,0 4 ;fili 1 ,1kiititailytt be 'WA_ to ittlititthqs .try I,l„lijatk . .4iVolidoliittaik, - ;bilfriutot,)4,t,",:aq:,:.:lll . ll, 4' 4 lM o it , hll , l: i 4 ' 0 ,, - :F. ,‘, • 1...4.4.4 4 4 1 ' 2 a W g,,...w, a ick 42 ; ,, ,' Rm, 3 / 4 4 . : ~,S tn.,' . 0 4;14, 1 3*.# 6 *.A10.90 :IA ' 1 w il /6 7 1 ' T t i . .3, ; Ay , Alti N i tt r, f. , s o n , . 0 1 . 1 r"; 0 ? ii=l- , Of ji,gl ; l 4 l4l; ; liii4 "11, -,47100*1T4* Wale - . - . Up it*At a t.••,,l- • , ~. ,„: 4 ;911.0gtireq*YOMAIWEVItillOW WSA ilat4l6l tW, .0,1,..a0rm0m0., •iiii,...i.,Ni. -: f ' i Ils 'TkiIIYEEKIAN : AV $040:: ~teii ,'VatattfteAlit§t4latiiiti ' - ' , . vel. vitisrd ,- ..y,lvem. , - rk 4B OOK l, ,TNLifttliatiTh t .r.l ~,,.. • - •• .- ~-, •.,.. 0117:! 5 5 . * 3 0 ithiigOtetiar4 , liiialliit i j 'lntl' rgic rP44 l 4,o4 l 4 ll Wittili, l o 9 1 7-Or ' 4 ^ ., •l l 4lll t Vitittla i iinti.' l '' '''' '" 1 .. 7- .. 'i -uphold the rights of oi ttilLw'lt ~ k raei ' tie ~.,0440.Thvwbri *AO via !will tie 40 "; ig,wiu ~, „ Clips,.o4, OA 40% - it0144181/00.11, rielMtk ' ' 0 14 0 0 4 1 / I ;aca tr.rftlieb4 l o4,l l 47 5 1 10101 , hag 4 4,1 'lab laa , call ' 41 1 4 . U '1 42 436461kIt iis t 41 4.1 kl Ir . k ja ..",, _l. r .•is . I• (444 *WO t' •-lriii - Ti' l4 .- i'ol4 11 i ty 11,* twilliwliwia,,f6e,' Witte 11,7,, --I t Antigua rilt. • ~d iy *thipeedeses • , it.; i'... ' 4oWi(tlio:9lo.3,o4o.liowribiq4rwr 'ilitellk . • *-Wolit_AOßlgtAlfol4ol4l4**Cieldrito Viallfiriftr itik? ,t,.,ii iv yibt"uwo....e.o.ol,ol.ooPl44Ml ttl'Agi*.; ~ , fik,saltayiktlayk4i ~ 4 0 .) Ita. .. f. i 1 .;; I. olk i kk ' F i flagr - ..;f; rib llia4 WII pea €t.. . . i s: „_.! . ~,1 sabieriboca, by mil, at . 1 - - 7* . ci,:op m,sion*n. ilsoiltiwil*4)ol4l44wliellisinit iii4thi • wt. •'' • 1 , -2.-01-o= i ,=4b . 4.4r, :to rr 444.0. , 04, , e, +, af t ; 20 r t , r f: . , •I''''4. ' SEA liiilWai 9 r L eaah: .l ; • . . 1 ' 2o ' ' # for a Club of2fwigrainic or . ova, , we s e edw ill 00 extra asitS o 4ll=.4o4os i lift 4,,,nts foe tort astm WILSKI.X`PS.-Valt , ' ,— ;: - 77- ' 2 • ' '.. L , ~iAktOis it to : l l l o =4l466oo4 ! `;`10101-fillia0;1140; ' ' 4 F l cO /1 1, " 11 ' 1414 ' ' '.., A.lO/41k - 1 4 1,0****1.*44% Its*,o% WW , L . ,_ I : tra. 4 i , Wo 4 , l4 44 lo *Aklllor - K 4 WWW, ~5, . 3, . .4-4, le cht , iir - 411 c.. - i-, ,, ireltaillibill ' iirifin.,, o , .;ti , ,,tiibtreeildittillietiSt senfll rAt' l 4o4l, 1,-, ebil ii ! u t tli # 44,-.444i1id '4 111 W: . ?.. t 1 `,t 1 ;..-:-.: ,v; i..,.;, . • .0y,,,04,,,A, iti.v.tt, t • ; -; s •.. a 1; $4.-', ;At 'i ' ‘;:titq_p,,i ~-; A ;•.,:• ;,,Ift ...-4 1 1 11 0 -P . -, - • f. , , . 1 , ; , W01:1 _, i.. ft,103 -- ,:.; , 1 7 . , 4 7, 4; '' ' " ill binit *Vul l i t " ! - T I- - tA tt : reri-e, , ,,Az.,.,-„., : , 1 , , „,.. o - r -..,.., 0 ,4 ~ vr,t7iilqll4o - WiiktAtlill • *4olCim. r -, , ,..-:,z,r, ~ ,,nesniAititharOZT-141410 StAMITY.' t - Gostlemensto Invited to oallibdiktiortitlk.'' , • _ -.1- , ->y.. - = -at 10 ...4..:=l.4.:o444o,,crwrivr,iitt,„it. • • :lexli;--I:zet,,S,WIRWW 1 , .,1 •- • )g ;,..,,;Nll-1r; 1 4 - rxtrx; _,:::;?': i,::,_,ii t - -- ir.A.riklizto, tOriii,x, ~„,„ i' • , , ' ATOW,FI9I4" Arit„..,.:,;,_,,-- owl - xi:s.i ' " •tie: l 4‘• 6- 014'71dt 11". —r ''' '-'4 l '• ZWlDOtilaiiefthiLiklLDe'Xieliceitit:ViiiiiViCliiiedge 4 4eiletnieniNgfitaX'' 's,Y4I.I,IIItWAGMAIr.,".Lee.--ref., ~ :, e•,!• "e4i• . ''' 41XPOWSD.TI.TI•ii !..;1;,,....(ze - ,•q `' • 4 ,u,e, .1 • ,Ufe . ' - . ' -...; * fretKARIBITIONive 1:c , •! - ele.,- - ” '• "- ri 4k • 1 4i. .!..!;' t'glAthiv ; .. , , ,, .11 . i Ittf , • r- , ~..,;$, ,g . I....ffiTrw - Ai.f ,,,- p --, iL-it, L....A r .^- $ll. .. nr,it iratlaiktilik litviiit t liiiiiiiAio,*aiiaii.. ',0', , ?4 Etsfor liStridieVitii FSSFFti '..""'"" ''' ''.,'" i . ' te , ..ll.lllllBl.ollliVret a cqii ii 4. v- , ni.t,t.!.0 , .., . - 1. ',-^,-*,,,-. '....; 1 '-' TRH OUT OF TRITAiIi7F,- , :s Xfi -..'4 , 1::% , 4 , - P:1),. 1 ''" SI ti r M. 1 111 1 . 1 9 1 1.G', VAIG... ..,;:r In .• Li ft , :i. ‘`.“; gl t • —. ...o.9o 3l l;mllPAVaut•'st4i ,, ..l. '•1,4,, i " g 7glL4Ttltlkort f „ ,•1,• 1 I , ' -4a:S ANNI N wr ikk i k i o iii ~..,.,„‘! ~.i. -,., 4,,1 ,• , ~), i ..,.... -.4 1 4 , 81 oat:WM - if poicitio toxiii'' '' '' " ' ' I -• del4Tintirtatioxitavotx; • 1.,- ,'', "" ' I , i ''' ‘o,4ltatifiit ,;..d•:-.,t , ee• - b•ed --:, e e •e-k...e.... ,, e'• e • ( e". , , ,-,,, c •-' , , i 4 1 .2 e e mentkrjejuv e e I ...4, , ,ee•.. 1 .o , ' , lg. -,--••• - e•e• ' i .1 e rf. re .'1.,,,. 1 °,,._ PROMONSii, 1 ~ ,e,g -.,‘• -eeeet 1.4 .••• 7,1 I :' , 14'1 :'d 04 .4 , 0 - , q-" , a. , e,1 r ~,, , , ~r)L-m, .. - 141) 't * •. . : q 1 4,- , re,M49l4l , 4;trObar,Rlr,Thredr.Dollars Vqr ' 41' if te, *,r,e,L, - 1 1 44 1 v01i0 tea . 4-;, -" .. At lri 445..tr0ck, for one a=ftiftle , Byr it ` 7, ' 'Mfr. ' lit ' the UAW& Fa s ilvtivnalifspeo. Titrflus ti ?,. . 4,....-. , .. .. te gi p ' 4 'x' . "•'•s l ' - nntogn'ef t ßANSAVlC o'f l- ,14 - :,.. , Ada 14-q- .0 .rl/'6l4'q•a' ) P 3 " 4 , CO. et , -,,,u,p4vitiMttlalt:die ', -. ;.., ,, f4ttietilt tr:;% . :,,, , tr.__ 'e lf ' 1:plillAp A - : - ' t%CXI "---*'-.: ' i surlL.,... Otir.i, .' t.i.O.A? AT •0' , - ete.F '1 : ,T . 3o,enete .g.ottitt.al t yji.l.4 4,, . ) , ..,11V - ..•-'. , " 11 q0; ' l ll, 4.0511)1W.V.537 oft,F , R,zu. , al ~ -Pfia' :13,61441140,,a044/14Fiew4yaug; _ i ~ p . 14.44 , 1 4 .041310: !it...V.vi.azixo .111001YINIPlittrillIAT -4-46-1 iy*ltotit , ---........-- -,9 i t tt—oiilo t 7 ,24A. "0A l, 1 ,. 6 . . .A4. ... tt .•% i A t t le i ~,„ lk 7 0 iA47:,dtl- • .yift t v *_*.nt. * - 0 f,14i ;i1- oLaa.w, 1 1 ;7 A 4 il 1:• ; Wqr ., ' ' • 1 0 1 th - ..,•,•1414 -111, , v • . 4 , 3 , 4_ _ _,.. , 4..., , 0 iiiwilliktilittillP4ll44lW: ' • i l ar i inan „ L I •riinisimeostosonoliiit mitt tw o Abgaisaister ~ ArivasNikOlitZiNarg: 6 , kli pi, r 3 • * ~t* iilligte't TribAinOlve ' iilltr ,Viill4 r. — ,, , •, , ~k 4117tA7- 5 4,1:;, I v. 40 , . ,i -, 40 - . ~ , , ,. ),e, . ” , -'4" • -:, 9 -VTllll:Elfitr•liVAl‘Ataskitt ii i iValif:i: 0 ,4. oupiev34l.4lblWAY*4. o -okibli,iiiiii.rnit.lic: - aii -,.: Wririak -h , IV_ ... , -;,.. , ...1 1 i .01 ~.: ~,,,. , ...: ' A.; . it 1 CillidOlSotirdillor pulatikialOip 4 , i, 4 . 0 t,m A ... . .. 1.4A,6140c! t ollotl& Prima ',, q', , vtortA ~,-Ir -,...;-,-- W. ~t 1 ww-st s- ,, ,i,, , 111,"ftr; L-;•,t -1.-do11)t4,- W •: 't . % ,. .4 .., - . ,±IE- D ,t',•. ~ , a f k ft D ' N' _ . . - l " . y .O R 1,41111 i 4 i i . 0 # 4 1 4 ,44 " 1+ ;.I ~ ' Yt j 4 illi Wo o' " Fa 110144 ii g rrii P,: I A,' Vd41 1 4 , 10* •. • 'ohs*loldise % ,4 1 ...-., r , ite 70 ... 1 ?*;4 , 4P .i ',w,-k * Cr. ' : itf '- 14 Zf li s peOttekiiiitiiijWif 10144: 4 1 4 44 'id a, iste iodintini•primiq , vier .-60 .l%*“. 4 4lllloo44oaNvoravi , At! . • -,I ', 111 : 6 41.144 , 4 - t; 677 i mum-iv n , - . " r• , ,*; , ..-sw - -14 ' Artlft*t . : • h lAt, - 4011 . .-t, v.---AKV '''' g 4 .6 ;% 0 tiv,: , 4l%ooldicoktri*ii 1:W"wc.;:"1 L o t . 3 CO4 0 14013THIPP , 4111,1pre, stv ttii. 7 Y) vidsodisikkorof E 4 ;11 4 4 .0 N0V1Z0N1*1110101,4110W 4 10010 7 , 4*./44 .7 L 296401, *jaff.#R4o.o-?iitilltsit: , P 4ift fi t f i ft* lin ftfig i ltheiftpti'fr •,* 1040 pi - , ' • ,rb , slo : 4l ,' l4ook ° %.4 - tH 1 1 4 .4. . 4 . 044( Y0 0 . 14. OR ri ,ttr, - kv4t,i)ritellypiiol.lltllo . oolol.6AWaildrilido „trlts - T -V A" Z i h` l°r , " - ..9 143lialk 10 . 0, 1 VA .! • 41' 111 01P 1 Prt% " I°l , granter:. 41 ; L I -1 , 511 •. I " 0101 ° 0 4 #444; te.03000.4 4 t ir 11511 , 4400 1 41#40(timkshaaiidee, 16,111“Whilig00 1 444 1111 logitic , !' .41 "A) • Wit 01 '(.1b11.14 - 4114 4/004.0' , AJ acfyfx t ,xi okol 46, si4o#4.4umwtteifi; ;lc Tixi --Aaako t 51 4 P -4 . WO 1* 0, - " . .140t P EQ U GitroT, , ot , u • v44)ltAlltaikerfilSOOVlradttlAnar .ot4-4 "At , Itittat - 11..40(00/.0 Idgn22l , 2ol:llll , 4= l lo'Web 7 iiStOlcoallis ovr *ow /.a , 8.14/04DWIlibi k 00.- 0 ~ i , - ;1 I ~.; -40lidiel COO ' *BUM 111141010 an, lifitrlftftc 11114 LOS , tit, 411 3.1-1,-tv• , , 00 or • .. i• , Aillißt Pi b 4 4 . : f , '' : ' • ) 1. 1 6 ' lily. • ' rt. .1.0,.. ,cm. c , ~la'.., .., ~,. .A . 71.211108di 7 - .iiiiiatWaiiime=Y-St n4 , a , ''' .. ,ta.11114414%-dagotatai W 1.4011 {0. , ...f.-... prst az to .. 1 , .01 _,4 i' Cei*AZl tr..t... p mom, f;7 . ..1 1 .44i 041606mv.---. tut, -,_,, .t. ityn. I* - 31 6-14.7,7,kti, ; . ztliiirdegov Ad t117 , t, ~ ,f ie- 1 1 egl - LI. ..~iNkAto mit- ritilitOlitfaipiN i t , 4il r * , '.'riMif- ' PganoIitAISTIONIAINUOMII,*, 8 .114 t 11., i g 4 4 1 I A e l 4 . 1 ' li , dit ...Alf Sit'irlibilaritolapit , t 1 , J 1 ~ , ,j orow, car _pa wAmtp 1 ? _4l _ • t_... ., NIAL9I3Miti t 44 . ' rr ' IR t4 i l I MO i t rl 3 4 '. AA 1 4 1' ' ' ..'-' • '',', '' • , 4-11 . • ,1 v Nit itfilL'ig . f s ,V:.' tx .er4 Laittirdr 11 1 „1 W.. * .4 L.:11.)0 -- . 7 7aP . ” ' 4OO ,1244 4 2 1 4 r ara te k triVlolol3" 465 134157'kY 0%0440 Vispeirt „ 1.0 .......r•••••,..•7nammarMATlPßldrlW/Nemnr.rx• 441.41W/#1.44.1-1... WU* , .71 , 011 AO 1 , a.4,...*64.41r 1 114 44 4 P • • 4 1 3 .' 1 43 - I,tritt n il-41 . * P, n • ;=.. • ; :t. sr. 41. t —*wok Pr o a l 41411.179,1,Y,Y, • =, 404 (~ , t o,< , tr;p4(lr, it, ) THIOI3 Aill',1„1.1111k4.117) 1 , -- i.....)J 4 .t,, ...,gli 4., 4• e . Ter • f) , .4 a 6.t, . ,- , -,.;,,,,.;,, , p.,, , = )•• ,, h ,,, e , ` , l”.e , ) 4 '4 ), .., ' ; ' ..• ';',. v 2 .ri`kele4.** 4 4 l- t 4 tOY ',- i s'ilal'A\''' tS '''"';' , 4 4 " 1 '; ' - ' " : "" ''''''-' -' ''-''''''''' '"1-- ''''''''" • • •-• ''''''".r.' - '). -- - 1 ". Z .e ,4,3,- eeie'. ,, :.; , - , ..• , ,,.):-.••,•••-,,e)f4...,44,04,,,i t . . v . . , 1' . ,V% i 1 1 ),. .. N: A A . 'k% VI 4,, mii• • ~ t z. 4 4 ' 11 " ' , ? 1; ~_ - - ~,, !.. i' , !' , " ',f, ‘,',":' '' '. -;'"`"' i ilak A , ' Att-- 7,,<:' , .`;i,olli.;''''[- e - -';''.':- . - , . 4'ti '., ! ' ~ . _„...,--* , id .„. ,•,., .-_•.• "t 7. .., ~.. - _ ~-,,.. ~-...,- 5--- :;':•..''''.t.:..: 1 ••,', 1 .,?•' - ''....,:: .'. l :. : * * •• '.•-*••-:,:,..,.._ , .:::,, .. ....,i k i ll zi ..,_,!........„, ..„ „. • . ~ „„ , -, .....,,...,44.,,,,,, • ..J,- ..p.,. •t..• ..,.• •,„,. ,-. _ . I ._ *O . • ..„. • . ...„ . .. ,. ~...„.,,.„,. ................, ... „„, t,.i 41 i ." . '-•. • - ' ''' , --- -- •;::. 4 .—•".•, ;,:-,rot h „ . . 1,5 17314. i.: '-- . , .3.4 - ,i;j4,..„,...., ,- ...3,._ ~,. „. . 4 , i -, 1 .‘,4 .., ...,.., •••••••• -•- „..1 , f „,. -11 ~ I• i - • . 4 4 ' Pm ". ' ' IN •• . ~,,,, ”.,- '' •,• ..,, .." • ...••ci• - • -- -= - -!"•-•••• - • .-` '. - - -•4., "4,..,... t 0 `,.... - .:....;-7 ~ .".4 .. 41 .4 -- " --' ' - ' 4 -; -- .7 -- ' - . 7--- iffwt - ,,, • ''. 4ii- , .....,..7? - ' ... • 1 'Tr r , 4 , , ~, , ~,,,A.. 1I .1 fo' ( AA; e. • el e" • .„.. . .hrthl 1 1. , ~, “P, i 1..." .. ~ /I 1 .1, e- ~r,„:,,,,.., ~, • • ' •q• , - '-' " '',- ;, e . , e.;,d) ', e ~-• ', eet -! e V`i• i' , ) P ll . e '.•,' '' • "''' ',,,• '' , ' '' - '4 ,' •;,e ' l -6 _ • 1 0, i4).• g , 04) • - ' l.--- •4g e " e - '''.•-•••••—.-- .-- -' ...... el 1 '• • ), e4; el, 73. Wile 4, ~‘ 4 i .„. - • 4 ~!•,! •• , 0 i'"' , :,'" , , ,:, , -,1: .:,,,I i,_ 1 , '.: •'i ! , ,,Nl,• 7 t -.lb Vs • T,, ~ ~...4 ~,,,, ~•, , , ~„.„ , , ~,.., ~i . ~ ,, , ,i y 0 ..,,, L , 0ny,,,,,,0rie 1 ,,,,.., t ,, , ,,..,• 1 ,, „ , i ,,, ~ , ~, . , , . , ir 1 , • , ,,,,,, i‘, ifiletel f.) 4.‘ ~ e r A , , . •) . e. )'•'' ~.''•-‘''' ~i , l n„ : . ',lc i 17 , e'e C..1 , :' ; •:.,,:, r!. !._:. j ,, , ;''t , ' , W" . '' , .:'-' '.; ;', , • ' ' + . 1 .•/•••e•o+howawase...• _ - s ~, ,*r 3•• .~ . l i ' b -,- , - .71 , T1L -,,:,...,:, ~,, , •,- „, ~ , ~.. 1,4„,N0:.,,,,,78;,„.,": gfet#o l . Frlfts ybit.igas fiY o(ftfrrx Panapjumni;, , 1, 1 :SO 'fi r srAtFu 4'41 PV4 slOtßiaitte Al oo ' ": I°lb l Urei g i l 44 rltf' W t.o.x litrck . form) Sit - Sol T 69: rt The - Auditor eppolaied bythe CotuftO distribute the , pow watt* froin sulk nattier above *ill or the f011on• meal eseita,lti et MI tthetegrletn lot or piece, ot trourld t wlthrtho bungling* Ind ini*royenunits thereon erected, situate on theltorth Wile of William Atreet; at the distance of and IkOtoittul end tiptoes feet oastwatd 'frotri'tlair' east aide of Ilantplkill ourth Street, hi the. vitt 'of -Philielelptle; contelnlott In front on Led Wllltata 'treat elite** feet, end In' length of depth that bregth theeetlty-one, feet elk inches—will attend to thO,Otitltt At`tiliwappolutaleht it his' °Noe, No. TO4' Waahington 1 3 4 1 MktodoOott6 tidio on hfontsy,,Thrrendo Yd l a t , f our web)* P. 11. p when and where all persbno are•Nit:tired Pep their _olohon, or, be ileborrod from oozing:lb eteTri 'foeNt4lo4ll , " , ' tor.f -r t ' : MEV ;DISTRICT COURT:FOR TIT! t ifirrtAND-oottNnevt.pilnikoLpure. , . - Matthew Mem* to us. of aI. , W; Morrison oi John XellZ S D ~ .90 . 0 i 41WIti,tedmi UM vlier. S. Telt. 'f.."' I S* t IeoRIS. f 0 ,., ,o!„ ::.!-, "'• q ' .' , Li, for ,oblia brthe oourt to distribute: the, Pid,,u. lil Elie 'a l• Ft PAr s °" l , Pr9ertraudar ...1 . 1 Alla $ 0 the duties or lila attotettueut TeeielajyMeivelbber . ad,101, - et`4l d'elbeit ,P:',X.,,,et hiezelieW, has ; 704,WaskiditotrainaWi ;ti l e' 'sit,' ,of ITltillideliit* whoa and where all we - qtro, tiquirek ~ .4 petimat *air Atakuu,,or ha &boned from. aiming , ja ',,OPOIL tatdfult4 ~ ~, .41:.141 - MMULYSTIIMAMT41 - ..; Piti?, -: 1,•, Jul 'ill. , '. 7 . . ,, V:1: .1 - -1 , ~ A isititoe. , osTATE p r a,4 ONABETS. "• • • ' ' • -Metter& of Adinintettetion 'nu' the ebono eland hive beast granted to the undersigned, id 'whoin all: mono Indebted toraeld. decedent Innteeetbd Ito m . 4- zt ,TTWOceiNfisppogetikbrutstrelit ; wort 7 , n 1 S 4II OTIK '' 105 °9 1 4 6 41410 I tat.'=" ( "In z ; 'aCINIMIXAS,I44tbirt ‘Aglblinsotritl l 7;;tii of.TAILIO KRIM, Br., late of Phtlidot tet detieseed, lort.h.v.llegieter, ; delthe bittelt,Wto,thehotdestetetteetettueeted Re.ittleat And_Plete hertnifelme ardost•tbit IneenttneF „Oh? 0, 0 4 1 4 1 ! !dr"; SOW-MAW" • ) AM I OSAIS; itatf i ," ' s A ' " d r?' .4! •• 4,;14.4.;84 Weorner of Atte and Prone ets.,! oo 2tlon,w,fe.bt Phtiodetphlak P. tiler - ccitigm.,Or•;COMl t tON. *PLEAS AL NOR ',AND (RUNTY, OPPIFILADW' ?WA. . • .t. '.• 'Zona A. Pore, by her next friend,4o, ,A,s, • QAsylee 4.,parr.. Sept, 3850;,146,11. , iyotocod., 1867; tqatton-At Henry 04CAts Rice, Ibtll4lbintjibliiOdurt'itroWiiiiiiiiiaooAent. to elbow CliuSe why , ' ,dfVorceifli "fifidtair*Ztiinb,Ml 'sboalilmote. bt diatedvi: 14/atonable , IbtfittAltiy, :74,1857;M 341.o'clolikA. M, on 214011,41-*;„: ':ezioAowuo. .. . .iptivstarl..l, - 6 . , ..', 4 PA ,lISYLTANIA.' :;.!:), ~i IMAP:4I7I.TR I A r y woolsitatmAtio;„ ~ , Aurittup —' ' a ' — ') ,- ' 1 n ikiviiiii - or `-vusr.:--vio. ':,'";' - , • ",Thi ituOiclitulie of InktrtiStlest frith's, ti l ipirizsslrt; srol' scimtsa" cosiontteDATT rtoi4ssilser - i, tits* be., gbittplied grollowt: t 1 ~ „., 0 ,p?,, , ~, , .„, ~ itzaumfics AND OLLENDITaIr: 0 i ' ' ' TU*E4DAY , and. 4.111 W, • " 9itiIIEVIMATAIX,StitIos„ /. 1 1" 14 - VEVR ,4 444,;tuqq 4 .?(A 6 iT.WIFts- IDAY ' • - ' , otv4i , xvirpiwerdLstuvE?4ooru,i is.tif I< ISTRVUTION: " ' " . leiteider 401111tAq111K8D6.1r 4 ' , l .1, - 010114GY. :ARTY. MINERALOGY.;:i . TAX9P/49,4141"ed TIWILBI*X, ,",,1, f • Thip Mangy uttompirpt ibcedniiiined Marcia •• The Course/ may: be' athiutedellher., • • •woratii:44,poirg, - se,i)o ,N or go four Ootgiao...; 1 15.00 / de sttleY.to YUMA= ATOK, Janitor at iiit.tfittaity'—aottlt liiittalage:,,AttaAat 1401019 p thejlttidji3l3 ' `,` " " ' 'PADiltall'lWGllllk, 1 "'' ' ,J , Daaoi!ofttat ,Ftlat4o,l • West iltialkahatuti Ktiara:'' gm: ‘, , 1 ..-* triellltat'll IiteRsteLAIMOVD,' r.eWore, is 104,vrir )4wal gide friwa tilt city. `agatabek , Matted te t . t' 714.,a,solid,saitaaliwaii °Malan Ida . l ed% plitia,r me, m c i t a ationotoposit inoutis 101,01,P0r4Y116',: 41V21114 ,aiin4 i jiaybbii 4:ll , 4litiallT 1 4 Ibit WitiiiiVeeafti 4 4 10* *OAT 4rt ' 11010 ii '' , awi "'ea at kialoat. ~ - .; .. 1 --/i(itlaillwirPiantlealiika imidwrior • '"''''!' ) •-• e.s, .41 1,..),.. qumivt soiiN B. otitis*, V.*, i —'' a 4 -4010"Ar Alet4t , up. t, ; . CiskYNOM , 4 Sa ilini. ..,,, -i `13,re:'444450'. TUC, Tarr ~ ,iviii Asiimseildaciiii VI frkkt4ii!ti; z,,iesndar vibe* billiVidaWilltakilt:4 WitelVl 0 I .4odillt smovernme t ingaigi v roo osisiikaoatighs7lol,4 V f Iv; 4,.1‘.ht •11111,17 ,' i i WiltP l inT l l " i gTo4 I Ida iftlifiiai, -' , '," , , „ :1i hi 'WV 4. aim" Inetrkt jr. , ' ~ • '', l 1:, iu , !, , LNIDIt , .1 I mint, .iAOAMIIIT,, ", ittt, t - .30C;144146.4611141in ittsitiltailr .a lo ', , i will Trepan as MONDAY, ONnI/INNlklis,t, for On i llflp , 11111114411‘_ . . i.,,....... , t i 4kiniNi t e4 4 4 2 4o , f . zion 4, l l Pi ' 4 t i t ri e ili T t g k im; il ftwsiat,tiiir 3 - *ourisui.looni , K,sii4 - a 1111MMIN ANINOic 4 ON'4l‘l, ligiti upittrtiAllankti Am., 010114.~Wskitad otkoritfOrookt,to OiNtr braTifto tomppoNumixitnt , t tli I : Alva , admit- PRIrrENDBIew - PlirrielDNLITIA-CtOl.;, moltotowilxottscraT 01 sAvitkiii, or 'Otpixn ' 41/10MOMUSIWnajk, Il tolids;` 1 - 14100KMUIP/NevPVllKANalrg_ildit , arrali. 1 , 11 URKMUliaittlialli ANDLVORIM , - • ~-,' , - Es.4‘.oAßA : main4oNs. , l, , . ,„„ ~ „1 ; 1,, , 1 t • ?., . /rif , ) 7,.,„,..„,„,„„ ; . 34 „, =.L.:4.1, i v ., ~,,;A,,,y041..m.,..kvmact. iiiwiar,..iie t sl, miormiag_Doulinfilti&P,,k‘, , _, , Please call sad Ka Sp•aboaa awl gat to; Calelaga Il s Tionaa, its. .0.11 , ,: ; 1` , ,, 144' , , n a ' i 'PESSORAVAITICDERS' XNETITUTi, I . .tErAinumara.' , , ~ ; y -,1 , ,, , , ~.. 1 f let, 1 4.44. 1 SertagrOilta a 4aially t . 1.:004,r , AI 121 ... *WI h-4 , Pro „Al's° Yid I , eXva •Ow pork la , lOW qoandastr *War a' ttOtta latally. ; igre of tmontArdiralwei atif)itifieninietiithie, 6; OR 4. N., lockayAliaitaeaf SW ilr•parOillimie , soarer Muds are siawspasabarcatliii dii,"ily.'•• 4 . : , ;-,1 ~','4 **tkit.tf - , sAssfis s '5 1 _ , 1•4 12 / 1 111:188 / 0 h MOROHANTB,; 4$ !lath nOW;44 . 44342lol , atttiti•Pli ilsdelit is, At t 4 o.:Eateitsmorinsosivixe soss-sssiss 55.,110941 1 / 1 1 iN g ßotika3-,E t. 'lloolllsrarit' Wag 411'611164k:4'V Or OfinotriliSa t;rtiffrtitoJAMthij3llllll‘ in•psisia tits .w#OII , 9i , PASWIM 411),..XSIPLTOR laws!? 'OR oft 'V . . • ttlt Altowt; r t .R[Aa tiBrs uwtrinrls4ooNSlON' 1441)fiatitirt0 Virtv4D4l.4tri& .15,, AA 21 NorthNOM #ilipettio &sot; , 24.1yhdapiimik, .1 rib": 09M1113Slatit t, hilporMi: ILAVAbIie; Addy' taw abut stmt. moat nOl7. -; , - :1.1i . : grtnrtb7/1(5.119,-tir I ftWIM,I',. 6'21 AO3 ?4, TOROTim 4urat ik OA And of ocwiffeAtitu: frr i AWftN °lS ll l s l t a rt i tt° l +'. - BeCioh, ' iDavittaqipie klonikrbus.)lN4taitilik !Meets, Phila. :iutoglikeb.,Uhddo I asoltti, - almota , o• f iVid4tV tit y ,tr:t:AA ~VlAiikytirallUrl'a to she bell 14 , I 414:760147:90 Fve, 41,04114 V1 " ; :...... th ` w ipAffl i T*, ebalfbm ,Dovenzin.c7idre 123 i '45010", r 14.11%,---141li 't a w 46 hth.4 4:47 h- WA% Tau54.11.172,t7' 4 hjSAUAAVOTD, Nkt;lpsi, .iff;4.. tr 1.1 '''Z.44llll4o6llltat -10 ArtA. N 01 7 4 . ° ra:flys ;40 I..II4MMANDBILILUZB... • :10 ...,-,II6II:EFLTA)OO4.. k. • *jail „ 1 0% . DAV ir l VF4 e na , # ll l u pe othiri"dota 110inifiht 'Oa *Aug', • S o.. 4 f r 4 , aI:NANO f • r , 4614.916 A4nfA pDITBTH Arad, • " - •. 4 I , 71{1i.4 I , to "hi1144 1 0b34:i mom! G4EroNk t • 11T- liii4R4 o . NELW, , XERSEV • ' 'LIAM NIIW 4 ItilNY TBATILIZEB CO/00f • i sfill o itr w er e rill I iti lir li e I A irli d l e rklis t i i ' eli t i f 1 .F27 4: 4 14 21 ,' thiiktaribr Sealant i Substitute, - ~1 " ia 7_,.' ' Professor Cook, in his annual report to thni.entslaz turcotww.lireey,:kror ti The raiment thee° Merle to ittit t, ltithit4lsol4 iliSt4 "highly tultirntea-digtrit le-i l l , ffsfo,..iullore4s alspoet ‘ inailt, bytheir us ltutt li• nitirestitortoOranshie the eaueeenrtheir isseatraltus in Anrlenitare, and to., ,nom re Alain iritli -- erfentiltreril. , Air kris* iobi ? ThviUula albite veer' betaken at an "OOP of Sirs per cent, ot-'tliCtiliole Amp', or , MirlL ' , hush& *hen dry weighlor eighty` issierand , lii Ms* repartioa aneatkmet would Contain hoar pounds oirtash ; this is nearly as untehttildere si it.tructli,,,,t , . liiii, Ttithi4l B , o 4:*ehtp,')/ Atelsigain-i-; ;WC :art! Pl 4 RriquAi.ef, theilliarl Irto lie • I. sowil A,Ootir or i t io r . A , 4 9 - „ ii . , ' to , rilektili the or d k . • , .rf,..F . °All t vi: Cultivated Ideate, ~. - 1 i ;moor diuyoreetifiltniarA *41;644 l'hu i :like ; i4es or the oobtpany at PortlandJifeinfres, onitaritan'lleyOrei tgori ii . 2 . 1 . V . t . 1.41 pet VOW . , _SlT:Tor ot r a gthbr Arti e .-. Mi „nl T N Al C il=llet lierprfunir atteniigra t o -, illtriC t l i tirt t it lii4itil;lrssi j nA, / 4 . 14 - F L' 1 , 3 , -111 t.t . ' 4 11 POitCr eicNitr , itillSr. , - . - TAPO PWANCNDETreillarlir, , "ii.1:;€0,,M141 ,Liiicisl22 ( iiiiiiiiiiiiiitalti NOW nik, • • Osotos WT, A:troop, Roorolitm N1410:0140 iltret,- 4ft _Arr. zer I. :hat' -ut 10)1,9 ---, F ~, V. I I .‘ . ..tali6 l, *liking , Marl for Spring i;siwationiii i I 1 li s " 1 t 4 14 *'•• -, , ;c• , , .r-i i-• i .4,• ° #•* °l 4 1 ,I torir,opm)m, "101 , ,• 4- k• •". • t. f„ Mbi ito 'For Eh"' bene fi t of stein/gits kill othtira who ... s r dn. , Sire to visit 'elf of dtits piadlo hiltititiOe, wn, ' r i . u. P 9/1 the antunted liato 'A :. U. 5..: '_a In , • a ' tondo Putties fa alifellonn 7l ' ' ..." ' Ambonif ,or Muslo,,, (Gpeceled acmes, of Broad ...?.. ' o 'n'et.l i tSeots• •,' ,a i ,''l '' • I ' , 'Aid trail! i r Al• i saves fhb, street. ' Plirldruks; p a en; Che4t, 'shore Tinth. '' National Tara Jo oi , Walnut "bore Zightb. ,' Sandlotd's Opel* tfouseo aplan,) Itlorenth, below WOKS Street Thintre, northesit "emir Ninth and •• TAOMOiIVS Viulatlea, Pita; and Obaannt. •s' Thottuks'a 11pasniffoie, Arab, Indtpr, Seventh,. - • • alms ; Ann acialulac , -, • ' J AitidiluY . o tN a t t l i e;" l6 (t33 , : t9 .c3i 3,' 3! 1,/• ; °4 , !' l O • • • : 1072•Ze i rt!filitt Arti, blieltatit, hiSit'Tinil c . • • . ,Arstelt , fund HapiChattne, atom Tenth,: ! Franklin Institnte, No. t Boutti Seventh shad. , ; • , - tiniko• t tonarenar Iliatarrota. I 11 f ne, West Aka of; Schughtill, opposit e, f on • tl street. ; Almileintqfriendo) ; Walont itreet, abOca Third. Association for the Employment orscr Nypmen, No. 268,Green ktfeet ' • 7' . , , ; • dolma •Ihr; /At 104didren,. ' No.; 86 'North: &tenth, Ohne, ;.;tt , t I _, ;; t , ,+; 1'..' 1 ,ia , r 3 , a. 1' 1 :Blind Air on, hue, aseffweutieth Streit.' 1 1 0 rid Cann% aospital thb B.llherry street , : : , 01 4 4711pahaValnetten t ikteigest, pes t r,pcittea. ; '• Clarkson'slloll,'No. I Obetry, street, ~ -,,, • '''Bispensa ,ty 117thOlile l i thMMUt greet, , ? .; Montle Belot! an tholta toriteamployannt of the PAM, No: /2 North Swrenth street. • attantisos of the ' Foot: oZoo No, 50 NOW gem& aerroait'Soeletg Hall, No, 8 Soith Seventh "trine:. , Mona, for Prignalless ,Ohildren, corner Twonty-ailrd; and Broyrn ;Monti. . . . •• . l i , + 1 _. Indigent Widows , ,atid ihtgbilVoineo'nElostatY, ffilivit east or Slattienth `treat' • ' t , -;Penn 'lf IdOwi';'',Aeflitp, Wo44' Slid .WoOd'' stir'peht, lliettoontl6Wsitte , ,a(4 ) , - - La' ,1 .. , . ' ' a ”;4` a ' ' ) , 61100061Citi110016111011104 , 61141111100111110000113 1i: :' , At Willi 'ftailltlWloool3oolAo - 40006'016‘ , 1 4 #0147416$ I*•‘6. lO, , ati 1 11 i Northern o iililDsr qi li 6:o4Prounl '"'io. A brag k10r044 iittrarat! • • il iaorlainv , 4,kr 4 4oPA if9. l, llwir l " • Od.sk lino* Vail Diitt Jur& • Do." • s• .”do. , '. 11 D d .'new. elliOild oroilli#l4 kiox- . , ~ t , Do. s ...; desk Tooth so4l3Nitti 01414t4." al l ' ' " ' Do. do. Thlid and Disown attest": •Lai . • 0, 1 rt Agdgclost,,ooo„wano.. • ,, r44„.,1,.. • ~,t,44,!.4.,supo,batiletta Xiilsht; and Ninth ; - ' , „ . , l'anns_ylvanlilitilltutifoithi*iftinidneth"44l.l,,' nnentr Nam ineTweitinth thee -;', , '„ ;' • • PeabsPlainial Satiety tbr ;Alloidehethe Mlidifer of Public; Prisms"; illiamnd'Adelphi limes, 10, „ 1,7 'I ; i , ; Pennsylvania Training ;Behold for Idlotfo odd Pe t tblas ,M odd Ohlldrstoc i lialtool- House Lane • ' , atirman wit, 01m N 0.15 2, 2Valnut "teat. , ~, ; , , 3 ,r 4 gra i t e r i tr u e 4rail'iira. rararthorarat raraDS'ilit ' aka!, 9 4 ,' , • „ , , , , , , - • Mem Notii!A ,Hologilton,niir,Twonilotk street., • ;Prinklatteallaelotj,'Pnten, below !Mattered, • 1 ' Sohtbarnlhiplinmi, Nt. 011'Shippen stiedt:' 1 • a a Salon „Beitirrolent • Asiochitiony- N'. VI% , ethane ;of 7ontb and &balm *seta, a. r,. • I, • •"; ;, „ ; ,w l , l P. 4 _,,.Nray_itt, Moo, botwooo , 2110t4441th and Nina., teen rill 0 , .,. , 1 .ts ;,.; ;, , 1 . -B 'S• ° l''' unB B N,`Yo F l l O l , ' , Tenn? . kraticeralllstr'., toeitt Sttletinth ~- ~, , ~,,. Sal t ine VAS wi r P n i l a t ' lw } l l;i ti t t; Ssir n ; if r intir'B•' • 'Philadelphia Ifospitel for Isniesteasof tilthehee 4 ,4 , rar.' raotoogot Okootott.oad , Pork tattliVist , ;Philidelpitio, ..,1,,1 , ~5 )I• , '-,361111.10.i011.1fi5di10, o , , ~,. i i - 2. 0 1 0 24 4 .4. 0 9eft 008 1 18StAttoth Oars °equiv . N i ltn#Pinernatfotti , 4l74teede, „; 'OlO (lb arehbuse, Doe awl p.m) "moo. Olty Controller , " moo ? Oho"! Da4k, tratrarara4ratrar/•_ X mtoursdo* WONT PropsittrosM al, mock, City Trammel; Ono", Clirsad Dank, eolt r citobi, ' '; city, Coambision•l's Gabel littdo Utak. ;;s ; ; ,Clity,Sollaitor's Offlee,,Fath, hilew.Wllnut. '; ; 1 • ',O We e rr o 9nroOtittAn' , ..QM*;*lholthnlat crier; a . la*Gie 42 . V WA leta ViOlOgialV7+4i in ,Chn ASA'ttil ' Ointnl Tata Traitat t eritaillth o pk t 'aiotiolaittnph. , Mose eltenittliCatkaanti; • I Wren .tti ' ' noun of Industry, Seineitlt, Vtalreisnarket. 11. ~ i 1 11 7 itilig7oi- inhrinoff treaty il i rl * oll tirrai; tidal rat: ! 1 ' ' l "' ' Muse 141tatito t iosaprod l TwiiisT.,l4 - 444 e:iiiiiitg Imihnetiteis*u'soiste: " ‘ , - ' 1 Health Office writer et Or* ididgaii••• , • i • Houstottni4ietionjftft MU: ' ` ',' . ''' • 1 ;Marini Hogittl, marl , nett Wide •below Ilona" street. , . t'A ~ c laa " a. I , , .•.' • ~t., I-. hteLor's *Neel C 'lOl tomer, Fifth; and •Dhaitnah ' Neir Ort P4; 0 1;1 41 73 N41 1 , 11 t4t; liettNe. Twontsr. gist /Ind en !second . " i ts. ',• -', i 1 "tre,Nary Vra, on thaDahicrass o earner, Mut' wilt Prints eta 0 , 1 • s • , • • I ..••• • ;Northers Uhlitaail 'GM Weal Minden; , bolo* Frontstreet. .; ; Post _Cilte4l , llo, .1487D00k .straati opioosioloric 1 ebonite. , Post 0111oe, Ifecudngtna, Galuta *wit, Imlavil a-, ! p ili m i ni l' il ' ln t y abw r i a l c, B 4: ll4 l4'' ' ' ' kum aqn'i' l ,`Tfreity-fo l ,:arin '`• atesal and' , '•,, Dooltstreete,' Phllodolpida Srotioqi i , "ovine. Thud, 'N'olit l q !Jot '- ; , •; ; ; ; u. ; ~, Philadelphiaau Work", Twentieth and "out; (moo, iki,,3 8, 04144thotroet. ts s .1., , ii 1. T ra lYll'rraratra Waits tlot Nor and Do'slo,l4rOad OA NIA* apargil. a ~, , ~ .11 1 7V ~ 7,4411,f foe* ' Noilistigo 4, tikbot,• . 4 4 13 4 i / Toblicitrili.Dolo!Ail: IV 'nornei'llritai' addaineir plibllo Norval School, Sirgeant, abonaltbitta. I ItenaidithiCalfoo, No! $ MAte Min; mrtraf t l i t u , j ,_ , ;Stale Goen,Ohnotantetimeddiewsonylftlit Saab .. 0 1 0 44 , 4„4. , ..,,,,s., 1.",,, . A iiiio l , PrIA- MU 7 4 - ,:.! _4 l l , .1 orif IYriri t i l i raFq*Ar l atTli=/14 " Z. "IL lac' biiiii ''' " ' ttitfirt . "l lie i it I - #6,, Walt, r l4 *. I" ,, trzitilatetasi 1 11110, 1 aatttr if -Ohlittant 'aid /tiniper 'trees. 0/ ,Valts4 Stater Arsenal, arty:* Demi Itsisk,'lntar fed.- GU ntrirt.;:, , '.' • a . 'd S. 11' in, r. . I' 1, , , ..erellariAlsrap!Do. l l. l mylklll, of or,Bouto /mood!, ' la 8 tral! Army, 8 elogtinlf NbulPeael coiner, of l' Titel'at linkfirtit7l okraratra• 0 • , i l . ...gritted , Du* . goortorois#4.4l , DNio, ',oorirt. 'of. Twelfth and Ottatditieete.' - • , - • ' , , • sq aciudiass, , •L 0611 .10 021 i 1111 01 4114101 . str eet, ItOill aktllltil: ' ' „moot. NoOkoi CoMge,Hatoessitrent, wait of Blatt.; Girard Co ll ointall t = 4411,001 log• Amnon. I , IfwrolelriNkist Bl . .. 11 8getlfilliert utrast, atm glerintn, , / 7dfibritit 224(11611D,61140, Tontit aboot,Setnii Doi*. M7lFolytetihnia OnDegs' bombe 31 Yet And,Weet 'Penn ;00116116 ged3lool 001141 Nlaill"100000 1410 W rAlllll4lOOla, ' 7111611 ,061106 e, IFthib street,• 60./on: v 6610 it 64061 colitis, is Attu Atrirot, I . , , 1 01AT IO Y cl., '* Di rl Y Pllik, tilMkat , e'63 betTion Meant and Lltestont. " „ , , • ' • . 17n e larldt.teliwe Mndistne ion POiliptr, , N , Joboulds , o, liiiy, Akoklittoi s , ''... ' • „ 'i • • ..4. .. I 1 • 1- s , /,,k.N L ' ATIOIt OP 00010011. , '.", ', ' 'an MONA, fito*W.4lk an& Disfriot .-Dootti, • Nci. 24 lath WeeklasisgtOhettunt, ;,a ;.1. .. ' ~ I - Its , NORMA un'M o! RoDoollososs, nat . ang obs,,,hig; Odor* at t Oiktmbiatio4,lidepio,NnooNolt,' ~ r Distrjet, Courts, NO., 1 alsit s 2, p?rator pf Stalleand Chestnut antes. I• , • • • ; c Ooort of Quarter Seadoni, @naafi of Slink 'a6 , d Stoat a 1 ,'t ( to OVL INSTITI777OIII. ' , 1 i Annitaia Baptist Pabitoa ( lon; Soesety , No. 118 Arch ; tTiot Ans'o ' d '1 "Ols4sila t a i ' le imoti Iv 'Awe.— an ore Fn 6 a a ,0, 0 bid 00000. ' " 11 . ' , - Anierieen - sun*. moot Hilton (new) No: 1188 Chestnut street, ...AsofiAticsa Tract Poole'its), No: PIN Obalinut. Moonlit, Crown street, below Oallowbill erte. ' , ; gamtnpprantannA , phybidelphis, Sib!. lioototy, corn4l", of Seventh and Walnut "treats, ,: I .• , I PrefbYtedM BC,l4Aig ,VT4 , llpattoci (osii• .210.` NN- Oilioitut *We *: L , , ,Ii ..,_t ' presbyterlan; chestnut PubiloatiOnMtust:PlSC/pO4, [ w i toti . f t,r; . 0/1634 . WIVE Withitialt k1 1 04040i, StO: jl,, altostrati street- ••; ', .. " . 7 'l ' ~ll' ie ~.. . 1 , . J. , 1 i.tfartltern ,Tating Mell'A Cheatham Aseoetatton Ger. nuintown Reid and Franklin. ' li ,t philadalphla,Bible. ;Tract, and Periodical • Office (T. tir• St°Sl4l NO.-0 6 6, lAtralralltratilra, died house below ,obsD, k, ' t. north side. . 2; . , „a,, I/ • , Vatll6 Z. . 41 1 1 1 01 '. 4 !o!ti; ill: 6 .• 1 4 Ar * i tte l t, belbirlighth; ' , 1 ,, • ,`I .• 11.15 ‘ , l ' ; ,', , t. 4 1 i 10,11,ROAD LI NER . ~ , ,'.. irettosei,Coglrai it, /44-24 t ri r ,,Shrreath and Macke.; 7A. 11.,111•11TreLfszPI gh and the Wont. 1 1466 P.M., fait an forFl hunk sunt the Wnst. ILO P. IV, Ph. II bird 844 Gclupolda, , 4.30 P. M. AMlnntoditiph Tied for Lineaster, " ' it P. U., 11gprowill'aliToe Pittatitirgh ale the Weet.' ' Reading Rafiroad--Depot, Broad NA Vine. 7.89 b : 2141'.41n0t0t Trillffdr Pottotrilhi," Willismpart i ~, c a ~, 1414{0 end Distaroasuo. , , .3* p„ : g., 44 00n (N! ht isyress Than.) .•New, York Liss". 13,.. N., tnisl Nineteen; 'via Jersey Oily. * 6 A. 10t., , , fr aM Condan, Aecoonnodation Pre*. 7 A. Di ~3 tromc•ooo,l6, via Jersey oity, mail. 10A. 1144 from Walnut street white, Toislorsos city.. IP. M. its Oftmdeu and Amboy, Sopron. , • . 8 P. M., ois,hOnvign , Anoompodetbna Train. • tl' M., TA 0100010 a Aif.g J'ArAO7 DCA MG. , s' '; ' l *,1,1` 4 11 1 ,g,f 441 1, , , .A o 4B l ronedstiatt, , Nag . BA. If., trent Wahl Mieishie, foill'lnidilt*N4sPiS, .1 •. Is. •-' Water Chef, Philltoltilft."' "' " • 81 A'. ih, felfrailiald. . r vi.,,., , • ,, ~ , . 1.. ~ 1,.. 1 1 d,,pf,„ am jgbant Hells, frool , Waintit Nevi* *WI i," 2P, 111 fok freehold. 1; ~u; tt, B.Bof .ife,or,htratt Nolll,DaStoli TraittOn, Ho. i B P. WI or rillinV ll ;,Bnihniton, Ndentown, At. t , CP. M., tbr Derider', Dlistrc, 4kos,'Dom Nolso4 Omit , , „ , , • 6P. MA fdr Mane Nollg,Eftatt.' ' • kt" tHallinafri li. it...- ,; gad Mom ' lA. 14410!Dolthoortillil &se NOW Wel", Mid. v• .1 li , 410,..,.......,. 7, . ~ AAI Of.naCtirei,Wllniligtoii, ookt.tiorroastio.; ra- 1 1 9, 64 ra,NalSortraliw-.9mtlooll.M4letroaj ' . ' ... 11, 00, 1 1wrosi., ~ ..: '3 "a a a' . rs l M.;forDorro',' f PfOghts ,1 i ~; i;, , ; • 11l P. Id, fat Ibilari Wittainghwi'L '. • Ifbra.PeohsylOonia'A 4 /?....liepOtWireua aid willow'. 0,14 Ai lii4 for 11"thlahatn, Hattitig Musth '42hubli ho. O , A A, B,B4fer DoSlostam LAtoonabditio .• n ; ; 1 .. , ` ' 1,2 t. 81 farSoG"hem,Xastoo,df000tDim*, Do iil/74T4e?1,01,0*.411.• , ‘,, • :,ak„..ittitlMfTiea l , a, 7.80 A.M., for Atlantle Olt!, , 10.46 LAC., ale Haddannea, ; ;; ; I' ' ' ; 111;, aP; , fe•Atiatitit City, , 41, ~, 4,48 P. 11 4 for Haddonfield, . - ' ,1 1, y'llir s Witireilett ~„ I , ,B,T , ckpipripwß,A4,4l4,Wheagstar..266l o b. , 7111:06 2 / 1 14.04strellipt0 4,1", atm Dightemoth, Inewe'Philadelphli 1 ~82. iiM, 4,P. Is. " 1 7 •4*Ew.. A * I L! ILear. Philadolphts 7 A.,1 ,1. " ' ' ' ' ''l , • , Wastaheitar.B.P. , Kr al r.,,.' - ' '• ' wiftgoottor largo! Eatlifood,optox to Pootteltoo, Grubbs .. ~, f11.1,,, ~5, . , .1 „tkridrisb, /1. '' a '•• ' •• r 124 r i t4 o4 4t Nigjtoth and liarkststreets. . teit 0 „Ili a , I htel, to A. x., e, 0, =tee . el. i . ; ~ "4.1. ta t c,tl ..kele,l, 5,201031 4.. Id, and. Ott ibiedidoyOlioftrolo tiosi,Donilition it i' A, N. „. d 1 . , ,-.5 I • 'AV' 030 AAAAA ' LOA7IIO Plitla6lolollo l B A. IL add 8 P:11, • a 16 Pennelion IN A.M. and aP. H. . • • ormilvogois 41 . Jiprrlilow* its lis —Depot, 9th grid ' 4 iiikat ' 4 "eli . i 4 4' ' , , u .ali• ~ an • • , SAN Iltild 11.16 AP, At , , for Dordotowas 'rei',4liloi til. II:, Air DOwninroin," ' • 1, 6,4;4; 20 .oxklili.3o 'A l s'it t ; on 2, 4 ? 0,2, god 14 1 ;;;;;;, •; , 111:Ifor Chien*. Hill: ; , lilt ft itOfir ~1.;• : t a •_ l ait .,.aa• n ' .0 ; , 8.1 0 4 ' , a, it lat i. ii il t iiietet,,ltl ,4itcheltlPll4l/Bhla 8 Ai N.ati 1 . .11ie p sDX_ „;/1., AN• ,I,lt. L.,, • • ~,a -, ,•, .' a hifilltiCifiittr* 'a' ',' ~' . , ''sto r ,#, 144:4p, fo',#'**lll4l;traid -'''' '- - taboo item Irma. •.,, ~ , 10 and 11. A It, imd 4p. M I foirTGIOD,F,. awl 1 .1 , o , s ton dadlaokl, faun Walt& drew! " b `ll 'a ,', .... 8 , fa• -81 6 A , • ' d ' e ., ~ WPiD,PAe_ awsu mjrkm,ti•SiOSt on , and . I entithat bi for Pi a c 6ra • raral , W 2 it*belottelMix-dri•o/' 1 • , A Lo Arood•P N,Jak, Nano, A,404040 kVMiloolSilt'!, ii4 L a ti k 46 t. 1 f.T ;'i: eel .ie°, IfLa' klia ~.)7116f I l.•1' /Li tile 001 ~ .erOfie'R t!•• e• 114 u rt 1./ ',• 11 11.leUlYe/e • / i'' /. kshis hitaboo4l4., 'Ota,l4l l ; Q 0 'PP ot-fee Our Washington correspomiptittridtlite , publiohed,, int YesturflaY'si I Pause, 4 44 1 that 'built- depcsiii ,, tPen' IMY 44 t$ 1 'r 4 T •; fives in 'ConirVeS's,' Milian: IT 3w , it :ripm, pf,,F ' r., j/iiiis,l.,,mli, a , II lif;lPitiffdift,4flotbo tiiil,o,fittuSlirill .. 4 . building is fitted uo for•pdat atoo 1. Pe or, ihN' a bAllitgi fiovi',,iiiiitt ; t axi - ,tlt4 s : Ti ,0 Staidis 4iistoubbiniso; , Viiiiiizil., ruit'ith '. l: f the casiolve , ildeni it but Ottipti ttit'M tbal ViY , .a T.P/ 6,1 4 4 14,119r t ign Pr;i'g r , ' ;f i tOli) l . l in favor , of Abel) latteriit imingr,elnolietel 4,r, location. ' • ' ' ' ' ' ,tv u(' 1 " ,4 '.: ( s .v, ~ maiil"wA, Ll. #k i ,, , . 1 4 1 i V . Plit ) lg.., ' L 4' The .0114tootir • ,ofiliedy iAltarsekaiiat 'tut r 4..7 Shakspearei and morel:iron:noted lipontlia llise• i seats a' Marked' Mcd luderenslbli. 0411 . O f ' oo uTlis , : 4 14' have ne,t• assII I MSI? 'Bidd'onti i ,-, t hoed ,delineation of, that oborrictar „ iv. trod 4 0 ' 1 *, acoaplud i as, very amen parte:diem J'Bitt *4 . '•her 'Ol,ll lirtlteri' ephfionil ilpon'tiri , eta" r . ~' (oiiiinifily" -printed 'ln' her Igo 'tri 014141 • ifilli* 1 , 1 41 y rePrialtl4o tea PPPinPrlate4iidmid ,, ctha Nimirablo,disquistdort by DrAilegion, tit "Shakspeue ,, Papert ') and , Wilms* thiliooctkii•` 'rnt testitti64 efillas i lite LaMb, • Sir Wilter`tpao t iliditherarlio'lliall'enlini'it l erfOrhagli'i t ;', ri , :s , Mon Bh/data asenined ebb Milady MaShhth,"9 wet a rircimaziln WbOso , ton:Rd tini , protlfoeiniW 1101,1'hairtitia94 ditl!tktriqia 'fitti4ohiy 10q qt,.l igAii; , „ p=4 , , iri; , ,',-: 40,;`44.,214.4 ; 4 MI A through (down to the, end,of, the.fourlds4oo,,Olb ' d rill ideal 'She ' , asettineethit, With imetfor, Mak fiat,' Strength or inttliw , ,,atiociiA , failliiine iy:iL" liileili titdY, , Ma 9 1, 01 44; co,' Abllilatie"bill tAtO haniii.thati be pees= ~; the infatuated victim of melt a thialdoor ;'? , that she &ea nothing but twhet the edge'of hislahibitious' desire, Othilinblllrigi all rMsei tiiler an :Mid;an yeiitl oi self w d a b e had'up a , the itidaiMe if , the deinOqswoxod invoked ',", that s 'throughout, she is her, tembind's evil 'veins; 'Unit ambition, If not tall has made Wok , l a ; Pe:Motif, saVage 'efeiturea l l that she him fell knowledge.of tholni4dedrouek.of ra te /tongue; that even " the last appearammo r f en vies ghost became no leas visible to her Oa atm& ,It became to those of•her husbrdi'"' hint that not until, the last' act does she show snip:4olth= of remorse. In fad, from find ,to lag{ that lAdY' Macbeth of Mrs iSiddons was a bold, bid, woman, , almost Unseat& by ambition, and almott ihsibly acting 'tinder the itifinettne of, the ''Phi;eia;at lark'i noun ' " ' • " 4 " ' I ~si,, There must have been, and there' was, grandeur, and even fliblimity in the' Lady lifiteboth Off s. Siddons,, who possessed Majestle" beauty a a queenly dignity and &roe°. , In i our ,poor opicii, (for reasons which we shall presenliy.statii,l her, ooneeption of the character was erroneous. , pis. lilt, however, i spealripg of herperfOruitifea; stye, "We eaU 0011 9 61 1 8 'uf Ac ei bi n Coi! ] * . •l t i ITV smoothing above nature,. it seemed alumit ag si, ,st beingof a superior, order, bad dropped 'from a higher 'sphere td'awn thetwerld with the majesty of her appearaibe.' Pewii was tested Orfher, hrow, passion emaustod from her,heart set froth:it's, eq , she wootragedy personified, To have Sean h r•in 'thatelittraoteri Ws, Att evOlit' iti ovary olio' life tieyeil, te NI foTg4t t i er ' , 1 ,' -, 1 • , : "'3 ' . Thtr,iitAergria,,ll, Oti4lis'4 khp 041**1:Og VO I prevented its 1)614 fiaquently attempted. -„P tiof +the elx or eighltrepinientatiVeswilom'ins have irf, only 'one has at iiitillusdisilat'ito , lic:Idl ea the * rititMiiti.in,.. ,ot`the "00:4,4." „Dll , Ailiee at 4,esriPtad . 'tt,,,altd Sagiii. - ,740t1y i ILA . 6 t , ltiYaleal P.lwor. I', Madattia Ponhd playslt,' la, the lays eyerythine illth greattrilihtlts'•bait la t;ditneo At' fieriititelletdultlly,; L atill Ow deals hot deka ' even 4V,I6I I O.t,*EaPS I . 4 tO. 4 P4TOW , tke • Fran lay stage-obaracterovith,whieh everyone leaturiented; The iite birsrWaritstoluidUldsely studied the ft ' ' , 34111 pooetifv*ll: 'sidd easTimin his Wpait edir x t tiotod..itili44.we hick! been wbelleueabte A, og. • Mee in her the truly neble; peat° oreaiktml At, 'Outlast' tof 'all itrumolists, , kWaivio - , itiie , at' .44VINOtoikatIOne, Ohb -1 4 VI, ,414, -- , Mr;! §AO4/ 121 i4 4 444 i n. 0 11 , 1 ,0 41/4 1 1:_ i _ _Ol4 . . 2 .4 11 " tentstive of this oharaoser,) 4 . 1,51 . 4AWA.6 midi, P/7 igiveens an exagiorateed,"strealewaindest iwomino alidhlitte viragd, Winstead° •ald loud it,i4liuerr rode and strong. , ~ , , ,', ,' '' ':,'"," ":, • .4.,, At /apt, however, we iMve teen seat a ;gyro's's:lr talon of Lady Macbeth as we , ooneolva to NM all the requiremeets of the character. We allude to theperformance,of Mrs:Waller, at tho Walnut 'street Theatre, tlili'day week : . Site repeated!the rae on Saturday. In her hands, without Iciolng any of the deep true° power, which makes the at;knoWledged force of the• play,' , Dilly' Machati: was permitted to exhibit'womanly and wifely ten-, dermas, mingled, with, a perratlieg,, pathos' all , iltiough the three last acts.. .Ina Wordi we hildr, Ltidy'Mooboth coW was 'not•utisexad , —a Wolion, !ahead, slot; and speech. ger was It Di, intelieet alone that Mra: *Allem isliurrod„ her: groat Won for this performanoo-•-ber personal attraetiont are, great ;• her artioulation blear •,..ber vbioo•`at nap 'Musleal,'Managoable, quid distiticti her' tasteful i ciistione :ilek gad apProPriate;„ her Totten Oce fel' and 'faulted 'te,the,wordA,',?, as Shakspeara re commended; her vary glance panning Ohnopt 11.4 mCialt'titterlinee, wbon lyordo'wotild manifestly be out of pince,4S spoken language itself. •' She has youth, too--e most 'necessary adjanot to that We have already referred tollia antilyeis iii, the etiorieleT 'of Lady Miiebath, to Dr. ' Magion's !, Shakepeare Poporo.", It, VMS tomda upon , the opinion, surely justified by the poetry, f' thaardY , Machette; too, b bunion in beartandlscpubre—pat she le not, Meant to bo tin timhodidiebt' Of the Paries," This Is the view mainly 'tilkep:bf, the 1 character by Mira IVallery And ;developed I by bar, viibreat' oonslstenoy ' and wohderful force ' ' all ttilltglit ' Yeir,'lvith'graot Pewee—for racer' d oes not need noise oialegge4tfiti to 'manifest itself. '11., , .team-engine which moves a thousand Wow!, %takes less mho; than a child draws from a gang, in half e'do>ten'blous With its tin); hatid, This view of the. character is, at vorfoles;, is we hove already admitted,,with that wtiloli ,waS , the key-note of Mrs. Siddons' impressive, • and Miss Otistimpls lame demonstrative perform,AdOe,, Dif. ferent, too,, is it ' fres: ' lielilegOi aepAtiol; that Macbeth, derives Ids :het liteli„ of nairdeV . end usurpation from his wife—that her fumy eb;ristOnca arias him to the guilt -that "little more thin' the execution fills to the share Of MaObeth; that he Is ,d4yew into it, as it. were, Ina 41111 ult 4,incina= lice.", it, differs, slap, from ifaslitt;s critical opt nionithat it la she 'who- never :Uncles; , Bat Mrs. 'Mane : Son' On , the : Other hand, sbOwsh`one Macbeth leans uPlinhls Frifeti,igiangt i ti, trdstsfilierildoßty,. and : throws blinie4upon her, tenderness- She Imee. .talus him, calms him, soothes him: Thom " Clamp . bell declares that LadrAlaobeth ' is not a 'ring?, her in achtltriss nor impelled by, rev:en/re: ' tee limier Wilekm, 'Who took a gentle view,,O, her per-, squat ,oharaoter,. drew. attention to the faot hat „ of all-the murder Macbeth war hare eouttnit, 'ehe ittiwi befoieband'lbnt' of Ode". 'Tif• Aii , ln..' q. i l ea '4Y9 ,1 eliqu,i.tlio. 44'il'0A, .o,l,kka '4 i4i. b l td#,, out)'th a t., ~ ,,vuoik....jimi, mao.34_,9iit...for,utpid q r, ktoreJthe, letterwas %written to LadyMtiobStb, and she only follo4ed , mite the' thOught , of her : husband." ' ''' ' ' :' ; ' 'Y . ' I ' ' ; ,',, ; , f,rAire. , Wallei,erritt ieprOsenting Imdi.Mso• beth.as a lorlOg, tender wife, who perils 'her' , O wn , soul to larva her.blibband's , inshitiont-nail 'is 'the' .elethn of remorse; frOntibe?tfide of the" eoitiMittal 'of tfte - only murder of lehloh'alit Woe Maliant he forahand,ebe errs in company with some: of ,tlth' .ablest, keenest, and most 'analytic oritiOS of the' 1 1 4,. %',' .. ' ':' - T: ' " ', :';'''',' '; `'" 1 ..4 When the play oPetsy.Aillebeth.litipeart ail a .gallant 'lndent:roomful, commander, , who• had jag Imin , civil ' Wari dentostio'• ttettehery;, arid foreign liiiPtitif - M,; ; lnstMeiris, „Si retrard, 14 aloiitio. ; Rr iivloualy, irorn by the - rebel:ha:had, routed: And :capture& and to now Thane of Oawdor. - Returntng 'hetet), he and 'Banque eneounter theWierd Bistere- 7 : the' living Panto..' They s ante kiln 'tlist as Thane of, littliMis; his . proper title ;, iseat,, tta Thaikei Of baredor, which he Is, though he does not yet, know. of it; , and lastly, tue-one 7 a bo Ring hereafter 2 itOkedlaely,6 this, while, as yet: wondei 'hi the ru/ingldea, be reopiresnews'iltat he str ;Thane of ,Clawder, a . 41stinotiott which,:,butr,s moment before; be would 'halo /thought as imPossible as that 'lee ,should 4 'eiter: be *Mg. At once; his,ambitiOn jutips to v ibe 44130110 i „lifi Is ,alkrd, oF and Ring he ma/ be: Instantly, he begine`to,oast. over in his Mind how able; shall, be accomplished: .Alroolly, the red Aturther. (ea our forefathers used to"epell the 'horrid word) is In 'his Ultimata. ' ,rte says so, to himself.' We know it. ' We feel it: . Ile „ent640.44100,...11x0nght,. shuddering at ' It.. lie Mike 2 • '.?, ,`., , r , ~ „ ,„ • ' Why do I yield to that suggestion ,••• % ' Whole; horrid image doth units my heti, jKtl~,neke say seated heart kneel( at niy rilis ; • "Agalisit thri 'et' nature '.• - yuyecay, in, 41s tteart,:Neobeth is Nati Ustirper and inuraorer. Wien thscßlng deeturestbet (svhciinsi be called Croton' Yrilnoe,) shalt; be Nl* (hhOoliatill; isknoyl6dgig Act' tttrouti, Ma ol 4 B .th ItietaUttlir dekrrolnes to remove ti.int Thu, he hes two murders in , :hie mind; 'ere losietites Mai mosesu:tgestlve letter s ifilttob'ethF Wffp fig la a 0d troMeri 011,0,45, "Adie zeiuXe hfil telj purpose, d Indy shadowed JA.L. , 117 f li A - 57) - 7 -1 7 . 1 - r II 3 - 7 -5, ~. ~,,-T - -----^ ^, -- - --- 7 -- ---1- )...i tartans it IL' She ROM tbiti he will be King; And, 1, ber IdNltucti i latiscutt , iihrtriAla her l o nature, t off i e tf*.kll iol :14.'ild l• i O k h4ialit 4. o ntle Un P illtriie i 01 AAP , eerfe• hen for Aar ,pare of the, deed; tlnver , •St thell,.titat ells shall , actually be borttingleXlo` Partiollutiii bzooh . , In' the' deed. IGOltf,P•4oY494Pltt,iait,llY,ll4ol4,nt'Ott, she I'or eptempieted,,l 44 would have done tbol deed I; e 4 •Mly •'rate,-„os trieti,to de it. •tier quick`taind, An , the oeeitslett Conies, she* • Mtn how te; do it srithleast chance of deteetiOn. " ' 11 ‘ „" 0 b1.„114lin elf,. is but a sorry villain: ) She `tees'' hie' itepse; in his looks, the nolateet •he ,o,?inea t? her :, I , r , • ,• , , . i , it'olsr , race, 'my Thane, le as a book, where men , , 1 .niay, s‘t Atrango patters. • • , Alh.,; 'plit,' him up to tiffs murtler of penman ! 1 The I tell ,putpose•wag vibible to her, id hie eye, leek, motion, and Vette. , Agvhe vine domes on, frith the ~t ~ , , , ,app?rtnitity itlforded bY Duncan , a being tkor ._, .• . • . pest, ne doebts—never Atomise , the Intended .orimn Is tintk, but lsosatise it may be dangerous, The' being. Omni otit; , especially as Denman was e rspular ineeltroh—thdt Is whit troubles him. Ile , 1,9:4 - i48,,,,t 1 4'r.APit ?ikueit ~ . 1 4 9.1 en Plankoaft trete all sous of people, his own good •name may safer: And then; ,‘ to inick , tit:: Itidesof`liis I h:dent," comet tady gee- • beth, whO; hirtiderasOlVedlo aid his ambito* do. Wiglis` Malta, ~y 'sap', i, Dien, or , never, • Time and 1 446 4 " .? ;Pm; lt`i h iTPl 1 3 144 44 1 •litaitti Blai n* li Sit :,I, l .l l Y 4i iii t l s t 41.(2,1 7 A.:, $,,,,,,,,,,,, ~ a, , e „tipitopisn dual. I hy, if,,yon Ito fthas wes'ii'll,intrpt; did You Iri4,notanyutiqato YOur 'll/tB . l b t At ur i,#, l Sl 'i rlA- P ;)/ Plf VA P i vi.; 'irlth sibiptolim M bitters, t ' may be.done., I An d , ihtfin) , l3B 4 , Pett ) 3 0 Eatitel 1 14 3 141 4 hi liid v,sEptprOpiapoattoosigist4.Alidunder,ll,,;uid. •ndwithrough•her lens, urine thus bold and elute, %belt:eat& out I;nte. the .erelamatfon (th enuAt ntly, YP 4d6 i e ,' 3°3 ' r '"; ' "r' ' . ' '' t firth, lean -411deri anti , ' ti t 1 4 ..,,,,,,,,„„,„ ~0,.„, een,,,..„ ~,...t.,;,,,,,,,t . } 0„: ',, . , i , :,...v0ic.=ii.....„1,.i.k:,41„0,. tii,,,.Outnie.g, her tVitry. neturei) maebeth,', selfish , is his mnbitiori, rears only ferdhiteseiti ' She,. unkeldib y • beeitiseils digitieteltAtted Alone' ehat 'idle ''ireeite,'lrbilm..for, Mm only. ll,l„cninedis pie murder, anill though s liaguAtousod to lll'as tall a Ileldier,sisriflke ;bop o bt ri l iln i , 4 4 fut, imilo. ,It ' , she „Vat,' wilt it 4 7 l , RWhon,of vkimit 11 P: 11 911m the pridnittruts of e crime Mid the moaned' his detection.., I . All this she oeuld not da, being enly ydman, ilit th '"4 a rtia* l ~ ,e IP.I Bh? adde,,t trwn is to her ,fla tree: tor, ,she viiyAr , , ,'t Ibit L eiden iaitb Tiede them drunk, hath nut4l me i bolt ;Whet bath quenohpd them, lasth given ate Eito. i , 1 ''',iiiiii, aci Oroan'd hp, goes thfough htit faarful tragedy. When this temporary expiteMkni rears thlritioSTS aidtiable oiled. lier'spirit fil broken. Itildridrili'flrer oh her; 'and.' silo lies 'to imp up ortk vidira iiripiltraneet, to evade euspition;aud ken to deceive her husband, m a made extent. Th4ngh, entAntell., she is thaantmating spirit of the rime.. ,Iforatavto we over :teen any/natant moMecan: 'pletulytand aormisteally torresty'lw , the trutvren 7 dedregett if:depart Of the action: than Mrs. Wster. It requires a subtle intellect' and a thoughtful reind:tindtto tender these diffiretilt phases=but She peastutusbethit •‘. ; • ~ • ',' , ,ilt*Obeefertb, once that her husband Is King, Lady Macbeth wears a mask. Shale so ebarated, to btaidattis t ettlese knoWledge Of her, that no more he MAkether a' confidante. lie dare not shoolt 4 her mind, which hs knows` to be , shaken by reMorea, ettercit but terrible, by Informing, her that he meant tdliiitilritintilantille Ind Plaines. 'lli throvola out dalkliiitil`bet Winds up— , i , ` , ,,o•dlle'lwideent hi. the k.owtea tr , dearest clauci, , itTilithodappluid the'deedt• • ', • ' c i . Thus, at the„ banquet, she "really , btu he idea of )Banqttelailaving been killed. She aequita herself au leadeettorith "arse:Ohl wearies,. and !her siented vadf-pautelible4 snub (its Mn; •Wailes Played 14 die. tteatulsarthealatiitteritiort Cann•Medbeeltli tituse conduit. Sheelparritunith gueitts , msray, and lien” , tgaliwtheationteit'a tender:lose" atom' Into lay, tt Andilmantdeandre toJsootith and 'oath him -To' ' earninetto.tha utmost 5L' c dell PurpOse; and imp thatheanttaa nay obit; is. nor 11,11 , rioted , ieten- War. tililelfer spirit. brokent,neithereneed tarn Itintiontoitetrateei.i No 'Mord that *bolo, spur Vet om;,4sitila4tripared to fplitinge !flea-deep ii ,bl,o4•:sha•tittoo %Wren 10 dd More thlstiY, 1 (end i t 'ay- are the last words we heir fre her l t4 A _.."- erne ruP lee Pea, per --In the decay of his for lei*, , pe. .:11 4 13 , plunged . deeper . and deel4r in blood,, 6 0d thanes AY from him. Not she-/-true wqmse got she is, when all elm abandon,• abuse, bore•hintialte Ong, the , closer , to him. Sick A 4 heart,• wasted• in body, she. accompanie s him to hin deit stronghold* of Du*sintne. ' Not unloved• 14 .iitior- with all his mimes be she. rialto ‘ber, eifeeilon, and, 'his dialogue with' her physician shows that he dose. Amid ellhis pre parations Ihr wqr, 4ils, retied gently reposes upon Wove, and'is afillotedby her illness, , ; ' -T,W comes tf t „4 , 6 °lnnnotintlist mane, et the ,eurumeneement• or Act, V. tit he brief, for Lady lifitobrith'e part in imeapies only eighteen lines. But how impressive, grand. and solemn : How did Dire- Waller act this telling portion? Ilene is what Mishit says of,Mrs. Bidden: "In coming on in teen sleeping none, her eyes were open bat Vl* aerie, was shut. She was like a person bewildered and um:matelot:a of, what she did. • Her„ lips moved Involuntarily—all her gestures wore involuntary and mechanical. She glided on and off the stage like en apparition." Thai ex toy deserlbls hose Mrs. Williti*Eilied. Altar that Mena, she returns not.' Remorse does its work and kills her'. We 'have thus given out impression •of the ohs ralier of Lady Macbeth, and our opinion of the ,mit t iner In 'which this admirable actress has played t.LAMe word about Mr. Waller. He very nobly represented Macbeth, with marked ability, but ihe'elteraoter In thiedark tragedy is the leoroine. Mere her every other star pales its Ares. She Is the greatestinShakapeares gallery of illustrious women. I llte• are glad to have Sound one actress capable of representing Such a ohureeter as this. BRISA/) , - o . f tip, moat whelesome laws upon 'the statute book has * becometadeati letter, to the great detriment of .the,people, for whose pro tection it was enacted by wise legislators, and who are Immediately Interested in its revival. it, 1 , 8 ,R0011!',48!!': Over was, having never Veep ,any wise repealed, and those charged with , the. , enforcement of the laws of the latid Should see thatAts , 'provisions are complied with. If they fail• to , perform this duty, the bread con,stuners. themselves should enforce ,the bakers to treat it with respect. • • The law readsias fellows : F ^,tion loaf-bread , made • for sate wi. _.n tbis Commonwealth shall bo sold by the pound "aloitabapole ; and 'every baker or other porson'offeting the same for sale, shall keep at his•or her-house or at such other place at which he or she shall at any time offer or ex pose for Bala aay, aucia,bread, sufficient scales and weights, lawfully regulated, for the ptti ; ' pose of welgliirig the, same and f any baker, 9r other person shall sell pr offer'for;sale any 108:1-btead fa any'pthat rnantier,litti contract respecting the sante shall be yokl, and the per-' sons offending against this act shall; en'oon %letter:, forfeit 'and pay the sure of ten dollare 'for'every such offence, one-half to the'use of the informevand ther other half to the use of this Commoswealth j and it shall be the,espe clai duty - Of ibe.elerk , of• Um- market, ill any place where Itch officer is appointed, to dis cover, •rind' trotegute 'all persons offending against this Deg - • '- • — Beaton 2. t i person or persons shall adulterate or rffix any -imprepor unwhole some ingredients in any kind 9f flour, of which 'bread thelibe nittdefor'Sale, every such person oropersofhi; leing thereof 'legally convicted befbre any lsagbitrate or justice of' the 'city, •bbrough, or County, where such bread shill be made, sold; or exposed to stile, who is hereby authorized and empowered to hear, try, and determine the , same, shall forfeit th:(1, pay the !Inn? of dra, potfuls for every finch offence. NOTICES OW BOOKS. The Jmericau Reader of Prose and Poetry, by Augustus De Kalb Tarr, of the Philadcl phiaßar, is a volume selected with imich taste and jlidgrOnt, principally' designed for the 'acaderolca and schools of ,Amterica, and !null- Millirlymertlay.sjf couniendationfor three dis tinct • reasons: ,First. The selections are not hackneyed.; next, they judiciously embrace a variety .of topics; and, lastly, they include specimens' of tomposition by good writers be longing to tide city and State, , Among,others, itifthi4 class, Ti? And Chief Justices Lewis and . Black % Judges Conrad, Hopkinson, Allison,, Sharsweod, Sutherland, and Oswald Thomp, son, with Messrs. David Paul Brown, Richard Vaux, Geo. 0. Collins, Nicholas Biddle, Elliot D. Tarry' Robert 'Morris, B. IL Brewster, joSePh R. Chandler, Jos. L. Portesetie,&c: Tiro Preliminary and admonitory par(, of the volume, with the excellent and *Unable foot-notes on each. page, s how the , marked ability of Mr , - Tarr himself. The /book is ex tretnely well adapted ,for youth', audit* dintbt, ,will speedily :and ,parmanoidlY get"lutc Our ptibllo and 'private.saliotda, tby Marcus. Moot; ptilecielphie.) Emerson's Sogazint for November Is better than the preceding number; Major Jaok Downing to capital and the number concludes , With Dood's if Epping MAW' and CruillshOt's IllustratiorUl. (III . Sw York; Anifrsoi.) 'COMMUNICATIONS. A vtoreiktt s,tiEdattm FOR' TIT WO EN:' (Yor n• • . • ' In inidlng from 'the 'rations journals Or the day the causes of the great ; diastole' revulsion: that, nowdisturbs'ohr land: tun' Sorry to tee a' dtspa. Sidon on ,thi pbi:e ot ' bloat ittitera'to throw'alttha tispousibility vipda tkie foundi'OrtiNt bf our large eiths. - They tell as, too, that thlstxtrayaganto is fast 'creeping luta the opahtiy.; l ' , ' ' They soy many setiere" fitinss abrint ,tiur; and would have the people :believe that the ezdessive importation of sliks, iates, jewelri,;inif iiither eostlygoods, has Veen the main detule,ot t aint ,aml Unexpeeted iai'zir. -M I ilud'i' I &lama wholly ioreeikoicr sax from the eXthleTelt ganOteiltriblited to theinNut I 'do know Cheri have been oittor loduenoes sA work,,and that faii atanot the Oinse of aft nib tio4bie. - - ' In Order to 'arty faileit the guilt unon 014: iiegils, no mention is Made of ,the enormous siun yearly expended for the tmportation ,or tobaooo, Write; wines, &al The IMPortation pf thee/ W. , orticli l is over. niite,irtilliiirke of dollars poi annum, besidei the profit a'the retailers, which tieci motions flee hundied . thousand. ;,The ,Money expended end time taken ittesquailitz tactual l M Imo! ,ttie lords of ereetion" ovum' be eon? pit tia : , L 4Cre qtess,,fteifu,t esissneumtatpatd.4d thitil.° l o"? I . l t a rOTY:oil WO Fr, ;c47,?' are fu i tglrlendeney, and,:a frelumat use of the, !alter realree , " ,ll Od'S,DohfoaktrcTle! a, t i m r e,° 7 / 4 /.'ef• hdy,head„stflretie 'wh'en' tern 'my thoughts to 'the goOttris pitrunis i erhieh are so nimecolts to laibleetties.' the !none)! sipendeliwoutd, leed'thenienderrho, ,th'is - 'winter, wlji per t for. 'broad. ''llieseYmiseriei of vioe ind 'orime no only rob the'peekets, hitt:they , banish every Irope;e4" ,lattypMetitrOrri a tadme fhat °nee knew no sorrow, and lease . onlY a • Witei whose heart has pm brokeir b r Tnegleet aracl i ?ruelty. I qoula , give yen other 'reasons, yet, then 'the, extrnyaganee, for ,these bard timoirthe great 'dentin for eimililfitJon by efl,ear d °spilt:Leta 1114 iila!);4'4444l4filT!;k4,Pl?" are 4 1'4! l at . of my 1 01 7 11 .?!•,t • „ . The pry re i elhies',frOm north to south„ , for the (astsii to ieirensh retNtok! tochAsay reirtniett: Let those whe Welles? [cagy first oast the kant out of their own eyes, and then wilt t,hey, see aioris clearly to oas the mote owl of ,their rtsters'4w. To ieir q plament begin guditer;., *int' there, will not °o ,many who whit !hti~e linotbing to but, erre truly? nothing tf ?at- I wouhi not hale ,troubled your ren ders "with these remarks, but, we !estate, have no defender ;, anti, haying a right to, be heard, will speak fo4 our telpes. RELIEF TO TEE ONEMPLIOTED. =ZEN In the ounnunteatlon'lnele to your paper, /err, days sinee, in relation ttee niodent realer to hose' Mgt 'of einpleyment; 'we ' suggettid 'that' tb . em -1 pfoyers °Dula lime their 'dna hilfs' in snarl's 4lvri Illam and upwardx,'lll Pliphient l fer 'a:44es ling arall amount in eash;lor rdirket'purposes. This ;don'ts based 'upon the following:" it party , whose notes will now readily be 'reobired ii ,, psy'ent i for' goods to extent a 431y,600 te via,ooo, n%y, 'with equal' safety to , U. rioelians'ottlierai i lisne an equal amount' in these Sidon' die trillsil ilia . ° payable in Aptil, lifiy,...lune'land Ally,' °finest' f year: Storekeepers twill readily swept lbe In' payment'from the 'hands Itn'teltein they 'Cu. std, and irharr'ttroi get en amount iniffintine, I the 018 get In eketninge , one 'note' mithiP to ~t he 'Thole ; 16301/19, and , tonturlugntLtheititui the Bile bills ' would orators; thus recelvloweinf larceptablo pay- I Mint, ,4 whieh,oliCturn, 'Willi:id iceelvea b the, 'Wholesale mordant ' -',.• 1 . I. '. , •I; , Retailers would thus get prompt , pay , fdr , theito talent the ntaarrifsolurir Wad ebaPloyeas an elide's: hint' to , ettah{ or at legatee nearly to al, dal flu. Ilreanng estritimy, *ill Venn a , , Very 'swap ble s übstitute, I V:ri ix 1 i,. • 4 '.• .1 "• ,a t , • • 3 Of course, the due hills of, them alone ; bore . ' notes i ara (Immo). perfeotly reliable could be mid 'dull. ' But there art* oilury' sato men wild 9 lump commend Dish,' and yet' *bola Inellektions ' light pramptthem tolutopethe above dourseiratha ,than Se their , Wiple, witbonA ittoplayment, „„_, , , 4 I •I:, ,' ~ - , 44411 i • " 1 iI;•• 1 . !..9,,R j t.P 8 l• • i ,' l•• Nagle tiara* ts hattion '1 sOltes• •••,questedi, ti• • • • 4 [For The Prue.] , • , . - • The Managers of the Northern Komi for Friendlese , Ohlidttin; Initlang their, minim toMed 'appeal; at this Bastion , of the • pedr, to thelinfriends and the ptiblio for their aid ind Von tributions, do so, on this occasion, with a Sub. dued but confiding hope. The monetary eon- Whleli fps, inroad dyer ohr ladd• has prostrated tho!_i inortantile'Oommunity, and in volved trade, manufacture's', and commerce: In a eomniOn ruin. • • " ' To the merchants of lihiladelPlita the ma nagers of tide charity , hero never appealed in vain. Noble and generous hie been their in variable response to dur frequent Calls. The approaching wintar, however, is likely t be unparalleled In the extent 'of suffering an qug the industrious and unemployed, and Mel ery will come from them for -reit4l to ; support themselves and their famishing households, with an earnestness and a clamor tbat will not be put aside. To those who have escaped the catastrophe, we feel assured, the appeal , for aid will not be made in vain. TO relieve the Unmitigated suffering that awaits so many of our people, speedy and "eoe turd measures must be adopted. How better can we do it than to extend the arm of protee lion to the cuttantrs, thousands of whom will be thrown upon the charity of the public, and who, were it not for existing benevolent !esti tutlons, would inevitably perish. Children are the "heritage of the Lord," and tench are en titled to our tenderest sympathy. The Northern Home for Friendless Children, located at Twenty-third and Brown streets, !ti capable of accommodating more than its pre sent number of Inmates, and the managers would be extremely unwilling to refuse admis sion to a single applicant: In Amy of all those circumstances, the managers propose to bold a meeting of their friends and the public gene rally, for the purpose of more •fully consider in the best means of meeting the dentands'of thei.occasion, and wisely and - discreetly distri buting the funds that maybe appropriated to the institution. This meeting will be held at concert Hall, Chestnut street, above Twelfth, on Monday eveningnext, November 2, when Rev. Charles Wadsworth, Rev. John Chambers; Rev. Al fred Ociakman, and others, will deliver ad dresses, setting fords the claims of this insti tution' upon the generous patronage of the °Wrens of Philadelphia. The managers 'an nounce, too, that contributions of money, clothing, fuel, groceries, &c., will be thank iblly received by any of the managers, 'or.at the Home, corner of 'fwenty-third and Brom streets, which the public are respectfully; vited to visit. ' „ , • lifissOltri hi infested with a band of robbers, whose exploits put to blush, in instances the doings of the notorious Marrnllgang. Thd Lexing ton, Yo.,..E.sTresi informs us that Mr. Jones, $f the house of chaffer, Roberts, it Johnson. of this city, ,made a' narrow, escape from some of these desperadoes. The editor says : "Mr. Marshall A. Jones, of,Phitadelphis, who is extensively knotti throughout Missouri, being on a tour of, business through the West, stopped in this mace fora short time, and having transacted his business hero, left with a large amount of money in his possession, hvaing been unable to procure exohenge on the Rest. Ills intention was to go to Thunbright's that night, it being near sundown when be left. It seems that he had been closely wateited by sOma of these scoundrels, and when passing through Fire Prairie Bottom (it being very dark) Several pistols or gun shots were tired at him. He, with his na tural quickness, saw that residence would,be use less and foolish, and being mounted on a pony of superior speed and bottom, soon distanced his par auers, and arrived at Hatebright'e late at night, losing his saddle-bags in the race. The next 'morn ing he went book over the route; and found his saddle-bags and contents safe, but so 'trace of the reseals. It was most undoubtedly a preconcerted piece of issoundrelism as poles were ' at soma the road about eighteen inches above the ground; just et the place where he was attacked."' The anniversary of the landing of William Penn was • appropriately celebrated by theviativ'es of Pennsylvania, Sodding in Chicago, on Saturday evening, at the Tremont lionee, by a grand festi val and ball. One table, at the head of the large dining room, wee ocoupled by the presiding officer of the oodaelon, James II: Rees, Esq., and the in vited guests, among_ whom were Ron. Stephen A. Douglas andlady, Dr. Egan, Col. Carpenter, Rev. Mr—Clarkeon, and Mr. John Broagham. ' Two other long bibles were occupied • by Pennsylvani ans and their ladie s , numbering in all some by.) hundred or more. The following gentlemen were appointed as Vice ?residents: Dr. J. A. Hahn, Thomas Sloan, Thomas hale, W. R. Datienhowet, and Calvin De Wolf; and the followlng:_gentle men were appointed Seeretaries: William Wilhite Stewart, John B. Miles, and Dr. , jf.'ll, Kirke. Chaplain, Rev. R. 11. Clarkson. : , After the cloth had been removed, toasts were 'drank, speedos' made, and songs sting. The 'Company 'separated ranch pleased with the re-union. On the 14th inst. a, party, of gentlemen left Alpley, TOIL, On ft ijamilunt. among whom wa s M. Edward Punninghatti. the party was divided, u fa the ottetke„ ina deer but, emit% hales a, stand, Xet being stmeemibl, they were about obenging locations, whoa Mr. O. placed K au against a tree and mounted Ms horse, then took ble gon'b hammerussle 46 left band, sad la raising Ikea* struck a tree and explo both blirrabi, the contents teking effect in his 1 temple, shattering ide skull, and braille in am frightful mune; and billing him ireitently.. `ll4' dem:limed leaves a wife and three young, dreg to weep over Ile untimely fate. The blow,falbs Wittily upon /tie , • , „ ,;. TWO CENTS. The hteskag.Crblislig ZWilarif fit ' i tYtou The Timis, chubs{ ILI . !L... •' ' I The, tone or the stook and MOW 1204.1 is to day has been aa favorable as coed hare Willi hoped. 'lt it still doubtful' if the 'aetry for se further advenee in . the ire*. of dlleunt , wilt be avoided, but there is en is preepeoe la ridit i teapot, althonnit the point will malt' (1,0%4 *on that advice' to he brought frouTNeir TM; AT I the .Miel, • 1 , The pressure et the benk Lor dLeurosagma g grim tixbaOrditlirtls heavy , bur 'the ' lo g , ~, d which hildginie , repayabie there' truday-tre melt Inet- i Thli Vital Poottnt , 9C the tlividangs,, 0, fey, men' of whieh oommeneed this morning, 1 Ust 1 .tr 6,040,000, awl the • proipor bolt tumidly ' a ois the firstvbil innittrt.l44lso46o-• '' ) Tbl a riZf u tle44:l49 ( mod . v i a . tinseb n joy. t e anzurane 4b.s4aVeutsfiffECßl owe we AMON of A -,1,144 spskt eight.by.tbittalitietttekbitik , „te, I dt bttf i ere'ttlrattii? a M it rt atftbeiß4e. Warta it yq'img V i r.llr 4o lrAf & "1.)46'44311144 1 1.81 A t e v trtmw liktreiii fpieW i f SU kef tp. The rent Nadboonnt do afatbdc.te liaem PAP 4 fr.out litttlTher *!Ph }104, 1 4.441 ' tA I , II omen aresotincrwi or Ili, Itostevrtts, &Tam 'Ara feerettantatTaatir;tit' 045000 15fte that et soma} minor. dined. at ,ifireadertie. Rank of flolland Ls 0444 to ~ t . T • Ample for disebunt trail f. Mt ealhe SUL fat; to-the , • • """% li • tea di nrl 4 o l o4 l - 4 4!: ity',!‘ 1 ' t Thii fresh-tarn or the '-'. serele . 40. t PaniE 94.-EPS/ 2 44, .04 Ainkiesioln,ll ni in opnoaarolal &r01e5.114114 fears wlti) e ' thltt et, liinerote' ylitertierristeiid lilt grim beet compelled to cashews thivateatit nat.,.,1 The stringent .me 14UT,r Wialted 4 ,441 , 'of Epit•lld hel*lidlikitter,C3lollld A ellgla nla.f.: tub piessarre en themenatittarltit Mee° ir pertiolly.reetored., .fivrerallailmopribtrit "111_ _ r lflti It'Neigtplatt" ciY: 43 l"lessietaslatt ) blittehli to the panie bt thellnifiCd ' hoot& bo g b 4 bopett ifiii,fo o _l l lififf tTO4t 1,3316. , um * 4 % I ratter tile Bank oI Angland b 7 per o . had nothing ii. dolit lif th e 'ftbeft t hbaied In berg i street under, : Inlfterpoold tint o" . (one of. the most„extentivel,PetAmnipP, has, it is stared Offered - to cub all peke pbr Gent.' ' Tha • IXtielpairtlial-tirtittr'ltals and Royal Charter (a) froutillitallikarneemiti ,wards. of halL ftraillsou In gold, with 010 ed arm of qui bip td Ainerieb., (which 'had 'tare el been put+ , by. the .6/WO ditto toast *ova' WSJ Yerlirgoa MIA ivreqttepatat 1444 . :.s,ige . ,i moo exchange , l oan , op Qoveriteputf wt . • •tre iii'doinadd at B , l*6lint'. '' - [Preei ilia limelOirtelAif 164 -I "4 , t- t'!;, 4 . , . • DLLs has been itnothen.faverabledo,..andl new from Ammlca„by, pa Arisiorklah_ le delayed; ahertia not prove very alioanri tic k A Wilt be grOuna tolitme that! in InerionWof may be avoided.' . Thom Innt beeMno an p i t , of anyhrtherraiitur of magnitude aitherin • ti. i A. don' or the pinVineea , ihipplenta or bar gold' AAP continent airrititrAapandid And Several - W . O ( fon the 4.ospatob 4.51/vette JtailikbaSs,bserk for-,. mended- The premare for, disown, attim , oOrr ; , • tinned heavy,' but If hiegretititinodeia ..11 1v parisonwiththaearlyttayeat theikeelti aid the .raPAYolonP c.4' idgroaing,o 4 o pare * 0 t 1 met. , About 100, sovereign{ Ark {aid ts air -I been withdrawn for transmitalen'teffeir:Thr iby. the,Perabhon tiatorday,;,but . the toil* 4.-, II depend on au y, Intelligence1 :I d e; a ' trrti d a:l eir6 . 7.-' a dnable toteay! "ei liftoff yesterday it 1374, werei forst: Optima* ,i,s TOY. then-racer , PAZ i r 1 1 149 , MS %Ott. . x up of tits pink on artmout the annotoeS" Voi any . ilteratiotr in'tlis t'OE db.c.nt r 'itt ints. Agoura recosary.to 884 the gunk et Wog - by aammum pnmhams on i4on part, ,14 'lt'ivair ail' ienaltire; hOireireY, And thOir or -Overlay el . unfounded' ininorreabieg* , to 87i. 49 , 1, .p:ithh , woe. the 11441 wi ttliotitott the 10th of November they el regblar tburif date iiiiihn adv wati inisonneethiti with the isettlenieativit Ow riiJOki / I }l ipsk 4 )43- lascadquafOlSTlVi.o elated, but the ' transactions were nok or heavy character. Baaitlitodie lift 'Wirt! .If3l;.,,Redneod.' MI to, 87 t , .new , Weer 00 861, to ST i Audia,_Btocat, 4914,4*td../4 Poi , tne.lo 20e; and'Eichesper bite for 'we b.ril • were + maid 5 irtirebased tr , p6l4lo.4addragit) I. s,a; aieefers. 4 An, the-gtookEEßAtitftle i go. 13 "g, 01 / 1 k l e l li ? 6,tl r,"" re . , l l )-f ie . 4 .1 1 - pet dent ! ' . ' '"- " ' • • lila linati. ridOtationi of the frendtv.rilie flnt4,94,AftYltfle Ictilree kitilliettiewrt o. hi moiety, an, . ant SOc,,, ,144., of ' M ath ,' alionWralieellu'i bf I , ' ashy ' 6 !The letterstrowLiebendhae ildoot4l/ I hOsPßlPliril*il i dgrWtt: AVP.OI/t le men weed tbit erlitati iithedriltiohn r aiii e 4 sOl, __l 7 ;astied almettg* I* . , ,1 ,41 0 -, TRINOtaI et; t i li t S i i torched te, If6.llrld; ab et 4X.et 0 rallwityaraternalrt SW dos etrdltortray 34: . 14 the ,f 4 T AT 4 44. 44 R 44141 , 64. 4144tath,t, le ' smturk afloat; tai 'eontraot lodg 'ilia i ' • adjudicatild tollhaers , Bfirk4t CconidlBal.llank of I Nortitorn Germany.. _ Xcis,aiged.U4o4llo : utamt are not wio, tavorelde !i. had b een aqtrwar I d • A Sweden. • • " • • •'' ' ' ''' ' :• ' The iferlasn dollars kcal& br the bet picket bare been sold at Mid., showing a deoline-of per ounce. 1 4 a1n 7.4 43 .1 07 k r . e ?"-tqla elkißikW l th 415 0,1XKl pounds of tea. Horrible Occurrence Int ltaitege IPAsety—Wlte Killed by her Ras,band--AlysterienepleceTerf ' 'of Illisinaa'Rentallai. ''s ~ ;We tenderise: tbeTfollOWlng frotnlthe 'Pitiaton., l Luserne county, Pa„ assestrs, of;ol4.2Bthi:. 1 - , One of the most appalling trage4les„whioh have fallen to oar let to record occurred 'in thle'plaeo last weak. , Early on Friday' morning it .'eria , rip .morml that , a worun...llving In White 04kriN CriY; abut two miles from this borough, had been tit-- tally murdered' by her husband . ft untnli ed Francis Bonn, in atis employ of 'the Pennsylvania Coal Company, , The oonstables.were Immediately on the alert, and hiving ascertained the thee' re port Wait • *ell founded, a seareb was made for:the supmad murderer.; lie was anon &soothed $n a coal bed or cave, near the,towa. Ills face, hamAs, and clothel Were besmeared •with blood, and i his beltaiior at ones satisfied the •byttanders 01 his guilt '. The excited crowd which mit the pikunoi on his way to the Justice's tam, took .possession dr Lim, aud'dertittbded be sh o uld be s lynohed; Sdid it was , with 'the utemet'slifilealty•lhis *court:t i bia managed tq rescue hint,froln tham Freq.. Da eg the hearing before Requite Beddin the soon was one 'of great - excitenient'; - nothibe ivied satisfy the indignant populace but• the 'immediate" appli cation of lynch law.. The prisoner, how,ever, was eventually taken to. the look•np, and a coroner's Jury summoned to bold an inquan on the body, • On arriving at the prisoners residence. which is situated in one of the wildest spots of this section of eoantry, the' body Of the murdered woman wee found lying on a miserable apology fora bed, in a wretched hovel, which, with boband . and two children, phe, had inhabited for .some months. Dre: Nugent and •Derkln made the limitary , ex amlrudion of the body, and testified that the cause o death was coneofosion of the lowirs, produced by violande. One or two flesh wounds and several revere braises were discovered , on the body, but there was no fracture.. A man named Cooper, being duly sworn, said—Last night I beard some one hallooing,' end 'blows being streak; have fre quently known Banat to ill•use hit wife, • ,-- i a Othe'r witnesses were, examined, who testified to the brutality of Burns ; after ,whieh verdict via rendered rendered to the effect that she was murdered by him. Burns was then eommitted to-Wilkesharre jail. The same day (Friday) reports reached Pittston that the remains of si human being had been dim= covered on Everhast'sisland i near the Lsokawais : na,,th far deeomposed thatidentitleation Wan • ini- The coroner, therefore, at the elesehf the ittq;iset upon the body of. the unfortunate, woman sr °so, murder we have already mentioned, hastened with his jury to the spot, accompanied by many Others,' whom sympathy or curiosity n reed to fellow. •Th4re, hidden in e. little ,nook,,won;i by water,hty ail that was visible of a humanUdy; It was lying an the back, the legs drawn'under thebody, but thetead, strange,to tell, turned completely round, and the face buried diwnwardsin the earth. • The search Instantli'nolintenied.` The bon;te of the unktioriti trite in a good state of pttelervation,. but muelt'disturbed from Itheir natural arrange ment, while the flesh had entirely disappearid. The skull bore no mark's of injury , except indeed' the absence of one tooth.frota the upper: and two from the lower jaw—and the only sign of violence, discerned was %fracture of the right leg, lust above the ankle Joint • itopest was hold, at which it was determined that thelody was that of Adam Michael, a' Ger imam; who worked in' the " - Upper Mines: ll - The manner of his death was not. stated, end the Gal. zette says : - . We are informed that limns' was . a 'goad deal of mystery attaohed. to Aliehaers„dimppesrance. fe was very trustworthy and commonest in his habits. It is said he bad no relatives In this part of the country, and'had leaned moat of his money to Ms friends. , -„ Tits ORMIN TitANKsairmo " When New England was first planted, the set; tiers met with many difficulties and hardithipp, ai . la necessarily the case when a eiviliseet' people attempt to establish themselves in tri' Wilderness country. Being piously disporsd, they mnght re lief from /leaven, by laying, their, wants and disl tresses before the Lord to 'frequent set days of plating and prayeri Constant meditation, and dis courses on the subject of their diftlettities, kept their minds gloomy and discontented, and, like the children of Israel, there were many disposed tursturn to the land 'whteh persecution bad de tiittnintel them to abandon. ' "At length, when it was proposed in the assem bly to rprdelelm smother fast, a header, of . plain souse, rose and remarked, that the inoonvemeneel , they had , euffered, ami °clamming which they hail tm often wearied heaven with their complaints, wore not so groat as might hace teen. e;tentek aiid wore daninishing eve" , day as the 601dny strengthened ; • that the earth • began :to fre*ard their labors, and to furnish liberally for their ists 7 tettanee ; that the seas and idiots wept tall of the air sweet, the climate whelestiesia 4 ,"abate they were in the fall anjtvuMmit; of ilbertyinivil and religions. 80, therefore: thought that reflect ing and conversing pn them eattotarrould be, more oomfortablut tenditl, m ak e them mere con tented real. their and that it would be more beeottang the gra nde they' owed 'to the Dirinsliettag;ff i triataid of is feat, they ahottld pro- Claim's% Utaatagstiat Ilia advice was taken ; and, from that day, to , this, they have in every year bh ers_ved pireanisteenite of stabile happhseta on>Splen t ,10.ftf*, , lithumployment ter a thanksgiving day." Th of Mrs. lAwly. nine , 'of Louisville, mholi rated all her slaves, nine : in number, was rtagglitared on Monday. She save to - eaah of. hem MAO in dash, and made them egnal hairs to her ?Oa estate in Jefferson street, atih• death of an and Bathati', The limo an to to not to 0140. , t, non? rizp i , bar ti a4.42As 1:` f l / 4 \ l7 Sni ff mad le alkixspisiai 10 , tie* ________ ..m.i QC tii - - --,.... --~... AAilf ip,bppiell arcalfter la tit' ' Waif' id «r Csamest *add le ahia :102 ' lifistiatiiii '6:4 i 4 Iliiilaiiqemet kaittillidiatel '‘ rietieNiit *fail 12 , 12 4 a i r o!lilit*Uto tisoi**l4*ltgeniivieiet r 4g*ixtiWibe - tarn"' POOldidlow,idl W11116(416* Ilitliitl S i hiiansdair to arewsha magi •' ' ' '' i ' 4 r r . ' . • •I • `..• `l, " - - t Nfißig l ij 4L 4 4 41 """ f' tob la ic i edingl t iy ' iilihj ii` . aiiited boy iLitaidneturyldwitikeinpaYedbyltr.ltiridolyb, 4 , Ir. ,Eoopmeot'aw-;,11..72, Arno Math #4o 111 .4 4 0.: A / w itt akaa.daskoraa aeittat by 'two ' lint - boketi, and tarried away in a bovazerk ' t 4 BOllinkiinv 'Ai this pi th s. they 1, tie, PM P . l`.4 2 4t e l•AbliSkial. ea want of the drawb ge over R..art,ten. s canni Wog tamed • tolllotO bsitioiliiemi r " no poy tak ;0.-ant/iv of •tkladelezithWemtblidokiv.eleitt- 51 thiwagon suesteded, in ; ouv n ai„„:.i t .,,ti..ior two boagb..tehv l re _One suyisquized of kria . era *hat thbrbidth 'the-4 gall, but not reeemag suktrd4wiNtaittwp baths **a' mei *be& dia cowed t be boy boru44plippepl.. Abc.boy was tidied eta. idea th e men &WWII th e whip .to the 104 sequaltareatal fittleptiedi - 1/abbY i-alked rirlArc.%,, x . y APZIa $11 . :1419ri aziel :tbei matter J'p fia,kgte4Faik-htiekor lut / P t"- eille./ 9 'lie tarp:a it ran, litia - ohrtied to waxPand. bile ==Abtatet iloee iiidotwa. ,l 4l4 efitt.fr aback 01 , l i, • ,mdfi /040 "Ditia. At.rakt irrthe, to bare r .Ad tied; . arra Attar by took ' QM .1 Vat - &lei stithint that the ': ' . 1 4 000 4eisezehIL irearetsbetior ma, -,''. i rt=ir l eal l Eriwaiyips "l44 n . tt 511 f the . .4 ' ' • . • "iittlt Ma etTptra: beretise n ged 1 areodats th ere was. no ran on -:: ,' ; lee 4*A . ilepqr: Ws bail an cams - . *ii . 'itr!lighttprirs24 Dutch i tdoiksesdassisaii. Ef.,1,.. W s .* • V•s. . 4 • Jot 14 . Ni elm • Ik m* &OE LTA• t taw, HA ih • at • • • .0" iti Thit saingirhueot, zith Opt that WllrAltille_yetin :Ow of She most tifork4l4 l 4.Ntte lit x . : itj ont i r cs rap aix T i optsrintinlinelwartidebblubasemibil eetaitegn reotPkisclitrlVACtlrt4ol.4llone of r use ere e 40elje ae Let...shores of iikeldelitelk % L . - Wails* heed - day et the lakes. 444 " 14,44111 ° . Zack 411dt betry, blinding w4tauggtrolemt eif Stleibblerlelelagl thsl'ires Yi r flffie -lower test ottl.7.4lesterdetiltottinny tbet we _ th t m it i onit,;bec,fforotrfipb.s,gais. ot At "slimiotem..; ; co.'s klite*jtea MlUter6; eit"Moioia4 tan, rtinvihomtp Vietatta".'sed wAlbeit," for St. "S°lttatft4 itttit, orimta 4 . 442 . 4 Veep. Viortkrgaie sad WAnieti l t, InildVltY.landa,`At Petit, tfor_ j ibtlitee AOILL-21sey tiarkingel et the t3re igte r dePlotelf4rutir 4 V4 l 4. 0 0 0 PreTiMIS lb kb Viit et tee ai_te. Among other astonishing fdastrAttilisd:wat, aneof ever turas tka, em ol l l l. - of WOMAN ithillethe taw dimes to th _ q.. i nemAthitnailer the:fie.ret inarriager Ind "&e ta,fiie names of Chapman and litnyweett. =Mt Ilke* halintesujytaa'mar lied to hilesß3 s UAlrts.o e tat -Monday ei lieret, Add u % T en . o'elosh. he died. He has Imotrioz , teint" to' his' bed by ill stestf.:Xterrng Walla wield liwe'but &few hours, PWild 1144- . I tic t t , " 4to ha o ve 7P 4 ,th t,heytterr t , ttlettnr fon , et tory pirfeentsdoite 'eriattes'itsire "eateplied *ill itennOelifonstea stiadt., r „t Al449"glairit4 au MIY; lays : the ttil i sPL liemolid not ssah 111 - A , restelitior 'lll*_s_WitiVilitiried astern gele ' the I MOM. !MO , / eta* reparted• tot eve Dien 'Miami . * tf,t /losfollt, umootinttrees and Inetitiating finieeein deity 'ffroition„ Tke ez letealtnain boa PbliadOphis,lttelidni fleMsday 'APPIIVt ibtitts l 4 4 1 0 q Ott* of zinnia g Otei 6 oeir Omit **teen miles fmm thstity. No desithgVetinf zielmenfireiltotiet t , elrbtsßallhual (InctYl9 on 41 1 1=t fi titt ellthetptieneent eanfoted *the ja il , , tble 9T;41- Trogrip-iheir mpt i were Melly etr Mend& wtio to• 'WO - -oftthe Wot,'and lifted them out. From e.iteekairound hewas opposed that thereAsete a r ‘, aisuy nous ' inteitekle' 'the" 'delivari. • Ailit yet (Si%roc Jr•Degimeihlefeatetitio einesinstisakeT 111 W the 1 0. 26 9WUWeliff449 1 41 1 14ahrigegiV***- lii 41 . ;013r. 421 Tez ,Cal‘ s t,„ **dm 'Morning. Vitale' Nome yisitO, his yes tiektbalittat Uhl aft, whitif ' fling V Long ghltart49s 3 l l se dikelights ,leatettelutlitW Si ?Cu= PrOWlttenwintoßthjecifildrift who beta e yeaset, who meltaddtknoplattelisVemail lees Sieeretkenosid his -katltrajd -AIN /Welch* if illaibk-n TUT then v _ h ib= . l,4M At t.l 4 l a tgi s t PlAkeitkli".albten On Friday of bat *l l 4' tiiiiil bil fha' Limo et Ebblilleadise kidalkiays'i taw' tisiald skim -17... .4 4.041. e x4,40va. t1 , ..,. smciiisci t y p irza , ttvakvyf-to-0,..,: A. ~ viipiou.s..l.omtigi...ohibtAti ‘.• _ , - -p A...p.-0.4 .I„ waifri" . irthiiusroveco m it. sun., EES i it,tolograipirdesitateh ;reeeired ' eE 19 1 'i s t t iateltet ,that..the selhoonee. Seale , Ba enanitit, mill that city on Sunday, nee burned at , Itaterdsi . , is is total .leee.' Earitioeued h'y'a Atm at eau, and lll 4;49l l Kir 0 0 bated., _The Am aloe destroy ed the steamer Tree Trader ,l' throe anszeitotisee, 'aid fearderei tuntina biletielaorwhist. ' The imiberTaleattemli Miehigai 'been rumatall3Mairitiale. estimated thittleMtoo 040 feet. of : lo t kept. hack. but 434,404, by the drought,ltaraleeb got oat; in addition to a err -liberal ' , amount. 'limner's "operations. Chieigo is ximr; theism* **diet for M4higart lumthari mud . Vtie Xiniesota 2l h, in 'ailudiui to' the '4le6tldu, The ifehenis are coalmen D ay Vticikac tikris been iiseciirek I , LaliPis gralleuheummy of hitsmereta have made a dux( sweep, electing the whole State ticket, 'and alintiestitiVinajoiity'in 'both brandies of the .difootleadlar named John Reed, formerly a resident s of .Cariaatey Pi., war (case mind in a geld about three maim ;south &est, of Ifiehmoiaa burg. on the 2lst instant. - A leige ram of money was found on his person. It is suppeled he died from maim.' eauseif . , I. The tertionnee of Mr. Samuel Gala, corner of, Jersey Angl: Union Etitabeth, , wq entered on Woinneday het. Attiring the tem. poetry Whienee'of the fa, and was robbed of PM' goldwiat . mother articles, valued. i. 200. Tbt tortaiyaltrer tamped notice. By a POT* 40apatfh the South Caro'ivies learns the death on e.aturday, the 17A ital. at 'Wilinhigton;"of Gen. John Gray Bynum, of Rai ,therfottl, North Carolina He was a gentleman of High literary attaJnmanta, and held a immanent position in that State, - The Cleveland Plaindealer states that Cole, the alleged wife-poisoner, who Brost Inoni tha Moors in Milano, and was afterwards rearrested in St, Leasis, has been, lodged in (}snags jail. to await his trial, which will take ?Lace in NOTOR ber. ' • ' The murder of a family, consisting or a oats, Ids 'aife, and two ehildrina, near St. 'oho, N. 8., reported at Boston. The mordants' pur pose was robbery. Pursuit was being !node for three man who are siuptrated of the crime. No names US given. . ' , The „ New,Bedford ..Mercury 111120142C133 • the death in that- city Mr., Joseph. Congdon, at the site of fifty aeen yenta For twenty-sir years be au:dated' ea cashier of the Mechanics' Bank of Nesrßediord. „ • I A. VA took , piaci) in Cambia,. Pa., on Tuesday, 'between Augustus Haines ana JasePh The latter was struck on the head during the Melee with a large atone and probably will not survive hip injuries. A littla daughter of Mr. Jonas Thompson, or Le Boeuf township, Erie county, was burned to death on the 22d inst. Ifer eioibbs caught fire from the mom during the absentia of the family. ;11r. Hodson, Swaype, a farmer, living near Georgetown,. Pel., while Cellist a tree, on the illst inrtaat, was struck on the head by a limb, in kiting Wei so sarionily that he died next morning. The. Cloverport(Sy;) Journal says that in consequence, of, the pressure of money. matters, the lireekinridge Coal and Oil Company, at that place, were compelled to suspend on Saturtlay last The county - treasury of New Castle, Henry county, Indians, was entered by burglars on the night of the 22d, and robbed of about $l,OOO. The safe was blown open with gunpowder. Some down-east Yankee is paying attention to stealing' hogs. To prevent their wine:sling he adminlatms ehtoroform to them. • Alex. F. I.lfoOrs,. of Mahoning, Ohio, has bean ululated is the sum of $1,900 for breach of promise of marriage. An Trishthin, named King, - was inn over and killed by tie a'arsolea'r Girard, Erie county. on She ".oth bat, • • 1, • . -John W. , Eby, (of Carlisle * Pa., has been elected n jeskton of the penes of Shemin county, California. , " The Preebyterian Synod, rrbieb bus been in eeadoiratlanetister, Pa., for sorae days. has ad journed. - An: Irishman named Wolfe alts brutally ntnider,ett in his house in Norfolk county, - Vs, last Kriday evening. Snow fell in Scott, Wise, liftmen, and Taze -1 we ll counties, VA., an'Friday of last week: - Seve ral mountain peaks were whitened. Thornton Clarke, aged 'sixteen years, 15 - 33 thrown from a hope and killed in Charles minty, md.; 23d inst. About 10,000 gallons :or Cannel coal oil nave shipped to Maysville, Xy., from Kstmsrhs. Va last week. A great t Stampede' of' slaves took place at Cambridge, Md.; on Saturday night lan. No leoo thirty made their escape 4 ohn 'Ride% a sailor, belonging to the United - Shiite ship Ohio, died suddenly at Boston, on Monday. • A gm:nester, named Keene, was killed i n Memphis, Tenn., last Wednesday, by lir. Frank Gibbet, or Mississippi. Bertha Leite, a young German w oman, tom _ misted suicide in St. Louis, the other day, by drenning herself. It is said there are now afloat between Chi cago and Buffalo 300,000 bushels of wheat. Judge Bullock bes resigned Ida seat on the b ea ct ! of the Circuit Cott* of Leaistille. ?dr. Berbee'e statue of the Coquette Is now On exhibition in ittohmoixd. Iltspore OP VIM Awn= Cirbm—Ws pre— sent the history of our abused credit dazing the pat Ireik ionir.o, !started toy bank operations; 'fitesiay_ , awned lrOliens, VI all ealeallithras ; W Odasaday, ray tsoien akonei palm* Deere ; 1. Iltairsdiy ; drapes Os% a siatakinglay tpaa ; hidayi irarr a magaikeet hall • libUdsh M 64 . 4- '" 3 /1 4 4 19 1 4 2 $ MO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers