■ ■i .• Nk-tfunt 1471.1 T'ifi '-rice of tbtt Uazctie is Eight !•(<■ lo residing ■in the 'tiv if Philadelphia. All others pay one 1 in! :r Jdditi uf,for <erit!osing and Si 'PWtb<r*'}' abd unies'shontr ptfsdti Intbi* city ■y-tll Wfoie ■&«**»<* t'k f rtbe subscription, it %ft 'font I.fin Adtdnce. • * ffn Subscription will be-received for a sbarter term tbjn six months. Decern 1- n . ; r/.vN .m ; Frtm Atptfl %I—to Srpttmiei 1. Bioa HATH. Wedn?M»y Tl' ni'Miy FriU'y Suuday ;• r ' .. Tiefsif «. •-» V 4*!' • * rtfes »**» '* j J4 J • to—~n6 If • 5 ■ ■■■ 6 Ji • 5 —6 3* . , ~—& »9 - J J» —* *8 .* 33 f> *7 Wc3i*wai7 •Th«r*Mt Jft<*y - Iff 1 "* Baoor WonrtiT , Tqrf'*/ PRINTING, Neatly exectited At tht Office of the Gazette of the United States. Boak-W uk—P <>i() Mets—Hand-Bills, C irds-'-Blaulis i f all kinds, Sc . &r. Will ! e pri ; cd at the Shortest Notice. august 25. Trade interdi&ed with Baltimore,at well as Norfolk. Health-Office, Btb rio. 2tst, 1800. WHEREAS the Board of Health have received information that a contagious disease, dangerous to the community, now ccifts in NORFOLK, (Virginia,) and also the CITY OF BAL TIMORE, being, as is represented to us, equally ilckly. Whereupon Refolvcd, with the zC fent and approbation of the Mayor, that all veffds from thence, bound to the Port of Philadelphia, bring too at the Lazaretto, to receive a viixt from the Relident Phyilciap, ancj there wait the determination of the Board. And further, that noperfon (or goods capable of retaining infection) from NORFOLK, or BALTIMORE (hall be permitted to come to the City or Coun ty of Philadelphia, until they' produce a fatisfa-ftory certificate of their being at least 15 days in a healthy state, from thence, under the PENALLY OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, agreeable to the 7th feftion of the Health Law, half of which will be pid to the informer on cohviclion. All proprietors of Sta ges, both by l .nd ;?nd water, are desired to govern th rrhfelves accordingly. By ordvY of the Board, tDWARD GARRIGCTES, President. Pettr Kf.yser, Secretary. The Printers generally are requeft cd to give this a place in their papers as often as convenient. just come to hand, AND FOR SALE, Br THE SUBSCRIBER, SU PR'S FINS Sil-jfia rouans"| Ocas a h \toriaix 1 Fitie Brftagn - ? ! Entitled to D;> whitj. lariila* ■ debenture. E>topdl..-and I.iiia 'oi | Broivn Ritffia ftceti' ir< J . Wiib a gencr 7 aJjortimcM of British Goods, Which will be. lold irm t. r ca'h 01 ft vt credit. SAMUEL G. C X, No. Kj, Markct- rr«et. 1 aufcu«r ti FOR SALE, In the Ciy of BurlingU-r, State of Nt-ai- Jersey, TWO NEW TWO-STORY Brick Houses, Situate on Market street, BEING twenty feet front an*! 'hirty-two feet deep, each with ee'iar unJer them and kitch ens ia the reir, likewise a well of good water in front. ALSO, Four twenty feet Lots, Adjninirg the above prcmifes, ong fyjndr<d SRd . For terms of file apply t< the fubferiber in Bur li.ngtr.r, by whom an mdifputable title will be given. MICAJAH ELLIS. Surlingtoc, July 9, 1800 C 2?) eotf Gazette V - > •' 4 A- General P/leeting OF the cigjitops of J inws VV ilfou, Elq. d is r <)u ilc-d, st Mr- Ru li.c i 's Pavern, Si .:; '.( tin; White Swan, -in ft, No. 102, on Monday ilie 25tn jiiff"it){, at 3 o'clock 111 the AttelivVon, wh..ji ap-± where afi.'.feipcnt of his affairs wilt be l»id before tlirm. WILLIAM NICHOLS, Aam'imjlrator Au,:u(l 19 H. M -7 r 5* * 11 * - 11 44 For Sale, By LORAIN 6* SON, No. 5, No tb Tbiid St c/, C~i URR \FJS and low priced Hiftas, entitle 1 ft > draw 1 , ack. Aift> b'thtr c arle and fine \ 4 and 1-4 India Muflini. I'ilh md quadruple lineas. German D> wl-is, India Situ s. L«t- It'ingj ;r. 1-ieafhevr s, Rfbbone, Spades, Frying pma w;b a rariety ot other Iroi raongery and fealvr.ib.c Dry Goods. Alio, to be SOLD or BARTERED, FOR DRY GOODS, A bards md j-story BRICK HOUSE, itli pitzzi an l kiichtu a join -f. lituafe in Vnt rear Fourth t-ert, Uniiii: in rieni ftylc wit* ext llent ma'tria!* and well ca cuiat d to acqn.mip ■' n lji jjc iamily. a" ■'! r ' 13. dit.Mtf. 0 1 II Port Wine & Claret In Ca°:s,rf :b ■Jir t duality. Wine and Cyder Vinegar. In Hpts and Caflis For Sjlc by BENJAWIN W. MORRIi & Co- July 29 31W3W. TO BE I E T, Eitl fr separc.t-h or t>getber, The Two Houses, LA TFI.Y 1 ccujicd *s a HOTEL by Mr. Sa mnel Francis, No. 13, south Fourth street. For terms if ply 'o BENJAMIN R.MORGAN, Ho 41, Arcli tireet; - 1 a".- >»> Jacob Sperry 6c Co: No. lt;s. Makkbt-S I REST, Have receii/'.d by the skip Eagle, and other lute a -'iv.ils Jrom H WBIMG. The following Goods, Which they offer on ib ral terms; FMTOPIf 1 ! ~\ . rD»cint<*r=, j Caffi-rillai, |2-g | Coffee-Hill*, otcadillo», 1 i-r i 1 "P") t> i 'd,plain <ouans, i: j i and coloured, Crea« ala Mcrlarx, I ■ 1 Scaling Wax, Coutils, J t tfrom I.*ndi>n. A consignment oj , % Packages of Webbing end 3 Cases of the Washington Print. >n handf»me frames of lull length Fngraving. ALSO, 2 New Cables, F.a«h 125 istlioAu, \o and if inch, augufl 4. d6t m.&th tm Hfi Certificates of Stock of the Bank of tile United States, vie. No. 58o i 4, dned lit Ju y 1796, for ten (hares in the name of Charles Lovegrove cf New York. No i?;ii —No, 15111, dated id July. 79 S f-T "ive (hare eich in the name of •■arah of f'trurij. N<v 1 —"No; iR Ja-.uary, Bfco. for t< ri Oiires ei'c'.i, fn <ha name of Heru y Wailditlgtc 11, Merchant, Union. That jppt<riti->n it <Winded to l« made ht flw riid'gjnk fcy lh«l'Kc:ih*r», (or 4renewal ■>f tie L«n-, cf v»hifh ill per loo* concerned <rt rrQ'i tfnl i" tilte it tir^. WAtrDf>JG rdfo fr Garwood. f'hilidelphia, July j«, jfcoo. niwf jta ' Far Sale, In V e f'/tatdht vitfege of Mount No'h, Bur .i ten C 1 itftj't i 8 n iltsfron C opvr's Fc"ry t and 7fr in n ; ONI 1.M16 TWO STOKY Brick - House, FIV ; ' ant thirty fe-t 'q iat'e, four rooms on each fl > r, a'rtj a c-l!4r un ft the Whole.— Likewise fc.'joiriVijr, a forty foot ftont l.ot, litu ate on Mill Oreet, n<ar theroirkef, with anew Carriage House 3nd Sublet on the rear of ihe Lot, fron'ing * public alley. For further par ticulars »p['lv MAHLON PUDD, or ISA'\C CARR, in Burlington. Who wilffhtw the piemifes and nuke known the term', or of the lubfcril-er in Burlington, bj whom an indifputaWe t'itiewijlbe given, MICA-JATI ELLIS. Burlington, July 9, 1800. Joly 19 . eodtf. TO PRINTERS. FOR SALE, OLD Long Prime-, f>r»a!l Vica on Jhca B> dy, lirigliih, Ch.ifes, Comp- fine Sticks, and atrrcat variety of articles neceilai y to carry on the Print ing Bufinefa. They will be fold Cheap tor cath Apsiw to the Printer. July j i- PIfILADE LPU lA, FRID/.Y ' EV' NIXG, AUGUST -9, ,800. Notice. Loft, ■Notice is hereby %iven. United States, By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South For I <~ ■' J\ ~ .THE JEW PI ' T 3UILT \v So:HOo\'B'ft ; ST. TAMMANY, a' s,/, VVl.tf, abov# T.Urket Street, burthrn jo.t iw, fupppft# to he a itmarkahle taft d tnav be *t* ic'ifttr (eain a few dayi, Inventory to be feeu and terme <>:faUikttown by appl/ing to the sub scriber. CROO.Kfc STEVENSON, Ho. 4. Sjutb Water Street, j ALSO FOg SALE, j 35 llhcjs MuCbVaitu Stigjr: White itid tnWn Hava-. nab (lit o in boxes, i Ka'! Inrtia do. in bags. Weit India and C n'.try Hum. J&o Hbd>. MoUfles. Holland Gin I rrnrb ar.d Rpanifh Brandy. Pepper, Oflce, &c. Auj'ull 9. fa tu&th tf. :i • "! BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock Isf Watch Maicer, HAS REMOVEO To No. 36, Market Strket, Where he has for Sale, Spring and other Clocks ; gold and silver Watches: Tools, Files and Materials'; (Vel and gilt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs, Sic. &e. _ CLOCKS AND WATCHES Repaired .as afual. June 3 tii&J tf 100 HOGSHEADS PRIME RICHMOND Tobacco, For fie on a Credit, deliverable at New- York or t'is pi ce F quire of Samuel C. Cox, N... <ij, M irkct-flreet'. AntruTt 25. diw JUST PUBL'SHED, And to be Suid by JAMES y.UMPMRtTS, No. 1 ?6, south si .c Market Street, Reports of Cafe Argued and deiermit ed in 'h« HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY; (CtEAT-BKITAIN) comm i.cedwivh THE JUBGMBNTS r The Right Honora' 1c W I[.Lt SCOTT, Michaelmas 'ltrm I 7^B. By Charles ltubmlon, LL.. D. Advocate. VotuM'- I. Part I. Thife P#p rt wrl 1 e c ntinued regularly. The ficond Part wl;i h cone u.les this Volume is R'jw in the pref a:, will be J übli&ed with all the expedition pofiibie, flugu.t aj. GLASS MAN I FACTORY. THE PROPKIRTOR^ Of the (Htin H'urkt, HAVING procured a fuffici«nt number of tbcWioll approved European Gla.s Manu luiSlurtrs, aic' having on hand a large Itock of the bell Materials, On which Their workmen are now employed, have the j-.lcafure of alluring the public, that windoWglirf* of afuperi >r qua l.ty and of any ftze, fro.-, j by 9. to 18 by 2 ; inches, carefully picked in boxes containing 10c feet ea h, may be had at the iftortert notice. G'.afs of larger lizes for other purpn.es. may also be had, such as for pWures, coach deck sac «, Ac.' 8->ttle» of all kind* and . f ar.y quantity may also be had, together with pocket tialk*, pickling Jars, apothecary's (hop furniture, rother holl w ware—the whofeat lead 25 pe: cent, lower than articles of (he fame quality br ught from any of the lea ports of the United States A liberal allowance will he made or faleof largcq l amities. Ordersfr. m merchants »nd others will be pnnflually attended to on ap plication to J.IME" O'HAHA. or IN AAC CRAIG, orat the Storeof MelTrs PRATHEI< andSMILIE, In Maiket .Street, P ttfbnrgh, MSrch 4, tnthtf. Madeira Wine: The fubferihtr has received in the Apollo, from Liverpool, a Quantity of Hill's Old Loudon particular Wine, In pipes, hhdp. & qr. caflcs. GIDEON HILL WELLS, aiiguft 4. mw&l 4 w The Anti-Jacobin Review & Magazine, (VOL. IV.) *" Have just been received and are no-.v for sale, By A. DICKINS, Oppof.te Chri'l Church. Tu!v II- That large and coftimodious At the corn r of 'Arch and A intLJlrcets. TO BE RENTED,., , ; j And entered upon this flnontfc, the House, Sfa j ble. G ach House and Lots, now in the tenure or IMi jor Burler, lieu ate as, above. Enquire at No. A FEW COPIES HOUSE, ; :• it ) a-iSc.h jw Daily Adve reef. TO BE SOLD, '■ PU B Lie SALE, Oil-I'l.'tli Oay cjth ' I o£tob. r, oil the . . pr««f.;i:-s, Ji'hc Mary- Ann Forge«. And Plantation : c ITU;\ TJ:; part in Kfandywiue townlhip, an # d - ' ) art in Werckland, about 30 miles from Fhi- Jad ■lj hia.and one and an foal fliile Irom the Tur npike and LPwning's town ; containing a' ou- ?i. ?cr 9 wi'h aUownnc* ot 6 acre per ioo ; two thirds ot the land is good woodland, foojc excdjnlt meadow na.\dej ami much more can b" maic of the firft quality; the forge i* turned by the main branch of Brnn'ywinc reck, a fordftle .Str 3m. the forge has thre fires and two Hanrfftef* nM'iri gfcod repair The rfam,'>ei g j foßnd and we)! backed, and appirantiy able to | refi(\.ahy fr« fn (not supernatural) Likewif there is asrthcr ii vcL> llream and current ofwa-er, that epppties into tbe {aii dam, chat imgKthe v:rycon vei lent for a Grift Mill, or rithdr ktn : d of water works, might he wi-h facility crvitc'; tfvreis a good ttoa-itory Stfrne dwelling; houfle for the ac ct mmoriatidi'of the proptietor of the woj;k.s, wi:h an excellent faring and £ood houfc cve p .itcpn riguousto tJjcjdoor also convenient !ton< stabling, with an entry thr-ugh the mid-le lu'.hcicnt tfe accommodate three teams.. Kfii.* h uki.ey h contiguous to the forge Rtatfds 3 good stone office, and a num' er of convenient houfoajor the work man is ereited arrrply adequate lor thi said works If not then fold,it will be rented for a term of years Terms and Conditions ttftde knoWn by applying to WILi I AM E'VaKS, ia Wiliistown, er JOHN MAkSH a!»L, in 1 horn tury i owr.f. ip. N B. The Sale to commence at 1 o'clock or fair! day. A tog 5 sawfiu^ Prevention better than Cure. Fo r tbe ti'vektivn ind cure of Bilio s and 'Maltgrunt fevers, is recommended. Dr. H \HN'S I I f I Ansi-bilious Pills, TT T ,HICH have been attended with a d?£rree XV of fur'cif> highly grateful to thinven tor's feelings, in several parts of the \yeft In dies,an ' the f 'lithrrn parts of the United Stato partinilarly in Biltiniore, Petersburg, Rich, mofid, N'orfolk, Edeuton, niQharlcf ton, Savannah &c. The teftim my of anu n berof ptrl.»M« in each of the above places can be adduced, who have reafoii to believe that a tiinelv lift'of th s salutary re edy, has, un ler Pioviden-e, prcttrved their iives when in the mod alarming circumllances. Fails of thi> conclusive nature speak more in fav ur o' a medicine than c Inmns of pompous eulogy, founded on mer- afferti n, could do 'lt -9 nt ii.dee I prel'umptuoufly proposed is an infatlfcrt cure, but the investor has every pefFib'.i- reafnßj iili can refulr from txteafivr v Xperience fur belrevingrhat adofe ( these pills, taktn once every two u e.-ks during the preva lem eof o i annual bilious fevers, will prove an inallible preventa ivt ; am| further, that inthr e r ier stages of tiifife tlifeafes, their use will very gei erally succeed in refloring health an ', frequ -ntly in cases cliecmed defprrate ai*d bey '-nd the power of common remedies The operation of these pills is perfeSHy mild, and mayteufed with falety by perfonsin eve/y fituafi"n and of evt ry age. They are excellently adapted to carry ff fu perflnous bile and prevent it; mo-bid fccretione ) to rettore ar d amend the appetite ; to produce a free perlpiration and thereby prevent colds which are often of t'.ital con equence A dose never fails to remove a cold I tiken on its firft appe ranee. Thev are celebrated f r removing habitual cbftivenels, ficki c f f the flomach and seven; head-arr e, and ought to be taken by all perf ns on a charge of donate. I hey have been found iemaikjbly efficacious in prevmitinj' and curing most d'f-rders attend ant on long voyage', a 1 ft uld be procured and carefully prelierved for ut'c by every ftSamati. Dh. HAFTN'S Genuine Eye-ivatcr. A certain an.) faf<- remedf tjr all diseases of th eye* whether the eff-A natural weaknel'i, orol ■ccHeOt, f ee.iily r. moviig i(Hkimatioii«, de- Hii■ ns of rheum vlnllricft., ircMi <r, ttod fi.ms in 'he eyes, never railing t<> cure thofc ruala.li s «hit'> frequently, .succeed the small pot. meafl-'s and fe vers and wo 1 '.or u'.iy flrengthening a weak fight. Hundreds have eipcritfcert its excellent virtues when nearly deprived ol light. atbe Drops, The only remedy yet •medlire end tailing relief io ihe ucft frteire lo ttioafu , ' The Anodyne Elixir. For the curt of every kind of head-acla e, and ol pains in the fate ar.d neck. Infallible Ague and Fever Drops. Thu mcdicipe has never taiWi, in many thou sand cases not one in a hundred has had occasion rn take more than one Hottle, and numbers not hal a bottle. The moniy will be returned iftke cure is not performed. SOLD BY \Vm. Y. BIRCH, SI ATI 0 NR R, No. 17, South Second Street, And no where else, in Philadelphia Where also may he had. Dr. Haniiltw/s Worm D«ftroyirg Lossenge*, his Sovereign Elixir Jor coughs, &c. Kcftorative Drdps, Ffierce and Fx tra& of Muftafdi, Sovereign Ointment for fhc Itch, Dr. Hahn's infallible German Corn Piaifiter, In dian Vegetable Specific for the Venereal com plaipt, GowTand's and Persian LotUn, Reftoraiive Tooth Powder, Damalk Lip Salve, Church'.* C«ugh Drops, Anderfon's Pills, &c. &c. aprili9 m tf AN APPRENTICE wanted, At the OfScc of the Gazette of the United States. July 6 "'i ♦ i f f.t r \ *1 IN THE PRESS. A Nezv ar.dinte eflinz ■ 9 ' WOKK. ,M Practi ca 1 Edu c a tion, BT M.-RIA EDGEIVORTH, 1 the Parents .•UTi n ar.t, and by RICHARD L EDGE'.VORTH, F. R. S and M R I A. n Will be received vy Tfcop as Dob .ec.nl Street Phil id'-!; hia, an <1 Z.chanah alf >n. at the Ph iladelp*. h Library; (>y Brown ,:i \ c :a: fbury, and by George F Hopkir>P t New > tit; ; h"'.' a anil Andrews, B ift™ ; ifaacßeW rs, Slew Haven, and the principal Boskfctttfi'ia ' -.e Uniied Ma!c« and at the Office of this Gaz ette. , Anguft 25' • J t W. ♦ ' • '.l . m *• »k [Voluvjb XVIII. i■• p . , POST OFFICE, Paiadtlpbia jtngast z'tf&i rSoo. Utters ior the liritiih .Pasket L>icetler, &r England, ivitl bp ibis Office. U!)tii i u.khy 2 '. September, at 1 2 •l'cli'cU Noon. '■ ■ ■ >. N. B. 'l'he ij)l.;nd Portage to New-York 111u (th ' p-t i A u nfl aj, For Baltimore, m rj^kv dispatch, jwjwffij'j'l'' Jam s Vanjen, Master. To tail on Saturday or 1 uefday "Will take in freight < n moderate terms pplicaiiou to henvde toihr captain on board Levi JJcllings north, H WHO HiT> FOR SAI.K, lb Gonaives Coffcw- atid ffght tons of L'offlUHw) import d in f»id brig, the Coffee entitled to drawback on exportation. Advertiemciic. Came to the Plantation cf the in JVhiternarJb \ A R. D AND WHITE STEER. J HE wßcr i- ddsrffd to come aid pr ve pro- MAR l IN HOOKER. - . Augaft 16, BROKE INTO THE ENLOSURE OF THE SUBSCRIBERS, «■ IN ROX B O RO UGH TOWNSHIP PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, AH ED 3ud whi'e Cow ; the owner is deli red to'c.Hif prove properry, pay cf a ges, and lak- » av ALEXANDER Augutt 26 The Subscriber, M* • i f ■ i<- : . -1. ur»r >hip Anra, for* Wftrns all i'l rfnriA IV m fruiting or harbour ing ol'the re«r of Ti l Ship, as he will not pay at y del t* concra&cd by them. f m » August n \ Young Man, 13 E- FtfC iLYv if d 111 Merc, i tile arc unts, and brought up m > ne of the fir ft coHntirfj*- h •)■ fes* in thiw >y mflies He is at present hfent from Pi ila 'e'chn, hut a !jdo lef' at the Office ol jhe Gaz.-t'e of the Uni ted Starts ne will receive, ami it (hall he i:nme dia'ely attended to Salary a secondary o' j <sl To Printers. AFERSwN who his in contemplation the jiubSilhinc of a work that will make a bout 150 pages, pi r a oftevo, with marginal notes, withes to receive propnfals for printing r. They mud fyecify the f«m per halt fhiet, for seven or ten thoiifrni copies, the Hrihter tttrnilhirig paper, which must he . f Inch quality as is now fld ferfou' d> liars ptr ri'aTi Stal ed prcpnfals, dire&cd to S P and left at this office btt re the expir nop of ten days >om t) date, vill be'»?tended to. The terms of pjyrr.?nt will be fi\ii a&ory. Augufl ao 4teo. Bank of the United States, Aug us' 23d, iSoo. WANTED, a p p a 0 rr a Bills on Amsterdam, At six': days fig fit ; 1 Cash will be paid, At the rate of Fui;y Cent*per Gu tder. fl 7 t COFFEE. A q V A N T I T Y cf remarkable wt Green Coffee, In Hogflieacis, Barrels and Eags, FOR SALE BY JAMES august 23 >f«L "K«v Anguli r % '•'IV • J ■. • It v : ; - -<g y-*. - + v.-i m J dtf * J- "ARD. diot ' ""
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers