RAIL for Olselanatl, Bt. Louis, lowa City, Louisville, New Orleans, Bt. Yanis, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Kansas, Torre Haute, Chicago, Nobs:Lam In advance of all other routes out of Philadelph4. Forming dose connection arid all Ms Gnat MO, ern Railrnasie. Limas Philadelphia, forPittalmagb and nets piths from the Peoasflaula Railroad P Ratko: with-east roam of XLIMINTR sad attests, (antrasea. on Easvantk ktrest,) u tolisani : Mail Paia_ . _ at•T--,1.111. Put Liao e - ! lY &SI Rxpress MDR at 11 DO, Night. Columbia B. R. Line leaves for Ranisburg at 2.30, P. M.. Lancaster )Accommodation,) mt 4.30, P. H. The Express Heil runs daily, the other trains, Rai• day, excepted. For farther particulars aci butd-bals, at the different etartinkpointe. Passengers from the West will And this the shortest mat most expeditions route toPhiladelphia, Lattimore, Mew York or Boattm. THOILLS 3100R11, Asset, Passenger Line Pennsylvania Railroad Co Philadelphia, 'February, ROT. antly NOR PENNSYLVANLA RAILROAD. PALL ARRANGRMINT. 701 BETHLEHEM, ALLENTOWN, MAHORCHITNE, EAS TON, DOYIESTON, On and after Monday, October b, 185 T, the trains on this road will lure Philadelphia For Bethlehem, (Express,) at 8 A. M. For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown and liana Chunk, (Express) at 2.15 P. M. Passengers for Eutan by 215 P. M. train take Magee at Iron W. 1.1 station. For Doylestown, (deeomaxodatlon,) at b P.ll. For Gwynedd, do. at 9 A. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. . . . . . Leave Bathelean (Raprese,) at 9.15 A. 11., and 2.45 P. 11 , ColllloCtlllg VOA L. 17. R. R. trains, and arrive in PhitadelphLt at 16.10 Id. and 6 P. 11. Lease Doylestown, (Acootosoodstiond at 615 A. II DAT. Gwynedd, do. at3P.II. bacommodation trains run daily; other train, dally, Buzdaya excepted. Fare to Doylestown t , Bethlehem Mu* to Manch Chunk net HI LADE LP HI A, GERMARTOWNN AND NORRIS TOWN RAILROAD.—WINTER ARRANGMENT.—On erat arum HON DAY, October FOR. II&RMAIPTOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6, ?3, BX, 9), 11) A. IL, 2, 3-10 min: 4,5, 6,7, 9, and 11 P. M. Leave Germantown at BX, 7.35 mln. 8,9, 10% A. 1-19. 3.10 min. 4,5, 6, T, 8, and 10P. M. My- The 7.35 o'clock A. M. Train from Germantown will atop oaly at Wayne Street Station. ON SUNDAYS, • Leave Philadelphia at 9.20 min. M., 2 and 8X P. M. Leave Germantown 8.20 min. A. M., 1-10 min. and 5/5 min P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia at TX, 8.4 j, IIX , A. H., 2,4, IL and 9 P. H. Leave Chestnut Mil at 74',8.-40 audlo4o ado. A. U., Iz-50, 340, 540 and 7-40 min. P. U. ON SUNDAYS_ _ _ _ Leave PhiladelphiZitai - rii.72 and 8x P. IL Leyte Cheat:nil Hill at BA. AL, 2 - 5 Q and 5-21 / P. /I TOR ALANAYUNK, CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRIS- TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6X, 9, 11 A. 11., 3,4 X, 6X, and 11 P. IL. - Leave Norristown at 3, 9,11 A. IL, and 5.40 P. M. LOATO PhlLadelphia at 9 A M.,and 3 P. M. • Leave Norristown at TA. M., nd sp. CILEBTEM VALLAIC RAILROAD TOR DOWSING- Leave Philadelphia at 6M A. M., lag 3p . pp . Leave Downingtown at 73‘ A. and I P. N. 11. K. SMITH, Sageeintendent. Depot, Ninth sod Green atetata, Philadelphia LL. B. KITE & 00. lintstrou t BEDDING, &e. No. 41 8 (late EN) WALNUT et Philadelphia. A new wed mtpeeior atyle of Ppetor 8 . 11 - LYDIA D. NMI. Joanne WALTON anal Om GW). W. TAYLOR SIN bEP E' S KEN'S AND BOYS' purnaNG, In North MIRTH etroal, Demean sad Kate. asto-b, TRE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, 2120 OUES k t u F a ff i REST, foinnins PAACEIA, PAOHattn, DIES, BANE NOSES and SPECIE, either Ay In win LINE& or in connection with older I-TPUM COMPANIES, to all the prisailat TOWN wei OITLBB of the United State*. 3: B. SANDPORD, Gasses] litupetinteadoid. R us sI A AND AMERICAN TARRED KAP CORDAOII.—a mortar article, imoratoottro mad for sale by WEAVILB., & 00., g-tt No. 93 N. Watar it., lc tS K. vri.. CIONGIIESS R GE SOLD B`f Map., ‘I 'KICK e KUL , ;lc XS 0 1 . OMB Omit M2Xlia H. EL 11011STOA, eeniral lfrelght Agent, Philadelphia. E. J. LOIMAY.BP, Ihspertarkindent, Altoona. P. esi ii4~~ THRDttOR TitAINS 80 et* . it 50 ELLISCLARk, O Agent. ON SUNDAYS, intniittre. Crlothing
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers