Gazette of the United States. piiiLadslphia, PRICES OF STOCKS. PSItiMtTBIH, JuNt i?. 8 per C«nt Stock for caih loj ta toS p. tt Six per Cent. i!o, 84 /Z Navy do. do. 81 1 * > 3 Three C en t. do. jl \ ))ei'erred, - do. 80 IKNK yfert:3 states, do. 30 ) Pcnnfylvawia, do. 47 ( -- North America, do. j < Infuraau tooij. N. V.Ourci 9 per cane, btlow |.»r -■■■- ft=re», 30 percent. ad* EiA-lnlU Co:npa<]y at N. A. 7 per ceut iJruct UnJ Wirra:it«, 95 do):«. per ncrn. COURSE OF EXCHANGE Biilioa I.ob. at 50 d»y» far cash tj > 1 i per et. Do. do.' 60 d«y« do. l;o«. 171 do Da. do 9) dajri do Bill* 00 Hanbargh *1 60 day* j4a 37 (ti. per Mark Utnco Do. in Amsterdam, d*y 1 39 #4O cti. per Florin Arrived this morning, the fliip Galen, in fit days and th (hip Afeigal, Knox, 69 days from Liverpool---.brings nothing new. [OFFICIAL.] E'ftratt of g letter from Lieut. Archihali M"'iir .v, of t!el.ri;> Au. uda, to tlu- be crt'ury of the navy, dated ofTAux-Cayes 4th June, 1 8 .0. 11 I ycrtcrday kll In wiih and captured off Jicmel, two French schooners. one c*l left La the other La Jeanne cf St, D nun" b">th ol wh-c'i I ce-crne it mv. duty to f<*nd home for trial. The papers of <::tch veffcl .lir fr-jfed up separately and deliver <! tn the refpecftive ppzevmnrtt-rs, viz. those of the Jt nnne to Mr. Dtvid Dtß con, and thpfe ot the Viftoire to Mr. Tohn y.iiMfT." J 1 he La Jeanne has arrived at Fort Mif flin. The political birth day of the United States has been commemorated iri the iroft cordial and feftive mancer by evrry descrip tion >f citizens in our metropolis The Society of the Cincinnati diftinguifli ed the occasion by an elegant enteitainment given at the City Tavern ; at which the following t jafts wer« given, to the anima ting note« .'f martial music by the hand belonging to Colonel Burrowes's corps of Marines 1. I lie D-?y j may the glory of the na t and the happi"r(t B [ the peo le, con tinue to attest the spirit and wisdom, which gave birth to our independence. 2. The United States ; perpetuity to their pn font government 3 Prrfident of the United Sate* | may Ihe res eft and gratiiudr of lh« A ate* rieai peoplr crioeca jurt sense of kit taleou and ferried ! 4- »he immortal memory of General Wilijngton ; may the bright example of his virtues forever animate the valmr, and Jireift the pitriotifm of the American na- ion! £ Vine pfaudett l . 5 *T he mtnory of the illustrious dead ; Heroes and patriot*, the remembrance of whose deeds should fyrm an indiff luble bond of union to our emmon country ! 6 ibe JLe>iflaturc of the United .States ; may wif'om d:re£t and national prosperity attend their delibera ions ! 7. The Heads of Drp3rtmenti; may their probi-y and ta!-n?g receive the reward «f public gr.'titude and applause ! 8 The Vgricul'ure, Com nerce and Manu f i<tures f the United States ; may the dullry and n'erprize of our citizeHS be prote&ed and rewarded. 9. f 'he Officers and Seamen of the Ame rican Navy ; in peace the wraith and pride of their country, in war its glory ar>d defe ce ! to. The Army of the United S ate», regulars and militia ; the branches of emu lationj, engrafted on the flock ■ f valour, /hall yield the blcfloms and fruit of vidL ry in due season. 11. 1 he political reJatiors of thr United States j energy their principle, peace and prosperity the refu't 1 12. Maj >l-General Hamilton Prefiilent- General 'if the Cinci'ir.ati ; may his emi nent services, civil and military, be held in grateful remembr ,nce by the American na tion ! 13 Major-General Pinckney, Vice-Pre sident General of the Cincinnati; may the diftin ion already conferred on his impor tant services be consummated in his afloci ation with fcur prefest Chief Magistrate ! 14. Ihe progress of Science. 15. Our fair and deserving Country women ; may merit only-win and reward them ! [Nine ctters.] 16. Our Brethren of the Cincinnati, in their social and individual capacities ; may serenity and comfort wait on the closing hours of the patriotic warrior. At the Annual meeting of the Ptrinfylva nia.Society of the Cincinnati 011 the 4th Snftant, the following Gentlemen were unanimously elected officers for the enfu irig year. Gen. Hand, President Gen. A'oylaa, Vice- President £1 jjor Jackson, Secretary. Major M. Connell Ast. Sec'rv. Charles BiddU Esq. Treasurer Pol. James llcpre, Ast. Treasurer. Standing Committkk. Col. Thos. L. C'i!. Mentges, Gen. Macpher on, Dcctr Dorsey, Rev. Doclcr Roger r, Col. William Nichols, Labi. Marshall, The following ;»• x carrnborative 'of the irttcle under poftcm head : hxtrall cf a letter fnun I.ive pool dated RJoy " The official acc -tint of the d. feat of Mafftna's army was published here thi"s day ; as' tr a number us triflng actions with va r ou» fuccef», the French are said to hare loft twelve thousand men, by this account The Aullnans were in pursuit of the flying remains < ftljeir army. d pojifcript to t e above tetter fay/ Accounts are this mnm.m received that Savona a d Gavi are taken—A great battle was faught ou the 2 ill and 22d, which de cided the fate of • alfcMa's army.' He is he.Timed in wiih a lew thousand men, and muil furrendtr. t The Captain of a French 20 gull Ihip, 40 days from Brcft, whicli was sent into badoes about 30 days ftnee, informed that he failed in Co. with fiv'e 20 gun Ihips, to cruize on the American coast ; and that he had taken two (hips which he had burnt and a brig. [To prevent item frctnfilling in to the bands of the Brit ish I suppose How kind ] Extraft of a letter from D-*marara. " The following exports from hence, in j the lad homeward bound fleet, (he* the iin -1 portance of this colony. I have not be:-n | <bie to ascertain the exaci number'of veffeis freighted, but apprehend there remains as much produce as will freight as niar.y-;mrre. Coflfee, 4860,799 pounds: cotton, ; 7621 baits; lugar, 82,7 hoflieads; rum, 474 puncheons." [1 he foundation of the following pretty ©de is in the Efliys of Michael Mon- TAIGNfc, wl.o, in lnj rairblintr, hut a grefable way, relates his difcovtry ps the Ir.dian original, and his surprize at find ing fnch a feflive and Anacreontic turn to a Poem, written in ruder time, by the rudrft of hards. The following i n its F.ivlifli dress is from the pen of Mr. Th mas Wart on, the father of two poe tical brothers; a family in which genius and tiifie and invention seem to be here ditary.] AM AMERICAN I.OVF. ODE. Taken from the fucon ! volume of Montaigne's Hffavt By T.}Varton tbe elder. ST AY, ftjy, th>» lovely frarfgl fnitke, Nor hide thee m yon darksome brakes But let me olt thy chsri::s review. Thy glittering lcales and go'.den hue 5 From theft a chaplet (hall he wove To grace the youth I dearest love, 11. Then ages hence, when tkou no more Shalt 'reep along the funny shore, Thy copied beauties (hall be seen ; Thy red and azire, mixed with green, ' In mimic folds thou fcalt dtfflay; Stay, lovely, fearful adder, stay. Notwithstanding the many fevrre things which have been said atrainft the projedted Dictionary by Noah Webster, Esquire, and notiyinfhndiiig the author and his projeiV appear equally ridiculous to many judicious and sensible men. yet in some measure itap jiears commendable as there are undoubted ly many words which have loft their origi n»l English meaning, and applied in a man* nrr, intire'y unintelligible to some. The word F squire, for in(lancr,i* England ) and till lately in America,) when «taciied to a name, is a title to honor and r< fpefl.—This ' ctrta nly, cannot be the prsfent Anierican ! tne;>ninH, for it has adttially been attached j to tite names of Michael Lieb and Frederick ' Wolper*—a friend of mine who is an accu- I rate critic and is well acquainted with the use or rather abuH; of words in this coun. try, on hearing 1 the above remark has said that in this inflance, Esquire ought to be undiWlood in a manner very oppoliie to ho nor or refptft. One of the ancients, and certainly not [ the greatest fool as his tribe, used, whenever he was.deliberatihg on any grave or state af fairs, to consult his wife, hrar her advice, and then made it an invariable rule to act diametrically-opposite to the opinion of the lady. This procedure fuggtrts a good rule for conflruing the 41 Aurora." Let the good people, who pore, or who yawn over that paper, whenever thry have finilhed their valuable morning's woik, believe the very revere of every Aurora position. There cannot be imagined a shorter, or more dirtft road to political truth, It is recommended to dea» Ta ico to de posit himfelf in full dress among the hornet's nefls and humniirg bird's billsofithe American Philosophical Society ! Such a be-powdered, be-fcented,be-featheredgoofeberry-eyed thing would rival in intercft anv owl or monkey in the collection* A philosophical society of philosophical Americans must be extreme ly amused and ed:fi=d in furvpying such a rant avis, such a hufus nature—such a non defcript inferior to nothing, except the Big Buil and our Great Rock Bridge in Virgi nin ; and Benjamin Bannakcr,\nd the Phi losopher's " Notes," written at the request of a learned foreigner who was a Frenchman. MajorToufard is appointed Lientenann Colonel Commandant of the second Regi ment of Artillerists and Engineer!. Diin. at York,P. July 2, at the house of Capt. GossW. Lieut, jona. Douglass, late of the 10th United States regiment: Mr. Doug'lafs was in the bloam of youth, of amiable, moffenfive manners and dispo sition, edeemed by his brother officers, and refpcc\td by all his acquaintance. At Rheims, a Woman, at the age "f CII ; having had IX husbands, and bivd up XXVII children ; flie was iittenJed to the firravc l>y CLIII [w,s, grand lons, «S( great U'cand ions j inany of the upon crutches, vr led a long blind, and borne down with age. Sle had, la-rfcll', eight brothers nnd fillers, s-.U of whom made gcod i:fc of th-ir time ; so that the oid woiiian was aunt to upwards of a thou sand peoj>le. Kng. Mag. Gazette Marine Lift, PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. ARRIVED, Days Ship Roebuck, Rafer, London 60 [Dry Goods—T. & I CifFord. Gjlcri S.mtli Liverpo-.1 61 Dry p'ocds—A.. Humphrey? Abigail, Welbcr dn. 69 Dry ponds Sc fait—M. Wh arton Sclir. David, L'Hommedieu, N» York 5 [To CaDtain Betrinniwj, Smith, Rchmond ' Fedt-rM, Crowe;!. tyewiYork £ 'laid ■ ' is—To Ci/itain Sloop P., i.iertv, P i . ■ i, New York New For£e, • ' 5) do. Eliaa Aniij Co is,- <lo. ■ j ("To Captain Sloop Franklin, M h, Newport, R. I. 14 £ Rum & Molasses CLEARED, Brig De'ight, Gluz , Port Republican Friendship, Of. nntr, St. Sebastians Rami Fr, B.iic-, St, Kitts Fvliz-, Sheninan t Leghorn Capt. Smith <.f the- Gnlei, left-ar Liver pool the May. Hcycral oiher •\Rieri'*4ii »eflVi| i. The (hip Kmgllojn, of Philadelphia, to fail foot) : Sin'p El z 'betb, for do. .-p., S, l'poke on his pjiflai>e Ship Six S.fKis at and tor B. lllrtoorc from Liverpool, and was boiled in the Channel by a Rritifh i igate, wHch had captured several valuable French vcfT;ls. Crptain Riser of the Roebuck, left the Lizard Point the 3 if May. Outh>>isth June in Ist 37 36 N long 60 00 W. spoke the fchooncr Apollo of Wifcafat, bound to Dominica. Captain Chr.fe infjrmetl he had b'en captured on thr 6th of June by the French privateer schooner L'Union, of Guadaloupe, C. Rotife, the captain of the privateer dated, that he captured between the latitudes of 32 and' 36 and longitudes W. 14 prizes, among them were vefTels, viz. Ship Mark, Ingles of and for Charleston from C "rk, brig 1 rial, 1 oppin, of Newbury ! port, Mermaid, Farrier oif New York for C.lcutta, and the others names unknown- Put on board the Apollo 3 captains and crews, amoHnting to thirty persons and dif mi Ted them. Captain- C. on the 7th fell in with 2 corvettes fr'in Cayenne, destined to | cruise on the American, coail. Capt. Rafer spoke on the 16th in lat 37 49 N. long. 61. 00 W. the (liip Charlotte, Filher of and for New London, from Liverpool, on the 18th li t 37 54 N. long 65, fell in with the wreck of die schooner Friendly Brothers, E. Bray, from Marblehead, bound to the Havanna. June 22 lat 39 16 long 66 spoke the fliip William Little, Juhn Fmfdick from Philadel phia to Oporto. June 29 spoke the brig George of Norwich, from New Londen to Birbadoes, the captain ol which informed two hours before, Monto Point bearing N N W dirt. 2o leaguts, was chafed by a Fiench privateer of 14 guns, but was ena bled to escape in cpnft quence of a thick fog coming on. Captaiu R. fayr at 4P M two vefl'els to windward, one of which was sup posed to be the privateer, the other a prize. List of vesse.'t at Cape-Francoit, June 15. Schr. Freedom, Rubirtfon, of Wilming ton ; Phenix, Cox, Cha'rMon ; fliipTrux ton, White, Baltimore, to fail in 10 days; brie; Molly, Yirbey, do ; Aftive, Lunt, Newbury-port ; schooner Frfhawk, Cook, Saleip ; brig Lucy Rutherford, to fail for Newbury-port, in 8 days ; Nymph, Wood man, do. 3 do ; Nancy Cook, Providence ; Betsey aud Peggy, Gordon, of Baltimore, to fail in 8 days ; fchr. Barbara, Riley, do. in I" days ; Hester, Power*, Boston ; ship Columbus, Wood, rf New-York, lalt from Cadiz ; fchr. John Vming, Loverdue, Baltimore. BOSTON,' June 30. Captain Nafh failed in co. with brig Olive Branch, Lindfay, for Philadelphia ; and in fight of the Wed Calebs, was boarded from an Englifli frigate of 44 guns, and informed that she had sent to Jamaica, the Ihip Symphony, Hancock, of Norfolk. At Hospital island ; Ship Antelepe, Feed, Havanna; fcho: ,ier Sally, Anthony, New Providence } brig Minerva, Wood, Savannah ; fchoonrr Ariel, Nafh, Cape Francois. The (hip Galen, from Charleston for the Spanilh Main, after two hour fight, beat off a French Privateer of 14 guns. Snow Mary, Tayer, for Havanna, was taken May jj, lat. 30, 68, by the French Privateer schooner Courageux, of 12 fixes and 91 me«,and.had taken 6-PrizesJbefore* 1 he captain said (he left Guadaloupe in co. with 4 other. 3 were cruizing to the West ward, viz 2 brigs of 16 and 18 gum, and a schooner of 16; and the latter had taken 13 Prizes. The Courapreux, took 4 veflels three days after the Mary, one of which was from Portland and one from Eofton. NEW-LONDON, July x. Cnpt. Cheney, who arrived on Saturday from St. Thomas, favored us with the fol lowing : , " I was bound from Trinadad to Boston, in the fchr. Livdy, of Boflon, with a cargo I "f fugir, ttfifaffes, and cocoa ; off the isl and of S-.fia, fell in with the United States' Inp Merrimack, who politely offered us his protection to St. 1 homas, b. ing in compa »y «ith the fthooner Vandyck. we follow, j ed him there, and joined a'coi voy that wa» ■ enmintr out of tbe harbpr protefled by the ? United States' brifc Scammel, who kept with \ the fleet to lat. 26. On the 2d June, in j I"t 37, long; 67. was captured by a 'drench 1 privateer from Guadaloupe, called the Cou j rageux, \ idlor Bouffon, master, carrying 112 guns, and about 150 men j flic had 3 f American prizes with her, viz. fchomer Betsey, of Portland, bound to Jamaica ; snow Mary, of Newport, bound to Havan. 11a ; and sloop Three Sifters, bound to Wif caffet ; the privateer put 29 prisoners on I 110 cargo in : (lie then boarded me, and the next morning file took the sloop Petersburg Packet, of Charleston, Captain JickforT, bound to St. Kitts. This privateer had so good information of the Americans, that without the lead hesitation, he alked me how long since I left the fleet, and whether the Scammel was going to America with the name of the convoy. On the 9th of j June, in lat 28, long 61, he took out the cargo of the (now Mary, and put it on board the privateer and schooner Lively ; then ordered it;e and the other prisoners, ex cepting three which he detained to (leer the j prizes, to take poflVffion of the hull of the M try and iro home with her, giving us plen ty of provisions: thed then hurried us out ot the into the boat, not giving us time to take our things with us, so that we loft our quadrants, watches, glaftes, and the reft of our (loathing and bedding. In 3G, spoke the brig Rebecca, 7 days from New buryport bound to Martinique. Eben'r Cheney*" NEW-BEDFORD, June 20. Arrived, Schooner Hannah, Taber, from Charleston, via New-York. 21, Sloop Fame, Taber, from New-York. 26, Sloop Union, Hathaway, from Norfolk. NEW YORK, July 4. ARRIVED, days Ship Delight, Whealdon, Newry j 1 Scbr. Juliana, , New Orleans 24 CLEARED, Ship Teas, Gardner, Greenock Brig Union, Bellington, 1 Belfaft Schr. Huatre s Hoyt, Leghorn Fame, Hutchin9 Jamaica Sloop Poily and Betsey, Seymour, Bermuda Yesterday arrived here the ship Delight, Captain Whealdon, fa fifty two days from Cork. Though Hie failed the 12th May, ftie brings nu news, or papeis, that vre can learn. She is in ballast, and comes to Isaac Hicks with thirty-five pafTengers. one of whom is Alexander Greer, Esq. of Mary land. May 23, in 1 titude 52, long imde 18. spoke the brig Polly, of \ ew y orki ten days from Greenock, bound to Boston. June 17» in latitude 41# longtitude 60 spoke a brig from New York, bound to na. fune 22, in latitude 40, long*itude 65, spoke the Ihip Galen. Smith forty se ven days from Liverpool to Philadelphia. The next day spoke the fliip , Fof dick, out eight days. Captain Farrier of the brig Mairmaid of this port, who wag eaptun d a few day# since on his homeward bound passage from Calcutta, by a French privateer off the coast, arrived in town Lft evening from Boston ; and has politely furnifhed us with the fallowing lift of American vessels at Calcutta, the ift January 1799. Ship Sanfom, Wheaton, New York Northern Liberties, Afton do. Atlantic, Waters, Philadelphia Perseverance, , Salem Mount Vernsn, Baltimore The Indii, Captain Alhmead, of Phi ladelphia, was waiting to fail with the En g'.ilh fleet. NORFOLK, June 26. Arrived sloop Charlotte, capt. Star, 17 days from Antigua ; A convoy was appoint ed, to call off Antigua the 17th inft. *nd take such veffcls as were ready to proceed homeward. sloop Ann, capt. Hollowell, 10 days from Ne w-Prov idence. By capt. Ober, of the schooner Sally, ar rived in Hampton Roads yeflerday, 7 days from New-Providence, we learn, t,hat t | ie briar Guardian, Stevens, from Baltimore to the Havanna, is cad away on Elbow Key ; half the cargo is loft, the crew saved. Baltimore and New York Mail Stage Office IS removed from No. 13 South Fourth Greet, to No. 18 South Third street. An Office for those flakes is a]fo kept at mr. Hardy's Inn, No. 98 Market flreet. General Poll Office, April 18 Ten Dollars Reward. DESERTED FROM York Town on the 43d inft. JAMES HENDERSON, lately a Serjeant in the 10th k egiment, and since entitled as a Serjeant in the Marine Corps, of the following ,description. He is about five feet fix inches high, brown hair and fair complexion He is an ad.ive fellow and brags much of his abilities as a Drill Serjeant. He has been lately seen in Lancaster, and is pro bably with his Iriends, who live about 4 miles from that place. The above, reward -will be given an ' all expen ces paid, on delivering him to any officer in the service of the Uuited States, or lodging him in Jail. ROBERT RANKIN, Adjutant Marine C\ rp~. Philadelphia, June J®, daw. h " At Bush-Hill, | tiE Vlanficn Hours is to be let, with abcat -*• 20 acres of the adjoining lands. Also, some otf from 3 to 5 acres each) to he let on improving tafes oy&*cß, situated on the high gr- undsnext to Fratici-' s Lane, affordingfii.e vie vs of the city and of tit Delaware, Likcwi e. a num er < f lots to be let on Ground reiit,on Vine ai.d CaUowhill ftrects, both < aft ward and weft ward ef broad greets.— Appjy to WILLIAM HAMILTON. The Woodlands, June afr, ißco. 3tf J«'v 5 s. r » • i Lots at Lancaster, OF sixty feet front Yy 24J felt tecp in differ ent parts of the town, are te be let on ground rent forever Also a number of pasture lots, from five to ten acres each, to he let on Itafes lor year*. The healthr ess and plcafaEtnefs of this borough, and its ready Communication With Philadelphia by means 0] the I drag* ike Road, render it as defirabi* Apply at LarxafVr, to JOHN MOORE, Esq. or to WILLIAM HAMILTON. The Woodlands, June »7 r -1800. J uJ y 5• LOTS, IN THE TOWNSHIP OF IILCCKLIY, For SALE or to ee LET, OH GROUND BENT, fronting ok Market, Chefnut and Walnut streets continneJ, between the turnpike and heal'hy. The dimensions o>f the lots are particularly calculated tofuit ir.(JuflriDU< citizer.s, whrfe oc cupations, although requiring them to be near the town, maybe nevenheitfa advantage, ufly pursued without its b. unds. /fhere {rt in the neighbourhood nnmer/iuj flor.e quarries, and there ii at the middle ferry (weft fide) a boa'd yard, where wacxiea materials for luildin^a* |W be had at lower rates than in the city. Apply te gg WILLIAM HAMILTON. 11 .l ( Public Notice IS hereby given, tha th. Partly, ftiy.of John der he firm of JOHN WHJTESJDKS Lff Co. w rdwar.4 Edward: ~l All oriiies Chela B 2ovng > FO Joseph S. Lewis J H. Hct-g!.ton Philadelphia, July 3, 1803 —(5.) tf Imported fn the Pomona, from Liverpool, and for fat * Ironmongery, Sadlery, Cutlery, B-ass &? Japan'd Wares, Per the Brutu» an! Pent lope, vu'N. York, aflorted in cases, and PINS in Boxes—sr No. 39 N >rtb Front ftrecr. T 'ljlf if) A partnershipT~ _ I ' fubjcH to be in wrjting, fraled directed to nf the Gazette of the United States, will be at • > J one S' dtf' To the Inhabitants of the 3d Col- B leftion Diftrifi, U Comprehended by the Ea't and Weft Northern Libert let, and the township of lilotkley in firft diviOon, ft tie of Pen»fylv»'nia. _ YOU are hereby noticed, that the tax which has heen aflofled up in duelling houle», lands and Hives Wfthin rhi': diftriijt, by tirtue 1798, entitled "an aft-to lay and «•< lleil a di rect tax," becomes due an<! payable oa the receive the fame, from arte-- the. ? 2•.h day lo o'clock in the merning till 6 in 1! e a!;er« noon, except Monday the lift and Fr. i ihe »jth, when, for the greater conv nj.-nct- c.f the i .habitants in the towulhip B ctiif.y, J v ill attend at the hoiife of Mr. Will am lircadf, at ed are to take not'ee that on def-u t he l'elves to an additr hal cxpence o' eifthr per centum on their taxes atea.T; ft of ptofecuti»n.- In con ft rmity to tf e 6th lecflion of the ait af'refaid, a full and > orrrdl n pv of lift remains at the''hflirt Vf Jh'Rn BiWnc, No. 168, north Front street, Northern Libeities, the futveyorof the rev<nsc for the fridaffeft ment diftr'd, to ihe iiSfpe&ion t'f all per sons inclined to infpeft the f-snne. J.' MPS SWAIN, Cnlle£lor o£ the jd coUedlion d.lirlfl. Northern Liberties, June 28 w 1 A Notice is hereby given., THAT application will be made to the Prjfidert and Direitors of the Bank of the United States for tVe renewal of the following Certificates «f Shares John, of Baltimore, Hugh Davjy, twflcr, bound to London, viz: B. No. 19884") ' 49885 | E,3chforn"f ( the raaie 29886 Tho's Mo;p.,fheffi.-td (G. B) *9887 i dated ift January, lßop ; a 9 BBBJ " _ lease to take notice. SAMUEL STERETT. Baltimore, Jthapcil, 1800 a3w 3 rl » I-S "■? : • -''y ' L '-f& .v» < 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers