Gazette of the United States- PHILADELPHIA, • SATURDAY EVF.XINC, JULY J. StATg of the BALANCES In the hands of the Collectors of the Cuf-. Toms and Supcrvifors of the Revenue, at the ciofe qf the year 1799 ; or fubjc& to. the disposal of the Treasury, at the dates of their latest Returni. Dtjlrids. Portsmouth Newbu'yport Gloupdler Salem Marblthead Boston Plym«aib Bariiilable Nantucket Edgartown Ncw-Bedfoid Dig'iton York Biddcford Portland Ba'h V/ifcaffU Waldoborough Penobfcot Frenchman's-bajr Machiaj PafTamaquodoy Ipswich ' ' New Port Pro»idence New London Middletown New Ha en FairfidJ Vtrmoti':, cash and bondi Lake Cbanr.plain Sagg Harbor New-York Hud Ton Perth Arrjboy Burlirgton Bridgetown Great E.:g Harbor Little ligg Harbor Philadelphia Wilmington, Delaware Baltimore Cbed;r Oxford Vienna Havre dt Grace Snow Hill An-apolii Nottii gham - Cedar Point Gcorg -Town Maryland Hampton - Norfolk Bermuda Hundred York Town Tappshannock Veocomico Dumfries Alexandria Foley Landing Chcrryllone - South Quay » Louisville Palmyra - 908 79 Wilmii gton, North-Carolina 11,039 6 Ncwbcrn . . 6,894 55 Wjfhington - 3 953 20 Edentoa - - H'3®S 1,2 Camdtn - • 21085 i-6 Gcorgc-Town, South Carol : na 11658 9 Cliarlc on - - 35,6.5 59 Savannah Sunbury Brunfwick St. Mary'a Hardwich m • Total in the hands 9/collcßors 447,296 17 SUPERVISORS. New MalTichofctts • - Rhode I(l.rd - Conne&icut - Vermont . - New York New Jerfcy lVnnlyivania ... Delaware ... Mtryland Virginia Kentucky - Teniieflst North Carolina, including sums in the hands of tbc Colkdor of Edsyiton, See. S<?uth Cvhlina tleorgia, -fiVcludifig tl'e sum in the hands ef the Colledtcr of Savannah • . « Tutal in btlhds of Supervisors 84,951 64 ' Tofcl of Calb *>) 'the ftqpd* of ■ the GoTfOon after drdu&ing • 4f«ft«,fcc-dr»*n os them pri . of to, and unpaid" en, ihe jtfl of IXceinber 129?* ** above 447. jjfi 17 Ditto Supervifora aitt» 84,95 1 Total i'l the hands of Supervi sors and Colle&ors l)o!s. 532,547 81 Treasury Department,) a9th April, 1830. $ Extradted frora the Records in tlie Office of the Secretary of tbe Treasury. BASIL WOOD, i Prices current, , For American 1 reduce at Liverpool, j ?t/j e/' May, ' Received by an arrival-at Portfmooth, N. H. iOBACCO, James Uiver, 3d a ■er lb Rappahannock, 3d a 6d. Pot 'tnacfc, 3d a 41! Georgia, 3d a 4jd Carolina jd a ,;d Stcmd, 6J a tod Maryl. b'-nv-n a 4d colory jd a -5i kite/cot, 6d a 8d Indigo, Carolina, 23 a 4s <\files, Pearl, lit quality 531 a 55s [per cwt. Pot, D.i. 54s a 55» Bees Wax, 190 a 2109 Tar, 24 a 25s Hice, 38s a 40s Flour, Fine 75s a 80s [per bll. do. do. 18s a 193 [per 70 lb. none. 656 a 7a6 160s ton 20 a 26/ [per M. hhd. 101 a 14/ bbl. 61 a 141 Red Oak, 61 a iol Doh. Cit 25,422 81 5,096 51 264 50 4 100 19 3'764 ,9 3'•. *s> 54 5.739 83 *35 6 '97 3' 578 97 656 32 302 1,7 Superfine, Wheat, Indian Corn, Flax Seed, for crufh'ng, Pig Irpn, Staves, white oak, pipe 968 19 5.7 3 60 9,706 38 2 449 5 1 »6fs i" Rice is i'. brillc demand at present, but loubtful if these can belong fapport d fliou'J large supplies come forward, yet ;ss. per cwt. is now warranted by govern ment fur all rice imported un'il lit O3ob:r next, ioos per 28olbs. for fine wheat flow er, and 90s. per quarter of 8 winch bushels for wheat } the former to be ascertained by the average price to be publiflaed each week in Lendon, and the latter articles acco d ing to the average price of the kingdom. Produce dm: t. a free of duty for export ion in American and other neutral vejfels. Sugar, Mufco. brown, fper cwt. 46 a 48s 45 <> 5 6s 45 " 55' Sty a got Coffee, Ordinary, 112 a 118s Middling, no a 127s Good, 129 a 133/ Fine, a ,^ 01 Triage, 86 a 96s -0 03, Weft-India, to a 85 Curaccoa, 88 a 92s The export demard for Sugars and Cof ee has become more limited within hefe few days, but prices are notwithftand ng txp. fted to keep pretty Ready, at lead intil the fumtner Weft-India fleets'arrive, Th ■ sol oicing articles may b imported r or heme consumption or ex uta ion, paying the duties ojfixed Cotton, B urbon, 297 a 2sSi") £ S'irrinam, 2.-6 a a-8 Donarara 2sJ a 257 j> . o Curaccoa, IS7 a 1 s9 | w N. Orleans isio a 1 (o J " Georgia, Sh-vr Staple, isN a 1110] 6. 6 Sta Island, 2sß a 2siO J cwt. Prices of Cotton, particularly of th« low r defir ipiion, have experienced some fur her improvements in the course of the last v.onth, :inii tlie demand for all forts cor,;i lues very regular, which is encouraged by i br'i/k vent for our manufactures, at well as an expert demand for twilt The Marru fadurcts arc app'ying to Government to lay some rcftridions upon the latter in the way of duty or ctberwife. and such a cir cumstance Ihould they fuceeed, (contrary to expe&ation) would certainly tend to de pfef* the raw material, which otherwise we think likely to maintain the present prices until more abundant fuppliescome forward, altho' they may probably become precarious so ern riths hence, Iheuld our importations from all quarters prove so confideraole as generally expeded. 220 3 4/ 79 <5 20 So 4c* 33 8,115 94 J." 3 77 22,837 3 6.966 31 '9053 3* 2.878 »2 4.252 21 2,075 82 1,208 7 1,425 93 1,278 89 >53 *9 ■ S'44 5 47-53 69 39,868 73 6 77 55 279 6 586 81 1,594 80 J» 85 22 47 - 61,040 8 4 33° *3 i)i3s 8a 5 3 a 5 61 48 2 22 379 73 >M'9 «« 2J7 '3 Poft-Office, Philadelphia, Ist July, i9oo. 0- LETTERS for the British Packet Lady Hohart, for Falmouth, England, which was ad vmtifedto fail jith ultimo, will b« received at thi« <iffice, until Fridiy the 4'h instant, at it o'clock nn«n. N.B. The inland portage to New-York mud be paid. a>o3° 34 »3»59 8 3° 1,834 17 10,266 51 3 r 4 77 5 8 ' 47 Just Arrived, AND FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, THE CARGO » OF THE SHIP PHILADELPHIA, Theodore Bliss, Ccmmarklrr, from Beng* cotrsisriVG of An assortment of Piece Good*. Sugars of the firft quality, And aoo qr. chefls of superior quality Hyson Teai. Wtilings W Francis, and Thomas V John Clifford. March 17. , d. 417 3 16,697 ao *"93 35 3,696 86 3 594 76' io6<B QJ 2 385 46 2 -5 55 S 3,899 1 a A Summer Retreat. TO BE RENTED, A GENTEEL HOUSE, WITH a fUhle, carriage-houfc and lot, fituatcd in a pleafmt part of Trenton. The terms will be moderate, and poflefiion tan be had immediately ; but the tenant will not be wante„ to occupy tke premises after the icth of next November. For terms apply to tha pryiter, or to ABRAHAM HUNT, esquire, in Trenton. June 14. . tuth&s tf FOR SALE, An Invoice of Playing Cards, Con filling of 75 dozen assorted—they wllbe fcld cheap for cadi. Apply to the Printer, nuy «9u fine Clavfd, Haranna, brown, white, WILL BE LANDED, IN A FEW DAYS, At Beet's Wharf \ the next b'low Market St. A QUANTITY OP Jamaica Spirits AND COPFEF. Also', a few Hogsheads of JAMAICA SUGAR, FOR SALE At No. 17, Soutli Water Street. July 3. . di'tf. IMPORTED, In the Jlj'ip Mary /Inn, Frarc'ii StcWart,- majltr, from Hamburgh, now la ■uing, AND FOR SALE BY Jacob Sperry & Co. Ko. »9i. Markctftrett, CmKKlltM or white r«Ui ol i» J jzrii, Reuiii, D"ca»rer», cut and common, F r.ifc Calf«an<i fallal difhea, Cliafs jicarU and Leeds iur necklaces of all colours and fizijs, Blsck ami white edging* and laces, Hibhcns and npes, Coff:e mills, QmilU, anil 3Ji Boxei Boiiemla Window Glass, t 9, 8 10. 9 it, 10 n, is 14, ix 16, u 18, 14 18, 16 ao, 18 14, »o 24, ao a 6, 44 3,1- Also, via New-York, ( C»fei white roils, 6 do. Creas ala Morlaix, a do. Co«ti*. On hand, which will ht fold reasonable to dose falo, » new Cabin of Ito fathom each 9 & io inih. July { vr&f jw To Ironmongers, Storekeepers, &c. FOR S A.LE, Ay No. 97, MARKB.I-StRS.Ef, A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF Ironmongery, Cutlery, Saddlery, Japann'd Ware, Faints, See. For cash, or on a short cr.'dit, low advance, either the or in lots as may bed suit the parchafers. ,J ,II T 3» tuth&s tf FOR SALE, A PRINTING PRESS comphte, Old Long Prir. *r, Smill Pica on pica body (i<ew and dd) Pes, do. IJoglifh, (two ftfull founts} 16 Line Pica, Sc. Sundry Frames, and a great variety of Office Furniture, &c. Iron work of apr nting prtfs, They will be fold cheap for cash—Apply at the office of the Gazette of the United Sut<:«. Jurei7 :hin Landing from the ship America, Walte. Sims, Commander, from Can/on, JND FOR SALE BT NICKLIN, GRIFFITH is* Co. Bohea, Congo, Souchong, ift &md quality, Caper souchong, Hyfin-Ccin, Tonk2y, Singlo, Young hyson, Hyson, ift & id quality, Imperial, Yellow & white nankeens Lutcflrings, black & color'd ( In Boxes Sialhaws do. C .IT i ted, Sart !ks do. J Luteftriiigs, ma*. blue & dark green . Sn.(haws > , Persian tafFtas, dark green J They have also on band for sale, received bv tie late arrivals from Europe, istc. 1 Infma.lpack- Striped and checked ginghams i agr« air.rted, White figured & color'd Muf- | calculated for Hnetts Well-In. , White corded dimities I dia market & J Color'd Clk, striped Nankeens | entitled to J drawback, 14 Trunks printed Calicoes* 5 do. do. 3 Bales seine twine (Entitled to 10 Casts English China-ware, (drawback, in tea setts J 6 Calks mineral black, I da. white, 10 do. colcother,. 3 Calks purple brows, 35 do. nails alerted, 9 do London porter in bottles, Ene : i(h fail canvas, No. I, a& 3, Russia duck, tl Boxes white Havanna sugar, 13 Pipes old Madeira wine, Gunpowder, Empty wine bottles, la Guns, 6 plunders, 11 do. 9 do. 18 do. 9do with carriages, Ac. »Bo,ocolbs.Ceil 011 coffie, lit") quality (Entitled to Jo,ooolbs. black pepper 20 Logs ebo- y J M:y 13. m&w tf advertisement; ALL persons who have any demands against theeftateof WILLTAM FISHER, are drfired to bring in their aecounts to the fuhferiber, in order that they may be discharged ; and aJI persons who are indebted to said eitate by con trail, bond, bill, book debt, tor rent or other wise, are required to discharge the fame, other wife they Buy cxpedl to be proceeded againit according to law. THOMAS HUSTON, Adtniniftrator tQ the estate of Willia-n P:ihei June 1$ w im GOODS. TEAS, I have the fatisfaftion to acquaint your' Lordlhip, that the pampaign has opened in 1 Italy, by an important success on the part of I the Auftrians. On the 6th inft. Ge l '. Melas attacked the several posts occupied iby the French to the northward and wefl ward of Savoda and Vado, and drove them from the positions of Torre la de Buona, Monte Notte, and several others ; fume of these posts were strongly intrenched, and one j of them defended by 3000 men ; but they ' were carried by the cotirage and conduit of the Austrian troops, who appear to have acquired much honor 011 this day. The enemy retired with precipitation on Vado and S.ivona, leaving their cannon and about 300 prisoners, among whon is a Chief de Brigailn and several officers of diftin£\ion. In the night between the 6:h and 7th they evacuated Vado, hwing destroyed the stores and spiked the cannon and retired by sea to wards Nice. Their number is supposed to have been between 7 and 8 hundred. The Auftrians took pofleffion of the fort of Vado in the morning, and found 17 pieces of heavy artillery. General Melas imme- j diately inverted Savona. The following bulletin has been publifhid here officially : " A Courier f'om Field Marihsl Count de-Hobenzollern has brought rrre the agreeable intelligence that on the 19th the Bochetta was taken by aJauU. Six tier of entrenchments, which seemed im pregnable, were fcaladed by our troops with heroic valor, notwithliariding the most ob stinate refinance made by the e,neniy. The main body of the army has besides, taken poffeflion of the fortrefs of Vado, and has in part entered Savuna. The loss of the enemy is much more considerable than ours. The French army surrounded, and defended themselves with desperation. The detail? will be "ptibl. filed forthwith. (Signed ) The Marquis of Sommaiiiva, Maj. Gen. by mails. BALTIMORE, July 2. A gentleman anived in town yesterday, who dined •with Mr. Jefferlon, on Thursday fait, at Monticil'o ! HOME, (N. Y.) June 23. On Friday morning left, the Supreme Cir cuit Oou p t, in this town, for the county of Oneida rose, after dispatching a great varie ty of civil bufi.icfs. 1 lie only crim nil pro fccujion was againfl a Major Watson, for purchasing lands ot the Indians, Contrary to the flatute. He was found guilty His Honor Judge Raddiff, after fating the na ture and conferences of his offence to him; in a very jjjndfrtoie and impreffivc a manner, ordered him to procure (ureties for his ap pearance at the next Circuit Couit. PORTSMOUTH, Juse 28. Arrived here the ship Hantouia, Captain Moulton, In forty one days from Liverpool. When we heard this veflel was coming in, we anticipated a flood ot impo taot foreign news ! Boarded h?r in the river, ai d were informed that not a iingle paperwas brought, at the Captain had been sick ten days previ ous ts her departure, and could not obtain the lat«' papers j neither were they in the way of hearing the news or reports of tlie hour. However we have received the fol lowing purport of a letter . Extrad of a letter from a gentleman in Li verpool, to a refprdlablc merchant in ths town, mentions— " The campaign is just opened id Italy, where the French have been terribly beat en ; —and General MafTena and bis army expc&ed to be reade prisoners." " J he season is very forward, and appear ance of plentiful crops." BOSTON, June So. Arrived on Saturday, brig Holbrook, Captain Sayer, forty-feven days ftom Green ock. May 17. spoke privateer brig Hap py Couple, of eighteen fix pounders, Cap tain La l'cuche, from Granvilla, on a cruise, who treated him politely, and informed him that in conff quence of an amicable settlement between France aiid the United States, he had orders riot to take or molest any Anieti csn vefltls—that he had previously taken and sent in a ycfTel from Virginia, loaded wrth tobacco, which had Leen acquitted and damages recovered. June 21, spoke the /hip Two Sifters, Captain Jolhua Knights, of Scarborough, from Portland, bound to Cork, five days out all well. La7est From Europe. On* Saturday last the brig Holbrooke, of New-York, capt. S:iyer, arrived here from Greenock, in 47 days. The papers receiv ed by this arrival, are to May 6, from Which we have extra&ed the moll material articles of intelligence, which are to be found wnd;r the foreign head. Since the receipt of these papers we learn from capt. Sayer, that he had on board when be tailed a I Gazette of May 12, which contained an ' official, account of the defeat of MilTena's j army, in Italy, ill which b: tween 7000 and j 8000 men were killed and taken prisoner!. 1 This pspcr was taken fiom Capt. Sayer by ' a privateer which boarded liim off the Western Isle.. [The extrafts in the Boston paper, the latest of which is a Glalgow head of May 6, have all been publilhed.] From the Lqndo.n Gazette. DOWNING-STREET, April 8. A dispatch, of which the following is an extract, has been received from the Right Hon. Lord Minto, his Majefly's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Vienna, by the Right Hon. Lord Greii ville, his Majeliy's Secretary of State for the Foreign Department. Vtenn.i Apiil 17, 1800. My Lord. FLORENCE, April u. ROVERENO, April ,3. Ge.ieral lUfnits was to ha'vj» attacked V»de on the 7th, but the enemy did not think it adviioible to make <1 (land, having retreated from S:. StclTiiib, to Finale, | ledving behind 17 pieces of cannon, tVveial (hips and military effects. In the citadel of Savoija, 350 of the enemy were made priso ners. Gener 1 M.las is ~t Savona, General Elfnitz at Finale, General Oct at-Guario, and the British have begun to bombard. The manoeuvre of General Meln3, by which he got in the rear of die Fretich, and i'eparated their forac, is conlidtred litre as masterly. Bank of North-America, ]«r I, iSco. A T a Meeting nf the Dire&r rs this ..{ay, a fs dividend ol Five fih Cint. was dec ared for the 'all half yea*, which will be pnid re th» St' ckhol lcrs or thj-ir lefrcfci.tutives time after tht »oth ir (t By Cirdcr of ! l e Board, H. DHINKEK, Jun. Calhier. Jelyi. BANK of PENNSYLVANIA, July 2, i'SoO. THE Direftors have this day declared a dividend < f eighteen dollars on ea< b flure of Hirk Stock, for the lafl fix morirf.s, which will be paid to (he flo•. or tr.cir legil reprbfentaiivt», aft»i-ih- utii wilt.' By order of the Board, JO.NA. S.V.ITH, Caflj'r. ' d. t 11, Prevention better than Cure. Far the prevention ana cine of E'lio s and Malignant fevers, is reccm.mended, I>i». HAHN's Anti-bilious Pills, WIHCH have been afttn !cd with a d'grec of success highly gfuefpl to th« iriveit tor s feelings, in iiveral parts of the Weft I ti dies,and the fouthem parts of the United States particuhrly in Baltimore, Pcterfbur',?, l<ich, rnond, Norfolk, Edccton, Wilmington, Charlel ton, Savannah. &c. The ieflim;<ny of a rum ber of persons in each of the above places can be adduced, who have rcafon to believe that a timely us« of th s faluiary remedy, has, under ' Providence, prd'erved their lives when in the ' moll alarming circumfhn&es. Fa£l« of this conclusive i,a nre speak more ia favour of a medicine, than colnn ns of pompous eulogy, founded on mere affection, coul .1 do It is t indeed prcfutnptuo.ufly propefed an infallible cure, but the inventor has every pofiible reason, which can refvfr from cxreofive experience for believing that icofe otthefe pills, taken once every two weeks •duriitg the pn-.a ---; lenct of our annual kilious fevers, wilt prove au infallible preventative ; and further, that in tht; earlier flages of those diseases, their nfe . ill very generally fyeceed in reftofmg- health and frequently in cases efteemtd , iaie and bey ond the power cf com:r,,,n remedies. 1 he operation of these pills is perfe<sl y miid snd may be used with fafety by persons in every fit nationand of every age. They are excellently adapter! ta carry a/T fu p'rfluous bile and prevent it» morbid fecreti nt; to teflore and amend the appetite , ' produce a free perfpiraticn and thereby prevent cold* which are often of fatal conlequence. A dose never fails to remove a cold if tiken on its appearance. They are celebrated ( r remi/vwg habitual coftivenefs, ft( knrf» t>f the ft or c(• and tmrrt md tntfM m beUkea by-all ' P«rroi™<m*chuige o('cJunjte. ..< J, They h»«e bce» found rermikibly is pre renting <«i) coring rttoll i i tordai •T»rW<i- , Into* long vofM(;&, »•'! ba ' tod cirrfnlly preferred f»r ufp by trerffeimut» - Dr.HAHN'3 Genuine Eye 12 iter. A certain an ! fjfe r medy for all iif- afes <-('the eye*, whether the "f natural \vcji'•' ol >f acci.'ent, f; e»-dily removing infhmn-atio: :. de flax ions of rheu.ii, duilntl.-, itching, iiid, fiiai n the eyes,never failing to cure thofc nv.'adi i wj.ich frequently succeed the small p. x recall - and fe vers, and woader uily flrengtheQing a weak fight# Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues Tooth-ache Drops. The only remedy yet difcovtred * hichgtv.-sim mediate anj lalling relief in the mo t f.vcre in ftaßCCK •uV r u i *!> For the cure of evrry kind ei head fcciac, and so pains in the face and neck. Infallible Ague and Fever Drops. This medicine has never failed, in many thou and cases not one in a'hundred has had occasion to fake mere than one bottle, and numbers not halt a bottle. Ihe money will be returned if the cur 19 not performed. SOLD BY Wm. Y. BIRCH, STATIONER, No. 17, South Sec®nd Street,- And no nvbere else, in Philadelphia. Where also may be had, Dr. Hamilton's Worm Dsftrnying Lozenges, his Sovereign Elixir for coughs, &c. Rcftorative Drops, Essence and Ex trail of Mufiard, Sovereign Ointment tor the Itch, Dr. Hahn's infallible German Corn Plaißer, In dian Vegetable Specific for the Venereal com plaint, Gowland's and Persian Lotisn, Reflorative Tooth Powder, Damaflc Lip Salve, Church's Ccugh Drops, A nderfon's Pills, &c. &c. aprilio m tf WHEREAS, AN attachment was lately ifliied out of the in ferior court of common pleas of the county of Essex, in the (late of New Jersey, dire«sled to* the ftieriff of the said county, against the rights, credits, monies and effedls, goods and chattels, lands and tenements ot J»bn Clever Symmes at the fiiitof William Wells, in a plea of trespass on the cafe to his damage threethoufand dollars;— And whereas, the said fheKff did, at the term of June last patl, return to the said r.ov.rt that he had attached the defendant by a certain bond given by Matthias Denman and Samuel Meeker to the said defendant, to the amounf of near two thousand dollars,and alfoby sixty land warrants ; Note therefore, nnlefs the said John Clcvej Symmes (hall appear,give special bail, and receive 1 declaration at the fuif of the plaintiff, judgment wili be entered against him, 2nd his property herein attached, will bz fold agreeably to tke llatute in such cafe made a«4 p r * v : dcd. Aaron, Ogden, Clerk, tfc. ' alizabcth-town.July 8, I?Q9 (j3)xawlim I 3 j v* y • <•' v * \ • >-O v * '*■ I*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers