To be Sold AT PUBLIC JIUCTIOK, ON MONDAY EVENING NEXT, (tf.e Bth inn.) . At the Merchants' Cnffce-House, For approve] endorsed Notes, at 2 and 3 months, i"3ci The new and fast sailing SCHOONER kllll St. Tammany, Now laying at Say's, wharf, above Market ntfeet Inventory may be fc?n at No. 4, south \Vater street, and at th« tine of fair. Samuel Yorke, Auctioneer. djt tip* ember For Sale or Barter, THE SLOOP RAMBLER, Will carry upwards of three hundred barrels; fai's remark* *hly faft, an 1 in complete or <Bjjfi>wS!fiTi« der, now lying at Jackson find Murris's wharf. Apply at No. »o», South Front street. September. • d?t FOR HAMBOTTRG, The New HAMBOURG ship Anna, JOHN JURGENS, Mojl r '■ A (tr ng, lubitantial, fall failing velTel, (being h«r fccnnd voyage) will commence leading on Wed nefdayn»xt, and will be difpa'ched with a'l con veuien: fp*ed—Freight will be ivct-ived. apply to JACOB SPER.RY, & Co. Several Redemptioners Are dill on board, whose times are to be dif posed of-*-Apply as a'jove. Septsmber 4. diot For Freight or Charter TO THP. WEST INDIES, THB schooner SPEEDWELL, Jeremiah Blanchard, iVafter, N"w lying at Beck's wharf (the second he low Market (treet) is rea<ly to take in a cargo, and will carry about 500 barrrU. Apply to said nuftcr on b n atd, or to Isaac Harvey. Junr. 3d whaiffoutb Market ltreet. September 1 FOR SALE, The remarkable fast' sailing three trusted fi-. SCHOONER Eliza Myers, Lying at Walnut Street Wharf; bur ' tti.n aa.<ut 144 torn, has m*'e but two voyages,is r.o .v in complete orJtr to receive a cargo. Enquire of Samuel Emery, Ship-Broker, No 119, louth Front «trc«t , *eytetnber 3 dj't UJ GtItMAK Redemptioners- AMONG which arc, Farmers, Gardners, haulers, Inllrument makers, GjU and Sil ver Smiths, Linen Weaver*, Joiners, Pot ters, Masons, Taylors, Tanners, Shoema kers, Printers, Hatters, Bakers. Painters, Soap Boilers, Bell Founders, Set. See. whqfe times are to be difpnfed of. Appjy on boarithe Hamburg fliip Anna, cipt. John J urge ns, laying in the Stream a breast of Vine Street, or to JACOB SPERRY bf Co. WHO ARK LANUINd From fai vetT'l froni Hamburg, and have on hand, received by the latt arrivals, Eftcpillas ♦ Quadruple Silefias Boctadslloi •Rouans Cre is-a-la-Morlaix CaJJerillocS or White Roll* Coutils Flan ders Bed Titles . 8. 9» ,0 i ALSO, iac Brandy and 600 mijohns. l q Pipes Coni Der Phila. Augnft 2 Saylnier & Wilson, WOOZEN DHAPS.RH, MERCERS, bV. Mo. 63, North fide Market-Ilreet, TTY.VE a general afT.rtnient of brfl London A foperfim- Broad Cloth* and Caflimeres, (of j'l.t nrweft fafhijn) silk Onpe and second quality V.c>t*if, falhlinabJ' wai r 'C<>ati»g. silk stripe dnd twilj'i Nankeen*. Jean, Fulilao, Gingham, Dimi tv. 1 hickfct, fancy Coid, V.lvets, Pcarlet, yellow and white Fkuncl", Flanders, Irilh and brown l inens, Dowlas, oiers' and womens'.. iilk an I :!in Hosiery. coat and vert pearl, ftcel, gilt an! p'iVd Buttons, different col. ur. Silk Velvets, tarn !» ured and Cambrif Mufllns. Calicoes, Caliman .oes, hiwls, Podket Handkerchiefs, Gloves Chocks, &c &c. N. B. Taylors' best quality Trimmings ail which they will fell *<*y low. July 48. dtl FOR SALE, A Tradt of Land ; BEAUTITUI.LY fituatud on the north fide ofHARROWGATE Lan e, divided into three Lots, containing between 6 and 7 acres each, adjoining bnds of Capt. Hei», Abranam Kmt ,d. Abiih Brown, John Harnfon and others, it has within a few months pafl bten highly ma nured ; the greater r"t >« " nw mr ! m t py and CVover. On it at-e feveial elegant lituations to build on. Wi MORRIS. September a. . H co6t To Gentle di w rCoffee Mills a Scythes Tapes of all des criptions; ? J Quills U Sealing b] Wax. Eaces & Edgings ?- Decanters J. Gill tumblers Cafes. d 15t \ rrten Farmers. THE SUBSCRIBER DECLINING farming:, wi'.r offer at pu!>i c file on liis Plintatiuu. opp ifnc Ncwbuld's Uh:;d on ti.e Delaware, with'fn twi rni of Uordetitown, state of New-Jer'ey, on Saturday, tjth September next at t o'clock, tiii stork •>( Hi rfc:, Cattle (moftli-fat) an; about eighty S; eep, f :urteen of which are 1 he prin cipal part of both Ewes and Kami are an excel 'flit i reed His plantation lie will hold for file tll tiex* I'princ, when if nor fold it will be rented. Terms of fa'e made k.uowu at the time. THOMAS St- JOHN. Aupuft 30 Madeira Wine: The subscriber has received in ths Apollo, from Liverpool, a Quantity of Hill's Old London particular Wine, In pipes, hhds. & qr. calks. GIDEON HILL WELLS, august 4. row&t 4W COFFEE. A QJJ A N T I T Y of remarkable fine Green Coffee, In Hogflieads, Barrels and Bags, FOR SALE BY JAMES YARD, august 23 diot TO BE SOLD, A 7 PUBLIC SALE, On Fifth Day the 9th ot Oftobrr, on the The Mary-Ann Forge And Plantation : SITUATE part in Uraudywine township, an ! part in Werckland, about 30 miles from Phi ladelphia,and one and an hall mile lrom :he Turn pike road, and Downing 1 ! town ; containing a! out 330 acres, with allowance of 6 acres per 100 ; two thirds of th« land is good woodland, some excellent meadow n>ade, and much more can be made of the firfl quality; the forge i. turned by the main branch of Bram'ywine Creek, a forcible Stream, the forge has thre? fires and two hammer* all in good repair The dam ' cit g found and well backed, and apparantly able to rcfift any fr.-fh (not fupcrnatural) Likewif' there is ascther lively dream and current of water, tha f empties Into the said dam, that might be very cor vri ient for a Grid Mill, or other kind of water might be with facility er«Sfed; there is a good tw«-ltory stone dweljmg-houfe for the ac ccmmodation of thepropiietorof the works, with an excellent spring and good houfc ovc it; con 'iguousro the door also convenient Hone stabling with an entry thrcugh the mid le fufheient t« accommodate three teams, s hagkney horl'es; co'itigu usto the forge stands a good stone office ard a numter of convenient houfw for the work man is ereiled amply adequate for thff said works If not then fcld it will be rented for a term of years. Terms and conditions made known by applying to . Witt.l AM EVANS, in Willistown, er JOHN MARSHALL, in 'horn bury Township. N B. The Sale to commence at 1 o'clock or 'aid day. Aug. 5 sa\v6w^ A Runaway. ON Saturday the 13d August, ran away from the fubferiber, living in Harrifburgh, an a, prentice to the pritting business, named Benja min Morrifon, a lad of about 16 year* of age, final! of stature and very a&ive,ftiort hair and of a foiling countenance—Had on and took with him a culico roates, a pair cf trowfers #f nearly the fame, a pair of common nankeen ditto, and a homclj.un \yi calcurei ftri;>ed ditto, and a ihort j cUetof the fame, with a new hat—All perfme are forbid harbouring fa id apprentice at their Reasonable charges will b<2 paid for secu ring che bey, so that his mast* r may j/et him aga n. JOHN WYETH. Hirrifljurgh.Sept. I WAll DEPARTMENT, August 4tt>, ißco. r'HE commanding Cfficers'of corps, de ' tachments,pods, garrif n3, and recruiting parties, belonging to the military rflablilhment of the United States, are tb report to, and receive orders from Brigadier-General Wil kinfon, in the City of Wafliingtsn, and all officers on furlough are to report themselves to the officer with all poffi ile dispatch. SAMUEL DEXTER, Secretary of War. All Printers wi'hin th? United States who have puhliihrl invitations for contrail* of ttiel3;hor March last are requested to insert the above in their rcfpcAive papers, once a week for tws months. JUST IMPORTED, AND FOR SALE, AT DICKINS'S BOOK - STORE, Oppofitc Chrifl - Church, AN ASSORTMENT OF English Papers AND OTHER • STATIONARY. Phila r l<lphia, Aug. 6. A good second band Riding Chair, a> d an excellent family CHAIR HORSE FOR SALE, Cheap—Enquire of the Printer. September 1 mwfaw Three Cents Reward. QUN away from the Subfcribei - on the evening JLx. of tha 48th inft. a bound Servant GIST, named F.lifcabeth HovfcVel, had on and took with her three diSerunt changes of garment and money, proud,hold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any p»r fon apprehending her fhallbe entitled to the above reward—llo coWs or chargrs will be paid. N: B, irhe had 1 years and fomc months to ftrve DANIEL FITZPATRICK. Gofhen TownCiip.Cheflsr County, J#'y »p. august 6 3awtf German Redemptioners. A NUMBER are ftili on beard the (Mp Anna, from Hamburg, lying of Vineftreet wharf, in the ftresm, confiding of mechanics of ahnofl every d f ription, farmers arid. others, who are anxi u9 to provide phces Delirous to com mence leading the veils I, their times will he dif pnfeiof at the low rate of 80 Dollars for their psffaae. Apply on hoard the fh : p. or to JACOB SPERRY W Co. September 1 diot For Sale, or to Let, T HE H O U S E, In Gbcsnut Strict, Near the corner of Eleventh street, at present in the tenure t f Mr. A, M'Call—PoiTefiion may he had the first ot November next, or fooncr if re quired Apply to Edward Shoemaker, September 3 $ Baltimore and New York Mail Stage Office 13 removed from No. 13 South Founh ftreef, ta No. 18 South Third street. An Office for those fta jes is also kept at mr. Hardy's Inn, No. 98 Market street. General Post Office, April *B. ( A PARTNERSHIP. APEKSON poflVffing some capital, a-confi derible share of induflry, and desirous of engaging as a partner in a lucrative b>jfioefs, rajy "hear of a situation. All propolals on this fuhje.fl to br in writing, sealed and direfted to W. R. J. New York, and left with the printer of the Gazette of the United States, will be at tended to. fr A Printer would fiud it to his advantage Jane .J- drt FOR SALE, A Valuable and singularly eligible ESTATE, CONSISTING of two hnndfosne dwelling houses, with excelitrt ftahling for fcveti horfet, double coack house moll completely fitted up; a beautiful large-and valuable garden richly filled with-choice fruit, surrounded with high board fence, almost new. The premifea are beautifully fituatcd near the middle of Ocrmantown, sur rounded \ayth rich profp*6U of the adjacent country ; an orchard of about two acrc9, with a handfbme lawn aft tht back of the houle. One house haibwnrecettly boilt u* an appro ved plan ; the other hu been completely r-pairrd, painted and papered, aod contain ten rooms with an elegant drawing-roam, fifteen feet by thirty- Ox. F Tbe new house is well calculated for a ftorc in either the dry or wet good line. Thi air and water ire unrivalUd, and there are (bme moll excillent fchcol< in r?;e neighborhood. For particulars enquire of the Printer, or "f POTTER, on the y rcniifc". dtf Miy 9; FRANKLIN Reserved Trafts, FOR SALE. ON Wednefaay the ift day of Oilober next, books will be open in the Office of the i*ub fcriber, rrfiding in Franklin, for the sale of the Refer v«d Trails, laid out by virtu? ol an ail ot rtlTcmMy patted the Ilth day of April, 1799-7" One fifth part of the purchase money to be pVid at the time «f sale, one fifth part witkin twelve months from th-*day of sale, one fifth part within two years from said day, and the remaining two I fifth parts at or before the expiration o three year> after fu.h sale No contralto be confirm ed lor fiUeeo days after the said books ftull be o pened, and the highest price offered within that time will be accepted. All payments made will be forfeited unless the putckafer within three years from the day of sale makes an aitual fcttlement on the trail purchased, by clearing, 1 fencing, and cult-vating at leafk two aires ftr every fifty Con tained in the furvcy, and thereon a mef ft age for the habitation of man, and riiide there on t«r the fpacc of five years next following the firft fetticment of the fame. No patents to ifluc, unless fatit»fa&ory proof ftiall be made of such ailual fcttlement, r#fidence, and improvement. GEORGE FOWLER, Franklin, July 48, «800. august 8, District of lennsjlvtmia to wit : BE it remembered thit on the Tenth day of July in the twenty fif'h year of the Indepen dence of the United States of America, Alexan der Addifon of the slid Diftri<ft hath deposited in this office the title of a book the right where of he claims as Author in tha words following to wit, " Reports of cases in the Coynt,* courts of the Fifth Circuit and in the High Court of Errors and appeals of the State of Pennsylvania, and charges to Grand Juries of those County Courts. By Alexander Addifon, President of the Courts of Common Fleas of the Fifth Cir cuit of the State ef Pennlylvarm." In conformity to the of Congrefsof the Uni ted States intitled " An a (ft for the encouragement of learning by securing the copies of maps charts and books to the Authors and Proprietors of such copies daring the times therein mentioned " r D.CxLDWELL, CM of tie Difi rid if Pennsylvania The above book is now publiflicd. It will be de livered to lubferibers by Mr.Dobfoa Bookseller. July *5 ' Bank of the United States, August 23d, 1800. WANTED, APPROrED Bills on Amsterdam, At sixty days sight; FOR WHICH Cash will be paid, At .the rate of Forty Cents per Guilder. d;t Found, " A Red Morocco Pocket-Book, WHOEVER has loft it may receive it an ap plication at the office of this Gazette, and paying the expence cf this advwtifement. July l». For Sale, The Unexpired TIME of a BLACK BOY WHO fcw tfcree jtv* and five month* to (cere ; he l» Inker, honest. a good w»i- Ut, and wndcrftaad* «aki*g care of kaiie*. £o> No. 60, Dock Oraeu Julf *9- Houses to Let: ONE large conven ent thiee-ftory Btick Dwelling-House, with four rooms ok a floor, and two Kitcliens ; there is a pump of water, and a rain water ciftcrn n the Yard ; situate on the ealt fide of Fourth- Street, one door above Race-Street, lately occupied by Solomon Moroche. A conven but Three Story, With a pleasant yard on the South fide of Arch-Street, third door above Eighth- Street. For terms apply at No. ti6 Arch- August 4. RAN-AWAY from Gen, Ridgely of Balti more, on the 10th inft. a light coloured negro man, who calls himfclf WILLIAM Mc. DONALD ; He is about J4 years of age, about 5 feet 8 inches high, neat in hisdrefs, and has a good suit of hair. Hid on, when he went away, a good beaver hat, a ihort light green cloth coat, edged with vellnw, and yel low gilt buttons —alight buffcaffirner,double breasted waillcoat, a pair of dark olive colour ed thickfett pantaloons —a white linen Ihirt, white ribbed cotton Hackings, and a good pair of (hoes with firings. He took with him a dark bl'se coat, a pair of olive caffirner panta loons, and a light corduroy pair of breeches ; alf > a gol.l or pinchbeck watch, with a steel chain. He is fond of fpiritous liquors, is info lerit, has a ft'Jpid look, and chews tobacco. — He was bred in Charles county, Maryland, and pure haled of col. John Thomas by gen. Ridge- Icy. Whoever apprehends said negro, and le cures him in any jail so that the owner may g»t him again, shall receive the above rewird, with reatanable charges if brought heme, or de livered to Joftiui B. Bond, Philadelphia, may t dtf WHO is about taking his departure from hence to the Weft l< dies, whare he in tends to reside, will undertake to busi ness on the molt reasonable term 3 tor Mer chants who may be inclined to intrull him with their commands. He would likewise w'.lh to be concerned with a perion of refpeinability here, who may be de sirous of such a connexion. Apply at No. 116, North Front St. Aug. 11. eodiw«[ By J. Okmrod, No. 41, Cliefnut Street, Death of General Wajhington. A POEM., In imitation of th« mannet of Offian. By Rev. John B. Linn, A. M. Minister of the First Prefljyterian Congregation of Philadelphia. Mr. Chuadron's Oration will be publilhed on Monday morning. March 15. d. JUST PUBLISHED, And to be Sold by JAMES HUMPHREYS, No. l®6, south fiJe Market Street, Reports of Cases Argued v>d determined in the HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY; (gre at-biutain) commenced with THE JUDGMBNTS OF The Right Honorable WILLI AM SCOTT, Micbatlmas 7trm 1793. By Charles Robin foil, LL. D. Advocate. Volujir I.—Part I. g? Thcfe Report will he continued regularly; ' The fecund Part which concludes this Volume is now in the prefi, and pubi'iilied with all the expedition possible, Augutt »3, Ctmm'Jiotur. d6w. LANCASTER STAGES. THE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan caster line as Stages DISPATCH, return their grateful thanks to their friends and the public in general, for the past favors they have received,and inform them that in addition to the regular Line, thfy are provided with Carriages,fober and careful drivers, to go through between the City iind Borough is two days. Those who prefer this mode of travelling can be accommodated at the Stage Office, sign of United States Eagls, Market street, Philadelphia. Slough, Downing, Dunivoody Is" Co. 95. 30. f 2t—s DR. RUSSELL'S HISTORY OF Modern Europe. The public are refpe&fally informed that the First Volume of the above Work is printed and will be immedUtly delivered to the fubferibers. Those Gentlemen who have exprefied a wish ta fee the manner in which it is executed before they become fubferibers, are requested to call at W. Y. BIRCH's No, 17, south Second-ilieet. It is prefumad that on comparison it will be found superior to the London copy. Aug. »i eo< * - FOR SALE, A Printing Press. Apply at the Office of the Gazette ol the United States. July ig. V FOR SALE, A PRINTING PRESS complete, Old Long, Small Pica on pica body (new and old Pica, do. Englifl), (two small founts) 16 Line Pica, &c. . Sundry Frames, and a great vaHety of (..i. ee Furuitu-e, &c. Iron work of a printiog-pref'i gT They will be fold cheap for calh—Apply at the office of the Gazette of the United Statw. eo^jt^ ALSO, Fifty Dollars Reward. A Pi-R SON, His Day Published, (Price >5 Cents) THI ]uft Received, Br A. DICKINS, opposite Christ Cbv vi, OF THE CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF THE American Revolution, in Nineteen Difcourfci. By the Rev. Jonathan Boitchee, A. M. F. A. S. Trice 2 Dollars jo Cents. July 30. CHINA goods. Landing from the ship America t ll'ultc. Sims, Commander, from Canton, AND FOB SALE BT NICKLIN, GRIFFITH I? Co. Bohea, Congo, Souchong, ift &and quality, Caper souchong, } TEA '' Singlo, Young hyson, Hyfun, ift &id quality, Imperial, Yellow & whitenanlicens Liitcftrings, back. & color'd (In B<uxe» Sin(hatf» do. I affonkd, Sattins do. J Luteftrijigs, luaz. biuret dark green T Su.lhaws do /► t „„,_ Persian taffttas, dark green They have also on band for sale, received 6y the late arrivals from Europe, isfe. Infn>a!!p»ck« nltvif Strip-d and chri ked ginghams White figured & cclor'd Muf- r .gf» assorted, :alcui»ttd for he Weft-In dia market S enfir'kd to draw back, 14 Trunks printed Calicoes, 5 do. d >. 3 Bales twine ( Er.t Wled tc 10 Cases En>:lilh Chini ware, in teat !is J 6 Calks mineral black, t do. whi-e, 10 d>. colcother, 3 Cask» purple hrowa, 3J do. nails alTried, 9 do. London porter in bottles, Enelilh fail canvas, No. J, i & 3, Kuflia duck, f ty Boxes white Havjnna sugar, 13 Pipes old Madeira wine, Gunp iwiler, F.rnpty u-ine bottles, ao Guns, 6 pounders, ra do. 9 do. 18 do 9 do. with carriages, &c. t ißo,opolbs.Cerihon coffee, ill") quality f Entitled to io.ooolbs. black pepper f drawback. 10 Logs eboi.y J Miy 13. m&wtf" linetts White corded dimities Co'.or'd silk, striped Nankeens OF abilities, inttgrit- and experience in mercantile huliuefi-, would willingly < r gage"as CLERK to a merchant or publie < >f fj e, or be concerned with any person as pai 1- i er, as he has an interrft of' about one thoulti id pounds in real elUte in the city. Pleal'e to s p ply to the Printer ; "r a line left at the offi' »e r B Y. will be attended to immediately. Mjvio d^tm&thtf Twelve harei Of the Bank of the United States , NO. ?59 f z to 25963 incluGvc, in the name e f Thomas Mall tt of London, were forward • ed shout th« id of t y the ship Ont-i'a !or Xjondon, which was cap tured by the French, anrl said Certificates loft or dellroyrd ; therefore application is made at the fai ■ Rank for the renewal of the fama, of which all persons concerned ire defiwl to take notice. Clement Biddle. iber 3, 1800 djm PhiWd : Si That large and commodiona jit the corner of Arab and Ninthflrtels. TO BE RENTED, And entered upon this month, the House, Sta ble, P ' .eh louse and Lots, now in the tenure of M jor Butler, fn are as above. Enquire at No. »8, north Fifth street. July 10, mSc'h 3W A CERTIFICATE, No. 15519. dared id Jan uary 1797, in favour of Robert Lindfajr,of Charleften South-Carolina, for one ftaire of the frock of the Bank of the United States is loft— a duplicate of which will be applied for :ic the said Institution. Augufl 7. Notice to the Pilots. IS hereby given—That in conlequerace oftht Beacon on the Brown, being so much injured as to render it unfit for service, a Buoy with a keg on the rrnfl, will be placed on that Ihoa!, until it can be replaced by the Beacon, of which due notice will be given. W. MACPHERSON, Superintcndant. Ai! (tuft 16 WAYNE COUNTY TAXES. THE owners of unimproved lands in Wayne county, aie hureby notified, that Taxes are become payable thereon fer the years 1"99 and 1800. Those who have not already paid their taxes, re hereby required to discharge the fame to JOHN BRINK, Esquire, Trcafurer »f said County a,t Milfqrd, within three months from this date , otherwise proceedings to sale, ac-cordirg to the aA of Aflembly in such cafe provided, will e hid by the Commissioners for the said county.' Aia Stent en, John Carfoif, > GommiflTioners Jtbannes Van Etten, j Attest, E. Killogg, Clk. July 9,1800 d 90t AN APPRENTICE WANTED, At the Office of the Gazette of; the United July 6 /V View A PERSON HOUSE, NOTICE. ROBERT LENOX. aktja' . "■ 1 »> * v •'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers