Gazette of the United States PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY F.VKNING, OCTOBER IO Married lalt evening by tW Right Rev. Bifllop White, Mr. Samufl Rflf, one of the Editoie ef the " Philadelphia Gazette,'' to Miss S*R,AU Povntm.l, daughter of Mr. William Poyntell, all of this city. Meeting House in Pine flreet, Mr. Ja ■e3 Wills Clement, meVchant to Miss Hannah 'Coats, daughter ot Mr. Samuel Coats, of this city- the Rev. D. Armitrong, Mr. Joshua Allen, Merchant of this city, to Miss Ann Moore, of that place. For tlie 24 Tiotirs preceding Wedtief lay morning-, there were 14 deaths in Baltimore. Total numbrr in the hcfpital tick with the prevailing dilcale, 36 Conv ilefcents, 16 Discharged cured, 5 Some of the inhabitants hiving bepnn to remove into Baltimore, the Board of Health hare cautioned them against being in too great hade, atld'obfervi*, that fom- few ca ses of the Fever occur daily. A letter from Charleston, S. C. received in Boflon,dated the 14th lilt, (one day later than the report of an infurre£\ion having ta ken place there) is perfectly fileut upon that fubjeft ; it contains howevrr the following pleasing extraft : " We have (unexpe&edly) pood news from Georgia, it is pretty certain Mr. Jefferlon will not get the votes from that (late ; this is not solid foundation—in this liate lam Vre {hall do justice to the federal cau A letter from Plymouth to a gentleman in Boston, fays, " Arrived this evening, fchr Sally Barrlet, from Dominica. Capt. B. confirms the New-York account of the French having taken CUi< RACO A, and M/VSSACREING the Americans, parti cularly Capt. Hitler, of the Pickering, his officers and crew." of a letter from Ifamfmrgb, dated siugvtt ij. " Every drip paffiDg Altona is new board ed by a DanHh officer. Two days apo an English ship was hailed, and returning an insolent answer, the mate and another per son were taken out and flogged so severely that the mate's li'e is defpaiied of. The merchant# at Altona tyjfve voluntarily em bargoed theii vessels till the present aifpute with England is adjuded." A Circuit Court, for the county of Fay ette, before the Honorable Joseph l'-atet, and Honorable Thomas Smi'h, Esquires, Judges of the Supreme Court will be "held on Mopday the 13th inttant. in the borough of Unipn. From tie Boston Commercial Gazette. TO 'IHE PUBLIC. IT seems to be the lot of our Indepen dence that the French never will let 11s alone to exercise and enjoy it. They tampered with old DoOor Franklin, and coaxed and wheedled him till they got him willing to accept a.scrap of it for the country —a little dirty scrap, for the terms would have been such as to keep us poor and dependent on France, It was her fly policy to let Britain hold the Western Territory, as would keep the United States . fraid of thk Englifl), and often at logger-heads with them. We were to be denied thr fiflwry, that River mine of New-England, where every Cod-Fifli swims with half a piftareen in his mouth, that nnrfery of seamen, our naval militia, that is delliped to d:ftnd our commerce a gainfl either France or Britain. '1 patriots Jay and Adjms, whom ntMijjfflLt tery nor gold couUi buv, fpiirned at and infilled on independence absolute and unlimited firft, and then on the Western Territory and the Filberies. They pievail- Ed ; but France law ia our'weaknefs and dif. IcntioTis after the peace, the means of m-i ---king us her" colonics. Accordingly, flit- fx. merited by her en iffirif s, (of whom (he had some penl'ioned in the town of Boftori) all the discontents that the conl'ufions and diftreflrs of the war so naturally left to ferment in the firft period of peace. It is known that the Fprnch Mi/iifter made the molt he could of ths clamour about the cemnuiutKjn to the army, and that he was even heard to fay, that certain members of the old Congrels ■who voted for it, would be turned out. and that certain persons would be their succes sors. So Lll fail it happened. It is also renaari.abk that vvbea our many fufferings and fears led the people to adopt the new Conftitntion, every Frenchman, and and every .man in any connexion with or dependence on the French agenta in this country was anti-federal - If the French monarchy had stood, it would have manifeft ed the fame spirit with the Republic; to m ddle with onr politics, though it is pro- bablf the forms of decency would have been rstihcr more carefully . obfer»ed, But it jl the chara&er/ the ilitereft, & ur.chtng ng policy of Franc;, to attempt to acquire prd to exercise a controiing influence in our affairs- Our wtaknefs, oar animofi'ties a gainst G. Britain, and our divilions and parties, afforded to her " diplomatic flail," the temptations and the means to effctt this design, No matter who rules in France, whether kl'n? or mob, it is alike her plan and her pursuit to flir up a faction here, and so raise that fa&ion up to controul the the gqvcrnment. Thus (he exptfls to -.•"ouiid and weaken Great Britain in ber trade, thuj she e'xpe&s td procure fiippUcs and prote&ion to the ever defencelefs French l(land3. Accoidingly, Genet came here with war inftruftiona in his pocket, and lyng proteftalion of peace on his lips. When coaxing & blustering ar.d stirring up mobs in all our fta-poris. had with an unexpefted bad fucc fs, Mr. Adet pub pubiifhcd his bl'inderbus note full ot fophi ftry,-liea and impudence on the very week before eLetion of electors in Philadelphia Then it wnsfaid by all the jac obins, and by many who have been heartily ashamed i: si' ce. that France was displeased with us on account of the Britifil treaiy, and that we must chufen a Prcfidcnt whowo.uid have an influence with the Direflory, and who would be a-Iil:- to avert a war. ihametul as these ideas are, they worked like hidden poisons, and certainly turned feme hundreds of votes to the Jacebin tick et. Some hundreds more were gained by openly marching a labble of Frenchmen, faiiors and wretches without property, prin ciple or country, to the Fleftion ground in the Liberties of Philadelphia. This was done while the French fhg waved over the shabby procefiiou- It is well known that the election in Pennsylvania was turned a - gainst the federalilts by a few hundreds on ly Thus in fa£t France very nearly chose a President, or as the 15 votes of that state would have prevented Mr. Adams fiom b«- ingchofen, had not luckily one in Virginia and ose in North Carolina unexpeftedly turned the scale, and saved the coun try. Now it seems that the fame game is be lieved by the fly Trlleyrand to be worth playing over again, and with better (kill and more caution, to the blunders of the lad. It is for that reason, we are told that the negociation is broken of on acccount of the British treaty, at d this was intended to be announced here at the very crilis of the elc&ion. It is cunning, but it is detested cunning, thus to time, and thus to frame the reasons for breaking oft the negotiation. It is evi dent King Buonaparte thinks it wiser tobef tow his real friendfhip on a Jacobin Chief, thai on President Adams. It is evident that he expelts a state of hostility will work the desired change in the chief magistracy of the U.iited States. It is equally clear that he calculates that it is cheaper too, to wait till we also have a Firfi Canjulon the 4th March next, than to negotiate and pro mise compensation lor captures, as if a Ja cobin President (hould then come in France can have no need to make even promises, light as (he makes them, to pay money or redress our injuries. So far from obligating herfelf to pay a farthing, Ihe rather expedts the Chief Consul of the American Repub lique, one, free, indivifiblc, (though divi ded) and dependant line her Cisalpine Af ter, would nominate in March next, and before the end of March would fend Citi zen Munroe on a new million, to allure King Equality, that we consider the fa crifices we make with France, as made for the cause of liberty, as part payment of the debt of gratitude, and a proof, as well a? a new cement of the aflfeftionate ties that bind us to our filler France. This is only fayirg over again Mun oe's very wordfc. And Bu onaparte will reply as befote, that Citizen Munroe carried with him when he left Pa ris, the regret of that nation, and that he scorns to speak of our government, altho* he repeats Barras's tender prcfeflions »f re gard for the American people. Then the Citizen could offer to make loans to France for the cause of liberty. After a retrofpeft of the frandal us fafls, is it incredible that in cafe of a Jacobin Prelidency such would he the million, and fu h the envoy His stile and sentiments are too remarkable to be forgotton. What then has (his nation to do. but to afle.'tthat Independence which has been so inceflantly fifturbed and usurped by France, and to convince her, that her favor 19 fatal in the opinion of our citizens to any candi date. Let the people mark the men who are tools to her, let none such be Ele&- ert. ■m Far the Gazette of tie United States. .Dot's/?, September 19, 1800. MR. IVAYWRy AS your paper has a more exten (ive ciicuUtion through this State, than any other, I wish to contradift a Jacokin lye which is gaining ground. They fay, that, the MathodilU who form a very large pro pot lion for the Federal interest of Kent coun ty, intend to drop the Honourable James A. Bayard at the next elc&ion. I can with boldness contradift the mifebievious and ill-founded untruth, and fay, that, t.lere is not twenty voters, of that society, in the county, who will not fnpport him with all their influence. The following is the Me thodift Ticket. A METHODIST. Kent County. FEDERAL TICKET. Fiicnds to Washington's Policy. Rcprtfenialivc to Congress. Janata A. Bayard Senator. James Sykes. Representatives. Nicholas Henry Mollefton Manlove Emerlon. George Cummins. William Sorden Stephen Lewis William Warner. Levy Court Commissioners. Ebenezav D. C. H. J.ifoh Stout, L. C. H. Jonathan Hunn, M. H. Coroners. Richard Harrington William Needles Gazette Marine Lift, r«RT OF PHILADELPHIA. Arrived, Days Ship Miflouri, Lark Liverpool 49 Dry poods, D W. Coxe. Schr Hen», Growell Boston 9 Fish. Oil &c.—J. Duffield. , oloop Sally, Denyke Richmond 6 Coal, &c. Sliijp UlyfTes, Mugfo.rd, Calcutta, via [Salem 6 Rice, goods, &c;—j. Stille, jnnr. Brig Sally, Logan, Cadiz 48 [Ballad-William Bell Schr. Dolphin, Burrard, Dfghton 6 [Barley—io Captain Sloop Swallow, RufTel, Boston 10 [Rum, fifh, &c.—to Ship 1 hortias Wilson, Gtiinn, Liver- 1 [pool 70 Dry goods, &c —Shoemaker St Berrett The frigate Cnsftellation, Captain Mur ray, failed from Havanna the 13th of Sep tember, having under convoy a fleet of 20 fail, among therrl were a (hip, a brig and a fchouncr bound for Philadelphia, tl e for mer of which is the Galen, Smith, and the names of the letter are unknown. yTwo fchr'a. pamts unknown, afliore near Cape May. Captain Guinn informs that he failed from Liverpool the 31ft July. On the 4th Au gust. in latitude 49, 30, N. longitude 13, 00. W. spoke (hip America from Philadel. phia for London, all well. August 17, lat itude 49, 10, N. Jongitude 16, 10, W. spoke (hip Atlantic of Philadelphia, from Baltimore for Amsterdam, out forty days. On the 18th, in latitude 49, 00, N. longi tude 17, 38, W. spoke brig Experiment of Philadelphia, for Liverpool. On the 25th, latitude 47, 24, N. longitude 27, 14, W. fpnke the (liip Jacob, of and for Wifcaflet, from Liverpool, out fifteen days. September >6, spoke and was boarded by the brig Susannah, thirty.two days from London, for Philadelphia, 'hen in latitude 4©,. 8, N longitudeso, 10, W. had loft th« head of tier fpremaft. On the 23d ult. longitude 61; 00, W. spoke the (hip Fan ny of Newburyport. from Boston, bound to St. Sebastians. and on tie 29th Septem ber, in latitude 38, 64, N. longitude 68, 40, W. spoke the William and john, from Baltimore bound to Hamburg, out three days. The frigate Congelation, capt. Murray, from a cruise arrived at Bombay Hook, on Wednesday evening last, NEW-YORK, Oftober 9. CLEARED, Brig Eujle, M'Kie, New-Providence Schr. Swan, Snilli Liverpool N. S. Brig Diadema, Syn>e», arrived at Montego Bay in a I days from this port. BOSTON, Oaober 3. Arrived, fchr. George, Burroughs, 37 days from Bilbos Schr. Conclusion, Sargent, Lilbon, 43 days. Oftober 4. Arrived ship William and Jane, Little, 43 days Liverpool. Capt. Abbot, of the Judith, saw fevera! wrecks bottom upwarJs, but coitld not find out their names. The brig Abigail, capt. Gove, or. the lßth nf August last foundered off the coast of Ireland in a violent gale of wind the crew and pallengers, amounting to 36, fix only were saved* Arrived, fchr. Friendlfeip, Gage, Rich mond ; Deborah, Luty, Chatleflon ; Hope, Howl-nd, Wilmington ; Favorite, Gross, do. Polly, Lunt, Alexandria • Jenny Derby, Philadelphia ; Mary, C.i'ttle, Savannah. Cleared, fcl\r. Lively, Marble, Philadrl-. phia ; Harmony, Prentifs, Cluult:lion. SALEM, September 30. Arrived, (hip Ulyfles Captain M fguard, from Calcutta, In the longitude of 62, 00, W. and latitude 36, 00, N. fell in with a double decked brig, bottom up, Iheathed with copper,with yellow fides,freth painted, and apparently lately upset. October a, arrived, brig Good Hope, Thorndike, Petersburg. Left there ihe (hip George and Mary, of Newport, and a {hip belonging to Boston, just arrived. Sailed from Elfinenr on the 3d of August, in co. with the (hip George, Salter, of Portsmouth. September 1, in a heavy gale of wi»d, carried away her main top mad. September 10, in a heavy gale of wind, (hipped a sea and loft both boats.— September 26, spoke a brig from St. Übes, to Portsmouth. September 40, spoke a brig from Trinadad, to Wifcaffet. Arrived, brig Mars, Cook, twenty-feveu days Havanna. Schooner Willard, JJ days Havanna. _,eft there the fhip3 America, Webb ; Fan-. Ny, Lindfay, and brig Rofaona, Oiborne,' of tliis port. Schooner Freedom, Fabens, from Balti more. Schooner Polly, Snow, from Alexan dria. NORFOLK, September j. Arrived in Hampton Rhpads, ship Indu stry, Vickery, j2 days Liverpool, to City- Point. Also, brig Antelope,. Keown, 52 days Londonderry, with tjo passengers, to Alex andria; Z ■ rs * I M# O R TE D, tn the Waters, from Calcutta and Madras, And for sale by the subscriber, A great variety of articles mostly suitabl e for exportation, . AMONG WHICH AUK Bl.yE CLOTrtS Neckantes i Soot R 6 mats Salem poores Ventapolams » Madras Ditto Handkercniefii. A I.'SO 2000 bags prime Sugar, . Hyson and Souchong Tea, JOHN MILLER, No. 80, Dock street. oilober 10 niwf tf Marshal's Sales. Unlted States Pennsylvania District^ PURSUANT to a decree of the DilriS Cour' of the United States, for the Pensfylvania Diftrift, will be fold at the merchants' coffee house on Friday th« 10th instant, at 7 o'clock in the evening, the following articles, being the remain ing part of the ippurtenances belonging to the armed French fchooncrl/Aigle, condemned in said court as prize, Sec. viz. I anchor 8 cartridge boxes Xl powdef hora» 9 time glafles 47 cutlasses 4« piilols 44 mulkets II cutteans JOHN HALL, Marjhal MarjhaPs-Office, ) ofto. ID, 1800. ) UNITED STATES ? Pennsylvania District,\ ' PURSUANT re the directions of the Honorable Benjamin Stoddard, Secretary of the Navy, will be cxpofed to piiblic sale, at the coflee the city of Philadelphia, on Mon day the 19th dty of O&ober instant, at 7 o'clock in the evening, jTTl—i The two French schooners called ST. JOHN A-ND VICTOIRE, Npw lying at Brown's wharf, •" " Together with all and Angular their tackle, apparel and appurrenances. JOHN HALL, Marshal. Marshall's Office, ? Philadelphia, 080. 10, 1800$ mwf tS Saw Manufactory. FRANCIS MASON, No. 10 south Fifth Oreet, Manufactures mill, cross cut and pitt saws, equal in quality, appearance and H.ape to any ever imported; which i<t fella wholcfale at the followingp_rjce>—6 fe£t mill saws i J-» dol lar eacHT; crort-cul ao v do, 60 cent! per foot. Wood-Cutters c*f! fleet saws, and every other kind, made to any particular direction. o&ober 10 mwf rm A white Spaniel DOG, mirked with large liver coloured fpoti, large ears and ftiort, and answer« to the name el Carlo. Two dollars re ward will be given,if returned to No. 39, north Front i;re«t, or if 6olen,Ten Dollars for Thief and Dp. o&ober 10 d3t At a County Court of Common Pleas, Held at Union T-wn. for th." county of Fayette, the second Monday of September, in the ■C" O year of our Lord one thousand eight {Seal) ( lu , M j re< i j before the Honorable Aleian der Addifon, lifquire, Prefidsnt, and his affeciate Judges of the fame court, ON the petition of John Bart'ett, an Insolvent Debtor, prayirg the benefit of the aft of Ge neral AfTembly tor the relief of Infolveut Debtor*, the Court appoints the second Monday of Decem ber next to hear the petitioner and his creditors, and orders that notice thereof be publifbed three fuccefTive weeks in the United States Gazette in Philadelphia, in some daily paper in Baltimore — in a Lexington paper, Kentucky, and in the Fay ette Gazetta, the iaft publication in each, to be at lead four weeks before the day of hearing. ir , < By the Court, FFHRAIVI DOUGLASS, Prothonorary. Odober 10. djw, FOR apprehending and bringing to the city of New-York, Nathaniel Ol cott, late of the said ci y, Br< ker, who is charged on oath with felonioufly, fraudu lently and by falfe pretences, taking from th: Bank of New-York, large fuma of mo ney It is supposed that he has a large sum of Bank notes now in his pofleflisn, which any perfqn apprehending him is par ticularly desired to secure, with all his pa pers: Nathaniel Olcott, is about five feet ten inches high, has dark hazel «yes, and dark hair, which he generally wears turned up behind, has rather a down look—is (lout built and straight—rather red about the noft'ils, in of taking fnuff— he is from 25 to 30 years old—had on a dark great coat and a light coat underneath. Any information given to the Caihier of the Bank rela ive to the said Nathaniel Ol cott, will be thankfully received and reward ed. Printers throughout the United Staus ar requeftcd to reprint the above- j New-York, OA, 9. if- Loft or Stolen, 2000 Dollars Reward, And ail charges and paid. CHARLES WILKES. Cafhr. b. A. t. notiC E ' To the Pilots of the Bay and River Delawar#. THAT agreeably to Directions of the B ;ard of Health that they " bring the veffej# to, which they may have ch rge of, before the Lazaretto, after the firft o.f next month as heretofore, until otherwise directed. Nathan falconer. Matter Warden of the Port.of Philadelphia Warden's Office, Sept. 12, 1800. Three Cents Reward. D UN away from the Subscriber on the evening of the »?th inft. 2 bound Servant GIRI.i named Elizabeth Howcfcel, had on snd took with her three different change of garment and money, proud, Ijold and impudent, a noted Jyar ; any p«r fon apprehending her {hali be entitled to the above reward->-no co?s or charges will be paid. - N: B, She had % years and some months to serve DANTEL FJTZPATSICK. Goflien TowElhip, Chefier County, Jsly 19 august 6 jawtf . . F6r Salej r Tie Unexpired TIME of a BLACK BOY.- i \X7HO haj three year* ami fire BtCKha • V' .frrTe; l»e h lober, h«aeft, a goo4«if. *r,«rd underfUadi taking care of horfict.ilr*. qaire u Nq. 60, Dock Oreet. . ' T»'r n>.. ... ■■■ To Printers. The follswing MATERIALS will be Told reasonable if app'.ed for immediately. Prffs, 3 Founts Long-Primer (partlv w.orn) 1 ditto Small-Pica ou Pica body-, 2 ditto Pica, 1 ditto English, 2 ditto Brevier, i ditto Burgeois, Several pair of Chafe?!, seVeral composing (lids, frames and galleys, foroe brass ryles, Ouotntions, &c. &c. &c: all of the above will be fold veiy reasonable for Call). September 8. . _ Taunton \ of an excellent quality, JUST RECEIVED, Per We Amity, from Bristol, AND FOR SALE, By John Alien, If a. 122, Spruce Who has also on hand, Bristol Patent Sail Clath, No. i to 8. feptember 22 DR RUSSELL'S HISTORY OF Modern Europe. The public are refpe&fully informed that tbc First *Olume of the above Work is printed and will be imniedutly delivered to the lubfcribers. Those Gentlemen who have exprefled a .wiflj to fee the manner in which it is executed before they*becom« fubferibers, are requested to call at W. Y. BIRCH'* No. 17, south Second-ifreet. It is prefumsd that on comparison it will be found superior to the London copy. Robbery. 300 Dollars Reward. LAST Saturday night my fliop in Water ftreet was opened by a falfe key, and sun dry articles of Jewellery, to the amount of ten or twelve hundred dollars, were carried off. Among them were, Two marrow spoons marked " Worrock Likenefles of Mr James Robertfon and wife, of Petersburg—one do. of a Mr. King —one do. of Mr John Trimble, late of this town, the back set with a large blue giafs arid a fmallef in the centre, under which was a plait of hair laid ft rait, with J. T. in a cypher worked in pearl. Together with a number of fancy pie. ce», painted by Sully, which cannot now be recollected : 5 Boatl'waiu's Calls ftarapod ' Warrock.' AND The following Watches: I Gold watch, maker's name Provan, Paris i silver da. Thomas Green, Liverpool 7703 1 do do. George Bifield, London, 13,500 1 gold do. French, no name 1 do. do. John Ryland, London, 4331 j 1 fiirer d ). French, no name 1 do. do. John Bull, Lowdon, 744 1 gold do. Rodart, Paris 1 silver do. Joseph Kemfcer Shaw I do. do. J. Darlington, London 1 do. do. No. 9861 I gilt do. G. M. Mc/calf, London, 4196 , 1 silver do. Genrge Hafwood, London, 1906 1 do. do. J.Smith, London, aii | 1 double cafe gilt watch, R. Oiburn, Rich mond, 8764 ico Dollars will be given for the restoration of the jewellery, or ico dollars if the thief or thieves are also fecurci. Mr. Benjamin Morris, the owner of the Watches which were taken at the fame time» will also give 100 dollars fer them. July 19 0" The Printers at Peterlbure, Richmond, Alexandria—Baltimore —Charlefton —and o thers, are requested to infcrt the above for a ew times. 0- The Editor wishes to contrast for a constant supply of Super-Royal PRINTING PAPER' Tte quantitX wanted annually will be about one thousand reams. Any person disposed to contrail, by calling at the office will learn further particulars. September 3. Notice to Creditors. 0 TAKE Notice that 1 ha»e applied to the Judges of the Court of Co:nirnn flea?, for the City and County of Philadslphia, for the brnefits ot the several afls of this Commonwealth; ar d they have i appointed Monday,the 6thof too'clock i A. M. at the Court House, to hear rae and my Creditof3, at which time and place they may at tend if thsy think proper 1 THOMAS DENTON. T .. .Ci .ataw hi ■a r . •>* Le, 4 V ♦
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers