Foreign Intelligence. Received at New-Turk, by the ship Matilda, in 48 days Jrom St. Sebastians, and tie sbip Eagle, from Belfast. PARIS, October 16. The city of Bourdeaux continues to enjoy the greatest tranquility. Several circum llances have furu'tlhed the opportunity of dilcovering the melioration of the public ■Spirit. The tea ft of the republic, the trans lation of the remains of Michael Montaigne, the news of the prolongation of the armistice, and the diicourfes of the FirftCor.ful to the ■e Department, have called forth >i) of the good sentiments with : majority of the inhabitants of 1 city are animated, iapers ailift the magillrates, by g union and the forgetfulnefs of every fort arrive in abund tvorks which relate to falubri land embellishment, are pro fcivity. E GOVERNMENT. :<tb Vendemiaire, year q, j>ctober 4.) the French Republic, de- f Army of Reserve, (hall pVrmy of the Grifons. kantomnent of that army [on country, Helvetia, and . Lemati. I War is charged with the |refent arrette. >nful, fst Consul, the jgti Vendemiaire, year 9, (OQaber :o.) Firft Consul of the Republic, HSr having the report of the Minister of foreign Affiiirs, decrees : Article I. Citizen Joseph Buonaparte, Councilor of State, is appointed Minister Plenipotentiary to treat of the re-t(Hblifh ment of peace between the French Republic and his majeily the Emperor, king «<f Bo "hemia and Hungary. Art. 11. The Minister of Foreign Aflu\i--ii is ..charged with the execution of the present decree, which (halt-not be printed. The First Cunlul, BUONAPARTE. By tie I'irst Consul. (Signtd) Another arrclte of tbe same date. Buonaparte, iirft Couful of the Republic, decrees as follows : Citizen Lit'oivft, Csowal of ©OverTtfiiervt, Tor the department of the polls, is appointed Secretary of the Legati on, charged with negocutiiig for peace with ARMY OF ITALY. Capy of a Report of tbe Operations of tbt right wing of the arrpy of Italy, to tbe Gen. in Chief Urune, by Lieutenant General Du pont dated 2stb of September. " The body of troops commanded by ge neral Pino, having evacuated the line ot the Rubicon, and gone to Bologna, tlie armed Brigands in Ferrara«nd Tufcany thought | the moment a favourable one to throw theni fetves into Romania, and commit there enery fort of excess without (yjpofition.— They invad'd the greatest par: of that ter-. ritory, and advanced as far as Imola, cut ting down the trees of liberty, turning the magifhates of the people out ot office, and exerciCng every where the most abomniable pillage. " Jn order to furpriae them in the raidft of their incursions, I gave charge to general Monnier -to fend to FerJi the Cifalpint second half brigade, with a b#dy of light troops from the 14th Hut Tars and 4th regi ment of ChafL-urs. The general of divifiou Pino, who had the command of that expe dition, arrived the 4th complementary day at Fxenja, after biv'fyg purftied the brigands, who had already taken pofTeflion of Imola. They divided themselves into several bodies, ene going to Ferrara, another to Ravenna, and a third following the road of Arezz#. The general formed his troops into three columns in order to overtake them. The brigands, or their way to Ferraro, were attacked near Lugo by oue of the columns under the Command of Ferrand, chief of brigade. Terror took pofleflioij of them, and few made their escape. "On the sth complementary day the French column deflir.ed for Ravmina found there the brigands ready to make refinance. Their defence was (hort. The Chadeurs of the 4th regiment, commanded by the chieF of brigade Yam, entered, and every man found with arms in his hands was extermina ted. • " The. fame day a detachment J of grena diers for rounded the brigands, who were making their escape towards the Appenines. A Gmilaf state awaited the third body, and the few who remained hid themselves in the mountains. u At the moment when Bologna was threatened with an iuvafion, the national > guards adUd with greatfirmnels; they for med a column ready to co-operate with the French and Ci.falpine troops. I prefenu d to them 6 pieces of cannon, which I xm persuaded they will ufegloiioufly againfttticl common enemy. t BUONAPARTE. H. B. MARET, Secretary oj State. H. B. MARET. S**> clay of State. I " The Cisalpine troops employrch ii) that expedition h**o emuiaied the French in activity and oiavery. Gen. Pino has ren-> dered/very iniaei'Wnc fefvkcs <>n the. occa sion to'the French and the Of.ilp;ne repub lic. (Signed) DUPONT, Lieut. Gen. Plan to assassinate Bonaparte. PARIS, ai Vendemiare OA. 14 During the firlt dtys of the 2d Decade of Vendemaire, information was received, that a p-rion ot the name of Demerville, retiding at No 24. Rue des Moulins, had dittributed a roniider.ible fun> of money ; and that some well known villains frequented his houle. Positive information was received, that on the 1 ith inftant,eleven of thfefe villains were to throw themlelves upon the Full when coming out of the Opera. The Police then took the mod adtive mea sures to watch them.—On the 18th two of them (one by the name of Cerachi) were ar retted in the lobby of the Opera ; they were armed withcutl dies. Demerville and some of his accomplices were arretted in the night —they are in pursuit of the others ; Dem erville and Cerachi have both confefled. Thole wretched miscreants are for the mo ft part, compofid of individuals, inured to mu-der in the massacres of September, and those ef Versailles. BELFAST, Odlober 17 Copy of a letter from a House of the firft re fpeflaliility in the Corn Trad«, Elbing, dated nth September, to their correspondents ia Glasgow. " We have hitherto experienced such favora ble harvest weather, as we have fcldom (een in this country; and, notwithstanding the back wardness of the crops of grain in summer, every thin«j is now in fafety in this quarter Whfat cinnot be deemed an abundant crop in this countjy, but we hav« reason to expedt the qual - for the most part will prove much better and heavier than for several years past; and ac counts from Austrian Poland especially, are equally favourable of quality as of quantity.— Barley and cat* are every where in theft pro viuces abundant, and of such good quality in general as to afford very flattering hopes of the existing restraints on their exp nation being removed very soon Pease are also much more abundant and of better quality, than was ex . peAed. With regard, to the new imports on wheat which amount to about too p per lali, we have reason to conclude, it will be entirely taken off or greatly modified in the course of the winter if not foouy." DUBLIN, Oft. 13. The twelvepenny loaf this is increased 14 ounces, the aflize being four pounds one quarter, it will in all probability exceed five pounds next week. Application has, we hear, been made to Government, for permilTion to relume the malting of beer and barley, in confrquence ot the happy fall in every denomination ol corn. We are enabled to ftaie the following as a fatt, which has powerfully tended to law er the great price of flour in our market. The fealbnable supply of rice at 2S. 2d. per (lone, which the induflrious and necessitous are favoured with, through the unceasing bounty and benevolence of Marquis Corn wallis to fuhltantially relieve the poor work-, ing clafles of this metropolis, and which, we are warranted to publilh, averages, half of Dublin, oidinaiy coufumption of Sour, as appears by the weekly returns as follows ; The ciiy of Dublin usually consumed 3400 bags of flour per week, and the recent con sumption of the riee above mentioned, is re turned to about 2500 bags a week—in con ftquence of this cheap supply there has been a drawback to that amount to bring down the price of flour, which flour moreover at market must ha»e felt a more material depreciation from the demand for it being less, and the monopolist finding it nrcefl'ary in his own defence to fell, as the counterac tion of foreflalling, must oblige him to argue that the abundant produce of the harvell will soon cause a plenty of fair prices fuffi cient to make his (lock in hand a means of loss, instead of ill-gotten gairs to him. -Letters Patent have pasTed the Great Seal of this kingdom, constituting and appointing Ponfonby Tottenham, F/q. Clerk of his Majesty's Ordinance in this kipigdum, in the room of Richard Magennis, Elq. Rehgn ed« Patrick Farrel, was executed this day at the front of the New-Prifun, for the rob. bery of Mr. Grelliam, of Castle street. NEW BOOKS, RECEIVED DT A. DICKINS, opposite ChriH Church. Millars Gardner*. Difliaoary, new edition, fuKo 36 00 WeUi'eTravelj, » vols 7 00 Rocbefaucault's Travels, 4 vol# u 00 Anti-Jacobin Examiner, a vols. 6 50 Euompartn'a Intercepted Letters 3 7s Crut well's Gazetcer, 3 vols, and atlas 1% co New Dictionary, I ? vols 37 jo D'lvernois's Survey of the Lofiis of the French Nation % J-O Parson's Britiih CUflies, }6 vols 40 00 New Syllcm of Natural History, 3 vols 12 60 Payne's Epitome of History, 1 vol* 6 00 Chefttrfield's Works, 4 vols 11 00 Bifbo? Wilfon'-i works, 8 vole II 00 Goldlmith's Works, 7 voU 900 w ilpole's royal and noble authors s »5 p ron's new geography, 4 vols. 11 00 I e rke, on Insurance, new t,on. ed. ®f 1800 5 <3O I Dr. Carrie's edit, of Burns's works 4 vols 12 00 Fenno's edition ol Gifford's works, 1 vnls a»J PAMPHLETS. . Dslpuo'* reply M tiratcan, He fart of tW iccrel committee of the hoof* of commons on the Irish rebellion Rofc's examination of the increase of the revenue,commerce, &c of G. Britain Gifford's letter to the Earl of Lauderdale Romel's narrative of the Deportation to Cayenne I 00 Ainie's do 15° A variety of Pamphlets on American Politics. /decanter 11 By this Day s Mail CHARLESTON, Decembe n. Arrived the fchr Peace, Bernenk,St. Tho. mas's in distress: out 53 days ; bound to Ai tona- LEGISLATURE OF S. CAROLINA. House of Representatives. Nov. 27th, 1800. Gen. Anderfon, from the committee on 011 privileges and election, on the petition of futidry persons, ftatinptbat the members f rom S. Phillip and St. Michael's were not entit led to hold their feats, being not duly and legalfy elefted, fnbmittcd the following reso lution to the consideration of the haufe. " Refjlved, by the committee of privileges and eleftions, that it be recommended to the house to fend for and dire£l the manager? of the f; election, for said Parilhes, to attend this house, to give such information as may be within their knowledge, relative to the late eleftion for the said parishes." The fame heing taken into immediate con sideration, resolved, that this house do con cur with the committee. By order of tne beufe. Thomas Lee, c. h. it. Columbia, Nov. 38, 1800. The following gentlemen are nominated electors of Prefidrnt and Vice President, at the ensuing elefton ; FEDERAL General Wnfliington, Mr. Falconer, Capt. John Blafingamr, Gen. M'Pherfon, Mr. John Ward, and Col. James Pbftell, Mr. Henry D, Ward,and Alexander M'lntolh ; tie latter dtclintd. JACOBINS. Gen. Andtrfun, Arthur Simkins, Col. Hunter, Dr. Blythe, John Gaillard, Wade Hampton, Andrew Love, and Paul Hamil ton. IC?» If Mr. Samuel Fenno, formerly of Philadelphia, is ill this city, and will be so obliging jts to leave his address at this Of fice, he will cpnfer an obligation on a friend, who withes to refott to his testimony, on a fubjrft of conltdfruble importance. December i. NEW-YORK, December 13, 1800 Yeltei day papers an J letters to the jth inft. were received from Oiarlsfton—and what is very extraordinary* tlie'r# is not a word of the S. Carolina eleftion in either of them. The difapj ointment is great. Just after the brig: Morning Star failed from Malaga. Ihe fell in with the Englilh fleet, which hid been driven from before Cadiz by a Itorm. It appears by the extratts in this days Gazette, from Irilh papers, that a confisc able reduftion had taken place in the price of the neceflaries of life ; and that there was a profpeft of peace and plenty in lie land. In a paper of the 6th Oftober received by the brig Union, w« find the follow in g articlrss " the two American Ministers, Messrs. Davie and Elfworth, are to set tail from Havre this day. The third, Mr. Murray, will depart to-morrowfdr the Hague, where he i: uinifter. Citizen Louis Bonaparte feti off to-mor row for a journey to" Germany. He goes firfl to Piuflia. Th.-jr write trom Home, that M. Labra dor, minister ot Spain, has begun the exer cise of his functions near Pius VII. A Piedmontefe, named Amoreti, was arrested at Genoa, being the bearer of fcveral letters from the King and Qcen of Sardinia directed to Turin. When the arrival of the Emperor at the army was announced by the firing of guns, and that general Moreau was ap prized of it, this last sent to the head quarters of the Emperor a general officer to compliment his majesty. IMPORTANT. The Convention of Amity and Com merce, between the U. S. and France we are informed, been publiftied in the Paris papers. The following is the fourth article. r ARTICLE IV. •' Property captured, and not yet defin itively condemned; "r which may be captu red before the exchange of ratification (contraband goods destined to an enemy'* port excepted) shall be mutually rellored en the following proof of eidzenllup, viz, [Here fullews 4 copy of the form oj the passports now used by American vessels.] And this palTport fli«.ll be fufficier.t without any other paper, auy ordinance to th' contrary notwithfUnding ; wbich paflpo Ihall not be deemed reqmiitr to have beei received or recalled, whatever numbers ol voyages the laid (hip piay have made, un lets Ike (hall have returned home within the l'paee of one year. Proof with refpe& to the cargo (hall be certific.itei containing the several particulars of tha cargo, "he place where the (hip failed, and wither (lie is'baund ; f® that the i forbidden or contraband goods n)ay be dif— ting ui (lied by the wkiili ce:;i. ficates ihall have oeeu made out by the officer of the place whence the ftiip let fail in the acc.nfioir rd form of the countiy. And if such palToort.-, or c<rtific:>tr<!. or both, (hall have becd deftn ye-sl by acc.deri's or taken away fc'y forte, theii deficiency maybe supplied by inch other proofs oi ownerfliip as are admiifiolc by th« general ufaje of nations. 1 IS I M 6i>, 75 Proofs with refpedt to any other than merchant (hips (hall be the com/uiflion tliey bear. '1 his article (hall take effeft irom the date of the signature of the pre sent provisional treaty. And if from the date of the laid signature any property (hall be Condemned, to the intent of the said treaty, before the knowledge of this stipulation (hall be obtained, the pro perty to condemned fiiall be restored or paid for without delay. For the fourth time here. New-Theatre. ON MONDAY EVENING, December 15, Will be prefentid, a celebrated new Cemedy, in 5 sits, called Speed the Plough. Written by Thomas Morton, Esq. author of Co lumns?, the Way to get Married, Cure for the Heart Ache, Secrets Worth Knowing, Children in the Woods, &c &c. and now performing at the Coveot Garden Theatre, with ") univcrfal applause With new scenery and decorations; Sir Philip Bland ford, mr Cooper; Morringt»n, mrWignell; Sir Abel Handy, mr. Warren; Bob Handy, mr Wood ; Henry, mr. Cain ; Farmer AOifieid, mr. Bernard; Evergreen,nar Morris; Gerald, mr Prigmore ; Postillion, mr Hopkins; Young Handy's Servant, mr. Durang; Petrr, Mr Baily Miss Blandfi rd, miss E. Weftray ; Lady Handy, mrs Shaw; Susan Aflifield, miss Wtftray ; Dame Afhfield, mrs Francis. Country Lasses—miss Arn»ld, miss Solomons, mrs Doftor, mrs Stuart, &c ts"c In act 11, A Country Dance, By the ch a racers. To which will be added (not acled thi« season) a Comic Opera, called, No Song no Supper. rr The third reprelentation of the above Co medy. was on Wedwefday, hencred by a crouded and brilliant audience with incrsafed approbation. The public are refpeitfully informed that on ac court of fevcral new pieces in preparation, it wi.l after this evening be laid afidc for feme tims. Cod Fish. A few quintals l eft Cod Fish and 100 quarter calks Sherry Wine, just received. On hand, Wine and Cyder Vinegar in? pipes and quarter calks, j Fi'R SALE BT BENJAMIN W. MORRIS W Co. December i». eodjt Wanted to charter FOR EUROPE, A Vessel, of 15,0 or 280 toils burthen. Apply to James, Cltbhrn, ss* Engli/h. la mo. 9th. $ For Sale, W* Alciander Ruffel,matter, Burhen 76 tons or thereabouts, between two and ti:ree years oM, and isfaid to fail well—a cre dit <ti 4 or 6 metiths will be allowed. E&quire of MOORE WHARTON, No. 18, Dock street. December I) d6t 'for sale, Br Joseph SIMS, No. 155, south Water street. White &brown Havanna Sugars ' Holland Gin Old Coniac Brandy London particular Madeira Wine Pale rei ana yellow lefuir's Bsrk A large aflortmer.t i f CORDAQE, &c. decemberij mw&fa tf j he Cargo OF THE SHI P JOHN BULKELY, Qapt. Stockley, from Batavia, CONSISTING OF Coffeesugar& pepper Of the bejl quality, FOR sale By William IValn. j December 9. 6t :: JuJl Received by A. Dickens ; Opposite Christ Church, Desultory Reflections, ON THE 1 Political Aspect of PUBLIC AFFAIRS In the United States of America. Part 11. " Anil I leoked, and beheld a pale horse : and " his same that fat on him was Death, and " lisll fjllowad with him " (Price a$ Cents.) ALSO I CARMEN SECULARE For the year ißo«fe By Henry Jaines Page & L. Superbly printed in 4. to.-— ( Price 75 Cents.) December ie. § j PRINTING, Neatly executed,at the Ojfice of the Gazette of the United States. a—smmmmm—H g—mbme Gazette of the United States. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER IJ. RETURN OF VOTES, ■For President and Vice President ef the United States, •> s 2» New-Hampshire, 6 6 Massachusetts, 16 16 Rhode-Iflnnd, 4 4 Conne&icut, 9 9 Vermont, New-York, y,% I 2 New-Jersey, 7 7 00 00 Psnnfylvania, 7 7 8 8 Delaware, 3 3 Maryland, S S S S Virginia, 2 , 2I Kentucky, TrnnefTee, North-Carolina, South-Carolina, Georgia, A letter received in town this morn ing, dated Walhington, December 11, announces the arrival of the Portfcnouth, M'Neal, at Norfolk, from Havre- General Davie, with the Treaty, is on board. December the Fourteenth :—Eack annual return of this inauspicious day, will for ages, remind Americans of the irreparable loss sustained in the death o£ the man who was " firji in War, fiyjb in Peace, and firjl in the Hearts of his Countrytrun." The Providence Rhode Island paper, and the New-London (Con.) paper, states that the Ele&ors of Rhode Island gave an unani mous vote for Adims and Pinckney. Pie fuming the information to be accurate \fe have plaeed the return in our lift of votes. A gentleman, left the City of Walh ington on Friday morning, and arrived here yesterday, informs* that late on- Thurl'day evening, letters were received at Washington by gentlemen high in office, dated Columbia, Dec. 2. Theft letters D.ated that the Eleftion for Electors of- President and Vice President had takea place that day, the result of which «>s, that the Eleftors ct-nfidered as pledged to vote for Jeflerfon and Burr had succeeded. The following are the names of seven of them, copied by our informant from one of the letters—the eighth he accidentally omitted. Robert Anderfon Arthur Srnipkins Wade Hampton Arthur Love Theodore Gilliard Paul Hamilton Jefie Blight. Our informant also assures us that the fol lowing is a correft lift of the Elefiors appointed by the State of Georgia, and that they are pledged to vote for Jeffer fon and Burr. Gen. John Morrifon Doftor Dennis SmeJt Jchn Lumpkin Henry Graybill. An Alexandria paper of December 10, sajs, " Lad evening arrived here from Nor folk, citizen Dubrugeac. We are inform ed that this gentleman lately came out from France, as Gonful for Cape Francois." Im mediately on his arrival in St. Domingo, he was lent by Touffaint Louverture, with difpatehes fur the government of the Uni ted States. He left this place, for the City of W'alhington this morning. " We are informed, that a Proclamation was lately ilTued by Xoulfaint, comin;indiii{j the Negroes to return to the plantations to which they belonged, and go to work ; in consequence of which a mutiny brake out among the blacks, which was quelled by 12 of the ringleaders being executed. We are enabled to inform the lovsrs ®f pleasant, congenial reading, that there is printing by MelTrs. Furman and Loudon, of New Yoik, a little volume that has for its title, ' The Farmer of New lerley, or a Picture of Domtftic Life.' The firft part of the Tale lias excited our mirth, and the latter our fyinpathy. It cannot fail to in terest thole whose minds have not loft all relilli for th« fmiliag l'cenes of rural life ; and will appeal very forcibly to the breast of every parent, hulband, wife, lifter or bro ther, who poflefs any acquaintance tural sentiment. N. Y. Gaz. The English fleet, which were lately be fore Cadiz, have difpeifed, and the blockade is continued by fix fliips of the line. Canzler in his lHjemetrs upon Sweden eftablilhes :he following proportion of trade in the commercial towns of Sweden. Con sidering the whole trade as of 13 parts Stockholm would have 7, Grothenburg 2, and the oiherTowns Mparts of the exporta tion. Of this importation Stockholm would have half, Gothenburg a quarter, and the other quarter belongs to the other towns. The whole revenue may be reckon ed at five millions of Crowns* A 8 ' & £ £ £ .8 - 57 | 46 | 46 {
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers