Specie of tbe Unite!) ' r f '■Ivmve* iiß4-] PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE fTxr'^tX - - 'iii — - " 1 - ■ k ■ Snow Hebe. 1 r —- FOR SALE, , JV§w The Snow HEBE, Capt. Gay, • faithful Philadelphia built vefiel, Car -1 ,1,3000 buftiels of grain or 2600 barrels flour, is rea trVta'ce in a careo. She is about four years old. Apply to PETER BLIGHT. Who has for sale, Coffee, Cocoa, and Pimento. Also, A Parcel of CHOICE PORT WINE. Time 6 12_ For Sale or Charter, THE SNOW BOSTON, IjIiRTHEN about zooo Bbls. of flour—flae may be sent to is* at a small expenee, her fails and rigging being in y good order—apply to James Campbell, or George Latimer. April, 49. § For Cadiz, ±j£&/££r* To fail on or aboat t!ie Jth intl " from The ship Hazen, Excelleut accommodations for Paffengeps. For paflage , only apply to Miller and Hoope, at New-York; or to the Printer hereof. ___ [I ■■ For sale, freight, or char- To any part of America or the Wett-Indies, The sloop Agnes, NOW lying at Race-street wharf. For terms apply to the owner on hoard. June 20. FOR SALE, THE Cargo of the ship Catharine, John Farraday, mas ter, from Hifpaniola, at the wharf of Messrs. Jeffe & Ro bertWaln, Confiding of 156 Hogsheads of SUGAR 51 Hogsheads") COFFEE 358 Bags J 44 Hhds*of Clarified MOLASSES 72 Bales of^Cotton x ALSO FOR SALE, BURTHEN about 24 or 2500 barrels— k'~ ! ■*- Strong, well found, and may b - sent to j e a at a fmalf expense. Apply to John Craig. June 21 § For Sale at Autlion, ON Thorfday, the 30th inft. at 7 o'clock, at ths Mer chants' Coffee-Honfo, Polly & Sally, BURTHEN 7 7 tons, well found, and may be seen at the wharf of Messrs. Jefle & Robert Wain.— The terms of payment will be one half as the purchafe money at 60 days, and the remainder at 90 days, in ap proved notes, Footman & Co. Auctioneers. Tune 22 $ ♦ For Sale, . .'CipfeyV'vs.Of 83 tons burthen, and can tte sent to i fl:a at a final l expenee. For terms apply JOHN WELSH, N° . 82 South Wharves, WHO HAS FO'R SALE, 36,000 Pipe and barrel STAVES and heading St. Croix SUGAR MADEIRA and PORT WINES LAMPBLACK, of Kuhn's "warranted" in order to ship, being put up in pound papers and stowed in good hogsheads SPERMACETI CANDLES SOAP SWEET OIL CORDAGE Boston BEEF and MACKAREL, and knock down HIDES, BLUBBER OIL, MOROCCO SKINS. June 32 §6 Sales at New-York by Isaac Moses & Sons. Peremptorily, Monday, inft. at the Tontine CofFee-Houfe, - at l o'clock, The {hip Rajah, vi Bur'hen 350 Tons, Sails fall—is well found—now lying aI Bachc's wharf. _ . " Terms at the lime of sale, June «3 'fs' For sale at Audion, On Saturday next, at 7 o'cloci in the evening at at the Merchants Co-ffee-F.'' use, The American Brig LIBERTY, COMPUTED to carry 1400 bbls. of : flour. She hasjuft been entirely n. w fheathad and put .in compleat or- • . der for an European or WeiUndia She will.be delivered to the purcliafer in such condition, as to require no expcncc, excepting lor j.rovi- | lon. Appr©ved notes at 2,.3 and 4 months will be re ceived m payment. JOHN CONNELLY, j p. #■ The Brig nuty be i'eea and examined.at N. J. | Mutton's Ship-yua'l, where every information • refpeiting • iu r may be obtained. June 23. _____ For sale by the fubfenbers, IN PENN-STREET, J3O quarter Chests frefh Hyson Tea 100 ditto do. frefh Souchong 1 ea; ' 300 Boxes China, containing small tea letts of 4* pieces ; 400 pieces Bandanoes. Willing & Francis. January 30 3 taw. UNITED STATES, np Peiuifylvania District, ) ' Notice is hereby given, That in pHrfuance of a Writ to me dire&ed, from the , honorable Richard Peters, Esquire, Judge of the DiflriS Court of the United States in and for the Penn fylvanii Diftriift, will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Merchants' Coffee-Houfe, in the city of Philadelphia, on Tuesday the sth day of July next, at 12 o'clock at noon, The Schooner or veflll called the Delight, With all and Angular her tackle, &e The fame having been condemned within said court for the payment of Mariners' wages, &c. William Nichols, Marjhal. Marshal's Office "J 32—§ June 21, 1796. j St. Croix Sugar, LANDING on Race-street wharf, fr«m en hoard the brig Pragers, capt. Thomas Watson, and for sale by Pragers CS 5 Co. > Who have REMOVED their Counting-houje t» the S. Jide of IValmit-Jfreet wharf. j June xo $aw George Dobson, BF.GS leave to inform the Store-Keepers in Town and Couorrv, that he has removed from Market-Street to N°- 25, south Third-street, where he is opening a Large and Elegant Aflbrtinent of the undermentioned article*.—viz. Superfine London Cloths and Kerseymeres, Yotk .'hire second Do. Do. Elrftic do. do. Mix'd and Blue Coatings Flannells, &c. Manchester Printed Caliicoes, London Chintz ditto t Blue and ditio Furnitures, India di>u. Long Cloths, CoifTaes, Biftas, BattilTas& Conjevrems, 4-4 9-8 5-4 8c 6-4 Superfine India Book Mutlins, 4-4 and 9-8 India Book Handkerchiefs, 4-4 and 9-8 Scotch ditto, 4-4 & 6-4 plain do Muslins, 4-4 & 6-4 Briufh Jaconeis, 6-4 Britilh Checks and Stripes, ' 4-4. India do. do. do. 4-4 ditto Chilloes, Madras Handkerchiefs, Set, A laroe aflortment of figilr'd arid plain Muflinets, Q'liltings, Dimities, and Striped Nankeens, Fancy Waillcoatings, Ginghams of the firft Quality, fubje£t to Drawback, India Nankeens, Men's White and coloured Silk stockings. May 9 l^aweotl JOHN PAUL JO -So. INFORMATION is hefehy given, ti;at the' late John Paul Jbnes was a proprietor of five (hares (amount ing to about icres) in a trtA of land purchased by the Ohio Company, in the territory of the United States of America, north-weft of the river Ohio ; and that his heirs, or legal representative, on application to the direc tors of said company, at Marietta in the territory a ore faid, W»ir a deed of the said' five shares, or rights of land. Ths application maybe made personally or by an agent,: but proper document* mtVil be produced to prove the ( J ■ 1 L — ' 5 ■ ' the laid J one# . n. b . As it is not known in what country the person or persons interested reside, it will be an a& of belie vole nee in every Printer in America and Europe, who lhall infer* this advertisement in -his paper. In behalf of the drredors of the Olwo Company, RUi'US PUTNAM. Marietta, ( May-q0,i796. [Juns4]. 3a\vow . Landing, AT the Subfcr ihers' wharf, from on board the ship Au rora, cijgt. Suter, 150 Hogsheads Prime Jamaica Sugars, For .sale by Willings and Francis, May 17 * § Bank of the United States, JUNE 14th, 1796. ; NOTICE is hereby given, that applications will be re-j ceived at Jiank, until the firft day of July next, m | clufive, for the pur£h;li'e of the fix per cent stock bearing ' interest from the firft day of July next, to ba issued agree j ably to an a& of Cor.grefs, pafT.d the thirty-firJt day of May last, entitled,," an a<ft milling provision for the pay ment of certain debts of the United States." CONDITIONS: tft. Said ft tick will be fold at par, for notes with two endorfers,to be approved of, at terms npt exceeding three, four, and ve months, in three equal instalments. id. No sum lif9 than one hundred dollars wilL be fold, nor any sum expressing a fractional part of one hundred dollass. iy. jB. The application! accompanied by the notes offered in Payment are to be mhtllt in the fume manner as for Jiff counts ami an- to be handed to the Cajhicr, from ■ -whom anfiVtrs can be re- , ' ceived on the second as fuly. By order of the Dire&ors, G. SIMPSON, Cashier. aawtij Land for sale. ANY gentleman desirous of purchasing Land, in the vicinity of the city of Walhington, may now be accommodated with a situation combining ndvantages as to health, foil, and profpe*st, not equalled pexbaps in Ame riCThe fubtcribct hasfor sale from 100 to 380 acres of land. It lies within I 1-4 mile of the city of Walhington, 2 1-2 • from the Preftdsnt's Square, (from which it bears about N. by E.) and 3 1-4 miles from the Capitol. It bears nearly W. from the westernmost spring of the head waters of the Tibvr, distant therefrom abdtat r-Boi a mile. 1 he lituatioil js remarkably healthy, and every pait of the land is well watered—has great abundance of the choicclt fruit : jfcboiit 80 acres are in wood, and there are about 50 I acrcs of ihea low-ground, great |<art thereof can be wat ' l tlji: whole laid down in Timothy-grass at a lmail ! expense. There are several Uautifuleminences on it : one. { of the heigh'*commanding araoft beautiful oud extenaVe ; |Tfpip3^i—l o the south, you have a lull view of the cit} of \7ilihington, .tlie town of Alexandria, aad the river Potowmac, as far is the eyecan reach. To the north, a full viei»v o£ 'the Sugar-Uoaf Mountain,. diJtant about 35 • miles, with the lurroundi'ig country.—To the Weft, ave. ry .exren'ilve view oT the lands in Virginia: the whole tlttiffin£ a rurai Amphithefttre. A«y person xufilinr ed to purchafc, will find on viewing the situation, that the Landscape is far superior to the iketcfe given of it in this advertiCrn>ent. For price, <Scc. apply to the fuU"cn'oer, living oil thj prcmifes, or to George Walker, Ffq. now in Philadelphia. : Di'fUi&pf Columbia, May 6, 1796. May 11. 2aw^w DOLLARS REWARD". LOS r i\ JUNE >stli, between Shippeftand Market.ljreet», a red A OROCCO POCKET BQOK. containing a Check . on the Ban! of the Unitfed States, drdwn by Peter and Henry Mivckenin favor of Mr. R.Potter, sot i,oOQdol- lart., and frvefal notes of hand past due ; together with a ftiare in tht New Theatre, and several other papers of no confequeniE but to the owner. 1 Whoever will'bring it to No. 136 Market ltffcei, (hall j receive the above reward. J N.H. ! ' Ytnent of the Check is ftoppe<J at the Bank. j June 15. " ALEXANDER POWER, HAVING buimefs in the country, and expeding absent for some time, reqtiefts his employers in the Brokering line, to a|>ply to Mr. Thomas Noble, at No» 147 in Cheliiut Street, next door to his houie, between 4th* and sth Streets, Who will pay every attention to those who may have any tranfaclions in sales or purchases in Land, Stock, Difcoants, &c. June 3 § Samuel Richardet, RESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen Merchants, th'jt he has this day opened the CITY Tavern and MERCHANTS COFFEE HOUSE in the city of Philadelphia. The Subscription Room vf-ill he furnifhed with all the daily papers publilhed in Philadelphia, N;w-York, Bos ' ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com mercial cities of Europe —They will be regularly filed '■ and none permitted to be taken away on any account. Tea, C"Jfee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety of French Liquors; together with the ul'ual refrefhments, will at all times be procured at the bar. Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the wo ft > approved Malt Liquors fretr.London and other breweries^ The Larder will be fupplied-with the prime imi oariteft , produ(flions of thoSeafon. .. — Large and small Parties, or single Gentlemen, may be r ac.'ommod.ted-with Breakislts, Dinners, or Suppers, at , hours mo , conv-nient to themfelves —a cold Collation is ] regularly kept for conveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had ( at the bar. , The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifhed, and the utrnoft ittention paid to cleajilinefs, and every other , requifitc. 0* Sampel Richardet will be happy to receive, and cxecute the _ommands' ot his Friends, and the Public at large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges himfelt chat nothing on his part fhali be Wanting to pre serve that patronage with which he has been so distinguish- 3 1 Philadelphia, April 19. § Hot Pressed BißbE. The Secoiiil number of this Splendid National Work, wii! be delivered in a few days, and proceed regularly 1 without interruption. ! " r'H£ proprietors have greatfatlsfacfKota in faying, that: X it hasbeen ejami««d with rrtuch attention by many i hundreds of gentlemen, and that nor.in a firigle instance haslhe'warnieif approiiation bden w.fiiheldfrom it. Ihey. . already boast of as refp'rtlafcle a lift, of fuWcrib rs as ever supported any work, in so short a time as this has been be , ■ lore the public. .Such Iriands of elegant priming'as mean to become fuHfcri'bcrs. are requested to do it without de lay, as the'number dSterm ned upontobe printed is limit-. ' «#; andthere is every.fjolyett u£- tile ■yfl^eJ^itfyTihyt-j 1 ,• - ! 34 Cartri alley, and at the Book-stores rti gcHer'al. • ; Philadelphia, June y. ee2 , ,Sa ei of India Goods. The Cargo el thc.fhip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal cutta and Bengal, j - - cONSISTiNG' or ALitif and general alfortment of Bengal and Madras !. co iirON and sttK GOODS. MOHG WIIICU ARE A variety fine worked and,plain Muslins-, Ufc. A If©, A Quantity of Exce'knt Sugar, In and bags—and BLACK PEEPER. B or Sale by Willings y Francis,; No. 21 Pern Street. June 8 § | Wm. HOLDERNKSSE, ! No. 7(5 High Street, f T.TAS received, by the lafeft arrivals from Europe and il the Baft Indies, a well' feleifltd assortment of Silk Mercery,Lip«nE)rapery and Haberdashery Goods; which .will fell, Wholel'ale and Retail, on terms ;' > WHICH AI. E, , Some fi()e India muftms emoi oldered with gold and silver Superfine Book, Jaconet, aadMuhnul ditto ,-| .Do do da. do Handkerchiefs i Some extra black tafeticsjutsftrings a*4 colored.Pcifians Baadano 1 Lone; and short Nankeens / Engiifb Mantuas of the,firft quality Dainafk table linen and napkins, very fine £jilk Hosiery, an elegant assortment Thf ad and cotton dr Umbrellas—green silk, o;l'd do. and do cloth French caml»ric», ve*ry fine Iriftr Linens, do. - &c. &c. Juim 14 ' § Genteel fatnily wish to rent a COUNTY SEAT, ; fx. in .in igrecable situation, within a few miles of ; Philadelphia. If furnifhed, it \Vould be more agreea > ble. Apply personally or by letter to Mr. Taylor, at Dr. Yeatnijn's, No. z'is, South second street, corner of • Second ftreef June 6. $ ; " " "<i'o~BE LET,']; . s * LARGE Commodious dwelling House, No. 124, s £\- Spruce ftfeet, with a cofrrenfent table and Coach : Hsiife, —Also for lale a Chariot but little t]\e wofle for ; . u se J unc . 2 - ' ■ ' * , ffv/ nre n, i ? 1 1 ! Several Apprentices to the printing-! 1 Buiinefs Apply at the Officc of the Gazette of tlu 2. United States, No. t Chefnut-ftreet. i 5 Just Arrived, r In the trig I.ady IVvlletffarff, Capt. Gutteffort, and 1 -will begin to land this day at Sims's ivharf, Lci-o-w 5 the Bridge, TE N E RIF FE.W IN ES, r In pipes, JiQgfheads and quartet cades. Fpr sale.by SJUUEL & Aims FISHER. They hive also on hand, y *1 Butts and 5 Butts & 2J5 Qr. .Ca(ks Sherry, Which they wish to dflpofe of torlofe £»le», hth month n, * C! j>6T ' ■ — -■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ i Yazoo Lands. At ay he had at the Editor* s Office 1 I 9» Chtyml-jlirtf A few Copies of " a Report of the AttoiiieV General to Congrrw-;" containl'ii;; a Collcftion of Chapters, Trsatifs aud other Dovumbnts* relative to and explanatory of the Tiile to the Land situate in the South Western parts of the United States, and claimed Ky certain Companies under a law of the State oi Georgia, passed jacuary. 7tJ»» receive; Bv the Brig Welcome Return, from SitDamuih, 27 Bales C OUT ON. By the-Schooner Abigail, from Charl -lon, too Calks Prime RICE. And, by the Schooner 'John, from Bofion i SEWING-SILKS, various colours, GURRAHS COSSAHS, and India Btndanno Handkclifs. For Sale by N. & J. Frazier, No. 95, South Front street' 1 Whc have also on hand, and for Sale, Pome Boflon BEEF, iu barrels, Sherry and ) WINES, J enerme > J Carolina INDIGO, &c. &c. May 31 ■ mw&fim • Lottery and Broker's Office, A" 64 South Second flreet, TICKKTS in the Canal Lottery No. 11, are now rea dy fd'r file, a Cheek Book kept for the examination of and Prizes paid, without dedu&ion. The Subfcnher solicits the application of the Public of any ot his friends who ev'ihro purch' fe or fell Bank Stock, Cert V : -l? of Exchange, hr Nwtts, j Lotts pr of any kiwi, or to 1 btain Money on dupSfftof property. WILLIAM BLACKBURN, Late Agent for the Canal Lottery Company. June 6. ''' ' w&a For Sale, A Three story BRICK HOtfSE and Lot, in Chefnut street, between Ftont and Second llreets, :: ■■ hich Meflrs. James Calbraithfr Co. have for man; years (and now do)carried on bufmels. PofTeflion will bt given in; one month, or sooner. For terms apply to 'WILLIAM BELL, or HfiCTOR CALBRAIT H Apri> 4lv %• _ Treasury- Department,; Revenue-Office, March loth, 179^ PROPOSALS Vv 111 be received at tiie office fit the CommiJJioner'of the (No. 4.1 at the coiner of ' Third and Cfiefmit-ilreeU, 'Philadelphia) for building in " North-Oarslii.'l, I. A' Light-'Houfe'Upon Cape-Hattetas. 1 11. A Beacpn House npnji Shell Cattle island. Defciiptiolisof each.'Sndall other particulars, jnay be •seep pn application at the offices of any of tlic Sup jrinten .da ita oi* Ltgl)t-Houfes # or of the Supervifys of the Reve-* • de, or of the CoHfiters of the Customs n any. of the •States j f»s Jiib up —taw »i ~ CiUNA Goods. TH*'£Ship Atlantic, Silas Su/aine, Commander, from Canton, will commence tlve ciifcharg-e of . bef - l carjd to-morrow morning at Wahiut-ilreet wharf Gonjtfling of Yellow and whltd Nankeens of excellent'qwtlitjr s Pcrlian Taffetits, black andcclAired Lustrings, ' db. do. Sattins black of various qualities j Sewing silks in afrovted colours VermiUion'in boxes Calfia in chests Qui'cklilver in jars BOHEA, , SOUCHONG, HYSON SKIN, « , T . YOUNG HYSON * refll leas " BEST HYSON,... IMPERIAL, CHINA WARE, ornamental, with Table ■ 9«s eeneraJly assorted. WHITE SUGARS, and a quantity of! First quality Bengal SALT PET RE. j Far Safe by Philip Nickl/n & Co. April 8. t.th&s Country Seat for sale. An elegant House, and highly cultivated Farm, oil the east* ern bank of Hudson's river, bounded on the north by Verplanck's Pbirit, and difiant forty-five miles from New* York ; the farm confifis of 295 acres, and Uvoneof the raoffc pj&urefque and beautiful ficuations on the Continent ; com manding an extenfivc and variegated profp<e£fc the foil is lich, chi'-fly laid down in Englifti grals, and is under excel lent fence. The house is a handsome two story double building, in the mod moderii style, finifhed with much taste, and poffeflfes e-» very requifj'e for the accommodation of a genteel family 5 there are "also oh the premiss a new Overfeer's-houfe, a ncv/ barn, extensive ltablcs, cow-fbed, cyder-house, fmoke-houle, r poultry house, &c. There are abundance of fruit trees cotn -1 prehending all the choicell kinds v/hich could be 'procured 'From tfie nufferie.< about to # ,vn, now in full bearing, and a well ftock'd kitchen garden. A sloop goes twicc a week to '•» the r JZtiyi from a landing convenient to the farm, end the Al f bany poll road forms the eafterh boundary. The house, &tc. are k< pt in neat order, for the receptior* of the purchaf?r on the (horteft notice, who might also be with about J&o acres adjoning thefarm on the l, south, the greatest part of whr:h stretches along the river, h which abdilnds with ovfters and a variety of fi(h- Should he r beaverlt to terming, tfic?e are many refpefitable rteighbour* who would wOrkit on advantageous terms. Apply to GEORGE Sc yUGH POLLQCK, Gonverneui's Lane, New-Yoik, or to JOSFPH ANTHONY 8c CO* May 27 P iladelphia TerierifFe Wine. TENERIFFE VVI'NE, ih pipes, hogsheads, arid quarteVcafts, and 170 Filtering Stcmcsnjnft a:-' rived Jjer the fchooher Polly & Sally from TenerilFe,and for Sale by 1 John Craig, No. 11 Dock street. WHO HAS ALSO FOR SAfcF, fteft Soft-lhell'd AI.MONDS, IRAl3lNSinFraili SHRRKY WJNE, in Quarter Calks, Irish CANVAS, Bnftol and Irish WINDOW GLASS. May 30
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers