LATE FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. LONDON, June i 3. ..An Imperial order is issued to the licen ser i>t" the pref* at Vienna, forbidding all bOoks or Jlorjes of enchantments, gholls, robbers, iin pollers, and associates of frater- n»y, - -It is flow doubtful whether Genoa could liav; been more ufcful to the French as a pofiVffion, or 4S a mj*am of deceiving the Audiians refprftiug the .object of the army of re'ferve. Had it not been imagined that -the of that army was to raise the liege of Genoa, it mjg'ht never have been alowed to march withfo much ease to Milan. Me'as, we are told, wjll hive an a«ceflion of 30,000 irieo that tyere blockading Ge noa ; but" admitting the number to have been so gfeat, a large garrifoh mult be, left in the city, and the French have obtained iO,OOo meh that wery Thus the Auftriaiis will not have many more than 10,000 men on the bftl/.nce. • Several gun boats, with a number of flat bottOnlfd boats, have arrived in the Downs, and, it is reported, that 9000 troops are to embark at thu ,p v ace. , The mutual publication of intercepted let ters will have a gQod efltS£l upon statesmen and fccrejtaiies. They will be careful what and how they write, when they know that they may soon come before an impartial public: . The zeul for redoing monarchy is of a veTy fulpici'ous kind. 'l'he king of Sardinia owes fa'very Few obligations to his very good friends that even the French begin to pity him. The forty-nine commrffioners of police, th« twenty-four peace officers, and others of the commune of Paris, are required, by an edi&.iffued by the prefeft ot police, to assist, by every means in their power, the searches for conicripts and reqgifi'tionilU, who ertde*vour to evade the law within the twelye.diftritls of Paiit. The renewal of the treaty of alliance be tween Kullia 'and Pruflia, which would ex pire in sous months, will (hortly be com» pleted and for .'arded to Peterfburgh. T';- French have found at Milan the park and magajine of rcferve of the Austrian ar my, the magazines of clothes, &c. the de pots of Teveral regiments, the hospital, &c. The priie is inmienfe. ' Letters frtm Geneva fhte tht arrival of » great put of the new army of reserve, Confiding of 50,000 men, under general Brune. That town is full of soldiers—the fmallefl bouse lodges eight or twelve men. We have seen an account from Paris, 7i»hiohfis»t«si that Tiirih, Tortona, Aleflan *lria,; Pizzighitone, and Plaifance, were in the han(ls ot the Fiench. It is stated in the journals that .the Bataviafi government has sent admiral l)e Wiiiter on a special commiffton to the chief consul. .The cabinet of Vienna strenuously infills upon the Eriglifh fending to reinforce the Aullrian <arn.y in Italy, the tro<w~"*"'7~ navr in the Mediterranean. j r irtwm -mat"jrrsiJ"ey Smith is coming -trome, as well as general KeoliW. and mn(l of thft <»®—" wclu out w ' l h '" m * June 25. We are happy 10 announce the fafe arri val of the homeward bound Well-India fleet, which, to the number of 100 fail un. der convoy of the Prince of Wales, palled Plymouth 6n Monday. A lugger arrived at Plymouth the day kefore yeileidar in 36 hours from Karl St. Vincent's fleet, which he left on Saturday afternoon, all well, about 6 leagues * eft of UfllJDt. A Mail from Halifax and New-York arri ved thw raornii g It was brought by the Earl Gower packet, which left Halifax on the 27 th of May. Letters from Berlin in the Paris Journals, mention, that it is generally believed that the Northern powers are about to conclude a treaty of armed neutrality against Great- Britain. The treaty of the 7th of August, 1792, between Russia and Pruflia, has been renew ed at Berlin. l|t is no: yet made public, whether any additional at tides have been ann xed to it. A letter fr m Vienna, dated June 4, an nounces, that vhe Pruflian minister of (late, count Hangwitz.i' arrived privately in that capital, where he has had several conferen ces wiih M. Thugut, which are fupppfed to relate to an approaching peace ; that an other French courier had arrived there on the 29th of May, wi>h frefh propositions en the part of the French Consul. and that the public voice calls for the re-appoint ■ rtent of the' Archduke Charleo to the com mand of the armies, &c. The Journal du Commerce announces from Frankfurt, the 7th June, that they were in consternation at Vienna, op learning that thearmyof rtferve had descend.d into Pi edmont } that thty loudly blame Melas foi his want of f rcfight, and that they spoke much of ferding him a fnccelTor, that the aulic council ot war at Vienna had fat for twenty four hours without feperating, de liberating how to Hop if pofiiblc the pro gress of ihe Fi;ci)th am y. COURT OF KINGS BENCH, Tuisdaj June 10. Sating before Lord Kenyon, and a Special J u, 7- PORRINS 81 Co. w. KENSINGTON. This was an a<f\ion en a Policy of Jnfur ance on a cargo of wine Ihipprd on board the Jonge Frmcefco, captain De Jonqwer, bound from Mataro, in Spiin to Amftir dam. MdTr? Dorri;ns had effe&ed this policy for Messrs. Hannenbufg, of Atrsfhr dam. Tiie tliijv by ftrris «f weathef, Vas obliged to put in at Ho vies, where the was unlo»de<i and repaired ; one thii<l of dietaTgo was reladen the'rtft detained Qn account of ti c repairs. This was in the month of Ja nuary, 1795, and. Messrs.-D. J & Gi. the agents at Cnwes refilled to let her proceed on her vovage, 011 account of the critical" Hate of affiirs in Holland at tb*t ' time-. On the 29th of the fame month, (he \v: s (1 ized by the Dutch coinniiflioiteTS, and confifcated. The learnsd cotinfcl for the defendant coiltenedf that she had fiolated the charter party, by putting in at Cowes : tint" if Ihe had not deviated from her original deftirU tion, she would hjive arrived M r at her He-' flined port ; he., therefore was of oprmonthe Qontrait was ,vitiated. Lord Kenyoji fa:d thatahij veflil had'iflfct 1 with an uuprofperous voyage ; that was alone owing to the peril; of the fa i (he h'<d Been riecelTarily detained at Cowes, therefore the Jufy rhuft fcFr the fain tiff. —Vtrrdivt for Plaintiff. T' l " » June 1.1, On the 2J of June, adifpatch from Eiio napirte received in the [Sitting of the Council fit State,, in which he .still affcils the,brief Oyje of Caeftr— ' Vcui ! vide vici!" That of the Chief ConfuK however, is nei ther so explicit nor expreflive-*."- Tout ra tin inieuSt!"—"Allgoeson for the Left!" FROM PARIS PAPERS Tran flat ion of a Circular letter from the Admiral'y to all the officers commanding vrffels belonging to his Britannic Ma j'fty- Whereas in confquence of the communi cation which we ha»e made to the right honourable Henry Dundaa, one of his ina jerty's principle secretaries of State, of a letter which the board of tranfp' rt has re ceived from citizen Ott, commissioner for the exchange of French priloners. 10 inform him that the minister of French marine had nounced, by icrcular letters, in aIK the ports of France, that in future the English filhermen (hould not be taken by any French /hips of war, unless they should be armad, ordifccvtred to have m de signals of com munication ; Mr. Dundas has notified to us the intention of the king that the oiders which had been given to the commanders of his ro»j<*fty'» (hips to take French and Dutch fimermen, and their vedcls,. Ihould be revoked for the present, and that .the fai'l officers (hould be enjoined to treat the said French (ifhermen, in the fame manner as before the publication of the said orders. In consequence we require you ta co: f jrm tp the intentions us his majesty. (A true copy ) The commiffijiieri of the French government for the exchange of prisoners. (Signed) MTLAN, June 8 The following order ban juft.l'een tfie Cisalpine Republic : 1. All the citic? of 'he Cisalpine republic fliall fucc ffively org nize their naticual gUßrds 2 This organization (hall be made ac cording to the difpofitiont that had been adopted before the ir.vsfion of the territory of the Cisalpine Republic by the Auftrians. 3. It (hall be made under the protediou of the military authority of the French ar my, and under the fuperntendance of the municipality. 4. Tne cities of Milan, Pavia. Bologna, Lodi. See. fliall immediately organize their rational guards. General Pino is charged with the orga. nizalinn of Milan. Officers shall be named by the several commandants to take charge of the organization of the other cities. ALEXANDER BERTHIER. DOMESTIC. CYSTINE, Augu Jl. SCHAEFFER THE IMPOSTOR. Efh a3 ofa letter from Halifax, July ij, 1800. " I received your letter relating to Ma jor SchaefFer, and on e- quiry found him here, at a Hotel. I communicated your letter to the Governor, and by the advice of the attorney general, he was taken up under the Alien aft, which enables the Go- > vernor to fend suspicious perfops out of the < country. I attended at his examination 1 before the magistrates, and I think I never j (aw a man discover more effrontary, till he i found he was going to jail, he then began to shed tears, [lib tin box of papers are staled up, and are to be sent with him to N. Yoik k where he wilhbe delivered up to the American government. Among his papers is the one adveriifcd by Mr. Meredith, with Mr. Meredith's fame to it, dated August '9B. and he was advertised Oflober '9B. This paper, and a large parchment he has are well executed, but a little attention would "prevent any one being deceived by them. The paper with 1 Mr. Merediths name to it, is likewise signed by Governor M'Kean, Timothy Pickering, Governor Jay, Governor Clinton, and all the princi pal officers <>f the Government, and recom- I mends him to all the titizens of the Uni • ted and Great Britain, to an unlimi | ted i rtdit, and makes all thofc gentlemen jointly and severally answerable for all sums ot money he might draw. He had nearly negotiated a bill with the Cashier here for one hundred.pounds, and another with a- Mr. Findly forpne hundred.and fifty ponnds. lam convinced he is a great villain. He exhi ited among his papers a certificate from a Gracd Lodge ia America, finely ex ecuted on parchrrent, and recommending him as a worthy brother. To the parch- Hient a ribbond wa3 affixed which rurt through a round tin bsx, which was gene rally supposed to contain the Seal, of .the Lodge : However,. on elofe examination, and on opening the box> it was found there was no Seal there.'* ) BALTIMORE, August 14- T< anflated f?r the Federal Gaxette. Report of general Deflalines, commander id | chief of the army of the Welt, aga'Bftthe rebfela in the department of the South, to the Geqeral Chief of the arm/ of St. , D-ooiingo.' ' ' ' : i6th Meflidor, (July 4) Bth year. My Genera' i<Jta}?rch'ed this morning wi*h the retr)ain derj«fll>e right column, and that of the left, to occupy the heights of the plantation Dti freie, where th» 6th, 7th. 9th and loth Jenn-bsigades were encamped. Being arri ved ttiere, I saW the enemy in great num bers. encamped on the-plantation Dufrete, and in the plains of Acquin. I formed the j right coltimu-into three divisions ; ;he right commanded by the chief of brigade Laurent Defir>; the centre by the chief of brigade Paul Louverture, and the left ky the chief ( of brigade Dornage. These three divisions 1 began their march for the plantation. The firft division had fc rcely arrived at its desti nation, (the two others beirg still on their march,) when the enemy feeing this manoeu vre, made a sally from the plantation and took to flight. The divivifion commanded by Dom"age, fell in with and engaged them, but the affair was rot serious until their arrval at Acquin. 1, Thtre the enemy then rallied and gave battle : The '4th and Bih demi-brigades whicTi were in advance, fuf taiiied (he fire of the en: my foi- two. hours; when, tflje other two divisions having come' up with the enemy, he was beat en and put to route. I ordered the Ca valry to advahce. who made great (laugh ter, and the .enemy were pursued to. the sea (hore, whe e a number of tl em who at. ' tempted to embark, were destroyed jn the ! water or among the reeds. I returned and ordered th: column under general Laplume, which had not been engaged, lo march ahead on the great road to Cayes, in order to purfut: the enemy to a certain distance ; but &c the ioftaut I arrived at that town, ' another column of the enemy, which had sallied out from I'Anfea-Veau, attempted to take us by surprise, and F had scarcely time to draw up the third battallion of the 4th j demi-brigade, when he made his attack > he was, however, quickly repulfcd, 1 made in this-tail aftair many pris oners, whom I fend to you, amen? other?, the chi-f et brigade Piverger, two pair of co lours and one brass four pounder. Piverger been wounded, and I have given him all the afliftance in my power. Many of the white and coloured inhabitants of the parilh |vUMU I** 1 ** fl £' , humanity which you hive pretcribed in your 1 inftruflions. We have taken the port-folio of Rigauc! j and the copies of his Jctters ; an-' he nar ! rowly escaped being taken hiinlelf. ; We have alio found i:i one of the forts on the fca-lhore, two 24 pounders, and one nugazine si.l :d wirh ammunition. I cannnt inform you of the quantity, as I have new : a lever at the moment of writ'ng. Health and rel'peft, (Signed) D ESS A LIKES OTTO. Another dispatch from general l")e(Talines to general Tou (Taint, dited I'Anfe-a-veau, July 7th, mentions that place and the neighbourhood having been cleared rf the foops under Itigaud, and that Petit-Trou, .was on the point of being evacuated by them ; that the inhabitants and cultivators of Acquin and I'Anfe-a-veau, who had fled, had tnollly returned to their homes, and re ceived the vi&oiious troops of ToulTaint with open amis. Among the letters of the enterprising chicltJin TouflVmt Loiiverture, the follow ing defer ves to be recorded, it is dated at Leoganer J*fy -Tjfby {si'l Meffidor) 1800 —lt is direflied to G. DdYalliries after the redu£\ionof Petit Troxc. " Citizen General, M The details contained in your letter to nie refpe&ing the capture of Petit Trou, give, me the in oft sensible delight. Conti nue, Citizen General, .to cause the arms of the Republic to be triumphant and refj/efled. Clierilh with the gredtrft friendfhip thofc persons of every age, sex, and color, who have been led affray, and now return to their duty ; cause them to retradt their errors ;. the planters have been most cruelly deceived. Take pains that the landholders arid their property be duly refpe&ed and prote&ed, preserve ordsr, r<-eftablifh cultivation, and exadlly purWe my inftruftions for the pur pose of avoiding the effufion of huiisan blood. And may you be Govered with that glory, which you have so lichly deserved of your country, you/ chief, and your fellow-citir aei.g. INT LOUVEKTURE." • In the Borough of Fran kj'ord, BORDERING on tht fide of Frculif»rd creek, with a large will finifhed Hone dwelling, house thereon,, with. a hritk kitci-en adjoining; and alto a UnzP 'convenient itan e coa.h houfe and lfabk- "The lituation is health) and agreeable. For luriher particulars apply to the fubferiber onthepremifeK. • WILLIAM GEORGE. Aujufl J. i« i*Slt '< and friend (hip. For Sale, A LOT G'azetfe of the United States- PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST if). - PRICES OF STOCKS. Philadelphia, Aocoet li Old 8 perC&ut Stock for calh M«wß perCent Stock do- io8"« 108 1 4 Six per.Cent.:(net amount) 87^ Navy do. do. 87 Three per Cent. (Jo. Jj Deferred, - do. Bj| ! B4INK United.States, do. 31 [ 1— PSnnlylvania, do. s6 North America, do. . 48 (nfuransecomp. N. A. ihares 10 pet cent, be low par Pcnnfylvania, ftiares, it per cent, adv, Turnpike Shares, jo per cent, nndtr par.' Bri.'.ge (Schuylkill) Stock, par. | Kaft-lodia Company of N. A. 7 per cent advance I Land Warrants, ij dolla. per ico acres. j, COURSE OF EXCHANGE Billson Lou. at 30 days for cafe r 7 l per tt. ljo. do. 60 day* do. 170 do. Do. do. 90 days do 169 Bills on Hamburgh at 60 days 36 a 37 cts. per Mark Banco Da. in Amdcrdam, 60 days 39 a 40 cts. per Florin. Having at length engaged a gentleman of dilVinguithed talents to aflift in writing a History of the Life ef the late General Wafliington, this work will be immediately commenced, and will be compleated as ex peditidufly as the nature of such' an under taking will permit. Byjainsc Jlvgust 16/3,. 1800. , • I 1 Health-Office. Bth month, ijth, 1800. WHEREAS the board of Health having received information that a coHtageousdifeafe. dangerous io the com munity, now cxiftain Norfoik, "Virginia Whereupon RES OL V ED, That all vejfels from thence bound to the port of Philadelphia, bring too at the Lazar' tto, ti recei'.e a •uifit from the Re/tdent Phyjician, and there wait the determi nation of the Board. . .... r • And further, That no person (or goods ca pable of retaining infeQion J from Norfok Vir ginia, Jha I le permitted to come to the city or county of Philadelp' ia, until hey produce a fatisfsflory certificate of their being at leafl Jif teen days from thence, under the penalty of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, agree able to the -th feStion of the Health Law, half of which wi Ibt paid to the informer on con vißion. £DW \RD GARRIGUES, 'Preftdent. PETER Kl YSER, Secretary. DlED—l.aft Tliurfday night, at his conmiy rtficfcrre near Frankford, Mr. __rj : a.— yj ?. u.—tj i en -J—°— and of this city. Died; in Centre County, on Tuesday the 23d ult. in the 2id year of her age, Mia. Rachkl Rose, daughter of General John Pattort, a lady whose amiable qualities en deared her to till her acquaintance. Israel Israel, who has been a constant can didate at every opening, is now brought for ward by one Worreii (fee the Aurora) as a candidate for the office of Sheriff one of the reasons afligned for what Worrell him felf admits to be an impudent intrusion, is whimsical enough,—He fays that the Uni ted States has become, like a dirty " Augean Stable'' in allusion, we suppose, to the late importation of United Iriflimen, See.—hence he concludes that Mr. Israel being bred ir. a Stable, may be a p:oper person to cleanse itThis might be well enough, if we could fee any connedficn between the business or duty of a Sheriff, arid cleanling the State of its filth. If Mr. Israel has the abilities re quisite, the tetter way would be to make him a Governor at once. -v I At a meeting of a number, of inhabitants t of Delaware county, convened by general j notice, at the Black Horse tavern, in the township of Middletown, the 9th day cf j August, iB6o— imanimavtly, THAT the pad . services of Nathaniel Newlin, in different public employments, do justly entitli him to our future confi dence—We will therefore l'upporthim with our fuffrages as Senator for the diftrifl compoled of the city and county ».f Phila delphia ; ■ d county of Delaware, at the en suing tie ft ion, and recommend Mm to our fellow-citizens of the fame diftrifk. Resolved also, That Hugh Lloyd; Wil liam Weft, Benjamin W. Oakford, Davis Bevan and Richard Flower, be a committee to correspond with the Federal comrrittre of the city an*) county of Philadelph.-. and to communicate to them the pr® of this meeting. Resolved, That we' will support Jonas Prellon and Mofei Palmer, member's of Aflcmbly. and Jonas Eyre, as County Com ntilfioner. Resolved, That a committee of eleven perfi/ns be appointed to attend the meeting ofChefter •">unty, to be held at Well Ches ter the 30th inft. to confer with them on the fubjett of felefting a suitable charader to represent the diftrift in the Congress of the United States —the f.iid committ--e to con fifl of the following gentlemen, viz. Richard Flower, Isaac Gilpin, J'frph Men-Shew, Mark Wilcox, Jof-ph Pennell. Jonas Prellon, Berj*iuin H- Smith, William PepnOck, W. O.ikford, Joseph Hcfkins, Thomas Bifbop. Signed by order of the meeting, RICHARD RILEY, Chairman. Benjamin H. Smith, Secretary. - Ttt ipe Editor of iht Aurrx Is John Barclay, mentioned in your p.'.- per of this morning, the' front Innan who was formerly Prefidertt of the Bank of Penn sylvania ? For tbe Gazette of the United States* Mir. WAYNE, UNDER the treaty ■with Great- Britain, large sums of money were lor.g since expefteJ to be returned to our mer chants and insurers, many at" whom arcveiy much etiibai n.lTed by the delay, occalioned by certain disagreements or objeftions on the part of the American Commiilioners refpefting the Virginia debts. I would now aft, what has Virginia done for the Fideral government that the merchants of the whole union, with all thole to whom they are in debted, embracing a very great portion of the community, ftumkl be kept out of their money —is it merely to serve the Jacobin An ti's of Virginia ? Tile honest part even of that Ibte having paid the debts to G. Britain, it is pret'umcd none others than the J rcobins can be benefited by the present de lay. How long t'lis delay will continue I know not. but, this I do know, if either our jjt'overnment or their commiflioners are the fote cause of keeping the merchants, sic. out of their monies, now due, by the ;reaty, Cbngrefs ought to alluine and pay ;he fpoliatioa debts. MERCATOR. For tbe Gazette tf tie United States. •. I' . * •X -. * ' • r. SUPREME COURT U. STATES. LAW REPORT. On Sainrda} the 9th inft.: the Supreme Court of the lj»ited States, commence! its ft-ffipn for, AugullTerm—th.e quorum con sists of their honors Judge Patterfon, Judge Chafe,Ju-lge Wafhiftgton and Judge Moore. Judge Patterfon being thsoldell affociatj; by cojnmiffiiin, prelidea. > Tl e lift of eaufts was cflltd over on Sa turday arid several were liffarked tor argu ment on Monday . Mond y the 1j k, .The court met pursu ant t'o adjournnj'e.'it. The cafe of Mofla* and others'agaii-.ft Higgip.fon and itrg'firft on the !W» was argued by Dallas for pjaintiff in error, and Ke»d of South' Carolina for .defendants. A preliminary point was argued by ,t!ie lour.fel for the plaii.iiff in error, wh ch fcemed chitfly to turn upon the q.eftion wh'etHer the court below had jurisdiction of t-he cafe. We are nor well acquainted with he merit*; but tl-.e court were unanimously of opinion that the Circuit Court had not jurifdidtion. To this fuccceded a cauft of very great importance both, on account of the legal principles, applicable to .neutral comracr«e, and the magnitude of the pecuniary Interest involved in -the rvcut. bein no less thau on® hundred and eighty thousand dollars* Talbot §hii lam. 1 Error from the Cir ia. >cu:t Court for the The Ship Amelia, Isfc. J N. Y. Diftrift. The (hip Amelia, belonging to Meflrg. I Chapeaurouge, Merchants and Burghtrg of I Hamburg, navigated by Hamburg teamen, on her homeward bound parfage from Cal cutta in Bengal, laden with a valuable car j go, the produce or manutaftures of that : place, was captured by a French corvette i and dispatched for the (lat)d of St. Domin igo ; after remaining ten days in p ffeflion ; ofthe'captoTS, (he was fallen in with, by the United Sates frigate Conlitution, captain Talbot, who retook and fen' her into New- . York, where, upon her arrival, (he was li belled by captain Tal ot on behalf of him felf and the crew of the Co ftitution for salvage in the Diftr'ict £our r . The (hip and cargo were condemned a d fold at the Marthal's falc by a decree of that court, which under the 7th fe£k on of t' e law of | Congress, pafled March' 2 1799 entitled an Adt for the Government of the Navy los the United States," thought fit to ad judge by way of salvage to the ro captori one half of the whole valße of the laid (hip and cargo, without .ny deduAion what ever. Fr m this decree an appeal was entered, to the Circuit Court for the Diftridl of N. York ; and at :tlie last ftffiin of that court in April term, his. honor Judge Washing ton, after hearing counsel in the cafe, re versed the decree of the Diftrifl J'idge, up on the ground, as stated in the judgment rendered ; that na service had been rendered by the re-c«pt®rs of the (hip Artielia to the ! owners in taking h?r out of the hands of the French and fending her into the United ' States j because Hamburg, where the (hip and her owi eV» belonged, was a neutral power, not at war with the Fiench Repub lic ahd in amity with the United States.— To presume therefore, that the (hip and cargo would have been condemned in the I Admiralty Courts of the French Republic, ] would be highly improper, because such a proceeding would be a violation of the law of nations, however confiftest it might be with her own laws. The libellants being difiatisfied with this decision, removed the cause by writ of er ror to the Supreme Court, f here it was ar gued with great ability and very copiously, by Ingerfoll and Lewis for th,e Plaintiffs— Dallas and M. Levy for Defendants. It was contended for the Plaintiffs in Error, that the (hip Amelia, although ow: . v ed by fubje€ls of a neutral power, bsing • bound from a port in Bengal, in the pof fcflion of the E-glifh, and laden with the manufaftures. and produce thereof, was a proper fubjeft of capture and condemnation under the decree of the French Republic of the 4th of Jaouaiy, 1798-which.adjud g s "'all veffele, to whomsoever belonging ■t .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers