mi RIDGWAY, TA., MAY 2, 1878. Notes. . . .. . A new line of dress goods at 3. H. Hagerty's. Call and seethe elegant new stock. ' , . , The Jones township fAudilors' Settlement appears In this issue Under the head New Advertisements. Two men named Jacobs and Gold man, of Crawford county, have" been convicted of arson, burning buildings to obtain the insurance. .' A good way to create a crysfa-r-hlt a school girl on the head with a potato. Brookville Graphic That depends altogether on the part of the head the vegetable strikes. . All the ladies and gentlemen of Ridgway are invited to call at the Advocate ofilce, and see the new and nobby styles of fancy note paper, In elegant boxes, which we received yesterday. On May 1st 8. A. Rote opened his West End Photograph Gallery. ' He wishes us to inform the public that the Gallery will remain open for a short time only. Those wishing pic tures will do well to call at once. About thirty German settlers, a nunrtjer with families, have arrived. They signify their Intention of build ing log houses on the land, and com mencing the work of cutting down the timber and clearing the land at ouce. C. G. Malin and Harvey Malin have been out in the pigeon fields, for some time, engaged in hauling pigeoiiB to the railroad station for shipment. They make a round trip in a day, and get from ten to eighteen dollars for the trip, being paid at the rate of a shilling a dozen. Next Wednesday the school direc tors of Elk county will meet in Ridg way for the purpose of electing a Co. Superintendent, for the ensuing three years, to succeed Sup't. Dixou. As no other candidates are in the field, so far as heard from, we presume Mr. Dixon will succeed himself. On Wednesday night Dickinson Bros, rafted in a ten platform piece. and on Thuasrtay morning started down the river with it. They had not gone far before compelled to stop on account of a broken oar. A new oar was procured and the raft con tinued on its way to market. At Curt Barrett's dance, in Magin- nis' hall, on Friday night, the prizes civen to the best waltzers were: to best lady waltzer, Miss Jones, silver fruit knife; to best gentleman waltzer, Nelson Jackson, a gentleman's shaving case. Charles Holes, Madison Kline, and W. S. Horton were the judges. The rainy weather we have exper ienced, for several days past, has tilled the streams nearly to overflowing, Our lumbermen have, with few excep tions, succeeded in getting their lum ber out, aud in consequence they feel in good humor. Now, with a fair price and ready sale, we may expect a large amount of money to be brought back to this section. Judge RoKS says we were in error as to the age and builder of that old house, formerly ou the site of M. E. Lessor's new one. He says the house was built by Thomas W. Barb jr in the year 1830. At that time the Judge oc cupied a 12x12 shop, near the same place, in which he worked at the trade of tailoring. Judge Dickinson also corroborates these acts. Subsequently the house was owned by Caleb Dill B. F. Rhoades, of Fox township, has invented a new saw tooth, for cir cular or upright saws, which planes the lumber as It is sawed. The planer is fastened to aud runs a sixteenth of uu iuch ahead of the old-fashioned tooth. He has also inven ted a saw. for the use of carpenters and others, which has two chisel teeth and a clear ing tooth, these being repeated the lencrth of the saw. He claims that this saw will rip a board better than the old-fashioned rip saw, and it will also cut a smooth joint, thus conibin ing t wo saws In one. Mr. Gemmill informs us that the total number of birds shipped from Sheffield, up to April 27, is 353,846, Lately the price of dead birds is low and 14,600 live ones were shipped dur Ing the last week. Counting 50,000 from Tionesta and 40,000 from Tidi oute, which is no doubt below the ac tual figure, we have 443,810. Some have been shipped from Kane and other points, while many have been carried away by shootists. It is proh ably safe to say that half a million nitreons. dead and alive, have been taken in this section. Warren Mail Now is the time to fix yourselves lip for summer, and now is your great opportunity. We see that some of our merchants, noticeably Powell & Kime, the old stand by firm, are filling up with an unusually line stock of goods of every description. They appear to be supplying every body with Grocer les, Provisions, Feed, &c. They also have a very handsomestock of Carpets, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Clothing, .Dress uoods, Boots and Shoes, Crock ery, and everything else. They an pear to be doing a fine business, not withstanding they do not advertise. They are very fair dealing men, and always, so far as we know, give their customers their full money's worth They ought to advertise, and they did until they laid the foundation of their splendid business. We submit It is not fair for them to quit patronizing their own town papers, after having, in times past, received so much bene fit from printer's Ink, Yet, they know how to buy and sell goods, and people will pay out their money where they can get the most for it. rTersonal Notes. " Will Derby has been In town a flew days. ' .,: ,-. . Miss Kate Gresh now "clerks In Hyde's store." 1 u i i Postmaster Hagerty has a new tultofblueclothes.il 'Charlie Mathews fired sixty shots and killed one pigeon, '' M'Farland, of the Thayer House, has a new spotted cow. Robt. Campbell lost his store door key and found it again. ' " Jerry Thompson has moved into the front fcooms over Houk's store. Martin Sowers, Treasurer of Jones township, was In town this week. T. A. Nelll has cleared about fifty acres on his faun near Whistletown. . We noticed J. 8. Chamberlain, of Horton township, in town on Tues day. . . ' Doctor Earley's and Mrs, L B. Day's birthday come on the same day, May 1st. . Slim Bill, of Zion'a hill, will do painting for all who may need his services. John Stout, shoemaker, for several months In J. 8. Powell's employ, has left town. Doctor Bordwell has added a new porch to Upfront of his Centre street residen The St reams are too high for trout fishing, much to the chagrin of would be fishers. .," Harry Wilson is making a new fence for the front of Miss B. E. Wil cox's property. Sunday was a bad day for the new hats and bonnets. Better luck next Sunday, ladies. B. T. Chapln and wife, of Brock- wayville, visited friends in town on Saturday and Sunday. Hank Thayer has a flowering quince in his front yard, in blossom, which is really beautiful. Rathbun was busy at work in his garden this morning. And a finely arranged garden he has. Doctor Earley was sponsor for Alert tociiram's boy. This in correc tion of our last week's article. Never subscribe for a paper as long as you can borrow your neighbor's. A penny saved, you kuow, is worth two earned. It is'nt rightto get another fellow's girl by running the fellow down. But, then, we suppose all's fair In love and war. The cows cot in and scratched un M'A fee's llower beds. The chap who left the gate open has better look a leetle out. E. C. Barrett will move his family into J. Powell's farm house in a short time. Miss Aggie Barrett will live with them. Doctor Hartman waa in town first of the week. By the wav. we under stand the Doctor has moved his family to St. Mary's. Michael Bailey is home again from a visit to Yorkstate. He didn't bring that woman back with him as the boys expected he would. Rathbun feels complimented by reason of being spoken of as sponser for Capt. Woodward's girl, but he didn't happen to be there. Grove Messenger has sowed super phosphate on his South street farm He is bound to have some hay for his cow if fertilizer will bring It. P. T. Brooks has trimmed the trees in the court yard. None too soon, as the trees were growing to top and not spreading out enough. If you plant your potatoes in April there may be a June frost. If you plant in May there may be a July Irost. Therefore, plant not at all. James Maginnis says he had an excellent time on his late visit to Yorkstate- Ho feels like himself to have his wife and babies at home once more. W. C. Healy is fast clearing up his farm near the cemeteries. He pro poses to make a blade of grass, or two (or perhaps three) grow where none grew before. Jerry Mecum, of the Franklin house, St. Mary's, passed through this place on Tuesday morning, with sev- eral dozen pigeons, the result of his hunt in the Highland pigeon fields. J. 8. & W. H. Hyde will adopt the cash system after May 1st. If all the stores adopt this system how is the Ed' itor going to live? Anyway we don't Care as long as dandelion greens hold out. The man with the dancing bear was in town the other day. Half the time it was hard work to tell which was the man and which the bear. And when they kissed each other half the girls In town were jealous. Judge Messenger has put up a new board fence between Grove's drug store and the Judge's barn, thus ad ding to his garden spot. Besides, the fence will prevent the fellows from going behind the drug store, on elec tion day, for their bitters. . The present month is the last, month of school, and closes Mr. and Mrs. Johnson's year. For the good of the school they should be retained, as no doubt they will be, for another year. Ridgway now has one of the best conducted graded schools in the State. ,. Capt P. R. Smith has bought John (iulnack'a farm, in the Malin neighborhood, for $2000,00. The farm comprises one hundred acres, of which twenty-five acres are cleared. There is a house and barn on the place, be sides quite an amount of hemlock bark ana timber. All in all, with the oil prospects thrown in, the Captain un J doubtedly has a bargain. Death of Mr. Johannah Warner. The Erie Dispatch, of Monday morning, gives a detailed account of the death of the above named woman, with the evidence taken before the coroner's jury. Deceased, had been in the United States but about seven months, was sixty-five years of age, and when she came to this country! had considerable money In gold. Her death was caused by the immoderate use of strong drink. .. Being arrested on the streets of Erie, in an intoxl-. cated condition, sho was committed to the county jail where she died, about three o'clock Saturday afternoon last. At the time of her death a purse was fonnd upon ,her lierson which con tained one single cent. Two of her daughters live in this county, one mar ried to Mr.' Dukelow, of Fox town ship, and the other to John Murphy, of Ridgway township, both of whom refused to have anything to do with the remains of the unfortunate dead woman. It has been but a few days since she was on the, streets of this vil lage In an intoxicated condition. We append part of the evidence before the coroner: ' ' ' -: ": 1 Chief of Police Crowley testified that on last Tuesday night , the woman was brought to the station house ; was very drunk ; said her name was Jo hannah Murphy ; in the morning when sobered up she gave the name of Johanna Warner and said that she had a daughter at Ridgway, Pa., who was married to a man named Duclaw : they treated her so badly that she couldn't live with them and had come to Erie j she stopped at Kelly's Globe Hotel, Peach street, on Monday night; went to Mayor stated case and was told to discharge the woman and order her to leave town ; Saturday night he saw her staggering along Seventh street; she was off the sidewalk in the road ; told Policeman Sandusky to arrest her ; in the lock-up she was very lively and kept up a continual talk with a prisoner confined in a cell adjoining; she was a native of Ireland ; said she had been in the United States seven months ; found a purse upon her per son; it contained one single solitary cent. i - ; t James Kelley, proprietor of the Globe Hotel, was sworn. He first saw the woman last Monday night; she came in on the Philadelphia and Erie train ; asked for a night's lodging which was givenjher ; she handed his wife seven gold sovereigns and some English money for safe keeping; money was given back in the morn ing ; about ten o'clock that night she made so much noise that he threatened to turn her out;'the' was drunk; she told his wife thatshe had two children in the Orphan Asylum in this city ; wanted to sell him a feather bed that she had in her trunk at the depot ; had not seen her since Tuesday morning. Alderman Woods was next called. He committed the woman to jail in tending to send her to the Alms House Monday ; she wts apparently very weak ; had the appearance of a person just getting over a big drunk; was In distress and ill at ease, but could walk without assistance ; he did with her as he would with any other person in the same condition ; could notseud her to the Alms House on Sunday. Policeman Healy stated that he es corted the woman to the jail ; she was very feeble; walked very slow; she complained that somebody had swln died her out of a feather bed. Dr. Strickland testified that he was called to the jail shortly after3 o'clock; made partial examination and found that the woman was dead. The New York State shoot com mences in Buffalo May 20, lasting five days, under the direction of the For rester Club. Some $5,000 in prizes are offered aud a fine time is anticipated, Dr. Pierce is President of the Associa tion and is pushing things with his well known energy. A member of the Club has been for sometime in Sheffield where he has secured some 10,000 birds for the occasion. Warren Mail. Birth. Shehwood. On Thursday, April 25th, 1878, to Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Sherwood, of this place, a daughter, Church Directory. Git ACE CHURCH. Rev. Wm,. Jas. Miller, next Sunday, morning and evening at the usual hours. LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. J. M. Gillette (Presbyterian), morning and evening, at the usual hours. CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rev. M. Meagher, next Sunday at the usual hours. METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. Talbert, next Sunday, morn ing and vening, at the usual hours. QUOTATIONS White, Powell & Co. BANKERS AND BR0KEK3, No. 42 fc'outh Third Street. Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Commission. Philadelphia, April 80th 1878. BID. ABKCD U. 8. 1881. do 6-20 do do do do e .. 107j 107 65 J and J 104 104& 07 do 107 307J 68 do 110J 111 10-40, do coupon. mi loo do Pacifio 6's oy - 119 119 New 6'sKeg. 1881 104 104 C. 1881 105 j 105 41, Reg. 1891 103 103, " o. 1891 ...,.10S 103 New 4'a Reg. 1907 -...ICR) , " e. 1907.- 100 100 100 Gold. lOOf 100, Pennsylvania. ... Reading 28 28 J6j Philadelnhi. ft Erie 8 ... 14 81 Lehigh Navigation.. - 17 An Vnllaff &Hl 17 88 United R K of N J.. x. div.120 120 Pittsburgh, T. Buffalo R. R 6 tf Northern Cenlral..M......ex. div 13 14 Central Transportation 89 89. Nesquenoning......MMw.. o o North Pennsylvania, 85 88 Bidgway Public Schools. Principal's report for the month ending April 19th, 1878. .. . t. i . ' ' , i TEACHERS. A if a 0.(1 P CD , fie Bp B $ P mi - o p MissH. E Wilcox 74 64 63 60 44 62 9i 88 86 MissS.B.Klnnier 17 25 Mr. and Mrs. J. B -Johnson. Summary. 19U 146 81 42 The highest average class standing obtained by any pupil for the month Is 100, and the lowest 63; the best gen eral average 100, and the lowest 77: ' Carrie V. Luther 1001 100 98 86 100 100 100 100 100 100 98 100 100 Helen M. Little 93 88 Julia Flynn TiUieUunningnam Minnie Service a 98 100 100 100 100 100 Thos. J. Malone 98 100 100 Katie Callahan Rose Miller "A" GRADE. Daniel Irwin 100 100 100 100 no 98 100 100 Emma E. Ross Agnes Barrett Dorie M. Irwin Katie O'Connor Emma Olmsted Alice Toomey Orln M. Head 1001100 100 95 90 08 89 73 88 97 89 100100 100 83 100 100 100 100 98 100 100 06 81 92 b" grade. Lewis Lesser Maggie Flynn Michael O'Connor 100 100 100 100 ioo! 97 100 100 68 88 75 85 25 48 Daniel Cunningham 100 100 80 95 lOOilOO 100,100 iooiioo! 100 loo 100 100 Jack E. Barrett E. J. Luther. Michael May Patrick Holland May Horning Ella Wicks Taylor Swartz Fred Ely 100 100 100 100 100 48 'C" GRADE. Ellie Kime Henry A. Paine Amanda Lindgren Jennie Hall Willie Meenan Maggie Shean G. (J. Kime Willie (Schrani Addie Bordwell 78 100 100 95 331100 1001 100 100 100 100 100 100 100:100 55 100 100 looiiooiioo 48; 100, 100 38,100l 95 75 100 100 'd" grade. John G. Whitmore Josie Messenger 100 100 80il00 lOOilOO 100 98 100 JioJlau Cook Chnuucey Wilcox 35il00:10O Willie Liuther Annie Kline Minnie Kline Rosepha Myers 100 100jl00 93I00 98 96 100 70: 80 93 38 90 100 80, 100 Sadie Lamoreaux 100 100 100 100 9B!l00 Eddie Powell John Luby Kittle Whitmore 100:100 John Healy 58 100 98; "e'' grade. Katie Meenan Gussie Woodward Eddie Horton Adah Malone Eddie Laymon Flora Irwin Ella Luby Charlie Miller Iiizzie O'Brien Mack Kime Coryell Ross Glenni Johnson 76 100 100 100 100 94 97 98 83 03 53 79 84 100 100 100 100 10(;100! 98 98 100 90 88! 100 96 100 55 88, 90 88100 JW 100 100l00 100 100 08! ioo ! 45 100 100 86 93 68 100 97 Gahama Malouey 75!lO0llOO' Intermediate Department. Names of those who excelled In "E'' Grade: Lulu Holes, Minnie Miles, Nellie Olmsted, Oliver Miller, and Warren Irwin. In"F" Grade-Emma Grlnell, Delia Van Wagener, Emma Geary, Maud Kime, Clarice Bordwell, May Barrett, Bennie Little, Josie Weaver, and Oscar Miller. In "G" Grade Lillie Gardner, and uuarne i.iuugren. Visitors Mrs. G. T. Wheeler, Mrs, Van Wagener, Mrs. B. F. Ely, Mrs. F. V. taly. Jilts. V. H. JLiUther. Misses A, P. Taylor, Sophie Coleman, Viola Neill, Hattie Warner, May Little. Blanch Bixby, Dosie Jlhines, Jennie E. Millen. Rev. W. H. Swartz, Geo. R. Dixon, Co. Supt., and Messrs. Cal vin Luther and Will Messenger. . Truant Henry A. Paine. J. B. JOHNSON, Principal. Mathews has fitted up a neat Ice cream saloon, in Cook's corner build ing, where ladles and gentlemen can get that delicious refreshment, of the best quality, and in a neat place. - John Bender, aged ninety years, died in Bendersville, Adams county, a few days ago. He had never used more than 75 cents' worth of medicine, Judge Rockafeller, of Northum berland county, has ordered the jury commissioners to draw 108 Jurymen for the murder trials that will come off in Juno. Greenback Meeting. Pursuant to call. Greenback dele gates, from several townships, met at Capt Woodward's, store In an informal convention, last Thursday. The meet. Ing was called to order by W. S. Service, who stated the object of the call to be to hold a meeting to elect a delegate to the ensuing State Convention, and the perfection of the county organization Capt. James Woodward was elected chairman, and A. W. Gray Secretary. W. S. Service was elected representa tive delegate to the State Convention. The county committee was named but as a few townships were not fully rep resented on the committee, each town. ship being entitled to two committee men, and but one having been named in several cases, we will not publish the organization until completed There being no other business the committee adjourned to meet at call of the chairman in County Conven tion. Shipping tags are printed cheap a this office. Call on us. , i .. ... Neat note-heads printed cheaply at the Advocate ofilce. , ' If !H ,;; Beniobs. g $ g. P 5? : : 5 1 - w : NEW AD VER TISEMENTS. ' ' . Bcglster's Notice. . Take notice that the account of J. O. W. Bailey, Guardian Of Charles Lockwood, minor heir of Livingston I, liockwood, has been tiled In my office, and will be presented at the next term or orphans ueurc for con firmation. . ' FRED. SCHG3NIlTGr Register. 1 1 .' . 11 - 1 i 1 1 1 " ' Hconne Petitions. ' ' The following petitions for licenses at May term have been filed in my office i , i , , ; TAVERN. ... FOX. ' ' 1. John Koch. . JAY. :.' 2. E. H. Dixon. JONES. 8. Martin Sowers. : "', , ' , RIDGWAY. .'. 4. Morgester & Jackson. ST. MARY'S BORO. 5. Jared M. Mecum. EATING HOUSE. ' BENEZETTE. 6. John Daly. TOX. 7. James Donovan. ST. MARY'S BORO. . , 8. John Groll. FRED. SCHOENING, Pro. Trial List. MAY TERM, 1878. . . Commencing Monday, May 27th. 1. John Vaughan vs. The Peun'a R R. Co. No. 6, November Term, '74. 2. Barbara Eckl, Widow &c. vs. Edward Babel. No. 223, September Term, 1876., 8. The Townshln of Ridgway vs, V. S. Wheeler et al. No. 179, May Term. 1877. 4. C. H. M'Cauley vs. Patrick Lamb et al. No. 71, September Term, '77. 6. W. B. Havs & Co. vs. Jane Shel drake et al. No. 133, September Term, 1877. 6. Caspar Emmert vs. Carl Schnel der. No 187. September Term, '77. 7. John Tudor et al. vs. Peter Hollo- bauch. . No. 145. September Term, '77. 8. Clearfield County Bank vs. C. R Earley. No. 1, November Term, '77. 9. The Clearfield County Hank vs. C. R. Earley. No. 18, November Term, '77. 10. it. . Jf owers vs. uaniei uraotree, No. 67, November Term, '77. 11. Snrnuel Belcher vs. George Schny' der. No. 61. November Term, '77. 12. The Townshin of Benzinger vs, John G. Kries. No. 63, November Term. '77. ' 13. Johnston & Brevellier vs. Sarah Taylor et al. No. 64, November Term 10 1 I. 14. A. J. Thompson vs. Alfred Short, No. 9, January Term, '78. Court Proclamation. WHEREAS, the Hon. L. D. Wet more. President. Geo. Ed. Weis and Julius Jones Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, and Justices of the Common Pleas, and Justices of the Court of the Court of Quarter Ses sions, and Orphans' Court, and Court of Over and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of capital and other offenses in the County of Elk bv their precepts to me directed have ordered a Court of Common Pleas, a Court of Quarter Sessions, Orphans' Court, and Court of Oyer Terminer, and General Jail Delivery to be holden at Ridgway, in and for the County of Elk on the Fonrth Monday In May, 1878, being the 27th day of the month, to continue one week. Notice is hereby eiveu to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and the Constables of Elk county, that they are by these presents commanded to be then ana mere in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, A, M. of said day, with their rolls, re cords and Inquisitions, and other re- memberances to do those things wuicn their offices appertain to be done, and that all Justices of said county make returns of all recognizances entered into before them, to the Clerk of the Court as per Act of Assembly passed May eth. adu inose wno are bound bv their recognizances to prose cute the prisoners that are or shall be in the tail of the said county of Elk and then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. u. v. uibi juit, tsnerin. May 2, 1878. Tfc ECEIPTS. EXPENDITURES rL &o.: OF JONES TOWNSHIP FOR THE YEAR 1877 : Whole amount of tax levied $3133 49 Dk. To taxes collected $2173 40 Cr. By work on roadsand bills paid 8173 40 ASSETS. Due fr. ims't'd taxes 76 $350 00 " . " ' " '77 475 00 " " -V. Miller " " D. Attlebarger " Isaac Keefer " " R. A. Wanette " " Wm. Weidert About. 63 01 116 27 29 97 156 47 17 60$1210 22 liabilities. Supervisors' orders outstanding Assets over liabilities 725 31 600 41 Jones Poor District. Whole amount of tax levied $1564 64 Dr. To taxes collected $439 16 " funds on hand at last settlement 19 78 $458 94 Cb. By rd. for sup't of poor $431 14 ,T Funds in Treasury 27 80 $458 94 ASSETS. Duefr. un'st'd taxes '76$800 00 " " ' " '77 900 00 " R. A. Manette 302 90 " ' V. Miller 92 96 " Funds on hand 27 80$2123 63 ADOUt. LIABILITIES. ' Due Elk county for keep- tnirliiManA S584 08 Orders outstrnding 27 75 $611 83 Assets over liabilities $161 1 83 Bv order of Township Auditors, A. T. ALDRICH, Town Clerk. nuts. Glad Tidingss for the TYejtk, Nervous i ana ucDiiitatea. Our Latest Improved Self-Acting Galvanic Appliance are a speedy and Permanent cure fur Klieumati&ni,. Neuralgia, Kidney, Uver and Female Complaints, Nervous Prostra tion. Weak Lnnxs. Back and Hplnal Irrlta lion, and Kidney Diseases. Prioes, Waist Belt- S5.U0: Suiual Belt, for Paralysis an Soinal A 11 menu. 110.00. and upwards: Arm lets, AJikleU, Head Bands, Kutt Caps, t&OO eaun; Husnensories. fo.uu. musuraiea rnampmei rree. Address. GALVANO-MED1CAL A8SOCI ATIO J H ast Mutfc blreet.New York. Notice for Convention of School Plree- tors to elect County Superintendent. To the School Dlrectorsof Elk county: Gentlemen : In pursuance or the forty-third section of the act of 8th May, 1864, you are hereby notified to meet in convention, at the court house, n KldRway Elk (Jo. Fa. on the nrnt Tuesday in May, A. D. 1878, being the 7tn aay or the montn, at one o'oiock In the afternoon, and select, viva voce, by a majority of the whole number or directors present, one person of liter ary and scientific acquirements, and of skill and experience in the art of teaching, as county superintendent, tor three succeeding years; determine the amount of compensation for the same : and certify the result to the State Superintendent, at Harrisburg. as required by the thirty-ninth and roruetu section or said act. " GEO. It. DIXON, ' Co. Sunt, of Elk Cd. April 4th, 1878 r , - . List of Jurors. drawn for May term of court,' com mencing Monday May 27, 1878. . i ' GRAND,, , St. Marys. Gerhard Fochtman. Benezctte. H. R. Wilson. Dennis Taylor. . Benzineer .- Bernard wesnltzer. George Wendle, Simon Breindle, Henry Fletterman. , . j)ox. w. A. M'K.ay, Thomas suin- van, Jeremiah Sullivan. , ,... Horton. Henry Reedy. Highland. Robert Wonderly. Jones. John Weidert, J. C. John son, Jr. Jay. John Gordon. Millstone. William Dunn. . Ridirwav. Melvln Gardner. Ti. A. Brenclle, W. C. Healy, Michael Bailey. spring creeK. rsatuan Liaughner. St. Mary. Edward M'Brlde. Louis Uies, Joseph Hannauser. traverse. Benezette. Coleman T. Johnson. John Barr, W. H. Johnson. Benzinger. Michael Helbert. Joseph Cheatle, Peter Wilhelm, Jacob hohneider, Jacob JNist, John JS, Geitner.George Nissell, John Helndle, Joseph Schauer, Joseph Werner, jueoiiara ititter. Fox. Peter Thompson, Talbot Thompson, Adolph Timm, Lawrence Mohan, Jr., John Koch, Joseph An singer John Hershey, Henry H. Saw 'er. Keesman Meredith, Marshall ieefer. . ' Horton. Willis Taylor. A. S. Hor ton. Jacob Fields. Jones. John lionnert, J. . weiton, , u. Mettert. Jay. Wm. P. Luce. William Rob lnson. Enhraim Hewitt. Jay. John Turley, Charles t Uhase. itidgway. W illiam tannin, is. J, Miller, Minor Wilcox, G. G. Messen. ger, James l Garrett, James Kickard, ueorge .uicmuson, Andrew jacKson bt. Marys. r red ijeoiiier, Ueorge Young, Frank Aves. Frank B. Hall, Antnony uoenninger. Paper Rags taken In exchange for goods 42 Main Street. The articles appearing in the Elk Democrat and Elk Advocate signed by Rev. J. M. Gillette, and "A Catho lic." also Rev. J. M. Gillette's "Thanksgiving Sermon," are pub lished in a neat pamphlet, and for sale at this ofilce for 25 cents. Se nd in your orders. Notice. AM persons are hereby forbidden selling goods to, or trusting any person on my account, without my written order, as I will pay no debts thus con tracted after this date. M. T. FRENCH. Ridgway May 2, 1877.-ly T HE SOCIETY STORE. A new store started in Ridirwav un der the auspices of the ladies of Grace Church, with MISS A. E. M'KEE. as Agent and Saleswoman, A fine assortment of goods on hand and selected with great care. EMBU01DEKIES. LACE EDGE. FRINGES. HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES TIES. TOILET SETS. LINEN SUITS. CHILDREN! SUITS SAMPLE SILKS. Machine silk, thread and needles. Also a tine lot of Dress Goods, Fancy work of all kinds. Framed mottoes tc. &o. All cheap as the cheapest ana goods warranted first class. Call and examine our stock. MISS A. E. M'KEE. Auent for the Society. UR COMBINED CATALOGUE for 1878 ' OF EVERYTHING' for the GAEDEN Numbering 175 pages, with Colored Piute, SENT FREE ro our customers of past years, and to all urciissers oiour oooKs.eiuier UAHur,n NU Full PROFIT. PRACTICAL FLOKf- kULTUKK. or GARDENING FOR l'LEASUttB (price $l.o0 each, prepaid, bv mail). To others, ou receipt ol inn. Plain I'lant or Seed Catalogues, without Piute, free to all. PETER HENDERSON & CO., Seedsmen, Market Gardners and Florists, $ Cortlandt St., NEW YORK. A GREENHOUSE AR For f 1.00 we will send free by mail either oi ine utsiow-namea collections, au dis tinct varieties. 8 Ahutl lions, or -1 Asaleas. t Begonias, or 3 Cainelias. 2Culadiums (fancy), or 8 Carnations (monthly.) 12 Chrysanthemums, or 12Coleus. o i,i'ituiureaa or s otuer wuiie-ieavea plunUi. 8 Dahlias; or anthus (new Japan.) 8 Ferns, 8 Mosses, or 8 Fuchsias. 8 Geraniums, Fancy, 8 Variegated, or 8 Ivy-leaved. 4 Gloxinias, 8 Gladiolus, or 8 Tuberoses (Pearl) t Grape vines, 4 Honeysuckles, i Hardy Btv-ubs. 8 Heuotropes, 8 Lantanas, or 8 Petunias. 8 Pansies (new German), or 8 Salvias. 8 RowesMonthly, 8 Hardy Hybrid, or 8 Violet (scented), or 8 Daises, English. 12 Scarcer Redding, or 12 Scarcer Green house Plant. 16 Verbenas, distinct and solendld sorts -!5 Varieties of Flower, or ID varieties of v egeumie eteeas. -or by EXPH&SS, buyer to pay charyes. 8 collections for 12; 6 for 83; 8 for 85; IJforlW; 14for87; 18forlU: or the full ool lection of 350 varieties of Plants aud .seeds sufficient to stuck a greenhouse or Garden fur 825. to our book ''Garden ing for Pleasure'' and Catalogue ofl'ered above (value ti.ta) wiu ue auuoo. -t . ; FETES HENDERSON & CO.. 85 Cortlandt St., NEW YORK Rat of Advertising. Ont column, ona year.. J7S to MM...MlMM 40 00 ' ' ... to w n . ' IS 00 i.n( AvarttiiMnenta Der square of. nluht linns, one inertton ll.two luser 11.50, three Insertions ?A Business cards, ten lines or lesa, per year --. . ... t .., Aaverusemenw payauio iju..ireiij. Business Cards. , OEO. A. RATHBUN ATTORNET-AT-LAW, Mala Street, Ridgwajr, Elk Co., Pa. MALL & M'CAULEY. ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW. Office la New Brick Building, Main Street, Ridgway, Elk Oct, Pa. . -' V8n2tf. 1. O. W. BAILEY. , ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. . J. Ridgway, Elk Connty, Pa. Agent for thai Traveler's Life and Accident Insurance Co., of Hartford, ConnetlouL : vln25yl. LUCORE . HAMBLEN. . ATTORNEYS AT-LAW. ' ' Ridgway, Elk County Pa. Ofllce across the ball from the Democrat establishment. Claims for collection promptly attonded to Jne.l5-187(l ' ' E. Q. FAY. LUMBER AND INSURANCE COMMIS SION BROKER. And General Collection Agent, No. 90S Walnut Place, (3ia Walnut Street.) Philadel phia, Pa, , nsl-ly 0. G. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST AND PARMACEUTIST. N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets. Ridgway, Fa., full assortment of carefully selected Foreign and Domestlo Drugs. Pre scriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. TlnSy T. S. HARTLEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ofllce In Drug Store, corner Broad and Main Stroets. Residence corner Broad Street, opposite the College. Omoe hours fiom S to 10 A. M. and from 7 to 8 P. M. ' -vlniiyl. J. S. BORDWELL, M. D. ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOW. Has removed his ofllce from Centre Street, to Main Street, Ridgway, Pa., In the second story of the new brick building of John G. Hall, west of the Hyde House. omoe hours : 1 to 2 P. M. 7 to t P. M. MRS. N. T. CUMMINGS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW STYLES SPRING HATS JUST RECEIVED at Mrs. N. T. Cummlngs, also ties, collars cults, boisery, gloves, and a general assort ment of Ladles' fancy goods. Remember the place in H. S. Thayer's Building, Main street Call and examine before purchasing else where. HYDE HOUSE. W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor. Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Thankful for the patronage heretofore ao liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same, oct30'69 Ridgway Oyster, Fish and Produce) Markat. . The undersigned having leased the build ing formerly used by Meroer Bros., us a Meat Market will occupy the same as a General Market House, and will constantly have on hand, Shell, Tub, and Canued Oysters, a variety of Fresh aud Salt. Fish, Foreign and Domestlo Fruits and Nuts, and all kinds of Produce. Canned fruits and Jelllls. Fresh Invoices of Oysters and Fish Daily. A. C. MATHKWB t CO. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING. MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk Co., Pa., takes this method of announcing to the cltl sens of Elk county, that she has on hand an assortment of fashionable millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dressmaking in all Its branches. Agent for Dr. J. Bull fc Go's Patent Ivory and Lignum Vital Eye Cups. Bend for des criptive circular. nlTyl. APPLETON'S AMERICAN CYCLO PEDIA. Vol. 8 of this admirable work is just out making It half complete, as there are to be IS in all, of 800 pages each, oue being issued in two months. It makes a complete library, slid no one can afford to do without it who would keep well Informed. Price 80,01) a vol ume in leather, or 87,00 In elegant half Tur key. C. K. Judson, Fredonla, X. Y., controls the sale In Elk county. Address him for patlculars,' scp 17-tf. E. K. GRESH. DEALER In all kinds of cabinet ware, wood and cane seat chairs, kitchen and ex tentlou tables, wood and marble top stands, wood and marble top bureaus, whatnots, looking glosses, wood and marble top cham ber suits, mattresses, spring bed bottoms bed steads, cribs. Laferty'i metal lined wood pumps, &o., &c. Cane seats replaced with perforated wood seats. Weed sewing machine reduced from 865 to 815, the best ma chine in the market, and picture frames mode to order. Also a large assorted stock of ready made coffins constantly on band aud trimmed at shortest notioe. All the above goods are sold at panic prices. Ware Rooms in masonic building, Ridgway Pa, V7n51t GREENBACKS FOR BOND HflTTlFRHt GREENBACKS FUR GOLD GAMBLERS I GREENBACKS FOR NATIONAL BANKERS I GREENBACKS FOR THE PEOPLE GREENBACKS FUR ALL PURPOSES For which money Is used luterobangable at par with Gold and Silver, in a xiit(i,.ient. quantity as to promote industry. Invite 1ml gralion, and develope the resources of the county, is what the uirLlJNHATI ENQUIRER ' claims is the ouly remedy for the Ills brought upon the country by Legislation and Laws, enacted for the benefit ol a Mouled Clas, and the oppression of Labor and ludustry. Government Credit sustains our Bonds for the beneht of the wealthy, let the same Credit Sustain Greenbacks - For the benefit of the People who sustain the uvvruiuu pally Enquirer per year, 812.00 Weekly EuQulrer ' l is Free of postuge, Agents wanted. beud lor specimen eoplee FARAN A M'LEAN, Publishers. CINCINNATI, OHIO. SPECIAL NOTICES. DR VAN DYKE'S SULPHUR SOAP. DR. VAN DVK.B, whose life long sTioiAiiTT, and world wide reputation for CURING SKIN DISEASES, has endea? rcd for years to com bis i an xts-rial tm. Be has accomplished this de. sirable sibult in the preparation of his eompound "SULPHUtt SOAP." the merits of which are spoken of bv thousands it Is highly reoommended to all our "readers. Price 25 Cents a Cake: a Bos (luree Cakes) 60 Cents. . (by Mail, (pre-paid) on oiipt or rates. Office, 60 N. 6th St WuotssALl Dipot, 400 N. 8d 8c Philadel phia, Pa. Bold by DRCtlQUJT. n21yleow.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers