.' - • . J; , :utritiiiAidsaritzi, l NuohOtP. llB l l, i . - Ttig.4009144#40 4, 1 AA ii 9" 1 iteekaaleri4c hotatote4hcablertitc; ',eft , ill 3rilse . i 464,119,444,C12*(9044.0 OR liolinfal feel -tisiiison'ilinAinaitetilfamenti bnidivent Olaises/i ` Good 'eleloantiimperit sitnkt',rieprefe 'oollistet , - , tkpb4,,,,olo r piidiiigiir)fleetiblli,ii'44l4M inu P •einsijihienrtfildeaestertiniastir*being miae_toigeit "'tiifiiife'rbliti Payintfoliffailtialtitllivonibet,, auktbiOftli*AOtkft l ite ieitititifriliti.lifittaan ' Y fut - ,Ithgr‘Taittiriiikat thoirtitati leiri , to a oonsiderable el.; tiot:i 410 , -64..., ).. i , BAlai, ' ;,,,,., ~tFi.: ' i ,ii„,, , , , g .iimuit c ltmotte Batitof iTtunagnt; Tiatti a LtiplipAtitiltYiebniiiikOf tlitiilli,ißfink.o i ' '1"1:1‘.44.§47.-4iiii,,, ,iliii, ( ,ilsi; , i i.,.,;t,i",.., ,r i "1.00 442tiOisifiiii`whitveasiel- oendition , of4,o mone y bkinuffitaigire Witiffeilheir ilitoeitdble` jestordir in I ,,,,lieetiatin,lf,..of Arotielsaa',liniltiriid figabotit in i-Y___.„i i , -f At 4, 1 41,1W0ent sr . ,piatilli, nitue-tittuir , e,o‘?,' st., 4 OfsiCithrigte.re'liaogitisidstraldiatiteinit 'w , }ogoitt Pelbgitot esit,froeithoi Eititi is slievid; at 2a2 pertient4lhattitos,ifon domoo •&am to e-anitgeld,inotitrgivOrmay 'at little. 4 :Um:shit:4e o ' ln tio anloili isi t italaivlent , preniturg; Boston ,do , Air et4trititaelpligi.l4oht.' ~ lifirehati e .14:w Iftt tifOitt ;Wino tis;ll2 tor . isenh ,/,,B, I o* . 0 ,06, , ,001it.f. , ,„ , 2... ., J 0 4 ., Vt- 4,09:441 ,0 0 i ii4 M g t.9.*; Parkek Ext4tpf- ; i''''''- qtrivotiiiiie inevelointa'aie , dolng Sinning theinselves 't;iifil'i,,Jlfiliftlidl',-11.011, it',9,10.h,§0P0,41.10',101it refused-vis : extenamg paiments -tootoon,pihr rathol. th int lottilivott.w4o,#,.t. The . - nal i proo4oo.oo:iiejibtoi4ltoA-'46OPAr/S , k u , pArte i f i lluilmoue,l ~r.., , 1 ~_': ,cy‘k..ll: . _, , :` , . , 11•;:g 1 , '7l'll(tingc"Orti4r4o.4ol.4l;X4,ithlti*O: ii i l< ,;:;88840k01:Ohi9ag0 1 I:BBti,lfilek; aijouritid. mlistui•- PXOX°334l,,ff...,TbOil# ditY v if:ediitilti;:svie - not ja Z;y0rt„449.,49:0A4hes OWK4 l 4l94,ffiihOlit'i , fi . 44 0 1' ,si.,itlementtif &oilman , heti:iris-A: en that.r.still,an ' g h1ii 611 0 6 404':,,c 4:, k , t 11 , 6 0,;j r f i 4 d-1.01-1 1 " ) b. • ii*olietti l ,te4dtkiliertriitimit ' tito ittOnfilotingitioitanis riot; B)olA}lfitis'eqt»ltiokt*lt 4iO:iitrtio likelltins 1 " 111 in u o l s',s4:ill ' kttb ,ftWR,tiL. ..0 4. 0 Of iti 66B t i' ) iihvioloitio. ,, theit -proceedings ite- iht, , adisseltsa Of pmengr., at tip5ht41244314 ittky.luAter 0 5 .,iilitilobiaati - ai'ulifittio; fa WA ,iieeling Shall- determine otithroiseeiitunefo-vterOelfing fffiikitent -- iaisivill be'disgeorgoikand tigayi 01,144fthPtiiii /2;1 1,.;,1 1 r.C.,!,1 - t iiiii V; •444. 1 !',--, --Thtvettlooriob olidfir4f *kV has e ll ' litierrisag4 ' , Lwtaf.o , (4ttfik t ih'iAgot,ih4'*ifiiKar 1 :, 0 1110 7 *.tatioimviiiik6ti , ormAikaks .. , 41.10646:1fikeitiliA6kelotttriA,r,oto c. .''.4l4tilik:iTaiiitio'biffht44ov. ', VAlyiel. - ,y4thlo k nife ainliarloh , int'ilitistrOofitpi e sq on unit • - il& fltd assiiiiiisteashbit o 4 delimit tolipanif i Cincinnati; oira,rlinillaw,Olhetrzliayeta atgOie ;York, for 44 . o;:*,ffi-blii i M.,4 1 4 - *frie,* th O,Pieiitiffit-C,r TheblllArAtiAtitonsitid:utider.protes , It was oontendeoll4 flikliTajptiffs tli/rt "riddlo being an indiMeatailtienfinA4iiiArie, th plaintiffs' weety,ettited , to.atistattripdamagee o dolitlidi fait L'tiis tile i raeittfilie r iidank 'Alit fhb address to ":tliedioriX4itiai ii : f iirsa, ;144dpi more than oninddinis 'to this'Tinft'Odmininy , i doe% , and !kat pm isiiii'inini6 'ivitikn'tha ':dishial64, given 'Vs3riaio . iliteliaOS;;lie'llAnnaril os-lhe 4 3rinteh ' Bank, in thereightb'YOTOlOLdfiflA9# l , 6 A„eiforfd• i ' ' Judge SPelk9O,7, 4 fil fi ta-"fluttilttilt eetatO4 Of the i ,'4B3e; that4ia supposed -that -It -would htt'admitted the bill ,witli ilriklfit "4 Wii'Mka,liiitdoli oftlid Sank laipstiiisaln,:geoiTrorkiriifooltioh, lin__blow:kid this ti . seporintetidesiore;anditith'illia - fiet lisit*Sted - tn:k4i, ''Nt' iiiitYddititil4ahniiteed , Wiiieaveldaniirge's on the hill. idnaitting that the billwas drawn,* 641 A, 6 t 4 .*?:*g iti l n ,0 3 'il `; 4' iff4i . iPt 4 , -, lsigge4l46o,tim foioi‘s.rxi 41 ik Sorokin bnicif, ..119.dfalle within the spirit, it letatofthe ittittitto if . 14 1- tii. 040/4 6 11 31 , ..1i'qko,„.4::iiiii.r4tii:41 ,-of lost:winter,:br tets ?Supreme iJourtiitn t this comic, oPivedt . `COO: us' 17t6 YriltlifrPii i o; fit' Ofetk it , ';witi , 'hottl iliotiitj:wiii. not noLussaari,ihrilit4i r vidna members . of a firm should be domloiletilt thoplaisis wher d is*billAvagiiiiinn, lebeing ,oneugh if that had 41irririness derefoile; and it repudiates the ,dieitrititvlaid"noWn'lii• adge Ilitoheook, dist thesis '' AtilitedbliatitAii the aaldodof a PoaditY , bat• air*, ;_iii_ailetrt ltii . Abnistaturo: a , tO racomppusa;foi thh 41*;',141'411;11-11.444441i141411 4 0 not gating • Vit,_#idnei ' atitio,Piiite boihiedtlie iightli expect it i'i , sialtdd be pal: - Oil the pining° 'beta in, this Casa ''• t 'll-f, 66 0k,, - W,W v 4 ; '°il ll'9 i il l ; lo.o. ll V. t :*4 4 9 40ittei to ajar' tiiiryaausiges;,;tio. ,r•ii,i,',, , ,,: ,, ,,. a i . , -- t , i Tko F ., revid s onoinfOrta,f-sii#,:i l " 'Yigtlift,;l4 of ihdirliilla ttakirenial64:ifikadj x th 4 , , , - , ,, g,i4AziliiilatemAskizitalbg i w . , ..: ..cailii, ' - mr..Titomie-A-Dalo..teatiked„thsixtusoqtakw earlier Ofrthettiooora' and, ,, TOodaiseistOlisalteiono df the direetorrof that* bank';` noSrdeeeliedt 4 wak in the !fait ofi bond 'pipet , ' of MO' blit-firoy4rs t giving :therofer . his ,- °book, payable' - loofa :`4iiiya • unload , and lieforirli'cianielno l )valsld`gatiris'oems, POlioltAidOgifibAllilili*fri , biit , idheaKr , ",fihiftlotO lit aotifoithati,thla 40 ,PoNer,OWotii-ibitill ,ti court of laWr-Afen,frequently-trammotia.,large tominess , Withoutespital4.butwe -never befereLlieard/of il maisfelsavlngnoteitwiddutinitesoy. ll sThe7"havii a gilded to•lorit.a , leti- it- seeins;loyttprOilde, to arsuu,73,4, , ;,/,' la t. ;et , . 4.,.. , a , ,, , .' ;: , , g 3f J i , • 4 .Thegopptikg ire - tolo,4,l444l'ilietor`gOoli, treilinata 'Co., B ri llion and Blleotti liinfort4,49 doo3ll,Thialrireetrpoy_ fdittivosksidefursda : 1 Apr..% V:4140014 +Arsi .941.0914,91de011349/1 99 • . l i . . .71 - 10,,41 ,1 Z4 64 , 00 1 2ITIO;• • .7. 4. 1 .45 0: 4 AdriOluDalietW-...:4 .1. Pe 24P01e , W. CP r Atk*lPM3 00 ' , OttighiaiAll, ~ q h. . s....'it OS Mett.Guihteti......-,.-otiO • nesnishPillanentinia OIL "feirmhelers........,;..tisos, Pive , Nrenes,'...tt.iazr,oft ,§etialsh,Doublootto, , l B . o 9 fierseariLthownez: Aria Ott ,Retriatt,,d, , do.n . ...AB 99 Wrench.: ,-" '';' , ,:i4131,11' Peuti , 2 9 9 A§Arrleaollieldv:Ac.,:, .': • . , ,i55... 4,1 .4, , ,t0 VI - . i , ', New"fork'Sxchaftel::A4ll ~,, ..... 3 X 70 4 K ' , ruiift4434teinstittiistenVitellteiitinitatittee , timigte 0 1 . 0 15 r, 44 t14i: , ~- % , .:Vtd" 1:4-4 ifrpjA../Egarlitairb,t..&. tf, ,4 Alifitirar:6, I , nu ' Week, iiesitfa2;:treekrsor Mauro+ ' l ,-gainittil:2/.1 4 4 - ;22;406717032 14 2k,4.22"'"1'dib 10 Altaillifiesr-''4l iliptcP , friliftittit o a Itiogs I , l*B2si i -' l'cli ,, mistavil t'la;froa ti,i 9 '''lll9,oo6 3 'n 2' 1 407 1 7 tr e , ts., , tiegtiilitkW7:B4n l :4B (o `Yakik - .1 t_ 4 * , `';' , *k -9, I .: , -,01 - 4M ',B - .4-,iiia , ? , 4 :114 . r - r # l irigo . 7 .,; i i . ?'t.7 eh 0 .0 ,4- f,lllt . g.ttr-'1'00,174 ,- ' f '4,81521 s- - 470.18 i ' ; 1 !', 11t, • 4; 4 5 6 '1 513 '-V.W.M . ,':T .-6 /i10 6 '..', 1, 1 0/21 54 21 : '''l 44 " 1:V * 1- 4 4 A 1C' intlie t !•': OA° '''f,fattlia' 1 , 4.fi liitihorvit ,` VzoitiT ' TVe liiison: I ir, .5 5. ,A. ,'S. 7.) •1 8 50 . lot , Lehigh fOliosthiV.l',o43 , 7Bl. 777,02 Der,„251,2241 , `' 4 ‘ ,', , 41adostolVb't . 132,288 373,897 Diet .240,611 t(ylklll.l33net t it , 1-976ri ,-: 1',953,169,- Inc.. , 77,018, ' . 1t8)1r04111,913,4g-' , 1R 4. 13 2 . 8 118b r aff914 , .t ~-,:, ~, I m .q ~ , ,t, _. 1 ,1_,, , : _,, , 1 , - ~,, t , i ~. ....-2.. fteli ..... KAT - ' - n . 1,2 MAO,W ISAMSTIVM7 I, iI I4 6:371W.gr , —.l tiler . ' h The Boston iost says of the indebtedness or 111Wlitittes to ~,fOeijAosouritritilfttjlifii2,o4 4 tralifieitiatatOr.o4te b e Otbilllo,4,V l f wi v tirfto - fislo regarding our forefgp4 indehtiidneat, 1:1 6 ,34 1. 04f41.40, 41Y V-004 , 19. 1 *,,, Of i q tnie 1 ...g.0.,.',•:- - ' : ' - "', , ....w.1 el, . According to itiefitOrleiiiitiiettrise, the 1 4 8,sirTs86btodhisVotiliti , 11$1111118141Statedor?“ ,1 -i _.,_ oA ,, Attdit lablibi , h7.l . 5t.,:i1.6.1.1vt:i ' ' -•,' , 'r Imo Aoctpao -:i_Prtair istainati digit sit tee Oetientleite to • -,-. 1, • i about:. t,5:•:?.. , 1 - .. .. i ".'; '‘,... ,':- _. , ..0 4 ~ • ' 109*090 iiitit iridehtednass , aeiiies, ;diva, -, corn. r --,-, , ~,, eenies;:„t ebbe, workryk.o„ 18e.,..x05y, be , 6 . 4B.tiliilMAtt• "V.: 48%089,M _ : .: 1 1O141:4 i-. Li , f.4'4', , fi/ ra:74.0 0 .i.V.,,J.400;0900 8 10 ~i . 144 c..,..-fa g 1.." ;= - ~( 1, “..§1A . , 1 7;1 1 .7 44 '44' 137/ cowls for the liat r eiree 'Tom g tr,Y tL` troildid'onliiitotterof aoat'se , ?li ie n othing g' ri, 1,4.44,,W*90,..1iiA..„410, 1 it ift' 2 ,1 4 (104,d- Al n one-fonrth of ' the attopetanountSibeadhy-lbralti ,- , nit y:116 itoriSpi%'?.,3ol,ll ,indeb,tedness does tilt :prolsiitiljaidaifekObt(bP,QW 4 ' u littAß4 4 " / Y ,- , .kisa44,lll.2st'tiiw 2re,r_einTe;Prrio , fi 4. - ,QtaPart4olo,99'fidiA9.l3.of:i k o,`Botion' banks fo ~ twolrooka t ,'., ' l'itii" . - ' -" itO 410 - it ~,':- EQ l .4.llsitiOi; c tiii'OU- '' 'Om ;---r • -, Oct. 10..,;$40,404Pf,)0,003;110131,071,113 $l2, 78,248 ' , •',(Yelrev.',-.-o,4,A,L'Xll.,!tlis - 1,4 4 ,A 73 : 141 1 ,? 9 , 9 .. .blerfi;e -77-- iietio ', 14sOk -, -,1 - 1 ' ,l4 i If r 9701. m c fAi., g.•.Q.D-..,, , , , , , I,lt ,t,,,, ,i L', .1•01-, 3 , 40 . ,, I , . -.=.' ~ ...a, ~.r.:; - , ' NR,-441400110 OitbkOf 1 1 0104-# l l l o'a AVIA T:airce to amount to 0,933,000,000f1 about' 4277,5200)00 sfeilik ",,'. ( ‘ ,l '' " ' ' '' '"' t ' ' ' ' 4) fc:v:::',''''):::, - ;1 '. ) , The brisirilZeitkiffiiittifietabia i tat'fit, t!te cloc4e ' l , l4 ?4*** - 4 1 4 1 /!, 2 4 11 ' 1 t4 1 4*.i 9 i10 9 9 ?11 t e 1" -fall amount of available atmiltietr.brhielt , osone out -34iyliet: 4 ' *bay' iderobants2br the ipreferenbe of , tlibli'Akespondente abroad, redavna Weer forge 1 1 . Bums iathafrinnotgeavantinijbankrusoeptanees 9r, credits, something similar in, their; arittireilisirhat "sie known in this country as datilleisids'of deposit. Mari, of the aeoeinanees bear tiro guaranteta of the' stink itlitili4 c .i6nto of the Bank of Lliefpoql, , ''s , ', AntiastOtatifiloadioglarildittlioatland. dt williek ,:r-iOlinnted tilialbof 14 0 ieg l itoviterotitittoi,iii in ' r ' 4 .iiiiii i t oikiik did 'P'6ene " aonliiiilk atsint3eis' than £200,900 tO .1.250;000i:or at leaaii,de6;6oo, ' .!,! nitioli,isldnirtditteol44, l l o , o i t ikhi'goTaiu4,t t o .Imlo o- , , .#°11)!1Pti,9.0:0 1 4i4 .41 4 11 A0 14 . 40101419 C e< 0 1. 'Wont to P;(looMiorili2,2tifi,o9il ,,,, Tha - . balk pf ""litheir iinaiiiiii4dl 2 ,443, l2 „ . oo,e,te, ' t . k 1 x ,a ( 14 ' by Mali to ifier itonStviiinetpally to Pla i t ' ()Maris, iiollistiliiviesii/if hayrkeittoit'sfit i theidAilsiamils ''"''oek"likii , brlloti4 htibein'tliti'iltrniiii4:oi4 04- ehleribit Nitokiti4f,fp,ftripagett,twopteittiies, and ,:. - i considered tbeti.rotemittaneei.lubdeagthe,clionnt ',34n4est.,,Jrailk.,werdeot „4hati(A3b4 'aittlet ' lied ' 'aka tOr*nfoft.;lii loOr:LßitetAilit4iolls Aj .and ips . vance,oitithiiiii-fottetto. to one per emit,: .k. ,14 / 3 4 '1" ,t fi ' ,1 1 ‘ , 0 1 iiiYel I ii al , ooisdlydbad zot , erigoldyesltle the :reasoli.boon lost Irk rail ik k / 7 /9 71 ,th ti Air .79e,k3,,,901,1tive ,beon 4 - eit'hifoio the fund 's hove Vila . ; iiihoieil, .it Whileithesteatrierld'aiviVgaftor - the ' 141 • 144 ° , 4 4 , bring tho 4109ififripl i ikrielrieR?plovia.i Igneover„ on the irrepinristibrioPrioN 1104 itovollid kayo io , Viiiiiiiitta,m4 bidiego , 3lliiti Itishiptiartd WO' " 6 ,L9e,t t s,l l o9, i r!f i lqi?E P.ROi2I4OOIM 004,Y" in ow et ;ow l NAlif the ignaranhied - itooeptanees, or Ulna of - 0461, liiiiiiikoeti ftft , w,rried at once bl „gat. iidWilieitbi;, l ).L' 4. --. '-. - Thdohrtfbe iiKbyr. l'Oclr;iiiiis received remit„ tallow 14 thosp,gilawtf6edihk orodite were 9biefr obiPPing : h ougeg an d th 9 KollgalOttlafmakinglar ohaSel Ofebt . aadliffeaseValiN Ainairloon ploSnets Attifillit'OftA Oifefit'`”' ''c ''Wose,,gorjudiekbillgatoktikkissbertis tide ,o , irealitatlitiii ordinary bills of escishing`N'saitiVor ',%.Odltow,PlittleCtigtioF.oloPi 4,itgair4b,..4Ande';'' suntsold. for withlamoiT*o per - eat. of . apipiie „...otitoes orOf, thlilifaf stilling istobange., • White; qC2ittdia:o424l l l eoininsifilid ifbiy.loo B lo2tan'llgtor , :: siii-thattabatid tiiiiiliei4 hilleirtan 10%, 1 111/ . 14:101,', , , ~ .Of tbpsohills Anaratitled o by tlic):faifie iiif!fijx:, - , 'iiirt t ",7t i llAlNO,i & Vin,M 9 4l l 4 4l,4 tiliNiXl4 /4 , Xt r AV o lo'll l4, fif ° , s 4 OA 2 ', , i i 1,144 , ,, (11402%14**Y , Rig utudditlot r# IniportAsingoiis. , - ' glreivtirwiplo.:44l,l...- -i, o.mo Airof . . igualfShigNA, AmidititiO, oft' , es: itti6 , two,ioy ages Acne* , ttte., lilaihAtOgifOltirerLotl 4 9l ll 4 Ttlikt.Witk kmol tri- "-• Atfir*-014-0-4154WWP,Rii3liii taiiiii CI . . _ ~lidiktfosilt onsinsaif b 0.:,. ss Odt the ' • , -. * a rk*? - li t t a l i ttr u ir -'4.V " t iEi yiJ v„siialdn:' , .*:,-,Pott,G,l e .!„ wwwwyttio 4'v ~ 01 ;;ZMEE • .. , • Manufaotaninibs;!ltinediegtai that' nits should lie deney,ith an,,oonVenlent despatch ; and ac far is' fie oefer*,ef tlie,trabstuition Is Votuicreed,lt!Can; !'' ''l4t‘3lr.effeated by 'Figiantied Bank of, England dreallin or 4 atoeptanoes than by the shipment of spool°. , • At the presenttlms tho 'English purohasers have our oottoit nMikot to themselves. They forty ainieSt the only bliyers, and jio:donbt aro anaiouti tohivo tlje Uetlonforvranled as speedily as possible. It is obiailliat these gusiiintier neciptinces (Orin' the nest best- securities .to specie, because so long , 115 tb:fi Bsuk Of &giant! bolds Mit, thumbing, if de sired,fcan be drairo for in speedo, which onn lie brought over to this country if neeiessary. i ‘PriIiLI‘ELIIIIA AND USADIN(URAILNOADA mo nO Opal transported on thnPhiledelpPia ond needing road for the week anding Thursday, Oct. '29, 1857 1 Tons. Ouri.' .... 9,125 - 19' 1,016 'OO , ...i,199 , 16 ' 19 189 4,844 " 09' From Port Carbon a .Schuylkill " Schuylkill navou a Auburn a Port Clinton Total for week Previously this year Total for year time last year.. ~,,,,,,, 4,512,241 Ur — SaithLici3.l.' NAVIGATION' COAL Tnsul.—The tot, Ismleg, are the receiptso,oeal, for .414 e • week endld t g Thursday, October 29,1867: • " Toce:- Curt. 9,358' 9,258' 1,891 15; 19,114 10 • 2,605 Prom Port Carbon. Pottsville Schuylkill Haven Port Clinton ' " Total for week • V rerriodir yehr. Total - . , = To same time last'year ~,,,, 616,130 19 BXOOK EX0414 iE !iigfEta, Ootober 80, 1857.! &Wartedbq R. - .N0113,,_. Jr., Block 'Broker; No', " ' • 80}1ranut a£ree2. , I „ • TIM BOARD:.-, 10 Ponoa R 301( 10 do' 361( 14 do 30.1,‘ 10 Lelutet ,Nov 4411 2, do ,446 10 511oeldll it • E 1 „ 51 511Peuttall " • 8 4 1101115barg 12 45g ed.b 05,451 . 4101‘orrittown B 52 ?,•1,5.,, do' .jt do- 52 ` ;/ lAO • 52 , •• doi 3 62 pyppo & Moo ME —52 BOARDS,' 50 Reading 10 NoftleitOwnß, "'62 30 , 52 6,000 , PeriO4, V... A Ng 1,000 do ......... :80% 4,000 do 80% 900 Ottil ... NevrlBBX do- New.BB3i 800 do New .88y. 1,,i 111y,,R 'l, , 2,000 ' do 0d Ya 1,000 Nl , slibilt iki., :46* - I 1,000 do,att:A6j{l trtitonAlop,iesr,:2lll- 100 Rpooglt44:taiN' 100 do I}o do BETWEEI WO Itaidlog4ls. , [2. 1,000 Ofurilc "4 201,01dgh c 44% Jd11001,11) BOAUD. • o /,00014htigh' 6 .1 1,000 Catmint., 8.181'40 'l,OOO Catiideltist BOW .• ,••:766turli.. or . „."01 , • 1 .. • Iteidcallr.lo); 100 do 50 Rooding Itt :ca56.16.4 Do 41 do can 6.16,54 a 0), do et 011.163( 50 1 d0.a.V.: , eakb...16)s lop , . do, ca1th.16,3( 0 Litti'hTin , ". .147{ ~.' 4 4 tr do • t ..' - . 0 '443 . , . .., , . .., . • .. .„ , , ',./,' " 9Pcosrtick l' l , l f. 94-41 31 / 1, „:, ~., , ; i . , Bid.. Askfd, 1 . i Bid. Asked. Rbll4d4l. 8'5....78X., OK IPo N,de.l2 prof 13x •14g " ,- .`:8A..-. 70 X , 79# "voiles& Elm 11 , 9 . 11' it • ii N0w..,..98X,,K,. „de Istmert Ve 60 68 i Pennsylv b'5....80)C 80,Vi.4• d0 do '2,lm 49X 61 Reuling Si 1.8% U( L N 0ng1.141and..... - }IX ,i 8% :14 , 4 'APn4I S I. O 62N` 5, , , - ;Yiek.eben -- do II 6%44 70 ,- ) Oitzerd PM* ••-,- 6 7i 7 Penns RB 86...,36..% „Lehigh Zinc ,Ag 1 1 6innyoanlponBo.:, 33, 'Union Ostia} • , 3 , 4 Bohn N6lB'l....6o#fiig New 'Creek ~ i r.etnek,...,:i% 8% Oetswieee RN„ r e ~ 7 , LETTER FROM' PiEW YORK..• " , „ Nsw 00t..10,1.857-5.20.P. M. I have taken solatr . ;0)40 find out the Dance of the universally expressed oPinien, 'thati Money is eatielland thitlbare, betteefeeling.:: I find that the hahlts "is ellefly a newel of ; outstanding notes, which the maker's could 'not possibly pay if the holders ,(the 'bankal pealed: themlo ,protest. apple , ea's'es have found that discounts have been given to men nhe have ~ ! ,Paid uPeVery thing!" that le, men who!nre in the ,happY, positien of not, oaring a fig for,the banks„ and aro rink enough to do without thorn, '0440 Who have not%lbpen 480 ! 81rong: 'analin: .‘, - deperiderit,--in abort, that 'elites , whose' name liLlegian, - *he! haVa ;wanted', adeemmodatien, and 3igvp f reu 4it to' meet their , payments, whose integrity. wsa and is quite as bright , as they, more lacky.bentem-r-havidukeriably been refused A.S. AdidaitesVA , Whatitie bank. officers facetiously term ineri'who"owe - nothing, 'MAO net.whatialenariAtin , geVaiecOilate , libe- Y011t; theisoyalfs ' ,men l9/4 1. *sl* g'benk c0ht4(009.9r 027,095000 .hi,4 , n,weeimOiave been laresid, Wfth large ,assitte,;, anti, unhioneisilid ;integrity-4re olenied- to' - _pick -the ,erambs from, the 40blis whibb,:itt'tyeark;of proaerity, - they helped , ttr gpieltd: - This is realktaa the foandation I ein dilator Ille.uhetteibiarkeP ll " impririedrielleg;' l More coritldinde - tind netirty p ",yrhich you ili ildirbilins dad ahrordelai • in' tomorrow's mien. iTlicebbiv ;at :Inerinteed:depoSitit Wouhlapparently warrant ate expanalonpfdiseounts, bade reality as a qarge proportlon - of thasodeposits belongs tovountry banks,' which are deteriained in their turn to make priselfet .reifii", bottle andloreilda against the iblitaiditiftheracy batiks,': they aro not artillal I iar.lt*fut b77#4l,io4 l risnte , ,`,/ believe the MAIO PrierghMS',4;',ilas 'cltyle* tiredeyotrid sere wing money out air "dthin,ri- , There lam- a that,daatsibes.Afr..Jameacitions , art. battettl,lttrtitb buitlot the banks, 'and , many a bonsai hulls Ind-furnished as 'a- home for at henieiWthitnbint and has been- en tered by tliertalrtrgetitbf the law, indits com ,`%444.4.ltoloT,o4.At4etiiittP/f .0 4130 er . ' 'As I le,pgain and ,agitlitfaldl "Yeti pat Only are oar merubanls we are out eerfrom. the . retire which. A .840.. 1 / 4 011n produce ~- W culdrifford tie.: by the , fear,Of. the country. banks tp isend the'crope to <ttie seaboard, -city- banks, -should come down -on' them cirithit t erastr.' -- The 'Manua' Xestiltlef' theofiresent Jitainef t tlaingeja, that trade is quite stagnant, and no prospeatiif its being put hkreotioa. The,-.drceeicimAaehange;Banit-, has declared a dixiderid of three per cent. . Yoreign, Exchange is in better dammed at, 1954107, and for. ,oxtra super, IncalgatitaresloBSterling, for 60 dayii;litithurg, 75T sind,fratiti; 6:601540. The islets id the Island :qty; *thicleflosti ionotittie bifore the genevit Mash'itad oxer Which a' reach:or', was ,ap lolittedinrefemod.ooslo,oo ooppei,pncl Aro . 'inlialande I Its ftuit weekly Statemmit,;4l' SoOtotq-' her 19th, sworn tirbylts:atheers, showed the fel, lowing it o Capital; s3oo;o6orloans i $314,000;-- sl9;otrottlatioiii:MAlrttePosits, $120,888: , • It b reptirtiid;th*Oficholas Woltr,',U, German nettOri **het; in your oity,and 'Germany, has faded.... The business,of the clearing keine to-dui - was tho smallest yet. iOleartngs $7,867,074 50, and balances paid in e01n 0 3389,720 32. The cash trammotiona at the Sullat r easl ll 7 'Were as follows ; ' Total " receipts ; $213,37618 ;- total pFtyment4, l ' $341,04 910041' Valance, $6;493,716 63;,546,000 from-Ctaltesuco• 4,3setald thatlntragbeie brought., by he renda does net lepresent.all the securitteasent by her. Aeceptssitiegettlie Bank of England, or -the' Bank of Live ,rooodiayableat 1011t , Olit to very- EbrielderabsC4ouni, which 'meaner tole* 4,iffpfit,rolo4tof;')ll4,4retO all intents and pur , Rll4 goOd'as spgola."They „ware, repaired, fqr the moat part„as far a5..,1.0eu lekrn, by kliipPing imaseo, for theism:chase of ~ potteitand breadetnes. • • i fie, Steak; Market liretropgerAri ag,tii4liStii. /Irlei,af•tha first : board ; went up to 1,1; Mitibigan Southern, old stook to 12; Reading advanced - a Ching° anti Book -Island 9 ; and New Tick Cen tral if. . 1 0tiftbrother hand; Minnie Central fell 2; Pantie:Mil Mielagan Southern preferred block 21, and Otilenis;'end: Chicago 1, ":111.1itate‘ stOoke,, MisimitiA 9'i etentunli and Virginia o'e At the stieendhpard Beading ,elosed M al; Erie at 111; New York Central at-84d , G alena and ,Ohicogo,atihli ; Michigan Central at:39 ; and Chicago and, 'took Idea 661. It Is announced, that the-interest on "Ilithird , Mortgage . andeoorivertibla ixmids of tlie Nudefin ' Railroad 'be - paid se tutual;on 310,144;AtA0,,4fiurfitUY'S pMee In,Warren street. riiiiii:TOßSlSTOOkzzonil4cia'Bitz , ii, October SQ. BIRK' BOARD. 2 5000 NY Bt , e 6a 1 67 . 100 • - 55 Pacific 117 88 Co 74 i :".700N,Y714. , 0 03,44 101 f ; 26N 'Y Can It , • - „u %Mx ,1000,1 i 304'0 00 ';10; 00 - • ,21.0 , _ , do , .. ;',„okyy i:80000h1O &COO . 94 264 ;0 0 0 5 k WO Otda 0a, , 86 . 921( ; 50 . do , „an% , DOM Icallapa 51. , • 78. ,\ , 00 ~ , , do; 1;10 ; BAN 7000 741smoorl Oa , ,083( 00 , • do. odd o6g . IWO- , - sdP. ~,,., IQ -, 100 ~,,, .do •, ~, . sin! 65x ow' "46, 1 ... 1 . ... All'illg ,42 Erie ',E., i ~, I , „ID,X 6000 Ott if It P iO t.,67 , .., ,92 'do ' 104 100001 2 40tdefe„ja 70i 100;.1,.• Olt . ; '',‘ , /, , /t/ , 10 )1 J.lOOO*.Y Poo Al 6 1.. flf, Mt „ do, , , log soOoArloneoabil2.l 28 359., , . 42, - , . ,;,„-. /1.! ; - ' ' -';;,...1 d0&;,,,..0., 1 26 3 1 30 ,; -, do , .„ ..., ;10}j, •, , ~; „ idp,, . 1 ~T, 271 . 100 • do.' , . • 107" 7,1 ~ ,,,,A0 ~. , ~, 273{ MO OleT4lo, 4, ' 27X AO. , ' •,,do,, ; ,iOW 28, 775 .. , : do. .....,, i` 27x 666111011.11.15taa i' 90 , 1.00`: `,- dot. ' 660 28x '19902616;t0n pr. kdo , 47', 13 . , .',ao 4. 27x 8500 Ilia Can 1114,5,; =OD 21410 . 8 "4 11 lit'lp if . 21 62 Dot Blo4oq, , r,, fii 00 ~, dot • .'. ~• 23 / 00 _..,,,..- ~ .do •, .• • 1 49 05 % 1 8 4 do •• • ,l 22 12 Esok of Am; 83 85 `,.. do ,I; 22,3 2044th Billedc, ~,r 87 118 Panama it 1 , ~, 71, , 100 Canton Co,•_• 15. .17 .. do 70X• OW. ,t4d o - . 1. • ' , ..5 110 .1.5 X .40, s. ~do 40 70x . 214 Eaton Coil Po ,'. i.. 52. t Oa , .1 ~ .,do 930 70g , 400 gumbd 001,1 OM .50 • ..do, , „ ,s3O, 70x 26 do .__ OK 166 111 Con It 82 ,100 ( i 4 do, ~ 130 ..) 0# i „do i; ~ ;1 ,82)i ''''ls'N leeqY 1,6,' „ 1 97 -.., :f? ( , ) ~ ,dp ~4 ,' la i c ,4 0 4040 0; 4 4.= , 4,a4; ' . 40411keti4c,1a . ,, ' . 'OO% '204 -, '`dO"'„,' ' blO :UN, ''6o, ',,._ i k do„ • l yn x 100 540 , " 5- ,5- 3tx '6O - 'de' '6lO. Beoi leo ~ r .lio ~ , 33 001,1 . 4 k.11 . 1.1*, MG 0 laa''' • ',l6': , i - r'Eli 20 ,„ do - ‘. • • 0 41 ~,O1111s4n11_' ; ',• 4 ( 1 100' " dck; , ' ,- , 67. 11 1 - 13 , . 150 - ,:, do • ,ar.s, 407 , 0 6 31 1%.4 , 'O .1, ,4 0 , l'i ,--:- 22 , : I t . :t .:2 , , t i. ...:0: ___•,BBOOND.BOARD: pKt Nittoattd'ot ,, t,69g 20 2rtii it Ti 11. x ~. 0.00, do -60 100 do ,-, :, , llji vsaiittitillg— ird , --440.------.110 16000 ,dcr ; , ,t1 '',, 09V. 100:01)40 ILO 11. A 6 0 00 Ede !vie tO3 -- 6T ' - atto: - ..!oo - e2O 11s .., t Ellit t y l E/ r i r ao ; 114 a -, 20011.00ding'11 ,b 511,082 sk - ,Vtg, 100,, do. , , ,7' 81 `X 00 • . 40.- ~...; 24 lei - `do - ' .'.illo ,SI ddipkoo 00 „,, 5 r ) '" ` '01" , idtch Oen A - ' 39 ~ 200 ~ 0 , 01..„ ~,,., Sax • '1 QM do Ohio 11 003( 367' ;:, 0.0"„' 6B,T lee Oler & Tel R blO 28 ~ „40. •.,,, &V.:. , bOO 66 A Cbt & Ilk I X 07 ' 60' 'lO . '' '8 0 ' 65 -0 "00 do . 810 COX, Wit;, i ' 14° 1. , .1-, . 0 6X .7.4 Ilk (4.lcMil - ''o 00 ' ''' 46' 630 Otx • ; ~. t., , ,THR:MARKET. — ARItme aie, lilgiloil,witiii soles. Of 100 bblo. at $7l - for Pots, and $6.21a66.87} for 1 0644 0 . ce,. ,-, rt , :w *4,.., ,1 ..,•-., '.. .; ;., , y..Bnitevattrres,-Ther market:for State and Wool eh% Itchatiket+sry oeffee-and buoyant., with a good dalaid fortieth -2 the trade lied for oxporti , anct latiitfrOf tie '"strarght ' lOW'of ; gapping -, deuditiee 'off tin' 1 - ifieiniinf taken, at' tuaktliar.eo or Ltialset , ,tike,safes AO 0,00,0,0b 1 / 1 ,4,04,7,04 4 65 5 Pr boottoori rifooll thitA) 1 K 0646.15 fel oxtre State ; $4..75, ~, L 9O for (*Won to good Miohigan," Indiana; ".." liti'lf a l &o. ; null ff..9045 / 80 for extra do u . , ‘ 4: thetif lioarilftiffohareted, *Atli hat itti4e7ant 1147;411406WerlA00,bble.`at.p 250040 for '' i IL. ei&l'firliffd6 ss of IlalabigNlk.- 41 ""e t , los4lo!Witarifresieriekehuri,-&e:, arm $1.604 fo' i'forao foizei,saft.eitriebteads;d o . ' '''.- 5 -i;- ( 41 1 , 1411k_ 5 9. 00l ti_optiet, trlth no iffverinepffer , ` AB; 'tag ' tiu t ikett Noe bbta)at46.160,621 6-. for the 'lrr44s...`oAtilfitadir,,. 0A4 1 4 /18 1* t P•P 4 f :60 Pt gliOne°ll Corn meal Is dull; we unote•Jeraey at $3.150. $3 25; Brandywine, $3.75. Wheat has adlaneed, the emod. at Albany, 911,1 , 14 kept intok, the receipts. The spies are 0,200 busbets red Southern at $1.28a51.30; W,500 white, South• ern at $1.44c91.53; 3 000 damaged Southern at 95; 4,000 °bleep spring at about SLO3; 8,000 lowa spring at $1.05; 2,800 white Ohio at $1.33; 4,300 red Ohio at $1.15; B,2oo'mixed Indiana'at $1.20. , OATS are leas buoyant.* 3408 for Southern, 31a40 for Jimmy, 4314 for State, and 45a4T0 for Western: , . •, • Coax to seuretyandhigher; 2,800 bushels yellow gold at 77; Western mixed Is worth 713a7d; , white 80a850. Corrox Is hotter; 'there is only about 1,000 bales in'the'Maiket unsold, And not all of this is offering; middling hplaud is worth 121. " ' ' PAM-moss—Pork is lower 'and irregular;' the sales ,are 350 bbls' at $20a520.25 - for mess, sllla $10.25 for prime ; rumps are Abated sl.oasi 6,25; clear at s2las2, .26; sour mess,at. $17.50 ; Priam tnesssl6.7sasl7 . , but these aro.,,norninal. Dressed hogs aril rumer, , and at 7cBo. • Beef is unsteady ands dull,, with, , sales- of 120 ibis at $5410 , 50 for country mess, $0 5047.50 for country prime, $10,60412.50 for rspaoked Western, and $12.50 a $13.60 for extra mess. Prime mobs beef is nominal at $2O as2l. Beef hams are lower, With sales of 15p, Went $l4 to $lO., Daeon to doll; 3 0. 1, 4" Teatirti smoked soldat 121x130.. Cut Meant.are lattottio and 'nominal. Lard firmer, with sales of 250 tierces and bbls at 10 a 1.20. for fair to good, and 121 'al3o for prime. Stutter and choose aro un ehanged. • Witismsr is firtn, with sales of 50 bbls at 214,0. 13 1j020~701 10 1,648,02 T .03 marine Intelligente. PORT' OF PIIp.:ADELPHIA, Oct:. 11, SUN RISES 6 46-5101 SETS 5 12 111(1LE WATER l2 4 . 82,429 05 , ipw,739 os ADRIVED, ,i_Steesnahip City, of Richmond, 2ditcboil,,from Hick mond, via Norfolk, 2i.hottra, with lodge and passengers to Thoa Webster, Jr.. ShlpOrptiena, Chase, 80 hours from New York, In tow of steam tug America, in ballast to,Ponrolto & Dutton. Suite D Janet, :Maggiore, 8 days from Millbury, in ballast to Tyler, Stone & Co. , Bahr dos Francis, Miller, 5 days from Troy, in ballast to captain. , ,Schr Dolaware,,Denby, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with corn to Ja7 Warratt & Son. Sear Mary, Rickarde; 2 dap; frOm Camden, Del, with corn and outs to Deteley, Wilson & Co. Rehr Reaper, Still, 2 dap, from Milford, Del, with loom to Bewley Wilson & Co. Schr Ladles , COMM°, Drools, 1 day fwirn New C astle, ,with oats to'llotiekon Liis„ ' Saw ,f-w. , ./rgvitolltiigivrbith,l day:from' Little qteillaanditigi DOl,With whalittoliewleyi Wlleon & Co. ....00.11rAtnt.aegoggl, iscimort,l4viram. &Utak Del, with oats to Bewley, W ilson & Co. Schr Mantua, Maxon, 1 day from yieaeri en, Del, ith corn t* Jas Barratt & Bon, - titebrYtortipty Folly, 7 days from Doaton, with mdse to David Cooper. , Schr A Henderson, Candy, from Drovincetown. , Schr laspih firight,.Noble, from Wilmington,,Del, •- ' . . 1,063,16 S 13 Ship Wyoming, Jirciolco, Liverpool, Cope Cron. Ship Fleetwood, Data, Cape Town,Cu 11, Workman. Co. , 1, • • Barque •Phintoln, Quilt; Pio dolinoiro, Welaronl & Willson. • 'Brig sohn k Mary i Trailer, N - York, Workman 2e Co. Brig Oregon, (Br) Green, liarbadoes, JO Perla, • Bohr R•Altowliiy, Godfrey, Charleston, Pettit, Mar• tin k Co. -Behr Moral:. Jones, Winernore, Botton, Tyler, Stone & Co. Fehr Joe Rranclß, Millet, Washington, DD, Noble, Hammett lz Caldwell. , ich; A Henderson . , Godfrey, P . roridenee, II Miluee Schr Sarah Bright, Noble, Georgetown, DO, Vanilla- , seu, Norton& Co. • Schr J B Dickinson Wheaton, Roxbury, t, Audenreld k Co. ,Behr Lady Ellen, Corson, Boston, do, ~! Behr 'Alert, Chhinplon, ' ' " do Bchr Lewis Chester, Somers, Boston, do' Behr JotsToit.r, Adam's, Ctimbridgeport, do , Steamer Former,riersoo,Bslthnore, A Groves, Tr. Str Sophia, Ely, tieveNork. W 1S Baird & Co. SAILED, The packet ship Wyoming, Capt Brooke, for Liver pool, lett Walnut istreet wharf at fi,tj o'clock yeaterday . afternearti In tow of ateaentug America Her cargo con sists of 12,014 bushels wheat, 06290 corn, 209 bags clo vowed, 24 bales rage, 04,ba lop cotton, 1600 bbla flour, 166 tierces beef, 46 bbla %Now. 20 CMS 1011 bbis molasses, 70 half do de, and the following cabin passen gers: John P Robinson, of California; Dr Livergood, of York no, Pa; and 2161 n thesecond cabin and steerage. , (In TRlMlRkrird (Oorrespondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) • OAPN ISLAND, Oct. 30, 4 20,P M. 4 berm brig , and home ten or twelve oehoeners went in to-day. Nothing seen to go out. Bind B%V—weather ) cloudy, and,ind!eative of a sterol. Yours, ko., „ TILOS, B. ujNiliEß. • • • riff SilatOSAPH.j (Correspondence of The Press.). bliw Yong: Oct 30. ' Arrived, ship Georges; (rein Liverpool. Noarot.a, Ya, Oct. 30." The 1J S steamer Saranac, bound to the Pacific, en countered a gale recently, and sustained damage to her Shelitit in for repairs. The sloop of warOyanefs reportedly Hampton Roads. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) , " —; : • '.; LEWES. Del.. Oct. 29:8 AM. The brigs%Amanda J West, Samuel Small, Isola, and ochre Geo Mangham, Lath Rich, Theresa 0, E Smith, I L Miller, Austin, John Brown, and several others left this morning for sea, The brig Geo W Dexter, from ak 'Tomah for New York, is at the lireakiVater, with crew sick; _another crew. has been shipped from this piece,' and the vessel will depart to-day for destination. U schr Phelps pitased to sea last evening: The steamer Engineer remains in harbor. Wind Nom-weather cloudy. • Yours, Sic, Whl, DI. 1110KhIAN. ," .., , (oorrespondence of The Press.) 111,11111 DI GRAIL, Oct. 80. 'Eleven boats loft hero , this morning, laden and con signet/as follows: • • 4 • , - Lewis Iterford, flour, corn, apples, &c. to P Pitapat— rlek; 0 & J Curtin, bar iron to 0 S Campbell & 00, and rags, lard, &o. to Perot & Bro; 'Wm A Thomas, bar Iron to Perot Ir, Dror Margaret & Mary, lumber to , II Oros key; BB Bally & Bon, lumber to Thosilmig; J It knee, lueoberto D Y Tityltw & Co; N Kintner, lumber to Nor arose & Sbeete; Southward and "Miottomy, anthracite coal tb Delawdre Citr, T Glentworth, light, to Perot & Bro; M O Moord,qightito New York. - Steincahip North Star, Leferre, cleared at New York yesterday for Southampton. Steamship /mon, Britton, cleared at NeW York yes terday for Bremen, tin Southampton. - Steamship Bdilubare, Cumming, for OleAgow, cleared at New Yorkyeaterday.. Steamship M B Beach, Bamsey, from Baltimore, at N ,York yesterday—, • • • • • •• • • Ship ffellespont, Kennard, for Sydney, NSW, cleared at NOffYotle 'yeaMrday. Ship Edwin Flye, Nye, from Callao, vla Bampton Iloadsparrivednt•Now Yarkleaterday. •• • Ship Susan 0 Owen, Norton, from Cardiff, arrived up at Charleston Vthinstc; bhp Edwin, pyo, before reported in Rumptou Roads, fainamod,Vit)a mat„for•lslew York. , • , • , SW. Neatarlatt,'doadhue; cleared at ;New York MI lost, (Ord'hiladelphla, Mercury, Hubbard, from Hogtou, Juno 27, for Calcutta, wac spoken Aug Ito, Int 28 60 8, long 42 22. Iselli 014. to ae is Taylor, krooch, from 419robay, at liter esl3th st. ' . . . Ship Illaneho, was spoken 224 lost. 60 Innis ease of papal:fairy bound north. ' Ship Burtington, Two' entered tit loading lit Quebec . 26th Inst. Tor Louden, ' ' Ship Diedzotid Stitte,'Prizajtti;fiStlf ow York, remained at Legborn 12th inst. " 'Ship 4disd B Walsh York, before reported from tine. asittewrift Philadelphia; remained it Leghorn 72th' inst. .Barque, Almatia, ,Itichardson, for Sati Francisco, - cleared a Boston 22th Inst. " , . ' Saline Gent; Eamoiond, cleared at Boston 20th loot. for Philadelphia'. ' • ' ,• Barque Henrietta, Ellis, from Rio do Janeiro, arrived at Baltimore yestoulay. Brig Samuel Welsh, Thwratt, hence at New York yes. terdayi - • Brig )7arld Duffel!, Tabbutt, fOr Philadelphia, with her cargo from St John, tat,,cteared at Dolton Stith bat. Brig Sarah Elizabeth , Itaynes;henee at Savannah Stith luat t , , , 1. Beni 7oam Prfee', cleared at 144 Yotk 29th hut for Richmond, Behr° ,13.0. King, Andrews, and Beauty, Johnson • hence at Aleatindria29th inst. J :Bahr oyroCelarriberlttio, Zanott i salted from Provi denou 28t4 iost. rdr New York. ,tlahr , iamb Magee, Mager, tlearq. ai •iew Y(l4'. '2 ? lh ext , Ksr Philadelphia. ' ' ' Sebr Albert Thomas, !Weirs, for Philadelphia, sailed tom Providence Inet Bobr4ariton DlcOhiskey, }Rohl)lug, sailed (Joni Provl donee 28th net for Itaddoul, to load Ear Philadelphia. +lBl..eitrios Ltouffis, L t el%gue,,houco at Italtitnore yea titdsy.', • , ' , ' lifAltINE BffSOIILLANT - . ' Ship Forest State, from Portland, with it Cargo of her for Havana, reported /whore on the Moselle Moe!, woe' an A 2 vesselof 850 tons register, built at Freeport, Me, in 1850, owned by O L Farmer, of Portland, and is supposed to beMonarch,Page,Ocean York 29th inst. from Liverpool, Sept 25, with. 083 passengers. Three Infants and one man died on the passage, • Oct let, off Cork, lost forotnpmast, jibboom, Mein topgallant meat and, peril. '. get _lth; ;oho Welsh, a boy, tell from the miter taPrill yard 'orerboard,'and was led: The tehr Stale, of Nottolk. before reported ashore off 'Seawell'a Point, will, it is got off this week Withent aerlous'damage: tler cargo, we learn, is insured. . . _ U 1 Vali A; Oat. 24-- , Dy an order loaned by the Admhabb trator of Maritime Rents, on and nfter the let of Anna. ary oneuipg, only those' venselo that enter the ports of this Wand to ballast and eleo:r eutttely loaded with ma. „ . taanes~ wilt bo exempted from the payment of Lounge instead of. as before, those brlngSoir cargoes and clear - fug IRdgit with nialakeeti. yoitriax PORTS. s f AC'Afargeilles 13th lost, ships Cabinet, Mullen; Shel .ter, alsyda; Sea Linn, Runt, of wo o nhie, `Allen,' tide' thirques Philena, Deming,' reported aid from Do'bito Aug 22 lorliarana; Adrian*, Donhitui; Martha', Jenkrak; Bouitheruer, Cilitordrßea Duck, Pea body, and Vauban), Wcdg'e, line; Osprey, Nash, for Boston; brig ' s 'Dion ' Bradbury, 811110 r, and 111 .7 Treat, 'Pork, one; achy S 1i 'Meagher, flumphrey,'do. Bid 12th, barques Henry Bheltoir, Burr, locata; 12th, A Lee, Button; Leghorn. • 'Bld , froroVadis , precious to 26th ult, ship Oroy Oak, At Mauritius Sept 10; ships Ourrituck, Knowles, from Bombay for Mareollies—had borrowed 48000 on honora ry bend at 9 83 per cent; David Brawn, Bradbury, [mu Manilla hir Now York, ?ski. Joiephine, Lehdhoim, fm Akyab for Falmouth, E; repg; barque Ofenburn; Toben ham, do do.- Old Aug 13, ship Mary Amt. llemurandi, Calcutta, in ballast. 814 'Aug 28, ships Ocean Steed, , Citnelog'hein', ((rode Oaltutta, baring repaired) Dieppe; borrowed stand on bottoutry at 8)i per cant; Sept 1, ship Week America, Babcock, (from Itangoon, put la Aug 41 for Supplies) Falmouth, E;,4d, barque, Selo, Patter ' goo,'(frouf Botqbay,dieving 'repititeed)' Ndw York; bor. rowed woo on bottomry at 12.48 per cent. , 111Vif YORK, Oot SO.—Arrived—Ripe Budolph,Dicle mann, Ilambarc lOst 11 paesengers; Stall - 014, Rotterdam, 103 pude:Tent 'an well; had ono detail by consumption; Oct 13t1, INe illltacy, a seaman, 101 l over from the yale,e,n, anti was lost" halves Zephyr, Thompson, blemineiv Araval, Grifflu,Sagua la Grande; 11r-banplentino Ontatiei, Bruce Bridgeport ; echrd Ned, 'McCready . , Wilmington, N 0; W 8 Tledale, linerktue, •Oeorgetown, B G. • Cliared—Stemushlp Westeropert, Derry, Savannah; :ehiPallargaret 'A'ymon, Morrison," Liverpool; Constan tine,' Macoduelc; Liverpool; barques Jno Denham, Gray, St Marks; Jenny, (Saved)) Lonberg, Cork; brig Shibbo leth'.-MOrton, ..b'ernandine; ochre Tangent, Church, POrtlaud; Ott Lee, Soper, Newhern,N 0. BOSTON, Oct. 29.—Arr, steamers Admiral, Small, scjohn, JosePh Ilowes,•Daittrdore i DI Sanford, Sanford, Bangor. , Telegraphed, Br brig Smog igilian3 Lovett, from Malaga. Cleared.—Ship George H am: t ro it, New Orleans; Br barque Ifallfau, Lay- bold, gallfax ,• barque Island Clty, Stevens, Galveston; brigs gobnlight, Small, Calais, to load for Mediterra nean; Toccoa. Patten, Rockport, Me • ache Caspian, lifegathlin, St Thomas., ,Salted. ,steemer Admiral; barques Grace Hammond, Zeemenshoop; and from below, IrlitGater— HOMERS IpOLN, Oct. 29.-dr, 'brig . Rio ora n g e. , Mc(lobhWilmlogton, NO for Seth; achy Silver Cloud, No4rl'ork, for Portembuth. PROVINCETOWN,'Oct 59.:-As' last night, schooner Wanderer, from Bay Chaleur, for Gloucester, with loss of melon:test and boet: NEWPORT, 0 0t..25,....1ti port Item Smith,/ MOGIVern, Pall Itiverrior Alexandria , Mary Wise, Ralf Rockland .for , Attskapas; 0 A Staab; Potomac; Empire, Kelly, Providenso for Norfolk. INCT/tb r brlgJobn Pleree;Malvillijor Havana; :sobs Runty Castoff, llughy, for .oaSeuMas; Mozart, Briggs, (frclrußristoll•fer Segue. in Cheade. Sld 28th; ackidpr, Eddy (from , Brisbil) for Ilevsna, - - Lewis,s• BALTIMORE, Oct. 25.--olents4, bare/tie ' Isabella 0 Ethms, 'Woodburn, Loodon,• sohr A Bell, Ellis, Mobile. --Oleared, 'schooner, Wm Allen, Grant,'New_Yorki ee l biOrts , ThObillaccilsonos i ' Woodbarn, 'London; PRESV-7 PHILADELPTIUU SATURDAY; iOCTOBER 31i . 1157. NOTIOR TO MARINERS DOMBSTIO PORTS. brigs Standard, (Br. PIE, Trinidad; Clarence, Phil/. ney,,Gibraltar. OtikriLEWPOlg, Oct. 11.--0 1 1, ship Amelia, glee, Liverpool; Span barque Ciaear,Barcelon 4 ; Span pet Lu PA Baton', Ewe - Iona; btig Ben; Carver, Perry, Georgototro. Want to ea, ship °hue, White, Atnaterdaroi brig Bon) Carver , Perry, George. town, S O. SA VANNAU,'Oct brld3 hi Sawyer, Bawyer, Bath, Me; sobr Wm II Clear, Bethel, Ellenthern, N ARRIVALS 'AT ,TIIB PRINO . IPAL ':1161 1 ,4 1 4 ' frp tol3 o'Ohie kkesit Night, . GbiAitp Ilkiiill—Ohestnut street, between Bth tb. A Allen, New York .7 C Potts, NeW Jersey 'Dr Stobklnidge. Alsike &Monde, , Sonth Cantina Thnii Murphy, Delaware J Wilcox, Commeticuf J Page, Virginia „. N Parsons, New York Gee W. Hatch, New York A 'Wilson Jr, ploehmitt 0 W Cameron , Phitadelphis C Wendell,.Walikingtnie L Id Dioss, WAllwbsg%ca 11, It Hayden, Now York T A fres wt, New York •Mu Brown, Oincinnati P II Jackson A: /a, Ohlo J Partridge, mina Partridge, Maryland John Omdidge, Mars Johneton & la, Virginia B T Shugert Ada, Wash" Mies Houston, Washington Lewis I,yen, New York J 11 Whitlock, Missouri 11F Brewer Ala Haas, ' A Kelley, Bt. Louie • • WII Horton, Virginia 0 Briscoe, Reading. • Dr MB Torwood,lMltimore Oen Pescara, St LPtlifi W Marra!, Bridgeport Dr II Bostwick,- Bridgeport 'V Alinalth A la, Now York T L Ogler, Jr, S 0 T !donee, Cincinnati, 0 Chas Woke, Now York' afeOlwig, St Leiria? P 0 Rust, Ye Aire Banks, Reading J W Cunningham, N 0 , - A Cunningham, Vs J Clark, New. York Lewis tilppee Ale, Pa II Eldridge, Bringhampton E Davison, New York Frits Bran A In, Brooklyn J Orew, New York Baud J Stopford, New York Wet Gray, Bolden 080 Badger, Raleigh Itryon, N - Matthew White, Y Oraw, N Y Chas Weise, England J Boyd, N J h _Henry, Del , JUI Midden ,s NT • . J OreeAborry, Erigland ' M Pkriy & ladTr / 4 I Dr 0 11 TAM A In, BO Mine Chstlesyn, gv AllssPoreher, Charlest'n,Bo Mies Yrenholln,' do • J 8 Porcher, do AII Lucas, , ' do A Leonard, Payette, Mo Ito Watson - ' W Carrettson, B y Broaddini, Fayette, Mo /•,' Eggers, -Bremen Relit •): Ileifenstein & ta i W Rosa, Portland, Mo Shamokin E Whin, St Souls Bodges,' 1 Y D B Tompkins, N Y 0 J ()honor, Naftali's Jullns hart, N Y ' Jae Rayniond, , N Y ' D A MoCady, N Y J AI Stewart, Alex, Tit MERCHANTS , HOTEL—Fourth at4telbto Arch. H T Ake, Blair co, Pa 0 T Barnani, WllkeshaVre Wm Overliold, Jr, Easton 1 , J Meroney.; ti 0 , • J B .I)nriclaaa dc la. N J W Darr, Pa Wm II Guthrie, Pa Sand Orr, Maysville, Pa AJ . Frank,:lCittanlng, Pa Mrs Mills, ' J Llngarclt, Hollidaysburg Beni Elliott{ Pa Jacob II Frank, Pa Jacob K Shook_ , Pa J M Guthrie,lllaireville, P J Nichols, Wililarosport C Brigs, Chu) Atlas Dodson; Lnsetue no Afechling liittaning J B Brady, Pittsburgh T K,Acobs, LimuOhlo Yid Wright, Pa ' 'A II Seigel, Reading Jaa Ptdlock, ThotoSonailles t r I • UNION HOTElr—Arch gtreet, alaterit A Sbireman, Bloomfield, 11l M T Lerob, iltannfleld, 11l .7 0 Hopewell, NJ • • • Mr Bayer, Brooklyn Gen If L Cate, Tamaqua R Rataliff Tamaqua I C 01,7 D Paxton, Gettysburg Goo W Shelton. Conn Ceo Martin, Ps • • ' John Rower, Pa , John Jones,-St Paul, M T II V B Crawford, lowa Datil Donnelly, Pa z • Abraham Fry, Pa Col Wotherill Lee,- Pa Col II Thompson, Pal . •It Rif war etifiek,V• S Livingston, Florence 7, Bowman & Is, Fla F Patterson, NJ M Mark, Schuylkill co, Pa Mrs A 71Richardsou, Del - , AMERK)AH HOTEL—Chestaut ntreet, Above PUtti John Henry, Pbila A 0 Graham, Tennessee'. Jas U Drown & la, Obio . Miss 1.1 A Drown, Ci n, Oblo Henry I) Hodgson, Ry Jas K Jackson, gi W Williams, Phlls Mrs II A Sliver, Phil% ' Tdoe L Simpson, Pa nos J Andrews 4: Id, Del S W Evans & la, and Miss Sarah Evans, Ild . Andrew Miller, Jersey City nos 0 Smith, Wash, Pa L S Sandford, Trash, Pa , 118 Jones, IVash, Ps BATS llNlON.—Bfarket street, above Sixth. ' J 0 neynolde.N Y J Warren, N Y , , i Thos Dean, N Y Semi Lindsey. Holliday'bi Henry Emery, N j . ' Jobn 'Vogel. Ohio , ~, A W Wood, Alla Wm Tarbett, Juniata, Pa .fl McDonald, Pk.lt B It David .Plant, Centre co" 0 Brooke, Cheater co, Pa , , • NATIONAL lIOTFL- 7 ltace street, &bora Third, , {P9 NOIIIOIIII, Canton, Pa It Dnydot, Labrador co D C Ifarper, Pottsville ' J 0 Sterling. plans Deo D Jackson, Pa ' Jl' James, Itiaillng, Pa C Pr Carr, Pittston II 0 Thompson d:, la, MOM 0 F Haines, Lancaster Jon °oriole", Phile Same Jones N y ' F P Donnly,D Y Coo W Morgan, Pottsville BLACK BEAU and Merchant. TI II Richards, floutg co John Young, Md Win Everhart, Weetchestor T fiercer, Chester co Alfred Bunting, Del co, Pa 811 Silver, iterford co, bid D Jones, Berke co, Pa MADISON llollSE—Seeena street, above lisrket P Mach, N? Geo Parris, Del • Mies Cottrell, Piffle D 0 Deplane, De! l,lllVilbur, NV . Mrs Wilitr; NY, J llughes, Boatoti V A Dennett, Basler; .1 .151fddough, Kansaw . J McConnell, U.niies 0 B Shaman; 11l T Coots, Milton, Doi II Andrews, Pittsburg. ,' ' " , ' , • lILADK BEAR 110TELe—Third at., 'above Eit Faber Seller, Pottstown X 0441wa1esleri BlMles eU t lilt's Haldeman, Bucks co Enos 'llaldeman,' Tucks co A Buckman, Foastervllle S Shutt & son, Warrington' 8 itcgoland,Byberry O Shutt, Warrington ' L Clemens, Doylestown A' Clayton, Southampton 0 Roads, Byberry Wm - Eddows, Moreland S Road., Southampton 'II IYalter, Dinka no , F Lister, Sninneytown , Tan Aristotle, Feasteoo, A llogeland, Yeasterville T Morgan, Attlabio" Daniel Dock!, N Y , • .. 'Opctial Notiqa. FORNEY'S STEAMER PRESS FOR CALI FORNIA. In consequence of numerous letters roielled by the last California mail, we determined to publish an edition of TUX PAL Is, exeluSively. for circulation in California, OregenaVaste- Ington Territory, and along the Pacific"lrtlast, and on the Itith lust., the first number Olio Steamer Passe was issued. This number was necessarily imperfect, owing td the abut thno allowed for its preparations, but itilf,,Weildnic it fuLly equal in ail its dominants tot* pa: per of a similar character sent from the At lantic States. ,Our whole edition,' with the,ex ception of some twelve hundred copies ordered by Mr. SULLIVAN,ur agent in San Fran date, was exhasted on Monday long be fore the olobing bf the AA; - ate now fully convinced :that the publication of such a paper in Philadelphia must be Meese- N.' The Steamer Plass will be Jostled regu larly every fortnight the 9th and lilth,of each month, the daYS Previous to the sailing of the steamer, and will contain a com. pleto summary Of news up to the hour of going to press., Tees rases will be' devoted ,pripel , pally to Philadelphia and Pennsylvania in.: telligence ; our object being 'to promote this interests, of, our city and 4to:to on the Pa cific., This; we think, 'can be accomplished by,publiabing a paper which will command a ready sale'in California, and which will bring before the business and .reading community of that quarter a semimonthly compendium of What is transpiring in this. ' The Steamer Pnsss Will be Bold at our counter, in strong wrappers, and stamped ready for mailing, ,at five mast per l oopy, Orders will be received in, advance. 4 1:17 - ,Orders will be received for the oocond number, which will be issued in time fir the next California steamer, of the sth proximo. A. T. Chg. ' STOOK, LOAN i AND DILL DROKIIII, No. 218 OOLD Bt., below DOOM. Olty and Mote Loans, Stocksi ie., bought sod sold on ?ntolsslou St the Stock Hoard , ' Notes, bills ; &e,, negotlaW liertiofore. ocao-2w Cabinet ,Ware and • UPHOLSTERY, 524 WALNUT ST, OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE SQUARE. CEO. J. .11ENICELT, 524 WALNUT Stroot,' Lste at 113 Chestnut, Strut, . Jackson, ' Jon PRINTER,' . , . . MEROMANT STREET. ' Checks, Notes, Drafts, Bats . I,exlittg, 1W Ileadx, Oir eulare,'eartbs,'and all other :kinds of Job Printing, of prloes to atilt tho thnei.' oort-ly . . Seamen's Saving Fund—OlOce 203 Walnut greet, One door west of second street. Receives de posits In stuns of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows interest et the rate or live per cent: per annum. , OMco open dally, from 9 until 6 o'clock, end on 'Mon day and Saturday nail 9 in the evening. President Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charles M, Morrie; Secre tary, James S. Pringle. , Buffalb Robes.--100 Bale■ Buffalo Robes of therarlous lfnaitttee, just rocelved from Minnesota. Alson haudsode assortment of auo itobes of our oyru amoursetu're, aud, for sate wboleiele and retail tf , ' gEO. WOMHATii, 416 Arab Btroot oott2•lwgi Dower's Infant Cordlal....lrhla Invaluable Cordial Is preparCdfroin a variety of the moat choice and efficient aromatics known In =adieus, and is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infants and young Children., By its powm;fal influence A speedy cure Is ettented In all 01U1011 of Ch . olie, windy pains and spasms. Rellerei and mitigates Innate! children's suffering during tenth. tithe or teething, and by Its ebotlilog prop:nee Ulll. guineas pallet of the bowls, looseness, 'vomiting' dm. The Infant Cordial Itaa become a etaudard remedy, and has been need in thousands or cages with the moat abundant suoeeu.• No family should be without It. Prepared only by • • ' Ilskar A; Bowes, At hie 'Crag and Chemical Store, N. N. corner of Edith and Green ,sta., PhllO O 4l l W To whom all orders must be addressed. And for sole by Druggists generally. - en 18-ly Saving Fund—Five Per Cent. Interest—Na tional Sslay Trust Corapany. In WALNUT street, smith west corner of Tams:Street, PHILADELPRIA. Aesettl over O,e MILLION ASO A. itALY OF DOLLARS, inverted In nom. LerATe, AIORTOAORS,OrIOOND BRIM, and other first ekes securities, as required by the charter. his institution 'confines lie business entirely to the,reeei. ving of money on deposit. The make is open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning until I o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday eyeninirs twill 9 o'clock. Mgricroco. On the 28th Inet., by Nev. IlenrY 'King, Mr, ONO. LYNOTI to Mise SALLY E. PILE, both of NolaNiare co On the 27th Inet., Camden, by Bee. Newton lieu tong SAbttlEL li. LIIJELOOKi formerly of lient - county Md.to ANNIE J., daughter of Jacob E. Zunktne, al of Philadelphia, lOcatho. On the 29th met., JOAN DIAMOND, in the 34th yey ‘ or 111" No, The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the reeiderice of William' H. Grow Raymond Untie, 10,tteerge's street, above Eighth et., on Sunday atternoon,, at 1 o'clook, *Shout farther notice. Procor4 to Cathedral Cemetery.. (New York and Now Orleans papers please copy.) - *0 - Suddenly; on Thursday' morning, IMANOIS Whi.• LACE, egad 18 years, (Weekly/2 pipers copy.] 3 On the 29th Inst., SUSAN B. LOCKE, ha the 22d year other age. On the 29th knit. BELL Y., daughteret Themes and 1494:r)et L. Conglethx, Se the 8d 7etlr of he; eV. ' ra- Rev. Thomas H. 'Stockton AVM preach 111 JAYNE'S MALL an SA.BgrittinfoßNlNG and I:YEN. INO as newt! • Citizens and Ahlinggra Inrited. Ccii.ita " ID - The Second I)ieeurne en the Mesurrk• Von silt be delivered 10-MORROW, at 73( P the Coates Stteet.Presbyteelan Church: near Fourth, by the Rev Mr, RUFV.INLD, ed3l-11,4 tn . ' The Bible stud the Poor.—ltcv. Thomas n. Stockton, D. D., will deliver a •Stirnion in Dr. JAYNE'S NEW 11/11,h,• 011ESTNUT Street. 'below Seventh street; on' TO4IIOII/10W. EVENING, at o'clock. Subject—i'The Bible and the Poor." s After which a Collectioa will . be taken in behalf of the Doinkilitlestonary Society, to aid lu relieving the sick; feeding the hungry, and procuring homes for destitute children and adnits: • TllOllAn T. MASON. Pal lt* Chairman Cloininittoo on Public Meetings, irr Third Reformed Dutch Church, curie; TESTIS and FIJ,DitItT Streets.—lly the roquest of the Trustees and Clonsistory,the Rev. W . J t R. TAYLOiI deliver e 'hereon's , commemorative of the lets UHT 2011 N lAIDLOW, D. D., lA, P. (formerly .Ptovest of the University of Pennavirania,) on SAlillAllf EvEN /NG, :November IBC .ervice to hegut at 7,4 o'clock The faculties and Students of the 17n111 , 0tA Ity of Penn sylvania ate respectfully lovited to attend the above service, oc9l4t* irr Owing to the Immense Audience dt Con. vert nail. on Tuesday F.ventng hat PARK DENJAM/N , hag been induced to' repeat bin celebried Poem of "Dean TOMB " on 'YfrESlitiY EVENINO , (November 3.1) next, at the libtive named flail. ' , Britain 1,5 nimbi. To b 0 had at the nail during the day.' ' oval• tit irr Anniversary of the Young aliett'a ,Chrlas tlan Atm:ad:wino —The Third Anniversary of tbis Ann otation wilt be held in the lIUSLOAL FUND HALL, on TUESDAY EVENING neat, at 7lf o'clock, Addieasea will be delivered by the Rev. Alfred Gook. IRMO, &IV. J. Wheaton Smith, and Rev. Richard New. ton, D. D, Tickets VW bo procured at any of the Religion' Book Staten f Parry t Moifillast , s; tlookes'o, ashd the unsay of the Association. WM. V. SPENCLII, (3EO. S. I.'OX. Committee WM. G. 101101VELL, tl7' St. Francis Xtrylees Pair, now 0p.,. at JAYNE'S BALL, Seventh find Ohrainut litreets. will close 11118 EV}NINO. oc3l-It* 117 Twenty-Fourth Ward Relief Aecocia• tiou.—An adJuurned meeting of the, eitisens of the Twenty-fourth ward will held at the Hall of the WEST PHILADELPHIA INSTITUTE, 'WILLIAM St , Above DIAIMET, on WaInIPAY EigiNti next, at half poet 1 o'clock, to adopt suitable measures for the roller and employment of the Poor during the conslog Winter. A full attendance la requested oc2S.st ~r ttT Literary Soiree. In Jayne's Hall, for the benefit of tho Industrial &hoots taught by the Slaters of the Holy ()rots, November 24. More open at 7 o'clock. L. Lecture by the Hon. Joust( H. VIIAMNR. Sub ject IVoman. It. Supper, and sale of fancy oc22•tn2 1b" First School ttlarlct for State of Penn sylvania.—An examination for Teachera of the _Public Schools will be held on SATURDAY, October i115t,1617, commencing at 9 o'clock A. 11., at the Mount Vernon school house, CATUARIND street, abovo THIRD, By order of the committee on qualifications of teach. ere of the hoard of Controllers of Public Wools., 0c22-dtocal W. J. JAOKSON, Chairman. Notice—AppentlL—Clty Commissioners Mike, PITILAOXLPHIA, October 11, 1857. NOTICE IS BEHEST GIVEN, That the 001111111ilt• Moneta will hoar Appeals by all persona rated for Mate and Municipal Tax, en the city of Philadelphia, for the year 1858, for the Several wards of the said city, at their ofOce, No. II west wins of the State House, (up statrx;) on the following days, between the hears of 10 o'clock A. It. and 1 o'clock I'. 5C let and It Wards—On htenday, October 10th, 1857. 3d 4 ' 4th " " Tuesday 6th oth Fini; " 'th " Bth " Thuntriay, oth " 10th 4, ~ Friday, " "11th is 44 Monday, 4 4 9.12 t!,, " 14th " " 27th, , th "16th Wodni•auy " 28th, .4 litlt" Ifith " Thursday;''• 20th; " 10th "`2oth " '• Friday, " 30th, 21nt "2.1 ‘• " Monday, Nov. 2d, 23d " 24th " " Tuesday ]] od, The Aaressors of inch tiaras 99 have not been aupplied with Blank Notices of Appeal 4 aro hereby notified to cull at the Connuiseionora' Olfice and procure the amine, atoitGE M. HILL, JAMES M. LEL CY, y City Corninissionere. JOINS LOGAN, 11 ticl3-dtno3 GRAND PARADE OP THE ORDER OP UNITED AMERICAN 31E014ANICS, ON MON. DAY, Novomber 2d, 3857. Chief lierithel—lien. PETER FRITZ. Aids—Cop. tains J . (I WINN, and R. , VALLIitt First uision.—Marshal, 11, 0. Coau —Rand— Washington Council, No. 5; Pouneyles.nis Council, No. 0; United States Council, No. 7; Kensington Council, No. 9; Independent Council, No. 10. Second Thrioco OnseLes Moto; . Rand —Liberty Council ; No. 11 ; Vigilant Council, No 12; Council. No 14 ; Fame Council, No, 15; Magithickon CouneiliNo. 11; Montgomery Num ell, No, 18. Thud nit Ition.—Mrtrihnl, C. M. JtlN}tlil . o,l Eagle council, No. 19; nixing Squ Council, No. 31; Elm Tree Council, No. 20; Taylor Cnumuil, No. 20; Ooeoln Council, No. M. Fourth ilioision.—lilarsittl, Roevnr WittLitimix crxd.—Decatur Council.llo 3.3; Science Council, No 29; Reliance Council, No 49; Diligent Connell, No 42;Philadelphia Council, No, 43; Blount Vernon Coun cil No. 44. Fifth Dieision.—Marehal, R M. Waanes.--Boint. Radiant Star Council, No. 95; Rolle( Council, No. 47 ; Fredonia Council, No. 52; American Star Council, No. 53; Schuylkill Council, No. 50; Springville Council, Nc 70. Sixth Division.—Marehal, 11. C. P.4ATT.—Band.— . Mart in Iland Council, N 0.79 .I'romiso Council, No. 101; 111,1100 Council, No. 102; llonningtou - n Council, No. 195; Delaware Di9itISOII, Councile Nos, 3 and 4. Smola; Division.—MAriatal. Home Romans.— Band.—Ofileers and Trustees of tho Mit Association ; Chaplain and Orator of the day; Officers and Members of the National Council; Officers and Umbers of the State Council; Trustees of the 'Widows' and Orphans , Duna ; Trustees of the Niechanlea` Retreat for Disabled , American bleclutnicc. 011181 , MARSUAL'Ii 01;Ppla The line will form on Arch at/Tetra 10 o'clock, A.M. , precisely, Right en Woad street, facing south, and wilt more without delay, The different Councils composing the Parade are re quired to ho in the streets designated at tenet thirty minutes before Me time named for formation, Coon elle arriving on the ground after the lino ix formed will form on the rear of the line, as It le detormtned to move at the hour designated by the Connalttee of Arrange ments. The following Omits will be occupied, under Gin di rection of the Marshals of the Divisions, previous to the formation of the Ilue First Division on Arch street, east of_Drowi. Second Division on Eleventh street. north of Arch street. Third Division on Tenth street, north of Arch street Fourth Division on Ninth street, north of Arch street. Fifth Division on Eighth street, north of Arch sttoot. Sixth Division on Seventh street, north of Arch street. Seventh Dirlslou on Sixth street, north of Arch street. Marshals commanding Divisions will report them selves, in person, to the Chief Marshal, at Dread and Arch Oreots, At ON o'clock 4. Di., in order that their Divisions may be brought Into line at the hour de signated. Marshals of Councils will arraugo their commands in gentians of siX bcforo, coming Into line. Councils and Delegations not reported to the Com mittee of Arrangoeuents, will be assigned a place in the line by the Chief Illarehal, The Mayor and Counelln of the City will review the Procession aa it passes 14 front of Independence hell, iu Chestnut street, Tke Marshale, only, out ',Auto ou passing, After the formation of the line in accordance with the direction of the Committee of Arrangements, the fol lowing will be the route of the Procession : Countermarch down the loath side of Arch ,street to Sixth, down Sixth to Chestnut, down Chestnetio Third, down Third to Christian, up Christian to Fourth, down Fourth to Wharton, up Wharton to Sixth. up Sixth to Christian, up Christian to Ninth, up Ninth to Spruco, up Spruce to Sixteenth, up Sixteenth to Vine, down Vine to Thirteenth, up Thirteenth to Ridge Avenue, up Ridge Avenue to Broad, up Broad to Girard Avenue, down (Beard Avenue to Tenth, down Tenth to Race, down Rate to Foul th, up Fourth to Brown. down Drown to Beach, up Beach to Shaakanesson, up Sheol:amazon I to Franklin, tip Franklin to Remover, up Hanover to Frankford road, down Frankford road to Mae - ter, up Master to Germantown road, up German toviri rood to Fourth, down Fourth to the Mall. When the right of the Procession arrives at the Rail, the line will be again formed, to allow the Seventh Di vision to tone in front, and enter the Hall, for the pur poao of Dedication, after which the lino will face to the right, and move by the right dank into the Mali, Councils, desiring to leave the ground, can do so, after the order is given to march into the Hall, The Parade la dismissed after entering the Hall. Brothers John F. Glenn and Fronde Vallee, having been appointed Aids to the Chief Marshal , will be ',t wisted and obeyed. accordingly. Should the weather prove unfavorable, tho Parade will take place the erst teir day following. By order of PETER FRITZ, Chief Marshal. The line will form slx abreast, and each Section will keep six taut apart, and be dretPed In the following manner k clothes, black bat, and white gloves, FOIIMATION OP COIRIM9.-14. Officers on the right., . . . 22. BA-Councillore; 31. Degree members; 4th. Subor dinates on the left. PROPIIA.NIUF Ow DBDIO.MON.—I. (IMO. dltirell; 2. Ode, by the Choir; 3. Prayer; 4, Music, by the Band; 5, Oration; 6. Ode, by the Choir; 7. Benediction. COMMITTES or DBDIOATiON—R. C. Starch, Chairman; It. 51. Warren, George W. Jenkins. OFVIONRB or THE CONYNNTION.—PreaIdont, Ja.nes flan/lob; U. C. Cobb, Secretary; Jacob Gem, Treasu rer; Corresponding Secretary, Brother Nichufla, of /9, 00.111111iTiE OP ARRANGEURNT.--Chairlllo.l3, 1101,1,111i1l M F, No. 47 ; 11. C. Cobh, 6ccreilly, No. 5; B. Ilacri6. No. 6; K. 11. Warren, No. 9; J. Stratton, N 0.70; J. Myers, No. 11• J. Beyfert, No. 12; Wallace, No. 14; J. nom No. 15; K. blarch, No. 10; Smith, N. 24; --Wright, No, 28; K. Willlnmsop, No, 28; G. w Stothay . R , N o 36 ; Debot.ear, No. 39; Whatman, N 0.48; W. W. Fry, No. 42; Paul liatiaan, No. 43; J. Hater ; No. 44; J. IttunGle, No, 45; M. Nod gem No. 52; Coorgo Jenklug, No. 56; —Bitting, No. 70; George Nord, State Council. oc3l-10 ILEVELAND'S ENGLISH LITERA. TuILII. • TWSNIY-Plyls THOUBttn) E. 0, SE. 3. BIDDLE, No. 506 Minor street, publish 1. A COMPENDIUM OP ENGLISH. LITERATURE, from the fourteenth to the close of tho eighteenth cen tur}}•. ehroneloglcally arranged, consisting of Blographi calSketelies of the author:l and selections from their works, together with notes] explanatbry, illustrative and directing to Verl(ttl4 oritteiatnu cud 00 best editions. By Prof. C. D. Cleveland. ENOLIPII LITERATURE OP THE NINE TEENTH CENTURY.—Dy Prof Cleveland. A Sequel to the "Compendium," arrhuged QP the cam plan as it The above named two volumes are used as text books tn the principal Normal Schools, and extensively in other drat-class semluarles of our country; and are on admirable guide or chart for private shutouts, pursuing a course of reading In the literature of our mother tongue. Nearly ready for was— B. A, COMPENDIUM CF AMERICAN LITEIIA Prof, 013roland. NOTICE.-NORTII PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. CHANGE OF HOURS . _ On and after WEDNESDAY, November 4th, 7857 the Trains on thin Rokt 1011 leave Philadelphia as follows, For Bethlehem, Lesion, Allentown. Mauch Chunk, (Express) at 9 A. AL and 2.151'. M. For Doylestown (accommodation) at 4.80 P SI For Owynedtl. do at IU A. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem (exprese) ato A. M. and 2.25 P. AI Lear) Poyiestoten (accommodation) at 1i.35 A. 111. Leave CiwynAd, do at 2.40 P. M. Accommodation trains run daily ; other trains dally, Sundays excepted. ELLIS CLARK, 0e31.9t Agent PENNSYLVANIA 7 COLLEGE OF DEN TAI. BUIMIXBY.—The Connie of Instruction will commence on MONDAY next, Nor. tlti, at 12 o'clock, and continuo until tbo let of 3larch ensuing. For further Information itddreee T. L, DUCAINOLIAM, Dean, No. 217 North Ninth street. WALL PAPER.-- WALL PAPER • . Tw , . ' LARGE STOCK CHEAP PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. .11w la , your chance. Save 25 percept. , - Work done at the lowest rates. , N. E. corner of SIXTH .3L. ARCH be31...1w 0 J. E. VANMETER. D . ' ONDS, Rtir)TES, Ell - kRA - CDB — and PEARLS bought for each-- hi g hest prleee given—by Mr. UNGER, (lately arrived from Europed at the Ashland Hence, AllOll Street Room No. 85. Hours fromlo to 4. oc2l-11r* SHERIFF, Il EDWARD T. MOTT, TWELETE WARD 'eganier TO DrattillitATlO COTTON— , -2 00 baltn good Middling to Mid= 4Ung bat Clotton, in store and for sale by , navy ig, mApALUTEB, ' nut ', ti 9 plinth Water street: _ . . ~llnmeemelps. ... VILER ICAN ACADEMY OF 'MID3.(CIr il A MA1t8DALL.......„ '' .. .. ....8010 Limier. TR/S. (Saturday) DYENING, Oct, Molt, 3.315 T, {TSII,Iw presarttail, fur the hecond time , a New Comedy, la Three, 4eis, vita led a PANE OP PrEfitTIATIoN. • Mr. Afrebte Irma . Mr. Charles Mathew* Derry ,i;ester, Sty. franwetei trirthrform i Mr. tr!chinga ; Atm t• v pg. ,1311nb e, , be? oil Owed byy tDo PopularYerce, eotified ' ; ,COD.D,AB A CILTI.73IUNg.' • Plaairie'r; Charles-Mail{emie Mr. parkins, Mr: Worrell; St7gErlns, bliss Prise. , , ; I , Alley Croaker Mr. Cilapmmi; Mildreitty, /de. Le ifoyna;l Mra Courtnay, Sfra. Ptoafor. „ r PRICES Or ADMISSION: , Balcony, Parquet . ; and Parquet C1re1n. i .„,„,,00, Faintly Cire/e and Ampbltbyetre • 16 II I Privnto }loxes Sa.tr I , THOS. If IEXON ' .. Treakfares.- Beefs secured' wlthent nitro' chirke t h ree day.o)ll ad vance. Doors open before 7 o'c lock; perforation's*: will commence at 7 g AT.A.L.NLJT STREET PREATRE.—Ltd-' Foe, Mr. 11 A. Natalie!) ; 13taie. Intoner," Dlr) Jolla Beltosi. Prices —Drees' Circle and Parquette, 251 cents; Upper Circle, 25 eanti; Sicurid gette r 52$ cents; Private 1)ox and Orebestrs Seats; 50 Box Office open from 9 o'clock itt, Et: W E S P: M: 'DOOM open at o clock performance to commence at 2; precisely. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, October Slat, 1 8 5 Ti hi T e, caim performance to Corticommencetbe cowls pre- d lled SOMEBODY ELSE. • ' Minnie, Mrs. Sloan; LOTIII%, atra Stoneall';' gaol, Moritz, Mr. Moan '; Ernest Vi'alberg, Mr. Brink • /Otters man, Mr. "wpm. To be rolloWed by, sth time this week, the Para re. , colred on Its last representation with Shoats of Laugh: ter, entitled the STAGE.STRDOR BARBEU. Jeremiah Olin, Mr: Ohaotran ; Podge, Ste. I:temple; Mrs Rattiston, Mrs, Bicker. Conehining with the Great Mee Dame, written en preqsly for Dir Ohinfrau, called A OLAlielt. AT NSW YORK. Muse, Mr Obssasan ; George Passetie j Mr. Sloan; Lissy, Mrs. Rlosis. I,I7IIEATLEes ARCH ST, TH,EATRE ii Y -SOLE LESSEE W, WHEATLEY . . Soso.* or Paloaa...--Orchestra Stalls, 50 cent f _ e • Dress Cirelo <no extra charge for Secured &sate), 30 cents; Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 23 cents; Seats in Private Dotes; 72 cant.; Whole Prliate Dos, JO; . Gallery, 13 cents;.Gallery 'fol. Colored . Persona, 2.8 cents; Private Box'jA Gallery !forAplorest_ Persons, 33 rents.. Box Galen open from 10 A. 81 until 3P. 81. Doors will open at OK o'clock; performance to commoner ati 7, precisely. J. M. R. WIIITTOX Treasurer, - Tlll3 Vaturdayr Evening, October 41at v /07, Will be acted, &Antal time this season, Shalcsparres Soblime 11,1storlea1Tragedy of JULIUS OcILSAII. Portia, 'Mrs. Elmore,. Calphurul ,a Miss 2. Tay lor • Julius Cmaar, Mr. Fredericks; Mara ,Aritoriy, Mr. Wheatley; ' !agrees Brutus, Mr. E. L Davenport; Cetus Cassius, Mr Dolman ,• Plebeian , blr , , J.l3,olarke. To conclude with the admirable einned_y. entitled CATHARINE AND PETRUCHIG. Petruchio, Mr. Dolman; Maritima, Mr. Wallis; Omni°, Mr, J. S. Clare; Hortensia, ; Catharine, B. L. Davenport. /VIM ARCTIC SIM' RESOLUTE:— x.l , re RESTORATION TO THE BRITISH GOVERN. IdENT, at Cowes, December 16, 1850. Painted br corn- Maud of Her Majesty Queen Yfctorfa, by 'William Simplon. Now Exhibiting at EARLE'S OA , LiERrES, No, SIG CHESTNUT STREET Admittance 25 canto. THOMEUP B VARIETIES-- and CHESTNUT Streets. MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT NIGHTLY! Moro talent, more Novelties, Egeelalor Attraction. The beautiful demons°, FANNY COLES, wilt appear EVERY EVENING during the week, In addition to the SUPERIOR COMPANY regularly engaged. Concert commence at halt-past 7 Adminsion, 10 costa 3 . U. inuommlp, ec:ll.lw* Manager and Proprietor. QANFORD' 3 OPERA ROUSE -0., ELEVENTH Street, above, Chestnut. Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commence quarter before sight. Admittance 25 cents. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by Sanford's Troupe of Stars--New Dances by the Sanford Children. To conclude with A LAUGHABLE AFTERPIEOE. /Bonen A MERICAN GOLD /110 NEW TORK.FUNDS ABIERIOAN OM IND NEW YORK FUNDS, DOUGH? AT TUE EIUMIBT PIRRIIIUII BY BOSTON Exchange 8 a 4)‘ prem. NEW YORK Exchange 4 a IN prem. BALTIMORE Exchange 8 a 4 diet. AMERMAN COLD 4 a 5 prem. oc7-8m DREXEL 5c CO rra - rE BEST ASSORTMENT or LEHIGiI AND SCLITIYLKILL COAL le st II DORMAN'S YARD, BILOAD STREIT, above V. Rohl at reduced prices, Can end Jae. 0c.31-8w • 1:( NOWLES' COAL DEPOT, NINTH 3L. and WILLOW.—The Spring Afonntaln, ,Bog ar Loaf,' and ILalleton Lehigh. Also, best Bahoylkill Coal, for hale. Terms cash. oct23-11n* 2.240 LBS. IS 'A TON.—BUYERS and consumers are invited to examine our stock of "LEMON. LOCUST If OGNT.AIN and BLACK 11.RATIL 00AL." Our Goal Is selected expressly for fecall t 7 n"; lulus carefully screened, Ise will warrant It freefrom slate and dust. "We Bell 2240 lbs.," being , " 240 lbs. more" than sold by retalldealers, at "25 cents less per ton." Also, on hand a fall sapid) of "BROAD TOP M1N0132 COAL" for Steam-genensttng. Illsokamithing; and Ulnas-mill purposes. This Coal cannot be Yards, - BROAD' mod Sign "2240 LBS. IS A TON. (seti4m] LET lITON k r 0 COALf COAL COAL f—TAGGART'a C OELSBRATED SPRING MOUNTAIN .141/110U COAL. J. Jr. B.CANTEWHORRENWOODTAMAQVA 00AL 0E0001: W. iLNYDER'S NNE FORM 15011IITL KILL GOAL. RANDALL & MEREDITH Have for sale, aucksoo constantly reaelvitig from above cei►bratod COAL OF 'ALL SlZia. There la no Coal mimed anywhere, equal in qualify ' those, and a trial will C 013 1 ,1110.0 any one of their mat suputtolity. OUT Coal to 'very carefully Weaned it cod yards, and we will warrant Svparfeatly Iv* from state, dust and all forpnritiol.' Our PRICES *rasa LOW oaths VERY LOWEST. Orders left at our Odle., No. idt. INITAR FRONT street, alKere Walnut. Orders left at our Yard, OALLOWRTLL street, bolos BROAD street. Onion left at onr Wharf, WATER street , above OAI, LOWLIII,I,--or sent to either place per Despatch Post, will receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Fancily use will do well to .all and ex. amine our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. ne44l' GIIUYLIT.ILL AND LEHIGH GOAL, I am dully receiving, at my yard, the bast quality*.. SOIWYLKILL AND LEIMAIII COM.. My customers, *54 ell othera who may favor sue with their orders, may rely ou getting Coal that will be satisfactory to thew. 117' No loforlor Coal kepi at this establishment to offer at LOW PRICIE3, ALBUNDIat CONVERT N. N. corner of Broad and Ohara BL TR - HIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.— LA DALY, PORTER At CO., COAL DEALEIII4, No. 821 PIUM E Street, above Eighth, keep coustantlyon hand, at the very loweet ratoe, a full supply of Lehigh and Schu) Drill Coal. an 1.03 m "LUMBER AND COAL.—MONTGOMERY & NEALL having connected the Coal wito the Lowlier tandems, inform their friends that they have made contracts for a supply of the best qualities of Lehigh and Soltuyihill Coal, and are now ready to re. calve orders, Twelfth and Prime streets. Orders may be left with Mr. S. KILPATRICK., No. 18 8. FIFTH !treat, or with Mr. WAL D. &BALL, corner PINE and WATER streets. aulB-Sm tatnge anb Otlpmirals FREDERICK BROWN,—CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, north-mud corner FIPTII and GIIESTIVUT Streets, Philadelphia, sole Manufacturer of DROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER, which to recognised and prescribed by the Medical Va cuity, of tho and has become the Standard FAMILY MIDI- E Us.' This Stemma is a preparation of summed excellerme. During the &termer months, an family or traveller should be without it. In relaxation of the bowels, to nausea, mot particularly in sea sickness, It to an suttee and safe as well no a pleasant and efficient remedy. OAUTION.-Persons desiring an artiste that can be reliSd upon, prepared solely from pure JAMAICA GIN GER, should be particular to Bak for Brown , ' Es sence of Jamaica Ginger," which is warranted to be what it id rtlpt1)1011t011, and ter prepared only by FREDE RICK BROWN, and for sale at his Drug and Chemical Store, north-east corner of Fir/if and WIESTEET Street'', Philadelphia; and by all the respectable Drug gists and Apothecaries In the M. States. aul.-14m CHANGS OF HOURS.--FHILADEL BMA, IVILMINOTON AND BALTIMORE RAIL ROAD: On and alter Monday, Nov. 2d, 1857, PASSENORR TRAINS LEANN PHILADPLPHIIA For Baltimore at 8 A. M.,1 P. AI., (112pressd and 11 P.M. For Wilmington at 8 A. M., 1, 3 Mt and 11 P. M. For New Oastle at 8 A. 51., and 3 30 F. M. For Mid,ilatown at 8 A., 64. and,1.30 P. M. For Donor at A. M. and 3.;:a P. M. For Seatonl at 8 A. M. TRAINS FOB .PRILADELPIIIA Leaye Baltimore at 8.40, Express, 11 A. M., and 925 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 8 and 21.45 A. M., and 8.88 and 0.55 P. 51. Leave New Castle at 11.86 A. M., and 9.05 P.M. Leave Middletown at 10.15 A. M. and 8.05 P. M. Leave Dover at 0.15 A. M. and 7 P. M. Leave Seaford at 4.00 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMOILM Leave Wilmington at 9,16 A. M., 2 P. M. and 12.16 A. M. SUNDAYS only at n P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. do. do. 6.26 P, M, from Baltimore to Philadelphia. BALTIMORE AND DATION TRAIN MAYBE. DE GRAOM AOOOMMO Leaves Havre de Grace at 8.50 A. AL Loaves Baltimore at 4.00 P. M. Freight Train, with Pamenger Oar attached, will ran as follows : tears Philadelphia for Perry - rills and intermediate plaeor at fi.oo P. M Leave Wilmington for do. do. 6.50 P. Leave Baltimore for Ilarre.do-Cirase at 6 P. M cc 31-ly S. M. FUTON, President. riIAKE NOTICE. 11. Hounekeepore and bead.' of famine.' wanting FLAVORING- ESSENCES, SPICES, of any sort, CONCENTRATED LEY BURNING FLUID CREAM OF TARTAR, RARING SODA, WAS!! LEATHER, OLIVE OIL, INDIO 0. and • SAGO, with any other goods in that tine, may procure thorn In any quantity desired, lees than package prices, at the Wholesale Drug Douse, No. 154 N. TRIED Street, shore Arch. Sign of the GOLDEN EA OLE AND MORTAR. 0e29-1w ijAMS.—PRIME NEW SUGAR-CURED ll Mots, 14 cents per pond 1, MIAS, Mint, Grocer, N. W. comer Sixth and Pine. S YIBITS TURPENTINE -- 1 200 bran Spiri Turpentine, to anima, for a nt e MAII- kACIA.LISTBR, au I 119 North to War *treat, MA.NI LLA ROPE.-SUPERIOR MA Axil- NMI.% RUE, aaandfmotarod and for ogle by WEAVER, FITLER & CO., trirt-41 No. WI N 'Nato& and 22 N - Wb WM' ROSINROSIN. -600 BARRELS SOAPMAKERS .-600 ROSIN, to arrive per schooner J. Plututr For sale by MARTIN & MAUALLSTER, ; an3l. 119 Nara Wait 44400 i Wins b . Itucticm. M THOMAS te , SONS, • , 41,L, H Q '. le) WS 141 BOOTH [01711.711 swam, ormikorlT ittos. apd f 39 ) RZLIJ:TerATE, S T MISiV• 'Pattie dales at Aka Philadelphia change ivory Tuesday Reel:dos. • si o aa tali itandlit lie or ,e t Spror t ry "additloti to which' we 11 , b to each male one the rt o uad IloOld titeariptibbai Oral), PT on the tollowineTaesdar. t • , A ucrioN It 7 PURNITCRE 'OLIO AT I, T I STORY, every Thtu-eday,amortllq: REAL ESTAT.P.N% Pitinfira,"."'" o". 4arßaf:.htn7licii‘tragci'leed r tiou 10/ C t tr and , e4ountry prOpetty. Printed. Listli insy be bIA et the iturtlonStore„ PfUTAX)/ RSOLSTER, Riad Estate entered on oar Priritis Rain Re eater, are edirertieng octaalonelly in our fteblin Ride Abotrects, (of whirl 3,00 miles Oil Printed twkifi ) 1Vr1(444'."0- Li •870030PAND REAL ERTAIIt, TUESDAY NEXT'. • ; Pitiqohlstestalogla now ready, Containing fedi do - scrfptionf . of 141 the propertz tp lar , rodd on turtior' neat, Novemherorlttiallat of boles 'Uinta/ad 17 ill" N'orefittair. ' ;IMO WILLIAMSPORT,AND .ELMIRA RAILROAD COMPANY. .0n Tuendly trotting, • 8d inst.; It 7.o.titek;nt the Phitsde!phis Exchange, Wilk by suld,withowt, reserve, far account of whom It Olaf COUCerti— ,34 &ads. $5OO oath, Williamsport and filmirs Sail roadttimpity, They ire Voiveh 10' per eeht. tateseittapeyable lit November aid May. doe 1887. p9LSOLOII•TALLg.X. ItAILN9AD , BONDS. ''47.fret Areet.glige Coupon Bondi 54900 4-44,fis, 1,4 4, Jit , 'Tat by Refried Oduipsny. Sale Pltsolllollol4l trobpon.lll.l, l 4oo oath, 4 , 4 4,1 1/is Valley Ro(friseiiiofoPaol; 8010 PoitiTe• t' • ; Also for o: r sffliAti. . pr", MOOD C - gfiVetitY:' 4 adibitild r 144i 1 3loarreasil Conart4r r , sis Nos! / 81, 82, and 83, sectibis Sher skit near Me' isepreme , meat, and ate swg A hs Oeilt/ 001 —. " 41 LOTS IN rfiSTDR,LI , ISI6 CI.3IET Itr . : 1 lots Philadelphia 21, 23, attd 40, II; auto , or throe bf are main, &young lops „ • 1.) r Mures Philadelphia Library, ifeicantile tittrsir, stud: Philadelphia Atbsnmum. . STOURVAND wort , - • -•••-: ipn Tues4y 4rinhom • ito'iorp'ber 10th, Ides nitnaApvte.livia*. , be kohl fey account of *hat, rkoinst 4n ll -' ,t 4,40) sit por tent. Goopon 'Mond?. of Mae Wrandott Coal CQMParly, payable January let, IY2 , with iutoreot , payable half may: 102,000 PENNA. RAELROAD CO. Also, without reserve, for account of wboal it may concern, 3.2 Coupon Ronda, $l,OOO each, Ohio and Peon eylvania Railroad Bonds, due In 1878, ,Interect Z per cunt., payable Slay and November. THIRTEENTIOALL BALK, Ed soy/wasp. Thia Dale will trielP44 Uourt Salt. ESTATE ONVIAII.I A. BEIM. DECD THREE LARGE AND 'VALUABLE Wl's AND TWO , BRICK Dwauases, szv,stratiritizr, PRIME ; tram, AND PASSYUNK /WAD. . 'Ubaldo lot, N W opener Prime sod Seventh streets. Yaltable lot, fronting on Prime 'street, sod oil Pasa nt* toad. Valuable lot, Peasynak road. Two three-story brick ,I.rellixtp, Seventh street, was: side, north of Prime street. They will be sold sew rately, See haadlgHs sad plan. Also , Order of Orphals , Court. ESTATE OPP JOHN FITZWATER, DEC'D. OYER SIX ACRES OF GROUND WITH rALL'A.OLE STEAK SAW-MILL AND MACHINERY, LARGE MANSION, THREE , PRAMS DWELLINGS, LARGE WHARF, WITH FRONT OP FOUR HUNDRED FEET ON THE RIVER DELAWARE AT TA CONY, TWENTY-THIRD WARD. Eam Estate—TUßEE-STORY BRICE DWELLING T brae-story brick dwelling, N 0.266 North Pifth,sbos e Noble street, Same Estate—TWO BRICK DWELLTNGS. Moo, Two brick dire) liege, Nalco and Hanover &twits, above Prince street, Kensington. Executor's lisle—Late Residence of Amelia Smith, ELEGANT IIANSION, BURLINGTON, N. by order of Executor, to close an estate, the valuable residence No. 23 Main street, Burlington, N. 3., replete with modern improvements and conveniences, 33% lest front, the lot 610 feet deep to Wood street, the erdert Improved with firma Snit trees, Re. Also, a handsome resliteutre, Wood street, Burlington, recently occupied byldr William Maio:ler, sod a lot ed3olning, 50 by 156 feat. "Er Pull particulars In hand bills. NEAT DWELLING, TWENTIETH. STREET—Three story brick. dwelling, No. 205 North Twentieth street, between Wood and Vine streets. LOT, TWENTY-FOURTH WARE—a triangular lot, (rooting on Park street, and the West Philadelphia Railroad, Twenty-fourth Ward, (late West Philadel phia ) THREE-STORY BRICE DWELLINO.—Tt * trae-siory brick dwelling, No. 9 . 13 North Filth mitred, above George street, with frame bonding Intirerrear. VALUABLE PROPERTY EIQHTEENTH WA3D. TWO THREE-STORY BRIOIC:UPTELLINOB.—Two three•story brick doeUinge, ore °leant &Coupled ,u grocery store s a. E. corner 'or Qattsin and Viartn streets. ' VMS - DlVYLLllitill.—Two three-story brirk, and three three-dory frame dxelliaga r B. E. corner Duke and Vienna streets. Both of the above peopertles ars insured. and the policies are included in the sale. FOURTEENTH _FALL BALE—HaII NOVEHBEE. This sale will Include imong other property, the fol lowing— TWO VALUABLE LOTS. TWENTIETH STREET, SPRING" HARDEN STREET, NINETEENTH BT., AND MONTER : 4 STREET.—A. Valuable lot, N. N. cor ner of Twentieth end Hontery streets. Velmale lot N. W. corner Nineteenth and Spring, Garden streets. TAVERN AND DWELLlNG.—Threestory - briek tavern and dwelling, north side of Hamilton street, east of Seventeenth street. PERRMITORT Sate. THREE-STORY BRION LAGER BEER SALOON— T hree-story brick Lager Beer Saloon end Dwelling, No. 813 Apple street, between Row* sod Tork meatus and Brown and Poplar streets. TIIREE•STORY BRICK GROCERY STORE AND DWELLIND—Three-story %not Groom Store wet Dwelling, No. STS Apple street. Vale absolute. TIIRET,STORY BRICK DWELLING,' OGDEN ST. Tbrieatorp brick dwelling, Na. 1100 Ogden street, , ((north side) between Twelfth sad Thirteenth streets. TiIIiEN.STORY BRICK DWELLING, KURTZ ST. Three.story brick dwelling, No. 0211 Kurtz street, ,bore Poplar street. FIFTEENTH FALL BALI-17T1I NOVEMBER Orpbutte Court aslo--"Eitato of Samuel B. .Itiltroead, NEAT RESIDENCE, ELEVENTII STREET —The nest modern residence, with back buildings, No. 412 South Eleventh street, below Pine street, P.ale NO5. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR GERMAN norm ROOTS. This Stornteg, At 11 o'clock, at the auction etore, two eases stimior Osman rower Roots, trees R. Vanderschoot A. Boys, Harlem, comprising the usual assortment. BALE OP "AMIABLE MEDICAL nooka Thli Evening. October 31, at the &action store. an aasortrurrit of 'valuable medical books. For particolnra see cata logues. oleo, • number of ',doable medical works to the ranch language. from a library. The books wlll be arranged for exambiation on Satur day morning. Sale N 0.1503 Calla:111in street. LIOntiIIOLD FeItNITOTtE. On Tuesday Aliening', At 10 o'clock, et No. ltdnt Canada!' street, above Fifteenth, the 'houseold and kitchen furniture of a lady declining housekeeping. May be essinined at 8 o'clock on the morning of sale. Bee Not. 139 tod 141 South Pcurth Street. SUPERIOR BURNITURS, FINE itiltROVS, ROSE WOOD PIANO-FORTE TEINET OtRIRTS, &e. On Tkursdny Morning, At 10 o'clock, at the Auction Store, slave and tripe. •for Assortment of eecond•bend furniture, unrrore, tar• ,ote. piano-forte, An , from • detlieting house. keeping, Mtn eembil LADIES, PLEASE NOTICE.- JOIIN KIEUL & SON, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street, below Tenth, Wlll open en MONDAY a splendid lot of new style (all wool) 11ELAINES. for SO cents and 3T 1.3 clot per yard—emcee mit ZS cexre, ALSO, A tarn sasortineot of DEMME, STELLA and COE NILLE'SHAIVLS. Lo pin's first quality MERINO:I of every shade. all of which barn just been purchased at Now York auctlona for CAINI. LADINS, now is your tune for .11..kRGAINS. oc3l.ltw A MAGNIFICFNT STOCK or LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS REDUCTION OF ONE HALF THE USUAL PRICE! BERLIN ZEPHYRS, all colors, 18% cents per doz. SHETLAND WOOL, do 12X do do. EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS $2.00 usual price $4.00 IWOPED SKIRTS 1124 do 1.25 FANCY SILK FRINGES 8 do • 16 zr " .... 12X do 25 50 2.50 do 5.00 1234 sad es, cents. - RAD& quality BLACK SILK VELVET RIBBONS at LESS THAN AUCTION PRICES. FOR CASH ONLY. it. K. STEWART, 0e20.31 BE. corner of EIGHTH and CHESTNUT. " Crochet " BALL FRINGES... BARGAINS IN SIBS, SHAWLS PLAIDS. AND DE LAMES. It. ALEXANDS:II. (late of Chestnut street) will open the balance of Ms stock at No. 25 South near Chestnut, THIS MORNING, all of whtcliwill be sold off at once, without regard to cost. oottiate J. LEVY & CO. ARE CONTINUING TO smut. THEIR BEAUTIFUL STOCK FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, .LT AND UNDER COST. 42S CDP.STNUT STREET NO TICE TO RETAIL DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. WE WILL RECEIVR NOTES OF THE BANK OP PENNSYLVANIA AT PAR For g00d... ld, from We day, if pa7mw:lth made within flee dap after purchase. 01.1111013, ANDERSON, & CO., Ho. 833 (old 147) Market street, below Fourth—np stairs. oo Re.flt Plias., Oct. St, Pitt LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NNW GOODS OPENED DAILY, .1. G. MAXWELL St SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAILISTORES, 1036 CHESTNUT Street, four dnors below lletentli Ao3 918 B. SECOND St., below Sprabb_ PACTORINs.—Nos 91 sod 27 OSO.IIGIZ St., Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Onion. " Orders nude at a few hours' Duties, JOHN B. STRYKER, h., Wholonle Dearer In AUCTION DRY GOODA. " N 0.12 DANK Btroeh Philadmiphia. 00t..t.2t0 WINCHESTER' & SCOTT, GENTLE- IdEWS BURNISHING STORE. and PATENT SHOULDER SRAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. tee CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street , Philadelphia The attention of Southern aud Western MiSrelnente, and Strewn, is particularly invited to thin improved cat of Shirty, the most perfect fitting article made, At whole sale and Mel, and made to order, atielyif TO SHOVEL AND HOE M r Atitt aros.--swErrEws IMPROVED GA EDEN NOR. Patented Jose, 1851. The right to manuals tore wider this Potent may be secured ,on favorable terma, on application to ALVAN WI •, oval -let WLLLIAM Street, Vow York: ' .401: , f ll 34.\(S A. kl= 1A AUCIIONEKIZ, - 41.2 WALSet SMELT. *.l.ove VAIM-SALF.OV ILO lagllfiLD F1:11":111:11E-TCY..- Iti Br. Log betel ,b iltf, , t,ct LE. pa..lLibtat.t...to heti vut regultt at eAly Lk:Atop,. totcry onr BV - AVIOUR SALES' 1{00:1 NO. 101 3PALNIIT eT il'EET,sort in try trAsitAtADosatintrlA give* to dr tatt tite hightail ',fief:mita' :De mit,of, tbate mar (1 , 0. us tritittottsiztmenti.'Estts Dt.tip . t forgoes their fratattiri to dfricat of, bf tioex..ltvtD tr..; Wm-. kofEt.s..laispot vist..Pß Woo*. Oki? C'rn can Atte thettlttraitutt, car‘xn:LLY u.r.nova) CDR SALRi ROOK, elf.E TELLY NIEL ELALIRE BETTERPRIORI SOB tins% faiontLax Two ?TIRE CAN Garet:: Few' ANy OP :TIM SE LAI. TORE DEALERS OZ AM" OTHER Ar.. - Tios STORE 'IN Till CITE. 'Phica.ll..oriai lin - with grusimuniente can not &colored that their prupertl wit apt b: xcrc9cei 117 cuulao.seo.. ta,:fs EnoJertte than thosa by any ether Auction Hooke in the city. g 7, gustaipeoeciareeix,qoity Wits 14.12 irna:c*l.Lite.l ex.!, An' 41,04. UM EsTa..rx...s.ttr, NOVEAEBET. 11th. 'llia sale wit( inola.k._ Orphans' Coact cr V. A. 1110-STOitY lINICKIIOCiII IND 1.01. 'LITE LA Cti A tiro-Wry trick tots; 4z i . 1, t tr , Fz, a. 3, 1.,,: _!e or 1 , ,relf f tt strt.C.- . ...1.Pti , e4 st , kr, C.,',.,..1,. .t z-. VS feet Irma,. trrl /LI Int Altimp, CO a ,r - r, C..et. 5t ..,. ,tl, 1.V.1 tragatkrent.. , , rphtsit . Court :ist.er—r•tst. of Ch it. El - u, ..,, 7v': 'Mimi: , lioqsBs :13' !Art , tOr OF.O,'N It El.:A't • Al et a grow:474h the tjape 01 , ..rtc"ae-regt.f. 8. NI _corner -of greet, and rot'kr. Lta...o, kJ Etrz by 43 feet' 'WS insain'ety.t {[T sso to bo v ict Olat of tha:sbove aheei the 4 41. 1 1Xtis OrlCk 69. fit iStk e 'rr'ilk ---- tr;-NoTimart Wrr. Vhin - = ' / C i k O ' VO-P d SE PAND I..ZIIX&T: Tires Hares-,story trScY torties a-,a c,?: eitatilds g4.4..4.1....t. 1:5 fik.s rnrth 11,51 115.411. street, 20 fret !cost ant 1.1)0 !pa mP t. , • • o it • - • " ectirt u::!.1 110ra8t AND LOT. W ASIIIMiTON .-.-.Kiiri4g.theans. • A lot r ar, =GAO. ittlx ;v.v. .4,1. attl •o - 0.4 1z p! SU teliiiiSii43lEK6i , , tlO ttont PhligllttrAtiebtatet, 1114..•hitt' . t Va t wzd 114,,r va-4. lc if aid. cd Socead,tr . se-t. hes.sen Root. tgri 4:r•tu,l7 (oaf (ront, and "e,x teu s lin••• j .4 , 34qh 4) AN. .cle.t, thou narrowing t01.4%* test. anq ".tc, - ; VI; r.,-- - tt , r depth of /9 far: 7 iachel, waling 'dear et all : • ED" SW to t' Fail on tocil or the e.otrz sh into is stock t2.' • TO Itz-,"%, A Arts-story. iricli. Ds . reihreg. vitt Iva-Vary brick back building. lrii North Ninth sii-eek, nborP Weed street. Rent IWO per unum. Apply a; the At dos Store. AT PRIVATE SA R A Ilrst-wlim Printhq Olet, with et g 0,5.1 ran of tag.- nem, font pripting mime., two Ituz4. ore rype &fa wrorythius nionAsary for Fha lit .the WOLITERt &, SC(Yrr, AITOTIONEERS, Ql CII2STIMT 11.-:eret, oppotite the Cullom Muse, between Worth ee3 Path Street, • MOlf, c S o lidi.j o iA EMU and RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE 5A1,11.-41oldszei. silver gelent, Infer, Leyine, English. Swiss, sail french V.I . U p of every direrirtion, =Anal ins:rum:mu, AT PRIVATE PALE—Arranged on c,e.iinf Poor, household furniture, of every description, be4soat trehrias, earpetisig,looking &awes, fancy crtielte, ice , itc. Ont-door sales attended to jpGrsozeir by the docßon. eel'. Charges yeti low. Cos i,viments of furnitnrs, clothing, jewelry, Wie., Ac., walmited. NATHAIVS PRINC [PAL LOAN OT FICK, 8.8: Corner of eiith sod 113..0 Streets, Where money will be loomed ea sold sad elver plate Watches, Jewelry, Dianntads, Ci ,- .thiaz, Dry Geode, Groceries, Segars, hardware, Cutlery. Pontitare, Bed ding, horses, Vehicles, 'farness, Stocks, and on ell ar- Bebe of valve for wey length of•aeo; agreed-on, meters satilfsetory sad 11b4astl tense; tb.an at any other estab lishment. H. NNERANS, Itusaaws peat axle of POSIT:IT BD ttoops out take vi B in a few days Due notice wal be given. WZB great Isle of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Gone, Pistola,Musitel Iturtrateertte, St o.,willtake place shortly. Doesottee wilt be given. MIMI'S great gals of Dry floods, ClAlung, 8,431 , 4, &c., being forfeited collateral*, will lake place shortly. Ens notleserilltsr given.. ' • AT PRIVATE ULLA, AT HAL? TUE Da ".4.1. BELLING rulass.—Dttable.bottatni.l end lkoistlug rue gold patent lever *ltches, of the meet op. proved makes; hunt:fug case aud Oros fete eta weeps swat lever erat lapin* watches, hitt jowried doe gold enameled layer and lepine watches for l aves`; goll Jewelry of every deseriptior; silver lever ctd lep.ns watthea,•ia bunting met tad own fuer, cir,ir Eurtivh, Sous, and French watched; a general assort:cent si tax niture, beds, roattrearea, mirrors. de. OtT-DOOR SALES SOLICITED, and charges to trait the times, low. Consignments of every description at goods eoliattel foe pubg r ox private veto. MON ADVANCED on all sod scary h ied of goals, for publie or privets tale, or to be held for a hcdted time. Charges lose. fa _ A,igUEX , NATITANS, - AUCTIONEER, AO, MOW LOAX. OMCN, No. 112 Soot. THIRD Street; below Went, appetite Feu at., only tight dime below the 'Melange. Ilona et , tetabarcrat 1, eoloelr, A. X, relit 13 o'clock In the erelong. Out-deer' sales, and. "alas at the Anatole Some, 11, tended upon the meet satiatectory terms. - CAPITAL MAO). Natalia/wafer tie toss Taws, l'inro. Admits , ' Made trout one dollar to thou./I,la oo Da • mends; tlitserPlato, Watches, Jewelry, If arOwnio. yyf elandise, Clothing,Turnitase, Seating, Clara Irastal Itattemeate, Gera, abase, Csrsingea, nod G.... 10 of every description. All goods can remain Any length el tir-a agreed 11 ; 022 . • All adv. ,eneee from one hulked dollars and dew-Ards will be c h arge d 2 per cent. per month ; P. 12 out orw the lowest marhat rata. This Store Boise haring • depth of feet, heelarre Are aced thief-proof resits to store ail • eta' es and lri rats watchman for the pres.:•te ; idea, a teary i ranee affected for the benefit of MI persens brr.l4,. a ms=s sdnaced upon N. B.—On recount of luring an unlimited eseitsl, this ones is ;dewed to make wireno,e on mote wd.-O factory and actontmodsane terms then spy otter is thl• dry. Money ol•inieed to the soor, Sa tw..all sesoants, with, out any charge. AT PRIVATZ SALE. - - . Gold Patent Lever and ether Watches, 7e.goL7. Clothing will ha add at Minced prier. TORN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 7;25 haeli Street, betseun Third au!. Youth Ft!teii SILSS %VIM" I:TV.:I7iG, et 7 . Of Beata, Shoes, Elarilnuv, evetri, jr-r -elm Eleatery, Whip; Trunk*, Ishei N. B.—Gut-dine sales attended k .kli g0v..13 viint the deal.. licuse peeked. c<2-ta GEORGE W. SMITH. AUCTIONEER N. N. coral, of BAIVIUS &Ed eOT.TTE aboyi fecoact, ETRNING 8A1,1:3. BALES riZRY F.Vrc,;`;ti ? At 7k o'eleek. et the Auet... care t t il,t C-z lery, liousekeeptng deticloo, Cletng, IVlaehts. Jere ry, /I.4cy ..te. elciss nub War: NEW STORE. • NEW GOODS • mAiozsiaN 4k. WITTII, MASONIC HALL, 71.1 CHEST.NCT a tai NOW toN HISD Complete and tplen.ll4 6,111,D ItAtM, awl DECOttATED FlttltiCill (TIN A; IlOH! Matt; CRYSTAL, ...A etitAitSP , tsino, PARIAH. LAC.. and betides the greatest variety of FANCY ARTICLES, which will be sold at loiter priers than et any 'tote in the Cnit..a 6 tatet. N lS —Limb loaned to Pa: tonna ;3ittairattre T.ol4anics rOMMONIVEALTtI FIRE INSURANCE comraNT, OF TILE STATL OP P.L.SNSYLVA NIA .--OfCce, N. W. Comer POI: LTD ar.l IVALNCP Street., Phltadelpbta En:scribed Ctpital, Capital. i‘190.000. DAVID D., Pre -liras. T 110.11.0 S. STLWAST, T:ce Prts - t. Salmi. S. Moos, Secretary. GIRARD FIRE LIU) MARINE INSUE.- ANOT. COMP ANT, WILLA DF.LP LLlA—Ofacv, Do. 302 WALNUT atom:, vast of MEE Wet. U. Simla, Jobp A.uspar-h, Jr., U. N. Burroughs, J. D. Hughes, F. D. Ehermsn, Wm. P. Hecker, .1. P. Steiner -11. A. Shackelford, Hoe. nrt TONES, Presiieut. Hon. G. W. WOODWA111), Vice President.. .Ixo. S. Hellm.i.te, S.,xstley. Jsras B. ALTOaD, Assistant Srmetz.zy. ail-„m-it WPARTMENT OF ILAIIKET-1101.7SES, zce, S. W. CORNEA UP FIFILI 32:1 , Ci s,:sr ST.Eirs. PHILADELFUri, Oetobrr 15t..1F",7 goaled Proper&la will 'ea received at th s natd. the Seth day of NOVL.II.I3L:II next, a: 1.2. 0 L•. <.c, L c. the Renting of the fellcivinL , Wharvis lad I.r.nd , c zi stem of three years: • Arch ntrcet Lorchoz, at the foot of Arch etrcet.ra the ricer Schulialli--lasae roicancuci4;bec.r.Aer 1867. Also, George's street Landing, at the foot o 4 Geovo street, or, the river Schuylkill—lessu co auuezeziug.l....nu ray Ist. 1&58, ApproTed seeurity will be required. C. THOMPSON. oei-th ■ to lue Cvmuti;eitmer ref M:-I-Ete. VIELP FOR THE rooll.—Tlw Agt:Lt:, - 1 - 31 -tLoT40)11:11.1.ES101,iAlil: 5.4h3.11.4 - 17 c tc3 c: ty Re,.JoncSinnn?, 31'r ;efts' .teritci, Mee. M. T. Retain, Mr. ALtsar t} Monlaisn. nee. T. 13. Mosoam, Mr..l IMES NOLEN, Are now rrrak[ni their Anne.] cslis en ~zr solleitiothatiriptteris to out the Asseciatims in the • stork of refiesiog nod elevating the Poor, an 3 , n of the terrible amount of &Areas and .vast 0 it 41.35 t, TleteSSaritY, pow eat of the aillictiog Ns: leg throegh, the Managers ennestlr 1,,P for .1 'lr.., Increased liberality on the part of tteirfellwv-e tut- Ity order of the Hosed of Managers. GEORGE. 11. sit:Amp, rra.,:c., nearticu, Seerntsty. Tata."' MA SPX, irrssiarrr. No. 434 Market' s.•rret ocll-s to tc. th-:4 riillE UNDERSIGNED RAVE TIIIS DAY entered into a Cciartnerelaip the rs. UOGStEtt & CO., for the m.anufe,tur . 3 fineY.nd corrhnottEvqm, at No - orth a 1.7 A F 110L)11::.1, ITLITAin. Oct. 20t11, 1567 Oc'2l-ts, • - °EVAN KIM' MAN - I:FAO' Tr nonits & h‘vi.z a-ne, from Lebrucbt ErrolAs, 9rd 13,:11(1,1 t, ree,i7e for all kizols of fancy 1.1 e , .4•“1011 6,4 3 A ei,eut,a oth pouctnddy sad 41:qp , tcb, at the 0., lowest prices. for cosh. Q,AVING FUND.-lINITED STATES ►TRUST COMPANY, carrier of TLILRD lad COI: 1 - NUT Streets. Large awl email Bums ?noised, and piti. t•,, r k r •• mend, without notice, "fhb 111:11 PER CENT MTt.h- SST fro¢ tha day or deposit to the day or vitt-I.:ay.-a' wis e . hours, from 9 until 5 o'olmt ea vry aay, Ana nn MONDAY EVES ING3 (tom T tintit 9 o DRAFTS for sale 00 Ragland, Irtlacd. from SI upwards. • possideut—STßPTlßM R., ORAWNOIAD. Treasurer—PLlNY FISK. Teller,7AME3 111;NTER aa 21 4ro ll' R W. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS Aire No. ST Routh THIRD &net, Philatetal cauxottoss promptly mate on all access:lln points ra thi. Vatted Stites abd Canada. " Stoclra,nought awl Sold on Conualsidoc. • ratamoso Asaig sotao, 0604 ; &0., boa,VIS at the leeat Depoilta taes4le4 Ili!t lair:net allorect, as par %pet • del t a+ll,4ck NLY TASFS " .YORS, Jer. Walker, Jr.. McClure, The er.41,-A, A.B GlPett., l'ArLeart Sbe;rarl, Furl. Jeltes, N. P., eseza D
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers