NvitbpM 2461."} K7* The price of this tiaittte is Eight Dollars per annum to Sxtbscribers residing ia the city of Philadelphia. All others pay •ne pMar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unless*some person in this city till become answerable far the subscription, it mast be *aid Xtx Months in Advance. *,* No Subscription viill be received for a sbmter term than six months. December 1 1799. ALMANAC' Fr*m J 9. BiCI Wednesday Ttmrfday Friday (UtmrA»jr Sonday M*oe«y Twditj SUN—«IBES SETS -S 9 « S 10 6 jo S « 6 49 - 5 14-; —6 47 - S *4 6 46 - J 15 6 AS S 16 6 44 WulmWay Thurlday »ii*7 Saturday Saodat Monday TacMaf For Madeira, ABIGAIL, To fail about :sth inllant. for freight of a few hundred barfelt or paf faee. apply t* Gideon Hill Wells, or Moore Wharton. August 1. dtf For sale, _ rat Ship India, tfepP Now lying at Rof» fc Simfon'i cEfctiSenrharf, barthen 40 ( tons. For terms,apply to JOSEPH S. LEWIS. August's djt For Sale, XHfi NEW PILOT 3UILT ST. TAMMANY, T >VING at Say's above fct»rkct Street, burthen 70 t tu, supposed t® be a tfimark^ 4 -'- C*;iW.— ir -' 1 Ka.Hu ted for sea in a few day#. Inventory to be ieen and terms of falc known by applying to the fub icrlbtr. CROOKE STEVENSON," No. 4. Sjutb Water Street ALSO, FOR SALE, 3J 1 Hhd». Mufcoirad Sugar. White and brown Hava*nih dit'oin boxes. East India d<>. in bag*. Wftt-India and Conctrjr Rum. ioc Hhd«. MoUflea. Holland Gin French and Spanish Brandy- Pepper, C Bit, &c. Auf? uft 9. F R SALE, Java Coffee & Sugar, tb£ cargo Of J-fFertori, F>. E. Momrs, * Cortiilunder fTom Bmavia, COVSTSTIKG Or 320,000 pounds Ccribon and Jaca tra Coffee. 220,006 pounds Sngar in cannifters. ALSO THEBRIGANTIN" NEWTON, BUH-T of Live Oak aid Ce- SBSciggSfar, will ca-ry aboot twenty-two h.uadr; d bass .-l*> cw (heathed with cedar, and will be in conH>i Mt ord er to receive a cargo in a ft«- days. .H>Ph- wrLCOCKS j,. Co . August 9 WAR DEPARTMENT, August 4«>, ißco. TIE commanding Cffeen of corps, de tachments pofU gwrifr*:', 4ml recruiting ■partre>, bekmgii»gf t*> the military fftablWiraent of the United States are to report to, and receive orders from Brigadier General Wil kinfon, in the City of WalSir.gtsn, and ail officers on furlough are to report themselves to thp fame officer with all pcfiiMe difpatclu SAMUEL DEXTER, . Secretary of War. $5" AH Pttnten wiihm the United States wh» hiTT puWifiitd mvititbnfl for conto<ftsof die ol Sfarch last are. requcfted to insert the above in their refpeflive p»per-«, once a week for tw* months. BENJAMIN CLARIS ■Clock l J Watch Maker, - HAS REMOVED To No. 3£>, Mahket Street, Wherein: has For Sale, Spring Mid other Clocbs ; gold and silver "Watches ; Tools, Files and Materials ; ft»el and .gilt Chains, Seals and Keys j Springs, &c. See. CLOCKS AND WATCHES otM*. June 3 Gazette of the United States, & Daily Advertiser. MarftiaPs Sale. United Stalt I, ? 3 cnrV)kania Distn'c', J BY Virtue of a Writ to me dirr&ed from the Horn ni>!« Richard Peter* Ef<j- Judjje of he Dittrid! Court of the United Stat .-e, in and for the Penfifylvania Diltriifi, will be ex it fee" to public sale on Tkurfday the aßih. of August itilh at ti o'clock at noon, at the offi/e of Inlpccfti ii, No. 49, North Third ftieet, in the Philadelphia, f " Two Hog (beads of Rum. The fame Living beenfeized, &c. and libel led again#, profe'eutcd and condemned as for feited, ic- H. M -8 jfi 9 »4, JOHN ii ALL, Marshall. Marfliall's Office, > Philadelphia, Aug. 12, (BcoJ 3swtS 10 is 11 8 - II 48 o- »8 1 19 Just Arrived, AMD 10* SALS BT Till SUBSCRIBERS, THE CARGO Of the Ship CAxrotT, Richard Dale, Commander, from Csnton, consisting at Bohea 1 Soucl'.ong J Hyson Skin > TEAS. Y o.ung Hytun | and Hyson. J Yellow NANKEENS. Sugar of ift quality* China Ware. Cafiia. Fans. An aiTortment of Silks. WILLINGS te FRANCIS, No. 31, Penn Strdet. April 14. d. Simon Walker Has BKMOVtD HIS counting house, To No. 79, South Fourth Street, Corner of Union Street—wh- re he hat far sale JUST IECIIVI», EARTHEN WARE, Afforui for exportation or homo market. OUf. Ware double flint, in cases. Fr«lh Cloves. Nutmegs and Maes. July 24. tu.thfa.tf. Received By the ship Kcr.singtcn, ca tain Adamson, A QUANTITY OF Brown Russia Sheetings, and Ravens-Dusk, Of a superior quality. Also on band, received by the late arrivals, jtN ASSOBIMENT OF Hosiery, Checks, Fustians, Jeans' Ginghams, Callimancoes, Durants, &c. For sale by ROBERT SMITH & Co. No. 38, south Front-fhreet. !*!v »6. fa tu&th.tf. Now Landing, And for suit.by the subscribers rso PIP: S OF Lisbon Wine. JESSE y ROBERT WALN. July 30 d ® w A FEW COPIES or The Anti-Jacobin Review & Magazine, (VOL. IV.) Have iuft been received and »re novr for fair, By A. DICBUNS, OppoGte Christ Church. July i». Rum Sugar tiffee Cocoa Castor Oil, and FRUIT, Just received per the sloop Suppty from Kingston, Jamaica, FC-R SALE BY Thomas & Peter Mackie. Who have on hand, Old Madeira Wine, fit for immediate life, < Kipes of Old Port Wine, and tea Bams Eafl-hidia Sugar, &c. July 30. dst eojt Saulnier 5c Wilion, WOOLEN DRAPERS, MERCERS, IsV. No. 63, North fide Market-flreet, HAVE a general assortment of befl London fuperfim- Broad Cloths and Calfimeres, the newest fafhion) silk stripe and second quality Cloths, falhionabh waiOcoating, (ilk stripe and twill'd NauketP#, Jean, Foftias, tingham, Dimi ty, Thickset, fancy Cord, Valvals, Scarlet, yellow and wiiite Flannels, Flanders, lrilh and brown' Line in, Dowlas, mens' and wotnens' tilk and cott«n Hosiery, coat and vest pearl, steel, gilt and plated Buttons, different colourajilk Vvlvets, tam boured acd Cambrif Muslins, Calicoes, Caiiman coes, Shiwls, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Gloves checks, Sic Sic. N. B. Taylors' best quality Trimming; ■■ all which they will fell very low. July a?. 4tf ' t'li&f tf By C. P. Wayne, No. 65; South Front-flreet. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 'l6, 1800. Madeira Wine: The fubferiberhas received in the APollo, ; trora Liverpool, a Quantity of Hill's Old London particular Wine, In pipes, hhds. & qr. calks. GIDEON HILL WELt.S. august 4. mw&l 4W For Sale, By LORAIN & SON, Nb. j, North Third Strett, GUKftAHS and low priced Baftai, entitled to drawback. Also other coarse and fine 4 4 and 5-4 India Muftins, Irilh ar.d quadruple lineas, Geiman Dowlas, India Satii.s, Lut ftringa andSealbews, Ribbons, Spades, Frying pans, with a rariety of other Ironmongery and l'eafonable Dry Goods. Also, to be SOLD or BARTERED, FOR DRY GOODS, A handsome ystory BRICK HOUSE, with piazzji and kitchen adjoining, situate in Vine near Fourth Steeet, built in m- dern style with excellent materials and well calculated to accommodate a large famijy. august 13. dit.Mtf. :The Bankrupt Law or THK UNITED 87 ATMS, Was this Day Puhliftiad by A. DIC K1 N3, op pofite Christ Church.—[Price >5 Cents.] A. DIC KINS HAS JUST RECEIVED FROM HEW-YORK, DESULTORY REFLECTIONS ON THE New Political Afpeft of Public Affair* Is the Unjtbd Status, [Prfce 37J Cenrt } augvft 11 il. TO LET, OX FOR SALS, A 2-story brick house Situate in DukerStreet (or Artillery lane J Northern Liberties, * TWO rooin» on a floor, kitchen and wafh houfe, all built of the heft materials, and in excel iTa K.'HA ihs wh rf«vrifgrH?- den and yard, fevcral fruit-tree« in the garden, two|umpsof excellent water near tte premises. Erqnire at No, 39, Arch ft rest. July \$ t»Bcf <w TO BE SOLD, Very lasai for Ca.b, or exchanged for Goods, A Large, Elcg-uit, aad well finifhed 2-story Frame House IN the borough of Frank'ord ; containing an' entry and two large parlours on the firtl floor, three bedchambers and two garrets. Th# lot, which ii 340 feet detp, fronting »n two streets, and hai the privilege of a 10 fret alley through ; it contain! a kitchen, fUblc, and coach.hsute, a well of excellentwater, &c. For terms apply to JOHN WCLELLEN, Jj', j# tuth&s tf high-street. The House, LATELY occupied by the Chevalier D'Yrujo, Spani I h Ambaflador, will be let out to an Approved person or family, on easy conditions. It is large, commodious and elegant, with coach-bouse and Rabies conformable. Enquire at No. 100, Spruce street. SAMUEL MAGAW, Arch Street, No. 94. July 23. eodif. Port Wine & Claret In Cases, cf the jirst Quality. Wine and Cyder Vinegar. In Pipes and Qnartar Calks—For Sale by BENJAMIN W. MORRIS £s* Co. July 29 3aw.}w. A Summer Retreat. TO BE RENTED, A GENTEEL HOUSE, WITH a liable, oarriage-houfc »nd lot, situated in a pleasant part of Trenton. The terms will be moderate, and poffeflion can be had immediately ; but the tenaa.t will not bo wanted to occupy the p. emifrs after the iotK of next November. For terms apply te ths printer, or to ABRAHAM HON f, esquire, in Trenton. June 14. tuth&s tf For Sale, Landing frm on boa d the Schooner An~ drew, from Teneriffe. Jaws M'Grig ger, Master, 75 Pipes ' 4.0 Hhds. > TuNiRiTTiWiNE. 64 Ca£ks, 3 For terms apply to MATHIAS KEELEY, ot JOHN SLESMf-N. avgtift I, djt. Sale by audi ion AT BALTIMORE. EAST-INDIA GOODS: Monday the jjth inft. at 10 o'clock, at the Warehouse lately occupied by Holmes, Hudson & Co. Smith's Wharf, will commence the tale of the entire cargo of the fliip Mour.t Vernon, Solomon Ruttsr, mailer, from Calcut ta, .consisting ef the following article! ; 403 bales of Piece Goods; Among ft which are, Guzenat, Emertkr, Tandi, Mamoody, Al habad Sawn, Tanda Cofiaa, Berboon, Gur rahs, Chencivenagore, do. Canadaries, Fulli poreCoflas, Hummuins, Goldhead Tanda, Ma moody, Pullicat Handkerchiefs, Sooty Hand kerchief*, blue Mamooodj, hlae Cofla, do. Gurrahs, do. Bafus, Check, Chintz, and a great variety of Baftas, &c. 3034 bays Sugar of a ftjperier quality 449 do. Black i*epper voo do. Ginger la,ooo Gfr&ny bigs On Friday atid Saturday previous to the file, the goods will be opened for infpe&ion, when ca alogues will be furniflied, and the terms of sale made known by BENTALOU DORSEY,. Anfiioneers August 13. dti3d For Sale, By MvflYs. Rice, Waodboufe, Patton, Mc. Cullough, Patterfon & Cochran, and D. Hogan—Booksellers, [Price 55 cents per pack.]—A ftcolnl Edi tion of the much admired Conversation Cards, In Phosp. & Veitse. Each p3ck contains 30 Queflions on the fuVjedt of Love, printed black, and 3® An swers, apropos to the Qjjeflions (printed red) tho* played indiscriminately. I'hey are ftrittly decent In thair compolTtion, and are put up in neat Cases to preveht beitig foiled. From othei cards, and dice, much mifchief fpringrs, These cards hav; neither Aces, nor Kings, Nor Queens, norKnavci, ticrr Diamond Club, nor Spade, For Love's chaite purpnfe they're fold and made— Of Gaming Cariis they dop't po&fion* part, Save, that at times they tend to win the heart: Love's language foft you'll find in th;ir contents, The whole will cost but five-and-twemy Cents, These Cards may be had o£Mr. John Grant, Book Binder, Watkins's Alley, price JUST IMPORTED AND FOR SALE, AT DICKINS'S BOOK - STORE, Opptfite Christ-Church, ASS'OM XEKT OF English Papers AMD OTHER STATIONARY. Philadelphia, Aug. 6. THE CARGO Of the Ship Criterion, B Wickei, len. com mander, from Bengal, CONSISTING OP A complete assortment of DENGJL GOODS, SUGAUS of the firft quality, BLACK PEPPER do. VOK SALE <T WILLINGS {s* FRANCIS, No. xi, Penn-ftreet. May <. c!tf THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE F9k SALE, AT NO. 35, DOCK-STREET, (Coo 3oxe» belt marbled Soap,") 80 Boxes Sweet Oil, j From on toardtbc 100 Hall cheil" Lucca Oil, 1 Louiia, 7 Bales Paper, 1 from Lighor *, BritoftUM, Parmesan Cheese, J 300 Pipes btfl Bodeaux Brandy, »oo Hogfaeads Ciaret superior quality, 700 Calee lrepch Sweet Oil, 60 Cases Catherine Plumbs, 6 Calks Prunes, 400 Botes Capers, Olives, Anchovies and Cor nichons, 100 do. brft asserted Cordials, DRY GOODS aflorted sos the Weft-India mai'ket, Claret in cases of a superior quality, London dry White Lead, A small invoice of Coffee, 6 & 4 Pound Cannon, mounted. Thomas Murgatroyd Sons. May 10. tuth&s if - TO BE LET, Either separately or together, The Two Houses, LATELY occupied as a HOTEL by Mr. Sa muel Francis, No. 13, south Fourth ftroet. For terms apply to BENJAMIN R.MORGAN, No. 41, Arch flrect. July 10 3'aw »w For Sale, ! The Unexpired TIME of a BLACK EOT, xhas thre« y< ars and five months't o VV serve ; be is lober, honest, a good v.-ai ,ttr, and,underila»ds taking ewe of horks. lin quire at No. (to, Dock flreet. July J9. ' eo ?t1 * ♦ 1 Goods | Supposed to have; been Stolen. THE tollowij.g articles have bee* stopfd aad lodged at the Mayer's c(Ece,oiifu<p:cion oi having been Stolen, and may be ticwttl by those inter. «tcd: I Large silver »at th, cyphered oft the bstft <». P. I old pincbbei,* ditto 1 silver table spoons marked T f 2 ditto ditto Fteuch do. Kc W B l ditto ditto broken do. A M. i ditto ditt» ditto MSG 1 pap ditto g p 6 mark rubbed off i ditto, cyphered S I. maker's came C. WiH berger i ditt®,no cypher, maker's name S. Anthony Several pair of mm and wotoec's fhoea A quantity of wearing apparel Several gn»fs ©f politned steel coat ane waistcoat buttons 3 kegs of flin s, left at the late Mayor's office in June 1798 Mayrr's Qffict, august ij. 1800. tnf tf CHINA GOODS. Landing from the ship America, Wa'te, Sims, Commander, from Carton, /i\u for sale Br NICKLIN, GRIFFITH far Co. CongOi Souchong, lft&and quality, Caper foutfliong, HylVin-ftin, TVnkay,' Singlo, Young hyft-n,.-«... _ Hyf.n, ill & id quality, Imperial, Yellow & white nankeens , , , Lutcftrings, black at color'd ( In Boxes Sinftiaws do. f assorted, Sattias do. J LuteflriiigSi ma*, blue fc dark green") . Su.ftmvs dp r i Perlian taffftas, tlark green 3 oxf, ' Tbeji ba\e also on baud for sale, received bv the late arrivals from Europe, life. 1 lnfm>i!pack« Striped and checked ginghams I,ages affined, White figured & color'd Muf- | calculated Foe linetts jithe Weft-In- VVhire corded dimities I dia market Jt Color'd Clk, striped Nankeens | entitled to J drawback, 14 Trunks printed Calicoes, 5 do. do. "N 3 Bales seine f*ine f Entitled to 10 Cases Englilh Chini ware, fdrawback, in tea setts J 6 Calks mineral black, t do. white, i do. colcother, I , '"~sJe brown, ! .15 do. nui. »ir nrtec j 9 do. London poutr H} UlfXt'U^ry—— Fne'iib Tail canvas, No. x, 1 & •*, "v. Uuffi. 17 Bo*ek white TTavanna mg*Tj -- 13 Pipes old Madeira wine, --- Oirrrpow.'er, Empty wine bottles, 10 Guns, 6 ppnnders, l) do. 9 do. 18 do. 9 do. with carriages, &c. aBo,ocolbs. Ceribon coffee, ift ") quality (Entitled so jO,ooolbs. Mack pepper C dr»w(.*efL ao Lugs ebony J May 13. m&w tf For Sale, BY PUBLIC AUCTION—TN THIJ city or Washington. THE following property belonging to tho Trus tees of the egate Fund provided for the payment of certain crediters of Edward Fot and James Greenleaf. Cn Monday the 6tb October inst. TjART of the property of said fund, in the City x of Wafhisgton, that now is rendered clear of every i'cumbrance, wtU be exposed at. PuMic Au&iou at Tmtiiclifl Tavern, amongst which Srs the following valuable viz. 11 Lots ia square No. 973, 2 lots in fqutire 974. 15 lots in jquarc Ne. 995, 2 lots in l'qua»eCouth of fquart 1019, 19 lots in square 1020,1 lot in square lose, 1 lot in square 1022, 7 lot; in square 1023. 4 l ot * in square 1014, 3 lots in Iquare fC4j, »' lots in square 1046, 9 lots in square 104.7, 12 lots m Iquare 1048, with funi'ry others, advantageously situated in various parts of the city. Alfp the 2 flory frame fcoiitc now occupied by Mr. Dclilois, beautifully situated (with an ettenfive view o sev eral miles down the Potomac) on' the fowth east corner of Jijuare 9>73»froti:ing 42 feet on i r sheet east, and 41 fectonfouth G flreet: a-commodious ICitchfn with an oven, &c. adjoining the south front. A large frame uable, carriage hcufe and hay loft 50 feat by 25, and a pump of cxcrlleiit water near the back door ot the" kitchen, the lot extending 91 feet on *1 ftrcel, and 139 fctti inch in Gflrett, comprizing lots Nos 1, 2, 3, and part of 22, in the regifiered division of the fqsare. The fali s will commence at the said ts vern at ten o'clock in the forenoon. The terihsone fourth one fourth in (ii months, when a deed will be givert. the remain big moiety in two years, paymeut to he secured ' by bond and mortgage- But the creditors in the above fund, may in li u of mortgage secure pay ment <if their bonds hy depsfit of c.ruficates of the trustees at the rata of five ftiilings m the pound, to the amount fccurud and (hculd a dividend take place before the ejepiratiau of tile* two ycers, it will be set off againlk fh'a bond, aid the certifi cates returned in the fame proportien. Henry Pratt 1 Thoma3 W. Francis j John Miller, jun. J» Trujiees. John Afhley Jacob Baker. J THOMAS TINGEY, Agent. August 4. 3 J aw ts FOR SALE, A Printing Press. Apply at the Office of the Gaietteof * c the United States, VJ * at iviiL. I ; / TEAS, t .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers