, • ... . „ rr m j (Rjjttte of tfic tUntteS H> Wis NtfMßß* 1183.] PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 23, 3796. {VOLUME IX, For Sale or Charter, THE SNOW air b° st °k, Btjk'fHEJJ aqout aooo Bbls. of flour; —Die may be sent to tea St a fiiiall expence, her fails and rigging being in very good Ordir —apply to James Campbell, or George Latinier. i»-pril, 29. . ... § . S>now Hebe. r-3_ FOR SALfc, The Snow HEBE, A faiihfui Philadelphia built veflel, car ries 1,3000 bushels of grain or 2600 barrels flour, is rea dy to take in a cargo. She is about four years -old. Apply to PETER BLIGHT. Who has for sale, Sugar, Coffee, Cocoa, and Pimento. Also, A Pane) of CHOICE PORT WINE. June 6 CQ-- ' For Cadiz, I " To fail on or about the 15 th inft. from The ship Hazen, Excelleut accommodations for Faflens;eps. For passage only apply to Miller and Hoope, at New-York ; or to the Printer hereof. [June 13. |jw] For sale, freight, or ehar bur.. To any part of America dr the 4' Weft-Indies, The sloop Agnes, NOW lying at Race-street wharf. For terms apply to the owner on board. June 20. § For Freight or Charted, To Hamburgh, Breftlen, orAmfterdam, OrX The {hip Harriet, Thomas W. Norman, Commander, A * EMARR ABLE fine ship, 3iS^v7BURTHEN 229 tons, in compleat or^er A fails fail, and will be ready to receive a cargo in three days. For term 9 apply to the captain on board, at Wal nb/-ftreet wharf, or to Peter Kuhn. June 17 || 6 The Consignees and owners of Goods on board the »- b&veffhip, will please to be early in their applications for them, as they are now difcharg : ng. " FOR SALE, THE Cargo of the ship Catharine, John Farraday, mas ter, from Hifpaniola, at the wharf of Meflrs. Jeffe & Ro tert Wain, Confilling of tj/6 Hogiheads of SUGAR 5£ Hogiheads "> CO FFEE ljß Bags J 44 Jihds. of Clarified MOLASSES 7 2 Bales of Cotton ¥ ALSO FOR SALE, The fa id ship, BURTHEN about 24 or 2500 barrels— , jS Strong, well found, and may be sent to | fez at a small expense. Apply to John Craig. June 21 § For Sale, Freight, or Charter, rrn The American brig &3gt LIBE RT Y, Murphy, matter, COMPUTED to carry 1400 barrels Flptjrr— She [ 8 a fubftantial.faft-iailing vessel, has just had a' thorough overhaul, T compk < te}y repaired and neW iheathed, and is m every refped fit for an European or a Vf'eft India voyage, without Suiy other expense than prcK i fions. For terms apply to Edward Dunant, No. 149 South Front Street. June 21 Far Sale at Auftton, ON Thurfd'ay, the 30th inft. at 7 o'clock, at tht Mer chants' Cuffec-Houfv, >£~v. 1 c^ooner Polly & Sally, BURTHEN 7 7 tors, well found, and may be seen at the wharf of Messrs. Jeffe & Robert Wain.— The tehttt of payment' will be one half if the pur'chafe money at 60 days, and the remainder at 90 days, in ap proved notes, > Footman Co .Auctioneers. June j"»- tor Salt?, Of 8 3"tons burthen, and can be fgnt to „»jjjslta«y\. sea at a small expeiice. For terms apply JOHN WELSH, N° . 82 South Wharves, WHO HAS FOR SALE, ll . . 36,000 Pipe and barrel STAVES and heading St. Croix SUGAR MADEIRA and PORT WINES LAM F BLACK, of Rutin's "warranted" in order to ship, being put up in pound papers and flowed in good hogiheads * i SPERMACETI CANDIES SOAP SWEET OIL CORDAGE Boftcn BEI'.F and MACK AREL., and knockdown HIDES, BLUBBER OIL, MOROCCO SKINS. June 22 For Tale by the fubferibers, IN Pf»N-STKEET, 130 quarter Cherts frefh Hyfefl Tea; fv= di;to do. Treffi Souchong Tea; 300 Ija x£ 7 CI-"!?., fib all tea setts of 42 pieces; 400 pieces Bandanoes. Willing Francis. January 30 3taW. UNITED STATES, YfT Pennsylvania District, } Notice is hereby given, That in of a Writ to me diretftf J, from the honorable Richard Peters, Esquire, Judge of tlic Diftfiift Court of the United in and for the Pern fylvanin. Diflri<ft, will be ex poled, to Public Sale, at the Coffee-Houfe, in the city of Philadelphia, on Tuefdav the 'th day of July next, at n o'clock at noon, The Schooner or vessel called the ' ' ' Delight, . '•i- 1 * , With all and lingular her tackle, Ae. The fame having been condemned within said court for the payment of Mariners' wages, &c. William Nichols, Marjhal. Matfbal's OiKce "} »4—§ June 21, 1796. j Just Arrived, /n the brig Lady (Valterjlorjf, Capt. Gutter/on, and fvill begin to land this day at Sims's wharf, below the bridge, T.ENERIFFE WINES, In pipes, hogsheads and quarter cases. For sale by SAMUEL & MIERS FISHER. They hive also on hand, 7 Butts Malag?, and 5 Butts & 23 Qt. Cask« Sherry, Which they wish to dispose of to close sales. 6th month $8 St. Croix Sugar, LANDING on Race-street whari, from on board the brigPragtrs, capt. Thomas Wat foil, and fo<* sale by ; v Pragers & Co. Who have REMOVED their Counting-hou/e to the S. fide of Walmtt-Jlreet <wbarf. r~ j . . George Dobson, BEGS leave to inform the Keepers in Town and Counrrvi that he has removed from Market-Street to N°- 25, south Third-street, he i» opening a Large and Elegant Aflortraent of the undermentioned articles—viz. Superfine London Cloths and Kerfeymcrcf, Yorkshire frcond Do. Do, E'aftic do. do. Mix'd and Blue Coatings Fhnnells, &c, Manehefter Printed Callicoes, London Chintz dittO) Blue and ditto Furnitures, India ditto. Long Cloths, CofTaes. Baftas, Batti}las& Conjevrema, 4-4 9-8 5-4 & 6-4 Superfine India Book Mutiins, 4-4 and 9-8 India Book, Handkerchiefs, 4-4 and 9-8 Scotch ditto, 4-4 & 6-4 plain do Muslins, ' 4-4 Si 6-4 BriuAi Jaconets, 6-4 Bnfith Checks and Stripes, 1 4-4 India do. do, do. 4-4 ditto Chiiloes, Madras Handkerchiefs, &c. A alToitment of figur'd and-plain Muflinets, Qui|tin?B, Dimities, and Striped Nankeens, Fancy Waiilcoatinps, Ginghams of the firft Quality, tubjcfl to Drawback, India Nankicetiy' £ . j Men's White and coloured Sific ItoCkings. May 9 Teneriffe VVine. npENERIFFE "WINE, in pipes, hogsheads, and -L quarter cases, ami 170 Filtering Stones, pft ar riveS.pcr the schooner Polly & Sally from Teneriffe,and f for Sale by John Craig, No. II Dock itreet. ~ WHO HAS ALSO FOR SALE, Bejft Soft-(he!l'd ALMONDS, RAIRiNS in Fraiis. SHEItkY WINE, in Quarter Gases, Irilh CANVAS, Bristol and Irifli WINDOW GLASS. May« 30 eo Win. lIOI.DERNKSSI', A r o, 76 High Street, HAS received, by the latest arrivals fram.Europe and | the Eafl Indies,'a well feleflcd assortment of Silk , Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haberdafherv Goods ; which he Will feii, Wholesale and Retail, on th.- lowest terms \ . amongst which \*.ki muslins emoroidered with gold and diver Superfine Book, Jaconct, aad Mulmul ditto Do do , do do Handkerchiefs Some extra black taffetios,lutelinngs and colored Pcrfians Bandano Handkerchief! Long and Ihort Nankeens Englifc pF thefirft quality Dainafk table linen and napkins, very fine Silk' Hoiiery, an elegant assortment Thead and cotton do Umbrellas—green silk, oil'd do. and do cloth Frehch cambrics, very fine Irish Linens, do. &c. June 14 § A "Gertteel'family wish io rent a COUNTY SEAT, ii> an agrefeahle situation, within a few miles of Philadelphia! If furnifhed, it would be more agreea ble. » • _ Apply or by letter to IVlr. T-aylor, at Dr. Yea'tr.ian's. No. 225, South fi'cond street, corner of Second street- June 6. .. §31 " 'to be let. a LARGE Commodious dwelling House, No. 124, LX. Spruce street, with a convenient liable and Coach Houfe,—Alio for sale a Chariot but little the worse for ' ; June y eot! Landing, At Russell's wharf, the CARGO of the Ship Lady Louisa, James Coofef, master, from China, and the Cape ot Good Hope, C,OKS!ST!»IG or SUGAR, in Chelts gnd. 15ags ; WINES, in Butts and half Butts of fupenor qua lity ; A small quantity'of BRANDY j And a few Red HANDiCEiiCHIEFo. FOR SALE BY Parker & Wharton, No. 109, south Water-llreet. April a 6. ■ WA N T E D, Several Apprentices to the Printing- Burinefs Apply at the Office : of the Clraette of the United States, I No. Ji9> Chefiiut-ftrwt. 0 i ' . Sales of India Goo-ps. AT lO o'clock, on Friday morning, wiil be fold, in the Stores baek of the Auction Room, No. 5 6 South front street. One hundred Bales of Muslins, 1 Imported in the (hip GANGES, «apt. Tingey, frona In dia, coafifting of \miH Pttnjam Cloths x ! *" Gurrah* . Baftas Cuffaes, Mamoodies Humhums Emcrtics Addatiet Boreas Tarfoers Santipon and Pulicat Handkerchiefs r ALSO, 5 Cares of Chocolate Bandanoes 1 1 5 Cases of CMioppah Rottals -5 Cases of Taffaties The Purchasers will be entitled to the Drawback, and to make. payment in approved notes at 90 days, for all sums above 1000 Dollars. Edward Fox, Auctioneer. Juneil 5 Table Cloths, &c, MAURICE MOYNiHAN, No. 81, North Second,, a few doors above Arch St. INFORMS his Friends and the Public, that he has for sale (jp tsafofiable terms, Damafe Table Cloths, of dif ferent fiztjs, with Napkins to match the figure of the cloth, Diners, fhfh Linens, Sarfnets, Sheetings, Persians, Checks, ' Sf>|JHV. jtuic.u SitkHoft, Co.rtt . Also, m vf China, Glass, and Queen's Ware : vjhieb are Blue&enamc!led Break- China J :irs and'Biclcers, fall Cups 3c Saucers, Decanters, Do. Gallon "] co WineGlasses, &c. Half-Gallon J Crates will be put up at the Quart 1 shortest notice, and the usual Pint & q credit given. Half-Pint Jcq May aj § TEN DOLLARS REWARD. „ LOS T, JUNE 15th, between Shippenand Market, fireets, a red \ OkOCCO POCKE r BOOK, containine: a Check on the Bank of the United States, drawn by Peter and t Henry Mircken in favor of Mr. R.Potter, for 1,000 dol lars, and several notes of hand pall due ; together with a « {hare in tte New Theatre, and several other papers of no I conlequence but to the owner. I Whoever will bring it to No. 136 Market street, {hall c receive the above reward. N.B. Payment of the Check is flopped at the Bank. Juu'- 15. _ s__ ALEXANDER POWER, HAVING bufmefs it) the conntry, and expecting to be I ahfeat forlouic rcquells lusemployers, in^the ill Chefaut Street, nAt dOor to his hotffe", between J 4th auii-Jtk Strc'ets', wbo will pay evctyattention to those n .who tnay have any tranlacli/ms in sales or purchases in Laud, -Vock, Discounts, &c. June j • § JSamuel Richardet, n ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen IV Vierchahts, thV.t' he has this day opened the Cl'l'V TAVERN i'nd MERCHANTS COFFEEHOUSE in the city of Philadelphia. The SttWcription Room will be furnifhed with all the daily papers puuhiHcii in Philadelphia, Nevv-\ ork, Bos ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal coin mercial cities of EuroVe— They .will be regularly filed and none permitted to b£ 1 .ken away on anj* account. Tea, Coffee, Sbupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety of Fr<-n«h-LSqyorsv- together with the-ofual refreshments, will at all times be procured at the bar. - Gentlemen may depend on being .accommodated with the choicelt gf Winex, Spirituous Liquors, and the most . approved Malt Liquors froraLondpn and other Breweries. * ! The Larder will be supplied with the prime and earliest ) proiiuci ion* of thp Season. ' Large and small Parties, orfingle Gentlemen, may be ] 1 accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at ] hours Moll conv nient to tbemfelves —a cold Collation is 1 regularly kept for convenienoy, th« Bill of Fare to be had < at tliG bar. ' The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnilhed, and ( the utmoll attention paid to deanlinefs, and every other ( requisite. 0" S\MUEL RiCM:a*de't will be happy to receive, and. execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges himfelf that nothing on his part fliali be wanting to pre* serve that patronage with which he has been fio (klhnguiftl inglyjtionored. _ Philadelphia, April It). j Hot Pressed Bible. The Second number of this brisNDtD National Wtfak, will be delivered in a few days, and proceed regularly without interruption. . • proprietors have great fatisfadtion in faying, that JL it has been exa™:«ed with much attention by many hundreds of gentlemen, and that not in a Tingle instance has the warmeit approbation been w.thbdd from it. They already booll of as rsfpedable a lift of fiibfcrib rs as cvtr supported any work, in so ihort a time as this has-been be fore the public. Such friends of elegant printing as mean to become fubferibers, are requetlcd to do it without de lay, as the number determined npo'i to be printed is limit ed,'and there is every prolped of the whole, being ihort ly disposed of. Sublcriptions will be received by the proprietors, No. 34 Carter s alley, anßatthl Book-stores in geperal. " Philadelphia, June 7. Saies of India Goods. The Cargo of the {hip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal cutta and Bengal, SS •• eoiisiri'ino 6r A Large and general affortmertt of Bengal apd Madras COI TON a?d SILK GOODS. AMONG WHICH ARE A variety fine worked and plain Mujlins, 1 Dorcas, 15c. Alio, i A Quantity of Excellent' Sugar, In bqxe9 and bag*—and BLACK PEPPER. For Sale by . Willings Francis, No. 2; Pecn Stre*t. jnne.B 5 11' 1 ■ ■* " ■ I Yazoo Lands. " '. May he hod at the Editor's OJJtte ! 19, Cbffnuf-flreky A few Cqp'«s of '« it Report «f tl'e Attorney General to Cnncrrrfs containing a. CoiWiinnof CttARTfRS, T* FATrr S Hud tthtr Doct-MENT'S, relative to and explanatory t»f the Title to the Land situate in the South Western parts of ti.e Uftitcl States, and i-Uimro |iv rrrtatn Companies ot-dsr # law or the State of Georgia, paffcd Jat.uary 7th, 179?. RECEIVED, By the Brig Welcome Return, from S.vvannah, 27 Bales COTTON. By t/:< Schooner sfiipail, from Chhrkjton, 100 Gates Prime RK'E. ■And, by the Schooner John, from Bojlon, SEWING-SILKS, various colours, GURRAHS COSSAHS, and India Bandamio Handkehft. tor Sale by N. & J. Fiajder^ No. 9?, Sooth Front ftrect v IVhc have also on hand, and for Sate, Prime iWion IiEEF, in barrels, fSSm- - ! w.NL' s, Carolina INDIGO, Btc. &c. May 31 mvitTim ' I ■ 1 w Just imported, And for SALIS! —lav® Ait inj c<7T> t. h-. in fijE'dieiai KBW- RICE, in U afiAWt nerce. QTTREVs \VAftE, in hogrficads WHITE LEAD, (dry) in(&. COPPER, in flirtts *—jaassa.-, BOSTON BEEF of the fif'l quality. liaacElarvey, jun. [6 mo, I. 53 w ] No. $ south Water Street. — ■ ' 4 Ui •- -■ - - . *" * ' l , f> s .' 1 t • ' ■"* \ Lotteiy and Broker's Office, N* 64 South SecondJlrcet, I ICKETS in the Canal Lottery No. 11, are now rca* I dy for sale, a Check Book kept for the examination 1 of Tickets, and Prize-, paid, without titdu&ioni, The Subscriber fglicits the application of the Pubi c of any ot his friends who wifli .0 purch. fe or lell Bank Stock, CertiEfates, Bills of Exchange, or Notes, Houses, Lands, Lottf or Mercbai; Jixe of any kind, or to obtain Money on deposit of property. WILLIAM BLACKBURN, L a i e Agknt fur the Canal Lottery Company. June 6 . w&s For Sale, A Thjice tioTf BRICK MOUSEand Lot. :n Chtfiit -4V--.Wucu ra nrem; TBWfucJV Mettrs. JameJ Calbraith & Co. have for many year? (and now do) curried on' bSfiAefit • Possession wilt bf given in one month, or sooner. For terms apply to WfLLIAM BELL, or HECTOR CALBRAIT H April 21. §. Landing, AT the Subscriber? Viiurf, from on board the (hip Au» rbra, capt. Ho'glheadi Prime Jamaica Sugars, 'For firte by Writings and Frandl-, May 17 § China Goods. TH E Ship At la n tic , Silas Stumine, Comlhantfcr, froltiCaiitori, win commence the discharge of Ut* cargo to-morrow morning at Walnut+flreet whaxf Confining of Yellow ants white Nankeetu of eicelfent quality Perfion Taffeticr, Mark apd cejoured ' , Lustrings, do. . do. • Sattins bhck of vaVibus qOab'ties Sewing ft Iks in alforted colours Vermillion in boxes Cafliafn cherts Quicklilver in jars BOHEA, % SOUCHONG, ' HYSON SKI.N, W Tm<> young hyson r rremieas* BEST: HYSON, IMPERIAL, - J CHINA WARE, ornamental* with Table and Taa Sets -generallY -assorted. W T HITE SUGm.RB : , and a quantity of Firlt quality Bengal SALT PETRE. For Sale .hy vL J : ■ « Philip Nicklin & Co. April 8» t.lHSc® —— — : -1 'jt" " Country Seat for falei , N elegant House, and highly cultivated Farm, on the east« A erttbank of HudfonV river, bnuoded on the north by VetplaticK's Point, and diltapt forty.five mild from New Yotk i the farm cor.fifts of aci ts, and u one of ihe. raolt piflurelqu- and beautiful ffruations on the Continent ; com mandinp, an exteiiftve and vartega'ttd profpeft ; thefoil iitrtch. diitdy laid down in and,iiui\derexeellentfence. The house it a har.dlome two (lory double builaing.'ih ih*"" moll, modem style, finilhrd wit+i much t. lte. and poffeflese* very requift;e for the accommodation of a genteel family 5 there are alfoon the premises a new overfeer's-houfe, a new barn, exienfive (tables, cow-fbed, cyder-house, fmoke-noufe, poultry house, &c. Theic are abundance of fruit tieej com prt-hending all the choicel 1 . kindt which could be piocurcd Innn the ritfrferies about town, now in full bearing, and * well ftock'd kitchen garden- A sloop goes twice a week' to the city, trom a lar.du.g convenient to'tfietarm, and the t\U b»ny pod road torms the eaflcrn boundary. The hou(e, &e. are kept in neat o.der; for the reception of the purcha!et on the (borteft notice, who might also be accommodated with aJ>out itQacres adjoning the farm on the south, the grcattft part of which (Iretches along the river, w(ii£h aboundt wi'h orders and a variety ot filh. Shouldhe be averle to farming, there' are matry refpctlable neighbours who wptfld work it on advantageous reims. Apply to GEORGE & HUGH POLI.OCK, Gonverr.eur s lane. iVew-York, or.to JOSFPH ANI«ONY'& CO. May 37 PiiiladeJphii.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers