NuttntH 2563' The price of this Gazette 1* Ekht Dollahs per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. AH others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing and ii ;ectir.% } and unless some person in this cfty will become anrtverabU for the subscription, if must be paid Six Months in Advance. %* No Subscription will be rercirrdfor a shorter term than six months. December 1 1799* ALMANAC frtm Dtcrwbr —to r>nmlw li. HIGH WATER. day Tbarfilay Friday fl«urday Ssnday Mulif JMMij VVt Inefday Th\ rWiy Friday Sat'n d*y S«n*» v Mond* V Ta«fd»j Now Landing, ANDFQR V* ALE BY THE WBSCKIIERS At Pine-street wharf, Tbe Cargo Of the brig Hope, »pt. M'Clure. from Kingflon, Jama.'e. —confiding of \ II Hhds .ana' 3 bMs Sugar «o,oco Carra. as C\ •«>» of th; firft quality i,;oo Bbl*. Coffee. ALSO, FOR SALE, ' T H f SAID Jlja BRIG, ft: came fri'tn sea, coppered ."Ulrlnirkably fail, and can befent to Sea st a Tery smalt cxpcirfe itiiidd Wm. <*• W Hoht. C. LA I IMIIR. D»c 3 ■ i* PaiTengcrs 6c Fr eight wanted for Port Republican. THE SHIP M dispatch, Copt. Maxwell, 3Will positively fail for ptn R'publi- C™ „ . next All pcrf m 4<JirciiU ol takni! F .ff»sre arc ro a ( ply at fpccHily a. po(E! fc, capisii VI .iweil, on hoard the (hit' ly ing at the firll wb if b low Hare ftrrer or t» PR \'lT tT KINTZING t fr mix.;* Pour ie Port Republican, rjL-r Le Navtre Difpatcb y JHCT Optainc MunD, pntin utrri*. • iShmQ 1,1 < ro <l , *'< l r,u ' c * Lt * P* rf "" ■«BMW gut c!t«f->ri'i>t pffcr to mcttrc 4et i fIHS92 m«r<) l ir' < iW4 do dit J'oat pnllt <"t k r'o'At >u C»d. I ike Mixw-U » b r "■'< «*•» W**«re mcuil* pii» d* imnLi qu;i »B deff'U* d« R»e 8»lWr«- ou » MeArari t-RATT V L« J r*t-»K»e tteo- fp»wtt For Sale, THF SCHOON'IR ELIZA & KA.TY, Burthen 11 o tons, 4 months old, fails taft. am ispirrced for 14 guns. Ap ply to the master on board ;ic Oowning's wharf, or S VMUEL RHOADS, Ko. i, Pain Slrrrt. N<nryihrr ai. dif For Hamburgh, The Hamburgh ship Three Friends, JcHn >ter lanfen, maflei - , A !»jitjiitial (Iror.g pool vcff-I and well found is.intended to fail previius to the ijth of Dec?m l-er two thirds of her cargo beii g r.-ady to go an board—For the remainder, or p'.O gr, apply to JACOB SPF.UKY I 3 Co. Who have received per fatd vejfel and are now Landing, PLATILL AS ROY ALES Britannia® Quadrup e Sel Gai Checks. No 2, a<,d LiOadoes Crf-s a la Morlaix Arabiis cs Sclcfii Handkerchiefs iVizzi's Oil Cloths Cud Flints Aljo on Hand, Checks and (tripes Buccadiiloi, Britannia", C.f ---f ritlo.<, llrown fcolls, Creas a U Mnr- JJielcfield fine Shirting, l.inr.ens, Uowhfs, Tapes GlafsWarti Coffee Mills Scythes, Quills. novcmbern djot —tuifrjw 3ENJAMIN CLARK, Clock If Watch Maker, HAS REMOVED To No. 36, Market St»krt, Where he has for Sa'x, Spring *nd other Clocks ; gold and lilvr Watches; Tools, Filesand Materials ; fW lid gilt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Spring*. &c. Esc. CLOCKS ANP WATCHES Rrpjlrsd ufl'J June 3 Gazette °f the United States, & Daily Advertiser. For Liverpool, To retu-ti an eor'y Spring ship to Phila delphia, THF. snip R O S E, of Philadelphia, SILAS JONES, master, Burthen 130 tons. Is int; uded to he fp-iC-lily dis patched. For freight or paftige apply <0 JOHN ENGLISH, No. 147, Water (Veer, or JAMES, CLIRBORN ENGLISH, Philadelphia Nfw-Yokk, Dec. «d. 1830. § H. M. 9 * 9 5* 10 40 11 .VI 0 19 1 10 • 17 •mil (iti 7 *3 4 37 7 *4 4 36 7 »4—4 36 December 1. 7 *4 4 36 - 7 »5 4 3 J 7 15 4 35 7 »s—-4 35 fn the (hip Atlantic, captain Waters, from Calcutra and MaJra?, And for sale by the fubferiber, A great variety of articles mostly suitable 2000 bags prime Sugar, Ilyfon and Souchong Tea, JOHN MILLF.It, J uiii*. No. 80, Dock sirftt. mwf tf CHINA GOODS. oAohrr 10 Landing from the ship America, Wiilte. Sims, Commander, from Clinton, AND FOH SALF. Br NICKLIN, GRIFFITH b* Co. Bohea, 1 Congo, Souchong, ill &ind q'lili'.y, I Caper frarhmgi I Hyton-fiir., IV rkjy, ."tinglo, Young hyson, Hyson ( lit & ad qualify, I m prjia J, J VfHow k. White ninkeena } Lntcftrings, back ii tolor'd (Jn Boxti Siufha#* do. f afloMcd, Sittifs do. J Luieftrings, mas- line £t liark green , Si-.fhjws d f , ' p _ t Pcrliaii nflcti!, dirk green J *°* c' Tbey have also on .band f>r sale, received bv tie late arrivals from Europe, ISe. 1 Infma.lpick- Striped and checker! f»ingh»mn i aj*r» alf rter?, White ligiired & color'd Muf- | calculated for linens [>the Welt-ln- White corded dimittel j dia market fc Color'd (ilk, striped Nanke*n« | entitled to J drawback, 14 Tiunki printed Ci!ic: cJ, 5 do. do. 3 BalnTeiwiw!ik ( £r.ti:leu to 10 C-'-Iss Er»i;l.rh C:iiru » iif, ( cirjwlui k, in Id IrtU 6 Citt. mlnrrtl black, i da. wliife, 10 dft. cu)c»ther» J C»(k« pwrplc jj do. n»il« iffftfj, 9 do. porter in bnttlei, frijtffh fjilcinvrt, No. I» » A j, Rußia ilmki •i lto*c» *Mtt Hi»»nrv« Tujrtr, I.t Pipti oM win*, Ghhj»:<« , 'W, Empty wine hottlci, to 0»n», 6 prund*r«, l» df>- 9 'lo ll do. 9- do. with ritritgr*. kc ilo,ccolb«. Crri^oii coflirt, ill} quality (Rnridet ro )o,cnolb* lJirk pepper fdnwlark. to L-y» J M»y is. Horses to Winter, HORSES will taken to whiter It Prn(jK4 iHr 14 mite ft.-iw eo the rn»4, they «ill htn t wi T'mothy and Clo«r Hay, tic well iikrn care of and have a kid I* rui in when the wrathrr i« goo>1 1 eaqnrrc ol WiUnni Bell, Phibdrlthia ( or, o> Jvfrph Uaotlog, m the p»emtfe«. Tbrj to return then in good order in thf tyring nr charge iinAiiiti for k '|""g them, sod •rill itot be anl«r<rahW fur 'Ceidvrti or ekape,ko> will take r»ery prceautwo to t (itV. fflptwr 11 mwf tf MU. FKANCfS relpeiUully inform? his Bch.j!iM andthnte Get.t'emen wl»o have llrca ly honored t»e huhfiriptinn with thf : r names, that thr firit Bill w:l! be on Saturday the 6th of Decern: er. SuNlcripiioti tickets wjliSe ready for delivery on TnOrl'iay ««>e 4th inltant. Days ot tuition (for the future) Mondays and Fridays, at 3 o'clock in the aterpoari lor yung T.idvs ou'.y,—Tuefda; s and I'hurfiiays at 4 i"clock for gentlemrr, and on the I u.l'diy an:! fhr.rfdny evenings at 6 o'clock for tlinfe of a :io' e advanced Jj:e. Decembert. tB&W PHIL A I) E L FHJ A, SATUPnkt EVENING, DECEMBER ij, 1800. 30,000 lbs. bej 1 . heavy Black Pepper, FOR SALE nr SAMUEL RHOADS, No. i, Penn Street IMPORTED, for exportation, AMONG WHICH AHF Blue cloths Neckartcs Soot lAomai* Salem poorrs Ventapnlams Madras Long Cloths Ditto Handherchie'i. Also MR. FRANCIS'S Fir// Subscription Ball. By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-street. HAS received by the latest arrivals t'tom Lon don, a well chosen aflortment of the fol lowing articlest CALICOES and great variety) Furniture do. do. Corded Dimitiei for garmenti and furniture Durants, Joans and Calimancow B miuzctta and Horohazeem Printed Linen and Cotton liandkei chiefs and Laws bordered do. ' Jaconet ani 3i> k Muslin handkerchief! Sliawln, C'ltti-n and Chintz, a great variety Do. Cim-I*« Hiir Hosiery, Worlte.l and Cotton of all sizes Do China White and Dlack Silk Tdbir CI tlis, trnir. 5 4, 10 loby 16-4 with and without Napkin? Thread, Gauze, Lawns and Cimbrick? Jaconet anj Lapett Muflinn, coloured and plain White and R'ack Lace, Lace Veils, Cloaks and Handkerchiefs Black Mode, feelonfs and Satins White and printed Marl'eilles forvefts Stranidown, ftripedand plaid. Cotton Checks (five) 7 8, 4** l 11-81 >nd ft- 4 i4lack and coloured Barcelona handkerchiefs India Bandanna do of fupermr quality White, Ked and Yellow Funnels Gueml'ey Wurfled Frocks A few dozen kef elaliic Solpenderr. Just Received, a well aflortrd Invoioe of India Muslins, cyirHoo ©r BerbVoom Ocrriji#" Wa< Al«hil<«d Emeriiet Do. Guiraha Company Uuitapor* Jimi Mimnoiiu. C«(Tk. 1 By the Bale or Piece. Oilober 18. Saw Manufactory. FRANCIS MASON, Nn. io. fi.Bth Fifth Area*. MAWUFACrtJHESa.iII, crofa cut and pi" fiw, cqaal in j. appcarasae and flap* toinj iver imporrtd; which hi fclU »holffik •I the fullnriiii |"in -Mnl mill hm j 1 t Jo]- hf each ; crolt-ctii da 50 ccntt per foot; pitt do. f*j cenr> p#r snot. Wnn<J.Gatr<ri eoft fleel ft»». ai»d. <*ttj Othtr kind, ma-le to i»j particular diradion. nn**n>' rr it dim John Whitesides, ) fritidi aud fht |.uUi< io ifcat* I t tak'-n ( h« B R E.W E R Y, (!>if V'il >m jo, B'.nh Sit'h Are" —wfcrfe th?» *nij-: a Aif>fti?d with Poctrr, l'ah|* mother Bcerl. NBA quantity of cucllen aid Porter rc hand lit (or itnlrrdiacca'e. noventwr iS dim J. TEAS, By th» ships Klngl'on frmn Liverpool, and the Gt»r|?« from Hull, AND FOR SALE BY GEORGE ROBERTS, No- 31, Market street. A tarfre and rlegaiit alTortm-nt of CUTLERY. GILT and p'atod Jiuttont, ivory and Wn omiha, jipinnf. Ho k-tin and (ifwin w«ren, brafa and iron ctn-Mcßickj patent teJ- Weirln a»d Tturr ]>am, ct>ffec-mil!a, iron and lirjfa wire -I all (izri. Also, a iarge aflor'.menf of flat-irons, bake plate-, puts, be. direiil rromfhe mantifaflurers He b.ts also on band, a large and extensive Of his own manufactory, manufactured in the helh tiiannrr ; all «tf wliiih he will fell on (lie niofl rrafonable terms, wholefalc and re ail Kereivrd atth« fame time by the fbip George, capt. Rice, the much admired improved COPYING MACHINES, Dircft from the patentee. These machines are ma c on a Cinple and improved plan f r copying, writing, &< . of any l.ze, in an expeditious manner, and arechaigcd at a much lei's price than any other row in tils. They are found to pofiYfs a luperiority over any others, bcth by being more durable and not I'.j liable to get out of impair, and by copying any number of writings atone time, without making any alteration in the maehine, and their oicu pying little room The very general nfe into which these m* chines are now brought in use in London and oih»r large trading cities, and the fansfaiflion teftifie I hy all who poflefs them, render it un neccffjry to enlarge any further on their advan tage, both in point'of accuracy and secrecy and in the saving of time, labour anil expencc. novemher I tu&fa tf rn v w tf NO 1 I C E. Bank of the United States, NOV! MBPR 17, I? 0 • i"HE Stockholders oi ifce Bank of the Ui.ited States are inlnrme.i, that according to ihe (latTit« of lLCoiporation, a General Elc&icn for twewty five DirctSota, wili he held at the Bank ot the Urtire-l States, in the city of Philadelphia, on vtonriay the sth of January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. And purftnnt to the eleventh ftiftion of the ty«- laws, the stockholders of the said Har.k arealfo no tificd to assemble in general meeting, at the fame. Mace, on Tuesday the 6th of January ncm, at fix o'clock in the e»em»f;. O. SIMPSON, Calhier. Not mr.retfca-.i three fourths ol the Oircflori it, ofiice. cxclulive of the l'ri'liJer.t. (halite eligible lor rlie next ensuing year, hut tlie Dircftor who j ftiall he" k*refn).*nr ac the tim# of an F.lefti' n tnay always He reeled**!, ti'.sjy 4*t t Thomas Orr, Ni. 52, . South hosr Street, He has Alio Just Received, assortment of TIN WARES, patent Second Fundamental /btirle. Glais Ware, A well Aflorted Invoice just ReceLed, Cvnftffing if Wirv-OhflVs, Tumblers, Decanturs. L". monades, Goblets, Sic. Boc. of the rie«'elT tafhion, and for Me. JAMES C. 8t BAML. W. FSSHFR. Nov. 13. Gideon H. Wells Has Just Received, By thg hte arrival*—a larg« and general assort ment of Hardware, Cutlery Sadlery, Which he offers for fait, f,r cafti or the usual credit Market-street, No. 135. 31^-4 w At Wain's wharf, The Cargo of the brigEnterprize, CONSISTING OF Surinam Molasses, Of as excellent quality, in hogfliead*, tierces and barrels, Ani about 40 quarter casks LISBON WINE, •daher 9 Certificates Lo THE un<'.»rmcntioned certificates of flock of tk« Bankcf the United StatM, viz No. 978, date jid Jannary, 1791, for five Ifcarcs in the name of Bourdicu, Chollett and Bourdi*u No »7 166 ditrd ill of fanuary. >798, for five (hare., in the name "i t:i» Right hon. lord John Townfliend. Notice is hereby given, di» jawif. That application i< intended to be made at the fait] B«nk hv the fubfcril»cr, fur a renewal o! the fame, of wMch til personaconcceße J are requested to take notice. JOHN WARDER. Phi'air'phia 10 mo 28, 1800 tuthfa^ra rk (ol|«air( arti&iTltKf right per cent And inrhrcamenf William (letl. jr. Dancing to*hit ere li' 00 t k .t laatk« of the Uoited brara- Loan Office of Pcnafyhrtria, via iaj,.'a Ci rtidt*e fated ju«h Jaroiry, (too, lor one thouf-ud dollar*. No sos v a Certificate d?ted 30th January, iß< o, for ore thoufatid dollars Notice i« hnehy that appliciti m in in- t» be m%i'c los a rcnewil of the fame—of which all perfw* concerned arc rcque-tcd to take notice. JOHN WARDFR. Pkiladjjhia, 10 mi 18, 1800. jtaw6w Loft, IN fhc (hit. K 1 si. gt,n.captain Kerr, in the year 1794. 1 aviog tieru captured by the French on her voyage from lie"ee to Amllar am, the follow ing cerrifica-rs of stock o! the Ba' k o' States, standing in the came of Benjamin Chap man Not. 43* 436 <\[ 4 Sinrtt rath J ■SB 3 r'o. 1* 15. 1:1 &. 11171 d». Application is made at fjid Bank by the fubfc'i. her for a renewal ol thefame, o! which all perfcnt concerned aredelircito fake notice. JOHN MILLER, Jurr. 0f1.?7. il»m LA\T&ST F. SOUS ft 15" iniSH F.T)I7IONS GEORGE DAVIS'S gXTKNSIVK nOLl.fcrl IN, Imported by sundry late arrivals from London and Dubli., Is now arranged and readv for sale, AT HIS STORF, No. 319, Market *Jlrect, Wh»re Catalogues will he delivered on appli cation. HP. takes 'hi> opportunity of r turning Us fin cert ackn wl. dements to th ■ Gentlemen of tne Bar, anil tlieir fluiotts in the I'nited States, for th« patronage hr defigu h«s me'with, for ef tablilhing a J tore ei:'.u(ively for the sale of Books, Ihe adva tages which < ffcr th mfelves to the profeQioa. f/om having such to apply to, he trusts are rtndered obvious by the confederation, that confining his attention *0 rhe Imj-or ation of book s, only in that Line, he has it in hi> power to keep confiantly by h<m, a general and mol! va'U ablefnpply of the latefl and heft Edition-*, an 4 Irom his r ady lales, t» diipol'e ot th'm, on term" so moderate as to prcckide the i.ecifliiy of gentle men importing their own Libraries. Any commands he may he favoured ijitb, from a single vdume to anynumbtr, foall thank.u!ly nd pr< mptly he attende : to. rovemher a 6 w&fr »m OppfiTK Chk i s r-Cnuncrt HAS JUST PUBLISHED, A neat and correct Edition OF The Exercises, ADAPTED TO Murray's Englijh G:amniar, IX-ligutd tor the benefit of private i.e.uTi. i s well for tli" ill's of S' lio >ls. with BY t.INDI.F.Y MUKUAY. [/VA f one ihdtdr 3 December 5, Landing For Sjlf. nr Wharton £s? Lewis, No. 115, Couth Front flrecc. tu ih fa tf LOST, LOST, Law Books A. Dick ins, The American, LADIES PbCKET koblC, A KD Gentlemen's POCKET REMEMi braNcer, FOR THE tejik 1800. 1 Just Publiflied, By Willi am T. Birch, No. 17, South ScCopd-ftreet, _ THE Ladies' Book contains an interefllnf fcsne 10 the life of Gentril Washington, em bellifted with a beautify! engraving. An Almanac—ruled pages for memoran dums and aconnt of monies, &c. for every day in the year ; Miscellaneous, moral, and enter* aniing pices in profit asd verse; new and cels« brated songs, and several ul'efu! rabies. The Gentleman's Book i _ Contains an intercfting scene in the life of General VY alhinyton, witftnn.engraving. An Almanac, mlrd piges for raemnrandunn and ca(h account; the Bankrupt Law complete: Duties oh go<M< imported, fiamp duties, do. | on domtttic irticlei ; Congress of th« United | States, Departments of State, ,War, Navv, Treasury, and Judiciary, Jift of tbe army and navy, fevcral ufeful tables, and other intercft ing mater , , W. . Birch lia« just received from London* a general ..fTortnicnt of English Writing and Drawing papers of the firft quality ; oopying machines, paji'r and ink p~wder. fine hot-prcf fcd post j an assortment of the latest and best Maps on rollers, twelve eieyant AtlaJfcs. He k»«p.« a ways fjr fa|», a p.-ntril afTortment of books, wi'h and without inftrumentt; mabi* gany writing deiks, peß and fruit knives, ; l)r ccmb-'r 4. PATENT American Balloon; f Vented Aerial Qoacbee. This new, curious, and elegant M A C H I N E, Which ha 6 heen exhibited J a, and accommoda ted Thoufinds of Ferty.j in New-York, •s no r fixed t(m at the CIRCUS, IN FIFJI'H STREET, In thii c>ity. 'T'HE Properties o( wonderful Conflrnc- X tton- ire as beneficial 35 they are various affording the m ft delicate pleaiure, and at the fame time operating as . ry-florative to health, and for which purpose the nreq'ient ule of it is recommenced by the faculty,, to the fsck, the weak and those recovering The mo'ion of the Halloon! ii from four to about twenty aiiiei per hour. ' The rat« of tr*-, however, will be. emulated by the will of the pafierig'ers ; eights of xkhom can b« comfortab'y accommodated'; but the Balloon will let «fT with two only- ( Sweet the air. behold fcelow, 'I h» city, country far iaroimd. And then defending iljuick or flow, ' You think ynu move oiii magic ground. Conllan: attendance will br given, for a few days when the exhibit ion «ill dole.— Every refpedlful attention be (hewn by PARKER. Arfir<><t*nrr (n nn*»fgbth aft dolttr | sal- earmAnjr the aucfem« (if tiki ) one-fourth of ■ do tor Any perfoii riefirous of purcjiafing the exten <Tve privilege thereof f -r this city or StaJe,wiH be informed of the terms by applying a* above. nov-mber ig Pi opofals Forpt'bliJJjing, by Subfcription t A DIGEST Of Wic L.w of Aftinns and Trials at NISI PRIUS. Bjr Isaac 'Efpinaffe, of Gray's Inn, Esq. Barrifler at The tUrd edition, corrected, with confiJerable additions trom printed and manuscript cases. Fa spcs et ratio stucliorum. JuT, IN TWO vaLUMFS. THE work is row printing, and in confiderg- Me f'Twardr.Ha, on a fu per fine paper, of royal size, and o&avo ferm. It will be printed page f°r page with the latefl I.«t)don edition, and no pains will be spare in ren ier the work cor jefl, and free of typr.t;ra| lical eTors. It will be neatly b<>nnd and lettered in two vo lumes,royal and to fuhiciibcrs will be put at five dollars an ! fifty cents per set—to nonfub fcribcrs the price will be somewhat enhanced.— The price of the London edition i- fevrn dollar*. Those who fubferibe for eight set» shall bave a ninth gratis The two v»l«me« will consist of about nine hundced pages, ol which the one annexed to the proposals is a specimen: As the work is now puhlifhinp, and will be completed with all conve nient etpedition, those who wish t# profit by tke fukferipcirn, will please t<> fubicri'ie leafonably. H. B. Gentlemen holding fukferipnon papers are requcfled to return them to > homasand Tho» mas, the publishers, by the firft of January next. The booksellers in Philadelphia are refpefl fully informed, (hat they will ke fold either bound or gathered in (hects, by the fmSfcrihers, at their t:fuai low price. Those who wi3i to purchafc will please to apply by letter ;• th« pub i hers.— The wrrk Will !.e out of | refs forot time in the winter. THOMAS C - THOMAS. Walpole (N H.) oa 1800 (18) eo-f Madeira Wine, In pipes fchds. and quarter calks, For sale by the Subscriber, GIDEON HILL WELLS, No: 135 Market Street. November I*. «»jrf \VOLaMK XVIU. 4eiw
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers