THE PRESS. «rE^PEPTDD,) OFFICE, No. 41T CHESKCT STREET, - .>" 4 .- jiAUtPRESSj Twtiri <3sots psb Wbsk, payable, to the carriers. ..M&Uedto Subscribers out of the City, at Six Bouses. P A Ajkoic } Fomi Dollars por Eight Mokths ? Three XWtLARs roR Six Months, invariably in Advance for the ordered.';'- : ... ISI.WiEKir FBESB, „ > Mailed to Subscribers out 9? the City, At Three Dol labbpbb AAROHi -. . V : WEEKLY. PR ES S 4 ThA Press willbo gent to Subscribers, by ', \‘ mail, (per annum, in advance.) at «... $2 00 Three Copied, “ “ ' '5 00 Vive Copies, “ ?I 800 .Te'p'CopleS, 1200 Twenty Copley “ « (to ono addj-ess),... 20 00 Copies’or over, “ (to' address «>f each- '• jrubacriber), each.:..',..; 12° . Por a Club of Twenty-one or over, we VflU send an the getter-up of the Club. 10* Postmasters are requested to act as Agents for Tins WbsklV'Pbsbs. i i (Emilia anb @lass. TB& CHEAPEST• ANT> SfOST EXTEN ' SIVJ3 furnishiiig CHINA and GLASS egtabliah .ment in. the'United States is the OLD CHINA HALL, CHESTNUT atrsot, directly opposite the State House, •families' furnishing* will find it to their interest to in spect the immense stock of rich decorated French China joining. Dessert, Tea and Breakfast seta. Also, plain 1 white French by single dozen or In complete sets; also, ail kinds of useful kitchen .crockery always open, and properly exhibited. Over 100 different patterns and -shapes of elegant and plain TOIL,NT SETS; also, Ohinn and,Glass,,manufactured expressly for Hotels: and phifiplug orders to auy extent supplied at short notice. Fhcwnx particularly attended to. ■ ' KERB, China HaU, , Philadelphia; gauiitjjs -futtbs ;CT.-3?SBEBT—NATIONAL., SAP-KtT TBUBT COM PANY;—WALNUT STREET, SOUTH-WEST CORNRB OP THIBO, :PHIL ADELPDIA. , ... -IXOOUMBiTSI) BY TU» SVATF. OF P«SSBYLYANIA. • v Moaep,is received. in any sum, laroo or small, and in. tetfst paldiftora the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. -i _ J , ' The;>en.every-day, from oo’clock in the 1% imuming till T o’clock in the ;evpniog, and on Monday irnd'rh«rBdaVeyeningßtiil i l &o’clock. < " AU fcdhvi, isjjeior srarM) ate paid bank, in gold onde ’ißaoii.rviUioaitdtie©, to any,amount. n -, j x.HON/ HEN BY li. BENNER. President, l 'ROBERT BBXJTftIDGK, Vice-President ;?-'TV*; J. Esj*jv Secretary. ;• - ,» .. ~ Irtß*CTOaSt . H<ta.Henryl*; Benner, , ■ •>th Munns, ' < 'Edward I** Carter, F. Carroll Brewster, -u Bobett Selfrfdge, * Joseph B; Barry, .Sazql. K. Aehton, ? Henry I*. Churchman, • James B. Smith/ - Francis Leo. .* TMi» Company confines ita business entirclyto the , receding„ of money on - iotorefit., The-investments, ■atnommngio over -.v { ONE MIBHOK ANB K HAM OF DQI.Ulfc?, ■ .are,made in conformity with-the provisions, of the .Chatter, In.RRAL ESTATE MORTGAGES, GROUND . RENTS, and such first class securities as Will always ln , Bure perfect security to the depositors, and which can not'fail to glvepcrmariency and stability, to this Insti- . ■ .*- ‘ t ' aul-ly' ‘ (VO:: 83. <24i) DOCK :STBEET. FIVE. i." ;P£R CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. ' NO.. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. —FIVE PER CENT. BTATB SAVINGS FUND. » “ | IVO. 83 (241) .J)OCK STREET. —FJ^VE PER CENT. STATE BAVINGSFUND. IVO. £3 (241) DOCK STREET FIVE PER CENT, STATE SAVINGS FUND, /aul-ly ttlX F&tfNT SAVINGS FUND, Corner of KJ FIFTH.and WALNUT Streets. Open dtily, from 9 to 3; and bn Tuesday and Friday Evenings, until 8 o'clock. Large or small Sums’ received, and paid with out hbtlccY.Witb FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST, by , oheclc or otherwise.' JOHN THOMSON, Preset. ' ' ' - TICE PRE&ID*NtS, , , r .„ THOS. T. TASKER, EDWIN M. LEWIS, sKC&ftrifer asn tbbasurbb, , WM* T. ELBEHT. ■ ' \ ' IRUBTSEB.’ John B. Austin?”' Wm. 0. Ludwig, ' John K. Addicks, . ,D. 0. Levy, ’ ; . Salomon Alter, ‘ Charles R.Lex, : M. W. Baldwin, A.M\ikey.' , . .William Clark, Israel W. Morris, Jr., ' Ephraim Clark, Jr., Wm. Neal. } ’ . .. Charles 8. Carstßirs, , Thos. Ncilson, . Robert Clark, ' Thomas 8.-Reed, M. D. lt ’ t AYJiPreibl, Janus Russell, Charles Dutilh, ,Thos. P. Bparhawkj ■ Wo. B. Foster, ' Oscar Thompson, , ~ Benjamin Gerhard, . Pete? WiUismson, ?- John Jordan, Jr., IsjmvcS. Waterman, Lewis Lewis, Jr., Charles T. Yerkea.- .auj-aai , . ~ . ‘ insurance Companies. ' ! PHEtAbBLFHIA FIRE AND LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY, incorporated by the 8 ate of,Pennsylvania in 1848, am now established la,ttieir NRW OFFICE, No. 433 CHESTNUT Street, where they are prepared to make ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE;, froniiLOSS RY FIRE, on property of evor/'descrlptiori,, 1 1n Town, or Country, including PUBLIC BUILDINGS,- DWELLINGS STORES, WAREHOUSES, FACTORIES and MANUFACTORIES WORKSHOPS, VESSELS, &e,. Also/MERCHANDIZE of aU .kinds | STOCKS, OF GOODS, Stocks •of “ COUNTRY, STORES, Goods, on STORAGE or. in BOND) STOCKB and TOGtS of AR TIFICERS and/ MECHANICS; FURNITURE, JEW ELRY, FIXTURES. Ac., Ac.,. Ac;, ,& c,, at, moderate ratesofpreraium, and for any period ofUrne^ This Coinpauy refer to thelrpwit career as anample guarantee for the PROMPT SETTLEMENT of all their LOSSES.. There are.»t ibis time uo unsettled claims against them, * ROBERT P. KING, FresH; ' .. : 11. W s BALDWIN, VicePreh’t..' F&isois .BLiOKßpasg, ges-y,' . >ul-3m' FTUPEE PENNSYLVANIA. COAtPAKX]FOR , ~ A tNSUBANO3S ON LIVES AND - GRANTING AN NUITIES. , - 5 Office/No. 801, Walnut street, Third.; Open from P o’clockj.A.i A£., to 3 o'clock, P. M, Capital ' $5OO-000*' . ' . / „ ' ” ‘r r'T.J^t^.'}pompanr-T»|atiro-^aygs^grsnt- < Endowments,purchase Interests',,and.piakd, contracts* In geaerkli that depend upon the <wfltingf»ucies pf life. They act as Executors, Administrators, aud’Aeslgnees; also, as Trustees for Minors and Holr»i- ] :.. Twy receive MONEY on' deposit,'and allow interest from date of deposit until called (or/ AU sums being repaid pn DEMAND. ’ . CHARLES DUTILH; President. , fWILLIAM B f HILL, Actuary. ' ninaotOßß. \ William Kirkharo, tfennf S- Williams, John fc. Mitchell, M. D., I. Pemberton Hutchinson, Edwin U. I/Ciyis,- J, HopUnson, Life insurance and trust ;cqm- PANY,—The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE , COMPANY. Southeast Corner of THIRD. and DOOR ; Streets. Capital, *612,725 03. , I , ' INSURES LIVES for short terms, or for thewholo term; of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur i claws life on interests in Reid Estate, and makes all * wntrsets,depending on the contingencies of Life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, ■'-Trustees »nd Guardians.]■ . MPSKT RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT ;in any amount— > : Tire Per Cent„lnteres| allowed from date of deposit, , payable back on demand without jiotfce. ASSETS OF., TUB COJJPAIfY, January Ist, .1857. ‘ ; .Loam- ofs the State of Pennsylvania, Phils- _ \ _ ...asyi delphla City, Penn’* Bail.'u&d, Camden ' ] . and Amboy Railroad, and other toana .$179,585 gg Bonda, Mortgages and Real Estate 117,137 19 v Stock* la Banks, Insurance, flas. and ‘ Bail - ‘ rbad Companies 81,729 98 . Premium JJoteA and Loans on Collaterals 193,692 01 Cash in Bank.- duo from Agents, Inter est, 38.780 47 Guarantee Capital, Subscription N0te5...... 100'000 oo -u • $711,226 03 DANIEL L. MILLER, ' BA3IUEL Y. STOKES, Vico I’rpfl’t. Johk W. Hoksob, Seerotary. Bul-ly ATIiA-STTIC MUVUAL, INSURANCE COMPANY, Of PHILADELPHIA. Office, at EAST FRONT OF THE FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS” BANK BUILDING,’-opposite the Custom House. MARINE, INSURANCE .on. Vessels. Cargo aud .»rteit «o»lS p*rts<ift)io World.' I INLAND INSURANCE oh Goods, by Rivers, Canals. Railroads!«c.- L , , 1 " FIRE INSURANCE on Stores, Dwellings' and Mer chandisegenerally. ■ 1 ; ( 1 r‘- ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November, T, 1850. i'f.Bondk, Mortgages, Philadelphia City, and > M - -otherloans ou > .Stocks In Ranks, Railroads and Canals l5 ’ ’Bills Receivable.l2,9oo 00. Premiums bn Pdlicios, recently issued, and), l* «»»- 9R other Debts dud the.Comjiftny;,,’, k < ISj** 4 35 Cash’on hdad.VJ .. 4,781 48 DIRECTORS, . ' ' It. E. Atkina, Joseph C. Grubb, Maurice A.-Wurtu, • Tiiora/j? A. Robinson, Benjamin Orne. Wm.O. ‘Milligan. . LINTON, President. ; anl>6t John L. Linton, Geo. Wi Pomeroj,- . James 0, film, , . Theo. 0. Lewis, OhirlaVTete, ’ Peter Maison, i - ■'* ; 5 JOHN b. ‘ Ifu. B. Parker, Secretary., , . /COMMONWEALTH opihe insurance ' \J COMPANY! OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVA NIA—Office. .V. W. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT ' Streets, Philadelphia.—Subscribed Capital,! $600,000. ' Paid-up Capital, *200,000. - j .. ' DAVID. JAYNE, M. D., President. , , ' THOMAS 8. STEWART, Vice Pres’t. -LL-^ssfete— ' . fti: A MERICAN-MPE. INSURANCEAND "X IL TRUST COMPANY.—lncorporated by the I.egis • ,' lftture of Pennsylvania. Capital *500,000.! Charter ‘ h - erpetuar.' 'Office' in* the Company’s Buildings, 8. B. v [ <■ Corner of WALNUT and FOURTH Streets,'Pbiladei f' phis. , f * Thls'Cpmpany insures lives during the, natural life, - ■ '■ ’ or terms, at the usual mutual rates of other’ ' sound'companies; ’ , Stock rates about Twei*tt per cent, lower than above. Premiums may be paid quarterly, half yearly or - ! : yearly. • ‘ FIVE PER CENT. SAVINGS FUND. Money received un deport daily , by this old-estab tttihtd lnetltution, returnable in Gold, on demaud, with five per cent, interest added. ■ ’ Office hour* from 9 A. M. till 5 P. M.. and on Mon* days till 8 P, M. ALEXANDER TVUILLDIN, ' Jons O. Sim*, gec’r. ' [aul-lPt] President, MANUFACTURERS* INSURANCE COMPANY.—Charter Perpetual. Granted by the State of Pennsylvania. Capital, ?500,000. Fire, Marine, and -Inland Tranflf ortat i oa. ~'\ Aaron 8-ilpplncott, \\ Wise, Wm, A. Rhodes, Alfred Weeks, Charles/. Field, James P. Smyth, Win. B; Thomas, ' . J. Riaaldo Sank, Wm. Neal, . . . John P. Simons, AARON S. LIPPXNCQTT. President. WM. A. RHODES, Vice President. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. i, W. MARTIEN. SurTpyor. This Company war.organized with ft cash capital, and the Directora.have determined to adapt the business to its available resource*—-to observe prudence in conduct ing its affairs, with, a prompt adjustment of losses. Office NO. 10 Merchants’ Exchange, Philadelphia. ■ anl-dly ' . irfiHE, mercantile mutual insit- X RANCE COMPANY.OP PHILADELPHIA.—Office Ho. 223 WALNEI Street, opposite the Exchange.- MA RINE RISKS on Vessels. Cargoes, and Freights. IN LAND TRANSPORTATION BISKS,, per Railroads, Canals, Boats', and other carriages. '- • ALL THE .PROFITS divided annually among the As aartd, and ample ftccttrity In.csae* of low, <■ - / 1 :4 maewioas. ~, •- Edward Hfcrris Miles, .. i 4 ' John Mi Qdenbefmar* , M&htob 'WUUatttßQ’Jv ■ >S*ftiuol Jv Bharplese, • - - Iteorf Pifeaat, ;-;.f ' • : lid wjrf {}. J*mes, -■ ■ 1 r:WHii»xdSi.BpTingM r - • i -’’ l Waiklfct&Jonas. u-. Uaolel Haddock, Jr., ••' •'l'- / fSMIIUm* Tdttorp* > ,f JMQwMrtrjJhy, - '■ 1 Kja, 9i Smith, , ' ' JvAotelo,' /. , •> >= “ .s . Samuel !<<.£ "■ ’ - ' • - » kdwabdha: VAS ’JpMO;Klffn,S#CrtUr; VOL. I—N 0. 1. EVANS’ GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, No. 335 CHESTNUT Street. N. 8.-No comiec tloa with any other house in the City. • aul-3m A GIFT 'WITH EVERY BOQK, "WORTH from 60 Cents to 100 Dollars, at MAGEE’S GIFT BOOK STORE, No. 337 CHESTNUT Street, second door .below Fourth, Philadelphia. • aul-lw Readj READ l—a new political WORK.— I TUB POLITICAL TEXT'HOOK, OR ENCYCLOPEDIA, by 31. W. Clusky, of Washington 0t0,3>.-0. ' ' This work, a royal octavo, containing 040 pages of matter, conveniently indexed and handsomely bound, is now out. No political speaker or editor should bo with out Jt. arranged in encyclopedia stylo, it is a book of most convenient reference., It contains, among other things, the Constitution Articles of Con federation, the various Party Platforms, the American Ttitual, the full opinions on the Dred Bcott Case, a his tory of the various Tariffs, a history of the Congres sional Legislation on the United States Bank, a com plete history, with all the votes aectionally classified, on the Missouri a history of the admission of the several Btates. a detailed record of the legisla tion of Congress relative Kansas and Nebraska, the Kansas Convention Act, Governors SUanon and alk er’a Inaugural Addresses; in fact, everything apper taining to the present excitement in Kansas, including the Reports'or Senators Douglass and Collftmer on Kan sas affaire during the last Congress, and the Special Message of President Pierce on the same suhjoct; a his tory of Party Conventions In the United States; a his tory of Alien Suffrage; the letters signed by Madison in defence of the American Party, and that of Governor Wise against it; the Alien and Beditlon Laws, and tlioir history: the Compromises of 1860, with the several votes thereonthe Naturalisation Laws; Extracts from Speeches of noted Abolitionists and Republicans, illustrative of the posUiob of their patties, as also from'the Speeches of Southern men, indicating South ern sentiment; a history of the subject of the Distri bution of the; Public Lands, with Mr. Clay’s report thereon; an extract of Mr. Grundy’s report and Mr. Faulhner’s letter on the same subject; a history of tho several railroad grants made by Congress ; Mr. Toombs* - Lecture on'Slavery; the Virginia and Kcurackjr resolu tions of 1798 and ’p9; the Ordinances of 1784 and ’B7 ; Mr. Calhoun’s Fort Hill address; a history vf Deito site, Bargafrt and Intrigue J and many other things too numerous to mention. In fact, it Is a single volume with the matter of every political subject compressed into it that is now a aubjeut of discussion, or likely to be. Price three dollars. Can be had by addressing M. W. CLUSKY, Box 110 Poßt Office, Washington; D. C., or JAMES B. SMITH-* CO., 010 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. The trade, to whom liberal inducements Will be of fered, will please address the Philadelphia agents. Persons acting as agents Will he paid liberally for all subscribers obtained. aul-d3t&w3t " Commission fflerrljants. Handy ■&. brenner—commission MERCHANTS tod Dealers in Foreign and Ame rican HARDWARE-and CUTLERY, Nos. 33, 25 and 27 North FIFTH Street, - East - side, above Commerce street, Philadelphia; aul-tf Alexander v. holmes, wine and LIQUOR STORE, No. 228, Southeast Corner of GEORGE and SOUTH Streetß. aul-ly Daniel- dougherty, attorney AT LAW. Southeast Corner of EIGHTH and LO CUST Streets, Philadelphia’. ’ aul-ly Fall stock of boots and shoes. • —JOSEPHH. THOMPSON & CO., No. 314 MAR KET Street, and Nob. 3 and 5 FRANKLIN PLACE, have now in store a largo and well-assorted stock of B ??? y and SHOES, of City and Eastern manufacture, which they offer for sale ou the boat terms for Cash, or on the usual credit: ‘ Buyers are Invited to call and examine their stock, aul-dtf ' *f\ITHMAH ' & BOTZ, PORTER, ALE A/A*?D LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 620 (new N?. 938} THIRD Street, Philadelphia.—Shipping orders promptly,attended to, aul-tf -'•>' : r T / @(HS fijCIUVCB. . j YROHIGiriVAM , J%. Manufacturers of GASALLERS, BRACKETS,‘PEN 'DANTS, FITTINGS, and'iU kinds of GAS and LAMP WORK'. GIRANDOLES,’&c!, No! 329'CHESTNUT ■Street; Philadelphia. ARCHER, WARNER & CO, No. 376:BROADWAY* New .York. Jtyildings fitted with Gas Pipcs#and all kinds of altering .and repairing of Goa Work.' .aul-lm* . PHILADELPHIA COM rVi'MEBOIM.COLLBQB, S.K. Cornet of SEVUM-a AndOHESTNOT Strata, Second nod TMrd Stories. • HOOKKEEPINO, I’ENJIANSHrP, ever/ style. V ■ COMiJKRCIAI, LAWBANDVOUMB. . < ■ ' ■ COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. - , .LEOIBBES,&e. ~'. - —O4-d...r'tiinrtndl'd'itmV isr.4-w.ri-- Ginn rwjtup* — tent hnd attentive 'Teachers,'under tho iwmedUte supervision of the principal, * One of the Best I’eumou in tlie Country Ims charge of .the Writing Department. , Please call and see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms; &c. a\u-Im ’ : iHisrdlimcons. ! SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.— 1 am daily receiving, at myyard, the best qvi&lity or SCHUYLKILL'AND LKIIIGH COAL. My customers, sad all others who may favor me with their orders, may rely on getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. {D* No inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PRICES. i Joseph Swift, Thomas Diddle, : William 11. Harti . Wn. S. Vaux,' ' 7 Wm.lfarmar, , J. R. Wucherer. J LUMBER! LUMBER!!—The subscriber, who has for several years occupied the premises at Sloan’s Planing Mill. Kensington, has- removed Vto COATES STREET WHARF, adjoining tho 'Phoenix Planing Mill, ok Delaware avenne. whoro he) intends keeping a large .assortment of Carolina and other floor ing boatds, stops, ceiling, fencing and scaffold boards, thorougnly seasoned and well worked. For sale at the lowest cash prloes. Purchaser* are In vited to c&U and examine for themselves, and every ef fort will be made to give satisfaction. Orders received and supplied at the shortest notice for all kinds and sizes of Southern yellow Pine, Tlmbor and Scantling, aul-tf fl* RICHIE. TO PRINTERS AND EDITORS—FOR BALE.—The undivided half, of a NEWSPAPER aud PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT,' in successful ope ration, in its third year, located in an excellent section of Northern Pennsylvania, contiguous to the Canal, Railroad, and Susquehanna .River. It is in) a'good, prosperous condition, with a respectable subscript on and advertising custom, and does all the JOB PRINTING in that ldcality—it being the only papfer in the beautiful where it is situated, with a full Hb&fe of the country patronage. The other partner is a .practical Printer] a gentleman and a Democrat; hence,j& young 'man, wishing to engage tn the honorable profession, can, oh tite investment of a very few hundred dollars, dud a pleasant and profitable situation. ; Rj** Address 001. L. h. TATE, Bloomsburg, or the Editor of this Journal, at Philadelphla. <aul-3t Nineteenth centuryi—the GREAT REMEDY OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY IS THE IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE. This is now the great standard reifiody lor diseases of the Blood , Stomach and Liver. : If you have a Cancerous or, Scrofulous affection, at > oncciuse the Imperial Depurative. j . Tetter.— Aroyou troubled with this obstinate and un- Eleisant disease? Use tho Imperial Depurative. Try ut one bottle. • . ’ Have you White Swelling, Hip Disease, or Glandular Swelling* ? , Ihs Imperial Depurative rrilloffici it cure. .Try it. t j ¥or Pimples, Blotches andErupticusof the Bkin gene rally, you have a prompt and certain remedy in the Im perial Depurative. ■. One. bottle will satisfy you of its 1 efficacy. • , $1)3,887 08 Use the Imp trial Depurative, if you wouM. have a clear, healthful, and beautiful Complexion. ' J Use the'lmperial Depurative tot a diseased state of the Liter or Stomach. For females of a weak and debilitated habit,and shat tered nerves, the Imperial Depwativt is just what la required to re-invigArate the frame and restore tho ner vous sjutertf to a healthy state. ' j We know the full value of this great remedy, as wo are using it every day extensive pructitje, and see its great curative powers manifested in nmneynim ga«i‘«. The careful preparation, great purify and’sirtngt/i of tho Imperial, Depurative renders l&rgedos'cg or long continued use of it uuuecessary. It .acts ‘ directly upon the diseased part/ and it Is not necessary to wiit months to discover the benefits to be gained, If you wish to purify and enrie-h the Blootf, and pre vent disease, as well aa euro it at .this season of the year, use one or two bottles of the Imperial Depurative, and \ro will guarantee its beneficial effects. * Prepared by Dr.' LOUNBBKRRY & CO., and for sale at the Vrlneipal'OCfiee, No. 50 North Fifth street, three doora below Arch, where patients may consult Dr. L. daily, free of charge, ; The Imperial Depurative is tho groat remedy of the nineteenth century. . aul-tf BENNETT’S EMBROCATION— great Liniment, cures Pains aud Sprains. BENNETT’S EMBROCATION—The great Liniment, cures Wouuds and Bruises. BENN'ETT’S EMBROCATION—The great Liniment, cures Rheumatism. BENNETT’S EMBROCATION—The great Liniment, cures Neuralgia. ' BENNETT’S EMBROCATION—Tho great Liuimcnt, cures Frosted Limbs. t BENNETT’S EMBROCATION—The great Liniment, cures dwellings. , BENNETT’S EMBROCATION—Tho great Liniment, eures Chapped Hands.- BENNETT’S EMBROCATION—Tho great Liniment, cures Tooth Ache. BENNETT’S, EMBROCATION—The great Liniment, cures gore Throat. BENNETT’S EMBROCATION —The grekt Liniment, cures Galls and Bruise*. BENNETT’S EMBROCATION—The great Liniment, cores Bums and Scalds. BRN NETT’S EMBROCATION—The great Liniment, cures Lumbago. BENNETT’S EMBROCATION—The great Liniment, cures Croup. TOENNETT’S. EMBROCATION—The JL£,great Liniment, cures Cramps. BE NNE TT ’S EMBROCATION—The great Liniment, cures Lumps aud Tumors. BENNETT’S EMBROCATION—Tho great Liniment, is the best Liniment known for the lloase, and cures him of all outer affections that ' requires an application '6( Strong Liniment.. Thomas T. Butcher,' ‘ • Algernon E, AshbUrUer, ..Alfred Fassitt, • Thomas 8. Foster, . OystaVua English, ,J[une*H. gtrpup, ’ ’ Alfred Slade, -iA. G. Cattail, - , •. Samuel mririrtson, John 0. Keffer, ■ • John*.Steiner* ; .tfeniy Grwnoo, * ' oßrm.jrO’anfer,- ■ ■ ,Br/s m'il'eH, Ptjutclent;,, ISI7 ! C,Vi« President. • <J*i ; *nl-l7 BENNETT’S EMBROCATION—The : groat Liniment. i& for sain by all DrUegista, and .respectable throughout the United States ana Canada,' and the advice to all la not to suffer, but to USB ÜBNNETT’S JJJiBROOATIOX, SHE GREAT LINIMENT, . , ' ■ ■ aul-Ot* • _______ . tOiiies ,tmi> £iqnors. Bogte onb Sljocs. Br emeries. ALEXANDER CONVERT, N. K. corner of Broad and Cherry Sts. iHe&icines. ADDRESS OP THE DEMOCRATIC SLATE COMMITTEE. To the Citizens of Pennsylvania It Ims been usual for tho Stato Committee, repre senting tho Democratic party of Pennsylvania, to address the pooptc tho Stato pending important elections. In conformity with ihis usage, which may ba regarded as settled and salutary, wo submit the following address: The Democratic State Convention, upon the socond day of March last, and at its re-assem bling in June, made nominations for the offices of Governor, Canal Commissioner and Judges of tho Supreme Court. For Governor, Gen. Packer, of Lycoming, was named, alter a spirited contest, and his nomination was then unanimously and right fully confirmed. He lias been long well known throughout tho Stoto; has tilled a number of responsible and important positions in the State government, and has established a public character which strongly recommends him to the popular confidence. We conceive it to be a material qualification for this high office, that the incumbent shall ho well acquainted witli tho practical workings of the government —with the course and character of legislation —the details of business in tile several execu tive departments—and witli tho public men of the Commonwealth, who have illled, or may fill, tho various positions created by tho Con stitution und laws. The contrast, in this re spect, between our candidate and tiie candi dates of the opposition, is too strongly marked to escape general notico, and it is but needs, nary to allude to it to show the.vanfagc ground hold by oiir party in the present canvass. -It may be asserted that, the Convention have named the “ right man for tho right place,” and that their nomination deserves popular endorsement if regard is had to qualifications and experience. It is agreeable to add, that our candidate has a solid and reputable character in private life, and that his inestimable quHlities have endeared him to a largo circle of friends who can enter upon his support with feelings’ of enthusiasm as well as with convictions of duty. We do not desire to draw strongly the con trast which it is possible to draw between our candidate and his leading opponent. Judge WrtHOT has had a career as a public man which has given him notoriety without inspi ring confidence. Imperfectly acquainted with the practical action of tho State government; without experience either in tho logisjativo or executive departments \ .with but a limited knowledge of public men and Stato affairs be yond liis immediate locality,—he is presented upon a comparatively remote national issue, and as the candidate of a bitter sectional party which received a merited defeat at the recent Presidential election. It is not be lieved that his career in Congress exhibited any high capacity to promote the interests of tho peoplo of Pennsylvania, and it is certain that his recent course in tho office ho now holds, has been calculated to lower tho judicial character by connecting it witli extreme, and violent partisan disputes. i Nimrod Strickland, of Chester county, was named by tho Convention for Canal Com missioner. 110 needs no recommendation at our hands, for his integrity, firmness and ca pacity are not disputed and are widely recog nized. It will bo a pleasure for those'who belong to our partyand for all those who de sire to consult fitness and merit in bestowing their suffrages, to give him their cordial sup port. By reason of the declination, by Chief Jus tice Lewis, of the re-nomination tendered him by the Convention, and the calling of Judge Black to the post of Attorney General in the National Administration, tho Convention,'upon its re-assombling in June, found the duty de volved upon it of naming two candidates for tho Supreme Bench. Wh. Strong, of Berks couuty, a distinguished member of the| bar, and formerly a member of Congress, and James Thompson, of Erie, also a former mcm ,bcr pfj Congress, once, a President Judge of tlie'OommouPleas,An ex-member of the Legis lature, and a profound and successful lawyer, -were selected by the -Convention. Their lo cations arc suitable, giving both to the East and West representation upon the ticket, and their learning and integrity, will qualify; thorn to discharge tho arduous and responsible .duties of the highest judicial position tinder our Constitution. . • Such is the ticket formed by the delegates .representing the Democratic party, and sup portor if irrrnmacmnr»BKeain mtr brtntr character of the ndminutfons. But confidence and support are also invited upon the general grounds of policy and principle upon which our party ctand. Ours is no now, untried, vindictive, sectional or suspicious organiza tion. It has hem tried; it is bold and open in conduct; it is magnanimous, patriotic, and na tional. Founded more than a half a century ago by the author of the Declaration of Inde pendence, it has hod a distinguished history, has ordinarily given direction to the adminis tration of public affairs, and planting itself early, and throughout its whole career, upon a strict construction of the Constitution, and a sparing use of the powers of Government, has preserved our American system from de generacy and failure. 1 he usefulness of organized parties is somc tim;s denied and oftener doubted. But in ! vie' v of historical facta it cannot well be ques tioned that they are incident' to free govern | meats, and arise of necessity under their ope | ration. An inquiry, however, into the nature ! of political pirtieß and the causes which pro- I dace them, «an scarcely be expected to con l stitutc the subject of a fugitive address. It will be sufficient forpresent purposes to assert | I the necessity of our party to check the evil! and dangerous influences to which our politi- j cal system is liable, and against which it is im-1 possible that written constitutions can suffi ciently guard. Doubtless our constitutions j exhibit the wisdom of thosowho framed them, and the amendments to which they have been subjected, have rendered them more complete and perfect than they wore at first. But a constitution can only be an outline for the action of government, (besides providing for its establishment,) and by constmction it may bo made to mean almost'anything the political authorities for the time being may choose. It is a chart given to direct the vessel of state, which can have little effect upon the voyage, unless those in command choose to faithfully interpret and observe its counsel. A party organization, therefore, founded upon right principles of constitutional construction and powerftilly and constantly influencing oliicial action, may ho, regard? las necessary. It is, in short, absolutely quired to give a just and consistent direction to government, both in cases dependent upon construction of the con stitution and in Cases where the constitution is silent. Besides the instability of political action in republics is a reproach to which they have been often subjected, and is the objection to them which has had greatest weight with profound and independent thinkers in the old world and the new- But this instability, which arises principally from individual ambition, the selfishness of classes, aud the fluctuations of opinion, is to a great extent checked and prevented by the predominance of a party founded upon clear and sound principles of public policy, and acting constantly with re .i * Now, thp Democratic party is simply the representative of a school of opinion, and its creed is given it by those who founded, nnd have subsequently supported it. The great men who have spoken and acted for it, and whose names will remain stamped prominently upon tho history of the country, have been men of strong, clear nnd sound views of our system of government, and of the rules upon which its administration should proceed. Our party is the product of their efforts; tho in strument for accomplishing the ends they pro posed, and it remains a monument of their sa gacity, foresight and patriotism. They held that ovor-action in government was a great evil—the most diilicnlt to be guarded against, and therefore the most dan gerous—and that both within and without the Constitution powerful guards against it were required. Provorbial language conveys the idea in declaring that “ the world is governed too much,” and that« that government is best which governs least;" and philosophical rea soning attains the same result, in concluding, that government, being tile creature of ne cessity, is limited by the necessities which create it, and is not to be extended beyond them. The Democratic party lias therefore held, and holds, that Constitutions shall re ceive a strict construction; that government shall exorciso no powers not clearly delegated to it, and that in cases of doubt as to tho polioy of a particular measuro, the conclusion shall be against it. In short, that public powor shall not bo exerted, except whevo a cloav warrant and manifest utility authorize and jus tify it. • Tho powerful (and wo think salutary) ope ration of this doctrine appears throughout the history of the National and State govern ments, and the occasional departures ftoin it stand as beacons to warn, and not as examples to follow. To illustrato our remarks, we will rcfor briefly to a number of measures of pnblic po licy heretofore proposed to the General or State Governments, and upon which divisions of opinion have existed among public men and parties. They will afford data for judging the value of the Democratic doctrino on the subject of Government powers and policy, of which we have spoken. First— A Bank created by the General Go- PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1857. vernment, owned in part by it, and intended for the regulation of the currency, and to ttf ford facilities to commerce and business. Tins would never more be obliterated from the measure was resisted, aud nil recent uttoinpts mind; that it would be recurring on every to re-establish such au institution have been occasion, mid receiving irritations, until it put down, upon the very grounds above stated, would kindle such mutual and mortal hatred as Second —lnternal Improvements to bo con- to render separation preferable to eternal dis structed at the ehurgo of the National Treu- cord.” He says to Joseph C. Caukll, Jauu sury, to facilitate internal trade, and assist in ary 81,1821: “ How many id* our youths, she developing the material resources of particular (Harvurd (Joltego) now has learned the lessons sections. .No clear authority for outlays of of jjnti-Missouri-ism, I know not 5 but a gen tlils description appearing, and the manifest tlenum lately from Princeton told me he saw dangers (0 which they lead being apparent, the a list of students at that place, and that more action of the Federal Government on this sub. than half were Virginians. These will return ject lias boon rightfully and wisely arrested, home no doubt deeply impressed with the sacred Third —Excessive dntiea upon imports, to principles of the Holy .dlliuncr of Restriction the extent of prohibition upon their importa- ists /” And to Gen. Breckinridokliowrites, tion, or to the production of revenue beyond February 11, 1821: “The line of division tho legitimate wants of government. TheFe- lately marked out between different portions deral x>ower of imposing duties being for the of our confederacy, is such as will not soon, I expressed object of Government support and fear, be obliterated; uml we are now trusting tho liquidation of public indebtedness, its ex- to those who are against us in position and ercise for an entirely different object would principle, to fashion to their own form the seem unwarranted, and would be unjust to in- minds and affections of our youth. If, as has terests or individuals against whom a diacriiui- been estimated, no send three hundred thou nntion is thus produced. Therefore it is, that sand dollars a year to the northern seminaries against such misconception and the opposition for the instruction of onroisn sons, then we of poweffubintercsts, the doctrine of limited must have five hundred of our sons imbibing and reasonable duties has been sternly, and, o/miioiia and principles in discord with (hose of upon the whole, successfully upheld. their own country. This canker is eating on Fourth —The distribution of moneys lYom itavitals of our existence, and, if not arrested tlie national treasury among the States, believed at once, will be beyond remedy.” to he equally unwarranted with the preceding In a letter to Mr. Madison, in reference to measures, and inevitably tending to the pro- tho Missouri question, he declared that ltufus duction of speculation and extravagance in tho King (a distinguished federalist) was “ ready to States, has also been resisted, and except upon risk the Union for any chance of restoring his asinglo occasion, prevented. party to power, and wriggling himself lo the Fifth—A bankrupt act, dissolving the rela- head of it.” On another occasion, he declared tions of debtor and creditor in a manner and to the question to be a mere party trick, “ that an extonfc unauthorized by Constitution, the leaders of federalism defeated in their disastrous to private rights, injurious to morals, of obtaining power ' • have changed and to the encouragement, mainly, of one, «»l iheir tact and thrown out another barrel to the the least meritorious classes of society—tho a lutle. They are taking advantage of the vir speculator and spendthrift. haste toons feeling of tho people to effect a division flltd under tho lasll Of public opinion, tho of parties by a geographical line, expecting that very authors of such an act in 1842 were coor- this will insure them, upon local principles, the cod into its repeal. majority they could never obtain on principles Sixth— Appropriations of public moneys or bf federalism And finally, his letter to lands to of doubtful constitutionality or General La Fayette, dated November 4,1828, utility, connected with which, may be men- contains his judgment of tlie. whole movement, tioned the allowance of claims, insufficiently expressed with his usual directness and vigor, ci tablished or unjust. The Democratic prin- He says : “ The Hartford Convention, tlie vic ciplcs strikes as decisively at all projects for torv of Orleans, and the peace of Ghent, pros availing the treasury, for an individual, a class, trated the name of .federalism. Its votaries or a section, in the absence of clear right to abandoned it through sluune and mortification, justify the demand, as it does at other unwar- and now cm themselves republicans. But runted measures. the name alone is changed, the principles are Seventh —Tho exercise of jurisdiction by the the same” * * • “On the eclipse of federub General Government over slavery in tho terri- ism with us, though not its extinction, its tocies to the exclusion of local decision thereon, leaders got up the Missouri question, under the Legislation by Congress upon slavery beyond false front of lessening the measure of slavery, the express requirement as to return of fugi- BUT WITH THE REAL VIEW OF PRO tivos, is to be doubted, and if regard is had to DUCING A GEOGRAPHICAL DIVISION high judicial position, expressly denied, as a OF FARTIES, WHICH MIGHT ENSURE valid exercise of power. And its inoxpedi- THEM TIIE NEXT PRESIDENT. The cncyjsyet more plainly manifest, in view of people of the North went blindfold into the the dangerous disputes which such action in- snare, followed their leaders for a while with a ! evitubly produces. Most clearly, therefore, is zeal truly moral and laudable until they became it to bo deprocated and opposed, upon the sensible that they were injuring instead of aid general doctrine of* non-action by government i ng the real interests of the slaves! that they in doubtful eases. had been used merely as tools for elec- Eighth—Tho oatabhshmeut of corporations, tiosrkriso vuuvohv.h ; AND THAT TRICK cither excessive as to number or vestedMvith OF HYPOCRISY then tell as quicklv as it inordinate powers or privileges; and especially had been got up.” for pursuits or business within the reach of in- This is an admirable description of the Re dividual means and skill. Under which head, publican parlv of the present day—of the is to be particularly noted, the chartering of causes which led to it, and tlie objects of its bunks beyond the business wants of tho com- founders. The picture is drawn bv the hand inunity, locating them at points without ade-i 0 f a master, and represents the features of the quate commerce or exchanges to afford Hgiti- subject with fidelity and exactness. Kepub mato occupation, and failing to impose npoq, licanism, being but a reproduction of Missouri ! them supli guards against abuse and fraud as’ agitation, bears precisely the same deserip ure demanded by experience. The recent tion, and is obnoxious to precisely the same resolutions on this subject by our Stato Con- censure. And it is to be remarked, that like | vention, but indicates the well considered posi- its predecessor—it invokes tlie legislation of j ** on °f om ' party and its policy for the future* Congress in a ease of runic inexpediency and ] Ninth —The authorizing of municipal sub- doubtful power, and lienee falls within the senptions to railroiulft and other corporate condemnation of the general principle as to I bodies to the encouragement of speculation, limited action bv Government, which has been | corruption and tho, accumulation of public a topic of this address, debts. The proposition,now before the people But a view of modern Republicanism would I tor the amendment of the Constitution to pro- be incomplete without some particular notice vent this in future, is but tlie affirmance ot tlie 0 f the features of its career. Without tracing principle wc have been considering; for the jf S curly movements in the organization of 1 decision ot a divided Court in favor oflegisla- Abolition societies, the circulation of incen | tivc power to authorize such subscriptions has . diary matter through the mails, agitation by not removed all doubts, and has leu tho'pow- petition to Congress, clamorous opposition to erful objection to the system, upon grounds of the annexation of Texas, and to the prosecn expediency, untouched and irresistible. tion of flic Mexican war, and the acquisition • Jenth—l he sale or surrender by Govern- 0 f territory to which it led; it Will be sufficient merit, in whole or in part, ot any ot its consii- i 0 notice somewhat the IVilmot proviso which tutioiml powers confided to it by tho people, preceded, and the Kansas dispute which ac- Tho attempt to do this in tho lato net lor the companied, tho organization of the Republican sale of the Main Line of the Public Works;. p flr ty in its present form, an attempt which was denounced by tluvState Tlie Witmot Proviso "was offered in Con- Convention, and has since been pronounced gross jq 184 K, ns mi nmemlment to a war bill, unconstitutional, by - tjW- Ooufk „nx>'- was Xbtictly.dcscribwl) «* j> ro i ,on ß’on to be cited under this noud ami deserved that prohibit slavery ill Mexican Territory to be reprobation which it has generally received, acquired. It eroded contention which con- —Sumptuary lavs, by which'dress, tinned some four veins. The national hnr food, drink, equipage,'or other like concern of niony was disturbed anil the public business use, habit or liLshion, is "joerced. Tho'inter- impeded by it, until it became necessary for ferenco of lavMn such cases would seem to lo patriotic men, in Congress and out of it, to unuseful, and is of doubtful authority. unite their utmost efforts to restore peace, and I welfth Finally, measures directed against Bt ,cim> such Jegisial ion as was absolutely tieccs a class or sect, und intended to degrade them or Bary )Vn . tho territory in question. The Com limit their civil privileges, it is affirmed tint promise measures were therefore passed in neither religious beliot nor birth-place, wll ijffio, and eventually received the general ap fumisli grounds for ostracism ot u denial of proval of tho people. In iaet, in 18511, both common right. the great parties of the country endorsed them Such aro some of the leading measures upon ; n their platforms, and their wisdom anil pro wlncli political divisions have taken place, aid p,-jety aro not now a subject of general dispute. ? n care^ll J examination it will lie seal The Territory wc acquired from Mexico by tiiat they can all be resolved into the gcnenl the treaty of peace—the treaty ol‘ Guadeloupe question whether the powers and action of Jlidaigo—was comprised of nearly the whole government shall he extensive or limitcl. Ilow included in the State of California and And if wo should pursue tho subject further, (lie Territories of Utah and New Mexico; and this view of the fundamental ground of differ- t)ic proviso, if it lmd been adopted, would cnce between puhluo men and parties would therefore liavo had application solely to them, be but continued and strengthened. But the Proviso was never adopted, or applied AVe are left then to cliooso- sides in thu by Congress to cither. California was admitted struggle between power and liberty—betwocn j a t 0 jj le Union as a State with tlie Constitution a government that meddles and one that ah- a | lc jormed for herself, without auv decision stains—between political New Englaridism and by Congress on the subject of slavery within tho Virginia doctrines of li .18. Neutrality is j ler limits. That was adjusted by herself in not possible, for almost every public question j lt , r Constitution, and bvlier own act therefore that arises compels us to achoicobetweeu'eon- sho mt cred tlie Union .'is a free State. In tlie tending parties, and the schools ol opinion acts for the osganh.ation of Utah and New winch they respectively represent. Mexico as Territories, there were no provi- It has been fashionablelor apostates from sions prohibiting or authorising slavery, hut it our party to claim that they retained their wa j, ex , )rc „ H ] y provided that they should even* principles unchanged, and even opposing par- tusllr ‘ olue " illta the Union with or without ties occasionally advance pretensions to tho slavery, as the people of each .should decide, faith and doctrines of Jefferson. How un- in forming Constitutions preparatory to udmis founded such pretensions are, whether ad- sion., Seven years have elapsed since these vnneed by apostate or party, will appear from Territorial acts -Were passed, and no complaint considering lie measures of public policy they j 8 ;- ( J against them, nor has slavery been propose and support. If wo find them favor- established in either Territory. It is, tlicre mg new projects ot doubtlul right orexpe- forc , prot , tli that tho Wilmot Proviso was diency, contending for extensive jurisdiction wholly unnecessary to tho exclusion of slavery, for government and scoffing at constitutional and tMt „ ie ag j tatio „ , Vom 18 , 18 to 1850 jo scruples ns ‘‘abstractions,’ we may bo sure secure Its enactment, was a tiling of arrant there are no dfsciples ol the philanthropist, foil, as well as of real evil philosopher anil statesman who founded our fiietc stand (lie facts! Lo longer to he per party, and who wrote to Edward Livingston as yer! ed or dcni( , d a „ d ttl raJlil) f, t)l0 p ro ‘ viso ate us 1824 10 endorse the sentiment, ‘‘it wc ngiwtion ln its truo elector. Not adopted, have a doubt relative to any power, we onght u j, Buen to havo beon unnecessarv. l’roduc not to exorcise it.” Much more may wedony tivc of fireat j ni „ e ljier to the country in the their discipleship, if we flml then; measures cor , teution and aliouatlon it caused WU s u connected with intolerance in religion, pro- mere abstraction, a thing neither practical nor gcnption of adopted citizens, or aggressions upon territorial or state rights which is man!- A d i Bpertl to attempt was made last vear to fcstly a true description, at this moment, of carry , ho p res , doilti ,;, olectioll ul)0 „ a Kansas the parties opposed to ns agitation, in which tho same class of actor.. The (so called) Republican party makes appearedtluitdidinthoMissouriagitationof high pretensions andl elm engestlieirexamina- 1820-men “ready to risk the Union for any ‘tion—but there can he little d.fliculty m deter- c , utlce „ of 08tubl f sllin thuir arty , <und wrig J . mining heir•character and value, and assigning gling themselves to the head of it.” But, a the party which holds them its true position just judgment was pronounced upon these peo before the public. Especially will it he a work pic aod their project, in the election of Mr. of case to explode its pretension to sound JJcciuhax, and they will soon he obliged fo opinions as held hy former BepuhhcanPresl- 9cte gomo otlwl . upou which to disturb ! h “ and strugglo for the at menu of tho times in which thev lived. kunment of power. Tiieir attempts . , , "" , , to keep up excitement without any practical Tho resistance made about 1820, to the ad- or usethl object in vb-w, hut simply they mission ol Missouri into the Union, was simi- may thrive upon discord and passion, arc even lar to tliu recent conduct ol those who nlisde- „ 0 w received by the public "ith a feeling bor scriho themselves* as Republicans. In both during very nearly upon contempt, cases the proposition._ was, that Congress Tho American people arc practical anil sa .scould prohibit slaverj- m territories (or cmiso gacious. Tliey will require some practical >j'o prohibited) prior to tlicir admission as good to appear in any movement to which Mates. Ihe argument against was stated l>y they are invited; and when due time has ; Madison, In the AV alsh letters, under all elapsed for reflection, they will try parties and the high sanctions which Ids abilities and his part. - measure. 1 , by tho standard of principle position as five lending author of tho Consti- and not of professions, tntion couid confer upon It. And it is as well T h o Vimov Proviso was utterly extin. established as any historical fact can be, that gui ,q led i, y iy K i, srau 0 „ the 7th of March, Mr. Jefferson was opposed to the Missouri 1800, in the demonstration of its inutility, and agitation throughout,. nnu to prohibitions oi was thcncefortl. delivered over to history as an slavery by Congressional eoercion as then imposture j and approval of the Kans'as-Nc | proposed. Ills celebriitcd .etter to John hraska act of 1854, has been growing more i Holmes, dated _-d April, 1820, furnishes con- ,m d 1u0 ,. e general ns its conformity to sound elusive proof of this, and confirmation of tlio princijilcs lias been examined and established, fact will he found m other parts of his pub- T lmt unnecessarv tilings shall not he done, and | lished correspondence. In bis letter to John that tlie citizens of each political division of Adams of December 10,1819, ho says. that tlie country shall determine tlicir local iustitu from the battle of Bunker Hill to tlie treaty tions, are, in fret, pru positions so reasonable of Fans wc never had so ominous a question; and just, ,|, at it is surprising tlicv should ever j it even damps tlie joy with which I hear of i lnv ; been questioned. your high heulth and welcomes me to the want Three years ago tho Democratic parly of I of it. I thank God, I shall not live to witness this State chose defeat before dishonor. It B V e * a le . tter - to April 22, stood up for toleration and equal rights, against 1821, he says-“ wliat does the Holy Alliance tho p aBsiolls „„ d ~r ej udiccs of the time, l,c in and out of Confess intend with us on caus „ constitutional and just principles dc tho Missouri question ? And this, by tho way, mantled it. And now, with a now antagonist is lmt tlie name Of the case. it is only the _ the u™,wi C an l.artv—it still stands i» the I Jons Don or Hiciuiid Rot: of tho ejectment. p ath ol ' duty with its past course vindicated, The real question, as scon m the States afflicted ttnd witil tUo highest claims to public couti witli tms unfortunate population, is, are our donee aid favor. While it is not insensible to slaves to be presented with ft'ccdom and a dag- id(JaB of progress and improvement, and will B 'O'- He says to Mr. Monhok, March 8,1820, sc-k to apply tlioso that are practical and just, ‘‘The Missouri question is tho most porten- itsdutyas a great conservative organization t.ous one which over yet threatened our Union. to proser , e t i, e princijilcs of tlie government In tho gloomiest moment of the Revolutionary and the i,. s titutioiis of tho country from dege war, I never had any apprehension equal to wmyi wIII „ot be neglected. In brief; if that which I felt flmm this source. To Mr. trusted, it will be true, and from its adminis- Shokt, April !8, 1820, he writes: ‘ Altliougli tration of public affairs, tho people will rc- I had laid down as law to myself never to ccivo, as heretofore, the “peaceable fruits” of write, talk, or oven think of politics; to know good government and honest rule, nothing of public affairs-, and had therefore b c . R . BUCK.ALEW, Chairman. ceased to read newspapers—yet the Missouri Jno. N. Hutchinson, I „ , . question aroused and filled me with alarm. R. J, 11 viih'.mAn {Secretaries. Tlie old schism of Federal and Republican ’ * ’ J threatened nothing because it existed in every Stato, and united them together by tho fratcr nUm of party. But the coincidence of a marked principle, moral and political, with a geographical line, once conceived, I feared Coutdock, tho tragedian, is rending Shaks* pear at St. Paul. [For TU<» l’rr-uj THE UNITED STATES MINT. Philadelphia was with great propriety chosen us the National Capitol of this Con federacy during the most eventful and critical period of its existence. Here the Continental Congress met, here the Declara tion of In<iejK)ndence was signed, here tho deliberations of tho trying period of tho Revo* lutionary struggle wore held, and this city,too, was for a considerable period the seat of government after the formation of the Federal Constitution. At present, although it pos sesses several institutions of a national char acter where important functions of the Gene ral Government are discharged, the U. S. Mint is perhaps the only relic, pioperly speak ing, of its position us the National Capitol. There are various other Mints, it is true, in other portions of tho country, but the> are branches, and under the general direction, oi the Director of the Mint located In this city, which hears to them all tho character of a parent institution. THE OLD MINT BUILDING. The Mint teas established in Philadelphia in 1702, in Seventh street, above Market, in a building which had been originally erected ts a dwelling house, but which was enlarged for Ibint purposes by various additions, not very sightly or accommodating, at the side and rear. The officers and clerks were nearly all in one room, and the vaults were in the cellar, accessible by an old-fashioned cellar-door. The motive power of tho coining department consisted mainly in five horses, four of which worked the mills, nliile the fifth served a* a relay, or resort in case of a break-don u. However, a great deal of creditable work was turned out during the forty years the old house was dignified as the "United States Mint.” Early in 1815 there was a conflagration, which nearly destroyed the interior works, and arrested the operations. It was owing to this fact, and to the want of copper pianchets occasioned by the war with England, (which were in those days imported thence,) tlut the cent of 1815 is now so great a rarity. If any were coined, they were too few to be re corded. With the refitting of the establish ment, a steam engine was introduced; and from that date there were no bills for "oats, hay,” &c., articles which had previously formed a conspicuous item in tho mint sup plies. NEW HIST ON CHESTNUT STREET. In 182 b, on the fourth of July, (famous as a cold and stormy day) the corner-stone of the marble edifice in Chesnut street, near Broad, was laid; and in the summer of 1833, it was ready to be occupied. Although it lias now the same exterior, it has been since so tho roughly changed and improved, as to be scarce ly the same building; and for compactness and adaptation, is at least equal, and probably su perior, to any mint establishment in the world. Within tho last few’ years large expenditures have been made to render the building as per fectly fire-proof* as possible. In 1837 the hand-presses for coinage begun to he dispensed with, and steam-presses were introduced, after the patterns used in France and Germany* They are preferable to the kind used in the British mint, lor the latter are very complicated, and make a noise like incessant claps ol thunder. AH real improvements, in every department, arc constantly sought after and adopted; so that the entire institution is now in tho most advanced shite of the art of coinage. ACTION OK CONGRESS —INTEREST OF WASHING TON ANI) JEFFERSON IN THE MINT. When the Mint was first established in Phila delphia it excited the liveliest interest in the founders of the Republic, who clearly recog nized, amid their other important duties, the great necessity of u national system of comage. Washington was a frequent visitor of it, and took a deep interest in all its early operations. He frequently alluded to it in his messages to Congress. To Jefferson, however, we are principally indebted for tho simple and convenient coinage of the country. The currency of tho different colonies, anterior to the revolution, was of a very varied and incongruous character; Se veral of the different colonies had established Mints, and thcro were various coinages by indi viduals, without any reference to the harmony of tho different issues, or tho intrinsic value of tho coins issued. Foreign coins, particularly Of British wmt Spanish origin, farmed a Princi pal portion of tho currency. After the con clusion of peace, Congress directed the Fi nancier of tho Confederation, Koukkt Morris, to lay before them his views upon the establish ment of a nationul system of currency. He proposed a table of this sort: Teu units to bo equal to one penny. Ten pence one bill. Ten bills one dollar, (about two-thirds of the Spanish dollar.) Ten dollars one crown. This system, however, was not received with much favor, and in 1784 Mr. Jefferson mado a report upon the subject, in which he proposed making the Spanish dollar, which was already familiar to the American people, the basis of tho new currency, and to strike tour coins, Viz: A golden piece of the value of ten dollars, A dollar in silver. A tenth of a dollar, also in silver. A hundredth of a dollar, in copper. In 1785, Mr. Jefferson's report w as adopted by Congress, and in 1780 legal provision was made for a coinage upon Unit basis. These proceedings, however, occurred during the Confederation, and the respective States still preserved the right of comage, though sub ject to the direction of Congress. The Con stitution, adopted in 1787, vested the right of coinage solely in the General Government. In 1790, Mr. Jefferson, then Secretary of State, submitted a report on moneys, weights and measures, and earnestly urged the com mencement of coinage by the General Go vernment. In 1792, a code of laws was adopted for the establishment and regulation of the Mint, providing for a Gold Eagle of $lO, and a half and quarter eagle; a silver dollar, and a half, quarter, tenth or dime, and twen tieth or half dime; and tho copper cent and half cent. The weight and fineness fixed for these respective coins remained unchanged except by slight amendments, for a period of forty years, or until 1834, when an act was passed changing tho weight and fineness of the gold coins and tho relativo value of gold and silver. Tho coinage of gold dollars was com. me need in 1849; of double eagles, in 1850; of three dollar pieces, in 1854; of three cent pieces, in 1851; and the first issues <>f tho new rent, composed of nickel and copper, wertMimde in May last. MELTING, ASSAYING, REPINING AND COINAGE OF A deposit of gold bullion having been regu larly l-eeehed by the Treasurer of the Mint, is removed to the deposit melting room in locked pans, (a duplicate key of which is in the possession of the foreman of the depart ment,) where it undergoes the necessary melt ing, preparatory to the assay pioccss. The object of melting is two-fold first, to sepa rate from tho metal all the earthy matter; and second. to obtain a homogeneous nuss from any part of which a small chip can be cut for an assay piece. To accomplish this end the bullion is mixed with borax, which at a high heat forms a chemical combination with die earthy impurities, and this, in the form of a vi treous compound, is readily separated, being lighter than the fused metal. The latter is now east into convenient moulds and carefully numbered, and reserved until the report of the Assurer enables the Treasurer to determine its exact value. The gold assay slips, properly marked and numbered to prevent any possibility of inter change, pass to the Atmyer's department, and are each separately assayed. This process is one of the most carefully conducted of chemi cal analysis. The first part of it is tho weigh ing of the assay slips on a beam of great sen sibility, the weightsused being ademi-grauuue and its decimal divisions to one ten-thousandth part of the unit. After the slip is w oighed, it is enclosed with the proper proportion of pure silver, in a small piece of lead pressed in a bullet form, and then ready for the labora tory process. This consists first, in the cupel lation or separation of the oxydable metals, which is conducted in a small furnace brought to a proper heat, and in small cups, called cu pels, prepared from calcined bones, in which the leaden ball with its contents is placed, and by which the base metals in a state of oxydntion and fluidity, are absorbed. Lead posesses the property of oxidizing and vitrifying under the action of heat, and at tho same time promoting the oxidation of all other lmso metals. IVlien the cupellation is finished, the disc or button, being pure gold and silver, ia detached from tho cupel, and by a series of manipula tions, is rolled into a thin slip in order to give surface for tho action of nitric acid, to which it is next subjected to separate the gold from tho silver. The slip thus rolled out is placed in a glass mattrass or bottle, containing the necessary quantity of acid, to which heat is applied ,by a gas apparatus. The acid dis solves all tho silver, leaving the gold pure in the form of a spong) brittle mass, widen is re turned to the balance, where the loss is ascer tained, and the prcciseproportion of pure gold accurately determined. This is reported to the Treasurer, and is the basis for calculating the value of the deposit represented by the assay slip. The assay of silver may ho conducted by the TWO CENTS. cupellation process, hut to more delicately de termined by the humid assay, which is baud on the well known property of a solution ot common salt precipitating the silver lrom its solution in the f»nu of the chloride, the ulti mate particle* being thrown down by a pre pared decimal solution, uml the tineuos deter mined by a table corresponding to the uutuber of charges used in precipitating the chloride. The bullion having been thus assayed, is then delivered to the meltcr and rctiuer, to be refined, and made of the legal standard lor coinage. Native gold being more or less alloyed with silver and the latter .notal being almost unne cessary iu gold coin, it is customary to free the gold lVom the greater part of it. This operation is termed refining. Culitorniu gold contains on an average 11 per cent, silver— the covering power, however, of gold is such, that uitric acid, u reidy solvent of silver, will only remove the smallest fraction of it. One pound of the gold is therefore melted up with two pounds of pure silver, which being tho roughly mixed, H ladled out into cold water, whereby the mixed metal is divided into small pieces, termed granulations. Each particle of gold is thus surrounded by two particles of silver, ami in this shape presents a largo amount of surface, so that when heated in porcelain jars with nitric acid, all the silver, except about on© petvnfc,, is dissolved out oi tlie gold. The nitric .icid, holding the silver in solution, is then drawn off from the pots by a large gold syphon, and passed into a large vat, partly filled with a strong solution of common salt, when the silver falls down as a white powder, called chloride of silver, insoluble i~ water. It Is next run ou filters, which l*dd the chloride, and let the liquid pass through. The chloride, alter being washed for inauy hours by hot water until perfectly clean, is thrown into leaden lined vats together with granulated metallic zi:*c, where a violent ac tion takes place, the me forcibly seizing the chlorine, and making a solution of chloride ot zinc, while metallic silver is left in the form of a gray powder, w iich alter being washed and filtered, is pressed into large cakes bv a hydraulic press, dried by fire, ami is again used to refine more gold. The pure gold transferred from the bottom of the porcelain pots to a filter, is thoroughly washed from every trace of nitrate of silver, and from its state of fine division, lias no me tallic appearance, but closely resembles maho gany sawdust. It is then pressed, dried, melted with a sufficient amount of copper to bring it to the legal standard, and cast into ingots or bars, suitable tor the manufacture ot coin. The ingots are then passed to the coining department, where they are annealed or heated to redness, to soften them for rolling. They are then rolled out ic the “Rolling Presses,” in long and thin slips, in which form riiev are carried to the drawing bench, where 'they are drawn through piates of the hardest steel, accurately set to reduce the strips to their pro pet thickness. In the next place, they arc passed through the cutting process, and planchets or blancs of the proper size are cut. This operation is carried on with great rapidity, one hundred and sixty plauchets being cut out, on an average, per minute. The clippings (us the strips alter being thus cut are called,) are then folded up and sent back to the nudter and refiner tube again melted up and made into ingots. The plauchets are then accurately adjusted and passed through the milling machine. The latter operation i.x done to raise the edges of the plauchets, to afford protection to the surface of the coin. The plauchets, after being thoroughly cleaned, are ready for stamping. The coining presses arc moved by steam-power; each press receives the plauchets in a tube from the hand of a workman, and itself slides them, one by one, to a point exactly between the coining dies. There each piece is powerfully impressed and instantly carried away a perfect com, to be followed as instantly by another. The coins are then counted, weighed and packed, and delivered'to the Treasurer of the Mint. ~ TflE CAUI.NET OF COINS. One of the greatest curiosities of the Mint is the collection of ancient and modern coins, ores, and national medals, which, for this country, is quite large. In itself, it will well repay a visit. The suite of apartments appro priated to this purpose is in the second story, and measures sixteen feet wide by fifty-four feet long. The ancient coins are quite numerous— the immense number of coins issued by the Romans, particularly, having rendered it com paratively easy, even at the present day; lo obtain many varieties. Thercf'are also ancient Grecian and Jewish coins. Some of these bear a date anterior to the Christian era, and serve as active memorials to re-awaktin our recollections of ancient history. So, also, there are numerous coins of modern times— the coins of the various Americuu Colonies previous to the Revolution, and also the coins of existing European nations. Several speci mens of the famous penny, with the head ot Washington stamped upon them, are in the collection. This stylo of currency was fortu nately condemned at the time, as well by Washington himself as by the general senti ment of Congress and of the uarion. The Republics of Greece and Romo originally set the precedent of excluding from the national currency the heads of their rulers, and our own country widely followed it. The displav of half-idiotic heads upon the coins of monar ch iai couutrios is a ridiculous method of ad ministering to the vanity of kings, aud a cus tom which may well be classed as one of those “ more honored in the breach than in the observance.” THE NEW CENT COIN. The new cent coin, authorized at the last session of Congress, is in great demand throughout the country. No operation of the government so universally affects all classes, as the coinage of money. There are none so poor, and alter the first year or two of infancy are passed, none so young, as not to he occa sionally in the receipt of some metallic cur rency. The superiority of tho new cent over the old, in point of convenience, and the fact that it is exchanged at par lor old Spanish coin, create an eager desiro lor it. As the copper coinage of the United States, to the close of 1800, amounted to 155,955,288 cents, a considerable portion of which still remains in circulation, it will be some time yet before their place can be entirely mpplied’with new cents. Three million of tho new cents (or $30,000 worth) were coined before the first delivery on the Ist of June last. Since then, they have been coined at about the rate ol 100,000 per day. ’IVo lear» that uncancelled certificates for old silxrf’fpayable in new cents, to the amount of about $40,000, still remain unredeemed. At present, certificates payable in new cents are not granted for the old Span ish coins, ami probably will not be until a huger portion of the old ones are redeemed; but such certificates are still granted for old cents. AMOUNT OP .IMEBICAN COINAGE. The increase iu the coinage of the country has fully Kept pace with, if, indeed, it has not exceeded its extraordinary progress in all other respects. The total value of the coinage of the United States, for the first twenty-four years after the establishment of the Mint, from 1793 to 1817, was but $14,198,593,03, while coinage of 1856, alone, amounted to $64,567»142 30-100. The total amount of tho coinage of the United States, to the close of 1856, is as follows: . j Commencement \- . „ . Mint 1 0 f Entm* Coinage. Philadelphia 1793 $391,730,571 86 FwncUco 18.74 59.309,-473 93 NVw Orleans JeJB 59,423,415 00 CMotte 1«33 4,384.694 00 D.ihhwjra 1838 5,792,841 00 Office, (N Y) 1854 . 42,732,712 33 ' $563,433,705,12 The operations of the Mint of the United United States at Philadelphia, during the year 1856, were as follows : Denomination, t DouMr* eagle*. Kajd**S Half cables.... Thr« «* dollars., quarter eagles. Dollar*. Fine Lars Total gold C 3 500 925.000 7,204,000 5.780,000 4.880,000 1,458,000 lOi Dollars Half dofiarq . Quarter dollars ... Dimes Half Dimes Three cent piece* Fine Liar 5......... 20.383,068 Total silver. Cents Half cents, Total copper RECAPITULATION. Total g01d.,.. Total silver Total copper. 2,761,727 20,883,668 3,730,893 Total coinage. 36,876,285 OFFICERS O? TUB MINT. The first director of the Mint, was the cele bra'nd American Astronomer, David Bittsi»- hi -k. HO was appointed in 1793. He re si ,eed in whoa ChaScbmp* DsSaiis- NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. for ‘*Tss Paxas’’ ini<iJ the ru! brer/ urnd atcoapome-i fcj Quaiiof the writer. In order to issa;* corrector the typography, bat cat lids of a sheet ahaalAfo written upon \ \7 e shall ba great!/ obliged to geaUeaiea la P«aajyl. N vauia aui other xstaie* for coutr.l/utK&i gJ'iig the car. rent of the day ta the.r particular local;:***, the of the surrvaD-lisg country. the iatreas* ci papulation, aad anj information that will t< interesting to reader. ntsL uaa appointed. He resigned in 1796, "hen Elias iJranNor appointed. He resigned in lSlfo, and noa succeeded by Hobzst Patterson, who held the office* until bla death, in 1627, when 6amial Mgoke was ap pointed. He resigned in l&d7, and was suc ceeded by K. M. who resigned is Ifcol, and was succeeded by George Eck ert, who resigned in and was succeeded by Thomas M. Fattit. He died shortly after receiving the appointment, and was SUCCced&d by the present incumbent, Jamas Boss Sxqw ilßS. The p;esent Treasurer of the Mint is Si i ih,i.os. The other principal officers ire, Chki Coiner, George K. Cuons; Assayttr, J.vcou K. Eik/ali/t; Melter and Refiner, Jaj. C. Booth; Engraver, J. B. Loxcacrs. The present number of employees about the Mint building, as clerks, workmen, is about ninety males, ami about thirty-five females. The Mint is open to visitors, who are shown through the building by conductors, from 9 to 12 o’clock. Quite a large number of persons visit it daily. [For Tire pmtt.] WHERE SHALL THE POST-OFFICE BE The writer of this has taken no part in the ear lier controversies in regard to the location of the United Slates Courts, Post-office, do., nor hi the recent movement towards changing the location of the Post-office from the place designated bythe late actioaof the General Government—the Penn sylvania Bank building— to the present Cusuia bou»«* though I believe that «uch a change is de /ifc&i by a.large majority of the cituens m Pm.a delphiu, and woalu be for the g«.n«.r;*l toufi; Should this question be considered an vz#u une. I woald make the following two -scggciiious. in rota tion to the location or erection tv; only of the Post-office, but uf the other public builaings re quired in this city, vix' Cuikd States Court house, Assistant Treasurer* Office, Ac . for xhe consideration of the Government, aud of tne citizens of Philadelphia who feel a general, not selfirh interest, on the subject. First—lt is proposed to locate the Post-office at the present Custom-house, which cau bo done with out any alteration of the present building or in terfering with its use as a Custom-house, by the erection of one story wings, with flat iron or stone root, on the cad and west spaces of the lot, and on the Library stroet front, with covered passages through from Chestnut to Library street—on The ouo side for the receipt and delivery of mails by wagons, and on the other side for the receipt and delivery of letters, Ac., by individuals. Or if. as is asserted, the whole operations of the office should be under the oye of the chief officers, from the same point and at the same time, oue of these operations could be carried on in the Library street front of the building. This arrangement would give us one of the most convenient Pust offices in the world; and as it would be lighted from above, ard have free air all through a, it would be the best lighted and ventilated. Instead of marring, as some have supposed, the beauty or architectural symmetry of me present building, we are assured that Major BoWJU.v, of the United States Topographical Engineers, and architect of the Treasury Department, who examined the sub ject fully, has expressed his opinion, that it would be a great improvement to the appearance of tba building, adding to its beauty, and being more conformable to the original design. This improve ment could be effected in two or three months, and would not cost over fifty thousand dollars. This arrangement would also allow of the location m the present building, iu which there is abundance of room, of the Assistant Treasurer's office, when that office shall be separated from the Treasurer of the United States Mint, as it uo doubt will be before long. Should this be doae. the principal collections of the General Government, (Irom Cus toms and the Post-office) and its payments, would be made in tne fame place, thus adding to the safety of the and to the convenience of all transacting business vith these offices Second— lnstead of retaining the Custom-boas* where it K as suggested abore. it is proposed that tho Uovetnmont buy from the city tbo Dock street Tobacco \V are house, and remove to it the Custom house and Appraisers' offices and stores, and all the officers connected with tbeeollection of revenue from customs. This would be a great accommoda tion to importers, and would greatly facilitate the 1 transactions of business, 03 well as *ive thousands of dollars to tho Government in various ways. To purchase this building and fit it up iu a proper manner, would not require over two hundred thousand dollars—the interest of which sum is now paid for tho rant of the Appraisers' offices and stores alone. This building, besides affording full accommodation for all thepurpososspecified, would give ample room for all the general order* or un claimed goods, and the connection of this branch with the Appraisers’ office would be a great saving to the merchants, as well as a source of revenue to Government. Should tbo Custom House be thus removed, thd U. S. Court, with all its officers. Marshal, Ac., . could be transferred to the present Custom House without any considerable alteration or expense. Tho main room of the building is admirably calcu ; la tod for a court room, aud entirely free from any disturbance from street noisos; and connected with it on the Chestnut street front are a number of rooms well suited for its clerks, juries, documents, Ac , as well as for the Marshal and his officers, leaving the rooms ou Library street for the u»e of the Assistant Treasurer, should one be appointed, and for the Postmaster’s private office, Ac. Tho first location of the offices proposed would supply the port with a Custom House and the city witn a Post Offiee where it seems to be moat wanted, at an expenditure of only fifty thousand dollars, but would leave the government to build a court house and offices elsewhere, and to continue to pay nine thousand dollars a yeur rent for the Apprais ers’ offices and Mores; while the second proposition at an expenditure of iwo hundred aud fifty thou-, .?and dollars, would provide ample accommoda tions. in suitable locations, for the Custom House and all its appendages, the Post Office, the Court and officers, und tho Assistant Treasurer, if ouo should be appointed, at tho cost of u little over half ot tho sum appropriated for a Post Offiee alono. Under either of theso arrangements the Peun* sylvania Back building would not be required; aud if sold for tho sum paid for it by the govern ment, the proceeds would be ample to furnish the United States with all the offices it needs in this city The death of Commodore John T. Neutun, (from an apoplectic attack, at Washington.) has caused much regret, publicly and privately, lie had a public funeral on Thursday. He was 05 years old, and entered the navy 43 years ago. Colonel F. B. Ogden died on the -4th of Ju’y. at Bristol, in .England, in his 74th year. From 1829 to IS4O he was United States Consul at Liverpool, and was thence transferred to Bristol, lie wai one of the pioneers of steam navigation, and was a member of the Order of the Cincinnati, which he inherited from his father, Gen. Matthias Ogden, and which descends to his only son and b'jir. Prince Napoleon (cousin to tho Emperor,) visited tho U. S frigate iWagara, at Liverpool, on July 17tb> end entertained Captain Hudson tu his own *<cam yacht, in return. The Paris correspondent of the New Fork Tunes «tat©3 that Rossini lately composed two pieces of music for Vivier, theoornet-a-pUton per former, and six melodies, shortly after, in com memoration of his wife’s fete day. Madrid journals announce the death, at Costa, of Augustina Zaragoz, who, when very young, dis tinguished herself greatly in the memo*rable siege of Saragossa, by assisting th\. artillery men. in the very thickest of the fight in firing on the Frtooh. For her services on this occasion, si-« w... made a sub-lieutenant of infantry in the Spanish anuv, and received several decorations. Bhe vaa buried at Cueta with all the honors das to her memory. .Ole Bull, the celebrated violinist, sailed from Boston on Wednesday, in the steamer America, for EoiEpa. The physlciahs of Sir Roderick Murchison have prohibited hi* contemplated visit to this country (to attend the Scientific Convention at Montreal) at this season of the year, and Mr. Ram say has been appointed hi 3 substitute. The Hon. Joseph A. "Wright, of Indiana, recently appointed Ambassador to Berlin, ha* been in New York for the past few days, on his way to his official post. He leaves in the Atlantic to-day. Edward Everett has agreed to deliver his Washington oration at Portland, early in August, probably on the 7th. This makes throe addresses from him in one week—at Middletown. Conn , Aug. 3; at Brunswick, 6th, and at Portland 7th Professor W. A. Harris, of Virginia, has been elected to the Chair of Natural Science in La Grange College, Georgia. Mr. Glover, for several rears connected with the Agricultural Department of the Patent Office, baa sent in his resignation. Richard B. Kimball, the author, has taken a cottage on the banks of the Connecticut, and is hard at work on the sequel to <SV. Legtr. Senator Bright has arrived at "Washington, so much indisposed that lie has taken lodgings on Georgetown Heights, in the hopes that tno quiet and salubrity of that beautiful location will speedily restore him to his customary vigorous health. $6 597,500 00 604,900 00 949.950 00 78,030 00 Senator Iverson, of Georgia, is on a visit to Washington, enjoying excellent health. At the late commencement of the University of Carolina, at Chapel Hill, the honorary degree of LL H. was conferred upon Hon. A. V. Brown, Postmaster-General, who is a graduate of tho Invitation 0) 960,600 00 0{ 1,702,936 00 3, WJ.412 12 11.074.848 12 Hon M. "W. Bates, the United States Sena tor from Delaware, ha-i for some time been threat enccl with a lusj of eye-sight; butunoperatiou bus latoly been performed in Philadelphia, ?o that he can now readily distinguish the form and color of the wall paper, which he was unable to see before, Capt. Patton, late commander of the ship Neptune's Car, died at the Lunatic Hospital, at Somerville, Mass., on Saturday afternoon. Hu wife brought his *bip into port while he was con fined to his bed by siekness, and a fund is now being raised as a reward for her heipism ard de votion. 409.000 Dt> 1,816.000 00 578.000 00 241,000 00 , 43,740 00 31,028 09 3,245.268 C 0 Mr. Thackeray, the author-lecturer, is a can didate for the parliamentary representation o* the city of Oxford, in opposition to Mr. Cardwell, ex mimitor, and formerly M. P. Mr. Thackeray’s principles aro boldly democratic, (though hu per sonal a>e aristocratic,) and the contest was nkolv to be a close one. The nomination was fixed for Julv 15, and the polling would follow im mediately after. 11,074,358 12 3,245,208 09 27,106 78 14,346,762 99 Rufus !\. Griswold, well known l in ~ tha hum, cuvlu m a. di-tinguished author, and who lately had an unfortunate difficulty with hia wife is »V the point of swth. 17 mu * “* *“”> LOCATED ? PERSONAL.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers