i 5" Ni'Mr.Flt 2473.'] f* Tbt pr.ce o r tbjx liasefie is Eight Doi.lAim f er annum to Subscribers residing in tl>c city jf Philadelphia. All others pay tne Dollar additional, for enclosing \fnd di recting ; and unlest'Sjme person in this city will thecoma answer lilefrr tbc subscription, it must be paid Six Months m Advance. *,* No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. Pecrm v er i 1799. , .... , 111 1,1 ■ I 111 l AI.MAWAr"" Ffmm Af4t *»—•«» Siplmtw i. ■' * ■ la*^ATll< TWriir Frilay Satur J ,»y Sunday Moivlay Ticf«»y ..«»*« . . ; - .S 6 )4 ' . ' s' »' 1J • S »H— fc i» - ' J JO * 3- . "'J H—J »1 • J .1»—«. *8 j y * ♦- •SL e^ ih, > * s Tnurn»jr Pri4«j hlfr-ttj tuniiy. " - Mopq»r a PRINTING, I ' Neatly executed ut the Officr of the Gazette of the United States. Botl£-^or£--Pin>plilrt«-—Hard-Billt, Ci/di— all' krtuls, . fcr. fcc. Wi!! Ve priii-rd at the Shortest Notice. august Ij. Trade interdifred with Baltimore,at well as Norfolk. Health-Office, Btb ma. 21 it, 1800. WHEREAS the Board of Health have received information that a contagious disease, dangerous to the community, now exists in NORFOLK, (Virginia,) and also the CITY OF BAL TIMORE, being, as is repfpfented to ui; equally llclcly. Whereupon Resolved, with the as sent and approbation of the Mayor, that all veflets from thence,-bound to the Port, of Philadelphia, bring too at the Lazarettn, to receive a visit from the ReliJent Phyfitian, and there wait the determination of the Board. And furrlier, that noperfon (Or goods capable of retaining infettion) from NORF ")LK, or BALTIMORE thall be permitted to come to the City or Coun ty of Philadelphia, until they produce a fatisfattnry certificate of their being at least 15 days in a healthy state, from thence, under the PENAL FY OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, agreeable to the 7th feftion of the Health Law, half of which will be paid to the informer on conviction. All proprietors of Sta ges, both hy land and water, are desired to govern themselves accordingly. By order of the Board, EDWARD GARRIGUES, Prelident. Peter Kf.ySek, Secretary. Cj" The Printers generally are request ed to give this a place in their papers as • «ften as convenient. Juit come to hand, AND FOR SALE, 2 r THE SV BSCkJ B B.R, SUPIiKFIW?. Silcfia rouai.j") Crea» a li Morlaix 1 Fine B'. 'sga.*» i Entitled to Do white (.latillas debenture. E topill..and I.i»ralo» f Brown Russia (hectingn J With a ginar I cJforlmiiU tf British Goods, Whiclvwill be lold low Mr ca h or short credit. SAMUEL C. COX, No. Bj, Market-street, aaruit ra daw FOR SALE, In the Ct j of Burlington, State of Ncw- Jersej, TWO NEW TWO-STORY Brick Houses, Situate on Market street, ' 1 BEINO twenty feet front an<i (hirty-two feet > deep, each wi'h cellar under them .tnd kitch ■ *n» is the rear, hkewife a well of good water in front. ALSO, Four twenty feet Lots, Adjoining the a!>ove prfmife#, one handrtd and i- -- J fi:ty feet deer. Fir terms of sale apply to the fuhfcribsr in Bur li»gt n, by whom an mtJifputable title will be gifen. MKAJAH ELLIS, tuilington, Ja»y 9, tßoo (,19) eot f Gazette of the United States, & Daily Advertiser. For Sale, BY PUr,L<C auction IN THE CITY or WASHINGTON -1 !IE following property belonging to the Truf tees of the < g ire Fund, provided for the payment o< cert -in creditors of Edward Fox and Ja-»-s Oreenlcaf. Cn M dxy tbc fab October inst. PAR Tot the property o! said fund, m the City of tt'afciHgton, thatntw is renered elearot every V cumfcraiiie. will be r-xpofed at Public at I iiv icl'fiTavern amonyl) which are the following valuahlr fituatiou vir. 11 l,Mh No 973 1 lntj.'in fdn re 974, ij in jquan N» 9,. A lots in fquar Outh - f fquari icii), 19 liioiii f ;tiarc iojo, I Ipt if. fquar. 1 o«c. 1 lot in fqu-re In (quart «Jt4, J lon in qnare 45, 3lc■ In <quare I' 4 1 ' 1 9 lot in fa Hi c 1C47 o lot* in fyrve TO4B wi'h fan.'ry others situated it< various parts of the city •» |fo the » '"Tyfrs 'c hou!e row occupier) yMr Drbloit, beautifully situated (with an exten'ivevi w of fev e'il mile. down "f Potomac) on tjie south ejft earner of Iquare 973, fronti k 4« feet on 11 ftrert 3a" an t4l fret on south O Greet: 5 tomm flout K tch n wit.h an cvci*, &c. adjoining fou'h tr nt A large frame flahlc, larriag ii~ufe and : ?y l(?ft 50 feet by y, and a j unrip of xcellcnt watrr near ihf 'Nek drtor of the kitchen, the lot x'eoding 31 f.xt on »i street.and ijy feet inch in O irr«!, cor iprtlitlg Wit* N'>« », 2, f, *nd part ■>l a • in tbf rrg. ered djvifi ri of the fq* re. he sal 'vi" mmerc -tthefaidt *. r atfn f'tWlt ir - h fi<fvtaa H. M' 7 <f> 8 58 r*. •' - If 44 O *5 - I «8 k terra-one fourth one fourth jr ft* nvrvhs, when .-*• deed *0(1; lie ■. nrea the rema r inj moiety i t»r> yu\ paynent to fc ur by an : Eu . credro-t in the iboTf fail., may in li u of martga -e fcevre pa roert nf their ' <mu» by drpsflt of c rtifici' of the truOcs 3t the ra'e of fivefliilln gt in rhj pound, tn the an ount feniriitl an tkrold a dividend take place ' elor- the tjpiratiou of tile t* yearn, it wi-lne frt ff g i;>fl tha bond, » d the certifi cate! ri-rnr- cl in the f r" pre; -rtiotti Hc-iirv I'ratt Thomas W. John Millrr. jou. John A(h'ey Jacob Baker. THOMAS TINGEY, A^nt. August 4. 3 law ts Notice. A General Meeting 017O 17 itu s• J mes Wilson, Esq. decea H, - requeued, at Mr. Ru ble-n's Tavern, Sh/n of the White Swai,. in Race-ftrret, No. 101, on Monday the Hist int. at 9 o'clock in the Afternoon, when an 1 where aflati-iiKiu of his r.ffjirs wiM be Lid before them. WILLIAM KTPHOLS, Admintflrator Aiif»uft 19 t or Sale, By LORAIN SON, No. 5, N?tb Tbi dSt t/, GUHRAHS and low prced Uafta>, entitle) t ■ drjwyack A f.i ctfier r arse ind fine 4 4 and r-4 India Vuflns- I i(h ■ Mi quadruple 'linena, German D. win I 1u Sin i. [ at. Itringf -nd tWhewfcl Kihb n«, Spa>_a, Frying p.na, w ill 1 variety of other lio mo"gery and 'cafunabie Dry Goods. Aifo t > he or BARTERED, FOR DRY GOODS, A handsome 3.story BRICK HOUSE, ith p'uzz and kitchrn aljoinu-g si to ate in V -e i.ear Fourth *<tceet, hu>!< in n> dern ftvle with exc.llent rra'erlalc and well cacu'atrd to "la e a large lamily. tj d»t Mtf. Port Wine & Claret In C.a ft f h fir t futility. Wine and Cyder Vinegar. In I i- f» and Quart»r Calks—lvir Sale by BENJAMIN W. MORRI> &T Co- July 19 3iwjw. The Two Houses, LATELY 1 ccujicd n» a HOTEL hy Mj. Sa muel Francis, Mo. 13 1 fcaith Fonrtb street. For term" apply »o BENJAMIN R.MORGAN, No 41, Arch itreet. T»ly >0 v.- ->■*> 1 ""HE underramtioned Certificates of Stock A. nf the Ba'.k of the United States, viz. No. 3804, dated 1 ft July 1796, for ten shares in the name of Charles Lovegrove of New- York. No. »s.;»t—No. 453u, dated ifl July, '798, for five (hares each in the name of arah tVedgevrood of Etruria. No. üBoB—No. 19809, dated ift January, rßeo, for ten ftiares each, in ;ha name of Henry Waddingtoti, Merchant, London. Notice is hereby given. That application is intended to he made at the fa id Bank by the f.bfcrih«rs, for a renewal cf the f:nnr, of which all perlom concerned re reqirfied to take notice. WADDINGTON itr HARWOOD. Philadelphia, July rßoo. mwf^m AN APPRENTICE WANTED, At the Office of the Gazette »f the United States. July 6 iPHIL A D E L TO BE LET, Either separately or together, Loll, By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-ftreefc PHI A, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 30, ,800. For Sale, w THR NKW pILOT PVH*" A St. Tammany, Say's Wfc.rf, 'above Marker Street, burthen 70 t -ru, fu;>pofed to be a remarkable fjft failing vfflel, ai d flnav|be fit ter) for (ea in a few dayi, Invejitijjry to he seen and terms of sale known by applying to the fub fcribir. CROOKE STEVENSON, Ao. 4. Srnti Water Street. ALSO FOR SALS, 35 Hhds M'ifco*ad Sugar. White and brown liava .nah cJit-o in boxes. Call India do. in bags. Weft India and C -nntry Rum. 100 Hhd*. MoUfles. Holland Gin French and Spanish Brandy, Peeper, C lire, &c. Awuft 9. fa tu&th tf BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock W Watch Maker, HAS REMOVED To No. 36, Market St*ee+, Where he has for Sale, Sprint' *1 d other Clocks ; gold and filvc-r Watche*: Tools, Files and Materials $ ftrrl and irili Chains, SeaU and Keys ; Springs, &c. See. CLOCKS AND WATCHES Repaired ai nfual. June 3 PRIME RICHMOND Tobacco, For file on a Credit, deliverable »t New. Trujlcci. York or this place Kqui. of Samuel C. Cox, No. 83, M .rket-ftreet. d 1 w An.Tiifl 25. JUST PUBLISHED, sind to be Hold 6j JAMES HUM: J KRRYS. No. ia6, south C:e Market Street, Reports of Cases Argue) and determined in the HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY ; (Git AT-BHI T AIM) Tke Right Honorable WILLI AM SCOTT, Michaelmas Itrm 1798. By Charles Robmfun, LL. D. Advocate. VOLUM K I.—PABT I. Thrfe R«p?r( will he continued rr jularlv. The second Pari whi'h concudeß this X- iumc now in the prefc, an.l will be publilhed with all the expedition poflible, Augult VI. GLASS MAN L FACTORY. Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, HAVING procureil a fufficitnt number of the mod approved European Glais Minu fudturers, and having on hand a large' Hoik of thr belt Materials, on which their workmen are n >w employed, have the pleafore of aflurinj' the public, that window pl>f» of a superior qua lity and of any site, from 7 by 9, to 18 by j. f inches, carefully packed in boxes containing! 100 £eet ea h, may be had at the Ihorteft notice Glafj of larger other purposes, ma> also be fuch 11 for pWures, coach clock faces, %c. B ttles of all kinds and . f any q-iantitj may also be had, together with pocket fiafks pi< kluigjars, apothecary't (hop furniturt, or other h»llow ware —the wholeat least tf pe: cent, lower than articles of the fame quality brought from any of the sea port 9 of the United Stat.es. A liberal allowance wilj be made or Tale of large quantities. Orders from merchants ind others will be punctually attended tp on ap plicati n to J VMES O'HARA t ISAAC CRAIG, or at the StoreofMeflrs PRATHER and '.MILIE, iii Maiket-Ktreet, P ttfbutgh. March <» tuthtf. Madeira Wine: The fubferiher has received in th« Apollo, from Liverpool a Quantity of Hill's Old London particular Wine, In pipes, fohds. & qr. cadte. GIDEON HILL WELLS. rnw&l 4«r august 4. The Anti-Jacobin Review & Magazine, (Vol. iv.) Have ju£l been received and are now for fair, A. DICKINS, O) pofite Chrilt Church July l». That large and commodious HOUSE, At the corn, r of Arch and NinthJlrcets. And entered upon this month, the House, Sta ble, ©oach House and Lots, now in the tenure o M'jor Butler, fituatc as above. Enquire at No 28, north.Fifth July IQ. ioo HOGSHEADS commerced with THE JUDGMBNTS OF THE PROPRIETORS A FEW COPIES OF TO BE RENTED, BiScih 3w Marflial's Sale, Unitbd States > Pennsylvania District, J BY virtur of a writ to n.e direfled from thr Honorable Kic 1 ard Pr'ers, Esq. Judge o; the Dirtrifl Court of the Unites! States it the Pennsylvania Diftris, will he ixpnted to Pub lic Sale, at .the Merchants' Cc fft e Hoiile, in thr city oPhiladelphia, on Monday the Bili day of September next, at it o'tl ck at n.ion. Tie Vessel called PRUDENT, ®*"=*«£SSBSa£3 As (he now lies at Brown'* Wharf—with all and lingular i.er tackle, ap parel, and appurtenances, the fame having hfen I condemned in the laid comt a- forfeited. &c. i I i JOHN HALL, Marjhal. MarJbaPs Office, > Atiguft 27, 1 00 $ 3tawtS United, St at ft 7 Pennsylvania District, j bY Virtue of » Writ to me <'irri£led from the Hon iable Richard Peters Esq. J .d,-e of ■ e Diftridl Court of 'he United Sta'ee in and for tKe Pennfylvatii* Diftridt, will be ex p fed t« publi.' Tale on TktiiPl:y the 18th of inlt at n o'. of liilji;n, No. 49, North "Third ftieet, in the city f Hh '3d Inl'la. Two Hogflieads of Rum. Tfce lame hiving bien le-jEi d, J!cc. ind lil.rl led aeiitll, profecutcd and condemned ai (or fc ted, *c- HALL. Marsb.il. Marshall's Office. > Pbil.LWlbij.Avg 12 iSooj tu&f tf Just Received, AKT) FOR SA Lb IT ROBINETT & KI3SELMAtt, i O I S. Mace, 1 r r , 4CO Is. Nutmegs, J <>f»rup C nor quality. jHitiajta Spirits. 4'h proof, i)o. of the fuft quality, Holland Gin in pipes. I'ort-au-Pri ce Molasses—and 30 Tierces Rice. jt?. i* K. bavr also on band, for sate, Hi Ton, ~l You' g Hyson, & J- "PEAS, '-ouchong J Oonniac Brandy, Ift & proof, Sherry Wine in quit ter c«(ks, very nice, JO, 000 Spaliifh Segars, And a Variety of other GROCERIES. AuguTt 26 eo tf City Commilfioner's Office, telfibiH A\g. 26U\ 1 boo. IN purfunnce o- an Ori inance of the and i.'ommon Council, pafietl the nd day of May, 1197, (l v 'lti , ) Wi'lVp rrctivt-d by th C-y i'o>miftioner*, until the thirtie th «lay of Si) temper next for renting on s h-r one y>*r, 'oi -.meme on the firs: da) of January next, the following public property of the cif\. vz. I. The Wharf and Landing r.n Vine Street. ditto on SafT fras do. % Ditto on Mulbnry do. 4. The Wharves ard Landit.gs ox High and Chef nut street* 5. Dit'o on W.tlnut street, the Drawbridge Sprue. Pi-ne and C« kr streets, including t! 1 Filh House 6 The Cellar under the f iry Hrll. Applications niay br leir wirh either of th< CitWnAUfioberi, or with their cl.rk, at No 6\ Cherry t> reet eoncS Officers of the Navy, A ND others, who are dtfir us of becomirg A acquaint*! with the fallowing very eff.ntisl improvements in Navigation, vz— Jhe method of finding the i,atitudi y a Gngie altitude oi the fun at any hour ol the day ; ah;l of afcertaiuir g V>th I atitodc and Longituf' at once by a Ctlcf rial obfervwion, the Lunar*, an i new forms of journal« sos (hip's of war with additional columns nv:y hear of a person r ady to inflru.il them a' their apartments, who ha« compend- of the *bovf To (imp ified by txplai.atitns ot figures, marshal referunc,s, Sec tha' they may be uii W:)oo,d in a few days t ky app'ying at No 93, south Second 'reef, pppofite the City Tavern. H« engages to teach Navigation (the common method of Keeping a journal at f«a) it; 6 days He has taught the Mathematics. French la> gunge, &c for many years in different univrr fiti «, and (hips of wir, to which he has been repuhrly appointed— ha« ilfo had ennfidera'*' practical cipTierice in surveying and book-bet} ing ; ii which he gives private ledtures. His terms are low and accommodating. He *vil -^pen A Marine and Commercial ACADEMY, As soon as a fuitabl ti«T» cso be procured, for v) ich gen' ti us price will be paid |CJ» The business oj an Agent and It, '.erpreur faixbfuUy transacted. August »5- FOR SALE, \ PRINTING PRESS complete, Oi'l Prir»rr, •mill Pica on pica .body (rew slid dd Pica, do. Stolifl), (two fmjll founts) ■6 L:ne Pica, &c. unary Frair.fs, and a great vatirty of Offcc Futoitu'i. Ac. 1 id* work of ' ft ating prtfc, fX Th«r will l>e fold cfcwp I Ibe oftot of *• QaMtwVih* Uwtd Marshal's Sale. FRGPOSALS, POST OFFICE, > Philadelphia A .gust 2stb Letters tor rhe Britifli Packet LeicHler for F.lmouth England, will he received »• this Office, until Tuesday ad Sepwmber, ai 12 o'clock Noo-n. ■ N. B. The inland Portage to New-Yorl mil ft be pii.!. August 25. For Baltimore, THE Bric DISPATCH, J AM * Vans en, Master. fail on Saturday or Tuesday "rxt- Win take in freight «n moderate ttimi <'-ppltcartion to be made t.ithe captain on board ft Je(Tt Snd Rob*rt W iln's wharf, or to Levi Hollingsiiorth &? S:n. Wl'O HATV FOR SALR, 84..000 lb Gonaivea Coffee, and right tons of Logwood imported in said brig, the Coffee entitled to drawback on exportation. Atiguft 20 d?t. Advertiement. Came to the Plantation of \he in IVhitemarJk Toxunjb-p, on the night of the 1 7.th injlant % A RED AND WHI'IE STEER. i'rlE owner is dcfired to come and prove pro perry pay charge* and tahe K im away MAR »IN HOOKER. MjrM 3tfof BROKE INTO THE hNLOSURE OF TH E SUBSCRIBERS, INROIBOROUGH TOIYNSHI ° .Vi ' '• ' IWtS PHtLADEI PHIA COUNTY, AkED jud u hi e Covr ; the owner i» defi« red to c. m* prove property, pay charge*, and t„k I'f" a vav ALEXANDER Angult;6 tt The Subscriber, - MAS ' Ek .{ th; Hamburg Ship Anna, for warns all Persons from rrufting or harbour ing :ny ol the rewr ef faiJ Ship as fce will not pay any debts contracted by them. JAN JHRGENS. Al-guft S3 A Young Man, PEnFEC > LVverfcd m Men rt" l ' ccn'lnts, and biought up in one of the si; (I coniri- g h»ufe» in thit »ity, wifhe* empl ytncnt a» CUrk; He is it present *bfent trom P.'.ila e.pfcii, but a line left at the Office of >he Gaze-tie of ithe Uni ted Stages he will receive, and it flia'l 1 e imme diately attended to Salary a iecondary ohjeA— Employment his motive, augslt if dtf To Printers. A PERSON who I its in contemplation the publifhini: ofawoikthat ujll mak« a« bout ajo pages, pica oflavn, with marginal notes vufhes to receive propofjls for printing T"^ c y m "'* Ijecify the (urn per halt fhset, fr,t lrveri iir ren tW>ufan<i copies, the Printer •nrnifhing p Jj)er v which must be of fnch quality is is now fld -or f. ur d' liars ppr ream. Seal ed pr. polals, direiflerj to S. P and left at this office bef re the expir itior, of ten Hays mm ibis date, will be attended to. The terms of payment ill be laiis adlory. August 20 Bank of the United States, Augvsi 23d, 1800. WANTED, ape hvrtn Bills oil Amsterdam, At sixtv days sigbt; FOH WHICH Cash will be paid, At the rate of Furiy Cents per Gu'lder. A QJJ ANTITY of remarkable Jine Green Coffee, In Hogflieads, Barrels and Bags,. for sale by august 23 IN THE PRESS. A New and trite ejling WORK. 1 CIiNTITt D, ) Pra&ical Education, BT M/IRIA EDGEWQRTH, cod tf Aut'ior of the leriers ForLiterarytai!ieswi I the Parent* Afliitant, and by RICHARD L EDGEWQRTH, F. R S and M K I A. SuHcrirtion will he received vy Thomas Dob- Con, -ecin! Stnet PI iM«iphia, and Zachanah , J oulfon, ar the I'hi! jdelp->ii Li 'arjr ; y Brown Starfbury. and by George F Hopkins, New Vorh; : hotva, and .' ndrews, B fti.n ; Ifaacßew- . js, NewHaVii, and the principal Dookfe|ler>ii e United Mates anJ at the Office of this Gaz .tte. Aueuft %S• * IW 1 • • 1 \ • troLamk XVHI, ' v ' V * COFFEE. vt - ■» JAMES YARD. diot I i r 4t' O. • *\ „
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers