Gazieffe ' |U ) ■ i. -lsTqn» ; .1 "fJ 1 Sfc •jrf; Lt ' j . J't /■ j y. M j •„ * i r I * • I 'l Numbpm 2476 1 - to-1 tirw I im ►H7* Tie price of this Gazette is Eight DolLjns per annum to Subscribers residing 'it t/'E city of Fbiliidilfibia. All others pay •tt Dollar additional, for enclosing arid di re r ting- ; and unless-tome person in this city will become answerable for tbe subserijdion, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. *„* No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. December i J 799- ALMAN.%O Fr*m Stpkmhr i—to Stffmt* 9. high water. Werltufday Tburfday Friday Saturday Sunday 'M«n Jty T»c«»y WedHefday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuts !ay PRINTING, Neatly executed at the Office of the Gazette of the United States. Book-Wo-k—Pamphlet!—-Hand-Bills, Cards—Blanks of ail kinds, &c. &.C. WiH ' e prSi-.ted at the Shortest Notice. august 23. , T Trade interdi&ed with Baltimore,at well,as Norfolk. Health-Office, 8/■> no )ist t 1800. WHEREAS the Board of Health have received information that a contagious dil'eafe, dangerous to the community, now exists in NORFOLK, (Virginia,) and also the CITY OF BAL TIMORE, being, as is represented to us, equally sickly. Whereupon Resolved, with the as sent and approbation of the Mayoj-, that all vellels from thence, bound to the Port of Philadelphia, bring too at the Lazaretto, to receive a visit from the Resident Physician, and there wait the determination of the Board. And further, that noperfon (or goods capable of retaining infection) from NORFOLK, or BALTIMORE (hall be permitted to come to the City or Coun ty of Philadelphia, until they produce a fatisfactory certificate of their being at least 15 days in a healthy state, from thence, under the PENALTY OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, agreeable to the 7th 'fe&ion of the Health Law, half of which will be paid to the informer on convittion. All proprietors of Sta ges, both by land and water, are dsfired to govern themselves accordingly. By order of the Board, EDWARD GARiRIGdES, Prefidenf. Peter Kf.yser, Secretary. CJ* The Printers generally are request ed to give this a place in their papers as often as convenient. GLASS MANuFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, HAVING procured a fufsci»nt number oi themoft approved European Glals iV.anu fcfhirers, anil having on hai>d a large Dock of the 1 elt Materials, 011 which their workmen arc now employed, have the pleasure of alluring the public, that window glaf? of a fupei inr qua lity and of any size, from 7 l>y 9, to 18 by 24 inches, carefully packed in boxes containing lo" feet ea h, rnay be had at the lhorieft notice Gtafs of larger sizes fcr other purposes, may a!f» be had, such as tor phSluro, coach glares, clock faces, Vc. Battles of ail kinds and of any quantity may also be had, together With pocket stalks, picklmpjars, apothecary's shop furniture, Brother hollow ware—the whole at lea lk 15 pei c#nt. lower than articles of The fame quality brought from any of the lea ports of the United States. A liberal allowance will be made er sale of large quantities. Orders from merchants ,and others will be punflually attended to on ap plication to JAMES O'H RA <>r ISAAC Cii \IO, or at the Storeof McfTrs PRATHER and ■> MILIE, in Maiket .Streeh, P.ttlburgh. Vbreb tuthtf. Philadelphia &? Lancaster TURNPIKE COMPANY, THE Prtfidurt «i<l Vanaee » h»*« tfcit fiij drrl.T-'t! i d?vi cn<irt £n* ' Dol'ar* ;, n each (hare rf ftotk. of wtich, lit J.-llsfjcr Aire will he j tid ihc Sirekh«) 'fji or rh- jr -c};ref:rt»ti»rt injr jly vtir tr.e I4:h infant; the remaining («•* hit h;e<i rrtjinc.l inif FTp»ndi-d in tim |ir-iiiirg »nd <he agreeably «r* r. r oiufin«*f the flock• Wm. GOVETT, Treasuer. n>4t uij 14 £ 1; Ai 1.1 H. M' » 8 * 55 3 4° 4 33 5 6 « 5° 6 36 -Illtl SITS 5 6 15 5 36 6 14 5 37 6 13 j )t A %4 - s 4« 6 *0 S 4' 6 '0 $, 4* 6 !« BY Virtue of a Writ to me Hirefted from the Hon tabic Richard Peters Esq. Jid e of t(.e DiltriiA Court of the linked Sta ee. in ai.d for the Pennfyivania Diftriifl, will be ex p.fed to public sale on Tkurfdiy the aßth of August inlt. »t 11 no n, at the effi. e nf Infpefli n, No. 49, North Third ft eet, in the cily yf Philadelphia, Two Hogsheads of Rum. The fame been feirt-d, Sir. »nd Jibel* led aeainlt, prol'ecutcd and condemned a« lor fe ted, ic- JOHN HALL, Marshal!. Marfliall'k Office, > Pbiiidel*b>a. Aug ?a 1890) JiwtS j'O iv.s. Mace, 1 .. r .• 4 co lot. Nutmegs, J Jamaica Spirit*, 4111 proof, Do. "Suq;ar of the fird quality, H Uand Gin in pipts. Port-au-Piince Molafles—and 30 Tierces Rice. R. iJf K. have also on band, for sale, Hrfofl, 1 Y-m. g Hyson, & I TEAS, Seuchong J Cogniac Brandy, ift Sc 4th proof, Sherry Wine in quarter casks, very nice, 50,000 Spnnifh Segars, And a Variety of other GROCERIES. Augn ft 26 eo tf Port Wine & Claret In Cases, cf the first Quality. Wine and Cyder Vinegar. In Hpes and Quarter Caflts—For Sale by BENJAMIN W. MORRIS & Co- July 19 3»w3w. The Unexpired TIME of a BLACK BOY WHO has three year* and five, months to ftrve ; he is fobor, hoacil, a good wai ter, aiid underPtaNds taking care of horses. En quire at No. to, Pock lireec. July 29, %t/yl\tb, 1800. Found, '; ■ * A Red Morocco Pocket-Book, \X rHOEVER has loft it may receive it on avi- V V plication at the office of this Gazette, and paying the cxpence of this advertisement. July it, . of States, & Daily By C. P. Wayne,. No. 65, South Front-street VaILA DEL P 111 A, WEDNESDAY EVENIN'A, SEPTEMHER 3, .800. For Sale, the *v piii °T bd "-T SCHOOKEK Mr St. Tammany, NG at Say's Wharf, above Marker Street, burthen 70 t -114, fuppolcd ts he a remarkable fait failing veflei, ai (i may (•« fit ter! fnr lea in a few day*, Inventory to befeen and terms of fgilf known by applying to the sub scriber. CROOKE STEVENSON, >utb Water Street ALSO. FOK SALE, 35 Hhds Mnfco»nrl . Sugar. White and hro vn H-va'. n>h riit'o in boxes. Fait India do. in bags. Well India and C<>nr,try Rum ico Hhd . Molaflei. Holland Gin French ind Spanish Brandy- Proper, C ike, &.c. Augufl 9. For Baltimore, THE BR!G DISPATCH, Jam s Van»en, Master. on Saturday or Tuesday next- Win take in freight »n moderate terms- Application to be made 10 the captain on board at Jeff? and Rob*rt Wain's wharf, or to Levi Hollitigsiucrth Es? S: n. WHO HAV/ FOR SALS, 84,060 lb. Gonafvea Coffes, and right totis of Logwood import- d in said brig, the Coffee entitled to drawback on exportation. August 20. djt. Marflial's Sale, United States ) _ Pennsjlvani: District, $ BY viitue of J writ to nic dirt-fled froiti the Hm.orable Ricl.ard Peters, Esq. Judge of the DifKd Court of the United Sta es or the Pennfvlvania Diltri<9, will be exposed to Pub lie Sale, at the Merchants' C. ffee Uoufe, it-: the city of Philadelphia, on Mondijr the 3i > ■lay of SeftemTer next at 11 i>Vl"ck «f n ion, f-~—Tbt Vesiel called prudent, A» (he now Let at Brown'i Wharf—«*ith a'l and fipgiilar her tackle, ap parel, and appurtenances, the fame having h»en condemned in the laid contt a forfeit d &c. JOHN H Marjhal. Ma JhaPs-Office, /■■Ujjuft 27, ifoo. Marflial's Sale. United Stater, > Pennsylvania District, 5 Just Received, JSD FOR SALE RT ROBINE IT & KISSELMAN, For Sale, I For Sale, BY PUBLIC AUCTION---IN THE city oi' Washington. sHE toilowing property belonging to the Truf tees of the v 6 g egate Fund, provided for the pay mem of cert .in crediiurs of Edward Fox and ja::i■ » Greenleaf. ' M >v,d-\y ibe Gtb October inst. P ART oi the p'roperty of faiil fund, in the City of Vl'afliipgton, that new is ren iered clear of every ii cumhrauce, will be exposed at Public u.2i"n at Tannidifl Tavern, amonp-fl which are the following valuable fituatioi., viz. u Lots in Iquare No. 973, 1 Jots in fqu ire 974 15 lots in jquarc N»> 995, 1 lota in square 1; uth of fquari 1010, 49 lotfcin f'ruare 1010, 1 lot in square io»e; 1 lot in square 1031, 7 lots in square 1013 4 lots in square 10*4, 3 lots in square T045, 310 s in 'quare 1046, 9 lots in square 1C47, 11 lots in square HD4?, wi'h sundry others, advantagroufly iituared in various parts of the city. AWo the a ftorjr fra'- e houl.e cow occupied by Mr. Oehlois, beautifully situated (with an extensive view ol iev eral miles down the Potomac) on the fonth 03ft corner of square 973, fronting 4a feet on 11 street 1 east, and 41 fectonfouth G street r a commodious j Kitchen with an oven, &c. adjoining the south iront. A large frame liable, carriage hbufe ami j ay loft 50 feet by 25, ftnd a pump of excellent I water near rhe back doer of the kitchen, the lot •* : ending9i fetton «| 159 feet 1 inch j m G flrent, comprizing lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, and part J of ii, in the regifiered division of the square! i he fab-swill commence at the said t' Vern at ten o'clock in the forenoon. Ihe termione fourth call), one fourth in fix months, when a deed will be ijiven, the remain ing mr iety in two payment to be secured by bond and mortgage, fiur the creditors in the above fu.v.', may in li u of mortgage secure pay nent rf their bonds by ,Jep--Gt of c rificatm of the trustees at the rate of five (hillings in rhe pound, to the amount fecursd an I fticsld a dividend take wlace l elore the expiration of the tw will he fet'flf agsinft th« bond, aod the certifi cates rerurned in rhe fame proportion. Henry Pratt "j Thomaj W. Franci* j John Miller, jun. Trujlces. JuhnAfhley | Jacob Baker. THOMAS TINGEY, Agent. Augult 3'aw t» fa tu&th tf. r n tie pleasant v/lagl of Mount IloV.y, fflu*- .ington C untj, 18 mites from Cooper's Jerrj, and 7 from n ; ONE LAHC. TWO STORY Brick—House, FJVH mil thi;'y left fgjiri, four roon>i oi fach floor, iaJ * tvlUr un >r tkr whok.—. Ltkewift «4jnirtiit£' a fenyfom fcantl.o*. Dm •if* on Mil) Areei, »ti> »ht ntirktt, •id t nrw Cairlagt House Jnd fttablca-<fc (k« rear of b« Lot, fronting a public aDeju. further f*r uculan iprly t- ■ . • • ' MARLON BUDD, or .. ISAAC CARJL, in Qyrling^en. Who will (kcw tl.e prcpiil'ea and r jjbe Juiow tfc<klcrm<, or of ih« fubfcri'.'e'r it- Ryrfiiytrp, Sir who® ao iiuJifpulaMf rfifevill (it^ivrn. micajah ell Burliiifim, Jalf 9, I too, J'>'r »9 jtawtS TO LET, OK FOX SAL E, A 2-story brick house Situate in Dnke-%tre,t (or Artillery lane) Northern Liberties, TWO roo iu on a floor, kitchen and wafli houfc, all built of the brft material*, and in excel e;,t order; ce!lar» under the wh ,l«, one paved, ind ha« two lattice cl'ifcts wi h 'ock», a I'.rge gar iDand yar :. several fruittre.-« in th- gardm, 'wo ; um[ »"f exctllent water ne ir the i-remilts. Er qnirc at No, *9, Arch flreet. 'u'v • r t u Vf 6w A Summer Retreat. TO BE RENTED, A GENTEEL HOUSE, WI I H a flahle, carriag*-h ul'c and lot, Qtuatrd in a plraf.Rt parr of Trenton. The •erins will be moderate, ar.d pofleflion ran be had immediately j but the tenant will not be wante. to occupy the premifei after the lotfi ot next N vember. For term# apply t m tfii printer, or to ABRAHAM HUN T, e!q-.iire, in Trenton. ' tk M- tuth&slf To Printers. A PERSON who has in contemplation the publilhinfc of a work that will ma k» a bout »5o pages, pica oflavo, with marginal notes, wishes to receive prop»»fata for printing it. They mail fpecify the turn per half fh*et, for ft-ven or ten thousand copies, the Printer fnrnifhing piper, which mull be of such quality, as is now f ild for four dollars prr ream. Seal ed propofalir, direfted to S. P ajid left at this office before the expir.tienof fen days <rom this date, will be attended to. The terms of payment will be fatis;adlory. August 2o* The Anti-Jacobta Review & Magazine, (VOL. IV.) Have just been received and are now for sale, m A. DICKINS, Opposite thrift Church July aa. eo ft I Notice to the Pilots. rS hereby given—That in confeqtience of the Beacon on the Brown, being so much injured a s to render it unfit for service, a Buoy with a keg on the mart, will be placed on that ftioal, until it can be replaced by the Beacon, of whirh due notice will be given. W. MACPHERSONi Superintendent. I August 16 diy ,"-'ir.'T; For Sale, A FEW COPIES City Commissioner's Office, Pbiiaitlpb-a. Aug. iGlb, 1806'. TNpurfuance o an Ordinance of the Seleil and -I !-omm«o Council!, l afc the »id day of May 1797. PROPOSALS, (in writing} . , Will he received by the C.iy Co>tnifli oners, until the thirtieth day of September n< j xt, for renting en l.eafcs, for one year, *o commeme on the first day of |anaary next, the following public pro; erty of the city, viz. 1. The-Wharf ar,d Landing pq Vine Street. ,4. ditto on Saff frai do. 3 Ditto on, Mulbury do. 4. The Wharves and Landings om High and Chef. nut streets. 1 Ji Ditto on Walnut stuert, thei'Drawbridgr, Spruce, Pine and Ce lar streets, iucludini' the Fifli House. 6. The Cellar under the City Hall. Applications may he left with either of the Commifßoners, or with their clerk, at No. 6) Cherry Street. eot.ioS 300 Dollars Rbwaed. LAti i tattnlay ugf.t my shop in Water (lieet was Opened by a fall'e key, and sun dry articles of Ji wflleky, to the amount of ten or twelve hun Ired dollars, were carried off Among them were, Two marrow Ipoor.s marked " Worr « k Ljlctt cfli'9 ot Mr James Rob rtfon akd wile, <f Peterfcurg—or.c do-'of aMr King' "bffe'do. of l*St John Trimble, late of this town, the bark set with a large blue gbfs and a smaller in the re .tre, under w ich wai a plait of hari lid (trait, with J. ,T. in a cypher w».ike lif peail Together with a nnrs' cr of iancy pie res, painted by Sully, whi h cannot now Bf relieved : 5 B»jtfwW» Calls flampc The following Watches: I Gold watch, maker's mme ProvaH, Paris l silver do Thomji Green, Liverpool. 7 jej i do do George BifieH, London, i3,jco i golr', do. Fr'nch, no rrjnje i 'o do. John Ryland, Lond' n, 2331 I lilver d.', French. J ro nnmr 1 do. do Jtrl n ;'nH, Loudon, 744 i pold do. Rodart, Varn 1 filvtr do. Joseph Kem er Shaw 1 do. do. j. Darli ,gton, London 1 do. do. No. 9.^61 i piltdo. G. M. Mefcalf, Lond. n, 4196 I Jil'trdo. Oer.tge Hal'wood, London, 2906 1 <lo. do. J Smith.' Lond. n, 111 I double c»fe gilt watch, R. Cfoarn, Rich- mond, 8 7''4 icb Do;lars will be piven for the refloration of *he jewelltf T'f-or -too dollai 5 it th* llitcf Or liiicrves are also feou.vd. Mr. UifDni Morris, the owner of the Watchgjßt'. jch »eri taken at the fame tim<-, will 100' dollars ffr them. J"'y >9 §5" The "rimers at Peterfburp, Richmond Ale* jiul ia—Uiltimore—Charleflon - and o thers. are requeued to insert the above for a r,w ' mes FOR SALE, e«dtf In tie Cij of Burlington, State of Nctu- Jersey, TWO NEW TWO-STORY Brick Houses, Situate on Market flreet, BEING twenty feet front and thuty-two feet deep, each with cellar un Jer them mi kitch ens in the rejr, likcwife a well of good water in front. ALSO, Four twenty feet Lots, Adjoining the above yremifes, one hus«dr*d and si ty ftet deer. For ttrms of sale applj t the fuMcriber in Tur lington, by whom 311 >*difputable title will be MICAJAH ELLIS. Burlington, July 9, i goo (29) eotf Baltimore and New York Mail Stage Office IS removed from No. 13 South Fourth flreet, to No. 1 8 South Third Qrect. An Office for those stages is also kept at Bar Hardy** Inn, No. 98 Market street. Oenom' Pod Office, 100 HOGSHEADS PRIME RICHMOND Tobacco, lor f.ile on a Credit, deliverable at New- York or tl,is place. F.'quirt- of Samuel C. Cox, No. 83, Market-flreet. d i xv Anruf 1 25. wanted to purchase, A FEW CANAL LOTTERY Prize Tickets, By M. M'CONNELL, At No. 143, L-h_fnut-ft. ♦tfO 'upfrir Loft, yesterday, A white young Pointer Dog, WITH liver coloured spots, taU and very thin—fcamed Momus. Any person giving inlurmarinn where he .nay be found, ;it No. i»6, Chefuut ftrect, will be liberally rewarded. To Printers. WANTED—in Exchange, A FOUNT of Long Primer, weighing 6 or 700 lb. or upwards, and a Fount of eighiiig 4 colt> a . or upwsrdi. Brevifj Advertiser. , r w. 'l'-" 1 <•' J. T '^i' | Robbery. AND wd 6t ./!„V I- ><• y xiq*i _ psg-ss^&K Pfoprietor, in the words iolloWirig, to wit. I'ables of T)ifount, or Interest, FROM one to two thousand ;on evetyten dol lar!-,from two tb, uiand to two thousand five hun dred ; on e* , » fifty,from two thousand five hun dred to three thousand, and on every five hundred from three t! oufa:.d tb fiv thoufand—from one day to ujty-four days inclufivp, A'T SIX PER Jl NI\ Comprizing, iu the whole, Upward* of one hundred arid thirty two thousand one hundred acc 'rcii: g-o the cqnita .le f i incipl. sof th lSank», and as pra<sHfed between individuals throughout, the United Suates ° WITH NOTES" Preceding the work, (hewing fyow, by means of the Tah!,-s to „fccr(ain the UiifgQflf Al' SEVEN and at UIGHr Pi;R CEN f. reckoning either or 365 days to the year—explained by examples. /• LS , Anotfler under the firft p 9 ge of the W«rk, (hewing the m«de ol calculation on CENTS. LIKEWISE, The ready way to use the rubles for any number of lJay* exceeding-fixfy-four To ::1! wh.cb is add <l, the jrincij l?s of compu ta'ion tif the various exchanges betwten each flat refyiihv'ily, and betwi/en all th-Te and London and Paris, at differ nt >:.tes of Fxihange By JOHN ROWLETT, Accomptant, Bank of North-America, IN CONFORMI rv to the aft of t- e Con gress "f ths United States ( inritnled u Aa [iSAt,.]. by f-curii g the copies o' Maps, Charts and Do"ks to the Authors and Propri etors of such copies during the time here in mentioned (Signed) D CALDWELL. Clerk of the Uistt ict 1 f r anguft 1. iaw 4 w. TO BE SOLD, A 1 PUBLIC SALE, On Fifth Day the gth ot Ottobrr, on the prernill-s, The Mary-Ann Forge And Plantation : SFTUATE part in brandywine townftiip, and parr ii. WVrcklaiH, about 30 miles from Pht- I*d Iphij r and anhal mile from the Turn pike read, and Dowping'g town ; containing a out 33c acres, with allowance of 6 acre* per roo; rwo third of the land is good woodland, (ome excellent meadow ntide, and much more an be made of the firft quality ; the fcrge is turned hy the main branch of Branny wine Creek, I forcible Stream, the fofge has three fires and 'wo hammer- all in repair. The darn being 'ownd and well backed, and apparantly able to refill any freih (not supernatural) Likewif there II an thcr lively stream and current of water, that empties into the fa\s dam, that might be very con venient for a Grift Mill, or other kind of Water works, might be wi»h facility ere&ed* there is a good tw>*-(1ory stone dwelling house for the ac commodation ot thepropiit torof the works, with an excellent Ipriug and good house over it; con tiguous to the door also convenient none stabling, with an entry thr- ugh the mid 1 fufficient t* accommodate three teams, befi les hackney horses; contiguous to the forjfe stands a good store office, at d a num' er of convenient houftts for the work man is ereiled amply adequate lor th? f3id works. If not then fold it will ' e rented for a term of years. Terms and conditions made known by applying to WILI.I \M EVANS, in Willistown, ©r JOHN MARSHALL, in horn bury Townftiip. N B. Ths Sale to commence at 1 o'clock oh said day. Aug, 5 saw6w^ H. MAXWELL, Printer, has removed to Columbia-House, (F rmerly 111 the tenure of Mrs. Groo.'nbrijge) South-Weft corner of Sprsce and Eleventh August ?5 Eliflha Fisher & Co. No. 39 N nth Front Stree", HAVE OH HAND AHD FOR SALE, GPR.MAN S TEFL, window glass, hats abort ed in cases, Niils in calk«, and a hrije aflort ment of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sad'ery, Coach, and Han.efs Furniture,Erafs and Ja: anned Wares. _Hy 29 Now Landing, And for sale by tbe sub .cribers, ijo PIPES OF Lisbon WINE. JFBSE & ROBERT WAI.N. <I2W July 30 Pillols, Guns, Gun-locks and Flints, Far sals by EJ.ISHA FISHER Is 1 Co. No. 36, North Front-ftr-et. Aagvft I*- * TO PRINTERS. FOR SALE, OLP Long Primer, Small Pica on Pica Body, •in, lifh, Chafes, Composing S >ck«, and a;reat vantty of articles neceflary to carry on ihq- t'rii.t ing Business. They will be fold cheap tor cafe \pply to the Printer. P-* - >r t-i ' 'J. t W)'^ ? i,A. -•* A ngpr? V ~ fVoimm*. X\'lll. Streets. Wl* tu tb fa. rm.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers