t CHINA GOODS. Lending ./ran tb' s.'.'if -America, W.r'fr. Sims, Coi):nijy..!.r t^fi hii CmUOH, A HI) SALS \ T ICKLI>;, GMH'Yi ■pOilEA, 13 Comri. SaucJ.oni:, iff & inJ quality, T okay, / Singlo, Younj hyf n, Hyf >n, tit & id quality, I npcriJ, , Yellow \vh!tc r, ankrens Lutcftrings, blicV St rolor'd ( In Boxc. Sinlhaws do. C aflVrcei, Sattins do. J tuteftrrngs, a>' z • Wwt 3c gfee®J ? n Si(haw. d.» > %OX , Per!\a» ul tss, '-ac'f.n J _ They have uliq o/} t ind for sale, received 6 the late Arrivals from Europe, i? 0. "J Infniailptck- Striivd aiJ'l cltmked feingbarfft . agrJ iff rtei, Whit? ttpwrtr! «c cclur'd Muf- | ..alculated for linens J* tho White corded dimilt£* I dia ipirkct &. Color'd !i!k, striped Nankeens | entitled to j drawback, 14 Trunks printed Ca!ic S rs, 5 do. da. 3 Bil*s fesot twin• ( Entitled to o Caf«s Euvl 111 Chini «*re, ' f drawback, in if* I'cti* 6 C.ifci mlnral M*k, i i . da. to do. cok.nhcr, 3 C»<kr pnrpl* hrnwn, .3$ do. Ti-Mt iff ned, 9 do. l.°ndnn prrlrf in knttfcl Xngiilh f«i) c»n»aa, No» 1, % k 3, Jtufliv thick, ~tl Bo*»» wliitr Itavinoa fnftw, 13 Pipt»»lil Mideira wine, Gun(>uwit«r, Empty wine hotitri, %m Gnat. 6 pc-iii.dtrs M do. 9 d®. ]g do 9do w>h curiaers. Ac. »Joi<ccib». CrriUoY Culter, I"} quiUiy (Entitled to kli< )l p>-pp«r f ■lnw'-atk »o L«fr« cb»'.y J Miy »'• ELISHA FISHER NV», 89, North Front Street, II AVE FOR SALE, Tronntpngn v, Wkry, Cutlery* Brass end Jap „M Var s 6 ' 8.! 1 1 ' in'J z ' fl'.t pi i-t n3' jGerrpan Steel, H|<f> aiT.rled in cafe", Pistol., guns flints, &e.4cc Saulnier &. Wilson, WOOLS V DRAPZR', MKKCShS, lie. No. 6.;, North file Market-flreec, HAVF. * general ass rtment of befl fuperfi'ic Broa-1 Ctorilt and Calßiicres, (cl the otwffl falhior.) silk f.r pe and f-cond quality CiUHi*, u.ili l >-P"i-" mi, -a.,i twitl'd Nir.tceeni.Jea ' Fuliiar, Gingham, Dimi ty. Thickset, fattcj-C.»id, V«'v«s. Scirlrt yellow and white Flatieta, 1 landcrj, liilh Linens. D >wlas, mens' and w (mens' fi:'i and ■cotton Holiery. c<iat and vcfl pearl, ftcel, gdt and plated Butt. n», different c >1 urf Silk Velvts, tam boured and Cambric Mufli'is. Caliman coe , h wis, Pocket Handkercfci-K Glutl's tli est, &c See. N B Taylors' bed quality Trimmings all very low. • George Davis, ' AY }iq Ifigl<-Sirert, • HAS JUST JU CURVED, Per Adrian* from (ew Trunk* and CXVs of 4 4> 7-8 & 3*4 Irifli Linens, * . « Gentlemen's, Youths, and Boys, Fine BLACK HATS, WHicli he will fell on moderate terms, at a reaf 'iKit.lc credit. WEST COUNTRY FAT EN V Can va s, TOR SALE BY Ebenezer Large, ALSO 200 boxes fliort pipes faitabl" f r the Spa'tiijh Market, omo. 13th, iXsio IpT- jf'i 7«- THE SUB CRIBER, HAVING, opened a Store it No. 19, Doik fbeet, si r ti.e tranfaflisg all manner o? buS nefs in the Mereanti'e line, «n rommtffi n, i lici's the r-mp!.:ymei t of J is friends ai.d others., in ti>is way, as 'heir Faflor, alTVinp them that their orders (hall he carefully a t m'.ed to ansi executed in the heft manner in h s pawer. ttn. F. WEST fep eraher it Stop I hid! THIRTY dollars reward. ißth inrt Ist* in the evening, ar indented Mulatto P«y, rf fofeph Brown, faying himftlfto he in-m Lan c ifler or that neighborhood ;heisft ItT fut, has a round lace, short K air, Urge m- uth (filing coun tenance, dull fpe..ch, hig hanJs and fc« and hq has no beard He may dr fs hun elf wirh a gen tret coat of light drab colour, w. ite buttons, and blick cape, He wears a good round black hat. He has(lo.cn rom thefuh(crib«f upwards of 100 dollars »n cafli S»d v.ilu.' of other Wm t. ver will apprehend and l'tcure him with at much value ab. ut him ■" iU r;c ive 'he above reward, ani 10 dollars if tt.e young villain «ri only be braueht to condign j umlhrient. No. 70 Scnth rftrert. Sept. 39. •_V* : .> . i f r ;n& c». TEAS, m,% vi* t c JUD . 0. dim dtf AND mwfjw Mm ( »o >, r*t puacisniifG ir TheWfe OF the Hon. James "Wilson, Efq-\L. L» .D Lilt- one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme {Jrurt of the Uv.i'ed States and Projessor at Law in the Callege and Academy of Philadelphia. from the original manufeript, in (he pcffeflion of Bird Wilson, Esq. cond i These wor'ts (hall c ejjvnt'y prilled in two octavo, and delivered/o fubfcriUtfr? at five dollars. P-ly (V«ll be put to pref» »> fonn a« the fuMtrip ' tuii' will juhify the ftpcutc ol p«blitJ|n>», Subscriptions will he received by ASBUKY DIOKINS, The publJfhcr, oppofife Chrft'lChurcfe, PV»lia de';hid ; and bj thfi principal bookfc-lltrs tfcrcugh qui the United States. * o * A . s rofpedn9 of the work may be fctn at the place of fuhfeription. f- pr -n 1 er I 3 Loft, r'HE jnderment'oned Certificates of Stock of tnc Bank of the United States, viz. No. July 1796, for ten (hires in the nai;-.e of Charles Lavegrove of New- York. No. »n*i—No. «sj»i, dne«t ift Ju'y. 1 for five ftiiret e»cl» ip -ihc nime, of No. 11,80!—N 1. **Bo9, ilated iftjinuar), 1 "or. ii.r ten Ihirei e>ch, m'lha name «f WiArt-.r.gmii, Merchant, London. . Notice is bertfy gtvtn, That application is amended to be made at tin- laid Bank l»y the f,bfcrib«rs, frr areuewa' of the fittnc, of which all p rlon« concerned are req -ftfd ' • 'akr« tier WADDING i ON ir HARWOOD Vhibdelfhia, Jtily 30, 'BOO * Twelve Shares Of the Bank of the United States., X fO. »59.M to incluGve, in the nam oi [N Thomas Mullrt: offend.>n, wrc forwarrl .-1 -.bnu- th« 111 of Miy 1797. fro m New York, I » thr faip ()»eida for Londo , which was cap tur-d by the French, a.-trl taid 1 ertificatcs lotl 1 therefore applicsttiefl is made at th<* fai It: k for the renewal of the famu, ot which all jerions concerned are defiri-d to take noi ice. Clement Didcuc. rrmber .v. 1800 Phila! : Sept A PARTNERSHIP. VPERSOM pofliJlin.'i some-capital, a-confi derible lhare of iitijufery, and desirous of chfijcinp; i partner in a 1 craiive Imfmefti rn.iy h ar of a StuatinH. All pr< pola's ou this fttitje-l to be in writing, fralcl an rfire<sUd i vi 7' ft. J New York, and left with the prjr.ter ol 'Ue Gazette of the Uiiited States, will be ai tended to. ''A Printer would find it to «u advinr.iEe Tv.re y d't A PERSON OF abilities, integrity and experience ir. nercamilc Kufinefs, would wiliitiply en- an'CLERK to a merchant or public of nr '-e rnnrerr ed witli any *• |» »« t ..tr, o» be hu an intcreftof about one thou.'and piundi in re-.l estate in thecitr. Pleale to jp ply t>> the Printer ; "r a line left at the office l\>r IV Y. wiltbe attended toim- e liately. V v»" dtt mEcth t f NOTICE. ACI'RTIFICA E, No. 15519. da'ed ift Jan. n'v i»gv, in lavour ol Robert 1 imifay, of harle!; fliStiuth-CiT'ilma, for one (hare of tb firick <il the Dank of the United States is loft— of which will be applied for at the faiJ Institution. ROBERT LENOX. August 7* wAtjm A Young Man, PH-JFnCfI.Y vcr&d in Merca»«ile aceouutt, brought op in oat of ttw 4tfl eo*ntinjj h-i'.-.rek in thi« -ity. Viflie' cnolvyairnt >• Clerk. Me in 11 prffent tbfcni from Phiiidjlphi», but 1 Nr; -'r »t the Office of the Oi»eit« of the Unl tcJ frill k(c!t«, tod it #uH be lume di»*e)y »t«eftdod to. Sility • ftconiiry objeA Kit motive. • • ' . 'M For Sale, or to Let, T HE H O U S E, In Cbcsnut Street, N ar tlic corr. r o f Elcvnth street, at. present in ths tenure of Mr. A M'Call—P ITelDon may hi qviircj Apply to Edward Shoemaker. jepfirAer j 5 ' "FOIt SAL E, A Valuable and singularly eligible ESTATE, »• . . :'• !'-'0 ~f two h»•) jr»:ne dsv houl'.s, with itodliift stabling for ftve:> horses, out ' t hhi < molt completely fitted up; a '. '.r vilu-iM* parlti riclvy H.1e.l witS choice fruit, iurrounded with lri<*h board fence, aV"I ntw. The premises are beautifully :t : uatoJ near the middle of Gcrm*ntowa # fur r^M: '<'<• 'v ■' i rirh profp;vsU of the mljacent c.v.r-ry ; an orchard cf about two acres, wick a ' > ••• m i ... •: . rhr; back of th" houie. O-.c house h?.»Krrn recently built or at; appro »e 1 plan; tie other haibeer completely r-pairril. . air:** a-v'. papered, and contai'i ten rooms with hi c! i v vu-.u-toom, titt -en leet by thirty- Si Therrew hfu.'e is well calcu'ated for a (lore in nther 'he dry or we- pood line. v.. • t riv i! it, anil th< re -;rc 1 Particular' e.iqnirc of the Printer, or of M... POTTER, on.the j remises b;.:.jamin Clark, ( lock WATCH MAKER, To No. -?6, Markit Stueet, SpriflSt and Clocks : rc<»ld and (live A'.itches : Tools, Files anc.l Materials; A<~e nd v>'ik CWins, Seals and Keys ; Spiings, C! OCXS ANP WATCHES Rer^irci 1 es ofual. ■Jt** i ■>:-» ■ - ' TRE ASURT DEPARTMENT, WuJkh S ton. September tjl, iSOI. Public Notice is hereby Given, In purfirime of an a3 of Congrrfs. pajfed on the 23 d day of April, one thbvfind tight hundred, en iiled " An aS to ejhibli/h a Gen.ral 'tdmp-QJ/ice,'' I. TH AT a General Stamp Office it now established at the feat of government, in the city of WVhington, from whence there wilt itTue, from and after the date hereof, (upon the application of (he Sopervifors of ttu Revenue, under whose management the collection of the (lamp duties is place l) any quantities of paper, parchment and vellum, marked o: (tamped, and duly cuumer-ftamp id, with the following rates of duty which aiv demand*ble by law : For rvv-ry skin or piece of vHnm or parchn-.ent.or ftiect or piece o! paper, uprto which (hail br written ct printed any or either of the iaftru ments or writings following, to wit, ADM. C. M. NY certificate of naturalizati <n 5 Any licence tn pradUr.e,or certificate of the n.drr.iffioil, enrollment or re gillry o> any counsellor, Solicitor Advocate atfc.itiev. or prii«Bor, in any court of the United Sta ei 10 l-roindrd, that 1 certificate 111 any one of tiit ct uru ti fle U ited States, for any one of the said ffices, fh.ill !'o far aa rentes to the } of the duty afnrtfjfd, t>e a futnr.ient adroif fion 111 j!!. the courts of the United ■States, for each and every of the said office*. , ' • Any gram oftJettirapatent.under th« leal ut authority at flit United Sures (except f<>r limit gnoted for nirlitaiy 4 Vfly f *t®pliflc;iiun or crtlfied copy (jf tiH'-Jibcfi ar> 1 t or !c:(cri patent ltnd« granted for mili- * ivy Vtyieca}. » Any piety, bott' mcy or re fpiWflWW hord t | Any tic*h>trpdifi , l»«rj* fororonac- %P togij us any legacy left by 107 mill or oihfi 1 [edwntntary inftru meiK, or for fry fbare orprt of a ptrfuml tflire, divided hy force of My f)itniui(4iltrikiitiQi» »tWr ihin lo(be*lfr, c«rldrcil nr (fMiid children of thf pet/ t> diftifrJ, 'he •rtioi.nt * hrrco fhill he abjve'the va>p { fifty antJ frill not exceed (Ik value of one hundred dillar* »J When the thereof ft ill **- certl the lar»,. ndlbalj ifjfxiccd flvt tmn <lr«l •H.JtKir" - J° An-', for fviry Turn of five . llO|>drr(J| dj]ljr» t tfcc ajlfliti'tful ' frtpi at ' t it ry iijftirsnce or iliflru s >/iei\t in nilurc (!iere y t when the fmn.fur%Mch irferame- i* aade fiuil atft cscecii five huwdrcd dol lar* •■■'•■• _ as yVheurhtfum infuitd mill fxcew flve % hiadr«dUioll*r« 1 Any txemp'ificaru>ti of wl it nature fr>rrcT, thai (bill pa fa the fe»t of . any eobrt, *«rFter than fuck »» it niTki die duty of the clerk as such court trvfiWrlJb fer the »fe of the-Uiiitfil St«t«« t or fwoe parti- . euiar tate' ' 5p Amy bond, bit! finale or pentT, inlind bill of («kl»2o, p'r.itDiOury . aote or other octt(i*tker than l»iy rfroghrtance, Ml, h 'orf -or othef / obligation or coiiiratTt, marfe to or 1 with the United Statea, or any ( state, or for their pfe refpeQitrly ; and any bobd* rctjuire l in any cafe . b* the lawi p/ the t/nited titptc*, . or of any flite, up n Irg l pToc<l», or in anv judicial proceeding fnr iht.faithfvl performance of any troft rr cjuty j ' If above (aunty dollar* and, not orrblipi ana kiqidrtd dullwi 10 If one and not ex* cce<Mnr five hundred dailara ij' .. . ' If ab<u*'lv*ltupHred Ut6 tw*t e*- cwdinirone IhotifinAflol'ira- 50 - } And it aboveone ■Hrflftd. PrtvUtd.-ihit vn iMdt "♦ . note* ftiU *<o9 Gxry: (l&y*, fucV booila (bait ' ' ' 1 the duty t/fweuii, Vi*. . "•v ' 4 It ab.iw twenty ana not exceeding., ckdivmWMi'Htti If ibnie ide liintf'd Manaitil Mt ■ , ciCMding Avehtißit.ad dollar* to If above fWr fiuniUt r dollar* and no» eioted jjt'wie thob'and duMa. »o |r ab»*ttan( dt'lUrt , .. ... w Ar.y fpreigijMall pifcxchMitie, t>r tfroer fctiepayeatnt of "in any tb • The nl4 .dirty' btfjpVicfcarjft- upon ttck.ahd ettrjf bitf'of i*. thtngt. wwioo't (Othe-iionf* ber ei>nt»ifed in each Jirt i ■> ' Any lidinpar'wttiirijt •- or r««pi It.nitore thereof", for - (omlwu. iMitbaidiu tv be <*- If fronf «rt <iirtria to'ancthcf Uif. in (ft. fame (late If ftofrfjfte UhitM «fate» k*viny f<s- , " * . Spoo eath' and hill -ofia fJng'; tn the u". 4iinei »».each fet r r» 1 ■'<> "* , Any -notea iffiiWl Sy the Kan ha n» -- 1 • *liMWhri.Df lliat*b»yt»e «AaWifl>e4> . the Doited > . . w rh*o , t>ie y " ftich ot thd Wfl "baMra xe-fkxlt *• f 'to aj . oiie Mii»oal'di- k Vidcndi made'V, ftitb t» : HirU RA*h «eWlr«(f*<»ivelf, *C cordrng totfc# Wlowitjj; scale: ,; On all note* nor fcl-. ) Ut»Jore»cSiifllUrC'-i >. ,» 1 ' t Qo jwiea d«#v» and. - < if . r, «0< ucctdky •- .-/.fV 1 » OBiHnMe».ahor«*nk>im<lr*d «faK - i lar» »nnix>te<Ctedinefl*cJma^ryd^vj },■ . • iftHan.-.f T Ofcilt A*t» a.' ■ 1 lara 1,- ' i r "f DdU. C. M. ftriy protsft or r.olarial aft 15 Any letter of attorney, exc pt .'or an inva : ;(l p. nfion.or to o'vain vr felt warrants for Unci grants J by the United States as tjmiuty for military fervicts performed in the J 5 Ar-y ir.Trti'ory cr rf any 'ur nirure. jr- *ds or ''iF-ils. made in any c«f<3 ay x'"*■£>' jn c if; i of g"Oi'.f chattels ■ i 'i vrtci for tu B ofanv Vg : -! pr<>reft f>y ai-y officer 50 Any cmi<<cacc« ' f a ilnre ill any ijdu ranee enmpary of a fhar.-* in the Kink of the TJhitc-d Statc-3 ; or of any fcutc or other bank ; If above rwf i;ry dollar* anr'. r.ot exceed ing oneMir dred dollars 10 if above one hundred dollars 25 If under twenty dollars, at the ra*e of ten cents tur one hundred dollars. II That the power of the fupervifirs of the Revenue to mark or ft,imp anv vellum, pnrchmer.t or paper chargeabla with duty, will ce ife and determine from and after fix. riiftnil.lt from the date hereof, to wit, 011 the lad d:iy of February 1801. 111 That, if any persons (hall, after the kftl day of Frbrnary have in their caiftody 1 i or poir.flion, any vellum, parchment or pa per, marked or damped by the l'uper»iforsrf the Revenue, upOti which any matter or thing, chafgfd with duty, shall not have >een written or printed, they may at any time •tvitbin tie space of sixty days after the said last day of February 1801, bring or fei d such vellum, parchment and paper, un'o I m- office of infpeclion, and in thereof, receive a like quantity or value o{ veHum, parchment and paper, duly (lamped in pursuance of the a£t herein before recited. And in cafe any person Ihall ncgleft or re fufe, within the time afocrlaid, t 1 bring or cause to be brought unto some officer of m fpecVion, any fui h Valium, parchment or pa per, it is hereby declared, that the lame will thereafter be of no other efTeft or use, than •f it h d never been marked or (lamped, and that all matters atid things, which may af ter that time be written or printed upon any vi llul, parchment or paper, authorized to be •xclnnged in manner aforefaid, will be of 110 • other effort,' than if they had been written or printed on paper, parchment or vallum, not marked or damped. IV. '4 And ftf the convenience of those persons -vho m y F>e inclined to' have their own vel lum, parchment and piper (lamped t>r mark ed, it is herein' pecUred, that when any per foft lhall depbfit' any vellum, pa-climent or paper at the office f a lu; ervilor, accompj nied with a lift, fp> c the number and len"niina.tiou ot' the lumps or mark-, which a defiicd to be thereto affixed, the fame ill be transmitted to the General Oftic", find there properly marked or stamped, aid forthwith sent back to the I'.me fup-r ---vifor, who will thereupon colletS the duties .>nd deliver jbe paper, parchment or vellum, to the order ef the person from whom the fame was received. Given under my Hand, and the Seal (L. 5.) of thr Treafmy, at Wsfhing ton. the day «nd year above men tioned. > f-ptroiber iq. Houses to Let: ONE large cotiven ent three-dory Brick Dwelling House, with f>ur rooms ox a floor, aud iwo Kitchens ; there is a pump »f water, and a rain wattr cittern n the Yird ; fitua:e on the east Tide of Fourth - Street, one door above Race Strctt, lately occupied by* Solomon Moroche. ALSO, A convenient Three Story brick house, Next door, but one, north of the above, No. 57. — It has a Pump and C'fb'rn in the yard', See. For terms apply at No. 116 Arch-Stteet. August 4. Sep. 16 m&wtf Fifty Dollars Reward. RAN-AVVAY from Gen, Ridgely of Oalti more, on the 10th inft. a coloured segro ",an, who calls himft'.f WILLIAM Mc. DONALD : He is about 14 age, about 5 feet 8 inches high, neat in hisdrefs, and has a good fait of hair, llid on, wh.cn he went away, a good beaver hat, a short light greeß cloth coat, edgc»i with yellow, and yel- ! iow gilt buttons —a light buff caffimer, double breasted waillcoat, a pair < f dark.'olive colour ed thickfett pantaloons —a white linen (hirt, white ribbed cotton neckings, and a good pair of ihoes with Wrings. He took with him a dark blue coat, a pair of olive caffimer panta loons, and a light cwrduroy pair of breeches ; alf~> a gnld or pinchbeck watch, with a steel j chain. He isfond of fpiritous liquors, is inso lent, has a stupid lank, a«id chews tobacco. — He was bred in Charles couu'y, Maryland, and purchased of col. John Thomas by gen. Kidge ley. Whoever apprehends said negro,, and le cures him in any jail so that the owner may gst him again, shall receive the above reward, with reafnoable charges if brought heme, or de livered to Jofhui B. Bond, Philadelphia, may t dtf 4 WAYNECOiWTY T£X£&, j •* «dvotf, bT l«nf• llwßw,'** *r 180?. fo>6i *hii . Srtrtr oim; -*U ter&f *N»trt4'"A| <WA»*» t» tbe •& W '2 ".',,T^v£?' >Yf, »*»_.:. £,..' ■■/£' - ■'? =. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treafuvy. CI3KI. ,-, 99 ; n j I i.ANLASTEIi SV/tGJiS. iaid thrr MpHE Proprietors nf the Philadelphia and Lan • the fame I JL carter line wfStnges P.iSV \TCH,t«turn their er ■• f said ' grateful thinks to thrir friends and the public in ■ith» from j general, for the pall fav(>"« tscy have received,and according inform them that in ad.'ition to the reg»!»r i,ir.e, 'erl, Will ; they arc provide.! with Carriages.sober andcareful :onnty. ! drivers, to go through between the City and Wl iflioiierS of travailing csn he accommodated at the Statu JS Slougby Downing, IJ" Co. d 90'. 30. 2t—f • Just arrived. Pkh Thf. Brig Perseverance, CAP TAIN .9 WAItfE, AT Mi% William Bell's Wharf. 80 hhds. Antigua and St. Kltts Rum and 10 ditto Coffee FOR SALE BY, CROOKE STEVENSON. No. 4, South Water Sleet. O&obcr 8. dtf On Weclnefday, THE 15th day thi» present month of O&o ---ber, at to o'ck>ck in the fnwaoon, at Rofs and Sitnpfon'sftore*, on the wharf between Wal nut ttrp-et and the Drawbri«.!ge, in the city of Phi ladelphia, will befol! by public audio!)— One hundred andJixly nine bales of East India Goods, Here imported m the (hip ATL ANTIC, Captain William Waters from Cal cutta and Madras, to wit : 281} pieces of Burbhoom* Gurrahs 1700 pieces of Mamoodies \470 pieces of Fhoolpheor Copas 400 pieces of Hurial Hummums 500 pieces of Dacca Baftas lop pieces of Bonnahead Mamoodies 600 pieces of Jalapoer Sawns 70 pieces of Sfuidta Cofias 136 pieces of Nemdercunna Nanfooks 2CO pieces of Mympfawliy Goffas IS 10 pieces of Kern ah red loth# 500 pieces of Collapatty Baftas 469 pieces of Chittabitty ditto 457 pieces of Lukcypoors 53 1 pieces of Hinial CofTas a? 4 pieces of Blue CofTas ces of Blue Gurrahs 264 pieces of Oafhmiri CofTas 100 pieces of Kieraba ] Guzzenahs 17 pieces cf Mulmulls 'Jfer P'ecc* of MBfcpieces cf Dauamuflins |f pieces of Chmducoma Handkerchiefs of > piurt of SiK fdlicu Hodkndiib. <.*, tco pi»ce* of B«wHn» 4itf«~v 3'" 4. to)s piccu gf MUW Oiil|liiw. : • ' ■? IC6 plot* «f Nickaactt* .-.V . 40 pieces of Long Ctaths 480 pieces of Madras Handkerchiefs OF which the particulars will be publiflied in handbiils md the fi!es>e continued daily ur.tii the who'i? are fold. The said good- will beYold for approved notes, at two, thr e and four mon:h* credit. CLEMENT BIDDLE, } Agmisfir the E. Ik" THO -AS M 1 i- URN, din Company of JV. FKANCLSINGRAH VM, j America. \* The go'da may be viewed fer fix days be fore the laic, Vy applying: to JOHN CONNELLY, Auctioneer. O£)o' r 3. drS Indian Queen. THE Subscriber begs leave to inform the Public that he has taken that well-known liiD. the INDIAN QUEEN, lately kepp bv Mr James Thompson, deceased, and folicitt the# patronage as well as the pa'.- ronage of those Gemleman who were ac customed to Rive it their ftipport. alTuring them that it (hall be ccnduttedon the fstnc liberal pkn which charafterifed it when u id<-i' the I'Liperintendance ot his predecessor. The house hns und-i-joiie a thorough repair, and it would be needltfs to observe to those w! >1 know them, t! at the !><.b!e3 aie, in l'pa cioufi'efs and convenience, unequalled ill Philadelphia, and the best prevonder and at tendance are always provided for horses, by the Public's obedient f-rvaut. JAMES COYLE3. OcV bcr i. § STAGES REMOVED. TI-yj pubnc are lirrcW informed. that the Bal timore will future fl art from the In ixcept at 7 o'clock, and will arrive at Peck's Tavern, Baltimore, the next dayat 8 o'clock ' a»<J the Stages to New York, will Hart every day w N. li —A !>ook is kept open at Mr, Ely Chan dMtsFrankiir. Head,where feats may alio be ta lP"-r * _ German I\edemptioners. NINETEEN rem ::r.3 f 'hose, who cmtn* !n the fliip Anna from Hamburgh, and are willing Who have on Hand, Remaining of fete importations, and which are of-. ferftd on r'ra'or aide and the ufusi credit, « 33 cases Eftopillas, Forming a coaipleat slTortmept ot Uni, Raye ;• 33 csfes ca(Tcril!(v»s 5 tafea boccadillos a Ciles quadruple filefias I c;• f« fupsrfine dowl as 4 caf> c coutilfi and i a cases fuperfine Klbeneld checks 3 c.ilcs s ed panhet 1 I cafe Flar-cierabed.'ticks, $-4 : ... ;' <• ; io cases coffee mills, Nos. 00, to No. 6, as serted ' i cis c Scyfhei 5 cales ol double flint cut Decanters quart and • I cafe gill turn! 'ers, and I cafe of Travelling c , ■ >,. - ' * r % ■ ■<*> f*. f. V >
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers