>? • cn x oE tl)c Untied & Wes NUMBS* 1185.3 PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 15, 379 6. IVOT.vme IX Snow Hebe. r>, FOR SALE, The Snow HEBE, A. faith f ul Philadelphia built veflel, car ries 1,3000 bulhels of grain or 2600 barrels flour, is rea dy to take in a cargo. She is about soar vea'rs old ' Apply.to PETER BLIGHT. Who has for sale. Sugar, Coffee, Cocoa, and Pimento. Also, A Parcel of CHOICE PORT WINE. June 6 e0 For Sale or Charter, BOSTON, BURTHEN about 4000 Bbls. of flour—(he may be sent tofeaat a small expetice, her fails and rigging being in very good order—-apply to James Campbell, or Geerge Latimer. April, 29. § For Cadiz, • To fail on or about the 15th inft. from The ship Hazen, Excellent accommodations for Paffangeps. For passage only apply to Miller and Hoope, at New-York; or to the Printer hereof. [June 13. W ] For sale, freight, or char* JZsNmlss's*, To any part of America or the Welt-Indies, The (loop Agnes, HOW lying at Race-street wharf. For terms apply to the owner on board. June 10. _ t § FOR SALE, THE Oargo of the ship Catharine, John Farraday, mas ter, from Hifpaniola, at the wharf of Meflrs. Jeffc & Ro iert Wain, Confiding of 156 Hogfeeadsof SUGAR ji HDglheads"> COFf , EE 258 Bags j 44 Hhls.vof Clarified MOLASSES 72, Bal»of Cotton '/ ALSO FOR SALE, The said (nip, BURTHEN about 24 or i.500 barrelj— Strong, well found, and may be sent to , at a small tupenfe. Apply to John Craig. June at § For Sate at Auction, ON Thursday, the 30th inft. at 7 o'flock, at As Mer «hi»nt*'-Coflcc-11. Polly & Sally, BURTHEN 7 7 well found, and may he Teen at the wharf of MefTrs. Jeffc & Robert Wain.— The terms of payment will be one half »f the purchase money at 60 days, and the remainder at 90 days, ill ap proved notes, * Footman Co. AuElioneers. June 22 ' For Sale, \J®Of 83 tons burthen, rlnd can be sent to ,/ea at a small expense. For terms apply JOHN WELSH, N° . 82 South Wharves, WHO HAS TOR SALE, 36,006 Pipe and barrel STAVES and heading St. Croix SUGAR MADEIRA and PORT WINES LAMPBLACK, of Kuhn's "warranted" : n order to Ihip, being put up in pound papers and flowed in good Jiogflieads SPERMACETI CANDLES SOAP , SWEET OIL CORDAGE Boston BEEF and MACKAREL, and knock down „ HIDES, BLUBBER OIL, MOROCCO SKINS. * June 22 §6 Sales at NeiwTork by Isaac Mo/es iff Sons. Peren.ptori ly. Monday, the'B7th inft at theToutine Coffee-Houfe, at 1 o'clock, The ship Rajah, Burthen 350 Tons, Sails fift—is well found —now lying at -j*. ' Bache's wharf. «".*=»&?'. Terms at the lime of sale, Jane 23 'ffj' . For sale at Au&ion, On Saturday next-, at 7 o'clock in the evening at at the MERCHANTS COFFER-HOUXR, The American Brig LIBERTY, /COMPUTED to carry 1400 bbls. of V flour. She has just been entirely ntw Ihea-hed and put in coropleat or -jKagraS3rj*?.L ier for an Ruropean or Weft-India voyags. She will !>c delivered to the purchaser iD such j condition, as to require no expencr, excepting for provi fioD. Approved notes at 2, J and 4 months. Will be re ceived in payment. JOHN CONNELLY, Auctioneer, n. B- The Brig maybe seen and examined at N. J. Hutton'. Shrp-yaid, where every information refpeiling her may be obtained. June 2,3. ... For sale "bylhe subscribers, IN PtNN-STRHET, 130 quarter Chests frefh Hyson lea; 100 ditto do. frelh S tucHong lea; 300 BbxesJCfein«tj containing small tea setts of 42 pieces; 400 pieces Bandanoes. Willing y Francis. January 303 jtaw. UNITED STATES, 7 rr Pennsylvania District, ) * Notice is hereby given, > TvH at in pursuance of a Writ to me directed, from the Honorable Richard Peters, Esquire, Judge of tta - t)iftri<ft Court of the United States in and for the Pcnn* - fylvania Di(lri&, will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Merchant ' Coffee-Houle, in the city of Philadelphia, on Tuesday the sth day of July next, at 11 o'clock at noon, The Schooner or veflel called the • Delight, With all and singular her tackle, &c. The fame having been condemned within said court for the payment of Mariners' wages, &c. William Nichols, Marjhal. Marihal's Office "J 22—§ June 41, 1796. j Freight Wanted. I For WASHINGTON, (N. C.) T Brig S/VLLY, Capt Samuel Brad 4, ford, will fail on Wednesday next, the 29th inft for freight or passage apply 10 l^e a P ra ' n at J n «-a wharf or to JEHU HOLLINGSWQRTH & Co. - **=*-*£3£ieSS£3 ! u „e 24. d t.n.w. n St. Croix Sugar, LANDING on Race-street wharl, fr®m on board the brig Pragers, capt. Thomas Watson, and for sale by Pragers Ef? Co. £ Who have REMOt r ED their Counting*houje to the S. fide of Walnut-Jtreet tvharf. June to jtw George Dob son, BECS m inform ihe Sloi. 1\ .-tuers in Town and Country, th»t he ha* remove 1 f:r» Market-Street to N°* 25, fotlth Third-street, where he Is opening a Large and Elegant Afforimeut of the undermentioned articles —viz. e Superfine London Cloths and Kerfeymerc?, Yorklhire second Do. Do. Elaftie do. do. Mix'd and Biue Coatings Flannells, &c. Q Manchester Printed Callicoe« ? London Chintz ditto, Blue and ditto Furnitures, India ditto, Long Cloths, CofTaes. Biftas, Batri<las&Conjevremsi 4-4 9"** ° r 4 Superfine India Book. Muslins, 4-4 and 9-8 India Book Handkerchief*, 4-4 and 9«-8 Scotch ditto. 4-4 &6-4 plain do. Mhflin#, 4-4 Sc 6-4 Brttifh Jaconets, 6-4 Brniih Checks and Stripes, 4-I India do. do, do. 4-4 ditto Chirloes, Madras Handkerchiefs, A large sffortmenc of figur'd and plain MufliuetS) 0 Quilting*,, Dimities, and Striped Nankeens, Fancv Waillcoaiit»gs, Cirichaftis of the firft Quality, fubjeft to Drawback, India Nankeens, Men's White and coloured Silk stockings. May 9 '^weotf ' JOHN JQNRh.. . XNFORMATION is hereby given, tiiat the late John Paul jbnes was a proprietor of five shares (amount ing to about 5867 teres) in a trait of land purchased by the Ohio Company, in the territory of the. United States t of America, north-weft of the river Ohio ; and that his heirs, or legal representative, on application to the direc tors of said company,at Marietta in the territory afore faid, Will receive a deed of the said five lhares, or rights of land. The application may be made personally or by an agent, but proper documents must be produced tu prove the - claimant or claimants the legal heirs or representative of the said Jones n.b. As it it not known in what country the perfoti or perfonsinterefted reside, it will be an ail of benevolence in every Printer in America and Europe, who shall insert 0 this advertifcrrient in his paper. Y In behalf of the directors of the Ohio Company, RUI'US PUTNAM. Marietta, May [June 4] 3awgw Landing, AT the SubfcTihers' wharf, from on board the ship Au rora, capt. Suter, 150 Hog&eads F ime Jamaica Sugars, ° For sale by -Wiliings and Francis, May 17 § Bank of the United States, JUNE 14th, 1796. B XTOTICE is hereby given, that applications will be re- AN ceived at Bank, until thr fir.l day of July next, in clusive, lor the purchase of sis per cent Dock bearing interest from the firtt day of Ju'y next,to be issued agree • ably ro an ail of Congi-efs,-parted the thirty-firft day of May last, entitled, " an aitTSaking provision for the pay ment of certain debts of the United States." CONDITIONS: ifl. Said flock will be fold at par, for notes vfrith two j endorfers.tobe approved of, at terms not exceeding three, j four,-and ve months, in three equal inilalments. " 2d. No fom lefsthan one hundred dollars will be fold, hoi any i'um expreiflng a fractional part of one hundred dollars. _<Y. B. 'The applications accompanied by the notes offvrtd in hay Kent arc to be made in the fdme manner as for difcouttts and ire to be handed to the Cajhier, from whom answers can be rc~ 1 ceivei in the fecund of July. By order of the Directors, G. SIMPSON, Cashier. 2SWtIJ Wftjl_ f T. NOBLE, I BROKER, a T3 ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public that he has removed his office to his house No. " ' 147- Chefnut Street, next door to his former residence, where, - every Bufinef* 111 the line of a Brokfr, are faithfully tranf- Monc) procured to any amount at a momerU's notice. A L S O, ; WILL be kept a numerical book of the drawings of all the Lotterie* now extant —For the purchase of Tickets, infor* mation will-be asufual. Canal Tickets in the second Class are now for lale. Froin eyery information received Washington Lottery will abfoiutely commence in a few days. June 24 d.t.f. TO BE SuLD, t '"y HE time of a Black Man who hasten years to f rve, he I is an excellent cook and good house servant understands the ore of 9? Horses perfeSly and fnld for no fault, his pre sent owner having no employment -for him. Enquire at iht Office of the Gazette of the United Skates. June ij* TkN DOtLARS REWARD. LOS l\ JUNE >sth, between Shippenand Market streets, a ted \ OROCCO 1' BQO : <, containing a Check en the Bank of the United States, drawn by Peter and Henry Miercken in favor of Mr. R.Potter, for 1,000 dol lars, and several notes of hand pad due j togcthe* with a share in. the New Theatre, and several other papers of no Confequet>ce but to the owner. <• Whoi »r will bring it to No. 136 Market fbret, shall reeel ...c' above, reward. Niß. Payment of tlie Check is flopped at the Bark. June 15. $ Landing, This Day, at 'Wiliings Sc Fran is'x from the Brandy* wine Milkr, A cargo of Rum Sc Sugar Fror i St. C«oix. For Sale by John Nixon Co. ]une S3 *>io oarnuei Kichardet, RESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY TAVKRW and MERCHANTS COFFEE HOUSE in the city of Philadelphia. The Suticciptioii Room \rill be furnifhed with all the daily papers publilhed in Philadelphia, Nzw-York, Bos ton, Bahirnore, together' with thole of thk principal com mercial cities of Europe—They will be regularly filed and none permitted to be taken away on any account. Tea, Ootfee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, atid a variety * of French Liquors; together with the usUal refrefhments, will at all times be procured at the bar. Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with t the choia;ft of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the most approved Malt Liquors from London and breweries. ( The Larder will befupplied with the prime and earlicfl ; t nnffle Gentietnco, t ?b« ( sited with Brcal-ufts, Dinners, of Supper», at j hours n.. Ct convenient to th^nielves—a coJd ( regularly kfpt for conveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had at th& bar. TIW Lodging Rooms will be completely Furnished, ahd the utmost attention paid to cleanliness, and evtry other rcquilitc. 10* Samuel R.ic«ar>det will be happy to receive, and execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at largje; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges . himi'elf that nothing on his part fliali be wanting to pre- I serve that patronage with which he has been io diftinguiflv- r ingly honored. Philadelphia, April 19. § Hot Prefled Bible. The Second number of this Splendid National Work, will be delivered in a few days, and proceed regularly without, interruption. r T" , f & proprietors have great fatisfa&ion in faying, that X ;t has been examimed with much attention by many hundreds of gentlemen, and that nor in a single instance - has the warmsft approbation been w.thheld from it. They j already boast of as refpe<sluble a lift, of subscribers as ever supported an„y work, ni so short a time as this has beeft be- i fore the public. Such friends of elegant printing as mean to be ome subscribers. are requeiled to do* it without de- ed and there is every profpeA of the whole beiug short- ( ly difpoled of. Subscriptions will be received by the proprietors, No. v 34 Carters alley, and-atthe 3ook-ftor«s in .general. Philadelphia, Juiie 7. co 2 Saies of India Goods. The Cargo as the4hip capt. lingey, from Cal ctttta and Bengal, , ) CONSISTING OF ' A Large and general assortment of Bengal ahd Madras ' CO FT ON and S\ Lfc GOODS. AMCNG WHrCH ARE A variety Jine worked and plain ; Doreas, &c Also, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, < Id boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER.' For Sale by x Wiliings Sff Francis, No. 21 Penn Street. Jtlne 8 S WrtL HOLDERN KSSK, No. 76 High Street, HAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and the East Indies, a well feledled assortment of Silk Mercr'y, Linen Drapery and Haberdashery Goods; which he will fell, \rt.olefaie and Retail, on the lowed terms ; amongst which are, Some fine India muslins embroidered with gold and silver Superfine Book, Jaconet, aadA Julmul ditto Do do do do Handkerchiefs Soms extra black taiTetic9,lut«lh'ingsand colored Persians, ■ Bandano Handkerchiefs \ Long and short Nankeens Eaglilb Mantuas of' the firft quality p Damalk table l'meti and napkins, very fine ji Silk Hosiery, an elegant assortment ) c Thead and cotton do 1 Umbrellas—--green silk, oiTd do. and do cloth r French cambrics, very fine * Irilh Linens, do. &c. &c. June 14 5_ A Genteel family wish to rent a COUNTY SEAT, p in an agreeable fitu&tion, within a few miles of p Philadelphia. If furnifhed, it would be more agreea- 1 ble. v Apply personally or by letter to Mr. Taylor, at Dr. 1 Yeatiiian's, No. 225, South feequd ilreet, corner of b Second street- June 6. § TWBE~LEY. ' " A LARGE Commodious dwelling Hotife, No. JI4, Spruce street, with a convenient liable ahd Coach Heufe,—Alfo for sale a Chariot but little the Wolfe for use. June 2. eotf v ' IY/1 N T E D, Several Apprentices to the Printing- Business Apply at the Office of the Gazette of the - United Slates, No. tin, Cht-rnut-ftri-et. S .in in Jurt Arrived, In the brig Laily tVallerJlorjf, ('.apt. Gtilterfon, and will begin to land this day at Sims's wharf, below the Bridge, TEN ERIFFE. WINES, In pipes, hoglheads and quarter Casks. For sale by SAMUEL & KUi S FISHER. They him also on hand, 7 Butts Malaga, and 5 Butts & 23 Qr. Crfks Sherry, Which they wish to dispose of to close salts, 6th month lit f8 ' • Yazoo Lands. d — k May be had at the Editor's Offire 1 tg, Chefnut-ftrtet, A few C«l>ics of " a Report of the Attorney * General to Cbrwrefs •" containing a Cr>l!e\iiion of 0 Charters, Treaties' and other Doci'Ments, relative to and explanatory of the Title n< the Land II situate in "he Soalh Wcftern parts of the Ignited §tates, and denied by certain Crttnpm iea m«ier a law of the State of p,>fTcd Jasuaiv 7th, - *79*- '' RECEIVED, By the Brig I Welcome Return, from Savannah, 27 Bales COTTON. Uy the Schooner Ali 'ail, from Charleften, 100 Cases Prime RICK. And, by the Schooner 'John, from Bojlon, SEWING-SILKS, various colour*, GURRAHS . COSBAHS, and India Bandanilo tlandkchft. For Sale by 1 N. & J. Frazier, No. 95, South Front street* Whc have also on hand, and for Salt, e Boflon BEEF, in barrels, &erry and ? WINES, 1 aneriffc ) I Carolina INDIGO, &c. &c. May 31 ■' mw&ftm I Lottery and Broker's Office, N 9 64 South Second fir eet, J ' I ; tC&ETS in the Canal Lottery No. 11, are now rcs i dy for sale, a Check Book kept for the elimination '* of Tickets, and Prices paid, without dedn-ilion. The Siibferiber i'olicits the application of ihe Public aiiy oi his friends who wish to putch fe or fell Bank Stock, Certificates, Bills of Exchange, or Notes, Houses, JLarids, t Lottf, or Mtn-chandize of any kind, or to obtain Money s on deposit of property. 1 WILLfAM BLACKBURN, 1 Late Agent for the Canal Lottery Company. r June 6. w&s i For Sale, t \ Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut s jTI street, between Front and Second ftrurts, in which - Meiirs. James Calbraith & Co. have for man) years (and - now do) carried on bufinef*. Polfelfion wilj he given in one month, or sooner. For terms apply t« WILLIAM BELL, or HECTOR V H April ai» J. Treasury Department; Re-vdtiuc-OfTire, March "icth, 1796. ' T) ROTO S A 1.3 will be received at the olTue of the ' A Ctmmijponer of the Revenue, (No. 4,-, at the cOIr. rof Thitd andChcfnut-flreets, Philadelphia) for building in ' North-Carelina, ' t .. I. A Light-House upon Cape-Hattcras. 1 11. A Beacon House upon Shell Caflie idand. Defctiptions of each, and all ißther particular, may be a- .. rl 'Urrtrtnu-3i ri.-c- b'Tipjvinten-' . da Tts of l.ipht-Houfes, or of the Supervisors of the Revc de, or of the Collegers of the Ctifloms n any of the States ; as also at this office. lawim China Goods. TH E Ship Atlantic, Silas Szcaine, Commander, from Canton, will commence the >-ifcharge of her cargo to-morrow-morning at Walnut-street wharf Confijling of Yellow and white Nankeens of excellent quality s Persian Taffetics, black and ccloirred / Lustrings, do. do- Sattins black of various qualities Sewing silks in allotted colours Vermillion in boxes CafTia in cherts Quicksilver in jars BOHEA, -\ SOUCHONG, j HYSON SKIN, j ry young hyson f f relh 1 eas. BEST HYSON, IMPERIAL, J CHINA WARE, ornamental, with Table and Tea Sets generally aflorted. WHITE SUGARS, and a quantity of ' First quality Bengal SALT PETRE. For Sale by Philip Nicklin & Co. April 8. t.th&g Country Seat for sale. An elegant House, arid highly cultivated Farm, on the eift ern bank of Hudfon*s river, bounded on the north b/ Verplatick's Point, and distant forty-five miles from Netv York ; the farm conftft* of 295 acres, and is one of the molt pifturefque and beautiful situations on the Continent ; com mandinfT an extenfivc and variegated profpett : the foil is richr cbi Ry laid down in English grals, and is under excellent fence The h-»ufeis a hand so me two (tory double building, in th " |noft modern style, finifbed with much ufte, and poflefles e p very, requitite tor the accommodation of a genteel family there are also on the premises a new overfeer's-houfe, a barn, extcnfive stableS, cow-lbcd, cyder-house, fmoke-houfc» » poultry house, &c. There are abundance of fruit trees com prehending all the choicest kinds which could be procured • from the nurferits about town, now in full bearing, and 2 well ftock'd kitchen garden. A sloop goeS twice a week toi the city, from a landing convenient to the farm, and the Al : bany po(V road forms the eastern boundary. The house, See, are kept io neat order for the receptions of the purchaser on the {horteft notice, who might also be accommodated with about ifio acres adjoning the farm on the south, the grcateft part of which ftrefchcs along the river* ' which abounds wish oysters and a variety of fifh- Should he be aferfe to farming, there are ipany refpeftable fieighbour« who would work it on advantageous terms. Applyto GEORGE Sc yUGH POLLOCK, Gonverr.eur's Lane, Mew-Yoik, or to JOSFPH ANTHONY & CO# May g? . .^ lni Philadelphia. TenerifFe Wine. TENERIFFE WINE, in pipes, hoglheads, and quarter calks, and 170 Filtering Stones, Just ar rived per thd fchooher Polly & Sally from Teneriffe,ac<t ' for Sale by John Craig, No. la Dock street. WHO HAS ALSO FOR SALE, Reft Soft-fhell'd ALMONDS, RAISINS in Frails. SHERRY WINE, in Quarter CaAs, Irilh CANVAS, iJriftol and Irilh WINDOW GLASS. May 30 so
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers